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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 0_Report_20110113 (32)9,?,'ARCADIS Infrastructure, environment, buildings Progress Energy Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2206 Raleigh, North Carolina Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Phase IV - 2010 Draft Tube Venting, Minimum Flow Tests, and Engineering Evaluations Imagine the result December 2010 ARCADIS Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2206 Raleigh, North Carolina Phase IV - 2010 Draft Tube Venting, Minimum Flow Tests, and Engineering Evaluations Prepared for: Progress Energy Prepared by: ARCADIS of New York, Inc. 6723 Towpath Road P.O. Box 66 Syracuse New York 13214-0066 Tel 315.449.3105 Fax 315.446.5807 Our Ref.: CT0053349 Date: December 2010 This document is intended only for the use of the individual or entity for which it was prepared and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of this document is strictly prohibited. ARCADIS Glossary of Terms Executive Summary 1. Introduction 1.1 Background: 2009 and Previous Evaluations 1.2 Tillery Development: Facility Description, 2009 Evaluation Methods, Results and Recommendations 1.2.1 Tillery Development - Facility Description 1.2.2 Tillery Development: 2009 - Evaluation Methods 1.2.3 Tillery Development 2009 Results and Recommendations Tillery Development 2009 Results Tillery Development 2009 Recommendations 1.3 Blewett Falls Development: Facility Description and 2009 Evaluation Methods, Results and Recommendations 1.3.1 Blewett Falls Development - Facility Description 1.3.2 Blewett Falls Development 2009 Evaluation Methods 1.3.3 Blewett Falls Development 2009 Results and Recommendations Blewett Falls Development 2009 Results Blewett Falls Development 2009 Recommendations 2. 2010 Work Plan 2.1 Research Conducted for Development of 2010 Work Plans 2.2 Tillery Development - 2010 Work Plan 2.2.1 Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Monitors and Locations 2.3 Blewett Falls - 2010 Work Plan 2.3.1 Blewett Falls Development Dissolved Oxygen Monitors 3. 2010 Field Verification Evaluation Methods 3.1 Equipment Used 3.1.1 Tillery Development 3.1.2 Blewett Falls Development 1 2 7 8 8 8 9 10 10 12 13 13 14 15 15 15 17 17 19 21 22 23 26 26 26 26 Table of Contents G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS 3.2 Evaluation Methods 3.2.1 Tillery Development Aeration through Upper Draft Tube 6 inch Vacuum Breaker Vents and Lower Draft Tube 10 inch Vents 3.2.2 Blewett Falls Development Aeration through Vacuum Breaker Vents Air Flow Monitoring 4. Discussion of Field Evaluation Results 4.1 Tillery Development 4.1.1 Aeration through Upper 6 inch Vacuum Breaker Vents and Lower 10 inch Draft Tube Vents 4.1.2 Baffle Plate Assemblies 4.1.3 Minimum and Spawning Flows through Crest Gate 4.2 Blewett Falls Development 4.2.1 Aeration through Draft Tube Vents and Vacuum Breakers 4.2.2 Minimum Flow Utilizing Units 3 or 4 4.2.3 Impacts to Units 3 and 4 Generation Due to Draft Tube Venting Operation 5. Conclusions 5.1 Tillery Development 5.1.1 Compliance Monitoring Location 5.1.2 Alternate Operating Scenarios 5.1.3 Conclusions 5.2 Blewett Development 5.2.1 Compliance Monitoring Location 5.2.2 Performance of Draft Tube Vents 5.2.3 Alternate Operating Scenarios 5.2.4 Conclusions 6. References 27 27 28 30 30 30 31 31 32 35 36 37 38 41 42 44 44 44 44 46 47 47 48 49 50 52 Table of Contents G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS Tables Table 1 Tillery Development Turbine - Generator Equipment Table 2 Blewett Falls Development Turbine - Generator Equipment Table 3 Tillery Water Quality Monitor Location Descriptions Table 4 Blewett Falls Water Quality Monitor Location Descriptions Table 5 Tillery Development Verification Evaluation Equipment Table 6 Blewett Falls Development Verification Evaluation Equipment Table 7 Tillery Tailwater Elevation Range for Operation of One or More Units Figures Figure 1 Cross Section Profile of the Tillery Powerhouse Figure 2 Cross Section of the Blewett Falls Powerhouse Figure 3 Tillery 2010 Water Quality Monitor Locations Near Powerhouse Figure 4 Blewett Falls 2010 Water Quality Monitor Locations Near Powerhouse Figure 5 Tillery 6 inch Draft Tube Vent Baffle Plate - Unit 1 Figure 6 Tillery 6 inch Draft Tube Vent Baffle Plate - Units 2 and 3 Figure 7 Tillery 10 inch Draft Tube Vent Baffle Plate - Units 2 and 3 Figure 8 Tillery Unit 4 Draft Tube Air Intake System Appendices A-1 Tillery 2010 Verification Evaluations Schedule A-2 Blewett Falls 2010 Verification Evaluations Schedule B-1 Tillery 2010 Verification Evaluation Results Summary B-2 Blewett Falls 2010 Verification Evaluation Results Summary C-1 Tillery 2010 Intake and Mid-Reservoir Daily Dissolved Oxygen Profiles 9 14 21 24 26 27 32 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Table of Contents G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS C-2 Tillery 2010 Intake and Mid-Reservoir Daily Temperature Profiles C-3 Blewett Falls 2010 Reservoir and Intake Channel Daily Dissolved Oxygen Profiles C-4 Blewett Falls 2010 Reservoir Intake Channel Daily Temperature Profiles D-1 Tillery 2010 Downstream Dissolved Oxygen Profiles D-2 Blewett Falls 2010 Downstream Dissolved Oxygen Profiles E-1 Tillery 2010 Air Flow vs Tailwater Elevation - All Units E-2 Tillery 2010 Percent Air Flow vs Tailwater Elevation - All Units E-3 Tillery 2010 Vented and Non-Vented DO Readings -The Proposed Units 1,2,3 E-4 Tillery 2010 DO Readings at the Proposed Compliance Location Under Different Unit Operation Scenarios/Times of Day F-1 Blewett Falls 2010 Draft Tube Air Flow and Associated Power Losses F-2 Blewett Falls 2010 DO Concentrations at Buoy Line for Various Evaluation Trials F-3 Blewett Falls 2010 Tailrace DO Concentrations 400 feet Downstream of Buoy Line F-4 Blewett Falls 2010 Tailrace DO Contours Between Buoy Line and 400 feet Downstream of Buoy Line Table of Contents G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc iv ARCADIS Glossary of Terms cf - cubic foot/feet CFD - Computational Fluid Dynamics cfm - cubic feet per minute cfs - cubic feet per second DO - dissolved oxygen concentration FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission fps - feet per second Hg - mercury KW - kilowatt mg/I - milligrams per liter Monitor - measuring device for continuously recording water quality characteristics MW - megawatt NCDWQ - North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality psi - pounds per square inch TVA - Tennessee Valley Authority USGS - United States Geological Survey Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS Executive Summary Progress Energy owns and operates the Tillery and Blewett Falls hydroelectric developments (Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project, FERC No. 2206), located on the Pee Dee River in North Carolina. Sections of the Pee Dee River downstream of these developments experience seasonally low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and, as a result, the section of river below Tillery Dam to Rocky River remains listed by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) as impaired for aquatic life under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (NCDWQ 2007). Previous DO monitoring studies conducted by Progress Energy during the current Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing proceedings for the Project have shown that Project releases during current license minimum flow release periods and during unit operation periods do, on occasion, register DO concentration levels that are below state water quality DO standards (i.e., minimum instantaneous DO concentration of 4.0 mg/I and daily average DO concentration of 5.0 mg/1). These occurrences of low DO concentration levels in Project tailwaters coincide with periods of reservoir thermal stratification generally from mid to late May to mid to late September. In 2005, Progress Energy instituted a comprehensive DO improvement program to evaluate and determine the most effective methods of enhancing DO concentration levels in the Tillery and Blewett Falls Development tailraces. The goal of this program is to have methods in place by December 31, 2011 that will meet the state water quality standards for DO concentrations during all times of the year. This program has been designed to systematically evaluate alternative DO enhancement technologies through the conduct of field verification trials of the currently available, feasible technologies in order to identify viable methods for meeting the state water quality standards. Each of these technologies is being assessed for DO uptake efficiency, impacts to turbine-generator performance, and unit operation and maintenance impacts. Since early 2004, in addition to evaluating alternative DO concentration improvement technologies, Progress Energy has also undertaken an extensive program of water quality monitoring in the Pee Dee River below each of the Project Developments. The monitoring program has been developed and implemented in consultation with the NCDWQ as part of the relicensing studies for the Project. In addition to DO concentration levels, the monitoring program also records water temperature, pH, and conductivity. Results from the monitoring program are provided to the NCDWQ for Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 2 ARCADIS review and comment. During the 2010 verification trials, DO concentration, temperature, pH and conductivity levels were also recorded. The monitoring program referenced above measured DO concentrations that were below state water quality standards generally between May and September, with the lowest concentrations occurring in late July and August during the period of greatest thermal stratification. The 2010 DO verification trials at the Project were conducted between July 31st and August 13th in order to evaluate DO enhancement methods during the time period when the greatest levels of DO enhancement will be required. It is expected that methods that can address DO concentration enhancements during the high stratification period will also resolve any DO issues during periods with higher naturally occurring DO concentrations. This 2010 report provides a summary of the 2009 evaluation trials, the work plan, methodology, results, and the conclusions associated with the 2010 trials. Intensive field verification trials were conducted at each Development during a two week period in August, 2010. The report also summarizes the technologies that will be employed at each hydroelectric plant to meet the state DO water quality standards. The overall objective of the 2010 verification trials was to further evaluate the effectiveness of passive aeration, provide information for determining optimal operating scenarios, and determine potential compliance monitoring locations. Methods Evaluated in 2010 At the Tillery Development, the following methods were evaluated: • Minimum flows provided through the crest gate adjacent to the powerhouse. • Passive aeration through the 6-inch vacuum breakers on Units 1, 2, and 3 with alternative design baffle plates placed over the vacuum breaker piping where it enters the draft tube. • Passive aeration through the 10-inch draft tube vents of Units 2 and 3 with the addition of baffle plates placed over the vent piping where it enters the draft tube. At the Blewett Falls Development, the following methods were evaluated: • Minimum flows through Units 3 and 4 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS • Passive aeration through new draft tube vents installed on Units 3 and 4. • Passive aeration through the existing vacuum breakers on Units 1, 2 and 6. • Passive aeration through the existing draft tube vents installed on Unit 5 during 2009. Conclusions Determined from 2010 Evaluations As a result of the 2010 verification trials, the following conclusions were determined: Tillery Development: • DO monitoring location TYCM1-2 (center of river at the Highway 731 Bridge) provides the most representative indication of DO concentrations for the majority of the operating scenarios. This location is the proposed DO compliance monitoring location contingent upon approval by the N.C. Division of Water Quality. • During the 2010 trials, both the daily average state standard DO of 5.0 mg/I and the instantaneous DO of 4.0 mg/I were maintained during a 24 hour minimum flow release from 12:00 PM on July 31, 2010 through 12:00 PM on August 1, 2010.. • For Units 1, 2 and 3, the addition of baffle plates or the modification to the baffle plate design improved the magnitude of the air flow through the vacuum breakers. However, the improved air flow did not provide any consistent and measurable increases in DO uptake when compared to the 2009 results. • The baffle plate design utilized on Unit 1 provides approximately 10% greater air flow than the design used on Unit 3. • Addition of baffle plates to the 10-inch draft tube vents did not create air flow through these vents. • For single unit operation, Unit 2 provided the greatest DO uptake at the proposed compliance location. The maximum DO measurement occurred with Unit 2 at minimum load. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 4 ARCADIS • For two unit operation, Unit 1 at best efficiency and Unit 4 at 9 to 10 MW load with the vacuum breaker open provided the greatest DO uptake at the compliance monitoring location. • DO levels with three and four units operating are less than DO levels with one or two units operating. • When operating Units 1, 2 and 3, the addition of Unit 4 with the vacuum breaker open (9-10 MW load) does not increase the DO at the compliance monitoring location. • Passive aeration will not solely achieve the required DO compliance levels under all conditions. • To achieve compliance with the state DO water quality standards with power plant operations, a reservoir oxygen diffuser system will be installed and operated in conjunction with passive venting on Units 1, 2, and 3. Blewett Falls Development: • The proposed DO compliance monitoring locations will be sited between the tailrace buoy line (between buoys 5 and 6) and a location approximately 400 feet downstream from the buoy line and 150 to 175 feet from the west shoreline. Final siting of the DO compliance location is contingent upon approval by the N.C. Division of Water Quality. Compliance was achieved at these two locations during the 2010 trials for the majority of the operating scenarios. • The new draft tube vent systems for Units 3 and 4 provide air flow in excess of design conditions. • During the minimum flow tests both the instantaneous and daily average DO compliance standards were met at the center buoy line location during both the 24- hour test with Unit 3 and the 24-hour test with Unit 4. • The maximum DO uptake achieved under various operating scenarios was 2.0 mg/I. This increase was accomplished with a minimum starting DO of 4.6 mg/I. This is less than the target increase of 2.6 mg/I, which is projected for the worst case scenario. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 5 ARCADIS • For a DO uptake of 2.0 mg/I the power loss for Unit 4 operating independently was 27% and the power loss when operating Units 1, 3, 4 and 6 was 15%. • For a DO uptake of 2.0 mg/I or less, the power loss varied between 500 kW and 1200 kW for each incremental increase of 1 mg/I under most operating scenarios. When operating four units and not venting with Units 3 and 4, the power loss increases to 2000 kW/mg/I. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 6 ARCADIS 1. Introduction Progress Energy has been conducting water quality-related evaluations at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments since 2004 as part of the FERC relicensing process and NCDWQ 401 Water Quality Certification process for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2206), which includes both developments. These evaluations have been conducted to address seasonally low dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) levels in certain portions of the Pee Dee River in the vicinity of each of the developments. The waters below these two developments have been listed as impaired for aquatic life under Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality (NCDENR 2010). The sections of the Pee Dee River from Tillery Dam to Blewett Falls Lake are classified by the NCDWQ as Class WS-IV,B, WS-V,B and WS-IV,B&CA waters, which are to be suitable for the designated uses of aquatic life use and propagation, drinking water and primary and secondary recreational uses. From Blewett Falls Lake to Hitchcock Creek, the Pee Dee River is classified as a Class C river (NCDWQ 2010). The designated uses of Class C waters are propagation of aquatic life and secondary recreational uses. Downstream of the Tillery Development, the NCDWQ has documented, on occasion, the occurrence of DO concentrations below the state water quality standards of 4 mg/I measured on an instantaneous basis and 5 mg/I measured on a daily average basis (NCDENR 2008). These occurrences appear to coincide with summertime seasonal periods of reservoir thermal stratification, with resulting low DO conditions in hypolimnetic waters (i.e., the bottom and most dense layer in a thermally stratified water body). For the Blewett Falls Development, DO concentrations in the tailwater area have been recorded on occasion to be below state water quality standards. Similar to the Tillery Development, these low DO occurrences coincide with periods of seasonal reservoir thermal stratification with their attendant low DO conditions in the reservoir bottom waters, especially during the summer period from May through September. In addition, algal photosynthesis and respiration dynamics in the powerplant tailwaters affect the DO regime in these areas. Creek inflow of low DO water may also influence DO dynamics in these tailwater areas on occasion. In July 2007, as part of the relicensing process, Progress Energy filed the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement for the Relicensing of the Yadkin-Pee Dee Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS River Project. Section 2.3 of the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement specifically addressed water quality issues, including dissolved oxygen. In May 2007, Progress Energy filed its 401 Water Quality Certificate application with NCDWQ which specified a DO Enhancement Plan to address seasonally low DO conditions. The Plan provided a schedule to Progress Energy for meeting the North Carolina DO water quality standards. Subsequently, in September 2008, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources issued the Section 401 Water Quality Certificate (WQC) for the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project which states the conditions for meeting the DO standards at the Project. The 401 WQC stipulates that Progress Energy must have measures in place at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments by the end of December, 2011 that will enhance dissolved oxygen levels and meet state water quality standards in the Pee Dee River below each hydroelectric development. 1.1 Background: 2009 and Previous Evaluations Dissolved oxygen enhancement evaluations have been conducted at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments starting in 2004 as part of Project relicensing and continuing to the present. During the 2006 through 2008 timeframe, initial field evaluations of potential DO enhancement measures at each Development were conducted. The results of the 2006 through 2008 evaluations are summarized in the Phase IV - 2009 report (ARCADIS 2010). Building on the previous evaluations, additional DO enhancement measures were evaluated in 2009 at each Development. A brief discussion of the 2009 evaluation program at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments is provided below. 1.2 Tillery Development: Facility Description, 2009 Evaluation Methods, Results and Recommendations 1.2.1 Tillery Development - Facility Description The Tillery Development consists of a dam and adjoining powerhouse with an average water depth at the powerhouse intake area of approximately 70 feet. There are three, vertical Francis turbine units (Units 1-3) and one, fixed blade propeller unit (Unit 4) in the powerhouse, providing a total rated capacity of 84 MW. Each unit receives water from a 23-foot diameter penstock that is approximately 70 feet long. The hydraulic capacity of the Tillery Development is approximately 17,700 cfs with all four units operating. The centerline of each of the penstock intakes is located approximately 50 feet below the normal water surface elevation in the forebay. The intake for each generating unit has three bays with trashracks creating a single unit intake area of Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc ARCADIS approximately 60 feet in width by 70 feet of water depth. Figure 1 provides a typical cross section of the Tillery Development powerhouse. Table 1 provides a summary description of the Tillery turbine-generator equipment. Table 1 Tillery Development Turbine - Generator Equipment Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 House Year Installed 1927 1927 1927 1960 1927 Type Vertical, Francis Vertical, Francis Vertical, Francis Vertical, Propeller Vertical, Francis Manufacturer IP Morris IP Morris IP Morris Allis Chalmers Leffel Rated Turbine Power (hp) 31,100 25,600 31,100 33,000 650 Speed (rpm) 90 75 90 128.6 100 Runner Diameter (in) 173 (throat) 170.5 (throat) 173 (throat) 180 (OD blades) n/a Unit Output Best Efficiency (MW) 19.0 16.0 19.0 23.0 n/a Max Power (MW) 21.0 18.0 21.0 27.0 450 kW Rated Head (ft) 70 70 70 70 70 Normal Head Range (min-max) (ft) 65-75 65-75 65-75 65-75 n/a Turbine Flow Characteristics at 70 ft Rated Head Minimum (est) (cfs) 2,428 1,933 2,428 3,603 100 Best Efficiency (est) cfs) 3,613 2,818 3,613 4,230 n/a Maximum (est) (cfs) 4,540 3,700 4,540 5,220 n/a 1.2.2 Tillery Development: 2009 - Evaluation Methods The 2009 DO enhancement evaluations for the Tillery Development focused on: (1) passive and forced aeration through the vacuum breakers; (2) improvement of passive aeration through the use of a baffle plate at the point where the vacuum breaker pipe enters the draft tube; (3) selective withdrawal through the use of partial trashrack blockage; (4) forced aeration through the 10-inch draft tube vent pipe which enters at the lower section of the draft tube; (5) forced and passive aeration through an aeration ring placed at the top of one of the draft tube discharge cones; (6) aeration through the use of fine bubble air diffusers located at the trashracks for one of the Units; and (7) minimum flow tests through the existing dam crest gate. Evaluations were performed at best efficiency and maximum load points for Units 1, 2 & 3. Unit 4 was operated in a vented mode at 9 MW and then operated in a nonvented mode up to the maximum load point. Various combinations of methodologies were used at varying turbine G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments operation levels. In addition, minimum and spawning flow evaluations were conducted Yadkin-Pee Dee River over approximate 24 hour periods to evaluate DO levels under these conditions. Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 1.2.3 Tillery Development 2009 Results and Recommendations Tillery Development 2009 Results • Minimum and spawning flows alone through the crest gate typically showed DO levels in compliance with the state daily average standard (5.0 mg/1) and the state instantaneous standard (4.0 mg/1). • During the operation of one or more units without DO enhancement methods being employed, DO concentrations were typically below the daily average state standard (5.0 mg/1). • When minimum and spawning flows from the crest gate were attempted to be mixed with flows from operation of a unit, the DO concentration levels measured at the proposed compliance monitoring location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge, typically did not meet the daily average state standard (5.0 mg/1) but did meet the instantaneous state standard (4.0 mg/1) for two of the three trials involving these combined flows. • Passive aeration through the vacuum breakers provided varying results for the different units. Ability to draw air into the draft tube was also affected by unit load and tailwater elevation. The greatest increase occurred at the higher tailwater elevations. Unit 1 was capable of drawing between 15 and 30 cfs through the vacuum breaker, while Unit 2 would draw between 2 and 8 cfs. With the addition of the baffle plates at the vacuum breaker discharge into the draft tube, the air flow for Unit 3 was approximately 5 to 40% greater than the Unit 1 air flow. The typical increase in DO levels with this type of aeration as the flow progressed through each unit ranged from 0.4 to 0.8 mg/1. The variation in DO concentrations and results with the installed prototype baffle plate suggested that further refinement of the baffle plate may correspondingly increase DO uptake. The DO levels with only this type of passive vacuum breaker aeration were below the state daily average standard (5.0 mg/1) at the proposed compliance monitoring location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge, but above the instantaneous state standard (4.0 mg/1). Passive vacuum breaker aeration causes a loss in generation which was difficult to determine, but is estimated to be between 5 and 10%. In comparison to the modest air flow on Units 1 - 3, the air flow into the Unit 4 draft tube with Unit 4 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 10 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments operating at the 9 MW load point, was approximately 80 cfs with this type of Yadkin-Pee Dee River aeration. In 2009, Unit 4 was only evaluated in combination with other units so no Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 individual measure of DO uptake for Unit 4 was determined. At higher load points for Unit 4, e.g., best efficiency or maximum load, the vacuum breaker is typically in the closed position with no air uptake occurring. • Forced aeration with 3,200 cfm through the draft tube vents was estimated to increase DO levels from 1.1 to 1.5 mg/I as flow progressed through each unit. The maximum air flow with forced aeration was 53 cfs (3200 cfm). The DO levels with an airflow of 53 cfs on Unit 3 were below the state daily average standard (5.0 mg/1) at the proposed compliance monitoring location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge, but above the instantaneous state standard (4.0 mg/1). • Forced aeration through a fabricated aeration ring attached to the top of the Moody draft tube cone was attempted on Unit 3. This evaluation was unsuccessful due to the inability to maintain air line supply connections to the ring during unit operation. • Under the selective withdrawal evaluation, the lower 40 feet of the trashracks on Unit 1 were blocked off with canvas tarps in 20 foot increments. With 40 feet of blockage (29 feet below normal water level) the results varied with the depth of stratification and resultant DO profile in the forebay. The DO readings at the proposed compliance monitoring location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge were in compliance with the state instantaneous and daily average standards during the first day of trials, but were less than the standards on subsequent days when the stratification increased and the transition from high to low DO conditions moved higher in the water column. The evaluations with 20 feet of tarps on the racks were performed in conjunction with other aeration methods and generally showed DO readings below the state standards at the proposed compliance monitoring location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge. Selective withdrawal, through use of a submerged weir was evaluated as a potential DO enhancement method and provided promising results. Due to the potential high cost, high approach velocities over the top of the weir, and the increased withdrawal of water from higher in the water column, this potential compliance option was not pursued further. • Forced aeration through air diffuser racks consisted of two - 20 foot long air diffuser arrays stacked on top of one another in front of and at the bottom of a set of trashracks at Unit 1 with the selective withdrawal tarps in place. For these evaluations, there were 20 feet of tarps in place. The DO increase through the unit with use of the diffuser racks was 0.7 mg/1. The DO readings at the proposed G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 11 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments compliance monitoring location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge were below the Yadkin-Pee Dee River daily average state standard (5.0 mg/1). During this evaluation the maximum Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 amount of air (1,600 cfm from a compressor) that could be passed through the diffusers was provided. This was verified by the observation of air bubbles in the head gate area of the unit during the evaluations, indicating some movement of the diffused air back to the penstock entrance area. Since more air than can be provided through the air diffusers would be needed to meet DO enhancement requirements, this DO enhancement method was not pursued further. Tillery Development 2009 Recommendations At the Tillery Development, a 3.5 mg/I increase in DO concentration level is required under the most extreme expected conditions to meet the state daily average standard (5.0 mg/1) under maximum levels of stratification in the forebay. No single method of DO enhancement evaluated during these trials was found capable of achieving the level of increase required. As a result, a combination of methods was determined to be needed to meet the state standards. In addition, the operating sequence of the Units should be evaluated to optimize the recommended methods of DO enhancement at Tillery. The implementation of the following methods during 2010 was recommended. Vacuum Breaker Passive Aeration. Passive aeration through the 6-inch vacuum breakers on Units 1-3 was recommended as the primary method of DO uptake. Further refinement of the baffle plate design used above the vacuum breaker inlets during the 2009 verification trials will be pursued to potentially allow for more efficient DO uptake than the 0.4 to 0.8 mg/I observed during the 2009 trials. Draft Tube Vent Aeration. Forced aeration through the10-inch draft tube vents on Units 1-3 can provide a second and most significant source of DO uptake. Using compressed air, the DO uptake observed, when 3,200 cfm of compressed air was supplied to the draft tube vent, was 1.1 to 1.5 mg/1. It was projected that an air supply of approximately 26,000 cfm will achieve DO compliance for these three Units at full load during the most severe intake forebay stratification conditions. The use of air blowers instead of compressors was suggested for evaluation since the compressors provide air at much higher pressures than needed and the compressor power consumption with the anticipated flow requirements will be high. Unit 4 Generation Optimization. When operated at a reduced load point (approximately 9 MW of load), passive aeration through the vacuum breaker for Unit 4 allowed for the uptake of approximately 80 cfs of air. At load levels above 9 MW the G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 12 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments vacuum breaker closes resulting in no air uptake. During the periods of time when Yadkin-Pee Dee River reservoir stratification is highest, operating Unit 4 at the 9 MW load level is expected to Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 optimize the level of DO concentration increase. DO Compliance Monitoring Location. It was recommended that the compliance monitoring location be located at mid-river at the NC Highway 731 Bridge. 1.3 Blewett Falls Development: Facility Description and 2009 Evaluation Methods, Results and Recommendations 1.3.1 Blewett Falls Development - Facility Description The Blewett Falls Development consists of a dam, an intake canal located adjacent to the right abutment of the dam, a powerhouse located in the intake canal and a tailrace that rejoins the river below the dam. The average water depth at the powerhouse intake area in the forebay is approximately 35 feet. There are six, quad-runner, horizontal Francis turbine units (Units 1-6). Two runners for each unit discharge into a draft tube, resulting in two draft tubes per unit. Units 1-3 are smaller in generation capacity than Units 4-6. The total rated generation capacity for the powerhouse is 24 MW. Each unit receives water from a 17 foot diameter penstock that is approximately 50 feet long. The hydraulic capacity of the Blewett Falls Development is approximately 9,195 cfs with all six units operating at maximum gate opening. The centerline of each of the penstock intakes is located approximately 27 feet below the normal water surface elevation in the forebay. Figure 2 provides a typical cross section of the Blewett Falls Development powerhouse. Table 2 provides a summary description of the Blewett Falls turbine-generator equipment. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 13 ARCADIS Table 2 Blewett Falls Development Turbine - Generator Equipment Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Year Installed 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 Type Horizontal, Horizontal, Horizontal, Horizontal, Horizontal, Horizontal, Twin Twin Twin Twin Twin Twin Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Francis Manufacturer S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan S. Morgan Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Speed (rpm) 164 164 164 160 160 160 Unit Output Rated Turbine 5,350 5,350 5,350 6,400 6,400 6,400 Power (hp) Rated Head (ft) 47 47 47 47 47 47 Normal Head 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 40-50 Range (min-max) (ft) Turbine Flow Characteristics at 47 ft Rated Head Minimum (est) 759 759 759 961 961 961 (cfs) Best Efficiency 1,210 1,210 1,210 1,248 1,248 1,248 (est) cfs) Maximum (est) 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,715 1,715 1,715 (cfs) 1.3.2 Blewett Falls Development 2009 Evaluation Methods • Passive aeration through new, temporary draft tube vents located near the top of the draft tube with baffle plates installed just above the point where the vents enter the draft tube. • Passive aeration through the existing vacuum breakers. Including modification of Units 1-3 vacuum breaker globe valves to gate valves. • Various combinations of draft tube vent and vacuum breaker methodologies at varying turbine operation levels. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 14 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments 1.3.3 Blewett Falls Development 2009 Results and Recommendations Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Blewett Falls Development 2009 Results • New temporary draft tube vents with baffle plates installed above the draft tube vent outlet were installed on Unit 5. Passive aeration through the new draft tube vents ranged from 68 to 74 cfs. DO concentration was raised approximately 1.1 to 1.5 mg/I during the evaluations with passive aeration through the draft tube vents. The DO readings at the mid-channel BF Units 3-4 continuous monitor in the tailrace consistently met the state DO water quality standards during these evaluations. • For passive aeration through existing and modified vacuum breaker vents, DO concentration increased between 1.4 and 2.3 mg/I during the evaluations using the vacuum breaker valves on Unit 5. With both vacuum breaker valves open, the air flows were approximately 63 cfs and 122 cfs for Units 1-3 and 4-6, respectively. The DO readings at the BF Units 3-4 compliance monitor met the state standards during these evaluations. • Various combinations of draft tube and vacuum vent methodologies and turbine operation levels were evaluated. These evaluations involved the use of three of the smaller units (Units 1-3), three of the larger units (Units 4-6), or all the units concurrently. Evaluation combinations of full or partial vacuum breaker operation and draft tube vents with the baffle plates were conducted. The DO readings at the proposed compliance monitor location met the state DO water quality standards during these evaluations. • Generation impacts varied by unit size and generation load. Use of the vacuum breakers and draft tube vents typically reduced unit generating capacity. For the smaller units (Units 1-3), generating capacity was reduced by approximately 12% with use of the vacuum breakers. For the larger units (Units 4-6), generating capacity was reduced by approximately 17% with use of the vacuum breakers, and 9% with use of the draft tube vents. Blewett Falls Development 2009 Recommendations At Blewett Falls, use of the vacuum breakers and draft tube vents with baffle plates under passive aeration conditions was observed to provide sufficient DO uptake to meet the state DO water quality standards during the 2009 verification trials. It was G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 15 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments recommended that the primary source of DO enhancement to be used is the Yadkin-Pee Dee River installation of draft tube vents as discussed below. Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Draft Tube Vent Aeration. Installation of two draft tube vents with baffle plates per draft tube is recommended and will be the primary source of DO enhancement at Blewett Falls. With an increase in the vent pipe diameter to 6-inches, it is anticipated that the new vents will have to be installed on one draft tube per unit. It was determined that the draft tube air inlets need to be hard piped to a location above the turbine deck. Inlet silencers and remote operation capability for the vent valves from the plant control room will be installed to allow for control of this passive aeration method. Vacuum Breakers. Passive aeration through the vacuum breaker vents was determined to be able to be used to supplement aeration through the draft tube vents. During the 2009 verification trials, 3-inch gate valves were installed on the vacuum breaker lines for Units 1-3 and utilized in lieu of the existing 3-inch globe valves. The gate valves allowed for greater air flow and DO uptake through the vacuum breaker lines. It was recommended that the installed gate valves remain in place for potential future use as back up aeration measure. Proposed DO Compliance Monitoring Location. It was recommended that the DO compliance monitoring location be located mid-channel at the tailwater buoy line just downstream of the plant discharge. Operation Sequence. Since the proposed DO compliance monitoring location in the tailrace is at the center of the tailrace channel, it was recommended for plant start-up that Units 3 and 4 be operated first, followed by Units 2 and 5 and then Units 1 and 6. Plant shut-down was generally anticipated to follow the reverse pattern of first units on, last off. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 16 ARCADIS 2. 2010 Work Plan Building on the positive gains in understanding the most effective methods for increasing the uptake of dissolved oxygen from the previously conducted evaluations, Progress Energy determined that during 2010 the evaluations would focus improving and optimizing the passive aeration method of DO enhancement and evaluating additional technologies to meet the state DO water quality standards at the Tillery Plant. 2.1 Research Conducted for Development of 2010 Work Plans In early 2010, after submittal of the final report on the 2009 evaluations, Progress Energy requested that ARCADIS develop a Feasibility Review of the various methodologies utilized or proposed to date in an effort to determine the methodologies that would have the best chance of providing the most effective DO enhancement at the Tillery Development during periods of high stratification conditions in the reservoir. The Feasibility Review, completed in March 2010 (ARCADIS 2010a), evaluated the DO uptake capabilities and the cost effectiveness of several formerly applied methodologies at the Tillery Development. These included: (1) passive aeration through the existing 6 inch draft tube vents at the top of the draft tubes for Units 1, 2, and 3 including the potential addition of a second 6 inch draft tube vent in the upper draft tube area; (2) forced aeration blowers that would provide sufficient air flow volume to the lower 10 inch draft tube vents in Units 1, 2 and 3 to meet DO uptake requirements; (3) operation of Unit 4 at the 9 MW load point (approximately 1/3 gate opening) during the entire DO stratification period potentially requiring a de-rating of the Unit during that period; and (4) assessing the feasibility of installing a submerged, flexible curtain weir in the Tillery intake area that would allow for selective withdrawal of typically higher DO concentration water from the top of the water column. The Feasibility Review of the potential installation of a high volume air blower system at the Tillery Development revealed that while this type of system would be able to meet DO uptake requirements, it would be very expensive to install, operate and maintain. In addition, due to the high amount of forced air required and the limited amount of space available for this system, a single blower system would be required for each Unit not affording any redundancy in the system. Due to these findings, this type of system was dropped from further consideration. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 17 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Based on the positive results achieved with the use of tarps on the trashracks to allow Yadkin-Pee Dee River for selective withdrawal of water from the upper portion of the water column during the Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 2009 evaluations, Progress Energy and ARCADIS conducted additional research into existing applications of flexible, submerged curtain weir systems (ARCADIS 2010b). It was determined that there is one of these type systems in use, but for a different purpose. A similar type submerged curtain weir system is being used for enhancing the uptake of colder reservoir water in the western US. This system floats on the reservoir surface and draws water from the area between the reservoir bottom and the bottom of the curtain, allowing colder reservoir water to discharge through the turbines to the river below the powerhouse for enhancing the fishery below the powerhouse. No specific application of this type of system for DO enhancement, where the top of the curtain weir is submerged below the water surface was identified through this research effort. Since the submerged, flexible curtain weir-type system showed promise to be effective at meeting DO uptake requirements at the Tillery Development, ARCADIS assisted Progress Energy with contacting two potential flexible curtain weir fabrication/installation consultants to allow for further assessment of this methodology. Gunderboom Inc. and Spilldam Inc. were contacted and asked to provide preliminary evaluations of a submerged, curtain weir at the Tillery Development. Each consultant provided a preliminary design and an associated cost estimate. Based on these preliminary evaluations and the overall engineering capabilities of each consultant, it was determined to pursue this concept further with Gunderboom. In addition, to allow for a detailed analysis of the complex flow patterns and flow velocities associated with this type of system, it was determined that a hydraulic modeling consultant should be engaged to evaluate various potential curtain weir layouts to determine the most effective positioning of the curtain weir. To provide this analysis, ARCADIS contracted with Alden Research Labs, Inc. Alden then developed a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of the Tillery intake area to allow the evaluation of various submerged curtain weir layouts. (Alden Research Laboratory, 2010) Gunderboom provided input to weir configuration layout and associated fabrication and installation costs (Gunderbroom 2010). Based on the results of the modeling evaluations, it was determined that the flexible, submerged curtain weir system would be effective for DO enhancement, however, due to high installation and annual maintenance costs and the current lack of evidence of successful applications of this technology for DO enhancement purposes, it was dropped from further consideration. G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 18 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Progress Energy also conducted additional research to determine the feasibility and Yadkin-Pee Dee River cost for installing a direct oxygen diffuser system in the Tillery Development Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 impoundment (Mobley et al. 2010c). This type of methodology has been installed in several hydro plant reservoirs and has shown good results with increasing the uptake of DO in turbine discharge waters. To evaluate this methodology further, Progress contracted with Mobley Engineering, Inc. (Norris, TN) to provide preliminary system sizing, layout, potential effectiveness relative to the stratification conditions experienced in the Tillery reservoir and costs . This evaluation showed that a reservoir based dissolved oxygen diffuser system is a technically feasible approach, to meet downstream state DO water quality standards. Similar systems have been successfully installed at various hydro plants across the U.S. to meet dissolved oxygen requirements. This type of diffuser system will be used to meet DO concentration requirements under severe impoundment stratification conditions in conjunction with draft tube venting at Tillery. Construction planning of the oxygen diffuser system is underway at the time of preparation of this report. At Blewett Falls, the 2009 trial evaluation showed good DO uptake through use of the draft tube vents, therefore, no additional feasibility studies for alternate technologies were conducted following the 2009 evaluations. In order to further enhance the operation of the draft tube vents, ARCADIS designed a new air intake system for the draft tubes. The new system involved deploying permanent draft tube vent piping and new motor-operated butterfly valves with automatic controls on both draft tubes for Units 3 and 4. The new butterfly valves for each system were connected to the powerhouse control room to allow either automatic or manual control of the amount of air into the draft tubes based on DO concentration in the tailrace. Under automatic control, the DO set point is compared to a downstream DO measurement and valve position is controlled to maintain downstream DO at or above the selected set point. Progress Energy has completed installation of all new draft tube vents at the Blewett Falls Plant during 2010. The installed system will undergo trial operation during 2011. Based on the results of the 2009 evaluations and the feasibility review process conducted in early 2010, the following 2010 work plans for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments were developed. 2.2 Tillery Development -2010 Work Plan The 2010 DO enhancement evaluations for the Tillery Development focused on passive aeration through the 6 inch upper draft tube vacuum breakers utilizing a new G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 19 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments baffle plate design for Units 1, 2 and 3; and passive aeration through a new 10 inch Yadkin-Pee Dee River baffle plate on the lower draft tube vent on Units 2 and 3. Evaluations were performed Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 at best efficiency, maximum and minimum load points for Units 1, 2 & 3. Unit 4 was operated in a vented mode in the 9 to 10 MW load range in conjunction with the operation of other units. In addition, a minimum flow (approximately 330 cfs) evaluation was conducted over an approximate 24 hour period through use of the newly installed crest gate to evaluate DO levels under these conditions. Evaluation of spawning flows (725 cfs) were also attempted through the newly installed gate but excessive splashing over the wall and onto the Unit 4 generator deck caused this evaluation to be cancelled. Progress Energy is installing an extension to the diversion wall between Unit 4 and the trash sluice to prevent future overwash effects. Progress Energy and ARCADIS developed separate modified baffle plate designs for the 6 inch draft tube vents on Units 1, 2 and 3 as well as a new baffle plate for the lower 10 inch draft tube vent on Units 2 and 3 at the Tillery Development. The Unit 1 baffle plate design was placed over the 6-inch vacuum breaker piping where it enters the draft tube. The baffle plated was placed at a 15° angle to the vertical position in an effort to match anticipated swirl in the draft tube (Figure 5). A similar, but approximately 6-inch wider baffle plate design was used for the 6-inch vacuum breakers for Units 2 and 3. (Figure 6) For the 10-inch draft tube vents on Units 2 and 3, a similar, but larger, baffle plate design was installed (Figure 7). The goals for the 2010 evaluations at the Tillery Development were to: (1) compare the new upper draft tube 6 inch baffle plate designs on Units 1, 2 and 3 to see which design provides the greatest DO uptake; (2) evaluate the effectiveness of the 10 inch baffle plates on the lower draft tube vents on Units 2 and 3; (3) determine the best combination of units and associated operating levels to use to provide the highest amount of DO uptake with the lowest corresponding power loss under varying DO uptake requirement needs. The Tillery 2010 Verification Trials Schedule (Appendix A-1) provides a list of each of the trials conducted at the Tillery Development during the July 31 through August 6, 2010 evaluation period. The schedule provides the date, day of the week, trial number, time duration of the trial, the generating units involved, the unit load (minimum, best efficiency or maximum gate position), the total water flow in cfs for the trial, and a description of the evaluation methods being used for the trial. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 20 ARCADIS 2.2.1 Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Monitors and Locations At the Tillery Development, two stations were used in the upstream reservoir and intake forebay areas to develop full depth discrete profiles of DO concentrations at these locations. Downstream of the draft tube discharge areas, one continuous DO recording monitor was placed in front of the unit discharge tunnels depending on which unit was being evaluated. Three continuous monitors were placed at the NC Highway 731 Bridge, one near the eastern shoreline; one near the center of the river; and one near the western shoreline. In addition, one continuous monitor was placed downstream at the confluence of the Pee Dee and Rocky Rivers, and one continuous monitor was placed below the confluence of the Pee Dee and Rocky Rivers. Table 3 provides additional information on the deployment of the water quality monitors for the Tillery 2010 evaluation work. Table 3 Tillery Water Quality Monitoring Location Descriptions Monitor Identification Location Monitor Type Description TYB2 Mid reservoir Discrete vertical water Mid reservoir, quality sampling approximately 1,250 ft. upstream of dam TYB2A Intake Discrete vertical water Approximately 200 ft. quality sampling upstream of intake structure TYCM00 Discharge tunnels Continuous water Just downstream of quality sampling draft tube discharge tunnel in front of Unit 3 TYCM Discharge tunnels Continuous water Just downstream of (Real Time quality sampling draft tube discharge Telemetry) tunnel in front of Unit 1 (8/2/10) and then in front of Unit 2 draft tube discharge tunnel (8/3 - 8/6/10) TYCM1-1 East side of river at Continuous water In vicinity of eastern NC Hwy. 731 quality sampling bridge piers; bridge Bridge located approximately 2,250 ft. downstream of powerhouse Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 21 ARCADIS Monitor Identification Location Monitor Type Description TYCM1-2 Center of river at Continuous water In vicinity of center NC Hwy. 731 quality sampling bridge piers; bridge Bridge located approximately 2,250 ft. downstream of powerhouse TYCM1-3 West side of river at Continuous water In vicinity of western NC Hwy. 731 quality sampling bridge piers; bridge Bridge located approximately 2,250 ft. downstream of powerhouse TYCM2 Near center of river Continuous water Approximately 3.8 miles above confluence quality sampling downstream of with Rocky River powerhouse TYCM2A Near east side of Continuous water Approximately 6.5 miles river below quality sampling downstream of confluence with powerhouse Rocky River Appendices C-1 and C-2 provide the graphical profiles of DO concentrations and water temperatures, respectively, at the mid-reservoir and intake areas in Lake Tillery. Appendix D-1 provides the DO concentration profiles at the unit discharge areas and at the Highway 731 Bridge, where the proposed compliance monitoring location will be located. Figure 3 shows the locations of the DO monitors in the vicinity of the Tillery Development powerhouse and dam. 2.3 Blewett Falls -2010 Work Plan The 2010 DO enhancement evaluations for the Blewett Falls Development focused on: (1) verification of the performance of the newly installed draft tube venting systems on Units 3 and 4; (2) evaluation of the automated controls on the Units 3 and 4 draft tube vents for regulating downstream DO levels; (3) evaluation of alternative operating scenarios to obtain information for determining the plant operational schemes which maximize DO uptake, while minimizing power loss. Evaluations were performed under best efficiency and maximum load conditions. In addition, minimum flow tests were performed for 24 hour periods, alternately utilizing Units 3 and 4 to evaluate single unit generation in providing the recommended minimum flow of 1,200 cfs, in the next FERC license term. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 22 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments The goals for the 2010 evaluations at Blewett Falls were: (1) verify the operation of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River new draft tube vent systems for Units 3 and 4; (2) determine the best combination of Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 units to operate under varying DO concentration conditions to meet DO requirements; (3) determine the best DO uptake and least generation loss by operating a single unit or several units together; and (4) determine the most representative location(s) for the DO compliance monitor in the tailrace channel area. 2.3.1 Blewett Falls Development Dissolved Oxygen Monitors At the Blewett Falls Development, three continuous monitors were placed in the forebay intake channel near the powerhouse at three different depths; three monitors were respectively placed at the east, center and west sides of the tailrace channel along a buoy line approximately 300 feet below the powerhouse; one monitor was placed below the dam in the main river channel; three monitors were placed approximately 0.5 miles downstream of the powerhouse located on the eastern, western and center of the river; and one monitor was placed approximately 1.5 miles downstream of the powerhouse in the center of the river. Additionally, discrete DO and temperature profiles were taken twice daily during testing at the mid reservoir (132) and intake (BFB2) locations. Table 4 provides additional information on the deployment of the monitors for the Blewett Falls 2010 evaluation work. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 23 ARCADIS Table 4 Blewett Falls Water Quality Monitoring Location Descriptions Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Monitor Identification Location Monitor Type Description BFB2 (Intake Forebay Intake Continuous water quality Approximately 125 ft. upstream Bottom) sampling/Discrete vertical of intake structure at 6 m depth water quality sampling BFB2 (Intake Forebay Intake Continuous water quality Approximately 125 ft. upstream Mid Depth) sampling/Discrete vertical of intake structure at 3 m depth water quality sampling BFB2 (Intake Forebay Intake Continuous water quality Approximately 125 ft. upstream Surface) sampling/Discrete vertical of intake structure at 1 m depth water quality sampling BFB2 (Lake) Lake above the Discrete vertical water Approximately 1,000 ft. above dam quality sampling center of dam Buoy line Along buoy line Continuous water quality Approximately 400 ft. below East Bank across tailrace sampling Unit draft tube discharge area area at east side of tailrace channel BFCM1 Along buoy line Continuous water quality Approximately 300 ft. below across tailrace sampling Units 3-4 draft tube discharge area area in center of tailrace channel Buoy line Along buoy line Continuous water quality Approximately 250 ft. below West Bank) across tailrace sampling Unit draft tube discharge area area at west side of tailrace channel BFCMO Below dam Continuous water quality Approximately 1,200 ft. below (Dam) sampling dam in center of river channel BFCM1A Towards eastern Continuous water quality Approximately 2,250 ft. side of river sampling downstream of powerhouse BFCM1 B Towards center of Continuous water quality Approximately 2,250 ft. river sampling downstream of powerhouse BFCM1 C Towards west side Continuous water quality Approximately 2,250 ft. of river sampling downstream of powerhouse BFCM2A Mid-river (Walls Continuous water quality Approximately 1.5 mi. Landing) sampling downstream of powerhouse G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 24 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Appendices C-3 and C-4 provide the graphical profiles of DO concentrations and water Yadkin-Pee Dee River temperatures, respectively, at the mid-reservoir and intake areas at the Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Development. Appendix D-2 provides the DO concentration profiles at the unit discharge areas and at the buoy line where the one potential compliance monitoring location would be located. Figure 4 shows the locations of the DO monitors in the vicinity of the Blewett Falls Development powerhouse. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 25 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River 3. 2010 Field Verification Evaluation Methods Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 3.1 Equipment Used 3.1.1 Tillery Development Table 5 provides a list of equipment used for the 2010 DO verification evaluations at the Tillery Development. Table 5 Tillery Development Verification Evaluation Equipment Item Used for Description Quantity Unit No. Level All Unit DI 502 level logger 5 Logger Trials Baro Logger All Unit Trials DI 500 Baro Logger 1 Water Quality All Unit Trials YSI 600 XLM and YSI 650 Multi-Parameter 9 Monitors (discrete vertical reservoir profiles) Radio Telemetry All Unit Trials Radio Telemetry Unit for real-time readout of 1 Unit continuous monitor Logger All Unit Trials YSI 6820V2 and 650 MDS Logger 2 Logger All Unit Trials YSI 6820 and 650 MDS Logger 1 Modified 6 inch Units 1,2 and See Figures 5 and 6 3 Baffle plate 3 assemblies 10 inch Baffle Units 2 and 3 See Figure 7 2 Plate Air flow meter Units 1-4 Dwyer Series 477 Handheld Digital 1 Manometer Air flow meter Units 1-4 Dwyer Series 471 Digital Thermo 1 Anemometer Pitot Tube 1 Dwyer Series 160 Stainless Steel Pitot Tube 1 3.1.2 Blewett Falls Development Table 6 provides a list of the equipment used for the 2010 verification evaluations at the Blewett Falls Development. Some of the monitoring equipment was re-deployed from the Tillery Development verification evaluations which preceded the evaluations at the Blewett Falls Development. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 26 ARCADIS Table 6 Blewett Falls Development Verification Evaluation Equipment Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Item Used for Description Quantity Unit No. All Unit YSI 600 XLM and YSI 650 Multi- Water Quality Monitor trials Parameter (discrete vertical reservoir 12 profiles) Baro Logger All Unit Trials DI 500 Baro Logger 1 Level Logger All Unit DI 502 Level Logger 4 Trials Radio Telemetry Unit All Unit Radio Telemetry Unit for real-time 1 Trials readout of continuous monitor Logger All Unit YSI 6820V2 and 650 MDS Logger 1 Trials Logger All Unit Trials YSI 6820 and MDS Logger 2 Steel plate with 450 baffle fabricated Baffle plate assemblies Units 5 for installation in the draft tube above 2 4 inch draft tube vent pipe outlets Pipe, fittings, butterfly Units 3 and New draft tube air intake systems 2 valves and controls 4 (systems) Hose and fitting for Unit 5 4 inch vacuum service-rated hose 2 draft tube vents and fittings. Pitot Tube Units 1 - 6 Dwyer Series 160 Stainless Steel Pitot 1 Tube Air flow meter Units 1-6 Dwyer Series 477 Handheld Digital 1 Manometer Air flow meter Units 1-6 Dwyer Series 471 Digital Thermo 1 Anemometer 3.2 Evaluation Methods 3.2.1 Tillery Development The 2010 evaluations at the Tillery Development were designed to expand upon the results obtained from the studies performed in 2009 and previous years. The specific evaluations are described below. These trials involved the evaluation of various combinations of operating units utilizing passive aeration, to determine which combination of units, as well as which baffle plate design, can be most effectively used to achieve the state water quality DO standards under conditions of strong reservoir stratification conditions. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 27 ARCADIS Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Aeration through Upper Draft Tube 6 inch Vacuum Breaker Vents and Lower Draft Tube Yadkin-Pee Dee River 10 inch Vents Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Passive aeration through the upper draft tube vacuum breakers and the lower 10 inch draft tube vents refers to the ability of either the vacuum breaker valve or the draft tube vent to draw air into the draft tube by passive means through the vacuum breaker or vent piping. This passive aeration occurs as a result of vacuum conditions that are present in the draft tube and is dependent on draft tube design and unit position relative to tailwater elevation. Passive aeration through the 6-inch vacuum breaker piping was evaluated for Units 1, 2 and 3 separately and in conjunction with other operating scenarios. On Units 1, 2 and 3, new-design baffle plate assemblies were installed at the 6 inch vent openings in the draft tubes of each unit. These baffle plate designs were derived from the similar baffle plate design used during the 2009 evaluations. The baffle plates used on Units 2 and 3 were identical. The Units 2 and 3 baffle plates were approximately 6 inches wider that the baffle plate used on Unit 1. For Unit 4, the 8 inch vacuum breaker was evaluated under passive aeration conditions, with no baffle plate assembly in place. Passive aeration through the 6-inch vacuum breakers on Units 1 through 3 can be accomplished at all loads by opening a 6 inch manual valve in the vacuum breaker piping. The Unit 4 vacuum breaker is controlled by a cam which is moved with gate position; therefore, the Unit 4 vacuum breaker only opens when the unit is operating at 10 MW or less. During the 2009 evaluations, the 10 inch lower draft tube vents were evaluated under both passive aeration conditions and forced aeration conditions. Under passive aeration conditions during the 2009 evaluations, very little air uptake was observed from the 10 inch lower vents. To determine whether passive aeration through the lower 10 inch draft tube vents could be enhanced, a new-design baffle plate assembly was installed on the lower 10 inch draft tube vents on Units 2 and 3. Baffle Plate Assemblies For the 6 inch vacuum breakers, a steel baffle plate assembly, consisting of a 26 inch wide by 15 1/2 inch high steel plate bent to the radius of the draft tube was bolted to the steel draft tube liner wall covering the 6 inch draft tube vacuum breaker vent pipe outlet on Unit 1. The steel base plate was fitted with curved sections of pipe cut from a 6 inch Schedule 40 - 90° elbows as the baffle plate to help enlarge the zone of low pressure at that point to allow for increased passive aeration into the draft tube (Figure 5). The Unit 1 baffle plate was oriented at 15° from the vertical axis to try to match the G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 28 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments swirl effect of the water flow discharging from the Unit runner. For Units 2 and 3 a Yadkin-Pee Dee River similarly designed baffle plate assembly was fabricated and installed. The base plate Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 for the Unit 2 and 3 assemblies was 26 inches wide and 17 1/2 inches high. (See Figure 6) During all the evaluation proceedings, only passive aeration was used on the Units 1, 2 and 3 vacuum breaker vents. For the 10 inch lower draft tube vents for Units 2 and 3, the steel baffle plate assembly consisted of a 30 inch wide by 18 inch high steel plate bent to the radius of the draft tube and bolted to the steel draft tube liner wall covering the 10-inch lower draft tube vent pipe outlet on Units 2 and 3. This baffle plate was vertically aligned with the draft tube vent pipe (See Figure 7). Air Flow Monitoring The air flow volume was recorded through use of either a digital anemometer (Dwyer Series 471 Thermo Anemometer) for lower air velocities or a digital manometer (Dwyer Series 477 Handheld Digital Manometer) for higher air velocities. A pitot tube assembly (Dwyer Series 160) was used in conjunction with the manometer to record air pressures. The air flow measurement devices were inserted into the vacuum breaker or draft tube vent piping. The meter measures air velocity, using a thermal anemometer and converted the air velocity to a volumetric flow rate (cubic feet per minute) using the pipe diameter entered into the instrument. The digital manometer utilized pitot tube pressure readings to determine air flow velocities for the higher air flow situations. Air flow measurements were converted to air volume in cubic feet per second to determine the volume of air being supplied to the turbine. The water volume going through the units was determined based on unit power generation curves. For Unit 4, velocity measurements using the thermal anemometer were taken across the 18 inch by 16 inch wall opening at the inlet to the 8 inch vacuum breaker pipe. A velocity grid was developed and a volumetric flow rate calculated. The DO evaluations at the Tillery Development were conducted from July 31, 2010 through August 6, 2010. Most of the evaluations occurred on weekdays during this period which coincided with typical peak generation times. The detailed schedule of the evaluations for the Tillery Development is shown on the "Tillery Hydro Verification Trials Schedule" in Appendix A-1. The schedule shows the units and DO enhancement methods being evaluated on an hourly basis for each day of the evaluations. Some of the units were evaluated separately or in combination with other units. Unit testing was done under best efficiency, maximum and minimum load conditions. In G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 29 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments addition to Unit tests, a separate 24-hour test of the minimum flow (330 cfs) was Yadkin-Pee Dee River conducted. The minimum flow release was made through the newly installed crest gate Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 located adjacent to the powerhouse. Release was made from the reservoir surface waters. The spring spawning minimum flow (725 cfs) evaluation could not be completed due to the use of the crest gate which caused excessive over wash onto the Unit 4 generator deck and sump area. Modifications to the wall between the crest gate and Unit 4 have been made by Progress Energy to contain all crest gate flow within the sluiceway. Table B.1-1 in Appendix B-1 provides a summary of the results of the 2010 evaluations at the Tillery Development. 3.2.2 Blewett Falls Development The 2010 evaluations at the Blewett Falls Development focused on passive aeration methods utilizing the existing vacuum breakers on Units 1, 2 and 6; the new draft tube vent piping and butterfly valves for each draft tube on Units 3 and 4; and the use of a temporary draft tube vent air intake pipe with butterfly valve on the downstream draft tube vent for Unit 5. To enhance passive aeration air flow at Units 1 and 2, the replacement 3-inch gate valves (installed for the 2009 evaluations) were utilized. Unit 6 utilized the existing 4 inch gate valves on the vacuum breakers. Aeration through Vacuum Breaker Vents For the evaluations involving the vacuum breaker vents on Units 1, 2 and 6, straight sections of pipe for flow measurement were added to each unit. Passive aeration was used for all vacuum breaker evaluations at the Blewett Falls Development. Air Flow Monitoring At Blewett Falls, the velocities in both the 3 inch and 4 inch pipe used for conveying air through the vacuum breakers and the draft tube vents exceeded the maximum velocity limits of the thermal anemometer so the digital manometer system with pitot tube assembly was used to record air flow volumes. Table B.2-1 in Appendix B-2 provides a summary of the results of the 2010 evaluations at the Blewett Falls Development. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 30 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River 4. Discussion of Field Evaluation Results Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 4.1 Tillery Development Table B.1-1 in Appendix B-1 provides a summary of the 2010 DO evaluations at the Tillery Development. The table provides the: (1) trial date; (2) trial identification number; (3) unit(s) being evaluated for each trial; (4) water flow in cfs through the turbine; (5) air flow in cfs through the various aeration points; (6) turbine set load point (i.e., best efficiency, maximum load or minimum gate setting ); (7) evaluation method description; (8) headwater and tailwater elevations with gross head at the time of the trial; and (9) the average DO monitor readings at the various sonde locations over the duration of the evaluation. In developing the average DO monitor readings for each evaluation, the first one-half hour set of readings was not used to allow the water flow conditions to stabilize at the NC Highway 731 Bridge. The average DO concentrations at the center and western DO monitors and the discrete real time measurements from the eastern DO monitor at the NC Highway 731 Bridge, as well as the monitors at the Unit discharge points, are also shown in Table B.1-1. The DO monitors at the NC Highway 731 Bridge generally showed lower DO readings at the eastern side of the river, with higher DO readings recorded at the center and west sides of the river under the majority of the operating scenarios. This spatial difference in recorded DO concentrations was consistent with results from studies conducted in previous years (Devine Tarbell and Associates, April 2007; Devine Tarbell and Associates, June 2008; and HDR/DTA, June 2009). When Unit 4 was operated within the range where the vacuum breaker was able to open, the DO concentration levels on the western side of the river were higher than at the mid-river location. The 2010 results again indicated that when a single unit is in operation, the resulting discharge spreads out in the downstream channel. However, when multiple units are in operation, downstream mixing between the Tillery Plant discharge and the NC Highway 731 Bridge is minimal. It appears that based on flow patterns between the Tillery Plant discharge and the NC Highway 731 Bridge under both single-unit and multiple-unit operating scenarios, the most representative downstream compliance monitoring location is at TYCM1-2, located at river mid-channel. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 31 ARCADIS 4.1.1 Aeration through Upper 6 inch Vacuum Breaker Vents and Lower 10 inch Draft Tube Vents Passive aeration methods were utilized for the 2010 evaluations at the Tillery Development. Re-designed baffle plates were utilized on the 6 inch vacuum breaker vents in the upper draft tube area for Units 1, 2 and 3. The re-designed plates were refinements to the baffle plate design used on the 6 inch vacuum breaker vents during the 2009 evaluations. Unit 1 had one new baffle plate design, and Units 2 and 3 shared a different new baffle plate design. In addition, a new baffle plate was developed and used on the lower 10 inch draft tube vents for Units 2 and 3. See Figures 5, 6 and 7 for details of these baffle plate designs. The 6 inch vacuum breaker vents on Units 1, 2 and 3 at Tillery are capable of drawing outside air into the draft tube at the best efficiency, maximum and minimum load points. As also determined during the 2009 evaluations, between the best efficiency point and maximum load point, there is little difference in the amount of air drawn through the vacuum breakers. At the minimum load point, Units 1 and 3 typically draw in significantly less air than at the best efficiency or maximum load points. A significant factor affecting the amount of air drawn into the units is the tailwater elevation during operation. Figures E.1-1, E.1-2, E.1-3 and E.1-4 (Appendix E-1) show the effects of tailwater elevation on the amount of air (in cfs) that is drawn into the Units under best, maximum and minimum load points. The points shown in the graphical presentations in these figures reflect the operation of one or more units and the resulting tailwater elevation level and air uptake amounts. For these graphs, the relationship between the range in tailwater elevation and the number of units in operation is provided in Table 7 below. Table 7 Tillery Tailwater Elevation Range for Operation of One or More Units Number Of Units in Operation Tailwater Elevation Range (USGS) One 205.28 - 205.91 Two 206.64 - 207.29 Three 207.87 - 208.25 Four 208.20 - 208.99 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 32 ARCADIS Referring to the Appendix E-1 graphs and the Table B.1-1 (Appendix B-1) air flow amounts for Unit 1, operation at the best efficiency point caused the amount of air flow under increasing tailwater elevations to range from 39 cfs with one unit in operation to 28 cfs with four units in operation. Similarly, air flow for Unit 1 at the maximum load point resulted in an air flow of 36 cfs for one Unit in operation to 30 cfs with four Units in operation. Under minimum load conditions, air flow dropped off significantly for Unit 1, ranging from 25 cfs with one unit in operation to 7 cfs with four units in operation. Unit 3 showed similar results to Unit 1 under varying loading conditions and number of units in operation. At best efficiency, Unit 3 air flow varied from 37 cfs with one unit in operation to 28 cfs with four units in operation. At maximum gate, Unit 3 air flow varied from 33 cfs with two units in operation to 26 cfs for three units in operation. Under minimum load conditions, air flow dropped off significantly ranging from 10 cfs for one unit in operation to 0 cfs with four units in operation. Unit 2, being the smallest capacity unit at Tillery, exhibited similar air flow characteristics under all loading conditions. With one unit in operation, air flow ranged from 23 cfs to 27 cfs. With four units in operation, air flow ranged from 0 cfs to 3 cfs. The Unit 4 vacuum breaker operates through use of a cam controlled system. The vacuum breaker typically opens when the unit load is less than 10 MW. When the cam system opens the vacuum breaker, the air flow for Unit 4 is substantially higher compared to the other units. Because Unit 4 is designed to operate at higher tailwater elevations, another unit has to be in operation before Unit 4 can commence operation. As shown in Appendix E-1 and Table B.1-1, when two or more units are in operation, the air flow for Unit 4, operating at the 9 to 10 MW load point, ranges from 107 cfs to 127 cfs. When Unit 4 is operated at best efficiency or maximum load points, the vacuum breaker is closed by the cam system affording no air flow. Figures E.2-1, E.2-2, E.2-3, and E.2-4 and Table B.1-1 provide an indication of air flow through the 6 inch vacuum breaker vents as a percent of water flow under varying combinations of unit operation and associated tailwater elevation changes. For Units 1 and 3, the best efficiency operating point provided the highest amount of air flow under single or multiple unit operation ranging from 0.8% to 1.1 % for both Units 1 and 3. At maximum gate, Unit 1 showed an air flow ranging from 0.8% at single unit operation to 0.65% for multiple unit operation. Unit 3, under maximum flow conditions, showed air flows ranging from 0.58% to 0.78%. At minimum load, Unit 1 showed air flow at 1.05% Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 33 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments at single unit operation and 0.3% at multiple unit operation. Unit 3 showed a range of Yadkin-Pee Dee River 0.4% for single unit operation to 0% at multiple unit operation. Unit 2 showed the Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 highest amount of air flow under minimum gate conditions for single unit flow ranging from 1.4% to 0.05% at multiple unit flow. At best efficiency conditions, Unit 2 showed air flow at 0.95% for single unit operation ranging to 0% at multiple unit operation. Under maximum load conditions, Unit 2 showed an air flow of 0.5% at single Unit flow and 0.05% at multiple unit operation. For Unit 4, operating in the 9-10 MW range is necessary to allow the vacuum breaker valve to open and with a minimum of Unit 4 plus one other unit in operation, the air flow ranged from 5.9% to 6.75% for 2 Unit flow to 5.85% to 6.95% for 4 Units in operation. Figures E.3-1 and E.3-2 provide a comparison of DO concentration readings for Units 1, 2 and 3 as measured at the turbine discharge point and the compliance location point at the Highway 731 Bridge. Figure E.3-1 compares the proposed DO concentrations for each unit in the unvented and vented mode of operation utilizing the 6 inch upper draft tube vents for the vented condition. Figure E.3-2 provides the relative increase in DO concentration for each unit going from the unvented to the vented mode of operation. As shown in Figure E.3-1, the DO concentration increased for each unit when going from the unvented to the vented mode of operation. The DO concentration level at the proposed compliance location was typically higher than at the unit discharge location whether each unit was in the unvented or vented mode of operation. For Unit 1, a 0.7 mg/I increase as measured at the unit discharge area when going from an unvented to a vented mode of operation was comparable to the 0.66 mg/I increase recorded at the compliance location. For Unit 3, a 0.88 mg/I increase as measured at the unit discharge area was also comparable to the 0.76 mg/I increase recorded at the proposed compliance location. For the smaller capacity Unit 2, the increase in DO concentration at the unit discharge area when going from the unvented to the vented mode of operation, was 0.44 mg/I, which was 0.44 to 0.32 mg/I lower than for Units 1 or 3 respectively. At the proposed compliance location, Unit 2 showed the highest increase in DO concentration, 0.99 mg/I. as compared to the Unit 1 and Unit 3 readings at that location. Assuming 100% of the oxygen added during passive aeration is dissolved, approximately 3.5 cubic feet (cf) of air is required for every 1,000 cf of water to increase the DO concentration by 1 mg/I. Using the incremental change in the DO level between the vented and non-vented modes of operation for Units 1, 2 and 3, it was determined that the increase in DO concentration was approximately 16 to 31 % of the theoretical values when the units were operated at best efficiency and air flow ranged from 27 to 39 cfs. With Units 1 and 3 at best efficiency, air flow of 36 to 39 cfs G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 34 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments through the vacuum breaker increased the DO concentration approximately 0.70 to Yadkin-Pee Dee River 0.88 mg/I at the draft tube discharge location (23% to 31 % of theoretical). For Unit 2, Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 an air flow of 27 cfs at best efficiency produced an increase in DO concentration of 0.44 mg/I (16% of theoretical). Adding air through the draft tube has the negative effect of reducing the vacuum in the draft tube, therefore, reducing the net head and power generation. When operated in automatic control, the units at Tillery attempt to maintain a target load. If net head decreases, efficiency is reduced, or flow is restricted, the wicket gates will be opened further in an attempt to bring the unit back up to the target load. For this reason, actual load loss when adding air through the vacuum breakers was not able to be determined from the station instrumentation during this evaluation period. At maximum load conditions, Units 1 and 3 operated between 20.4 MW and 21.2 MW with the draft tube vacuum breaker valves open. Typical full gate operation is 21 MW; therefore, load loss is estimated to be less than 1 MW per unit during passive aeration. 4.1.2 Baffle Plate Assemblies As discussed above, new design baffle plates were installed on the upper 6 inch vacuum breaker vent on Units 1, 2 and 3. In addition, new 10 inch lower draft tube vent baffle plates were installed on Units 2 and 3 to determine if baffle plates could increase the flow of air by the unit. As also noted above, different design baffle plates were installed on the upper vacuum breaker vents on Units 1 and 3. Trials T10-7 and T10-8 were conducted to compare the performance of the Unit 1 and Unit 3 upper baffle plates. These trials were performed with both units at best efficiency (Trial T10-7) and then both units at maximum load (Trial T10-8). For both of these trials, the vacuum breaker vents were in the open position. For Trial T10-7, Unit 1 showed an air flow of 36 cfs of air while Unit 3 showed an air flow of 33 cfs. Similarly for Trial T10-8, the Unit 1 air flow was 32 cfs while the Unit 3 air flow was 29 cfs. Based on this comparison, the Unit 1 baffle plate design appears able to increase air flow by approximately 10% above the Unit 3 design. To determine the effect with operating the 10 inch lower draft tube vents with baffle plates, Unit 3 was operated at best efficiency and minimum load points with both the upper 6 inch vacuum breaker valves and the lower 10 inch draft tube valves open. Trial T10-18 (Unit 3 at best efficiency) showed air flow of 36 cfs through the upper 6 inch vacuum breaker vent and 0.7 cfs through the lower 10 inch draft tube vent. Trial T10- 19 (Unit 3 at minimum load) showed air flow of 10 cfs through the upper 6 inch vacuum G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 35 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments breaker vent and 0.7 cfs through the lower 10 inch draft tube vent. In addition Unit 2 Yadkin-Pee Dee River was operated at minimum load, best efficiency and maximum load with both the upper Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 6 inch vacuum breaker valve and the lower 10 inch draft tube vent open. Trials T10-11 (Unit 2 at best efficiency), T10-12 (Unit 2 at minimum load) and T10-13 (Unit 2 at maximum load) recorded air flow amounts of 27 cfs, 26 cfs, and 24 cfs, respectively through the upper 6 inch vacuum breaker valve and 0.5 cfs for each Trial through the lower 10 inch draft tube vent. Trial T10-14 involved Units 2 and 3 operating concurrently at best efficiency with both the upper 6 inch vacuum breaker valves and lower 10 inch draft tube valves open. The air flow recorded for the upper 6 inch vacuum breaker valve was 10 cfs for Unit 2 and 38 cfs for Unit 3. The lower 10 inch draft tube vent for Unit 2 showed 0 cfs air flow and the lower 10 inch draft tube vent for Unit 3 showed an air flow of 1.1 cfs. Based on these trial results, air flow uptake from the lower 10 inch draft tube vents with a baffle plate installed was minimal. Figure E.4-1 provides a presentation of the effects of operating one or more units in various configurations and the effect of these unit operation scenarios on the DO concentrations at the proposed mid-channel compliance location at the Highway 731 Bridge. The figure also indicates the time of day associated with these various operating scenarios. During the 2010 evaluations, during the 9 AM to 11 AM period, operation of Units 2 and 4 together or single operation of Unit 2 or 3 showed compliance with the state instantaneous DO concentration requirement of 4.0 mg/I. During the noon to 2 PM period, single operation of Units 1, 2 or 3 also met the state instantaneous DO requirement. Operation of Units 1 and 3 met the state instantaneous DO requirement during the 3 PM to 5 PM time period. 4.1.3 Minimum and Spawning Flows through Crest Gate Prior to the start of the 2010 field evaluations at the Tillery Development, Progress Energy installed a new crest gate in the existing trash sluice located adjacent to Unit 4. The new crest gate was used for determining the effect of a 330 cfs minimum flow on downstream DO concentration levels. It was also intended to evaluate higher spawning flows (725 cfs) through the new crest gate, but excessive over wash onto the adjacent Unit 4 generator deck and sump cancelled this evaluation. Progress Energy is modifying the wall between the crest gate sluiceway and Unit 4 to prevent over wash at higher flows. G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 36 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Trial T10-1 evaluated the effects of releasing the targeted minimum flow of 330 cfs Yadkin-Pee Dee River over a 24-hour period on July 31st and August 1st. During this time period flow was Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 estimated to be 367 cfs as documented at the NC Highway 731 Bridge. This flow estimate included dam leakage and inflow from Clark Creek. No units were in operation during this time period so there was no release of low DO concentration water associated with unit operation during this evaluation period. The average DO concentrations at the continuously recording monitors at the NC Highway 731 Bridge ranged from 6.79 mg/I at the center monitor to 6.95 mg/I at the western monitor. Over this 24 hour period, DO concentration readings remained above the daily average state standard of 5.0 mg/I as well as above the instantaneous state standard of 4.0 mg/I. The minimum DO concentration reading recorded during this 24 hour period was 4.43 mg/I and the maximum DO concentration reading recorded was 11.98 mg/I at the center monitor. This reflects the release of relatively high DO level water from the reservoir surface waters through the crest gate. Also, the algae photosynthesis which occurs during the daytime hours drives the DO concentration to levels higher than those found in the upper elevations of the reservoir. The photosynthesis is the main driving force behind the higher values. During the 2010 evaluations, the DO concentration level at approximately 3 feet below the surface of the impoundment (the general depth range where water is drawn into the crest gate), ranged from a low of 6.8 mg/I the day after the minimum flow trial to a high of 9.1 mg/I the day prior to the minimum flow trial.. During the 2007 through 2009 evaluations, the DO concentration at 3 feet below the surface of the impoundment ranged from a low of 4.3 mg/I in 2008 to a high of 10.5 mg/I in 2009. Less favorable conditions for DO compliance during minimum flow releases have been experienced in prior years as compared to the conditions present during the 2010 minimum flow trials. However, the daily average state standard of 5.0 mg/I was achieved during each of the previous minimum flow trials in 2007, 2008, and 2009. The instantaneous state standard of 4.0 mg/I was also achieved during the 2008 and 2009 minimum flow trials. During the 2007 minimum flow trials, DO levels did drop below 4.0 mg/I, however, for the minimum flow trials in 2007 the flow was only 227 cfs (target flow is 330 cfs) and discharge was through both the trash gate and a tainter gate. When the flow was increased to 536 cfs in 2007, the instantaneous DO standard was achieved. 4.2 Blewett Falls Development Table B.2-1 (Appendix B-2) provides a summary of the results of the 2010 evaluation efforts at the Blewett Falls Development. The table provides the: (1) trial date; (2) trial G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 37 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments identification number; (3) unit(s) being evaluated for the trial; (4) water flow in cfs Yadkin-Pee Dee River through the turbine; (5) air flow in cfs through the various aeration points; (6) turbine Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 load point (either best efficiency or maximum flow) and the actual load (KW) on the turbines during the trial; (7) evaluation method description; (8) the headwater, tailwater and gross head at the time of the trial; and (9) average DO monitor readings over the duration of the evaluations. The average DO reading at the three DO monitors along the buoy line below the powerhouse is also shown in the table. 4.2.1 Aeration through Draft Tube Vents and Vacuum Breakers The Blewett Falls Development 2010 evaluations focused on passive aeration through the draft tube vents and vacuum breakers. Prior to the start of the evaluation trials, a new draft tube venting system was installed on Units 3 and 4. Since there are two draft tubes per unit, the piping from each draft tube was connected to a common vertical air intake pipe with an attached butterfly valve assembly (Figure 8). The butterfly valve assemblies were electrically connected to the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in the control room so the valves could be operated automatically. The PLC was linked by radio telemetry to the DO sonde located at the tailrace buoy line and automatically adjusted the butterfly valve position to meet the DO set point which would typically be set at 5.0 mg/I. During the 2010 trials DO levels above 5.0 mg/I were occurring in the tailrace without venting, therefore, the DO set point was increased during several of the trials to test the automatic control scheme. The butterfly valves could also be operated manually to allow the valve position to be changed for different trial conditions or override the automatic set point value. For Units 1, 2, 5 and 6, the existing vacuum breaker vent valves were utilized during the 2010 evaluations. For Unit 3, with the butterfly valve in the 10% open position, the air flow was approximately 1 cfs with the unit at either the best efficiency or maximum load point. With the butterfly valve set at the 51 % open position, the air flow was approximately 122 cfs with the unit at the best efficiency load point and 148 cfs at the maximum load point. With the butterfly valve set at the 100% open position, the air flow was approximately 196 cfs at the best efficiency load point and 224 cfs at the maximum load point. For these trials (Trials 1310-9 through 1310-14) involving only Unit 3, the average DO concentration measured within the plume of the unit discharge (radio telemetry monitor) ranged from 5.64 mg/I to 6.77 mg/I, with the higher readings associated with the 100% open position on the butterfly valve. For Unit 4, with the butterfly valve in the 11 % open position the air flow was approximately 13 cfs at the best efficiency load point. With the butterfly valve in the 9% G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 38 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments open position, the air flow was approximately 16 cfs with the unit at the maximum load Yadkin-Pee Dee River point. With the butterfly valve in the 51 % open position, the air flow at the best Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 efficiency load point was 138 cfs and at the maximum load point was 164 cfs. With the butterfly valve set at the 100% open position, the air flow at the best efficiency load point was 192 cfs and at the maximum load point was 201 cfs. For Trials B10-3 through B10-8 involving only Unit 4, the average DO concentration measured within the plume of the unit discharge (Telemetry Monitor) ranged from 5.09 mg/I to 6.85 mg/I, with the higher readings associated with the 100% open position on the butterfly valves. For the 2010 evaluations, the new draft tube vent piping systems on Units 3 and 4 were also evaluated to confirm that the installed draft tube venting systems met the design air flow and vacuum pressure requirements. The design point for the systems was to achieve 150 cfs air flow with the valves in the 72% open position. The design process also utilized a draft tube vacuum of 8 inch Hg or 108 inch H2O to calculate the design flow. The actual draft tube vacuum observed during the evaluations was 140 inch H2O which produced air flows greater than the design air flow of 150 cfs. Under the greater draft tube vacuum, the design flow of 150 cfs occurs with the butterfly valves in the 45% to 55% open position. Figure F.1-1 (Appendix F-1) provides a graphical presentation of the draft tube vent air flow for Units 3 and 4 under best efficiency and maximum load conditions under varying butterfly valve opening positions. Figure F.1-2 (Appendix F-1) provides a comparison of DO concentration increase with increasing air flow venting with Units 3 and 4. Figure F.1-2 shows that Unit 4 tended to provide somewhat better increases in DO concentration levels compared to Unit 3. Figures F.1-3 and F.1-4 (Appendix F-1) provide a comparison of increasing power loss associated with increasing air flow for Units 3 and 4. Units 3 and 4 show comparable power loss at the different air flow levels. Figure F.1-5 (Appendix F-1) provides a comparison of DO concentration increase with draft tube venting to percentage power loss for Units 3 and 4. Unit 3, operating at either best efficiency or maximum gate position, showed a smaller increase in DO concentration at comparable power losses when compared to Unit 4 at the same operating levels. Figure F.1-6 (Appendix F-1) provides a comparison of DO concentration increase with draft tube venting when multiple units are operated under varying air flow venting G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 39 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments conditions. Under these conditions, Units 1, 3, 4 and 6 when operated together with Yadkin-Pee Dee River only Units 3 and 4 vented, provided the greatest increase in DO concentration but also Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 nearly the highest power loss. When Units 2, 3, 4 and 5 were operated with only Units 3 and 4 vented, the power loss was nearly the lowest with a modest increase in DO concentration observed. Figures F.1-7 and F.1-8 (Appendix F-1) provide a comparison of DO concentration increase (mg/1) with power loss per unit change in DO concentration (KW/mg/I) for Units 3 and 4 and multiple Units, respectively. Figure F.1-7 shows that the lowest unit power losses per increase in DO concentration levels occurred with Unit 4 at either best or maximum gate position. Figure F.1-8 shows that when Units 1,3,4,and 6 are operated with only Units 3 and 4 vented there are somewhat higher unit power losses per mg/I of DO concentration increase but also higher DO concentration level increases. When Units 2,3,4, and 5 are operated with all units vented, a lower unit power loss per mg/I of DO concentration increase is observed as compared to the DO concentration level increase with operation of Units 3,4,5 and 6 and only Units 2 and 4 vented. Figure F.1-9 (Appendix F-1) shows the unit power loss per unit change in DO concentration (KW/mg/I) for Units 3 and 4 when operated at 51 % gate opening and 100% gate opening. Unit 4 shows a lower power loss per unit DO concentration increase at best efficiency or maximum load than Unit 3 at these same operating points. In summary, Figures F.1-1 through F.1-9 how the general trend of increasing DO concentration levels with increasing amounts of air flow into the draft tubes of the units as well as an increase in power loss with increasing draft tube air flow levels. After Units 3 and 4 were evaluated separately, additional evaluation trials were conducted with various combinations of units draft tube vent, vacuum breaker opening, and Unit loading conditions. For nearly all of these evaluations, the average DO concentrations recorded at the tailrace buoy line center location (Monitor BFCM1) exceeded the state daily average DO concentration requirement of 5.0 mg/1. For trials or portions of trials that involved evaluations with no passive air flow being provided, the average DO concentrations measured at the tailrace buoy line center location were above the state instantaneous DO concentration requirement of 4.0 mg/1. To spatially evaluate the DO concentrations in the Blewett Falls tailrace, Progress Energy developed DO concentration profiles from the tailrace buoy line to a point G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 40 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments approximately 400 feet downstream of the buoy line, near the tailrace confluence with Yadkin-Pee Dee River the Pee Dee River. These profiles were developed by use of a boat with a DO monitor Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 set at a constant depth and with GPS locations being recorded at each collected data point. Temperature and DO measurements were collected every 5 seconds with the GPS location. Boat traverses were conducted between the eastern and western shorelines of the tailrace channel during most of the trials. Figure F.2-1 (Appendix F-2) shows the various profiles developed for each trial at the buoy line location. Figure F.3 -1 (Appendix F-3) shows the various profiles developed for each trial near the confluence with the Pee Dee River. These profiles provide the ability to identify potential representative locations in the tailrace for the compliance monitor. The vertical lines shown on Figures F.2 -1 and F.3-1 depict locations where the DO concentrations typically exceeded 5.0 mg/I during the 2010 evaluations. In addition to the DO concentration profiles at the buoy line and the area 400 feet downstream of the buoy line, Progress Energy also conducted DO concentration traverses between the buoy line and the area 400 feet downstream of the buoy line. These profiles were developed into contour maps of DO concentration levels and are shown in Appendix F-4. In the legend at the bottom of each profile, the trial number, unit setting, total flow for the trial and a description of the units involved in the trial are shown. Table B.2-1 provides a summary of the 2010 verification trial results for the Blewett Falls Development. The table provides the average DO readings recorded during each trial period for each of the three monitors located at the buoy line in the tailrace, as well as the "Radio Telemetry" monitor that was moved around along the buoy line for several of the trials. 4.2.2 Minimum Flow Utilizing Units 3 or 4 For the 2010 verification trials, Units 3 and 4 were designated as the units for the minimum flow (1,200 cfs) trials. Unit 3 was utilized for the minimum flow over a 24- hour period on August 7, 2010 (0800 hrs.) through August 8, 2010 (0700 hrs.). For this trial (Trial B10-1 a), the new draft tube vents were operated in auto control which allowed the butterfly valve to adjust its opening point if necessary to meet the DO daily average requirement (5.0 mg/1) as measured at the buoy line center DO monitor (BFCM1). During this trial period the DO concentration level averaged 5.5 mg/1, with a G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 41 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments minimum instantaneous DO concentration of 4.47 mg/1, as measured at the center Yadkin-Pee Dee River monitor location. The butterfly valves were not open during the minimum flow tests. Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Unit 4 was utilized for the minimum flow over a 24-hour period on August 8, 2010 (0800 hrs.) through August 9, 2010 (0700 hrs.). For this trial (Trial B10-2b), the new draft tube vents were operated in auto control which allowed the butterfly valve to adjust its opening point to meet the DO requirement (5.0 mg/1) as measured at the buoy line center DO monitor (BFCM1). During this trial period, the DO concentration level averaged 5.06 mg/I and the minimum instantaneous DO concentration was 4.40 mg/I as measured at the center monitor location. 4.2.3 Impacts to Units 3 and 4 Generation Due to Draft Tube Venting Operation The use of the new draft tube venting systems for Units 3 and 4 to add air into the draft tubes has an impact on each unit's generating capability. With the butterfly valve in the 30% open position, the generation loss was approximately 250 KW for Unit 3 and 450 KW for Unit 4. With the butterfly valve in the 40% open position, the generation loss was approximately 600 KW for Units 3 and Unit 4. With the butterfly valve in the 50% open position, the generation loss was approximately 750 KW for Units 3 and 4. With the butterfly valve in the 100% open position, the generation loss is approximately 1,200 KW for Units 3 and 4. Figure F.1-2 (Appendix F-1) provides a graphical representation of the generation losses associated with operation of the butterfly valves for Units 3 and 4. During the 2010 evaluations, Units 1, 2, 5, and 6 were operated in combination with other units. Passive aeration was achieved for these units by operation of the vacuum breaker vents. For Unit 2, with the downstream vacuum breaker 100% open and the unit operating at best efficiency, the generation loss was approximately 250 KW. With the downstream vacuum breaker open 50% and the unit operating at best efficiency, the generation loss for Unit 2 was approximately 150 KW. With Unit 2 operating at maximum load and the downstream vacuum breaker open 100%, the generation loss was approximately 100 KW. For Unit 1 with both vacuum breakers open 100% and the unit operating at best efficiency, the generation loss was approximately 425 KW. For Unit 5, operating at best efficiency with both vacuum breakers in the 100% open position, the generation loss was approximately 300 KW. For Unit 5, operating at best efficiency with the downstream vacuum breaker open 100%, the generation loss was approximately 300 KW. For Unit 5 operating at maximum load with both vacuum breakers open 100%, the G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 42 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments generation loss was approximately 350 KW. For Unit 6, operating at best efficiency Yadkin-Pee Dee River with both vacuum breakers open 100%, the generation loss was approximately 850 Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 KW. When the units were operated singly or in combination with other units and passive aeration was utilized, the average DO concentration readings at the mid-channel DO monitor (BFCM1) exceeded the state daily average DO requirement of 5.0 mg/I. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 43 ARCADIS 5. Conclusions 5.1 Tillery Development 5.1.1 Compliance Monitoring Location From the DO monitoring locations used during the 2010 trials, Monitor TYCM1-2 (center location at the NC Highway 731 Bridge) provided the most representative location of DO concentration for all of the potential operating scenarios. This location receives the majority of the flow when Units 1 through 4 are operating and also receives some of the high DO concentration water when the crest gate is used for minimum flow. DO concentrations are higher at the west monitoring location (TYCM1- 3) only under the condition when all four units are operating and Unit 4 is in the vented mode. Monitor TYCM1 -2 will be referred to as the proposed compliance monitoring location throughout the remainder of this document. In addition to the stratification that occurs in the forebay and the withdrawal of water with low levels of DO from the lower levels of the water column, algae photosynthesis and respiration affect the DO concentration readings at the proposed compliance monitoring location. The DO concentration readings at the proposed monitoring location typically exceed the DO concentration readings at the discharge of the operating unit (TYCM00), with the greatest difference occurring at the lower discharge flows and tailwater elevations and during the early afternoon hours. This reflects the impact of the algae photosynthesis, the length of time for the discharge flow to reach the compliance monitoring location, and possibly mixing and turbulence which may be greater at low tailwater elevations. 5.1.2 Alternate Operating Scenarios One of the operating scenarios evaluated was single unit operation. Units 1, 2 and 3 were all operated independently at minimum load, best efficiency and maximum load. Unit 4 was not tested under single unit operation. Under single unit operation, Unit 1 draws somewhat more air through the vacuum breaker than Units 2 and 3 at both best efficiency and maximum load. At best efficiency, the air flow for Units 2 and 3 is approximately 1.0% of the water flow through those units. The Unit 1 air flow is closer to 1.1% of the water flow. As compared to 2009 (with comparable tailwater elevations), Unit 1 air flow increased from 28 cfs to 38 cfs, Unit 2 increased from 8 cfs to 27 cfs, Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:\DiOWOMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 44 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments and Unit 3 increased from 30 cfs to 36 cfs. Both Units 1 and 2 did not have baffle Yadkin-Pee Dee River plates in 2009 and Unit 3 had an alternate baffle plate design in 2009. At maximum Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 load the air flow decreased slightly for all three units. With respect to air flow through the vacuum breakers, the addition of baffle plates to Units 1 and 2 improved the air flow significantly. The change in baffle plate design on Unit 3 also provided an increase in air flow. Baffle plates were also added to the 10-inch draft tube vents on Units 2 and 3. Air flow measurements were taken with the vent valves open, however, no significant air flow was observed. To make a comparison between the effectiveness of the different baffle plate designs on Units 1 and 3, the two units were operated together. Under both best efficiency and maximum load conditions, the air flow was greater on Unit 1. At best efficiency, the measured air flows were 36 cfs on Unit 1 and 33 cfs on Unit 3. At maximum load the air flows were 32 cfs for Unit 1 and 29 cfs for Unit 3. Assuming that the two units are identical, the baffle plate design on Unit 1 provides approximately 10% greater air flow. When operating at best efficiency, Units 1 and 3 had greater DO uptake at the immediate discharge from the units. However, when measured at the proposed compliance location, Unit 2 provided the greatest DO uptake at best efficiency (0.99 mg/1). All three units were also operated at minimum load. Minimum load operation was not performed during previous trials and the intent was to determine if the percent of air flow to water flow could be increased at minimum load and if such an increase would improve the DO uptake. The air flow dropped for Unit 1, but it still was approximately 1.0% of water flow. On Unit 3 the air flow dropped to approximately 0.4% of water flow at minimum load. For Unit 2, the air flow was the same as the air flow at best efficiency and maximum load, therefore, increasing the air flow percentage to 1.5% of water flow. While these changes in air flow did show significant impact on DO uptake at the discharge of each unit, the DO measured at the proposed compliance monitoring location was greater than under any other operating scenarios. The highest DO measurements at the proposed compliance location occurred with Unit 2 operating at minimum load. Trials were also performed with combinations of 2, 3 and 4 units operating. As more units are operated the tailwater elevation rises and the air flow through the vacuum G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 45 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments breakers on Units 1, 2 and 3 is reduced. When Units 1 and 3 are operated at best Yadkin-Pee Dee River efficiency or maximum load, the air flow is reduced between 20 and 25% when going Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 from one unit to 4 units operating. For Unit 2, the air flow goes to zero with 4 units operating. At minimum load, the air flow drops to zero for all three units when four units are operated. Unit 4 is not impacted by the change in tailwater elevation and maintains an air flow of 105 to 130 cfs or an air flow percentage 5.8% to 7.0% with the vacuum breaker open. When operating multiple units, the DO at the proposed compliance location is higher when operating two units than when operating three or four units. The highest measured DO under multiple unit operation occurred when operating Units 1 and 4. The operation of Units 2 and 4 together provided the second highest DO levels when operating multiple units. When Units 1, 2 and 3 were operated, the DO at the proposed compliance monitoring location was below 3.0 mg/1. When Unit 4 was started and all four units operated, the DO at the proposed compliance monitoring location remained below 3.0 mg/1, but the DO increased at Monitor TYCM1-3, which is located to the west of the proposed compliance monitoring location. With all units operating, the high DO water from Unit 4 appeared to stay to the west of the compliance monitoring location and did not mix with the flow from Units 1, 2 and 3. 5.1.3 Conclusions The conclusions discussed above are summarized as follows: • DO monitoring location TYCM1-2 provides the most representative indication of DO concentration for the majority of the operating scenarios. This location is the proposed DO compliance monitoring location contingent upon approval of the N.C. Division of Water Quality. • During the 2010 trials, the instantaneous (4.0 mg/1) and daily average (5.0 mg/1) state DO standards were maintained during minimum flow release. • For Units 1, 2 and 3, the addition of baffle plates or the modification to the baffle plate design improved the magnitude of the air flow through the vacuum breakers. However, the improved air flow did not provide any consistent and measurable increases in DO uptake when compared to the 2009 results. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 46 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments • The baffle plate design utilized on Unit 1 provides approximately 10% greater air Yadkin-Pee Dee River flow than the design used on Unit 3 Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 • Addition of baffle plates to the 10-inch draft tube vents did not create air flow through these vents. • For single unit operation, Unit 2 provided the greatest DO uptake at the proposed compliance location. The maximum DO measurement occurring with Unit 2 at minimum load. • For two unit operation, Unit 1 at best efficiency and Unit 4 at the 9 to 10 MW load setting with the vacuum breaker open provided the greatest DO uptake at the compliance monitoring location. • DO levels with three and four units operating are less than DO levels with one or two units operating due to less air uptake with the higher tailwater elevations. • When operating Units 1, 2 and 3, the addition of Unit 4 with the vacuum breaker open does not increase the DO at the compliance monitoring location due to the westerly flow pattern of the Unit 4 discharge. • Passive aeration will not solely achieve required DO compliance levels under all operating and environmental conditions. • To achieve compliance with state DO water quality standards with power plant operations, a reservoir oxygen diffuser system will be installed and operated in conjunction with passive venting on Units 1, 2, and 3. 5.2 Blewett Development 5.2.1 Compliance Monitoring Location During the verification trials at Blewett Falls, Progress Energy developed DO maps for the Blewett Fall tailrace between the buoy line and the confluence with the Pee Dee River, approximately 400 feet downstream of the buoy line. Using the results of the DO mapping, two potential compliance monitoring locations have been identified. One location is at the buoy line and the second location is 400 feet downstream of the buoy line. At the buoy line the proposed location is between the 5th and 6th buoy, near the location where the telemetry unit was placed after trial B10-14. The second proposed G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 47 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments location is 400 feet downstream of the buoy line, approximately 150 to 175 feet from Yadkin-Pee Dee River the west shoreline. Due to the method used for obtaining the DO concentrations for Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 the maps, it is estimated that the accuracy of the actual locations of the changes in DO concentration may be ±50 feet. During the 2010 trials, the compliance DO level of 5.0 mg/I was achieved at each proposed location while venting one or more draft tubes, with the exception of the operation of Unit 4 with the valve only 10% open. During the minimum flow tests, only the buoy line location had DO monitoring and both the instantaneous and daily average state DO water quality standards were met during both the 24-hour test with Unit 3 and the 24-hour test with Unit 4. As recorded at the center buoy location (BFCM1), which is close to the potential compliance monitoring location, the daily average and instantaneous minimum DO concentrations were 5.50 mg/I and 4.47 mg/I with Unit 3 at minimum flow and 5.06 mg/I and 4.40 mg/I with Unit 4 at minimum flow. 5.2.2 Performance of Draft Tube Vents The new draft tube vent systems were installed on Units 3 and 4 prior to the verification trials. Based on the results of the 2009 trials, it was determined that the new draft tube vents for Units 3 and 4 should be designed to provide 9,000 cfm (150 cfs) with the butterfly valve 65° open (72% open). The draft tube vent systems were evaluated for each unit, and air flow measurements were taken at different valve positions. For some of the trials, the butterfly valves on the draft tube vents were allowed to operate in automatic mode, seeking a pre-set level of DO concentration as measured at the buoy line telemetry monitor. Figure F.1-1 provides the results of the flow tests. With the butterfly valves approximately 72% open, the air flow was between 175 and 200 cfs. With the addition of in-line noise silencers, the air flow will be reduced slightly, but the additional loss has been calculated and the required air flow will still be achieved. Under worst case conditions, it has been estimated that the minimum DO levels could be 2.4 mg/I and a DO uptake of 2.6 mg/I would be required. With the butterfly valves fully open, the maximum DO uptake for Unit 4 was approximately 2.0 mg/I. For Unit 3 the maximum DO uptake was 1.3 mg/I. It has not been determined why the DO uptake for Unit 3 is less than the DO uptake for Unit 4; however, it is possible that the telemetry unit for DO measurement at the Unit 3 discharge was not accurately aligned with the Unit 3 discharge plume. A DO uptake of 2.0 mg/I was also achieved with four units operating. Although the DO uptake could not be determined from the data available with six units operating, the actual DO levels achieved with six units operating were essentially equivalent to the measured DO concentrations with four units G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 48 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments operating. During the 2010 trials the minimum DO level measured at the telemetry Yadkin-Pee Dee River location at the buoy line was 4.6 mg/I without venting. Without low DO levels, it is Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 difficult to confirm if the maximum increase of 2.6 mg/I would be achieved with the air flows available. However, the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) is directly proportional to the oxygen deficit (DO in water at saturation minus actual DO in water) and at 29.5 °C the saturation DO is 7.6 mg/I. Using this proportional relationship, the OTR with a starting DO of 2.4 mg/I would be 1.7 times greater than the OTR with a starting DO of 4.6 mg/I. With the greater transfer rate at lower DO levels, it is projected that the achievable DO uptake when the starting DO concentration is at 2.4 mg/I will be adequate to meet the required daily average DO of 5.0 mg/I. It should also be noted that even with a 2.0 mg/I rise in DO concentration and a 2.4 mg/I deficit, the state DO water quality standard of 4.0 mg/I will be met under this condition. 5.2.3 Alternate Operating Scenarios Several different operating scenarios were included in the verification trials in order to provide information which can be used to optimize the plant operation to achieve the required DO levels while minimizing the generation loss. As more air is allowed into the draft tube to increase the downstream DO levels, the power loss increases. For Units 3 and 4, the power loss ranged between 200 kW and 1200 kW when the draft tube vent valves were placed between 30% and 100% open. For Unit 3, the power loss was between 20% and 30% for a DO uptake of approximately 1.2 to 1.3 mg/I. For Unit 4, the power loss was between 17% and 27% for a DO uptake of 1.5 to 2.0 mg/I. When Units 3 and 4 were operated together, a 1.0 mg/I DO uptake was achieved with a power loss of 10% (See Figure F.1-5). With multiple units operating, the percentage of power loss was generally lower than for single unit operation for the equivalent DO uptake. When operating Units 1, 3, 4 and 6, a DO uptake of approximately 2 mg/I was achieved with a power loss of approximately 15%. This was achieved without venting on Units 1 and 6. In general, it can be concluded that with multiple units operating, there is a greater ability to optimize the venting scheme and the overall percentage of power loss can be minimized. For either single unit operation or multiple unit operation, the additional power loss for an incremental change in DO, increases at higher levels of DO uptake. As conditions require greater DO uptake, each incremental increase in DO will result in a greater loss in power. When operating Units 3 or 4, the power loss ranged between 500 kW and 900 kW for a 1 mg/I increase in DO. With four units operating and Units 3 and 4 vented, the power loss ranged between 500 kW and 1200 kW for a 1 mg/I increase in DO. When four units were operated and only the two outside units were vented, the G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 49 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments overall power loss increased to over 2000kW for a 1 mg/I increase in DO. When Yadkin-Pee Dee River operating between one and four units, for each 1 mg/I increase in DO, the power loss Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 will be between 500 kW and 1200 kW, with the higher power loss occurring at the higher levels of DO uptake. 5.2.4 Conclusions The conclusions discussed above are summarized as follows: • Potential compliance monitoring locations are at the buoy line between buoys 5 and 6 and at a location approximately 400 feet downstream from the buoy line and 150 to 175 feet from the west shoreline. Compliance was achieved at these locations during the 2010 trials. The final selected compliance monitoring location will be contingent upon approval of the N.C. Division of Water Quality/ • The new draft tube vent systems for Units 3 and 4 provide air flow in excess of design conditions. Both units had the newly installed draft tube vents operating during these tests. • During the minimum flow tests both the instantaneous and daily average DO compliance standards were met at the center buoy line location during both the 24- hour test with Unit 3 and the 24-hour test with Unit 4. Both units had the newly installed draft tube vents operating during these tests. • The maximum DO uptake achieved under various operating scenarios was 2.0 mg/I. This increase was accomplished with a minimum starting DO of 4.6 mg/I. This is less than the target increase of 2.6 mg/I, which is projected for the worst case scenario with a starting DO of 2.4 mg/I and a state DO daily average requirement of 5.0 mg/I. However, due to the greater oxygen transfer rate (OTR) at lower DO concentrations, it is projected that target increase of 2.6 mg/I will be achieved when required. It should also be noted that with a 2.0 mg/I increase and a starting DO concentration of 2.4 mg/I, the state instantaneous standard of 4.0 mg/I will be met. • For a DO uptake of 2.0 mg/I the power loss for Unit 4 operating independently was 27% and the power loss when operating Units 1, 3, 4 and 6 was 15%. • For a DO uptake of 2.0 mg/I or less, the power loss varied between 500 kW and 1200 kW for each incremental increase of 1 mg/I under most operating scenarios. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 50 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments When operating four units and not venting with Units 3 and 4, the power loss Yadkin-Pee Dee River increases to 2000 kW/mg/I. Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 • Progress Energy has completed installation of new draft tube vents on all units during 2010. Trial testing of the entire venting system on all units will be conducted during 2011. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 51 ARCADIS 6. References 2008. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Division of Water Quality. Basinwide Water Quality Plans. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. Third Edition, 2008. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina. 2010. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Basinwide Information Management System. Waterbody Reports (including Stream Classifications). Yadkin River Basin. [Online] (Accessed on November 23, 2010). 2010. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. N. C. Division of Water Quality. The N. C. Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List. NC 2010 Integrated Report (Online). Accessed on November 23, 2010. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project No. 2206. Investigation of Measures to Enhance Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Tailwaters of the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments. PHASE 1: Turbine Venting. Devine Tarbell & Associates. April 2007. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project No. 2206. Investigation of Measures to Enhance Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Tailwaters of the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments. PHASE 11: Surface Mixing and Compressed Air. Devine Tarbell & Associates. June 2008. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project No. 2206. Investigation of Measures to Enhance Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Tailwaters of the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments. PHASE 111: 2008 Reservoir Air Diffuser with Surface Mixing. HDR/DTA. June 2009. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project. FERC Project No. 2206. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments. Phase IV- 2009: Baffle Plates, Aeration Ring, Partial Trashrack Blockage and Air Diffuser Deployment. ARCADIS. January 2010. Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 52 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Field ARCADIS Verification Methods for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments Comprehensive Settlement Agreement for the Relicensing of the Yadkin-Pee Dee Yadkin-Pee Dee River River Project. FERC Project No. 2206. Electronic filing. James H. Hancock, Jr., Hydroelectric Project No. 2206 Counsel for Progress Energy, Balch & Bingham Attorneys and Counselors. July 30, 2007. Yadkin-Pee Dee Project for Tillery and Blewett Falls Reservoirs, Rockingham, Stanly, Anson, Richmond and Montgomery Counties. DWQ#2003-0147, Version 2.0; Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project Number 2206. APPROVAL of 401 Water Quality Certificate - Modified. Cyndi Karoly, Supervisor. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. September 30, 2008. ALDEN Research Laboratory, Inc., Letter Report for Numeric Modeling of the Tillery Hydroelectric Plant, June 2010. Gunderboom, Inc., Summary Report on Tillery Dam Submerged Weir Conceptual Design, June 2010. ARCADIS U.S., Inc., 2010a Tillery Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Program - Feasibility Review, March 15, 2010 ARCADIS U.S. Inc., 2010b Yadkin, Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project. Tillery Hydroelectric Plant. Flexible Curtain Weir Concept to Increase Tailwaters Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations May 27, 2010. G:000\COMMON\Progress Energy\10 Final Reports and Presentations\DO\2231 01 1 487_Enhancement Eval Report FINAL.doc 53 ARCADIS Figures - i VT!_TTATi 4 L.Y. s ry 7 ,i i..e xewe e.a. I el ? ry- < r 'eciw?.«o?.....ei e.,.ee ? _ I GEU_wsTORS ? ? T •Y ('^ ? I i I -e. 1 gyn.: {as`oo ...>:.o _ ..:..w.e , i ? ;, ?. a r,R? ::?:::? :?-•-K=?a xw v? .awxuni w.TU.G. GvYTwYt RO ? sy c . TYRE `'• • •• -- _ _ _ uwrt?1.?-a?.,oo x;,o•wawo CL3iarLx4e,ao vY. _= "airw?eu+orts ••1 - - --? ueli?z ^Z.oo - a. see ze • - Ta - i ?. ?. _ _ __? .? _- _? _._.._ __. _ _ . _- lob. 37 _ _ -a-'.a?-..t-`-:",?e.• /:.=u /' ____?_ da•?_ u. s.c. +i Y- w. "...• ?_-r __ „z.-. a Pa-us PY- S++ 'T? 30. L 7 a? -mow . PRO.ECT NO -NORTH CAROLM CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT C06PANY (T (T FIGURE 2 ,._. ?.,.,..... r....rl.,.t nn ncrr I nv'ruP RT FWT'.TT FALL S POWERHOUSE TyCp'?cw aSSe u0n Thru Powe&ousa WAh 5GKE 7rt FEET (T 0) Q 0 0 0 N N N a X O 0 N Q d E F U) a U a o a` U o w o Y n m= ? U o Z v aO? 7 r tr >o? °0 >m? U) N 0 F0 UUd ?Ay. 4 I SEE, If Tve. a ' w 4 l , PROGRESS ENERGY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT TILLERY DEVELOPMENT - 2010 WATER QUALITY K >` ` MONITOR LOCATIONS r? ARCADIS I FIGURE 3 ?r t 'Y 57 0 Z M 00 ,8T U` 0 Im 0 0 0 ?m O 0 FFa UUd '??pi?k ? } tl? ? r t "'af {? it I 1f 9 • l ?,1- J. L4 A ?`.n j Sa +a9' ? -? X a r ' ' CC ® i -. .f? T A b jr.;.L fit, ?i''Yt •3.` r? 5f'°* J3 ._ r0.' ?1 a yr N ?j .? ? 4 ?x f y ? ' `' ?'7 s ?1? v i t ? ",p•?'. Y ai :I „d' ? ?` 7 •5? r + P +, - k f _ .... ? W • ? ili ?; • L.•r ?r ??,!?f` 5 f?n.. ti? w ,rr??,. ?,? s ,t5?-r M } ? ? .:'? :' "??? ;fd? a, I.J ' Vim, °da iiY'e ?J i 1 `t!} ` I S 141 >f l " j M S ?? } ?yj? 1 r t , l? 5. r r+ O BFB2 (LAKE) k i f ? ?,w LL r y y L ?w. ,p ? # I +r?ri ? f RI N N k. 4? ,; ,Lk , x. F1 r??; 'Fit{! 6?FA ? ? a r ! ff t _ CMOUD,. c 31 1317 ? l ` x' Yf 7 p,rr -. pp ?? X'-' f?7'. ?`` ?? ? 1R ?? ? one; ,'L i IN .?y?y?'?; 4?? - ?? .?' ? ,h9? ?. ,?? 1. S?q?{ = 4 q •` •"" ? 've r 119. 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' ?n n 'S__ i5' EL 5!t PROGRESS ENERGY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA YADKIN-PEE DEE RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BLEWETT FALLS DEVELOPMENT - 2010 WATER QUALITY MONITOR LOCATIONS 0 1,000 2,000 Feet P, { ARCADIS I FIGURE 4 GRAPHIC SCALE A 58 - + _ 7" R32° •? \\\ ?f ?? ? l 11 g" i 37. 15' 10 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?'0 DIA THRU HOLE (5 PLACES) 1 118° w 2'-2- 6" SCH 40 ELBOW R7'-B" 14.62° / B" 3.31 oQ 0.280" 65" O.D. 6.06" I.D. PL. _ III NOTE: FABRICATE FROM 4C' A36 CARBON STEEL PLATE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ?. ?..i v. PROGRESSENERGY TILLERY RY HYDRO DEVELOPMENT w 6? a D.O. ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ms TILLERY BAFFLE PLATE TILLERY 6" BAFFLE PLATE UNIT 1 ° 0 3" 6" Fic Re a SCALE: 3"=1'-0° ARCADIS Cn 2'-2" n FOR SECTION OF ELBOW, SEE DETAIL 1 J" O DIA THRU HOLE (5 PLACES) R31" ?% AO [V in f-IN m 5' A ?I 8 n 1 1 N al R7'-B" (ROLL PLATE) PLAN 66"0 SECTION A-A 3.31" 7.260" TILLERY BAFFLE PLATE o s" r SCALE: 1 1/2"=l'-O" DETAIL 1 NOTE FABRICATE FROM %" A36 CARBON STEEL PLATE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ?- 9"--? 118' 6" SCH 40 ELBOW 65" O V / 6 06" I.D. 01) O '0 DIA THRU HOLE (5 PLACES) 30.00" B 0 ° N FOR SECTION OF ELBOW, SEE DETAIL 1 BEND PLATE TO MATCH CURVATURE OF ?I EXISTING WALL ? p ? I I 00" (TYP.) EXISTING CONCRETE RADIUS = 150.63" a r o ° o °. A EXISTING CONCRETE RADIUS = 161.41" BEND PLATE TO MATCH CURVATURE OF EXISTING WALL B *+ PLAN 16.00" 10" SCH 40 ELBOW NOTE: 30.00" FABRICATE FROM V A36 CARBON BEND PLATE TO 7.00" 16.00" 7.00" STEEL PLATE MATCH CURVATURE RADIUS 00 UNLESS NOTED VARIES, 0.280" ? \ 0 OTHERWISE. OF EXISTING WALL V SEE PLAN OO IEW DETAIL 1 5/16" PL 10.75" SECTION A-A TILLERY BAFFLE PLATE 0 6" 1 SCALE: 1 1/2"=l'-O" Figure 8 Blewett Falls - Unit 4 Draft Tube Air Intake System M Now- IDIOM. r? 1114 0 62 ARCADIS Appendix A-1 Tillery 2010 Verification Evaluations Schedule Progress Energy 2010 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Methods Verification Tillery Hydro Verification Trials Schedule 29-Oct-10 Date Day Test No. Time Unit # Load Flow (cfs) Description As scheduled Install DO monitoring equipment in Project lakes 07/26-29/10 Mon-Thurs N/A throughout the day N/A N/A N/A and river tailwaters. Install Units 2 and 3 baffle plates and remove 07/29-31/10 Thurs-Sat N/A As scheduled 2 & 3 Off-Line No flow Unit 3 draft cone ring. Determine base flow in river with no power plant 7/29/2010 Thurs. N/A 0700-1200 N/A N/A Base flow operations or minimum flow releases 07/31/10 Sat. N/A 0600 N/A N/A 330 Set crest gate for 330 cfs minimum flow. Validate flow release with field measurement. 7/31 -8/1 Sat- Sun. T10-1 0800 Sat - 1200 Sun N/A N/A 330 Crest ate minimum flow (approximate 28 hr 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 0700 N/A N/A N/A Close crest ate and start Unit 1 08/02/10 Mon. T10-2 0700 - 0830 1 Best Efficiency 3600 Unit 1: Normal Operation with 6" vacuum breaker vent closed 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 830 1 Best Efficient 3600 Unit 1: Open 6" vacuum breaker valve 08/02/10 Mon. T10-3 0830 - 1000 1 Best Efficiency 3600 Unit 1: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with new baffle plate design 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 1000 1 Transition Transition Unit 1: Increase unit operating point to maximum load 08/02/10 Mon. T10-4 1000-1130 1 Max 4500 Unit 1: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with new baffle plate design 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 1130 1 Transition Transition Unit 1: Decrease unit operating point to minimum load 2400 cfs 08/02/10 Mon. T10-5 1130-1300 1 Min 2400 Unit 1: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with new baffle plate design 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 1300 1 & 3 Transition Transition Unit 1: Close 6" vaccum vent and reduce load to Best Efficiency of 3600 cfs. Start up Unit 3 and bring to Best Efficient of 3600 cfs 08/02/10 Mon. T10-6 1300 - 1430 1 & 3 Best Efficiency 7200 Units 1 & 3: Normal operation 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 1430 1 & 3 Best Efficient 7200 Units 1 & 3: Open 6" vacuum breaker valves 08/02/10 Mon. T10-7 1430 - 1600 1 & 3 Best Efficiency 7200 Units 1 & 3: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with baffle plates (comparison of baffle plate performance) 08/02/10 Mon. N/A 1600 1 & 3 Transition Transition Units 1 & 3: Increase unit operating point to maximum load 08/02/10 Mon. T10-8 1600 - 1730 1 & 3 Max 9100 Units 1 & 3: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with baffle plates (comparison of baffle plate performance) 08/03/10 Tues T10-9 0700 - 0830 2 Best Efficiency 2800 Unit 2: Normal Operation with 6" vacuum breaker vent closed 08/03/10 Tues N/A 830 2 Best Efficient 2800 Unit 2: Open 6" vacuum breaker valve 08/03/10 Tues T10-10 0830 - 1000 2 Best Efficiency 2800 Unit 2: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with new baffle plate design 08/03/10 Tues N/A 1000 2 Best Efficient 2800 Unit 2: Open valve for 10" draft tube vent 08/03/10 Tues T10-11 1000-1130 2 Best Efficiency 2800 Unit 2: Natural aeration both through 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent with new baffle plate design 08/03/10 Tues N/A 1130 2 Transition Transition Unit 2: Decrease unit operating point to minimum load 1900 cfs 08/03/10 Tues T10-12 1130-1300 2 Min 1900 Unit 2: Natural aeration both through 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent with new baffle plate design 08/03/10 Tues N/A 1300 2 Transition Transition Unit 2: Increase unit operating point to maximum load 08/03/10 Tues T10-13 1300 - 1430 2 Max 3700 Unit 2: Natural aeration both through 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent with new baffle plate design 08/03/10 Tues N/A 1430 2 & 3 Transition Transition Unit 2: Decrease load to best eficiency. Unit 3: Start unit, increase load to best efficiency, open valves for 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent. 08/03/10 Tues T10-14 1450 - 1600 2 & 3 Best Efficiency 6400 Units 2 & 3: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum I I breaker and 10" draft tube vent Date Day Test No. Time Unit # Load Flow (cfs) Description 08/03/10 Tues N/A 1600 2 & 3 Best Efficiency 6400 Units 2 & 3: Close 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent valves 08/03/10 Tues T10-15 1600-1715 2 & 3 Best Efficiency 6400 Units 2 & 3: Normal operation 08/04/10 Wed. T10-16 0700 - 0830 3 Best Efficiency 3600 Unit 3: Normal Operation with 6" vacuum breaker vent closed 08/04/10 Wed. N/A 830 3 Best Efficient 3600 Unit 3: Open 6" vacuum breaker valve 08/04/10 Wed. T10-17 0830 - 1000 3 Best Efficiency 3600 Unit 3: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker with new baffle plate design 08/04/10 Wed. N/A 1000 3 Best Efficient 3600 Unit 3: Open valve for 10" draft tube vent 08/04/10 Wed. T10-18 1000-1130 3 Best Efficiency 3600 Unit 3: Natural aeration through both 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent with new baffle plate design 08/04/10 Wed. N/A 1130 3 Transition Transition Unit 3: Decrease unit operating point to minimum load 2400 cfs 08/04/10 Wed. T10-19 1130-1300 3 Min 2400 Unit 3: Natural aeration through both 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent with new baffle plate design 08/04/10 Wed. N/A 1300 1, 2, & 3 Transition Transition Unit 3: Close 6" vacuum vent, 10" draft tube vent and increase load to Best Efficiency. Start u Units 1 and 2 and bring to Best Efficiency.. 08/04/10 Wed. T10-20 1300 - 1430 1, 2, & 3 Best Efficiency 6700 Units 1, 2 & 3: Normal operation 08/04/10 Wed. N/A 1430 1, 2, & 3 Best Efficiency 6700 Units 1: Open 6" vacuum breaker valve. Units 2 and 3: Open 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent valves. 08/04/10 Wed. T10-21 1430 - 1600 1, 2, & 3 Best Efficiency 6700 Unit 1: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker. Units 2 and 3: Natural aeration through both 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent. 08/04/10 Wed. N/A 1600 1, 2, & 3 Transition Transition Units 1, 2, & 3: Increase unit operating point to maximum load 08/04/10 Wed. T10-22 1600 - 1730 1, 2, & 3 Max 12700 Unit 1: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum breaker. Units 2 and 3: Natural aeration through both 6" vacuum breaker and 10" draft tube vent. (comparison of baffle late performance) 08/05/10 Thur. N/A 0700 - 0800 2 & 4 N/A N/A Unit 2: Start unit and set at best efficiency; Unit 4: Make necessary adjustments to vacuum breaker setting. 08/05/10 Thur. T10-23 0800 - 0930 2 & 4 Unit 2: Best Eff TBD Unit 2: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum Unit 4: 10 MW breaker; Unit 4: Operate unit at 10 MW with vacumm breaker open. 08/05/10 Thur. N/A 0930 1,2,3 & 4 Transition Transition Unit 1: Start Unit, set at Min. load (13 MW) and open 6" vacuum breaker; Unit 2: Reduce to Min. load (10 MW) and keep 6" vacuum breaker open; Unit 3: Start Unit, set at Min. load (13 MW) and open 6" vacuum breaker; Unit 4: Maintain load at 10 MW with vacuum breaker 08/05/10 Thur. T10-24 0930 - 1100 1,2,3 & 4 Unit 1: 13 MW TBD Units 1, 2 and 3: Natural aeration through 6" Unit 2: 10 MW vacuum breaker. Unit 4: 10 MW with vacuum Unit 3:13 MW breaker open. Unit 4: 10 MW 08/05/10 Thur. N/A 1100 1,2,3 & 4 Transition Transition Units 1, 2 and 3: Increase to best efficiency. Unit 4: Reduce to 9 MW with vacuum breaker 08/05/10 Thur. T10-25 1100-1230 1,2,3 & 4 Units 1, 2 & 3: TBD Units 1, 2 and 3: Natural aeration through 6" Best vacuum breaker. Unit 4: Vacuum breaker open. Efficiency. 08/05/10 Thur. N/A 1230 1,2,3 & 4 Transition Transition Units 1, 2 and 3: Maintain load at best efficiency and close 6" vacuum breakers. Unit 4: Increase load to 15 MW with vacuum breaker closed. 08/05/10 Thur. T10-26 1230 - 1400 1,2,3 & 4 Units 1, 2 & 3: TBD Units 1, 2, and 3: Normal operation. Unit 4: Best Vacuum breaker closed. Efficiency. 08/06/10 Fri T10-27 0800 - 0930 1 & 4 Best Efficiency 7800 Units 1 and 4: Normal operation 08/06/10 Fri N/A 0930 1 & 4 Transition Transition Unit 1: Open 6" vacuum braeker. Unit 4: Reduce load to 9 MW vacuum breaker opens) 08/06/10 Fri T10-28 0930 - 1100 1 & 4 Unit 1: Best Unit 1: 3600 Unit 1: Natural aeration through 6" vacuum Efficiency; Unit 4: 1728 breaker with new baffle plate design; Unit 4: 9 Unit 4:9 MW MW with vacuum breaker open ARCADIS Appendix A-2 Blewett Falls 2010 Verification Evaluations Schedule Progress Energy 2010 Dissolved Oxygen Enhancement Methods Verification Blewett Hydro Verification Trials Schedule 9/22/2010 (Rev. 12) Date Day Test No. Time Unit # Load Flow (cfs) Description 8/7/10 Sat. N/A 0700 3 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 3: Start unit and establish load for 1200 cfs. Manual butterfly valve closed 8/7/10 Sat. B10-1 0700 - 0800 3 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 3: Minimum flow, normal operation 8/7/10 Sat. N/A 0800 3 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 3: Minimum flow, open manual butterfly valve and allow control valve to open to reach required DO level 8/7 - 8/8/10 Sat.-Sun. B10-1a 0800 Sat. - 0700 Sun. 3 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 3: Minimum flow with new draft tube vents in auto control. 8/8/10 Sun. N/A 0700 4 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 3: Shut down unit. Unit 4: Start unit and establish load for 1200 cfs. Manual butterfly valve closed 8/8/10 Sun. B10-2a 0700 - 0800 4 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 4: Minimum flow, normal operation 8/8/10 Sun. N/A 800 4 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 4: Minimum flow, open manual butterfly valve and allow control valve to open to reach required DO level 8/8 - 8/9/10 Sun.-Mon B10-2b 800 Sun. - 0700 Mon. 4 Minimum Flow 1200 Unit 4: Minimum flow with new draft tube vents in auto control. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-3a 0700 - 0800 4 Best Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve closed with no venting. Control test. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-3 0800 - 0900 4 Best Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 10% open 8/9/10 Mon. N/A 0900 4 Best Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 50%. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-4 0900 - 1000 4 Best Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 50% open. 8/9/10 Mon. N/A 1000 4 Best Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 100%. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-5 1000-1100 4 Best Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 100% open. 8/9/10 Mon. N/A 1100 4 Transition Transition Unit 4: Increase to maximum load and keep draft tube vent valve at 100% open. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-6 1100-1200 4 Max 1700 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 100% open. 8/9/10 Mon. N/A 1200 4 Max 1700 Unit 4: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 50%. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-7 1200 - 1300 4 Max 1700 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 50% open. 8/9/10 Mon. N/A 1300 4 Max 1700 Unit 4: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 10%. 8/9/10 Mon. B10-8 1300 - 1400 4 Max 1700 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 10% open 8/10/10 Tues B10-9a 0700 - 0800 3 Best Efficiency 1200 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve closed with no venting. Control test. 8/10/10 Tues B10-9 0800 - 0900 3 Best Efficiency 1200 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 10% open 8/10/10 Tues N/A 0900 3 Best Efficiency 1200 Unit 3: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 50%. 8/10/10 Tues B10-10 0900 - 1000 3 Best Efficiency 1200 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 50% open. 8/10/10 Tues N/A 1000 3 Best Efficiency 1200 Unit 3: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 100%. 8/10/10 Tues B10-11 1000-1100 3 Best Efficiency 1200 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 100% open. 8/10/10 Tues N/A 1100 3 Transition Transition Unit 3: Increase to maximum load and keep draft tube vent valve at 100% open. 8/10/10 Tues B10-12 1100-1200 3 Max 1350 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 100% open. 8/10/10 Tues N/A 1200 3 Max 1350 Unit 3: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 50%. 8/10/10 Tues B10-13 1200 - 1300 3 Max 1350 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 50% open. Date Day Test No. Time Unit # Load Flow (cfs) Description 8/10/10 Tues N/A 1300 3 Max 1350 Unit 3: Adjust draft tube vent butterfly valve to 10%. 8/10/10 Tues B10-14 1300 - 1400 3 Max 1350 Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 10% open 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 0900 3 & 4 Best Efficiency 2450 Units 3 & 4: Start units 8/11/10 Weds. B10-15 0900 - 1000 3 & 4 Best Efficiency 2450 Units 3 & 4: Normal operation (unvented) 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1000 3 & 4 Best Efficiency 2450 Units 3 & 4: Maintain normal unvented mode of operation (vents closed). 8/11/10 Weds. B10-16 1000-1100 3 & 4 Best Efficiency 2450 Units 3 & 4: Draft tube vents closed (unvented) for 30 minutes then air flow control in manual at 30% open for 30 minutes. 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1100 3 & 4 Transition Transition Units 3 & 4: Increase to maximum load 8/11/10 Weds. B10-17 1100-1200 3 & 4 Max 3050 Units 3 & 4: Draft tube vents open at 30% and air flow control in manual for 30 minutes; then close vents for 30 minutes of unvented operation. 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1200 1, 3 & 4 Best Efficiency 3650 Unit 1: Start unit, draft tube vents closed; Units 3 & 4: Reduce load to best efficiency 8/11/10 Weds. B10-18 1200 - 1300 1, 3 & 4 Best Efficiency 3650 Unit 1: Normal operation; Units 3 and 4: Draft tube vents in manual at closed position (unvented) for 30 minutes; then manually open vents at 30% for 30 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1300 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 6: Start unit, vacuum breaker valves closed 8/11/10 Weds. B10-19 1300 - 1400 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 1: Normal operation; Units 3 and 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow in manual at 30% for 30 minutes; then close vents (unvented) for 30 minutes; Unit 6: Normal operation 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1400 2, 3, 4 & 5 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 1: Shut down; Unit 2: Start up with vacuum breaker valves closed; Unit 5: Start up with vacuum breaker valves closed; Unit 6: Shut down 8/11/10 Weds. B10-20 1400 - 1500 2, 3, 4 & 5 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 2: Normal operation; Units 3 & 4: Draft tube vents closed (unvented) for 30 minutes; then open vents and air flow control in manual at 30% for 30 minutes; Unit 5: Normal operation 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1500 2, 3, 4 & 5 Best Efficiency 4900 Units 2 & 5: Open downstream vacuum breaker valves to full open position 8/11/10 Weds. B10-21 1500 - 1600 2, 3, 4 & 5 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 2: Downstream vacuum breaker valve fully open; Units 3 and 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow control in manual for 30% for 30 minutes; then close vents (unvented) for 30 minutes; Unit 5: downstream vacuum breaker valve fully open 8/11/10 Weds. N/A 1600 2, 3, 4 & 5 Best Efficiency 4900 Units 3 & 4: Continue operation with draft tube vents closed (unvented). 8/11/10 Weds. B10-22 1600 - 1700 2, 3, 4 & 5 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 2: Normal operation; Unit 3: Normal operation; Unit 4: Normal operation; Unit 5: Normal operation 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 900 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Units 1, 3, 4 & 6: Start units 8/12/10 Thurs B10-23 0900 - 1000 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Units 1, 3, 4 & 6: Normal operation (unvented) 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 1000 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Units 3 & 4: Open manual butterfly valve and allow control valve to reach required DO level. 8/12/10 Thurs B10-24 1000-1100 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 1: Normal operation; Units 3 and 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow control in auto; Unit 6: Normal operation 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 1100 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Units 1 & 6: Open both vacuum breaker valves Date Day Test No. Time Unit # Load Flow (cfs) Description 8/12/10 Thurs B10-25 1100-1200 1, 3, 4 & 6 Best Efficiency 4900 Unit 1: Both vacuum breaker valves open; Units 3 and 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow control in auto; Unit 6: both vacuum breaker valves open. 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 1200 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Best Efficiency 7350 Units 1 & 6: Close vacuum breaker valves; Units 2 & 5: Start Units; Units 3 & 4: Maintain operation with valves in auto 8/12/10 Thurs B10-26 1200 - 1300 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Best Efficiency 7350 Units 1, 2, 5, & 6: Normal operation (unvented). Units 3 & 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow control in auto. 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 1300 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Best Efficiency 7350 Units 2 & 5: Open downstream vacuum breaker valves 50% 8/12/10 Thurs B10-27 1300 - 1400 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Best Efficiency 7350 Units 1 & 6: vacuum breaker valves closed; Units 2 & 5: Downstream vacuum breaker valve 50% open; Units 3 & 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow control in auto. 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 1400 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Transition Transition All Units: Increase to maximum load. Units 2 & 5: Open downstream vacuum breaker valves 100% 8/12/10 Thurs B10-28 1400 - 1500 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Max 9150 Units 1 & 6: vacuum breaker valves closed; Units 2 & 5: Downstream vacuum breaker valve open; Units 3 & 4: Draft tube vents open and air flow control in auto. 8/12/10 Thurs N/A 1500 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Max 9150 All Units: Close valves 8/12/10 Thurs B10-29 1500 - 1600 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 Max 9150 Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6: Normal operation (unvented) 0813/10 Fri. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Any other follow-up tests identified during course of testing. Demobilize on-site equipment (including DO sondes in river). Note: Noise level measurements for trials B10-9 through B10-17 ARCADIS Appendix B-1 Tillery 2010 Verification Evaluation Results Summary Table B.1-1 Tillery 2010 Verification Evaluation Results Summary D t T i l U it Flow Air Flow Load D i ti HW Elev. TW Elev. Gross Head Average DO Concentrations a e r a n CFS CFS Set Actual (MW) escr p on Ft. Ft. Ft. TYCM1-1 TYCM1-2 TYCM1-3 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 7/31 -8/2 T10-1 N/A 367 N/A N/A N/A Crest Gate - Minimum Flow 277.40 203.60 73.80 No Data * 6.76 7.06 08/02/10 T10-2 1 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.8 Normal Operation 277.57 205.59 71.99 No Data * 3.04 2.67 2.64 08/02/10 T10-3 1 3600 39 Best Eff. 19.7 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.50 205.72 71.78 No Data * 3.70 3.34 3.34 08/02/10 T10-4 1 4500 36 Max. Load 21.2 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.45 205.91 71.54 3.63 4.06 3.60 3.50 08/02/10 T10-5 1 2400 25 Min. Load 13.0 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.40 205.50 71.90 3.60 4.74 4.28 3.19 08/02/10 T10 6 1 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.7 Normal Operation 277 41 206 64 70 77 3 00 3 49 3 13 2 58 2 82 - 3 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.8 Normal Operation . . . . . . . - . - 08/02/10 T10 7 1 3600 36 Best Eff. 19.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 48 207 09 70 39 3 10 4 05 4 01 3 23 3 46 - 3 3600 33 Best Eff. 19.9 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . . - . - 08/02/10 T10 8 1 4500 32 Max. Load 20.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 67 207 29 70 38 3 50 4 11 3 77 3 56 3 45 - 3 4500 29 Max. Load 21.2 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . . - . - 08/03/10 T10-9 2 2800 0 Best Eff. 15.3 Normal Operation 277.94 205.28 72.66 No Data 3.14 2.93 - 2.43 - - 08/03/10 T10-10 2 2800 27 Best Eff. 15.2 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.87 205.29 72.58 3.13 4.13 3.76 - 2.87 08/03/10 T10 11 2 2800 27 Best Eff 15 3 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 79 205 31 72 48 No Data 4 69 4 14 2 87 - 0.5 . . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . - . - - 08/03/10 T10 12 2 1900 26 Min Load 10 9 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 86 205 07 72 79 4 05 5 31 4 74 2 86 - 0.5 . . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - . - - 08/03/10 T10 13 2 3700 24 Max Load 18 3 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 96 205 53 72 43 3 85 4 75 4 11 2 71 - 0.5 . . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - . - - 2 2800 10 Best Eff 16 1 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/03/10 T10 14 0.0 . . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 278 12 206 83 71 29 3 35 3 47 3 16 2 61 2 88 - 3 3600 38 Best Eff 20 0 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - . . - 1.1 . . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/03/10 T10 15 2 2800 0 Best Eff. 16.2 Normal Operation 278 13 206 80 71 33 3 10 2 99 2 83 2 54 2 31 - 3 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.9 Normal Operation . . . . . . - . . - 08/04/10 T10-16 3 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.7 Normal Operation 277.78 205.57 72.21 1.90 2.63 2.45 - - 1.66 - 08/04/10 T10-17 3 3600 36 Best Eff. 19.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.76 205.73 72.03 2.55 3.39 3.09 - - 2.54 - 08/04/10 T10 18 3 3600 36 Best Eff 19 9 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 76 205 73 72 03 2 80 4 11 3 57 2 30 - 0.7 . . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - - . - 08/04/10 T10 19 3 2400 10 Min Load 11 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 77 205 21 72 56 2 65 4 96 4 20 1 94 - 0.7 . 10" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - - . - 1 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.7 Normal Operation 08/04/10 T10-20 2 2800 0 Best Eff. 15.3 Normal Operation 277.74 207.87 69.87 1.85 2.58 2.16 - 1.71 1.69 - 3 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.7 Normal Operation 1 3600 33 Best Eff. 19.7 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/04/10 T10-21 2 2800 1 Best Eff. 15.3 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.70 207.90 69.80 2.45 2.78 2.87 - 1.83 2.47 - 3 3600 33 Best Eff. 19.7 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 1 4500 30 Max. Load 20.4 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/04/10 T10-22 2 3700 3 Max. Load 17.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277.64 208.25 69.39 1.85 2.91 2.68 - 2.27 2.23 - 3 4500 26 Max. Load 20.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/05/10 T10 23 2 2800 18 Best Eff. 15.4 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 84 206 46 71 38 1 60 4 73 4 08 1 24 4 13 - 4 108 10 MW 10.5 Vacuum Breaker open . . . . . . - . - . 1 2400 7 13 MW 13.7 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/05/10 T10 24 2 1900 1 10 MW 10.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 59 208 20 69 39 1 80 2 79 4 09 1 21 3 83 - 3 2400 0 13 MW 13.8 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - . - . 4 107 10 MW 10.5 Vacuum Breaker open 1 3600 28 Best Eff. 19.7 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 08/05/10 T10 25 2 2800 0 Best Eff. 15.3 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 48 208 66 68 82 2 10 2 54 4 30 1 41 4 17 - 3 3600 28 Best Eff. 19.7 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate . . . . . . - . - . 4 127 10 MW 9.3 Vacuum Breaker open Date Trial Unit Flow Air Flow Load Descri tion HW Elev. TW Elev. Gross Head Average DO Concentrations CFS CFS Set Actual (MW) p Ft. Ft. Ft. TYCM1-1 TYCM1-2 TYCM1-3 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 1 3600 0 Best Eff. Normal Operation 08/05/10 T10 26 2 2800 0 Best Eff. Normal Operation 277 30 208 99 0 00 2 20 2 09 1 73 1 40 1 12 - 3 3600 0 Best Eff. Normal Operation . . . . . . - . - . 4 0 15 MW Normal Operation 08/06/10 T10 27 1 3600 0 Best Eff. 19.7 Normal Operation 277 85 207 29 0 00 2 29 2 54 2 25 No Data No Data No Data No Data - 4 4200 0 Best Eff. 23.8 Normal Operation . . . . . . 08/06/10 T10 28 1 3600 36 Best Eff. 19.9 6" Draft Tube Vent open w/baffle plate 277 74 206 72 0 00 3 14 5 24 4 99 No Data No Data No Data No Data - 4 123 9 MW 9.5 Vacuum Breaker open . . . . . . No data were available due to instrument failure ARCADIS Appendix B-2 Blewett Falls 2010 Verification Evaluation Results Summary Progress Energy Table B.2-1 Blewett Falls 2010 Verification Evaluation Results Summary Date Trial Unit Flow Air Flow Load Descri tion HW Elev. TW Elev. Gross Head Average DO Concentrations (mg/1) CFS CFS Set Actual (kW) p Ft. Ft. Ft. BFCM1 Buoy West Buoy East Telemetry 08/07/10 B10-1 3 1200 0 Best Eff. Normal Operation (Minimum Flow) 0.00 5.17 5.08 6.08 5.24 8/7 - 8/8 B10-1a 3 1200 0 Best Eff. Normal Operation (Minimum Flow) 0.00 5.50 5.45 7.05 6.14 08/08/10 B10-2a 4 1200 0 Min. Flow Normal Operation (Minimum Flow) 0.00 5.20 4.63 5.96 5.27 8/8 - 8/9 B10-2b 4 1200 0 Min. Flow Normal Operation (Minimum Flow) 0.00 5.06 4.65 4.98 5.23 08/09/10 B10-3a 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4200 Normal Operation 177.88 125.53 52.35 4.68 4.40 4.64 4.83 08/09/10 B10-3 4 1250 13 Best Eff. 4200 BF Valve 11 % Open 177.88 125.56 52.32 4.88 4.61 4.98 5.09 08/09/10 B10-4 4 1250 138 Best Eff. 3500 BF Valve 51 % Open 177.87 125.55 52.32 5.88 5.38 6.23 6.27 08/09/10 B10-5 4 1250 192 Best Eff. 3050 BF Valve at 100% Open 177.82 125.51 52.31 6.38 6.01 6.52 6.85 08/09/10 B10-6 4 1700 201 Max. 3850 BF Valve at 100% Open 177.82 125.51 52.31 6.53 6.46 7.15 6.77 08/09/10 B10-7 4 1700 164 Max. 4500 BF Valve 51 % Open 177.79 125.75 52.04 6.26 6.14 6.84 6.47 08/09/10 B10-8 4 1700 16 Max. 5200 BF Valve 9% Open 177.78 125.82 51.96 5.22 5.62 5.75 5.39 08/10/10 B10-9a 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3900 Normal Operation 177.94 125.19 52.75 4.91 4.99 5.80 5.49 08/10/10 B10-9 3 1200 1 Best Eff. 3950 BF Valve 10% Open 177.95 125.34 52.62 5.08 5.12 6.01 5.64 08/10/10 B10-10 3 1200 122 Best Eff. 3100 BF Valve 51 % Open 177.96 125.48 52.48 5.36 5.49 7.31 6.71 08/10/10 B10-11 3 1200 196 Best Eff. 2750 BF Valve at 100% Open 177.95 125.45 52.50 5.56 5.97 7.61 6.77 08/10/10 B10-12 3 1350 224 Max. 3200 BF Valve at 100% Open 177.93 125.56 52.37 5.56 5.87 7.72 6.71 08/10/10 B10-13 3 1350 148 Max. 3600 BF Valve 51 % Open 177.93 125.56 52.37 5.42 5.84 7.21 6.40 08/10/10 B10-14 3 1350 1 Max. 4200 BF Valve 10% Open 177.91 125.61 52.30 5.15 5.70 6.33 5.78 08/11/10 B10 15 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3850 Normal Operation 177.82 126.24 51.58 4 59 4 93 4 69 4 74 - 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4500 Normal Operation 177.82 126.24 51.58 . . . . 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3850 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.82 126.24 51.58 4 49 4 90 3 95 4 50 08/11/10 B10 16 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4500 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.82 126.24 51.58 . . . . - 3 1200 59 Best Eff. 3550 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.82 126.24 51.58 5 63 5 59 4 80 5 54 4 1250 83 Best Eff. 4000 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.82 126.24 51.58 . . . . 3 1350 60 Max. BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.74 126.52 51.22 5 62 5 89 4 68 5 48 08/11/10 B10 17 4 1700 83 Max. BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.74 126.52 51.22 . . . . - 3 1350 0 Max. 4250 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.74 126.52 51.22 5 21 5 81 3 63 4 99 4 1700 0 Max. 5200 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.74 126.52 51.22 . . . . 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 177.64 126.92 50.72 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.64 126.92 50.72 5.20 6.28 3.28 4.60 08/11/10 B10 18 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4400 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.64 126.92 50.72 - 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 177.64 126.92 50.72 3 1200 65 Best Eff. 3550 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.64 126.92 50.72 6.01 6.98 3.42 5.51 4 1250 86 Best Eff. 4000 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.64 126.92 50.72 Date Trial Unit Flow Air Flow Load Descri tion HW Elev. TW Elev. Gross Head Average DO Concentrations (mg/1) CFS CFS Set Actual (kW) p Ft. Ft. Ft. BFCM1 Buoy West Buoy East Telemetry 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 Normal Operation 177.54 127.56 49.98 3 1200 65 Best Eff. 3500 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.54 127.56 49.98 6 13 7 24 4 19 5 80 4 1250 86 Best Eff. 3900 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.54 127.56 49.98 . . . . 08/11/10 B10 19 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.54 127.56 49.98 - 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 Normal Operation 177.54 127.56 49.98 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.54 127.56 49.98 5 38 7 22 3 59 4 92 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.54 127.56 49.98 . . . . 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.54 127.56 49.98 2 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 Normal Operation 177.44 127.56 49.88 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.44 127.56 49.88 5 28 7 41 3 80 4 74 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.44 127.56 49.88 . . . . 08/11/10 B10 20 5 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.44 127.56 49.88 - 2 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 Normal Operation 177.41 127.56 49.85 3 1200 65 Best Eff. 3500 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.41 127.56 49.85 6 37 7 58 4 54 5 88 4 1250 86 Best Eff. 3900 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.41 127.56 49.85 . . . . 5 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.41 127.56 49.85 2 1200 29 Best Eff. 3450 One VB Vent Open (downstream) 177.27 127.58 49.69 3 1200 67 Best Eff. 3500 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.27 127.58 49.69 6 35 7 89 5 03 6 13 4 1250 83 Best Eff. 3900 BFV at 30% (30 min.) 177.27 127.58 49.69 . . . . 08/11/10 B10 21 5 1250 61 Best Eff. 4000 Both DT Vents Open 177.27 127.58 49.69 - 2 1200 29 Best Eff. 3450 One VB Vent Open (downstream) 177.27 127.58 49.69 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.27 127.58 49.69 6 11 7 54 4 84 5 53 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 BFV Closed (30 min.) 177.27 127.58 49.69 . . . . 5 1250 61 Best Eff. 4000 Both DT Vents Open 177.27 127.58 49.69 2 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 Normal Operation 177.27 127.58 49.69 08/11/10 B10 22 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3700 Normal Operation 177.27 127.58 49.69 5 84 7 53 4 32 5 86 - 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.27 127.58 49.69 . . . . 5 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.27 127.58 49.69 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 178.00 127.30 50.70 08/12/10 B10 23 3 1200 0 Best Eff. 3775 Normal Operation 178.00 127.30 50.70 4 78 5 97 4 63 4 68 - 4 1250 0 Best Eff. 4350 Normal Operation 178.00 127.30 50.70 . . . . 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4350 Normal Operation 178.00 127.30 50.70 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 177.94 127.39 50.55 3 1200 195 Best Eff. BFV in Auto (70%). Set point at 6.3 177.94 127.39 50.55 6 27 4 80 5 33 6 62 4 1250 200 Best Eff. BFV in Auto (80%). Set point at 6.3 177.94 127.39 50.55 . . . . 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4350 Normal Operation 177.94 127.39 50.55 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 177.94 127.39 50.55 3 1200 - Best Eff. 2825 BFV in Auto (60%). Set point at 6.3 177.94 127.39 50.55 6 32 5 28 4 25 6 71 4 1250 - Best Eff. 3250 BFV in Auto (60%). Set point at 6.3 177.94 127.39 50.55 . . . . 08/12/10 B10 24 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4350 Normal Operation 177.94 127.39 50.55 - 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 177.92 127.42 50.50 3 1200 - Best Eff. 2975 BFV in Auto (50%). Set point at 6.3 177.92 127.42 50.50 6 02 5 15 3 90 6 11 4 1250 - Best Eff. 3500 BFV in Auto (50%). Set point at 6.3 177.92 127.42 50.50 . . . . 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4350 Normal Operation 177.92 127.42 50.50 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3800 Normal Operation 177.92 127.49 50.43 3 1200 102 Best Eff. 3175 BFV in Auto (40%). Set point at 6.3 177.92 127.49 50.43 5 77 5 92 3 75 5 92 4 1250 120 Best Eff. 3700 BFV in Auto (40%). Set point at 6.3 177.92 127.49 50.43 . . . . 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4350 Normal Operation 177.92 127.49 50.43 Date Trial Unit Flow Air Flow Load Descri tion HW Elev. TW Elev. Gross Head Average DO Concentrations (mg/1) CFS CFS Set Actual (kW) p Ft. Ft. Ft. BFCM1 Buoy West Buoy East Telemetry 1 1200 68 Best Eff. 3375 Both VB Valves Open 177.85 127.48 50.37 08/12/10 B10-25 3 1200 111 Best Eff. 3150 BFV in Auto (40%). Set point at 6.3 177.85 127.48 50.37 5 86 6 88 5 38 5 89 4 1250 123 Best Eff. 3650 BFV in Auto (40%). Set point at 6.3 177.85 127.48 50.37 . . . . 6 1250 134 Best Eff. 3450 Both VB Valves Open 177.85 127.48 50.37 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3625 Normal Operation 177.82 128.01 49.81 2 1200 0 Best Eff. 3650 Normal Operation 177.82 128.01 49.81 3 1200 99 Best Eff. - BFV in Auto (40%). Set point at 6.3 177.82 128.01 49.81 5 56 6 43 3 59 5 79 4 1250 113 Best Eff. - BFV in Auto (40%). Set point at 6.3 177.82 128.01 49.81 . . . . 5 1250 0 Best Eff. 4200 Normal Operation 177.82 128.01 49.81 08/12/10 B10 26 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.82 128.01 49.81 - 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3625 Normal Operation 177.70 128.01 49.69 2 1200 0 Best Eff. 3650 Normal Operation 177.70 128.01 49.69 3 1200 - Best Eff. 3350 BFV in Auto (30%). Set point at 6.3 177.70 128.01 49.69 5 77 6 22 4 12 6 03 4 1250 - Best Eff. 3750 BFV in Auto (30%). Set point at 6.3 177.70 128.01 49.69 . . . . 5 1250 0 Best Eff. 4200 Normal Operation 177.70 128.01 49.69 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4300 Normal Operation 177.70 128.01 49.69 1 1200 0 Best Eff. 3625 Normal Operation 177.58 128.54 49.04 2 1200 15 Best Eff. 3550 One VB Vent Open 50% (downstream) 177.58 128.54 49.04 08/12/10 B10 27 3 1200 - Best Eff. 3525 BFV in Auto (19%). Set point at 6.3 177.58 128.54 49.04 5 66 6 73 4 91 5 79 - 4 1250 - Best Eff. 4050 BFV in Auto (15%). Set point at 6.3 177.58 128.54 49.04 . . . . 5 1250 38 Best Eff. 4000 One DT Vents Open (downstream DT) 177.58 128.54 49.04 6 1250 0 Best Eff. 4250 Normal Operation 177.58 128.54 49.04 1 1350 0 Max. 3725 Normal Operation 177.22 128.89 48.33 2 1350 29 Max. 3675 One VB Vent Open (downstream) 177.22 128.89 48.33 08/12/10 B10 28 3 1350 0 Max. 3800 BFV in Auto (Closed). Set point at 6.3 177.22 128.89 48.33 6 16 7 34 5 79 6 19 - 4 1700 0 Max. 4800 BFV in Auto (Closed). Set point at 6.3 177.22 128.89 48.33 . . . . 5 1700 62 Max. 4350 Both DT Vents Open (downstream DT) 177.22 128.89 48.33 6 1700 0 Max. 4800 Normal Operation 177.22 128.89 48.33 1 1350 0 Max. 3675 Normal Operation 177.09 129.02 6.16 2 1350 0 Max. 3775 Normal Operation 177.09 129.02 48.07 08/12/10 B10 29 3 1350 0 Max. 3750 Normal Operation 177.09 129.02 48.07 6 36 7 77 5 40 6 46 - 4 1700 0 Max. 4750 Normal Operation 177.09 129.02 48.07 . . . . 5 1700 0 Max. 4700 Normal Operation 177.09 129.02 48.07 6 1700 0 Max. 4750 Normal Operation 177.09 129.02 48.07 Notes: BFV - Butterfly Valve DT - Draft Tube VB - Vacuun Breaker ARCADIS Appendix C-1 Tillery 2010 Intake and Mid-Reservoir Daily Dissolved Oxygen Profiles 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figue C.1-1 Lake Tillery Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, July 30, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 132 (Resevoir) - AM 132A (Intake) - AM B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figue C.1-2 Lake Tillery Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 2, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 132 (Resevoir) - AM 132A (Intake) - AM B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figue C.1-3 Lake Tillery Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 3, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 132 (Resevoir) - AM 132A (Intake) - AM B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figue C.1-4 Lake Tillery Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 4, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figue C.1-5 Lake Tillery Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 5, 2010 ARCADIS Appendix C-2 Tillery 2010 Intake and Mid-Reservoir Daily Temperature Profiles Figure C.2-1 Lake Tillery Water Temperatures, July 30, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figure C.2-2 Lake Tillery Water Temperatures, August 2, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 24 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM 132A (Intake) - AM B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Figure C.2-3 Lake Tillery Water Temperatures, August 3, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 24 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM 132A (Intake) - AM B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Figure C.2-4 Lake Tillery Water Temperatures, August 4, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Temperature (deg Q 132 (Resevoir) - AM 132A (Intake) - AM B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM Figure C.2-5 Lake Tillery Water Temperatures, August 5, 2010 285 280 275 270 265 260 255 250 245 0 240 w 235 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - PM 132A (Intake) - PM ARCADIS Appendix C-3 Blewett Falls 2010 Reservoir and Intake Channel Daily Dissolved Oxygen Profiles Figue C.3-1 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 6, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 w 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) BFB2 (Intake - Spm) 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 Figue C.3-2 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 7, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 w 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake - 8am) 1317132 (Intake - 5pm) Figue C.3-3 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 8, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 w 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake - 8am) 1317132 (Intake - 5pm) Figue C.3-4 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 9, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 w 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake - 8am) 1317132 (Intake - 5pm) Figue C.3-5 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 10, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 M 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake - 8am) 1317132 (Intake - 5pm) Figue C.3-6 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 11, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 M 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake - 8am) 1317132 (Intake - 5pm) Figue C.3-7 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 12, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 w 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake - 8am) 1317132 (Intake - 5pm) Figue C.3-8 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations, August 13, 2010 180 178 176 174 172 170 168 166 164 w 162 ° 160 M 158 156 154 152 150 148 146 144 142 140 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) BFB2 (Intake - 7:45am) ARCADIS Appendix C-4 Blewett Falls 2010 Reservoir Intake Channel Daily Temperature Profiles Figure C.4-1 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 6, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q BFB 2 (Intake) 29.3 29.4 29.5 29.6 29.7 29.8 29.9 30.0 Figure C.4-2 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 7, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB 2 (Intake) 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 Figure C.4-3 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 8, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake) 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 Figure C.4-4 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 9, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake) 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 Figure C.4-5 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 10, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake) 28.0 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 Figure C.4-6 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 11, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake) 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 Figure C.4-7 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 12, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q B2 (Resevoir) - AM BFB2 (Intake) 28.5 29.0 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.0 Figure C.4-8 Blewett Falls Resevoir/Intake Water Temperatures, August 13, 2010 180 175 170 165 w ° 160 w 155 150 145 140 Temperature (deg Q BFB2 (Intake) 29.5 30.0 30.5 31.0 31.5 ARCADIS Appendix D-1 Tillery 2010 Downstream Dissolved Oxygen Profiles Figure D.1-1 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - July 31,2010 12 10 c g 0 41 M L 4' L U U _ C L U w CL C V) 6 w E a M X L O °-° w E 0 p 4 2 0 350 300 250 c 0 200 CL --&-TYCM1-2 tTYCM1-3 U 150 TYCM2 3 fTYCM2A 0 LL -Flow 100 Note: The first 15 minutes of dissolved oxygen data is not included 50 for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 o O r_q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r_q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 01 O rl N M O r_q i--I i--I r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q N N N N Time Figure D.1-2 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 1,2010 12 10 c g 0 41 M L 4' L c y 4, U _ C L w CL V) 6 w E a M X L O °-° w E 0 N p 4 2 0 350 300 250 c 0 ? TYC M 1-2 200 CL --+-TYCM1-3 TYCM2 U 150 0 fTYCM2A 3 Telemetry 0 '? - - test 10-1 100 Flow Note: The first 15 minutes of dissolved oxygen 50 data is not included for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 o O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 01 O rl r,4 M O r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q N N N N Time Figure D.1-3 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 2,2010 9000 7 6 10000 8000 r- 0 5 7000 M M L +? L c y *= U 4 c L w CL c ? w E a M X L O °-° - 3 w E 0 0 2 1 6000 c w --&-TYCM1-2 CL tTYCM1-3 5000 i?k TYCM2 U fTYCM2A 4000 3 Telemetry 0 Draft Tubes 3000 Flow Note: The first 15 2000 minutes of dissolved oxygen data is not included 1000 for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 m O rl N M O r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q N N N N Time 0 Figure D.1-4 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 3,2010 9 8 7 c 6 0 41 M L 4' L c y 4, U o L 5 w CL c ? w E a M X L O °-° 4 w E 0 p 3 2 1 0 7000 6000 5000 c 0 ?TYCM1-2 4000 CL tTYCM1-3 TYCM2 U fTYCM2A 3000 0 3 Telemetry 0 Draft Tubes Flow 2000 Note: The first 15 minutes of 1000 dissolved oxygen data is not included for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M O r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q N N N N Time Figure D.1-5 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 4,2010 7 6 5 r- 0 M M L ? L c y *= U 4 c L w CL c ? w E a M X L O °-° - 3 w E 0 0 2 1 0 14000 12000 10000 c 0 ?TYCM1-2 8000 CL tTYCM1-3 kTYCM2 U 0 fTYCM2A 6000 3 Telemetry 0 Draft Tubes Flow 4000 Note: The first 15 minutes of 2000 dissolved oxygen data is not included for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 o O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 m O rl N M O r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q N N N N Time Figure D.1-6 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 5,2010 6 5 c 4 0 L ? L c y 4, U •- C L w CL v) 3 w E a M X L O °-° w E 0 0 2 1 0 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 o O r_q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O rl r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O rl r,4 M O r_q i--I i--I r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q N N N N Time -411--TYC M 1-2 --+-TYCM1-3 0 w --*--TYCM2 CL fTYCM2A Telemetry U Draft Tubes U 3 -Total Flow 0 LL -Flow (Unit 1) Flow (Unit 2) Flow (Unit 3) Flow (Unit 4) Note: The first 15 minutes of dissolved oxygen data is not included for each test. Figure D.1-7 for Tillery Development Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 6,2010 7 6 5 C 0 M M L ? L *= U 4 c L U w CL C ,n w E a M X L O °-° - 3 w E 0 V1 0 2 1 0 9000 8000 7000 6000 c 0 5000 -TYCM2 fTYCM2A w Telemetry 4000 -Total Flow o Flow (Unit 1) 3000 LL Flow (Unit 4) Note: The first 15 2000 minutes of dissolved oxygen data is not included 1000 for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 O r_q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O rl r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r_q r,4 M O r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q N N N N Time ARCADIS Appendix D-2 Blewett Falls 2010 Downstream Dissolved Oxygen Profiles Figure D.2-1: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 7, 2010 9.00 8.00 7.00 0 6.00 41 M L 4' L U o 7 5.00 W U CL C Vn w E a m p .9 4.00 w E 0 a 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 O r_q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O rl r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O rl r,4 M O r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q r_q N N N N 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 c 0 V1 CL tBFCM1 -m-- Buoy West 42 U Buoy East U 3 Telemetry 0 LL -Flow (Unit 3) Note: Telemetry data does not include the first 15 minutes of dissolved oxygen data for each test. Time Figure D.2-2: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 8, 2009 9.00 8.00 7.00 0 6.00 41 M L 4' L c y w 4, o L 5.00 U w CL C Vn w E a m p .9 4.00 0 Vl a 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1,400 1,200 1,000 c 0 800 -+--BFCM1 w CL West w Buoy East 600 ? Telemetry o Flow (Unit 3) LL Flow (Unit 4) 400 Note: Telemetry data does not include the first 15 200 minutes of dissolved oxygen data for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O 9 9 9 O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 01 O rl r,4 M O r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q N N N N Time Figure D.2-3: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 9, 2009 9.00 8.00 7.00 0 6.00 41 L 4' L c y U 4, L 5.00 U w CL C vn w E a m 0 .9 4.00 w E 0 a 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I? I I I I I I I? I I I I I I l r I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t o o o t o m I co I Test B10-2B I i n 14 14 1 a 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -:t I 1 00 6 6 0 6 1 co 1 o 1 co co I I I N N v I I I I I I I I 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 c 0 w 1,000 fl. tBFCM1 41 v -m-- Buoy West 800 U Buoy East 3 Telemetry 0 600 LL Flow (Unit 4) 400 Note: Telemetry data does not include the first 15 200 minutes of dissolved oxygen data for each test. +0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 'PIP 'PIP 'PIP 'PIP 'PIP 0 0 C PCP C PCP C PCP C PCP 'PIP 0 r-I N M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O rl N M ?* Ul l0 n 00 M O rl N M O r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I N N N N Time Figure D.2-4: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 10, 2009 9.00 8.00 7.00 0 6.00 41 L 4' L c y U 4, L 5.00 U w CL C Vn w E a m 0 .9 4.00 w E 0 a 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 0 w CL tBFCM1 800 -m-- Buoy West U Buoy East r Telemetry 600 0 '? Flow (Unit 3) 400 Note: Telemetry data does not 200 include the first 15 minutes of dissolved oxygen data for each test. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 M O r-q r,4 M ?* Ln l0 n 00 01 O -1 N M O r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q r-q N N N N Time I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ® I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ?, I M t t t o o o I l o I m I m 1 1 ~ I 1 4 I 1 I 1 I I I t t co t o co co I I I I N I I I I I Figure D.2-5: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 11, 2009 9.00 I I I I 5,000 8 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I F I I I 4,500 . I I I I I ? I „ t BFCM1 t Buoy West 7 00 I I I I I I I 4,000 -4 . I I I I I I I I --A-- Buoy East -a Telemetry 3,500 6 00 Total Flow 0 . L • • • • • Flow (Unit 1) L 3,000 Flow (Unit 2) U 5 00 L . 0 0 a I I I CL Flow (Unit 3) E M I I I= 2,500 Flow (Unit 4) 9 4 00 I I I I 1 I I I . 0 . ? . Flow (Unit 5) E I I I I I I 21000 3 Flow (Unit 6) N I I I I I I I I 0 N 3 00 LL . 0 I I 1 1 I I I I 1,500 Note: Telemetry data does not 2 00 include dissolved . I d f 0 1,000 oxygen ata or - Ln r- oo 0 , O N N 15 minutes for I O O O 0 0 0 0 0 o tests B10-15 and 1 00 . m m m m m co m m 500 B10-22 and 0-15 I ~ a? ~ a? ~ N ~ and 45-60 minutes ~ ~ ~ ~ for tests B10-16 0 00 I 0 . through B10-21. O O 9 9 O 9 O 9 O 9 O O 9 9 O O O O O O O O O O O O 9 9 O 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 O O O 9 O 9 O O 9 O r-I N M ? * L n l 0 r , 00 m O rI N M ?* Ln l0 r, 00 m r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I r-I O r N I N N N M O N Time Figure D.2-6: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations and Flows - August 12, 2009 9.00 N Ln 9,000 8 00 N . m m m ~ a? ~ 1 1 = 8,000 BFCM1 7 00 . I I I I } Buoy West 7,000 --dr-- Buoy East 6 00 I Telemetry 0 . I 6,000 Total Flow 41 L w +1 I o -Flow (Unit 1) U 5 00 1 L . U a I I I 5,000 Flow (Unit 2) 41 E w M I I I I ? • • • • • Flow (Unit 3) cc p 4 00 00 I 1 N I . Flow (Unit 4) o r 4 000 ' ' - Flow (Unit 5) 0 + 06 o 3 00 o LL Flow (Unit 6) . N r-I I 3,000 m I I I Note: Telemetry 2 00 1 data does not . I I I 2,000 include dissolved N oxygen data for 0- 1 00 15 minutes for tests . 1,000 N B10-23, B10-26. B10-28, and B10-29; 0 00 I I I I 1 I 0 and 0-15 and 45-60 . minutes for tests O O 0 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 o O O O o O 0 O O 0 o r-I N M L n l 0 I , 00 M O _q N M ? Sri io r, 0 0 M O c -I N M O B10-24 B10-25 and rI i--I i--I i--I i--I i--I r-I r-I r -I r -I N N N N B10-26. Time ARCADIS Appendix E-1 Tiller 2010 Air Flow vs Tailwater Elevation -All Units 45 40 35 30 w 25 3 0 LL 20 a 1s 10 5 0 0 Lq Zt 0 N Figure E.1-1: Tillery, Unit 1 Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 0 ui 0 0 Sri 0 0 ?D 0 0 ?D 0 0 r" 0 0 r" 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 m 0 0 m 0 Tailwater Elevation (Feet) Min. Best Eff. ?Max Figure E.1-2: Tillery, Unit 2 Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 35 30 25 w m 20 3 0 LL 15 a 10 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L, o Lq o Lq o L, o Lq o L, Zt Ln ui ?D ?D r, r, 00 00 m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N Tailwater Elevation (Feet) Min. Best Eff. ? Max. Figure E.1-3: Tillery, Unit 3 Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 40 35 30 25 V f6 3 20 0 LL a 15 10 5 0 0 Lq Zt 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ui Sri ?D ?D r, r, 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tailwater Elevation (Feet) Min. Best Eff, a Max. 130 125 120 m 3 0 LL 115 a 110 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zt ui Sri ?D ?D r, r, 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tailwater Elevation (Feet) 9to10MW 0 Lq W 0 N 0 Lq W 0 N 0 0 0 N 0 Lq m 0 N 0 m m 0 0 Figure E.1-4: Tillery Unit 4 Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation ARCADIS Appendix E-2 Tillery 2010 Percent Air Flow vs Tailwater Elevation - All Units Figure E.2-1: Tillery Unit 1 Percent Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 1.40% r 1.20% c 1.00% LL d i+ 0.80% 0 0.60% 3 0 LL 0.40% a 0.20% 0.00% 0 a 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Ln o Ln o Ln o vi vi ?o ?o r, r, oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tailwater Elevation (Feet) Min. Best Eff. ? Max. 0 0 0 in o n oo m m 0 0 0 1.60% 1.40% 3 1.20% 0 LL `w 1.00% N 0 0.80% 0 3 0.60% 0 LL Q 0.40% 0.20% 0.00% 0 a 0 N Figure E.2-2: Tillery Unit 2 Percent Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o in o in o in o in o in vi vi ?o ?o r" r" co co m m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tailwater Elevation (feet) Min. Best Eff. ® Max. Figure E.2-3: Tillery Unit 3 Percent Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 1.20% 1 00% ¦ . 3 ¦ 0 0 80% `w . m 0 60% 0 . 0 0 40% LL . a 0 20% . 0.00% O o O o O o O o O o O Lf1 ?t O N O Ln O N Lf1 O Lf1 O Lf1 O Lf1 Ln Lo Lo r` r` 00 00 O O O O O O O N N N N N N N O 01 O N Lf1 01 O N Tailwater Elevation (feet) Min. BestEff. ®Max. Figure E.2-4: Tillery Unit 4 Percent Air Flow vs. Tailwater Elevation 7.20% 7 00% . ¦ c 6 80% LL . ¦ d 6 60% . 0 6.40% 3 0 6.20% a 6.00% 5.80% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln a 0 N o Ln 0 N Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln Ln Lo Lo r; r; oo oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N o of 0 N Ln of 0 N Tailwater Elevation (feet) 9-10 MW ARCADIS Appendix E-3 Tillery 2010 Vented and Non-Vented DO Readings - Units 1, 2, 3 Figure E.3-1: Tillery Vented and Non-Vented DO 4.5 4 4.13 3.5 3.34 3.7 ova 3 2.87 3.39 E 2.64 3.04 3.14 C 2.43 2.54 2.5 2.63 x O v 2 1.66 1.5 0 1 0.5 0 Unit 1: Non- Unit 1: 6" DT Unit 2: Non- Unit 2: 6" DT Unit 3: Non- Unit 3: 6" DT Vented Vent Vented Vent Vented Vent Unit Discharge Compliance Location Figure E.3-2: Tillery Increase in DO - 6" DraftTube Vent 1.2 1 0.8 c v oa 0 0.6 v v 0 N 0.4 0 0.2 0 V i Unit 0.99 Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Discharge Unit Discharge Compliance Location ARCADIS Appendix E-4 Tillery 2010 DO Readings at the ProposedCompliance Location Under Different Unit Operation Scenarios/Times of Day 6.00 b\A E 5.00 C 0 M V ? 4.00 oa c 0 c 3.00 0 0 V m 2.00 Q E 0 V M 1.00 0 0 0.00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Time of Day ? Unit 1 ¦ Unit 2 Unit 3 X Units 1 & 3 X Units 2 & 3 Units 2 & 4 Units 1, 2 & 3 All Units Figure E.4-1: Tillery Proposed Compliance Location DO ARCADIS Appendix F-1 Blewett Falls 2010 Draft Tube Air Flow and Associated Power Losses Figure F.1-1: Blewett Falls, Units 3 & 4 Draft Tube Vent Air Flow 250 200 w 150 V 3 0 LL a 100 50 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Valve Position (Percent Open) Unit 3 - Best Eff. Unit 3 - Max. Load ? Unit 4- Best Eff. • Unit 4 - Max Load Figure F.1-2: Blewett Falls, Units 3 & 4 DO Improvement with Venting 3 2.5 5 2 E v m 1.5 v V 0 1 0 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Air Flow (cfs) Unit 3 - Best Eff. Unit 3 - Max. Load ? Unit 4 - Best Eff. 0 Unit 4 - Max. Load 1400 1200 1000 Y N 800 N O J 3 600 O Q. Figure F.1-3: Blewett Falls, Units 3 & 4 Power Loss Due to Draft Tube Vents (Air Flow) 400 200 Air Flow (cfs) Unit 3 Unit 4 Figure F.1-4: Blewett Falls, Units 3 & 4 Power Loss Due to Draft Tube Vents (Valve Position) 1400 1200 _ 1000 Y 800 N O J `w 600 3 0 a 400 200 0 0% 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Valve Position (Percent Open) Unit 3 Unit 4 Figure F.1-5: Blewett Falls, Unit 3 & 4 DO Increase with Percent Power Loss 35% 30% N 25% 00 J 3 20% 0 0. c 15% v V v 0 10% 5°% 0% Unit 3-Best Eff. Unit 4-Best Eff. Unit 3-Max. Load Unit 4-Max. Load ¦Units 3&4-Best Eff. Figure F.1-6: Blewett Falls DO Increase with Percent Power Loss 18% 16% 14% J 12% 3 10% 0 0. 8% v 6% v 0. 4% 2°% 0% 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 DO Increase with Draft Tube Venting (mg/1) 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 DO Increase with Draft Tube Venting (mg/1) Units 2,3,4&5-Only 3&4 Vented Units 1,3,4&6-Only Units 3&4 Vented Units 2,3,4&5-All Units Vented Units 2,3,4&5-Only 2&5 Vented Units 1,3,4&6-All Units Vented Figure F.1-7: Blewett Falls, Units 3 & 4 DO Increase with Unit Power Loss 1000 900 bA E 3 800 ¦ 0 700 C 600 m -C 500 Q N 400 `w 3 a 300 200 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 DO Increase with Draft Tube Venting (mg/1) L Unit 3 -Best Eff. Unit 4-Best Eff. Unit 3-Max Load Unit 4-Max. Load ¦ Units 3&4-Best Eff. Figure F.1-8: Blewett Falls DO Increase with Unit Power Loss (4 Units) 2500 "' 2000 Y 0 0 C 1500 W by ¦ C m ¦ -C 1000 CL 0 • ¦ O J 500 ¦ `w 3 O CL 0 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.3 DO Increase with Draft Tube Venting (mg/1) Units 2,3,4&5-Only 3&4 Vented Units 1,3,4&6-Only 3&4 Vented Units 2,3,4&5-All Units Vented Units 2,3,4&5-Only 2&5 Vented Units 1,3,4&6-All Units Vented Figure F.1-9: Blewett Falls, Units 3 & 4 Power Loss for Increase in DO 1000 900 E 800 700 O 600 c c 500 s m v 400 `w CL 0 300 0 3 200 0 0. 100 I Valve 51% Open Valve 100% Open Unit 3-Best Eff Unit 3-Max Load Unit 4-Best Eff Unit 4-Max Load ARCADIS Appendix F- 2 Blewett Falls 2010 DO Concentrations at Buoy Line for Various Evaluation Trials Figure F.2-1: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Buoy Line C d O t N 1 N N J o m B2 3 U m B4 S B10-3 B10-4 B10-5 B10-6 B10-7 B10-8 B10-9 B10-10 B10-11 B10-12 B10-13 B10-14 B10-16 B10-17 B10-18 B10-19 B10-20 B10-21 B10-21 B10-24 B10-25 B10-26 B10-27 B10-28 N ? O ? m N N W 0 y t E J Eo o m F [0 m W B6 B7 BB -.- ..-.-.-Buoy Line Unit 4: Best Eff.-BFV 10% Open Unit 4: Best Eff.-BFV 50% Open Unit 4: Best Eff.-BFV 100% Open Unit 4: Max. Load-BFV 100% Open Unit 4: Max. Load-BFV 50% Open Unit 4: Max. Load-BFV 10% Open Unit 3: Best Eff.-BFV 10% Open Unit 3: Best Eff.-BFV 50% Open Unit 3: Best Eff.-BFV 100% Open Unit 3: Max. Load-BFV 100% Open Unit 3: Max. Load-BFV 50% Open Unit 3: Max. Load-BFV 10% Open Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs 30% Open Units 3&4: Max. Load-BFVs 30% Open Unit 1: Best Eff.-NV: Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs 30% 40% Open; Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs 15-20% Open units es .- units es .- pen; Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs Closed DO Concentration at Buoy Line (mg/1) - - 4.0 to 4.5 4.5 to 5.0 5.0 to 5.5 5.5 to 6.0 6.0 to 6.5 ->6.5 Key: BFV - Butterfly Valve NV - Non-vented VB - Vacuum Breaker DSVB - Down Stream Vacuum Breaker Proposed Compliance Monitoring Location ARCADIS Appendix F-3 Blewett Falls 2010 Tailrace DO Concentrations 400 feet Downstream of Buoy Line Figure F.3-1: Blewett Falls Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations 400' Downstream of Buoy Line `o s ? LL o o B10-4 B10-5 B10-6 B10-7 B10-8 B10-9 B10-10 B10-11 B10-12 B10-13 B10-14 B10-16 B10-17 B10-18 B10-19 B10-20 B10-21 B10-21 B10-24 B10-25 B10-26 B10-27 B10-28 Distance from West Shore 0 0 0 0 0 0 N M V `o s W Unit 4: Best Eff.-BFV 50% Open Unit 4: Best Eff.-BFV 100% Open Unit 4: Max. Load-BFV 100% Open Unit 4: Max. Load-BFV 50% Open Unit 4: Max. Load-BFV 10% Open Unit 3: Best Eff.-BFV 10% Open Unit 3: Best Eff.-BFV 50% Open Unit 3: Best Eff.-BFV 100% Open Unit 3: Max. Load-BFV 100% Open Unit 3: Max. Load-BFV 50% Open Unit 3: Max. Load-BFV 10% Open Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs 30% Open Units 3&4: Max. Load-BFVs 30% Open Unit 1: Best Eff.-NV; Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs 30% Open Units es Eff.-NV, Units es .- s Mu/b Open Units best EtIAV, Units es .- s o Open Units es ztl.-U8Vb pen; Units es s 30 % Open units es .- pen; Units es .- s Closed units es Units es .- s 80%- 40% Open Units es .- o s pen; Units es BFVs 40% Open Units best EtIAV, Units es .- s - 40 % Open units 1 &6: es .- Units 2&b best zt1.-USV7T7/b-_ Open, Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs 15-20% Open Units best EtIAV, Units es Etl.-USVB pen; Units 3&4: Best Eff.-BFVs Closed Dissolved Oxygen Concentration at Buoy Line (mg/1) \ Proposed Compliance Key: -4.0 to 4.5 - 5.5 to 6.0 Monitoring Location BFV - Butterfly Valve -4.5 to 5.0 6.0 to 6.5 NV - Non-vented - 5.0 to 5.5 - _>65 VB - Vacuum Breaker DSVB - Down Stream Vacuum Breaker ARCADIS Appendix F-4 Blewett Falls 2010 Tailrace DO Contours Between Buoy Line and 400 feet Downstream of Buoy Line N B1fl-3 Beset Efficiency 1250 Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 10% open - r r Fees N,• + ? •] _, a rI 1P] 150 200 S Unit d: Draft tulle vent 5uileeFh• :a!:•e sei at Stl: tipen• Fee[ 610•4 Best E}fkirn:y L750 25 100 15o m?00 ti N Unit 4, Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 100% open- Feel R - C 610-5 Best ifficiency 1250 n ?5 So ?? 50 ;Go S Unit 4: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 1003f: oper. Feet N: - i- 810-6 Max 1700 0 _s 5o ran ?s0 Ina ti } {~ ! - AV! 4 - Ilk Dissolved Oxygen tmg[L) _ ,4.0 4.0 - 4.5 _ 4-5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5 - }6.5 ti Lima k: Draft €ube vent butterfly va;ve set at 57open. Feet W - [ 610-7 Max 1700 ? 25 50 100 s? Ioo S r Unit d: Ad ju s''. draft lu he yenl b utt erfly valve l p lq°L. Feel N 9] 8 nax 170ti U ?5 5 TCV 15v ,a9 Yti w Und 3: [haft L, be a-rit bl --yrfIV -.1-S?i of I(I ppan Feet Bas:2tfoer:cy i2oo e 5 su tub Im. ?aa ti Dissolved Oxygen (mg1L) - -4.0 4.0-4.5 - 4.5-5.0 5.0-5.5 5.5-6.0 ® 6.0-6.5 _ > 6-5 _l t MR. i' A w Unit 3: Draft tu5e vent butterfly awe set at 5955, open. - _ Fcei B1a• La Best Eff"science lzaa n 55 50 .GO Sa ?GG ti Dissolved Oxygen tmg[L) _ ,4.0 4.0 - 4.5 _ 4-5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5 - }6.5 Unit 3? Draft tube vent buttertky valve set at 10054 open. Feed Bic-11 Best Efficiency 12c0 a 25 5n iro i5o 200 ti Dissolved Oxygen Smg[L) _ ,4.0 4.0 - 4.5 _ 45-5.0 5.0 - 5.5 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5 - }6.5 Feet Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfIv valve set at 100% open. 11' fJ 610-12 !N ax 13Sfl o ?5 SG IlJO 150 ?a0 S Dissolved Oxygen Smg[L) _ ,4.0 4.0 - 4.5 _ 45-5.0 5.0 - 5.5 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5 - }6.5 _l ,l N hR,n Unit 3: Dratt tube vent butterfly v0ve set at 56" open. Fgct 11 B,u•13 3 5? Q 59 I.79 150 24 ti Unit 3: Draft tube vent butterfly valve set at 10% open Feet Il [ 610-14 Max 1350 ? 21 5? 190 15!] 270 ti N uni 9 $ 4: ?rah :up= vpnrs iIn Sed [unv-ed) 1 r 3n Feet N 6i[]-16 se;l E li enCp 74W rmnu:es then air !la•.v WnirOI in u2riual A Mll$ Open fm ] a Inn 15.3 ?nn iC rn i II u: e,. S ,r 7 AA A?w I ti Units i Fx Draft cub=_ --s open z. i?M and air f!?w ?ncral in man?,al'or s6 rrinc[es? Ihar <lase veres °cr 3U Fee[ 11' (_ 91-1'! h9ax 3r5f] °? e ;;5 So 177 15e 75 r.!ru:as Of unventea ager ti unii 1: N[ rmalnpPr2T 0n; VnIT 53 anq a; praR IIIL'e VenIS n -nnal al rlq;rd rchino fun''enl erll+pr 36 minllres; Feel ?a - r BLLb 18 9es[c+fkirrnv 3650 I!hen ll ?e p,.11v ?oell dells a: 30u fo130 minutes •7 ?5 SCI lco ISG C],J ti N 5 urnt 1: No nma.I opera'-; Lrn,ts 3 and 4: Draft tube vents oper. and air sle w m. manual at 3QSti far 33 rtrnutes; .her Blo-19 3es: B icrecq• asn•; dose vens ILr vente G? `?r 30 mi,-es; Lnr-, 6. Varnal .pp rat icr Fec[ $0 100 157 100 ti Lni; 2- Nprrnal operatior: Vrits3& prat tLbe Venti dpaed ?unvenredj fpr 30 m..i nut ea; iher. open vents and Faet 5N, 2C Best EVieien:y 49a0 _ 50 fpr? 153 _Or air llpw control irrn er ual a: 30!'< for ?C rniruses: Lrlt 5 NO,Mal opera:ion 5 } {a~ ! - AV! N,,{, mss- r . Dissolved Oxygen tmg[L) _ ,4.0 4.0 - 4.5 _ 4-5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5 - }6.5 llnr4 2: Dovrnscream vacwm breaker valve `dly open; Uri Is 3 and 4- Draft wbe vents open and air fFDw mural Fnc[ 57 '197 I.`.0 '77 RIO-7.1 2.est crtiDenc]• gyy^(5 in manual+or?D"r.. For 3a,:h_ dose vents 0 4 ? unver ced}fyr K ri?i nut a,: 11 ni: 5: ffownstream varuL m breaker a- i11, open ti _ Unit 2: Downstream vacuum breaker valve fu l lyo pen; Feet 11 - B10-21 best E i?iency 59co Units 3&4: Draft tube vents closed; Unit 5: Downstream n 25 50 1.70 11,10 20.7 vacuum breaker valve fully open. ti N Luii 1: Normal operdaan; unit=_ 3' and d Deaf: ;u6e veu:_ Fee[ open and eh [I.,, r_•n[rol in a?:u: Lvii: G: Nora, 1? 31 •2a 6er.Ef'•i:ier.r .il =41]ii 7 _L 50 0 I5•3 ]00 rnNr:i,m? ti ti U n,1 1: porh vacuum Brea ker yo lives ),'n' Unity A: and 4 B10.15 Best Efficiency ay?ti Dial: aih= •.•enrs vnen and air llvw r^n;rnl in au: n; uni; nosh vanmm bre.akef valves open Feet 0 _5 50 100 15.7 -co 41 'JR! r' Dissolved Oxygen tmg[L) _ ,4.0 4.0 - 4.5 _ 4-5 - 5.0 5.0 - 5.5 5.5-6.0 6.0-6.5 - }6.5 N r units 1. 'a. 5. & n: NnrmaI npera,i..n [nn, - niedI U,; 310-7F 6esi Elfirien-y 7;,0 & ?r n=i lithe v?nls np.=n Tnd nit ?1_ r,nl,,l in ti Fees •] _? 1.00 159 200 N Unw ] G -,- hreauer valves clr3se Units 2 P, 5: Fec[ ; n i li IF, CJn•.vnslr pam ?a niurn pr=ak=r valve 5[i?, ope r LJ ??• F BIO-27 ?if; nru'y 735i a• Cl rd fi LuLe vkWS Dpen and d,i llp• '.an".rol irl au LO. S0 100 15n "^,00 S w _ L'ni's1&s; vacuumh rake'v c ;lin32 5: a PGwnstream vacuum, hre akr valve ve o P.,pen; ; Lni;s 3 6 L: Feet N' 31-3-2,9 nax eso Draft :u 6e vents open and au Sow eontr al,n au:o. u 10•a 207 ti