HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110364 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20111102 �� M ���� NCDEN�t North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water` Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary November 2 20 t 1 DWQ Pro�ect# 11 0364 Wake County CERTIFIED MAIL 70101870 00013428 0976 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Vtc Lebsock Rale�gh Parks& Recreation Department 333 Fayettev�lle Street Suite 300 Raleigh NC 27601 Sub�ect Property Honeycutt Creek Greenway Tra�l,Longstreet Drive to Raven Ridge Road Honeycutt Creek [030401 27 20 1 WS IV NSW] Mine Creek [030402 27 33 14 C NSW] REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION Dear Mr Lebsock On September 28 2011 the Drvision of Water Quality(DWQ)rece�ved your application dated September 28 2011 to fill or otherw�se impact 0 0874 acre of wetlands(temporary and permanent tmpacts) 131 5 linear feet of stream channel(permanent impacts) 15 707 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse River basin protected r�par�an buffer(temporary �mpacts) 22 512 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse Rrver basm protected r�par�an buffer(temporary tmpact) 75 289 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse River basin protected rtparian buffer(permanent impact) and 83 700 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse bas�n protected r�par�an buffer(permanent impacts)for a greenway trail The DWQ has determmed that your application was mcomplete and/or provided maccurate �nformat�on as d�scussed below The DWQ will require add�t�onal �nformatton in order to process your applicat�on to impact protected streams and buffers on the sub�ect property Th�s pro�ect ts on hold and mcomplete unt�l we receive the add�tional �nformation requested below If we do not recetve the requested mformation your proJect w�ll be formally returned as �ncomplete Please provtde the follow�ng mformat�on so that we may cont�nue to review your pro�ect Add�t�onal Information Requested I Section C Table 2—Wetland Impacts a Is W4 a permanent or temporary �mpact� Column 2a indtcates �t is permanent while Column 2f ind�cates rt�s a temporary �mpact b Assummg that W4 is a permanent�mpact the total wetland impact m row 2g (0 0874 acre)of the table does not equal the total impacts when summmg up Column 2f seem to total 0 1052 acre c The temporary clearmg wetland impacts(0 0486 acre) permanent fill or pipe wet(and tmpacts(0 023 I acre) and permanent boardwalk wetland impacts(0 0157 acre) in 2h also totals 0 1052 acre and does not No�ehCarol�na J1�aturallt� North Carolina Drvision of Water Quaiity Raleigh Regional Office Surtace Water Protection Phone(919)791 4200 Customer Service Internet www ncwaterquality org 7628 Matl Service Center Raleigh NC 27699 1628 FAX (919)788 7159 877 623 6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmatroe Action Employer—50/ Recycled/10/ Post Consumer Paper Page 2 t equal0 0874 acre as mdicated in row 2g d Please rev�se and resubmit Table 2 so that is portrays more accurate informat�on 2 Sect�on C Table 6— Buffer Impacts a Have buffer determinat�on been conducted by DWQ� If so please provide a copy of the buffer determination (etter [f not please contact DWQ to conduct buffer determmations If you are conceding that all streams dep�cted on the So�ls Survey of Wake County and/or the USGS topograph�c map(1 24000) are sub�ect to the buffer rules then please label both the Soil Survey and USGS map with the same stream numbers that were used m Table 1 (attached to the PCN applicat�on)for reference b When totalmg the buffer�mpacts tn Table 2 (�ncluded tn the PCN appl�cation) they do not match what is actuall listed m the im act table For exam (e Zone 1* Zone 1* Zone 2* Zone 2* Perm Im acts Tem Im acts Perm Im acts Tem Im acts Perm vs Tem Im 75 289 75 290 15 707 15 705) 83 700 83 702 22 512 22 513) Zone 1 vs Zone 2 90 996(90 995) 106 213 (106 215) Total Buffer Im act 197 209(197 210 *first number is mdicated m table but when addmg up the columns the numbers actually equal what�s �n parenthes�s Please explam discrepancies c Buffer Impacts m Table 2 (included with the PCN appl�cat�on)s(ightly differ from those I�sted m 6f and 6g m the PCN appltcatton 3 Section D a Please explam why stream buffer and wetland m�t�gation is bemg proposed This activ�ty does not requ�re buffer mit�gat�on nor does �t meet the thresholds for stream and/or wetland mit�gation You should contact the US Army Corps of Engineers to verify that mrttgat�on is required for stream and wetland impacts 4 Th�s Office believes that the greenway in Zone 1 can be moved or reconfigured to avo�d and m�nimtze impacts to the nparian buffer The impacts to Zone 1 of the ripar�an buffer seem excessrve based purely on the numbers but is not eas�ly observable based on impact maps prov�ded 5 Please provtde impact maps at 1 =50 sca(e Please note that of the impact maps prov�ded F�gures 2 5 were not mcluded m the submittal Please subm�t five copies of this information within 30 calendar days of the date of this letter Please send addihonal informat�on to DWQ Central Office,Attn Karen Higgms, 1650 Mail Service Center, Rale�gh, NC 27699 1650 If we do not rece�ve this requested informat�on wrthtn 30 calendar days of the date of th�s letter your pro�ect w�ll be w�thdrawn and you will need to reapply with a new application and a new fee If you need addrtiona(time to compile the information requested above please ema�l Lauren Witherspoon (lauren witherspoon@ncdenr gov) requestmg an extens�on and ind�cate a new date for submittal This letter only addresses the appl�cation rev�ew and does not author�ze any impacts to wetlands waters or protected buffers Please be aware that any impacts requested w�thtn your app(icat�on are not author�zed (at this t�me) by the DWQ Please call Lauren Wrtherspoon at 919 791 4251 if you have any questions regarding thts letter or would l�ke to set up a meetmg to d�scuss this matter Page 3 �. / S�ncer ly U! // 'y `' /� � � Danny Smit Rale�gh R �onal Office Superv�sor Surface Water Protect�on Sectton cc DWQ Rale�gh Reg�onal Office F�le Copy WeBSCaPe— 1650 Mail Service Center DLR Rale�gh Regional Office Ralph Troutman—WSP Sells Inc 15401 Weston Parkway Su�te 100 Cary NC 27513 Filename l 1 0364_Honeycutt Greenway_40l_NBR_On Hold