HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061152 Ver 2_Restoration Plan_20070430'---.., a.....F, ,,,;~- ~ ~~ i~, a ~~-~a AP n w C "z007 ---..._ Request for Section 401 Authorization & Nationwide Permit 27 Prepared for: Wetlands Resource Center LLC April 24, 2007 20051446 5500 New Albany Road Columbus, Ohio 43230 Tel: 614-775-4500 Fax: 614-775-4802 WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request for Section 401 Az~thorizatiof~/Nationwide Permit #27 Silver Creek Violation Restorations Site Table of Contents Introduction .........................................................................................................................1 Site Description ..................................................................................................................1 Impacts Previously Authorized ..........................................................................................2 Additional Impacts Requiring Authorization .....................................................................2 Replacement Culverts in Unnamed Tributaries B and C Temporary Culvert in Silver Creek Mainstem Off-site Sediment Deposition Proposed Restoration .........................................................................................................6 Replacement Culverts in Unnamed Tributaries B and C Temporary Culvert in Silver Creek Mainstem Off-site Sediment Deposition Implementation Schedule ...................................................................................................8 Monitoring ...........................................................................................................................8 ' Conclusions ........................................................................................................................8 Citations ............................................................................................................................10 ' List of Tables 1 Streamside Shrubs and Trees .......................................................................7 List of Appendices A Original Nationwide Permit # 27 (USAGE Action ID: SAW-2006-40036-312) List of Figures 1 Project Location Map (USGS Topographical Survey) 2 Downstream Sedimentation Cross-sections 3 Restoration Details 1 t 1 WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Req~~est. for Section 401 Ai~tlaori.cztion/Natios~t~~icle Pey-mit #27 Silti~er Creek- Violation Restoration Site INTRODUCTION Wetlands Resource Center LLC (WRC) is in the process of performing restoration activities on the mainstem of Silver Creek east of Dysartsville Road and south of Patton Road, west of the City of Morganton, in Burke County, North Carolina. This restoration project is being conducted to generate mitigation credits for the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) to offset compensatory mitigation requirements within the Catawba 01 drainage basin (contract ID: D05016-1 ). WRC had previously applied for and obtained approval under Nationwide Permit # 27 for stream impacts associated with the restoration. This application was provided to both Steve Chapin of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE), Wilmington District and to Cyndi Karoly of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality (DWQ). The USAGE issued a Nationwide Permit # 27 for the project on August 18, 2006 (Action ID: SAW-20640036-312). The DWQ indicated that their agency had been directed not to comment on any EEP projects, and that the application had been filed as "deemed issued." On February 19, 2007, a Notice of Violation (NOV) was issued for the project by Roger Edwards of the DWQ. The NOV noted sediment impacts in Silver Creek both on-site and downstream off-site due to the contractor's failure to implement erosion and sediment controls. Furthermore, it was noted that an underground storage tank had been placed 1 in Silver Creek as a temporary culvert crossing. In addition, culverts were installed in two unnamed tributaries to Silver Creek that were not part of the restoration effort but were needed for site access. Grading, excavation and mechanical land clearing disturbance ;~ was also noted along the unnamed tributaries. The NOV required that WRC obtain Section 401 authorization for the project-related impacts to Waters of the United States that had not been previously authorized under the original Nationwide Permit #27. This document was prepared by EMH&T, Inc. to address all impacts to Waters of the United States that have or will occur as a result of the Silver Creek restoration project. Proposed restoration techniques, a schedule for implementation of these measures, and apost-restoration monitoring plan are also provided. SITE DESCRIPTION The Silver Creek restoration project is located approximately 3,000 feet east of Dysartsville Road and approximately 2,500 feet south of Patton Road, west of the City of Morganton, Burke County, North Carolina as shown on Figure 1. The project spans properties owned separately by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Queen and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conway (Seven Springs Farms, Inc.). The project violation does not involve property owned by the Conways. The Silver Creek watershed is located within the Catawba River Basin. The project stream reaches are located within USGS Catalog Unit Number 03050101 and Local Watershed 14-digit basin 03050101050050. The Silver Creek restoration project is located in a wide, Rosgen Valley Type VIII, approximately 8.25 miles upstream from the confluence of Silver Creek and the Catawba River. WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request for Section 401 Autl2ori~ation/Nationtil~ide Permit #27 Silver Creek Violation Restoration Site The purpose of the work is to restore stream channel function and form while eliminating existing bed scour and bank erosion. A functional, native riparian corridor will also be established where deficient. Mitigation credits generated will be utilized by the Ecosystem Enhancement Program to offset compensatory mitigation requirements within the Catawba 01 drainage basin, contract number D05016-1. IMPACTS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED A Nationwide Permit #27 was issued for the Silver Creek project on August 18, 2006. A copy of the permit is included as Appendix A. The original Nationwide Permit authorized restoration activities (including restoration of stable pattern, profile, dimension, substrate and floodprone area) along 3,039 linear feet of the existing Silver Creek mainstem, which would result in 2,959 linear feet of restored channel. In addition, the permit authorized restoration activities (including restoration of stable pattern, profile, dimension, and substrate) along 1,510 linear feet of an existing unnamed tributary to Silver Creek (here forward referred to as Unnamed Tributary A), which will result in 1,533 linear feet of restored channel. Restoration plan documentation and design sheets prepared for the EEP were previously provided to the DWQ and USACE (EMH&T, Inc. and WRC LLC, 5/23/2006). A total of 4,572 linear feet of stream was permitted for impact for natural channel ' restoration activities. A total of 4,492 linear feet of restored stream channel will ultimately be generated. This project will result in a net loss of 57 linear feet of channel (80 linear feet will be lost on Silver Creek for restoration; an additional 23 linear feet will be created along the unnamed tributary). This small loss in overall channel length is negligible considering the overall improvements to bank stability, pattern and profile, in-stream habitat, and riparian vegetation that will be achieved through this project. ADDITIONAL IMPACTS REQUIRING AUTHORIZATION The original Nationwide Permit issued for the Silver Creek restoration project granted authorization only for impacts along Silver Creek and Unnamed Tributary A that were a direct result of in-stream channel restoration. As noted within the NOV a number of , additional, unauthorized impacts to Waters of the United States occurred as a result of the on-going restoration construction activities. These additional impacts are detailed in the following paragraphs. These impacts and the mitigative solutions have been discussed at length in writing and in meetings with the DWQ. Replacement Culverts in Unnamed Tributaries B and C According to the NOV, two unnamed tributaries to Silver Creek (Unnamed Tributaries B and C) were impacted without authorization through the installation of culvert pipes. The locations of these tributaries are indicated on Figure 1. A 20' corrugated metal culvert pipe was installed in Unnamed Tributary B to replace an existing 20' pipe which was in a ' state of disrepair and failing. Approximately 40' of culvert pipe was installed in Unnamed Tributary C to replace a failing 20' culvert pipe. The culverts in both tributaries originally provided access across the streams for farm vehicles but required upgrading for heavy machinery access during the restoration efforts. Additionally, grading, excavation and mechanical land clearing had occurred along the stream banks of these tributaries, leaving them in a disturbed state. The culverts were installed on top of the stream t 1 1 WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Rec~«est. for Section 401 Authori=atio~a/ Natiorrtiride Pes°l~tit #?7 Sih~er C~•eek 6 olcation Restoration Site substrate, which was not in compliance with DWQ General Certifications for Nationwide Permits. The General Certifications require that culverts be placed below the elevation of the stream bed to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Temporary Culvert in Silver Creek Mainstem The NOV documented an unauthorized culvert crossing within the mainstem of Silver Creek. This 40' crossing had been fashioned from a reclaimed storage tank and had been installed to provide temporary access across the stream for restoration construction vehicles. The culvert was installed on top of the stream substrate, which was not in compliance with DWQ General Certifications for Nationwide Permits. During a meeting with WRC on April 12, 2007, the DWQ further noted that the culvert in Silver Creek had caused some destabilization of the stream channel in the vicinity of the culvert. The following photographs show the temporary culvert location before construction and while the culvert was in place. Original, pre-project conditions of Silver Creek at temporary crossing location (EMH&T Inc., 2/9/2006) if'ETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC' Re~irest for Section 401 ~~«tlaori~catiosa/Ncrtioin~~icle Permit #?7 Sih~er Creek G iolcttio~t Restoration Site `~ . << Temporary culvert crossing on Silver Creek mainstem (EMH&T Inc., 2/22/2007) Since the NOV was issued, the temporary culvert in Silver Creek has been removed and restoration activities in the vicinity were completed per the original stream restoration plan (EMH&T and WRC LLC, 5/23/2006). The culvert removal is discussed in greater detail within the Proposed Restoration section of this document. The following photograph depicts post-culvert removal conditions on Silver Creek. ~~. .n ,. ~. .~,{ y. ~~ f ~ ~'. _` ~y T J ,a .-.~ ~'x,~ ~ v ~: ~ F . .. .. ~~~ _,. T -"`- -`am - .. °a '~" _ ». ~ ~ ~ ` . .~" ~ y. ~-~ y.. .. ~fi ,.. .r.,.. ........wie::w ~ ~' ,. ~ ~e Post-removal conditions at Silver Creek temporary crossing location (EMH&T Inc., 4/12/2007) Off-site Sediment Deposition During an on-site inspection of the Silver Creek project on January 4, 2007, representatives of the DWQ and the Division of Land Resources (DLR) found that no sediment and erosion controls had been implemented for the project. The lack of erosion 4 fvETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC' Regnest, for Section X01 Antltori~ation/Nationtii~ide Perniil #?7 Sih~er Creek T'iolation Restoration Site 1 t f 1 Instream debris jam on Silver Creek, downstream from WRC project reach (EMH&T Inc., 4/12/2007) In order to quantify the amount of sediment deposition that has occurred off-site, WRC performed cross sectional measurements for approximately 375' downstream from the project terminus. Cross sectional measurements were taken approximately every 50' along the reach. At each cross section, both water depth and sediment depth were measured at 2' intervals. Figure 2 provides cross-sectional sediment measurement data, and Figure 3 indicates where each measurement was taken along the stream. Based on these measurements, sediment accumulation appears to taper off significantly approximately 375' downstream from the restoration project limits. The total volume of controls and disturbance to banks for restoration construction had resulted in increased sedimentation and turbidity both on-site and downstream from the site. The deposition of sediment has been exacerbated by areas of instream debris (fallen trees and other woody material), which slow the natural flow of the stream and allow a greater amount of sediment to fall out of suspension. Below are representative photos of the debris jams. Instream debris jam on Silver Creek, downstream from WRC project reach (EMH&T Inc., 4/12/2007) WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request, for- Section 401 Authorization/Nationh~icle Permit #27 Silver Creek Violation Restoration Site accumulated off-site sediment is estimated to be approximately 117 y3. The sediment is primarily comprised of sand due to the sandy nature of soils in the local watershed. PROPOSED RESTORATION Representatives from the DWQ, DLR, EEP, WRC, and EMH&T met on April 12, 2007 to discuss the Silver Creek NOV and determine the activities necessary to correct the unauthorized impacts to Waters of the State. It was decided that in addition to the formal application for Section 401 authorization, the following remedial measures would be instituted for the project. 1 1 1 i fl t Replacement Culverts in Unnamed Tributaries B and C In order to comply with DWQ General Certifications, WRC will remove the culvert pipes within Unnamed Tributaries B and C. The 20' culvert pipe will be re-set within Tributary B 20% below the elevation of the stream bed, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. The 40' culvert pipe within Tributary C will also be re-set 20% below the elevation of the stream bed. Figure 3 details the re-setting of culverts within Unnamed Tributaries B and C. In order to compensate for the culvert crossing replacements within Tributaries B and C, the portions of both streams from the downstream end of the culvert pipes to the confluence with Silver Creek will be stabilized and preserved within planted riparian buffers. Cattle exclusion fencing shall also be installed along these portions of the channels. The fenced buffers shall extend 25' from the top of bank. The stream channels within these fenced areas will be stabilized and the adjacent banks seeded with a native grass mix to prevent further erosion. Riparian plantings of native trees and shrubs will be installed as bareroot material on approximately 8' by 8' centers within the fenced buffers. This equates to 681 trees/ shrubs per acre. These plantings will blend with riparian plantings already planned as part of the restoration along Silver Creek. Final species selection will depend upon availability. Table 1 presents a list of potential species to be planted. 1 WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request for Section 401 A~ithori.ation/Nationtiti~icle Per°mit #27 Silver Creek- Violation Restoration Site 1 1 1 TABLE 1 Streamside Shrubs and Trees Shru b Species Scientific Name Common Name Alnus serrulata Ta alder Cornus amomum Silk do wood Cornus florida Flowerin do wood Photinia melanocar a Black chokeber Tree S ecies Scientific Name Common Name Acer saccharum Su ar ma le Fraxinus enns Ivanica Green ash Liriodendron tuli ifera Tuli o lar Platanus occidentalis American s camore Quercus albs White oak Conservation easements shall be established for the fenced buffer areas along Tributaries B and C in the same manner that easements were established along Silver Creek and Tributary A as part of the restoration project. Copies of these easements will be provided to the DWQ and the USACE. Figure 3 presents details for the stabilization, planting, and preservation along Tributaries B and C. Temporary Culvert in Silver Creek Mainstem Since the NOV was issued, the temporary culvert crossing within Silver Creek has been removed and the adjacent banks have been graded and seeded, as previously stated. Natural channel design techniques and riparian plantings per the EEP Restoration Plan (EMH&T and WRC LLC, 5/23/2006) have also been employed in this section of the stream as part of the overall restoration of Silver Creek. Off-site Sediment Deposition As discussed previously, cross-sectional sediment depth measurements indicated that sediment deposition tapers off significantly approximately 375' downstream from the restoration project terminus. WRC shall remove approximately 117y3 of sediment accumulation from approximately 375' of the downstream, off-site portion of Silver Creek as shown on Figure 3. WRC has obtained verbal permission from the trustee for the off- site property, Mr. Lawrence J. Kehoe, to access the site and perform sediment removal work. WRC feels that in order to successfully remove sediment from the stream, fallen trees and debris that are blocking the channel must also be removed. The debris will be lifted from the stream using cables and winches and removed from the immediate streamside. No equipment will enter the stream during this effort. Following the extraction of debris blockages, sediment removal will be conducted through the use of a vacuum pump and hose. A metal screen will be attached to the end of the hose to ensure that larger, desirable substrate (e.g. gravel and cobbles) is not removed from the stream bed. Collected sediment will be discharged into a containment area 1 1 WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Regtaest for° Section 401 Ai~thori~atio~r/Nations°ic~e Permit #27 Silver Creek ti'iolation Restoration Site surrounded by silt fencing, or into a truck bed lined with sediment fencing, to prevent sediment from reentering the stream system. Alternatively, sediment will be removed by hand labor using shovels. The sediment would be shoveled into an awaiting excavator bucket which will transport the sediment away from the site like a wheelbarrow. The excavator wilt at no time enter the stream channel. The sediment will then be removed to an appropriate upland area on-site and stabilized as shown on Figure 3. This area will be completely surrounded by sediment fencing. Removed sediment will be seeded to provide further stabilization. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE As previously stated, removal of the temporary culvert crossing on the Silver Creek mainstem has already occurred. WRC is prepared to initiate all other remedial activities, including corrections to the culverts in Tributaries B and C, stabilization, planting, and fencing of the downstream portions of Tributaries Band C, and off-site sediment removal, anytime on or after May 7, 2007 pending notification to proceed from the DWQ. MONITORING In order to evaluate the efficacy of remedial activities alon Unnamed Tributaries 9 6 and C, a monitoring effort will be conducted by EMH&T on behalf of WRC. Photographic documentation of the stabilization along the preserved portions of Tributaries B and C will be conducted annually for a period of five years. The riparian tree and shrub plantings will be visually assessed for survivability and any damage. Representative photographs will be taken of the plantings, and qualitative lists of observed riparian species will be generated. Annual reports presenting the monitoring information will be provided to the DWQ. The first report will be submitted at the end of 2007 with subsequent monitoring occurring annually through 2011. Our understanding is that these preserved areas must reach a density of 320 stems per acre by the end of the monitoring period. The areas will be planted to reach or exceed that goal, to be demonstrated through monitoring. Comprehensive vegetation and stream stability monitoring is already planned to be conducted annually along the restored portions of Silver Creek and Unnamed Tributary A for a period of 5 years post-construction, per EEP guidelines. CONCLUSIONS On behalf of Wetlands Resource Center, EMH&T requests authorization under Clean Water Act Section 401 for stream impacts associated with the Silver Creek restoration project. This restoration project is being conducted to generate mitigation credits for the North Carolina EEP to offset compensatory mitigation requirements within the Catawba 01 drainage basin. WRC had previously applied for and obtained approval under Nationwide Permit # 27 for stream impacts associated with the restoration. On February 19, 2007, an NOV was issued for the project by the DWQ. The NOV noted sediment impacts in Silver Creek both on-site and off-site downstream due to the contractor's failure to implement erosion and sediment controls. An underground storage tank had been placed in Silver Creek as a temporary culvert crossing. In addition, culverts were replaced in two unnamed tributaries to Silver Creek that were not part of the restoration effort. Grading, excavation and mechanical land clearing disturbance was also noted along the unnamed tributaries. 1 t ~~ 1 1 1 WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request foy~ Section 401 Ai~thori~atioy~a/Ncztion~~icle Permit #27 Sih~er Creek Violation Restoration Site Due to the unauthorized impacts that occurred on the site, the DWQ has required that this application for Section 401 certification be submitted. Remediation of unauthorized impacts as described previously will occur on or after May 7, 2007, pending notification to proceed from the DWQ. Post-implementation monitoring of stabilization, planting, and preservation along the downstream portions of Tributaries B and C will occur for a period of 5 years, with annual reports to be submitted to the DWQ. Li WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request for Section 401 Authorization/Nationwide Permit #27 Silver Creek Violation Restoration Site CITATIONS EMH&T, Inc. and WRC LLC. 5/23/2006. Restoration Plan for Stream Mitigation of Silver Creek and Tributary (Conway and Queen site). Prepared for the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 2728 Capital Blvd, Suite 1 H 103, Raleigh, NC 27604. Rosgen, D.L. and Silvey, H.L. 1998. Field Guide for Stream Classification, Second Edition. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, CO. United States Geological Service. Glen Alpine, North Carolina Quadrangle, 7.5 minute Series (Topographic). Map prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey. For sale from the U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia 22092. ~_ t 1 1 10 1 1 t WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request for Section 401 Authorization/Nationwide Permit #27 Silver Creek Violation Restoration Site APPENDIX A Original Nationwide Permit # 27 (USAGE Action ID: SAW-2006-40036-312) iJ 1 1 1 1 ~J 1 1 1 U.S. ARMY CORP S OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. SAW-2006-40036-312 County: Burke USGS Quad: Glen Alpine GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL, AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property Owner /Authorized Agent: Wetlands Resource Center Attn: Cal Miller Address: 3970 Bowen Road Canal Winchester, Ohio 43110 Telephone No.: Size and location of property (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): Silver Creek and Unnamed Tributary Restoration Proiect located apnrox 3 000 ft east of Dysartsville Rd and 2 500 feet south of_Patton Road SW of Mor anton Description of projects area and activity: Restore 4 5491inear feet of de raded sections of Silver Creek and an associated unnamed tributar utiltz~n natural channel desi n techni ues. The ro'ect will result in 4 4921inear feet of restored channel. A ermanent wood ri arian are at least 30 feet wide will be estabished. Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ^ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number: Nationwide Permit Number: 27 Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance wi the attached Nationwide conditions and your submitted plans. Any violation of the attached conditions or th deviation from your submitted plans may subject the pernuttee to a stop work order, a restoration order and/or appropriate legal action. This verification is valid until the NWP is modified, reissued, or revoked. All of the existing NWPs are 1 scheduled to be modified, reissued, or revoked prior to March 18, 2007. It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the NWPs. We will issue a public notice when the NWPs are reissued. Furthermore, if you commence or are under contract to commence this activity before the date that the relevant nationwide permit is modified or revoked, you will have twelve (12) months from the date of the modification or revocation of the NWP to complete the activity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide permit. If prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all new and/or modified terms and conditions. The District Engineer may, at any time, exercise his discretionary authority to modify, suspend, or revoke a case specific activity's authorization under and NWP. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Quality (telephone (919) 733-1786) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other ' required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Steve Chapin at 828-271-7980 x224. Corps Regulatory Official Steve Chapin Date: August 18, 2006 Expiration Date of Verification: March 18, 2007 Copy Furnished: Melissa Queen Darby, ENH&T, 5500 New Albany Road, New Albany, Ohio 43054 NCDENR-EEP, 2728 Capital Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604 ', WETLANDS RESOURCE CENTER LLC Request for Section 401 Authorization/Nationwide Permit #27 Silver Creek Violation Restoration Site 1 1 1 1 f 1 J 1 FIGURES 1 i~ 1 ~1 ~~ 1 a ;1 Evans, Mechwart, Hambleton S~ Tilton, Inc. Engineers • Surveyors • Planners • Scientists 5500 New Albany Road, Columbus, OH 43054 Phone: 614.775.4500 Fax: 614.775.4800 BURKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SILVER CREEK RESTORATION FIGURE 1: SITE VICINITY MAP N.C. ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRA M C M X X V I I Date: Apfll, 2~~7 Not To oc~- ~ -s a ~ a i K' V. t)C.NAM W 0" 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" L 12" CL 0 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" STREAM STA: 0+00 Horizontal Distance 16T2' 4' 1 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' Water Depth 1 0" 1 0' 1 6" 16" 15" 12" 9" 0" Sediment Depth 1 0" 14"12" 8" 9" 6" 0" 0" Accumulated Sediment Area = 8.17 Ft.Sq. 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' Horizontal Distance STREAM STA: 2+25 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0" 8" 8" 13" 11" 9" 12" 5" 0" i Sediment Depth 0" 5" 7" 9" 6" 6" 8" 14" 0" I � Accumulated Sediment Area = 8.88 Ft.Sq. 0" 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" L .-. 0 12 e 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' I ITI - - Water Depth 0" 19" 11" iAcc mul ted '€ 16" LM������ 8" 3"Sediment 16' Depth -�-- --I - 7" Lin I 9" 10" mm� Om s ME Accumulated 0" ORWA rav = 8.89 Ft.Sq. M mm O� MM }� IMIM =� a iii =01,10 r1m= =11 or MUM== I Ex. Etre m Bed I um� —-- -- — -- r-- --�— --T-- --€-- AMMM AM� 1 AXRM Mow ' mmm mono 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' Horizontal Distance STREAM STA: 2+25 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0" 8" 8" 13" 11" 9" 12" 5" 0" i Sediment Depth 0" 5" 7" 9" 6" 6" 8" 14" 0" I � Accumulated Sediment Area = 8.88 Ft.Sq. 0" 2" 4" 6" 8" 10" L .-. 0 12 e 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Horizontal Distance STREAM STA: 0+75 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' I ITI - - Water Depth 0" 19" 11" iAcc mul ted '€ 16" LM������ 8" 3"Sediment 16' Depth -�-- --I - 7" Lin I 9" 10" mm� Om s ME Accumulated 0" Sediment rav = 8.89 Ft.Sq. M mm MM }� IMIM =� a iii =01,10 r1m= =11 or MUM== I Ex. Etre m Bed I 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Horizontal Distance STREAM STA: 0+75 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' I ITI - - Water Depth 0" 19" 11" iAcc mul ted '€ 16" 8" 8" 3"Sediment 16' Depth -�-- --I - 7" 12" I 9" 10" 3" Om s ME Accumulated 0" Sediment HN = 8.89 Ft.Sq. M -. MM }� IMIM =� a iii =01,10 r1m= =11 or MUM== I Ex. Etre m Bed I —-- -- — -- r-- --�— --T-- --€-- AMMM 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Horizontal Distance STREAM STA: 0+75 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0" 19" 11" 20" 16" 8" 8" 3"Sediment 16' Depth 0" 2" 7" 12" 11" 9" 10" 3" Om s ME Accumulated Sediment Area = 8.88 Ft.Sq. 0 n 2 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" L 16" a 0 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 0' 2' STREAM STA: 4' 3+00 6' 8' 10' 12' Horizontal Distance 14' 16' 6' Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 0" 14" Water Depth 0" 14" 9" 9" 13" 14" 10" 8" 3" 0" 0" _=����� 0" Sediment Depth 0" 5" 7" 5" SUMWAM 9" 0" Om s ME Accumulated 0" Sediment FAMURM = 8.89 Ft.Sq. M -. MM }� IMIM =� a iii =01,10 r1m= =11 or MUM== ME go WOUVOM AMMM 1 Mow ' mono NAVA I =N 0' 2' STREAM STA: 4' 3+00 6' 8' 10' 12' Horizontal Distance 14' 16' 6' Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 0" 14" Water Depth 0" 14" 9" 9" 13" 14" 10" 8" 3" 0" 0" _=����� 0" Sediment Depth 0" 5" 7" 5" 2" 2" 7" 8" 9" 9" 0" Om s ME Accumulated 0" Sediment Area = 8.89 Ft.Sq. 2" 4" 6" 8" a 10" m 0 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Horizontal Distance 0" 1 2" 4" 6" L 8" 0 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" STA: 1+50 O to - I l 5 a. U2_ Horizontal Distance 0'�21 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0"" 7" 8" 8" 9" 5" 7" 0" Sediment Depth 0" 7" 1 8" 1 9"6" 4" 7" 10" 0" Accumulated Sediment Area = 8.67 Ft.Sq. n 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0" 14" 10" 10" Im mm���� mmmmvm 10" 3" _=����� 0" MENEM 5" 5" am=WRIMMEMMUM ��� �� EM Om s ME RM, EMM -. •' RIMEM ME go WOUVOM RM 1 ' mono NAVA I =N mm 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Horizontal Distance 0" 1 2" 4" 6" L 8" 0 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" STA: 1+50 O to - I l 5 a. U2_ Horizontal Distance 0'�21 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0"" 7" 8" 8" 9" 5" 7" 0" Sediment Depth 0" 7" 1 8" 1 9"6" 4" 7" 10" 0" Accumulated Sediment Area = 8.67 Ft.Sq. n — 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Horizontal Distance NOTES: — Cross Sections are from left to right looking downstream. — Stream Stationing begins at the end of the Silver Creek Project and proceeds downstream. — Total sediment accumulation in this 375' stream segment is approximately 117 C.Y. STREAM STA: 3+75 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0" 14" 10" 10" 13" 15"10" mmmmvm 10" 3" Sediment Depth 0" MENEM 5" 5" 3" 3" 3" Om s ME RM, EMM -. •' ME WOUVOM — 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Horizontal Distance NOTES: — Cross Sections are from left to right looking downstream. — Stream Stationing begins at the end of the Silver Creek Project and proceeds downstream. — Total sediment accumulation in this 375' stream segment is approximately 117 C.Y. STREAM STA: 3+75 Horizontal Distance 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' Water Depth 0" 14" 10" 10" 13" 15"10" mmmmvm 10" 3" Sediment Depth 0" 4" 5" 5" 3" 3" 4" 3" 6" Accumulated Sediment Area = 5.38 Ft.Sq. 0" . S7 2" 4" 6" 8" L 10" 0 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 20' 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Horizontal Distance 1 O M a o ` o ' } Q F m a z ~ t - z Q 0 m �a SW 2 `L a w �ZvUZ z 0 Z ¢ F- Z w > U W p U) a Z U) �C Q 0 n n W U W CC U W J CO) Z Z 0 it FIGURE 2 Downstream Sedimentation Cross-sections ,m������� mmmmvm LU RM, EMM m ME WOUVOM ' I =N 20' 0' 2' 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' Horizontal Distance 1 O M a o ` o ' } Q F m a z ~ t - z Q 0 m �a SW 2 `L a w �ZvUZ z 0 Z ¢ F- Z w > U W p U) a Z U) �C Q 0 n n W U W CC U W J CO) Z Z 0 it FIGURE 2 Downstream Sedimentation Cross-sections 1 ~~e ~~ .:` ~,.' 1 ~, ~; %~i ~i ,~~;'~ ,'~~ ~, ~~' ,, _. ~~ ~' ,~~; r~~ rF F,ric ~ ~ /,` ~,',,,,,~)~,~, ~,~~~,~~~,,'i ~;i ~~%~i ~; ;-~ ~+ j "~x ra~r,=-- '~ %%, T // %i; ;~,% ~ ..~ r.. ~.~., „~_. ~JSta ~,+ µ ~65Cac / \ /~a- ~ edV ~s ,, .~~, ~e., ~~, i ~ ~ ~' .---- i '~ ~~ i ~ -~ RESTORATION OF SILVER CREEK DOWNSTREAM OF EEP PRO ACT Scale: 1° = 80' ~/i y t~ r t'. r I:'. ,. 1 ~~~ ~ z` - _x. 7rrupl s_ .,atr-y ~;'~ Tem~orary Pump Prop. Sed Fence ;' Pipe; Culvert Replacement /Pump clean water; ~~~ (approximately 20') ; ~ I ~ around culyyr_L%' r~lacement a/re~a oso ct / ° ?~~eFa / Y y' . ~`.~ ~/ V `~ \--+ ~i. (Ta be removed) ;i ~,,,,; ~~, ., .-j,, ~~i;.~ .:~ '-i i i , ~,, , , i .~ . . ce Feo i ~;~ iT I ;,r, ~ ~R I r / ~I I7 I( ~ ~', 0o I , + / ~: ot~-ii5a ua. CHANNEL STABILIZATION DETAIL (SECTION A-A) Prop. Fence `My 6elwoee ma ehae be redmee to mat the odghtl tlewtion al Ue W am~9 9mda • # fiistig #mYlldJ # 25' Mh. Z5' lit j # Aron ehatl M nattee, eaeed and muldiea inmeaatdY after oonetnwtion. Rettig ehaN ocax bane m the plmthg tmle and epacig iilad IMOe. STORM SEWER CROSSING (SECTION B-B) eccae orlve ------ - _j~ ~_~ ~~I' I~~~ t I~l I Fxleeng akch Owed Fdl Eweeng Strwm (Unnanwa Tnb. B) ~ // Ewetiig OrowMJ RuPaed avert Rmlacewwrd (zoo ertEatla) PLANnNG usT Shrub Species Scientific Name Common Nome Ainvs semdata Tag alder Cornvs atnoYnwn Silky dogwood Cornvs Jkrida Flowering dogwood Phatinia tralanocarpa Black chokebemy Tree Species Scientific Nome Common Name Ater saredtarttm Sugar maple Prasinvs pennsyltanica Crean ash Liriodendron tvlipi~ta Tulip poplar Aatanus xcidentdis American sycamore Qa#reua alba Nhite oak All trees and shrubs shall be bare root materials planted on 8' centers. # Sediment removed from Silver Creek shall be mixed with existing sod in the spoil area and stabilized with seeding and mulch. # # Existing Unnamed Trbutary locations ore approximate and wdl 6e verified before the conservation easements are recorded. Notes: consWction should occur during a dry perbd when there is no flow from the pond outlet into Unnamed tributary B, and flow kr Unnamed Tributary C is minimal. FIGURE 3 Restoration Details a a r o ~ o a o c 0 3 N Q ~. Q = N mw ~ Q Q Z ~ 2 2 Q Q 0 oft dyJ~ ~o ~~ _~ Qo o~aZu~i zooZw >m ~m ~~ p~ U °Q Zo w Q W ~~ Y J mm W W w ~ U U '~ ~~ W 1 J_ }yry-~.~I~ i-I~ j~ (m ICI W o~i =~~a , E oE+^ ~~o ;?os f i~~° wP~~9 RESTORATION OF UNNAMED TRIBUTARY B Scde: 1° = 40' $~$TORATION OF UNNAMED TRIBUTARY C Scale: 1° = 4p'