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North Carolina Department of Transportation
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NEPA/Section 404 Merger Team Informational Meefing
October 18, 2011
NC 12 Replacement of Herbert C. Bonner Bridge
(Bridge No. 11) over Oregon Inlet
WBS No. 32635
TIP Project No. B-2500
Dare County
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ILT Meeting/NC 12 Dare County Scoping Meeting
October 18, 2011
9:30am - 12 noon; NCDOT Board Room
Draft Agenda
NC 12 Dare Countv Scopins Meetins
Meeting Purposes:
• Understand the expected schedule/timeframes for determining the
permanent repairs for NC 12
• Identify issues, constraints, and concerns associated with the alternatives
for permanent repairs and transportation management along NC 12, at the
I breach sites at the Pea Island Refuge and at Rodanthe
• Identify specific actions and next steps to take, based on issues/topics
raised during the meeting, that will help advance the decision making
9:30 Introductions; Agenda Review
9:40 Opening Remarks - Jim Trogdon and Terry Gibson
• Status of temporary repairs
• Expected schedule for determining long term repairs
• Purpose of Today's Meeting
10:00 Issues/Constreints at Pea Island - Round Table Discussion with Merger
Participants �
11:00 Issues/Constraints at Rodanthe — Round Table Discussion with Merger
Summary of Input and Identification of Actions/Next Steps
NC 12 Dare CounN Scooine Meetine
Discussion Questions
- What are your agency's primary issues or concerns with the two sections of NC 12 that
breached during Hurricane Irene? (These can be issues you've discussed in previous comments
on the project's NEPA documents, or new issues resulting from the damage caused by
Hurricane Irene.)
- What are your agency's primary issues or concerns with the alternatives that have been
developed to date at each of the two breach sites?
- NCDOT has been charged with an accelerated schedule for determining the long-term
solutions for the two breach sites. Do you have any comments or concerns about an
accelerated schedule? What can your agency do to assist NCDOT in meeting its schedule?
- The panel meeting to discuss coastal engineering and scientific recommendations on
possible long-term solutions will be held on October 24-25. Does your agency have any
questions that you'd like the panel to answer? , „
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Act (CA��IA), the National Wildlife Refuge System [mprovement Act of 1997, and the Clean
Water Act. FHWA and NCDOT also will complete the appropriate NEPA documentation for
each future phase of action in accordance with 23 CFR 77].129-130. Environmental conditions
and the timing of each phase will be [hc primary factors in determining what type of NEPA
documentation (a re-evaluation,a supplement,or a separate NI;PA process) is the most
The results of the coastal monitoring program, the updated shoreline erosion predictions, and the
Refuge habitadNC 12 vulnerabiliry forecasting study will be used by NCDOT and FH WA, in
consultation with representatives oCthe Refuge and the Merger'I'eam, to determi�e: when an
environmental review Cor each indi��idual future phase of action will be initiated; the limits of the
action area; potential actions that should be considered for the location; and measures to minimize
and mitigate impacts. Based on prcvious NCD07'experience, (indings that may warcant
initiating an environmental re��iew of a future phase include:
• An area with weak dunes (e.g., low dunes that lack vegetatioo)that potentially requires
higher levels of s[orm-rela[ed NC l2 maintenance activity, proximity of the dune [o NC 12,
i and the rate dunes may be advancing towards NC 12 (this rccognizes that the £rcquency of
dune maintenance is highest when a dune is less than 25 feet [7.6 meters] from the road);
• Signi ficant inereases in erosion rates over past trends;
• Significant increases in NC l2 storm-related maintenance frequency or activiry over previous
• A determination that the distance between the active shoreline (mean high water)and NC 12
wil] be below the critical buffer distance of 230 feet (70.1 meters) within the next [ive years;
• A determination [hat shoreline and dune conditions are such that the need for stonn-related
maintenance is likely to escalate signifcantly in the next five years.
As of the publication of this ROD, sections of the Canal "Lone, Sandbag Area, and Rodanthe `S'
Curves hot spots (see Figure 2-7 of the GA) may already meet one or more of thc listed criteria.
The Rodanthe `S' Curves Hot Spot was cspecially affected by a major storm event in November
2009 (Section 3.5.6 of the EA). 1'he coastal monitoring program will provide the information
nceded to determine when future phases of action will bc initiatcd in these azeas.
Selection ofFuture Phases for lmolementa[ion
Once NCDOT and FHWA decide to initiate an environmental review of a later phase of the
Selected Altemative in consultation with the Refuge, as described above, the study, selection,and
finalizing of that phase will follow the provisions of the NEPA/Section 404 Merger Process that
is currently utilized by NCDOT. f3ecause the purposc and need (Concurrence Point l) of the
overall project will not change, NCDOT and FH WA will likely reconve�e the Merger 7'eam at
Concurrence Point 2,the selection of detailed study al[ernatives. It is anticipated that future
phases will be subject to various permitting requirements. NCDOT will be required to obtain and
comply with all applicxblc permits prior lo beginning construction of future phnses.
RernrdofDer.i.sio�� IS VCD07'Tl1 Proje�tNt�mberb-2500
Appendix B
Description and Maps of the Parallel Bridge Corridor Alternatives
Summary of Parallel Bridge Corridor Alternatives
Parallel Bridqe Corridor with Nourishment:
The Nourishment Alternative would maintain the NC 12 roadway in its current location through
the use of beach nourishment and dune enhancement.
Parallel 8ridqe Corridor with Road North/Bridqe South:
The Road North/Bridge South Alternative consists of constructing a new section of roadway
west of the forecasted 2060 shoreline. The road relocation section would extend approximately
seven miles south from the end of the Oregon Inlet bridge. At the southern end of the Pea
Island National Wildlife Refuge and in Rodanthe, NC 12 would be relocated onto a bridge west
of Hatteras Island.
Parallel8ridqe Corridor with All eridae:
The All eridge Altemative would relocate NC 12 onto bridges located west of the current
roadway. The northern portion of the bridge would be constructed west of the forecasted 2060
shoreline and would extend from the end of the Oregon Inlet bridge to the beginning of a 1.8-
mile stretch of existing roadway that will remain unchanged. The southern bridge portion of NC
12 would be constructed west of Hatteras Island and end in Rodanthe just north of the
Rodanthe Historic District. This "Bridge South" section is the same bridge construction
proposed in the Road North/Bridge South Alternative.
Parallel Bridqe Corridor with Phased Approach:
The Phased Approach Alternative would construct NC 12 onto a series of bridges within the
� current NC 12 easement in four phases. Phase I is the construction of the Oregon Inlet bridge.
At the southern end of NC 12, there are two alternatives: the Phased Approach/Rodanthe
Nourishment Alternative and the Phased Approach/Rodanthe Bridge Alternative. The Rodanthe
Nourishment Alternative would maintain the current location of NC 12 in the Rodanthe Area
with the addition of beach nourishment in northern Rodanthe. The Rodanthe eridge Alternative
would construct NC 12 as a bridge along its current roadway location in Rodanthe, ending just
north of the Rodanthe Historic District.
Appendix C
NEPA/404 Merger Concurrence Form
Concurrence Point 2 Agreement-Alternatives to be studied in detail
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Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement
REVISED Concurrence Point No. 2 - Alternatives to be studied
in detail in the NEPA document.
(Revised Since 7/23/03)
Proiect No.lTIP No./Name/Description:
Federal Project Number: BRNHF-12(24)
State Project Number: 8.1051205
TIP Number: B-2500
TIP Description: Replacement of the Herbert C.Bonner Bridge(Bridge No. 11)over
Oregon Inlet in Daze County.
Alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA document:
The Project Team has concurred on this date of that addirional "
environmental analysis wili be conducted on the Pazallel Bridge Altemative in addition to
the Long Bridge Alternative (formerly known as Corridor 4, Rodanthe Area Endpoint 2)
for the proposed Bonner Bridge replacement The project study lunits for both
altematives will extend south to Rodanthe.
USACE _l• ����P�_`�''��-9�°y NCDOT ." ;� .• . :
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USE � ��. USFWS �, � •, ` �''
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NCDWO. NCWRC �'���� ��:: '
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SHPO e-�e?-
NPS _ _. NGDCM :; Ou.l�-� - —
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Sec�i�n 404/PI�PA 11�er�es �'r�jeet Tea�a RQee¢ea�g Ageeemeat �
�i�IS.�s'l'6 Ctancurre�t�e FoPnt Pto. 2 - Altert�ative� t� be studied �
�a aRettt�l in the 1KE�A d�cu�a�f. ,
(R�vtsed SY�ace 1/23/09) �
;Peogect I�o;/I'LP RfolName"/D���t�taun� �
l+ed�rst Prajtct Namber: SRNH�-l2(24)
S¢�se Peolect A7amberc 8.1 a51205 '
'I1P Tdv�sbar: i3-ZS00 �
T�IDeserip3lsn: Replaee�zfent of 4he Hathart C, $annor Brid�o(Bridge No, 11)a�ar —�
Oregon inlet ia Dsre Covstry.
Ala.�madves tc+ be studted in detail ia the NEPA dacument: �
_ I
Tho Projcct To� has caaa6ured on th�s date ef tt�at additsanal �
eavixriamenwl aaalysis will ba tondvetad oa Shs Paratic]BridBe Alteanadve m edditioe to I
lhe Lmutg BrSdge Alteenative (formatly.Tanwn ss Corridor 4, Rodaatae Area Fadpaint 2}
fnr the praposed Hen�ner Bridge teplatetnem. ]'ba p:ojec� scudy liu�.ia for hoch �
eltsmstives will extend soutb m Rodoatha. i
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Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement
REVISED Concurrence Point No. 2 - Alternatives to be studied
in detail in the NEPA document.
(Revised Since 7/23/03) ,
Proiect No./TIP No./Name/Descrintion:
Federal Project Number: BRNHF-12(24) (
State Project Number: 8.1051205 '
TTP Number: B-2500 '
'I'IP Description: Replacement of the Herbert C. Bonner Bridge (Bridge No. I 1) over i
Oregon Irilet in Daze County.
Altematives to be studied in detail in the NEPA document:
The Project Team has concurred on this date of �� �3, zc!o� that additional
environmental analysis will be conducted on the Parallel Bridge Alternative in addition to
the Long Bridge Altemarive (formerly known as Corridor 4, Rodanthe Area Endpoint Z)
for the proposed Bonner Bridge replacement. The project study limits for both
altematives will extend south to Rodanthe.
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Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement '
R,EYISED Concarrence Point No. 2 - Alternatives to be studied
in detael in the NEPA document. �
(Revised Since 7/23/03) !
Project No lTTP No./Name/17escription: �
.. i
Federal Project 1Vumber: BRNTI�'-l2(24}
State Project Number: 8.105]205 �
TIP Nnmben B-2500 �
TTP Descripriou: Replacement of the Herber[ C. Bonner Bridge(Bridge No. 11) ovet �
Ozegon Inlet in Dare County.
Alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA document: � �
The Project 7eam has concurred on this date of � ��"8 �that add'aUional
environmental analysis will be conduded on the Paza11e1 Bridge Alternstive in addiflon to
the Long Bridge Altemative (formerly know-n as Corridor 4, ltodanthe Area Endpoint 2)
for the proposed Bonner Bridge replacement. The pmject study limits for both
alternatives wi ll extend south to Rodanthe.
USACE____ ___ __ . _ NCDOT
USEPA _ _ � , USFWS - __ - _ .
SHPQ_ . _ . - - - - : FHWA• - -- --- - __
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NMF `NCDM�' -- --
;NPS .�1r�.�<ce.. , : , ; NCDCM _
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Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement
REVIS,�D Concurrence Point No. 2 - Alternatives to be studied
� in detail in the NEPA document.
(Revised Since 7/23/03)
Proiect No./"TIP No./Name/DescriptSon�
Federal Project Number: BRNHF-12(24)
Siate Project Number: 8.1051205
TIP Number: B-2500
'1'IP Description: Replacement of the Hcrbert C. Bonner$ridgc(Bridge No. 1 J) over
Oregon Inlct in Dare County.
Altexnatives to be studied in detail in the.NEPA_document:
The project Team has concurred on this date of that additional
environmental analysis will be conducfed on the Paralicl Bridge Altemative in addition to
thc Long Bridge Altetnative (formerly knawn as Coaridor 4, Rodanthe Acea Endpoint 2)
for the proposed Bonner Bridge replacemenL The pzoject limits for both aitematives wil]
cxtend south to Rodaaihe.
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NCDW .: ._ i�- NCWRC
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SHPO FHVVA_ . __ - -
�M� --- -- NCDMF
�S - - NCDCM
Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement
� REVISED Concurrence Point No. 2 - Alteraatives to be studied
in detail in the NEPA document.
(Revised Since 7/Z3/03)
Proiect No.lTTP NoJNsme/Description:
Federal Project Namber:BTLNC-TF"-]2(24)
S�te ProJect IKumber: 8.1051205
TIP Number:8-2500
TIP Doscription: Replacement of the Herbert C. Bonncr Bridge(Bridge No. l l)over
Oregon Inlet in Dere County.
Alternatives to be studied in detail in the NEPA document:
The Project Tesm has concurred oa ttus date ef �hat addifionsl
envaonmeatal analysis wiA be conducted oa the Parallel Bridgo?iliemative Sn addiaon to
the Long Bridge Alternative (formerly lrnown as Coiridor 4, Rodanthe Area Endpoint 2)
for the proposed Bonner Bridge replacement Ihe project study liraiu for both
eltematives will eutend south to RadAnthe.
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Elevation Letter,October 13, 2004:
I • "...we do not concur with an altemative that will result in the construction of bridges that will ultimately
' be in the active wave zone of[he Atlantic Ocean. It is DWQ's opinion that the presence of bridges in the
active wave zone of the ocean could result in a loss of existing uses."
• "...[the]third potential problem with the proposed alternative relates to stormwater and stormwater
2005 SDEIS: �
• "...based on these impacts, DWQ believes the issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certification for the All
Bridge and Road North/Bridge South alternatives would be extremely problematic,at best, and likely
unpermittable, at worst"
• "Include a discussion of potential wetland mitigation strategies."
• "The 401 Water Quality Certification application will need to specifically address the proposed methods of
storm wa[er management. More specifically,it is suggested that stormwater not be permitted to
discharge directly into streams or other surface waters."
• "It is unclear what the source will be for the sand required for beach nourishment under the Parallel
Bridge—Nourishment Alternative. Not only is the quantity of sand in question but also the quality of sand.
Finer partides from nornsuitable sand can change the physical habitat of the beach face and swash zones
and choke out the invertebrate population.To some extent, this has already occurred in the Refuge due
to beach renourishment using sand dredged from Oregon Inlet....Using unsuitable sand would be
detrimental to the Refuge due to negative impacts on the invertebrate population which would is the
primary food source of the migratory bird population in the Refuge....TO tha[end, the uncertainty of the
potential water quality impacts associated with dredging operations for additional sand sources should be
Mee[ing Minutes, May 23, 2007:
• "John Hennessy said that DWQ could concur with the Oregon Inlet bridge component of the Phased
Approach Alternative, but not the components of the Phased Approach south of Oregon Inlet(i.e., bridges
that would be located in the ocean in the near future).John added that they are not necessarily opposed
to the concept of the Phased Approach, rather they have concerns about the potential impacts of bridges
in the ocean."
Meeting Minutes, Marth 26, 2009:
. "Brian commented that he hasn't heard sufficient justif cation for pursuing the Road North/Bridge South
alternative when the wetlands impacts are so significantly higher. He added that he thought the other
- altematives should also be looked at further for reducing impacts rether than focusing on customizing one
al[ernative. He said that it would be difficult for DENR to permit one alternative when there are other
alternatives on the table that have fewer impacts." �
Mee[ing Minutes, May 21, 2009:
• "Brian Wrenn said that the Road North/Bridge South alternative may not be permittable based on high
wetland impacts when there are other alternative s with lower wetland impacts."
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