HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400098_APPLICATION FOR PERMIT_20110426North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION In Situ Groundwater Remediation rtsA tiCA o2c g2251 I Tracer Injection 115A NCAC Q2C.Q229i Do not use this form for the Following: ■ in situ rernediation, tracer, or aquifer test injection wells permitted by rule (ref. N AC 2 217 ■ reruediation systems that reinject treated contaminated groundwater {ref. 15A NCAC 02T .1 j Application Number (to be completed by DWR): 1. APPLICATION INFORMATION I. Project is: [ ] New [ ] Modification PQ Renewal without modification [ ] Renewal with modification 2. If this application is being submitted for renewal or modification to an existing permit, provide; existing permit number WIQ49M and the issuance date April 25. 2011 Far renewal withon modifications, fill out sections 1 do 11 only, sign the certification on the lost page of this form, and obtain the propert3 owner's signarure to indicate consutt (if the applicant is not the owner] Forte renewals, submit a stains report including monitoring results of all urjecrion activities to date- H. WELL OWNER (generally the responsible party) I. Name: ABB.Ing. 2. Signing Official's Name*: R. Keith XpaugrhgM __ Ttle: Chief ounsel * Signing Official must be in accordance with instrucdons in Part IX on page 5. 3. Mailing address of applicant:_ 5 Waterside Qgssing City: Windsor State. CT Zip: 4. Telephone number: 860-285-9494 — Email: �keith.r.knauerhase@us.abb.cotn 5. Status (choose one): Individual X Business/Org. Federal State County Municipality W. PROPERTY OWNER (if different than well owner) 1. Name: 2. Physical address: City: State: Zip: 3. Mailing address: City: _ 4. Telephone number: Email: State: Zip: I1111. PROJECT CONTACT — Person who can answer technical questions about the proposed injection project. 1. Name: Title: 2. Company: 3. Address: 4. City: State: Zip: 5. Telephone number:__ Email: Revised 1111912013 UIC-514T Pa 1 of 5 +��, 8e APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION In Situ Groundwater Remediation I Tracer Nection V. FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Facility name: Ph#: 2. Mailing address: City: County: State.NC Zip: 3. Geographic Coordinates: Latitude: Longitude: Reference Datum: Accuracy: Method of Collection: 4. Brief description of business: VI, INCIDENT DESCRIPTION 1. Source and date of contamination: 2. List all contaminants present in soils or ,groundwater at the site (romandnaws mays be listed in groups, e.g., gasoline. diesel, jer fuel, fired oil, chlorinated erhenes, chlorinated erhanes, nierals, pesricid&Ojerbicides, etc): 3. Has LNAPL or DNAPL ever been observed at the site (even if outside the injection zone)? [ ] Yes If yes, list maximum measured separate phase thickness: feet [ ] No If no, list maximum concentration of total VOCs observed at site: pph 4. Agency managing the contamination incident: [ ] UST Section [ ] Superfund Section (including REC Program and ❑SCA sites) (] DWR Aquifer Protection Section [ ] Solid Waste Section (] Hazardous Waste Section [ ] Other: Incident manager's name: Ph#: 6. Incident number or other incident m;mt. agency tracking number: V II. PERMITS List all applicable permits or construction approvals issued for the facility or incident: I . Hazardous Waste Management program pe, mstS under RCRA: _. DWR Dion -Discharge or NPDES permits: 3. County or DEH subsurface wastewater disposal permits: 4. Other environmen tal permits required by state or federal law: Revised 11119r?013 )TIC-5II5T Page 2 of 5 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION In Situ Groundwater Remediation I Tracer Injection VIII. ATTACHMENTS - provide the following information in separate attachments. The attachments should be clearly identified and presented in the order below to expedite review of the permit application package. 1. INJECTION ZONE Per i.SA ,tiC,j_Q o2C .U;25{en 21 specify the horizontal and vertical portion of the subsurface within which the proposed injection activity will take place and beyond which no violations of groundwater quality standards shall result from the injection as determined by an approved monitoring plan. The determination shall be based on the hydraulic properties of the specified zone. Provide any supporting documentation in a separate attachment. 2. HYDROGF.OLOGIC EVALUATION - Per 1 5A NCAC 02C .0225w0) provide a hydrogeologic evaluation of the injection zone that includes all of the following: (A) Regional and local geology and hydrology; (B) Changes in lithology underlying the facility; (C) Depth to bedrock; (D) Depth to the mean seasonal high water table; (E) Hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and storativity, of the injection zone based on tests of site -specific material. including a description of the test(s) used to deterrrdne these parameters; (F) Rate and direction of groundwater flow as determined by predictive calculations or computer modeling; and (G) Li thostrati graphic and hydroscmd graphic logs of any existing test and injection wells. 3. INI JEC'TANT INFORMATION - Per ISA NCAC 02C .¢225t_LiL5j list each injectant in the space below and provide the following information for each 'injectant. NOTE: Approved injecrants can be fowid online at lotto:l/PorraL►rcden orglweGlwerlrrtig vnrn. All other substances must be reviewed by the Division of Public Health, Deparrmenr of Health and Human Services. Conraer the UIC Program for more infannatio►i (Ph# 919-807-6496). (A) MSDS, concentration at the point of injection, and percentage if present in a rnixture with other injectants; (B) The source of fluids used to dilute, carry, or otherwise distribute the injectant throughout the injection zone. If an} well within the area of review of the injection facility is to be used as the fluid source, then the following information shall be submitted: locationllD number, depth of source, formation, rock/sediment type, and a chemical analysis of the water from the source well, including analyses for all contaminants suspected or historically recognized in soil or groundwater on the site; (C) A description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection, including an explanation or calculations of how the proposed injectant volumes and concentrations were determined; (D) A description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; (E) A summary of results if modeling or testing was performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility for biological, chemical, or physical change in the subsurface; and (F) An evaluation concerning the development of byproduct; of the injection process, including increases in the concentrations of naturally occurring substances. Such an evaluation shall include the identification of the specific byproducts of the injection process, projected concentrations of byproducts, and areas of migration as determined through modeling or other predictive calculations. 4. ENJECTION PROCEDURE - Per 15A NCAC 02C .D225seaL6] submit a table with a detailed description of the proposed injection procedure that includes the following: (A) The proposed average and maximum daily rate and quantity of injectant; (B) The average maximum injection pressure expressed in units of pounds per square inch (psi), and (C) The total ❑restimated total volume to be injected. Revised i t119r_013 UIC-5II5T Page 3 of 5 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND10R USE A WELLS) FOR INJECTION In Situ Groundwater Remediation J Tracer Injection 5. FRACI`L1Rf_NG PLAN cif applicable? — Per im NCAC c submit a detailed description of the Fracturing plan that includes the following: (A) Material Safety Data Sheets of fracturing media including information on any proppanis used; (B) a map of fracturing well locations relative to the known extent of groundwater contamination plus all buildings, wells, septic systems, underground storage tanks, and underground utilities located within the Area of Review; (C) a demonstration that buildings, wells, septic systems, underground storage tanks, and underground utilities will not be adversely affected by the fracturing process; (D) injection rate and volume; (E) orientation of bedding planes, joints, and fracture sets of the fracture zone; (F) performance monitoring plan for determining the fracture well radius of influence; and (G) if conducted, the results of geophysical testing or pilot test of fracture behavior conducted in an uncontanunated area of the site. 6. WELL COIySTRAXTION DETAILS — Per 15A NCAC fl2C .o225jeO submit the following information in tabular or schematic form as appropriate for each item: (A) number and depth of injection wells; (B) number and depth of borings if using multi -level or "nested" well systems: (C) indication whether the injection wells are existing or proposed; (D) depth and type of casing; (E) depth and type of screen material; (F) depth and type of grout; (G) indication whether the injection welts are permanent or temporary "direct push" points; and (H) plans and specifications of the surface and subsurface construction details. 7. MON1TOR13NI i PLAN — Per 15A�CAC Q2CLo225LgA-gj subrrut a monitoring plan that includes the %!lowing: (A) target contaminants plus secondary or intermediate contaminants that may result from the injection; (B) other parameters that may serve to indicate the progress of the intended reactions; (C) a list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used; and (D) a sampling schedule to monitor the proposed injection. Moniroring svells shall be of suj`icieni quantity• and location to detect am niovemenr of injecrion fluids, injection process byproducrs. or forniarion fluids outside the injection zone. The monitoring schedule shall be consistent with the proposed injection schedule, pace of the anticipated reactions, and rate of transport of the injeciants and contaminants. S. WELL DATA TAB Ui ATION — Per 15A NCAC Q2C .0225tev ins provide a tabulation of data on a]I existing or abandoned wells within the area of review of the injection well(s) that penetrate the proposed injection zone, including monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Such data shall include a description of each well's type, depth, and record of construction or abandonment_ 9. MAPS AND CROSS-SECT(OIvS — Per ,�_ c_ :fit_ w o225� k provide scaled, site -specific site plans or maps depicting the location, orientation, and relationship of facility components including the following: (A) area map based on the most recent USGS 7.5' topographic map of the area, at a scale of 1:24,000 and showing the location of the proposed injection site; (B) topographic contour intervals showing all facility related structures, property boundaries, streams, springs, lakes, ponds, and other surface drainage features; (C) all existing or abandoned wells within the area of review of the wells listed in the well data tabulation that penetrate the proposed injection zone; (D) potentiometric surface map(s) that show the direction of groundwater movement, existing and proposed wells; (E) contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, and existing and proposed wells; (F) cross -sections) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater, major changes in lithoiogy. and existing and proposed wells; and (G) any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment, or disposal systems within the area of review of the injection well or well system. Revised 1 lll9r2013 UIC-51157 Page 4 of 5 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION In Situ Groundwater Rcmediation ! Tracer Injection IX. CERTIFICATION* (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) NCAC 15A 02C .0211[e! requires that a]I permit applications shall be signed as follows: 1- for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official 4. for all others: by the well owner. *If an authorized agent is signing on behair of the upplicant. then suppi)• a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent. "I hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments therein, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals ininrediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. 1 agree to construct, operare, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well(s) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. " Printed Name and Title: R th I{nauerha a Chief Counsel Signature: Date: X. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the permit applicant) "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being const acted. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. "As owner of the property on which the injection uvell(s) are to be constructed and operated, 1 hereby consent to allow the applicant to construcr each injection v.,ell as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant ro ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (15A NCAC 02C , 02W), " Printed Name and Tit] 5'Tumer. Assistant ►--anager, it of Winston-Saleni Signature: _ Dater Submit TWO copies of the completed application package, including al attachments, to: DWR — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 807-6464 ttcvised 1111912013 UIC-5I/5T Page 5 of 5 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation [Type 5T Wells —Tracer Injection ■ Do not use this form for remediation systems that extract contaminated groundwater, treat it, and reinject the treated groundwater. ■ Submit TWO copies of the completed application and all attachments to the address on the last page of this form. • Any changes made to this form will result in the application package being returned. Application Number (to be completed by DWQ): 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's Name (generally the responsible party): Flakt Products. Inc. ti 2. Signing Official's Name*: Mr. John Conant Title: Dir.- Nuclear En . & Compliance * Signing Official must be in accordance with instructions in part VI on page 7. 3. Mailing address of applicant:_ 5 Waterside Crossing City: Windsor State: CT Zip: 06095 Telephone number: (800) 285-5002 Fax number: (860) 687-4904 4_ Property Owner's Name (if different from Applicant): Mr. Fred Godley 5. Property Owner's mailing address: P.O. Box I ] 40 City: Cornelius State: NC Zip: 28031 6. Name and address of contact person who can answer questions about the proposed injection project: Name: Mr. Ricky A. Ryan Title: Sr. Principal _Project_Manager_ Company: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Address: 9725 Cogdill Road _ City: Knoxville State: TN Zip: 37932 Telephone number: (,865) 588-8544 Fax number: (865) 588-8026 Email Address: raryan@mactec.com APPLICATION FOR PEz%,..IT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A rrELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation 1 Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection It. PERNUT IITTFORMATION: 1. Project is: ( )New () Modification of existing permit ( )Renewal of existing permit without modification ( X ) RenewaI of existing permit with modification 2. If this application is being submitted for renewal or modification to an existing permit, provide: existing permit number W10400098 and the issuance date 3/30/2009 For renewal without modifications, fill out sections I & II only, sign the certification on the last page of this form, and obtain the property owner's signature to indicate consent (if the applicant is not the owner). For all renewals, submit a status report including monitoring results of all injection activities to date. Note: Injection event report for original permit # WI0400098 was submitted to the Division of Water Quality on June 28, 2010 (MACTEC, 2010). Revised 6/09 UIC-51l5T Page 2 of 56 APPLICATION FOR PEP mlIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE b rr ELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type SI Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation 1 Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection M. INCIDENT & FACILITY DATA A. FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Facility name: Farmer Flakt Products Site 2. Complete physical address of the facility:_ 2000 Lowery Street City: Winston-Salem County:Fors h State: NC Zip: 27101 B. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION 1. Describe the source of the contamination: The facility used metal product degreasing baths at 2 locations within the building: north and south pits, as shown on Figure 2. The baths consisted of open steel tanks (—I I ' deep, 6' wide, and I2' long,) located in concrete pits. The tanks were filled with degreasing solvents, either trichloroethene (TCE)or 1. 1, 1 -trichloroethane (TCA). at various times, pumped from a 7,000 gal. aboveground storage tank (AST) through overhead pipes. A 1988 assessment concluded that the stored solvents had been released onto the ground surface and subsurface. It was later concluded from a soil investigation assessment that the north and south pits and the AST were sources contributing to the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soils located beneath the pits and AST system. An evaluation of the historical use of the site revealed reported surface releases of TCE and TCA near the former UST area. A 2006 focused soil investigation indicated that the persistent groundwater contamination in the former UST area may be indicative of residual contamination in the saturated zone (MACTEC 2006). 2. List all contaminants present in soils or groundwater at the site (contaminants may be listed in groups, e.g., gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, chlorinated ethenes, chlorinated ethanes, metals, pesticides/herbicides, etc): Primarily chlorinated ethanes, chlorinated ethenes. 1,4-dioxane, and other volatile organic 3. Has LNAPL or DNAPL ever been observed at the site (even if Outside the injection zone)? 4 () Yes If yes, list maximum measured separate phase thickness feet ( X)No If no, list maximum concentration of total VOCs observed at site: 144,506 ppb Agency managing the contamination incident: {} UST Section (X) Superfund Section (including REC Program and DSCA sites) [) DWQ Aquifer Protection Section [) Solid Waste Section (} Hazardous Waste Section (} Other: 5. Incident managers name Kim Caulk and phone number (919) 508-8451 6. Incident number or other site number assigned by the agency managing the contamination incident: NONCD 0000017 Revised 6109 UIC-5115T Page 3 of 56 APPLICATION FOR PEP-milT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A wELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection C. PERMITS List all permits or construction approvals that have been issued for the facility or incident, including those not directly related to the proposed injection operation: 1. Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA: 2. DWQ Non -Discharge or NPDES permits: NCO085871 3. County or DEH subsurface wastewater disposal permits: 4. Other environmental permits required by state or federal law: Administrative Order on Consent (Docket Number 97-SF098), Authorization to Construct for Permit NO. NCO085871 (letter dated November 6, 1997), Injection Permit WI0400098 (NC DENR 2009, issued March 30, 2009). IV. INJECTION DATA A. INJECTION FLUID DATA 1. List all proposed injectants. NOTE: Any substance to he injected as a tracer or to promote in situ remediation must be reviewed by the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section (GEES) of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Review the list of an)roved tgj!e tints or contact the IIIC Program to determine if the injectants you are proposing have been reviewed 6v OEES Hydrogen peroxide, ferrous sulfate, and phosphoric acid are GEES approved additives for CHIP , and sulfuric acid was approved for the subject site in a September 30, 2008 letter from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services to Mr. Qu Qi with the Aquifer Protection Section (NCDHHS, 2008). 1njectant: Catalyzed Hydrogen -Peroxide (CH.P)(HO-,) (Geo-Cleanse) Concentration at point of injection: 11.3% 14102 Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: NA lnjectant: CHP: Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4 7HA catalyst) [Geo-Cleanse] Concentration at point of injection: Dissolved at up to 500 ppm aqueous solution (typically 100-200 mg/L) Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: NA Injectaot: Phosphoric Acid HPO4 as part of the catalyst) Geo-Cleanse Concentration at point of injection:/-5% (approx. 0.002M). as needed to lower pH to <6 Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: NA Injectant: Sulfuric Acid (HIS04), as part ofcatalyst Geo-Cleanse Concentration at point of injection: as needed (approx. 0.002M), as needed to lower pH to c6 Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: NA Revised 6/49 U1C-51/5T Page 4 of 56 APPLICATION FOR PEtuvi.IT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection K Source of fluids used to dilute or chase the injectants listed above: ( ) None (X) Municipal water supply { } Groundwater from private well or any well within % mile of injection site (} Air { } Other: 3. If any well within '/a mile of injection site, a private well, or surface water is to be used as the fluid source, supply the following information: a. Location/113 number of source: none b. Depth of source: c. Formation: d. Rock/Sediment type: e. In Attachment C, provide a current, complete chemical analysis of the water from the source well, including analyses for all contaminants suspected or historically recognized in soil or groundwater on the site. NOTE_ If contaminated groundwater is to be used as the dilution or chase fluid, this is not the proper permit application form. You must apply for a closed -loop groundwater remediation permit using tWlicationform Gi RS. PROPOSED OPERATING PARAMETERS 1. Duration of Injection: 8 to 9 weeks per event a. Maximum number of separate injection b. Expected duration of each injection event: 8 to 9 weeks c. Expected duration between events (if more than one event): 3-6 months 2. Injection rate per well: 0.5-1.2 gallons per minute (gpm) 3. Total Injection volume: 3,368 gallons per day (gpd). 143.160 separate events) 4. Injection pressure: 10-40 pounds/square inch (psi) 5. Temperature at point of injection: (GW) 80-120°F 6. Briefly describe how the above parameters will be measured and controlled: gallons per event (if Groundwater temperature is measured each morning. Pressure and rate are monitored/optimized con_tinuousiy in response to site conditions. Temperature and pressure are controlled by adjusting peroxide concentrations, catalyst mixture. and injection rate. Injection rate is controlled with calibrated totalizers and flow valves. 7. Estimated hydraulic capacity of the well: 2.0 gpm Revised 6/09 UIC-5115T Page 5 of 56 APPLICATION FOR P)EtuvAT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A wELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells —Tracer Injection C. INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA 1. Injection will be via: (X) Existing well(s) proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below to the best of your knowledge. (X) Proposed well(s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below as proposed construction specifications. 2. Well Drilling Contractor's Name: SAEDACCO, INC NC Well Contractor Certification number: 3. Date to be constructed: TBD Number of borings: 41 new borings contain ing 80 new injection wells and 7 existing borin gs contain ing 9 existin g infection wells. See Attachments E and G for details. Approximate depth of each boring (feet): Proposed: 34 at 70' and 7 at 80" Existing: 4 at 60' and 3 at 70' See Attachments E and G for details._ 4. Screened interval/Injection interval of injection wells: Depth: 55 to 80 feet below ground surface (if multiple intervals. indicate shallowest and deepest depth). 5. Well casing (N/A if injection is through direct push rods): Type: () PVC 0 Stainless steel ( X) Other: Schedule 80 CPVC Casing depth: 60 to 80 ft. 6. Grout (N/A if injection is through direct push rods): Type: (X) Cement (X) Bentonite Grout depth: 0 to 73 ft. () Other: Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 6 of 56 APPLICATION FOR PExivilT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A wELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Grou ndwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection V. ATTACHMENTS Provide the following items as separate attachments with the given headings: A. SITE HISTORY Provide a brief description of the site history including- (1) site usage historically and present, (2) origin of the contamination, (3) previous remedial action(s). NOTE. G.S. 89E-18 requires that any geologic plans, reports, or documents in which the performance is related to the public welfare or safeguarding of the environment he prepared by a licensed geologist or subordinate under their direction. G.S. 89E-13 requires that all drawings, reports, or documents involving geologic work prepared or approved by a licensed geologist, or a subordinate under their direction, be signed and sealed by the licensed geologist. B. HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Provide a hydrogeologic description, soils description, and cross section of the subsurface to a depth that includes the known or projected depth of contamination. The hydrogeologic description shall include: (1) the regional geologic setting; (2) significant changes in lithology; (3) the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection. including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters; and (4) the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. C. INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION Describe the chemical, physical, biological and radiological characteristics of each injectant. Attach the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each injectant. If a private well or a well within 'A mile of the injection site is used as the source well, include chemical analysis of source fluid here- D . INJECTION RATIONALE Attach a brief description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection, including: (1) goals of the injection project; (2) explanation and/or calculations of how the proposed injectant volume and concentration were determined; (3) a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; and (4) summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. E. INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Provide a detailed description of all planned activities related to the proposed injection including but not limited to: (1) construction plans and materials; (2) operation procedures; (3) a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system; and a planned injection schedule. Revised 6/09 U1C-51/5T Page 7 oi56 APPLICATION FOR PExu.JT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A wELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type SI Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection F. MONITORING PLAN Provide a plan for monitoring the results of the injection, including: (1) a Iist of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used; (2) a list of monitoring parameters and analytical methods to be used; and (3) a schedule for sampling to monitor the proposed injection. NOTE.- The selected monitoring wells must be located so as to detect any movement of injection fluids, process by-products, or formation fluids outside the injection area or zone. The monitoring parameters should include the target contaminants as well as secondary or intermediate contaminants which may result from the ii jection chid other parameters which may serve to indicate the progress of the intended reactions, such as pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, and other electron acceptors and donors. The monitoring schedule should be consistent with the pace of the anticipated reactions and rate of transport of the injectants and contaminants. G. WELL DATA Provide a tabulation of data on all existing or abandoned wells within '/4 mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Such data shall include a description of each well's use (water supply, monitoring, etc), total depth, screened or open borehole depth interval, and well construction or abandonment record, if available. I:� 35I1 a1 Attach the following scaled, site -specific maps: (1) Area map based on the most recent USGS 7.5' topographic map of the area, at a scale of 1:24,000 and showing the location of the proposed injection site. (2) Site map including: a. all property boundaries; b. all buildings within the property boundary; c. existing and proposed injection wells or well field(s) d. any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within '/a mile of the injection we] I or well system; e. all surface water bodies within'/e mile of the injection well or well system; and f. all existing or abandoned wells within''/4 mile ofthe injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) including: a. direction of groundwater movement b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (4) Contaminant plume map(s) including: a. the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (5) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination, including: a. horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. major changes in iithology c. existing and proposed monitoring wells d. existing and proposed injection wells Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 8 of56 APPLICATION FOR PE. _IT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A "ELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation 1 Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection Vl. CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent) NCAC 15A 2C .0211(b) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows: 1- for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official 4. for all others: by the well owner. If an authorized agent is signing on behalf of the applicant, then supply a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent. I hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments therein, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are penalties, including the possibility of' and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well(s) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. Printed NWme and Title: Signature:, Date: E7 1 v V11. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the applicant) ("Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall he deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection wells) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200). Printed Name and Signature: Date. AO 13? Z 0 r - Submit TWO copies of the completed application package, including all attachments, to: UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 TF Revised 6109 UIC-5115T Page 9 of 56 ATTACHMENT A SITE HISTORY Revised 6/09 UIC-5U5T Page 10 of 56 1.0 Site Usage Historically and Present Site usage information is located in the original application for permit # WI0400098 (MACTEC, 2008), 2.0 Origin of Contamination The origin of site contamination is located in the original application for permit #W10400098 (MACTEC, 2008). 3.0 Previous Remedial Actions March 1990 In -situ volatilization (ISV) systems at the two solvent pits were put into operation. Periodic sampling of the soils beneath the pits was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the ISV systems. Once soil sample results indicated that the concentrations of target VOCs beneath the pits were below clean up levels, operation of the systems was discontinued; the ISV systems in the north and south pits were discontinued in July 1991 and January 1993, respectively, June 1998 A 7-well groundwater recovery system was put into operation. The operation continues to present day, with site -wide groundwater monitoring performed on an annual }oasis. October 2009 An in -situ chemical oxidation pilot test near the former UST area was performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of CHP and to enhance ongoing remediation actions. A part of the pilot test, nine injection wells and four vent wells were installed near the former UST area, and 4,380 gallons of 34 percent hydrogen peroxide which was diluted and injected over a 10-day period. Sampling of performance monitoring wells following the injection revealed that the individual contaminants of concern (COCs) were reduced between 34 and 88 percent. The average reduction for the site COCs was 63 percent. Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page i I of 56 ATTACHMENT S I I Ill 11:11Ie3 all)1C1I!! Col 11 aI.N R 131 Y CORI Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Page 12 of 56 The hydrogeological description is located in the original application for permit #WI0400098 (MIACTEC, 2008). Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Page 13 of 56 ATTACHMENT C INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Page 14 of 56 A copy of the GEES of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services' list of approved injectants, as well as, the Material Safety Data Sheets for the listed injectants was previously provided in the October 10, 2008 application for permit 4WI0400098 (MACTEC. 2008). Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Page 15 of 56 1_%WKTal:l►•►ID1ad 17 INJECTION RATIONALE Revised 6109 UIC-5I15T Page 16 of 56 1.0 Goals of the Injection Project The goal of this injection is to conduct an expanded application of the in -situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) based on results from the pilot test performed in October 2009, in the form of CHP. The goals of the injection are to: 1) reduce overall contaminant mass and 2) to continue to assess the site - specific saturated zone soil physical characteristics that may affect oxidant distribution and injection procedures. CHP was selected because it has, on many sites and in the pilot test, effectively oxidized chlorinated ethenes and ethenes, such as those present at this site, 2.0 Explanation and/or Calculations of how the Proposed Injectant Volume and Concentration were Determined MACTEC's subcontractor, GeoCleanse, has determined the proposed peroxide volume and concentration from past experience with similar contaminants (including using contaminant mass calculations) from site -specific conditions, and from observations from the ISCO pilot test, as well as, using contaminant mass calculations. The concentration of all reagents is modified to ensure proper chemistry (mildly acidic pH and presence of elevated iron concentration), distribution of oxidant, and a safe and controlled reaction based upon process monitoring. 3.0 A Description of the Reactions between the Injectants and the Contaminants Present including Specific Breakdown Products or Intermediate Compounds that may be Formed by the Injection Because CHP is able to oxidize the parent products TCA and TCE without generating other breakdown chlorinated compounds, generation of daughter products is not expected to occur. A specific breakdown pathway has not been determined for 1,4-dioxane. Some residual metals, acetone, and/or methyl -ethyl keytones (MEK) may be generated by the process however, it is anticipated that once the pH stabilizes to pre -injection condition, the residual metals will precipitate and the acetone and methyl -ethyl keytones will dissipate from the groundwater. MACTEC notes that acetone and MEK were not detected in performance monitoring following a CHP application at the site in 2009. Carbon dioxide and water are also expected to be generated during oxidation; 12 vent wells [screened from 3 to 60 feet below ground surface (bgs)] will be constructed to allow the generated carbon dioxide gases to vent to controlled locations. Four existing vent wells screened from 3 to 65 feet bgs will also be utilized. 4.0 Summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical, or physical) in the subsurface MACTEC's subcontractor, GeoCleanse, will conduct daily groundwater sampling in the treatment area, to assess whether appropriate geochemical conditions are established in the aquifer, reagents are distributed effectively, and efficient oxidation reaction is occurring. The parameters to be measured are groundwater pH, alkalinity, dissolved iron, chloride. hydrogen peroxide, and temperature. From the results obtained, it can be assessed whether a conducive environment (e.g., low pH, sufficient iron, distribution of peroxide, etc.) has been established to oxidize the COCs utilizing CHP. Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Paee 17 of 56 ATTACHMENT E INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Revised 6/09 Ul C-5I15T Page 1$ of 56 1.0 Construction plans and materials Following NCDENR issuance of the permit to construct and use the subject injection wells, the injection will begin with the installation of 80 injection wells and 12 vent wells, as shown an Figure ?A (Attachment H). Hollow stem auger drilling is proposed for the injection and vent well installation. The injection wells will be constructed of I.25-inch diameter Schedule 80 chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe with a 0.010-slot screened interval of 5 feet. Thirty-five of the wells will have a total depth of 60 feet bgs; 38 of the wells will have a total depth of 70 feet bgs; and seven of the wells will have a total depth of 80 feet bgs. Most of the injection wells will be installed as nested well pairs in the same boring. The 12 new vent wells will be constructed of 2-inch diameter Schedule 80 CPVC with a 0.010-slot screened interval of 57 feet with a total well depth of 60 feet bgs. The filter sand will be size 20/30 or similar for all injection wells, and will be overlain by a layer (1 to 2 feet thick) of barrier fine grain sand. The grout collar will consist of 95% Portland cement and 5% bentonite powder, 2.0 Operation procedures Upon completion of the well installation, MACTEC will submit to NCDENR a notice of completion of construction and allow sufficient time (up to 10 days following receipt of notice) for the Director to send notice of intent to inspect the installation or otherwise review the injection wells. MACTEC will then commence injection of the materials described in Attachment C. 3.0 A detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system The surface layout of the new wells is shown on Figure 2A (Attachment H). The subsurface diagrams of the proposed wells are illustrated in the Well Construction Diagrams included in this Attachment. 4.0 A planned injection schedule Construction of the proposed wells will be scheduled following issuance of the injection permit. We anticipate commencing drilling approximately 4 weeks following issuance of the permit. Well construction will take place over the course of 40 work days. After well construction is complete, MACTEC will submit a notice of completion to NCDENR. Injection will commence once NCDENR has inspected or otherwise reviewed the wells and found them to be in compliance with the permit conditions. In accordance with subsection I5A NCAC 02C .021 I(h) of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C -- Well Construction Standards, if MACTEC does not receive notice from the Director of intent to inspect or otherwise review the injection well within 10 days after receiving the notice, the injection will commence and will proceed over the course of approximately 50 workdays. Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Paue 19 of 56 PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS Revised 6/09 UIC-5115T Page 20 of 56 PROPOSED DUAL INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS jos NAME FORMER ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS WELLS 33 EACH TOTAL DEPTH MACTEC ENGINEERING FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 6` 7p.❑' I 70. D' m JOB NUMBER 303 t — 05 —200 7— ? 2 INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED Br RISERJSCREEN: MATERIAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: (NOT TO SCALE) TBD SAEDACCO SCHEDULE 80 CPVC 1.25" 0.010" ANT STEEL 'BETE PAD PVC RISER PORTLAND/BENTONITE GROUT FINE SAND SEAL BOREHOLE WALL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP FINE SAND SEAL PVC RISER SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE OMACTEC. IN-SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, inc. ❑RAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: (,�[,J CHECKED BY: �r 9725 Cogdill Road ,1 Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 865-588-8544 ■ Fax. 865-588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED DUAL INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JOB NAME FORMER ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS WELLS 4 EACH TOTAL DEPTH MACTEC ENGINEERING FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 80.0 JOB NUMBER INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED BY RISER/SCREEN: MATERLAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: (NOT TO SCALE) 3031-05-2007-12 TBD SAEDACCO SCHEDULE 80 CPVC 1.25" 0.010" r, i,ri+n'JNT STEEL 'RETE PAO PVC RISER PORTLAND/BENTONITE GROUT FINE SAND SEAL BOREHOLE WALL SANG FILTER PACK PVC SCREED PVC END CAP FINE SAND SEAL PVC RISER SAND FIL ITER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION O MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. flRAf=PING BY: PREPARED BYCHECKED BY: CRW 9725 Cogdlll Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER; DATE: SCALE: 865-588-8544 • Fax: 865-SB8-8426 3031-05-207-12 OCTOBER 1, 2010 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JOB NAME FORMER ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS WELLS I EACH TOTAL DEFTN S O. MACTEC ENGINEERING TBD FIELD REPRESENTATIVE JOB NUMBER INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED BY RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: 3031 -05-2007- 12 TBD SAEDACCO SCHEDULE 80 CPVC 1.25" 0.010" �r r rrrI—MUUNi JfCEL CONCRETE PAD ?OUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL FINE SAND SEAL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP (NOT TO SCALE) BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE OMACTEC IN-SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engi?�SrCpgdiildiZOddsulting, Inc. DRAFTING BY: '.-%g, PREPARED BY: CHECKED 6Y: CRW Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE SCALE: 865-588-8544 + Fax: 865-588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 OCTOBER 1, 2010 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED DUAL INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JOB NAME FORMER A68 FLAKT PRODUCTS WELLS 2 EACH TOTAL DEPTH 80.0' MACTEC ENGINEERING T8D FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 8C JOB NUMBER INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED BY RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: ❑IAMETER: SLOT SIZE. (NOT TO SCALE) 303 t-U5-2QO7--- 12 TRD SAEDACCO SCHEDULE 80 CPVC t .25" O.o 10" r, JNr SILLL FRET£ PAD PVC RISER PORTLAND/BENTONITE GROUT FINE SAND SEAL BOREHOLE WALL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP FINE SAND SEAL PVC RISER SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE J IN -SITE] CHEMICAL OXIDATION MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engincc ng and Consulting, Inc- 9725 Cogdill Road a DRAFTEIVG BY; RS} PREPARED BY. ,! CHECKED BY: CRW Knoxville. Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 855-588.8544 9 Fax: 565-588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JOBNAME FORMER AB13 ELAKT PRODUCTS WELLS TOTAL DEPTH MACTEC ENGINEERING FIELD REPRESENTATIVE I EACH 70.0, Ci 4tNiACTEC MACTEC Englneenng and Consulting. Inc. 9725 Cogdlll Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 86S-588.8544 0 Fax: 86S-588.8026 JOB NUMBER INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED BY RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: [IVUI rV JSALrj 3031 -05-2007- 12 T13D SAEDACCO SCHEDULE 80 CPVC I.25" 0.010" CI IC'f�-fy -MU M 3TELL 7CONCRETE PAD ?OUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL FINE SAND SEAL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP UVI IVm OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: CRW ]DB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 3031-05-2007-12 OCTOBER 1, 2010 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED VENT WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 108 NAME FORMER ABB FL4KT PRODUCTS WELLS 12 EACH TOTAL DEPTH 50.0 MACTEC ENGINEERING TBD FIELD REPRESENTATIVE JOB NUMBER INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED BY RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: ()VU( ry DUMLE) 3031-05-2007-12 TBD SAEDACCO SCHEDULE 80 CPVC 2 10 0.010" ri n.J_Muurgl .])EEL CONCRETE PAD ?OUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL FINE SAND SEAL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP U V I F v,<+I OF BOREHOL E FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE 111 IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: J CHECKED BY: CRW 9725 CogdHI Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 ]OS NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 865-588.8544 ■ Fax: 865.588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 OCTOBER 1, 2010 NOT TO SCALE EXISTING WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS Revised 6109 UIC-5I15T Page 26 of 56 JOB NAME WELL NUMBER SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ABB FLAKT S1W-1 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8.5 J' TOTAL DEPTH 60.0' MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE C 108 NUMBER JOJ 1- 05 - 200 7-12 INSTALLATION DATE 07 22 2009 DRILLED BY SAEOECCO RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL. PVC SCH SO DIAMETER: 314 SLOT SIZE: 0.01 IflUI IV JLMLL/ r, , .11i-muum Si EEL OLE COVER 70UND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL #00 SAND # I SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP -I I- OF pVREHQLC FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE 4 /,Jj "It MACTEC IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEL Engineering and Con5ulting, Inc. ❑RAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: CRW 9725 Cogdlll Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER; DATE: SCALE: 865-588-8544 0 Fax:665-588-8026 3031-05-2007.12 OCTOBER 1, 2010 NOT TO SCALE SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 108 NAME ABB FLAKT WELL NUMBER SIW-2 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8.5 „ TOTAL DEPTH 60.0 MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE r 108 NUMBER .303 1 - 05 - 200 7- 12 INSTALLATION DATE Q 713/2009 DRILLED BY SAFDFCCO RISERJSCREEN: MATERIAL: PVC SCH 80 3141J DIAMETER: 0.010 SLOT SIZE: (IVVI 1 U _)UALt/ r, ,-,I—MUI1NT ') LL OLE COVER SOUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE )UT BOREHOLE WALL 100 SAND 11 SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP ra■m+iL RPM waimMCI Lai FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE 4rMACTEC TN -SITU CHEMICAL OxIDATIDN WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 9725 Cflgdlll Road pRgFTjNG 8Y; PREPARED BY: CRW CHECKED BY: Knox"le, Tennessee 37932 106 NUMBER: DATE: SCALE; $65-588-8544 ■ Pax:865-588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 NOT TO SCALE SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 306 NAME ABB FLAKT WELL NUMBER S!W-3 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8.5 " TOTAL DEPTH 60.0' MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE C OMACTEC JOB NUMBER 3O31 — 05 - 200 7— 12 INSTALLATION DATE 07122 2009 DRILLED BY _ SAEDECCO RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: PVC SCH 80 3 4" 0.010" r' "r'i—MOUNT STEEL OLE COVER SOUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL 100 SAND 11 SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP (NOT TO SCALE)�� BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE ABB FLAKT MACTEC Engineering and Consutdng, Inc. ❑RAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CRW CHECKED BY: 3T 9725 Cogdlll Road Kno"Ilk, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 865-588-8544 ■ Fax:865-588-6026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTENBER 29, 2010 NOT TO SCALE JOB NAME SHALLOW INIECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ABB FLAKT WELL NUMBER 51W-4 1 1. D r, BOREHOLE DIAMETER TOTAL DEPTH 65, Q' MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE I ]OB NUMBER .30J I-05--2007-12 INSTALLATION DATE 0712112009 DRILLED BY SAEDECCO RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: PVC SCH 80 DIAMETER: 314 r0 SLOT SIZE: 0.0 I 0 " I-MUUNI 3;rCL OLE COVER ?OUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/EENTOWE OUT BOREHOLE WALL JOO SAND jI SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAA (NOT TO SCALE)�� BOTTOM OF 60REHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE 0 ;01A IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, trx. DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CRW CHECKED BY: 9725 COgdlli Road L•' Kno"Ille, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE' 865.588-8544 ■ Fax; 86S-588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPrEMBER 28, 2010 NOT TO SCALE DUAL INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD JOB NAME ABB FL4KT WELL NUMBER DLIW-1 BOREHOLE DIAMETER_ TOTAL DEPTH MACTEC ENGINEERING FIELD REPR ESENTA LIVE Z 8.5 " 70.0' A. ADAMS JOB NUMBER 3031-05-2007-12 INSTALLATION DATE 07 22 2009 DRILLED BY SAEDECCO RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: CPVC SCH 80 314 IF DIAMETER: 0. 010 " SLOT SIZE: -MUUfVT STEEL OLE COVER ROUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL 100 SAND I? SAND PVC SCREEN 100 SAND # I SAND PVC END CAP (NOT TO SCALE)-'--- BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE MACTEC IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION WINSTON-SALEM? NORTH CAROLINA h1ACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. DRAFTING 6Y: PREPAREfl BY: CRW CHECKED BY: 9725 Co9dill Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 865-588-8544 • Fax: 865-588.8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTEMBER Z4, 2�16 NOT TO SCALE DUAL INIECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 108 NAME AB8 Frr AKT WELL NUMBER err IW-2 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 5.5 " TOTAL DEPTH 72, 0 MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 71 JOB NUMBER 3031 - C5 - 20 7- 12 INSTALLATION DATE 0712312009 DRILLED BY SAEDECCO RISER/SCREEN MATERIAL: CPVC SCH SC DIAMETER: 3L4 " SLOT SIZE: 0' 01 C 1 (iYVI iV DumLCj r' '1'-1-MUUNI STEEL OLE COVER ?OUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL 100 SAND # I SAND PVC SCREEN 100 SAND 11 SAND PVC END CAP UW.IV! OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE j 4ji(A MACTEC IN -SITU CHEMICAL OxIDATION WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Im- 9725 Cogdill Road DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CRW CHECKED BY: Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 308 NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 885-588-8544 • Far: 855.508-8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPI BER 29, 2010 NOT TO SCALE Jab NAME WELL NUMBER DEEP INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD A88 FLAKT DIW-18 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8.5„ TOTAL DEPTH 70. D' MACfEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 1 OMACTEC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Im- DRAFTING BY: 97z5 CagdiO Road Knaxvilie, Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: BSS-508-8544 ■ Fax;865-588-8025 3031-05-2007-12 106 NUMBER J031 - D5 -200 7- 12 INSTALLATION DATE 012512009 DRILLED BY SAFDECCD RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: CPvC SCH 80 DIAMETER: 314 " SLOT SIZE: 0.010 „ ((VU! I U JUALt f r' "'i-MUUM STEEL. IOLE COVER ROUND SURFACE RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT PVC RISER BOREHOLE WALL )0 SAND PVC SCREEN 1 2 SAND PVC END CAP �V 7 I %J OF BOREr-IOLF PREPARED BY: CRW CHECKED BY: DATE: SCALE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2010 1 NOT TO SCALE VENTILATION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 306 NAME WELL NUMBERyw— 1 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8,511 TOTAL DEPTH 65. d' MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE no ABB FLAKT 108 NUMBER 3631—05-2Q07— 12 INSTALLATION DATE 0712412009 DRILLED BY SAEDFCCC RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: PVC SCH Sa DIAMETER: 2 SLOT SIZE: Q. C 1 D (IVU; IU -DUA- r, r i`-1—AMOUNT .JrTFEL 'OLE COVER ROUND SURFACE RTLAND/BENTONITE OUT ]O SAND PVC RISER BOREHOLE WALL 1 2 SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP „u,.V41 QF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE AMACTEC WININ-ST INST MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. DRAFTING BY: 9725 Cogdllf Road Knoxville. Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER- 865-588-8544 • Fax: 865-588.8026 U CHEMICAL OXIDATION ON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA b� PREPARED BY:CRW CHECKED BY- 3031-05.2007.12 kTE: SCALE: SEPTEMBER 29, 2010 NOT TO SCALE VENTILATION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 108 NAME ABB FLAKT WELL NUMBER VW-2 BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8.5" TOTAL DEPTH 65. D MACTEC ENGINEERING FIELD REPRESENTATIVE A. ADAMS r i JOB NUMBER 3031 — 05-200 7— 12 INSTALLATION DATE 071 DRILLED BY SAEDECCO RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: CP11C SCH Sa DIAMETER: 2 " SLOT SIZE: a_ 0 1 a " (fYuf fu "A'ALtf ri it H—MQum 5EL (OLE COVER ROUND SURFACE ,RTLAND/BENTONITE 'OUT )0 SAND PVC RISER BOREHOLE WALL # i SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP DUI i� OF 80REHOCE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE 0 A/6 AIA IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and ConwlGng, Inc. DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CRW CHECKED BY: 97ZS CcWIP Road Kno"gle,Tennessee 37932 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 865-598-6544 ■ Fax: 865-588-8026 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTEMBER 26, 2010 1 NOT TO SCALE VENTILATION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD JOBNAME ABB ELAKT WELL NUMBERyw_. BOREHOLE DIAMETER 8, 5 TOTAL DEPTH 65. 5 MACrEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Is 103 NUMBER .3031-05-2007-12 INSTALLATION DATE 07123/2009 DRILLED BY SAEDECCQ RISERISCREEN: MATERIAL: CPVC SCH 80 2 " DIAMETER: 0' 0 1 SLOT SIZE: r, 'r11—MVL'NT STEEL SOLE COVER ROUND SURFACE RTIANDIBENTONITE our )0 SAND PVC RISER BOREHOLE WALL 1 SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP (NOT TO SCALE)�� 90TTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE OMACTEC IN -SITU C WINSTON- MACTEC Engineering and Consul[Ing, Inc. QRAFTING BY: 9725 Cagdil! Road Kno"ViRe, Tennessee 37932 106 NUMBER: 665-588-8544 • Fax; 865-588-W26 3031-05-2007-12 HEMICAL OXIDATION SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA I PREPARED BY: CRW I CHECKED BY: SEPTEMBER 28, 2010 I NOT TO SCALE VENTILATION WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD JOB NAME ABB FLAKT JOB NUMBER JOJ I - C5 -200 7- 12 WELL NUMBER VW-4 S. 5 BOREHOLE DIAMETER TOTAL DEPTH 65, C MACTEC ENGINEERING A. ADAMS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE r 6 f MACTEC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 9725 Cagdill Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37432 86S-588-8544 ■ Fax:865-598-8426 INSTALLATION DATE 0712412009 DRILLED BY SAEBFCCO RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: CPVC SCH SO 2 „ DIAMETER: a. C 1 O SLOT SIZE: r' "`'1-h UUM STEEL OLE COVER MND SURFACE RTLANDIBENTONITE OUT )0 SAND PVC RISER BOREHOLE WALL # I SAND PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP (IYU I I U 24,14U) FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY: CHECKED BY: J JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 3031-05-2007-12 SEPTEMBER 29, 2010 NOT TO SCALE ATTACHMENT F MONITORING PLAN Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Page 38 of 56 1.0 A list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used Performance monitoring will be conducted from monitoring wells MW-112, MW-129, MW-132S, MW-132D, MW-I33S, MW-133D, MW-134S, MW-134D, MW-135, along with approximately eight of the proposed injection wells. Select vent wells will be used for process monitoring during injection. 2.0 A list of performance monitoring parameters and analytical methods to be used Parameter Analytical Method VOCs 8260 (EPA) pHIDOIORPITemp I Horiba field flow -through cell 1,4-dioxane 8260 (EPA) Ferrous Iron 3500D (EPA) Alkalinity SM2320B 3.0 RCRA Metals will be sampled from monitoring wells MW-112, MW-129, MW-132S, MW-132D, MW-133S, MW-133D, MW-134S, MW-134D, MW-135. Samples will be collected prior to injection (baseline) and thereafter until concentrations return to baseline concentrations. Revised 6109 U1C-5I15T Page 39 of 56 4.0 A schedule for sampling to monitor the proposed injection Mon Well ID Baseline (Performance MW-1 12 List A, Metals M W-129 List A, Metals MW-132S List A, Metals M W-132D List A, Metals MW-133S List A, Metals MW-133D List A, Metals MW-134S List A, Metals MW-134D list A, Metals MW-135 List A, Metals Selected Injection Wells List A Proposed Vent Wells --- The parameter listed refers to the lists below. Methods Parameter List A - Groundwater Vacs 8260 (EPA) pH/DO/ORP/Temp Horiba field flow -through cell 1,4-dioxane 8260 (EPA) Ferrous Iron 3500D (EPA) Alkalinity SM2320B Parameter List C Offgas Carbon Dioxide Meter Oxygen Meter VOCs PID .g Event (Type of Monitoring) During Injection 1 34 Days After Injection List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A, Metals List B List A. Metals --- List A List C -- Parameter List B — Groundwater and/or Offgas pH/Temp Field kit Total Iron Field kit Hydrogen Peroxide Field kit Chloride Field Kit VOCs PID Other — Groundwater RCRA Metals 601 OB (EPA) Notes: DO = dissolved oxygen Prepared by/Date: CRW 6/22/1 O EPA = Environmental Protection Agency ORP = oxygen reduction potential Checked by/Date: K3D 9/28/1 O PID = photoionization detector VOC = volatile organic compound Revised 6/09 UIC-5I/5T Page 40 of 56 ATTACHMENT G 11,13ma17_10 Revised 6/09 UIC-5II5T Page 41 of 56 Appendix G Well Construction Information ABB Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem, North Carolina Well IQ Date Installed Well Purpose/TypeUtilit of Well Boring Depth Well Depth Screen Interval Surve Coordinates Well Material Completion Top Bottom Easting Northing Elevation Riser/Screen Flush- mount Vault Stick - u DP-2 12/10/97 Monitor Not used 105.0 85 0 75 85 1641500,76 854468.04 830.66 PVC X DP-4 12/08197 Monitor Not used 93.5 80.0 70 80 1650604.10 854456.22 818.71 PVC X ❑P-5 12/06197 Monitor Not used 80.0 70.0 60 70 1641220,00 854422.10 816.97 PVC X DP-22 03/24/97 Monitor Not used 78.0 78.0 73 78 1641423.46 854493.21 835.38 PVC X SP-23 03124/97 Monitor Not used 64.0 64.0 49 64 1641401.69 654512.16 835.61 PVC X RW-2 01/13/98 Recovery O&M program 100.0 100.0 80 100 1641474,25 854470.33 826.75 PVCIStainless X RW-3 01124/98 Recovery O&M program 110.0 110.0 80 110 1641407.64 854458.30 821.9 PVC/Stainless X RW-6 01/25/98 Recovery O&M program 115.0 115.0 85 115 1641543,73 854473.80 832.99 PVC/Stainless X RW10 01/26/98 Recovery O&M program___ 115.0 115.0 85 115 1641611,96 854485.32 833.54 PVCIStainless X RW-13 12/17/97 Recovery O&M program 77.6 77.0 57 77 1641236,39 854426.36 816.9 PVCIStainless X RW-14 12/20/97 Recovery O&M program 100 0 100.0 80 100 1641684.44 B54499.19 834.16 PVCIStainless X PRW-2 01113/98 Recovery Well Water Level water level 2auging 100.0 100.0 60 100 1641474.53 854470.00 826.8 PVC X PRW-3 01/24/98 Recovery Well Water Level water level gauging 110.0 110.0 80 110 1641407.81 854458.42 821.73 PVC X PRW-6 01/25198 Recovefy Well Water Level water level gauging 115.0 115.0 85 115 1641543,72 854473.34 833.22 PVC X PRW-10 01126198 Recovery Well Water Level water level gauging 115.0 115.0 85 115 1641612.11 854485.47 834 PVC X PRW-13 12/17/97 Recoveg Well Water Level water level gauging 77.0 77.0 57 77 1641236.67 854426.18 817.36 PVC X PRW-14 12/20/97 Recovery Well Water Level water level gauging 100.0 100.0 80 100 1641684.36 854498.87 834.48 PVC X MW-E 06/23/88 Monitor Sample - all. 56.5 54A 44 54 1642023.38 854621,83 835.79 PVC X MW-104 12/19/88 Monitor Sample 68.0 68.0 57.6 67.6 1641374.24 854677.78 839.69 PVC X MW-106 12/20/88 Monitor Sample 67.4 66.9 56.5 66.5 1641259,77 854492.02 835.47 PVC X MW-i D7 12/15/88 Monitor Sample 69.4 69.4 64.9 69A 1641442,37 854465,30 825.09 PVC X MW-110 03/22/89 Monitor Sample 65.0 65.0 54.6 64.6 1641830.59 854539.23 835.34 PVC X MW-112 D3124189 Monitor Sample 55.2 55.2 44.8 54.8 1641633.29 854498.83 834.16 PVC X MW-113 03/27189 Monitor water level gauging 52.9 51.9 41.5 51.5 1641288.78 854495.73 835.56 PVC X MW-118 04/19/89 Monitor water level gauging 51,0 50.8 40.4 50.4 1641571.06 854624.68 839.64 PVC X MW-119D MUM Monitor water level gauging 59.0 59.0 49 59 1640877.57 854511.59 842.35 PVC X MW-121 D 11/13193 Monitor water level gauging 84.0 84.0 79 84 1641320.53 854694.10 839.77 PVC X MW-123 D4104195 Monitor Sample 56.5 56.5 41.5 56.5 1640468.80 854087.00 818.43 PVC X MW-127 03124/97 Monitor Sample - alt. 99.5 99.5 39.5 99.5 1641898,29 854565,25 835.28 PVC X MW-128 03/24/97 Monitor Not used 104.0 104.0 39 104 1641423.27 854489,95 834.85 PVC X MW-129 04/23/04 Monitor Sample 67.0 65.5 55 65 1641598,75 854494,55 834.13 PVC X MW-130 041271D4 Monitor Sample 57.0 55.5 45 55 1641455.29 854466.31 825.68 PVC X MW-131D 04/27/04 Monitor water level gauging 84.0 81.5 76 81 1641396.16 854506.36 635.52 PVC X SIW-1 07/22/09 ISCO Injection Injection 60.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X SIW-2 07/23/09 ISCO Injection In ection 60.D 6D.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X SIW-3 07/22/09 ISCOInjectionInjection 60.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X SIW4 07/21/09 ISCO Injection 65.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X QIW-1 B 1 07/25/09.1 ISCO Injection -injection Injection 70.0 70.D 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X Revised 6J09 U1C-51l5T Page 42 of 56 Appendix G [Continued] Well Construction Information ABB Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem. North Carolina Well ID 1DLIW-1D Cate Installed Well Pu ose1T a Utilityof Weil Boring Depth Well Depth Screen Interval Surve Coordinates Well Material Com letion Top Bottom Easting Northing Elevation Riser/Screen Flush- mount Vault Stick - u DLIW-1S 07/22/09 ISCO Injection -Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X 07/22/09 ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 MO 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X DLIW-2S 07/23109 ISCOInjection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X DLIW-2D 07/23/09 ISCO Injection Injection 72.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-1 07/24109 ISCO Injection Vent 65,0 65.0 3 65 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-2 07/23/09 ISCOInjectionVent 65.0 65.0 3 65 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-3 07/23/09 ISCO Injection Vent 65.5 65.0 3 65 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-4 07/24/09 ISCO Injection Vent 65.0 65.0 3 65 NS NS NS CPVC X MW-132S 07/20/10 Monitor Sample 77.0 77.0 48 58 1641554.23 806854506.92 835.23 PVC X MW-132D 07/20/10 Monitor Sample 77.0 77.0 67 77 1641553,98 807854507,07 835.21 PVC X MW-133S 07/22/10 Monitor Sample 81.0 81.0 52 62 1641605.37 809854543,33 839,76 PVC X MW-133D 07/22/10 Monitor Sample 81.0 81.0 71 81 1641605,02 810854543.33 839.76 PVC X MW-134S 07/19/10 Monitor Sample 77.0 77.0 48 58 1641675.94 802854518.68 834,64 PVC X MW-134D 07119/10 Monitor Sample 77.0 77.0 67 77 1641675.68 801854518.97 834.66 PVC X MW-135 07121/10 Monitor Sample 80.0 80.0 70 80 1641604.66 8D4854496.44 834.07 PVC X IW-1A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVG X IW-1B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.o 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-2A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-2B TB❑ ISCO Injection Injection 70.6 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X 1W-3A TBD ISCOIn'echon Injection 70.D 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-3B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW4A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW413 TBD ISCO Injection In ection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-5A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 MO 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-5B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X 1W-6A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-6B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X 1W-7A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-7B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-8A TB❑ ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-813 TB❑ ISCO Injection Injection 7D.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-RA TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-9B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-10A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-106 TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-11A TBD ISCOInjectionInjection 7D.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-11B TB❑ ISCO In ection Injection 70.0 70.D 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-12A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 7D.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-12B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-13A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X NV-13B TBD ISCOln'eclion i Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X Iw-14A I TBD I ISCOIn'ection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 43 of 56 Appendix G (Continued) Well Construction Information ABB Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem. North Carolina Well ID Date Installed Well Pu ose(T a Utilityof Well Boring De th Well De th Screen Interval Su ey Coordinates Well Material Completion Top Bottom Easting Northing Elevation Riser/Screen Flush- mount Vault Stick - u RN-14B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-15A TBD ISCO Injection injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-15B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-16A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-15B TBD ISCOInjectionInjection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X NV-17A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-17B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-18A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 80.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-1 BB TBO ISCO Injection Injection 80.0 80.0 75 8o NS NS NS CPVC X IW-19A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70,0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-19B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-20A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-20B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-21A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-21B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 55 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-22A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-22B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-23A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-23B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-24A TBD ISCO In ection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-24B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-25A TBD ISCOInjectionInjection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-25B TBD ISCO 1n ection ljnjection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-26A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-26B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-27A TBD ISCOInjectionInjection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-27B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-28A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-28B TBD ISCO Injection Inection BOA 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-28C TBD ISCO Injection Inection 80.0 80.0 75 80 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-29 TBD ISCO Injection Injection 80,0 80.0 75 80 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-30A TBD ISCOInjection Inection 80.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-30B TBD ISCO Injection to ecbcin 80.0 80.0 75 B0 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-31A TBO ISCO lNection Injection 80,0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-318 TBD ISCO injection Injection 80.0 80.0 75 80 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-32A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 80.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-32B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 80.0 80.0 75 80 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-33A TBD ISCOInjectioninaction 8CW 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X iW-33B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 80.0 80,0 75 80 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-34A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-34B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-35A TBD ISCO Inject' in Injection 70.0 1 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X Revised 6/09 U IC-5 i15T Page 44 of 56 Appendix G (Continued) Well Construction Information ABB Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem, North Carolina Well I❑ Date Installed Well Pu ose1T a Utilityth of Well Boring De Well De th Screen Interval Su ey Coordinates Well Material Com letion Tap Bottom Easting Northing Elevation Riser/Screen Flush mount Vault StiGt- o IW-35B TBD ISCO Injection injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-36A TBD ISCO Injection injection 7D.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-36B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-37A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-37B TBD ISCO Injection tn'ection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-3aA TBD ISCO injection injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X NV-38B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X I1N-39A TBD ISCO Injection Injection 7D.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW39B TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70.0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X RN-40A TBD ISCOIriection Injection 70.0 60.0 55 60 NS NS NS CPVC X IW-408 TBD ISCO Injection Injection 70,0 70.0 65 70 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-5 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW_6 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60,0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-7 T13D ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-8 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60-0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-9 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-10 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-11 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 6D.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-12 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-13 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60A 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-14 TBD ISCO Injection Vent 60.0 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-15 TBD ISCOInjectionVent 60.0 1 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X VW-16 TBD ISCOl2ction Vent 60.0 1 60.0 3 60 NS NS NS CPVC X Nate: Only monitoring wells MW-112, MW-129, MW-132S, MW-132D, MW-133S, MW-133D, VW-134S, MWA 34D, MW-135, and the proposed injection and Prepared bylDate: CRW 6/23/10 vent wells are expected to be impacted by this injection. Checked by/Date. KJD 9/28110 CPVC = Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride O&M = Operations & Maintenance CRW 9129l10 DIW = Deep Injection Well PRW = Piezometer in Recovery Well DLIW = Dual Injection Well PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride DP = Deep Piezometer RW = Recovery Well ISCO = In -Situ Chemical Oxidation SIW = Shallow Injection Well NV = Injection Well SP = Shallow Piezometer MW = Monitoring Well TBD = To Be Determined NS = Not Surveyed VW = Vent Well NS = Not Surveyed Revised 6/09 UIC-5115T Page 45 of 56 REFERENCES Revised 6/09 UIC-5I15T Page 55 of 56 References MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., 2006. Groundwater Recovery Hvdraulic Control System, Annual Report 2005 and Focused Soils Investigation (February). MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, 2008. Application for Permit to Construct and/or Use a Well(s) for Injection — Former Flakt Products Site, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (October 10). MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, 2010. Injection Event Report. Former Flak Products Site, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (June 28). NC DENR, 2009. Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400098, Former Flak Products Site, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (March 30). NCDHHS, 2008. Memorandum to Mr. Qu Qi with the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. September 30. Revised 6109 UIC-5115T Page 56 of 56 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection • Do not use this form for remediation systems that extract contaminated groundwater, treat it, and reinject the treated groundwater. • Submit TWO copies of the completed application and all attachments to the address on the last page of this form. • Any changes made to this form will result in the application package being returned. Application Number (to he completed by DWQ}: I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's Name (generally the responsible party): Flakt Products, Inc, K Signing Official's Name: Mr. John Conant 3. Mailing address of applicant: 2000 Day Hill Road, CEP 880-1911 City: Windsor Title: Dir., Nuclear Engr. & Compliance State: CT Zip- 06095 Telephone number: (860) 285-5002 Fax number: (860) 285-5832 4. Property Owner's Name (if different from Applicant): Mr. Fred Property Owner's mailing address: P.O. Box 1140 City: Cornelius State: NC Zile: 28031 6. Name and address of contact person who can answer questions about the proposed injection project: Name: Mr. Ricky A. Ryan Title: Sr. Principal Project Manager Company: MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Address: 9725 Cogdill Road, Knoxville, TN 37932 City: Knoxville State: TN Zip: 37921 Telephone number: (865) 588-8544 Fax number: (865) 588-8026 Email Address: raryan@mactec.com REf;OVEO I DENR 10Q AQUtifqa vRnTF('�T:nN qFCTId�f H. PERMIT INFORMATION: OCT 14. Mg 1. Project is: © New ❑ Modification of existing permit ❑ Renewal of existing permit without modification ❑ Renewal of existing permit with modification 2. If this application is being submitted for renewal or modification to an existing permit, provide: existing permit number and the issuance date For renewal without modifications, fill out sections I & II only, sign the certification on the Iast page of this form, and obtain the property owner's signature to indicate consent (if the applicant is not the owner). For all renewals, you must submit a status report including monitoring results of all injection activities to date. Revised 9/07 UIC-51/5T Page 1 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection III. INCIDENT & FACILITY DATA A. FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Facility name: Former Flakt Products Site 2. Complete physical address of the facility: 2000 Lowery Street City: Winston-Salem County: Forsyth State: NC Zip: 27101 B. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION 1. Describe the source of the contamination: The facility used metal product degreasing baths at 2 locations within the building: north and south pits, as shown on Figure 2. The baths consisted of open steel tanks (-1 V deep, 6' wide, and 12' long) located in concrete pits. The tanks were filled with degreasing solvents, either trichloroethene (TCE) or 1,1,1- Wchloroethane (TCA), at various times, pumped from a 7,000 gal. above ground storage tank (AST) through overhead pipes. A 1988 assessment concluded that the stored solvents had been released onto the ground surface and subsurface. It was later concluded from a soil investigation assessment that the north and south pits and the AST were sources contributing to the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in sails located beneath the pits and AST system. An evaluation of the historical use of the site revealed reported surface releases of TCE and TCA near the former UST area. A 2006 focused soils investigation indicated that the persistent groundwater contamination in the former UST area may be indicative of residual contamination in the saturated zone (MACTEC 2006). 2. List all contaminants present in soils or groundwater at the site (contaminants may be listed in groups, e.g., gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, chlorinated ethenes, chlorinated ethanes, metals, pesticides/herbicides, etc): Primarily chlorinated ethanes, chlorinated ethenes, 1,4-dioxane, and other volatile organic compounds. 3. Has LNAPL or DNAPL ever been observed at the site (even if outside the injection zone)? ❑ Yes If yes, list maximum measured separate phase thickness feet N No If no, list maximum concentration of total VOCs observed at site: 152,926.8 ppb 4, Agency managing the contamination incident: ❑ UST Section ® Superfund Section (including REC Program and DSCA sites) ❑ DWQ Aquifer Protection Section ❑ Solid Waste Section ❑ Hazardous Waste Section ❑ Other: 5. Incident managers name Kim Caulk and phone number (919) 508-8451 6. Incident number or other site number assigned by the agency managing the contamination incident: NONCD 000 0017 C. PERMITS List all permits or construction approvals that have been issued for the facility or incident, including those not directly related to the proposed injection operation: 1. Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA: 2. DWQ Nan -Discharge or NPDES permits: NCO085871 3. County or DEH subsurface wastewater disposal permits: 4. Other environmental permits required by state or federal law: Administrative Order on Consent (Docket Number 97-SF-098), Authorization to Construct for Permit No. NCO085871 (letter dated November 6, 1997). Revised 8/07 UIC-5I/5T Page 2 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation 1 Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection TV. INJECTION DATA A. INJECTION FLUID DATA I . List all proposed injectants. NOTE: Any substance to be injected as a tracer or to promote in situ remediation must be reviewed by the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section (GEES) of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Review the list of aWroved iniectantsT or contact the UIC Program to determine if the injectants you are proposing have been reviewed by OEES Injectant: Fenton's Reagent: Hydrogen Peroxide (H0 ) (Geo-Cleanse) Concentration at point of injection:11.3% H2O_2 Injectant: Fenton's Reagent: Ferrous Sulfate (FeSO4 ZH20, catalyst) (Geo-Cleanse) Concentration at point of injection: Dissolved at up to 500 ppm aqueous solution Injectant: Phosphoric Acid (H3PO4), as part of the catalyst (Geo-Cleanse) Concentration at point of injection: ) -5% (approx. 0.002M), as needed to lower pH to --4 Injectant: Sulfuric Acid (H2504), as part of the catalyst (pending OEES approval) Concentration at point of injection: as needed (approx. 0.002M) to lower pH to —4 Injectant: Concentration at point of injection; Source of fluids used to dilute or chase the injectants listed above: ❑ None B Municipal water supply ❑ Groundwater from private well or any well within %4 mile of injection site ❑ Air ❑ Other: 3. If any well within %4 mile of injection site, a private well, or surface water is to be used as the fluid source, supply the following information: a. Location/)]) number of source: none b. Depth of source: c. Formation: d. Rock/Sediment type: e. In Attachment C, provide a current, complete chemical analysis of the water from the source well, including analyses for all contaminants suspected or historically recognized in soil or groundwater on the site. NOTE: lfcontaminated groundwater is to be used as the dilution or chase fluid, this is not the proper permit application form. You must apply far a closed -loop groundwater remediation permit using application form G9 S Revised 8107 U1C-5115T Page 3 of APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection B. PROPOSED OPERATING PARAMETERS 1. Duration of injection: Maximum number of separate injection events: t Expected duration of each injection event: 9 days Expected duration between events (if more than one event): 2. Injection rate per well: 0-5-1-2 gallons per minute (gpm)� {_ / 3. Total Injection volume: ,800 gallons per day (gpd); lid gallons per event (if separate events) 4. Injection pressure: 10 - 40 pounds/square inch (psi) 5. Temperature at point of injection: (GR 80 - 420 °g 6. Brieflv describe how the above parameters will be measured and controlled: Groundwater temperature is measured each morning. Pressure and rate are monitored/optimized continuously in response to site conditions. Temperature and pressure are controlled by adjusting peroxide concentration, catalyst mixture, and injection rate. Injection rate is controlled with calibrated totalizers and float valves. 7. Estimated hydraulic capacity of the well: 2 gpm C. INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA I. injection will be via: ❑ Existing well(s) proposed for use as an injection well, Provide the data in (2) through (6) below to the best of your knowledge. ® Proposed well(s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below as proposed construction specifications. 2. Well Drilling Contractor's Name: SAEDACCO, INC. NC Well Contractor Certification number: 2332 3. Date to be constructed: TBD Number of borings: 7 ASS 4�z pa; r3 of ►teS& 06�♦s Approximate depth of each boring (feet): 4 at 55' and 3 at 65' 4. Screened interval/Injection interval of injection wells: Depth: 50 to 65 feet below ground surface (if multiple intervals, indicate shallowest and deepest depth). 5. Well casing (NIA if injection is through direct push rods): Type: ❑ PVC ❑ Stainless steel 9 Other: Schedule 80 CPVC Casing depth: 50 to 60 $. 6. Grout (N/A if injection is through direct push rods): Type: ® Cement ® Bentonite ❑ Other: Grout depth: 0 to 56 ft. Revised 9/07 U1C-51/5T Page 4 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation I Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection V. ATTACHMENTS Provide the following items as attachments with the given headings: A. SITE HISTORY Provide a brief description of the site history including: (1) site usage historically and present, (2) origin of the contamination, (3) previous remedial action(s). NOTE: G.S. 89E-18 requires that any geologic plans, reports, or documents in which the performance is related to the public welfare or safeguarding of the environment be prepared by a licensed geologist or subordinate under his or her direction. G.S 89E-13 requires that all drawings, reports, or documents involving geologic work which shall have been prepared or approved by a licensed geologist or a subordinate under his or her direction be signed and sealed by him or her. B. HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Provide a hydrogeologic description, soils description, and cross section of the subsurface to a depth that includes the known or projected depth of contamination. The hydrogeologic description shall include: (1) the regional geologic setting; (2) significant changes in lithology; (3) the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters; and (4) the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. C. 1NJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION Describe the chemical, physical, biological and radiological characteristics of each injectant. Attach the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each injectiot. If a private well or a well within '/A mile of the injection site is used as the source well, include chemical analysis of source fluid here. D. INJECTION RATIONALE Attach a brief description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection, including: (1) goals of the injection project; (2) a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; and (3) summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. E. INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Provide a detailed description of all planned activities related to the proposed injection including but not limited to: (1) construction plans and materials; (2) operation procedures; (3) a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system; and (4) a planned injection schedule. F. MONITORING PLAN Provide a plan for monitoring the results ofthe injection, including: (1) a list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used; (2) a list of monitoring parameters and analytical methods to be used, and (3) a schedule for sampling to monitor the proposed injection. NOTE: The selected monitoring wells must be located so as to detect any movement of injection fluids, process by- products, or formation fluids outside the injection area or sane. The monitoring parameters should include the target contaminants as well as secondary or intermediate contaminants which may result from the injection and other parameters which may serve to indicate the progress of the intended reactions, such as pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, and Revised 8107 UIC-5115T Page 5 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation I Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection other electron acceptors and donors. The monitoring schedule should be consistent with the pace of the anticipated reactions and rate of transport of the injectants and contaminants. G. WELL DATA Provide a tabulation of data on all existing or abandoned wells within '/4 mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Such data shall include a description of each well's use (water supply, monitoring, etc), total depth, screened or open borehole depth interval, and well construction or abandonment record, if available. H. MAPS Attach the following scaled, site -specific maps: (1) Area map based on the most recent USGS 7.5' topographic map of the area, at a scale of 1-24,000 and showing the location of the proposed injection site. (2) Site map including: a all property boundaries; b. all buildings within the property boundary; c. existing and proposed injection wells or well field(s) d. any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within `/. mile of the injection well or well system; e. all surface water bodies within '/ mile of the injection well or well system; and f. all existing or abandoned wells within '/� mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) including: a. direction of groundwater movement b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (4) Contaminant plume map(s) including: a. the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (5) Cross-section(s) to the known or projected depth of contamination, including: a. horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. major changes in lithology Revised 8/07 U1C-51/5T Page 6 of 7 VI. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells -In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type ST Wells - Tracer Injection CERTIFICATION I John Conant . r; , ,i �.,..,F �;. hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well(s) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. Signature: Date: ' 1 C, FJ Title: e If authorized agent is acting on behalf of the applicant, supply a letter signed by the applicant authorizing the above agent. VH. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the applicant) ("Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on laird shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) 1, Mr. Fred Godley_,,,,_,.., , j, as owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated, hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to Well Constructiop Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200) Sig nature' Datc: - 4 s� Title:_�C�h1� Submit TWO copies of the completed application package, including all attachments, to: UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 RECEIVED t DENR I DWO Ao UtFFR PPnTprTION CFCT10N OCT 14 2009 Revised 8/07 UIC-51/5T Page 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT A SITE HISTORY 1.0 Site Usage Historically and Present The FU-t Products, Inc. (Flakt) Lowery Street site consists of a 570,000-square-foot former manufacturing plant on a 52-acre property located in an area of industrial and residential development near Interstate 40 Business in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Manufacturing operations were conducted at the facility from. 1965 to 1986; the facility has been mostly vacant and inactive since 1986. Metal fabrication activities at the site included the production of air pollution control equipment, large diameter fans, industrial air-conditioning units, and dust collectors; which involved processes such as sand blasting, plasma arc machining, solvent degreasing, painting, and assembly (Rust, 1995). Presently the northeast corner of the building is leased to a cardboard recycling company; the rest of the facility remains vacant. 2.0 Origin of the Contamination The facility used metal product degreasing baths at 2 locations within the building: north and south pits, as shown on Figure 2. The baths consisted of open steel tanks (—I I feet deep, 6 feet wide, and 12 feet long) Iocated in concrete pits. The tanks were filled with degreasing solvents, either trichloroethene (TCE) or 1.1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), at various times, pumped from a 7,000 gal. above ground storage tank (AST) through overhead pipes. A 1988 assessment concluded that the stored solvents had been released onto the ground surface and subsurface. It was later concluded from a soil investigation assessment that the north and south pits and the AST were sources contributing to the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soils located beneath the pits and AST system. An evaluation of the historical use of the site revealed reported surface releases of TCE and TCA near the former UST area. A 2006 focused soils investigation indicated that the persistent groundwater contamination in the former UST area may be indicative of residual contamination in the saturated zone (MACTEC, 2006). 3.0 Previous Remedial Actions March 1990 In -situ volatilization (ISV) systems at the two solvent pits were put into operation. Periodic sampling of the soils beneath the pits was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the ISV systems. Once soil sample results indicated that the concentrations of target VQCs beneath the pits were below clean up levels, operation of the systems was discontinued; the ISV systems in the north and south pits were discontinued in July 1991 and January 1993, respectively. June 1998 A 7-well groundwater recovery system was put into operation. The operation continues to present day, with sitewide groundwater monitoring performed on an annual basis. Attachment A — Page 1 ATTACHMENT B HYDRGGEQLOGIC DESCRIPTION 1.0 Regional Geologic Setting Forysth County is near the western edge of the Piedmont physiographic province. Approximately 85 percent of the county is underlain by gneiss which primarily consists of quartz -mica -feldspar gneiss, quartz -mica schist, and quartz -feldspar schist, along with some feldspar -hornblende gneiss and hornblende schist. Most of this unit appears to be of sedimentary origin, but metamorphism has altered the rock almost completely from its original character. The bedding is prominent in many places, it strikes generally northeastward and at most places dips southeastward at a moderate angle (Mundorff, 1948). A porphyritic granite unit is present south of Winston-Salem. The granite is intruded into the gneiss at many places with stringers of the granite ranging from a few inches to many feet thick., cutting across or following along the structure. The granite is light to medium gray coarse rock with many large feldspar phenocrysts (Rust, 1995), The Piedmont is characterized by rolling hills and fairly steep stream valleys. Relief is greater near the larger streams and topography in those areas commonly has relief of 150 to 250 feet. Locally the relief is about 50 to 75 feet with elevations ranging from about 750 to 950 feet above mean sea level (Rust, 1995). 2.0 Significant Changes in Lithology The Flalct site is underlain by four distinct lithologic units. The uppermost unit consists of a mix of sand, silt and clay fill of varying content from the surface to depths of 20 feet below ground surface (bgs). Beneath the fill layer is a sandy unit with varying amounts of silt and clay that is first encountered at depths from 5 to 30 feet bgs and ranges from 20 to 60 feet thick. The overburden layer grades downward to a saprolite, characterized by fractures (variably open, lined, or filled by clay and oxides), with variable degrees of weathering, fractured quartz and feldspar veins, variable hardness and clay content. Fracture frequency is highly variable with zones of intense fracturing being present. Generally the degree of weathering appears to decrease with depth, with infilling of fractures decreasing, and matrix hardness increasing, though some soft highly weathered saprolite does occur down to depths of 100 feet. The saprolite is encountered at depths ranging from 40 to 60 feet bgs, and is approximately 20 feet thick in the vicinity of monitoring wells MW-1 12 and MW-l. The dense saprolite unit is encountered at an approximate depth of 100 feet in the vicinity of MW-120D (MACTEC. 2004). At the western end of the remediation well line, contact with fresh hard bedrock is abrupt and sharp. Near the middle of the line the contact is gradational, with frequent changes between soft weathered saprolite and hard fresher bedrock. At the eastern end of the line, fresh bedrock was not encountered. Fracturing occurs in the hard fresh bedrock as well as in saprolite with some zones of intense fracturing_ Bedrock was identified as schist. granodiorite and some diorite. Depths to fresh bedrock deepened from 70 feet at the western end of the rem ediation line to at least l 10 feet at the eastern end (MACTEC, 2004). 3.0 Aquifer Characteristics Slug tests were conducted on April 11, 1995 on three monitoring wells (MW-107. MW-120D, and MW-125) located on the Site. Both falling mead and rising head tests were conducted. The tests were performed by quickly adding and removing a known volume of water from a well and recording the rate at which the water level in the well or piezometer Attachment B - Page l fell or rose to equilibrium. A 5-foot long, 1-inch diameter slug was used to displace water in the well. The rate of recovery in the well and other parameters of the well were analyzed to calculate a value for the hydraulic conductivity of the aquifer in the vicinity of the tested wells. Calculations of the hydraulic conductivities were performed using the Bower and Rice method (1976, 1989) and the I-lvorslev method (1951). The averages of the falling head and rising head hydraulic conductivity test results are 5.134 ft/day and 7.833 ft/day, respectively (Rust, 1996). Transmissivity is a measure of the rate at which water can move horizontally through an aquifer and is a product of the hydraulic conductivity and, for unconfined aquifers, the saturated thickness of the aquifer (Cherry/Freeze, 1979)_ The saturated thickness of the aquifer, at monitoring wells MW-107, MW-120D, and MW-125 (the wells that were slug tested) ranges from approximately 23 feet to 33.5 feet. Therefore, the surficial aquifer of the site has an estimated transmissivity of 118 fClday to 262.5 ft2Iday. Specific yield represents the volume of water that will drain from a material by gravity and is calculated as the ratio of the volume of water drained to the total volume of material, Based on the soil types encountered while drilling on the site, the specific yield of the surficial aquifer at the site is estimated to be approximately 0.03 to 0.35 (Johnson, 1967). 4.0 Depth to Mean Seasonal High Water Table The groundwater occurs at depths ranging from 28 feet bgs at monitoring well MW-1 16, on the north side, to 77 feet bgs at recovery well RW-6, on the south side of the site. The potentiometric surface map in Figure 3 (Attachment H) was generated from the water levels collected during the September 2007 sampling event to depict groundwater elevations for the shallow and deep groundwater units. Surfer 8 by Golden Software, Inc., was used to plot the potentiometric surface map. This program mathematically calculates contours based upon groundwater elevation measurements collected in the field. The September 2007 potentiometric surface map indicates that the groundwater gradient is generally soLrthward, but that the groundwater flow is being directly affected by pumping conditions. Attachment B — Page 2 ATTACHMENT C INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION The additives that will be used are listed below: ■ Hydrogen peroxide; Bulk storage of 34% technical grade, used as oxidizing agent. Diluted and injected into the aquifer with a maximum 11.3% concentration, with resultant concentrations to groundwater of less than 1 %. This concentration is expected to quickly fall to less than 25 ppm within several hours following injection and typically is completely consumed within 3 to 5 days. • Ferrous sulFare: Staged as solid powder of food -grade reagent, dissolved at typical 100-500 ppm aqueous solution, used as catalyst. The ferrous iron is oxidized in the subsurface to ferric iron and precipitates as an iron oxide or iron hydroxide. Ferrous sulfate may not be used if sufficient natural iron (typical greater than 25 mg/L) is present in groundwater. Phosphoric acid: Staged as 85% technical grade reagent, diluted prior to injection in water to a pH of approximately 4 as part of the catalyst solution. This is used in the catalyst solution to inhibit oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron in the catalyst solution prior to injection, and to adjust pH of the groundwater to the optimal range for Fenton's reagent (<6). Groundwater pH is expected to return to ambient background conditions within a few days of injection. This reagent may not be utilized depending upon site -specific conditions. Phosphoric acid may not be used if either the groundwater pH is already acidic (<6) or if a more reactive catalyst solution is desired (in which case sulfuric acid may be used). Sufuric acid- MACTEC has submitted to the Underground injection Control (UIC) and Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section (OEES) a request for approval to use sulfuric acid in this injection. A copy of the "Information Needed to Do Risk Assessments for Products Applied to Groundwater or Soil Containing No Microorganisms" is included in this Attachment along with the Material Safety Data Sheet for the sulfuric acid. If approved, the sulfuric acid will be staged as 98% technical grade reagent, diluted prior to injection in water to a pH of approximately 4 as part of the catalyst solution. This is used in the catalyst solution to inhibit oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron prior to injection, and to adjust pH of the groundwater to the optimal range for Fenton's reagent (<6). Groundwater pH is expected to return to ambient background conditions within a few days of injection. This reagent may not be utilized depending upon site -specific conditions. Sulfuric acid may not be used if either the groundwater pH is already acidic (<6) or if a more stabilizing catalyst solution is desired. A copy of the OEES of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services' list of approved intectants is included in this Attachment following the Material Safety Data Sheets for the listed injectants. Attachment C —Page 1 ATTACHMENT D INJECTION RATIONALE I.0 Goals of the Injection Project The goal of this injection project is to conduct a pilot study of in -situ chemical oxidation (1SCO), in the form of Fenton's Reagent. The goals of this pilot injection are to (1) evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the oxidant in completely and non -selectively oxidizing the contaminants of concern at the site, (2) reduce the overall contaminant mass, and (3) assess the site -specific soil physical characteristics that may affect oxidant distribution and injection procedures. Fenton's Reagent was selected because it has, on many sites, effectively and completely oxidized chlorinated ethenes and ethanes, such as those present at this site. MACTEC's subcontractor has determined the most appropriate initial peroxide concentration from past experience with similar contaminants and site conditions and from site -specific bench -scale testing. The concentration of all reagents is modified to ensure proper chemistry (mildly acidic pH and presence of elevated iron concentration), distribution of oxidant, and a safe and controlled reaction based upon process monitoring. 2.0 A Description of the Reactions between the Injectants and the Contaminants Present including Specific Breakdown Products or Intermediate Compounds that may be Formed by the Injection Because Fenton's Reagent is able to destroy the parent products TCA and WE without generating other breakdown chlorinated compounds, generation of daughter products is not expected to occur_ A specific breakdown pathway has not been determined for 1,4-dioxane. However, site -specific bench -scale testing resulted in a 99% reduction in 1,4-dioxane concentrations. Some residual metals, acetone, and/or methyl -ethyl keytones may be generated by the process however, it is anticipated that once the pH stabilizes to pre -injection condition, the residual metals will precipitate and the acetone and methyl -ethyl keytones will dissipate from the groundwater. Carbon dioxide and water are also expected to be generated during oxidation; two vent wells (screened from 10 to 40 feet bgs) will be constructed to allow the generated carbon dioxide gases to vent to controlled locations. 3.0 Summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical, or physical) in the subsurface MACTEC's subcontractor, GeoCleanse, will conduct daily groundwater sampling within and adjacent to the treatment area, to assess whether appropriate geochemical conditions are established in the aquifer, reagents are distributed effectively, and an efficient oxidation reaction is occurring. The parameters to be measured are groundwater pH, alkalinity, dissolved iron. hydrogen peroxide, and temperature. From the results obtained it can be assessed whether a conducive environment (e.g., low pH, sufficient iron, distribution of peroxide, etc.) has been established to destroy the VOCs through oxidation utilizing Fenton's Reagent. Attachment D - Paae 1 ATTACHMENT E INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT 1.0 Construction plans and materials Following NCDENR issuance of a permit to construct and use the subject injection wells, the pilot test will begin with the installation of nine injection wells and two vent wells, as shown on Figure 2A (Attachment H). Air rotary drilling will be used for the injection and vent well installation. The injection wells will be constructed of 1/4-inch diameter Schedule 80 chlorinated poly vinyl chloride (CPVC) pipe with a 0.010-slot screened interval of 5 feet. Three of the wells will have a total depth of 65 feet bgs and the other 6 wells will have a total depth of 55 feet bgs (2 of which will be installed in the same boring as a 65' deep well). The 2 vent wells will be constructed of 1/4-inch diameter Schedule 80 CPVC with a 0.020-slot screened interval of 30 feet with a total well depth of 40 feet bgs. The filter sand will he size 20/30 or similar for all injections wells, and will be overlain by a layer (2 feet thick) of barrier fine grain sand. The grout collar will consist of 95% Portland cement and 5% bentonite powder. 2.0 Operation procedures Upon completion of the well installation, MACTEC will submit to NCDENR a notice of completion of construction and allow sufficient time (up to 10 days following receipt of notice) for the Director to send notice of intent to inspect the installation or otherwise review the injection wells. MACTEC will then commence injection of the materials described in Attachment C. 3.0 A detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system The surface layout of the new wells is shown on Figure 2A (Attachment H). The subsurface diagrams of the proposed wells are illustrated in the Well Construction Diagrams included in this Attachment. 4.0 A planned injection schedule Construction of the proposed wells will be scheduled following issuance of the injection permit. We anticipate commencing drilling approximately 4 weeks following issuance of the permit. Well construction will take place over the course of approximately 10 work days after which MACTEC will submit a notice of completion to NCDENR. Injection will commence once NCDENR has inspected or otherwise reviewed the wells and found them to be in compliance with the permit conditions. In accordance with subsection 15A NCAC 02C .0211(h) of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2C - Well Construction Standards, if MACTEC does not receive notice from the Director of intent to inspect or otherwise review the injection well within 10 days after receiving the notice, the injection will commence and will proceed over the course of approximately 9 work days. Attachment E —Page 1 PROPOSED SHALLOW INJECTION WELL CNSTRUMON DETAILS ]OS NAME FORMER ABB FZAKT PRODUCTS WELLS 6 EACH TOTAL DEPTH 55.0 MACTEC ENGINEERING TBD FIELD REPRESENTATIVE JOB NUMBER 3031-05-2007 INSTALLATION DATE TBD DRILLED BY TBD RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: SCHEDULE 80 CPVC DIAMETER: ' 4 ry - SLOT SIZE: 0. 010" klWl W .DUALC; 1-1 i1riT_rwvujvl Dl CLL CONCRETE PAD ?OUND SURFACE PVC RISER RTTLANDISENTONITE UT BOREHOLE WALL FINE SAND SEAL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP Wk. A,A .,�i1� iJ.I .IiN FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION PILOT TEST 4tMACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACPEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc, DRAFTING BY. \R_� PREPARED BY: { CHECKED BY: j' 1725 Louisville prlve l KnoxWle, Tennemsee 37921-59D4 308 NUMBER: HATE: V SCALE: 865-588.8544 • Fax:665-588-0026 3031-08-2007-09 AUGUST 18, 2008 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED DEEP INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS +. NAME FORMER ,:: FLAKT PRODUCTS ,. NUMBER 00 3 EACH INSTALLATIONWELLS DATE TBO TOTALDEPTH ■ DRILLED BY T8D MACTEC ENGINEERING ;i FJELD REPRESENTATIVE MATERIAL,, SCHEDULE:i CPVC f ■ 1 i FLUSH -MOUNT PSCIRUBBER EXPANDING �r��❑uri r 3 �a��xGROUND SURFACE PVC RISER ►' ��GROUTPORTLANDIBENTONfTE 56.0'�11r�! n ► i 1` '�.y ►� aCG..BOREHOLE WALL FINE SAND SEAL SAND FILTER PACK ►l ��1�► ,�tl'r.� 1�.�.�..� PVC SCREEN �Ian�Gt► 1 1��►`��n11a�.PVC END CAP (NOT TO BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMERFLAKTPRODUCTS ArMACTEC IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION PILOT WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Drive ■• . ■ ,. *:I wig 0 11 i' li: I PROPOSED DUAL INIECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS JOB NAME FORMER ABB ELAKT PRODUCTS WELLS 2 EACH TOTAL DEPTH 65, 0' MACTEC ENGINEERING TBD FIELD REPRESENTATIVE PSC/RUBBER EXPANDING PLUG 46 0' 40 JOB NUMBER 3031-05-2007 INSTALLATION DATE TBD DRILLED BY T8p RISER/SCREEN: MATERIAL: SCHEDULE 80 CPVC DIAMETER: 314 „ SLOT SIZE: 0.010" (NOT TO SCALE) FLUSH -MOUNT STEEL 2'x2' CONCRETE PAD GROUND SURFACE PVC RISER PORTLANDISEN'TONITF GROUT FINE SAND SEAL BOREHOLE WALL SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP FINE SAND SEAL �- PVC MISER SAND FILTER PACK PVC SCREEN �-- PVC END CAP ROTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE r� IN -SITU CHEMICAL OXIDATION PILOT TEST ',''MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Englnocrtng and Comwtting, Inc. DRAFTING BY; ` PREPARED BY: y CHECKED BY: y! i 1725 Lowsvllle Drive Knoxville, Tennessee 37921-5904 JOB NUMBER: DATE: 4 SCALE: 865-588-8544 0 Fax: 865-SB8-6926 3031-08-2007-09 AUGUST 18, 2008 NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED VENT WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 308 NAME FURMER A88 fLArfT PRCDLICTS 306 NUMBER 303 P—D5—Z007 WELLS TOTAL DEPTH MACTEC ENGINEERING FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 2 EACH 40.0' mp INSTALLATION DATE DRILLED BY RISER/SCRFEN: MATERIAL: DIAMETER: SLOT SIZE: TBD T8D SCHEDULE 80 CPVC j» 0.020 , , y_1 uufvT STEEL CONCRETE PAD �OUNO SURFACE PVC RfSER RTLAND/eENTONITE OUT BOREHOLE WALL FINE SAND SEAL SAND FrLTER PACK PVC SCREEN PVC END CAP (NOT TO SCALE)­*_�� BOTTOM OF BOREHOLE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE At IN-SITU CHEMICAL ❑XIDATION PILOT TEST MACTEC WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc— DRAFTING BY: PREPARED BY. i CHECKED BY: - 1725 Louisville Drive 1 Knoxville, Tennessee 37921.5904 JOB NUMBER: DATE: SCALE: 665-566-8544 • Fax. 865-580-8026 3031-08-2007-09 AUGUST 14, 2008 NOT TO SCALE ATTACHMENT F MONITORING PLAN 1.0 A list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used Performance monitoring will be conducted from monitoring wells MW-I 12 and MW-129, recovery well RW-10, along with one or more of the proposed injection well and at least one of the proposed vent wells. 2.0 A list of monitoring parameters and analytical methods to be used Parameter Analytical Method VOCs 8260 (EPA) pH/DO/ORPrf'emp Horiba field flow -through cell 1,4-Dioxane 8260 (EPA) Ferrous iron 3500D (EPA) Alkalinity SM2320B 3.0 A schedule for sampling to monitor the proposed injection Monitoring E-ent Wrfi ID (TJ pc of Moniwrink) Selected MW-I12 MW-I29 RW-10 injection Well Vent Well Rasciine (Performance) List A List A Liss A Lis[ A --- During Injection (Process) List. B List B - List B List C 7 Days After Injection (Performance) List A List A List A List A 30 Days After Injection (Performance) List A List A List A List A --- The parameter listed refers to the lists below. Method Parameter List A — Groundwater Vocs 8260 (EPA) pH/DO/ORP/I'emp Horiba field flow -through cell 1,4-Dioxane 8260 (EPA) Ferrous iron 3500D (EPA) Alkalinity SM2320B Parameter List B— Groundwater and/or Offgas pH/Temp Field kit Total iron Field kit Peroxide Field kit VOCs PID Parameter List C — Offgas Carbon dioxide Meter Oxygen Meter VOCs PID Notes: DO = dissolved oxygen EPA = Environmental Protection Agency Prepared by/Date: K1D 8/7/2008 ORP = oxygen reduction potential PID = photoienization detector Checked hy/Date: ALA/8/14/08 VOC = volatile organic compound Attachment F -- Page 1 ATTACHMENT G WELL DATA Attachment G Wetl Data ABE Fla kr Pr odvcta Sit* Winston-Salem, North Carelins Screen interval Survey Coordinates Well Material Cam Iebon Well ID pate installed Well Pur CseiT a polity of Weil Boring pe th Well Depth Top I Bottom Easting Northing I Elevation I Riser/Screen Plush- mount Vault Stick-up SP-6 12M9197 Monitor water level gauging 40.0 40.0 30 40 1641423.15 854456.07 824.01 PVC x SIP-9 12/19/97 Monitor water level gauging 50.0 510 40 50 1650847,60 854457.74 833.35 PVC x SP-10 12/20/97 Monitor water level gauging 50.0 50.0 40 50 1641568.77 854477.59 834.05 PVC x SP-11 12/20/97 Monitor water level gauging 50.0 50.0 40 50 164159&48 854482.25 833.67 PVC x SP-23 03/24/97 Monitor water level gauging 64.0 64.0 49 E4 1E41401.59 B54512.16 035.61 PVC x RVV-2 0IM3198 Recovery 0 & M program 1UUA 100.0 80 100 184147C25 854470.33 826.75 PVCIStainless x RW-3 01/24/98 Recovery ❑ & M program 110.0 110.0 80 110 1641407.64 854458.30 821.9 PVC/Stainless x RW-6 01/25/98 Recovery 0 & M program 115,0 115.0 85 115 1641543,73 854473.80 832.99 PV01Stainiess x RW-7 01/14/98 Recovery 0 & M program 110.0 110.0 90 110 1641339.29 B54444.50 819.02 PVC/Stainless x RW-1U 01/26/98 Recovery 0 & M program 115.0 115.0 85 115 1641611.96 854485.32 833.54 PVC/Stainless x RW-13 12/17/97 Recovery ❑ & M program 77.0 77.0 57 77 1641236,39 854426,3E 816.9 PVC/Stainless x RW-14 12/20191 Recovery 0 & M program 100.0 100.0 E0 100 1641684.44 854499.19 534.16 PVCIStainless x MW-C 06/24/88 Monitor Sample 45.0 45.0 34.6 44.6 1641297.85 854718.32 839.81 PVC x MW-E 06/23/88 Monitor Sample -alt. 56.5 54.4 44 54 1642023,38 854621,83 835.79 PVC x MW-1 06/02/88 Monitor Sample 38.5 35.9 25 35 1641434.0(3 854464,50 826.72 PVC x MW-102 1212018E Monitor water level gauging 43.9 43.3 37.9 42.9 1641225.45 054031.02 839.79 PVC x MW-104 121IW88 Monitor Sample 68.0 68.0 57.6 67.6 164137424 854677.7E 839.69 PVC x MW-105 12/14/80 Monitor water level gauging 50.0 40.6 44.2 49.2 1641279.20 854715.89 839.77 PVC x MW-106 12/20/88 Monitor Sample 67.4 88.9 56.5 66.5 1841259.77 854492.02 635.47 PVC x MW-107 12/15/88 Monitor Sample 69A 89.4 64.9 69A 1641442.37 854465.30 825.09 PVC x MW-110 03/22/89 Monitor Sample 65.0 65.0 54.6 64.6 1641830.59 654539,23 835,34 PVC x MW-111 03123/89 Monitor water level gauging 50.5 50.2 39.8 49.8 1641546.46 854747.89 839.79 PVC x MW-112 OW24/89 Monitor Sample 55.2 55.2 44.E 54.E 1841633.29 854498.83 834.16 PVC x MW-113 OW27189 Monitor water level gauging 52,9 51.9 41.5 51.5 1541288.78 85449533 835.56 PVC x MW-114 03129/89 Monitor Sample - all. 40.5 39.8 29.4 39A 1841016.63 854457/4 834.59 PVC x MW-115 03/29/89 Monitor water level gauging 35.5 35.5 25.1 35.1 1641546.03 854982.28 839.73 PVC x MW-11E 03/31/89 Monitor Sample 38.0 37.5 27.1 37.1 1641214.23 854935,42 839.25 PVC x MVV-117 D4118189 Monitor Sample 51.0 45.8 40.7 46.7 1641236.78 854579,05 839.89 PVC x MW-118 041119189 Monitor water level gauging 51,0 50.8 40.4 50A 1641571,06 854624.68 839.64 PVC x MW-119D 11/10193 Monitor Sample 59.0 59.0 49 59 1640877,57 854511.59 842.35 PVC x MW-119S 11/11/93 Monitor Sample 39.0 39.0 24 39 1640885.40 854512.79 842.66 PVC x MW-120D 11/11/93 Monitor Sample 131.0 121.0 116 121 1641405.89 654491.58 835.41 PVC x MW-121❑ IV13193 Monitor Sample 84.0 84.0 79 84 1641320,53 854694.10 839.77 PVC x MW-122 11/22/94 Monitor Not used 31.0 31.0 1 21 31 1640732.04 854515 17 841A7 PVC x MW-123 04/04/95 Monitor Sample 56.5 56.5 41.5 56.5 1640466 80 054087.00 810A3 PVC x MW-124 04/03/95 Monitor Sample 34.0 34.0 19 34 1640885.64 854256.20 819.61 PVC x MW-125 04/03/95 Monitor Sample 39.0 39.0 24 39 1641279.62 854218.31 017.53 PVC x MW-126 04/04/95 Monitor Sample 20.0 20.0 5 20.0 1640882.34 853909.89 783.52 PVC x MW-127 03/24/97 Monitor Sample - alt. 99.5 99.5 39.5 99.5 1041898.29 854565.25 835.28 PVC x MW-128 03/24/97 Monitor water level gauging 104.0 104.0 1 39 104 1641423.27 854489.95 834.85 PVC x MW-129 04/23104 Monitor Sample 67.0 65.5 55 65 1841598,75 854494,55 834.13 PVC x Attachment G - Page 1 Attachment G Well Data ABB FIskt Produets Sloe Winston-Salem. North Carolina Screen Interval $urvev Ceardinates omicietion Well iD Date In Well Pur ose1T iltllity of Well Boring Depth Well Depth Top Bottom Easting Northing Elevation RlserlScreen Flvsh mount Vault Stick-up MW-130 04127104 Monitor Sample 57.0 55.5 45 55 1641455.29 854468 31 825.68 PVC X MW-131❑ 04127/04 Monitor Sample 84.0 81.5 76 81 1641396A6 954506.36 835.52 PVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 65.0 65.0 60 65 TBD TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 65.0 65.0 50 55 TBD TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 05.0 65.0 60 65 TB❑ TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 05.0 55.0 50 55 TBp TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 65.0 55.0 50 55 TBD TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 55.0 55.0 50 55 TBD TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 66.0 55.0 50 55 TBD TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection Injection of Fenton's 55.0 55.0 50 55 TBD TBD TBD CPVC X Proposed TBD Injection injection of Fenton's 55.0 55.0 50 55 TBD TBD TBD CPVC x NOTE Oniy moniloring wells MW-112 and MW-129, recovery well RW-10, and the propsed injection and vent wells are expected to he impacted by this injection. Attachment G - Page 2 REFERENCES References Cherry, J.A. and R.A. Freeze, 1979. Groundwater, Prentice -Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. Equation 2.61. Johnson, A.I., 1967. Specific yield — compilation of spec fc yields for various materials. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 1662-D. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc_, 2004. Scope of Work Well Installation and Development (April). MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., 2006. Groundwater Recovery Hydraulic Control ,System, Annual Report 2005 and Focused Soils Investigation (February). Mundorff, M.J., 1949. Geology and Ground Water in the Greensboro Area, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development, Bulletin Number 55. Roy F. Weston, Inc., 1991. Comprehensive Report of Site Investigations and Remediation Activities, Flakt Products, Inc., Lowery Street Facility, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (October). Rust Environmental & Infrastructure, 1995. Groundwater Remedial Investigation Report, Flakt Products Site, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (July). Rust Environment & Infrastructure, 1996. Groundwater Remedial action Plan, Flakt Products Site, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (February). References — Page 1 Material Safety Qata Sheet (MSDS) Hydrogen Peroxide 30-54°/6 ACROSI 1189 **** SECTION I - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION **** MSDS Name: Hydrogen Peroxide 30-50% Catalog N um hers: AC9470941. S74876, S74876-1, S748761. S7487% S74882, H323-500, H323500. H 325 100, H325 4. H325 500. H325-I00. H325-4, H325-500, 1-1325100, H3254, H325500, H325500001, H327 500, H327-500, H327500, 1-13275001-C, H341 500. H341-500- H341500, S74876IMF, WESH325500_. ZZH3253015 Synonyms: Carbamide peroxide; Hydrogen dioxide; Peroxide: Hydroperoxide; Urea peroxide, Hydrogen peroxide 100 volumes; Company Identification (Europe): Acros Organics N.V. Janssen Pharmaceuticalaan 3a 2440 Gee], Belgium Company Identification (USA): Acros Organics One Reagent Lane Fairlawn, NJ 07410 For information in Europe, call: 0032(0) 14575211 For information in North America, call: 800-ACROS-01 For emergencies in Europe, call: 0032(0) 14575299 For emergencies in the US, cal] CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 **** SECTION 2 - COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENT'S **** CAS# Chemical Name j % I EINECS# I 7722-84-1 )Hydrogen peroxide j 30-50 E 23I-7b5-0 I--------------- -1----------------- -- ----__-I j 7732 18-5 )Water j Balance j 231-791-2 I Hazard Svmbols: O C Risk Phrases: 34 8 **** SECTION 3-HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION **** EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Appearance: clear. colorless. Danger! Strong oxidizer. Contact with other material may cause a fire. Corrosive. Light sensitive. Mutagen. May be harmful if swallowed. May cause central nervous system effects. Eye contact may result in permanent eye damage. May cause blood abnormalities. May cause severe respiratory tract irritation with possible burns. Causes eye and skin irritation and possible burns. May cause severe digestive tract irritation with possible burns. Target Organs: Blood, central nervous system. Potential Health Effects Eve: Contact with liquid is corrosive to the eyes and causes severe burns. Contact with the eyes may cause corneal damage. Skin: Causes severe skin irritation and possible burns. May cause discoloration, erythema, swelling, and the formation of papules and vesicles. Ingestion: Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Causes gastrointestinal tract burns. May cause vascular collapse and damage. May cause damage to the red blood cells. May cause difficulty in swallowing, stomach distension. possible cerebral swelling and death. Ingestion may result in irritation of the esophagus, bleeding of the stomach and ulcer formation. Inhalation: Causes chemical burns to the respiratory tract. May cause ulceration of nasal tissue, insomnia, nervous tremors with numb extremities, chemical pneumonia., unconsciousness, and death. At high concentrations, respiratory effects may include acute lung damage and delayed pulmonary edema. Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Repeated contact may cause corneal damage. **** SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES **** Eyes: Get medical aid immediately. Do NOT allow victim to rub or keep eyes closed. Extensive irrigation is required (at least 30 minutes). Skin: Get medical aid immediately. Immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Destroy contaminated shoes. ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert. give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid immediately. Wash mouth out with water. Vomiting may occur spontaneously. If vomiting occurs and the victim is conscious, give water to further dilute the chcm ical- Inhalation: Get medical aid immediately. Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. DO NOT use mouth-to-mouth respiration. If breathing has ceased apply artificial respiration using, oxygen and a suitable mechanical device such as a bag and a mask. Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively. Attempts at evacuating the stomach via emesis induction or gastric lavage should be avoided. In the event of severe distension of the stomach or esophagus due to gas formation. insertion of a gastric tube may be required, To treat corneal damage, careful ophthalmologic evaluation is recommended and the possibility of local corticosteroid therapy should be considered. **** SECTION 5 - F1RE FIGHTING MEASURES **** General Information: As in any Fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure -demand. MSHAINIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Water runoff can cause environmental damage. Dike and collect water used to fight fire. Strong oxidizer. Contact with combustible materials may cause a #ire. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. Use water spray to kcep fre-exposed containers coo3_ Substance is noncombustible. Use water with caution and in flooding amounts. Vapors may be heavier than air. They can spread along the ground and collect in low or confined areas. Some oxidizers may react explosively with hydrocarbons(fuel). May decompose explosively when heated or involved in a fire. May accelerate burning if involved in a fire. Extinguishing Media: Use water only! Do NOT use carbon dioxide. Do NOT use dry chemical. Do NOT get water inside containers. Contact professional fire-fighters immediately. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. For large fires, flood fire area with large quantities of water, while knocking down vapors with water fog. **** SECTION 5 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES ***• General Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Spi I ls/Leaks: Avoid runoff" into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways. Clean up spills immediately, observing precautions in the Protective Equipment section. Use water spray to disperse the gas/vapor. Remove all SDurceS of ignition. Absorb spill using an absorbent, non-combustible material such as earth, sand, orvermiculiLe. Flush spill area with water. Provide ventilation. Do not get water inside containers. Keep combustibles (wood. paper, oil, etc.,) away from spilled material. **** SECTION 7 - HANDLING and STORAGE **** handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use only in a well ventilated area. Contents may develop pressure upon prolonged storage. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. keep container tightly closed. Avoid contact with clothing and other combustible materials. Do not ingest or inhale. Store protected from light. Discard contaminated shoes. Unused chemicals should not be returned to the container. Rinse empty drums and containers thoroughly with water before discarding. Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Do not store near combustible materials. keep container closed when not in use. Store in a cool. dry, well -ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Store protected from light. Keep away form alkalies, oxidizable materials, finely divided metals, alcohols. and permanganates. Store below 35'C. Store only in light -resistant containers fitted with a safety vent. **** SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION **** Engineering Controls: Use explosion -proof ventilation equipment. Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower. Use adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to keep airborne wric-entrations below the permissible exposure limits. Exposure Limits j Chemical Name i ACGIH NIOSH JOSHA -Final PELsj j Hydrogen peroxide 11 ppm ; 1.4 mglm3 11 ppm TWA: 1.4 11 ppm TWA; 1.4 mglm3 TWA 75 {mglm3 TWA j { { ppm IDLH j j ------------------- -j-----------------a------------------------------ { I Water jnone listed Inane listed jnone listed I OSHA Vacated PELs: Hydrogen peroxide: 1 ppm TWA; 1.4 mglm3 TWA Water: No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical. Personal Protective Equipment Eves: . Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN 166. Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure. Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. Respirators: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR § 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator's use. **** SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES **** Physical State: Liquid Appearance: clear, colorless Odor: slight acid odor pH: 3.3 (30% solution) Vapor Pressure: 23 mm Hg kir 30C Vapor Density: 1.10 Evaporation Rate: >1.0 (Butyl acetate=1) Viscosity: 1.25 cP Boiling Point: 108 deg C c.@ 760 mmHg Freezing/Melting Point: -3. deg C Autoignition Temperature: Noncombustible Flash Point: Noncombustible NFPA Rating: Not published. Explosion Limits. Lower: 40 vol % Upper: 100 vol % Decomposition Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Miscible in water. Specific Gravity/Density: 1.1-1.2 (30-50%) Molecular Formula: H2O2 Molecular Weight: 34.0128 * * * * SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTI VITY **** Chemical Stability: Decomposes slowly to release oxygen. Unstable when heated or contaminated with heavy metals, reducing agents, rust, dirt or organic materials. Stability is reduced when pH is above 4.0, Conditions to Avoid: Mechanical shock, incompatible materials, light, ignition sources. dust generation, excess heat, combustible materials, reducing agents, alkaline materials, strong oxidants. rust, dust, pH > 4.0. Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents, acetic acid. acetic anhydride. alcohols, brass, copper, copper alloys, finely powdered metals, galvanized iron, hydrazine, iron, magnesium, nitric acid, sodium carbonate, potassium permanganate, cyanides (e.g. potassium cyanide, sodium cyanide), ethers (e.g. dioxane, furfuran, tetrahydrofuran (THF)), urea, chlorosuifonic acid. alkalies, lead. nitrogen compounds, trieth y I am i n e, silver, nickel, palladium, organic matter, charcoal, sodium borate, aniline, platinum, formic acid, cvcIopentadiene, activated carbon, tert-butyl alcohol, hvdrogen selenide, manganese dioxide, mercurous chloride, rust. ketones, carboxylic acids, glycerine, sodium fluoride, sodium pyrophosphate, soluble fuels (acetone, ethanol, glycerol), wood, wood, asbestos, hexavalent chromium compounds, salts or iron, copper, chromium, vanadium, tungsten. molyhdeum, and platinum. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxygen. hydrogen gas, water, heat, steam. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. **** SECTION 1 I - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION **** RTECS#: CAS# 7722-84-1: MX0899000 MX0900000 CAS# 7732-18-5: ZCOI 10000 LD50/LC50: CAS# 7722-84-1: Inhalation, rat: LC50 =2 gmIm3/4H: Oral, mouse: LD50 = 2 gmlkg; Skin, rat: LD50 = 4060 mgfkg. CAS# 7732 18-5: Oral, rat: LD50 = >90 mLlkg. Carcinogenicity: Hydrogen peroxide - ACGIH: A3 - Animal Carcinogen IARC: Group 3 carcinogen Water - Not fisted by ACGIH, IARC. NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA. Epidemiology: No information available. Teratogenicity: No information available. Reproductive Effects: No information available. Neurotoxicity: No information available. Mutagenicity: CAS#: 7722-84-1 Mutation in Microorganisms: Salmonella typhimurium = 100 uglplate.; Hyman, embryo = 50 umol/L.; Cytogenetic Analysis: Human, embryo = 20 umollL. Mutation in Mammalian Somatic Cells: Hamster, I ung = 1 mmollL. Other Studies: No data available. **** SECTION 12 -ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION **** Ecotoxicity: Not available. Fish: Fathead Minnow: 16.4 mglL; 96 Hr; LC50 (Fresh water) Fish: Fathead Minnow: 5 mg/L; 96 Hr; NOEC (fresh water) Mollusk Daphnia: 2.4 mg1L: 48 Hr, EC50 (fresh water) Fish: Channel catfish: 37.4 mg/L; 96 Hr; LC30 (fresh water) Environmental Fate: Rain washout is expected due to condensation of hydrogen peroxide on contact with water droplets. in the atmosphere. indirect photooxidation is perdicted with a half -fife of 10 to 20 hours. Non -significant evaporation and adsorption from water surfaces and soil/sediments is expected. Rapid and cosiderable aerobic biodegradation was determined with a half-life < 1 minute (biological treatment sludge) and 0.3 to 2 days (fresh water). Hydrogen peroxide is non-bioaccumulable. Physical/Chemical: Not available. Other; Not available. **** SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS **** Dispose of in a manner consistent with federal, state, and local regulations. RCRA P-Series: None listed. RCRA U-Series: None listed. * * * * SECTION 14 -TRANSPORT INFORMATION * * * * US DOT Shipping Name: HYDROGEN PEROXJDE, AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS 30% Hazard Class: 5.1 UN Number: UN2014 Packing Group: II IMO Shipping Name: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION Hazard Class: 5.1 UN Number: 2014 Packing Group: I1 IATA Shipping Name: IIYDROGEN PEROXIDE. AQUEOUS SOLUTION Hazard Class: 5.1 UN Number: 2014 Packing Group: II RIDIADR Shipping Name: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, AQUEOUS SOLUTION Dangerous Goads Code: 5.1(62B) UN Number: 2014 Canadian TDG Shipping Name: HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Hazard Class: 5.1(8) UN Number: UN2014 **** SECTION 15-R.EGULATORY INFORMATION **** US FEDERAL TSCA CAS# 7722-84-1 is listed on the 'TSCA inventory. CAS# 7732-18-5 is listed on the TSCA inventory. Health & Safety Reporting List None of the chemicals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List. Chemical Test Rules None of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical 'Pest Rule, Section 12b None of the chemicals are fisted under TSCA Section 12b. TSCA Significant New Use Rule None of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA. SARA Section 302 (RQ) None of the chemicals in this material have an RQ. Section 302 (TPQ) CAS# 7722-84.1: concentration > 52%: TPQ = 1000 pounds; RQ = 1000 pounds SARA Codes CAS # 7722-84-1: acute, flammable. Section 313 No chemicals are reportable under Section 313. Clean Air Act: This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants. This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors. This material does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors. Clean Water Act: None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are Iisted as Priority Pollutants under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are Iisted as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA. OSHA: CAS# 77'2-94-1 is considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATE Hydrogen peroxide can be found on the following state right to know lists: California, New Jersey. Florida. Pennsylvania. Minnesota, Massachusetts. Water is not present on state lists from CA, PA, MN, MA. FL. or NJ. California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed. European/international Regulations European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives Hazard Symbols: ❑ C Risk Phrases: R 34 Causes burns. R 8 Contact with combustible material may cause fi re. Safety Phrases: S 28 After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of... (to be specified by the manufacturer). S 3 Keep in a cool place. S 36139 Wear suitable protective clothing and eye/face protection. S 45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). WGK (Water Danger/Protection) CAS# 7722-84-1: U CAS# 7732-18-5: No information available_ Canada CAS# 7722 84-1 is listed on Canada's ❑SL(NDSL List. CAS# 7732-18-5 is listed on Canada's DSLINDSL List. This product has a WHMIS classification of C. E. F. D2A. CAS# 7722-84-1 is not listed an Canada's Ingredient Disclosure List. CAS# 7732-18-5 is not listed on Canada's Ingredient Disclosure List. Exposure Limits CAS# 7722-84-1. OEL.AUSTRALIA-TWA 1 ppm (.1.5 mglm3) DEL-BELGIUM:TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mglm3) OEL-DENMARK:TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mglm3) OEL-FINLAND:TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mglm3);STEL 3 ppm (4.2 mglm3) OEL-FRANCE:TWA I ppm (1.5 mg/m3) OEL-GERMANY:TWA I ppm (1.4 mg/m3) ❑EL -THE NETHERLANDS:TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mglm3 ) DEL THE PHILIPPINES:TW A I ppm (1.4 mglm3) DEL-SWITZERLAND:TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mglm3);STEL 2 ppm (2.8 mglm3) OEL-TURKEY:TWA 1 ppm (1.4 mgfm3) OEL-UNITED KINGDOM:TWA 1 ppm (1.5 mglm3);STEL 2 ppm (3 mglm3) "MI 0141M161211111IMMA6]r]1lYMM21M121MOOirlL•i 1IM MSDS Creation Date: 1/12/1995 Revision 426 Date: 4/21/1999 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty_ express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no way shall the company be liable for any claims, losses. or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if the company has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Please reduce ypur browser Font size for better viewing and printing. 24 dour Emergency Telephone: 9D&459-2151 CHEMTREC. 1-500-42"300 i fl SDS Material Safety Data Sheet CILNUTECoSpons In Carwida dulslda U-S. and Canada GF16RIr+eC: 202-48S-T815 From: Maillinckrodt Baker, Inc. 222 Rod SOW Lr1nQ ALLINCICRODT J.T NOTE: CKELITREC. CANUTEC and Na 4pnzl Rl -. W st Ceazor emor9oncy rw"'0 s to be Phillipsburg, NJ OB865 used ony iD the sect o1 cheemat anwn"fon invoMn6 a sp3f. lcaL Irre, mpocuto or ecodont twol ing a wrriurs, AI non -antgercy c smons should be dtrectsd to Cuganoer Semce (1.800-S82-2537) for assistance. FERROUS SULFATE MSDS Number: F1802 --- Effedive Date: 03101100 I. Product Identification Synonyms: iron (Ii) sulfate [ 1:1 ], heptahydrate; sulfuric acid, iron (2+) salt (1:1 ), heptahydrate CAS No.: 7720-78-7 Molecular Weight. 278 Chemical Formula: FcSO4 7H2O Product Codes: J.T. Baker: 2070, 2074, 2075, 5830 Mallincicrodt: 5055. 5056, 5401, 5572 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous Ferrous Sulfate 7720-78-7 99 - 100% Yes 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview WARNING'. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS THE LIVER. J.T. Baker SAJZLT-DATA("Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: I - Slight Flammability Rating: 0 - None Reactivity Rating: 0 -None Contact Rating: 0 - None Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES. LAB COAT Storage Color Code: Orange [General Storage] Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Causes irritation to the respiratory tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath. Ingestion: Low toxicity in small quantities but larger dosages may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and Mack stool. Pink urine discoloration is a strong indicator of iron poisoning. Liver damage, coma. and death from iron poisoning has been recorded. Smaller doses are much more toxic to children. Skin Contact: Causes irritation to skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and pain. Eye Contact:. Causes irritation. redness, and pain. Chronic Exposure: Severe or chronic ferrous sulfate poisonings may damage blood vessels. Large chronic doses cause riekets in infants. Chronic exposure may cause liver effects. Prolonged exposure of the eyes may cause discoloration. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems, or impaired liver, kidney or respiratory function may be more susceptible to the effects of the substance. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Ifnot breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention. Ingestion: Induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical attention. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean shoes before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least IS minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention immediately. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Not considered to be a fire hazard. Explosion: Not considered to he an explosion hazard. Fire Extinguishing Media: Use any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire. Special Information: Use protective clothing and breathing equipment appropriate for the surrounding lire. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Spills: Pick up and place in a suitable container for reclamation or disposal, using a method that does not generate dust. US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. 7. Handling and Storage Keep in a tightly closed container, stored in a cool, dry. ventilated area. Protect against physical damage. Maintain a constant temperature not to exceed 24 degrees centigrade (75 degrees fah renheit). Fluctuating temperatures causes pro ductoxidation. Oo not use this product if coated with brownish -yellow basic ferric sulfate. Isolate from incompatible substances. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues {dust, solids); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. S. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure limits: -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): I mg/m3 (TWA) soluble iron salt as Fe Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Loral exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document. Industrial 1'entiladlon, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): If the exposure limit is exceeded, a half -face dust/mist respirator may be warn for up to ten times the exposure limit or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. A full -face piece dust/mist respirator may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit, or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency, or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full-facepiece positive -pressure, air - supplied respirator. WARNING: Air -purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen - deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: Wear impervious protective clothing. including boots, gloves. lab coat_ apron or coveralls, as appropriate. to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or full face shield where dusting or splashing of solutions is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick drench facilities in work area. 9. PhysicaI and Chemical Properties Appearance: Blue green crystals. Odor: Odorless. Solubility: 48.5 g/IW g water @ W (122F) Density: 1.90 PH: No information found. % Volatiles by volume @ 21C (70F): 0 Boiling Point: > 300C (> 572F) Recomposes. Melting Point: 57C (135F) Loses water Vapor Density (Air --I): No information found. Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): No information found. Evaporation Rate (BuAc=1): No information found. 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Looses water in dry air and oxidizes upon exposure to moisture, forming a brown coating of extremely corrosive basic ferric sulfate. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Burning may produce sulfur oxides. Hazardous Polymerization: This substance does not polymerize. Incompatibilities: Alkalis, soluble carbonates, and oxidizing materials. Reacts in moist airto form ferric sulfate. Conditions to Avoid: Moisture. 11. Toxicological Information Oral rat LD50: 3I9 mg/kg. Investigated as a tumorigen and mutagen. --------\Cancer Lists\------------------------------------------------------ --- NTP Carcinogen___ Ingredient Known Anticipated IARC Category Ferrous Sulfate t7720-7@-7y No No None 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: No information found. Environmental Toxicity: No information found. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be managed in an appropriate and approved waste disposal facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Not regulated. 15. Regulatory Information --------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1\ -------------------------------- Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia Ferrous Sulfate (7720-78-7) Yes Yes Yes Yes \Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\-------------------------------- --Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil. ----------------------------------------------- ----- --- ---- ----- Ferrous Sulfate (7720-78-7) Yes Yes No Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 1\ --------------- -SARA 302-------SARA 313----- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. ----------------------------------------- --- ----- ---- ------------- Ferrous Sulfate (7720-78-7) No No No No --------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 2\--------------- -RCRA- -TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8(d) ----------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ Ferrous Sulfate (7720-78-7) 1000 No No Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(h): No CDTA: No SARA 311./312: Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: No Pressure: No Reactivity: No (Mixture 1 Solid) Australian Haxchem Code: No information found. Poison Schedule: No information found. WHM1S: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Heaith:I Flammability: U Reactivity: U Label Hazard Warning: WARNING! HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN. EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. AFFECTS THE LIVER. Label Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing dust Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Label First Aid: If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately as directed by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. In all cases, get medical attention. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Bulk pharmaceutical chemical. Revision Information: No changes. Disclaimer: ##############k#### k k##9+F kkY k�k e*k k k�k k#k�■#Mk k %yk C#k +%k k ■ ## NMk�k * � �k� �*ek +k**k k k � Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. Prepared by: Strategic Services Division Phone Number: (314) 539.1600 (U.S.A.) Please reduce your browser font size for beetterMewing and punting, 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: 965-a59-2151 CAEMTREC- 1.800-424-WDO Naloonnl ,AlSD Material Safety Data Sheet CANUTECo6io iCn 66 Outside 11G_ and Canada Chemtrec: 2024M-76% From: Maliinckroch Baker, ina. 222 Red School Lang ALU'tiiCI{RODT JTl3aker NOTE o Ctri'arc rgorcy nuANLFTEC rand r, to e Phllli sGur NJ 0$865 Rc'+Para.a Ccn'nr amorgercy numhan: =a be P 9• used only In the cwenl o1 cllcrncsL arwrgenoles vrralving a sp k 1"k irre, oxp5srsra or ac[Ir3enl rnw1ong clx+mcaN All non •enwrgency questions should he directed 10 Customer Service (1.800-682-2537) For assimance, PHOSPHORIC ACID MSDS Number: P3973 --- Effective Date: 06130 98 1. Product Identification Synonyms: Ortho-phosphoric acid; white phosphoric acid CAS No.: 7664-38-2 Molecular Weight: 98.00 Chemical Formula: H3PO4 in H2O Product Codes: J.T. Baker: 0259, 0260, 0262. 0263, 0264, 0268, 0273, 0274, 5372, 5592, 5804, 594L 6908 Mal linckrodt: 2779, 2788, 2796, 3563, H 106 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient --------------------------------------- Phosphoric Acid Water 3. Hazards Identification CAS No Percent Hazardous 7664-36-2 74 - 95% Yes 7732-18-5 5 - 26% No Emergency Overview DANGER! CORROSIVE. CAUSES SEVERE IRRITATION AND BURNS TO EVERY AREA OF CONTACT. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. J.T. Baker SART-DATA("' Ratings (Provided here for your convenience) Health Rating: 2 - Moderate Flammability Rating: 0 -]None Reactivity Rating: 2- Moderate Contact Rating: 3 - Severe (Corrosive) Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON; VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES Storage Color Code. White (Corrosive) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Inhalation is not an expected hazard unless misted or heated to high temperatures. Mist or vapor inhalation can cause irritation to the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract. Severe exposures can lead to a chemical pneumonitis. Ingestion: Corrosive. May cause sore throat, abdominal pain, nausea, and severe bums of the mouth, throat. and stomach. Severe exposures can lead to shock, circulatory collapse, and death. Skin Contact: Corrosive. May cause redness, pain. and severe skin burns. Eye Contact: Corrosive. May cause redness, pain. blurred vision, eye bums. and permanent eye damage. Chronic Exposure: No information found. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems, or impaired respiratory function may he more susceptible to the effects of the substance. 4. First Aid Measures inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. if breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Call a physician immediately. Ingestion: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. Skin Contact: Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Call a physician. immediately. Wash clothing before reuse. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with gentle but large stream of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Call a physician immediately_ 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Not considered to be a fire hazard. Contact with most metals causes formation of flammable and explosive hydrogen gas. Explosion: Not considered to be an explosion hazard. Fire Extinguishing Media: Use any means suitable for extinguishing surrounding fire. Water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool. If water is used, use in abundance to control heat and acid build-up. Special Information: In the event or fire, wear full protective clothing and N I OS H -approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spill. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. Isolate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Neutralize with alkaline material (soda ash, lime), then absorb with an inert material (e. g., vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials. such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. J. T. Baker NEUTRASORB(R) or TEAM(R)'Low Na+' acid neutralizers are recommended for spills of this product. 7. Handling and Storage Keep in a tightly closed container. Protect from physical damage. Store in a coo1, dry, ventilated area away from sources of heat, moisture, incompatibilities. and direct sunlight. Corrosive to mild steel. Store in rubber lined or 316 stainless steel designed for phosphoric acid. Do not wash out container and use it for other purposes. When diluting, the acid should a]ways be added slowly to water and in small amounts. Never use hot water and never add water to the acid. Water added to acid can cause uncontrolled boiling and splashing. Protect from freezing. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors, liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product, S. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 1 mglm3 (TWA) -ACGIH Threshold limit Value (TLV): ] mglm3 (TWA), 3 mglm3 (STEL) Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep emplovee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source, preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please referto the ACGIH document. Industrial I'emilation, A Alanual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): Ifthe exposure limit is exceeded, a full facepiece respirator with high efficiency dust/mist filter may be worn up to 50 times the exposure Iimil or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. For emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a Full-facepiece positive -pressure, air - supplied respirator. WARNING: Air purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen - deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection: Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots, gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls. as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/or a full face shield where splashing is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick -drench facilities in work area. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Clear, colorless syrupy Iiquid. Odor: Odorless. Solubility: Miscible in all proportions in water. Specific Gravity: 1.69 !.3 25C pH: 1.5 (0.1 N aqueous solution) % Volatiles by volume a. 21C (70F): 100 Boiling Point: 158C(315F) Melting Point: 21C [70F] Vapor Density (Air --I): 3.4 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 0.03 e 20C (68F) Evaporation Rate (SuAc=l ): No information found. 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Substance can supercool without crystallizing. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Phosphorus oxides may form when heated to decomposition. Hazardous Polymerization: W i l l not occur. Incompatibilities: Liberates explosive hydrogen gas when reacting with chlorides and stainless steel. Can react violently with sodium tetrahy dro borate. Exothermic reactions with aldehydes, amines. amides, alcohols and glycols, azo-compounds, carbamates. esters, caustics, phenols and cresols. ketones, organophosphate& epoxides, explosives, combustible materials, unsaturated halides, and organic peroxides. phosphoric acid forms flammable gases with sulfides, mercaptarns. cyanides and aldehydes. It also forms toxic fumes with cyanides, sulfide, fluorides, organic peroxides, and halogenated organics. Mixtures with niitromethane are explosive. Conditions to Avoid: Incompatibles. 11. Toxicological Information Oral rat LD50: 1530 mg/kg, investigated as a mutagen. --------\Cancer Lists\------------------------------------------------------ --- NTP Carcinogen --- Ingredient Known Anticipated 1ARC Category Phosphoric Acid (7664-38-2) No No None Water (7?32-18-5) No No None 12. Ecological information Environmental Fate: When released into the soil, this material may leach into groundwater. When released to water, acidity may be readily reduced by natural water hardness minerals. The phosphate, however. may persist indefinitely. Environmental Toxicity: No information found. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handfed as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing. use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal, state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Domestic (Land, D.O.T.) Proper Shipping Nam e:PHOSPHORIC ACID Hazard Class: 8 UN/NA: UN 1805 Packing Group: 11] Information reported for product/size: 3 55LB International (Water. I.M.O.) Proper Shipping Naine.PHOSPHORIC ACID, LIQUID Hazard Class: 8 UN/NA: UN1805 Packing Group: III Information reported for prod uctlsize:355LB 15. Regulatory information --------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1\ Ingredient TSCA EC Japan Australia Phosphoric Acid (7664-38-2) Yes Yes Yes Yes Water (7732-18-5) Yes Yes Yes Yes --------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\ -------------------------------- --Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil. ----------------------------------------------- _____ --- ---- ----- Phosphoric Acid (7664-38-2) Yes Yes No Yes Water (7732-18-5) Yes Yes No Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 1\ --------------- -SARA 302- -------SARA 313----- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. ----------------------------------------- --- ----- ---- ------------- Phosphoric Acid (7664-38-2) No No Yes No Water (7732-18-5) No No No No --------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 2\ --------------- -RCRA- -TSCA- Ingredient CERCLA 261.33 8(d) Phosphoric Acid (7664-38-2) 5000 No No Water (7732-18-5) No No No Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: No SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: No Fire: No Pressure: No Reactivity: No (Pure 1 Liquid) Australian Hazehem Code:211 Poison Schedule: S5 W H MIS: This M S D S has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS rtmtains all of the information required by the CPR_ 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Hcalth:3 Flammability: if Reactivity:0 Label Hazard Warning: DANGER! CORROSIVE. CAUSES SEVERE IRRITATION AND BURNS TO EVERY AREA OF CONTACT. HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. Label Precautions: Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Do not breathe vapor or mist. Wash thoroughly after handling. Label First Aid: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. if swallowed_ DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. if not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In all cases call a physician immediately. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 1. 2. Disclaimer: *****•****s***.ra*t�*:r■*���*�**«.*****.*******�.*.*ass*r*+*r*r��*+****+****a�*r Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAILER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. Prepared by: Strategic Services Division Phone Number: (314) 539t 1600 (U.S.A.) Please redme your browser Font size for bettor viewing and panting. 24 Hour Emergency Telephone. 906-Mg-2151 CHErdTREC: t-Bap-42443c0 ,DMS Material Safety Data SheetHet`onalRosporrsoinCanada CANUTFC!613AVA-66ft Cuialdo U.S. and Canada Chemtrec; M4034616 From: Mailinckrodt Baker, lnc. 2z2 Rod School Lana ALLINC>f�R T J.T.Baker NOTF- CHc'1A1TFlEC. CANVTEC mid Nptwial 222 d S N,1 U8B65 R'*Wnso C*Tft arwrwc7 nWrrsars to tw P g, used o* 1n me c+veat 01 thental a"rgencK s �' mvotving a :p31. !cart. Inc, expxure or amdent amohnna owm--CaK All non -emergency aueaticns "uld be difwed to Custamer Service (1-800-582-2537t for assistance. SULFURIC ACID, 52 -1 00 % MSDS Number: S8234 --- Effective Date: 07113100 I. Product Identification Synonyms: Oil of vitriol: Babcock acid: sulphur4: acid CAS No.: 7664-93-9 Molecular Weight: 98.08 Chemical Formula: H2SO4 in H2O Product Codes: J.T. Baker: 5030, 5137, 5374, 5802, 5815, 5889, 5960, 5961, 5971, 6902, 9673, 9674, 9675, 9676, 9679, 9680, 9681, 9682, 9684, 9687. 9691. 9693, 9694 Mal I inckrodt: 2468, 2876, 2878, 2900, 29GC 3780, 4222, 5524, 5557, H644, H976, H996, V344 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Ingredient CAS No Percent Hazardous Sulfuric Acid Water 3. Hazards Identification Emergency Overview 7664-93-9 52 - 100% Yes 7732-18-5 0 - 48% No POISON! DANGER! CORROSIVE. LIQUID AND MIST CAUSE SEVERE BURNS TO ALL BODY TISSUE. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED OR CONTACTED WITH SKIN. HARMFUL IF INHALED. AFFECTS TEETH. WATER REACTIVE. CANCER HAZARD. STRONG INORGANIC ACID MISTS CONTAINING SULFURIC ACID CAN CAUSE CANCER- Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure. J.T. Baker SAIRT-DATA"'i Ratings {Provided here for your convenience} Health Rating: 3 - Severe (Poison) Flammability Rating: 0- None Reactivity Rating: 3 - Severe ( Water Reactive) Contact Rating: 4 - Extreme (Corrosive) Lab Protective Equip: GOGGLES & SHIELD; LAB COAT & APRON: VENT HOOD; PROPER GLOVES Storage Color Code: White (Corrosive) Potential Health Effects Inhalation: Inhalation produces damaging effects on the mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract. Symptoms may include irritation of the nose and throat. and labored breathing. May cause lung edema, a medical emergency. 1 ngestion: Corrosive. Swallowing can cause severe burns of the mouth, throat, and stomach, leading to death. Can cause sore throat_ vomiting, diarrhea. Circulatory collapse with clammy skin, weak and rapid pulse, shallow respirations, and scanty urine may follow ingestion or skin contact. Circulatory shock is often the immediate cause of death. Skin Contact: Corrosive. Symptoms of redness, pain, and severe burn can occur. Circulatory collapse with clammy skin, weak and rapid pulse, shallow respirations, and scanty urine may follow skin contact or ingestion. Circulatory shock is often the immediate cause of death. Eye Contact: Corrosive. Contact can cause blurred vision. redness. pain and severe tissue bums. Can cause blindness. Chronic Exposure: Long-term exposure to mist or vapors may cause damage to teeth. Chronic exposure to mists containing sulfuric acid is a cancer hazard. Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions: Persons with pre-existing skin disorders or eye problems or impaired respirator} function mad be more susceptible to the effects of the substancc. 4. First Aid Measures Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. ll'breathing is difficult. give oxygen. Call a physician immediately. Ingestion: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a physician immediately. Skin Contact: In case of contact. immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Excess acid on skin can be neutralized with a 2% solution of bicarbonate of soda. Cal a physician immediately. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with gentle but large stream of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting lower and upper eyelids occasionally. Call a physician immediately. 5. Fire Fighting Measures Fire: Concentrated material is a strong dehydrating agent. Reacts with organic materials and may cause ignition of finely divided materials on contact. Explosion: Contact with most metals causes formation of flammable and explosive hydrogen gas. Fire Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, foam or carbon dioxide. Do not use water on material. However, water spray may be used to keep fire exposed containers cool. Special Information: In the event of a fire, wear full protective clothing and: NIOSH -approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full facepiece operated in the pressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Structural firefightces protective clothing is ineffective for fires involving this material. Stay away from sealed containers. 6. Accidental Release Measures Ventilate area of leak or spit I. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment as specified in Section 8. lsalate hazard area. Keep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Contain and recover liquid when possible. Neutralize with alkaline material (.soda ash, lime), then absorb with an inert material (e. g., vermiculite, dry sand, earth), and place in a chemical waste container. Do not use combustible materials, such as saw dust. Do not flush to sewer! US Regulations (CERCLA) require reporting spills and releases to soil, water and air in excess of reportable quantities. The toll free number for the US Coast Guard National Response Center is (800) 424-8802. 3_ T_ Baker NEUTRASDRB(R) or TEAM(R)'Low Nla+' acid neutralizers are recommended for spills of this product. 7. Handling and Storage Store in a cool, dry, ventilated storage area with acid resistant floors and good drainage. Protect from physical damage_ Deep out of direct sunlight and away from heat, water, and incompatible materials. Do not wash out container and use it for other purposes. When diluting, always add the acid to water; never add water to the acid. When opening metal containers, use non -sparking tools because of the possibility of hydrogen gas being present. Containers of this material may be hazardous when empty since they retain product residues (vapors. liquid); observe all warnings and precautions listed for the product. S. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: For Sulfuric Acid: -OSHA Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL): 1 mg/m3 (TWA). -ACGIH Threshold Limit Value (TLV): l mg/m3 (TWA). 3 mg/m3 (STEL) Ventilation System: A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures below the Airborne Exposure Limits. Local exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source. preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Please refer to the ACGIH document, Induslrlal 1 entilarion, A Manual of Recommended Practices, most recent edition, for details. Personal Respirators (NIOSH Approved): 1 f the exposure I imit is exceeded, a full facepiece respirator with an acid gas cartridge and dust/mist filter may be worn up to 50 times the exposure limit. or the maximum use concentration specified by the appropriate regulatory agency or respirator supplier, whichever is lowest. Far emergencies or instances where the exposure levels are not known, use a full- face piece positive - pressure, air -supplied respirator. WARNING: Air purifying respirators do not protect workers in oxygen -deficient atmospheres. Skin Protection; Wear impervious protective clothing, including boots. gloves, lab coat, apron or coveralls, as appropriate, to prevent skin contact. Eye Protection: Use chemical safety goggles and/ora full face shield where splashing is possible. Maintain eye wash fountain and quick -drench facilities in work area. 9. Physical and Chemical Properties Appearance: Clear oily liquid. Odor: Odorless. Solubility: Miscible with water, liberates much heat. Specific Gravity: 1.84 (98%), 1.40 (50%), 1.07 (10%) pH: 1 N solution (ca. 5% wlw) = 0.3; 0.1 N solution (ca. 0.5% wlw) = 1 2; 0.01 N solution (ca. 0.05% wlw) = 2.1. % Volatiles by volume aQ 21C (70F): No information found. Boiling Point: ca. 290C (ca. 554F) (decomposes at 340C) Melting Point: 3C (100%), -32C (93%),-38C (78%), -64C (65%), Vapor Density (Air --I): 3.4 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 1 n 145.8C (295F) Evaporation Rate (RuAc=1): No information Found. 10. Stability and Reactivity Stability: Stable under ordinary conditions of use and storage. Concentrated solutions react violently with water, spattering and liberating heat. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Toxic fumes of oxides of sulfur when heated to decomposition. Will react with water or steam to produce toxic and corrosive fumes. Reacts with carbonates to generate carbon dioxide gas, and with cyanides and sulfides to form poisonous hydrogen cyanide and hydrogen sulfide respectively_ Hazardous Polymerization: will not occur. Incompatibilities: Water, potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, potassium permanganate, sodium, lithium, bases, organic material, halogens, metal acetyIides, oxides and hydrides, metals (yields hydrogen gas), strong oxidizing and reducing agents and many other reactive substances. Conditions to Avoid: Heat, moisture, incompatibles. 11. Toxicological Information Toxicological Data: Oral rat LD50: 2140 mg/kg; inhalation rat LC50: 510 mg/m3121-1; standard Draixe, eye rabbit, 250 ug (severe); investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen. reproductive effector. Carcinogenicity: Cancer Status: The International Agency for Research on Cancer (\ARC) has classified "strong inorganic acid mists containing sulfuric acid" as a known human carcinogen, (]ARC category 1). This classi lication appl ies only to mists containing sulfuric acid and not to sulfuric acid or sulfuric acid solutions. --------\Cancer Lists\ Ingredient ---------------------- Sulfuric Acid (7664-93-9) Wager (7732-28-5) 12. Ecological Information Environmental Fate: ---NT2 Carcinogen --- Known Anticipated No No No No IARC Category ------------- None None When released into the soil, this material may leach into groundwater. When released into the air, this material may be removed from the atmosphere to a moderate extent by wet deposition, When released into the air, this material may be removed from the atmosphere to a moderate extent by dry deposition. Environmental Toxicity: LC50 Flounder 100 to 330 mg/l/48 hr aerated water/Conditions of bioassay not specified; LC50 Shrimp 80 to 90 mg/l/48 hr aerated water /Conditions of bioassay not specified; LC50 Prawn 42.5 ppm/48 hr salt water /Conditions of bioassay not specified. This material may be toxic to aquatic life. 13. Disposal Considerations Whatever cannot be saved for recovery or recycling should be handled as hazardous waste and sent to a RCRA approved incinerator or disposed in a RCRA approved waste facility. Processing, use or contamination of this product may change the waste management options. State and local disposal regulations may differ from federal disposal regulations. Dispose of container and unused contents in accordance with federal. state and local requirements. 14. Transport Information Domestic (Land, A.U.T.) Proper Shipping Name: SULFURIC ACID [WITH MORE THAN 5 1 % ACID) Hazard Class: 8 UN/NA: UN1830 Packing Group: 11 Information reported for product/size: 440M International (Water, I.M.O.) Proper Shipping Name: SULPHURIC ACID ( WITH MORE THAN 51% ACID) Hazard Class:8 UNINA: UN1930 Packing Group: 11 Information reported for productlsize:440LB 15. Regulatory Information --------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 1\ -------------------------------- Ingredient ----------------------------------------------- TSCA ---- EC .japan Australia --- ----- --------- Sulfuric Acid (7664-93-9) Yes Yes Yes Yes Water (7732-18-5) Yes Yes Yes Yes --------\Chemical Inventory Status - Part 2\-------------------------------- --Canada-- Ingredient Korea DSL NDSL Phil. Sulfuric Acid (7664-93-9) Yes Yes No Yes Water (7732-18-5) Yes Yes No Yes --------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 1\--------------- -SARA 302- ------SARA 333----- Ingredient RQ TPQ List Chemical Catg. ----------------------------------------- --- ----- ---- ------------- Sulfuric Acid (7664-93--9) 1000 1000 Yes No Water (7732-18-5) No No No Na --------\Federal, State & International Regulations - Part 2\ --------------- -RCRA- -TSCA- ingredient ----------------------------------------- CERCLA ------ 261,33 8(d) ------ ------ sulfuric Acid (7664-93-9) 1000 No No Water (7732-18-5) No No No Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: Yes SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes Chronic: Yes Fire: No Pressure: No Reactivity: Yes (Pure 1 Liquid) Australian Hazehem Code:2P Poison Schedule: No information found. WHMIS: This MSDS has been prepared according to the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the CPR. 16. Other Information NFPA Ratings: Health.3 Flammability:0 Reactivity: 2 Other: Water reactive Label Hazard Warning: POISON! DANGER! CORROSIVE. LIQUID AND MIST CAUSE SEVERE BURNS TO ALL BODY TISSUE. MAY BE FATAL IF SWALLOWED OR CONTACTED WITH SKIN. HARMFUL IF INHALED. AFFECTS TEETH. WATER REACTIVE. CANCER HAZARD. STRONG INORGANIC ACID MISTS CONTAINING SULFURIC ACID CAN CAUSE CANCER. Risk of cancer depends on duration and level of exposure. Label Precautions: Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Do not breathe mist. Keep container closed. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not contact with water. Label First Aid: In all cases call a physician immediately. In case of contact, immediately flush eves or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before re -use. Excess acid on skin can be neutralized with a 2% bicarbonate of soda solution. If Swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Give large quantities of water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing. give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult. give oxygen. Product Use: Laboratory Reagent. Revision Information: MSDS Section(s) changed since last revision of document include: 1. Disclaimer: Mailinekrodt Baker, Inc. provides the information contained herein in good faith but makes no representation as to its comprehensiveness or accuracy. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautionary handling of the material by a properly trained person using this product. Individuals receiving the information must exercise their independent judgment in determining its appropriateness for a particular purpose. MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE INrFORM ATION SET FORTH HEREIN OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. ACCORDINGLY, MALLINCKRODT BAKER, INC. WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION. Prepared by: Strategic Services Division Phone Number: (314) 53%1600 (U.S.A.) NC OWD - UIC Program Tracers and Remediation Injectants with Completed OEES Risk Assessments Last Updated December 19, 2007 Purpose Additive Name Manufacturer Chemical Oxidation Fenton's Reagent (FeSO4 & H202) n/a Chemical Oxidation GeoCleanse Chemical Oxidation Hydrogen Peroxide n/a Chemical Oxidation ISOTEC Fenton's Reagent TMC Chemicals Chemical Oxidation "On -Contact" Fenton's Process n/a Chemical Oxidation Ozone n/a Chemical Oxidation Potassium Permanganate Carus Chemical Chemical Oxidation Sodium Permanganate Carus Chemical Chemical Oxidation Sodium Persulfate n/a Chemical Oxidation Soil Savers Soil Savers Chemical Reduction Calcium polysulfide n/a Chemicat Reduction EHC Adventus Chemical Reduction EHC-A Adventus Chemical Reduction EHC-M Adventus Chemical Reduction Emulsified Zero-Valent Iron n/a Chemical Reduction Palladized iron n/a Chemical Reduction Sodium Bisuifite n/a Chemical Reduction Sodium Dithionite n/a Chemical Reduction Sodium Metabisulfite n/a Chemical Reduction Zero-valent Iron IRedoxTech n/a Chemical Reduction ZVi & Molasses Slurry n/a Enhanced Bioremediation ABC Enhanced Bioremediation Ammonium Nitrate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Ammonium Phosphate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Bio-Dechlor INOCULLIM n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Bio-Integration ERC Enhanced Bioremediation Black Biomass VEETech Enhanced Bioremediation Blackstrap Molasses nla Enhanced Bioremediation BOS 100 RPI Enhanced Bioremediation BOS 200 RPI Enhanced Bioremediation Butyric acid n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Calcium Hydroxide n/a Enhanced Bioremediation CL-Out Osprey Biotechnics Enhanced Bioremediation EHC-O Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 400 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 450 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 598 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 598B42 former) EOS EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 600 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 600EX EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation Epsom Salt n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Ethyl Lactate nla Enhanced Bioremediation HRC Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation HRC-Advanced Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation HRC-X Re enesis Enhanced Bioremediation Hydrogen n/a Enhanced Bioremediation KS-1 SiREM Laboratories Enhanced Bioremediation Lactic acid n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Micro-Bac Micro-Bac Enhanced Bioremediation Molasses nla Enhanced Bioremediation Munox 10sprey Biotechnics NOTE: This list does not constitute an endorsement of any product nor an assessment of its effectiveness. Not all of the injectants listed have been permitted or used in North Carolina. NC DWQ - UIC Program Tracers and Remediation Injectants with Completed OEES Risk Assessments Last Updated ❑ecember 19, 2007 Enhanced Bioremediation Newman Zone RNAS Enhanced Bioremediation ORC Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation ORC-Advanced Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation O-SOX Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation Oxygen n/a Enhanced Bioremediation PermeOx Pius FMC Enhanced Bioremediation Sodium Bicarbonate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Sodium Lactate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Sodium Pioymetaphosphate nla Enhanced Bioremediation Soybean Oil n/a Enhanced Bioremediation SRC Geovations Enhanced Bioremediation SRC-7 Geovations Enhanced Bioremediation SRC -ER Geovations Enhanced Bioremediation SRS Substrate Terra Systems Enhanced Bioremediation Sucrose nla Enhanced Bioremediation WMI-2000 WMI International Enhanced Bioremediation Yeast extract n/a Enhanced Extraction Biosolve Westford Chemical Enhanced Extraction EnvlroClean 165 Enviro Clean Products & Services pH Adjustment Calcium Carbonate n/a pH Adjustment Magnesium Hydroxide n/a Tracer Eosin Dye nla Tracer Fluorescein ❑ye n/a Tracer Halon 1211 n/a Tracer Helium n/a Tracer Potassium Bromide n/a Tracer Rhodamine ❑ e n/a Tracer Sodium Bromide n1a Tracer Sulfur Hexafluonde n/a Tracer Tinopal Dye n/a Tracer Uramine aye I n/a Tracer Xanthene Dye I n/a NOTE: This list does not constitute an endorsement of any product nor an assessment of its effectiveness. Not all of the injectants listed have been permitted or used in North Carolina. INFORMATION NEEDED TO DO RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR PRODUCTS APPLIED TO GROUNDWATER OR SOIL CONTAINING NO MICROORGANISMS Page I of 4 SEND TWO COPIES TO: [TIC PROGRAM AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION NORTH CAROLINA DENR-DWQ 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-1636 TELEPHONE (919) 715-6935 Note: Please provide direct responses to each of the following items, rather than "see attachment", etc. Required General Information l . Department of Environment and Natural Resources Aquifer Protection Section contact person and phone number. Qu Qi (919) 715-6935 2. Current or future use of site with site contact person, address, and phone number. The site consists of a 570,000 square foot former manufacturing plant on a 52-acre property in an area of industrial and residential development near Interstate 40 Business in Winston-Salem. Manufacturing operations ceased in 1986. Presently the northeast corner of the building is leased to a cardboard recycling company; the rest of the facility remains vacant. Future use of the site is anticipated to be non-residential. Site Contact Person: Rick Ryan MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 1725 Louisville Drive After 1011108: 9725 Cogdill Road Knoxville, TN 37931 Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 588-8544 Contractor applying product, contact person. address, and phone number. Will Moody GeoCleanse International, Inc. 400 State Route 34 Matawan, NJ 07747 (732)970-6696 Revised 7/06 GWMIC-3 INFORMATION NEEDED TO DO RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR PRODUCTS APPLIED TO GROUNDWATER OR SOIL CONTAINING NO MICROORGANISMS Page 2 of 4 4. Distance and likelihood of impact to public or private wells used for drinking, industrial processes, cooling, agriculture, etc. Is area served by public water supply? Verification must be provided by the appropriate Regional Office of the Public Water Supply Section. No impact to public or private wells used for drinking, industrial processes, cooling, agriculture, etc., is expected. The NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office, Division of Environmental Health Services, Public Water Supply Section confirmed in an email dated August 29, 2008 that, to the best of their knowledge, "there have been no public water systems served by wells in that area. The area is currently being served by the City of Winston-Salem's Water System." This email is attached for verification. 5. General description of the contaminants if present in the soil and/or groundwater at the site. Primarily, the contaminants of concern present in the site groundwater include chlorinated ethanes, chlorinated ethanes, 1,4-dioxane, and other volatile organic compounds. b. Name, approximate distance, and likelihood of impact to the nearest body of surface water to the site. The nearest body of surface water to the site is Brushy Fork Creek, located approximately 2,000 feet from the injection area. Treated groundwater is currently discharged to the creek under an approved NPDES permit (NC0085871). 7. Approximate distance to nearest residence(s) and workplace. The nearest workplace is located inside the facility on site, which is hydraulically upgradient of the injection area. The actual distance to the nearest residence is unknown but is at least 2,500 feet. Required Product/Process-Specific Information 1, Product manufacturer name, address, phone number, and contact person. Univar USA 300 Columbus Cir Ste E Edison, NJ 08837 (732)225-1400 Primary Contact: Jim Delaney Revised 7/06 GW/UIC 3 INFORMATION NEEDED TO DO RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR PRODUCTS APPLIED TO GROUNDWATER OR SOIL CONTAINING NO MICROORGANISMS Page 3 of 4 2. Identity of specific ingredients (including CAS#) and concentrations of ingredients contained in the product and purpose of each.* Staged On site: Ingredient CAS No._ Percent Purpose Sulfuric Acid 7664-93-9 52 - 100% Lower pH of groundwater (if needed) as a part of the catalyst Water 7732-18-5 0 - 48% Dilute acid to desired concentration Contained in the Product: The concentration of the sulfuric acid will be approximately 0.002 M prior to injection, which should be sufficient to achieve a catalyst solution pH less than 4. Approximate concentration of each ingredient following release into groundwater or soil. The concentration will be sufficient to achieve a pH less than 4, or approximately 0.002 M concentration as H2SO4. 4. Approximate distance and direction of travel for product in groundwater, the groundwater concentration of each ingredient at this distance, and distance from this point to the nearest drinking water source (that is currently used for drinking purposes). These should be reasonably accurate estimates based on the best available information and calculations (modeling, if necessary) regarding aquifer characteristics and flowpaths at the site; where uncertainty exists in critical aquifer parameters (e.g. effective porosity), conservative assumptions should be made in estimating these values so that worst -case predictions of travel distances are made. The sulfuric acid will travel approximately 20 feet from the injection wells. The direction will be based upon the permeability and hydraulic conductivity of the site specific soils. Based on water level readings taken during sampling events, groundwater flow direction at the site is generally to the southwest. The area is served by a municipal water supply: likely the R.A. Thomas Plant located near downtown Winston-Salem. The plant draws water from the river and Salem Lake, located at least 1.5 miles eastward of the site. Approximate groundwater concentration of each ingredient after pumping or recovery (if applicable). Not applicable: no pumping or recovery will be performed. However, after injection, the approximate groundwater concentration will be less than 0.002 M (and will decrease further beginning immediately due to the natural buffering capacity of aquifer solids). Revised 7/06 GWIUIC-; INFORMATION NEEDED TO DO RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR PRODUCTS APPLIED TO GROUNDWATER OR SOIL CONTAINING NO MICROORGANISMS Page 4 of 4 6. if the product is expected to discharge to a nearby surface water, approximate concentrations of product in the water. The product is not expected to discharge to surface water. 7_ Documentation from authoritative technical references of specific degradation products expected. (Provide a brief summary of the referenced material as well as a copy of the referenced material.) As described in the referenced general chemistry text book, sulfuric acid will break down to H+ and sulfate in groundwater (R.S Becker and W.E. Wentworth from the University of Houston, General Chemistry, Second Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1980, page 386). A copy of the reference page is attached to this document. Documentation from authoritative technical references of expected migratory potential of specific ingredients and degradation products in soil and groundwater. (Provide a brief summary of the referenced material as well as a copy of the referenced material.) eXtensionC, an educational partnership of 74 universities in the United States, defines a soil's buffering capacity as its ability to resist changes such as pH modification. In a bench test performed for the site by subcontractor, Geo-Cleanse, soil buffering tests were conducted to assess the amount of acid necessary to achieve a pH less than 4. Three tests were performed on prepared slurries with different amounts of acid. The baseline slurry pH (before acid addition) in the three slurries ranged from 5.99 to 6.14, indicating that the aquifer materials are already mildly acidic. The results of these three tests indicated that the buffering capacity of the site soils is very low. In the sample prepared with the lowest concentration of acid (0.3 mL of 10% sulfuric acid) the pH was initially lowered to 2.22 and increased to 2.64 over a 60-minute period, demonstrating the soil's natural capacity to stabilize to pre -injection conditions thereby inhibiting the migratory potential of sulfuric acid or the degradation products. Complete description of the use of the product at the site. Sulfuric acid will be utilized to lower the groundwater pH to approximately 4. * if the composition of the proposed injected fluid is considered a trade secret and needs to be treated as confidential. please submit the confidential information clearly labeled as confidential. In addition, include a letter identifying the confidential information and stating why the information should be processed as confidential. All information warranting protection as a trade secret will be kept from public disclosure in accordance with G.S. 132-1 2. and 15A NCAC 2C .0211(f). The risk assessment will be forwarded to the designated contact person for the site. consultant applying the product, and Aquifer Protection Section contact person. Revised 7106 GWAJJC-3 NC DENR Form GWMC-3 Attachments Letter from County of Forsyth Page I of I Stone, Jennifer From: Tammy Taylor [Tammy.Taylor@ncmail.net] Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:32 PM To: Stone, Jennifer; turnerbh@forsyth_cc Subject: Re: Letter from County of Forsyth Attachments: Tammy Taylor.vcf Dear Jennifer, This is in response to your request by telephone for information concerning the property located at 2000 Lowery Street in Winston-Salem, NC. I visited the site on August 28, 2008 and to the best of my knowledge, there have been no public water systems served by wells in that area. The area is currently being served by the City of Winston-Salem's Water System_ If you should have any questions, please contact me. Thanks! Tammy Taylor Tammy Taylor NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Div Environmental Health Services, Public Water Supply Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336) 771-5074 FAX: (336) 771-4631 On 8/26/2008 5:18 PM, Stone, Jennifer wrote: «s2d 19779EE8AB5591 C319998FE5FC 1 C D6DD_1. pdfh> Thanks so much for your help! Jennifer Stone, P.E. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc, 1725 Louisville Drive Knoxville, TN 37921 (865) 588-8544 extension 1154 Fax. (665) 588-8626 9/4/2008 NONMETALS of GhuuPS TVA-rTJI ] molecules can become tighter relative to the solid, causing the density to increase upon melting. It also appears that clusters of water molecules still exist that are tetra- hedrally hound, as in ice. In any event, upon melting there is both an overall decrease in „[ the degree of hydrogep bonding and an overall collapse of the open structure present in ice. Somewhere in the vicinity of 45% of the hydrogen bonds present in ice are broken in the change of state to liquid HSO. The energy required to break a mole of hydrogen bonds in Hr,O is 3.7 to 4.5 keal. The following discussion refers primarily to sulfur, selenium, and tellurium, polo- Iteru itians nium is excluded, None of these elements (including oxygen) reacts with water. Sulfur appears to be the only element in the group (including oxygen) that reacts with strong +^ bases. However, all except oxygen react with concentrated HNOa and with 0$ to t produce the corresponding dioxide; SO$ is the only gaseous dioxide of the group. The dioxides react with water to produce hydroxides that are oxyacids--sulfurous acid, for example: SO,(,, + H¢O(o SO(OH), or HsSO3t,w� Pure H$S03 and pure H$TeO. have not been made. Each of the acids is moderately strong and can dissociate two protons. Dissociation is not complete, however, and the second H* ion comes off with considerably greater difficulty than the first. The dioxides and hydroxides are all acidic and show the typical reactions (Section 9-C). Sulfur trioxide, SO., is an acidic oxide that can react with water to produce the oxyacid sulfuric acid, H,SO4. In HpSO4, which is :Q: I S:1[fisric HD—S—OH avid I :0: two protons can dissociate in H2O. It is considered a strong acid. Although removal of the second proton is not complete, it is nonetheless highly dissociated; HESO"M _ 1[x)%i H+ + HSO, 2H+ + SOa- Obviously, both SO,, and H,SO4 react with bases or basic oxides. Peroxysulfuric acids exist, the most important of which is peroxydisulfuric acid (or persulfuric): :0: :0: I I HO-S-0-0---S-oH .. I .. .. I .. :O: :0: 1 3fu; ] .S Becker and W.E. Wentworth frmn the University cif ouston, Generul C'hemi.rtr)-. 5E et.)nd Edilion, Houghton lifflin Company'. Bc ston. 1980. page 386 Raising Soil PH and Soil Acidification - eXtension Page 1 of 4 e tension mare mind reaCh Raising Soil pH and Soil Acidification Last Updated: August o6, 2008 1 Related resource areas: Gardens, Lawns &_Landseapes Table of Contents Show Adapted from Carl J. Rosen, Peter M. Bierman, and Roger D. Eliason. Department of Soil, Water, and Climate. University of Minnesota.['] Ground limestone is the most common material used to raise soil pH. Limestone consists either of calcium carbonate (calcitic limestone) or calcium/magnesium carbonate (dolomitic limestone). On soils low in magnesium, dolomitic limestone is the preferred form. Apply Imestone only if a need is indicated by the results of soil testing and the requirements of the plants being grown. Overliming can reduce nutrient availability, especially of nucronutrients such as iron, manganese, and zinc. iron deficiency (chlorosis) of pin oak, for example, is common when soil pH is greater than 7.0. Mineral Soils Limestone recommendations for mineral soils are based on two factors: i. Soil pH measurement z. Determination of a buffer pH or buffer index value The soil's buffering capacity represents its ability to resist changes such as pH modification. The amount of clay and/or organic matter in a soil will determine its buffering capacity. The more clay and/or organic matter a soil has, the greater its buffering capacity and the more limestone or sulfur will be needed to effect a pH change. There are several commonly used methods of measuring a soil's buffering capacity. Some commonly used methods include the Mehlich buffer test, SMP buffer test, and Woodruff buffer test. While the techniques of these test are different, they are used to interpret a soil's buffering capacity in similar ways. The soil pH value reported in a soil test indicates whether limestone is needed, but it cannot be used to determine how much lime is needed. The amount of limestone to apply depends upon reserve soil acidity, which is measured by a buffer pH test. The lower the buffer pH or buffer index., the larger is the quantity of limestone required to raise soil pH to the desired level. Find a local laboratory, using the following hyperlink, to provide a calibrated buffer index that is suitable for http://www.exien,,ion.org/pages/Raising_Soi1�H_and_Sail_Acidification 8/26/2008 Raising Soil pH and Soil Acidification - eXtension Page 2 of determining liming rates for your local soils. Soil Testing Laboratories Most liming materials take several months to react with the soil, so for best results they should be applied and incorporated to a depth of 6 inches well before planting time. For established lawns or turfgrass areas, perennial vegetables and flowers, small fruits, fruit trees, and ornamental trees and shrubs, topdress applications of limestone are used. These surface applications may take longer to change the soil pH than direct soil incorporation prior to planting. Also, when large quantities of limestone need to he applied to established planting sites, they are made at rates of g to 7 pounds of ground limestone per xo❑ square feet spaced at least at one -month intervals. The best time to apply limestone to established turf is following core aeration for thatch control or compaction. Spread the limestone uniformly around other types of established plants. If possible, work it lightly into the soil, while avoiding the disturbance of plant roots. Soil Acidification Neutral to Slightly Acid Soils For most plants, soil acidification is unnecessary, but lowering soil pH is frequently required to grow blueberries, azaleas, and rhododendrons successfully. These plants require an acid soil with a pH between 4.5 and 5.2. If soil pH is above this range, it is usually desirable to lower soil pH to 4.5 prior to planting. Over time the soil pH will migrate towards values typical of native soils. In some areas of the country it will tend to increase, especially if the water supply used for irrigation is alkaline, as is the case in municipal water supplies in some parts of the country. In other areas, such as the northeast, many sails are naturally acidic and would seldom require sulfur additions. Table S- Elemental sulfur application rates to lower soil pH by one unit Soil texture Amount of elemental sulfur (S) to apply* Area basis Volume basis l b.l100 IbJ1000 lb. /cubic scl. ft so. ft. yard sand, loamy sand. O.B B-0 1-0 sandy loam Iparn. silt loam 2.4 24.0 3.0 'Multiply by 44 to convert the rates in Ib.l1000 sq. ft. to Ib.Iacre. Table x. Image courtesy of University of Minnesota Extension. Table 2 Elememal sulfur application rates to lover soil pH to 4.5 Initial pal Soil texture sand, loamy sand, loam, silt loarn sandy loam Amount of elemental sulfur (S) to apply lb.I100 sq.ft. Elemental sulfur is one amendment that can be used to lower soil pH. The soil texture, amount of soil organic matter, present pH, and the desired pH are all used to determine the amount of elemental 7-0 1.9 5-8 sulfur needed. Table i provides guidelines G5 1.5 4-6 httP://www.extension.org/pages/Raising_Soil_pH_and_Soil_Acidification 8/26/2008 Raising Soil pH and Soil Acidification - eXtension Page 3 of 4 to lower the pH of a soil with elemental sulfur by one unit on an area basis and volume basis. Table 2 provides guidelines for elemental sulfur use to lower soil pH to 4,5. Because it reacts slowly with the soil, elemental sulfur should be applied and incorporated to a depth of 6 inches the year before planting for best results. Test soil pH again 6 to g months after the initial application. If soil pH is not in the desired range, reapply according to the recommendations in Tables 1 or 2. Most homeowners prefer to use granulated elemental sulfur. Aluminum sulfate or iron sulfate can also be used to acidify soils. These materials react much faster than elemental sulfur, usually within three to four weeks following application. Multiply the rate of elemental sulfur recommended in Table 1 by 6 to determine the rate of iron sulfate or aluminum sulfate required for an equivalent pH reduction. Do not apply more than g lb/ioo sq. ft. of iron sulfate or aluminum sulfate in a single application. If higher rates are required, split applications are recommended to avoid excessive levels of soluble salts. Use iron sulfate or aluminum sulfate cautiously because of the potential for iron or aluminum toxicity to plant roots and soil organisms. Acid sphagnum peat incorporated into the soil prior to planting will provide a more favorable root environment for the establishment of acid -loving plants in high -pH soils. Incorporate acid sphagnum peat moss at the rate of 2 to 2 cubic feet per plant, or when possible incorporate an inch or two of acid sphagnum peat moss into the top 6 inches of soil before planting. According to one source an application of 2 inches of sphagnum peat moss incorporated into the top 6 inches of soil will lower the soil pH by one unit or more within a growing season. The positive effects of sphagnum peat can last two or more years, but unless other measures are used the pH of the soil will eventually increase. Ammonium sulfate or urea used as nitrogen fertilizer sources will also help maintain low soil pH_ However, do not use them at rates greater than those required to meet the nitrogen needs of the plants. Fertilizers that contain nitrogen only in the nitrate form will increase soil pH and should not be used for acid loving plants. Alkaline Soils Fine -textured clay and clay loam soils and high lime soils with a pH greater than about 7.3 require higher rates of acidifying amendments than given in Table i. These soils are not recommended for growing acid -loving plants because the amendment rates required to lower soil pH initially result in excessive levels of soluble salts and the soil pH will eventually increase. The best strategy on these soils is to select plants that are adapted to high pH conditions. Credits and Literature Cited I. T Rosen, C. et al. 2004. Soil pH Modification. Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Management for Lawns, Turf, hardens, and Landscape Plants. http://www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/horticulture/components/1731-03.html (accessed January 15, 2oo8). University of Minnesota. a. 1 Rose, M. and H. Wang.1996. Composts in the Landscape: Effects on Soil pH and Plant Growth. http://ohioline.osu.edu/sc157/sc'57_14.hbml (accessed February 15, 20o8). The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Reseamh and Development Center. Special Circular 152.Ornamental Plants: Annual Reports and Research Summaries. pp. 7-11. ltttp:Ilwww.extension.orglpageslRaising_5ai1_pH_and_Soil_Acidifcation 8/26/2008 Raising Soil pH and Soil Acidification - extension Page 4 of 4 More information: soil fertility. soil management, soils and composting Comments to whom is their on 03.oi.o8 at 07:51 PM I have read that you could use sawdust ,sand and pine needles with a 112 cup ammonium sulfate put this around each plant when you go to plant them. And you can put chicken wire under about four feet with a little brick in middle of roots with some peat or saw dust.This book also said that sawdust was better than peat mooss to lower ph whereph is high. This is a very old book. I am going to try to grow blueberries this spring I got plant coming but didn't relise about ph levels until i got studing about them. The ph level is 6.o 5o I am really worried about setting this out. Thank you Nick Broady on o3.o6.o8 at 01:48 PM Thank you for your interest in the website, but in order for your question to be routed to the appropriate experts, you need to use the "Ask the Expert" function. This is located immediately above the "Suggestions/Comments" area on the website alice on 03.16.o8 at 04:22 AM In our patch of Pacific NW woods, we have allowed native plants to be most of our beautiful "garden." However, our 4.5-5.0 ph means I need to lime individual non -natives I might want to grow. How do I determine amounts per plant/shrub. By cup, pint, quart, etc??? Nick Broady on 03.21.o8 at 04:07 PM Thank you for your interest in the website, but in order for your question to be routed to the appropriate experts, you need to use the "Ask the Expert" function. This is located immediately above the "Suggestions/Comments" area on the website. — extension Staff This resource area was created by the: Consumer Horticulture Community eXtension provides objective and research -based information and learning opportunities that help people improve their lives. eXtension is an educational partnership of 74 universities in the United States. Q 2oo8 extension. All rights reserved. http://www.extension.orglpages[Raising_Soil_pH_and_Soil—Acidification 8/26/2008 ATTACHMENT H MAPS (Listed by Figure Number) 1.0 Area Map based on USG 7.5' Topographic Map (scale of 1:24,000) with Injection Site Labeled 2.0 Site Map Including 2.1 All property boundaries 2.2 All buildings within the property boundary 2.3 Existing and proposed injection wells or well field 2.4 Any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within '/a mile of the injection well or well system 2.5 All surface water bodies within '/d mile of the injection well or well system 2.6 All existing or abandoned wells within'/< mile of the injection wells which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells proposed for use as injection wells 3.0 Potentiometric Surface Map(s) including 3.1 Direction of groundwater movement 3.2 Existing and proposed monitoring wells 3.3 Existing and proposed injection wells 4.0 Contaminant Plume Map(s) including 4.1 The horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isconcentric lines 4.2 Existing and proposed monitoring wells 4.3 Existing and proposed injection wells 5.0 Crass -Sections) to the known or projected depth of contamination, including 5.1 Horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentric lines 5.2 Major changes in lithology 5.3 Existing and Proposed monitoring wells 5.4 Existing and proposed injection wells Revised 6109 UIC-51/5T Page 47 of 56 L cREEK bUALL: 0 0 LOWERY -STREET li SEE FIGURE 2A FOR INJECTION WELL LAYOUT MIT F, Ql qpw-c ww-111 PAW-104 FCfWER ABOVE GROUND TANK ww-l's 41133 DLW-1 VW-3 Vw-2 MV&S 413 mvd-13$D SPA)Pn z1w-1 SIW-3 11will M*134 127 1w-7 RW-3 RAI-14 SM-4 m" OpLe WOO ouv" 136 RY&II) S..,, F01IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItUgrAFMA SIW-2 ePs RECOVERY WELL LOCATION -� MOWOH WELL LOCATION FORMER AST CONVEYANCE PIPING FIGURE TE C SITE MAP ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 2 U14� %,VIJUILL MUAIJ WINS I ON-SAI-Em, Nu KNOXVILLE. TN 37932 PHONE: (865) 588-8544 DRAWN JOB Ntjm9FR APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE FAX: (865) 588-8026 `R,')� 3031 -05-2007-12 03/20/01 09 /28/10 MW-130 x x x x x x x x x X— FENCyLINE x x SCALE- 0 2 D' PROPOSED WELLS • 1 PROPOSED INJECTION WELL(70'-80' TREATMENT INTERVAL) - 2 PROPOSED INJECTION WELLS (50'-60' AND 70'-K TREATMENT INTERVALS) J) - 2 PROPOSED INJECTION WELLS (60'-80' TREATMENT INTERVAL) - 2 PROPOSED INJECTION WELLS (50'-70' TREATMENT INTERVAL) - 3 PROPOSED INJECTION WELLS (50'-80' TREATMENT INTERVAL) D PROPOSED VENT WELL (screened from 3-60 ft bls) MW-133 EXISTING WELLS - MONITORING WELL SHALLOW INJECTOR (screened from 55-60 ft bls) DEEP INJECTOR (screened from 65-70 ft bls) VENT WELL (screened from 3-65 ft bls) DUAL INJECTOR (shallow and deep injectors set in same hale) bls BELOW LAND SURFACE �- ESTIMATED PILOT CHEMOX TREATMENT AREA ®- PROPOSED EXPANDED CHEMOX TREATMENT AREA NORTH RW-14 x —x —x —x — x x - x - x x - x - x - x - x -I PREPARED BY DATE: 1"1.10 CHECKED BY', 3D DATE: 10-01-10 MA TE FIGUREMONITORING WELL LOCATIONS AND PROPOSED EXPANDED CHEMOX TREATMENT ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 9725 Cogdill Road WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Knoxville, TN 37932 Phone: 865-588.8544 Fax: 865-588-8026 PROJECT NO. 3031-05-2007-12 1 / LOWERY STREET r l l • r l .` .` y � rrrr ♦ . l ' MW-116 rr _ I' I` .ti I' I' GROUNDWATER TREATMENT r �f. SYSTEM �. BUILDING -�� - - lNYII--119A •� .• MW-114 \4 MrM-W-107 MW t30 ° $ PR_ 46—PRW-14 -124 2" HDP WATER LINE AND " HAIR LINE ESTIMATED LOCATION OF - DRAINAGE CULVERT : - MW-123 - '-------_ PRW-13 -­--------- ----- ----- -- --------- ,... .. _-_ r .r - MW-1D2 r- -___---____----F- ER NO PIT --------------------- MW-105 M -C Mw-111 1:01rr + 0 -_ - -- ----- - MW-121D r' moo_ FORMER _.� PAW-1 17 - ABOVE GROUND TANK FORMER UST AREA rr FORMER - , f MW-E rr SOUTH PI1.nMW-113 MW-131D MW-120D MW-124, --- --IFllfhl-lD6-,9 MW-1i2 Mw-127 •� _ - - .� � i .♦ ® ! PRW-13n PRW-7 PRW-3-3 P - LEGEND MONITORING WELL LOCATION ------ CONTOUR LINE RECOVERY WELL LOCATION •r MW-125 �7eU_ NOTE: PtEZOMETERS NOT SHOWN => GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION SCALE: 0 140' Well ID I Elevation MWA DRY MW-102 808,81 MW-104 788.23 MW-105 794.95 MW-106 782.75 MW-107 778.42 MW-110 786.35 M W-111 790.39 MW-112 785.07 MWA13 DRY MWA14 DRY MWA 15 804.94 MW-116 810.81 MWA 17 DRY MW-118 839.64 MWA 19D 798.41 MW-119S DRY M W-120D 780.2 M W-121 ❑ 795.49 MW-123 770.61 MW-124 786.67 MW-125 778.84 MWA 26 769.41 MW-127 786.23 MWA 28 778 M W -129 783.87 M W -130 777.33 M W-131 D 780.25 MW-C DRY MW-E 785.79 PRW-21 778,64 PRW-3' 779.9 PRW-6' 781.08 PRW-71 780.3 PRW-101 784.84 PRW-131 784.44 PRW-141 I 785.05 Footnote 1 = Water levels measured from Piezometer located inside the extraction well vault. - Nate : Off. GROUNDWATER POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP FIGURE ArMACTE SEPTEMBER 2009 SAMPLING EVENT ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 3 KNO ILL,,COGTN 3793ROAD WINSTON-SALEM, NC ICNOICVILLi:, TN 37g32 PHONE: (865) 588-8544 DRAWN J NUIJ APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE Fax: (865) 588-8026 _3 3031 -05 - 2007-14 1 1 17 08 09 28 10 I�MW-123 i f I f 3' HDPE DISCHARGE PIPE _ MIN-122 MW•1195 _ ;1! MW-119D — 117 ~ R ti s _ 1 { LEGENp NOT SAMPLED ,t RECOVERY WELL LOCATION O MONITGR WELL LOCATKDN SURVEY F'OINTBM LOCATION Q vEw vieLL ■ DRAINAGE INLET FORMER AST CONVEYAWE PIPING pWL MICROGRAMS PER LITER TCA TRICHLOROETHANE TCE TRIC4LORCETHENE DCE DICHLOROETHENE DCA DK:HLOROETHANE 0 MW-126 GROUNDWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM 6UILDING 1.'.. MW-1C2 Rio r %IT 11 1v1W-Ta BMW-C IDRY1 BMW-121D is MW-1II V'MW-104 2" HDPE WATER LINE AND 1" HDPE AIR LINE 117 FORMER SOUTH PIT n MW-113 1AW-131 ® MW-106 p MW-11& FORMER s,�! ABOVE GROUND TANK MW-132 MW-107 MW-130 — — — — — — MW-1 — MW-1 MW-125 ESTIMATED LOCATION OF DRAINAGE CULVERT SCALE: 0 100' NOTE: CONTAINMENT PLUME CONTAINED ON SITE BY GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION SYSTEM. SEE FIGURE 2A FOR INJECTION WELL LAYOUT MW-133 FORMER UST AREA MW-E MW-1f ` BMW-127 - - W-14 - RW-10 LEGEND - - - - Approximate 200 pgA-1,1, 1 - TCA plume bourxlary - - Approximate 3.0 pWL TCE plume boundary - - - - Approximate 7.0 pg/L 1, 1 - DCE plume boundary - - - - Approximate 6.0 pg/L 1, 1 - DCA plume boundary - - - Approximate 0.4 pg/L 1, 2 - DCA plume bourxtary - - - - Approximate 3.0 NgIL 1,4 - DIOXANE plume boundary Notes: 1.The above values reftect NCAC 2L Standards except 1,2 DCA which reflects the laboratory reportlng limlL 2. MW-129, NMI-112, RWA0, VW-2 were sampled in November 2009 and all other bolded wells were sampled in September 2009. CONTAMINANT PLUME MAP FIGUREOMACTEC ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 4 9725 Cogdill Road WINSTON-SALEM, NC KNO7MLLE. TN 37932 PHONE- (865) 588-8544 DRAWN JOl NUMBER APPROVED REVISED GATE FAX (a65) 588-8026 �3031-05-2007-12 `r 03/20/01�1%1/1005-2007-12 `r 03/20/01 10/01 / 1 U RWMib1;"mlylKa?;rT:W:yiflii:4 0 MW-1195 - MW-119D MW-122` - r` e� s GROUNDWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM BUILDING e W-11 B im FORMER NORTH PIT MW-105 eW-C leW-121 D *MW-104 2" HOPE WATER LINE AND 1" HOPE AIR LINE 4MW-117 FORMER SOUTH PIT[]_ MW-1311 �\MW 114 _ _ •- , o o MW-113 ` - ' • ® MW-10B MW-12 DP-4RW_7 RW-13 MW-1 FR7-Y _ _ _ MW-1�r ��--- - 1 125 MW-115 �B SEE FIGURE 2A FOR MW-1II INJECTION WELL LAYOUT ' FORMER ABOVE GROUND TANK MW-118 FORMER U AREA MW-132 W-133 SP-23 MW-129 MW 112 A MW-134 *� MW-127 MW-12 Q _ � W-110 - W-2 SPID RW-6 SP-11 RW-14 SP-fi _ SPMO � RW-10 MW-130 LEGEND RW-13 RECOVERY WELL LOCATION MONITOR WELL LOCATION SURVEY POINTIBM LOCATION - - - FORMER AST CONVEYANCE PIPING ° FIGURE B' OMACTEC CROSS SECTION OVERVIEW MAP ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 5 SCALE: 9725 Co9dilI Road WINSTON-SALEM, NC 1 �� KNOXVILLE. TN 37932 PHONE: (855) 588-85++ DRAWN JOB NUMBER APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE Fax: (8�s) 550-8026 3031--05-2UQ7-12 _,t, 03 20 41 1 Q C 1 1 o 840 820 800 C C 780 W 760 740 720 700 A z �z C Silty Sand with Clay Lenses Saprolite (Weathered) ti N y aaprolke As B 840 820 780 760 7 Be W 740 LEGEND - PROPOSED IW'S - - 0 160' - E}(ISTING IW'S HORIZONTAL SCALE 0 'OVA MAC FIGURE / CROSS SECTION A -A' ANC B-6' ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 5A KNO�IVItLE, 9725 CQWINSTON-SALEM, NC TTN N 37932 793 PHONE: (m) sm-85" DRAWN 408 NUM8ER APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE FAx: (sss) sss—saes 3031-05-2007-12) 08 15 08 09 29 10 �`Il 1114. gcST4 % A*7 1 0;7-!M� -W-71atol 5 T �vv FORK —CR I`r # Z3 t r� i SCALE: Q 250' •m up *mA* • M 11 A1W ,[N�L �Wl , N LOWMy 57RMT • My-, u 0 *ter $c%" AMA -- I f A iMACTEC 1725 LOUISVILLE DRIVE KNOXVILLE, TN 37921 PHONE: (865) 588-8544 FAX: (M) 588-OD26 ow lIPY@lf rr1.L W[J�l'R]II # bKMffM WELL LOCATM - FOFAM Asr CO *WAKE FFM RGURE SITE MAP ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 2 WINSTON-SALEM, NC DRAWN JDB NUMBER APPR D Y REVISED DATE 303 1 -o - aa7- os � 03L20Za i 08f 2s/Os :SHED] EXTRACTION WELL LINE FENCE LINE 0 0 0 MW-129 FOMER UST AREA ,�,RW -1 0 MW--112 SCALE: • -SHALLOW INJECTOR (screened from SD-56 it b1s) �� • -DEEP INJECTOR (screened from 60-65 ft 61s) • -VENT WELL (screened from 10-40 ft b1s) DUAL INJECTOR (shallow and deep injectors set in same hole) PREPARED BY _DATE. 8-MG8 CHECKED BYa` �1' DATE: 8-20-98 bis BELOW LAND SURFACE MATTE PROPOSED INJECTION WELL LAYOUT ;ArABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 1725 Laus+ville Orvie WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA Knoxville, TN 37921 Phone: 865-588-8544 Fax: 865-58&8026 PROJECT NO. 3039-05-2007-09 FIGURE 2A 3' HDPE MaiARGE PIPE �- MW-1195 - _ MW-122 GROUNDWATER - - _ � MW-119D TREATMENT - _- SYSTEM BUILDING 14 1 � ~■ter \ o .fir 1 MW-116 MW-115 MW-102 FORMER NORTH PIT MW-105 '- - W1_C `� ► MW-121 D * MW-111 *MW-104 2" HDPE WATER LINE AND 1" HDPE AIR LINE MW-117 FORMER SOUTH PITS,, MW_131D MW-118 FORMER ABOVE GROUND TA K MW-106 MW-128 - - W- ■ . ' tiR - --j- _ &W-3 = • - MW-1 SP-6 MW-130 r MW-197 RW-10 MW-125 SEE FIGURE 2A F)R INJECTION WELL LAYOUT FORMER US AREA MW-E 27- MW-110 •� _ - �_ RW-14 - _ NOTE: CONTAINMENT PLUME CONTAINED ON SITE BY GROUNDWATER EXTRACTION SYSTEM. LEGEND Approximate 200 pgI1 I 1, 1 - TCA plume boundary �- - Approximate 0.7 Ng/L PCE plume boundary - - - - Approximate 2.8 p9k TCE plume boundary Approximate 7.0 µg/L 1, 1 - DC plume boundary - - - - Approximate 700 pgtL 1, 1 - DCA plume boundary - Approximate 0.38 UgIL 1, 2 - DCA plume boundary -- - - - Approximate 7.0 4L 1,4 - ❑IOXANE plume boundary Note: The above values reflect NCAC 2L Standards. ESTIMATED LOCATION OF DRAINAGE CULVERT 4rMACTEC CONTAMINANT PLUME MAP FIGURE LtISVILLE DRIVE ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 4 SCALE: 1725 LO 0 100' KNOXVILLE. TN 37921 WINSTON-SALEM, NC PHONE: (865) 588-8544 DRAWN jog—NjjQMBER APPROVED DATE REVISED DATE FAX: (565) see -eats 3031-Q5-2007-g9 03 2D 01 09 05 08 A no - Silty Sand with Clay Lenses 800 -- - - rr C — #y 780- a) W ' 760 740 720 700 Ar B Be m 1 a 5? 840 a - - sinv Clay � h m m silty C SY 820 a � a c Lu 3 J - C w Silty sand wt h =" L.eemes d 800 X. o a Saprollte 11d (Weathered) a a - - C, Saprolite (Weathered) - 780 (weeti�.:rd1 760 a 160' HORIZONTAL SCALE CROSS SECTION A-A'AN❑ B-B' FIGUREcuaEOMACTEC ABB FLAKT PRODUCTS 5l'1 1725 LOU15MLLE DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC KNOXVILLE, TN 37921 PHONE: (m) 5H8-8544 DRAWN J B MIMER APPROVED REVI ED DATE FAX: (865) SM-80213 3031-05-2007-09 � : 08 15 08 Dg D5 0$ 1Nurer R esourres ENVIRONMENTAL ❑W1 L17y January 11, 2016 R. Keith Knauerhase ABB, Inc. 5 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095 Re: Issuance of Injection Permit W10400098 ABB, Inc. Forsyth County. NC Dear Mr. Knauerhase: PAT MCCRnRY ❑ONALD R. VAN DER VAART in '1,', r•. t,V,, S. JAY ZIMMERMAN In accordance with the application and name change request received on October 5, 2015, and additional information received October 6, 2015, and December 28, 2015, we are forwarding permit number W10400098. This permit is to inject hydrogen peroxide, ferrous sulfate, and phosphoric and sulfuric acid to remediate groundwater contaminated with VOCs at the Former FIakt Products Site, 2000 Lowery Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC 27101. This permit shall be effective from April 1. 2016 (i.e., the day after the expiration date of the existing permit), which may differ from the date of this letter. This permit shall be effective from April 1. 2016, until March 3I, 2021, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a Final Project Evaluation (FPE) as stated in PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Please read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. Please note the following: Per permit condition Part VI.5, prior to closing this permit, the Permittee must meet groundwater quality standards or pre -injection levels, whichever concentration is higher, for all of the injection constituents; otherwise, continued monitoring as approved in the monitoring plan will be required until such levels can be established; Per permit conditions Part VI.3 &4, and IX.2(G), within 30 days after each injection event, please provide the well construction (if not previously submitted) and injection information on the applicable forms listed below. Note: if well construction/abandonment information is essentially the same (e.g., direct push points or geo-probes), then only one GW-1 or GW- 30 form is needed. lust indicate in the comments section on the form the total number of well points. These forms are available on the Division of Water Resources' website at http://portal .nedenr-nrg/web/wg/aps/gwpro/reporting-forms State of Nonh Carolina I £nvima+mensal Qt alio I Water RewLvices i 611 N1aii sen•irr C enter i Raleigh, North Caroliti4 ? 7699- I G 1 I a19 707 9000 ❑ Injection Event Record ❑ Well Construction Record (GW-1) ❑ Well Abandonment Record (GW-30) In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of this well for the stated purpose, you should submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. As indicated in the permit, this permit is not transferable to any person without prior notice to, and approval by, the Director of the Division of Water Resources. If you have any questions regarding your permit or the Underground Injection Control Program please call me at (919) 807-6412. Best Regards, Ps� Michael Rogers. P.G. (NC & FL) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program Manager - Hydrogeologist Division of Water Resources Water Quality Regional Operations Section cc: Sherri Knight, WQROS — Winston-Salem Regional Office Central Office File, WI0400098 Joe Deatherage, Amec Foster Wheeler, 2030 Falling Waters Road, Suite 300, Knoxville, TN Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Friday, December 18. 2015 3:48 PM To: 'Deatherage. Joe' Subject: RE: W10400098 Add Info request - Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form I talked it over with my supervisor and she was satisfied as I provided current property ownership via Forsyth County GIS. As we discussed, we will work on the renewal permit after the holidays. Thanks and have a great time. From: Deatherage, Joe[mailto:joe.deatherage@amecfw.com] Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 2:23 PM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov7 Subject: RE: W10400098 Add Info request - Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Michael, as I understand it there has just been a name change, not an ownership change. Do we still need to complete the form you sent? if so, who signs it? The wells proposed to be included in the next injection are listed below. Each is projected to receive approximately 1,650 gallons. Note that both the number location of injection wells and volume is subject to change based on baseline sampling data. • SIW-1 lc, �p ■ SIW-3 U • SIW-4 l4So ■ DLIW-23S r�o * DUW-24S j + DLIW-34S .Joe Deatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Foster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Roao STE 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ioe . death e raaeea mecfw. com amarfw rnm From: Rogers, Michael Imaiito:michael.ro err ncdenr. ov] Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 2:20 PM To: Deatherage, Joe <Joe.Deatherape amec.com> Subject: RE: W10400098 Add Info request - Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Joe - My supervisor reviewed it last week. She has the following questions/comments that need follow up. Has there been a change in ownership of the company since the permit was last issued. or just a change of the company name? If there has been an ownership change, please provide documentation showing the transfer. Attached is an ownership change form to complete. Which six well are proposed to be used for injection and how much injectant will be injected per well in gallons? Thanks. From: Deatherage, Joefmailto:ioe.deatherage@amecfw.comI Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:17 PM To: Rogers, Michael rmichael.rogers@ncdenr.gova Subject: RE: Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Michael, attached is DEQ's Oct. 6 acknowledgement of receipt of our injection renewal w/o modification. Can you give me an update on the approval status? The letter mentions taking as long as 60-90 days and it has been 69 days since receipt, so I thought I would check on it. Thanks, Joe Deatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Faster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Road. STE 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ice deatheragePamecfw.com_ a mecfw. com From: Rogers, Michael [inailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 3:04 PM To: Deatherage, Joe <Joe.Deatherage@amec.com? Subject: RE: Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form This is link to all of our forms. http:l/portal. ncdenr.orgtweblwq/aps/gwprojeermit-applicat o_n_s From: Deatherage, Joe[mailtoJoe.deatherape(aamecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:58 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Michael, as we discussed, please send me either a copy of the injection renewal form or a link to the most current version. Thanks for your help on the phone. ,Joe Deatherage, R.E. Senior Environmental Engineer AMEC Foster Wheeler 9725 Cogdill Road, Knoxville. TN 37S-- Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 jce.deathera-qeO.@rnecfw eem a mecfw. co m amec foster Wheeler This message is the property of Amec Foster Wheeler pie and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and all messages originating from us and set out above. For Canada and the United Slates: If you believe this is an unsolicited email and do not wish to receive future commercial electronic messages from us, please click unsubscribe amecfw.com and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. Please click http.11amecfw.comfemail-disclaimer for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France.. Rogers, Michael From: Deatherage, Joe <joe.deatherage@amecfw,com> Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 2:23 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE, W10400098 Add Info request - Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Michael, as I understand it there has just been a name change, not an ownership change. Do we still need to complete the form you sent? If so, who signs it? The wells proposed to be included in the next injection are listed below. Each is projected to receive approximately 1,650 gallons. Note that both the number/location of injection wells and volume is subject to change based on baseline sampling data. • SIW-1 ■ SIW-3 + SIW-4 + DLIW-23S ■ DLIW-24S • DLIW-34S Joe ❑eatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Foster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Road. STE 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 toe deatheraoe0amecfw com amecfw corn From: Rogers, Michael[mailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 2:20 PM To: Deatherage, Joe <Joe.Deatherage@amec.com> Subject: RE: W10400098 Add Info request - Please Send Infection Permit Renewal Form Joe My supervisor reviewed it last week. She has the following questions comments that need follow up: Has there been a change in ownership of the company since the permit was last issued, or just a change of the company name? If there has been an ownership change, please provide documentation showing the transfer. Attached is an ownership change foray to complete, • Which six well are proposed to be used for injection and how much injectant will be injected per well in gallons? Thanks From: Deatherage, Joe mailto: oe.deathera a amecfw,com] Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:17 PM fors�'[7:.nC.�ls .• A ' .r. Ceo-oam €.Pbw X l j Re Edt Veer Fav4XM Tank N* x Co Sk .------...... .... _.—.._.--. _�.. SWCh ^ UZ josnxe 0 - MW Search - Map © eo-Data Q 0 0 0 r law i an oil law ui�i EX ]lOrer Quick %SrCh Idmft SvsKYiew Cowimmnity 1 t}O Photos Taxable Owners t Current Owners Map Links ?3 Parcel ID 6845-14-3718.00 (PIN) Property 2000 Lowery ST Address - LOKERYST... .- ...---.. Block Lot 6388 002 Additional Lots Tax Winston-Salem Jurisdiction Owner Name City Of Winston Salem Taxable Owner Name2 Taxable PO Box 2511 Owner Address Taxable Winston Salem, Owner City NC 27102 St Zip �amres My Duke - MRogers86 Mao Thamea P� a�ze n, a' tr `r, 4a 1�i j_ _ izltslzats Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 2:20 PM To: 'Deatherage, Joe' Subject: RE: W10400098 Add Info request - Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Attachments: PermitNameOwnershipChangeForm Rev 12-15-2015.docx Joe - My supervisor reviewed it last week. She has the following questions/comments that need follow up, Has there been a change in ownership of the company since the permit was last issued, or just a change of the company name? If there has been an ownership change, please provide documentation showing the transfer. Attached is an ownership change form to complete. Which six well are proposed to be used for injection and how much injectant will be injected per well in gallons? Thanks From: Deatherage, Joejmailto:joe.deatherage@amecfw.com] Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:17 PM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Michael, attached is DEQ's Oct_ 6 acknowledgement of receipt of our injection renewal w/o modification, Can you give me an update on the approval status? The letter mentions taking as long as 60-90 days and it has been 69 days since receipt, so I thought I would check on it. Thanks Joe Deatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Foster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Road. STE 300 Knoxville. TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ioe deatheraaeearn ecfw,com amecfw.com From: Rogers, Michael [mai_l_to m_ichae],ro eg rs@ncdenr.gc) Sent: Thursday, July 09, 201.5 3:04 PM To: Deatherage, Joe <Joe.Deal heraQe@amec.com> Subject: RE: Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form This is link to all of our forms. htlp.Jlportal_.n_cdenr.orpJwebf wqi apsJgwpro/permit-applications From: Deatherage, Joe[mailto:joe.deatherag_eCamecfw.com] Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 2:58 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Please Send Injection Permit Renewal Form Michael, as we discussed, please send me either a copy of the injection renewal form or a link to the most current version. Thanks for your help on the phone. Joe Deatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer AMEC Foster Wheeler 9725 Cogdill Road, Knoxville, TN 37932 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ioe-deather@qe(ZDarnecfw.com am ecfw. co m IT. amec foster wheeler This message is the property of Amec Foster Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential. legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited_ We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and all messages originating from us and set out above. For Canada and the United States: If you believe this is an unsolicited email and do not wish to receive future commercial electronic messages from us, please click unsubscribefc;�.amecfw.com and include "Unsubscribe r in the subject line. Please click http:Pamecfw corn/email-disclairner for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France_ Rogers, Michael i w From: Deatherage, Joe <joe.death erage@amecfw.corn > Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:24 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Address W10400098 Flakt Products underwent a name change to ABB sorne time ago. They are the same company. Sorry For the confusion. Jae Deatherage, P.E, Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Foster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Road. STE 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ioe. deathera ae(a.a mecfw. co m amecfw com From: Rogers, Michael (mailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov) Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:20 PM To: Deatherage, Joe <Joe.Deatherage @amec.com> Subject: RE: Address W10400098 The current permittee is Flakt Products. From: Deatherage, Joe [mailto:ioe.deatherage@amecfw.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:18 PM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.rogers@ncdenrfgov> Subject: RE: Address W10400098 ABB is the Responsible Party who owns the wells. The property is owned by the City of Winston-Salem, who obtained ownership I believe — 2011 from the previous owner, Fred Godley. Joe Deatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Foster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Road, STE 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ice.deatheraae(-?a amecfw.com amecfw,com From: Rogers, Michael [mailto:michael.rogers@ocdenr.go�j Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2015 2:14 PM To: Deatherage, Joe <Joe.Death erage @amec.corn> Subject: RE: Address W10400098 We rec'd the permit renewal app. The owner is ABB, Inc. Is this a change of ownership also? From: Deatherage, Joe fmailto:ioe.deatheragePamecfw.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 1:44 PM To: Rogers, Michael <michael.ro ers ncdenr. ov> Subject: RE: Address Thanks, I'm glad you told me because # calfed DEN and asked for your mailing address since I will include a cover letter addressed to you, and they told me 450 Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300. I'll use the one below. Joe Deatherage, P.E. Senior Environmental Engineer Amec Foster Wheeler 2030 Falling Waters Road, STE 300 Knoxville, TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Direct (865) 218-1049 ioe.deatherage@arnecfw.com am ecfw. com From: Rogers, Michael[mailto:michael.rogers@ncdenr.QovI Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2015 11:40 AM To: Deatherage, Joe <1oe.Deatherage@amec.com> Subject: Address The address is on the form, but it is also included below. Cheers. Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Hydrogeologist NCDEQ- DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6406 http:/Iportal.ncdenr,org/web/wg/apsJ�w ro re og rting-forms (VOTE: Per Executive Order No. 150, afl e-mails sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties. r. amec faster wheeler This message is the property of Amec Foster Wheeler plc and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates and is intended only for the named recipient(s). Its contents (including any attachments) may be confidential, legally privileged or otherwise protected from disclosure by law. Unauthorised use, copying, distribution or disclosure of any of it may be unlawful and is strictly prohibited. We assume no responsibility to persons other than the intended named recipient(s) and do not accept liability for any errors or omissions which are a result of email transmission. 1f you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by reply email to the sender and confirm that the original message and any attachments and copies have been destroyed and deleted from your system. This disclaimer applies to any and all messages originating from us and set out above. If you do not wish to receive future unsolicited commercial electronic messages from us, please forward this email to: unsubscribe cDamecfw.com and include "Unsubscribe" in the subject line. If applicable, you will continue to receive invoices, project communications and similar factual, non-commercial electronic communications. Please Glick http://amee_fw.com/email-disclaimer for notices and company information in relation to emails originating in the UK, Italy or France. NCDENR North Carolina [department of Environmental Quality Rat McCrory Governor October 6, 2015 Mr. Keith Knauerhase, Chief Counsel ABB, Inc. 5 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095 RE: Acknowledgement of Application No. W10400098 ABB, Inc. In Situ Groundwater Remediation Well System Forsyth County Dear Mr. Knauerhase: ❑onald R. van der Vaart Secretary The Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting documentation received on October 5, 2015. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above, and the primary reviewer is Michael Rogers. Central and Winston-Salem Regional Office staff will perform a detailed review of the provided application, and may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests - Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Rogers at (919) 807-6406 or michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, 60,' Debra J. Watts, Supervisor Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch Division of Water Resources cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, WQROS Joe Deatherage, AMEC Foster Wheeler, 2030 Falling Waters Road, Suite 300, Knoxville, TN 37922 Permit File WI0400098 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: 919-807-64641 Internet http:l1www.ncwater.org An Equal OpporlunIty I AffirmaM Aclion Employer - Made in pad by recycled paper r UVE01 }ENf)uwf { OCT - ' 2015 October 1, 2015 Mr. Michael Rogers, P.G. Hydrogeologist NCDENR — OWR UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 It amec foster wheeler Subject: Renewal of Existing Injection Permit #W10400098 without Modification Former Flakt Products Site 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina Amec Foster Wheeler Project Number 3031052007 Dear Mr. Rogers: On behalf of ABB, Inc. (formerly Flakt Products, Inc.), Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster Wheeler) is submitting two copies of the enclosed Application for Permit to Construct andlor use a Wet1(s) for Injection for the former Flakt Products site in Winston-Salem, North Carolina (Site). This permit renewal without modification is to continue the injection program utilizing a limited number of the existing injection wells at the Site (approximately six out of 101) after the referenced permit expires on March 31, 2016. These wells will continue to be used to inject components of catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide, ferrous sulfate, and phosphoric and/or sulfuric acid) into the Site groundwater to expedite the remediation of chlorinated solvent compounds and 1,4-dioxane. As discussed with you in an August 12, 2015.phone call, per the referenced injection permit Amec Foster Wheeler will continue to submit Injection Event Reports following any additional injection events and will submit a final project evaluation within nine months of completion of all injection related activities. Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 2030 Falling Waters Road, 5TE 300 Knoxville. TN 37922 Tel (865) 671-6774 Fax (865) 671-6254 www.amecfw.com Mr. Michael Rogers October 1, 2015 Page 2 Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Deatherage (865) 218-1049 or joe.deatheraget�amecfw.com. Sincerely, Amec Foster Wheele nvironment & Infrastructure, Inc. Ricky A. Ryan, P.E. K. Joe Deatherage Senior Principal Project Manager Senior Environmental Engineer Enclosure c: Melody Christopher, A66 (with electronic and hard copy enclosure) Nelson Walter, Amec Foster Wheeler (with electronic enclosure) Ryan Newcomb, City of Winston-Salem (with electronic enclosure) Robert Prestwood, City of Winston-Salem (with electronic enclosure) Alan Griffith, Griffith Enterprises (with electronic enclosure) Tod Dalehite, Pratt Industries (with electronic enclosure) Slusser, Thomas From: Slusser. Thomas Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 10.18 AM To: 'Deatherage, Joe' Cc: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Addition of Wells for Permit W10400098 Attachments: FW : Injection Permit W 110400098 Greetings Joe, Thank you for notifying us about the additional wells for the subject permit. You are correct that the permit requires prior notification of any planned modifications of the originally permitted activity. Please accept this email as written approval of the proposed well additions_ As Mike advised, be sure to send us the well construction records when the wells are complete. You can just send them all at once in order to make everything clear and easy to keep track of. Please let us know if you need anything else, Thomas. mail carrosaarrdsrres to and frnn this a7dross ma{r Ps, satyrct to the Ncrta Carolina U11C records I aW 317C r7nav 6o &sclosad Al third gorges Unless tRe tartrsrrr axempt h)+ statute yr ether regUlatim From: Deatherage, Joe[mailto:Joe.Deatherage@amec.com3 Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 9:32 AM To: Slusser, Thomas Subject: Addition of Wells for Permit W10400098 Thomas, the referenced permit is for 80 injection wells (IWs) and 12 vent wells (VWs). Based on sampling of certain IWs during the initial installation process we feel we need to add 12 additional IWs and 2 additional VWs to the original planned footprint. These wells will be added adjacent to the east end of the original footprint and will serve to expand the footprint slightly to the east. I received an October 20, 2011 email from Michael Rogers where he stated that adjusting the number wells slightly does not merit notification. He said the number of wells in the application and depth and construction are proposed, and that submittal of GW-1 forms in the Final Project Evaluation will show the actual number, construction, and location of the Wells. Additionally, our cover letter in our permit application indicated that is we adjusted the number and/or location of wells we would provide that information in the Injection Event Report. Although notification is not required I still wanted to let you know what we are doing just so we have it on the record. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Thomas. Joe Deatherage Senior Engineer AM EC Environment & Infrastructure 9725 Cogbil Road, Knoxville. TIN 37932 Tel (8155) 588-8544 x1149 Direct (865 i 218.1049 toe. Deathe rage @ a mec. cam amec.corn The information contained in this a -mail is Intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential andfor privileged rntormatidn. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use. disclose. disseminate. copy or print its contents. If you receive this a -mail in error. please notify the sender by repiy a -mail and delele and destroy the rnessage. Slusser, Thomas From: Deatherage, Joe [Joe. Deatherage@amec.com] Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 3:09 PM To: Slusser, Thomas Subject: FW: Addition of Wells for Permit W10400098 Attachments: FW: Injection Permit WI10400098 From: Slusser, Thomas [mailto:thomas.slusser(c-pncden -.gov] Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 10:18 AM To: Deatherage, Joe Cc: Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Addition of Wells for Permit WI0400098 Greetings Joe, Thank you for notifying us about the additional wells for the subject permit. You are correct that the permit requires prior notification of any planned modifications of the originally permitted activity. Please accept this email as written approval of the proposed well additions. As Mike advised, be sure to send us the well construction records when the wells are complete. You can just send them all at once in order to make everything clear and easy to keep track of, Please let us know if you need anything else, Thomas. f-marl correspondence to ar+d from rhis address map he subject to the North third parties unless the content's exempt by statute ar ether regulation. From: Deatherage, Joe fmailto:Joe.Deatherage0amec.com] Sent: Friday, December 09, 2011 9:32 AM To: Slusser, Thomas Subject: Addition of Wells for Permit WJ0400098 Thomas, the referenced permit is for 80 injection wells (IWs) and 12 vent wells (VWs). Based on sampling of certain IWs during the initial installation process we feel we need to add 12 additional IWs and 2 additional VWs to the original planned footprint. These wells will be added adjacent to the east end of the Original footprint and will serve to expand the footprint slightly to the east. I received an October 20, 2011 email from Michael Rogers where he stated that adjusting the number wells slightly does not merit notification. He said the number of wells in the application and depth and construction are proposed, and that submittal of GW-1 forms in the Final Project Evaluation will show the actual number, construction, and location of the Wells. Additionally, our cover letter in our permit application indicated that is we adjusted the number and/or location of wells we would provide that information in the Injection Event Report. Although notification is not required i still wanted to let you know what we are doing just so we have it on the record. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Thomas. Joe Deatherage Senior Engineer AMEC Environment & Infrastructure 9725 Cogdill Road, Knoxville, TN 37932 Tef (865) 588-8544 x1149 Direct (865) 218-1049 t o e. D eath a rage foam ec.co m amee.com The Information contained in this e-mail is intended only For tha individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents !including any attachments; may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate. copy or print its contents. If you receive this e-mail in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the iridivOual or entity to whom it is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose. disseminate. cagy or print its contents. if you receive this a -mail in error, please notdy the sender by reply a -mail and delete and destroy the message. Slusser, Thomas From: Deatherage, Joe [Joe. Deatherage a@amec.com] Sent: Friday, December 09. 2011 9:41 AM To: Slusser, Thomas Subject: FW: Injection Permit W110400098 From: Deatherage, Jae Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 11:12 AM To: Ryan, Ricky Subject: FW: Injection Permit W110400098 From: Rogers, Michael[mailto:michael.rogers@nc_denr._gov] Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 10:15 AM To: Deatherage, Joe Subject: RE: Injection Permit WI10400098 Just adjusting the number Wells, slightly does not merit any notification. The number of wells in the application and depth and construction are proposed. Submittal of GW-1s in the Final Project Evaluation will show the actual number, construction, and location of the Wells. Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality- Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct tine {919j 715-6166, Fax 715-6048 (put to my attn on cover letter) htt :11 ❑rtal.ncdenr.or /web/w fa sf w rol ermit-a lications# eothermA s E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Deatherage, Joe [mailto:Joe.DeatherageCc amec.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 3:44 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Injection Permit WI10400098 Michael, Section V.2. of the referenced permit says the permittee must receive prior written approval from the Director prior to making any additions to the injection. Can you elaborate on this s❑ I understand what is involved, how long it takes, etc.? For example, if while installing our injection wells we feel we need to add more wells, is this something that can be done with a call/email from me to the DWQ and the DWQ give email approval within a few hours/days, or is it something more involved where we have to make a formal request and that request could take weeks for the DWQ to respond? I just want to have an idea what is involved beforehand. Thanks Michael, Joe Deatherage Senior Engineer AIVIEC Environment & Infrastructure 9725 Cogdill Road, Knoxville, TN 37932 Tel(865)588.8544 x1149 Direct (865) 218-1049 Joe. Death era Re Pam ec.com amec.com The information contained in this e-mail is intended only for the individual of entity to whom It is addressed. Its contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. It you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate, copy or print its contents. It you receive this e-mail in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. The infoanation contained in this a -mail is intended only for the individual of entity to whom It is addressed. Its contents (Including any attachments) may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose, disseminate. copy or print its contents If you receive this a -mail in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Wednesday, October 12. 2011 5:16 PM To: 'Deatherage, Joe' Cc: Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Injection Permit W10400098 Joe - Based upon the information provided on the construction of the injection wells, and the steps taken to secure and seal the wells, I concur that this is a reasonable alternative to the permit condition requiring a locking cap. Regards Michael Rogers. P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality- Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-6048 (put to my attn on cover letter) htti):llaortal. ncdenr.orcalweblwalaosfoworoloermit-aoolications#aeothermAoos E-mail correspandence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: Deatherage, Joe imailto:Joe.Deatherage5amec.coml Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 5:08 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Injection Permit WI0400098 Mike, as we discussed a few minutes ago, our injection permit states that "Each injection well shall be reasonably secured against unauthorized access and use ....... and the entrance to each well must be secured with a locking cap." The injection wells are constructed of specialty pipe, 1.25" diameter Schedule 80 CPVC. Any locking caps would have to be custom made, and the cost for 80 is almost $1,000. In my opinion, even without locking caps the wells will still be reasonably secured for the following reasons: ■ All wells will be flush -mount with a baited manhole lid to prevent access to the casing • The well casings will be capped to prevent rainwater from entering if the manhole takes on water • The wells will be located at a site with a locked fence, and therefore no unauthorized people can access the site Based on the above well security items, you indicated to me that we do not need locking caps for these wells. Thanks, Joe Deatherage Senior Engineer AMEC Environment & Intrastructure 9725 Coadlll Roan, Knoxville, TN 37932 TeI 16651588-8544 x1149 U4 rc-cl i 8651 216.1049 Joe.Deatherape@amec.com amec.com The information contained in this a -mail is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. Iis contents (including any attachments) may contain confidential andlor privileged information. If you are not an intended recipient you must not use, disclose. disseminate, copy or print its contents. If you receive this a -mail in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete and destroy the message. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water ouality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director August 22, 2011 Mr. John Conant Flakt Products, Inc. 2000 Day Hill Road, CEP 880-1911 Windsor, CT 06095 Subject: Completion of 51 Injection Well Permit W100400099 Former Flakt Products Site Forsyth County, NC Dear Mr. Conant: Dee Freeman Secretary On June 29, 2010, the Aquifer Protection Section received your Final Project Evaluation for injection activities conducted under your permit referenced above. This report completes the monitoring and compliance reporting requirements of your permit. Staff from the Winston-Salem Regional Office confirmed that there are no outstanding reporting, compliance, or enforcement issues associated with your permit. Any other compliance monitoring or reporting requirements of any other regulatory programs shall continue as needed. If you wish to conduct future injection operations you must first apply for and receive a new injection well permit, Operating an injection well without a valid permit could result in a civil penalty of up to $25,000 per day, Please contact David Goodrich at (919) 715-6162 or david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov or Debra Watts at 919-715-6699 if you have any questions. Best Regards, David Goodrich Hydrogeologist cc: Sherri Knight — Winston-Salem Regional Office Ricky A. Ryan. PE, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting. Inc.. 9725 Cogdill Road. Knoxville, TN 37932 Kim Caulk. DWM Superfund Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1645 W I0400098 Permit File AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION' 1636 Mail yen me Center. Raley n, Norm Carolina 27899-1636 Locavon 2728 Capital Boulevard. Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 One Phone: 919-733.3221 ; FAX 1 919•71R588. FAX 2. 915.715-60Q i Customer Service: 1-677-62M748 Forth Carolina IrStemet: www_ngntemua*.orq An E04im QDo0n par -A" auve Rcborr nmplaye- i4 `L - Q=2 A�� NCDEN R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director April 26, 2011 Flakt Pyoduets, Inc. c/o John -Conant, Dir., Nuclear Engr, & Compliance 5 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095 Ref: Correction to Injection Permit W10400098 issued April 8, 2011 Farmer Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Conant: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with a pF.7nZit correction request received April 25, 2011, we are Forwarding herewith the corrected Permit No. Vv ]WO098, dated April 26, 2011. This permit is to inject catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (Fenton's Reagent) (Geo-Clense) to remediate groundwater contaminated with cblorinated solvents at trc facility referenced above. Note that the corrected expiration date is March 31, 2016,.and that samples from the additional wells RW-6 and RW-14 will be analyzed for VOC9 as established for the Baseline and Performance sampling, The permit shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a Final project evaluation as stated in PART V11— MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. The corrected pages are enclosed with this letter, You will need to notify this office by telephone 48 hours prior to initiation of operation of the facility. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility far the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration elate. Please contact me at (919)715-6168 or at john.ntcei-ay u@ncdenr.gov if you have any questions about your permit. Best Regards, Joan R. Mccray 'Environmental Specialist ec: Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office Mr. Ricky Ryan, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Kim Caulk, DWM — 5uperfund Section WI0400098 Permit File ACKAFEii PROTECTION UCTM 16M Mall 5ervke Center, itA0, North G=Ilno 27699.163G Wcalim 7723 capital Owleraid, Ra4h. No& Card na 77604 Ile Phone.919.7W221 l FAX 1: 9t9.715.0588; FAX 2:914.715�181 Custom Swine: l$77-623-$748 NoOiLl Cc`1ro n a Intarr�et wwvr,ncwaDemua�tr.am AtEquad 0Mxwuni y s. Af,rmah4 Wmi, EmpbyB: �Il�"af� 4 NCDENR North Caroilna Department of Environment and Natural Resources L.lvision of Water Quality Beverly E-aves Perdue Coleen H Gullins %30vemor Director April 8. 2011 Flakt Products. Inc. _ Go John Conant. Dir.. ]nuclear Eng. & Compliance 5 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095 Ref: Renewal wl Modification of Injection Permit W10400098 Former Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, Dear Mx. Conant: Gee rreelnan 5ecretan, In accordance with the application received on October 21, 2010 and additional information received January 31, 2011. we are forwarding permit number W10400098. This permit is to inject catalyzed hvdrogen peroxide (Fenton's Reagent) (Geo-Clense) to remediate groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents at the facility referenced above, This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 2013. and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a final project evaluation as stated in PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Please read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. You will need to notify this office by telephone 48 hours prior to initiation of operation of the facility. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. Please contact me at (919)715-6168 or at john.mccrayCancdenr.gov if you have any Questions about your permit. Best Regards, John R. McCray Environmental Specialist cc: Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office Mr. Ricky Ryan. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting Kim Caulk. DWM — Superfund Section W10400099 Permit File k.JUI FR 1_7IrON SF71M. pK, Mai, serYICF r ante., Ralf-13I, N Ur"I E3- Loca110 2728 .' iwta1 Bou eva'_ RWelat; NOrr .1rQ1Irtr,173ruF- L n-, 'none ?19•T33 3221 , °5c 115-053 . =4I ` ?Tt-'I5 �[IE"c UNDID, Er :,m'v!, r ?w- �rl.hC:x1-c tiiinu 1rt�rne� www.naNafercuahN.ory - ' i1Lltwrallri Mccray, John Front: Deatherage, Joe [KJDeatherage@mactec.com] Sent: Tuesday. April 05, 2011 3:06 PM To: Mccray. John Subject: RE: Former Flakt Products Site John, just to reiterate from our discussion earlier, we do not fee) the "SP" prefix wells are suitable wells for sampling wells. These were put it years ago by our predecessor, and historically have been used for water level gauging only, not for sampling, Joe Deatherage- z.E Senior Engineer MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (865) 218-1049 From: Mccray, John mai{to: ohn.mccra taancdenr. ov Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 1,40 PM To: Deatherage, Joe Subject: Former Flakt Products Site Mr, Deatherage, I am finishing permit W10400098 for the renewal wl modification application for the former Flakt Products Site and need to know if the Recovery Wells will be in operation during the injection events? Best Regard, John McCray AMACTEC-1 engineering and constructing a better tomorrow January 25, 2011 Mr. John McCray, Environmental Specialist Aquifer Protection Section DENR - Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Subicet: DENR Additional Information Request - Application for Renewal of Injection Well Permit No. W10400098 with Modification Former Flakt Products Site 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina MACTEC Project No. 303052007-17 Dear Mr. MGCray: an behalf of Flakt Products, Inc., MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is submitting this letter to provide the additional information requested in your January 18, 2011 letter to Mr. Ricky A. Ryan with MACTEC regarding the above -referenced injection application. The Site has a groundwater extraction and treatment system (System) that includes a row of seven recovery wells located near the southern property boundary of the Site, including near the downgradient edge of the proposed injection area. Four of the seven recovery wells are shown on Figure 2A of the subject permit application (i.e., RW-2, RW-6, RW-10, and RW-14). The recovery wells reduce contaminant mass in groundwater by extraction, as well as, serve to contain the groundwater contaminant plume on the Site. Prior to operation of the System, contaminants were observed in four downgradient monitoring wells on an adjacent railroad property to the south; however, since operation of the System the level of contamination in these wells has naturally attenuated, and are now at non -detectable levels. This demonstrates that the contaminant plume has been contained by the recovery wells. The off -site monitoring wells will continue to be monitored as part of the site -wide annual groundwater monitoring program. As shown in Figure 2A, the proposed injection well layout is designed to treat the groundwater in the vicinity of RW-14 and RW-10. Therefore we anticipate that the leading downgradient edge of the groundwater plume will receive treatment. Additionally, to minimize the potential for contaminants to migrate further downgradient during the injection, the injection will start in the southern -mast injection wells to create an oxidative environment along the downgradient plume edge. After the downgradient edge is initially treated, the injection will proceed upgradient to other areas in the treatment zone. The downgradient edge will receive several additional treatments during the entire injection process. As shown in the table in Section 4.0 of Appendix F of the injection application, seven monitoring wells within the proposed injection area (MW-112, MW-129, MW-132S, MW-132D, MW-I34S, �-. r. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc, L -- , •.; 9725 Cogdil4 Pood. Knoxville. IN 37932 ■ Phone: 865.588,8544 • Fox. 865.588.8026 - n JAN � ���`""' mactec.com flo­P..hn n Mr. John McCray January 25, 2011 Page 2 MW-134D, and MW-135) plus two additional monitoring wells located near the projected northern treatment boundary (MW-133S and MW-133D) will be monitored during the injection. Additionally, select injection and vent wells will also be used to monitor groundwater and/or off - gases during the injection process. This monitoring will be used to optimize the injection process to ensure effective treatment. Please note one editorial change to the table in Appendix F, as select injection wells will be monitored during the injection process for the List B parameters shown in the table. Should you have any additional questions please let me know. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting. Inc. , 1.I eAi� K. ioe ❑eatherage Senior Environmental Engineer (IU361 Melody Christopher, ABB (electronic) Nelson Walter, MACTEC (electronic) r Ricky A. Ryan, P.E. Senior Principal Project Manager RCEIVED I DENR I UAU Aauifr- r'-1--+'--,f', crrtiun JAN 1 2011 ;-a NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Division of Wafer Quality Beveriy Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Governor D: mctcr J anuary 18.2a 11 ltick\ ,,, f;�a+t. t, f'rrnttpal f'r.�itc* �iastager V AC 7 F-.s 1-Irt inr r Irr:� at�rt l_ eus,ult:+I 4 7 _'I Ct7i_-dIIl 11,[1a<< - kno%%,i lz. TN 374.12 Ref: Additional Information Request Injection Well Permit Application No. WI0400098 Flats PTCr Ju_Iti. 14)L Forsyth County Dear Mr. Ryan: Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretan, The Aquifer Protection Section is currently reviewing the above referenced Permit Application received t )c.wbct " 1. -'o I (I and has determined that further information is required before we can complete the review of the permit renewal with modification. We have determined that no down -gradient monitoring is planned for the proposed injection. A lack of down -gradient monitoring wells in the vicinity of the proposed injection appears to prevent detection and prevention of contamination migration. Provide information regarding anticipated down - gradient migration of contaminants as a result of the proposed injection and how any possible migration will be detected within the course of the permit. Submit the requested information no later than February 18, 2011 to: NCDENR Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact me at (919) 715-6168 or email me at ioltn.mccrayLamctnail.net. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and timely response. Sincerely. John Mc ay Environmental Specialist Cc_ K. Joe Deatherage. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, John Conant. Dir.. Nuclear Engineering and Compliance. Flakt Products. Inc. Shuying Wang. Winston-Salem Regional office Permit File W10400099 AOUIFLR PRXECTION SECTiON 1635 M0 Selme Lerner, Raleq+r Norm uafolirla ;7fl� r•iE 1 Location. 2728 Caoital Bouleuar:. kaleryt+. Norih Cardina 278N ❑liv PnOne.09-73:-3F.1 %FAX 1 9147115-v51MR FA); '_L919-715Z7A8'.Cu510rnvserviv.. 4-877-623-6'4s hITCf�rthCai-of na Inteme, www,ncwaterauaiity om r�' �tmra r x:ua '0C7�i.nili fhrsrS3tr.. L— c+rrrm. ` ■ ;- L-A AZ= NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves, Perdue Coleen H Sulims Goverw Director October 28. 2010 Mr. John Conant Director. Nuclear Engineering & Compliance Flakt Products, Inc. 5 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095 Subject: .Acknowledgement of Application No. W 1040009N Former Haka Products Site Injection in situ Groundwater Remediatinn Well 1511 Forsyth Dear M r_ Conant: Dee Freeman Secretare The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on October 21. 2010, This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by John McCray. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efftcieney in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Di6sion-s Regional Office, copied below. must prrwidc recommen dation• prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as ]ong as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, pierce contact John McC.rav at 919-715-6168, or via e-mail at john.mccray-ivnedenngov. If the reviewer is unavailable. you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly, Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational than, go to httn:/ih2o.enr.state.nc.us/documenm'dwu orechart.ndf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincd;teiy_ � � for Debra k : �ts Supervisor cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office_ Aquifer Protection Section Kc Joe Deatherage, Senior Environmental Engineer (MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, inc- 9725 Cogdill Rd.. Knoxville, TN 37932) Mr. Fred Godley (P.O. Box 1140. Cornelius. NC 28031) Permit Application File W10400098 AQUIFER. PROTEZ7[ON &EC} ON IBM Will sewcp venter. iialmi: worm Aroma 2769L-153C L"virr 2728 "oiial Boulsvaro. Palargh North Ca ralina 276D4 Pnone. FAY 1 9i-'15�?58E; *F�, 915-r".5 tiD4E Gusrome 5eryrre 1- �?'s 7` IntemBT wwbr_ncnra�ero"a-o!U - m14 nm7rrane Anrrmsuv:� A-,Tnf "rmatove- One NorthCLirolin: .vA. LZtlll''al4ll 0MACTLU' engineering and constructing a better tomorrow October 18, 2010 Mr. Thomas Slusser NC DENR Division of Water Quality Underground Injection Control Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Subject: Renewal of Existing Injection Permit 4WI0400098 with Modification Former Flakt Products Site 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina MACTEC Project No. 3031052007-12 Dear Mr. Slusser; On behalf of Maki Products, Inc., MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is subnutting two copies of the enclosed Appliealion for Permit to Construct andlor Use a Mell(s) for L#ection for the former FIakt Product Site in Winston-Salem, North Carolina (Site). This permit renewal with modification is to install 80 additional injection wells at the Site. These wells will be used to inject components of catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (CHP) (hydrogen peroxide, ferrous sulfate, and phosphoric and/or sulfuric acid) into the Site groundwater to expedite the remediation of chlorinated solvent compounds and 1,4-dioxane. MACTEC notes that the injection fluids detailed in this permit renewal with modification were previously approved by the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services for the initial CHP application at the Site in 2009 (injection permit #W10400098). MACTEC also notes that the number of injection wells proposed in this application is based on current Site data, and that the actual number and location of injection wells may be adjusted after collecting additional data during the injection well installations. Any deviations to this application will be detailed in the injection event report. Considering that this permit application proposes up to three separate injection events, MACTEC respectfully requests that the permit be issued for a period of five years, which you previously indicated to us is the maximum permit period allowed. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Raar axville, TN 37932 ■ Phone: 865,588.8544 . Fox 865.588.8026 www.muctec.com lYrrru.! n�rh 1n�ai�nw� �rr.r/h h.•��auiM. /Yrx l7rrr.. A, rn or Mr. Thomas Slusser October 18, 2010 Page 2 Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Deatherage at 865- 218-1049. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc K. J e Deatherage Senior Environmental Engineer 141 Ricky A. Ryan, F.E. Senior Principal Project Manager lloa81 c: John Conant, ABB (w/enclosure { electronic and hard copy ) Nelson Walter, ABB (w/enclosure {electronic)} Fred Godley, Site owner Enclosure: Application for Permit to Construct and/or Use a Well(s) for Injection aMACTEC engineering and constructing a better tomorrow June 11, 2010 Thomas Slusser NCDENR Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27669 Subject: Change of Address for ASS, Inc. Former Flakt Products Site, Injection Permit #WI0400098 MACTEC Project 3031052007 Dear Mr. Slusser: This is to update you on our client's new address, ABB, Inc. has moved to the following address: ABB, Inc. 5 Waterside Crossing Windsor, CT 06095 Please update your information. If there are any questions/concerns, please contact the undersigned at 865-218-1983 or RARyan@mactec.com. mactec.com. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineer' and Consulting, Inc. Ri/ky A. yan Senior Principal Project Manager RAR/nzly ;� ; I MACTEC Engineering and consulting, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Rood, Knoxville, TN 37932 • Phone: 865.588,8544 • Fax: 865.588.8026 RECEIVED 1 DENR I OM Aquifer Protection Section JUN 10 2010 www.mactec.com 7�L Ws� i+ax,.•� 0MACT__L_.0 engineering and constructing a better tomorrow November I8, 2009 DENR - Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Attn: UIC Program Subject: Injection Event Record for Injection Permit W10400098 Former Flakt Products Site 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina MACTEC Project No. 3031-05-2007-10 To Whom it May Concern: On behalf of Flakt Products, Inc., MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. is submitting an Injection Event Record for Injection Permit W10400098. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Deatherage at 865-218-1049. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 0" K. Joe Deatherage Lky A. Ryan Senior Environmental Engineer Senior Principal Project Manager [962) c: Melody Christopher, ABB (wlenclosure [electronic]) Nelson Walter, MACTEC (wlenclosure [electronic]) Enclosure: Injection Event Record RECEIVED I DENR 1 DVVQ Aqulb7r Prn!emien Seaton NOV 2 0 2009 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc, 9725 Cogdill Row 0 �,r,oxvdle TN 37932 ■ 'hone 865.588.8544 • Fax: 865,588.8026 www.mach-c.corn INJECTION EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Division of Water Quality Permit Number W10400098 1. Permit Information _Fiakt Products, Inc. Penmittee Former Flak# Products Site Facility Name — - 2000 Lowery Street, Winston-Salem, NC Facility Address 2. Injection Contractor Information MACTEC Enaineerinn and Consultine. Inc. Injection Contractor 1 Company Name Street Address 9725 Cogdill Rd Knoxville TN 37932 City State Zip Code (865) 588-8544 Area code — Phone number 3. Well Information Number of wells used for injection 9 Well names_SIW-1. SIW-2 SIW-3, SIW-4, DIW- 113, DLIW-1S. DLIW-1D. DLIW-2S, DLIW-2D Were any new wells installed during this injection event? ® Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells 0 Number of Injection Wells_ 9 Type of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored ® Drilled ❑ Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ Other {specify} Please include two copies of form GW-1 b, for each well installed. Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells Please include two copies of the GW-30 for each well abandoned. 4. Injectant Information catalyzed hydrogen peroxide FentoWs Reagent) Injectant Type Concentration 8.6°fe averaee If the Injectant is diluted please indicate the source dilution fluid. Potable water from fire hydrant Total Volume Injected 17 327 lions Volume Injected per well SIW-1 (2,010 gal), SIW- 2 (2,189 gal). SIW-3 (1,852 gal). SIW-4 (2,142 gal), DIW-I B (517 gal), DLIW-15 (1,986 gal), DLIW-1 D (2,697 gal), DLIW-2S (2,050 gal), DLIW-2D_(1,884_ gal 5. Injection History Injection date(s)—October 14-23, 2009 Injection number (e.g. 3 of5) I of I Is this the last injection at this site? ® Yes ❑ No I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECTION WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE STA?�)ARDS LSD OUT IN THE PERMIT. Ooq S]Gt4AfUkE OF INJECTION CONTRACTOR ' DATE P PRINT NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING TILE INJECTION Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of injection. Fv r�f�llC-IER Attn: UIC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-I636, Phone No. 919-733-3221 Aqut ` Rev. 07109 NOV 2 0 2M lfih _ NON ON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carohna Depanrnelii of Finvironmrnt wtd Natural fi(--se)unxs• Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3576 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Stefan Smith WON Contractor (Indsvrdual) Name SAEBACCO Inc Wen Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 9689 Northfield Drive Fo±-G Mill SC 29707 City or Torn State Pip Code 7U{ 4 ]. 622-G920 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION; SITE WELL ID *0 applicaWej S Iw- 3 STATE WELL PERMff*(gappliertxel DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applfeable) W10400099 WELL USE (Check Applicable Bout) Monitoring ❑ MunnpaVPublic LI MoustriaVCommerC4 0 Agricultural 1 Reco►ery I*ction ,[j lrngalion❑ Other ❑ (Fist use) DATE DRILLED 7-23-119 TIMECOMPLETED li: oo AM M PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: WINSTON-SALEM COUNTY FC!LSYTH 2000 L.OWERY STREET (Street Name. Numbers. Community, Subdivision, Lot Np., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: Slope a Valley KI Flel ❑Ridge ❑ Other (Check owwriale box) LATITUDE 36 .09176 May be in &EF=. minoles, seuonds or LONGITUDE 00. 21307 ill a decimal formal Laliludellongitude source; mGPS DTopographic map flotation o1 weft must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to This form if nor using GPS) 4. FACILITY. is she name of""eneis where the well is rotated FACILITY ID *(if appkcatalej NAME OF FACILITY F'OgmEg Pi,,jta_FRCI�yCTS STREET ADDRESS 2000 LOWwRY STREET WINSTON-SALEM NC. City or Town Stale Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MACTEC MAIUNG ADDRESS 9725 Cegdill Road Kt:OXVILLE TN. 3?932 City or Town State Zip Cade { 865 - 599-8544 Area node - Phone number 5_ WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 60FT lb. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES© NO XJ c. WATER LEVEL Beiow Top of Casing: 50 FT. (Use -*- it Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS a FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing Ter rmnated a /vr below tend sLulace may require a vananoe m accordance with I SA NCAC 2C .D718. n. YIELD (9pan): METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): From To— From To From To From To From Tv From To a, CASING: Tlhickra U Depth Diameter Weight Material From o To 55FT Ft. 314 IN Scs 90 PVC From To Ft. From To 0 Ft. 7. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To 52 F T Fl, POP7LAND TRIMI From To Ft. F rpm To Ft, IL SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slut Size Material From 55FT To Gt)FT Ft.3 4 An. oxn in. PVC From To Ft. in. M. From Tq Ft. in, in, 9. SANDIr3RAVEL PACK: Depth Size Mawal From 54r T To 60FT Ft TRIM 30165 SILICA From To Ft. From To Ft. 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0 60FT TAN SILTY SAND 11. REMARKS: i Do H£RE9Y CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED iN ACCORDANCE WrrH 1 SA NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDAR D5, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS R ECOrWi HA 5 9F E N PROMDE 1) TD THE WELL OWNER x+'C 7-27-09 IGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE Stefan Smith PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Suhnllt the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt- --NED J DENR Fnm, GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center —Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 ext 668. brAuift,f PirAp(Ilop ( Rev. Troy NOV 10 2009 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Numh Carolina Dgwtsfmmt of Fnvilrwn rk and Natastl'P xs- Division of Water Quality 11'ELL CONTRACTOR CER- THICATION # 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Miller Wail ConVaclor (Indlvirtuaq Name SAROACCO Ino Well COnftctor Company Name STREETADDRESS 9000 MARKSWOOD RD. CF:AP-=rE NC. 28278 City or Town Slate Zip Code �). (704) 534-4589 Arse Code- Phone rAoMer 2. WELL INFORMATION: SrTE WELL ID *(if applicahie) S I W - 2 STATE WELL PERMITi(11"o a0le} DWQ or OTHER PERM171".*(Rapplrsbke) w1040o09s WELL USE (Check AppkXble W Monttarigg :7 MuniciaellPub1ic ❑ InduatrieilCorrl wc4al E) Agricultural G Recovery ❑ )*dji3n g] InigationE) Other p (list use) DATE DR11 LED 7- 2 3 0 9 TINfE COMPLETED. 3 ! oo 3. WELL LOCATIOW CITY: WINSTON-SALEM 2000 LOWERY STREET AM D PM O COUNTY FORSYTH [Strew Name, Number;, 0&nrinuMy, SubdwiWon, Lot N4-. Parrak, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC / LANE) SETTING`. CIS" DVefty, g)Fkat L7Rldge o Older (Cho* at wmpdalp b*. LATMUDE 36. 09179 Mk. -be ink.. TIhIrNt�{.-i� LONGITUDE a 0.212 95 iri a 3ii�insl' lAtillsdeJlnngittlde source: wGP8 ❑Topographic Asap (bontion of wh91 must b6 drown 4n a JJS 3S kllio into and affmk~ W Mis brm it not using GPS) 4. FACILITY- i e, aw nerve * am bLwr a whsa hhe wii is wrawa. FACILITY ID *(if appGrihie} NAME OF FACILITY ynpeR FLAxT PRanacrS STREET AOORESS 2000 LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALEN NC. City or Town Stale T1p Code CONTACT PERSON MACTEC MAILING ADDRESS 9725 C ill Road KNOXVILLE TN. 37g3: CNy, or Town State Zip Code [ 865- 580-B544 Area coda - Phons number a. TOTAL DEPTH. E o FT la. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO Ej c. WATER LEVEL fWow Top of Casing: 50 FT (Else '+- X Above Top of Casing) & TOP OF CASING iS o FT. Above Land Surfam* "Top of casing terminated atlor below land surface may requhe a variance in accordance with T SA NCAC 2C .011 S. P. YIELD (gpm)- METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): Fn)rn To F"NL— TO From To From To From To Frain Tc S, CA!lJiil[i: Thk;krmsl Depth nlam w wao* material From 0 Tk S5ET Ft 314 IN SCH 8o PVC From T4. Ft From . T- a . Ft 7. GROLIC: DOW matrxial methm Froq 0 TDS2Lr Ft PCRTLAM TRIMI From To FL. From To S. SCREEN. 0" Dia(lwlw'., :5i0L -No IYLe61r4sI From 5 5FT To u s^r KaU—jk. , Dio In, _M Fr* To FV---jM il From Td R ih. -in, t SANDAMVEL PACK: Depth Size AAateriel From 54F"-L To- 60F; Ft, TRIMI 30165 SILICA From To Ft. From To Ft. 10. DRILUNG LOG From To Formation DeSCription 0 6fFT- - 11. REMARKS; 2FT OF 30/65 SILICA SAXM FROM 52FT T054FT I DO.HEREOrCERnFYTmTTm WELLWAS ODWTRLICTEO iH hr-. DRCE WTnH 93A-NCa6 2C; WELLCOHBTRt1CTION S7V0M05. At O. THAT A COPY OF THIS R,MK4,k8 SUN PROVIDED nD THE WELL OWNIM 7-22-e9 S*NATURE >=Ri1—FIE R Wf.1 L CONTRACT OR []ATE ROBERT L. MILLER PFtINTER NAME OF PERSON. CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Duality within 30 days..-Attit: Information Mgt., 1617 Mail Service Center- RaWgh, NC 27SWIS17 Phone Rio. [Mi T33-TOIG ext ift REGENED + Ati11ifA, ►Pmfr--ry. ir, lr�r, Form GW-1b Rev. 7105 NoN RESIDENTUL WELT, CONSTRUCTION P. ECO§tD Nonh Carolina Deimunnt ofEnyknia nabs and Naitural ftnureds-lDiriiiiO of Wasa-Qumby WELL CUNTRACMR CERY1FICAT[ON # 2675 I. WELL CONTRACTOR. - Robert miller Well Contractor (Indiv6dual) Name SAEDACCO Inc. Well COMWM Company Name STREET ADDRESS 9000 MARKSWC>OD 8D. C?-i' OTTE NC. 28278 City or Town SUN Zip Cade [ )-(704) 634-4589 Arft 00d1~ Phone rum+ber 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID Ot f applicable) SIN-3 STATE WELL PERMITM(11applimW-s) DWQ cc OTHER PERMIT *(if aMcabie), W1 Q40009a WELL USE (ChecK Applicebls Bea[) Morlltwing O MunicipaltPublic C IndustnaVComrne dW ❑ Agricul ;rd 0 Recovery ❑ Injection ;7 Iniyatlon© father ❑ (list um) DATE DRILLE13 7-22-09 TIME COMPLETED 4 :Do AM ❑ PM CLI 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY; WINSTON-SALEM CQtJtlj'jY FDRSYTH 2000 LOWERY STREET (Street N.ma, NUrneera. Carnmunety, SuWrAslurn, Lae No., Parcel, Zip Coda) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: ❑ Siope ❑ Vsky V Fbt Q Ridge LI Other Schack +pPop+ima ": LATITUDE 16.09183 mitrtaes wDwds or. LONGITUDE 80.21297 idrdatimpltarutai I_.atitudt~Ilongkudesource wGP5 OToptigmOic map (bCatw of walmuM be &Khvn on a USGS lopo mW and attached to ttys Arm Ynot using GPS) 4. FACILITY. is the rants or ttr buslnm wNrra the waii 4I0cmee. FACILITY IDf(idWk*ble) NAME OF FACILITY STREE'{ ADORES,, 2000 LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALEM NC. City or Town state Tip Code CONTACT PERSON MACTEC MAILINGADDRESS 9725 Copdill Road KNOXVILLE � TN. 37932 City or Town State Zip Coda 965-588-a544 Area code - Phone number 5. WELL MAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: en: T b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES E3 NO El C- WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 50 FT. (Llse't' if Above Top of Casft) d. TOP OF CASING IS o FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of cw g ti rftmded at'Or below land surface may require a variance in ac=dance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. a. YIELD (ppm) METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 9. WATER ZONES (depth): From To From To From Tp From To From To from To 1I. t A$0* ThickrieeV Depth 018meW Weight Material Fmm 0 To 55FT Ft. 3/4 IN SCH fl0 PVC Fmm Tc Ft FMM To a Ft. FMM 0 To 52FI' Ft. BORTLAND TRIMI From TA Ft.' :from Te . Ft; $CR E* Depth ❑imm*Ar Slot SEze Material Fmm551?T Ta_Uj Ft3!a jn. .0_0 in. D�­ Fruit! Ta FL ln, in. From To Ft_ in. in. e. SANDIGRAYEL PACK: ❑eplh size Malarial Frarj 54>:'T To fiOFT Ft_ TRLMI 30/65 SILICA Frost Ta Ft. From To Ft_ Ia. !]KILLING LOG From To 0 60FT Formation Desc►ption ;W SILTY R"n Tf. REMARKS; 2FT OF 30/65 SILICA SAND FROM 52FT T05417T 1 DO.WREBY CERTIFY THAT.TF4S WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN.ACCORDANCE WIN 19ANLAG 2C, WELL COMMUCTCH STANDARDS, AND THATA 0017Y OF THFS KAS BEEN PROVIDE 0 TO THE WELL' DW NM 7-22-09 S1GHA'TURE DF kfiTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE ROIiERT L. MILLZR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Ann: Intofrnatlon Mgt-, Form GW-1b 1817 Mall Service Center — RaMgh, NC 21099-1$17 Phony No. (919j T33-7015 axt 5$8. Rm. 7A)5 _ VED) DENR ! L . Aglllffxr mrrrrfirl cFr;ljcln 7Art NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nmh Carolina Depannlenl of Env ironmcnt and Natural Resoumes- Division of Waicr Qualit} WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Miller Wall Contractor (Individual) Name SARDACCO Inc Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 9000 MARKSWOOC RD- CHARLOTTE Nc. 28279 City or Town State zip Code { } (704) 634-4589 Area Dodo- Phone nu►r1beF 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID #{if apptFcaGle) S1W-4 STATE WELL PERMIT#(dappiicabie) DWQ or OTHER PERMrr #(if swRcabie)Yi1o4 Da098 WELL USE (Check Applicable Oak) Mor4toMq 0 M:mir..ipallFutft:] IndustrWCommercial D Agncultural ❑ Recovery L. Injection K! IrrigatianE) ❑thdr [] (list use) DATE DRILLED 7-21-09 TIME COMPLETED 5.00 AAA ❑ PM E 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: WINSTON-SALEM COUNTY FORSYTH 2GOD LOWaRY STREET (Skew Name, Numbers, Community. Subdmskm, tot No. Psrcal. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: [3SIope ❑valley glrket DRtdge [3 Olher (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 36 . 09176 May be in degree, mimics. wwrid3 or LONGITUDE 80.21268 in a dec i ma I I;Dr=l Latiludeylongiludesource: mCPS GTopographicmap (bcatw of wa# must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to rw form Or nor using GP8) 4. FACILITY• In the hams M ne Enn nm* where Iris wd[ is Iomled. FACILITY ID #(tf applicable) NAME OF FACILITY ROPME2 F AKT PRODUCTS STREET ADDRESS 2000 LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALE'M NC. City Or Town state Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MACr3C MAILING ADDRESS 9725 Cagdill Road KNOXVILLE � TN. _.._ 37932 City or Tawm State Zip Cede [ BfiS - 588-9544 Area code - Phone number 5. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL XPTH: 6 n, r b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES EI NOg) c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of easing: 50 FT. (Use "+• if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING Is c FT- Above Land Surface' 'Tap of casing terminated aVor betvw Land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NC AC 2C .011a. a. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST t. D5INFECTION: Typo Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): From To From To Earn To From To From To From To C CASING: Thickness! Depth Diameter W eOt Material From 0 To 55FT FL 3/4 IN SCH B❑ PVC From To Ft. Frorn TOO Ft. 7. GROUT: Depth Material Method Frtm 0 T652FT Ft. PORTL.AND TRIMI From To Ft. From To Ft. 8, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Scot Size Material From 5sFT Tb60eT Ft.3 /4 Iin - • plp_ in, Pvc From To Ft- in, in. From T❑ Ft. In. in. g. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 54^r To 60FT Ft. TRIMI 30/65 SILICA From Ta Ft. From To FL 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation DescriloWn 0 60P7 TAN SILTY SARI] 11. REMIARKS- 2F'r OP 30/65 SILICA SAND FROM 52FT T054FT I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THEE WEU WA CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDARCE WITH 13A NG4C 2C, WELL CONSTWY-TION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HA5 eEEN PRW DEG TD THE W£LL OWNER - 7-22-09 SIGNA rURE OF CL TIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR HATE ROBERT L, MIL PR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Oiv,ision of Water Quality within 30 days. Attu: lnformatJon Mgt, 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 276994617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 668- - -:iVED I DEER I M Form GW-1b Rev. 71D5 NONRESIDENTIAL ON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSFRUCTION RECORD Nurtli Carolina DcpertmL'nt of Envhwineru and Natural.ResouTms- Divisive of Water (duality WELL. CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2675 1. WFLL COINTRACTOR: Robert miller Well Contactor (IndhAdual) Nerve SAEDACCO Inc - Well Corrtr'actor Company Name STREETADDRESS 9000 MARHSWaOD RI). CHARLOTTE NC, 28278 City or Town Slate Zip Code (704) 634-4599 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID*(i(appliCatAe) DLIW-2D DLIW-2S STATE WELL PERMITO(w aWic s) DWO Of OTHER PERIN[T *(tf 9pp4cab4e) w1040009s WELL USE (Check Applicable Bw) Monitoring L] Munici 11Public o IndustriaXornmercial i7 Agricuiltutal �] Rae--y 0 Injection ID IrrigeitkxiEl Other p (list use) DATE DRILLED 7-23-09 TIME COMPLETED 1_ : 00 AAA Z) PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: WINSTON-SALFM COUNTY FORSYTH 2000 LOWERY STREET (Street Name, Numbers, Gorrrmunity, SubdMz;c 1, Lot No , Parcet, Ztp Code) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: O Slop'e O Valley ® Flat O Rklga M tither (Check apprv0016 b04 LATITUDE 3 6 . C 9176 may 1x irr degrc�—, minums. Soanvil'x LONGITUDE 80.21304 in a dccift) ronmr LatirudrAongitude source: mGPS 0TePmgraphir ramp (kcadon of wed must be shmm an a USGS topo map and attschad to Mrs form if not using GPS) 4. FACtLfTY- is ev name of me eurdnerl: wttaillrerrrl Is ktol d. FACILITY ID *(if applicable} NAME OF FACILITY=oamp-P.-- STREET ADDRESS 200D LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALEM NC. City Or Town State Zip Cade CONTACT PERSON MACTEC MAILING ADDRESS 9725 Coqdill Road .UJOXVILLE TN. 3'?932 City or Term State Zip Code (,865 - 588-8544 Area code - Phan number E. WELL DETAILS: & TOTAL DEPTH: 7r= b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES L NO t'sl c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 5 0 FT. (Use "+- if Above Top of Caskro d. TOP OF CASING 13 o FT. Above Land Surface, 'Top of rasing terminated aVor below land surface "require a variance in a=ordanoswith 1SA NCAC 2C -0118- e. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST I. DISINFECTION- Typf Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): From To From To Ram To FrorT1 To From To From To 6, CASING: Thickness/ DOW Diameter Weight Material From ❑ To 65FT Ft_ 3/4 IN SCE, 80 PVC From 0 TO 55FT Ft 3/4 IN SCY- 8o PVC From T.o Ft, — I. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 TO53FT Ft. PORTLAND TRIMI From To Ft. Frartl To Ft, $ SCREEN: Depth Diarmw Slat size Material �Frome�EZ Toj2.E7 FULL 11n. „ . jjg_ ln. Pic From 55FT T06UFT Ft,3/4 I*; .010 )A, PVC rani To FL in: in. S. SAND IGRAVEL PACK: Depth Sire Material From 64FT To 7CFT Ft. TRIMI 30/65 SILICA FrOM 54FT TD 61)F c FL TRIMI 30/65 From Ta Ft. 10. DRILLING LOG From To 7 5 5 F'T 65FT 70FT •� e Fr Formations f]mription TAN_LLTY SAND PWR I I- REMARIt',s: FROM 6GFT TO 64FT SEAL PACK 30/65 FROM 52FT TO 54 I DO HERERY CERTIFY THAT TrOS WELL WAS 0011 STRUCTEDyN ACCORDANCE WITH SSA NCAC 2C. WELL CDNSTRLCnON STAHDAROS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. 7-22-09 SIGNATLIRE OF E-R-M 1ED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE ROBERT L_ MILLER PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water quality within 30 days, Attn: Information Mgt, -IVELJ LE: r Fd1ii4GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center- Raleigh, NC 27099.1017 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 ext 565. .�r Pt .+:'.' PAP70 NOV 2 0 2009 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 15 . North Carolina Llcparimcni of Fnvininment and Natural Re,,xmnxs- Division of 4Vcuer Qualily r WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2E75 �y 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Miller Well Contractor (Indila&wi) !Varna SAErjACCO I n c Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 9000 MARKSWOOD RD. CPARLOTTS NC, 28279 City or Town State Zip Code (�y (704) 634-45a9 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: 8rrE WELL ID *(ifappiiCsbley DL1W-In & ❑LSW-1S STATE WELL PERMITS(Iappllcable) DWf3 or OTHER PERMIT #(if appiicable) W10400090 WELL USE (Check Applicable Sox) Monitonng D Municipai/Pubtic G lndustruWCom(nercfal ❑ Agricultural 0 Recovery 0 Injection V1 Irrigalionn Ottw ❑ tJist use) DATE DRJLLED 7-22-09 TIME COMPLETED to . n0 AM g] PM G 3. WELL LOCAT*N: CITY: wINSTOt-SAiEP4 COUNTY i;'ORSYTH 2000 LOWERY STREET (Street Name. Numbers. Community, Subdm9ion, Lot No.. Parcei. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: L Slope ❑Valley 10FIM EjRidge ❑ Other (chow appropriate box) LATITUDE 36.09211 May he in &&rem, mimics, smows or LONGITUDE 30.21310 in dmirml format t2titudeflongitude source: CIGPS D')'opographic snap (location of you f must be shown on a USG S tcpo map and atfachad to this form d not using GPS) 4. FACILITY- is the rwno of ow buelneas where the wd1 is loagW. FACILITY ID *(R applicable) NAME OF FACILITYFogfqLR FLAIU pBDDuQ S_ STREET ADDRESS 2000 LOWERY STREET WINSTON-SALFIM NC, City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MACTEC MAILING ADDRESS 9725 C22dill Road KNOXVILLE TN. 37932 City or Town Stale Zip Code [ 865 }- 588-8544 Area code - Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a_ TOTAL DEPTH: ?OFT b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES e_7 NOV c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 50 FT. (Use "+- I Above Top o1 Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS o FT. A"A Lard Surface' 'Top of Casing tormnated odor below Tana surface may require a valance in accordance wilh T5A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): From To From To- From- To From To From To From To E_ CASING: Thickness/ Depth Diameter W algal Maternal From 0 TO 65FT Ft. 3/4 IN SC14 a PVC From 0 To 55F1' Ft. 3/4 IN SCH 90 PVC From TD 0 Ft. 7. GROUT: Depth Materiel "nod From 0 To 53 F"r Ft. PORTLAND TRIMI From To_ Ft. From To Ft. S. SCREED: Depth Diameter Slat Size Material From 65-n T470PT FL 4 I3n. . D10 in. PVC From55FT T060F"P Ft.3/4 I*h. 0-0 Jn. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 9. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size mateeiai From G4FT To 7GFC Ft TRIMI 30/65 SILZC4 From 54fT To SOFT Ft, TRIMI 30/65 From TO F1. 10. DRILLING LOG From Ta Formation Description 0 65FT TAN SILTY SUM 65FT 7oFT PWR 7GFr 11. REMARKS: FROM 64FT TO 64FT SEAL PACK 30/65FRDN 52PT TO 54 1 pO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL vuASCONSTRMTED W ACCORDANCE WrTH 1 SA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY Or THtS RECORD KA5 SEEN PROV1DCD TO THE WELL OWNER. 7-22-09 SIGMA"ruRL OF CLkTIFiED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE ROB"T L. MILLER PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Ouallty within 30 days. Attn: information Mgt, 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 ext 588. Fonn GW-1b Rev. 7105 Nnj 2 0 20 1 ■ONiIESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nmh Carolina Departakent of Envirrxtrnent and Natural Resources- Diwisim of Water Qua by WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2675 1. VVELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Miller Wee Contractor (Individual) Name SAEDACCO Inc Well C,ontiactor CompaW Name STREET ADDRESS 9000 KMMKOOD RD. CiARLOTTH NC. 28278 City or Torn StIft zip Cade ��_ (704) 634-4589 Area Code— Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID *pf wolcabre) DIvI-18 STATE WELL PERMITt(Kapplicable} OM or OTHER PERMIT Slif appkabla)rTlo400❑sa WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring 0 MwkipaVPublic la industrIN Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery Ci InIedion gl In igationp Other Ej (list use) DATEDRILLED 7-25--09 TIME COMPLETED 2 coo AM LQ PM m 3. WELL LOCATION. CITY: WINSTON-SALSit COUNTY FORSYTH 2000 LOrrERY STREET (SbW Nome. Numbom Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Patreal. Zip Cade) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: C Slope o Vaaey M F kd O Ridge p Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 36.09181 May be in dcgnokss, Tn1TluW'% xwwsar LONGITUDE 80.21307 in a dccimal fwnui [Atitude/longitude source: EGPS ❑Topographic snap (bcstiort of wa N nwst be shown our a USGS tpy map and eltaelIed to this ►orm i not usM GPS) 4. FACILITY. Is ft erne ar ft Lusinns whare tm wall is %prated, FACILITY ID e(# applicable) NAME OF FACILITY STREET ADDRESS 2000 LONERY STREET NTNSTON-SALM4 NC. City or Town stale ZIP Coda CONTACT PERSON xACTEC MAILING ADDRESS 9725 Coqdill Road KNOXVILLE TN. 37932 City 0r Town State Zip Code {865 )- 588-8544 Area Cede - Phone number b. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 7❑FT b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Q NOX) c. WATER LEVEL Below Top d CmN -. 5 ❑ FT. (Use "+' H Abova Top of Caaing) d. TOP OF CASINO IS o FT. Abeue Ladd Surface' 'Top of cuing termMaled Wor below tend surface ffW require a v riance in accordance w1h 1SA NCAC 2C .0118. a. YIELD ippm): METHOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (depth): From Tp From To Frain To From To From To From To S. CASING: TlrCiwaW Depth Diameter Weighl Material Frorn O To 65FT Ft. 3/4 IN BCH 80 PVC From To Ft. From Too FL T. GROUT: Depth MBlarie3 Method From 0 To62PT Ft_ PORTLAND TRIMI From Tp Ft. From To Ft 8. SCREEN: DepM EWerneter Slot Sirs Malarial FrornAj To79EZ Ft.3 a M. . gig In. PVC From To Ft in. In. from To Ft in. In. e. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Sim Material From 64FT To 70PT FI. TRIMI 10/65 SILICA From To Ft. From TD Ft. 16. DRILLING LOG From TO 2 _ 65FT 65FT 70FT ?OFT Formation Description TAN SILTY SAKI] M 41. REMARKS: FROM 62FT TO 64FT FINE SEA 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS COMSTRUCTEO IN ACCORI ONCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRk1CTX)N STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD F1AS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER 7-27-09 SIGNXI'UREt FiTIFILD WELL CONTRACTOR DATE ROBERT L. MILLER PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCT{NG THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn. Information Mgt, Form GW-1b 1617 Wien Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27689-16iT Phone No. (919)733-701ti ext "S. F2ECEIVGU t UENR r D� TIDY Apifer Prn!"ir,i "�gfIJDf) NOV 2 0 2009 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coieen H. Sullins Governor Director March 30. 2009 John Conant Flakt Products, Inc. 2000 Day Hall Road. CEP 880-191 l Windsor, CT 06095 Ref: Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400098 Former Flakt Products Site Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Dear Mr. Conant: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application received on October 14, 2008, and the supporting data submitted March 2, 2009, we are forwarding permit number W10400098. This permit is for a pilot study to inject catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (Fenton's Reagent) to remediate groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents at the former Flakt Products site in Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 28, 2011 , and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a final project evaluation as stated in PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Please note that some of the monitoring requirements have changed from your application. Please read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. You will need to notify this office by telephone 48 hours prior to initiation of operation of the facility. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. Please contact me at 9 I9-715-fit 64 or thomas.slusser(L—pncmai Lnet if you have any questions about your permit. Best Regards, L Thomas Slusser, L.G. Hydrogeologist Groundwater Protection Unit cc: Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office Jennifer Stone, MACTEC Engineering & Consulting WI0400098 Permit File AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mall Service Center, Ralegh. North Carolina 276W-1636 Location. 2728 Caphal Boulevard, Raleigh. North Carolina 276D4 One Phone: 919-733-3221 i FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2:919-715-60481 Customer Service; 1.877-023-6748 D Carolina Inremel www.ncwalerqualitY.org ������� L■■� An Equal opporwaily 4 AlbrmOve Action Employer MACTEC's Permit Application No. W10400098, Former Flakt Prod_ Subject: MACTEC's Permit Application No. W10400098. Former Flakt Products Site in Winston-Salem From: "Stone, Jennifer" CIESTONEomactec.com> Date: Wed. 25 Mar 2009 08:11:31 -0400 To: "Thomas Slusser" <Thornas.Slusseri ncmaiLnet> CC: "Deatherage, Joe" <KJDeatherage@Vmactec.com>, "Ryan, Ricky" <RARYAN tt mactec.com> Good morning, Thomas. We have been making preparations for the upcoming pilot injection of Fenton's Reagent and, after further discussions with our subcontractors, have concluded that the two proposed vent wells should extend deeper than shown in our permit application. This will extend the wells into the water table and provide a means for any gases that may be trapped in the fine-grained formation to escape. This will change the total depth of the vent wells to 50 feet below land surface (screened 10 to 50 feet, 10 feet deeper than indicated in our permit application). What is the best way for us to make this change (email you revised sheets, etc,)? Also, we have a meeting with Sherrie Knight on site this week so hopefully you will receive her response to the permit early next week. Thanks again for putting me in touch with her. Thanks so much, as always, for your help, Thomas. Jennifer Jennifer Stone, P.E,, CPESC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Road Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 588-8544 main line (865) 218-1054 direct line (865) 588-8026 fax 'etstone@mactec.com www.mactec.com i of 1 3/30/2009 10:12 AM Good Morning, Thomas. This email is a follow up to our telephone conversation Monday afternoon regarding MACTEC's Permit Application No- W10400098, Former Flakt Products Site in Winston-Salem. The average pump rate from RW-10 in 2008 was 1-3 gpm; the average pump rate in January 2009 was 1,1 gpm. Concentration data in MW-112 and MW-129, the wells around which the pilot test will be conducted, is provided in the tables below for 2007 and 2008. Baseline data is provided for MW-112 as an indication of the progress made since start up of the recovery system (baseline data is not available for MW-129, as it was installed after the system began operation). I discussed the location of the off -site I downgradient wells with the Project Manager, Rick Ryan, and Senior Environmental Engineer, Joe Deatherage, this morning- The locations for the off -site wells were determined based on a groundwater remedial investigation conducted by Rust Infrastructure (RI) in 1995. RI reported the findings from this investigation in their Groundwater Remedial Investigation Report, Rust Infrastructure, .Idly 1995. which was approved by NCDENR- During the investigation (conducted in two sampling events: HP-1 through HP-8, then HP-9 through HP-13), 13 HydroPunch (direct push) borings were advanced on the adjacent (South) property to screen the off -site groundwater and support locations for permanent monitoring wells; the HydroPunch locations are shown on the attached figure- Groundwater samples were collected from the borings and analyzed for VGCs. The analytical results indicated that VOCs were detected in the groundwater samples collected from HP-1 through HP-4- Except for TCE in the sample collected from HP-6 at a low-level estimated value, no VGCs were detected in groundwater samples collected at the most easterly sampling locations, HP-5 through HP-8- This trend indicated a southwesterly direction of VOC migration from the Flakt facility. HP-9 and HP-10 were placed 200 feet and 400 feet west of HP-1-to assist in evaluating the westernmost component of VOC migration. Additionally, HP-11, HP-12, and HIP- 13 were placed south of the initial HydroPunch locations to assist in evaluating the groundwater quality in that direction. The analytical results from the groundwater samples collected during the second event indicated low concentrations of 1,1-DCE in samples from HP-9, HP-11, HP-12, and HP-13. Based on the results of these analyses, locations for the four off -site permanent shallow monitoring wells (MW-123, MW- 124, MW-125, and MW-126) were selected to evaluate groundwater quality south of the Flakt facility. Three of these wells (MW-123, MW-125, and MW126) were placed near the anticipated downgradient extent of VOC migration, and one well (MW-124) was placed to evaluate the groundwater quality in the interior of the off -site VOC plume. The locations of these wells was approved by NCDENR. To better illustrate and confirm RI's findings, concentration data for the off -site wells (baseline, 2007, and 2008) is provided below. The marked decreases in 1,1,1-TCA and 1,1-DCE in MW-124 since baseline confirm that the treatment system is effectively preventing off -site migration of the contaminant plume - Rust Infrastructure further state in the 1995 report that, based on groundwater elevation data collected during their investigation, from on -site wells, the direction of groundwater flow is interpreted to be generally in a southeasterly direction (as shown on the figure we included in the permit). Topographic maps, boring log data, and observation of surface features at the site indicate that an historic drainage feature predating the construction of the railroad yard probably existed between the area of on -site monitoring well MW120D and the southwest limit of the railroad yard - A buried drainage culvert (shown on the attached figure) was likely constructed in the approximate location of the former drainage feature to convey surface runoff from the north side of the yard to the south side. Groundwater level data indicate southwesterly groundwater now roughly coincident with the trace of the culvert, indicating that the drainage feature has an influence on the local direction of shallow groundwater flow- Groundwater chemistry data also indicate that the VOC migration appeared to be southwesterly, approximating the trace of the drainage culvert - Thomas, I Dope this information adequately addresses the questions you relayed during our phone conversation Monday. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thanks again. Jennifer Stone, P. IF-, CFIE SC MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Road Knoxville, TN 37932 (865) 588-8544 main line (865) 218-1054 direct line (865) 588-8026 fax jestone@mactec-com www.mactec.com ri 'eAnzAi ll is \V�0010 �d MONITORING WELL DATA Ft 'HE FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE, vvirJSTOWSALEM, NC 10 o.. MW-112 screened: 44.8 - 54.8 feet bls CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION UNITS 98-Au 07-Sep 08-Oct 1,1,1-TCA 104200 10900 6290 pIL PCE 28.2 20 U 10 U pIL TCE 14430 2360 1580 pIL 1,1-DCE 76160 16500 7480 pIL 1.1-DCA 4119 834 639 pIL cis-1.2-DCE 70.4 20 U 22.1 Pq1L trans-1,2-DCE 15.6 20 U 10 U IL 1,2-DCA 1564 716 462 p 1L Vinyl Chloride 17.9 20 U 10 U pIL Chloraethane 1 3.8 1 20 U 1 10 U p IL 1. -Dioxane I NS 1673001 62000 pglL MW-123 screened: 41-5- -56.5 feet bls CONSTITUENT I CONCENTRATION I UNITS 98-Au 07-Sep 08-Oct 1,1,1-TCA 2 U 1 U 1 U pIL PCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL TCE 2U I 1U pIL 1,1-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U &L 1,1-DCA 2 U 1 U 1 U pIL cis-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL trans-1 ,2-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U p IL 1,2-DCA 2 U 1 U 1 U pIL Vinyl Chloride 2 U 1 U IL Chloraethane 2 U 1 UpIL LNN 1,4-Dioxane NS NSpg/L MW-125 screened: 24 - 39 feet bls CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION UNITS 98-Au 07-Sep 08-Oct 1,1,1-TCA 2 U 1 U DRY IL PCE 2 U 1 U DRY pIL TCE 2 U 1 U DRY pIL 1-1-DCE 2 U 1 U DRY p IL 1.1-DCA 2 U 1 U DRY pIL cis-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U DRY p IL trans-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U DRY p IL 1.2-DCA 2 U 1 U DRY p IL Vinyl Chloride 2 U 1 U DRY p IL Chloroethane 2 U 1 U DRY IL 1-4-Dioxane NS NS DRY pglL MW-129 screened: 55 - 65 feet bls CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION UNITS 07-Sep 08-Oct 1,1,1-TCA 20400 21100 pIL PCE 40 U 50 U pIL TCE 4140 5120 pIL 1,1-DCE 40700 42900 IL 1,1-DCA 1290 1500 IL cis-1,2-DCE 40 U 50 U IL trans-1,2-DCE 40 U 50 U IL 1,2-DCA 533 667 pIL Vinyl Chloride 40 U 50 U 11. Chloraethane 40 U 50 U pIL 1,4-Dioxane 49500 96300 pg11- a a c ti nm �a ter'-. rrm a r� rn NO M �A Ln MW-124 screened: 19 - 34 feet bls CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION UNITS 98-Au 07-Sep 08-Oct 1,1,1-TCA 114.6 1.49 1 U pIL PCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL TCE 2U I 1U IL 1,1-DCE 118.2 6.52 4.55 It 1,1-DCA 2 U 1 U 1 U IL cis-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL trans-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL 1,2-DCA 2 U 1 U 1 U IL Vinyl Chloride 2 U 1 U 1 U IL Chloraethane 2 U 1 U 1 U a IL I A-Dioxane NS NS NS pglL MW-126 screened 5 - 20 feet bls CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION UNITS 98-Au 07-Se 08-Oct 1,1,1-TCA 2 U 1 U 1 U pIL PCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL TCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL 1,1-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U pIL 1,1-DCA 2 U 1 U 1 U IL cis-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U pgJL trans-1,2-DCE 2 U 1 U 1 U IL 1,2-DCA 2 U 1 U 1 U IL Vinyl Chloride 2 U 1 U 1 U IL Chloroetharie 2 U 1 U 1 U pIL 1,4-Dioxane NS NS NS pglL NS = Not Sampled for that parameter DRY = well was dry at time of sampling Bold numbers = detected above 2L Standards Italic numbers = detected below 2L Standards # U = not detected; number reported is Laboratory Quantitation Limit 36rC7`� f LEGEND 4b MONITORING WELL LOCATION b HYDROPUNCH LOCATION v HP- W126 0 ESTI,MATEa LOCATION OF DRAINAGE CULVERT OF R.R. TRACKS 4y DIRT ROAD (APPROX. LOCATION) GRAPHIC SCALE FIGURE 3 ENVIRONMENT & LOCATIONS OF HYDROPUNCH SAMPLING POENTS zo° 400MMINFRASTRUCTM FLAT PRODUCTS WINSTON-SALEAA, N.C. PROJECT N0= 83979.000 W Mffhmx4F OMACTL C-4 engineering and constructing a better tomorrow October 10, 2008 Mr. Qu Qi NC DEN R Division of Water Quality Underground Injection Control Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Subject: Application for Permit to Construct and/or Use a Well(s) for Injection Former Flakt Products Site 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina MACTEC Project No. 3031-05-2407-09 Dear Mr. Qi: On behalf of Flakt Products, Inc., MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (MACTEC) is submitting two copies of the enclosed Application for Permit to Construct and/or Use a Well(s) for Injection for the former Flakt Product Site in Winston-Salem, North Carolina (Site). This permit application is to install nine injection wells at the Site. These wells will be used to inject components of Fenton's Reagent (hydrogen peroxide, ferrous sulfate, and phosphoric and/or Sulfuric acid) into the Site groundwater to expedite the remediation of chlorinated solvent compounds. We note that as part of the enclosed permit application, MACTEC submitted to you on September 4, 2008 Form GW/UIC-3 "INFORMATION NEEDED TO DO RISK ASSESSMENTS FOR PRODUCTS APPLIED TO GROUNDWATER OR SOIL CONTAINING NO MICROORGANISMS" requesting approval to inject sulfuric acid into the groundwater at the Site. We understand you have forwarded that submittal to the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Section. RECEIVED I DENR r DWQ Ao UIFFR PRnTP('T1nNl SFCTION OCT 14 2008 MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Road + Knoxville, TN 37932 ■ Phone. 865.588.B544 • Fax: 865.588.8026 www.mactec.com Mr. Qu Qi October 10, 2008 Page 2 Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Deatherage at 865-218-1049. Sincerely, MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. K. Joe Deatherage, P.E. x,, --L—iW percussion Senior Environmental Engineer 18841 6� 1 ILI Ricky �A.y' an Senior Principal Project Manager c: John Conant, ABB (wlenclosure [electronic]) Keith Knauerhase, ABB (wlenclosure [electronic]) Donall Jackson, ABB (wlenclosure [electronic]) Melody Christopher, ABB (wlenclosure [electronic]) Nelson Walter, MACTEC (wlenclosure [electronic]) Enclosure: Application for Permit to Construct and/or Use a Well(s) for Injection RECEiVEI) ! DENR 1 UWQ AQUIFPP, PW)TFrTlt1N SPCTION OCT 14 2008 O OF W R T�9 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary U3 r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources p - Coleen H. Sullins Director Division of Water Quality October 15, 2008 Mr. John Conant Flaki Products. Inc. 2000 Day Hill Road, CEP 880-1911 Windsor, CT 06095 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No, W10400098 Former Flakt Products Site Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (51) Forsyth Dear Mr. Conant: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on October 14, 2008, This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Thomas Slusser. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests, Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Thomas Slusser at 919-715-6164, or via e-mail at thomas,slusser@ncmail.net. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to http:llli?o.enr.state,nc.usldocumentsldM orachart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sinc ely, for Debra atts Supervisor cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Mr. Fred Godley (P.O. Box 1140, Cornelius, NC 2803I) MACTEC Engineering & Consulting (Ricky A. Ryan, 9725 Cogdill Road, Knoxville, TN 37932) Permit Application File W10400098 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: Internet: www.ncwaterouaIitv.orn Location! 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: Fax 2: An Equal OpportunitylAifirmatiue Acton Employer- 50%Recy6edl10% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service N'o"�`r►Carolina Nalkallif (919)733-3221 (919)715.0588 (919) 715-6048 (877y 623-6746 J WQROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support Permit No. W10400098 Date: 10/29/2015 County: ForsyLh To: Michael Rogers Permittee/Applicant: ABB Inc. Central Office Reviewer Facility Name: Farmer Flakt Products L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply: ElNew ® Renewal �ECEIVEC7Il7tI��I�IN� ❑ Minor Modification ❑Major Modification a. Date of Inspection: 10127I2015 NOV 0 5 2015 b. Person contacted and contact information: Joe Deatherage. ($65) 671-6774 \Natet Quality RegiOnal �ipBf81:lC141S .�iP.Ctl� � � c. Site visit conducted by: Jim Gonsiewski � �}„ _ r � � t� V 5 d. Inspection Report Printed from BIMS attached: ® Yes ❑ No. — i `� e. Physical Address of Site including zip code: 2000 Lowery St. Winston-Salem. NC f. Driving Directions if rural site and/or no physical address: g. Latitude: Longitude: Source of LatlLong & accuracy (i.e., Google Earth, GPS, etc.): II. DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELLIS3 AND FACILITY 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Geothermal Heating/Cooling Water Return ® In situ Groundwater Remediation ❑ Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other (Specify: 2. For Geothermal Water Return Well(s) only a. For existing geothermal system: Were samples collected from Influent/Effluent sampling ports? ❑ Yes ❑ No. Provide well construction information from well tag- b. Does existing or proposed system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No IfNo, please provide source/supply well construction info (i.e., depth, date drilled, well contractor, etc.) and attached map and sketch location of supply well in relation to injection well and any other features in Section ,[V of this Staff Report. 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injecti❑n`? ® Yes ❑ No What is/are the pollution sources)? Chlorinated Solvents What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution sources)? <100 feet 4. What is the minimum distance of propose d injection wells from the property boundary? NA 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ® Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ® Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High Rev. 6/1/2015 Page l WQROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support 7. For Groundwater Remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ® Yes ❑ No. If No, attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable and recommend any changes to the groundwater - monitoring program. 8. Does the trap included in the Application reasonably represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ® Yes ❑ No. If No, or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. 4. For Non -Discharge groundwater remediation systems only: a. Are the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: b. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc.) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A. If no, please explain: III E VAL UA TION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ® No. If yes, explain. 2. List any items that you would like WQROS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item; Item Reason 3. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason 4. Recommendation ❑ Deny. If Deny, please state reasons: ❑ Hold pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information ® Issue r S. Signature of report preparers); R- Signature of WQROS Regional Supervisor: ALY - Date: J 01 3 1 b Rev. 6/ 1 /2015 Page 2 W¢ROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support IV. ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW COMMENTSIATTACHMENTS (ff Needed? -l-he inspection was conducted on October 28, 2015. Mr. Glen Price, ❑RC with R&A Laboratories in Kernersville, NC, accompanied DEQ personnel. The Site was in good condition with easy access to the injection/monitoring wells. Groundwater sampling will be conducted on November 4, 2015. The next injection event will likely occur in June 2016. Rev. 6/1/2015 Page 3 t WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OPERATIONS SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW RE0UEST FO ' Date: uctolun h 20 i s OCT 9 2015 Wins1, n-3aleM To: WSRO-WQROS: Corey Basinger / Sherri Knight Re zonal Office From: Michael Rogers, WQROS — Aninial Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch Telephone: 919-847-6406 Fax. (919) 807-6496 E-Mail- Michael.Rogerstaincdenr.gov Permit Number: %k I041100118 B. At t licant: 111B- Iue. ifaroner Viakt PriidueIsf C. Facility Name D. Application: Permit Type: Groundwater Reniediation Well Project Type: Renewal E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ 1 would like to accompany you or) a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review_ comment. and/or action. Within 30 calendar days. please return WOROS Staff Report. ^ t. - - - When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office Groundwater Protection Branch contact person listed above. RO-WQROS Reviewer: _ T []ate: r' 1 � J i COMMENTS: NOTES: Since this is a renewal, you can pass on doirn not. Just let me know if you agree with hermit renewal, a site inspection or WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OPERATIONS SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: �, 2015 To: WSRO-WQROS: Corey Basinger / Sherri Knight From: Michael Rogers, WQROS — Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch Telephone: 919-807-6406 Fax: (919) 847-6496 E-Marl: Michael.Rogers@ncdeiir.gov 1 Permit Number! IN lift{Ifl09.4 B. Applicant: kRR. Ince ilisrrtu+ Vlli►kr PiiAiir191 C- Facility Name. D. Anniication: Permit Type: Groundwater Remediation Well Project Type: Renewal E. Comments/Other Information- 7 1 would like to accompany you on a site visit.. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review. comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days_ please return a completed WORDS Staff Report. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below. make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office Groundwater Protection Branch contact person listed above.. RO-WORDS Reviewer; Date: COMMENTS: NOTES: Since this is a renewal you can pass on doing_a site inspection or not. Just let me know if you agree with permit renewal. Fr7RM. WQkt}ti-ARN . -1. 09'61a Page i n$ i Mccray, John From: Wang, Shuying Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 3:52 PM To: Mccray, John Subject: RE: Additional information response Flakt Products permit renewal (W10400098) Thanks' From: Mccray, John Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2011 3:24 PM To: Wang, Shuying' Subject: Additional information response Flakt Products permit renewal (WI0400098) IVis. Wang, Attached is an additional information response I received January 31. The information provided is their response to our question regarding the lack of down -gradient monitoring. Also, the recovery well system will be deactivated during the injection events. This will allow for samples to be taken from recovery wells 5 and 14 to monitor possible down -gradient propagation of contaminants as a result of injection. Best Regards, John Mccray From: Wang, Shuying Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 1:14 PM To: Mccray, John Cc: Slusser, Thomas; Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Flakt Products permit renewal (WI0400098) If you ever been in field to what how an injection is performed, it will not be unusual to see some injectant mix flows away from the injection well or point because the injection operator tries to inject what volume is permitted at the proposed (or permitted) injection rate. If the volume and the rate is not site specific, or if the volume of injectant is more than the formation and well can take hydraulically (inject too much or too fast), injectant fluid flowing out from the well/point will occur. "at the maximum extent" means as site specific as possible. I did not observe overflow at the Flakt site because I have never been the site to inspect the injection activity. Wish this help. if i did not answer your question, please let me know. Shuying E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Mccray, Sohn Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 10:27 AM To: Wang, Shuying Cc: Slusser, Thomas; Knight, Sherri _ Subject: Flakt Products permit renewal (WI0400098) Shuying, Can you please explain your statement "Overflow of injectants on the surface was observed at an injection site. Apparently, consultants and subcontractors try to inject what, in term of volume, is permitted for the site. In order not to waste money and not to damage the work environment, the volume must be site specific at the maximum extent." Specifically those parts that are in bold text. Did you observe overflow at the Flakt Products Site specifically? And what do you mean by "at the maximum extent?" John McCray Mccray, John From: Wang, Shuying Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 1:14 PM To: Mccray, John Cc: Slusser, Thomas; Knight, Sherri Subject: RE: Flakt Products permit renewal (W10400098) 1f you ever been in field to what how an injection is performed, it wilt not be unusual to see so3ne iniectant mix flows away from the injection wel4 or point because the injection operator tries to inject what volume is permitted at the proposed (or permitted) injection rate. if the volume and the rate is not site specific, or if the volume of injectant is more than the formation and well cR-i take hydraulically (inject too much or too fast.). Inlectant fluty flawing out from the well/point wifl occur. '.at the maximum extent" rneans as site specific as possible. I did not observe overflow at the Flakt site because I have never peen the site to inspect the In#ection activity. Wish this help. If I did not answer your question, please let me know. Shuying E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Mccray, John Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 10:27 AM To: Wang, Shuying Cc: Siusser, Thomas; Knight, Sherri Subject: Flakt Products permit renewal (W10400098) Shuying, Can you please explain your statement "Overflow of injectants on the surface was observed at an injection site. Apparently, consultants and subcontractors try to inject what, in term of volume, is permitted for the site. In order not to waste money and not to damage the work environment, the volume must be site specific at the maximum extent.' Specifically those parts that are in bold text. Did you observe overflow at the Flakt Products Site specifically? And what do you mean by "at the maximum extent?" John Mccray AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: January 21, 2011 To: A uifer Protection Central Office Central Office Reviewer: John McCrav Regional Login No: County: —Forsyth Permittee: Flakt Products, Inc. Project Name: Former Flakt Products Application No.: WI0400098 L GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ❑ New ® Renewal ❑ Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification ® Modification ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporation/Infiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included ❑ 503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ® Other Injection Wells (including in situ remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ® Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: January 21, 2011 b. Person contacted and contact information: Glenn Price, local contractor of MACTEC in TN. (336)-996- 2841 c. Site visit conducted by: Shuying Wang, WSRO d. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or ® No. 2. Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? IZ Yes or [--I No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For Treatment Facilities: a. Location: b, Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: e. Regulated Activities 1 Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): For Disposal and Infection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information annlies to. cobv and haste a new section into the document for each site or attach additional 12ages for each site a. Location: b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: Winston-Salem East 36080-2A-TF-042 d. Latitude: Longitude: 11 NEW AND MAJOR MODIFICATION APPLICATTONS this section not needed fipr ren xvaft or minor modifications, skip to next section] Description Of Waste(S) And Facilities 1. Please attach completed rating sheet. Facility Classification: FORM: 20110121-WI0400098 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT IV INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and !teat pump injection wells.) Description Of Well(S) And Facilities — New, Renewal And Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Heating/cooling water return flow (5A7) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ® In situ remediation (51) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5LP'Non-Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify: 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ® No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑ Yes ®No What is/are the pollution source(s)? What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? 30 feet 5. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ® Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ® Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High 7. For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ❑ Yes ® No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: No monitoring wells at the southern site of the injection area were proposed to be monitored. In addition to the proposed wells, RW-I0, RW-6, and RW-14 should be monitored for the proposed parameters, and a new well about 20 feet south of RW-10 should be installed and monitored in order to monitor weather the injection will have any adverse impact on groundwater quality and the migration of the plume. 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ® Yes or ❑ No. If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Infection Well Permit Renewal And Modification Qnly: 1. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turgid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, ex lain: FORM: 20110121-W10400098 4 AQUIFER PROTECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation permits (of any type), will continuedladditionallmodifzed injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident?-❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: Groundwater monitoring data of the proposed infections will be needed to determine. 4. Drilling contractor: Name: SAEDACCD INC. Address: Certification number: 2332 5. Complete and attach Well Construction Data Sheet. See application FORM: 20110121-W10400098 AQUIFER PRurECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT V. EVAL UATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the application: With the pilot test result, detailed calculations showing how the proposed injection volume and concentration in this application should be provided. 2. Attach Well Construction Data Sheet - if needed information is available 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, please explain briefly. Not for sure. Concentrations of contaminants in groundwater increased in a deep well (RW-10) seven days after pilot injection event, which may be an indicator that the injection pushed contaminants down into a deeper zone or bedrock. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason Calculations show how the proposed injection volume and concentrations with site specific data obtained from the pilot test. Overflow of injectants on the surface was observed at an injection site. Apparently, consultants and subcontractors try to inject what, in term of volume, is permitted for the site. In order not to waste money and not to damage the work environment, the volume must be site specific at the maximum extent. 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 6. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition I Reason Additional wells need to be monitored. I See Section IV Item 7. FORM: 20110121- W 104000g8 AQUIFER PRu TECTION REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 7, Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ® Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; ❑ Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons, For additional information needed lease see Section V item 4. 8. Signature of report preparers): Signature of APS regional super Date: L o ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW ITEMS FORM: 20110 1 21- W I0400098 A UIFE OTECTION SECTION i N,CK(}eptJ of ENR APPLICATI REVIEW REQUEST FORM DEC 10 2010 Date: I]ecember 9. 2010 W 'nston-salem l Regional OWce El Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS �u ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ® Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ ray Zimmerman, RRO-APS F m: John McCray, , Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6168 Fax: (919) 715-0588 E Mail: iohn.mccray�&cdenr._g2y A. Permit Number: W10400098 B. Owner: Fred Godley C. Facility/Operation: Former Flakt Products, Inc. ❑ Proposed ® Existing ❑ Facility ❑ Operation D. Application: I. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ® UIC - (51) in -situ groundwater remediation For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ® Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed Form APSSRR. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-AP5 representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. Vry RO-APS Reviewer:L Date: P D FORM: APSARR 02/06 Page 1 of 1 AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: December 9, ?010 To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ® Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: John McCrav , Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: (919) 715-5158 Fax: (919) 715-0588 E-Mail: j ohn.mccrUCamcdetu. gov A. Permit Number: WI0400098 B. Owner: Fred Godley C. Facility/Operation: Former Flakt Products Inc. ❑ Proposed ® Existing ❑ Facility ❑ Operation D. Application: I. Permit Tjpe: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ IrE Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ® UIC - (51) in -situ groundwater remediation Frei- Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal Z. Project Type. ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mad. ❑ Renewal ® Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information.: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed Form APSSRR. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer. Date: FORM: APSARR 02/06 Page I of 1 flakt Subject: flakt From: Sherri Knight <Sherri.Knight@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2009 15:53:07 -0400 To: Thomas Slusser <Thomas. S lusser@ncmail.net> I looked at this site yesterday. I thought I would get the staff report out today but I'm not finished yet and I have a hair cut appointment this afternoon. I'll try to finish up on Monday. Site looks good. ❑K to issue the permit. Sherri Knight, PE NC DENR Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Voice: (336) 771-5280 FAX: (336) 771-4632 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. [ t)t' 1 3/27/2009 4:07 PM AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION _APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: October 16. 2008 To: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman. RRO-APS Rf• E I-? t1G r W'HSWn- _aL„ k�nafolnpy ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ® Sherri Knight, WSRO-APS °m: Thomas 5lusser, Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6164 Fax: 919 715-0588 �— E-Mail: thomas.slusser a_�ncmail.net A. Permit Number: W10400098 B. Owner: FLAKT PRODUCTS, TNC- C. Facility/Operation: FORMER FLAKT PRODUCTS SITE ❑ Proposed ® Existing ® Facility ❑ Operation D. Application: I. Permit T1pe: ❑ Animal ❑ Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ 1/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ® UIC - (51) in -situ groundwater remediation For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ® New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal wl Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ 1 would like to accompany you on a site visit. Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within 30 calendar days, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed Form APSSRR- ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU, ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO*. * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits, reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above_ RO-.APS Renewer: �,.v�,u�t Date: f Ca 27 FORM APSARR 02/06 RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ Page 1 of 1 AQUIFFR PRflTWTIO SF,CTION OCT 112008 Mic6el F. Easley, Governor North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health . Epidemiology Section 1912 Mast Service Center • R216gh, North Carolina 27699-1912 Te1919.733-3410 ■ Fax 919.733-9555 .tune 21, 2004 Carmen Hooker Odom, 5ecretar7 MEMORANDUM L'- TO: Evan Kane Groundwater Section FROM: Luanne K. Williams, Pharm.D., Toxicologist` \ Medical Evaluation and Risk Assessment Unit . M n Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch o North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services SUBJECT: Use of ISOTECT4 Products by TMC Chemicals Incorporated to Remediate Groundwater Contaminated with Pentachlorophenol at the former Ritter Millworks Site in Wrightsboro, North Carolina I am writing in response to a request for a health risk evaluation regarding the use of TSOTECTM Products by TMC Chemicals incorporated to remediate groundwater contaminated with pentachlorophenol at the former Ritter Millworks site in Wrightsboro, North Carolina. Based upon my review of the information submitted, I offer the following health risk evaluation: Some effects reported to be associated with exposure to the proposed chemicals are as follows: 0 Exposure can cause severe irritation and burning of skin, eyes, nose and throat (Meditext — Medical Management by Micromedcx TOM -Es Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 61, 2004, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet TOMES Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 61, 2004). • Inhalation exposure can cause coughing, wheezing, and/or shortness of breath including asthma -like allergy. Future exposure can cause asthma attacks with shortness of breath, wheezing, cough, and/or chest tightness (Medical Management by Micromedex TOMES Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 61, 2004). ■ Inhalation exposure can cause severe respiratory irritation and inflammation leading to shock, coma and seizures (Medical Management by Micromedex TOMES Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 61, 2004). Uxstioa 2729 Capital Boulevard - Parker Liocoln Building • Raleigh, N-C 27644 An Equ. l Opjmn mw Fmploy­ Chemicals proposed for Use may ignite combustibles such as wood, paper, oil, etc). The chemicals proposed for use must be stored separately since violent reactions can occur. The chemicals proposed for use are not compatible with reducing agents; powdered metals; strong bases such as sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide; alcohol's; and hydrocarbon fuels. Extreme caution should be taken to prevent hazardous explosions from occurring. Based on the information submitted, there will be cabinet shop workers and residences very near the injection area. Measures should be taken to prevent fires and explosions from occurring to protect workers and nearby community. A safety plan should be developed in case there is a fire or an explosion. The addition of a metal as being proposed can act as a catalyst which can increase the risk of an explosion during decomposition (Hazardous Substances Data Bank TOMEs Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 61, 2004). * Store in tightly closed containers in a cool, well -ventilated area away from moist air and combustibles. Containers may explode when heated. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard. Chemicals proposed for use beat up spontaneously when decomposing and could start fires. (Hazardous Substances Data Bank TOMES Plus System CD-ROM Database, Volume 61, 2004). If the products are released into the environment in a way that could result in a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles (e.g., grinding, blending, vigorous shaking or mixing), then it is imperative that proper personal protective equipment be used. The application process should be reviewed by an industrial hygienist to (1) ensure that the injection process is done in a safe manner, and (2) the most appropriate personal protective equipment is used. + Persons working with this product should at least wear goggles or a face shield, gloves, and protective clothing. Face and body protection should be used for anticipated splashes or sprays. Again, consult with an industrial hygienist to ensure proper protection. ■ Eating, drinking, smoking, handling contact lenses, and applying cosmetics should never be permitted in the application area during or immediately following application. • Safety controls should be in place to ensure that the check valve and the pressure delivery systems are working properly. • The Material Safety Data Sheets should be followed to prevent adverse reactions and injuries. • Access to the area of application should be limited to the workers applying the product. In order to minimize exposure to unprotected individuals, measures should be taken to prevent access to the area of application. • According to the information submitted, there is an on -site water supply well that provides drinking water for the cabinet shop workers, and there are private and public water supply wells located 75 feet and 0.5 miles from the injection area, respectively. Efforts should be made to prevent contamination of the existing wells or future wells that may be located near the application area. • According to the information submitted, the nearest surface water drainage is Ness Creek located approximately 700 feet west of the site. Efforts should be made to prevent contamination of the nearby surface water areas. ha summary, extreme caution should be taken regarding the use of the chemicals proposed. Safeguards should be taken to prevent fires, explosions, and injuries from occurring. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions at (919) 715-6429. cc: Becker builders Supply Company Mr. Page Teer 4614 Market Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 910-791-7761 Dr. Charlie Stehman Wibnington Regional office Groundwater Section 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 910-395-3900 Mr. Bob Hollingsworth Hollingsworth Cabinetry 2913 Castle Hayne Road Wrightsboro, North Carolina 28429 910-251-1490 Prasad Kakarla In -Situ Oxidative Technologies, Inc. 51 Everett Drive West Windsor, New Jersey 08550 609-275-8500 Kathleen Roush Mineral Springs Environmental 4600 Mineral Springs Lane Raleigh, North Carolina 27616 919-261-8186 (�p amecl* July 3, 2014 Mr. Thomas Slusser NCDENR — Division of Water Resources Aquifer Protection Section — L]IC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Subject: Injection Event Record for Injection Permit WI0400098 Former Flakt Products Site 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina AMEC Project 3031.05-2007 Dr. Mr. Slusser: On behalf of Flakt Products, Inc., AMEC Em ironment & Infrastructure, Inc. is submitting an Injection Event Record for InjectioATOMI WI0400098. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Deatherage at 865- 218-1049. Sincerely, AME E ronment Infrastructure, Inc. Ricky A. Rya P.E. Senior Principal Project Manager Enclosure: Injection Event Record K. J e Deatherage Senior Environmental Engineer Melody Christopher, ABB ( wlelectronic and hard copy enclosure) Nelson Walter, AMEC (wlelectronic enclosure) Lakesha Dunbar, City of Winston-Salem (wlelectronic enclosure) Robert Prestwood, City of Winston-Salem (wlelectronic enclosure) Alan Griffith, Griffith Enterprises (wl electronic enclosure) Sean Tyson, Pratt Industries (wlelectronic enclosure) AMEC Environment &t Infrastructure, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 Tel (865)671-6774 Fax (865) 671-6254 amec.corn Jai 0 7 2014 Wow ou'01iry R �raf�ms' 69bnal -ni ECTIDN EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Division of Water Quality Permit Number WI0400098 I. Permit Information Flakt Products. Inc_ Permittee Former Flakt Products Site Facility Name 2000 Lowery Street, Winston-Salem, NC Facility Address 2. Injection Contractor In€ormation AMEC Environment & Infrastructure. Inc. Injection Contractor 1 Company Name Street Address 9725 Cogdill Road Knoxville TN 37932 City State Zip Code ($b5 ) 671-6774 Area code — Phone number 3. Well Information Number of wells used for injection t5 Well names see attached Attachment A Were any new wells installed during this injection event? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells — Type of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored ❑ Drilled ❑ Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ Other (specify) Please include two copies of form GW-Ili far each well installed. Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells Please include Avo copies of the GW-30 far each well abandoned. 4. Injectant Information Catalyzed hydrogen peroxide (Fenton's Reagent) Injectant Type Concentration 11.1% (oxidant) If the injectant is diluted please indicate the source dilution fluid. Potable water from fire hydrant Total Volume Injected 26,678 gallons Volume Injected per well: varies {see Attachment A) 7. Injection History Injection date(s) 61312014-611612014 Injection number (e.g. 3 of 5)3 of 3 Is this the last injection at this site? ❑ Yes ❑ No ® To Be Determined I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECT19N WAS P ORMED WITHIN THE STAND S LAID O N THE PERMIT. SIGNATURE OF INJECTI04CONTRACTOR DATE Ricky A Ryan PRINT NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING't'i-IE INJECTION Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of injection, Form UIC-IER Attn: UIC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. Phone No. 919-733-3221 Rev. 071Q9 WELL NAMES AND VOLUMES Total Volume Injected Per Well Well Name Total Volume (gal) DLIW-15 1,774 DLIW-10 1,500 DLIW-25 1,773 ❑LIW-2D 1,505 DLIW-23S 1,467 DLIW-23❑ 1,505 DLIW-245 1,498 DLIW-24D 1,509 DLIW-285 1,491 DLIW-30S 1,495 DLIW-325 1,474 DLIW-34S 2,575 SIW-1 1,958 SIW-3 2,591 SIW-4 2,573 amec'0 July I7, 2012 NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Subject: Injection Event Record for Injection Permit WI0400098 Former Flakt Products Site L7 V. ef5' 011' }%6,4 ' r) 2000 Lowery Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina AMEC Project 3031-05-2007 To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Flakt Products, Inc., AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. is submitting an Injection Event Record for Injection Permit WI0400098. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Joe Deatherage at 865- 218-1049. Sincerely, AMEC E&1, Inc. Ricky1A.ywan, P.E. Senior Principal Project Manager Enclosure: Injection Event Record �.. 61 0�� K. Joe Deatherage Senior Environmental Engineer c: Melody Christopher, ABB (wlelectronic and hard copy enclosure.) Nelson Walter, AMEC (wlelectronic enclosure) Russell Byrd, City of Winston-Salem (wlelectronic enclosure) Alan Griffith, Griffith Enterprises (wl electronic enclosure) Sean Tyson, Pratt Industries (wlelectronic enclosure) Correspondence- AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. 9725 Cogdill Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37932 USA Tel (865) 671-6774 Fax (865)671-6254 an]Mcom RECENEDIDENR/M JUL 2 U 2012 Aquifer Protection Section ..ECEIVEDIDENPOK INJECTION EVENT RECORD jo 2 0 2012 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Divis4ffPYft1Ri%edon Permit Number W10400098 1. Permit Information Flakt Products Inc_ Permittee Former Flakt Products Site Facility Name 2000 Lowery Street, Winston-Salem. NC Facility Address 2. Injection Contractor Information AMEC Environment & Infrastructure Inc. Injection Contractor 1 Company Name Street Address_9725 Cogdill Road w Knoxville TN 37932 City State Zip Code { 865) 671-6774 Area code — Phone number 3. Well Information Number of wells used for injection 101 Well names see attached Attachment A Were any new wells installed during this injection event? NYes ❑No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells none Number of Injection Wells 92 (contained in 47 borings; two copies of the 47 GW-lb forms are attached) Type of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored N Drilled ❑ Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ Other (specify) Please include two copies of form GW-I b for each well insralled. Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Please include mo copies of the G W-30 for each well abandoned 4. Injectant Information Catatvzed hvdroaen peroxide (Fenton's Reaeent) Injectant Type Concentration 8.5%-11.3gc If the injectant is diluted please indicate the source dilution fluid. Potable water from fire hydrant Total Volume Injected 175,625 gallons__ Volume Injected per well: varies {see Attachment A 5. Injection History Injection dates} 411112012-612512012 Injection number (e.g. 3 of 5) lof 3 Is this the last injection at this site? ❑ Yes N No I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECTION WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE STAND S LAIDUT IN THE PERMIT. -7 J o /I? - SIGNATURE ❑ NJE ON CONTRACTOR DATE Ricky A Ryan PRINT NAME OF PERSON PERFORM [NO THE INJECTION Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of injection. Form UIC-IER Attn: UIC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636, Phone No. 919-733-3221 Rev. 07/09 ATTACHMENT A WELL NAMES AND VOLUMES Well Name Total Volume �galj DI W-16 110 DLIW-1S 1,700 DLIW-1❑ 1,628 DLIW-25 1,568 DLIW-2D 1,662 DLIW-3S 2,738 DLIW-3❑ 2,639 DLIW-4S 1,835 DLIW-4D 1,847 DLIW-5S 1,898 DLIW-5D 1,844 DLIW-6S 2,209 DLIW-6D 2,247 DLIW-75 35 DLIW-7D 233 DLIW-85 2,200 ❑LIW-8D 2,202 DLIW-95 1,770 DLIW-9D 1,917 DLIW-105 2,144 DLIW-10D 1,973 DLIW-11S 1,614 DLIW-11D 1,659 ❑LIW-12S 2,171 DLIW-12❑ 2,069 DLIW-135 1,789 DLIW-13D 1,653 DLIW-145 3,037 DLIW-14D 2,978 DLIW-155 2,855 DLIW-15D 2,840 DLIW-16S 1,918 DLIW-16D 10840 ❑LIW-17S 1,844 DLIW-17D 1,884 DLIW-18S 1,998 DLIW-18D 3,152 DLIW-19S 2,468 Total Volume Injected Per Well Well Name Total Volume jgaly ❑LIW-19D 2,989 DLIW-20S 2,150 ❑LIW-20D 2,313 DLIW-21S 2,188 DLIW-21D 1,993 ❑LIW-22S 392 DLIW-22D 1,625 DLIW-23S 2,393 DLIW-230 1,954 DLIW-24S 1,927 DLIW-24D 1,938 DLIW-25S 2,417 DLIW-25D 2,181 DLIW-26S 1,927 DLIW-26D 1,841 DLIW-275 1,776 DLIW-27D 1,889 DLIW-285 2,076 DIW-28D 387 DLIW-28DD 1,655 DDIW-29 1,928 DLIW-30S 1,710 DLIW-30D 1,597 DLIW-31S 1,729 DLIW-31D 1,508 ❑LIW-325 1,834 DLIW-32D 1,728 DLIW-335 1,880 DLIW-33D 1,729 DLIW-34S 1,591 DLIW-34D 1,601 DLIW-355 1,870 DLIW-35❑ 1,822 DLIW-365 1,561 DLIW-36D 1,377 DLIW-37S 1,223 DLIW-37D 1,514 ❑LIW-38S 1,957 Well Name Total Volume (gal) DLIW-38D 1,759 DLIW-39S 1,520 DLIW-39D 1,416 DLIW-405 1,451 DLIW-40D 2,350 DLIW-415 33 DLIW-41D 74 DLIW-425 40 ❑LIW-42D 112 DLIW-435 1,608 DLIW-43D 1,501 DLIW-44S 2,332 DLIW-44❑ 2,082 ❑LIW-45S 1,951 DLIW-45D 1,958 DLIW-465 1,501 DLIW-46D 1,617 DLIW-47S 1,577 DLIW-47D 1,501 DLIW-48S 95 DLIW-48D 904 SIW-1 1,513 SIW-2 1,517 SIW-3 1,493 SIW-4 1,483 ON RESIDENTIAL G (,onus Rico NQTth Carolina Dopartmanl of Eavimninnent and Nduril Rewurew, Division of Weirr Qualiy wELjL comAr-roR c>E autcAnon r 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR WWI Cerltrestor PrOO( ual) Name — Wel Contradar Compshy Name NBS Nqq�fieid Of, Skeet Address Fort mill SC __. 29715 CRY or Town Slate ZIP Cate 8� 03 s W-2189 Area Cade Phone humbW I WE1L INFORMATION: WELL coNsTRucTioN PEAmrt*)M04QM98 - OTHER ASSOCIATED PENRMIT/(t apyNartl.) SITE WELL {b fir,P�Ierr. DLL 1W5_ & Q�iW0 _, 3. WELL USE (C?rack one Box) IMoniD" a Mw WdPI1PtMG0 b*ustrWVCommerdMQ AprkulLral❑ RacoveryO Inlardanllf WGINSOM] Olio O (Stine) OATS DRKJt 90 1 j(I $117 & WELL LOCAMM: 2DG0 Llzwer]1 St - (SL'aet Name, Huinbwl. CO*TAO lty. Suedrk'on. Lot No . ParoM. 71p Coee)� cITY: Winston-Salem cauNrTY Forsyth TOPOGRAPHIC IIAND SCTTNG (ci sppnyrSarabak) ^^ C0096 ovarky dtet ❑Ricpe ❑Oder 36' 5' 30.5800" 80` 12' 47.5200" LstlMaAarpitude seine (BPS aopopraphk map {ioeeNian of well' mwt by shown or a USGS *o m* arOwlechud ro ?his Ibrm d nor usk)q GRS) e. FACtt1TY (Name of the business where the well Is leaded.) -Former Flaki Products. Gon nal Z 1`300y Nerve Fadifty IUa (If app>laiW Street Address C ty w Tcwi stale ZIP Code AMFC - Ano ❑pathos" Contact Name 1-4725 Condili Rd KnnXydle TM 37932 [:Iffy or Town SErie Ztp Cade ( ANS 671-6774 Awe oode Phwe ojwoor e. MLL DVAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH 73 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES NO CI✓ c. WATER LEVEL ftlow iep of Casing _5Q— FT. (Ux '+' N Above Top or Cas ne) d. TOP OF CASINO Is 0 _ FT. AD eve Land es' 'Top of oeaina h Nnaled e11or bei0w tend suKsee may write a varlanca In aocordarve wth I5A NCAC 2C .011 S : c YIELD (ppm): METHOO OF TEST N. bISINFECTION: Type Amount p. WATER ZONES ("gth) : Top Bottom lap Bctlom Ter__ Bottom Top Bc=rh Top Sodom Top BodDrn Thtettaaaal T. CABING- Ueptr OlemtaW 9Yaigln IAabele) : Topes_ Soften 55 FL J 2-F" _ SC ED CP11C Tep_Q_- Sott m_" FL 1.25' sc 80 CPVC_ Tap Bottom_ Ft 0. t3ROUT: Depth metwul Top 4 _- Bottom 52 Ft.lonland Top 9attom—_— F1.—_-__ __ . . Tap Bptlorn Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot S W Materiel : Top ft55 B0ftM b660Fi�`in. 0.4E In. CFVC.._—_ Top_ i$sr BoNcrn 72 Ft_L25- 4.Q1 In CPYG Top Bottom F1. K in -- :10. SANOMRAVEL PACK. Depth S&a Ntaterial Tap 64.5 Bottom_ Ft #1silica - Top-g—Bottom_m_ F, 01 Silica _ Top flotWm F!. : M DRILLING LCG : Top Bottom Farmagar, neacnpbor+ 0 1 T3 sittv sand wilft rg&hinj�[yLs 1 11 1 1 1 42. REVAItiM 30165 sand seal from 52-53' and 60-64.5' IM IOM S'rA1aW1Oe, MV TINT A00rh' Or YM T(1 CMRER S)ONA JRE OF CER"iFIM Lt_ CONTRACTOR DDT Robed Millet - -- PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTIN13THE WELL Form OW-1 b Rev. Voll dA r 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert MeE Well Contractor (irdiuldual) Name sSfdiiGC4_ Inc._^ well CvMncW Conw" Name Northfield Dr_ Street Address fora 14dt SC 29715 Cky or Town Stall zip Code (803 1548-2180 Arse cede Phone *m*vt !. WELL INFORIMATION: NELL GONSTRMTtON PERMFTs W N00088 01HFyt ASSOCLATEE) PERM'rCr"kabo) SITE WELL ID r;ranpdraeere) DLIW-4S $ DLIW-4Q 3. WELL USE {Chad[ One 804 M"Odng❑ Mufjk0d P1fO[] I rrdu eO is VCom rrwrJal ❑ Ag rktdYlrel ❑ Recomryp Motion If Irftadanp Oew [7 list use) 4ATE DRILLED 11112111 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000 Lowery St. (S~ Nara. Numawe, C*u"uW Stb:rle M Lot Ne.. ?erael, Dp Cade} errY: Winston-Salem couNTYFor—aD-b TOPOGRAPHIC) LAND SE-TING: (dwKi appoprL4 bm) t]Sbpe QVexeY abet ❑Ridge ❑Otter 36' 5' 30.6200" 80' 12' 47.3700" LatltudeADr g lixie source' 03PS Ljopograpt,Ic rup {kcaocv? of wee must be shown or. a USGS tcpo mup aodoladwd to lhle farm If not askv CPS) 8. FACKJfTY {Name of"bus1r*sg where iht wall is bcalod ) Fie[ FlaktLradwj2S __ 040 QQ17 FwSV Name Fadlty OF (iI apple") 2D00 t-owP_ry St _ S11161 Address _Winaten-SalAM NC 27101 City or Town State Zip Code AUEC - Jcie Oeatherarse contact run* _14725 Cnadill Rd _ trW*V'Address nc'exvak TN 37932 CBy or Town state Zip Code 71-677 Area node Phone nxnber e. WELL DETAILS! a. TOTAL DEPTH: 75 $ b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXMTMO WELL? YES O NO L/ c. WATER LEVLL Bwaw lop of Casing: 50 FT. (Use'*' If Above Top of Caahgy NoN ll S N U4 L WELL CO 1R11L" ON RECOH11 Nordi CnmIku Depenmutt of Emimnment and Nduml Remu-mitt- DivWam of Wallet QWdlr WELL CONTPACTOR awmCATHON N 2675 d_ TiD! OF CASiNp It _Q_ FT. Above Lard Surface' 'Tap of CO*V ter mlrubad Mt batow WM uafwm nosy require a rensrxa la boomdance weh 15A NCAC 2C 011 A : w TIELD ilpmy. METHOD OF TEST __._ t. D13INIrECTIOM: Type Amourtti_ WATER ZONES (daplh): : Top _ Bottom Top BaRa+n : Top Bohora Top BORnm—. . : Tep_ -Bottom- Top BAw_ Thklcnaad :7. CASINO: Depth Dlamete► "M Material Too g--_ aotton,�>� Ft. �.20 GPVC : Too _ -- UOVOm31 Ft. Top Bottom Ft. e.ORour Depth Materiel Method : Topes_ Bottom-57,5— Fi Porftnd _rrer m Top K~ Ft. _ TOP. gotta-r Ft. _ /. S4CRM. Depth DWV101 $Wt UN Mautul : TopJL'[_ Bauam66 Ft. 115 IA 4,01 to 0P]C0 ToP�_ Bolt ln_Z5_ Ft 1.25 tn. ._Q_Ql zn _GPYf,____ Top«. Boft, Ft 10. n : 10. SAN=RAVEL PACK: Depth Size letetafial : Top $6.5-BotMm_$G— F1 bi 15-lica_ _ Top 5$.5 Banorn 66.4 Ft. #1� Silica Top Bcticru Ft. : tt UKILLING LOG To Bottom Fwnalbn Dmcripticr. ' �--� j5_-- � send 16rtttl dbfRe Irytarvp�__ 1 . r r i 12. RENAM0: 30/65 sand seal from 57.5-58.5' and 66.4-68.5' I Ino Pe441' C"Try THAT THO WFU wta 00►ta'f1et1G=Iw AOCOMANDEWW • ����6�TAAOARM�V��D T�IIA7 Appp► pF THi OF CERTIFIED MAL CONTRACTOR- Tf PR*VW NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL F Cum G W-t b Ray. 2M � for f I. WELL COIITRACTOR: oavid Browu - WOV Contraclor (bdMduat) Marna Saedigggo Inc. We!I Corwactor Ca.Towy Name 9088 Northf ld Dr. Street Addteu - - 71 Cly or Town Sole Z+p Coda 8( 03-M8-2980 Am node Phom number 2. WELL INFORMAT10N' WELL CONSTAUCTION P_Rwf M 0Q a G-HER AS$OCLATE D PERtYpT"epenum) 51TE WELL ID W appi,abb) DL1W-5S & OL•l --5D _. 3. WELL USE (C:%O One Box) Mc Aorlay Z M opoIPuDIlt:0 htdveVlel+C.mnwrdd❑ Ag t A ra' C Recova7 ❑ irisetbn d wgawo O'Jw►❑ (!aline) DATE OHILLED I IM 11 ■. WELL LOCATIQM. 2000 Lowery St. _ (S-0 Name. N4rnb&'k Can'MMY. Ssbdvlacn, IA Me.. Pena• I1p Colo) crrr nston-Gal _ couNTY Dolsvth TOMORAFM a LAND SEif WG: (dwd awopHlaia bmo C i$kM* E7V@Wy dVllt DRiOya ❑ DPW 36` 5' 30.6300" 8T 12' 47.2900" t&#1IvdVomgLWa &Km: V3P5 [3apWsptk map (b,-s Y w d we# mat be arrawn Cn a VSGS iopd map endaifechadso Mir form if" L rrp OP5y 3- FACRJTY [Name of Ifna busV*53 where ate wet is WA19C ) Fedit Hama Farsty IDi (rapplicable) Sires: Address Cky or roam Stale zip Cc" AMFS, - JnA DnathpranQ„ contact Name M almp Address kSnnyvilie_ TN 37232 CAry or Town State Lp Code 1 865 75$ $71-$774 Area coda Phona nXnba• C WELL DETAL'-' 70 a. 7OTAL DEPTH: -ft f% R! b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES r) NO W e. WATER LEVEL BM;;-w Top of Caaldp: a51 RI AFT (Use f Move rop of C Wog) NoN RESIDENTrAf- wsU CONE RIlCT10N HKCORD blurt+ Carv:ins Dtpestmem of Envirowrant sad Natural Resonroar Div Woa of Wag or Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTMCATION # 4155 a TOP OF CASING is - 0 _ F T. AzArm Land Sumacs' 'Tap of caairp W-Anted Wor below land swdoce may req*a a verar pe Ir excrdan�* with i 5A NCAC 2C .011 S. a. YiEL13 (qpm) METHOD OF TEST E D1&PIFECTt0N-.Type Amount % WATER ZONES (depm). Top l30'tom Top__ _, BW*m Top _ Bottom__- Top Beaom Top Bon" Tap Bettom Thtckneeaf 7. CASING: Depth awrnster W@Mht Nlalorl.I Too Q-Ba:orn�`L_FL1. 25" 80. GFVC rop.2lea:t3rtl ESr't & 80 CP]I�- - Top Bolcom_ — Ft_ B. GROUT: Depin Maweel McOw Top_ GoOom_' 2_ Ft. PCfjQnd JMM Top Sollom rI Top Boron- _-- FL $ SCREEN: Depth Own~ Slot Sbte Materw Taps, 0-rom84_ Fi_12 M. Q_,=_0i In. QPVC r*gs5e*pr i 70FL t2, a+ 4_�1 I'L CC Tap_ Solixm FI- it. In. 1O. SANMRAVEL PACK: Depth Size 10.41'lrlal Top 53.5 Be:tcm-U&- Ft #1 silica Top >4 __Bottom 7j _FL 01 S1icia . Top t3ctlpm FL 41. DRILLING LOG 70p ScOom Formation Dnr-Iptmn "73 sitU saLgy clay mtt rgQh 1 and grayal nt 1 1 r J 1Z. : 30165 sand seal from 52-53.5' and 60.5-64' IDO.EtMYCl*rFVTnATTIN WOlVMCONSt1=WWAOrJOII ANXYOH ilA WAC7C. ST WlCTOON:TANDOM. AND TINT ACOPT Of YW 1M+OCaIO WAS CM TO wliL DNa>FR SIGNATURE IFIFp tYl LL CCP(T FOR PRRVTED NAME OF PERSCN CONSTRUCTING PiC WELL Forlrl 3V4-1 b Raw 2M dd o- }r 3 t. WELL CONTRACTOR: iller Well Contreclw (tr.dvdkia4 Name Saedacca Inc. We': C.atrartor Company Naga,U6814orthffeW Dr. r Strecu Ade roes Eat M111 SC 29716 C-ty or To,tir SS.ta Zip Cnca $f03 -W-21 BQ -- Ares code oho, * r utibk r 2. WELL INFORMATION: r���7O WELL CONSTRt,ICMki PERMIT'i� V 4 _ OTHE'i ASG0CVAT£O PERMrT#X appic"f _ SITE WEL_ tD rl!M"Otrablet LI1N-6S,& [7LIV 0 S. WELL USE (Check Crta Bak) Mw4ta4lr9 ❑ IV..u-AdpWVPtbic C. kidustrla:lComrhe,d et ❑ Agdcuaural G Recovary C Injxson +i( Iftew. 0 Ott+g•z; {lituse} DATE DRILLEDA 1-12- 1 1, 4, WELL LOCATION: 2909 Lom2ry (841+1 Narae- Ntvbwa. Corr.nasy, 8ubrlr.alr. UAHe— PvlCw 4p cafe) rITY: 11Virl tail -Salem COUNTY Forsvth Ti']F+OGRAr 41C I -AND SeFT'NG! tdiecx Wpreprirte I-j [TStope L Valley stgat rrimge 36° 5' X6300" 80' 12' 470100" Ln1N �dedlcrb h de txxoe ;PPS '-70pographlo rr.aa {bcrflan a/ wee must be shWM a; a USGS fope mad s,-�dei! wnae to On Iarm (l rof u�ft OP5) a. PACrLTTY (Name a the bkwlinesa where tr* weo to tnrattets , Fnrmprr_Plaki Pun urfs onn nol 7 . Fad7ty Narr.p Facalt/ Do (if ap;kab'e) MOO L fiWELN -St SUBat AtlgrosS _10f1 f�tan,SalP,m _hlG.,27iQi C4 or Tpwr $Late 4 Coda Cvr tact Rama 25 ,andill Rd Malll'g Address . Knnxvillr� _�- _ TN_ 37932 City or Town Swto ft Code ( 865B -fT&9!6 671-6774 Area Bade Phelte nvTber 8. WELL OUTAIL,S-. a. TOTAL DEPTH-_70 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXITINO WELL? YES n NO L( C. WATER LEV EL Belmv Top of Caa;rq: (Use "+' 11 Ahovw Top of Castrtp) SON E EN77AL WELL Co •STKVgPON WORT) NWh Carolina Nparattebt o!Emtrorscpat and Ka tuel Rosourees-Vvliior. afWatcl Q¢aaiity WILL CONTRACTOR cinivrcATToii # 2675 d. Top OF CASING IS Q Ff. Above Land Svisra' 'Top of caeirg tar mlra*d aVw W3w land surface mey reGti•a e wide r-ee !n axflrMm with 1 &A NCAC ZC .4118 a. YIELD (gpmr. _ _ METHOD OF TEST f. 131S'.NFECTION: Type Amount = g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bahgrl_ Teo _ BaNwl Tap , 9oitcr� Top BeWm Top aottnr ieq _ 9aflan� 7f5kkreaeyl T. CASING: 049th DtafnaW Violght IIAatsrlal :Top-4 _6otlam_S5 _FLU Sr SD GFVc Top 0 Bottem_6 _ Ftj,2r", �t F'& Tcp 130tom R. ,— S GRDVT: Nptn Mateflal meow Top 0 6&''cm 52.8 Ft Etxda'9d _'Fwie 'op eofto m_. , R Top Bodcrn F! _ -- lk SCREEN: Depth Vitndtar Slot Stxe Materia TOP 1m Bottom- 4Q_- - FL 2 V. -Ul in QPVC, T017-6 -- BAltafiLFL i.25 tL _LLL fry QPVC Top Bottom Ft. Ln. In, V. SAND?GRAVEL PACK: 44091A Slaw Yetergl( Tap 53.9 Bd.�m Fes_F'.. �_ Silica -- . Top_(A_a&..crn_7Q_ F: 91_ 81lica Tap sar -n F 11. QRILLINC LOG Top Bottom Fornl9Aon DOSMpLOa l_7q _Ci tv clam sa c r r � _ -1 - r 1 11L REMARK8: 30165 sand sea[ from 52.8-53.9' and 61--64' i 00 rIIIII111119Y CWrFY III AT 00W R147M IN ALOMWJa:i W TM • IGA WAG X WELL tiCIN4'RV.—n3P14rAMC'N4M mm TWAT A o;IPr OFTme REOM IV6 My_11 FTpVUI) T -K WELLG1VNM Z� lM f z fr 3!UNATO RE OF CEffn17 FD 'AT-1L CQWVA DATE 12a I?cga-7 Mt c.ueR- PRI.NTEP NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING'K WELL For•+ GYy-14 Rev, 21% &4NR,ESMENTIAL Nysm.CONSURUMON RYCORD North Ctrolira Dowin=t of Env L'onmor t and NeLu rsi items: kzr• Diyui a of Water Qludi� **'ELL CON11'RAC'TOR CXjrriFIcKrj0N 1112675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: .Robert Miller Well Ca•,"Mr (Ir4l due Harr.O VWoLI Contralor Company Ha-e 1058 I SaW Add: ass Foa Mil 6 Q 2U715 C'ty or T~. State rip Coda L803 y 48-2180 rae pads Phene wimber 2, WELL INFORMATION: IYE',L CONSTRUCTION pmmfidWI0400098 7TFI .R ASSOCWTED PERMIT/(t apptlralls)_— wr waL d7 DLIW-78 & 1. WELL USE (Check one Bw:q kfonlorny Q Ll rlduatiUCOmt Wdei n AC-Icu.turo NI Rasavaryn lrl.adoh fif IrHpanono Otw C plot use} DATE DRILLED IJ-1.Z-1 1 R WELL LOCATION: 2 00 Lowery S, (Skeet Pane. Nwmbds, Corrrmoo.. SubcNoW, LW No, °ucs , Zip CoCs) cTy-.-Winn-Sal m co,.NTY_FI?rg-yth TOFICI 4pF11-' I LANDS ET71MG: (d" 4w%,Aa boot} OStapa CIVA;:ey flat []Ridge Pfter 36' 5' 30-6800" 80 12' 46.8100" LaLwdalle,vbdesoure: O�&PS ir] Kt-aanlcmap r>--&dCw' od ow mud 6e slxe wn on 6 UWS tope Tian are arac_ne 1 fe :h15 IU it not usuh!g e3PS; S. FACILITY (Nu a of the business wure tv yell B laeetml) Fcucaar-Flakf Pradttct-, � MQ 0017 Faea,ty Name faddy •D# Of app'"c a) 2f1 M 1 rowery St`-- -- --- Shlaet Address _._ NC'2Z1 M city or Town stale ZJp Cade Contact Mama 9725 Qorjdjll-Rd- T Ne tng Address _1Knoxville - TN 37912 My or Town Slate Dp Coda I965 - 0&ffiftQ71-f774 Area cols Phpno namber B. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEmi 70ft bs DOCK WELL REPLACE E)(ISTING WELT-7 YES 0 NO GI c. WATER LEVEL Below Tap orCrim inp: SO _FT. (U%e '*'It Abode -op of Ceshg) d. TOP Of CASINO IS 0 FT- Above Land Sa(im' •rap of om;np torNnatsd etfar Delax lard el 1w meyM+ke a Variance M accords rce wM i'_A NCAC ZC .011& w. YIELO IS pm), IdET140D OF TEST t. DISINFECTION: Type Am ord : g, WATER ZONES (depth;: Top Bottom _ Top BoMm Top Sum Top Bctom Top SoUorrl Toy SC901 Tldcknessl 7. CASINO: Depth Diameter Weigbt Material Topes_ 8lftm j5 Ft 1, 2 5- Top— eolSxn Ft a. GROUT. Doptt. Moterlal ktatTlad Top-Q—Bolom-U __ - Ft FQftnd� Remit Tap Boiam Ft Top S-U%wrl Ft. IL SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Shm mom Tope 9w fan3�_ Ft 1.25 IR. -Q ;n. Sj($� 10, SANDIDRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Mouripl TopAA—ez�bcL&L—F��- Mica Tape-,�Bauom-T - i L sSlice 11. DRILUNG LOG Top Sawrn Forr�wrlan Des ri"or. 0 170 — l 'i 12 RENA M: 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' DO P-kM-FY Curti.wr'a Ai T • IS WL WM CGNorRilt enIN AC YRTH • 154 HCK: tC w41.L CC.IGTRJC TION S'TANII i06, XND TWAT A CC`-f 01" nr S 11 MC= 10E eM TC TK- AEU OVMa R 60.YATTIREOFCERiIFIEDVY l.C9ATRALar0—R DATE 1�uz7 m d tc �2 PRINTED h"E.O= PERSO4 CONSTRUC"nNO THE WELL Foyn GW-1h Rev. 20 NON BESIPE1VTML VQLLC' NURUCi'[ON RECORD North Garonne Department of Enyimnmont and Natural Act rws• MvWon of W WV Qv Q fty WELL CONTRACTOR CEJUIFIC'A110N r1 2675 I. WELL CONTRACTOR: WWI Carhyeg4r OndlvliAWj Name sSaedaaC Inc. Well GonlraCkx Company Nprne g488 Northfield Dr. 9treel Addmm CNy w Town ftle ap006 L803 _-) 548 -2180 Awn code Photy number L WELL INFOR AMN: WELLCONSTRUCTI1O+i PCRmiT*VVI0409M OTHER ASSOCIATIM PFRM! 0(0 aaplcab6) BITE WELL ID r(e cppaotr.) LQ IW-88 & DUMD d. WELL USE !Check One Sox) Mor>1larirlp :] lrhrrd48VPLbIIC C:) InduetrlaMommerual Q Aeda hual [I Ramvaryp InJxken d rrQaronl ) Cthor (- (let ueo) DATI= DRILLED_i l-1 2-11 4, WELL LOCAT*N- 2M Lowery St. _ Name, Man Sowr Cammunay, SuLdMrar4 Lot Nick, Pwuuo 4 Coda) cfty: W miLorn-5 Iem culmr FQLsvth�.. TCPCGRAPHlC 1 LAND SFrrtidd- (ceedk Lmrwwm bc4 CSlops t7Valley rd'�Iat URd" jother 36' 5' 30.6700" 80' 12' 46.6600" I89!veellongpatle source: LPPS L]ropoBrNnh.c mop !IvoaMw a *qW r»ud be smwn on a USGS lopo mw endstla Aed to Uwa Aum A' Fpw Ueft GPS) & FACILITY (Name or the business where ItaweI In located.) Farmer F'lnkt Prodtjctq ❑nn 0017 Fedoly Name Fad" it* (if aponable) 2,001 nwpry St - - Steal Address VOnAtnn-,';;a1EIrT! C:Ry or Town stole zip Code Canhot Nome �i7_ 'S randlll Rom_ Malirg Addreae Knoxville TN 37R32 Clly or 7wm Stale ZIP Code ( 86515fiftV.T&t-671-6774 Area cads Phorre nrrrber A WELL DFTAIL S: a, TOTAL OEPTHi 71 R b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXIsTiNG VMLL? YE8 n NOIV c- WATER LEVEL BWow Top of Casi-y. 51 _ lFT. (Use'-' IfAbow Top of Ca6kig) d. TOP OF CASING 15 _ _ PT. Awve Load Sorlsae' 'Top of caalnp :emlklelad afar bwow lard aurtace may requlre evia its we In dccadenca With 15A NU 2C .0119 e. YIELD [t?Lxnk hlETlioe OF TtsllT R 018ONFPCTIOH: Type Amount W WATER ZONES;cbplhj: Top Bottom _ Top Botlorn Top Bottom Top _ Roftri— TOP_ accom . -roP-- - Batlo^i T h IckrigwO T. CASINO: Depth DwMft%r Might Aietarlel TOP. 13 Batton r Fit 1 26" ssc $Q GM . 7oP �_ . eoltcrn FI 4.25" o Sr PyL,r_ . S_ GROUT- D 6M Netedlel iretNA Top- 0 _ Boltam 63.8 Ft. POr lam _ Iremle Top_ Bodor _ Fl — Top Morn Ft e. SCREEN: Depth Diemater SMSloa Nwarfd Top 0 BoUom_M_ Ft. 1 251n. LQ In. SMQ Botivrn FL�Jn. tn- 10. SANDOGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Mahrlal Top,-y5J__Aobor:� 1�12__ Ft.,_#1-- 6lilc� Too6447Bo"-Zl _ FI. #1 Silica _ lot: k3atlora F t. I I . DRILLING LO(i Top BopGrn Formation DaacopW �1Zi� djM sand 1 1 . 1 1 12 REMAWS: 30165 sand seal ff4.r.11..53.8-55' and 61.2-64.7' 1 OO HElit'rTY C Url" TNA7 TMV90 WINS 000WRI1CTEOel ACCAIIQI IN WRK • ISA NGC 9C. 6*UC4rWrKXTKMSTOtDAP 6, Nil RYU AL CWf OF Ras Nr aHASeLAMM MXDTbn-[Y&LL0yA%A b'y ATIJlRE OF CERTIFIED WEU CONTRACTOR RATE /itL.�r7L PRINTED HA.ME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WEU. Fow ow -lb Rev. 2M E5'I rT&ELL COMLI&FION North CmIlr& rAV 1merit 4 Envitorumat and Nuwal Rveouroes- T IAWon of Wster QL49hy (6 W &U, CONTRA(JOR CERTIFICATION 4 2675 L WELL CONTRACTOR: Oeft Wier Well Ccnf oW (w4%4dj&) Nam SoedaQc Well Cenbe tw Compery Nafrta Steel Address C 1y or Town Stale allIcaft C$23—r 5-0-2180 Area Coda Phone nttrrbw 2. WE LL INFORMATION: WELL CONS T RUCTION PERMtT6 W10400098 OTHER ASSOC ATE PERMTT#Cf gplo W) WM WELL tC Waopaoaltls} QU -Sai3k Du VMa ]. WEELL USE [Check One Bo; Moillodog­j MunldpWrubft 0 IndLMWtailCOrrlPTf (dAI N Apn06 Mkni l L1 Rw vwy l I mptdlort if .1198SDnC: Othr I 1 (1st use) GATE DMLJ EO 1 i--12-11 4. WCLL LOCATION: 2000 Lo +e-nt 5t. _ i91r ' Name Nw"@, 0omm4nit3r, t'nEbdlvral0n, Let Ito.. P" f?p (&) CITY: Winston -Sale n-_- COUNTY FQMYk TOPOGRitPH1C I LJWD SE-mNG3 (at" arrfirowaYbctd + ]Siape J Ys lay J(Fht 17 Ridge 00tb&r 36* 5' 30,6800' 80' 12' 46,5100' La'kudeAoiplude source: QM LifoVVraphfc map 05mw-n of wed rfWaf be shown urt it USO3 t'cpo map andatre--�aa !o %4 form rrwfashy OPS) B. FACILITY (NWW of the bus;frees whore the vw* 131omto&) Fnrmet Flakt Prndwjr ct non nn47 Fac" Name I Fedlgy ID# (U appli sgla) --2(M nwArygt_ - Street Address -- Wi ,gtQr,-yak--m� Cly or Town . — _ - Nr 271 iri Stale 7.1p Code AMFC - .1 A erti+iP.fF3i�.s� Carted Nero Meairtq Address KnoxviJl TN -ug32 ,,gy or Town stew Zip Coda cM5jj 671-6774 Area code Phone tvimbar B. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:3tflL - - b. DOES WELL REPLACE F-Xlgnh i WnLL7 YES NOW 4. WATER LEVEL 6e10w Top W Cwing: al .. T. (-Ao'•' N Ahme Top of CaerQ) '4, TDP OF CASINO IS C FT. Above La)a 5u11C,$* •Top or caMV ism inakd atror betaw land surface rrwy requ" e vadenos Ir scoordeow wth 16A WAC 2C .018 a. YIELD {gprnj: _ -- METHOD OF TM L DISINPpCTION: Type Amount p. WATER ZONES ,depth): Top 8nnont_ Toq� FlOtlefn Too—. Botbwi- icp_____ —BAXT Top BOttorn_­ Top BOWM Thlckrm" 7. CAB LNG: Depth Dlamotor vhlptlt luarld 'TOP-0— _ _ fioborr56_ _ t ! -i 2_-M QPVG Top- Q- Bctlarr�_ Top Batton FI- -- 8, GROUT: DeoM 11 ato -w Method : Tapes Bottorr�,�.. F',.�4fElHI1C1 �_ YFffi]'I]@ Top____. Bolton Ft.� -- — , flap Baborn Ft IL SCREEN: Depth Diarna;rr 8101 SI>m Not" al Top_50 - 9tlt oa �_ Ft y ln. - 1n.. c` TopQ§— saw 71 FI. 1.26 I% 4.09 in, , CPVC TOP. _ t30t:ar Ft, - _Jn. ___ h _ 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth ShIs malwial Tcp55 BWm, 61. _ F1ill -fig Tcp- f�5_ _Bofiom_L^ Ff. #1 suica Tap - 8010m FI._ 11. DRILLING L04 YOp Bottom Fortllallon DeacgtIon 1 1 f 1 : ix Rl:Y.ARXS: 30f65 sand seal from 53,6-55' and 61.4-65' _ 100 HVEAYOERM TFMT In INVAU YI& CORNTIV.XTfW INACpQILr]NR; , %4M : NN WGOC 7r. W13L . 0ONSTRUG- N 81A1 MA X ANu' n4AT A COPY OF fl-U. BFBI Pra01rld1iD f0 TW WELL OV*ftA ilia -Ill siGNATURE of CERTIFIED WELL C: R RAC DATE fr-69efZ? %b[ AYL PRINTED NAME OF PERSON r0kSMI.K.TM TW WFLL Fam GW-1b Rev.. 2" �r I. WELL COHTRACTOM- RobediMIDer Well Ca'Yrae"or (hdiulduaq Name �aadacco Inc. wea Corltrecw Comperay Nose 900 Noitb,fleld Dr. SVW Add re" — Fort Mill SC 29715 Ctiy w Tow 5hte Zip Coda A-3 K free oodo Phone ruTdxw I WELL INFORIAATION: wr-LL Cons-rmC`TON PERMr'f/._IA 000$S OTHER ASS CIA-FE 7 PERMITpr w0baoa3 SITE WELL 1D"av b b.1 DLlW-103 & OLI -100 3, IWELL USE (CTedc One Box) MortRodnW ) Munla7 9WQb'IC ❑ InduaWstrt4wo rd81L AgrtuilRnaiCl :Iwzwry! ii InJeCSen,( IYgsdcno Other 2 (Est use) DATE wtmuu.11--12-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000 LQWeLy $1. (SYeet Nome. NurbeM CanvnunRY. 8utl4401oa Let ho:. Pettit, aP Ceder CITY: WlnstwSalem COUNTYFOtS TOPOGRAI'M r LAND SETT NG: td" appiW4&% bail ❑Slope L VXPOY UVW 0111doe ❑Other 36° 5' 30.7000' 80' 12' 46.4200" 6aNudellorsgRt,do source: 6A3P5 �opoyrwltt map &Mkn of wW maul as *Nhwn IXi m USGS logo map wdallsrJW tc dille:turm fatal fj," GPS) $- FACIUTY {h sane of lhe hueinoss whore Gee wsl is located.] Faddy Name rao.:y"{M epp0wb1e) Mo(I l amLeni Rt Stress Address —%dinRton-Salem jyC 27101 CRyor Town State Llp Code .AMFC' - ,100 EleathFiraoe Cartect Nano 9725 Coad►llRd- Ma07ng Addrras City or Tom S.ate ZIP Code Arm adds Phaseru nber 9. WELL OETAILB' a. TOTAL.IDEPTH- 71 ft b. DQES WELL REPLACE E7@8T1NO tftELL1 YES'.) NO GV s. WATER LEVEL Below I'op of Caslnp: 51 —f-T. tLha 'F- If ►shave Top of (Snt g) NoN.RESIDEN77AL WALL Cols E-_RI MON RECORD Borth Camlim ileparirneM of SnvIwmrbat and Noturxi Resouraa• UlvWoa of Wa* Q.%I ty WELL C:O.YFItAM)R C'ERTIFIcATjow Y 267S = d. TOP OF CA9iNG IS.(3_ FT. Abov9Land Sur1aw 'Top of eesiV wnunated atlor below land wrfsoe rwy requre e va1Rnoe to aoMm9rice 0,r I &A .YCAC 2C .D118 a. YIELD Igpm) NETHDQ OF TE81 f. OM WrECT1ON: Type Amount g. WATER ZONES (deem): Top 13*W Top . r90w Top _ _ 80:totn_ , Top Bottom Top 8r:torn Top , 8aftom 7Alcknsas< 7. CA81ING: Depth ohimeter Weight Materw TopQ__Behan:-o F1-I..Zb;m PVC Tap Bottom Ft :8 QRDU":: Deptn Neteriel Molhod i TSv�_ 59— F► EQAAl d _ • Top Bcr F7 _.— . — Tas . Botoer FL 9. SCREEN: bop% 1318"bd Slot Biro unarm Topes_ Bosom- 81 — Ft,,�in• . Q QL in. _Q ToP_ae__ BMLom 71 Fri t_25 rrt 44Q1_. In. SO& - Tap— Hotlun+ FtJn. In. 10. SANOFGRAVEL PACK: Uopth at" "terial Top. 55 _80co T 61 • Fi.A_ a51lic TopBvttam 71 Ft. It. ORILLINO LOn Top Hounm Fove11or UesodpOw 30165 sand seal from 54-55' and 61-65' i M Witu t'CFAWY rTMT rles NMI7 WelYa'ie AODDWACEH •15ANCAV2.YAU0DIITIfJCT40N MlaMlh�ACQr4ITHa wCtc�A mom PMAIMIro Twill IYEiL OVOWL SIGNA� MTFF!ED WEL 700147RAOOR DATE f�-c�a�rrr /Y11cC.C%Z PRINTED NAVE OF PEROGN CONSTRUCTNe Tt IC WELL Form Q W1b Rev, i109 ew 1. WELL CONTRACTOR. Robert Mille[ Wa.i Contractor (InclivldwW) Kamm Well Contraeor Gornpany Name 908 Nortift1d dr. Stre.�et Addres■ C Q( Cky or Town $tots ZIP Cade ( 803 , Am lode Phov ntAnber t WELL INFOR11U1TION: WELL CO NIS TRUCI ION PERMIT/ W040M98 OTIiER ASSOCIATE0 PERhMTa(y"Pkahb) srm WELL IO i[r wo-o bei Q - ❑LIw J 1 Q 3. WELL USE (Chock One Bax) Monft&V D M1 MldpsuPub3cG M%mtr ia K amme rda I p AGrlcufhxalp RecoueryI- t dionof kripatlonrp Otmof G (Mt use) DATE ORILLPD, I j9-'ij ,_ i. WELL LOCATION: ZOM Lower1C SL _ (Street Homo. Numbon, CmvwA*. 9wb*Aolon. LO No-. Pw*K as Code) cay: Winston-Salem couNTY Forra)o__ TOPOGRAPHIC I LANO SETTING: (dwck eWop m Wmr) QSWpe LIVaWy trial ORkW pother 36' 5' 30.7300" 80' 12' 46.1200" LodhWcAangNude aatme, QCP3 : 1ropograph1c map (raca6w of w*d must be sherwre w a U5GS repo map andsJUM adld IMS Arm it pot U" GPS) E. FACIL.rrY (Name of bho txrs,roee wheee to veo l is totaled.) FnrtnerFlalsf Prndyd g ❑n4 n017 _ Fac^ Namur Fatirty'LN (if applicable) 20nn I nwary St- SIr"I Addrena WIn_stnnFilAm _ _ -NC _ _ 271Ilft City or Town State Ilp Code AmFC -,Lae Deatherane Contact Norm RZ25 rwelill Rd MWIing Address City a- Town slats rap r 865- 54+671-6774 Area Code Phore number 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH. 71 R b. ODES riELL REPLACE EJti6T1NG WELL? YES ❑ NO4r c. WATER LEYEL6etvw Top of Caft. Rf}FT (Use'•' K Above Top of Caarrq) N9_N.fiFA1D&1YT1AL w i.L Gi3NsrRUL:110114 RECORD North Carolina Department 0fFov4o111 Brit rmd Natural RMV MS- Divlaion of Weller Qwwi!y WIELL CONTRAC70R C,'IPATIFICATION M 2675 d TOP Of CASING !S 10 _ _ Ff. Abwo Lend Su foco' 'Top of caslrq 4vrdnersd aver fiMow land turhto mar requra a verfance to ■acwftncs vAh M NCAC X .D • I a a. YIELD I9pml: NiTHOO OF TEST f, DMINFECTlON: Typo Arsount WATER ZONES (eopth). Top Bottom Top 6Mrn_^ :Top--- --Bottom—.--- Alp Bottom. Top Bottom-- - Top----_ Botlomi Thlckamaol T. CASING; Depth DiarrIew Weight wt.Hal TOO Q., aoaorn_K_ FJ,_LZE— 8) Sd'�CG— Top —_ Bof1MM_ Ft.-1,26* & IQ Top 1306=__ Ff. e. t3ROlfT: neptn Motertal Mletttud Top 0 wt—> 4_— Ft - 20daati Trernie Top (4011om FL Top_ Bettors Ft 0. SCREM Depth Dlematrr Slot Sire Mrtorhl Top 56 Bottor: 61 Ft. J2 �i . Q U :v Qp3L Top 66 scam 21 Ft.�_�� 1�.G1 in Mrl Top aworn Fr• _ -1 _ _ in ND. aMDIGRAVEL PACK+ Depth atte MotoAal Topes wBalsam 6a.3— Ft #1 Mica TopA5—Bottom_ 7i,A_ FLU,! Top IMorn— Ft 11. DRILIWO tOG Top Botlorn zorrnaiwrt Deacripilon �! 71 Sib saacs 1 IT 1 _-J F 1 12. REMARKSe 30165 sand seal from 54-55' and 61.3-66' I M Mat M {xrtTFe THAT Pb WILL WAS CONSTAL)CM M A00011M)OWN VAIN • 16A Nl=X, STAerCTOr STAMOe,AM AkO Y MTA 00" OF THS TpR. ► 9 I1 t'iATL� OF CERTIFIED LL 'CONTRACTOR DA PRINTED NAME OF PER30N CONSTRLJCTMK3 THE WELL Force GN•1b Rev. 2" �■ a IYN.RESIDENTLIL Mil rQysUMI—_ -101r X&CORD 'EOM C6MHU I7erurtreieet drvAYlrof MbI1t VA NaMMI RsaatrM- Di►rsion of Water Quality WYla. COMRACrOR CERT1FICA111ON r 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Wd1 Contraram (lydMptmi) N wm Weil Contractor Company Name Sheet Addm a _ $C 29715 City or Town StaleLp Coco c 843 548-2180 Area code Phone rturnber Z WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRkiCT:()N PIE RMrr4. WI NO 8 OTHER ASSOCIA7E0 PERVIITS(r.Mlwhlry _�- SITE WELL I Oil' q p imbis) OLf -12S SDI -1 S. WELL USE (Chedt One Box) Monitoring ❑ Mu*c1mWUb6n0 Indusbi"ommartial O Aancunsual L] Reoorwy(:; Ys]6C1g If begat n Other(] pistuse) DATE DRILLED _11-19-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000 Lowery St. (StroW Piww N, mbws. Cemmfnky. bti,trR.-sim Lai Nw, Pa mL Lp Code) Crrr:ygnston-S alem _ Coven F MY! h TOPOGRAPFMC r LAND SETTING: temm appopmobw CS -'ape ❑Valley 0Ie1 ❑Ridge (jdhv 36' 5' 30,7400" 80' 12' 45.9400" LanAwlomnwe source: MP3 0rDpoyrapllk map {rocaecal of tiro rnwar ba &Wwn on a USG 1*0 map enoaftfawOR rho rbrrn if not sing GP$} 5. FACILITY (N Iamn at the buelnesa whore tam well is icor:ed-) F"ty No rrra FedWy IDE (If applubb) Street Address - ]dmiQn-Safam _ NC 27101 udy or Town Slate ap Gode Contact Nerve R725 c- andill Rej p Addrras Knosnrille IN 17932 City Or Town Slats ap Cede 1865 671-6774 Araa Cade Phone number 6- WELL DETAILS - a. TOTAL UEPrH;1] fl 0. DOES WELL REPLACE EXI&TIN0 WELL? YE ❑ NU LTV C. WTIrR LEVEL BODW Tap of caslrp! 50.07 --Yr. (use'+' If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CABING iS _Q , FT. Above Land Surface 'Top Of -ahg twrn;natad War below lend suftce rrrsy require a ve'ia+Y� �n ac.:oraenae veldt 1 tSA I,tCAC �C OT s 6 e. YtELDIgpml- METH000F TEST_ ! DWINFECTION:Type Amount WATER ZONES (depth): Tap- tlwom Top y boV. m Top__ Botb7- ._ _. Tap Bean. _ Top _ Bow'n _ Top—_— PAtmrf . rAlslta.aa► 7. CAaIkG! Depth aaswlehrIEh1 asatarM► Top Q _ Bdtorn� 1 25" SC 80 CCVQ Top �^ t3arotn �� Ft._ 1.25 5C 8Q CPVC Top Bottom Ft. a. GROUT: Dept 1101e191la1 Method Top, ___ Bottom- 54_ Fi PCdar►d Trwi2.�_ Tap Befmm FL Top Bcitare FL L SCREEN: Depth CMenebr Slot Bbn Metltrlsl Topes_ Bottom- 61 _ Fi. 1-25_1n. 0-01 In. CPVC Topes_ aoffam_Z.J_ FL 1 .25 in. 0 01 In. QFVQ Top Bodoni FL In. in. 10. SANDMRAVEL PACK -- Depth Slav lltdarhl Top_K __-_Bottom 0j2 Ft. #1 SHICg_._ - TOP­g_ _71— rt.-91 ,$ ilCa Top Botom FL II. DRILLING L03 Toy Bottom Forma4or Doecripcon io f 71 1 1 I 1 1 r r 51Ity "CA - 1 x. REMARKIII. 30f65 sand seal from 54-55' and fs 1.2-fib' I W MEW C cMWIF74AT IM WELL V4M 0101W161CTEo W AOXftWCt MTI� • 16R YMFLL C.aefrtltaJrgel SrAMOARP6. AND T►µT A COPY OF 111A FS! To DVMER. SIGNATURE DF CERTIFIED 4+QNTRI1L`70 DA. PR%NTF0 NAME OF PERSON GAtiSTROCTING THE WELL Rev- 2" ■µ 4 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: ..Robeft Miller We" C nb'ottur (hldhddua)} Name Web Contractor Company Marne ki Dr. Str"t Address City or Town Stall. zip Code M 5 548-2100 Attie coda Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrr* W(0400M8 OTHER ASSOCIATED P•ERMrMV•pptla6Ml SIM WELL in4110q cw.> DLIW� 8l DLNV 13❑ 3, WE L VSE (C neaa One Boy) %WiltorkV ❑ Mw***@Pubk 0 nd ustr I aVCcm mwdal [] Ayrleullural0 Recovery LnJacOm j( n1ga4on[I Other l3 Q!at use) DATE DRILLED 11-10-11 4- WELL LOCATION: Obvut Momo, Numbm, Cammmnsy, S•4WuIM :.ol Ne, Pip Lp Caere] crry. MnstDn-Salem couNTY Forsyth TGPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (dwca opp t*9 C1SIDpe ❑ Veley at1at 0111d9a ❑ 0har. 36" 5' 30.7700' 80' 1 z' 45.8100" L96YWeAwv%)* awcw V3PS ElrapWropik map ( caffon of wail must ba shown on a USGS 1=0 map errdafwt ed 10 mla kum If real esln; aps) 6. FACILITY (Name of the husiness where do wall is Focxtod.y Fnffn jr RAW PmdwIN _ MCI QQ17 F adlity Name Fet:Mty IDt1(M appkebte) 20M L-nwnry St - Sweet Address NC 271(11 C" or Town aale 4 Cade Comex Name 9725.Cgae il�.. _ MMMnq Address Knnyvilte TN 37932 Cky or Town Stets zip Cope 671-6774 Nes Cade Phone nk moer a. WELL DETAILS: a TOTAL OEPTW-71 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE "STING wr;LL7 Y£Si] }qiwl' C. WATER LEVEL BW*w TOP of Casino 50 (U".. K Above Top of Ca") NoN REuPENTML WELL CONffRiI MON RF ORi] ,4nrth Caruiins Nportinent of gaviro went and Nature! Rasources- Division of Wear Quality W V1-1- C'DNTRAMOR CERTUIVATION N 2675 d TOP OF CA81NQ 18 Q FT- Above Land Surface' 'To p 04 o"np terminalec @liar below lend surleae may require a verW nee in aw"danee a* 19A NCAC 2C -0 11B r. YIELD (gpm): _ IIETIIOD OF TEST f. OISINFECTION: Type Amount a WATER ZOKE3 (deFth): Top_-------_ BoMm Top anllrxn_.___� Top -- Bottom--- — Tap— — BOtmm Top Bottom Top Botio/n rnlckness) T. CASINO: Depth Dleettrw tlVrlpht Mellow Topes__- Bottom- 56 Ft 3. & _ Sc 80 Tapes_ Sot'om F� FL1,2" 09. Top Sottnm Ft a GROUT: Depth 1411;IrAe} M911 d Top 0 eottom-&U- PL,2M1Ud-- Tremie Top Bottom R. Top Bohan Ft fR ACRE Depth 61 Dlartteler Sld Size Matartal Top �oitAns_ft&FL 125 n. Q.Qj in. CPV :Topes Aotttlm 71 FL 1.251n- Q.DI ;n` _- Top Hahne FL In. In. ' 10. SANWRAVEL PACK: 9 DMM 61.5 MM UtIortal Toy S9libm,U_ Ftjlft-_ 91iira _ --- Top 66Botiom FL : 11. DRILLING LOG Top BOOM Fom. *bDn NtmpWn -0 - J� 1 1 1 �J 12. RNMARI[A: 30165 sand seal from 53.9-54.9' and 61.5-66' 100 Mt'. tm 09MIFY TINT TM yrf M W" DoNIrT►=M61 AOrJ01e]R= VM 1e4 MAC. X. VAU L COMMiCrOO STAM APM AND TINT A 00" OF rip TC rM 4Y$L ovo" SI 'PURE OF CERTIFIED WELL dWRACTOR MATE Rohe_+t Millar PRINTER NAW OF PFRSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form OW-tp Rev. 2M .Nor sm wT r, North CwAlan MpuimerA of Unvironawd end NCUM Rese'lraoa- INvirlou of Water QmUty Is,.,. wEu c otfr►ucTox CER'MCA'F N # 2675 1, MILL CONTRACTOR: RobeitMllet wd �l C.o,r,ftckw (In mcklui) Name �7��45�111!�e•-• Well Co*eoW Company Name 9080 Nadhfield ❑1.. -- SU*at Addroee Chy or Towp SW& 4 Code (En 3 548-2100 Area code Phone rnmrber 2- WELL INFO RMAMN: MA-1- GONSTALIGDON PSRMIT/-t%AQ(H$ OTHLR A66DCIATED PERMrftl(i q*OwGe plrE vvELL I� li(reap k+eCle Qk �.�145 �i Q LIIIV 14 f3 S. WELL u 9E (CRadr. 0rw pox) MorlLnrin917 MkM*Jp84PubI;Q (.1 Ind uatrlal+Camn+ dal❑ AUrkxik"l0 Reoovwy[I I*j Zonh( "utlonrl OUwC) (latuaa)�_.. DAY'E DRILLED, L-M 1 { I, WFI-L LOCATN]N. 2000 Lowery St. _ (-%-W Hare, Numbers. Coromuntr SLbOA",L Lix fio , aa:.al. 7Jp ode crrv: Winstoi7-Sa1em __ _ -_ Q*uN-Tr_FgjsA _ TOPOGRAPI tiG f LAND SETTWG- {cheer apP%*Aere bowl J&Dpe LDVILky eld :IR" L101her_ 36* 5' 30,4200" 80' 12' 47.8500" l edtuneJlorgllude aaraon: LaVS {_]ranogrephk map (bc Nm of weft must be &flown on Ii USGs kpo nw anantlechadlo tMe Axm tllrnf ual?u GPS) & FAMITY (llama or the busnooa vfia a tr* wall e9 Ix artwd-) FnaWr Elak1 Products w 0017 Fusp:ty Nampa _•1 _ Parity it)$ (H Bppllcabia) �2MO1.nwnrt_Sf_ Shot Addralla ibs#oo'Sxlem _ _. - NC 2710.9 CRy a►'rovrn State 71p Code eraae Cw0d Nacre OX25 Cnadlll Rd- Mdi rg Address - - -- JSf anditi - Coy or Torn --- - - TN UP32 able Zip Gwa ( BOA 5 6J— -fi7-74 Area code Phone nranber a- WELL DETPJLS: a. TOTAL DEYrMi-Ma b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTIN13 WELL? YfiS n NOW c. WATER LEVEL. Balvk (Use '+• If Above Top of Ca ft) it TOP OF CASING 19 _ Q_ FT. AL ow Land 8ixfavo- 0p of =Ing "meted alloy ba}mr land Wfeea m+y rop,v+e A VW0rxx In eCCONW06whir 1tSA NGAC 20 .011B. A YIELD (9pm). M9THOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION. Type Arnoua! g. WATER ZONES (daplhj Botlorn - Top Botlom­ ToD _ Botlom Top Kett nL2 J —. Top___------Bok)M lop.-. — Bottom Thkknaeel .7. CASING: Depth DLemeter tt601 Top-2 Bottom 65 -- =1. 1.2§" & BO Top_ D - -.. Bonm--aL- -t. 1.27 . � 8Q Top Bottom -I. S. GROUT OgAh MaleAal MW"d ropes BoUorn -. __ _ I L�rkd — 7rertlie Top_ Stem"--- ...... Ft. -- -- Top 9ottorn FL_ 9. SCREEN: Depth Diamrater Slot size amewrsal ;Topn_.YFt-1,2ln• -Q.L In CFYr Top '� . Boftnj PL_71�,5 In. . 9.C1 _ In Toff Boa= FtL_In. In. 14. BANDIGRAVEL, PACK: iSerlH Sloe MamrMi Tdp.K--8oftm1Q`_ FL #I -alltw Too Sown FL 11. ORILUNO LOG Top 00" Fnrmatlon oes'• Jipwn 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' 100 HBV Y r;ETMN TI AT rMMt -I W400N6tHIJ= D INAODDRO 1 MWT11 • MAWAC W, Y*ILnpaleTrexXr SYAH ApMAN0 THAT A OCW OF TMs 73 � �To aw+Fx. 11 ZI 11 sgNAiIJRE CERT1F1B0 WELL i:tlNTrth�DR' OA Rob.QN- m:Ilrr pwrm NAM of PIERSON CO URUC'TING THC wru: Farm OW -lb Pow 2M No WILL C2MUEBON RF&gRD North CaroltmTkT4rbmnt 0f"Eavironmant and Nate W Reeourow . Dfylsfa: of Water Ouallty r W191.I, COYrMCroR cmnrICATIoN K 2675 1, WELL 09NTRAC VR., We Cart ractar CrAvidual] Nam ! Wel Cor,Lamr Cwnp" MOM N!grthflgld Dr. Suet AWfe" GRY or Town State Z p Coda 803 54.8-2180 y Aran code Phorw manber 2. WELL INFORMATION - WELL CONSTHUCM4 PERMIT/ WlQ40 0()g§� ❑TIi@R ASSOC ATFA PERt,Rflf(Nsa kaft) arrp wFu in otir 1.i ❑�. A-15S & 1XIVHR15o 3. WELL USE (Check Ora Box) %WlWrg❑ MunkipatlPubMeA ndua "Vwrlwrdel ri AotctRttrW [7 RacovaryCl NjeC/DaIf "allonL7 OlPwr U (80 use) _M DATE DFJLLEDjj:Q0-1 i 4. WFi L LOCATION: 240a. IwgWelYSt, _ �t3barl!dams. NtaabPM Ownausft, ai.AWdon-LOtNc, P Ly Code} - cFTr Ins on-5a cAuwrr Fors TOPOGRAP4f:01 LMD SETTWG [c�aoc rppegrAre anx) (aslapa I]Valay utlat I IRldge GOtI►et___ T" . 36' 5' 30-4500" 80' 12' 47"6100" LatlWddiDrrpwM eouce7 WPS ryopopraptrc rw j N00ftr of WOO moat be Shown cr 4 I/SVS Wo map a'KWdoChed to thlfs kVM Ae MR U1 ng CPS) i. FACUJrY (No -no of Ira buskreea whom t,* woo lg !omtad.) FsdUty Name F-allylDR {If appFlcabie) 200Q I awelv.s#­ 5!oet Addmss AwaatQtl-qaiem DC 2710 Ctyor Town sille zlp Coda AAEC- JW Df attteraae C4ntad Narita 9725�, _ ll Rd Mdklg Addrasn �. ---- �SLlii villa CM]r+rr-town _ IN _ 3793 mis Zipt'.ode i mis si a a H 5kt§D Argo eo4s I %nne nyrnher & WEL4, O£TAR-3- a. TOTAL 17Esrnf ."73 b. 041.8 W` LL REPLACE EXIST1#0 WELL? YES ❑ H03( c. WATER LEVEL Uow 14p of Caskic. -52 F% (Use'r' N Above rop of Caalnq) d. TOP OF CA3IN0 0 �� Fr. Above land SWIM' 'Top of casing terrnk►rmd etkr belar land surface may require a varlsnce IFt aeaardanco w* 1 SA XrAC 2C 011S. e. YELD (gpm): mm+00 Ott TVST _ . F. DMfN0dCTtON: type—� _ An*unt _ % WATER Z0*116 (daplh]: Top 8attori Top Bottom lop Dattorrl_ _--- fop goaom Top Solo i . Top 9attam - Thicitnaeel 7. CABula- Depth Olaaneter V111aight mate"ll r4v�_ 60twm- 56 Fr.__]. E— SC 80 -,cPYS - Top--Q _Bvtlomj" Ft,_9,,21'- 5980 MtQ— Too Botlorni Ft 8. GROUT: Ile* Fatal mill tul Top _ 8vtiom66 Ft f gdaol _ TMAie Top Bottom Top 80ttun FI-�-- L &CftaN- Depth O#arrkAv SM 81ze Apresriel Topes_ i3&W_ _ Ft._) _15A .,IQL In- _QFYQ TOO E� Bodnrrl 7 - - FL_J_tR . O-QL I!, CPVS; Tap , MloalFL___Jn h --- 10. SMIDMRAVEL PACK: Depth abo iAaFertal TOpf? smom" Oa_ FL 01 . TDp_$7 BoWm_n— Ft. #i- :TOp_--,-_Notlom FlL _. 11" UPotlIHG LOG Top Adflnm FormatWn Daaralptton 1 1 12 RENIARKS,. 30_ /65 s MLWal fram SE-,';7'and 6-4-R71 -- t u0 t 'l cmTry rwi 7)is YV=,1 WAS CY.Jtlelst.lt = at AwaptOmmVat" {aA WAC 1C. VW-U t*irTe; ys:lk aTPAUVug IMTtMTA07'tCr TM =cFl?9,ED'r0 ill: OYPIFJt _ ►� 2.� 1 f SIGMTME OF CERTIFIED M gOl�iR�IG°IbR DATE = PRItr fffi hAME OF PF.RSaN M THE W 1L Form t3 w b Rev. Me ,w NUN RESIDEA7 L WELL c NS-11-RUC-11oty R1EU[1iW hQlh Cwulir.a Deparlmeat of Enviru mrx.i and Nalural Reaourtm- Di visioe of Waier Quality WVLL COKfRACTOR CgRTjmrATIt' N fT 2675 1, WELL CONTRACTOR. R�rt Miller Wall Gorg uWr (Ill Noma -- daM Inc- S Well Contnalor Compony Name Dr. Streal AWreaa Fort Mi 5Q 2971 City or Town Stab Zip Code L03_..j .54IL2180 Am coda Phone number 1. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRLICTIO]N PERM-T# W104OM8 OTHER ASSOCIA r EO PERM(Tt(IfaW4obrr)^,_ SITE WE'LL is acdwpr ,m DLIW 10&Dl.iW-160 ]. WELL VW {Crook One Boiq IIAonl%D*V ] McOmpoWub k 3 klduWMWCammer II] AgricaNpal❑ RecoveryLl InJaCyon lif IW4910no other ❑ (1st usa) BATE DfULLFD 12-16-11 i. WELL LOCAM11: 2000 Lowgry St. {A►wt hwra. INar-bars, Omamunty. eubdMalrn, Lot No. Paraw, Zip cay. Win1ton-Salem owwy Forsyth TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SET'ITNG: Ldw* I I I - Pa `war) ❑slope pvsley &let E)Ridpa [] ftI 36" 5' 30 4400" 80° 12' 47.3600- LatdwaalbngXds soww BPS pro"aphlc map Ixasnon of t+W mud be ar:own on a USGS tops map andeffachad to 1f93 Ibrrn N flat U*J GPS) e. FACILITY 1Name of the bus kiesa wf e(a Cw wen is kKated.) �FoIDner Elakt Products w0_0017.. Fadflty Name Fadlty IDS of apWab'a) SL'aat Addroaa Cfty or Town Stone Zip coft Cvnted blame 9725 Cme ill Rd Waking Address Knnbtvilte TN 37932 CRY or Town Stabs Zip Codo r RASA 3B9•Br,,r1•iF671-6774 Aran c4do Ptwno number 9, WELL DI=TAlLS: a. TOTAL DEPTiI: 7Q It _ b- DOES WELL REPLACE PJtISTiNG WELL? YES U NO rid c. WATER LVat Below Tot: of Caalrry:-49,3, —Fr Nos '•' If ACove Top Cf CBS CV) d. COP OF CASING Is _ 0 FT Above 1-aid Swim' 'Top of t"N 'Arrrd'eted odor below is sudwA msy r"Wre a varlanoe In aCCOrdarlca wllh 1 bA NCAC xC 011 a. .. YIELD (gprn): NETHOO Of TEST I. DMINFECTION: Type Amount �, tIW1TEFi �QlLEff tdt�pMtx Top 6oftm Top _ so -tom Top BOWM---- Top Rottom Top Bopom TOP-- soften _ T'hickrional T. CASINO: ftpttl Ohs lobsr Wetghq 1hhAa1 Top,Q_ Hottem. 15 . Ft.125_ �Sc 80 CM --- Top Bettern Ft- 8. GROUTD►M klataMl Afrlllod _U_ _ _ P-arlaad Tremis Tap Hoftrxn Ft — Top Bottom Ft 0, SCREEN: orptn Diamakar Sint 31ns Material Top- - t3oftem_f Q_ Ft. 72&M QM in.. CE!YC`- Tw- _ Wom_ 24 _ F1 _25 In 0_01 r - GPiC Top Sort" FL In --- :r. 1Q SM134GRAVEL PACK: Depth Sho Matarfaf Top-,%-0QWrr_N FI. #1 - -- .Slli-a Top_ _norlo(, ri Top— Ballorn_ —_-- F I -- 11 DRILLING LOG Top Herto.n 0 t ZO 1 1 1 1 r Forraticn Descrlp9on It 1116MA11". 30165 sand seat from 53-54' and 60-64' I GD HWe§V CWWV fMT Thal V4U Y1Af: CIOMarrkXM IN ALCUIC AM X wIM IAA WAC r- YrF.LL to WAUCrM VA!lQOM. Ard T HAT A CWV OF TM A PRDV0w T4YYF.L0V"ft WININTGRE OF MTIFIEVViELi7CONTRAd15R DATE RoW Miller PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WFU Farm GYY-Ia Rev.L09 NO r' SIDENv u oil AEroxn North Carolina Dopsrtrrat of Environment and Naluml Reaourxs- Divisioa of Water Quality •rr, ..^ WELL CONTRACUOR CEWTli~•iCAMN Of 2675 1. WELL CON T RAC MR' d- -.. - WON COMM" (IndMckjo) Name SaWacco Inc. W*0 Con!*Vff Com wy Name 988-NQtthfleld Q[- SMMt AC dress C4 or Town Stain no Code D180 Area code phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PEIRMITe VVIO400098 OTHER ASSOCIATED PFRAIIT" epplcahej SIT[ WELL IDAWopokeele] ❑LIW-17S & 0LIW 17D S. WELL USE (Ch" One Barg MortlWWV 0 MmlclekPublk 0 InduetlwCam wosl' AprtwhunW p Row%WY❑ INCH n it it Pl onr} CMar 0 (sit use DATE DRILLED -1 a. WELL LOCAT1OM 2000 Lowed St_ (Stroa: Ha", Njmbm, Ca+xnj;;-* &rodnMbn. Ld No., Pardl. ZV ccda) cm Winston-Salem couN7y Forsyth TOPOGRAPHIC/ LANC SETTING. fo" aporopAtla bob QSlope ❑Veley W1at ❑Ridge QOTW 36' 5' 30.4700" 80' 12' 47-2600" Lathudadl Nude source utws ❑ropographiemllp (lotaaYoa at W"MuW be shown un a USCS tope map arrdatted+ea to bY3 fbmn a'net =VV GPS) 8. FACILITY (Nam* of ft boehoaa wrier+, the well In Iocoiod ) Faculty Name F'adlhy Ice (I a ppFeaCb) Sweet Add re" Gry or Town Stella ZIp Code QZ25 Crx3diil Rd- -- McWag Address Kr;lnla&k -- TIC 3ZO2 CYy or Town S`Iaea 7Jp Cade cBas•671-6774 Arta code Phone number e. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEFTHa 70 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING iKLL7 YESO WY c. WATER LEVEL Below Trip of C*&kV: (Use'-' it Above Top of C46r►0) d. 7OP OF CASINO I8�_ FT. Above Lard Svtaor 'r., of onkq brMlost$d Atlor below land sud*M may mq,ke A vartwxeIn socordanae with ISA NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD;gpm): METHOD OF TKST 1. DISINFECTION: Type Amount O. WATER LANES (daptn): Top - Battor r Top Bottom % Top Bottotr - Tap Bottom Top Botlorr, Top Bvtbn+ T'hlaknONJ T. CASING: Depth Dki neler 1Maghf Material Top A — Bottom 55 FIL _ -cip QQ Top Q Battom�y�� FI.I�ZE^ 5c 80 Top Bottom FL 8. GROUT: Oepfri kutedal Msttmd Tops_ sown- U - FL-Rgj&xt _ Tremie _ Top Bottxn Ft Top Bonrurl FL e. SCREEN. Depth Dlametsr Slol SUA Moudal Topes Satlorn—H _- rt l _25 n. 6�41 In -Qpyl� 'Top 65� oDYlarnl4 ._ Fi 1.25 . -Q-QL in -QPVC TOP eotlom F I - ;n. M. 10. BANWGRAVEL PACK: Depth Stts lAatemel Top-G4 Bdtam 60 F'. #1 Silica Top-AL—JBonom 70 FL 1 Top Salaam_ _ Ft ' 11. DRILLM LOG Top Dcdaa7 Forrns%on 3@zapl'ar o�J31s _— . �J 1 J 12. REMARKS.: 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' 100 4DkWY CtHTIF'r •>UIT THe W EXI. VM Q0PM l=1!DNAbWFW" WTH • t&AW-SCX. DONSYRIJCMMSTMeM1aAIDTFATA.00"OFTIMS PAXORU To T tAetL 0"W 6 NATU E OF CERTIFIED L CONTR14CT PRINTED NAME OF PERSON C048TAUCTING THE WELL Form low ' e Rev- 2" IV RESIDENTIAL WELL CONM UIUMN RFCORP NVAI1 CAM11ru Vicpartm-tat of Enviroainenl w'd Natural Rc"urces- T)i%istor vFW&W Quality WILL CONI RACTQR CERWICATION Ir 2675 i. WELL CONTRACTOR Weft C fftcur [''od%ldu&I) N sma Welt C-ont'9.yp C01T.Pany Name Street Address Eort Mill Sc , 2971S Cry ur Town 514Lte Zip Cgde 1803 s 548-2180 — Am cc4s Phone nuTmet d- TOP OF CASING 1S -0 FT Mow' and Surface" 'Top of ❑aNng Wwrrinstai afar below Iand s.x'aos maymqutre a varlanos In acccrdarow rA h 1. SA NCAC 2C AI13. : a. YIELD 19 cq METHOD OF TEST = f. DISAHFIICT'IRN: Typo Amount ¢ WATER XONts t4sptttl. Tap Bottom Top _ B&Lorn_ Tap 80aoln_ Too Eot: n— Top SaWm Tcp Bxcgt--. ThlcknWisvi 2. WELL INFORMATION: ' 7. CASINO: Depth Dierauar Weight v,tEL:- CONSTRUCTION PERIA ITS Wl0400098 : Tcp_L_ eavon S_ Ft _1,25" Sc 80 OTHEF ASSOC WTEEDPERMrTWi{>twombul sfTz WELL to rrttew ow*) LIU AS & QUw 18❑ S. WELL ilSE ICf*ck Ona EWnL} Moratvnnq ❑ Mtrr*Voi4-Ak U lnduatdal►carrrvrdeI ❑ Ag&uft, re110 RswmV c irjec9w d "atom Other a (Dot ufel wx DRILLED 12-16-11 4. WELL LOCAWN: 2000 Lawery St. [STOW Means RumbsM CoMminay- &"Nig7en Lot No.- PW=& Zip C•xe} CITY: VYtgn-Salem C3LJN-FY Figrs TOPOGRAPrI C.1 LAND SE TI iG7 (dwm* mp¢uprri■ bm) cs"e t-vaky 0�-Uat t~R*o ❑O ar 361 5' 30 4909' 80' 1746 97W' LarL.danvW+gI%xk mwoe: O r,M 0TO-Mrspn1c map 11ccaton of Lwat m4W bs sf►owrt on a '15 5S We map amattecoad f9 Lars tom if sid vamp Um 15. FACIL.IFY {Wrote of the Isw.>Rets wit pro 1-e wO % IotweC ) Fo mec Eaki 2roclueft 000,0017 Fad* Name FeCaty IDS (IT w0ceNO) Street Addmw Wingitonz.gaigmNC 2n0l City or Tdvrn state 40 Colo AbdF(r-lne Dzatharana Contact Natty 9725 C:aedill_Rd_ IVU,rig Address —Knnitville_ N 37932 GtyorTwn State aocam [ SS5+�671-6774 Ar" cods Phone nLZrk r 4. WkLL. MMLIS: a. TOTAL OEPTN:. Witt e DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING AIELL7 YES ❑ No q/ c. WATER LEVEL Be'aw Tao of ,.arng 4a -- (Use '+' M Above Top of Cesny) : Ip_ k - . -- EalToel-Lv-- Ft-.25 -2k-Q C VAISMaL cm GPVC Tag BvtLom FL AI. G40ilT Depth ARasaAll+ A*a=hod TDpJ_ Saticfm 53 Ft ftakla _ Trernte Top Boporh Ft, _ Top BcWf, Ft. S. SCREEN: Depth Ltuneter slat Star metarW Tapes Baton- a - F t-- ,25-;r 0.01 _ H. _CP11C Top 75 kSelldm80 F:. 1.25 Ir 0.01 in- QPVC-- Top BetlCm Ft. In ..� In 10. SANDiGRAVEL PACK: Depth SIX$ UMPASI Took+)�aollarn�4-- — 't#1-- _ Silo �. Tva Bottom � t 11. DRILL NO LOG Top Barran Fdrnabon Dracip5on 0 80 5iIts and crave w/some rock 1 i I f i -- 1 1 _ 1 12. RE KARKS, 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-74' I m r"EV CMrwy Tr ^T T►ae wiFL. MLAS OMITOX710 tMACpDflD"A WvnI TM#CAC =ACJL OOWTK CT'olW SrAWARne. AV »HT A OWY CF TM . Rl� T 1 YSRL CA1!"Jr NATURE OF CERTIFIED*ELL CONTRACTOR CATS PRINTM 1 4VjE OF Ptft$04 CON SM. UCTIW THE WELL form GVJ" I b Rev. VD9 No v REsmENTm wuj, c0&UBj&no RL North Cam Na Dameat of E-whrownitm And NMund Re mmu- DIvlslop of Wader Quality WkLL CONTftAC1'OR C IRTRICA1TON p 267S 1. MU CONTRACTOR: B Wel! Cantnt*W (MMl&A Nana 'awagco IM,_ �We/ Carftdse Company Nona �y�n asc_r N2=eld Qf- Sbse1 Addre" C.hy or Town Shea ZIP CMS Lan -) 72 180 Are* code Phorio el mibw ?_ WELL INFOR1AATIOM: Vv;LL CONSTRUCT" P`rRMJT#YPQ4M98 OTHER ASSOC1AT ED P ERMITi(I applclp Ij SITE WELL ID #M gt0o&W*&LIIN-195 A QUALI9D a. WELL ME (Chaae elan, Box) WnitDnn0 a MurklpaAlut:llc 13 1ndva'stpl/C"MWvdsl U Agricultural C Rewvery [1 Mj--llan it Iralpstonn Other ❑ 0M E'SS] DATE ORILLEOM7Q0-11 4. WELL LOCATION: -29M Lowery $L (srket Larne, kun*om. Can ro*. 9tr dw*n. Lot Ha, Pear, ZIP Cads) crrY: lrl R-Salem cowry ForaAh TGP00RAPHlG IIANU 8MWG: (d" appralelrtbbwo n&vge nvokey Ufhat uftpe DMe 36' 5' 30.5000' 80" 12' 46.9400" Lattuda+l0ng1kKIek0u0oe VbP5 []ropDRWkmap {knoim olneR meal Da MDrat On 6 [ISGS top* me1P 0rJdPWad+ad to +Ids b(m I nW using OPS] S. FACILITY (Nome al the 6wlnoss where iota wW is locuted-) Fnamr Ftakt P[nd> sots (MID 017 Faalhy Name FadMy IDrF ff "PSMM) ?-EKE E_ombm lit- - Mnstan-Salem T AEC 271Q1 iAy or Town 8" Llp Cade �L .Ina ne;0hera0e Cor"oll Nome 41161 q Addreea Ko xvuja._— TN 3793� My a Town t3 b Slp Cods ( so &w671-6774 Ivea cdde Phone number Q WWRLL MUMS: I` TOTAL OEPM: 71) R b. 00" WELLREPLACE H7<1 MO WUL9 Yrsn No W t. WATER LEVEL Berdv lop of Caa4._50_-- . _ _____,FT. (Elea'+' ItAW" Top of 06* p) d. TOP OF CASINO 18 .0- —_ FT. Abova tmnd St,rW4' 'Tap of otalna *Mn n[cc door Wuw land surftcA may roquke a vagwra In acoordanco %11h 1 M NCAC 2C 011 & s. YWI1) (gpmk METHOD OF TEST__ : L DUMFECTION: Type. Arrlotol :a. MUTER ZONES (dopht T*_ _ _ bmofrL__. _ Top __ .- Bo*m_ — - - Top- . - -_-_ . Bow-r_ Top BotioM— Top _ 13ottorr Top _ t3Mrr Thie=kr►swl 7. CA dtNG: Depth Mtriota r Welghl Material Top 0 i,)u=.3&55 Fl. t 25" 5c Ba CF11C- -- TaP_D_ 3a11 J�FS�,��._ TOP Bnttam Pt. 6. GROUP Depth h%whil MAodpd Top_L—8o0oMj3— Ft—R=glcl _ :Top BQQMn FL — lop Dolborn Ft _ B. SCREEW. DIpM Diameter Slat Slag Malefw =TDP_55 PxWfn- 60 FL_L2,�_In. k4t_ 'n- CPVC Tdp_ffL_ 80WM 70 _ Ft 12 -In 0,01 4L GM Top . — Botlom FI,—ln. In. 19. SANDIORAVEL PACK_ Depth sin Materiel -- Top. BA . 5002m -?o FLIJ II1ce : Tap BaronL____— FI 11. DR111.1NG LOG ' op Bollom Cormaoon c4s&p3m I 42. RFJdMXB-. 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' ICOMpvwY our ry nt%T rM YYr'1,.L~ 00M6rAMED INAi7P0Rr.VKf YwrH 10 MM aC, Ym L COWROMM n'AWWJM AND TMIRT A CDPY of TI rH eaHr M410tiI TO +( 2 t I r t31[3NA OF CERTIFIED WF1L CDNTRAG°f TE _ M �,__ r'RIF�fiFla NAB pFft80t'1 COiJSTitUCT1�IG TIC W!?I 1. Form GW-1b Rey. 2M NON DAY ll 511],_ ENTIAL WILL CONSMUCTION_WORD North t'A"lgA Dcparfrmnt of Povtrunmoel eAd Xahllltf Re4ourcaa-1)ivialoq of Wow QuAllry wr LL co TaAcraK c-EwmicAnoN # 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR Vuea C-trtu*( (WW WmQ Nome Wtli CmUaddr Campeny Narrw Stroet Add Pon Fort Milt SC 2071§ Clly or Yown aw ap pally 803 154IL2180 _ Area rode Pfic" rn+mtitar 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION f4-.K 17E_W10400008 OTHFR ASSOCLATED PFRW-I"■A**bh) em WELL ID l(F aPPkaoM1_DL111}i-20S & DL -Z4o 8. WELL USE [Check One fto Mo-nWring ❑ Munk*sWLoso l Lndr. nlnriieCommerdal �J AgrlalRurai [' Recavory;� InjodJorr d Iryatl., j Otham (Rat„ae)- DATE ORILI eD 4. WELI. t.00ATION: 2QQ0Lawelj zl. _ - ;sl "t N:", 4 umL-". COMMUnRf.8*drfs"bXNo. Pumr. 7pCmW CITY: W n,9Wn-,aJ!8Q CGUHrYgJjHVj._ TOP O(3RAP" C f LAND SETTM- imhoo* t4pwAmtm b* us" uVa%y whe EIR40 ucrwr 36' 5' 30.5100' 80` 12' 46.7600" tstRudnikrlpAude aarca: WPS r7opopr3prd: frlap (lace11a4 of we# munt be Wow on a uSGS foapo crap anarltt dw to thl8 A7rm If col 4a N OFS7 & FACILITY (Alarrw d he bu4mm w1jece the w" le wmlal.) HIM FAC Alty Name FWAY"(rap Pkabfe) 20001nS6lP_I'V 91_ _ 5tr*;A Aaldmu _ ]MmtnnSalem :fty Cr Town SIM0 np Cade [kw*sd NNarm MoMM Address G4r or'Town Slate 21 P Code r M jg -%flowwmhi,- 671-6774 Area oWe Pnone nunt r a- WELL DETAILS' a. TOTAL oEP7H:_7 DAL _ b. 008a WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YE$L3 NOW c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of CoSkSM . IUee'+' if Above Top of Oa1ltlpj d TOP OF CASINO IS FT. Above rood Sulfate• 'Top of 006V %rml'1o'.ed aVor balm land avdam may rNdra a vane top h aocordance w1h 1&A NCAC 2C .a116 a. YIELD Wpmj: IaE}FlCO OF TEST f. DIG%Fl3CTl0N: Type_ •,v Ametaat � wATLSR zoNes [depth}• Top_ 8atlotr�4_w_ Top BCllorn Top _ Dotloxk__ Top aubom Top Clow- Top Batlom Thictneaal T. CAOM' Depth vbv"tar Weight wiftriol Top..0.-- Botforn 55F1 1.25"_Sc 80 BQ CPVC Top Bottom__ F! _.---__-- a. GROUT: Np4h wadw lamed Top` Rottom�,3—_ Fi �I aTl __ TTtmi� Top Bodm Fes_. Top.._ _ _ _ . BDUarM Ft _... 11. SGREEW. Depth ftimeter 8lot sits Ilaterlat Top_ 55 Doriom �_ Ft`t2 •in. 0 01- In. _QFYC -- Tnp_ l5 Bnt:oml9 F1. 1.251n. --QM- l n _CE!YC Top oouorn Ft in, III- --- 10. SANDIGRAVHT. PACK: Depth stm Kafatlal Top_f&--Bd1oo_N--Ft#_ No Top_(jj__Prlttnra_M_,__Ft #L_ Sijo Top fiaarorrt,� Fl _ _ ll. DRLUNG LOG iAp PAAk rl ForrnatJoi Doormptan 170 s�lu GJ m sand -- _ 1 �t i 12. RF-. AM&, 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' _ IGOHumaOyl"THATi''asYMuy"CONamU W01ACf. N MCF.0711 •$MN*%DA llAL0001fir►RA"t[Gt+VrANo'4ftAteTMIACONCOTM wlaeelat aim t+f�.LCAaMeL _ Atid t SIONATVRE OF CFRTIFF'OV0ELL CONTRACTOR DAV r3�27 fc.tt,;�2._ = PRWim6 W11AE OF FaSON GONJnV'X— NQ THE WFU Folm GW1b Rev. 2MO NON RE DENTUL WELL COM911tuMON RSCORY North i'u olina Dwartmm of Pawirara m and tti"W Raaucas Diviaioe or Watar Quality WELL'CONTRACTOR CERTMCASIVN ■ .3351 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: MichaW ffison Wel: Coraactor (u0vWuaq Naha ❑❑ �w1et4� C�oo1nv,s,��C�a.,,oC�r,,C,,al� rr ow Name r. Sbv@t Addmt Fort Mill SC 29715 —CKy orTmm state Zip Coda 8t^ 03 i 548-2180 Ana code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION. WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMfTSW9400_ OTHER ASSOCATEn PF RMrT1(Y ep0tadv SITE. WELL io",pprrawo OLI --21 S & D�IW-210 3- WELL t1Sfs (C wk One Box] U0610wo ❑ MunMowpubll4❑ 1ndv0rW 'Connent al ❑ AOiulfiurai ❑ Rmmy ❑ INadbn d Irafyabona (After ❑ (I''at uae) DATE D/tILLFTI 11-19-1 L, ■. WELL LOCATiDN: 2000 Lowery St. - _ [,Street MUP6. NV-W4M. CornmwFfy, 9ub&VAMon, Lot NO., PWW, LpC XIO CfrY: Winston-Salem ❑aLwy Ffgrrgh TOPOGRAPHIC 1 -AND SETTING taped app►opiebb* r f%loi* ❑ Vauay e$41 ❑ RiMge ❑ Clher 36" 5' 30.5600" 8W 12' 46 5100" La+llt>deJlonQlh�de eau ce. BPS ^tovagraphlc map (kmedan of **IV miaf be shown a: a 0SGS fopo map ReKjw Shcadb ^3 fhrfn A rta uw..7 GPS) S. FACILITY (Name of Ta huvevcs wrtera the well la Ibcatae.) Fnrrtuar Flakf PrgdkXj5, . Wo ❑I017 FedA1y Name Facility ID# [4 spgigble} 2f}fln I nwafu St Street Addrou _WnSlartCity or Town ~ State zipco" AM F r - -Im Oeathetatia (]Conrad Nanie,,,���� p,,,n �Fwdill R'4- Maift Addri }(normllle TN 37932 Cloy or Town State Zip Coda (865 571-6774 Aw ooAa Phone notst S. WELL DETAILfi: a. TOTAL DEPTH:-70 fl b, DOES WELL REPLACE EMTTNO VOELLi YES ❑ NOW c. WATER LEVEL EWow Tap of Cadny: 5CI.-,FT. ,U&e • tf Above Top of C&IN) d. TOP OF CASING !S J_ FT. Awm Land Surface• 'TOO or aslrtp to-Tw aed wvr below ww twrfaae MSY►aqulre a vadaLim In aowUsnoo voth I NCAC ZC -011e- e. YIELD I4pm k MIIFTKOO OF TEST 1. DINNFIECTMN: Type Amoent 9� WATER ZONES (depth) Tap Bortnrt Top— Bottom__. Tap_ - _ . -- Bottom TOP _ Rotwrn- Top Bottom Top Bolton TtliekrreaW T. CASMG: Depth diameter Vlhfyht a rteriel Tap- Q - _ Bo7orn 5r FLU_ ySc 80 !Q?vG -- Top 4 _ BodDm Q5 Ft. 1.25" 60 _CPYG Top - Boffbm FL E. GROAT Depth Mata40 Menwd Top_ Q _ Bo t rn 53 ,_ FL POALaDd TIamm Top Bohm FL -- Top— Bottom FL, :4. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot S4a "Burhl Topes_ 13otlom -$O--FL 12.5 k+. 0_01 h QPVC Topes_ RoMm 70 Ft. 1.25 in 0_01 In CFVC Top _ Bottom Ft tn. In. 10. SANMGRAVEk.PACK: Depth labs Mw*rwi Top ' _Boftm w Rju ____ Sd1Cfl • ToP_..� BorGOrrt1� F1, Sfta Top BottGxn FL •, 11, DRILLING LOG Top aotlom formation 002Crlptlon JL—_I 70 r 1 �1 1 1 1 .�J 1 1 12. ItEMARIG'1_ 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' 100 Hditwcax`Fvy THAr V"CONSTi1LX L0INA0000MAPIMW74 • HA WAC M T ANMnde THAT ADDpv of ri% 11460R0 L $10111111MIRE Of CERT1F*D WELL CQNT1iAGrfO WITS Michaellil agn - PRINTED NAME OF PER" CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-t b Rev. 2Jd4 �r a '�.,..�' 1. WELL CCNY ACTOk Michael Wison Waft Cont+aclor 0-de iduaf] Name Sr Wall ConVOCIOr Company Name Street Addfs/s - EQrt Mill SC- 29715 City or Town %%te ZIP Goo (803 f 64 -2180 Arne Bode Phww rarnbat Z WELL 1NFOR16ATION: WELL CONSTRUCTJON PER1AfTeVAM-0$. OTHER ASSOC IATr-D PERTMFTS(e■pokaaw) SITE WELL ID*Nappataha) pLJW-22S $. QLIVV-2?D S. WELL USE (ChetB One Boxy Monbodng L] h!unk*mVPubIIC❑ Ind uWallCont"ns lai ❑ AaftPhKel ❑ Rixawwy ❑ w+ledlot+ of Irr1Vvbcn❑ Other [] (Fat uee) DATE OR4.LED 11 - - a. WELL LOCATION: 2000 L ower►1 St. !Srr+n Yana, (rumbas Ganwewft, Bybdil b a1 Lot No.. Pw . Dp Cvwl CITY: Vkston�alem axiNTY FOrB Lh TDPOCARAPHIC I LAND SE MN G' (duct aepraprta bar) ^— 08lope ❑Vaeey UeFlat CRldpe ❑Other _ _ 36' 5' 30.5900" 80' 12.46.3000' L**A*AonQ:tulle aourw: MPS L-Topoynphfa map (kesawl of wteN most bo alrowrr on a USM Mpo map $now$Ghw ro MI8 Avrm Mnd u3wV GAS] S. FACILITY (Narne of the buiiineae whom >he woo is localad.j «_ . Faboty Name FarAlly Of (J appgoabfe) S'Jee1 AMmas Winstnn-5alam �W C 221ni City of Tuwr Stttte zip Coda AUF-C Ina DeatheranA Cwbld Name 02S Gmdill Rd_ McNov Addreu Knoxville IN U932 City or Temn Seta zo Code I g6s, 75fta!fftt 671-6774 Araa Bode Phone number Ill. MU. WELD. DETAILS: a- TOTAL DEPrH:_7Q_Q b- DOCS WELL REPLACE EXAM NOtfyELL7 YES NO C. WATER LEWL Fallow Top of CaaInc ,-,U_([1 _. . ,FT. (Else �+' if Above Top of CaaJng] i.t .��.. K.w { uItl�tvlii�i i�IfliTaR�^C 0; LqA KESIDENHAL L; F," QQNsrRuCTjqN RLcoR 4orils CSrIe!'rru Dopartment of Environment and Nahual Resources- Division of Water Qtulity WRLL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATIONS 3351 d. TOP OF CA$N O 18 Q FT Above Lard Surface* 'TOP Of C t "larnurialed Wvr bek?w land t1ilm may roarim ■ vetienoa to ecoor ks wtn 16A NCAC 7C 0.10. �- YIELD (ppm): _ METHOD OF TEST I. IRSINFfiCTION: Type Amount 9. WATER ZONES [devtn, Top_- . Boncm Tap. Bottom _ Top Bounm Top_ . Bottom___._ . --- Tew Borvn Top BodeTrL_ Thk! newel 7. CAMO: Depth Dune, welobt Mionric Top 9 E000m-5 - Ft., ilk" Q &flv(; Top-q— aolwm&�— Ft. 1.25" ! cpvc - - Top BDnom Ft. a. GROUT: Depth Mau"* ~DO Top 0 Botfbrn-fa-- Ft. Portland _ 12MI! — Tap-_--- Bobor Ft -- Top Bof rn FL e. SCREEN: tlapdt Distnater 3W Skm IlTaterlal : Topes_ 8otlam—§L-- Ft 1-25 ri 4.Q1 N. Top-W aetmmFt. 1.25-In. J191 In- QPVC Top tlormrn Ft In. In. 16. SAND)GRAVEL PACIL• Depth Slta IMotortal : Tops54—BottoM60 Ft #1-sibca- Top-2L—Bo" 70 ^ F7 01 ska Top, Bottom F! t t . ORILLING LOG Top Bottom Fomwf,oa Oeecrpdw 01 74 sty ,fill = sud 1 1 1 f 12 RVIAM: 30/65 sand seat from 52-54' and 6"4' I L* tiftM CCfi 11FY WA'[ TM WOO V*3 0001e7lilCTFD N ACCOnDrr44 MTn ;16AW-AC2Q.AWtLLCO DM et AND 7 AAT A CDPt OF TPM : RFC'd9fl T J'rI ■ �r 91U NATURE OF CERrLnM WELL CONTRACTOR GATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING Trffr WEII Fatm GW1b Rev.Z09 0 �ev � '► ow 1. WELL COitTMCTOA: Wait C611raCtW ON M U41) Marna Saadamo Jac, We11 Cows i r Company Name 20§0 Notth5eld Dr. _T Street Address Fo1M1ll SC 29715 City or Town - state np Code 8u $46.2164_ Aroe Cods Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WEL- C0MSTRLICIION PER M1TA W10400098 OTHER ASSOC'ATEO oERMrT*(1 sppilcehw] SITE WELL io sm rpplratss)DLfW-2M 8i 0LlW-23-D_ 3. WELL USE (Cheri Ore Sn4 Iuoneoratp ❑ MuNdpwiPubtic ❑ Ind vp7risWAmmerckl ❑ Awicuttural b Reaavery 1; 1Mect on it ItTSQaVorij Other ❑ (sat uaa) DATE 0MLLEV 11.19-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000 Lowery St. (9res! Noma, Mumlwti Cann'-trMTl. EvalMakn. tioS Ma. ParaM. ZpC*" CITY: I 8 - CDwTY or h TOPOGRAPHICrLAND SETTING: Id.dtAItg I II bMQ Llstope (:)Vdey etel ❑Rldpo OMM 36' 5' 30,6100" 80' 12' 46.1100" La!ltudeAorgEudrsource: g,PS ❑ ao"raphk r%p (kswfion of wee' must be &Vt n w a USGS topo male w4adarhaM10 Ihx form E not u amQ GP5) Ii. FACILITY (Name of the buslnces where ire wee la IDcWad.) —Fnrmer F lakt Prnrincts QQQ 001 z Feci ty Name FO11ty DO (if epppCAbW) 70M l nwpry_ St_ Streel A&Ilmm Winstnn.SRlem MI. , 27101 Cty or Town sub tip Code AMEC - Joe 0 _a harems . Contad Name 972..E CI Ill Ril MaEnq Address 9110yXille _. _.Tltj 1793 Cry or Town State Zip Coda t_ 865.6 ffL+k671-6774 Area =de PWv number 1. VALL DETAILS: A. TOTAL DEPTH:_7( ft b. 50E8 WELL REPLACE VUSTWO WELL? YmS L NO V c. WATER LEM Below fop of CUM97 50 FT oJse '.- If Above Top of CeWnQ) NAM RESMENTML WELL CONS L'CUION RECORD Nlorth Catalina Depwimcnt of Env�uirmwt and Natural Rtwumea- Division of Weer Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERT ICAMN J1 3351 d. TOO OF CASM M Q f-T AbM* land Surlaae^ '?op of ceehQ tMMIr tad auor below land sudace may raqu'rn a varter" In a=rdance wNh 15A N('AG 2C -0114 e. YIELD (qpm]: IaETHOD OF TEST r. DISINFECTION: Type_ _ _ Amount S WATER TONE& (depth): Tap Bottom___---_,__ Top Bottom Tap Hotorr_ Top MrGrn Top Bottom Top Baitom Thkkneae! T. CASING:' Depth Diameter Ymstri NsWrlal :Top 0 Bottom _555 ft.UT'Sc so CPVC Topes__ Sodom 65 Fl 1 -?-5'* Sc 80 CPVC- .. Tap Bvltam Ft. q. oRDUT Gepin Lutedrl Whod Top- (L Eottom 525 Fi.p21jaL1d Tremie-___ Top Bottom Ft Top_ Bottom Ft. 0, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slat Bi:e Malenal Top-5§� Bottom B��Uy FL�In. _Q,QL in. �_ Top �+�{j— $UttarTr_ 70_ Ft, i_2rS in- Q_41 in- Qpy�t- ; Top MMM FL M- Ln 14. &4XO1 idIMVEL PACK: O■pth tltse llpbAal Top 4 &*,t rn 60 FI. 01 siiira yap_MA--Bou" 70 rt-U — §k Top 6ot!om =L _ II. DRILLPOG WG Top RvtMm FWMtktn DaaC Oon ; ��r�4 61ik11 Ci$VOY r�� 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 30165 sand seal from 52.5-54' and 60-63.8' I 00 "U" "Twy TENT WAS COMTFAP= W ACCORDMiM YMTH • +eA NCAC 00 as THAT A 00Fr OF THaor J ��I I NATURE Or CERTWIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE PRINTEU NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCT** THE WELL Form OW-1 b Rev.ZM 64ft"" NONRESIDEJ LIJL WELL CONSTRUC-nO t RMRD North CA.,41na Depar t of Grirommnt aedNatwid Rworoes- D:yisioo of Vaier Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION M 335J 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: midnl Mum Well ConrscW (WMdael) Me me SaedaCC4 10, Wei Cortractar Company Name }$ NqIeld Dr_ Street Addr"$ FQd Mill 29715 Ckyor Town Stow Zp Coda L V3 1 548-2180 Area code Ptwnanwrbar I WELL trfFORMATIOW WELL CONS7RVCTK7N PERMITS WI0400098 OTHER ASSOCiATM PERMITr;i vokatas) SUE WELL IOsnf,Pocs ledXlW 24S $ DLIW 24D 3. WELL USE (Che* One boxy Monk*v tI kluadpsuPutie o IrOL*trlaVC-orrmatclaI ❑ Aydwi Ural ❑ Reoomya ip,lacosn N( IrelQ@Wr C] Othw :D t%w use} DAM DRILLED 11- 11 4. WELL LOCATION: 2WQ Uwary 35t. (3teat Home, Num4srs, Cam ndNry, 3WxrA&W. Lot ft.. parost 4 Owe) cm Wln3lon-Salem omrm.Forsvth TOPOGRAPHIC IL AND SETT 44: (crwe* a -I I tar" [7SI)pe L7Vallsy WVUt ❑Ridge OC*W 36` 5' 30-6100" 80` 12' 45.9100" L.a+Jnidallor hW@ source BPS LTapCgraphlC map perca[ion orwoll rnrislpo =pawn on a t/SGS ra[o m,p andaladodJD {brs bw,, it rwl ruslrig GPS) S. FACILITY (Name of the Ousinesa where the we1's WMed.) Fanner F _- MAM17 Feci.Ry Nana Facilty IOa (Vappka bla) %fn I nwar'11 't Sheet Address Cty or Town Seta 7Jp Coda AMEC —Ina DiRaffigrgns _ Coned blame 9725 Cnntiill Rd Uzi" Addire" Knoxville IN 37932 City or Town stow Zip Code i 8FLS a 758&0519� 671 -67 74 Arse oo4s Phww nwnlw 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH:-7Q ft. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO [V c. WATER LEVEL Below TOP of Caa+np 50 FT (Use'*' H Above Top of Caft) d. TOP OF CA 140 LS (� ��- ^ FT. Above Land Swiace' 'Top of C"rq terminated OVvr beruw lard surface may rngA-a A vartarge In acronjism;e wllh 1 SA NCAC ZC 0116. s YIELD [IIP M. METHOD Of TE87 - E DISINFECTION: Typo __, Amount P. WATER ZONES (depth;: TCp Bottom Tcp Bvom _ - TGP Bottom`-_- Tap _ BVIurn _ �^ Tap Bottom _ TOG - Lwtom ThiakneW 7. CARING: Depth Diameter 1Ma OM Madrtal :Top 0 Bottom_ Ft._I U' SC 84 . QfnLIC _ Topes_ ButtomQ_ FL 4.25" 5c A0 C PVC B, GROUT Ospth i"kerial moftc Top_g__Boum 52.5 Ft Paltarly_ Trw-w TOP $Qttorn Ft -- Top Hattbm FL tE 0CREZN-- Depth Dlametor slot stte Mabrlal TOp•5.5.— Holtorn 60 FL 1.25 in. _Q.Q.L In QPVC TQPft�_$ottorrl . -FL 1251n. In CPVC Top Soltarn__ Ft In In : 16- BAIAORMVEL PACK - Depth Stta Material saaw, 80 FL#_ .Silo : Top $4 _ -_Bof --70— FL #I $JliCa Top ft tML-- FL 11. DRILL iNG LOG Top 60holm Fonr.ailon DesulpWn r r _ 1 �J r 1Z 11�IAIplf1: 30/65 sand seal from 52.5-54' and 60-64' �IcOWjOWflitterTNUTMVMLOMCOMSTIMJCMNAGOOaOillCa► M • ISAWATIMP :rA01W00.A14TFNTACWV*3 TM Vf RTIFIED WELLCOrfTRA' I-O—R VATS lC _Wflion PRINTED NAALE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTINO THE WELL Fo m GW-1 b No N RmDENz7AL wKL,. c. N Rif nh t) North Umitaa Dqw nwt of Envirowwt AnJ Hatural Resources- Division of Walcr Quality W)r.1A. CUIY'i';tAC MR CX1MFlCA710N rY 2675 1. WELL C(+HTRACTOR: Robert MjUer OM Conndw ( M-OduaP, Hatne Wor Cor.tradw Compemy )yarn Street Addrvna t 403 ) 08 2180 Ame cede Phone cumber Z. WELL IN11ORNAT1OH: WELL CONSTRUCTION P`FnM(rs W1040d�$� ___-- OTHER ASS4C1ATED P=R?AIT'i{I apptoaba} SrM WELL 044 fmK&-Aw)_DLI -25S& DLIW-25❑ 3. WELL USE (Ch" One BDi, 6 w4nd% J 3Arr 4gkP,.ot:c •.Z IndUSbisUCDrnmesd210 A40Wltural p R;omv yCl In'adlon d Irrlgasonr- ❑itw ❑ ow vas) DATE DRILLED 11- 4 WWELL LOCATION: 9Lowery Sty -- ([**0 wane. Hunxrk Camrurt0. SacVAaori La'. No., PYDM ZIP cods) CrTy: 1�Vlnstom�alem . -_ --, cowr,Y Fors)t� TOPOGRAPt VC ?LAND SETT $* ;3" sN roprtzr b*4 LIStnpa CIVMI*y LOB[ URrdge DMor , 36' 5' 30 6300" 80" 12' a5 7w0•' LadtudWorgmae wr.w. t:&Ps 'Js DDoOti►Ardc rwp (ioaeUDr p(warl cruet Lae sAorm = p USGS :coo map awaLmChad ro tars kem.. N not narrq Gr_'8J IL PAC UTY (Narra *! this bou is heal wl spe fra wag Is t1 tad.) Facky Namo F66111y IDf (d appocabie) SwwlA fdreel Clly or rlrwn State LEp Code Contest Nams MaI1 K AddrM Char or Town SIRIs 21p Code Aron code Pharra numbot IL WELL DErALS: s. TOTAL DEFMI.. 69 {t k DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTil!WG WELL7 YFS r-L h0.11 c, wAT'FR LEVEL BO w Top o(CaUx. 51 -T• !L%@ -+' IfAbm T(p a Co ng) d. TOp OF CASWO i8 1) FT. Above Lind &ffaW 'Fop or adnp lemftnsied Irilw Wow 1904 Adam rely nqLVs a verlarra In OMMADM wNh 15A NCAC 2C .0119. s. YIELD {gpm): VIETHOO OF TEST t DISINFECTLOW Type Amount g WATER ZONES [dearth;: Too_, _ Botbm Top BOflOM Toe BoWm Toe Bu&,rr � Top Boticm Top_ _ ftaam rnfekrrgsa! 7. CA31MCO: Depth Okunrier WoTght IAatordai Top_ BWdom 3 54 =L 7.26" _ Sr _QeyQ : Top 0 .� ODOMn 64 --L.. Top Bottom FL ;. C#tOUT L�ep1h fee•nr;51 AAe�od Tvp-k— Seltm 53rt Pam_ Trepila— Tep Bonom R.— Top Baltcv Ft S. 8CREFK Depth Ofamebr t;reltlme Wo*rkl Topes_ Sodom, A F1. f 2 In. _QM_ IR CFVC exlomjU_ Ft._j2L5_Irh _Q&_ ka CPVC _ Top Bottom FL Tel, ib 74. SAND)GRAVEL PACK: LkPE+ Stra 1Arlplill Too-,51____scrorn_U_ FL0_ Me - - :Too 64 Tcp L3ottacn FI. �. — _ 11. OWLIUN0 LOG Top Bohan ronnaLion Uoscdp Wn 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 6D-64' 100 HMWSER WY TI W" MU WM OOW RLCr ONAMPOP UYOTH • tM WA.0 iR. VC.LL C0H3r"WTIOM STANDAF 4 A4i THAT AOCPr OF THIS RELCM rW XE-H PRWIDEp TO THE OWOWL sta"A-URE at CERWWO WWEL1. WNTRALfDA DATE - T4-)iP—g*W I'?t(.Lc9e— rerm GW-1b Rnv. 2M !_i ON RESIDENTW WF1.I, COM?FRUMON RECORD North Carolina Dapanment ofErtviroumeal and Natural Rtwures- Division of Water QU21.1tr ti WELL CONTRACTOR CCRI-1F1CA-110N 0 2675 i. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Miller Well Contractor (Indlridual) Nw* Sil%lopeo Inc. Wei Contratlaf Company Marne 9088Notlhfteld r_ _ Street Add � drwu LTl - �od lll Y.0 _ _b41 -5 Uy or Town State blp CON (B03 548-2180 Area rase Phone number 2- WELL INFORMATION: WEL: CONSTRWTQN PERMIT0 NR 00098 0rMFRASSOCkATEDP`eRVTT14M upkeehe) _ 8lTEw£LL il)tllyepallrahl.; OLI��CS pLIW-28D_ 3. WELL USE (Ctwrk 0M Sex) V*nitormg p Munlcpac+Puosle L mduatUVCommemLdl ❑ Ayrftuitural C7 Recovery r} Injeetivrt FY WGasfooLl Other ❑ (13t use) DATE DRILLFD 12-jk:. 4- VVELi LOCATION: 2,00 LowerY,St. rSviw Nome. Mu "al C-01 *y, &O" vr, Lot no., aaro.c. Lv roar) cry Wirt& n-Sa couwY±AMr yth T OPiDGRAMC 1 LAND SETTING: Edrd eppoprlms" Q$lopa C)Vd" 1(Flot ❑Rklpa OMW 36' 5' 30,2900" 80' 12' 47-3800" LelludelbnalhAs axne: JaPS [?'opearaphk mup 00C.Mion of MO rnunr be shown on a USGS bpo mop er+0ene l'&J ft: INS form tf no! aarnp 3a S; ll. FACILITY 1Name of the buslrtoas whom ttre we0 is Iacated.) Former Flakl products MO MIX X FacHily Name FaCSlty Do (if epplIcable) Smoot Addraas Clay or Town Snits Zip Code Canted Name TN 1HMIry0 Address CKy or rown SUN Lp Coda t Ii�� �671-$7I9 Arc@ code Phone number G. WELL DETAILS: A. TOTAL DEPTH: 71 f b. 00E3 WELL REPLACE EXISTIM0 WEL17 YES D NO rj( c. WATER LEVEL Be. ow Top ofCesina• 48.75 Fr lJw '•' tf Above Top oI Coslna) = d. TOP OF CASING 13 ❑ FT. Above Lam Surteoe' 'Top of =0V oem+lnetsd eVur befew +and surface may r*W's a vuisrx* In scconJunca wkh 15A NCAC 2C .01143 a. YIELD (spat): 111ETNOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION. Typo - Amount a. WATER ZONES (dWbt : Top Bollorrl iop tiettorn Yet)- 8ottwr Top. Boma Top Bokcn Top Sworn Thlc#rNael 7, CASONX Oepth 0'- - I WWaht Mo%f*l Top -4� Botrom55 F! L2�" JiG $Q QPVC ToP-k _- Be— _66^ Fl5:_0 CYC — Top UUW FL _ S. CROUT: Depth Memo, Method Top_Q Bottom_ Ft. Poftnd Top BoStom , FL Top__ Bottom Ft _ /. SCREEN: Depth Olamater Motguto Material ' Top a 3otbm_QQ__ ri._12&h. 0.n in. CPVC Top 6 BoltormZ . _ FL__] 2&r, _0.41 in Top _ Wtorn Ft Irl In. 10. SANDIGOVEL PACK: Depth SbM MatlrNl Top Q5 .Bvltorn_Zj FL 41 Top Bottom _ FL 71. DRILLING LOG Top Bosom 0 1 71 1 1 1 1 1 1 Formoton DewpWn ,j>< I�LniAltxa: 30/65 sand sea] from 53-54' and 60-65' t 00 MORM C®RFt T K%l rM VAU VM Od1(1"941M of AC4 OF"J LE "11H • 1aA NOA!' 7G OpNtRtlCllpi.ZSAlgelt0a, AIO ttMT A Dbac' Oi TMe t TorHEWPLAmm iVR OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE RoWd Miller PRINTED 4AM OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TILE WELL Form GW 10 Rev. 2M 1 Y ON RLVD§YyTIAL WJ&LL CONSTRUCTION RtCORD North Camlrna Depamincnt al' Environnxnt and Nuurat Resources- Dlv;slon of Weer Quality W VIA, CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION it 2675 1, WELL CONTRACTOR: Well Corrraclor ondlvlduaq Hama SaedaccQ Inc. Welf Contactor Cwrpany Nerve 9088 Northfield Dr. Street Addrm F!2rt mill SC 22715 C1ly or Town stale zip co/S Area code Phone number 2- WELL INFOI'MATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrTt WIQ400�98 OTHER ASSOCIATED f-ERIrN "appleblrj SITE: WELL In "wo bw) DLIW 27S & DtIW 27D 3. WELL USE (Chodt One Boxy Mooring ❑ MunldpeWAft❑ h+duatnallComtrismW q AgrlMUal ❑ Row"ry C Injacoon it Ierlpanonfl Olher[3 (lotua0] DATE oRat En- 2• i 6-- f — 4. WELL LMATION: 2000 Lowery St QSo" name. Nurrawii, Larrmrft. SuedrNabn, _ci No. PMoM. Lp Cody CITY: Winston-Salem ____.—couhTY Forsyth TOPCICRA-HIC1LANOSErr94G: (d+ouapprcpAaOobcx) ❑Slope ova@ey L&lat C IRldge COt 36' 5' 30-3400" 80" 12' 47-2800" uawdanongMude aCLrfO@: pj3R5 ;�T'ihpvprepttic may (Axcofw or wO must be shown on o USOS wpo meta andarhraw to thm .lorm if no! ua41g CPS) 6_ FACILITY (Name of the bueL u "em tim w(A A iccatea.] FnrmPr FLakt P_rsxil& ion DIi'I.7. - - - Fadlty Name FaoSly It7R (if epprlcabla) ?QM l nwAry St_ ,heel Addrou W stern-Sa1Qrr1 _ _-- .lSIC271 M City or Town Stale Zip Code AMFC - -lrxs Dy-nthr!,raae _ Concoct Name 2729; Rd m0ng Address pie - TN 3793� City or Town stele Zip Cod@ 4 ASS _ 671-6774 Are@ code Phone n•ATtber S. WELL DETAILS: a- TOTAL. DEPTH:- 74 ft T b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WrELL7 YFS :� NO IV c- WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: AB,55_FT. (Use',,'[( Above Top of Caslq) d TOPOF CA31Na Is 0 FT. Above Land S:trtaoe• top or csatg l mrtaled allor below land auftm may repute e vsdair a in, econrderxaa wMh 1SA NCAC 2C .C11a. e. YIELD (ypml. IAMOD OF TEST L DISINFECTION: Type Arnoum : s WATFX2011£3 (deplhy. Top Batt— Top Bo`.19n1 Top Bottom Top_ 84110m Top Bottom Top --3aHom T h k Irn eta) 7. CASING: Depth oloww"i, Wright Matodal TopQ^ 80om_6 FL &F _ >�Q QPVC 'TOP-Q-- "orn U . FL1,6 SC_.60 -QM Toy Bottom Ft, ' S. GROU T: 0*1h adaw- a I Matttod Top-Q- . Kvttuen 58 FLPOrdaAid _ Top Bottom_. FL Top Bctlorn Ft___ & SCREEN: Depth elarnoter $foe Sin N teeki = Top -t2- 60AA xT 4W 6r3FL-1.2&in. -Qai In _ CPVC ToP 9$L69 ^. 74 Ft f _25 in. _�.�1 irk GPYC Top Baton Ft In. - in. 10. NNDIGRAVEL PACK: 36 Depth Slae Malettal Top fl S 9 Bottamjj�_ F1.9L _5i Tap-6QfiB6r.ken 14_ FL• #1 - si& Top. holism- Ft 11. DRILLING LOG Too Bottom Fprrnalor DesolptFon 0 _1 -4 , san si RV-cifts wI some rock 1 1 . 1 ,iz RL:rlAnlcs: 30/65 sand seal from 58-59' and 65-68' t 00 HMO. CEF" a TIMT Tli" ATIMvMMM COMCriaIGM kA0001"MIX WTM Iva L Cd 11FMICTrON STAxt]MM ANOTHAT 4 oa►r Or THb VKNKqD TKO E %4L gm4cp BAMTIURE OF CERTIFIED WOLL CONTRACTOR DATE : PRI NT£D NAimE OF PERSON CoNS1'RuCT+N0 THE WELL Form GW1b Rev. 2LDif �r I WELL CONTRACTOR: WAIF Ger"Clor (%%KluaF Name Saedacco IfIc. ,. Well ccrt,,aaar Cdrnpwy"arm %M8 Northfield DE, SbvA Address _tort Mid SC 29715 Cly or Town Std* IJp Cade t_QJ�_i 8-2180 Area code Phone n.Ao**r 2. WELL [NFORMATiON: 111=LL CONS'RLCT ON PFP,ASr % wi CTI-ER ASSMLAIFD PERMr-s(r a;vi cabi; DIW-28 Skit£ V0* LL IC+ /!F ePPAv]!_- 3 WELL USE (Check One Boo My*o*V ] IuIIRlkaprVPtlNica kt:geWLI Lathe. d (IM ww) DATE ORILL.EO 12-4041 4. WELL LOCATION: 2QaD L ry St. tSMt Nuns Nw1*4M ccm%wll'1. Swb4A &&%'%Lot Me., PeAaL Zw Ceeai cITv: Winston-Salem =mry Forsyth TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SE77ING• [t'nd1 aFR'>a� twp 7&opd UV" U 1M Ejftge EjCt-or 36' 5' 30.31GO" 80' 12' 47 1200" LantLdsl'angthaee &owce: WoPS 0FoKg-spNc map (kc 00n of w9f must be of wrr on a USGS 1cF*.-x* end+usr.&a to Nwa brrr: F ROt t,srq Gps; 6. FACtUTV (ka(re of U bLl*086 whov W wea is Iac.Mad i —Eormer Flaki Emdtlets aD00017, FttdMy Nau-no Fadlry tDI (M ■pplCaplEj Skeet Addnesn --Mnsfon--Sa1em NG 27ini CRY o- Toren Sw:e Lp 00dv Aiid.F-C Arm- L]eaiht-rane Co,,I%d Nance kla4ng Address Knnr►rillra IN 3791 City o• Towr State L:p Code [ 8B5�671-6774 Area code Phone numw S. WEL,i DUA1L3: e. TOTAL DEPrH:-70 ff -- - b. DOES WELL REPLACE E]r)STIHO HELL? YES C NO U/ s- WATER LEVEL Be!Ow Top o1 Csswq 48.35 _FT. (tlsa',' H ACove TOR of Caslrq) LVO RESIDENTML WELL CONSTRUUIQN itYCORD North Camara rlrp - -16- LavkoamCat and NRuni Rowunm- ❑irWon of Ttlator Q[wity wGLLCQYtRACTOR CERiincAmN is 2673 : d TOP OIR CASIXG Its -0 _ FT Abpn Land StxUcs 'Top o: casing wm..wv%d eVor bolo* kind ornate rMy requNe a rar'Shoe Ira acwrdancs w 1h 13A NCAC 2C .D' 15 w YIIELD (gpm) METHOD OF TUT E DISINFICTIC14: Type Anwtrnt y. WATER ZOMES [depth]: Too Benarn Top Swom Top 9ellsrn_- Tap Wont Top &liars Top Bonorn 7 hICR Aee 4 7. CASINd: Depth pimfehr Vltelpllt atartuNl Tpp_� H*V. ,rr&5— FLU Sc 80 CPyc— TOo FL -- Top Boxem FIL a- a�an Depth 1++nrnal Atr[hoo Top 0- - nenom 63 RL Parlim1d 1fefTlle -. Too Bc:wm FL TOP - Behom FL f. SCREEN: Dep1H Dbs7WAr Stet Stec MaWrtal Topes_ acmorr 74 -_ FL 1.25-ir. -Q&t In CPVC Top Batton Ft. tr. In Top 5-M, * FL 4-k In 10. SAHWORAVEL PAC1f: Dept she MM0011 Top64 3atkM 70 FL #1 - Slla 'Top. , _3r(om Ft Trq Eo1cm Ft 11. DRIILL ING LOG Top BoCom rornatio-I:Joa r:piw zo a1dslsilt�'daYs w'so= rock 1 ! 1 ! 12. REMA"S-. 30165 sand seal from 63-64' i ov -W'W SV OMFY -4U"tA U WAS COPM INCM Of Ac'oa11¢I CE YMT14 19A W-%C TRIICTK)h STANZA%* MOfler.T A CO:r OF TM = SI TURE OF CERTIFIED MU CCNTR CTOR DATE ' PRiN-M NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTM THE wFLL ■. Yr. _w .,._ i *.-_�._^ _• MOkra Wo iRJmp Tiolsti k Rao. troy7.:__r• +..�ry w.. .—, — -. .. _ _a:'r �.l -0 NON RESIDENTIAL WILL C0N9TRUCFj!2N RECORD North Cerolloa Dcptftmnt of Env kmnmant and Nature( R eaurvca- Div6bo of Waei Quality W[ILL C7DiVTRAC{'UR CBR1 i> i('Arti(HV o 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTCR: W!I ConVoctnr (UIdMduat) hems -Saedacco Inc. Wes Conbedor Company Name StriM Addtas s Fod MW _ SC_ _ 297U Otyy or Town 5teta lip Cot:a ( 03 541 qQ Area oWe Phone number 2. WELL IMFORNATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Wf0400ON OTHER ASSOC'ATED PERMITS(a apodiabhO 51TE WELL * iiir w*a6w) ❑lL1V 28S&OLIW-28Q0 3, WELL USE (Check One tMiQ MoModng ❑ Mu**WPIIEEG{] lAdUgMaLVC.OMWdal ❑ Agrt 3dWral D ReoeveryL] trQVdIQn d "ationo Other 0 ({tat une] RATE ML L ID 12• 10- j j 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000 Lowery St. :S V&-A Nwr,*.. Nuoeim. Cora -4, suemrr.bn. Lm rw .work 2a Coo) CITY. .S p§tg]- Salern COUNT-Yf2TY TGPOORAPIIC 1 LANE) SETTING: ldrw* eFPrVO$r+" hmg JSk" QVsky dlat []Ridge 001'.er 36* 5' 30.3500" 80' 12' 47.1300' LarlhrdaAgt k4a Goer . Q13PS ElTapogrophic Wrap 000000 ar noo mini be Mowri W a us(7s too map ardava&wa to iM� loan Knot uaYyq GPSJ 6. FACNJr1' {hanle of It1c Duairresa w�o� t ie ward la lo[aled ] Faciery Name rwsky ID/ (4 applUbb) Street Address Wingtnn-gAk- l NC 271W Cdy or Tour' State 79p Code AMEG_ — Contao Nara 9725 rQctdll Rd Maslr)g Address Knoxville TN 37Q12 City or Town Stale 7.Ip rode (a" 671-6774 Area code Prone riLimber tl. WELL UETAILS: c TOTAL OEFTH;mft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES❑ NO Y o. wATt_R LEvn Relnw Top of Geeing. 49 ^t T (Use •+' if Above Top of Casrig) d TOP OF CABIMti IS _ Q_ _ FT. Above Land Surface - '70P of UMkV tervina03 OLW below land aurTsee may r14Ulre a ra'tanve In aomtdor cw wM.h i SA MCAC 2C 0118 e. YIELD (ppm) METHM Of TEST T. DI &IMF EC TION: Type Amount y. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Scr4m Top Sodom Top Sottorn_ Ti*_ Bodorn _ Top 15ottoTn Top Sodom ThGcknaeal T. CA3iNR: Depth D1ataleI r Welght Me1w►aat Top­0 0o0am_AL^ rLJ.2L -&,80 Q TOPS. aotomli—FL Ug SC 80 CPVCT Top dononi FL« rL 4R011r: Depth t+Aalarlai Method Tap_Q� Bdtom5_ Ft2A_ Immlle - Top__ Bottom Ft. Top Bottom_ FL IL SCREEN: Depth DWeetar Slot 3tta alaeartal Topes_ 9ounm- 60 - FL_12 O.ti1 in. GPVG Top 75 Botlon:-K„Ft1-25_In 0.Q1 in. QPVQ Trap— — HOia M FL In. _ . in. 10.5ANWGRAVELPACK _ Depth 8tae tMatariwt :lop __Bctlorn 6QFL in Tpa eceom SO.- - - FL. � To Isodo n Ff.- 11 ORILUNG LOG lop 9ottnm 0 1_71 _ �J 1 r �1 r rorrnanon 06govdw 12. rtc-1aARxa: 30l65 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-74' : I cO-[llEbr CwM Twit' rnewiu WAS c0WTftK-aowA000F*ko9X ATH • Isk W' 'XF Ott WUCTM IPMOVSK #MTIMT ACC" OF TM Y rCa 04YNKJ1. 71JRE OF CERTIFED WELL CONTRACTOR- DATE l PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form 3W- I o Rev, 2X9 'w 1. WELL CONT RACTOR: Robed Millei Wag CoWaMf 0ndMduery Nerve Sawa CCo Inc. Well Contactor Company Name Streal Addreaa _.Fort Mill — City or Town Stale Zlp Cade t0Qj 548-2189 Ana oode Pho" number I- WEELL INFORIKATION., WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT$ jM040QQU OTHER AS MATED PER.MITI(/appkwool SITE WELL ID eMbPPtlrbele� ❑Qlw- E. WELL USE jChed One Box) MCnflarinp (, Municip-14hibk13 IndWrtal)Cwrvnardal p Ajlrialhral ❑ Recovery 0 IrIJrolal M� Irrig*Don ❑ Other C (eat uaa) DATE DRILLED12-1 Q-11 !_ 4- MILL LOCATI0,01' 29W Unwery St. (SYeM Norm. Manbm Cornmwft. S.&&V!5 on W tic. Prcaa. Ala Coal cirr; Mnston-Salem _ couNTY Far h „ TOPCGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING- xhao apQ WAty boxj ❑Slope QvaNer d lWl CRk*e 0CLiar 36' 5' 30.4000' 8W t 2' 46.9200" Lattudmllonpkude source: MPS ❑T"raphlcrnap Macedon ae rret1 must to mown on a USGS topc map arldoexned la ft ton K not using GPS) e. FACI LrrY {N an* of Me bua.nesa wneal the well Is IodaW Fne r Flaki Nndw s -- >[100 Oal7- - - Fasim Norm Foollity IDI (IF applicab a) 2M 11 nwPIY Si_ Street Address Z1r3.S;?Ilri-SajP-rn - - NG _ 271Qt City at Town Sate Zip Coda AMFQ - Arba ❑eatherane Coruci Name 9725 CUgdill Rd- - IAdInd Addras3 �Knijx31ille _ N 3702 CRy or Town Stale ap Coda (__gs&j -5e&e&w671-6774 Ama code PFone rwmber 8 WELL tMTAR..S- a. TOTAL DEPTH; BQ ff b. DOES WELL REPLACE a NSTINO WELL? YESC) NOW r~ WATER LEVEL Be$ow Top d Cooing. A$_ Fl (Uce '•' N Above Top ofCasiny) NoN RESIDENTIAL WELL C0N9FRV.'J10N RECORD North CaroIt-% DepaMnonl of FnviroaHmnt and Natuni Resources- Dlvieon of Wear Quality W igt:I, (:OWIRAL'TOR CRR-rIFICA7iON $ 2675 d. TOP OF CAMG IS 0 FT Above Land Surface' 'Top of cashq Isrm'nated Wor balvw land carfare may Mquh a varlance In eixadaacs with 15A NCAC ZC 4118, e. YIELD(pprrij: _ METHOOOF TTIST _- f. DISiNFECTIOM. Type Amoard p. WATER ZONES ideptl.): Top Ba:tom Top Bollcm Top $o'tom Toy Bcllo'n�_ --- Top_ Sottom Top— -- 6Ckam ThickneW 7. CASING: 0"" Diameter Weight Matarla: Top 0- _ Bolton 5 Ft 12 _Sc 80 Top Bodor I Ft._____-_ Top Rndam F1 8. GROur: Uopr AMterlai Method Top_Q_--- Bou-23-- FL P odiand Tram - Top Bottom FL _ Top _ _ eottornFL Y. SCREEN: D4pth Diameter Slot 8taa Nato" i Top-1 L-- Bottom 80 . FL_LZLIn. 0.01 In. QM Top Kotam FL In. in. Top Wq om Ft In. in. 16.11IWN04RAVEL PACK: 0ep1A she MI MWIMI Top ^3o40m_N_ FL #1 = Too do;lom Ft. Top doltom Ft. _ It. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom FQ"u or. CoWpeon 0- - 180 I �l r r 12. REMARKS, 30/65 sand seal from 73-74' i100K"t1ftyrMlVVTMWTWA Wl3LMNeCQMMUCTOD04A' 4DV" VAN ���aTAMDVgXk MQ TrHr A',7p'�YQF TF113aFrl. 804ATURE OF CERTIFIED L Ct WMCTOR DATE Ft�t79ft Mliler PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Forrn GW-16 Rev. It[19 •40 11 RESIDENML WELL CQJS TRI&MONSILILORD Noah Cseolim Dopertment of Env krorunent and Natu_mI Reeojroet DivJJ00 of Watm Qrelity `��• WXMCONTRACTOR CFRTIFICAT[ON # 4155 1. WELL GOMT 'Om WINN Contracfsr (IndhAowO Naane Saada= Inc. wow corkr&dw Corrlpsay kerns Brest Aldro" Fort Mill SC 2015 City or Town ft" Ip code CW _) 548= Anla ands Phone number L WOLL IN ❑RMATION: WELL CONSTRt1CT{ON P£FIOITe MIQ000 OTHER A890C1ATFD PERNMM(lr swac.w) SITS WELL IO #(vappttxw.) DLI W-308 & ❑LIW 30Q 3- WELL LIAR {Check Orr ISox.) Morlitorhll ❑ 114unlrWub.1c0 MUMMKOWMfOW 1) AgirrOAL 91.[) ReWYVyC) el*%nr{ "01100cl Ottrer ❑ (Rd use) OAT6 DRILLco 1 Z03-11 4. WELL LOCATION: {9000 Lowery raar Nrna Huwb� Cairnerur!h. S.Adr4bL Peirce. � c,Tr-VVjnsj:qpcouxrTFo%1M. TOPOGRAPWC I LANK SETTWO! wow appoiAw bwO ❑SWR OVallsy tlilicist (3Rldge 009w 36' 5' 30 4400' 80' 1 Z' 46.8000" LoOmMAorlpitod0 source U;PS [-]rwDrsph!c map (boodoo Of weep must be %bowr an a US35 lapo map ordit indliNd I!) ?Ma formed naf ua#y OPS) 6. FACILITY (NA me of Ira tlAlr*ss where the weir Is Ixeoe ) s siqTJ1Mj Fadwy No" Fadwy KM (if sWIceble) 5brel Addrass Wtn%1nn-Sa1em ^� N G_ 27101 Cky or Town Slate Zip cc" AMFr--.1w- ❑eathAraUt— Cae+bac! Herne A7?5 Condill Rcl- Ma*q A4dren Knowillts _ _ TN 37932 City or Town state Z)p C046 I-$55.A .5.7I-6774 Ares code Phone number 6 WELL DETAILS: A. TOTAL DE PTH:80fi b, DOE$ WELL RE -PLACE Cc1[I"NO WELL? YFR;] HOG/ c. WATER LEVEL Bekwv Top of Ca" 50 FT - ("Ise '►' It Above Top at Cat ft) iQTti;:1iUV��-i�,i!�igir d. TOP Or cASimo w -Q FT Above Lard Surface' 'Top et ceatny lairmInsled sVor below lead s OSM M" require s vaierxe h smmturaa with 1SA NCAC 2C .Orta. e. YIELD (S r rt)- _ METHM OF TFJT, t. D1S114FECTION:Typa - .-, Amount : t WATSR WNE.d wed] Top 80torn Top_ _ Beaman Top Goftw Too • BoWTo Top g0ttor _ TOo I3M y*I-- • Thitknesa+ 7, CAAIkG- Depth olarnafer Se �.�MAIsiM1el Se so SCLLY� Top 0 Rottorrt 75 Fl-1,2_ S.K M Top Bottofn_ - - F t - -- : d. dr1�0LIi. PePtT Measr4l Me1rIaJ - UA..�[._._. BOtbm&l __ F' ftff fi[ rMMje 'Tep B0t 1!—_ -F __ - Top Bottom r• R *MEW. Depth abmmw "No ulbbl Tq L&— i !�. 70 Fr. 1.L M . IM in. _QNQ._ _ TOP 76 - _ BO kfm OQ__ _ P. 1,26 {n• _QLQL R. _CEMrL__ TOP • Bottom Ft it. In 0. SANDOMVEL PACK: Depth dine Material T6p_§a_6elttorrs_7Q_ FL 101 SthCa -- - TOR,13-90tlom-&—R 01 Silica Top Bottom_-� rtl• � _ __� _ -- 11. ORfl UK LOG TOP WIM Fc.-Mz r, Daac+lprc') 1 _ _ r _ 1 1 1 1�- 17. RiMARKS: 30i65 sand seal from 61-63- and 70-73' t 00 4OWNI CERTIFY TWIT Tra3 MLI. MR 0pMTIU1p"WA00t1P0Y" "TH • 15A MAC M- OpgTIF.ICYIOOTANMR00. AND TINT A poft Or ING RMl M b r0 pVAER ct�izg t� SMAT13RE OF FED WELL COMTRACo-R - nAr Dam RaMn � PRIN'rFn NAME bF PER.IGN MMSTRLICTING THE WELL corm rave-tb Rev. ZK* r� NQ NREsiDguu nl& CONSTRUCnON -CORD North Camlkm Departmsnl at• Eovisvnment and NatwrJ Rosouma- Division of Wet= QueLhy WFAX CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION fl 4155 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Wall Cartracior (IrdNAd wo Nama aaedacco Inc. Woo Gvn"Cw Corrtlmr Name 8 NoTltTfleld ❑r. svaet A4dnws Fort -Mill SC 29715 City or Toren Stale 4 C 0 t 803 s -54A-2100 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORL1/1T0W WELL GONSTRUC')CN F-ERVJT#VT2400098 OTHER ASSOC LATM PERMff f(l aok wa) WM WELL ID *0 apokum) QLIYY-318 4 ,DLIYV 31 D 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monklq Q Munldp#LIPubllc0 Fdua WXarwro@FClal ❑ Apri" turat D Reowwy ❑ 'r*K*on of krogfoono Olher :] (lat uet) DAPS DFULL ID, 4- WELL LOCATTOM- 2000 LQ Cl3ry St. - fSVW(Nanw. 146mbars, CoewswRy, S4jbd►4wm Iatlia. Pw*IK Lp tech) coY Winston-Salem COI.INTY FgrLAh _ TOPCKWAPHC1LAND SETTING (dm*nwupr&%bw C)Slope pvo" wrwmd i)R" L7OInar -- 36° 5' 30.3600" 80' 12' 46.6900" Ladkideftngi :de aotrce: MPS LJiopopraahk map padatlan d 1.+ec1 mcar oo a+rok�r+ rn 6 uSCiS tip � map andarrat�'s� fo M form P not vsvlp GPSj A. FACILIrf LName or Cta wkwt, 1)r well ,s located } Fnrrror Flakf Prndirr-1s (1 n nn17 _ Fadlftr Name FaCIlty IDO rIf appCca ' 2 MO I nwftry 5t_ Street Address cor or T own slabs tip Code AMFr -,ins Dealharane Co Amd Name 17�amill Rd hMalinp Afte" Knoxville TN 37g32 Cfty or Town Stan lip Cade C R65 —688M244671-6774 Area colt Phom number & WELL DETA13: a. TOTAL DEFT H:-80 ft b. DOES WELL RFPLAC E EXISTING WEL19 YES L7 Ya qi c- WATER LEVEL Haloo Top of Cas'np: 5Q FT (flee if Above Top of Caslhg) d TOP OF CASING IS - a FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top or cashy Wr .mwd avor baton land aurlava mar kaquft ■ varlancA M sawmance MATT 15A NCAC 2C At 18 a. YIELD (ppm]: METHOD OF TEST—_ =t DISINFECT10H, Ty W ArnoYnt g, WATERZONES (dopml Top--, Bo mm Top Bptta n Top —, twwm I op Boom Top Rat om_ l op_ Bobom TTldcknaM! 7. CASMLA: DwW Olametar Mlespat MaNABI ropes $atom $� t_ ZY t 00 �— TOP 90 bRIT_ Ft 1, GROM! DOO Melertd MW*d TOP--_ aatlam&,,�._ FtPodland Tmmle Top _ Bohan, Ft TOP BoCan FL If. eciumm 0wh 010mgat Slat Stu Uw arfei Top �45_r Soft- 74 FL 1.25 h. 0.01 in CPVC Tod 7b —. 50om8Q FL 1 &M. 4.41 In. , CM Tap Bottom— _�- FL in. in. 10. SANDMP AVEL PACK: Depth On Material Top 63.9 t3altom_7Q— FL MI S lica-- Top7?*TtBoftn, $D--FLj1—_ SOMS Top._- - _Souorn.. FL 11 DRILLING LOG Tap Solt m Fotrwl,o,+ DocmpSon sills and fends W1 minor clay end greyel.- -- 30/65 sand seal from 62.5-63.5' and 70-74' kCOr1[NFA ()Un"7MTRol V L VaS aA 93 RUCTMIN AOODAMU MIRK • IM WCAC M wWU 001iffRUCTMSTANU%Rp6. AMC TMT ACOW OF Tine r�C[71ro rMa BE PRUVIOED rYEl1 OwFR SIGN AT11RE OF CMIFIE10 WI3+L CalfiIlAL`T I0� QATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form OW -tip Raw. Z" 3 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Quid Urown Well Cords nr (trdwuaQ mom Sasdacco Watt Contrzolar Company Now QW8 No field Dr. Btmmt Addnaa Fort Mill SC 29715 Oty Or Tow stale Zip Code r 843 s 548- 2180 Ana mde Phaft r%rrd t L WELL INFOM"TION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERSfrt N04ON9 ❑THER ASSOCIATED PERMfrg(ifm WWI BITE WELL ID+spr.wwotr+)DLIW-32S $ DLIW-32D _. WILL USE jCrw&d Orte Box] MonNorinq ❑ Atu6dpe4PubUc CI rtduzrnaYCor+rsterdol f7 Apticullursl C Rsoowryu lnloilo-4 rvadorc Dewy C (list Use) DATE Dw uo 12-03-11 4, WEI L LCICAT10k: 2000 Lowery t. ( trwet hum, Fnr*dnn Ccmrxait; &ubdiV%im. Lw ND.. P4rwi.2lp Owe) crTY: Winston-Salem cwNTy EMYth TOPOGRAPHIC r I AND SETTING: (d" appmprtrle ba) ^— rI IOpe 13YAkY flat DR056 ❑Dtrwr 36' 5' 30.4700' 80' 12' 46.6700" Latituderlortgkide wino, JWIS OTOpeprsphrc asap (Ioonow or ww% must be BhONY.' an a USGS rope map emdatracned to Ihls rbrm Ilnd uMV OPS) 6, FACILITY (Name of ft ntnlnaaa wttera+na wen la lm4ted.) Former FatNty Name r-way IDs (Irappbc") 70nf) f awory Rt- Street Address. WnSjn0-SAk%M._ _ NC— 271ni City or To" Stw'e zV Cods Cootad Name A72.5.r.00dlLl Ed Maing AMroes _ nirIM1116a City or Taws a" ap Cove (_$$5 6T-fi774 Ana code PtWe number IL WELL DETAIL& a- TOTAL DEPTH: 80 l$ b. DOES WELL REPLACE MSTM WELLi YPS (I NO pI c. VVAT£R LE►rEL Below Top VC*". 149.69 FT. (Use'+' it Above Tap of Cuff) NoNRffj,tDENUAL WIRLL CONUIRUMON RECORD North Carolina Department of & vim mmcnt and Natural Rcfour=- Division of Warr QUAIihv WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION M 4155 d TOP OF CASINO 18 4 FT. Aw" Law Svrraae• 'Tpp oT c&Wg Urmlrrsted sVor below Isnd surtsae may regL*e a radars@ h towdance wkA IGA NCAC 2C .011 B. is. YIELD (Spmj; METHODO F TENT t. DISINFECTION: Type Amount 8. WATER ZONES (depR) Tp9 eofty Top Bullorrl Top_ Bottom Top Bawlom-- Tap_ _ Bottom Top_ _____ Bottom Thlp(tneael 7. CASINO: Depth I71aeteler W11pht alaterhal Top 0 aot:om65 Ft_ 1 250 Sc,80 Tvp_Q_ Botom_Z� Ft 1.2V Top Bottom Ft 0. GROt1T: Depth Malerlas me',hod Top 0 3otamFt._ Trem.e Top--- bo.4cm --- FL Top Dottorrt Ft. R SCREEN: Depth DtalHelaf slot Sea Yatarrs.l TOP — Batton --Zg_- Ft-12klrt. d_Qi In CPVC— Topr_ 3own�FIGFV��Z _� Top Sotmm_, Ft Irt In 10, RMD10RAVEL PACK: D"Ah See Ralarlal Top-fi&7-8otlom_7Q--FLU_ SlIkA� _ - Top 74 80Om_N__ FL � SliiCa Top 8chom F1 11. DRILLING LOG Top awam ISO 1 ! `J I ! 1 12. REMARKS: horrrutic,n Desulpom silts Wo Mods ►Yl sl Me clay 30/65 sand seal from 62-63.7 and 69.4-74r 100 HERM C01TVY THAT 746 08� V" 00119rIk1CMIN A000ROANCI IMT4 3A WAC 2CjhELL COaIaT CM1rTAVOFRp0. Alm TYMTA COPY OF TM FlECxSlto =09= ( 2 SiVINATURF OF CFRTIF" WELL 66erWC15)R - DATE PRINTED N11ME OF PERSON MNSTRLJCI M THE WELL AMN� Rev 109 1. 4N REgE1VML WELL CUMSI'RLICTIUN RiCCQRM North Cam IIns Depertr wal of Envlronavol mW Natural Famines- D1vitiou isf 1tWatsr Quality WELL CONTRAMOR CER71FICA'i N p 267E 1, 1VELL CONTRACTOR• Viol• C.orilrookr(k14W1dual) Name Wail contractor Company Nano 2Q88Ngirthfield r &real Address i CRY or Town Ertl M code s 8U3 ; '5,48-2180 Ana oho p Phone +umber t WELL LWORMATI0M: WELL CGCNSTRucno. PERMITO_)8 d SS OTHER ASS9CIATEA PCRV f iq die) MrE WL-L_ Ib*(xeVaOcaGel DLIW-33S R DL[W-33❑ 7, WELL 118E (Chopp One ftf) MaMorinq :: MunldpallPubticEj kd"VlaVCurrna,dal r.] AGriwlhsrai ^} Roco"ryf' koctlon Irtgetono Q1fw{l (Ia10e)� DATE DRILLED 1 1-'2-1 t. MLL LOCAnow 2 Lwery 5. (skeet Nome, Nunber% Cornrnwdty, s>�n, iat No,. Pwcnd 27p Cc" CITY: Wnston7�ialem _ _, cauNTY Fo_m_At - - TOPflpRAPHC ! LAND SETT 1NG: (d" eporapnele b* nsiopo •-iVa-ley 1;f1a1 uRldpe {]Geier 36' 5' 30-3500' 80' 12' 46-5940" Lss"ollohglkxle so:xws IUPS nScpDgraphi' map (lociMon plover most be sfh� on a USQS hpo map ondarfv YW to We Aorm 0 ad wdrp [P8) E. FAOILrrY (Name of the buatsose where the well Is locateC.) Farmer Flak] prorltlr•.tc 0 U 0017 Feepayr Narre FvMy -Do (Mapplicat htj Short Address ] amfon-Salem _ _ _ _ NIC 271 CJ c4ty or Town State 2h code AMF� - .lee neatherana4 C ).V.Sct Rarne A725 rnadill Rd„ _ Mall ng Addrrces Knoxville TN 37932 rAy or Town gob rip code 1865R AM I DA974 Aran code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS. A. TOTAL DEPTH!-,ojL b. DOES WELL REPLACE F)MITINd WELL? YES IJ NOW o. WATER LEVEL Bakm Top of f:aslrp sl>,e '+' I! Above Top of CaWQ) ll. TOP OF CASING IS _1_ FT. Abova Land Surface, 'Top of c&Wg lermk:eted Wor below land aw fooe may mqul.o a variance In m-vdence wM I DA NCAC 20 0118. 'a. YIELD (gpmt: _- IIEfNDD OF TEST L DISINFECTION: Type Aswunt : p. WATER ZONES (depth). Top Bolnvn Tap 9a:10m -foq— Bottom Top_ Bottom Top Bottom Top Haltom ThlaknoW Y. CASING: Depth DNlmeter Weight AkIlldal ToR_Q—BatWrn-i5 Ft1,25 scab CP.G_ Top MAorrL _ FL `- a.OROUT: Dow AAalarlel M*%A Tbp-Q-- "am• fit FL Portiond ._ Tre9rrig_ Ton_ Bottom Ft— Top Soil rr, FL _ 0. SCRTCEtt: Depth Diameter Sw Size Ya6ariel To?S& Bdlrnn_�] _ FL 1.25)n p_01 In. QE�&_ Top-M_ BOMam 8i - Ft._ 12&hn' 0,41 In. CPVC Top Bottom, Ft In. in. $0. 6AN010RAVEI- PACK: Depth tilt! Material Top-74--_Botlam BQ F!.11--_ -611ka Ted „_,BoWni FL— _ 1i. DR1tL1Nt3 LOG Tap Bottom Ferraaean Des&N!on r 1i 12B1MA7t}t1R: 30/65 sand seal from 62-64' and 70-74' I p011!/VRYY OEMry TIM'1 TM WEU VW C'd:S`RUUM0IN AMAMI ,"WTI• tell NNSC r, WELL CONG-I NL 'M ETANWIM PC ri VT A 00Fr CIF TM REOX v MS e-d I MaYlI Ea M THE M LL OWNM SIGNATURE OF MRTFIE MLi C,OM Cffik^ DATE - Sim fan Svrti�, PPNMD NAME QF PERSON CONSTRUCTIND THE: WELL Form GW-ib Rev, 2" ON RESIDENTIAL wFL rRUCIION RECORD :worth Ca:utiea t of Env ianw -it and'Na,ure] Rmu raw Dhi- iior. of Wax. Q09ily ► XLL CO?YTItAf:fOR CER11FICATION g 2675 I- AELL CONTRACTOR: a �L •1 cr k Weil Contrector ('ndhtduel) Nwrie I We1 ConSeCW Cor"F y Nary 1 -90H N.Q-Jrthf1& x.- - - Stmel Address Fort Mill 31C 29ZIS 09y or Towi Stele Zip cob 8• 03 548-2180 Am cndo Ptohe st "ayef LVI'ELL INFORMATION' VVELL CC'HSTRM'K)H PERM TiW10400098-- t7 DER ASSff'IATED PEfihtlTO(ospokaaa+l_ !j SITE wELL •0 rV. ). L W-M $ 2LV0 -34D 1 =.WELL V 8 E ;Check One Nook] MoNtoringC MurkJpaWPutk Ll 'ndustrlNlComrnerdal0 Agdwlturat{1 Reooveryn Irlom"if rtSGa6onC] filler C :loot uw] DATE t7RILLEi}-�� i. AVELL LOCATION: I 20Q91=_o -9 St. 'k sN*1 Name, Numno e. 0;T.mwYry. Ski xN w Lot Nlo.• Patel. Do GO* CITY: Win§ton-Salem COLHTYFomyth } TOFOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (dtadk SpartaslabU�] 1 c.alape mkkiwiey 0-mt LRidge nolher II 360 5' 30.4000" BT 12' 46 4400" Ls51xaAorgttude awres jPPS Liroaogrephi: map �orahb cl ureM rrwst rs ahcwr ari a i19GS haya map endeMeahadb �ka �orrr, .of not using GPS) S- FACIL€TY (dame of the ntre4neas *here t" waA to Iomtod.) Fac!ty Nwnei =:deity ID# Of app1ra61a) 2000 1 1 uggi.n]L St Street Address ]�lar3s#a� 31e. L. NC 3T1 Q1 ' C-4 Of Tow side Zip Code 1 Contact Nome gZ25 raadill Rd_ _ Vla'ling Addroaa Krifil(1 ifle _ � IN 179'i7 C ty rw Town S1ata zip code ^--671-577� Aral :ode ?horoo numoet I k WELL DETAILS; a. TOTAL DEPTH: T ft b. DOER WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? Y�8 C- NO(V c. WATER LEVEL Pa ow Top of Caai% A _.—FT. psa'r' I Ve Top of C4*9) d. TOP OF CA81xa la 0 FT, Above Land Su rfaca' "op er Caa ng terrni-Lo d Bror haow Iana ewface mar .nawre a PaMme .n axMarot wl'h I5A NCAC 2C .e118. a. YIELD igpmy IAETNOD IDF TEST L Dt81HFECT1ON: Type Amount : q. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top . Boftm Tap &adorn Top Bottom Tap Bottom-- Tap BCftwIL ThIrknew T. CASIN(;! D&Vh :)Wnetor Wright M1rwrlal _-Boltarr. 55 ' Top_Q� Bottomr65 - - r': 5" -C Do PVC Top Botox Ft--- _ I. GROUT, Npth melerial Nathod Topes_ Bottom 52 - - FL_ flRl ^d _ Trem;e T Top Hoklom FL Top Bn3o+n FL ti. SCREEN: Depth Dia inter SW Size MkalofW :Top 55 FL 1 25 In -Qjlt In Cp1LC Top_55 - BWtom 7Q- Ft_ 1.25 In. . 0.01 in . ( PVC -_ Top _ eoRom_ -- FL In. Im ftl. SAND,'GRAVEL PACK: Depth Btu hutodal AA siho Top-64-3ot'om-M—FtA_ _ M o : t1. OFZtLLH,G LOG 'fop Bottom 2ormallon Oescrlplon .1 70 - 1 �J r r ix. REMARKS Aft Sr&L sands wl bgrre.St!aY _30/65 sand seal from 52-54' and 60-64' DC MREBr ClR"a't IVAt TINS A4 rA+r.S 00e6tR=E- lH AC0DPQ"L W kr 7M W-'PC 1C, WB. - W, ML Cn<N S-AMrlJtne, MT] n+AI A CM OF YM FROM FN$B104(4CMM5 IC ThM-:V UOWKR. SIGMTtiRt: OF CZ:RTIPIEI] i/VCLL CONTRACT — Tf: % PRINTED NAME 'OF F'ER34h CWTR1JGTIhC T-1E'JVELL Form GVV.to Rev. VV a 1. WELL CONTRACTOR; Wag Contractor (tndrAduaq Nerve Wets ConlrwAo CDmperrq Name' -- Sliest Addraaa City or Towr 5taia Z1p Code St St 03 ) 548-2 i 8a w Agee cods Phwa rotardw 2. WiLL INFORWAT1,011: MAIL CONSTRUCTION PER4TS 11U 04WO 8 OTHER ASSOCW ED PERMT#psplaft c1 arre WELL oowvprat++1 DI.M-3 .- DE0-3513 E. WELL t1SE (C1 OA Ono 13" Monrbrlrp ( I Ltunlcips6Pvbllc0 InduaftL CcrrmWa' U Agr6m&irsI C Recovery 1eg0cim Irrloatlon-i odd C_ (W UN) _._. ✓?ATE DR1LLIFD jj—tZ:t L _ 4, WELL LOGATIOX: 2090 LQWena St. .gear Name, Num6pn, CWWNr0l, SwN114 91 Lot lib. Funw. N [Soda) STY: Vfins n- COUWTY ]DMYth ._ TCPOGRA°HIC I AND SETT NO: (i*" epwop" D* CJSIOPe aVIlay Olaf C:RIdgs LlOther_ 36' 5' 30-4400" 80' 12' 46,1900" Lattudeflenp:luds so:nc MPS f 1toppgrpphtc rnas jhSoedm a wv4 moat bd shown on a 11SOS tope map arrdatlached ro y11e"Mnot rrerrp OAS) S. FAGILMY (Nome of the baseless w1mee the well is located-) Fetnpr Rakl P_(^C dl iefg ()(M nQ17 - - Fadl3ty Name Faclk IDi (If aPPkebb) Street Address Min tnn-Sjl003 - . NC27101 City or Town stria rip Cade AMFr �j--QPRthU8(ie Confect +deems 27�andiii Rd- Mollino AWro" 1Crinrvilia TN 3732 Cty or Town stele by Case LaB5.d -9 M H a .9 11 671-677'4 Area code P h000 nlr 01 8. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 70 9 _ b. DOES WELL RBPLACLrPASTING WELL? YES❑ NOW c- WATER LEVEL Belov7op OtCWV 49_d Fr. (lice '+• If Abort Top of Oaft) QNREVIMNIML VMj, coriMU Uorr ucakn North Carol Ina Departinc•rl of Fi..virunrwat ioW Nutunl Roeo•.usw DIVWon of Wattr QLiRllry WELL coNTRA(,xuR cRR•ITirjcAj joY R 2675 aL TOP OF CASINO 3 0 FT, grove Land Surfsw* •Tea of aaahs to rminalad allor below land rrface rlay regtare a vertenoe Ir. a❑cardance %IM I OA NCAC 2C 0116 e. YIELD lgprrrt: ! _METHOD OFTFST 1, DISINFECTIOW Typo Amouat g WATER ZONES (deplh): . 7pp _ Bottorn Tup Boltarq Tap gotten Top _, Bolhon TOP.- Bottorn_ Top eotlam_ Thtolrosal I. CASINO: Depth olarlaler Welpt McAVIIsl Top_Q_ ., BcttOrn_ffi,F4.yj5m SC N ,Lu�- - Topes_"Om-M_ FL•1,W SC SQ -!QPV-Q— Top_ _ Hodom_ Fl. -- $. GROUT Deplb Matedal Meti-ad : Top• 4 ^, Bcf1om U _ Ff. PaUndT _TTemie Top Baxom FL _ Top - Bottom 9L A SC BEEN: Depth D*molor Small* Mablrtsl Fop�� Botbmja` FL 12&ir., �_ Lm CPVC Top-0--aotb-20___PILs.2&tn- -QZ- in. -CP_YS_-__.- Top_ Donotu - - Ft In. an. _ . 10. O MDlORAYEL PACK., Depth No mot"] Top _kaj DuHomQ§0­_ FLA!E^ Top Sodom n 11, DRRJ.INO LOG Top 9wom. Fnr Ilion Desuoor st5 4tldaanO w/ so71e clay — i �J 1 _ �.1 30/65 sand sea! from 52-53.5- and 60-64' 100 !FWJIY 4'i9UM ThAf Tana WO L W d =WRXTFDN AO=WMCE ya rw • 1M MW M yKti CCA♦IBia110 "lEiVlri"%FDK AND Tt W- F COPY OV `W fa�rwlGynol.c ry Ylai.E orv�aa. 1t t 11 NATURE OF CERMED WELL COW AC.° R DATE � i � 4V3�-sdrl PRKMD NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTYNO THE1,HELL FOM GW- lh Ray, Z09 Aff NONRESIMATUL MLLL CONSMUCE10N MRD Norlh C*WinuDeperement of l?avtmnmenl and Kmtund Reeovms. DivWoit. of Watvrguality ��... WaEu cUN'rttAc i ojt cKRTfPjCA'rjoN # 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Wel{ Contreafor (VdhAdclao Ham* Wel' Conlreolor Company Nlaw* 94$fNQdhfield Dr. Sh"I Addreu �SIC 20715 or � State 20 Code Area cxode Phan* mm%ber 1, WELL INFORMATION. I'&LL CONSTRUCTION PEWFTV)8 a OTHER ASS00ATED PERVIrra>[YspleWM) 31rV WELL ID "fj*plerbla - S Aw❑ J. WELL USE MoM Orm bolt) Mor$orir,2 ❑ Munid"I/PuNic `1 ndJa$leVConrn*mW ❑ A0ewa-ws1 ❑ ReccmcyU VJeWon hr InVationr] ❑Rw ❑ (till use) DATE DRILLSD_1 -1,-1l a. WELL LOCATION: 2000 LQMry St. (SkoW Nance. 91ub*AWorL LW No. Parcel Z)p Cede) CITY: Wifl3tOfhSglgm ccLN-Y-Egrs th TO-IOGRAnhIC ILWO SE- ING: [check W"maM baQ U3:" 0VO4ey Dial I IRk1pe muter 36' 5' 30.4700' 80' 12' 46-0700" atfbidaf nrgilclda sautge: VDPS CyopoOn+PMc map 4w,gdw or well molt he shown or a USOS tqw m* arrdef Wind Rs :his larm ifnd wrlV QPS) ti FACILITY {Nana of thM bun kvan *hare Ih9 we4Ia locaied ) 7�_ = uciRy Varno 2(''M 1 QwPr►r St Fadlay IV V! app k4WIS) Street Address — jnston lepl Y of Town AMEC - AnA Dent ArgQA _ h - , 271fl1 state 21p Cade Cameo! Noma AM; C'Mdill Rr1- Mallinq Address gnnxvl le 'Ld`_3 7 93 2 Cly or Tow State Vp Coca ( 885 "71-6774 Area coda Phone nuraoar a. YYEL L DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTri:20-ft-` _ h. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 1 NO OV e. YVATER LEVEL Del ow rap at Cneing: A,3-_ •... _- �1. ;Uai '**If Above Top of Cash,T) d. TOP OF CAtftNG 13 �, _ FT. Above Land Surface• *fop of ooWv tum)ggad Wor beltrw }and surface may require a varlanca In accord anco with I SA NC1C 2C -D11 B a YIELD(ppm). METHOD OF Tear f. 1311814FECTIDH: Type _ - , Amount q. WATER ZONES (deph): Top Bottorrl____,_! Top__ Bottom Too fDelEalrl Top Bolb m Top Bativtn Top_ Baisanl Thiatmasaf 7• CA8140r Dpm Olemal*r YYalghl ~21 Topes Botlo'm-05— F' , '�_ @SZICFYQ— Top-0— Benom65 rL 1.26' Sc 80 cPvr- Top Bollcrr�— iL - — & dour, Dapar rdeta" MHnod Topes_ Bo lorrula— FL Portland _Tremle _ — Top�_ 3Ctom•__FL Top �atlom I'L _ S. SCREEN: Depth Olaimi ter Slot alza Note" .Top 5' SotSom�Q �Ft �. {iUn- _QQL 1n. CPVL_ TOP-U— Botterm-ZQ____ Ft-1.25 in. AOL IrL _CPVC ;'rap Bottom FL____}rt- In 10. SANO)GRAVEL PACK: Depth Sire Material Toa-tffi-5%0ti0m_sL Ft #1 _ StIlca_ Top. 64 —Bswvm 7.0_ .__ FL�1` _ �ijlice Top��fntom Ft — II. DRILLING LOG Top 80110m Fo mlabon Dwc *III n 11 - _ J 70_ _ silts and migdI wl Icons r.igy-_ f 1 . 1 r ►R 12- RELRA KS: 30165 sand seal from 52-54' and 60-64' 100 NBKM CMTFY TMT rc* VM.L Yana voFIRr"LK q a A AOCORD&NM VATH IAA W-4; 2C, YYti 0318TRXrM UTAMD W"k HO n kt A CM OF THS w ftx P T*i WELL brv+a"cR +k h 11411 SIGNATURE OF CERTFIED WELL 6NTFAL"1— DATE PJWT�OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING TKE WFL L F'o7n GYY-1h Rew.2% 1► -0JV RESIDLN L4L W w, Co s1 RUCTIM UCORD NOTlh CrtolhesDepaAswirl afEayWcuneci andNah:rnl Reaouroce- t)lvillon of Wutcr Quo Iity WZU (,ONTRACroIt CitRTMCA'rrON * 2675 1. Wr2LL COt4TgACTOeR : d TOP OF CASINO 4 F-T, Above Land SxlKs' `Top of cuing terrnlneted rider be:ow land soda:,* may r"uve WailC�on�.n��olpc OWMdual] hhme a variance In llOGt danCE wIiI1 1 aA NCAC 2C .011 iL aaadjj rYI [W. - lrca ConearCa�pNodhWdnr►ry Hartle : e. YIELD (91mt McTHOD OF TEST � ����Wppelgg : f. DISIN FHCTIWd: Type_ m Aount Street Address : p, WATER ZONES (dep:n): Fort Mill -- - _ SC 29715 : Top Wmrr____ Top Bottom__, Ch or Town State itp Code ; Top Boftm _- Top Bottom_ $i 0 - W 2180 ; Top GotwR _ Top Bolt"_ - _ Rrea code Ph" Cumber Thickn"W 1- WELL INF0RMAI1OFI: ' 7. CASINO: Depth Dbmafer wtivtt metwul WELL CC'*STRLIC"TFON PE RM i rOM40000 ,._ : TOP _ So1a17<_4&_r Ft. 1- "_ Se 80 .('DV(' 0TIir-RASOOC1ATEDPERM(T/(Tapr*sbisj ToP.Q Gotom 5i _FL-1,26_ 00 --c P)M, STYE WEI.t. ID artrappk&,.) DUIN-37S $a I-LI -UP - Top Sosof FL S. WELL USE (Check One Box) Morgto4V ❑ Muni&pal Mubile ❑ : S. GROLTT: Depth MaArtul MAod ndDstrlsYf orW ner-jal I.i Agricultural 71 Recovery.1 In!eo',ion d -�P __ ao�am _ Ft Portland _ ;rnpatlonu OtAor U (list U") ' Top Sottam PI. v- q DATE DRILLED 11-12-11 Toy Bodwr Ft. 4. WELL LOCATION: 9. SCRE.EN: Dapih Dlarnslar Slot Stae t#ator4el s ZM Lowery St_ iTop 5 _Batsm�Q,FL-12&01. _QM h CPVC (Stvet Nm bera. Cor iff.ie . BmbsAsk ti iA No., porasi 71-p rode} ' rop_WL _ arottanr_Z0._ Ft. 1.75 Ii _ 4�Q1 In. Ca-Y:_Winston2$alem COUNTYFOrS.srl _.CP]CC, Top MrWrL _ FL-_ in- In. , TOPOGRAPHIC t LAND Sr:-MNG: wma app was bosh CSlape ❑VaWy 4V7st ❑Rrdge UOlher___-. :10-SANMRAVVLPACK' 36" 5' 30.460t7" i Depth Sea 11116 Tilts : Top�`�9�_Bo tomes_ F;• ELT. .!� i ao' i z' a5.saoo' ; Tap _Botto<n-Z�­ Fl La*udsAortpf4As same: WDPS [ Tfopoprephicmap ; Top Bottom Ft_-- (bxtJCM & Wit FADS' be, ahown an a USW AVO MW anda"C"1id b _ - Oils f»rm !I rraf us" GPS) ' 14. GRILLING LOG S. FACILITY ;Hama c! Ella truslrgss tW1Wero tiye WvaY in iocesed-j Top 50E0n PCrmatkin Deacnptlon FPdit Noma 30(M 1 nw Ffy 5t- Fatty IDR off ppIlCoble) Sti"!At AdditKs M or Set;S�._ C AM PC. - .ina nsathert3np 7101 Contact Name 10101I tp Address Knflxyille _ Zd_ 37932 City or Town _ State I)p Gods Area code Phone nm*w- !. WELL DETAILS: e. TOTAL DEPTH:_70 tl; b. DOESVVELL REPLACE ErXIST1110WELi.7 YESra W)U11 c- WATER LEVEL 8mow Top of Caaing 50 ,Use '+' NAt]ove Tap oI Co*g) 2 01 zo _^ silts and sa-tal wtaome ram._ .wJ! It- REMARKS: 30/65 sand seal from 52-549 a%f4' _ I�oolit�eee+"oLtlll►YstlarTlcsthrxt.yrsecar+e`>auc�ns++rr;Qnnnn�w►m •16A-ACW,,%%LLCMffMICT*N4TMW t8,AWh47AaDM0FTW REOM W4 B" PFOAM TO �16 YWLLkUNIMA • sl NATURE or- wilism) wax cOi+ Vdf&�' !� yWTL f PRKtrvD MW OF PERSON CONUMUC T� 1 Form aW 1 b Roy. 2MO +r r NONRE North Camllna mpattment of Hnyirt,,:nrrot and Na:uml Rasoucat-1)ivWon of Wste' Qud ty WXM CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION is 2675 1, W£LL CONTRACTOR Nall Cardrador f11tdlvidu0 Name 5 e W61 COW revor Company Name Qea Nodhfleld Dr. street Addree■ FQA Mill SC 29Z CRy or Tow Slate Ap Code 8� ❑3 ji 546-21 80 - - Am code PhowmAnhe- 1 WELL [WORAIATION: WELL COV5TRUC-'IaN PERM110 Q-YYL4 QD OTi4ER A860CiATED PERM IT1jIr sPp*, bk) SIT WELL lO sp wwabw DLM 38S St OJVIf-38❑ S. W[!LL USE )Check Olxr ftx)NontlDoia fT irluMol dFubla [) Indt atAellCor)xrerGW f 7 Aptkultural Lt Rer ovM C Ir *ckn t( irrfgeddnl t pYhar L (Nst uar) DATE DIRILLSO_11-12-11 4, WE1.L LOCATION; 2000 Lowery St. (9lroel Name, NLvft.w, Cco .ow ey. aLt4 Aeion,'At No., Parrs, IIp Cade) CITY.: ins Q - Igm wju ry 0 1, TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETT INIG: [loot ap¢opr`ala wary nstope ❑VaEey ahst DR40 Ljafher _ 36' 5' 30.5400" 80` 12' 45.7500" aUu dMonpitude source: EMPS Fropcyrapbfc Inap pxa7on of #W1 rnusr be shown On a USQS lope mop "aundfad (O Ua worm 1 nct usfnp UPS) & FACII.IN0wre of fhe huakweea where the well la tocated.) rft non tan17 Far_,Vky Name 70no a Owou ( ;t_ Fadiby" pf apptkeblej Smal Addteas nM -Salem _ Nr"2Z1ni : Ry or 1'D" a" Zip Code :ontact Name S.725 rmT4iii Rd- MaMnu Addmsa City or Town — Stato 74p Cade L865A , 671&774 Area coda Phone numW 6. MLL DETAIL& i TOTAL DEPTH:10-fl— b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXIST11I0 WELL? r'CSU W) r#f a. VVATL 2 LEVEL Be'cw Top of rAwkW _% ;-i (Uns'r' If Maw Topa1CIMIkIQ) d. TOP OF CAailwa is �Fi T. Above Land 5urfaca' 'Top of oulna tetrNneled aft below land 9urfaca may rYWiro a verlarrce in eocordsrrce with 15A NCAC X .0115. s. YIELID jppmy MET ROD OP TEST f. DISINFECTIQN: Typo Amount p WATER ZONES {depth): Top Bottom Top , Boftnra Tap PMIOrn_ TOPi Bof rn ,Top___.__- Thtaknew 7. CASING: Dept), Dwmwtar V;ralpht WAOClal Topes, Bodam FL 12jr -•&M CPVC - TopQ^ _ Bonum-65-_ Ft. 116' s$Q CPVC Top LWrlarn^ _ FL , a. 13ROUT; Csplh waver% Wtehod Topes Bottom 5- Ft:PAttljcjL- - Tmmn p _ Top_, Down Ft Top BDISOfn FL 0. SCREEN: O/pth Alarnahr Slot Stan Yetadid I Top 55 : a&tan6_ Ft. 1-26 'n. _ Ql In, CFY-Q` Tapes 9oSlam_7Q_ FL_12 _QJL_ In • CPVC Top__ - . _ Bottom_ _ Ft.�. _ , In. IQ - 3ANWORAVEL PACK: DeQtn 61�e Atatnrlsl Top 5�1 Ytlpticm _--FLU. -M SiiiCa T0p­64 _8nlcrn_70 Ft # _ $&.A Top _Bottom _,• FL _ 11, DfiUING LOG Top sor.om Forma&)n De"Aptron ZQ_ silksraards wl s� r+ararg] �J �J .�f V 12. REMAMS, 30/65 sand seal from 52-54' and 60-64' f CO , lMtM Cerny TNAT TM YAU VM Cc7NarFpta'rflo IN ACOORW4•'t: VIM r 40AMCJ1,r1 WOUCOMTibJCM81AlbM06*AIM "7ACOFTOFTW9 MNATURE OF CER1FIF.aWEU COwfW OAR— DATE m PRINTEI] NAME Of PIF R80N COMM TIE!_ WELL FtxmGW1h Rev M NoN RESIDENTIAL WELL CONS-11JIUCTION North C -alma Depwtmentof Say.rorum rA and Natural ResDcmw, Div lsico of Water QUEty WELL CONTRACTOR C RTIFICATION 0 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Mmllgr Well Contndw +•tndlv)duarj Name C. Well Contmdor cwnpsnydame 9088 Northfield Dr. St" Addreaa __EQA1. d _ __ SC _ 29716 CAy or Town stalk alp Carla 8r 0380 Area Carla Pttefle 11t IPW 7- WELL INFOftM1AT1ON: WE L CONSTRUCTION PERMITp W0400098 OTHER ASSOCLATED PERA1fTE(i'appaceb4; SITE WELL ID 60 amkaalal {3LIW-39$ & E)LIV11-39D 3, WELL UBE {Choc* Om Boxy Monito*v [I MunlupoWubllc ❑ IndusV*WAMMerrlal ❑ Apncathrra+ L] ReaoveryC tnjecton d Inigabon❑ Other ❑ (lei use) DATE DRILLM 4- WELL LOCATION 2000 Lowery St. !Street hen n. Nun%b& S COMM,", SUWM1W. tot No.. TrceL lip Co* (;ITY: Winston-Salem _ -- COUNTY Fom)M TOPOGWHK: i LVO SETTING: idW" appropta* bP4 08" OValtey Mat CIRM" 001111111 _ 36" 5' 30.2200' 800 12' 47.3100" LatllW&1 r1yt100e lerxca: 663PS CirapogrepNC map iJrxafJaR o1 N111 most be SiIo3VrI on 4 USGS lc�v mep ardr+lfac.'wdlts ails lorrrt at'ndt uainp GPS) iL FAC UTY (NUA of the bualneas whore the wall is located.) Fadrttr Narne Fac ft U# (If pp/eollilR) Sbeet Addms! Zonston-'SaleM _ Nr, 27101 city or Town Sate tip Gods AMF!C- Joe DAathecanA . _ - Conted +ferns PZ7.5-r1fleddl Rd MaMV Address Knny1jillw iN 379-42 City or Town Sub Zip Gods (ags qFjg Re 11671-6774 Area cede PAons narrrew a. WELL DETAILS: e. TOTAL Dmit: 70 ft b DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YESO NO IV c. WATER LEVEL Heiow Top of CaslrrC AMi—FT. (Use '*' If Above Top o1 Cawrg) ATOP OF CXMG IS 0 F7 Above Lane Surface' .,p ofcaatnp twMinated at<or below land surtsoa may nqu rs a varhence in socordante with taA NCAC tC p1 i8- : s, YIELD {gprn). METHOD OF TEST_ IL I]ISINFECTIOW Type - Amount : 4} WATER ZONES {depth; Top_ _ 9ollom Top Bottom Top„ Soft m_ Top So >nm Top__ _ Gomm Top Bottom ThlekneaW :7. CASINO: Depth DteWM*W Vft4hi Material Top--0-- SoCL^_5r FL_j.2E__ SC 80 C EVS� TOP 0 Bodomq�_ FL_tW _- Top Batto PL 8 GROUT: Depth 1644iterW httthod TaP_4— Bottorn5Z5- Ft. • POdWnd Tramis Top_,_ T• BOltont �L Top eoltora_FL__ 1ti 3cREITN; Dose Dlernottr slotStm Motorist TCp—a, Softrt-69-, F1 -12 m. Q_n In CFNQ TCy 1W 65Botlom 4'F7o t l L25 In. �L in. , GPNC 'fop acaom Ft _ _ _in, in. 10. SANWORAVE L PACK: Depth SLns A1sEartal Too f*5LI_WWm&�)_ Ft..j#l_ _$Olaf&. Top Bo.�cm70 F:._#1, ,Sillca Top BAI!Om F L II - DRILL ING LOG Tap Bottom FOnratnn DeuiVfen 0 70 sandalsil s/dayaw/ rock 1 �J _ 1 1 12, REMAM& 30165 sand seal from 52-5-54' and 64-70' 100 HMMIF CERr"17NT no vertu fhtti6 tZ7NBT1t11CTE4arAOWRDFW.i WITH VW MCAQK, VtU CCaratRUCTKI1r WAla]OM AW TWAT A COPY OF THa 11EClJat TO l qMM [�RTF*D WELL CONTRAR L7ATE PRINTED NAME OF P ERSON CONSTRUCT I NG THE WELL Formc M•tb Rev- 20 NON�r ESIDENTM wL1. Cowguc Cr M McuRn North Ca IJU Department of Envinownent and Nalunnl Reaourees- Division of w%w [malty WILL CONTRACTOR CER1[F1CATION q 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Robert Mr Wal Contractor (WhaduaQ Name $ggdaoco Inc. _ WalI Caniracbor Company Nana �j88 Na YAM Dr, Shtiet Add Ices Cry or Town slate no Code 03 W-2180 -- Ama cods Phona number 2. WELL INFORMAT10W WELL CON STRVCTK]Y PER MlWyoQ499Dg8 0111ER ASSOCIATED aERM. ITt(M sopio") 327E WELL iod{TePglosay7 DLW-40S & QWW-40❑ 3. WELL USE (Clwa Of* Box) Monhorinp 17 Munldp*UOi Gc LI n4us74tCommwds w Aoriv,"I F- Recovery❑ U¢aet.ond Lrrlpallonfy Other E3 (bat uwj _ GATE DFULLE012-110-11 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000 LoW§(Y St. (sa.el No, Number*, Ccrerr w*, &AK*wWm Lot No Pei � crrr:.Winston-Salem CouNrr Fowth TOPOGRAPHIC 1 iAND SETTING (c F*& appopdata eu ) 0 5lope o vday I# tat .j Rklge ❑ OC+er 36' 5' 30-2300" 80' 12' 47.1s00" LaCtAMongitude source: VOPS Ljropographlo map flotation of wN must be shown ao a t1SGS topo mAo andad&:~io Moo km if Ad usiry OPS,; 6. FACIL2TY (Na" of one buaInaas where Im wall is located.) Fnanal FJekt Prnriuct% OM M17 Fmeaty Name FaGity Ird (If OPP Icstrla] „2rM t nwa 5t- Skoot Add raw MnSton,9akm _ NC 27101 CRy or rvwn Stall ZIP Code AMEC, - -Ine Deatheranp„ , Contact Nam Malkinq AMman Knnr►ri,lle rill, 37932 City or Town SUM ap Code ( ga5 �#671-6774 Ama CDdB Phone number S. WELL DETAILS: ■- TOTAL DEPTK 70 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING Y1ELL7 YESU No C( c- WATER LEVEL Below Top of Ca34V 7 49 F`. (Uae ••• If Wove Top at CaOV) C TOP Of GASH 18 _ _ FT. Above Ladd Swrata' `rop of caw Q tefftrwled aNnr below L" Krfaoa may rsqu'.re a vorfonce In accordencewith 15A NCAC 2C .'0118 R YIELD {apm). _— - MMCD OF TEST_ R DISINFECTIOW Type Amount _ F WATER Z0#" (depM): Top BIUIIILTap Sdnem Top Sdw L,— Top Botlbrn Top botlom Top_ 8oftm Thicksaasl 1 CAMIO: Depth DWW*O ar W@42M kaekarial TopesBcaorn 56--FL 1.25" ^UR _.QPy.Cr_ Top 0 Bollorr.6_FL I-2E SC 80 CPVC Top Bottom F't S. GROUT: oeplh kAatanlal method : Top-0-- 3dtbm f§L-- FL 296WK! Trernie — Top _ &YIom FL Top Bvrtam Ft. f. acpteeN: Depth Dkurwtor Mo sho Mabrlal Top. NA— Bottom 60 FIL- j,ULrL 0.01 In C RVC Top4*-65eowm. j+F70 FL_12Lin. 51.�1L in. CP-VC Top Boft FL—kn. kt. IL SANDrORAVEL PAM'' Depth Stagy Malarial TopAAt;_q_13*"_M_ 1:1.91 Top Bol:oro Fl. 11 MILLING LOG Tot) Botlom �ofmsilon Cesolpftn 0, 70 sand2l3i151C ays W/ 20malock 1 _ 1 12 ItEMA1WJk 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 64-70' 100 FFAFQr CEMFYTM%T TW %WLL *M COMI LIMM IRACO&MAMIX YfCM • "A f,17Na1711,G71.7M 6'rAa . A+a7 TTIAT AC+bPr OF"JTFLi [� 86A E OF CERTIFIE0 W L CONTRACTOR DATE f? W Miller _ : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONST1RUCTING THE WELL Fan GW-lb Rev. 2M 11L v 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: pert Miler �...—._. wtliI Contractm (ktdNitle ■I) Nwe 5aedacco inc. - Well Contrectar COrnparry Natna- - sass Nr?�Sh6eld Dr. 8tmot Addrtaats fad mill zip coo � or Town - -- -- Stela t3 54$ Z1k0_ _ Area coda Ptmiv rtumt:ar 2. WELL INFORUATION: WELL COftrRI1CT ON PErwrr! O1-HER ASSOCIATED PERMr r" wo"bbj SITIc WELL ID p(Iraq�i�ls) D�fW.�i _4�. 3- WELL USE {Check One B6* L*wftdPg h h+lwrtiaVWftbk ❑ Induatriou0ommen7lal 0 AgrWbral 0 R00wW 7 W$N ffpn d MAga;ionEl DSt'er ❑ (List Vw) PATE DRILLED 1 9-0&11 ♦ WELL LOCATK314: ZQ44 -�Ipwqu St. {BYret Nrne rrumton- Carsnu 8uWvWo , Lot ►to., Pw t 2%iCe GRY: Wnston jPiam--{7ULwTT Fom! dh r❑.'QORAPHK: .AND6CTrNf3: [ahalsapprgw"boq j8 ope uVaNey k iat []"a robw 36' 5' 30.5500' 80` 12' 47.9400" Lfi*A1*rlprft46 eoL" `"'5 f lropo qr hlc top (k,nelrnn a! wyo nwa bo mo*n or a (),gaS two mop arrdlfi "do; "a ANM R nor O&V OAS) a. FACILITY [dame of tie btl k eaa wham m wril k loretpd.J 1 1 41 ►1 -- --- - f-odlily Name Fac&y 106 (itappilcabiey Vifinr%ton City or Town r State zip CO& Conglct Name 0725 Ccx d IL Rd Maling Addnm [spy a Town 61ga VP Cob uffl 1i :fiffik671--6.Z24 Area cb4e Plwne rumbw N-WFLL Di?TAIL8' I. TOTAL DSPTI+k 70 ft— b. L>OES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YC3 r- moo( c. WATER LEVEL Befow Ivp ofCwlg..52 wFr (Uaa'4' 1 Above Top of CoAng) NON ARES 1.4L„muLcoNmu(—noN RxcoRD t+Ianit Carolina i]rpytrnoN oT L'nriroament and Halwal Rtanu: ws- I]fWsit+K of W afar Qunlily WELL CONTRACtOR CILWIFICAMON 0 167S d. TOP OF CASWO IB -[j_ FT Above Land &A*%cn' 'rcpd C41SN krrntktated wor 4viaw land arlrfece &nay Mq&$ e tnrlancw h wcaordanae wO 1 SA klCAC 2C .011 fl. A 1yXLDWP"* METHOD OFTEST- %f. DI&NFECTION: Typo Amownt ¢ %KT&R ZONES (depthy: Top Rotlorn Top_ _ Wsom Tap 9Oltum_ Tcp -8O[Iom Top Bottom Top —solom__-_._.__ T Tt�laknew r. CASING: Depot 01--now t IMaterlal Topes nowin-2_-___ RAM— �vft5 _sar_c�Q CM� Top— -- BottornI&— Ft 1.2b" _ _5C 80 ..QPVC . Top Bat FL A. GROUT: Depth k5bitw'a kwod : TOP-0 Boliom 5.' Ft-p4[wl4. Nmig— Top RoMrn Ft - -Top__ Top__ _ Bo5xn__ _ FL ___ 0. sCREEN: Depth DINnobr slot Sire Material TOP- — 8nnnrn-0—FL%25 tn- _Qat IR Geyr, Top-&__ enwm m Ff. 1.251n. J)IL in CPVC Top_ ^ _ Bottom-- _ FL,- -_ _ln.-_-_ In. BAND+GRAVEL PACK Dog% st>1a molartal Top_5A____BMI-M PL-#I-____ Top-65_oatkrn 70 Ft. #1 1_ Top_ Morn F 1. it. DMUM LOG Top flAbnr r-omvaton Deecrloon 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 50-65' 1001 POWCOMFY YIMT 11MVOUWM SIN AOMMINrRM1MTII IMMytGaC.11MLLt7piiTla M" RT1Mi0VIK AM MHO AOWYaFrM fougm I tta!li-W TU 1 %LLOM M r f &tMAMME OF CEITM-17D WMI Cow- DATE PRINTFO NMC OF PERRsON CONSTRUCTING TXE WELL RaY. 2M rM � �� 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: RobsdMiMr wall Con"clor onco ciLw) blame Saedacco Inc. Welt Conb *r Comp" 'Ianre 9088 Northfield Dr. Street Addream City or Town State Z P Code su 548-2180 Area co" Phfine number 2- WELL INFORMATION: 'NE tL CCNNSIRUCTON PERM(Ttt WI 400098 GTH£R ASSOCIATED P£RA1TTe{raapwaltay SITE WFLL inPerapWMsWI0LlW-425 & QLIYV92D 3. WELL USE (Chad One Box) MonNorhp ❑ Mudgpa4Pt h k 0 IndustrlaMornnwdet ❑ AgrIcutN• M ❑ Recovery n b#kdw td 140"drto Other L3 (datum) RATE DRILLED 4, WELL LOCATIC* 2004 Lgmvy St. (Stoat Name- Nuw6erw Cworrw . Svbd%deW. LM Me, YaroY, rip Coda) crrv: Winston-Salem couHTT Forsyth TOPOGRAPHIC ! LAN❑ SET M40: {d1aeY epprciprlMa tosQ r151ape 7Vofy Wl"I'ial ORidge t}Olher 36' 5' 30-5600" 80' 12. 47.7800• La6l KWcngkxk sounss: UOPS Qropnraph!t map ,Roakian of w M rtrnre be anown on a :15'35 Napo rap arpafteche-j ro Mla tofm Ynot usft GPS) S. FACILITY (Naas of ft 4uslnans wftere the wap is Iocaled.j Fnr®f%r Flakt PrcLducts _T amMY Faculty Name Fadlity Of (if aMAcable) 20M01nwr of St Snet Address �6 jn--gtn[LSalem N-C �71fl1 City or Town `,ate Zip Code AMFI,- AM Deallberaf1P Contra NMne 0725j oedill Rd- - Mating Address KnOYH111A 7 N 37q,39 City yr Taws Slats Nip Code (86s -so&,w +671-6774 Arcs code Phone number fi. VEIL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 71 b. 00CS WELL FM PLACE EJUSTINO WEiL7 YES 0 HO W WATE R LPVEL Brine Top c(CaskV 51 _fi ____Fr. (Usa't' It Above Top of Casing) NQN RESIDENTIAL W1.GL CONKI-RUMOIN RVWORD NORh CL-0iinl Depanmal of EnAronlnent and Natuml Resoumn- MyWost of Wow Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICA-flioN M 2675 d. TOP OF CASINO ill _ FT Above land SwUm' "Top of caahp ter" nosed @Vcr below land s rkoo nsey require a vadar+ce in eacordarm with 15A NCAC 2C 0118. r YIEid (gprn) _ F�rMD OF TEST --- = f. DISINFECTION: Type Amptmt p. WATER ZONES (depth): Top- ..- Sodom , Top ____ 800tom_— _ - Top- —•- SOMM Top- 80,11M • Too Bot1 - Top i+wbm TMICkrlaeal T. CASINO: Depth Olarfsstor wolght N*WMI Topes_ 8oCOM 5 - - FL jjj!" - SC 80 CPYQ Top- Bottom 66 FLyZC-- Q CpVC Top BoNorn Ft, S. UROUT: Depth IIgb11M IrlalrkOd Top_Q eollorn 53 T-- FL Po111n3 Ie -- TOP_- __-- "om Pt.— Top Bosoms Ft !. SCRMW D"M 171swomor Slotalas YafsAaI Topes_ aogo<n_61 Ft _Jain 4_Li] In. ,QM _ Too- 6_ 80111on-Z.L- Ft _12L,5_in. _QSL in. CF_VQ TOP - noMonl-_ _ _ Fl In- In. 10. SAHO10RAVE L PACK: Depth like Material Top 5A.S dattom.�.1,5 _. Fi• � S$im _ Top-E�Botlom 71 FL#� 5dK:a Top_T,Batmm Ft 11. OFULLiNO LOCI Top Botsorn Formallor Oeawpoon 71 1 1 ! 1 1 _ 1 1 �� RIeMAI�Ks: 30165 sand seal from 53.7-54.8' and 61.5-65' 100 HEWOY C EATVY T)AT THe WCLL WASGON MXTEO IN AOCAlICMMIMtN • taA W-AC M'eaLL C OWRU6WMSTANCAROe.ANOTIMT ACMV OF n" :=TOT)& NF'-I-A�ME0. MzFL / ►4 ►/ 9KMTURE of C£FMFIE0 WILL CONTRACTOR PRPEFED KAIYIE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTOiG THE WELL ...r..., i.tieYr-s. - .t^�1s>tr- •r•+:'±ti.ill:l:ri'vi Form OW-tb • � M'A!s'. ►'R1 �7• ^_• �R��l F.0614M..__...- -`. ��"Y (.1. �."__—�.-_... .�j' Rev. 249 a� s� i, W6LL CONTRACTOR: -Michael_- 1 Weli Contra= (individual) Name . Saedamo Inc. Well Contactor Comp any Name 9088-Northfield Dr. Street Addraaa --Forl Mill �29715 City or Town state uq Coda i 0 j ,' 48-2184 Am code Ptem number 2. WELL INFORMATION — WELL CONSTRUCTk]N FERMIT/,W-IQ'rY.V098 - ❑TNER ASSOC I AT ED PE RM ITR(r apObabio) ame WELL it) "aws=b* QM-43S & DLIW-43D b. WELL USE (Gherk On* "Monsorttg ❑ IrlunldpagPuWk:Cl InduW'*LC amrnerc'sl ❑ Agdcu aural C Rawveryr❑ Irodtond rrigevorl7 Oftw U (ile: L") nATE DRILLED�1-1 4. WELL LOCATION. 2409 Gowery 5t. (StaaiName. Nmvbv% Comm kway, SubdMalo7, WANo. ftak apCob) crry Winston-Salem . WLwTY 2 yth. TOPMRAPHC 1 LAKD SETTING- (crack apprnphf boo 810" nValey WIVIat r]Ridpa 36' 5' 301400" 80' 12' 45.0500" L211weAonokIide souks: 9rPs C7lopop+aphk map (k caatm of vml must be &Wwn on n USGS lvpo map andeftashad to ►rtla lbtm lYnotusing GPSj S- FACILITY (,As me of"busiress when Ow well Is located.) F_=gr Flak Prodilris oaf) ❑ail radrtty Name Fad Illy 08 (11 s 0coble) 20M I QWAry St_ 5trset Addms& Winrftn-galpm NC 271 al City a Town stale Zip Cads AMFC - .jrPA DAathprana Contact Name 9725 Condi11 fed - Mailing Addrasa KnantiiiP TN_— _IZ232' Ctty or Town Stela Zip Code ( am s4#671-6774 Aron coda Phone mntbfw 6. WELL DETAIL5: L TOTAL DEPTH: If) It b. DQF8 WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES Q NO d c. WATER LEVEL Below To a1 Casing: !M FT. (Use'►' II Above Tap of Casing) NoN R ESIDENTm WELL CONSTRU ON MCORD North Carolina flepaitr Rnt of F-Ironmmf and Natural Rcaources- Dfv4ion of Water Quality "'YM, CONTRACTOR CERTIF'ICATI N N 3351 d. TOA OF CABM IS-Q FT. Abovs Lard &mace' ^op of 0191 4 tormirWad allay below land cartage may -KA's a varlance In eratordoroewt*f SSA NCAC 2C 011S. : a. YIELD (Ppnl:_ METHOD OF TEST L DISINFECTION Typr Amount y WATER ZONES (doph): = Top_ Botlom— Top BottPm___- TAA -__ Bottum_ Top so=tom Top Bottom Top Bo!lorn_-____•__ - Thlckerast 7. CASINO: Wpth Dlarneor Walyltt Material too 0 %ottom 55 Ft 1 2Je" _ -5QN Top-Q- BOaam 85 --FL 1,25.'_ SO Top Bottom FL d- GROUT Oeplh IYlalnrlal Method Topes_ Bottom 53 FL PQrtleltd TCam)e Top w Bottom F! Top Bottom fL f. 8CR EEK- Depth Dismetar Slot Seta Matb tal Top 55 Bottom sa FL 1.25 in. 0.41 In CP11C Top fi5 - Badem j0 _ Ft.-j, in. 4_d1 In.. GEV(;�— Top %. UL rn _ —_ Ft _—kt In 10. SANMRAVEL PACK - Depth Star SRrlaraal foe 54 _ socarn 61.5 Ft #1 Tog B4 F3ottam�Q_ Ft.,�, Toff_ ___—tjottom Ft 11 DRILUW- LOG Top Bottom Formabon 00-yr tpdon 1 1 1 12,REMARKS: 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 61.5-64' i oo r-4w-ar Ctxlirr T*T TMS VftL V06COM7RUCTEO N AODCACO)" VATF • teA r+cx: x, vousr r tiTAar6a11ea, AM0 r a► Doer aF r>,�a RLS+�R9 t• L = $IG F OF TWELL COHTRAt;� D TE P W-ED NgME Of PERSON C.-A&STRUCTING THE WELL Form GW • I b Rev Zt;ty 0 It N0NRESLQENMLWFLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Departrwrit of rinvitonment and Natural Rosourm- Division of Wa w Quality �4 WELL CONTRACTOR CRRTIRICATION p 2675 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Mill r Wei Conhlletor (IndWlOusl),Name Sagdam Inc. -- Well Conlractw Company Name Street Address - - -fort Mill — - �C 29715 Clay or Town State lip Code (803 a 548-21 ao _ Area code Phone number P. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITi100400098 OTHER ASSOCIATED PEIRMITC"spoicabie] SITE WELL 1D #Qf rvplkable) 3. WELL USE (Check One ilox) Mooloring ❑ MuniopeVPubiic ❑ InduslrlaVCommercIW p Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ InJecdon In'90ono Other ❑ (11at use) DATE DRILLED 92aWwW 02101I 1 Z 4. WELL LOCATION: 20�O %Weill Sty (Strait Herne. Nurrbwa. Cormnanity. Sut>dhullen. Lot No.. PwoK ZipCode) crryWnstQn-Salem COUNTY 9LJYtli _ TOPOGRAPHIC r LAND SE fTING {thick rppropAstebwq [)Slope ❑ Valley flat D Ridge pOftr 36' 5' 30.6400" 80' 12' 45,6000' Lataudellangllude source: BPS FJFopographic map (iocadon of we# must oe shown on a USDS rope map mode Mxhad to this kxm N not using GPS) S. FACILITY;Name of tha busy iexs where the well is located ] Pnrrnpr F1aktProdurts 4170 0017 Fadifty Name Fatuity IDo (if epp:"ble) 2400 1 nwerrr St_ S+fed Address 1Ntnsttnn-Salem- NC 27101 City of Town state tip coda AMU! - Jne DAathpranp Conlad Name Mooing Address Knimil►e T>tiL,.�3= City or Town shale x0 CpdS ( am Tfiamsf671-6774 Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: ■. TOTAL DEPTH: 71) ft -1L DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO W e. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 48.5 FT (Use'** H Above Top of Casing] 0. TOP OF QUING IS .-]aFT, Above and Surface' 'Top of caning terminww Wor oolow land awfsoe tray mequlra e variance in acco-daarm wtr T5A NCAG ZC .0118. e. Y111710 (gpm); MET1400 OF TEST f. OWNFECTION: Type Amount g- WATER TONES (depth)' Top Bottom fvp Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top- Bottom Top Bottom_ .- ThIckneW 7. CASINO: Oepth Diameter Weight Material Top 0 Bottom s^ Ft.125"_ _ss$u Sc�y Top-0-- sottom-L�­ Ft.1-25- Sc $0 GPVC Top Bottom Ft- 8 GROUT OWh Material Melhod Top 0-- Bottom 53 FL Portland Tren se Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREENDepth 13tamafar Slot Size Mat"I Top­5�— Bottom 26Q Ft iI In. d_6t In. QPVC - Top_§;t___ 9aNOM_L Ft._ 1.25_In. 0"01 In. CPVQ Top Bottom Ft. m, in _ 10. 8ANDfOIiAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material :lop_ - _-9ottom_fiQ_Ft #1_ 5111ca Top 64 . _8o"—ZQ—FI #1— Slllca Top— - --Bottom FL 11 DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation DescAMIon �/ 70 r t- M 41 1TO • C. t y • : 41 REMARKS: i 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' 100 WMEaY COLT WY TIMT TfN %F/,L WAe 00N$TI111LTE6 IN ACCOROANCE try" zNA comsTROC'noR cTAg6Nt8a, Ah+h T7MTA COPY OF TM PDTHOE:RTURE OF CERTIFIED W CONTRA OR GATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW1b Rev.20 0 It N RESIDENTM WELL CONSTRUCUION RECORD North Caml Ina Dcparm)em of Envirrmmtnt and Natuml Rmurm- Division of Wn1er Qualify WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION is 2675 T. WELL CONTRACTOR: $4b-SrLMille[ WON Contractor (Indtvlduel) Name WON Contractor Company Name 90d Northfield Ur. Sheet Address 297i City 3f Town SIeIa zp Code (803 1 W-2180 Area code Phor-A number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERVITs W10490098 _ - OTHER ASSOCIATED FERMI T#(if opokabe) srrE WELL ID sc{ aopl+datfa) DLIW-45S & DLIW-450 3, WELL USE (Chaok One Box) MoNloMg ❑ K%MIdpaVPubllG0 IrldustrlallComnwdal ❑ Ag4wNural ❑ RecoveryC Injection jlilt' Irrigatlonp Ofher ❑ (eat a*) DATE DRILLER22-ft-111-021011T 2 4. WELL LOCATION: ($treat Nunn, NumMxa, CGrMYundy, Sut+d ASW Lot No., Pew!. Zip Code) CITY: Winston-Sft!IM CQLNTY orwth TOPCGRAPHrC 1 LANO $kTT114G: (chat* fi Qvb04a max) ❑S" ❑VeNay JI(F1al oRxlge 00ths( 36* 5' 30,6700" 80' 12' 45-4200" LaBtudsAongftWo source: �XFS OTopographlemep llocakv? of *0 muaf be shop" cn a t1SGS repo map andatreched to thie form if not ua1ng GPSJ 5. FACILrTY (Name o( the business where 06 well Is IoC,atad.} Facility Name F"Ity ID&#f sppli oW 2000_1 nwAry 5t_ — — - - Street Address Winstan-Salpm NC 2710t City or Town Stele 4 Coda AMFCI - .IOP r1patlf'iegania Contact Name 725 ,.nodlll Rd MailingAddress Knoxville IN 3Z= City or Town Stale 2104101116 ( sas -sse.&&*+671-6774 Area code Phone number b. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH,. 70 ft b 00113 WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ Na Gf• c. WATER LEVEL Baiow Tap of Ca$hV: 48_6 T. (IJ&a'*' If Above Top of CasrV) d. TOP OF CASING 13 _Q FT. A6pve Land Surface' 'Top df calling I*FWnttlad Mr below lend surface 'nay Mqut* a valiance In acoordsnos W!!h 1SA NCAC 2C .011S. e. YIELD (ppm)7 _ METNOD OF TEST f. DISINFECTION! g. WATER TONER (depth) Top Bottom Top i3oftann Toe Bottom Top __ .. Bcltom Top Bottom Top &]Worn Thlcknseel 7. CASINO Depth Diameter Weight MoftrtsI Top_0 Doeom 56 FI- 12Y' SC 8Q CPVC Top_Q_----- Bottom 66 F1.,.,25'-- 5C 80 CPV Top Batlarr FI. 0. GROUT: Depth motanal Method Tapes_ Bottoms_ Ft Pcdaw Tremie Top Bottom FS. Top Bottom Fl 9. SCREEN: Depth Dlenwor Blvl Wn 118NAe1 Tops_ Bdflom_p_ Ft. 1.25 In- 441 q. QBVCi Top 65 BoBam_ZQ,_ F!_tJJrn Q.Q'j In CPyC Top Bottom FT. I n- In. 70. SAND(URAVEL PACK? Depth SI:a matarkal Top 0 Bottom 6Q Ft. #1 SAmea Top 64 Bottom 70 Ft. #1_ silica Top_ Botto-nFt- 11. DRILLING LOG Top Baliom Formation Dasc7r4on -4 - !JQ r 1 12. REMARKS: - $its with fina gmin-%, s-ani;!s 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' t 00 t*REBV C F FY THAr TW9 MLL YrM CONS' Rkr-Tt V IN ACCORDAW.Z NA'" 14A W-AC K, 0T ucTION srAHOAR06, kN3 THAr A COPY OF 'H% REp AD Y(] [ SIG q-ATUITE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE Robaft Miller _ PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Fom+ GW-t h Rey. 2% �V q� g� 3 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: Bobert Millgr Well Contraetot [InclMduaq Name Saedaco Inc. We Contracla Company Name Northfield Sheet Addrasa Fort_Mit _ SC 29715- City ofTowr S1916 Zip Code M3 1 548-2180 _. Area cods Phone number 2. WELL INFOR10ATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS__ 0 OTHER ASSOCIATEp FERMI-Cd a"kAble) SITE WELI- in fail appnwNe] QL[W 46S & ❑LIW-46❑ 7. WELL USE (Check One Dox) Monite:lrtq ❑ MIrIIcIpaVPuble Lt InduMrisuCommerva1 0 AgrlcuRural ❑ RecoveryC I*Won id Ir *Iioono Q&arEl (let use) DATE DRILLED QM3-12 4. WELL LOCATION: 2909 ry t. {Steal Nam. NumbeM Coornurft Sub%!P&lort Lot No. PAN, 21p Ccde} ctTr: 1Mnston-66lem CCVNTY Forsyth TOPOGRAPHG 1 LAND SETTING: (chs* appraprlaie box} ❑s" pvavay elal cRldge C4iher 360 5' 30.7000" 80" 12' 45,1900" Lalltuderlonpituda source: WPS QopoWaphlc map (locaWn of well must be shown on a USGS top map andelleched to this form It not uafnp GPM 6. FACILrfY (Name of the buslnass where tree wen Is Iocatad j Forrrinr Flake Rrciducts DO,0017 FaCiVy Name Fedlty +fill N applubley SueelAddress WiO,stnn salf1m NC 97101 Ctiy or Taw„ State ZIP code AMFC ..Ina ❑tsafhprane Contact Name A722; Cnnr hl EIS - — Making Address Kn� nYViup_ IN _ 37432 City or Town State Zlp Code (sss 671-6774 Ams coda Pltane nuanbw S. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 70 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YCS ❑ NO {� c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Cashg:_48.7 _ _ FT. it)se'*' If Above Top a Ca") NoN RESLUA IAL wimi xONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carollne Departmonl of Favironment and Natural Resouroe5• Division of Water Quality WELL CON RACIi'OR CERTIFICATION # 2675 = d. TOP OF CASLNG IS FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of Casing lermInalod aVOr below land surfooe may require a vsrtanoe In aocorviance wig 15A NCAC 2C .0118. a. YIELD lgpml: METHOD OF TEST f- DISINFECTION: Type Amount g- WATER ZONES {dept)]-. Top Bottom Top— - Bollan l Top Sottorr Top bottom Too Balton Top 8a@orls Thlsknessl 7. CASING. Depth Dilllladq Weight Matarlal Tope Bottom_ r' Ft-1-29' Sc 80 _ CPVC Top 0 Bottom e — R 425" 5C 8Q QPVC Top Bottom FIL : 8. GROLrr: Depth Matertal Mothod ' Taa Q _ HcWm_53 FI. P6Rland Tremre Top Rellcm Fl, Top Sotlorn Fl. S. SCREEN: Depth otamKe► slot Slay 1lalufal Top 55 8oltom_ 0 FI. U +n. -Ml in CP11C TopS5 eataml0 Ft.-1>-In. 4.01 In. CPVC :Top-- -.— Sottoml FL in- In.. fo. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth $Ise Natorlal Top 54 Botto%o - Ft.. #1 ska Top_64_Mo'h. Zd Ft- #1 51IiC 3 Top Bgltorn_ Ft : 1 I. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Fomfadon Daserptior. 0- 170 1 ! 12 REMARKS: 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 6D-64' I rx7?tEl wr CFAI Y TFNT THE Wr1LVM SCOHaTia/C= of Appg1� Vffh • 166 WAC X VW.J.GOCH STlfirll OM AM TVAT A COPY OF TH A AtCriR6 TO E WELI pF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR � DATE PRINTIED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUC7TNG THE WELL FormGW I Rev.2M9 • s~ • 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: _Ro *grt Miller _ Well Con"cw (tndMduaf) Name in Welf Contrecior Company Name 9088 Nr�rt kld ❑r. _ _^ Streat Address F,tartMIL_ -_ SC, 29715 City or Town Pima Zip Code (8_) _W-2180__ Area code Phone number 1 WELL INFORMATION. WELL CONSTRUCTION PER6Arre WI04OOO98 OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITI( #Wp ,sbe} SITE WELL ID $(ruppi�) DLIW47S & DI.IW470 3. WELL USE (Check Coo Box) Mvltoring ❑ Mun'dpaVPublFcC] tndwetrIcYCnmrnerdaI C1 Agrfcu st 0 Recovery ❑ Injacaon d inl"GonO Other U (list use) OATLr 1 mu-Eo R-93-424,O2102/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 2000-LoWg0f St. (Street Nerve. Numbers, Corwnunty, Sub&,Alorl LN Ns,-, Pomok Ap Code) CITY: Winston-Salem 0MINITyForsyth TOPOGRAPHIC r LAND SETTING' (olheO apm wom rue) 08140 ❑valley VFW ❑Ridge ❑Other W 5' 30.7600" 80' 12' 44-8700" Latdudellongltude source: UV�PS 1.3roaograph c msp potation o4 w*N must be shown on a IISGS lopo map andarrachedto Mrs ANM if rid uWag GPS) S. FACIUTY (Name of Ve business where the well Is Ilxated1 — Fnrmer Flattl Fwducts 0000017 Fadllty Name 21340 1 5t Fadry 100 (if appilcable) nwely Sirtrel Address jMnsion- -1C— '22101 CRy or Town Slate ZIP Cede AMFC. -Ina DeathprAne -- Contact Name 9721S Cnndill Rd - Making Addfeas TN 3= Knn5nrille City or Town Sime ap cob (m ffA+671-6774 Aries Code Phone dumber e. WELL DETAILS; a. TOTAL DEPTH:-70_Ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES C} NO U/ c. WATER LEVEL Bslow Top of Csslhg. 419 2� FT. iUse'+' if Above Top of Casing) NON RESIDENTIAL W ELL CON91RUCTION RECORD NOtth Care) ins Dvpartincat of Environ mcnt end Natural Rmumcs• Divisior, of WatcT Quality WXLL COM'RACCUR CERTIFICATION # 2675 d. TOP OF CASING IS _a FT Abovs lane 5udeca' `Top of Casing Isrn*Wed suer below tared surface may requm a varlarco In aCwwQanCa wrath 1 SA NCAC 2C .011 S. e. YIELD {gprn) METHOIII OF TEST 1. DiSINFEC71❑N: Type Amount y. WATER IONES (deptn): Top_ -Bottom—_ Toy 9otw Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bonom Top . Bottom Thtakn"at 7, CASING- Depth Dleirls"T Weight Material Top 0 Bottoms Ft 1 25" Top. 0 Boilom—Ok— Ft_1-26 Top 80llem Ft --- S. GROUT! Depth Mato+al Method Topes Bottom 6,L_ Ft Porband ).redo Top Bottorn Ft Top Sotlom­ _ Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Otsmster 31013ho Malisrlal Top 55 90MM_6D_ FL_12&1n. _2&L In. QPVC Top -K_ Borlan 70 Ft 1�25 in D_4L In MC Top Bottom FL Ir1- In. 10. SAN010RAVEL PACXt Depth 8111a ma"rtal Top 54 BatWrn-N Ft _91 Silica TopJL4—Soltam_Zg_ Ft #1_ : Top Bottom Ft 1'. DRILL INO LOO Top Bottom F�rmaton OesctlpIon 0 1.70 1 _ 1 1 1 1 -Sifts with FOR Dr$lred sari 12- REMARKS: 30/65 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' : 1001,11m8Y amlY T Trig VMZi WAS CONBTRUCrODIN ACQ OC MM WrH • tall NCAC iC sTAWAROe. APO THAT A 00" OF T" ' O O r The O%*,R SIG OF CERTIFIED WEVL CONTRACT DATE PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Farm GW-Ib Rev. 2K18 NONRESIDENTM WELL CONSTRUCTION R c� OR North Carotins Deparowt of Envtranment and Natural Resourm- Division of Water Quit ity WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3351 1, WELL CONTRACTOR WOO COMM du (krdivldusII Hama 5aedacco Inc_ Well Contfacwr Company Name 9488 iV� Jhfreld Dr_ 5bcat Add re as City or Town $late Zip Code 8r 03 y W-21QQ Area rode Phone number I. WELL INFORMATION. WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT& WI0400098 OTHER ASSOC 1ATEp 1)ERMrTe(a apprcatw) SITE WELL IO a(M wykat#al QLIW48S 6 QLIW46D. 3- WELL USE (Ctrec* On* lion) Mon+toring❑ Municipal/PubaC[] 1ndus4lel/Cornrm mial ❑ Agriwiftrral ❑ Recovery ❑ Injecbm 6( I00340.ni 1 Dear❑ (satuaal DATE DRILLFD QJ-03-17 - 4. WELL LOCATION: lwO t. {Bleat Name. Nix owv. Cauvrwty, 5ubdviakwk Lot No. Pa cel. Ilp Coda] CITY: Winsto-Salem COUNTY FmAft TOPOGRAPHIC f LAN0 SETTING- (check apprapnata b" G5100 ❑VANY OFIM QR1doe 000e► 36° 5' 30.5400" 80° 1 Z' 45.5900' Lantudationgitude source- J3PS Dropographrc mep 00cadon of we# must be drown on a LISGS iopo map undotIvO)ed to this form Of not usfnq GPS) S. FACILITY {Name of IM bV6IneaS where 1ho WON Is Iocalod j Porma,c Plata PmducL% (110010017. FadMy Name F&CYRy IDS (If apokcable) Street Addren 1NRS nn-Sa-4etn NG _--27101 City or Town Slab zfp Coda AMEC - joe Deatherane Conled Nana 2725 randiN Rd Malting Address _-KrInyy4l1ft . _ _ TN 37932 City Or "Town am" Zip co" L&5Si "r1�.4*671-6774 Aran code Phone number 6, WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 70_5 ft b. DOES WELL REPLACE EIIISTINO WELL? YES NO Iv c. WATER LEVEL B6ow Top of Caarng 48.1 FT. ,Use +' f Above Top of Ceaing) d- TOP OF CA81110 IS �}- _ _ i� FT. Above Lam Surlao6' 'Top of cat ing IarMkw*d allor below land Wow may rsgrlre a v1danco In aaoordanos with 1 SA NCAC iC .01 18 a. YIELD (gpm):._ _ METHOD OF TEST 1. DISINFECTION Type Amount p- WATER ZONES (d,�pt^,j Tap Bottom- _ _ Top Bodom Top f3cttom Top Beaorn Top Bottom Top Bottom Thkknasal T. CASINO: Depth ckwaafar V"N1 akiwd Top&- _ Bottom 55.5 Ft-13Z— Sc 84 ^ Top_Q—--9 otom-QUL FL 1258 Top Bottom FL 8, GROUT: Depth Material Mallbed Top 0_ Bcftn 53.5 FL POrH and iismlA Top Bo11611r^ Ft Top Bottom F1. IL SCRESN: Do* Oiamater Slot Size Ild"W Top 55 5-- Bottom_U& Fl._1,2in. _,Q,¢1. in. CM rop_65,5 t3otlom. Ta_5 ft_12 b.01 In. GEnM Top Ba tom Ft In. In. 10. SMOPGRAVEL PACK: (Depth Stu mdorm Top 54_6 Do%= W.5 FI 01 rM'C$ Top 64.5 Bottum 70.5 FI _#1 -516 ;a Top Bottom Fl 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom farna!Icn Des-.11r, or; 0- - -17� Silts Martin fide araired sanos 1 17. REMARK& 30165 sand seal from 53-54' and 60-64' I DO NEMEm' CER7IF7 T►MT ilea WFLt WAS 0ON,UMCM0 N ACtlOAUMCE 0114 ISA WAC ¢C ML ODMrrAVC7" STANDkgDk ANDTIIAT ACO►/ CF flea • I r +� O T =EK SIGNATURE OF CERTIF1Eo WELL CONTRAC"TOR GATE _ PRINTED NAAlE OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Pone GW-1 b Rev. 2a