HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400182_APPLICATION FOR PERMIT_20110325State of North Carolina REC;BVED I DENR.1 DV4 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ar4uif`z0 rJ `1 .t, -,o `ection Division of Water Quality 4vt ,;ti `:; 11 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection Do not use this form for remediation systems that extract contaminated groundwater, treat it, and reinject the treated groundwater. Submit TWO copies of the completed application and all attachments to the address on the last page of this form. ■ Any changes made to this form will result in the application package being retumed. Application Number (to be completed 6y DWQ): \N;j t4 C)Q IS" I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's Name (generally the responsible party): USI Realty Corporation 2. Signing Official's Name*: William B. Demeritt Title: President * Signing Official must be in accordance with instructions in part VI on page 7. 3. Mailing address of applicant: 13925 City Center Drive. Suite 200 City: Chino Hills State: CA Zip: 91709 Telephone number: 949-247-2033 Fax number: 4. Property Owner's Name (if different from Applicant): 5. Property Owner's mailing address: City: State: Zip: G. Name and address of contact person who can answer questions about the proposed injection project: Name: Reinhard Ruhmke Title: Managing Geologist Company: Brown and Caldwell Address: 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 320 City:__ RaleiZh State: NC Zip: 27607 Telephone number: 919-233-9178 Fax number: 919-233-0144 Email Address: rruhmke@brwncald.com II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Project is: ( New ( Modification of existing permit ( Renewal of existing permit without modification ( Renewal of existing permit with modification 2. If this application is being submitted for renewal or modification to an existing permit, provide: existing permit number and the issuance date For renewal without modifications, fill out sections I & II only, sign the certification on the last page of this forth, and obtain the property owner's signature to indicate consent (if the applicant is not the owner). For all renewals, submit a status report including monitoring results of all injection activities to date. Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 1 of 7 0 C. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A rr c,LL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells —In Situ Groundwater Remediation 1 Type ST Wells — Tracer Injection INCIDENT & FACILITY DATA FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Facility name: Former Ingram Plywood 2. Complete physical address of the facility: 718 Bassett Drive City: Thomasville County: INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Davidson State: NC Zip: 27360 1. Describe the source of the contamination: Ingram Plywood Inc. manufactured shaped plywood products at the Site from 1953 to 1990 by combining wood materials with adhesive. The adhesive consisted of urea formaldehyde resin and an aluminum sulfate activator that reacted when mixed to form a full polymerized urea formaldehyde resin. The resin was disposed in an area behind the manufacturing building. Nitrate was formed as a degradation product from the resin. 2. List all contaminants present in soils or groundwater at the site (contaminants may be listed in groups, e.g., gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, fuel oil, chlorinated ethenes, chlorinated ethanes, metals, pesticides/herbicides, etc): Based on the NCDENR approval letter for the Corrective Action Plan, the constituents of concern are nitrate nitrite ammonia and total k'eldahi nitrogen TKN . 3. Has LNAPL or DNAPL ever been observed at the site (even if outside the injection zone)? (x Yes If yes, list maximum measured separate phase thickness 0.17 feet ( No If no, list maximum concentration of total VOCs observed at site: ppb 4. Agency managing the contamination incident: ( UST Section (x Suaerfund Section (includine REC Program and DSCA sites) ( DWQ Aquifer Protection Section ( Solid Waste Section ( Hazardous Waste Section ( Other: 5. Incident managers name: Janet MacDonald and phone number (919) 508-8446 _! 6. Incident numberor other site number assigned by the agency managing the contamination incident: NONCDO001202 PERMITS List all permits or construction approvals that have been issued for the facility or incident, including those not directly related to the proposed injection operation: 1. Hazardous Waste Management program permits under RCRA: NIA 2. DWQ Non -Discharge or NPDES permits: N1. 3. County or DEH subsurface wastewater disposal permits: NIA 4. Other environmental permits required by state or federal law: NIA Revised 6109 UIC-5115T Page 2 of 7 1W APPLICATION FOR PERma F TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A ., uLL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — to Situ Groundwater Rennediation / Type 5T Wells -- Tracer Injection [V. INJECTION DATA INJECTION FLUID DATA 1. List all proposed injectants. NOTE. Any substance to be injected as a tracer or to promote in situ remediation must be reviewed by the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiolo8y Section (DEES) of the Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services. Review the list of approved injectants •rants or contact the UIC Program to determine rf the injectants you are proposing have been reviewed by OEES Injectant: i % milk solution in water Concentration at point of injection: Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: 1 % Injectant: Concentration at point of injection: Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: Injectant: Concentration at point of injection: Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: Injectant. Concentration at point of injection: Percent if in a mixture with other injectants: 2. Source of fluids used to dilute or chase the injectants listed above: { None {x Municipal water supply { Groundwater from private well or any well within c/a mile of injection site { Air ( Other: 3. If any well within r/a mile of injection site. a private well, or surface water is to be used as the fluid source, supply the following information: a. iLocation/11) number of source: N/A b. Depth of source: Formation: d. Rock/Sediment type: e. In Attachment C, provide a current, complete chemical analysis of the water from the source well. including analyses for all contaminants suspected or historically recognized in soil or groundwater on the site. NOTE_ If contaminated groundwater is to be used as the dilution or chase fluid, this is not the proper permit application form. You must apply far a closed -loop groundwater rernediation permit using 0i2lication form G WRS. Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 3 of 7 t` J APPLICATION FOR PEk,vitz T TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A . , LLL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Reniediation 1 Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection S. PROPOSED OPERATING PARAMETERS 1. Duration of Injection: 8 hours a. Maximum number of separate injection events: I b. Expected duration of each injection event: 8 hours c. Expected duration between events (if more than one event): NIA 2, Injection rate per well: I gallons per minute (gpm) 3. Total Injection volume, 480 gallons per day (gpd): gallons per event (if separate events) 4. Injection pressure: 24 pounds/square inch (psi) S. Temperature at point of injection: Ambient "F 6, Briefly describe how the above parameters will be measured and controlled: During injection, a pressure gauge and now meter will be used to monitor injection pressure and flow rate. _ 7. Estimated hydraulic capacity of the well: Unknown gpm C. INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA 1. Injection will be via: ( Existing well(s) proposed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below to the best of your knowledge. (x Proposed well(s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below as proposed construction specifications. 2. Well Drilling Contractor's Name: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NC Well Contractor Certification number: 3098 3. Date to be constructed: May 2011 Number of borings: 1 Approximate depth of each boring ( 4, Screened interval/Injection interval of injection wells: Depth: 10 to 25 feet below ground surface (if multiple intervals, indicate shallowest and deepest depth), 5. Well casing (NIA if injection is through direct push rods): Type: (x PVC ( Stainless steel( Other:_ Casing depth: 0 to 25 ft. 6. Grout (NIA if injection is through direct push rods): Type: (x Cement ( Bentonite ( Other. Grout depth: 0 to 6 ft. Revised 6/09 UIC-515T Page 4 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PEIuvuT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A „� LL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection V. ATTACHMENTS 'rovide the following items as separate attachments with the given headings: A. SITE HISTORY Provide a brief description of the site history including: (1) site usage historically and present, (2) origin of the contamination, (3) previous remedial action(s). NOTE: G.S. 89E-18 requires that any geologic plans, reports, or documents in which the performance is related to the public welfare or .safeguarding of the environment be prepared by a licensed geologist or subordinate under their direction. G.S. 89E-13 requires that all drawings, reports, or documents involving geologic work prepared or approved by a licensed geologist, or a subordinate under their direction, be .signed and sealed ky the licensed geologist. B. HYDROGEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Provide a hydrogeologic description, soils description, and cross section of the subsurface to a depth that includes the known or projected depth of contamination. The hydrogeologic description shall include: (1) the regional geologic setting: (2) significant changes in lithology; (3) the hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and specific yield of the aquifer to be used for injection, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters: and (4) the depth to the mean seasonal high water table. INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION Describe the chemical, physical, biological and radiological characteristics of each injectant. Attach the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each injectant. If a private well or a well within'/a mile of the injection site is used as the source well, include chemical analysis of source fluid here. D. INJECTION RATIONALE Attach a brief description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection, including: (1) goals of the injection project; (2) explanation and/or calculations of how the proposed injectant volume and concentration were determined; (3) a description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; and (4) summary results of modeling or testing performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility to change (biological, chemical or physical) in the subsurface. E. INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Provide a detailed description of all planned activities related to the proposed injection including but not limited to: (1) construction plans and materials: (2) operation procedures; ") a detailed diagram of the surface and subsurface portions of the system; and l a planned injection schedule. Revised 6109 UIC-5I/5T Page 5 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PEluvitT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A :LL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 51 Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation 1 Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection R MONITORING PLAN Provide a plan for monitoring the results of the injection, including: (1) a list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used: (2) a list of monitoring parameters and analytical methods to be used; and (3) a schedule for sampling to monitor the proposed injection. NOTE: The .selected monitoring wells must be located so as to detect any movement of injection fluids, process by- products, or formation fluids outside the injection area or zone. The monitoring Parameters .should include the target contaminants as well as secondary or intermediate contaminants which may result from the injection and other parameters which may serve to indicate the progress of the intended reactions, such as pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, and other electron acceptors and donors. The monitoring schedule should be consistent with the pace of the anticipated reactions and rate of transport of the injectants and contaminants. G. WELL DATA Provide a tabulation of data on all existing or abandoned wells within'/a mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection zone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Such data shall include a description of each well's use (water supply, monitoring, etc), total depth, screened or open borehole depth interval, and well construction or abandonment record, if available. H. MAPS Attach the following scaled, site -specific maps: (1) Area map based on the most recent USGS 7.5' topographic map of the area, at a scale of 1:24,000 and showing the location of the proposed injection site. (2) Site map including: a. all property boundaries; b. all buildings within the property boundary; c- existing and proposed injection wells or well field(s) d. any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment or disposal systems within 1/4 mile of the injection. well or well system: e. all surface water bodies within'/e mile of the injection well or well system; and f. all existing or abandoned wells within'/e mile of the injection well(s) which penetrate the proposed injection Tone, including, but not limited to, monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. (3) Potentiometric surface map(s) including: a. direction of groundwater movement b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (4) Contaminant plume map(s) including: a. the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. existing and proposed monitoring wells c. existing and proposed injection wells (5) Cross -sections) to the known or projected depth of contamination, including: a. horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume, including isoconcentration lines b. major changes in lithology c. existing and proposed monitoring wells d. existing and proposed injection wells Revised 6/09 UIC-5115T Page. 6 of 7 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A rr rJLL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells — Tracer Injection RECEIVED / DEUa / D� I. CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent} qulfer Frnto,•Ir:t� Serfia� NCAC 15A 2C .021 l(b) requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows: MA "5 1, for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively 3, for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official 4. for all others: by the well owner. If an authorized agent is signing on behalf of the applicant, then supply a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent. I hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments therein. and that. based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I believe that the information is true, accurate. and complete. I am aware that there are penalties, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection well(s) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. Printed Name and Title: Reinhard Ruhmke, F.G.. Managing Geologist for grown and Caldwell. on behalf of USI 3123/1 1 V111. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the applicant) (" C]wner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing.) As owner of the property on which the injection well(s) are to be constructed and operated. I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the injection well(s) conform to the Well Construction Standards (Title 15A NCAC 2C .0200). Printed Name and Title: NIA Signature: Date: Submit TWO copies of the completed application package, including all attachments, to: UIC Program Aquifer Protection Section North Carolina DENR-DWQ 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-3221 Revised 6109 UIC-5115T Page 7 of 7 1W USI Realty Corp. 13925 City Center Drive Suite #200 China Hills, CA 91709 March 17, 2011 To Whom it may concern: USI Realty Corporation is submitting this letter that authorizes Brown and Caldwell to obtain, on our behalf, an injection permit for the property located at 718 Bassett Drive, Thomasville, North Carolina. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Reinhard Ruhmke from Brown and Caldwell at (919) 424.1435 or me at 909-247-2033. Thank you in advance for your time, Sincerely, �A*alwt 4 William Demerat President USI Realty Corporation Cc: Reinhard Ruhmke, Brown and Caldwell ATTACHMENT A SITE HISTORY Description of the site history is summarized in the RI Work Plan and the RI Report, both of which are included in Attachment A. North Carolina neparunent of F'nvrronment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Superfund Section Inactive Hazardous Snes Branch REGISTERED SITE MANAGER DOCUMENT CIERTIEICAT] ON STATEMENT t.4306(b)(1)): "I certify under penalty of law that 1 am personally familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all supporting documents accompanying this certification, and that the material and information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete and complies with the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act G.S. 130A-310. et seq, and the remedial action program Rules 15A NCAC 13C .0300. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for willfully submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information." Qlek+n ha � Avg M k—,( (Name of Registered Site Manager) * VAa2-C- * �/ 1 (Signature of Registered Site Manager) Date (Enter State) W pt (--e— COUNTY i, w- , a Notary Public of said County and State, do hereby certify t -pi_Y did personally appear and sign before me this day, produced proper identification in the form of djny- was duly sworn or affirmed, and declared that, he or she is the duly authorized environmental consultant of the remediating parry of the property referenced above and that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, after thorough investigation, the information contained in the above certification is true and accurate, and he or she then signed this Certification in my presence. WITNESS my hand and official seal this !li �— day of f IM �tv ary Publi signature} My commission expires: 4-a2D - d" Document Cerlifrcnlion Form No. DC -11 'F1NL SEAL) 011 r ".11G`'�G linty; 5410 Trinity Road Suite 320 Raleigh, INC 27607 Tel: 919.233-9178 Fax: 919.233-0144 www.browna ndca Idwell,com September 15. 2010 Mr. Kim Caulk North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Superfund Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: Workplan to complete Phase II Remediai Investigation Former Ingram Plywood Site, 718 Bassett Drive Thomasville, North Carolina GW Incident # 85037 Dear Mr. Caulk, 0n behalf of U S I Realty Corporation (USI), Brown and Caldwell (BC) is submittingthis Remedial Investigation Workplan (Workplan) to the North Carolina Department of Envi- ronment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) to complete the remedial investigation at the former Ingram Plywood Inc. (Ingram) property located at 718 Bassett Drive, Thomasville, California (Site) (Figure 1). The Workplan proposes a scope of work to further investigate the extent of nitrates in soil and groundwater beneath the Site. The objective of the investigation is to complete the remedial investigation so that groundwater remedial alternatives can be evaluated. Background The Site encompasses approximately 4 acres of fand and contained three buildings; a 4 7.7 05 square -foot (ft2) manufacturing building, a 16,000 ft2 warehouse and printing building, and a 1,000 ft2 office building (Figure 2). Ingram Plywood Inc. manufactured shaped ptywood products at the Site from 1953 to 1990 by combining wood materials with adhesive. The adhesive consisted of urea formaldehyde resin and an aluminum sulfate activator that reacted when mixed to form a fully polymerized urea formaldehyde resin (URS 2003). All the buildings have been removed and the Site is now vacant land (URS 2003). Prior investigations Environmental activities have been conducted at the Site since 1985. The environmental activities conducted at the Site included: investigation of the resin -impacted area, the manufacturing area, print shop, and underground storage tank (UST) locations. Remedia- tion activities at the Site included: soil excavation at the resin -impacted area, print shop area, former UST locations, manufacturing areas, free product recovery systems, and nitrate contaminated groundwater extraction and discharge. A summary of prior assess- ment and remedial activities was provided in the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (URS 2003). The results of assessment and remedial activities include the following: \\dcra102�projects\USI Realty Corfformer Ingram Plywood\139598Workplan Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workplan final,dom Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 2 1. One 2,000-gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST) and one 8,000-gallon #2 fuel oil UST were removed in 1989. Approximately 35 tons of impacted soil was re- moved and disposed offsite. A `No further action' (NFA) status for the USTs was granted by NCDENR in May 2000 (Case # 5539), 2. One 550-gallon heating oil UST was removed m 1994. Approximately 14 tons of impacted soil was removed and disposed offsite. NFA status for the USTs was granted by NCDENR in December 1999 (Case # 12840), 3. In October 1991, Sections A and 8 of the Manufacturing Building were demolished. Approximately 1,700 tons of petroleum -impacted soil (108' x 56') were removed from the Manufacturing/UST Area and disposed offsite. Groundwater remediation using petroleum recovery systems (two trenches) and 'Aggressive Fluid Vapor Recovery' was conducted. NFA status for the ManufacturinglUST Area was granted by NCDENR in May 2000 (Case # 5539). 4, In October 1991, the resin -impacted area [-16,000 square feet (ft2)] was also exca- vated to a depth of approximateiy 1-foot below ground surface (bgs). Approximately 900 cubic yards (yds3) of impacted soil was removed and disposed offsite. 5. 1n October 1991, approximately 28 yds-3of impacted soil was removed from the print shop loading dock area. An area of approximately 375 ft2 was excavated to a depth between 1.5 and 2-feet bgs and the soil disposed offsite. 6. A groundwater recovery system for nitrate removal was installed in July 1994 and consisted of two recovery wells (RW-2 and RW-3). Operation ceased in late 1996 after removal of approximately 468,600 gallons. 7. In March 1999, approximately 26 tons of formaldehyde -impacted soil was excavated in the vicinity of SB19. This impacted area was discovered during confirmation soil borings and appeared to be a small area containing hardened resins and other debris. S. A water -well survey was performed in October 1999. The survey identified three wells within 1,500 feet of the Site. Two of the wells were no longer being used and a third well served two residences on the Dill property. These three wells were abandoned and the houses on the Dill property were connected to the City of Thomasville water system. 9. A soil-to-groundwatervaIue of 38.86 miIIigrarns per kilogram (mglkg) for formatde- hyde was calculated. The highest residual formaldehyde concentration was 148.26 mg/kg in boring SB-16. It was determined that the potential impact to groundwater from the residual formaldehyde concentrations was negligible. NCDENR agreed with this conclusion in correspondence dated April 14, 2003. Formaldehyde was not de- tected in groundwater in the November 2000 sampling event. 10. A CAP for remediation of nitrate in groundwater was submitted by URS in March 2003. The selected groundwater remedy was Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater to below the NCDENR 2L standard of 10 milli- grams per Liter (mglL). The CAP was approved by NCDENR in correspondence dated May 24, 2004. Based on the NCDENR CAP approval letter, the constituents of con- cern (CQCs) are nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). 11. Groundwater monitoring wells MW-5, MW-6, MW-10, MW-19, RW-2, PMW-7, and PMW-8 (Figure 2) are sampled annually as part of the MINA program along with three stream locations. Groundwater samples are analyzed for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and TKN. \\bcra102\projects\USl Realty Corfformer Ingram Plywood\139598_Workplan Prep\Workpian\final WP\USI Workplan final.docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 3 12. Based on the most recent annual groundwater sampling event (December 2009) groundwater flaw is in a southerly direction and nitrate was detected above the NCDENR 2L standard in monitoring wells MW-19 (18.9 mg/Q, MW-6 (59.7 mg/Q, and MW-10 (58.7 mg/Q (Figure 2). Nitrates were not detected above the NCDENR nitrate standard in downgradient welts PMW-7 (0.38 mg/L) and PMW-8 (0.29 mg,/L) (Table 1). URS stated that the nitrate groundwater plume remains stable (URS 2010). Ni- trates were detected at 0.65 mglL, 0.65 mglL, and 0.62 mg/L in the upstream, downgradient, and downstream surface water sample Locations, respectively. These concentrations do not exceed the NCDENR surface water standard for nitrate. The analytical results of the stream samples indicate the stream has not been impacted by nitrate -contaminated groundwater that may originate frorn thle Site and discharges to the stream (URS 2010). REC Program 0n March 11. 2008, US signed an administrative agreement {Agreement} to enter the NCDENR Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) program, a voluntary remedial action program. The Agreement outlines a schedule to complete the voluntary remedial program as outlined in N.C.G.S. 130A-310.9(c), 15A NCAC 13C .0300, and the Registered Envi- ronmental Consultant Program Implementation Guidance of the NCENR Division of Waste Management (NCDENR 2008). Under the Agreement, the remedial investigation report is due by March 11, 2011. Data Needs to Complete Remedial Investigation As described previously, a significant amount of Site characterization data already has been collected. Historic releases to soil and groundwater beneath the Site have been largely characterized and remediated. Tasks that are necessary to complete the remedial investigation as outlined in the REC program (NCDENR 2009) are provided below. Environmentally Sensitive Areas. The site and adjacent properties will be evaluated for the existence of the environmentally sensitive areas listed below: • State Parks • Areas Important to Maintenance of Unique Natural Communities • Sensitive Areas identified Under the National Estuary Program • Designated State Natural Areas • State Seashore, Lakeshore and River Recreational Areas • Rare Species (state and federal Threatened and Endangered) • Sensitive Aquatic Habitat • State Wild and Scenic Rivers • National Seashore, Lakeshore and River Recreational Areas • National Parks or Monuments • Federal Designated Scenic or Wild Rivers • Designated and Proposed Federal Wilderness and Natural Areas • National Preserves and Forests • Federal Land designated for the Protection of Natural Ecosystems • State -Designated Areas for Protection or Maintenance of Aquatic Life \\bcral02\projects\05l Realty Corp\Former Ingram Plywood \139598_Workpfa n Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workplan final.docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 4 • State Preserves and Forests • Terrestrial Areas Utilized for Breeding by Large or Dense Aggregations of Animals • National or State Wildlife Refuges • Marine Sanctuaries • National and State Historical Sites • Areas identified Under Coastal Protection Legislation • Coastal Barriers or Units of a Coastal Barrier Resources System • Spawning Areas Critical for the Maintenance of Fish/SheIIfish • Species within River. Lake or Coastal Tidal Water • Migratory Pathways and Feeding Areas Critical for Maintenance of Anadromous Fish Species within River Reaches or Areas in Lakes or Coastal Tidal Waters in Which Such Fish Spend extended Periods of Time • State Lands Designated for Wildlife or Game Management • Wetlands The results of this evaluation will be provided in the remedial investigation report (Report) Based on the information collected to date, the remaining COCs for the Site are nitrate, nitrate, ammonia, and TKN. To complete the investigation of these CCCs in anticipation of potential remediation activities, some additional investigation data are planned as presented below. Geochemical Data. Ideally, nitrate degradation (denitrification) snows a sequential breakdown of NO3 --+ NO2 --+ N0 — N20 --+N2. Denitrification in groundwater generally occurs best in an anaerobic [dissolved oxygen {DO) c 2 mg/Q environment with the pH being neutral to slightly alkaline (USEPA 2007), Groundwater samples have been ana- lyzed for select geochemicaI parameters (e.g., DO, pH, specific conductance, etc.) to evaluate potential nitrate fate mechanisms such as denitrification. A review of groundwa- ter data collected duringthe January 2010 annual sampling event showed that DO concentrations ranged from a high of 9.45 mg/L in MW-19 to a low of 0.16 mg/L in MW-6. General pH conditions within the plume appear to be mildly acidic (average pH - 5) (URS 2010). Analyses of groundwater samples for additional MNA parameters such as dis- solved gasses (i.e. nitrogen), total organic carbon (TOC), iron, manganese, sulfate, and phosphate are planned to further evaluate the denitrification processes at the Site. Groundwater Screening Investigation. In order to gather additional information for a potential future groundwate► remedial design, the late raI extent of nitrate impacts to groundwater needs further refinement. Additional groundwater sampling in the vicinity of the wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 will further refine the dimensions of the nitrate plume. Slugtests will also be conducted in wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 to gather additional hydrogeologic data related to groundwater velocity. In addition, soil samples may be collected for geotechnical analyses for use in a fate and transport assessment. The geotechnical samples may be analyzed for total organic carbon, bulk density, porosity, permeability, and density. Some soil samples may also be analyzed for nitrate and/or formaldehyde. Pilot Test. A groundwater remedial pilot test will be performed to evaluate the effective- ness of in situ treatment of the nitrate -impacted groundwater. The pilot test will consist of injecting a carbon substrate (i.e. vegetable oil, cheese whey, etc.) into the groundwater. \\bcra102\projects\USl Realty Corfformer Ingram Plywood\139598_Workplan Prep\Workplan\fnaI WP\USI Workplan final,docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 5 The carbohydrates are readily degraded by indigenous heterotrophic microorganisms that are typically present in the aquifer. This metabolic degradation process utilizes the available DO contained in the groundwater, and drives the aquifer system to a more anaerobic and reduced state, thus enhancing denitrification. The performance of this enhancement is measured by monitoring for nitrate reductions and relative concentra- tions of degradation end -products (nitrogen gas), degradation byproducts (nitrite), as well as other indicator parameters in groundwater such as DO and oxidation/reduction (redox) potential (ORP). The pilot test will demonstrate this technology and provide information for development of design criteria for full-scale remediation of nitrate in groundwater beneath this Site, as needed. Proposed Field Activities Implementation of this Workplan will accomplish the objectives of refining the subsurface characterization of the former Ingram Plywood Site by gathering field data and interpreting such data so that appropriate decisions can be made regarding potential future ground- water remedial options, thus completing the remedial investigation. Unless otherwise referenced, field activities will follow guidelines provided in Brown and Caldwell's Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) which can be provided upon request. All field work will be performed under a Site -specific health and safety plan and supervised by an appropriate North Carolina licensed professional. The data collected during the field activities will be provided in the Report. Major field tasks will include: • Drilling borings and collecting soil and groundwater samples from the borings to further refine the delineation of nitrate -impacts. • Perform a groundwater remediation pilot test to determine whether the addition of a carbon source will stimulate the biological degradation of nitrate. • Sampling, analysis, and interpretation of water quality in these borings and existing groundwater monitoring wells. Groundwater Screening BC proposes to perform a screening of groundwater quality using a Hydropuncho or similar sampling tool to further refine the extent of nitrate -impacted groundwater in the vicinity of the former resin excavation (Figure 3). A minimum of four borings will be installed using a direct -push rig and groundwater samples will be collected. Figure 4 shows the proposed sample locations. A Hydropunch@ or similar sampling device will be advanced into the water -bearing zone at each sampling location and a groundwater sample collected. The grab groundwater samples will be analyzed for nitrate. Following completion of groundwater sampling activities, each boring will be backfilled with a cement/bentonite grout mixture. The results of this screening evaluation will be used to further refine the extent of nitrate - impacted groundwater above the NCDENR 2L, of 10 mg/L in anticipation of a possible future design of an in situ groundwater remedial system. Slug -testing will be performed on wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19. Slug -test procedures will follow NCDENRs slug -test guidelines (NCDENR 2007). Each boring location will be surveyed by a land surveyor licensed by the State of North Carolina. Survey plats will meet the requirements of N.C.G.S. 47-30. \\bc ra 102 \projects \U S I Realty Corp\Former Ingram P1ywcod\139598_Workplan Prep\Workp la n \fi na I WP\USI Workplan final.doex Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 5 Pilot Test The pilot test will be performed near wells MW-5, MW-10 and MW-19 which currently contain nitrate concentrations above NCDENR 2L Standards. The objectives for the proposed pilot test are to • Determine if the selected technology can reduce the nitrate impacts to below the NCDENR 2L Standard of 10 mg/L; • Determine whether daughter products are farmed that are not further treated by the in situ treatment; and • Generate information useful for developing the design for full-scale treatment. Prior to initiating the pilot test, two injection monitoring points will be installed in the vicinity of well MW-19. These monitoring points will be installed at distances of approx- imately 10 and 20 linear feet downgradient from the well (Figure 5). The data collected from these monitoring points will assist in determining the radius of influence (R01) of the injection, The monitoring points will consist of 1-inch schedule 40 PVC with the screened interval extending from approximately 5-20 feet bgs and will be installed using a direct - push drill. The carbon substrate proposed for injection will be delivered in appropriate storage containers (i.e. 55-gallon drums) and will likely be diluted ❑nsite to be between 1 and 10 percent solution. The type of carbon substrate used will be based on the results of the groundwater screening discussed previously. To promote biologically enhanced denitrifi- cation, the carbon -containing liquid solution will be injected through temporary injection points (1P) installed using a direct -push drill rig. The solution will be injected utilizing a trailer -mounted system consisting of the following main components: 1] drum transfer pumps and flow meter systems for transferring reagents into a mix tank, 2) a 300-gallon capacity mix tank and mixer to prepare batches of solution prior to injecting, 3) a centri- fugal pump system including a variable frequency device to control the pumping rate to between 1 and 10 gallons per minute (gpm) with an injection pressure ranging up to 20 psi, and 4) manifolds to safely and efficiently transfer the solution into the IP. Gasoline- or diesel -powered electrical generators and compressors will be used on -Site to operate chemical mixers and injection pumps. Water far mixing the solution will be delivered to the Site by truck or pumped from a well installed in the aquifer in a clean area outside of the impacted groundwater. The solution will be injected into the aquifer through temporary injection points con- structed of PVC piping. We anticipate that a 15-foot long screened PVC casing will be installed at each injection point with the screened -interval located between approximately 5 to 15 feet below the water table. The depth to water ranges between 4 and 11 feet bgs (URS 2010). For this pilot test, the initial R01 of each of the three injection points at each well is estimated to be 5 feet. The pilot test layout is presented in Figure 5. The pilot test will likely consist of the injection of several hundred or more gallons of solution per injection we11. The solution can be injected at flow rates from one to 10 or 20 gallons per minute (gpm) at pressures ranging from just a few pounds per square inch (psi) up to pressures of 35 psi. Injection of solutions will be followed by injection of clean water to flush one or mare system components including the mixing tank, the pump and the injection piping and hoses. \\bcra102\projects\USI Realty Corp\Former Ingram Plywood \139598_Workplan Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workplan final.dou Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Pa ge 7 BC personnel will collect pre-treatment groundwater samples from MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19. These groundwater samples will be sent to a State -Certified laboratory for analysis of nitrate by USEPA Method 353.2, nitrite by USEPA Method 3OO.0, ammonia by USEPA Method 350.1. and TKN by USEPA Method 351.2 and total organic carbon (TOC). The reduced forms of manganese (Mn+2) and iron (Fe+2) will be monitored in the field with Hach kits. Water quality parameters of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen. and ORP will be measured in the field via a Horiba U-22 (or equal). Monitoring Monitoring associated with the pilot testing includes monitoring during the solution injections and the post -treatment monitoring (note that baseline monitoring was included previously). Post -treatment sampling events will be scheduled at least one (1), three (3), six (6), and 12 weeks following the completion of the injections. Monitoring During Injection. During solution injections, the following parameters will be periodically monitored at wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 to provide real time information about performance and ensure the safety of field personnel: 1. Water quality parameters including pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and ORP (via a water quality analyzer - e.g., Horiba U-22), 2. Groundwater elevation (via an interface probe), and 3. visual observations for solution in wells (Using clear bailer). Additionally, the following process data wtll be recorded: 1. injection pump flow rate, 2. Injection pump discharge pressure. 3. IP manifold pump side pressure, 4. IP manifold I side pressure, 5. Total mix tank batch injection time, 6. Total volume of solution injected; and 7. Water temperature at injection point. At weeks 1, 3, 6, and 12, post -treatment groundwater samples will be collected from MW- 6. MW-10. and MW-19. These groundwater samples will be sent to a State -Certified laboratory for analysis of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, TKN, and TOC. The reduced forms of manganese (Mn,2) and iron (Fei2) will be monitored in the field with Hach kits. Water quality parameters of pH, temperature, DO, and ORP will be measured in the field via a Horiba U-22 (or equal). Groundwater Sampling The current groundwater and stream sampling program, as outlined in the CAP (URS 2003) and the latest annual report (URS 2010). will continue and is sufficient to monitor the plume stability. This program provides for annual sampling of six wells (MW-5, MW-6, MW-10, MW-19, PMW-7, and PMW-8) (Figure 2) and the collection of three stream samples. The samples are sent to a State of North Carolina Certified laboratory for analysis of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and TKN. Appropriate duplicate samples and field blank samples will be collected for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) purposes. \\bcra102\projects\U51 Realty Corp\Former Ingram Plywood \139598_Workplan Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workpian final.docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 8 As discussed previously, additional groundwater monitoring well sampling will be per- formed as part of the picot test. The procedures for the annual groundwater monitoring well sampling event as well as the pilot test are provided in the following section. Sampling Methodology. Prior to sample collection, groundwater level measurements will be collected in each well. After groundwater fevel measurements are collected, each well will be purged with a down hole electric submersible pump using low -flow sampling techniques similar to those described in the USEPA Low -Flow Groundwater Sampling Procedures (USEPA 1996). This protocol provides for a higher degree of representative samples to be collected and provides for more accurate measuring of specific groundwa- ter parameters, especially in regard to the sensitive geochemicaI parameters to be measured in this sampiIng event. Groundwater samples will be collected from the wells listed in Table 2 directly from the hose of the pump into laboratory -supplied containers with airtight septum seals. Samples will be sealed, labeled, entered into chain -of -custody forms, placed in an ice -chilled cooler (at as near to 4 degrees Celsius as practical), and delivered to the laboratory. Monitor Wells Proposed Analysts MW5 Nitrate, MNA MW-6 Nitrate, MNA MW-10 Nitrate, MNA MW-19 Nitrate, MNA PMW-7 Nitrate PMW-8 Nitrate Nitrate = Inclodes Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, and TXN i4fNA = Monitored NaruraI Artenuation Parameters Sample Analysis All samples will be archived at the laboratory and may be analyzed for additional analytes at a later time based on the initial results. All analytical Laboratories performing work will be certified in the State of North Carolina. However, specialty labs that may be performing the geotechnical analysis are generally not certified. Proposed analytical methods are described in Table 3 below. \\bCra102\projects\USI Realty Corp\Former Ingram Plywood\139598_Workplan Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workplan finai.docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 9 Soil Fractional Organic Carbon ASTM D2974 or equivalent Selected samples from different Ilthologic units beneath the Site ASTM D2937 or equivalent Selected samples from different lithologic units beneath the Site Moisture Content ASTM D2216 or equivalent Selected samples from different Ilthologic units beneath the Site to confirm hand specimens Grain Size ASTM D422 or equivalent Selected samples from different Ilthologic units beneath the Site to confirm hand specimens Permeability API•RP40 or equivalent Selected samples from different Ilthologic units beneath the Site Formaldehyde USEPA 510A or equivalent Selected samples from different lithologic units beneath the Site Nitrate USEPA 9060 or equivalent Selected samples from different lithologic units beneath the Site Groundwater Nitrate USEPA 353.2 Regular groundwater sample collected through pump discharge hose. Nitrite USEPA 300.0 Regular groundwater sample collected through pump discharge hose. THIN USEPA 351.2 Rego largroundwater sample collected through pump discharge hose. Ammonia USEPA 350.1 Regulargroundwatersample collected through pump discharge hose. Dissolved 0rganlc Carbon USEPA 9060 orequfvalent Regular groundwater sample collected through pump discharge hose Dissolved Gasses (Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide) AM20GAX Rego largroundwatersample collected through pump discharge hose. General Minerais/MNA USEPA 6010/9056/310.2 Rego largroundwater sample collected through pump discharge hose. Report Upon completion of the field work, a remedial investigation report will be prepared and submitted to NCDENR. The Report will include investigative methodologies, boring logs, a summary of analytical results in tabular format, a site plan with sample locations, Plat of Survey, and a copy of analytical results. The Report will also include the data from the pilot test including the following: 1. A narrative summary of the pilot test activities; 2. A summary of the solution injected at each I and the time duration required to inject the solution; 3. Groundwater sampling results from the pre-treatment (i.e., baseline) and post- treatment will be tabulated; 4. A discussion as to whether the field pilot test confirms the applicability of bioenhanced denitrification; 5. Monitoring results obtained during the injection process will be tabulated and/or graphed to evaluate the horizontal RDI; and 6. Process data results measured during the injection process will be tabulated and used to establish the injection rates and pressures for a full-scale system. \\bcra102\projects\USI Realty Corp\Former Ingram Plywood\139598_Workpian Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workpian final.docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 10 Project Schedule Implementation of the groundwater screening is planned for October 2410 with the annual groundwater sampling event completed during the same mobilization. The pilot test will be implemented following the annual sampling event. The pilot test will last approximately 3 months. The Report will be submitted by March 2011. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 424- 1435. --- --- Very truly yours, BROWN AND CALDWELL Reinhard Ruhmke, P.G., Managing Geologist Attachments: Table 1 Figures 1-5 References cc: USI Realty Corporation C'4'4p� SEAL 2 /'-��Z'Zz� John C. Callihan Managing Scientist \\bcra102\projects\US1 Realty Corp\Former Ingram Plywood \13959$_Workplan Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workplan final.docx Mr. Caulk September 15, 2010 Page 11 References URS 2003. Corrective Action: Plan for Nitrate Groundwater Contamination and Petroleum Free Product. URS Group. Report dated March 2003. URS 2010. 2009 Annual Monitoring Report. URS Group. Report dated February 2010. USEPA 1996. Puls, R.W., and Barcelona, M.J., Low Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Groundwa- ter Sampling Procedures, EPA Groundwater Issue, April 1996. NCDENR 2007. Performance and Analysis of Aquifer Slug Tests and Pumping Tests Policy. Memorandum dated May 31, 2007. NCDENR 2008. Executed REC Administrative Agreement. Letter dated March 11, 2008. NCDENR 2009. REC Program Implementation Guidance. Guidance dated October 2009. USEPA 2007. Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water, Volume 2 - Assessment for Non -Radionuclides Including Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Nitrate, Perchlorate, and Selenium. EPA Document # EPA/600/13- 07/140 dated October 2007. \\bcra102\projects\US1 Realty Corfformer Ingram Plywood\139598_Workpian Prep\Workplan\final WP\USI Workplan final,doex Table 1. Summary of Historical Analytical Results and Fleld Measurements Former Ingram Plywood Facility Thomasville, North Carolina I Depth to Water Well ID Sample Rate (BTOC) Top of Casing (TOC) Water table Elevation Elevation {feet] (feet Nitrate (mg/L) Nitrite (mg/Q Total KJeldahl Nitrogen (mg/L] Ammonia (mg/Lj Specific pH Conductance [pH Units) IMVM) Temperature (•C) Conductivity (my) Dissolved Oxygen Turbidity (mgll) INTO) Formaldehyde Ifig/L) MW-5 Nov-97 Dee-98 15.90 894.83 878.93 047 - - - NO Nov -DO 15.51 894.83 979.32 0.51 - - 34D 17,50 520 1.69 1.1 NO Sep-04 13.91 894.83 880.92 1.60 40.1<0.1 5.03 264 76.01 314 3.34 22.38 _ Dec-D4 14.11 894.83 W7-2 1.90 <0.1-toll M-9WD 4.37 2" 18.42 381 0.68 11.70 Dec -CS 13.35 894.83 881.49 SSO NO0.11 4.56 0.434 19.11 354 1.79 91 Dec-06 13.81 894.83 881.02 1.10 e0.007<O.OD3 4.97 0.374 17.56 319 7.75 5.1 Dec-07 16.03 B94.83 876.88 1.OD 4*.10 c0.10 4.94 198 19.37 0.42 7.66 15 Dec-oe - - n.96 Jan-10 13.30 894.83 881.53 1.2 - <0,5 <D.lD 4.73 0.46 17.16 366 1.43 0 - MW-u Jan-92 -- - - 130 - -- - - - - - - _ Nov-97 _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ 0-% Dec-98 11.30 877.32 866.01 59.0 - - - - - - 19.0 Nov-00 1036 877.31 866.95 58.9 - - 633 15.30 573 2.15 0 NO r-S4-z 7A6 877.31 669.85 54,0 cO.1 11 20 4.35 512 17A2 344 6.38 10.02 Dec-04 12.93 877.31 868.28 52.0 0.0037J 9.70 21 5.15 794 I& D 294 D.80 93.20 Dec-05 525 877.31 872.05 60.0 0.12 23.00 17.OD 3.99 0.747 15.11 4D4 11100 122 - Dec-06 6.48 877.31 1113 42.0 cO.007 SS.00 16 4,12 0,587 ]4.15 396 4.30 34.7 i]cc 07 633 877.31 871.08 65.3 co.10 9.9 c0.10 3.96 574 15 39 0.21 8.41 4 Oec-09 - -- 75.9 _ Jan-10 5.64 877.31 87167 59.7 - 5.7 7.8 3.94 0.563 7.88 403 0.16 4.1 - MW-10 Jan-92 - -- - 59.0 - - - Nov-97 - - - - - - _ w _ _ _ 0.28 Dec 98 17.96 UL21 963.25 59.0 - - - - - - - NO Nov 00 17.21 $81.21 864.00 75.2 - - - 5.41 B20 15.20 299 0.59 0 NO '- Se 14.30 881.21 866.91 200.0 <D.1 c0.5 2.3 5.02 917 21.15 235 6.93 118A - Dec-04 12.93 882.21 868.28 55.0 0.D068J c0,5 0.92 5.15 7% 15.DD 294 0.80 93.2 Dec-05 12.82 881.21 868.40 73.0 NO 7.30 0.54 5.29 0.700 14.56 280 0.05 $ _ Dec-06 12.90 881.21 868.31 58.0 0.05 1.60 1.20 5.21 0.848 14.21 320 4.34 2.7 Dec-07 14.04 SB1.21 967.17 49.7 [0.10 0.58 40.10 5.35 505.00 15.50 0.156 6.31 9 Dec-08 -- - - 53.1 -- _ - _ _ - -- - Jan-l0 li_75 881.21 869.46 58.7 - <0.5 0.24 5,26 0.542 10.51 328 0.21 9.8 MW-19 Jan-98 - - - 65 - - - -- - - - - - - Dec-98 - -- NA - _ _ _ _ _ _ Dec-98 12.08 885.75 873.67 65.0 - - - - - - 300 Nov-00 11.83 885.75 873.92 39.4 - - -- 6.17 760 1S.60 240 2.19 7 NO Sep-04 5.51 885.75 880.24 5.7 <D.1 6.6 1.4 5.34 111 19.61 350 2.70 43.97 - Dec-04 4.50 885.75 381.25 5.7 0.01361) 2.5D 2.40 4.90 134 13.64 279 0.75 1DO.90 Dec-05 3.83 885.75 981.82 30,0 0.13 14.00 5.00 5.39 0.408 13.72 258 0.11 64 Dec-06 4.85 885.75 890.90 7.3 e0.007 4.70 3.10 5.20 0.144 13.05 311 4.30 25.4 Dee-07 5.95 885.75 879.90 63.7 e0.10 4.7 4&10 4.89 510 23.60 0.166 4.59 10 - Dec-0S -- -- - 11.1 - - - - - -- - - Jan-10 3.88 885.75 981.87 18.9 - 5.1 3.5 S.D4 0.239 9.01 320 9.45 0.2 PMW-7 Dec-01 - - - 12.4 -- - -- - -- -- - - NO Sep-04 9.79 - 0.44 <0.1 0.6 0.3 5.24 281.4 28.90 163 7.79 1 38.96 - 1 Dec-04 7.54 - - 4.6 0.009.1 0.241 c0.1 4.63 298 16.71 283 - 39.00 -- Dec-05 8.68 - 2.2 NO 8.2 0.12 4.70 0.365 17.18 318 0.0D 28 - Dec46 8.17 0.44 m.007 0.036 0.055 4.79 0161 15.86 24D 4.58 2.4 - Dec-07 - - ND <0.10 0.53 c0,10 4.49 233 16.96 0.203 3.02 13 Dec4)8 - - - NO - - -- _ _ _ _ _ - Jan-10 6.20 - 0.38 - 0.63 c0.10 4.48 0.215 14.50 308 0.96 12.1 PMW-8 Dec-01 DRY - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - Sep-04 11.14 - 0.1 m.l <0.5 0.1 5.76 185.7 22.38 2D0 3.96 11.44 - Oec-D4 111.96 - 0.3 0.018 0.2.1 cD.l 5.16 186 14,79 283 NA 9S.10 DecOS 11.70 - NO NO 9.8 0.12 5.61 0.212 16.57 280 o.00 43 - Dec-06 10.21 - 0.25 1 c0.007 0.18 cD.003 5.43 D.193 15.61 136 4.07 2.3 Dec-07 ND c0,10 8.67 <0.10 4,77 83 17.15 0.178 2.00 16 Dec-08 Jan-10 - 0.14 -- -- -• -- -• _ _ 9.53 0.29 - 0.5 c0.10 1 5.28 0.235 14.70 177 0.29 0 Uaca summarltea Prom Lorr"Me Acnvn Plan preparea oy Una croup oatea nnarcri iuus. h4.itlsi TOC = Top of Casing STOC = Below Top of Casing msl - mean sea level mg/L = milligrams per Liter m5/cm = mlllisec per centimeter 'C = Degrees Centigrade mV= millivolts NTU = nephelometrkc turbidity unit µg/L = micrograms per Liter ND= Not detected J = Estimated concentration <0-1 = less than the laboratary reporting limit - = No Information available Page 1 of 1 P:�USi Real ty Corp\Former Ingram P lywaad1139598_Workplan PreplWo rk p la n\fina l WP\H ist gw data Wcrkp[aa-x1sx yr 1 �, 11'' J9" �� ` r• C'' �..t. �����■j]� '�II��l��l]r= `;�t •��r'.•��� of :, . ��.'t�� ;:��• � �'������ waft ..r�'�D!"iiiAYSGI4 wa '7,m: • ` �� •F:�r�.' � '�f�'r�- = Rom:;+ �-;! •. •� °AF;-� �. INN B row n AND Caldwell 0 MWs Bq�aRY __�-- 6A5$ETTDR4VE SITE FORMER MANUFACTURING BUILDING I I FORMER WAREHOUSEI ---f PRINTING BUILDING APPROXIMATE DIRECTION ` OF GROUDWATER FLOW I 1 JRESIN AREA + 1� r � 1 0 I mw-19 !rOFI ICE] ti✓ SLOG zmeE wy 0 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Suit® 320 Raleigh, North Carolina 27807 (919)233-9178 NC License No. F-0785 0 pmw-a Z PMW-7 SOURCE? &AM MAP IS FROM A SURVEY BY BOCK AND CL*RK DATED 1: •LMKTS OF FxcAVATIDN ARE FROM AQUATERA'S INO IGRO1 NMXTER SAMPLING FIEF -- CURRENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING NETWORK FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD, INC. FACILITY 718 BASSETT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC FIGURE 2 _ -1 --r BASSETT DRIVE SliE 80�NI7ARY __� _-�-�- I FORMER MANUFACTURING 8UILDING l Ir l fFORMER II WAREHOUSE) -__----- PRINTING I BUILDING I APPROJ(1MAT£ D1REC71p4J OF GRIXJOWATER FLOW 1!/ �RESIN AREA 1 LI I hM1N.19 l � IFFICE I 1 I l BLDG L j —TREE LNYff — `` 1 eMW 10 rrI 100 90 0 MONITORING WELLS SAMPLED ANNUALLY APPROXIMATE LIMITS OF SOR EXCAVATIOW INF!LMMO 1D �%VL NITWITE OONCENTRATIVN CC)WO4JR PMW-7 SOURCE' BASE MAP IS FROM A SURVEY BY BOCK AND CLARK. DATED IZfl,% 8 ,UWTS OF EXCAVATION ARE FROM AQUATERA$ 19%'GROUNDWATER SAWLING REPORT' $ FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD, INC- FACILITY 5110 T`in4 Road PMW-3 718 BASSETT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, aII. Suite olio Raleigh. I, North Carolina 27607 DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC (919)233.9178 NC License No. F-0785 FIGURE 3 13ASSET-F DRIVE FORMER MANUFACTURING BUit- DING FORMER F WARE HOUSE/ ` - - PRINTING ` BUILDING I� APPROXEIV DIRECTION OF GROI FLOW 1 RESIN AREA i r 9 Mw-19 OFFICE y y , BLOC 'T�EF- LIME y- --� _ x 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, Sude 320 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 (919)233-9178 INC License No. F-0785 0 PMW-s 0 PMW-7 100 50 0 MONTTORING WELLS MONITORED ANNUALLY PROPOSED SAMPLE POINTS APPROXIMATE LIWTS OF SOIL IXCAVATTOM INFERRED 10 rnprL NITRATE CONCENTRATION CONTOUR SOURCE' BASE TRAP IS FROM A SURVEY BY BOCK AND CLARK, DATED I W 5W `LIMITS OF E%CAVATION ARE FROM AGUATERA'S 19H'GROUNDWATER SAWLI NG RE PQRT- PROPOSED SAMPLE LOCATIONS FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD, INC. FACILITY 718 BASSETT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC FIGURE 4 D__�----- 13ASSETT DRIVE - - _ — - - ~ - - , FORMER MANUFACTURING BUILDNG 1 ,. FORMER WAREHCIJ$Ef PRINTING BUILDING APPRoxIMATE DIRECTION OF GROiJDWATER FLOW j f j 1,ARESIN AREA I j ! I 1 ti Q 1� oFFlce 1 � BLDG 1 / r _ R r 1 mONrTOR1NG WELLS MONITORED ANNUAL LV PROPOSES? INJECTION POINT � PROPOSED INJECTION MOMTDWNG POINT - - APPROXIMATE LIFTS OF SOIL EXCAVATION' INFERRED 10 nwgk NITRATE CONCE T PA7]ON CONTOUR PMW7 SOURCE: BASE MAP IS FROM A SURVEY By BOCK AND CLARK. DATED 12f15" 'LIMITS OF EXCAVATION ARE FROM AQUATERA'S 1996'G ROUNOWATER SAMPLING REPORT' PROPOSED PILOT TEST LOCATIONS 0 FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD, INC. FACILITY 5410 Trinity Road PMw-8 718 BASSETT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, Palisades It. SiAe 320 Raae;gh, Norm Carolina 27WI DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC (979)233-4178 NC License No, F-0785 FIGURE 5 Remedial Investigation Report IHSB Site # NONCDO001202 Prepared for USI Realty Corporation March 10, 2011 Remedial Investigation Report IHSB Site # NONCDODD1202 Prepared for USI Realty Corporation March 10, 2011 WRei Ruhmke, PG Managing Geologist Registered Site Manager 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27507 NC License No. F-0785 REMEDIATING PARTY DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (.0306(b)(2)): A certify under penalty of law that 1 have personally examined and am familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and a]1 documents accompanying this certification, and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material and information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. f am aware that there are significant penalties for willfuljy submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information." (Name of ed ing Party Official) (Sign ture of R ediating Party Official) DAte 0 0 1 14VIVI! 1 A (Enter State) &4jWflAVJl1Q COUNTY 1. L - 51 ime k— , a Notary Public of said County and State, do hereby certify that WLItjOM DAV 121Me1-l-Cf did personally appear and sign before me this day, produced proper identification in the form of CA. Ur ijeVS L CPy15e_, was duly sworn or affirmed, and declared that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, after thorough investigation, the information contained in the above certification is true and accurate, and he or she then signed this Certification in my presence. W TNESS my hand and offici seal this day of +rrl� R L Notary Public {signature] (OFFICIAL SEAL) My commission expires:]-une 27 2,�fv LISCotrtnWtWn 11lg1l� Henry POW - C ftvty so" 8WIMrttUo f:pNlly Cow. t� Document Cer•t f cation Form No. DC - I Narth Carolina Depsrtment of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Superfund Section Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch REGISTERED SITE MANAGER DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION STATEMENT (.0306(b)(1 }): "I certify under penalty of law that i am personally familiar with the information contained in this submittal, including any and all supporting documents accompanying this certification, and that the material and information contained herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete and complies with the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act G.S. 130A-310, et seq, and the remedial action program Rules 15A NCAC 13C .0300. I am aware that there are significant penalties for willfully submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information." Reinhard Ruhmke (Name of Registered Site Manager) *t * March 10, 2011 (Signature of Registered Site Manager) Date North Carolina (Enter State) Wake COUNTY EWE 6A�--4 . [�.AA() , a Notary Public of said County and State, do hereby certify that gf i ribkj,' &�N)5t did personally appear and sign before me this day, produced proper identification in the form of Pt,% 4,jm k cQrlrt J l ire was duly sworn or affirmed, and declared that, he or she is the duly authorized environmental consultant of the remediating party of the property referenced above and that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, after thorough investigation, the information contained in the above certification is true and accurate, and he or she then signed this Certification in my presence. WI S m hand and official seal this /0 day of yNotary Public [signature] z (OFFICIAL SEAL) My commission expires: 103 1 Document Certification Form No. DC -11 EwE£INA A CAPLAP NOTARY PUBLIC Durham County North Carolina Oommission expires Juno@, nts North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Superfund Section inactive Hazardous Sites Branch REMEDIAL INVESTIGATION COMPLETION CERTIFICATION 15A NCAC 13C.0306(b)(5)(S) Media (check all that apply): All Media x Soil Site Name Former Ingram Plywood County Davidson Site ID No. NONCDO001202 Ground water Surface water Sediment Street Address 718 Bassett give Thomasville, North Carolina The remedial investigation, which is the subject of this certification has, to the best of my knowledge, been completed in compliance with the Inactive Hazardous Sites Response Act G.S. 130A-310, et seq. and the remedial action program Rules 15A NCAC 13C .0300, and Brown and Caldwell [REC Name] is in compliance with Rules .0305(b)(2) and .0305(b)(3), of this section. I am aware that there are signifies t penalties for willfully submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete Information. &2&z� Mar 10, 2011 RSM Sigriattue Late Reinhard Ruhmke RSM Name Brown and Caldwell REC Name 00071 REC No. North Carolina (Enter State) Wake COUNTY 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 320 Mailing Address Raleigh, NC 27507 tty, state, ZIP I, C t-A lvkk Q . (a ALP , a Notary Public of said County and State, do hereby certify that e i V- t ' did personally appear and sign before me this day, produced proper identification in the form of ro , -1k JEA was duly sworn or affirmed, and declared that, be or she is the duly authorized environmental consultant of the remediating party of the property referenced above and that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, after thorough investigation, the information contained in the above certification is true and accurate, and he or she then signed this Certification in my presence. W1 S my hand and official seal this Jkday of (C ao i I Notary Public (signs e) _ (oii'dKLINA► owilm My commission expires: [ EbnrnNalorr Jptni iltit= Work Phase Completion Form No. WPC - If Table of Contents Listof Figures...................................................................................................................................................... ii Listof Tables.......................................................................................................................................................ii 1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Site Description and Environmental Setting .............................................. .................................. 1-1 1.2 History of Site Environmental Activities........................................................................................1-2 1.3 Completed Scope of Work.............................................................................................................1-4 2. Remedial Investigation .............................................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Temporary Well Installation........................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Results..............................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 Annual Well Sampling...................................................................................................................2-1 2.2.1 Results..............................................................................................................................2-2 2.3 Surface Water Sampling............................................................................................................... 2-3 2.3.1 Results.............................................................................................................................. 2-3 2.4 Hyd rogeologic Characterization.................................................................................................... 2-3 2.5 Site Geology....................................................................................................................................2-4 2.6 1DW.................................. ............... ........ ...................................................................................... 2-4 3. Summary of Remedial Investigation.......................................................................................................3-1 4. Limitations...................................................................................................................................4-1 References.........................................................................................................................REF-1 Figures.. ............................................. ......... .................................... ........................................................... FIG-1 Tables............................ ..............................................................................................................................TAB-1 AppendixA: LabData ........... ............................. ................................................................................................. A AppendixB: Boring Log.... .................................................................................................................. ............... B Appendix C: Historical Groundwater Data........................................................................................................ C Appendix D: Time vs. Concentration Graphs and Hydrographs...................................................................... D AppendixE: Slug Test Data................................................................................................................................E vw of wi ito nm us, vpy eticw r, -LuL1m TIT ti IV {Iflll}illi�rb Y}.X.401140 d1 IIle MrCI of Ir115 doi')rrrlU n! US Mi PC Dart fod(.1#rt. Remedial Investigation Report List of Figures Figure 1. Site Location Map Figure 2. Site Map Figure 3. Groundwater Analytical Results for Nitrate, October 2010 Figure 4. Groundwater Flow Direction, October 2010 Figure 5. Surface Water Analytical Results, October 2010 Figure 6. Geologic Cross -Section List of Tables Table of Contents Table I. Summary of Agency Correspondence Regarding Environmentally Sensitive Areas Table 2. Summary of Temporary Well Sampling Results, October 2010 Table 3. Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results and Field Measurements, October 2010 Table 4. Summary of MNA Data during Groundwater Sampling, October 2010 Table 5. Summary of Surface Water Analytical Results, October 2010 Table 6. Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Rising and Falling Slug Tests, October 201O Section 1 Introduction This Remedial Investigation (RI) Report presents the results of the completion of RI activities conducted at the former Ingram Plywood Inc. (Ingram) property located at 718 Bassett Drive, Thomasville, Davidson County, North Carolina (Site) (Figure 1) on behalf of USI Realty Corporation (USI). Groundwater beneath the Site is impacted with nitrate above the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) 2L Standard [North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 15A 02L.0202 (f)], which is 10 milligrams per Liter (mg/L) (NCDENR 2010a). The identified source of the nitrate is from former on -Site usage of urea formaldehyde resin. On March 11, 2008, USI executed an Administrative Agreement (AA) with NCDENR to enter the NCDENR Registered Environmental Consultant (REC) program, a voluntary remedial action program (NCDENR 2008). The AA outlined a schedule to complete the voluntary remedial program as outlined in North Carolina General Statute (N.C.G.S.) 130A-310.9(c), 15A NCAC 13C .0300, and the Registered Environmental Consultant Program Implementation Guidance of the NCENR Division of Waste Management (NCDENR 2010b). The schedule called for completion of the RI within 3 years of the effective date of the AA (March 11, 2008). Although significant investigation and remedial activities had occurred at the Site prior to 2008, the Phase II RI Workplan (the "Workplan") (Brown and Caldwell 2010) described the technical rationale to complete the RI for nitrate under the supervision and direction of the Registered Site Manager (RSM) and in compliance with the AA. Following submittal of this RI Report, USI will move forward with the next phase of work outlined in the AA by initiating remedial action for the nitrate groundwater impacts within 5 years of the effective date of the AA (NCDENR 2008). The following Sections provide a summary of the Rl activities completed at the Site. 1.1 Site Description and Environmental Setting A Site description and environmental setting was provided in Section 5 of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (URS 2003a). The Site center is located at approximately Latitude (North) 35" 54' 38", Longitude (West) 800 03' 82" in Thomasville, Davidson County, North Carolina. Based on a review of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7Y2-Minute Topographic Series for the High Point West Quadrangle, the center of the Site is located at an approximate elevation of 890 feet above mean sea level (amsl) (USGS 1987) and the local topography slopes to the south (Figure 1). The Site encompasses approximately 4 acres of land and previously contained three buildings; an approximate 47,705 square -foot (ft2) manufacturing building which was divided into Sections A, B & C, an approximate 16,000 ft2 warehouse and printing building, and an approximate 1,000 ft2 office building (Figure 2). All the buildings have been removed and the Site is now vacant land (URS 2003a). Work Process Description. Ingram Plywood Inc. manufactured shaped plywood products at the Site from 1953 to 1990 by combining wood materials with adhesive. The adhesive consisted of urea formaldehyde resin and an aluminum sulfate activator that reacted when mixed to form a fully polymerized urea formaldehyde resin (URS 2003a). The plywood assembly process utilized ram presses to compress the plywood layers together after the adhesive is applied. The presses used hydraulic oil and were located in the manufacturing building. Several underground storage tanks (USTs) were used at the Site to support manufacturing operations. A 550-gallon #2 fuel oil UST was located on the north side of the warehouse/printing building. A 2,000-gallon gasoline UST and 8,000-gallon #2 fuel oil UST were 1.1 Remedial investigation Report Section 1 located between Sections A and C of the manufacturing building, These LISTS were properly closed out under NCDENR oversight. The urea formaldehyde resin generated during manufacturing operations was disposed In an area behind the manufacturing building (Figure 2). Urea formaldehyde resin degrades into ammonia, methanol, and nitrogen compounds. Water Supply Well Informatlon. A water -well survey was performed by Dames and Moore in October 1999, The survey identified three private wells within 1,500 feet of the Site. Two of the wells were no longer being used and a third well served two residences on the Dill property. These three wells were abandoned and the houses on the Dill property were connected to the City of Thomasville water system (Dames and Moore 2000). A review of the public water -supply system indicated that there are no public water intakes In the vicinity of the site. The source of public water for the Davidson County Water Department is Lake TomaIicks and for Davidson Water (a private corporation) is the Yadkirti River (URS 2003a). Brown and Caldwell also reconnoitered the Site vicinity in October 2010 and did not observe the presence of any water -supply wells. Environmentally Sensitive Areas, Brown and Caldwell staff contacted the appropriate agencies to investigate the potential presence of environmentally sensitive areas as required in the REC guidance (NCENR 2010b). Based on the information provided by several agencies, the area in the vicinity of the Site is considered environmentatly sensitive. No remedial activity on the Site is planned that would result in sediment and nutrient runoff to the small tributaries to Hunts Fork and contribute to turbidity and chlorophyll levels in High Flock Lake. Further consultation with NCDENR-Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission may be required if future Site activities potentially impact the Hunts Fork tributaries. The tributaries are located east of the Site while Hunts Fork is located south of the Site (Figure 1), A summary of agencies contacted and their response is provided in Table 1. Site Ownership Information. The Site has been owned by USl or its subsidiaries since 1953. A map depicting the Site boundaries is provided as Figure 2. 1.2 History of Site Environmental Activities Site environmental activities have been conducted at the Site since 1985. The environmental activities conducted at the Site included: investigation of the resin -impacted area, the manufacturing area, print shop, and underground storage tank (UST) locations. Remediation activities have been conducted at the Site since 1989 and included: soil excavation at the former resin -impacted area, print shop area, former UST locations, manufacturing areas, free product recovery systems, and nitrate contaminated groundwater extraction and discharge. A summary of prior environmental activities was provided in the CAP (URS 2003a), The results of the environmental activities include the following: 1. 65 cubic yards (yds3) of soil containing residual resin was excavated from a waste -pit located behind the manufacturing Building in 1985 (ENSCI Corporation 1989). 2. One 2,000-gallon gasoline UST and one 8,000-gallon #2 fuel oil UST were removed in 1989. Approximately 35 tons of petroleum -impacted soil was removed and disposed offsite. A 'No further action' (NFA) status for the USTs was granted by NCDENR in May 2000 (NCDENR Case # 5539), 1.. One 550-gallon heating oil UST was removed in 1994. Approximately 14 tons of petroleum -impacted soil was removed and disposed offsite. NFA status for the UST was granted by NCDENR in December 1999 (NCDENR Case # 12840). 2. In October 1991. Sections A and B of the Manufacturing Building were demolished. Approximately 1,700 tons of petroleum -impacted soil were removed from the Manufacturing/UST Area and disposed off -Site. Groundwater remediation using petroleum recovery systems (two trenches) and `Aggressive Fluid Vapor Recovery' was conducted. NFA status for the Manufacturing/UST Area was granted by NODE NR in May 2000 (NCDENR Case # 5539), 1-2 Lo&oa of CDnfenfs on Mira hiI W it *WUpk*j wH If, 4 t1111, L114111k %4JL 401*0 Ad UAL' W U14r 4110- R uSl RI kepor? 1mal.ilofm Remedial Investigation Report Section 1 3. In October 1991, the resin -impacted area [--16,000 square feet (ft!')] was excavated to a depth of approximately 1-foot below ground surface (tags). Approximately 900 yds3 of impacted soil was removed and disposed offsite. 4. In October 1991, approximately 28 yds3 of impacted soil was removed from the print shop loading dock area. An area of approximately 375 ftz was excavated to a depth between 1.5 and 2-feet bgs and the soil disposed offsite. 5. A groundwater recovery system for nitrate removal was installed in July 1994 and consisted of two recovery wells (RW-2 and RW-3). Operation ceased in late 1996 after removal of approximately 468,600 gallons. 6. In March 1999. approximately 26 tons of formaldehyde impacted soil was excavated in the vicinity of soil boring S1319. This impacted area was discovered during confirmation soil borings and appeared to be a small area containing hardened resins and other debris. 7. A water -well survey was performed in October 1999. The survey identified three wells within 1,500 feet of the Site. Two of the wells were no longer being used and a third well served two residences on the Dill property. These three wells were abandoned and the houses on the Dill property were connected to the City of Thomasville water system. 8. A soil -to -groundwater value of 38.86 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) for formaldehyde was calculated by URS (URS 2003b). The highest residual formaldehyde concentration in soil was 148.26 mg/kg in soil boring SB-16. It was determined that the potential impact to groundwater from the residual formaldehyde concentrations in soil was negligible. Formaldehyde was not detected in groundwater in the November 2000 sampling event. NCDENR agreed with this conclusion in correspondence dated April 14, 2003 and also stated that no further assessment was necessary. NCDENR also requested that a CAP be submitted. 9. A CAP for remediation of nitrate in groundwater was submitted by URS in March 2003 (URS 2003a). The extent of nitrate -impacted groundwater was con flned to the area between MW-18, MW-20, and PMW-8. The selected groundwater remedy was Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) to reduce nitrate concentrations in groundwater to below the NCDENR 2L standard of 10 mg/L. In the approved CAP, wells MW-5, MW-19, RW-2. PMW 7, and PMW-8 were to be sampled annually in addition to three stream locations. The CAP was approved by NCDENR in correspondence dated May 24, 2004. Based on the NCDENR CAP approval letter, the constituents of concern (COCs) remaining for the Site are nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total k}eIdahI nitrogen (TKN). 10, During the September 2004 Sampling event, it was noticed that recovery well RW-2 had been vandalized and could not be sampled. NCDENR was contacted and agreed that wells MW-6 and MW-10 would be sampled in substitution for RW-2, with MW-10 located directly upgradient of RW-2 and MW-6 located in the general vicinity of RW-2. 11. In March 2007, the Site was transferred from the NCDENR Groundwater Section to the NCDENR Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB). The REC agreement for incorporating the Site into the REC program was executed on March 11, 2008. 12. Annual groundwater sampling was performed by URS from 2005 until January 2010 as part of the approved remedy (MNA). Based upon the results of the January 2010 sampling at the Site (URS 2010), URS concluded that: • The nitrate plume remains stable (not expanding) and centered in the southern portion of the Ingram property; • The analytical results of the surface water samples indicate the stream has not been impacted by nitrate -contaminated groundwater that may originate from the Site and discharge to the stream; and • The nitrate concentrations in the downgradient wells (PMW-7 and PMW-8) are below the NCDENR 2L nitrate groundwater standard (10.0 mg/L); and 1.3 Remedial Investigation Report Section 1 • Based upon the results of the January 2010 Sampling, URS recommended that the approved MINA remedial action continue to be implemented. 1.3 Completed Scope of Work In June 2010, USI retained Brown and Caldwell to continue with Site remediation activities in the REC program. As described previously, a significant amount of Site characterization data already has been collected. Historic releases to soil and groundwater beneath the Site have been largely characterized and remedlated and the only remaining Site COCs are nitrogen compounds in groundwater consisting of nitrate, nitrite, ainmonia, and TKN. To complete the Remedial Investigation as required by the REC program, additional Site investigation data was needed. These data gaps were outlined in the Workplan (Brown and Caldwelt 2O1O) and included the following: • Complete the evaluation for environmentally sensitive areas; • Analyses of select groundwater samples for additional MNA parameters such as dissolved gasses (i.e. carbon dioxide), total organic carbon (TOC), iron, manganese, sulfate, and phosphate to further evaluate the denitrification processes at the Site; • Additional groundwater sampling in the vicinity of the wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 using temporary wells to further refine the dimensions of the nitrate plume; and • Aquifer slug tests in wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 to gather additional hydrogeologic data. The investigative methodologies used to complete the Remedial Investigation and fill the data gaps were provided in the Workplan (Brown and Caldwell 2010). Brown and Caldwell implemented the scope of work outlined in the Workplan in October 2010 and this work included the following: 1. Identified any environmentally sensitive areas in the vicinity of the Site. The summary is provided in Section 1.1; 2. Installed five temporary monitoring wells (SB-1 through SB-5). Two of the temporary wells (SB-1 and SB-3) could not be advanced past approximately 12.14 feet bgs due to hard drilling conditions and were dry. Collected water samples from three of the five temporary wells and analyzed them for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and TKN; 3. Performed aquifer slug testing in wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19, and 4. Implemented the annual sampling program as outlined in the approved CAP (URS 2003a). The groundwater samples were analyzed for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and TKN. Conduct additional MNA sampling on select wells. The results of the latest annual sampling event are provided in this Report. The following Section provides a summary of the results of Brown and Caldwell's Phase II Remedial Investigation. 1-4 u�Y. Vi,F111:1i;a U(I 1!IIti `ifik"J .:. 7�111i': I I5- II �L 1111iiir!!7', Y;w: ih!" !11 i1 �•'-••�• ail .. i� .,,i� .� ... LSI M Rowel Anigi-ood Section 2 Remedial Investigation This Section provides a summary of the results of supplemental RI activities performed by Brown and Caldwell pursuant to the Workplan (Brown and Caldwell 2010). Work was conducted under a Site - specific health and safety plan (HASP) prepared by Brown and Caldwell. All work was performed under the supervision of a Professional Geologist registered in the State of North Carolina. A summary of collected data are provided in Tables 1-6. Copses of the analytical reports are provided in Appendix A. For data presentation purposes in this Report, the results are focused on Nitrate, the primary COC. In addition, any other compounds that were detected above the United States Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] Maximum Contaminant Levels [MCLs] or Regional Screening Levels [RSLs] [USEPA 20091) or North Carolina 2L (NCDENR 2010a) and 2B (NCDENR 2007a) Standards are also reported. 2.1 Temporary Well Installation Five temporary groundwater monitoring wells (SB-1 through SB-5) were installed on October 26, 2010 (see Figure 2). The temporary groundwater monitoring wells were installed to varying depths until hard soil conditions were encountered between 8 and 19 feet bgs using direct -push and hollow -stem auger drilling methodology. Drill refusal occurred in each boring and a temporary well consisting of 1-inch diameter schedule 40 PVC casing with 5-feet of screen having 0.010-inch slot size was installed. Each well was purged of approximately one well volume using a single -use disposable bailer before collecting the groundwater sample. Temporary wells SB-1 and SB-3 were dry and could not be sampled. Following completion of groundwater sampling activities, the temporary well casing was removed and the boring was backfilled with a cement/bentonite grout mixture. The locations of the temporary wells were measured from an existing well location using a hand-held tape measure. Soil boring logs are provided in Appendix B. The groundwater samples were preserved, packaged, and transported under chain -of -custody protocol to Pace Analytical Services, Inc. (Pace) in Huntersville, North Carolina, a State -of -North -Carolina -certified analytical testing laboratory. The groundwater samples were analyzed for nitrate and nitrite by USEPA Method 353.2, ammonia by USEPA Method 350.1, and TKN by USEPA Method 351.2 2.1.1 Results The temporary well sample results are presented on Figure 3. A summary of groundwater analytical results for the temporary wells is provided in Table 2. Analytical results indicated the presence of nitrate above the NCDENR 2L nitrate groundwater standard (10 mg/L) in temporary wells SB-2 and SB-5 (Figure 3). To gather data for anticipated remedlal design pilot testing, one soil sample was collected from SB-5 at a depth of 19 feet bgs and analyzed for total organic carbon (TOC). TOC was not detected in this sample. 2.2 Annual Well Sampling The 2010 annual sampling was performed in general accordance with the approved CAP (URS 2003a) and subsequent modifications (URS 2010). Figure 3 shows the locations of the wells sampled during the 2010 annual sampling event completed on October 26, 2010. Prior to sampling wells MW-5, MW-6, MW-10, MW-19. PMW-7, and PMW-8, water level measurements were recorded in each well. 2-1 i -.I ;:If ill:.. . II;... m�4 11 . .L.:J:4 i, 4 1., I... n, :.1 t.I.fI III II JSI ril RtPO" fPMA1.E%DCY Remedial Investigation Report Section 2 After the water level measurements were collected, the wells were sampled utilizing low -flow sampling procedures (USEPA 1996). A peristaltic pump with tubing was used for the sampling event. During the low- flow purging, pH, specific conductance, temperature, conductivity (Eh), dissolved oxygen, and turbidity were measured. The groundwater field parameters are presented on Table 3. After stabilization, the wells were sampled from the discharge hose using the low -flow purge/sampling technique with laboratory -supplied sample containers and preservative. Non -dedicated and reusable equipment used for purging and sampling was decontaminated between each well. Field decontamination procedures included washing measuring instruments between wells with a detergent solution wash and distilled water rinse. New tubing and string were utilized for each well. When possible, wells were sampled in order of lowest to highest concentration of groundwater contamination based on data from the previous sampling event (URS 2010). Instruments and equipment used to gather or measure environmental data were calibrated at least daily, consistent with the manufacturer's specifications, to increase the accuracy and reproducibility of the results. Appropriate quality assu ra nce/q ua I ity control (QA/QC) samples, including a duplicate sample, were als❑ collected. The groundwater and QA/QC samples were preserved, packaged, and transported under chain -of -custody protocol to Pace Analytical Services, Inc. (Pace) in HuntersviIle, North Carolina, a State - of -North -Carolina -certified analytical testing laboratory, Samples from each monitoring well, including the duplicate sample, were analyzed for Nitrate, Nitrite, TKN, and Ammonia. Samples collected for evaluation of MNA parameters from MW,S, MW-10, MW-19, and PMW-7 were also analyzed for sulfate and chloride by USEPA Method 300.0, total alkalinity as CACO3 by State Method (SM) 2320B, Total Organic Carbon (TOC) by SM 5310, total orthophosphate by USEPA Method 365.1, and total manganese and iron by USEPA Method 3010/6010. A copy of the analytical results is provided in Appendix A. 2.2.1 Results The water level measurements are presented in Table 3. Figure 4 presents the groundwater flow direction based on the October 2010 water level measurements. Based on the results of the October 2010 elevation data, groundwater flaw is generally in a southerly direction, which is consistent with historical data. The October 2010 analytical groundwater results for Nitrate are presented on Figure 3. A summary of groundwater analytical results is provided in Tables 3 and 4. Analytical results indicated the presence of nitrate above the NCDENR nitrate 2L standard (10 mg/L) in wells MW-6 and MW-10. As depicted on Figure 3, the general extent of nitrate above the NCDENR 2L standard has been adequately delineated based on the current data, the results of the temporary well sampling, and historic groundwater analytical data (Appendix C), In the vicinity of the former resin impacted area, nitrate concentrations in wells MW-6 (40.8 mg/L) and MW-19 (4.0 mg/L) have decreased since the last sampling event in January 2010 (Table 3). The nitrate concentration in well MW-10 (69.8 mg/L) has increased since the last sampling event in January 2010 (Table 3) but is still similar to historical concentrations. The concentrations of nitrates have ranged from highs of 100 mg/L, 100 mg/L, and 63.7 mg/L in MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19, respectively. The upgradient (MW-5) and downgradient wells (PMW-7 and PMW-8) continue to show nitrate concentrations below the NCDENR 2L standard. overall, with the nitrate concentration in well MW-19 now below the NCDENR 2L Standard and not -detected in downgradient well PMW-7, the nitrate plume appears to be shrinking. Time vs. concentration graphs for nitrate for wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 are provided in Appendix D. Ideally, nitrate degradation (denitrification) shows a sequential breakdown of NO3 (nitrate) NO2 (nitrate) —> N0 — N2O —+N2. Denitriflcat! on occurs naturally, however, usually at very Iow rates unless an abundant carbon source is present (ITRC 2000). The TOC data from 58-5 indicates that carbon is not present in the system at high concentrations. Denitrification in groundwater generally occurs hest in an anaerobic [dissolved oxygen (DO) < 2 mg/Ll environment with the pH being neutral to slightly alkaline (USEPA 2007). Groundwater samples have been analyzed for select geochemical parameters (e.g,. 00, 2-2 _!• yi s_,roor.is on II pis Z�iii �� �,�1!•�yy,i i4, :,,L• ji ! t,,!,u­ �.•1' j •,i f,., ,,,;I I'I ilii-. ill d '.i TV Report final-uu x Remedial Investigation Report Section 2 pH, specific conductance, etc.) to evaluate potential nitrate fate mechanisms such as denitrification. A review of groundwater data collected during the October 2010 sampling event showed that DO concentrations were less than 1 mg/L with neutral pH conditions within the plume (average pH -- 7). Denitrification appears to be occurring however at a relatively slow rate likely due to the lack of carbon in the system. A summary of MNA data is provided in Tables 3 and 4. Quality control Sample Analytical Results. The duplicate sample, labeled Dup, contained similar nitrate concentrations as the primary sample from well MW-5. 2.3 Surface Water Sampling During the annual sampling event, the stream located on the southern side of the adjacent property was sampled in three locations to evaluate whether the stream is impacted by groundwater discharging to it. One of the stream sample locations was situated upgradient of the Site (labeled upstream), the other location was situated in an area downgradient of the Site (labeled downgradient), and the third location was situated further downstream (labeled downstream). Figure 5 shows the locations of the three stream samples in relation to the Site. The stream was sampled by collecting grab samples using containers provided by the laboratory. 2.3.1 Results The October 2010 analytical surface water results for Nitrate are presented on Figure 5. A summary of surface water analytical results is provided in Table 5. Nitrates were not detected in the upstream Sample but were detected at 1.8 mg/L and 0.32 mg/L in the downgradient and downstream surface water sample locations, respectively (Figure 5). These concentrations do not exceed the NCDENR surface water standard of 10 mg/L (15A NCAC 2B .0200) (NCDENR 2007a). The current and historical stream sample results indicate that nitrate has been detected in the upstream sample at concentrations below the NCDENR 2B standard of 10 mg/L. Nitrate concentrations in the surface water samples collected downgradient and downstream of the Site have also been consistently below the NCDENR 2B standard (Table 5) (NCDENR 2007a). 2.4 Hydrogeologic Characterization Saturated soil was encountered at a depth of approximately 6 feet bgs in SB-4 and 14 feet bgs in SB-5. The water elevation in the sampled groundwater monitoring wells (MW-5, MW-6, MW-10, MW-19, PMW- 7, and PMW-8) reached a maximum elevation of 880.65 feet above mean sea level (amsl) in the central portion of the Site (MW-19) and a minimum elevation of 866.22 feet amsl in the southern portion of the Site (MW-10). Wells PMW-7 and PMW-8 have not been surveyed. Based on the depth to water measurements from these groundwater monitoring wells, the groundwater flow direction on October 26, 2010 is generally southerly (Figure 4) and is consistent with historical groundwater flow direction. The horizontal groundwater flow gradient in the impacted area is calculated to be approximately 0.21 feet per foot (ft/ft). Hydrographs for wells MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19 are provided in Appendix D. Aquifer testing (slug tests) was conducted on three wells (MW-6, MW-10, and MW-19) following NCDENR guidelines (NCDENR 2007b). For all slug -test tests, performed in 0ctober 2010, the observed response in water level was measured using a pre -calibrated pressure transducer/data logger. Both slug -in and the slug -out aquifer tests were monitored. The slug -in (falling head) test consisted of introducing a PVC slug -into the well while monitoring water level response. The slug -out (rising head) test consisted of instantaneously removing the slug while monitoring the water level on a quarter -second interval for approximately 20 minutes or until the water level had recovered to within 95 percent (minimum) of static level. 2-3 Remedial Investigation Report Section 2 All time -displacement data from the tests was downloaded to a laptop computer and reviewed in the field. For tests with minimal response or where the response was not complete or irregular, the test was repeated. All data was imported in a spreadsheet for analysis. For each test, the observed time -displacement data was analyzed for hydraulic conductivity using cure matching techniques in accordance with Bouwer and Rice (1976) and Bouwer (1989) solution methods. Plots of time -displacement data for all tests and copies of the best fit curve for each test are provided in Appendix E. A summary of the "best fit" hydraulic conductivity values are presented on Table 6. As indicted on Table 6, estimated hydraulic conductivity values from the slug tests ranged from approximately 0.921 feet per day (ft/day) to 1.86 ft/day with an average hydraulic conductivity value of approximately 1.4 ft/day. The calculated hydraulic conductivities correspond to typical published values for silt/silty sand (Freeze and Cherry 1979) which is consistent with observed lithologies. 2.5 Site Geology The Site -specific geology has been developed from Site -specific data collected from well and borehole logging during on -Site drilling by Brown and Caldwell and available information from previous environmental reports. The lithologies encountered in the drilling of SB-1 through SB-5 were fairly consistent and included primarily interbedded silt and fine sand to the total depth investigated (approximately 19 feet bgs). A geologic cross-section was prepared for the impacted area based on the available information and is provided as Figure 6. Hard drilling conditions were encountered and auger refusal occurred at varying depths in borings SB-1 through SB-5. 2.6 I DW Investigation -derived wastes (IDW) were containerized and temporarily stored in labeled 55-gallon drums and left on a concrete pad on -Site pending characterization and off -Site disposal. The IDW consisted of soil cuttings, purge water, and decontamination water produced during Brown and CaldweWs Remedial Investigation activities. 2.4 Section 3 Summary of Remedial Investigation With the submittal of this RI Report, USI has completed the Rl requirements as articulated in the AA. The following provides a summary of the results of the Remedial Investigation: • The area in the vicinity of the Site is considered to be environmentally sensitive. No remedial Site activities are planned that would impact the Hunts Fork tributaries; • No further assessment is necessary as agreed to by NCDENR in correspondence dated April 14, 2003; • Prior soil remediation activities were sufficient in remedlating the reported impacts in the vadose- zone; • Soil lithology beneath the Site generally consists of silt and fine/medium sand. The measured depth to groundwater ranged between 8 and 15 feet below the top of casing. The horizontal groundwater flow is southerly at a gradient of approximately 0.21 ft/ft in the impacted area. Groundwater velocities average approximately 1.4 ft/day; • Nitrate concentrations in the surface water samples collected downgradient and downstream of the Site have been consistently below the NCDENR 2B standard; and • The remaining Site COC (Nitrate) was detected above its' 2L standard (10 mg /L) in welts MW-5 and MW-10 and the plume appears to be shrinking and is currently centered in the southern portion of the Site. The extent of nitrate in groundwater has been adequately defined and the investigation data is sufficient to move forward with groundwater remedial activities, as needed. 3-1 Section 4 Limitations This document was prepared solely for USI in accordance with professional standards at the time the services were performed and in accordance with the contract between USI and Brown and Caldwell dated February 15, 2011. This document is governed by the specific scope of work authorized by USI; it is not intended to be relied upon by any other party except for regulatory authorities contemplated by the scope of work. We have relied on information or instructions provided by USI and other parties and, unless otherwise expressly indicated, have made no independent investigation as to the validity, completeness, or accuracy of such information, This document sets forth the results of certain services performed by Brown and Caldwell with respect to the former Ingram Plywood Facility described therein {the Site}, USI recognizes and acknowledges that these services were designed and performed within various limitations, including budget and time constraints. These services were not designed or intended to determine the existence and nature of all possible environmental risks (which term shalt include the presence or suspected or potential presence of any hazardous waste or hazardous substance, as defined under any applicable law or regulation, or any other actual or potential environmental problems or liabilities) affecting the Site. The nature of environmental risks is such that no amount of additional inspection and testing could determine as a matter of certainty that all environmental risks affecting the Site had been identified. Accordingly, THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT PURPORT TO DESCRIBE ALL ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AFFECTING THE SITE. NOR WILL ANY ADDITIONAL TESTING OR INSPECTION RECOMMENDED OR OTHERWISE REFERRED TO IN THIS DOCUMENT NECESSARILY IDENTIFY ALL ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS AFFECTING THE SITE. Further, Brown and Caldwell makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this document, except for those, if any, contained in the agreement pursuant to which the document was prepared. All data, drawings, documents, or information contained this report have been prepared exclusively for the person or entity to whom it was addressed and may not be relied upon by any other person or entity without the prior written consent of Brown and Caldwell unless otherwise provided by the Agreement pursuant to which these services were provided. Brown Caldwell -1 LiSle Of c0:1Nents on 1fb5 sneer Is suolm'T lR 7 P - 4ftlrtaT Wn4 50C Ahea at ti 10 unO rl! I ht. 01.WL,ffl a nI J5f RI R#4 xir} Irrral.elirt4 References Bouwer, H. and R.C. Rice, 1976. A slug test method for determining hydraulic conductivity of unconfined aquifers with completely or partially penetrating wells, Water Resources Research, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 423-428. Bouwer, H., 1989. The Bouwer and Rice slug test --an update, Ground Water, voi. 27, no. 3, pp. 304-309. Brown and Caldwell 2010, Workplan to complete Phase !l Remedial Investigation. September 15, 2010. Dames and Moore 2000. Water -Well Abandonment. Letter to NCDENR dated April 14, 2000. ENSCI 1989. Environmental Audit. December 1989. Freeze and Cheery 1979. Groundwater. R. Allen Freeze and John A. Cherry. Prentice Hall, Inc. ITRC 2000. Emerging Technologies for Enhanced In Situ Siodenitrification (EISBD) of Nitrate - Contaminated Ground Water, Interstate Technology and Regulatory Cooperation (ITRC) Work Group, June 2000 NCDENR 20O7a. Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable, 15A NCAC 26.0200. May 1, 2007. NCDENR 2007b. Performance and Analysis of Aquifer Slug Tests and Pumping Tests Policy. Memorandum dated May 31, 2007. NCDENR 2008- Executed REC Administrative Agreement. Letter to USI dated March 11, 2008. NCDENR 2010a. NCDENR Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable, 15A NCAC 2L .0100, .0200, and .0300. January 1, 2010 NCDENR 2010b. REC Program implementation Guidance. NCDENR Guidance dated August 2010. URS 2003a. Corrective Action Plan for Nitrate Groundwater Contamination: and Petroleum Free Product. URS Group. Report dated March 2003. URS 2003b. Supplemental Sampling Report. URS Group. Report dated March 27, 2003. URS 2010. 2009 Annual Monitoring Report. URS Group. Report dated February 2010. USEPA 1996. Puls, R.W., and Barcelona, M.J., Low Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Groundwater Sampling Procedures, EPA Groundwater Issue, April 1996. USEPA 2007. Monitored Natural Attenuation of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water, Volume 2 - Assessment for Non -Radionuclides including Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Nitrate, Perchlorate, and Selenium. EPA Document # EPA/600/R-07/140 dated October 2007. USEPA 2009. Regional Screening Levels located at htto://www.eoa.gov/re h and/risk/humanlrb- n n r iQ0 ti5blg&agneric Igolgondpx.htm, updated December 2009. USGS 1987.7112-Minute Topographic Series, High Point West Quadrangle Map, United States Geotogical Survey, revised 1987. REF-1 I: Sc is L! i IJ✓I.ts.Jr, r;r,5 strae" �5 SliL 11'C11tl}hh Illmt 7t14n14tllY.r�li7�7 r1t'�i� rill, .r Ir�� .ill l� I+lii:•r �i LS} R1 iienrnt fiisafalom Remedial investigation Report Figures Figure 1. Site Location Map Figure 2. Site Map Figure 3. Groundwater Analytical Results for Nitrate, ❑ctober 2010 Figure 4. Groundwater Flow Direction, October 2010 Figure 5. Surface Water Analytical Results, October 2010 Figure 6. Geologic Cross -Section FIG-1 RViy VAX, �; '� Brown ANO Caldwell SITE BCUN17� MW-1A f FORMER WAREHOLISEI F PRINTING � BUILDING I MW-1 MW-2 r � ' SB-& MW�-1$ r �a+IZ OFFICE 6LM PMW-3 0 PP-1 0 PMW-5 39( PMW-6 All SOURCE: URS, SITE DIAGRAM, FIGURE 2 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION CROSS SECTION LINE A -A' MW-5 GROUNDWATER MONITOR WELL MW-12 0 ABANDONED WELL RW-3 RECOVERY WELL S6-2 * TEMPORARY WELL Figure 2 SITE MAP FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY 718 BASSETT DRIVE THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA BASSE SITE BOUNDARY , L i ji { FORMER j I WAREHOUSE/ L^ ~- � � PRINTING BUILp2NG , i I (Ns) 1 FORMER ' OFFICEBLDG ' I SOURCE: URS, SITE DIAGRAM, FIGURE 2 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION MW-6 + MONITORING WELL LOCATION WITH (40.8) NITRATE RESULTS IN MILLIGRAMS PER LITER (mglL) SB-5 * TEMPORARY WELL LOCATION WITH (016) NITRATE IN mg/L - - NITRATE CONTOUR 10 mglL Figure 3 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR NITRATE, OCTOBER 2010 FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY 718 BASSETT DRIVE THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Mw-5 * 879.78 BASSETT DRIVE SITE BOUNDARY i IFORMER MANUFACTUI FORMER 1 WAREHOUSE/ PRINTING $UILDING APPROXIMATE DIRECTION OF GROUNDWATER FLOW r FORMER RESIN EXCAVATION MW-19 1 _ 880.66 OFT-pue J - Mw-6 866-22 1 r r SOURCE; URS, SITE DIAGRAM, FIGURE 2 IVA 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION MW-5 * MONITORING WELL LOCATION 879.78 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL Figure 4 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION, OCTOBER 2010 FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY 718 BASSETT DRIVE THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA M morumn-vat i T6! t Braw nAND Caldwell LANNERTY I Mar 10, 2011 • 11:29AM I Dwgi FIGURE 6 Cx055 SEUTION revkltW I Layout E5.5rU (axis uwU) I Pam: Y:wn,jectsun9ram%14OM11CAo-ESEasoMap 0 25 50 SCALE IN FEET p� VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=25' i GROUNDWATER ON OCTOBER 262010ATION Z w Z ® SILT/CLAY O 905 ¢ w 905 FINEIMEDIUM SAND w> Z 900 2 < J 900 lj r 06 0) w 47 > 895 m w ul r 895 > w fIJ Ln F- O W -j 890 m' r 890 Uj 885 V? m 885 U) 2 875 ? 875 M w w > 870 870 p 865 865 w 860 880 w u w 855 855 850 850 Figure b CROSS SECTION A -A' FORMER IIVGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY CaldwelL 718 BASSETT DRIVE SOURCE: URS, SITE DIAGRAM, FIGURE 2 THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Remedial Investigation Report Tables Table 1. Summary of Agency Correspondence Regarding Environmentally Sensitive Areas Table 2. Summary of Temporary Well Sampling Results, October 2010 Table 3. Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results and Field Measurements, October 2010 Table 4. Summary of MNA Data, October 2010 Table 5. Summary of Surface Water Sample Results, October 2010 Table 6. Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Rising and Falling Slug Tests, October 2010 TAB-1 Agency 1 -Information NC Division of Harry LeGrand Parks and Recreation (919) 715 8697 Natural Heritage I h r .i r n n r. v Program Brian Strong NC Planning and (919) 7 15-87 11 Natural Resources 6rian.Stron ncdgnr.gov National Park Anita Barnett Service - Public (404) 507-5706 ext. 705 Affairs Office Ruth Berner (828) 257-4862 US Forest Service Rberner@FS. FED.US i NC Division of Melanie Wiliams Water Quality (919) 807-6447 NC Division of Chris Carlson Forest Resources (919) 857-4819 Pete Benjamin USFWS (919) 856-4520 ext. 11 Nk miaminafws.gov Sensitive Environment State Parks Areas Important to Maintenance of unique Natural Communities Sensitive Areas identified Under the National Estuary Program Designated State Natural Areas State Seashore, Lakeshore and River Recreational Areas Rare species (state and federal Threatened and Endangered) Sensitive Aquatic Habitat State Wild and Scenic Rivers National Seashore, Lakeshore, and River Recreational Areas National Parks or Monuments Federal Designated Wild and Scenic Rivers _ Designated and Proposed Federal Wilderness and Naturai Areas National Preserves and Forests Federal Land Designated for the Protection of Natural Ecosystems Action Requested Map via email Requested Map via email Left Message and sent email Requested Map via email State -Designated Areas for Protection or Maintenance of Send Map to Heather Patt Aquatic Life heather. patt®ncdenr.ggv_ State Preserves and Forests N/A Endangered Species Agency Response The Natural Heritage Program has no record of rare species, significant natural communities, significant natural heritage areas, or conservation/managed areas at the Site or within a mile of the project area. No sensitive Aquatic Habitats or State Wild and Scenic Rivers There are no sensitive environments at a adjacent to the Site that are of concern to the USDA Forest Service. DWQ determined that this area is considered environmentally sensitive. Any activity on this Site needs to eliminate sediment and nutrient runoff to the small tributaries that directly impact Hunts Fork and contribute to turbidity and chlorophyll levels in High Rock Lake. Verbally confirmed that the Site and adjacent areas do not have such resources. No federally listed species• Submitted map to regional office Section 7 is fulfilled. Nancy ColeWws.gov 1of2 Agency Contact Person and lnformatlon NDAA NC Department of Cultural Resources NC Division of Coastal Management NC Wildlife Resources Commission Sensitive Environment Matt Stout Marine Sanctuaries (301) 713-3125 ext. 273 Renee Gledhill -Early (919) 807-5579 National and Stale Historical Sites Ted Tyndall Areas Identified Under Coastal Protection Legislation (252) 808 2808 Coastal Barriers or Unties of Coastal Barrier Resources System David Cox (919) 528 9886 US Army Corps of Dorothy Harrington Engineers (919) 554-4884 ext. 28 National or State Wildlife Refuges Migratory Pathways and Feeding Areas Critical for Maintenance of Anadramous Fish Species within River Reaches or Areas in Lakes or Coastal Tidal Waters in which such Fish Spend Extended Periods of Time Spa wn i ng Areas Critical for the Maintenance of Fish/Shellfish Species within River, Lake or Coastal Tidal Waters Wetlands Action N/A Submitted map to enviEgn meEUl.rC,)&w@ncdcr.ggy N/A Email map to Shari.Bryant@ncwildlife.org Agency Response Did not call because the project area is not located in a coastal area _ Site work will have no effect on historic structures Did not call because the project area is not located in i coastal area The Site is not located within or near NCWRC game lands or any Significant Natural Heritage Areas. WRC is not aware of any migratory pathways or critical feeding areas for anadromous fish species within or near the Site. i The Hunts Fork watershed likely supports a Piedmont warmwater fishery. Maintaining forested riparian buffers and minimizing impacts €rpm stormwa ter runoff would help protect water quality and aquatic habitat within this watershed. Instead of calling USAGE, NWI maps USFWS National Inventory were reviewed for potential wetlands Maps do not show potential within and adjacent to project area. wetlands. 2of2 Well ID Sample Date Depth to Water (BTOC) Tap of Casing JOC) Elevation (feet) Table Water table Elevation (feet msl) 3. Summary Nitrate (mg/L) of Groundwater Thomasville, Nitrite (m91L) 1 North Carolina Total ltjeldahl Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/L) (mg/L) Field Measurements pH (pH Units) Specific Conductance (ms/cm) TemperatureConductivity C C) (mV) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1) Turbidity (NTU) ORP Formaldehyde (µg/L) MW-5 Dec-98 15.90 894M 878.93 0.87 -- - - - -- - - - - ND Nov-00 15.51 894.83 879.32 0.91 - - - - 340 17.50 526 1.69 1.1 N❑ Sep-04 13.91 894.83 880.92 1.60 <0.1 <0.5 <0.1 5.03 264 76.01 314 3.34 22.38 - - Dec-04 14.11 894.83 880.72 1.90 <0.1 0.18J <0.1 4.37 299 18.42 381 0.68 11.70 - - Dec-05 13.35 894.83 881.48 1.50 ND 3.90 0.11 4.56 0.434 19.11 354 1.79 91 - - Deo-06 13.81 894.83 881.02 1.10 tO.007 0.21 <0.003 4.97 0.374 17.56 319 7.75 5.1 - Dec-07 16.03 894.83 878.80 1.00 <0.10 <0.50 <0.10 4.94 198 19.37 0.42 7.66 15 - - Dec-08 - 894.83 - 0.96 - -- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jan-10 13.30 894.83 881.53 1.2 - <0.5 <0.10 4.73 0.46 17.16 366 1.43 0 - Oct-10 15.05 894.83 879.78 1.6 a0.10 <6.5 <0.10 6.56 417 20.09 -- 0.69 8 -19.5 - MW-6 1992 - - - 130 - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nov-97 - -- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 0.56 Dec98 11.30 877.31 866.01 59.0 - - - - - -- -- - - - 18.0 Nov-00 10.36 877.31 866.95 58.9 - - - - 633 15.30 573 2.15 0 - ND Sep-04 7.46 877.31 869.85 54.0 <0.1 11 20 4.35 512 17.42 344 6.38 10.02 - - Deo-04 12.93 877.31 868.28 52.0 0.0037J 9.70 21 5.15 794 15.00 294 0.80 93.20 - - Deo-05 5.26 877.31 872.05 60.0 0.12 23.00 17.00 3.99 0.747 15.11 404 0.00 122 - - Deo-06 6.48 877.31 870.83 42.0 r0.007 15.00 16 4.12 0.587 14.15 396 4.30 34.7 - - Deo-07 6.23 877.31 871.08 65.3 a0.10 9.9 <0.10 3.96 574 15.39 0.21 8.41 9 - - Deo-08 - 877.31 - 75.9 - - - -- _ - - - _ Jars-10 5.64 877.31 871.67 59.7 - 5.7 7.8 3.94 0.563 7.88 403 0.16 4.1 - - Oct-10 8.18 877.31 869.13 40.8 a1 5.5 9.0 7.14 440 17.64 - 0.75 7.9 0.2 - MW-10 1992 - - - 59.0 - - - - - - - - - - -- Nov-97 - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 0.28 Dec-98 17.96 881.21 863.25 59.0 -- - - - - - - - - - ND Nov-00 17.21 881.21 864.00 75.2 - - - 5.41 820 15.20 299 0.99 0 - ND Sep-04 14.30 881.21 866.91 100.0 a0.1 <0.5 1.3 5.02 917 21.15 235 6.93 118.0 - - Dec-04 12.93 881.21 868.28 55.0 0.0068J <0.5 0.82 5.15 794 15.00 294 0.80 93.2 - - Deo-05 12.82 881.21 868.40 73.0 ND 7.30 0.54 5.29 0.700 14.66 280 0.05 8 - - Deo-06 12.90 881.21 868.31 58.0 0.05 1.60 1.20 5.21 0.848 14.21 320 4.34 2.7 - - DeG07 14.04 881.21 867.17 49.7 a0.10 0.58 <0.10 5.35 505.00 1 15.50 0.156 6.31 9 - - Dec-08 -- 881.21 - 53.1 - - - - - - - - - - - Jan-10 11.75 881.21 869.46 58.7 - c0.5 0.84 5.26 0.542 10.51 328 0.21 9.8 - - Oct-10 14.99 881.21 866.22 69.8 <1 c0.5 1.1 7.55 578 16.78 -- 0.80 0.1 -53.6 - MW-19 Dec98 12.08 885.75 873.67 65.0 - - - -- - - - - - - 300 Nov-00 11.83 885.75 873.92 39.4 - -- - 6.17 760 15.60 240 1.19 7 - ND Sep-04 5.51 885.75 880.24 5.7 1 <0.1 6.6 1.4 5.34 111 19.61 150 2.70 43.97 -- - Deo-04 4.50 885.75 881.25 5.7 0.0061J 2.50 2.40 4.90 134 13.64 279 0.75 100.90 - Deo-05 3.83 885.75 881.82 30.0 0.13 14.00 5.00 5.39 0.408 13.72 258 0.11 64 Dec-06 4.85 885.75 880.90 7.3 c0.007 4.70 3.10 5.20 0.144 13.05 311 4.30 25.4 - - Dec-07 5.95 885.75 879.80 63.7 r0.10 4.7 <0.10 4.89 510 13.60 0.166 4.59 10 - - Dec-08 - 885.75- Jan-10 3.88 885.75 881.87 18.9 - 5.1 3.5 5.04 0.239 8.01 320 9.45 0.2 - - Oct-10 5.10 885.75 880.65 4.0 <0.10 1.8 0.88 7.44 118.000 19.03 1.10 42.5 -35.8 - 1oft Well I D Sample Date Depth to Water (BTOC) Top of Casing (TOC) Elevation (feet) Table Water table Elevation (feet msl) 3. Summary Nitrate (mg/L) of Groundwater Thomasville, Nitrite (mg/L) Analytical Results and North Carolina Total Itjeldahl Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/L) (mg/L) Field Measurements pH (pH Units) Specific Conductance jmS/cmj Temperature CC] Conductivity (mV) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/1) Turbidity (NTU) ORP -1 Formaldehyde (pg/L) ND - PMW-7 Dec-01 - - 12.4 - - - - - - - .- - Sep-04 8.79 - - 0.44 <0.1 0.6 0.3 5.24 281.4 28.90 163 7.79 38.96 - Dec-04 7.54 - - 4.6 0.009J 0.24J <0.1 4.63 298 16.71 283 - 39.00 - - Dec-05 8.68 - - 2.2 ND 8.2 0.11 4.70 0.365 17.18 318 0.00 28 - Dec-06 8.17 - - 0.44 <0.007 0.036 0.055 4.79 0.261 15.86 240 4.58 2.4 - - Dec-07 - - - ND -,0.10 0.53 <0.10 4.49 233 16.96 0.203 3.02 13 - - Dec-08 - - - ND - - - - - - - -- - - - Jan-10 6.20 - - 0.38 - 0.63 <0.10 4.48 0.215 14.50 308 0.96 12.1 - - Oct-10 10.26 - - <0.10 <0.10 0.75 <0.10 7.08 218 18.15 - 0.72 7.7 47.4 PMW-8 Deo-01 DRY - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - 5ep-04 11.14 - - 0.1 <0.1 a0.5 <0.1 5.76 185.7 22.38 200 3.96 11.44 - Dec-04 10.96 - - 0.3 0.018 0.2J <0.1 5.16 186 14.79 283 NA 98.10 -- - Dec-05 11.70 - - ND ND 9.8 0.12 5.61 0.212 16.57 280 0.00 43 - - Deo-06 10.21 - - 0.25 <0.007 0.18 <0.003 5.43 0.193 15.61 236 4.07 2.3 - - Dec-07 - - - ND c0.10 0.67 <0.10 4.77 83 17.15 0.178 2.00 16 - - Dec-08 - - - 0.14 - - - - -- - -- -- - - - Jan-10 9.53 - - 0.29 - t0.5 <0.10 5.28 0.235 14.70 177 0.29 0 - - 0ct-10 12.84 - - 0.31 <0.10 <0.50 a0.10 7.27 235 17.73 - 0.48 5 -38.9 - Data summarised from Corrective Action Plan prepared by URS Group dated March 2003. Notes: TOC = Tap of Casing BTOC = Below Top of Casing msl = mean sea level mg/L = milligrams per Liter m5/em - millisec per centimeter ' C = Degrees Centigrade mv- millivolts NTIJ = nephelometric turbidity tin µglL = micrograms per Liter ND- Not detected J - Estimated concentration <0A - less than the laboratory reporting limit - = No information available 2of2 Sample Name Sample Date Nitrate Alkalinity Iron Orthophosphate Manganese Sulfate Chloride TOC Free Carbon Dioxide gas MW-5 Oct-10 1.6 <5 <0.005 <0.05 0.187 r5 109 1.9 150 MW-10 Oct-10 69.8 17.1 <0.005 <0.05 0.953 <5 4.7 3.6 130 MW-19 act-10 4.0 15.0 2.47 0.17 0.168 5.6 2.5 21.9 110 PMW-7 0ct-10 <0.1 17.1 0.377 1 <0.05 0.621 14.2 37.1 7.9 520 Notes: All results presented in milligrams per liter NA = Not Analyzed TOC = Total Organic Carbon Sample ID Table 5. Summary of Su rf ace Water Sa mple Re suits Former Ingram Plywood Site CarolinaThomasville, North Sample Date Nitrate Nitrite Total Kjeldahl (mg/L) (mg/L) Nitrogen (mg/L) Ammonia (mg/L) Upstream 2000 Sep-04 0.35 0.54 NA NA NA NA NA NA Dec-04 0.56 NA NA NA Dec-05 0.62 NA NA NA Dec-06 0.59 NA NA NA Dec-07 0.45 NA NA NA Dec-08 0.37 NA NA NA Jars-10 0.65 NA NA NA Oct 10 <0.10 <0.10 1.1 <0.10 Downgradient 2000 0.33 NA NA NA Sep-04 0.44 NA NA NA Dec04 0.44 NA NA IAA Dec-05 0.53 NA NA NA Dec-06 0.53 NA NA NA Dec-07 0.53 NA NA NA Dec-08 0.39 NA NA NA _ Jan-10 0.65 NA NA NA Oct-10 1.8 0.34 1.4 <0.10 Downstream Sep-04 0.45 NA NA NA Dec-04 0.45 NA NA NA Dec 05 0.49 NA NA NA Dec-06 0.46 NA NA NA Dec-07 0.4 NA NA NA Dec-08 0.39 NA NA NA Jan-10 0.62 NA 40.5 <0.10 Oct-10 0.32 <0.10 1 0.62 <0.10 Historical data summarized from Corrective Action Plan prepared by URS Group dated March 2003. Notes: mg/L = milligrams per Liter NA = Not Analyzed <0.1 = less than the laboratory reporting limit Results Results Results Results Results Average Well Name Test Type Test Type ,Average Results (ft/day) (cm/sec) (ft/day) (cm/sec) (ft/day) cm sec MW-6 FallingHead 1.3 0.000457 RIsing Head 0.921 0.000325 1.11 0.000391 MW-10 Falling Head 1.57 0.000553 Rising Head 1 2.14 1 0.000754 1.88 1 0.000654 MW-19 Falling Head 1.67 0.000587 Rising Head 1 1.27 1 0.000447 1.47 1 0.000517 Notes: ft/day = feet per day cm/sec - centimeter per second 1 Remedial Investigation Report Appendix A: Lab Data F r Pace Analytical Se Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc, PaceAnalXical 2225 Riverside Or 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 nwr+paDmb2r com Asneville. NC 28804 IiuntersvlHe, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 {704)875-9092 November 10, 2010 Mr. Reinhard Ruhmke Brown & Caldwell 5410 Trinity Rd Suite 320 Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Dear Mr. Ruhmke: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on October 27, 2010. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current NELAC standards, where applicable, unless otherwise narrated in the body of the report. Analyses were performed at the Pace Analytical Services location indicated on the sample analyte page for analysis unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kevin Godwin kevi n. godwi n @ pa celabs . co m Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report snail not he reproduced. except in full, without the written consee�n``a�t of PP�ace�e+'A`;nalyticaI Services, Inc.. Page 1 of 28 PaceAnalytical wmie pacelabs. com Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Asheville Certification lds 2225 Riverside ❑r., Asheville, NC 28804 Connecticut Certification #: PH-0106 Florida)NELAP Certification #: E87648 Massachusetts Certification M. M-NC030 New Jersey Certification #: NC011 North Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 9 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification M 37712 Pace Analytical Sr i, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254.717$ CERTIFICATIONS North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68.03578 South Carolina Bioassay Certification #: 99030002 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 Virginia Certification #: 00072 West Virginia Certification #: 356 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS TNs report shall not he reproduced, except in full. Without the written con stint of Pace Ana lytl cal Services, Inc.. It Pace Analytical Sorvlces, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersviile, NC 28078 {704}8TS-9092 Page 2 of 28 a Pace Analytical 8ai Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceanalytrcal 2225 Riverside Dr. 9800 Klncey Ave. Suite 100 vx+vpscels�s.cnm Asheville. NC 288f)4 Huntersvllle. NC 28076 (828)254.7176 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Lab la Sample IQ Method 9280693001 MW•5 EPA6010 92BO693002 MW-10 32BD693003 MW-19 9280693004 PMW-7 9280693005 MW-6 9280693006 PMW•8 SM 23208 EPA 300.0 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 365.1 SM 53108 EPA 6010 SM 232013 EPA 300.0 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 365.1 SM 5310E EPA 6010 SM 23208 EPA 300.0 EPA 350A EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 365.1 SM 5310B EPA 6010 SM 2320B EPA 300.0 EPA 350-1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 365.1 SM 53106 EPA 350A EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analyticel Services, Inc.. Analysts SHB DMN EWS EWS JDA DMN DMN RAB SHB DMN EWS EWS JDA DMN DMN RAB SHB DMN EWS EWS JDA ❑MN DMN RAB SHB DMN EWS EWS JOA DMN DMN RAB EWS JDA ❑MN EWS JDA Analytes Reported Laboratory 2 PASI-A 1 PASI•A 2 PASI-A 1 PASi-A 1 PASi-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASi-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI•A 1 PAS! -A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI•A 1 PASI•A 2 PASi•A 1 PASi-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASi-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASi-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 2 PASI-A 1 PASI-A 1 PASI-A Page 3 of 28 PaceAnalAcal 4 x•�r�.�a�eh�as.Cr_.` Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Lab ID Sample ID 9280693007 DUP 9280693008 DOWNSTREAM 9280693009 DOWNGRADIENT 9200693010 UPSTREAM 92BO693011 SB2 9280693012 S135 9280693013 SB4 Pace Analytical S it, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, INC 28804 (828)254-7176 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Method EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 E PA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 350.1 EPA 351.2 EPA 353.2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSES This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written ccnsent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analyticat ServIcae, Inc. 9500 Kincey Ave Suite 100 Huntersvllle, NC 28078 (704)875.9092 Analytes Analysts Reported Laboratory DMN 2 PASI-A EWS 1 PASI-A JDA 1 PAS! -A OMN 2 PASI-A EWS 1 PASI-A JDA 1 PASI-A DMN 2 PASI-A EWS 1 PAS[ -A JDA 1 PASI-A DMN 2 PASk-A EWS 1 PASI-A JDA 1 PASI-A DMN 2 PASI-A EWS 1 PASI-A JDA 1 PASI-A ❑MN 2 PASI-A EWS 1 PASI-A JDA 1 PASI-A DMN 2 PASI-A EWS 1 PASI-A JDA 1 PASI-A DMN 2 PASI-A Page 4 of 28 a Pace Analytical go Inc. Pace Analytical Serylcaa, Inc. 1�7 aceAnalytical 2223 Riversiae fir. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 w.vwpa'8'aas :Cm Asheville, NC 28904 Huntersville, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAIN PLYWOOO Pace Project No.: 92BO693 Sample: MW-5 Lab Ifl: 9280693001 Collected: 10/26/10 11:00 Received 10/27/10 08 20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Oual 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 Iron NO ug/L 50.0 1 11/02/1017:50 11/03/1016:48 7439-89-6 Manganese 187 ug/L 5.0 1 11/02/1017:50 11103/1016:48 7439-96-5 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 NO mg1L 5.0 1 11/03/10 20:45 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Chloride 109 mg/L 10.0 10 11/09/10 17:51 16887-00-6 M6 Sulfate NO mg1L 5.0 1 11/08/10 21:04 14808-79-8 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia NO mgJL 0.10 1 11/02/10 15:58 7664-41-7 351.2 Total KJeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 3511 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total NO mg1L 0.50 1 11/01/10 14:48 7727-37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA353.2 litrogen, Nitrate 1.6 rng/L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:42 itrogen, Nitrite NO rng/L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00A2 365.1 Orthophosphate as P Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Orthophosphate as P NO mglL 0.050 1 10/27/10 23:23 5310E TOC Analytical Method: SM 53106 Total Organic Carbon 1.9 mg1L 1.0 1 11105/10 18:55 7440-44•0 ate: 11/10/2010 04.43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pacee� AnalyticaI Services, Inc.. Page 5 of 28 Pace Analytical S. s, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceAnalyfrcal 2225 Riverside Dr. 9800 Kincey Ave. suite 100 wwwpacefabs.corn Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersville, NC 28078 (626)254-7176 [704]875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: MW10 Lab ID: 9280693002 Collected: 10126/1014:30 Received: 1012711008:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No, Qual 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 iron ND uglL 50.0 1 1110211017.50 11/03/10 16:52 7439-89-6 Manganese 953 uglL 5.0 1 11/02/10 17 50 11/03/10 16:52 7439-96-5 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 23208 Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 17.1 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/10 20:45 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 Chloride 4.7 mglL 1.0 1 11/08/10 22:15 16887-00-6 Sulfate ND mg1L 5.0 1 11/08/10 22:15 14808-T9-8 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia 1.1 mg/L 0,10 1 11/02/10 15:59 7664-41-7 351.2 Total Kjeldahi Nitrogen Analyticai Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kleldahl. Total ND mg/L 0,50 1 11/01/10 14:49 7727-37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 69.8 mg/L 1.0 10 10128110 01:12 Nitrogen, Nitrite N❑ mg/L 1.0 10 10/28/10 01:12 365.1 Orthophosphate as P Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Orthophosphate as P ND mg/L 0.050 1 10127/10 23:23 5310B TOG Analytical Method: SM 53108 Total Organic Carbon 3.6 mg/L 1.0 1 11/05/10 19.20 7440-44-0 Date: 11/10/2010 04.43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. M1 � Page 6 of 28 xK rr PkeAnalyticaI F RV.'& 00CVaDs.00"' Pace Analytical Se , Inc. 2225 kwo(side Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave Swte 100 Huntersvilie, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: MW-19 Lair ID: 9280693003 Collected: 10/26/10 15:30 Received: 10/27/10 08:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6010 MET ICP Iron Manganese 2320B Alkalinity Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 300.0 IC Anions 28 Days Chloride Sulfate 350.1 Ammonia Nitrogen, Ammonia 351.2 Total Kjeldaht Nitrogen Nitrogen, Kjeldahi, Total 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres 'litrogen, Nitrate litrogen, Nitrite 365.1 Orthophosphate as P Orthophosphate as P 53108 TOG Total Organic Carbon Analytical Method EPA 6010 Preparation Method EPA 3010 2470 ug1L 50.0 1 11/02/10 17:50 11/03/10 16:55 7439-89-6 168 ug1L 5.0 1 11/02/10 17:50 11/03/10 16:55 7439-96-5 Analytical Method: SM 2320B 15.0 mg/L 5.0 1 11/03/10 20:45 Analytical Method: EPA 300.0 2.5 mg/L 1.0 1 11/08/10 22 38 16887-00-6 5.6 mg1L 5.0 1 11/08/10 22:38 14808-79-8 Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 0.88 mg1L 0.10 1 11/02/10 16:00 7664-41-7 Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 1.8 mglL 0.50 1 11/01/10 14:50 7727-37-9 Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 4.0 mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:59 NO mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/1000:59 Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 0.17 mg1L 0.050 1 10/27/10 23:23 Analytical Method: SM 53108 21.9 mg1L 1.0 1 11105/10 19748 7440-44-0 ate: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in fuil, without the written cansenI of Paco AriaiytiCal Services, Inc.. Page 7 of 28 a= ;i , Pace Analytical 5 s, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Race A nalytical 2225 Riverside Dr. 91500 K,ncey Ave. Suite 100 wANpar:ahS.Ccr- Asheville. NC 28804 Huntersville, INC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: PMW-7 LabID: 9280693004 Coliected: 1012611013:30 Received: 10127/1008:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Lirnit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No- Lival 6010 MET IC I ron Manganese 2320B Alkalinity Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 300.0 tC Anions 2H Days Chloride Sulfate 350.1 Ammonia Nitrogen, Ammonia 351.2 Total Kiel daht Nitrogen Nitrogen, Kleldahl, Total 353.2 Nitrogen, NO2fNO3 unpres Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite 365.1 Orthophosphate as P Orthophosphate as P 5310B TOC Total Organic Carbon Date: 11/1012010 04.43 PM Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3010 377 ugfL 50-0 1 11/02/10 17:50 11/03/10 16:59 7439-89-6 621 ug1L 5-0 1 11/02/10 17750 11/03/10 16:59 7439-96-5 Analytical Method: SM 2320B 17.1 mg1L 5.0 1 11/03/10 20.45 Analytical Mathod: EPA 300-0 37A mg/L 5.0 5 11/09/10 15:03 16887-00-6 14.2 mglt 5-0 1 i1108110 23:49 14808-79-8 Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 N❑ mglL 0-10 1 1110211016:01 7664-41-7 Analyticat Method: EPA 351.2 0.75 mglL 0.50 1 11/01/10 14:51 7727-37-9 Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 N❑ mglL 0.10 1 10/28/1000:53 N❑ mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:53 Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 ND mg/L 0.050 1 10/27/10 23:23 Analytical Method: SM 531013 7.9 mg1L 1.0 1 11/08/10 11:51 744044-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS ThIs report shall not W reproduced, except in full, without the wri[ten consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. c Page 8 of 28 Pace Analytical Ser Inc, Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Pace,Analytrcal 2225 R-verside ❑r. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 nxw ::p^ 7ss crr. Asheville. NC 28804 Huntersvlile, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project. FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: MW-6 Lab ID. 9280693005 Collected: 10/26/10 15.00 Received: 10/27/10 08:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia 9.0 mg1L 0.10 1 11/02/10 16:02 7664-41-7 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 3512 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 5.5 mglL 0.50 1 11/01/10 14:52 7727-37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 40.8 mglL 1.0 10 10/28/10 01.14 Nitrogen. Nitrite ND mglL 1.0 10 10/28/10 01.14 Ice: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall nol be reproduced, except in full, without the written consenntooff PPaceeiAnalytical Services, Inc. y. 1 eh&t. Page 9 of 28 ; Pace Artalytical 5 s, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Ina. PlaceAnalyfical 2225 Riverside Or 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 www.pwbs.ecm Asheville, NC 28804 Htintersville, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 [704]875.9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No. 9280693 Sample: PIVIW-8 Lah ID: 9280693006 Collected: 10/26/10 13:00 Received: 10127110 08:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit ❑F Prepared Analyzed CAS No, Qual 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia ND mglL 0,10 1 11102/10 16:03 7664-41-7 351.2 'total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Totak ND mglL 0,50 1 11/01/10 14.53 7727.37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 0.31 "IL 0.10 1 10/28/10 00-48 Nitrogen, Nitrite ND mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:48 Date: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shell nat be reproduced, except in full. without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. r14 Page 10 of 28 Pace Analytical Sei Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc, > aceAnaly lca� a 2225 Rirnrbrue Dr. 9800 K ncey Ave. Suite 100 www,pacelabs.com Asheville. NC 28804 Huotersvrile, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: DUP Lab ID: 9280693007 Collected: 10/26/10 11:00 Received: 10/27110 08:20 Matrix. Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. dual 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia ND mg1L 0.10 1 11102/1016:05 7664.41-7 M1 351.2 Total Kjeldafil Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 11/01/10 14:55 7727.37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 1.5 mgIL 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:44 Nitrogen, Nitrite N❑ mg1L 0,10 1 1012811000:44 ate: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the Written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. rid Page 11 of 28 /! J f x Pace Analytical St i, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. PiL'eARa+jjrlL'aI 2225 Rivars de Or. 9800 Kin coy Ave. Suite 100 I i www.pacelets.cam Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersville, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 (704)875.9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: DOWNSTREAM Lab ID: 9280693008 Collected: 10126/1012:00 Received: 1012711008:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No, 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia NO mglL 0.10 1 11/02/10 16:09 7664-41-7 351.2 Total 1(jeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 3512 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 0.62 mglL 0.50 1 11/01/10 14.56 7727-37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 0.32 mg/L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:46 Nitrogen, Nitrite NO mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:46 Date: 11110/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced. except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical SerVIC85, Inc.. y[ Dual Page 12 of 28 a Pace Analytical Sei Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. i AceAnalyfrcal 2225 Riverside Dr. 9800 Kin coy Ave. Suite 100 nuw.p�:rr,7es xr Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersville, INC 28078 [828]254.7176 [704j875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER iNGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: DOWNGRADIENT LablD; 9280693009 Collected: 10126/1010:55 Received. 1012711008:20 Matrix. Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qua] 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 11/02/10 16:11 7664-41-7 M1 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl. Total 1.4 mg1L 0.50 1 11/01110 14:59 7727-37-9 353.2 Nitrogen, NO2fNO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 1.8 mg1L 0.10 1 1012811000Al Nitrogen, Nitrite 0.34 mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/1000:41 W 11/10/2010 04A3 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. without the written consent of PPace+Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 13 of 28 s Pace Analytical S- c, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceAnalytical 2225 Riverside Dr. 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 wwwpeaerstrscam Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersvilie, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-$092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: UPSTREAM Lab ID- 9280693010 Collected: 10/28/10 11:20 Received: 10/27/10 08.20 Matrix: Water Parameters 350.1 Ammonia Nitrogen, Ammonia 351.2 Total Kjeidahl Nitrogen Nitrogen, Kjeidaht, Total 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Nitrogen, Nitrate Nitrogen, Nitrite ISnCAi V11141lrii0Ir1fCK1;RrJ Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed GAS No. Dual Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 ND mgIL 0.10 1 1110211016:12 7884-41-7 Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 1.1 mg/L 0.50 1 11101/1015:00 7727-37-9 Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 ND mg/L ND rmg1L 0.10 1 0.10 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. 10/28/10 00.45 10128/10 00:45 Page 14 of 28 Pace Analytical Be, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. -PaceAnaVical 2225 Riverside Dr 9800 KinceyAve. SLllte 100 vu v.parn!atrs ro- Asheville, NC 28804 HunlersVille, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Sample: SB2 Lab ID: 9280693011 Collected: 10/26/10 14:50 Received: 10/27/10 08:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Unils Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia 0.23 mg1L 0,10 1 11/02/10 16:14 7664.41-7 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 0.91 mg1L 0,50 1 11101110 15:01 7727.37.9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 14.3 mg1L 0.10 1 1012811000:57 Nitrogen, Nitrite 0.16 mg/L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00:57 }te: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Paoo AnalyticaI Services, Inc.. Page 15 of 28 aceAnalytical www.p6ceiabs.cam Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Pace Analytical Se t, Inc. 2225 Riverside Or. Asheville. NC 28804 (828)254-7176 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical SorvIces, Inc. 9800 KIncey Ave. Sulle 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875.9092 Sample: SB5 Lab ID: 9280693012 Collected: 10/26/10 13:35 Received: 10/27/10 08:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit pF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qua] 350.1 Ammonia Analyticai Method. EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia 6.0 mg/L 0.10 1 1110211016:16 766441-7 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total 11A mg/L 0.50 1 11/01110 15:03 7727-37.9 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 3.5 mg/L 0.10 1 1012811000:54 Nitrogen, Nitrite 0.12 mg/L DA0 1 1o12811000:54 Data: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This reparl shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written Consent of Pace AAnaMical Services. Inc.. 4 1-1, Page 16 of 28 e Pace Analytical So Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. a1!'ceAnalytica! 2225 Riverside ❑r. 9800 KinceyAve. Suite 100 - WWWPaM;&b&WM Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersvlile, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Paco Project No.: 9280693 Sample: S84 Lab ID: 9280693013 Collected: 10/26/10 12.00 Received: 10/27/10 08:20 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 Nitrogen, Ammonia 0.76 rq/L 0.10 1 11/02/10 16:46 7664-41.7 351.2 Total KJeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen. Kjeldahi, Total 4A mglL 0.50 1 11/08/10 12:03 7727-37-9 M1 353.2 Nitrogen, N021NO3 unpres Analytical Method: EPA 363.2 Nitrogen, Nitrate 25.3 mg1L 0,10 1 1012811000.47 Nitrogen, Nitrite 1.0 mg1L 0.10 1 10/28/10 00.47 Re. 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 17 of 28 This report shall not W reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc ace Analytical' xwiv.pacels85.rcm Pace Analytical 5 s, Inc. 2225 Riverside Or. Asheville, INC 28804 (828)254-7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 QC Batch: MPRP)7351 Analysis Method: EPA 6010 OG Batch Method: EPA3010 Analysis Description: 6010 MET Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003. 9280693004 METHOD BLANK: 521626 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Iron uglL ND 50.0 11/0311015,39 Manganese ug/L ND 5.0 11/0311015:39 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NG 28078 (704)875.9092 LABORATORY CONTROL. SAMPLE: 521627 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Iron ug(L 5000 4900 98 80-120 Manganese ug/L 500 496 99 80.120 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 521628 9280558001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Iron ug/L 2940 5000 7840 98 75-125 Manganese ug/L 899 500 1360 92 75-125 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 521629 Parameter Iron Manganese Date: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM 9280558002 Dup Units Result Result ug/L 4280 4260 ug/L 329 327 RPD Qualifiers 1 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written can sent of Pace Anal ylica1 Services, Inc.. 40 Page 18 of 28 m Pace Analytical Se , Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceAnalytical 2225 Riverside 6r 9800 Kinsey Ave Suite 100 wwwpamlabsxorn Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersviile, NC 28078 (828)254-7176 (704)875-9092 DUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 QC Batch: WET114325 Analysis Method: SM 2320B OC Batch Method: SM 23208 Analysis Description. 2320B Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 METHOD BLANK: 522380 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 mg1L ND 5.0 11/03/10 20:45 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 522381 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 mg1L 50 52.9 106 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 522382 9280442002 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 mg/L 170000 ug/L 170 0 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 522383 9280442003 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 mg/L 312000 uglL 313 0 ate: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 19 of 28 This re part shah not he reproduced, except in full, without the written con sentt of Pace rAnalyticaI Services, Inc aceArralytical www.pamlabacom Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No,: 9280693 Pace Analytical S a, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA QC Batch: WETA18542 Analysis Method: EPA 300.0 QC Batch Method: EPA 300.0 Analysis Description: 300.0 IC Anions Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003. 9280693004 Pace Analytical Servicas, Inc. 9800 KlnceyAve. Suite 100 Huntersvilie, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 METHOD BLANK: 524325 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Chloride mg1L NO 1.0 11/08/10 19:06 Sulfate mg1L NO 5.0 11108/1019:06 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 524326 Spike LCS LCS °% Rec Parameter Units Cone. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Chloride mg/L 10 9.6 96 90-110 Sulfate mgtL 30 30.5 1D2 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 524327 9280946003 Spike MS MS °% Rec Parameter Units Result Cone. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Chloride mg/L 174 10 168 -62 90-110 M6 Sulfate rr4L 102 30 139 123 90-110 M1 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 524329 9280693001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Cone. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Chloride mg1L 109 10 112 31 90-110 M6 Sulfate mg1L NO 30 31.6 94 90410 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 524328 9280946003 pup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Chloride mg/L 174 164 6 Sulfate mg/L 102 127 22 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 524330 9280693001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Chloride mgJL 109 106 2 Sulfate mg1L NO ND Date: 1111012010 134:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 20 of 28 % A Pace Analytical 5e . Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. > WeAnalytiml 2225 Riverside Or. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 ww.v.pareists.cam Asheville. NC 28804 Huntersville, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 R704y675.9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: FORMER 1NGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 OC Batch: WETA18492 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 Analysis Description: 350.1 Ammonia Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004, 9280693005. 9280693006 METHOD BLANK: 521189 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9260693002, 9280693043, 9280693004, 9280fi93005, 9280693006 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/L N❑ 0.10 11102/10 15:36 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 521190 Spike LCS LCS % Rac Parameter Units Canc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL 5 4.8 96 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 521191 9280393002 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/L 15.2 5 23.8 173 90-110 M1 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 521193 9279951007 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/L 1.6 5 7.4 114 90-110 M1 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 521192 9279951006 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mg1L 0.11 0.11 2 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 521194 9279951008 ❑up Parameter Units Result Result RP❑ Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mg/L ND ND ite: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 21 of 28 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc s Pace Analytical Sr ;, Inc. Pace Analytica. l Services, Ine • PaceAf 7n aVical 2225 Riverside Dr. 9500 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 www.pacelabS.com Asheville, NC 28804 Huntersville, NC 28078 (828)254.7176 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Prolecl: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 QC Batch: WETA18493 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 Analysis Description: 350.1 Ammonia Associated Lab Samples: 9280693007, 9280693008, 9280693009. 9280693010. 9280693011, 9280693012, 9280693013 METHOD BLANK: 521198 Matrix Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693007, 9280693008, 9280693009, 9280693010, 9280693011, 9260693012, 9280693013 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL ND 0.10 11102110 16:03 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 521199 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL 5 5.0 100 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 521200 9280693007 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL NO 5 5.0 115 90-110 M1 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 521202 9280693009 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL NO 5 5.9 117 94-110 M1 SAMPLE {DUPLICATE: 521201 9280693008 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RP❑ Qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL NO NO SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 521203 9280693010 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD qualifiers Nitrogen, Ammonia mglL NO N❑ ❑ate: 11110/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Ana lylicai Services, Inc.. Page 22 of 28 /7 aceAnalAcal ; www.pacelabs.oar Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No,: 9280693 Pace Analytical Se . Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Hunteraville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QC Batch: WETAI8481 Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004, 9280693005, 9280693006, 9280693007, 9280693008, 9280693009,9280693010,9280693011,9280693012 METHOD BLANK: 520667 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004, 9280693005, 9280693006. 9280693007. 9280693008, 9280693009,9280693010,9280693011,9280693012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/L NO 0.50 11/01/10 14:39 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE. 520668 Spike LCS LCs % Rao Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/L 10 9.1 91 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 520669 9280997008 Spike MS MS % Rea Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rea Limits Qualifiers litrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg1L 16A 10 28.1 117 90-110 Mi MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 520671 9280693DN Spike MS MS % Rea Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rea Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mglL NO 10 9.4 90 90-1110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 520670 9280997009 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/L 27-9 27-8 0 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 520672 9280693007 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg1L ND NO rtw 11/1012010 04.43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 23 of 28 This report shall not he reproduced, except in full, wlthout the written eon sent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc a. fr PaceAnalAcal wxw paCShF,'v.7 C0.7: Pace Analytical Se Inc. 2225 Riverside ❑r. Asheville, NC 28804 (628y254.7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 QC Batch: WETA18521 Analysis Method' EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples. 9280693013 METHOD BLANK: 523525 Associated Lab Samples: 9280693013 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg1L LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 523526 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mglL MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 523527 Parameter Units Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/L Matrix: Water Blank Reporting Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers NO 0.50 11/08/10 12:02 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 0800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huniersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 10 9.5 95 90-110 9280693013 Spike MS MS Ic Rec Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 4.4 10 13.0 86 90-110 M1 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 523529 9280627003 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg/L ND 10 10.1 101 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 523528 9280583001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total mg1L 2.3 2.1 6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 523530 Parameter Nitrogen, Kjeldahl, Total Date: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM 9280978001 Dup Units Result Result mglL 337 335 RP❑ Qualifiers 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This rep on shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the wriIlei) consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. c c,p Page 24 of 28 s aceAnalj4ical W*W.aacefe 3.com Project FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 Pace Analytical Se Inc. 2225 Riverside Or. Asheville, NC 28804 f8281254.7176 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kinsey Ave. Suite 100 Hunterswlle, NC 28078 (704)875.9092 QC Batch: WETA18460 Analysis Method: EPA 3512 QC Batch Method' EPA 353.2 Analysis Description: 353.2 Nitrate + Nitrite, Unpres. Associated Lab Samples: 92N693001. 9280693002. 9280693003. 9280693004. 9280693005. 9280693006, 9280693007, 9280693006. 9280693009,9280693010.9260693011,9260693012,9280693013 METHOD BLANK: 518986 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001. 9280693002. 9260693003. 9280693004. 9280693005. 9280693006, 9280693007. 9280693008. 9280693009,9280693010,9280693011,9280693012,9280693013 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate m91L ND 0.10 101281100023 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg1L NO 0.10 1012SM000:23 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 518987 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate rn91L 5 5.4 108 90-110 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg1L 1 1.0 104 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 518988 9280793003 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate mglL 9.0 5 14.1 102 90-110 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg1L 0.39 1 1-3 93 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 518990 9280793001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate mglL 8.1 5 15.3 143 90-110 M1 Nitrogen, Nitrite mglL DA0 1 1.4 100 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 518989 9280793003 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate mg/L 9.0 9.3 3 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg1L 0.39 0.37 6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 518991 9280793001 Dup Parameter units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Nitrogen, Nitrate mg/L 8.1 8.5 5 Nitrogen, Nitrite mg/L 0.40 0.40 1 rte: 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 25 of 28 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Facee+AnalyticaI Services, Inc y 1 1�CiL• Pace Analytical S, 1, Inc. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. PaceAnalytical a 2225 Riverside Or 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 wwwpace:C.Ds cc. Asheville. NC 28804 Huntersvills, NC 28078 (828)254.7178 [704y875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project. FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 ❑C Batch'. WETAI8459 Analysis Method: EPA 365.1 QC Batch Method: EPA365A Analysis Description. 365.1 Orthophosphate as P Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 METHOD BLANK518974 Matrix: Water Associated Lap Samples' 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 Blank Reporting Parameter units result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Orthophosphate as P mg/L NO 0.050 10f27110 23:23 , LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 518975 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conic. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Orthophosphate as P mg1L .5 0.52 103 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 518976 9280693001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Orthophosphate as P mg1L NO .5 0.54 98 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 5115977 9280693001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Orthophosphate as P mg/L NO NO [oFiZAi�ili[�1F��7i[�I►L� K�1�►,t REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This re part shall not he reproduced, except in full, w0aut fhe writlen consent of pace Analytical Services, Inc.. cv,. F e Page 26 of 28 r' Pace Analytical Se Inc. lsaceAnalytrca2225 Riverside Or. www.Aacefabs.cn+r+ Asheville, NC 28804 {828y254.7178 DUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.: 9280693 QC Batch? WETA18518 Analysis Method: SM 5310B QC Batch Method: SM 5310B Analysis Description: 531 OB TOC Associated Lab Samples: 9260693001, 9280693002, 9280693003. 9280693004 METHOD BLANK: 523439 Matrix! Water Associated Lab Samples: 9280693001, 9280693002, 9280693003, 9280693004 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg1L N❑ 1.0 11/05/10 18:23 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 {704 }675-9092 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE; 523440 Spike LCS LCS % Roe Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg1L 25 24.2 97 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 523441 9280693001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L 1.9 25 27.9 104 75-125 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 523442 9280693002 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L 3.6 25 29.2 103 75-125 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 523443 Parameter Total Organic Carbon SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 523444 Parameter Total Organic Carbon 9280693003 Dup Units Result Result m91L 21.9 22.0 9280693004 ❑up Units Result Result mg1L 7.9 10.7 RPD Qualifiers 1 RP❑ Qualifiers 30 013 ste. 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Ins.. .cce.e Page 27 of 28 f' r PaceAnalyfrcal n wa.G 4. erpn S. CC M QUALIFIERS Project: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Pace Project No.-. 9280693 DEFINITIONS Pace Analytical Se , Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254.7176 Pace Analytical Services, tnt. 9800 Kincey Ave- Suite 100 Huntersvilie, NC 28078 {7D4}875.9092 OF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to changes In sample preparation, dilution of the sample aiiquot, or moisture content. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MOIL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. S - Surrogate 1,2-Dipheny1hydrazine (8270 listed analyte) decomposes to Azobenzene. Consistent with EPA guideI!nos, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and R P D values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(Q) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP • Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference INC - Not Calculable. U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. N-Nitrosodiphanylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is NELAP accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current iist of accredited analyles. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace AnatyticaI Services -Asheville ANALYTE QUALIFIERS ❑b The relative percent difference (RPD) between the sample and sample duplicate exceeded laboratory control limits. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. M6 Matrix spike and Matrix spike duplicate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. Date. 11/10/2010 04:43 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Page 28 of 28 This report small not be reproduced, except in full, without the wrlIts n consent of Pare Arralyt+cal Services, Inc.. Client Name: Pace Analyticai Services Contact: Kevin Godwin Address: 9800 Kincey Ave Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Lab Sample # Client Sample ID P101046"l MW-5 P101D465-02 MW-10 Pi D10465-03 MV+1.19 P1010465-D4 PM11V-7 Page: Lab Proj #: Report Date: Client Proj Name: Client Proj #: Pagel of 6 P1010465 11 /05/10 Former Ingram Plywood 9280693 Laboratory Results Total pages in data packager Microseeps test result meet a!I the requir menu of the tJ[ lAC standards or provide reasons andlor justi€icatIon if They do not. Approved 8y:Date: Project Manager: Heather Hauser The analytical results reported here are reliable and usable to the precision expressed in this report. As required by some regulating authorities, a fuli discussion of the uncertainty iri our analytical results can be obtained at our web site or through customer service. Unless otherwise specified, all results are reported on a wet weight basis. ;e Narrative: As a vaiued client we would appreciate your comments on our service. Please call customer service at (4 12) 82 6 - 5245 or email customerservice a@microseeps. com. 220 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 • Tct 412-826-5245 Fax 412-826-3433 w6site www.microseeps.com email info microseeps.com Client Name: Pace Analytical Services Contact: Kevin Godwin Address 9800 Kincey Ave suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Sample Descri tion MW-5 Page: Page 2 of 6 Lab Proj #: P1010465 Report Cate: 11/05/10 Client Proj Name: Former Ingram Plywood Client Proj #. 9280693 Matrix Lab Sample # Sampled DateMme Received Water P1010465-01 26 Oct. 10 11:00 28 Oct. 10 8:57 Analytetsj Flag Result PQL Units Method # Analysis Date By RiskAnalysis ., �.. N Carbon dioxide 150.00 5.00 mglL AM20GAX 11/4110 rw F' Data Qualifiers: 3 • estimated value, U - Non detect' R - Poor surrogate recovery, M - Recovery1RPD poor for MSIM SD, SAM /DUP, B - detected in blank, S - field sample as received did not meet NE LAC sample acceptance criteria, L - Subcontracted Lab used, N - WE LAC certified analysis PA02-00538 Client Name: Pace Anaiytical Services Page: Page 3 of 6 Contact: Kevin Godwin Lab Proj #: P1010465 Address: 9800 Kincey Ave Report Date: 11/05/10 Suite 100 Client Proj Name: Former Ingram Plywood Huntersville, NC 28078 Client Proj #: 9280693 Sample Description Matrix Lab Sample # Sampled Dateffime Received MW-10 Water P1010465-D2 26 Oct- 10 14:30 28 Oct. 14 8:57 Anaiyte(s} Ftau _. Result_ PQL Units Method # Analysis Date BY RiskAnatysis N Carbon dioxide 130.00 5.00 mg/L AM20GAX 11 i41; 0 rw ri." Data Qualifiers: ] - estimated value, U • Non detect, R - Poor surrogate recovery, M - Recowy/M poor for MSIMSD, SAMPIDUP, B - detected in blank, S - field sample as received did not me el ;TELAC sample aceeptance criteria, L - Subcontracted Lab used, N - NELAC certified analysis PA02-00538 Client Name Pace Analytical Services Contact: Kevin Godwin Address: 9800 Kincey Ave Suite 100 HUntersville, NC 28078 Sample Description MW-19 Page: Page 4 of 6 Lab Proj #: P1010465 Report Date: 11/05/10 Client Proj Name: Former Ingram Plywood Client Proj #: 9280693 Matrix Crab Sample # Sampled DatelTime Received Water P1010465-03 26 Oct. 10 15:30 28 Oct, 10 8:57 Analyte(s) _ , Flagg Result PQL Units Method # Analysis Date D RiskAnaiysis - - N Carbon dioxide 110.00 5.00 mgll_ AM20GAX 1114f10 rw Data Qualifiers: i - estimated vaiue, U - Nan detect, R - Poor surrogate recovery, M - Rcw-very/RPD poor for MSIMSiD, 5AMPIDUP, E • detected in blank, S - ficid sample as received did not meet NELAC sample acceptance criteria, L - Subcontracted Lab used, N • NELAC certiFcd analysis PA02-00538 Client Name: Pace Analytical Services Contact: Kevin Godwin Address: 9800 Kincey Ave Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Sample Description PMW-7 Page: Page 5 of 6 Lab Proj #: P1010465 ReportDate: 11/05110 Client Pro! Name: Former Ingram Plywood Client Proj #: 9280693 Matrix Lab Sample # Sampled DatelTima Received Water P1010465-04 26 Oct- 10 13:30 28 Oct. 10 8:57 Analyte(s) Flag Result POL Units Method # Analysis Date_ By Ris kAnalysis N Carbon dioxide 520.00 5.00 mg/L AM20GAX 1114110 rw Data Qualifters� 1 - estimated value, U - Non dctecr, R • Poor surrogate sewvery, M - Recovery/RPO pear for NIVIMSO, SAND/DUP. B • detected r in bian�, 5 -field samp?e as received did not meet NELAC sample acceptance criteria, I. • Subcontracted Lab used, N - NELAC certified analysis PA02-00538 Client Name: Pace Analytical Services Page: Page 6 of 6 Contact: Kevin Godwin Lab Proj #: P1010465 Address: 9800 Kincey Ave Report Date: 11/05/10 Suite 100 Client Proj game: Former Ingram Plywood Huntersville, NC 28078 Client Proj #: 9280693 Prep Method: In House Dissolved Gas Sample Preparation Analysis Method: Analysis of Dissolved Permanent Gases in Water M 101104003-MB Result TrpeSpikeConc_. RDL Carbon dioxide 5.00 m&'L 5.00 M101104003-LCS Result TrueSpikeConc. Carbon dioxide 12000 mglL 12930 M101104003-LCSD Result Trues ikeConc, Carbon dioxide 130.00 me!/L 129.30 °/aRecoverV Ctl LifTlits - NA %Recovery Cti Limits 93.00 80 - 120 %Recovery CU Limits RPD RPD CO Limits 101.00 80 - 120 8.00 0 - 20 Outlined Results indicate results outside of Control lirrtl€s ' Data Qualifiers: J - estimated value, U - Non detect, R . Poor surrogate rceovcrp, M - RecoverylR D poor for MS/MSD, SA,M/OUP, B - detected in blank, S . Cield sample as received did nol meet NELAC sample acceptance criteria, L - Subcontracted Lab used, N - NELAC certified analysis PA02-00538 Chain of Custody Workorder: 9280693 Workorder Name: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD P/,ow V(" 'K V ^4, Results Requested 11/8/2010 ac,Mnal Acal w#wpwalaftmm wN110 11115V01 n Kevin Godwin Pace Analytical Charlotte P.O. c-#Soho l 9800 Kincey Ave- Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 A,c ro 3ec-p Phone �704)875-9092 Email: kevin.godWin@pacela .com LAB USE ONLY I MW-5 1012612010 11:00 9280693001 Water p- 2 MAO 10126=1014:30 9280693002 Water 3 MW-19 10126/2010 15:30 9280693003 Water 4 PMW-7 10126R6101130 92801393004 Water 5 L Qdmmen s- Transfers Releped By DateMme Gcel y 09(,Mm. I Ik 15 Wednesday, October 27,2010 1:19:57 PM FMT-ALL-C-002rev.00 24NIarch2009 Page 1 of 1 PaceAnawical' CHAIN-OF-CUS'i %juY I Analytical Request Document The Chah-O-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT. All relevant fields must be completed accurately. Page: Section A Section B Section C Required Client lnfwa ''pion Required Project Information: Involce information: Company: Report To: Attention: O A �w Address: Copy To: F Company Name: kd8Lh t REGULATORY AGENCY G O Redress.ftg 73 f jC_ I NPOES f GROUNDWATER ` DRINKING WATER � UST I RCFL4 OTHER Email To: Purcr?ase Order No.: Pace Quolo /� �h� �n` PhoneFax: Project Name: VW iv r-e Prgtic Site Location ��Ya w� n,aH: STATE: Requested Due DatorrAT: Project Number: f }1! A L�UlV P�� k Z 'Z g Requested Analysis Filtered [Y/Hj !action D Matrix Cads 2 tsqulred�u�tlhfprrrt3twn ru.Trux r CQU - a COLLECTED Fresenrafives i drinking Water DW Water 'NT Waste Water W'N a ti m COMPOSRE START Cowosrrs EN0.'G(N6 F 0 w Z Product P SdUSohd SL - � 6 N Y SAMPLE !❑ a' °L ~ �~ AD C VVF [A-Z. 0.9 f.-] AirpB AR d w a w z ¢ F� o Sample IDS MUST BE UNIQUE Tissue TS O LAOtherS V DT X W AM w <N o = E onrE Tlu> N u c _= z r� M Ccm z z m 2 w 0 Q y w Pace Project Nv.l Lab I.O. 1 Rf t 11vow, OL I I I I I F 2k, _ 3 -- v {I i C J AAAA lL 41— `L LIII K-1 5 'Ml w w �,�, R K ►y[a w► 0, 191 AMA rA 7 10 V w- 1 ' 11 12 ADDfTVONAL COMMENTS RELINQUISHED BY I AFFILIATION HATE TIME ACCEPTED BY? AFFILIATION DATE TIME SAMPLE CdNpITIONS SAMPLER NAME AND SIGNATURE ORIGINAL v o a PRINT Name of SAMPLER: r, D } Y SIGNATURE of SAIAPLER: DATE IV�j 10 ~ ir (MMDlYY]� 1D N rn '*rVO LiR NOW By 11ONS9 ota rrnm you era accep4ng Pace's NET 30 day payment tw.ra ar d agreeing to We "rge3 CIA 5% P6r month for art¢ mvoicaS nv: paid .0MLn 30 days. F-ALL-0-020rev.07. 15-Mav-2On7 A;:�aceAnaVical - .ar mcdanx r:nm CHAIN -OE -CUSTODY 1 Analytical Request Document The Chain-0f-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT- AN relevant fields must be completed accurately. Page. Section A Section B Section C Required Client Infpmlabon: Required Project Infcrn-aFun. Invoice Intormatlon: Company: `iV gn Report To• j 1377035 K e. --r_Attention: r �y Address:. / Copy TO: Company Name ■ REGULATORY AGENCY Mx� �/ ►..+ ` TC ►u3 Address: L NPDES f GROUND WATER F- DRINKING WATER r�rC 115T ! RCP.A OTHER 6�_ Emai3 To: Purchase Order No-: Pace Quote f 'd Project Name ��y Phi Site Location j� �� rrlane � srA re: Requested Due DatertAT! A Project Number: Pace PMFMS: Requested Analysis Filtered (YIN) :action D Matrix Cedes c E x :equl-dLhent Irik nation MATRrx 1 CODE o 2pp COLLECTED Preservatives 3 Onnkirg Water DW r] z o Water WT � wedte water ww m CptIPDSirS srulr COMPOSITE EN0.YiRA6 U w 2 Product P W q¢ $oIVSrAd SL [�7 d +f } OL SAMPLE ID °iP@ w WP Q ► o (A-Z.0.91; 1 Aer AR p a C Q F- .e 53rn pie lDs MUST BE VNICiUE TissueTS D .T Other OT Other x p N D 0 M DO?) w a a. 0 0. g 0 p ui r 3 72 m N DATE OAT£ TIME Q m u c _ z S cim 2 z z m b a rt Pace Project No.1 Lab Lq, L{► - 2 {{1►;" 35 4 L I siv 4 -4;A 1 5 s — ny k 9 16 11 12 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS RELINQUISHED BY 1 AFFILIAMN DATE TIME ACCEPTED BY? AFFILIATION DATE TIME SAMPLE CONDITIONS At 11 ORIGINAL SAMPLER NAME AND SIGNATURE V C C o. .6 _ g U ? m PRINT Name of SAYIPLER: .Lr �� trir m FIr u U' E SIGNATURE of SAMPLER: DATE Signed {M1HIDDIYY}: -nnpoftan . ..; thn form you are eccepwo Pace% NET 3b day payment lemma and aproemQ to Tale cftargen qr 1.5% per moron for —: i--- no�p d hill ;tn Tys F-ALL-Q-0Ztkev-Uf. 1 May-2t1U■ rt '_.Pace.4nalyfical' Client Name. Project #_ 9a?-aG? 3 Where Received: Guntersville ❑ Asheville ❑ Eden Courier: ❑ Fed Ex ❑ UPS ❑ USPS Cfient ❑ Commercial ❑ Pace Other ❑ • tional Custody Seal on CoolertBox Present: ❑ yes n❑ Seals intact: ❑ yes ❑ no Pr0j. Due Date' Proj. Name: Packing Material: ❑ Bubble Wrap ubble Bags ❑ None ❑ Other Thermometer Used: IR Gun: T809 Type of Ice: Blue {None .0-S­amples on ice, cooling process has begun Temp Correction Factor: Add ! Subtract 0 C Biological Tissue Is Frozen: Yes Na Date and lnit'ais of perso examining Corrected Cooler Temp.: C og contents: Temp should be above freezing to 6°C Comments: chain of Custody Present: fires` ONO ONIA 1. Chain of Custody Filled out: �i% ONO ❑WA 2, Chain of Custody Relinquished: r2,rvs ONO ❑wA 3. Sampler Name & Si nature on COC: es ONc ❑NIA 4. Samples Arrived within Hold Time: es ONO ONIA 5. Short Hold Time Analysis (a72hr): No ❑wA 6. Rush Turn Around Time Requested: ❑Yes -&I ONIA 7. 3uffcient Volume: OYekATc ONIA & CA "-J-f` tp► ,3 r :orrect Containers Used: es ONO ❑wA 9. Y kZ'Ipkl,+- -Pace Containers Used: ❑No ONIA ;ontainers Intact: �ve�s Yes ❑No ❑ttlA 10. 'iltered volume received for Dissolved tests ❑Yes ONO 11. Sample Labels match COC: Oyes � ❑ruA 12. F-_C VD L f- ' ` -includes date/time/lD1Analysis Matrix: k!3 a f w k-tcA - 3 ►-� �4 �► A containers needing preservation have been checked. E�7-s ONO ❑wA 13. di containers needing preservation are Found to be in ' - Ye-s ❑Na ❑NIA ompliance with EPA recommendation. xcepliws: VOA. coliform• TOC, O&G, WI-DRO (water) ❑Yes ONo Inftial when completed ;amples checked for dechlorination: Yes 'ONO ❑NIA 14. ieadspace in VOA Vials { >6mm}: es ❑No ONIA 15. "rip Blank Present: ❑Yes ❑No NA 16, -rip Blank Custody Seals Present ❑Yes ONO ❑ 'ace Trip Blank Lot At (if purchased): :lient Notification) Resolution: Field Data Required? Y I N Person Contacted: Q,e; �, /� 4,�je a Date/Time: I 27 a CommenW Resolution: ¢ ; ; ti � �C �, " +�•.e s kG XURF Revie 1 ; Rate: d 7 p SRF Revii Iota: Whenever a is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a :ertification Office ( i.e out of hold, incorrect preservative• out of temp• incorrect containers) LL _ ){Sate' f V l27/IC t this Form veil be sent to the North Carolina OEHNR Ire F-CHR-CS-003-rev.01 ANALYTICAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. AES November 03, 2010 Kevin Godwin Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincev Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville NC 28078 TEL: (704) 875-9092 FAX: (704) 875-9091 RE. 9280693 Dear Kevin Godwin: Order No: 101 ON72 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc. received 1 samples on 10/28/2010 10:30:00 AM for the analyses presented in following report. No problems were encountered during the analyses. Additionally, all results for the associated Quality Control samples were within EPA and/or AES established limits. Any discrepancies associated with the analyses contained herein will be noted and submitted in the form of a project Case Narrative. AES' certifications are as follows: -NELAC/Florida Certification number E87582 for analysis of Environmental Water, soil/hazardous waste, and Drinking Water Microbiology, effective 07/01/10-06/30/1 I. -AIHA Certification ID #100671 for Industrial Hygiene samples (Organics, Inorganics), Environmental Lead (Paint, Soil, Dust Wipes, Air), and Environmental Microbiology (Fungal) effective until 09/01/11. These results relate only to the items tested. This report may only be reproduced in full. If you have any questions regarding these test results, please feel free to call. James Forrest Project Manager 37H5 FRIMIM tiir+{ VI.W0.AI ■ All +tii•+. Cii „leer:+ 30340 ■ Ti i : (770)457-ST77 • VAX(770)457-8188 Page i of 6 Chain of Custody w rQ 0 Workorder: 9280693 Workorder Name: FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD Results Requested 11/8/2010 aceAnalytical Report 1 Invoice To Subco-tract To Re uested Analysis Kevin Godwin Pace Analytical Charlotte P.Q. C 1¢ so yid $ _ 9800 Kirlcey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone (704)875-9092 Email: kevin.godwin@pacelabs.com V Preserved Containers U n Collect Hem Sarnple ID Date/Time Lab ID. Matrix !{ LAB USE ONLY 1 SE5-19 10/26/201013:45 9280693014 Solid 2 -- - 3 - 4 - - 5 - Comments Transfers Re4rsed tay Date/Time Received By DateMme ❑ /O � 10 1 �3 1 10 27 9zv 2 4 5 Wednesday, October 27. 2010 1:20:05 PM FMT-ALL-G002rev.00 24March2009 Page 1 of I Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 3-Nov-10 Client: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Client Sample 1D: S135.19 Project: 9280693 Collection Date: 10/26/2010 1:45;00 PM Lob 1D: 101ON72-001 Matrix: Solid Analyses Result Reporting Qual Units BatchlD Dilution Bate Analyzed Analyst Limit Factor Total Organic Carbon SW9060A Modified (SW9060 Modified) Total Organic Carbon (TOC) BRL 500 mg/Kg-dry 137460 1 11l02/2010 12:54 GR QuaUflen: Val ue exceeds mex im tart conlaminan llevel BU Below reporting limit If Ifolding limn for preporalwn or one lysis exceeded N Anaiyte uol NELAC ceriified B Analy to defected in the assvc is led mctfiud blank > Gmater Then Result value F Fstimaled [cmlue above quantllal ion range 5 Spike Recovery oalslde units due to motnx Nary See care Rarrolm NC Not con finned Less Ihan Reaull value Page 3 of 6 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc. Sampie/Cooler Receipt Checklist Client Work Order Number IVON 7z Checklist completed by (A-'L ' 101Z ft3 Signature Date Carrier name: FedFx UPS Courier Client US Mail Other Shipping container/cooler in good condition? Yes Na _ Not Present Custody seals intact on shipping containerlcooter? Yes _ No _ Not Present Custody seals intact on sample bottles? Yes No _ Not Present Containerrfernp Blank temperature in compliance? (4°C+2)* Yes _ No '5' 11" Cooler # 1 Cooler #2 Cooler #3 Cooler #4 Cooler# 5 Cooler ##6 Chain of custody present? Yes _ —,-' No Chain of custody signed when relinquished and received? Yes f No T Chain of custody agrees with sample labels? Yes s No _ Samples in proper containerlboltle? Yes / No Sample containers intact? Yes No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test? Yes No All samples received within holding time? Yes ! No Was TAT marked on the COC? Yes No Proceed with Standard TAT as per project history? Yes _ No _ Not Applicable Water - VOA vials have zero headspace? No VOA vials submitted _ t Yes , No _ Water - pH acceptable upon receipt? Yes , No _ Not Applicable Adjusted? —Checked by Sample Condition: Good f Other(Explain) (For diffusive samples or AIHA lead) Is a known blank included? Yes _ No e See Casc Narrative for resolution of the ikon -Conformance. . Samples do net have to comply with the given range for certain parameters. lt_1QuaIity Assurarice�Check Iists Procedures Sign-0fTTemplates\Check Iist0ample Receipt Cheaklistsl5ample Cooler Receipl_CheckIist Page 4 of 6 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Date: 3-Nov-10 Client: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Project: 9280693 Dates Report Lab Order: 1010N72 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 10ION72-001A S135-19 Collection Date Matrix Test Name 10/26/2010 1 A&DOPM Solid Total Organic Carbon TCLP Date Prep Date Analysis Date 10/29/2010 11/02/2010 Page 5 of 6 Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Client: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Project Name: 9280693 Workorder: 10I ON72 Date: 3-Nov- l0 ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT Batchl D: 137460 Sample ID: MR-137460 Client ID: Units: mg/Kg-dry Prep Date: 10/29/2010 Run No: 183691 SampleType: INBLK TestCode: Total organic Carbon Sw""A Modified BatchlD: 137460 Analysis Date: 11/02/2010 Seq No: 3925041 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit (Na) Total Organic Carbon JOC) BRL 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sample ID: L.CS-137460 Client 1D: Units: mg/Kg-dry Prep Date: 10/29/2010 Run No: 183691 SampleType: LCS TestCode: Totat organic Carbon sw9060A Modified BatchlD: 137460 Analysis Date: 11/02/2010 Seq No: 3825042 Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qua] Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 2497 5U0 2420 0 103 70 130 0 0 0 Sample ID: 101ON72-OOIADUP Client ID; SBS-19 Units: mg/Kg-dry Prep Date: 10/29/2010 Run No: 183691 SampleType: DUP TestCode: Total Organic Carbon SW900A Modified BatchlD: 137460 Analysis Date: 11/02/2010 Seq No: 382MMS Analyte Result RPT Limit SPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit Qua] Total Organic Carbon (TOC) BRL 500 0 0 0 0 0 398.0 0 50 Qnalif em: > cre aler than Rota value BRL Selew reporting Itmif 7 Emimated value datecrW below Reporting Limit Rpt Lim Repmbag Limit le6of6 Less than Result value E Esdmsted (value abovr gw:Yit.tion range) N Analyte not NELAC oersified S Spike Rccwcry ouluk limits due to matrix B Analyze detaued in the aswiated method blank H Holdm$ Lima: For VnI armm or analyws cxcccdal R RPD antride limits due to matrix Remedial Investigation Report Appendix B: Boring Log B R A W N A N D BORING LOG C A L D W E L L Project Name: Former Ingram Plywood Site: Thomasville NC Project Number: 140089 Sod Boring ® Hand AunerBorina ❑ Monitoring Well ❑ Bonn IlNell Number. SBA Sheet __L of Boring Location: See site map Elevation and datum. Drilling Contractor Geologic Exploration Driller. Gary S. Date Started: 10-26-10 Date Finished: 10-26-10 Completed Water Depth (Feet): drilling Equipment- GeoProbe 662Q OT Borehole Diameter: 2" Depth. (feet) 12.0 Slat KlF", EncoL"wed Sampling Method: Push Probe WELL CONSTRUCTION Type and Diameter Drilling Method: Push Probe/HSA Drilling Fluid: nla of Well Casing - $ackfili Materal: BentonitelConcrerte __ Slot Size: Filter Material: Logged By: KAS Checked By: RR Development Method: Graphic Log w d n > a _ Q d = n T r° description H _ O a Ql L F Remarks m (group name, gradation J%wavel. %%ands, Vries] o m N m V) - F FL a y a rn nn nsem wkI r, G Ior, soil thyactenstKAj m ,7 0 V w PPM Orange -tan Clayey SILT, damp x x x x x _ >< x x" x x ■ x --- x 5 .. x % ■ x >< x �c- Y Tan -gray fine SAND, some silt, damp 0 10 k " x Orange tan Clayey SILT, damp x 0 Push Probe and HSA refusal at 12 feet below grade- 15 B R O W N A N D BORING LO C A L A R E L L Project Name: Former Ingram Plywood Site: Thomasville, NC _ Soil Barin ® Hand Au r Barin ❑ Monitoring Well❑ Boring/Well Number. Project Humber: 14GO89 S6-2 Sheet --L of Boring Location: See site map Elevation and Datum: grilling Contractor- Geologic Exploration Driller: Garry S. Date Started: 10-241-10 Date Finished: 10-26-10 Completed Water Depth (Feet): Drilling Equipment: GeoProbe 6$20 DT Borehole Diameter: 2" Depth: (feet) 14.0 ataticiFint Encknarad WELL CONSTRUCTION Sampling Method: Push Prods Type and Diameter Drihing Method: Push Probe Drilling Fluid: n!a of Well Casing_ Backfill Material: Bentonite/Concrete Slot Size: Filter Material: Logged By: KAS Checked By: RR Development Method: Graphic Log T C d n 'o y 4 va Description v n a rn o g o S Remarks (group name, gradation (%gra"L %sands, VOW)0 cafw. color, soil chandarWwt a d N munaer PPM Orange -tan Clayey SILT, little fine sand, damp x x — x x _ _ _ Gray range Clayey SILT, damp — x x x x x -x- x — x x Orange -tan fine to medium SAND, some silt, damp x % x x x'. x x x - x. •x 14 x X. x x x, •x x x Tan Clayey SILT, damp x x � x Push Probe refusal at 14 feet below grade. 15 B R O W N A N D BORING LOG C A L➢ W E L L Project Name: Former Ingram Plywood Site: Thomasville, NC Project Number 140089 Soil Boring ® Hand Auger Borin ❑ Monitoring WOE Borin /Well Number SB-3 Sheet of Boring Location: See site map Elevation and Datum: Drilling Contractor: Geologic Exploration Driller Gary S. Date Started: 10-26A0 Date Finished: 10-26-10 Completed Water Depth (Feet): Drilling Equipment: GeoProbe 6620 DT Borehole Diameter. 2" Depth: (feet) 14.0 Stettclr in! Fnc tared Sampling Method. Push Probe WELL CONSTRUCTION Type and Diameter Drilling Method: Push ProbelHSA Drilling Fluid: nla of Well Casing: Backfill Material: Sentonite/Concrete Slot Size: Filter Material: By l(AS Checked By7 RR Development Method: Graphic Log rLoged m q T r o � = r° Description p U EL a T $' O Z ❑ m Remarks a U (groupname, gradar•m t %graver. %sands. %6n4s) n m m � rn E a Or Lr) mvn sal color• mice, sail rharaclerisNrs} m f/7 [I] J 00 � M U PPM Tan Clayey SILT, damp xx x x x x x. -r 0 Orange -tan Clayey SILT, damp x x x x x x � 5 � x x x x x ax x H x x x o l a x xx Tan -orange fine to medium SAND, some sift, damp a Push Probe and HSA refusal at 14 feet below grade l5 D R 0 W N AND BORING LG C A L D W E L L Project Name. Farmer Ingram Plywood Site: Thomasville, NC Soil Boring ® Hand Auger Boring ❑ Monitoring Well❑ BohngMell Number: G Project Number. 140089 5B-4 Sheet of ! Boring Location: See site map Elevation and Datum: Drilling Contractor: Geologic Exploration Driller: Gary S. Date Started: 10-26.10 Date Finished: 10-26-10 Completed Water Depth (Feet): Drilling Equipment: GeoPlobe 6620 DT Borehole Diameter: 2" Depth. (feet) 6.0 SialrcJFvstEncaunterad 5.0 Sampling Method. Push probe WELL CONSTRUCTION Type and Diameter Drilling Method: Push Probe Drilling Fluid: nla of Well Casing: Backfiil Material? BentonitelConcrete Slot S¢e: Filter Material: Logged By. KAS Checked By: RR Development Method. Graphic Log n w y r c o T d 0 0 r Description O c t V tT a e ;, ❑ .r= Remarks CL N (9f0upn2M0. gradalgn I%grayer, %sands, %fl"U5l O M c l m E y VU] rnun DO?CiGf COiDF_s fCtW& lBnslfca) m fA J R tY m pPlvl Tan -orange SILT, some fine silt, trace clay, damp BROWN AND BORING LOG C A L D W E L L Project Name: Former Ingram Plywood Site: Thomasville NC Project Number. Soil Boring ® Hand Auger Boring ❑ Monitoring Well ❑ Boring/Well Number. SB"S 140089 Sheet of 1 Boring Location: See site map Elevation and Datum: Drilling Contractor: Geologic Exploration Driller. Gary S. Date Started: 10-26-10 Date Finished: 10-26-10 Completed Water Depth (Feet): Drilling Equipment: GeoProbe 6620 DT Borehole Diameter. 2" Depth: (feet) 19.0 SWWFril EnWt""d 14.0 Sampling Method. Push Probe WELL CONSTRUCTION Type and Diameter Drilling Method: Push Pro6eMSA Drilling Fluid: nla of Well Casing: 8ackfill Material: BentonitalConcrete Slot Size: Filter Material: Logged By. KAS Checked By: RR Development Method: Graphic Log d Description a o $' _ �' Remarks ❑ (Rwp nair, W*cWt on [%prowl. %vends. %feral drrodwnvksa m m m .= a d �j 7 mtnss# color, color, and p m iiJJ PPM Orange -tan Silty CLAY, damp x x _ x x � x -�r x x Tan fine SAND, some silt, damp x x'. p •x S x'.x, Tart -gray fine to medium SAND, some siR, damp x. x •x • x- x ' x _ x " _ x Orange -brown Clayey SILT, damp x x lU -� Could not extract soil from sampling tube due to hard soil. ]5 Orange -brown Clayey SfLT, little rock fragments, moist (Description based on soil cuttings from HSA) HSA refusal at 1 g feet below grade. Remedial Investigation Report Appendix C: Historical Groundwater Data Well ID Sample Date Depth to Water (eTOC) Tap of Casing (TOC) Elevation {feet} Table Water table Elevation {feet msl} C- I - Summary Nitrate (mg/L) of Historical Thomasville, Nitrite (mg/L) �nalytical Results and North Carolina Total Ftjeldahl Ammonia Nitrogen {mg/L} (mg/L.)(mS/cm} Field Measurements pH (pH Units) SpecificTemperature Conductance ( Q Conductivity (mV) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/I} Turbidity (NTU) ORP Formaldehyde (µg/Q MW-1 Nov-00 - - -- ND - - - 6.27 341.000 16.30 -26 1.47 8 - ND Mw-5 Dec-98 15.90 894.83 878.93 0.87 - - - - - - - - -- - ND Nov-00 15.51 894.83 879.32 0.91 - - - - 340 17.50 520 1.69 1.1 ND Sep-04 13.91 894.83 880.92 1.60 <0.1 c0,5 <0.1 5.03 264 76.01 314 3.34 22.38 - - Dec-04 14.11 894.83 880.72 1.90 <0.1 6.181 <0.1 4.37 299 18.42 381 0.68 11.70 - - Deo-05 13.35 894.83 881.48 1.50 NO 3.90 0.11 4.56 0.434 19.11 354 L79 91 - - ❑eo-06 13.81 894.83 881.02 1.10 <0.007 0.21 <0.003 4.97 0.374 17.56 319 7.75 5.1 Dec07 16.03 894.83 878.80 1.00 <0.10 <0.50 <O.10 4.94 198 19.37 0.42 7.66 15 -- - Deo-08 - - - 0.96 - - - - - - - - - - - Jan-1O 13.30 894.83 881.53 1.2 - c0.5 <0,10 4.73 0.46 17.16 366 1.43 0 - - Oct-10 15.05 894.83 879.78 1.6 t0.10 <0.5 <0.10 6.56 417 20.09 - 0.69 8 -19.5 - MW-6 1992 - - - 130 - - - - - - - - -- - -- Nov-97 - -- -- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 0.56 Dec-98 11.30 877.31 $66.01 59.0 - - - - - - - - -- - 18.0 Nov-00 10.36 877.31 866.95 58.9 - - - - 633 15.30 573 2.15 0 - N❑ Sep-04 7.46 877.31 869.85 54.0 G0.1 11 20 4.35 512 17.42 344 6.38 10.02 - - Dec-04 12.93 877.31 868.28 52.0 0.0037.1 9.70 21 5.15 794 15.00 294 0.80 93.20 - - Deo-05 5.26 877.31 872.05 60.0 0.12 23.00 17.00 3.99 0.747 15.11 404 0.00 122 - - Deo-06 6.48 877.31 870.83 42.0 <0.007 1 15.00 16 4.12 0.587 14.15 396 4.30 34.7 - - Deo-07 6.23 877.31 871.08 65.3 <0.10 9.9 <0.10 3.96 574 15.39 0.21 8.41 9 - - Dec-08 - - - 75.9 - - - - - - _ - _ Jan-10 5.64 877.31 871.67 59.7 - 5.7 7.8 3.94 0.563 7.88 403 0.16 4.1 - - Oct-10 8.18 877.31 869.13 40.8 a1 5.5 9.0 7.14 440 17.64 - 0.75 7.9 0.2 - MW-10 1992 - - - 59.0 - - - - - - - - - - - Nov-97 - - - - - - - - _ - _ - 0.28 Dec98 17.96 881.21 863.25 59.0 - - - - - - - - - ND Nov-00 17.21 881.21 864.00 75.2 - - - 5.41 820 15.20 299 0.99 0 -- ND Sep-04 14.30 881.21 866.91 100.0 <0.1 <0.5 1.3 5.02 917 2L15 235 6.93 118.0 - - Deo-04 12.93 881.21 868.28 55.0 0.0068J <0.5 0.82 5.15 794 15.00 294 0.80 93.2 - Dec-05 12.82 881.21 868.40 73.0 N❑ 1 7.30 0.54 5.29 0.700 14.66 280 0.05 8 - Dec-06 12.90 881.21 868.31 58.0 0.05 1.60 1.20 5.21 0.848 14.21 320 4.34 2.7 - - Dec-07 14.04 881.21 867.17 49.7 <0.10 0.58 <0.10 5.35 505.00 15.50 0.156 6.31 9 - - Dec-08 - - - 53.1 - - - - -- - - - - Jan-10 11.75 881.21 969.46 58.7 - <0.5 0.84 5.26 0.542 10.51 328 0.21 9.8 - - Oct-10 14.99 881.21 866.22 69.8 c1 t0.5 Li 7.55 1 578 16.78 - 0.80 0.1 -53.6 - MW-18 Dec-98 14.38 885.22 $70.84 2.81 -- - - - - - -- - - - - Nov-00 - - - 2.62 - - - - 163.000 16.90 464 1.66 0.2 - ND MW49 Dec-98 12.08 885.75 873.67 65.0 - - - - - - - - - - 300 Nov-00 11.83 885.75 873.92 39.4 - - - 6.17 760 15.60 1 240 1.19 7 - ND Sep-04 5.51 885.75 880.24 5.7 <0.1 6.6 1.4 5.34 7.11 19.61 150 2.70 43.97 - Dec-04 4.50 885.75 881.25 5.7 0.00611 2.50 1 2.40 4.90 134 13.64 279 0.75 100.90 -- - Deo-05 3.83 1 885.75 881.82 30.0 0.13 14.00 5.00 5.39 0.408 13.72 258 0.11 64 Dec-05 4.85 885.75 880.90 7.3 c0.007 4.70 3.10 5.20 0.144 13.05 311 4.30 25.4 - - Dec-07 5.95 985.75 879.80 63.7 <0.10 4.7 <0.10 4.89 510 13.60 0.166 4.59 10 - - Dec-08 - -- - 11.1 Jan-10 3.88 885.75 881.87 18.9 - 5.1 3.5 5.04 0.239 8.01 320 9.45 0.2 - - Oct•10 5.10 885.75 880.65 4.0 <0.10 1.8 0.88 7.44 118.000 19.03 - 1.10 42.5 -35.8 - Page 1 of 2 Well ID Depth 4Water Sample Date (BElevation Tap of Casing JOC) (feet) Table Water table Elevation (feet msl) C 1, Summary Nitrate (mg/L) of Histori"I Thomasville, Nitrite (rnjVQ Analytical Results and North Carolina Tote! IC}eldahl Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/L) (mg/L) Field Measurements pH (pH Units) Specific Conductance (MS/CM) Temperature CQ Conductivity (mV) Dissolved Oxygen Turbidity (Mg/1) (NTU) ORP Formaldehyde OWL) MW-20 Dec-98 i 884.85 873.74 4.62 - - - - - - -- _ - - ND Nov-00 - - 1.56 - - - 5.41 150.000 16.10 340 3.04 0 - ND RW-2 Nov-97 -- - - 35 - - - -- - - - Nov-00 12.91 874.34 861.43 34.4 - - 5.28 404.000 16.00 260 2.21 to - ND RW-3 Nov-97 - - - 21 - - - - - - - - - - Nov-00 6.53 873.02 866.49 1.95 - - - - 231.000 15.10 322 1.48 9.1 - ND PP-1 1992 - - - 1.7 - - - - - - - - - - - Nov-00 - - ND - - - 4.830 295.00 16.4 182.00 4.5 9.3 - ND PP-2 1992 - - - 38 - - - - - - - - _ - -- Nov-00 - - - 1.82 - - - 988.000 13.10 305 3.99 8 - ND PMW-3 Nov-00 - - - 1.59 - - - 5.54 207.000 1L40 310 2.00 3 - ND PMW-5 Nov-00 - - 1.66 - - 5.50 1 192.000 13.10 305 3.99 8 - ND PMW-7 Dec-01 - - - 12A - - - - - - - -- - - ND Sep-04 8.79 - - 0.44 <0.1 0.6 0.3 5.24 281.4 28.90 163 7,79 38.96 - _ - Dec-04 7.54 - - 4.6 0.009) 0.24J a0.1 4.63 298 16.71 283 -- 39.00 - - Dec-05 8.68 - - 2.2 ND 8.2 0.11 4.70 0.365 17.18 318 0.00 28 - - Der-06 8.17 - - 0.44 c0.007 0.036 0.055 4.79 0.261 15.86 240 4.58 2A - Dec-07 - - - ND <O.10 0.53 <0.10 4.49 233 16.96 0.203 3.02 13 - - Deo-08 - - ND - _ _ - - _ - - - - _ Jan-10 6.20 0.38 - 0.63 t0.10 4.48 0.215 1 14.50 308 0.96 12.1 -- - Oct-10 10.26 - a0.10 a0.10 0.75 <0.10 7.08 218 18.15 - 0.72 7.7 47.4 PMW-8 Dec-01 DRY - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - _ Sep-04 11.14 - - 0.1 <0.1 s0.5 a0.1 5.76 185.7 22.38 200 3.96 11.44 - Dec-04 1 10.96 - - 0.3 0.018 0.2.1 c0.1 5.16 186 14.79 283 NA 98.10 - - Dec-05 11.70 - - N0 ND 9.8 0.12 5.61 0.212 16.57 280 0.00 43 - - Dec-06 10.21 - - 0.25 <0.007 0.18 <0.003 5.43 0.193 15.61 236 4.07 2.3 - - Dec-07 - - - ND t0.10 0.67 c0.10 4.77 83 17.15 0.178 2.00 16 - - Deo-08 - - - 0.14 - - - - - _ - - - - Jan-10 9.53 - - 0.29 0.31 - <0.101 t0.5 a0.50 c0.10 <0.10 5.28 7.27 0.235 235 14.70 17.73 177 - 0.29 0.48 0 5 1 - -38.9 - - Oct-10 12.84 - - Data summarized from Corrective Action Plan prepared by LIRS Group dated March 2003. Notes: TOC = Top of Casing BTOC = Below Top of Casing msl = mean sea level mg/L = milligrams per Liter m5/cm = miliisec per centimeter ' C - Degrees Centigrade mv- millivolts NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit µg/L = micrograms per Liter ND = Not detected 1 = Estimated concentration <0.1 = less than the laboratory reporting limit - = No information available page 2 of 2 Remedial Investigation Report Appendix D: Time vs. Concentration Graphs and Hydrographs 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 H 80.0 i t r 75.0 a t 70,0 e 65.0 60.0 55.0 870.00 E e V a 868.00 t 0 n 866.00 —W— Nitrate 864.00 concentration in mg/L -f- Water Elevation 862.00 39 860.00 Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Date 73.0 i.1l11111 53.0 N i 43.0 t r a t 33.0 e 23.0 13.0 3.0 1 Dec-98 Dec-99 J Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Date 882.00 E e 880.00 v a t 0 878.00 n 876.00 • N itrate concentration in mg/L --*—Water Elevation 874.00 Mypxff --, - ` �- 870.00 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Remediai Investigation Report Appendix E: Slug Test Data Yo = 0.59 Y m Yt = 0.4 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW 6 (Slug in) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD tw 2.9 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CADocuments and SettingslrruhrnkelMy DocumentslWorking fileslUSI RI ReportlDeliverablelApp E slug test resultslingram_MW-6_Slug_Test Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONKNED AQUWERS Equruore 1 Hydnulie Cvrrd.eowry K Units h r_1ln�@,Ir-1 1 in y 9.fyDE-04 ftlmin WELL ID MW-G Test M - Slug in t y, 1.3SIE+pp ftldxy 5ITENY.iME former Ingram Plywood Site 4.57E-0$ cm/scc C12YISrATE Thomasville, NC JOBNUAWER t40089 where: 4'ar7ahics ti = Hy'drsuflc cunductivuty n-0tlt18997 ft/min y = y at time xem 0.59 Feet Smallest lug ry'c y, = y at time "t" M fret 11 = lcngTh of screen 15 feet ■ Nerd to caleula r, = Radius+ of well easing 025 feet 3 - Mzikr semen let I- = Tkiekness of aquifer 15 feet ■ �� } � f In R, jr.- = 1,gpalia r 1' 3-22237G8 t �p H !r t = dine at y, i 7 min. 11 ■ t• £squadon 2 [ I - 1n K/r, - i.i C In k/K + r. WhCre. C = Sce Fig. 2 (Bouwu & Rice) 11.16 2.5 0 a ~a m ioq eao wae`� r . sx. l r, = Radio ofbumhoic O.YS feel Fig. 2. I]imensionless parameters A, B, and C as a function s Ir, _ fill of Lolrw for caiculatton of in(Rg/rw). Notes: `R, is the effmuvc radial distance over which y is diseipared and r is the radius of htircholc bra is equal to r, (equivalent radius) when waver level is within weD xrmn Sourct: Bouwcr, H_, May Ju a 1989. "The Bouwer and Rice Slug Tmt - An Updatr", GROUNDWATER, Vny. 27. No. 3, C:%Dmuments and SettingsVrvhmkeWy ❑ocumentSlWorkirig fileMUSI RI ReportldeiiverablelApp E siug test resul[slingram_MVV-b_Slug Test_Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx Yo = 0.87 m Yt = 0.8 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW 6 (Slug removal) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD Time (T) (ruin) t= 0.88 CAI)ocuments and SettingslrruhmkelMy DocumentslWorking files\US1 RI Reporl:MeiiverabWApp E slug test resultslingram_MW-6_Slug_7est_Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equadvo 7 Hydraulic Conductivity K = 4 JnC[LLr.1 1 In Y 21, I Y. where Equadoa 2 where: 9 = 140rau11c conductmty Y. = Fit rime 71ctn Y. = y at time "t" t' _ Length of screen 4 Radius of Nell casing L. = Thickness of aquifer In R,/r.. = hq#alm 2- t = time at y, In R,/r. _ +r K Units 6.40><D4 Fe/rnin 4.21E-01 ft/dav 3.25E 04 cm/sec Vanahlcs IU UU6399 ft/ min DA7 Fat 0,8 port 15 feet O,ZS feet 1 S feet 3.2223�G8 O.88 man. In R.,/r.. _ 3.2223768 C = Ste Fir. 2 (Bou%va & Riec) p.16 2.5 = Radius of borehetle 0.25 fcn Itlar = Gsr Not": `R, is the tIfeetive radiai distance over which y is dismpated and r is the radius of btneholc °r, is equal to rr [equdvaient radius] when wutrr level is within w4 screen Source: Bouwcr, H., Mi} ]une 1989, "the &auwcr and Rice Slug Text - An Updatr", GROL'NDWATER, Vol. 27, No. 3. WELL ID MW-6 Test 92 - slug removal S TENAME Former Ingram Plywood Site CM MA TE Thomasville, NC JOB AVMBER 140004 wp � F I � .�- _ L C• Sy .�6 _ � _-tC0 sG0 tOCO S7C•7- , Fig. 2. Dimensianless parameters A. 8, and C as a functtun 4I Leir,N far caIcuIatton of IniR prwi. C:Qocuments and SettingslrruhmkeWly DocumentslWorking files%USI RI ReportlDeliverablOApp E slug less resu1tslingram_MW-8 Slug Test_Analysis-8auwar.xM yo = 0.54 r m m w yt = 0.4 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-10 (Slug in) BOUWER & RIGE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 3.9 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CADocuments and Settings\rruhmkeft ❑ocuments\Working files\USI Ri Report\Deliverable\App E slug test results\Ingram_MW-1a_Slug _Test _Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equation 1 Hydraulic CoaduccWry K Uuittt K = kJnCL/r.1 In Y- I.tl9E 03 ftlmin 21L t }', 1.57E+00 frldap 5.53E 84 ern/xcc whctc: vanables K = IlvdMulic c;Wjuctmr il,tllll{I316 ftlmin so - P at time zero 0.54 feet Smallest log CV1 1; = y at pme "t" 0.4 feet Ixngth of semen 5 feet Need to ealcula 4 = Ratbux ofwell rasing {i ?5 feet MA-C srrccn In 11, _ 'rbsckncar; of aquifer 5 feet In K/c. = 1-1A.1im 2" 2.2G147G3 t = time at p, 3.9 Mon. Equa don 2 InVt.- 11 C Ink1r._ F ln(I„Ir„] [l„Ir,] Z.2G147G3 when: C = See Fig. 2 (Houwet & Rice) p.1G l5 rr = Radius of lmrehule n?5 feel Not= '94 is the effective radsal disunrc over which I• is dissipauxi and r,,. Is the radius of borehole br, is cyual to r, (equwalent rwlus) when water level is within well screen Source: Houwcr, i-1., May-jwtc 1989, "The Snuwer and Rice Slug Test - An t:pdaic", GROUNDWATER, Vol. 27, No, 3, 3 WELL JD NM-10 Tro #I - Slxig in SrMNAME Former Ingram Plywood Site CITE%STATE Thornitsville, NC JOB NUMBER 140089 to tar rr • r :4 o• sf ro so tac xae *nca sxa-a rr� Fig. 2. Dimensiontess parameters A, 8, and C as a functron of L00w far catculattan of IntF�P,'rtyj. CMocumertts and SettmgsWuhmkeWly DocumentslWorking filesWSI RI RepartWefiverabWApp E slug test resultslingram_hAW-I D-Slugtast Analysis-SoLA ef.10sx yo = 0.63 yt = 0.5 Farmer Ingram Plywood Site - MW-10 (Slug removal) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 2.2 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL C:\Documents and Settings\rruhmke\My DocumentslWorking files\USI RI Report\Deliverable\App E slug test results\Ingram_MW-10_Slug_Test_Anal ysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equacon 1 HydraLtbc Conducendfy if Urea K _ ;a I-&/r...3 j In y 7.48E-03 ft/=[sin WILL ID b1W-14 Tret #2 - Slug removal 2It t r, 2.14E+00 ft/42Y SFTENAME Forme[ Ingram Plywood Site 7.14E-04 cm/sec CITY'/STATE Thomasville, NC JOB NUMBER 140009 what: Variables k = Hydraulic conductivity i?. VI4848 fr/min }'„ = y ar time acm 0A3 feet y, = Yet time "r" 0.5 feet Lt = Length of screen 5 free so r, = Radius of well casing (125 feet L C � - rx� � L. _ 7h1cknessaF%4WFcr 5 fret L.o In &/r- _ I--qualron 2- - e rol- ` / A [ — time at y', 2.2 min. FF - Equ2dan 2 nhcrr' C = See Fs2 (Bo�cr& Rice) r_16 1.5 O 7 ro sq too -cc :occ r - saoo� r„ _ R%,1usabotchnie f1.25 f«t Fig. 2. Dimensionless parameters A. B. and C as a funcnon 1,1. = au of I-eirw for catculation of In (Rq;rw). Norm: `k is the effective radial distance over which y is dimipamd and r in the ratlrus of borrhole are is equal to r, (cgwvalent radius) wimm water lcvcI is within welt' screen Suurcr I3utswer, ii., Me)-) kine 1989, "The Bouwrr and Rirc Slug Tcst - An Update', GROUNDWATER, Vol. 27. No. 3. C:IDncuments and SettingslrruhmkeWly DocumentslWorktng fleslUSI RI Roport WiverabWApp E slug test resu1tslingram MW-i0 Slug Tess Areafysis-Bouwer.xisx yo = 0.61 yt = 0.4 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-19 (Slug in) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 2.45 Time (T) [min] BROWN AND C A L D W E L L CADocuments and SettingslrruhmkelMy ❑ocuments\Working files\USI RI ReportlfleliverablelApp E slug test resuftslingram—MW-19_Slug Test_Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equadon I Hydraulic Conductivrry K = 4 LL 1 In ]. Zit 1 p, where: K = Hydraubc umductivity V st dnx zero Smallest IVk cyc yr = Fat ume "t" l , — length of screxn Need [o ralcula r. = Radius of well casing Make azrvn la L. = Tiuckru of aquifer In k/r,,. _ (;greuhaa 2' t = time at y, Equation 2 In l�lr = I S 1 ln[i�.Ir.Y Where: C = 1 tlr,. K Emits 1.16E-03 ftlmin 1.67E+0p ftlday 5.87>�04 cm/sec Vanablcs 11.0011563 klmrn O41 fret 0.4 feet 15 feet 025 feet 15 fees 3.2223�G8 2i5 min. 3.�2237fi8 Ste Fig. 2 (Boun^cr & Rke) p.l G 2 5 Radius of borchulr 02S feet GU Noses: 'R, * the effective radial disrancc over which v m dlxrupatcd and r.. is the radius of borehole br' a equal to r, (nqun•a.Imt radius) when water level is within well screen sourer! Bouwcr, I I,. Ma} June 1989, "The &tuwrr aml Rice Slug Tent - An Update", GROUNDWATER, Vol. 27. No, 3, WELT-M AM-19 Tcst #I - Slug in SITE NAME Farmer Ingram Plywood Site Cliff'/STATE ThornasvUle, NC JOB NUMBER 14DO89 a - • r wp L i r � ioH r _ Fig, 2. Dimensionless parameters A. a. and C as a furtcrion of Le/rw for calculation of In(Relrw). C:Occuments and SettingsWuhmkaWy OocumenlsMorkIng frleMUSI RI ReponlDsliverabk-App E slug test resullSlIngram_MW-19_Slug _Test _Analysis-Bouwer.xlsx Yo = 0.74 m m w Yt = 0.6 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-19 (Slug removal) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 1.6 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CA0ocuments and Settings\rruhmke\My Documents\Working files\USI R1 Report\Deliverable\App E slug test results\Ingram_MW-19_Slug_Test_Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSES FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS EquiroonI ffvdrxubcConducriviq K units K = rz*ln in y _ 8.80)~-04 ft/min 2L, t y, 1.x7E+u6 ft/day 4.47E U4 cm/sec where- VMkblc+ K = IIydtaubceexrducbvin, I1.0rt00V99 ft/min yo = y at time zcm 0.74 feet y, = v at urine "t'• 0.6 feet Lt = Ixngth srf screen 15 feet rr = Rat] Put, of well casing 0.25 feet I- = Thickness of aquifer 15 feet In Rc/rw. = h+fuohm 2' 3.2223,68 1 - rime ar }', f.6 rmn. Equadon 2 in R,/r. - Ll In 14/r. _ ln(Lk/s„} [L,Ir,y 3.2x23768 whets: C - See Fig. 2 (&iuwcr & Rice) p.t 6 2 5 r,. = Radius of bnreholc U 25 feet Nntcs: 'k is the cffecuvc radial distance over which y is dissipated and r, is the riJius of borehole bra is equal m r, (equivalent rad im) when water level is within well screen Source: Bouwer, 14., Nfay ]uric 1989. "The bouwcr and iticc Slug Test - An Vpdare", GROUNDWATER, Vol. 27, No. 3. WELL ID MW-19 Tess #z - slug removal SrTE NAME Former Ingram Plywood Site Cf ISTATE Thomasville, NC JOB NUMBER 140089 liL jr - b r` r A r h / s z • S 6 W too Tao woo 7'JC1c; Fig. 2. Dimensionless parameters A. S. and C as a function of La rw for calculation of I (Rylryg). C:lDncuments and SettmgsWuhmkelMy DocumentsMorking fllaMUSI RI ReportMeliverabWApp E slug test resullsllrlgram_MW-18_Stug_Test_Anatysis-8ouwer.xlsx ATTACHMENT B HYUROGEQLOGIC DESCRIPTION Hydrogeologic information is summarized in the RI Work Plan and the RI Report, both of which are included in Attachment A. Additionally, hydrographs of monitoring wells MW-6, MW-16, and MW-19 to show the seasonal high water table elevations and sIugtest data performed during the RI are included, A cross section of the subsurface is shown in Figure 6, which is included in Attachment H. 80.0 875.00 E 1 e 75.0 v a 873.00 t 70.0 i a n 65.0 N 871.00 i 60.0 t r -i'k Nitrate a concentration in 55.❑ t mg/L e 869.00 —*—Water Elevation 50.0 45.0 867.00 40.0 865.00 35.0 — Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec•05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Der-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Date 100-0 870.00 E 95.0 e V a 90.0 868.00 t i 85.0 n N 80.0 866.00 i t r 75.0 a t *—Nitrate 70.0 864.00 e concentration in mgf L 65.0 --, Water Elevation 60.0 852.00 55.0 50.0 860.00 Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-06 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Date 882.00 73.0 E i 63.0 e 880.00 v a t i 53.0 0 878.00 n N ii 43.0 t r 876.00 —o—Nitrate a concentration t 33.0 - in mglL e Water Elevation 874.00 23.0 872.00 13.0 \ j 870.00 3.0 Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Dec-01 Dec-02 Dec-03 Dec-04 Dec-05 Dec-05 Dec-07 Dec-08 Dec-09 Dec-10 Date yo = 0.59 yt = 0.4 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-G (Slug in) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 2.9 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CADocuments and SettingslrruhmkeWy DocumentsMorking files\USI RI ReportQeliverablelApp E slug test resu1tsl1ngram_MW-6_S1ug_Test_Analysis- 6ouwer.xisx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS EquadenI MydrruYcCondurrit7ry K units K = 2 infR.lz] 1 In y 9.06E-04 n/nun WELL W MW-6 Tesr #i - st.g in Sit r v, 13G> +00 Ft/dav SITI'NAME Former Ingram Plywood Site 457E-04 ctn/sec CITY/STATE Thomasville, NC f06NUMBER 140089 u hen,: Vanahlcs K - Ilydr9uliic ctmtiuctiviry 00"9997 {tlmin y„ - v at 6= aru OL59 feet Snvlkm log cyc yl - v at time "r" 0A feet I, I"grh of setrcn 15 feet ra Need to cocula FLI- Radius of well easing 8.25 feet 3 � # Make setecn to Iy _ -Thickness of aquifer l5 fret ■ t � �/f • ` 1 If, Esti/r = Fgrrliwr 1" 3?2237C tI t ,o I- •� r - time at y, ■ ,I ±tea Equation 2 / ! In R,/r- = 3.1 In k/rw= ■� I R - _ In(I�Ir,) (lzl*.l 3.2223768 � . where: Or - - - - - -.-r^� ...�.�� v C - See Fig. 2 (Bouwrr & Rice) p.16 I S w sa ioa too woe`.. y 19M r„ = Radius of borehole D.7S feet Fig. 2. Dimensionless parameters A. S. and C as a function Inlr. _ GU of Le1rv, far calculation of In (Relrw). Norm 'R, is the effective radial disonce u,tr which y is dissipated and r, is the radius of 6mehole "r, is c4ml to r, (Nuit alent radius) a hcn u-atcr level is within well wmvn Snurm Boawm. I I., wisp June 1989, "-the l5oawcr and Rice $lu Test - An Update", GROL'ltiDW.-1TF.R, L'nL 27, No. 3. C7Lpacuments and SettingsWuhmkeft aocuments%WorkingflieslUSI RI Roporttl)eliveraWeVApp E s" test resultslingram_MW-5_51ug_ies[_Ana"is-Souwer.xlsx Y. = 0.87 m d Yt = 0.8 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-G (Slug removal) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 0.88 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CADocuments and SettingslrruhmkelMy DocumentslWorking frles\USI RI ReportlDeliverablelApp E slug test resultslingram_MW-S_Siug_Test _Analysis- Bouwer. xlsx SLUG TEST ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Eguarion 1 HydrauEc Conducriviry K - r_� in([Z!r_] 1 111 X- 21,,. t where: Equadan 2 where, K - Ilydraufic cvnductivin Y. - y at time nru yt = y at time "t" [� = f.cngth of xrccn - Radius of wc31 casing 1„ — Thickness of aquifer In R,/re, 2" t — time at y, 1n R Ir. - 3,} + C lno-.jr.) (Wr.) K Units G.40I 04 fri mi n 9.21E-01 ft/dav 3.25E-04 cm1KC Variablt,s I+mII6399 ftlmin 0.87 fact q,s feet 15 feet 0.25 fact 15 feat 3.22237GS ii.86 min. 3/223763 C: See Fig, 2 Wuu-rr & Rice] p.l G 25 r = Radius of horehuL- 0 5 feet lt�ro - GU Notrx 'k is the effective radial distance over which y is dissipated and L is the radius of brmcbolc °r, is equal to r, fequiealenr radius) when water Icvcl is within will semen 'Hume- 13ouwcr, I J , May.fune 1989, -lbe Boaver and Rice Slug Tear - An Ltpdatc,% GRi]L'1\l7VGATER, L'ul. 27, No.3. WFLL ID MW-G Tesr #2 - Slug mmoval SITE NAME Farmer Ingram Plywood Site =ISTATE Thamasvitic, NC JOBNVMBER 140009 1 • 3 +0 $10 49.0 no -000 9opo t,,.. Fig. 2. DimensianIOU parameters A. B. and C as a function of Leirw for calculation of In (fi gi►w). CADocuments and SettingslrruhmkelMy DocumentslWorking filesWSI RI ReparlDeliyeraWMApp E slug test resuilslingram—MW-6 SIug_Test_Analysis•Bouwer.xlsx Ya = 0.54 w a� J Yt = 0.4 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-10 (Slug in) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD AXIIEWL t= 3.9 Time (T) (min) AND C A L D W E L L CADocuments and SettingslrruhmkelMy DocumentslWorking fiieslUSl Ri ReportOeliverablelApp E slug test resultslingram_MW-10_Slug_Test_Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TEST AN)UNSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equation 7 Hrdr�ulic Conducgrlry 21, t !, wherr- Egcvrion 3 where: 1.. Smallest leg nx Y. 1, Need u, pleula r, Make scrern In L� In R,/r. t Iiydraulic conductivity y at circle Z= v at time "I" i.ength of sueen = Radius of well casing - Thickncsc of aquifer i:q„nda.! 2' lime at v, -C K Units 1.09E 03 ItImin iS7E+00 fl/day S.S3E 04 ctn/sec varia6hos llA010876 h/min 0.54 feet OA feer S i'cet 0.25 feet 5 feet 3.4 min. In R,/r. = 22614763 C — Scc Fig- 2 (Mower & Rice) p.16 1.5 Radius of biwehule 025 feet ',Jr. = 20 Notrw 'R, is Ihr effective tadW distance !wcr which y in dissipated and r is the radius of borehole is equal to r {equivalent radius} when wirer keel is within well screen Sourer: 9ouwcr, 11., May -June 1989, "the Njuwo and Rice Slug Test An Updare", GROUNOWATkiR, Vol. 27, No, 3. 3 WELL 1D MW-10 Test rrl - Stt-gin SITE NAIVE Former Ingram Plywood Sfte CMZSTATE Thornasviilc, NC JOHNUMFER 14M9 !r L[yr cr ; � r Iwo c 6 O �, r I a r � 9 ! + q xi !qp _tro iaoa axa Fit. 2. Dimensionless pararnettt►s A. B, and C as a function of Le/ryy for calculation of In�Relrwl. C:VXwments and SetlingslrruhmkelMy DocumentsMorking filesWSI RI RDpod0eirverahlelApp E slug lest resultsllrrgram_MW-i0_Slug Test—Analysis-Bouwer,xisx Y. = 0.63 m m Yt = 0.5 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-]A (Slug removal) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t= 2.2 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CADocuments and SettingslrruhmkelMy DocumentslWorking files\USI RI ReportlDeiiverahlelApp E slug test resultslingram_MW-10_Slug_Test_Analysis- Bouwer. xlsx SLUG TESI'ANALYSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equanon 1 Htirtnrubc Conducriviry A Units h= r,Is1fR lr ] 1 In K- 1.48E-03 ftjmin a, t V, 2.14E+0p ftlday 7.54E tT4 C;nlsec u hrrr: Variables It - Hvdtaulic conductivity 0,1904848 (t/min Y. - }' at Line zero 0.63 feet r, = y at time "t" 03 feet 1y = IAr Wh of screen 5 feet rr = Radius of well rnsmg 0.25 fm fry - •llvckness of aquifer 5 fcr:t In R,/r. - f:qurrw. 2' r — time at y, 2 2 Hurt. Equation 2 In ► /r. = Ll In Rrlr. _ ln{iL.Jr"l �J4j 2.26i47d3 when: C - Scc fig. 3 (Bouwcr do Rkc) p.16 1 5 Radiws of borehole 0 25 fret lti arcs: it is the effective radial distance over which p is dissipated and r,. is the radius of borehole er, is equal n. r, (rquwalent radius) when %vatar level is within well set n Source: R•,uwrr, 11., NiaV Junc 1989, "'lhe Bnu -er and Rice Slugfest An Update", GRC3iT:T]R'A"MR, Val.27, No, 3, W-rLC 1D WW 10 Test a2 - StuR wntnvpl SITE NAME Farmer Ingram Plywood Site CIT} M7-E- Thomaevitle, NC JOBNUMBER 140M awn t• Ir • f f•rf 2 a _n s w w ,oa :ac t000 soaa Fig. 2. Dimonsionlau parameters A. $, and C as a function of Lgirw for calculation of In (Relrw). CiOocuments and SetlingslrruhrnkelMy Oocuments%Working fileMUSI RI ReportWelivetablekApp E slug test rasullslingram_MW-10_Slug_Test_Ana lys,s-Rouwer.xlsx y4 = 0.61 _ m m 0A yt = 0.4 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-19 (Slug in) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD I. •'r 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.- t-- 2.45 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL CADocuments and Set#ingslrruhmkelMy Documents\Working fileslUSI RI Report\DeliverablelApp E slug test results\Ingram_MW-19_Slug_Test_Anaiysis- Bouwer. xlsx SLUG TESL` ANAI XSIS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Erfuvrivn7 HydraulicCarrduc[fsit}' h ;_ InfR_Ir l i In 3 21Y t Y' u he rc i4 - 140iaubc Conducd%*y Y. - Y at time ECr(1 Smallrnt hg CYL Y, - Y at dnx Y It - t.cngth of srrmn Nccd to culcula ir — FLtdiLz of well casing Wke xrcen In L = Thicknex5 ufaquifcr in k/ . - Lgivaim 3. t - time at Y, Equsriap -2 In k/r, where: C See Fig. 2 (6nuuer �c Rice) p.1 G Radius of borehole x Units 1.16E 03 ft/min WELL ID MW-19 TC-NT 1- s"ui; in 1.67E+pt) ft/day 5fMNAAW Former Ingram Plywood Site 5.87E 04 unbcc CI7Yf5TATE ThorrtmvWe, NC JOB NUMBER 140M Variables r1.[It}t1563 ft/min 0.81 feet 0.4 feet 15 fmr to 0.75 feet ; C , - i i5 Ycet ■ �f j r 2as5 min. F I a r 1 L I 1 � 3.222.3768 11 ro so nip 740 1*00 asdo Fig. Z. Dimensioniess parameters A, B. and C as a function {t" of Lelr" for calculation of In (Re/rw). motes: 'k is the lFfeeuve ot" drstsnce over which v is dissipated and r, is the radius of borehole °r, is equal in r, {equwalwt radius} when wutrr Ievci is within well screen Snurcr: Buuwec, F L. NSay junc 1959, " 11ty &,uacr and Rim Slug Teat An Update", GROINUW'ATE.R, Vol. 27, tio. 3. C lDocuments and Sett"ngsaTuhrnke\My DocumentsMorkirsg WesIUS] RI Reporffleliverable%pp E slug test resultslingram_"-19 Slvgjest_Ana"y s-Sauwer.xlsx yv = 0.74 JIM yt = 0.6 Former Ingram Plywood Site - MW-19 (Slug removal) BOUWER & RICE SLUG TEST METHOD t=1.6 Time (T) (min) BROWN AND CALDWELL C:0ocuments and SettingsWuhrnkeWy Documents\Working files\USI RI Report\BeliverablelApp E slug test results\Ingram_MW-19_Slug_Test_Analysis- Bouwer.xlsx SLUG TESTANALY5IS FOR UNCONFINED AQUIFERS Equar—I Hy&wulfrC—d—ry S Units K ' Infit_/r_1 f In } F 8.80E-04 h/min 21, $ y, 1.Z7E+00 ftldA% 4.47E-04 cmism When; V2nabk5 K - Hydraulic mnduetivire 1),IlUt18799 ftlmin y at hmc 7.errt 0.74 feet Y. - Y as time'1" 0.6 feet 1, = Lrnynh of wmmn 15 feet rz - Radius of well "sing 0.Z9 fcer Lti - Thickness of aquifer t 5 feet In R,Ir. - Leo#,w 2' i,2?237G8 t - timt at lSqusrion 2 In k/r. Jul r In R,Ir. ]n f l , Ir,) (I 41 r,] 3.2223768 where C - Ser rig. Z (&)uwcr & Rice) p.16 Z.5 y - Radt" 4 borehole !i.?5 ti rr Notes: 'k is the effective radial diatanee over which y is disaipsiW and r, is the radios of harehole h4 is cquot tt, r, (equrvalenr radius) when water level is within well semen Snuroc Bouwer, I1,May] u" 1989. -)he lir,uw•sr and Rice Slug Test An Update", GRt 7i'1tiL71C":1'l F11, Vol. 27. No. I WELL ID AM-19 Test tt2 - Saul{ mrnovoi SITE NAME Former Ingram Plywood Site CTTY MTE Thomaavilic, NC JOB NUMBER 140089 m ■ ttae � C F to / as sat ,00a sxa- c Fig. 2. 1)imemtonless parameters A, B, and C at a function of L@�rw for calcu]ation of tnIRg1rW), C:TocumeMs and S illings;VruhrnkelMy DocumentsMorking ftles%USI RI Report0eliverableLApp E slug test resultslingram_11AW-19 Slug_ W-Analysis-Rouwer.xlsx ATTACHMENT D INJECTION RATIONALE Information from the Work Plan to complete the Phase II Remedial Investigation is recited below: The injectant was selected because of its potential to remediate the contaminants of concern. As described in the Work Plan to complete the Phase II Remedial Investigation, a groundwater remediation pilot test was proposed near wells MW-6, MW-10 and MW-19 to assess whether the addition of a carbon source will stimulate the biological degradation of nitrate. However, based on recent groundwater data, the pilot test will now focus only on well MWA.0. The objectives of the pilot test are to: • Determine if the selected technology can reduce the nitrate impacts to below the NCDENR 2L Standard of 10 mglL; • Determine whether daughter products are formed that are not further treated by the in situ treatment, and • Generate information, such as injectant volume and concentration, useful far developing the design for full-scale treatment. ATTACHMENT E INJECTION PROCEDURE AND EQUIPMENT Information from the Work Plan to complete the Phase II Remedial Investigation is recited below: 'J - ")4 1 r 4, ,,, The solution will be injected into the aquifer through th" temporary injection points constructed of PVC piping. The injectant will be delivered to the Site ih appropriate storage containers and diluted on -site to be 1 percent solution in water. The solution will be injected utilizing a trailer -mounted system consisting of the following main components: 1) drum transfer pumps and flow meter systems for transferring reagents into a mix tank, 2] a 300-gallon capacity mix tank and mixer to prepare batches of solution prior to injecting, 3) a centrifugal pump system including a variable frequency device to control the pumping rate to between 1 and 10 gallons per minute (gpm) with an injection pressure ranging up to 20 psi, and 4) manifolds to safety and efficiently transfer the solution into the IP. Gasoline- ar diesel -powered electrical generators and compressors will be used on -Site to operate chemical mixers and injection pumps. Water for mixing the solution will be obtained from a municipal water supply system. The pilot test will consist of the injection of several hundred or more gallons of solution. The solution will be injected at flow rates ranging from 1 to 10 gallons per minute (gpm) at pressures ranging from just a few pounds per square inch (psi) up to pressures of 20 psi. Injection of solutions will be followed by injection of clean water to flush one or more system components including the mixing tank, the pump and the injection piping and hoses. ATTACHMENT F MONITORING PLAN Information from the Work Plan to complete the Phase II Remedial Investigation is recited below: Monitoring associated with the pilot testing includes monitoring during the solution injection and the post -treatment monitoring. Post -treatment sampling events will be scheduled at least one (1), three (3), six (6), and 12 weeks following the completion of the injection. During solution injection, the following parameters will be periodically monitored at well MW-10 and the three injection monitoring points to provide real time information about performance and ensure the safety of field personnel: 1. Water quality parameters including pH, temperature. dissolved oxygen, and ORP (via a water quality analyzer - e-g., Horiba U-22), 2. Groundwater elevation (via an interface probe), and 3. Visual observations for solution in wells (using clear bailer). Additionally, the following process data will be recorded: 4. Injection pump flow rate, 5. Injection pump discharge pressure, 6. IP manifold pump side pressure, 7. IP manifold IP side pressure, 8. Total mix tank batch injection time. 9. Total volume of solution injected; and 10. Water temperature at injection point. At weeks 1. 3, 6, and 12. post -treatment groundwater samples will be collected from MW-10, PMW- 7, and the three injection monitoring points. These groundwater samples will be sent to a laboratory for analysis of nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, TKN, and TOC. The reduced forms of manganese (Mn+2) and iron (Fe+2) will be monitored in the field. Water quality parameters of pH, temperature. DO. and ORP will be measured in the field. ATTACHMENT F MONITORING PLAN Information frorhthe Work Plan to complete the Phase 11 Remedial investigation is recited below: Monitoring associated wit the pilot testing includes monitoring during the Olution injection and the post -treatment monitoring. st-treatment sampling events will be sched ed at least one (1), three (3), six (6), and 12 weeks fol loO4ng the completion of the injection. During solution injections, the folio g parameters will be periodic ly monitored at well MW-10 to provide real time information about pe armance and ensure the afety of field personnel: 1. Water quality parameters including p , emperature, disso ed oxygen, and ORP (via a water quality analyzer - e.g., Horiba U-22), 2. Groundwater elevation (via an interface pro ), and 3. Visual observations for solution in wells (using earbailer). Additionally, the following process data will be record 4. Injection pump flow rate, 5. Injection pump discharge pressure, 6. IP manifold pump side pressure, 7. IP manifold IP side pressure, 8. Total mix tank batch injection time, 9. Total volume of solution injected; apfc 10. Water temperature at injection pint. At weeks 1, 3, 6, and 12, post-tre ment groundwater samples will be cot lecte rom MW-10. These groundwater samples will beFperature, to a laboratory for analysis of nitrate, nitrite, a onia, TKN, and TOC. The reduced forms of anese (Mn+2) and iron (Fe+2} will be monitored i he field. Water quality parameters of pH, to DO, and ORP will be measured in the field. ATTACHMENT G WELL DATA Information available from previous investigations regarding well data is included in Attachment G. Remedial Actium Report Ingram PytiixW Fmilirv. 71ummisville. NC TABLE 4 MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 1411 Rodir [' wiparr►rhsi 1'ririltl,�•<I inn! � 'u��flele'+Nr�11 Ground Top Of Total Depth Well screen Eleviltiuu of Firv:lliml of Flevaliou of Well Date Casing of Well (of l.rugll�lUi:tinlrtcrl !ixa<d t ark lieuloidle Seal Installed (feet) (feet) uli Llerndva (feel) SixJl'ypr (feel) (feely (frcl) � M W- i 1969 890.86 090.59 21.0 IVIW-5 4/18/90 895.10 894.83 21.0 ? ? ? ? MW-6 4/18190 876.30 877.31 21-0 7 ? ? ? MW-8 4/19190 890.72 890.40 15.1 7 7 ? 7 MW-10 4119190 879.09 881.21 27.1 ? ? ? It MW-1 1 ? 891.33 893.09 10.0 ? 7 7 7 MW-13 ? 891.86 893.35 14.2 7 ? ? hiw- I S 1217198 885.44 885.22 27.0 1512"1.0101PVC 858.44 - 858.44 - 875.44 - 873.44 875.44 B77.44 MW-19 12/7198 883.55 885.75 22.0 1512"1.0101PVC 861.55 - 861.55 - 878.55 - 876.55 878.55 880.55 MW-20 1.217198 882.66 884.85 22.0 1512"1.0101PVC 880.66 - 875.66 - 877.66 - 875.66 877.66 879.66 RW'-2 1993 876.34 874.34 ? 'ate 7 ? ? ? RW-3 1993 875.02 873.02 ? ys 7 ? ? ? Disines car Amore 39 r1+1ku+r I Z 19Vy h k1ft ,..F.;d7ato- IM0111 Ihc....•xIw'lJrY!A% WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS S s E=L CC%'tF; r! 2'r PYC CEur'ti a G=C.iT .010" SLOTTED S-REEN I-2 FT AsovE a'C7=--m J 4 b �C SAM Flu; -ER s : ` PACK MCNi i O"ING WELL Ficu"a FOR r.FF:CE USE'ONLY 'NOMH CAnCL;'JA CE7ARTMENT CF 11A':�;F SCUFiCcS AID CC1,SMUNITY CEVELCi'U=+. QtVI&ON CF ENVIRONMENTAL I. IAGEMWT - GitC MWATER SEC7ICH P.O. BOX 27Et17-RALF[OR 14-C. 27611. PHONE (410) 733-5083 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Cuad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. Gw-1 Ent._ DRILLING CONTRACTOR Engineering Tectonics, P.A. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER $35 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Thomasville County: Davidson (Road, Community, at Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. ❑WNER', Ingram Plywood ADDRESS Highway 29-70 Street or Route No. Thomasville NC 27361 City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED USE OF WELL Monitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH _ 20' _ CUTTINGS COLLECTED © Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes 0 No . 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 6.8 FT. above TOP OF CASING.CCII below TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST NA a. WATER ZONES (depth): 6.8 r 9.Type NA Amount 10, CASING: From From From 11. GROUT: NA Wail Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Fl. Material 0 Ta 10 Fl. 2 Sch. 40 POC To —Ft. To Ft. Depth Material From CL _ To_ F �Ft. Portland From To Ft. 12. SCREEN: Method Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 10 To 70 Ft-­2—In­ _ ill0 in. Pyr Frans T❑ Ft. • in, In. From To Ft. in. In. 13. GRAVEL PACK: Dev:h Size Material From 12 To 20 Fl,,ide 11 graded Sand From Ta Ft. 1.' IJARKS: I9-11l Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Descr►plion . ee Boring Lox _ II additional space Is neaded use hack of form. LOCATION[ ^,KETCH_ (Shaw direction and distance from at least two State Roads or •other map reference points) I CO HEPEBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCCADANC-T WITH IS NCAC 2C. WELL CCAISTRUCT STANDARDS, AND THAT A CCPY CF THIS FECCRD HAS EE51-1 PROAC.ED TO TFE WELL OUritil:r3. SiGNA%LAE CF c:C li.ACTCR CFI AGENT r':1.V-1a-rieAri 1 ilRa CA-_ Su'J'r,", G.'! lr: r�vrSi^n al Egylroir:1en:at M3n,';1-er•1 arc ccay 10 -4-1 o',vr`$f C,, 3t :- 1`4OF17H CAF.CLI14A OE?ARTIAENT OF 14ATURAL F RCES AND CO>+ MVNtTY CEVELOPMEN7 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL WPAGEMEW - GROUNDWATER SECTION ~ • P.O. 6Ox 97e87 - RAUIGH.IIC. 27811, PHON6 (919) 733-6043 r WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD i . DRILLING CONTRACTOR Engineering Tectonics, P.A. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Lat. Long. Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town, Thomasville County: Davidun (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER -.. Ingram Plywood -- ADDRESS Hi hue 2 -70 (Street or Route NO3 Thomasville, NC.. Z7361. City or Town State ZIP Code 3. DATE DRILLED USE OF WELL ,Monitoring 4. TOTAL DEPTH _ ry5 CUTTINGS COLLECTED Q Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL. REPLACE EXISTING WELL? Q Yes ®No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL- 8.6 FT. 0 above TOP OF CASING, ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS 2'O FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (gpm): METHOD OF TEST S. WATER ZONES (depth): 6.6 7. _mLORINATION. Type NA Amount NA D. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weignt/Ft. Material From 0 Ta 15 Fl., -2"_ __ Sal,_ bQ PTc__ _ From To Ft. From To Ft. 1. GROUT: Depth Material Method From a To 13 Ft, Portland From To Ft. 2. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Site ' Material From 1 c Tom_ Ft. � fn, � 1 In. - -Pyc From To FL. In. In, From To FL In, In. 3. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size biaterlal From Z3 To 25FI. fell graded Sand Frcr1 To Ft. MARKS: % , Serial No. Pc GW-1 Ent. Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description C If additional space is needed use back of form. Lpr,ATIQN SKETCH .ry (Show direction and distance from at least Iwo State Roads, or other neap reference points) f CO HEPESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL Col'ISTRUCTICt STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY CF THIS RECCRO HAS BEEN PAOVICED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE OF CCNTRACTCR 08 AGENT DATE QIViSlett CF DWIRCNMENTAL M N1._.,...Vr - rjRC(Ji01YATcR SE"":CN P.O, BOX 2ie8T - RAL :0KN.C. 27011. PHONE (919) 733-5081l WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD i FCC, c- �� USE C:1LY C ad. Nc. Serial No. La:. Long. Pc Minor Easin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent._ TRILLING CONTRACTOR Engineering Tectonics, P.A. . STATE V'l1rLL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER PERMIT NWASER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: Thomasville C�unty: Davidson (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER :. Insram Plvtrood ADDRESS Hiphwav 29-70 (Street or Route No. _ Thomasville, NC _ 27361 City or Town State tip Code 3. DATE DRILLED USE OF WELL ttonitorinQ d. TOTAL DEPTH 18 ; 5 CUTTINGS COLLECTED Q Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yas © No S. STATIC WATER LEVEL: t1—..r.^� FT. ❑ above TOP OF CASING. ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS 2.0 . _ FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (Gpmk _ NA _ LIE T HOD OF TEST N 4 8. WATER ZONES (depth):_- 9...,iLORINATION: 10. CASING. Type Amount Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Welgnt/Ft. i.laterlal From - - To "Ft. a„ - Sch -40 - Pj-rC'C From To Ft. From To FI. 11. GROUT. Depth 1•,talerial tilethod From 0 To- 5.0 Ft. Rortland From To Ft. 12. SCP.EEAI: Depth Diameter Slot Size klaterfal From B • 5 To 18.5 Ft. 2 in, .010 in. PVC Frzrn To Ft. in. in, From To Ft. in. in, 13. GRAVEL PACK: Depm Saxe hialerial Frcra &_ c To_- 7 A c Ff. tgel l graded Sand From To Ft. I., %IAF;KS. 1.11;3 Depth OPILLING LOG Fran To Formation Oescription Roo -i e, It addlttcral space is needed use back of ferrn. LOCATIO14 SKETCH - (Show direcJcn and c+isrance from at least two State Roads, or other map rele(ence points) 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY 7RA7 THIS WELL WAS CCHSTRUCTED IN ACCCROANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. 11.1SL-L CCNSTF.UCT.C% STANDARDS, AND 7HAT A COPY CF THIS RECCSO HAS EEO-N FF,OVICEC 7-0 THE VIELL CWNER. G.�-1 SevIsad I I/Z-1 Sutrtt CriS:^_,i 0iviS:.,n c'=:nvrcrmar:a, Manw;errer.t aria ea:+ w well owner NcRTH CARCUNIA CEPARTId_:rr CF HATUS 3CURC=S AN;D C 3!1W''jNJ1: Cz-v 2.CP!.1E iF Uac FAR C-ri�.c QNL ;' DIVISION CF F-NVIRCNMrNTAL kMAGE.L{ENT - GRCUNOWAMI SECT:CN - P.O. BOX 278S7-RAL,IGH.H.C. 27011. PHONE (919) 733-6081 Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long, Pc , I.f€nor Basin WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Basin Coda Header Ent. GW-t Ent. DRILLING CONTRACTOR Engineering Tectonics, P.A. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER v1�¢ PErR'dIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketCh of the location below) Nearest Town: Thomasville Cct:nty: _ Davidson Depth ❑AILtWG LOG (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Forrlatlon Description 2. OWNER. Zn>;ram Plywood -_ .- ¢ee 30 Leg _ ADDRESS Highway 29-7 (Street or Aoute No.) _ Thomasville. - NC 27361 _^ City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED USE OF WELL Moni toring 4. TOTAL DEPTH _�Z' CUTTINGS COLLECTED I;j Yes ❑ No E. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? 0 Yes 13- No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 8.2 FT, m above TOP OF CAS3VG, © below TOP OF CASING IS? p___ FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. 7. YIELD (9pm): NA METHOD OF TEST NA f1ATER ZONES (depth): 9.—.iLORINATION: Type 10. CASING: NA Amount NA Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or We€qnt/Ft. Material From O To 10 Ft. ' 2" Sc h . O PVC From To F I. From To Ft. 11. GROUT: Depth i.fatarlal !.Method From IITo A Ft. Portland From To Ft. 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Maiedal From, .,,10_. To?0.Ft. `' In._ ntQ In. _pvr From Te Ff. in. In. From Ta Ft. In. h 13. GRAVEL PACK; If additional space Is needed use back of (Urn, LOCATION ri H (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. cr other mao reference points) Dec;h Size Material From S To 20 Ft. Well Qraded San Frorn To Ft. MARKS: II U4 I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CC?IS TAVC TEE IN ACCCr=CANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. !ELL CCINSTAUC T ICtd S - AN *OAFC3. At:C T HAT A COPY CF T > :tS RE CCRO HAS SSEEN! PRCViCc.0 70 Tr,B WELL OWNER. Appendix B Well Abandonment Reords uaperLmi -- or natural ![eeourCa■ and commun vevelopment , liviaion of Environmental Hanm4, 40, , EC GCE WELL ". P. 0. Box 27687 - Raleigh, N. C. 2761i N.C. Dept. of EHNR Rwam 'MAY 1 t 200 rinm AMR 1gmee1eA F,uyirznr�rt-rPx►T�1L 1��►��f►vC' RM. 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. 7. WII.L LOCATION: (Show a aketch of the locetion on back of form.) R e Gio n at .; Nearest Toxn: County ��1�� VAS Quadrangle No. Road, Co==Uty, Subdivision, Lot No. OWNER: f�Ls ,�vper ADaWS: NV-? y.4try, ,S'Gyct� I�,Tu 1LCs7depthqaand : Draw a detailed sketch of the TOPOGRAM.-draw, slope, hilltop,valley,T�g total depth, depth and diamete remaining in the ire13, gravel USE OF WELL.- WW7rJt DATE: �-0q-2tervals of caaing perforations, 7,0,E �'IN: Dr a&. : {' nd types of fill materials use a R�vm� PE'x� 9� �rLe, feet diameter A� SFALM MATERIAL i Naat cement Sand cement ba.ge of cement 'bags of cement gala. of water S3 yds. of sand gale. of water Other Type material. 2!��•uitln-►%T� Amount E1'F AXN ME'=D OF EMFLACEMM OF IMATERLkL I do hereby- certify that this well abandarzment record is true and exact. .3 -z 7-z SignAturs of Contractor or Agent Date Pepr�) -27z e^ili-f. e. G,? o u 7-(fD J=1-:? ax� ;5� ,e e�7c�, 7-r,V,-,fj 4��. /Ve lCeconp oc IN f1 d2z, e , Sc e X7-r44,v P a A-�A P S ub*1t original to the Division of Environmental Wan4gemant, one copy to the Driller, d an■ copy to the owner. ar-30 irriard XQ / t 180 500 100 0 Soo 1000 FEET SOURCE: Base map Is hm a porUan of a Davldaon County Tax Map LEGEND: 0 Residendal Walls 3 . A Figure 2 WATER WELL SURVEY DAVIDSON COUNTY TAX MAP Former Ingram Plywood Facility 7 1 a Baaaed Drive Thomasville, Georgia ® DAMES & MOORE 1� �.r..arsx•�„ Departm of Natural Resources and Commun Devel6pment '. ivision of Environmental Manag 014 ° RECFI� t- NEB. P. O. Box .2 7W7 - Raleigho N. C. 27611 s, . • �� �� DEAL , MAY 1 1 a. 3. k. 5• 6. 7. 9 9. rRAM WLOCAMON: (Show a sketch of the location on back of form.) i !, ._ �`'WELL Nearest Townt- H ❑ice y S ► � L— G Co=ty , �J V a s_o �•.1 Quadrangle No. Road, Co mnu ity, Subdivision, Lot No. ass SJZowe ,2eC IaeoJCe e MESS; 71 Z SJj5d rr D2 . IIjo 5'1JUe7wellshowing AM: Draw a detailed sketch of the TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, Qat total depth, depth and diamete remaining in the well, gravel USE OF wF�L,I,: W rem MTV: 3 -�`� -� interval, intervala of casing perforations, TOTa7. DEPTH: 217 D rQ ETM: / " and depths and types of fill materials used feet A-11q SE IIJW MATERIAL t Neat cement bags of cement gale. of water�_ diameter AJA Sand cement bags of cement yds. of sand �! gala, of water Other -z /zc)_ C0Ae,0e7-e1 i Type material') RA` �7 .Amount ' E PLUX ME=D OF EMPLACEMM OF MtTERFet. I do hereby Certify that this well abarAor=nt record is true and exact. T 7- Signature of Contractor or Agent Date /40 b-a)zezD Wel, L Q b Q 4 A v rn f� �C o CD n a at ft �11Q,e D 2 of 1064 -'�)Y ,4N D cI 9,4C S See r ariainal to the Division of Environmental Nana: went, one Copy to the Driller, on■ cap]' to the Owner. GW-30 Rerised 1011laO lzm .•s}+.r�rnr� a .■acuroi resources ana couimunl ieveiopment vision of Environmental Man& WELL ABANDONKM P. D. Box 27687 - PAIsighi N. C. 27611 ABCCRD , C NTRAG"I'0 f�lYl e, + L�N �aW, 2o�j1�N i tl .� �%k� REr3 N Z 5 0 I. WELL I==0N: (Show a sketch of the location on back of form.) Heareat Town t `rN 0 i�14 S v L L County, �Ssdrangle No. Road, Co==nity, 5Ubdivleion, Lot No. 2. Ud=t SJZ GW�-J of S ►De:yGe 3. AzmEss:2 z S err DAz . a 5yWGe DTAC�RlIM: Draw a detailed sketch of the 4. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope,hilltop,valley,QLt �'$Zl showing total depth, depth and dinmet, of screens remainll$ in the well, gravel 5. USE OF i�II,i.: W�gTel�- DATE: �-Z`-�- interval, intervals of casing perforations, 6. Z�7LQ DEFT .- 22 DLUWM:� and depths and types of Till materials ueez feet "A B. SE&LIM ?lA,MUAL= Neat cement bags of cement 12- gals. of water dicer Al A Sand cement ' bags of bement`� yda, of sand �^ gals■ of water Other i Typo m tsriaz , �°7� ,EeA-� i3O.4.1/TC re�r.._r? 9. EXPUW MEMOD CF IMACEKW OF WERIILL, T1?eA4sc r-� If .�=e :tO I do hereby certify that this well abwadonment record is true and exact. Signature of Contractor or Agent Data a ' c c) c � Mv �.. W, Y •• n w -+ r p 70 Fee7- 7G74c No IZe 6 09) 49r (5: Lt,--r Submit oriainal to the Division of Environmental MAn4&0M4nt, one copy to the Driller, and arts copy to the Amer, ar-30 lwised 1011►80 fie 4 t `' • N ��i8 �C�65 icy w•t •r�� Ai-` B 61 AC. MAP A. 74A "-= pi EASi4T"s_RD .r `i.� 1 .� -� AC • . i"T i r31r �2i: J kc r OUSIt4ESS J ET'r pR�E .. , e 5.••�•• ••� INGRAM PLYWOOD FACIUN �Y,u •4 AC 3 n � '•r. n 500 100 0 500 1000 FEET SOURCE: Base map is from a portion of a Davidson County Tax Map LEGEND: 3 3 Residential Waft aft Figure 2 WATER WELL SURVEY DAVIDSON COUNTY TAX MAP Former Ingram Plywood Facility 718 Bassett Drive Thomasville, Georgla DAMES & MOORE nortn Carolina _ Depar_, of Natural Resources and CoL t_., Development division of Environmental Management YELL ABANDONMENTr 0. Box 27687 - Weigh, N. c. 27611 RECORD � TRA R �'1�,�'� 1N N✓, IZc��7 IrNifiL .���!-L� r RM. No. S o 2- I. WELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the location on back of form.) Neareat Town: .r1-1 ❑ t+•1 /q S d • L G County _01y ! Q S _U IQ . Quadrangle No. Road, Community, Subdivision, Lot No. 2. OWW: SQ owl 2eS iae.0Ge 3. ADLRFSS : 7' 2 6455e, rr DR., -r42Ljd 5 Yeiae 4. TOPOGRAM:draw, slope, hilltop, valley,tl-„&t 5. USE OF W=Z: L'-)fl Tel DATE: 3 - Z q - Z 6. TOM nvm 29 DLeME•TE -. /Sol 7. CASH RE MOVEDs feet "A .�...-.ram. 8. SgJ1M* MATERIAL: Neat cement bass of cement_ gals. of water�� diameter .'VA Sand cement bags of cement yda. of sand. gels. of water-„ Otheri�l�D �43CI��TPIs Type material,J�1,. $ �E)jjW .4�6. �ez Amount z 9. EXPLAIN XMWD OF EMPIACEMENT OF MATERLAL I do hereby certify that this well abandormant record is true and exact. 3-2 7.z Signature of Contractor or Agent bate WELL DIAORAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the well showing total depth, depth and diamete of screens remaining in the well, gravel interval, intervals of casing perforations, and depths and types of fill materials used / 0 "' 80)zen 1X ' AN C.ve'eL DeP7-1� ILL�I] 2,-)l 7>) Z Y,#lz )_�)S PY S'ee 1q7-r c. e t> /Wp :uhv.t ortzinal to the Division of 8nvironmantal Management, one copy to the Driller, %nd one copy to the Owner# V-30 tensed 1012180 DaPaI nt of Natural Resources an CA`' ty Development Division of Environmental 1l4Lrsagement P. 0, Boa 27687 -Raleigh, Us C. Z7611 ABCQRD ;4rrrRACMR }iY1 e� ► N �� �� ax�j+�l �N i f�L D.Z.LL.A3e�7 - - RM . NO. 2 S o 2 1. YELL LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the location on back of farm.) Nearest Ten: 7-/-1 ❑,o -14 5 d� L L e- .. County. V' a S U r•1 quadrangle No. ]Road, Community, Subdivision, Lot No. 2. W=z Si pes►-a Re c eae•vice 3. ADMFSS: 712 SA -.�5e rT A2_� ;Tr44q5-,oU ll WELL DLkGRW: Draw a detailed sketch of Uh, 4. TOPOGRAPHY: draw, slope, hilltop, valley, LIAt 5. USE OP i, ML: wA re►z DATE: 3 - Zq - z 6. TOTAL i]EP'TH.--_ r1C ? DIAMEi'ER: • 7. CASIZ+i4 RF3d Mi feet diameter MA 'VA ,"s._ 8. SEAUM HITftRLALt Neat Cement Sand cement bags of asownt �? bags of amen .. gain. of ►pater 8 yds. of sand gale. of water Type ma eAu: dN� a�• a r r. e r �- y �• y i� a x do hereby oertify that this will ahando mart record 3s true and exact. 3 - Z 7 - z. Signature of Contractor or Agent Dwte well showing total depth, depth and dia,met, of screena remaining in the well, gravel interval, intervals of casing perforations and depths and types of fill materials use,: 5itilD LJ ee 6 ' 0 Feel -TGj,qC Z�=PTtl l��e6:12 vu�re� F�zcTie No IZe 4 o,�! /Xj ryoGG' , Sutmit original to the Division of Environmental kmaiemen=, one copy to the Driller, one copy to the Owner. .30 LOWLsed 1011180 nvrtn VArolina DoperF y f Natural Resources and Com - i Development uivi■ion of Environmental Kanagement WELL ASUMONKW P. O. Sox 27687 - Ralisigho N. C. 27611 RECORD rW f leh k- 1. W= LOCATION: (Show a sketch of the location on back of form.) Nearest Town t l�42J 40 6'0z e Countyy QAadrangl a No. Road, Commuaity, Subdivision, Lot No, a vim: -� � 1-/1-L5 Ez o �pe r-T 3. ADDRESS: AtY3 *4s`ry S cicr4- RP, _y.4ce. WELL DIAl3RAM: Draw a detailed sketch of the 4. TOPWRAPHY:draw,elope.hilltop,valiey,f_ t we11 showing fatal depth, depth and dia�metr of 8creene remaining In the well, gravel 5. USE OF WELL: &J,47-r2 MTE: 3 - 2q-Z interval, intervals of casing perforations, 6. T'OTAL nm: -7/ Dz.Arg,TER: and depths and types of fill materials used T • CJ15II+Ei REMMr .. 6 `` D PPS gj-) fl feet diameter rtJfII AJ14 8. SF.AM0 X&T'FAIALt Neat cement Sand cement bagaof cement 7 bags of cement gala. of rater 63 yde, of sand gala, of crater Other Type material °�v �C..�72�^-Te 9. E MAIN MEMOD OF MYLACDOM OF I do hereby certify that this well abandonment record is true and exact. -07-Z Signature of Contractor or Agent Date AAA CA 5,Aj liv 11 dl, e . See m -Pa IVAP submit orisinal to the Division of Enrironmenral Management, one copy to the Driller. %nd one copy to the Owner. W-30 lovieed 10Illg4 ATTACHMENT C INJECTION FLUID COMPOSITION Injectant is 1% milk solution in water, which is on the Aquifer Protection Section's list of approved injectants. A copy of the list is provided in Attachment C. P r die Name facturer Chemical Oxidation "On -Contact" Fenian's Process nla Chemical Oxidation Calcium Peroxide n/a Chemical Oxidation Fenton's Reagent (FeSO{ & H202) nIa Chemical Oxidation GeoCleanse Chemical Oxidation Hydrogien Peroxide n/a Chemical Oxidation ISOTEC Fenton's Reacent TMC Chemicals Chemical Oxidation Klozur CR FMC Chemical Oxidation Ozone nla Chemical Oxidation Potassium Permanganate Carus Chemical Chemical Oxidation Re enOx Regenesis Chemical Oxidation Sodium Permanganate Carus Chemical Chemical Oxidation Sodium Pemutfale nla Chemical Oxidation Soil Savers Soil Savers Chemical Reduction Calcium Po suicide n1a Chemical Reduction EHC Adventus Chemical Reduction EHC-A Adventus Chemical Reduction EHC-M Adventus Chemical Reduction Emulsified Zero-Valent Iran n/a Chemical Reduction Palladized Iron n/a Chemical Reduction Sodium Bisulfite nla Chemical Reduction Sodium Dithionits n/a Chemical Reduction Sodium Metabisufte n/a Chemical Reduction Sodium Suifile Esseco USA, LLC Chemical Reduction Zero-valent Iron NO Chemical Reduction ZVI & Molasses Slurry n!a nr>J Enhanced Bioremediation 3-1) Microemulslon HRC-Advanced) Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation ABC RedoxTech Enhanced Bioremediation Ammonium Nitrate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Ammonium Phosphate nIa Enhanced Bioremediation 13AC-9 Shaw Environmental for EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation Bio-Dechlor INOCULUM Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation Bio-Integration ERC Enhanced Bioremediation Biack Biomass VEETech Enhanced Bioremediation Blackstrap Molasses n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Blue -Green Algae nla Enhanced Bioremediation BOS 100 RPI Enhanced Bioremediation BOS 200 RP! Enhanced Bioremediation Butyric acid n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Calcium Hydroxide rVa Enhanced Bioremediation Calcium Propionate, Niacet Corporation Enhanced Bioremediation CBN Nutrient Amendment ETEC, LLC Enhanced Bioremediation CHITROREM SC•20 Chitin Com Iex JRW Bioremediation, LLC Enhanced Bioremediation CHITROREM SC-80 Chitin Complex JRW Bioremediation, LLC Enhanced Bioremediation CL-Out Oserey Siotechnics Enhanced Bioremediation DI -Ammonium Phosphate nla Enhanced Bioremediation EAS EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EHC Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation EHC-A Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation EHC-M Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation EHC•O Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 400 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 450 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 698 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 5981342 former) EOS EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 600 EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation EOS 600EX EOS Remediation Enhanced Bioremediation Ethyl Lactate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation High Fructose Corn Syrup n/a Enhanced Bioremediation HRC Regenesis Enhanced Bioremedlation HRC-X Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation Hydrocien nla Enhanced Bioremediation KB-1 SiREM Laboratories Enhanced Bioremediation Kelp rda Enhanced Bioremediation Lactic acid Na Enhanced Bioremediation Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt nla Enhanced Bioremediation Micro•Bac Micro-Bac Enhanced Bioremediation Molasses n/a Enhanced 8ioremediation Monosadium Phosphate nla Enhanced Sioremediation Munox Osprey Biotechnics Enhanced Bioremediation Neutral Zone Remedlation &Natural Attenuation Services Enhanced Bioremedlation Newman Zone RNAS Enhanced Biaremediation ORC Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation ORC-Advanced Regenesis Enhanced Bioremediation O-SOX Adventus Enhanced Bioremediation Oxygen n/a Enhanced Bioremediation Oxygen BioChem 08C FMC for RedoxTech Enhanced Bioremediation PermeOx Plus FMC Enhanced Bioremediation R713-1 Shaw Environmental for RedoxTech Enhanced Bioremediation Sodium Bicarbonate Na Enhanced Bioremediation Sodium Lactate n/a Enhanced Bioremediation m Pol meta has hate Lhuametaphos rVa Enhanced Bioremediation So an Oil We Enhanced Bioremediation SRC Geovations Enhanced Bioremediation SRC-7 Geovations Enhanced Bioremediation SRC -ER Geovations Enhanced Bioremediation SRS Substrate Tema Systems Enhanced Bioremediation Sucrose rda Enhanced Bioremediation Textral BR 50 Solae LLC Enhanced Bioremediation Textrol BR Solae LLC Enhanced Bioremediation TRfPhasic 12 Micro-Bac Enhanced Bioremediation Urea nla Enhanced Bioremediation Vdamin B12 BASF Enhanced Bioremediation Vitamin B2 BASF Enhanced Bioremediation WBC-2 SiREM Enhanced Bioremediation WMI-2000 WMI Internaticnal Enhanced Bioremediation Yeast extract n/a Enhanced Extraction Aerosol OT-75 Science lab. corn, Inc. Enhanced Extraction Biosolve Westford Chemical Enhanced Extraction Calfax 16L-35 Dowfax 8390 Pilot Chemical Com an Enhanced Extraction EnviroClean 165 Enviro Clean Products & Services Enhanced Extraction Grime Gitter Clearwater Products, Inc. Enhanced Extraction MOB -I Surbec Environmental, LLC Enhanced Extraction PetroSaiv ETEC LLC Geothermal Closed -Loa antifreeze Environol WFI Global, Inc. Geothermal Closed -Loa antifreeze Ethanol rda Geothermal Closed -Loa antifreeze Pro ene Glycol n/a Geothermal Closed -Lao biocide sodium h hlorite n/a Geothermal Closed -Loa corrosion Inhibitorpotassium ortha hos hate n/a Geothermal Closed -Loop corrosion inhibitorpotassium polyphosphate nla Geothermal Closed -Loa corrosion inhibitor sodium polyphosphate n/a Geothermal Closed -Loop (relrioerant as R-22 We Geothermal Closed•Loo refri erani g asl R407C rVa Other Calcium Chloride n/a Other Ferrous Sulfate rda Other Nitrogen Gas nla Other Ph asp horic Acid n/a Other Sodium Chloride nla Other Sulfuric Acid rVa Other Xanthan Gum rJa H Adjustment Acetic Acid n/a H Adjustment Calcium Carbonate We H Ad•ustment Magnesium Hydroxide nla H Adjustment Sodium Hydroxide n/a Tracer Eosin Dye n!a Tracer Fluorescein ❑ e n/a Tracer Halon 1211 nla Tracer Helium n/a Tracer Potassium Bromide n/a Tracer Rhodamine ❑ e n!a Tracer Sodium Bromide rVa Tracer Sulfur Hexafluoride nla Tracer Tino al Dye We Tracer Uramine Dye We Tracer Xanthene ❑ e n/a h BrownAND Catdwett -1 Y5, 4 ..f µwa 7 ►MMw Mw�iIYY-1 r•FORMER UST EXCAVATION, BUILI±IN� � f � ' hIW tTK 1 AMw•t8 t FORMER RESIN EXCAVATION If hlwna 5B•9* 1 Mw-19 625 11 - _ ` sa•. tizvr s Plaw•s vywe 1K SOMM URS, SITE DACA M. FOVW 2 *PMw-a 0 4p 0D SCALE IN FEET EXPL ANKNON CROSS SECTION LINE A-X MW-5 GROUNDWATER K40WOR MW-12 0 ARANOONFD WELL RW-3 RECOVERY WELL SS-2 • TEMPORARY WELL Figure 2 SITE MAP FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACUM 718 EMSSM DRIVE THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROUNA SIiE y�D�RY l I I I .. FORMER WARE1,0JS PRl"mo -I @UILpIHC 'I � s I I sa: SOURCE! UR% SITE DAGRtlM, FIGVFJ= 2 4 40 BD SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION MW-6 * MONITORklG WELL LOCATION WITH (4D 6) NITRATE RE8(ATS IN MILLIGRAM: PER LITER (.qfL) • TEMPORARY WELL LOCATION WITH NITRATE IN Met NITRATE CONTOUR TO mqlL Figure 3 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR NIITRATE, OCTOBER 20 10 FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY 718 BASSETT DR3VE THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA ' 'BASSETT DRIVE = i 1 F V � JT D _i i Y - _ �� _ - - - - ~ Ir FORMER MANUFACTURING BUILDING r r r FORMER I WAREHOUSEI i PRINTING , BUILDING APPROXIMATE DIRECTION I �Q Of GROUDWA TER FLOW r 10a so 0 Ion I pJ LEGEND: MW 0 MONITORING WELLS MOMIOREd ANNUALLY + MW.19 f _ rr ¢O PROPOSED INJECTION POINT OFFICE BLDG f / I = PROPOSED INJECTION MONITORING POINT I / ,r _ --- - L MW� I SOURCE; BASE MAP IS FROM A SURVEY RY ROCK AND CLARK. DATED IW15W , so 5410 Trinity Road Palisades II, 50e 320 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 [919]233.91 78 NC Licerrse No- F-0705 s� MW.,O PMAL7 0 PM" PROPOSED PILOT TEST LOCATION FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD, INC- FACILITY 718 BASSETT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC A ' LI U IS 0 FIGURE 3 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION Type 5I Wells — In Situ Groundwater Remediation / Type 5T Wells -- Tracer Injection B_ PROPOSED OPERATING PARAMETERS 1. Duration of Injection: 8 hours a. Maximum number of separate injection events: l b. Expected duration of each injection event: 8 hours c. Expected duration between events (if more than one event): NIA 2. Injection rate per well: 1 gallons per minute (gpm) 3. Total Injection volume: 480 gallons per day (gpd); gallons per event (if separate events) 4. Injection pressure: 20 pounds/square inch (psi) S. Temperature at point of injection: Ambient OF 6. Briefly describe how the above parameters will be measured and controlled: During injection, a pressure gauge and flow meter will be used to monitor injection pressure and flow rate. 7. Estimated hydraulic capacity of the well: Unknown gpm C. INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA 1. Injection will be via: ( Existing well(s) proposed for use as an injection well, Provide the data in (2) through (6) below to the best of your knowledge. (x Proposed well(s) to be constructed for use as an injection well. Provide the data in (2) through (6) below as proposed construction specifications. 2. Well Drilling Contractor's Name: Geologic Exploration, Inc. NC Well Contractor Certification number: 3048 3. Date to be constructed: Mav 2011 Number of borings: I Approximate depth of each boring (feet): 25 4. Screened interval/Injection interval of injection wells: Depth: 10 to 25 feet below ground surface (ifmultiple intervals, indicate shallowest and deepest depth). 5. Well casing (NIA if injection is through direct push rods): Type: (x PVC ( Stainless steel( Other:_ Casing depth: 0 to 10 ft. 6. Grout (NIA if injection is through direct push rods): Type: (x Cement ( Bentonite ( Other: Grout depth: 0 to 6 ft. Revised 6/09 UIC-51/5T Page 4 of 7 jb WW 5 _ �I _ � r ^'BASSETT DRIVE I FORMER MANUFACTURING BUILDING •' I r FORMER Ir WA HOUSFJ `-"-- •• PRI G , I BUILDI I ,! APPROXIMATE DIREcnON / OF OROUDWATER FLOW ti I� RESIN AREA { i 0 ` yh Mw Ts FFICE 1 V BLDG 1CG 56 0 10 LEGEND' AAW 0 W>NRORPIE WELLS SAMPLED ANNUALLY - - - - - - APPROXIMATE L WaS 04: SOIL EXCAVATION' INFERRED 10 RVfL NITRATE GONCEMAATION CONTOUR ib I SOURrF! BASE MAP IS FROM A SURVEY 8Y SOrK AND CLARK, DATED 12715RII 'L OF EXCAVATION ARE FROM AOUATERA'S I WOUNDWATER SAMPLING REPORT" APPROXIMATE EXT T OF NITRATE IMPACT IN GROUNDWATER FOR R INGRAM PLYWOOD, INC. FACILITY 5410 Trinity Road PMW-a Pomades It. Suite 320 BASSETT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC S919j233.9178 NC License No. F-0785 FIGURE 3 SOURCE- LR S. 511E f thGRW FIGLM 2 o ao en SCALE IN FEET EXPLANATION MW-i * MONITOMNG WELL LOCATK>N 579.78 GROUNDWATER ELEVATK)K IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL F igurr $ GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION, OCTOBER 2010, FORMER U40RAM PLYWOOD PACRM 718 EOM TT DRIVE THOMASVII..LE, NORTH CAROLINA N eMW.�--- HASSETT DRIVE SJT F BOUNDARY r� FORMER MANUFACTURING BUILDING BUILDING ••.•� APPROXIMATE pRECT10N ! OF CiR"'DWATER FLOW RESIN AREA I r I I 11 V 0 1\ ` MW t9 �1 , C7FF+�'L 1 V —1�tiI 100 50 0 11 LEGEND: MN 0 MONfTORNG WELLS MONMORED ANNUALLY • PROPOSED INJECTION POWT PROPOSED INJECTI0N MONITORING POINT — — — — -- APPROXIMATE LWrTS OF SOIL EXCAVATION' 114FERRED 10 nVk NITRATE CONCENTRATION CONTOUR SOURCE BASE MAP IS FROM A SURVEY BY BOAC AND CLAW( DATED 12l15m 'LIMITS OF VATICNJ ARE FROM AQUATERAS 1995 -GROUNDWATER SAMPLING REPORT OPOSED PILOT TEST LOCATIONS FORMER IN M PLYWOOD, INC. FACILITY 5410 Tdnity Road PMWa 718 BAS TT DRIVE, THOMASVILLE, Brown Palisades II, Suite 320 VIDSON COUNTY, NC Raleigh, Nash Carolina 27607 (919y233-9178 NC License No. F-0785 FIGURE 5 LFINNERTY I Mar 10, 2011 - 11:29AM I Dwg: FIGLIRE 6 CROSS SECTION revised { Layout ES -STD (8X11 LAND) I Path: PAPrcjec%Mngram114o681%CAD-ESrBaseMap 25 50 SCALE IN FEET VERTICAL SCALE: 1"=25' i GROUNDWATER ELEVATION ¢ ON OCTOBER 26, 2010 z w z ® SILT/CLAY Ctf _D 905 [C 1L 805 OM FINEIMEDIUM SAND wz 900 7 ¢ _j 9D0 r w .i j 895 m 4 w 895 j w W u7 q w 890 m 890 J Q N 885 a) 885 N 8, : > ' r 880 w 80 2875 ? 875 2 w w p 870 870 p ¢ 865 885 ¢ cwu 860 88p LU LL U_ 855 855 850 850 Figure 5 CROSS SECTION A -A' BrownAND FORMER INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY Caldweli 718 BASSETT DRIVE SOURCE: URs, SITE DIAGRAM, FIGURE 2 THOMASVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA i*0 NCDEN R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Cohen H. Sullins Governor Director May 26, 2011 William B. Demeritt, President USI Realty Corp. 13925 City Center Dr., Suite 200 Chino Hills, CA 91709 Ref: issuance of Injection Permit W10400182 USI Realty Corp. Winston-Salem, Davidson County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Demeritt: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with the application received on March 25, 2011, and additional information received May 6, 2011. and May 10, 2011, we are forwarding permit number WI0400182. This permit is to inject 1% milk solution to remediate groundwater contaminated with nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and TKN at the Former Ingram Plywood Facility. 718 Bassett Dr. Thomasville. Davidson County, NC 27360. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until April 30, 2013, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations stated therein, including the requirement to submit a final project evaluation as stated in PART VII — MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Please read the entire permit to ensure that you are aware of all compliance requirements of the permit. Please pay special attention to Part VH.1 in the permit. The proposed monitoring plan included in the application has been modified per the Additional Information received May 10, 2011. You will need to notify this office and the Winston-Salem Regional Office by telephone 48 hours prior to initiation of operation of the facility. In order to continue uninterrupted legal use of the injection facility for the stated purpose, you must submit an application to renew the permit 120 days prior to its expiration date. Please contact me at 919-715-6166 or Michael.Rogers(a—)ncdenr.gov if you have any questions about your permit. Best Regards, Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist Underground Injection Control Program cc: Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office Reinhard Ruhmke, Brown and Caldwell. 5410 Trinity Rd., Suite 320. Raleigh, NC 27607 W10400182 Permit File Janet McDonnell, Division of Waste Management -Oberlin Office Sean Boyles. Division of Waste Management -Winston-Salem Regional Office AWIFER RROTE= TION S.—E.CTION 163G MaII SeMOR Center. R31e19T1, North Zamliria 27695-136 LOCauor r28 Capital Boulevard. Raleigr Norm Larotina:;Bfu Cl!'ie prrom 91G-733.3:?1':AY T 91�+5.053_ r.. _ :,=, `:-=: ustome,Service I,8 lra!emet: wwx�.rcwaterqualhv.ym I�i��n�7ht��arnlin� .u, naua: unMmsrmrn �frrmai1YC .c!Z' =_MVLt Ve �: ►'LLL L:1 f���1, Rogers, Michael From: Ruhmke. Reinhard [RRuhmke@BrwnCald.coml Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 4:42 PM To: Rogers. Michael Cc: Macdonald, Janet K; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: WI 0400182 USI Realty Corp. Attachments: Application Form Att F revised 5_10_11.pdf Hello, attached is the revised Attachment F. The only item that I did not change was to monitor PMW-7 during the actual solution injection (2"' paragraph). This well is too far away (- 150') from the injection area to provide any real-time injection monitoring data. Otherwise I have updated Attachment F to include PMW-7 in our pre - and post -injection monitoring program. Thanks Reinhard From: Rogers, Michael[mailto:michael.rogers(a)ncdenr.gav] Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2011 4:25 PM To: Ruhmke, Reinhard Cc: Macdonald, Janet K; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: WI 0400182 USI Realty Corp. Reinhard - The only other thing I need to draft the permit and forward to my supervisor For her review, and signature is a revised Attachment F page indicating 3 additional temporary monitoring wells and PMW-7 will be monitored. This page currently only shows monitoring well MW-10 being monitored. Thanks Michael Rogers. P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality- Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NO 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 7,15-6166. Fax 715-6048 {put to my attn on cover letter) htto-.0Dorta1.ncdenr. orclweb/wq/aps/gwpro/perm it- application s#g aothermApps E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Garohna Public Records Lax and may be disclosed to third parties From: Ruhmke, Reinhard [mailto:RRuhmkei)BrwnCaid.com] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:32 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Macdonald, Janet K; Wang, Shuying Subject: RE: WI 0400182 USI Realty Corp. Hello, attached is the additional information requested in your May 4 letter. I am also submitting the information via email also to expedite approval. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 919-424-1435. Thanks Reinhard From: Rogers, Michael[maiIto: michagP.iWersOncdenrgovl Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 4:47 PM To: Ruhmke, Reinhard Cc: Macdonald, Janet K; Wang, Shuying Subject: WI 0400182 USI Realty Corp. Reinhard - Please find attached an additional information request letter for the above referenced project. I scanned it in and am mailing via email to expedite the permitting process. Thanks Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality- Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-6048 (put to my attn a cover letter) h ttp : //port@ I. n cden r.org/we h/wq la ps/gwp ro/perm i t-applications#geotherm Apps E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records taw and may be disclosed to third parties 5410 Trinity Road suite 320 Raleigh, INC 27607 Tel: 919.233-9178 Fax: 919-233-0144 www.faruwnandcaldw Il.cam May 6, 2011 Mr. Michael Rogers, P.G. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Ms. Shuying Wang, P.G. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Subject: Additional information Request Injection Well Permit Application W 10400 182 Former Ingram Plywood Site 718 Bassett Drive Thomasville, North Carolina Dear Ms. Wang and Mr. Rogers- 0 n behalf of USI Realty Corporation (USI), Brown and Caldwell (BC) is submitting this letter that provides the additional information requested by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) in correspondence dated May 4, 2011 (attached), The NCDENR correspondence was related to Injection Well Permit Application W10400182 for a proposed injection pilot test at the former Ingram Plywood Inc. (Ingrarn] property located at 718 Bassett Drive, Thomasville, California {Site}, Past -injection Monitoring A groundwater remedial pilot test will be performed in the vicinity of well MW-10 (see attached Figure 3 from the pilot test Workplan}, 0 n e injection well will be installed to a depth of approximately 25 feet below ground surface (bgs) with the screened interval between approximately 10 and 25 feet bgs. In addition, three injection monitoring points will also be installed (see attached Figure 3 from the pilot test Workplan) to a similar depth, A schematic drawing of the proposed injection well construction is also attached, Post -injection Monitoring. As requested, well PMW-7 will be added to the monitoring program. Groundwater flow velocities have not yet been calculated because we do not have soil porosity data. Hydraulic conductivity values in feet/day were calculated based on slug -testing results. Brown and Caldwell will be collecting soil samples during injection well installation activities and will be analyzing these soil samples for geotechnical parameters such as density, porosity, and permeability, Groundwater flow velocities will be calculated following receipt of geotechnical data. May 6, 2011 Page 2 I hope that this additional information answers the questions raised in your May 4, 2011 correspondence. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 424-1435. Very truly yours, BROWN AND CALDWELL f WM4 I Reinhard Ruhmke, P.G., Managing Geologist Attachments: NCDENR Correspondence dated May 4. 2011 Revised Page 4 of Injection Permit Application Figure 3 Proposed Injection Well Schematic cc: USI Realty Corporation FIGURE i PROPOSED INJECTION WELL CONSTRUCTION 6 -INCH OUTSIDE DIAMETER BOREHOLE METHOD DRILLED BY HOLLOW -STEM AUGER STICKUP WELL VAULT SURFACE GRADE SURFACE TO 6 FEET BGS CEMENT-BENTONITE GROUT I -INCH DIAMETER PVC CASING 6-9 FEET BGS BENTONITE SEAL 5-25 FEET BGS SAND FILTER PACK APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER DEPTH - 13 FEET BGS 15 FEET OF I -INCH PVC WITH 0.02-INCH SLOT WELL SCREEN BOTTOM OF WELL AT APPROXIMATELY25 FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE NOTE: NOT TO SCALE Rogers, Michael From: Ruhmke, Reinhard [RRuhmke rx@BrwnCaid.com] Sent: Friday, May 06. 2011 4:32 PM To: Rogers, Michael Cc: Macdonald, Janet K- Wang. Shuying Subject: RE: W 1 0400182 USI Realty Corp. Attachments: USI Permit Addendum 5_6_11 compiled.pdf Hello, attached is the additional information requested in your May 4 letter. I am also submitting the information via email also to expedite approval. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me at 919-424-1435. Thanks Reinhard From: Rogers, Michael [mailtoTmichael.rogers(ncdenr.govI Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2011 4:47 PM To: Ruhmke, Reinhard Cc: Macdonald, Janet K; Wang, Shuying Subject: WI 0400182 USI Realty Corp. Reinhard - Please find attached an additional information request letter for the above referenced project. I scanned it in and am mailing via email to expedite the permitting process. Thanks Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality- Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-6048 (put to my attn on cover letter) htt -11 ortaI-ncdenr.or /web/w la sl w rol ermit-a lications# eothermA s E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to [he !North Carolina Pubfic Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties �;AA North Carolina Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Reinhard Ruhnike. P.G. Brown and Caldwell 5410 Trinity Rd.. Suite 320 Raleigh. NC 27607 NCDENR Department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director May 4, 2011 Re: Additional Information Request Injection Well Permit Application W104I10182 USI Realty- Corp. - Former Ingram Plywood Faciliti Thomasville, Da-vidsou County, North Carolina Dear Mr. Itulini ke: Natural Resources Dee Freeman Secretary While reviewing the above referenced permit application our staff identified some items that need clarification and/or additional information. Please address the following items: There is some confusion on the correct number of proposed injection wells), construction., and location. On page 4 of the application and there is one boring/well noted, but 3 temporary injection wells are indicated on Attachment E. Also on page 4 the injection well has casing from a to 25 feet and screen from 10 to 25 feet. Finally, if there is only going to be one injection well, none of the figures attached show exactly where it will be located . Therefore, please provide a schematic of the construction of the proposed injection well(s), a revised page 4 showing the correct well construction, and a revised site map showing the location. ■ We would like to request monitoring well PMNV- 7 be added to the sampling plan. This is due to a relatively high groundwater velocity rate (i.e. 51 ! feet per year) and a nearby creek, a potential surface water receptor of any injected chemicals and/or contaminant plume displacement. • Please provide the porosity used to determine groundwater velocity of 511 feet per year. Please submit 2 copies of your responses with any corrected text pages/figures (same scale and page size) for insertion and/or replacement into the previously submitted U1C Application within 30 calendar days of receipt ofthis letter. Send one copy to my attention at the Central Office and the other copy to the attention of Sliuving W cliff at the Winston-Salem Regional Office. AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION %36 Mail Service Center, Ral"ti. North Carolina 27699-1636 Location. 2728 Capital Boulevard. Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 Phone. 919-733-3221 � FAX 1: 919-715.0588. FAX'.'- 919-715-6048 I Customer Service 1-8r rr-o23-&748 Intemel WWW.ncwateroualltV.oft7 AP Fvoal uppmwnpw Amrmative 1 Gxwo Emizver One NorthCarnlina .Vatitrall f If you have any questions regard__ your permit application please call m.. — (919) 715-6166 or email me at M ichael. Rogers�yn cdenr. gt)-,•. Thant: you for your cooperation. Best Regards, Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist cc: William Demeritt, USI Realty Corp., 13925 City Center Dr., Suite 200, Chino Hills, CA 91709 Sherri Knight, Winston-Salem Regional Office Janet McDonald, Division of Waste Management -Oberlin Office Central Office File, W10400182 Rimers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent; Wednesday, May 04, 2011 4:47 PM To: 'rruhmke@brwncald.com' Cc: Macdonald. Janet K; Wang, Shuying Subject: WI 0400182 USI Realty Corp- Reinhard - Please find attached an additional information request letter for the above referenced project. I scanned it in and am mailing via email to expedite the permitting process. Thanks USI Realty Corp -Of Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality- Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-6048 (put to my attn on cover letter) httr)://portal. ncdenr. ora/web/wq/aps/gwproir)erm it_ applicationsggecthermApps E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties AN- .. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environmem, and Natural Fesolimes Division of Water Quality Beverly raves Perdue Colez-11 H Sullen- Governor Director March 31. 2011 William B. Demeritt USI Realty Corporation 13925 City Center Drive - Ste 200 Chino Hills. CA 91709 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WI040018' Former Ingram Plywood Injection In situ Groundwater Remediation Well (5I) Davidson Dear Mr. Demeritt: �C_ rrAPrnhr. ja[;rat�� t The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on March'5. 2011. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed b} Michael Rogers. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum of ipiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office. copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time. processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions, please contact Michael Rogers at 919-715-6166, or via e-mail at michael.rngers+a:ncdenr.gov. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT Sincerely. Uwn�, jar Debra J. Watts Supervisor cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Brown and Caldwell [Reinhard RuhmkO Permit Application File W10400182 AQUl==_F RRDTEv71:]td 3_710N IGA Mail Servim Leme: Rale+gt„ Norit- -,araim Z64�-ia r Lc WIX,l 2728 �aoltal BGJi°van;. rai&gt . Norio -.amitna 2704 nmonc:S';.715-',.158°. 745.504F -lay-Lime, I me r"vt wwh, non'amro valltV Ors (11t: NnrthC._ lw11_n.: t .atr�,r�rlfr� AQUIFER PROTECTIOiN SECTION - GROUNDWATEx PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT Date: April 20, 2011 Permittee(s): USI Realty Corporation Permit No.: W10400182 To: APS Central Office County: Davidson Central Office Reviewer: Michael Ropers Project Name: Former Ingram Plywood Regional Login No: I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. This application is (check all that apply): ❑ SFR Waste Irrigation System ® UIC Well(s) RECEIVED I DENR / DVVQ ® New ❑ Renewal Apuilpf Prr]f^minn Sefton ❑ Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification APR w � 2011 Surface Irrigation ❑ Reuse ❑ Recycle ❑ High Rate Infiltration ❑ Evaporationdlnfiltration Lagoon ❑ Land Application of Residuals ❑ Attachment B included ❑ 503 regulated ❑ 503 exempt ❑ Distribution of Residuals ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ Closed -loop Groundwater Remediation ® Other Injection Wells (including in silt remediation) Was a site visit conducted in order to prepare this report? ® Yes or ❑ No. a. Date of site visit: April 20, 2011 b. Person contacted and contact information: Reinhard Ruhmke, Brown and Caldwell, 919-233-9178 c, Site visit conducted by: Shuying Wang d. Inspection Report Attached: ❑ Yes or ® No. 2, Is the following information entered into the BIMS record for this application correct? ❑ Yes or ® No. If no, please complete the following or indicate that it is correct on the current application. For SFR Treatment Facilities: a. Location: b. Driving Directions: c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: d. Latitude: Longitude: Method Used (GPS, GoogleTM, etc.); e. Regulated Activities 1 Type of Wastes (e.g., subdivision, food processing, municipal wastewater): For UIC Injection Sites: (If multiple sites either indicate which sites the information applies to, copy and paste a new section into the document for each site, or attach additional panes for each site a. Location(s): 718 Bassett Drive, Thomasville -NC 27360 b, Driving Directions: From WSRO. Old Lexington Rd. SE about I min., then slight right at Thomasville Rd. SE, about 9 mins, then continue onto NC 109 S._about 15 mins, then left to merge onto 1-85 BUS NIUS-29 NIUS-70 E, about 4 minsthen turn right at Bassett Dr., destination will be on the right. c. USGS Quadrangle Map name and number: High Point West, 35080-H1-TF-024 d. Latitude' 35.91007255 Longitude: 80.04961924 Method Used (GPS, Goog1eT11, etc.): GPS APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 1 of 6 Pages AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION - GROUNDWATE., 21 ROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT IV INJECTION WELL PERMIT APPLICATIONS (Complete these two sections for all systems that use injection wells, including closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection wells, in situ remediation injection wells, and heat pump injection wells.) Description of Well(s) and Facilities — New, Renewal, and Modification 1. Type of injection system: ❑ 14eating/cooiing water return flow (SA7) ❑ Closed -loop heat pump system (5QM/5QW) ® In situ remediation (5I) ❑ Closed -loop groundwater remediation effluent injection (5L1 Non -Discharge") ❑ Other (Specify: �j 2. Does system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ® No 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? ❑ Yes ® No What is/are the pollution source(s)? What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? ft. 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? ft. S. Quality of drainage at site: ❑ Good ® Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: ❑ Low ® Moderate ❑ High 7, For groundwater remediation systems, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? ® Yes [] No. Attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable. If No, explain and recommend any changes to the groundwater monitoring program: 8. Does the map presented represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? ® Yes or ❑ No, If no or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. Injection Well Permit Renewal and Modification Only: I. For heat pump systems, are there any abnormalities in heat pump or injection well operation (e.g. turbid water, failure to assimilate injected fluid, poor heating/cooling)? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 2. For closed -loop heat pump systems, has system lost pressure or required make-up fluid since permit issuance or last inspection? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: 3. For renewal or modification of groundwater remediation pennits (of anytvne), will continued/additionallmodified injections have an adverse impact on migration of the plume or management of the contamination incident? ❑ Yes ❑ No. If yes, explain: Does not appear to, but needs to be monitored as proposed in the application.. APS-GNU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 4 of 6 Pages AQUIFER PROTECTIONN SECTION - GROUNDWATEx PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 4. Drilling Contractor: Name: Address: NC Certification number: S. Complete and attach NEW Injection Facility Inspection Report, if applicable V. EVAL UATIONAND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Provide any additional narrative regarding your review of the Application: 2. Attach new Injection Facility Inspection Farm, if applicable 3. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes ® No. If yes, please explain briefly. 4. List any items that you would like APS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason 5. List specific Permit conditions that you recommend to be removed from the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each condition: Condition Reason 5. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 5 of 6 Pages AQUIFER PROTECTIOn SECTION - GROUNDWATEx PROTECTION UNIT REGIONAL STAFF REPORT 7. Recommendation: ❑ Hold, pending receipt and review of additional information by regional office; ❑ Hold, pending review of draft permit by regional office; ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information; ® Issue; ❑ Deny. If deny, please state reasons: 8. Signature of report Preparer(s): f� Signature of APS regional supen•isor: y f.' Date: 1 VI. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAND SITE MAP (Sketch of site showing House and waste irrigation system, strra,Y or drip field, location of wellfsl, and/or other relevant information- SHOW NORTHARROW) APS-GPU Regional Staff Report (Sept 09) Page 6 of Pages UIFER PROTECTION SECT q ri.G. t�.We_ .�vpL 0�V� i:Nis APPLICATION REVIEW RE VEST FORM WR Q 4 2011 1 _ } Wnstan-Salem Date: Ann I 211 I ; AegiIri-a! Office R6r,� ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner, MRO-APS ® Sherri Knight, W-SRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS lyiratfl: Michael Rogers Groundwater Protection Unit RECEIVER 1 QENR i UwQ Aqu* PratPr: M Sedmn Telephone: (919) 715-61 bb - Fax. (919) 715-0598 APR 0 6 2011 E-Mail. Michael. Ro ers cLncmail.net A. Permit Number: NVI 04001 H? B. Owner: US1 Realty Corp. C. Facility/Operation: ❑ Proposed ®Existing ❑Facility ❑Operation D. Application: I. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ SFR-Surface irrigation❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ I/E Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ® UIC — 5 l Groundwater Remediation Well For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ® New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal w/ Mod. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. NOTE: Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed APSARR Farm and attach laboratory analytical results, if applicable. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail. When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. ff RO-APS Reviewer: k V I ti CA U. e i ) f� Date: 414 / I 1 FORM: APSARR 07/06 1'age i of I A UIFER PROTECTION SECTION APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM wtt: April 1 _ 201 10: ❑ Landon Davidson, ARO-APS ❑ David May, WaRO-APS ❑ Art Barnhardt, FRO-APS ❑ Charlie Stehman, WiRO-APS ❑ Andrew Pitner. MRO-APS ® Sherri Knight, W-SRO-APS ❑ Jay Zimmerman, RRO-APS From: Michael Rogers Groundwater Protection Unit Telephone: (919) 715-6166 Fa-r: (919) 715-0588 E--Mail: Michael.Rogers(a!ncmail.net A. Permit Number: NV 111.It101 FZ B. Owner, US I Realty° Corp. C. Facility/Operation: ❑ Proposed ® Existing ❑ Facility ❑ Operation D. Application: 1. Permit Type: ❑ Animal ❑ SFR-Surface Irrigation❑ Reuse ❑ H-R Infiltration ❑ Recycle ❑ FE Lagoon ❑ GW Remediation (ND) ® UIC — 51 Groundwater Remediation Well' For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ Animal 2. Project Type: ® New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑Renewal wl Mad. E. Comments/Other Information: ❑ I would like to accompany you on a site visit. NOTE: Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for your review, comment, and/or action. Within, please take the following actions: ® Return a Completed APSARR Form and attach laboratory analytical results, if applicable. ❑ Attach Well Construction Data Sheet. ❑ Attach Attachment B for Certification by the LAPCU. ❑ Issue an Attachment B Certification from the RO.* * Remember that you will be responsible for coordinating site visits and reviews, as well as additional information requests with other RO-APS representatives in order to prepare a complete Attachment B for certification. Refer to the RPP SOP for additional detail, When you receive this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces below, make a copy of this sheet, and return it to the appropriate Central Office -Aquifer Protection Section contact person listed above. RO-APS Reviewer: Date: FORM: APSARR 0710(, 11age 1 of I 1 % Milk Solution Health Risk Evaluation From: Rudo, Ken Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 9:41 AM To: Slusser. Thomas Subject: 1 % Milk Solution Health Risk Evaluation Mr.Slusser, I have evaluated the information of the use of the 1 % milk solution for enhanced bioremediation at the former Andrex Industries Corp Site in Asheville, NC, I have reviewed the composition analysis and the statements regarding the absence of private wells and public water use of the groundwater in the area based on the information provided for me in the 717/10 memo. Based on this information, there should not be any significantly increased human health risks upon the use of this remediation product. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 919-707-5911. Sincerely Kenneth Rudo, Ph.O, Toxicologist, OEEB Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Caroiina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized State official. Unauthorized disclosure of juvenile, health, legally privileged, or otherwise confidential information, including confidential information relating to an ongoing State procurement effort, is prohibited by law. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete all records of this e-mail. Page 1 INJECTION EVENT RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality Permit Number U/ x 01100 t�� 1. Permit Information Permittee p -` Y 1Md v �'N q ra w, 1' t� t Facility Name _ _:� i �e �a Facility Address 2. Injection Contractor Information ! re tA-" A V / d V't � r* XPI c. Injection Contractor 1 Company Name Street Address t U I ti o 4ja W aoq 4L'ti L' �C. '�-: P -�- city State Zip Code U 2?3 113h� Area code — Phone number 3. Well Information Number of wells used for injection Well names [ Were any new wells installed during this injection event? 0 Yes ❑ No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells Type of Well Installed (Check applicable type): ❑ Bored [X� Drilled ❑ Direct -Push ❑ Hand -Augured ❑ Other (specify) Please include two copies ofform GW-Ib jar each well installed. Were any wells abandoned during this injection event? ❑ Yes q No If yes, please provide the following information: Number of Monitoring Wells Number of Injection Wells Please include two copies of the GW-30far each well abandoned. 4. Injectant/ Information !' 11 1k' Injectant Type Concentration al rrevi If the injectant is diluted lease ingtate the source dilution fluid.^0iIn lit v """ Total Volume Injected t"L kC,_sm 1 {o;g Volume Injected per well M-c- ah 5. Injection History Injection date(s)__ f 3 /t I Injection number (e.g. 3 of 5) 09 Is this the last injection at this site? qYes ❑ No I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL THE INFORMATION ON THIS FORM IS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND THAT THE INJECTION WAS PERFORMED WITHIN THE ST DARDS LAID OUT IN THE PERMIT. SIGNATURE OF INJECTION CONTRACTOR DATE Pj.wl�la4'rj Auktn [� _ PRINT NAME OF PERSON PERFORMING THE INJECTION Submit the original of this form to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days of injection. Attn: UIC Program, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-I636, Phone No. 9I9-733-3221 Form UIC-IER Rev. 07109 NON RESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2581 i. WELL CONTRACTOR: BRIAN THOMAS Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE INC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 7L 04 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION - WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMrT# NIA OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMiT#V aw caute) SITE WELL ID #(# ■ppiieabie) INJ-1 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring I( MurgcipaVPublic ❑ IndustriaYCormren�al p Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ [list use) DATE DRILLED 06102/11 4. WELL LOCATION: 718 BASSETT DRIVE 27360 (Street Nara. Nurnh". Community. Subdivision, Lot No., Psrvef, TQ Code) CITY: THOMASVILLE COUNTY DAVIDSON TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: (rhock appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Fiat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE ' DMS OR DO LONGITUDE ' DMS OR Of] LatitudeAongitude source: BPS C]TopograpNc map (location of well roust be shown on a USGS topo map andatfached to this Harm r1 not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) INGRAM PLYWOOD CILiTY NI Fedity Name Facility IDr (if applicable) 718 SETT QRWE Street Address T-{OMVILLE NC 273W _,- City or Town State Zip Code USI REALTY. INC Contact Name _ 13925 CITY CENJER DRIVE Mailing Address _ CHINO HILLS CA 91709 _ City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 14.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EMSTING WELL? YES D NO [� d. TOP OF CASING IS 2.5 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .011B. e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth)' Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness) 7, CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top O.Q_ Bottom 6.0 Ft, 1 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Botlom 3.5 F1. rORTLOtOaEr+rorrTE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom fit. 9. SCREEN: Depth Dlameter Slot Size Malarial Top 6.0 Bottom 14.0 Ft. I.O in. .010 ln. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACTS. Depth Size Material Top 5.5 Bottom 14.0 Ft 2G-49 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft Top Bottom F 1. = 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description RED SILTY CLAY TAN SILTY CLAY PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK 112. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CFIRTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH • ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS wrS�EN PROVIDED TO�DvrNl]R _,.. O$11fi111 ~*-51�PJFrLR14TIFrE EE DATE C. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing 8.0 FT. BRIAN THOMAS (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing, Farm 109 b Y P ty ' S� Rev. 2149 1617 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.161, Phone: (919) 807-6300 d� STFlTsry� r+ 1. WL=LL CONTRACTOR; BRIAN THOMAS NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2581 Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION. INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD d. TOP OF CASING IS 2.5 FT- Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated atior below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. o. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION; Type NIA Amount NIA stree Address : g. WATER ZONES (depth): STATESVILLE INC 28625 : Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town State Zip Code : Tap Bottom Top Bottom 70( 4 } 872.76M Tap Bottom Top Bottom Area code Phone number Thicknessr 2. WELL INFORMATION: : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# NIA Top 0.0 BopomTS.o FL 1 INCH SCH as PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(d applKmwe) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID ill(H applicable) MP-1 : Top Bottom Ft. 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring 3 Munippal/Public ❑ : 8- GROUT: Depth Material Method industriaVCommercda! Q Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ injection ❑ Top 0.0 Bottom 10 Ft. POIIT�ewloarre SLURRY Irrigation❑ Other O [list use) Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 06102 I1 Top Bottom Ft. 4. WELL LOCATION: 9. SCREEN: Depth. Diameter Slot Size Material 718 BASSETT DRIVE 27360 :Top 5.0 Bottom 2D O Ft. 1.0 in, -D10 In. PVC (Steel Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lol No., Parcel, Zip Code) Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY; THOMASVILLE COUNTY DAVIDSON Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC f LAND SETTING: (meek apprupnate box) ❑Slope oValley ❑Flat ❑Ridge pother 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth size Matertal LATITUDE " DMS OR DID — — : Top 4.0 Bottom 20.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND LONGITUDE _ —' " DMS OR DD :Top t3attom FS. Labtudellongitude source: BPS ©Topographic map : Top Bottom Ft. (location ❑f vmN mast be shown on a USGS tope map andattached to MIS Corm if not using GPS) 11. DRILLING LOG 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the vw+e11 is located-} ; Top Bottom Formation Description INGRAM PL)MDOD FACILITY NIA 0.0 J 7.0 RED SILTY CLAY Facility Name Facility 1D# (If applicable) 7.0 1 14.0 ` TAN SILTY CLAY 71�_U8SSETT DRIVE 14.0 1 2t1.0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK _ Street Address J THOMASVILLE NC 27360 City or Town State Zip Code USI REALTY, It] Contact Name J 13925 CITYTDRIVE1 Mailing Address J HI[NO HILLS CA 91709 1 City or Town State zip Code 12. REMARKS: BENTONITF_ FROM ( } Area code Phone number $FAL 3.0 TO 4.4_FEET _ B. WELL DETAILS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH C 2C, WELL CONSTRUG ANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 20.0 FEET .�� Rort�asBEENCR[7vpE YVELLi]wTIER. _r h. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL7 YES ❑ N0 9 �1..R 0fi116/11 SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 12.0 FT, BRIAN THOMAS (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) : PWNTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing, Fen- 09 d Y A tY - g, Rev. 2rag 1617 Mail Service Center, RaWigh, TIC 27699.161, Phone : (919) 807.6300 0 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: BRIAN THOMAS N0NjkES1,QENn4L WELL ONMUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment Bud Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2581 Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 7� 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# NIA OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT*(( appllceut) _ S1TE WELL ID Ofif applicabie] MP-2 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring I( MuNcipallPublic D IndustnaUCommercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery D Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other p (list use) DATE DRILLED 06102/11 4. WELL LOCATION: 718 BASSETT DRIVE 27360 (Streel Name, Numbers. Community, Subdiviaian, Lot No•, pars>el, Zip Code) CITY THOMASVILLE COUNTY DAVIDSON TOPOGRAPHIC HAND SETTING (chw* appropriate box) ❑ Slope ❑ Valley p Flat ❑ Ridge []Other LATITUDE " DMS OR DO LONGITUDE ' DMS OR CID Latitudeflongitude source: BPS a0pograptrc map (,ocabon of w+eN must be shown an a USGS lopo map andattached to Mrs form if riot using CPS) S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) INGRAM PL FACILITY N Facility Name Facility IDa (if applicable) 718-BASSETT DRIVE Street Address _ T OMASVILLE NQ 27360 City or Town Stale Zip Code I REALTY iN Contact Name 1392E CITY CENTER Mailing Address PHINO HILLS CA 91709 City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 20.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO IV d, TOP OF CASiNf3 is 2.5 FT. Above land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C _0118. e. YIELD (gpm); NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thlcknesst 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Topes_ Bottom 5.0 Ft. 1 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. A : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method :Top 0.0 Bottom 3.0 Ft. Pn"' wawto, TE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. = Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slat Stze Material Top 5.D Bottom 20.0 Ft. 1.0 in. 010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Tap Bottom Ft. in. In. 10. SAND1GRAVEL PACK: Depth size Material Top 4.0 Bottom 20.0 Ft. 2040 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 1 7.0 7.0 J 14.0 14.0 1 20.4 1 1 1 1 I 12. REMARKS! RED SILTY CLAY TAN SILTY CLAY PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK : 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH WELL CONSTRUCT10N STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS R SaEENPROVMEDTOT OWNER. 06/16/11 SIGNATURE OK CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR— DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 12.0 FT. BRIAN THOMAS (Use'+" If Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 34 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing, Farm 109 Y P nY ' 9� Rev, 2Ia9 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699461, Phone: (919) 807-6300 NONRESIDENTIAL ONliESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRL!_ ION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality •mow;; ,,•• WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2581 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: d. TOP OF CASING IS 2.5 FT. Above Land Surface' BRIAN THOMAS 'Top of casing terminated ailor below land surface may require Well Contractor (IndMdual) Name a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC : a. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA Well Contractor Comparry Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD I. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount . _ NIA Street Address g. WATER ZONES (depth): STATESVILLE NC 28625 Top Bottom Top Bottom City or Town State Zip Code : Top Bottom Top Bottom 7i D4 ) 872-7686 : Top Bottom Top Bottom Area Code Phone number Thickness) 2. WELL INFORitAATION; 7, CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# NIA Top D.D Bottom 8.0 Fl. 1 INCH SCH 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMITS{sf epplicawe) : Top Botlom Ft. SITE WELL IDrr(eappnwoe) MP-3 : TDp Bottom fl. 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring 5( MunicipalfPublic ❑ 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method IndusbiauCoMnercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ injection ❑ Top D.0 Bottom 4.0 Ft. "OR-116Ew11Nm SLURRY _ Irrigation❑ Other D (list use) : Top Bottom Ft. DATE DRILLED 06/02/11 Top Bottom Ft. 4. WELL LOCATION. : 9. SCREEN: Depth Dlarneter Slot Size Material 718 BASSETT DRIVE 27360 : Top &0 Bottom 13.0 Ft. 1.0 in. .010 in. PVC (Sbeet N—. Numbers, Community. Subdrveaion, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) : Top Bottom Ft. in. in. CITY: THOMASVILLE COUNTY DAVIDSON Top Bottom Ft. in. in. TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑VabeY CIFiat ❑Ridge []Other 10. SANDiGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material LATITUDE " DlulS OR DD Top 6-D Bottom 13.0 Ft. 2040 FINE SILICA SAND LONGITUDE �' ' DMS OR DD :Top Bottom Ft. Latitudellongitude source: BPS OTopographie map To Bottom Ft p (location of well must be shown on a LISGS topo map andatfached to this loan if nor using GPS) 71. DRILLING LOG S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) Top Bottom Formation Description IUGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY NIA ❑•0 1 4.0 RED SILTY CLAY _ Faculty Name Facility DO (tf applicable) : 4.0 1 8.0 TAN SILTY CLAY 718 BASSETT DRIVE 8-0 1 13.0 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK Street Address J THO—M—MVIL.LE- _ NC 27360 1 City or Town State Zip Code J SIR TY INC I Contact Name I 5 CITY CENTERDRIVE 1 Mailing Address 1 —gHINO HILLS CA 91709 City or Town State Zip Code 12. REMARKS- SEAL TO fi-Q FEET uBEtITONITE Area code Phone number FROM 4.0 --- G. WELL DETAILS: :.LgQjj6RE6yCERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE w17H 2C. WELL C.L]NSTRLIG710N ST bAR05. AND THAT A COPY pF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 13.0 FEET O HASAE&N �RONDEor L owNER. b. DOES WELL REPLACE EMSTING WELL? YES ❑ NO IV 06! 16117 : SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL. CONTR OR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 12.0 FT, BRIAN THOMAS (Use'+' if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL FDrmSubmit within 34 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing, ReVL JO9 e Y P tY ' g� Rev. 7JU9 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.161, Phone. (919) 807.6300 Jd� STA:l4 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 3 r North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality r •��;;�•• WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2581 1, WELL CONTRACTOR: 13RIAN THOMAS Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Welt Contraclor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State zip code 7r oa 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: d. TOP OF CASING is 2.5 FT. Above Land Surfaoe' 'Top of casing terminated attar below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFEc-nON: Type Amount I�i,A g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom 'Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# NIA : Top 0.0 Bottom 9.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH aU PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMiT*(v appikabla) Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID al{ir applkabia) P7,1 : Top Bottom Ft. 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring l( Municipal/Public ❑ lndusthal/Commercial ❑ Agricultural Q Recovery ❑ Infection ❑ IrrigalionLI Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED D6102111 4. WELL LOCATION; 718 BASSETT DRIVE 27360 (Street Name. Numbers, COmrtwlaty. Subdivlalan. Lot Na., Pamir 4 Code) CITY: THOMASVILLE COUNTY OAVIDSON TOPOGRAPHIC / LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑ Slope O Valley QFlat ❑ Ridge ❑ Other LATITUDE ' ❑MS OR DID LONGITUD " DMS OR OD Latitude/longitude source; BPS !]Topographic map (location of wel4 must be shown on a USGS topo map andattached to this form lint using GPS) S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is locates[.) INGRAM PLYWOOD FACILITY NIA Fac0ty Name Facility IDIt (11 applicable) 718 BASSETT DRIVE Street Address THgMASVILLE NC 7360 City ot Town State Zip Code USI REALTY, INC Contact Name 13925QITY CENTER DRIVE Mailing Address CHINO HILLS CA 917D9 City or Town State Pip Code Area code Phone number 8. GROUT- Depth Material Method Tvp 0.0 Bottom 5.0 Ft. POW ANOatt"T011M SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Tvp Bottom Ft. ' 8. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 9.0 Bottom 19.0 Ft. 2,0 in. 010 in. PVC Top Botlom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Site AMalertal Top 7.5 Bottorn 19.0 Ft. 2040 FINE SILICA SAND Tvp Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Fonmation Description 0 1 8.0 RED SILTY CLAY 8.0 1 13.0 TAN SILTY CLAY 13.0 1 19D PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: 9ENTDNtTE SEAL FROM 5.0 TO 75 FEET ti, WELL DETAILS: - I Do HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED WACCORDAW- WITH 7C, WE 11 CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TwS a. TOTAL DEPT19.0 FEET BEEN PROWDEDTO T L OWNER. H: b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YE5 ❑ NO pi 06/16/11 : SIGNAT R E 1FIE0 WELL A DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 13.0 FT, B I N TH MAS (Else '+` if Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL FormSubmit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water quail Information Processing, Rev. 109 Y tY ' 9 Rev. 2I09 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300