HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101035 Ver 1_Emails_20090615Kulz, Eric i Sw ?? cv_e?k , Qs 0 cvi? c..e.. From: Kulz, Eric Sent: Monday, June 15, 2009 2:46 PM To: 'James.F.Shern@usace.army.mil' Subject: FW: Maynard Road Restoration Attachments: Dorothy Park STREAM AND GREENWAY-Layout1.pdf; Urban Stream Mitigation Guidelines Jan 2009.doc Jamie; We should give the Town of Cary and Stantec folks an answer regarding credit for the Dorothy Park reach. You and I looked at this several years ago. this was the linear park in Cary with no current buffer. They want 1:1 credit, but please note my concerns below. One possble solution involves the attached Urban Stream policy (Draft) which was written by John D. and I in January, and is in IRT review and will be included in the next version of the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Using the matrix included, sites with buffers greater than 30 feet but less than 50 feet and that do not include stormwater BMPs would get a one-quarter credit reduction (1.333:1 credit ratio). I feel some reduction is warranted since they are not getting full 50-foot wooded buffers, which we do give credit for. There is the possibility that credits from this site may be used to offset the loss of streams somewhere with the full buffer. What do you think? Eric From: Ruiz, Melissa [mailto:melissa.ruiz@stantec.com] Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 2:13 PM To: Kulz, Eric Cc: Fairley, Brad; Chapman, Amy; James.F.Shern@usace.army.mil Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration Eric, Thank you for your response. I understand your concern about homeowners - that is always a concern, I have even heard complaints at rural sites. As for the Dorothy Park restoration - it will actually be a priority 2 restoration where we will be cutting a new floodplain bench, changing the pattern, profile, and cross section, adding structures (and working with the large rock outcrop that exists in one part of the channel), and restoring native vegetation. The stream restoration takes full advantage of restoring function and habitat to the urban park; the park itself varies in width from 50 to 80 feet. The restoration design was created to save as many existing canopy trees as possible. The majority of the park will be naturalized with restoration of the understory and additional canopy trees to create a completely natural buffer on each side of the stream. We have included a 6-foot pervious surface path and grass strips for the adjacent homeowners and at the request of the parks and rec department. We feel these items will increase acceptance of the project (and prevent them from using their weedeaters!). In response to your comment regarding potential new stream mitigation guidance of a minimum 15-foot buffer, we have placed the greenway and grass strips outside of this 15-foot buffer (with the exception of two small areas that are unavoidable due to the location of the stream and width of the park). For the majority of the park, the restored buffers are actually 20-30 feet wide on each side of the stream. The grass strips are limited to less than 13% of the park and are only located between the street and greenway for the length of the park. Mature canopy trees are located throughout the grass strips and will remain after construction. As such, the grass strips and path together form a shaded park area that acts as a boundary to the naturalized area so that the public can still use the park without impacting the stream restoration. As you noted, credit is awarded upon successful completion of monitoring. We believe the open communication between the town and the public will lead to a successful project. Of course the Town of Cary can make frequent visits to the park and continue to educate the nearby property owners as to the benefits of the restoration. Before construction we want to make sure the project is something DWQ and the Corps would give credit for. We would like to see 1:1 credit since this project is a full restoration that optimizes naturalized buffers in the narrow space allotted in this urban landscape. Since we are under time constraints and not able to wait to meet with you when you are available at the end of June, I have attached a copy of the plan sheet for Dorothy Park. The naturalized area is shown in white with the existing trees in green, the grass strips are shown as green hatch, the path in light blue, and the new stream alignment in dark blue. We appreciate your comments. Melissa Ruiz Scientist Stantec 1 Ji 1ln Rol _ _ }t) r .'.! ' ;., 851-7,-)24 mruiz@ tantec_com stantec.com The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. el, Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Kulz, Eric [mailto:eric.kulz@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2009 8:04 AM To: Ruiz, Melissa Cc: Fairley, Brad; Chapman, Amy; James.F.Shern@usace.army.mil Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration Melissa The amount of credit to be awarded for this site will need to be determined by USACE and us. I am sure you know that the interagency Stream Mitigation Guidelines require a 50-foot wooded, undisturbed (i.e. with natural understory and ground cover) buffers. This is an urban system, and we have given some leeway in the past for narrower buffers. However, what you are proposing sounds pretty narrow. The Interagency Review Team is in the process of revising the Stream Mitigation Guidelines, and are looking at an absolute minimum wooded (undisturbed and unmanaged) buffer width of 15 feet to receive any credit. The science shows that buffer narrower than 15 feet have minimal water quality value. I am assuming we are talking about Enhancement 2 of this stream. If we were to give credit, it may be at a less favorable ratio than the standard 2.5:1 given for E2 projects. I suggest you get Jamie Shern in the loop on this and that we all site down to discuss. We would need to see plans describing exactly what is proposed. I would also point out that in the year+ since we did the site visit, I have seen a number of situation similar to the Dorothy Park scenario, i.e. linear park between two roads with houses along the roads. I have as yet to see a project that looks like the plans indicated. Every house owns a weedeater, and folks tend to take things into their own hands. Snakes, scofflaws and the likefrequent such brushy places I am told. So ultimately, your credit yield would be dependant on what the site actually ends up looking like, and not what you propose. Also, long-term maintenance of natural conditions are a concern. On many of these type of sites, they tend to revert to their previous condition after the monitoring is complete. It would be bad if after eight years, the property ended up looking like it does now, after time and money spent. And the impacts that the credits would be used to offset are certainly permanent. From: Ruiz, Melissa [mailto:melissa.ruiz@stantec.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 1:53 PM To: Kulz, Eric Cc: Fairley, Brad Subject: Maynard Road Restoration Eric, We are hoping to have submitted the permit well before your next available meeting dates. Instead of meeting, I have described our question/concern below. Hopefully that will be sufficient information for you to give us a response. Please feel free to call Brad Fairley 865-7381 or cell 637-2806 with any questions. You can also email either of us. Our question/concern involves the planting plan for the stream restoration in Dorothy Park. You may recall that Dorothy Park is a narrow parcel bounded by roads on all sides. The plan had been to fully naturalize this area to maximize the amount of buffer restoration. Some concerns were raised with this plan by the homeowners living around the park and the Director of Parks and Recreation for the Town. They would both like to see some turf in the park as well as a trail. We have proposed a 6' mulched trail which we discussed with Amy Chapman in the meeting this past Monday. As for turf, we propose narrow islands of turf understory adjacent to the roads. No turf would be planted in the understory along the stream. It should be noted that the turf areas will still have a woody canopy. Most of the turf areas will be located around the existing large trees located along the street. These changes are necessary to keep everyone on board with the stream restoration. As you know, these are some of the constraints that arise when restoring a stream in such an urban area. The Town would like to keep everyone on board as they are planning on starting a third phase that will include another 2,000 feet of stream restoration. The question is, will the addition of turf areas to our planting plan be acceptable? Will the Town still recieve full credit for the restoration in the park? If not we will not be including Dorothy Park in the project. Once again, pleae feel free to contact us at your convenience. Melissa Melissa Ruiz Scientist Stantec 8071 Jones Franklin Road Sint(: 00 Raleigh NC 27606 Ph (919) 865-7520 Fx, (919) 851-7024 fTJruiz@stantec com stantec.com The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. ?'f Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Kulz, Eric [mailto:eric.kulz@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 10:26 AM To: Ruiz, Melissa Cc: Chapman, Amy Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration Melissa; My next available date is monday 6/22. Other available dates are Friday 6/26 and Thursday 7/2. Eric From: Ruiz, Melissa [mailto:melissa.ruiz@stantec.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2009 9:30 AM To: Kulz, Eric Cc: Fairley, Brad Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration Eric, I hope you are feeling better. Brad and I were hoping to set up a new meeting with you as soon as possible to discuss the project, specifically the restoration in Dorothy Park. Please let us know if you are available next week on Tues, Wed, Thurs or Fri. Thanks, Melissa Melissa Ruiz Scientist Stantec es 1-z'amklin mead Suite 300 27606 7029 x: 1- 024 rrl~:-)tec.ccrn stantec.com The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. ?,r Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Kulz, Eric [mailto:eric.kulz@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 7:24 AM To: Ruiz, Melissa; Chapman, Amy Cc: Fairley, Brad Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration I have another meeting at 2:00, so if we are not done I will have to leave. Eric From: Ruiz, Melissa [mailto:melissa.ruiz@stantec.com] Sent: Monday, May 11, 2009 9:56 AM To: Chapman, Amy Cc: Fairley, Brad; Kulz, Eric Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration Amy, May 18th at 1 pm works for us - see you then. Thanks, Melissa Melissa Ruiz Scientist Stantec 801 Janes Franklin Road Suite 300 Raleigh NC 27606 Ph C' 1,, 865-7529 Fx: (' ? -1'11 c"')1-7024 stantec.com The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. iIf0 Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Chapman, Amy [mailto:amy.chapman@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 1:14 PM To: Ruiz, Melissa Cc: Fairley, Brad; Kulz, Eric Subject: RE: Maynard Road Restoration Melissa, How about May 18th at fpm or May 19th at ipm? Thanks. -Amy From: Ruiz, Melissa [melissa.ruiz@stantec.com] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2009 1:49 PM To: Chapman, Amy Cc: Fairley, Brad Subject: Maynard Road Restoration Amy, Thanks for responding to my call. I would like to request a meeting to discuss the second phase of the Maynard Road stream restoration and expansion of Higgins Greenway that we are designing for the Town of Cary. The greenway will be about 10 feet wide and will be within the riparian buffer. We wanted to discuss these impacts with you before finalizing designs and submitting the permit. I believe Eric Kluz has been to the phase 1 portion of the restoration. We are available tomorrow and then anytime the week of May 18 (preferably Mon 18th or Wed the 20th). You can reach me best by email melissa.ruiz(or),.stantec.com You can also reach me at 865-7529. Thank you, Melissa Ruiz Stantec Consulting