HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070713 Ver 1_401 Application_20070407 April 24, 2007 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Mail Service Center 1650 Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: Wilmington International Airport Perimeter Road Phase II TBI No. 3301-0401 To Whom It May Concern: 07' •0713 ~~~~~~~~ ~s®~~ Enclosed are two courtesy copies of the Pre-Construction Notification for the Phase II Perimeter Road at the Wilmington International Airport. The New Hanover County Airport Authority is seeking a NWP 18 to impact 0.028 acres of wetlands and 0.021 acres of US Waters (airport ditch). Please call me if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, my cane, P. . c: Ms. Julie Wilsey, Wilmington International Airport Ms. Jennifer Frye, US Army Corps of Engineers Q~c~~o~~D APR 2 5 2007 ya~ pEWR - WATLFt ~ TY ENGINEERING & PLANIMI~~~fAN~M2A ~CM WWW.TALBERTANDBRIGHT.COM 4810 SHELLEY DRIVE WILMINGTON. NC 28405 910.763.5350 FAX 910.762.6281 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA RICHMOND, VIRGINIA Office Use Only: Form Version March OS ~07•07~3 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing ~~~~~E~~ Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ~+®~ ® Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ^ 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 18 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check D lei ~ ~ u~~ II. Applicant Information ~2 Af'R 2 5 2007 1. Owner/Applicant Information (aE3VR - WATER 4UAlITY Name: New Hanover County Airport Authority / Ms. Julie Wi a~a~ sTCv/rca Ane ;~y Mailing Address: Wilmington International Airport 1740 Airport Boulevard Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Telephone Number:~910) 341-4333 Fax Number: (910) 341-4365 _ E-mail Address: jwilsey~a~flyilm.com _ 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Ms. Arny McLane _ Company Affiliation: ,Talbert & Bright Inc. _ Mailing Address: 4810 Shelley Drive _ Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 Telephone Number:~910~763-5350 Fax Number: (910, 762-6281 Updated 11/1/2005 Page 1 of 9 E-mail Address: amclane(a~tbiilm.com III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity m ap and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps maybe included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, 1:he USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of prof ect: Perimeter Access Road Improvements -Phase II 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): _ 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): R04200-001-025-000 _ 4. Location County: New Hanover Nearest Town: Wilmington _ Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): From I-40 East turn right onto Martin Luther Kind Blvd. for 3.1 miles. At 23rd Street turn right for 0.4 miles. Airport is on the ritht. 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet t1~1at separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 34° - 16' - 14" °N 77° - 54' - 09" °W 6. Property size (acres): 1620.8 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Smith Creek 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project site is the Wilmington International Airport.. The total airport area is 1600+ acres with 279 acres impervious/built-upon (including this Updated 11/1/2005 Page 2 of 9 protect). Land use outside property boundary is generally residential with some a ricultul-al and commercial. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be use-d: Construction of 10,400 linear foot of 16' wide gravel roadway including_ rading drainage improvements and placement of an ag regate surface course Typical construction equipment is expected to be used. 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: To complete the airport perimeter securit~ll- weather roadway for security checks of the perimeter fence by airport security~ersonnel per TSA regulations, to provide access to remote areas of the airfield for rescue equipment in the event of an emer~ency, and to enable airport vehiclular traffic to travel around the airport without crossing active runways or taxiways. This is a safety and security~roject _ IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USAGE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.LP. project, along with construction schedules. No permit was required for Phase I of the proiect. _ _ The followin>? Jurisdictional Determinations have been made to date for the Wilmington International Airport: _ 200200962 6/9/03 200400216 1 /23/04 _ 200400807 5/26/04 200400951 9/14/04 _ 200401259 9/29/07 _ 200500605 10/17/05 _ The following proiects at the airport have required permits from USAGE/DWQ• _ (A) Airfield Drainage Rehabilitation Phases IIIA IIIB and N (complete) - Issuance of "No Department of Arny Authorization Required" (Action ID 200300399 11 February 2003) _ (B) Runway 35 Approach Clearin (complete) _ _ -Issuance of "No Department of Army Authorization Required" (Action ID 200001610 :Z2 September 2003) _ (C) Airfield Drainage Rehabilitation Phase II (complete) _ - Issuance of NWP 18 (Action ID 200100810 29 June 2001) for fill of 0 O1 acres of wetlands (no mitigation requiredl _ - Water Quality Certification No. 01-0892 14 June 2001 _ ~) ILS/MALSR Proiect for Runway 6-24~complete) ~ _ -Issuance of NWP 39 (Action ID 200400216 16 September 2006) for fill of 0 0085 acres of wetlands. Updated 11/1/2005 Page 3 of 9 - Water Quality Certification No. 04-1231, 3 August 2004 _ (E) Runway 6-24 approach clearing. (complete) - Issuance of "No Department of Army Authorization Required" (Action ID SAW-2006- 40574-065, 5 September 2006) _ V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: 0.028 acres of fill in wetlands, 0.009 and 0.012 acres of impact to U.S. waters (ditch) for installation of culverts at two roadway crossings. 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, separately list impacts due to both structure and floodin~_ Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located within 100-year Floodplain ( es/no) Distance to Nearest Stream linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) A Fill Forested No +/- 10' 0.028 Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0.028 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 46.3 acres Updated 11/1/2005 Page 4 of 9 (isolated and jurisdictional) delineated to date. Does not include wetlands on Airport property along Smith Creek. 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Number (indicate on ma) Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial o~ Intermittent. Average Stream Width Before Impact Impact Length (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill. excavation. dred~in~. flooding. drainage. bulkheads. etc. Open Water Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Name of Waterbody (if applicable) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc.) Area of Impact (acres) B N/A Crossing Ditch 0.012 C N/A Crossing Ditch 0.009 Total Open Water Impact (acres) 0.021 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): Wetland Impact (acres): 0.028 Open Water Impact (acres): Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) .0.021 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. Updated 11/1/2005 Page 5 of 9 If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It maybe useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Alternate roadway alignment was chosen for Sta. 60+00 to 69+00 baseline `A' to avoid impacts to wetlands in this area. Roadway alignment was proposed as close to the Glide Scope Critical Area as possible for Sta. 23+00 to Sta. 25+00 to minimize wetland impacts in this area (wetland area A . No objects, including vehicles, are allowed within the Glide Scope Critical Area; also, FAA radin;; requirements in the critical area are very strin~~ent, precluding the roadway being constructed in this area. Ditch crossings (U.S. Waters impacts C &D) could not be avoided and still meet the purpose of the project. VIII. Mitigation -Not required DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. Updated 11/1/2005 Page 6 of 9 If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina (see DWQ website for most current version.). 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. No mitigation required. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://www.nceep.net/pages/inlieureplace.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federaUstate) land? Yes ® No ^ 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No Updated 11/1/2005 Page 7 of 9 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact (s uare feet) Multiplier Required Miti ation 1 3 (2 for Catawba) 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss Stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. The total Airport property is 1620.8 acres with 275.14 acres of impervious area (existing prior to this project) (a, 17.2% impervious. This project adds 4.08 acres of impervious area for a total of 279.22 acres (17.2% impervious). Updated 11/1/2005 Page 8 of 9 XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered. and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). (,(I ~ z~(07 Applicant/Agent' ignature Date (Agent's signature is valid: my if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Updated 11/1/2005 Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT 1 Location Map r ~w; ~~ e~ , a~ ~ H. __ ~ I ~ i r ~ f'~.' ti, I ~I ~' 's ~~~ / '~ , } ,,. ii .,~ ~~~~ ~ ~;, ~ ~°>. t I' II ~ ?F .. ! T _~GS ~ ~ ~I~ ~~~ ~r~~: ; t _:~~~. . ~-~ - ~~. 5'' ~ ,l , ~ti1~ S. S y t~ ~ ~ ~ it ~ ' ~i j' f l,, ~%, ~ { i J y~ r ~ / ~`'Fi. i ail`, ~9. tle ~a`iVf1B m ~'Vilmington International _.~ ' ~ Airport la P~ __ `` nn~ l ~~`` ~~ i~minc~tc~n Ir~ternationa~ ~ir~art ~ILIE~~ I~ev-r Hanav~r QUnt~r, I~c~r~h Carolina ° 7 • 0 7 i ~ ~~~ Fi re 1 0 0.5 1 2 ~ Location Map ATTACHMENT 2 Selected Project Plans CONSTR PERIMETER ACC WILMINGTQ! WILMIIdG NS FOR ~r•a~~s PROVEMENTS AIRPORT )LINA -~ _ ~. ~~. cASnc "A"~ PENDER COUNTY WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL "'~ °'~'° AIRPORT BRUNS'MCK COUNTY ~ 3~ d e CAROLINA BEACH NEW'MANOVER COUNTY ~~ NOT TO SCALE PROJECT. VICINITY TAP WG-Na~nds 1m~a-~" `t~u~ --'~ LIST OF DRAWINGS DWG. N0. TITLE OF DRAWING DALE Al TI1LE SHEET JANUARY 2007 A2 SAFETY PLAN ~ JANUARY 2007 A3 PLAN SHEET LAYOUT, PROJECT CONTROL AND GENERAL NOTES JANUARY 2007 GI LAYOUT, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN (SHEET 7 OF 8)'. - JANUARY 2007 G2 LAYOUT, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN {SHEET 2 OF B) JANUARY Y007 G3 LAYOUT, GRADING AND DRANAGE PLAN SHEET 3 ~ - JANUARY 2001 G4 LAYWT, GRADING AND ORAkJAGE PLAN -(SHEET 4 aF 8) JANUARY 2007 G5 LAYWi, 6RA[pNG AND DRAINAGE PLAN (SHEET 5 OF 8) JANUARY 2007 G6 LAYOUT, GRADING AND I]RAINAGf PLAN (SHEET B OF 8) JANUARY 2007 G7 LAYOU>;.GRADING. AND DRAINAGE PLAN SHEET 7 OF B) JANUARY 2007 G8 LAYOUT GRADING ANDDRAINAGE PLAN-(SHEET 8 OF 8) JANUARY 4007 WI PROJECT AREA WETLANDS - JANUARY 2007 Pi ROADWAY PROFLE - BASELINE A (SHEET 1 OF.3) JANUARY 2007 P2' ROADWAY PROFLE - BASELNE A (SHEEI:2OF 3) JANUARY 2007 p3 ROADWAY PROFILE - BASELJNEA (SHEET 3 DF.3) JANUARY 2007 P4 ROADWAY PROFILE - BASELINE B JANUARY 20D7 D1 .FENCE DETAILS JANUARY 2007 D2 ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION,. VEHICLE PULL-OUT, AND FENCE DETAILS JANUARY 2007 D3 SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTR01. DETAILS JANUARY 2007 X1 CROSS. SECTIONS (SHEET 1 OF 2) JANUARY 2007 X2 CROSS SECTIONS (SHEET 2 OF 2) JANUARY 2007 ~~ ty~ F '_J n FNrI B 'a i n ~~ # E ~/ 9 W ~ o a MWM°~~~ h+~l ~ " 9b C'' ~ Z W ~ ~ o a a > p ~ ~ a cJ oZ o_ W W Cn ~ Z ~ 0_Q .. Z NS a W H Z~ v O Q t- z ~ ~ W W a ,uNUUrY 2007 NO SCA1E COM A@I1/JMN DT- 3~01-0101 Al . T . y~ -, ,r ~. ~~ ~ ~ .!s ~ 1 .~ ^ PROJECT CONTROL POINTS. AND TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS POINT DESCRIPTION NORTHING EASi1NG ELEVATION ~ ~ ~~( ~ * • t, CONTROL PRIMARY AIRPORT CONTROL 189757.9700 2332698.4680 26.29 [~} ~ f~" R ~ o i ~ ~ POINT NCGS ILM A ~ H f • , ~ I ;,,wJ o W ~ ~ ~ \ ~• • ~ ~ ~~ P~TTROL SECONDARY AIRPORT CONTROL 191386.8580 2329009.2134 29.12 ~ 4/ ~ ~ • NCGS AIRPORT RM 4 ~ ~ € • ~ ';t ,'11 1 , • j N ~ r ~ TBM #1001 MCE -IRON ROD/CAP 194102.8270 2328822.8431 28.54 p~ A APdNr 5~ '1 • ~, ~' ` ~ TBM #3002 NORTHERN 80LT ®TXWY LIGHT 191911.1586 2333972.4312 2D.23 " ~ ~ TE A17 ~, ~~ ~,.T ~ , • • •• TRACTOR ;~ ~1 ~ ` • \ ~ M . A TBM X3003 IRON ROD/CAP 192846.4453 2335950.7745 16.11 ~ ~ STA '~1 ~ W ~ ~I 1' ~ 1 h'i ~ 1 ~* S~E7 ~ ET c4 TBM X3004 IRON ROD/CAP 194907.5608 2337433.0413 29.47 jW~ ~ ~ o W 1, ~,~ ,4 \ • ~ TBM X3005 R/R SPIKE IN ASPHALT 194794.4185 2335184.8151 22.95 MCI ~ ~ ~~ + s, ',1 ~~"'z ~ ~ /~ BASELINE CONTROL H ti 1 , f SI~Er / CJ I , ,~~1 , fIEYATIQN 7295 p0 /1001 BASELINE DESCRIP110N NORTHING FASTING BASELINE A STA 10+00 191981.5862 2333910.0736 BASELINE A STA 95+73.75 194029.5652 2334711.0352 BASELINE 8 STA 10+00 193570.8521 2326686.1245 BASELINE B STA 28+63.46 195311.8553 2328911.3678 4 ° ti / ~ BdON ROD/C4P i8M NDE fODt I `y ' '~ ~ ` T ~ ` N 191907.5808 E?J2BB?2$131 1 , ®i1 , ~ ~ ` 1 • / % f' E7tYA7QV 2&~CI AE'VARAY YR54 t , ~ ~ • ~ / z o ~ + ~ / CONRtACTG4 a `c 1 t ` , , ~ ~ pd : '-+T~r ~~ ACCEa'S' GENERAL PROJECT CONTROL NOTE Y ~ >t 1~ ~; ~ / ~ ROJECT BASELINES SHALL BE SET ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF THE PROPOSED GRAVEL ROADWAY. BASELINES SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ° o p St{ ~ , , f • // / ~ ~ SI HORIZONTAL CONTROL SET IN THE FlELD AND INDICATED ON 1HE PLANS AS NAILS AND IRON PINS. M f(~J o , ~ X / 2. TICAL DANM IS NAVD88 BASm ON NCGS MONUMENT AIRPORT RM4, LOCAtED ON THE WILMINGTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, ~ ~~, 1 , ~T f SNP ~ ~ ~ INGTON, NC. TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS HAVE BEEN PRONDEG IN THE PROJECT MEA TO ESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL • ^ ,'1 ~ ~ '~ 1 • / / ~ 1 • BASELINE ' ' RlCd? TO COMMENgNG CONSTRUCTON AC11V1TIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE HIS SURVEYOR RUN A LEVEL LOOP USING THE • j~ - `.' ~ ~ ~ / / Sl$ET G? CT BENg1MARNS AND PROJECT TEMPORARY BENCHMARKS AND CERTIFY CONCURRENCE WITH THE BENCIiMpRK ElfYp110NS PR011DED. b TRACT SHALL MAINTAIN ANO PR01'ECT ALL BENgiMARKS DURNJG CONSTRUCTION. COST FOR SURVEY SHALL BE INCLUDED IN COST Q. ~ ~1 ° 1 '1 ~ ` ~T + / C % / ~ ~ S N DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE EXISTENCE OR LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION THE o ` ,~' ~ ~ 1RACTOR SHALT. BE RESPONSBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY AGENCIES FRANCHISED TO SERVE THE SITE AREA ~ J 1 ,~, , ~~ ~ ~ i / / / ~--I^y ~ E n~ OCAi'E, PROTECT AND RESOLVE ANY CONFLICTS WITH E%IS11NG UTILITIES AND SHALL REPAIR, AT HIS OVM EXPENSE, ALL UTILITIES G ` ~ - ~ ~ ELE1'ATKW 18.11 GED DURING CONSTRUCTION, rc '1 1 ; ` ` ~ - / / ~ / I C~ITRAClT1R 5 E%1S11NG CONDITIONS BASED ON SURVEY PERFORMED BY MCKIM 8 CREED DATED MAY 2004, JUNE 2004, FEB. 2005, AND MARCH 2006. 1 L ,T , I • A / / / •r TAgNG/SIOQYPYLE I- U,' ~'• \ / / / / ~ 1 ~ s AREA z W .NCGS AM~C44T RAI 4 r\, ~, ~ ''~ ~ / / ~ ~ w ~ Z N 18}188.8580 , , \ .,,1 1 / Q~ / / ^ _ _ O ~ Q' NEINETT t1t t ~ • E 1328009.7t'.;~~ ,~= fIEY 28 J2 ' ` 1 / / ~ ~ ~~ GRADING AND DRAINAGE NOTES Q 0. ~ Q 1 / / - ~ 1. SUITABLE EXCAVATED SOIL MATERIALS SHALL GENERALLY BE REUSED ON-SIZE. TOPSOL SHALL BE STOCKPIlFO ON-STE IN 1HE Z Z O _ ~ W 1 '~',, `~,; / j STAGING/STOCKPILE AREA MEDICATED ON 1FMS SHEET fWi REUSEON ROADWAY SHOULDERS ALL DELEIERIWS OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL O z ' ENCOUNTERED SHALL BE REMOVED ANO DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE. F Z Q ~ `~ + ~~ 1~ / / ~ / NEv ear a ra9wAr ixxlr Z ° ~ ~ } ~ TA10wAY AWI LIST LfOMIT ~' 2 ALL Ek1STMJG VEGETATION, ORGPNIC-LADEN SqL AND TOPSOIL SHALL BE STRIPPED TO A DEPTH ~ 12' FROM AREAS WHERE TFff GRAVEL ~ O Q Q j~ y1 ~ ~` / / 8 6ffO1'9EM'OMfMRVTAREI ROAD WILL BE CONSTRUCTED. AFTER STRIPPNG 1HE CONTRACTOt STALL PROOFROlJ. THE END SUBGRADE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ~ ? to S J / `z` ~ j / ~ TWY'f" N 191911.1588 ENgNEER AND THE PROJECT GEOTECfkiICAL CONSULTANT. 1HE CONTRACTOR SiAl1 PRONDE LADOR AND EkUIPMENT FOR PROOF RgLNG. UPON z ~ W a C) 1 b ~ trY ~ D ~ _ `~,', , E?JJ3972iJ12 COMPLETION OF THE SUBGRAOE EYALUADON, THE CONTRACTOR SHAl1 PROGfID MAMEDIATELY WITH PLAgNG FlLL (BORROW EMBANKMENT) ~ U F-~Z ~~ t ~~• I ~ 1,'~ ~ ` / - B1EYA71AV TQ21 MATERIAL TO THE ELEVADON OF THE PROPOSED GRAVEL ROAD SUBGRADE - _ p Q w Q ~ ~ / r~{,~~ /` ~ ~~ : 3. DEIYATEPoNG OF E%CAVATIONS, AS REWIRED, IS PART OF THIS PROJECT AND SHALL MICLUDEWEIL POINTING IF NECESSARY AT NO Z ~ = J ~ fyjtt8y848B0 _ ~ ADDI.TIONAL COST TO 1HE OWt~R. (SEE PROTECT SPEgAL PROwSKkiS). ~ ~Q ~ / ` F}FYARON ~'~• ~ ~ 4. CONTRACTOR -STALL-ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN POSD4E DRAINAGE AT ALL TIMES. STORM PIPES, DITCHES, SWALES. AND STRUCTURES SHALL ~ / / ~ x 'F , V - ~ BE CLEAN OF DEBRIS AND ERODED MAIEfDALS UPON CCMPLE110N OF CONSTRUCTON. ~ Z ~ / / f ,...~»~~~ `~`~,~,, , / / / ~ T, ~ Idles _ ~~' ' S. THE FlNE GRAINED SgLS ON'THE PROTECT STE ARE SUSCEPDBLE lb PUMPMJG AND DETEPoORATION UNDER THE COMBINADON OF HEAVY ~ Q z / /' CONSTRIICDON IRAFfIC (ESPEgALLY RUBBER TIRED VEHICLES) AND f%CESS SURFACE MgS1URE. IT SMA1J. BE THE CONTRACTORS ~ 0. d O .• I • / / / 1 1 i RESPONSBILITY TO ACDVFLY CONTROL SURFACE RUNOFF AND GRWNDWAIER AND TO EXERCISE DISgtETION IN SELECTING EWIPMITET TYPES k Tl / ~ I ~ SZES AND N SEWENCE FMS OPERATONS 50 AS TO MINIMIZE DETERIORADON OF EXPOSED SUBGRADE SOILS. IT SHALL DE THE CONTRACTOR'S ~ ~ / ~ / , ', RESPONSBILITY TO-REMEDY ANY SUCH DETETiIORADON WTDCH MAY OCCUR TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER. NO ADDITIONAL 11ME OR ~. , / COMPENSATION WILL BE ALLOWED FOR WET C~IDg1S ARISING DUE TO THE CONTRACTORS FAILURE T'0 PRONDE ADEWATE CONTROL OF SITE ~ ~^ / / ` . 1 I I CONDIDON$ .p~ H ~ROZ~` 1~£'s4 ~~ CORH~ ~' / / 1 ~ ~°i Y ` 6. ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE STABWZED (PAVED), SHALL RE FlNE GRADED TO DRAIN, DRESSED W11H 4' OF TOPSOIL FROM ON-SITE ` C Ofd h ,' N MQ8i11,9570 / % ~ Y ~ STRIPPING OPERATIONS, AND SHALL_RE SEEDED AND MULCHED. THE CONTRACTOR STALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ESTABLISHM€NT OF A GOOD % f ?J?878Sp,~,Tt/ / ~ / STAND OF PERMANENT CRASS6. 0 EiEYAR4W ? / ~ /// 7. ALL NEWLY CONSTRUCTED ROADSIDE SWAlES AND DITCHES SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH EXCELSIOR MAIDNG AND SEEDED AS SOON AS CINEL' . ~, / ` / 1 O ~ / ~ EXCAVAlIONIS COMPLETE TO MINIMIZE EROSION. 5•`~HFR G~ ~ ' Y °.~,n~ ~ / ~ I' / "'~ ~ ~ 1 ~ \ ` ~ 8. ALL STORM DRAIN PIPE SHALL BE CLASS IV REINFORCED CON(X1ETE PIPE WI1H RUBBER 0-RING GASKET TYPE JOINT'S. EACH JOINT SHALL BE ~ I / Y / I / 1 1 ' ' --~ „ WRAPPED WITH A GEOTEXDLE FABRIC Date / , - ~,~ OCTOBER 2006 / / ` ~ 9. THE UNIT PRICES FOR ALL DRAINAGE PIPE AND STRUCTURES SHALL INCLUDE E%CAVAlION, DEWATERING AS NEEDED, ;y57 STONE BEDDING, Scde ` / , i 1 1 ~ AND SAND BACKFlLL. T.'~, /• ~ ~ . / /,% ~ 1 ore~a / .~ ~~~~ , ~ 1D. WHERE 1HE PROPOSED ROADWAY TIES i0 EXISTNG PAVEMENT, THE NEW ROAD SHALL MATCH THE GRADE OF THE E%ISTING ROADWAY. ALL cul r:>~ ~\ ~•v 1 ~ ~ PAVEMENT SURFACES SHALL BE SWEPT TO KEEP GRAVEL OFF THE PAVEMENT SURFACE. q„q„~ ABx ~ .a /,// ~ / "y,, ~ ® ~ 71. PRIOR TO COMMENgNG ANY EXCAVATION ACTINTIES, CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. NO SEPERATE PAYIAENT proms xo, C J ` WILL BE MADE FOA LOCATION pN0 PROTECTION OF THE EXISTING UTILITES, ALL COSTS ASSOgATED N1TH LOCATING AND PROTEC110N OF aTO1-0401 / / / ,~-~,~ / ~ { ~' \ ~ ~ UTILITIES SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE LUMP SUM COST FOR'MOBILIZADON'. I v /• / ~~ ` ~ 1 \ WO 250 0 500 1000 150D s6xt xo. "~ // ~ ~-' ~ \ `~ SCALE IN FEET ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A3 1 \~ ` ~ 1"=500' ~~•~~13 GENERAL NOTES; / //// /~ // / avo~kAMUOESwu~ / ~ '~ orasYURe 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE ~ ~ / ~ / STA Jt.JB, 20.00' LT, ~ ~I i ~~~ ~ LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES / r// /, / aPPROItlMA1EtDCA11LW / 91v~~ ~ 1 ~~~s M41 MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL i / / GLIDE SLOPE PDNERr1(ND ~TAU, NEW J21F, pU,IL PROTECT UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL /~ , ~' /~ / / ~`' ,CABLES 24"SRO PIPE, ~0.0TJ FT/FT, `~ ~ ^ ` _ ~ ~ d IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE ~ . " ~~ ~j ;/ % / CAllTlCM NN ~ ~Dn~oN~pV2EAlJI PIPE ~\~) ~ CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE i // / / , THE wr~4TY a' cA~ES / ptly ,ry ,; ~ 1 ~, ~ ~ MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND r ~ / % / ~ / / MTV. WT f 8. L / `~ J` ~ N ~ z a PROTECTION. .. .. ~.,.~.~ ~. ~ /" %/ / / ~ GLIDE SLOPEAfjTENNA .,I/..`..~ / ~..25fi00'r~ ~ `~ S ~/ AND EQUIPM~Ni SHEIIER - /~ ~ C ~ :~ ~ ~ E 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN . / / i / ~ - - - ' /" ®~ ,,.;; W ~ ~ ~ THE VICINITY OF THE WORK. ,./ / ~ -'` ~ - Do / % W_ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF INSTALL NEW 24 lfr 1$' RC / / / / {' /~G I E SLOPE ~ ~~NEEjEAr,r• / " ~ ~ ff a NorE; ~ / CONTROL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS ~ ~~~ ~ / /. ~~~ SEES,. / ~'~ •23*~0 // -~"","•` r ` o . ` W ~ _ ~ / DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, SECTION ONP~E Erb. / / '~ A~<% ~I - ~ \'s.~ +'. W M o AND MARCH 14, 2006. / 974. Mi =11.95 / /' / ~ ' ~ !+i // INV. WT ~ 11.8fY ~ , ~,tAp ~ '~,,,.;/'y , , , ~' y // /r/ ~ E~aAT1q = f2~/ '/ / P / ~ ~~ ~ ti,,,ns~~ J,,.r'`, ~ / ,/!ii ;~ i ; '' ~/ ~/j ~ / ' ~~ I J ~ ## r i U k' // / / ~ ~ \ ~ a //l/ rj l'il ' r ', d // ~,' ! ~ ~ ~, , .~.~.~. '.~. ... .... P.~. // ~~r/7~ 4• / :%" ~' ~iFGPI£72'CULVFRTS .,1r~.~ ~. ,]! /: ~~ r -,/ / > / 9JV. d40' ~J?~ // ~ .,~ . r1. i /l.'/ ca ~ / / / j ~^"~ EN. INY. 295 ~Mk"RAND AREA 1D BEttWD ~r / ~ / r ~ ~ ~ ..~.. ... ... ... ~ .. F 16' WIDE ~ i / EX. IMV. d62 ~~ r . /, 't r s ~ ~ PERMITTED OISNRBAFICE ~. ~ ROAD ~ "/~ ,, / ./ a,, RDADwaY DDNSTRUCneN AcnwTAx ~% ~ , ,~,-.' OMRACrOR LS PROHIBITED FROM EXiS11NG // (vP ./ ~/~ .'! i / ~ '; is ... ~ ENTERING THE RUNWAY SAFEtt AREA Ai V~ / ~ ! / / ®i ~ , / i r ...ANY TIME WHEN WORK IS OCCURRING IN ... .. / P p0'/ ~ ,. ,, ! ~ f"( / ' , /ij ~ ~. i / /~ ~~ INE ViCIN/R' OF THE SAFETY AREA THE / ~ 6X ~ / / // bNTRACTOR SHALL CLEARLY NARH THE r/ ~~~ , ~ / ~ ', J ( /,/// //% %/r! ~ %~/ ~ .. .. SAfE'Tl' AREA UMIiS wml PM F1AC5 OR .. ... © / P ,/ ~ ~ r~ CONTRACTa7 SNAIL NOT ENTER AND REMA91 ~ '/ ~ / ,// '/ / / //'~/ ~ r ... .. .. WOODEN STAKES SO AS i0 ENABLE HIS ~ ® ,/ ~ ~ / ' aEAR 0P i!9? RIWIN'AY SAFETY AREA AND fAJDE ' 'i / ; r i% i'r / / ~ r /` I / f~~/; ~ _ PERSONNEL TO AWID fN1ERING THE ZJO / /P /, / SLOPE CRInCaI AREA AT ALL nI1ES. F1AC5 r ~~'i ///N' /' ~ ~ r~j/// o SAFETY AREA. / ~j`~ // t' SNAIL BE PU(ED ALQNC llff IY~CTS OF liE' r ~ 1 % i'//~ i / i/ // ! ! y'/ ~;~~ /~ cp ~ J ~ REg1WED WI1HW RTE.. RU'IWA SAFETY AREA Q4 i ;' i i / / /'/ //~ // / i/~ r w~ / / .~y"/j ~ J clmE s.OPE peTICAL AREA SHAIL BE ~, ,/ r/AREA 10/i ,r / rr,X, - , . , / 000ROWAIID MnF nff aIW~ER. 9/ /. r/ y,/ / / / % , F ; ; .,,. / / /~ ~ / f wsraLL saT FENCE ` j ' ' //, ' /% ~ ,; , ... ..... ..... ,/ /~ .' , ~ ~ it//iii ~~'.~/r% /i'//~.. r% ~ d ~..~ ~...~. ......._. ~. FAPPROXMIAn: aF' / .%/~e'7i r .' /// / / / r ~; ~/? r/%% ~/'~/r /r~ /r / ~ ~ d.~.. CONiRAMMCT~~p.. ~~ , ~ / , UIM15 OF CONSIRUCTIa1 / r / // r / /~/ k' rs, / / / ~ :. t ' rCAUnTHEA1HC~' OF CABLES . % / ~~ f /' a/ // / /~'~ 1 / / / ... .... ... / /j /.~ / i / // } UNE TABLE UNE LENGTH BEAPoNG L1 761.08 7 l2 544,51 l3 58&76 1 Leo no4 45 l21 26.48 7' CURVE TABLE CUR1~E LENGTH RADIUS ANON CI 4251 J00.00 2129 a 14282 500.00 72,65 CO 1J6.88 150.80 74.94 CIB 64.67 56.00 36.J0 /// i r/r///r~/ir//% /err % /:/ i rr i;//. _., ~ S ~'e" / /i ~/ /fi / r/ / a ~'//~ti/i,//// r~j~//ri/. J.r ~~/r/~////~'/// a ~ ~~ ~ /i ~~/ii /// /r / , r~ /~// / /, 'r / //~ f%~r~~/,r/i //%% /ir~ ~i. ~/~/ ,r,/~i Q V ~ 0 r /,///i /~/ /i / / j/i//r ~ Q - d .. .~.~ j /,~0 / vTr 7 - , r '// /~~/ j/i'//i~/r Sri".%/i ~'r :/I% k~/ / ~// r' Q O U w .. .. //~ / / ~ / /% / / i r ~~'; ~/i/fyij/~%r%%i"/rii f/ ~//,/ ~r%~~/ i/, z r- K U7 (,~ W / / :/ ~ / r / r / / ~ / r K L7 Q / / /. // / / %/ r/ / / / r / W / / /f ~ / /i~ f ~ - _ / ~ / / r n% /ir / ~ i r/ a, / / / r U j rr ~ °~//' /~/~/~j~ / 1 ~r ;//r,/.~/i//.//i/ ~i~' ~//iii! z~ V d~ Y ~/ / i , `r / /~ / / / /r J / ~ y J i~'7&74, 74' / " tih v 'Yi ~ 5 j6// f x ~ d ~ I / ' '~'' ! /' i /f/ SO 25 D 50 100 150 . . j/ '. I / y" ~ ,r /~~/~ // ////% x ~ SCALE IN FEET ~ %. ~C,~~'E~ Y~ c' ~.' / . ~ I SHALL INSTALL I i p 02 ~r //j AOROBS ru9waY ~• I LEGEND ,-7 GINTk ' ~ ~ / ' J/// ~~D~' ~ - -2z- -EXISTING CONTOUR "---- PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE .( tt '~~~J .. ~ 1 ///i war nE w ro ExunNC - /` . 1 j//~/// PA4FFMENr .. .. BEdN 9ASELINE A _ / ~ ~ ' f70N iRUC IBM /3002 NORniERN BOLT ®TAXlWAY LIGHT ~ T1ON, STA lO+OG; ROADWAY'9HAU: AIA1g4 '" TAA7WAY NOl£MBER CAST LfGHT . E'rAMNDIY.'E0.P..' ' ' BEFORE MOVEMENT AREA " . EkEVA1NJN..... .. N 191911.1588 ,, . r v . E 23J3972,4Jf2 + / . g... VARON 20.23 . .. ......... .. 9~,~... ~. ,L ~ 8Y x - ~ ~ ~ - PROPOSED DRAINAGE DITCH ~.~. EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE ~ /' p~~ s" l FLOW oIRECnoN daNUARr 2007 _ _ EXISTING FENCE scae CHECK DAM ~ X t~~50~ I _ E%ISiING FAa CABLE , wmm ®~ RIP RAP OUTIET PROTECnON _.._.._.. _. ~ x O P ~ CULVERT INLET PROTECTION ® SILT FE ~ IBM/JMM '~- NCE ProJecl No. CONTROL POINT -SURVEY NAIL SET ~ ~-~ I BENCHMARK/TEMPORARY BENCHMARK ~ NETLANDS ( M"' ~r~\ ,L Sheet. Na. ll 1 x r`-~..,,-., EXISTING TREEUNE pROPOSEO GRAVEL ROAD P KEY' MAP I ' V I I F- W W 2 (n W W (n ~., Z J U F- Q ~~ ~.~. .~ ~ \ / ~ ,h ' / , `, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ F,% / ~ ~ = ~, ~~ ~ 5P~/ / ~~~~ !~ / ~ i '' / ~ / / /// / ~, j, ~\/ j/~ i f ~ y ~/~ ~` j // ~~. ~ ~ ~. -- . f ~~ L~ 1 ~-. / ~- ~ __ \ ~ !' , ,.~ ~•~~ ~~, / / ~~~ \ \ '. `` ~ j .~ ~ G~V%V%/i~ ij ~ ~%j~ _ _ ~ ~1/ / /,~ ~~^' lr - ~ /~ ~~ C ,~~,V A~ n ODHSTRtiCifON A4rM1fES. MATCH LINE -SEE SHEET G3 CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB METI.AND AREA 20 BEYOND PERNITIED OISIURBANCE DURING ~, ~' ~ ~ ROAD~110N AC1IhAES. o. of Z Ar~-~3 AREA STA 37 3414' LT. ARFA ~2 ,,%, ,. ; ; ;> i i , i ~ ~, f ! _~~ ' !' i ' ~ CDNIRICTDR SHAD. NOT ~ ~ DISTIL WEiWR) AREA 12 ~ 1 WANG ROADWAY CQVSTRUCTION ACTiVITPS. i 1, ' ~ ; ~? ,, ~. x. 1STINC COWTRACTpR'S ~ AVEL ACCESS wsrau sur FENCES I, ,~\ ~~ ®'• ~. 1P TO EJOSDNG ROADWAY ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • • BEDIFI DRAk1AOE SCALE; ~ \ a t '"I'`'% STA 3J+50, 18.00' LL ~ ~ _- ~ ~ t 1rn 15.0 ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~\ ..'r.>fiA. \ -15- ~. j ( ~~~. / !! , J~~ ! ~~ ~` ~~ a ryx ,,r, ~/ ~F ~ ~ •~ ,~~ ~ ~ / t'~ii viii ~/fj 1111 i//, l~ •~ / ~ ~ ~~i~ .~ iii ~i// i~~rr /~ r ! 7i !///lei i ~ ~~/~% \'. i .-, j ~~ \\~ ~ !f ' , i .i,:, j~ ~~, / \~~ ` ~i L+1EAW DRAINAGE SWAL,E; • ~ G . . STA 29+38, 36.84' 1L 1 ~.~,'~ ~ ~~ ~ wv fam \ '~ n ~~ ;% j j/~ ~ ~j ~~ ~. %/4/ ~ L ~ ~ / ~~ ~ ~'hx 22 ~F ~ ~ z2.ae ~ ~aJ Jti ' /YEHIf1E PULL-our, j .. / ~/ / ~ STA 41+00 !~_~~ ~ ~ , Jam' SEE DETAIL a1/,S7iEETD1 ~ ~~' n/ P '(`~/ -y Au NEw 401 Duu r' 3a' Rc PRE, s-aoa ~r/~r. INSrAU 36' FLARED E1P SECRON ON EACH PPE END. NY. IN = B.JO NV. OUT =8.15 END DRANAGE SIWLL1~ STA 36+89, 27.30' RT. INV iD END DRAINAGE SCREE; STA JB+T/, 2171' RT. arv ~D ~. ~ JJ'" MSTALL NEW JB LF 18' RC PPE, 5=0.042 Fi/fT. MSTALL 18' ftARED END SEC110N ON EACH PPE END. MI: N =10.5 1~ a+u our = ao BH,7FI ORAMAOE SCALE; STA J445Q 1&00' R7 INV 14.25 so 25 p so foD 1sD SCALE IN FEET 1'= 50' FXISRNG PERfME1ER FTNLE LINE TABLE uNE LENCIN BEA1tING L4 176.83 '19'E 15 60&66 N4850' L6 95.53 S72'IB' U 132a N56'1739'E L8 719.51 N/8V1'19'E BEGIN DRAINAGE SWALE; STA 43+00, 1800' Rl: INV 2200 ~~'0~13 CURVE TABLE CJR~E LENGTH RADNS ANGENT a 20.1.93 159.00 121.24 C5 S7A9 100.00 29.15 C6 90.56 N10.00 4&01 C7 35.57 200.E 17.83 GENERAL NOTES• 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL "PROTECT UTILmES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND PROTECTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE WORK. 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF CONTROL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, AND MARCH 14, 2006. = N 1 4453 X 2 5o.n new T ~ a GATE C-2 - Ts aF CON811tUC11Q4 LEGEN - -2a- - EXISING CONTOUR -~-- PROPOSED DRAINAGE DITCH ' _S' FLOW DIREC110N ® / CHECK DAM ®~ RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTION. ® 9 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION CON1ROl POINT -SURVEY NAIL SET BENCHMARK/TEMPORARY BENCHMARK ~ EXISTING 1REELINE .~„~ ~~ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE ~~*~ EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE ___ EXISTING FENCE --- X .~ ®-- SILT FENCE WETLANDS PRDPOSED GRAVEL ROAD f ,,. / I /' ' , l! ~ 1B' 1"DE I ~~ / t ;/ f ` ;* // \y I~ x . {` ~~ 1~ ~ ,. ~ . r•,• c } 1 l' ~1 ~ ~ti ~ ,~ 1.i 1 ~ am` ~;aVl \`~~~~_ ~ KEY' MAP a 1 ~~ //. /. // /~ ../ /. / ~.~ ~/. /. // AREA 16 ~c, 'i ~ ~> I ~'i !/~Otil ~ +. TIE 10 EJ9SiMIG h: PAVEMEMi ElEYATION ' AREA 15 ' I \ ' i ,- ;,>i: j. l • ~:~ ~ ~~ `; -- ;~ r~, j~J ~~~/ AREA t 3 cONTRacTOR srALL rror asTURe ME7LAND AREAS 13, 14 OR 15 DURINQ ROADWAY CW/SiRIkTION },~~ : ACIINrES, STA 50+OQ td~ MIV 2550 r 9 ~~~ 0,~ ' ~tiF (/ is AREA 20 i' r~ ~. t~/ /. ~Q ~ ~ tix~ - ~, ,, y. ~ .f: . :: ~~~ \ ~ ,. - / ~ ~~ ; / ~ ~ EA1SIlNG PEPoKE7E1?\ k ~ .~' p FENCE ~ ~ N ~,~ -~~-z7- - w ~ xr i `~~ < i i2 j x ~ EXISTING ROADWAY k ti ''~ti,. 'PC ~ 9.16 j~~ ~, -D~ SrA -SEE OET ON SLEET 01 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE ANp OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILfTiES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR .ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND PROTECTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN THE VIGNITY OF THE WORK. 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF CONTROL POINTS PRDVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, AND MARCH f 4, 2006. p7"4713 LINE TABLE uNE LENGTH aEAPoNc t9 11757 SO6tl1'A5E UO 71057 S71}Y3P•W Lit 28288 Og•W ~~ " 1~.~~ i I + J' ,~ ~ r ,/ so zs o 50 Sao 150 J ~ 1"~ SCAlE N1 FEET J') r= so~ ~• LEGENC - --a2-- - EXSTING CONTOUR _~_~ ~ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE - ~ ~ ~ - PROPOSED DRAINAGE DITCH E%IS11NG STORM DRAIN PIPE _..S"' FLOW DIRECTION ®~ CHECK DAM _.- ---- K EXISTING FENCE ® 1 .RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTION ©~ CULVERT INLET PROTEC110N 'o'-"-0'-- SILT FENCE .a}. CONTROL PgNT -SURVEY NNL SET WETLANDS SENCHMARK/TEIAPORARY BENCHMARK -.-.-.-.~ EXSTING 7REEUNE `::'~~'~'?%;":':': PROPOSED GRAVEL ROAD CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS ANGELA CB 185.16 200.00 99.&1 C9 /99.81 150.00 117.87 CIO 215.72 200.00 118.38 K'E`Y MAP ~~ VN a ~~~ w i n ~ ~ i ~ Q ..// o ~ lip ~ a ~jyT^'y~ ~ ~ ~ W o~ YW v 2 c U W Fes- Q z W Z I- O ~ ~ ~~\ ~~ ~ ~ ) o~ J ~ ~O OZ ~= QM Q p z F- O W ~ rn ~' (~ W z~ wa p= z ~ U Qu z ~ C~ Z Q f ~ ~ f-a a o )- Q J JANUARY 2007 1'•50 CCAI ABM/JM~+ 33m-owl G3 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED 6Y THE ~ CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE ~ MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND W ~1 PROTECTION. I''I ~_ 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN ~ ~ THE VICINITY OF THE WORK. W ~ ~ 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF W CONTROL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM Bc CREED, SURVEYS N T DATED MAY 25, 20b4, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, I .;., ~`~`I ~ AND MARCH 14, 2006. LEGEND - --22- -- EXISTING CONTOUR ._~~„~. PROPOSED STORM GRAIN PIPE '- PROPOSED DRAINAGE DITCH ` -----~ EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE --S FLOW DIRECTION ®~ CHECK DAM ___ X EXISTING FENCE ®~ RIP RAP OUTLET PROTEC110N. Ip ~ CULVERT INLET PROTECTION '~""~- SILT FENCE ~- CONTROL POINT -SURVEY NNL SET WETLANDS BENCHMARK/IEMPORARY BEN CHMARK ~, ^-wr-, EXISTING TREELIKE ~~ ~~~0 ~A4EL ROAD / ~ 1 E)0~1~N~ TDPO FROM STA 89+00 TG STA 83+00 BASED ON ~, SURVEY DATE19 fE~!(IARY 2d Z005 ANO PROPaSED CRADNG PoR 1NE' APPROACH LId3TING PRaECT. GRADMG WORN NAS BEEN PEAFDMtD M I THIS AREA 51M~^~SURYE3: CONTRACTOR SFdUJ. MERFY EXISTING GRADES PRIOR TD C / 110N AND NOTffY Rff ENCIIEDt F ADJUSIAffNTS AiiE NI PROPOSED ROAD L7tADIM. 2 THE' APPROXWA~710N OF ETASTM~C Uld>ERfiROUFp APPRa1CH / Upli POKER AND CONTRp~ GAME IS SHONN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE THE CABLE PRIOR TD. CdVS1RIk110N ANO USE E1(TRFAi GU110N NlffE EXCAVATING fOR ROAR MIy~~Y AND DRANUCE N Bff NC18TY CF ~ UNDERGROLMp CABLE ANY QA1iA(~' TD E7057AVO CABIE CAUSED BY Tiff WNTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCiION OPEI'tATlp15 SHALL !aff AlIkD1A7ELY REPABffD BY 7HE CONTRACTa4 AT HIS ONN FXffETLSE PPE ~ ~~ ~ ~ • SECTION ~ ~ G \ ~YATHXI ~ ~~ O/. { / 1 \ ~. < ~ I ~ '~ ^'~/" ~~wl.- E>OSTMIG APPROACHI LIGHi ~, ~ ~ .. \ ~ ,: ~-,s ) ~..ti ~ . GaNTRacraR sNALi Nor ~ i' iA~EA Y7 '^' ~. \ NEMND ARCA 17 ti$ i / ~~' ~ ~ EXTiCTiNC 24' dlp ~ ym ~ / i ~ i ~ -ti, ~, / yr rJJJ""" % - i%~ ~7'Q7i3 '~ KEY' MAP so 2s o so Too Tso SCALE IN FEET EkIS11NG PERIMETER 1'= 50' ~ DUAL T8' RC PIPE ~ , r / ~ r ~ ~ ., NISTALL NEW 40 LF, DUAL K ~ ALL NEW 58 Lf, WAL 18• / ~ / ~.i' ~ ~ z+• Rc PIPE s=amB Fri ~ / RC PPE S=0.O14 FijFT. 6"/ ;~i -. MSTALI Z4' FLARED END \ ~ "~ N RT57ALL 18' FLAYED END ~~ ~ i~ %~ ~ 28 ~ ! ~ / p ~"~'1- SECTION CN EACH` ETRX. \ ~ 6 ~z5_ ~1lAN aY-fApl ~~. ~ /~, r~i'~ ' -INSr~(LL S0.i FETJL~ ' \ ~L WV. 1fZa00 ~. \ ~ ~ 6 ~ h ~ WV N 2 r ~/r,~i•,; / I ~ ~. _ ~ \ q41: OUT : TG.JO .~ P ~ i -~ WV OUT ~ i f! ' " ~ c+ \ WATERS ~7H US ~.- , ..', r//; ~:, r Y. ;4?~kr 7 ~ .. ............ ~-- - 82+.Op ~ TBM /,3004 / ~ 6B+ ~ ~ IRON RQ%~3 ~ £2 73.704 / ~ '"/ ~ r /(/ >~rkwryr ., .."Y"""4.K".r~+~' ...-+: ~y.,-+'.,~"""•,..~.~{;,^,•^""'"t'.`~__+Y ~ :'~I""ay,~ '.Bx ~c fLEYATDN 19.47 . Y l'r f~ \ ~ 4 / } '%~ii %, ~~/ ~ P ~ TEl0E~05TNGR0ADWAY~ GRA4F1ROA0 ~ ~\ • ~, ir. [\ •~/ '• ~ ; i /ry% ~ ~ / ~ %~ ij~/,~/~ / . 11WT5 GF~COfS1RUC110N ~ ^ '~ ~~ • FJOCCSOTNWC APPRa!IGI U6Hl PONFR ~/// i'~,i ~ ~~ji/ / f~ ~ / %/~~ ` // /„•/i,y/i / , k /". "'STfAtI~ CABEE,S~. CTO,~NiRACTOR ~~ ~,~>>r ~ , -iii i / ' ' /'~ ~. EXCAVA9WtT ,~ / ~/ , ~~~ / ~~: %~ / ~ / EE6M DRANAGE SHALE . / / ~ DRAITIAOE P'PE ~ ; ~~ ~e i ~; , ~~f~; ;%/ ~ srA eG+Ga zsGO~ Lri' ~: / .' ANY DAraAGE >n mSTBIG GAMES ~ ~ ~ %~di`F~~'% ENO DRAwACE swALf/ ~ lyi'?~D / / 9HAU ME RFI~AB{ETX NYIEDIATELY Ar `\ ~ ~ /,/~/~ ~//% i NV 1848082 17,88' Ll. ~; ;k nff COIYTRACTDRS ETfPENSE : " ~ ~ r ~ // / ~~ E70SiINGLOCALFffR /~ / ,p/ ~ , ///, ~ u " ' ' >~ // ~ EkSiBIG APPROACH Lxxir (TYP.) ; ' / ~. / ' i ~ %' AdNiRAC10R sHAU. NOT / . ' I / DURINGROADwA~Y T9 0. `. CONSTRUC110N ACR-T11E5, a. / h ~` % / I / '~ / ~ j'' f . MATCH LINE -SEE SHEET G3 (~ N a ~~ ~a ~~// ~ W '~ a iF.+'il ~ w M o~ F+M $~ [~ W z Z ~ ~ Q~ o ~ ~a it ~ oli J ~ ~` oZ ~= Qd Q ~ Q p O W z ~ 0. OT (~ (1 wz UX= Z~ z~ wa pV Z ~ Cvi Qom. z o: ~~ ~ a ~ ~ H-Q ~ O a Q ., ,P .S oz , ~~`F P ` ~~ ''RN~~1r~o~ ~!, JINUARY 2007 Scde ~.~~~ Gram CfiM Checked ABM/d3M ProJxl Na 33111-BIQI Sheet No. G4 1 1~ 1 KEY' MAP - --2z- ~- E%ISi1NG CONTOUR -- ~ ~ ~- PROPOSED DRAINAGE DITCH -s ROW DIREC710N ® ~ CNECK DAM ®i RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTI~! Ip ~ CULVERT INLET PROTECTION .• CONTROL POINT -SURVEY NAIL SET BENCHMARK/TEMPORARY BENCHMAR •~-.-,. -, EXISTING TREELINE UNE TABLE llNE LENGTN BEARING l14 760,59 '16'W • i~` CURVE TABLE CURVE LENGTH RADIUS ANGELA CJ 311.38 2(IO,W 19725 CI4 07b7 100.00 µ.5p GENERAL NOTES: i. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVINGTHE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMEM OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND PROTECTION: 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE WORK. 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF CONTRbL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, AND MARCH 14, 2006. R/R SP9(f 9l ASPh'AL,T J / % ~I •' `F N 1941'94.4195 / I) ~ E 2435184.8151 . ~, EIEVARCN 71.95 // ~ ~ ~ /~ ' / ( x- Q ~~/S~ f f J ~" ~? /ry .. ~~/ ~r. j~ I ~ .~ J', 0 ~ r- MATCH LINE -SEE SHEET G6 LEGEND _ ~. PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE ___ __ EXISTING FENCE -- X ® ~ - SILT FENCE L~ WERANDS K PROPOSED GRAVEL ROAD 50 25 0 50 100 150 SCALE IN FEET 1„- 50' ?>~YE}9gE PLEL-OUT; S$S~AA 80400 ~ SE'E DETAL DN SHEET PROPOSED 18' NN)E GRAt£L ROAD i U' 1 11 ) \ \ ~ / u-nTS of oavsmucnaN s9.r PENCE f ~, ~_ MSTALL NEW 56 !F, 24' PIPS S~.D14 /Fl: ~.`~ ~-, INSTALL 24" END ON ON EA END. '~ IN 1N =2270 OUT =21.90 \ ~ P ,1~ ~ ,may '. \ ~ ~~ ''V^^ V / ~ ~K ~ J : L r ~, .• /25 ~ / . ~ ., w W ~ \ \ \ z~ LJ u1 ~ ~ . ~ d \~ Y BEG910RAINAf,'E SWAlE, ~ \~ ~' I I STA 75+9Q 18.57' iT. \ Ll l Z 81V 21.90 \ 1 i#G1N DRAINAGE SWALE J 1 STA 74+26, 4820' LL MV 17.47 ~ _ EXISTING 24' RCPT ~ o ~~ ~ ~ '~py/J ~~pF~p1I79 ggy TM1 7, m a h~M o i ~ F z ~ g ~~/ p o W~ ~ a MWM ~_~ W° a ~b ~i~ 4~,y1 4 MATCH LINE -SEE SHEET G5 GONER LA NOTES; L THE CONTRACTOR JS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAYING THE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND PROTECTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK NIETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE WORK. { 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF CONITROL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, AND MARCH 14, 20D6. LINE TA6LE LINE LENGTH BEgq - " Lib 47&IA ~ TOp LI8 368.53 79 ' I"W i /% + /rj + /~~ ~\ ,~ r~ ,_ + ~~.r (£HIG.E PULL-WT, STA 5D+00 SEE oEruL ON SHEET CUR1~E TABLE I . CUR4E LENGTH AADIUS ANCEN i Clb 85.90 200.00 13.fi2 I rv~ bx. ~~ ~ 1 0 ~. ~:: e~x ,; ~ k ~ `~ i ' . FROPG5ED 16' MIQE / GRAIfL ROAD x~9 ~ / ~;: ~.~ kl j ,.~h' ~ ,; :: 1 ,~ ~`` OD NOT DLSR1kB '/ ElOS11NG TA%1WAY EDCE LRili TIP. ~~ ' f ) e~ i ,,``', END BASEidJE A' / ~ ~ END ROADWAY CONSiRUCRdI, STA 45+7J.75 J F' f „. / i i ;~ N 19407.45852 r '~ " / E 2374711.0352 (~fiONIRACTOf7 SNAU Nor ENTER AND REMAIN ROADWAY SHALL MATCH ~ dfAR OF 1HE TAIOWAY OB.ECi fREE AREA r;;: E10SiNIG TA101FAY EOP AND TAlOW1Y SAFETI' AREA AT ALL. T9lk5. a <r,~ , ELEYATH7N. ANY MCYM( RE0112dED I81FM/ TFE OH.ECT FREE :'~ ~` ~",' .. o DO NOi D15TUR8 AREA AREA SHALL 6E COOROWAIED / x...... E)OSi1NG rAnwAY EDGE LIfHr f~) } ~ ... ~'......... .. iA19WAY B' j' OB„EC1 FREE AREA AREA 21 : .............. ...... AcroR ~uu. xor t 1ETLAND AREA 21 ~~ ~ ........ ... ...... ....... ...... ... ... RUNWAY Si1FElY AREA ~~,P IAMWAY g' ..' `~~' rEµ~RE .. ~ ,\ / ~~~ / ~ ,. , ,, 07.0793 KEY' MAP %/ GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY'REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND PROTECTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN 'THE VICINITY OF THE WORK: 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF CONTROL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, AND MARCH 14, 2006. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE CAUTION WHEN WORKING ADJACENT TO EXISTING POWER POLES. EXISTING SEE NDTE 4 EXISTING PERIMETER FENCE x IBM MCE 1001 N 1941028270 E 23288228471 ~ELEUanoN 2x54 BEGIN ORAMAGE SWAM STA 14+98.90, 20.00' RT. 9IV zoo ~. _ G1 t KEY' MAP LEGEND .~~~~ PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE ~_ EXISTING FENCE -- X ~ SILT FENCE 'a/ WETLANDS PROPOSED GRAVEL ROAD K - -Zt- - EXISTING CONTOUR -~-- PROPOSED DRAINAGE DITCH _S' FLOW DNtECTION ® ~ CHECK DAM ® ~ RIP RAP OUTLET PROTECTION 1~ CULVERT INLET PRDTECTION .~ CONTROL PgNT -SURVEY NAIL SET EENCHMARK/TEMPORARY BENCNMAR ~~~ EXISTING 1REELINE D) 18' 8mE ROAD 5D 25 0 50 100 150 SCALE IN FEET 1'= 50 N S. ; '~`~ I . X `,. SEE NOTE 4 ~ ~ ~ I L9R75 OF COIISTRI1CiNdN EX1571NG 18' SEE NOTE 4-1 ~' y x I ~ RC PN~ 5=0.00a FT/F1: //II ~ INSTALL 18" FLARED END 1 SECIRJN ON EACH PN~E END. INV. NJ = 24:85 _ ( i ' ~ I ~. ' INV. W 1= 24.25 MATCH .LINE -SEE SNEET G8 p END DRAINAGE SWALE, STA 18+25,80, 21,81' RT. 8JV 2b.00 ~~~ ~~aa~ REMOVE ElOS11NG 18" RC PIPE ~`~'y AND INSTALL NEW 48 lF, 18' LINE TABLE LMB: LENGTH BEARING L17 149.]6 W t18 1061,75 fRli7 'W RE1101E EX9STRIG 18' RC PIPE AND RJSTALL NEW 48 LE NY RC PIPE; 5.0.014 fT/FT. NSTALL iM FLAAFD Elm SECimN 011 EACN PIPE Elm. 111: N ~ 23,22 141! Wi ~ 2255 Elm DRAINAGE SM'ALE; STA 11+01.11, 21.89' RT. N4V 24.00 r- EXISTNG PRQ°ANE 7M (TD BE RELOCAIEb 8Y CURVE TABLE CURVE lENG1H RADIUS ANGEN ~.~, .~.~..~.~.. C6 1597 90.00 8.01 .... ... ..:. 0 7. 0 7 1 3 ~~ ((~h o `! F o I/w-I/ S z 8€ E f? E i = 3 ~~ ~ a M A~ h+1 90 C'` W tN- Q w Z ~ ~ O ~ ~ 0.i ~Q 2 ~ 0 L. D` J oZ ~ ~_ Q~ z ~ ~ N (~~ ~'? ~a Zj ~ U ~ Z Q O Q ~ z 0= U's § ~ ~0 a Q J dAnuaRr 200 P.3o' cal ~ A0N/,MM t No. 3301-OIM No. 7 G GEN€RA NOTES: I 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE LOCATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING CABLE AND OTHER UTILITIES MARKED IN THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT UTILITIES IN THE PROJECT AREA AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY REPAIR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS. THERE SHALL BE NO SEPARATE MEASUREMENT OR PAYMENT FOR UTILITY MARKING AND PROTECTION. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL MARK WETLANDS AND U.S. WATERS IN THE VICINITY OF THE WORK. , 3. BASE TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION AND LOCATION OF CONTROL POINTS PROVIDED BY MCKIM & CREED, SURVEYS DATED MAY 25, 2004, JUNE 03, 2004, FEBRUARY 23, 2005, AND MARCH 14, 2006. MATCH LINE -SEE SHEET G8 x\ PHASE 1 FER84EiER ROADWAY X ,1 END BASELINE 'G' END ROADWAY CQNSTRUCD04, STA 28+6348, ROADWAY SHALL MATCH EbSDNG EOP EIEVADON. CONTRACTOR ACCESS CATS A17 o° ~ + 1 ~N EXIS7M'G 18" CHIP / ~~ ~~ ~r~~ ~ tit ~.. w~,,,ry ~~n,~~ _~H, ~:~ RNC 24`~RCP EXIS7iNG 15" CLAP 1 INV. IN = 24.31 ~~ INV. our = 23.TS 1 1 1 ` 1 ~ 1 ~ 3~' 1 ~ i t 81STALL IkM' 2B Lf; 18' RC 1 1~ PIPE, $=D.GI FT/F7. \ ~ BSTALL 18' FLARED END ~ SECDON ON EAdI PIPE END. 1 ~ WV. 84 ~ 24:8 t MR! OUT ~ 24.51 ` ~ 1 `` ~~ 1 ~ LINE TABLE , l1NE LENGTH BEAPoNG U9 31.29 N21 4'16'YI CURVE TABLE 1 4E LENGTH RADIUS ANGELA ~ C17 599.69 157.99 299.W 1 ~ c19 7655 50.90 47.10 ~ 1 ~ "07.0713 _ ~ ~.. ~:: 1 4~ ~ ~, ~ . X(ryb , I ~ :~: 1M8T5 OF CQNS1RlR;TION i II !'ti ~9 7 50 25 0 50 100 15D 'SCALE IN FEET 1"= 50' ;8 N I' c M I .,~ .n ~ ~ KE`Y MAP LEGEND -- -2?-- -EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED STORM DRAIN PIPE -~~~ - PROPOSED DRAINAGE DRCH ~ EXISTING STORM DRAIN PIPE _..S' FLOW DIRECTION _ EXISTING FENCE ® ~ CHECK DAM ~ -- X ~ RIP RAP OUTLET PROTEC110N , ~_ SILT FENCE ®® CULVERT INLET PROTECTION CONTROL POINT - PoIRVEY NAIL SET ~ %i WETLANDS BENCHMARK/1EMPORARY BENCHMARK PROPOSED GRAVEL ROAD ~..,,.,. , EfOSDNG 1REEUNE CUR r r / / NA1'34'16'E 4,10615' FA01,1 W Iw ~. // NCC$ IW A 10 IlL 163 IYS // Wwe /~~.~ ..~/f; / m6 uu ~ rrrr~~~ , . / QM 154-265 ~ .. ~ a W 1Bp ~ / i W ~~ A ~~ f,( /~Y ~ M ~`~ / /^ ( Y f"' !/ iI~ -^'' ,~ ` /''"~ ~ +. _ '~'' ides .,:~''' N39'2B'46~E 3,70182' FAOM 'wPi~~ i' 1 r Nccs 1W A 7o IlM x67 ~ ~ ,i ~~ } ~} ~ r p ~ oy r u.w zra-z9z f d ~ ".. ~t --1~~ y~'-L... ~ .i ~. F W m W ZC W W MI ,. ~' ~~ 1r ,~ ,,~ ~' ~'` ' % , ,icy `r _~+"=+.s+W~ ;i~-. ~ rurarut 3,8.19' Flroli xas nY~ A ro YM zel W q0 1 91Y /`'~ 7, '~, N17'YS'A9'E 3,87YAI6' F%W NCGS YM A TO flM 21Y AREAS 10,11 W IU W 110 W n~al6'IS't 1,1was ~ 1 rrCCS nM A m ~ I ~ } i' ~, 12 W1q WWO Will lk! r~ /'/,lrr,,~'; Iq /r f iY0 ~ai iG Z~ r[,,p/' r,N 1R ~~f~'7 10l Y' s;~i;7 Iq ~ AREA 15 W W j~o Nl2'24'YD'E 5,51316' FROM ,y/6,~ W 9o NC&5 YAt A TO ML 106 W Is ~s~% W q % >S >a N/4'li'1I~ 5,61293' fl1011 7~I~~T50~A~1.IW~ NOws 0.MA70W fY9 AREAS 13,14,15 S'72'E 5,5[8.05' IU.IA109717 i. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEARLY MARK 7HE.WETLAND AREq-BOUNDARIES ANO U.S. WATERS IN 7HE PROJE("ei AND STAGING AREAS PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. NO PLACEMENT OF SOIL MATERIAL FOR ANY REASON SHAtI BE PERMITR'D N11HIN WETLAND/U S. WATERS LIMITS. CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESS`ROAOS IN WETLANDS IS NOT PERMITTED. NO 1RACKED EQINPMENT IS ALLOWED IN WETLANDS/II.S. WATERS: NO STOCKPILING OF MATERIALS IS PERMITTED IN Yff1LANDS . 2 WETLANDS LOCATIONS ARE.FROM MAP PREPARED BY MCKIM k CREED,INC. DATED 7/29/05 (IA1~~IC1IDNAL DE1I:RMINA110N 2D050060@), MCKIM k CASED MAP DATED 9/3/04 (JURISDICTIONAL OETERMINA110N 200400851). WETLAND AREA ~'T1 WETLAND AREA X13 WETLAND AREA X16 n ut . uofi uE qu as 70 u6¢ we, n ,~ a wsAlo n W[ qu ~ . an ul a p51 la1 xq WETLAND AREA (117 WETLAND AREA x`14 n oal[ ens r,e. u un an we q8 aM a la 1 -. WETLAND AREA X18 WETLAND AREA X15 e as 1 al , ma nAe m ~ uo /1 t t .n ~q 1 ,1 le IA9 WETLAND AREA,,#2D .' as WETLAND AREA #21 a uc uK n>r 5~e ~. n m Iluo +ao 0T0713 LF~a xErcArms Ravr RAr 3s AE7urms Auc nvran HAT+CfILEOBD j ry,, ~EnaNns A/KA i Q 1' ARfA 24 $ V~ ~~,P N Yore '°'~'/4 100 50 0 100 200 300 ~ r~- aA ' Y SCALE IN FEET 1"= 100' I ~h b V/ h o 1'~ N $ U LL 2 Q ~~o ~~ M4 o g i L r ATTACHMENT 3 Previous Project Permits ~~M~~ ~~ ~~ ~ U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id.: 20 '~00'~A9 County: Llew Hanover quad; GaStl . HaynP NO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED Agent: Wilmington International Airport C/o Talbert and Bright Attn: Stephen McAree Address: 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Decimal Degrees: North: 34.2748455° West: 77.9101038° Size and Location of Property (waterbody, Highway name/number, town, etc.): Approximately 2500 linear feet of high ground ditch located on the northwest side of the,airport between Hall Drive and Runway 17-35, near Smith Creek, in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: Rehabilitation of the ditch described above. At no time should fill material be placed in wetlands without the appropriate DA authorization. No mechanized landclearing, stream relocation, or placement of equipment into wetlands is authorized with this tearsheet. Your work as described above does not require Department of the Army authorization for the following reason(s): X_ There are no jurisdictional waters or wetlands within the boundaries of the project as described above. This determination is effective for five years from the date of this document. _ The proposed project does not have a regulated impact on jurisdictional waters or wetlands. The proposed project is exempt from Department of the Army regulations. (Specify) Any changes in the described work resulting in impacts to jurisdictional waters or wetlands or any new work in jurisdictional waters or wetlands outside the area described above must be coordinated with the Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. Please contact the Regulatory Official specified below. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work, you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management at telephone (919} 733-2293 to discuss any required State permit authorization. This Department of the Army determination does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. Date: F -b~niarv 11, 003 Corps Regulatory Official Telephone: (~0_) 251-46.11 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS; ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. SAW Form 654 February 1999 ?f _~ 4 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. 200001610 County: New Hanover Quad: Castle Hayne NO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED Authorized A ent: ~'`' g ~~~~~ apd bright Attn: Amy McLane 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Telephone: (910) 763-5350 UTM North: 3795000 East: 232500 Zone 18 Size and Location of project (waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.): In the wetlands adjacent to Smith Creek at the southern end of the N-S runway, in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: The removal of trees that have already pierced the flight slope or will in the future pierce the flight slope by handclearing does not require a DA permit so long as it is done according to the Scope of Work provided to this office on 18 August 2000 as modified by the letter and supporting documentation received in this office on September 10, 2003. No discharge of fill material into wetlands associated with mechanized landclearing, access roads, or staging areas is authorized. Your work as described above does not require Department of the Arn~y authorization for the following reason(s): There are no jurisdictional waters or wetlands within the boundaries of the project as described above. This deternunation is effective for five years from the date of this document. -x- The proposed project does not have a regulated impact on jurisdictional waters or wetlands. The proposed project is exempt from Department of the Army regulations. (Specify) Any changes in the described work resulting in impacts to jurisdictional waters or wetlands or any new work in jurisdictional waters or wetlands outside the area described above must be coordinated with the Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. Please contact the Regulatory Official specified below. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work, you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management at telephone (919) 733-2293 to discuss any required State permit authorization. This Deparhuent of the Army detenrrination does not relieve the property owner of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. Date: SeptPmh r 7 , ?M~ Corps Regulatory Official A„gie. PPnn~t ~~>(~~G~.~ Telephone: (91~) 7.51-4611 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS. FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. SAW Foam 654 February 1999 i ~~o r - ~t o~ ,l~- I d+.,t U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id.: 200100810 County: New Hanover Quad: Castle Hayne GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Property owner: New Hanover County Airport Authority Authorized Agent: Talbert & Bright, Inc. Wilmington International Airport Attn: Eric Stumph, P.E. Address: 1740 Airport Boulevard 321 N. Front Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Telephone Number: (910) 341-4333 (910) 763-5350 Zone: 18 UTM: North: 3795000 East: 232500 Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): Wilmington Intemational Airport, near the NE to SW runway, adjacent to Smith Creek, in Wilnington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: Placement of fill material in 0.01 acre of jurisdictional wetlands for the relocation of a jurisdictional ditch and replacement of backfill that has eroded from behind a failing wing wall. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344) (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbors Act of 1899) Authorization: NATIONWIDE PERMIT 18 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS FINAL NOTICE OF ISSUANCE AND MODIFICATION OF NATIONWIDE PERMITS FEDERAL REGISTER MARCH 9, 2000 Minor Discharges: Minor discharges of dredged or fill material into all waters of the United States provided that the activity meets all of the following criteria: a. The quantity of discharged material and the volume of excavated area does not exceed 25 cubic yards below the plane of the ordinary high water mark or the high tide line; b. The discharge, including any excavated area, will not cause the loss of more than 1/10 acre of a special aquatic site, including wetlands. For the purposes of this NWP, the acreage limitation includes the filled area and excavated area plus special aquatic sites that are adversely affected by flooding and special aquatic sites that are drained so that they would no longer be a water of the United States as a result of the project; c. If the discharge, including any excavated area, exceeds 10 cubic yards below the plane of the ordinary high water mark or the high tide line or if the discharge is in a special aquatic site, including wetlands, the permittee' notifies the District Engineer in accordance with the "Notification" general condition. For discharges in special aquatic sites, including wetlands, the notification must also include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands (Also see 33 CFR 330.1(e)); and d. The discharge, including all attendant features, both temporary and permanent, is part of a single and complete project and is not placed for the purpose of a stream diversion. (Sections 10 and 404) f y NATIONWIDE PERMIT #18: MINOR DISCHARGES. SECTION 10 AND 404 PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. Navigation. No activity may cause more than a minimal adverse effect on navigation. 2. Proper Maintenance. Any structure or fill authorized shall be properly maintained, including maintenance to ensure public safety. 3. Soil Erosion and Sediment Controls. Appropriate soil erosion and sediment controls must be used and ' maintained in effective operating condition during construction, and all exposed soil and other fills, as well as any work below the ordinary high water mark or high tide line, must be permanently stabilized at the earliest practicable date. 4. Aquatic Life Movements. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of those species of aquatic life indigenous to the waterbody, including those species which normally migrate through the area, unless the activity's primary purpose is to impound water. Culverts placed in streams must be installed to maintain low flow conditions. 5. Equipment. Heavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mats, or other measures must be taken to minimize soil disturbance. 6. Regional and Case-By-Case Conditions. The activity must comply with any regional conditions which may have been added by the Division Engineer (see 33 CFR 330.4(e)) and with any case speciftc conditions added by the Corps or by the State or tribe in its Section 401 water quality certification and Coastal Zone Management Act consistency detemunation. 7. Wild and Scenic Rivers. No activity may occur in a component of the National Wild and Scenic River System; or in a river officially designated by Congress as a "study river" for possible inclusion in the system, while the river is in an official study status; unless the appropriate Federal agency, with direct management responsibility for such river, has detennined in writing that the proposed activity will not adversely effect the Wild and Scenic River designation, or study status. Information on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obtained from the appropriate Federal land management agency in the area (e.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.) 8. Tribal rights. No activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and hunting rights. 9. Water Quality Certification. The permittee must comply with all conditions of General Water Quality Certification No. 3106, issued by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) on February 11, 1997. 10. Coastal Zone Management. The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM), has determined that this NWP is conditionally consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Notification to and written concurrence from the NCDCM is required prior to work in the twenty (20) coastal counties of North Carolina. 11. Endangered Species. a. No activity is authorized under any NWP which is likely to jeopardize the continued existence of a threatened or endangered species or a species proposed for such designation, as identified under the Federal. Endangered Species Act, or which is likely to destroy or adversely modify the critical habitat of such species. Non- >r _ '° Federal permittees shall notify the District Engineer if any listed species or designated critical habitat might be affected or is in the vicinity of the project, or is located in the designated critical habitat and shall not begin work on the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. For activities that may affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species or designated critical habitat, the notification must include the name(s) of the endangered or threatened species that may be affected by the proposed work or that utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. As a result of formal or informal consultation with the FWS or NMFS, the District Engineer may add species-specific regional endangered species conditions to the NWP's. b. Authorization of an activity by a NWP does not authorize the "take" of a threatened or endangered species as defined under the Federal Endangered Species Act. In the absence of separate authorization (e.g., an ESA Section 10 Permit, a Biological Opinion with "incidental take" provisions, etc.) from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the National Marine Fisheries Service, both lethal and non-lethal "takes" of protected species are in violation of the Endangered Species Act. Information on the location of threatened and endangered species and their critical habitat can be obtained duectly from the offices of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service or their world wide web pages at http://www,fws.gov/r9endspp/endspp.html and http://nfms.gov/prot_res/esahome.html, respectively. 12. Historic Properties. No activity which may affect historic properties listed, or eligible for listing, in the National Register of Historic Places is authorized, until the District Engineer has complied with the provisions of 33 CFR part 325, Appendix C. The prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer if the authorized activity may affect any historic properties listed, determined to be eligible, or which the prospective permittee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places, and shall not begin the activity until notified by the District Engineer that the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act have been satisfied and that the activity is authorized. Information on the location and existence of historic resources can be obtained from the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Register of Historic Places (see 33 CFR 330.4(g)). For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places, the notification must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. 13. Notification: a. Timing. Where required by the terms of the NWP, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer with a PreConstruction Notification (PCN) as early as possible. The District Engineer must determine if the PCN is complete within 30 days of the date of receipt and can request the additional information necessary to make the PCN complete only once. However, if the prospective permittee does not provide all of the requested information, then the District Engineer will notify the prospective pemuttee that the PCN is still incomplete and the PCN review process will not commence until all of the requested information has been received by the District Engineer. The prospective pemuttee shall not begin the activity: (1) Until notified in writing by the District Engineer that the activity may proceed under the NWP with any special conditions imposed by the District or Division Engineer; or (2) If notified by the District or Division Engineer that an individual permit is required; or (3) Unless 45 days have passed from the District Engineer's receipt of the complete notification and the prospective permittee has not received written notice from the District or Division Engineer. Subsequently, the permittee's right to proceed under the NWP may be modified, suspended, or revoked only in accordance with the procedure set forth in 33 CFR 330.5(d)(2); and b. Contents of notification. The notification must be in writing and include the following information: (1) Name, address and telephone numbers of the prospective permittee; (2) Location of the proposed project; and (3) Brief description of the proposed project; the project's purpose; direct and indirect adverse environmental effects the project would cause; and other NWP(s), regional general permit(s) or individual permit(s) used or intended to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or any related activity. (4) For NWP 18, the PCN must also include a delineation of affected special aquatic sites, including wetlands, vegetated shallows (e.g., submerged aquatic vegetation, seagrass beds), and riffle and pool complexes (see paragraph 13(f)); c. Form of Notification: The standard individual permit application form (Form ENG 4345) may be used as the notification but must clearly indicate that it is a PCN and must include all the information required in b.(1)-(4) of General Condition 13. A letter containing the requisite information may also be used. d. District Engineer's Decision: In reviewing the PCN for the proposed activity, the District Engineer will determine whether the activity authorized by the NWP will result in more than minimal individual or cumulative adverse environmental effects or may be contrary to the public interest. The prospective permittee may, optionally, submit a proposed mitigation plan with the PCN to expedite the process and the District Engineer will consider any proposed compensatory mitigation the applicant has included in the proposal in determining whether the net adverse environmental effects to the aquatic environment of the proposed work are minimal. If the District Engineer determines that the activity complies with the terms and conditions of the NWP and that the effects on the aquatic environment are minimal, the District Engineer will notify the permittee and include any conditions the District Engineer deems necessary. Any compensatory mitigation proposal must be approved by the District Engineer prior to commencing work. If the prospective pemrittee is required to submit a compensatory mitigation proposal with the PCN, the proposal may be either conceptual or detailed. If the prospective pemvttee elects to submit a compensatory mitigation plan with the PCN, the District Engineer will expeditiously review the proposed compensatory mitigation plan. The District Engineer must review the plan within 45 days of receiving a complete PCN and determine whether the conceptual or specific proposed mitigation would ensure no more than minimal adverse effects on the aquatic environment. If the net adverse effects of the project on the aquatic environment (after consideration of the compensatory mitigation proposal) are determined by the District Engineer to be minimal, the District Engineer will provide a timely written response to the applicant stating that the project can proceed under the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit. If the District Engineer determines that the adverse effects of the proposed work are more than minimal, then he will notify the applicant either: (1) that the project does not qualify for authorization under the NWP and instruct the applicant on the procedures to seek authorization under an individual permit; (2) that the project is authorized under the NWP subject to the applicant's submission of a mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverse effects on the aquatic environment to the minimal level; or (3) that the project is authorized under the NWP with specific modifications or conditions. Where the District Engineer determines that mitigation is required in order to ensure no more than minimal adverse effects on the aquatic environment, the activity will be authorized within the 45-day PCN period, including the necessary conceptual or specific mitigation or a requirement that the applicant submit a mitigation proposal that would reduce the adverse effects on the aquatic environment to the minimal level. When conceptual mitigation is included, or a mitigation plan is required under item (2) above, no work in waters of the United States will occur until the District Engineer has approved a specific mitigation plan. f..~ '=i `~ t e. Agency Coordination. The District Engineer will consider any comments from Federal and State agencies concerning the proposed activity's compliance with the terms and conditions of the NWPs and the need for mitigation to reduce the project's adverse effects on the aquatic environment to a minimal level. For activities requiring notification to the District Engineer that result in the loss of greater than %: acre of waters of the United States, the District Engineer will, upon receipt of a notification, provide immediately (e.g., via facsimile transmission, overnight mail, or other expeditious manner), a copy to the appropriate offices of the Fish and Wildlife Service, State natural resource or water quality agency, EPA, State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), and, if appropriate, the National Marine Fisheries Service. {With the exception of NWP 37) These agencies will then have 10 calendar days from the date the material is transmitted to telephone or fax the District Engineer notice that they intend to provide substantive, site-specific comments. If so contacted by an agency, the District Engineer will wait an additional 15 calendar days before making a decision on the notification. The District Engineer will fully consider agency comments received within the specified time frame, but will provide no response to the resource agency, except as provided below. The District Engineer will indicate in the administrative record associated with each notification that the resource agencies' concerns were considered. As required by Section 305(b)(4)(B) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the District Engineer will provide a response to National Marine Fisheries Service within 30 days of receipt of any Essential Fish Habitat conservation recommendations. Applicants are encouraged to provide the Corps multiple copies of notifications to expedite agency notification. ' f. Wetlands Delineations. Wetland delineations must be prepared in accordance with the current method required by the Corps. {For NWP 29 see paragraph (b)(9)(lii) jor parcels less than `/. acre in size.) The permittee may ask the Corps to delineate the special aquatic site. There may be some delay if the Corps does the delineation. Furthermore, the 45-day period will not start until the wetland delineation has been completed and submitted to the Corps, where appropriate. g. For activities that may adversely affect Federally-listed endangered or threatened species, the PCN must include the name(s) of those endangered or threatened species that may be affected by the proposed work or utilize the designated critical habitat that may be affected by the proposed work. h. For activities that may affect historic properties listed in, or eligible for listing in, the National Register of Historic Places, the PCN must state which historic property may be affected by the proposed work or include a vicinity map indicating the location of the historic property. 14. Compliance Certification. Every permittee who has received a Nationwide permit verification from the Corps will submit a signed certification regarding the completed work and any required mitigation. The certification will be forwarded by the Corps with the authorization letter. The certification will include: a. A statement that the authorized work was done in accordance with the Corps authorization, including any general or specific conditions; b. A statement that any required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions; and c. The signature of the permittee certifying the completion of the work and mitigation. 15. Use of Multiple Nationwide Permits. The use of more than one NWP for a single and complete project is prohibited, except when the acreage loss of waters of the United States authorized by the NWPs does not exceed the acreage limit of the NWP with the highest specified acreage limit. For example, if a road crossing over tidal waters is constructed under NWP 14, with associated bank stabilization authorized by NWP 13, the maximum acreage loss of waters of the United States for the total project cannot exceed 1/3 acre. 16. Water Supply Intakes. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may occur in the proximity of a public water supply intake except where the activity is for repair of the public water supply intake structures or adjacent bank stabilization; € _ ~ ~ _ r 17. Shellfish Beds. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may occur in areas of concentrated shellfish populations, unless the activity is directly related to a shellfish harvesting activity authorized by NWP 4. 18. Suitable Material. No activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, may consist of unsuitable material (e.g., trash, debris, car bodies, asphalt, etc.) and material used for construction or discharged must be free from toxic pollutants in toxic amounts (see Section 307 of the Clean Water Act). 19. Mitigation. The project must be designed and constructed to avoid and minimize adverse effects to waters of the United States to the maximum extent practicable at the project site (i.e., on site). Mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that the adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. The District Engineer will consider the factors discussed below when determining the acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation necessary to offset adverse effects on the aquatic environment that are more than minimal. a. Compensatory mitigation at a minimum 1:1 ratio will be required for all wetland impacts requiring a PCN. Consistent with National Policy, the District Engineer will establish a preference for restoration of wetlands to meet the minimum compensatory mitigation ratio, with preservation used only in exceptional circumstances. b. To be practicable, the mitigation must be available and capable of being done considering costs, existing technology, and logistics in light of the overall project purposes. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferably in the same watershed; c. The District Engineer will require restoration, creation, enhancement, or preservation of other aquatic resources in order to offset the authorized impacts to the extent necessary to ensure that the adverse effects on the aquatic environment are minimal. An important element of any compensatory mitigation plan for projects in or near streams or other open waters is the establishment and maintenance, to the maximum extent practicable, of vegetated buffers next to open waters on the project site. The vegetated buffer should consist of native species. The District Engineer will determine the appropriate width of the vegetated buffer and in which cases it will be required. Normally, the vegetated buffer will be 25 to 50 feet wide on each side of the stream, but the District Engineer may require wider vegetated buffers to address documented water quality concerns. If there are open waters on the project site and the District Engineer requires compensatory mitigation for wetland impacts to ensure that the net adverse effects on the aquatic environment are minimal, any vegetated buffer will comprise no more than 1/3 of the remaining compensatory mitigation acreage after the permanently filled wetlands have been replaced on a one-to- one acreage basis. In addition, compensatory mitigation must address adverse effects on wetland functions and values and cannot be used to offset the acreage of wetland losses that would occur in order to meet the acreage limits of some of the NWPs (e.g., for NWP 39, '/< acre of wetlands cannot be created to change a '/~ acre loss of wetlands to a '/< acre loss; however, '/~ acre of created wetlands can.be used to reduce the impacts of a 1/3 acre loss of wetlands). If the prospective permittee is required to submit a compensatory mitigation proposal with the PCN, the proposal maybe either conceptual or detailed. d. To the extent appropriate, permittees should consider mitigation banking and other appropriate forms of compensatory mitigation. If the District Engineer determines that compensatory mitigation is necessary to offset losses of waters of the United States and ensure that the net adverse effects of the authorized work on the aquatic environment are minimal, consolidated mitigation approaches, such as mitigation banks, will be the preferred method of providing compensatory mitigation, unless the District Engineer determines that activity-specific compensatory mitigation is more appropriate, based on which is best for the aquatic environment. These types of mitigation are preferred because they involve larger blocks. of protected aquatic environment, are more likely to meet the mitigation goals, and are more easily checked for compliance. If a mitigation bank or other consolidated mitigation approach is not available in the water shed, the District Engineer will consider other appropriate forms of a , compensatory mitigation to offset the losses of waters of the United States to ensure that the net adverse effects of the authorized work on the aquatic environment are minimal. 20, Spawning Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, in spawning areas during spawning seasons must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. Activities that result in the physical destruction (e.g., excavate, fill, or smother downstream by substantial turbidity) of an important spawning area are not authorized. 21. Management of Water Flows. To the maximum extent practicable, the activity must be designed to maintain preconstruction downstream flow conditions (e.g., location, capacity, and flow rates). Furthermore, the activity must not permanently restrict or impede the passage of normal or expected high flows (unless the primary purpose of the fill is to impound waters) and the structure or discharge of dredged or fill material must withstand expected high flows. The activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, provide for retaining excess~flows from the site, provide for maintaining surface flow rates from the site similar to preconstructioneonditions, and must not increase water flows from the project site, relocate water, or redirect water flow beyond preconstruction conditions. In addition, the activity must, to the maximum extent practicable, reduce adverse effects such as flooding or erosion downstream and upstream of the project site, unless the activity is part of a larger system designed to manage water flows. 22. Adverse Effects From Impoundments. If the activity, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharge of dredged or fill material, creates an impoundment of water, adverse effects on the aquatic system caused by the accelerated passage of water and/or the restriction of its flow shall be minimized to the maximum extent practicable 23. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Activities, including structures and work in navigable waters of the United States or discharges of dredged or fill material, into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl must be avoided to the maximum extent practicable. 24. Removal of Temporary Fills. Any temporary fills must be removed in their entuety and the affected areas returned to their preexisting elevation. 25. Designated Critical Resource Waters. Critical resource waters include, NOAA-designated marine sanctuaries, National Estuarine Research Reserves, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, critical habitat for Federally listed threatened and endangered species, coral reefs, State natural heritage sites, and outstanding national resource waters or other waters officially designated by a State as having particular environmental or ecological significance and identified by the District Engineer after notice and opportunity for public comment. For NWP 18, notification is required in accordance with General Condition 13, for any activity proposed in the designated critical resource waters including wetlands adjacent to those waters. The District Engineer may authorize activities under these NWPs only after he determines that the impacts to the critical resource waters will be no more than minimal. 26. Fills Within 100-Year Floodplains. For purposes of this general condition 100-year floodplains will be identified through the Federal Emergency Management Agency" (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA- approved local floodplain maps. .27. The permitee understands and agrees that, if future operations by the United States require the removal, relocation, or other alteration, of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of the navigable waters, the permittee will be required, upon due notice from the Corps of Engineers, to remove, relocate, or alter the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States on account of any such removal or alteration. Y ~ ~ ~~ STATE CONSISTENCY CONDITION If the proposed activity is within the North Carolina Coastal Area, the applicant must receive written concurrence from the North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) that the activity is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION CONDITIONS 1. Activities authorized by this Nationwide Permit require written concurrence from the Division of Water Quality; 2. That appropriate sediment and erosion control practices which equal or exceed those outlined in the most recent edition of the "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual" or the "North Carolina Surface Mining Manual" (available from the Division of Land Resources in the DEHNR Regional or Central Offices) are utilized to prevent violations of the appropriate turbidity water quality standard (50 NTUs in streams and rivers not designated as trout waters by DWQ; 25 NTUs in all saltwater classes, and all lakes and reservoirs; and 10 NTUs in trout waters); 3. All sediment and erosion control measures placed in wetlands or waters shall be removed and the natural grade restored after the Division of Land Resources has released the project; 4. If an environmental document is required, this Certification is not valid until a FONSI or ROD is issued by the State Clearinghouse; 5. This Certification shall not be used in conjunction with the Certification for Nationwide Permit 14 to create high ground for road access; 6. Deed restrictions must be placed on all remaining wetlands on the parcel after appropriate use of this and other Certifications. DWQ shall be sent copies of all deed restrictions applied to this parcel. If this condition is not met, written DWQ approval is needed to utilize this General Certification (and Nationwide Permit); 7. Measures shall be taken to prevent live or fresh concrete from coming into contact with waters of the state until the concrete has hardened; 8. Concurrence from DWQ that this Certification applies to an individual project shall expire three years from the date of the cover letter from DWQ. REGIONAL CONDITIONS 1. The following waters within the State of North Carolina will be excluded from use of Nationwide Permits #3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44: Discharges into Waters of the United States designated by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries as anadromous fish spawning area are prohibited during the period between March 1 and May 30. 2. The following waters within the State of North Carolina will be subject to additional notification requirements for activities authorized by Nationwide Permits #3, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, and 43: Before the nationwide permits listed above can be utilized in a designated "Outstanding Resource Water" (ORW) (as defined by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality) or a "Primary Nursery Area" (PNA) (as defined by the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries) within the State of North Carolina, the prospective permittee must notify the District Engineer with a preconstruction notification pursuant to the procedures identified in Nationwide Permit General Condition #13. 3. The following waters within the State of North Carolina will be subject to additional notification requirements for activities authorized by Nationwide Pernuts #3, 7, 12, 14, 27, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44: r ; _ A. Before the nationwide permits listed above can be utilized in a designated "Area of Environmental Concern" (AEC) in the twenty (20) counties of Eastern North Carolina covered by the North Carolina Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA), a proponent must first obtain the required LAMA permit and famish a copy of the CAMA permit to the appropriate Wilmington District Regulatory Field Office (Wilmington Field Office - P.O. Box 1890, Wilmington, NC 28402 or Washington Field Office - P.O. Box 1000, Washington, NC 27889). B. Before the nationwide permits listed above can be utilized on a bamer island of North Carolina, proponents must notify the Wilmington District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and furnish a written statement of compliance with all of the conditions of the applicable nationwide permit. C. Before the nationwide permits listed above can be utilized in a "Mountain or Piedmont Bog" of North Carolina, proponents must notify the Wilrington District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and furnish a written statement of compliance with all of the conditions of the applicable nationwide permit. Note: The following wetland community types as identified by the N.C. Natural Heritage Program document entitled, "Classification of Natural communities of North Carolina (Michael P. Schafale and Alan S. Weakley, 1990), are subject to this regional condition. Mountain Bogs Piedmont Bois Swamp Forest-Bog Complex Upland depression Swamp Forest Swamp Forest-Bog Complex (Spruce Subtype Southern Appalachian Bog (Northern Subtype) Southern Appalachian Bog (Southern Subtype) Southern Appalachian Fen D. Before the nationwide permits listed above can be utilized within twenty-five (25) designated counties of North Carolina that contain trout waters, proponents must notify the Wilmington District Engineer in accordance with General Condition 13 and famish a written statement of compliance with all of the conditions of the applicable nationwide permit. Notification will include a letter of comments and recommendations from North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC), the location of work, a delineation of wetlands, a discussion of alternatives to working in the mountain trout waters and why altematives were not selected, and a plan to provide compensatory mitigation for all unavoidable adverse impacts to the mountain trout waters. To facilitate coordination with the NCWRC, the proponent may provide a copy of the notification to the NCWRC concurrent with the notification to the District Engineer. The NCWRC will respond both to the proponent and directly to the Corps of Engineers. The twenty-five (25) designated counties are: Alleghany Ashe Avery Buncombe Burke Caldwell Cherokee Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Stokes Suiry Swain Transylvania Watauga Wilkes Yancey To obtain the required letter from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, a proponent should contact: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Habitat Conservation Program Manager . . ' ' ~ ~ - 1721 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone (919) 733-7638 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1, Absolutely no stream or wetland channelization is authorized. 2. Proper sediment and erosion control measures should be employed to prevent material moving into the stream until disturbed areas have been stabilized. 3. Relocated channel will be stabilized with sod acid no riprap will be placed into the ditch or stream at any time. Your work is authorized by this Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Division of Environmental Management, telephone (919) 733-1786. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919) 733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the R&)? er NWP. Any violation of the conditions of t~~r~-a~ the NWP referenced above may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RC-)?-er NWP verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The pemuttee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the n°^°~~~ o°^^~* ^~ Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date: June 29, 2001 Corps Regulatory Official: Angie Pennock Telephone No.: (910) 251-4611 Expiration Date of Verification: February 11,2002 SURVEY PLATS, FIELD SKETCH, WETLAND DELINEATION FORMS, PROJECT PLANS, ETC., MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM, IF REQUIRED OR AVAILABLE. CESAW Form 591 Revised July 1995 O ~ °.~ Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality C June 14, 2001 DWQ# 01-0892 New Hanover County Julie W ilsey 330 ~- O/ ~ / ~ - Wilmington International Airport i 1740 Airport Blvd. P+~ Wilmington, NC, 28405 APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certification Dear fVIS. Wilsey: You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions, to place fill in 0.01 acre of wetlands for the Phase I Drainage Rehabilitation Project at the Wilmington International Airport in New Hanover County, as you described in your application received by the Division of Water Quality on June 13, 2001. After reviewing your application, we have decided that this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 3106, which can also be viewed on our web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc,us/ncwetlands . This Certification allows you to use Nationwide Permit 18 when the Corps of Engineers issues it. In addition, you should get any other federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. Also this approval will expire when the accompanying 404 permit expires unless otherwise specified in the General Certification. This approval is only valid for the purpose and design that you described in your application.. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application for a new certification:. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of the Certification and approval letter and is thereby:resporsible for cernplying with all conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attached certification. If you do not accept any of the conditions of this certification, you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter 1506 of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Box 27447, Raleigh, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly at 919-733-9721 or Joanne Steenhuis in DWQ's Wilmington Regional Office at 910-395-3900. Sincerely, _ (t Kerr T. Stevens cc: Corps of Engineers Wilmington Regulatory Field Office Wilmington DWQ Regional Office File Copy Central Files -.Erie Stumph, 321 N;. Front St., Wilmington, NC., 2~~,1~1~- 010892 North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 401 Wetlands Certification Unit, 1650 Maif Service Cc-rater, Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (Mailing Address) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 (Location): non moo ~~oe a.ti....,.~ non ~~o cono a....~ tiµ.,.iitin., ......,~..~..........i.........~i.....+..i ~' ~~ _ ~a~~- p ~..~ ~, i~ ---~ ,~,: ~~ ~ ~ U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILNIINGTON DISTRICT Action Id.: 20(140021( County: lYew Hannv .r Quad: f astle Na~n~ GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Applicant: Federal Aviation Administration Attn: Mr. Edward Carney and Mr. Richard Phillips 1701 Columbia Avenue College Park, Georgia 30337 Telephone No: 404-305-6478 Size and Location of project (water body, road name/number, town, etc.): The project area is located on the northeast end of Runway 24, at the Wilmington International Airport, in the headwaters of an unnamed tributary to Smith Creek, in Wilmington, New Hanover County, North Carolina. Description of Activity: Excavation and placement of fill material into 0.0085 acres of jurisdictional wetlands associated with the installation. of MALSR (Medium-Intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights) and ILS (Instrument Landing System) for Runway 24 and ILS for Runway 06. Applicable Law: X Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1344) (check all that apply) Section 10 (River and Harbors Act of 1899) Authorization: NATTnNWiI)F, PF.RMiT NTTMRF7? 20• See attached for terms and conditions of this Nationwide Permit Your work is authorized by this Regional General (RGP) or Nationwide Permit (NWP) provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your subnutted plans. If your activity is subject to Section 404 (if Section 404 -block above is checked), before beginning work you must also receive a Section 401 water quality certification from the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, telephone (919) 733-1786. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties, before beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management, telephone (919) 733-2293. Please read and carefully comply with the attached conditions of the RGP or NWP. Any violation of the conditions of the R GP o r the N WP r eferenced a bove may s object t he p ermittee t o a stop work order; a restoration order, and/or appropriate legal action. This Department of the Army RGP or NWP verification does not relieve the pemuttee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State, or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. This verification will be valid for two years from the date of this letter unless the nationwide authorization is modified, reissued or revoked. Also, this verification will remain valid for the two years if, during that period, the nationwide permit authorization is reissued without modification orthe activity complies with any subsequent modification of the nationwide pemut authorization. If during the two years, the nationwide permit authorization expires or is suspended or revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide permit's expiration, modification or revocation; unless discretionary authority has been exercised on acase-by-case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. n ~~ If there are any questions regarding this authorization or any of the conditions of the General Permit or Nationwide Permit, please contact the Corps Regulatory Official specified below. Date: ~~temher 16, 2004 Corps Regulatory Official: ~ ep one No.: (91012.51-4923 Expiration Date of Verification: Sentemher 16, 2006 CESAW Form 591 Revised July 1995 cc: Julia Liu, Parsons, 100 Hartsfield Centre Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30354 Julie Wilsey, Wilmington International Airport, 1740 Airport Blvd., Wilmington, NC 28405 Amy McLane, Talbert & Bright, 4810 Shelley Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Noelle Lutheran, NCDENR-DWQ WiRO, 127 Cardinal. Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 ~- `. ~ • /~ ~~ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor August 3, 2004 Wilmington International Airport Attn: Ms. Julie Wilsey, Airport Deputy Director 1710 Airport Boulevard Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject Property: Wilmington International Airport.. Approval of 401 Water Quality Certiification with Additional Conditions Dear Ms. Wilsey: 0 Resources William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director DWQ Project # 04-1231 New Hanover County You have our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those listed below, to place fill within or otherwise impact 0.36 acres of wetlands for the purpose of the installation of MALSR and ILS for runway 6/24 at the subject property, as described within yo~}r application dated July 19, 2004 and received by the N.C. Division of Water Quality.. (DWQ) on July ~7, 2004. After reviewing your application, we have decided that the impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number(s) 3402 (GC3402), .The Certification(s)allows you to use Nationwide Permit(s) 39 when issued by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USAGE). In addition, you should obtain or otherwise comply with any other required federal, state or local permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Erosion and Sediment Control, and Non-discharge regulations. Also, this approval to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application shall expire upon expiratfon of the 404 or CAMA Permit. This approval is for the purpose and design that- you. described in your application. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all conditions. If total fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre of wetland or 1501inear feet of stream, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h). This approval requires you to follow the conditions listed in the attached certification and any additional conditions listed below. The Additional Conditions of -the Cert~caNon are: 1. Impacts Approved The following impacts are hereby approved as long as all of the other specific and general conditions of-this Certification (or Isolated Wetland Permit) are met. No other impacts are approved including incidental impacts: Amount Approved Plan Location or Reference (Units 404/LAMA Wetlands 0.36 (acres) 401 Wetlands Certification UnR 1850 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699.1650: 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250, Raleigh, North Carolina 27804 NonrthCarolina Phone: 919-733.1788 /FAX 919.733-8893 / Internet: ht~://h2o.enr.state.nc. us/ncwetlands ,~atura~lu Wilmington International Airport Page 2 of 3 _ August 3, 2004 Erosion & Sediment Control Practices Erosion and sediment control practices must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation and operation and maintenance of such Best Management Practices in order to protect surface waters. standards: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Planning and Design Manual. b. The design, installation, operation, and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that they equal, or exceed, the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. The devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) projects, including contractor-owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures must. be designed, installed, operated, and maintained. in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining Manual. d. The reclamation measures and implementation must comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 3. No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill of Any-Kind ': No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall occur in wetlands, waters, or riparian areas beyond the footprint of the impacts depicted in the Pre-Construction Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of sediment and: erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so thafno violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. 4. No Sediment & Erosion Control Measures w/n Wetlands or Waters Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters to the maximum extent practicable. ff placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands. and waters is unavoidable, they; shall be removed and the natural grade restored within six -months of the date that the Division of Land Resources has released the project. 5. Certificate of Completion Upon completion of all work approved within the 401 Water Quality Certification or applicable Buffer Rules, and any subsequent modifications, the applicant is required to return the attached certificate of completion to the 401/Wetlands Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Quality, 1654 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC, 27699-1650. Violations of any condition herein set forth may result in revocation of this Certification and may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. The authorization to proceed with your proposed impacts or to conduct impacts to waters as depicted in your application and as authorized by this Certification, shall expire upon expiration of the 404 or CAMA Permit. if you do not accept any of the conditions of this Certification (associated with the approved wetland or stream impacts), you may ask for an adjudicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of `~ ~ Wilmington International Airport Page 3 of 3 August 3, 2004 the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask for a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please telephone Cyndi Karoly in the Central Office in Raleigh at 919- 733-9721 or Noelle Lutheran in the DWQ Wilmington Regional Office at 910-395-3900. AWK/bs Enclosures: GC 3402 Certificate of Completion cc: Amy McLane, Talbert & Bright, 4810 Shelley Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 USAGE Wilmington Regulatory Field Office ~ DWQ Wilmington Regional Office `~ DLR Wilmington Regional Office `'.~ File Copy ` Central Files Filename: 04-1231 Wilmington lnternatioaal Airport (New Hanover) 401 ~~. ~ - ,~ ii : ,~ ~ E I~ ~' '~~ AU5 c ~', , i, ,. Sincerely, U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action ID. SAW-2006-40574-065 County: New Hanover NO DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY AUTHORIZATION REQUIRED Property Owner /Agent: ILM Airport/New Hanover County Airport Authority Address: Attn: Ms. Julie Wilsey 1740 Airport Boulevard, Wilmington, NC 28402 Telephone Number: 910-341-4333 Size and Location of Property (waterbody road name/number town etc ~: The project areas are located at the approaches of Runway 6-24 at the Wilmington International Airport, in wetlands adiacent to Smith Creek, in Wilmington, North Carolina Description of Activity: Clearing in Wetlands (CLW) as described in the Specifications and Contract Documents for R6-24 Approach Clearing, dated July 2006, produced and submitted by Talbert & Bright, Inc.. Your work as proposed does not require Department of the Army authorization for the following reason(s),: _ • . ,. _ ' Tfiere~are no jurisdictional waters or wetlands within the boundaries of the property. =' The: proposed project does not impact jurisdictional waters or wetlands. _ The proposed project is exempt from Department of the. Army regulation. 'Specify:. - This Department of the Army determination does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal~State or local approvals/permits. The permittee may need to contact appropriate State and local agencies before beginning work. For any activity within the twenty coastal counties,. before beginning work, you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management in Wilmington, North Carolina, at (910) 796-7215 to discuss any required State authorization. Any`changes in the above-described work must be coordinated with the Corps of Engineers prior to commencement. If you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Jennifer-Frye at` telephone number (910)- 251-4923. Regulatory Project Manager Signature ~ Date: 9/5/2006 . .,, r , Copy Furnished: _ ~ ~ _. l.~b~•Talberf & Bright' 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmineton NC 2$405 ± Noelle Lutheran, DENR-DWO WiRO 127 Cardinal Drive Eat Wilmington NC 28405 Shawn Ralston. New Hanover County Zoning 230 Market Place Drive Suite 110 Wilmington NC 28403 Bonnfe Baskin. FAA (electronic couv)