HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025496_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (4)Michael F. Easley. Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources t - Alan W. Klimek. P. E. Director Division of Water Quality V/ Coleen H. Sullins. Deputy Director F E B 1 0 2004 Division of Water Quality The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. BOX 617 LINCOLNTON, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 Ad II City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATWA" IESOURCES MOORESVII 1. OFFICE FEB 2 0 2004 WATER.ITY SECTION Attached for your records is your copy of the signed Special Order by Consent (SOC) approved by the Environmental Management Commission. The terms and conditions of the Order are in full effect, and you are reminded that all final permit limits contained in the NPDES permit must be met except those modified by the conditions of the Order. Additionally, as specified in paragraph 2(f) of the Order, submittal of written notice of compliance or non compliance with any schedule date is required to be submitted to this office. Pursuant to amended North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3D, effective January 1, 1999, water quality fees have been revised to include an annual fee for any permit covered under a Special Order by consent, in addition to the standard annual fee for the permit. The Town will be subject to an annual SOC administration fee of $250.00, in addition to the annual permit administration fee of $715.00. The Town will be billed for this at a later date. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Bob Sledge at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Attachment cc: MRO w/attachment SOC Files w/original Central Files w/attachment Lisa Uhl, EPA, w/attachment Jeanne Phillips w/attachment Aw 4A :Ly!"b' acat N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, 'forth Carolina 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN -THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 0 1 - 002 Ad II NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for cyanide as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require the completion of a cyanide study at the City's WWTP and, if physical improvements are necessary to comply with the current cyanide permit effluent limitation, the preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for the proposed cyanide study and, if necessary, the planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all violations of EMC SOC WQ 01-002 as noted in the letter dated August 27, 2003 from the Mooresville Regional Office, the City agrees to pay the sum of $2,000. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Complete all construction activities associated with the current WWTP upgrade, including the closeout of the general and electrical contractors on or before Ocotber 30, 2003 (Met) 2) Continue cyanide monitoring and data collection that was begun on July 2, 2003 through October 31, 2003, and then commence a cyanide study on or before November 1, 2003 that involves literature review, bench -scale testing, pilot -scale testing, data evaluation, and interviews with other municipalities that have experienced similar cyanide issues. Upon completion of the study, a report of the findings will be prepared and submitted to the DWQ on or before December 31, 2003 outlining the activities necessary to achieve compliance with final permit limitations. 3) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the submittal of plans and specifications will be made to the Division on or before February 15, 2004 for issuance of an Authorization to Construct (ATC). If physical improvements to the City's WWTP are not necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the City will be expected to achieve compliance with all permit limitations on or before January 31, 2004. 4) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, and after receipt of an ATC, begin construction of the physical improvements on or before April 1, 2004. Page Three 5) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, complete construction of the physical improvements on or before June 1, 2004. 6) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the City will be expected to attain compliance with all permit effluent limitations on or before July 1, 2004. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum Cyanide µg/l-------- 22.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum Cyanide /1 Monitor only Page Four (f) No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of an activity listed in 2(c) above, submit to the Director of DWQ written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (i) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $1000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter Page Five 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 15013-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of any additional flow is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. Page Six 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent, including_ paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five (5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. 8. Non-compliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire October 1, 2004. For the City of Lincolnton: 5c;t9by G. HLk14� Print Naml and Title of Signing Official .c T Date Signature bY Sigiiing Official For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: ( k4lV-1 • Date 2 b Chairman of the Commission N 1 1 H1.111viUN 1 N SOC EMC WQ NO.01- 002 AD 11 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until July I, 2004 the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20oC2 Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) pH Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Conductivity Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity' Total Cyanide' Total Mercury Phenols Total Copper Total Zinc Color6 Color (April 1 through October 31) 6 Notes Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 6.0 MGD 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I 200.0/ 100 m I 400.0/ 100 m I 0.1 ug/I 2 1.0ug/I Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample Sample' Frequency' ype T Location Continuous Recording I or E Daily Composite I,E Daily Composite I,E 3/week Composite E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Monthy Composite E Monthly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Grab E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E 2Month Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Grab US & DS 1. Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, US - Upstream, DS - Downstream 2. The monthly average BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11 %; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F of the NPDES Permit. 5. The quantitation limit for cyanide shall be 10 mg/I (10 ppb). Levels repoprted as "<10 ug/I" shall be considered zero for compliance purposes. 6. Color samples will be analyzed for ADMI color at natural pH. Samples will be analyzed by a state -certified laboratory (see A. (3) - Color Permitting Requirements. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor October 22, 2004 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Acknowledgment of Payment City of Lincolnton Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002, Ad H NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Case Number SP-2004-0010 Dear Mayor Huitt: William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director This letter is to acknowledge receipt of your check'number 34640 in the amount o $ �00O which was received in our offices on October 19, 2004. This payment satisfies in full the stipulated penalty assessed in the matter of the subject case and the case has been closed. Please be advised that payment of penalties does not preclude the Division from taking enforcement action for additional violations of the NPDES permit. If you have any questions about this letter, please call me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Bob Sledge, Environmental Specialist Point Source Branch cc: VW- llfic Enforcement Files Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 512 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-7015 / FAX 919-733-2496 / Internet:: h2o.enr.state.nc.us An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper NorthCarohna ;Vaturallff w A 7A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary August 17, 2004 Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Dear Mayor Huitt: 7003 2260 0001 3550 2646 Subject: Notice of Violation Special Order by Consent EMC WQ 01-002 AD II City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County On February 10, 2004 the Environmental Management Commission entered into the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC) whereby the City of Lincolnton (the City) was placed on a schedule of compliance and allowed relaxed effluent limitations on some parameters in exchange for the City's commitment to make wastewater treatment plant improvements that will return the City to compliance with the terms of the NPDES Permit. The SOC contains provision for the assessment of stipulated penalties when either modified limits are exceeded or schedule dates are not met. Item No. 2.(c) of the subject SOC contains a requirement that quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. Item No. 3. of the SOC sets forth the penalty for a violation of this activity of $50/day for the first seven (7) days; and $250/day thereafter. This Office can find no record that the quarterly progress report for June 2004 was submitted, therefore, a stipulated penalty of $14,350 has accrued. You are directed to immediately take whatever remedial actions are necessary to correct the problems that have led to these violations. Paragraph 3 of the �iuu sets rorEn the penatyy acuoui,ib that shall be paid for each violation of a compliance schedule limit, however, paragraph 4 of the SOC enumerates circumstances under which stipulated penalties are not due, essentially stating this provision is applicable when the Division of Water Quality can be satisfied that the non-compliance was caused by events or circumstances beyond the control of the City. 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 One Phone: 704-663-1699 / FAX: 704-663-6040 / Internet: h2o.enr.state. nc.us NofthCarohna An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Natwral& A The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt August 27, 2003 Page Two If you have information that will prove to the Division that any or all of the criteria set forth in Paragra h 4 have been met, you must submit this information in writing to the Mooresville Regional ffice within ten (10) days after your receipt of this notice. In the absence of evidence justifying the application of the provision within Paragraph 4, this Office will proceed with assessment of stipulated penalties as provided for in the SOC. It was also noted during our review that all items proposed in the SOC's schedule of compliance have either been completed or were determined to be unnecessary based on the cyanide study completed by the City's engineering firm. Furthermore, effluent data for cyanide collected during the period covered by the subject SOC reflects consistent compliance with the final permit effluent limitation for this parameter. Such being the case, the Division requests that the City reevaluate the need for the SOC, and consider rescinding the subject document now that consistent compliance with cyanide is achievable. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Michael Parker or me at 704-663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachment cc: Bob Sledge, Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit Central Files h Aenf\soc\I incltn.nov ,V/ Pease Associates 2925 ®Pease East Independence Blvd. Post Office Box 18725 Charlotte, NC 28218 Architects -Engineers Phone 704 376-6423 Over 60 years of architectural and engineering design excellence TO: Mr. Michael Parker DWQ, Mooresville Regional Office 919 N. Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 PROJECT: Lincolnton WWTP COMM. NO.: 1998093.50 DATE: February 4, 2004 SUBJECT: Cyanide Study TRANSMITTAL LETTER ft DEPT. OF ENVIRONIWtNT AND NATtI?"L RESOl1RCEs HOORESV;tr '-=O,y4LOFFICE F F FEB 0 5 2004 We are sending you one copy of the enclosed: ❑ Under Separate Cover ❑ Prints ❑ Tracings ® Other ❑ Specifications Remarks: Enclosed is a copy of the Lincolnton WWTP Cyanide Study for your use. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, Steven C. Young, PE Associate Vice President Sr. Environmental Engineer NA 1998093\CFile\Ph6-9\ Report -Study\ 1998093509010Cyanide020404.doc January 8, 2004 Memo To: Bob Sledge From Prepared By Rex Gleason Michael Parker '✓ " Subject: SOC Amendment Request City of Lincolnton EMC WQ SOC 01-002 ADII Lincoln County Please find attached a signed Special Order by Consent (SOC) requesting an amendment for an extension of the SOC's compliance schedule. According to the City, additional time is necessary to complete a cyanide study that may conclude the construction (if necessary) of additional WWT facilities are needed for the City to comply with the permitted effluent limitation for cyanide. The City hopes that compliance can be achieved without additional WWTP construction; however, if additional treatment facilities are needed, the City hopes to complete all construction and obtain compliance with the cyanide limitation on or before July 1, 2004. Based on this Office's review of the UCSS's request, it is recommended that an amended SOC be issued as requested. Please advise if any additional information is necessary. Attachment /mlp h:\enflsoc\I i ncnton.soc CITY OF LINCOLNTON CITY COUNCIL CITY MANAGER BOBBY G. Hurr[, MAYOR JEFF EMORY CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TEM _ jeffemory@ci.lincolnton.nc.us I_ARRY MAc HovIs FRED HOUSER i CITY CLERK DONNA C. FLOWERS, CMC JOHN L. CLONINGER donnaflowers@d.Iinco1nton.nc.us • CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT December 1, 2003 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Subject: Special Order by Consent Amendment Request EMC WQ No. 01-002 AD Il City of Lincolnton Lincoln County. NC Dear Mr. Gleason: Enclosed please find the executed Special Order by Consent, for the City of Lincolnton. We appreciate the cooperation received from your office in preparing this SOC. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I understand we will receive a signed copy from Raleigh, once the review and approval process takes place. JBE:mhw Enclosure Si rely, Jeff Emory City Manager DEC © 2 2003 114 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • P.O. Box 617 • LINCOWTON, NORTH CARoUNA 28093-061 7 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAx (704) 736-8995 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources November 19, 2003 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality 1- .: - y Nu^'' 2- -i10.3 Subject: Special Order by Consent Amendment Request EMC WQ No. 01-002 AD II City of Lincolnton Lincoln County, NC Dear Mayor Huitt: This Office is in receipt of your request for an amendment to the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC). The request involves a modification to the final compliance schedule as contained in section 2(c) of the SOC. A review of your request has been conducted by our staff, and an amended SOC has been prepared for your review/approval. If you agree with the SOC, please sign and return same to this Office. We will forward the Special Order by Consent to Raleigh for review and approval. You will receive a signed copy, if approved. If this Office can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Michael L. Parker or me. cc: Bob Sledge Attachment /mlp NM R Customer Service 1 877 623-6748 IV �. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Fax (704)663-6040 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 0 1 - 002 Ad II NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 14313-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for cyanide as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require the completion of a cyanide study at the City's WWTP and, if physical improvements are necessary to comply with the current cyanide permit effluent limitation, the preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for the proposed cyanide study and, if necessary, the planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all violations of EMC SOC WQ 01-002 as noted in the letter dated August 27, 2003 from the Mooresville Regional Office, the City agrees to pay the sum of $2,000. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Complete all construction activities associated with the current WWTP upgrade, including the closeout of the general and electrical contractors on or before Ocotber 30, 2003 (Met) 2) Continue cyanide monitoring and data collection that was begun on July 2, 2003 through October 31, 2003, and then commence a cyanide study on or before November 1, 2003 that involves literature review, bench -scale testing, pilot -scale testing, data evaluation, and interviews with other municipalities that have experienced similar cyanide issues. Upon completion of the study, a report of the findings will be prepared and submitted to the DWQ on or before December 31, 2003 outlining the activities necessary to achieve compliance with final permit limitations. 3) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the submittal of plans and specifications will be made to the Division on or before February 15, 2004 for issuance of an Authorization to Construct (ATC). If physical improvements to the City's WWTP are not necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the City will be expected to achieve compliance with all permit limitations on or before January 31, 2004. 4) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, and after receipt of an ATC, begin construction of the physical improvements on or before April 1, 2004. Page Three 5) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, complete construction of the physical improvements on or before June 1, 2004. 6) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the City will be expected to attain compliance with all permit effluent limitations on or before July 1, 2004. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum Cyanide �g/1 Modified Limitations (SOC) 22.0 Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum Cyanide 4g/1---------------- Monitor only Page Four (0 No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of an activity listed in 2(c) above, submit to the Director of DWQ written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected _ (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (i) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $ 1 000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter Page Five 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 15013-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of any additional flow is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. Page Six 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent, including_ paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five (5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. Non-compliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire October 1, 2004. For the City of Lincolnton: Both G-- Hc'J+ M Print Nam and Title of Signing Official Date /I-2.0-03 Signature Sig ing Official For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chairman of the Commission ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ NO.01- 002 AD II NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until July 1, 2004 the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample Sample' Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Daily Max. Frequency Tyne Location Flow 6.0 MGD Continuous Recording I or E BOD, 5 Day, 20°CZ 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/1 Daily Composite I,E Total Suspended ResidueZ 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I Daily Composite I,E NH3 as N 3/week Composite E Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml Daily Grab E pH Daily Grab E Total Residual Chlorine Daily Grab E Temperature Daily Grab E Conductivity Daily Grab E Total Phosphorus Monthy Composite E Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Monthly Composite E Chronic Toxicity Quarterly Composite E Total Cyanides Weekly Grab E Total Mercury 0.1 ug/l Weekly Composite E Phenols 21.0,ug/I Weekly Grab E Total Copper 2Month Composite E Total Zinc Monthly Composite E Colorb Monthly Composite E Color (April 1 through October 31) a Monthly Grab US & DS Notes 1. Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, US - Upstream, DS - Downstream 2. The monthly average BODs and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exce + 5% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F of the NPDES Permit. 5. The quantitation limit for cyanide shall be 10 µg/I (10 ppb). Levels repoprted as "<10 µg/P shall be considered zero for compliance purposes. 6. Color samples will be analyzed for ADMI color at natural pH. Samples will be analyzed by a state -certified laboratory (see A. (3) - Color Permitting Requirements. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Pr CITY COUNCIL BOBBY G. Hun, MAYOR CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TEM I LARRY MAc Hows / FRED HOUSER JOHN L. CLONINGER CITY OF LINCOLNTON December 19, 2003 Mr. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor NCDENR - Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Mr. Gleason: CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY jeffemory@d.1inco1nton.nc.us CITY CLERK DONNA C. FLowERs, CMC donnaflowers@ci.iincointon. nc. us CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT Subject: Special Order by Consent Amendment Request EMC WQ No. 01-002 AD II City of Lincolnton Lincoln County, NC Please find enclosed a quarterly progress report for the above referenced Special Order of Consent. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. p, NC DEPT. OF ENV1R3N'ME;,T AND NATUFV� L RESOURCES I� �� MOORESVILLF 01AL OFFICt �. g.} n,.�R- V, y, CityManager DEC 2 2 2003 JBE;dcf Enclosure WATER _TAP 114 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • PO. BOX 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093-0617 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAx (704) 736-8995 PV Amended SOC Quarterly Progress Report December 2003 Lincolnton WWTP City of Lincolnton, North Carolina EMC WQ 01-002 AD II NPDES Permit No. NC0025496 1.0 Activities Completed to Date Per this amended SOC, a new compliance schedule with milestones was agreed to by the City of Lincolnton. The following activities have been completed to date: • The City has paid a sum of $2000 as settlement of all violations of EMC SOC WQ 01-002 • Completed all construction activities and project closeout associated with the current WWTP upgrade project • Completed Cyanide monitoring and data collection through October 31, 2003 • Commenced a Cyanide Study on November 1, 2003 2.0 Continuing Activities The City and its engineer, Pease Associates, are continuing to work on the Cyanide Study which will outline findings and the activities necessary to achieve compliance with final permit limitations. Activities have included detailed literature reviews, pilot -testing, data evaluation and investigations of other municipalities facing similar cyanide problems. The Cyanide Study will be completed and submitted to DWQ by December 31, 2003. PUBLIC NOTICE NC DEPT. OF ENIARONMtNT AND NATURAL RESOURCES STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION F ECr--jVM 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 DEC 2 3 2003 NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO ISSUE A CONSENT ORDER Public notice of intent to issue a State Consent Order to the following: WATER QUALI 1 SECTION City of Lincolnton, P. O. Box 617, Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617, has requested Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 Amendment II, for the following Permit: NC0025496. Currently, the City of Lincolnton operates a 6.0 MGD wastewater treatment works that discharges treated wastewater to the South Fork Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limits for Cyanide as set forth in NPDES Permit NC0025496. This Order, if issued, will allow the facility to exceed final effluent limits for the aforementioned parameter. Compliance will require completion of a' cyanide study at the wastewater treatment plant and may require preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. This Order contains a detailed schedule for compliance and stipulated penalties for failing to meet interim requirements. This Order will expire on October 1, 2004. On the basis of thorough staff review and application of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina, and other lawful standards and regulations, the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue a Consent Order to the persons listed above effective February 9, 2004 and subject to special conditions. Persons wishing to comment upon or object to the proposed determinations are invited to submit same in writing to the Water Quality Section Chief, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617, no later than January 23, 2004. All comments received prior to that date will be considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding the proposed Order. A public meeting may be held where the Director of the Division of Water Quality finds a significant degree of public interest in a proposed Order. A copy of the draft Order is available by writing or calling the Division of Water Quality, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617, telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 547, or the ville Region QQ - t 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115, ne number (74## - 699. The Order and other information may be inspected at these locations during normal office hours. Copies of the information on file are available upon request and payment of the costs of reproduction. All such comments or requests regarding a proposed Order should make reference to the name listed above. / / Date �e c. �.,>!<< /0, .7001 y3.A.� Z J�ZSA David H. Moreau, Chairman Environmental Management Commission CITY OF LINCOLNTON CITY COUNCIL BOBBY G. Hum, MAYOR CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TEM LARRY MAc Hovis FRED HOUSER JOHN L. CLONINGER October 29, 2003 Mr. Rex Gleason, PE Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Reference: Assessment of Stipulated Penalty City of Lincolnton EMC SOC WQ 01-002 ADI NPDES Permit NCO025496 Lincoln County, North Carolina Case Number LV-2003-0478 Subject: Response to Notice of Violation Dear Mr. Gleason: OCT yy CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY jeffemory@d.1inco1nton.nc.us CITY CLERK DONNA C. FLOWERS, CMC donnaflowers@d.lincolnton.nc.us CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W BAREFOOT After recent conversations with Mike Parker and our subsequent letter of September 5, 2003, we offer the following comments: 1. The City has reviewed all the circumstances regarding the violation of not submitting a quarterly progress report to the State on June 30, 2003. Monthly reports were prepared and distributed to attendees of the monthly meetings, to which the State was invited. A summary of the monthly reports was attached to our September 5, 2003 letter. As previously stated, the WWTP was substantially complete with the plant process operating at that time. 2. The Contractor has been performing minor punch list items that are scheduled for completion on October 31, 2003. 3. Data received from the upgraded facility during this period indicates the current discharge parameters were met and the water quality was maintained at an all time high. 114 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • P.O. Box 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093-061 7 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAx (704) 736-8995 Mr. Rex Gleason, PE Page 2 October 29, 2003 4. Based on our letter of September 5, 2003 and the above comments, we would like to settle the penalty and offer a settlement of $2000.00. Please review the contents of this letter and contract us if you have any questions. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to your response. Sincerely, Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Cc Mr. Jeff Emory, City Manager — City of Lincolnton Mr. Steve Peeler, Director of Public Works — City of Lincolnton Mr. Don Garbrick, PE — Pease Associates Mr. Keith West, PE — Pease Associates Mr. Steven Young, PE — Pease Associates CITY COUNCIL BOBBY G. Hum, MAYOR {/ CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TEM LARRY MAc Hows FRED HOUSER JOHN L. CLONINGER CITY OF LINCOLNTON n /.VV O�CEMBEP ��.�,0 September 15, 2003 Mr. Rex Gleason, P.E., Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Assessment of Stipulated Penalty City of Lincolnton EMC SOC WQ 01-002 ADI NPDES Permit NCO025496 Lincoln County Case Number LV-2003-0478 Dear Mr. Gleason: CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY jeffemory@ci .lincointon. nc. us CITY CLERK DONNA C. FLowERs, CMC donnaflowers@ci. incolnton.nc.us CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT W. DEPT. OF EMARDNVENT ANDNAr "ESOURCES MOORF" ^ ... OFFICE SEP 1 6 2003 a First let me thank you for taking the time to meet with me and other City Officials last week, regarding the City of Lincolnton's Wastewater Treatment Plant. This letter will serve as a follow-up to your letter to Mayor Bobby G. Huitt dated August 27, 2003, and the response letter from the Mayor to you dated September 5, 2003. Enclosed please find the quarterly progress report for the City of Lincolnton's Wastewater Treatment Plant project. If additional information is needed in the report, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation in working with the City of Lincolnton as we attempt to complete this project, and comply with the various conditions of the Special Order of Consent. JBE:mhw Enclosure &effo City Manager 114 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • PO. BOX 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093-0617 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAx (704) 736-8995 Quarterly SOC Progress Report June 2003 Lincolnton WWTP City of Lincolnton, North Carolina EMC WQ 01-002 AD I NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 1.0 Activities Completed to Date The SOC compliance schedule was developed around the construction schedule of the Lincolnton WWTP Upgrade project. Activities completed to date include substantial completion of all major process components on or before the SOC Construction Milestone date of June 30, 2003. These unit processes include the following: • Upgraded Main Lift Station • New Influent Screening/ Influent Flow Metering • New Vortex Grit Removal • New Oxidation Ditch • Upgraded Diffused Aeration Basins/Upgraded Blowers • New Final Clarifiers • New Effluent Metering • Upgraded Chlorine Contact Basins • New Return Pump Station • New Dissolved Air Flotation Thickening • Upgraded Digesters/Heat Exchangers • New Laboratory/Administration Building 2.0 Continuing Activities Although the contractors substantially completed construction of all major process components at the WWTP by the June 30, 2003 compliance date, several closeout items need to be addressed and completed prior to the successful completion of the project. These closeout items are described below by contractor. • Thamer Construction (Contract No.1, General): Closeout work includes final site demolition (old primary, etc.), final site cleanup, final site grading and seeding, completion of instrumentation and controls work associated with SCADA, and any other final coordination activities with the other contractors on site. Robertson Controls (Contract No. 2, Electricals Closeout work includes final site lighting, final site cleanup, installation of electrical manhole sump pumps, completion of instrumentation wiring associated with SCADA, and any other final coordination activities with the other contractors on site. Hoyle Plumbing (Contract No. 3, Plumbing): Final punchlist was conducted and Contract No. 3 has been closed out. Climate Control (Contract No. 4, Mechanical): Closeout work includes installing one wall heater in the Main Lift Station, re -installing an air flow switch in the Digester Building, any other final coordination activities with the other contractors on site. Final closeout for each Contractor No.1, No. 2 and No. 4 is anticipated to be on or before October 30, 2003. An SOC extension will be filed with the Mooresville Regional Office of DWQ by September 30, 2003 to accommodate the deadline extensions. CITY OF LINCOLNTON CITY COUNCIL BOBBY G. HUIrr, MAYOR CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TEM LARRY MAc Hov1S FRED HOUSER JOHN L. CLONINGER September 5, 2003 Mr. Rex Gleason, P.E., Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Assessment of Stipulated Penalty City of Lincolnton EMC SOC WQ 01-002 AD I NPDES Permit NCO025496 Lincoln County Case Number LV-2003-0478 Subject: Response to Notice of Violation Dear Mr. Gleason: CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY jeffemory@dAincointon.nc.us CITY CLERK DONNA C. FLOwERs, CMC donnaflowers@d.11nco1nton.nc.us CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT S EP 0 9 2003 NC DEPT OF ENVIRONW-NT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVLLE REGIONAL OFFICE The City of Lincolnton WWTP has been operating under the subject SOC (see SOC number above) during construction activities since July 2001. The Completion of Construction milestone date described in SOC Item 2.(c)(2) was June 30, 2003. The City would like to go on record to indicate that on or before June 30, 2003, construction at the Lincolnton WWTP was substantially complete for all major process operations. Since June 30, 2003, the WWTP has been in complete compliance with all NPDES permit limitations except for two cyanide dates of non-compliance. Since the contractors were not completed with closeout items, the City felt like a request for an SOC extension was warranted and was therefore requested in our July 29, 2003 letter. The City would therefore request that the stipulated penalty of $14,200 that has accrued for this proposed violation be waived. Item No. 2 (c) of the subject SOC requires quarterly progress reports on construction activities at the WWTP. In an effort by City staff, engineers and contractors to complete construction activities for this project, the City failed to submit the June 2003 progress to DWQ. This City would like to note that the majority of the construction activities between March and June 2003 reporting periods were 114 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • PO. Box 617 • LINCOWTON, NORTH CAROUNA 28093-0617 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAx (704) 736-8995 closeout items with the general and electrical contractors. The City will however submit this progress report to DWQ by no later than September 9, 2003. The City would therefore request that the stipulated penalty of $11,100 that has accrued for this proposed violation be waived. We look forward to our September 9, 2003 meeting to discuss these Notice of Violations and the cyanide study City staff and our engineer are presently conducting at the WWTP. We hope that this request meets with all requirements of NCDENR/DWQ. Please feel free to call me or contact our engineers, Steven Young or Don Garbrick at Pease Associates at (704) 376-6423, with any questions. Sincerely, Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Cc: Jeff Emory Steve Peeler Don Garbrick - Pease Keith West - Pease Steven Young - Pease PC c.�.�-P �'��.-� cr�,✓ ,fir.-�� jr C , 4 Cyanide Study Lincointon VW11TP July - August 2003 =DateInfluent Total Cyanide (ug/L) Pre-Chlor Front -Basin Mid -Basin Pre -Effluent Eflfuent 7/2/03 ND 69 7/8/03 7/9/03 110 7/16/03 ND ND 26 22 7/21/03 ND ND 11 7/21 /03 12 7/21 /03 10 7/22/031 ND ND 61 7/23/03 ND ND 8 7/29/03 ND ND ND 7/30/03 ND 5.8 ND ND 8/11/03 ND ND ND 20 21 8/12/03 ND ND ND 7.9 8/13/03 ND ND 7.2 7.0 8/13/03 ND 8/18/03 ND ND 9.8 8/19/03 2.2 ND ND 8/19/03 ND 8/20/03 ND ND 3.6 8/20/03 5 8/25/03 6 8/26/03 ND 8/27/03 6 NOTES: 1 Cyanide Limits: SOC: 110.0 ug/L Weekly average NPDES: 22 ugiL Weekly grab 2 Blue Text: Split samples with Blue Ridge Labs; all other data from Pace Analytical. 3 Effluent data is NPDES monthly reporting (DMRs). Cyanide Study.xls Cyanide Study Lincolnton WWTP July - August 2003 ('100 � s Total Cyanide (ug/L) Date Influent Pre-Chlor Front -Basin Mid -Basin Pre -Effluent Eflfuent 712/03 ND 69 7/8/03 7/9/03 110 7/16/031 ND ND 26 22 7/21/03 ND ND 11 7/21 /03 12 7/21 /03 10 7/22/03 ND ND 61 7/23/03 ND ND 8 7/29/03 ND ND ND ND 7/30/03 ND 5.8 ND 21 8/11 /03 ND ND ND 20 8/12/03 ND ND ND 7.9 8/13/03 ND ND 7.2 7.0 8/13/03 ND 8/18/03 ND ND 9.8 8/19/03 2.2 ND ND 8/19/03 ND 8/20/03 ND ND 3.6 8/20/03 5 8/25/03 6 8/26/03 ND 8/27/03,L--- 6 1 Cyanide Limits: SOC: 110.0 ug/L Weekly average NPDES: 22 uo,1 Weekly grab Blue Text: Split samples with Blue Ridge Labs; all other data from Pace Analytical. 3 Effluent data is NPDES monthly reporting (DMRs). Cyanide Study.xls OF W A TF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor O[� OG William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary y Department of Environment and Natural Resources j [ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Dear Mayor Huitt: August 27, 2003 7001 2510 0004 8287 6265 Subject: Notice of Violation Special Order by Consent EMC WQ 01-002 AD I City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County On June 21, 2002 the Environmental Management Commission entered into the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC) whereby the City of Lincolnton (the City) was placed on a schedule of compliance and allowed relaxed effluent limitations on some parameters in exchange for the City's commitment to make wastewater treatment plant improvements that will return the City to compliance with the terms of the NPDES Permit. The SOC contains provision for the assessment of stipulated penalties when either modified limits are exceeded or schedule dates are not met. This letter is to inform you that a review of the Town's SOC indicated a violation of the schedule of compliance date as follows: SOC Reported Due Expected Compliance Item Activity Date Date 2.(c)(2) Completion of Construction June 30, 2003 September 30, 2003 Item No. 3 of the subject SOC contains a stipulated penalty for violation of this activity date of $100/day for the first 7days; $500/day thereafter. Based on an August 4, 2003 receipt date of your July 29, 2003 letter requesting an extension of the SOC and the Completion of Construction milestone, a stipulated penalty of $14,200 has accrued. ,OW. Nam?*E—NR Customer Service 1 877 623-6748 Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Fax (704)663-6040 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt August 27, 2003 Page Two Item No. 2.(c) of the subject SOC also contains a requirement that quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. Item No. 3. of the SOC sets forth the penalty for a violation of this activity of $50/day for the first seven (7) days; and $250/day thereafter. This Office can find no record that the quarterly progress report for June 2003 was submitted, therefore, based on the August 4, 2003 receipt date of your July 29, 2003 letter requesting an extension of the SOC, a stipulated penalty of $11,100 has accrued. Together, both of these SOC Schedule of Compliance violations total $25,300. You are directed to immediately take whatever remedial actions are necessary to correct the problems that have led to these violations. Paragraph 3 of the SOC sets forth the penalty amounts that shall be paid for each violation of a compliance schedule limit, however, paragraph 4 of the SOC enumerates circumstances under which stipulated penalties are not due, essentially stating this provision is applicable when the Division of Water Quality can be satisfied that the non-compliance was caused by events or circumstances beyond the control of the City. If you have information that will prove to the Division that any or all of the criteria set forth in Paragraph 4 have been met, you must submit this information in writing to the Mooresville Regional Office within ten (10) days after your receipt of this notice. In the absence of evidence justifying the application of the provision within Paragraph 4, this Office will proceed with assessment of stipulated penalties as provided for in the SOC. It should be noted that your request for an extension of the subject SOC must be accompanied by the appropriate SOC amendment (attached) and the applicable processing fee. Given that your July 29, 2003 SOC extension request does not exceed 120-days, it should be possible to extend the SOC's Compliance Schedule for the requested period without having to go back to through the Public Notice process. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Michael Parker or me at 704-663-1699. ;Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachment cc: Bob Sledge, Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit Central Files hAenf so6linchn.sch PV CITY COUNCIL BOBBY G. Hun, MAYOR CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR Pao-TEM LARRY MAc Hovls FRED HousER JOHN L. CLONINGER July 29, 2003 CITY OF LINCOLNTON Mr. Rex Gleason, P.E., Regional Water Quality Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Assessment of Stipulated Penalty City of Lincolnton EMC SOC WQ 01-002 AD I NPDES Permit NCO025496 Lincoln County Case Number LV-2003-0478 Subject: Request for SOC Extension Dear Mr. Gleason: CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY jeffemory@d.1inco1nton.nc.us CITY CLERK DONNA C. FLOwERs, CMC donnaflowers@cHincoInton.nc.us CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT NC DEPT. OF ENVRCVMW AND HAT[fr? fAOC''tir�V" AUG 0 4 2003 The City of Lincolnton WWTP has been operating under the subject SOC (see SOC number above) during construction activities since July 2001. This letter is to inform the State that construction activities have not been completed by the General and Electrical contractors on or before the milestone date of June 30, 2003. Construction activities are expected to continue for up to 90 days past the anticipated June 30, 2003 completion date. Our estimated revised completion date is September 30, 2003. The City of Lincolnton would like to formally request an extension of the SOC for a This extension period would allow 6e—co—ntr—act—ors—Mffe-ro—su—cc—es—sFuTy con and allow the City time to attain compliance with final effluent limitations. would result in the following revised milestone dates: of 90 intended work Therefore, our request Complete construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before September 30, 2003. Attain compliance with final effluent limitations on or before December 30, 2003. 114 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • PO. BOX 617 • LINCOWTON, NORTH CARoUNA 28093-0617 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAx (704) 736-8995 PV We hope that this request meets with all requirements of NCDENR/ DWQ. Please feel free to call me or contact our engineers, Steven Young or Don Garbrick at Pease Associates at (704) 376-6423, with any questions. Sincerely, "J "'V4-'VI . Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Cc: Jeff Emory Steve Peeler Don Garbrick - Pease Keith West - Pease Steven Young - Pease OF W ATF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor 0 William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources j [ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Coleen Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water Quality November 19, 2003 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Subject: Special Order by Consent Amendment Request EMC WQ No. 01-002 AD II City of Lincolnton Lincoln County, NC Dear Mayor Huitt: This Office is in receipt of your request for an amendment to the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC). The request involves a modification to the final compliance schedule as contained in section 2(c) of the SOC. A review of your request has been conducted by our staff, and an amended SOC has been prepared for your review/approval. If you agree with the SOC, please sign and return same to this Office. We will forward the Special Order by Consent to Raleigh for review and approval. You will receive a signed copy, if approved. If this Office can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Michael L. Parker or me. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Bob Sledge Attachment /mlp 4=24 NTDE -NR Customer Service Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 1 877 623-6748 Fax (704) 663-6D40 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 01- 002 Ad II NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for cyanide as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require the completion of a cyanide study at the City's WWTP and, if physical improvements are necessary to comply with the current cyanide permit effluent limitation, the preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for the proposed cyanide study and, if necessary, the planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all violations of EMC SOC WQ 01-002 as noted in the letter dated August 27, 2003 from the Mooresville Regional Office, the City agrees to pay the sum of $2,000. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Complete all construction activities associated with the current WWTP upgrade, including the closeout of the general and electrical contractors on or before Ocotber 30, 2003 (Met) 2) Continue cyanide monitoring and data collection that was begun on July 2, 2003 through October 31, 2003, and then commence a cyanide study on or before November 1, 2003 that involves literature review, bench -scale testing, pilot -scale testing, data evaluation, and interviews with other municipalities that have experienced similar cyanide issues. Upon completion of the study, a report of the findings will be prepared and submitted to the DWQ on or before December 31, 2003 outlining the activities necessary to achieve compliance with final permit limitations. 3) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the submittal of plans and specifications will be made to the Division on or before February 15, 2004 for issuance of an Authorization to Construct (ATC). If physical improvements to the City's WWTP are not necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the City will be expected to achieve compliance with all permit limitations on or before January 31, 2004. 4) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, and after receipt of an ATC, begin construction of the physical improvements on or before April 1, 2004. Page Three 5) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, complete construction of the physical improvements on or before June 1, 2004. 6) If the study finds that physical improvements to the City's WWTP are necessary to comply with the permit effluent limitation for cyanide, the City will be expected to attain compliance with all permit effluent limitations on or before July 1, 2004. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Avera a Daily Maximum Cyanide Azg/1---------------- 22.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Avera e Daily Maximum Cyanide yg/1---------------- Monitor only Page Four (f) No later than fourteen 04) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of an activity listed in 2(c) above, submit to the Director of DWO written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reasons, for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (i) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $1000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter Page Five 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 150B-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of any additional flow is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. Page Six 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent, including_ paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five (5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. 8. Non-compliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire October 1, 2004. For the City of Lincolnton: Print Name and Title of Signing Official Date Signature of Signing Official For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chairman of the Commission ATTACHMENT A 0 SOC EMC WQ NO. 01- 002 AD II NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until July 1, 2004 the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°CZ Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) pHs Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Conductivity Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity4 Total Cyanides Total Mercury Phenols Total Copper Total Zinc Color6 Color (April 1 through October 31) 6 Notes Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 6.0 MGD 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml 0.1 µg/1 2 1.0µg/l Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample Sample' Frequency Type Location Continuous Recording I or E Daily Composite I,E Daily Composite I,E 3/week Composite E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Monthy Composite E Monthly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Grab E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E 2Month Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Grab US & DS 1. Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, US - Upstream, DS - Downstream 2. The monthly average BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). 3. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. 4. Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F of the NPDES Permit. 5. The quantitation limit for cyanide shall be 10 µg/1(10 ppb). Levels repoprted as "<10 µg/l" shall be considered zero for compliance purposes. 6. Color samples will be analyzed for ADMI color at natural pH. Samples will be analyzed by a state -certified laboratory (see A. (3) - Color Permitting Requirements. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. VJA7- Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources October 10, 2003 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. BOX 617 LINCOLNTON, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Non Refundable Processing Fee Dear Mayor Huitt: Special Order by Consent EMC SOC W Q O 1-002 Ad H City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality NC WT. OF EWRONMENT AND NATI.IP.n.,t RESOURCES YOORESVi, nFFIC,, i OCT 1 5 2003 WATER QUivIXTiON This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for an amendment to the current Special Order by Consent (SOC), accompanied by your check number 030208 in the amount of $400.00. These items were received in our office on October 8, 2003. If you have any questions concerning the SOC, you may contact the Water Quality Section staff of our Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699 or me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Ile - Bob Sledge, Environmental Specialist Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit cc: SOC Files w/attachment Central Files w/attachment Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 Fax: (919) 733-9612 •09-09--03 16:25 CITY OF LINCOLNTON ID=7047368999 PO4/07 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT (INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR FACILITIES REQUESTING AN SOC) I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): City of Lincolnton 2. Print or Type Owner's or Signing Official's Name and Title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Mr. Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor. 3. MailingAddress: Post Office Box 617 City: State: NC ip:2909-1-0617 Telep one o.: 716-RgRn 4. Facility Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - must be consistent with name on the permit issued by the Division of Water Quality): Lincolnton WWTP S. Application Date: September 29, 2003 6. County where project is located: Lincoln II. PERMIT INFORMATION FOR THE FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: 1. Previous SOC No.: EMC Wq 01-0o2 A n T _ 2. Permit No.: Nc oo25496 3. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different from I.4. above): 4. Issuance Date of Permit: October 2 2002 5. Expiration Date Of Permit: January 31, 2005 I.T.I. COMPLIANCE HISTORY FOR FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: ' Please attach a listing of all violations this facility has had under this Order. This list should include anv violation of interim dates, relaxed permit parameters, and existing permit limitations. SOC Ad App. 09-02-03 16:25 CITY OF LINCOLNTON ID=7047368999 VI. ADDITIONAL FLOW OR REALLOCATION OF EXISTING FLOW: Onlyfacilities owned by a unit of government marequest to add additional Flow to the treatment system as part of this SOC Amendment in accordance with NCGS 143-215.67(b). Please be advised that additional Flow will be allowed under an SOC Amendment only in extreme circumstances. These circumstances include elimination of other discharges that are non compliant with their NPDES Permit or continual non compliance of the Flow parameter as specified in the original SOC. These circumstances do not include failure by the facility t4 properly remove Infiltration and Inflow. When requesting the additional Flow, the facility must include justification as to why this Flow is needed, and supporting documents to show progress to eliminate any Flow problem causes (i.e., efforts undergone to eliminate Inflow and Infiltration into the plant). If the requested additional flow is non domestic, the facility must be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat the waste, and the waste will not adversely impact the wastewater system or it's ability to dispose of or utilize residuals. The non domestic waste must be similar to domestic strength either before or after pretreatment. The applicant must provide a detailed analysis of all parameters reasonably expected to be contained in the proposed non domestic wastewater. The total domestic additional Flow requested is per day. The total non domestic Flow requested is, additional Flow is gallons per day. gallons gallons per day. The total If a reallocation of existing additional Flow is needed the facility must provide justification as to why this reallocation is needed. Please be advised that the actual additional Flow, if an , that could be allowed as part of this requested SOC Amendment will be determined by a complete analysis of any projected adverse impact that could be'expected as the result of this additional wastewater on the wastewater treatment facility and the surface waters. V. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY SOC AMENDMENT IS NEEDED: Provide a detailed explanation why the SOC Amendment is being requested. (Attach as many pages as required to fully explain). P05/07 SOC Ad App. 2 09-02-03 16:25 CITY OF LINCOLNTON ID=7047368999 P06/07 VI. REQUESTED TIME SCHEDULE TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE REGULATIONS/STATUTES The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule must include interim dates as well as a final compliance date. The schedule should address such activities as: 1. Request any neededpermit(s). 2. Submit plans, specifications and appropriate engineering reports to DWQ for review and approval. 3. Begin construction. 4. Occurrence of major construction activities that are likely to effect facility performance (units out of service, diversion of flows, etc.). 5. Complete construction. 6. Achieve compliance with all effluent limitations. 7. Complete specific InfiltratiorAnflow work. 8. Have all pretreatment facilities achieve compliance with their pretreatment permits, 9. Conduct needed Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TRE). VII. IDENTIFY FUNDING SOURCES TO BE USED TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE: The applicant must provide an explanation as to the sources of funds to be utilized to complete the work needed to bring the facility into compliance. Possible funding sources include but are not limited to loan commitments, bonds, letters of credit, block grants and cash reserves. This explanation must demonstrate that the funds are available or can be secured in the time to meet the schedule outlined as part of this application. THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I3Y THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UNLESS ALL Of THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. a) b) Required Items: If the SOCAmendment i, for a City/ Town the person signing the SOC must be the Mayor. If the SOCAmendment is for a Company/Industry/Other, the person signing lire SOC must be an upper management official (Le. President, Vice President). If the SOCAmendment Isfor a School District, the person signing the SOC must be the Superintendent of Schools. 50C Ad App. ,09-02-03 16:26 CITY OF LINCOLNTON ID=7047368999 P07/07 Applicant's Certification: I, Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor _ attest this application for an Amendment to a Special Order by Consent (SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this Amendment application are not completed and if all required supporting_ information and attachments are not included. this Amendment application package will be returned as incomplete. Furthermore. I attest by my signature that I fully understand an upfront penalty may be imposed as part of obtainins an Amendment to a Special Order by Consent and the upfront penalty satisfies as full settlement all past violations prior to enterin into a S ecial Order b Consent. Reference to up front penalties for Special Orders by Consent rnay be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC .1206 (c) (3). • • .. :•.. u. • Print Name of Signing Official Date Signature of �igning Official THE COMPLETED ALL INFORMATION AND MATERIAOLS SHOULDEBE SELNT UDING TO THE FOLLOWINGG ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DI'V'ISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083, EXT. 530 SOC Ad App. III. COMPLIANCE HISTORY FOR THE FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: DATE PARAMETER VIOLATION April 8, 2002 Phenol SOC Permit June 17, 2002 Cyanide SOC Permit June 18, 2002 Cyanide SOC Permit December 16, 2002 Cyanide SOC Permit January 6, 2003 Cyanide SOC Permit January 15, 2003 Cyanide SOC Permit January 22, 2003 Cyanide SOC Permit April 7, 2003 TSS NPDES Permit May 19, 2003 Fecal Cohform NPDES Permit V. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY SOC AMENDMENT IS NEEDED: The City of Lincolnton WWTP has been operating under the current SOC (EMC WQ 01-002 AD I) during construction activities since April 2002. The Completion of Construction milestone date described in the SOC was June 30, 2003. Construction at the Lincolnton WWTP was substantially complete for all major process operations by June 30, 2003. Since the contractors were not completed with closeout items by June 30, 2003, the City felt like a request for an SOC extension was warranted and was therefore requested in our July 29, 2003 letter. Separate to the construction schedule, the City was granted SOC limits for both phenol and cyanide in March 2002 (current SOC). After the major biological process improvements were completed at the WWTP in April 2003, the WWTP has met the 21 ug/L NPDES permit limit for phenol on all required monthly monitoring activities. Approximately 75% of the effluent phenol data collected between April 1 and June 1, 2003 were below the detection limit of 5 ug/L between. Cyanide, on the other hand, has not been in compliance with the SOC limit of 110 ug/L during the SOC term. Periodic SOC violations (described in Section III) have occurred which has led the City to develop a in -plant sampling program to try to get an understanding of the nature of the cyanide appearing in the WWTP effluent. The sampling points chosen for the sampling program were influent, final clarifier effluent, pre -chlorination and post - chlorination. To summarize the preliminary data to date, cyanide is essentially non -detect in the influent, final clarifier effluent, and pre -chlorination sampling points. Cyanide however is usually present in the WWTP effluent. The preliminary data has led the City to believe that there is a strong likelihood of either an interference in the cyanide analytical procedure or the generation of cyanide within the existing chlorine contact basin (i.e. cyanide leaching from old concrete). Preliminary data to date is attached. The City of Lincolnton would therefore like to request an SOC extension based on the cyanide issues described above. The proposed compliance schedule (Section IV) was developed to give the City time to systematically perform an official Cyanide Study and implement recommendations required to allow the WWTP to achieve full NPDES compliance. Now would also like to request that the current SOC limit for cyanide of 110 ug/L (weekly average) be changed to monitor only during the proposed SOC amendment schedule. This would allow the City to focus their resources on identifying and rectifying the cyanide issue without having the possibility of incurring fines for cyanide violations. VI. REQUESTED TIME SCHEDULE TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE REGULATIONS/STATUTE S Complete final punchlist activities to complete current Lincolnton WWTP Upgrade project on or before October 30, 2003. This involves final closeout of the general and electrical contractors. 2. Continue Cyanide monitoring and data collection through October 31, 2003 as a prelude to commencing a Cyanide Study at the WWTP (cyanide data collection began July 2, 2003). 3. Conduct Cyanide Study at the WWTP including detailed literature review, interviews of other municipalities who have experienced similar cyanide issues, bench -scale testing, pilot -scale testing, data evaluation, develop recommendations, and provide report of findings and outline of proposed activities to achieve compliance. The Cyanide Study shall begin on November 1, 2003 and be completed by December 31, 2003. 4. If physical improvements are required at the WWTP to rectify the cyanide issue, develop plans and specifications for recommended modifications between January 1, 2004 and February 15, 2004. If no physical improvements are required at the WWTP, achieve compliance with all effluent limitations by January 31, 2004. 5. If required, accept bids for proposed construction activities by March 15, 2004. If required, begin construction for proposed construction activities by April 1, 2004. 7. If required, complete construction activities by June 1, 2004. Achieve compliance with all effluent limitations by July 1, 2004. VII. IDENTIFY FUNDING SOURCES TO BE USED TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE: If physical improvements are required by the City to achieve compliance with all effluent limits, the City intends to use cash reserves to cover the costs of the Cyanide Study, engineering design services for any proposed WWTP modifications, and construction costs required to bring the WWTP into compliance. The City will have reserve funds available to meet the compliance schedule provided. If these reserves need to be verified by the State, please contact Jeff Emory, City Manager, at (704) 736-8980. Preliminary Cyanide Data Lincolnton VW1/TP July - August 2003 Total Cyanide (ug/L) Date Influent Pre-Chlor Front -Basin Mid -Basin Pre -Effluent Eflfuent 7/2/03 ND 7/8/03 69 7/9/03 110 7/16/031 ND ND 26 22 7/21/03 ND ND 11 7/21/03 12 7/21/03 10 7/22/03 ND ND 61 7/23103 ND ND 8 7/29/03 ND ND ND 7/30/03 8/11/03 8/12/03 ND 5.8 ND ND ND ND ND 20 ND 21 ND ND 7.9 8/13/03 ND ND 7.2 7.0 8/13/03 ND 8/18/03 ND ND 9.8 8/19/03 2.2 ND ND 8/19/03 ND 8/20/03 ND ND 3.6 8/20/03 5 8/25/03 6 8/26/03 ND 8/27/03 1 6 1 Cyanide Limits: SOC: 110.0 ug/L Weekly average NPDES: 22 uc<iL Weekly grab 2 Blue Text: Split samples with Blue Ridge Labs; all other data from Pace Analytical. 3 Effluent data is NPDES monthly reporting (DMRs). Cyanide Data.xls WAT ✓ �0F F9Q Michael F. Easley, Governor \0 G William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources —I Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director p C Division of Water Quality June 2, 2003 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7001 2510 0004 8287 6654 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Post Office Box Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Notice of Violation Special Order by Consent WQ 01-002 City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: On June 21, 2002 the Environmental Management Commission entered into the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC) whereby the City of Lincolnton (the City) was granted relaxed effluent limitations from those imposed by the NPDES Permit for Cyanide and Phenols in exchange for the City's commitment to a schedule of wastewater treatment plant improvements that will return the City to compliance with the terms of the NPDES Permit. The SOC contains provision for the assessment of stipulated penalties when either modified limits are exceeded or schedule dates are not met. A review of the City's self -monitoring report for the months of December, 2002 and January 2003 has indicated violation(s) of the SOC limit(s) in the manner and to the extent shown below. Month December January r.W AS*OEM Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Reported Limit Parameter Value/Unit Value/Unit/Type Cyanide 110.0 ug/1 100.0 ug/1/SOC/weekly ave. Cyanide 160.0, 140.0, 150.0 ug/1 100.0 ug/1/SOC/weekly ave. Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 a The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt June 2, 2003 Page Two You are directed to immediately take whatever remedial actions are necessary to correct the problems that have led to these violations. Paragraph 3 of the SOC stipulates that a penalty in the amount of $1,000 shall be paid for each violation of a modified limit. However, Paragraph 4 of the SOC enumerates circumstances under which stipulated penalties are not due, essentially stating this provision is applicable when the Division of Water Quality can be satisfied the non-compliance was caused by events or circumstances beyond the control of the City. If you have information that will prove to the Division that any or all of the criteria set forth in Paragraph 4 have been met, you must submit this information in writing to the Mooresville Regional Office within ten (10) days after your receipt of this notice. In the absence of evidence justifying the application of the provision within Paragraph 4, this Office will proceed with assessment of stipulated penalties as provided for in the SOC. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Michael Parker or me at 704- 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit Mooresville SOC Files Central Files /mlp h:\enf\demand.nov DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY April 8, 2002 Memo To: From: Prepared By: Bob Sledge 61' Rex Gleason Michael Parker Subject: SOC Amendment Request City of Lincolnton EMC WQ SOC 01-002 AD I Lincoln County Please find attached a signed Special Order by Consent requesting an amendment to the subject SOC to add interim limitations for BODS and TSR. In the City of Lincolnton's (City) request for the SOC amendment, impacts to effluent quality as the result of construction activities have necessitated the need to adjust the current interim effluent limitations to more adequately reflect anticipated levels of treatment expected during the current WWTP upgrade. There were no requested changes to the SOC's time schedule or other terms and conditions. Subsequent to the receipt of the City's request, an evaluation was performed by MRO staff of current effluent data, and the effects of the construction activities on effluent quality. Based on the data observed (some of which had warranted issuance of an NOV by this Office for effluent limitation exceedances), this Office has no objections to the suggested interim effluent limitations for BODS and TSR as noted in the City's request. Therefore, it is recommended that the subject SOC be amended to incorporate the suggested interim effluent limitations. Attached is an amended SOC that has been signed by the City and is ready for processing. Changes noted in your email of March 28, 2002 to Mr. Parker have been incorporated into the suggested document. Please advise if any additional information is necessary. Attachment h Aenflsoc\I incnton.soc NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 01- 002 Ad I NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for BODS, TSR, cyanide and phenols as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all alleged violations of NPDES Permit NC0025496 occurring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, the City agrees to pay the sum of $4,250. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (Received) (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Submit plans and specifications and receive Authorization to Construct for wastewater treatment plant improvements on or before March 15, 2001 (Met) 1) Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct, begin construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before July 31, 2001 (Met) 2) Complete construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before June 30, 2003. 3) Attain compliance with final effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Page Three Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum BOD5 mg/1 30.0 45.0 TSR mg/1 30.0 45.0 Phenols ug/1-------- -------- 21.0 Cyanide ug/1-------- 46.0 184.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum BOD5 mg/1 45.0 60.0-------- TSR mg/1 45.0 60.0-------- Phenols ug/1---------------- 40.0 Cyanide ug/1-------- 100.0 250.0 (f) No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of an activity listed in 2(c) above, submit to the Director of DWO written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (I) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. Page Four 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $1000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Page Five Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 15013-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of the additional flows is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any Violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent, including paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five 5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. Page Six 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire December 31, 2003. For the City of Lincolnton: [60 66 Print Name Title of Signing Official Date 3- 20-02. Signature of Si ning Official For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chairman of the Commission ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ NO. 0 1 - 002 NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 6.0 MGD 70.0 mg/I 105.0 mg/l 40.0 mg/I 60.0 mg/l 15.0 mg/I 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml 19.0 ug/1 46.0 ug/1 100.0 ug/l 250.0 ug/l 40.0 ug/l Monitorine Reauirements Measurement Sample *Sample Frequency Ty e Location Continuous Recording I or E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E 2/week Grab E Weekly Grab E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent ** The monthly average BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). * * * Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11 %; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F of the NPDES Permit. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Note: Only the parameters shown in bold above have had limits modified from those set by the NPDES permit. Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources t:. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director ��',.-�w�.:,: Division of Water Quality January 7, 2002 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Corrected Attachment Page Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: NI-' DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT {� 1 1 2002 Along with the December 7, 2001 transmittal of the City of Lincolnton's Special Order by Consent, I sent a short note explaining that errors had been made in the final drafting of the "Attachment A" page of the Order and that the matter would be corrected in a later mailing. Please find attached for your records a corrected copy of the "Attachment A" page for the subject Special Order by Consent. Please discard the old Attachment A and insert the new one in its place. The new page correctly shows the relaxed limitations that have been established for Cyanide and Phenols. These are the only parameters that received relaxation under the terms of the Order. The old page incorrectly depicted some additional parameters as being given relaxed limits, others receiving more stringent limits and some were shown to have changed monitoring frequencies or sample types. Please be adviged that all terms of the NPDES permit are still active and in force, excepting the effluent limitations for the two parameters noted above. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, 0 Bob Sledge Environmental Specialist Attachment cq&,MRO w/attachment i SOC Files w/attachment Central Files w/attachment Mike Hom, EPA, w/attachment Jeanne Phillips w/attachment iis�m► �;fft�►p�a k Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 ATTACHMENT A bOC EMC WQ 01-002 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day; 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. 6.0 MGD 30.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/ Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 45.0 mg/l 45.0 mg/1 200.0/ 100 rill 400.0/ 100 ml 19.0 ug/l 46.0 ug/1 100.0 ug/1 250.0 ugA 40.0 ug/I Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample *Sample Frequency- Tvoe Location Continuous Recording I or E Daily Composite I,E Daily Composite I,E 3/Week Composite E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E Weekly Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent ** The monthly average BODS and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 1517c of the respective influent value (85% removal). *** Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Note: Only the parameters shown in bold above have had limits modified from those set by the NPDES permit. Aviv 15 2002 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 Ad I City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 L inrnln ('0 ILintv Dear Mayor Huitt: William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality AND t.. J U N 2 % 2002 Attached for your records is your copy of the signed Special Order by Consent (SOC) approved by the Environmental Management Commission. The terms and conditions of the Order are in full effect, and you are reminded that all final permit limits contained in the NPDES permit must be met except those modified by the conditions of the Order. Additionally, as specified in paragraph 2(f) of the Order, submittal of written notice of compliance or non compliance with any schedule date is required to be submitted to this office. Pursuant to amended North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3D, effective January 1, 1999, water quality fees have been revised to include an annual fee for any permit covered under a Special Order by consent, in addition to the standard annual fee for the permit. The Town will be subject to an annual SOC administration fee of $250.00, in addition to the annual permit administration fee of $715.00. The Town will be billed for this at a later date. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Bob Sledge at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Attachment cc: SOC Files w/original Central Files w/attachment Mike Hom, EPA, w/attachment Jeanne Phillips w/attachment Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 Fax: (919) 733-9612 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 01- 002 Ad I NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for BODS, TSR, cyanide and phenols as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. NO 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all alleged violations of NPDES Permit NC0025496 occurring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, the City agrees to pay the sum of $4,250. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (Received) (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Submit plans and specifications and receive Authorization to Construct for wastewater treatment plant improvements on or before March 15, 2001 (Met) 1) Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct, begin construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before July 31, 2001 (Met) 2) Complete construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before June 30, 2003. 3) Attain compliance with final effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Page Three Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly Average, Weekl Average Daily Maximum BOD5 mg/1 30.0 45.0 TSR mg/1 30.0 45.0 Phenols ug/1-------- -------- 21.0 Cyanide ug/l-------- 46.0 184.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum BOD5 mg/1 45.0 60.0-------- TSR mg/l 45.0 60.0-------- Phenols ug/1---------------- 40.0 Cyanide ug/l-------- 100.0 250.0 (f) No later than fourteen G 4) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of any activity listed in 2(c) above submit to the Director of DWO written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith In the case of noncompliance the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance remedial action(s) taken and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (I) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. )ur 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $ 1 000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Page Five Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 15013-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of the additional flows is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any Violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent including paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five (5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. 8. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee upon signature of this Special Order by Consent will be expected to comply with all schedule dates terms, and conditions of this document. x 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire December 31, 2003. For the City of Lincolnton: Print Name Title of Signing Official 1--j- 4&1,4 Date)z- Signature of Signing Official For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chai a Commis on ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ 01-002 Ad I NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow �/✓ -B'6W,� , Totat Suspended Residue C-W_ NH3 as N 1 V r -2 Fecal Coliform mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample *Sample Monthly Avg. Weekly Ave. Daily Max. Frequency Type Location 6.0 MGD Continuous Recording I or E 45.0 mg/l 60.0 mg/I Daily Composite I,E 45.0 mg/ 60.0 mg/i Daily Composite I,E 3/Week Composite E 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E Quarterly Composite E 19.0 ug/1 46.0 ug/1 Weekly Composite E 100.0 u g/1 250.0 ug/l Weekly Grab E 40.0 ug/l Weekly Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent ** The monthly average BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). *** Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at I I%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F of NPDES Permit. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Note: Only the parameters shown in bold above have had limits modified from those set by the NPDES permit. Pppppop�,NAL,�;yQG March 14, 2002 Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor City of Lincolnton Post Office Box 617 Lincolnton, North Carolina 28093-0617 Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality Subject: Special Order by Consent Amendment Request EMC WQ No. 01-002 City of Lincolnton Lincoln County, NC Dear Mayor Huitt: This Office is in receipt of your request dated February 13, 2002 for an amendment to the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC). The request involves a modification to the interim effluent limitations as contained in section 2(e) of the SOC. A review of your request has been conducted by our staff, and an amended SOC has been prepared for your review/approval. If you agree with the SOC, please sign and return same to this Office. We will forward the Special Order by Consent to Raleigh for review and approval. You will receive a signed copy, if approved. If this Office can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Michael L. Parker or me. cc: Bob Sledge Attachment /mlp €ram Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Division of Water Quality 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone (704) 663-1699 Fax (704) 663-6040 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 0 1 - 002 NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for cyanide and phenols as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all alleged violations of NPDES Permit NCO025496 occurring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, the City agrees to pay the sum of $4,250. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (Received) (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Submit plans and specifications and receive Authorization to Construct for wastewater treatment plant improvements on or before March 15, 2001 (Met) 1) Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct, begin construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before July 31, 2001 (Met) 2) Complete construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before June 30, 2003. 3) Attain compliance with final effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Page Three Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum BOD5 mg/1 30.0 45.0 TSR mg/I 30.0 45.0 Phenols ug/l-------- -------- 21.0 Cyanide ug/l-------- 46.0 184.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum BOD5 mg/l 45.0 60.0-------- TSR mg/l 45.0 60.0-------- Phenols ug/l---------------- 40.0 Cyanide ug/1-------- 100.0 250.0 (f) No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of any activity listed in 2(c) above, submit to the Director of DWO written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance. the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying ing the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (I) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. Page Four 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $1000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Page Five Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 15013-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of the additional flows is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any Violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent, including_ paragraphs 2(c) and 2(fl above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five 5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. 8. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. Page Six 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire December 31, 2003. For the City of Lincolnton: Print Name and Title of Signing Official Date Signature of Signing Official For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chairman of the Commission ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ NO. 01- 002 NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg1 Daily Max. 6.0 MGD 45.0 mg/1 60.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 60.0 mg/1 15.0 mg/1 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml 19.0 ug/I 46.0 ug/I 100.0 ug/I 250.0 ug/I 40.0 ug/I Monitorine Reauirements Measurement Sample *Sample Frequency Type Location Continuous Recording I or E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E 2/week Grab E Weekly Grab E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent ** The monthly average BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). * * * Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11 %; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Note: Only the parameters shown in bold above have had limits modified from those set by the NPDES permit. A Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources > _ -- -- �— ' ._, Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director ���-�•>::�:y"`� Division of Water Quality DEC - 7 2001 NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMEi;T AND NATURALRESOURCES The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt MOOk SVI LF SFr,"OVAL OFFICE City of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 DEC i 3 2001 Subject: Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County wo Dear Mayor Huitt: Attached for your records is your copy of the signed Special Order by Consent (SOC) approved by the Environmental Management Commission. The terms and conditions of the Order are in full effect, and you are reminded that all final permit limits contained in the NPDES permit must be met exce t those modified by the conditions of the Order. Additionally, as specified in paragraph 2(f) of the Order, submittal of written notice of compliance or non compliance with any schedule date is required to be submitted to this office. Pursuant to amended North Carolina General Statute 143-215.3D, effective January 1, 1999, water quality fees have been revised to include an annual fee for any permit covered under a Special Order by consent, in addition to the standard annual fee for the permit. The Town will be subject to an annual SOC administration fee of $250.00, in addition to the annual permit administration fee of $715.00. The Town will be billed for this at a later date. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Bob Sledge at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Greg J. orpe, P .D. Attachment cii.W1,0 w/attachn;>es6iiiii, SOC Files w/original Central Files w/attachment Mike Hom, EPA, w/attachment Jeanne Phillips w/attachment Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7016 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 01- 002 NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 14313-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for cyanide and phenols as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all alleged violations of NPDES Permit NC0025496 occuring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, the City agrees to pay the sum of $4,250. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Submit plans and specifications and receive Authorization to Construct for wastewater treatment plant improvements on or before March 15, 2001 (Met) 1) Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct, begin construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before July 31, 2001 (Met) 2) Complete construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before June 30, 2003. 3) Attain compliance with final effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Page Three Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly. Average. Weekly Avera e Daily Maximum Phenols ug/I---------------- 21.0 Cyanide ug/1-------- 46.0 184.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly. Average, Weekly Average Daily Maximum Phenols ug/1---------------- 40.0 Cyanide ug/1-------- 100.0 250.0 (f) No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of an activity listed in 2(c) above submit to the Director of DWO written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance, the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance remedial action(s) taken, and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (i) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. Page Four 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $ 1 000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third party, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Page Five Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 150B-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of the additional flows is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any Violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent, including paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five (5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not reviously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation. 8. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee upon signature of this Special Order by Consent, will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document. Page Six 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire December 31, 2003. For the City of Lincolnton: bobbv %-• ML144. Mavor Print Name ind Title of Signing Official i Date Signatur"imn fficial For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chai n e Commi Sion ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ NO. 0 1 - 002 NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 6.0 MGD 70.0 mg/I 105.0 mg/1 40.0 mg/1 60.0 mg/1 15.0 mg/l 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent 19.0 ug/1 46.0 ug/I 46.0 ug/1 184.0 ug/1 2 1. 0 ug/I Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample *Sample Frequencx Twe Location Continuous Recording I or E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E 2/week Grab E Weekly Grab E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E ** The monthly average BODS and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). *** Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at I I`%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: PREPARED BY DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY September 24, 2001 Shannon Langley RV D. Rex Gleason -P Michael Parked SUBJECT: Special Order by Consent City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit No. NC0025496 EMC WQ 01-002 Lincoln County Enclosed please find an original and one copy of a Special Order by Consent package which includes the SOC document with attachments. The SOC will allow the City of Lincolnton to make necessary modifications to the existing POTW, which will allow the City to consistently comply with the final effluent limitations as contained in the subject permit. The staff of this Office has reviewed the City's request and recommends approval. Please advise if additional action or information is needed. Enclosures MLP pr SPECIAL ORDER by CONSENT (SOC) REGIONAL OFFICE CHECKLIST Mooresville Regional Office City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 County of Lincoln EMC SOC WO 01-002 A. Why was this SOC requested? The City is undergoing an upgrade of their WWTP in order to achieve compliance with permit limits for cyanide and phenols, which the City has violated on several occasions during the past 12 months. Additional non-compliance with both cyanide and phenols is expected as the City constructs the WWTP modifications. B. What type of facility is currently in operation? (trickling filter, activated sludge, etc.) Give design flow and permitted flow. The existing facility is an activated sludge treatment process, utilizing trickling filters as roughing filters and extended aeration as primary treatment. The WWTP has a design and permitted flow of 6.0 MGD. C. State affected stream and current stream classification. Facility discharges treated wastewater to the South Fork Catawba River, Class C Waters in the Catawba River Basin. D. Discuss anv and all downstream water quality impacts. Include the data summary if possible. There are no known downstream water quality impacts. E. Was Instream assessment conducted? No If no, please explain? Interim limits proposed for this SOC do not include any oxygen consuming parameters, therefore, no instream assessment was conducted. F. Attach most current MP screen (Last twelve (12) months) Attached. G. Is facility properly operated and maintained? YES What was the date of the last inspection? The last inspection was performed on August 21, 2001. What were the results from that inspection? (see attached inspection report) SOC Checklist Page Two 11 H. Discuss the applicants third party evaluation of current treatment capabilities. Has this evaluation been reviewed by the Technical Assistance and Certification Group of the Water Quality Section? What were their comments/suggestions? If the Technical Assistance Training and Certification Group has not seen the evaluation please explain why. The only evaluation of the current treatment capabilities by a third party is the City's engineering firm's recommendations for modifications to the existing treatment works. There has been no other third party evaluation of this facility nor has any been requested. It should be noted, however, that the Division's Construction Grants and Loans Section reviewed the City's request for funding, and approved a loan of $10,000,000 for this project. We are unaware as to whether Technical Assistance Training and Certification has seen the evaluation conducted by the City's Engineering firm for this project. I. How were the interim effluent parameter limitations established? Applicant originally requested interim effluent limitations for cyanide, phenols, and Total Suspended Residue (TSR). After reviewing the most recent twelve (12) months of effluent data, justification could not be found for establishing interim limits for TSR. Interim limits for cyanide and phenols were established by compiling all the reported values during the review period, removing the highest and lowest values, and then looking at the mean of the remaining values. The values chosen are slightly above the mean of the reported values. J. How were the schedule dates of the proposed Order established? The dates were established based on a review of the suggested compliance schedule submitted by the applicant, and a review of the proposed activities planned under the SOC. Dates were adjusted to reflect time lines more representative of the activities proposed under the SOC. K. Specifically identify what the facility will be doing/constructing during the term the Order will be in effect. Construction activities approved by Construction Grants and Loans include modifications to the influent pump station and screening structure, construction of a Vortex grit removal system, a new concentric oxidation ditch (which will replace the existing primary clarifiers and trickling filters), installation of fine bubble diffusers in the existing aeration basins, two (2) new secondary clarifiers (will replace the existing clarifiers), a new three (3) channel chlorine contact tank and post aeration structure, a sodium bisulfite and acetic acid feed system, modifications to the existing anaerobic digesters (new mixers and floating covers), and a new dissolved air flotation (DAF) thickener. L. What is the up -front penalty amount of the SOC, and how was this amount determined? The up -front penalty contained in the SOC is $4,250. This penalty was determined using current DWQ penalty assessment criteria. The amount was derived by tabulating effluent violations to -date that have not been accounted for in previous enforcement actions against the City. Penalty amounts set forth in current DWQ assessment criteria were then applied, which resulted in the recommended penalty amount. M. If no up -front penalty is being recommended, please indicate why. N/A OF SOC Checklist Page Three N. If stipulated penalties are different from those mentioned in the standard SOC shells (67b and WQ shells) indicate why they are different. N/A O. Does this facility currently monitor according to the most recent NPDES Permit or SOC? YES P. Does Toxicity need to be relaxed as part of this Order? NO Q. Does Pretreatment need to be addressed as part of the Order? NO R. Is the Permit under adjudication? late] S. Include schedule for Construction Grant funding, if applicable. I�/:1 T. If SOC application is for a Town/City and new for the first time (i.e., no amendment), has a Resolution been completed to secure required funding responsibilities? YES. The Lincolnton City Council adopted a resolution on January 4, 2001 for funding of activities to be performed under the terms of the SOC. The resolution was included in the SOC application package. U. Have the SOC limitations pages been compared against the most recently issued Permit or Permit currently at Public Notice? YES V. If an SOC schedule date has been met, is the date indicated by (MET) after the date specified for a particular event? YES W. Have any modifications been made by the regional office to the SOC shell? NO X. Has a spell check been run on the entire SOC document YES SOC Checklist Page Four Y. List M and all special circumstances concerning the issuance or denial of this SOC. There are no special circumstances surrounding the issuance of this SOC. Z. What is the regional office recommendation on this Special Order by Consent? ENTER INTO ORDER Preparer's Signature: L�ti� Date: Water Quality Supervisor's signature: hAenflsoclinmon.soc Date: 114 IF CITY COUNCIL BOBBY G. HuITT, MAYOR CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TE LARRY MAC HOVIS FRED HOUSER JOHN L. CLONINGER CITY OF LINCOLNTON September 7, 2001 Mr. D. Rex Gleason, P.E. NCDENR Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Special Order of Consent City Of Lincolnton WWTP Dear Mr. Gleason: CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT NC DEFT. Ctr e;I 11 aC;rb t. i iT S EP 1 0 2001 VA TEN T7`f0 1ilit ;isd 1 110 �1 Enclosed please find one executed copy of the Special Order by Consent for the City of Lincolnton. The SOC adopted by the Lincolnton City Council on September 6`h, is the one mailed by your office to Mayor Bobby G. Huitt with cover letter on August 15, 2001. Thank you for your cooperation in developing a SOC for the City of Lincolnton. It is my understanding your office will forward the executed SOC to the central office for their final review and approval. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact City Manager Jeff Emory at (704) 736-8980. Since ely, Jeff Emory City Manager JBE:tlo enclosures 1 14 WEST SYCAMORE STREET • P.O. Box 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093-0617 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAX (704) 736-8995 E-Mail citymgrOvnet.net 11 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION COUNTY OF LINCOLN IN THE MATTER OF ) NORTH CAROLINA ) SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT NPDES PERMIT ) EMC SOC WQ 01- 002 NUMBER NCO025496 ) HELD BY THE CITY ) OF LINCOLNTON ) Pursuant to provisions of North Carolina General Statutes (G.S.) 143-215.2 and 143-215.67, this Special Order by Consent is entered into by the City of Lincolnton, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, an agency of the State of North Carolina created by G.S. 143B-282, and hereinafter referred to as the Commission: 1. The City and the Commission hereby stipulate the following: (a) The City holds North Carolina NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 for the operation of an existing wastewater treatment works and for making an outlet therefrom for treated wastewater to the South Fork River Catawba River, Class C waters of this State in the Catawba River Basin, but is unable to consistently comply with final effluent limitations for cyanide and phenols as set forth in NPDES Permit Number NC0025496. Compliance will require preparation of plans and specifications and the construction and operation of additional treatment works. (b) Noncompliance with final effluent limitations constitutes causing and contributing to pollution of the waters of this State named above, and the City is within the jurisdiction of the Commission as set forth in G.S. Chapter 143, Article 21. (c) The City desires to cause or allow the discharge of 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater to the treatment works, and the discharge of such additional wastewater will not result in any significant degradation to the quality of any waters. (d) The City has secured a grant or has otherwise secured financing for planning, design, and/or construction of a new or improved waste disposal system which, once constructed and operated, will be sufficient to adequately treat wastewater presently being discharged and the additional wastewater desired to be discharged, to the extent the City will be able to comply with final effluent permit limitations. (e) Since this Special Order is by Consent, neither party will file a petition for a contested case or for judicial review concerning its terms. PF Page Two 2. The City, desiring to comply with the Permit identified in paragraph 1(a) above, hereby agrees to do the following: (a) As settlement of all alleged violations of NPDES Permit NC0025496 occurring prior to entering into this Special Order by Consent, the City agrees to pay the sum of $4,250. A certified check must be made payable to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and forwarded to the Director of the Division of Water Quality at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 by no later than fifteen (15) days following the date on which this Order is approved and executed by the Commission and received by the City. (b) Provide the Mooresville Regional Office of the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), located at 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC, 28115 with a list of all additions of flow under the City's Special Order by Consent, and update this list each time flow is added to the system. (c) Undertake the following activities in accordance with the indicated time schedule*: 1) Submit plans and specifications and receive Authorization to Construct for wastewater treatment plant improvements on or before March 15, 2001 (Met) 1) Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct, begin construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before July 31, 2001 (Met) 2) Complete construction of modifications necessary to effect compliance on or before June 30, 2003. 3) Attain compliance with final effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. * Quarterly progress reports detailing activities completed to -date as well as progress towards completion of all activities listed in this SOC are due in the Mooresville Regional Office on or before the fifteenth day of the month for the following months: March, June, September, and December. (d) The City shall comply with all terms and conditions of the permit except those effluent limitations identified in paragraph 1(a) above. See Attachment A for all monitoring requirements and effluent limitations. The Permittee may also be required to monitor for other parameters as deemed necessary by the Director in future permits or administrative letters. (e) During the time in which this Special Order by Consent is effective, the City shall comply with interim effluent limitations as contained in Attachment A. Page Three Iq Under this Special Order by Consent, ONLY the parameters listed below have been modified from the NPDES Permit currently in effect. Pipe Number 001 Permit Limitations Parameters Unit Monthly. Average. Weekly Average Daily Maximum Phenols ug/1---------------- 21.0 Cyanide ug/1-------- 46.0 184.0 Modified Limitations (SOC) Parameters Unit Monthly. Average. Weekly Average Dail Maximum Phenols ug/1 Cyanide ug/l ------- 40.0 100.0 250.0 (f) No later than fourteen (14) calendar days after any date identified for accomplishment of an activity listed in 2(c) above, submit to the Director of DWO written notice of compliance or noncompliance therewith. In the case of noncompliance the notice shall include a statement of the reason(s) for noncompliance, remedial action(s) taken and a statement identifying the extent to which subsequent dates or times for accomplishment of listed activities may be affected. (g) Enforce the North Carolina State Building Code as it applies to Water Conservation (Volume II -Plumbing, Chapter 9, 901 General Requirements -Materials, 901.2 Water Conservation, and Table 901.2.2-Maximum Allowable Water Usage For Plumbing Fixtures). (h) Develop and adopt sewer use ordinance limitations for non -conventional pollutants. Implement the pretreatment program as approved by the Director, including the enforcement of both categorical pretreatment standards and local limits. (i) Identify any Infiltration and Inflow problems associated with the facility and establish a program to correct. Page Four 3. The City agrees that unless excused under paragraph four (4), the City will pay the Director of DWQ, by check payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, stipulated penalties according to the following schedule for failure to meet deadlines set out in paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f), or failure to attain compliance with the effluent limitations/monitoring requirements contained in Attachment A Failure to meet a schedule date Failure to maintain compliance with any modified limit contained in the SOC. Failure to achieve compliance with final effluent limitations at final compliance deadline Monitoring frequency violations Monitoring frequency violations (for Toxicity) Failure to submit progress reports $100/day for the first 7 days; $500/day thereafter $ 1 000/violation Single monetary payment of $25,000 $100 per omitted value per parameter $1,000 per omitted value per parameter $50/day for the first seven (7) days; $250/day thereafter 4. The City and the Commission agree stipulated penalties are not due if the City satisfies the Division of Water Quality that noncompliance was caused solely by: a. An act of God; b. An act of war; c. An intentional act or omission of a third parry, but this defense shall not be available if the act or omission is that of an employee or agent of the defendant or if the act or omission occurs in connection with a contractual relationship with the Permittee; d. An extraordinary event beyond the Permittee's control. Contractor delays or failure to obtain funding will not be considered as events beyond the Permittee's control; or e. Any combination of the above causes. Page Five 11 Failure within thirty (30) days of receipt of written demand to pay the penalties, or challenge them by a contested case petition pursuant to G.S. 15013-23, will be grounds for a collection action, which the Attorney General is hereby authorized to initiate. The only issue in such an action will be whether the thirty (30) days has elapsed. 5. In accordance with provisions of G.S. 143-215.67(b) the Commission allows the City to accept the additional waste specified below to its waste disposal system: 0.4024 MGD of additional wastewater. The nature of the additional flows is such that the waste characteristics do not exceed those generally associated with domestic waste or are pretreated to domestic strengths. Waste of greater than normal domestic strength may be accepted if the parameter(s) that exceed normal domestic strength wastewater are not those for which interim limitations have been developed and it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Director the additional waste will not adversely affect the treatment efficiency of the treatment system for any modified parameter or result in the violation of any other permit limitation. All new and proposed industrial waste tributary to the system must be controlled using all needed mechanisms including but not limited to adoption and implementation of industrial waste control and pretreatment ordinances. No wastewater can be accepted which will add toxic pollutants in quantities not generally associated with domestic wastewater characteristics, unless the acceptance of the additional wastewater can be supported through appropriate analyses acceptable to the Director. 6. This Special Order by Consent and any terms, conditions and interim effluent limitations contained herein, hereby supersede any and all previous Special Orders, Enforcement Compliance Schedule Letters, terms, conditions, and limitations contained therein issued in connection with NPDES Permit No. NC0025496. In the event of an NPDES Permit modification or renewal, any effluent limitations or monitoring requirements contained therein shall supersede those contained in Attachment A of this Special Order by Consent, except as modified and contained in paragraph 2.(e) above. 7. Any Violation of terms of this Special Order by Consent including_ paragraphs 2(c) and 2(f) above and Attachment A shall terminate paragraph five (5) of this Order and any authorized additional waste not previously connected to the system shall not thereafter be connected until the necessary sewerage system improvements have been completed and placed in operation 8. Noncompliance with the terms of this Special Order by Consent are subject to enforcement action in addition to the above stipulated penalties, including injunctive relief pursuant to G.S. 143- 215.6.(C). 9. The Permittee, upon signature of this Special Order by Consent will be expected to comply with all schedule dates, terms, and conditions of this document Page Six 10. This Special Order by Consent shall expire December 31, 2003. For the City of Lincolnton: Cam. i4f or Print Name d Title of Signing Official ZW4 61 �; //-tz �, Date Signature of i n fficial For the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission: Date Chairman of the Commission ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ NO. 01- 002 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg, Weekly Avg, Daily Max. 6.0 MGD 70.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/I 15.0 mg/1 200.0/ 100 ml * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent 105.0 mg/I 45.0 mg/I 400.0/100 ml 19.0 ug/I 46.0 ug/I 46.0 ug/I 184.0 ug/I 2 1. 0 ug/l Monitorine Reouiremen Measurement Sample *Sample Frcqucnck Tvnc Location Continuous Recording I or E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite I,E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E 2/week Grab E Weekly Grab E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Composite E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E ** The monthly average BODS and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15%, of the respective influent value (85% removal). *** Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 1 1%; March, June September, December; See Part Ill, Condition F. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. �pp Pease Associates 1V /. V �� Post Office Box 18725 ,', \ \ 2925 East Independence Blvd. Pe a s e Charlotte, NC 28218 r r .r 1 NC C'i'v� c. l.i: ff�76'15423 Architects —Engineers A�;pp�& 1j�v;� U4s332, March 30, 2001 Mr. Mike Parker Division of Environmental Management Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Reference: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Lincolnton, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 SRF No. CS370456-04 Pease Associates' Commission No. 98093-00 Subject: SOC Information Dear Mike: In response to your inquiry, we offer the following comments: • Cyanide APR 0 4 2001 WATER QL.., , .. Treatment for cyanide is alkaline chlorination to oxidize the cyanide. We will be able to accomplish this by elevating the wastewater pH with caustic to > 10 upstream of the chlorine contact basin. The sodium-hypochlorite addition at the front end of the chlorine contact basin will serve as both a disinfectant and oxidant. The discharge will then be dechlorinated, and the pH will be readjusted with sulfuric acid back to 6-9 s.u. The chemical line to feed caustic was previously added to the project by addendum. • Phenol Phenol is a volatile -liquid hydrocarbon and is difficult to remove. Currently, the activated -sludge process has excursion in phenols due to the inability to maintain a consistent DO. The proposed process upgrades the activated sludge process to maximize phenol removal. In addition, the City is pursuing —through its pretreatment program —methods of removing this from the discharger. Over 60 years of architectural and engineering design excellence Mr. Mike Parker Page 2 March 30, 2001 • Flow During the period of the SOC, the City has the potential of extending lines to serve the following: Residential Customer 840 customers Q 360 GPD = 302,400GPD Industrial 100,000 GPD Q 3 Locations = 100,000GPD Total Flow Requested during SOC = 402,400GPD The current wastewater treatment plant has adequate capacity for this type of flow. If you have any questions or if we can be of assistance in any way, please call. Sincerely, -'0 �p Donald T. Garbrick, PE President DTG/lh LA98093 - Lincolnton WWTP\DTG109 parkendoc Pease Associates Architects - Engineers Q / 1 �/ A✓ � "F311� n � 111�q�. P+�i Paose Box 18725 i 't/yl �� �1 Post Office Box ® 2925 East Independence Blvd. le 111 Charlotte, NC 28218 Pe �: ® �` � . � 2tt� Phony 704 376 6423 Architects- Engineers L Fox 7043326177 January 4, 2001 Ms. Coleen Sullins North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Reference: Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Lincolnton, North Carolina NPDES Permit No. NC0025496; ATC No. 025496ACA SRF No. CS370456-04 Pease Associates' Commission No. 98093-00 Subject: Application for Special Order by Consent Dear Coleen; On behalf of the City of Lincolnton, Pease Associates, Inc. is submitting an application for a Special Order by Consent for your review and approval. This request is for the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is permitted by the State under Permit Number NC0025496. The City's Wastewater Treatment Plant has received Notices of Violations over the past year and is about to enter into a construction program to correct deficiencies. We are requesting variances in discharge parameters during the construction activity to avoid possible violations. The City's intent is to maximize the existing treatment process during the construction period and require the Contractor to work efficiently minimizing operations. Please review the following enclosed documents: Application dated January 4, 2001 Resolution for a Special Order by Consent dated January 4, 2001 Check in the amount of $400 to cover the processing fee Over 60 years of architectural and engineering design excellence 4 Ms. Coleen Sullins Page 2 January 4, 2001 If there are any questions, please call. Sincerely, Don T. Garbrick, PE, President DTG / lh Enclosures cc: Mr. Bobby G. Huitt L:DTG105.doc (98093) Feoss Associates Architects - Engineers SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT CITY OF LINCOLNTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT PERMIT NO. NCO025496 January 4, 2001 I. COMPLIANCE HISTORY FOR FACILITY REQUESTING THE SOC: A chronological list of Notice of Violations for the City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant is attached. II. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY SOC IS NEEDED: Since November 1999, the facility has been in violation seven times on Phenols; three times on daily Cyanide; nine times on weekly Cyanide; two times on weekly total suspended residue; and one time on monthly total suspended residue. The City of Lincolnton is currently working with Pease Associates to maximize the existing facility to reduce the number of violations. In addition, the City has been funded in part by the state for an upgrade to the existing facility that will address many of the issues contained in the list of violations. Currently the plans and specification are being reviewed by State agencies and it is anticipated bidding and construction will commence on approximately February 5, 2001. During the construction period of 720 days, it is possible to be in non-compliance with our NPDES Permit limits. III. EXPLANATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT TO MAXIMIZE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE FACILITY PRIOR TO REQUESTING THE SOC: The City has been concentrating efforts on maximizing plant efficiency during the past year. Modifying the existing treatment processes; changes in facility operation; and system rehabilitation work combined with an aggressive pretreatment program has enabled the City to minimize the violations reported. • Additional socks were replaced in the aeration process to optimize the transfer efficiency in the aeration basin. This will potentially reduce the Phenol violations. The Battleground Road area outfall was replaced to eliminate infiltration inflow minimizing stormwater surging the facility. • Intermediate pumps were replaced in the plant to maximize pumping to the aeration basins. N VI. REQUESTED TIME SCHEDULE TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE REGULATIONS/STATUTES: ITEM DATE Receive Approval of Plans and Specification February 2001 Bid Project February 2001 Receive Bids Aril 2001 Award Contracts June 2001 Complete Construction June 2003 Meet Effluent Limitations September 2003 Note: This schedule is dependent on approval of plans and specification by the State agency on February. 11, 2001. During this period, the City of Linconiton is requesting interim limits as follows: Phenols (daily maximum) 60 ug/1 Cyanide (daily maximum) 250 ug/l Cyanide (weekly maximum) 200 ug/1 Total Suspended Residue (weekly maximum) 200 mg/l Total Suspended Residue (monthly average) 60 mg/l VII. IDENTIFY FUNDING SOURCES TO BE USED TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE: The City of Lincolnton has been approved for a low -interest loan from the State of North Carolina in the amount of $ 10,000,000. The City of Lincolnton will provide the remaining portion of funding for this project. Page 2 of 3 LIST OF VIOLATIONS City of Lincolnton WWTP November 1999 - September 2000 DATE PARAMETER LIMIT VIOLATION November 8,1999 Phenol 21 ug/1 23.8 ug/1 November 14, 1999 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /l 47.3 ug/l December 26,1999 TSS (weekly) 45 mg/l 51.6 mg/1 January 2000 TSS (monthly) 30 m /l 52.0 mg/1 January 2, 2000 TSS (weekly) 45 mg/1 156.8 ma/1 January 6, 2000 Phenol 21 u /1 25.4 ug/1 January 12, 2000 Phenol 21 ug/l 27.9 ug/l f anuary 19, 2000 Phenol 21 ug/l 42.8 u /l February 13, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /l 57.6 u /l February 20, 2000 Cyanide weekly) 40 a /l ( 183.3 u /1 February 21, 2000 Cyanide (daily) 184 u /l 190.0 u /1 February 23, 2000 Cyanide (daily) 184 utr/1 220.0 ug/1 February 27, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /l 57.0 a /l March 5, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /1 63.6 u /l March 20, 2000 Phenol 21.0 / 1 26.4 u / 1 April 2, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /1 52.0 u /1 May 21, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /1 80.5 u /1 June 21, 2000 Phenol 21 u /l 25.3 u /l June 25, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /1 60.0 u /1 July 19, 2000 Phenols 21 u /l 23.4 u /l August 27, 2000 Cyanide (weekly) 40 u /1 58.5 u /l L:DTG104.doc (98093) Page 3 of 3 Applicant's Certification: R Bobby G. Huitt , attest this application for a Special Order by Consent (SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this Amendment application -are not completed and if all required supporting information and attachments are not included. this application package will be returned as incomplete Furthermore I attest by my signature that I fully understand an upfront penalty may be imposed as part of obtaining a Special Order by Consent. and the upfront penalty satisfies as full settlement all past violations prior to entering into a Special Order by Consent Reference to upfront penalties for Special Orders by Consent may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC .1206 (c) (3). Bobby G. Huitt Print Name of Signing Official ,6 ..� ` ` .L.r ✓? Date January 4, 2001 Signature of Signing Official THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083, ext. 530 4 out of pages i I. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT (INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR FACILITIES REQUESTING AN SOC) GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): City of Lincolnton, NC 2. Print or Type Ow a '$$ or Signing Official's Name and Title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): �o�by G. Hui tt, Mayor 3. MailingAddress: Post Office Box 617 City: Lincolnton Telephone No.: (704 ) 736-8980 State: NC Zip: 28093-0617 4. Facility Name: (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - must be consistent with name on the permit issued by the Division of Water Quality): City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant 5. Application Date. January 4, 2001 6. County where project is located: Lincoln II. PERMIT INFORMATION FOR THE FACILITY REQUESTING THE SOC 1. Permit No.: NCO025496 2. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different from I.4. above): Same as Above 3. Issuance Date of Permit: September 1, 1995 4. Expiration Date Of Permit: July 31, 2000 III. COMPLIANCE HISTORY FOR FACILITY REQUESTING THE SOC Please attach a listing of SOC(s) and amendments, Judicial Order(s) and amendments. EPA 309 letter(s), EPA Administrative Order(s), Civil Penalty Assessment(s), Notices of Violation(s), etc. issued for this facility during the past 5 years.. This listing must contain the issue dates, reasons for issuance, when the facility returned to compliance and actions taken to return the facility to compliance. I OW of " gages IV. ADDITIONAL FLOW OR REALLOCATION OF EXISTING FLOW: Only facilities owned by a unit of government may request to add additional Flow to the treatment system as part of this SOC in accordance with NCGS 143-215.67(b). Please be advised that additional Flow will be allowed under a SOC only in extreme circumstances. These circumstances include elimination of other discharges that are non compliant with their NPDES Permit or continual non compliance of the Flow parameter as specified in the original SOC. These circumstances do not include failure by the facility to properly remove Infiltration and Inflow. When requesting the additional Flow, the facility must include justification as to why this Flow is needed, and supporting documents to show progress to eliminate any Flow problem causes (i.e., efforts undergone to eliminate Inflow and Infiltration into the plant). If the requested additional flow is non domestic, the facility must be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat the waste, and the waste will not adversely impact the wastewater system or it's ability to dispose of or utilize residuals. The non domestic waste must be similar to domestic strength either before or after pretreatment. The applicant must provide a detailed analysis of all parameters reasonably expected to be contained in the proposed non domestic wastewater. The total domestic additional Flow requested is gallons per day. The total non domestic Flow requested is gallons per day. The total additional Flow is gallons per day. If a reallocation of existing additional Flow is needed the facility must provide justification as to why this reallocation is needed. Please be advised that the actual additional Flow, if any, that could be allowed as part of this requested SOC will be determined by a complete analysis of any projected adverse impact that could be expected as the result of this additional wastewater on the wastewater treatment facility and the surface waters. V. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY SOC IS NEEDED: Provide a detailed explanation why the SOC is being requested. Please address the following issues: (Attach as many pages as required to fully explain). 1. Existing or unavoidable future violations(s) of Permit Limitations(s) 2. Existing or unavoidable future violations(s) of Permit Conditions(s) 3. Magnitude, duration and dates(s) of all existing Violations 4. Explanation for any existing or unavoidable future violation(s) along with any mitigating factor(s) 5. Expected duration of any existing or unavoidable future violation(s) VI. EXPLANATION OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT TO MAXIMIZE THE EFFICIENCY OF THE FACILITY PRIOR TO REQUESTING THE SOC: Please attach a very specific detailed explanation of the actions taken. Please address the following issues: 1. Describe the existing treatment process and any modifications that have been made in an effort to correct and avoid violations of effluent limitations. 2. Changes made to facility operations such as use of polymers, more frequent wasting of solids, additional aeration, additional operators, etc. 3. Collection system rehabilitation work completed or scheduled (including dates). 4. Coordination with pretreatment facilities for municipalities or production facilities for industries. Identify any non compliant significant industrial users and measure(s) taken or proposed to be taken to bring the pretreatment facilities back into compliance. 2 out of 4 oaees 5. If the SOC is being requested for failure to meet permit effluent limitations, the applicant must submit a report prepared by an independent consultant (a professional with expertise in the wastewater treatment) or by the Municipal Compliance Initiative Program of the Construction Grants and Loans Section of the Division of Water Quality. This report must address the following: a) An evaluation of all existing treatment units, operational procedures and recommendations as to how the efficiencies of these facilities can be maximized. b) A certification that these facilities could not be operated in a manner that would achieve compliance with final permit limitations. c) The effluent limitations that the facility could be expected to meet if operated at their maximum efficiency during the term of the requested SOC (Be sure to consider interim construction phases listed in section VII.4 of this application). 6. Any other actions taken to correct problems prior to requesting the SOC. VII. REQUESTED TIME SCHEDULE TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE REGULATIONS/STATUTES The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule must include interim dates as well as a final compliance date. The schedule should address such activities as: 1. Request any needed permit(s). 2. Submit plans, specifications and appropriate engineering reports to DWQ for review and approval. 3. Begin construction. 4. Occurrence of major construction activities that are likely to effect facility performance (units out of service, diversion of flows, etc.). 5. Complete construction. 6. Achieve compliance with all effluent limitations. 7. Complete specific Infiltration/Inflow work. 8. Have all pretreatment facilities achieve compliance with their pretreatment permits. 9. Conduct needed Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (TRE). VIII. IDENTIFY FUNDING SOURCES TO BE USED TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE The applicant must provide an explanation as to the sources of funds utilized to complete the work needed to bring the facility into compliance. Possible funding sources include but are not limited to loan commitments, bonds, letters of credit, block grants and cash reserves. This explanation must demonstrate that the funds are available or can be secured in the time to meet the schedule outlined as part of this application. THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. Required Items: a. One (I) original and tfvo (2) copies of the completed and appropriately executed application forin, aloes with all required attachments. b. The non refundable Special Order by Consent (SOC) processing fee of four hundred dollars ($400.00). The check must be made payable to The Department of Enviroliment, and Natural Resources. If the SOC is for a City / Town the person signing the SOC must be the Mayor. If the SOC is for a Company / Industry / Other, the person signing the SOC must be an upper management official (i.e. President, Vice President). If the SOC is for a School District, the person signing the SOC must be the Superintendent of Schools. 3 our of 4 ogees CITY OF LINCOLNTON CITY COUNCIL B08BY G. HUITT, MAYOR CARROLL HEAVNER, MAYOR PRO-TEM LARRY MAC HOVIS FRED HOUSER JOHN L. CLONINGER RESOLUTION FOR A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT CITY MANAGER JEFF EMORY CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL W. BAREFOOT WHEREAS, the City of Lincolnton has a permit to discharge wastewater to the South Fork Catawba River; and WHEREAS, this discharge is allowed under WQ/NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 effective September 1, 1995 and scheduled to expire on July 31, 2000; and WHEREAS, the City of Lincolnton intends to make necessary improvements and/or modifications to the wastewater treatment system; and WHEREAS, the City of Lincolnton agrees to maintain and operate the wastewater treatment system at its maximum level of efficiency during the interim period of the Special Order and thereafter; and WHEREAS, the City of Lincolnton has or will secure funding for necessary treatment plant improvements in the form of a State Revolving Loan and City funds; and WHEREAS, the City of Lincolnton hereby authorizes Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor, to have the authority to sign and execute the Special Order by Consent on behalf of the City; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Lincolnton requests a Special Order by Consent from the Environmental Management Commission and the City hereby authorizes Mayor Bobby G. Huitt to sign and execute this document on behalf of the City. Adopted this the 41hday of January, 2001. J --=�'•'��' =_-� --------------- ]Donna C. Flowers, City Clerk ---" n/-_ --------- ---- Bobb G. Huitt, Mayor 1 14 WEST SYCAMORE STREET - P.O. BOX 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093-06 t 7 PHONE (704) 736-8980 • FAX (704) 736-8995 E-Mail citymgr@vnet.net CITY OF LINCOLNTON v v 11-111 DESCRIPTION,• • 31.8120-580 STP - (jFFICE EXPENSE $400.00 $400.00 APPLICATION FEE FOR SPECIAL, ORDER OF CONSENT 67340 $400.00 $400.00 ECK NO. I DATE GROSS DISCOUNT CHECK AMOUNT •: 01/05/2001 $400.0011 /1 TSS CN Phenols 71, 97/190, 200 89 26.4 47 150 56 25.3 23.4 74 47 29 48 100 Michael F. Easley /I P J �nA Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality October 5, 2001 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt Town of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 Town of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE OCT 1 2 2001 WATER QUALITY SECTION This is to acknowledge receipt of your check number 23178 in the amount of $4,250.00, that was received in our office on September 21, 2001. This check accompanied a copy of the subject Special Order by Consent (SOC) that was signed by you. The SOC will now be placed at public notice. The scheduled date for publishing the notice is October 17, 2001. In the absence of significant public comment, the SOC is scheduled to be issued on December 3, 2001. The $4,250.00 payment satisfies in full the terms found in paragraph 2(a) of the SOC and settles the matters of all alleged violations of NPDES permit NCO025496 occurring prior to your entering into the SOC. The Town will be advised of any new developments in the processing of the SOC. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, Bob Sledge Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit c• e SOC Files Central Files Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 1 Pease Associates I Post Office Box 18725 ♦ Pease 'j i 2925 East Independence Blvd ' Charlotte, NC 28218 Phone 704 376-6423 Architects - Engineers Fax 704 332-6177 February 13, 2002 Mr. D. Rex Gleason Water Quality Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Reference: Wastewater System Improvements EMC SOC WQ 01-002 Lincolnton, North Carolina Pease Associates' Commission No. 1998093-04 Subject: Amendment to SOC Dear Rex: INC'URIO ar ENT Y F E B 1 5 2002 � 1♦84k% a ., I As discussed on February 7, 2001, the City of Lincolnton is currently under an SOC from the State during the Construction Phase at the Wastewater Treatment Plant; and, apparently, there is some confusion regarding the current SOC Limits. After our discussion we agreed to proceed with an amended SOC, which would address the need for relaxed limits on BOD and TSS during the construction period. Enclosed is a copy of the request for amending the SOC, which is being forwarded to the Raleigh office. It is my understanding that the Notice of Violation issued on January 8, 2002 will not result in an assessment of fines. If this is incorrect, please contact me. Sincerely, LM /lti Donald T. G rbrick, PE, President DTG/lh cc: Mr. Jeff Emory N: \ 2002012\CFile\Phl-4\ Corr\ 200201200-1-070-tl-gleas-021302d tg.doc Over 60 years of architectural and engineering design excellence State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT (INFORMATION REOUIRED FOR FACILITIES REQUESTING AN SOC) I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): City of Lincolnton 2. Print or Type Owner's or Signing Official's Name and Title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Honorable Bobby_G. Huitt, Mayor 3. Mailing Address: P.O.Box 617 City:_ Lincolnton State: NC Zip:28093-0617 Telephone No.: (704) 736-8980 4. Facility Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - must be consistent with name on the permit issued by the Division of Water Quality): City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant 5. Application Date: February 11 2002 6. County where project is located: Lincoln County II. PERMIT INFORMATION FOR THE FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: 1. Previous or current SOC No.: EMC SOC WO 01-002 2. Permit No.: NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 3. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different from I.4. above): N/A 4. Issuance Date of Permit: DRAFT 5. Expiration Date of Permit: January 31, 2005 III. COMPLIANCE HISTORY FOR FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: Please attach a listing of all violations this facility has had under this Order. This list should include a_y violation of interim dates, relaxed permit parameters, and existing permit limitations. See attachment A. FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 1 of 4 ADDITIONAL FLOW OR REALLOCATION OF EXISTING FLOW: Only facilities owned by a unit of government may request to add additional Flow to the treatment system as part of this SOC Amendment in accordance with NCGS 143-215.67(b). Please be advised that additional Flow will be allowed under an SOC Amendment only in extreme circumstances. These circumstances include elimination of other discharges that are non -compliant with their NPDES Permit or continual non-compliance of the Flow parameter as specified in the original SOC. These circumstances do not include failure by the facility to properly remove Infiltration and Inflow. When requesting the additional Flow, the facility must include justification as to why this Flow is needed, and supporting documents to show progress to eliminate any Flow problem causes (i.e., efforts undergone to eliminate Inflow and Infiltration into the plant). If the requested additional flow is non domestic, the facility must be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat the waste, and the waste will not adversely impact the wastewater system or it's ability to dispose of or utilize residuals. The non -domestic waste must be similar to domestic strength either before or after pretreatment. The applicant must provide a detailed analysis of all parameters reasonably expected to be contained in the proposed non -domestic wastewater. The total domestic additional Flow requested is same as current SOC gallons per day. The total non -domestic Flow requested is same as current SOC gallons per day. The total additional Flow is same as current SOC gallons per day. If a reallocation of existing additional Flow is needed, the facility must provide justification as to why this reallocation is needed. Please be advised that the actual additional Flow, if any, that could be allowed as part of this requested SOC Amendment will be determined by a complete analysis of any projected adverse impact that could be expected as the result of this additional wastewater on the wastewater treatment facility and the surface waters. V. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY SOC AMENDMENT IS NEEDED: Provide a detailed explanation why the SOC Amendment is being requested. (Attach as many pages as required to fully explain). See attachment B. FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 2 of 4 VI. REQUESTED TIME SCHEDULE TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE REGULATIONS/STATUTES The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule must include interim dates as well as a final compliance date. The schedule should address such activities as: 1. Submit plans, specifications and appropriate engineering reports to DWQ for review and approval on or before March 15,2001. (Met) 2. Begin construction. (Met) 3. Occurrence of major construction activities that are likely to effect facility performance. During the construction period the contractor will be redirecting flow within the plant and interrupting normal process conditions to accomplish different tasks. These are scheduled to minimize effects on biological process. 4. Complete construction on or before June 30,2003. 5. Achieve compliance with all effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. Required Items: a. One (1) original and two 3 If the SOC Amendment is for a City/ Town the person signing the SOC must be the Mayor. 3 If the SOC Amendment is for a Company / Industry / Other, the person signing the SOC must be an upper management official (i.e. President, Vice President). 3 If the SOC Amendment is for a School District, the person signing the SOC must be the Superintendent of Schools. 0 FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 3 of 4 Applicant's Certification: I, Bobby G. Huitt Mayor , attest this application for an Amendment to a Special Order by Consent (SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this Amendment application are not completed and if all required supporting information and attachments are not included this Amendment application package will be returned as incomplete Furthermore I attest by my signature that I fully understand an upfront penalty may be imposed as part of obtaining an Amendment to a Special Order by Consent and the upfront penalty satisfies as full settlement all past violations prior to entering into a Special Order by Consent Reference to upfront penalties for Special Orders by Consent may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC .1206 (c) (3). Bobby G. Huitt Mayor Print Name of Signing Official February 11, 2002 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083, EXT. 530 N:\2002012\CFile\Ph 1-4\Report-Study\200201200-1-010-AMEND-021302-dtg.doc FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 4 of 4 History of Effluent Characteristics BOD and TSS Attachment "A" Date BOD W c/L mit BOD Wk/Actual BOD Mo./Limit BOD Mo./Actual TSS Wk/Limit TSS Wk/Actual TSS Mo./Limit TSS Mo. Actual Jul 2001 45m /1 13.6m /l 30m /1 11.6m /1 45m /l 14.Om /l 30m /l 12.5m /1 Au .2001 45m /l 26.4m /1 30m /1 19.7m /1 45m /1 28.8m /1 30m /1 19.7m /l Sept. 2001 45m /1 38.Om /1 30m 1 30.5m 1 45m /l 38.Om /l 30m 1 32.6m Oct. 2001 45m /l 43.4m /1 30m 1 38.3m /1 45m 1 48.6rn 1 30m 1 35.8m Nov. 2001 45m /l 38.4m /1 30m 33.8m /1 45m /l 30.Om /l 30m /l 23.9m /l Dec. 2001 1 45m 1 I 85.8m 1 I 30m 1 37.6m /1 I 45m /1 45.6m /1 30m /1 23.2m /l Note: The SOC issued or executed on September 6, 2001 indicates BOD Limits 70.Omg/1 monthly average/105mg/1 weekly average and TSS Limits 40.Omg/l monthly average/60.0 weekly average. N: \ 2002012 \CFile \ Phl-4\ Report -Study\ 200201200-1-010-history-021302-dtg.doc Attachment "B" Explanation of Need for SOC February 2002 Pease Associates' Commission No. 2002012-00 The City of Lincolnton prepared a 201 Facility Plan to establish existing conditions at the current Wastewater Treatment Plant and to evaluate anticipated NPDES Discharge Limits. Based on data presented in the report, the City of Lincolnton determined the need to upgrade the existing facility without capacity expansion as a Phase 1 Program. It is anticipated that the Facility will require future upgrade to meet nutrient removal as a part of the basin -wide plan. The City proceeded with design of the improvements and applied for a $10 million low -interest loan from the State. The loan was approved, and the City entered into a Construction Contract in June 2001. The project is currently under construction with a completion schedule of June 2003. Initially, meetings were held with the Regional Office to discuss an SOC for the facility during the Construction Phase. The Regional Office indicated that BOD and TSS would be reviewed if a violation occurred and that they would recommend Phenol and Cyanide limits during the Construction Phase. An SOC was executed on September 6, 2001 with modified limits on Phenols, Cyanide, BOD, and TSS. Since receiving the executed SOC from the Raleigh office, correspondence has been received modifying the SOC to exclude BOD and TSS. As shown in "Attachment A" of this request for Amendment of the SOC, the City —during the construction period —has had and anticipates minor excursions in BOD and TSS. The Contractor and City Staff are conducting regular meetings to plan work to minimize impacts of the existing Biological Treatment Process. Based on the history of excursions during the Construction Phase to date, the City is requesting the following limits: BOD 45 mg/1 monthly 60 mg/1 weekly TSS 45 mg/l monthly 60 mg/l weekly Phenols Per original SOC Cyanide Per original SOC If the Regional Office desires, we could notify their staff of the meeting dates. This would allow the staff to comment during the meetings and review the activities N:\2002012\CFde\Phl-4\ Report -Study\ 2002012001010attachB021302dtg.doc jITY OF LINCOLNTON; 1- 9- 2 4:38PM; 7047368995 => 704 332 6177; #2/2 o�oF w A rF9oG O -C CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Jeff Emory, City Manager City of Lincolnton P.O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Dear Mr. Emory: Michael F. Easley Govemor William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality January R, 2002 Subject: Notice of Violation - El—ttuent Limitations (:'ity of Lincolnton W WTP NPI)ES Permit No. NC O025496 Lincoln County A review of the September 200! self -monitoring report for the subject school revealed violations of the following parameters: Pine Parulnutyr 001 Biochemical Oxygen Do ii,uid 001 Total Suspended Residue: Reported Value Limit 30.5 mg/1 30.0 mg/1 FIN 32.6 mg/I 30.0 mg/l FIN Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any problems. The Division of Water Quality may pursue en:'orcement actions for these and any additional violations. A Special Order by Consent (EMC WQ 01-002) became effective on December 4, 2001; the SOC includes modified limitations for Cyanide and Phenols only. The permit limit for Phenols was violated, but the reported value is not a SOC modified limit violation. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 704/663-1699. Sincerely, :f. Rex Gleason, P.E. ,:k atcr Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Point Source Compliance/Enf n—, ,nent Unit RMB AM KMEN �.. Customer Service Mooresville Regional Off c , •;19 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE (704) W-1599 1 800 623-7748 FAX (704) 663-6040 Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality January 7, 2002 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. 0. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Corrected Attachment Page Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: Along with the December 7, 2001 transmittal of the City of Lincolnton's Special Order by Consent, I sent a short note explaining that errors had been made in the final drafting of the "Attachment A" page of the Order and that the matter would be corrected in a later mailing. Please find attached for your records a corrected copy of the "Attachment A" page for the subject Special Order by Consent. Please discard the old Attachment A and insert the new one in its place. The new page correctly shows the relaxed limitations that have been established for Cyanide and Phenols. These are the only parameters that received relaxation under the terms of the Order. The old page incorrectly depicted some additional parameters as being given relaxed limits, others receiving more stringent limits and some were shown to have changed monitoring frequencies or sample types. Please be advised that all terms of the NPDES permit are still active and in force, excepting the effluent limitations for the two parameters noted above. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Attachment cc: MRO w/attachment s SOC Files w/attachment C' Central Files w/attachment Mike Hom, EPA, w/attachment Jeanne Phillips w/attachment Sincerely, Bob Sledge I Environmental Specialist Ilk, �P Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ 01-002 NPDES PERMIT NO. NCO025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. 6.0 MGD 30.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/ Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 45.0 mg/l 45.0 mg/1 200.0/100 ml 400.0/100 ml 19.0 ug/l 46.0 ug/l 100.0 ug/1 250.0 ug/l 40.0 ug/l Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample *Sample Frequency Tvae Location Continuous Recording I or E Daily Composite I,E Daily Composite LE 3/Week Composite E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E Weekly Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent ** The monthly average BOD5 and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). * * * Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. h,,N,o,te: Only the parameters shown in bold above have had limits modified from those set by the NPDES permit. �e 1-�-�L)j-QS f' E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: JULY YEAR: 2000 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): PERRY B. FAULKNER GRADE: IV PHONE: _L7041 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: u CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP LAB # 153 (21 PACE ANALYTICAL LABS # 40 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK W ORC HAs CHANGED ) ( PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB $ OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN, CENTRAL FILES DIV. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEHNR PO BOX 29535 RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 x -h , s (SIGNATU E PER OF ATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE BY THIS SIGNATU E, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Date Operator Arrival Time 24:00 Operator Time on 1 Site ORC on Site?- 50050 00010 1 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 32730 FLOW EFF X Temp Celsius H Residual Chlorine BODS o Ammonia Nitrogen Total Suspended Residue Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean Dissolved O Oxygen Total No en itr Total Phon horou Phenol INF Daily Rate HI HRS YM MGD 6C UNITS UGIL MGIL MG}L MGIL #I100ML MGIL MGIL MGIL UGIL 1 07:00 24 N 1.3 2 07:00 24 N 0.6 3 07:00 24 Y 0.6 27 7.1 4,110 7 14.50 19 <2 7.2 4 07:00 24 N 0A 5 07:00 24 B 0.5 28 7.6 1,575 6 28.20 6 <2 6.9 10.7 6 07:00 24 B 0.5 28 7.5 1,085 5 29.40 4 <2 8.5 7 07:00 24 B 0.6 28 7.5 110 5 4 40 7.8 8 07:00 24 N 0.6 9 07:00 24 N 0.7 10 1 07:00 24 Y 1.3 27 6.5 <100 11 2.66 10 >3000 7.0 11 07:00 24 Y 1.7 28 7.2 <100 17 1.04 23 1,550 7.5 12 07:00 24 Y 2.5 30 7.4 1,020 11 2.59 12 <2 6.8 13 07:00 24 Y 2.0 29 7.5 1,005 16 14 <2 7.1 <5 14 07:00 24 Y 1.6 29 7.4 111 13 11 6 8.1 15 07:00 24 N 1.6 16 07:00 24 N 0.7 17 07:00 24 Y 1.4 29 7.5 3,330 6 9.55 9 <2 7.3 18 07:00 24 Y 2.0 30 7.5 1,010 6 8.17 11 4 7.0 19 07:DO 24 Y 2.0 31 7.5 240 15 11.00 16 140 6.5 12.0 3.2 23A 20 07:00 24 Y 1.9 30 7.5 500 21 17. 1 19 12 7.7 21 07:00 24 Y 2.8 30 7.5 530 19 20 49 7.1 22 07:00 24 N 2.4 23 07:00 24 N 2.5 24 07:00 24 Y 2.8 29 7.5 124 8 10.20 10 <2 6.8 25 07:00 24 Y 3.5 26 7.5 930 7 3 7.59 11 2 7.3 26 07:00 24 Y 4.0 29 7.6 165 121 8.01 13 44 6.9 7A 27 07:00 24 Y 4.2 29 7.6 415 16 °L 14 15 7.3 28 07:00 24 Y 3.0 30 7.5 325 23 18 9 7.0 29 07:00 24 N 2.0 30 07:00 24 N 0.9 31 07:00 1 24 Y 1.8 29 7.6 2,460 8 11.08 5 3 6.7 AVERAGE 1.8 28.8 962.0 11.6 11.1 12.5 11.5 7.2 12.0 3.2 11.6 MAXIMUM 4.2 31.0 7.6 4110.0 23.0 29.4 23.0 >3000 8.5 12.0 3.2 23.4 MINIMUM 0.4 26.0 6.5 <100 5.0 1.0 4.0 <2 6.5 12.0 3.2 <5 Comp (C) / Grab (G) C G G G C C C G G C C G Monthly Limit 6.0 NIL 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L NIL NIL 21.0 E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: AUGUST YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 -8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #_1.5�2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (31 Blue Ridge Lahs #275 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CKMGED ® PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ^ 27- 01 N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY (SI ATURE OF OPEFkATOR I SPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES B HIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY T T THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RAI.FIGH. NC 77699-1617 Date Operator Arrival Time 24:00 Operator Time on Site ORC on Site?" 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Temp Celsius pH Total Residual Chlorine BODs 200 C Ammonia Nitrogen Total Suspended Residue Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean Dissolved Oxygen Total Nitrogen Total Phos horou COD EFF JXI INF Daily Rate HRS HRS Y/B/N MGD °C UNITS UG/L MG/L MG/L MG/L #1100ML MG/L I MG/L MG/L I MG/L 1 000 24 Y 3.9 1 32.0 - 7.6 460 1 9 0 11.3 11.0 17, ,., 6.8 2 07:00 24 Y 3.6 32.0 7.5 640 18 0 13.0 15 7.6 3 ` -0 0 24 ,'l' ; ; 3.4 30.0 T.S ` 700 17.0 11.0 , 4 07:00 24 N 2.7 - -� 5 07:00 24 N 1.7 6 07:00 24 1 Y 3.1 30.0 7.5 1,015 9.0 15.0 5.0 <2 7.1 7 07:00 24911,75 - -- 9 0,'� ,5., 8,0 - --6 11.0 19 7A�- - - - - 8 07:00 24 Y 3.9 32.0 7.5 11070 8.0 11.1 6.9 9 OZ:00 24 Y 3.9 34.0 '' 7.4 ` 275 14.0 15:0 28006.7- 10 07:00 24 Y 3.0 35.0 7A 1,465 15.0 19.0 <2 6.9 11 07:00 24 N 2.8 - ---- -- - - 12 07:00 24 N 1.3 i 13 67:00 ^24 Y 3.5 33.0 7.5 1,010 . 8.0 14.5 9.0 <2 6.6 14 07:00 24 Y 4.2 32.0 7.4 675 13.0 11.5 15.0 17 1 9 15 S 07100 24 Y 4.1 32.0 ' 7.4- 240 21.0 11 3. " .: 210 `r >3000 : 16 07:00 24 Y 4.4 32.0 7.5 <100 26.0 25.0 >3000 6.7 17 07:00 <'24 B 4.0 32.0 7.S 140 29.0 28.0 >3000 6.3' 18 07:00 24 N 2.9 19 07E00 20 07:00 24 Y 3.2 32.0 7.4 155 25.0 18.2 13.0 >3000 6.7 21 07:00 24 Y 4.0 32.0 7A 310 1 75 } 33.0` ; 7.3 32.0 7.5 495 465 24.0 29.0 17.4 19.0 >3000 6.6 22 07:00 24 Y I 4 A 4.1 17.5 25.0 22 - 6 6 23 07c00 .. 24 Y 9,165 26.0 ?! 27.0 r._-- 13 0.5 24 07:00 24 Y 3.5 355 28.0 33.0 1,050 6.1 25 07:00 24 N 2.5 26 07:00 24 N 1.2 .27 '07:00 24 Y 2.5 31.0 7.4 ;. 1,130 25.0 17.0 14.0,'-' <2 6.7 28 07:00 24 Y 3.5 32.0 7.6 1,045 19.0 18.4 23.0 I' 4 7.1 29 07:06 24 Y 3.8 32 0 "'s'" _. _ 7.5 ` ,220 31.0 17.0 35:0 >3000 - 6.7 18.0 4.3 59 30 07:00 24 Y 4.0 32.0 7.4 165 26.0 31.0 >3000 6A 31 1 07:00 24 Y 3.6 32.0 7.5 6 0 24.0 .. :... 41 �k;.. 310 6.4 . AVERAGE 3.3 32.0 JIM 645 19.7 14.7 19.7 78.3 6.7 18.0 4.3 59 MAXIMUM 4.4 35.0 7.6 .. 1465 31.0 18.4 41,.0 ';< >3000 777.5 ,,,. 1$ 6 . ° ' ` 4.3 : ' 59 MINIMUM 1.2 30.0 7.3 <100 8.0 11.1 6.0 <2 5.7 18.0 4.3 59 Comp (C) / Grab (G) ;; C G i G G C C C G G C C C Monthly Limit 6.0 NIL 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L NIL N L NL -1 gut► E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: SEPTEMBER YEAR:2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (704) 732 - 613T CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: f / D -� r N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY ( NATURE OF OPERATIC RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES HIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIF THAT 7HI5 REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27699-1611 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Temp Celsius oC pH UNITS Total Residual Chlorine UG/L BODs ° C MG/L Ammonia Nitrogen MGIL Total Suspended Residue MOIL Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean f#1100ML Dissolved Oxygen MG/L Total Ni en MGIL Total Phos horou MGIL COO MG/L Date Operator Arrival Time 24:00 HRS Operator Time on Site HRS ORC on Site?" YB/N EFF X INF Daily Rate MGD 1 07t00 24:: N 5 2 07:00 24 N 1.2 3 . ' 07i00 24 H 1 5 -- ��. , �----- ,r 4 07:00 24 Y 4 2 30 0 r 4 5D0 20 0 14 8 12.0 <2 _L_______7,4 --- - 5 0700 24;, Y } 4.4 30 0 1 7.4 1,835 11.0 17.9 $.0 7_ 7:6 __ - 6 07:00 24 Y 41 3 0 7 5 880 16 0 10 4 16 0 I 2� 7.1 �y - } 7.5 330 23k� 54 n „ Q, >30D0 7-0-9- 7 b700 24' Y'' ,.> F .3:7 -32A _-_ -- 8 07:00 i 24 N 2.6v. _ __ _ I N "'�2• y s„ -- F i:, - ,,;i H C ,R.?£ k `,? ?'t° yt Mai •,s..�lrn ' �'�`fmid$ clic��`' 9 07:00 24 ' 10 07:00 24 Y 2.7 30.0 7.4 405 19.0 18.3 20.0 19 1 6.9 11 07;00 24 ' Y ` 4.3 $ 0 x ''' 7 5 a;4 565 20 94 t 2i 6 26.0 12b T1 - - - - 1 Y 07:00 24 Y , 4.5 30.0 7.5 1,810 36.0 17A 40.0 7 6.8 13 07.:00 24-}� - Y- 4.4 29.0 7 5 $25 38.0 r ws+ { (} 1 r 250 7.3 --- 14 07:00 24 Y 4.0-29`0 7.5 1 675 I 40.0 540 60 6.8 15 07i00 24' N - - 16 07:00 I- 24 N _ 0.9 -- - - -` _� _ _ - 17 07:00 24; Y .Z- 6.0 i 7.3 1,260 30,0 �18.2 18.0 - <2 `�, 7.6 _ -- i -- ___ 18 07:00 24 Y 4,3 27.0 7.4 325 _22. 0 16.7 34 0 >3000 7.3 - 19 0 0700„ fx24 ' Ys. 4.3 29A r.5-- ti15 I 36.0 `10.7 47i- <2a 7.1 - - --- 20 07:00 24 1 Y 4.0 28.0 --- - 0 34,0 45.0 22 { 7.0 - - P-21 D7:OD 24 �3 3.6 28.0 22 07:00 24 7:4` 37J 44.0 N 1 6-- -� 23 07:00 24'- hl 14 i --- a_ - -t- - _ -,_-- 24 07:00 24 j Y 3.8 28.0 7.5 2,740 25.0 17.0 16.0 <2 7.1 ! - -- 25 07:00 24 Y 4.0 27.0 , - 7.5 1,1.00 41 0 %5 59,0 <2 i - 72 -: _ -- --- -- -- - --- - - -- - 26 07:00 24 Y 4.3 28.0 7A 775 28.0 11.9 30.0 3 7.1 12.0 2.5 - 27 0700 24 Y' 4.1 r 29A 7 5">° „7. 0. 50.0 36a►,': 40 7.6 --- 28 07:00 24 Y 3.4 29.0 7.5 1,300 46.0 j r ' 50.0 <2 7.2 29 ' 0700 24 N 1.6 ,, a.•.. .. 30 07:00 24 N 1.0 31 07i00 �4c AVERAGE 3.0 29.0 1003 30.5 16.0 32.6 23.0 7.1 12.0 2.5 0 MAXIMUM 4.5 32.0 7.5' ` 2740 50A 21.fi 59A' '_ >3000 _ 7 6 , j ; .'12A 2.5 0 MINIMUM 0.9 26.0 7.3 325 11.0 10.4 8.0 <2 6.6 12.0 2.5 0 Comp (C) / Grab (G) C G G G C C C G, G C C C Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L NIL N L NL E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: OCTOBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK W-ORC HAS CHANGED ® PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: x N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY ( NATURE OF O E TO RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES B THIS SIGNATURE,1 CERTIF THAT THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. R!\LCIV Date II, IV . GI Operator Arrival Time 24:00 HRS v��-v i Operator Time on Site HRS ORC on Site?" YIB/N 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Temp Celsius °C PH UNITS Total Residual chlorine UG/L BOIN ° MG/L Ammonia Nitrogen MG1L Total Suspended Residue le Fecal Coliform Geometric Fiean #110)ML Dissolved O en MGIL Total Nitrogen 'Pnos MGfL Total norou . MG/L CCU MGIL EFF X INF I I Daily Rate MGD 1 07:00 24 Y 2.7 26.0 7.4 " 495 ;18.0 . 17.0 21.0 .,: 64 7.8 2 07:00 24 Y 4.2 26.0 7.5 505 20.0 15.0 42.0 52 7.6 3 '07:00 24 Y 3.9 25b 7.5. 320 44.0 6.9 56.0 14 6.8 4 07:00 24 Y 4.0 28.0 7A 215 52.0 67.0 >3000 7.0 5 07 00 24 Y" L3.5 26.0 7.4 =; `520 69.0 57.0 <2 6.7 6 07:00 24 N 1.2.` 7 07:00 24 N -.0.8 8 07:00 24 Y 1.6 21.0 7.6 1,900 29.0 15.5 25.0 <2 8.1 9 07:00 24, Y 4.0 21p;0 7.4 ,: 11680 28.0 15.3 35.0 ' ' 3,' 7.9 10 07:00 24 Y 4.2 22.0 7.5 765 30.0 10.8 34.0 94 7.4 11 07:00 24 Y 4.3 24.0 7.5 ' 285 48.0 55.0 >3000 7.2 12 07:00 24 Y 1.7 29.0 7.5 425 50.0 46.0 114 7.0 13" 07i00 24 N 14 07:00 24 N 1.4 15 '07:00 24 Y 2.1 28.0 7.4 i 1,240 27.0 14.4 22.0 " 6 7.6 16 07:00 24 Y 3.0 26.0 7.4 1,020 30.0 16.6 32.0 4 7.8 17 `-07:D0 24 Y 2.3" 26.0 7.4 340 _ _ „4&0 13 5 -; 42.0 < >3000 7.7 18 07:00 24 Y 2.7 25.0 7A 1,375 49.0 40.0 <2 8.1 19 07:00 24 Y 4.5 26.0 7.4 395 65.0 `; - 41.0 400 7.3 20 07:00 24 N 2.1 2tv 07:00 1 24. N _ 1.7 22 1 07:00 24 Y 3.3 28.0 7.6 1,595 26.0 7.8 17.0 <2 7.5 23 07:00 24 Y" 4.5 28.0 r 7.5 580 24.G 20.4, 22A - 550, 7.9 24 07:00 24 Y 4.9 28.0 7.6 450 51.0 14.2 32.0 117 7.1 16.0 3.6 25 07:00 24' Y 4.9 28.D 7.5 ` 1.25.. 42.0 27.0 ;:. . 1,850;;- 26 07:00 24 B 3.7 26.0 7.4 1,760 51.0 39.0 3 7.2 27 07:00 24 N 2.2 28 07:00 24 N 1.8 ?29 07:00 24 Y 3.31, 20.0 7.4 2,260 11.0 18.8 19.0 <2 30 07:00 24 Y 4.0 24.0 7.5 395 33.0 15.7 27.0 >3000 8.1 31 07:00 24 Y 5.0 22.0 - 7.4 330 " 37.0 7.6. 25.0 >3000 7.7 " AVERAGE 3.1 25.3 825 38.3 14.6 35.8 58.4 7.5 16.0 3.6 0 MAXIMUM 5.0 29.0 7.61' 2260 69.0 20.4, - 67.0 >3000 : < 8.8 16.0 '. 3.6 0 . MINIMUM 0.8 20.0 7.4 125 11.0 7.6 17.0 <2 6.7 16.0 3.6 0 Comp (C) / Grab (G) C G G G C C_ C G G. C C C Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 NIL 30.0 200.0 N L N L N L NL DEC 2 6 2001 E F F L U E N T PEASE ASSOCIATES INC, NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: NOVEMBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (704) 732 -6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: 2 r 2d - d x N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY (SI ATURE OF OPERATOR INVESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES BY IS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DAI PICW Mr 97RQQ_4R47 Date Operator Arrival Time 24:00 Operator Time on Site ORC on Site?"' 50050 00720 01002 01027 01034 1 01042 01051 01062 01067 01077 01092 01147 FLOW Cyanide Total Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead WtAd- Nickel Silver Zinc Total Selenium EFF I X INF f I Daily Rate HRS HRS YIN MGD I UGIL I UG/L UGiL UGIL UG/L I UGIL UGIL UGIL UGIL U( UGlL _1 1 07.00 24 2 07:00 24 - 3 07:00 24 4 07:00 24 _ 5 07:00 24 _ 7.2 6 07:00 24 - - ---- ------- -_- 8 07:00 24 t 9 ' 07:00 24 y 10 07:00 24 11 07:00 24 - 12 07:00 24 21.0 -- 13 0700 24 f,... 14 07:00 24 <t- - - - 15 07:00 24 -- - - - - 16 07:00 24 --- -- _ - - - _ >17 07:00 24 18 07:00 24 19 07:00 24 : 8.2 20 07:00 2421 07:00 24 _ t' - 22 07:00 24 --�- - - 23 07:00 24 - -- 24 07:00 24 25 07:00 24,_ � -- -- ---- - -- 26 07:00 24_- L 41.0 - -- j 15.0 27' 07:00- - 28 07:00 24 <1 26.0 29 0700 24` 30 07:00 24 31 : 0700 24 AVERAGE 0.0 19.4 0.0 <1 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 MAXIMUM 0.0 41_.0 0.0 <1 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 ° 0:0 0 ¢,"• 15.0 :: 0.0 MINIMUM 0.0 7.2 0.0 <1 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 Comp(C) 7 Grab (G) C' G C C C C C C, :` C '' C C Monthly Limit 6.0 46.0 NL 19.0 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL i aj E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: DECEMBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 -8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: W CitYof Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (21 Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED E== PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: (1 -D -z x V N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY (SI TURE OF OPERATOR*INPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES BY IS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. rw�cron, Date na. a Operator Arrival Time I 24:OU HRS vav-,v u Operator Time on Site HRS ORC on Srte?" Y/B/N 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Temp Ceisius OC H UNITS Total Residual G�icc:ne UGIL BON '-" �' MG/L Ammonia Sir::: ea MG IL Total Suspended I'.eslduC MG/L Fecal Coliform Geometric `l-can #1100ML Dissolved O.. •^en MG/L Total tdi`ro mn MG/L Total Ph-h-u MGIL COD MOIL EFF JXI INF Daily i2are MGD 1: 07:00 24i N 1.3 2 07:00 24 N 1.3 - - 3 07:00 241:' Y: _2.5 21.0 7A '` 605 13.0 10.7 7.0 ` 6 :" 8.5 4 07:00 24 Y 3.3 19.0 7.4 480 17.0 14.0 15.0 210 8.8 5 07i00 _ 24 Y =` 4.7 22.0 7.4 1,075 - 29.0 8.7 16.0 :' 3 ,,` 8 0 ;, 6 07:00 24 Y 4.3 23.0 7.4 655 36.0 16.0 400 7.8 7. 07.00 24 Y 3.5 22.0 7.4 : 960 39.0 ".16.0 42 7.5 07:00 24 N 2.3 07:00 24 ` N' 2.2 _ F12 07:00 24 Y 4.7 22.0 7.5 2,260 8.0 17.8 9.0 <2 8.1 07:00 24 Y =4.8 `20.0 7.3 1,950 7.0 '17.9 16.0 <2 8.4 07:00 24 Y 4.7 22.0 7.4 955 9.0 15.0 12.0 8 7.9 13 .. 07:00 24 " Y - 4.6 22.0 7.4 245 25.0 19.6 84 9.5 Y ;: 14 07:00 24 Y 4.4 23.0 7.4 480 46.0 29.0 1,050 8.0 15 07100 24 - N 2.6 a - -- 16 07:00 24 N 2.3 17; 07;00 24 Y 44 23.0 7.4 . ;:600 "78.0 10.8 . 40.0 200' 7.3 18 07:00 24 Y 5.5 21.0 7.3 860 88.0 14.8 50.0 4 7.3 s10 07i00 24 Y 5.2 23.0 : 7.31. 450 84.0 10.4 44.0 : >3000 7.0 18.0 3.1 20 07:00 24 Y 5.0 22.0 7.3 530 89.0 50.0 300 7.2 21 07:00 �,24 Y; 3.1 = 21.0 T.4 '1 590 90 0 44.0 >3000 6:9 .b 22 23 07:00 07:00 24 , ,:.t N N' 2.0 1.9 ar1ti. 24 07:00 24 N 1.8 25 07`:00 24 N 1.6 26 07:00 24 N 2.0 26.4 27 '07:00 24 B 1.9 21.0 7.3 710 8.0 25.0 -15.0` <2` 10.0 . 28 07:00 24 B 1.7 21.0 7A 1,950 5.0 30A 11.0 <2 9.6 29 ' 07:00 24''` N 1.8 ' 30 07:00 24 N 1.5 31 07:00 :' 24 B 2.1 15.0 7.5 2,940 6.0 38.3 8.0_. <2: 9.8 AVERAGE 3.1 21.3 1016 37.6 18.5 23.2 33.7 8.1 18.0 3.1 0 i"Mm 5.5 23.0 7.5" 2940 90.0. 38.3 50.0 >3000 10.0 18.0 - 3.1 : 0 MINIMUM 1.3 16.0 7.3 245 5.0 8.7 7.0 <2 6.9 18.0 3.1 0 Come (w1 /Glab (G) C _ ,.:G G G C C C G G C C C Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L N L NIL NIL Michael F. Easley Governor n William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources / Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality February 19, 2002 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Non Refundable Processing Fee Special Order by Consent EMC SOC W Q 01-002 Ad I City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND IgATIJFAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE REG CNAL.OFFICE FEB 2 1 2002 This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for an amendment to the current Special Order by Consent (SOC), accompanied by your check number 024608 in the amount of $400.00. These items were received in our office on February 18, 2002. If you have any questions concerning the SOC, you may contact the Water Quality Section staff of our Mooresville Regional Office at (704) 663-1699 orBob Sledge in our Raleigh central office at (919) 733-5083, extension 547. Sincerely, rE. hannon Langley, Supervisor Point Source Compliance/Enforcement Unit cc: Ott SOC Files w/attachment Central Files w/attachment Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 f��Pease Architects- Engineers February 13, 2002 Ms. Marcia Lieber North Carolina Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Point Source Branch 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Reference: Wastewater System Improvements Lincolnton, North Carolina EMC SOC WQ 01-002 Pease Associates' Commission No. 1998093-04 Subject: Amendment to SOC Dear Marcia: Pease Associates Post Office Box 18725 2925 East Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28218 Phone 704 376-6423 Fax 704 332-6177 FEB 18 2002 Enclosed is an executed Application to amend the current SOC for the City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City is currently in a Construction Phase at the facility and has had some excursions on BOD and TSS. After discussions with Mr. Rex Gleason of the Mooresville Regional office, it was agreed that the City would apply for a modified SOC to avoid Notices of Violation during the Construction Phase. In order to minimize excursions, the Owner, Contractor, and Engineer are meeting on a regular basis to optimize the process while diverting flows and performing construction activities. Please review this Application and call me if there are any questions. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, l Donald T. G rbrick, PE, President DTG /lh cc: Mr. Jeff Emory N: \ 2002012\CFile\ Phl-4\Corr\200201200-1-070-t1-021302.doc Over 60 years of architectural and engineering design excellence State of North Carolina U � � � 5 T � IN Department of Environment and Natural t Fur 18 2V Division of Water Quality APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO A SP ORDERiMy CONSENT I_ BRANCH (INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR FACILITIES REQ AN SO-C)— I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant (corporation, individual, or other): City of Lincolnton 2. Print or Type Owner's or Signing Official's Name and Title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): Honorable Bobby G. Huitt, Mayor 3. Mailing Address: P.O.Box 617 City:_ Lincolnton State: NC Zip:28093-0617 Telephone No.: (704) 736-8980 4. Facility Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name - must be consistent with name on the permit issued by the Division of Water Quality): City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant 5. Application Date: February 11 2002 6. County where project is located: Lincoln County II. PERMIT INFORMATION FOR THE FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: 1. Previous or current SOC No.: EMC SOC WQ 01-002 2. Permit No.: NPDES Permit No. NCO025496 3. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different from I.4. above): 4. Issuance Date of Permit: DRAFT 5. Expiration Date of Permit: January 31, 2005 III. COMPLIANCE HISTORY FOR FACILITY REQUESTING THE AMENDMENT: Please attach a listing of all violations this facility has had under this Order. This list should include aM violation of interim dates, relaxed permit parameters, and existing permit limitations. See attachment A. FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 1 of 4 ADDITIONAL FLOW OR REALLOCATION OF EXISTING FLOW: Only facilities owned by a unit of government may request to add additional Flow to the treatment system as part of this SOC Amendment in accordance with NCGS 143-215.67(b). Please be advised that additional Flow will be allowed under an SOC Amendment only in extreme circumstances. These circumstances include elimination of other discharges that are non -compliant with their NPDES Permit or continual non-compliance of the Flow parameter as specified in the original SOC. These circumstances do not include failure by the facility to properly remove Infiltration and Inflow. When requesting the additional Flow, the facility must include justification as to why this Flow is needed, and supporting documents to show progress to eliminate any Flow problem causes (i.e., efforts undergone to eliminate Inflow and Infiltration into the plant). If the requested additional flow is non domestic, the facility must be able to demonstrate the ability to effectively treat the waste, and the waste will not adversely impact the wastewater system or it's ability to dispose of or utilize residuals. The non -domestic waste must be similar to domestic strength either before or after pretreatment. The applicant must provide a detailed analysis of all parameters reasonably expected to be contained in the proposed non -domestic wastewater. The total domestic additional Flow requested is same as current SOC gallons per day. The total non -domestic Flow requested is same as current SOC gallons per day. The total additional Flow is same as current SOC gallons per day. If a reallocation of existing additional Flow is needed, the facility must provide justification as to why this reallocation is needed. Please be advised that the actual additional Flow, if any, that could be allowed as part of this requested SOC Amendment will be determined by a complete analysis of any projected adverse impact that could be expected as the result of this additional wastewater on the wastewater treatment facility and the surface waters. V. EXPLANATION AS TO WHY SOC AMENDMENT IS NEEDED: Provide a detailed explanation why the SOC Amendment is being requested. (Attach as many pages as required to fully explain). See attachment B. FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 2 of 4 VI. REQUESTED TIME SCHEDULE TO BRING THE FACILITY INTO COMPLIANCE WITH ALL PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE REGULATIONS/STATUTES The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule must include interim dates as well as a final compliance date. The schedule should address such activities as: 1. Submit plans, specifications and appropriate engineering reports to DWQ for review and approval on or before March 15,2001. (Met) 2. Begin construction. (Met) 3. Occurrence of major construction activities that are likely to effect facility performance. During the construction period the contractor will be redirecting flow within the plant and interrupting normal process conditions to accomplish different tasks. These are scheduled to minimize effects on biological process. 4. Complete construction on or before June 30,2003. 5. Achieve compliance with all effluent limitations on or before September 30, 2003. THIS APPLICATION PACKAGE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UNLESS ALL OF THE APPLICABLE ITEMS ARE INCLUDED WITH THE SUBMITTAL. Required Items._ a. 3 If the SOC Amendment is for a City_/ Town the person signing the SOC must be the Maw. 3 If the SOC Amendment is for a Company/ Industry / Other, the person signing the SOC must be an upper management official (i.e. President, Vice President). 3 If the SOC Amendment is for a School District, the person signing the SOC must be the Superintendent of Schools. 2 FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 3 of 4 7L Applicant's Certification: I, Bobby G. Huitt Mayor , attest this application for an Amendment to a Special Order by Consent (SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this Amendment Application are not completed and if all required supporting, information and attachments are not included this Amendment application package will be returned as incomplete Furthermore I attest by my signature that I fully understand an upfront penalty may be imposed as part of obtaining an Amendment to a Special Order by Consent and the upfront penalty satisfies as full settlement all past violations prior to entering into a Special Order by Consent Reference to upfront .penalties for Special Orders by Consent may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC .1206 (c) (3). Bobby G. Huitt Mayor Print Name of Signing Official February 11, 2002 THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY SECTION POINT SOURCE BRANCH 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 919/733-5083, EXT. 530 NA2002012\CFi1e\Ph 1-4\Report-Study\200201200-1-010-AMEND-021302-dtg.doc FORM: SOC.A.A 02/02 Page 4 of 4 History of Effluent Characteristics BOD and TSS Attachment "A" Date BOD Wk/L mit BOD Wk/Actual BOD Mo./Limit SOD Mo./Actual TSS Wk/Limit TSS Wk/Actual TSS Mo./Limit TSS Mo. Actual Jul 2001 45m /1 13.6m /1 30m /1 11.6m /l 45m /1 14.0m /1 30m /1 12.5m /1 Au .2001 45m /1 26.4m /1 30m /1 19.7m /1 45m /1 28.8m /1 30m /l 19.7m /1 Sept. 2001 45m /1 38.0m /l 30m 1 30.5m 1 45m /1 38.0m /1 30m 32.6m Oct. 2001 45m /1 43.4m /l 30m 1 38.3m 1 45m 48.6m 30m 35.8m Nov. 2001 45m /1 38.4m /1 30m /1 33.8m 1 45m /1 30.0m /1 30m /1 23.9m /1 Dec. 2001 45m 85.8m 1 30m /1 37.6m /1 45m /1 45.6m /l 30m /1 23.2m /1 Note: The SOC issued or executed on September 6, 2001 indicates BOD Limits 70.0mg/1 monthly average/105mg/1 weekly average and TSS Limits 40.0mg/1 monthly average/60.0 weekly average. N:\2002012\CFile\Phl-4\Report-Study\ 200201200-1 -010-history-021302-d tg.doc ki Attachment "B" Explanation of Need for SOC February 2002 Pease Associates' Commission No. 2002012-00 The City of Lincolnton prepared a 201 Facility Plan to establish existing conditions at the current Wastewater Treatment Plant and to evaluate anticipated NPDES Discharge Limits. Based on data presented in the report, the City of Lincolnton determined the need to upgrade the existing facility without capacity expansion as a Phase 1 Program. It is anticipated that the Facility will require future upgrade to meet nutrient removal as a part of the basin -wide plan. The City proceeded with design of the improvements and applied for a $10 million low -interest loan from the State. The loan was approved, and the City entered into a Construction Contract in June 2001. The project is currently under construction with a completion schedule of June 2003. Initially, meetings were held with the Regional Office to discuss an SOC for the facility during the Construction Phase. The Regional Office indicated that BOD and TSS would be reviewed if a violation occurred and that they would recommend Phenol and Cyanide limits during the Construction Phase. An SOC was executed on September 6, 2001 with modified limits on Phenols, Cyanide, BOD, and TSS. Since receiving the executed SOC from the Raleigh office, correspondence has been received modifying the SOC to exclude BOD and TSS. As shown in "Attachment A" of this request for Amendment of the SOC, the City —during the construction period —has had and anticipates minor excursions in BOD and TSS. The Contractor and City Staff are conducting regular meetings to plan work to minimize impacts of the existing Biological Treatment Process. Based on the history of excursions during the Construction Phase to date, the City is requesting the following limits: BOD 45 mg/1 monthly 60 mg/1 weekly TSS 45 mg/1 monthly 60 mg/l weekly Phenols Per original SOC Cyanide Per original SOC If the Regional Office desires, we could notify their staff of the meeting dates. This would allow the staff to comment during the meetings and review the activities N: \2002012\CFile\ Phl-4\ Report -Study\ 2002012001010attachB021302dtg.doc .:ITY OF LINCOLNTON; 1- 9- 2 4:36PM; 7047368995 => 704 332 6177; #2/2 O`�oF W A rFAQG Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross. Jr.,Secretary j North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality January R, 2002 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Jeff Etnory, City Manager City of l.inoolnton P.O. Boy. 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Notice of Violation - Effluent Limitations C'°ity of Lincolnton W WTP NPI)ES Permit No. NC:0025496 Lincoln County Dear Mr. Emory: A review of the September 200! self-monituring report for the subject school revealed violations of the following parameters: Pine Par>.ttnetrr 001 Biochemical Oxygen I3,-' ry.vnd 001 Total Suspended Residw: Reported Valuc Limit 30.5 mg/I 30.0 ing/l FIN 32.6 ml;/l 30.0 mg/I FIN Remedial actions, if not already mplentented, should be taken to correct any problems. The Division of Watcr Quality may pursue en:'orcement actions for these and any additional violations. A Special Order by Consent (EMC WQ 01-1)02) became effective on December 4, 2001; the SOC includes modified limitations for Cyanide and Phenols only. The permit limit for Phenols was violated, but the reported value is not a SOC modified limit violation. If you have questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 704/663-1699, Si1�c:erely, , �4 '1. Rex Gleason, P.E. 'k ater Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Point Source Compliance/Enfc.�-r,,rent Unit RMB NMENR Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Mooresville Regional Offi,, -,19 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE (704) 6t13.1599 FAX (704) 653.6040 (.tzA;'.....,`,Michael F. Easley Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources :.. 74 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality ...,.,.... January 7, 2002 The Honorable Bobby G. Huitt City of Lincolnton P. O. Box 617 Lincolnton, NC 28093-0617 Subject: Corrected Attachment Page Special Order by Consent EMC SOC WQ 01-002 City of Lincolnton NPDES Permit Number NCO025496 Lincoln County Dear Mayor Huitt: Along with the December 7, 2001 transmittal of the City of Lincolnton's Special Order by Consent, I sent a short note explaining that errors had been made in the final drafting of the "Attachment A" page of the Order and that the matter would be corrected in a later mailing. Please find attached for your records a corrected copy of the "Attachment A" page for the subject Special Order by Consent. Please discard the old Attachment A and insert the new one in its place. The new page correctly shows the relaxed limitations that have been established for Cyanide and Phenols. These are the only parameters that received relaxation under the terms of the Order. The old page incorrectly depicted some additional parameters as being given relaxed limits, others receiving more stringent limits and some were shown to have changed monitoring frequencies or sample types. Please be advised that all terms of the NPDES permit are still active and in force, excepting the effluent limitations for the two parameters noted above. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at (919) 733-5083, extension 547, Attachment cc: MRO w/attachment SOC Files w/attachment Central Files w/attachment Mike Hom, EPA, w/attachment Jeanne Phillips w/attachment 'i020w:�t Sincerely, Bob Sledge Environmental Specialist` b �• 6 ._J �✓ i s I `� L Customer Service Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 1 800 623-7748 (919) 733-7015 ATTACHMENT A SOC EMC WQ 01-002 NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0025496 EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL - Interim During the period beginning on the effective date of this Special Order and lasting until September 30, 2003, the City is authorized to discharge from outfall serial number 001. Such discharge shall be limited and monitored by the City as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Flow BOD, 5 Day, 20°C** Total Suspended Residue NH3 as N Fecal Coliform (geometric mean) Total Residual Chlorine Temperature Total Phosphorus Total Nitrogen (NO2+NO3+TKN) Chronic Toxicity*** Cadmium Cyanide Phenols Copper Zinc Discharge Limitations Monthly Avg. 6.0 MGD 30.0 mg/1 30.0 mg/ Weekly Avg. Daily Max. 45.0 mg/1 45.0 mg/1 200.0/ 100 ml 400.0/ 100 ml 19.0 ug/1 46.0 ug/I 100.0 ug/I 250.0 ug/1 40.0 ug/1 Monitoring Requirements Measurement Sample *Sample Frequency Twe Location Continuous Recording I or E Daily Composite I,E Daily Composite I,E 3/Week Composite E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Daily Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E Quarterly Composite E Weekly Composite E Weekly Grab E Weekly Grab E Monthly Composite E Monthly Composite E * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent ** The monthly average BODS and Total Suspended Solids concentrations shall not exceed 15% of the respective influent value (85% removal). *** Chronic Toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 11%; March, June September, December; See Part III, Condition F. The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units at the effluent. Effluent monitoring shall be conducted by grab samples. ere shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. )nly the parameters shown in bold above have had limits modified from those set by the NPDES permit. Q S� E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: JULY YEAR: 2000 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): PERRY B. FAULKNER GRADE: IV PHONE: L41 736 -8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP LAB # 153 (2) PACE ANALYTICAL LABS # 40 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS GUNGE❑ PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ATTN. CENTRAL FILES z DIV. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SIGNATU E OF PERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE DEHNR BY THIS SIGNATU E, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS PO BOX 29535 ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27626-0535 50050 1 00010 1 00400 1 50060 1 00310 1 00610 1 00530 1 31616 1 00300 1 00600 1 00665 3: Date Arrival F'�jpe'm-'� Time 1 24:00 Time on 1 Site ORC on I Site?' err x INF Temp Celsius H Residual Chlorine BOD5 ° Ammonia Nitrogen Total Suspended Residue Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean Dissolved O en Total Nitro en Total Phoe horou Phenol Daily Rate HRS HRS YIN MGD °C UNITS UGIL MGIL MGIL MGIL #1100ML MGIL MGIL MOIL UGIL 1 07:00 24 N 1.3 2 07:00 24 N 0.6 3 07:110 24 Y 0.6 27 7.1 4,110 7 14.50 19 <2 7.2 4 07:00 24 N OA 5 07:00 24 B 0.5 28 7.6 1,575 6 28.20 6 <2 6.9 10.7 6 07:00 24 B 0.5 28 7.5 1,085 5 29.40 4 <2 8.5 7 07:00 24 B 0.6 28 7.5 110 5 4 40 7.8 8 07:00 24 N 0.6 9 07:00 24 N 0.7 10 07:00 24 Y 1.3 27 6.5 <100 11 2.66 10 >3000 7.0 11 07:00 24 Y 1.7 28 7.2 <100 17 1.04 23 1,550 7.5 12 07:00 24 Y 2.5 30 7.4 1,020 11 2.59 12 <2 6.8 13 07:00 24 Y 2.0 29 7.5 1,005 16 14 <2 7.1 <5 14 07:00 24 Y 1.6 29 7.4 111 13 11 6 8.1 15 07:00 24 N 1.6 16 07:00 24 N 0.7 17 07:00 24 Y 1.4 29 7.5 3,330 6 9.55 9 <2 7.3 18 07:00 24 Y 2.0 30 7.5 1,010 6 8.17 11 4 7.0 19 07:00 24 Y 2.0 31 7.5 240 15 11.00 16 140 6.5 12.0 3.2 23A 20 07:00 24 Y 1.9 30 7.5 500 21 19 12 7.7 21 07:00 24 Y 2.8 30 7.6 530 19 20 49 7.1 22 07:00 24 N 2.4 23 07:00 24 N 2.5 24 07:00 24 Y 2.8 29 7.5 124 8 10.20 10 <2 6.8 25 07:00 24 Y 3.5 26 7.6 930 7 t 7.59 11 2 7.3 26 07:00 24 Y 4.0 29 7.6 165 12 ( 8.01 13 44 6.9 7A 27 07:00 24 Y 7.6 415 16 ! °L 14 15 7.3 28 07:00 24 Y 7.5 325 23 ' 18 9 7.0 29 07:00 24 N MO 30 07:00 24 N 31 07:00 24 Y 7.6 2,460 8 11.08 5 3 6.7 AVERAGE 1.8 28.8 7.6 962.0 11.6 11.1 12.5 11.5 7.2 12.0 3.2 11.6 MAXIMUM 4.2 31.0 4110.0 23.0 29.4 23.0 >3000 8.5 12.0 3.2 23.4 MINIMUM 0.4 26.0 6.6 <100 5.0 1.0 4.0 <2 6.5 12.0 3.2 <5 Comp (C) / Grab (G) C G G G C C C G G C C G Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L N L N L 21.0 E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: AUGUST YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 -8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: ffIgiltafLincoInton WWTP Lab #153 (21 Pace Analytical Lab #40 131 Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: L4 7) 32 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: X 9 27-0 / N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY (S6NATURE OF OPEPATOR INffSPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES BYTHIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH. NC 27699-1617 Date Operator Arrival Time 24:00 Operator Time on Site ORC on Site?"` 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Temp Celsius PH Total Residual Chlorine BODs 7oo C Ammonia Nitro en Total Suspended Residue Fecal Coliform Geometric Mean Dissolved Oxygen Total Nitrogen Total Phos horo° COD EFF X INF Daily Rate I HRS HRS I Y/BIN MGD °C I UNITS UG/L MG/L MG/L I MG/L I #1100ML MG/L I MG/L I MG/L I MG/L 1 2 07:00 07:00 1 24 24 Y Y 3.9 3.6 32.0 32.0 7.6 7.5 460 640 9.0 is-0 17.3 11:0` 13.0 11 O:;i _ '17 6844 15 7 6 �s2 . 7.5 3 07:00 24 Y : $.4 30.0 7.5 _: �- ,100 17.0 . 4 07:00 24 N 2.7 5 07:00 24 N 6 07:00 24 Y 3.1 30.0 7.5 17015 9.0 15.0 5.0 <2 7.1 i 7 07;00. 0. 1,175 9.032. -,-. ,--7-.0Y 8 07:00 24 Y 3.9 32.0 7.5 1,070 8.0 11.1 11.0 19 6.9 9 07:00 24 Y < 3.9 34.0 7.4' 275 14.0 " ' 15.0 ` 2,900 6.7 10 07:00 24 Y 3.0 35.0 7.4 1,465 15.0 19.0 s<2 6.9 11 12 13 07:00 67:00 24- 24 .24 N Y 1.3 3.5 33.0 7.5 1,010 8.0 14.5 9.0 > z2 6.6 14 07:00 24 Y 4.2 32.0 7.4 675 13.0 11.5 15.0 17 6.9 15 07:00 Y 4.1 32.0 ' 7.4` 240 � 21.0 1i.3 22.0' s3000 6.6 Jy ; 16 07:00 24 Y 4A 32.0 7.5 <100 26.0 25.0 >3000 5.7 17 18 07:00 07:00 ... . ' 24 B N 4�T% : 2.9 ` 32.0, ;, 7.5 140 29.0 28.0'= >3000 6.3 19 07:00 24 N 1.5 20 07:00 24 Y 3.2 32.0 7.4 155 26.0 18.2 13.0 >3000 6.7 21 07:00 24 Y 4.0 ] 0' ' 7.4 e-" 495 ,a 34.0 ' 17.4' 19.0 ` >3000 6.6 22 .23 07:00 07:00 24 i - - 24 Y Y d 4 4.1 31.0 33 0 2 7.5 * 7.3 ;; 465 1 155 29.0 B 17.5 ' .., 2_ 0 - 27.0 22 13 6.6 6.5 -- - -- 24 25 07:00 b7f04f` 24 24 Y N 3.5 2.5 32.0 7.6 - 355 28 0 .. 33.0 -- 1,050 6.1 26 07:00 24 N 1.2 - "27 '07:00H V 2.5 31.0 ;` 7.4 ` 1,130 "25.0 17.0 14.0 ---4 7.1 28 07:00 Y 3.5 32.0 7.5 1,045 19.0 18A 23.0 4 --- 29 07:00 Y 3.8 32.0 7.5 '' 220 31.0 17 b # `35A s3600 , <' 6.7 18.0 4.3 7'' " 59 ' s 30 07:00 Y 4.0 32.0 7.4 165 26.0 31.0 } >3000 I 6.4 -:. 31 07:00 Y 3.6 32.0 • 7.5 670 24.0 ' 4'L0 AVERAGE 3.3 32.0 645 19.7 14.7 19.7 78.3 6.7 18.0 4.3 59 MAXIMUM 4A 35.0 7.6 '. 1465 31.0 18.d 41.0 >3000 7.6 18.0 " ` 4.3" 59 : -- MINIMUM 1.2 30.0 7.3 <100 8.0 11.1 5.0 <2 5.7 18.0 4.3 59 Comp (C) 1 Grab (G) C G G. G C C C G_ G C C` G, Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L N L N L NL ) ut► E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: SEPTEMBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8950 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincointon WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (7041 732 - 613T CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: D D -� r JHIS N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY TURE OF OPERATO RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES SIGNATURE, I CERTI THAT THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Operator Operator EFF X Fecal Arrival Time ORC INF Total Total Coliform Time on on Daily Temp Residual BON Ammonia Suspended Geometric Dissolved Total Total Date 24:00 Site Site?* Rate Celsius H Chlorine ° Nitrogen Residue Mean Oxygen Nitr en Phos horou COD HRS HRS YB/N MGD °C UNITS UG/L MGIL MG/L MG/L #1100ML MG/L MGIL MGIL MG/L 24 N 2 07:00 24 N 1.2- . 3 07;00 24:. H.':: y 1;a-;�-Arr- 4 07:00 24 Y 4.2 30.0 7.4 T 1,500 20.0 14.8 12.0 <2 7A - - - - -5 07:00 24 .j Fr x Y 4' , s r x T-,30.0 7 4 1,835 1- 1 1 0 17 9 1 8 C 7 7.6 6 07:00 24 Y 4.1 31.0 7.6 880 16 0 10 4 16 0 22 71 - 3 >300a� 7.0 7 07:00 24 Y - -- - 8 07:00 24 N 26---- 9 07:00 24; N >a r r " eRZ r 10 07:00 24 Y 2.7 30.0 7A 405 19.0 18.3 20 0 19 6.9 - .... �!: 20.06 260v 120 7:75 21311 07:00 24 _ 12 07:00 24 Y 4.5 30.0 7 5 1,810 36.0 17.4 40.0 - 7 6.8 �- 13 07:00 24 _ Y 4.4 29.0 7.5 825 38.0 - 50.0_' 250_ I 7.3 14 07:00 24 Y 4.0 29.0 -I 7.5 675 40.0 60 I 6 8 - - 07:00 24 16 07:00 } 24 N 0.9 -- --- -' 17 07:00, 24 _ Y .. 2.3 26.0 7.3 �1,260 30.0 18.2 18.0 <2 -- -- 18 0700 24 Y 4.3 27.0 7.4 325 22.0 16.7 34.0 >3000 7.3 19 07>00 24 Y` 4.3 ! 2�0 j 7.5 l #315 �a i ? t) :r 1Q� ` 4 _ _ :> 20 07:00 24 -- Y 4.0 j 28.0 j 7.4 �I 820 34.0 45.0 22 7.0 _ 3 6 29 (7 7.4 t 4$ 0d s tl S,V 1, 00 a.3 I rt 07:00 Z4. 8' ---- -- -�-- 22 07:00 24 s NA 1.6 `� -- --- 23 -'07:00 24-` N ( 1.4 - - - 24 07:00 24 Y 3.8 280 j 7.5 ; 2,740 25.0 17.0 16.0 <2 7.1 25 07:00 24 -Y - 4.0 27.0 -1.5 I 1,100 4i.0 16.5 59.0 <2- 7.2 - - -- -- - -- 26 07:00 24 Y 4.3 28.0 7A 775 28.0 11.9 30.0 3 7.1 12 0 2.5 -- 27 07i00 :A4 Y 4.1 29.0 7.5 720 28 07:00 24 Y 3.4 29.0 7.5 1,300 46.0 600 <2 7.2 29 07:00 24' ti 30 07:00 24 N 10 - -- - ,ti tS 31 07:06 24 AVERAGE 3.0 29.0 1003 30.5 16.0 32.6 23.0 7.1 12.0 2.5 0 MAXIMUM 4.5 32.0 T.5 ;r 2740 50.0 211 59 0 j'.. >3000 0 MINIMUM 0.9 26.0 7.3 325 11.0 10.4 8.0 <2 6.6 12.0 2.5 0 Comp (C) /Grab (G) C G G G ; C C C G' G G C. C Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 - 9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L N L N L NL E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: OCTOBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: L1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: 4B(TH N. C.DIVISION of WATER QUALITY NATURE OF O E TO RESPONSIBLE CHARGE)DATECENTRAL FILES tS SIGNATURE, I CERTIF THAT THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. KALtftitl, Date rvc L/bUU-IV'If Operator Arrival Time 24:00 HRS Operator Time on Site HRS ORC on Site?" YIBM 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Temp Celsius °C H UNITS Total Residual Chlorine UG/L BODs ' MGIL Ammonia Nitro en MGIL Total Suspended Residue MGIL Fecal Coliform Geometric SMean #1100ML Dissolved 0 en MGlL Total Niiro en MGIL Total Pnos norou MGIL MGIL EFF [XI INF Daily Rate MGD 1 07:00 24 Y 2.7 26.0- 7.4 495 18.0 ' 17.0 21,0 . 64, 7.$ 2 07:00 24 Y 4.2 26.0 7.5 505 20.0 15.0 42.0 52 7.6 3 07;00 24 Y; 3.9 25.0 7.5 . 320 44.0 116.9 56.0 14 6.8 •:i 4 07:00 24 Y 4.0 28.0 7.4 215 52.0 67.0 >3000 7.0 5 07:00 =24 Y .3.5 26.0 .7.4 Q 69.0 57.0 ,; <2 6.7 6 07:00 24 N 1.2 U 7 07:00. 24 N -0.8 8 07:00 24 Y 1.6 21.0 7.6 1,900 29.0 15.5 25.0 <2 8.1 9 07:00 24 Y '4.0 21.0 _ 7.4 1,680 28.0 15.3 35.0 '- 3: 7.9 10 07:00 24 _ Y 4.2 22.0 7.5 765 30.0 10.8 34.0 94 7.4 11 07:00 ` 24 Y 4.3 24.0 7.5 '. 285 48.0 55.0 >3000 7.2 12 07:00 24 Y 1.7 29.0 7.5 425 50.0 46.0 114 7.0 13 ' 07:00 24 IN 1.8 , 14 07:00 24 N 1.4 15 '`07:00 24 Y 2.1 28.0 7.4 1,240 27.0 14.4 22.0 6 7.6 16 07:00 24 Y 3.0 26.0 7.4 1,020 30.0 16.6 32.0 4 7.8 17 07:00 24 Y' -2.3 26.0 7.4 346 46.0 13.5 42.0 -3000 7.7 18 07:00 24 Y 2.7 25.0 7.4 1,375 49.0 40.0 <2 8.1 -19 07:00 24 " Y 4.5 26.0 "' . 7.4 395 65.0 !' 41.0 ' 400 7.3 20 07:00 24 N 2A 21 07:00 24 N 1.7 22 07:00 24 Y 3.3 28.0 7.6 1,595 26.0 7.8 17.0 <2 7.5 23 Q7iV0 24 Y 4.5 28.0 7.5 : 58U 24.0 20.4 22A ` " 5'vv 7.9 _ 24 07:00 24 Y 4.9 28.0 7.6 450 51.0 14.2 32.0 117 7.1 16.0 3.6 25 ' 07:00 24 -Y 4.9 28.0 7.5 ' 125 42.0 27.0 -+- 1,850 6,8 26 07:00 24 B 3.7 26.0 7.4 1,760 51.0 39.0 3 7.2 27 07:00 ' 24 N >2.2 28 07:00 24 N 1.8 29 07t00 524 Y 3.3 20.0 7.4 - 2,26Q 11.0 18.8, 190 ; ,.<2 8.8 30 07:00 24 Y 4.0 24.0 7.5 395 33.0 15.7 27.0 >3000 8.1 31 07:00 24 Y 5.0 22.0 7.4 330 37.0 7.6 25.0 >3000 7.7 AVERAGE 3.1 25.3 825 38.3 14.6 35.8 58.4 7.5 16.0 3.6 0 MAXIMUM 5.0 29.0 7.6"` 2260 69.0 20.4 67.0 >3000 8.8 16.0 - 3.6 0 MINIMUM 0.8 20.0 7.4 125 11.0 7.6 17.0 <2 6.7 16.0 3.6 0 Comp (C) I Grab (G) C G G G C C C G G C C C Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0 -9.0 N L 30.0 N L 30.0 200.0 N L N L N L NL DEC 2 6 2001 E F F L U E N T PEASE ASSOCIATES IN' NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: NOVEMBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON WWTP CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (704) 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED ® PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: ( /Z - z O N. C. DIVISION of WATER QUALITY (SI ATURE OF OPERATOR IN SPONSIBLE CHARGE) DATE CENTRAL FILES BY IS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DnI MMU hi ' 979GIL1947 Date Operator Arrival Time 24:00 Operator Time on Site ORC on Site?" 50050 00720 01002 01027 01034 01042 01051 01062 01067 01077 01092 01147 FLOW Cyanide Total Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead PAG"d� Nickel Silver Zinc Total Selenium EFF X INF r 1 Daily Rate HRS HRS I YIN MGD I UGIL I UGIL UGIL I UGIL UGIL I UGIL UGIL UGIL UGIL UGIL UGIL 1 07:00 24 2 07:00 24 3 , 07:00 24. 77 4 07:00 24 - 5 i_ 07:00 24 - --- 7.2 -- - - -- - 6 07:00 24 - 7 ' 07:00 24. _--- - <1 - -- 8 07:00 24 9 07:00 24 -_ -- --- _--- 10 07:00 24 - _ 11 07:00 24 12 07:00 24 21.0 13 %07:00 24 - 14 07:00 24 <1 15 '! 07:00 '24 16 07:00 24 RK':67:00 24 -- - 18 07:00 24 `19 .07:00 24 8.2 20 07:00 24 -- 21 ' 07:00 24 -- - �1 --- -- -- - -- 22 07:00 24 24 07:00 24 - - "-,25 07:00 24 - 26 07:00 24 41.0 15.0 27 07:00 24 28 07:00 24 <1 26.0 29 07:00 -24 30 07:00 24 31 07:06 24 AVERAGE 0.0 19.4 0.0 <1 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 MAXIMUM =OA 41.0 0.0 <1 0.0 = 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0- 0.0 MINIMUM 0.0 7.2 0.0 <1 0.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 `Comp(C)`lGrab (G); C'- G C : C_ C :- C,- C.,; Ci ;C C C G Monthly Limit 6.0 46.0 NL 19.0 NL NL NL NL NL NL NL NL E F F L U E N T NPDES PERMIT NUMBER: NC 0025496 DISCHARGE NUMBER: 001 MONTH: DECEMBER YEAR: 2001 FACILITY NAME: CITY OF LINCOLNTON VW1 T CLASS: IV COUNTY: LINCOLN OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE (ORC): JAMES S. RHYNE GRADE: IV PHONE: (704) 736 - 8960 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES: (1) City of Lincolnton WWTP Lab #153 (2) Pace Analytical Lab #40 (3) Blue Ridge Labs #275 FAX: (7041 732 - 6137 CHECK BLOCK IF ORC HAS CHANGED E== PERSON(S) COLLECTING SAMPLES: LAB & OPERATIONS STAFF Mail ORIGINAL and ONE COPY to: /{ iD /f 4BY1STIleG 4 N. C. DMSION of WATER QUALITY URE OF OPERATOR IN PONSIBLE CHARGE) DATECENTRAL FILES NATURE, I CERTIFY TIN THIS REPORT IS 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER ACCURATE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. RALEIUN, Nl: Llbyy-lbl! 50050 00010 00400 50060 00310 00610 00530 31616 00300 00600 00665 00340 FLOW Date Operator Arrival Time 24:0U HRS Operator Time on Site HRS ORC on Srte?" Y/81N Temp Celsius °C H UNITS Total Residual UGIL BODE MG1L Ammonia ::: Nite.^. MGIL Total Suspended Rridnc MGIL Fecal Coliform Geometric f.!caa #1100ML Dissolved ^., •^en MGIL Total Ni:ro2n MGIL Total ah^seho.°u MG/L COD MG/L EFF X INF Daily Rate MGD 1; 07:00 24 N 2 07:00 24 N 1.3 -3', 07:00 24 Y'. 2.5 21.0 T 605 13.0 ' 10.7 7A 6 8.5 4 07:00 24 Y 3.3 19.0 7A 480 17.0 14.0 15.0 210 8.8 r5' 07:00 24' Y 4.7 22.0 7.4 1`,075 29.0 8.7 '16.0 3 8.0 6 07:00 24 Y 4.3 23.0 7.4 655 36.0 16.0 400 7.8 7 07:00 24 : Y:;,. 3.5 '22.0 7.4 960j 39.0 16.0 42 7.5 8 07:00 24 N 2.3 9 ' 07:00 24 N 2.2 10 07:00 24 " Y 4.7 22.0 7.5 2,260 8.0 17.8 9.0 <2 8.1 11 07:0034'%, Y ` 74 8 , ;20.0 7.3 1;950 T.0 17.9 16.0 <2 8.4 12 13 07:00 07:00 24 24 Y Y- 4.7 4.6 22.0 22.0 7.4 7.4 f ` 955 245 9.0 25.0 15.0 12.0 19.0 8 84; 7.9 8, 14 07:00 24 Y 4.4 23.0 7.4 480 46.0 29.0 1,050 8.0 15 `W-00 24' N" 2.6 16 07:00 24 N 2.3 17; 07:00 24 Y 4A ` 23.0 " 7.4:- 600 78.0 10.8 40.0 200` '7.3 18 07:00 24 Y 5.5 21.0 7.3 860 88.0 14.8 50.0 4 7.3 19 07:00 24 Y 5.2 23.0 7.3 ::. 450 84.0 10.4 ` ' 44.0 >301 Q , ; , 7.0 18.0 3.1 20 07:00 24 Y 5.0 22.0 7.3 530 89.0 50.0 300 7.2 21 07:OD 24 Y' A 21.0 '' 7A 590 90.0 44.0 >3000 6:9 0700 24 N 2.0 r23 07:00 24 ` N - 24 07:00 24 _ N 1.8 25 07:00 24 N 1.6 - 26 07:00 24 N 2.0 26.4 27 07:00 24 B 7.9 21.0 7.3 710 8.0 25.0 15.0 <2 ' 10.0 28 07:00 24 B 1.7 21.0 7.4 1,950 5.0 30A 11.0 <2 9.6 10 07:00 24 N 30 07:00 24 N 1.5 31 07:00 '- 24" B 2.1, 2,940 6.0 38.3 8.0 :< <2 9.8 AVERAGE 3.1 21.3 7.5 1016 37.6 18.5 23.2 33.7 8.1 18.0 3.1 0 MAXIMUM 5.5 23.0 2940 90.0 ' 39.3 50.0 ` . >3000 10.0 18.0 3.1 ' 0 NIINIMAIM 1.3 15.0 7.3 245 5.0 8.7 7.0 <2 6.9 18.0 3.1 0 Como (C) bGrab (G) C G G G C C C G G C C C Monthly Limit 6.0 N L 6.0-9.0 N L 30.0 N L 1 30.0 200.0 N L N L N L NIL