HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101034 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20101215U EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. DEC 1 6 2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS MOMS VILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Final Design of Stormwater Management Facilties 0 PLT-10000 • ? o ? ?Q A v. December 2010 Jeremy V. Finch, PE Project Manager Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 idian Parkway G th Carolina 27713 80. 46 919-287-4262 919-361-2269 Fax Brandon R. Finch, PE Sr. Project Manager www.ecoengr.com i Design Services Focused On Client Success TOWN HALL COMMONS • Final Design of Stormwater Management Facilities General Description & Background Located just west of Town Hall Drive, between McCrimmon Parkway and Airport Road in Morrisville, North Carolina is the proposed residential development currently known as Town Hall Commons. Proposed development on this approximately 12.83-acre site is the construction of 40 single-family residential lots, along with the associated streets, sidewalks, utility infrastructure/improvements, and the required stormwater management facilities. In the post- development condition, the site will be greater than 24% impervious, thus classifying it as a high- density development. This report addresses the impact of increased stormwater runoff due to the proposed development. Included within this report are the. Anal design calculations for the proposed stormwater management facilities that will be used to mitigate the impacts. The proposed development drains to an unnamed tributary to Crabtree Creek, which is located within the Neuse River basin, and is outside of a watershed protection district. The proposed development will be subject to the Town of Morrisville Stormwater Runoff Management Policy. Per Town of Morrisville regulations, stormwater management on this site shall address two primary issues: (1) water quantity management and (2) water quality management. 1. According to Town of Morrisville Code section 7.303.1 (based upon Phase H Stormwater Model Ordinance for NQ, projects shall implement stormwater control measures that control and treat the difference in Stormwater runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre- and post-development conditions for, at a minimum, the ]-year, 24-hour storm. Runoff volume drativdown time shall be a minimum of 24 hours, but not more than • 120. hours. Also, the Town of Morrisville requires peak flowrate detention of the 10 year, 24-hour storm-event. 2. According to Town of Morrisville Code section 7.303.2 (based upon Phase II Stormwater Model Ordinance.for NC), all structural stormwater treatment systems used to meet the requirements of the program shall be designed to have a minimum of 85% average annual removal, for total suspended solids. This report contains final design calculations detailing the expected stormwater impacts as a result of the proposed development, along with the final design calculations for the proposed stormwater best management practices that will be used to mitigate the impacts. Please refer to the appropriate sections of this report for additional information. Calculation Methodology ? "New" rainfall data for the Morrisville, NC region. is from NOAA Atlas 14, with a partial duration series assumption. The rainfall depths were entered into Pondpack based upon the SCS Type II storm distribution. The 1-year/24-hour rainfall depth is 2.84 inches, the 2-Year/24-hour rainfall depth is 3.43 inches, the 10-Year./24-hour rainfall depth is 4.96 inches, and the 100=year/24-hour rainfall depth is 7.30 inches. All of these storms were modeled within Pondpack. Please reference the rainfall data section within this report for additional information. Using maps contained within the Wake County Soil Surveys, the on- and off-site soils were determined to range from hydrologic soil group (HSG) `B' soils to HSG `D' • soils. Since the method chosen to compute both pre- and post-development peak flow rates and runoff volumes is dependent upon the soil type, care was taken when selecting the appropriate Soil Conservation Service Curve Number (SCS CN). Within each sub-basin,, an approximate proportion of each soil group was determined • using NRCS Soil Survey Maps. Once an approximate proportion was determined, a. composite SCS CN was computed for each cover condition. For example, the pre- development soil composition of Sub-basin #6 consists of approximately 6.3% HSG `B' soils, 2.6% HSG `C' soils, and 91.1 % HSG `D' soils. Therefore, for the open area cover condition, the composite SCS CN is computed as follows (assuming good condition): Composite Open SCS CN = (0.063 *61) + (0.026*74)+(0.911 * 80) = 79 This type of calculation was done for each of the studied sub-basins in an effort to accurately account for the difference in runoff between HSG `B', `C', and `D' soils. y A composite SCS Curve Number was calculated for both the pre- and post- development condition for each subbasin using SCS curve numbers and land cover conditions. Land cover. conditions for the pre-development condition were taken from a combination of Google Earth Aerial Photography, field survey information, and from the approved design by Priest Craven & Associates, Inc. Land cover conditions for the post-development condition were taken from the proposed development plan and offsite design information from both Withers & Ravenel and Priest Craven & Associates, Inc. The time of concentration was calculated using SCS TR-55 (Segmental Approach, 1986). The Tc flow path was divided into three segments: overland flow, concentrated flow, and channel flow. The travel time was then computed for each seginent, from which the overall time of concentration was determined by taking the sum of each segmental time. For the overland flow segment, the Town of Morrisville normally requires a woods w/ dense underbrush assumption (n=0.80) for the Manning's n value of the overland flow segment. However, per the site photographs included in the pre-development hydrologic calculations section of this report of representative pre-development onsite wooded area, a woods w/ light underbrush assumption (n=0.40) is validated for use in the hydrologic calculations for a few of the subbasins. For the channel flow segment of the time of concentration calculations, a channel dimension that generated an average bankfull velocity of approximately 5 feet per second was assumed. This assumption is based upon a study by the US Geological Survey where of 2,950 natural river channel velocity measurements, the median average velocity was 4.11 feet per second, with the mean average velocity being 4.84 feet per second. The post-development time of concentration to the proposed stormwater management facilities and trivially small subbasins was assumed to be 5 minutes. ? The on- and off-site topography used in the hydrologic/hydraulic analysis is from two different sources. They are as follows: The existing on-site topography used in all pre- and post-development hydrologic calculations, including preparation of the preliminary stormwater management facility grading plans, is from a field survey of the site performed by The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. The existing off-site topography used in all pre- and post-development hydrologic calculations is from Wake County GIS information • The existing topography for the offsite existing wet pond BMP facility located • in the.a acent-Twin Lakes development is from asbuilt information provided to The Jim R. McAdams Company, Inc. by Withers and Ravenel. This asbuilt topography was used to prepare the analysis of the existing offsite Twin Lakes wet pond BMP to determine its' adequacy to accept drainage from the proposed development. Please refer to the pre- and post-development watershed maps for more information. ? Pondpack Version 10.0, by Haestad Methods, was used in determining the pre- & post-development peak flow rates for the 1-, 2-, 10-, 25-, 50-, and 100-year storm events, as well as for preliminary routing calculations of the proposed stormwater management facilties. ? The stage-discharge rating curves, stage-storage rating curves, and stage-storage functions for the proposed stormwater management facilities were generated in Pondpack. The stage-storage rating curve utilized for the existing wet pond BMP located in the adjacent Twin Lakes development was extracted from asbuilt field survey information provided to The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. by Withers & Ravenel. The stage-discharge rating curve for the existing wet pond BMP located in the adjacent Twin Lakes development was also obtained from asbuilt field survey information provided to The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. by Withers & Ravenel. Please refer to the copy of the previously approved Twin Lakes design report and asbuilt field survey information for the offsite Twin Lakes wet pond BMP included in this report for more information. . ? Final water quality sizing calculations for the proposed onsite stormwater wetlands were performed in accordance with the N.C. Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR July 2007). The normal pool surface area of each wetland facility was sized using the runoff volume computed using the Simple Method and a maximum ponding depth of 12-inches. Per the N.C. Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (NCDENR July 2007), the normal pool elevation of each wetland facility must be sited based upon 1 of the following criteria: (1) If the wetland intersects the shallow groundwater table, groundwater may be utilized to maintain the PPE at the design elevation. In this case, DWQ requires that the PPE be no more than six (6) inches above or below the SHWT. DWQ may require installation of an impermeable liner beneath deep pools depending on soil permeability. (2) If the SHWT is not present near ground surface, and the stormwater wetland is to be perched above the water table, or located in highly permeable soils like gravelly sands or fractured bedrock, DWQ requires installation of an impermeable soil/clay/geomembrane liner with an infiltration rate of less than 0.01 in/hr beneath the entire bottom of deep pools and shallow water areas to sustain the permanent pool of water. A site visit was performed by a professional wetland scientist to determine the location of the seasonal high water table for the proposed stormwater wetland facilities. Included in the soils section of this report is an exhibit showing the • approximate locations of where the seasonal high water table determinations were made, along with a summary of approximate seasonal high water table determinations for each facility. Based upon the seasonal high water table determinations performed, the proposed normal pool elevation of each facility meets criteria #1 above for maintaining the permanent pool elevation and preventing the facilities from drying out. y The analysis of the existing offsite wet pond BMP -located in the ajdacent Twin Lakes development was performed based upon the calculations obtained from the approved design report by Withers and Ravenel (sealed by Hunter Freeman, PE on 6/9/2006). The approved design report was based upon the. N.C. Stormwater Best Management Practices April 1999 BMP manual. To remain consistent with the approved design report, the asbuilt normal pool surface area and asbuilt water quality storage provided (ie. volume between the asbuilt normal pool and asbuilt riser crest elevation) was compared to the computed required normal pool surface area and computed required water quality storage shown in the approved design report. Also important to note is that the approved design hydrology was utilized for the purposes of the asbuilt analysis of the existing wet pond BMP. Based upon this analysis, both the asbuilt normal pool surface area and asbuilt water quality storage provided by the existing wet pond BMP exceed the computed required nofkt 'l°pool surface area and required water quality storage shown in the approved design report. Therefore, since the drainage area and impervious area from the proposed Town Hall Commons development is less than the what is accounted for from offsite area in the approved design report for the existing Twin Lakes wet pond BMP, all applicable Town of Morrisville water quantity/water quality regulations are satisfied by the existing offsite Twin Lakes wet pond BMP for subbasin #3 of the proposed. Town Hall Commons development. • Nitrogen Export Loading rates were calculated using NCDENR Methodology: Method A - Quantifying TN Export from Residential/Industrial/Commercial Developments when footprints of all impervious surfaces are shown. By summing the total nitrogen export for each sub-basin and bypass areas, the total nitrogen export for the proposed site was calculated. Please see the included nitrogen calculations for details. A riprap plunge pool / level spreader outlet is provided at the principal spillway outlet of the proposed stormwater management facilities to prevent erosion and scour in the downstream areas. These systems will be constructed using rip rap, underlain with a woven geotextile filter fabric, along with permanent turf matting for the level spreader. The filter fabric is used to minimize the loss of soil particles beneath the rip rap apron, while the permanent turf matting is used to prevent erosion/scour of the level spreader. These systems are sized for the 10-year storm event using the NYDOT method, and are permanent features of the outlet structures. Existing Gardens at Townhall Commons Wetland (Offsite) Removal Discussion Bordering the proposed development to the east is the existing residential development known as The Gardens at Townhall Commons. Constructed as part of this development to meet local/state water quantity/quality requirements was a stormwater wetland facility. Proposed as part of the development of Town Hall Commons is the removal of the existing stormwater wetland within The Gardens at Townhall Commons and the construction of a new stormwater wetland. facility that will be designed to provide water quantity/quality for the receiving drainage area from both developments. To avoid creating a new discharge point into the Neuse Buffer, the proposed • wetland #2 and #3 outfall pipe will coincide with the existing Gardens at Townhall Commons wetland outlet pipe. • Stormwater Wetland #2 & #3 Pre Post Hydrologic Analysis Discussion As mentioned above, to avoid creating a new discharge point into the Neuse Buffer, the proposed outlet pipe from stormwater wetland # 2 and #3 will combine and overlap with the existing Gardens at Townhall Commons wetland outlet pipe location. As a result, the approved pre- development hydrology from The Gardens at Townhall Commons stormwater wetland as shown on the asbuilt plans by Priest Craven & Associates, Inc. (sealed by Thomas Craven, PE on 9/26/2008) was utilized in conjunction with "new" rainfall data to determine the "pre- development" peak flowrate for the purposes of the pre-post study for the proposed Townhall Commons development. Using the approved pre-development hydrology input data from the approved design by Priest Craven & Associates, Inc., pre-development peak flowrates were "recomputed" based upon the "new" rainfall data (le. same rainfall data used in the post- development calculations). The "recomputed" pre-development peak flowrates were used as the basis to compare the post-development peak flowrates from the proposed wetland 92 and 93 outfall to ensure the pre-development condition as met by the existing Gardens at Townhall Commons stormwater wetland outfall is maintained. As shown in the summary of results, the post-development peak outflow from the combined outlet pipe for stormwater wetland #2 and #3 was maintained at or below the "recomputed" pre-development peak flowrates (based upon "new" rainfall data) based upon the pre-development hydrology shown in the approved Priest Craven & Associates design calculations. Diffuse Flow Requirement Discussion Per Section 5 of NC Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02B .0233 Neuse River Basin Protection and Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers, diffuse flow of runoff shall be maintained in the riparian buffer by dispersing concentrated flow and reestablishing vegetation. Concentrated • runoff from new ditches and manmade conveyances shall be converted to diffuse flow before the runoff enters the Zone 2 of the riparian buffer. Periodic corrective action to restore diffuse flow shall he taken if necessary to impede the formation of erosion gullies. Since the proposed Town Hall Commons project is located within the N'euse River Basin, it is subject to the diffuse flow requirements. To address this requirement, stormwater wetlands are proposed for water quality treatment, which per Chapter 8 - "Level Spreader and Vegetative Filter Strip" of the NC DWQ BMP Manual, if instead of diffuse flow a BMP that removes at least 30% TN and 30% TP is provided, the overflow may discharge through the buffer directly into the stream channel with a buffer authorization from the DWQ 401 program. Therefore, in lieu of providing diffuse flow, stormwater wetlands are proposed, which are credited with removing 40%o TN and 40% TP. The larger storms (i.e. greater than the water quality volume events) will discharge thru the "principal spillway system" and will outlet directly into the existing stream channels. As a result, both a buffer authorization and approval of the diffuse flow plan from the DWQ 401 program is required before construction of this systems may occur. .0iscussion of Rescrlts As shown in the Summary of Results table, the proposed stormwater management facilities have sufficient volume to achieve both 1-year storm detention (peak & difference in pre-post volume) and 10-year storm detention (peak flowrate). Per the 2007 NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual, the proposed stormwater management facilities as designed receive credit for achieving 85% removal of the total suspended solids from the incoming stormwater runoff. Conclusively, all applicable Town of Morrisville stormwater regulations have been satisfied by the proposed • stormwater management facilities. A more detailed summary of each subbasin analyzed in this report and how each is affected from pre- to post-development in regards to area, landuse, and time of concentration is given below: • Subbasin 1 This subbasin is located along the northern property boundary, and drains off to the northwest. In the pre-development condition, this 1.40-acre subbasin is entirely wooded (SCS CN = 77), with a pre-development time of concentration of 25.46 minutes. In the post-development condition, the subbasin area decreases to 0.73-acres due to the proposed grading plan redirecting drainage away from this subbasin. This subbasin. is almost completely open space with a small pocket of impervious, and as a result, the post-development SCS CN is 80, with the time of concentration assumed to be 5.00 minutes due to small size of the subbasin. As can be seen in the Summary of Results, the 10-year post-development peak flow rate within this subbasin was maintained at or below pre-development levels. However, there is a slight increase during the l-year storm, which according to the Town of Morrisville Policy memo, does not require a downstream analysis unless the increase in discharge is greater than 10%. Subbasin 2 This subbasin is located in the northeast corner of the site, and drains to the northeast. In the pre- development condition, this 1.75-acre subbasin is entirely wooded (SCS CN = 76), with a pre- development time of concentration of 52.43 minutes. In the post-development condition, the subbasin area increases to 3.41-acres (includes bypass area), and there is a stormwater management facility (stormwater wetland #1) proposed in this subbasin. This subbasin contains mostly proposed development, and as a result, the post-development SCS CN to the wetland is 90 and the SCS CN to the bypass area is 76, with the the time of concentration for both areas assumed to be 5 minutes due to the amount of impervious area and piped storm drainage system. As can be seen in the Summary of Results, the proposed stormwater wetland facility will provide detention such that the pre-development peak flow rates are no greater than post-development peak flow rates in the I - and 10-year design storm events. Subbasin 3 This subbasin is located just south of subbasin #1, and drains off to the southwest. In the pre- development condition, this 2.07-acre subbasin is entirely wooded (SCS CN = 77), with a pre- development time of concentration of 55.00 minutes. In the post-development condition, the subbasin area decreases to 0.95-acres due to the proposed grading plan redirecting drainage away from this subbasin. This subbasin contains a mix of impervious area and open space, and as a result, the post-development SCS CN is 83, with the time of concentration assumed to be 5 minutes due to the small size of the subbasin. As can be seen in the Summary of Results, the post-development peak flow rates within this subbasin exceed pre-development levels. However, there is an existing wet pond BMP located within the adjacent existing Twin Lakes development that was designed to handle offsite drainage from the proposed Town Hall Commons property. Based upon the previously approved design report for the Twin Lakes stormwater wetlands by Withers & Ravenel (sealed by Hunter Freeman, PE on 6/9/2006), the adjacent stormwater. wetland BMP #5 was designed for 2.11-acres of offsite drainage at 60% impervious (?.30-acres). Conclusively, since the proposed subbasin #3 is only 0.95-acres with 0.16-acres if impervious, the existing offsite wet pond BMP provides water quantity/quality treatment for subbasin #3. Also included in this report is an analysis of the existing offsite Twin Lakes wet pond BMP based upon asbuilt field survey information provided to The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. by Withers & Ravenel. Please see the appropriate section of this report of more details associated with the analysis of the existing offsite Twin Lakes wet pond BMP. Subbasin 4 • This subbasin is located just south of subbasin #2, and drains off to the south. In the pre- development condition, this 0.84-acre subbasin is entirely wooded (SCS CN = 77), with a pre- • development time of concentration of 54.59 minutes. In the post-development condition, the subbasin area decreases to 0.20 acres due to the proposed grading plan redirecting drainage away from this subbasin. This subbasin is completely open space, and as a result, the post-development SCS CN is 80, with the time of concentration assumed to be 5 minutes due to small size of the subbasin. As can be seen in the Summary of Results, the post-development peak flow rates within this subbasin was maintained at or below pre-development levels. Subbasin 5A & 5B These subbasins are located in the middle of the property, and drain towards the existing adjacent Gardens at Town Hall Commons development along the eastern boundary of the site. In the pre- development condition, these subbasins together total 1.67-acres and are a mix of impervious, open, and wooded area (SCS CN = 76 & 77 respectively), with pre-development time of concentrations of 70.02 minutes and 47.59 minutes respectively. However, for the purposes of the pre-post analysis for this subbasin, the computed pre-development peak flowrates for subbasin #5A and #513 are not utilized in this analysis (see further discussion in next paragraph). In the post-development condition, these subbasins in addition to the offsite drianage area associated with the Gardens at Townhall Commons development become the drainage areas to the proposed stormwater wetland #2 and #3, which together combine to a total area of 7.36-acres. The drainage areas to the proposed stormwater wetlands #2 and #3 contain mostly proposed development, and as a result; the post-development SCS CN to stormwater wetland #2 is 88, SCS CN to stormwater wetland #3 is 85, with the the time of concentration for both assumed to be 5 minutes due to the amount of impervious area and piped storm drainage system. Since the existing Gardens at Townhall Commons stormwater wetland is being removed as part of this proposed development and the proposed wetland outfall will coincide with the location of • the existing stormwater wetland outfall, it was agreed to with the Town of Morrisville that the approved. pre-development hydrology for the Gardens at Townhall Commons project may be utilized as the basis for the pre-post analysis comparisions (hence the reason why the computed pre-development peak flowrates for subbasins #5A and #513 were ultimately not utilized). More specifically, using the approved pre-development hydrology input data from the approved design by Priest Craven & Associates, Inc., pre-development peak flowrates were "recomputed" based upon the "new" rainfall data (i.e. same rainfall data used in the post-development calculations). The "recomputed" pre-development peak flowrates. were used as the basis to compare the post- development peak flowrates from the proposed wetland #2 and #3 outfall to ensure the pre- development condition as met by the existing Gardens at Townhall Commons stormwater wetland outfall is maintained. As shown in the summary of results, the post-development peak outflow from the combined outlet pipe for stormwater wetland #2 and #3 was maintained at or below the "recomputed" pre-development peak flowrates (based upon "new" rainfall data) in the 1- and 10-year design storm events based upon the pre-development hydrology shown in the approved Priest Craven & Associates design calculations. Subbasin 6 This subbasin is located in the middle of the property, and drain towards the existing Neuse buffered stream running through the southern end of the site. In the pre-development condition, this subbasin is 3.47-acres and is a mix of impervious, open, and wooded area (SCS CN = 76), with a pre-development time of concentration of 54.95 minutes. In the post-development condition, the subbasin area decreases to 0.73-acres due to the proposed grading plan redirecting drainage away from this subbasin. This subbasin is a mix of impervious, open, and wooded area (SCS CN 73), with the time of concentration assumed to be 5 minutes due to small size of the subbasin. As can be seen in the Summary of Results, the post-development peak flow rates • within this subbasin was maintained at or below pre-development levels. subbasin 7A This subbasin is located on the southern end of the site, and drains toward the existing Neuse buffered stream running through the southern end of the site. In the pre-development condition, this 2.16-acre subbasin is entirely wooded (SCS CN = 63), with a pre-development time of concentration of 24.37 minutes. In the post-development condition, the subbasin area increases to 2.22-acres (includes drainage area to proposed stormwater wetland #4*nd there is a stormwater management facility (stormwater wetland 94) proposed in this subbasin. This subbasin contains mostly. proposed development, and as ,a result, the post-development SCS CN to stormwater wetland #4 is 86 and the SCS CN to the bypass area is 63, with the the time of concentration for both areas assumed to be 5 minutes due to the amount of impervious area and piped storm drainage system. As can be seen in the Summary of Results, the proposed stormwater wetland #4 will provide detention such that the pre-development peak flow rates are no greater than post- development peak flow rates in the 1- and 10-year design storm events. Subbasin 7B & 7C These subbasins are located along the southern property boundary and are comprised of completely of offsite drainage. Subbasin #713 drains to an existing pond, which was modeled in . this analysis. For the purposes of the pre-post analysis, it was assumed that the elevation difference between the existing pond top of dam and existing pond normal pool elevation is 1 vertical foot. Therefore, the storage volume modeled within the existing pond was computed by taking the surface area of the pond at normal pool based upon GIS contours and multiplying it by 1 foot. The principal spillway for the existing pond is a weir, which based upon a site visit appreared to be approximately 3-foot wide at the bottom and sloping up gradually at a 10:1 slope up to the top of dam elevation. Please see the site photos and calculations of the existing pond • stage-storage and stage-discharge functions in the pre-development hydrology section of this report. The existing pond remains the same from pre- to post-development, and therefore was modeled the same in both scenarios. These subbasins combine and drain towards the existing Neuse buffered -stream running through the southern end of the site. In the pre-development condition, these subbasins together total 4.38-acres and are a mix of impervious, open, and wooded area (subbasin 7B SCS CN = 77; subbasin 7C SCS CN = 96), with a pre-development time of concentration of 36.13 minutes and 5 minutes (713 & 7C respectively). In the post- development condition, these subbasins combine and the total area increases slightly to 4.42- acres (subbasin 7C remains unchanged from the pre-development condition). Subbasin 7B is a mix of wooded/open space, while 7C contains the clubhouse/amenity area associated with the existing development located immediately upstream. As a result, the post-development SCS CN is 78 for subbasin 7B and-96 for subbasin 7C (same as pre-development due to offsite drainage), with the time of concentration assumed to be 5 minutes for 7C due to the amount of offsite piped impervious drainage and 36.48 minutes for 7B due to overland flow segment associated with offsite drainage. There subbasins combine and are a part of the pre-post analysis area included with the proposed dry detention pond. .Conclusion If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report, then the requirements set forth in the Town of Morrisville Stormwater Runoff Policy will be met with the proposed stormwater management plan. However, modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: • 1. The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. S The above m8idtfications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The comf)utations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE 10/15/2010 => RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT RESULTS SUBBASIN #1 Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 1.20 1.28 0.08 6.67% 10-Year 3.37 3.27 -0.10 -2.97% SUBBASIN #2 Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 0.85 0.31 -0.54 -63.53% 10-Year 2.52 2.43 -0.09 -3.57% SUBBASI N #3 (*NOTE: DR AINS TO EXISTING OF FSITE TWIN LAKES WET POND) Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase %o Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 1.04 1.96 0.92 88.46% 10-Year 3.01 4.64 1.63 54.15% SUBBASIN #4 Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 0.42 0.35 -0.07 -16.67% 10-Year 1.22 0.90 -0.32 -26.23% SUBBASIN #5 (NOT E: SEE EX GARDENS AT TOWN HALL COMMONS OUTLET BELOW FOR PRE-POST) Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 0.74 N/A N/A N/A 10-Year 2.18 N/A N/A N/A SUBBASIN #6 Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 1.62 0.81 -0.81 -50.00% 10-Year 4.86 2.57 -2.29 -47.12% SUBBASIN #7 Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 7.07 6.98 -0.09 -1.27% 10-Year 18.71 18.50 -0.21 -1.12% EXISTING SW WETLAND OUTLET (?. THE GARDENS AT TOWN HALL. COMMONS - PHASE 3 - NEW RAINFALL Return Period Pre-Development [cfs] Post-Development [cfs] Increase % Increase [cfs] [%] 1-Year 8.26 1.85 -6.41 -77.60% 2-Year 11.19 6.52 -4.67 -41.73% 10-Year 19.06 18.44 -0.62 -3.25% 25-Year 23.75 30.99 7.24 30.48% 100-Year 31.27 36.08 4.81 15.38% • TOWN HALL COMMONS SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/15/2010 => 1-YEAR STORM PRE-POST VOLUME SUMMARY RUNOFF VOLUME SUM MARY Facility ID Pre-Development [cff Post-Development [cf] Difference Storage Volume Provided [cfJ [cfJ To Wetland #1 10,971 21,576 10,606 16,289 To Wetland #2 10,559 18,537 7,978 8,269 To Wetland #3 14,668 23,318 8,650 8,777 To Wetland #4 2,024 7,148 5,124 5,287 _> TN-EXPORT SUMMARY Total Site Area = 12.83 acres Pre-development TN-Export = 9.23 lbs/yr = 0.72 lbs/ac/yr Post-development TN-Export Summary => Computed TN-Export Before Treatment = 102.75 lbs/yr 8.01 lbs/ac/yr Computed TN-Export After Treatment = 63.78 lbs/yr 4.97 lbs/ac/yr 0 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/20/2010 • • • _> SW WETLAND #1 SUMMARY Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max. WSE [ft] Freeboard [ft] 1-Year 9.20 0.12 371.89 3.11 2-Year 11.82 0.42 372.03 2.97 10-Year 18.62 2.22 372.63 2.37 25-Year 22.59 6.78 372.99 2.01 100-Year Free Outfall 28.90 10.02 373.52 1.48 100-Year (Worst Case Condition) 28.90 10.77 373.91 1.09 Design Drainage Area = 3.22 acres Design Impervious Area = 1.63 acres To of Dam = 375.00 ft Required Surface Area at Normal Pool = 5924 sf NWSE = 370.00 1" R/O Volume Pondin Depth = 0.77 ft 1" R/O Volume Pondin Elevation = 370.77 ft Siphon Diameter= 1.375 inches Total Number of Siphons = 1 Riser Shape = Box Riser Length = 4 ft Riser Width = 4 ft Riser Crest = 372.80 ft Orifice Diameter: = 6 inches Orifice Invert Elevation = 371.80 ft Total Number of Orifices = 3 Barrel Diameter = 15 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 370.00 feet Invert Out = 369.80 feet Length = 39 feet Slope = 0.0051 ft/ft 1 of 4 TOWN HALL COMMONS SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/20/2010 • • r? _> SW WETLAND #2 SUMMARY Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max. WSE [ft] Freeboard [ft] 1-Year 7.87 0.54 348.85 3.65 2-Year 10.29 1.54 349.14 3.36 10-Year 16.63 4.42 350.08 2.42 25-Year 20.35 8.25 350.44 2.06 100-Year Free Outfall 26.27 8.42 351.22 1.28 100-Year (Worst Case Condition) 26.27 8.48 351.34 1.16 Design Drainage Area = 3.00 acres Design Impervious Area = 1.26 acres To of Dam = 352.50 ft Required Surface Area at Normal Pool = 4656 sf NWSE = 347.50 1" R/O Volume Pondin Depth = 0.68 ft 1" R/O Volume Pondin Elevation = 348.18 ft Siphon Diameter = 1.25 inches Total Number of Siphons = 1 Riser Shape = Box Riser Length = 4 ft Riser Width = 4 ft Riser Crest = 350.00 ft Orifice Diameter = 6 inches Orifice Invert Elevation = 348.65 ft Total Number of Orifices = 3 Barrel Diameter = 15 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 344.50 feet Invert Out = 341.35 feet Length = 35 feet Slope = 0.0900 ft/ft 2 of 4 TOWN HALL COMMONS SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/20/2010 • • C. _> SW WETLAND #3 SUMMARY Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max. WSE [ft] Freeboard IN 1-Year 9.94 1.44 347.38 2.87 2-Year 13.36 5.10 347.77 2.48 10-Year 22.49 15.00 348.63 1.62 25-Year 27.91 22.95 348.80 1.45 100-Year (Free Outfall 36.57 27.80 349.23 1.02 100-Year (Worst Case Condition) 36.57 27.79 349.23 1.02 Design Drainage Area = 4.36 acres Design Impervious Area = 1.24 acres To of Dam = 350.25 ft Required Surface Area at Normal Pool = 4843 sf NWSE = 345.50 1" R/O Volume Pondin Depth = 0.86 ft V R/O Volume Pondin Elevation = 346.36 ft Siphon Diameter = 1.25 inches Total Number of Siphons = 1 Riser Shape = Box Riser Length = 5 ft Riser Width = 5 ft Riser Crest = 348.50 ft Orifice Diameter = 12 inches Orifice Invert Elevation = 347.00 ft Total Number of Orifices = 3 Barrel Diameter = 24 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 341.00 feet Invert Out = 340.15 feet Length = 45 feet Slope = 0.0189 ft/ft 3 of 4 TOWN HALL COMMONS SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/20/2010 • • • _> SW WETLAND #4 SUMMARY Return Period Inflow [cfs] Outflow [cfs] Max. WSE [ft] Freeboard [ft] 1-Year 3.11 0.05 351.67 2.33 2-Year 4.14 0.20 351.78 2.22 10-Year 6.88 1.02 352.40 1.60 25-Year 8.49 4.73 352.67 1.33 100-Year Free Outfall 11.07 9.26 352.80 1.20 100-Year (Worst Case Condition) 11.07 8.88 352.91 1.09 Design Drainage Area = 1.30 acres Design Impervious Area = 0.68 acres To of Dam = 354.00 ft Required Surface Area at Normal Pool = 2462 sf NWSE = 350.00 1" R/O Volume Pondin Depth = 0.84 ft 1" R/O Volume Pondin Elevation = 350.84 ft Siphon Diameter = 0.75 inches Total Number of Siphons = 1 Riser Shape = Box Riser Length = 4 ft Riser Width = 4 ft Riser Crest = 352.50 ft Orifice Diameter = 4 inches Orifice Invert Elevation = 351.60 ft Total Number of Orifices = 3 Barrel Diameter = 15 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 348.00 feet Invert Out = 347.75 feet Length = 23 feet Slope = 0.0109 ft/ft 4 of 4 • 0 • 1 1 MISCELLANEOUS SITE DATA 2 PRECIPITATION DATA 3 WATERSHED SOIL DATA APPROVED DESIGN CALCULATIONS 4 FOR PREVIOUSLY CONSTRUCTED BMPS PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 5 CALCULATIONS POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 6 CALCULATIONS FINAL STORMWATER WETLAND #7 7 DESIGN CALCULATIONS FINAL STORMWATER WETLAND #2 8 DESIGN CALCULATIONS FINAL STORMWATER WETLAND #3 9 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 10 FINAL STORMWATER WETLAND #4 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 11 ANALYSIS OF EXISTING OFFSITE TWIN LAKES WET POND BMP 1 12 FINAL TN EXPORT CALCULATIONS • MISCELLANEOUS SITE DATA 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Gm? Ch RESEARGH -y o r f r: j 1 /, tv, 1 , 7R..A 1 GIX Toni J f, • o -J 41 "Tj n! ?? I,Jr --Xtt` :L \ / "? cY? }t f `rte' s t . + n T ?74 r 7. _ ;ek? \ tom, ?:?, t ? • .? ,? ? ,?,? , Alt, % 7 d , ?? SIM 341 J: l SITE ref t /f? f`l` y ?M i, I 4? 1 \ `E?i?Y l?aetitisd >? `r ?? k i t 1033. " ?- '? \ ?i x L It ?? d l ?.t t •r i M 305 SCALE 1:24000 (?' }i-• &- y N 0 1 MILES I - 36 ?) fit` 4 { C 0 1000 YARDS `?r£ + 0 1 KILOMETER + 1 p. 9' W - rl lam/ L I f` Name: CARY Location: 035' 50' 11.97" N 078' 50'52.50" W NAD 27 Date: 5/25/2010 Scale: 1 inch equals 2000 feet Copvright (C) 1998, Maptech, Inc ???:??,?, .-??ir ?, r`tc, gyn.."• ?KY -. ? d a .x ? iLyyly`°{,? ? ?? `..wt? A. 5 'y.' ?kF' ?Z`Y'? ???" ??1`??.^a .7r'?_ *? ;Y_??i{.?'? W F+M?•1 ? ?p 8 7y fw AM LLL777 ? 'Ye 3'E t?l Z, 1,l "Zi '?a.,?.r.. P ?.?? R 4 - .+ ?._- z4 « ? ??: r ?r ..lam?' _ •?`,i Wk. I Pee- ??pE l! i? O w d 1 Yr rV'??{v fi. - C) U_ ,- "VI ? `- o 9 (?.}' it ,: ? M 4.: ? Y } ? .? S S .q C L .`T MM . t -di y v , I A ?' , I~ - i 3 -? tr Y a e , J? ? I c:j r _ v - > L i i m Y ?, RI v - I ` d 5 ` P,tl? :ra c-- e. Ll t: c '} 8 x ?. Y r l I u oC L r 1a i a c z o w o c C 0 Y N G/ ? L L y y tD y U 7 r0 C p J 3 O N v u?i $ E v -0 10 >_ u3 y 4 c w 4) O a0i fop J 'C Q la o E E Layer ao-0 c v `9 a a y O1 'v N O 41 ? 3 a a rv O y U m to 01 b 06 i E rnNCCL 1Orncn d a c v V) 3 J A a ,9, 7; q a o' E E ?v p V « i? N z z 45 C 0 r 1 (A CL sA o o f m y Y E 3 ° a i0'w LE IS - « 10 OC r a a .+ a a E • m C j>> V1 ?, '^ v y U U E . a p '* a ? c E a 9 y kn 3 y to V O C ^ p O N 20. m 0) 0. of _j IA d 7 Z 4? A S. I ? Ill V I iA Z O a 0 a43) S U E LA U Ol a L N IA :3 m L o Eig 'n I D Cl Ip i , Q N c Uf H m >C Q U N ?n 0 0 N v1 N N 0 • • FU u J o J+ 0. J.d v 10 a (Y o L - Q) U L N fa R '7 L z m ? O uo Z N a Ln ?O N Ln C O u v r-, a) V) to L a y (3) y L C ? aL m m c L C. N N E Q L a) L a U, wd U) ra m E O a m u i O J f Name of Stream Description Cuff. Class Date Basin Stream Index # Perry Creek From dam at Greshams C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-25-(2) named Lake to Neuse River From source to dam at B;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-25-3-(1) Tributary near Camp Durant Neuse Unnamed From dam at Camp C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-25-3-(2) Tributary near Durant to Perry Creek Neuse Harris Creek From source to Neuse C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-26 (Peeples Creek) River (Wake Crossroads Lake) Hodges Mill From source to water B;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-26-1-(1) Creek (Lake Mirl) intake at Lake Mirl Hodges Mill Creek From water intake at C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-26-1-(2) Lake Mirl to Harris Creek Beaverdam Creek From source to Neuse C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-27 (west side of River Neuse River) Rocky Creek From source to Neuse C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-28 River Beaverdam Creek From soruce to Neuse C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-29 (east side of River Neuse River) (Neuseco Lake, Beaverdam Lake) ridges Creek L k d From source to Neuse Ri C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-30 e) ri ges a ver -Milburnie Creek From source to Neuse C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-31 (Milburnie Lake) River Mango Creek From source to Neuse C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-32 River 'Crabtree Creek From source to f C bt b k t C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-(1) wa ra ac ers o ree Lake Crabtree Creek From mouth of C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-(10) Richlands Creek to Neuse River Crabtree Creek From backwaters of B;NSW 04/01/94 Neuse 27-33-(3.5) (Crabtree Lake) Crabtree Lake to mouth of Richlands Creek Richlands Creek From source to C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-11 Crabtree Creek Hare Snipe Creek From source to dam at B;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-12-(1) (Lake Lynn) Lake Lynn Hare Snipe Creek From dam at Lake Lynn C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-12-(2) to Crabtree Creek House Creek From source to C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-13 Crabtree Creek Mine Creek From source to C;NSW 05/01/88 Neuse 27-33-14 Crabtree Creek • Page 7 of 13 2010-05-22 07:08:19 • PRECIPITATION DATA • • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-l 0000 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 3 POINT PRECIPITATION r 7 FREQUENCY ESTIMATES FROM NOAA ATLAS 14 ' • North Carolina 35.836575 N 78.847944 W 351 feet from "Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the United States" NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 G.M. Bonnin. D. Martin. B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, SIIVeI' Spring. Maryland, 2004 I * Upper bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI** (years) W F10 mm 15 min 30 min 60 min 120 min hr hr 12 hr M24 48 hr [d4 ay ay 10 day 1 20 1 day 1 30 1 day 1 45 1 day 1 60 1 day I 0.43 0.69 0.86 ].18 1.48 1.72 1.83 2.20 2.60 3.05 3.52 3.9 1 4.50 5.12 6.82 8.45 10.71 12.80 2 0.51 0.81 1.02 1.41 1.76 2.06 2.19 2.63 3.11 3.68 4.24 4.68 5.37 6.08 8.04 9.92 12.53 14.93 0 0.58 0.93 1.18 1.67 2.14 2.53 2.70 3.25 3.85 4.59 5.25 5.75 6.52 7.30 9.50 11.53 14.33 16.84 10 0.64 1.03 1.30 1.89 2.46 2.92 3.13 3.77 4.50 5.31 6.03 6.60 7.42 8.25 10.66 12.77 15.73 18.33 25 0.71 1.13 1.43 2.12 2.82 3.40 3.67 4.44 5.34 6.28 7.08 7.74 8.66 9.54 12.23 14.42 17.56 20.24 50 0.75 1.20 1.52 2.29 3.10 3.78 4.13 5.00 6.04 7.05 7.91 8.64 9.64 10.55 13.48 15.69 18.96 21.70 100 0.79 1.26 1.59 2.44 3.37 4.15 4.58 5.56 6.76 7.83 8.75 9.57 10.65 11.58 14.74 16.97 2036 23.10 200 0.83 1.32 1.66 2.58 3.62 4.S1 5.03 6.14 7.52 8.64 9.61 10.50 11.68 12.63 16.03 18.25 21.71 24.46 500 0.87 1.37 1.73 2.75 3.94 4.98 5.63 6.92 8.56 9.74 10.77 11.78 13.08 14.04 17.77 19.95 23.53 26.21 1000 0.90 1.41 1.77 2.87 4.19 5.35 6.14 7.58 9.46 10.61 11.65 12.78 14.17 15.14 19.14 21.25 24.90 27.51 The upper bound of the confidence interval at 90% confidence level is the value which 5% of the simulated quantile values for a given frequency are greater than. These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a partial duration series. ARI is the Average Recurrence Interval. Please refer to NOIMAht t4lDiotrr?l for more information. NOTE: Formatting prevents estimates near zero to appear as zero. 4 500 0.71 1.12 1.41 2.25 3.23 4.01 4.53 5.61 6.-9378 33 9.14 10.04 11.22 12.10 15.27 17.28 20.73 2328 * Lower bound of the 90% confidence interval Precipitation Frequency Estimates (inches) ARI** (years) ?5 mm 10 min 15 min 30 mm 60 min 120 mm ?3 hr Mh j 12 hr 1 24 1 hr 1 48 1 hr 4 [day ;J d a 10 day 1 20 1 day 1 30 1 day 1 45 1 day 1 60 1 day =1 6 0.3 0.58 0.73 1.00 1.24 1.44 1.53 1.85 2.21 2.66 3.05 3.41 3.96 4.52 6.02 7 .49 9.63 11.58 =2 0.43 0.68 0.86 1.18 1.48 1.72 1.83 2.22 2.64 3.21 3.68 4.08 4.72 5.36 7.10 8.79 11.27 13. 0.49 0.78 0.99 1.41 1.81 2.11 2.25 2.73 3.26 4.01 4.55 5.02 5.73 6.43 8.37 F10201 1 2.88 15.21 10 0.54 0.87 1.09 1.59 2.07 2.42 2.61 3.17 3.81 4.63 5.22 5.75 6.52 7.26 9.37 11.29 14.13 16.53 25 0.59 0.95 1.20 1.77 2.36 2.81 3.05 3.72 4.50 5.46 6.12 6.71 7.59 8.37 10.72 12.71 15.73 18.22 50 0.63 1.00 1.27 1.91 -1 2.59 -1 3.12 3.41 4.17 5.07 6.11 6.81 7.48 8.41 9.23 11.77 13.79 16.94 19.47 500 0.66 1.05 1.33 2.031 F2 80 3.39 3.75 4.61 5.62 6.76 7.50 8.24 9.25 10.09 12.81 14.86 18.10 20.67 200 0.69 1.09 1.37 2.13 2.99 3.67 4.09 5.04 6.19 E 18 .20 9.01 10.09 10.95 13.86 15.91 19.25 21.82 1000 0.73 1.15 1.44 2.33 3.40 4.28 4.88 6.06 7.54 9.02 9.86 10.83 12.10 12.96 16.35 18.33 21.84 24.36 I Me lower pound or the confidence interval at 90% confidence level is the value which 5% of the simulated quantile values for a given frequency are less than. These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a partial duration maxima series. ARI is the Average Recurrence Interval. http://hdsc.nws.noaa. gov/cgi-binlhdsc/buildout.perl?type=pf&units=us&series=pd&statena... 5/25/2010 ' These precipitation frequency estimates are based on a partial duration series. AM is the Average Recurrence Interval. Please refer to.NOAAAM 14 for more information. NOTE: Formatting forces estimates near zero to appear as zero. Precipitation Frequency Data Server Please refer to NDAAA{tc 14 for more information. NOTE. Formatting prevents estimates near zero to appear as zero Text version of tables Partial duration based Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates - Version: 3 35.836575 N 78.847944 W 351 ft • .Maps - L L L L L L 1 ] .. 1 aLi ] CL 1 0 1 ..ai 1 'Q 1 U L L a - ?. _ - - 1, 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average Recurrence Interval (years) Tue May 25 11:35:28 2010 Duration 5-min - 30-min -a` 3-hr 24-hr 7-day - 30-day -B- 10-min -+- 60-min = 6-hr 48-hr 10-day 45-day a 15-min 120-m * 12-hr d 4-day -i- -I*- 60-day e aLi ] CL ] o ] 0 1 Q 1 U U L CL Partial duration based Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates - Version: 3 35.836575 N 78.847944 W 351 ft Average Recurrence Interval ( ars) 1 ,a 2 + 5 -? 10 CIE 25 -6- 50 -*- 100 - 200 500 1000 ? .£ £ 1 1 I 1 10 O In O a .-1 Co Eo ? £ 1 I N O 0,4 ?0 M L L ? Li M It L L. L ? Li 0 OD C114 .-1 Duration L ? Lsl` OD 1 ri N L r ? 10 w M V M MM M M v a a a -?6a 1 1 1 1 1 M V Y rr` a M M M a a v 1 I I ? N M T M ? a ICI) 01 V b Tue May 25 11:35:27 2010 Page 2 of 3 http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/cgi-binlhdsc/buildout.perl?type=pf&units=us&series=pd&statena... 5/25/2010 Precipitation Frequency Data Server _z z • _Z -4Location z _z c 01. 17o-w 118-w 1 oo-W 90?W 80 W 70 W These maps were produced using a direct map request from the Swr. 71= Mm Please read disclaimer (or more information. 11 Other Maps/Photographs - LEGEND State - Connector County Stream Indian Resv Military Area Lake/PondlOcean National Park -- Street ? _1 Other Park - Expressway City - Highway 2 C$unty6 .8 mi Scale 1:228583 2 11 average--true scale depends on non4tor8resolution Page 3 of 3 View USGJ dizital orthoohoto auadrangle (DOO) covering this location from TerraServer; USGS Aerial Photograph may also be available from this site. A DOQ is a computer-generated image of an aerial photograph in which image displacement caused by terrain relief and camera tilts has been removed. It combines the image characteristics of a photograph with the geometric qualities of a map. Visit the USGS for more information. Watershed/Stream Flow Information - Find the Watershed for this location using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's site. Climate Data Sources - Precipitation frequency results are based on data from a variety of sources, but largely NCDC The following links provide general information about observing sites in the area, regardless of if their data was used in this study. For detailed information about the stations used in this study, please refer to NOM Atlas 14 Document. Using the National Climatic Data Center's (NCDC) station search engine, locate other climate stations within: +/-30 minutes ...OR +1-1 degree of this location (35.836575/-78.847944). Digital ASCII data can be obtained directly from NCDC Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center DOCtNOAA/Natlonal Weather Service 1325 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 713-1669 Questions'?: aLscw= r? http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/cgi-binlhdscibuildout.perl?type=pf&units=us&series=pd&statena... 5/25/2010 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Town Hall Common Page 1.01 .File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWM+'Design.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = Town Hall Common Storm Tag Name = 1 Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resulting Start Time Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 1 yr 2.8400 in 1 1440.00 min .00 min Step= 6.00 min End= 1440.00 min Storm Tag Name = 2 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 2 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.4300 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 1440.00 min • Resulting Start Time= .00 min Step= 6.00 min End= 1440.00 min Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resulting Start Time Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 10 yr 4.9600 in 1 1440.00 min .00 min Step= 6.00 min End= 1440.00 min Storm Tag Name = 100 Data Type, File, TD = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 7.3000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration 1440.00 min Resulting Start Time= .00 min Step= 6.00 min End= 1440.00 min Storm Tag Name = WQ Vol Data Type, File, ID Storm Frequency Total Rainfall Depth Duration Multiplier Resulting Duration Resultinq Start Time Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr 1 yr 1.0000 in 1 1440.00 min .00 min Step= 6.00 min End= 1440.00 min S/N: Bentley Systems, Irnc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:04 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Design Storms Name.... Town Hall Common Design Storm File,ID = 0 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY • • Storm Tag Name = 25 Town Hall Common Page 1.02 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 25 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 5.8600 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 1440.00 min Resulting Start Time= .00 min Step= 6.00 min End= 1440.00 min SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1'_•:04 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/7/2010 • WATERSHED SOIL DATA • • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 ( l +aays suior) N UV y ?p0 4aai 0005 Ot85i L aI??S 0 OOOI 000e p00y aI!W I 0 a - d - o ¢i w L°' > 0 0 z u P c o 0 z ra o -ov ul ° o c o 0 m a J u it L I.tJ U u0 d E L? E to a 2 w ° Z van o - P ?- o ? u c c o .1 o U u c = v v v a w o m y v v v v c>?= u C'? _ $ w v w o o o v u w° a o v o w vv ° w w w a c o 0 a o o c o w v a a a a ° w v a v a a a a o E V o= u z N 0. a o w a w a a a a a aao o- _- N a w N N- a° a o. a s aao m o N N N N v o v o o LLlj o J a w a a s N. N N a a a o o 0 0 N N N N c o o N N J O o aao ° CC w w a o o o N N N y c c u N cm N N N N N C C N C O N N C C C w v '^ C w v u C w ^- N C C w w w w u` < u u v u c c c `c v w u u u u w `c u a a a c `c `c c w v `w w a o v N `c `c c w u u a u u E u w `v w w a n a u w a o -° u uj v w w U u a 0. a c c w v w 0 a 0 w w D. 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N L U O .? r O =t EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. • MEMORANDUM Date: November 29, 2010 To: Jeremy Finch, PE From: George Buchholz, REM, PWS Re: Town Hall Commons Seasonal High Water Table PLT-10000 h 4 / 0 l ?f`f Field investigations were conducted on October 19, November 3, and. November 9, 2010 at the proposed Town Hall Commons project to determine the approximate seasonal high water table within four stormwater wetlands planned for the project. Several soil borings were examined within each of the four stormwater wetlands planned for the project. Each soil boring was established within the anticipated normal pool limits for each of the planned stormwater wetlands. Below is a brief summary of the soil types and the approximate seasonal high water table depth from the soil surface for each of the four stormwater wetlands. 491 Stormwater Wetland #1 Soil Type(s): White Store sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately deep, moderately well drained, with slow permeability. Soil Boring Results: Approximately 3 soil borings were established within the the anticipated normal pool limits. On average, it is anticipated that the approximate seasonal high water table depth from the soil surface for this stormwater wetland is 24 inches. Stormwater Wetland #2 Soil Type(s): White Store sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately deep, moderately well drained, with slow permeability. Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 290E Meridian Parkway q jilllftrth Carolina 27713 80 46 919-2 -4262 919-361-2269 Fax White Store sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately deep, moderately well drained, with slow permeability. www.ecoengr.com Design Services Focused On Client Success EcoEngineering A division of The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. • Soil Boring Results: Approximately 6 soil borings were established within the the anticipated normal pool limits. On average, it is anticipated that the approximate seasonal high water table depth from the soil surface for this stormwater wetland is 16 inches. Stormwater Wetland 93 Soil Type(s): White Store sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately deep, moderately well drained, with slow permeability. White Store sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately deep, moderately well drained, with slow permeability. C: Soil Boring Results: Approximately 4 soil borings were established within the the anticipated normal pool limits. On average, it is anticipated that the approximate seasonal high water table depth from the soil surface for this stormwater wetland is 23 inches. Stormwater Wetland #4 Soil Type(s): White Store sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, moderately deep, moderately well drained, with slow permeability. Mayodan sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded: gently sloping to moderately steep, deep, well drained, with moderate permeability. Soil Boring Results: Approximately 3 soil borings were established within the the anticipated normal pool limits. On average, it is anticipated that the approximate seasonal high water table depth from the soil surface for this stormwater wetland is 23 inches. General Soil Boring Observations In general, the profile of the soil borings graded from light yellowish brown silty-sandy loams near the surface to reddish brown with light-gray mottles that are sandy at lower elevations and dark reddish brown with prominent gray mottles that are clay at very low elevations. Below is a photograph of a sample boring. 6 • 0 Soil boring profile located within Stormwater Wetland Number 2. • ` F a; a. APPROVED DESIGN CALCULATIONS FOR PRE VIO USL Y CONSTR UCTED BMPS 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 I r 1 i i I \ II 1 I 1 I 1 I 5131 11 1 t fill. ?p L I - l \\ 1 1 1 I I\ / I W I ? / q I ? I 1 1 1 '`? \ 1 ` ?T N T ZV <? Co ? dON 1`? O O ao , n 1 1 r I ?, Jl \I 1 r 1 - 1 / `\I I 1 f ? p 1' F rn s a U 8 wvmcrzt cooutzlr'6+a+w rv+?>?no\e*mrad •?ww - ?? \mx\o-xronr?+ 4+yo?e wrn e ? 5 ,il e g; & F8_8e 8rR8 ?' _ TBPp^ggRaa- ,$ -"- " az sit . I3 x f _ -? ias??^s eLn.°pa: =g = T aekee a a Rs as ? I P F 2 °° 5 B - ? J g ? ?eo F Y°. ? R n 8 ? Y° ea °o°c A?^ aR?oy o. ` a ea= x 6 " e ? ps x? a? ? a `` . ? ? r1 ? x s e x bt @t x . ? s Caa ? xg° - a' s s ? ,5 il ? d ? ? ? x g? . ?? R y 9 ? $ ??b? gl?y? ? ? $7? ? a r BA°.. ; 85t°.' ? 8 8 ° g?& a "d.X vd ry F E ? N_ SPA??.. . .OJ c - _ =n Qf -? LLH v I Ml' I I Cl - 3 O ?yy x = ? _ 6 Q in I'mo' III II" II yl? / z o. \ ?8 \\ ?m ~ E* W vj ,i $ $ w l P V I / ? ? , W-j 5 -° XW of b ? i ,x313 T a a £ I I I .- ? 31?r s ap ? ? LAI e ejyt yy aF 11 ? sb a 1.12111iiij Jill b?'?a ?? ia?a?? b - J ; z 4 0- 13 t N N a ^ E ? m n I ? R 8 F $ pb? ? ••?pC1uT ?06 ##??P co 3t 46 ?wz 6 ? J F 'N{b ~ ? J? ? 5 J ? RY ? J~n 6 -?? j a g6 28 gig a c m ?x6a X03 s ZO -R gMm ? ? I O I T m in c(i Z I? I ' ? I I m ?''I? W I I I I a ?? ? j 41 I ' rte! I ! ??3 0 ',, Q '. O lul ?'eo ?a m Qi I >r i $ - Q -Z 4 u I° it i II ?.a m I m 8 I Z 41 I S °3c 4 ? V J gs' sG A 'AN' r 7 3DI1 d aril ¢ s;-y , }} O ze' 0 e y{ 3 979?r x in g ° m m m m I I as Q x m € . F fli . I I ? a J^ Hp J 112 ill Nib S fi <1 11, $ rt M 4:GS:Z1 LOOZIL&l *ffl'V Pbd aaaM19Qa^O°n4nbO\a`M 4d SUWJBp - Xa WO LWtIO'600Z?90w°H xeWa?\spa(°id F°°T:j 9 .10 6 $ cif;?i • WITHERS RAVENEL STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Twin Lakes - Parcel B Cary, North Carolina • Prepared For Wakefield Developers, LLC 32o9 Gresham Lake Road, Suite 16o Raleigh, NC 27615 Prepared By: WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC u1 MacKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 • )une 2oo6 W&R Project No. 204177.71 OM2 C'. 4L : ?? /if 160 Hunter Freeman, PE TWIN LAKES PARCEL B STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CARY, NORTH CAROLINA INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to document pre- and post-development peak water surface elevations for the 1-year, to-year, 5o-year, and ioo-year design storm events as well as document nitrogen loading rates from the site. The goat is to ensure that the 2 proposed wet ponds meet standards set by the Division of Water Quality for wet detention sizing and drawdown of the 1" 1" of runoff. The site is located in Cary, NC, north of the intersection of Davis Drive and Aviation Parkway. The entire site lies within the Neuse River basin. The existing site is undeveloped, and consists of mainly pasture and woods. The proposed site will be developed as single family residences and will include two wet detention ponds onsite for water quality. There are Town of Cary and natural riparian buffers around the outfall channel, which flows from west to east through the center of the site. The proposed ponds also serve to treat and attenuate flows from a portion of Parcel A, located on the west side of Lake Grove Boulevard. That site was previously approved in September 2005. This report supercedes any pond calculations submitted at that time. There is no change to the nitrogen loading calculations for that portion of the Twin Lakes development. The site is part of the Twin Lakes development. Additional stormwater management devices are located on portions of the previously approved parcels, which have been designed to attenuate the 1-year discharge for the entire subdivision. - - - -yes - ? , ?? ; • - J - \ ` NC-54 ' . A \ - ? \ ?. `l SITE . 1 - ?? `C\ wb Sancti!-irA Holy `r ?? , . kA_ • . _ Aviation Parkway [ arwnter 32, - Davis Dr. - _319- Hai" ("mv r. 5 Twin Lakes Parcel B 1 W&R Project 204177.71 Stormwater Management Report June 2006 TWIN LAKES PARCEL B STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CARY, NORTH CAROLINA • METHODOLOGY The stormwater study was conducted using the natural drainage features as depicted by Wake County LIDAR topography (1-ft contours) and existing field surveys. Proposed drainage areas were based on field surrey data and proposed development within the drainage areas. The scope of work included the following analyses: Hydrology ? Simulation of the 1-year, to-year, 5o-year, and loo-year rainfall events for the Cary, NC area ? Formulation of the 1-year, to-year, 5o-year, and loo-year flood hydrographs for the pre- and post-development drainage areas Hydraulic ? Routing the 1-year, 1o-year, 5o-year, and loo-year flood hydrographs for pre- development runoff from the site. ? Routing the i-year, 1o-year, 5o-year, and loo-year flood hydrographs for post- development runoff through the proposed wet ponds. The results of the hydrology calculations are used in the hydraulic analyses. The hydraulic design requires the development of a stage-storage and stage-discharge function for the proposed ponds. The rainfall/runoff hydrographs, stage-storage and stage-discharge functions have been compiled to create a routing computer simulation model using Haestad Methods PondPack vio.o software. This • PondPack model was then used to assess the peak water surface elevations for the design rainfall events. The PondPack modeling results are provided as appendices to this report. HYDROLOGY The SCS Method was used to develop runoff hydrographs for the Type II, 24-hour duration, i-year storm event in the Cary area, and the 24-hour duration rainfall curves determined using the NOAA Atlas 14 rainfall data for Raleigh-Durham International Airport for the 1o-year, 5o-year and loo-year storm events. This method requires three basic parameters: a curve number (CN), time of concentration (tj, and drainage area. Curve numbers were based on soil type and land use. Soil types were delineated from the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina (November 1970). Land use for existing conditions was based on the most recent Wake County aerial photographs and field observations. Post development land use is based on the proposed site plan. The curve numbers used in this study are listed in the appendix of this report. Times of concentration were calculated using methods described in the SCS publication "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, TR-55" and based on Wake County topographic maps and field survey data. The post-development time of concentration was calculated for the drainage areas that are piped to the ponds based on the flow time through the piped drainage systems and small areas of sheet flow. The breakdown of the time of concentrations and the calculated values are found in the appendices of this report. • Twin Lakes Parcel $ 2 W&R Project 204177.71 stormwater Management Report June 2oo6 TWIN LAKES PARCEL B STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CARY, NORTH CAROLINA HYDRAULICS • Computer simulated reservoir routing of the 1-year, io-year, 5o-year, and loo-year design storms utilized stage-storage and stage-discharge functions. Stage-storage functions were derived from the proposed grading of the new ponds. A non-linear regression relation for surface area versus elevation was derived for each pond. This relation estimates the incremental volume of the basins to the stage or elevation of the basins. Stage-discharge functions were developed to size the proposed outlet structure for each wet detention pond. CONCLUSIONS Based on the routing study, the proposed ponds have sufficient volume to safely pass the loo-year storm. The outlets were designed to discharge the first 1" of runoff over 2-5 days. Larger storm events are passed though a riser. Because the first 1" of runoff is being discharged over 2-5 days and released upstream of the buffer limit, a25% nitrogen reduction credit was taken for each wet pond, followed by a 3o% reduction of the remaining nitrogen for the sheet flow through the buffer. BMPs 4 and 5 are permanent wet ponds that replace BMP 11, which was approved for Parcel A Phase II. As stated in the pond report for Parcel A Phase II, the runoff from Parcel A is accounted for in the design of the permanent BMPs. • • Twin Lakes Parcel B 9 W&R Project zogi77.7i Stormwater Management Report June 2006 TWIN LAKES PARCEL B STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT CARY, NORTH CAROLINA 0 DESIGN SUMMARY BMP #4 - PROPOSED WET DETENTION POND • 2" drawdown orifice @ 356.00 • 5' x 5' slab top inlet box, crest @ 357.9 • 36" RCP Outlet Barrel • Top of Dam = 360.00 Storm Event Peak Water Surface Elevation Freeboard 1-Year 358.48 1.52 ft 27. 1o-Year 358.95 1.05 ft 67. j 5o-Year 359.15 0.85 ft 79. cfs ioo-Year 359.28 0.72 ft 80.• • BMP #5 - PROPOSED WET DETENTION POND • 2" drawdown orifice @ 356.00 • 4' x 4' slab top inlet box, crest @ 357.2 • 24" CMP Outlet Barrel • Top of Dam = 360.00 Storm Event Peak Water Surface Elevation Freeboard outflow 1-Year 357.72 2.23 ft 18.78 cfs 1o-Year 358.18 1.82 It 48.1o cfs 5o-Year 358.41 1.59 ft 51.48 cfs loo-Year 358.53 1.47 ft 52.40 cfs Total for Site Storm Event Pre-Development Outflow Post-Development Outflow with BMPs 1-Year 55.90 cfs 47.50 cfs 1o-Year 114.21 cfs 125.50 cfs 5o-Year 147.43 cfs 149.55 cfs loo-Year 160.74 cfs 156.09 cfs Twin Lakes Parcel B Stormwater Management Report W&R Project 204177.71 June 2006 • PONDPACK OUTPUT CALCULATIONS 0 Twin Lakes Parcel B W&R Project 204177.71 Stormwater Management Report June 2oo6 • To BMP5 ?d?nk 10 BW5 • Addlink 20 - To BMP4 BM Untreated Areas ---------------------- Route 70 , A Out Pbst Pte Developmer D a Lx E x A 0 A Out Pre • Job File: K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\PARCEL B.PPW Rain Dir: K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\ • JOB TITLE ------------ Project Date: 4/27/2005 Project Engineer: WR Project Title: Twin Lakes Future BMPs Project Comments: • • SIN, DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers 6 Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Table of Contents i C7 ++++****++++++++++++++ MASTER SUMMARY +***++++++**+++******* Watershed....... Master Network Summary ............. 1.01 ****************** DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY ******************* RDU NOAA 14 Desi Design Storms ...................... 2.01 *+++*+++++++*+++++++++ TC CALCULATIONS +*+++++*+*+*+*++++*++ PRE DEVELOPMENT Tc Calcs ........................... 3.01 TO BMP4......... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.03 TO BMPS......... Tc Calcs ........................... 3.05 UNTREATED AREAS Tc Calcs ........................... 3.07 +*****+++++*++++++++*+ CN CALCULATIONS ++*+*+***+*++**++**** PRE DEVELOPMENT Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.01 TO BMP4......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.02 TO BMPS......... Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.03 UNTREATED AREAS Runoff CN-Area ..................... 4.04 *+****++++++**+++++*++* POND VOLUMES +++*+****+**+*****+***+ BMP4............ Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.01 0 • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Table of Contents • ii BMP5............ Vol: Elev-Area ..................... 5.02 ******************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* BMP4 Outlet..... Outlet Input Data .................. 6.01 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.05 BMP5 Outlet..... Outlet Input Data .................. 6.07 Composite Rating Curve ............. 6.11 • • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: RDU NOAA 14 Desi Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RNF ID ------------ 10 ------ 4.9800 ---------------- Time-Depth Curve -------- RDU NOAA -------- 10yr 50 6.6300 Time-Depth Curve RDU NOAA 50yr 100 7.3700 Time-Depth Curve RDU NOAA 100yr 1 3.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event ac-ft - Trun ----------- BMP4 ------ IN ---- POND ------ 10 -------- - 5.033 BMP4 IN POND 50 7.217 BMP4 IN POND 100 8.209 BMP4 IN POND 1 2.506 BMP4 OUT POND 10 4.946 R BMP4 OUT POND 50 7.127 R BMP4 OUT POND 100 8.117 R BMP4 OUT POND 1 2.429 R BMP5 IN POND 10 3.370 BMP5 IN POND 50 4.834 BMP5 IN POND 100 5.498 BMP5 IN POND 1 1.679 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs cfs --- ft -------- ac-ft ------------ --------- 12.1500 ----- 75.63 12.1500 92.77 12.1500 99.34 12.0000 40.52 12.2000 67.29 358.95 2.076 12.2000 79.33 359.15 2.167 12.2500 80.57 359.28 2.225 12.1000 27.45 358.48 1.865 12.1000 62.26 12.1000 75.67 12.1000 81.34 11.9000 30.37 • u SIN: D0YXYWH3NLBE PondPack ( 8:47 AM Withers & Ravenel 6/9/2006 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw 0 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ----- ac-ft Trun hrs cfs ft ac-ft BMP5 OUT POND - 10 ---------- 3.333 -- R --------- 12.1500 -------- 48.10 -------- ------------ 358.18 1.795 BMP5 OUT POND 50 4.795 R 12.1500 51.48 358.41 1.897 BMP5 OUT POND 100 5.459 R 12.2000 52.40 358.53 1.955 BMP5 OUT POND 1 1.644 R 12.0500 18.78 357.72 1.598 *OUT POST JCT 10 9.461 R 12.2000 125.50 *OUT POST JCT 50 13.712 R 12.1500 149.55 *OUT POST JCT 100 15.646 R 12.1500 156.09 *OUT POST JCT 1 4.586 R 12.0500 47.50 *OUT PRE JCT 10 8.304 12.2000 114.21 *OUT PRE JCT 50 12.398 12.2000 147.43 *OUT PRE JCT 100 14.279 12.2000 160.74 *OUT PRE JCT 1 3.741 12.0500 55.90 DEVELOPMENT AREA 10 8.304 12.2000 114.21 DEVELOPMENT AREA 50 12.398 12.2000 147.44 PRE DEVELOPMENT AREA 100 14.279 12.2000 160.74 PRE DEVELOPMENT AREA 1 3.741 12.0500 55.90 TO BMP4 AREA 10 5.033 12.1500 75.63 TO BMP4 AREA 50 7.217 12.1500 92.77 TO BMP4 AREA 100 8.209 12.1500 99.34 TO BMP4 AREA 1 2.506 12.0000 40.52 TO BMP5 AREA 10 3.370 12.1000 62.26 TO BMP5 AREA 50 4.834 12.1000 75.67 TO BMP5 AREA 100 5.498 12.1000 81.34 TO BMP5 AREA 1 1.679 11.9000 30.37 UNTREATED AREAS AREA 10 1.181 12.1000 22.57 UNTREATED AREAS AREA 50 1.789 12.1000 29.19 UNTREATED AREAS AREA 100 2.070 12.1000 31.94 UNTREATED AREAS AREA 1 .513 11.9500 9.28 • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Design Storms Name.... RDU NOAA 14 Desi Page 2.01 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw Title... Project Date: 4/27/2005 Project Engineer: WR Project Title: Twin Lakes Future BMPs Project Comments: DESIGN STORMS SUMMARY Design Storm File,ID = RDU NOAA 14 Desi Storm Tag Name = 10 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve RDU NOAA 10yr Storm Frequency = 10 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 4.9800 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 23.9904 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 23.9904 hrs Storm Tag Name = 50 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve RDU NOAA 50yr Storm Frequency = 50 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 6.6300 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 23.9904 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 23.9904 hrs Storm Tag Name = 100 Data Type, File, ID = Time-Depth Curve RDU NOAA 100yr Storm Frequency = 100 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 7.3700 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 23.9990 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .0833 hrs End= 23.9990 hrs Storm Tag Name = 1 Data Type, File, ID = Synthetic Storm TypeII 24hr Storm Frequency = 1 yr Total Rainfall Depth= 3.0000 in Duration Multiplier = 1 Resulting Duration = 24.0000 hrs Resulting Start Time= .0000 hrs Step= .1000 hrs End= 24.0000 hrs r] • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... PRE DEVELOPMENT Page 3.01 ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw .......... .............. ................................................... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: Kirpich (TN) Hydraulic Length 1700.00 ft Slope .011000 ft/ft Multiplier 1.000 (Tc Adjustment) Avg.Velocity 2.08 ft/sec Segment #1 Time: .2267 hrs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: .2267 hrs • • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... PRE DEVELOPMENT Page 3.02 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\-H-H\Parcel B.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Kirpich (TN) ___________________ Tc = 0.00013 * (Lf**0.77) * (Sf**-0.385) * Mt Where: Tc = Time of concentration, hrs Lf = Flow length, ft Sf = Slope, ft/ft Mt = Tc Multiplier (Tc adjustment) • u SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO BMP4 Page 3.03 0 ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw ........................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #I: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .1700 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .1700 hrs • E SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO BMP4 Page 3.04 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ___= User Defined --- === Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration u is • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO BMP5 Page 3.05 0ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw ............... .........:::..... TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0830 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: .0830 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs r? u • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO BMP5 Page 3.06 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==== User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration • • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... UNTREATED AREAS Page 3.07 40 ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ..................................................:..................... ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: .0830 hrs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ • • Total Tc: .0830 hrs Calculated Tc < Min.Tc: Use Minimum Tc... Use Tc = .0833 hrs SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... UNTREATED AREAS Page 3.08 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tc Equations used... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _=_= User Defined Tc = Value entered by user Where: Tc = Time of concentration is • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... PRE DEVELOPMENT Page 4.01 &ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN Woods - good 77 -- 19.990 ----- ----- ------ 77.00 Parcel A Phase II Roads 98 3.410 98.00 Parcel A Phase II Townhomes 98 1.630 98.00 Parcel A Phase II Open Space 80 5.410 80.00 Offsite (Apartments) 92 2.110 92.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN - --> 32.550 81.72 (82) is • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO BMP4 Page 4.02 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description - -- CN acres %C %UC CN - ---------------------------- - Impervious Areas - Paved; open ditc --- 93 --------- .750 ----- ----- ------ 93.00 Residential Districts - 1/4 acre 87 4.730 87.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 80 .610 80.00 Parcel A Phase IT Roads 98 3.410 98.00 Parcel A Phase IT Townhomes 98 1.630 98.00 Parcel A Phase IT Open Space 80 5.410 80.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .................................... .................................... .... .... 16.540 .......... .......... ............ ............ 88.08 (88) ............. ............. • u SIN: DOYXYWB3NLBE Withers & Ravenel P6ndPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO BMP5 Page 4.03 0 ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA ........................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description ------------------- - CN acres %C %UC CN - ----------- - Impervious Areas - Paved; open ditc --- 93 --------- 1.470 ----- ----- ------ 93.00 Residential Districts - 1/4 acre 8,7 6.650 87.00 Offsite (Apartments) 92 2.110 92.00 Open space (Lawns,parks etc.) - Goo 80 .850 80.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 11.080 88.21 (88) • • S/N: DOYXYWH314LBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... UNTREATED AREAS Page 4.04 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN - acres %C %UC CN --- ---------------------------- ---- Residential Districts - 1/4 acre 87 --------- 1.540 ----- ----- ------ 87.00 Woods - good 77 3.390 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 4.930 80.12 (80) 1/ 11 u C7 SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE PondPack ( 8:47 AM Withers & Ravenel 6/9/2006 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... BMP4 Page 5.01 0le.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(A1*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) ------------ (sq.in) (sq.ft) ---------------- --- (sq.ft) - - - {ac-ft) (ac-ft) 353.00 - - ----- 11090 --------- -- --- 0 --------- .000 ------------- .000 354.00 ----- 12382 35190 .269 .269 355.00 ----- 13724 39142 .300 .569 356.00 ----- 15135 43271 .331 .900 357.00 ----- 16603 47590 .364 1.264 358.00 ----- 18122 52071 .398 1.663 359.00 ----- 19693 56706 .434 2.096 360.00 ----- 21326 61512 .471 2.567 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELI) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 • • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... BMP5 Page 5.02 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) ------------------------ (sq.ft) --------- (sq.ft) --------- -- (ac-ft) -- (ac-ft) 353.00 ----- 11285 ------ 0 ------- .000 ------------- .000 354.00 ----- 12692 35945 .275 .275 355.00 ----- 14157 40254 .308 .583 356.00 ----- 15679 44735 .342 .925 357.00 ----- 17258 49387 .378 1.303 358.00 ----- 18894 54209 .415 1.718 359.00 ----- 20588 59205 .453 2.171 360.00 ----- 22339 64373 .493 2.664 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-ELI) * (Areal + Areal + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: ELI, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for ELI, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between ELI and EL2 • • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMP4 Outlet Page 6.01 0ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 353.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 360.00 ft ***************************************k*#**** OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ********************************************** ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Inlet Box RO ---> CO 357.900 360.000 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 353.000 360.000 Orifice-Circular DD ---> TW 356.000 360.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • • 5/N: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMP4 Outlet Page 6.02 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = RO Structure Type = Inlet Box ------------------ # of Openings ------------------ = 1 Invert Elev. = 357.90 ft Orifice Area = 25.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 20.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No • C, 1x11 u SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMP4 Outlet Page 6.03 0ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = ------------------ Culvert-Circular - No. Barrels = ----------- 1 ------ Barrel Diameter = 3.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 353.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 352.50 ft Horiz. Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00833 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA ... Mannings n = .0130 Ke - .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .007228 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0018 Inlet Control M 2.0000 . Inlet Control c .02920 Inlet Control Y = .7400 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.058 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.203 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at Tl & T2... At T1 Elev = 356.17 ft ---> Flow = 42.85 cfs At T2 Elev = 356.61 ft ---> Flow = 48.97 cfs • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMP4 Outlet Page 6.04 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = DD Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 356.00 ft Diameter = .1700 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min_ Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs . • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers 6 Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... BMP4 Outlet Page 6.05 ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---- --- ------------------ Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f ----- t +/-ft -- Contrib uting Structures 353.00 .00 Free - ----- Outfall ----- (no --- Q: ------------------ RO,CO,DD) 353.10 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.20 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.30 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.40 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.50 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.60 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.70 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.80 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.90 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.10 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.20 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.30 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.40 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.50 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.60 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 4.70 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 4.80 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 4.90 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.10 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.20 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.30 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.40 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.50 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.60 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.70 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.80 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.90 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 356.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 356.10 .01 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) 356.20 .04 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) 356.30 .05 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) 356.40 .06 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) 356.50 .07 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) 356.60 .08 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) 356.70 .09 Free Outfall DD ( no Q: RO,CO) • S/N: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... BMP4 Outlet Page 6.06 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw • ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---------- --------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft - cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -- ----- 356.80 ------- .09 ----- Free --- ----- Outfall ----------- DD (no Q: --------------- RO,CO) 356.90 .10 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.00 .10 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.10 .11 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.20 .12 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.30 .12 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.40 _13 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.50 .13 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.60 .13 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.70 .14 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.80 .14 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.90 .15 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 358.00 2.11 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.10 5.70 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.20 10.34 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.30 15.86 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.40 22.10 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.50 358.60 29.00 36.48 Free Free Outfall Outfall RO,CO,DD RO,CO,DD • 358.70 44.55 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.80 53.12 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.90 62.18 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.00 71.72 Free Outfall R0,C0,DD 359.10 78.77 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.20 79.79 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.30 80.75 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.40 81.71 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.50 82.69 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.60 83.63 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.70 84.59 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.80 85.54 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.90 86.49 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 360.00 87.41 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD • 5/N: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMP5 Outlet Page 6.07 0ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 353.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 360.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Inlet Box RO ---> CO 351.200 360.000 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 353.000 360.000 Orifice-Circular DD ---> TW 356.000 360.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMPS Outlet Page 6.08 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = RO Structure Type ------------------ = Inlet Box ------------------ # of openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 357.20 ft Orifice Area = 16.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 16.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.100 K, Reverse - 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No 0 S/N: DOYXYWH3NLBE PondPack ( 8:47 AM • Withers & Ravenel 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... BMP5 Outlet Page 6.09 &le.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = CO Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 353.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 352.50 ft Horiz. Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Length = 60.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00833 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss' Kb = .009217 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss; HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0018 • Inlet Control M _ 2.0000 Inlet Control c .02920 Inlet Control Y = .7400 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.058 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.203 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 355.65 ft ---> Flow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 356.01 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs • 5/N: DOYXYWH3NLBE PondPack ( 8:47 AM Withers & Ravenel 6/9/2006 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name._.. BMPS Outlet Page 6.10 File.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = DD Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 356.00 ft Diameter = .1700 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs • is • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... BMPS Outlet Page 6.11 0 ile.... K:\04\04-170\04177.71-Twin Lakes Parcel B\H-H\Parcel B.ppw ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes --------- ------- -------- Converg e - ------------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures 353.00 .00 ---- Free Outfall -------- (no Q: ------------------ RO,CO,DD) 353.10 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.20 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.30 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.40 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.50 .00 Free outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.60 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.70 .00 Free outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.80 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 353.90 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.10 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.20 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.30 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.40 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.50 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 354.60 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 4.70 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 4.80 _00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 54.90 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.10 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.20 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.30 .00 Free outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.40 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.50 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.60 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.70 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.80 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 355.90 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 356.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: RO,CO,DD) 356.10 .01 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.20 .04 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.30 .05 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.40 .06 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.50 .07 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.60 .08 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.70 .09 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... BMP5 Outlet Page 6.12 • ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ---------- --------------- Elev. Q TW El ev Error . ft cfs ft +/-ft - Contributing Structures ------------------------- -------- 356.80 ------- .09 ------ Free -- ----- Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 356.90 .10 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.00 .10 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,(--O) 357.10 .11 Free Outfall DD (no Q: 120,C0) 357.20 .12 Free Outfall DD (no Q: RO,CO) 357.30 1.69 Free 0utfa!1 RO,CO,DD 357.40 4.56 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 357.50 8.28 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 357.60 12.68 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 357.70 17.69 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 357.80 23.20 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 357.90 29.18 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.00 35.64 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.10 42.51 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.20 49.80 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.30 50.74 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.40 51.43 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.50 52.16 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.60 52.85 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.70 53.54 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.80 54.21 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 358.90 54.89 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.00 55.56 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.10 56.21 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.20 56.87 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.30 57.51 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.40 58.16 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.50 58.79 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.60 59.43 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.70 60.05 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.80 60.68 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD 359.90 61.27 Free outfall RO,CO,DD 360.00 61.88 Free Outfall RO,CO,DD C7 is SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 Appendix A • Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names A-1 ----- B ----- BMP4... 5.01 BMP4 Outlet... 6.01, 6.05 BMPS... 5.02 BMPS Outlet... 6.07, 6.11 ----- P ----- PRE DEVELOPMENT.. . 3.01, 4.01 ----- R ----- RDU NOAH 14 Desi. .. 2.01 ----- T ----- TO BHA ... ).03, 4.02 TO BP-1E'5... 3.05, 4.03 ----- U UNI'REF,TF,D AREAS.. . 3.07, 4.04 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01 C, • SIN: DOYXYWH3NLBE Withers & Ravenel PondPack ( 8:47 AM 6/9/2006 • BMP SIZING CALCULATIONS 41 0 Twin Lakes Parcel B W&R Project zoyi77.7i Stormwater Management Report June 2oo6 • • 0 Twin Lakes BMP Sizing.xls Project Name: Twin Lakes - Parcel B Pro #: 204177.71 • i /Stat : Cary, NC Date: 6-Apr-06 Table 1.1 Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing for 85% Pollutant Removal Ffficiencv in the Piedmont % Impervious Cover Permanent Pool Dept 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 h (feet) 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 0.59 0.49 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.26 20 0.97 0.79 0.70 0.59 0.51 0.46 0.44 30 1.34 1.08 0.97 0.83 0.70 0.64 0.62 40 1.73 1.43 1.25 1-05 0.90 0.82 .0.77 s0 2.06 1.73 1.50 1.30 1.09 1.00 0.92 60 2.40 2.03 1.71 1.51 1.29 1.18 1.10 70 2.88 2.40 2.07 1.79 1.54 1.35 1.26 F 80 3.36 2.78 2.38 2.10 1.86 1.60 1.42 90 3.74 3.10 2.66 2.34 2.11 1.83 1.67 Source: NLUtNK/UWQ Stonnwater Best Management Practices, pg. 5, April 1999 STORMWATER BMP 4 PARCEL B) - WET POND (25% TN Removal) • Land Use Area (ac) % IA Imp. Area (ac) Impervious 0.74 100 0.7 Lots 4.73 40 1.9 Open Space 0.61 0 0.0 Parcel A Impervious 5.04 100 5.0 Parcel A Open 5.41 0 0.0 Totals 16.53 7.7 Total % Impervious Surface Area = 46.4 % Surface Area of Permanent Pool: Assumed depth = 3 feet SA/DA ratio - 1.94 % From Table 1.1 Minimum pond surface area (SA) _ (DA * SA/DA ratio)/100 SA = 0.321 acres 13969 sq. ft. Normal pool elevation = 356.0 feet Surface area provided = 0.347 acres 15135 sq. ft. 1-Inch Runoff Volume Calculation Using the runoff volume calculations in the 'Simple Method' as described by Schueler (1987) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) where, Rv - Runoff coefficient, in n. I = Percent impervious Rv = 0.47 in./in. Total runoff volume from 1-inch precipitation: Runoff volume, S = (Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) S = 0.644 acre-ft 28065 cu. ft. Water quality pool elevation - 357.90 feet Storage volume provided - 0.720 acre-ft 31363 cu. ft. BMP4 • Project Name: Twin Lakes Ci /State: Cary, NC STORMWATER BMP 4 - WET POND (25% TN Removal) is Orifice Calculator Q =Cd*A*(2gh)^(1/2) Variables WQ Volume: Head: Draw down time: 0.753 Acre-ft 1.9 ft 89 hrs 32800.68 cf 0.95 ft 320400 s Orifice Area = 0.021814 sq. ft Orifice Diameter = 1.999879 in USE 2" DIAMETER ORIFICE 3.141209 sq. in Project #: 204177.6 Date: 21-Apr-05 Constants g = 32.2 ft/s2 Cd = 0.6 0 Twin Lakes BMP Sizing.xls Project Name: Twin Lakes - Parcel B Project #: 204177.71 is i /State: Cary, NC Date: 6-Apr-06 Table 1.1 Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing for 85% Pollutant Removal Effirienrv in the Pipdmnnt % Impervious Cover Permanent Pool Dept 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 h (feet) 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 0.59 0.49 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.26 20 0.97 0.79 0.70 0.59 0.51 0.46 0.44 30 1.34 1.08 0.97 0.83 0.70 0.64 0.62 40 1.73 1.43 1.25 1.05 0.90 0.82 0.77 50 2.06 1.73 1.50 1.30 1.09 1.00 0.92 60 2.40 2.03 1.71 1.51 1.29 1.18 1.10 70 2.88 2.40 2.07 1.79 1.54 1.35 1.26 80 3.36 2.78 2.38 2.10 1.86 1.60 1.42 90 3.74 3.10 2.66 2.34 2.11 1.83 1.67 -----__...-..-. ?. ..., ..?....,......a.o Ica.IVM114r?cuIUR FWLEJUZ, p8• j,/%pm 1JYy STORMWATER BMP 5 PARCEL B - WET POND (25% TN Removal) Land Use Area (ac) % IA Imp. Area (ac) Impervious 1.47 100 1.5 Lots 6.65 40 2.7 Open Space 0.85 0 0.0 Offsite 2.11 60 1.3 Totals 11.08 5.4 Total % Impervious Surface Area = 48.7 % Surface Area of Permanent Pool: Assumed depth = 3 feet SA/DA ratio - 2.02 % From Table 1.1 Minimum pond surface area (SA) _ (DA * SA/DA ratio)/] 00 SA = 0.224 acres 9749 sq. ft. Normal pool elevation - 356.0 feet Surface area provided = 0.360 acres 15679 sq. ft. 1-Inch Runoff Volume Calculation Using the runoff volume calculations in the "Simple Method" as described by Schueler (1987) Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) where, Rv = Runoff coefficient, in./in. I = Percent impervious Rv = 0.49 inJin. 0 Total runoff volume from 1-inch precipitation: Runoff volume, S = (Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) S = 0.451 acre-ft 19640 cu. ft. Water quality pool elevation = 357.20 feet Storage volume provided - 0.461 acre-ft 20081 cu. ft. BMP5 • Project Name: Twin Lakes Ch -/-State: Cary, NC STORMWATER BMP 5 - WET POND (25% TN Removal) C Orifice Calculator Q =Cd*A*(2gh)^(1/2) Variables WQ Volume: Head: Draw down time: 0.461 Acre-ft 1.2 ft 69 hrs 20081.16 cf 0.6 ft 248400s Orifice Area = 0.021675 sq. ft Orifice Diameter = 1.993518 in USE 2" DIAMETER ORIFICE 3.12126 sq. in Project #: 204177.6 Date: 21-Apr-05 Constants g = 32.2 ft/s2 Cd = 0.6 0 • C 0 Twin Lakes Parcel B Stormwater Management Report NITROGEN LOADING CALCULATIONS W&R Project 204177.71 June 2006 Nitrogen Control Plan Residential Subdivision with no known building footprints • Project Title: Twin Lakes Parcel B Part I. Riparian Buffers Area includes riparian buffers? [ ] No [ X I Yes (j Exempt If yes, [ X 150 foot [ ] 100 foot River Basin? [ X 1 Neuse [ ] Cape Fear Basis for Exemption Show buffers on site plan. Part II. Nitrogen Calculations (Method 1, Appendix C): a. Subdivision Information Number of lots 51 Total area of lots (excluding R/W and open space) 11.38 ac Number of lots / acre 4.48 Average lot size sf Impervious area per lot 40% sf b. Pre-development loading: Type of Land Cover Permanently protected undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious Area • Pre-development Nitrogen Loading Rate (Ibs/ac/yr) _ c. Post-development loading: Residentlal Type of Land Cover Permanently protected undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently protected managed open space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Roads and Sidewalks Lots (read TN export from Graph 2) Post-development Nitrogen Loading Rate (lbs/ac/yr) _ Amount of Right-of-Way 3.21 ac Percent of Right-of-Way that is impervious area 75.00% Amount of Right-of-Way that is impervious area 2.41 ac Total estimated impervious area 6.96 ac TN Export Area TN export coeff from use facrrml Mcint-lurl /lhalurl 19.98 0.6 11.99 0 1.2 0 0 21.2 0 19.98 11.99 TOTAL 0.60 TN Export Area TN export coeff from use facrasl /Ihalne hm% /R,.h.A 1.54 0.6 0.92 4.65 1.2 5.58 2.41 21.2 51.09 11.38 9.2 104.70 19.98 162.29 TOTAL 8.12 Proposed BMP(s) Two Wet Ponds and Riparian Buffer Assessed Tax Value of Land per acre= NIA Nitrogen Load after BMPs = 2.78 Ibs/ac/yr Estimated Buy Down = $0 Nitrogen Load offset by Payments = 0.00 Ibs/actyr Net change in on-site N Load = _ 2.18 Ibs/ac/yr (Post BMP load less Pre-development N bad) I Part III. Control of Peak Stormwater Flow (for 1 year, design storm) Calculated Pre-development Peak Flow 55.90 Calculated Post-development Peak Flow 77.99 Proposed BMP(s) Two Wet Ponds Post BMP Peak Flow 47.50 ** Includes a portion of Parcel A • I, the undersigned, certify to the best of my knowledge that the above information is correct (affix seal). Supply notes & details showing control of Nitrogen and peak stonnwater runoff. 3182006 V No rSE ' 028442 ?i 47.' •?G J 111g?•' ??? 0"0 FRti???N l??1 f l 111\\??.Qt Nitrogen Loading Calculations Project Name: Twin Lakes Parcel B Project #. 204177.71 TOTALTRACT Total Area: 870,329 sgft = 19.98 ac. Roads and Sidewalks Impervious 104,98o sgft. = 2.41 ac. Natural Open Space Area: 67,o82 sgft. = 1.54 ac. Managed Open Space Area: 202,554 sgfL = 4.65 ac. Residential Lot Area: 495,713 sgft. - 11.38 ac. Estimated Pre-Development TN Loading Date: 6/9/2oo6 Computed by: HCF Type of Land Cover Acres TN Export Coeff. TN EXPORT bs/Yr) (Ibs/ac/yd Permanently Protected Undisturbed Area 19.99 o.6 11.99 Permanently Protected Managed Area 6.00 1.2 0.00 Totals 19.99 o.6 11-99 Estimated Post-Development TN Loading Drainage Area 1: BMP 4 Wet Pond Type of Land Cover Acres Export Coe . TN EXPORT bs/Yr) Obs/ac/yr) Permanently Protected Undisturbed Area 0.00 o.6 0.00 Permanently Protected Managed Area o.61 1.2 0.73 Impervious 0.74 21.2 15.69 Lots 4.73 9-z 43-52 Totals 6.o8 59-94 • rsumatea tssnr Keauction torwet Pond: 25 % Estimated Drainage Area 1 Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 14.98 Ibs/yr Estimated BMP Reduction for Riparian Buffer: 30 % Estimated Drainage Area 1 Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 13-49 Ibs/yr Total: 28.47 Drainage Area 2: Wet Pond Type of Land Cover Acres TN Export Coeff. TN EXPORT (Ibs/yr) (Ibs/ac/yd Permanently Protected Undisturbed Area 0.00 o.6 0.00 Permanently Protected Managed Area o.65 1.2 0.78 Impervious 1.67 21.2 35.40 Lots 6.65 9.2 61.18 Totals 8.97 36.18 cxrmare0 omr Keducuon Tor wet Fond: 25 % Estimated Drainage Area 2 Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 9.05 lbs/yr Estimated BMP Reduction for Riparian Buffer: 30 % Estimated Drainage Area 1 Nitrogen Loading Reduction: 8.14 Ibs/yr Tota I: 17.19 Drainage Area 3: Untreated Type of Land Cover Acres Export Coe . (Ibs/ac/yr) TN EXPORT pbs/yr) Permanently Protected Undisturbed Area 1.54 o.6 0.92 Permanently Protected Managed Area 3.39 1.2 4-07 Impervious 0.00 21.2 0.00 Lots 0.00 9•z 0.00 Totals 4 93 4.99 t5tlmatea dMF Keauction: 0% Estimated Drainage Area 4 Nitrogen Loading Reduction: o.oo Ibs/yr • Estimated Project Pre-BMP TN Export 101.11 Ibs/yr Estimated Project BMP TN Removal: 45.66 Ibs/yr Estimated Project TN Load Rate After BMPs: 2.78 Ibs/ac/yr Estimated Project Composite Nitrogen Loading Rate Reduction: 45.15 % • PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS U C TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 N ' W o 0 N 0 w ti W F z w a 0 a w A a v? z 0 0 U •? o O O O O ,.a L ? Lr d: l- 0 00 C? r d: M O N o 0 0 M N 0 ' IT F 0 0 0 0 O N O ?o N ^- 0 0 0 0 0 0 c? o Q, F o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 't "d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .n o p°„ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y i .i V O O O O M O O O ? ? ? p 0 0 0 0 0 0 O M M d 3 o c o 0 o c o o c o 0 D y 0 0 0 0 DO O N O V1 Vl v? d 0 O O O M O 0 0 0 -? d' Q O O O O O O O O O O O y 0 > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?O O y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O? O ? 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O N O 0-4 CO O n l? N V vi "D O o cI °O ?t [? O oo v? l? M O O ?y N O o O m N O O N b ? 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 0 p; o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? b O .d O Vn t- ?t r- ,--? ?p O O t- O 00 M ? M 0 0 L C -- N O O O M N O O N a O Q O O O O M N 0 0 0 0 a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^- O c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 y 0 O O O O N d O O O ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?' ¢ W Q W U O O • r ? • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #1 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume: HSG 'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown • 0 Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 1.40 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 1.40 acres 0.0022 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 77 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information 'Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segme ntal Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 124 ' ft Height = 2.39 ft Slope = 0.0193 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods - Light Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 25.00 minutes Time of Concentration = 25.46 minutes SCS Lag Time = 15.28 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 4.43 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2. Concentrated Flow Length = 75 ft Height = 2.12 ft Slope = 0.0283 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 2.71 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.46 minutes Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB01-PRE Page 2.02 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 77 1.400 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.400 77.00 (77) • is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB01-PRE Page 1.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 25-46 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 25.46 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 SUB-BASIN #1 OVERLAND FLOW SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHS AUGUST 18, 2010 • • C, SUB-BASIN #1 OVERLAND FLOW SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHS AUGUST 18, 2010 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 IV' ?9: Assume: HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #2 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG 'C' = 20.0% HSG'D' = 80.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 79 Assume good condition Wooded 76 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown • Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 79 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 76 1.75 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 79 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 76 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 1.75 acres 0.0027 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 76 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach ('TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 139 ft Height = 2.27 ft Slope = 0.0163 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.80 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 50.97 minutes Time of Concentration = 52.43 minutes SCS Lag Time = 31.46 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 9.12 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2. Concentrated Flow Length = 221 ft Height = 5.35 ft Slope = 0.0242 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 2.51 ft/sec Segment 77me = 1.47 minutes • Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB02-PRE Page 2.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 76 1.750 76.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.750 76.00 (76) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... • • S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB02-PRE Page 1.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 52.43 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 52.43 min • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Assume: HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #3 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown r? Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 2.07 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 2.07 acres 0.0032 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 77 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach ('TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 5.92 ft Slope = 0.0296 f9/ft Manning's n = 0.80 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 53.75 minutes Time of Concentration = 55.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 33.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 9.57 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 189 ft Height = 4.65 ft Slope = 0.0246 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 2.53 ft/sec Segment Time = 1.24 minutes is Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB03-PRE Page 2.04 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... • • Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 77 2.070 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 2.070 77.00 (77) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB03-PRE Page 1.05 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ......................................................................... ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 55.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 55.00 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 .SCS ' g 0 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #4 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume. HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B'= 0.0% HSG'C'= 1.2% HSG'D' = 98.8% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.84 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 0.84 acres 0.0013 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 77 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 5.72 ft Slope = 0.0286 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.80 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 54.49 minutes Time of Concentration = 54.59 minutes SCS Lag Time = 32.76 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 9.50 minutes = 0.29*SCS La J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 14 ft Height = 0.3 ft Slope = 0.0214 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 2.36 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.10 minutes Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB04-PRE Page 2.05 • File.... X.\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files \SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 77 .840 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .840 77.00 (77) • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB04-PRE Page 1.07 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 54.59 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 54.59 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 • X: SCS Ct IVfBERS Tied, • HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin 45A Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume: HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 47.3% HSG'D' = 52.7% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 77 Assume good condition Wooded 74 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.02 - Onsite open 77 0.13 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 74 0.37 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 77 0.38 Assume ood condition Offsite wooded 74 0.03 Assume good. condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 0.93 acres 0.0015 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 76 % Impervious = 2.2% B. Time of Concentration Information 'Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 3.15 ft Slope = 0.0157 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.80 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 69.18 minutes Time of Concentration = 70.02 minutes SCS Lag Time = 42.01 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 12.18 minutes = 0.29*SCS La J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 196 ft Height = 11.5 ft Slope = 0.0587 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.91 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.84 minutes 0 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Page 2.06 Name.... SUBOSA-PRE • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 76 .930 76.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .930 76.00 (76) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB05A-PRE Page 1.09 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 70.02 min ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Tc: 70.02 min r] SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 Pre-development - Subbasin 45B 10/4/2010 C, HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume: HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG 'C' = 1.4% HSG'D' = 98.6% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.01 - Onsite open 80 0.02 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.71 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 0.74 acres 0.0012 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 77 % Impervious = 1.4% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 8.35 ft Slope = 0.0418 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.80 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 46.84 minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 171 ft Height = 9.43 ft Slope = 0.0551 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.79 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.75 minutes Time of Concentration = 47.59 minutes SCS Lag Time = 28.56 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 8.28 minutes = 0.29*SCS La 0 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB05B-PRE Page 2.07 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA • • Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 77 .740 77.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .740 77.00 (77) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB05B-PRE Page 1.11 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 47.59 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 47.59 min • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Assume: HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #6 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 6.3% HSG'C' = 2.6% HSG'D' = 91.1% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 79 Assume good condition Wooded 75 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.04 - Onsite open 79 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 75 3.31 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 79 0.02 Assume good condition _ Offsite wooded 75 0.10 Assume good conditibri. Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 3.47 acres 0.0054 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 76 % Impervious = 1.2% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 6.2 ft Slope = 0.0310 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.80 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 52.77 minutes Time of Concentration = 54.95 minutes SCS Lag Time = 32.97 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 9.56 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 472 ft Height = 23.45 ft Slope = 0.0497 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.60 ft/sec Segment Time = 219 minutes J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 0 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB06-PRE Page 2.08 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA 1? LJ Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 76 3.470 76.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.470 76.00 (76) S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB06-PRE Page 1.13 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 54.95 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 54.95 min ------------------------- ------------------------- S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 "TIC k • 0 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #7A HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume. HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 63.4% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D'= 36.6% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 68 Assume good condition Wooded 63 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 68 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 63 2.16 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 68 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 63 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 2.16 acres 0.0034 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 63 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information * "Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segme ntal Approach ('lR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 11.15 ft Slope = 0.0557 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods - Dense Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 23.96 minutes Time of Concentration = 24.37 minutes SCS Lag Time = 14.62 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 4.24 minutes = 0.29*SCS La J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 118 ft Height = 10.86 ft Slope = 0.0920 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 4.89 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.40 minutes Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB07A-PRE Page 2.09 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 63 2.160 63.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 2.160 63.00 (63) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB07A-PRE Page 1.15 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 24.37 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 24.37 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 • 5Y 0 SUB-BASIN #7A OVERLAND FLOW SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHS AUGUST 18, 2010 • fi • • SUB-BASIN #7A OVERLAND FLOW SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHS AUGUST 18, 2010 k t 9 .?t d w- ? ?. ?y Lill, 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 •I;`SCS ?LJRVE. jvLJMBE Assume. HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #7B HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition ??? pR11-?I)EVELOPMEI!IT?,? „? `" ; ? A. Watershed Breakdown • Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - ; Offsite open 80 0.05 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.31 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 0.36 acres 0.0006 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 77 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segme ntal Approach (TR-SS). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 4.05 ft Slope = 0.0203 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods - Light Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 35.93 minutes Time of Concentration = 36.13 minutes SCS Lag Time = 21.68 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 6.29 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 37 ft Height = 1.45 ft Slope = 0.0392 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.19 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.19 minutes • TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS PLT-10000 Pre-development - Subbasin 47B •C. Reach Information Concentrated Flow Length = 313 ft Height = 21.55 ft Slope = 0.0688 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 4.23 ft/sec Segment Time = 1.23 minutes J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 0 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB07B-PRE Page 2.10 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 77 .360 77.00 • COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .360 77.00 (77) ......................................................................... SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB07B-PRE Page 1.17 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 36.13 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 36.13 min • is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 • .7 SUB-BASIN #713 OVERLAND FLOW SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHS AUGUST 18, 2010 11 ; w ?f t pia' ice. r w ? W ? 1 y0. ' 'YY . ?}, ?I14c tiw *rv fey ?n • .;> is •.? - .. s r, O w 4 t t y? y?? 1 J ?a r` „_? fA. 0 • • i try .. ?{. I .. x I . a 6 e "4 !.? ? i ? r ? v t•= 0 SUB-BASIN #713 OVERLAND FLOW SEGMENT PHOTOGRAPHS AUGUST 18, 2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 • • Assume. HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-development - Subbasin #7C HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A'= 0.0% HSG'B'= 2.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D'= 98.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 2.96 Offsite open 80 0.15 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.31 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.60 - Total area = 4.02 acres 0.0063 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 96 % Impervious = 73.6% B. Time of Concentration Information * "Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes due to amount of existing offsite impervious Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS La J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 C. Reach Information Concentrated Flow Length = 122 ft Height = 2.5 ft Slope = 0.0205 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 2.31 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.88 minutes Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB07C-PRE Page 2.11 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 96 4.020 96.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 4.020 96.00 (96) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB07C-PRE Page 1.19 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 5.00 min 11 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... CRAVEN - PRE Page 2.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- Un-disturbed Areas - Wooded - Good ---- 77 --------- 1.260 ----- ----- ------ 77.00 Pasture - Good 80 .190 80.00 Offsite R-4 87 3.190 87.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> ................................... ................................... ..... ..... 4.640 .......... .......... ............ ............ 84.00 (84) ............. ............. • J SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Existing Pond Page 1.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 366.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 367.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Weir-XY Points WR ---> TW 366.000 367.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • • S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:5H AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Existing Pond Page 1.02 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = WR Structure Type = Weir-XY Points --------------------_---------------- # of Openings = 1 WEIR X-Y GROUND POINTS X, ft Elev, ft --------- --------- .00 367.00 10.00 366.00 13.00 366.00 23.00 367.00 Lowest Elev. = 366.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000000 r? Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maxi mum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance - .00 cfs • S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:59 AM 101712010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Existing Pond • • • Page 1.04 File.... X:\Project3\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q ---------------- Elev. Q ft cfs 366.00 .00 366.10 .35 366.20 1.18 366.30 2.52 366.40 4.42 366.50 6.93 366.60 10.10 366.70 13.97 366.80 18.58 366.90 23.98 367.00 30.21 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** ------- Conver, TW Elev Error ft +/-ft ------- ----- Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes je ----------------------- Contributing Structures ------------------------ WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR /N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 10:59 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Vol: Elev-Area Name.... EX POND - PRE Page 3.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Elevation Planimeter Area Al+A2+sgr(Al*A2) Volume Volume Sum (ft) (sq.in) (sq.ft) (sq.ft) - --- (cu.ft) (cu.ft) ----------------------- ------------ 366.00 --------------------- ----- 26160 ----------- - 0 0 0 367.00 ----- 26160 78480 26160 26160 POND VOLUME EQUATIONS * Incremental volume computed by the Conic Method for Reservoir Volumes. Volume = (1/3) * (EL2-EL1) * (Areal + Area2 + sq.rt.(Areal*Area2)) where: EL1, EL2 = Lower and upper elevations of the increment Areal,Area2 = Areas computed for EL1, EL2, respectively Volume = Incremental volume between EL1 and EL2 • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:08 AM 10/7/2010 ro '.. sot 1 AA h ! 4? ?- . `? a, tom{ h Y "4 w?`?. Y •r?. ? .k?` 1` r d t?:,? ,? Ilk #. . I M, a1kw}, 1?A Se4fxa*• rwr, ^t.4. "'.? S I +e• p. "7 r e. ?,r T 'I, es aN .? 3'" - ua F2- 'ZI ? c??F ,? rYC t n. Y 3-1 ! + • r 4 .+ 16 K a , r A? -_ d AA 44 Via. *`~C:. - «1. ? - ! a ? " ? ? ,„?•. ? ? ??, ;t # 70 a ??'? x f ¢ Y,n R Y rE ?Y v 4 w kpq 4dff i - 74 xF J Y 4 .. s,yy T - if f }. , Az; .t, ,i>`•a ? ? ? ? '?'' ?" ? ? 'ice' .. +? n r 1 It ..,. ? ? -+qF w a 6fi . .,?. ??. °t a " y w i, r A!S zjK F- 42 _0 . 6i' 1. M1 - i 4 SubD1-R: Sub02-R: Sub03R? Se4104-R: 9ub06A-R-R 9 ub05&R. • 9W01-R: Sub02-R SubP1R: SubO A? 5100&R? • To We?tla^rM'?4 1F?Y! Sub02-By- - Welland p ?J Sub02-Poe S: 7O 1 WUPoM-R T.&Twxia6 M S:b01&R• SebO&R: 3ub0TA-R Ga an-R 9 8 SuW t-Poe Sub03-Poe Sub04-ibe SubOB-R y P $ j £F? • • • 9ub0&R, SWOIAe Gaven - R. I ' Fi TwmLakeBhPJ 5:001-ppe $0bp 1Poe Sub01-Poe SUbO R Io Wel@M N We11aM p T. T. W... 3 g _ w..m m _ wela?a a _ wale ne n p snbo]ace? ?' Nd' SubO]A-RU I Cw:b'me AEOAnx 40 - Add-250 • Sub-]-Poe - Gaven-Poe • %-40 E:Po:NOUI-Pm Ex PoM-Po: SuCOIGPos Aedmx zeo 0 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Town Hall Common Total Depth Rainfall Return Event in Type RN -- F ID --------- ------------ 1 ------ 2.8400 ---------- Synthetic ------ Curve ----- TypeII 24hr 2 3.4300 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.9600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 100 7.3000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr WQ Vol 1.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 25 5.8600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) • Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun --------- COMBINE ----- --- ---- JCT ------ 1 ---------- 36397 COMBINE JCT 2 45503 COMBINE JCT 10 69426 COMBINE JCT 100 106433 COMBINE JCT 1 9257 COMBINE JCT 25 83620 COMBINE PT JCT 1 36178 COMBINE PT JCT 2 45208 COMBINE PT JCT 10 68923 COMBINE PT JCT 100 105598 COMBINE PT JCT 1 9221 COMBINE PT JCT 25 82990 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft - -------- ------------ --------- 725.00 ------- 6.73 724.00 9.26 723.00 16.19 723.00 27.49 728.00 .80 723.00 20.48 725.00 6.69 724.00 9.21 723.00 16.11 723.00 27.36 729.00 .80 723.00 20.39 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft - Trun *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 --------- 23340 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 2 31610 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 10 54470 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 100 91385 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 2557 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 25 68481 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 23340 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 2 31610 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 10 54470 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 100 91385 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 2557 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 25 68481 • *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 28814 R CRAVEN-POST JCT 2 42116 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 10 78814 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 100 137801 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 4109 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 25 101228 R EX POND - PREIN POND 1 34946 EX POND - PREIN POND 2 43430 EX POND - PREIN POND 10 65563 EX POND - PREIN POND 100 99563 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 9196 EX POND - PREIN POND 25 78627 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 34923 EX POND - PREOUT POND 2 43408 EX POND - PREOUT POND 10 65540 EX POND - PREOUT POND 100 99541 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 9174 EX POND - PREOUT POND 25 78604 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 721.00 -------- 8.26 -------- ------------ 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 721.00 8.26 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 740.00 1.85 725.00 6.52 723.00 18.44 720.00 41.36 1001.00 .04 721.00 32.69 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun min cfs - ---- ft cu.ft -------- ------------ ----------------- EX POND-POST IN ---- POND ------ 1 ---------- -- 34946 --------- 715.00 -- - 14.09 EX POND-POST IN POND 2 43430 715.00 17.28 EX POND-POST IN POND 10 65563 715.00 25.50 EX POND-POST IN POND 100 99563 715.00 37.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 1 9196 715.00 3.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 25 78627 715.00 30.30 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 34923 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 EX POND-POST OUT POND 2 43408 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 EX POND-POST OUT POND 10 65540 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 EX POND-POST OUT POND 100 99541 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 9174 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 EX POND-POST OUT POND 25 78604 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 2998 716.00 1.28 *SUB01-POST JCT 2 4189 716.00 1.81 *SUB01-POST JCT 10 7573 715.00 3.27 *SUBO1-POST JCT 100 13175 715.00 5.61 *SUBO1-POST JCT 1 221 721.00 .06 *SUB01-POST JCT 25 9686 715.00 4.16 u SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event -- cu.ft Trun SUB01-POST AREA ---- 1 ---------- 2998 -- SUB01-POST AREA 2 4189 SUB01-POST AREA 10 7573 SUB01-POST AREA 100 13175 SUB01-POST AREA 1 221 SUB01-POST AREA 25 9686 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 4887 SUB01-PRE AREA 2 7006 SUB01-PRE AREA 10 13160 SUB01-PRE AREA 100 23562 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 242 SUB01-PRE AREA 25 17060 • *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 4887 *SUB01-PRE JCT 2 7006 *SUB01-PRE JCT 10 13160 *SUB01-PRE JCT 100 23562 *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 242 *SUB01-PRE JCT 25 17060 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 626 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 2 906 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 10 1725 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 100 3120 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 4 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 25 2247 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 8672 R *SUB02-POST JCT 2 14994 R *SUB02-POST JCT 10 32402 R *SUB02-POST JCT 100 60072 R *SUB02-POST JCT 1 2624 R *SUB02-POST JCT 25 42943 R Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 716.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.28 716.00 1.81 715.00 3.27 715.00 5.61 721.00 .06 715.00 4.16 730.00 1.20 730.00 1.76 729.00 3.37 727.00 6.04 737.00 .01 729.00 4.38 730.00 1.20 730.00 1.76 729.00 3.37 727.00 6.04 737.00 .01 729.00 4.38 716.00 .26 716.00 .39 715.00 .74 715.00 1.34 723.00 .00 715.00 .97 716.00 .31 716.00 .44 722.00 2.43 721.00 10.91 905.00 .02 725.00 7.11 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun --------- -- --------------- *SUB02-PRE -- ---- JCT ------ 1 - 5772 *SUB02-PRE JCT 2 8351 *SUB02-PRE JCT 10 15897 *SUB02-PRE JCT 100 28747 *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 243 *SUB02-PRE JCT 25 20706 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 5772 SUB02-PRE AREA 2 8351 SUB02-PRE AREA 10 15897 SUB02-PRE AREA 100 28747 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 243 SUB02-PRE AREA 25 20706 • SUB03-POST AREA 1 4548 SUB03-POST AREA 2 6207 SUB03-POST AREA 10 10821 SUB03-POST AREA 100 18317 SUB03-POST AREA 1 455 SUB03-POST AREA 25 13662 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 4548 *SUB03-POST JCT 2 6207 *SUB03-POST JCT 10 10821 *SUB03-POST JCT 100 18317 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 455 *SUB03-POST JCT 25 13662 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 7225 SUB03-PRE AREA 2 10359 SUB03-PRE AREA 10 19457 SUB03-PRE AREA 100 34838 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 358 SUB03-PRE AREA 25 25225 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft ------ -------- ------------ --------- 748.00 -- .85 748.00 1.28 747.00 2.52 741.00 4.61 766.00 .01 741.00 3.30 748.00 .85 748.00 1.28 747.00 2.52 741.00 4.61 766.00 .01 741.00 3.30 716.00 1.96 715.00 2.68 715.00 4.64 715.00 7.71 721.00 .16 715.00 5.82 716.00 1.96 715.00 2.68 715.00 4.64 715.00 7.71 721.00 .16 715.00 5.82 748.00 1.04 748.00 1.55 748.00 3.01 748.00 5.41 765.00 .01 748.00 3.92 is SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event ----- cu.ft Trun *SUB03-PRE JCT - 1 ---------- -- 7225 *SUB03-PRE JCT 2 10359 *SUB03-PRE JCT 10 19457 *SUB03-PRE JCT 100 34838 *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 358 *SUB03-PRE JCT 25 25225 SUB04-POST AREA 1 821 SUB04-POST AREA 2 1147 SUB04-POST AREA 10 2074 SUB04-POST AREA 100 3609 SUB04-POST AREA 1 43 SUB04-POST AREA 25 2653 • *SUB04-POST JCT 1 821 'SUB04-POST JCT 2 1147 *SUB04-POST JCT 10 2074 *SUB04-POST JCT 100 3609 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 43 *SUB04-POST JCT 25 2653 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 2931 SUB04-PRE AREA 2 4202 SUB04-PRE AREA 10 7895 SUB04-PRE AREA 100 14136 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 144 SUB04-PRE AREA 25 10235 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 2931 *SUB04-PRE JCT 2 4202 *SUB04-PRE JCT 10 7895 *SUB04-PRE JCT 100 14136 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 144 *SUB04-PRE JCT 25 10235 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft - -------- --------- 748.00 -------- -------- - - - 1.04 748.00 1.55 748.00 3.01 748.00 5.41 765.00 .01 748.00 3.92 716.00 .35 715.00 .49 715.00 .90 715.00 1.54 720.00 .01 715.00 1.14 716.00 .35 715.00 .49 715.00 .90 715.00 1.54 720.00 .01 715.00 1.14 749.00 .42 749.00 .63 743.00 1.22 743.00 2.20 751.00 .00 743.00 1.59 749.00 .42 749.00 .63 743.00 1.22 743.00 2.20 751.00 .00 743.00 1.59 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun min --------------- *SUB05-PRE -- ---- JCT ------ 1 ---------- -- 5648 --------- 749.00 *SUB05-PRE JCT 2 8139 747.00 *SUB05-PRE JCT 10 15401 747.00 *SUB05-PRE JCT 100 27729 747.00 *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 255 762.00 *SUB05-PRE JCT 25 20019 747.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 3066 756.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 2 4437 756.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 10 8447 756.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 100 15276 756.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 128 788.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 25 11002 756.00 • SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 2582 742.00 SUB05B-PRE AREA 2 3702 742.00 SUB05B-PRE AREA 10 6955 742.00 SUB05B-PRE AREA 100 12453 742.00 SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 127 749.00 SUB05B-PRE AREA 25 9017 742.00 SUB06-POST AREA 1 2016 716.00 SUB06-POST AREA 2 3002 716.00 SUB06-POST AREA 10 5960 716.00 SUB06-POST AREA 100 11117 715.00 SUB06-POST AREA 1 44 801.00 SUB06-POST AREA 25 7878 715.00 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 2016 716.00 *SUB06-POST JCT 2 3002 716.00 *SUB06-POST JCT 10 5960 716.00 *SUB06-POST JCT 100 11117 715.00 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 44 801.00 *SUB06-POST JCT 25 7878 715.00 • Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ .74 1.10 2.18 3.96 .01 2.85 .36 .55 1.09 2.00 .00 1.43 .41 .61 1.19 2.14 .00 1.55 .81 1.26 2.57 4.80 .00 3.40 .81 1.26 2.57 4.80 .00 3.40 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event cu.ft ---------- Trun -- --------------- SUB06-PRE -- ---- AREA ------ 1 11447 SUB06-PRE AREA 2 16560 SUB06-PRE AREA 10 31522 SUB06-PRE AREA 100 57002 SUB06-PRE AREA 1 483 SUB06-PRE AREA 25 41059 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 11447 *SUB06-PRE JCT 2 16560 *SUB06-PRE JCT 10 31522 *SUB06-PRE JCT 100 57002 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 483 *SUB06-PRE JCT 25 41059 • *SUB07-POST JCT 1 40513 R "SUB07-POST JCT 2 52807 R *SUB07-POST JCT 10 86036 R *SUB07-POST JCT 100 138929 R *SUB07-POST JCT 1 9933 *SUB07-POST JCT 25 106168 R *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 39063 *SUB07-PRE JCT 2 50114 *SUB07-PRE JCT 10 80555 *SUB07-PRE JCT 100 130117 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 9221 *SUB07-PRE JCT 25 99292 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 1229 SUB07A-POST AREA 2 2090 SUB07A-POST AREA 10 4955 SUB07A-POST AREA 100 10443 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 0 SUB07A-POST AREA 25 6944 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --- -------- ------------ --------- 747.00 ----- 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 747.00 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 724.00 6.98 723.00 9.72 723.00 18.50 721.00 39.73 728.00 .80 723.00 27.09 726.00 7.07 725.00 10.04 725.00 18.71 724.00 33.21 730.00 .80 724.00 24.10 721.00 .42 720.00 .77 716.00 2.04 716.00 4.49 1.00 .00 716.00 2.94 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun -- -- --------------- SUB07A-PRE -- ---- AREA ------ 1 -------- 2884 SUB07A-PRE AREA 2 4906 SUB07A-PRE AREA 10 11632 SUB07A-PRE AREA 100 24519 SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 0 SUB07A-PRE AREA 25 16302 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 1474 SUB07B-POST AREA 2 2096 SUB07B-POST AREA 10 3887 SUB07B-POST AREA 100 6892 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 83 SUB07B-POST AREA 25 5016 • SUB07B-PRE AREA 1 1256 SUB07B-PRE AREA 2 1800 SUB07B-PRE AREA 10 3383 SUB07B-PRE AREA 100 6058 SUB07B-PRE AREA 1 48 SUB07B-PRE AREA 25 4386 SUB07C-POST AREA 1 34946 SUB07C-POST AREA 2 43430 SUB07C-POST AREA 10 65563 SUB07C-POST AREA 100 99563 SUB07C-POST AREA 1 9196 SUB07C-POST AREA 25 78627 SUB07C-PRE AREA 1 34946 SUB07C-PRE AREA 2 43430 SUB07C-PRE AREA 10 65563 SUB07C-PRE AREA 100 99563 SUB07C-PRE AREA 1 9196 SUB07C-PRE AREA 25 78627 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft -- -------- ------------ --------- 731.00 ------ .48 731.00 1.00 728.00 2.83 728.00 6.38 1.00 .00 728.00 4.13 734.00 .29 734.00 .42 734.00 .80 734.00 1.43 740.00 .00 734.00 1.04 737.00 .24 737.00 .36 733.00 .69 733.00 1.25 732.00 .00 733.00 .90 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.10 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID - ---------- ----- Type Event cu.ft Trun - TO WETLAND #1 ---- AREA ------ 1 ---------- 21481 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 2 27849 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 10 44859 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 100 71505 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 3743 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 25 55049 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 18259 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 2 24012 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 10 39542 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 100 64091 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 2755 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 25 48910 • TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 23025 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 2 30951 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 10 52722 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 100 87679 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 2748 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 25 66009 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 7202 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 2 9610 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 10 16185 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 100 26684 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 932 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 25 20181 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 21481 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 27849 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 44859 WETLAND #1 IN POND 100 71505 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 3743 WETLAND #1 IN POND 25 55049 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft - --- --------- 715.00 -------- -------- ----- - -- 9.20 715.00 11.82 715.00 18.62 715.00 28.90 716.00 1.56 715.00 22.59 715.00 7.87 715.00 10.29 715.00 16.63 715.00 26.27 716.00 1.09 715.00 20.35 716.00 9.94 715.00 13.36 715.00 22.49 715.00 36.57 720.00 1.00 715.00 27.91 715.00 3.11 715.00 4.14 715.00 6.88 715.00 11.07 720.00 .35 715.00 8.49 715.00 9.20 715.00 11.82 715.00 18.62 715.00 28.90 716.00 1.56 715.00 22.59 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.11 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------- --- ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft ---------- Trun -- WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 8047 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 14089 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 30678 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 100 56953 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 2621 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 25 40697 R WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 18259 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 24012 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 39542 WETLAND #2 IN POND 100 64091 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 2755 WETLAND #2 IN POND 25 48910 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 11946 R • WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 17529 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 32763 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 100 57066 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 1964 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 25 42012 R WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 23025 WETLAND #3 IN POND 2, 30951 WETLAND #3 IN POND 10 52722 WETLAND #3 IN POND 100 87679 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 2748 WETLAND #3 IN POND 25 66009 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 16870 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 2 24589 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 10 46052 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 100 80736 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 2144 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 25 59217 R Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft ------------ --------- 1139.00 -------- .12 -------- 371.89 17235 825.00 .42 372.03 18803 736.00 2.22 372.63 25503 724.00 10.06 373.52 36042 1031.00 .03 370.39 2661 725.00 6.79 372.99 29753 715.00 7.87 715.00 10.29 715.00 16.63 715.00 26.27 716.00 1.09 715.00 20.35 760.00 .54 348.93 10458 732.00 1.54 349.18 12514 726.00 4.42 350.08 19931 724.00 11.20 351.00 27698 1165.00 .02 347.80 1948 723.00 10.34 350.38 22382 716.00 9.94 715.00 13.36 715.00 22.49 715.00 36.57 720.00 1.00 715.00 27.91 734.00 1.44 347.38 11206 725.00 5.10 347.77 13746 722.00 15.00 348.63 19407 719.00 30.41 349.10 22563 1265.00 .02 345.85 1837 719.00 22.97 348.80 20577 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.12 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun --------- WETLAND ---- #4 ---- IN ---- POND ------ 1 ---------- 7202 WETLAND #4 IN POND 2 9610 WETLAND #4 IN POND 10 16185 WETLAND #4 IN POND 100 26684 WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 932 WETLAND #4 IN POND 25 20181 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 2889 R WETLAND #4 OUT POND 2 5216 R WETLAND #4 OUT POND 10 11657 R WETLAND #4 OUT POND 100 22053 R WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 677 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 25 15606 R Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft - cu.ft ------------ --------- 715.00 -------- 3.11 ------- 715.00 4.14 715.00 6.88 715.00 11.07 720.00 .35 715.00 8.49 1010.00 .05 351.67 5557 792.00 .20 351.78 6014 730.00 1.02 352.40 8562 719.00 9.26 352.80 10295 909.00 .01 350.27 644 723.00 4.73 352.67 9728 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:13 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 • POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS 0 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 W o a o a N Q V) O O • U O a H C4 W L yq y L M l? N N ? -- V'1 Q? O N O O O M M [? O M N O? O d' N O N O O M O O O M O .--? O O C ON F o o 0 o o = C, o c (-I o o o o o I=> q o rl, o cy O Fy O O O O O , O N O Cl 0 0 [- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eh O O O O O O O 0 O 0 I-0 7 110 p; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w L m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ^? ? N y p 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O M M t? 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O a C) C> Vl o o O 10 O O O O O O ? O O O .-+ N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 6 6 6 N 7 O • 0 0 0 0 0 0 --? O --? O O ?O oc ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?O O O O O O? vl O O O O O O C. O O O O N m 8 0 M [- N N O? V1 O? O N A 0 O0 ? r? M l- :7? N C7, 7 O 0 O r? (10 H O rn 0 0 0 N - O 6 = 0 C', p 0 O 00 0 O 0 O 0 O n 00 0 O 0 ?O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 [- 'r 0 py 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 O an L a0 b V 0 0 Cl 0 0 0 0 0 as O O M 0 -+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 7 0 0 0 et 0 O 0 O O O ^- d 3 y ?D O? O 00 ?c r. ?c M d' O m a v1 d' -- r c! 'a O M ',I: 7 0 0 C? Q O -? 0 0 0 --? •-+ O O C O O ?O O ' M M O ?O O 'O M N l- O O O O G O O 10 ,-. O O O O O N - IO 0 O 0 lC 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 7 7 8 ^ I I N M v 4k m ti Co N 3 go u H N F O H O H N [? N N N 7r N i-. O 'n O 00 0 [? 00 00 ?o ?o N r- M ?, II II II II h II y II p II y ,? c N N Co O O ?'00.?; & v oZi (r .? N C r O ? tl ? C O TOWN HALL COMMONS RUNOFF VOLUME COMPUTATIONS PLT-10000 (Using SCS CNMethod: Input Data) • 'FABLE l: PRE-DEVELOPMENT COVER CONDITIONS J. FINCH, PE 10/11/2010 Cover Cond itions [acres] Facility ID Area [acres] - ---- Impervious Wooded Open Pond *Theoretical - To Wetland #1 3.22 0.00 3.22 0.00 0.00 *Theoretical - To Wetland #2 3.00 0.05 2.93 0.02 0.00 *Theoretical - To Wetland #3 4.36 0.00 4.36 0.00 0.00 t *Theoretical - To Wetland #4 1.30 0.00 1.30 0.00 0.00 Totals = 11.89 0.05 11.82 0.02 I 0.00 * Theoretical = For the purposes of the pre-development runoff volume calculations, the post-development drainage areas to the proposed wetlands were overlain onto the pre-development topo and a corresponding SCS CN extracted. TABLE 2: POST-DEVELOPMENT COVER CONDITIONS Facility ID I Area [acres] To Wetland #1 3.22 To Wetland #2 3.00 To Wetland #3 4.36 __ ___ - To Wetland 94 -1.3- Totals = 11.89 • Cover Conditions [acres] Impervious _ Wooded Open Pond 1 63 0 00 41 1 0.18 . . . 1.26 010 1.49 0.15 1.23 000 301 0.12 0.68 0.00 0.56 0.06 4.81 0.10 6.47 0.51 0 Wo p"' o x? 0 H O o w PLO O d s. u ? C a rl ? N II II o 'Y iu a, Ca A C V " CO 0 ? cn ? V o V) w ? a A v U o? y O O ? 0 88 88 o 8 8 88 ^ ? G I ' 1 I I U ? 1 U 000oa -? ? Q. a°i ao;oo ? r O ;?p ioC . eO. t-? i?0. ? •?o o «> Go 0000,,00 { I oo + N M' A i It ' ro ?;ro V I , r~ c a.0 a) 0 V *6 , 6 A 333;31 ? ? A 333.3 0 {o [0 F) m 0 0 0 0 w ; u U U v i ti ! w v tu a) C) 0 0 0 ?= 4 A 0 0 0 g n ii u a Val 00 N w .u. O O CIO O b ? a ? q ? <tll? MGM w n7 O?IO? o?I? e ? oho oio p* i i u o!a ° a ri Nim?vi i { U i y OjO „? u 010;0.0 d ca o(o:os{? a d u o Njoio oio'o!o o j y 7 a?'i + o s. d ? ?Q ca Vl ^O y u u 3 i{ - .I y d it V i RS q w O nib 0'01010 oioic?o CT M{10 10 N O?IMiM M`N ',VI L N?O1,O:o N O M , M MIM17i^. _l ?; C. Ci C 3:3133 o, o: o' o U U1 V, U ? SIL ? Il °2 100 w ? ' (oo' MIt` 0 ' G O x i+ y w p 00 1': +n o* s a Vl if to U ' 0,00..1 c,IOO, w oo Q v i i ?00 !?/1?N'?Oi u a I i O ? M O u `M 'c M:o01 ??O N NOD{ a L 1 : O 0 0 O c 3 iii N O rO'O; I N O M M `M M V r O { ? 1 3 A w 4 N M.? J 3t 7t Xk Xk ? ? giro !3333 i l t W o a o N O On z 0 F F a •U o O~ W O a z 0 0 -o 0 0 oa ?AAAA ,,0000 .00000 VC7C7C7C7 v 5 L a q ?+ oo ? ? 000 p .u.?N r- Fl G '. 00 OC) W) d DO i. a0+ ' I I j j v ofI u o 00 C) d SDI O?i???N A o ? w 8 ?IM ? ly (00 M ?, A I i? ++ O z a i C j I O ? O O,'ct ',N d > 7 A 1 a ? I TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 Post-development - Subbasin #1 10/4/2010 Assume: C7 Total Roadway Impervious Area = 871 SF = 0.02 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 322 SF = 0.01 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.03 - Onsite open 80 0.56 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.14 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown 0.73 acres 0.0011 sq.mi. 80 3.8% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB01-POST Page 2.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 80 .730 80.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .730 80.00 (80) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... • is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB01-POST Page 1.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min ------------------------- ------------------------- • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS PLT-10000 Post-development - Subbasin #2 - To Wetland #1 • ID Assume: HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG 'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 6.5% HSG'D' = 93.5% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Total Single-Family Residential Lots = 15.75 Lots Impervious Per Single-Family Lot (Inc House, Patio, D/W, S/W) = 3,000 SF Total Impervious Area From Single-Family Lots = 47,250 SF = 1.08 acres Total Roadway Impervious Area = 18,144 SF = 0.42 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 5,793 SF = 0.13 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 1.63 - Onsite open 80 1.41 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.18 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Total area = 3.22 acres 0.0050 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 90 % Impervious = 50.7% B. Time of Concentration Information * "Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS Lag) Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO WETLAND #1 Page 2.09 . File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- • • Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 90 3.220 90.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.220 90.00 (90) S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO WETLAND #1 Page 1.17 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 5.00 min • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume. HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 73.7% HSG'D' = 26.3% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 76 Assume good condition Wooded 72 Assume good condition • A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 76 0.19 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 72 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 76 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 72 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - Subbasin #2 Bypass 0.19 acres 0.0003 sq.mi. 76 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) 0 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB02-BYPASS Page 2.02 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 76 .190 76.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .190 76.00 (76) ........................................................................... ........................................................................... • • S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB02-BYPASS Page 1.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - Subbasin #3 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume. HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown • • Total Single-Family Residential Lots = 1.50 Lots Impervious Per Single-Family Lot (Inc House, Patio, D/W, S/W) = 3,000 SF Total Impervious Area From Single-Family Lots = 4,500 SF = 0.10 acres Total Roadway Impervious Area = 1,741 SF = 0.04 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 662 SF = 0.02 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.16 - Onsite open 80 0.79 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = 0.95 acres 0.0015 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 83 % Impervious = 16.7% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time ofconcentration was assumed to be 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS La J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB03-POST Page 2.03 0. File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C RUC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 83 .950 83.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .950 83.00 (83) • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB03-POST Page 1.05 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 5.00 min ------------------------- ------------------------- • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - Subbasin #4 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume. HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG 'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.20 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 0.20 acres 0.0003 sq.mi. 80 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be S minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) 0 Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB04-POST • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA • Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Page 2.04 Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 80 .200 80.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .200 80.00 (80) • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB04-POST Page 1.07 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw ........................................................................ ........................................................................ TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR ........................................................................ ........................................................................ Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min ------------------------- ------------------------- • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Aliftm • • Assume: HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - To Wetland #2 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG 'A' = 0.0% HSG 'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 3.7% HSG'D' = 96.3% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Total Single-Family Residential Lots = 10.50 Lots Impervious Per Single-Family Lot (Inc House, Patio, D/W, S/W) = 3,000 SF Total Impervious Area From Single-Family Lots = 31,500 SF = 0.72 acres Total Roadway Impervious Area = 17,477 SF = 0.40 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 5,843 SF = 0.13 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 1.26 - Onsite open 80 1.48 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.15 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.01 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.10 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 Total area = 3.00 acres 0.0047 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 88 % Impervious = 42.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS Lag) Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO WETLAND #2 • • • Page 2.10 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C RUC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 88 3.000 88.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 3.000 88.00 (88) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO WETLAND #2 Page 1.19 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0 TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS PLT-10000 Post-development - To Wetland #3 0 1 " ' Assume: • J HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG 'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C' = 9.6% HSG'D' = 90.4% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 79 Assume good condition Wooded 76 Assume good condition J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Single-Family Residential Lots = 6 Lots Impervious Per Single-Family Lot (Inc House, Patio, D/W, S/W) = 3,000 SF Total Impervious Area From Single-Family Lots = 18,000 SF = 0.41 acres Total Roadway Impervious Area = 6,953 SF = 0.16 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 2,395 SF = 0.05 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.63 - Onsite open 79 1.06 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 76 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.08 - Offsite impervious 98 0.61 Includes Measured & 10% impervious on offsite area Offsite open 79 1.95 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 76 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.04 - Total area = 4.36 acres 0.0068 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 85 % Impervious = 28.3% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS Lag) Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO WETLAND #3 • • Page 2.11 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 85 4.360 85.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 4.360 85.00 (85) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO WETLAND #3 Page 1.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min ------------------------- ------------------------- • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 . • Assume: HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - Subbasin #6 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 30.1% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 69.9% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 74 Assume good condition Wooded 70 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown • Total Single-Family Residential Lots = 0.25 Lots Impervious Per Single-Family Lot (Inc House, Patio, D/W, S/W) = 3,000 SF Total Impervious Area From Single-Family Lots = 750 SF = 0.02 acres Total Roadway Impervious Area = 0 SF = 0.00 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 0 SF = 0.00 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.02 _ Onsite open 74 0.38 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 70 0.33 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 74 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 70 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - J. FINCH, PE 10/7/2010 Total area = 0.73 acres 0.0011 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 73 % Impervious = 2.4% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes • Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS Lag) Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB06-POST • • Page 2.05 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 73 .730 73.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .730 73.00 (73) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB06-POST Page 1.09 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 5.00 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Assume. HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - To Wetland #4 HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 55.4% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 44.6% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 69 Assume good condition Wooded 65 Assume good condition J. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 A. Watershed Breakdown • Total Single-Family Residential Lots = 6 Lots Impervious Per Single-Family Lot (Inc House, Patio, D/W, S/W) = 3,000 SF Total Impervious Area From Single-Family Lots = 18,000 SF = 0.41 acres Total Roadway Impervious Area = 10,497 SF = 0.24 acres Total ROW Sidewalk Impervious Area = 751 SF = 0.02 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.67 - Onsite open 69 0.46 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 65 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.06 - Offsite impervious 98 0.01 - Offsite oven 69 0.10 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 65 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes • 1.30 acres 0.0020 sq.mi. 86 514% Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS La Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... TO WETLAND #4 Page 2.12 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... C • Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 86 1.300 86.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 1.300 86.00 (86) S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... TO WETLAND #4 Page 1.23 0 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min is • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-development - Subbasin VA HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Assume: HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 75.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 25.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 66 Assume good condition Wooded 61 Assume good condition • A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 66 0.48 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 61 0.44 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 66 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 61 0.00 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.00 - Total area = Composite SCS CN = % Impervious = 0.92 acres 0.0014 sq.mi. 63 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be S minutes J. FINCH, PE 10/7/2010 Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB07A-POST C • 0- Page 2.06 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 63 .920 63.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .920 63.00 (63) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB07A-POST • Page 1.11 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 5.00 min • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 Post-development - Subbasin #7B 10/4/2010 1. SCS CURVE NUMBERS • Assume: HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 0.0% HSG'C'= 0.0% HSG'D' = 100.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 - Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition H. POST-DEVELOPMENT A. Watershed Breakdown E HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.04 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 0.00 - Offsite open 80 0.05 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.31 Assume good condition Offsite pond 100 0.00 - Total area = 0.40 acres 0.0006 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 78 % Impervious = 0.0% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration is calculated using the SCS Segme ntal Approach (TR-55). Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 200 ft Height = 4.05 ft Slope = 0.0203 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods - Light Underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.43 inches (RDU, NC) Segment Time = 35.93 minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 118 ft Height = 5.95 ft Slope = 0.0504 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.62 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.54 minutes Time of Concentration = 36.48 minutes SCS Lag Time = 21.89 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 6.35 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) is Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB07B-POST 11 • Page 2.07 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA .......................................................................... .......................................................................... Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted Soil/Surface Description CN acres %C %UC CN -------------------------------- ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 78 .400 78.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> .400 78.00 (78) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB07B-POST Page 1.13 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 36.48 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Tc: 36.48 min is • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 Post-development - Subbasin #7C 10/4/2010 Assume: HSG Impervious Open Wooded A 98 39 30 B 98 61 55 C 98 74 70 D 98 80 77 HSG'A' = 0.0% HSG'B' = 2.0% HSG'C' = 0.0% HSG'D' = 98.0% Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 Open 80 Assume good condition Wooded 77 Assume good condition A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres] Comments Onsite impervious 98 0.00 - Onsite open 80 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite wooded 77 0.00 Assume good condition Onsite and 100 0.00 - Offsite impervious 98 2.96 - Offsite open 80 0.15 Assume good condition Offsite wooded 77 0.31 Assume good condition Offsite and 100 0.60 - Total area = 4.02 acres 0.0063 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 96 % Impervious = 73.6% B. Time of Concentration Information ***Time of concentration was assumed to be 5 minutes due to amount of existing offsite impervious Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS Lag) C. Reach Information Concentrated Flow Length = Height = Slope = Paved ? = Velocity = Segment Time = 203 7 0.0345 No 3.00 1.13 ft ft ft/ft ft/sec minutes Type.... Runoff CN-Area Name.... SUB07C-POST Page 2.08 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw RUNOFF CURVE NUMBER DATA Soil/Surface Description -------------------------------- Impervious Area Adjustment Adjusted CN acres %C %UC CN ---- --------- ----- ----- ------ 96 4.020 96.00 COMPOSITE AREA & WEIGHTED CN ---> 4.020 96.00 (96) 0- SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Tc Calcs Name.... SUB07C-POST Page 1.15 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATOR Segment #1: Tc: User Defined Segment #1 Time: 5.00 min ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------------- Total Tc: 5.00 min ------------------------- ------------------------- • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 • 9WOtA? BWOI-Ai ??? 9140.1 9e402-A. 9W0•, • S 7C] 9W0]8-R. I _Ea RwN-A. ' 51401-R. 9?O0 5A R SW06BR. 9uE0&R? SWO]A-R . ? *? ?? y K S •f RmE OUt-R / /I s 5 i ? $ P ? • • • .t • S?bO i 5,40 ? y„p0 , SWOT-R, T. W.B k T.-. # T.V ..# F ' W.mm a _ W... a W W.1h. N ?6S?wo 8..p$o C - 1 Su001-Poe Qave?Poe 'a aa..•AT. W... 4 a R _ W.B.iH % T.6TwtiaYw.SN - x a i 9401-RV Se40lPbe 9ub01-Poe 91408-R _&TwitaF.BM 1 6TwI.LakeBAf(J 9W01-Pos 5,40.4R» 9W04-Poe Se408-P swo]s-rce S.WTA-Po: 1 ?ri0Y1e AOtlI'nk 1.0 A..Y:F I50 SubO]-Poe 44? Fr R.d-Rn SubhOiy]?G?pPoc EFPoMg4-Po: 0 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Project3\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • W Wfilu. OMM$44 't MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Town Hall Common Total Depth Return Event in 1 2.8400 2 3.4300 10 4.9600 100 7.3000 wQ Vol 1.0000 25 5.8600 Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID ------------- Type ---- ---- Event -- cu.ft Trun min COMBINE JCT ---- 1 ---------- -- 36397 --------- 725.00 COMBINE JCT 2 45503 724.00 COMBINE JCT 10 69426 723.00 COMBINE JCT 100 106433 723.00 COMBINE JCT 1 9257 728.00 COMBINE JCT 25 83620 723.00 TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) r? • Rainfall Type ---------------- Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve RNF ID Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 6.73 9.26 16.19 27.49 .80 20.48 COMBINE PT JCT 1 36178 725.00 6.69 COMBINE PT JCT 2 45208 724.00 9.21 COMBINE PT JCT 10 68923 723.00 16.11 COMBINE PT JCT 100 105598 723.00 27.36 COMBINE PT JCT 1 9221 729.00 .80 COMBINE PT JCT 25 82990 723.00 20.39 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event -- cu.ft Trun *CRAVEN - PRE JCT ---- 1 ---------- 23340 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 2 31610 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 10 54470 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 100 91385 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 2557 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 25 68481 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 23340 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 2 31610 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 10 54470 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 100 91385 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 2557 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 25 68481 • *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 28814 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 2 42116 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 10 78814 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 100 137801 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 4109 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 25 101228 R EX POND - PREIN POND 1 34946 EX POND - PREIN POND 2 43430 EX POND - PREIN POND 10 65563 EX POND - PREIN POND 100 99563 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 9196 EX POND - PREIN POND 25 78627 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 34923 EX POND - PRECUT POND 2 43408 EX POND - PRECUT POND 10 65540 EX POND - PREOUT POND 100 99541 EX POND - PRECUT POND 1 9174 EX POND - PREOUT POND 25 78604 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 721.00 -------- 8.26 -------- ------------ 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 721.00 8.26 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 740.00 1.85 725.00 6.52 723.00 18.44 720.00 41.36 1001.00 .04 721.00 32.69 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft EX POND-POST IN POND 1 ---------- -- 34946 --------- 715.00 -------- 14.09 -------- ------------ EX POND-POST IN POND 2 43430 715.00 17.28 EX POND-POST IN POND 10 65563 715.00 25.50 EX POND-POST IN POND 100 99563 715.00 37.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 1 9196 715.00 3.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 25 78627 715.00 30.30 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 34923 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 EX POND-POST OUT POND 2 43408 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 EX POND-POST OUT POND 10 65540 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 EX POND-POST OUT POND 100 99541 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 9174 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 EX POND-POST OUT POND 25 78604 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 • EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 *SUBO1-POST JCT 1 2998 716.00 1.28 *SUBO1-POST JCT 2 4189 716.00 1.81 *SUBO1-POST JCT 10 7573 715.00 3.27 *SUBO1-POST JCT 100 13175 715.00 5.61 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 221 721.00 .06 *SUBO1-POST JCT 25 9686 715.00 4.16 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return Node ID -------------- Type --- Event SUB01-POST ---- AREA ------ 1 SUB01-POST AREA 2 SUB01-POST AREA 10 SUB01-POST AREA 100 SUB01-POST AREA 1 SUB01-POST AREA 25 SUB01-PRE SUB01-PRE SUB01-PRE SUB01-PRE SUB01-PRE SUB01-PRE AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA 1 2 10 100 1 25 • SUB01-PRE *SUBO1-PRE *SUBO1-PRE *SUBO1-PRE *SUBO1-PRE *SUBO1-PRE SUB02-BYPASS SUB02-BYPASS SUB02-BYPASS SUB02-BYPASS SUB02-BYPASS SUB02-BYPASS *SUB02-POST *SUB02-POST *SUB02-POST *SUB02-POST *SUB02-POST *SUB02-POST 1? JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 Max HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cu.ft -------- Trun -- min cfs ft cu.ft 2998 --------- 716.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.28 4189 716.00 1.81 7573 715.00 3.27 13175 715.00 5.61 221 721.00 .06 9686 715.00 4.16 4887 730.00 1.20 7006 730.00 1.76 13160 729.00 3.37 23562 727.00 6.04 242 737.00 .01 17060 729.00 4.38 4887 730.00 1.20 7006 730.00 1.76 13160 729.00 3.37 23562 727.00 6.04 242 737.00 .01 17060 729.00 4.38 626 716.00 .26 906 716.00 .39 1725 715.00 .74 3120 715.00 1.34 4 723.00 .00 2247 715.00 .97 8661 R 716.00 .31 14983 R 716.00 .44 32390 R 722.00 2.43 60061 R 721.00 10.87 2630 R 894.00 .02 42931 R 725.00 7.11 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID ----- Type Event cu.ft Trun min ------- -- *SUB02-PRE --- ---- JCT ------ 1 ---------- -- 5772 --------- 748.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 2 8351 748.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 10 15897 747.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 100 28747 741.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 243 766.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 25 20706 741.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ .85 1.28 2.52 4.61 .01 3.30 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 5772 748.00 .85 SUB02-PRE AREA 2 8351 748.00 1.28 SUB02-PRE AREA 10 15897 747.00 2.52 SUB02-PRE AREA 100 28747 741.00 4.61 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 243 766.00 .01 SUB02-PRE AREA 25 20706 741.00 3.30 SUB03-POST AREA 1 4548 716.00 1.96 • SUB03-POST AREA 2 6207 715.00 2.68 SUB03-POST AREA 10 10821 715.00 4.64 SUB03-POST AREA 100 18317 715.00 7.71 SUB03-POST AREA 1 455 721.00 .16 SUB03-POST AREA 25 13662 715.00 5.82 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 4548 716.00 1.96 *SUB03-POST JCT 2 6207 715.00 2.68 *SUB03-POST JCT 10 10821 715.00 4.64 *SUB03-POST JCT 100 18317 715.00 7.71 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 455 721.00 .16 *SUB03-POST JCT 25 13662 715.00 5.82 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 7225 748.00 1.04 SUB03-PRE AREA 2 10359 748.00 1.55 SUB03-PRE AREA 10 19457 748.00 3.01 SUB03-PRE AREA 100 34838 748.00 5.41 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 358 765.00 .01 SUB03-PRE AREA 25 25225 748.00 3.92 • S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- --- Event cu.ft Trun *SUB03-PRE - JCT ------ 1 ---------- -- 7225 *SUB03-PRE JCT 2 10359 *SUB03-PRE JCT 10 19457 *SUB03-PRE JCT 100 34838 *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 358 *SUB03-PRE JCT 25 25225 SUB04-POST AREA 1 821 SUB04-POST AREA 2 1147 SUB04-POST AREA 10 2074 SUB04-POST AREA 100 3609 SUB04-POST AREA 1 43 SUB04-POST AREA 25 2653 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 821 • *SUB04-POST JCT 2 1147 *SUB04-POST JCT 10 2074 *SUB04-POST JCT 100 3609 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 43 *SUB04-POST JCT 25 2653 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 2931 SUB04-PRE AREA 2 4202 SUB04-PRE AREA 10 7895 SUB04-PRE AREA 100 14136 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 144 SUB04-PRE AREA 25 10235 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 2931 *SUB04-PRE JCT 2 4202 *SUB04-PRE JCT 10 7895 *SUB04-PRE JCT 100 14136 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 144 *SUB04-PRE JCT 25 10235 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min - cfs ft cu.ft -------- 748.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.04 748.00 1.55 748.00 3.01 748.00 5.41 765.00 .01 748.00 3.92 716.00 .35 715.00 .49 715.00 .90 715.00 1.54 720.00 .01 715.00 1.14 716.00 .35 715.00 .49 715.00 .90 715.00 1.54 720.00 .01 715.00 1.14 749.00 .42 749.00 .63 743.00 1.22 743.00 2.20 751.00 .00 743.00 1.59 749.00 .42 749.00 .63 743.00 1.22 743.00 2.20 751.00 .00 743.00 1.59 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event cu.ft Trun *SUB05-PRE JCT ------ 1 ---------- -- 5648 *SUB05-PRE JCT 2 8139 *SUB05-PRE JCT 10 15401 *SUB05-PRE JCT 100 27729 *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 255 *SUB05-PRE JCT 25 20019 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 3066 SUB05A-PRE AREA 2 4437 SUB05A-PRE AREA 10 8447 SUB05A-PRE AREA 100 15276 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 128 SUB05A-PRE AREA 25 11002 SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 2582 • SUB05B-PRE AREA 2 3702 SUB05B-PRE AREA 10 6955 SUB05B-PRE AREA 100 12453 SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 127 SUB05B-PRE AREA 25 9017 SUB06-POST AREA 1 2016 SUB06-POST AREA 2 3002 SUB06-POST AREA 10 5960 SUB06-POST AREA 100 11117 SUB06-POST AREA 1 44 SUB06-POST AREA 25 7878 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 2016 *SUB06-POST JCT 2 3002 *SUB06-POST JCT 10 5960 *SUB06-POST JCT 100 11117 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 44 *SUB06-POST JCT 25 7878 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 749.00 -------- -------- ------------ .74 747.00 1.10 747.00 2.18 747.00 3.96 762.00 .01 747.00 2.85 756.00 .36 756.00 .55 756.00 1.09 756.00 2.00 788.00 .00 756.00 1.43 742.00 .41 742.00 .61 742.00 1.19 742.00 2.14 749.00 .00 742.00 1.55 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event - cu.ft Trun min SUB06-PRE AREA - ---- 1 ---------- -- 11447 --------- 747.00 SUB06-PRE AREA 2 16560 747.00 SUB06-PRE AREA 10 31522 747.00 SUB06-PRE AREA 100 57002 747.00 SUB06-PRE AREA 1 483 781.00 SUB06-PRE AREA 25 41059 747.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 1.62 2.45 4.86 8.88 .02 6.37 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 11447 747.00 1.62 *SUB06-PRE JCT 2 16560 747.00 2.45 *SUB06-PRE JCT 10 31522 747.00 4.86 *SUB06-PRE JCT 100 57002 747.00 8.88 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 483 781.00 .02 *SUB06-PRE JCT 25 41059 747.00 6.37 *SUB07-POST JCT 1 40513 R 724.00 6.98 • kSUB07-POST JCT 2 52807 R 723.00 9.72 *SUB07-POST JCT 10 86036 R 723.00 18.50 *SUB07-POST JCT 100 138929 R 721.00 39.73 *SUB07-POST JCT 1 9933 728.00 .80 *SUB07-POST JCT 25 106168 R 723.00 27.09 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 39063 726.00 7.07 *SUB07-PRE JCT 2 50114 725.00 10.04 *SUB07-PRE JCT 10 80555 725.00 18.71 *SUB07-PRE JCT 100 130117 724.00 33.21 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 9221 730.00 .80 *SUB07-PRE JCT 25 99292 724.00 24.10 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 1229 721.00 .42 SUB07A-POST AREA 2 2090 720.00 .77 SUB07A-POST AREA 10 4955 716.00 2.04 SUB07A-POST AREA 100 10443 716.00 4.49 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 0 1.00 .00 SUB07A-POST AREA 25 6944 716.00 2.94 C SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID -------------- Type -- Event cu.ft Trun min SUB07A-PRE - ---- AREA ------ 1 ---------- -- 2884 --------- 731.00 SUB07A-PRE AREA 2 4906 731.00 SUB07A-PRE AREA 10 11632 728.00 SUB07A-PRE AREA 100 24519 728.00 SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 0 1.00 SUB07A-PRE AREA 25 16302 728.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ .48 1.00 2.83 6.38 .00 4.13 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 1474 734.00 .29 SUB07B-POST AREA 2 2096 734.00 .42 SUB07B-POST AREA 10 3887 734.00 .80 SUB07B-POST AREA 100 6892 734.00 1.43 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 83 740.00 .00 SUB07B-POST AREA 25 5016 734.00 1.04 SUB07B-PRE AREA 1 1256 737.00 .24 • SUB07B-PRE AREA 2 1800 737.00 .36 SUB07B-PRE AREA 10 3383 733.00 .69 SUB07B-PRE AREA 100 6058 733.00 1.25 SUB07B-PRE AREA 1 48 732.00 .00 SUB07B-PRE AREA 25 4386 733.00 .90 SUB07C-POST AREA 1 34946 715.00 14.09 SUB07C-POST AREA 2 43430 715.00 17.28 SUB07C-POST AREA 10 65563 715.00 25.50 SUB07C-POST AREA 100 99563 715.00 37.95 SUB07C-POST AREA 1 9196 715.00 3.95 SUB07C-POST AREA 25 78627 715.00 30.30 SUB07C-PRE AREA 1 34946 715.00 14.09 SUB07C-PRE AREA 2 43430 715.00 17.28 SUB07C-PRE AREA 10 65563 715.00 25.50 SUB07C-PRE AREA 100 99563 715.00 37.95 SUB07C-PRE AREA 1 9196 715.00 3.95 SUB07C-PRE AREA 25 78627 715.00 30.30 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.10 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------------ --- Type Event cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft TO WETLAND -- #1 ---- AREA ------ 1 ---------- -- 21481 --------- 715.00 -------- -------- ------------ 9.20 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 2 27849 715.00 11.82 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 10 44859 715.00 18.62 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 100 71505 715.00 28.90 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 3743 716.00 1.56 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 25 55049 715.00 22.59 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 18259 715.00 7.87 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 2 24012 715.00 10.29 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 10 39542 715.00 16.63 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 100 64091 715.00 26.27 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 2755 716.00 1.09 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 25 48910 715.00 20.35 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 23025 716.00 9.94 • TO WETLAND #3 AREA 2 30951 715.00 13.36 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 10 52722 715.00 22.49 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 100 87679 715.00 36.57 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 2748 720.00 1.00 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 25 66009 715.00 27.91 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 7202 715.00 3.11 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 2 9610 715.00 4.14 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 10 16185 715.00 6.88 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 100 26684 715.00 11.07 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 932 720.00 .35 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 21481 715.00 9.20 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 27849 715.00 11.82 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 44859 715.00 18.62 WETLAND #1 IN POND 100 71505 715.00 28.90 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 3743 716.00 1.56 WETLAND #1 IN POND 25 55049 715.00 22.59 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.11 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ---- ---- Type - Event cu.ft Trun ---- WETLAND #1 ----- OUT -- - POND ------ 1 ---------- 8036 -- R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 14078 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 30666 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 100 56941 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 2627 R WETLAND #1 OUT POND 25 40685 R WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 18259 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 24012 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 39542 WETLAND #2 IN POND 100 64091 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 2755 WETLAND #2 IN POND 25 48910 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 11946 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 17529 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 32763 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 100 57066 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 1964 R WETLAND #2 OUT POND 25 42012 R WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 23025 WETLAND #3 IN POND 2 30951 WETLAND #3 IN POND 10 52722 WETLAND #3 IN POND 100 87679 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 2748 WETLAND #3 IN POND 25 66009 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 16870 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 2 24589 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 10 46052 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 100 80736 R WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 2144 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 25 59217 R Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft - --------- 1117.00 -------- .12 -------- 371.89 -------- --- 17237 823.00 .42 372.03 18804 736.00 2.22 372.63 25503 724.00 10.02 373.52 36065 997.00 .03 370.39 2657 725.00 6.78 372.99 29755 715.00 7.87 715.00 10.29 715.00 16.63 715.00 26.27 716.00 1.09 715.00 20.35 760.00 .54 348.93 10458 732.00 1.54 349.18 12514 726.00 4.42 350.08 19931 724.00 11.20 351.00 27698 1165.00 .02 347.80 1948 723.00 10.34 350.38 22382 716.00 9.94 715.00 13.36 715.00 22.49 715.00 36.57 720.00 1.00 715.00 27.91 734.00 1.44 347.38 11206 725.00 5.10 347.77 13746 722.00 15.00 348.63 19407 719.00 30.41 349.10 22563 1265.00 .02 345.85 1837 719.00 22.97 348.80 20577 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:47 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.12 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\'Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID --------- --- ----- Type -- Event cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #4 IN -- POND ------ -- 1 -------- 7202 -- --------- 715.00 -------- 3.11 -------- ------------ WETLAND #4 IN POND 2 9610 715.00 4.14 WETLAND #4 IN POND 10 16185 715.00 6.88 WETLAND #4 IN POND 100 26684 715.00 11.07 WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 932 720.00 .35 WETLAND #4 IN POND 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 2889 R 1010.00 .05 351.67 5557 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 2 5216 R 792.00 .20 351.78 6014 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 10 11657 R 730.00 1.02 352.40 8562 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 100 22053 R 719.00 9.26 352.80 10295 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 677 909.00 .01 350.27 644 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 25 15606 R 723.00 4.73 352.67 9728 • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pon dPack (10. 00.027.00) 11:47 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0 * 100-4C 7AUAiW ft%MQ6 4 MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Town Hall Common Total Depth Return Event in 1 2.8400 2 3.4300 10 4.9600 100 7.3000 WQ Vol 1.0000 25 5.8600 Rainfall Type ---------------- Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve 1w iS a? u?MO it2 b#3? RNF ID TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) is Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------ Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun --------- min cfs ft cu.ft COMBINE JCT 1 - -- 36397 --------- 725.00 -------- -------- ------------ 6.73 COMBINE JCT 2 45503 724.00 9.26 COMBINE JCT 10 69426 723.00 16.19 COMBINE JCT 100 106433 723.00 27.49 COMBINE JCT 1 9257 728.00 .80 COMBINE JCT 25 83620 723.00 20.48 COMBINE PT JCT 1 36178 725.00 6.69 COMBINE PT JCT 2 45208 724.00 9.21 COMBINE PT JCT 10 68923 723.00 16.11 COMBINE PT JCT 100 105598 723.00 27.36 COMBINE PT JCT 1 9221 729.00 .80 COMBINE PT JCT 25 82990 723.00 20.39 C SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 1011512010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 ---------- 23340 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 2 31610 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 10 54470 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 100 91385 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 2557 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 25 68481 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 23340 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 2 31610 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 10 54470 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 100 91385 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 2557 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 25 68481 • *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 28813 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 2 42118 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 10 78820 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 100 137808 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 4111 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 25 101235 R EX POND - PREIN POND 1 34946 EX POND - PREIN POND 2 43430 EX POND - PREIN POND 10 65563 EX POND - PREIN POND 100 99563 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 9196 EX POND - PREIN POND 25 78627 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 34923 EX POND - PRECUT POND 2 43408 EX POND - PRECUT POND 10 65540 EX POND - PRECUT POND 100 99541 EX POND - PRECUT POND 1 9174 EX POND - PREOUT POND 25 78604 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs - ft cu.ft 721.00 ------- 8.26 -------- ------------ 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 721.00 8.26 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 740.00 1.85 725.00 6.52 723.00 18.44 720.00 41.36 1148.00 .04 721.00 32.69 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 E SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---- min cfs ft cu.ft EX POND-POST IN POND 1 ------ -- 34946 --------- 715.00 -------- 14.09 -------- ------------ EX POND-POST IN POND 2 43430 715.00 17.28 EX POND-POST IN POND 10 65563 715.00 25.50 EX POND-POST IN POND 100 99563 715.00 37.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 1 9196 715.00 3.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 25 78627 715.00 30.30 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 34923 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 EX POND-POST OUT POND 2 43408 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 EX POND-POST OUT POND 10 65540 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 EX POND-POST OUT POND 100 99541 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 9174 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 EX POND-POST OUT POND 25 78604 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 *SUBO1-POST JCT 1 2998 716.00 1.28 *SUBO1-POST JCT 2 4189 716.00 1.81 *SUBO1-POST JCT 10 7573 715.00 3.27 *SUBO1-POST JCT 100 13175 715.00 5.61 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 221 721.00 .06 *SUBO1-POST JCT 25 9686 715.00 4.16 J SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event ------ cu.ft ---- Trun min cfs ft cu.ft SUB01-POST AREA 1 ------ 2998 -- --------- 716.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1..28 SUBO1-POST AREA 2 4189 716.00 1.81 SUBO1-POST AREA 10 7573 715.00 3.27 SUBO1-POST AREA 100 13175 715.00 5.61 SUB01-POST AREA 1 221 721.00 .06 SUBO1-POST AREA 25 9686 715.00 4.16 SUBO1-PRE AREA 1 4887 730.00 1.20 SUBO1-PRE AREA 2 7006 730.00 1.76 SUBO1-PRE AREA 10 13160 729.00 3.37 SUBO1-PRE AREA 100 23562 727.00 6.04 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 242 737.00 .01 SUBO1-PRE AREA 25 17060 729.00 4.38 • *SUBO1-PRF JCT 1 4887 730.00 1.20 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 2 7006 730.00 1.76 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 10 13160 729.00 3.37 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 100 23562 727.00 6.04 *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 242 737.00 .01 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 25 17060 729.00 4.38 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 626 716.00 .26 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 2 906 716.00 .39 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 10 1725 715.00 .74 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 100 3120 715.00 1.34 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 4 723.00 .00 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 25 2247 715.00 .97 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 8672 R 716.00 .31 *SUB02-POST JCT 2 14994 R 716.00 .44 *SUB02-POST JCT 10 32402 R 722.00 2.43 *SUB02-POST JCT 100 60072 R 721.00 10.91 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 2624 R 905.00 .02 *SUB02-POST JCT 25 42943 R 725.00 7.11 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event --- cu.ft Trun *SUB02-PRE JCT --- 1 ---------- -- 5772 *SUB02-PRE JCT 2 8351 *SUB02-PRE JCT 10 15897 *SUB02-PRE JCT 100 28747 *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 243 *SUB02-PRE JCT 25 20706 SUB02-PRE SUB02-PRE SUB02-PRE SUB02-PRE SUB02-PRE SUB02-PRE is SUB03-POST SUB03-POST SUB03-POST SUB03-POST SUB03-POST SUB03-POST *SUB03-POST *SUB03-POST *SUB03-POST *SUB03-POST *SUB03-POST *SUB03-POST SUB03-PRE SUB03-PRE SUB03-PRE SUB03-PRE SUB03-PRE SUB03-PRE Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft 748.00 -------- -------- ------------ .85 748.00 1.28 747.00 2.52 741.00 4.61 766.00 .01 741.00 3.30 748.00 .85 748.00 1.28 747.00 2.52 741.00 4.61 766.00 .01 741.00 3.30 716.00 1,96 715.00 2 68 115.00 4.64 715.00 7.71 721.00 .16 715.00 5.82 716.00 1.96 715.00 2.68 715.00 4.64 715.00 7.71 721.00 .16 715.00 5.82 748.00 1.04 748.00 1.55 748.00 3.01 748.00 5.41 765.00 .01 748.00 3.92 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 5772 8351 15897 28747 243 20706 4548 6207 10821 18317 455 13662 4548 6207 10821 18317 455 13662 7225 10359 19457 34838 358 25225 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 ---------- -- 7225 --------- 748.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.04 *SUB03-PRE JCT 2 10359 748.00 1.55 *SUB03-PRE JCT 10 19457 748.00 3.01 *SUB03-PRE JCT 100 34838 748.00 5.41 *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 358 765.00 .01 *SUB03-PRE JCT 25 25225 748.00 3.92 SUB04-POST AREA 1 821 716.00 .35 SUB04-POST AREA 2 1147 715.00 .49 SUB04-POST AREA 10 2074 715.00 .90 SUB04-POST AREA 100 3609 715.00 1.54 SUB04-POST AREA 1 43 720.00 .01 SUB04-POST AREA 25 2653 715.00 1.14 • *SUB04-POST JCT 1 821 716.00 .35 *SUB04?POST JCT 2 1147 715.00 .49 *SUB04-POST JCT 10 2074 715.00 .90 *SUB04-POST JCT 100 3609 715.00 1.54 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 43 720.00 .01 *SUB04-POST JCT 25 2653 715.00 1.14 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 2931 749.00 .42 SUB04-PRE AREA 2 4202 749.00 .63 SUB04-PRE AREA 10 7895 743.00 1.22 SUB04-PRE AREA 100 14136 743.00 2.20 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 144 751.00 .00 SUB04-PRE AREA 25 10235 743.00 1.59 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 2931 749.00 .42 *SUB04-PRE JCT 2 4202 749.00 .63 *SUB04-PRE JCT 10 7895 743.00 1.22 *SUB04-PRE JCT 100 14136 743.00 2.20 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 144 751.00 .00 *SUB04-PRE JCT 25 10235 743.00 1.59 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 ---------- -- 5648 *SUB05-PRE JCT 2 8139 *SUB05-PRE JCT 10 15401 *SUB05-PRE JCT 100 27729 *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 255 *SUB05-PRE JCT 25 20019 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -- - 749.00 - ---- -------- ------------ .74 747.00 1.10 747.00 2.18 747.00 3.96 762.00 .01 747.00 2.85 756.00 .36 756.00 .55 756.00 1.09 756.00 2.00 788.00 .00 756.00 1.43 742.00 .41 742.00 .61 742.00 1.19 742.00 2.14 749.00 .00 742.00 1.55 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 SUB05A-PRE AREA 2 SUB05A-PRE AREA 10 SUB05A-PRE AREA 100 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 SUB05A-PRE AREA 25 • SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT l 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 • 3066 4437 8447 15276 128 11002 2582 3702 6955 12453 127 9017 2016 3002 5960 11117 44 7878 2016 3002 5960 11117 44 7878 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun SUB06-PRE AREA 1 ---------- 11447 -- SUB06-PRE AREA 2 16560 SUB06-PRE AREA 10 31522 SUB06-PRE AREA 100 57002 SUB06-PRE AREA 1 483 SUB06-PRE AREA 25 41059 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 11447 *SUB06-PRE JCT 2 16560 *SUB06-PRE JCT 10 31522 *SUB06-PRE JCT 100 57002 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 483 *SUB06-PRE JCT 25 41059 • *SUB07-POST JCT 1 40513 R *SUB07-POST JCT 2 52807 R *SUB07-POST JCT 10 86036 R *SUB07-POST JCT 100 138929 R *SUB07-POST JCT 1 9933 *SUB07-POST JCT 25 106168 R *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 39063 *SUB07-PRE JCT 2 50114 *SUB07-PRE JCT 10 80555 *SUB07-PRE JCT 100 130117 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 9221 *SUB07-PRE JCT 25 99292 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 1229 SUB07A-POST AREA 2 2090 SUB07A-POST AREA 10 4955 SUB07A-POST AREA 100 10443 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 0 SUB07A-POST AREA 25 6944 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft - 747.00 -------- -------- --------- -- 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 747.00 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 724.00 6,GR 723.00 9.72 723.00 18.50 721.00 39.73 728.00 .80 723.00 27.09 726.00 7.07 725.00 10.04 725.00 18.71 724.00 33.21 730.00 .80 724.00 24.10 721.00 .42 720.00 .77 716.00 2.04 716.00 4.49 1.00 .00 716.00 2.94 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event --- cu.ft Trun SUB07A-PRE AREA --- 1 ---------- -- 2884 SUB07A-PRE AREA 2 4906 SUB07A-PRE AREA 10 11632 SUB07A-PRE AREA 100 24519 SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 0 SUB07A-PRE AREA 25 16302 SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SU$Q7B-PRF SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft 731.00 -------- -------- ------------ .48 731.00 1.00 728.00 2.83 728.00 6.38 1.00 .00 728.00 4.13 734.00 .29 734.00 .42 734.00 .80 734.00 1.43 740.00 .00 734.00 1.04 737.00 .24 737.00 .36 733.00 .69 733.00 1.25 732.00 .00 733.00 .90 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 is AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1474 2096 3887 6892 83 5016 1256 1800 3383 6058 48 4386 34946 43430 65563 99563 9196 78627 34946 43430 65563 99563 9196 78627 S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.10 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw 0 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------- ------ Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun --- min cfs ft cu.ft TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 ------- -- 21481 --------- 715.00 -------- -------- ------------ 9.20 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 2 27849 715.00 11.82 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 10 44859 715.00 18.62 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 100 71505 715.00 28.90 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 3743 716.00 1.56 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 25 55049 715.00 22.59 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 18259 715.00 7.87 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 2 24012 715.00 10.29 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 10 39542 715.00 16.63 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 100 64091 715.00 26.27 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 2755 716.00 1.09 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 25 48910 715.00 20.35 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 23025 71.6.00 9.94 • TO WETLAND #3 AREA 2 30951 715.00 13.36 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 10 52722 '715.00 22.49 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 100 87679 715.00 36.57 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 2748 720.00 1.00 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 25 66009 715.00 27.91 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 7202 715.00 3.11 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 2 9610 715.00 4.14 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 10 16185 715.00 6.88 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 100 26684 715.00 11.07 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 932 720.00 .35 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 21481 715.00 9.20 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 27849 715.00 11.82 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 44859 715.00 18.62 WETLAND #1 IN POND 100 71505 715.00 28.90 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 3743 716.00 1.56 WETLAND #1 IN POND 25 55049 715.00 22.59 C SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.11 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ---- ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft - Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 --------- 8047 -- R --------- 1139.00 -------- .12 -------- 371.89 ------------ 17235 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 14089 R 825.00 .42 372.03 18803 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 30678 R 736.00 2.22 372.63 25503 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 100 56953 R 724.00 10.06 373.52 36042 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 2621 R 1031.00 .03 370.39 2661 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 25 40697 R 725.00 6.79 372.99 29753 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 18259 715.00 7.87 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 24012 715.00 10.29 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 39542 715.00 16.63 WETLAND #2 IN POND 100 64091 715.00 26.27 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 2755 716.00 1.09 WETLAND #2 IN POND 25 48910 715.00 20.35 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 11946 R 760.00 .54 348.93 10458 • WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 17529 R 732.00 1.54 349.18 12514 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 32763 R 726.00 4.42 350.08 19931 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 100 57066 R 724.00 11.20 351.00 27698 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 1964 R 1165.00 .02 347.80 1948 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 25 42012 R 723.00 10.34 350.38 22382 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 23025 716.00 9.94 WETLAND #3 IN POND 2 30951 715.00 13.36 WETLAND #3 IN POND 10 52722 715.00 22.49 WETLAND #3 IN POND 100 87679 715.00 36.57 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 2748 720.00 1.00 WETLAND #3 IN POND 25 66009 715.00 27.91 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 16869 R 734.00 1.44 347.38 11205 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 2 24592 R 725.00 5.10 347.77 13745 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 10 46058 R 722.00 15.00 348.63 19406 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 100 80743 R 719.00 30.41 349.10 22563 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 2147 866.00 .02 345.85 1838 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 25 59224 R 719.00 22.97 348.80 20577 is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.12 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID --------- --- ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 ---------- 7202 -- --------- 715.00 -------- 3.11 -------- ------------ WETLAND #4 IN POND 2 9610 715.00 4.14 WETLAND #4 IN POND 10 16185 715.00 6.88 WETLAND #4 IN POND 100 26684 715.00 11.07 WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 932 720.00 .35 WETLAND #4 IN POND 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 2889 R 1010.00 .05 351.67 5557 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 2 5216 R 792.00 .20 351.78 6014 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 10 11657 R 730.00 1.02 352.40 8562 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 100 22053 R 719.00 9.26 352.80 10295 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 677 909.00 .01 350.27 644 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 25 15606 R 723.00 4.73 352.67 9728 • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:53 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Project3\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw * 7045?0p%?Fw 7#Vr1LV"*9 p6j"t44 4 MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Town Hall Common 6TW is or.+ wERM *2, 4w 3) Total Depth Rainfal l Return Event --------- - in Type RN F ID -- - - 1 ------ 2.8400 ---------- Synthetic ------ Curve ------- TypeII -------- 24hr 2 3.4300 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.9600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 100 7.3000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr WQ Vol 1.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 25 5.8600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) • Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID ------------- Type ---- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun -- min COMBINE JCT 1 -------- -- 36397 --------- 725.00 COMBINE JCT 2 45503 724.00 COMBINE JCT 10 69426 723.00 COMBINE JCT 100 106433 723.00 COMBINE JCT 1 9257 728.00 COMBINE JCT 25 83620 723.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 6.73 9.26 16.19 27.49 .80 20.48 COMBINE PT JCT 1 36178 725.00 6.69 COMBINE PT JCT 2 45208 724.00 9.21 COMBINE PT JCT 10 68923 723.00 16.11 COMBINE PT JCT 100 105598 723.00 27.36 COMBINE PT JCT 1 9221 729.00 .80 COMBINE PT JCT 25 82990 723.00 20.39 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID --- ------- Type - ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- min --------- ------ *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 23340 721.00 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 2 31610 721.00 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 10 54470 721.00 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 100 91385 721.00 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 2557 724.00 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 25 68481 721.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 8.26 11.19 19.06 31.27 .70 23.75 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 23340 721.00 8.26 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 2 31610 721.00 11.19 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 10 54470 721.00 19.06 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 100 91385 721.00 31.27 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 2557 724.00 .70 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 25 68481 721.00 23.75 • *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 28825 R 740.00 1.85 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 2 42131 R 725.00 6.52 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 10 78830 R 723.00 18.44 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 100 137817 R 722.00 37.74 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 4137 1027.00 .04 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 25 101245 R 720.00 30.99 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 34946 715.00 14.09 EX POND - PREIN POND 2 43430 715.00 17.28 EX POND - PREIN POND 10 65563 715.00 25.50 EX POND - PREIN POND 100 99563 715.00 37.95 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 9196 715.00 3.95 EX POND - PREIN POND 25 78627 715.00 30.30 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 34923 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 EX POND - PREOUT POND 2 43408 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 EX POND - PREOUT POND 10 65540 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 EX POND - PREOUT POND 100 99541 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 9174 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 EX POND - PREOUT POND 25 78604 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw is MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- min --------- cfs -------- ft cu.ft -------- ------------ EX POND-POST IN POND 1 34946 715.00 14.09 EX POND-POST IN POND 2 43430 715.00 17.28 EX POND-POST IN POND 10 65563 715.00 25.50 EX POND-POST IN POND 100 99563 715.00 37.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 1 9196 715.00 3.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 25 78627 715.00 30.30 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 34923 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 EX POND-POST OUT POND 2 43408 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 EX POND-POST OUT POND 10 65540 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 EX POND-POST OUT POND 100 99541 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 9174 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 EX POND-POST OUT POND 25 78604 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 2998 716.00 1.28 *SUB01-POST JCT 2 4189 716.00 1.81 *SUB01-POST JCT 10 7573 715.00 3.27 *SUB01-POST JCT 100 13175 715.00 5.61 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 221 721.00 .06 *SUB01-POST JCT 25 9686 715.00 4.16 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ ---------------- SUB01-POST - ---- AREA ------ 1 ---------- 2998 -- --------- 716.00 1.28 SUBO1-POST AREA 2 4189 716.00 1.81 SUBO1-POST AREA 10 7573 715.00 3.27 SUBO1-POST AREA 100 13175 715.00 5.61 SUB01-POST AREA 1 221 721.00 .06 SUBO1-POST AREA 25 9686 715.00 4.16 SUBO1-PRE AREA 1 4887 730.00 1.20 SUBO1-PRE AREA 2 7006 730.00 1.76 SUBO1-PRE AREA 10 13160 729.00 3.37 SUBO1-PRE AREA 100 23562 727.00 6.04 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 242 737.00 .01 SUBO1-PRE AREA 25 17060 729.00 4.38 • *SUBO1-PRE JCT 1 4887 730.00 1.20 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 2 7006 730.00 1.76 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 10 13160 '729.00 3.37 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 100 23562 727.00 6.04 *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 242 737.00 .01 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 25 17060 729.00 4.38 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 626 716.00 .26 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 2 906 716.00 .39 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 10 1725 715.00 .74 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 100 3120 715.00 1.34 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 4 723.00 .00 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 25 2247 715.00 .97 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 8672 R 716.00 .31 *SUB02-POST JCT 2 14994 R 716.00 .44 *SUB02-POST JCT 10 32402 R 722.00 2.43 *SUB02-POST JCT 100 60072 R 721.00 10.91 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 2624 R 905.00 .02 *SUB02-POST JCT 25 42943 R 725.00 7.11 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) • E Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID ---------- Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- min --------- ---- *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 5772 748.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 2 8351 748.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 10 15897 747.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 100 28747 741.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 243 766.00 *SUB02-PRE JCT 25 20706 741.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ .85 1.28 2.52 4.61 .01 3.30 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 5772 748.00 .85 SUB02-PRE AREA 2 8351 748.00 1.28 SUB02-PRE AREA 10 15897 747.00 2.52 SUB02-PRE AREA 100 28747 741.00 4.61 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 243 766.00 .01 SUB02-PRE AREA 25 20706 741.00 3.30 SUB03-POST AREA 1 4548 716.00 1.96 SUB03-POST AREA 2 6207 715.00 2.68 SUB03-POST AREA 10 10821 715.00 4.64 SUB03-POST AREA 100 18317 715.00 7.71 SUB03-POST AREA 1 455 721.00 .16 SUB03-POST AREA 25 13662 715.00 5.82 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 4548 716.00 1.96 *SUB03-POST JCT 2 6207 715.00 2.68 *SUB03-POST JCT 10 10821 715.00 4.64 *SUB03-POST JCT 100 18317 715.00 7.71 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 455 721.00 .16 *SUB03-POST JCT 25 13662 715.00 5.82 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 7225 748.00 1.04 SUB03-PRE AREA 2 10359 748.00 1.55 SUB03-PRE AREA 10 19457 748.00 3.01 SUB03-PRE AREA 100 34838 748.00 5.41 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 358 765.00 .01 SUB03-PRE AREA 25 25225 748.00 3.92 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event - -- cu.ft Trun ---------- -- min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ --------------- *SUB03-PRE -- ---- JCT - -- 1 7225 748.00 1.04 *SUB03-PRE JCT 2 10359 748.00 1.55 *SUB03-PRE JCT 10 19457 748.00 3.01 *SUB03-PRE JCT 100 34838 748.00 5.41 *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 358 765.00 .01 *SUB03-PRE JCT 25 25225 748.00 3.92 SUB04-POST AREA 1 821 716.00 .35 SUB04-POST AREA 2 1147 715.00 .49 SUB04-POST AREA 10 2074 715.00 .90 SUB04-POST AREA 100 3609 715.00 1.54 SUB04-POST AREA 1 43 720.00 .01 SUB04-POST AREA 25 2653 715.00 1.14 • *SUB04-POST JCT 1. 821 716.00 .35 *SUB04-POST JCT 2 1147 715.00 .49 *SUB04-POST JCT 10 2074 715.00 .90 *SUB04-POST JCT 100 3609 715.00 1.54 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 43 720.00 .01 *SUB04-POST JCT 25 2653 715.00 1.14 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 2931 749.00 .42 SUB04-PRE AREA 2 4202 749.00 .63 SUB04-PRE AREA 10 7895 743.00 1.22 SUB04-PRE AREA 100 14136 743.00 2.20 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 144 751.00 .00 SUB04-PRE AREA 25 10235 743.00 1.59 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 2931 749.00 .42 *SUB04-PRE JCT 2 4202 749.00 .63 *SUB04-PRE JCT 10 7895 743.00 1.22 *SUB04-PRE JCT 100 14136 743.00 2.20 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 144 751.00 .00 *SUB04-PRE JCT 25 10235 743.00 1.59 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun min --------- cfs -------- ft cu.ft -------- ------------ --------------- *SUB05-PRE -- ---- JCT ------ 1 ---------- 5648 -- 749.00 .74 *SUB05-PRE JCT 2 8139 747.00 1.10 *SUB05-PRE JCT 10 15401 747.00 2.18 *SUB05-PRE JCT 100 27729 747.00 3.96 *SUB05-PRE JCT 1, 255 762.00 .01 *SUB05-PRE JCT 25 20019 747.00 2.85 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 3066 756.00 .36 SUB05A-PRE AREA 2 4437 756.00 .55 SUB05A-PRE AREA 10 8447 756.00 1.09 SUB05A-PRE AREA 100 15276 756.00 2.00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 128 788.00 .00 SUB05A-PRE AREA 25 11002 756.00 1.43 • SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 2582 742.00 .41 SUB05B-PRE AREA 2 3702 742.00 .61 SUB05B-PRE AREA 10 6955 742.00 1.19 SUB05B-PRE AREA 100 12453 742.00 2.14 SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 127 749.00 .00 SUB05B-PRE AREA 25 9017 742.00 1.55 SUB06-POST AREA 1 2016 716.00 .81 SUB06-POST AREA 2 3002 716.00 1.26 SUB06-POST AREA 10 5960 716.00 2.57 SUB06-POST AREA 100 11117 715.00 4.80 SUB06-POST AREA 1 44 801.00 .00 SUB06-POST AREA 25 7878 715.00 3.40 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 2016 716.00 .81 *SUB06-POST JCT 2 3002 716.00 1.26 *SUB06-POST JCT 10 5960 716.00 2.57 *SUB06-POST JCT 100 11117 715.00 4.80 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 44 801.00 .00 *SUB06-POST JCT 25 7878 715.00 3.40 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley Pond Pack (10 .00.027.00) 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID Type -- ---- Event ------ cu.ft ---------- Trun -- --------------- SUB06-PRE AREA 1 11447 SUB06-PRE AREA 2 16560 SUB06-PRE AREA 10 31522 SUB06-PRE AREA 100 57002 SUB06-PRE AREA 1 483 SUB06-PRE AREA 25 41059 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 11447 *SUB06-PRE JCT 2 16560 *SUB06-PRE JCT 10 31522 *SUB06-PRE JCT 100 57002 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 483 *SUB06-PRE JCT 25 41059 • *SUB07-.POST JCT 1 40513 R *SUB07-POST JCT 2 52807 R *SUB07-POST JCT 10 86036 R *SUB07-POST JCT 100 138929 R *SUB07-POST JCT 1 9933 *SUB07-POST JCT 25 106168 R *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 39063 *SUB07-PRE JCT 2 50114 *SUB07-PRE JCT 10 80555 *SUB07-PRE JCT 100 130117 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 9221 *SUB07-PRE JCT 25 99292 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 1229 SUB07A-POST AREA 2 2090 SUB07A-POST AREA 10 4955 SUB07A-POST AREA 100 10443 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 0 SUB07A-POST AREA 25 6944 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min ----- cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ ---- 747.00 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 747.00 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 724.00 6.98 723.00 9.72 723.00 18.50 721.00 39.73 728.00 .80 723.00 27.09 726.00 7.07 725.00 10.04 725.00 18.71 724.00 33.21 730.00 .80 724.00 24.10 721.00 .42 720.00 .77 716.00 2.04 716.00 4.49 1.00 .00 716.00 2.94 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( Bentley Systems, Inc. 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 • Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 2884 SUB07A-PRE AREA 2 4906 SUB07A-PRE AREA 10 11632 SUB07A-PRE AREA 100 24519 SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 0 SUB07A-PRE AREA 25 16302 SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST SUB07B-POST • SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE • AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 1474 2096 3887 6892 83 5016 1256 1800 3383 6058 48 4386 34946 43430 65563 99563 9196 78627 34946 43430 65563 99563 9196 78627 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 731.00 .48 731.00 1.00 728.00 2.83 728.00 6.38 1.00 .00 728.00 4.13 734.00 .29 734.00 .42 734.00 .80 734.00 1.43 740.00 .00 734.00 1.04 '737.00 .24 737.00 .36 '/33.00 .69 733.00 1.25 732.00 .00 733.00 .90 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 Bentley Systems, Inc. 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.10 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw u MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------------ ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- min cfs ft cu.ft TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 -- 21481 --------- 715.00 -------- -------- ------------ 9.20 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 2 27849 715.00 11.82 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 10 44859 715.00 18.62 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 100 71505 715.00 28.90 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 3743 716.00 1.56 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 25 55049 715.00 22.59 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 18259 715.00 7.87 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 2 24012 715.00 10.29 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 10 39542 715.00 16.63 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 100 64091 715.00 26.27 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 2755 716.00 1.09 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 25 48910 715.00 20.35 • TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 23025 716.00 9.94 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 2 30951 715.00 13.36 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 10 52722 715.00 22.49 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 100 87679 715.00 36.57 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 2748 720.00 1.00 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 25 66009 715.00 27.91 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 7202 715.00 3.11 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 2 9610 715.00 4.14 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 10 16185 715.00 6.88 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 100 26684 715.00 11.07 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 932 720.00 .35 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 21481 715.00 9.20 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 27849 715.00 11.82 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 44859 715.00 18.62 WETLAND #1 IN POND 100 71505 715.00 28.90 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 3743 716.00 1.56 WETLAND #1 IN POND 25 55049 715.00 22.59 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.11 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ---- ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft -- Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 -------- 8047 -- R --------- 1139.00 -------- .12 -------- 371.89 ------------ 17235 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 14089 R 825.00 .42 372.03 18803 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 30678 R 736.00 2.22 372.63 25503 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 100 56953 R 724.00 10.06 373.52 36042 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 2621 R 1031.00 .03 370.39 2661 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 25 40697 R 725.00 6.79 372.99 29753 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 18259 715.00 7.87 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 24012 715.00 10.29 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 39542 715.00 16.63 WETLAND #2 IN POND 100 64091 715.00 26.27 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 2755 716.00 1.09 WETLAND #2 IN POND 25 48910 715.00 20.35 • WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 11958 R 760.00 .54 348.93 10458 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 17541 ',,:R 732.00 1.54 349.18 12514 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 32774 R 726.00 4.42 350.08 19931 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 100 57075 R 724.00 9.08 351.16 29063 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 1990 R 939.00 .02 347.80 1918 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 25 42022 R 724.00 8.25 350.44 22929 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 23025 716.00 9.94 WETLAND #3 IN POND 2 30951 715.00 13.36 WETLAND #3 IN POND 10 52722 715.00 22.49 WETLAND #3 IN POND 100 87679 715.00 36.57 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 2748 720.00 1.00 WETLAND #3 IN POND 25 66009 715.00 27.91 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 16869 R 734.00 1.44 347.38 11205 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 2 24592 R 725.00 5.10 347.77 13746 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 10 46058 R 722.00 15.01 348.63 19407 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 100 80743 R 720.00 28.80 349.17 23021 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 2147 866.00 .02 345.85 1838 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 25 59223 R 720.00 22.95 348.80 20579 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.12 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ----- ---- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft - Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 - -------- 7202 -- --------- 715.00 -------- 3.11 -------- ------------ WETLAND #4 IN POND 2 9610 715.00 4.14 WETLAND #4 IN POND 10 16185 715.00 6.88 WETLAND #4 IN POND 100 26684 715.00 11.07 WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 932 720.00 .35 WETLAND #4 IN POND 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 2889 R 1010.00 .05 351.67 5557 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 2 5216 R 792.00 .20 351.78 6014 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 10 11657 R 730.00 1.02 352.40 8562 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 100 22053 R 719.00 9.26 352.80 10295 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 677 909.00 .01 350.27 644 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 25 15606 R 723.00 4.73 352.67 9728 • • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 1:55 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw loowpvc V""Offet vab MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Network Storm Collection: Town Hall Common Total Depth Return Event in 1 2.8400 2 3.4300 10 4.9600 100 7.3000 WQ Vol 1.0000 25 5.8600 Rainfall Type ---------------- Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve Synthetic Curve 7 w K oN u4? #21# 3 E S(e*&s W,NoT RNF ID TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) • Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Node ID -------- ------ Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun min cfs ft COMBINE JCT 1 ---------- -- 36397 --------- 725.00 -------- -------- 6.73 COMBINE JCT 2 45503 724.00 9.26 COMBINE JCT 10 69426 723.00 16.19 COMBINE JCT 100 106433 723.00 27.49 COMBINE JCT 1 9257 728.00 .80 COMBINE JCT 25 83620 723.00 20.48 COMBINE PT JCT 1 36178 725.00 6.69 COMBINE PT JCT 2 45208 724.00 9.21 COMBINE PT JCT 10 68923 723.00 16.11 COMBINE PT JCT 100 105598 723.00 27.36 COMBINE PT JCT 1 9221 729.00 .80 COMBINE PT JCT 25 82990 723.00 20.39 E Max Pond Storage cu.ft ------------ S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID - Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft ---------- Trun ---------------- *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 23340 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 2 31610 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 10 54470 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 100 91385 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 2557 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 25 68481 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 23340 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 2 31610 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 10 54470 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 100 91385 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 2557 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 25 68481 • *CRAVEN-POST Jr,T 1 28655 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 2 41973 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 10 78696 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 100 137702 R *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 3409 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 25 101119 R EX POND - PREIN POND 1 34946 EX POND - PREIN POND 2 43430 EX POND - PREIN POND 10 65563 EX POND - PREIN POND 100 99563 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 9196 EX POND - PREIN POND 25 78627 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 34923 EX POND - PREOUT POND 2 43408 EX POND - PREOUT POND 10 65540 EX POND - PREOUT POND 100 99541 EX POND - PREOUT POND 1 9174 EX POND - PREOUT POND 25 78604 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --- cfs -------- ft -------- cu.ft ------------ ------ 721.00 8.26 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 721.00 8.26 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 741.00 1.87 725.00 6.56 723.00 18.63 722.00 36.08 1059.00 .04 720.00 30.18 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- min --------- cfs -------- ft cu.ft -------- ------------ EX POND-POST IN POND 1 34946 715.00 14.09 EX POND-POST IN POND 2 43430 715.00 17.28 EX POND-POST IN POND 10 65563 715.00 25.50 EX POND-POST IN POND 100 99563 715.00 37.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 1 9196 715.00 3.95 EX POND-POST IN POND 25 78627 715.00 30.30 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 34923 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 EX POND-POST OUT POND 2 43408 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 EX POND-POST OUT POND 10 65540 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 EX POND-POST OUT POND 100 99541 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 9174 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 EX POND-POST OUT POND 25 78604 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 34923 724.00 6.52 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 2 43407 723.00 8.96 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 10 65540 722.00 15.63 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 100 99541 722.00 26.46 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 9173 728.00 .80 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 25 78604 722.00 19.75 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 2998 716.00 1.28 *SUB01-POST JCT 2 4189 716.00 1.81 *SUB01-POST JCT 10 7573 715.00 3.27 *SUB01-POST JCT 100 13175 715.00 5.61 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 221 721.00 .06 *SUB01-POST JCT 25 9686 715.00 4.16 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw is MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type Event cu.ft Trun - min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ ---------------- SUB01-POST - ---- AREA ------ 1 ---------- 2998 - 716.00 1.28 SUBO1-POST AREA 2 4189 716.00 1.81 SUBO1-POST AREA 10 7573 715.00 3.27 SUBO1-POST AREA 100 13175 715.00 5.61 SUB01-POST AREA 1 221 721.00 .06 SUB01-POST AREA 25 9686 715.00 4.16 SUBO1-PRE AREA 1 4887 730.00 1.20 SUBO1-PRE AREA 2 7006 730.00 1.76 SUBO1-PRE AREA 10 13160 729.00 3.37 SUBO1-PRE AREA 100 23562 727.00 6.04 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 242 737.00 .01 SUBO1-PRE AREA 25 17060 729.00 4.38 • *SUBO1-PRE JCT 1 4887 730.00 1.20 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 2 7006 730.00 1.76 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 10 13160 729.00 3.37 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 100 23562 727.00 6.04 *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 242 737.00 .01 *SUBO1-PRE JCT 25 17060 729.00 4.38 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 626 716.00 .26 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 2 906 716.00 .39 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 10 1725 715.00 .74 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 100 3120 715.00 1.34 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 4 723.00 .00 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 25 2247 715.00 .97 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 8672 R 716.00 .31 *SUB02-POST JCT 2 14994 R 716.00 .44 *SUB02-POST JCT 10 32402 R 722.00 2.43 *SUB02-POST JCT 100 60072 R 721.00 10.91 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 2624 R 905.00 .02 *SUB02-POST JCT 25 42943 R 725.00 7.11 • rj SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 5772 748.00 .85 *SUB02-PRE JCT 2 8351 748.00 1.28 *SUB02-PRE JCT 10 15897 747.00 2.52 *SUB02-PRE JCT 100 28747 741.00 4.61 *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 243 766.00 .01 *SUB02-PRE JCT 25 20706 741.00 3.30 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 5772 748.00 .85 SUB02-PRE AREA 2 8351 748.00 1.28 SUB02-PRE AREA 10 15897 747.00 2.52 SUB02-PRE AREA 100 28747 741.00 4.61 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 243 766.00 .01 SUB02-PRE AREA 25 20706 741.00 3.30 • SUB03-POST AREA 1 4548 716.00 1.96 SUB03-POST AREA 2 6207 715.00 2.68 SUB03-POST AREA 10 10821 715.00 4.64 SUB03-POST AREA 100 18317 715.00 7.71 SUB03-POST AREA 1 455 721.00 .16 SUB03-POST AREA 25 13662 715.00 5.82 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 4548 716.00 1.96 *SUB03-POST JCT 2 6207 715.00 2.68 *SUB03-POST JCT 10 10821 715.00 4.64 *SUB03-POST JCT 100 18317 715.00 7.71 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 455 721.00 .16 *SUB03-POST JCT 25 13662 715.00 5.82 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 7225 748.00 1.04 SUB03-PRE AREA 2 10359 748.00 1.55 SUB03-PRE AREA 10 19457 748.00 3.01 SUB03-PRE AREA 100 34838 748.00 5.41 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 358 765.00 .01 SUB03-PRE AREA 25 25225 748.00 3.92 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw is MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ------- Type -- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ---------- -- -------- *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 7225 *SUB03-PRE JCT 2 10359 *SUB03-PRE JCT 10 19457 *SUB03-PRE JCT 100 34838 *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 358 *SUB03-PRE JCT 25 25225 SUB04-POST AREA 1 821 SUB04-POST AREA 2 1147 SUB04-POST AREA 10 2074 SUB04-POST AREA 100 3609 SUB04-POST AREA 1 43 SUB04-POST AREA 25 2653 • *SUB04-POST JCT 1 821 *SUB04-POST JCT 2 1147 *SUB04-POST JCT 10 2074 *SUB04-POST JCT 100 3609 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 43 *SUB04-POST JCT 25 2653 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 2931 SUB04-PRE AREA 2 4202 SUB04-PRE AREA 10 7895 SUB04-PRE AREA 100 14136 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 144 SUB04-PRE AREA 25 10235 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 2931 *SUB04-PRE JCT 2 4202 *SUB04-PRE JCT 10 7895 *SUB04-PRE JCT 100 14136 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 144 *SUB04-PRE JCT 25 10235 Qpeak min 748.00 748.00 748.00 748.00 765.00 748.00 716.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 720.00 715.00 716.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 720.00 715.00 749.00 749.00 743.00 743.00 751.00 743.00 749.00 749.00 743.00 743.00 751.00 743.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 1.04 1.55 3.01 5.41 .01 3.92 .35 .49 .90 1.54 .01 1.14 .35 .49 .90 1.54 .01 1.14 .42 .63 1.22 2.20 .00 1.59 .42 .63 1.22 2.20 .00 1.59 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw is MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 ---------- -- 5648 *SUB05-PRE JCT 2 8139 *SUB05-PRE JCT 10 15401 *SUB05-PRE JCT 100 27729 *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 255 *SUB05-PRE JCT 25 20019 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 SUB05A-PRE AREA 2 SUB05A-PRE AREA 10 SUB05A-PRE AREA 100 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 SUB05A-PRE AREA 25 • SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE SUB05B-PRE AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA 1 2 10 100 1 25 SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST *SUB06-POST AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT JCT 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 3066 4437 8447 15276 128 11002 2582 3702 6955 12453 127 9017 2016 3002 5960 11117 44 7878 2016 3002 5960 11117 44 7878 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 749.00 .74 747.00 1.10 747.00 2.18 747.00 3.96 762.00 .01 747.00 2.85 756.00 .36 756.00 .55 756.00 1.09 756.00 2.00 788.00 .00 756.00 1.43 742.00 .41 742.00 .61 742.00 1.19 742.00 2.14 749.00 .00 742.00 1.55 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event --- cu.ft Trun SUB06-PRE AREA --- 1 ---------- 11447 -- SUB06-PRE AREA 2 16560 SUB06-PRE AREA 10 31522 SUB06-PRE AREA 100 57002 SUB06-PRE AREA 1 483 SUB06-PRE AREA 25 41059 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 11447 *SUB06-PRE JCT 2 16560 *SUB06-PRE JCT 10 31522 *SUB06-PRE JCT 100 57002 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 483 *SUB06-PRE JCT 25 41059 • *SUB07-POST JCT 1 40513 R *SUB07-POST JCT 2 52807 R *SUB07-POST. JCT 10 86036 R *SUB07-POST JCT 100 138929 R *SUB07-POST JCT 1 9933 *SUB07-POST JCT 25 106168 R *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 39063 *SUB07-PRE JCT 2 50114 *SUB07-PRE JCT 10 80555 *SUB07-PRE JCT 100 130117 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 9221 *SUB07-PRE JCT 25 99292 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 1229 SUB07A-POST AREA 2 2090 SUB07A-POST AREA 10 4955 SUB07A-POST AREA 100 10443 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 0 SUB07A-POST AREA 25 6944 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft ------- - 747.00 - -- ----- ------------ 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 747.00 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 724.00 6.98 723.00 9.72 723.00 18.50 721.00 39.73 728.00 .80 723.00 27.09 726.00 7.07 725.00 10.04 725.00 18.71 724.00 33.21 730.00 .80 724.00 24.10 721.00 .42 720.00 .77 716.00 2.04 716.00 4.49 1.00 .00 716.00 2.94 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw is MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun ----- SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 ----- -- 2884 SUB07A-PRE AREA 2 4906 SUB07A-PRE AREA 10 11632 SUB07A-PRE AREA 100 24519 SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 0 SUB07A-PRE AREA 25 16302 Qpeak min 731.00 731.00 728.00 728.00 1.00 728.00 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 SUB07B-POST AREA 2 SUB07B-POST AREA 10 SUB07B-POST AREA 100 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 SUB07B-POST AREA 25 • SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07B-PRE SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-POST SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE SUB07C-PRE AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA AREA 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 1 2 10 100 1 25 • 1474 2096 3887 6892 83 5016 1256 1800 3383 6058 48 4386 34946 43430 65563 99563 9196 78627 34946 43430 65563 99563 9196 78627 734.00 734.00 734.00 734.00 740.00 734.00 737.00 737.00 733.00 733.00 732.00 733.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 715.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ .48 1.00 2.83 6.38 .00 4.13 .29 .42 .80 1.43 .00 1.04 .24 .36 .69 1.25 .00 .90 14.09 17.28 25.50 37.95 3.95 30.30 14.09 17.28 25.50 37.95 3.95 30.30 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.10 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------- ------ Type ---- Event ----- cu.ft Trun TO WETLAND #1 AREA - 1 ---------- 21481 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 2 27849 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 10 44859 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 100 71505 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 3743 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 25 55049 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 18259 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 2 24012 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 10 39542 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 100 64091 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 2755 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 25 48910 • TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 23025 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 2 30951 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 10 52722 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 100 87679 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 2748 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 25 66009 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 7202 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 2 9610 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 10 16185 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 100 26684 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 932 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 25 20181 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 21481 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 27849 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 44859 WETLAND #1 IN POND 100 71505 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 3743 WETLAND #1 IN POND 25 55049 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --------- cfs ft cu.ft -------- ---- - ------------ 715.00 --- 9.20 715.00 11.82 715.00 18.62 715.00 28.90 716.00 1.56 715.00 22.59 715.00 7.87 715.00 10.29 715.00 16.63 715.00 26.27 716.00 1.09 715.00 20.35 716.00 9.94 715.00 13.36 715.00 22.49 715.00 36.57 720.00 1.00 715.00 27.91 715.00 3.11 715.00 4.14 715.00 6.88 715.00 11.07 720.00 .35 715.00 8.49 715.00 9.20 715.00 11.82 715.00 18.62 715.00 28.90 716.00 1.56 715.00 22.59 • S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.11 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ---- ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 ---------- 8047 -- R --------- 1139.00 -------- .12 -------- 371.89 ------------ 17235 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 14089 R 825.00 .42 372.03 18803 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 30678 R 736.00 2.22 372.63 25503 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 100 56953 R 724.00 10.06 373.52 36042 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 2621 R 1031.00 .03 370.39 2661 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 25 40697 R 725.00 6.79 372.99 29753 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 18259 715.00 7.87 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 24012 715.00 10.29 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 39542 715.00 16.63 WETLAND #2 IN POND 100 64091 715.00 26.27 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 2755 716.00 1.09 WETLAND #2 IN POND 25 48910 715.00 20.35 • WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 11786 R 758.00 348.93 10493 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 17382 R 730.00 1.57 349.19 12586 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 32638 R 726.00 4.55 350.09 20005 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 100 56959 R 725.00 8.42 351.22 29637 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 1263 1371.00 .02 347.84 2230 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 25 41896 R 724.00 7.48 350.48 23280 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 23025 716.00 9.94 WETLAND #3 IN POND 2 30951 715.00 13.36 WETLAND #3 IN POND 10 52722 715.00 22.49 WETLAND #3 IN POND 100 87679 715.00 36.57 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 2748 720.00 1.00 WETLAND #3 IN POND 25 66009 715.00 27.91 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 16869 R 734.00 1.44 347.38 11211 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 2 24592 R 725.00 5.10 347.77 13747 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 10 46058 R 722.00 15.01 348.63 19407 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 100 80743 R 721.00 27.80 349.23 23431 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 2147 866.00 .02 345.85 1838 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 25 59224 R 720.00 22.92 348.80 20582 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.12 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ---- ----- Type ---- Event ------ cu.ft -------- Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 -- 7202 -- --------- 715.00 -------- 3.11 -------- ------------ WETLAND #4 IN POND 2 9610 715.00 4.14 WETLAND #4 IN POND 10 16185 715.00 6.88 WETLAND #4 IN POND 100 26684 715.00 11.07 WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 932 720.00 .35 WETLAND #4 IN POND 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 2889 R 1010.00 .05 351.67 5557 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 2 5216 R 792.00 .20 351.78 6014 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 10 11657 R 730.00 1.02 352.40 8562 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 100 22053 R 719.00 9.26 352.80 10295 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 677 909.00 .01 350.27 644 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 25 15606 R 723.00 4.73 352.67 9728 is is S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 2:04 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.01 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • V10&%VZVHUQ"fMX aQuica MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY CIsoo Network Storm Collection: Town Hall Common ?? 110ko CL"W) Total Depth Rainfal l Return Event ------------ in - Type RNF ID 1 ----- 2.8400 ---------- Synthetic ------ Curve ------ TypeII ---------- 24hr 2 3.4300 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 10 4.9600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 100 7.3000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr WQ Vol 1.0000 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr 25 5.8600 Synthetic Curve TypeII 24hr MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) • Return HYG Vol Qpeak Node ID ------------- Type ---- ---- Event ----- cu.ft Trun min COMBINE JCT - 1 ---------- -- 36397 --------- 725.00 COMBINE JCT 2 45503 724.00 COMBINE JCT 10 69426 723.00 COMBINE JCT 100 106433 723.00 COMBINE JCT 1 9257 728.00 COMBINE JCT 25 83620 723.00 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft cu.ft -------- -------- ------------ 6.73 9.26 16.19 27.49 .80 20.48 COMBINE PT JCT 1 36178 725.00 6.69 COMBINE PT JCT 2 45208 724.00 9.21 COMBINE PT JCT 10 68923 723.00 16.11 COMBINE PT JCT 100 105598 723.00 27.36 COMBINE PT JCT 1 9221 729.00 .80 COMBINE PT JCT 25 82990 723.00 20.39 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.02 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. C7 MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event -- - cu.ft Trun *CRAVEN - PRE JCT - -- 1 ---------- 23340 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 2 31610 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 10 54470 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 100 91385 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 1 2557 *CRAVEN - PRE JCT 25 68481 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 23340 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 2 31610 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 10 54470 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 100 91385 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 1 2557 CRAVEN - PRE AREA 25 68481 • *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 41231 kCRAVEN-POST JCT 2 54910 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 10 92210 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 100 151718 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 1 5450 *CRAVEN-POST JCT 25 114865 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 34946 EX POND - PREIN POND 2 43430 EX POND - PREIN POND 10 65563 EX POND - PREIN POND 100 99563 EX POND - PREIN POND 1 9196 EX POND - PREIN POND 25 78627 EX POND - PRECUT POND 1 34923 EX POND - PREOUT POND 2 43408 EX POND - PRECUT POND 10 65540 EX POND - PRECUT POND 100 99541 EX POND - PRECUT POND 1 9174 EX POND - PRECUT POND 25 78604 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 721.00 -------- 8.26 -------- ------------ 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 721.00 8.26 721.00 11.19 721.00 19.06 721.00 31.27 724.00 .70 721.00 23.75 723.00 8.76 723.00 11.59 721.00 24.35 722.00 36.13 743.00 .29 720.00 30.76 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.03 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ---- cu.ft Trun EX POND-POST IN POND -- 1 ---------- -- 34946 EX POND-POST IN POND 2 43430 EX POND-POST IN POND 10 65563 EX POND-POST IN POND 100 99563 EX POND-POST IN POND 1 9196 EX POND-POST IN POND 25 78627 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 34923 EX POND-POST OUT POND 2 43408 EX POND-POST OUT POND 10 65540 EX POND-POST OUT POND 100 99541 EX POND-POST OUT POND 1 9174 EX POND-POST OUT POND 25 78604 • EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 34923 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 2 43407 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 10 65540 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 100 99541 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 1 9173 EXPOND OUT-PRE JCT 25 78604 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 34923 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 2 43407 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 10 65540 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 100 99541 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 1 9173 EXPONDOUT-POST JCT 25 78604 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 2998 *SUB01-POST JCT 2 4189 *SUB01-POST JCT 10 7573 *SUB01-POST JCT 100 13175 *SUB01-POST JCT 1 221 *SUB01-POST JCT 25 9686 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 715.00 -------- 14.09 -------- ------------ 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 724.00 6.52 366.48 12652 723.00 8.96 366.56 14754 722.00 15.63 366.74 19255 722.00 26.46 366.94 24585 728.00 .80 366.15 4010 722.00 19.75 366.82 21494 724.00 6.52 723.00 8.96 722.00 15.63 722.00 26.46 728.00 .80 722.00 19.75 724.00 6.52 723.00 8.96 722.00 15.63 722.00 26.46 728.00 .80 722.00 19.75 716.00 1.28 716.00 1.81 715.00 3.27 715.00 5.61 721.00 .06 715.00 4.16 C SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.04 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- ---- Event - cu.ft Trun SUB01-POST AREA ----- 1 ---------- -- 2998 SUB01-POST AREA 2 4189 SUB01-POST AREA 10 7573 SUB01-POST AREA 100 13175 SUB01-POST AREA 1 221 SUB01-POST AREA 25 9686 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 4887 SUB01-PRE AREA 2 7006 SUB01-PRE AREA 10 13160 SUB01-PRE AREA 100 23562 SUB01-PRE AREA 1 242 SUB01-PRE AREA 25 17060 • *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 4887 kSUB01-PRE JCT 2 7006 *SUB01-PRE JCT 10 13160 *SUB01-PRE JCT 100 23562 *SUB01-PRE JCT 1 242 *SUB01-PRE JCT 25 17060 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 626 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 2 906 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 10 1725 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 100 3120 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 1 4 SUB02-BYPASS AREA 25 2247 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 22059 *SUB02-POST JCT 2 28705 *SUB02-POST JCT 10 46507 *SUB02-POST JCT 100 74513 *SUB02-POST JCT 1 3699 *SUB02-POST JCT 25 57204 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 716.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.28 716.00 1.81 715.00 3.27 715.00 5.61 721.00 .06 715.00 4.16 730.00 1.20 730.00 1.76 729.00 3.37 727.00 6.04 737.00 .01 729.00 4.38 730.00 1.20 730.00 1.76 729.00 3.37 727.00 6.04 737.00 .01 729.00 4.38 716.00 .26 716.00 .39 715.00 .74 715.00 1.34 723.00 .00 715.00 .97 722.00 2.26 725.00 3.37 722.00 9.89 721.00 11.66 750.00 .16 721.00 10.58 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.05 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event cu.ft Trun *SUB02-PRE JCT ------ 1 ---------- -- 5772 *SUB02-PRE JCT 2 8351 *SUB02-PRE JCT 10 15897 *SUB02-PRE JCT 100 28747 *SUB02-PRE JCT 1 243 *SUB02-PRE JCT 25 20706 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 5772 SUB02-PRE AREA 2 8351 SUB02-PRE AREA 10 15897 SUB02-PRE AREA 100 28747 SUB02-PRE AREA 1 243 SUB02-PRE AREA 25 20706 SUB03-POST AREA 1 4548 • SUB03-POST AREA 2 6207 SUB03-POST AREA 10 10821 SUB03-POST AREA 100 18317 SUB03-POST AREA 1 455 SUB03-POST AREA 25 13662 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 4548 *SUB03-POST JCT 2 6207 *SUB03-POST JCT 10 10821 *SUB03-POST JCT 100 18317 *SUB03-POST JCT 1 455 *SUB03-POST JCT 25 13662 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 7225 SUB03-PRE AREA 2 10359 SUB03-PRE AREA 10 19457 SUB03-PRE AREA 100 34838 SUB03-PRE AREA 1 358 SUB03-PRE AREA 25 25225 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --- cfs ft cu.ft ------ 748.00 -------- -------- ------------ .85 748.00 1.28 747.00 2.52 741.00 4.61 766.00 .01 741.00 3.30 748.00 .85 748.00 1.28 747.00 2.52 741.00 4.61 766.00 .01 741.00 3.30 716.00 1.96 715.00 2.68 715.00 4.64 715.00 7.71 721.00 .16 715.00 5.82 716.00 1.96 715.00 2.68 715.00 4.64 715.00 7.71 721.00 .16 715.00 5.82 748.00 1.04 748.00 1.55 748.00 3.01 748.00 5.41 765.00 .01 748.00 3.92 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.06 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event cu.ft Trun *SUB03-PRE JCT ------ 1 ---------- -- 7225 *SUB03-PRE JCT 2 10359 *SUB03-PRE JCT 10 19457 *SUB03-PRE JCT 100 34838 *SUB03-PRE JCT 1 358 *SUB03-PRE JCT 25 25225 SUB04-POST AREA 1 821 SUB04-POST AREA 2 1147 SUB04-POST AREA 10 2074 SUB04-POST AREA 100 3609 SUB04-POST AREA 1 43 SUB04-POST AREA 25 2653 • *SUB04-POST JCT 1 *SUB04-POST JCT 2 *SUB04-POST JCT 10 *SUB04-POST JCT 100 *SUB04-POST JCT 1 *SUB04-POST JCT 25 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 SUB04-PRE AREA 2 SUB04-PRE AREA 10 SUB04-PRE AREA 100 SUB04-PRE AREA 1 SUB04-PRE AREA 25 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 *SUB04-PRE JCT 2 *SUB04-PRE JCT 10 *SUB04-PRE JCT 100 *SUB04-PRE JCT 1 *SUB04-PRE JCT 25 • 821 1147 2074 3609 43 2653 2931 4202 7895 14136 144 10235 2931 4202 7895 14136 144 10235 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 748.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.04 748.00 1.55 748.00 3.01 748.00 5.41 765.00 .01 748.00 3.92 716.00 .35 715.00 .49 715.00 .90 715.00 1.54 720.00 .01 715.00 1.14 716.00 .35 715.00 .49 715.00 .90 715.00 1.54 720.00 .01 715.00 1.14 749.00 .42 749.00 .63 743.00 1.22 743.00 2.20 751.00 .00 743.00 1.59 749.00 .42 749.00 .63 743.00 1.22 743.00 2.20 751.00 .00 743.00 1.59 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.07 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -------------- Type --- ---- Event - cu.ft Trun *SUB05-PRE JCT ----- 1 ---------- -- 5648 *SUB05-PRE JCT 2 8139 *SUB05-PRE JCT 10 15401 *SUB05-PRE JCT 100 27729 *SUB05-PRE JCT 1 255 *SUB05-PRE JCT 25 20019 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 3066 SUB05A-PRE AREA 2 4437 SUB05A-PRE AREA 10 8447 SUB05A-PRE AREA 100 15276 SUB05A-PRE AREA 1 128 SUB05A-PRE AREA 25 11002 • SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 2582 SUB05B-PRE AREA 2 3702 SUB05B-PRE AREA 10 6955 SUB05B-PRE AREA 100 12453 SUB05B-PRE AREA 1 127 SUB05B-PRE AREA 25 9017 SUB06-POST AREA 1 2016 SUB06-POST AREA 2 3002 SUB06-POST AREA 10 5960 SUB06-POST AREA 100 11117 SUB06-POST AREA 1 44 SUB06-POST AREA 25 7878 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 2016 *SUB06-POST JCT 2 3002 *SUB06-POST JCT 10 5960 *SUB06-POST JCT 100 11117 *SUB06-POST JCT 1 44 *SUB06-POST JCT 25 7878 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 749.00 -------- -------- ------------ .74 747.00 1.10 747.00 2.18 747.00 3.96 762.00 .01 747.00 2.85 756.00 .36 756.00 .55 756.00 1.09 756.00 2.00 788.00 .00 756.00 1.43 742.00 .41 742.00 .61 742.00 1.19 742.00 2.14 749.00 .00 742.00 1.55 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 716.00 .81 716.00 1.26 716.00 2.57 715.00 4.80 801.00 .00 715.00 3.40 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.08 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- --- Event cu.ft Trun SUB06-PRE - AREA ------ 1 ---------- -- 11447 SUB06-PRE AREA 2 16560 SUB06-PRE AREA 10 31522 SUB06-PRE AREA 100 57002 SUB06-PRE AREA 1 483 SUB06-PRE AREA 25 41059 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 11447 *SUB06-PRE JCT 2 16560 *SUB06-PRE JCT 10 31522 *SUB06-PRE JCT 100 57002 *SUB06-PRE JCT 1 483 *SUB06-PRE JCT 25 41059 • *SUB07-POST JCT 1 44806 *SUB07-POST JCT 2 57181 *SUB07-POST JCT 10 90544 *SUB07-POST JCT 100 143539 *SUB07-POST JCT 1 10167 *SUB07-POST JCT 25 110723 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 39063 *SUB07-PRE JCT 2 50114 *SUB07-PRE JCT 10 80555 *SUB07-PRE JCT 100 130117 *SUB07-PRE JCT 1 9221 *SUB07-PRE JCT 25 99292 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 1229 SUB07A-POST AREA 2 2090 SUB07A-POST AREA 10 4955 SUB07A-POST AREA 100 10443 SUB07A-POST AREA 1 0 SUB07A-POST AREA 25 6944 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min cfs ft cu.ft --------- 747.00 -------- -------- ------------ 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 747.00 1.62 747.00 2.45 747.00 4.86 747.00 8.88 781.00 .02 747.00 6.37 724.00 7.83 723.00 10.76 722.00 22.88 722.00 39.68 728.00 .83 721.00 29.31 726.00 7.07 725.00 10.04 725.00 18.71 724.00 33.21 730.00 .80 724.00 24.10 721.00 .42 720.00 .77 716.00 2.04 716.00 4.49 1.00 .00 716.00 2.94 is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.09 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID --------------- Type -- -- Event cu.ft Trun - SUB07A-PRE -- AREA ------ 1 ---------- - 2884 SUB07A-PRE AREA 2 4906 SUB07A-PRE AREA 10 11632 SUB07A-PRE AREA 100 24519 SUB07A-PRE AREA 1 0 SUB07A-PRE AREA 25 16302 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 1474 SUB07B-POST AREA 2 2096 SUB07B-POST AREA 10 3887 SUB07B-POST AREA 100 6892 SUB07B-POST AREA 1 83 SUB07B-POST AREA 25 5016 SUB07B-PRE AREA 1 1256 • SUB07B-PRE AREA 2 1800 SUB07B-PRE AREA 10 3383 SUB07B-PRE AREA 100 6058 SUB07B-PRE AREA 1 48 SUB07B-PRE AREA 25 4386 SUB07C-POST AREA 1 34946 SUB07C-POST AREA 2 43430 SUB07C-POST AREA 10 65563 SUB07C-POST AREA 100 99563 SUB07C-POST AREA 1 9196 SUB07C-POST AREA 25 78627 SUB07C-PRE AREA 1 34946 SUB07C-PRE AREA 2 43430 SUB07C-PRE AREA 10 65563 SUB07C-PRE AREA 100 99563 SUB07C-PRE AREA 1 9196 SUB07C-PRE AREA 25 78627 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min -- cfs ft cu.ft ------- 731.00 -------- -------- ------------ .48 731.00 1.00 728.00 2.83 728.00 6.38 1.00 .00 728.00 4.13 734.00 .29 734.00 .42 734.00 .80 734.00 1.43 740.00 .00 734.00 1.04 737.00 .24 737.00 .36 733.00 .69 733.00 1.25 732.00 .00 733.00 .90 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 715.00 14.09 715.00 17.28 715.00 25.50 715.00 37.95 715.00 3.95 715.00 30.30 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.10 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. 0- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------- ------ Type ---- Event -- cu.ft Trun TO WETLAND #1 AREA ---- 1 ---------- 21481 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 2 27849 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 10 44859 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 100 71505 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 1 3743 TO WETLAND #1 AREA 25 55049 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 18259 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 2 24012 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 10 39542 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 100 64091 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 1 2755 TO WETLAND #2 AREA 25 48910 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 23025 • TO WETLAND #3 AREA 2 30951 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 10 52722 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 100 87679 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 1 2748 TO WETLAND #3 AREA 25 66009 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 7202 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 2 9610 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 10 16185 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 100 26684 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 1 932 TO WETLAND #4 AREA 25 20181 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 21481 WETLAND #1 IN POND 2 27849 WETLAND #1 IN POND 10 44859 WETLAND #1 IN POND 100 71505 WETLAND #1 IN POND 1 3743 WETLAND #1 IN POND 25 55049 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min -- cfs ft cu.ft ------- 715.00 -------- -------- ------------ 9.20 715.00 11.82 715.00 18.62 715.00 28.90 716.00 1.56 715.00 22.59 715.00 7.87 715.00 10.29 715.00 16.63 715.00 26.27 716.00 1.09 715.00 20.35 716.00 9.94 715.00 13.36 715.00 22.49 715.00 36.57 720.00 1.00 715.00 27.91 715.00 3.11 715.00 4.14 715.00 6.88 715.00 11.07 720.00 .35 715.00 8.49 715.00 9.20 715.00 11.82 715.00 18.62 715.00 28.90 716.00 1.56 715.00 22.59 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.11 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. • MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID -=------ ---- ----- Type --- Event cu.ft Trun WETLAND #1 OUT - POND ------ 1 ---------- 21434 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 2 27800 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 10 44782 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 100 71393 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 1 3696 WETLAND #1 OUT POND 25 54957 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 18259 WETLAND #2 IN POND 2 24012 WETLAND #2 IN POND 10 39542 WETLAND #2 IN POND 100 64091 WETLAND #2 IN POND 1 2755 WETLAND #2 IN POND 25 48910 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 18225 • WETLAND #2 OUT POND 2 23978 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 10 39508 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 100 64057 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 1 2721 WETLAND #2 OUT POND 25 48875 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 23025 WETLAND #3 IN POND 2 30951 WETLAND #3 IN POND 10 52722 WETLAND #3 IN POND 100 87679 WETLAND #3 IN POND 1 2748 WETLAND #3 IN POND 25 66009 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 23007 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 2 30932 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 10 52703 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 100 87661 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 1 2729 WETLAND #3 OUT POND 25 65990 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage min --- cfs - ft cu.ft ------ 726.00 ------ - 2.13 -------- 372.62 ------------ 9118 726.00 3.24 372.85 11746 723.00 9.38 373.20 15927 724.00 10.77 373.91 24532 750.00 .16 371.95 1570 724.00 9.90 373.46 19060 715.00 7.87 715.00 10.29 715.00 16.63 715.00 26.27 716.00 1.09 715.00 20.35 725.00 2.24 349.53 7033 726.00 2.70 349.81 9347 724.00 7.23 350.37 14046 725.00 8.48 351.34 22393 743.00 .12 348.78 1021 724.00 7.71 350.72 17053 716.00 9.94 715.00 13.36 715.00 22.49 715.00 36.57 720.00 1.00 715.00 27.91 723.00 6.55 347.90 5816 722.00 8.94 348.12 7261 721.00 17.28 348.69 11022 721.00 27.79 349.23 14699 742.00 .16 347.12 765 719.00 23.32 348.82 11944 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 2.12 Name.... Watershed File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY SCS Unit Hydrograph Method (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID -------- ---- ----- Type ---- Event ---- cu.ft Trun min cfs ft cu.ft WETLAND #4 IN POND -- 1 ---------- -- 7202 --------- 715.00 -------- 3.11 -------- ------------ WETLAND #4 IN POND 2 9610 715.00 4.14 WETLAND #4 IN POND 10 16185 715.00 6.88 WETLAND #4 IN POND 100 26684 715.00 11.07 WETLAND #4 IN POND 1 932 720.00 .35 WETLAND #4 IN POND 25 20181 715.00 8.49 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 7181 725.00 .88 352.25 2664 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 2 9589 725.00 1.07 352.48 3637 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 10 16164 721.00 5.42 352.70 4549 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 100 26663 720.00 8.88 352.91 5497 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 1 911 733.00 .04 351.68 301 WETLAND #4 OUT POND 25 20160 718.00 7.27 352.76 4833 • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:50 AM 10/19/2010 FINAL STORMWA TER WETLAND W DESIGN CALCULATIONS • -_ TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #1 PLT-10000 • Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Town Hall Commons Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: PLT-10000 Date: 10/5/2010 • J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Volume Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 370.00 0.0 7,289 371.00 1.0 9,227 8258 8258 8258 1.01 372.00 2.0 10,490 9859 9859 18116 1.97 373.00 3.0 11.837 11164 11164 29280 2.95 374.00 4.0 13,266 12551 12551 41832 3.99 375.00 5.0 14,776 14021 14021 55852 5.10 Storage vs. Stage 60000 y = 8121.5x''84' 50000 Rz = 0.9994 . 40000 LL V 930000 0 0)20000 10000 0 t --4 0.0 1.0 2.0 Stagj.oeet) 4.0 5.0 6.0 Ks = 8121.5 b = 1.1841 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #1 J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks = 8121.5 b= 1.1841 • Zo = 370.00 Elevation [feet] Storage Elevation [cf] [acre-feet] [feet] 100-Year [c1] [acre-feet] 370.00 0 0.000 370.00 - - 370.20 1208 0.028 370.20 - - 370.40 2744 0.063 370.40 - - 370.60 4436 0.102 370.60 - - 370.80 6236 0.143 370.80 - - 371.00 8121 0.186 371.00 - - 371.20 10078 0.231 371.20 - - 371.40 12097 0.278 371.40 - - 371.60 14169 0.325 371.60 - - 371.80 16289 0.374 371.80 0 0.000 372.00 18454 0.424 372.00 2164 0.050 372.20 20659 0.474 372.20 4369 0.100 372.40 22900 0.526 372.40 6611 0.152 372.60 25177 0.578 372.60 8888 0.204 372.80 27486 0.631 372.80 11197 0.257 373.00 29826 0.685 373.00 13537 0.311 373.20 32195 0.739 373.20 15905 0.365 373.40 34591 0.794 373.40 18301 0.420 373.60 37013 0.850 373.60 20724 0.476 373.80- ' 39460 0.906 373.80 23171 0.532 374.00 41931 0.963 374.00 25642 0.589 374.20 44425 1.020 374.20 28135 0.646 374.40 46941 1.078 374.40 30651 0.704 374.60 49478 1.136 374.60 33188 0.762 374.80 52035 1.195 374.80 35745 0.821 375.00 54612 1.254 375.00 38322 0.880 E Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... WETLAND #1 Page 3.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) (cu.ft) is C7 370.00 0 370.20 1208 370.40 2744 370.60 4436 370.80 6236 371.00 8121 371.20 10078 371.40 12097 371.60 14169 371.80 16289 372.00 18454 372.20 20659 372.40 22900 372.60 25177 372.80 27486 373.00 29826 373.20 32195 373.40 34591 373.60 37013 373.80 39460 374.00 41931 374.20 44425 374.40 46941 374.60 49478 374.80 52035 375.00 54612 S/N: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#1 Page 2.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min.'Elev.= 370.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 375.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure ----------------- No. ---- Outfall ---- E1, ft E2, ft Orifice-Circular 01 --- ---> BA --------- 371.800 --------- 375.000 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 372.800 375.000 Orifice-Circular SI ---> BA 370.000 375.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 370.000 375 000 TW SETUP, DS Channel . • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:43 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#1 Page 2.02 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 01 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 3 Invert Elev. = 371.80 ft Diameter = .5000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • Structure ID = RI Structure Type ---------------- = Inlet Box -- # of Openings ------------------ = 1 Invert Elev. = 372.80 ft Orifice Area = 16.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 16.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = SI Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 370.00 ft Diameter = .1146 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:43 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#1 Page 2.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ---------------- = Culvert-Circular -- No. Barrels ------------ = 1 ------ Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 370.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 369.80 ft Horiz. Length = 39.00 ft Barrel Length = 39.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00513 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .023225 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft • INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) _ .000 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.304 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 370.00 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 371.63 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:43 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#1 Page 2.04 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments : OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:43 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#1 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- - Contributi ng Structures 370.00 .00 Free ---- Outfall ----------- (no Q: 01 --- ,RI ------------ ,SI,BA) 370.10 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 370.20 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 370.30 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 370.40 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 370.50 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 370.60 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 370.70 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 370.80 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 370.90 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 371.00 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 371.10 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 371.20 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 371.30 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 371.40 .06 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 371.50 .06 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 371.60 .06 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 371.70 .06 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 371.80 .06 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 371.90 .13 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.00 .33 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.10 .63 Free Outfall O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.20 1.00 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.30 1.48 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.40 1.74 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.50 1.96 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.60 2.17 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.70 2.35 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.80 2.52 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 372.90 4.19 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA 373.00 6.95 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA 373.10 8.90 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA 373.20 9.37 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: Ol,SI) 373.30 9.56 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:43 AM 10/19/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#1 Page 2.22 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------ ---- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft ---- Contributing Structures 373.40 9.77 - Free --- ----- Outfall ------- RIBA ---- (no --- Q: ------------ O1,SI) 373.50 9.98 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 373.60 10.18 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 373.70 10.37 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 373.80 10.56 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 373.90 10.75 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.00 10.93 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.10 11.11 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.20 11.29 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.30 11.45 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.40 11.62 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.50 11.78 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.60 11.94 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.70 12.09 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.80 12.25 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 374.90 12.40 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 375.00 12.56 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:43 AM 10/19/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #1 PLT-10000 SIZING CALCULATIONS • _> Determination of Water Quality Volume (WQ V) WQ v = (P) (R V) (A)112 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre-ft) Rv = 0.05+0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A = 3.22 acres Impervious area = 1.63 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 50.7 % Rainfall, P = 1.0 inches Calculated values: Rv= 0.51 WQv= 0.14 acre-ft = 5924 cf. _> Stormwater Wetland Required Surface Area Calculation WQ Volume = 5924 cf Maximum Ponding Depth = 12 inches Surface Area Required at Normal Pool = 5924 SF -> Associated Pond Depth in Stormwater Weiland Ks= 8121.5 b = 1.1841 V = 5924 Normal Pool Elevation = 370 feet WQ Elevation = 370.77 feet -> Determination of 1-Yr Pre:-Post Volume Storage Provided by Facility Input data: Control Orifice (3 x 6" Dia) Invert = 371.80 feet Normal Pool Elevation = 370.00 feet Calculated values: 1-Yr Pre-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #1) = 10,971 cf 1-Yr Post-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #1) = 21,576 cf 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume Difference= 10,606 cf Ks= 8121.5 • b= 1.1841 Storage Provided @ Orifice Invert 16,289 feet J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN WETLAND #1-1" WQ VOLUME D orifice = 1.375 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 8121.5 b = 1.1841 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 370.00 feet Orifice Invert = 369.50 feet 1" WQ Volume = 5924 cf WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 370.77 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.422 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.010 sf Q = 0.0323 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.13 days Conclusion : Use 1-1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1" storm runoff, with a required time of about 2.13 days. B.R. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN WETLAND #1-1 YR PRE-POST VOLUME B.R. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 D orifice = 1.375 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 8121.5 b = 1.1841 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 370.00 feet Orifice invert = 369.50 feet 1" Pre-Post Volume = 16289 cf WSEL @ 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume = 371.80 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.767 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.010 sf Q = 0.0435 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 4.34 days. I Conclusion : Use 1- 1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the difference in 1-Yr Pre-Post Runoff Volume, with a required time of about 4.34 days. • E PIPE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C 764Latest -- -- Class III, IV, & V 2. AASHTO M-1704Latest JOINT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C-443-Latest 2. ASTM C-361-Latest t 3. Joint Type-R4 with "O" Ring Rubber Gaskets. X s JI GS - ° GL TSa I a ° d °° 4 ° WT...._ ° AS F41 AST TD GD a ° ° »?..?-._.-.vim. n..®? d ,..?.,...,..u«.....a..m?. 04 o OI I X16" ID --{ GAP ID WT JT GD TD AS OI GW GS GL TS AST X OD Pounds Per Foot Plant 12" B-2114 3 112" 15.260" 14.725" .063" 14.606" .377' 11116" 1" 1" 1/8" 5 314" 19 5/16" 123 VB 15" C-3 31/2" 18.759" 18.224" .063" 18.105" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 51/2" 23 5/16" 191 VB 18" C41/4 31/2" 21.787" 21.252" .063" 21.133" .377" 11116" 1" 1" 118" 6" 26112' 249 VB 24" C- 3 3/4 3 7/8" 29.138" 28.950" .063" 28.408" .400 7/8" 13116" 1" 3/32" 6" 351/2" 367 VB N.T.S. Oldcastle Precast N.C. Products 920 Withers Road Raleigh, NC.27603 Phone: 919.772.6301 Fax: 919.772.1209 8'='0" RINGABS FILE NAME: 450SPC812RTG2_DET.DWG ISSUE DATE: JULY, 2008 www.oldcastlepmmtcom Reinforced "O" RING Modified Bell & Spigot Copyright @ 2005 owcamu Precast.i.. • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Wetland#1 Square Riser/Barrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data => Inside length of riser = 4.00 feet Inside width of riser = 4.00 feet Wall thickness of riser = 6.00 inches Base thickness of riser = 8.00 inches Base length of riser = 5.00 feet Base width of riser = 5.00 feet Inside height of Riser = 2.80 feet Concrete unit weight = 142.0 PCF OD of barrel exiting manhole = 21.00 inches Size of drain pipe (if present) = 8.0 inches Number of detention orifices (if present) = 3 Size of detention orifice (if present) = 6.0 inches Trash Rack water displacement = 38.00 CF Concrete Present in Riser Structure => Total amount of concrete: Adjust for openings: Base of Riser = 16.667 CF Riser Walls = 25.200 CF Opening for barrel = 1.203 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF Opening for detention orifice = 0.295 CF JW Caldwell, PE 10/5/2010 Note: NC;N-,vds lists unit wt. of manhole con ycte 1t 141. PC F. Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 40.195 CF Weight of concrete present = 15708 lbs Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure => Displacement by concrete = 40.195 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 44.800 CF Displacement by trash rack = 38.000 CF Total water displaced by riseribarrel structure = 122.995 CF Weight of water displaced = 7675 lbs • Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser => ® 0?,e ?f66 INa4oEP IN Wit 5T4'X-TVf-E Safety factor to use = 1.25 {recommond 1.25 or higher) Must add = 3886 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 63.68 PCF w Therefore, must add = 61.023 CF f concrete 1N 1V0J T?0,A-5 7-0 9{r CIO- Jo ?G TOWN HALL COMMONS Wetland#1 JW Caldwell, PE PLT-10000` f 10/5/2010 Standard base described above = 16.667 jCF f concrete iN 4AS? 666 • Therefore, base design must have = 77.689 CF of concrete tail- e?cl?M'j o?lelS Calculate size of base for riser assembly => ?I Length = Width = Thickness = Concrete Present = Check validity of base as designed => 8.000 feet 8.000 feet 15.0 inches 80.000 CF OK Total Water Displaced = 186.328 CF Total Concrete Present = 103.528 CF Total Water Displaced = 11627 lbs Total Concrete Present = 14701 lbs Actual safetyfactor = 1.26 is Results of design => Base length = 8.00 feet Base width = 8.00 feet Base Thickness = 15.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 2.96 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF 7xft 0,vwli of fbVIOw (elk also 13 /W?E4) OK • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 WETLAND #1 Velocity Dissinator NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design B.R. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Manning's roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. Flow Q,o (cfs) = 2.22 Ems"' Qio "E0 U(b `1?k vLTF& , jewrtN6 Slope S (%) = 0.53 f_SvuV C coNSEKvAnvt) Pipe Diameter Do (in) = 15 Manning's `n' = 0.013 Flow Depth (ft) = 0.60 Outlet Velocity (fps) = 3.779 • d50 Stone Thickness (inches) Class (inches) 3 A 9 F 6 B 22 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 Width = La + Do Width = 5 + 1.25 Width (ft) = 6.25 Use 7-ft NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results Pipe Diameter (ft) = 1.25 Outlet Velocity (fps) = 3.78 Apron Length (ft) = 5.00 Use NCDOT Class `A' Rip Rap d50 = 4" 5'L x TW x 9"Thick 0 • FINAL STORMWATER WETLAND #2 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 0 n TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #2 PLT-10000 • Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Town Hall Commons Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: PLT-10000 Date: 10/5/2010 • J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Volume Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 347.50 0.0 6,468 348.00 0.5 7,062 6765 3383 3383 0.51 349.00 1.5 7,920 7491 7491 10874 1.48 350.00 2.5 8,376 8148 8148 19022 2.48 351.00 3.5 8,818 8597 8597 27619 3.49 352.00 4.5 9,232 9025 9025 36644 4.53 352.50 5.0 9.426 9329 4665 41308 5.05 Storage vs. Stage 45000 40000 y = 7103.5x'0' 35000 RZ = 0.9999 C30000 V m 25000 20000 c (% 15000 10000 5000 0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Stag.#eet) 4.0 5.0 6.0 Ks = 7103.5 b = 1.0867 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #2 J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks= 7103.5 b = 1.0867 Zo = 347.50 • Elevation [feet] Storage Elevation [cf] [acre-feet] [feet] 100-Year [cf] [acre-feet] 347.50 0 0.000 347.50 - - 347.70 1236 0.028 347.70 - - 347.90 2624 0.060 347.90 - - 348.10 4077 0.094 348.10 - - 348.30 5574 0.128 348.30 - - 348.50 7103 0.163 348.50 - - 348.70 8660 0.199 348.65 0 0.000 348.90 10239 0.235 348.85 1574 0.036 349.10 11838 0.272 349.05 3168 0.073 349.30 13455 0.309 349.25 4781 0.110 349.50 15087 0.346 349.45 6409 0.147 349.70 16733 0.384 349.65 8052 0.185 349.90 18393 0.422 349.85 9708 0.223 350.10 20064 0.461 350.05 11377 0.261 350.30 21747 0.499 350.25 13057 0.300 350.50 23440 0.538 350.45 14747 0.339 350.70 25143 0.577 350.65 16448 0.378 350.90 26855 0.617 350.85 18158 0.417 351.10 28576 0.656 351.05 19877 0.456 351.30 30306 0.696 351.25 21604 0.496 351.50 32043 0.736 351.45 23339 0.536 351.70 33788 0.776 351.65 25082 0.576 351.90 35540 0.816 351.85 26832 0.616 352.10 37298 0.856 352.05 28590 0.656 352.30 39064 0.897 352.25 30353 0.697 352.50 40836 0.937 352.45 32124 0.737 352.50 32567 0.748 0 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... WETLAND #2 Page 3.04 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE • Elevation Volume (ft) ----------- (cu.ft) ---------- 347.50 0 347.70 1236 347.90 2624 348.10 4077 348.30 5574 348.50 7103 348.70 8660 348.90 10239 349.10 11838 349.30 13455 349.50 15087 349.70 16733 349.90 18393 350.10 20064 350.30 21747 350.50 23440 350.70 25143 350.90 26855 351.10 28576 351.30 30306 351.50 32043 351.70 33788 351.90 35540 352.10 37298 352.30 39064 352.50 40836 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/7/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 347.50 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 352.50 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure ----------------- No. ---- Outfall ------- E1, ft --------- E2, ft ------- Orifice-Circular 01 ---> BA 348.650 -- 352.500 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 350.000 352.500 Orifice-Circular SI ---> BA 347.500 352.500 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 344.500 352.500 • TW SETUP, DS Channel • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.02 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 01 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 3 Invert Elev. = 348.65 ft Diameter = .5000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • Structure ID = RI Structure Type ------------------ = Inlet Box ------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 350.00 ft Orifice Area = 16.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 16.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = SI Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 347.50 ft Diameter = .1042 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ------------------ = Culvert-Circular ------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 344.50 ft Dnstream Invert = 341.35 ft Horiz. Length = 35.00 ft Barrel Length = 35.14 ft Barrel Slope = .09000 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = 3.0000 Kb = .023225 Kr = 3.0000 HW Convergence = .001 • • INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.115 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.262 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 345.89 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 346.08 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.04 0 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs 11 • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ---------- ---- ----------- Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft ------ +/-ft -- ----- - Contributing Structures ------------------------- 347.50 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: 01 ,RI,SI,BA) 347.60 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 347.70 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.80 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 347.90 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.00 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.10 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.20 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.30 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.40 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.50 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.60 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.65 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.70 .06 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.80 .90 Free Outf_all 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.90 .45 Free Outfali 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.00 .80 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.10 1.20 Free Outfall O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.20 1.60 Free Outfall Ol,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.30 1.85 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.40 2.06 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.50 2.25 Free Outfall O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.60 2.43 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.70 2.59 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.80 2.75 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.90 2.90 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 350.00 3.03 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 350.10 4.69 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA 350.20 7.58 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,B A 350.30 9.82 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,B A 350.40 10.51 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,B A 350.50 10.63 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 350.60 10.75 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.70 10.86 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... wetland#2 Page 2.22 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: 17? WS Elev, Total Q ---------------- Elev. Q ft cfs 350.80 10.98 350.90 11.09 351.00 11.20 351.10 11.31 351.20 11.42 351.30 11.53 351.40 11.64 351.50 11.74 351.60 11.85 351.70 11.95 351.80 12.05 351.90 12.15 352.00 12.26 352.10 12.36 352.20 12.45 352.30 12.55 352.40 12.65 352.50 12.75 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** -------- Converge TW Elev Error ft +/-ft -------- ----- Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes ----------------------- Contributing Structures RI,BA (no Q: Ol,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: nl,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) SIN:. Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:03 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.20 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Jo - qg Project Title: Town Hall Commons arw Project Comments: ***** COMPGoITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. • • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft -------- +/-ft - Contributi ng Structures 347.50 .00 343.06 ---- - .000 ---------- (no Q: 01 --------------- ,RI,SI,BA) 347.60 .01 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.70 .02 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.80 .02 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.90 .02 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.00 .03 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.10 .03 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.20 .03 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.30 .04 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.40 04 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.50 .04 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.60 .04 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.65 .04 343.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.70 .06 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.80 .20 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.90 .45 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.00 .80 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.10 1.20 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.20 1.60 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.30 1.85 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.40 2.06 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.50 2.25 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.60 2.43 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.70 2.59 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.80 2.75 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.90 2.90 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 350.00 3.03 343.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 350.10 4.69 343.06 .000 01,RI,SI,BA 350.20 7.58 343.06 .000 01,RI,SI,BA SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:12 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. • Elev. Q ft -------- cfs 350.30 ------- 9.82 350.40 10.51 350.50 10.63 350.60 10.75 350.70 10.86 350.80 10.98 350.90 11.09 351.00 11.20 351.10 11.31 351.20 11.42 351.30 11.53 351.40 11.64 351.50 11.74 351.60 11.85 351.70 11.95 351.80 12.05 351.90 12.15 352.00 12.26 352.10 12.36 352.20 12.45 352.30 12.55 352.40 12.65 352.50 12.75 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes -------- Converge ------------------------- ft +/-ft 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 343.06 .000 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( Contributing Structures O1,RI,SI,BA O1,RI,SI,BA RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: 01.,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 11:12 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.20 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons- . Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY *^-r* CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft ------- +/-ft Contributi ng Structures 347.50 .00 - 347.06 ----- - .000 ------------------------- (no Q: 01,RI,SI,BA) 347.60 .01 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.70 .02 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.80 .02 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.90 .02 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 348.00 .03 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 348.10 .03 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 348.20 .03 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.30 .04 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) • 348.40 .04 347.06 .000 ST,BA (no n: 01,RI) 348.50 .04 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 348.60 .04 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.65 .04 347.06 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 348.70 .06 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.80 .20 347.06 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.90 .45 347.06 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.00 .80 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.10 1.20 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.20 1.61 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.30 1.85 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.40 2.06 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.50 2.25 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.60 2.43 347.06 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.70 2.59 347.06 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.80 2.75 347.06 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 349.90 2.90 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 350.00 3.04 347.06 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 350.10 4.68 347.06 .000 01,RI,SI,BA 350.20 6.86 347.06 .000 01,RI,SI,BA SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:24 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ------ ----- -- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft Contributing Structures 350.30 8.07 -------- 347.06 ----- .000 -------------- 01,RI,SI,BA ------------ 350.40 8.20 347.06 .000 01,RI,SI,BA 350.50 8.32 347.06 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.60 8.44 347.06 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.70 8.56 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.80 8.68 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.90 8.79 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 351.00 8.90 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) • 351.10 351.20 9.02 9.13 347.06 347.06 .000 .000 RI,BA RI,BA (no (no Q: Q: Ol,SI) O1,SI) 351.30 9.24 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.40 9.35 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.50 9.45 347.06 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.60 9.56 347.06 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.70 9.66 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.80 9.77 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 351.90 9.87 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 352.00 9.97 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 352.10 10.07 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 352.20 10.17 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 352.30 10.27 347.06 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 352.40 10.37 347.06 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 352.50 10.46 347.06 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:24 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 • ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .001 (+/- ft) FLOW PATH: Elev= 349.8; Branch: SI-BA-TW * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. • • Page 2.20 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q ---------------- Elev. Q ft cfs 347.50 347.60 347.70 347.80 347.90 348.00 348.10 348.20 348.30 348.40 348.50 348.60 348.65 348.70 348.80 348.90 349.00 349.10 349.20 349.30 349.40 349.50 349.60 349.70 349.80 349.90 350.00 350.10 TW Elev ft 100#0-to WrW (oAFicG uNCUx?EO? Notes Converge ------------------------- Error +/-ft Contributing Structures ----- -------------------------- .00 347.70 .000 (no Q: 01,RI,SI,BA) .00 347.70 .000 (no Q: 01 ,RI,SI,BA) .00 347.70 .000 (no Q: 01 ,RI,SI,BA) .01 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .02 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .02 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) .03 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .03 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) .03 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no 0. 01,RT) .03 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .04 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .04 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .04 347.70 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) .06 347.70 .000 Ol,SI,BA (no Q: RI) .20 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) .45 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) .79 347.70 .001 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 1.20 347.70 .001 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 1.60 347.70 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 1.84 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 2.05 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 2.25 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 2.42 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 2.59 347.70 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 2.74 347.70 .001 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 2.89 347.70 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 3.03 347.70 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 4.67 347.70 .000 01,RI,SI,B A SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:37 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .001 (+/- ft) FLOW PATH: Elev= 349.8; Branch: SI-BA-TW * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. • • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ------ ----- -- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft -------- +/-ft ----- - Contributing --- - Structures 350.20 6.33 347.70 .000 -- ------- 01,RI,SI,BA ------------ 350.30 7.23 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.40 7.37 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 350.50 7.51 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.60 7.64 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.70 7.77 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.80 7.90 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.90 8.02 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 351.00 8.15 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 351.10 8.27 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.20 8.39 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.30 8.51 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 351.40 8.63 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.50 8.74 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.60 8.86 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 351.70 8.97 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 351.80 9.08 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 351.90 9.19 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 352.00 9.30 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 352.10 9.41 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 352.20 9.52 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 352.30 9.62 347.70 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 352.40 9.72 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 352.50 9.83 347.70 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:37 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 • Page 2.13 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • • CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. WS Elev, Total Q ---------------- Elev. Q ft cfs 348.65 348.75 348.85 348.95 349.05 349.15 349.25 349.35 349.45 349.55 349.65 349.75 349.85 349.95 350.00 350.05 350.15 350.25 350.35 350.45 350.55 350.65 350.75 350.85 350.95 351.05 351.15 351.25 351.35 .00 .07 .27 .56 .94 1.41 1.68 1.90 2.10 2.29 2.46 2.62 2.76 2.90 2.97 3.58 5.47 6.91 7.21 7.34 7.48 7.61 7.74 7.87 8.00 8.12 8.25 8.37 8.49 Notes -------- Converge ------------------------- TTT Pl o?? 1'. rr?r ft +/-ft 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347,77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 347.77 .000 Contributing Structures (no Q: RI,OI,BA) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) O1,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,3A (no Q: RI) O1,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) 01,BA (no Q: RI) RI,OI,BA RI,OI,BA RI,OI,BA RI,OI,BA RI,BA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RIBA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RI,BA (no Q: 01) RIBA (no Q: 01) ? !ol)-Yte 7W -W .. &.Of- .4 Oak Fick (6M95r-LTDr- i S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 3:58 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#2 Page 2.14 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. is • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ------ ---- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft -------- +/-ft Contributing Structures 351.45 8.61 347.77 ----- - .000 ------ RIBA ---- (no --- Q: ------------ 01) 351.55 8.72 347.77 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 351.65 8.84 347.77 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 351.75 8.95 347.77 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 351.85 9.06 347.77 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 351.95 9.17 347.77 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 352.05 9.28 347.77 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 352.15 9.39 347.77 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 352.25 9.50 347.77 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 352.35 9.60 347.77 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 352.45 9.70 347.77 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 352.50 9.76 347.77 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) S/N: Bentley PondPack ( 3:58 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/5/2010 • N m • .C V • P-1 U ? w C ;O O ? N .- E rn N ?> N , N Q c U c w O .a a` O M m L6 N r Cl) O N t Q M O co O C {- EMU a ? U -2 A Q M O c ? t O .? -? N m o t o rm M U C N 0 O L_ N M N N N N 0 E U) U C N N T O O N p7 M N ? M C W N M 'c Cl) N O 3 :o o x? ./^1 0 +.0 > n W LJ O O O O O O O O N O M 0 06 A co M C O OON O m?C O' ? 000 ti' to O ''. m:`pM ?M E .Q: rr fJ9 C ap Cl) Cl:t Lo O ?® ® 4® OMWAW © yy O U) ? CO -q Cl) NC9 ? E ? 60 O O O O O O O O M M M MO Lo M O O M O to N vv to O N co ? O M -6? V- •9M d > >$ ?0 O 00 2? j O ? N _5A = cr- 0 00 It d0' d0' MM ?Loop ? -e -e ? ? M r) (D 0) Lo LO .. > >?$1r0 75.s C YJ Al O M O O N_ Jj05 O O N o a=' Lo Lo M r- UJ p p m M -6O O Mi t tcl- •9N L > >$rLo (0 0 ?Q-M O NO 3?8J(5cj i Odd' X00 ; M U-) ?oi$ W M M Co ?0- E + r- Lo O o L OO M co CV t t -C a > >C6MO CS ? od0 N_ + O O f? O VJ co M O O O OcM ? O a > >OMO O 75 C Cc ?p N -9 moJ 050 • C C 0 O U- N E cm m n. v L a Q c C C E w ''O^^ ° a` O N Cl) 0 N Q U) 0 W 0 0 0 ERU S ? u-2 N 2 E3 a 0 e ? fN 0 H O CO r M U ° 0 r w m m 0 E U a 'a O c N N 7 C i- l6 ? 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N M r V N rnr?rnrn v v v `O v 5,0 J V M M M M M 5 C r- r M N ?O O M T N N M ?O r N M M co co 3 3 y °o o °o °o °o CL 00000 wa) 00000 ^ c 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 L ; - 1 m LO OOLp0 N 03^ CD00No N O O 0 O N a 0 0 O O O ^ p O w cwO - U O O O O O -16 - O 0 cc 00 N c O O O O O p U E c O Q7 Q p O O O o 0 cU 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 m 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 a? 00000 c 01 p 0 LO 0 0 0 M 00 N V O (n N M M M M M W C O ?0 0 0 0 0 w v 0 O O E. 15 N... M M 0 0 IT W a o 0 0 0 0 0 O V 0 O O V O > ? N W V M M M M M 5 O O O O p ? r r r r r ? Ln m m m m Z' o 0! r N U 07-- c ZO O LL N 0) n. c? 0) c W p N ? O a` N 8 Lh N n M N Q D 0 O O O C ~ WU 7 V ? Q C N o D m o ~ co r M U c N a O L N a N N N N 0 E y v w c c (0 (6 T N 7 Q O co o C N N N C l0 ? O 3 ? :o X 0 • d fA .?+ m ? a 1 .r d CL E • n n 0 - U ^ 0 0- _ Q 6 4 4 N M . LL f0 U N N N N N N ?' 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LL LL LL C N+ O 0 0 0 0) 0) m m m m m c2 mmmmV) 0 C C C C C r r r r Y ? 7 7 7 7 w w w 42 ;2 _ C U U U U U C C C c C ,00 O O CO M M OD r Cl) N r- (n 0 2 J I M 7 O 5 (?O (MD .?- 1 O C ... U _ J c 0) C 3 y O O 0 00 0 YFL G 0 0 0 0 0 ?> 00000 y O O O O O ? U 0 O o 3^ v CO O L r, 00co0 N 0 0 0 0 0 ip 0 0 0 0 p E C 0 0 0 0 0 0 - MLL- O O O O O O N ? C 0 0 0 0 0 go C 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?m Q 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 cul 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0 0 0 0 0 Q N 0 0 0 0 0 C p LO (D O to O O M CO N V 7> O o O M M N M M M M C 7 w C " (n O O O O (D v LO O O E m v LO 0 04 U) M M M w c C Ltd O O O O (O V 0 0 0 O j v v (O O N 0 M Ur .9? w Cl) co 0 0 0 0 a r; n r; r` ? m m m m m m z 0 00 Q L V •- C O O LL N r E v o, LD 17 v m? C_ O C IM E C LL p N ? o a N r M O N Q rn 00 O O A F• ?U d a? L,cc ? 'O H o m M U C C 0 L v m ?i m 2 O E aN N U C pT O r 07 Q M U) C d0 N C) C m 30 N :o O X '- • d t m a DC d c a °' a V • I- cl) 0 LL a N 0 d' M v U m 'AS m m m a? c c c c c ? U U U U U O CO (O (0 O CO Cl) CO CO CO Cl) m U V1 O (, (0 0 0 n v Q? 0 O O CO M t0 n 0 (0 co (O ?O? ? TC7 ._ Cl) = J N c CO M M CD Lo o ?f aa ...I M c M °? M M M M M C • c r r r r O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 N L0 W ) V ( A ` 0 0 0 0 0 0 CU) ?. 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 (0 c ? ? v COO r ° y> 0) oaoe}}o0) Cl) 1 Cl) c o-ul M M 0 (_ C) -0 0 0 O to O O M CO N d' Cl) Cl) Cl) CL W L O O O O O p?.. O O O O O O M ? M J V E 04 CIA Ncli «0 3 W ? V N H T co co co co M LL V1 00 C C C C C N_ _ _ _ _ N (n O 0 0 (O O U) M M EL- 00000 L 0 0 0 0 0 c %4?v 00000 vJ c Q) E- c 00000 0 0 0 0 0 -°° E c 'v 00000 (6 O N m N O ? U a N .,.., O tp 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O Q y N 0 0 0 0 0 C Q ? Q . (O 0 M O O o 0 N 0 3 Z ^ n O m 00 m [0 O O O Cl) 0 p a 0 n n n C ,z m co m m m N M ?' ((7 r J d a. d d d L V w r LLN -O i l0 a v L? m? c cc WU O N M O a Q W O n 0 WU 3 c V 2 $3 x° C d ?:2 N A 0 yy' O H O n Cl) 0* m ( O L N 'o m m 2 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORA WATER WETLAND #2 PLT-10000 SIZING CALCULATIONS • _> Determination of Water Quality Volume " v) WQ v = (P) (R v)(A)/12 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre-ft) Rv = 0.05+0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A = 3.00 acres Impervious area = 1.26 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 42.0 % Rainfall, P = 1.0 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.43 WQv= 0.11 acre-ft = 4656 cf. _> Storntwaier Wetland Required Surface Area Calculation WQ Volume = 4656 cf. Maximum Ponding Depth = 12 inches Surface Area Required at Normal Pool = 4656 SF _> Associated Pond Depth to Stormwater Wedand Ks = 7103.5 b = 1.0867 V = 4656 Normal Pool Elevation = 347.50 feet WQ Elevation = 348.18 feet => Determination of 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume Storage Provided by Facility Input data: Control Orifice (3 x 6" Dia) Invert = 348.65 feet Normal Pool Elevation = 347.50 feet Calculated values: 1-Yr Pre-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #2) = 10,559 cf 1-Yr Post-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #2) = 18,537 cf 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume Difference = 7,978 cf Ks = 7103.5 b = 1.0867 • Storage Provided Orifice Invert = 8,269 feet J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN WETLAND #2 -1" WQ VOLUME D orifice = 1.25 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 7104.4 b = 1.086 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 347.50 feet Orifice Invert = 347.00 feet 1" WQ Volume = 4656 cf WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 348.18 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.393 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.009 sf Q = 0.0257 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.10 days • Conclusion : Use 1-1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1" storm runoff, with a required time of about 2.10 days. B.R. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS WETLAND #2 -1 YR PRE-POST VOLUME PLT-10000 • SIPHON DESIGN D orifice = 1.25 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 7103.5 b = 1.0867 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 347.50 feet Orifice Invert = 347.00 feet 1" Pre-Post Volume = 8269 cf WSEL @ 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume = 348.65 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.550 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.009 sf Q = 0.0304 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 3.14 days • Conclusion : Use 1-1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the difference in 1-Yr Pre-Post Runoff Volume, with a required time of about 3.14 days. B.R. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 E WT 4, PIPE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C 76-Latest Class III, IV, & V 2. AASHTO M-1704Latest JOINT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C-443-Latest 2. ASTM C-361-Latest 3. Joint Type-114 with "O" Ring Rubber Gaskets. x i a d a d ?- d JT OD - GS .., ? _ d ° GL TSB ? ? •?.) t tl ad ° C 9 d i? a Q d C d d d a d 10 ,4 AST TD GD d ° a° GW d A 01 ID GAP ID WT JT GD TD AS OI GW GS GL TS AST X OD Pounds Per Foot Plant 12" B-2114 31/2" 15.260" 14.725" .063" 14.606" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 5 3/4" 19 5116" 123 VB 15" C-3 31/2" 18.759" 18.224" .063" 18.105" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 51/2" 23 5116" 191 VB 18" C-3 1/4 31/2" 21.787" 21.252" .063" 21.133" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 6" 261/2' 249 VB 24" C- 3 3/4 3 7/8" 29.138" 28.950" .063" 28.408" .400 7/8" 13/16" 1" 3132" 6" 351/2" 367 VB •i Oldcastle Precast N.C. Products 920 Withers Road Raleigh, NC.27603 Phone: 919.772.6301 Fox: 919.772.1209 N.T.S. 8'='0" RINGABS FILE NAME: 450SPC812RTG2_DET.DWG ISSUE DATE: JULY, 2008 i Reinforced "O" RING Modified Bell & Spigot Copyright 0 2005 Omammi?prmst,im. TOWN HALL COMMONS Wetland#2 JW Caldwell, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • Spuare Riser/Barrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data => Inside length of riser = 4.00 feet Inside width of riser = 4.00 feet Wall thickness of riser = 6.00 inches Base thickness of riser = 8.00 inches Base length of riser = 5.00 feet Base width of riser = 5.00 feet Inside height of Riser = 5.50 feet Concrete unit weight = 142.0 PCF OD of barrel exiting manhole = 21.00 inches Size of drain pipe (if present) = 8.0 inches Number of detention orifices (if present) = 3 Size of detention orifice (if present) = 6.0 inches Trash Rack water displacement = 38.00 CF Concrete Present in Riser Structure => Total amount of concrete: • Adjust for openings: Base of Riser = 16.667 CF Riser Walls = 49.500 CF Opening for barrel = 1.203 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF Opening for detention orifice = 0295 CF Note: \C Products lists unit 1t1. of manhole can -ete at 1.42 PCF. Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 64.495 CF Weight of concrete present = 9158 lbs Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure => Displacement by concrete = 64.495 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 88.000 CF Displacement by trash rack = 38.000 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 190.495 CF Weight of water displaced = 11887 lbs Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser => K130e 666- (W-4,-OW l N P 5W- 5-W-7aC t^'EI6Mfi 066PIT- Safety factor to use = 1.25 (recommend t.25 er hi gher) Must add = 5700 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 63.68 PCF • Therefore, must add = 1concrete VII IW p? C4+? ?, /l;cv6p IV ",91 va-- -P ?`? pw- W TOWN HALL COMMONS Wetland#2 JW Caldwell, PE PLT-10000 fly*V-rof GRCl? 10/5/2010 Standard base described above = 16.667 CF of concrete • Therefore, base design must have = 106.182 C of concrete E Td j,?,E?Gf a1=?21 SEA 1 Calculate size of base for riser assembly => h L (??cw,otr?f& 0 Dill z Length = 8.000 feet Width = 8.000 feet Thickness = 20.0 inches Concrete Present = 106.667 CF Check validity of base as designed => Total Water Displaced = 280.495 CF Total Concrete Present = 154.495 CF Total Water Displaced = 17503 lbs Total Concrete Present = 21938 lbs Actual safetyfactor = 1.25 Results of design => • fib- t'Ejw o? 0? P o 6 o''rzl5?? B/t I S I?? OK Base length = 8.00 feet Base width = 8.00 feet Base Thickness = 20.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 3.95 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF OK 0 • FINAL STORMWA TER WETLAND #3 DESIGN CALCULATIONS • 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #3 J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Town Hall Commons Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: PLT-10000 Date: 10/5/2010 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Volume Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 345.50 0.0 5,195 346.00 0.5 5,635 5415 2708 2708 0.50 347.00 1.5 6,273 5954 5954 8662 1.48 348.00 2.5 6,590 6432 6432 15093 2.48 349.00 3.5 6,910 6750 6750 21843 3.49 350.00 4.5 7,234 7072 7072 28915 4.53 350.25 4.8 7.316 7275 1819 30734 4.79 • 0 Ks = 5666.2 b = 1.0793 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #3 J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks = 5666.2 b = 1.0793 Zo = 345.50 • Elevation [feet] Storage Elevation [cf] [acre-feet] [feet] 100-Year [cf] [acre-feet] 345.50 0 0.000 345.50 - - 345.70 997 0.023 345.70 - - 345.90 2108 0.048 345.90 - - 346.10 3265 0.075 346.10 - - 346.30 4453 0.102 346.30 - - 346.50 5666 0.130 346.50 - - 346.70 6898 0.158 346.70 - - 346.90 8147 0.187 346.90 - - 347.00 8777 0.201 347.00 0 0.000 347.20 10047 0.231 347.20 1269 0.029 347.40 11328 0.260 347.40 2551 0.059 347.60 12620 0.290 347.60 3843 0.088 347.80 13922 0.320 347.80 5145 0.118 348.00 15233 0.350 348.00 6456 0.148 348.20 16552 0.380 348.20 7775 0.178 348.40 17880 0.410 348.40 9103 0.209 348.60 19214 0.441 348.60 10437 0.240 348.80 20555 0.472 348.80 11778 0.270 349.00 21903 0.503 349.00 13126 0.301 349.20 23257 0.534 349.20 14480 0.332 349.40 24617 0.565 349.40 15840 0.364 349.60 25982 0.596 349.60 17205 0.395 349.80 27352 0.628 349.80 18575 0.426 350.00 28728 0.660 350.00 19951 0.458 350.20 30108 0.691 350.20 21331 0.490 350.25 30454 0.699 350.25 21677 0.498 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... WETLAND #3 • Page 3.05 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE • • Elevation Volume (ft) ----------- (cu.ft) ----- 345.50 ----- 0 345.70 997 345.90 2108 346.10 3265 346.30 4453 346.50 5666 346.70 6898 346.90 8147 347.00 8777 347.20 10047 347.40 11328 347.60 12620 347.80 13922 348.00 15233 348.20 16552 348.40 17880 348.60 19214 348.80 20555 349.00 21903 349.20 23257 349.40 24617 349.60 25982 349.80 27352 350.00 28728 350.20 30108 350.25 30454 SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/7/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments : REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 345.50 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 350.25 ft ********************************************** OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ********************************************** ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- Orifice-Circular ---- 01 ------- ---> BA --------- 347.000 --------- 350.250 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 348.500 350.250 Orifice-Circular SI ---> BA 345.500 350.250 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 341.000 350.250 . TW.SETUP, DS Channel. is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#3 • Page 2.02 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = 01 Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 3 Invert Elev. = 347.00 ft Diameter = 1.0000 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • Structure ID = RI Structure Type = ------------------- Inlet Box ----------------- # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 348.50 ft Orifice Area = 25.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 20.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = SI Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 345.50 ft Diameter = .1042 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/5/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------- No. Barrels = ----------- 1 ------ Barrel Diameter = 2.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 341.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 340.15 ft Horiz. Length = 45.00 ft Barrel Length = 45.01 ft Barrel Slope = .01889 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA ... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = 3.0000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .012411 (per ft of full flow) Kr = 3.0000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA. .. • Equation form 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.151 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.297 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 343.30 ft ---> Flow = 15.55 cfs At T2 Elev = 343.59 ft ---> Flow = 17.77 cfs • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMhIARY **** Cl • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- ----- Contributing Structures 345.50 .00 Free Outfall ----------- (no Q: 01 --- ,RI ------------ ,SI,BA) 345.60 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.70 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.80 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.90 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.00 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.10 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.20 .03 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 346.30 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.40 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.50 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 346.60 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.70 .04 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.80 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.90 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.00 .05 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.10 .15 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.20 .45 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.30 .93 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.40 1.56 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.50 2.34 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.60 3.27 Free Outfall O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.70 4.29 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.80 5.40 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.90 6.58 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.00 8.08 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.10 8.85 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.20 9.56 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.30 10.21 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.40 10.83 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.50 11.41 Free Outfall 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.60 13.86 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA 348.70 17.85 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA 348.80 22.84 Free Outfall 01,RI,SI,BA SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.22 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** • • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------ ------- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- ----- Contributing Structures 348.90 26.87 Free - Outfall ------ 01,RI, ------- SI,BA ------------ 349.00 28.99 Free Outfall 01,RI, SI,BA 349.10 30.45 Free Outfall 01,RI, SI,BA 349.20 30.87 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: Ol,SI) 349.30 31.14 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 349.40 31.40 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: Ol,SI) 349.50 31.67 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.60 31.93 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: Ol,SI) 349.70 32.19 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 349.80 32.45 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.90 32.70 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: Ol,SI) 350.00 32.95 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: 01,SI) 350.10 33.20 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 350.20 33.69 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) 350.25 33.76 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.20 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMNiiiA **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ---------- ---- ----------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft ----- - +/-ft Contributing Structures 345.50 .00 - - 341.96 ----- - .000 ------------------------- (no Q: 01,RI,SI,BA) 345.60 .01 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.70 .02 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.80 .02 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.90 .02 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.00 .03 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.10 .03 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 346.20 .03 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.30 .04 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) • 346.40 .04 341.96 ..000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 346.50 .04 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.60 .04 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 346.70 .04 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 346.80 .05 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 346.90 .05 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 347.00 .05 341.96 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 347.10 .15 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.20 .45 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.30 .93 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.40 1.56 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.50 2.34 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.60 3.27 341.96 .000 Ol,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.70 4.29 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.80 5.40 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.90 6.58 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.00 8.08 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.10 8.85 341.96 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.20 9.56 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.30 10.21 341.96 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ------------- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft Contributing Structures 348.40 10.83 -------- 341.96 ----- - .000 ------------- 01,SI,BA (no ------------ Q: RI) 348.50 11.41 341.96 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.60 13.86 341.96 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 348.70 17.85 341.96 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 348.80 22.84 341.96 .000 01,RI,SI,BA 348.90 26.87 341.96 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 349.00 28.99 341.96 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 349.10 30.45 341.96 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 349.20 30.87 341.96 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 349.30 31.14 341.96 .000 RI,BA (no Q: 01,SI) • 349.40 31.40 341.96 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.50 31.67 341.96 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.60 31.93 341.96 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.70 32.19 341.96 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.80 32.45 341.96 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.90 32.70 341.96 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.00 32.95 341.96 .000 RIBA (no Q: Ol,SI) 350.10 33.20 341.96 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.20 33.69 341.96 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.25 33.76 341.96 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:13 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.20 is File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARf °t** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. C: • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft -------- +/-ft ----- Contributing Structures 345.50 .00 343.21 - .000 ---------- (no Q: 01 --------------- ,RI,SI,BA) 345.60 .01 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 345.70 .02 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 345.80 .02 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 345.90 .02 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.00 .03 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 346.10 .03 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.20 .03 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: 01,RI) 346.30 .04 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.40 .04 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no n: O1,RI) 346.50 .04 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.60 .04 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.70 .04 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 346.80 .05 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: Ol,RI) 346.90 .05 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.00 .05 343.21 .000 SI,BA (no Q: O1,RI) 347.10 .15 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.20 .45 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.30 .93 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.40 1.56 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.50 2.34 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.60 3.26 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.70 4.28 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.80 5.40 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 347.90 6.58 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.00 8.08 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.10 8.85 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.20 9.55 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.30 10.21 343.21 .000 01,SI,BA (no Q: RI) ` ZS^tot Tw ?ih SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:24 AM 101512010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.21 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. • • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ------------- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft Contributing Structures 348.40 10.82 -------- 343.68 ----- - .000 ------------- 01,SI,BA (no ------------ Q: RI) 348.50 11.41 343.68 .000 O1,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 348.60 13.85 343.68 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 348.70 17.86 343.68 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 348.80 22.84 343.68 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 348.90 24.97 343.68 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 349.00 26.63 343.68 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 349.10 27.48 343.68 .000 O1,RI,SI,BA 349.20 27.73 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.30 27.98 343.68 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.40 28.23 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.50 28.47 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.60 28.72 343.68 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.70 28.96 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.80 29.20 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 349.90 29.44 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.00 29.68 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.10 29.91 343.68 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.20 30.14 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) 350.25 30.26 343.68 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1,SI) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:38 AM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.13 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: **^** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. • • WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -------- Converge ------- --- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft -------- +/-ft Contrib uting Structures 347.00 .00 343.69 ----- .000 -------- (no Q: ------ RI,OI ------------ ,BA) 347.10 .10 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.20 .40 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.30 .87 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.40 1.50 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.50 2.27 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.60 3.21 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.70 4.22 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 347.80 5.34 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 3e-7 an 6 s1) 343.69 .000 01,BA (no Q: RI) 348.00 8.02 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 348.10 8.79 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 348.20 9.50 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 348.30 10.14 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 348.40 10.76 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 348.50 11.34 343.69 .000 O1,BA (no Q: RI) 348.60 13.79 343.69 .000 RI,O1,BA 348.70 17.79 343.69 .000 RI,O1,B A 348.80 22.79 343.69 .000 RI,O1,B A 348.90 24.95 343.69 .000 RI,O1,B A 349.00 26.61 343.69 .000 RI,O1,BA 349.10 27.45 343.69 .000 RI,O1,BA 349.20 27.71 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 349.30 27.96 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 349.40 28.21 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 349.50 28.45 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 349.60 28.70 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 349.70 28.93 343.69 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) 349.80 29.18 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 3:58 PM 10/5/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#3 Page 2.14 File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign-100Yr. Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments : ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY ***- CUMULATIVE HGL CONVERGENCE ERROR .000 (+/- ft) * Max. convergence errors shown may also occur for flow paths other than the ones listed above. WS Elev, Total Q Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- ------ -------- ----- -------------------------- 349.90 29.41 343.69 .000 RI,BA (no Q: 01) 350.00 29.65 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 350.10 29.88 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 350.20 30.11 343.69 .000 RIBA (no Q: O1) 350.25 30.23 343.69 .000 RI,BA (no Q: O1) • • SIN: Bentley PondPack ( 3:58 PM Bentley Systems, Inc. 10/5/2010 U C ? p E L r N a, • > d. a? o ?U r P-1 c w o o 0 cn CD ?j 'o ' o j / L6 N o j N 7 / Q Cl) ?' 00 C) f? O D1 m o t?9 A ?- ? U o 0 E m ? 4? L !6 / ° Q g ? ? ? cp 0 t N 0 :° N r. 7 m / y L U 2 U C / 0 U / IS) N N N (6 C R O O S` 7 U a cl) fl M C 0 ? M • C M O m 3 :o %o x N fn 0 m ti= 0 O CL c a? ''v^ V/ N 14 46 cte OON O m N Lr) CO ?M C O N LU O O O 0 O O O O N O 06 co M M A ? O N CO ?- O L MM U? nt'LV CM _l > >O?O NCCC) N QCO NO v = O LO 00 It 66 9 IT CY) M L U /•?A? tA??.c0 VJ L.L W OU)In COr-O _ui 45 0 Q.CO NO 2 CLj 0 (n LO LO CO ? O O MM VO > W O ? 0' DCCNN J?Dj0vj U V .? c O LL N E M n. ?>, a? o ?Q U cE W 0 N O a` N LO r m O (N Q U) D OD 0 p ?U E U ? m Q O L ? Y r ° m r M U C N 0 O L N (6 N N (6 0 • r? O $ > M W M M ?M Q T 0 •- = U') 0 O In It m ( co r- -60 C >00L) C C? OO CL C? NO ::) C) J(A0 O f? CO CO -8 O) M M -E ij- C M W ^ O 0 LO > >pMp OCC M N O N NO -1 Z) 0J00 0 E a) U C m l0 O 0 Q M p C N (0 ? N r C: m N p 3 LO 0 %o x r? d m C d V l? u a t 0 C. d C 0 0 :5:5 2g 00000 I- I- H H F- S 2 2 2 S Q Q a Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q O a c 0 at (1) Co N (S) LL LL L=L U. LL c mw c v m m m m m (/) (D (n (n (/) J c c c c c r r ? 7 7 7 7 Co ?10 N N N N N N ? ? 0 0 0 c U U U U U C C c C a 8 0 (j O c ( 0 7a ( ( 0, ?$ N N M ?-- a (? C M M M M Cl) C 7 0 ? N 10 O CO T N N i N Cl a c T C9 J V s{ M Cl) M 2 c 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0a0o0 YLL 00000 0 0 0 0 0 00^ 0 0 0 0 00000 v , am U 0 0 0 0 3 ,^ 0 0 It 0 (n O O V O 10 LL a 0 0 0 0 0 O3? 0 0 0 0 0 p C 0 O? 0 0 0 0 0 H-s (O LLB O O O O O O 00 00 O N C O O O O O E 0 c - u?E c O 71 O O O O O N Q N O O O O O cU 0 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 aw 00000 c O 2 0 (n 0 0 0 E m'? O M 0 N V 7 > V V' V V' M U) N M M M M M W c 0 LO 0 0 0 0 O 7 0 0 0 _ > rY v LO in V M M M M M W C 2) 0 0 0 0 0 1. O It LO O O o>? a v (0n 0 a Ur .2 M M Cl) M M O O O O C) M m CD m m m ram c o 0 LL N - E `? rn p? r l0 N d 0 > C O) c W 0 N ? o d O LO O N N O r O O C F aU E 7 O v -e r O C a) oa N 7 O n Cl) U C N O L N a (0 N N f0 S O E 0 C (6 (0 .O O i O Q M rn C co m N '0- ? O 0 3 N :O O X '- L • d m C a ?'f N Ida. V • LL Q ? V' V' O N N M ? v U N N N N N ? U U U U U C C C C C ? U U U U U 6 i N O O O t0 o o 10 f0 O l U p O V' Cl) Cl) Cl) V' W N M fro 100 .,. f 6 N N r ? TC?C MMMMM = J j C V N M f- O VC O f0 N N N N Cl) C v J Cl) Cl) M M M = pt M M M M Cl) = = _ _ O o o O O C 0 0 0 0 0 f6 0 0 0 0 fn m _ v?r,aotnv 0 0 0 0 0 0 2? oo000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lf) - It co 0)0000) C> M M M M M C O W = f0 -t o 0 0 0 0 0 O M o N It c > V M ) p_- N M M M M M W ,L 0 0 0 0 0 p? O o 0 0 0 M N LO v M J O M m w V m v v v m 3 ?, o ° ' v v ' v, - ? of v v v fn I- TLL = L L L L L O (D N_ C C G C C_ a) U O to 0 00 fn M r CO E z 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00 Ti : 00000 C- C O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 E f6 fU E o ? 0 0 0 0 0 is U 0 CL U co m N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 N G Q U Q ? N D r N M V 0 O 0 0 0 r r 0 m m m m W 0 0 0 o ° N r r r r 0.Z rnmmmm a? a C? I? fi as fi fi it N O Gomm C 00 O ? N.- T v fu E u m L > a0i ? c U c € c w 0 fU ? O a D ro O N CD 0 e U fa U -2 E3 f0 Q 0 a' C fU "! N 0 H O N 0 O L N v 0 4) N O y= O •L a ? C V N N O OON N -? Ln M M Li Q E c m N J C O N w cr-! cr- O In 00 qt O O MM U/WLO y? 'C c- - ce) N N O LO Lo c 0 0 LO 0 0 CL C? (0 N IDD.JU)U) ct:? ct:? 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J C V .1 W V• co M co M co 2 cm M M M M M C ? 0 0 0 0 0 C C O O O O O l6 w O O co n O IT 0 co Ln N O O co O O O C O O O O O 0 o o 00 o cc c to o ° ° u ? 0 0 9 C > (3) O O O 0) Cl) (1) Cl) M M O?W L m h o Lo U) 0Uno O Cl) 00 N ll? >M aC Nv M M M M co W L O O O O O O O O O O v c a) M N 6 v m l O C ) O 00 V LO U) LO N N 6 N 3 N N N - > O ao 00 . LL I co C U U 0 0 U U U N_ C C C C C_ m (A O 0 to 0 O 07 M M .?, E '- L 0 0 0 0 0 L O O O O O O O O O O (n C C_ C 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 E o •U 6 6 6 6 6 M.2 E C O N O ? U a (0 0 m O O 00 O O O O O O N 0 0 6 6 0 N C ? U Q l9 co Z'OO N M $ O o oo 3 Z nn 0 m m m m -> W O 0 0 0 0 N- p 0 o n ? 1 n aZ mco mmm a? m N M L? .- a a a a a H r C O 0 ILN- E m a a? L 0 c U m? W 0 aoi m 'o a` O t6 N r Cl) N 0 W O N (D O T ? ?U 9: o-2 W 9 d It C N O 'D M U d Y = O O m n M U C N 0 L N L N N f6 2 0 E N "O U C O d T N N 0 Q M t- 04 N c m ?o :O %o x .- N R ? m O 0 L •? a as N 8 Lo ev- Lo O O N f? O lobNc 'M Q .n?E v O ti N J E C 0 LP W O O 0 C ? O ? N.- E m N d N p a) Q ?U cc W 0 N f5 0 CL LO ll? Cl) N Q co 0 0 a T ? c U E S U ? N E3 Q 2 O o ? N d 0 L O ? O m` ro U C a 0 r m ns in m 2 0 • Q NN7 V-- 0) w oj co co M -co 'Q E J?(n 0 O 00 cM O LO co v cv- N 000 MM U? I 'C 'C c- .- M Cl- a) a) O Lr) Ln NC c: C) V Qj QC00 NO j05o Ct--! ct-? O LO M 0 C) 'IT A co Lo C 00 L.L W W 0 L) Lo ? - - In (0 N O ct:! ct:! Ln LO M ? Cl=! ci 0* M M ( 0 M -- a a)p?CN (0 > COr.00 a) - N QCM NO JD0J(n(n ct:? cte LO O O LO cl_- 'T CO McM VO N?,t O•CM a)00u C > MMp O N QC? N? JDOJ00 O ..............' O cl?- cv- T7 CW M M c MM UO 7'Cv$•CM CL a) a) 0 0 O O in C COMOO --M N O QC't _NO JDOAo 0 0 E In m T ° o'Q cb N cc m ?o 0 %o x O O O O N c6 (6 LO c CY) A A C v U • 0 N m J C d V N • '. 0 C. d C CO) 10 0 CO 0 _2 00000 m m m mm m Q I- 0 ' p.t m N 2 LL LL LL LL LL- 2 0 0) 0) 0 0> z. Nom' m m m m m c c0i U) 0) (0 V) m O C C C C C r r 7 7 > > 7 42 42 a O U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = U U U U U N N N N N N N N N N C7 C7 C7 C7 C? : W M Cl) CO Cl N n i0 O M W) n N e , F O fo n LO M CO n N M M CAM : ° e o°oo°o ? ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y 0 0 0 0 0 ^ O .2 0 'a 0 0 0 0 0 Ca 2 U 9 9 O O 03^ 0o 9 o o v v, X00000 N 0 0 0 0 0 ?p C 3 N 0 0 C) p C 00 0 0 0 0 0 00000 N^ O O O O O E o c . U 00 0 0 0 0 0 yQ? 0 0 0 0 cU U - m 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 = 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q? 00000 a 2 0 0 0 0 0 O M 00 .. > N V 0 0 3 v V V V M (? ? M M M M M W O m 0 0 o O E ' (O u1 0 0 m U) LO M M M a) M M w C o ?no000 = mvLO00 >? ?v°0v o (5 N u CO CM M M M O O O O ? m m m m m C Q O E N ? E v D) 0) 7a aoi m c U rc W p N ? O a O O M n 0 N N D 0 O n O WU 7 v ? 7 • 3 %L Y m C o s O N o t o ~ m n M U C Vl O L N a 03 m m 2 0 E ?i U C m f0 T 8 7 Q 0 Mn v Un c f6 m N C ? N ? O 3 :o o X .- • d m 0 NNa LPL d d EL 0 a CO) • n V M O o, r- r- 0 NLr)vv LL CL m -- Cl) U c c c c c ? U U U U U C? OD CD CO CO OD M CO CD OD M O U U) C y o :it. r- co co co rn O O O M M ? h to CO O CO L Q N M V t0 V = J '-yc CO M M o r N m v CC) N N T U v chi cc chi ch M i 2 O Cl) M M M M C • _ _ _ _ ? O O O O O c c C 0 0 0 0 0 l0 y O O o h O) O N .-. M N M CC, CL ti) (D L0 tc) « O O O O O O mv 0 0 0 0 0 O 00000 m c 0 0 0 Lf) O o r V OD i 0 0 i F C C> a a 0V} c e) M Cl) VCl) O w C co •C 0 U') Lo O M O O M OD N V a) ..^ Q C N M M M Cl) Cl) W 0000 O CA ^ 0 0 0 0 0 V J O M o co V 04 N N N N .6 N 3 h Nt V ' ? H T co Cp CO LL Cl) M O O C.) 0 N C_ C C C_ C_ N CA O to CO Lo O Cn M M E^ 0 0 0 0 0 4) OZ 0 0 0 0 0 c L K2 C O O O O O O C=- C O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 - O N E r - u 0 0 0 00 . N-rk N C6 O) O ? U a m, ca in 00 O 00 a O O O O N C 2 V O O O O O a m a r N M $ O o 0 o c 0 r r m m o m m -) w (L) 00r-00 10 ,z co co co co m 75 L CV M to r J ma. LmcL a jok c TO O LL N E C m L 0p c Ua •? c w o (m 0 a` CD 8 U) N n Cl) N 00 O r\ O T F EAU 3 ? V ? W O C L n O) O O co r- M U C N 0 O L N v m m N 2 a E N U C l0 O T S oa M to '00 C O M N '? c ?o O O X ? TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #3 PLT-10000 SIZING CALCULATIONS • => Determination of Water Quality Volume (WQ v) WQ v = (P) (R v) (A)/12 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre-ft) Rv = 0.05+0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A = 4.36 acres Impervious area = 1.24 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 28.4 % Rainfall, P = 1.0 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.31 WQv= 0.11 acre-ft = 4843 cf. => Stormwater Wdland Required Surface Area Calculation WQ Volume = 4843 cf. Maximum Ponding Depth = 12 inches • Surface Area Required at Normal Pool = 4843 SF => Associated Pond Depth in Stormwater Wetland Ks = 5666.2 b = 1.0793 V = 4843 Normal Pool Elevation = 345.50 feet WQ Elevation = 346.36 feet => Determination of 1-Yr Prey-Post Volume Storage Provided by Facility Input data: Control Orifice (3 x 12" Dia) Invert = 347.00 feet Normal Pool Elevation = 345.50 feet Calculated values: 1-Yr Pre-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #3) = 14,668 cf 1-Yr Post-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #3) = 23,318 cf 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume Difference 8,650 cf Ks = 5666.2 b = 1.0793 • Storage Provided @ Orifice Invert = 8,777 feet J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS WETLAND PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN D orifice = # orifices = Ks = b= Cd siphon = Normal Pool Elevation = Orifice Invert = 1" WQ Volume = WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = #3 - 1" WQ VOLUME 1.25 inch 1 5666 1.0767 0.60 345.50 feet 345.00 feet 4843 cf 346.36 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.455 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.009 sf Q = 0.0277 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.03 days • Conclusion : Use 1-1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1" storm runoff, with a required time of about 2.03 days. B.R. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 0 • TOWN HALL COMMONS WETLAND #3 -1 YR PRE-POST VOLUME PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN D orifice = 1.25 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 0 b = 5666.2 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 345.50 feet Orifice invert = 345.00 feet 1" Pre-Post Volume = 8777 cf WSEL @ 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume = 347.00 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.667 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.009 sf Q = 0.0335 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 3.03 days • Conclusion : Use 1-1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the difference in 1-Yr Pre-Post Runoff Volume, with a required time of about 3.03 days. B.R. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 0 r PIPE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C 76-Latest Class III, N, & V G- 2. AASNTO M-170-Latest JOINT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C443-Latest ' 2. ASTM C-361-Latest 3. Joint Type-114 with "O" Ring Rubber Gaskets. .G X fE ° JT ° ?GS GL TSa ° 4 1 ° L WT 4 4 a AST TD ° a4 GW <4 ° 01 GAP ID - P ID WT JT GD TD AS OI GW GS GL TS AST X OD Pounds Per Foot Plant 12" B-2 114 3 1/2" 15.260" 14.726" .063" 14.606" .377" 11116" 1" 1" 1/8" 5 314" 19 5116" 123 VB 15" C-3 31/2" 18.759" 18.224" .063" 18.105" .377" 11116" 1" 1" 1/8" 51/2" 23 5116" 191 VB 18" C-3 1/4 3 1/2" 21.787" 21.252" .063" 21.133" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 118" 6" 261/2' 249 VB 24" C- 3 3/4 3 7/8" 29.138" 28.950" .063" 28.408" .400 7/8" 13/16" 1" 3/32" 6" 351/2" 367 VB N.T.S Oldbasfe Precast N.C. Products 920 Withers Road Raleigh, NC.27603 Phone: 919 772.6301 Fox: 919.7721209 8'='0" RINGABS FILE NAME: 450SPC812RTG2-DET.DWG ISSUE DATE: JULY, 2008 wwwAdcastleprecastcom Reinforced "O" RING Modified Bell & Spigot Copyright O 2005 owoasapmaec,ine. TOWN HALL COMMONS Wetland#3 JW Caldwell, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • Square Riser/Barrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data => Inside length of riser = Inside width of riser = Wall thickness of riser = Base thickness of riser = Base length of riser = Base width of riser = Inside height of Riser = Concrete unit weight = OD of barrel exiting manhole = Size of drain pipe (if present) _ Number of detention orifices (if present) _ Size of detention orifice (if present) _ Trash Rack water displacement = Concrete Present in Riser Structure => Total amount of concrete: • Adjust for openings: Base of Riser = Riser Walls = Opening for barrel = Opening for drain pipe - Opening for detention orifice - 5.00 feet 5.00 feet 6.00 inches 8.00 inches 6.00 feet 6.00 feet 7.50 feet 142.0 PCF 31.50 inches 8.0 inches 3 12.0 inches 61.70 CF 24.000 CF 82.500 CF 2.706 CF 0.175 CF 1.178 CF Note: NC Products lists unit wt. of manholo cony eta at 142 PC F. Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 102.441 CF Weight of concrete present = 14547 lbs Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure => Displacement by concrete = 102.441 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 187.500 CF Displacement by trash rack = 61.700 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 351.641 CF Weight of water displaced = 21942 lbs Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser => gat ( F It'XWO o Id Safety factor to use = 1.25 (recommend 1.25 of higher) Must add = 12881 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 63.68 PCF • Therefore, must add = 202.282 CF of concrete INElbtl'rr or 6D` NWW ti? ft-00177 N -P SA p-lxe 60- TOWN HALL COMMONS Wetland#3 JW Caldwell, PE PLT-10000 tniF-? of ;5010 Standard base described above = 124.000 CF f concrete Ir, RaSc-/- • Therefore, base design must have = 226.282 CF of concrete Calculate size of base for riser assembly => -P-/)q7- u r.IGr f OF F-I at5i= CINa'-a,i& !3"ofew Length = 9.000 feet 6060 Width = 9.000 feet Thickness = 34.0 inches Concrete Present = 229.500 CF OK Check validity of base as designed => Tam wEi(.H-/ a F MC 1(Iavlok'=o C 0V P,( 6A3C- l 5 vc(-uDEo) Total Water Displaced = 557.141 CF Total Concrete Present = 307.941 CF Total Water Displaced = 34766 lbs Total Concrete Present = 43728 lbs Actual safetyfactor = 1.26 OK Results of design => Base length = 9.00 feet ' Base width = 9.00 feet Base Thickness = 34.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 8.50 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF r ? ?J TOWN HALL COMMONS WETLAND #2 & 3 B.R. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • Velocity Dissipator NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Manning's roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. Flow Qlo (cfs) = 18.44 Qio !e/}5EO 46x1 it hea OraFAt,(, l P& M" Slope S (%) = 1.89?,? ?[oNM7I?nf) Pipe Diameter Do (in) = 30 Manning's `n' = 0.013 Flow Depth (ft) = 0.98 Outlet Velocity (fps) = 10.283 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results U Pipe Diameter (ft) = 2.50 Outlet Velocity (fps) = 10.28 Apron Length (ft) = 1 5.00 d50 Stone Thickness (inches) Class (inches) 3 A 9 -? 6 B 22 13 Bor1 22 23 2 27 Width = La + Do Width = 15 + 2.5 Width (ft) = 17.5 Use 18-ft Use NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap d50 = 8" 15'L x 18'W x 22"Thick 0 • FINAL STORMWA TER WETLAND #4 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 0 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 • TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #4 PLT-10000 Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Town Hall Commons Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: PLT-10000 Date: 10/5/2010 • J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Volume Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 350.00 0.0 2,631 351.00 1.0 3,472 3051 3051 3051 1.01 352.00 2.0 4,008 3740 3740 6791 1.97 353.00 3.0 4,565 4287 4287 11078 2.98 354.00 4.0 5.144 4854 4854 15932 4.05 Storage vs. Stage 18000 16000 1 189 y = 3023.7x 14000 R2 = 0.9996 uV0000 60000-- .28000 N 6000 4000 2000 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Stage (W4 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Ks = 3023.7 b = 1.189 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #4 J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • _> Stage - Storage Function Ks = 3023.7 b = 1.189 • Zo = 350.00 Elevation [feet] Storage Elevation [cf] [acre-feet] [feet] 100-Year [cf] [acre-feet] 350.00 0 0.000 0 - - 350.20 446 0.010 0 T - - 350.40 1017 0.023 350.40 - - 350.60 1647 0.038 0 - - 350.80 2319 0.053 350.80 - - 351.00 3024 0.069 351.00 - - 351.20 3756 0.086 351.20 - - 351.40 4511 0.104 351.40 - - 351.60 5287 0.121 351.60 0 0.000 351.80 6082 0.140 351.80 795 0.018 352.00 6894 0.158 352.00 1607 0.037 352.20 7721 0.177 352.20 2434 0.056 352.40 8563 0.197 352.40 3275 0.075 352.60 9418 0.216 352.60 4130 0.095 352.80 10285 0.236 352.80 4998 0.115 353.00 11164 0.256 353.00 5877 0.135 353.20 12055 0.277 353.20 6768 0.155 353.40 12956 0.297 353.40 7669 0.176 353.60 13867 0.318 353.60 8580 0.197 353.80 14788 0.339 353.80 9500 0.218 354.00 15718 0.361 354.00 10430 0.239 0 Type.... Vol: Elev-Volume Name.... WETLAND #4 Page 3.06 is File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw USER DEFINED VOLUME RATING TABLE Elevation Volume (ft) ----------- (cu.ft) ---------- 350.00 0 350.20 446 350.40 1017 350.60 1647 350.80 2319 351.00 3024 351.20 3756 351.40 4511 351.60 5287 351.80 6082 352.00 6894 352.20 7721 352.40 8563 352.60 9418 352.80 10285 353.00 11164 353.20 12055 353.40 12956 353.60 13867 353.80 14788 354.00 15718 • • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 11:19 AM 10/7/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#4 Page 2.01 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 350.00 ft Increment = .10 ft Max. Elev.= 354.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to UpStream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure ----------------- No. ---- Outfall ---- -- E1, ft ------ E2, ft --------- Orifice-Circular OR - ---> BA --- 351.600 354.000 Inlet Box RI ---> BA 352.500 354.000 Orifice-Circular SI ---> BA 350.000 354.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 348.000 354.000 • TW SETUP, DS Channel • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:30 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#4 Page 2.02 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 3 Invert Elev. = 351.60 ft Diameter = .3333 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Structure ID = RI Structure Type ------------------ = Inlet Box - # of Openings ----------------- = 1 Invert Elev. = 352.50 ft Orifice Area = 16.0000 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • Weir Length 16.00 ft Weir Coeff. - 3.000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Mannings n = .0000 Kev,Charged Riser = .000 Weir Submergence = No Structure ID = SI Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 350.00 ft Diameter = .0625 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 is SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:30 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#4 Page 2.03 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ------------------ = Culvert-Circular -- No. Barrels --------- = 1 ------- Barrel Diameter = 1.2500 ft Upstream Invert = 348.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 347.75 ft Horiz. Length = 23.00 ft Barrel Length = 23.00 ft Barrel Slope = .01087 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .023225 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 • • INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.155 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.301 Slope Factor = -.500 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 349.44 ft ---> Flow = 4.80 cfs At T2 Elev = 349.63 ft ---> Flow = 5.49 cfs SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:30 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Wetland#4 Page 2.04 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs I J F- -I L J SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:30 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#4 Page 2.17 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ---------- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft -------- Contributing Structures 350.00 .00 Free ----- Outfall ----------- (no Q: OR --------------- ,RI,SI,BA) 350.10 .00 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.20 .00 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.30 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.40 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.50 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.60 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.70 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.80 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 350.90 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.00 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.10 .01 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.20 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.30 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) • 351.40 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.50 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.60 .02 Free Outfall SI,BA (no Q: OR,RI) 351.70 .07 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 351.80 .22 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 351.90 .44 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.00 .63 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.10 .75 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.20 .85 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.30 .94 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.40 1.03 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.50 1.10 Free Outfall OR,SI,BA (no Q: RI) 352.60 2.69 Free Outfall OR,RI,SI,BA 352.70 5.54 Free Outfall OR,RI,SI,BA 352.80 9.19 Free Outfall OR,RI,SI,BA 352.90 12.36 Free Outfall OR,RI,SI,BA 353.00 12.56 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: OR,SI) 353.10 12.71 Free Outfall OR,RI,SI,BA 353.20 12.86 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: OR,SI) 353.30 13.01 Free Outfall RI,BA (no Q: OR,SI) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:30 PM 10/15/2010 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Wetland#4 Page 2.18 • File.... X:\Projects\PLT\PLT-10000\Storm\Site Plan Approval\Design Files\SWMFDesign.ppw Title... Project Date: 5/12/2010 Project Engineer: J. Finch, PE Project Title: Town Hall Commons Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ------ ---- --- ------------ Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft ------ +/-ft -- Contributing Structures 353.40 13.15 Free ----- Outfall ------- RIBA ---- (no --- Q: ------------ OR,SI) 353.50 13.29 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: OR,SI) 353.60 13.43 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: OR,SI) 353.70 13.57 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: OR,SI) 353.80 13.71 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: OR,SI) 353.90 13.85 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: OR,SI) 354.00 13.99 Free Outfall RIBA (no Q: OR,SI) • SIN: Bentley Systems, Inc. Bentley PondPack ( 1:30 PM 10/15/2010 TOWN HALL COMMONS STORMWATER WETLAND #4 PLT-10000 SIZING CALCULATIONS • => Determination of Water Quality Volume (WQ v) WQ v = (P) (R v)(A)/12 where, WQv = water quality volume (in acre-ft) Rv = 0.05+0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A = 1.30 acres Impervious area = 0.68 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 52.4 % Rainfall, P = 1.0 inches Calculated values: Rv = 0.52 WQv= 0.06 acre-ft = 2462 cf. Stormwater Wetland Required Surface Area Calculation WQ Volume = 2462 cf. Maximum Ponding Depth = 12 inches Surface Area Required at Normal Pool= 2462 SF _> Associated Pond Depth in Stormwater Wetland Ks = 3023.7 b = 1.189 V = 2462 Normal Pool Elevation = 350.00 feet WQ Elevation = 350.84 feet => Determination of I-Yr Pre-Post Volume Storage, Provided by Facility Input data: Control Orifice (3 x 4" Dia) Invert= 351.60 feet Normal Pool Elevation= 350.00 feet Calculated values: 1-Yr Pre-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland #4) = 2,024 cf 1-Yr Post-Dev Runoff Volume (To Wetland 44) = 7,148 cf 1-Yr Pre-Post Volume Difference = 5,124 cf Ks = 3023.7 • b - 1.189 Storage rrovided @ Orifice Invert 5,2x7 feet J. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 • TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN WETLAND #4 -1" WQ VOLUME D orifice = 0.75 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 3023.7 b = 1.189 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 350.00 feet Orifice Invert = 349.50 feet 1" WQ Volume = 2462 cf WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 350.84 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.447 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.003 sf Q = 0.0099 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.89 days • Conclusion : Use 1- 0.75" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the 1" storm runoff, with a required time of about 2.89 days. B.R. FINCH, PE 10/4/2010 • r ?J TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 SIPHON DESIGN WETLAND #4 -1 YR PRE-POST VOLUME B.R. FINCH, PE 10/5/2010 D orifice = 0.75 inch # orifices = 1 Ks = 3023.7 b = 1.189 Cd siphon = 0.60 Normal Pool Elevation = 350.00 feet Orifice Invert = 349.50 feet 1" WQ Volume = 5287 cf WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 351.60 feet Using the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is one-third the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.700 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 Cross-sectional area of 1.25" orifice = 0.003 sf Q = 0.0124 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 4.95 days • Conclusion : Use 1-1.25" Diameter PVC inverted siphon to drawdown the accumulated volume from the difference in 1-Yr Pre-Post Runoff Volume, with a required time of about 4.95 days. .7 d r' i? PIPE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: 1. ASTM C 764Latest Class III, IV, & V 2. AASHTO M-1704Latest JOINT DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS: E 1. ASTM C443-1-atest 2. ASTM C-361-1-atest 3. Joint Type-114 with "O" Ring Rubber Gaskets. X i t t JT d a d OD d a GS GL I TSB a ! d ? Od d a ad a ?4 a ? a a a ? d G a ? d ASd AST TD GD a d 0 a a GW p d da d 01 I y6.. ID ~{ GAP ID WT JT GD TD AS OI GW GS GL TS AST X OD Pounds Per Foot Plant 12" B-2 114 31/2" 15.260" 14.725" .063" 14.606" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 5 3/4" 19 5/16" 123 VB 15" C-3 3 1/2" 18.759" 18.224" .063" 18.105" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 51/2" 23 5/16" 191 VB 18" C31/4 31/2" 21.787" 21.262" .063" 21.133" .377" 11/16" 1" 1" 1/8" 6" 26112' 249 VB 24" C- 3 3/4 3 7/8" 29.138" 28.950" .063" 28.408" .400 7/8" 13/16" 1" 3/32" 6" 351/2" 367 VB c st 10 Oldcastle Pr e a N.C. Products 920 Withers Road Raleigh, NC.27603 Phone: 919.772.6301 Fox: 919.772.1209 N.T.S. 8'='0" RING-RBS FILE NAME: 450SPC812RTG2_DET.DWG ? ISSUE DATE: JULY, 2008 unuu nWn'QHnn?nw?e4 wwm Reinforced "O" RING Modified Bell & Spigot © 2005 owoas,d:arast,lre r U TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 Total amount of concrete: Base of Riser = 16.667 CF Riser Walls = 22.500 CF • Opening for barrel = 1.203 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF Square Riser/Barrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data => Inside length of riser = 4.00 feet Inside width of riser = 4.00 feet Wall thickness of riser = 6.00 inches Base thickness of riser = 8.00 inches Base length of riser = 5.00 feet Base width of riser = 5.00 feet Inside height of Riser = 2.50 feet Concrete unit weight = 142.0 PCF OD of barrel exiting manhole = 21.00 inches Size of drain pipe (if present) = 8.0 inches Trash Rack water displacement = 38.00 CF Concrete Present in Riser Structure => Adjust for openings: Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = Weight of concrete present = Amount of water displaced by Riser Structure => Displacement by concrete = 37.789 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 40.000 CF Displacement by trash rack = 38.000 CF JW Caldwell, PE 10/5/2010 Note: NC Noducts lists unit wt. 4 manholo con zcta at 142 PCF. 37.789 CF 5366 lbs Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 115.789 CF Weight of water displaced = 7225 lbs • Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser => Safety factor to use = 1.25 (recommend 1.25 (m lu ghco Must add = 3665 lbs concrete for buoyancy Wetland #4 ow ft c l Nu-oil )u 96FA Concrete unit weight for use = Buoyant weight of this concrete = Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) 79.60 PCF 63 6R PCF Therefore, must add = Standard based described above = Therefore, base design must have = VOCKIttT OF coN , L'CC E57.561 CF of concrete (N Aw ?^l -P ® (1 ve45E2 6t1sr= J 16.667 C of concrete tn.Gt (I °1'T a ? ('rnct? I ?ti 15C of concrete pw- 6A:5G- Itia'aw& rd"OP-lurkA(. 6l50 TOWN HALL COMMONS Wetland #4 JW Caldwell, PE PLT-10000 10/5/2010 • Calculate size of base for riser assembly => Length = Width = Thickness = Concrete Present = Check validity of base as designed => 8.000 feet 8.000 feet 14.0 inches 74.667 CF Total Water Displaced = Total Concrete Present = Total Water Displaced = Total Concrete Present = Actual safety factor Results of design => • OK 173.789 CF 95.789 CF 10844 lbs 13602 lbs 1.25 6 0( 80134= OK Base length = 8.00 feet Base width = 8.00 feet Base Thickness = 14.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 2.77 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PC"F 0 L J TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 WETLAND #4 Velocity Dissipator NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design B.R. F[NCH, PE 12/3/2010 Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Manning's roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. Flow Qto (cfs) = 254---- AMASO A Ir - AM-4 a"1n/G Slope S (%) = 1.14 S`M Pipe Diameter Do (in) = 36 ?'f?s? P(r? fGrlt) Manning's 'n' = 0.013 Flow Depth (ft) = 1.23 Outlet Velocity (fps) = 9.193 • NRCD Land Quality Section NFDOT Dissipator Design Results Pipe Diameter (ft) = 3.00 Outlet Velocity (fps) = 9.19 Apron Length (ft) = 18.00 d50 Stone Thickness (inches) Class (inches) 3 A 9 -+ 6 B 22 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 Width = La + Do Width = 18 + 3 Width (ft) = 21 Use NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap d50 = 8" 18'L x 2VW x 22"Thick • • ANALYSIS OF EXISTING OFFSITE TWIN LADES WET POND BMP 0 0 TOWN BALL COMMONS PLT-10000 • • Project Name: Twin Lakes - Parcel B City/State: Cary, NC Project #i: 204177.71 Date: 6-Apr-06 Table 1. 1 Surface Area to Drainage Area Ratio for Permanent Pool Sizing for 85% Pollutant Removal Fffirienrv in fhp Phvdmnnf % Impervious Cover Permanent Pool Depth (feet) 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10 0.59 0.49 0.43 0.35 0.31 0.29 0.26 20 0.97 0.79 0.70 0.59 651 0.46 0.44 30 1.34 1.08 0.97 0.83 0.70 0.64 0.62 40 1.73 1.43 1.25 1.05 0.90 0.82 0.77 50 2.06 1.73 1.50 1.30 1.09 1.00 0.92 60 2.40 2.03 1.71 1.51 1.29 1.18 1.10 70 2.88 2.40 2.07 1.79 1.54 1.35 1.26 80 3.36 2.78 2.38 2.10 1.86 1.60 1.42 90 3.74 3.10 2.66 2.34 2.11 1.83 1.67 - - .•.? .v uvvaic ucx ivianegement rracuces, pg- 5, April 1999 STORMWATER BMP 5 PARCEL B - WET POND (25% TN Removal) Land Use Area (ac) % IA Imp. Area (ac) Impervious 1.47 100 1.5 Lots 6.65 40 _ 2.7 Open Space 0.85 0 0.0 Mite 2.11 60 1.3 Totals 11.08 5.4 Total % Impervious Surface Area = 48.7 % Surface Area of Permanent Pool: Assumed depth = 3 feet SA/DA ratio = 2.02 % From Table 1.1 BMP5 Minimum pond surface area (SA) _ (DA * SA/DA ratio)/] 00 SA acres 9749 sq. ft_ ------_---- /ItINIP'1"M ONO 5A gfaviK$7 L° L Pool Normal pool elevation = 356.0 feet Surface area provided = 0.360acres 15679 sq. ft. ---- y C E516P 5A P9PJ10EP 1-Inch Runoff Volume Calculation ..,,,,, ` PRWt!)W = 13, t{-* Si Using the runoff volume calculations in the "Simple Method" as described by Schueler (i 987) ?j'??bp?? Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(1) where, Rv = Runoff coefficient, in./in- I = Percent impervious Rv = 0.49 in./in- 0 Total runoff volume from 1-inch precipitation: Runoff volume, S = (Design rainfall) (Rv) (Drainage Area) S = 0.4 re ft 640 cu. ft. -- Water quality pool elevation = Storage volume provided = Twin Lakes BMP Sizing.xls ® M ItilaiL I wa vowmE 5Toj4iii jeRAA #*P 357.20 feet 0.461 acre-ft 0081 cu. E9r Vj Wa %40L,. ,WC- 5WAe r egwww ASGOU t>wOt. AVM E -ROVA" I 194Q-: Aa ?l,001 ? TOWN HALL COMMONS EXISTING OFFSITE TWIN LAKES SW WETLAND PLT-10000 • Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Town Hall Commons Designer: J. Finch, PE Job Number: PLT-10000 Date: 10/6/2010 J. FINCH, PE 10/6/2010 "VIC-r PORMP ?baL -;v9 Acf- AO& MIN N)Pnf Pm?c. SAf 9f0j'A • Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Volume Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) 1SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (CF) 356.06 0.0 13,476 357.00 0.9 5. 14647 _ 13768 13768 0.94 358.00 1.9 17,248 16533 16533 30301 1.93 359.00 2.9 18.714 17981 17981 48282 2.94 359.66 3.6 19.439 19077 12591 60873 3.62 Storage vs. Stage 70000 60000 y = 14683x' joss 50000 RZ = 0.9999 LL V 40000 m rn c 30000 20000 10000 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Stag; Weet) 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Ks = 14683 b = 1.1055 is TOWN HALL COMMONS EXISTING OFFSITE TWIN LAKES SW WETLAND J. FINCH, PE PLT-10000 10/11/2010 • • Stage - Storage Function Ks = 14683 b= 1.1055 Zo = 356.06 Elevation Storage [feet] [cf] .._ [acre-feet] , FO? C ?$Ul ?f? (TiF1L' 3 ?O 356.06 O 0.000 356.26 - . 2478 0.057 f J]a- ceE Ead ' 3V• 4 356.46 5332 0. 122 356.66 - 8.348 -_ 1. 1 _. 0.192 --, lglll L? in(611 Zlt 8Dy 356.86 11473 0.263 ? R 1 D = G10C l'?jN ?6t 357.06 14683 0.337 5( ? 357.26 17962 0.412 357.46 21299 0.489 357.49 21804 0.501 357.56 22987 0.528 357.76 26398 0.606 357.96 29852 0.685 358.16 33345 0.765 358.36 36873 0.846 358.56 40433 0.928 358.76 44024 1.011 358.96 47643 1.094 359.16 51288 1.177 359.36 54958 1.262 359.56 58652 1.346 359.66 60507 1.389 r .7 FINAL TN EXPORT CALCULATIONS is 0 TOWN HALL COMMONS PLT-10000 W o a o N U 4 2 1I 1 u 1 3 i x 0 'n r- V N V VI lD M V n O m vl n m N N O O O' M t-l O O pr? 3 i' o O S O co o o 88} S ? . o o o 0 o o O o o o,O 6,o Y Y . d V m ? t ' m yr O) -00 O m r? d' n m.-cc Oo4 Q vnooomr p, ? y 0 .--I . N O o O m N O o N O ? z x ='O O O O M 04 0 0 0 OIn Rio o O O N O 0 00 01a Q:(O o 0 0 0 0 O o0 O;0 t 3 O t O O O O 6 0 0 O? Z'00506000000 ?i O-O O O o 0 O0 O o o Y O E e I" m !o y i 0 o C + O R a-I N m?t a co 'o Q m u Ln In " I" c I n € a ' a e F ? i O O N D ? c p"' a E 'f $ [ i C i i O a { p d } F a c.? C 13 G C { OJ t 1p?M N Ol'ul O Ol. nry101'N.? 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