HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111019 Ver 1_CAMA Application_20111121 ����s�- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue James H Gregson Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary MEMORANDUM TO Ms Cyndi Karoly Env Biological Supervisor 2 � 1 � � � � 9 Drvision of Water Quality Wetlands Umt FROM Doug Huggett Respond to Doug Huggett Ma�or Permrts Processmg Coordmator �orehead City Office Coastal Management Division 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead Crty NC 28557 p (����(�/�(� L5 �'J L D DATE 17 November 2011 NOV 2 I 2011 SUBJECT CAMA Apphcanon Review �ENR WATER QUALITY WENWDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH APPLICANT B�g Bear Properties LLC Craig Shoaf PROJECT LOCATION located on the south side of NC Highway 92 on Slade Gut(off Back Creek) approxunately 2 000 feet east of the bndge over Back Creek m Bath Beaufort County North Cazoluia PROPOSED PROJECT Apphcant proposes to remove an exishng culvert and fill m Coastal Wetlands and replace with two culverts m a wooded wetland Please mdicate below your posihon or viewpomt on the proposed pro�ect and return this form by 7 December 2011 Please contact R Kelly Sprvey at 252 948 3853 if you have any questions regazdmg the proposed pro�ect When appropnate m depth comments with supporhng data are requested REPLY This office has no ob�echon to�e pro�ect as proposed Ttus office has no comment on the proposed pro�ect This office appmves of the proposed pro�ect only if the recommended changes are mcorporated See attached This office ob�ects to the proposed pro�ect for reasons descnbed m the attached comments Signed Date 943 Washington Square Mall Washington NC 27889 NorthCarol�na Phone 252 946-6481 1 FAX 252 948-0478 Intemet www nccoastalmanagement net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Aclion Employer �atura!!t� Big Bear Properties LLC Remove existmg crossing and replace ` Beaufort County Protect sett�n� The pro�ect site is located on the south side of NC Highway 92 on Slade Gut (off Back Creek)approximately 2 000 feet east of the bridge over Back Creek in Bath Beaufort County,North Carolina The tract is an undeveloped 25 08 acre site with 2 800 lmear feet of shoreline that is situated at the confluence of two unnamed tributaries to Slade Gut The only man made feature on the tract is a farm path with a culvert crossing the unnamed tributary to Slade Gut This unnamed tributary is approximately 20 m width The shoreline of this tributary is vegetated with scattered Typha spn and Cladium �amaicense These species continue to be present for a distance of approximately 450 upstream until the natural features transrtion to a wooded wetland Immediately landward of both the Coastal wetlands and wooded wetland the elevation mcreases to approximately 8 10 above Normal Water Level These elevated areas are vegetated with various hardwood species pine and a cleared agriculture field The upstream property�s undeveloped with the same use as the pro�ect srte The downstream properiy is a developed but not sold out subdivision The downstream property is on the opposing shorelme of the pro�ect site Slade Gut is classified as SC NSW by the Environmental Management Commission at the pro�ect site Slade Gut is Inland Waters and is not open to shell fishmg Pro�ect description The applicant proposes to remove the existmg 18 long by 36 diameter culvert and fill crossmg and resto�e the contours to the natural ad�acent grade with the stated mtent of reestablislung the area to a Coastal Wetland and removmg impedance to natural water flow m the upstream Coastal Wetlands The removal of the existing culvert will allow for the re establishment of 2 919 ft2 of Coastal Wetlands Additionally a new wetland crossing is proposed upstream outside of the � Coastal Wetland Area of Environmental Concern(AEC) The crossmg will consist of two—81 long by 48 diameter culverts and span approximately 150 of wooded wetlands One of the culverts will be buried 1 below the bottom contour wlule the other will be placed at grade The proposed culvert crossing will provide improved access to the uplands south of the wooded wetlands Anhcipated impacts The pro�ect will result m localized turbidity as a result of both the removal and mstallation of culverts The removal of the existmg culvert will result in the restoration of approximately 2 919 ft2 of Coastal Wetlands The installation of the new culverts and associated approaches will result in the filling of approximately 12 209 ft2 of wooded wetlands Kelly Spivey— 17 November 2011 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT FIELD INVESTIGATION REPORT 1 APPLICANT S NAME Big Bear Properties LL� Remove existmg crossmg and replace 2 LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE located on the south side of NC Highway 92 on Slade Gut(off Back Creek) approximately 2 000 feet east of the bridge over Back Creek in Bath Beaufort County North Carolma Photo Index 2006 104 8668 G 10 2000 104 1319 G 9 3 1995 104 1120 T 9 State Plane Coordmates X 2 654 000 Y 632 000 Bath Quad upper right corner) 3 INVESTIGATION TYPE CAMA,D/F 4 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURE Date of Srte Visrt 31 October 2011 Was Applicant Present No 5 PROCESSING PROCEDURE Application Rece�ved 15 November 2011 Office Washmgton 6 SITE DESCRIPTION (A) Local Land Use Plan Town of Bath Land Classification from LUP Undeveloped Agnculture & Forestry(land) Conservation (water) (B) AEC(s) Involved PTA, CW (C) Water Dependent No (D) Intended Use Future residential subdivision (E) Wastewater Treatment Existmg none Planned none (F) Type of Structures Existmg culvert crossmg Coastal Wetland Planned culvert crossmg wooded wetlands (G) Estimated Annual Rate of Erosion N/A 7 HABITAT DESCRIPTION [�A] DREDGED FILLED OTHER f 12 209 ftZ (A)Vegetated Wetlands 404 Wetlands (B)Non Vegetated Wetlands Rrver bottom (c) Other Uplands (D) Total Area Disturbed f15 128 ftZ (0 35 acres) (E) Primary Nursery Area No (F) Water Classification SC NSW Open NO 8 PROJECT SUMMARY The applicant proposes to remove an existmg culvert and fill m Coastal Wetlands and replace with two culverts in a wooded wetland PROJECT NARRATIVE TO ACCOMPANY MAJOR PERMIT APPLICATION 6 0 Additaonal Information a Narrative Tlus pro�ect consists of the removal restoration and replacement of an existing crossing on Slade Gut(also known as Fulton Gut) The pro�ect v�nll disturb less than one acre Work will mclude the removal of lustoncal fill inside of CAMA AEC s the demolition and removal of a pre existmg culvert re establishment of ongmal grade and contour of the existmg crossmg to replicate the onginal topograpluc contours of the ad�acent coastal wetlands Pro�ect will allow the re vegetation of coastal marsh and the re establishment of shorelme slopes Ad�oirung wetland vegetation(and associated seed bank m the native soils)is sufficient to recover the re graded area once natural elevations are restored The work will enable the re establishment of the ongmal hydrologic character of the wetland down gradient from the replacement crossmg to the existmg crossmg The work includes unposing a conservation easement on the down gradient npanan areas, from the replacement crossing northward to Slade Gut(a k a the East Prong of Fulton Gut) The work includes the provision to momtor the srte for five years to venfy that the site is re establislung natural coastal wetlands S/10108/MAJOR PERMIT/documentation Dg��P-1 AP�LIC�TIOH fo� Ma�or Deuclopment Perm� (last revised 12/27I06) North Carolma DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1 Pr�mary Appl�canb Landowner Informat�on Business Name Pro�ect Name(if appiicable) Big Bear Properties Llc REMOVE EXISTING CROSSING AND REPLACE Applicant 1 First Name MI Last Name CRAIG N/A SHOAF Applicant 2 First Name MI Last Name N/A N/A N/A If additional appl�cants please attach an add�tional page(s)with names l�sted Mading Address PO Box City State 1512 OBRIEN CIRCLE N/A Wake Forest NC ZIP Country Phone No FAX No 27587 USA 919 662 8161 ext N/A Street Address(d d�fferent from above) City State ZIP SAME AS ABOVE N/A N/A N/A Emad N/A 2 AgenbContractor Informat�on Busmess Name The Clark Group Agentl Contractor 1 First Name MI Last Name MIKE L TACKETT AgenU Contractor 2 First Name MI Last Name JOANNE M SHADROUI Mading Address PO Box City State N/A 10136 Wdmmgton NC Z�P Phone No 1 Phone No 2 28404 910 602 3900 ext N/A ext FAX No Contractor# 910 602 3975 N/A Street Address(�f different from above) City State ZIP 5000 BLUE CLAY ROAD Castle Hayne NC 28409 Emad mtackett@clarkgroup us <Form continues on back> 252 808 2808 1 888 4RCOAS'� wwwr nccoas4alrreanagemen4 net Form DCM MP 1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Ma�or Development Permit 3 Pro�ect Location County(can be multiple) Street Address State Rd # BEAUFORT 35 466115 N 76 802528 W NC 92 Subdivision Name City State Zip NA BATH NC 27808 Phone No Lot No(s) (�f many attach additional page with l�sf) N/A ext N/A a In which NC nver basin is the pro�ect located? b Name of body of water nearest to proposed pro�ect TAR PAMLICO SLADE GUT(AKA EAST PRONG OF FULTON GU� c Is the water body ident�fied in(b)above natural or manmade� d Name the closest ma�or water body to the proposed pro�ect site �Natural ❑Manmade ❑Unknown SLADE GUT(AKA FULTON GU� e Is proposed work within aty limits or planning�unsd�ction� f if applicable list the plamm�g�urisdict�on or city limit the proposed ❑Yes �No work falls within N/A 4 S�te Descr�pt�on a Total length of shoreline on the tract(ft) b Size of entire tract(sq ft) 2 800 Imear feet 25 08 acre c Size of individual lot(s) d Approximate elevation of tract above NHW(norrr►al h�gh water)or 25 08 NWL(nom►a/waterlevel) (If many lot s�zes please attach add�honal page w�th a l�st) 5 10 feet �NHW or ONWL e Vegetation on tract UPLANDS SOURWOOD WHITE OAK HORSE SUGAR SWEET GUM WAX MYRTLE LOBLOLLY PINE RED CEDAR WETLANDS RED BAY RED MAPLE CATBRIAR SWEET GUM WAX MYRLTE f Man made features and uses now on tract EXISTING FARM PATH HAS A CULVERT TO CROSS COASTAL WETLANDS AGRICULTURAL FIELD AND SILVICULTURE g Ident�fy and descnbe the existing land uses adiacent to the proposed pro�ect sde AGRICULTURAL FIELD RESIDENTIAL HOUSING INDUSTRY h How does local government zone the tract� i Is the proposed pro�ect consistent with the applicable zoning� NA(COUNTY HAS NO ZONING PER INSPECTIONS (Attach zonmg compliance certificate �f applicable) DEP� ❑Yes ❑No �NA � Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal� ❑Yes �No k Has a professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes attach a copy ❑Yes �No ❑NA If yes by whom� I ls the proposed pro�ect located in a National Registered Histonc Distnct or does it involve a ❑Yes �No ❑NA National Register listed or eligible property� <Form continues on next page> 252 808 2808 �9 888 4RCOASF uvww roccoastalmanageroeent ne4 �orm DCM MP 1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Ma�or Development Permit m (i) Are there wetlands on the site� �Yes ❑No (u)Are there coastal wetlands on the s�te� �Yes ❑No (uQ If yes to either(Q or(n)above has a delmeation been conducted� �Yes ❑No (Attach documentahon if avadable) n Describe existing wastewater treatment facdities NO SEWAGE SYSTEM PRESENT(LAND UNDEVELOPED) o Descnbe existmg dnnkmg water supply source NO WATER SUPPLY PRESENT p Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems NO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT OR TREATMENT SYSTEMS PRESENT 5 Act�wt�es and Impacts a Wdl the pro�ect be for commerGal public or pnvate use� ❑Commercial ❑PubliGGovernment �Pnvate/Commurnty b Give a brief descnption of purpose use and dady operations of the pro�ect when complete RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION (BASED UPON THE ECONOMIC VIABILITY UNTIL THAT TIME IT WILL REMAIN AGRICULTURAL AND SILVICULTURAL( c Describe the proposed construction methodology types of construction eqwpment to be used dunng construction the number of each type of eqwpment and where it is to be stored REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING CROSSING USING EXCAVATOR BACKHOE BULLDOZER DUMP TRUCKS HAND LABOR EQUIPMENT WILL BE STORED IN UPLAND AREAS OF SITE DURING THE PROJECT d List all development actroities you propose REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING CROSSING RESTORE ORIGINAL GRADES BY RECONTOURING EXISTING CROSSING TO MATCH ADJACENT WETLANDS AND ALLOW COASTAL WETLAND VEGETATION TO RE ESTABLISH IMPOSE CONSERVATION EASEMENT NORTHWARD FROM REPLACEMENT CROSSING REPLACE CROSSING MONITOR FOR 5 YEARS TO CONFIRM THAT COASTAL WETLANDS ARE RE ESTABLISHING AS WELL AS HYDROLOGICAL INTEGRITY e Are the proposed actiwties maintenance of an existing pro�ect new work or both� NEW WORK f What is the approximate total disturbed land area resultmg from the proposed pro�ect� LESS THAN ONE ACRE 15 128 SQ FT �Sq Ft or DAcres g Wdl the proposed pro�ed encroach on any public easement public accessway or other area ❑Yes �No ❑NA that the public has establ�shed use of� h Descnbe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state THE REPLACEMENT AND RECONSTRUCTION OF A MINOR ROAD CROSSING OUTSIDE OF CAMA AEC S RESULTING IN SURFACE WATER RUNOFF BUT WITHIN THE PROPERTY LIMITS AND THE HEADWATERS OF THE EAST PRONG OF FULTON GUT(aka SLADE GU�(SEE ATTACHED EXHIBITS)THERE ARE ROAD SWALES THAT WILL DIVERT SURFACE RUNOFF AWAY FROM WETLANDS i Wdl wastewater or stormwater be discharged mto a wetland� ❑Yes �No ❑NA If yes wdl this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water� ❑Yes ❑No �NA � Is there any mdigation proposed� ❑Yes ❑No �NA If yes attach a mitigation proposal <Form continues on back> 252 808 2808 'i 888 492COAS'B' www reccoas4almanagerr�eee4 net �orm DCM MP 1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Ma�or Development Permit 6 Add�t�onallnformat�on ln add�tion to th�s completed applicahon form (MP 1)the following dems below �f applicable must be subm�tted�n order for the appl�cahon package to be complete Items(a)—(�are always applicable to any ma�or development applicat�on Pfease consult the appl�cat�on instruct�on booklet on how to properly prepare the requ�red�tems below a A pro�ect narrative b An accurate dated work piat(including plan v�ew and cross sectional drawings)drawn to scale Please groe the present status of the proposed pro�ect Is any portion already complete� If previously authonzed work clearly mdicate on maps plats drawmgs to distinguish between work completed and proposed c A site or location map that is sufficiently detaded to gwde agency personnel unfamdiar with the area to the site d A copy of the deed(w�th state application only)or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties e The appropnate application fee Check or money order made payabie to DENR f A list of the names and complete addresses of the ad�acent waterfront(npanan)landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and piats by certified mad Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed pro�ect to the Division of Coastal Management Name ANNIE C MINOR(PROPERTY TO SOUTH) Phone No Address 106 LEE STREET GREENVILLE NC 27858 Name THADDEUS E TANKARD(PROPERTY TO SOUTHWES'f) Phone No Address 417 TANKARD DR BATH NC 27808 Name MARGERETE A MIDYETTE(PROPERTY TO NORTHEAST) Phone No Address PO BOX 154 BATH NC 27808 g A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the pro�ect tract Include permd numbers permittee and issuing dates CAMA CONCURRENCE WITH MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR EXISTING CROSSING h Signed consultant or agent authonzation form d applicabie i Wetland delineation if necessary � A signed AEC hazard notice for pro�ects in oceanfront and inlet areas (Must be s�gned by property owner) k A statement of compliance with the N C Environmental Policy Act(N C G S 113A 1 10) if necessary If the pro�ect involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands attach a statement documentmg compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act 7 Cert�ficat►on and Permiss�on to Enter on Land I understand that any permit issued in response to this appiication wdl allow only the development descnbed in the application The pro�ect wdl be sub�ect to the conditions and restnctions contamed m the permit I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review agenaes to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating mformation related to this permit application and foilow up morntoring of the pro�ect I further certify that the mformation provided in this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge r- Date dfJ°/9—// Pnnt Name ���6Q�� IGiG�e � Signature C�/ Please�ndicate application attachments pertainmg to your proposed pro�ect ❑DCM MP 2 Excavation and Fdl Information �DCM MP 5 Bridges and Culverts ❑DCM MP 3 Upland Development pDCM MP-4 Structures Information 252 808 2808 1 888 �RC0�4S'� www nccoa,stalmanagement ne4 Form DCM MP 5 BRIDGES and CULVERTS Attach this form to Jomt Application for CAMA Ma�or Permit Form DCM MP 1 Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Appiication that relate to this proposed pro�ect Please include all supplemental mformation 1 BR/DGES �Th►s sect�on not applicabie a Is the proposed bndge b Water body to be crossed by bndge ❑Commercial ❑PubliGGovernment ❑Private/Community c Type of bndge(construction matenal) d Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL e (i)Wdl proposed bndge repiace an existing bndge� ❑Yes ❑No f (�)Wdl proposed bndge replace an existmg culvert� ❑Yes ❑No If yes If yes (u)Length of existmg bndge (u)Length of existing culvert (m)Width of existing bndge (ni)Width of existing culvert (iv)Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge (iv)Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHVV or (v)Wdl all or a part of the existmg bndge be removed� NWL (Explain) (v)Wtll all or a part of the existing culvert be removed� (Explain) g Length of proposed bndge h Width of proposed bndge i Wdl the proposed bridge affect existing water flow� ❑Yes ❑No � Wdl the proposed bndge affect nawgation by reducing or If yes explain increasing the existmg navigable opernng� ❑Yes ❑No If yes explam k Nawgation clearance underneath proposed bndge I Have you contacted the U S Coast Guard concermng their approval� ❑Yes ❑No If yes explain m Wdi the proposed bndge cross wetlands contaming no navigable n Height of proposed bndge above wetlands waters� ❑Yes ❑No If yes explain 2 CULVERTS ❑This sectron not appl�cable a Number of culverts proposed 2(48 CULVERTS) b Water body in which the culvert is to be placed SLADE GUT OFF OF BACK CREEK 252 808 28m8 9 888-�b92C�/A5�' wvwv coccoas4alenaenaaae�e�aR rae� revosed 10/26/06 C�'�b�°�'d ���',�� ���� (�,e�a�]��s ��a� �a�9���s, €����� ���D < Form cont�nues on back> c Type of culvert(construction matenal) RCP(REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE) d (i)Wdl proposed culvert replace an existing bndge� e (i)Wdl proposed culvert replace an existmg culvert� ❑Yes �No �Yes ❑No If yes If yes (n)Length of existmg bndge (u)Length of existing culvert(s) 18 (w)Width of existing bndge (w)Width of exist�ng culvert(s) 36 (ro)Navigation clearance undemeath existing bndge (iv)Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or (v)Wdl all or a paR of the existing bndge be removed� NWL 36 (Explain) (v)Wdl all or a part of the existing culvert be removed� (Explain) YES ALL OF THE EXISTING CULVERT AND FILL MATERIAL WILL BE REMOVED AND EXISTING CROSSING REGRADED TO MATCH ADJACENT NATURAL GRADE f Length of proposed culvert 81 4 9 Width of proposed culvert 48 h Height of the top of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL i Depth of culvert to be buned below existing bottom contour 4 � � Wdl the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or k Wdl the proposed culvert affect existing water flow� increasing the existing nawgable opening� ❑Yes �No If yes explain ❑Yes �No If yes explain PROPOSED WILL ALLOW GREATERIMPROVED FLOW 3 EXCAVATION and FILL ❑Th�s sect�on not appl�cable a (i)Wdl the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert reqwre any b (i)Wdl the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert reqwre any excavation below the NHW or NWL� �Yes ❑No excavation withm coastal wetlands/marsh(CV1n submerged If yes aquatic vegetation(SA� shell bottom(SB) or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked provide the number of square (u)Avg length of area to be excavated 81 FT feet affected (m)Avg width of area to be excavated 4 FT ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB (iv)Avg depth of area to be excavated 1 25 FT ❑WL �None (v)Amount of matenal to be excavated in cubic yards 15 CY (u)Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas 252 808 2808 1 888-+S�COAST wvvv�r¢¢ccoas4alevoacaaaerneaat ese4 revased '�0/26/06 ����°3 ��l�� �l� � (��o�a��s ��a�9 ��u�a��a-�s, L���� � e��r�� c (i)Wdl the placement of the proposed bndge or cuivert reqwre any high ground excavation� ❑Yes �No If yes (u)Avg length of area to be excavated (m)Avg width of area to be excavated (iv)Avg depth of area to be excavated (v)Amount of matenal to be excavated in cubic yards d if the placement of the bndge or culvert�nvolves any excavation please complete the following (i) Location of the spod disposal area THE EXCAVATED MATERIAL WILL BE USED AS PART OF THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE NEW CULVERTS (iQ Dimensions of the spod disposal area 79 5 x146 6 (ui)Do you claim title to the disposal area� �Yes ❑No (If no attach a lettergrantmg permiss�on from the owner) (ro)Will the disposal area be avadable for future maintenance� ❑Yes �No (v)Does the disposal area mclude any coastal wetlands/marsh(CV1� submerged aquatic vegetation(SAVs) other wetlands(WL) or shell bottom(SB)� ❑CW ❑SAV ❑WL ❑SB �None If any boxes are checked groe dimensions if different from(iQ above (vi)Does the disposal area inctude any area below the NHW or NWL� � ❑Yes �No If yes groe dimensions�f different from(u)above e (i)Wdl the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert result in any f (i)Wtll the piacement of the proposed bndge or culvert result m any fill(other than excavated material descnbed in Item d above)to fill(other than excavated matenal descnbed in Item d above)to be placed below NHW or NWL� �Yes ❑No be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh(CU1n submerged If yes aquatic vegetation(SA� sheil bottom(SB) or other wetlands (WL)� If any boxes are checked prowde the number of square (u)Avg length of area to be filled 146 feet affected (ui)Avg width of area to be filled 62 6 ❑CW ❑SAV ❑SB (iv)Purpose of fill TO PROVIDE COVER FOR �WL 12,209 ❑None CULVERTS AND CREATE MINOR ROAD CROSSING (n)Descnbe the purpose of the excavation m these areas PROVIDE FILL AND COVER FOR PROPOSED CULVERT (1 770 CUBIC YARDS OF FILL) g (i)Wdl the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill(other than excavated matenal descnbed in Item d above)to be placed on high ground� ❑Yes �No If yes (�i)Avg length of area to be filled (uQ Avg width of area to be filled (iv)Purpose of fill 4 GENERAL a Wdl the proposed pro�ect reqwre the relocation of any existing b Wdl the proposed pro�ect require the construdion of any temporary utility lines� ❑Yes �No detour structures� ❑Yes �No If yes explain If yes expiain 252 808 28�8 1-888-4RCOAS'P vwv�wr enccoas@aG�eaeaa¢�eereeaa�net revosed 10/26106 ��€�� ���� fi��=� Q��a���s ��a3 Q�e��ee��� E���� � ���� If this port�on of the proposed pro�ect has already rece�ved approval from local authont�es please attach a copy of the approval or cert�ficat�on < Form continues on back> c Wdl the proposed pro�ect reqwre any work channels� d How wdl excavated or fill matenal be kept on site and erosion ❑Yes �No controlled� If yes compiete Form DCM MP 2 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE WILL BE PLACED AROUND SITE AND CHECK DAMS WILL BE INSTALLED TO PREVENT SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING SITE e What type of construction equipment wdl be used(for example f Wdl wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to pro�ect site? draglme backhoe or hydraulic dredge)� ❑Yes �No BACKHOE DUMP TRUCKS If yes expiain steps that wdl be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts g Wdl the placement of the proposed bndge or culvert require any shoreline stabdization� ❑Yes �No If yes complete form MP 2 Sect�on 3 for Shoreline Stabdrzation only /!� �/ ��� Date �ew�„�e C;k�s�.,�, C��ass�.�� �-I�ol�c c,.�4►��3e��r P�-�p�.�h e� �-�� Pro�ect Name —� � / / i G/,�'!C'` � lA1C�'L f� Applicant Name d , Q,� Ap licant Signature 252 808 2808 1 888-4RCO�iST wvwv nccoas4a6�voaeaaqectae�at ne4 revesed 70/26/06 � rnar � LUIU IU I�At� �A11UnAl IKRnJtU�Mt� JHIk� irt� no fJ�i r � �`' (�� ( ( { �'.�,� �L�x ��ar� Geo.�uzzrotcmet�taf,Surlc�s :GantflNvdtogmphrc Sur�s-eys Foresrry Sen��es �GENCY AUTHORY�ATION 7,G�ra�g Shoaf .hereby author,zc�3ary Ni�tahell or f�s ass,�ns ofThe Clerk Graup tq�ct es my ag6t�t{t�any ant3�Jl transactions,cdmmw�iCat�o�s�t1d mtv'raohons,as deeraec�necessary,with ell federal and state rag�ilatory age�Q���g��ing ihe property lncated on the soirth wesE szdc af NC 92 a�proxim�tely 112 mil�s$A8E of Bath Be�ufnrt Cowtty,North�arolina, consist�n�o�apprpxlmat�,ly 25 33 aGrg$a�d]�sted as tax pazcel ID 1499 Signefl Date ����L� Corporata 5000 Blue C1ay Road Castla H�yne,NC 28429 Past Of�ca Bpx 1tY2�8 WUqaington NC 26q04 (9I0)602-390R O�ae �9I4)b02 3473 Farslrotle www clatk�aun i�4 ,�,x__ viu iv IJnili I�niluilnL inf111JfVflm[q Ji1LCJ IIY� n0 IJJI � J 1�' (�� ( ( ' �,F,1'.t�' I.LARK I.TRQ�' G�Euzvvrrment�iS�l�lcas .i.�tdlNvd�ogrnphrc Surveys Forastry Sen�ces �aENCY AUTHORTZATIOI� Y>�,Craig Shoaf _ ,he�by authorize�ary Iv�tahe�l or h�s aas��ns ofThe Clgrk Grqup tp act as my Aget�t;�n�tty and atI t�nsactions,cdmmwliC�tlp�ts�nd mtemohons,as deemed necessary,with all federal and state rag�ilatory age�olas regart�mg the properiy locs;ted on tha soitth wesE side of NC 92 approximately lt2 milas�ast of$�h Beau�nrt Cowtty,North�arolina, consist�ng o£apprpxi�nat.�,ly 25 33 aCres and l�sted as tax parael ID �499 Signed Aate _ `,j��'��a 1(� Corporate SODO Blue Clay Road CastlaNayno NC 28429 Post Offlce Bux 1D1�a�ViluattU�ton NC28q04 (9I0)682-390U O��e (9I0)6013475 Facsfmfie www olarkm�oup us � � °0 0 � N F � � , O !• J W O Q � � Z � '" h � Q Q . � �,�` ° :.� y�n m 3 c p� �,� � ��� .� � 3 � �� k� ��� �'� e_. � M t, P 9 nT .. :S' ' S � a-�Y. � 2....f"T ` �V2 4 3 Y� . .�.. ...i �. .d.�:t . 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