HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400093_Application_20160809North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND/OR USE A WELL(S) FOR INJECTION In Situ Groundwater Remediation (15A NCAC KC.0225) I Tracer Injection Ui k NCAC 02C .t)2291 Do not use this form for the following: •in -situ remediation, tracer, or aquifer test injection wells permitted by rule (ref. 15A NCAC 02C .0217) ■ remediation systems that reinject treated contaminated groundwater (Non -discharge) (ref, 15A NCAC 02T .1600) Permit Number (to be completed by DI3'R): WI 0400 051 1. APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. Project is: [ ] New [ ] Modification [ ] Renewal without modification [X] Renewal with modification 2. if this application is being submitted for Renewal and/or Modification to an existing permit. provide: (a.) Existing permit number W10400093 Issued Date: March 9, 201E & Expiration Date: February 28, 2014 For all Renewals, submit a status report including monitoring results ofall injection activities to date. For Renewal without modification only, fill out sections 1 & 11 only, sign the certification on the last page of this farm, and obtain the property owner's signature to indicate consent (if the applicant is not the owner). II, WELL OWNER(S)IPERMIT APPLICANT (generally the responsible party) 1. Name(s): Precision Fabrics Group. Inc. 2. Signing Official's Name*: Lee Aiken Title: Director of Manufacturing Services * Signing Official must be in accordance with instructions in Part 1 on page 5. 3. Mailing address of Perm ittee/Applicant: PO Box 214448 301 East Meadowview Road City: Greensboro State: NC Zip: 27420 4. Telephone number: (•336) 510-3183 _ _ Email: Lee.Aikennai2recisioiifabries.com S. Status (choose one): Individual X Business/Org. Federal State Cotinty Municipality Ill. PROPERTY OWNER(S) (if different than well owners) 1. Name(s): Same as Above 2. Mailing address: Same as Above City: Slate: Zip: 3. Telephone number: Email: IV. PROJECT CONTACT — (generally the environmental/engineering consultant). 1. Name: Ed Hollifield. PG Title: 'Technical Director 2. Company: ERM NC_, Inc._ 3. Address: 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120 4. City: Charlotte State: NC Zip: 18277 5. Telephone number: In -Situ Groundwater Remediatitm Application Rev. 3-1-2016 alb[; a g 2016 Water Qua1ltY Negional QPeratlorls section Pagel of 7 V. FACILITY INFORMATION 1. Facility name: Precision Fabrics Group. Inc. _Phone No, if available: (336)_510-3183 2, Physical address: 301 East Meadowview Road City: Greensboro County:Guilford Zip: 27420 3. Geographic Coordinates: Latitude: 36.040663" Longitude:-79.785585� Reference Datum: WGS 1984 Accuracy: Method of Collection (i.e.. Google Earth, GPS. etc.): Google Earth 4. Brief description of business. Performance fabrics, both woven and nonwoven, that meet the stringent requirements of todav's high-tech markets. VI. INCIDENT DESCRIPTION I. Source and date of contamination: Armfteld Finishing Corporation initially developed the Vroperty in the late I930s. Burlington Mills Corporation (Burlingtonpurchased the site in approximately 1940 for textile manufacturing operations. Between 1939 and 1984_ eight additions were made to the original structure. PFG purchased the site from Burlington Industries in 1988. Burlington reportedly began using a solvent dewaxin g process with a distillation recoveEy process using trichloroethvlene TCE at the site in 1964. Burlington reportedly stopped using TCE at the facility in 1971. and PFG has never used TCE. Virgin TCE used b BurlinLIton in the dewaxingprocess was stored in two ? 000-gallon above kround storage tanks (ASTs)_ formerly located on the northern side of the buildin . The contents of the tanks were Pumped inside via overhead pi in to the dewaxing area. At the time TCE was in- use at the site. the ASTs were reportedly not equipped with secondaEy containment or overflow protection. The spent .vax/TCE mixture was pumped from the dewaxin area to two stills located inside the buildi ng adiacem to the forklift re air area. Distilled TCE was purnped back into the ASTs and virgin TCE was added as makeup. No instantaneous release occurred according to _records: site contamination is like] y the result of l2oor hand] in& Vractices over time by Burlington. 2. List all contaminants present in soils or groundwater at the site (contaminants may he listed in groups. eg, gasoline, diesel, jet f oel, f tel oil, chlorinated ethenes, chlorinated ethunes, metals, pesticides"herhirides, etc): chlorinated ethenesprimarily trichloroethene. Detectable concentrations >2L of carbon tetrachloride. chloroform 1,2 dichloroethane cis-1 2-dichloroethene, trans-1 2-dichIoroethene. tetrachloroethene. and vinyl chloride 3. Has LNAPL or DNAPL ever been observed at the site (even if outside the injection zone)? I ] Yes if yes, list maximum measured separate phase thickness: feet IX1 No If no. list maximum concentration of total VOCs observed at site: 167,000 ppb 4. Agency managing the contamination incident: [ ] LIST Section [XI Superfund Section (including REC Program and DSCA sites) j ] DWR Aquifer Protection Section [ ] Solid Waste Section [ ] Hazardous Waste Section ] Other: 5. Incident manager's name: Mr. Kim Caulk Phone No.: 919-707-8350 6. Incident number or other incident mgmt. agency tracking number: IHSB Site ID NONCD0001020, Docket No. 97-SF-104 In -Sim Groundwater Remediation Application Rev. 3-1-2016 Page-2 of 7 V11. PERMITS List all applicable permits or construction approvals issued for the facility or incident: 1. Previous or other UIC permits issued by ❑WR (e.g., NDIs): UIC Permit WI040009.3_(March 20, 2008, June 25. 2010, March_9. 2012) and UIC NOI October 13, 2014 2. Other Non -Discharge or NPDES permit issued by DWR: 3. County or DEH subsurface wastewater disposal permits: 4. Hazardous waste management or other environmental permits required by state or federal law: Quilford County Monitor Well Construction Permit #001-97-MW54 hr-Silu Groundwater Reared iat ion A ppi icat ion Rev. 3 -1-201 G Page 3 of 7 VIll. INJECTION SUMMARY 1. List all proposed injectants/additives. NOTE: Oily injectants approved by the epidemiology section of the NC Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Human Services can he injected. Approved irjectants can be found online at http_//deg.ne.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources permits/wastewater-branch/g_round-water- protection/ground-water-approved-iniectants. All other substances must he reviewed by the DHH,S prior to use. Contact the UIC Program for more igfo (919-807-6490) if you wish to get approval for a dfferent additive. However, please note it may rake 3 months or longer. Injectant: ABC Total Amt. to be injected (gal)levent 7,800 Injectant: Dehalococcoides bacteria botal Amt. to be injected (gal)/event 33 Injectant: Mg(OH), or NaOH (base} Total Amt. to be injected (gal)levent 0-1% by wt Injectant: Injectant: Total Amt. to be injected (gal Total Amt. to be injected (gal)/event 2. Number of separate injection events: I Duration of Event: 4 days 3. Estimated Injection rate per well an gallons per minute (GPM) 4. Estimated Injection pressure: —80 pounds/square inch (PSI) 5. Temperature at point of injection: ambient OF 6. Injection will be via: M Existing well(s); Total No.: 7 : Well Type (DPT, permnant, etc.): permanent M Proposed well(s); Total No.: 6 : Well Type (DPT, permeant, etc.): permanent 7. NC Certified Well Drilling Contractor's Name: SAEDACCO NC Well Contractor Certification No.: Depends on driller availability 8. Date to be constructed: August l 1-13. 2016 9. Screened interval/Injection interval of injection wells: Depth from 30 to 60 feet below land surface (BLS)(if multiple intervals, indicate shallowest to deepest depth) W. Well casing (leave blank if Geoprobes): Type: M PVC ( Stainless steel( Other: Casing depth: 0 to 30 fl.. BLS Type:( PVC ( Stainless steel( Other: Casing depth to ft. BLS 11. Groat (leave blank if Geoprobes): Type: M Cement ( Bentonite Grout depth: 0 to 26 ft. BLS Type: ( Cement M Bentonite Grout depth: 26 to 28 ft. BLS ( Other: ( Other: In -Situ Groundwater Remediation Application Rev. 3-1-2016 Page 4 of 7 1X. ATTACHMENTS — provide the following information in separate attachments. The attachments should be clearly identified and presented in the order below to expedite review of the permit application package. 1. INJECTION ZONE — Per 15A NCAC 02C .0225(e)Ql. specify the horizontal and vertical portion of the subsurface within which the proposed injection activity will take place and beyond which no violations of groundwater quality standards shall result from the injection as determined by an approved monitoring plan. The determination shall be based on the hydraulic properties of the specified zone. Provide any supporting documentation in a separate attachment. 2. HYDROGEOLOGIC EVALUATION — Per 15A NCAC 02C: .0225te1t3l. provide a hydrogeologic evaluation of the injection zone that includes all of the following: (A) Regional and local geology and hydrology; (B) Changes in lithology underlying the facility; (C) Depth to bedrock; (D) Depth to the mean seasonal high water table: (E) Hydraulic conductivity, transmissivity, and storativity. of the injection zone based on tests of site -specific material, including a description of the test(s) used to determine these parameters; (F) Rate and direction of groundwater flow as determined by predictive calculations or computer modeling; and (G) Lithostratigraphic and hydrostratigraphic logs of any existing test and injection wells. 3. INJECTANT INFORMATION -- Per 15A NCAC 42C .0225(e)[5]_ provide information on each injectant as indicated below: (A) MSDS. concentration at the point of injection, and percentage if present in a mixture with other injectants; (B) The source of fluids used to dilute, carry, or otherwise distribute the injectant throughout the injection zone. If any well within the area of review of the injection facility is to be used as the fluid source, then the following information shall be submitted: location/lD number, depth of source, formation. rock/sediment type, and a chemical analysis of the water from the source well, including analyses for all contaminants suspected or historically recognized in soil or groundwater on the site; (C) A description of the rationale for selecting the injectants and concentrations proposed for injection. including an explanation or calculations of how the proposed injectant volumes and concentrations were determined; (D) A description of the reactions between the injectants and the contaminants present including specific breakdown products or intermediate compounds that may be formed by the injection; (E) A summary of results if modeling or testing was performed to investigate the injectant's potential or susceptibility for biological, chemical, or physical change in the subsurface. and (F) An evaluation concerning the development of byproducts of the injection process, including increases in the concentrations of naturally occurring substances. Such an evaluation shall include the identification of the specific byproducts of the injection process, projected concentrations of byproducts, and areas of migration as determined through modeling or other predictive calculations. 4. INJECTION PROCEDURE — Per 15A NCAC' R2C .o225(e)[G), submit a table with a detailed description of the proposed injection procedure that includes the following: (A) The proposed average and maximum daily rate and quantity of injectant; (B) The average maximum injection pressure expressed in units oi'pounds per square inch (psi); and (C) The total or estimated total volume to be injected. h:-Situ Groundwater Remediation Application Rev. 3-1-2016 Page 5 of 5. FRACTURING PLAN (if applicable) — Per 15A NCAC 02C .0225(e)(7). submit a detailed description of the fracturing plan that includes the following: (A) Material Safety Data Sheets of fracturing media including information on any proppants used: (B) a map of fracturing well locations relative to the known extent of groundwater contamination plus all buildings, wells, septic systems, underground storage tanks. and underground utilities located within the Area of Review; (C) a demonstration that buildings, wells, septic systems, underground storage tanks, and underground utilities will not be adversely affected by the fracturing process; (D) injection rate and volume; (E) orientation of bedding planes, joints, and fracture sets of the fracture zone, (F) performance monitoring plan for determining the fracture well radius of influence: and (G) if conducted, the results of geophysical testing or pilot test of fracture behavior conducted in an uncontaminated area of the site. fi. WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS — Per 15A NCAC 02C .0225(e)t8). submit the following information in tabular or schematic form as appropriate for each item: (A) number and depth of injection wells; (B) number and depth of borings if using multi -level or "nested" well systems; (C) indication whether the injection wells are existing or proposed; (D) depth and type of casing; (E) depth and type of screen material; (F) depth and type of grout; (G) indication whether the injection wells are permanent or temporary "direct push" points; and (H) plans and specifications of the surface and subsurface constntction details. 7. MONITORING PLAN — Per 15A NCAC 02C .0225(e){9). submit a monitoring plan that includes the following: (A) target contaminants plus secondary or intermediate contaminants that may result from the injection; (B) other parameters that may serve to indicate the progress of the intended reactions; (C) a list of existing and proposed monitoring wells to be used; and (D) a sampling schedule to monitor the proposed injection. Aonitoring wells shall be of satffaciew quantity and location to detect anv movement of injection jrluids, injection process byproducts, or fortnalion fluids outside the injection zone. The monitoring schedule shall be consistent with the proposed injection schedule, paee of the anticipated reactions, and rate of transport of'the injectants and contaminants. S. WELL DATA TABULATION — Per 15A NCAC 02C .02LSa lOj. provide a tabulation of data on all existing or abandoned wells within the area of review of the injection well(s) that penetrate the proposed injection zone. including monitoring wells and wells proposed for use as injection wells. Such data shall include a description of each well's type, depth, and record of construction or abandonment. 9. MAPS AND CROSS -SECTIONS — Per 15A NCAC 02C .0225Ie1(111. provide scaled, site -specific site plans or maps depicting the location, orientation. and relationship of facility components including the following: (A) area map based on the most recent USGS 7.5' topographic map of the area, at a scale of l :24,000 and showing the location of the proposed injection site; (B) topographic contour intervals showing all facility related structures, property boundaries, streams, springs. lakes. ponds, and other surface drainage features; (C) all existing or abandoned wells within (lie area of review of the wells listed in the well data tabulation that penetrate the proposed injection zone; (D) potentiometric surface map(s) that show the direction of groundwater movement, existing and proposed wells; (E) contaminant plume map(s) with isoconcentration lines that show the horizontal extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater. and existing and proposed wells; (F) cross -sections) to the known or projected depth of contamination that show the horizontal and vertical extent of the contaminant plume in soil and groundwater. major changes in lithology, and existing and proposed wells; and (G) any existing sources of potential or known groundwater contamination, including waste storage, treatment, or disposal systems within the area of review of the injection well or well system. la-Siru Groundwater Rernediation Application Rev. 3-1-2016 Nee 6 of X. CERTIFICATION (to be signed as required below or by that person's authorized agent') NCAC 15A 42C .021 I (eJ requires that all permit applications shall be signed as follows: 1. for a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer 2. for a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively 3. for a municipality or a state, federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking publicly elected official 4. for all others: by the well owner. *If an authorized agent is signing on behalf of the applicant, then supply a letter signed by the applicant that names and authorizes their agent. "I hereby certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this document and all attachments therein, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining said information, I belieiv that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are penalties, including the possibility off nes and imprisonment, for submitting false information. I agree to construct, operate, maintain, repair, and if applicable, abandon the injection wells) and all related appurtenances in accordance with the approved specifications and conditions of the Permit. " Printed Name and Title:—,4"Xk1 A Signature: Date: -01 Xl. CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNER (if the property is not owned by the permit applicant) "Owner" means any person who holds the fee or other property rights in the well being constructed. A well is real property and its construction on land shall be deemed to vest ownership in the land owner, in the absence of contrary agreement in writing. "As owner of the property on which the injection wells) are to be constructed and operated. I hereby consent to allow the applicant to construct each injection well as outlined in this application and agree that it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to erasure that the injection wells) conform to the Well Construction Standards (15A NC4C 02C .0 2 J0 . " Printed Name and Date: Submit TWO copies of the completed application package, including all attachments, to: Division of Water Resources — UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone (919) 807-6464 In -Situ Groundwater Remediation Application Rev. 3-1-2016 Page 7 of 7 Attachment I — Injection Tone The site location is shown on Figure 1. The primary source area of the contaminant plume at the PFG facility is located beneath the existing active manufacturing building. Physical constraints are present within the building, which limit the placement of additional monitoring and injection wells. Figures 2A and 2B depict the existing and proposed locations of the treatment well arrays developed based on the conceptual site model and the limits placed by the facility operations. These limitations are not considered to be significant with respect to the overall remedial goal. Two primary zones of preferential flow and contaminant migration were identified during the pre -remedial investigation. One zone is shallow dominated by the presence of a remnant quartz vein at a depth of approximately 36 to 45 feet below ground surface (bgs), and the second zone is the transition zone between the partially weathered rock and competent bedrock at a depth ranging between 60 and 70 feet bgs. Proposed Injection Wells: Three injection well pairs will be installed north of the PFG building. upgradient of MW-13, to address increasing contaminant concentrations north of the existing injection well network. The shallow injection wells will be screened from 30 ft to 40 ft and the intermediate injection wells will be screened from 50 ft to 60 ft below ground surface. Wells will be installed via hollow stem auger and air rotary drilling techniques by a North Carolina licensed drilling contractor. Existing Injection Wells: Existing injection wells IW-4, IW-5. IW-8. IW-9, IW-l0, IW-1 1, and IW-12 will be utilized. Attachment 2 — Hydrogeologic Evaluation The general site geology is relatively typical of the Piedmont region. Saprolite, which is rock that has chemically weathered in place, grades into partially weathered rock (PWR) with increasing depth. PWR is formed under similar conditions as saprolite, but retains parent -rock fragments and textures. At the interface of the PWR and competent bedrock, there is a transition zone with a relatively high degree of fracturing that typically serves as a preferential channel for ground water flow and contaminant migration. Figures 2 through S show the groundwater potentiometric surfaces and TCE isoconcentrations of the three monitored aquifer zones (Shallow. Transition, and Deep). Two primary zones of preferential flow and contaminant migration were identified during the pre -remedial investigation. One zone is shallow and dominated by the presence of a remnant quartz vein at a depth of approximately 36 to 45 feet below ground surface (bgs), and the second zone is the transition zone between the PWR and competent bedrock at a depth ranging between 60 and 70 feet bgs. Cross sections of the site -specific geology facility were prepared for the site. The lines of cross- section locations are identified in Figure 9. Cross-section A -A' (Figure 10) is oriented parallel to the direction of groundwater flow. The figure illustrates the three primary hydrogeologic zones at the site, saprolite, PWR, and bedrock, and also depicts a residual fractured quartz vein at a depth between 36 and 42 feet BGS. The quartz vein ranges from six inches to two feet thick and is also where the first water became apparent during well installation. The saprolite above and below the quartz vein is a very high density, relatively low permeability unit with the clay fraction decreasing with depth. Groundwater present in the saprolite and PWR above the transition zone is referred to as the shallow zone for consistency with previous reports. The average hydraulic conductivity derived from the slug tests of the on -site moil itoring wells in the shallow zone is 2.25E-06 feet per second (ftlsec). Assuming a porosity of 30%, with a gradient of 0.007 ft/ft, the groundwater flow velocity in the shallow zone is estimated to be 2 feet per year (ftlyr). The transition zone is encountered at a depth of between 60 and 70 feet BGS and is comprised of cobble -sized parent rock in a silty -sand matrix. The transition zone was clearly identified at MW-271. Water production during air rotary drilling was estimated at 25 gallons per minute (gpm). A review of site wide well logs indicated several other wells (i.e., MW - 3I, MW-13. MW-14. MW-16 & MW-20D) with a relatively liigh production zone at that depth interval across the site. Wells installed to depths ranging From 55 to 80 feet have been designated to be in the transition or intermediate zone. ERM reviewed the Remedial Action Plan for the Former Burlington site located at 300 E. Meadow -view Road dated March 5.2003, which summarizes the results of a 72-hour aquifer pumping test conducted at site in a well screened in the transition zone. Lithology descriptions are similar for both sites. An aquifer pumping test of this duration is considered a relatively good representation of the bulk hydraulic properties of the transition zone. Based on the pumping test results. the estimated hydraulic conductivity of the transition zone is 4.6E-4 ftlsec, two orders of magnitude higher than the shallow aquifer. Based on a gradient of 0.007 ft/ft and porosity of 25%, the calculated groundwater flow velocity in the transition zone is 406 ftlyr, which is considered to be a high value for the typical Piedmont aquifer. Groundwater within competent bedrock occurs within the joints and fractures and is designated the deep aquifer. Aquifer testing was conducted on an on -site deep monitoring well. The hydraulic conductivity value derived from this well was 2.8613-45 ft/sec. The estimated groundwater flow velocity for the competent bedrock is 3 ftlyr, based on a gradient of 0.005 filth and a porosity of 15%. Cross-section B-B' (Figure 11) is oriented perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction and goes through the former source area. Cross-section C-C' (Figure 12) is also oriented perpendicular to groundwater flow but is positioned further south. Cross -sections B-B' and C-C` illustrate the continuity of the remnant quartz vein and the presence of the transition zone across the site. Attachment 3 — Injectant Information Under ideal geochemical conditions, the chlorinated ethene TCE (and its anaerobic daughter products cDCE and VC) can be biologically transformed by dehalorespiring bacteria into non - chlorinated organic compounds under anaerobic conditions. Based on groundwater sampling results, geochem ical parameters at the Site are favorable for survival of dehalorespiring bacteria (i.e. low dissolved oxygen and negative ORP). ❑ehalorespiring bacteria sequentially replace chlorine atoms in chlorinated ethenes with hydrogen. This process is referred to as reductive dechlorination. This reaction provides energy for growth to the bacteria and reduces chlorinated compounds to naturally occurring non - chlorinated organic compounds such as ethene and ethane. The transformation of TCE and associated daughter products to ethene by dehalorespiring bacteria is depicted below. Hz Hz H2 TCE-1 ' DCE y' VC-'Ethene I HCI HCI HCI Biological lransJbi-malion (reduclive dechlorintilion) ofchlorincrled e[henes Simple organic compounds. such as lactate, can be added to the subsurface to stimulate the growth of dehalorespiring bacteria and consequently promote the reduction of chlorinated ethenes. These organic compounds serve as "food" for the dehalorespiring bacteria, providing a source of energy and carbon for the bacteria. The proposed in -situ bioremediation method consists of injecting Anaerobic BioChemg� (ABC®) and Dehalococcoides (DHC) bacteria into the aquifer through injection wells. The input of hydrogen depicted in the figure above at the site will be provided by ABC9. ABC9 is a patented mixture of lactate, fatty acids, and a phosphate buffer. Several strains of bacteria are capable of transforming cDCE to the daughter product vinyl chloride (VC); however, Dehalococcoides bacteria must be present to degrade vinyl chloride to ethene. DHC bacteria are not always abundantly present in the subsurface. but can be added with the carbon substrate during injection to promote complete degradation of TCE/cDCE and daughter products to ethene. The injection event will include delivery of 600 gallons df 20% by weight carbon substrate (A CC to the six proposed injection wells located upgradient of MW-13 and existing in wells ill IW-4, '-S, Mr-s. Iw-9iW . -16. M1 1, and 1W-11), resulting in a total delivery of7,800 gallons (16, )501bs.). Although it is not anticipated. there may be a need during the full scale implementation to add a base to the injectant fluid in response to decreases in pH. lfthis occurs, magnesium hydroxide (0-1 % by weight) or another approved injectant base, such as sodium hydroxide may be added. Attachment 4 — Injection Procedure A schematic diagram of the injection equipment for the full scale implementation (identical to the injection equipment used for the pilot test previously) is presented in Figure 15. The concentrated ABC* solution will be batch mixed in a 500-gallon tank on the injection trailer for injection into the subsurface. Water obtained from the municipal water system will be used to prepare the ABC® solution. Fluids will be injected using a grout pump capable of generating up to 100 pounds per square inch pressure (psi). The anticipated injection pressure is 40-100 psi depending on site -specific conditions. The actual injection pressure will be determined in the field based on field measurement of surface deflection during injection. Because the proposed in -situ bioremediation method involves a short-term in -situ treatment event and not a mechanical system, no system operation and maintenance is required. Attachment 5 — Fracturing Flan Not Applicable Attachment 6 — Well Construction Details A summary of Observation and Iniection Well Construction Details is included below: WeH ID Installation Date Diameter Well Type Aquifer Zone Screened Inter►•al MW-3311W-1 Nov-2008 2" PVC Type it Shallow 35 -45 OB-1 Feb-20 [0 2" PVC Typell Shallow 35-45 OB-2 Feb-2010 ?.. PVC Type ll Shallow 35 -45 OB-3 Feb-2010 2" PVC TypelI Shallow 35-45 OB-41I W-3 Feb-2010 2" PVC Type lI Shallow 35-45 IW-2 Feb-2010 2" PVC Type IT Shallow 35-45 IW4 July-2012 2"PVC Typel[ Shallow 34-44 IW-5 July-2012 2- PVC Type l[ Shallow 35 -45 IW-6 <-- NO July-2012 2" PVC Type II Shallow 35-45 IW-7 July-2012 2" PVC Type I1 Shallow 35-45 IW-8 July-2012 2" PVC! 4" PVC Casing Type III Shallow 35 - 45 IW-9 July-2012 2" PVC Type[[ Shallow 35 -45 IW-10 Jul •-2012 2" PVC Type [I Shallow 35 -45 IW-i l July-2012 2" PVC Type lI Shallow 35-45 I W-12 July-2012 2'° PVC Type l I Shallow 35-45 I W-13S Proposed 2" PVC Type 1 [ Shallow 30 - 40 IW-13I Proposed 2" PVC Type III Transition 50-60 I W-14S Proposed 2" PVC Type 11 Shallow 30 - 40 I W-141 Proposed 2" PVC Type III Transition 50 - 60 IW-15S Proposed 2" PVC Type11 Shallow 30-40 1W-15I Proposed 2" PVC Type III Transition 50 - 60 Wells will be installed in accordance with NC wells rules. Typically well construction details are shown on below: WE Shallow lojenion Wdl frypirall Ifatl Fhw.n �f NyuF.=wg Ckp1h of roar heba prauW � Ff -[mound Hnmwa v Ws v D-Tth of mm"avl 1 L p - 1 y�M uE a.i� .m! cmrw caa + ---S.P lf1p°'If PromAia'c peps fkplhu[(w 1Tece11rt Cklmg 'A --^-� I El rrIK at eaar plpe rxyMnctv-- -- Tspe ofh kirL Qaa ..— Ik7Hh Nr pup of aed A9 1 serf al H.w..s Aep1p urwp,d Elm pxl TNptla Fd4.p L . I,,a_ - fleplh of Nip ar.Y� wv I.S�rt�eyrx,� �_raawlnc Su.ea lLfllur 919 — <k1Mh -I M141�Y}I �d Y.ea ba ,oa ]1yNh nl iutpnl of ph�pgat Mhal e'r' - f IYe n163'A Id[ hcti•I� r+tnm.'ah xAl - DLT'h dh4Plm nl l.rmg �p fll�un tnl k- w ku , D.1 of kxmar I 1 r Transilio lnjvfllon Well WA (TypicalI Item Llv',n„n ar mP of -,a91 A711L N rt MAIN pamd U Uuund Flevalkn Ikplh offuljape eaY In ---T}prufaer zl owe (" 9 r � � - — I.OJr)pe of Plol9en.. ppv —PLp �f OWI Prol-m-C-M ti.1 I o fryer 9r Imr Pv� - . � sex a PacIwv omr Type ofhaclfdl nn. CYgR WNip of Mal fao Iyraenfd Hmb.` -Deph-4 bp of film pak ram° T.pe of filmy Pack _ .wdTed Ekpah 4 by of ore a Y19 I ❑Ifane nr ucm =sd ✓p n[ svn9cv do ..... v t9 Nplh W b`m of w'lenl —A+ph or brvWgr of phrslal kLnr T)pe uC laelfdl be., aver. wrn V�ff ti4 - .- fkpC ofbounel rrl' h1W=g abu Es V— n,%k. Du...r % - V Sir Attachment 7 — Monitoring Plan Groundwater monitoring and annual reporting will continue as required by the Remediation Preconstruction Report (ERK January 2012) with slight modifications to reflect current site conditions. Remediation performance monitoring will be conducted in monitoring wells located within and immediately downgradient of the expanded and existing injection areas. The monitoring program will include sampling of select remediation performance wells for VOCs, Total Organic Carbon (TOC). and dissolved iron and manganese metals. In addition to the laboratory analysis, field measurements for DO, ORP, pH and temperature will be collected during sampling so that groundwater chemistry trends can be monitored during and following injection activities, Performance monitoring will be conducted semi-annually for the first year following the expanded injection and at least once annually thereafter. The performance monitoring program is summarized in the table below: Setmmaq t)J Pro used Groundwater Remediation Performance Monitoring Program Monitoring Well Zone Monitored Sampling Analysis First Year Years 2+ MW-1 Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-2 Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-3 Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-31 Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-7 Transition SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-13 Transition SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-25S Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-251 Transition SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-271 Transition SA A VOCs. TOC, metals MW-34S Shallow SA A VOCs. TOC, metals MW-35S Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-36S Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-361 Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals MW-37S Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals OB-1 Shallow SA A VOCs, TOC, metals Not^.- SA = Semi :1nnually VOCs = l otatile Organic Compounds A - Annually TOC - haal Organic Carbon Routine Groundwater Monitoring The Site routine groundwater monitoring program has been on -going since August 2008. The following table presents a revised sampling program for the Site monitoring wells beyond the remedial performance monitoring wells. Summaq o Routine Groundwater Quulity Monitoring Program Monitoring Well Zone Monitored Sampling Frequency Analysis MW-4 Shallow Annually VOCs MW-5 Transition Annually VOCs MW-6 Transition Annually VOCs MW-S Transition Bi-annuallyVOCs MW-9 Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCs MW-10 Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCs MW-11 Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCs Monitoring Well Zone Monitored Sampling Frequency Analysis MVV-1 2 Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-14 Dee Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-15S Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-15❑ Transition Annually VOCS MW-16 Transition Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-171 Transition Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-18 Dee Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-19S Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-20S Shallow Annually VOCS MW-201 Transition Annually VOCS MW-20D Deep Annually VOCS MW-21 D Dee Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-211 Transition Annually VOCS MW-21 S Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-22D Deep Annually VOCS MW-221 Transition Annually VOCS MW-22S Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-23S Shallow Annually VOCS MW-24S Shallow Bi-annuallyVOCS MW-26S Shallow Annually VOCS MW-261 Transition Annually VOCS MW-27S Shallow Annually VOCS MW-31 S Shallow Annually VOCS MW-32S Shallow Annually VOCS Notes: IVCs � IWaide Organic Copywunds Groundwater analysis will include VOCs by EPA Method 8260E by a North Carolina licensed laboratory. The groundwater monitoring program will be conducted on an annual basis, but will be evaluated annually and revised as appropriate to meet project objectives. The activities completed under this work plan will be documented in the 2016 Annual Report. Attachment 8 - WeII Data Tabulation Recent VOC analytical data is included in the following table: 6! G Q1 Sample p Cate Screened Aquifer N _a L d � ° ID Sampled Interval Zone a 6 �_ r a v L d (ft b1s) Monitored m E o U � ? 2 Cp p P ct t p L c� N 4 A d V C Groundwater Remedial Goals {NC 2L) 0.3 70 0.4 60 60 0.7 1 3 0.03 MW-1 06111/15 22 - 37 Shallow -�50 <50 <50 8500 86 c50 1700 310 MW-2 06112/15 20-35 Shallow e1.0 2.1 <1.0 27 0.33 J 0.42 J 93 0.52 J MVV-6 06/09/15 90 - 100 Deep <100 a i W <100 5o0 <100 45 J 8000 c100 MW-7 06N9115 50 - 60 Transition <10 2.1 J 7.1 J B60 9.5 J <10 880 e10 MW-13 06/1Oil 5 50 - 60 Transition <500 <500 <500 2000 <500 <500 36000 <500 MW-25S 06/12115 30-40 Shallow <100 40 J <100 7300 <100 <100 9800 <100 MW-251 06112/15 55 - 65 Transton <20 7.2 J e20 540 <20 4.7 J 1700 18 J MW-27D 06/1Oil 5 70-80 Transition <100 23 J <100 2400 <100 100 6700 t100 MW-31S 06110/15 40-50 Shallow <50 <50 <50 330 <50 311 J 5100 G50 MW-32S 06/10115 42-52 Shallow <1.0 0.41 J <1.0 150 6 4.2 73 4.1 MW-34S 06/11/15 35 - 45 Shallow 5.1 11 <5 0 42 <5.0 9.8 380 C5 0 MW-35S 06/11/15 35-45 Shallow 34 J 76 J e100 2500 <100 <100 7806 <100 MW-36S 06/11/15 35-45 Shallow <20 59 11 J 2900 16 J <20 210 1200 MW-361 06/11115 60.70 Transition 370 J 190 J <500 4600 <500 <500 52000 <500 MW-37S 06111/15 35-45 Shallow 7 J 13 <10 330 <10 21 960 <10 OB-1 06/12/15 36.45 Shallow C50 <50 <50 6100 45 J <50 2900 250 OB-2 06110/15 35-45 Shallow <1.0 �1.0 C1.0 0.59 J 3.7 <1.0 0.31 J 0.98 J 013-3 06110/15 35-45 Shallow <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 11 0.49 + <1.0 0.58 J 12 08-4 06/12115 35-45 Shallow 40 <20 -20 710 6.8 J C20 88 200 Not Detected J = Estimated Value Bold Values indicate an exceedance of NC 21, Standards Contaminant red uetian aver tine graphs are included in Figure 16. Attachment 9 — Maps and Cross Sections Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2A Site and Monitor Well Location Map Figure 2B Existing & Proposed Injection Well Location Map Figure 3 Shallow Monitored Zone Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 4 Transition Monitored Zone Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 5 Deep Monitored Zone Groundwater Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 6 TCE Isoconcentration Map - Shallow Monitored Zone Figure 7 TCE Isoconcentration Map - Transition Monitored Zone Figure 8 TCE Isoconcentration Map - Deep Monitored Zone Figure 9 Cross Section Location Map Figure 10 Hydrogeologic Cross Section A -A' with TCE Concentrations Figure I I Hydrogeologic Cross Section B-B' with TCE Concentrations Figure 12 Hydrogeologic Cross Section C-C' with TCE Concentrations Figure 13 Pre and Post Injection TCE Concentrations in Groundwater Figure 14 Pre and Post Injection TCE Concentrations Hydrogeologic Cross Section A -A' Figure 15 Injection Equipment Schematic Figure 16 Contaminant Reduction over Time Graphs — Key Performance Wells NON RESIDENTIAL wuL cvNsTmucnoN RECORD North Carolina Dcpartmant ofEnvironmem and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3544 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOSHUA ELLINGWORTH Well Contractor (Individual) Name PARFIATT-WOLPF, INC. Well Contractor Company Neme STREET ADDRESS 501 MILLSTONE DRIVE HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278 City or Town State Zip Code (gig �- 644.2814 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: J t SfrE WELL ID #(if applicable) MW"33S STATE WELL PERMIT tit epplicabta) DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) iytonitoringgl Municipa1lPublic o industriM/Commercial ❑ Agricultural o Recovery Lk Injection El IrrigationD Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 1it18-i11 ma TIME COMPLETED AMC] PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD {Strset Name, Numbers, Community. Subdl slon, Lat No., Parcel, Zia Code) TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: ❑ Slope ❑ Valley []Flat ❑ Rtdge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 3 6 2.378' May be in degree, minutes, seconds or LONGITUDE 7 9 47.173' in a decimal forrnao LatitudeAongitudesource: ❑GPS cuTopographic=p [location of we,4 must be shown on a USGS tope map and attached to this form if not using GPS) 4. FACILITY- is the name of the business wt+ete the well is rotated. FACILITY ID #(if applicable) _ NAME OF FACILITY PRECISION FABRICS GROUP STREET ADDRESS 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON MAILING ADDRESS City or Town State Zip Code Area code - Phone number 5- WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45-0' b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO E c. WATE R LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 0 FT. (Use "+" d Above Tap of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT, Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface May require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118- e. YIELD igpmj: NIA METHOD OF TEST N/A f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount WA g. WATER ZONES {depth); From NIA To From To From To From To From To From To 6. CASING: Thickness/ MM�� Depth Diameter ws as pV Iat From 0 To 35.0 Ft. 2' From To R. From To Ft. 7, GROUT: Depth Mater's8i Method From 0 To 31.0 Ft. PORTLAND TREMIE From 3" To -U Ft. $ENTONITE TREMIE From To Ft. S. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 35-0 To 46.0 Ft.2 in. .020 In. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 9. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Materia' From 33.0 To 45.0 Ft, #2 SAND From Tc Ft. From To Ft, 10- DRILLING LOG From To Fon•mabon Description 5.0 7.0' Dark bto"an, moist, dens SILT 3 SAND 15.0 17.0 8rowman, rnoisi, silty SAND and SAP ROUTE 36.0 Greorowrtnan. moist WEATHERED ROCK; little sill 11. REMARKS: I DO HER♦ eY CERTIFY THAT THIS W ELL WAS CONSTRUCTED tY ACCORDANCE W rnI 15A WAC 2r, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS 6EEN [*0 TO THEW ELL OW NFR- AQ ,a cis SS�l ff TURE OF CE FIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE P INTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, WC 27599-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Rev. 7/05 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 2452 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JERRY WATKINS Weil Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC- Wei Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 176 COMMERCE BLVD STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 7fl[ 4 a- 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2, WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL ID 0(if appticeNej IW-2 STATE WELL PERMITS(irapplicM0 DWO or OTHER PERMIT *(if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring g} MunlcipallPublic ❑ IndustriallCommercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigatlon❑ Other ❑ (fist use) DATE DRILLED 0212000 TIME COMPLETED AM ❑ PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 [Sheet Name, Numtiers, Community. Subdivision, Lot No,, Parcel, 7rp Code] TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: ❑Slope DValley DFtat ❑Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE May be in degrees, minuses, seconds or LONGITUDE in a decimal format Latitude/longitude source: DGPS ❑Topographic: map (Aacation of weg must be shown on a USGS repo map and eflached to this farm d not using GPS) 4, FACILITY- Is the mme or"business where ft well Is located. FACILITY ID It if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY PRECISION FABRICS GROUP STREET ADDRESS 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO NC 27408 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON PRECISION FABRICS GROUP MAILING ADDRESS 301 NORTH ELM STREET GREENSBORO NC 274DI City or Town Stale Zip Code Area code- Phone number & WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO 9) c. WATER LEVEL_ Below Top of Casing: 37.0 FT, (Use'*" it Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' "Tap of casing terminated at/or below tend surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA I. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): From To From To From To From To From To From To C CASING: e� Thickness/From 0.0 UTat35.0 Ft. 2 REV S��gab Material From To Ft. PVC From Tc Ft. 7. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.D To 25.0 Ft. PcMmd bentodte SLURRY From To Ft. From To Ft. S. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 35.0 To 45.0 Ft, 2.0 in. .010 in- PVC F rornTo Ft. in. in. From Tom— Ft. in. in. 9. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Sae Material From 33.O To 45-0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From —To— Ft. From To Ft. 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation Descriptions O.G 2.0 ORANGE CLAY 2.0 20.0 ORANGE SANDY SILT 20.0 45.0 ORANGE SILT 11. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 25.a TO 33,0 FT I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED W ACCORDANCE IMTH ISA NCAC V11El,L CDNSTRIJCIM STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECQRD BEEN PfiWIDED Td THE WELL OWNER. 02/23/10 SIGNATURE OFVERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JERRY WATKINS PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 34 days. Attn: Information Mgt, Farm GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 phone No. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. Rev. 7105 r Z. NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and natural Resources- Division of Water Quality � l � WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION Al. 2452 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JERRY WATKINS Well Contractor (Individual) (Jame GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC. Well Contractor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 176 COMMERCE BLVD STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town Stale Zip Code 7134 1- 872-7666 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: SITE WELL 10#(irappfcab4e) 00-4 • _ STATE WELL PERMIT#(ir applicable) DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable) WELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring 91 Municipal/Public ❑ lndustrialfCommercial 0 Agricultural ❑ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE GRILLER 02/20/10 TIME COMPLETED AM ❑ PM ❑ 3. WELL LOCATION: CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (51reet Name. Numbers, Community, SubOvision, Lo: No., Parcel. Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING; ❑Slope ❑Valley ❑Flat []Ridge ❑ Other (check appropriate box) LATITUDE 3 May be in degrees, -- minutes, srconds or LONGITUDE in a decimal format Latitudellongitudc source: ❑GPS pTopographie map (location of 1&0 must be shown on a VSGS topo map and attached to this form If not using GPS) 4. FACILITY- is the name of I:* busrwms whale the well is Iwaead, FACILITY ID #(if applicable) NAME OF FACILITY PRECISION FABRICS GROUP STREET ADDRESS 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code CONTACT PERSON PRECISION FABRICS GROUP MAILING ADDRESS 301 NORTH ELM STREET GREENSBORO NC 27401 City or Town State Zip Code Area code - Phone number S. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH. 45.01=EET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO E] c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 37,0 FT (Us e'+' if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING 15 0-0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth). From Tv From To From To From To From To From To 6. CASING: Thickness! Depth rr���r �su�aE PVCaatte�rial From 0-0 To 35.0 FI 2dINL:H� From To Ft. From To Ft- 7. GROUT: Depth Material Method From U.0 To 25.0 FL Portland henlonl:e SLURRY From To Ft. From To Ft. 8. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 35.0 To 45.0 FL. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To FL, in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 9. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 33-0 To 45-0 Ft. 20.40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. - From -To- Ft- 10. DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 0.0 2.0 ORANGE CLAY 2.0 20.0 ORANGE SANDY SILT 20 0 45.0 ORANGE SILT 11. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 25.0 TO 33.0 FT 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCOP-DANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C WELL CON5TRWT*N STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF TtfTS RECORD H EEN PROVIDED TO THE W ELt OWNER - CIA" 02/23/10 SIGNATU E OF C RTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JERRY WATKINS PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality within 30 days. Attn: Information Mgt., Form GW-1b 1617 Mail Service Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone No. (919) 733-7016 eXt 568. Rev.7105 NON ONRESIDENTIAL WELL coNs-rRL1crm RECORD Nurtli Carolina Dopatimcni orELIVirolnmcat and Natural Resources- Division of Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Weli Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NO 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 701 4 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(irappllcable) SITE WELL ID *(it applicable) IW-4 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W MurlicipalOubllc ❑ IndustrrallCommercial ❑ Agric0ural ❑ Recovery❑ Injection ❑ Irrigationp Other C7 (list use) DATE DRILLED 07/02112 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Name, Numbers, Community. Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LANE) SETTING: (check appropriate bmr) ❑ Slope o Valley VFW ❑ Ridge L} Dther LATITUDE 36 -2 - 26.8900 " DMS OR DO LONGITUDE 79 ^ 47 , 10.3100 » DMS OR DC LalitudeAongitude source: QoPS pfopographic map (location of well must be shown on a LISGS tope map andaltached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) PRECISION FABRICS_ NIA Facility Name Facility io# (if applicable) 301 EAST MEADOWVI W ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Contact Name 301 EAST MEADOW_VIEW ROAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 _ City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 44.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES rT NO W C. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 29.0 FT (Use "+" If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated aUor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, : e. YIELD (gpm). NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA L DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Tap Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ :7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Tap 0.0 Bottom 34.0 Ft. 2INCH SCH40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0,0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. POaTANDOENTOmTr SLURRY Top Bottom Ft, Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 34.0 Bottom 44.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 In, PVC Top Bottom Ft. in, in. : Top Bottom Ft. in, in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 32D Bottom 44.0 FL 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Fop Bottom Ft. - Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 1 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 1 2.0 GRAVEL 2.0 1 10.0 REDITAN CLAY 10.0 1 17.0 RED/BROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK - 1 1 1 1 - 1 • 1 = 12. REMARKS. _BENTONITE SF6L FROM 29.0 TO 32 0 FEET • I D0 }IE Y C TIFT THISWE WITH c 15A TION A nr PY OF T i15 ReCo E VIcE❑ToTH a7rlan 2 SI NATURE OF CERTIFIED WELL Ct7NTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 310 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality information Processing, Form GW 1b Y P Y ' t�I Rev. 7109 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 NONRESIDENTIAL W rLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of l nviralnrnn[ and Nikturnl Resources- division oI' Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION it 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR. JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, ING Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70f 4 } 872-7686 Area cone Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(Irappiicahle) SITE WELL ID #(ii applicable)1W-5 3. WELL USE (Check One Sox) Monitoring W MunicipallPublic ❑ IndustriallCommerdal ❑ Agrisullural ❑ Recovery [} Injection ❑ Irrigation[] Diner 0 (list use) DATE DRILLED 07/04/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWV)EW ROAD 27406 IS WOO Name, Num hers. Community, Subdivision, Lot Na„ Parcel, Zip Code) CfTy; GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: (check appropriate hox) 0Slope ❑Valley jdFlat ❑Ridge 1--)Other LATITUDE 36 ° 2 26.8900 ^ DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 79 ' 47, 10.3100 ^ OMS OR DD Latiludellongitude source: V3PS C]fopographrc map (location of well most be shown on a USGS fopa map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is localed.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facility IO# (if applicable) 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Sheet Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Contact Name ;101 E6ST MEADOWViEW ROAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Cade Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAIN: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 0 NO IV c. WATER LEVEL Betow Top of Casing: 29.0 FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) d, TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated alior below land surface may require a variance in accordance wilh 15A NCAC 2C .0118. : e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom : Top Bottom Tog Bottom Thickness) = 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft, 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Tap Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. : 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method i Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. PaarLnaoe wrarnrE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. : Top Bottom Ft. ' 9. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 35.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottorni ft in. in. Top Bottom Ft. in, in, 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 11. DRILLING LOG : Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 1 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 I 2.0 GRAVEL 2.0 1 10.0 REDITAN CLAY 10.0 1 17.0 RED/BROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: 100 HEREBY CERTIFV THAT THIS WEL AS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A WC ', WELL CO STRLICTION DARDS, AND THAT A COPY CIF THIS RE BE VIDECI T T L♦_ WNQ _ ER, f 07/101/2 'yNATUR&9F CERTIFIED WELL CONTRAL{�OR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality information Processing, Revs 109 Y P Y - �� Rev. 2los 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 5rgi�; � Ii 4f 1. WELL CONTRACTOR. JOHNNY BURR NONRESIDENTIAL ONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Nc31-111 Carolina Departinent of Environment and Nntural Resources- Division of Water Qtudity WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION # 3098 Well Contractor (individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 7� 04 1 672-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL IN FORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(tf applicable) SITE WELL ID #(ifspoicabte) IW-6 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring drMunicipal/Public 0 lndustriallCommercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery p Injection C] Irrigation[] Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 07/04/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Name, Numbers. Community. Subdivision, Lot No.. Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) ❑Slope ❑Valley g(Flat ❑Ridge CiOther LATITUDE 36 -2 ' 26.8900 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 79 • 47 • 10.3100 ^ DMS OR DD Latiludellongil de source: W.PS pfopographic map (location of weft must be shown on a USGS topo map andaftached to this farm if not using GPS) S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is iocated.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facility ID# ff applicabie) 301 EAST MEADOWVI_EW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC: 27406 City or Town Slate Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Contact Name 301 EAST M EADOWVIE OAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 CIly or Town State Zip Code L) Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45-0 FEET b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO [� d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' "Tap of casing terminated allor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with i5A NCAC 2C .0118. e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thicknessf 7, CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Botlam Ft. :8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Boliam 29.0 Ft. POR7LMOBEWOMITE SLURRY Top Bottom Fl. Tap Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 36.0 Bottom 46.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Tap Bottom Ft. In. In, Top Bottom Ft. in. In. 10• SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Top 32.0 Bottom 45.0 FL 20-4D Top Bottom FL Top Bottom F1. Material FINE SILICA SAND 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0.0 1 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 I 2.0 GRAVEL 2.0 1 10.0 REDITAN CLAY 10.0 1 17,0 RED/aROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 r 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: I DD HE E&Y CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL S CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH "N 2C• ELL CO RUGrI,N S aRoS, AN, rHAT A COPY OF; THis DECO IOE6 TO 07110/12 ATURE Y CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR HATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 29.0 FT JOHNNY BURR {Use "+" if Above Tap of Casing} = PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Rev.269 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 siAr_r., NONRESIDENTIAL NVELL CONSTRLICI'ION RECORD �1 �i1i T ;•- ' 'Ir 'iM f QQ. Nonit Carolina Department oFL•;nvironmeni and Natural Resources- Division n1'Water Quality :... WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION u 3095' 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLV❑ Street Address STATESVILLE INC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 70( 4 y 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(if appicable) SITE WELL 11) #ltf applicable) IW-7 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring 3 Municipal/Public Q Industrial/Commercial 0 Agricultural 0 Recovery ❑ Injection Fj Irrigalion❑ Other Q (list use) DATE DRILLED 07/05/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MF-ADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Name, Numbers. Community, Subdivisi ii, I_ut Nn., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING: (Check appropriate box) pSlope DValley VFlat (DRidge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 -2 • 26.81200 " DMS OR ❑D LONGITUDE 79 ° 47 , 10.3100 DMS OR DD Latiludeliongitude source: V33PS [Qfopographic map (locaUon of well must be shown on a USGS tnpo map andattached to this farm it no! using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO INC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Conlact Name 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO - NC 27406 City or Town Stale Zip Code Area code Phone number 6, WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES © NO U/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing. 29.0 FT (Use'+' If Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Tnp of casing terminated allor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .011& - e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth)- Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness) 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material - Tap 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft- 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. - 'a, GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 F1. ralru"o8E"MM7E SLURRY Top Bottom Ft, Top Boltom Ft, 8. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Top 35.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft. 2.0 in. Top Bottom Ft. in. = Top Bottom Ft. in. = 10. SANntGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Top 32.0 Boltom 45.0 Ft. 20-40 Top Bottom FL Top Boltom FL 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0.0 1 0.5 0.5 1 2.0 2.0 1 10-0 I u 1 17.0 17.0 ! 45.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: Slot Sue Material .010 in- PVC In- In - Material FINE SILICA SAN❑ Formation Description CONCRETE GRAVEL REDITAN CLAY REDIBROWN SILTY CLAY BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 00 HERESY CERTIFY THAT 7HIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI H • 15A NCAC ZC, WELL CONSTRUCT UN STAN ADS. AND THAT A COPY OF TH15 REGARD 5 a N PROVID ❑TO THE OWNER 07/10112 - SIG RE Of CtRT;FIED WEL-1 CONTRACTOR DATE = PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Farm GW-1b Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Rev, 2ipg 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCT]ON RECORD North Caral inn Deporinitut or Environment turd Nnturai Resources- Division or Water Quality WELL CONTRACTOR CE11TIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Zip Code 704 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT-4 OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(W applicable) SITE WELL ID #(if appucat:le) tw`8 3, WELL USE jCheck One Box] Monitoring W Municipal/Public ❑ IndustdallCommerclal ❑ Agricultural fJ Recovery ❑ Injection ❑ Irdgationp Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 07104/12 - 07/05112 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check approprlate box) []Slope L3 Valley p(Flat ❑ Ridge ❑ Other LATITUDE 36 ° 2 26.8900 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 79 ' 47 - 10.3100 ' DMS OR DD LalitudeRongitude source: Vlt3PS Dropographic map flocaHon of welt must be shown on a USGS lopo map andallached in this form if not using GPSJ S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Dame Faculty ID# (if applicable) 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Yip Code PREC SIGN -FABRICS Contact Name 309EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES p NO c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing; 29.0 FT (Use'+" if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Tap of casfng terminated aVor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .011 B. e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): Tap Bottom top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness( 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top 0.0 Bottom 22.0 FL 4 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. : S. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Fl. PGATLANO BENTUNIT E SLURRY Top 0.0 Bottom 22.0 Ft. PORTLANDaENTONITE SLURRY : Top Bottom FI. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 35.0 Bottom 45.0 FL 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft. In. In, Top Bottom Ft. In. In. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Sire Tap 32.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft. 20-40 TOP -Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft, 11. DRILLING LOG Material FINE SILICA SAND . Top Bo`torn Formation Description 0.0 r 05 0.5 I 2.0 2,0 1 10,0 90.0 1 17.0 17.0 1 45.0 1 CONCRETE GRAVEL RED/TAN CLAY REDIBROWN SILTY CLAY BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 12. REMARKS: BNTONITE SEAL FROM 29_0 TO20 FEET ' 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A, rrr.A ,fk'tl�p UCTION STA ROS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS O To THE Wfi4,OWNER. 07/10/12 51 URE OLOERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR = PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-'Ib Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Rev.21Dg IG17 Ma it Service Center, Rateigh, NC 27G99.161, Phorle : (919) 807-6300 ` r. f NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONST R U C-110N RECO111) North Carolina Department oi•Cnvirununcra and Natural Resources- Division of filer (duality WELL CONTRACTUEZ CERTIFICAT[ON # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town State Pip Code 74L 4 1 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(ifapplicable) SITE WELL ILL #Y ( applicable) IW-g 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W Municipal/Public ❑ Industrial/Commercial [I Agdcul€ural ❑ Recovery❑ Injeclion p Irrigation(] Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 07105/12 4. WELL LOCATION; 301 EAST MEAOOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Slreel Name. Nernhers, Community Subdivision. Lot No., Parcel. Zip Code) CITY. GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check appropriate box) CiSiope ❑Valley VlFlat ORidge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 '2 126.8900 ° DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 79 - 47 � 10,3100 " DMS OR DD LatftudeAongilude source: V;PS E Topographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS tope map andattached to this form if not using GPS) 5, FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) PRE ISI N FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facllily ID# (if applicable) 01 EAST MEADQWVEEW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Contact Name 301 EAST MEAQQWVIEW_R_OAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone nixnber d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT. Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated aVor below land surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C ,011S, e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (depth): 'Fop• Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Tap Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top Q.0 Bottom 35.0 Fl, 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. :8. GROUT: Depth Material Method Tap D.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. Krum e`° "rOwE SLU RRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 35.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft. 2.0 in. 010 in. PVC Top Bottom Ft -in- in. = Top Bottom Ft. in. in. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Hottom Ft. Top Bottom FI_ 1 t- DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Description 0A 1 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 1 2.0 GRAVEL 2.0 1 10.0 REDITAN CLAY 10.0 1 17.0 REDIBROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 • 12. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 29.0 TO 32,0 FEET fi• WELL DETAILS: i DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL W SCONSiRUCTEl7lN ACCORr7ANCE WITH • ISA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION ST DS• AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET RECO ns EEN PR ED To THE L vWNER. f 07/10/12 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NOE/ : SI TIJ RE tF41HRTIFIED WELL. CONTRACTOR c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 29.0 FT. JOHNNY BURR (Use "+- if Above Top of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b Submit within 30 days of Completion to: Division of Water quality - Information Processing, Rev, 2109 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699.161, Phone : (919) 8D7-6300 f 4 0. 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Norlh Catrolina Departntcnl of Environment and Natural Rcsourccs- Division of Water Quality WELL CON'1'RAC.71'011 CC, R'F1 F 1CA'f 10N # 3098 Well Contractor Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE 13LVD Street Address STATESVILLE INC 28625 (Fly or Town Stale Zip Code 77 04 ) a72-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(trapplicable) SITE WELL ID #(if appllcaote) 1W-10 3. WELL USE (Check One Bax) Monitoring 3( MLin icipallPublic 0 IndustriallCammercial t7 Agricultural L} Recovery 0 1njeGlion 0 lrrigattonE) Other [] (list use) DATE DRILLED 07/05/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Narne, Numbers, Communfty, Subdivision, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY, GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (check oppropriere box) o Slope C] Valley QjFtat ❑ Ridge D Other LATITUDE 36 ` 2 26.8900 ° DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 79 ' 47 ' 10.3100 ' DMS OR ❑❑ Latitude/longitude source: MPS ❑topographic map {location of welt must be shown on a USGS tope map andatlached In this form ifnal using GPSj S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town Slate Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Contact Name 301 FAST UEADOWVIEW ROAD Mailing Address - - - -!- - ^- GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code Area code Phone number d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT_ Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated alfor below land surface may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .Di '18. e. YIELD {gpm}: NIA METWOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA g. WATER ZONES (deplh): Top Bottom Top Bottom 'lop Bottom Tap Bottom Top 6oltom Top Bottom Thickness) : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC : Top Bottom FI. : Top Bottom Ft. S. GROUT: Depth Material Method t Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. PORTLAKIIEHro"ITE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom FL 9. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Sire Material Tap 35.0 . Bottom 45.0 Ft. 2.0 in. 010 in, PVC Top Bottom Ft, in. in_ = Top Bottom Ft. In. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth size Material Tap 32.0 Baltom 45.0 Ft. 2040 FINE SILICA SAND Top Bottom FI. Tap Bottom Ft 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom 0.0 1 0.5 OL I 2.0 Formation Description CONCRETE GRAVEL 2.0 I 10.0 RED/TAN CLAY 10.0 1 17.0 REDIBROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 1 1 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: BENTONITE SEAL FROM 29.0 TO 324_EEET _ 6. WELL DETAILS: 100 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL W CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCA LL CDNST UCTION STA ROS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET : RECDR H s FNPROVI DT0YI1E aWNE�� R. J G& � `'� 07110112 b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO FV ; Sla5ATURF OVERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 29.0 FT- JOHNNY BURR (Use "+" tf Above Top of Casing) : PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Summit within 30 days ❑f com letion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing. Form 109 Y p Y - 9 Rev. 2I09 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807.6300 NONRESIDENNAL wGLL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Department of Environnicnt and Naltirnl Resources- Divisiun ofWater Qttnlity WELL CON7'RACTOR cERTwICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Contractor (individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town Stale Zip Code 70{ 4 1 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# OTHER ASSOCIATED Pt RMIT#(if applicable) SITE WELL ID#ofappiicabie) IW-11 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W(MunicipallPublic ❑ Industrial/Commercial ❑ Agricultural ❑ Recovery❑ Injection ❑ ltrigation❑ Other ❑ (list use) DATE DRILLED 07/04/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Name, Numbers, Communlly, Subdivisiari, Lot No., Parcel, Zip Code) CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTY GUILFORD TOPOGRAPHIC 1 LAND SETTING; (check appropnale box) ClSlope ❑Valley &lat ❑Ridge ❑Other LATITUDE 36 ' 2 - 26.8900 " DMS OR DD LONGITUDE 79 ° 47 � 10.3100 " DMS OR DO Lalitudellongitude source: BPS OTopographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS (opo map andattached to this form If not using GPS) 5. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well is located.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facility ID# (if applicable) 301 EASTMEADOWVIEW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town State Zip Code PRECISION FABRICS Contact Name 301 EAST MEAD VVVIF.W ROAD Mailing Address GREENSBORO NO 27406 City or Timm Stale Zip Code L_) Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO l/ c. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing-, 29.0 FT (Use "+' if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS o.0 FT. Above Land Surface' `Top of casing terminated at/or below Ond surface may require a variance in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .011 B. e. YIELD (glom): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount NIA 9. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Bottom Tap Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness/ : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material Top 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. B. GROUT: Depth Material Method Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. P013TLAwsENr0NITE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Ft. 9. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 35.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 In, PVC Top Bottom Ft. in. in. Top Bottom Ft. In. In. 10. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth size Top 32.0 Bottom 45.0 FL 20-40 Top Bottom Ft. Tap 13attnm Ft. Material FINE SILICA SAND 11. DRILLING LOG Top Bottom Formation Cescriplion 0.0 1 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 1 2.0 GRAVEL 2.0 I 10.0 REDITAN CLAY 10.0 I 17.0 REDIBROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 I 1 . 1 • 1 1 12. REMARKS: BI=NTONITE SEAL FROM 29 Q TO 32.0 FEET i DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE W ITH • 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STA ARKS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECOR AS -EN PROM EDTOTHE L OWNER. 07I10112 = SI TURF IYEPTIFIED WIFIL CONTRACTOR DATE JOHNNY BURR PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Form GW-1 b Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality - Information Processing, Rev. 2109 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 . gArt r, ' NONRESIDENTIAL WELL CONS'rRUCrtON RECORD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Division ur Walcr Qualify WEl.11 CnNTRrICTni? CERTIFICATION # 3098 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: JOHNNY BURR Well Conlrac tor (Individual) Name GEOLOGIC EXPLORATION, INC Well Contractor Company Name 176 COMMERCE BLVD Street Address STATESVILLE NC 28625 City or Town Skate Zip Cade 70f 4 872-7686 Area code Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: = d. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT_ Above Land Surface' 'Top of casing terminated atlor below land surfacae may require a variance in accordance with 1SA NCAC 2C .0118, : e. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST NIA f. DISINFECTION: Type NIA Amount _ /A U. WATER ZONES (depth): Top Botlom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top 8allom Top Bottom Top Bottom Thickness! : 7. CASING: Depth Diameter Weight Material WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# : Top 0.0 Bottom 35.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC OTHER ASSOCIATED PERMIT#(!( applrcab!e) : Top Bottom Ft. SITE WELL ID #(if appticaue) IW-12 'Top- Botlom Ft. 3. WELL USE (Check One Box) Monitoring W Munlcipalipublic D InduslriallCommercial p Agricultural p Recovery❑ Injection ❑ Irrigation[] Other L7 (list use) DATE DRILLED 07104/12 4. WELL LOCATION: 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD 27406 (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lay No.. Parcel, Zip Cade) CITY: GREENSBORO COUNTr GUILFORO TOPOGRAPHIC I LAND SETTING: (cheek appropriate box) [DSlope DVaitey JjFlat ❑Ridge pother LATITUDE 36 ° 2 - 26.8900 " DMS OR DO LONGITUDE 79 ° 47 - 10.3100 ^ DMS OR DID LafitudeAongilude source: MPS i]ropographic map (location of well must be shown on a USGS lopo map andattached to this corm If not using GPS) S. FACILITY (Name of the business where the well Is located.) PRECISION FABRICS NIA Facility Name Facility ID# (If applicable) 3Q 1 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Street Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City a Town Slate Zip Code PRECISION FABRIC_5 _ Contact Name 301 EAST MEADOWVIEW ROAD Malting Address GREENSBORO NC 27406 City or Town Stale Zip Code u Area code Phone number 6. WELL DETAILS: a. TOTAL DEPTH: 45.0 FEET b. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO = 8. GROUT: Depth Material Method : Top 0.0 Bottom 29.0 Ft. milrLOWDserhONI'TE SLURRY Top Bottom Ft. Top Bottom Fl, 9. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material Top 35.0 Bolcom 45.0 Ft. 2.0 In. .01D in. ?VC Top Bollom Ft. in. in. TOP Bollom Ft. in. in. 10. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material Top 32.0 Bottom 45.0 Ft, 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND Top Botlom Ft. Tap Botlom FL. 11. DRILLING LOG Top Botlom Formation Description 0.0 1 0.5 CONCRETE 0.5 1 2.0 GRAVEL 2.0 1 10.0 RED/TAN CLAY 10.0 1 17.0 RED/BROWN SILTY CLAY 17.0 1 45.0 BROWN PARTIALLY WEATHER ROCK 1 1 1 1 1 12. REMARKS: BE'NTONITE SEAL FROM 29_0 TO 32_0 FEET 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL W S CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A 2C. HECO O E!L CONSTRUCTION SAR.CS, OED TO T AND THAT A COPY OF THIS O N 07/10/12 ATURE 6KCIERTiFIED WELL CONTRAV�®R HATE u. WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 29•0 FT. JOHNNY BURR (Use "+• if Above Tap of Casing) PRINTED NAME OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit within 30 days of completion to: Division of Water Quality Information Processing, Form GW-1b y p Y ' 9 Rev. 2109 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-161, Phone : (919) 807-6300 WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OPERATIONS SCCTIQ opartrrlent of APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Environmental Quality -- - - Received Date: August 1(). 2016 AUG 12 20% Fi'O. Sherri Knight -George Srnith W-SRO Winston-Salem —I I Regional Office �] Michael Rogers. WQROS —Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch Telephone: 919-807-6412 Fax: (919) 807-6496 E-Mail: Michael.Rogersa.ncderingov A. Permit Number: V4'10490093 B. AAp lip cant: Precision Fabrics C. Facility Name: Greensboro FacilitN REC�I���';�1r4;�;n��+�� +r'�R 17, AA 1ication; RECEIVE!}fNC[]EG>!1DWR Ar6:�'t Permit Tjpe: Groundwater Remediation Well AUG 2 9 2016 Perm,tcliq &.action Project Type: Renc►►a1 ►+ith Mod iIication water Quality Regional Operations Section F. Comments/Other Information: [l l ► ould like to accompany tiou on a site N Bit Attached_ you ►►gill find all information submitted in support of the above -referenced application for }our review. comment_ and/or action. Within 30 calendar dads, please return a completed \VOROS Staff Report When you recei►e this request form, please write your name and dates in the spaces be10kN. make a copy of this sheet. and return it to the appropriate Central Office GroundAater Protection Branch contact person listed above. RO-"'QROS Reviewer:. Date: S 1�7) I COMMENTS: NOTES: R q. C❑ ►rvk rt\,L►,- J "Pr-o ur_x } D4-, -rP IT 0. i"(}RM! \k'QROS-ARR ►•er 092614 Page 1 of I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality - Division of Water Resources W QROS REGIONAL STAFF REPORT FOR UIC Program Support Permit No. WI0400093 Date: _Au ust 17 2016 County: Guilford To: Michael Rogers Pe3rmittee/Appiicant:_Precision Fabrics Group Central Office Reviewer Facility Name: Greensboro ily L GENERAL INFORMATION 1.. This application is (check all that apply)= ❑ New ❑ Renewal x Minor Modification ❑ Major Modification a. Date of inspection: 08/ 17/2016 b. Person contacted and contact information: Thomas M. Wilson, Principal ERM NC, Inc. (704) 409-3445 c. Site visit conducted by: Jim Gonsiewski d. Inspection Report Printed from BIMS attached: x Yes ❑ No. e. Physical Address of Site including zip code: 301_East Meadow -view Drive, Greensboro, NC 27420 F. Driving Directions if rural site and/or no physical address: g. Latitude: 36.040663 Longitude:-79.785585 Source of Lat/L.ong & Accuracy (i.e., Google Earth, GPS, etc.): Goa le Earth IL DESCRIPTION OF INJECTION WELLS AND FACILITY 1. Type of injection system: ❑ Geothermal Heating/Cooling Water Return x In situ Groundwater Rernediation ❑ Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation ❑ Other (Specify: 2. For Geothermal Water Return Well(s) only a_ For existing geothermal system only: Were samples collected from Influent/Effluent sampling ports? ❑ Yes ❑ No. Provide well construction information from well tag: b. Does existing or proposed system use same well for water source and injection? ❑ Yes ❑ No If No, please provide source/supply well construction info (i.e., depth, date drilled, well contractor, etc.) and attached map and sketch location of supply well in relation to injection well and any other features in Seetion IV of this Staff Report. 3. Are there any potential pollution sources that may affect injection? X Yes ❑ No What is/are the pollution source(s)? TCE from former AST location What is the distance of the injection well(s) from the pollution source(s)? 150' 4. What is the minimum distance of proposed injection wells from the property boundary? 90' 5. Quality of drainage at site: x Good ❑ Adequate ❑ Poor 6. Flooding potential of site: x Low ❑ Moderate ❑ High WQROS Staff Report Rev. 4/15/2016 Page 1 7. For Groundwater Remediation Injection Systems nny, is the proposed and/or existing groundwater monitoring program (number of wells, frequency of monitoring, monitoring parameters, etc.) adequate? x Yes ❑ No. If No, attach map of existing monitoring well network if applicable and recommend any changes to the groundwater -monitoring program. S. Does the map included in the Application reasonably represent the actual site (property lines, wells, surface drainage)? X Yes ❑ No. If No, or no map, please attach a sketch of the site. Show property boundaries, buildings, wells, potential pollution sources, roads, approximate scale, and north arrow. 9. For Non -Discharge Groundwater Remediation systems only (i.e., permits with WQ prefix): a. Are the treatment facilities adequate for the type of waste and disposal system? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NIA. If No, please explain: b. Are the site conditions (soils, topography, depth to water table, etc.) consistent with what was reported by the soil scientist and/or Professional Engineer? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NIA. If no, please explain: III. E VAL UA TION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Do you foresee any problems with issuance/renewal of this permit? ❑ Yes x No. If Yes, explain. 2. List any items that you would like WQROS Central Office to obtain through an additional information request. Make sure that you provide a reason for each item: Item Reason 3. List specific special conditions or compliance schedules that you recommend to be included in the permit when issued. Make sure that you provide a reason for each special condition: Condition Reason 4. Recommendation ❑ Deny. If Deny, please state reasons: ❑ Hold pending receipt and review of additional information by Regional Office ❑ Issue upon receipt of needed additional information X Issue 5. Signature of Report Preparer(s): _ ' � U Signature of WQROS Regional Supervisor: G -) Dater WQROS Staff Report Rev. 4/15/2016 Page 2 IV ADDITIONAL REGIONAL STAFF REVIEW COMMENTSIATTACHMENTS O lional/I Needed WQROS Staff Report Rev. 4/ 1512016 Page 3 Permit: VV10400093 SOC: County: Guilford Region: Wznst0n-Salem Contact Person: Ed Hollyfield Compliance inspection Report Effective: 03/09112 Expiration: 02/28/14 owner: Precision Fabrics Group Inc Effective: Expiration: Facility: Precision Fabrics Group. Inc. Greensboro Facility 301 E Meadowwew Rd Title: Greensboro NC 27420 Phone: 704-541-8345 Directions to Facility: From WSRQ, 140W, Exjt S Elm -Eugene St., turn north, turn east on E Meadowview Rd, facility on north side of the road. System Classifications: Primary oRC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORCts): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection bate: 08/17/2016 Entry Time: 48,55AM Exit Time: 09'35AM Primary Inspector: Jim J Gonsiewski Phone: 336-776-9704 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Reconnaissance Permit Inspection Type: Injection In situ Groundwater Remediatjon Well Facility Status: M Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: System operations JSee attachment summary) Page: 1 permit[ W10400093 Owner - Facility: Precision Fat)rics GFoup Inc Inspection Date 0811712016 inspection Type : Reconnaissance Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary An inspection was conducted of the proposed additional Injection well site at the facility on August 17, 2016 Mr Thomas Wilson of ERM INC, Inc., consultant fat Precision Fabrics Group, accompanied DWq personnel on the Site visit. Discussed the Injection well locations along with the injection schedule and the planned injection material [Anaerobic BioChem (ABC) and Dehalococcoides (SHC) bacteria}. A separete contractor will conduct the injection of the ABC and DHC Page 2 permit: W10400083 Owner - Facility- Precision Fabrics Group Inc Inspection Date: 08/17/2016 Inspection Type : Reconnaissance Reason for Visit: pouline System Operation Is same well used as source well and injection well? Is injection well capable of assimilating injected fluid? Injection flow rate at time of Inspection (gpm) Has system own erlaperator noticed any abnormalities (turbidity, air in system. poor he aIinglcooIing, etc) In system operation? Comment on system operation Is system operation and construction consistent with that described in application? Describe inconsistencies between application and observed opefationlconstruction Comment: Yes No NA NE ❑❑■❑ ■❑❑❑ INIMMEN ❑❑❑■ ■❑❑❑ Rage 3 WATER QUALITY REGIONAL OPERATIONS SECTION_ APPLICATION REVIEW REQUEST FORM Date: August 10, 2016 To: Sherri kniEht-Georze Smith W-SRO From: Michael Rogers. WQROS — Animal Feeding Operations and Groundwater Protection Branch Telephone: 919-807-64I2 Fax: (919) 807-6496 E-Mail: Michael.Rogers@ncdenr.gov A. Permit '_ti um ber: W10400093 B. Applicant: Precision Fabrirs C. Facility Name. Greensboro Facilir► D. Application: Permit Type: Groundwater Remediation Well Projecl Type: Rene.+a} ti+ith �Cadrficatinn E. Comments/Other Information: 1 would like to accompany you on a site visit_ Attached, you will find all information submitted in support of - the above -referenced application for your review. comment. and/or action. Within 30 calendar days. please return a completed WORDS Staff Report. - - When you receive this request form- please write your name and dates in the spaces below. make a copy of this sheet. and return it to the appropriate Central Office Groundwater Protection Branch contact person listed above. RO-WOROS Revie► rer: COMMENTS: NOTES: Date: FORM W()ROI,-ARR ver 09IM4 P:,C' 1 "I''' Rogers, Michael From: Ed Hallifield <Ed.Hollifieldl@errn.corn> Sent: Thursdaff-Sdoteftliw 15.2019 3 42 PM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: PFG Revised Figure 2B Attachments: Fig2B_ProposedlW.pdf Michael, As per your request, please see the attached Revised Figure 28 Thanks Ed Hallifield, P.G. (NC, SC) Technical Director - CSM Practice ERM 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120 I Charlotte, NC. USA 128277 Main -704 541.8345 1 Mobile-704.301.2262 I Direct — 704 409.3431 ed._hollifieldgerm.com I www erm corn ��-p EFLM The bustoess of'susta►nab► ay This electronic mail message may contain information which is (a) LEGALLY PRIVILEGED. PROPRIETARY IN NATURE, OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED a UAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) intended only for the use of the Addressee (s) names herein If you are not the Addressee (s), or the person responsible for delivering this to the Addressee (s). you are hereby noticed that reading, copying, or distributing this message is prohibited. If you have received this electronic mad message in error, please contact us immediately at (704) 541.8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system. Thank you. ERM NC. Inc Telephone Record/Log DATE: 9/15/2016 Telephone Record/Log Completed By: Michael Rogers- DWR Telephone Call ® Made To: Ed Hollifield wLERM ❑ Received From: Telephone No,: 704.301.2262 RE: Additional Information Request - Permit #W1440009= COMMENTSMOTES: Told £D. we need revised ini ma❑ showine MW-255, which is missin from map. ERM NC, Inc. August 31, 2016 Mr. Michael Rogers Underground Injection Control Program NCDEQ - Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: (919) 807-6412 RECE1VED1NCDEQ 10WR, SEr 12 2016 Water Quality Regional Operations Section mike.rogers@ncdenr.gov httplj portaImcdennorg/ web/ wq / aps/ gwpro/ uic Subject: Additional Information Request Application for Permit to Construct Injection Wells and Inject Carbon Substrate as part of on -going Remediation Precision Fabrics Group (PFG) Greensboro, North Carolina Inactive Hazardous Site No. NONCDO001020 Docket No. 97-SF-104 Dear Mr. Rogers: On behalf of Precision Fabrics Group (PFG), ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) is submitting this additional information to supplement the previously submitted Application for Perniit to Construct Injection Wells. The referenced permit application is to inject carbon substrate at the referenced Site in support of on -going bioremediation of a VOC groundwater plume under the IHSB REC Program. Thank you for your assistance with this project and please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely, Ed Hollifield, P.G. Technical Director cc: Mr. Lee Aiken, PFG Attachments Ballantyne One 15720 Brixham Hill Ave. Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28277 (704)541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) Rogers, Michael From: Rogers, Michael Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2016 10:38 AM To: 'Ed Hollifield' Cc: lee.aiken@precisionfabrics.com, Gonsiewski, James J Subject: RE W10400093 Precision Fabrics Ed - Would you please mail 2 ha d co ies (one for the region). I can't print out the figures in same size/format. Thanks. Send to my attention. From: Ed Hollifield [mailtc:Ed.Hollifield@erm.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2016 9:08 AM To: Rogers, Michael <michael,rogers@ncdenr.gov> Cc: lee.aiken@precisionfabrics.com; Gonsiewski, James J <jim.gonsiewski@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: W10400093 Precision Fabrics Michael, Please see the attached letter fulfilling your request. The letter contains ■ Injection zones depicted on Figure ?B, and ■ NCDEQ GW-lb Forms for all injection wells. Please note these were previousiv submitted as attachments tc various reports to the NCDFQ's IHSB program Thank you for your assistance with this project and please call with any additional requests. Kind regards. Ed Hollifield, P.G_ (NC, SC) Technical Director - CSM Practice ERM 15720 Brixham Hill Avenue, Suite 120 I Charlotte, NC, USA 128277 Main-704.541.8345 I Mobile-704.301,2262 I Direct — 704-409.3431 ed.hollifield erm.com I www.errn.com 1��Ip ERi The business of susuinawny From: Rogers, Michael [mailta_michael.rogersCqncdenr,gov] Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 4:22 PM To: Ed Hollifield Cc: lee. aiken aprecisionfabncsrcom; Gonsiewski, James J Subject: WI0400093 Precision Fabrics Ed- We are reviewing the renewal applic--.-n for the above permit and have the fol: ig comments: The Injection Map Figure 213 does not show the proposed injection zone/treatment area. Please provide a revised map Showing the IZ in same size/format for replacement in the application. Since this revised map is going to be produced, please also add the proposed injection wells in the Legend. I do not see where we received the GW-1 construction recordsfor the injection wells installed during the last injection event in 2014 (i.e., IW-4 thru 12). Please provide these as -built well construction records. Since these will be provided in a packet, please go ahead and include the records for IW-1, 2, and 3 also. Thank you for your cooperation. Michael Rogers, P.G. (NC & FL) Underground Injection Control (UiC) Program Manager - Hydrogeologist NCDEQ- DWR Water Quality Regional Operations Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Direct No. 919-807-6412 htt deQ.nc.gov.LaboutldivisionsJwate_r-re_sources/water-resources-permits/wastewa_t_er-branchiground-water- protection/ground-water-applications NOTE: Per Executive Order No. 150, all a -moils sent to and from this account are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties. This electronic mail message may contain information which is (a) LEGALLY PRIVILEGED, PROPRIETARY IN NATURE, OR OTHERWISE PROTECTED BY LAW FROM DISCLOSURE, and (b) intended only for She use of the Addressee (s) names herein If you are not the Addressee (sj. or the person responsible for del ivenng this to the Addressee (s). you are hereby notified that reading, copying, or distributing this message is prohibited If you have received this electronic mail message in error, please contact us immediately at (704) 541-8345 and take the steps necessary to delete the message completely from your computer system. Thank you, ERM NC. Inc Water Resources ENVfR❑NMEN T AL QUALITY PAT MCCRORY � nn�c rnur DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secr'r-' ary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN (3lrev-P Atieust 10. 2016 Lee Aiken Precision Fabrics Group. Inc 301 Meadowvview Road Greensboro. NC 274_"0 RE: Acknowledgement of Application No. VA IU40009_ Precision Fabrics Group. Inw" Grcem!,boro Fac'slit\ ltt Situ Groundvrater Rein edtation W e I I S\ stem Guilford Count\ Dear Mr. Aiken: The Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) acknowledges receipt of your permit application on Aui)ust 9. 0 i 6. Your application package has been assigned the number listed above. and the primary reviewer is M ichaei Rogers. Central and W insion-Salem Regional Office staff will perform a detailed revie.,& of the provided application, and may contact you with a request for additional information. To ensure maximum efficiency in processing permit applications. the Water Quality Regional Operations Section (WQROS) requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please note that processing standard review permit applications may take as long as 60 to 90 days after receipt of a complete application. If you have any questions. please contact 1,1 ichaet Rogers at 919-807-64 t 2 or michael.rogers@ncdenr,gov_ Sincereh . 6�e— Debra J. Watts- Supervisor Animal Feeding Operations & Groundwater Protection Branch Division of Water Resources cc, Winston-Salem Regional Office. WQROS Permit File IA/10400093 Sim IrlNonhC:unit pin , Lnviramnenml QkwIm 64HIer Rrsourcc, :[�: Mdi� a Th k— 4C144 ria�u�;l., i\.n 1l1 iJr uigrn _ �r"0- I 1 41 V 7i17 9( H Rl August 5, 2016 Mr. Michael Rogers Underground Injection Control Program NCDEQ - Division of Water Quality 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Phone: (919) 807-6412 mike.rogers@ncdenr.gov hU://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/al2s/gwpro/uic Subject: Application for Permit to Construct Injection Wells and Inject Carbon Substrate as part of on -going Remediation Precision Fabrics Group (PFG) Greensboro, North Carolina Inactive Hazardous Site No. NONCD0001020 Docket No. 97-SF-104 Dear Mr. Rogers: On behalf of Precision Fabrics Group (PFG), ERM NC, Inc. (ERM) is submitting this Application for Permit to Construct Injection Wells and to inject carbon substrate at the referenced Site in support of on -going bioremediation of a VOC groundwater plume under the IHSB REC Program. Thank you for your assistance with this project and please contact me if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely, 46 a Ed Hollifield, P.G. Technical Director cc: Mr. Lee Aiken, PFG Attachments ERM NC, Inc. Ballantyne One 15720 Brixham Hill Ave. Suite 120 Charlotte, NC 28277 (704)541-8345 (704) 541-8416 (fax) RECEIVEDINCDEC.IDWR AUG '4 9 2016 Water Quality Regional Operations Section HLv IM r:: .i r .-.:SaSL— ommom M w I si 1. P. W- 500 1.001 LEGEND Shallowon Shallow Monitor Well * Transition Monitor Well Ilk * Deep Monitor Well _ ■ -ll _- _, •• _ � � � r O __ .`� j��J ram: r'+ : �C_y :i��i Casing/ No Well e r. X Abandoned Well Roads 7 Facility Boundary Parcel Boundary Parcels A" ry - 1a � � � ram'. +•r � .f � Y • i ' �j� y J 'E '•�•f-•! f � y � _ ■ ! .•pry ..,� _ LO '->;+�••., ii `•yj4�'. .:.: ��,',! f t� _�1:" �' _RC \� - �`\.' � 4��1 C, r. '�.r_ .. -. Or rj /z 1• s 'tom' '�-4., ����• � •, �.:•'�- :fir AAA r: . a . Site and Monitor Well Location Map 1 _ ■•ERM NC, INC. Precision !} _ ■ ■ ■• • eERM Greensboro, /Carolina NC I V. 1 "Poo-. �� roc — IF 4 i kf ai, ' aJl' . � � '• 4 1 IJIRILARJ • '� i�{ i.._ V � �-c�Z -- * Il • = y - TAW - ,t� `1����'"1' �• t 1. �� � r:�� - � . #• a mot, � ��s" �,ti. 34 '1A.'„i� - r.:l r -. •., y.i C't'•' fir; �',, Y of '� '. 'd'; �•� i !e .?�Ty � •� jFJ: � �"stir.' �' ''` `�. - 1.'. - • ' � '� n - •'� ,�gi' '�,� 1 X.;. _,ir,ae �, -'i: • 1=•trr f...1 '•i��..ry .�--• .'r . ` . ■ „ :s. - .a IN {.. ,- r• � dd,,,,i`s � ■ � . a is � :."" ��' WNW !�, � t! '• .�I ��. L?IA7<Hinr . - -.t � � } • � .. rye UAWN + ■ 1 it f lllllp/111� ■ /■ �+,Wi911© ' e { _ �� • / •� _ •.��T_ r� --.• - Q uLRlVi1l1 1 ° `.NDM yam' , - ® - - - ' •�lii r'r' F�a k� M y b ilkka 1, 0 20 40 FeetIL-i", Mw-6 �► N Legend Injection Treatment Zones Proposed Injection Well Locations i Shallow Aquifer Zone • Intermediate Aquifer Zone Existing Groundwater Monitorllnjection Wells o Deep Monitor Well (.: Shallow Injection Well o Transition Monitor Well e Casing/ No Well 0 Shallow Monitor Well x Abandoned Well I4 Facility Boundary L J Parcel Boundary 0 Parcels TCE Concentration - Transition Zone (June 2015) 100 ug/L TCE 1,000 ug/L TCE t I~ 10,000 ug/L TCE ►— Approximate Direction of Groundwater Flow 4— Expected Injectant Migration Path Basemap NC OneMap, NC Center forGeographic Information and Analysis, NC 911 Board. •'�MVV-� OF _ -..WL 0 20 40 � 04 Feet L A MW-s" 1 O MW-7 n MW-1 I W-2 hIVV 33SIIW QB-1 ` B-2 .'T00 _A B IW-9 I W-10 i 1 I.W-s ' s t IW-7 i MW=34S 1 lW`8 ' r a 51 I 1 rMW-361 n_ W'36S` 0 N Legend Injection Treatment Zones Proposed Injection Well Locations i F rJ Shallow Aquifer Zone F•- ■ Intermediate Aquifer Zone Existing Groundwater Monit ]Injection Wells O Deep Monitor Well Shallow Injecti Well a Transition ❑nitor Well • Casin No Well ' ^ S allow Monitor Well x Abandoned Well Facility Boundary Mw-10 - Parcel Boundary Parcels TCE Concentration - Transition Zone (June 2015) 100 ug/L TCE 1,000 ugILTCE 10,000 ug/L TC E �— Appr imate Direction of Groundwater Fiow s— Expecte Injectant Migration Path ERM NC, Inc. ERM. scnLE AS SHOWN or A m AFreemarn DATE �v peg M�6EirrumnirM��i E�nFpnniPfGfiSflyp�t0�7 nono Basemap NC oneMap- NC Center for Geographic Inforl�lgn and Analysis, NC 911 Board. FIGURE 2B Existing & Proposed Injection Well Location M Precision Fabrics Group 301 East Meadowview Road 2016 Greensboro, North Carolina ik. at 0 20 4'0 Feet lk\ N Legend O Shallow Monitor Well 1w-1 1 Q Transition Monitor Well IYv-745 r ► '` - I ASS - MW73.s Q Deep Monitor Well 1 P Shallow Injection Well S MW-31S ' i ~! { .-; • Casing) No Well Mw-31 x Abandoned Well MW-3 A'' Facility Boundary _ MW-6 0 MW-7 n MW-1 IW-2 MW-33SIIW-1 4OB-1 ❑B-411W}3 I W-4 MW-36S f IW-5 Parcel Boundary 0 Parcels Proposed Injection Well Locations # *, O Shallow Aquifer zone ■ Intermediate Aquifer Zone �. IW-6 IWA 2 •. MW-34S n IW-11 r MW-251 r MW-361 IW-9 d t7 BMW-3B5 IW 18 t �k ~� e. 80semap NC OneMap. NC Center for Geogr hiC Informalion and Analysis, NC 911 Board. FIGURE B ERM NC, Inc. Existing & Prop sed Injection Well Location Map ERM Precision Fabrics Group 301 East Meadowview Road WALE AS SHOWN oRAm AFre an A6TE: U24r2Q16 Greensboro, North Carolina iPgpCs N �jlP—x Fsbr �'Q0 rpwmd-- I HSa PffW iC+MkGD16dStiF 3PrCgroBaN'nx LEGEND X Abandoned Well 0 Shallow Monitor Well Transition Monitor Well o Deep Monitor Well Shallow Injection Well • Casing/ No Well Roads Facility Boundary OParcel Boundary E] Parcels (757) Groundwater Elevation in Feet Relative to Mean Sea Level 01--..Groundwater Elevation Contour Interval as Shown. Dashed Lines are Areas of Less Certainty. Groundwater Flow Direction Groundwater Elevation Data from December 2014 Gauqinq Event t: J V 0 60 120 Feet Note; Source of 2010 Aerial Photography NC OneMap - Statewide Orthoirnagery V I fi 4�.. i �4i I II 1 Sam le IQ p Date Gauged Aquifer Zone Shallow Shallow Depth to Groundwater Water Elevation 31.65 756.84 29.37 757.06 12103l14 MW-2 1210Qr14 MW-3 12103114 Shallow 30.36 757.34 MW_5 12VI14 Shallow 25.80 757.29 MW-9 12VI14 Shallow 28.42 757,65 INW-11 12101114 Shallow 30-05 756.17 MW-32kZ�,,Yr7' tvv�ti� fillW-31 (75fi.7256: I MWMW-3 W-6 IW (}75• (756.84) MW-1 p-2 70)MW-33S/I W-1 OB__i OB-4O -3 MW-2 �A MW-35S . I W-5 I W-6 W-12.:. I W-7 IW-8 • ^MW 34S IW 11 MW 25S MW 251 (756.R M� I IW„ IW=10 MW-36S 'V j RI 2 7.1 MW-37S A -12 IM114 Shallow 31.25 75582 a MW-15S 12A)11141 Shallow 19- 757,60 MW-195 i2!(Y1114 5hallaw 2A18 75326 A' l rx MW 206 12101/14 Shallow 2330 75222 t ti MW-21S NSW-M 12/02/14 12/01114 Shallow 21-70 75264 Shallow 29.75 7483a f�' l ,.t .. MW-235 MW-245 12/03114 17Jt11l14 Shallow 29.48 75287 Shallow 29.58 75103 MW-25$ 12104/14 Shallow 30.65 756.09 Shallow 26.07 754.45 !. ` 7 j / MW-26S MW-27S Mwas 1=114 1201114 12101/14 Shallow Shallow 20,25 29.31 753.85 756..58 MW-325 12101N Shallow 29.19 756.72 - MW,=11W-1 120J14 Shallow 29.43 756.70 MW-34S 12KU14 Shallow 29.91 - Mw_3GS 12103/14 Shallow XU - MW-37S 12M14 Shallow 31.40 QB-1 12102114 Shallow 29.62 - 00-2 Shallow 29.61 - ❑B-3 12f07J14 Shallow 29.60 - t3BAfil Shallow 29.71 - l 1• Shallow Monitored Zone FIGURE ti Groundwater Potentiometric Surface ERM NC, INC. and Flow Direction Map En Precision Fabrics Group 3 R Greensboro, North Carolina LEGEND X Abandoned Well cShallow Monitor Well ^ Transition Monitor Well Q Deep Monitor Well Shallow Injection Well • Casing/ No Well Roads Facility Building Parcel Boundary C� Parcels (757) Groundwater Elevation in Feet Relative to Mean Sea Level Groundwater Elevation Contour Interval as Shown. Dashed Lines are Areas of Less Certainty. .r� Groundwater Flow Direction Groundwater Elevation Data from December 2014 Gauaina Event :f MW`1:2 1 tM"by _ _~ Mw 11 d Y MW- 6 MW 95 22 (r7i - MFADDWti✓r.W RC 0 60 120 Feet _ Note: Source of 2010 Aerial Photography NC OneMap Statewide Orthoimagery - s - - e Sample ID Date Aquifer Depth to Groundwater e•.. - . - Gauged Zone Water Elevation 9 M W-31 12103/14 Transition 1 30.28 757,12 MW4 12101/14 Transition 1 25.771 757.19 MW-7 12f01114 Transition NM MW-8 12101/14 Transition 31.10 755,85 MW-13 12101114 Transition 29A5 757.71 . .. /f MW-M 12101114 Transition 25.00 757.28 MW-201 12101114 Transition 23,26 752.33 Nz t MW-211 12101114 Transition 2203 752.24 MW-221 12101114 Transition 2&89 752.46 ` MW-251 121"14 Transition 30.66 756.18 MW-261 12J01114 Transition 27,68 754.85 MW-9 Transition 29,331 752.36 MW-27D 1203114 � t _ (►75. 1) M W-361 12f03114 Transition 30.77 — MW-32 MW73S MW-31 ►757.12 'r MW-7y MW-6 - MW-335111IU-1 i ❑B-411W-3 Y F MW-355 W-5 I W-6 IW-12::, IW-7 fop 1W-11 IW-8 ^ MW-34S MW-255 M.W-251 (756A 8) 1W-9 OMW-361 fW-10 ' MW-365 75 - MW-375 ► Transition Monitored Zone FIGURE Groundwater Potentiometric Surface ERM NC, INC. and Flow Direction Map Precision Fabrics Group 4 ERM Greensboro, North Carolina LEGEND — X Abandoned Well MVU'18 • Shallow Monitor Well o Transition Monitor Well v Deep Monitor Well Shallow Injection Well MW"�5Q MW 5S Obi 5 ■ Casing/ No Well [r 57.50] qL_ ;. -Roads '" ' M W Facility Building 0 Parcel Boundary. f O Parcels MW-5 ('757) Groundwater Elevation in Feet ............. MW-4 Relative to Mean Sea Level Groundwater Elevation Contour Interval as Shown. Dashed Lines MW 3 are Areas of Less Certainty. I MW 32S MW-31 Groundwater Flow Direction �{ MW 3 'S i Groundwater Elevation Data 9 i [756.79} MW_6 IM 7 MW-3 from December 2D14 Gau in Event - ' ..: MW-1 p r MW-33S/iW-1 OB 3 OB-i m ❑B-411W-3 hltir;i_1 W Q ' I'.V 4 C MW-35S e MW 8 IVd-5 MW- Z IW-6 I W *2 . I)Af 7� - - _ r iW 11 .. IW-8 4 MW-34S MW-255 MW-251 i IW-9 MW 361 =f 1W-10 MW-36S 777iw- ,� O MW-37S S 2.7 S E 0 60 120 Feet Note: Source of 2010 Aerial Photography e n NC ❑neMap - Statewide Orthoimagery V Sample Date Aquifer Depth to Groundwater ID Garaged Zone Water Elevation M W-6 12103114 Deep 33.51 756.79 M W-14 12101114 Deep 28.101 752.99 vy M W-15D 12101/14 Deep 19.40 — - 757.50 MW-16 12/01/14 Deep 20.661 752.61 :3 M W-20D 12101/14 - Deep 23.56 - - - 752.06 M W-21 D 12JO1114 Deep 22,171 751.89 MW-22D 12/01/14 Deep 29.80 751.68 00 MWz23S A W-22 '� :�� 4` � .. �751-68] Deep Monitored Zone FIGURE Groundwater Potentiometric Surface ERM NC, INC. and Flow Direction Map Precision Fabrics Group 5 ERMGreensboro, North Carolina LEGEND a Shallow Monitor Well Transition Monitor Well o Deep Monitor Well - Shallow Injection Well ■ Casing/ No Well y . X Abandoned Well 100 ug/L TCE 1,000 uglL TCE Roads Facility Boundary 0 Parcel Boundary Parcels uglL = micrograms per liter (2,400) TCE Concentration in uglL Samples Collected December 2014 NS = Not Sampled ND = Not Detected 0 60 120 Feet Note: Source of 2010 Aerial Photography k INC nneMap - Statewide Orthoimagery (110) 11 MIw (2,300) Myy? (1)MW-33S11W 11 (4,200)0 o6-4r1WV (340 MW-35I (Ns) : 11 Date Aquifer ••, L;�' Sample I❑ TCE j • Sampled Zone Groundwater Remedial Goals {NC 2Q 3 9� MW-1 12J03114 Shallow 2300 MW-2 12103114 Shallow 100 MW-3 12/03114 Shallow 6.4 MWa 12JO1114 Shallow 180 MW-9 12/01/14 Shallow 1.6 h - MW11 12O1114 Shallow <1 MW-12 12/01/14 Shallow <1 MW-15S 12101/14 Shallow <1 i`. MW-195 12102/14 Shallaav 18 MW-20S 12101114 Shallow <1 MW-21S 121fl2J14 Shallow 31 r MW-22S 12101/14 Shallow 650 MW-3I MW-23S 12103114 Shallow <1.0 MW= 6 ) MW-24S 12ro1I14 Shallow a1 1_2 MW-25S 12104/14 Shallow 6800 B,2{35) MW-26S 12/01/14 Shallow 230 33 {95y _ MW-27S 12(01/14 Shallow 23 MW-2 MW-1Q 3 (100) 5) -- <^� MW-31S 12/01114 Shallow 7300 MW-32S 12/01/14 Shallow110 MW-33S11W-1 12/02/14 Shallow 1 IW-s MW-34S 12103114 Shallow 360 IVY-7 MW ;6S 12103114 Sh9ow 260 0 MW-34S (350).. MWw37S 12104/14 Shallow 990 MW-251 QB-1 12102/14 Shallow 4200 y5t 013-2 12/03/14 Shallow 35 gS 0B,3 12102J14 Shallow 95 j 4 0134/1 3 12102/14 Shallow 340 Values in red exceed 2L Standards a MW-37S C1 = Not detected above MDL (990) MDL = Method Detection Limit Values in micrograms per liter (uglL) MW-14 MW-26S , {230)I'llu 1 1AX All TCE Isoconcentration Map FIGURE Shallow Monitored Zone ERM NC, INC. December 2014 Precision Fabrics Group 6 ERM Greensboro, North Carolina Sample I❑ Date Aquifer TCE LEGEND ` p O Shallow Monitor Well MIN" 18 Sampled Zone 2 o Transition Monitor WeII _ _ y Groundwater Remedial Goals (NC 2L) 3 o Deep Monitor Well MW-3I 12JON14 Transition 12 M W� 12JO1114 Traniion 50Q Shallow Injection Well 1. 1 M W- 5D M W _ 5 5 4 /` ti,'� �y M W$ 121(11/14 Transition 3.3 • Casingl No Well R� \ "�G _ MW 13 12/01/14 Transition 51000 X Abandoned Well _� - f MW-171 17J011f4 Transition 2.5 100 ugILTCE MW-171 :' MW-2f11 12J01114 Transition 2000 {2.5y tir _ 1,000 uglL TCE. ' %y' MW-211 12/01114 Transition 270 MW-5 ✓ `f' MW 221 12101114 Transition 1400 _ 10,000 uglL TCE � ti• ���: Roads MW; 4. MVV-25l 12J04114 Transition 2100 MW-25I 12JO1114 Transition 4500 Facility Boundary ` MW-27D 1ZU14 Transition 10000 0 Parcel Boundary ` 1,0 ) �: , M W-W 12IO3+14 Transition 49000 uglL micrograms per liter MW-32 MW-31 (12j Values in red exceed 2L Standards = � S MW•3 f (2,400) TCE Concentration in ugIL MW•3 Values in micrograms per liter u 1L Samples Collected December 2014 MV11-6 MW-7 {N5] 9 P (9 ] i W-2 1 NS = Not Sampled MW- �0.2 i ND =Not Detected MW-33511W- 3 - d8 1 Ot3�.411W-3 MW 2 MW-i • I W-4 C W 35S MW-8 -6 IW-i2 , IW-7 IW 11 lW-S �' MW-34S MW 25S MW-251 (2,100) IW-9 MW 361 (49,000) tW 10 ' MW-36S r MW- 1.kk MW-37S • A-l. MW- 4 i _ MW-265 - MW-261 MW-271 MW 24S n to HIP "I .. MW- 6 MW- 9S MW-21;5 MW-Z17 D - M W-21, (2 0] MW-20d MW-205 M�AoowulE R� M W-2Q1 �2 Q0 TCE Isoconcentration Map FIGURE o so 120 Feet Transition Monitored Zone r - ERM NC INC.December 2014 Note: Source of 2010 Aerial Photograph r Precision Fabrics Group z NC OneMap - Statewide Orthoimagery ERM Greensboro, North Carolina LEGEND Shallow Monitor Wellsilk ts� • Deep Monitor Well • Transition Monitor Well Shallow Injection Well Casing/ No Wellr emsX Abandoned Well 46, ' li IRJL7QUl]!`a �7 �� i Facility Boundary ' �� '• Boundary Parcels Y•{ S r mom ` �... f- `` r ,"' • ;' �L - i t 1 ..J Tq J" JIM=.ts -■. iJ�� ' - �. :+ �G��, - .j' 1 �� +_ -_ t =� � ,_.ice—_r• `'' - ���+ � 4 -,. - - ;�1 ..'Y . - - ' y • `, 'ri! ii u.l "'w^.'-Y v , I� �}�,,�i� `I `y Tr: _�s.'L. �!•_ ` ! •eT3 �l 1} :. - •i'-V. f �t ; fir _ '� - .fir ',Fr' } - `. > + • - �• ,. - { -i -., �. �1 .. yr - •'a=''ir����' .ter •t ii" _ - ��-•A'" - r - !, �i' '• �■ � ::� •� � r �. ~ r.' - .i A. 41 AL Cross Section Location Map Precision Fabrics Group ERM NC, INC. Greensboro, North Carolina Note: Source of 2010 Aeria I Photography Ai ERM s# lef � ;y � �7 � FrT ��.• `i �1 � ru1Jf:8a�[fll i�,- - ; .=y - � •ice ''r: .��- .� ' A (North) 74 O Former TCE Use Areas a A' 0 (South) C)60 Saprolite (Fine to Medium Sand with Silt beds) Saprolite (Fine to Medium Sand with Silt beds) Outer Casing (Type III Wells Only) 01 Partially Weathered Rock (PAR) 60 Quartz (Fractured) Monitor Well Riser 20 High Transmissivity PWR Zone [Fractured] Monitor Well Screened Interval vE = 2.51 - Bedrock � Fracture Zone p SCALE IN rEET TCE Concentration (ug1L) - December -- n 25 50 1W 2014 data used in contouring Water Level (ft msl) - December 2014 TCE Concentration a40,000 uglL Event FIGURE 10 Water Table Surface Elevation TCE Concentration a10.000 uglL Hydrogeologic Cross Section A -Ai Approximate Groundwater Surface } Vertical Flow Direction with TCE Concentrations TCE Concentration >1,060 uglL NC 2L standard for TCE is 3.0 uglL Precision Fabrics Group J = Estimated concentration above method detection TCE Concentration >100 ug1L Greensboro, North Carolina limit but below reporting limit. DESIGN: I DRAWN: AF ICHKD EN �::::] VE = Vertical Exaggeration DATE: 111912015 1 SCALE: AS SHOWN I REV.- ERM FILE: PFG Site 2D150126 Dec2014Cross Sections.dwg (1A WALE IN FEET 0 50 100 200 ,i• Saprolite (Fine to Medium Sand with SA beds) cuter Casing (Type III Wells Only) �/ f'• Partially Weathered Rock {PUNK} Quartz (Fractured) Monitor Weil Riser High T ransm issivity PWR Zone [Fractured] Monitor Well Screened Interval Bedrock j Fracture Zone 89 � TCE Concentration (uglL) - December 2014 data used in contouring (760) Water Level (n msi) - December 2014 TCE Concentration >40,000 uglL Event I Water Table Surface Elevation TCE Concentration >10.000 uglL F Approximate Groundwater Surface } Vertical Flow Direction TCE Concentration �1,000 uglL iVC 2L standard for TCE is 3.0 uglL J = Estimated concentration above method detection TCE Concentration a100 uglL limit but below reporting limit. DESIGN VE = Vertical Exaggeration DATE: 1i1 FILE- PF 20 10 UE=251 SCALE IN FEET 0 25 s0 V (West) } L1 -� j r r' / r Tv L-, 2J L �1 — •� ;sYL] L. Facility Building n o N Facility Building C' :3sq Oil 2D VE = 2.51 SCALE IN FEET ❑ 25 60 100 Outer Casing (Type III Wells Only) Monitor Well Riser Monitor Well Screened Interval 89 9 TCE Concentration (ug/L) - December 2014 data used in contouring (760) Water Level (ft msl) - December 2014 Event T Water Table Surface Elevation Approximate Groundwater Surface } Vertical Flow Direction NC 2L standard For TCE is 3-0 uglL J = Estimated concentration above method detection limit but below reporting limit. VE = Vertical Exaggeration Saprolite (Fine to Medium Sand with Silt beds) Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) LLJQuartz (Fractured) ® High Transmissivity PWR Zone (Fractured) ®�— Bedrock # Fracture Zone TCE Concentration i10.000 ug/L TCE Concentration >1,000 ugll- TCE Concentration 7100 ug& aa MW-1�71 a Shallow Monitor Well {� ❑ Transition Monitor Well —` 0 Deep Monitor Well MW-5 , ' Shallow Injection Well MW-4 {221] • Casing/ No Well (180J [�} �� X Abandoned Well MW-9 Interior Building Features MW-13 {9,7 0] [51, ] C= Facility Boundary \ MIN-32S C1 Parcel Boundary [194] MW-31 S MW-31 [ )1 1 (168) TCE Concentration in Groundwater (ug)L) (110} [526] [2,3 } MW 3 Pre -Injection - Most recent and representative �� MW-7 [2,5 } [NS] ( 5) {t34} TCE Concentration in Groundwater [uglL] (4 8s 0 (1,300) MW_6 iW Past -Injection - December 2014 (19,300) (2,30p] MW 1 [5.a] =NSW-35S was NS, June 2014 result shown (55-.200) (1) MW 33SrIW�1 OB 2 {61,('00 (35) uglL = Micrograms per Liter A. �' ND = Compound Not Detected-, NS = Not sampled (90,000) {4,200) OB-1 MW-0 (39.8aa� 0) OB-4AW-3 �� M 1 0) IW=4 (100) MW-35S -20 1 0 IW 5 0� ' E 9.-41 I VV.-1 2 I11U-6 ZZ I�Wv-1,1 IWW8> MMW` --y3�4S [ )360) • (33.4QOj{ �8C0}1°�W-25S �MW I (� Q) (2,100) �[ '• • . MW-36I,(24,100) {49;000} IW-10 MW-36S � • (42;500) l ' MW-17 INti) - MIN-37S f <Q l40J ' A AN � r \ L f r MW 265� r !�� (5.120) MW-27S OW 27,E 1 .r' i231 ��n tirnti. � (2,s40] MW-22D t MW-21 S {N ] [ MW 19S (12.4] MW-21 I MW-21 D [1 4} {52.2] MW-2�5 [O.Li7J [ND} (650] tZ7 ] [69) MW-20D r [ .40 } MW 201 " {1,58p} ;;�: o Note: Source of 2010 Aerial Photography l] 50 {2,000} 100 Feet NC OneMap - Statewide Orthoimagery �( Pre and Post Injection TCE Concentrations :. •� ERM NC, INC. in Groundwater - Biaremediativn Area 13 z ERM Precision Fabrics Group - Greensboro, North Carolina Pre -Injection Concentrations (N A (North) rrr f rf i � ri A _ � t 1 t t t t FOWW TCE use Areas • At ~ r (South) r• '/rr rr rr fr r r � ' rrf rr f rri �` �f�' rr ' rri r'�r rrr! ` 1 Outer Casing (Type III Wells Only) Monitor Well Riser Monitor Well Screened Interval TCE Concentration >40, 000 ug/L TCE Concentration >10,000 ug/L TCE Concentration >1,000 ug/L TCE Concentration >100 ug1L 60 FIGURE 14 Pre and Post Injection TCE Concentrations Hydrogeologic Cross Section A -A' 30 LSA Precision Fabrics Group Greensboro, North Carolina 0 DESIGN: DRAWN: AF CHKD.: EH o l5 l50 DATE: 111912015 I SCALE. AS SHOWN I REV.: ERM FILE: PFG_Site _20150126 0ec2014Cross Sections.dwg SChematic,DWU b/Z7/UU 1=1 Oub 300-500 GAL. GATE VALVE POLY TANK GAUGE TRAILER MOUNTED TOTALIZER RETURN LINE TO TANK GATE VALVE "T" GATE VALVE (PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE) HIGH PRESSURE FLEXIBLE LINE E fE VALVE UNION INJECTION WELL INJECTION EQUIPMENT SCHEMATIC FIGURF ERM NC, Inc IN -SITU BIOREMEDIATION TREATMENT SYSTEM 15 PRECISION FABRICS GROUP (PFG) FACILITY ERM GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MW-1 200 6 180 160 5 E 140 4 E .� � 120Wh;,�Arm m 0 71 m 100 3 C=i 80 Q 60 2 u u u Q 40 1 20 0 0 °°' pg ti° do ,�° NN y� ,�� Nti ' o� Oat -°� �o� 4ac ��� �o� lac ��,� �o� jai �,�� boa 4a1 Pilot Scale injection Event Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride TOC I M W-2 1.6 1.8 1.4 1.6 : N c 1.2 1.4 E 1.2 E 1 � o a ❑.8 1 +r m 0.8 ❑.6 0.6 u 0 u�0'4 c 0.40 p r 0.2 0.2 a 0 �J �o 'a 'o 4a '�o �a �J e�° a �� �o `ym 'Z: 'o 40 Pilot Scale Injection Event i Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride -t- TOC �f►+ 'J tit Page i of 8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MW-3 N 0.05 0 � 0.04 G 0.03 a c 0.02 O i.1 u 0 0.01 0 Q� og do IF, ,y'r ' ' 1:1 y'L 11 1y 1 y15 1y1 NN tie \. a� G D �Qa�a� ,Jr �o� PAS' ceQ fie° l� Oe Pilot Scale Injection Event Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-bichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —t— TOC 0.14 0.12 0.1 E: c 0.08 0.06 a� c u 0.04 u 0 0.02 0 1 MW-31 a� o� ,�° do �� titi titi titi 1'1 4 Qee �a� pe` fat Qom$ �a� ��o, 'o yeQ Fea �`�� pee Pilot Scale Injection Event Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-aichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —t— TOC - 3 2.5 ,..- . Iff 4 3.5 Page 2of8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 300 250 a 0 E 200 c 150 100 O V 0 50 MW-25S 1 f k t k 1 � � 1 's 1 � 1 . 00, it 1 1 'zy ,rd(� '`)� ,aC ,J� ,ate ,J� Sad �`)� ,aC , "Zp Not Scale Injection Event Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —-.*-— TO rN N 50 a 0 � 40 t 30 MW-251 r ' Boa .,& t�° \�° ,l° �NIV \ti: ,titi �N". \N111 ,Nti �3 \ti3 ,�� t1� \to- ,10 7J �o 4 �� 10 4a 1; 0o 4a 1 1, 4a '� 'o Il '� \10 �a Pilot Scale Injection Event Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride TOC 4000 3500 3000 m- E 2500 0 2000 c 1500 ' U 1000 0 500 n 2.5 U 0.5 ° we Page 3 of 8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MIN-27D 120 18 N 16 100 14 0 E to 8o 12 a Z 10 t� Z = 60 m c J a U 40 6 U O 20 4 a 7 2 0 0 og og do do �° �ti �� �� �ti �ti titi y� ti3 �� NN N", N111 Pilot Scale Injection Event Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —t— TCIC l ri 11 � I 1 i f I i r r r S 1 i MIN-34S 5 5❑ 4.5 J 45 4 40 E 35 E 3.5 ZL 30 0 3 +• a 2.5 25 L = 20 = d 2 u a 1.5 15 u U U 10 u a 1 5 0.5 a a ti'' N'11 ti° Nt, yt* mot` N" N" "o vo 04 �? 40 PJ ' °, 4k ` 40 Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride -{- TOC f Page 4 of 8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 80 a 70 c 60 E 50 c 4f'u 40 C w 30 u° 20 u 0 > l0 a MW-35S - rr _ !r _Jr rr PO r� ��o 40 Vol � lea �`aa V3� r� Leo �`a1 P00 '°� lea 'e � Fu11 Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —t— TOC 350 300 m E 250 0 200 150 G1 u 100 v a 50 MW-36S • 0 Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride --+-- TOC 2.5 U 0.5 0 w 800 700 3 600 ad E 200 0 100 0 Page 5 of 8 Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride --+-- TOC 2.5 U 0.5 0 w 800 700 3 600 ad E 200 0 100 0 Page 5 of 8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MW-361 400 2.5 350 N 0 300 2 E 250 1.5 C R 200 C 150 1 QI ;+ = O 100 = c u u a ❑.s > 50 a ❑ �b` �1�Ix N, �� N", �h 4 � Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride TOC 25 raw � 1 MW-37S • 3 2.5 0.5 1­ - 0 Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —+— TOC Page 6 of 8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS . KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 700 600 0 500 400 300 20❑ Q 100 C ff AV 0 �° ti° �° �' �ti NN titi titi �ti �3 ,�3 ti3 �a ti" mob` �h °� °�' fat' ��� lac ��� 'ac ,J� C�°,' fat ��y� l ',�t ,°� 0_1 lac Pilot Scale Injection Event i Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-DichIoroethene Vinyl Chloride —f— TOC Wi �iI8I87 MIMIC, 12000 t 10000 c 8000 5000 c 4000 D 911111f: 0 OB-z 800 14000 700 12000 HwinJ E600 10000 500 rim 2 8000 400 VAN 6000 w N 300 c 200 4000 O 100 2000 0 0 Pilot Scale Injection Event NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Vinyl Chloride —t— TOC Page 7 of 8 FIGURE 16. CONTAMINANT REDUCTION OVER TIME GRAPHS - KEY PERFORMANCE WELLS PRECISION FABRICS GROUP FACILITY - GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA oB-3 800 12000 y 70a 10000 c 600 E E 500 Lug 8000 c HIM o 400 6000 � 300 C d = 4000 c 200 Q > MR p m 0 WRES1 INS, 2000 ~ 100 0 �. _ ._. 0 do tia do �ti titi titi �ti titi ti� �3 ti3 ti'' ry°` ti°` ti°` ,�� Pilot Scale Injection Event i Full Scale Injection Event Trichloroethene cis-1,2-DichIoroethene Vinyl Chloride —{— TOC oB-a 16000 350 300 14000 N a, 12000 � Page 8 of 8