HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400198_INFECTION PILOT TEST AND RESLUTS_20120424April 23, 2012 Mr. Thomas Moore North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Waste Management -- UST Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 RE: Injection Pilot Test and Additional Investigation Results Farmer Knollwood Gulf Station (BP Site 24163) Groundwater Incident No. 6400 RECEIVEMENRIDWO 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina URS Project 38436693 APR 2 � Dear Mr. Moore: Aquifer Protection Section The following letter report summarizes the membrane interface probe (MIP) investigation, soil sampling, monitoring well installation, baseline groundwater sampling, and pilot test injection activities performed at Knollwood Gulf Station at 381 Knollwood Street, Winton - Salem, North Carolina (the site) between October 20, 2011 and October 31, 2011. A map of the site is attached as Figure 1. This letter also summarizes the final design for activated sodium persulfate (ASP) injection, including adjustments to the preliminary injection quantities, intervals, and boundaries outlined in the site Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and approved by the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) (Injection Permit W10400198). A statement of limitations for the conclusions of this letter report is included as Attachment 1. Membrane Interface Probe Investigation Taylor, Wiseman, and Taylor (TWT) perfonned private utility location services on October 20, 2011, prior to drilling activities at the site. TWT also pre -excavated each of the planned investigation borings using air knife and vacuum extraction equipment. On October 24, 2011, Vironex, Incorporated (Vironex) utilized a Geoprobe* 6620 DT to advance MIP tooling at the twelve locations illustrated on Figure 1. All MIP borings were abandoned with bentonite following completion. MIP boring logs produced by Vironex are included in Attachment 2. Vironex also provided cross -sectional and three-dimensional computer generated images of the MIP investigation data, included as Attachment 3. The MIP results generally substantiate the lateral distribution of petroleum source material suggested by previous groundwater sample analyses, with exceptions noted near MW-6. The MIP data also suggests a narrower vertical distribution of source material, approximately I to 17 feet below ground surface (bgs), than the previously estimated, 10 to 20 feet bgs. Monitoring Well Installation Monitoring wells MW-18 and MW-19 were installed by Vironex, with oversight by Parratt Wolff (a North Carolina licensed driller) on October 25, 2011. Monitoring well locations are URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive. Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919-461-1100 Fax: 919-461-1415 P 'EPTul ectslNC1U 163, CK, W-5 391 KtwllwoM AreC1%i 0 U7al ivambles%5 2 Final Od ivembles'A 15 Pilot Test flemAl� Leber Reporl April 2012 Pilot Test Res hs Letter dM Thomas Moore April 23. 2012 Page 2 illustrated on Figure 1. The wells were completed at 20 feet bgs using 4.25-inch inner diameter hallow stem augers. Installation of the two wells was permitted by Monitoring WeI1 Construction Permit WM0400681 (Attachment 4). Copies of Monitoring Well Construction Records submitted to NCDENR DWQ are included in Attachment S. URS boring logs for the wells are included in Attachment 6. Soil cuttings generated during the well installation were containerized in 55-gallon drums and were transported off -site on October 31, 2011, by Shamrock Environmental Corporation. A copy of the soil disposal manifest is included as Attachment 7. Soil Petroleum Mass, pH Buffering, and Soil Oxidant Demand Sampling Two soil borings were advanced to 20 feet bgs by Vironex on October 25, 2011, at locations MIP-3 and MIP-4. The locations are illustrated on Figure 1 and were selected based on MIP results suggesting the highest petroleum concentrations. Soil samples were collected at five- foot intervals using Geoprobel Macrocor?" acetate liners. Samples collected from the intervals that had exhibited the highest MIP "peaks" were placed on ice and then shipped under chain -of -custody to Accutest Southeast of Orlando, Florida (Accutest) for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) gasoline range organics (GRO) and diesel range organics (DRO). Soil analytical results for TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO are presented on Table 1. The laboratory analytical report for the samples is included in Attachment 8. MIP-3 and MIP-4 soil boring logs are included in Attachment 6. Both borings were abandoned with bentonite following completion. The TPH results indicate significant petroleum mass within the targeted area and are discussed in relation to ASP injection planning in subsequent sections. A third Geoprobe� Macrocore* boring was completed near MW-14 at location SOD-1 (Figure 1). The SOD-] boring log is included in Attachment 6. A soil sample was collected from between 10 and 15 feet bgs at the SOD-1 location. The boring was abandoned with bentonite following sample collection. MW-14 was subsequently purged and sampled using a new polyethylene bailer. The SOD-1 soil sample was submitted along with MW-14 groundwater to FMC Environmental Solutions (FMC) for soil oxidant demand (SOD) analysis. A portion of the soil sampled from SOD-1 was stored by Vironex for subsequent off -site pH buffering testing. SOD and pH buffering results are presented in Attachment 9. The SOD for site soils, which is an approximate measure of the quantity of ASP that will be consumed by natural soil constituents, is considered low as compared to most soils. However, the pH buffering test results indicate that a relatively large quantity of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) will he necessary to overcome natural soil acidity and maintain high pH within the injection zone (i.e. alkaline activation). Pilot Test Injection Vironex performed injection of a water and NaOH solution at the site on October 26, 2011. Injection Permit W10400198 was amended to include the NaOH solution test injection, instead of the planned water -only test injection, through email correspondence with NCDENR DWQ on October 5, 2011. A copy of the email correspondence is included as Attachment 10. Approximately 70 gallons of 25% NaOH solution was diluted on -site using approximately 1,000 gallons of fire hydrant water. A permit for use of the fire hydrant, which is located directly adjacent to the targeted injection area. was procured from the City of Winston-Salem and is included as Attachment 11. The diluted NaOH solution was injected at P '$PNPrnjec#WCI:416;, CK, W-5, 19t Knallwtad 3tred•511 Delrrvaeblcst5 : F1FW Delsrera6laa'A I Pilut Test Result.+ Letter K")FliApr l 2012 Not Tcst Restdts Lena doe Thomas Moore April 23, 2012 Page 3 two locations. IP-1 and IP-2, approximately five feet from monitoring wells MW-6 and MW- 8R, respectively. The IP-1 injection was performed utilizing a jetting tool injection Geoprobe* rod attachment and the IP-2 injection was performed using a two -foot screen injection GeoprobeA rod attachment. Water quality parameters and depth -to -water measurement in MW-6 and MW-8R were recorded before, during, and after the injection. Following the injections. MIP borings were advanced adjacent to the injection borings to measure soil electric conductivity (EQ for comparison to pre -injection EC measurements. Both injection points, as well as the subsequent MIP borings, were abandoned with bentonite following sample collection. A summary of the injection test procedures and results is included in Attachment 9. Positive pilot test findings included minimum resistance to injection from the formation (i.e. low injection pressures), clear influence from the IP-1 injection in MW-6 and subsequent EC logs, and zero daylighting of injection material. However. in -situ pH buffering results were inconclusive and distribution of material injected at IP-2 was not well demonstrated in subsequent EC logs. In general, the pilot test results indicated that successful injection is viable at the site but that distribution should be monitored during full-scale injection. Groundwater Sampling On October 31, 2011, groundwater levels were gauged in all site monitoring wells. including MW-3, MW-5R, MW-6, MW-6i, MW-8R, MW-14, MW-15, MW-16, MW-17, MW-18, and MW-19. October 2011 water level measurements are presented on Table 2 and are presented along with historical gauging data on Table 3. A water table contour map based on the measurements is presented on Figure 2. Figure 2 illustrates northwestern flow gradient, consistent with historical observations. All site monitoring wells were sampled on October 31, 2011. All monitoring wells except MW-3 and MW-6 were purged of at least three volumes of groundwater. Monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-6 were purged dry of groundwater and allowed sufficient time to recover before samples were collected. Purging and sampling were conducted with new disposable polyethylene bailers and nylon line. Groundwater pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and specific conductance were measured using a calibrated Yellow Springs instrument YSI-550" water quality meter. Field measurements were measured and recorded subsequent to purging and sampling and are presented on Table 2. Groundwater from each well was transferred to pre -labeled, laboratory -prepared containers and promptly placed on ice with a temperature and trip blank. A duplicate sample was collected at monitoring well MW-5R. The samples were shipped under chain -of -custody via overnight courier to Accutest and analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA Method 6200B, sulfate by EPA Method 300, and carbon dioxide by EPA Method 4500-CO2. The analysis was performed to provide a baseline for site groundwater concentrations prior to ASP injection in accordance with the approved CAP and Injection Permit WI0400198. Samples collected from wells MW-5R, MW-8R. MW-18, and MW-19 were also analyzed for TPH-GRO and TPH-DRO by SW-846 Method 8015. Groundwater analytical results are presented on Table 4. BTEX and MTBE results are also illustrated on Figure 3 and are presented along with historical analytical data on Table S. The laboratory analytical report for the baseline groundwater sampling event is P'lap 'drr Ocavc _'4163• C&. W-S 391 knoll wood Scree?'; 11 Od i, 0 aN wS: Final Od iverabl es'•4 15 Pil or Tesr Rcsulis Lever Repon Apri1'412 Pi lm Teni Resulm bHIcr do Thomas Moore April 23, 2012 Page 4 included in Attachment 8. Sampling, decontamination, and management of investigation derived waste were conducted in accordance with the 2008 NCDENR UST Section Guidelines for Sampling publication. Final ASP Injection Plan A summary of the final ASP injection plan is illustrated on Figure 4. The limits of Gross Contamination Level (GCL) exceedances in groundwater estimated from previous temporary and permanent monitoring well sampling were confirmed following installation and sampling of MW-18 and MW-19. However, the injection area boundary was expanded slightly from the preliminary boundary presented in the CAP to encompass elevated MIP readings near MW-6. ASP injection quantity calculations, presented in Tables 6, 7, and 8, were adjusted from preliminary estimates to reflect SOD testing results, pH buffering test results. and soil and groundwater TPH analytical results. Soil sample TPH analysis has confirmed significant petroleum mass in saturated soils in the vicinity of MW-5R and MW-8R. As a result, it is unlikely that a single ASP injection will oxidize all petroleum present because not all petroleum will be available (i.e. dissolved in groundwater) while the ASP is active. It is possible that enough petroleum will be degraded so that groundwater concentrations fall below the GCL standards, although subsequent injections may be required. The sodium persulfate mass proposed reflects the estimated oxidant demand for petroleum in groundwater and for natural soil organics and also incorporates a portion of the demand for petroleum in soil to allow continued oxidation of petroleum compounds that may dissolve into groundwater while the ASP is active. The injection area was divided into three sections (Figure 4). The area was first divided into the source core injection area and perimeter injection areas. A higher concentration of sodium persulfate will be injected into the source core which encompasses the highest petroleum concentrations at the site. The perimeter area was then divided into two areas to illustrate variation in the planned injection intervals. The quantities of injection points for each area, presented on Figure 4, are based on ten foot injection point spacing. The first full-scale ASP injection event at the site is currently planned for June 2012. A baseline groundwater sampling event, including MW-3, MW-5R, MW-8R, MW-18, and MW- 19, will be performed in May or June 2012. If you have any questions or comments about this submittal please do not hesitate to contact me at caleb.krouse@urs.com or (919) 461-1595. Sincerely, Caleb Krouse, PE Project Manager IIIfill, �I AR 2' 4 SEAL r . a 037432 cc: ENFOS, BP (electronic) Project File (electronic) David Goodrich, NCDENR DWQ (hard copy) Charles Sherren, Thruway Shopping Center, LLC (electronic) AFAR 2 4 Agtllier Protection Sc ctro►I P WTw)"mn NCQ4163, CK, W-S, 381 Knoll%vood 5tFm%5 0 helwerablmO 2 anal DCILMAW&A 15 Pilot Teas Re Wls Lena Report Apnl 2012 Pilot I es1 Results Leber doc Thomas Moore April 23, 2012 Page 5 Attachments F 1. Site Map with October 2011 Investigation Locations 2. Water Table Contour Map, 1 ❑/31/2011 3. Groundwater Analytical Results, 10/31 /2011 4. Activated Sodium Persulfate Injection Plan Tables 1. Summary of Soil Sample Results 2. Groundwater Elevation Data and Water Quality Field Measurements 3. Historical Groundwater Elevation Data 4. Summary of Groundwater Results 5. Historical Groundwater Analytical Data 6. Persulfate Demand Calculations 7. Sodium Hydroxide Activator Demand Calculations 8. Solution Mixing Calculations Attachments 1. Statement of Limitations 2. Membrane Interface Probe Investigation Report, Vironex (MIP Boring Logs) 3. Membrane Interface Probe Report, Vironex (MIP Visualization) 4. Monitoring Well Construction Permit WM0400681 (MW-18 and MW-19) 5. Monitoring Well Construction Records (MW-18 and MW-19) 6. Boring Logs (MW-18, MW-19, MIP-3, MIP-4, and SOD-1) 7. Soil Disposal Waste Manifest (October 31, 2011) 8. Laboratory Analytical Reports (October 2011) 9. Summary of MIP Services/Injection Pilot Testing & Proposal for Full Scale Remediation Services, Vironex 10. Email from David Goodrich (NCDEN R DWQ) to Caleb Krouse (URS Corporation) regarding Injection Permit M0400198 11. Winston-Salem Hydrant Permit # 25402 11 SP Pwjccls NC14163_ CK, W %. 191 knoll woad stmeel rs 9 Peirverables,5 2 Frrnwl N1 wemblod 15 Pilot Tat Rcsul is l.elln RepomA pn 114l 12 Pile, Test Reaps Lena din Figures HE 1 m� Ll Z. " —17 11� ASPH.ALT TRASH �11 ARKINC, ENCLOSURE 1 �� METAL Sf+EI] � METAL SHED rryPMER GASOLINE UST AREA l FORMER BP SERVICE — STATION Mw-18+ CONCRETE 1IIP • 2 PALL MW-5R* —14 YIP-1` kIP-3 -T MW—t3 L — F oRMER fsu� I F H +MW-sR ISLAND (4YP) �v�R Mw-65 yiv.t2 IP r F CANOPY�P-a III{ III I'I PARKING YIP -TT LDIU -:L MW-6' I FORMER PUMP 1 �A71R � I�� ISLAND (TYP:) 1 v v 0 0 rJ 7 MII Mw-15 dolp I �QNCR£"rE� FORMER I--ANOPY FORMER V-"T RISERS PROPERTY LINE ABANDONED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL FORMER PRODUCT LINE to 0 CATCH BASIN N a "k MAN HOLE =_ AREA LIGHT • UP' UTILITY POLE -& F H. FIRE HYDRANT ❑ T TELEPHONE LARGE MANHOLE COVER Q 30 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL APPROX. SCALE, ft. • MIP BORING LOCATION �£+ SOIL BORING LOCATION MIP AND SOIL BORING LOCATION NOTES: 1. MONITORING WELL, MIP BORING, AND SOIL BORINGS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. THE SITE IS A VACANT PARKING LOT. ALL SITE FEATURES EXCEPT PARKING LOT CURBS AND ROADWAYS REPRESENT FORMER SITE CHARACTERISTICS. v= o= um �h n w LLJ rr7 0 MW i J ISLAND (TYP} • FO L TAN 0LG + E • � o � o a I CANOPY u L----------I z� GRMER UNDERGROUND 'H.O- TANK LEGEND - - PROPERTY LINE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL N ABANDONED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL - CATCH BASIN MAN HOLE 04, AREA LIGHT • UTILITY POLE f FIRE HYDRANT TELEPHONE LARGE MANHOLE COVER a- FORMER PRODUCT LINE .- FORMER VENT OR FORMER REMEDIATION SYSTEM LINE 86.30 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (ft. Above Site Datum) (85.36) GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (Not Used for Contouring) NM NOT MEASURED -►� GROUNDWATER CONTOUR (Dashed where Inferred) GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION NOTE: MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 0 30 APPROX. SCALE. ft. LEGEND Up; — PROPERTY LIFE MW-17 CONCRETE MW-3 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL 10431111 10 31 11 GRASS E CTRIC [0.17 U P"R'�"NC <0-$1 U ABANDONED MONITORING WELL 0.76 0.16 J _17 VENT LINE 0.38J 0.57J l a 19.1 8.9 PRODUCT LINE MW-18 _ 16731711 CATCH BASIN N , ASP►fALT 11,100 TRASH RE MW-14 MAN HOLE PARKING 99$ ENCLOSURE 8,950 1 10 31 11 L1== AREA LIGHT 1,140 META d MW-16 MW_3 pia CO.42 U our• UTILITY PALE I 101,31411 — — METAL SHED C0.15 [ 1.4 U r.� [0.3 F ry FIRE HYDRANT GAS(kiNE <O.13 17'2 1-- ARER ❑ T TELEPHONE 321 ui [0.65 FARMER 1 " MW-5R BP SERVICE LARGE MANHOLE COVER 5 TA Tl ON FORMER En 8,360 CONCRETE UNDERGROUND �! ESTIMATED VALUE ❑ 28,000 mW-18 PAID/ W.O. TANK i 0 2,870 ONPAE� -14 UJ NOT DETECTED AND THE LIMIT IS ESTIMATED =RM q e14,070 -5R • MW-19[ NOT DETECTED AT THE n raw-$ _ , 10 31 11 `� SPECIFIED DETECTION LIMIT U NOT PRESENT ABOVE THE ASSOCIATED LEVEL; 3 AAW-1 fi �F ' ` AFW-8R FSLAND (�F 7 8,790 �b BLANK CONTAMINATION EXISTS 1,380 frrw-s �1 ° MW-8R 7,040 PARKING - NS NOT SAMPLED I 1 5,160 3 108301Q01 1 W-15f I BOLD EXCEEDS GROSS CONTAMINATION n J FORMER DIESEL LEVELS (GCLs) FOR CLASS GA 32,100 FOUST AREA-- _ GROUNDWATER 3,180 6- 1 WELL ID i 17,200 W- fi- NC GCL n 3,170 I 5,000 BENZENE U I FORMER PUMP ISLAND () 260,000 TOLUENE = MW-6i 1OM31 6� 1 f 84,500 ETHYLBENZENE 1 Q 31 1 1 ZCONCRE� 85,500 XYLENES (Total) v 1 J 27.5 J F I 20,000 MTBE <Q.32 11.7 J TAN FOLD f iv C0.36 1;1 -I 1� q q 4 II '. ALL CONCENTRATIONS SHOWN ARE IN ug/L. NOTES: 1. WHEN A DUPLICATE SAMPLE WAS COLLECTED, 0 30 THE GREATER RESULTS ARE SHOWN. 2. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE APPROX. SCALE, ft. o " )URGE: CRA, DATED: 3-28-02, DRAWING No.: 24841-02 OO2 GN-TVOD1. um 1 c� LEGEN ❑ �-- — — PROPERTY LINE ABANDONED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL FORMER PRODUCT LINE CATCH BASIN N a "" MAN HOLE 2)--6 AREA LIGHT ■ UP. UTILITY POLE FIRE HYDRANT ❑ T TELEPHONE Lj LARGE MANHOLE COVER 0 30 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL APPROX. SCALE, ft. — — — — ESTIMATED BENZENE ISOCONTOUR SOURCE CARE INJECTION AREA PERIMETER INJECTION AREA A PERIMETER INJECTION AREA B Area (square feet) 1000 675 Number of Injection Locations 13 9Injection M17 Interval {feet below sur(ace) 10 to 17 10 to 20Total Vertical Feet 91 90 Mass of Persulfate per Foot (ounds) 62 30 30 Volume 25%NaOH per Foot ( allons) 19 is 15 Injectant Mixture Volume per Foot (gallons) 58 29 29 Total Mass of Persulfate (pounds) 5662 2684 3548 Total Volume 25% Naafi(gallons) 1738 1349 1793 Total Injectant Mixture Volume (gallons) 5236 2577 1 3407 NOTES: 1. THE GCL FOR BENZENE IS 5,000 ug/L. 2. ESTIMATED INJECTION AREA DIMENSIONS AND TABULATED QUANTITIES ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY CHANGE BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. Tables Table 1 Summary of Soil Sample Results Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC Sample Ill: MIP3-12-14 MIP4-13-15 Collection hate: 1o125 Il 10/25/2011 Parameters units Hydrocarbons TPH Diescl Ran a Organics I mg/kg 129 J {lt 43.8 J tll TPH Gasoline Range Organics I mglkg 2,620 J 1.080 J Other Percent solids % 71.9 71.2 Notes: ( I ) Petroleum hydrocarbon pallern begins before C10 °fin - Percent 3 -Estimated value mg/Kg - Milligrams per Kilogram TPH - Total petroleum hydrocarbons This table presents all soil sample result, from the October 2011 sampling event. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modcicd aRcr the USEPA Contract Laboralon• Program National Funclional Guidelines (NFG} for Superjund Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 2008). All results are reported on a dry weight basis. w Favi`e Data@ 1111812€II 1 5:27:36 PM Page: i l I Table 2 Groundwater Elevation Data and Water Quality Field Measurements Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwoud Street Winston-Salem. Forsyth County, North Carolina ►1 ell Date TOE' Elevation' (feet) Dep(h lu l NAPL (feet bloc) Wpth to Groundwater (feel bloc) Groundwater Elevation' (feet) pli Specific Conductance ren,p t ranirt• f°( l D.O. (,nkll.) ORII (m► ) ►INV-3 10/31/2011 99.03 ND 13.87 85.16 6.84 1.171 22 ()4 3.20 -72.0 NIN%-SR 10/31/201 i NS ND 13.97 NS 4.89 0.123 22.00 1.66 185.6 ►1\V-6 10/31/2011 98.68 ND 12.95 85.73 13.772 49,87 20.71 1.25 -184.7 ►l"-6i 10/31/2011 99.26 ND 13.90 85.36 6.89 0.184 18.85 1.40 -32,5 11►►-8R 10/31/2011 NS ND 13.34 NS 4.80 0.250 21.88 1.88 198.1 %%,-14 10/31/2011 100.44 ND 14.14 86.30 4.59 0.157 21.31 2.84 260.9 MW-15 10/31/2011 99.91 ND 13.61 86.30 4.44 0.061 19.32 2.80 254.1 MW-16 10/31/2011 97.42 ND 12.45 84.97 4.44 0.706 19.62 3.20 244.9 ►1W-17 10/31/2011 100.00 ND 14.72 85.28 6.31 0.556 20.80 0.66 -90.5 ►1WAS 1013112011 NS ND 13.95 NS 1 6.86 1 1.117 1 22.47 2.44 12.9 M%V-19 10/31/2011 NS ND 13.75 N5 1 5.37 1 0.193 1 21.91 3.91 190.0 Notes: Measured in feel relative to site datum Elevated pli is the result of the sodium hydroxide pilot test injection TOC ='fop of rasing btoc = F3clo►v top of casing ND = Not Detected NS = Not Survcvcd LNAPL = Light non -aqueous phase liquid pl1 measured in Standard Units vS/cm=MicroStemens per centimeter °C = degrees Celsius mg/L = milligrams per liter mV = millivolts DO = dissolved oxygen DRP = oxidation reduction potential 391 11 r,woa,c,w, r,nti� [.hkc AF4%T .i­ 'fable 3 Historical Groundwater Elviation Data Former BP yen ice Station No. 24163 381 Knoilwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina well Date TUC Depth to Depth to LVAPL (otsreled Elevation LNIAPL Croundwater Thickne§s Groundwater i fart bloc feet btac Pert Elevation 11 21 • ' 1 i+3 NI) 13 89 000 K 4 14 ND 14.36 ❑ w 84 67 03/21/95 ND 13.59 [1 tx1 85.45 08/05/96 ND 13.54 D 1X1 8549 11,17M ND 1409 0.00 8494 MOM ND 14 it 0.00 8492 ' 091121,01 ND 1441 0.00 8462 12/27M 1 ND 14 51 (l. (X) 84 52 \ M - • 03/05/02 ND 1429 0.00 84 74 05/13/03 ND 14.35 0.00 84.6F 1210W03 ND 13.63 0.00 85.411 03h3l06 ND 1364 000 85.19 05/08/07 ND 13.40 000 95.63 05/14M ND 13.42 000 83.61 05/1-91% ND 13.31 0.M 85.72 05177.10 ND 1307 0.00 85.96 n ;1 !1 ND 13.87 0.00 85.16 06.24:93 ND 13.51 0.00 85.88 08/23/94 ND 13 S2 0.00 85 57 03/21M ND 13.71 000 85.6S 08lO M ND 1354 0.w 85.85 11/17M ND 14.08 0.00 85.31 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM 091101 ND 14-46 000 8493 12'27 o 1 14 51 15.07 0.56 84.73 03 05 02 1445 14.88 043 84.82 05 ! 2 03 NM NM NM NM 12109,0U 13.18 13.60 0 42 86.10 03/23/06 ND 13.67 000 85 7' 05/08ro7 ND 13.45 000 8594 05114MB ND 13.51 0 [X1 85.88 05/28/09 ND 13.39 0. (X) 96.00 Mw4R 05/2710 NS ND 1370 0.00 NM 10131;1 I ND 1397 D 00 NM ' 06124+93 09/23/94 ND ND 12.31 12.61 0 011 000 86.37 86.07 03/21/95 ND 13.15 000 85.53 OV05/96 ND 12.39 0 00 86.2v 11/17198 ND 13 16 0 00 85 52 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM 09/12/01 ND 1351 000 85 17 12/27M I ND 1361 000 85 0, + 03/05/02 Nil 1102 000 8766 05.1103 ND 11 10 000 8758 1210"3 ND 1349 0 D0 85 19 03/23/06 ND 11.79 0 00 8689 05/08/07 ND 12.50 0191 8618 05. MOS ND 12 16 0 D0 86.5' 05.28/09 ND 10.64 000 8904 05127+10 ND 15-84 000 86.84 10/31/11 ND 1295 000 9573- 56 AM Page 1 of 4 Table 3 Historical Groundwater Ele►•aIion Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 knoliwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, ;North Carolina Kill Bate To( 17eplh to Depth to I.N:kPI. C•urmeted Elevation LN.APL Crouadmufer I"hickness Cmundwater ly reet We) feet htnrl feet Elevation I 2 U&24.9: ND Nhi 0.00 NM 08123 94 NIA NM 0.00 NM U3121:94 ND 14.75 0.00 84.51 08105 9n ND 14.13 0.00 85 13 1VI 7,98 Ni] 1409 0.00 85.17 116119101 N❑ 18.07 0 trrl 81.19 09IMI ND 16.60 0.00 82.66 1 L27101 ND 14 61 0 LNI 84.65 1 03105102 99.26 ND 14.96 it LNI 94.30 05IL2103 ND 15.17 000 84.09 12109/03 ND 13.55 0 f10 85.71 03/23/06 ND i3.55 a 00 85.71 95/08/07 ND i2.93 000 86.33 05/14/08 ND 13.22 0 (10 86.04 1)5.128109 ND 13.39 0 00 95.87 05'2710 ND 13.23 (1.00 86.03 _ 10 31 1' ND 13 90 0.00 85.3o 08 23'44 ND 17.14 0 00 95.70 03/21/95 ND 12.02 [)110 85.82 • 08MV96 ND 11.99 0.111) 95.85 I F 17198 ND 12.53 0.00 95.31 • 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM • 091121tl1 NID i2.67 0.00 85.17 �141 -k 12/27/01 1447 15.03 0,56 83.16 ' 03/05/02 12.42 12 60 0.18 85.38 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 121N.103 13.32 13.56 ❑ 24 84.47 031231D6 NI) 12.15 0.00 85.69 U5108107 ND 11.90 000 85.94 Mi14/08 ND 11.95 O.UfI 85.89 05f38109 N S ND 11.70 0.00 86.14 M W-81t Q5r?7110 ND 12.97 000 NM 10/31/11 _ ND 13.34 000 NM 0&24193 NM NM NM NM 003194 NM NM NM YM 03/21/95 ND 13.55 0.(3o 86.89 08/05/96 ND 13.64 0.0(1 86.80 11!IT198 ND 14.26 0.00 86.18 06119.'01 N❑ 14.55 0.01} 85.89 09/12/01 ND 14.91 0.00 85.63 12 27i01 ND 14.85 0.0[1 85.54 "'A 03/05/02 100 3 ND 14.64 0.00 85.80 05/12/03 ND 13.41 0.0o 87.03 12/09/03 ND 13.51 0.00 86.93 03/23/06 ND 13.82 0.00 86.62 05/08/07 ND 13.54 000 86.91i 05, 14'08 ND 13.64 0.00 86.90 05 2 09 ND 13.47 0A0 86.97 0512710 ND 13.00 0.011 87.44 1013111 Ni) 14.14 0.011 86.30 !' n�ppoJpyi14('�A 161. L h W4 I 14 fklnsr+bt6s 2 F.mi DcI.,­blp•4 11 Pdpt TM Re I*L 10 Rcpo %Tables:TaMn Appod- and Gr pt. GW SxFWPF lTaWc 14:1VZOI2I J 521AM Page ' of 4 Table 3 Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station :No. 23163 381 Knolt►vood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, ;North Carolina "ell Date TrJC Elevation I Depth to LNAPL fret bloc Deplh to Groundwater (feet Mac I I_NAPI. Ihie knr,s (feet) Corrected Groundwater Elevation 1 2) 06/24193 NM %\I L�'.1 NM OV23194 NM NM NNI NM 03121/95 NI] 12.83 0.06 8708 081051% ND 12 77 f1.06 87 14 11/11/98 NO 13.58 0.00 86-33 MOM ND 13.80 0.00 86 11 MUM ND 14 18 0.00 85.73 12/27101 ND 1429 0.00 85.62 Nl 03/05/02 "'7.1 ND 1198 0.00 95.93 05/12/03 NM 12.75 NM 97.16 12i09103 ND 12.89 000 87.02 03123M ND 13 14 coo 96.77 05/08/07 ND 12.90 COO 9701 05214M ND 13 12 000 86.74 05/28109 ND 12.90 0.00 8701 05:27T) ND 12.25 0.00 8766 10 ZI 11 ND 1361 000 8630 0624.93 NM NM NM NM O 23194 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 12-06 0.00 85.36 091051% ND 12-09 0.00 85.33 11/17,98 ND 12-60 Goo 94.82 06,119(01 ND 12-74 000 84.68 09.'1?)UI ND 12,99 0.00 94.44 12/27/01 NM NM NM NM 03/05/02 ,7 41 ND 12-83 0.00 84.59 0.12103 14M NM NM NM 1 M9103 ND 12 13 0.00 95.29 0323.,06 ND 12.18 0.00 85.24 05/08/07 NM NM NM NM 05r'14.+08 ND 12-03 0.00 95.39 0529109 ND 11.96 0.00 95.46 0.5/27110 ND 11.69 0.00 85.7= 10/31/11 ND 1 1245 000 94.97 P •AI•,PmiWONC3110i. CK µ-S. S1j4 XWOWa d SHWO a Wft=AbLcr3 : FIFW DclnmliksW 35 Pilot Tc Rcwlu Lvtty RcpmT4?ln•To61n AppnmdKc, Mmd Graph CA 54nplrrqeTablc 14! 1912111211 SS M1 Page 3 of 4 Table 3 11istarieaI Groundwater Elevation data Former 8P 5erviee Station No. 24163 381 Knolhvood Street !Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina V1ell Date TGC Elevation 1 Depth to U%APL (fret btoc) Depth to Groundwater feet bloc LNAVIL fhickneS5 feet Corrected Groundwater Elevation l Z 06:24193 NM NM NM NM 0823194 NM NM NM NM U321195 ND 1442 0.00 95.58 U8105196 ND )4 46 0.00 95.54 11/17/99 ND 1491 0.00 95.09 06119,'01 ND 1503 U 00 84.97 09/12/01 ND 15.29 0.00 94.72 12/27/01 ND 15.37 0.00 84.63 M -17 03/05/02 100.00 ND 15.15 0 00 84.85 05/12/03 NM 14.15 NM 85.85 12109103 ND 14.50 0.00 85.50 03/23/06 ND 14.45 0.00 85.55 05M8107 ND 14.22 0.00 85 78 05/14/08 ND 14,22 0.00 85-78 0528109 ND Id 12 0.00 85.89 05r2710 ND 1390 D.00 86 10 10131111 ND 1 14.72 0.00 85.28 Notes- 2. Corr. GW Plrv. = (rrf point elevation) - {depth to groundwater) - (LNAPL ihickness)(LNAPL. specific gravity) 3. LNAPL specific gravity assumed to be 0.73 • - Prior to URS' work at this Site. man noring well MW-3 has previously been reportcd as MIA;- 2, mrnutoring well MW-6 has previously been reported as %M-8, and mannonrlg well 4iVr'-8 has previously been reported as NSW-6 - UPS Corporation is not responsible for data generated by others. ➢ala included on this table not generated by cram behalf of ORS Corporation -North Caro ILoa (URS) hoc bcrn taken from documents prepared and subautted to the NCDENR by others and is included only For ease of r6crece: t FRS does not assume or accept any resp onsib il try or Iiabilm for the gaaltry, accuracy. or completeness of the data included on this sable that was nol generated by or on behalf of URS LNAPL = Ughl non -aqueous phase liquid ND = Not detected NM = Not measured NS = Not Suneved TUC - Top of casing bloc - below top of casing P k3F%PMjMWNO7 4163. {'T;. W-S. 381 KMHWN of stn ,511 bdner*1eM5 2 FnW Ddnerablu+J 15 Plta1 Tear A-IM Lauer avyun•Tablcr IAbks Appdnd cui. ud GtaplaGW Sa1WInpTable 1411A+201211 5% AM Page 4 of 4 Table 4 Summary of Groundwater Results Compared to NC Gross Contamination Levels Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC Sample M Collection Date: Parameters Standard Units MW-03 m MW-05R MW-MR MW-M MW461 MW-MR IW3112011 10/31/2011 10131/2011 19MIM11 1OV3112011 10MInD11 DUP VOC Benzene 5000 Gl ugll 5.5 8,360 7,060 8.73 .41 J 8,000 EthAbenzene 845M G1 ugll .76 2.870 2,660 11.7 J r 0.36 3.190 Methyl ten -butyl ether 20000 G1 ugll 19.1 4.070 3,830 e 0.26 u' 122 3,170 Toluene 260(XXI G 1 ugll ¢ 0.17 u 24,600 28AX) 27.5 J < 0.32 32.1 M 3C lenes (Total1 85500 G 1 ug11 .38 J 14,8(x} 13AX) 132 J < 0.75 17.200 Hydrocarbons TPH Diesel Range Organics u811 11,100 7.450 J TPH Gasoline Range Organics — ug11 123,M) -- 137.000 Other Alkalinity, Total (as CaCO3) mgll 312 r 2.5 7,110 67.3 ¢ 2.5 Carbon dioxide tng11 405 r 5 2,130 76.1 r 5 Sulfate mgA 8.4 < 1 131 r ] < 1 O linvFa Da tw kj 1/9/2012 1:58:08 PM Page: 1/ 2 Table 4 Summary of Groundwater Results Compared to NC Gross Contamination Levels Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC Sample 11D: MW-14 MW-15 MW-16 MW-17 MW-18 MW-19 Collection Date: 10131/20I1 101 YM11 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 10/31/2011 , 10/31/2011 Parameters Standard Units VOC Rf-nw-nP Srdwl Ir.I uPA -e ti 13 fl 11 E [1 65 5 i 3 Ian 1 3" Eth (benzene 84500(GI) u911 < 0.15 < 0.15 17.2 .161 998 1,380 meth ) tert-but 1 ether 2000t] G1 ugll < O.13 < 0,13 < 0,65 8.9 1,14f1 5,160 Toluene 260000 G1 u9/1 ¢ 0.42 u e 0.13 ¢ 1.4 u ¢ 0.83 a 11.] X) 8,790 Xvlenes (Total) 85500 G1 u911 <0.3 <0.3 32; .57 J 8.950 7.040 Hydrocarbons TPH Diesel Range Organics ugll 7.720 J 7,960 J TPH Gasoline Range Organics ugA 61,600 56,800 Other Alkalinity, Total (as CaCO3) mgll < 2.5 < 2.5 ¢ 2.5 78.8 375 38.2 Carbon dioxide mgll < 5 < 5 [ 5 422 446 425 Sulfate mgll 43.2 < 1 194 < 1 8.2 3.7 Notes G I - NC Gross Contamination Levels - Not detected at the specified detection limit µglL - Micrograms per Liter mglL - Milligrams per Liter DUP - Field duplicate sample ID is MW-20 J - Estimated value UJ - Not detected and the limit is estimated U - Not present above the associated level; blank contamination exists VOC - Volatile organic compounds This table presents the results of all anaIytes detected. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modeled a8cr the USEPA National Functional Guideline.+ (NFG) far Superfund Organic Methrds• Data Review (EPA, June 2008) and USEPA BFG Jar Inorganic Super)Wnd data Review (USEPA, January 2010). Gross Contamination Levels, effective January 13. 2010. obtained from the NCDENR. Division of Waste Management. UST Section. A bold border indicates the concentration is greater than the NC Gross Contamination Level. W Envi'O Ili tn* 1/9/2012 1:58:08 Phi Page: 212 Table 5 Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Sample ID Sample Date Benzene Toluene Etbvfbenzene X lenes TPE MTBE Naphthalene Unit: u L-- Owwju L u L u L, u L ug/L MW-03 5: 1 3.-'(Hl3 K-5 0.611 0'91 1.11 J MW-03 12/9/2003 47.4 1.9 14.3 8.1 < 0.5 37.3 MW-03 3/23/2006 4-5 J r 0.5 UJ < 0.5 < 1 UJ E 0.5 5.5 MW-03 5/8/2007 40.4 1.4 3.7 2 J < 0.5 13.1 MW-03 5/14/2008 4.3 J r 0.70 < 0.80 < 0.80 < 0.80 14 MW-03 5/28/2009 5.4 0.14 J 0.441 0.493 r 0.05 5.6 - M W-03 5/27/2010 0.44) 0.3 J < O.l i c 0.32 < OJ 2 11) 4.8 < 031 MW-03 10/31/2011 5.5 r 0.17 u 0.76 0.38 J - 19.1 - MW-05 3/23/2006 11.700 32.000 2,440 13.500 r 320 16,100 - ,ilii'-05 3.2312006 11,040 30,700 2,370 13.200 < 310 15,400 MW-05 5/8/2007 7.410 21,100 1.590 8.920 231 8.830 - AfIF•-05 518.i2OO7 7,400 20,100 1,680 9,290 252 9,360 MW-05 5 14/2009 I O,OOO 2%000 2.100 12M00 561 18,000 - AfIV-05 .5 14 2008 10.000 30.000 2.100 12 000 56 J 18.D00 MW-05 5/28/2009 7,390 25.700 2,330 13,400 32.2 J 6.920 MW-05 5/28/2009 6.510 22,100 2,240 IZ900 31.6 J 6,510 MW-05R 5'2712010 6.610 24.3001 2.810 15,700 < 60 UJ 4.330 440 J M 05R j ? 7 201f1 6.090 30.100 J 2,380 13,300 C 60 U1 4.250 335 MW-05R 10/31/2011 8.360 24.600 2.870 14,800 - 4.070 - MI -05R 1013L2011 7,!)6o 28.000 2,660 13,800 - 3,830 MW-06 5/12/2003 < 0-5 < 0.5 0.52 J < 1 r 0.5 3 M W -06 12/9/2003 2.3 1.1 0.64 J 3.6 < 0.5 17.6 - ?4f Y-06 12.'9 2003 2-4 1.1 0.68 J 3.8 < 4.5 18 M W-06 3/23/2006 0.76 J 3-6 0.59 J 2,91 < O.5 1.1 MW-06 5/8/2007 < O-5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 r 0.5 r 0.5 M W-06 5/14/2008 < 0,50 < 0.70 < 0.80 < 0.80 < 0.80 0.50 MW-06 5/29/2009 < 0.06 < 0.06 < 0.05 < 0.14 < 0.05 0,17 J MW-06 512712010 < 0.11 0.38 J 0.13 J 0.46 J < 0.12 UJ < 0.12 0. 1 1 MW-06 10/31/2011 8.7 J 27.5 J 11-7 J 132 J - <0.26 UJ - M W-061 5/ 12/2003 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.3 l . l J < 0.5 r 0.5 - MW-061 12/9/2003 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 2.5 < 5 r 2.5 < 2.5 - MW-061 3/23/2006 49.7 48.7 18.9 443 < 15 3.560 - M W-061 5/8/2007 < 25 < 25 < 25 < 50 e 25 6.910 - MW-061 5/14/2008 5.2 J E 1.8 r 2.0 < 2.0 6.8 J 3.400 - MW-061 5/28/2009 2.5 r 0.06 < 0.05 •-- 0.14 2.6 1.150 - M W-061 5 27/2010 L6.1 r 1.1 r 1.1 . 3.2 1.4.1 492 1-1 M W-061 10/31/2011 0.41 .1 < 0.32 < 0.36 - 0.75 - 122 - MW-08 3/23/2006 671 1.230 1.340 8.100 <220 124 >titW-08 5/8/2007 1.160 196 799 2,990 129 1,440 n1W-08 5/14/2008 600 700 1,800 3,000 <2.0 190 MW-08 5/28/2009 1.390 357 2.050 3,310 < 5 1.560 - M W-08R 5/27/2010 8.570 31.700 2.870 15.700 < 120 UJ 6.260 468 MW-08R 10/31/2011 8.000 32.100 3.I sn 17. 110 - 3.170 - M W-14 5/12/2003 r 0.5 r 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 < 0.5 0.52 J - MW-14 12/9/2003 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 < 1 <0.5 5.9 - MW-14 3/23/2006 < 0.5 r 0.5 < 0.5 = 1 E 0.5 0.5 MW-14 5/8/2007 <0-5 <0.5 <0.5 < i <0.5 <0.5 MW-14 5/14/2008 < 0.50 < 0.70 < 0.80 < 0.80 < 0.80 < 0.50 MW-14 5/28/2009 < 0.06 0.077 J < 0.05 - 0.14 < 0.05 r 0,06 - M W-14 5/27/2010 < 0.11 < 0.11 < 0.11 0.32 r 0.12 LIJ 0.12 o.1 1 MW-14 10/31/2011 <O.i3 <0.42u <OJ5 <0.3 - <0.13 MW-15 3/23/2006 0.63 J < 0.5 2.1 18.6 r 0.5 1.6 MW-15 5/8/2007 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2.2J <0.5 <0.5 M W-15 5/14/2008, < 0.50 ¢ 0.70 < 0.80 3.7 J < 0.80 < 0.50 MW-15 5/27/2010 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 <0.32 C12U! 1 <0.12 0.1i P apwmN J U"I 0. C WS. MI wmMwm M"6D x A 2 F 5v T.l R.fu41-.,w R&{W,T~T*r 5 Page 1 of 2 Table 5 Historical Groundwater Analytical Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Sample Ill Sample Date Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene X-Oenes IPF NrrRu !'a hthalene Unit: 'MIMIL. uglL u L UWL u 1. "a& ugll. M%k_15 I G 31 3011 <0.13 -0-13 0-15 u.3 _O.13 MW-16 3/23/2006 < 2.5 15.8 90.8 836 < 25 2.8 J MW-16 5/14/2008 r 0.50 15 160 1,600 E 0.80 4.13 _ MW-16 5/27/2010 3.6 5.1 54.7 J 525 J < 2-4 UJ 1.3 MW-16 10/31/2011 < 0.65 < 1.4 u 17.2 321 - < I1-3,3 MW-17 5/13/2003 57.7 <0.5 < 0.5 - 1 5.3 69 A71f'-17 5/1312003 40.8 < 0.5 < 0.5 4,7 63.3 M W-17 12/9/2003 6.6 r 0.5 0,65) 5.3 80.6 MW-17 Y2312006 1 ¢0.5 <0.5 1 3.4 58.9 M W- l 7 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 r 0.5 1 < 0.5 17.4 MW-17 5/14/2008 3.73 r 0.70 ¢ 0.80 0.80 0.91 J 19 M W-17 5/28/2009 7 0.076 J < 0.05 < 0-14 0.69 14.5 MW-17 5/27/2010 5.7 r 0.11 r 0.1 1 0.32 0.61 .1 12.4 MW-17 10/3I/2011 0.51 <0.81 a 0.16.1 0.573 8.9 MW-18 10/31/2011 3.140 11.100 998 8.950 - 1.140 MW-19 10/3I/2011 2.390 8.790 1.380 7.040 - 5.160 A blank cell indicates that the analyte was not determined by the associated method. Italics indicate analysis for duplicate sample collected for laboratory quality assurance purposes. <9 Not detected at the specified detection limit uglL Micrograms per liter J Estimated value UJ Not detected and the detection limit is estimated value U Not present above the associated level: blank contamination exists IPE Isopropyl ether MTBE Methvi tert-buts I ether P avw Wa Vt'24'ea w ws ae, �sr.wao o�.r 's 2Fry � is v t" ft� i wwmhewr.e. 6 Page 2 of 2 Table 6 Persulfate Demand Calcula Former Retail Station BP 24163 Winston Salem, North Carolina Source Core Calculation Assumptions Definition Value Units Source Treatment Area = 1,000 square feet Figure 4 Treatment Interval = 7 feet Soil Density = 35 k Ift3 typical Effective porosity= 30% conservative assumption Sodium Persulfate SOD = 0.54 1 glkg IFMC Site -Specific Anal ical Testing Design Concentrations : Groundwater I I PH-GHO 1 130,000 I 1.800 1 Calculations Definition Value Units Treatment Area Volume = 7,000 cubic feet Soil mass = 245,000 kilo rams Groundwater Volume = 59,451 liters Soil Oxidant Demand = 292 pounds Groundwater Contaminant Mass and Associated Persulfate Oxidant Demand: Total Soil Contaminant Mass: Perimeter Areas Calculation Assumntinnc Definition Value Units Source Treatment Area = 2,000 square feet Figure 4 Treatment Interval = 8 feet Soil Density = 35 k /ft typical Effective porosity= 30% Iconservative assumption Sodium Persulfate SOD = 0.54 glkg I FMC Site -Specific Analytical Testing Design Concentrations: Groundwater Calculations Definition Value Units Treatment Area Volume = 16,000 cubic feet Soil mass = 560,000 kilograms Groundwater Volume = 135,888 titers Soil Oxidant Demand = 667 pounds Groundwater Contaminant Mass and Associated Persulfate Oxidant Demand: Petroleum Persulfate Petroleum Petroleum Persulfate Oxidant Petroleum Hydrocarbon Oxidant Demand Persulfate Oxidant Hydrocarbon Hydrocarbon Demand Persulfate Oxidant Hydrocarbon Mass Mass (FMC, 2010) Demand Mass 1 Mass (FMC, 2010) Demand (kg) (lbs) (lb per lb) (lbs) (kg) (Ibs) (lb per Ib) (Ibs) 7.7 17.0 47 801 TPH-GRO 8.0 17.7 47 831 Persulfate Oxidant Demand Assuminq 10% of the Soil Contaminant Mass Becomes Available: Total Soil Contaminant Mass: Persulfate Oxidant Demand Ass urn ina 10% of the Soil Contaminant Mass Becomes Available: Persulfate Persulfate Oxidant Oxidant Demand Persulfate Oxidant Demand Persulfate Oxidant Mass Mass (FMC, 2010) Demand Mass Mass (FMC, 2010) Demand (kg) (Ibs) (lb per lb) (Ibs) TPH-GRO (kg) (lbs) (lb per lb) (lbs) 44.1 97.2 47 4,569 45.7 100.7 47 4,735 Source Core Persulfate Oxidant Demand Perimeter Areas Persulfate Oxidant Demand Persulfate Oxidant Demand = 5,662 pounds Persulfate Oxidant Demand = 6,232 pounds Notes 1.) Source core groundwater concentration based on concentrations detected in a sample collected from MW-5R and MW-8R in October 2011. Perimeter area groundwater concentration based on concentrations detected in a sample collected from MW-18 and MW-19 in October 2011, 2) Source core soil concentration based on concentrations detected in soil samples collected from within the source core area in October 2011. Perimeter soil concentration was calculated as: perimeter soil TPH = (perimeter GW TPH)I(source core GW TPH) x (source core soil TPH). (FMC, 2010) - KloaurS Persulfate Fact Finder for Soil and Groundwater Remediation, FMC Corporation -SOD: Soil Oxidant Demand -Ibsj: pound(s) -kg/ft3 : kilograms per cubic foot -kg - kilogram -glkg : grams per kilogram -TPH : total petroleum hydrocarbons -mg/kg: milligrams per kilogram -GRO : gasoline range organics -ug/L : micrograms per liter -GW = groundwater P OPTmeusAW4163, Cif W-$. 361 Kwmood steel6 0 DehvaFaWe1L5 2 Final Deliverablesµ 15 Pilot Test Re111lls Letter RepoAlTableMTOWe% mass Calc 1 of 1 Table 7 Sodium Hydroxide Activator ❑emand Calculations Former Retail Station BP 24163 Winston Salem, North Carolina Value Units Source NaOH Persulfate ❑emand = 0.1267 gal. 25% NaOH per (FMC. 2012) pound persulfate Soil NaOH Buffering Demand - 0.0019 gal. 25% NaOH per Vironex Site -Specific pound soil Buffering Test Source Core NaOH Demand (25% solution) Soil buffering NaOH Demand = 1,021 Igallons NaOH Persulfate ❑emand = 717 Igallons Total NaOH ❑emand = 1,738 gallons Perimeter Area NaOH Demand (25% solution) Soil buffering NaOH demand = 2,334 Igallons NaOH Persulfate Demand = 790 Igallons Total NaOH Demand = 3,123 gallons -NaOH sodium hydroxide -FeEDTA . chelated iron product from FMC -gal. - gallons -(FMC, 2012) information proved ❑n FMC Corporation website; http:llwww.envsoiutions.fmc.com -Note that NaOH dosing is partially a function of persulfate mass because sufficient NaOH must be injected to buffer the persulfate acidity. Table 8 Solution Mixing Calculations Former Retail Station BP 24163 Winston Salem, North Carolina Source Core Area Mixing Calculations Assumptions Definition Value Units Source Treatment Area Volume = 7,000 cubic feet see Table 6 Mobile porosity = 10% conservative assumption' Volume Reduction Factor = 1 See note 2 Number of Injection Locations = 13 Assumes 10 footspacing Injection Location Vertical Interval Height = 7 feet Based on MIP investigation Total Persulfate Oxidant Demand = 5,662 pounds see Table 6 Total NaOH Solution 25% Quantity = 1,73$ gallons see Table 7 Density of NaOH Solution 25% = 10.61 Ibsl al FMC, 2012 Density of Water = 8.345 Ibsl al Sodium Persulfate Crystal Specific Gravity = 2.59 (FMC, 2012) Calculations Design Total Injection Mixture Volume = mobile porosity x treatment area volume = 5.236 gallons Sodium Persulfate 100%) Powder Volume = 262 gallons Calculated Design Persulfate Dilution Water Volume = 4,974 gallons Calculated Design Persulfate Dilution Water Masss = 45,446 pounds Total Persulfate Mixture Dilution Percentages= 11% Total Mixture Injection Volume per Injection Location = 403 gallons Volume per Injection Location Vertical Foot = 58 gallons Perimeter Area Mixing Calculations Assumptions Definition Value Units Source Treatment Area Volume = 16,000 cubic feet see Table 6 Mobile porosity = 10% conservative assumption' Volume Reduction Factor = 2 See note 2 Number of Injection Locations = 26 Assumes 10 footspacing Injection Location Vertical Interval Height = 8 feet Based on MIP investi ation3 Total Persulfate Oxidant Demand = 6,232 pounds see Table 6 Total NaOH Solution 25% Quantity = 3,123 gallons see Table 7 Density of NaOH Solution 25% = 10.61 Ibsl al FMC, 2012 Density of Water = 8.345 Ibsl al Sodium Persulfate Crystal Specific Gravity = 2.59 (FMC, 2012) Calculations Design Total Injection Mixture Volume = mobile porosity x treatment area volume = 5,984 gallons Sodium Persulfate 100% Powder Volume = 288 gallons Calculated Design Persulfate Dilution Water Volumes = 5,696 gallons Calculated Design Persulfate Dilution Water Mass4 = 54,605 pounds Total Persulfate Mixture Dilution Percentages = 10% Total Mixture Injection Volume per Injection Location = 230 allons Volume per Injection Location Vertical Foot = 29 gallons Notes: 1.] The mobile porosity is conservatively estimated to represent soil pore volume available for injection_ A design total injection mixture volume equal to the estimated mobile pore volume is utilized to ensure that: 1.) enough pore space is available for injection (avoid daylighting of treatment material) and 2.) the treatment media is injected into and reacts within the area targeted for treatment and is not pushed into pore space outside of the targeted area. However, the solution volumes presented are estimates and may be adjusted based on field conditions. 2) A volume reduction factor is included to address dissolved phase contaminant displacement into surrounding groundwater_ For the source core, a factor is not included because the goal of sufficient distribution in this area is considered paramount to injection implementation labor cost and potential temporary increases of dissolved phase concentrations in surrounding groundwater. For the perimeter areas, a factor of 2 included is included to reduce the injected volume in half. In the perimeter areas, distribution and treatment is less essential to reaching remedial goals and implementation time cost reduction is warranted. Also, outward groundwater displacement in these areas is more likely to impact surrounding groundwater. Note that this factor affects the dilution water volume, the total injected volume, and the mixture dilution percentage, but does not affect the mass of Persulfate injected. 3.) The vertical interval represents a weighted average of the intervals for perimeter areas A and B. 4.) Note that the dilution water includes the NaOH 25% solution. 5.) Dilution percentage = persulfate mass 1 (persulfate mass + dilution water mass). Note that for both calculations, the activator solution mass is included so that the value reflects the persulfate percentage of the total mass injected. -NaOH : sodium hydroxide -MIP : membrane interface probe -lbs/gal.: pounds per ga{Ion -(FMC, 2012) : information proved on FMC Corporation website; http://www.envsolutions.fmc.com P %MProledsVNC124183. CK WS. 381 Knollwmd StreeM 0 dehverablWS.2 Final Do verablasW 15 Pilol Teal RasuBs Letter ReportlTableeNTabiss Mass Calcs 1 of 1 �-1 Attachment 1 Statement of Limitations Statement of Limitations This report has been prepared based on assumptions made by URS related to data and site characterization from previous and proposed site investigations. These assumptions, although thought to be reasonable and appropriate, may not prove to be true in the future. Data and site characterization utilized to develop this summary report and injection plan are restricted by the following limitations. Background information and other data have been furnished to URS by ARCO. NCDENR and/or third parties, which URS has used in preparing this report. URS has relied on this information as furnished, and is neither responsible for nor has confirmed the accuracy of this information. In addition, it would be extremely expensive, and perhaps not possible, to perform an investigation which would completely characterize subsurface geological conditions to ensure the detection of all materials at the site which now are, or in the future might be, considered "contaminants" by State or federal regulatory agencies. It is possible that any environmental investigation may fail to reveal the presence of critical subsurface characteristics or contaminants that may be present. URS' failure to discover hazardous materials or contaminants through reasonable and mutually agreed -upon scopes of work does not guarantee that hazardous materials or contaminants do not exist at the site. Finally, opinions presented herein apply to the existing and reasonably foreseeable site conditions at the time of our assessment. Changes in the condition of this property may occur with time due to natural processes or works of man at the site or on adjacent properties. Changes in applicable standards may also occur as a result of legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes beyond our control. No expressed or implied representation or warranty is included or intended in our reports except that our services were performed, within the limits prescribed by our clients, with the customary thoroughness and competence of our profession. -■ Attachment 2 Membrane Interface Probe Investigation Report, Vironex (MIP Boring Logs) 1 R I RO N t X Membrane Interface Probe Investigation Report BP 24163 381 Knollwood Drive Winston-Salem, North Carolina Prepared for: URS 1600 Perimeter Park Drive #400 Morrisville, North Carolina Prepared by: Vironex, Inc. 4961 Telsa Drive, Suite E Bowie, Maryland November 3, 2011 Reproduction and distribution of this document without the express written consent of Vironex is strictly prohibited. The methodology and approaches presented herein ore proprietary to Vironex. Wilmington, DE - Washington, DC - Denver, CO - Los Angeles, CA - San Francisco, CA www. vironex. corn 1R�[V�X Search and Destroy® Project Summary Project Name: BP 24163 Project Dates: October 24 and 25, 2011 Equipment/Manpower: Vironex mobilized one (1) custom Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) System, one direct push technology unit, and two team members to the project site. Contaminant(s) of Concern: Volatile ❑rganic Compounds Project Summary: Vironex advanced 12 direct push MIP borings from the ground surface to between approximately 12 and 21 feet below ground surface (bgs). Each boring location was airknifed from ground surface to 6.5 feet bgs prior to advancing MIP tooling. For the purposes of this project, the MIP system was equipped with a halogen specific detector (XSD), electron capture detector (ECD), photo -ionization detector (PID), and flame -ionization detector (FID). During the advancement of each boring, the response of each detector, relative to depth, was recorded in accordance with the standard operating procedures for the MIP system. Additionally, the electrical conductivity of soil, relative to depth, was collected during each MIP boring to provide a relative indication of soil types across the boring interval. The MIP boring logs are provided in Appendix A. Notes related to specifics of each individual MIP boring are provided in Appendix B. Additional information regarding the principals and procedures associated with the MIP system is presented in Appendix C. Quality Assurance/Quality Control: In order to maintain quality assurance and quality control standards during the course of the project, a response test was completed before and after each MIP boring (additional details regarding response testing are provided in Appendix Q. The response test indicates that the MIP system is operating properly, and therefore, may be advanced into the subsurface. All response testing conducted during the project were within the applicable Geoprobe guidelines. Additionally, the internal carrier gas pressure of the system and MIP temperature were monitored during the advancement of each MIP boring to ensure the system was functioning properly. URS - BP 24163 - Winston-Salem, North Carolina Search and Destroy® Appendix A -- MIP Boring Logs (Auto -Scale) URS - BP 24163 - Winston-Salem, North Carolina 4961 Telsa Drive Boring Name: MIN 9 Total Depth ft 19.60 P �� Suite 149= Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 [ft] Dep h of GW Pm."o or Ch&M Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 09:03:29 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: IMIP Mon Oct 24 2011 09:22:12 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity --- - XS❑ Conductivity PID Conductivity — FID Conductivity Conductivity Response {Milli-SiemenslM} Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) -• N N W W A A cn 1 N tV W W A A Cn � s N N W W A A Cn s� N) N W W A A Cis o 0o cn o cn o cn o cn o o o o in o Cn o rn o cn o o Cn o Ln a cn o cn o cn o o us o cn o cn o CP o cr o 0 0 0 6 1 1 1 1 0 5 20 25 + Q 0 0 m Q Q 5 1 20 25 5 10 ro ro 15 20 1 '. A [p 4 0 — — N R7 4 N W d Q N Q Q 4 Cn Q r." Q Q Q Q 4 o Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q o Q m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + Q Q Q Q CD O O O Q 4 4 6 LT Cis a) Q A (T [.f1 L11 Cit Q �1 V V ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) 5 10 20 25 4 N W 0 Qa QQ CD m m m m a O Q Q -1 -1 -1 FID Response WuV) 4961 TeDrive Darin Name: MIP2 9 Total Depth (ft): 21.90 Suitee E Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13 90 F:301-352-6643 MY Degh of OW Provided by C6iM Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 10:02:07 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 10:22:10 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP 5 ecialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity fID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) -► N O 0 C� W A tR 6] C7 C7 C] 0 d N W A Ln M N CD C7 0 CD 0 0 C] C)O Ca � Cn 0) cm) CD Ca C] 1 N W A C1t CA 4 Q W iD CD Ca 0 0 5 20 25 f - - I L j o A ao m m m m + + + + a Ul a 01 C" M 0 5 10 20 75 0 N W Q Q 0 Q m m m m Q C, Q Q o Ln cn Ln 0 5 10 CO T 15 20 0 5 10 0 Cv a 15 20 25 I I I i 25 Q N W p IR] W m m m m m Co m m o a o+ Q +Q a 0 V 0 —1 �1 V ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Suite E BoringName: MIP3 Total Depth ft 20.60 P �' _ 149= Bowie. MD 20715 Notes: P301-352-6642 F:301-352-6643 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13,90 (ft}: Depm of GW Pr Yoed uy Cent Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 i 1:09:57 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 11:30:33 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT ECD Conductivity XS❑ Conductivity PID Conductivity FI❑ - - Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) o Cn Cn 0 fV N W W A � o cn a cs� a Up Cn 0 n 1 0 N N W W A A o cn o cn o cn o cn 0 1 1 1 s ra N W W o Cn o �n Q cs oa0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 —a to tv W W -0. A cn o rsi o cn 0 5 10 Q a 15 20 5 20 25 25 + Q A CD N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m m m m m m + + + + + + + O c4t� C�J� W 03 M O 5 20 25 4- N W Q 0 0 0 0 m m m m + + + + C7 [7� O [,TI Q VI Q d N 0 0 m m + + Q b V V 5 10 v 15 20 J 25 W Q Qo Qo m m + + a Q V 4 N A m m Q Q �1 V 0] m Q ECD Response (uV) XS❑ Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response (uV) 4967 Te Drive BoringName' MIN Total Depth (ft): 19.65 i RO N E X Suitea E Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352.6643 MY Depth of Gw Pmvuad by Gieni Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 12:43:16 Project Name: SP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: �MIIP Mon Oct 24 2011 13:02:36 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig T pe: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity — XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FI❑ Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) o M o �. N) tv w w cn o cn o cn o Cn o s.� ra w w Cn o cn o cn o to o ry ru w w [n o cn o [n s s ry ry W W o cn o cn o CP o cn 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 15 20 5 W-111 5 20 25 25 1 1 25 j I _ O �Q A ❑1 03 0 [n _ _ N IV 0 N W O 0 O O O O o O O b o r7 O b O O O [Ii 4 4 O O 6 0 O d 6 O Q 0 6 0 m + m + m m m + + + m m + + m + m m m + + + m + m + m m + + m + 0 O Q (h O 0 O L� CT CT O O 03 O O O Q [n Cn Ch Q [T a b o 0 V V 0 V ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) 5 10 20 25 4961 Tell rive Boring Name: MIPS Total Depth (ft): '19.55 �Rorv�Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P.301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 1190 F:301-352-6643 (R): Oeplh of GW Piov ded by Chem Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Baring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 13:4&47 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 14:12:40 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity - XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FIE) Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response {Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) N N W W� A M �� rV N W W_t� 4 Ln N r) W W4�- A M s� R] rV W W 44� Ln o Cr,o cr CDcn CDLn CDLn CD o Ls} o c.n o Ln 0 Ln o cn c❑ O (-n O irf o U) o CP o Ln o o cn o cn o Ln Q (n O cr a 0 0 0 0 5 10 m I 20 25 CD o 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m m m + + + + ao on U LLn 5 20 2S 5 10 0 m a x 15 20 74; r= Q CA — A.Y A] 0 N W o a o v a Cn 4 0 4 4 m m m m m m m m m m o a o o +o 0 0 0 0 0 p A Cj1 C)t [n [T C7 V V V ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (W) PID Response (uV) 5 10 v ro s 15 20 25 O O 0 m 0 C] KI A m 0 0 0 0 0 0 rn m m + + + 0 -4 oV FID Response(uV) 4961 TeDrive Boring m 9 Name: MIPG Total Depth (ft): 1$.58 i �toty �x suitete I= _ Bowie, MD 20715 Motes: I P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 M Depth of GW FkUvde.d by clied Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS _ Trunkline Length. 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 14:30:08 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: �MIP Mon Oct 24 2011 15:47:58 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: _ Chuck Te nry ECD - Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FIO Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-5iemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-5iemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) s IV NJW W A � � N r`7 W W A s s N) " W W A s N R7 W W A o cn o to o cn o cn o o cn c) cn o cn cD cn o o Cn 0� CP 0 Cn a cn o o cn o cn o cn o cn o r 5 10 v 3 15 20 5 10 20 25 -mil 1-� 25 o A o0 0 N A O1 m 0 o a ru o a o 0 0 a o 0 0 o Q o 0 0 rn m m m m m m m m 4 [n C1i 0 0 Lnn 0 Lnn Lnn 5 10 15 20 C N 0 0 0 4 Q 0 m m m 00 O O U 5 10 v v A 15 20 25 i o a 90 O O 0 N m m m m + + + + 0 0 0) 60] O ECD Response (W) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Suite E Boring Name: MIPl 9 Total Depth (ft): 78.80 Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P-301-352-6642 F:301-352-6643 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13-90 {ft): Ocp[n o1 GW Provioetl ay Client Job Information MIP Sampling Information Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 16:33:19 Client Company: URS Project Name: BP 24163 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 16:55:39 Probe Type: 6520 Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist Chuck Terry Site Address: 381 Knoilwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC ECD Conductivity - XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemensft) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) o cr o C" 0 1 N N W W A A 1 s CDLn CD cry CD Cn o 0(D 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 IliN W W4� A o Cn o cn CD Cn o Cn 1 1 a N N W W t t o cn o Cn CD CA CDrs s i IV TV Co W A A o cn o Cn o U1 o Cn o Cn a 5 10 ro 7 EE 15 20 6011111111 5 10 M a S 15 20 �4� 5 20 irly 5 20 �►�����J O A 00 Q N W A O h7 W A M O Q7 p 0 0 p 0 0 N 0 0 o O O O a o O 0 O 0 O Q O O 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O N 0 0 0 m + m m + + m m + + m m m + + + m + m + m m m m + + + + m + m + m m m + + + a 0 0 0 cn rst 0 0 rn 0 a 0 0 cn cn cn 0 cn 0 o 0 0 0 0 -4 -1 -4 0 -11 0 a a o 0 ti ti m ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response (uV) 4961 TeDrive Boring Name: MIP8 Total Depth (ft). 20.60 I RO N E �C Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: _ P.301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 M. Oeplh al GW PfOvMed by Client Job Information MIP Sampling Information Trunkline Length: 150 Probe Type: 6520 Start Boring Time: Mon Od 24 2011 17:21:42 Client Company: URS Project Name: BP 24163 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 242011 17:41:13 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECQ Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-5iemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemensJM) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) x N N W W s O cri Q Cn O U1 p Cn CO O Cn O N N W W Cn O cri O Cn O O Cn i N N W W A O cfT O cn Q cn O s s R] N W W Z. O cn O UT O CA O to O a o a a 5 10 m v 7 20 5 10 M a 15 20 5 20 5 10 20 25 25 PE 25 25 O A OD 0 — N w D. O to � 0 0 1 IV w A Q O b 0 C> p A] Q Q 0 O C> 0 p 0 0 0 01 C> p O 01 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 M m m + + + m m m m m m M + + + + + + + rn m m + + + m m m m m + + + + + 0 0 0 0 en cn a 0 0 0 a 0 a oy 0 On Cn en rs ca c7 o a 0 0 o a 0 rn rn rn 0) ECD Response (uV) ]CSC] Response (uV) PID Response (W) FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Boring Name: MIP9 9 Total Depth ft : P �' 19.06 1 RD N E X Suite E _ Bowie, MD 20715 NDtes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. cW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 (n)' Depth of GW Prordetl by Chem Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 17:55:13 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 18:13:08 _U_RS Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 Site Address:— 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity - XSD Conductivity PI❑ Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) N N W CO s tV " W W N N W W s s " R7 W W O Cn O Cn Q Cr C7 CJt a Cn O Cn O Cn O Cn O Cn Ca Cn Q CP C7 01 a CT O Cn O Cn 0 CA 0 0 0 0 5 10 v m v 9 15 20 25 L a 0 m a 0 5 20 25 5 20 �m 5 10 15 20 P. CO o N w o 0 q O O O o N O o O O O 4 O d O O CD 0 G 0 O U 67 d 0 0 o O m m + + m m + + m m m + + + m + m + m + m m m m + + + + 0 a cn w o a CD o 0 o C? 0cn cn P crt 0 0 0 0 0 0 rn V o ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PiD Response (uV) N W 0 0 0 m m m 0 00 FID Response (W) 4961 Tee Drive florin Name: 9 MIP'10 Total Depth ft 12.20 ): I RDN � x Suite E p� Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Hand-augered location to 6.5 feet bgs. Refusal at 12.20 feet bgs- GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 (n) Degh of GW Pmvmed by C11 M Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: UR5 Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 09:36:52 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 09:47:57 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC _ Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) o RJ A d] CD a rU C) N #. CF) M O TV O N A rn Co d N O N A Q] co o RJ 0 0I i 0 5 10 0 m v 15 20 5 20 25 25 L Q Ci N N O Q Q O In p CSt Q m m M m m m m + + + + + + + 0 Q � con con Lnn con 5 20 25 5 20 25 A co W W A A A 0 N W A Q 0 N ❑] CD Q N A 0 O Q Q 0 O 0 Q Q 0 0 Q Q 0 0 0 0 10m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + Q Q o 0 0 o Q CD 0 0 a CP M v+ cn cn cn 0 cn (P cn 0 ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response (uV) r 1 RAN E }C 4961 Telsa Drive Suite E Boring Name: 9 MIP10 Total Depth ft 20.40 p �� Bowie, Ma 20715 Holes: P:301-352-6642 F:301-352-6643 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. New membrane used for this boring. This location is positioned GW Depth 3.94 between MW8R and IP2. MY Oep i of GW PFp .ded by Chem Job Information MEP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length. 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 07:56:26 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 08:16:58 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type 6520 Site Address: 381 Knolfwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECR Conductivity XSD Conductivity 1 PID Conductivity -- FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (MiIIi-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) 1 r1i C7 CD CD GJ A Lh 07 V " W � CP Q7 V CD CD0 C) O O D 0 C7 C) 6 O O s N W A 01 CA V -> " W � Cn 07 V C7 C7 C] O C] CD d 0 C7 0 a 0 0 C7 C7 O 0 0 Ti� ! 5 10 ro �s 3 15 20 25 O N A 4 W v a o n o m m m m m 0 v O O O O ECD Response (uV) 5 20 0 0 5 20 25 1 t I i I t 25 1 O71N W A Ln O 0 0 0 o v o 0 m m m m m m m +o +4 0 0 O Cn Q fr [h 0 (71 0 0 Q XSD Response W) N W O O O m m m + + + O O a PID Response(uV) 5 10 ro 15 20 �dI 0 0 m m 4 O �1 O N O O m m FID Response(uV) W 0 0 m 4 f}7 149= 4961 Te a Drive Suite E —Boring Name: MIP'12 Total Depth tt 2'1.40 p � �= Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. This location is positioned between MW5 and IP1. GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 A: oeoh o} GW Provided by Client Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 08:46:31 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 09:05:59 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Ri T pe: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECR Conductivity XSD Conductivity PIS Conductivity FII7 Conductivity Conductivity Response [Milli-SiemenslM] Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) 3 N W C7 C� 0 0 A Cn CD V Co (D 3 rV W 0 A C31 ❑7 0l OD uD s IV W A 0 C7 V UV COCa cD � fV W I Ol 00 [Q O a CD CD CD 0 0 0 a O CD 0 CD 0 CD 0 O 0 CD O CD o o Q 0 C) O 0 O O a 0 O An 5 10 v CD v 15 20 25 1 I I I O N W O 0 O O m m m m a s ECD Response (uV) u 5 10 0 m a =r 15 20 U 5 10 Q T 15 20 7R Q N W A p O O O p 4 O m m m m m m o a o +o +o 0 XSD Response (uV) r PID Response (uV) u 5 10 20 25 r 4 I I O N A ❑) v o 0 0 O o a o m m m -n 0 O 0 V 0 0 � v FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Suite E ic :I23M Bowie, MD 20715 P:301-352-6642 F:301-352-6643 www_viranex cnm Boring Name: IP2EC2 Total De Notes: Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. 21.6 GW DelAh 3. [ft) D.Vd, 0 GW P—Wed by CkrA Job Information EC Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 10:13:26 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 10.21:05 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT EC Specialist: Chuck Terry Conductivity mS/m Speed FT/MIN -Speed FT/MIN Canduclrvdy m5lM N N w W A s A] N N N W W C Cn Q Cr C7 CIt C7 CP Q n U7 O U1 Q UI O U! a CJr O (h 01 Cn O 0 5 r60 rl 0 5 i►Zfn 25 U 5 20 P Lfi o C.� ex 4961 Telsa Drive Site Boring Name: iP�EC3 Total Depth ft : 22.36 Zn.M Bowie. MID 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Hand augered to 6 feet bgs. Gw Depth — 13•9 F:301-352-6643 MY www.vironex.com oepm or Gw crowded by CLem Job Information EC Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkltne Length: 150 Start Baring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 10:35:24 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: IEC Thu Oct 27 2011 10:41:45 Site Address 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66 DT Specialist: Chuck Terry Conductivity mSjm Speed FT/MIN —Speed FTRuIIN Caneuchvrty mSIM N CDo a W It. (A w —4 � o v o 0 --1 s N o ran a Cn o cNrr v n} a a o W A (h v o CD ❑? V r) 0 fl d 5 10 v 15 PAIR 5 20 25 r -- I 25 5 10 x 15 20 25 0 N J W Q CJi CD1 (n O Search and Destroy® Appendix A - MIP Boring Logs (Common -Scale) URS - BP 24163 - Winston-Salem, North Carolina 4961S rive goring Name: MIN Total Depth ft• 19.60 P }. Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 (Votes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13-90 F.301-352-6643 (ft) Oeplh of GW Proved 4 CJwl Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: UR5 Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 09:03:29 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 09:22:12 Site Address: 381 KnolWood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity - XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response {Milli-Siemens/M} Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) R? A a7 co C N A 03 00 C N A 0) co O IV A 0] co C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 v ffl 3 15 20 25 5 20 5 20 5 24 C3 N A T 00 q N A M CO — q -• 7J W A L]t Q O q O O b a q q 0 q q q Q O Q q O O L] q q q Q C7 0 0 q q O q 0 Q 0 q q O m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a o 0 0 o Q Q q o a o o a a a o 0 Q M Q1 rn 0 C] fh Cn On L" ❑1 q V V -4 O N) W L7 O O m m m + + + CO M CO ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response(uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Boring Name: MIP2 Depth (21.90 Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 Notes:14ON -Total -�= P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13,90 F.301-352-6643 MY peph or GW Provided W Chem Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Man Oct 24 2011 10:02:07 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 10:22:10 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT I MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity - -- FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM] Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) N o 4 ❑7 00 v N 0 0 o a C� A a] Oo 0 N o 0 0 0 O 0 A 0) co p 0 0 o a N .A 0) fW O a a a 0 0 c7 5 10 m A 15 20 N A Q O d Q m m m rn m rn ECD Response (uV) 5 20 5 20 5 20 DP Q N A 9) 00 O N W A P O C. O O o Q Q O O o o O O 6 Q O Q O O O O O O O p Q p O O m m m m m m m m m m rn m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a o o a a Q a o 0 0 0 0 o Q ❑] O Vr M V1 Ch ❑i O 1 V V v N O XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) N W O 00 O m m m co 00 w FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Borin Name: M�P3 9 Total Depth (ft): 20.60 I RQ N E X Suite E Bowie. MD 20715 Note P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6-5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13,90 F-301-352-6643 (ft) wwW.Vlf0nex.Com oegh of Gw Provided by Cli l Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 11:09:57 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: IMIP Mon Oct 24 2011 11:30:33 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity — -- XSD Conductivity —PID Conductivity — FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) N � A 0) co p N 3 � d] co C) N Z. o) co Q rJ A O) co Q O O O O O O O O 0 co 0 O O O O O d O 0 O CG 0 a 0 1 i I o i I 1 0 i i i I 1 a 1 1 i 1 o 5 10 a 20 C7 0 O C] 0 C7 m m m O O b O7 p1 W ECD Response (uV) 5 20 25 20 5 20 25 co 0 Na A w W — C7 N W A Ch O 25 p O C) C7 0 C7 0 C] 0 0 0 C7 0 C7 0 Q C. Q 4 CoC) C) (D (D C) CD C) C)m m m m m m m m m m m m m m } t + t t t t t t t t t t t C?C7 0 O U 0C, O C] C] C] Q 0 p� C7 Cr fT Ln fs Ol y y -4 y C7 XSD Response (uV) PID Response W) N C3 0 O � m m t t co W FID Response (uV) 4961 T Drive BoringName: MIN Total De th ft : '19.65 ()' Suite Suite E p Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P!301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13.9D F:301-352-6643 (ft) Depth of GW PmObd by Owns Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 12:43:16 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 _JIMIP End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 13:02:36 Sine Address: 381 KnDIIWODd Dr, Winston-Salem, NC R' T Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity — FI❑ Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-SlemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemen s/M) N 0 A O) Co Q N O O a o 0 0 -P. M W O r a p Q O CD Q d A 0) co O a C) O a N A CD ofl p Q 0 0 O 0 d u M72 10 ffl T 15 20 25 k a 0 O m v N A 61 0 0 0 d O O m m m ) +0 +o rn m rn u I rl 5 10 20 U 5 pion 5 10 20 Op 0 N A 91 97 Q IV W A Cn O O O 0 0 0 0 Q O Q 0 0 6 0 Q O 0 0 0 0 C. 0 Q Q 0 0 Q 0 m m m m m m rn m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + p 0 0 O p p 00 0 00 CD o 0 p� [7� [74 L" Ch ❑i O -1 -1 -1 -4 -I O fV W 6 Q Q m m m + + + ca 003 m ECD Response (uV) )(SD Response (uV) PI❑ Response (uV) FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive BoringNam 149= Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P 301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 f F:301-352-6643 www_vironeK com Job Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: GeoF ECD Conductivity XS❑ Conductivity Conductivity Response {Milli-SiemenslM} Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) 1 rU � a) OD Q R) -N 0) Oo 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 5 10 0Cl)f Ei 15 20 25 p 0 m 0 0 N A p Cp p CD 0 m m m rn rn rn ECD Response (uV) 5 20 25 e: eet MIP5 Total Depth (ft): 19.55 bgs. GW Depth 13.90 MY Depth of GW P-,- d by Genf MIP Sampling Information Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 13:48:47 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 14:12:40 e 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry PID Conductivity FI❑ Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) N -9�k d7 co 0 IV A 0) co a 0 0 0 o C C a a 0 0 0 0 0 5 20 25 5 10 0 CD x 15 20 ttttttttirl.� Op 4 N A T W 4 N Ca A L7f o q 0 p 0 m m + + p 0 [7] 4 0 0 m + O [7i 0 0 m + o [T 0 0 m + 0 0 0 0 m + p [h p 0 m + O Q1 p 0 m + 0 p 4 0 m + O -1 O 0 m + p -1 d p m + p -4 0 0 m + 0 y p p 0 0 m m + + Co v 0 XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) N W p 0 M m m m m m FID Response(uV) 4961 Telsa Drive BoringName: MIPB T Total Depth ft 18.50 P f• SuiteE 149= Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. cw Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 [n1 nepen or cw Proneeu by c�rem Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 14:30:08 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: IMIP Mon Oct 24 2011 15:47:58 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Gea robe 660T Specialist: Chuck Terry ECd Conductivity XSp Conductivity PID Conductivity Flp Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) IV A M 00 C] RJ � A Cn 00 C] N 1 A CF) 00 0 � N 4 0) Ca 0 o O O C7 C7 (D CD CD a fl fl C7 0 C] 0 0 0 C? 0 0 C7 C7 a C) a o 1 1 0 5 10 rD a Ei 15 20 25 d 0 v m +0 O N A Qi 0 0 0 m m m +o 0 ) 5 10 20 25 5 20 25 5 10 M 15 20 25 pp O N A 9) 91 N W A Ch O p O o o O C> 0 O 0 0 O O 0 0 0 O 6 O O O Q o 0 O O O 0 0 M m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O CT CT CT CT m O V V V 0 N 00 O m m OD 0 W 0 0 M 0 ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) FID Response(uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Boris Name: MIP7 Total Depth ft 18.60 RQ N E 7C Suite E 9 P �' Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. GW Depth 13.90 F 301-352-6643 inl Depth or GW Pmvidm by client Job Information MiP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 16:33:19 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 16:55:39 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Or, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT IMIP Specialist: Chuck Ter ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response [Milli-SiemenslM) s N A Ol cc O N -P. M 03 0 N A 0) co Q M A 07 co O 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 5 10 v m a 15 20 N A 61 o a Q0 m m m + t t ECD Response (uV) 5 20 5 10 20 5 20 co 0 N A M OD O N W A Cn O O 0 Q 01 a 4 Q O O b O O O w> p O O C> O O 0 Q Q 4 4 O d 6 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + p O O 0 a 4 Cn O O -4 O O O 0 m O CJt [.it f.h Ch Q] p -! -1 -1 V V � XSD Response (W) PID Response (uV) 0 0 0 m m m Q O 0 W co co AD Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Borin Name: MIPS g Total Depth (ft): 20.60 [ RO N E x suite 1 Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs- GW Depth 13,90 F:301-352-6643 (n)- Oeoh of GW Provided ny cipenl _Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 17:21:42 Project Name: BP 24163 _ End Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 17:41 *13 Prone Type: 6520 Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr,_ Winston-Salem, NC ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity Pip Conductivity F!D - Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response [Milli-SiemenslM] Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response [Milli-SiemenslM] N Q] Co O N 4�. Ql co 0 N A 0) 00 C� N Ak. 0) Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 v v 0 v 0 0 0 0 a 0 5 10 CD a S EY 15 20 N A ❑] 0 o a 0 0 0 m m m 4 t + rn m rn ECD Response (uV) 5 10 v m a 15 20 5 10 0 CD v .Y' 15 20 5 10 0 m 3 15 20 a 25 i i l i i o 25 25 M Q h] A M W 0 M1] W A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a 0 0 0 0 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + p 0 O O C7 O O 0 (.n CT LSi C'1i 0 y V ti ti y XSD Response W) PID Response(uV) 4961 Telsa Drive Borin Name: 9 MIP9 Total Depth (ft): 9.05 Suite Bowie, MD 20715 Motes P:301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6-5 feet hgs. GW Depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 (n) oeph ul Gw Provided by C wo Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Mon Oct 24 2011 17:55:13 Project Name: SP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: ijmip Mon Oct 242011 18:13:08 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity — FIQ Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/10) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-5iemenslM) ti 4�- rn co o K) t� rn co a N A rn co o N) A rn co C) Q 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O O Q Q O O O CD O a a 0 0 O O 0 0 0 1 1 0 5 I I 20 5 10 0 ro n 15 20 5 20 5 10 20 25 ' 4 I 1 ' 25 1 I I i- 1 1 25 ! r I I I 4 25 o N 91 W 4 TJ A Fn PO o N W A cn o C 6 0 Q o o O O O O 0 0 O O C O O o O d C C o a O 0 Q C 0 O O O m m m m + + + + m + m + m + m m m + + + m m + + m m m m rn + + + + + o 0) a o o rn rn rn a rn o a 0 cn 0 o a rs to cs o a m o Q o Q C. 0 � -4 -1 -! -1 i ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) BoringName: MIP10 Total Depth (ft): 12.20 T, Notes: Nand-auge red location to 5.5 feet bgs. Refusal at 12.20 feet big . GW Depth 13.90 M www vimnpr rnm Depth of GW Pravden by client 4961 T tDrive 149= Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 P:301-352-6642 F:301-352-6643 Job intormation MIP Sampling Information Client Company: Trunkline Length 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 09:36,52 Project Name: _URS BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: IMIP Thu Oct 27 2011 09:47:57 Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity — XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response (Milli-Siemens/M) Conductivity Response [Milli-Siemen s)M} iV 1 A a) oa O 1 M 4�- a) co O N A M Go 0 1 R1 A Q7 co Q Q O 0 O o Q C) O a O Q O Q o O O O d CD o a fl O O 0 o 0 0 1 e 15 20 5 10 20 25 1 1 171 4 O O M 0 N S 61 d 6 4 M m m rn rn rn ECD Response (uV) 5 10 15 20 5 T v zr i 15 20 -- -- 25 co O tV A 6] m 0 N W A 0 0 9.r, O 0 0 0 fl O O O 01 0 0 0 0 p Q 0 0 0 o O 0 0 0 O 6 0 0 m m m m m m m m m m m m m m + + + + + + + + + + + + + + a 0 0 0 Q p 0 0 0 0 0 0 o � O (T [jl CJt S.Tt M d V V -j V V 0 XSD Response (uV) PID Response (uV) � N W 4 O O a 0 0 M + m 0 0 0 00 DO W FID Response (uV) 4961 Telsa Drive MIP10 BoringName: Total Depth (ft): 20.40 Suite E )46�= Bowie, MD 20715 Notes: P:3D1-352-6642 Location airk nifed to 6.5 feet bgs. New membrane used for this boring. This location is positioned GW Depth 13,90 F:301-352-6643 between MW8R and IP2. (n) Oepm of GW Provided by Chem Job Information MIP Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 07:56:26 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 08:16:58 Site Address: 381 Knol wood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type Geoprobe 66DT MIP Specialist: Chuck Terry ECD Conductivity XSD Conductivity PID Conductivity --FI❑ Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) N O O A 07 co O N o o Q �D O O A (D co 0 N O O o 0 0 o A 0) 07 o N A 0) Do 0 O 0 Q O (D d CD O a O 670 10 0 (D 15 20 25 4- 0 v 0 m 0 0 N A 6+ 0 0 0 rn rn rn 5 ilf" W44M 5 10 0 a x 15 20 QD O N A 61 90 O m m m m m m m m a) C> Lnn con U" Lin rn 6 N W A 0 o CD 0 m m m m C> 0 0 Q 5 F 15 20 : 'U Cn Q 0 O Co N v o a 0 m m + + W m W O 0 m a w ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (uV) PID Response W) FID Response[uV] 4961 TeDrive Boring Name: MIP12 9 Tl De th 21.40 ota�ft �� [ R�NEX Suite E P Bowie, MD 20715 (Votes: P 301-352-6642 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. This location is positioned between MW5 and IP1. GW depth 13.90 F:301-352-6643 MY Depth of GW Provided by Chen, Job Information _ MIP Sampling Information Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 08:46:31 Client Company: URS Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 09:05:59 IMIP Site Address: 381 Knollwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT Specialist: Chuck Ter ECD Conductivity XSIJ Conductivity PID Conductivity FID Conductivity Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) Conductivity Response [Milli-SiemenslM] Conductivity Response (Milli-SiemenslM) rJ O O � Cn 03 0 N 4N. 07 co p N O 0 Q O t❑ 0 O Q O 0 CD p � 07 03 d N) i� a] co 0 o o 0 Q 0 O 0 Q O CD fl 0 61 10 O m a K S 20 5 10 W4111A 5 10 m 15 20 5 10 v 7 rl 15 20 I I� 25 -I I } I 25 I I I I I 25 N A to U7 O ri A M co O N W A CT O N O 4 O Q O O O O O O 4 O O O O O O O O 6 O Q O O 4 O p O O O O O O O O O O O m m m 4 t t m t m t m m m m + t t t m m t t m m m m t t t t m t m t m m t t O O O ❑1 p7 0)im � O O O O 4 O W [7t Ch [h O O T O O O O O V V -1 �I O y Q O O O co 00 ECD Response (uV) XSD Response (W) PID Response (uV) FID Response (uV) Cl) O m DO 4961 Telsa Drive Suite E Bowie, MD 20715 P:301-352-6642 F:301-352-6643 www vimnpw rnm Boring Name: IP2EC2 Ices: cation airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. Total Depth (ft): 21.60 Gw Depth 3.S tnl: Depth of GW Pro.Wed by C6W Job Information EC Sampling Information _ Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Probe Type: 6520 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 272011 10:13:26 Project Name: BP 24163 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 10:21:05 Site Address: 381 Knallwood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC Rig Type: Geoprobe 66DT i _ EC Specialist: Chuck Terry Conductivity m5/m Speed FT/MIN - Speed FTIMlM !-- CDnductivity m5lM s N A 0 DD O N R] W Iti] A O7 00 O O O O d d d O to O CA O Gi O O CO O O O O 0 D kmmlkmmbmmmimw I r 1 0 55 10 m a 8 15 20 25 5 20 25 5 20 25 p U, N N W p [,Tt O Vi d peg 4961 Telsa Drive Suite E Boring Name: IP2EC3 9 ft : 22.36 Total Depth � Elowie, MD 20715 Notes: P.301-352-6642 Hand augered to 6 feet bgs. GW Dep1h 3 F:301-352-6643 [ft): www-vironex.com Depth of GW Praodd by Ckew Job Information EC Sampling Information Client Company: URS Trunkline Length: 150 Start Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 10:35:24 Project Name: BP 24163 Probe Type: 6520 End Boring Time: Thu Oct 27 2011 10:41:45 Site Address: 381 Knolhvood Dr, Winston-Salem, NC IRig Type: Geoprobe 66DT EC Specialist: Chuck Terry Conductivity mS/m Speed FT/MIN —Speed FT/MIN Conductivity m5/M N C7 C) A W Co 8 O C7 C7 C7 r --+ i N N W O Vt O C31 C7 ()I C) NJ .p q P G ❑] M ca CD C) c7 0 5 10 v a 15 20 25 5 10 m 15 20 25 o 5 20 7S C, Cn N R] G O C1ti CD CT C7 iRaN�x Search and Destroy® Appendix B - MIP Location Notes VIP Date Total Depth Notes Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP1 10.24.11 19.60 MIP2 10.24.11 21.90 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP3 10.24.11 20.60 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP4 10.24.11 19.65 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP5 10.24.11 19.55 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP6 10.24.11 18.50 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP7 10.24.11 18.60 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP8 10.24.11 20.60 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MIP9 10.24.11 19.05 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. MfP10 10.27.11 12.20 Hand -angered location to 6.5 feet bgs. Refusal at 12.20 feet bgs. MIP11 1U7.11 20.40 Location► airknifed to 6.5 feet fogs. New membrane used for this boring. This location is positioned between MW5R and I132. MIP12 10,27.11 21.40 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. This location is positioned between MW5 and IP1. IP2EC2 10.27.11 21.60 Location airknifed to 6.5 feet bgs. IP2EC3 10.27.11 22.35 Hand augured to 6 feet bgs. URS - BP 24163 - Winston-Salem, North Carolina IR�NEJt Search and Destroys Appendix C - MIP System overview The MIP is a direct push tool that produces continuous chemical and physical logs of the vadose and saturated zones. It locates VOCs in -situ and shows you where they occur relative to the geologic and hydrologic units. Vertical profiles, transects, 3D pictures and maps can all be produced from the electronic data generated by the MIP logs. its unique capability of providing reliable, real-time information allows you to make better and timely decisions while your team is still in the field. The MIP is a downhole tool that heats the soils and Cori" groundwater adjacent to the probe to 120 degrees C. This (►rwiAr increases volatility and the vapor phase diffuses across a ("I`b`) membrane into a closed, inert gas loop that carries these vapors to a series of detectors housed at the surface. Continuous chemical logs or profiles are generated from each hole. Soil conductivity is also measured and these logs can be compared to the chemical logs to better understand where the VOCs occur. The MIP technology is only appropriate for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The gas stream can be analyzed with multiple detectors, for example an electron capture detector is used to detect chlorinated solvents, a photo - ionization detector is used to detect petroleum hydrocarbons, and a flame ionization detector is used to detect methane. Equipment: • Geoprobe 6600 MIP Controller (Nitrogen Flow and Heater) • Geoprobe FC 5000 Computer ■ HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph ■ XSD (Halogen Specific Detector) ■ ECD (Electron Capture Detector) • PI❑ (Photo Ionization Detector) 10.2 eV Lamp • FID (Flame Ionization Detector) ■ 150' Heated Trunkline • 1.75" O.D. 6520 MIP Probe • 1.5" O.D. Drive Rods Gas kewm TMk (14 Aekdw) P*Mt1bk aenhmm aeurew PO4 Detector Overview • ECD - Electron Capture Detector uses a radioactive Beta emitter (electrons) to ionize some of the carrier gas and produce a current between a biased pair of electrodes. When organic molecules contain electronegative functional groups, such as halogens, phosphorous, and nitro groups pass by the detector, they capture some of the electrons and reduce the current measured between the electrodes. • XSD - The Halogen Specific Detector converts compounds containing halogens to their oxidation products and fee halogen atoms by oxidative pyrolysis. These halogen atoms are adsorbed onto the activated platinum surface of the detector probe assembly resulting in an increase thermionic emission. This emission current provides a corresponding voltage that is measured via an electrometer circuit in the detector controller. URS - BP 24163 - Winston-Salem, North Carolina IIRON�x Search and Destroy@ • PID — Photo ionization Detector sample stream flows through the detector's reaction chamber where it is continuously irradiated with high energy ultraviolet light. When compounds are present that have a lower ionization potential than that of the irradiation energy (10.2 electron volts with standard lamp) they are ionized. The ions formed are collected in an electrical field, producing an ion current that is proportional to compound concentration. The ion current is amplified and output by the gas chromatog raph's electrometer. • FID — Flame Ionization Detector consists of a hydrogen / air flame and a collector plate. The effluent from the GC (trunkline) passes through the flame, which breaks down organic molecules and produces ions. The ions are collected on a biased electrode and produce an electric signal. MIP Data Collected • Depth - Data is collected from twenty data points per foot. 0.05', 0.10', 0.15% etc... • Electrical Conductivity - Electrical Conductivity data is measured/collected in milli -siemens per Meter (ms/M). The conductivity of soils is different for each type of media. Finer grained sediments, such as silts ❑r clays, will have a higher EC signal. While coarser grained sediments, sands and gravel, will have a lower EC signal. The coarser grained sediments will allow the migration of contaminants and the finer grained sediments will trap the contaminant. • Speed I Advancement Rate - Speed data is measured/collected in feet per minute (ft/min). Speed is an indication of the physical advancement rate of the MIP probe. Speed of the MIP probe can vary due to operator advancement and dense sail types. Speed log can provide soil type information which can be correlated with electrical conductivity. Lower advancement speed, correlated with lower conductivity or larger grained soils would more than likely be associated with dense or compacted sands. • Temperature - Temperature data is measured/collected in Degrees Celsius. Temperature is an indication of the physical temperature of the MIP block. Minimum and Maximum temperature is collected at each vertical interval. Vironex's temperature protocol indicates that the MIP probe temperature shall maintain a minimum temperature of 75 Degrees Celsius. • Pressure - Pressure data is measured/collected in PSI. Pressure is an indication of the internal pressure of the nitrogen lines located within the trunkline and the pressure behind the membrane. Minimum and Maximum temperature is collected at each vertical interval. Geoprobes temperature protocol indicates that the MIP probe pressure shall not exceed 1.5 PSI difference from baseline. • Detector (XSD. ECG, PID, FID) - Detector responses are measured/collected in micro Volts (uV). Detector responses are an indication of relative contaminant responses. Minimum and Maximum detector responses are collected at each vertical interval. Response Testing Response testing is an integral part of ensuring the quality of data from the MIP system. Response testing must be conducted before and after each log, This will ensure the validity of the data and the integrity of the system. Response testing also provides for comparison of data far later MIP logs at the same site. However, results of the response test may change due to membrane wear from soil contact and abrasion. Prior to conducting a response test, a response test standard solution is prepared by adding an appropriate volume of stock standard solution to 0.5 liters of clean water in a suitable measuring container (beaker or graduated cylinder) to produce a working standard, for example, 10 uL of 50 URS — BP 24163 — Winston-Salem, North Carolina i>�oNl�x Search and Destroy® mg/mL concentration stock standard is added to 0.5 liters of water to yield a 1mg/L working standard. Generally, response test standard solutions are prepared using trichloroethene and toluene. However, response test standard solutions may be prepared based on the specific contaminants of concern at a site of necessary. Also prior to conducting the response test, the MIP is placed in clean water until detector response stabilization has occurred. The working standard is poured into a 2-inch diameter by 30-inch long PVC or stainless steel pipe that is capped at one end. A stabilized MIP is inserted in the working standard for a duration of 30 seconds (Note: in the response test shown below, the MIP was inserted into the working standard for a duration of 45 seconds), At the end of 30 seconds the MIP is removed from the working standard, and placed into dean water. The working standard cannot be reused after a response test. The results of the response test are shown on the MIP data acquisition unit (shown below). The trip time is measured by recording the time between the moment when the MIP is placed in the working standard solution and the response of the detectors, as viewed on the MIP data acquisition unit. The baseline and peak response value are also recorded for comparison with other MIP response tests. The trip time is entered manually into the data acquisition system account for the time it takes for compounds in the subsurface to travel the length of the trunkline during the MIP boring. roe •a!R WE *W t WE*00 e ME+w S I-WE+Ot o s.+� d t.WE+05 t 2DE Ot t IOE+Os 1.1)DE+M 0 W } ov + 5C ZM 2W T1rw (s) PID Response Test - 10 ppm Benzene URS - BP 24163 - Winston-Salem, North Carolina Attachment 3 Membrane Interface Probe Report, Vironex (MIP Visualization) 149: EX Membrane Interface Probe Report BP24163 381 Knollwood Drive Winston-Salem, North Carolina PREPARED FOR: URS 1600 Perimeter Park Drive #400 Morrisville, North Carolina PREPARED BY: 13050 West 431d Drive Suite 100 Golden, CO 80403 November 25,2011 Wilmington, DE . Washington, DC ■ Denver, CO • Los Angeles, CA + San Francisco, CA www. vironex. cam Table of Contents 1. Horizontal Slices A. Electrical Conductivity (EC) B. Photo Ionization Detector (PID) C. Flame ionization Detector (FID) 2. Cross Sections A. A -A 1) 2) 3) B. B-B 1) 2) 3) Electrical Conductivity (EC) Photo Ionization Detector (PID) Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Electrical Conductivity (EC) Photo Ionization Detector (PID) Flame Ionization Detector (FID) 3. 3-Dimensional Models A. Photo Ionization Detector (PID) B. Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Summary of Data Visiulization This section presents the assumptions and settings used to develop detector models. Kri in Kriging is a weighted moving average interpolation (extrapolation) method that minimizes the estimated variance of a predicted point (node) with the weighted average of its neighbors. The weighting factors and the variance are calculated using a semivariogram model that describes the differences versus distance for pairs of samples in the input dataset. Kriging method developed by CTECH (www.ctech.com) using EVS Pro. Settings: Gridding Options Gridding: X-70, Y-70, 2-81 Adaptive Gridding: Yes Rectilinear Offset: 0.1 Data Processing: Data Scaling: 1.0 Kriging Parameters Interpolation Method: Statistics Tables: MIP Borings Used with Coordinates. If a depth is stated in the chart below then data is represented as Unknown when developing the model. If no depth is present, then there was no data removed from the data when developing the model. MIP Boring Electrical Conductivity(3) ECD{3' PIDO) FIDO) Easting(l) NorthingO Elevation (ft) (1) BPMIP01 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619932.67 854446.62 865.47 BPMIP02 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619910.94 854464.09 866.58 BPMIP03 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619904.14 854444.67 867.47 BPMIP04 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619920.6 854426.12 865.7 BPMIP05 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619907.36 854410.71 866.49 BPMIP06 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619926.03 854406.68 865.97 BPMIP07 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619928.25 854390.66 869.86 BPMIP08 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619933.78 854428.53 866.68 BPMIP09 0-6" 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619922.12 854437.19 865.78 BPMIP10 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619933.73 854370.2 870.8 BPM1P11 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6- 1619908.78 854400.44 865.87 BPMIP12 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 0-6' 1619914.02 854428.11 864.58 Notes 1) Coordinates provided by URS. 2) MIP data was averaged over a 0.25' interval. (i.e. Data was averaged from 0.00' to 0.25') 3) If depth is labeled under EC, ECD, PID or FID then a problem occurred with the detector at that depth. When model is kriged it is identified as unknown, not affecting data interpolation/development of the detector model (11/25/2011). Section 1-A EC Horizontal Slices r 16;= EC FIGURE 1-A-001 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m5lm 38 mSlm 26 mSlm 17 mSJm 12 mS1m 8 mSlm 5 mSlm d m51m i mSfrn SCALE (FEET) -Nqw* z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-EC-PV-0001.PNG 149= EC FIGURE 1-A-002 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m81m 38 m81m 26 m5hn 17 m8lm 12 m51m 8 m 5!m 5 m sim e mSJm 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) Z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND 0 MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0002. PNG ti ti IRaNEX EC FIGURE 1-A-003 RESPONSE SCALE EC 5? m51m 38 mSlm 26 mSlm 17 m&m 12 m Slm 8 m51m 5 mSlm 4 mSfm 2 mSlm SCALE [FEETy �� Z 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 tr clkin MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PIN. 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0003. P NG 1 RON EX EC FIGURE 1-A-004 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSJm 38 msFm 28 m6Jm 17 mSJm 12 mSJm 8 melm 3 m9lm 4 mSlm 1 m5fm SCALE (FEET) !"* Z 5 to 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r .� MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROSE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0004.PNG >i RCS Iv E x EC FIGURE 1-A-005 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSim BM11P70 BPMIPri7 38 mShn ' ' -- epm1pal 26 rnVm 8Pm4PO4 BPMIPff--! 17 m Sim - 12 mSim 6PMIPt2 8 m sim s msim Detector Horizontal Slice 868 feet MSL 4 m Sim • R 2 m Sim SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 Z 5 10 25 MIP • MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP = MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0005.PNG DRAWN BY: FS lQ&= EC FIGURE 1-A-006 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 rnSim 38 mSlm 26 mSlm 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 m Slm 5 mSlm a YnSlm I mSlm SCALE (FEET) !.� 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 CI^_CI lr% MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0006. PNG I RaNEX EC FIGURE 1-A-007 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 msfm 38 m51m 28 m31m 17 mSJm 12 m51m B mSlm 5 m5fm a mSIm 2 m8fm -= r SCALE (FEET) Z dw 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 rr-rr11rt MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0007. PNG 146;= EC FIGURE 1-A-008 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSlm 38 mSlm 26 mSlm 17 m SIm 12 mSfm 8 mSfm 5 mSim 4 m Sim 2 mSlrn SCALE (FEET) Z — 5 14 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: F5 f _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA i rr-reir% I♦ MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0008. PNG r rto N it x EC FIGURE 1-A-009 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSJm 38 m51m 28 m51m 17 m51m 12 mslm 8 m81fn V ms!", Detector Horizontal Slice I 862 Beet MSL 2m�. SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 Z — 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP 0 MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PIN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0009.PNG DRAWN BY: FS 14I RCjN Ex EC FIGURE 1-A-010 RESPONSE SCALE EC 51 mSlm 38 mSlm 28 mSlm 71 m81m 12 m 5hn 8 m9lm 5 mSlm 4 mSlm 2 m Slm -� r SCALE (FEET) -� Z d� 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY. FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 Gr:GAIn MIP LOCATIONS MIP=MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON—SALEM, NC PN: 11-0551 F L#: 11.0551- EC—PV-0010. P NG 14iRONEx EC FIGURE 1-A-011 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 rnSim 38 mSfm 26 mSlm 17 mS1m 12 mSJm 8 mSlm 5 mSlm 4 mSfm 2 m51m -,qw * z -ow SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 MIP INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA D RAW N BY: FS r V--rwrm MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, INC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-EC-PV-0011.PNG iRON�x EC FIGURE 1-A-012 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSim 38 mSim 26 mSim 17 mSim 12 mSJm 8 m Sim 5 mSim f Detector Horizontal Slice 859 feet MSL 4 m Sim 2 m Slm SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 -Z ""' 5 10 25 MIP 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP = MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0012.PNG DRAWN BY: FS 1 RaNEx EC FIGURE 1-A-013 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSJm 38 mSlm 26 mSlm 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 m Sim 5 m S1m 4 mS1m 2 mSlm M SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA ■ MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0013.PNG 149=x EC FIGURE 1-A-014 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m51m 36 mSJm 26 mSlm 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 m37m 5 mSlm a 111 -Jrn 1 m31m SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS f _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA ETNdkllhl • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC I PN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0014.PNG 4 IRONEx EC FIGURE 1-A-015 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m51m 38 mSfm 26 mS1m 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 mstm 5 m5fm 4 m5fm 2 m5fm SCALE (FEET) z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 1 FILM 11.0551-EC-PV-0015.PNG 1R�NEX EC FIGURE 1-A-016 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 rn5fm 38 m8fm 26 mSfm n«^s 17 m Skn ■ 12 m3im V. 8 mslm Bpwlt*43 5 msrm Detector Horizontal Slice 866 feet MSL a rr,Sfrn r ib 2 msrm - SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 Z 5 10 25 _ MIP • MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE. 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0016.PNG DRAWN BY. FS 16o= EC FIGURE 1-A-017 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSfm 39 m5lm 26 mS1m 17 mSfm 12 mSlm 8 mstm 5 m5fm a m9fm 2 mSfm SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 ❑ RAW N BY: FS ■ _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA lUctilkillill MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0017. PNG I RDNEX EC FIGURE 1-A-018 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSlm - - OPMIPUB !rl111G BP NIPn ; rs 28 mSlm 26 mS)m BPMIP6Q $pfApm 17 mVm v Y 12 mSlm � Y r 8 mSfm A►rv5f�1 ilAMW 5 MEYM 4 Detector Horizontal Slice 853 feet M5L 4 mSlm Y 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 Z 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE _ M!P � MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0018.PNG DRAWN BY: FS 11tONEx EC FIGURE 1-A-019 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSlm 38 mSlm 16 mSlm 17 mS7m 12 msim 8 m Slm 5 m SIm 4 m81m 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET} Z �' 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA I1x011►101 MlP LOCATIONS MIP=MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0019. PNG iRarvEx EC FIGURE 1-A-020 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSlm 38 mSim 28 mSim 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 m Sim 5 m Sim 4 m Sim 2 m Sim SCALE (FEET) !I, .Z _� 5 10 25 MIP INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA DRAWN BY: FS LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0020. PNG �>�alvEx EC FIGURE 1-A-021 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSJm 38 maim 28 mSlm 17 m alm 12 mSim 8 msmn 5 mSlm a mSlm 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 ❑RAWN BY: FS ■ _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0021. PNG IRaNEx EC FIGURE 1-A-❑22 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m51m 38 mSlm BMW 26 m31m 17 m51m 12m5Im 8 msim 5 msim i Detector Horizontal Slice - tt 949 feet MSL 4 m51m -^_ 2 mSfm SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 -�� Z — s 10 25 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP � MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0022.PNG DRAWN BY: FS aRON�x EC FIGURE 1-A-023 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSJm apmlpgna 38 m5lm ea►woa7 • 26 m8lm SPMWa4 spaWaa 17 msim 12 mSlm S matm ONAP03 5 m9ft l Detector Horizontal Slice 848 feet M S L a m5lm l 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 Z 5 10 25 _ MIP � MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP= MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0023.PNG DRAWN BY: FS 14tRONEx EC FIGURE 1-A-024 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 mSlm 38 m8lm 26 mSlm 17 mS1m 12 m51m 8 mSlm 5 m51m d rr•3rr� 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) Z ` 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA i prr.nin MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC I PN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0024.PNG iI�vNEx EC FIGURE 1-A-025 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m8ft 4PMIP06 r. BPMIPIO 38 m51m BpMIp07 pPmfp" 25 mSlm r BPMW09 17 mS7m lob 12 mSlm 8 m9fm �PMdP05 EPMW03 s mslm Detector Horizontal Slice 8" feet MSL 4 mSlm S� 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24153 Z 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE M1P 0 MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC EFL#DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE : 11.0551-EC-PV-0025.PNG DRAWN BY: FS � RVIVEx EC FIGURE 1-A-026 RESPONSE SCALE EC 1,7 mS m _ BPMIPQB I BPMIP01 [ • .r •RW11 38 m51m BMW �p M M 26 mSim BPMIP04 BPMIP04 17 m8im ■ 12 m51m V h 8 msfm a PMIP s t ePMwo� ePMIPQ;I 5 mSfm Detector Horizontal Slice - mono 846 feet MSL a rr•Srm 1 mSrm SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 rvp Z 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP 0 MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP= MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-EC-PV-0026.PNG DRAWN BY: FS Section 1-B PID Horizontal Slices i Rory I~ x PID FIGURE 1-B-001 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 BE•007 uV 1.6E-007 uV 7.3E-006 y'V 3.3E+004 yV 1 5E-006 uV 6 6E-005 ov 2 9E-005 uV f 13E-005tN 5 9E-005 uv - R ■ SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0001.PNG 16;= PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-002 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 SE•007 uV 1.8E+007mV 7.3E-006 [IV 3.3E-006 uV 1.5E-000 uv 6 6E•005 uV 2 9E-005 yV 1.3E+005 uV 5.9E+004 UV SCALE (FEET) .Z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0002. PNG 149= PID FIGURE 1-B-D43 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 pV 1.8E-007 uv 7.3E-006 uV 3 3E-005 pv 1.5E-006 pV 6.6E-M pV 29E•005vV 7.3E-005 0 5.9E-004 pV SCALE (FEET) z - " 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM. NC I PN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0003. PNG tRoNl�x PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-004 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 yN 1.6E-007 W 7 3E-006 yV 3.3E-000 NV 1.5e*006 uV 6 6E*005 YV 2.9E-005 uV 1.3E-005 PV 5.9E-004 uV rw* z SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 MIP INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA ❑ RAW N BY: FS LEGEN❑ • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0004. P NG PID FIGURE 1-B-005 RESPONSE SCALE PID � 3 6E-007 uV 1.6E+007 WV 1.3E-006 WV 3.3E-005 WV 1.5E+006 WV 6.6E-005 WV 2.9E,005 WV 1.3E-005 pv 5.9E+004 OV Z h SCALE (FEET) z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-GOO5. PNG rr�oNi:x RID FIGURE 1-B-006 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3.6E-007 uV r mi BPMIPGf BPMIPOS 16E-007 uv 7.3E+006 uV apMlPos It BPMIP9q 3.3CT000 0 6P WO4 1.5E-008 wV w ■ BPMIPI2 �w 6.6E+005 NV 1lPMIP1 I BPFMP03 2.9E*005 uV 4PMIP0$ � j w Detector Horizontal Slice 866 feet M5L 1.3E-005 uV _ IL5 9E-004 HIV SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 _qw, * Z 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE MIP � MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FILM 11.0551-PID-PV-0006.PNG DRAWN BY: F5 PID FIGURE 1-B-007 RESPONSE SCALE PID 0 3.6E*007 pV ov yV yV wv uV uV ov uv SCALE (FEET) �r Z — 5 1Q 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA II MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0007. PNG IRCINEX PID FIGURE 1-B-008 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.6E-007 pV 1 6E-007 uV 7 3E-006 yV 3 3E-000 uv 1.5E-006 pV 6 6E -005 uV 2 9E-005 uV 1 3E-005 k1V 5.9E-004 pV SCALE (FEET) •Z r 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA ■ LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0008. PNG Awk 1 RpNEX PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-009 RESPONSE SCALE PID � 9.6E+007 uV 1.6E+007 uV 7 3E+006 PV 3.3E-006 NV 1 5E+006 ov 6 6E+005 pv 2.9Et005 uV 1.3E+005 UV 5.9E*004 UV SCALE (FEET) z -low 5 10 25 DATE. 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS IL 7 _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-PID-PV-0009.PNG >r Rary Ex PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-010 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3 6E+007 uV 1.6E-007 uV 7 3E•000 pV 3.3E,UZ yV 1.5E+006 yV 6 6E•005 uv 2 9E•005 uV 1.3E+005 uv 5.9E+004 NV SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-PID-PV-0010.PNG 1 0 S PID FIGURE 1-B-011 RESPONSE SCALE PID 036E,007 µV SCALE (FEET) —now* Z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0011.PNG � RONEx PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-012 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ �16E-007 uV 1.6Et007 uV 7.3E+006 uV 3.3E•006 yV 1.5E+006 uV 6.6E+005 uV 2 9E-005 yV 1.3E+005 yV 5.9E+004 uV SCALE (FEET) Z — 5 10 25 HATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS M I P INVESTIGATION AREA MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, INC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0012. PNG n m PID FIGURE 1-B-013 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 uV 1.6E*007 uV 7 3E+006 uV 3.3E•000 ijv 1 5E+006 yV 6 6E •005 uV 2.9E+005 VV 1.3E+005 uV 5.9E+004 NV SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA i rr-rmm MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0013. PNG I RaN EX PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-014 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3.6E-007 pV 1.6E-007 pV 7.3E-006 pV 3.3E-00E wV 1.5E-006 pV 6.6E.005 pV 2 9E+005 pV 1.3E-005 pV 5.9E+004 pV I--N- qi� Zr I a 7Fd SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 _ MIP INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA DRAWN BY: FS Detector Horizontal Slice 857 feet MSL LEGEND BP24163 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP = MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC INTERFACE PROBE PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-PID-PV-0014.PNG 146;= PID FIGURE 1-B-015 RESPONSE SCALE PID 36E- 07µV oPMIng BP.H1Pn'. 1.sE•oo7 uv 7.3E+006 IN BPMIPO� 3.3E+006 NV BPryfIPQ3 1 5E+p06 IN rpLtk 6PMIP 12 NY 6 6E •005 µV 2.9E+005 µV BPMIPo7 IL 1.3E+005 µV 5 9E+004 µV SCALE (FEET) -mw* Z 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA BPMIP06 TA ePMIP05 LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE spm1a f i I i BPPA"7 apmWI0 Detector Horizontal Slice 866 feet MSL BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-RID-PV-0015.PNG I�alvEx RID FIGURE 1-B-016 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3.6E-007 uV ■�16 1.6E+007 uV 7 3E+006 uV 3.3E-006 NV 1.5E-006 uV .. Japmwjw !I 6.6E+005 uV 6PnR1? 1 5PMIP05 kpL _ 29E•005uV 9Qmicu:+ � Detector Horizontal Slice 866 feet MSL 1.3E-005vv 5 9E-004 uV SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 Z! 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE _ MIP • MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0016.PNG DRAWN BY: FS 1 RONEX PID FIGURE 1-B-017 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.8E+007 yN 1.6E-007 pV 7.3E-006 pV 3.3E-006 yV 1.5E-006 pV 8.6E+005 IN 2.9E+005 pV 1.3E+005 uV 5.9E,004 pV SCALE (FEET) 5 14 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS ■ �. MIP INVESTIGATION AREA I CP_CAlf1 MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0017. PNG >I Roly �x PID FIGURE 1-B-018 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 uV 1.6E-007 uV 7.3E-006 UV 3.3E-006 NV 1.5E-006 uV 6.6E-005 UV 2.9E-005 uV 1.3E-005 uV 5 9E-004 uV SCALE {FEETy �� .�.► 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS ■ _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 40 MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD ❑RIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0018.PNG a� PID FIGURE 1-B-019 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 NV 1.6E-007 uV 7.3E-006 {jV 3.3E-000 uV 1 5E-006 uV 6 6E-005 uV 2 8E+005 uV 1.3E+005 UV 5 9E•00e pV SCALE (FEET) DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS �r� MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEN❑ / MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-RID-PV-0019. PNG iRONEx RID FIGURE 1-B-020 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E,007 uV i .5E-007 pV 7 3E-006 uV 3.3E-000 yV 1 5E*006 uV 6.6E-005 uV 2.9E-4fl5 pV 1 3E,005 wV 5.9E-Oa4 wV SCALE (FEET) Z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS ,�j It vi _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA r� ..........1 LEGEND ■ MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-PID- P V-0020. P N G RVNEX PID FIGURE 1-B-021 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E,007 uV 1.6Etn07 uV 7 3E-005 uV w uv uv uv uv vv. uv --w* Z km SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 M!P INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA DRAWN BY: FS LEGEND BP24163 • MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP = MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC INTERFACE PROBE PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0021. PNG RID FIGURE 1-B-022 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.6E+007 uV 1.6E+007{N 7.3E+006 µV 3 3E-000 py 1.5E-006 µV 6.6E+005 }[V 2.9E+005 µV 1 3E-005 µV 5 9E•004 uV SCALE (FEET) �1�• -Z I- 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY. FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0022. PNG RONEX PID FIGURE 1-B-023 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 uV 1 6E-007 uV 7.3E-906 PV 3 3E-000 NV i .5E-006 WV 6.8E-005 uV 2.9E-005 NV 1-3E+005 uV 5 9E-004 pV SCALE (FEET) Z ­ 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-PV-0023. PNG tRvtvEx PID FIGURE 1-B-024 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3 6E-007 uV 1.6E-007 uV 7.3E,006 uV 3.3E-006 NV 1.5E-006 uV 6 6E-005 uV 2 9E-005 NV 1.3E-005 uV 5.9E*004 UV 2 r. SCALE (FEET) Z 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND 0 MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, INC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-RID-PV-0024. PNG iR�NEx PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-025 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3.8E-007 NV 1 6E-007 uV 7.3E-006 yV 3.3E-000 W 1.5E+006 {iV 6.6E-005 uV 2.9E*005 uV 1.3E*005 W 5.9E+004 IN __> f SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 Cr Kl n 40 MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 1.1.0551-PID-PV-0025. PNG �>RON1Ex PI❑ FIGURE 1-B-026 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.6E+007 pv 1.6E+007 ylv 7.3E+006 uv 3.3E•006 yV 1.5E+006 uV 6.6E+005 uV 2.9E+005IN 1.3E+005 uV 5 9E-006 IN BPM1Pu '11 SCALE (FEET) ,Z ... 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS BPMIPg9 I 1 spNlta 8PMIPu7 'r • j i ■ BPMIP04 BPMIP04 �iipMlVti6 BMW ■■ pPt i a 6PMIP1 F OVMIP07 H c+htrvir:. ■ Detector Horizontal Slice 8d5 feet MSL MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND * MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-P1 D-PV-0026.PNG w Section I-D FID Horizontal Slices RVNEX FID FIGURE 1—C-001 RESPONSE SCALE FID � 1.7E •0oe Nv 7 OE+007 uV 2 BE-007 uV 1 7 E•007 uV 4 5E+006 uV 1.8E.006 uV 7.2E+005 yV 2.9E+005 VV 1 2E+005 uV -.qw* .Z .dow SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 MIP INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA DRAWN BY: FS LEGEND BP24163 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON—SALEM, NC INTERFACE PROBE PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551—FID—PV-0001.PNG IRDNEx FID FIGURE 1-C-002 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.3E-008 uv 7 0E+007 NV 2.0E+007 uV 1 1 E-007 uV 4.5E•006 NV 1.8E-006 NV 7.2E+005 PV 2.9E-005 VV 1 2E-005 pV SCALE (FEET) —now* Z 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS r _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0002. P NG i�arvEx FID FIGURE 1-C-003 RESPONSE SCALE FI❑ 1.7E*008 pV 7 0E-007 PV 2.8E-007 IN 1.1 E,007 pV 4.5E-006 uV -•005 W 7.2E-005 pV 2.9E-005 pV t 2E-005 pV SCALE (FEET) Z _� 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: F5 MIP INVESTIGATION AREA I FrFAIn • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0003. PN G �>�oNEx FID FIGURE 1-C-004 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E+008 yV sPMIPOs sPMP01 e'' 7 OE-007 UV _ 2.8E+007 yV .�MIPos apmu" P 7 1 E+007 uV SPMPO4 4 5E•006 UV ■i�� 1.8E-006 W 5p%"p71 BPMW05 7.2E-005 „V lk Detector Horizontal Slice 867 feet MSL 2.9E+005I1V ■ ■ S 2E-005 W SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 - � 5 10 25 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE MIP MIP LOCATIONS INVESTIGATION MIP= MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0004.PNG DRAWN BY: FS iRONrx FID FIGURE 1-C-005 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-008 pV 7 0E+007 pV 2 BE+0n7 pV 1.1 E+007 pV 4.5E-006PV 1.8E-006 uV 7.2E-005 uV 2.9E+005 pV 1.2E+005 uV SCALE (FEET) Z ." 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS f _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA f mrKin • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC I PN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0005. PNG 149= FI❑ FIGURE 1-C-006 RESPONSE SCALE FI❑ 1.7E+008 NV 7.0E+007 VV 2 SE+OD7 pV 1.1E+007 uV 4.5E+00s pv 1.BE+006 W 7.2E-005 UV 2.9E+005 UV 1 2E+005 uV SCALE (FEET) Z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS ■ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FI D-PV-0006.PNG 146;= FI❑ FIGURE 1-C-007 RESPONSE SCALE FIB 1.1E-00B uV 7 0E+007 uV 2AE,007 uV 1.1 E-007 VV 4 5E+006 NV 1.BE-006 uV 7.2E+005 uV 2.9E+005 uV 1 2E-005 I1V _. f SCALE (FEET) z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MI LOCATIONS MIP=MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC 9i[��i�ll•�•7i F L#: 11.0551-F I D-PV-0007. P NG �RON>�x FID FIGURE 1-C-008 RESPONSE SCALE FI❑ 1 7E+008 uV 7 OE+007 uW 2.8E+007 UV 1 1 E+007 uV 4.5E+006 uV 1.SE-006 NV 7.2E+905 uV Detector Horizontal Slice 863 feet MSL 2.9E+005}N 'R 1 2E.OU uv SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24153 ��. Z- 5 10 25 MIP MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0008.PNG ❑RAWN BY: F5 IRDNEx FI❑ FIGURE 1-C-009 RESPONSE SCALE FI❑ 1.7E-008 y1V 7.0E+007 WV 2.BE*007 yV 1 1 E•007 uV n 5E-006 pV 1.8E*006 UV 7.2E-005 UV i Detector Horizontal Slice $62 feet M5L 2 9E+005 uV 1 2E+005 UV SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24153 Z— 5 10 25 MIP • MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP= MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 AREA INTERFACE PROBE FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0009.PNG DRAWN BY. FS 16;= FID FIGURE 1-C-010 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1 7E�000 uv 7.0E+007 OV 2 9E+007 pv 1 1E+007 pv d 5E•006 pv 1.8E+006 pv 7.1E-005 pV 2.9E-905 pV 1.2E+005 pV SCALE �fEET� _NOW*�' 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS 7 _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND 0 MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-FID-PV-0010.PNG I RONEX FID FIGURE 1-C-011 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-00e WV 7 0E-007 uV 2.8E-007 IN 1.1E-007 PV d 5E*006 uV 1.8E+006 uV 7.2E,005 uV 2.9E-005 W 1.2E •005 UV SCALE �FEET� �* "� 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA Il�rld��flal MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PIN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0011. PNG I R�NEx FID FIGURE 1-C-012 RESPONSE SCALE AD 1.7E-008 uv 7 OE-007 uV 2.BE•007 µV 1.1 E-007 µV a 5E-006 uv 1.8E-006 µV 7,2E-005 uv 2.9E +005 µV 1 2E-005 uV SCALE (FEET) z 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 rr_Gnin MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 1 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0012. PNG l4g=X FI❑ FIGURE 1-C-013 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-008 uV 7 0E+007 uV 2.9E+007 uV 1.1 E+007 VV 4 5E+006 uV 1.9E+006 v 7.2E-005 uV 7.9E-005 uV 2E+005 yV SCALE (FEET) Z 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM. NC I PN: 11.0551 1 F L#: 11.0551-F I D-PV-0013. P NG IRDNEX FID FIGURE 1-C-014 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-008 uv 7.0E+007 pV 2.BE+007 pV 1.1 E+007 pV 4.5E-006 pV 1.8E-006 pV 7.2E-005 IN 2.9E+005 pV 1.2E+005 pV SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS ■ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA lnfeimia1a1 MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 1 FILM 11.0551-FID-PV-0014.PNG m FID FIGURE 1-C-015 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-00s uV 7 DE-007 yV 2 BE-007 uV 1 1 E+007 NV 4.5E*006 VV 1.BE-Us NV 7 2E+005 uV 2 9E+005 yV 1 2E+005 uV SCALE (FEET) Z - 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 ❑RAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0015.PNG FID FIGURE 1-C-016 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-00a pV 7.0E+007 pV 2.8E-007 pV 1.1 E-007 pV 4 5E+008 pV 1.8E+008 pV 7,2E-005 pV 2.5E+005 pV 1 2E+005 W SCALE (FEET) �� Z ! 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r MIP INVESTIGATION AREA 1 cr-rnln MIP LOCATIONS MIP= MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0016. PNG J >< Iry ry >E x FID FIGURE 1-C-017 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E*008 uV 7 0E,007 uV 2.8E+Ml UV 1.1E •007 uV a 5PG06liv 1.8E-a06 V, 7.2E+005 pv 2 9E+005 uV 1.2E-005 UV al- SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0017. P N G 1 RAN E3C FID FIGURE 1-C-018 RESPONSE SCALE FID 13E•000 uV 7 OE*007 uV 2.8E-007 uV 1.1 E-007 oV 4.5E-006wV 1.5E-00611V 7.2E-005 yV 2.9E-005 yV 1 2E-005 yV SCALE (FEET) Z — 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS w _ MEP INVESTIGATION AREA i ri-rein MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0018.PNG RON Ex FID FIGURE 1-C-019 RESPONSE SCALE FID iiia 1 7E+008 uV 7 DE+007 PV 2 6E*007 uV 1 1 E+007 W 4 5E•006 NV 1.8E-006 UV 7.2E-0a5 yV 2.4E+0a5 uV 1.2E+005 UV SCALE (FEET) "� 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS 7 _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA k C!'CAIf1 M4P LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0019.PNG IROIVEX FID FIGURE 1-C-020 RESPONSE SCALE FID tX-000 pV uV uV uv uV 6PMIPQ LJV uV uV 12E*005 uv SCALE (FEET) ,Z 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA jr< MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE Detector Horizontal Slice 851 feet MSL BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0020.PNG r RVN>rx FID FIGURE 1-C-o21 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E,0H PV 7 OE-007 PV 2.8E+007 PV 1.1E+007 PV 4.5E*000 PV 1.8E+006 PV 7,2E+005 PV 2 4E,005 PV 1 2E+005 PV SCALE (FEET) Z -.dw 5 10 _ 25 PATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS r MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0021. PNG IRONER FID FIGURE 1-C-022 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E-008 pV 7 BE•007 µV 2.BE-007 uV 1.1 E t007 uV 4 5E +006 µV 1.8E-005VV 7.2E*005 yV 2.9E+005 uV 1.2E-005 uV SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS 7 _ mip INVESTIGATION AREA I4:15ei:1►lr7 • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0022. PNG m &M I RC�NE7C FI❑ FIGURE 1-C-023 RESPONSE SCALE FID 01-7E+008 uV 7.0E+007 uV 2 8E+007 uV 1.1E-007 NV d 5E+005 W 1.5E-006 yV 7,2E-005 uV 2AE005 UV 1.2E-005VV I SCALE (FEET) Z S 10 25 ❑ATE: 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS LEGEND BP24163 _ MIP 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWGDD DRIVE INVESTIGATION MIP=MEMBRANE WINSTON-SALEM, NC AREA INTERFACE PROBE PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.05 51-F I D- P V-002 3. P N G 149= FID FIGURE 1-C-D24 RESPONSE SCALE FI❑ 0 1.7E-008 WV 7.0E+007 uV 2.8E-007 uV 1.1 E+007 yV 4.5E+006 pV 1.8E •006 PV 7.2E+005 UV 2.9E+005 NV i 2E-005 uV SCALE (FEET) Z - 5 10 25 DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND ! MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD ❑RIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0024. P NG m _. ►►w 1RQNEX FID FIGURE 1-C-025 RESPONSE SCALE FID p 1.7E-008 uV 7 OE,007 uV 26E,007 uV 1.1E-007 yV 4.5E-606 UV 1.8E-006 yV 7.2E-065 uV 2.9E-005 uV 1.2E-005 uV I—maw4t z — _ Detector Horizontal Slice 946 feet MSL ■ 7 SCALE (FEET) 5 10 25 MIP INVESTIGATION DATE: 11/25/20111 AREA DRAWN BY: FS LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 391 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-PV-0025.PNG RONEx FI❑ FIGURE 1-C-026 RESPONSE SCALE FID 1.7E+008vV 6PIAM01 $Y� OR 8Fll 10 ■ 7 DE+007 PV BPWP07 Id�oe 2 OE,007 uV �� w MAP" -- • ■Phwu 1 1 E+007 NV 4.5E-006 NV Ilk ... 1.8E+006 uV � � armP7I _ w 7.2E-005 W 9 Detector Horizontal Slice 845 fret M 5 L 2.9E+005 uV 1.2E-005 uV SCALE (FEET) r 5 10 25 DATE: 11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND • MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-FID-PV-0026.PNG m Im Section 2-A CROSS SECTIONS A -A AAAD GIr.I IRF I►IU-1 Z IN CROSS SECTION ►eve► DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA MIP LOCATIONS MIP=MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, INC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-CS-A-A-MAP.PNG 1RONEX EC FIGURE 2-A-001 RESPONSE SCALE EC 57 m51m 38 m81m 26 mSlm 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 mShn 5 mSlm 4 m S!m 2 mSlm SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE 0 6Pi At WmFllO 0' 78' 120 152' 195' SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE DATE. 11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS LEGEND BP24163 NONE 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-EC-CS-A-A-0001. P N G ". A RONEx PID FIGURE 2-A-002 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 uV 1.6E-0o7 uV 7 3E•006 UV 3.3E*006 uV 1 5E-006 yV 6 6E-005 �N 2 9E-005 pv 1.3E-005 NV 5 9E-004 uV SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE 0 v F.,a — •-- -R Peet -4,F 1S B"AP07 -- - _� 5 Peet �— -7 Fcdt — ct- 12 Fr 1 A' i3pmlPlp 0' 78' 120 152' 195, SCALE [FEET] SEE FIGURE DATE: 11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS LEGEND BP24163 NONE 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-CS-A-A-0001. PNG � ROIVEx L-A-UU3 RESPONSE SCALE FI❑ 1.7E-0Q8 yV 7 OE+007 pV 2.8E-U07 uv t I E+007 }N 4.5E-008 uV i.BE-00BIN 7.2E-005 uV 2.9E-005 uV 12E-005 uv SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE rl A' oms.10 0' 78' 120 152' 195' SCALE {FEET} LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE SEE FIGURE NINE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PIN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: FS FL#: 11.0551-FID-CS-A-A-0001.PNG m am %W Section 2-B CROSS SECTIONS B-B iRONEx I MAP FIGURE 2-B Imo* z_� 6 4 CROSS SECTION B-B DATE:11/25/20111 DRAWN BY: FS BP.Ipm _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BP24153 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-CS-B-B-MAP. PNG i�oNEx EC FIGURE 2-B-001 RESPONSE SCALE EC F 7 m S!m 28 mS1m 26 mSlm 17 mSlm 12m51m a msrm 5 msfm d mSfm 2 mSfm SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE B Bf BPMIP05 571 SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE DATE:11/25/20111 ❑ RAW N BY: FS BPMIP09 ��`AIP01 Set Back 10' 370 Set Bank 7' 60' 90' V_.." 1►Ia3RA T LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-EC-CS-13-B-0001. PNG i IRONEX PID FIGURE 2-B-002 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.6E-007 uV 1.6E-007 uV 7.3E-006 uV 3 3E-000 FIV 1.5E+006 uV 6.6E+005 VV 2.9E-005IN 1.3E+005 uV 5 9E-004 W SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE B BI BPMIPDS y - SPh11P09 BPMJP01 BPMIP72 _ -urn � � .^ � � �:: � — _ FC'"=_��� y ~ ~ 'mot F!.'l" I F+rl Feet Fftj Feet J Feet .� FCe' _ — 4 Kee!—� - . __. - - - --14 Feel Feet- r.cr 0' Set Back 10' 37' Set Back 7' 60' 90' SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 SEE FIGURE NONE 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: FS FILM 11.0551-PID-CS-B-B-0001.PNG 1�><RaN>Ex FID FIGURE B B l Z-B-003 BPMIP05 RESPONSE BPMIP09 BPMIP01 SCALE BPMIP12 I Fte; FID 1.7E+008 pV 7 0E+001 I1V 2.BE+007 uV _ tr! 4.5E+006 W 1.8E+006 yV 7.2E-005 UV 2 9E+005 yV — . e7 1 2E-005 pV 0' Set Back 10' 37, Set Back 7' 60' 90, SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE SEE FIGURE NONE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 FL#. 11.0551-FID-CS-B-B-0001.PNG DRAWN BY: FS Section 2-C CROSS SECTIONS C-C MAP FIGURE 2-C Imo* Z- � � r CROSS SECTION C-C DATE: 11/25/20111 D RAW N BY: FS _ MIP INVESTIGATION AREA LEGEND ■ MIP LOCATIONS MIP = MEMBRANE INTERFACE PROBE BPMIPIO 1 �T BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-CS-C-C-MAP. PNG II RONEX EC FIGURE 2-C-001 RESPONSE SCALE EC ® 57 mSlm 38 mSlm 26 mSJm 17 mSlm 12 mSlm 8 mSlm 5 mSlm d mSfm 2 m51m SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE c a C' m 0' 68' 90' SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE SEE FIGURE NONE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: FS FL#: 11.0551-EC-CS-C-C-0001.PNG PID FIGURE c I c 2-C-002 BPMIPOS RESPONSE ePmit'os SCALEw-- tS PMIP 11 PID -- - ---- 1reet --- 36E•007W z --j fQet _ 2 tr?t--- —1 f Kt y + feet -�` 1.6E-007 uV 7.3E•006 t V - _ w - _� 3.3E-000 Vv -- -- -- - - -'- 12Feet-- -t' tect— -y —�Y- - 2 1 E ea t~�- 1.5E-006 uV 13 r�1 12 Fcet+ J� .� �{ •_ --t.3 r- F 6.6E-005 uV 2.9E-005 PV 1.3E+005 UV 5.9E-004 ♦JV D' 68' 90, SCALE {FEET} SEE FIGURE SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE SEE FIGURE NONE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: FS FL#: 11.0551-PID-CS-C-C-OOOI.PNG i>�vNEx FI❑FIGURE � � c 2-C-003 sPMIP03 _ oPMiPos RESPONSE _ -_ 6PMFP11 SCALE FI❑ 1.7E-008 W 7 0E+007 W 2.BE+007 pV — 1.1Er007UV 4.5E-006 vv 1.6E-005 UV 7.2E+005 YV 2.9E+005 UV -- -- - -- - - t 2E+005 OV 0' 68' 90' SCALE (FEET) SEE FIGURE SCALE (FEET) LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE SEE FIGURE NONE WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-CS-C-C-0001.PNG DRAWN BY: FS Section 3-A PID 3-Dimensional Model Azimuth (az) angle is the compass bearing, relative to true (geographic) north, of a point on the horizon directly beneath an observed object. The horizon is defined as a huge, imaginary circle centered on the observer, equidistant from the zenith (point straight overhead) and the nadir (point exactly opposite the zenith). As seen from above the observer, compass bearings are measured clockwise in degrees from north. Azimuth angles can thus range from 0 degrees (north) through 90 (east), 180 (south), 270 (west), and up to 360 (north again). The elevation (el) angle, also called the altitude, of an observed object is determined by first finding the compass bearing on the horizon relative to true north, and then measuring the angle between that point and the object, from the reference frame of the observer. Elevation angles for objects above the horizon range from 0 (on the horizon) up to 90 degrees (at the zenith). Sometimes the range of the elevation coordinate is extended downward from the horizon to -90 degrees (the nadir). This is useful when the observer is located at some distance above the surface, such as in an aircraft. viewing direction 45' 01 elt-vatioll x azimuth Y 904 Z 3400 00 2o,, 320° 304° 400 so° 27no 900 f� 240° 12a° 220°— 2p 160' 1404 00 ` 180°- VA C�) Wi PI❑ FIGURE 3-A-001 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3 6E-007 uV 1.6E-007 yV 7.3E-006 UV 3.3E-006 PV 1.5E-008 yV 6.6E-005 WV 2.9Et005 uV 1.3E+005 uV 5 9E+004 uV MODEL LOCATION/I N FORMATI ION MP+z LEGEND BP24163 AZIMUTH: 0, ELEVATION: 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE PID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY. FS I FL#: 11.0551-PID-3D-0001.PNG 149=x PID FIGURE 3-A-002 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E*007 uV 1.6E,007 NV 7 3E-005 uV 3.3E-000 NV 1 5E-006 uv 6.6E-005 uV 2.9E-005 W 1.3E,005 uV 5 9E•006 W MODEL LOCATION INFORMATIION LEGEND BP24163 AZIMUTH: 90, ELEVATION: 0 MW LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE PID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: FS FL#: 11.0551-PID-3D-0002.PNG Q&t��x PI❑ FIGURE 3-A-003 RESPONSE SCALE PI❑ 3.0E+007 uv 1.6E+007 uN 7.3E,006 IN 3 3E •005 IN 1.5E*006 uv 6.6E+005 uV 2.9E+005 uV 1.3E+005 uV 5 9E+004 uV srwr1 n MODEL LOCATIONANFORMATIION Mp,z LEGEND BP24163 AZIMUTH: 180, ELEVATION: 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE PID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: F5 I FL#: 11.0551-PID-313-0003.PNG IRDNEX PID FIGURE 3-A-004 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.6E407 µv 1.6E-0o7 µV me �01 oa 3.3E-006 s.YV h 1 6E-006 µV 6 6E-005 µV f 2 9E-005 µV 1.3E+005 uV 5 9E+004 uV MODEL LOCATIONIINFORMATIION LEGEND MIP LOCATIONS BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE AZIMUTH: 270, ELEVATION: 0 PID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 I I WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-PID-3D-0004.PNG DRAWN BY: F5 149= PID FIGURE 3-A-005 RESPONSE SCALE PID �36E•007 uy 1 6E+007 W 7.3E+006 W 3.3E-006 yV 1 5E+006 W 6.6E+005 W 2.9E-005 pV 1.3E,005 pV 5 9E+004 pV MODEL LOCATION/INFORMATIION "P+= LEGEND BP24163 AZIMUTH: 270, ELEVATION: 90 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOO❑ DRIVE PID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY. FS FL#: 11.0551-PID-3D-0005.PNG Section 3-B FID 3-Dimensional Model 14i Ranr>Ex PI❑ FIGURE 3-A-001 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.8E-007 NV 1 6E-007 W 7 M-006 uV 3 3E•00n yV 1 5E-006 uV 6 6E-005 W 2 9E-005 µV 1.3E,005 uV 5 9E•004 uV MODEL LOCATION/INFORMATIION MP+2 LEGEND BP24163 AZIMUTH: 0, ELEVATION: 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE FID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 DRAWN BY: FS FL#: 11.0551-FID-3D-0001.PNG i>RONEx PID FIGURE � 1 3-A-002 RESPONSE SCALEr PID" �- 36E+0070V 1 6E+QOTWV -_ - --------- -`�• - ------ �PMROS---�. ------- !�N!/4 _ 73E*006uV T`--- -- 3.3E•000 W 1.5E*006 Liv 66E•005pv 7 2 9E+005 uV 4 ' 1.3E*005 uV 5 9E*QG4 uV MODEL LOCATION INFORMATIION ;yP=Z LEGEND BP24163 AZIMUTH: 90, ELEVATION: 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE FID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 i WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-FID-3D-0002.PNG DRAWN BY: FS 14I<RvrvEx PI❑ FIGURE 3-A-003 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3.6E+007 uV 1.6E+007 W 7.3E+006 IN 3.3E-006 uV 1.5E+005 uV 6.6E+005 NV 2.9E+005 uV 1.3E*005 NV 5.9E+004 uV MODEL LOCATION/INFORMATIION AZIMUTH: 180, ELEVATION: 0 FID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 DATE: 11/25/20111 ❑ RAW N BY: FS [12 MIP LOCATIONS LEGEND BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 FILM 11.0551-FID-3❑-0003.PNG IRC�NE3[ PID FIGURE 3-A-004 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E•007 uV - - EPMIPU■ 7 3E•006 UV 3-3E•006 {IV _ Ft-- ----- -- 5E•006 uV -i3 - 6.6E+005 UV 2 9E*005 uV 1.3E,005 uV 5.9E+004 �fV MODEL LOCATION/INFORMATIION W12 LEGEN❑ BP24163 AZIMUTH: 270, ELEVATION: 0 MIP LOCATIONS 381 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE FID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DATE: 11/25/20111 PN: 11.0551 FL#: 11.0551-FID-3D-0004.PNG DRAWN BY. FS i RVN IEx PID FIGURE 3-A-005 RESPONSE SCALE PID 3 6E-007 uV i 6E-007 uV 7.3E-00fi VV 3 3E�000 $jY 1.5E-006 uV 6.6E-005 uV 2.9E-005 IN 1.3E-005 uV 5 9E-004 IN i 1 MODEL LOCATION/INFORMATIION AZIMUTH: 270, ELEVATION: 90 FID GREATER THAN 1.50E+7 DATE:11/25/20111 ❑RAWN BY: FS u MIP LOCATIONS LEGEN❑ BP24163 381 KNOLLWOOD ❑RIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC PN: 11.0551 F L#: 11.0551-FID-3 D-0005 . P N G Attachment 4 Monitoring Well Construction Permit WM0400681 (MW-18 and MW-19) , A;=TL A i NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Caleb Krouse, Project Manager URS Corporation —North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director October 12, 2011 SUBJECT: MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NO. WM0400681 COUNTY: Forsyth FILE NAME: BP Station 24163 (former Knollwood Gulf) 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem UST Incident #6400 Dear Mr. Krouse: In accordance with your application received on October 7, 2011, we are forwarding herewith: Dee Freeman Secretary 1) Monitoring Well Construction Permit No. WM0400681 for the construction of two (2) monitoring wells at 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Henceforth, correspondence and data relating to these wells shall be designated as specified in the subject heading above. This Permit will be effective from the date of issuance and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Sincerely, ) � �--'k—. k*'_� Sherri V. Knight, PE Regional Supervisor cc: Aquifer Protection Section - Central Office Forsyth County Health Department WSRO Files Winston-Salem Regional Office 565 Waughbwn Street Winslon-Salem, NC 27107 Phone: 336-771.56ffU 1 FAX: 336-77146311 Customer 5emice:1S77-623S748 Internetwww.ncwaterquality.oM NonrthCarolina An Equal opportunity 1 Affrmeliw Action Fm*yer Naha Fill y WM0444G81 2 ❑F 3 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY - AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MONITORING WELL --In--aceordanee-wi0i--ffie--provisions--of- worth-Oamii Statutes---m applicable Laws, Rules and Regulations. PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO URS Corporation, Petitioner for Atlantic Richfield Company, a BP affiliate FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MONITOR WELL SYSTEM consisting of two (2) wells owned by Atlantic Richfield. Company, a BP Affiliate located at 381 Knollwood Street, in Winston-Salem, NC. The well(s) will be located on the property owned by Thruway Shopping Center located at 381 Knollwood Street, in Winston-Salem, NC in Forsyth County (Pin No. 6825048855). This Permit is issued in accordance with the application received on October 7, 2011, in conformity with specifications and supporting data, all of which are filed with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and are considered integral parts of this Permit. This Permit is for well construction only, and does not waive any provision or requirement of any other applicable law or regulation. Construction of any well under this Permit shall be in strict compliance with the North Carolina Well Construction Regulations and Standards (15A NCAC 02C .0100), and other State and Local Laws and regulations pertaining to well construction. If any requirements or limitations specified in this Permit are unacceptable, you have a right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days of receipt of this Permit. The request must be in the form of a written petition conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this Permit is final and binding. This Permit will be effective for one year from the date of its issuance and shall be subject to other specified conditions, limitations, or exceptions as follows: WM040%81 3 of 3 1. Issuance of this Permit does not obligate reimbursement from State trust funds, if these wells are being installed as part of an investigation for contamination from an underground storage tank or dry cleaner incident. 2. Issuance of this Permit does not supersede any other agreement, permit, or requirement issued by another agency. 3. The well(s) shall be located and constructed as shown on the attachments submitted as part of the Permit application. 4. Each well shall have a Well Contractor Identification Plate in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0108(o). 5. Well construction records (GW-1) for each well shall be submitted to the Division of Water Quality's Information Processing Unit within 30 days of the well completion. fi. When the well is discontinued or abandoned, it shall be abandoned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0113 and a well abandonment record (GW-30) shall be submitted to the Division of Water Quality's Information Processing Unit within 30 days of the well abandonment. 7. Forsyth County Health Department may require a county monitoring well construction permit. Please contact the health department at (336) 703-3158 to learn of their requirements Permit issued the 12th day of October, 2011 FOR THE NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION . 1r►s�: Sherri V. Knight, Vegional Supervisor Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. # WM0400681 Attachment 5 Monitoring Well Construction Records (MW-18 and MW-19) .. NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Euvironmew and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality ��,"�• WELL CON'rRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2457 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Arnold Chanel Well Contractor (Individual) Name Pprratt=Wolff-. Inc. Well Contractor Company Name 501 Millstone Drive Street Address Hillsborough NC 27278 City or Town Stale Zip Code 9� 19 ) 644-2814 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(iI applicable) SITE WELL ID 0(dapplicable) MW-19 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W MunicipaWPublic ❑ IndusiriailCommercial 0 Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 1 0I25I1 1 4, WELL LOCATION: 380 Knollwood Street (Street Name, Numbers, Community. Subdivlslon. Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Winston-Salem COUNTY Forsmth TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: (check appropriate bax) ❑Slope ❑Valley 6(Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 •5 - 45D.aaoo • DMS OR 3X-XXXXXXXXX DD LONGITUDE 80 d 17 ' 183.0000 " DMS OR 7x.XXXXXXxxx DD Latitudellonghude source-- ❑3PS 6fropographic map (localrvn of well must be shown on a USGS topo rasp andatteched to [his form if not using GPS) 5, FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Form-er BE Station Facility Name Facility ID# (if appllcabiey 380 Knoll► nniriStrept. _ Street Address Winston-Salem bIC 27103 City or Town State Zip Code Contact Name Mailing Address City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:_20,CL- — / b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I -I NO G d, TOP OF CASING IS _� _ FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated atlor below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .011a. a. YIELD (gpm). NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type ItiIA Amount _N/A : g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top N/A Bottom Top -_: Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness! 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top_¢_— Bottom 10.0 Ft. 2" SCM PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft, 6, GROUT; Depth Material Method Top 0 Bottom 6.0 Ft. Portland Tremig Top 6.0 Bottom $A Ft. Bentonite Tremie Top ____ Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 10.0 Bottom 20.0 Ft. 2 in. .010 In- PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom_ — Ft in- in_ 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Sire Material Top 8,0 Bottom 20.0 Ft. #1 Sand Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. II - DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0 1 10.0' SILT & GRAVEL 1 10.0 1 16.0 5AN❑ 1 16.0 2H CLAY - -- 1 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: 1 aO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CON&IRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPV OF THIS REC D HAS BEEN PROVIPF-lill TO THE WELL OWNER SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRA T� DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: _ 13.5, FT. Arnold Chapel (Use "+" If Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL. Form GW-1b Submit within 30 days of completion to: division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Rey. 2109 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 dMSrnrt4 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department ol'E.nvironmeni and Natural kcsourccs- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2487 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Arnold Chapel Well Contractor (Individual) Name Parratt-Wolff. Inc. Well Contractor Company Name 501 Millstone Drive Street Address Hillsborough NC 27278 City or Town State Zip Code L919 _) 644-2814 Area code Phone number 2. WELL. INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if applicable) SITE WELL ID #(tf applicable) MW-18 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring Mr Municipai)Public L7 IndustdallCommercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ injection ❑ Imigationo Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 10/25/1 1 4. WELL LOCATION: 380 Knollwood Street (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: Winston-Salem COUNTY Forsvth TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley Flat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 .5 - 450 OUDO " DMS OR 3x.XxXXXXXXX DL) LONGITUDE 80 ° 17 - 183 OOOD DMS OR 7X.XXXXXXXXX DO Latitudehongitude source: ❑GPS ilTopographic map jlocalion of well must be shown on a t1SG5 topo map andattached to this farm Ifnot using GPS)I S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) FoUner. 3PP Stati❑n Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 380 KnollwBnd Street Street Address V81inslan-Salem NC 2T 103 City or Town State Zip Code Contact Name Mailing Address d. TOP OF CASING IS 4 F T. Above Land Surface' 'Tap of casing terminated a(lor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C 0118. e. YIELD (gpm): _NLA � METHOD OF TESTN/� f, DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth). Top NIA Bottom Top Bottom Top_ _ Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0 Bottom 10.0 Ff. 2" Sch40 PVC Top Bottom R. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT Depth Material Method Top Q Bottom 6.0 Ft _Portland Tremie Top 6,0 Bottom 8.0 Ft. Bentonite Tremie Top _ 8ottam _ Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top-10.0 Bottom 20.0 Ft. 2 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Tap Bottom_ Ft. in. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Tap 8.0 Bottom 20.0 Ft. 41 Sand Tap Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0 ! 10.0' SILT 8 GRAVEL 1 10.0 1 16.0 SAND 1-- 16.0 120.0 CLAY r 1 1 1 1 City or Town State Zip Code 12. REMARKS: i Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NqAC2C.WkLL CONSTRUCT1911 STANOAROS, AND THAT A COPY or THIS - a. TOTAL DEPTH:EC 'HAS BE PROJIDE THE WF;L OWNER �� l ��I EAr. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES! I NO D/ SIG TUBE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAC`T-O-R-� DATE e. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing 13-5 FT. Arnold Chanel "+" if Above Tap of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing, Form Gw 1 b Y P hf - g, Rev. 2109 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 307-6300 Attachment 6 Baring Lags (MW-18, MW-19, MIP-3, MIP-4, and SOD-1) U,.,o IIJIMI RIB-4i 1 LL rF L%A*[x` PROJECT NAME: BP 24163 BORING NO: MVV-18 NORTHING: Not surveyed PROJECT NO: 38436693 DRILLING SUBCONTRACTOR: Vironex 1 Parrett Wolff FASTING: Not surveyed DATE BEGAN: 10/25/2011 DRILLER: Jacob Haldiman APPROX. SURFACE ELEV: 870 It amsi DATE FINISHED: 10/25/2011 BORING METHOD: Air Lance / 4.25" ID Hollow Stem Auger BORING TOTAL DEPTH: 20 ft bgs FIELD GEOLOGIST: Phillip Ledford BORING EQUIP: Air Lance (0-6 It bgs for utility clearance) GW DEPTH DATE: 13.95 ft bgs on 1013112011 Geoprobe 6620 DT D 0 aw 0 ~ Q u1 W APPROX. ELEV. DEPTH r w o ¢ g INTERVAL IW- N 0 a M ❑ ¢ r¢ _ ¢ (FT. BGS) 2 w W a LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ¢ U _ F x N x F {FT.AMSL} z > M a SAMPLED p❑ Uo4 ❑ w 0 LIJ [L J O W 0 LU J v a rn a¢ Fx S �i Q N _ 870 0 865 1K -4 F. -8 860 + -10 855 ISr Q[E] -16 IMP. 850 + -20 lescription of material not logged) ❑ring terminated at 20' bgs FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP SITE 24163) Ulm WELL MW-18 NCDENR GW INCIDENT NO.6400 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, NC —I Concrete Pad Locki ng Well Cap Steel Well Vault I 2-inch I.D. SCH-40 PVC Grout. Bentonite Plug #2A Filter Sand 0.010 slot Screen I LO W.T. I m m i on o on ❑ Y r 8 Y U W U) a Co L..j NMI - _ R a k, "LL ..,JRWF T, -,,4 EG PROJECT NAME: BP 24163 BORING NO: MW-19 NORTHING: Not surveyed PROJECT NO: 38436693 DRILLING SUBCONTRACTOR: Vironex 1 Parratt Wolff EASTING: Not surveyed DATE BEGAN: 1012512011 DRILLER: Jacob Haldiman APPROX. SURFACE ELEV: 870 ft amsl DATE FINISHED: 10/25/2011 BORING METHOD: Air Lance 14.25" ID Hollow Stem Auger BORING TOTAL DEPTH: 20 ft bgs FIELD GEOLOGIST: Phillip Ledford BORING EQUIP: Air Lance [0-6 ft bgs for utility clearance] GW DEPTH/DATE: 3.75 ftbgs on 10/31/2011 Geoprobe 6620 DT ui a o 4 m APPROX. ELEV. DEPTH BGSy = w >- d ¢ g INTERVAL Q U) (5 uJ ❑= a a ❑-i g L) y ¢ F 2 (FT.AMSL) {FT. 2 w > W a o SAMPLED LITHGLGGIC DESCRIPTION U u< ❑❑ 0 z F � o D K O x v w o a wa 0 NUS a ¢ a. < m J r2 N� ¢ ❑ <_ 870 0 L...; _ _ RI IL a PROJECT NAME: BP 24163 PROJECT NO: 38436693 DATE BEGAN: 1012512011 DATE FINISHED: 10/2512011 FIELD GEOLOGIST: Phillip Ledford BORING NO: MIP-3 DRILLING SUBCONTRACTOR: Vironex DRILLER: Jacob Haldiman BORING METHOD: Air Lance 1 Direct Push Technology BORING EQUIP: Air Lance (0-6 ft bgs for utility clearance) Geoprobe 6620 DT NORTHING: Not surveyed EASTING: Not surveyed APPROX. SURFACE ELEV: 870 ft arnsl BORING TOTAL DEPTH: 20 ft bgs APPROX GW DEPTH: 14 ft bgs 0 t7 O J APPROK DEPTH O o Q 0 w J CL ¢ ¢ M ELEV. [ FT. 6G5] w g � INTERVAL LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION U p � u_ ¢ x m ? x L) (FT.AMSL) i 0 Q a SAMPLED O Q7 W w ix 0 vw w a : a ¢ E � W W Or ¢ ¢_ 87D 0 -2 865 -6 NA 22.6 Air Lance .. . Clayey Silt: red, gravelly, moist f fi3°/° s fl Silty Clay: grayish brown, moist 860 _+-10 12 -14 855 -16 3.2 7.9 94% DPT SOIL for TPH Analysis NM 63% 654 223 Silty Clay: gray, minor sand Sandy Silt: grayish Orange, moist ML CL ML 850 -zo Boring terminated at 20' bgs BRING MIP-3 FORMER KNOLI_WOO❑ GULF STATION (BP SITE 24163) InRs (AFTER SAMPLING BORING WAS NCDENR GW INCIDENT NO. 6400 ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WITH 15A NCAC 2C REGS.) WINSTON-SALEM, NC m =CV) m� o Y 0- rn 'K L7 W LI] Uj v a L..3`0 L_RI i L - 2" PROJECT NAME: BP 24163 PROJECT NO: 38436693 DATE BEGAN: 10/25/2011 DATE FINISHED: 1012512011 FIELD GEOLOGIST: Phillip Ledford BORING NO: MIP-4 DRILLING SUBCONTRACTOR: Vironex DRILLER: Jacob Haldiman BORING METHOD: Air Lance I Direct Push Technology BORING EQUIP; Air Lance (0-6 ft bgs for utility clearance) Geoprobe 6620 DT NORTHING: Not surveyed EASTING: Nat surveyed APPROX. SURFACE ELEV: 870 ft amsl BORING TOTAL DEPTH: 20 ft bgs APPROX GW DEPTH: 14 ft bgs O C7 H _j a O LU H APPROx- DEPTH = Y fl C7 w ¢ ¢ = m ELEV. {FT. BGS) m w a INTERVAL LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ¢ 0 � LL x ~ N x (FT-AMSL) > cr IL SAMPLED 00 O w O E w 70 H d fr Q 0. O m IU LU ' d ¢ � <_ 870 0 865 -2 -6 -6 860 _I-- -10 855 12 14 16 Im 850 —1-- -20 BORING MIP-4 Ulm (AFTER SAMPLING BORING WAS ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C REGS.) Dr clay moist ML —_— T T T 7t T T T T T T T T T T TTT HI W.T. T T T T T T T T T T 7T T T T T T T T .rT T T 7- T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T LOINT T T T T T T T T ,T T T ,T T T T 5M T ITT T T T T T T T T T T 'Y �T T t T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T i T T T ed at 20' bgs FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION {BP SITE 24163) m ° NCCENR GW INCIDENT NO. 6400 U U 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET ro WINSTON-SALEM, NC MIS__RI 13L a PROJECT NAME: BP 24163 PROJECT NO: 39436693 DATE BEGAN: 10/25/2011 DATE FINISHED: 10125/2011 FIELD GEOLOGIST: Phillip Ledford BORING NO: SOD-1 DRILLING SUBCONTRACTOR: Vironex DRILLER: Jacob Haldiman BORING METHOD: Air Lance 1 Direct Push Technology BORING EQUIP: Air Lance (0-6 ft bgs for utility clearance) Geoprobe 6620 DT NORTHING: Nat surveyed EASTING: Not surveyed APPROX. SURFACE ELEV: 870 ft amsl BORING TOTAL DEPTH: 20 ft bgs APPROX GW DEPTH: 14 ft bgs 0 APPROX. DEPTH) r= r INTERVAL H 0 LJ ¢ _ ELEV. (FT. BGS 2 W w LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION ¢ v 0 u- x ~ (6 x O_ (FT.AMSL) z O W a SAMPLED ❑❑ LuO cr 0 u°a Q W Er a. a 04 w ar J S¢S w Q 7 ¢ N Z _ d 870 D 865 -4 -6 -8 860 --}-- -10 2W 14 855 scription of material not lagged) NA NA NA ,ing terminated at 15' bgs �I BORING SOD-1 FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP SITE 24163) (AFTER SAMPLING BORING WAS NCDENR GW INCIDENT NO. 6400 ABANDONED IN ACCORDANCE 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WITH 15A NCAC 2C REGS.) WINSTDN-SALEM, NC HI W.T. LO W.F. m m z d/� c Y C U w p a f=1 0. o C Attachment 7 Soil Disposal Waste Manifest (October 31, 2011) Li. �ff m r: N SnnYJ - 6 C? J 1 ra] t� W 0 S w C] F- NON -HAZARDOUS 1. Ganetotars US EPA W No. Onjsl 2. Pogn I WASTE MAN# S5i Non-RCRA.Ragujatpd, oMci a of 1 J. 0anarolar's Harno. and htalllna Addrats BP Products _ North America do URS Corporation NC 1600 Perimeter Park Dr. Harrisville, NC 27560 4. Crnwa(ais Phone ( 704 ) S22.0330 k. Tronzparle�, Pllonv T l S. Troasporlw Y Cornpony Noma 6. US EPA ID Number Shamrock Enyi rorntentai Cor arabion H C. 0.0 0 Q 9. 4 .2 7 4 4. 336-375.1989 8, Transporlor's Phono j 7, lraspportar 2 Company Noma- B. US EPA 11) Humber 9. Dasignetod facH+lyy Nornc and Site Address to. U5 EPA ID Nurnbor Palmotto Landfill C. Fordilys Phone 251 Ravi Hope Rd. Pollford, 5C 19305 064-439-9164 11. Waste 5hIpping Noma and 0h%c is=liorn - ---- 12. Containers 13, Ir rat "I Lrr No.TYpe Wvanlily _ Uhlrr o flan -Hazardous, Non -Regulated Material (Drill Cuhtings) rlo-i' riAA _fir^-.nn P f). Attcf lianr=t {]astripiivm fat Koterloh Listed Abaya SITE ADDRESS.-V :B ZLW!t 3 E 11a. VA-3135 381 Kroiwmd _C+• � i5 Spo[ial lian[Jfnp Inslruglonr and Addiliotsal Information JD8 is 04?—WNt-11- 0053 f 16. GENERAMR% CERTIPICAT110NS t uriffy 16s aoseauls t6m1+Cd a4ars no Imi pmai(w! we not ra6jert to j1`hr prft+l 1TYAed 14erao 5lprtgl R17. Trnnsportar 1 A%knowledgemenl _ Ret:oipl of Moladws Fl PrinladlTyped Hamm Anatut i B. Ttansporlar x A knolc wladyamwA of Rainipt of Matoffals 7 Pdrwcd/Typod Name I Sipnoluim Ft 14. [%sr.ropanty IndimHon Sperm A C I . 1 . . - ia Codes for Wosles Llstod Above x l +apnbllont to, topwttno J—Pas tbspvrot of stotordocs %4m e0h am Yc �` - At�.61??vj MaAlfi I Dar Yr L. 2a. rocillly Owner or ❑parotou Cod Ulm lion of racelpI o1 wo0n materials cdrorrd by lbls monil mil uxcopt as noted in Item 19. I T Y Prinlcd i d Hump L4� � ypc I Slpnolvia ORIGINAt- - RETURN TO GENERATOR lz"A _ flay . Irr -� . Manlh Day 'h Attachment S Laboratory Analytical Reports (October 2011) I e-Hardcapy Z, 4 Automated Report . Southeast ACCLJTEEBT L A B 0 R A T D R I E S 1 Technical Report for Atlantic Richfield Company URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC 38436651 Accutest Job Number: F87177 Sampling Date: 10/25/11 Report to: URS Corporati011 nicole—lancaster@urscorp.com ATTN: Nicole Lancaster Total number of pages in report: 23 � x Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements Harry Behzadi, Ph. D. Laboratory Director of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Heather Wandrey 407-425-6700 Certifications- FL (ES3510), LA (03051). KS (E-:0327). IA (366), IL (200063), NC (573), NJ (FL002), 5C (96038001) DoD FLAP (L-A-B L2229), CA (04226CA), TX {T104704404), AK, AR, GA, KY, MA. NV, OK, UT, VA, WA, WI This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Accutest Laboratories. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. Southeast • 4405 Vineland Road • Suite C-15 - Orlando, FL 32811 - tel 407-425-6700 • fax 407-425-0707 Accutest Laboratories is the sole authorih for authorizing edits or modifications to this document. Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. hup I/www.accutest-com ■■ 1 of 23 M ACC:U-rEST F87177 ' " "" " Sections: Table of Contents Be Section 1: Sample Summary................................................................................................... 3 Section 2: Case Narrative/Conformance 5ummai-N........................................................... 4 Section3: 5amnle R"uits........................................................................................................ 5 3.1: F87177-1: MIP3-12-14................................................................................................. 6 3.2: F87177-2: MIP4-13-15................................................................................................. 8 Section4: Misc. Forms............................................................................................................ 10 4.1: Chain of Custody........................................................................................................... 11 Section 5. CC Volatiles - QC Data Summaries..................................................................... 15 5. 1: Method B lank Summary ................................................................................................ 16 5.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 17 5.3. Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 18 Section 6: CC Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries............................................................ 19 6.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 20 6.2: Blank Spike Summary .............................................................................. ............._....... 22 ............... 6.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary........................................................... 23 Q d a F-I 2 of 23 ccuYE=-sr F87177 ` .1 Accutest LabLinkg- 12:44 01-Nov-2011 Sample Summary Atlantic Richfield Company .lob No: F87177 URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Project No: 38436651 Sample Collected Matrix Client Dumber Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID F87177-1 10/25/11 08:45 CK 10/26/11 SO Soil M1P3-12-14 F87177-2 10/25/11 09:20 CK 10/26/11 SO Soil MIP4-13-15 Soil samples reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise indicated on result page. IMS 3 of 23 M ACCLlTF=-ST. F87177 SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: Atlantic Richfield Company ,fob No: F87177 Site: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knolhvood St, Winston-Salem. NC Report Hate 11/1/2011 12:42:18 2 Samples were collected on 10/2512011 and were received at Accutest on 10/26/2011 properly preserved, at 2.6 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an Accutest job number of F87177. A listing of the laboratory Sam pie 11). Client Sample I and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section ofthis report. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. Volatiles by GC By Method SW846 8015C Matrix: SO Batch ID: GQR2798 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Samples) F87137-28MS, F87137-28MSD were used as the QC samples indicated, MSIMSD Recovery(s) for TPH-GRO (C6-C 10) are outside control limits. Probable cause due to matrix interlcrence. For method performance in a clean matrix, refer to SB. Sample(s) F87I77-1. F87177-2, F87137-28MS, F87137-28MSD have surrogates outside control limits. F87177-1 for 4-Bromofluorobenzene: Outside control limits due to matrix interference. F87177-1 for 4-Bromofluorobenzene: Result reported from PID. F87177-I for aaa-Trifluorotoluene: Outside control limits due to matrix interference. F87177-1 for aaa-Tri fl uorotol uene: Result reported from PID. F87I77-2 for 4-11romofluorobenzcne: Outside control limits due to matrix interference. F87177-2 for 4-Bromofluorobenzene: Result reported from P]D. F87137-28MS for 4-Bromofluorobenzene: Outside control limits due to matrix interference. F87137-28MS for 4 -B romoll uorobenzene: Result reported from P1D. F87I37-28MSD for 4-Bromofluorobenzene: Outside control limits due to matrix interference. F87137-28MSD for 4-Bromolluorobenzene: Result repotted from PID. Extractables by GC By Method SW846 8015C Matrix: SO Batch ID: OP39188 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) F87225-6MS. F87225-6MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. F87177-1 far TPH (C 10-C28): Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before C 10. F87177-2 for TPH (C ]O-C28). Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before C 10. Wet Chemistry By Method SM19 2546G Matrix: SO Batch ID: GN46981 Samples) F87170-15DUP was used as the QC samples for Solids. Percent. Accutest Laboratories Southeast (ALSE) certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samp]es as received at ALSE and as stated on the COC. ALSE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the ALSE Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. ALSE is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used Narrative prepared by: Date: November 1, 2011 Lovelie Merzgar. QA Assistant (signature on filrl me 4 of 23 ■.&.CCuTEST F47177 ...... I- - ccutest a ! ink 12:44 01- o -2011 Sample Summary tlantic ichfield Company Job No: F87177 S CM:SIS 24163: 381 null ood St inston-Salem C Pro ect o: 38436651 Sample Coltected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample 1D F87177-1 10/25/11 08:45 C 10/26/11 S Soil MIP3-12-14 F87177-2 IW25111 0 :20C. 10/26/11 S. Soil MIN-13-15 Soil samples reported on a dry ei ht asis unless other ise indicated on result pa e. F-L ■o 3 of 23 w ACCLJTEST. FB7177 "'.- ..- SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: tlantic .ichfield Company Job No: F87177 Site: S CM:SIS 24163: 381 noll ood St I inston-Saiem I C Report Date 11/1/201 112:42:18 2 Samples ere collected on 10/25/2011 and ere rccei ed at ccutest on 10/26/2011 properly prescr ed at 2.6 De . C and intact. here Samples recei ed an ccutest o num or of F87177. listin of the a oratory Sample ID Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the esults Summary Section of this report. xcept as noted elo all method specified cal rations and uality control performance criteria ere met for this o . For more infonnation. please refer to C summary pa es. Volatiles by GC By Method SW846 8015C Matrix: S Batch ID: 27 8 11 samples ere analy ed ithin the recommended method holdin time. ]l method Ianks for this etch meet method specific criteria. Sample s F87137-28MS F87137-28MSD ere used as the C samples indicated. MSIMSD ec❑ cry s for P - C6-C 10 are outside control limits. Pro a le cause due to matrix interference. For method performance in a clean matrix refer to SB. Sample s F87I77-1 F87177-2 F87137-28MS F87137-28MSD ha a surro ates outside control limits. F87177-1 for 4-Bromofluor❑ en ene: utside control limits due to matrix interference. F87177-1 for4-Bromofluoro en ene: esultreported from PID. F87177-1 for aaa- rifluorot❑luene: utside control limits due to matrix interference. F87177-1 for aaa- rifluorotoluene: esull reported from PID. F87I77-2 for 4-Bromofluoro en ene: utside control limits due to matrix interference. F87I77-2 for 4-Brornofluoro en one: esult reported from PID. F87137-28MS for 4-Bromofluoro on ene: utside control limits due to matrix interference. F87137-28MS for 4-Bromofluoro en ene: csuit reported from PED. F87137-28MSD for 4-Bromofiuoro on ene: utside control limits due to matrix interference. F87137-28MSD for 4-Bromofluoro en ene: esult reported from PID. Extractables by GC By Method SW846 8015C Matrix: S Batch ID: P3 188 11 samples ere extracted ithin the recommended method holdin time. 11 samples ere analy ed ithin the recommended method holdin time. ]l method lanks for this atch meet method specific criteria. Sample s F87225-6MS F87225-6MSD ere used as the C samples indicated. F87177-1 for P C10-C28 : Petroleum hydrocar on pattern a ins efore C10. F87177-2 for P C 10-C28 : Petroleum hydrocar on pattern c ins efore C10. Wet Chemistry By Method SM19 2540G Matrix: S Batch ID: 46 81 Sample s F87170-15D P as used as the C' samples for Solids Percent. ccutest a oratories Southeast . S. certifies that this report meets the pro ect re uirements for analytical data produced for the samples as recei cd at S and as stated on the C C. S certifies that the data meets the Data uality lecti es for precision accuracy and completeness as specified in the S uality Manual except as noted a ❑ e. his report is to a used in its entirety. S is not responsi le for any assumptions of data uality if partia] data packa es are used arrati a prepared y: Date: o em er l 2011 o elic Met i ar i ssistant si nature on file �i ■E 4 of 23 ■accuT��rt Section 3 Southeast w ACCUTEEms -iF L A B❑ R A T O R I E S Sample Results Report of Analysis 0 ■■ 5 of 23 E .4CCUTEST. F87177 `•.... "•�•• Accutest LabLinkr1712:44 01-Nov-2011 Report of Analysts Client Sample ID: MIP3-12-14 Lab Sample ID: F87177-1 Date Sampled: 10/25/11 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 10/26/11 Method: SW846 8015C Percent Solids: 71.9 Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC Page 1 of 1 j File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # 1 QR064415. D 10 10/27/11 CP n a n/a GQR2798 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 4.18 g 5.H ml 25.0 ul Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result TPH-GRO (C6-C10) 2620 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 115% a 460-004 4-Bromofluarobenzene 179% b 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 102% a 98-08-8 aaa-Tritluorotoluene 122°/0 b (a) Result reported from PID. (b) Outside control limits due to matrix interference. ND = Not detected MOL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range RL MDL Units Q 410 210 mg/kg Run# 2 Limits 56-136% 56-136% 61-121% 61-121% J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Ew 6 of 23 �ACCLJTEST. rerrrr ...o...o... Accutest LabLinKDi 12:44 01-Nov-2011 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: M1P3-12-14 Lab Sample ID: F97177-1 Date Sampled. 10/25/11 Matrix: So - soil Date Received: I0/26/ 11 Method: SW846 8015C SW846 3550C Percent Solids: 71.9 Project: LIRSNCM:SlS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 YY2536I.❑ 1 10/28/11 SJL 10/28/11 ❑P39188 GYY931 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run # 1 30.1 g 1.0 ml Run 42 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH (C 10-C28) ' 129 12 4.6 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# I Run# 2 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terpheriyl 78% 49-108% (a) Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before CIO. ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyze found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound me 7 of 23 F87177 Accutest Labl-ink@12:44 01-Nov-2011 Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 hi Client Sample ID: MIP4-13-15 Lab Sample ID: F87177-2 Date Sampled: 10/25/11 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 10/26/11 Method: SW846 8015C Percent Solids: 71.2 Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. `JC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 QR064414. D 1 10/27/ l 1 CP nla n a GQR2798 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume ]Methanol Aliquot Run #1 4.72 g 5.0 mi 5,0 u] Run 42 CAS No. Compound Result RL NlDI, Units Q TPH-GRO {C6-CIO) 1080 190 95 mglkg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Rung 2 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenxene 117% a 56-136% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 151% G 56-136% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene I09% 61-121% (a) Result reported from PID. lb) Outside control limits due to matrix interference. ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■1 8 of 23 ■ A,ccu_T_E_zE73_r F117177 "•"`•1-- Accutest LabLinlc'a-.12:44 01-Nov-201I Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MIP4-13-15 Lab Sample ID: F87177-2 Date Sampled: 10/25/11 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 10/26/11 Method: SW846 8015C SW846 3550C Percent Solids: 71.2 Project: URSNC:M:SIS 24I63: 381 1Cnollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page I of I File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # 1 YY25362. ❑ 1 10/28/ 1 1 SJL 10/28/ 11 OP39188 GYY931 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run#1 30.2g 1.0ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL iMDL Units Q TPH (C I0-C'28) S 43.8 12 4.7 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 75% 49-108% (a) Petroleum hydrocarbon }pattern begins before C10. ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte Found in associated method blank L = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound E■ 9 of 23 �.4CCLJTEST. Section 4 ■■ Southeast N. C. CcU-TEST L A n OR AT O R I I- S Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: • Certification Exceptions ■ Certification Exceptions (NC) • Chain of Custody M. �0 10of23 F87177 ...... •• '1010 p.aPm.aan nrr. Laboratory Management Program LaMP Chain of fusj JW1-7 Page -1 W 1 BPIARC Fecllhy No•: F1ey Duo Dan ImrrddckW. Rush TAT: Yoe No X Lab Work Order Num ba- N.me. AMANIF&KOWM BPJAK F4cft Addr— 3aI KnGXMwp D N* URS Cdpo..m - Nora Carolrr Auck. "06 v.mplr,d Ma0. S,Ma C 4. GIW1dn- FL Vol I . am". ZIP Curie- W hMl Sam n, NG P,q.CI No: aeld3-9a1Ta061.19epp Ab Iqd: HOWW Wa00lay L964 P.OR"iQ--T ii[TIM Oeom - kkW- Pba 1e00 P.rxaa9N F&A Read, SW aee. Mon wM. NO 27%0 Ab GhaN 407-425, g0 onYa 136" ID No.' auWCOWW& PIA: COW Ktr Sr"Lou Awe AGDAYC 1823.201" ErAoe R%-.W So- 0076E-0001 P',we010-461.1505 lab 9pme Order f.a Mdde ProAtl X DW-Bu _ cXC FIM Fm.E — To hYnna_Mrrra•LrrwKaP cam NIc Sl.gc 40 Ac-xY- SQ - Op"Y 1 PM)W Spends "To: NWAnc Cor,arlor % IANC EE1A. r+W Fra h Yatrbi Nd. cd1Up11ows 1 PIdMfYWllla Requeeled AnYyara hpwS Typo ■ ac Ldkdl MW Phone: 2,6 V1a7a0 y ¢ � a E p pp v❑� Q r W .y of {Jjl Sam" X FWIOW Pachp. EBM EmAIf: Grrg. FinchYhp.pon J 1G10b Samplr Dear r1p1J on Data 7IM6 comet " wa,. ...n,de .d cgr<..a mw.r +au —P.M wra. —�M Z - L7 77 !I Q$L15 ilia 71. Fjr.. IL ►PLy � I -+ (0 �5 IS �} � a 1 ampisarwma: �.j�1.�[j f,E, ,�1J� baddByfMllfallon Wee TI"M AGCaptedCylAlfWMldf1 Cone Time pars Coapege USS curpmaom - Norm C*RW4 iO 2 S 1.500 FfF V) Rhos ►iec,06: FeAEX SNpoa1. lu 7Ip pa 10eD lead �." 11arAwy Na' 7 l � BpneWi InsumcUdn.: M.N. m aMaer w twlpw RR Raveaal *W WOVO «mope N rWk Cwwx eeere,a M aI 1� "0" I.. a 1a - THIS ONE • LAa USE ONLY: Di.IOdV Seale" PMI+.: Yae+No j Temp frank: Yee I No I Ca Tm,p m Re ,elpL . �e-_'F1C I Trp Oft— Yam 1 No MSMW Sa OM 81&hAWJ Yea! Na Enlra WWk Raleaim WR239047 Epom Few Coe I% -a 0IMM" F87177: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 4 A No 11 of 23 W ACCLJTE=-ST. FB7177 " •'••• ACC[TTEST LABORATORIES SAMPLE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION ACCL7 ESiS]OBNUM0mwl Z71 7 cumn 0k-S PROJECT: I I ��� E DATE/TB RECEIVED: 46] 2 4- /I 1Q.Gy_{ALAAlM YY 24:00) NMISM OF COOLERS RECEIVEDX I METHOD OF DELIVERY: jfii2t� UPS ACCUTM COURIER ORBYROUND DELfVERY 01 AMBILL NUMIBERS: Fqdq I Ci 7 r 3 �oo�R rrrFOx,,�nax CUSTODY SEAL NUT PRESENT OR NOT INTACT CRAW OF CUSTODY NOT RECEIVED (COC) ANALYSIS REQUESTED 19 UNCLEAR OR MISSINO SAMPLE DATES OR TIMES UNCLEAR OR MISSINO TEMPERATURE CRITERIA NOT MET OWET ICE PRESENT TRIP BLANK INF•ORMAnON TRIP FLANK PROVIDED ELAN[ NOT PROVIDED BLANL NOT ON COC TW BLANK INTACT BLANX NOT INTACT RECEIVED WATER TRIP RLANK LjRECETVED SOIL TRIP MANE NUMBER OF ENCORES? 23-0RAM S-GRAM NUMBER OF 5035 FIELD KM 7 � NUMBER OF LAB FILTERED METALS? TEHFBATU-TNFORRATION TM M LD--L- CORR.FACTOR 'C"O• Z- BSERVED TEMPS: "I ORRECi'FD7EMP5: �- 4a .., SANIPLE WFORMATION SAMPLE LABELS PRESENT ON ALL BOTTLES INCORRECT NUMBER OF CONTAINERS USFY3 SAMPLE RECEIVED IMPROPERLY PRESERVED DWMCM47 VOLUME FOR ANALYSIS TBSrMC9S ON COC DO NOT MATCH SAMPLE LABEL S ON COC DO NOT MATCH I ABIM VOC VIALS HAVE HE&DSPACE (MACRO BUBBLES) BOTTLES RECEIVED BUT ANALYSIS NOT REQUESA NO BOTTLES RECEIVED FOR ANALYSIS REQUESTED UNCLEAR FILTSYLNO OR COMP48nm4o INST'RUCYTONS SAMPLE CONTAINER(S) RECEIVED BROKEN j0SOLIDS JAR NOT RECEWEL) 3S FIELD KIT FROZEN WITI$i 49 HOUR'S ffi1[IAL CSL.OkrNE PRESENT {ArVCAB1 F TO FPA 6M SBtII@8 01KIi0RT13 CAXQlJ1 to 0RGANrS1 TECEMCLANSIGNAWREJDATI��1U'2L ll REVIEWER NF 12110 raaaipt confnmabon 122910.As F87177: Chain of Custody Page ❑ of 4 12 of 23 �p,ccuT�s-r. P87177 •••.�•• •• •• 00 V r J "Cr W :J subca rlt cl Mo. 1116Y6 U Work order I'9iL_ Re, isioe No p-___f__^ Dare IOr171IR11 wM LyLz-:: ACCUTEST KIT REQUEST FORM Maui tee dr OnC amt6traml Cl1en1: RP COreer P.N[: Chet ftmb Prujeci: UP Z4163- 1 ocatian: 341 Kaoliwood aUM 1r{IUUmtrSahrn NC Kate; Node: 6P a L'SA> NC a FURSYTTT � 24163 7 insLtlY - t ENFOS Wank Rdrase: w�j�j Enfm Pmjrd P 007GF-000I Dale Needed: i5usrloi,S7rYe4a it.;* a Sample Dety. 201I1nu Add r m re 11 invoke To: URS A ne1vtkal SOW fore Ev 11: Camndtant: URS Carnaration C-OH&U112ot Phi: Cakbdauuas` _ Conauttent Tl.: Cmkb Krouse URS Project N: 3M39.5I.1Q41M rm a faiection and monitarina Pru.idae: jg *Mnal Made it WITS Adhily:12 Projed CbernW: Manna Meyer' lOL Morrisville Pbnae Nu.: 919-461-1519 lkeportlq)e Limn Number or Sam lea Matrix Metbmb Andyft LYt R reroeKs° Vine Radar 12 Samples (I l primary and I field Mcshods th dleplicale), l MS. 1 SiSD. and l Trip [SMi 620 HTFX and MTBE NC 2L end GCL M Hleak 1 I Sarr.plve- l MS and 1 MSD [or EPA RM Sulrme SC34 NA S2f1 SM 45M-C Carbon dioxide (CM) NA $23 Laboratory duplicate etaidySK a5 VMP6410)Wain Tula Pcuvlcum Hydrerarboff• (TPH)-131mlme Range Organics NA jn 4Sampin SW-8468Q15C GRO 97H - DiesPA Rang Organics NA S32 ROl SW-Fi680lSC H-CRO lQppm $36 nab Ica Snit - DRO 40 PM1 37 SHIt3234C1G rSolids NA ff, Anayucxl week is to • Terheecrl Rrgwrrmreri Frx Gvirauesrrai W—o,„ w FrodmallaaePY. Adorer ae:-h 44 C-gxm- a OF- ofihaMovnp sr. 9ni O9 - FL'Wa Jawd- 015MW7 r:—r.e,.., fur Auearaxee wed Co Yive Arrive, NC DEW US' T Sr . rnn'ee roam Ch!R.��CET 1 • Cwdetuenlcr So wUm& NC aE\R 11SC Saaien. nova reaioe. w1u rA u ry Wk a h{K .�,I�+vr�lCgl�,srhlrs ,�l[ S aereple r Lis are to be snalyad at the lowsd diturian pmdble without harro Co the imtrurnent, end Ibm al the pruper dii utim to enure their mplmter7 keels are atkred. All OC dneraions art to >te rned'umed using a dmimii ar column or "ator (GUMS). All mil sample msui is Orr nr be mlxmW on a "dry-wxigbi' base- ReWlts wx In be temmed To the Hahud OeiMikM Limit. Sample cnnrerNratinns that are teas Ihan the POL, but grrater rlum the MDL are to be 1-flaMd. Arutlyticai TAT: Standard l Ah CertRlrabDn: NC DWO Fkrrmniv Odiverahlet laboratory ruoug bntainina Case Nntative. sumMM of sample reauk[s wo Mr MMW J& msuI16 Sang le Recrint oanerwyL aad COC raved: EDO furrnatted iv EArel fir thr EnxiraData ar MwL and electmn c rape fpdOOf Ile invrewx Dad rook Report MEvtr d To! Manha (919) 46I -1519 - Supplies Needed 1per Errmia: . 45 4Cim1 VOA sigh. prt jw=, nrd with HUT. far SM 62000 siWysoof weleri3 vWs Pa sample and d ge sm A-Ung roar tHTj 514dryu . 12 plaxk brn]eh. unptcxrved, of w fuicrit rim fur the daamination of C'02 and SO4 N WXLT (I px sampk end I for QC awly"I C07 HT S14 day: SCH HT- <29 day, • 1540-m1 VOA viols, pm -pm drved wilt H0. frr the dckralbudwn of TPH GRO in wacrf3 vials pn Umple add a spare xs1. HT: cld dzyr, . 10 14dler a d=bmlm pre: prrscvod with HCL fur the detesaurestiau of TM MO is xav (2 pn u mple ant a spar retl HT: $$7 "farm ccgA eion AU evturberr cad os 4Vd y' form eMm Tk)n rO raaafyris • 6 pouted 40-mL VOA vials, opntainurg urd ennl, fay drc deusm ram of TPH GRO w soil i2 per sanrpk and I War Arl HI.• 514day . 3 4-vr- wide narolh des glass lws wish 7e11 lmed screw .wp5 fm the deirrnduation of TM DRO arm) perm- meistuee (Otte Per saeeor, plus spar raraaieal. TPH DRO HT clad)i jn coAerrm xe ea "rv^ deed c46 dae rlj ermanm ra aaefvm Peru M-nwr HT <7 doW . 2 Caft dcwkcs for the oDlkction of roil sarrpka fm the GKO anlyma sal aaqua will be cnOnYsd to rr dry. rbie V—M� saw will he cdYmf over. reo iey pff%,4 'rparcbb6 b" sht64r ices thin Oe R7L or NC C�de.amr hm bun SuaWd f20i%tith ern bv=. ' Maast sptkdmsu VKkxdtpidrr saryle R na taaabir M,em mum tea IN wmples are wtmaod m dw bn w A ZIrm evmr ' Coaabaa types and sumten por Suuf C;mek 1.. CSmaplydeb_[nweep2.ra.ar ticntngstTempvrary Inreener Files%Cmenr DAFmk"4 I EVk41BP 2410 Acctara<U keWevi Furor (Run 111 dre I ly1M011 I4:15 AM VV VMR - M 0 �w • Integrityseafsand fxuleIrrbels • A ernimum of 3 Cookrls) labdad wWi lahoraWry nam anal atkkom • R etum sllgrping [Wxk per-pmated with the labo a ury nau and address (I per um la) • ljL latinn and sbmrbenr packing material • Tenpe lum blanks (I per em+lcO • Federal Earprrss air Sil Is; l per rn Icr) Ship SuppHm Tot 1 Xl QC4 Krouse I f URS Cq=ralion _ UR5 Commmoe low Peaimerer Park Ihive. Suite dw 6135 Part Sryrlh Drivm Suite NQ Morrisville HC275W C'hWomcc YK28210 Phone No.(9191 461. 1IW Phone No. 704522-0330 Swhcmrracl NO. Llju$,1f9 W-k Old. 2xuaus. C.ce 1a17R1111 Pape I 1 itiwbcl PLF,A.SB 94CLUDE " 2A1W^ on the wtsidc of the cooler to facW ute reerieval from our m/Ilroom Kit Request lakes by: Pow Kit i'umpleLed Sv: Bale S"I- C{pccm� sad SotonpasraW k—S.U"AJ !;muW%Teof—q lnw HkslCe Ian Outkuk1AX4I F-V X4V8P 24183 Accent U Request farm; 1fW7- I1).dm- IaI712611 11-15 AN aVV Section 5 . Southeast a Ai. CCL JTEEST L. A13❑RAT0RIES GC Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries r "I 15of23 ACCIJ T E ST F87177 "" " Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GQR2798-MB QR064411.D 1 10/27/11 CP nla nla GQR2798 The QC reported here applies to the follu►►ino samples: F87177-1. F87177 CAS No. Compound Result RL TPH-GRD (C6-C10) ND 5.0 Method: SW846 8015C MDL Units Q 2.5 mglkg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-004 4-Bromofluorobencene 57% 56-136% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 82% 61-121% M; 16 of 23 w a,CCu-rEs-r F87177 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GQR2798-BS QR064410.D 1 10/27/11 CP n.1 a nla GQR2798 The QC reported here applies to the follwvk inY, samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87177-1, F87177-2 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound mg/kg mg/kg % Limits TPH-GRQ (C6-CIO) 20 17.8 89 74-121 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromoftuorohenzene 97% 56-136% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 95% 61-121% �r 17 4f 23 Fs71z7 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page I of 1 Job Number-. F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch F87137-28MS QR064416.D 1 10/27/11 CP n/a Na GQR2798 F87137-28MSD QR064417.1) I 10/27/11 CP nla nla GQR2798 F87137-28 QR064412,D 1 10/27/11 CP nla nla GQR2798 -]'he QC reported here applies to the following samples: F87177-1, F87177-2 Method: SW846 8015C F87137-28 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound mglkg Q mg/kg mg/kg % mg/kg % RPD Rec/RPM TPH-GRO (C6-CIO) 288 232 410 53* 417 56* 2 74-121117 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD F87137-28 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 131% a 130°% 8 124°% a 56-136°% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 238°%* b 240%* b 237%* b 56-136% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 94°% 95% 82% 61-121°% (a) Result reported from PID. (b) Outside control limits due to matrix interference. No 18 of 23 (♦.4I-=_LJTEBT F87177 _. .._.... .. Section 6 Southeast E ,n.CCUTEST L A B O R AT 0 R I E S GC Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 19of23 Il♦ ACCL�"TEBT FE7177 "' "" Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number. F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP39188-MB YY25354-D 1 10/28/11 S1L 10/28/11 OP39188 GYY931 The QC reported here app8es to the following samples: F87177-1, F87177-2 CAS No. Compound Result RL TPH (CIO-C28) N❑ 8.3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl Limits Method: S W 846 8015C MDL Units Q 3.3 mg/kg 77% 49-108% 0. 20 of 23 E ,6,= C_- LJ T E S;-F F67177 Method Blank Summary Page i of 1 Jab Number: F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knoilwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP39188-MB LL37939.13 1 10/31/11 SA.. 10/28/11 OP39188 GLL1461 The QC reported here applies to the folloning sankples: F87177-1, F87177-2 CAS No. Compound Result RL TPH (Ci0-C28) NU 8.3 Method: SW846 8015C MDL Units Q 3.3 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 84-15-1 o-I'crphcm•E 83% 49-108% & 21 of 23 w.4CCLJTE':=—T FV177 ...e..e... Blank Spike Summary Page I of I Job Number: F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC ample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batci IP39188-BS YY25353.13 1 10/28/11 S1L lW28111 OP39188 QYY931 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C 1:87177-1. 1 87177 CAS No. Compound TPH (CIO-C28) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl Spike BSP BSP mgtkg mg/kg % Limits 33.3 25.9 78 60-107 BSP Limits 80% 49-1080/a ■ 22 of 23 ACCLJ�f ESZ: F87i77 •• •, "• •• Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page I of l Job Number: F87177 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knol[wood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP39188-MS YY25369-D 1 10/28/11 SJL 10/28/11 OP39188 GYY931 OP39188-MSD YY25370.D 1 10/28/11 SJL 10/29/11 ❑P39188 GYY931 F87225-6 YY25368.D 1 10/28/11 SJL 10/28/11 OP39188 GYY931 The QC: reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87177-1, F87177-2 F87225-6 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound mg/kg Q mg/kg mg/kg % mg/kg % RP❑ Ree/RPD TPH (C10-C28) 18.5 37.2 55.0 98 48.2 80 1-, 60-107 �6 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FS7225-6 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 90% W/o 83% 49-109% P, w i so 23 of 23 � ACCUTt=BT FB717T •"•"••"'••�• e-Hardeopy 2.0 Southeast ACCLUTEEiT L A r3OR AT OR I ES Technical Report for Atlantic Richfield Company URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC 38436651 Accutest job Number: F87389 Sampling Date: 10/31/11 Report to: URS Corporation martha. meyers-lee@urs. com Sarah _C hoyke @URSCorp . com ATTN. Martha Meyers Total number of pages in report: 67 �o sN wec11R C % Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements ai"Behzadi, Ph.D. of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Laboratory Director and/or state specific cerlification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Heather Wandrey 407-425-6700 Certifications: FL (E83510), LA (03051), KS (E-10327), IA (366), IL (200063), NC (573), NJ (FL002), SC (96038001) DoD FLAP (L-A-B L2229), CA (04226CA), TX (T104704404), AK, AR, GA, KY, MA, NV, OK, UT, VA, WA, Wi This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Accutest Laboratories. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. Southeast • 4405 Vineland Road ' Suite C-15 • Orlando, FL 32911 • tel: 407-425-6700 • fax: 407.425.0707 Accutest laboratories is the sole authority For authorizing edits or modifications to thl, document. Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. • http:/Iwww.accutest.com ■■ 1 of 67 � accur�sT Table of Contents -I- Section1: Sample Summary................................................................................................... Section 2: Case Narrative/Confo rm a nee Summary.............................................................. Section3: Sample Results....................................................................................................... 3.I : F87389-1. TRIP BLANK............................................................................................. 3.2; F87389-2: MW-3.......................................................................................................... 3.3; F87389-3: MW-5R....................................................................................................... 3.4: F87389-4: MW-6.......................................................................................................... 3.5. F87389-5: MW-6I......................................................................................................... 3.6: F87389-6: MW-8R....................................................................................................... 3.7: F87389-7: MW-14........................................................................................................ 3.8: F87389-8: MW-15........................................................................................................ 3.9: F87389-9: MW-16........................................................................................................ 3.10: F87389-10: MW-17 ............................................................................................. 3.11. F87389-11: MW-18.................................................................................................... 3.12: F87389-12: MW-19.................................................................................................... 3.13: F87389-13: MW-20.................................................................................................... Section4: Misc. Forms............................................................................................................ 4.1: Chain of Custody........................................................................................................... Section 5: GCIMS Volatiles - QC Data Summaries.............................................................. 5.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 5.2: Blank Spike Summary................................................................................................... 5.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ..............•............................................ Section 6: GC Volatiles - QC Data Summaries..................................................................... 6.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 6.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 6.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... Section 7: GC Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries............................................................ 7.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 7.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 7.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... Section 8: General Chemistry - QC Data Summaries.......................................................... 8.1: Method Blank and Spike Results Summary .................................................................. 8.2: Duplicate Results Summary .......................................................................................... 8.3: Matrix Spike Results Summary ..................................................................................... 8.4: Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Summary.................................................................... Sections: 3 7 8 9 11 15 17 19 23 25 27 29 31 35 39 44 41 46 47 48 49 5il 51 52 53 54 55 59 61 63 64 65 66 67 �;• 2of67 � AGCLJ7EST Accutest Laboratories Sample Summary Atlantic Richfield Company Job No: F87389 URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Project No: 38436651 Sample Collected Matrix Client Number hate Time By Received Code Type Sample ID F87389-1 10/31/11 00:00 CK 11/01/11 AQ Trip Blank Water TRIP BLANK F87389-2 10/31/11 1 I:00 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-3 F87389-3 10/31/11 11:30 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-5R F87389-4 10/31/11 12:10 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-6 F87389-5 10/31/11 12:20 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-6I F87389-6 10/31/11 13:20 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-SR F87389-7 10/31/11 10:40 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-14 F87389-8 10/31/11 10:30 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-15 F87389-9 10/31/11 15:00 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-16 F87389-10 10/31/11 11:10 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-17 F87389-11 10/31/11 11:40 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-18 F87389-12 10/31/11 13:00 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-19 F87389-12D 10/31/11 13:00 CK 11/01/11 AQ Water Dup/MSD MW-19 u ■ 3 of 67 ■ ACCIJTEST. F87389 ....... ° .. . Accutest Laboratories Sample Summary (continued) Atlantic Richfield Company Job No: F87389 URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Project No: 38436651 ample Collected Matrix Clicat lumber Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID F87389-12S 10/31/11 13:00 CK 11/01/11 AQ Water Matrix Spike MW-19 F87389-13 10/31/11 I1:35 CK 11/01/11 AQ Ground Water MW-20 1� 4 of 67 F87389 ......... SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE (Aent: Atlantic Richfield Company Job No: F87389 Wo: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 38I Irnollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC 6.aport Date 11/21/2011 4:33:02 12 Samples, I Trip Blank were collected on 10/31/2011 and received at Accutest on 11/01/2011 properly preserved, at 3.8 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an Accutest job number of F87399. A Iisting of the Laboratory Sample 11). Client Sample ID and dates of Lnllection are presented in the Results Summary Section of this report. Except as noted below. all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information. please refer to QC summary pages. Volatiles by GCMS By Method SM 62O0B Matrix: AQ Batch ID: VA896 All samples ►►acre analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Samples) F87389-12MS. F87389.12MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks For this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) F87389-4 have surrogates outside control limits. Probable cause due to matrix interference, F87389-4: Confirmation run for internal standard areas. F87389-4: Dilution required due to matrix interference (sample foamed). Volatiles by GC By Method SW846 8O15C MaVix: AQ Batch ID: GCD4478 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) F87389-12MS. F87389-I2MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. Extractables by GC By Method SW846 8O15C Matrix: AQ Batch ID: ❑P39264 All samples "ere extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Samples) F87388-5MSD. F87388-5MS. F87388-5MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. MS/MSD Recovery(s) for TPH (C10-C28) are outside control limits. Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. For method performance in clean matrix refer to Blank Spike. Sample(s) F87389-3.OP39264-MS, OP39264-MSD have surrogates outside control limits due to dilution caused by levels of TPFI abo►e calibration range. Matrix: AQ Batch ID: OP39306 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed ►vithin the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) F87389-12MS. F87389-12MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for TYl3 (CIO-C28) are outside control limits. %RPD in control. Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. For method performance in clean matrix refer to Blank Spike. F87389-12 for TPH (CIO-C28): Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before C10. F87389-1 1 for TPII (CIO-C28): Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before C10. F87389-6 for TPH (C 10-C28): Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before C 10. Wet Chemistry By Method EPA 3OO1SW846 9O56A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GP18144 All samples were prepared within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All mcthod blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. ■lc 5 of 67 ■ ra��u�lws� F87389 Samples) F87389- 121 Dt I P, F87389-12MS were used as the QC samples for Sulfate. Wet Chemistry By Method SM19 2320E Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN47082 All samples were analyzed %%ithin the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) F87389-12DUP, F87389-12MS. F87389-12MSD were used as the QC samples for Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3. Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN47088 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. F873894 for Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3: No QC analyzed due to limited volume of sample. Accutest Laboratories Southeast (ALSE) certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at ALSE and as stated on the COC. ALSE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the ALSE Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. ALSE is not responsible for any assumptions oFdata quality if partial data packages are used Narrative prepared by: Date: November 21, 2011 SvetIana Izosimova, QA OMcer (signature on file) 1 6 of 67 ACCLJTEST. F87389 Section 3 . Southeast ACCUTEE3T L AS 0 RAT OR I E 5 Sample Results Report of Analysis on 7 of 67 ■ accuT��T Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: TRIP BLANK Lab Sample 10: F87389-1 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Trip Blank Water Date Received: l 1101111 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Page I of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical 134tch Run #1 A0169175.13 1 11/08/11 TD nla nla VA896 Run #2 Purge N olume Run #1 10-D ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, iVITBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromotluoromethane 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene Result RL MDL Units Q ND 0.50 0.13 ugll 0.19 0.50 0.13 ug/I J N ❑ 0.50 0.15 ugl l N❑ 1.5 0.30 ugll N❑ 0.50 0.13 ugll Run# I Run# 2 Limits 101% 70-130% 96% 70-130% 96% 70-130% 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 11115- 8 of 67 ■.o.ccuT�sT F87389 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Page 1 of I N Client Sample ID: MW-3 Lab Sample ID: F87389-2 [late Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knnlhvood St, Winston-Salem. NC File 1 D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0169176.D 1 11/08/11 TD nla nla VA896 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml ]tun 42 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 7143-2 Benzene 5.5 0.50 0.13 ugll 108-88-3 Toluene 0.17 0.50 0.13 ugll J 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 0.76 0.50 0.15 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 0.38 1.5 0.30 ug11 J 1634-044 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 19.1 0.50 0.13 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 101% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 98% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 93% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyze found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound �■ 9 of 67 ACCI�T�ST. F87368 ......... Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-3 Lab Sample ID: F87389-2 Date Sampled: 10/31/1 l Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC General Chemistry Page i of 1 UQJ Analyte Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 312 5.0 2.5 mg/l 1 ] 1104111 Gil SM19 2320E Carbon Dioxide 405 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 11/07111 LE 5M19 45000O2D Sulfate 8.4 2,0 i.0 mgll 1 11/15/11 16,12 TC EPA 3001SW&46 9056A RL = Reporting Limit t1 = Indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL EVL 50 of 67 ■ ,0.(_=urres_- Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample 1D: MW-5R Lab Sample ID: F87389-3 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01111 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SlS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # l A0169177. D 500 l 110811 i TD nla nla VA896 Run #2 AO169190.❑ 1000 11/08/11 "fD nla rtla VA896 Purge Volume Run # 1 10.0 ml Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE rA CAS No. Compound 7143-2 Benzene 109-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ' 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Teri Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromof3uoromethane 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 460-004 4-Bromofluorobenzene (a) Result is from Run# 2 1 1 Result RL MDL Units Q 7960 250 65 ugll 28000 a 500 130 ugll 2660 250 73 ugll 13800 750 150 ugll 3830 250 65 ugll Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 100% 1009/0 70-130% 96% 97% 70-130% 96% 96% 70-130% 95% 96% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 11 of 67 w /aCCLiTEST. F87389 '""'"'" Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample 10: MW-5R Lab Sample 1D: F87389-3 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SW846 8015C Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 or 1 File ID DF Analysed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 CDI10167-D 200 11/04/11 MM nla n a GCD4478 Run #2 Purge Volume Run # 1 5.0 m I Run #2 CAS No. Compound TPH-GRO (C6-C 10) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 460-00-4 4-Bromotluorobenzene 98-08-8 aaa-TrifluOTOtoluene Result RL MDL Units Q 123 20 10 mglt Run# I Run# 2 Limits 93% 57-129% 92% 58-120% ND = Not detected MDI, - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound J 2 2 of 57 ACCI_lT��T. F87389 •"•"".ie.��. Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID: MW-5R Lab Sample ID: F87389-3 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 111011I 1 Method: SW846 8015C SW846 3510C Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 YY25548.13 20 11/05/ 1 1 SJL 1 1 /03/ 11 ❑P39264 GYY937 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1050 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL, MDL Units Q TPH (C10-C28) 11. 1 3.8 1, mgll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# I Rung 2 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 0% a 42-114% (a) Outside control limits due to dilution. ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■ 13 of 67 ACCLJTES'"f. F87389 ACcutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-511 Lab Sample 113: F87389-3 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 1I/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Result Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 2.5 U Carbon Dioxide 5.0 U Sulfate 1.0 U Page I of 1, RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 5.0 2.5 mgll 1 11/04/11 GR SM19 2320B 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 11/07/11 LE SM1945000O2D 2.0 1Al mg,/l 1 11115111 17:03 TC EPA 30015W&46 9056A r �J RL = Reporting Limit U = Indicates a result ¢ MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL M■ 14 of 67 M AMr_—U rEt3T. F8730 ••n•, �• •• 1 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: M W-6 Lab Sample ID: F87389-4 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ- Ground Water Date Received: IIMI/II Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: n/a Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 knoilwood St- Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 ❑f' 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a A0169191.13 2 11/08/11 TD n/a n/a VA896 Run #2 b A0169178.17 1 11/08/1) TD n/a n/a VA896 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeabie Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL 71-43-2 Benzene 8.7 1.0 108-88-3 Toluene 27.5 1.0 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 11.7 1.0 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 132 3.0 1634-044 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 1.0 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 41% 30% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 100% 32% 2037-26-5 Toluene-I38 96% 117% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98% 96% (a) Dilution required due to matrix interference (sample foamed). (b) Confirmation run for internal standard areas, ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range MDL Units Q 0.26 ug/1 0.26 ug/1 0.29 ug/1 0.60 ug/1 0.26 ug/1 Limits 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% 70-130% V = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■� 15 of 67 ■.4c0UTE7ST. F87389 "•"•" "" •• Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis 'lient Sample ID: MW-6 ,ab Sample 1D: F873894 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 latrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/41/11 Percent Solids: nla 'roject: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Result RL Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 a 7110 25 Carbon Dioxide 2130 25 Sulfate 131 4.0 [a] No QC analyzed due to limited volume of sample. RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection limit 1'al�'c I of I MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 13 mgll 1 11/05/11 GR SM 19 2320B 13 mgll 1 11107/ 11 LE SM 19 45ODCO2D 2.0 mgll 2 1111811 1 0146 TC EPA 3001SW846 9056A U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < Rl_ 0 16of67 ACCLJYEST. 1 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample Ill: MW-61 Lab Sample 1D: F87389-5 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 1 110111 I Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: n/a Project: t1RSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwood SL Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File 1D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 A0169192.D 2.5 11/08/11 TD nla nla VA896 Run #2 Purge Volume Run # 1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-89-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene [total] 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 ❑ibromoFluoromethanc 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene Result RL NIDL Units Q 0.41 1.3 0.32 ug/I J ND 1.3 0.32 ugll ND 1.3 0.36 ugll N❑ 3.8 0.75 ugll 122 1.3 0.33 ugll Run# l Run# 2 Limits 99% 70-130% 97% 70-130% 93% 70-130% 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N - Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■m 17 of 67 U 4,C'CUTES7 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-61 Lab Sample ID: F87389-5 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project. URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC General Chemistry Analyte Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page 1 of 1 ' J Ew Result RL N1DL Units DF Analyzed By Method 67.3 5.0 2.5 mgll 1 11 /04/ 11 GR SM 19 2320B 76.1 5.0 5.0 mg/I 1 11/07/11 LE SM194500Ca2D 1.0 U 2.0 1.0 mgll 1 11/15/11 17:37 TC EPA 3001SW846 9056A RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RI 18 of 67 ACCFJTEr.�- T. F87389 A Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-SR Lab Sample ID: F87389-6 Date Sampled: 10/31/I1 Matrix: Ap - Ground Water Date Rerei► ed: 1110I1 i I Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: n/a Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Page I of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #i A0169180.13 250 11/09/11 TD nla nla VA896 Run #2 A0169193.13 1000 l 1108111 TD nla nla VA896 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run 42 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 7143-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-414 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromot3uoromethane 17060-07-0 1, 2-Dichioroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene (a) Result is from Run# 2 Result RL MDL Units Q 9000 130 32 ugll 32100 a 500 130 ugll 3180 130 36 ugll 17200 380 75 ug11 3170 130 33 ugll Rung I Rung 2 Limits 100% 101% 70-130% 97% 96% 70-130% 96% 96% 70-130% 95% 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyze Found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■R 19 of 67 ■.ac�uTt=sT Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-8R Lab Sample 1D: F87389-6 Bate Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SW846 8015C Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 38I i{nollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Fife ID DF Analyzed. By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # 1 CI] 110168.D 200 11/04/ 11 MM n!a n/a GC D4478 Run »2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 mi Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH-GRD (C6-C10) 137 20 10 mg/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 460-004 4-Bromofluorobenzene 86% 57-129% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 95% 58-120% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyze found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound �- 20 of 67 ACCEJ-rEST F87389 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-8R Lab Sample 117: F87389-6 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11 /01/ 11 Method: SW846 8015C SW846 351OC Percent Solids: nla Project: LURSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC Page 1 of 1 'Q_, File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 YY25674.13 5 1111111l SJI. 11/07/11 OP39306 GYY942 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1020 ml 1,0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH (CIO-C28) a 7.45 1.2 0.49 mgll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 84-15-1 ❑-Terphenyl 81% 42-114% (a) Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before CIO. ND = Not detected MDL - Method detection Limit ] = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound IWI ■u 21 of 67 ACCLiTEST. F873BS `..... "' Aecutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-8R Lab Sample 1D: F87389-6 Date trampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water pate Received: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC General f hemis(ry Analyte Result Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 2.5 U Carbon Dioxide 5,0 U Sulfate 1.0 U RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection limit Page l of 1 RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 1 5.0 2.5 mg/1 1 11/04/11 GR 5M192320B 5.0 5.0 mg/1 I 11/07/11 LE SM 19 4501)CO2D 2.0 1.0 mg/1 I i 1I15111 17:54 TC EPA 30WS W 846 9056A L1 = Indicates a result ¢ MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL 22 of 67 y Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-14 Lab Sample 11): F87389-7 Date Sampled: 1013I111 Matrix. AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knolhtood St, Winston-Salem. NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 A0169181.D 1 11/08/11 TD nia nla VA896 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1, 2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene Result RL MDL Units Q N❑ 0.50 0.13 ugll 0.42 0,50 0.13 ugll J ND 0.50 0.15 ugll ND 1.5 0.30 ugll N❑ 0.50 0.13 ugil stun# 1 Run# 2 Limits 101% 70-130% 97% 70-130% 95% 70-130% 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analvte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■ 23 of 67 AL_-CL )7EEST P87389 ............ ki Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-14 Lab Sample 113: F87389-7 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: I1/01111 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Result Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 2.5 U Carbon Dioxide 5.0 U Sulfate 43.2 RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit Page 1 of 1 RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 5.0 2.5 mgll 1 11/04/11 OR SM1923208 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 11/07/11 LE SM194500CO2D 2.0 1.0 mg/l 1 1 V15111 M 10 TC EPA 30015W845 9056A U = Indicates a result E MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RI, El" 24 of 67 ACCiaTE9� F87389 ...... `�� Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-15 Lab Sample ID: F87389-8 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: n/a Project: URSNCM:&S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salcm. NC J"IL'e 1 4.11- 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0169194.I) 1 11/08/11 TD n/a n/a VA896 Run #2 Purge Volume kun #1 10.0 ml Itun #2 Purgeahle Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromotluorobenzene Result RL MDL Units Q ND 0.50 0.13 ug/l *D 0.50 0.13 ug/I ND 0.50 0.15 ug/I M3 1.5 0.30 ug/I *D 0.50 0.13 ug/I Run# 1 Runk 2 Limits 101% 70-130% 98% 70-130°/a 95% 70-130% 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit R,L = Reporting Limit E = indicates value exceeds calibration range = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■ 25 of 67 w ACCUTEST raMS ..o.....,.. v Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-15 Lab Sample 1D: L87389-8 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix. AQ - Ground Water DateReceived. 11/01/11 Percent Solids: n/a Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC General Chemistry Analyte Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Result RL MDL Units DF 2.5 U 5.0 2.5 mgll I 5.0 U 5.0 5.0 mgll I 1.0 U 2.0 1.0 mg/l 1 RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit Analyzed By Method "w 11/04/11 GR SM19 232013 11 /07/ 11 LE SM 19 45000O2D 11/15/11 1827 TC CPA 3001SW8469056A U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < R1. P 1 L E. 26 of 67 w ACCLJTEST F8738? 1 I Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-16 Lab Sample ID: F87389-9 Date Sampled: 1013VII Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed BY Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch ]tun #1 A0169195.D 5 11/08/11 fD nla VA896 Run #2 Purge''okame Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Fthylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene {total) 1634-04-4 Meth►°] Tert Butyl Fther CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromolluoromethane 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenaenc Result RL MDL Units Q ND 2.5 0.65 ug11 1.4 2.5 0.64 ug11 J 17.2 2.5 0.73 ugll 321 7.5 1.5 ugll ND 2.5 0.65 uQll Rung 1 Run# 2 Limits 101 % 70-130%u 98% 70-130% 96% 70-130% 97% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range w QO ] = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 27 of 67 AC [ :IJTE�uT. F87389 • ^ •......... Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-16 Lab Sample ID: F87389-9 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knoliwood St, Winston-Salem. NC General Chemistry A n alyte Result Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 2.5 U Carbon Dioxide 5.0 U Sulfate 194 Page IofI RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 5.0 2.5 mgll 1 11104/ 1) GR 5M 19 2320E 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 11 /07/ 11 LE SM 19 45000O2D 4.0 2.0 mgll 2 11 / 16/ 11 21:57 TC EPA 300ISW846 9056A RL = Reporting limit U = Indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RI_ M1>i 28 of 67 ■.o,ccuTE=_FM_ T F873" '­ ....•... 11 �r Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-17 Lab Sample ID: F87389-10 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11101/ 11 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 I{nollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC c-. Page 1 of 1 } M File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytieal Batch Run 91 A0t69184.D 1 11/08/11 Ta nla n./a VA896 Run 42 Purge Volume Run 41 WJJ m] Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1.2-❑ichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-004 4-Bromofluarobenxene Result RL MDL Units Q 0.51 0.50 0.13 ugli 0.81 0.50 0.13 ugll 0.16 0.50 0.15 ugl] J 0.57 1.5 0.30 ugll J 8.9 0.50 0.13 ugll Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 103% 70-130% 100% 70-130% 94% 70-130% 94% 70-130% N❑ Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 1♦w 29 of 67 ■ .o.ccu�s=sT F87389 •••...,a... Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample 10. MW-17 Lab Sample ID: F87389-10 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S1S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC Ceneral Chemistry Page l of 1 Analyte Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 79.8 5.0 2.5 mgll 1 11/04/11 OR SM19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 422 5.0 5.0 mg/1 1 11l07111 LE SM1945000O2D Sulfate 1.0 11 2.0 I.0 mg/1 1 11/15/11 19:01 TC EPA 3001SWM 9056A RL = Reporting Limit 01 = Indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit A = Indicates a result> = MDL but { RL �.. 30 of 67 ACCkJTEST F87389 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-I8 Lab Sample ID: F87389-11 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SlS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Pagc 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 A0169185. ❑ 50 11/08/11 TD nla nla VA896 Run 42 A0169196. ❑ 250 11108/ 11 TD nla nla VA896 Purge Volume Stun #1 10.0 mi Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 ithylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 ❑ibromotluoromethane 17060-07-0 1, 2-DichIoroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-178 460-00-4 4-Bromoiluorobenzene (a) Result is from Run# 2 Result RL MDL Units Q 314011 130 32 ugll 1 1100 a 130 32 ugll 998 25 7.3 ugll 89500 380 75 ugll 1140 25 6.5 ugll Rung 1 Run# 2 Limits 101% 99% 70-130% 99% 96% 70-130% 96% 96% 70-130% 96% 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates 4alue exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■a 31 of 67 w .4CC U-ri-= F873n `..... — Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: F87389-11 Date Sampled; 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SW846 8015C Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 i{nollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC w Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # 1 CD 110169. D 100 11/04/ 11 Mlv1 n./a nla GCD4478 Run #2 Pure Volunie Run 41 Run #2 CAS No. Compound TPH-GRO (C6-C10) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 460-00-4 4-Bromotluorobencene 98-08-8 aaa-Trif]uorotoluene Result RL MDL Units Q 61.6 10 5.0 mg/l Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 94% 5 7-129% 86% 58-120% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 1 r ■o 32 of 67 ACCIJTEST. F87389 •••°,••' Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: F87389-11 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11I01/11 Method: SW8468015C SW8463510C Percent Solids: nla Project: LIRSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 1Cnollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File I DF Analyzed B► Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 YY25b75.❑ 5 11/11/11 SJL 11 07 11 ❑P39306 GYY9421 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1040 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q I P[l (C10-C28) a 7.72 L2 0,48 MO CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# I Run# 2 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 87% 42-114% [a] Petroleum hydrocarbon pattern begins before C 10. ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates ►alue exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■ 33 of 67 � AGCLJTEST. F87389 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: F87389-11 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Recei.ed: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Alkalinity, 'Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page 1 of I Result RL MDL Units ❑F Analyzed By Method 375 5.0 2.5 rng/ [ 1 111w i I OR SM 19 2320E 446 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 11/07/11 LE SM194500CR2D 8.2 2.0 1.0 mg/1 1 11/15/11 19:18 TC EPA 3001SW8469056A RL = Reporting Limit L = Indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit S = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL min 34 of 67 � ACCLJTEST. F9739s •"•9•••"°••• Accutest Laboratories w Report of Analysis Page 1 of I C lent Sample 11): MW-19 Lab sample 11): F87389-12 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Nla(rix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 111011I 1 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 A0169197. D 200 11 M8111 T❑ n Li Wa VA896 Run ##2 Purge Volume Run#1 10.0ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics. MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 7143-2 Benzene 2390 100 26 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene 8790 100 26 ugll 100-414 Ethyibenzene 1380 100 29 ug11 1330-20-7 Xylene ttotal) 7040 300 60 ug/1 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 5160 100 26 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 ©ibromofluoromethane 100% 70-130%6 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 96% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 95% 70-130% 460-004 4-Bromofluorohenzene 95% 70-130% ND = Not detected MILL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range 1 = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound El. 35 of 67 � AGGI,JTE�T. F8739S ......... Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID. MW-19 Lab Sample ID: F87389-12 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: I1/01111 Method: SW846 8015C Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC w Page 1 of l N File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # l CD 110170.D 100 11/04/ 11 MM n/a GCD4478 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH-GRO (C6-C10) 56.9 10 5.0 mg/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# I Run# 2 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromolluorobenzene 81% 57-129% 98-08-8 aaa-Triifiuorotoluene 75% 58-120% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■ 36 of 67 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample 1D: MW-19 Lab Sample ID: F87389-12 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Method: SW846 8015C SW846 3510C Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Page I of I File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run # 1 YY25752. ❑ 8 11/ 13/ 11 SJL 1110711 l OP39306 GYY946 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 1020 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH (C10-C28) a 7.96 2.0 0.78 mgll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 85% 42-114"o (a) PetroIcum hydrocarbon pattern begins be Fore C10. N❑ = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit 1 = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank F. = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of compound as 37 of 67 ■.acr_—uTEE;-r Farads ....... .' Accutest Laboratories Report of Anal-*'SiS Client Sample 11): MW-19 Lab Sample ID: F87389-12 Date Sampled: 10/31/11 )Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 11/01/11 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:51S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Ana lyte Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page l or 1 Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 38.2 5.0 2.5 mgll 1 11/04/11 GR SM192320B 425 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 11107/ 11 LE SM19 45000O2D 3.7 2.0 1.0 mgll 1 11/15/1) 19:35 TC EPA 30015WW 9056A RL = Reporting limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL M■ 38 of 67 ACCLJTEST. Accutest Laboratories to Report of Analysis Page 1 of I, Clicit Sample ID: MW-20 Lah Sample ID: F87389-13 DateSampled: 10/31/11 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Recei► ed: 11/01/11 Nlethvd: 5M 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep hate Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 A0169198. D 500 11/08/ 11 TD n/a nla VA896 Run #2 Purge Volume Run # 1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 7143-2 Benzene 8360 250 65 ug11 108-88-3 Toluene 24600 250 64 ugll 100-414 Ethylbenzene 2870 250 73 ug11 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 14800 750 150 uglt 1634-04-4 Methyl Teri Butyl Ether 4070 250 65 ugll CAS No. surrogate Recoveries Rung I Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromotluoromethane 101% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 98% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 96% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyze found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■14 39 of 67 a ACt--t_jTEST F87388 '""-..o- Section 4 . Southeast E .4CCLUTEs3T LAEIURAT0RI E S Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: ■ Certification Exceptions • Certification Exceptions (NC) • Chain of Custody 6 E 40 of 67 ACCLJTE=-F--T. F87389 `•... -.- 45. 0 F'87389: Chain of Custod► Page l of 5 ME 41 of 67 ACmLJTEST- F87389 " p�h1}u}��CrLaboratory Management Program L8MP Chain of Custody ReCord �� � m � I d L �ta lc I f l ee {d SWARC Prot Name: 2�1 E3 Req Due Cale (Mmlddlyo TA YeeNo X mpain d nDr• r' '. ai.., rs^Wvn aPIARC Fao I111y No: Lap Work Order N�nn6er NameAv ulw4&Ah&e r tlwu1C Fac" Ad"M 301 Kr.*Krood D" G.—I lawcarg6yar. U I$ OWPamaen - Moll Canby Addrpea 4405 V ynp Read. Su1e C-5. CkUnW PL 37E11 City. S1a1a, ZIP Cow: Wnabo Swam, NG NO: 3eTL] • 3H3ee51.1"DW PN' Meamer *a ,%r OkvrMT Ager" MCOENR 0"-Ynedre S1Me rya' taw Aew6ba, PYk ROM. SUM 400• eAonl..aw. NG a,Sw Phr : 4M42)54700 CWHOWn TkbW 613 No.: 41 PB' Calla Novae St*prq A"N. AMUOPFL 1U34015.3 Evdp. P.Vppl No: DIIiGFMI 1219461.15% Bd1M G.M• No- MW.. Prm ao. x 00CAG DOC•Rw F.DO To. kW611i1NyerKee6urleDr➢.mM1 r Irk aD Aodrty: 80 - OpBrate 1 ProMcl Spend To. BPIARC i CaWerew x PIARC EeM CW Prlaah t WAX NO. Ccnwnera 1 Preaarvetive Rew"Id Anelyaee Report Type a oC Level EBk1 Fw," 2r6 271$140 g $ T .F, 1L}n1 ^ �U+ m 5 iIJ Synwro x Foll Wu Packno — Film EFyil CV"-FnWh*bp m N4a, 9rnPIO DO—Ot" Dote Time COTni,IMSf ShnN•rn W*Rirn1'� V� •�pC seNti•'M�i,E 1❑ s, ,� i i y� i "t b �c 24 74 to 31 1I 1300 1 L -z Z il 21 1 k nI ]S I AUfv�,4 val,z•1t ; M N7 $ M i-j 2[Y to 3i r! 11,55 xql 31 131 LE16H.WE A mpiorc aroma Q) 5 G Re16, iehed Ely Afl I Wp Dole Time ACOWed Ayl AtIVIR On DOG Tlrne Sarnp p co parry M COlpae - North Ca vikim , Z>• j Sr 1r I L? i ShoMenl M.Ihod: Fr6F71 SNP nm SR'pmenl Trer}ing Np: Spwiai InWuctiont: IMiv So eft-hW SernPie ICI negwW lu, w&VkW wow of "on` Coniepl Yerele MeyerFLM {i19-{6i•161\) reylNlnq aN aempM realpt end purrlieY non-epnfprrrMnee uuir�e. �. � v T"S LJNi: • (-AZ 115E ONLY. CuUo*j SONS In Place: Yes IW I Twnp Byre Yea I No t Coom Tynp on P-1pL :•FIC Tnp Burk Yy 1 Np I %I&VSD Semple Stemma: Y� r No Eillpa wvk He"e, WR239047 WFAAC LOP cos we. -a 91MV20M F87389: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 5 A .i M■ 42 Hof 67 a ACt:�UTEST. F873B9 ACCUMST LABORATORIES SAWLE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION ACCUIESrS)OB*+«* 3e-� or FxorscT !63 DATEJTI M REECEIVSIYi I- ) I ! 00AA30RyY 2.4:0) ?8b(BER OP COOLERS RECErvED: NUrrROD OF DELIVERY: �FEf1=M ACC MST C01MM GREYHOUND DMiYERY OTHER AIRBILL HVY[EERS:. -7 1 '7 & 196 2 c 66 `A3 = CO¢LB EORMAn!2N CUSTODY 58AI, NOT PRESENT OR. NOT MAti t CHAIN OF CUMDDYNOT RECEIVED (CDC) ANALYSIS RBQUEST'SD IS UNCLEAR OR WSSING SAMPLE DATES OR M"S UNCLEAR OR MLSSMC TEMPERATURZ CRITERIA NOT MET EDWET ICE PRESENT IM 19 ANK 29RMATIQN BLANK PROVWED ELAN[ NOTPROVIDISI) TRIP BLANK NOT ON COC TRIP BLANK INTACT TAC>• TRIP 8LAiM NOT INTACT EIRELMVED WATER TRIP BLANK SOIL TRIP SLANR MISc• II+IFoxm=ON NUMBER OF ENCORES 7 2$43RAM 5-CM" NUMBER OF 5035 FIEI D= 7 NUKU HR OF LAB FIL'TEREDNIETALS 7 S{7MMAKYOFCOMM DrIm TEWERAMW DA TidN T[1ERM ID I COW& FACTOR ORRECTEI7 TEMPS: g SAML'LEp'Oft j&ufltF SAMPLE LAFOMS PRESENT ON ALL BOTTLES INCORRECT NUMBER OF CONTAINERS USED SAMPLE RECEIVED IMPROPERLY PRESERVED INSUFFICIENT VOLUME FOR ANALYSIS ATE=1I�IES ON CDC DO NOT MATCH SAMPLE LABEL UY 5 ON COC DO NOT MATCH LABEL VOC VIALS HAVE HEADSPACE ¢MACRO BUBRLESj BOTTL9S RECEIVED BUT ANALYSIS NOT REQUESTED NO BOTTLES RECEIVED FOR ANALYSIS REQUESTED UNCLEAR FILTBRU40 OR COMPCISTTINO TNSTRUCMONS r.A_MPLECONTABMLM REC$TVEDBR-OXEN SOLIDS !AR NOT RECEIVED c3 s FILTLD &rT PxO=I wrzinN u Hour s L_PLESEFUAL CBLORDO PRESENT µrrIG81.s ro ElA EAO 5GRI85 ❑A NORTH CAROL- IZA ORGANICS] TECEIMCLtiN SICKATURFJDATE 1� �- r • ! r _- REVIEWER SIGNA7 URE/DATSaI_ /_�LZZ - -=: �I- NF 12110 receipt w4rmaWn 12297D.& C F87389: Chain of Custody Page 3 of 5 as 43 of 67 w.accu-rEs-r. F87389 •••"�•�••�• C1 5ubc� N. ulka.ua Weak Lw r Rev.— n-- Reruwo NO DIM 14717nolI Pigs !� ACCUTEST KIT REQUEST FORM ff, wll 1w �S.kJkt r�rf L11ent: $P Client PM: Orce l4ech Project: JlP24163 Location: 341 KnolJwood SLmcL W insmn-Salem. NC_ Was Node: BP > IJSA � NC > FORSY[li_a3A151a imlalL- ENFOS Work Hdcau: WR239047 Ealm rrojeet t+: 00?.QE-MO Date Needed: Tueadar, October 1E.2419 j91� _ _ Sample Data tkctnber 26 shruuch Nv! ember L 2 I l� juvaim To: SIRS Cvrx:n1hM fvcr Subcorlrac[l Codudtrul: J.rRS r.QMKdMoH Conswtltanf Ph1: Ctthb Kf gn" C'nettedtatt TL: Caleb I(xwse _ Li KS PrnjectR: 3843665 Previswa'. jQ Aerncme tHttde: N, ► `BS Actirlt>r; ft "ad CLepthl: MxLU i4 . Meal villc _ Phone Na.: 90-01-1519 Repurliaz Llmk Number of Sam Ies Natrix Methaft Anal r LIM Fmairenddss Lfak Role' 12 Samples f 11 primrary and I Wd Standard Methods duplicate}, I MS, i -MSD. and 1 Trtp (SM) 6200B BTEX and MTBE I NC 2L and Cr-L S50 Wank I f Samples. I MS and I MS (or EPA W Sldfafe SOd NA s20 SM 4500•CO2 Carbon dioxide 1CO2) NA $25 latwwafory duplicate wWysis, m a ate Water Total Pcuoleum lly*mcaAtdu n?W-GawlhwRwwOrgwdcs NA 128 4 Samples S W-846 8OM (IRO) TM- Diem[ RattgeOrgaoins NA $32 ARO S W-W g01 SC TM - GRO 10 $3ti l8 3 2 Unwics $09 TP11 - DRG 44ppm b32 SMIO 2%0 G Peewnt Solids NA SYAO Aeul)piat —k u w he con I.MA m aeemdaocv t-h r lfrq•I� ir++FJrrhnnasA9N Lahwvkwv Anmtypmr Smear AP fnk+.rxary .Nu.ug—w Ymg mm f L.NPA Ado w A'Aftld Cow a BP- aJJttwtMcvteP.my. Rn•I 04- FINAJ-tune: 07MnW7 • Ce.alrinsr 1orAunatwm and Car fC Acnva, NC (36W [1ST Satin, nmfrnt rexioo iliacnJh.•v�.yp-IIS7¢2R.[Y�'usYAn s�u.n bndr.�vt( 1 �j lwSm,,4V,, NC DFNR USTSwkm cvnmr rmtan.wbick o anAitrk at IanJlwwsr.wmtcmta-,rer,}+utl.'GucslSatr._�+�+��• mir Sample malts are to he analyzed at the lowest dllullen posdble w1dwvt harm to dw imtrumerd, and then as the proper ditufion to craurr that reeutetory leek arc "awed. All GC detections art to bt ono framed using a dissimilar column or detector (LiOMSY All call sample raw N-9 arc ro be mporlod an a'•dry-weight•' basis. Res hs ate to he rrpomrd to the Method Detwwn Limit Sark commirm was that arc [am !hair :he FQt„ bu1 gltater than the MDL are 1v be J-Oagged Analytical TAT: S(Qdaanl Lab CerliLlceuon: NC DWO _ Electrank Ddieerab2e: LabQmoa town comainim ran Nwmiive summwv of satrmle resoles �¢ r�i sd fx yylu.3amtrle RccgIR d, and CDC raord: EM fmmmfed it, Eace, for the EnvirvDma pf%run: and clrcma c cvnu lcdfl of the invvim Ekdrvnic Reparl DeBrrnN To: Martha Sie U144:efdurseom.mtn (919) 461-1519 Supplies Needed (per E► iste: a SS 40-nd VDA vials, pre•pr wxvcd wah HC7. be SM 62005 analysis of wafts (3 vials parwrgAc and a spas sd)• HoMm rkw(►M' 5f1 dap[ • 12 phatic bongs, unpremrcved, of st mLiott situ fur fhe *mTfth vkm of cm mid " in wales it per sanpk and I for QC analyses). CO2 PJ'C :E14 &&1501 HT SZE joy, • 15 40 Fnl VOA vials. pile-praervni with W1 fd' the detem"im of TAH GIRO in water f 3 +teals per sample and a slwrr ms3 HT cH days • 10 I •Lim amtw bwk-, pre�-.p"rr..scmd wilh FCL kr the de9rrnwmiim of TPH DRO in waft[ t2 per fmtplr neat a spare sty- HT`. 57dayx from coffeniaa 1v mire ans two C40 days!'N^ a xrxl'mxv w eaeallos • 6 prctawd 40-mL VOA vink c mamakl; nohawA, hx dtc dererrt4u4m of TM GRO in "I ;2 per samplr and I spmr tar}. HT $14doy • 3 4oL wide nmlh tan gram tars with Tcfbo-1 wed screw mps for the deteromsa w of TO MO mod pt3oerrr ntomte (vm per :anp- p145 :Snue watalw) TPN DW HT [14 ddwfi n cotfKnan w evnncfaxr mad<•R7 daafr exmxtmw no msdym Nr ew Afnuarre YT!,'davn 2 Conan dewo for fhr collection of sail samples for the: (1RO anal you Sots rgdq will 6e wpredM mr day, wh if Ku.a*wr> wia hrmlk.W ma a two da) pexa 'canna lemM Wu he kss dun it. PQL R NC Cam &.4w Nafts Sm dad l24L .s lows. ' lfaern T&durrru spiked O"w-apka ac one Nilhtle whm mnr,bon IO maFkx ate ttbeatnd to Or kb km agi rsns ' Coma.. ry{ end numbers pa Sun Guidelines C Thx. u rd 5esmgsleakD. kmwu U.>:xl' r,wwo eTnnpuru7 frarmer Fi ks%CmWs.Clu400kVAK4 I EVX41R P Id 163 .Amr m Kit Regow fma f ifi(rl- I11.dm 1 rYi 7Pw1 0.15 AM 01 VIF • Irxcprity orals and NwI;c Izbdx • A m�mm of 3 CwWs) Eabded with lakmiry nmw and ridrass • Rewrn shilK'XRg *el& prc-pnr" with dx l bmaory nuns and address(I p wooakrl • Insulms m and abeurbeut packing mmtcriai Temperarum blanks it per cooler) • Frdcral Lx prom air hilts f I per snolm) Ship Supplim Tn: 1XI C cb Krouse l INa�L_ URSCQwiation _ UR,S+rKovrs[too - - 1600 pcdrmta Part shire. Suite 100 6135 Part Saitrdt Ilrir Su tic 300 Mornsv&O. NC 27560_ Ctu ow. NC 282LQ__ [tone No. i9191461-I100 Phone No. 70a522.0330 PLEASE INCI.. ME" 24163" an the addle at the realer to facilhale rvirk,al from err nu0r—n.- KM Request Taken By,. Dole: Kit Cumplried Rv tlaie Sect: SaLcoeoact Na J 11526,�$ Wor►C.&T !,� Rrruton N& 0 Data ! Pa 2sL2� `IM t7f7 W CO �O CS' "h Q CADaetaaeals kffn..N n•t SrampN Fm wray hmmtcl iitesu-c�OWImMA%4 IEVYMIP 24t63 lv r Ku ReWW Fw 4 LO07-1 IW. Ipt17r20t111:15.4M 6ti :NCD -4 Section 5 Southeast N ACCU-FESTT L A 13 OR AT OR 4 F 5 GC/MS Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 1� 46 of 67 ACCLJTEST Method Blank Summary Page 1 of I .lob Nunthcr: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Kno[lwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Sample File lit DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA896-MB A0169174.❑ l 11/08/11 TD n./a n/a VA896 The QC reported here applies to the following tianiples: Method: SM 6200B F87389-1, F87389-2. F87389-3_ 1:87389-4_ F87389-5. F87389-6, F87389-7. F87389-8. F87389-9. F87389-10, F87389- I I, F87389-12. F87389-13 CAS No. Compound Result RL MOL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND ❑.50 ❑,13 ug�1 100-414 F.thylbenzene ND 0.50 0.15 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert But}'[ Ether ND 0.50 0.13 ug/i 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.50 0.13 ugl[ 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 1.5 0.30 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoramethane 99% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 95% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 95% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96% 70-130% ■�'_ 47 of 67 E ACCIJTEE;T F87389 ...... . ." Blank Spike Summary Page i of l Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SJS 24163: 381 Knolllvood St. Winston-Salem. NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA896-BS A0169173.13 1 11/08/11 T❑ nla Wa VA896 be QC reported here applies to the following samples. Method: SM 6200B F87389-1. F87389-2, F87389-3, F87389-4. F87389-5, F87389-6, F87389-7, F87389-8, F87389-9. F87389-10. F87389- 11. F87389-12. F87389-13 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ugll ugll % Limits 71-43-2 Benzene 10 10.7 107 70-130 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 10 9.1 91 70-130 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 10 9.3 93 70-130 108-88-3 Toluene 10 9.1 91 70-130 1330-20-7 Xylene [total] 30 27.0 90 70-130 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromefluoromethane 102% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 99% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenaene 95% 70-130% N 1 a 48 of 67 F 87389 '•'o... o... Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page i of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: LIRSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Sample File 1D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch F87389-12MS A0169199.D 200 11/08/11 TD nla n/a VA896 F87389-12MSD A0169200.13 200 11/08/11 TD nla n/a VA896 F87389-12 A0169197.13 200 11/08/11 TD n/a n/a VA896 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method. SM 6200B F87389-1- F87389-2, F87389-3. F87389-4. F87389-5. F87389-6- F87389-7. F87389-8. F87389-9. F87389-10. F87389- I I, F87389-12. F87389-13 F87389-12 Spike MS MS MSD 11SD Limits CAS No. Compound ugll Q ugll ugjl % ugll % RPD Rec1RPD 71-43-2 Benzene 2390 2000 4710 116 4450 103 6 70-130/20 100-41-4 Ethylbenzenc 1380 2000 3370 100 3190 91 5 70-130/20 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 5160 2000 7240 104 7060 95 3 70-130120 108-88-3 Toluene 8790 2000 10800 101 10200 71 6 70-130/20 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 7040 6000 12900 98 12300 88 5 70-130/20 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD F87389-12 Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoromethane 104% 102% 100% 70-1130% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 990/0 100% 96% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98% 98% 95% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 9611/a 96% 95% 70-130% 49 of 67 ACCIJTEST F87389 Section 6 Southeast ACCUTE�T L A B❑ RAT OR I L GC Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries a �0 50 of 67 ACCLJTEST. F973. `.... •, •• Method Blank Summary Page I of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfiicld Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knolhvood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GC D4478-MB CD 110166. D 1 11104/ 11 MM n!a nla GCD4478 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: F87389-3. F87389-6, F87389-11. F87389-12 CAS No. Compound Result RL TPH-GRO (C6-CIO) ND 0.10 Method: SW846 8015C MDL Units Q 0.050 mgll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-00-4 4-13romofluorobenzene 80% 57-129% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifiuorololuene 88% 58-120% ■s 51 of 67 ACCUTEST. F87389 "•e...e=... Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GCD4478-BS CD 110165.D 1 11 /04/ 11 VIM n/a nla GCD4478 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87389-3. F87389-6. F87389-11. F87389-12 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound mgll mgll % Limits 'rPii-GRD (C6-CIO) 0.4 0.360 90 75-121) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenaene 103% 57-129% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 110% 58-120% ■ 52 of 67 ACCLFTE'-.�- T. F8738? ........... Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike duplicate Summary Page I of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: LIRSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch F87389-12MS CD110171.13100 11/04/11 MM nla nla GCD4478 F87389-12MSD CDI10172.❑ 100 11/04/11 MM nla nla GCD4478 F87389-12 CO110170.D 100 11/04/11 MM nla nla GCD4478 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87389-3. F87389-6. F87389-11. F87389-12 F87389-I2 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound mg/l Q mgll mgll % mgll % RPD Rec/RP❑ TPI l-(IRO (C6-C10) 56.8 40 94.6 95 95.1 96 1 75-129113 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD F87389-12 Limits 460-004 4-Bromofluorohenccne 113% 109% 91% 57-129% 98-08-8 aaa-Trifluorotoluene 117% 117% 75% 58-120% 2 53 of 67 F87H9 ...e..r,,,., Section 7 . Southeast L ABC)RAT❑Ri E $ GC Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 54 of 67 ACCLITEST. F8738% ""�""°"`• Method Blank Summary Page 1 of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: LfRSNCM:5/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP39264-MB YY25520.1] 1 11/04/11 SJL 11/03/11 OP39264 GYY937 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C V F87389-3 a i Units CAS No. Compound Result ItL 1190E f1_ntts Q TPH (CIO-C28) ND O1 25 0.10 mg/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 890/0 42-114% 55 of 67 �.o.ccuT�s� F87384 ,,....r..... Method Blank Summary Page 1 of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC ample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batct W39264-MB YY2556LD 1 11/08/11 SJL 11/03/11 OP39264 GYY938 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: F87389-3 CAS No. Compound Result RL TPH (C I D-C28) ND 0.25 Method: S W 846 8015C ens MDL Units Q 0.10 mg/I CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 84-15-1 o-`ferphem•1 99% 42-114% 56 of 67 ACCU-FE'00-r F87389 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Compan►' Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem. NC Sample File 1D DF Analyzed By Prep date Prep Batch Analytical Batch ❑P39306-MB YY25673.D 1 11/11/11 Sil, 11/07/11 OP39306 GYY942 1-he QC reported here applies to the following samples: F87389-6. F87389-11, F87389-12 CAS No. Compound Result RL TPH (C10-C28) ND 0.25 Method: SW846 8015C MDL Units Q 0.10 mgll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 80% 42-114% ■ 57 of 67 ■ accur���: F87389 ......roMi�• Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC 'ample File I DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcl 1P39306-MB YY25751.1) I l 1; 13 1 1 SJL 11/07/11 OP39306 GYY946 The QC reported here applies to the follo►tiing samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87389-6, F87389-11. F87389-12 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH (C10-C28) Na 0.25 0.10 mg l CAS No. Surrogate Reeo% eries Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 81% 42-114% ■ 58 of 67 ■ accuYt=_sT F87339 ",•• .••• Slack Spike Summary Page 1 of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollw•ood St, Winsum-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch ❑P39264-BS YY25519. D 1 11/04/ 11 SJL 11 /03/ 11 OP39264 GYY937 The QC- reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87389-3 CAS No. Compound TPH (CIO-C28) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 84-15-1 o-Terphenvl Spike BSP BSP mgll mgll % Limits 1 0.925 93 59-114 BSP Limits 96% 42-114% ■!4 59 of 67 ACM LJTEST Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Jots Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch GP39306-BS YY25572.❑ 1 11/11/11 S!L 11/07/11 CP39306 GYY942 The QC reported Isere applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C F87389-5. F87389-11. 1787389-12 CAS No. Compound TPH (C 10-C28) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl Spike USP BSP mg/l mg/l % Limits 1 0.835 84 59-114 BSP Limits 91% 42-114% so of 67 ro.ct✓U_"EST F87369 •,•" ••'••• Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP39264-MS YY25565.D 20 11/08/11 SJL 11/03/11 ❑P39264 GYY938 OP39264-MSD YY25566,D 20 11/08/11 SJL 11/03/11 GP39264 GYY938 F87388-5 YY25564.1) 20 11/08/11 SJL 11/03/11 OP39264 GYY938 The QC reported here applies to the t'oIlwn%int s:,wples; F87389-3 CAS No. Compound TPH (C10-C28) F87388-5 Spike MS mgll Q mg/l mgll 11.6 1.92 17.1 Method: SW846 8015C is MS 1NSO MSD Limits % mgll % RPD Rec/RPD 2960 a 21.9 536* a 25 59-114134 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD F87388-5 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl ()%* b 0%* b Ogg,* b 42-114% (a) Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount, (b) Outside control limits due to dilution. MR 61 of 57 ■.o.c(Z:u-rea-r. F87389 ...... I — - Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of I Job Number: F87389 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP39306-MS1 YY25753.❑ 8 11/13/11 SJL 11/07/11 OP39306 GYY946 OP39306-MSD I YY25754.13 8 11113/ 11 SJL 11/07/11 OP39306 GYY946 F87389-12 YY25752.13 8 11/13/11 SJL 11/07/11 OP39306 GYY946 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: F87389-6. F87389-11. 1:87389-12 Method: SW846 8015C F87389-12 Spike MS MS MSD MSD CAS No. Compound mgll Q mgll mgll % mgll % TPH {C10-C28) 7.96 1.92 9.05 57* 8 9.95 103 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD F87389-12 Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 86% 85% 85% 42-114% (a) Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. La iv Limits RPD Rec/RPD Ir 9 59-1 1 4134 ■ 62 of 67 E.ACCL}_FEST FH7n9 "" "" , Section 8 . Southeast �CCLJTEEB-F LAE30RAT ORIF5 General Chemistry QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank and Blank Spike Summaries • Duplicate Summaries • Matrix Spike Summaries a ■ 63 of 67 U .4CC LJTEST. F87389 METHOD BLANK AND SPINE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: F87309 A&ount: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/5 24163: 301 Hnollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC MR Spike HSP ESP 4C Analyte Batch I❑ RL Result Units Amount Result %Recov Limits Alkalinity, 'total as CaCO3 GN47082 5.0 0.0 mg/1 250 253 101.0 90-113% Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN47088 mg/l 250 262 105.0 90-113% Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN470H 25 0.0 m9/1 250 263 105.0 90-113% Chloride GP1B144/GN47229 2.0 0.0 mg/1 5D 52.4 104.8 90-110% Nitrogen, Nitrate GP16144/GN47229 0,10 0.0 mg/l 2.5 2.55 102.0 90-110% Nitrogen, Nitrite GP18144/GN47229 0.10 0.0 mg/l 2.5 w.67 106.0 90-110% Sulfate GP18144/GN47229 2.0 010 mg/l 50 52.5 105.0 90-1101 Associated Samples. Batch GN47082: F87389-10, F87389-11, F87389-12, F87389-2, F87389-3, F97399-5, F87389-6, F137389-7, F87389-8, F67369-9 Batch GN47088: F87389-4 Batch GP18144: FB7389-10, F87389-11, FB7389-12, F87389-2, F873B9-3, F87389-4, F87389-5, F87389-6, F87389-1, F87389-8, FB7389-9 Outside of 4C limits i me 64 of 67 a.4CGLJ-rEaT. F97384 •••� "•• DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAT_ CHEMISTRY Login, Number; F87389 Account: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: UMNCN:SIS 24163: 391 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC QC Original Dup QC snalyte Batch ID Sample Units Result Result RFD Limita Alkalinity, Tntal a5 CaCD3 GH47002 F97339-12 mg/1 38.2 44.6 15.9 0-204 Chluride GP181441GN47229 F81389-12 mg/1 I5,8 15.7 0.6 0-204 Nitrogen, Nitrate GP181441GN41229 F87389-12 mg/1 0.060 a D.052 14.3 D-203 Nitrogen, Nitrite GP181441GN47229 FB7369-12 m911 0.050 U 0.0 0.0 U-201 Sulfate GP181441GN47229 F87389-12 mgll 3.7 3.6 2.7 (320% A3EDCiated Samples: Batch GN47082: F87389-10, F87389-11, F87389-12, FB7389-f, F87389-3, F97389-5, F87389-6, F87389-7, FH73B9-8, F97389-9 Batch GFI8144: F87389-10, F97389-11, F87389-12, F87389-2, F87389-3, FB7389-4, F87389-5, FB7389-6, F87389-7, FB7389-8, FB7389-9 I') Outside ❑f 4C limits Page 1 El. . 65 of 67 W ,4CCkJTEBT. F87389 '' """ MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: E87389 Account; BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:s/S 24163: 381 Knolluaod St, Winston-Salem, NC Qc Original Spike MS QC nalyte Hatch ID sample Units Result Amount Result %Rec Limits Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN47D62 F67389-12 mg/1 38.2 250 302 106.0 90-il3% chloride GPI81441GN47229 F873B9-13 mg/1 15.8 50 64.4 97.2 90-1101 Nitrogen, Nitrate GP10144/GN47229 F87389-12 mg/l 0.060 B 2.5 2,3 89.6N W 90-110% Nitrogen, Nitrite GP18144/GN47229 F87369-12 mg/l 0.050 ❑ 2.5 2.5 100.0 90-110% Sulfate GPI8144/GN47229 FB7389-12 mg/1 3.7 50 52.8 98.2 90-110% Associated Samples: Batch GN47082: F87389-10, F87389-11, F87389-12, F87389-20 F87389-3, F87369-5, F87389-60 F87389-7, FB7389-8, F87389-9 Batch GP18144: F87369-10, F87389-11, FB7389-12, F87389-2, F67389-3, FB7389-4, F87389-50 F873B9-6, F87389-7, F87389-8, F87389-9 (') Outside of QC limits [Ni Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits [al Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference and/or sample nonhomogeneity, co W P� - 66 of 67 A,= JTE 5-r FB7389 ,'•>••,�"", MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: F87369 Account: HPAM$$ - Atlantic Richfield Company Project; URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Kriollwoad St, Winetan-Salem, NC pC Original Spike MSD QC nalyte Batch ID Sample Units Result Amount Result RPD Limit Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN47082 F97389-12 mgll 36.2 25R 301 0.4 20i Associated Samples: Hatch GN47082: F87389-15, F87389-11, F87389-12, F87389-2, FB7389-3, F87389-5, F81369-6, F87389-1, F87389-8, F87389-9 (1) Outside of QC limits W Matrix Spike Rec. out-oide of QC limits ■ 67 of 67 AGGtJTES-F F87389 ,"" 1 I 1 Attachment 9 Summary of MIP Services/Injection Pilot Testing & Proposal fog• Full Scale Remediation Services, Vironex I 1 IRONEX April 12, 2012 Caleb Krouse, PE URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919.461.1100 Direct: 919.451.159E Fax: 919.461.1415 caleb.krouse@urs.com Subject: Summary of M I P Services/Injection Pilot Testing & Proposal for Full Scale Remediation Services Former BP Station No. 24163 We are pleased to offer this summary of the work completed to date (MIP and Injection Testing) and proposal for full scale remediation services to URS. Vironex supports the environmental consulting community with a full array of site investigation and injection services. We are uniquely positioned to provide these services as individual components or as a comprehensive methodology, Search and Destroy, designed to create cost efficiencies in the successful remediation of your site while meeting EPA's Green Rernediation Best Practices. Our success is a combination of our continued investment in advanced site characterization and injection technologies, coupled with thousands of hours of field experience on complex and challenging soil and groundwater remediation projects. Should you have any questions regarding this proposal please don't hesitate to contact me at 410-504- 2546 or Eliot Cooper at 303-277-9773. Sincerely, Mike Mazzarese Program Manager Vironex, Inc Wilmington, DE . Washington, DC . Denver, CO ■ Los Angeles, CA . San Francisco, CA www.vironex.com Search and Destroy® Summary of Membrane Interface Probe (MIP) Investieation -Vironex mobilized the MIP System to the subject site on October 24, 2011 to provide additional delineation of the source area. Vironex advanced the MIP unit at twelve locations to approximately 20 ft bgs (18.50-22.35 ft bgs) and one location (MIP-10) to 12.20 ft bgs (shallow refusal). This information was utilized to develop the ISCO remediation approach proposed herein. The full MIP investigation report was provided November 251h under separate cover. -The MIP data was utilized to develop 3-Dimensional (31D) images using EVS1. The images utilized to develop the injection strategy are included below. The images below reflect the PID responses (>1e7µV) that most closely matched with the 5 ppm Benzene groundwater isoconcentration contour line. .ter N eww,w ,.� .�. A' Figure 1. PID > 1.0e7µV, Plan View spool ,....r r. F.r tr Figure 2. PID Responses > 1.00 µV, Looking East A Al a•,P10 Figure 3. A -A' Cross Section 4/12/2012 URS — Former BP Station 24163, Winston Salem NC 2 1 P a � e 1 )46;= Search and DestroyO Summary of Injection Pilot Test and Laboratory Test Data -Vironex performed an injection pilot test on October 26'h, 2011. The goals of the pilot test were to determine the key parameters of injection flow rate and pressure, determine if the formation could accept the projected full scale injection volumes, determine radius of influence and pH buffering capacity of the soil and groundwater. The pilot test injection fog is provided in Appendix A. A summary of the field data collected is provided in Appendix B. -Vironex attempted two different injection tools, a top -down jetting tool (IP1) and a top -down 2 ft screen (IP2), in order to determine the optimal distribution approach. A hydracell pump was utilized to inject a total of 1,040 gallons of a diluted 25% sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution. NaOH was selected in order to track the distribution in the subsurface as well as determine the pH buffering capacity of the soil and groundwater, The planned injection zone spanned from 10-20 ft bgs. Injection Point 1 Summary: -A line pressure test was first performed and it was determined that at the projected injection flow rates of 1-2 gpm, 5-10 psi of pressure was lost from the injection manifold pressure gauge to the injection tool. -Maximum and sustained injection pressure ranged from 5-30 psi and 5-10 psi respectively. Injection flow rates were consistently 1.5-2.0 gpm. Daylighting of the reagent was not observed, although the water level in MW-6 rose approximately 4 ft. -During the 11:34 am sampling round, a pH of 13.7 was observed in well MW-6 which was located approximately 5 ft from IP-1. It was concluded that the NaOH had found a preferential conduit to the well based on the pH of the well (approximate pH of diluted NaOH solution) -The injection location was terminated at 18 ft bgs and the remaining NaOH volume 1114 gal) was added to IP2 since no elevated pH response was observed in well MW-SR (observation well for IP2). This was done in an attempt to increase the ROI at IP2. Please see IP-2 summary below for more detail. -Injection Point 2 Summary: -Similar to IP-1, a line pressure test was first performed and it was determined that at the projected injection flow rates of 1-2 gpm, 5-10 psi of pressure was lost from the injection manifold pressure gauge to the injection tool. Maximum and sustained injection pressure ranged from 5-20 psi and 5-10 psi respectively. Injection flow rates were 2.0-3.0 gpm. Daylighting of the reagent was not observed. The water level in MW-SR rose approximately 1.6 ft. IP-2 was located S ft from MW-8R. -The injection location was terminated at 18 ft bgs and the excess NaOH volume (114 gal) from IP-1 was added to the 16-18 ft interval since, at the time, no significant elevated pH response was observed in well MW-8R. This decision was made in order to increase the volume in the 16- 18 ft injection zone (thereby increasing distribution) in an attempt to influence well MW-8R. At the conclusion of the test, a minimal increase in pH was observed (4.4 => 5.0, note that the pH of 5.99 observed at 3:06 pm is considered an error). 4/12/2012 UR5 - Former BP Station 24163, Winston Salem NC 3 1 ' a L E, Search and Destroy® -Electrical Conductivity Profiling Summary: -Electrical Conductivity (EC) was utilized in an attempt to determine the distribution of the NaOH injected in IP1 and IP2. In the presence of NaOH, the EC will be elevated over baseline and provide information on the distribution of the reagent in the subsurface. Baseline versus post injection EC logs are provided in Appendix C. -It is apparent after reviewing the EC logs for IP-1 that the NaOH preferentially traveled to well MW-6 (evidenced by EC spike at 11-16 ft bgs(. This EC test point was approximately 3 ft from the injection location. -The EC logs for IP2 were much less conclusive. Although there is an increase shallower than 11 ft bgs (above the groundwater table), there is little to no evidence of NaOH distribution in any of the three EC locations below the ground water table. The likely reason for this is that the fluid took a preferential path. Due to the need to hand auger all locations to 6.5 ft bgs, it was impractical to add additional EC locations. -Vironex intends to bring the EC unit back for the full scale event and profile the subsurface after the activated persulfate injections have started to verify vertical distribution based on EC increases over baseline. -Soil Oxidant Demand: -A background sample of soil and groundwater was sent to FMC in order to perform a Soil Oxidant Demand (SOD ) test. A maximum value of 0.54 g/kg was determined, indicated a low natural (natural organic matter and dissolved metals) demand. The report from FMC is included in Appendix D. -Buffering Demand Test Summary: -Since the soil buffering capacity of the soil could not be determined in the field, Vironex performed a bench scale buffering test. Fallowing FMC's guidelines, a 250 g aliquot of a 3:1 (w/w) water to soil ratio slurry was titrated with 25°% (w/w) NaOH over time to determine the volume necessary to keep the slurry above pH 11. The data from the bench test is presented below in Table 1. Vironex recommends a 1.0 mL 25% NaOH/62.5 g soil buffering ratio based on this data. This value should be conservative given that the bench test provided complete mixing of the NaOH and soil slurry. Table 1. Soil Buffering Demand Test Data PH Elapsed Time (min) 25% NaOH added (mL) Cumulative 25% NaOH added (ml.) 5.3 0 0.00 0.00 10.8 10 0.60 0.60 10.4 27 0.20 0.80 11.0 50 0.00 0.80 20.9 75 0.00 0.80 11.4 120 1 0.40 1.20 11.6 150 0.80 2.00 i 1 1 1 4/12/2012 URS — Former BP Station 24163, Winston Salem NC 4 1 P 1-i g t 71 Search and Destroy® Remediation Approach and 5trateev -The remediation strategy for this site is source reduction through chemical oxidation with activated sodium persulfate jASP). The goal of the project is to reduce the Benzene concentrations below 5,000 ppb in all groundwater wells in the treatment area. -Vironex will inject ASP in the treatment area defined in Figure 4. This treatment area was determined after reviewing the most current groundwater data and the MIP survey results. The injection intervals were determined from existing site information and the MIP data that was collected. P t Note: Total Injection Area = 3,000 ft2 (approx.) Source -Core = 1,000 ft2 (approx.), Injection Zone ` = _ Source Area B = 1.325 ft2 10-17 ft bgs (approx.), Injection Zone = 10- Mw-6 17 ft bgs Area added due to MIP survey Source Area A = 675 ft2 results (+500 ft) (approx.), Injection Zone = 10- -- 20 ft bgs Figure 4. Injection Areas and Treatment Strategy Table 2. Summary of Assumptions Assumption Design Basis Injection Tool/Configuration Vironex recommends the use of the 2 ft top down injection tool and pre -strung injection hose. This tool provided a much more consistent pressure vs flow profile vs depth. Injection Flow Rate Based on the pilot injection event, 2-3 gpm can be sustained at low pressure at each injection location. Vironex intends to manifold to 4 simultaneous locations. Injection Pressure Vironex anticipates that the injection pressures will be similar to those in the pilot test (IP2), 5-20 psi (manifold pressure). ROI 5 ft has been assumed since this could not be verified in the Pilot test. Vironex will bring the EC unit to the full scale event and monitor vertical distribution at the beginning of the full scale event 4/12/2012 URS — Former BP Station 24163, Winston Salem NC 5 1 P i 0 [R❑NEX Search and Destroy® Terms and Conditions ■ Water will be provided by URS and be accessible at the injection rig water intake manifold to support injection rates, mixing and overall schedule. • Work quoted is based on Vironex's Modified Level D personal protection equipment (PPE) and daytime working hours. Additional costs for higher level PPE and weekend, holiday, and evening hours will he quoted _ as necessary. ■ An area for Vironex's decontamination equipment will be provided by URS. URS is responsible for disposing of any generated waste. ■ URS will be responsible for work plan approval, permits, groundwater/soil sampling, utility clearance, receipt, transfer and storage of reagents, and waste and reagent container cleanout and disposal. ■ URS will be responsible for abandoning non-Vironex site characterization borings, utility locate borings, or in - situ remediation systems that could contribute to reagent surfacing. Delays or reduced injection rates caused I by surfacing will require additional time, expense, and may require plugging the surfacing locations with bentonite chips. ■ Vironex typically begins work within 34 days of authorization to proceed assuming all regulatory approvals are in place. ■ Circumstances encountered during the performance of these services could warrant additional time or expense; e.g. lower injection rates and/or higher pressures, reagent surfacing, regulatory delays, adverse weather resulting in equipment freezing or overheating, muddy conditions, accumulation of rain water, lighting, client imposed injection restrictions (low pressure) or downtime, and delays due to reagent delivery 1 or pickup for reagents purchased by client. We will notify you of any such circumstances that could affect completion or costs of the engagement. • URS acknowledges that although this proposal may contain remediation options, Vironex bears no responsibility for remediation results or impact to existing conditions. UR5 indemnifies, holds harmless and shall defend Vironex and affiliates against claims or actions, including third party claims or actions, arising from any remediation design, results or impact to existing conditions. 4/12/2012 URS — Former 6P Station 24163, Winston Salem NC 6 1 1? a D t, 146;= Search and DestroyO Appendix A — Pilot Test Injection Log 17 J 1 am Vlronex Field Data Sheet Injection Point 10 Stairt dote Start Time End llatr I:rid Time llrpth Average P5l Ilighest PSI A',erage FlowRatc Sodium [l►(Gal) dr .imrnded Total Gal Notes 10/26/2011 10 05 PM 1012WO11 10:35 AM 10'-11, 10 30 2.0 3.8 57.0 Pressure loss nr fool is -• t a' IP1 10/26/2011 10:35 AM 10/26/2011 11.06 AM 1 V-12' 5 20 2.0 3.8 57.0 The water level In MW6 has risen 3 feet (13' to 10" 10/26/2011 11:06 AM 10/26/2011 11:45 AM 17-13' 5 15 1.5 3.8 57.0 Slow flow rate and continue to monitor, Top Down 10/26/2011 11:45AM 10/26/2011 12:15 PM IT-14' 5 5 2.0 3.8 57.0 Jetting 10/26/2011 12:50 PM 10/26/2011 1:20 PM 14'-15' 5 5 2.0 3.8 57.0 10/26/2011 1:20 PM 10/26/2011 1.50 PM 15'-16' 5 5 2.0 3.8 57.0 456 10/26/2011 1 50 AM 10/26/2011 2-20 PM 16-17' 5 5 2.0 3.8 57.0 TMVolume 10/26/2011 2:20 PM 1012E 2011 2:50 AM 'IT-18' 5 5 2.0 3.8 57.0 Remaining Volume will be placed in IP2. 10/26/2011 10 05 PM 10/26/2011 11:04 AM 10'-12' 10 20 2.0 7.5 114.0 Pressure loss on tool is 10 psi. P2 10/26/2011 11 04 AM 10/26/2011 12:05 PM 12'-14' 5 15 2.0 7.5 114.0 Top Down 2 10/26/2011 12:50 PM 10/26/2011 1-50 PM 14'-16' 5 15 2.0 7.5 114.0 Remaining volume to gon into this interval Have not seen a PH Foot tool 10/26/2011 1-50 PM 10126/2011 4:30 PM 16-18' 5 5 3 0 22A 3420 n MN181`� 684 Fatal Volume Avg Avg Avg NaON Total Gal Points Completed 56 11 3 1 9 /S 0 1.140 0 S - Winston Salem, INC Field Logs ` oe �7:-ch and Dash 149= Search and Destroy' Appendix B — Pilot Test Groundwater Monitoring Log Well Data Prior to Injections Well Number pH MS/CM Conductivity ORP Temp DO Water Level MWBR 4.47 0.18400 180.20 21.11 1.58 13.93 MW6 6.40 0.12800 159.60 20.77 4.61 N/A MW6 6.19 0.36800 192.60 20.37 3.13 N/A MW15 4.50 0.04600 262.30 20.23 3.05 N/A MW14 4.52 0.08500 269.50 20.69 1.19 N/A MW17 6.31 0.42600 260.00 21.45 0.89 N/A MW3 6.75 0,92400 96.80 22.45 1.16 N/A MW16 4.24 0.70800 254.80 19.65 1.22 N/A MWSR 4.46 0.08200 209.20 22.31 2.92 N/A Ld Well Data For MW6/ IP1 Time pH MS/CM Conductivity ORP Temp DO Water Level 8:56 AM 6.16 0.36800 202.40 20.65 2.65 13.06 10:18 AM 6.08 0.36900 223.20 20.60 2.24 12.07 10:50 AM 6.40 0.37700 184.06 20.66 3.02 11.20 11:34 AM 13.66 43.18000 -188.60 23.56 1.11 8.75 12:47 PM 13.70 46.68000 -194.20 22.91 1.10 9.00 1:23 PM 13.60 55.97000 190.30 23.79 1.49 9.15 1:52 PM 13.77 62.23000 194.00 23.67 1.65 9.60 2:35 PM 13.50 56.63000 179.10 22.81 1.52 9.85 4:15 PM 13.54 70.63000 177.90 22.98 2.20 11.30 Well Data For M WBR/ I P2 Time pH MS/CM Conductivity ORP Temp DO Water Level 8:56 AM 4.36 0.17800 228.70 21.12 1.96 13.80 10:20 AM 4.22 0.17700 248.20 21.95 0.77 13.90 10:47 AM 4.26 0.17800 217.80 21.94 0.48 13.83 11:40 AM 4.23 0.18500 119.10 21.75 1.35 12.75 12:50 PM 4.42 0.18700 121.70 21.89 1.17 12.50 1:17 PM 4.44 0,18400 131.80 21.65 0.51 12.25 1:56 PM 4.61 0.20900 35.00 22.38 1.09 12.25 2:27 PM 4.89 0.21000 41.80 22.75 0.36 12.30 3:06 PM 5.99 0.21700 93.90 22.45 0.30 12.25 3:37 PM 4.97 0.21700 74.30 22.67 0.32 12.30 4:30 PM 4.95 0.22400 65.60 22.66 0.34 12.25 iRON�x Search and Destroy® Appendix C — Pilot Test Electrical Conductivity Logs 70.00 50.00 E E 40.00 Y .y a 30.00 �L Y 1J 4 W 20.00 10.00 0.00 a � r 0 in P CD o 0 IP2 EC Profile in 0 in o in 0 in 0 in 0 in 0 in o Ln o in o 0 O 0 0 0 o O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O Depth below grade jftj Baseline (MIP-4) MIP-11 IP2EC2 IP2EC3 IP1 EC Profile 50.00 45.00 40.00 - v 35.00 E E 30,00 .5 +� 25.00 0 Baseline (MIP-5) u ii MIP-12 20.00 W 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 0 in 0 0 r ri N na w w oa oo �Q 0 0 v 4m v W 0 in 0 sn 0 in 0 in 0 in o [n fl in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a Depth below grade (ft) 146;= Search and Destroy' Appendix ❑ — Soil Oxidant Demand Test Report fMC Environmental Solutions Klozur Persulfate Demand Test Client: Vironex, Inc. 4961 Tesla Drive, Suite E Bowie, MD 21705 Phone: 410-504-2546 Attn: Mike Mazzarese Performing Lab: Date I. Background FMC Corporation Tonawanda, NY November 15, 2011 K L O Z U R Klozur activated persulfate is a strong oxidant capable of mineralizing a wide range of contaminants, including chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, gasoline additives, pesticides, and many others. Activation of the persulfate anion generates the sulfate radical, the primary species that drives the rapid destruction of the contaminants of concern. Activation can be accomplished by several methods': heat, transition metals, addition of hydrogen peroxide, or utilizing high pH. Choice of the activation method will depend on the contaminant of concern and site characteristics. A chemical oxidant is not specific as to what it will oxidize. As a result, activated persulfate will not only mineralize the contaminant of concern, but a portion of the oxidant will be used in oxidizing soil organics, reduced metals, and organic species that are not of concern. In addition, activated persulfate will undergo auto -decomposition, which will be a function of temperature, concentration and activation method. The demand upon the activated persulfate from all of these components is captured in a coarse screening test termed, "Klozur Demand Test". It is dependent upon the site characteristics, such as the organic content of the soil, the mineral loading, and soil type and collectively must be considered for estimating the magnitude of oxidant dosing during field application. The Klozur Persulfate KDT test measures the loss of persulfate in the presence of soil, groundwater and activator over a period of 48 and 96 hours. The resulting KDT values can then be used as a guide to develop appropriate persulfate dosing for subsequent treatability testing and field applications. FMC is the owner of licensee under various patent applications relating to the use of activation chemistries FMC Corporation Report page 1 of 3 November 15. 2011 II. Sample Handling for Vironex, Inc. Client Sample Identification ■ Soil ID SOD- 1; GVV ID: MVV-14 Handling Procedures ■ The samples were received on 10/31 /2011, • During the collection of the preliminary data, the soil was well mixed, used and returned to a new container after its use. • The groundwater sample was well mixed, used and returned to the original container after its use. • On 11/07/2011, multiple experimental samples were prepared according to the amounts shown in the results table below. + The experimental samples were stored at room temperature and each sample was vigorously shaken once per day. • About 200 grams of the soil sample are left with us and about 1.5 liters of groundwater sample is left. The unused soil and groundwater samples will be disposed of responsibly after about one week. III. Results Klozur Consumption (glKg) as KDT: N" Activator Sampie ID Run # Trial Soil GW Klozur Soil Activator Wt. water Dosage Skxry t--4$hr t--% hr (s) Vol. (g1Kg pH (mL) Soil) t=0 hrs_ i NaOH 10 30 is 111.50- 0.50 0.54 11.25 SOD-1 & MW-1 _ NaOH 10 30 15 11.45- 0.48 0.53 11.30 Soil Buffering Demand — 2.92 gallons 25% NaOFY 2000 lb of Soil Acid Generation Demand — 0.13 gallons 25% NaOHI lb of Klozur persuffate FMC Corporation Report page 2 of 3 November 15. 2011 IV. Conclusions The Klozurg) Persulfate demand with NaOH activation for the Soil Sample SOD-1 and Groundwater Sample MW-14 ranges from approximately 0.48 — 0.54 g persulfate 1 kg soil, which is considered low as compared to persulfate SOD for most soils. Based on these values, an average of 0.51 g 1 kg should be used as a site -wide SOD for further refinement of the Klozur persulfate total demand. V. Authorizing Signatures This report contains the results as determined by FMC laboratory protocol and are accurately represented herein. Jennifer Lindsey FMC Customer Representative Note: 1. FMC recommends performing suitable treatability testing and field pilot demonstration to determine the effectiveness of Klozur activated persulfate on the contaminants of concern. KDT testing provides only an indication of the minimum amount of oxidant required to overcome the demands of soil, groundwater and other secondary species that contribute to the usage of the oxidant. The KDT results do not imply a guarantee of efficacy of the activated persulfate in actual field situations. 2. ANY SUCH QUANTITY OR WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. FMC and Klozur are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation. @ 2010. FMC Corporation Report page 3 ot' 3 November 15. 2011 Attachment 10 Email from David Goodrich (NCDENR DWQ) to Caleb Krouse (UR5 Corporation) regarding Injection Permit W10400198 From: Goodricti, David To: KrQuse. Caiet Cc: Wang. Shoving Subject: Injection Permit WIG400198 Date: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 7:19:12 AM Mr. Krouse: I have considered the situation and have been in contact with our Winston-Salem Regional Office regarding your request to "consolidate" the injection activities for the subject permit. We have no objection to your proposed activities, as described in your email message of October 3, 2011. Please contact either myself or Ms. Wang of the Winston-Salem Regional Office if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you for notifying us. Regards, David Goodrich Aquifer Protection Section Central Office Telephone (919) 715-6152 From: Krouse, Caleb To: "david,poodrichW)pcdenr,o0V' Subject: Injection Permit W10400198 Date: Monday, October 03, 2011 10:27.00 AM Mr. Goodrich, We will be performing the pre -injection investigation and baseline monitoring, as described in the permit application, between October 20, 2011 and November 1, 2011 at the site. In the application we had indicated that pre -injection investigation would include aquifer testing, which would be accomplished by injecting water in two locations to help plan for Subsequently injecting NaOH and persulfate, and would include laboratory testing to determine site soil NaOH buffering capacity. We would like to instead combine these tests by injecting the 25% NaOH solution during testing and monitoring surrounding pH to test soil buffering capacity in -situ. This will allow us to more accurately determine the amount of NaOH activator needed for persulfate injection to support a more effective remediation event. We will be sampling all site groundwater monitoring wells and measuring pH in all monitoring wells the week following the injection testing. Please indicate approval of this small adjustment to the application information. Regards, Caleb Krouse, PE URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919.461,1100 Direct: 919.461.1595 Fax: 919.461.1415 caleb.krc)use@urs.com Attachment 11 Winston-Salem Hydrant Permit # 25402 Permit # 25402 Date: 10/20/2011 APPLICATION FOR CONNECTION TO WINSTON-SALEMIFORSYTH COUNTY UTILITIES Application is hereby made for the following serices to serve a Meter Only Const Mtr/Hydrant Truck Mtr located on the side of KNOLLWOOD ST Parcel ID in Development, Connection Status: New Install Deposit Advance Fee 750.00 50.00 The deposit for Hydrant and/or Hydrant Meter is paid for the account below. PERMIT # 25402 WIS ACCT. # 2297440 Conn. # 327032 WATER CLASS: Inside City Mailing Address: Contact Person: P.O.B URS CORPORATION -NC O 5 C 27560 CS Phone No.: 919.461.1595 �ii fwl Ntj►t'tvfr.'fJ l�L Q �+hK.Ac �r Yr, `3 �Gr` 2n-tp Cc rr[ct' e Pc rw. F ,S "u CSC `0/ ' rl As a condition of providing water and sewer service, it is expressly understood and agreed that the owner will comply with all City ordinances, both now in effect and hereafter adopted, relating to the water and sewer systems. Payment of this invoice signifies acceptance of these conditions. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Issued by: LASHAWND