HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025496_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (2)Water Resources Environmental Quality April 26, 2017 Ms. Debra Tunstall Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN -. Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Ms. Tunstall: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2016. Based on the review, the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Progams. ams. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2018. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 235-2192 and/or Deborah Gore at (919) 807-6383 or at wes.bell(a ncdenr.gov and deborah.gorenncdenr.gov. cc: Deborah Gore, PERCS Unit MSC-1617 Central -Basement W. Scerely � 1 --it W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality) Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3101 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704-663-1699 "FALUI A.U.Wul f V11 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PAT MCCRORY ' Goremor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secrelmy S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Drreclor September 26, 2016 Mr. Stephen Peeler, Public Works Director City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: Pretreatment Audit Inspection City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mr. Peeler: Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Audit Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on September 21, 2016 by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. Please inform the City's Pretreatment Coordinator of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. Should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell at (704) 235-2192, or via email at wes.bellna,ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Enclosure: Inspection Report cc: Sarah Bass, PERCS Unit MSC-1617 Central -Basement State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PRETREATMENT AUDIT REPORT Background Information: 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Debra Tunstall 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Coordinator 4. Address of POTW: Street/Post Office Box Post Office Bog 617 City/State/Zip Code Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Phone Number: (704) 736-8960 Fax Number: (704) 732-6137 E-Mail: debratunstall@ci.lincolnton.nc.us 5. Audit Date: 09/21/2016 6. Last Inspection Date: 05/20/2015 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 7. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? ® Yes ❑ No If No, Explain. 8. In the last year has the POTW experienced any NPDES or Sludge Permit compliance problems? ❑ Yes ® No If Yes, Explain. 9. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ Yes ® No Order Type and Number: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA Parameters Covered Under Order PCS (WENDB)Coding: Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspee.Type Inspector Fac. Type LN INICI0 I0 I2I5I4I9I6 I 09I21 I16I LAG] LSj 11 1 (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 10. Current Number of Si cant Industrial Users (SIDS)? 6 SIUS ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... _....._........... 11.:... Current_ Number of Categorical Industrial Users. (CIUS)..................................................................................................._..................... 3 CIUS ...... ............................ 12. Number of SIUs Not Inspected. by POTW in Last Calendar Year? 0 ....................................._..............._.................-...............................................................-........................................................... ........................ _. 13. Number of SIUs Not Sampled by POTW in Last Calendar Year? 0 14. Enter Higher Number of 12 or 13_........................_...................................................... 0 _...-NOIN.. ............ ....................... ............................................................................................................................................ _.............................. 15.:. Number of SIUs with No.IUP,..ot.with an.Expired.IUP.................................................................._............................................................. 0 _NOCM 16. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 1 PSNC Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC ...................................................... ...................(.................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ........................... 17. Number of SIUs in SNC for Reporting During.Either of Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC ...................................................._....................._...................... .................... 18. Number of SIUs in SNC for Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 1 SNPS .......................... 19. Number of SIUs in SNC for Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 0 Semi -Annual Periods 20. Number of SIUs in SNC for Self -Monitoring Requirements that were Not Inspected or Sampled 0 SNIN WC. DWR Pretreatment AMit Fnrm Revised- July 25. 2007 Pave 1 21. PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW Program Element: NCO025496 Last Submittal Date In rile? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 8/22/14 ® Yes ❑ No 3/10/15 ® Yes ❑ No 4/1/19 Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 1/26/15 ® Yes ❑ No 4/6/15 ® Yes ❑ No 10/1/19 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 10/2/13 ® Yes ❑ No 10/7/13 ® Yes ❑ No Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 7/31/08 ® Yes ❑ No 10/29/08 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/09 ® Yes ❑ No Legal Authority (Sewer Use Ordinance-SUO) 22. Do you have any towns and/or areas from which you receive wastewater which are not in your annexed jurisdiction? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Please list these towns and/or areas. 23. If yes to #22, Do you have current Interjurisdictional Agreements (IJAs) or other Contracts? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA A copy, if not already submitted, should be sent to Division. 24. If yes to #22, Have you had any trouble working with these towns or districts? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA If yes, Explain. 25. Date of Last SUO Adoption by Local Council 7/10/14 26. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the SUO? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. Enforcement (Enforcement Response Plan-ERP) 27. Did you send a copy of the ERP to your industries? ® Yes ❑ No If no, POTW must send copy within 30 days. 28. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the ERP (i.e. any adjudication, improper enforcement, etc? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 29. List Industries under a Schedule or Order and Type of Schedule or Order. VT LeeBoy, Consent Order (effective 6/7/16) Resources 30. Please Rate the Following: S=Satisfactory M=Marginal U=Unsatisfactory Rating Explanation, if Unsatisfactory Personnel Available for Maintaining POTW's Pretreatment Program ®S ❑M ❑U Access to POTW Vehicles for Sampling, Inspections, and ®S ❑M ❑U -Emergencies Access to Operable Sampling Equipment ®S ❑M ❑U Availability of Funds if Needed for Additional Sampling and/or Analysis ®S ❑M ❑U Reference Materials ®S ❑M ❑U Staff Training (i.e. Annual and Regional Workshops, Etc.) ®S ❑M ❑U Computer Equipment (Hardware and Software) ®S ❑M ❑U NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: July 25.2007 Page 2 31. Does the POTW have an adequate data management system to run the pretreatment program? ® Yes ❑ No Explain Yes or No. Excel 32. How does the POTW recover the cost of the Pretreatment Program from their industries? Explain. POTW bills SIUs for sampling costs. Public Perception/ Participation: 33. Are there any local issues affecting the pretreatment program (e.g.. odor, plant closing, new or proposed plants)? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain. There may be a new CIU (metal finisher) added to the POTW's Pretreatment Program within the near future. Mohican Mills (SIU) had closed in 2014. 34. Has any one from the public ever requested to review pretreatment program files? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain procedure. If no, How would the request be addressed? A written request would be submitted to the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director would coordinate with the Pretreatment Coordinator for a time and location for the file review. 35. Has any industry ever requested that certain information remain confidential from the public? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain procedure for determining whether information qualified for confidential status, as well as procedure for keeping files confidential from public. If no. how would the request be addressed? A written request would be submitted to the Public Works Director. The Public Works Director and Pretreatment Coordinator would review information requested to be confidential. Any confidential information would be secured in a locked file cabinet. 36. In addition to annual inspection, does the POTW periodically meet with industries to discuss pretreatment? ® Yes ❑ No 37. Is the public notified about changes in the SUO or Local Limits? ® Yes ❑ No 38. Were all industries in SNC published in the last notice? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Permitting (Industrial Waste Survey-IWS): 39a... How does the POTW become aware of new or changed Users? The POTW's Economic Development personnel would contact the Pretreatment Coordinator of any new users. The Pretreatment Coordinator also performs site visits to new and/or Non-SIUs to verify manufacturing products/processes. 39b. Once the POTW becomes aware of new or changed Users, how does the POTW determine which industries have the reasonable potential to adversely impact the WWTP and therefore require a new permit or a permit revision? (Who is an SIU?) The Pretreatment Coordinator would evaluate the manufacturing processes (per site visit), IWS Short/Long Form information, any categorical wastestreams, pollutant loading, and flow. 40. Does the POTW receive waste from any groundwater remediation projects (petroleum, CERCLA) or landfill leachate? ❑Yes ®No If Yes, How many are there? Please list each site and how it is permitted, if applicable. 41. Does the POTW accept waste by (mark if applicable) ❑ Truck ❑Dedicated Pipe ® NA 42. If the POTW accepts trucked waste, what controls are placed on this waste? (example. designated point, samples drawn, manifests required) NA 43. How does the POTW allocate its loading to industries? Mark all that apply ❑ Uniform Limits ❑ Historical Industry Need ❑ By Surcharge ® Categorical Limits ❑ Other Explain Other: 44. Review POTW's copies of current allocation tables for each WWTP. Are there any over allocations? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, What parameters are over allocated? 45. If yes to #44, What is being done to address the over allocations? (short-term IUPs, HWA to be revised, pollutant study, etc.) NA 46. Does the POTW keep pollutant loading in reserve for future growth / safety? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, what percentage of each parameter? 20% 47. Has the POTW experienced any difficulty in allocation? (for example: adjudication by an industry) ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. Nf nWR Pretreatment A ..iit Fnrm Revised- hdv 25. 2007 Page 3 48. How does the POTW decide on which pollutants to limit in the permits? Monitor for? (for example: were only those pollutants listed on the application limited; categorical parameters; NPDES Pollutants of Concern) Categorical parameters and NPDES POCs. 49. How does the POTW decide what the monitoring frequency should be for the various pollutants in industry permits ? Explain. Active SIUs — twice per year at a minimum; additional baseline monitoring would be required for new SIUs with a reduction in monitoring based on sampling results. Permit Compliance: 50. Does the POTW currently have or during the past year had any permits under adjudication? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, which industries? What was (will be) the outcome of the adjudication? 51. Demonstrate how the POTW judges compliance. This should include compliance judgment on all violations of limits, reporting requirements, and permit conditions, as well as for SNC. Compliance Judgement Worksheet - SNC determinations; violations (limit, monitoring, reporting, etc.) based on approved ERP. 52. Does the POTW use the Division's model inspection form or equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No If no, does the POTW form include all DWQ data? ❑ Yes ❑ No 53. Were all SIUs evaluated for the need of a slug/spill control plan during their most recent inspections? ® Yes ❑ No If no, Explain. 54. What criteria are used to determine if a slug/spill control plan is needed? Chemical storage practices, presence and locations of floor drains and secondary containment, potential impacts to WWTP. 55. What criteria does the POTW use to determine if a submitted slug/spill control plan is adequate? Emergency contacts kept current, proper storage practices and secondary containment, adequate spill response equipment. 56. How does the POTW decide where the sample point for an SIU should be located? Pretreatment system effluent and/or regulated waste streams prior to comingling with domestic wastewater. 57. Has the POTW established a procedure to ensure that representative samples will be taken by the POTW or SILT each time? (example: correct location; proper programming of sampler; clean equipment; swirling the sample bucket uniformly) POTW: ® Yes ❑ No SIU: ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain. POTW — Laboratory and sampling SOPS; S1Us contract commercial laboratory to perform sampling and analyses. 58. Who performs sample analysis for the POTW for Metals — Blue Ridge Labs; Two Rivers Utilities — Low level mercury Conventional Parameters — Prism Labs Organics _Blue Ridge Labs 59. Explain the Chain of Custody Procedure used for both in house and commercial lab samples. POTW uses internal COC and the contracted laboratory's COC; S1Us use contracted laboratory's COC. Long/Short Term Monitoring Plan (L/STMP) and Headworks Analysis (HWA): 60a. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 60b. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 60c. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO 60d. All LTMP/STMP effluent data on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)? ® YES ❑ NO DWQ Inspector, verify yourself! 60e. If NO to any above, list violations 60f. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: 61. Do you complete your own headworks analysis (HWA) ? ® Yes ❑ No If no, Who completes your HWA? Phone: 62. Do you have plans to revise your HWA in the near future? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, What is the reason for the revision? (mark all that apply) ❑Increased average flow ❑NPDES limits change ❑More LTMP data available ❑Resolve over allocation ❑5 year expiration []Other, explain. NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: July 25. 2007 Page 4 63. In general, what is the most limiting criteria of your HWA? ❑Inhibition ❑ Pass Through ®Sludge Quality 64. Do you see any way to increase your loading in the future (Example: obtaining more land for sludge disposal)? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain. NA; Reserve capacity in WWTP. Summary: 65. Do you plan any significant changes to the pretreatment program or changes to the WWTP that may affect pretreatment? No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW: 66. User Name 1. VT LeeBoy 2. South Fork Industries 3. Cataler North America 67. IUP Number 0020 0004 0021 68. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ No 11 ® Yes ❑ NoI ® Yes ❑ No 69. Permit Expiration Date 1 6/30/18 J1 6/30/19 6/30/18 70. Categorical Standard Applied .E. 40 CFR, Etc. Or N/A 1 433 j 410 11 415 71. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Yes ® No ® Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date? 72. Does File Contain Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? I ® Yes ❑ No 11 ® Yes ❑ -No-11 ® Yes ❑ No 73. a. Does File Contain Slug/Spill Control Plan? ®Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ®No a. ®Yes ❑No b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POT iff ❑Yes []No b. ❑Yes SNo b. ❑Yes ❑No 74. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A 11 Organic Management Plan TOMP)? 75. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from Division? a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes ❑No Ra.®Yes ❑No b. All Issues Resolved? baYes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑NoSN/A❑Yes❑No®N/A 76. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Complete its ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ElNo Sampling as Required b IUP, includingFlow? 77. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 11 ® Yes ❑ No 78. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SILT Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A F ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required b IUP, includingFlow? 11 79. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports on ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A time? 80a. For categorical lUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑NoSN/A. ❑Yes❑ ON/AIFEWsDNoON/A file includeprocess/dilution flows as Required by IUP? 80b. For categorical [Us with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A production rates and/or flows as Required by IUP? 81. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Identify All F5y�❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 82. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Identify All ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A I ❑Yes❑NoSN/A I Re ortin Non-Com liance from SIU Sampling? 83. a. Was POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- amYes❑No❑N/A amYes❑NoSN/A a.❑Yes❑NoSN/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW within 30 Days? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑NoSN/A b.❑Yes❑NoSN/A c. If applicable, did POTW resample and obtain results within 30 days of becomingaware of SIU limit violations in the POTW's sampling of SIU? c.❑Yes❑NoSN/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A 84. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ®No 11 [:]Yes ® No 11 ❑ Yes ® No 85. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken as SYes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A Specified in POTW s ERP OVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 86. Does File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? I ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A 87. Does File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A 88. a. Does File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑NoSN/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑NoSN/A b.❑Yes❑NoSN/A b.❑Yes❑NoSN/A 89. Did POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any Requested ❑ Yes ® No ❑Yes ® No ❑Yes ®No Information For You? NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: Julv 25. 2007 Page 5 FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: 16. VT LeeBoy (CIU) was in SNC during the July — December 2015 review period due to zinc limit violations. 71. The POTW has previously initiated enforcement (via NOVs) to VT LeeBoy and South Fork Industries for the failures to submit the renewal applications within 180 days of permit expiration. 72. SIU inspections were performed by the POTW on 12/3/15 (VT LeeBoy), 12/2/15 (South Fork Industries), and 12/8/15 (Cataler North America). 74. VT LeeBoy submitted the TTO certification (first six-month period of 2016) in May 2016. 78. VT LeeBoy, South Fork Industries, and Cataler North America all contract Blue Ridge Labs to perform sampling and analyses. 85. The POTW issued NOVs to VT LeeBoy for several zinc limit violations (daily maximum) that occurred during the January — June 2016 review period. The POTW also issued a NOV to VT LeeBoy for a chromium limit violation (daily maximum) that occurred in June 2016. Note: VT LeeBoy was placed under a Consent Order (effective 6/7/16) to address the zinc limit violations. INDUSTRY INSPECTION PCS CODING: Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspection type Inspector Facility Type ON N I C 10 10 12 15 4 9 6 09 121 16 0 2❑ (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 1. Industry Inspected: Cataler North America 2. Industry Address: 2002 Cataler Drive, Lincolnton, NC 28092 3. Type of Industry/Product: Metal Finisher for Automotive Industry (Catalytic Converters) 4. Industry Contact: Chad Reynolds Title: Utilities Supervisor Phone: (828) 970-0026 Ext. 185 5. Does the POTW Use the Division Model Inspection Form or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No 6. Did the POTW Contact Conduct the Following Parts of the Industrial Inspection Thoroughly? Comments: A. Initial Interview ® Yes ❑ No B. Plant Tour ® Yes ❑ No C. Pretreatment Tour ® Yes ❑ No D. Sampling Review ® Yes ❑ No E. Exit Interview ® Yes ❑ No Industrial Inspection Comments: The Company currently employs approximately 334 full-time and 32 temporary employees and operates three shifts. The pretreatment system includes the following: flow equalization (2 tanks); pH adjustment; chemical precipitation (2 tanks); coagulation; flocculation; clarification (lamella clarifier); sand filtration; ion -exchange; effluent storage tank; in -line pH monitoring systems; and flow measurement. Sludge is dewatered by a plate & frame press. The dewatered sludge is transported to the Metallix facility were the precious metals are recovered and remaining sludge is incinerated. The facility has contracted companies (A&D Environmental, STAT, Eco-Flo) to remove and dispose of non -hazardous and hazardous wastes generated on -site. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: The contracted laboratory detection levels for antimony (0.010 mg/L) and lead (0.010 mg/L) were not at or below the required IUP detection levels for South Fork Industries (antimony) and VT LeeBoy (lead). The Pretreatment Coordinator must either modify the IUPs or have the contracted laboratory lower the applicable detection levels. The records reviewed during the inspection were organized and well maintained. The City's Industrial Pretreatment Program was being well managed and properly implemented. NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: July 25.2007 Page 6 NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: ❑ Yes ® No POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Maq final ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ i COMPLETED BY: '.z'�' DATE: September 26 2016 Audit CO p Wes Bell, Mooresville Regional Office NC DWR Pretreatment Audit Form Revised: July 25, 2007 Page 7 d�Y PAT MCCRORY Governor Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY April 26, 2016 Ms. Debra Tunstall Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Ms. Tunstall: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2015. Based on the review, the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2017. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Wes Bell at (704) 235-2192 and/or Ms. Sarah Bass at (919) 807-6310 or at wes.bellgncdenr.gov and sarah.bass@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, W. Corey Basinger, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ cc: Sarah Bass, PERCS Unit MSC-1617 Central -Basement State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 FV FILE/OT4 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Donald van der Vaart Governor Secretary June 5, 2015 Ms. Debra Tunstall Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: Notice of Deficiency Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Tracking #: NOD-2015-PC-0129 Dear Ms. Tunstall: Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on May 20, 2015 by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. This report is being issued as a Notice of Deficiency (NOD) due to the City's failures to properly implement the Pretreatment Program. Specifically, the City failed to take enforcement per the Division approved ERP to address a SIU's failures to submit both a permit renewal application within 180 days of the permit expiration date and a TTO Certification by 6/1/2014 (Permit Condition) as noted in the attached report. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this Office by June 26, 2015, addressing the City's actions to address these deficiencies. In responding, please address your comments to Mr. Wes Bell. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Bell at (704) 235-2192 or at wes.bellgocdenr. oovv. Enclosure: Inspection Report cc: Sarah Bass, PERCS Unit C Sincerely, Michael L. Parker, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org P WA NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES VNACLDEANR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT BACKGROUND INFORMATION [Complete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)] 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey, Debra Tunstall 3. Title(s): WWTP Superintendent/ORC, Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: 5/1/14 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? ® YES ❑ NO 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ YES ® NO Order Type, Number, Parameters: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ YES ❑ NO ® NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspee.Type Inspector Fac. Type N NCO025496 05/20/15 P S 1 (DTIA) (TYPI) (1NSP) (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users SIUs)? 7 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users CIUs ? 3 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUs Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC 2 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 2 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any NPDES Limits Violations? If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? 19. Which Industries have been in SNC for Limits or Reporting during SNC fo r LTMP/STMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 23. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 24. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO 25. All LTMP/STMP effluent data reported on Discharge Monitoring Report? ® YES ❑ NO 26. If NO to 23 - 26, list violations: 27. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO NC T)WR Pretreatment rmmnlinnce TmnPrtinn (PrT) Pnrm T rrvintArl 7/75/07 Pane 1 28. PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW — Please review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of Program Element their files. complete with supporting documents and copy of PERCS Approval Letter, and dates consistent with Program Info: Program Element Last Submittal Received Date In file? Last Approval Date In file Date Neat Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis A 8/22/14 ® Yes ❑ No 3/10/15 ® Yes ❑ No 4/1/19 Industrial Waste Survey S 1/26/15 ® Yes ❑ No 4/6/15 ® Yes ❑ No 10/1/19 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 1/31/13 ® Yes ❑ No 10/7/13 ® Yes ❑ No Enforcement Response Plan RP 7131/08 ® Yes ❑ No 10/29/08 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/09 ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW 3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTIO 29. User Name 1. Cataler North America VT LeeBoy, Inc. McMurray Fabrics 30. IUP Number 1 0021 11 0020 0013 31. Does File Contain Current Permit? I ® Yes ❑ Nol ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 32. Permit Expiration Date 1 6/30/18 1 6/30/18 6/30/19 33. Categorical Standard Applied I.E. 40 CFR, Etc. Or N/A 1 415 433 711 410 34. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ❑Yes ® No IF Yes ® No to Permit Issue Date? 35. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ElNo ®Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No 36. a. Does the File Contain a Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ®No b. If No, is One Needed? See Inspection Form from POT b. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No I b. ❑Yes ®No 37. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ❑Yes❑NogN/A MYes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A Organic Management Plan TOMP ? 38. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. ®Yes ❑No a. MYes ❑No a. ®Yes ❑No b. All Issues Resolved? b.❑Yes❑NoON/A b.❑Yes❑NogN/A b.❑Yes❑NogN/A 39. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ®Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No its Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 40. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No 41a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/AjFE_Yes0­No0N/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 41b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A on time? 42a. For categorical lUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A file includeprocess/dilution flows as Required by IUP? 42b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A production rates and/or flows as Required by IUP? 43a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑NoONA MYes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A All Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 43b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A All Reporting Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 44. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.❑Yes❑NogN/A aaYesONo❑N/A a.❑Yes❑NogN/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW Within 30 Days? b.OYes❑NogN/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A c. Did POTW resample within 30 days of knowledge of SIU limit c.❑Yes❑NogN/A c.❑Yes❑NogN/A c.❑Yes❑NogN/A violations from the POTW sample event? 45. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? I ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 11 ❑ Yes ® No 46. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken ❑Yes❑NogN/A 11 MYes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A as Specified in the POTW s ERP OVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 47. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A 48. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penal Collection? ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A 49. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.OYes❑NogN/A a.OYes❑NogN/A 11 a.❑Yes❑NogN/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑NogN/A b.❑Yes❑NogN/A b.❑Yes❑NogN/A 50. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑ Yes ® No ❑Yes ® No Yes ® No Requested Information For You? 110 NC nVJR Pretreatment Comnlinnce Tnsnention (PCT) Form [ lndated 7/25/07 Pave 2 VILE REVIEW COMMENTS: 5. The POTW's corrective actions to the previous compliance inspection included the issuance of NOVs dated 5/26/2014 to McMurray Fabrics, Mohican Mills, and South Fork Industries for the failures to submit renewal applications within 180 days of permit expiration date. 34. McMurray Fabrics and VT LeeBoy did not submit renewal applications within 180 days of the permit expiration dates. The SIU renewal applications were signed on 6/18/14 (McMurray Fabrics) and 5/7/13 (VT LeeBoy). See #5 regarding POTW's enforcement actions to McMurray Fabrics. Note: The POTW reissued VT LeeBoy's IUP on 7/5/13. 35. POTW Inspections: Cataler North America - 12/30/14, VT LeeBoy - 12/16/14, McMurray Fabrics - 12/22/14. 39. POTW performs conventional parameters at the on -site lab and contracts Blue Ridge Labs (metals, phenols, cyanide) and Prism Laboratories (total phosphorus, total nitrogen, COD) for analyses. 40. McMurray Fabrics and Cataler North America contract Blue Ridge Labs and VT LeeBoy contracts Prism Laboratories, Inc. for analyses. 41b. VT LeeBoy did not submit the January — June 2014 TTO Certification by the IUP's stipulated date (6/1/14). The TTO certification was submitted on 7/25/14. Note: The SILT did properly submit the July — December 2014 TTO certification prior to the IUP's required date (12/7/14). 46. The POTW issued a NOV (dated 11/25/14) to VT LeeBoy for pH violation (November 2014). SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Comments: The POTW did not enforce the Division approved ERP for VT LeeBoy's failures to submit both a renewal application within 180 days of expiration date and the January — June 2014 TTO Certification by 6/1/14 (Permit Condition). The City has hired a new Pretreatment Coordinator. The Pretreatment staff must ensure that a date tracking system (via emails, date stamping, etc.) is maintained for all submitted SIU reports. Requirements: Initiate Enforcement action to VT LeeBoy for the failure to submit the January —June 2014 TTO certification by the required deadline according to the Division approved ERP. The POTW's enforcement action should be issued within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the inspection report. NOD: EYES ❑ NO NOV: ❑ YES ®NO QNCR: ❑ YES ® NO POTW Ratinz: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory PCI COMPLETED BY: Vw'�" DATE: June 5, 2015 Wes Bell, Mooresville Regional Office NC DWR Pretreatment Comnlinnce Insnection (PCII Form I Indated 7%?i/07 Pap,(-, I Pppppppp, NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor Apri 115, 2015 Ms. Debra Tunstall Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Ms. Tunstall: Donald van der Vaart Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2014. Based on the review, the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2016. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 235-2192 and/or Sarah Bass at (919) 807-6310 or at wes.bellna,ncdenr.gov and sarah.bass@ncdenr.jo_v. Sincerely, Wes Bell Environmental Specialist Water Quality Regional Operations Section cc: Sarah Bass, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Eoual O000rtunity 1 Affirmative Action Emolover - 30% Rerwrlarllln% Prat (Armimrar nanar Pat McCrory Governor Ark NCDENR forth Carolina D.:par. �.. May 12, 2014 CERTIFIED MAU,/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7010 0780 0000 5562 1576 Mr. Stephen H. Peeler Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093 Dear Mr. Peeler: FILE, rA t,l..t..__I Subject: Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Tracking No. NOV-2014-PC-0105 John E. Skvarla. III Secretary Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on May 1, 2014 by Mr. Wes Bell of this Office. This report is being issued as a Notice of Violation (NOV)/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement (NRE) due to the City's failures to properly implement the Pretreatment Program, violations of North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) 143-215.1, 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2H .0900, and NPDES Permit No. NC0025496, Part III, Section D. Specifically, the City failed to initiate the following: take enforcement per the Division approved Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) to address Significant Industrial User (SIU) failures to submit permit renewal applications within 180 days prior to expiration, renewal of four SIU permits prior to the expiration dates (all SIU permits expired on March 31, 2014), issue a public notice for a SIU in Significant Noncompliance (SNC) in 2013 by March 1, 2014, and submit the 2013 Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) by the extended date of March 21, 2014 (originally due March 1, 2014). Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, a civil penalty of not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) may be assessed against any person who violates or fails to act in accordance with the terms, conditions, or requirements of any permit issued pursuant to G.S. 143-215.1 Please note that the City's failures to submit a public notice, take enforcement according to the Division approved ERP, and submit a completed PAR were previously cited during the June 27, 2013 inspection. In order to come back into compliance with the requirements of the Pretreatment Program, please issue the following within 14 days of receipt of this letter: appropriate enforcement actions to the SIUs per the ERP, public notice for the S1U in SNC for 2013, and a completed 2013 PAR. Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877.623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity i Affirmative Action Employer — 30% Recycled1101% Post Consumer paper Mr. Stephen H. Peeler Page Two j May 12, 2014 This letter is also to advise you that this Office is considering a recommendation for enforcement action for the above -noted violations of G.S. 143.215.1, 15A NCAC 2H .0900, and NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. It is requested that a written response be submitted to this Office by June 6, 2014, addressing the cause of the noncompliance and the City's actions to prevent the recurrence of the violations. In responding, please address your comments to attention of Mr. Wes Bell. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call Mr. Bell at (704) 235-2192 or me at (704) 235-2194 or email at wes.bell@ncdenr.gov and michael.parker@,ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, ;? 1�24� Michael L. Parker, Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Enclosure: Inspection Report cc: Sarah Bass, PERCS Unit MSC-1617 Central -Basement 0 �1� z�-- NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES NCDENR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT BACKGROUND INFORMATION (Complete Prior To PCI; Review BACKGROUND INFORMATION Prior To Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)1Info Database Sheet(s)l 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincointon 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Don Burkey 3. Title(s): WWTP ORC/Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: 6/27/13 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? ® YES ❑ NO 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ YES ® NO Order Type, Number, Parameters: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ YES ❑ NO ® NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type N NCO025496 05/01/14 P S 1 (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users (SATs)? 7 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs)? 3 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUs Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 4 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC 1 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 1 SNPS 16. Number of SILTS In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any NPDES Limits Violations? If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? 19. Which Industries have been in SNC for Limits or Reporting during SNC foi either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? Not Been Published for (Januar Public Notice?(May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUs in SNC) SNC lot Not Pu 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which Ones? ® YES ❑ NO Chronic Toxicity failure in January 2013 (High Influent flows due to severe weather). ❑ YES ®NO Limits: Mohican Mills -Antimony y — June 2013) Reporting: none )lished: Mohican Mills None ❑ YES ® NO LTMP/STMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 23. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 24. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO 25. All LTMP/STMP effluent data reported on Discharge Monitoring Report? ® YES ❑ NO 26. If NO to 23 - 26, list violations: 27. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO NC DWR Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page I V 28. PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW— Please review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of Program Eleme7nt in - their files, complete with supporting documents and co of PERCS A roval Letter, and dates consistent with Pro am Info: Program Element Last Submittal Received 1,.-file? Last Approval Date Next Due, .•.II<A¢pti[atrtef,; Headworks Analysis A 12/18/12 ® Yes ❑ No 12/19/12 ® Yes ❑ No 6/1/14 Industrial Waste SurveyS 1/6/10 ® Yes ❑ No 3/23/10 ® Yes ❑ No 10/1/14 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 1/31/13 ® Yes ❑ No 10/7/13 ® Yes ❑ No Enforcement Response Plan ERP 7/31/08 ® Yes ❑ No 10/29/08 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/09 ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT FILE REVIEW (3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTION) 29. User Name 1. Cataler North America Mohican Mills McMurray Fabrics 30. IUP Number 0021 0005 0013 31. Does File Contain Current Permit? I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 32. Permit Expiration Date 6/30/18 3/31/14 3/31/14 33. Categorical Standard Applied I.E. 40 CFR, Etc. Or N/A —415 410 410 34. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No 11 ❑ Yes ®No [—]Yes ® No to Permit Issue Date? 35. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 36. a. Does the File Contain a Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes [IN a. ®Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ®No b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POT b. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ®No 37. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ❑Yes❑No®N/A 0Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A Organic Management Plan (TOW)? 38. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes []No a. ®Yes ❑No b. All Issues Resolved? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 39. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No its Sampling as Required b IUP, includingflow? 40. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain-Of-CustodyForms? ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 41a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required b IUP, includingflow? 41b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes®No❑N/A ❑Yes®No❑N/A on time? 42a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A file include process/dilution flows as Required b IUP? 42b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑MON/A production rates and/or flows as Required b IUP? 43a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑No®NA ❑Yes❑MON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A All Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 43b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑MON/A ❑Yes❑MON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A All Reporting Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 44. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑MON/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW Within 30 Days? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A c. Did POTW resample within 30 days of knowledge of SIU limit —_ violations from the PnTW sample event? c.❑Yes❑No®N/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A _ c.❑Yes❑No®N/A 45. Duringthe Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑Yes ® No 46. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes®No❑N/A ❑Yes®No❑N/A as Specified in the POTW's ERP (NOVs, Penalties, timing, tc.)? 47. Does the File Contain Penal Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A 48. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penal Collection? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A 49. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? b. Is SILT in Compliance with Order? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 50. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Requested Information For You? NC DWR Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 2 F EVIEW COMMENTS: red SIU Permits: Actavis Mid -Atlantic (expiration date - 3/31/14), McMurray Fabrics (expiration date - 3/31/14), Mohican piration date - 3/31/14), and South Fork Industries (expiration date - 3/31/14). 34. McMurray Fabrics, Mohican Mills, and South Fork Industries have not submitted permit renewal applications to date. 35. POTW Inspections: Cataler North America - 12/19/13, Mohican Mills - 12/18/13, McMurray Fabrics - 12/18/13. 39. POTW contracted Blue Ridge Labs and Prism Labs for analyses. 40. SIUs contracted Blue Ridge Labs for analyses. 41 b. McMurray Fabrics, Mohican Mills, and South Fork Industries did not submit permit renewal applications within 180 days of the permit expiration dates (all 3/31/14). 46. The POTW did not enforce the Division approved ERP for the SIUs' failures to submit the permit renewal applications within 180 days. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Comments: The City has not hired a new Pretreatment Coordinator to date. The City's failures to submit a completed PAR, issue a public notice (SIU in SNC), and properly implement the ERP were cited in the previous inspection. Requirements: Complete and submit a HWA (originally due 4/1/13 and extended to 6/1/14) and submit a copy of the documentation regarding the SUO adoption with attorney's statement. Note: The SUO has not been placed on the council agenda for approval to date. Submit a completed 2013 PAR (originally due 3/1/14 extended to 3/21/14) within 14 days of receipt of inspection report. Initiate Enforcement actions to SIUs that failed to submit a permit renewal application according to the ERP. Issue a public notice for the SIU (Mohican Mills) in SNC for 2013 within 14 days of receipt of inspection report. Recommendations: POTW must ensure that the Pretreatment Program is properly implemented. NOD: ❑ YES ® NO NOV: ® YES ❑ NO QNCR: ® YES ❑ NO POTW Rating: Satisfactory ❑ Marginal ❑ Unsa ' factory PCI COMPLETED BY: (�i �% -f�� /- DATE: May 12, 2014 Wes Bell, Mooresville Regional Office NC DWR Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form l pdated 7i25l0",, Page 3 PV LINCOLNTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT July31, 2013 Mr. Wes Bell Environmental Specialist NC Department of Environment & Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office 610 E. Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Reference: City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 NOV-2013-PC-0238 Lincolnton, North Carolina Subject: Response to Letter Dated July 8, 2013, Received July 15, 2013 Dear Mr. Bell, The City of Lincolnton received your letter regarding "Notice of Violation / Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement". As requested, we offer this written response to addresses the actions taken by the City as a result of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection completed on June 27, 2013. 1. The City published the Public Notice for all SIU's in SNC on July 8d' in the Lincoln Times -News newspaper. 2. The City has submitted the 2012 PAR. The 2012 PAR was submitted on July 2"d with the exception of the Public Notice. The Public Notice was submitted on July 22"d. 3. The City has issued new SIU and CIU permits to the three facilities with expired permits. The permits are in the 30-day review period by the industries and have an effective date of July 5, 2013. The finalized permits will be sent to Sarah Morrison for approval after the review period. P.O. Box 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093.0617 PHONE (704) 736-8960 • FAx (704) 732-6137 4. The City will work diligently to complete and submit the Headworks Analysis and the draft Sewer Use Ordinance by the October 1, 2013 deadline. The cause of the non-compliance was due in part to lack of adequate staffing in the Pretreatment Compliance Technician position. I was serving in the Pretreatment Compliance Technician position until I was promoted into the Interim W WTP Supervisor\Operator in Responsible Charge of the City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant on December 1, 2012. Due to the demands of this interim position, I was not able to keep up with all the responsibilities of the Pretreatment Compliance Technician position. We do not have personnel with adequate training to fill in for the now vacant Pretreatment Compliance Technician position. On June 3, 2013, I was officially hired as the WWTP Supervisor. The City has not yet filled the Pretreatment Compliance Technician position, but this should be resolved in the next few weeks. We believe once we have this position filled, the City of Lincolnton Pretreatment Program will return to compliance as it was for many previous years. I trust this written response provides sufficient information as to what actions the City of Lincolnton has taken in response to the Notice of Violation/Notice of Recommendation for Enforcement reference above. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 736-8960. Si cerely, a a Donald Burkey WWTP Superintendent City of Lincolnton (704)736-8960 ALIT,� FILE NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Charles Wakild, P.E. John E. Skvarla, III Governor Director Secretary July 31, 2013 Mr. Donald Burkey Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mr. Burkey: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2012. Based on the review, the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements (except for meeting the PAR completion and submittal date) and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2014. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699 and/or Sarah Morrison at (919) 807-6310 or at wes.bellLcc_i.ncdenr.gov and sarah.morrison(-e.Dnedenr.gov . Sincerely, 112 Wes Bell Environmental Specialist Surface Water Protection Section cc: Sarah Morrison, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-60401 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality org NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity's Affirmative Action Employer — 30% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P.E. Director October 8, 2012 Certified Mail / Return Receipt Requested 7010 2780 0003 4825 6885 Mr. Donald Burkey Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton PO Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28092 Subject: Notice of Violation / Notice of Intent to Enforce NOV-2012-PC-0342 Pretreatment Annual Report Review Program: City of Lincolnton (NC0025496) Lincoln County Dear Mr. Burkey: Dee Freeman Secretary DIVISION RECEIVED DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY T 9 zoo MOORE�V�L*LE 9@T6NgL OFFICOFFIE The Pretreatment, Emergency Response, and Collection Systems Unit (PERCS) of the Division of Water Quality has reviewed the Pretreatment Annual Report for January through December 2011. This report was received by the Division on March 13, 2012 with additional information received on April 2, 2012. The review indicates that the PAR does not satisfy the requirements of 15A NCAC 02H .0908(b) and the Comprehensive Guidance of North Carolina. The POTW failed to properly implement the Pretreatment Program by failing to take appropriate action for the following SIUs in SNC for two or more consecutive six-month periods in violation of North Carolina General Statutes 143-215.1 and the NPDES permit # NC0025496, Part III, Section D. SIU Name IUP # Parameter Time Period McMurray Fabrics 0014 Cyanide Qtr 1 & 2, 2010 and Qtrl & 2, 2011 South Fork Industries 0004 Antimony Qtr 1 & 2, 2011 VT LeeBoy 0020 COD Qtr 1 & 2, 2011 VT LeeBoy 0020 Cyanide Qtr 2, 2010 and Qtr 1 & 2, 2011 1617 Mail Service Center, Ralegh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Location: 512 N. Salisbury St Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-807-63001 FAX: 919.807-64921 PERCS Unit FAX: 919-807-64891 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 N&Marohna Internet: http:#Portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/ PERCS Unit: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wa/swalps/pret a,���L yr�� An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer (/ Y `L Page 2 of 2 Appropriate action by the POTW includes the following: a Consent Order with Enforceable Schedule, an Administrative Order with Enforceable Schedule, a Formal Notice to Comply, or a permit modification. Appropriate action must be taken no later than December 7, 2012, with documentation submitted to the PERCS Unit. In addition, please be aware that an updated SUO is due December 31, 2012 and the next updated PAR is due March 1, 2013. The PERCS Unit is considering additional enforcement action in the form of a Civil Penalty Assessment. A response to this letter is required within 10 days of receipt addressing the cause of the noncompliance and all actions to prevent the recurrence of similar situations. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Sarah Morrison at (919) 807-6310 [email: Sarah.Morrison@ncdenr.gov] or Deborah Gore, Unit Supervisor at 807-6383 [email: Deborah. Gore@ncdenr. gov] . Sincerely, Deborah ore Supervisor, PERCS Unit sm/lincolnton.PARreview.2011 Cc: Central Files Director of Public Works, City of Lincolnton Sarah Morrison, PERCS Unit Wes Bell & Donnas Hood, Mooresville Regional Office (via email) Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor LE NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, P. E Dee Freefnan Director Secretary Mr. Don Burkey Pretreatment Program Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina Dear Mr. Burkey: 28093-0617 Subject: May 15, 2012 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Notice of Deficiency NOD-2012-PC-0030 City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on May 14, 2012 by John Lesley and Wes Bell and Donna Hood of this office. The inspection found the following discrepancy: Sampling data for Sabo USA was missing for September 2011. Sabo USA was reported in SNC for zinc limit violations (33% TRC). If the facility sampled in September 2011, a revision of the PAR will be needed to determine the SNC status of Sabo USA for zinc. In addition Sabo USA must be issued an enforcement action for failing to report in a timely manner consistent with the POTW's ERP. It is requested that a response be submitted to this office which details the findings of the POTW's investigation of the September 2011 sampling event for Sabo USA and, if needed, a revised SNC determination must be submitted for inclusion in the 2011 PAR. Please submit your findings to Mr. Bell and Ms. Hood by no later than June 16, 2012. Mooresville Regional office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 ! Fax: (704) 663-6040 Internet: http://Dortal.nodenr.otg/webtwg VturnAll ehCarolina An Equal opportunity t Affirmative Action Employer - 50% ReLycledi10% Post Consumer paper The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, '0BM'-- Robert B. Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Enclosure cc: JL Central Files Sarah Morrison, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-16991 Fax: (704) 663-6040 Internet: htto://Portal.nodenr.orgmeb*g NftImAll ehCaroltna An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer — 501; Recycledil0% Post Consumer paper KA o�oF W aTF,9 "._� NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY y NCDENR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT o Y BACKGROUND INFORMATION [Complete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)] I . Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Don Burkey 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: January 28, 2011 Inspection Type: M PCI ❑ Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? M YES ❑ NO 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ YES M NO Order Type, Number, Parameters: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ YES ❑ NO M NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type N NCO025496 05/14/12 P S 1 (DTIA) (TYPI) (1NSP) (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users SIUs ? 8 SIDS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users CIUs ? 3 CATS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUs Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SILTS in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC 5 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 5 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any NPDES Limits Violations? YES ❑ NO [[A! If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? timony November and December 2011 (see comments) 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial Q9 YES "NO Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Antimony pass through Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? 19. Which Industries have been in SNC for Limits or Reporting during SNC for Limits: See comments either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? Not Been Published for SNC for Reporting: none Public Notice?(May refer to PAR if Excessive SILTs in SNC) Not Published: none 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? None 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which ❑ YES M NO Ones? LTMP/STMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? M YES ❑ NO 23. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? M YES ❑ NO 24. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? M YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? M YES ❑ NO 25. All LTMP/STMP effluent data reported on Discharge Monitoring Report? M YES ❑ NO 26. If NO to 23 - 26, list violations: 27. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES M NO NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7P25/07 Page 1 PIP RETREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW— Please review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of Program Element in their files, complete with supporting documents and copy of PERCS Approval Letter, and dates consistent with Program Info: Program Element Last Submittal Received Date In file? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis WA 4/22/10 ® Yes ❑ No 7/21/10 ® Yes ❑ No 4/1/13 Industrial Waste Survey S 1/6/10 ® Yes ❑ No 3/23/10 ® Yes ❑ No 10/1/14 Sewer Use Ordinance SUO 4/15/08 ® Yes ❑ No 6/11/08 ® Yes ❑ No 12/31/12 Enforcement Response Plan RP 7/31/08 ® Yes ❑ No 10/29/08 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/09 ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW 3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND i IU INSPECTION) 29. User Name 1. Sabo USA Mochian Mills —� Textile Piece Dying 30. IUP Number 0022 0005 0003 31. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes El No 32. Permit Expiration Date 6/30/13 3/31/14 3/31/14 33. Categorical Standard Applied I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 1433 410 410 34. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ElNo to Permit Issue Date? i3. Does File Contain an Ins ection Com leted Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ElNo 36. a. Does the File Contain a Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ❑Yes ®No a. ®Yes ❑No a. []Yes ®No b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POTW) 11b. ❑Yes ®No 1[b. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ®No 37. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 38. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes ❑No a. ®Yes ❑No b. All Issues Resolved? bmYes❑No❑N/A bmYes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A 39. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ fl ® Yes ❑ No its Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 40. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? I ® Ye I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 41 a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 41b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports F ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A on time? _ 42a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NOON/A file includeprocess/dilution flows as Required by IUP? 42b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A production rates and/or flows as Required by IUP? 43a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ®Yes❑No❑NA ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A All Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SILT Sampling? 43b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑NoON/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A All Reporting Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 44. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- aaYes❑No❑N/A aaYes❑No❑N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW Within 30 Days? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A bAYes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A c. Did POTW resample within 30 days of knowledge of SIU limit c.❑Yes❑%ON/A c.®Yes❑No❑N/A c.®Yes❑No❑N/A violations from the POTW sample event? 45. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? El es ® No 11 Z Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ® No 46. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A as Specified in the POTW's ERP (NOVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 47. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A 48. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A 49. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A I a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 50. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ®No Requested Information For You? NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 2 P P PFILE REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Sabo USA: Inspection Date, 12/19/11; TOMP - facility performs sampling instead of certification, sampling data missing for September 2011 (also not included in PAR); chain of custody forms do not distinguish between grab and composite samples, July and October 2011 chain of custody forms were missing from file. SNC for zinc July -December 2011. 2. Mohican Mills: IUP Application, 10/27/08; Inspection, 12/16/11; IUP review letter (modified permit) 2/21/12; SNC for antimony during both six month periods of 2011, permit modification required. 3. Textile Piece Dying: IUP Application, 3/9/09; Inspection, 12/16/11; IUP review approval via email; the SIU had one pH limit violation in the July -December reporting period, NOV issued. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Comments: 17. Antimony limit violations were reported in November and December 2011. Notices of violation were issued (NOV-2012-LV-0023 and NOV-2012-LV-0165 for the violations. 19. SIUs in SNC during 2011: McMurray Fabrics, cyanide (both six month periods); Mohican Mills, antimony (both six month periods); Sabo USA, zinc (7-12, 2011) South Fork Industries, antimony (both six month periods); VT LeeBoy, COD, and cyanide (both six month periods) and zinc (1-6, 2011). Wes Bell and Donna Hood also participated in this inspection. Requirements: Verify sampling for Sabo USA in September 2011. If sampling was performed, revise PAR to show that data was included in SNC determination for zinc in the July -December 2011 period. See cover letter for response date. Recommendations: The Lincolnton Pretreatment Program appeared to be well organized and all documentation was up-to-date. NOD: EYES ❑ NO NOV: ❑ YES ®NO QNCR: ❑ YES ®NO POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory_ ❑ PCI COMPLETED BY: — DATE: May 15, 2012 Jo n Lesley, Mooresville, al Office NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25i07 Page 3 FILE K*A11 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary April 25, 2011 Mr. Donald Burkey City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28092 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2010. Based on the review, the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Prof?rams. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2012. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699 or by email at john.lesley@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Jahn Lesley Mooresville Regional Office Contact Cc: Dana Folley, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 \ Fax: (704) 663-6040 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: htto:l/aortal.ncdenr.orghveb/wg one NhCarolina Natural& An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor ja FILE NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Director Secretary Mr. Donald Burkey City of Lincolnton Post Office 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: Dear Mr. Burkey: February 3, 2011 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on January 28, 2011 by John Lesley of this Office. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, P'�obert B. Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Enclosure cc: Central Files Dana Folley, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office One Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 NorthCarolina Phone: (704) 663-1699 \ Fax: (704) 663-6040 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Natutalk Internet: htttrl/portal.ncdenr.orq/weblw An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper 0 "A NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NCDENR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT BACKGROUND INFORMATION IComalete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)I 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: 12/9/09 Inspection Type: ❑ PCI ® Audit W AT �q�G O < 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? ® YES ❑ NO 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ YES ® NO Order Type, Number, Parameters: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ YES ❑ NO ® NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type N NCO025496 01/28/11 P S 1 (T)TIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs)? 8 SIDS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs)? 3 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUs Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NO1N 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods (Total Number of SIUs in SNC) PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 1 MSNC 15. Number of SILTS In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 4 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any NPDES Limits Violations? If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? 19. Which Industries have been in SNC for Limits or Reporting during SNC foi either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? Not Been Published for SNC foi Public Notice?(May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUs in SNC) Not Pu 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which Ones? ❑ YES ® NO ❑ YES ® NO Limits: See File Review Comments Reporting: Textile Piece Dyeing blished: Publish date 3/11 None ❑ YES ® NO LTMP/STMP FILE REVIEW: See Summary and Comments Section 22. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 23. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 24. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO 25. All LTMP/STMP effluent data reported on Discharge Monitoring Report? ® YES ❑ NO 26. If NO to 23 - 26, list violations: 27. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form • Updated 7/25/07 Page 1 FREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW— Please review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of Program Element in complete with supporting documents and copy of PERCS Approval Letter, and dates consistent with Pro ram Info: Program Element Last Submittal Received Date In rile? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 4/22/10 ® Yes ❑ No 7/21/10 ® Yes ❑ No 4/1/13 Industrial Waste Survey IWS 1/6/10 ® Yes ❑ No 3/23/10 ® Yes ❑ No 10/1/14 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) Enforcement Response Plan ERP 4/15/08 7/31/08 ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 6/11/08 10/29/08 ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 1 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/09 ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW (3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR I FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTION) 29. User Name 1. V.T. Lee Boy 2. Actavus 3. McMurray Mills 30. IUP Number 0020 0012 J1 0013 31. Does File Contain Current Permit? I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No� 32. Permit Expiration Date 6/30/10 3/31/14 3/31/ 14 33. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 433 439 410 34. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date? 35. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No C® Yes ❑ No 36. a. Does the File Contain a Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes []No a. EYes ❑No a. ❑Yes ENo b. If No, is One Needed? See Inspection Form from POTW) b. [-]Yes [:]No b. []Yes []No b. ❑Yes ENo 37. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A Organic Management Plan TOMP)? 38. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. EYes ❑No ❑Yes ENo F�.I a. [-]Yes ENo b. All Issues Resolved? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A b.®Yes❑No®N/A 39. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No its Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 40. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? ® Yes ❑ No 11 ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No 41a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required b IUP, including flow? ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A 41b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports on time? 42a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A file include process/dilution flows as Required b IUP? 42b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A production rates and/or flows as Required b IUP? 43a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ®Yes❑No❑NA ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A All Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 43b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A All Reporting Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 44. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.®Yes❑No❑N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW Within 30 Days? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A c. Did POTW resample within 30 days of knowledge of SIU limit c.®Yes❑No❑N/A c.®Yes❑No❑N/A c.®Yes❑No❑N/A violations from the POTW sample event? 45. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? ® Yes ❑ No 11 ❑ Yes ® No I ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes❑No❑N/A 46. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken F ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A as Specified in the POTW's ERP (NOVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 47. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A 48. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A ❑Yes❑NoEN/A 49. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 50. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Requested Information For You? NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 2 FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: Permit Applications: VT Lee Boy, 7/30/07; Actavus, 10/30/08; McMurray Mills, 12/11/08. IU Inspections: VT Lee Boy, 12/29/10; Actavus, 12/30/10; McMurray Mills, 12/28/10. Permit Review Letters: VT Lee Boy, 3/31/09; Actavus, 10/14/08; McMurray Mills, 9/28/06. 11 Slug and Spill Control Plan/TOMP: VT Lee Boy was last submitted in 2006, an updated TOMP and Slug and Spill Control Plan have been requested. McMurray Mills has significant capacity to capture and contain spills and are not required to develop a Slug and Spill Control Plan. SNC Status: VT Lee Boy, SNC for COD, Zn, and CN in January - June 2010 and CN in July -December 2010, resolved pending. McMurray Mills, SNC for CN January- June and July -December 2010, resolved pending. Actavus was in noncompliance for Oil and Grease in January -June 2010 but not in SNC. Other SIUs in SNC: Reporting - Textile Piece Dyeing; Limits SNC - South Fork Industries, COD January -June 2010; Mohican Mills antimony July -December 2010. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Comments: The W WTP influent sample collection point is after side stream additions from the drying beds, DAF Unit, and anaerobic digester supernatant. There is no other accessible influent sampling point. The POTW discontinues the discharge of side streams during collection of LTMP data per Division guidance. Requirements: See the Pretreatment Program Elements Review Section of this report. Recommendations: NOD: ❑ YES ®NO NOV: ❑ YES ®NO QNCR: ❑ YES ®NO POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisf or _ ❑ PCI COMPLETED BY: DATE: February 2, 2011 John Les ey, Mooresville Regional Office NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 3 Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director December 14, 2009 Mr. Donald Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: Pretreatment Audit Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln Co., NC Dear Mr. Burkey: �t� Dee Freeman Secretary Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Audit Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on December 11, 2009 by John Lesley of this Office. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, C CJ Robert B. Krebs Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Central Files Dana Folley, Pretreatment Group Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 \ Fax: (704) 663-6040 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.newaterquality.org Nhlral4ll eCarolina A. T:— —i It n, wit. \ AM—ntiv Artinn 17-1 er — 50% Rerveled/10% Pnst Consumer naner ---�� NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY65 FDuj�< NCDENR PRETREATMENT AUDIT REPORT Background Information: 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Address of POTW: Street/Post Office Box PO Box 617 City/State/Zip Code L.incolnton NC, 28092 Phone Number 704-736-8960 Fax Number 704-732-6137 E-Mail donaldburkeyna,ci.lincolnton.nc.us 5. Audit Date 12/11/2009 6. Last Inspection Date: 04/08/2009 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 7. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s) ? ® Yes ❑ No If No, Explain. 8. In the last year has the POTW experienced any NPDES or Sludge Permit compliance problems? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes, Explain. NPDES NCO025496: BOD violations in 5/2009 and 6/2009 (Case No. LV-2009-0330) due to out of specification sodium bisulfate being used in dechlorination (case to remission hearing). 9. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ Yes ® No Order Type and Number: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA Parameters Covered Under Order PCS (WENDB)Coding: Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type LstJ I N I C I 0 10 1 2 1 5 1 4 1 9 1 6 I 112 1 11 1 09 I L li LSJ L -i (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) .10. Current Number of Significant Industrial Users(SIUS)?............................................................................................. 8 SIUS ................................. .11:.._Current Number_ of Categorical. Industrial Users (CIUS)? _ 3 CIUS ................................. 12. Number of SIUs Not Inspected by POTW in Last Calendar Year? 0 .. ........................................................................................................................................................_................._._............................................................... _.._....................... 13. Number of SIUs Not Sampled byPOTW in . .......................................................... ............................. 14. Enter Higher Num.......................................................................................................................................... ........ ........ ................................. 15:.Number of SIUs with. NoIUP, or with an Expired IUP_............_......................_......_.............._........................_.........._............. 0 NOCM ........._..................... 16. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 3 PSNC Semi -Annual Periods ..Total Number of SILTS in SNC ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17. Number of SIUs in SNC for Reporting During Either of Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC .............................................................................................................................................. _........... 18. Number of SIUs in SNC for Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 3 SNPS ................................. 19. Number of SIUs in SNC for Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of Last 2 0 Semi -Annual Periods 20. Number of SIUs in SNC for Self -Monitoring Requirements that were Not Inspected or Sampled 0 SNIN 04M i:1 a g1.1 Wrl llu 1 a1►�i>fT:ZiZ�T;7�iT�► ! 11►Y K�;7 x+l i�:9 Program Element Last Submittal Date In file? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due. If Applicabie Headworks Analysis (HWA) 11/24/09 0 Yes ❑ No In review ❑ Yes ❑ No Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 9/01/09 ® Yes ❑ No 11/02/09 ® Yes ❑ No 12/15/09 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 4/15/08 ® Yes ❑ No 6/11/08 ® Yes ❑ No Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 7/31/08 ® Yes ❑ No 10/19/08 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/08 ® Yes ❑ No Legal Authority (Sewer Use Ordinance-SUO) 22. Do you have any towns and/or areas from which you receive wastewater which are not in your annexed jurisdiction? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Please list these towns and/or areas. Lincoln County 23. If yes to #22, Do you have current Intedurisdictional Agreements (IJAs) or other Contracts? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA A copy, if not already submitted, should be sent to Division. 24. If yes to #22, Have you had any trouble working with these towns or districts? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ NA If yes, Explain. 25. Date of Last SUO Adoption by Local Council 10/7/07 26. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the SUO? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. Enforcement (Enforcement Response Plan-ERP) 27. Did you send a copy of the ERP to your industries? ® Yes ❑ No If no, POTW must send copy within 30 days. 28. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the ERP (i.e. any adjudication, improper enforcement, etc? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 29. List Industries under a Schedule or Order and Type of Schedule or Order None Resources 30. Please Rate the Following: S=Satisfactory M=Marginal U=Unsatisfactory Rating Explanation, if Unsatisfactory Personnel Available for Maintaining 1 Pretreatment Program Coordinator, 1 Sampling Tech, others POTW's Pretreatment Program ®S ❑M ❑U as needed. Access to POTW Vehicles for Sampling, Inspections, and ®S ❑M ❑U Emergencies Access to Operable Sampling Equipment ®S ❑M ❑U Availability of Funds if Needed for Additional Sampling and/or Analysis ®S ❑M ❑U Reference Materials ®S ❑M ❑U Staff Training (i.e. Annual and Regional Workshops, Etc.) ®S ❑M ❑U Computer Equipment (Hardware and Software) ®S ❑M ❑U FH oes the POTW have an adequate data management system to run the pretreatment program? ® Yes [INo xplain Yes or No. Microsoft Office software, LAN system, SCADA, Internet, email, etc. ow does the POTW recover the cost of the Pretreatment Program from their industries? Explain. Recover sampling costs. Public Perception/ Participation: 33. Are there any local issues affecting the pretreatment program (e.g.. odor, plant closing, new or proposed plants)? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 34. Has any one from the public ever requested to review pretreatment program files? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain procedure. If no, How would the request be addressed? Made request in writing, staff made copies per request. 35. Has any industry ever requested that certain information remain confidential from the public? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain procedure for determining whether information qualified for confidential status, as well as procedure for keeping files confidential from public. If no. how would the request be addressed?. Locked file in locked office with limited access. 36. In addition to annual inspection, does the POTW periodically meet with industries to discuss pretreatment? ® Yes ❑ No 37. Is the public notified about changes in the SUO or Local Limits? ® Yes ❑ No 38. Were all industries in SNC published in the last notice? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Permitting (Industrial Waste Survey.-IWS): 39a... How does the POTW become aware of new or changed Users? Lincoln Co. Economic Development, City zoning and billing departments. 39b. Once the POTW becomes aware of new or changed Users, how does the POTW determine which industries have the reasonable potential to adversely impact the WWTP and therefore require a new permit or a permit revision? (Who is an SIU?) IWS forms are filled out and submitted, SIC codes determinations. 40. Does the POTW receive waste from any groundwater remediation projects (petroleum, CERCLA) or landfill leachate? ®Yes ❑No If Yes, How many are there? AT&T groundwater remediation and Lincoln County Landfill leachate. Please list each site and how it is permitted, if applicable. Local permits. 41. Does the POTW accept waste by (mark if applicable) ® Truck ❑Dedicated Pipe ❑ NA 42. If the POTW accepts trucked waste, what controls are placed on this waste? (example. designated point, samples drawn, manifests required) Designated point for landfill leachate. 43. How does the POTW allocate its loading to industries? Mark all that apply ® Uniform Limits ® Historical Industry Need ❑ By Surcharge ® Categorical Limits ❑ Other Explain Other: 44. Review POTW's copies of current allocation tables for each WWTP. Are there any over allocations? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, What parameters are over allocated? New HWA is under review. 45. If yes to #43, What is being done to address the over allocations? (short-term IUPs, HWA to be revised, pollutant study, etc.) If BOD is problematic, the IUPs could be revised for textiles. No more allocation for antimony available. 46. Does the POTW keep pollutant loading in reserve for future growth / safety? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, what percentage of each parameter 10% 47. Has the POTW experienced any difficulty in allocation? (for example: adjudication by an industry) ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain. Antimony, issue resolved through permit modification. 48. How does the POTW decide on which pollutants to limit in the permits? Monitor for? (for example: were only those pollutants listed on the application limited; categorical parameters; NPDES Pollutants of Concern) Categorical parameters, NPDES pollutants of concern. 49. How does the POTW decide what the monitoring frequency should be for the various pollutants in industry permits ? Explain. Potential to impact, larger SIUs or SIUs with stronger wastewater are monitored more frequently. Permit Compliance: 50. Does the POTW currently have or during the past year had any permits under adjudication? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, which industries? What was (will be) the outcome of the adjudication? 51. Demonstrate how the POTW judges compliance. This should include compliance judgment on all violations of limits, reporting requirements, and permit conditions, as well as for SNC. Permit limits: CPJ worksheet (new), follows ERP for reporting etc. 52. Does the POTW use the Division's model inspection form or equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No If no, does the POTW form include all DWQ data? ❑ Yes ❑ No 53. Were all SIUs evaluated for the need of a slug/spill control plan during their most recent inspections? ® Yes ❑ No If no, Explain. 54. What criteria are used to determine if a slug/spill control plan is needed? If the SIU has no way to hold flow (ie lagoons etc.) then a sludg and spill control plan is required. 55. What criteria does the POTW use to determine if a submitted slug/spill control plan is adequate? Containment structures in place, no drains to sewer from storage or production areas, up-to-date contact list, SOP for employee training, adequate cleanup materials on site, pH control. 56. How does the POTW decide where the sample point for an SIU should be located? Representative of the discharge - process wastewater with no side streams. 57. Has the POTW established a procedure to ensure that representative samples will be taken by the POTW or SIU each time? (example: correct location; proper programming of sampler; clean equipment;. swirling the sample bucket uniformly) POTW: ® Yes ❑ No SIU: ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain. Training for city staff, SIUs contract out sampling to commercial labs. Sampling is observed by POtW. 58. Who performs sample analysis for the POTW for Metals Prism/Blue Ridge Conventional Parameters Prism Organics Prism 59. Explain the Chain of Custody Procedure used for both in house and commercial lab samples. All chain of custody forms are approved by Laboratory Certification Unit for commercial labs. Long/Short Term Monitoring Plan (L/STMP) and Headworks Analysis (HWA): 60a. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 60b. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 60c. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO 60d. All LTMP/STMP effluent data on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR)? ® YES ❑ NO DWQ Inspector, verify yourself? 60e. If NO to any above, list violations 60f. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: 61. Do you complete your own headworks analysis (HWA) ? ® Yes ❑ No If no, Who completes your HWA? Phone (� -- 62. Do you have plans to revise your HWA in the near future? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, What is the reason for the revision? (mark all that apply) ❑Increased average flow ❑NPDES limits change ❑More LTMP data available []Resolve over allocation ❑5 year expiration ❑Other Explain. 63. In general, what is the most limiting criteria of your HWA? ®Inhibition ❑ Pass Through ❑Sludge Quality 64. Do you see any way to increase your loading in the future (Example: obtaining more land for sludge disposal)? ❑ Yes ® No Explain. urn 65. Do you plan any significant changes to the pretreatment program or changes to the WWTP that may affect pretreatment? No. INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW: 66. User Name 1. Cataler North America 2. Textile Piece Dying 3. South Fork Industries 67. IUP Number 0021 0003 —�� 0004 68. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes [INo ®Yes ❑ No 69. Permit Expiration Date 6/30/13 3/31/144 3/31/14 j 70. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 415-410 410 71. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No r _®Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date? 72. Does File Contain Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? I ® Yes ❑ No 11 ® Yes ❑ No F® Yes ❑ No 73. a. Does File Contain Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes 0No7 a. ❑Yes ®No a. ❑Yes ®No b. If No, is One Needed? See Inspection Form from POTW) b. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ®No 11 b. ❑Yes ®No 74. For 40.CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®11 N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 75. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from Division? ®Yes ❑No R a. ❑Yes ®No Fa -- []Yes ®No b. All Issues Resolved? ®Yes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑No❑N/A I b.❑YesOMON/A 76. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Complete its ®Yes ElNo ® Yes El No ® Yes ❑ No Sam lin as Required b IUP, includin Flow? 77. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain-Of-CustodyForms? �® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes El No 78. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required by IUP, including Flow? 79. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports on ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A time? 80a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NOON/A Yes❑NoON/A IP file include process/dilution flows as Required b IUP? 80b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A production rates and/or flows as Required by IUP? 81. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Identify All Yes❑No®N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? r 82. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did POTW Identify All ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A Rg ortin Non-Com liance from SIU Sampling? 83. a. Was POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW within 30 Days? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A bmYes❑No❑N/A c. If applicable, did POTW resample and obtain results within 30 days of becomingaware of SIU limit violations in the POTW's sampling of SIU? c.❑Yes❑No❑N/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A c.❑Yes❑No®N/A 84. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 85. During Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken as ❑Yes❑No®N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Specified in POTW's ERP OVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 86. Does File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A 87. Does File Contain Proof Of Penal Collection? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®NIA ❑Yes❑NogN/A 88. a. Does File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SILT in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 89. Did POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any Requested ❑ Yes Z ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Information For You? I FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: 11 71. Application dates, Cataler 8/22/07; Textile Piece Dying 3/9/09; South Fork Industries 10/10/08. 72. Inspection dates, Cataler 12/11/09; Textile Piece Dying 12/18/08, South Fork Industries 12/16/08. 73. Cataler has a Slug and Spill Control Plan, in process of updating the plan. Textile Piece Dying and South Fork Indistries have the capability hold flow in the lagoon in case of a spill. 75. IUPs for Textile Piece Dying and South Fork Industries are under review. 77/82. The POTW uses Prism and Blue Ridge for sample analyses. Cataler uses Meritech, Textile Piece Dying and South Fork Industries use Blue Ridge Labs. Blue Ridge Labs sends lab for SIUs reports directly to the POTW. INDUSTRY INSPECTION PCS CODING: Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspection type Inspector Facility Type NN N C 0 0. 2 5 4 9 6 12 11 09 0 0 2❑ (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 1. Industry Inspected: Cataler North America 2. Industry Address: 2002 Cataler Drive, Lincolnton, NC 28092 3. Type of Industry/Product: manufactures the inside component of catalytic converters for auto industry. 4. Industry Contact: Chad Reynolds Title: Utilites Operator Phone: 828-970-0026 Fax: 828-428-2454 5. Does the POTW Use the Division Model Inspection Form or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No 6. Did the POTW Contact Conduct the Following Parts of the Industrial Inspection Thoroughly? Comments: A. Initial Interview ® Yes ❑ No B. Plant Tour ® Yes ❑ No C. Pretreatment Tour ® Yes ❑ No D. Sampling Review ® Yes ❑ No E. Exit Interview ® Yes ❑ No Industrial Inspection Comments: Physical/Chemical treatment system consisting of carbon filtration, 2-6,500 gallon holding tanks, acid addition in first reaction tank, NaOH addition in second reaction tank, metal drop out for filtration and recovery. Filtrate goes to POTW collection system. Virtually all metal is recovered for reuse in production. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Audit Comments: The POTW is well organized and effectively tracks SIUs for compliance. Requirements: See Program File Elements Review section of this report. Recommendations: NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: ❑ Yes ® No POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ Audit COMPLETED BY: DATE: December 14, 2009 4h�nsley, Mooresville Re tonal Office D- NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director Dee Freeman Secretary Mr. Donald Burkey City of Lincolnton Post Office 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: Dear Mr. Burkey: April 9, 2009 Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on April 8, 2009 by Mr. John Lesley of this Office. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, bert B. Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Enclosure cc: Central Files Dana Folley, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 \ Fax: (704) 663-6040 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org NoithCarolina Natural& An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper W I I NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NCDENR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT BACKGROUND INFORMATION [Complete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)] 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Don Burkey 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: 1/30/08 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit oa0F wArF19 O Y 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? ® YES ❑ NO 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ YES ® NO Order Type, Number, Parameters: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ YES ❑ NO ® NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type N NCO025496 04/08/09 P S 1 (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users SIUs)? 9 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs)? 4 CIUS 9. Number of SIUS Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUS Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC) 3 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 3 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any NPDES Limits Violations? If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? 18 19 20. 21 Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? ® YES ❑ NO Antimony 1/08 Phenol 2/08 11 ® YES ❑ NO Pass through antimony and phenol. See comments Which Industries have been in SNC for Limits or Reporting during SNC for Limits: Actavis / SABO / VT LeeBoy either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? Not Been Published for SNC for Reporting: None Public Notice?(May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUs in SNC) Not Published: None Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? None Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which ❑ YES ® NO Ones? LTMP/STMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 23. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 24. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ® YES ❑ NO 25. All LTMP/STMP effluent data reported on Discharge Monitoring Report? ® YES ❑ NO 26. If NO to 23 - 26, list violations: 27. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 1 8. PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW— Please review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of Program Element in their files, complete with supporting documents and copy of PERCS Approval Letter, and dates consistent with Pro ram Info: Program Element Last Submittal Date received In file? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 4/24/07 ® Yes ❑ No 5/15/07 ® Yes ❑ No 5/1/09 Industrial Waste Survey IWS 3/30/04 ® Yes ❑ No 4/20/04 ® Yes ❑ No 6/1/09 Sewer Use Ordinance SUO 4/15/08 ® Yes ❑ No 6/11/08 ® Yes ❑ No Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 7/31/08 ® Yes ❑ No 10/29/08 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 1 11/12/08 ® Yes ❑ No 2/6/09 ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW (3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND I IU INSPECTION) 29. User Name IF—I.R—obert Bosch Tools 2. 11 3. 30. IUP Number 1 0006 11r 31. Does File Contain Current Permit? I ® Yes ❑ Noll ❑ Yes ❑ N_­T11 ❑ Yes ❑ No 32. Permit Expiration Date 1 3/31/09 33. Categorical Standard Applied I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 1 433 34. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date? 35. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? I ® Yes ❑ No 11 ❑ Yes ❑ N—o-11 ❑ Yes ❑ No 36. a. Does the File Contain a Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ❑No b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POTW R. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No 37. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 38. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. ®Yes ❑No _ a. ❑Yes ❑No a. [-]Yes ❑No b. All Issues Resolved? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑No❑N/A 39. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ®Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 11 its Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 40. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain-Of-CustodyForms? ® Yes ❑ No ❑Yes ❑ No ❑Yes ❑ No 41 a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 41 b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A on time? 42a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A file includeprocess/dilution flows as Required by IUP? 42b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑No®N/A Yes❑No❑N/A IP ❑Yes❑No❑N/A production rates and/or flows as Required b IUP? 43a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ®Yes❑No❑NA ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A All Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 43b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A All Reporting Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 44. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.®Yes❑NOON/A a.❑Yes❑No❑N/A a.❑YesOMON/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW Within 30 Days? b.®YesONo❑N/A b.❑Yes❑No❑N/A b.❑Yes❑No❑N/A c. Did POTW resample within 30 days of knowledge of SIU limit c.®Yes❑MON/A c.❑Yes❑No❑N/A c.❑Yes❑No❑N/A violations from the POTW sample event? 45. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? I ❑ Yes ® No 11 ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 46. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A as Specified in the POTW's ERP (NOVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 47. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑No®N/A I 0Yes0NoC3_N_/A11 ❑Yes❑No❑NIA 48. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No❑N/A 49. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑MON/A a.❑Yes❑No❑N/A a.❑Yes❑No❑N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No❑N/a KOYes❑No❑N/A 50. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No Requested Information For You? 117 NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 2 FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: The facility ceased discharge on 3/16/2009. An SIU inspection was conducted to evaluate facility shutdown and clean up proceduresIfor potential impacts on the WWTP. The IUP expired on 3/31/2009 and will not be reissued. See Industry Inspection details below. INDUSTRY INSPECTION PCS CODING: Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number N 25496 MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type 4/8/09 I S 2 (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 1. Industry Inspected: Robert Bosch Tools 2. Industry Address: 124 Legionaire Road, PO Box 129, Lincolnton, NC 28093 3. Type of Industry/Product: Manufactures various tools for consumer use. 4. Industry Contact: Mr. Wade Roberson Title: Plant Engineer Phone: 704-736-8302 Fax: 5. Does the POTW Use the Division Model Inspection Form or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO 6. Did the POTW Contact Conduct the Following Parts of the Industrial Inspection Thoroughly? Comments: A. Initial Interview ® YES ❑ NO B. Plant Tour ® YES ❑ NO C. Pretreatment Tour ® YES ❑ NO D. Sampling Review ® YES ❑ NO E. Exit Interview ® YES ❑ NO Industrial Inspection Comments: The facility ceased discharge on 3/16/09. All clean up activity is being conducted by GARCO, Inc. from Asheboro, North Carolina. Process wastewaters held in tanks, mop water, and other clean up wastes are being taken off site for treatment. Manifests are maintained to document the removal of all wastewater (except for domestic wastewater). All connections of the manufacturing process to the POTW have been capped. Ten staff remain at the facility to oversee the inventory and auction of various tools and process equipment. No potential threats to the POTW collection system or WWTP were found. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Comments: The POTW violated permitted effluent limits for Antimony (1/08) and phenol (2/08). IUP limits were issued for antimony to all textile related SUIs. Phenol noncompliance was traced to McMurray Mills. McMurray Mills was in violation of the IUP limits for phenol in 1/08. Requirements: See the Program Elements Review Section of this report for due dates. Recommendations: Submit a drop request for Robert Bosch Tools. NOD: []YES ® NO NOV: ❑ YES ® NO QNCR: ❑ YES ® NO POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Margin ?g;:t ' cto PCI COMPLETED BY: —'r' DATE: April 9, 2009 4hn V'sley, Mooresville Regio Office NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 3 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary D North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen Sullins. Director Division of Water Quality February 4, 2008 Mr. Donald Burkey City of Lincolnton Post Office 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on January 30, 2008 by Mr. John Lesley of this Office. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Robert B. Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section Enclosure cc: Central Files Dana Folley, PERCS Unit 111 N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 6I0 E. Center Ave. Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 M�tlx NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITI NCDENR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPOT cc BACKGROUND INFORMATION [Complete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)l �b 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton �y0 N6x'a 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: 2/23/2007 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection and Program Info Sheet(s)? ® YES ❑ NO 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ YES ® NO Order Type, Number, Parameters: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ YES ❑ NO PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type N NCO025496 01/30/08 P S 1 (DTIAI (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users (SIUS)? 6 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users CfUs ? 2 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUS Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUS With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUS in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods (Total Number of SIUS in SNC) 0 PSNC 14. Number of SIUS in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any NPDES Limits Violations? If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? (See Comments Section) 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? (See Comments Section) 19. Which Industries have been in SNC for Limits or Reporting during SNC foi either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods? Not Been Published for SNC for Public Notice?(May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUS in SNC) Not Pu 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUS on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which Ones? ® YES ❑ NO 1/07, 9/07, 10/07 Antimony violations 11/07, 12/07 Phenol violations EYES [-]NO Pass -Through antimony and phenol Limits: NONE Reporting: NONE )Iished: NONE NONE ❑ YES ® NO LTMP/STMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is LTMP/STMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® YES ❑ NO 23. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP/STMP Monitoring? ® YES ❑ NO 24. Is LTMP/STMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® YES ❑ NO Is Table Adequate? ❑ YES ❑ NO 25. All LTMP/STMP effluent data reported on Discharge Monitoring Report? ® YES ❑ NO 26. If NO to 23 - 26, list violations: NA 27. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to LTMP/STMP? ❑ YES ® NO If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 1 ELEMENTS REVIEW — Please review POTW files, verify POTW has copy of Program Element in -uments and copy of PERCS Approval Letter, and dates consistent with Program Info: ent Last Submittal Date In rile? Last Approval Date In file Date Next Due, If Applicable rks An sis WA ustrial Waste Surve IWS 4/19/04 ® Yes ❑ No 7/1/04 ® Yes ❑ No 4/1/09 4/1/04 ® Yes ❑ No 4/20/04 ® Yes ❑ No 4/1/09 Sewer Use Ordinance SUO 4/I1/07 ®Yes ❑ No 5/15/07 ®Yes ❑ No Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 1/11/94 ® Yes ❑ No 10/26/94 ® Yes ❑ No Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 5/4/07 ® Yes ❑ No 5/15/07 ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW (3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTION) 29. User Name 1. Mohican Mills 2. McMurray Fabrics 3. Robert Bosch Tool 30. IUP Number 0005 0013 0006 31. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ N7oj ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 32. Permit Expiration Date 3/31/09 3/31/09 3/31/09 33. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 410 11 410 11 433 34. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date? 35. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 36. a. Does the File Contain a Slug/Spill Control Plan? a. ®Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ®No a. ®Yes ❑No b. If No, is One Needed? See Inspection Form from POT b. []Yes []No b. []Yes ®No b. ❑Yes ❑No 37. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 38. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. ®Yes []No a. ®Yes []No a. ®Yes ❑No b. All Issues Resolved? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A 39. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ® Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No its Sampling as Required by IUP, including flow? 40. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? ® Yes No 0 ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 41. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sam lin as Re uired b IUP, includin flow? 41b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did SIU submit all reports ®Yes❑No❑N/A IP Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A on time? 42a. For categorical IUs with Combined Wastestream Formula (CWF), does F ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Ycs❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A file includeprocess/dilution flows as Required by IUP? 42b. For categorical IUs with Production based limits, does file include ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A production rates and/or flows as Required by IUP? 43a. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ®Yes❑No❑NA ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A All Limits Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 43b. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify ❑Yes❑NOON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A All Reporting Non -Compliance from SIU Sampling? 44. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.®Yes❑No❑N/A a.0Yes0No0N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample and submit results to POTW Within 30 Days? b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A b.®Yes❑No❑N/A c. Did POTW resample within 30 days of knowledge of SIU limit czYes❑No❑N/A c.®Yes❑No❑N/A c.®YespNo❑N/A violations from the POTW sample event? 46. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SILT in SNC? I ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 11 ❑ Yes ® No 47. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken ®Yes❑No❑N/A lrr�� o❑N/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A as Specified in the POTW's ERP (NOVs, Penalties, timing, etc.)? 48. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A� 49. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A I 0 ` es❑No®N/A 50. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A 11 a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 51. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑ Yes ®No ❑Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Requested Information For You? NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 2 FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: 35. Mohican Mills: Inspection 12/18/07 McMurray Fabrics: Inspection 12/20/07 Robert Bosc. 37. Robert Bosch is currently revising their Slug/Spill Control Plan and TOMP. 42b. Robert Bosch IUP is based on daily maximum limits instead of production. 43. Mohican Mills: Violations — 1/17/07 BOD, NH3; 2/21/07 Selenium; 2/22/07 NH3; 4/10/07 BOD, Ni 8/30/07 NH3, Temperature McMurray Fabrics: Violations — 5/4/07 Cyanide; 7/19/07 Temperature; 10/19/07 Cyanide; 11/27/07 Phenol. uses water meter readings for discharge flow reporting. This method of flow measurement gives higher than actual flow values. Robert Bosch Tools: Violations — 4/15/07 COD, Zinc; 6/12/07 Zinc, O&G; 7/19/07 O&G. A Cooling water line broke that lead to the zinc noncompliance. SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Comments: 1. Paul Lavitt Mills has been dropped from the Pretreatment Program — DWQ Approval 4/3/2007. 2. Antimony and Phenol pass through identified as coming from textile users who process material that has been shipped in from China. Rinse water contains higher amounts of antimony and phenol. 1 /07 Antimony noncompliance traced to Paul Lavitt Mills doing a tank clean out after closing operations, 9/07 and 10/07 Antimony noncompliance suspected from South Fork Industries (textile SIU), and the phenol violations in 11/07 and 12/07 have been traced to increases in phenol at more than one textile SIU. Requirements: 1. See the Program Elements Review Section of this report for due dates. 2. All monitoring (including flow monitoring) must be representative of the discharge and must be measured with an accuracy within 10% of t the actual flow. Utilizing water meter readings at McMurray Fabrics may not satisfy this requirement. It is required that a flow study be conducted by the SIU which documents that the water meter readings and the actual flow is within 10% accuracy. Recommendations: Increase monitoring at textile SIUs for antimony, phenol, and any other constituents that my cause WWTP impacts. NOD: ❑ YES ®NO NOV: ❑ YES ®NO QNCR: ❑ YES ® NO POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory_ ❑ PCI COMPLETED BY: DATE: February 4, 2008 n ley, Mooresville Regional Offi`e NC DWQ Pretreatment Compliance Inspection (PCI) Form Updated 7/25/07 Page 3 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources April 19, 2007 Mr. Donald Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Program Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Alan W. Klimek-, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2006. Based on the review, it appears that the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2008. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699 or by email at John.Lesley@ncmail.net. Sincerely, -John Lesley Mooresville Regional Office Contact Cc: Dana Folley, PERCS Unit Central Files One N r hCarolina Naturally N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 E. Center Ave. Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Michael F. Easley, Govern "`� U William G. Ross Jr., Secre North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality February 26, 2007 Mr. Stephen Peeler Public Works Director City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln Co., NC Dear Mr. Peeler: Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on February 23, 2007 by John Lesley of this Office. The City's Industrial Pretreatment Program is commendable. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, In Lesley Acting Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Enclosure cc: Central Files Dana Folley, PERCS Lincoln County Health Department JL No ehCarolina ,atura(!y N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 E. Center Ave. Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Ar��, � NCDENR Nvary � u�w 06wrraxr or F.erviwowwerrt .wp N�einLL Rcsr>�gces NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT \��F W A�R�G 0O >;: BACKGROUND INFORMATION (Complete Prior To PCI• Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)1 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey Telephone: 704-736-8960 Fax: 704-732-6137 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator E-mail: donaldburkey@ci.lincolnton.nc.us 4. Last Inspection Date: 11 115 /2005 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection or Program Info Sheet(s)? ® Yes ❑ No 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ Yes ® No Order Type and Number: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector I N I I N I C 1 0 I6 I2 Is 14 19 16 I 021231071 1 P I IS I Fac. Type LIJ (FACC) (DTIA) ("fYPI) (INSP) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs)? 7 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs)? 2 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected B POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SILTS Not Sampled B POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC) 1 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting DuringEither of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations DuringEither of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 1 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any POTW Permit Limits Violations? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? Cyanide 6/2006 isolated violation (See Comments Section) 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial ® Yes ❑ No Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Grease problems from Sludge Production, Etc.)? restaurants - main source If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? eliminated 19. Which Industries have been in SNC during either of the Last 2 Semi- SNC for Limits: Mohican Mills Annual Periods? Have any Industries in SNC (During Either of the Last SNC for Reporting: None 2 Semi -Annual Periods) Not Been Published for Public Notice? Not Published: None (May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUs in SNC) 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? None 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which ❑ Yes ® No Ones? Filename: Lincolnton 0607 pci Page 1 Revised: 6/30/98 JWTREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW— Please review POTW files and complete the following: Program Element Date of Last Approval Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 7/1/04 4/1/09 Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 4/20/04 4/1/09 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 10/26/94 6/1/07 Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 10/26/94 6/1/07 Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 12/2/04 LTMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is the LTMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® Yes ❑ No 23. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to the LTMP? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: Antimony 24. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP Monitoring? ® Yes ❑ No 25. Is the LTMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No Is the Table Adequate? ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW(3 1UP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTION) 26. User Name 1. Textile Piece Dyeing 2. South Fork Industries 11 3. Actavis 27. IUP Number 1 0003 LJ100041 0012 28. Does File Contain Current Permit? I ® Yes ❑ No I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 29. Permit Expiration Date 1 3/31/09 3/31/09 11 3/31/09 30. Categorical Standard Applied I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A NA 410 439 31. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior to Permit Issue Date? ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 32. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 33. a. Does the File Contain a Slug Control Plan? b. If No, is One Needed? See Inspection Form from POTW) a. []Yes NNo b. ❑Yes NNo a. ❑Yes NNo b. ❑Yes NNo ®Yes ❑No Rb[]Yes ❑No 34. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certifiers, Does File Contain a Toxic Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoNN/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A 35. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? b. All Issues Resolved? a. ®Yes ❑No I baYes❑No❑N/A a. ®Yes ❑No WaYes❑No❑N!A a. ®Yes []No b.®Yes❑No❑N/A 36. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete its Sampling as Required b IUP? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No IF Yes ® No 37. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? I ®Yes ❑ No 11 0 Yes ❑ No j0 Yes ❑ No 38. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its Sampling as Required by IUP? ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 39. Does Sampling Indicate Flow or Production? ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 40. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify All Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? FMYes ❑ No ❑ NA 11 F0 Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ® Yes No ❑ NA 41. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resam le Within 30 Days? aaYes❑No❑NIA b. ®Yes []No a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. []Yes ❑No a.®Yes❑No❑N/A b. NYes []No 42. Was the SIU Promptly Notified of Any Violations (Per ERP)? ®Yes❑No❑N/A pYes❑NoON/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 43. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ® No 11 ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 44. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken as Specified in the POTWs ERP?11 ❑Yes❑NoON/A I[= OON/A ❑Yes❑NOON/A 45. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? pYes❑No®N/A J1 ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A I 46. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penal Collection? ❑Yes❑NOON/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A 47. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A 48. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This Requested Information For You? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑Yes ® No Filename: Lincolnton 0607 pci Page 2 Revised: 6/30/98 r 1Er, MT, V 1r. W l,V1V11V1E1r 1 J: Question 31. IUP Applications were completed as follows: Textile Piece Dyeing, 12/8/2005; South Fork Industries, 12/8/2005, Actavis, 12/14/2005. Question 32. Inspections were performed as follows: Textile Piece Dyeing,12/13/2006; South Fork Industries,12/11/2006; Actavis, 12/14/2006. Queston 33. Both Textile Piece Dyeing and South Fork Industries have treatment lagoons that can serve as spill containment. Actavis must submit a revised slug control plan by no later than June 30, 2007. Question 36. The POTW did not perform annual analyses for three of the rive organic chemical parameters in the IUP (Actavis certifies that the organic compounds are not on site) due to a scheduling mix up. The missed organic compound analyses must be completed during the first six month period, January -June 2007, in addition to the annual analyses required for 2007. 42. Violations were reported as follows: Textile Piece Dyeing, pH violations in 8/06 and 10/06 - NOVs sent for the violations, Actavis, acetone violation 9/12/06 - NOV sent for the violation. South Fork Industries did not have violations in 2006. PCI SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: PCI Comments: Mohican Mills was in SNC for ammonia nitrogen violations The POTW is preparing an IUP modification to address the SNC status of the industry. Requirements: See the Program Elements Review Section of this report and questions 33 and 36 above Recommendations: The overall program appeared to be well managed and organized. NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: ❑ Yes ® No POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ PCI COMPLETED BY: C�Atit 1. DATE: February 26, 2007 J n esley, Mooresville Region O ce Filename: Lincolnton 0607 pci Page 3 Revised: 6/30/98 �� �* NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director April 30, 2010 Mr. Donald Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Program Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Dee Freeman Secretary Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2009. Based on the review, it appears that the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0908(b) requirements and guidelines set forth in Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. The next PAR will be due March 1, 2011. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 663-1699 or by email at iohn.lesleyQncdenr.gov. . Sincerely, LJohn Lesley Mooresville Regional Office Pretreatment Program Contact Cc: Dana Folley, PERCS Unit Mooresville Regional Office Location: 610 East Center Ave., Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 663-1699 \ Fax: (704) 663-6040 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: http://portal.nodenr.orglwebtwg Nne orthCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer paper Ppp7g�A T �9�G ?_ y Mr. Don Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Dear Mr. Burkey: -007 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources April 18, 2006 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2005. Based on the review, it appears that the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with guidelines set forth in Chapter 9 of the Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Pro rams. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact J Lesley of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Cc: PERCS Unit — Dana Folley Central Files JL t A WDENR Sincerely, > L � D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisol Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality Phone . Internet: www ncwaterquality orb 610 East Center Ave, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Fax 704 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper O�O� W A T �9QG � r O --C (It — Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources November 16, 2005 Mr. Stephen Peeler Public Works Director City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Dear Mr. Peeler: Alan W. Klimek, P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln Co., NC Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on November 15, 2005 by John Lesley of this Office. The City's Industrial Pretreatment Program is commendable. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, LD. Rex Gleason, P.E. Surface Water Protection Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Central Files Dana Folley, Pretreatment Group Lincoln County Health Department JL Nne r Carolina Ntura!!y N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Office, 610 E. Center Ave. Suite 301, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 0 O�-WA9QG NCDENR How.w CUwou.0 Oourtwort a Ermwww — N— R[lOURLCI NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1Comalete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)1 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Don Burkey Telephone: 704-736-8960 Fax: 704-732-6137 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator E-mail: donaldburkey@ci.lincolnton.ne.us 4. Last Inspection Date: 8 /31 /2004 Inspection Type: ❑ PCI ® Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection or Program Info Sheet(s)? ® Yes ❑ No 6.. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ❑ Yes ® No Order Type and Number: Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector I N I INICln In I2 IS 14 19 16 I 111 Iv;10sl 1P I LSJ Fae. Type LiJ (FACC) (DTIA) (TYPI)(IN SP) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs)? 7 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs)? 2 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected B POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUs Not Sampled B POTW in the Last Calendar Year? ll 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 U NOIN 12. Number of SIUS With No IUP, or With an Expired ]UP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods Total Number of SIUs in SNC 0 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting DuringEither of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations DuringEither of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods 0 POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any POTW Permit Limits Violations? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? Cyanide - 2/05 (See Comments Section) 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial []Yes ® No Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? 19. Which Industries have been in SNC during either of the Last 2 Semi- SNC for Limits: None Annual Periods? Have any Industries in SNC (During Either of the Last SNC for Reporting: None 2 Semi -Annual Periods) Not Been Published for Public Notice? Not Published: NA (May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUs in SNC) 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? None 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which ❑ Yes ® No Ones? Filename: Lincolnton pci 0506 Page l Revised: 6/30/99 PPITREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW— Please review POTW files and complete the following: Program Element Date of Last Approval Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 7/1/04 4/1/09 Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 4/20/04 4/1/09 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 10/26/94 12/1/06 Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 10/26/94 Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 12/2/04 LTMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is the LTMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® Yes ❑ No 23. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to the LTMP? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: 24. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP Monitoring? ® Yes ❑ No 25. Is the LTMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No Is the Table Adequate? ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW(3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTION) 26. User Name 11 1. Mohican Mills JF2. Robert Bosh Tools 11 3. Alpharma 77 27. IUP Number 28. Does File Contain Current Permit? 29. Permit Expiration Date 30. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 31. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior to Permit Issue Date? 22. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? 33. a. Does the File Contain a Slug Control Plan? b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POTW) 34. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certifiers, Does File Contain a Toxic Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 35. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? b. All Issues Resolved? 36. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete its Sampling as Required by lUP? 37. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? 38. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its Sampling as Required by IUP? 39. Does Sampling Indicate Flow or Production? 40. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify All Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 41. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self - Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample Within 30 Days? 42. Was the SILT Promptly Notified of Any Violations (Per ERP)? 43. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? 44. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken as Specified in the POTWs ERP? 45. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? 46. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? 47. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? 48. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This Requested Information For You? 0005 J1 0006 11 0012 Yes ❑ No Ye Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 7/31/06 7/31/06 7/31/06 410 433 11 439 Yes ❑ No Yes ❑ No 11 F;� Yes ❑ No BSI Yes LJ No a. ❑Yes ®No b. ❑Yes ®No ❑Yes❑No®N/A a. ®Yes ❑No b.®Yes❑No❑N/A F� Yes ❑ No Yes LJ No Q9 Yes LJ No a. ®Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No ®Yes❑No❑N/A a. ®Yes ❑No baYes❑No❑N/A ® Yes ❑ No Yes I I No L!� Yes U No a. ®Yes ❑No b. []Yes []No ❑Yes❑NoON/A a. ®Yes ❑No bmYes❑No❑N/A F� Yes ❑ No Yes I I No ®Yes❑No❑N/A j[fes11No70N/A ®Yes❑No❑ ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ❑ Yes ❑ No. ® NA ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA a.®Yes❑No❑N/A b. ®Yes ❑No a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. ❑Yes ❑No a.®Yes❑No❑N/A b. ®Yes ❑No ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑ Yes ® No JF ❑ Yes ® No 11 ❑ Yes ® No OYes❑Non7'es❑NoZN/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A a. ❑Yes❑No®N/A b. ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A 0Yes❑No0N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A Yes M No ❑ Yes M No Filename: Lincolnton pci 0506 Revised: 6/30/98 Page 2 FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: Mohician Mills: Noncompliant for BOD in September 2005, Notice of Violation sent, 2 pH violations in September 2005, Notices of violation sent. The SIU uses Blue Ridge Labs. Robert Bosh Tools: No violations reported, the SIU uses Prism Laboratories. Alpharma: BOD and COD violations reported in May 2005 and a copper violation was reported in July 2005. The SIU uses PAR Labs. PCI SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: PCI Comments: 1. (Ouestions 17 and 18) The POTW reported a cyanide violation in February 2005. The source of the cyanide could not be determined since the violation was not recurrine. Influent testine and SIU testing did not indicate cyanide was beine dischareed to the WWTP. 2. The POTW has implemented a written SOP for file review requests by the public. Requirements: See the Pretreatment Elements Review Section of this report. Recommendations: The CiWs Pretreatment Program is well organized and managed. NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: ❑ Yes ® No POTW Ratinz: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ PCI COMPLETED BY: DATE: November 16, 2005 Jo11 qniesley', Mooresville a ional Office Filename: Lincolnton pci 0506 Page 3 Revised: 6/30/98 Mi.-hicl F. U. Governor William G. Ros<Jr.. Secretary ; � North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek. P. E. Director Division of Water Quality Cnlecn H. Sullins. Depute Director Division ofWatcr Qualm September 1, 2004 Mr. Stephen Peeler Public Works Director City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: Pretreatment Audit Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln Co., NC Dear Mr. Peeler: Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Audit Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on August 31, 2004 John Lesley of this Office. The City's Industrial Pretreatment Program is commendable. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Central Files Jon Risgaard, Pretreatment Group Lincoln County Health Department JL r, rthCaroIina .JUQtrirzz11m N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Regional Ofce, 919 North Main street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 RMA - NCDER-k Customer service 1-877-623-6748 e�� 26AA NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NCDENR PRETREATMENT AUDIT REPORT Background Information [Complete prior to audit; review Program Info Database Sheet(s)j 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Address of POTW: 608 West Hwy 150, Lincolnton Mailing PO Box 617 City Lincolnton, NC Phone Number 704-736-8960 Fax Number 704-732-6137 Zip Code 28093-0617 E-Mail donaldburkev(iDci.lincolnton.nc.us 5. Audit Date 08/31/2004 6. Last Inspection Date: 10/08/2003 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ ,Audit 7. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection or Program Info Sheet(s) ? ® Yes ❑ No If No, Explain. 8. In the last year has the POTW experienced any NPDES or Sludge Permit compliance problems? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes, Explain. See Comments Section 9. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ® Yes ❑ No Order Type and Number: 67B SO1-002 ADII Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA Parameters Covered Under Order Cyanide Effective Date 2/1/2004 Expiration Date 10/1/2004 PCS (WENDB)Coding Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type ( N N I C 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 5 1 4 1 9 1 6 08 1 31 1 04� LG� I Is I LL (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 1.0. Current Number of Significant Industrial Users�(SIUS)? _ � � � 7 SIUS 11 _ Current Number of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUS)? _ _ 2 CIUS 12. Number of SIUs Not Inspected POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 13. Number of SIUs Not Sampled by POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 14. Enter the Higher Number of 12 or 13 0 NOIN 15. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 1 PSNC Semi -Annual Periods (Total Number of SIUs in SNC) 16. Number of SIUs with No IUP, or with an Expired IUP _ 0 17. Number of SIUs in SNC for Reporting During. Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 1 MSNC 18. Number of SIUs in SNC for Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 19. Number of SIUs in SNC for Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 0 Semi -Annual Periods ................................. ....... ................... _..__.._............... ............. ........................... ....................... _.__._._...____._................... — .................. _......... 20. Number of SIUs in SNC for Self -Monitoring that were Not Inspected or Sampled 0 _..... SNIN Ji North Carolina Pretreatment Audit Form Do..o t TREATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW- Please review POTW files and complete the followinu- Program Element Date of Last Approval "Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 7/1/2004 4/1/2009 Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 4/20/2004 4/1/2009 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 10/26/1994 Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 10/26/1994 Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 8/22/2001 10/31/2004 Legal Authority (Sewer Use Ordinance-SUO) 21. Do you have any towns and/or areas from which you receive wastewater which are not in your annexed jurisdiction? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Please list these towns and/or areas. Lincoln County 22. If yes to #21, Do you have current Interjurisdictional Agreements (IJAs) or other Contracts? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA A copy, if not already submitted, should be sent to Division. 23. If yes to #21, Have you had any trouble working with these towns or districts'? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ NA If yes, Explain. 24. Date of Last SUO Adoption by Local Council 03/03/1994 25. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the SUO? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. Enforcement (Enforcement Response Plan-ERP) 26. Did you send a copy of the ERP to your industries'? ® Yes ❑ No If no, POTW must send copy within 30 days. 27. Have you had any problems interpreting or enforcing any part of the ERP (i.e. any adjudication, improper enforcement, etc? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 2S. List Industries under a Schedule or Order and Type of Schedule or Order None Resources 29. Please Rate the Following: S=Satisfactory M=Marginal U=Unsatsfactory Rating Explanation, if Unsatisfactory Personnel Available for Maintaining POTW's Pretreatment Program ®S ❑M ❑U Access to POTW Vehicles for Sampling, Inspections, and ®S ❑M ❑U Emergencies Access to Operable Sampling Equipment ®S ❑M ❑U Availability of Funds if Needed for Additional Sampling and/or Analysis ®S ❑M ❑U Reference Materials ®S ❑M ❑U Staff Training (i.e. Annual and Regional Workshops, Etc.) ®S ❑M ❑U a Computer Equipment (Hardware and Software) M&Flm ❑U North Carolina Pretreatment Audit Form D....o 7 JF30..Does the POTW have an adequate data management system to run the pretreatment program? ® Yes ❑ No Explain Yes or No. Excel Spreadsheets 31. How does the POTW recover the cost of the Pretreatment Program from their industries? Explain. The POTW sends samples to contract labs and bills the SIU for lab costs. Public Perception/ Participation 32. Are there any local issues affecting the pretreatment program (e.g.. odor, plant closing, new or proposed plants)? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 33. Has any one from the public ever requested to review pretreatment program files? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain procedure. If no, How would the request be addressed? Staff person retreives file. Files cannot leave site. 34. Does the POTW have a procedure in place that addresses requests by an industry for certain information to remain confidential? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 35. In addition to annual inspection, does the POTW periodically meet with industries to discuss pretreatment? ® Yes ❑ No 36. Is the public notified about changes in the SUO or Local Limits? ® Yes ❑ No 37. Were all industries in SNC published in the last notice? ® Yes ❑ No Permitting (Industrial Waste Survey-IWS) 38. How does the POTW determine which industries have the reasonable potential to adversely impact the WWTP and therefore require a permit? (Who is an SILT?) IWS information, water use records, zoning records, categorical determination. 39. Does the POTW receive waste from any groundwater remediation projects (petroleum, CERCLA) or landfill leachate? ®Yes ❑No If Yes, How many are there? 2 Please list each site and how it is permitted, if applicable. Lincoln County Landfill and Bell South- GW Remediation 40. Does the POTW accept waste by (mark if applicable) ❑ Truck ❑Dedicated Pipe ® NA 41. If the POTW accepts trucked waste, what controls are placed on this waste'? (example. designated point, samples drawn, manifests required) NA 42. How does the POTW allocate its loading to industries? Mark all that apply ❑ Uniform Limits ® Historical Industry Need ❑ By Surcharge ® Categorical Limits ❑ Other Explain Other: 43. Review copies of current allocation tables for each WWTP. Are there any over allocations? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, What parameters are over allocated? 44. If yes to #43, What is being done to address the over allocations? (short-term lUPs, HWA to be revised, pollutant study, etc.) NA 45. Does the POTW keep pollutant loading in reserve for future growth / safety? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, what percentage of each parameter 20% 46. Has the POTW experienced any difficulty in allocation? (for example: adjudication by an industry) ❑ Yes ® No If yes, Explain. 47. How does the POTW decide on which pollutants to limit in the permits? Monitor for? (for example: were only those pollutants listed on the application limited; categorical parameters; NPDES Pollutants of Concern) All the above �s 48. How does the POTW decide what the monitoring frequency should be for the various pollutants in industry permits ? Explain. Potential to impact WWTP or sludge land application. North Carolina Pretreatment Audit Form Dn..0 i Mmit Compliance 49. Does the POTW currently have or during the past year had any permits under adjudication? ❑ Yes ® No 50. Demonstrate how the POTW judges compliance. This should include compliance judgment on all violations of limits, reporting requirements, and permit conditions, as well as for SNC. Follows guidelines in Comprehensive Guidance Manual. All reporting violations are considered SNC. Uses the Compliance Judgement Worksheet in determining SNC for limits violations. 51. Does the POTW use the Division's model inspection form or equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No 52. Were all SIJs evaluated for the need of a slug and spill control plan during their most recent inspections? ® Yes ❑ No If no, Explain. 53. What criteria are used to determine if a slug control plan is needed? Potential to discharge directly into collection system. 54. What criteria does the POTW use to review a submitted slug control plan? Prevention of direct discharge by containment structures - tanks, pits, lagoons, etc. Chemical storage facilities and the potential to impact WWTP or collection system. Inclusion of a current contact names list with telephone/pager numbers. 55. How does the POTW decide where the sample point for an SIU should be located? Most representative process discharge sampling point, below all treatment units, prior to mixing with domestic sources. 56. Has the POTW established a procedure to ensure that representative samples will be taken by the POTW or SiU each time'? ( example: swirling the sample bucket uniformly) ® Yes ❑ No If yes, Explain. SOP and IUP contains sampling instructions. 57. Who performs sample analysis for the POTW for Metals PACE Labs and Meritech Labs for mercury 1631 Conventional Parameters In -House Organics Blue Ridee Labs (phenol) and PACE Labs 58. Explain the Chain of Custody Procedure used for both in house and commercial lab samples. .all sampling events must be accompanied by a chain of custody form. Long Term Nlonitoring Plan (LTMP) and Headworks Analysis (HWA) 59. Is LTMP maintained in a table'? ® Yes ❑ No Review Data and Explain. Lowest detection levels are used . 60. Do you complete your own headworks analysis (HWA) ? ® Yes ❑ No * Pease and Associates did the initial HWA, but it was not acceptable, the Pretreatment Coordinator completed the final HWA. If no, Who completes your HWA? Phone (� -- 61. Do you have plans to revise your HWA in the near future? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, What is the reason for the revision? (mark all that apply) ❑Increased average flow ❑NPDES limits change ❑Other ®More LTMP data available ❑Resolve over allocation ❑5 year expiration Explain. because of WWTP modifications the removal efficiencies are significantly improved. 62. In general, what is the most limiting criteria of your HWA? ®Inhibition ❑ Pass Through ❑Sludge Quality 63. Do you see any way to increase your loading in the future (Example: obtaining more land for sludge disposal)? ® Yes ❑ No Explain. The current facility has more reserve capacity. Summary e' 64. Do you plan any significant changes to the pMreatment program or changes to the WWTP that may affect pretreatment? No North Carolina Pretreatment Audit Form n.,,. 4 NDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT (IUP) FILE REVIEW (3 IUP FILE REVIEWS) 65. User Name I 1. Viking Technology 12. Textile Piece Dying I 3. South Fork Industries 66. [UP Number 0001 0003 0004 67. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 68. Permit Expiration Date 7/31/06 7/31/06 7/31/06 69. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A �- NA NA NA 70. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No FM Yes ❑ No to Permit Issue Date'? 11 71. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year'? ® Yes [:1No ®Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ Now 72. a. Does the File Contain a Slug Control Plan? a. ❑Yes MNo a. pYes MNo a. [:]Yes MNo b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POTW) b. []Yes MNo b. []Yes MNo b. ❑Yes MNo 73. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certification, Does File Contain a Toxic ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? 11 74. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? a. MYes pNo rbaYesoNoON/A a. MYes ONo a. MYes C]No b. All Issues Resolved? baYes❑No❑N/A baYes❑No❑N/A 75. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No its Sampling as Required b [UP? 76. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? Z Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No I ® Yes ❑ No 77. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SILT Complete its ZYes❑NoC\, A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A Sampling as Required by IUP? 78. Does Sampling Indicate Flow or Production'? 11 ❑Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 11 ®Yes❑No❑N/A 79. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify IZ Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ®Yes ❑ No All Non -Compliance from Both POTW and SIU Sampling? 80. a. Was the POTW Notified by SIU (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- a.pYes❑NOON/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.®Yes❑No❑N/A �lonitorint=_ Violations? * see comment section b. Did Indus Resam le Within 30 Days? b. []Yes pNo b. ❑Yes ❑No b. MYes ❑No 81. Was the SIU Promptly Notified of Any Violations (Per ERP)? ❑Yes❑NoON/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 82. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ❑ No 11 ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 83. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken ❑Yes❑NoSN/A1F_E1Yes17]No0N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A as Specified in the POTW's ERP? 84. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices'? ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/ A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A 85. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑No®N/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A ❑Yes❑NoSN/A 86. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders'? RcYesoNoON/A ❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order'? b.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑NOON%A ® No [I Yes ® No 87. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This ❑Yes ®No �❑ Yes Requested Information For You'? FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: # 80 Copies of all SIti laboratory analyses go directly to the POTW Pretreatment Program Coordinator from the contract laboratories. Audit SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: Audit Comments: 1. Ouestion 8: NPDES Permit limit violations 11/25/03 - Cyanide daily max; 1/3/04 TSS wk ave, 1/10/04 TSS wk avg. 1/2004 TSS monthly avg: 3/3/04 phenol dailv max; 4/3/04 TSS wk ave. Enforcement action Case No. LV 2004-0156 pd $1085.04 7/2/04. 2. The WWTP design was modified in Mav 2004 by changing the piping to the oxidation ditch outer ring from the inner ring. Since this change the facility has maintained compliance with permit limits. 3. The Citv's Industrial Pretreatment Program appeared to be well organized and managed. North Carolina Pretreatment Audit Form Requirements: Submit a revised LTMP that describes the current WWTP. Because the facility has significantly improved treatment capability it may be necessary to submit additional site specific data for the development of a HWA (the current HWA is based upon design criteria). The revised LTMP must be submitted to the Pretreatment Unit for approval by no later than October 31, 2004. Recommendations: A written SOP for file review and confidential information procedures should be developed. INDUSTRY INSPECTION PCS CODING: Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector Fac. Type N I C 1 0 IO I2 I5 I4 19 16 I I08131 1041 LL I Is I L2-J (DTIA) (TYPI) (INSP) (FACC) 1. Industry Inspected: Viking Technology 2. Industry Address: Industrial Avenue, Lincolnton 3. Type of Industry/Product: Sock manufacturing and dying 4. Industry Contact: Ken Hollifield Title: Maintenance Manager Phone: 704-735-3044 Fax: 704-732-9447 5. Does the POTW Use the Division Model Inspection Form or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No 6. Did the POTW Contact Conduct the Following Parts of the Industrial Inspection Thoroughly? Comments: A. Initial Interview ® Yes ❑ No B. Plant Tour ® Yes ❑ No C. Pretreatment Tour ® Yes ❑ No D. Sampling Review ® Yes ❑ No E. Exit Interview ® Yes ❑ No Industrial Inspection Comments: SIU staff performs daily inspections of all pumps, tanks, and aeration equipment. Blue Ridge Labs picks up samples and collects field parameter data. A slug and spill control program is not needed because the facility uses three tanks in series for treatment prior to discharge. Each tank can isolated for containment of a spill. NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: [:]Yes ® No POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑ Unsatisfactory ❑ Audit COMPLETED BY: DATE: September 1, 2004 Joh L ley, Mooresville Regi 1 Office North Carolina Pretreatment Audit Form D.,..o 4 \N A j � Michael F. Easley rn \O�0 oG William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek. P. E. Director > Division of Water Quality rJ -� Coleen H. Sullins Depur, Director Division of Water Quality March 29, 2004 Mr. Don Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2003. Based on the review, it appears that the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with guidelines set forth in Chapter 9 of the Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact John Lesley of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Cc: Pretreatment Unit - Central Office Central Files JL Nor-t;hCarolina N. C. Division of Water Quality, Mooresville Remonal Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 J. rM - NCDE► R Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 OF �A7j�-9 �� Lbcrtael F. Easley. Govemor o � r V iam G_ Ross. Jr.,Seuetary -mac NWd Caroka Dames rmat of Enviom>:nt and NarQral Resources Alan W. Kknei. P.E. Director Division of water Quality April 17, 2003 Mr. Don Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2002. Based on the review, it appears that the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with guidelines set forth in Chapter 9 of the Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact John Lesley of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Cc: Deborah Gore, Pretreatment Unit - Central Office Central Files JL P-}ONE k--04) 663-1 fi8G`rlle G��' +'brae S' S tiY�2c 4tan S Lbores NC ?5S t 5 CAstamr Service (k ATF Q � Michael F. Easley Q� PG Governor co William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p `C Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality January 29, 2003 Mr. Stephen Peeler Director of Public Works City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: Pretreatment Compliance Inspection City of Lincolnton WWTP NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Peeler: Enclosed is a copy of the Pretreatment Compliance Inspection Report for the inspection of the City of Lincolnton's approved Industrial Pretreatment Program on January 28, 2003 by Mr. John Lesley of this Office. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Lesley or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Rex Gleason, P.E. C-�a� Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Central Files Deborah Gore, Pretreatment Group Lincoln County Health Department. JL �W� .NZDENR Customer Service Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE (704) 663-1699 1 800 623-7748 FAX (704) 663-6040 NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NCDENR PRETREATMENT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (PCI) REPORT „.n ._ . D..,,e.,.a. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1Comalete Prior To PCI; Review Program Info Database Sheet(s)1 1. Control Authority (POTW) Name: City of Lincolnton 2. Control Authority Representative(s): Donald Burkey Telephone: 704-736-8961 Fax: 704-732-6137 3. Title(s): Pretreatment Program Coordinator 4. Last Inspection Date: 8 /21 /01 Inspection Type: ® PCI ❑ Audit 5. Has Program Completed All Requirements from the Previous Inspection or Program Info Sheet(s)? ® Yes ❑ No 6. Is POTW under an Order That Includes Pretreatment Conditions? ® Yes ❑ No Order Type and Number: EMC WQ 01-002 AdI Are Milestone Dates Being Met? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA PCS CODING Trans.Code Main Program Permit Number MM/DD/YY Inspec.Type Inspector LrtJ LN I C-1 0 1 0 1 2 1 5 1 4 19 1 6 1 1 01 1 2R 1 03 1 1 P I LS_J (DTIA) (TYPT) (T-NNM Fac. Type LLJ (FACC) 7. Current Number Of Significant Industrial Users (SIUs)? 9 SIUS 8. Current Number Of Categorical Industrial Users (CIUs)? 3 CIUS 9. Number of SIUs Not Inspected By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 10. Number of SIUs Not Sampled By POTW in the Last Calendar Year? 0 11. Enter the Higher Number of 9 or 10 0 NOIN 12. Number of SIUs With No IUP, or With an Expired IUP 0 NOCM 13. Number of SIUs in SNC for Either Reporting or Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods (Total Number of SIUs in SNC) 1 PSNC 14. Number of SIUs in SNC For Reporting During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 1 MSNC 15. Number of SIUs In SNC For Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi -Annual Periods 0 SNPS 16. Number of SIUs In SNC For Both Reporting and Limits Violations During Either of the Last 2 Semi-annual Periods E-o POTW INTERVIEW 17. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any POTW Permit Limits Violations? ® Yes ❑ No If Yes, What are the Parameters and How are these Problems Being Addressed? Cyanide 6/02 (See Comments Section) 18. Since the Last PCI, has the POTW had any Problems Related to an Industrial ® Yes ❑ No Discharge (Interference, Pass -Through, Blockage, Citizens' Complaints, Increased pass through Sludge Production, Etc.)? If Yes, How are these Problems Being Addressed? 19. Which Industries have been in SNC during either of the Last 2 Semi- SNC for Limits: NA Annual Periods? Have any Industries in SNC (During Either of the Last SNC for Reporting: Textile Piece Dying 2 Semi -Annual Periods) Not Been Published for Public Notice? Not Published: NA (May refer to PAR if Excessive SIUs in SNC) 20. Which Industries are on Compliance Schedules or Orders? For all SIUs on an Order, Has a Signed Copy of the Order been sent to the Division? None 21. Are Any Permits Or Civil Penalties Currently Under Adjudication? If Yes, Which ❑ Yes ® No Ones? Filename: Lincolnton PC] 0203 Paee 1 Revised: 6/30/98 PFrTREEATMENT PROGRAM ELEMENTS REVIEW- Please review POTW files and complete the following: Program Element Date of Last Approval Date Next Due, If Applicable Headworks Analysis (HWA) 9/4/01 Industrial Waste Survey (IWS) 3/16/99 Sewer Use Ordinance (SUO) 12/26/94 Enforcement Response Plan (ERP) 11/28/94 Long Term Monitoring Plan (LTMP) 8/22/01 LTMP FILE REVIEW: 22. Is the LTMP Monitoring Being Conducted at Appropriate Locations and Frequencies? ® Yes ❑ No 23. Should any Pollutants of Concern be Eliminated from or Added to the LTMP? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, which ones? Eliminated: Added: 24. Are Correct Detection Levels being used for all LTMP Monitoring? ® Yes ❑ No 25. Is the LTMP Data Maintained in a Table or Equivalent? ® Yes ❑ No Is the Table Adequate? ® Yes ❑ No INDUSTRIAL USER PERMIT FILE REVIEW(3 IUP FILE REVIEWS OR 1 FILE REVIEW AND 1 IU INSPECTION 26. User Name F Vermont American 2. Viking Technology—� 3. South Fork Industries 27. IUP Number 0006 11 — 0001 1 0004 28. Does File Contain Current Permit? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No I ® Yes ❑ No 29. Permit Expiration Date 7/31/06 7/31/06 7/31/06 30. Categorical Standard Applied (I.E. 40 CFR, Etc.) Or N/A 433 NA NA 31. Does File Contain Permit Application Completed Within One Year Prior to Permit Issue Date? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 22. Does File Contain an Inspection Completed Within Last Calendar Year? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 33. a. Does the File Contain a Slug Control Plan? b. If No, is One Needed? (See Inspection Form from POTW) a. ®Yes ❑No b. ❑Yes ❑No a. ❑Yes ONo IFb. Lb . ❑Yes ®No . [:]YesgNo ❑Yes ONo 34. For 40 CFR 413 and 433 TTO Certifiers, Does File Contain a Toxic Organic Management Plan (TOMP)? ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NOON/A il ❑Yes❑NogN/A 35. a. Does File Contain Original Permit Review Letter from the Division? b. All Issues Resolved? a. ®Yes ONO I b.®Yes❑No❑N/A a. ®Yes ❑No b.®Yes❑No❑N/A a. ®Yes ❑No b.®Yes❑No❑N/A 36. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Complete its Sampling as Required by IUP? ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 37. Does File Contain POTW Sampling Chain -Of -Custody Forms? I ® Yes ❑ No ® Yes ❑ No 11 ®Yes ❑ No 1 38. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the SIU Complete its Sampling as Required b IUP? I ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑No❑N/A r ®Yes❑No❑N/A 39. Does Sampling Indicate Flow or Production? ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A 40. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Did the POTW Identify All Non -Co fiance from Both POTW and SILTSampling? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA ® Yes ❑ No ❑ NA 41. a. Was the POTW Notified by SILT (Within 24 Hours) of All Self- Monitoring Violations? b. Did Industry Resample Within 30 Days? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b. ❑Yes ❑No aaYesONo❑N/A b. ®Yes ❑No a.Mes❑MMN/A b. ❑Yes [:]No 42. Was the SIU Promptly Notified of Any Violations (Per ERP)? ❑Yes❑NogN/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A 43. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was the SIU in SNC? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No 44. During the Most Recent Semi -Annual Period, Was Enforcement Taken as Specified in the POTWs ERP? ❑Yes❑NoON/A ®Yes❑No❑N/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A 45. Does the File Contain Penalty Assessment Notices? ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A 46. Does The File Contain Proof Of Penalty Collection? ❑Yes❑NoON/A OYes❑NogN/A ❑Yes❑NogN/A 47. a. Does the File Contain Any Current Enforcement Orders? b. Is SIU in Compliance with Order? a.❑Yes❑No®N/A b.❑Yes❑MZgN A a.❑Yes❑No®N/A IFb.[3Yes[3No0N/A b.❑Yes❑No®N/A Yes❑MON/A 48. Did the POTW Representative Have Difficulty in Obtaining Any of This Requested Information For You? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Yes ® No Filename: Lincolnton PCI 0203 Page 2 Revised: 6/30/98 FILE REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Viking Technology had one oil and grease violation during the past 12-month period. 2. Viking Technology and South Fork Industries have treatment ponds that can contain/dilute spills. 3. Inspection dates: Vermont American 12/18/02 Viking Technology 12/16/02 South Fork Ind.12/18/02 PCI SUMMARY AND COMMENTS: PCI Comments: 1. Textile Piece Dying was in SNC for failine to sample in the January -June 2002 period 2._ The LTMP has been temporarily suspended until construction of the new WWTP is completed (August 2003) per the criteria outlined in correspondence from the Division dated August 21 2001. Requirements: See #2 above regarding the implementation of the LTMP sampling. Recommendations: Regular cyanide analyses on the WWTP influent would be valuable in determining if cyanide is coming from an outside source or is being made in the WWTP process (such as disinfection, aeration, etc). NOD: ❑ Yes ® No NOV: ❑ Yes ® No QNCR: ❑ Yes ® No POTW Rating: Satisfactory ® Marginal ❑• Unsatisfactory ❑ PCI COMPLETED BY: DATE: January 29, 2002 Jon esley, Mooresville Re ion Office Filename: Lincolmon PCI 0203 Paee Revised: 6/30/98 ` F WATF `OHO 9PG Michael F. Easley Governor co 7 William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary ]_ Department of Environment and Natural Resources � Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality Apri19, 2002 Mr. Don Burkey Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28092 Subject: PAR Review City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 Lincoln County, NC Dear Mr. Burkey: Mooresville Regional Office staff has reviewed your Pretreatment Annual Report (PAR) for the reporting period of January through December 2001. Based on the review, it appears that the POTW completed the PAR in accordance with guidelines set forth in Chapter 9 of the Comprehensive Guidance for North Carolina Pretreatment Programs. If you have any questions concerning your PAR, please do not hesitate to contact John Lesley of this Office at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Cc: Deborah Gore, Pretreatment Unit - Central Office Central Files JL ASPA Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040