HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040026 Ver 3_Triage Comments_20070426.Date ~ _ Who Reviewed:. n. ~ ~/~ Dw~~~~~~ v 3 - '. . . Plan Detail7ncomplet® ~ - • ^ Please provide a Ioca#ion map for the project. ' C7 Please show all stream impa.ats including ali fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. ^. Flease show aII wetland impacts including fi11 slopes on the site plan. ^ Please indicate all buffer impacts on the site plan. ~ '°~ C1 Please indiaate proposed lot Iayout ea overlays an the site plea. r- . Please indicate the location of the protected buffe~•a as overlays on the site glen. I ' ^ •~ ^ Please Locate a1I isolated or non-isolated wetlands, •stroatus and other waters of the State as overlays o site plea• ^ Please protrlde cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage ^ Please locate any plannal•sewer lines on the safe plan. ~ • ~ ~-° ^ Please provide the location of any proposed stormwatAr management practkas as required by QC ^ Flease provide detail for the stormwater management practices as required by QC +-~/ t/ . ' ^ Please apacif~ Lilo percent of Iirgject iinperviouaness area based on the osdmated built-out conditIcns: . ^ Please~indicate all atntmwater~o~aue on the sitsgtat}. ~ . ^ Ploaso'indioato the diiiiasa flow provision measures do the site plan. ^ Please indicate whothar'•Qr not theproposed impacts already been oot~ducted. ' Avoidance,and/or Minimization i~ot Provided •~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' . • The Iaboled as _T„_ on tits plena dons not appear to be necessary. Please eliminate the . or grbvide additional • . ~ information~as to valiy it is necessary for this~project. , - • .'^, This Office believes that the labeled on the plans as can be moved, or reoonfigurod to avoid the impacts to the • ' . Please re~+ise the plans to avoid thq impacts.. ~ . ,~ ^. ~ This'O~oe befleves~that the . •labeled on dse plans es• can be moved or roc®tt$gured to ;minimize the impacts tQ'the . . Ploeso revise the plaits to minimize the impacts. ~ . The stormwater discharges at the location on the plena labeled will.not provide dii~so flow tbmugh the buffa~r because ~ . ' ~ ~ . Please tsetse the plans end provIdq calculations bo show diet dii~ise i~ow will be achieved through the entire buffer. ]fit • - is not possible to acbio`ro•diflbseflow duough.the entire bu~+r'thon it may bo nooessery'to~ provide stormwata managemtat • practlccs that remove nutrtents :before the stormwater can be discharged tlnsough the, b~tffa~. ~ , Ottier ~ ~ , ~ .. ~ .. . ~ ^•. The application fee was insuf6oi~t•becauso over 1~0 feet of stream and/or.ovrr 1 acre of wetlend'impacts were requested. Please ~ ' . provide ~ ,' 'This additional foe must ba received before your app~icat3pn can be reviewed. • ~ ^ Please complete Section(s) on the apg~iication. - ~'' ~ ., • ~ ^ Pleaseprovide s sued copy of the appHcation.' . ^ Please Iirovido _. copies of the application, . copies of •the site plans and other supporting infonnatton: - - . _ ^ • Pleaaasubmit electronic Cp,D files showing :.via; einei<l to ian.moarnillaii®ncm~il.net and CD: . ~ Mitigation ~ . ' ~ ~ ~ ' of compensatory ~ mitigation is required for this pioject.'Pleasopmvide•s compensatory mitigation plan.. The Ian must conform•to the ants in 15 A NCAC 2H :0500-and moat be appropriate to the typo•of impacts proposed. - ' P ~N~ . ' ^ Please indicato~whichi 404 Permit the USACE would use to authorize this project. '. .. •. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Oca~ 5 w~ ~r~ t~.C~e ~ , ~ - S S~.ou `n c ~~ Ure~'~ C.ov~ uc.~ t.c~ , ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ l~ ewe a ~ ~. Sib d v;~~ a„~ • ~,,~ P c~,,,~ ~ s b ~~ ` ~Q SS ~ S G~ ~11~3v i 0161%\ ~tGt• ~~~ ~ VW1 (~1~0 r_. .-bH- W ~ ~~ "~ r (/~d ~l ~ -. 110th ~ I i ~~b ~^ r ~ ~1R,S ~~- Q ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ae~ S