HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400198_QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT_20130812W7o rr,9 20f 3 August 8, 2013 Mr. Thomas Moore North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Waste Management - UST Section 585 Waughtown Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27107 UIC Program Staff DWQ - Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 DWQ - Aquifer Protection Section Winston-Salem Regional Office 585 Waughton Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 RE: Quarterly Status Report Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163) 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Injection Permit W10400198 NCDENR Incident No. 6400 URS Project number: 38436760 Dear Mr. Moore: RECE[VEDIMENROW0 Aquifer ptofmtiarl Section Please find enclosed the Quarterly Status Report for the above referenced site. The report documents ongoing injection performance monitoring activities including the most recent groundwater sampling event performed on May 31, 2013. The report also documents the activated sodium persulfate (ASP) injection performed in June 2013. The enclosed report is intended to continue the semi-annual reporting schedule proposed in the site Corrective Action Plan (CAP), The report is also intended to satisfy the quarterly reporting schedule requirement specified in Part VD, Item 2 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198. Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 461-1595 or caleb.krouse@urs.com. Sincerely, URS C rporation - North Carolina Caleb Krouse, PE Project Manager Enclosure cc: Charles Sherren, Thruway Shopping Center, LLC (CD); ENFDS, BP (electronic); Project File (electronic) URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919-461-1100 Pax:919-461-1415 QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP 24163) 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: 6400 RISK RANK: INTERMEDIATE LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: TNDUSTRIALICOMNIERCIAL URS PROJECT NO.: 38436760 RECE111EAIDENRI W0 Aquifer protection Seotton Prepared for: Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) A BP Products North America Inc. bp affiliated company 850 East 49" Street MBC-3 Room 103B Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125 0 August 8, 2013 Prepared by: URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 Tel. 919-461-1100 Fax 919-461-1415 CERTIFICATION PAGE FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP 24163) 391 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, NC Report Date: August 8, 2013 Groundwater Incident Number: 6400 Land Use Category: Industrial/Commercial Risk Classification: Intermediate (Gross Contamination Level Eaceedences) Responsible Party: Atlantic Richfield Company % BP Products North America, Inc 850 East 49`h Street MBC-3 Room 103B Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125 Attn: Greg Frisch Current Property Owner: Thruway Shopping Center, LLC. 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1500 Bethesda, Maryland 20814-6522 (301) 986-6077 Attn: Charles Sherren or Zane Zynda Report Prepared By: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (919) 461-1100 Release Information: Release of an unknown quantity of gasoline from an underground storage tank product line 1 ancillary piping prior to September 1983. Release Location: Latitude: 36005'25.94"N (Topographical Map) Longitude: 80° 1 Tl 1.79"W I, Caleb Krouse, a licensed engineer for URS Corporation — North Carolina, do attest that the information con •ned in this report is correct and ,R Mt1fooe best of my knowledge. y� '[N. AR ff FESS 0� �.4 SEA, $ Z q 8 a13 Caleb Krouse, P.E. _ -Hvi i ;3 r - Date URS Corporation -- North Carolina URS Corporation -- North Carolina is licensed to (&c9 ogylengineering in North Carolina The certification numbers of the corporatiioon�ra�x� -328 and C-2243, respectively. P irn IHPFm�mu+A1C17� IG1. CK. W-S- U1 I Dra - lrxmm pelncnWerJ n kUv i143 GW EitW Qw cr1 R gwFiV4a) 7011 ORLY DATA R-Wn d% ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................_.............. 1-1 1.1 Site Description.................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Project Background.............................................................................................. 1-1 2.0 ACTIVATED SODIUM PERSULFATE INJECTION ................................................... 2-1 2.1 Utility Clearance.................................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 Site Set-up and Chemical Handling..................................................................... 2-1 2.3 Injection............................................................................................................... 2-I 2.4 Waste Management .................. ............ ...... .......................................................... 2-1 3.0 INJECTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING............................................................3-1 3.I Groundwater Sampling Procedures..................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Purge Water Management.................................................................................... 3-1 4.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................. .................................... 4-1 4.1 Groundwater Sampling Results........................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Performance Monitoring Discussion................................................................... 4-1 5.4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................ 5-1 6.0 STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS..................................._.._..........................................6-1 7.0 REFERENCES ...........................••---._.............................................................................7-1 P �BP4PMVCUs NC24161. Cx W-s. •91 Kmul ood SWw%+ti DeVaAkO i :s Mw 7ai 1 cw Eia pis kcpunM0 703t OTRLY DATA Rcpm dm lil TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Table 2 Summary of May 31, 2013, Groundwater Results Compared to NC Gross Contamination Levels Table 3 Groundwater Field Parameter Results, May 31, 2013 FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Activated Persulfate Second Injection Lvent Summary (June 2013) APPENDICES Appendix A Winston-Salem Fire Hydrant Permit 427414 Appendix B Injection Services Report [Vironex, 2013) Appendix C Waste Manifests Appendix D Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Appendix E Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Appendix F Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix G Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Appendix H ASP Injection Performance Monitoring Parameter Time -Trend Graphs P If]Pld mw a at N 4 W. C& WS I N 4 �4,.QM pC SIim+S a M[,, aW&5 I draft - 1.l m, Delile bkA4 2: Afar 21) I; GW 6�wa Uu My RepanW v AW QTP1.Y DATA RCPW da i V SECTIONON E INTRODUCTION URS Corporation - North Carolina (URS), on behalf of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). a BP Products North America Inc. affiliated company, is pleased to submit this Quarterly Data Report for Former BP Station No. 24163 located at 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina (site). The report is intended to continue the semi-annual reporting schedule proposed in the site Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (URS, 2011). This report is also intended to satisfy the quarterly reporting schedule requirement specified in Part VII, Item 2 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198 (NCDENR, 2013). The report documents the activated sodium persulfate (ASP) injections and associated performance monitoring completed at the site. Specifically, the report documents the June 2013 injection activities and presents procedures and results for the groundwater sampling event performed in May 2013. 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located on the eastern side of Knollwood Street, southeast of its intersection with Interstate 40 Business in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A USGS topographic map showing the site location and surrounding area is provided as Figure 1. The site property is approximately 0.5 acres, is covered by asphalt and concrete, and was formerly developed as a retail fueling station/convenience store with gasoline, diesel, waste oil, and kerosene underground storage tanks (USTs). All UST systems and buildings have been removed from the site and the property is currently used as a parking lot for an adjacent shopping center. Site geology, hydrogeology, UST removal history, petroleum release history, environmental investigation and remediation activity history, surrounding property uses, and site ownership history were presented in detail in the site CAP (URS, 2011). A site map showing current and historical site features, including, groundwater monitoring well locations, is provided as Figure 2. Currently, ten Type II monitoring wells (MW-3, MW-5R, MW-6, MW-8R, and MW-14 through MW-19) and one Type III monitoring well (MW-6i) are located at the site. Monitoring; well construction details are presented in Table 1. 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND The ASP injection was performed in accordance with the CAP which was approved by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Waste Management (DWM) UST Section (NCDENR, 201la). An Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit application, summarizing the proposed injection activities, was submitted to the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on July 5, 2011. Injection Permit No. WI0400198 was issued by the DWQ on August 9, 2011 (NCDENR, 2011 b). Pre -injection investigation and pilot test activities performed in October 2011 were previously documented in a summary report, dated April 23, 2012, submitted to both the DWQ and the DWM UST Section (URS, 2012a). A fanal ASP injection design, refined based on the results of the pre -design investigation and pilot test results, was also presented in the April 2012 report. The first ASP injection event was performed at the site between June 4, 2012, and June 9, 2012. Injection activities and groundwater sampling performance monitoring were performed in accordance with the approved CAP and Injection Permit No. WI0400198, Baseline data, June 2012 ASP injection activities, and post -injection sampling data through September 2012 were documented in the Activated Sodium Persulfate Injection Completion Report (URS, 2012b). P 0PtiPMX=tt N0201•1 CK W-S VtI kiwll—od SUM0II DaV=oleed I DMA lnk� EkP1% bk6.! 22 Mel 2G 17 GW LI L Uuenrsli kvp a%NUy N11 07VA DATA Rgen do 1 —1 SECTIONONE INTRODUCTION Groundwater sampling events performed in December 2012 and February 2013 were documented in a Semi -Annual Data Report (URS, 2013b). A permit renewal application was submitted to NCDENR DWQ on March 26, 2013, (URS, 2013a) in advance of the July 31, 2013, permit expiration date. Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit W10400198 was issued by the DWQ on May 24, 2013 (NCDENR, 2013). P Z"mocUWCU4163. CK. WS. 381 KWI%u d S1=0 0 NlmrA&M5 I Arab - Inwm Dch%=Wcr4 22 Ma) 26N1 CW Esem rhwurl! ReWsMaf 2ri 11 QTRLY DATA ReW d" 1-2 SECTIONTWO ACTIVATED SODIUM PERSULFATE INJECTION This section summarizes the second ASP injection event performed at the site between May 30, 2013, and June 10, 2013. 2.1 UTILITY CLEARANCE Taylor, Wiseman, and Taylor (TWT) performed private utility location services on May 30, 2013, prior to injection activities at the site. TWT also pre -excavated several planned injection locations near known utilities. Pre -excavation was performed using air knife and vacuum extraction equipment to a depth of 6.5 feet below ground surface (bgs) at planned injection locations Iocated within 5 feet of known underground utilities. 2.2 SITE SET-UP AND CHEMICAL HANDLING Sodium persulfate powder and 25% NaOH solution activator were purchased from FMC Corporation of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (FMC) and were transported to the site in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations. Prior to ASP solution mining, sodium persulfate bags and NaOH drums were stored on pallets in locked, metal cargo containers temporarily placed north of the proposed injection area. Injection contractor Vironex, Incorporated (Vironex) utilized a gas -powered fork-lift to transport the materials to a designated mixing area inclusive of a truck -mounted chemical injection rig. Chemical containers within and surrounding the injection rig were stored within secondary containment. Water mixed into the ASP solution was drawn from a fire hydrant located just west of the site property boundary. Fire hydrant water usage was permitted by the City of Winston-Salem (Appendix A). The injection area was enclosed with temporary 6-foot chain -link fence during injection. Traffic signage was displayed at site entrances in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). 2.3 INJECTION From June 3, 2013, to June 6, 2013, Vironex, with oversight by URS personnel, injected 6,826 gallons of ASP solution across 23 injection locations at the site. The total ASP solution included 6,726 pounds of sodium persulfate and 855 gallons of 25% NaOH solution activator. Injection locations were positioned on a 10-foot grid staggered from the June 2012 injection locations (Figure 3). Daily summaries of injection volumes and vertical intervals are included in the Injection Services Report (Vironex, 2013) included as Appendix B. The report includes photos of the injection system and site layout and presents volume totals, pressures, and average flow rates for each injection point. Injection was performed using a 5-foot stainless steel well screen the bottom of which was driven to 17 feet bgs by a Geoprobe(9 6620 DT. The ASP solution was mixed on -site and pumped to the well screen through a progressive cavity pump. Specific injection intervals and volumes are detailed in Appendix B and summarized on Figure 3. Following the injection, URS submitted an Injection Event Record and associated construction and abandonment records to the DWQ (URS, 2013c). 2.4 WASTE MANAGEMENT Utility clearance utilizing air knife resulted in the accumulation of two 55-gallon drums of petroleum contaminated soil waste. The drums were picked up by Shamrock Environmental V l) %PsQ 31cts1 W4163 Ck W-5 =#I xlwn h%.w S41W%51i be6—bkO I Dr411 - ]111Cnm Dd+ve4aMe3W 11 Ma3 2u14 C W Ex 1 p,w I% 9CFWsMJ% MI QTRLY DATA Ropw1 A% 2-1 SECTIONTWO ACTIVATED SODIUM PERSOLFATE INJECTION (Shamrock) on June 10, 2013, and properly disposed of off -site in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. Waste manifest copies are included in Appendix C. Empty polyethylene drums and wooden pallets utilized to transport the NaOH solution to the site were transported off -site by Shamrock on June 10, 20131 for re -use or recycling. P 3H 'iPi4 ULNC IN 10 CK W-$ 1R1 KmflrpW Sit= 3 n rlCu MCY•1 i DFAR • iWvM OCImia4kM :7 MM 21,11 OW B, Q—Mu Rq tt-A q, 2N11 i QTRLY DATA Rrynn fir. 2-2 SECTIONTHREE INJECTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING 3.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES Groundwater sampling was performed prior to the June 2013 injection on May 31, 2013. The event included sampling of monitoring wells MW-3, MW-5R, MW-8R, MW-18. and MW-19 in accordance with the CAP and approved UIC monitoring plan. Prior to sampling, groundwater levels were gauged in each of the Eve monitoring wells using a water level meter decontaminated with soap and water prior to each measurement. May 2013 water level measurements are presented along with historical gauging data in Appendix D. Following gauging, each well was purged and sampled with a new disposable polyethylene bailer and nylon line. The monitoring wells were purged of three well volumes, except wells MW-3 and MW-19, which were purged dry prior to removal of three well volumes and allowed to recover prior to sampling. Groundwater from each well was transferred to pre -labeled, laboratory -prepared containers and promptly placed on ice with a temperature and trip blank. The samples were shipped under chain -of -custody via overnight courier to Accutest Laboratories Southeast {Accutest} and analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) by EPA Method 6200B, sulfate by EPA Method 300, and carbon dioxide by EPA Method 4500-CG2. Groundwater pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), and specific conductance were measured in the field at each well using a calibrated bellow Springs Instrument YSI-5569 water quality meter. 3.2 PURGE WATER MANAGEMENT Purge water for all wells was containerized in a properly labeled 55-gallon drum temporarily staged on -site. The drum was picked up on .tune 10, 2013, by Shamrock and transported off -site for disposal in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. A waste manifest for the purge water drum is included in Appendix C. $1 %SiV o�-aNC%2{1 .,. CK W-� Al krolla we Ated%5 91 rWk% rablcns I apah - Wom Ehi4kerwWcs4.11 Man 2a1I (1W E%M Qw crh Repanv4p% 240 1 grw.v VATA R.-nan 4., 3-1 SECTIDNFOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS Groundwater laboratory analytical results for the May 31, 2013, samples are presented in Table 2. Historical analytical data are presented in Appendix E. The laboratory analytical report for the May 2013 groundwater sampling event is included as Appendix F. Groundwater field parameter data for the May 31, 2013, samples are presented in Table 3. Historical field parameter data are presented in Appendix G. Time -trend graphs of various parameters associated with injection performance monitoring are included in Appendix H. 4.2 PERFORMANCE MONITORING DISCUSSION Performance monitoring results through February 20I3 are discussed in detail in the Semi - Annual Data Report (URS, 2013b). The following list provides a brief summary of notable performance monitoring trends between February 2013 and May 2013, prior to the second injection. + Targeted contaminant concentrations, including benzene. in monitoring wells MW-5R and MW-8R had previously shown an increasing contaminant rebound trend after the June 2012 injection. The increasing contaminant concentrations appear to have leveled off in both wells. The benzene concentration in MW-8R remains above the GCL but has decreased over the last two monitoring events. ■ MW-18 and MW-19 contaminant concentrations have remained relatively stable near pre - injection conditions. + Injection performance monitoring indicators Caz, sulfate, specific conductivity, and pH have generally continued a pattern of consistent decrease through May 2013 following an initial post -injection spike. • MW-3, sampled as a downgradient "sentinel" monitoring well, has not exhibited a notable response as a result of the injection in any of the monitoring parameters tested. P �6P'Yivl sw C7; l6r CK W-S 194 KMIM ead SIFW)J 11 Ddn­"nr 5 1 draft - 1m m Dclnc Wnli 22 0&v 7utI GW Esrm Qwocrh AcPPrN-U% 2WI Q_MJ_Y PATA Repwl doc 4-1 SECTIONFIVE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the observations and data collected at the site through the June 2013 ASP injection, URS presents the following conclusions. • Benzene concentrations were reduced in monitoring wells MW-5R and MW-8R as a result of the first ASP injection at the site. More significant reductions observed at MW-5R and MW-8R as compared to MW-18 and MW-19 may be related to the more aggressive ASP solution dosage within the source core area (URS, 2012b). There were no GCL exceedances for any contaminant analyzed in any well sampled in August 2012 and September 2012, Benzene concentrations in MW-8R rebounded to a level greater than the GCL between September and December 2012 and have remained above the GCL as of May 2013. • The second ASP injection performed in June 2013 is expected to result in reduced contaminant concentrations in MW-5R and MW-8R. Cumulative petroleum constituent mass degradation through two injections is expected to diminish subsequent dissolved - phase concentration rebound. • Non -detect sodium persulfate sample results have been demonstrated for each performance monitoring well following the June 2012 injection. These results suggest that most if not all injected sodium persulfate fully degraded prior to the second injection in June 2013. • Due to increased dissolved sulfate concentrations created as a byproduct of the ASP oxidation reaction, ongoing biological degradation of petroleum constituents by sulfate reducing bacteria may result in additional contaminant reduction over time. Gradually decreasing ORP levels observed within the injection area suggest enhanced anaerobic biodegradation conditions, potentially resulting from increased sulfate concentrations. • Aquifer characteristics affected by the injection, including Cox concentrations, sulfate concentrations, specific conductivity, and pH, have continued to exhibit a decreasing trend towards baseline conditions following increases observed one week after injection. • Based on monitoring results for downgradient monitoring well MW-3, the effects of the injection appear to have been contained to within the targeted treatment area. Based on these conclusions, URS recommends the following course of action: • Continue quarterly sampling of monitoring wells MW-3, MW-5R, MW-8R, MW-18. and MW-19 with sampling events planned for August 2013 and November 2013. • Maintain quarterly analytical data and injection status reporting in accordance with Part VII, Item 2 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198. Sample monitoring well MW-16 in August 2013 or November 2013 in accordance with Part VII, Item 1 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198. MW-16 samples will be analyzed by a certified laboratory for sulfate by EPA Method 300 and carbon dioxide by EPA Method 4500-Ca2. MW-16 sample water will also be tested for pH in the field using a calibrated water quality meter and for sodium persulfate using FMC's Klozur(l) Field Test Kit K. P 1$F'ypmuz 'NrI4 It, i. M W.s Im1 FyJ okl..W stuck, n tM.Ym61es3 1 DI ufL - Imu un beln cnbief 4 22 Mat 21111 GW Errol 0twinK R.epwN1.7 21111 UTP-LY DATA Rqw 4m 5-1 SECTIONSIX STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared based on assumptions made by URS related to data and site characterization from previous and proposed site investigations. These assumptions, although thought to be reasonable and appropriate, may not prove to be true in the future. Data and site characterization utilized to develop this summary report and injection plan are restricted by the following limitations. Background information and other data have been furnished to URS by ARCD, NCDENR and/or third parties, which URS has used in preparing this report. URS has relied on this information as furnished, and is neither responsible for nor has confirmed the accuracy of this information. In addition, it would be extremely expensive, and perhaps not possible, to perform an investigation which would completely characterize subsurface geological conditions to ensure the detection of all materials at the site which now are, or in the future might be, considered "contaminants" by State or federal regulatory agencies. It is possible that any environmental investigation may fail to reveal the presence of critical subsurface characteristics or contaminants that may be present. URS' failure to discover hazardous materials or contaminants through reasonable and mutually agreed -upon scopes of work does not guarantee that hazardous materials or contaminants do not exist at the site. Finally, opinions presented herein apply to the existing and reasonably foreseeable site conditions at the time of our assessment. Changes in the condition of this property may occur with time due to natural processes or works of man at the site or on adjacent properties. Changes in applicable standards may also occur as a result of legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes beyond our control. No expressed or implied representation or warranty is included or intended in our reports except that our services were performed, within the limits prescribed by our clients, with the customary thoroughness and competence of our profession. P OPPmimisLNC,14161 Ck W-S -MI M1 LL mod Suwil1i Dchn Am uO I DmA - IN— Debi binA 22 NUv 21+1 f GW E-10sunnly Rcpu"Was 24113 QTRLY DATA Rep= &d- 6-1 SECTION S EV EN REFERENCES NCDENR, 2008. Guidelines for Sampling. UST Section, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, July 2008. NCDENR, 2011 a. Notice oj' Regulatory Requirements, 15A NCAC 2L . 0407(c), Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks, Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Forsyth County. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management — UST Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office. October 27, 2011. NCDENR, 201 lb. Ref Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), Winston-Salem, Forsyth County. North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. August 9, 2011. NCDENR, 2013. Ref Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), Winston-Salem. Forsyth County, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. May 24, 2013. URS, 2011. Corrective Action Plan, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), Incident No. 6400, 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. URS Corporation — North Carolina. September 7, 2011. URS, 2012a. RE: Injection Pilot Test and Additional Investigation Results, Letter Report Submitted to Thomas Moore, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management -- UST Section. URS Corporation -North Carolina. April 23, 2012, URS, 2012b. Activated Sodium Persfulate Injection Completion Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, Incident No.: 6400. URS Corporation -North Carolina. December 5, 2012. URS, 2013a. RE Injection Permit WI0400198 Renewal Application, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. March 26, 2013. URS, 2013b. Semi -Annual Data Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. Incident No.: 6400. URS Corporation -North Carolina. April 30, 2013. URS, 2013c. RE: Injection Event Record, Injection Completed tinder Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and P+a"Fai (ANM41n7 IX W-S i111 kla j-' d Slpw%A I, pc4�Nwes)k 4 B,rf - Irq Drh« Wa,112 Wy 2UiI GH• E-1 Qu uh Repo -MA 24011 QTRLY DATA Report d� 7-1 SECTIONSEVEN REFERENCES Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. June 26, 2013. USEPA, 2008. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review, U.S_ Environmental Protection Agency Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. USEPA-540-R-08-01. June 2008. USEPA, 2010, USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines far Inorganic Superfund Data Review, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. EPA 540-R-10-011. January 2010. Vironex, 2013. Injection Services Report, Prepared for: URS, Prepared by: Vironex, Former BP Station No. 24163, Winston Salem, NC, June 3, 2013 — June 6, 2013. Submitted to URS June 20, 2013. Vironex. Inc. YSI, 2009. The Dissolved Oxygen Handbook W39 0909. September 2009. YSI Incorporated, P 1HF%ProP=M1NCU4 lni. CI( W-g 1911:—U-00d -I i]cllr Wm- I DnR - ko— Dc4.—hlu4 12 M- 211II CW E,r Qu .K Rcp.MM., Ili 0 0 FgLl DATA R pun d. 7—F TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Will status Well Type TOC �_ Elevation Total Depth u i Well Diameter {laehes] Screen Interval 1 i i Avg Screen ui Elevation MW-3 In Use Type ii 99,03 20 2 NA NA NA MW-5 Abandoned Type II 99.39 25.5 4 10.5 - 25.5 81.4 MW-5R In Use Type II NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA MW-6 In Use Type Ii 98.68 25.5 4 10.E 25.5 80.7 MW-6i In Use Type Ill 99.26 55 2 50 55 46.8 MW-8 Abandoned Type ll 97.84 24 fT NA - NA NA MW-BR In Use Type lI NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA MW-14 in Use Type If 100.44 22 4 7 22 85.9 MW-15 In Use Typell 99.91 22 4 7 22 85-4 MW-16 In Use Type11 97,42 25 2 iU 25 79.9 MW-17 In Use Type 11 100.00 22 4 7 22 85.5 MW-18 In Use Type 11 NS 20 2 10 20 NA MWA9 In Use Type ❑ NS 20 2 l0 20 NA Notes: 1. Reported in feet below grade 2. Measured in Foot relative to site datum 4. Conestoga Rover and Associates, a former consultant for this Site, previously rcpWcd that no reference was found to the following wells: MWA, MW-9, MW-10, MW-1 1, MW-I2 or MW-I3. These wells are presumed to be abandoned. 3. URS Corporation is not responsible for data generated by others. Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf of URS Corporation - North Carolina (URS) has been taken from documents prepared and submitted to the NC DENR by Others and is included only for ease of reference; URS does not assume or accept any responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the data included on this table that was not generated by or on beha€f of URS. 4. Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-8 were abandoned on 5/1912010 and replaced with monitoring wells MW-5R and MW-SR the same day. 5. Monitoring wells MW-18 and MW-19 were install aLed on October 25. 2011. NA = Not Applicable 1 Available NS = Not Surveyed TOC = Top of Casing 11 18I,,IM .l 41 61 CK. w S. 3A1 K.* ...0 si M 0 1 rk,n . in� ikF..an is F'e..u1- rn a F'.A. � Y.q.•ror_mvP r hm TA1 Rd unpa M'I Welk (: rnbr aAWN-1n7n M Table 2 Summary of May 31, 2013 Groundwater Results Compared to NC Gross Contamination Levels Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC Sarn lem: Collection Date: MW-03 5/3112013 MW-05R MW-MR MW-18 MW-19 5/311/2013 5I3112413 513119A13 501/2013 Parameters Standard [Inns VOC Benzene 5000 G1 411 .32) 1,410 6540 2,780 1,830 Toluene 260000 Gl ugll < 0.1 5.930 30,500 8,210 8,820 Eth lbenrene 84500 G1 ug/l r 0.1 1,390 3,040 3,070 894 }C lenes {Total] 85500 {G1) ugll <0.22 6,220 12,500 5,740 5.250 Methyl tert-hut l ether 200(X) G 1 ugll 10.5 1,150 ] 4.200 1.000 3,120 Other Carbon dioxide mgll 334 1,560 437 475 ' 606 Sulfate mgll 17.9 4.680 439 83.3 i 1.530 Notes: G1 - NC Gross Contamination Levels - Not detected at the specified dctection limit µglL -Micrograms per Liter mglL - Milligrams per Liter ! -Estimated value VOC - Volatile organic compounds This table presents the results of all analytes. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modeled after the USEPA ContractLaborarory Program (CLP) National Functional Gurdelines (NFG) for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 2008) and USEPA CLP NFG for Inorganic SuperAnd Data Review (USEPA, January 010). Gross Contamination LevcIs, effective April 16, 2012, obtained from the NCDENR, Division a Waste Management, UST Section. A hold border indicates the concentration is greater than the NC Gross Contamination Level, D Enviro N tai lit 7/18/2013 7:44:20 AM Page: 1 I 1 Table 3 Groundwater Field Parameter Results, May 31, 3013 Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Specific pH ORP Temperature DO Well Conductance (s.u.) {mv) °C (mS Cnl) (mglL) MW-3 6.82 -10.6 19.81 0.823 3.8 MW-5R 10.76 -60.4 20.03 11.25 0.7 MW-8R 10.18 -25.1 19.66 2.322 0.6 MW-18 6.42 -117.2 19.62 1.036 1.0 MW-19 7.50 192.5 19.86 5.885 2.7 Notes: ORP - oxidation-reduction potential Da - dissolved oxygen s.u. - standard units my - millivolts °C - degrees Celsius mSlcm - milliSiemens per centimeter mg/L - milligrams per liter F 161 CK. WA.. MI J{-.H—J 1-13 U heLvq.6kf15 l Ik.ft • Inca- fkl."AIo11 A Mar 71U 3 OW Erma 0,.rGrh Rep.M;T.ble %T.hl. Jqq—Wee. rd P,q-Wy tv I 1 01 1 FIGURES 1 Jgp NOW � IFF- F. i fa !�r �^ t �;5• �fiw�_ .ems w-'`, ,�... �"''•'- ' �,F"s - F�� � ; Vie 7 �: r _r, ".`;• Tr''...-._•. ..' I r, ,� ..�? ,� � � - -:� • Fitt � r'� �, : ;; i i Is �,'�' .. ... .. 1?s,•.r ,�s ' .: .:__;;�_d,�',s,.�i;�`��c g - ".^`�+:•-'ter^',, .,� �,�j� _ �- ..ate.;} {:, _ •, -..� 1.� cf.�'•�.,:,�1. /� ��` i _ _ -" ....�'. we . J. {r'• � � 'r•%. •,. �F ram"' :r � 3;��f _r'.�3 S'•.+MSi� 17. f�. ,s5ti; dr i ate. NfJ7 i4J iySO �. ^, p::: • _p, , r� + i.- (��'QyJ.r . �rl.y .� ! ti� � + � nY `was �1', •,'� At IL W All Rk Mr III � Y► _ � 3`a'� ' �: . , ,� a� s r�.����'',.rrA ;"s�`• ."ids " ry �1 {!¢�—r-. ' a• _�L. .._i. f. _2•^"..._ _1!r_V Pf 'I �.rrlk• < i�37 *'��i FM 90 •'�va __ - A14 •�w,_�_ ,�. :�_� iris - W�If i MW Il I Rs. a la'" GRASS I' 3�I uA F CON CgETE I Es CTRIC' V PARKING k R I +M4-17 i 1 ASPHA_' `RASH + ,3ARKING:A-, � 1 po —1 METAL 51-iro Jps •ORMER GASOURE JST AREA r OPMkR RP SEROCE STATIt7N Mw-18+ CpND2E } RACI (I I \1 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ABANDONED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL —= FORMER PRODUCT LINE `AKa CATCH BASIN Ir o KK MAN HOLE Zy=iF� AREA LIGHT RP, UTILITY POLE C.H. FIRE HYDRANT ❑ T TELEPHONE LARGE MANHOLE COVER GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL i FORMER Flt., :-- NOTES' 51L.AND :TrP1 M _� 1. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS ARE PARKING APPROXIMATE. 2. THE SITE IS A VACANT PARKING LOT. j ALL SITE FEATURES EXCEPT PARKING {�} M —19 FORMER LOT CURBS SITE CHARACTERISTICS. CDWAYS TERISTICS.PRESENT r RIr1 DIE L Mw-s a _ ISLAND iTvnl } {j CiWGv2L ft-a , FO ER 1ANI pk 1) iJl t } � ��JRMEn 0 30 ❑ 7 P P i � !;ANOp ■ APPROX. SCALE, ft. I { s[R!E ❑ESLCNEa ar aerE Mw-15 �� , Iar�µG� AS SHOWN Figure 2. Site Map C0WM l9X-AL! 9)W-M RESCl%"-PM1 RTY 17 MAVN w UTC a VEND RISERS Former BP Station No, 24163 PRL 05NOV12 Winston—Salem, North Carolina �0AqSDH 5 N OV V 2 GON TACT NIaRAVtrJC M6 REV. a BY 38435593 FIGURE-2 O R CK C}5NOV12 om 1 am Y L J.P. 10 I• sw. GRASS up. R CONCRETE CF&K PARKING 1+Ir4 -17 I ■ ASPHALT TRASH I PARKING ENCLOSURE METAL ' 1 V-3 SHED y METAL. SNE� I r FORMER GASOLINE UST AREA ` FORMER BP SERVICE STATION �B W —18 ICONPCRETE , C) ff 14 1�2 0 1 -5R M -+ ! w 5 �]� - 8 — _ FORMER PUMP i, r} 1 p1 ISLAD (PYP) FORMER 20 CANOPY PARKING _ FORMER DIESEL UST AREA , I FORMER PUMP ISLAND (Trp) le I CONCRETE? I F00 IER J TAN OLD 1 0 UJ a o FORMER ° CANOPY ur — r AIW-15 FORMER Ott VENT RISERS 0%K GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL es ❑ ABANDONED GROUNDWATER a"" MONITORING WELL ur FORMER PRODUCT LINE PROPERTY LINE — — — — ESTIMATED PRE --INJECTION BENZENE ISOCONTOUR 921 JUNE 2013 ACTIVATED PERSULFATE INJECTION LOCATION PREVIOUS INJECTION LOCATION (JUNE 2012) Injection Paint Number Date tom feted Injection Interval feet b(pounds) sP Injected NaDH Injected (gallons) Total Volume Injected (gallons) 1 6/4/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 2 6/5/2013 12 to 17 291 37 Z96 3 6/4/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 4 6/5/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 5 6/4/2013 12 t4 17 291 37 296 6 6/412013 12 to 17 291 37 296 7 6/412013 12 to 17 291 37 296 8 61S12013 12 to 17 291 1 37 296 9 6/5/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 10 6/4/2013 12 to 17 292 37 297 11 61S12013 12 to 17 2.91 37 295 12 6/5/2013 12 to 17 300 38 305 13 6/4/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 14 6151ZM 12 to 17 300 38 305 15 6/6/2013 12 to 17 289 37 294 16 6/4/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 17 614J2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 18 6/5/2013 12 to 17 291 37 296 19 6/6/2013 12 to 17 293 38 294 20 6/6/2013 1 12 to 17 293 38 294 21 6/6/2013 12 to 17 290 37 294 22 6/6/2013 12 to 17 289 37 294 23 6/5/2013 12 to 17 300 38 305 CATCH BASIN MAN HOLE UTILITY POLE FIRE HYDRANT 0 30 APPROX. SCALE, ft. NOTES: 1. FEET BGS = FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE. 2. SP = SODIUM PERSULFATE. 3. NaOH = 25% SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION. 4. THE GCL FOR BENZENE IS 5.000 UgA. 5. INJECTION LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 6. ALL INJECTIONS PERFORMED VIA DIRECT PUSH AND ABANDONED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING COMPLETION APPENDIX A Winston-Salem Fire Hydrant Permit #27414 Permit # 27414 Date: 05/30/2013 C. APPLICATION FOR CONNECTION TO— WI#5TON-SAL1; ILATIES - Application is hereby made for the following serices to serve a Meter Only Const Mtr/Hydrant Truck Mtr located on the side of KNOLLWOOD ST ParceI ID in Development, Connection Status: New Install Deposit Advance Fee 750.00 50.00 The deposit for Hydrant and/or Hydrant Meter is paid for the account below. PERMIT # 27414 W/S ACCT. # 2316648 Conn. # 329618 WATER CLASS: Inside City As a condition of providing water and sewer service, it is expressly understood and agreed that the owner will comply with all City ordinances, both now in effect and hereafter adopted, relating to the water and sewer systems. Payment of this invoice signifies acceptance of these conditions. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Issued by: CYNTHIAH d „ gaa 4, „ CD C Q u dp (3 n l�iiy ii Nt v It g n u � n n N co n C a 3 1-4 u .. Ic cc ki co sM ti 'r ii ram-, T INCam,] f6 C'j<) >,'- k1 Nit 11 C] C', ti it 'I r It µ " .. •� t11 ' m IN II i+ ton -Salem • Forsyth County lCounty Utilities • Sewer - Solid Waste Disposal Hydrant Permit #: 1 I_ 1 Lj Hydrant Meter Form Issue Date: _5 - � 0 f pi 0 t- -� Address of Meter' Location: Location #• � L 1. +1, 1 Connect/Tag #: Meter Serial #: ) Meter Readies: End Read: Start Read:002505y ..6 Consumption: Date Meter Picked Up: 3©- 13 Date Entered: Picking Up Hydrant Meters: Type: GARDEN af�au__) (Please circle] Hydrant Wrench: YE r NO (please circle) Contact Person Name: ccd4 kroz)5 e- Phone Number: Issued By: MeS r $hop Personnel] Entered By: (Meter Shop Personnel) 1. Six Month Limit (Meter(s) must be returned by : (�j�Date Due) 2. Hydrant Wrench Needed: NO (please circle) 3. Contact Name and Phone Number 4. The hydrant meter should be returned back to the Meter Shop Returning Hydrant Meter: 1. Date Hydrant Meter Returne k� 9110 2. If same reading start and end - as the hydrant ed? 3. Hydrant Wrench - Was a hydrant wrench rented YES r NO (please circle) Was it returned with the mete Y or Na (please circle) 4. Has the Hydrant Meter been damaged? * Questions concerning billing or refunds contact LaShawnda Jackson. w:MMINI.111PA APPENDIX B Injection Services Report (Vironex, 2013) Injection Services Report Prepared for: Prepared by: Former BP Station No. 24163 Injection Round II Winston-Salem, NC June 3, 2013 —June 6, 2013 Reproduction and distribution of this document without the express written consent of Vironex is strictl19 prohibited. The methodolog0 and approaches presented herein are proprietarE to Vironex. Wilmington, DE Trenton, NJ Washington, ❑C Denver, CO Los Angeles, CA San Francisco, CA www. vironex. coin 149= Search and Destro Project Summary Project Name: Former BP Station No. 24163 (Injection Round II) Project Dates: June 3, 2013 —June 6, 2013 Vironex Crew: Mike Mazzarese (Project Manager), Austin Hittinger (Remediation Specialist), Mario Robertson (Field Tech) Equipment: Vironex Custom Injection System with built in secondary containment, integrated safety shower and eye wash; Geoprobe 7822DT; Pnuematic transfer pump. Injection Method: 2.25171 Pre -Strung Top Down Tooling (5' Screen) Compound: Caustic Activated Sodium Persulfate Water Source: Fire Hydrant Equipment Rented: (2) Twenty Foot Conex Boxes, Extended reach forklift Proposed SOW: Vironex proposed to inject 6,726 pounds of Sodium Persulfate and 855 gallons of Sodium Hydroxide in an 11% (w/w) solutionweight/weight. Vironex proposed to inject the solution into 23 injection locations from a depth of 12' to 17' below ground surface (bgs). Project Summarfl: Project scope of work was completed as proposed with less than two gallons of surfaced material. All material was re -injected as water. Injection Summary Total Total SP Total Total Solution Date Time On- Time Off- Injected NaOH Water Volume Points Site Site (lbs) Injected Injected Injected Completed (gat) (gal) (gal) Monday 6/312013 7:20 AM Tuesday 61412013 7:00 AM Wednesday 6/512013 8:00 AM Thursday 6/6/2013 8-0 AAEI 4:00 4:00 PM - - - - - PM 2,622.0 333.0 2,183 2,665 9.00 726 18$.0 1 2 URS — Former BP Station No. 24163 [Winston Salem, NC] Page 3 Project Photographs r- Injection Rig and Chemical Laydown Area Injection Grid/Site Layout Sodium Persulfate Search and Destro0o Injection Platform with Secondary Containment Chemical Laydown Sodium Hydroxide URS - Former BP Station No. 24163 [Winston Salem, NC] Page 3 Project Photographs Data Logging Secondary Containment inside Conex Box Rented Conex Boxes Search and Destro[Mo Distribution Pump Boom forklift Shop Vacuum and Spill Kit URS - Former BP Station No. 24163 (Winston Salem, NC) Page 3 Search and Destra Appendix A 0 injection Logs URS - Former BP Station No. 24163 (Winston Salem, NC) Appendix A URS Former BP Station Winston-Salem. NC ironex Field Data Sheet Injection Point ID Start Date Start Time End Date End Time Depth Ave PSI SE Average H'lof] Rate Persulfate Injected (Ihsy NaOH Injected [gal) H2O injected (gal) mended folal [:al Notes IP2-17 74113 614113 1 10: 1 - 17 d 4 4 re uShed wi t h 10 ga I Ions of resh wafer. 12'-17' 16 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 d0 49 12' - 17' 12 5.0 46 6 40 49 12' - 17' 12 5.0 49 6 41 50 12'- 17' 12 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total 5P 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes haled with 15 gallons ot fresh water. IP2 - 10 614113 9:20 AM 614113 10:19 AM 12 - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pfe-flushed Pre-flushedwith 10 gallons of freshwater. 12' - 17' 16 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 3D 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 26 5.0 49 6 41 50 12' - 17' 25 5.0 49 6 41 50 12'- 17' 25 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 297 Total Water 243 Total SP 292 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 7 614113 9:20 AM 12'- 17' 30 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re us hed wii th 10 galien s of f resh water 12'- 17' 40 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 40 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 40 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 40 5.0 49 6 41 50 614113 1022 AM 12'- 17' 40 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 1 614115 11.20 AM 614113 1 1 • 4 PP 12'-17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pre -flushed with gallons of freshwater. 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 12' - 17' 20 5. 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total Naafi �Acl 37 itiona otes: as 1 gal ns a resh water. IP2 - 3 614113 1120 AM 614113 1 12:20 PM 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re-11 ushed wi th 10 g al Ions of freshwater. 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 49 6 41 50 12'- 17' 10 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total 5P 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of Fresh water. Search and Destro Field Lags Vironex Inc. URS Former BP Station Winston-Salem, NC Injection Point Ill Start Date Start Time Mind Irate Nand I'ime Depth Average PS[ Average f In ]Rare Persulfate Injected (lhsj Nzoll Injected {gal] llz0 Injected [gal} 'amended l'ntal [:al Notes IP2 - 6 614113 1120 AM 614113 12:20 PM 12'- 17' 30 5.0 48 6 40 49 Prelushed With gallons of freshwater. 12' - 17' 0 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 30 1 5.0 48 1 6 4D 49 12' - 17' 30 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 30 5.0 49 6 41 50 12'- IT 30 5.0 49 6 41 50[Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaCH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 5 614113 1:45 PM 614113 2-45 PM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re-fl u shed wi th 10 gal Ions of fres h water, 12' - 17' 0 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'-17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 12' - 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 20 gallons of fresh water. E D IP2 - 13 614113 1:45 PIN 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pre -flushed -with 10 gaflons of res water 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 614113 2A5 PM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 20 gallons of fresh water. ECD IP2 - 16 614l1 3 1:45 PM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pre -flushed with gallons of freshwater. 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 614113 1 2-45 PM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes- Chased with 20 gallons of fresh water. ED❑ IP2 - 23 615113 9:45 AM 615113 10:45 AM 12'- 17' 10 &0 48 6 40 49 P re-fl use d wi th 10 g al Ions of freshwater. 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 58 7 48 59 12'- 17' 10 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 305 Total Water 250 Total SP 300 Total NaOH 38 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. Search and Destro Field Logs Vironex Inc. URS Former BP Station Winston-Salem. NC Injection Point I❑ Start (late Start Time End Date End Time Depth Average PS[ Average FIoL Rate Persulfate Injected [Ibsj Na011 Injected tall Ilp Injected (gal) Amended fatalG{:aal Notes IP2 - 12 615113 9:45 AM 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re A use d wi th 10 g @I Ions of freshwater. 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5-0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5-0 48 6 40 49 12-- 17' 20 5.0 58 7 48 59 615113 110:45 AM 12' - 17' 1 20 1 5.0 49 1 6 J 41 50 ocaUon Complete Total Volume 305 Total Water 250 Total SP 300 Total NaOH 38 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 14 615113 9.45 AM 12' - 17' 25 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re- fl u sFed--w-ith 10 ga 11 ❑ns of fres water. 12' - 17' 25 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 25 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 25 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 25 5.0 58 7 48 59 615113 10A5 AM 12'- 17' 25 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 305 Total Water 250 Total 5P 300 Total NaOH 38 Additional Notes Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 8 615113 12 00 PM 615113 1 00 PM 12' - 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re use d wi th 10 gal ons of res water. 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 16 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 16 5-0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 16 5.0 49 6 41 50 12'- 17' 16 5-0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total 5P 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 11 615113 12.00 PM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pre-fTushed with gallons of freshwater 12' - 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 22 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 22 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 22 5.0 49 6 41 50 6l5113 1:00 PM 12'- 17' 22 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. IP2 -18 Gr5N 3 12 00 PM 615113 1 1:60 PM 12' - 17' 20 5-0 48 6 40 49 P re ushed wi th 10 ga I Ions of freshwater. 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12-- 17' 18 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 18 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 18 5-0 49 6 41 50 12'- 17' 18 5-0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total 5P 291 1 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 15 gallons of fresh water. Search and oestro Field Logs Vironex fnc. URS Former BP Station Winston-Salem, NC Injection Point ID Start Date Start Time End Date E:nd'I-ime Depth AveragePo PSI 51 Re Flo: ate Persulfate Injected (Ihs) Na011 Injected {gal) H2O Injected (gal) rlmended fatal Gal Notes IP2 - 23 615113 2 10 Pht 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re- fl ushed with g al Ionso res water 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 48 6 40 49 17-17' 10 5.0 48 1 6 1 40 49 12'- 17' 10 5.0 49 6 41 50 615113 3:10 PM 12' - 17' 10 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location C omp ete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 20 gallons of fresh water. EOD IP2 - 4 615113 2.10 PM 12' - 17' 20 5.4 48 6 40 49 Pre -Pushed with gallons ores water. 12'- 17' 18 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 18 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 18 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 18 5.0 49 6 41 50 615113 3:10 PM 12'- 17' 18 5.0 49 6 41 50 ocatron Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: based with 20 gallons of fresh water. E 0 D IP2 - 9 615113 2 10 PM 615113 3:10 PM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re ushed wit h 10 ga I Ionso res water. 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 22 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 22 5.0 49 6 41 50 12'- 17' 22 5.0 49 6 41 50 Location Complete Total Volume 296 Total Water 242 Total SP 291 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Chased with 20 gallons of fresh water. EOD IP2 - 22 6i6113 9.20 AM 616113 1 10.40 AM 12'- 17' 18 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pre -flushed with 10 gallons ores water. 12' - 17' 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 0 5.D 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 1 3.5 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 3.5 48 6 40 49 Location Complete Total Volume 294 Total Water 241 Total SP 289 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Surfacing from all three combined injection points. Slowed the flow rate and managed the surfacing. Chased with 10 gallons of fresh water IP2 - 15 616.�13 9 20 AM 6/6113 1 10:40 AM 12'- 17' 30 5.0 48 6 40 49 P re-fl ushed wi th 10 ga Ion so res water. 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 3.5 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 3.5 48 6 40 49 Location Complete Total Volume 294 Total Water 241 Total SP 289 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Su acing ram all three combined injection points. Slowed the flow rate and managed the su rfacing. Chased with 10 gallons of esh water Search and Destro Field Logs Vironex Inc. URS Former 6P Station Winston-Salem, INC Injection Paint I Start Date Start Time End date End Time Depth 1`e PSI .1<ve FinRat Rate Persuliate Injected (Ihs) Na011 Injected (gal) Iy) Injected (gal] Amended I nfal (;a! Notes IP2 - 21 616113 9:20 AM 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 Pre -flushed with 10 gallons of fresh water. 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 5.0 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 10 3.5 48 6 40 49 616113 10:40 AM 12'- 17' 10 3.5 49 6 40 49 ocation Complete Total Volume 294 Total Water 241 Total SP 290 Total NaOH 37 Additional Notes: Surfacing from all three combined injection points. Slowed the flow rate and managed the surfacing. Chased with 10 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 19 616/13 11.30 AM 12' - 17' 20 37 48 6 40 49 Pre -flushed with gallons of freshwater. 12' - 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 12' - 17' 20 3.7 50 6 40 49 6l6113 12 50 PM 12' - 17' 20 3.7 50 7 40 49 Location Compete Total Volume 294 Total Water 241 Total SP 293 Total NaOH 38 Additional Notes Slowed the flow rate to decrease the risk of mounding and surfacing. Chased with 50 gallons of fresh water. IP2 - 20 616113 1 1 30 AM 12'- 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 P re -11 ushed with g allons ot Ireshwater. 12' - 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 3.7 48 6 40 49 12'- 17' 20 3.7 50 6 40 49 616113 1 12 50 PM 12' - 17' 20 3.7 50 7 40 49 Location Complete Total Volume 294 Total Water 241 Total SP 293 Total NaOH 38 Additional Notes: Slowed the flow rate to decrease the risk of mounding and surfacing. Chased with 50 gallons of fresh water. A g A g Pe suRate lgae j {gal) Total Gal Points Completed 19.4 4.8 1 6.725 85:' 5 5 +[: 6 826 23 Search and Destro Field Logs Vironex Inc. APPENDIX C Waste Manifests 07 NONHAZARDOUS 1•Gonwii:rIDt4taber a l'ar ioi �.FaIHrpencyRaspon:airnena i.lann�rrn,�sruucurrrr„!'�' WASTEMAlill"T Non-RCRA Re ulatud I 1-800-t387-7098 CJ19�C� t3 relefa 6imAd�rwr I�itldlaroni [hen mr�4n2 oddressi &Ga=alo(sNwDgrkd MLrr4Addrew BP Productr. - North America c/o lJRS Corporatiibn NC 1600 Perimeter Park Dr. Mord avllley NC 27560 GeoerakfaPtaa0. 704522-0330 fl Truupadcr 1 Carrpiny Nern� U.S. EPA If] Wr7Laf SHAMROCK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION N , 7. Tnnspodu 2 Cw;3fly Neat U-6- EPA 10 bufa6m OtssynlleE FaaS�l Name ead atoAddtas: U.9_ EPA ID kumbar SHAMROOK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION $I9 PATTON AVE., GREENSBORO, HC 27409 (M)-M-f09A N,C-❑.9.0-1,2.7,7,7.3,2 l•4a sPtm� H!S S,vl�sle 67Jt,pfng t[emo and patzsplien 10.i"tetaels Too 11,7dal oway 1p-tM }YwcL Am&&cNisc cc x 1, yJ,N.E s�--�eye}i-r:e-3�4-s�4rvr�--•�Y--P ' �' P uan - � [{ � r - r" � 0 •DIGS L ' NbY►-��rc�: t& spwx is inja Ks -ans aedAddltlaoal t offuUm 5 l TF' RESS N 1 tirxcr unit ��....�. Trattar p _— V 5 r37'J 52-64'l. AiC ]1• uean ipn'6 CFfSr1RLATift, I aer* wo mslertala daarbed ribm on Itrle merlins! am MI wdlod logo OrpJtayulalFxu br Iapo*o propm a *nFJ 0; Humdora Wuta, 1.7t.R9Utn�'lr(lllpr�7 Pdrdl prcf fiaraa S .. DO NY O i -r fG. Jnleandanu St pmenls 0larpmt is U 8, ❑ ENg W Gam U 9. Feel a rwyfasir._ IF" or ria101a px arpaag . Elmo 101* p 16, Tnaspou AolnoHbdp"at al Am 0 of i:wfaelo T pmlar 1 PrWedrljpodNr:mn f n1h pay Tnmvpcool2Pdud" Huns 5rinllufu Un4 Dili !l T. B'acrepanq ITS, DlrrteRM Ndkelfon Sow ❑ Ourr4 ❑Typo ❑ FIs+Ir.Wo ❑ Pardal Ilv]n.aan� ❑ ruR Rejxdu rJ—ld—ra..r---l:.... ..- ly 17b. Alarm!. izmy (or Ganorolwj T U.S. CPA tb Nthmbw FnrFiner. 17G i$paSrpnotnrn W Mug FuMty (or 6;mbla}) � `ISonth I Dal' � �. ,�=rir}'."ar;f •�. r•r #��'yi r �'�t �" it�L c;i +may..{+ y.''I'�.} Y.S� ... f :~ +r �f••^ �- hl rrr 5'' a +el 4� • 1}': ��„r.-sLner�r rY-ls1M,Y� •h i': :! _ S ., p'.y'.,� T, r:: .. .•v7' .�". .i+. 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Dcsignolvd FociliSSy Homo and Sila Address fa. US EPA ID ldumbor C. Fpcmvt Phone Palmetto i.andfiii 251 Nay! Hope Rd. Wollfard, 5C 29335 864-439-91114 11. Wosfo 5hlpping Noma and DesCrlplion w 12. Corti Won 13. 1r ralol UI l+fvv 7Ypa .Quantity_ it u Non -Hazardous, on�FWpul9ted Natoriel (Drill Cuttings) P E 111 A r- T 0 M a D. Arhlitianril De scripiions far MOTotloll Llsied Ah&Va SITE ADDRESS: ��� � 1� 3 - C, Handling Cados lar Wcslei listed AhoYa Ila. VA-3135 3 Ft jco,61(cal S� Wfh Abl� ABC _ I S.- 5ptdol Hondling Inilruellons and Addifivml Infwrnnlion b 2 CON D 13 Qvt�k4 lk GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION- r twalt tho ra Pivil7lt deu116rd eLma an 14% wawlw +aa mitt wblerl rY rpdar 1 movlaL'm,t [nit rel,arllnp pimp dhpclol of no- m,dum Vw r PrirgW/-Typvd Marne ,^. 5l011oluJ f f ] MonJr oar y, T 17. Tramporler 1 Acknow lndgeme_nf Re!rt l of Materials R primed/Typed Noma g� � p18.TronSporfur 7 A_ nowladiTov+arsf o{ Aacalpl of ASplodaSs��• y : T Prinled/Typed Rama 510n0lum +1A0r41. jj p"r �� v, IP. Ditervpaney Indkolion 5pot o k j ] G 1 20, FoOlty ❑wnkr or Oporalov CorllficoSlon of racafpt of Watio mpiarfafr Carared by thlt manilasl cacepl us nosed in Item 19. T p Priwdl7mad Noma Slunolvra Alanrb pay Yr ORIGINAL - RETURN TO GENERATOR APPENDIX D Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Appendix ❑ Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TUC Depth to Dcplh to LNAPL Correcled Well Date Elevation LNAPL [;round"ater Thickness Ground"ater 1 feet htoc(feet btur) feet Elevation 1 2 ' 06/24/93 ND 13.89 0.00 85.14 ' 003194 ND 14.36 0.00 84.67 ' 03/21/95 ND 13.58 0.00 85.45 08/05/96 ND 13-54 0-00 85-49 ' 11/17/98 ND 14.09 0-00 84-94 ' 06/19/01 ND 14.11 0.00 84.92 09/12/01 ND 14.41 0-00 84-62 12/27/01 ND 14.51 0.00 84.52 03/05/02 ND 14.29 0.00 84-74 05/13/03 ND I4.35 0.00 84.68 12/09/03 ND 13.63 0.00 85.40 03/23/06 ND 13.64 0.00 85.39 05/08/07 "` ND 13.40 0.00 85.63 05/14/08 ND 13.42 0.00 85.61 05/28/09 ND 13.31 0.00 85.72 05/27/10 ND 13.07 0.00 85.96 10/31/11 ND 13.87 0.00 85.16 05/22/12 ND 13.55 0.00 85.48 06/14/12 ND 13.53 0-00 85.50 07/09/12 ND 13.98 0.00 85.05 08/14/12 ND 14.24 0.00 94.79 09/19/12 ND 14.08 0.00 84.95 12/05/12 ND MA2 0.00 84-61 02/26/13 ND 13.55 0.00 85.48 05131/13 ND 13.58 0.00 85.45 06/24/93 ND 13.51 0.00 85.88 08/23/94 ND 13-82 0-00 85-57 03/21/95 ND 13.71 0.00 85.68 08/05/96 ND 13.54 0.00 85-85 11/17/98 ND 14.08 0.00 85.31 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM 09/12/01 ND 14.46 0.00 84.93 12/27/01 99.39 14.51 15.07 0.56 84.73 03/05/02 14.45 14.88 0-43 84.82 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 12/09/03 13.I8 13.60 0.42 86.10 03/23/06 ND 13.67 0.00 85.72 05/08/07 ND 13.45 0.00 95.94 05/14/08 ND 13.51 0.00 85.88 05/28/09 ND 13.39 0-00 86.00 05/27/10 Nil 13.70 0-00 NM 10/31/11 ND 13.97 0.00 NM 05/22/12 ND 1166 0.00 NM 06/14/12 ND 13.73 0.00 NM 07/09/12 ND 14.18 0-00 NM MW-5R N5 08/14/12 ND 14.45 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND 14.35 0.00 NM 12/05/12 ND 14.68 0.00 NM 02/26/13 ND 13.89 0.00 NM 05/31/13 ND 13.77 0.00 NM r APA-,av»Ca4 ini CK W-S. MIVWAnA 5� AWP-W IIS+.il-)~lk'� AkA M Mq NI] OW LN.Iokv RqA TA., TAk-A"d­ w 4­M�.l, l u i„i uw l.kahw 7 l b 20 M A PM Page 1 of 5 Appendix D Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 391 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TUC Depth to Depth to 1.NAPL Corrected well Date Elevation LNAPL Groundwater Thickness Groundwater {! feet bloc feet btoc feet Elevation 1 1 ' 06/24/93 ND 12.31 0.00 86.37 ' O8l23194 ND 12.61 0.00 86-07 ' 03/21/95 ND I3.15 0-00 85.53 08/05/96 ND 12.39 0-00 86.29 * 11/17/98 ND 13,16 0-00 85-52 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM 09/12/01 ND 13.51 0-00 85-17 12/27/01 ND 13.61 0.00 85.07 111' 03/05/02 "4 : ND 11.02 0.00 87.66 05/12/03 ND 11.10 0-00 87-58 12/09/03 ND 13.49 0.00 85.19 03/23/06 ND 11.79 0-00 86-89 05/08/07 ND 12.50 0.00 86.18 05/14/08 ND 12.16 0.00 86.52 05/28/09 ND 10.64 0-00 88.04 05/27110 ND 11-84 0-00 8614 10/31/11 ND 12.95 0.00 85.73 06/24/93 ND NM 0-00 NM 08/23/94 ND NM 0.00 NM 03/21/95 ND 14.75 &00 84.51 08/05/96 ND 14.13 0-00 85.13 11/17/98 ND 14.09 0.00 85.17 06/19/01 ND 18-07 OM 81.19 09/12/01 ISM I6.60 0.00 82.66 12/27/01 ND 14.61 0-00 84.65 MW-61 03/05/02 99.26 ND 14-96 0-00 84.30 05/12/03 ND 15.17 0.00 84.09 12/09/03 ND 13.55 0-00 85.71 03/23/06 ND 13.55 0-00 95.71 05/08/07 ND 12-93 0-00 86-33 05/14/08 ND 13.22 0.00 86.04 05128J09 ND 13-39 0.00 85-87 05/27/10 ND 13.23 0-00 86.03 10/31/11 ND 13-90 0-00 85.36 08/23/94 ND 12.14 0.00 85.70 03/21/95 ND 12-02 0.00 85.82 08/05/96 ND 11-99 0-00 85.85 II117/98 ND 12.53 0-00 85.31 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM ' 09/12/01 ND 12.67 0.00 85.17 MW-8 12/27/01 97.94 14.47, 15.03 0.56 83.26 03/05/02 12-42 12-60 0.18 85-38 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 12/09/03 13.32 13.56 0.24 84.47 03/23/06 ND 12-15 0.00 85-69 05/08/07 ND 11.90 0-00 85-94 05/14/08 ND 11.95 0-00 85-89 05/29/09 ND 1 l .70 0-00 86-14 P Vv+Nnlem'.Hr-'7ai SICK w-IMI khan T.bj-TA . Mr d- .. GnpMrvh I LM I)IN TW Page 2 of 5 Appendix D Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TOC Depth to Depth to LNAPL Corrected NVell Date Elevation LNAPL Groundwater Thickeen Grouedw=ter ] feet bloc feet bloc feet Elevation 1 Z 05/27/10 ND 12.97 0.00 NM 10/31/11 Nil 13.34 0.00 NM 05/22/12 ND 13.69 0.00 NM 06/14/12 ND 14.94 0.00 NM MW-SR 07/09/12 NS ND 14.08 0.00 NM 081141i2 ND 14.29 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND 14.08 OM NM 12/05/12 ND 14.53 0.00 NM 02/26/13 ND 13.80 0.00 NM 05/31/13 ND 13.61 0.00 NM 06/24/93 NM NM NM NM 08/23/94 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 13.55 0.00 W89 08/05/96 ND 13.64 000 86.80 11/17/98 ND 14.26 0.00 86.18 06/19/01 ND 14.55 0,00 85.89 09/12/01 ND 14.81 0.00 85.63 12/27/01 ND 14.85 0.00 95.59 MW-14 03/05/02 100.44 ND 14.64 0.00 85.80 05/12/03 ND 13.41 0.00 87.03 1210W03 ND 13.51 0.00 86.93 03/23/06 ND 13.82 0.00 86,62 05/08/07 ND 13.54 0.00 96.90 05/14/08 ND 13.64 0.00 86.80 05i28109 ND 13.47 0.00 86.97 05/27/10 ND 13.00 0.00 87.44 10/13/11 ND 14.14 0.00 86.30 06/24/93 NM NM NM KM 08/23/94 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 12.83 0.00 87.08 08/05/96 ND 12.77 0.00 87.14 11/17/98 ND 13.58 0.00 86.33 06/19/01 ND 13.8U 0.00 86.11 09J12/01 ND 14.18 0.00 85.73 12/27/01 ND 14.29 0.00 85.62 03/05/02 09 01 ND 13.98 0.00 85.93 05/12/03 NM 12.75 NM 87.16 12/09/03 ND 12.89 0.00 87.02 03/23/06 ND 13.14 0.00 86.77 05/08/07 ND 12.90 0.00 87.01 05/14/08 ND 13.12 0.00 $6.79 05/28/09 ND 12.90 0.00 87.01 05/27/10 NU 12.25 0.00 87.66 10/31/11 ND 13.61 0.00 86.30 r�Rp$%rw-w3A161.Lx.wA.aiK"'."SwffL31».u.e.M..s.1n.m-ram..nr-M.4aMnN1+nwF~LW-t,K-p-Td-TAIa nMra. aF.yr.�nIAl4aiiwu­11R-MIl50rM Page 3of5 Appendix D Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TOC Depth In Depth to LNAPL Corrected WtH Date Elevation LNAPL Groundwater Thickness Groundwater {t feet btoc feet bloc feet Elevation 1 2 06/24/93 NM NM NM NM 08/23/94 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 12.06 0.00 85.36 08/05/96 ND 12.09 0.00 85.33 11/17/98 ND 12.60 0.00 84.82 06/19/01 ND 12.74 0.00 84.68 09/ 12/01 ND 12.98 0.00 84.44 12/27/01 NM NM NM NM 03/05/02 97.42 ND 12.83 0.00 84.59 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 12/09/03 ND 12.13 0.00 85.29 03/23/06 ND 12.18 0.00 85.24 05/08/07 NM NM NM NM 05114/09 ND 12.03 0.00 85.39 05/28/09 ND 11.96 0.00 85.46 05/27/10 ND 11.69 0.00 85.73 10/31/11 ND 12.45 0.00 84.97 06/24/93 NM NM NM NM 08/23/94 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 14.42 0.00 85.58 08/05/96 ND 14.46 0.00 85.54 11/17/98 ND 14.91 0.00 85.09 06/19/01 ND 15.03 0.00 94.97 09/12/01 ND 15.28 0.00 84.72 12/27/01 ND 15.37 0.00 84.63 03/05/02 100.00 ND 15.15 0.00 84.85 05/12/03 NM 14.15 NM 85.85 12/09/03 ND 14.50 0.00 85.50 03/23/06 ND 14.45 0.00 85.55 05/08/07 ND 14.22 0.00 85.78 05/14/08 ND 14.22 0.00 85.78 05/28/09 ND 14.12 0.00 85.88 05/27/10 ND 13.90 &00 86.10 10/31/11 ND 14.72 0.00 85.28 10/31/11 ND 13.95 0.00 NM 05/22/12 ND 14.10 0.00 NM 06/ 14/ 12 ND 13.61 0,00 NM 07/09/ 12 ND 14.05 0.00 NM M • 19 08/ 14/ 12 N5 ND 14.43 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND 14.34 &00 Niel 12/05/12 ND 14.62 0.00 NM 02/26/13 ND 14.67 0.00 NN 05/31/13 ND 14.57 0.00 NM tW,Pmn ,Wa4IM cx ws.'a� w..11-4.WWO u 1]01r- Il i i".. w., 2411 v rw r-i w,nr,n w.n.. T.Mi r.a6. AtT , J- -a ,.w,1.. L, 14140 41W 7 It2ik11s.4 FM Page 4 of 5 Appendix D Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date TOC Elevation jl Depth to LNAPL feet bide Depth to Groundwater feet btoc LNAPL Thickness feet Corrected Groundwater Elevation 1 2 10/31/11 ND 13.75 0.00 N,\1 05/22/12 ND 13.37 0,00 NM 06/14/12 ND 13.39 &00 NM 07/09/12 ND 13.89 0.U0 NM 08/14/12 N5 ND 14.13 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND I4 02 0.00 NM 12l05112 ND 14.39 0.00 NM 02/26/13 ND 13,61 0.00 NM 05131J13 ND 13.47 0.00 NM Notes, 1. Measured In feet relative to site datum 2. Corr. OW Elev. = (ref point elevation) - (depth to groundwater) + (LNAPL thickness)(LNAPL specific gravity) 3. LNAPL specific gravity assumed to be 0 73 - Prior to URS' work at this Site, monitoring well MW-3 has previousty been reported as MW-2. monitoring weli MW-6 has previously been reported as MW- 8, and monitanrg well MW-8 has previously beers reported as MW-!>. - URS Corporation is not responsible for data generated by others. Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf ofURS Corporation -North Carolina (URS) has been taken from documents prepared and submitted to the NCDENR by others and is included only for ease of referece: URS does not assume or accept am responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the data included on this table that was not generated by at on behalf of URS LNAPL= Light non -aqueous phase liquid ND = Not detected NM = Not measured NS = Not Surveyed TOC = Top of casing bloc = below top of casing -During the May 2003 sampling event LNAPL was observed in MW-5 Depth to groundwater and thickness of LNAPL were not measured I' .HPPTRx MC24lo3 CIL W-5 391 K:MwW'Wul 5 ri IMn h4,1_' I EWL- la . ndwe dl j 21 Mmm 21111 OW P-4 (Nw pk Repm'1Alm -T41n AlrylndK rid Can&pul- 1114J 4IW Fld ua 7'117ag15 uN JW Page 5 of 5 APPENDIX E Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Appendix E Historical Groundwater Analytical Summar►• Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Sample Date Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene Xylenes Total MTBE Carbon dioxide NC GCL: 5,000 84,500 260,000 85,500 20,000 j NEUnits: l 1 l 1 l m l MW-03 5/13/2003 8.5 0.98 J 0.611 1.7 J 8 - -- 12/9/2003 47.4 14.3 1.9 8.1 37.3 -- -- 3/23/2006 4.5 J < 0.5 < 0.5 UJ < 1 UJ 5.5 -- - 5/8/2007 40.4 3.7 1.4 2 J 13.1 -- 5/14/2008 4.3) < 0.8 < 0.7 ¢ 0.8 14 5/28/2009 5.4 0.44 J 0.14 J 0.49 J 5.6 -- 5/27/2010 0.44 J < 0.11 0.3 J < 0.32 4.8 -- - 10/31/2011 5.5 0.76 < 0.17 U 0.38 J 19.1 8.4 405 5/22/2012 < 0.43 U < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.52 4.6 15.." 378 6/ 14/2012 12.1 6.7 0.72 4.7 15.4 6.6 J 344 7/9/2012 2.2 l.6 2.6 3 14.7 9.9 393 8/14/2012 2 2.1 r 0.13 0.41 17.9 3.6 303 9/19/2012 2.7 0,66 r 0.13 0.33 J 19.8 2.8 459 12/5/2012 11.3 1.2 0.43 J 1.1 J 19.3 0.78 J 377 2/26/2013 0.23 J < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.22 5.4 32.6 338 5/31/2013 0.321 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.22 10.5 17.9 334 MW-05 3/23/2006 2,440 32,000 13,500 16,100 -- -- 3/23/2006 t' 1 1,000 2,370 30,700 13,200 15,400 -- -- 5/8/2007 7.410 1,590 21,100 8,920 8,830 - 5/8/2007 {'; 7.400 1,680 20,100 9,290 9,360 - - 5/14/2008 0.000 2,100 29,000 12,000 18,000 - 5/14/2008 (1) 0,000 2,100 30,000 12,000 18,000 -- - 5/28/2009 7, 390 2,330 25,700 13,400 6,920 - - 512812009"' 6.510 2,240 22,100 12,900 6,510 -- N4W-05R 512712010 fi,610 2,810 24,300 J 15,700 4,330 -- -- 512712010sii 6.Oi}0 2,380 30,I001 13,300 4,250 -- -- 10/31/2011 960 2,660 28,000 13,800 3,830 < 1 < 5 10/31/2011 t'f 360 2,870 24,600 14,800 4,070 -- -- 5/22/2012 6/15/2012 «} 244 3,470 227 32,200 1,190 19,200 1,120 3,820 36.9 < 5 6,070 179 1,820 7/9/2012 3361 481 J 2,010 J 2,400 J 48.4 J 6,470 2,620 8/14/2012 201 283 1,050 1,300 48.5 14,700 4,190 9/19/2012 158 181 650 883 114 19,000 3,280 I2/5/2012 754 505 2,220 2,380 1,160 13,600 1,840 2/26/2013 1,360 878 3,520 3,940 1,660 8,520 1,530 5/31/2013 1,410 1,380 5,930 6,220 1,150 J 4,680 1,560 MW-06 5/12/2003 < 0.5 0.521 < 0.5 < 1 3 -- 12/9/2003 2.3 0.64 J 1.1 3.6 17.6 -- 12/9/2003 2.4 0.68 J 1.1 3.8 i 8 - - 3/23/2006 0.76 J 0.59 J 3.6 2.8 J 1.1 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 < 0.5 5/ 1412008 < 0.5 < 0.8 < 0.7 < 0.8 < 0.5 - - 5/28/2009 < 0.06 < 0.05 < 0.06 < 0.14 0.17 J -- 512712010 < 0.11 0.13 J 0.38 J 0,46 J < 0.12 -- - 10131/2011 8.7 J 11.7 J 27.5 J 132 J • 0-26 11 -- - P:SP4ProjectMN024163. CK, W$• 381 Knonwooc SlreeM.0 Sne DataW.6 AnalyticaffaoleslCaMed Edo 6P 24163 - Water . 2012-2013 - Njecuon MDMGnng Summary 711WO13.5.11 PM Appendix E Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina MW-06I 5/12/2003 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 1.1 3 < 0.5 - - 12/9/2003 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <5 r2.5 - 3/23/2006 49.7 18.9 48.7 443 3,560 -- - 5/8/2007 < 25 < 25 < 25 < 50 6,910 -- 5/14/2008 5.21 < 2 < 1.8 r 2 3,400 5/28/2009 2.5 < 0.05 < 0.06 < 0.14 1,150 5/27/2010 1.63 r 1.1 r 1.1 < 3.2 492 - I013112011 0.41 J < 0.36 < 0.32 < 0.75 122 -- - MW-08 3/23/2006 671 1.340 1,230 9,100 124 -- -- 5/8/2007 1,160 799 196 2 990 1,440 -- 5/14/2008 600 1800 700 3,000 190 -- - 5/28/2009 1,390 2,050 357 3,310 1,560 -- -- MW-08R 5/27/2010 570 2,874 31,700 15,700 6,260 -- -- 10/31/2011 8,000 3,180 32,100 17,200 3,170 < 1 < 5 5/22/2012 3,360 36,4001 17,800 3,920 e 5 119 6/15/2012 {�' 726 47 J 760 242 J 96.31 4,760 22,200 7/9/2012 4,540 J 1,870 J 17,100 J 10,800 J 1,530 J 6,570 4,500 8/14/2012 4,370 1,610 19,300 81780 2,000 7,010 1,560 9/19/2012 4,780 1,800 20,900 1 10,400 2,600 6,700 1,100 12/5/2012 7,760 2,440 31,900 13,800 4,560 2,410 635 2/26/2013 7,310 2,480 30,500 13,400 4,530 959 590 5/31/2013 3,040 30,500 12,500 4,200 439 437 MW-14 5/12/2003 < 0.5 < 0.5 ¢ 0.5 < 1 0.52 J -- -- 12/9/2003 ¢ 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 5.9 -- -- 3/23/2006 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 - 1 = 0.5 -- - 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < i < 0.5 -- - 5/14/2008 <0.5 <0.8 <0.7 <0.9 <0.5 - - 5/28/2009 < 0.06 < 0.05 0.0771 E 0.14 c 0.06 -- - 512712010 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 <0.32 <0.12 -- 101311201 1 e 0.13 < 0.15 < 0.42 U < 0.3 < 0.13 -- -- MW-15 3/23/2006 0.63 J 2.1 < 0.5 18.6 1.6 -- -- 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 2.2 J < 0.5 -- -- 5/14/2008 < 0.5 < 0.8 < 0.7 3.7 J < 0.5 - -- 512712010 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 <0.32 <0.12 -- -- 1013112011 <0.13 <0.15 <0.13 <0.3 <0.13 -- - MW-16 3/23/2006 ¢ 2.5 90.8 15.8 836 2.8 J -- - 5/14/2008 ¢ 0.5 160 15 1,600 4.1 1 -- 5/27/2010 3.6 54.7 J 5.1 525 J 1.3 -- 1013112011 < 0.65 17.2 < 1.4 U 321 < 0.65 -- - MW-17 5/13/2003 57.7 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 69 5/13/2003 40.8 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 63.3 12/9/2003 6.6 0.65 J < 0.5 < 1 80.6 3/23/2006 1 < 0.5 < 0.5 r 1 58.9 -- 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 ¢ 0.5 < 1 17A 5/14/2008 3.71 < 0.8 < 0.7 < 0.8 19 -- -- 5/28/2009 7 < 0.05 0.076 J < 0.14 14.5 -- -- 5/27/2010 5.7 < 0.11 < 0.11 ¢ 0.32 12.4 -- -- 10/31/20 l 1 0.51 0.16 J F 0,81UJ 0.5 71 8.9 -- -- P:18P%ProyegsV4W4163, CK- W-S- 381 KMIhvood S"eM 0 SAO ❑aMW.6 MalykaPTables%Caleb EcIA BP 24163 - Wales-2012.2013 - injection Momkonng Summary 711anol3. 511 PM Appendix E Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina MW-18 10/31/2011 3,140 998 11.100 8,950 1,140 8.2 446 5/22/2012 2,280 2.790 18,200 12,000 789 r 5 307 6/15/2012 {2' 373 910 4,800 3,910 114 10,600 3,410 7/9/2012 1,730 J 2,1701 15,000 J 9,750 J 676 J 2,300 835 8/14/2012 3,020 2,990 24,400 12,800 1,090 758 580 9/19/2012 3,190 3,090 22600 14,000 1,240 322 542 12/5/2012 3,370 2970 10100 12,800 1,380 32.2 436 2/26/2013 2, 510 2 970 10 1 QO 8,690 1,140 13.8 500 5/31/2013 2,780 3,070 8,210 5,740 1,000 83.3 475 MW-19 10/31/2011 2,390 1.380 8,790 7,040 5,160 3.7 425 5/22/2012 2,700 1.560 14.200 7,940 4,880 < 5 310 6/15/2012121 4,020 1.440 18,200 7,940 3,290 1,090 6,520 7/9/2012 _1.910 30,400 J 16,300 5,330 232 991 8/14/2012 2,420 1,650 14,200 1 8,370 4,090 469 1,090 9/19/2012 2,090 1 630 12900 8,640 3,960 260 690 12/5/2012 2,320 1,810 15 200 10,400 4,010 58.8 588 2/26/2013 2,210 1 110 10600 6,990 3,890 169 503 5/31/2013 1,830 894 8,820 5,250 3,120 1,530 606 Notes: t'} Field duplicate 1�1Alkalinity, sulfate, and carbon dioxide samples were collected 6/14/2012 and volatile organic analysis samples were collected 6/15/12. - activated sodium persulfate injections were performed at the site from June 4, 2012, to June 9, 2012, and from June 3, 2013, to June 6, 2013. This table presents the results of all analyzes. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modeled after the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) Nanorral Functional Guidelines (NFG) for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 2008) and USEPA CLP NFG for Inorganic Superfund Data Review (USEPA, January 2010). Gross Contamination Levels, effective April 16, 2012, obtamed from the NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, UST < - Not detected at the specified detection limit GCL - Gross Contamination Level gg1I - Micrograms per Liter MTBE - Methyl tert-Butyl Ether mgll - Milligrams per Liter NE - Not established J - Estimated value %-" = Not sampled or analyzed U - Not resent above the associated level; blank contamination exists Green highlight indicates GCL exceedance. P:1BP1PrgeelslNC124163. CK, W-S. 381 xndnvobd Slreetri4 0 SO QAUW6 AnaocanTabWWC Web Edit BP 24163 - Wafer- 2012.2013 - Iiijecuon Monttoru+g Summary 711 a12013. 5 11 PM APPENDIX F Laboratory Analytical Report I I e•-Hardcopy 2.0 Automated Report Southeast E ACCUTEE3T ttttltli� L A a 10 RAT OR I E s Technical Report for Atlantic Richfield Company URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC 38436760 Accutest Job Number: FA5175 Sampling Date: 05/31/13 Report to: URS Corporation 1600 Perimeter Park Drive Suite 400 Morrisville. NC 27560 ATTN: Martha Meyers -Lee Total number of pages in report: 40 Acccw u `1a� a t Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference andlor state specific certification programs as applicable. kl�� - Harry Behzadi, Ph. D. Laboratory Director Client Service contact: Heather Wandrey 407-425-6700 Certifications FL (E83510), LA (03051), KS (E-10327), IA (366), IL (200063). NC (573), NI (FLO02), SC (96038001) Do17 ELAP (L•A-13 L2229), CA (04226CA), TX (TZ04704404), AK, AR, GA, KY, MA, NV, OK, UT, VA, WA, W[ This report shali not he reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Accutest Laboratories. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. Southeast - 4405 Vineland Road - Suite C-15 - Orlando, FL 32811 Accutest I.atx.-ranwres is the s 4e authcua► for authorizing edits ❑r modifications to this doeumcnt Unauthorized mndiTicatwn dthis report is strictly prohibited tel: 407-425-6700 • fax: 407425-0707 - http://www. accutest. com 1 of 40 �ACCEJTES�: Sections: Table of Contents 1 Section 1: Sample Summary................................................................................................... 3 Section2: Case Narrative/Conformance Summary .............................................................. 4 Section 3: Summary of Hits ....................... ..................................................... I .................... --- 6 Section4: Sample Results........................................................................................................ 8 4.1: FA5175-1: MW-3......................................................................................................... 9 4.2: FA5175-2: MW-5R...................................................................................................... 11 4.3: FA5175-3: MW-8R...................................................................................................... 13 4.4: FA5175-4: MW-18....................................................................................................... 15 4.5: FA5175-5: MW-19....................................................................................................... 17 Section 5: Misc. Forms............................................................................................................ 19 5.1: Chain of Custody........................................................................................................... 20 Section 6: GOMS Volatiles - QC Data Summaries.............................................................. 23 6.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 24 6.2. Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 28 6.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 32 Section 7: General Chemistry - QC Data Summaries.......................................................... 36 7.1: Method Blank and Spike Results Summary .................................................................. 37 7.2: Duplicate Results Summary.......................................................................................... 38 7.3: Matrix Spike Results Summary..................................................................................... 39 7.4: Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Summary .................................................................... 40 '■ 2 of 40 A,C0U-rF-S'i: K6o7c —....... .s. Accutest Laboratories Sample Summary Atlantic Richfield Company Job No: FA5175 URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Project No: 38436760 Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code 'Type Sample ID FA5175-1 05/31/13 09:50 SH 06/01/13 AQ Ground Water MW-3 FA5175-2 05/31/13 11:35 SH 06/01/13 AQ Ground Water MW-5R FA5175-3 05/31/13 12:20 SH 06/01/13 AQ Ground Water MW-8R FAS1754 05/31/13 11:00 SH 06/01/13 AQ Ground Water MW-18 FA5175-5 05/31/13 10:20 SH 06/01/13 AQ Ground Water MW-19 ■■ 3 of 40 ■,acC�u rE�E3-r- FA5175 " SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client Atlantic Richfield Company Job: FA5175 Site: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Deport Data: 6/18/2013 6:23:IO PM 5 Sample were collected an 05/31/2013 and were received at Accutest SE on OGOI12013 properly preserved, at 2.8 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an Accutest job nwnber of FA5175. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section ofthis report Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this joh. For more info mtation, please refer to QC summary pages. Volatiks by GCMS By Method SM 6200B Matrbt: AQ Batch ID: VA1267 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria Sample(s) FA5164-11MS, FA5164-11 MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. FA5175-3: Sample was not preserved to a pH r 2. Matrb(: AQ Batch lU VA1268 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding tune. All method blanks for this batch meet method specify criteria Sample(s) FA5175-2MS were used as the QC samples indicated. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Tohiene are outside control limits. Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spice amount. For method perforrrrance in a clean matrix, refer to Blank Spike. FA5175-2: Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. M &bL AQ Batch ID VA1271 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Samples) FA5207-8MS, FA5247-8MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. Matrb(: AQ Batch Or VE838 Ali samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks For this batch meet method specific: criteria. Samples) FA5168-1MS, FA5169-1MS1) were used as the QC samples indicated. FA5I75-2: Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2; reported results are considered minimum values. Wet Chemistry By Method EPA 3001SW846 9056A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GP21886 All samples were prepped within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA5] 59-7MS, FA5159-7MSD were used as the QC samples for Sulfate. Wet Chemistry By Method SM 19 2320B Metrk AQ Batch ID: GN56146 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. A11 method blanks for this batch meet method specfy criteria. Sample(s) FA5290-3MS. FA5290-3DUP were used as the QC samples for Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3. RPD(s) for Duplicate for Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 are outside control limits for sample GN56146-DI. RPD acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. Tuesday, June 18, 2013 Page 1 of 10 4 of 40 ACC LJTEST. Wet Chemistry By Method sM19 2320B Matrix: AQ Batch IlDr GN56217 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria_ Samples) FA5175-21)UP, FA5175-2MS were used as the QC samples for Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3. Matrix Spke Recovery(s) for Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 are outside control limits. Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference. For method performance in a clean matrix, refer to Blank Spike. Accutest Laboratories Southeast (ALSE) certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at ALSE and as stated on the COC. ALSE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the ALSE Quality Manual except as rioted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. ALSE is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used. Narrative prepared by: Bate: June 18, 2013 Kan Benham, Client Services (signature on file) Tues&y, June 18, 2013 Paget oft ■ s of eta ACMU-rEST. F6{17F nr....n rew... Summary of Hits Page 1 of 2 Job Number: FA5175 Account: Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Collected: 05/31 / 13 LP Lab Sample ID Client Sample 1D Result/ Analyte Quai RI. MDL Units Method FA5175-1 MW-3 Benzene 0.32 ] 0.50 0.10 ug/l SM 6200B Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 10.5 0.50 0.10 ug/l SM 6200B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 350 5.0 0.60 mg/l SM19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 334 5.0 5.0 mg/l SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 17.9 4.0 1.2 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A FA5175-2 MW-5R Benzene a 1410 100 20 ug/l SM 6200B Toluene a 5930 100 20 ug/l SM 6200B Ethy[benzene a 1380 100 20 ug/l SM 6200B Xylene (total) a 6220 300 43 ug/E SM 6200B Methyl Tert Butyl Ether b 1150 25 5.0 ug/E SM 6200B - Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 2750 25 3.0 mg/1 SM19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 1560 5.0 5.0 mg/l SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 4680 200 60 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A FA5175-3 MW-8R Benzene a 6540 1000 200 ug/l SM 6200B Toluene a 30500 1000 200 ugli SM 6200B Ethy}benzene a 3040 50 1.0 ug/i SM 6200B - Xylene (total) a 12500 3000 430 ug/l SM 6200B Methyl Tert Butyl Ether a 4200 50 10 ug/l SM 6200B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 580 25 3.0 mg/l SM 19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 437 5.0 5.0 mg/l SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 439 20 6.0 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A FA5175-4 MW-18 Benzene 2780 50 to ug/l SM 6200B Toluene 8210 500 100 ug/l SM 6200B Ethylbenzene 3070 50 10 ug/l SM 6200B Xylene (total) 5740 150 22 ug/l SM 6200B Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 1000 50 10 ug/i SM 6200B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 352 5.0 0.60 mg/l SM19 2320E Carbon Dioxide 475 5.0 5.0 mg/l SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 83.3 4.0 1.2 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A FA5175-5 MW-19 Benzene 1830 130 25 ug/1 SM 6200B Toluene 8820 130 25 ug/i SM 6200B t■ 6 of 40 .wccur�s-r. Summary of Hits Page 2 of 2 Job Number: FA5175 Account: Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Collected: 05/31/13 Lab Sample ID Client Sample I❑ Result/ Anahte Qual RL MDL Units Method Ethylbenzene 894 130 25 ugll SM 6200B Xylene (total) 5250 380 54 ugll SM 6200B Methyl. Tert Butyl Ether 3120 130 25 ugll SM 6200B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 582 25 3.0 mg/l SM19 2320E Carbon Dioxidc 606 5.0 5.0 mg/l SM 19 45000O2D Sulfate 1530 50 15 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. (b) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2; reported results are considered minimum values. 7 of 40 ,0.CCl_ -FE-Me- T. FA5175 Section 4 ■; Southeast w ,4cCu-TES-r L A D 0 R A T 0 R I E S Sample Results Report of Analysis ,0 S of 40 ACCUTr=S-n Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Page 1 of I Client Sample ID: MW-3 Lab Sample ID: FA5175-1 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 41 A0180670.13 1 06/11/13 TD n`a n, a VA1271 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeahle. Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene 0.32 0.50 0.10 ugll J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene N❑ 0.50 0.10 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 1.5 0.22 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 10.5 0.50 0.10 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofiuoromethane 990/0 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 960/6 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorohenzene 100% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ,■ 9 of 40 .ACCIJTtWBT F8417i ••"' n Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-3 Lab Sample ID: FA5175-1 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result RL MDL Units OF Analyzed By Method Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 350 5.0 0.60 mgll 1 D6/09113 11-0014H SM192320B Carbon Dioxide 334 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 WOW 1311:00AC SM1945ODCO2D Sulfate 17.9 4.0 1.2 mg/l 2 06/17/13 19 � 3 5 AA EPA 3001SW&469056A RL = Reporting Limit U = indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit S = Indicates a result > = MDL but < Rl. A U of 40 ' ACCLJTEST. ..r Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-5R Lab Sample ID: FA5175-2 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24I63: 381 Knoliwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File 1D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analvtical hatch Run #1 a E024497.D 50 06/10/13 TD nla n: a VE838 Run #2 h AO180582.D 200 06/07/13 JG nla a VA1268 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 7143-2 Benzene 1410c 100 20 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene 5930 c 100 20 ugll 10041-4 Ethylbenzene 13801: 100 20 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 6220 c 300 43 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 1150 25 5.0 ugjl CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Runk 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 94% 101% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichioroethane-D4 97% 117% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 102% 98% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenrene 1021% 94% 70-130% (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2; reported results are considered minimum values. (b) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. (c) Result is from Run# 2 ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range A i� J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 0 11 of 40 Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-5R Lab Sample ID: FA5I75-2 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Percept Solids. nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knoftood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page i of 1 General Chemistry Analyte Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 2750 25 10 mg/1 l 06/13/13 09:32 HH SM19 2320E Carbon Dioxide 1560 5.0 5.0 mg/I l 06/13/13 W 32 HH SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 4680 200 60 mgll 100 06/17/13 19752 AA EPA 3001SWW 9056A RL = Reporting Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit B = Indicates a result > = MDL but E RL 'a 12 of 40 ACCLJTEBT. Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-8R Lab Sample 11): FA5175-3 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St; Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run 91 a A0180558.D 100 06/06/13 AP nla nla VA1267 Run 42 a A0180560.D 2000 06/06/13 AP nla nla VA1267 Purge Volume Run 41 10.0 ml Run 42 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 460-004 4-Bromofluorobenzene (a) Sample was not preserved to a pA < 2. (b) Result is from Run# 2 Result RL MDL Units Q 6540 b 1000 200 ugll 30500 b 1000 200 ugll 3040 50 10 ugll 12500 b 3000 430 ug/l 4200 50 10 ugll Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 97% 97% 70-130% 98% 96°% 70-130% 99% 101% 70-130% 97% 99% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range I = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 1a 13 of 40 ACCLJTES_r crc.,e ..ee.•e.en Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample Id: MW-8R Lab Sample ID: FA5175-3 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Recei-,red: 06/01/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Result Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 580 Carbon Dioxide 437 Sulfate 439 RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit Page 1 of 1 RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 25 3.0 mg/1 1 06/13/13 09 32 HH SM19 2320E 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 06/13/13 09 32 HH SM 19 45000O2D 20 6.0 mgll 10 D6117/13 20 09 AA EPA 30015W&46 9056A U = Indicates a result ¢ MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL ■�■ 14 of 40 At :CUTEST. CRC�'�; i��oe�i e�e• Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: FA5175-4 Date Sampled: 05/31/ 13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 KnolNkoud St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0180561.13 100 06/06/13 AP Tva n:`a VA1267 Run #2 A0180559.D 1000 06/06/13 AP n/a n: a VA1267 Purge Volume Run # 1 10.0 ml Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1, 2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 460-00-4 4-13romofluorobenzene (a) Result is from Run# 2 Result RL MDL Units Q 2780 50 10 ugll 8210 a 500 100 ugll 3070 50 10 ugll 5740 150 22 ug11 1000 50 10 ug/l Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 97% 98% 70-130% 96% 97% 70-130% 100% 101% 70-130% 96% 101% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = indicates presumptive evidence of a compound �0 15 of 40 ACCIJTEST cnci7c Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: FA5175-4 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of I General Chemistry Analyte Result RL PADL Units DF Analyzed By Method Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 352 5.0 0.60 mg/1 1 06/08/13 11:00 HH SM19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 475 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 06/08/13 11 00 AC 9M19 45000O2D Sulfate 83.3 4.0 1.2 mgll 2 06/17/13 2100 AA EPA 3001SWS" 9056A RL = Reporting Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL MDL = Method Detection Limit B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL '0 16 of 40 ACCLJ'TEBT. Accutest laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-19 Lab Sample ID: FA5175-5 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06/01/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: n/a Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page i of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0I80669.D 250 06/11/13 T❑ n/a n/a VA1271 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10-o mI Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene 1830 130 25 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene 8820 130 25 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 894 130 25 ug/1 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 5250 380 54 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 3120 130 25 ug/1 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 96% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dicbloroethane-D4 96% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98% 70-130% 460-00-0 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1000/0 70-130% N❑ = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = indicates value exceeds calibration range J = Indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■■ 17 of 44 ■ a�cu-r �s-r: Accutest Laboratories Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-19 Lab Sample ID: FA5175-5 Date Sampled: 05/31/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 06101/13 Percent Solids: n1a Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knoilwood St, Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Result Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 582 Carbon Dioxide 606 Sulfate 1530 RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit Page I of 1 RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 25 3.0 mgli 1 06/13/13 09:32HH SM19 2320E 5.0 5.0 mg/1 1 0611311309:32HH SM1945000O2D 50 15 mg/1 25 0&17113 21:17 AA EPA 30a1SW846 9056A U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL ,■ 18 of 40 ACCU`r�8� ■ Southeast N , CDC3U-rF-s-r L A n 0 n A T 0 R I E S Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Z zicludes the following where applicable: Chain of Custody Section 5 0 I19 of 40 acMu-rEs7: FAW-5, i sr w wil ffi i I_ • s L ■: �,■,... �� .sue, �� ��x.���f���:r,��'�::, ',�-��_ -r:� :r� tia� .� L•. �r� J: ai � ��°�i W�I�iI"��iY������r]fi� FA5175: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 3 ,■ 20 of 40 .4.CCLJTaST. ACCUrEST LABORATORIES SAMPLE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION ACc=s-rs TOB N[IASBE - d4 J 1 7 S -_ Q.mSI: OR 6 _ PRoIEcr: DATEITIMB RkcEIVED n b-ol -1 ri_ jO 3 D Qmli1OIYY 24:Ip} NDWER OF COOL ER S "CETVED. M3THOD0FDRLIVI!RY: (igii�) UPS ACCUTESTCOURIER GJE GUND DELIVERY OTHER AIRBILL NUNERMts: 2� 1 :232 g ,5 31 3 -K3 2 - — — COOLER DWQRMAYTON CtWDIDY SIAL NOT PRESENT Olt, NOT INTACT CHAIN OF CUSTODY NOT RECEIVED [CDC] $AMPLE DATBS OR TDMS UNCLEAR OR MISEM TMOERATURE CRrr8REA NOT MET —WUTTCE PRE98N'T - PROVIDED NOT ON COC INTACT WATER TRIP BLAHM SOIL TI M BLANK MISC, REORMAUON NUMMKOP ENCORES 7 na M Av $43RA11 NOlu m OF $033 FIELDIM 7 NUMBER OF LAB MTERF.D hWTAL87 Tl�M M CORR, FACTOR SSBkVP� TEMPS: ORkECTEO TEMPS- SAMYLERVORMATIO LABELS PtE ONALLEs L_pxamicT NUMBOF CONTADIRS VEkBCSIV80lWZDPMR YPRESERVED R FMCISNT VOLUME FOR ANALYSTS iT85iTE1M ON COC DO NOT HATCH SAMPLE LABEL 'S ON COC DO NOT HATCH LABEL IC VIALS SAV5 BRADQ,RCH QI ACAO BUBBLES] - rMM 1BCIQVlIDM" ANALYMS NOT REQUESTED 1 BOTEIS$ RBCZIVHD FOR ANALYNS REQUESTED xn.SAAFILTSY]'NCi OR cOla'OSI17M IIiSIBUCTIONS lDq CONTADeRM XWEMED BROXM4 SOL B TAR NOT RECEIVED SS FMD KIT FROG TIMUN 41 HOIWS iMXML CHL0TJ)M PRE9ENI' WMCAME. TO IPA 6MESRIRE DR 2 GkM CAROLEHAORGAMC9I SUND ARY OF COMbAENTs: I�:•rci y 2 M jZ lc.0 Xs I sit 7ru,r r d ( if ems) ,r s:• e� ,u j11 P NF 1211 a recelpt conf3mtatwon 172910-As FA5175: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 3 �� 21 of 40 to 4 V LA n C3" Qa � W rii D ❑ W rE' SWc.uuz N. 27J33J.11® wwk Cad. 7a62111.1fS n.te s�g1v- Prae ACCUTEST KIT REQUEST FORM (Emmu to: mkboamAblualulaw Client: BP cou"ft l: u11l.S Caroantim Client PM: am Frank c6multent PN: tZlr6 Smote Project: IF 24163 - C..nmmk%ns T1.: Sir l>mrl Lostlm: mi Lm Project k; ]b43616Q.1U1080 Boma Node Im EK'" work Rele.ae: 3]M HEW PrW@d /: IN PravWm: 1Q Amount Node: JB WRS Adi-*: Days Seeded: 1 .t>ILi HAM Prv]ect C6emiee: MwdwXirvcr;,F a Morris.ige Semp t Diallu Thitnir. Mat X 211-3 Ph.m Ne-: 919J61-1519 _ Invoice Tv: Aerlrld SOW (err K...9): { Numlew o! le. MnA'bI w l� '. Rah' 5 prirtury -wplm aad I Trip Blank Wow ShodEdMedaa MOMS RTEX ad NITSP NC 2Land GCL FSo SPA )M Stream 270 $20 ShlOON 2 Cwbmdimmide NA Fly 7Wi Per Pmw .....—._- MutyatwlV d u an be rood.0d. w.*a,dmce rift • Tarbvmllkprinnrorn FerF rim:unrnmf l�yw�ory Mallrirof 3rr.rrrrlpinowvm�7 arm•a;rr...�l Prryrsr(laefAAMMwkR4fyieLtCanpag.eAl'- .dlgw,d—y—y Rrr4ist G➢-FWAL lrmed,LUMN07 • Gwdilarar/or Al-- and C 4-A. HC BM (AT Secam. men" msim 7 • Geidrl ter)-3arcbrw NC Mat t)Sf smock ctrnnr rem-, which tm malthie u SamPla rare to be analyed at on lowest AWsn pamMe widitwmt bu to the kwhumesC sod Ban at aw pra'rr Mulkil to Po m that rgtdVM )evvb are wiafeved Sample cnocennatiana that me Im thaw the PQL, but gmater than the MDL ore to be 1-99WLI- ArWydod TAT: I.ah Cerdficatiow NC DPfO Uerlrode De lverab)c tom [pdflslrK iwrmce _ _ - 13mil do Report Debrered To: (919) OE- 15t9 S-Fram Seeded (per Emeatl�: • 1:4OLni VOA .imk, WrPromwa wA HCl for SM 6'bMB analysis of watt N risk par ample m l a spat oeq. d —(#M �14 d Du • 28 40-cd V(,iA vises, (TNPRWMV6p. for Sid 62M ammirm of waw(3 wk per muir k and m eg r et). Hekling firttr (Hp. ST days • 6 pu!6c toga, +a8trcwra0. of 9 irat = fur she dd .bm d C(n and SN is waft (t Per utgie). CO2 f71` S4811rar (m fwdrpr.-p; SO4 HT-- r_.Zddoyr • Trip blanks (water), I per rooter • LuAWitr w* and hcdc kbda Crinler(s) k"-' wah IAWwkxy none ad *&AM Rd= shm8I bet, ptctxated with Ilw Wxsuwry tome tad md3cn 0 per—kT) • laadtdi9a turd aboorheal packng material Trmperattue blanks (1 Pee ooultr) • Federal Erpreea air bilk (1 per coMer) SUP Sappiea TO: 17f]—Ht--a VRS COrr� S 6m j�� Pik Ea� 8ai1e d00 bb=dlL NC 2736D _ FLoanDto<QIZ 461--1101 h_ r. U i nr c pit ALXU%MCLUDE" 243W" on lie outide of the rooter to riec illate rettleral from our mmmmo Kit Fegtxw Takeo By: _ ail Cnorpleted By- Dwte: Dane Sml: 'Taomu6e leas bin to PQLrrNC Oo®dn AcAz600 Stradrd(24*Lwt.rrr h lower. ' Mari. apb%+mrtrix sygm daplr.ta fm*a s one seat w>m nor dm 10 trphm ern to Clot Irb fw a psm e.s t Caarearr type and —*—pc SteveC delmm, P1w ftjwLQ. 2J 1&3. CX, WS, ]al 4ne)lwood Strdit.O Stra Dm A.6 AodylicAMmelym l Requesu4HP 2410 Aa•t IGt It q— Pwm 613 09431 dM 3larept34U7 PAf ul us E Southeast N ACCLJ-TEST L A B O R A f O R i L GC/MS Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries Section 6 I-0j) ■o 23 of 40 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salcm. NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1267-MB A0180546.1) 1 06/06/13 AP nla n:'a VA1267 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA5175-3, FA5175-4 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 108-88-3 Toluene N❑ 0.50 0.10 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 1.5 0.22 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 47% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 97% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 1021% 70-130% Cr. a i L ■ 24 of 40 ■ accu -r�s-c kti cq,. •��es�reniae Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1268-MB A0180578.1) 1 06/07/13 3G n a n a VA1268 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA5175-2 CAS No. Compound Result RL 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.50 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.50 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND L5 Method: SM 6200B MDL Units Q 0.10 ug/l 0.10 ug/I ❑,10 ug/] 0.22 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromolluoromethane 101% 70-I30% 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroethane-D4 117% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97°/6 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94% 70-130% 25 of 40 ACCEJ���T Method Blank Summary page i ter 1 Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163. 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VE838-MB E024490. ❑ 1 06/ 10/13 TD nla n'a VE838 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA5I75-2 CAS No. Compound Result RL 1634-04-4 Methyl Ten Butyl Ether ND 0.50 Method: Ski 61-00B NFDL Units Q 0.10 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1869-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 96% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-❑ichloroethane-D4 98% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-DS 103% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenxene 103% 70-130% ■ 26 of 40 (♦ ACCIJTEST. FA547F .•....r.. u. Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 .lob Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC ;ample File 1D DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcl rA1271-MB A0180655.1) 1 06/11/13 TD rn:a n•'a VA1271 The QC reported here applies to the Following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA5175-1, FA5175-5 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.50 O.10 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 108-88-3 Toluene N❑ 0.50 0.10 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) ND 1.5 0.22 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 97% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 96% 70-130°% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98°% 70-130°% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101% 70-130% Fn 27 of 40 ACCLJTEST rA S174 •ne-wrier Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knoilwood St, Winston-Salem, NC. Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep hate Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1267-BS A0I80554,D 1 06/06/13 AP n'a nla VA1267 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA5175-3, FA5175-4 CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 100-41-4 Ethyibenzene 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 108-88-3 Toluene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1869-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene Spike BSP BSP ug/I ugll % Limits 10 11.0 110 70-130 10 11.9 119 70-130 10 9.1 91 70-130 10 10.9 109 70-130 30 33.8 113 70-130 BSP Limits 102% 70-130% 99% 70-130% 97% 70-130% 93% 70-130% P i� L * = Outside of Control Limits. ■ 28 of 40 ■.�ccurtt~s� Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of I .lob Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1268-BS A0180576.D 1 06/07/13 ]G ri/a n.'a VA1268 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA5175-2 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/I ugll % Limits 7I-43-2 Benzene 10 10.8 108 70-130 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 10 11.4 I14 70-130 108-88-3 Toluene 10 10.5 105 70-130 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 30 33.0 110 70-130 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 105% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-134 120% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 95% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenz,ene 92% 70-130% Method: SM 6200B * 4 Outside of Control Limits. 0 29 of 40 w.a ccu-rF_s-F FAF075 �•""'"*•"1e• Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Pre} Date Prep Batch. Analytical Batch E024488.13 1 06/10/13 TD nla n a VE838 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA5I75-2 CAS No. Compound 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene Spike BSP BSP ugll ugll % Limits 10 8.5 85 70-130 BSP Limits 99% 70-130% 100% 70-130% 100% 70-130% 100% 70-130% Method: SM 6200B * = Outside of Control Limits. ■ 30 of 40 ■.o.CI--u-rEtzs--r rA107A ......... 1.. Blank Spike Summary Page l of 1 .lob Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Comganv Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knoliwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Bate Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1271-BS A0180653.D l 06/11/13 TD n'a nla VA1271 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: FA5175-1, FA5175-5 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ugll ug1l % Limits 7I-43-2 Benzene 10 93 93 70-130 100-41-4 Ethylhenzene 10 9.3 93 70-130 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether I0 10 100 70-130 108-88-3 Toluene 10 9.2 92 70-130 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 30 28.8 96 70-130 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoromethane 99% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-134 98% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-138 98% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromotluorobenzene 100% 70-130% Method: SM 6200B * = Outside of Control Limits. 31 of 40 FA5175 "•°•• `" • Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of I Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: LJRSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA5164-1IMS A0180555.1) 50 06/06/13 AP n/a n/a VA1267 FA5164-1IMSD A0180556.D 50 06/06/13 AP n/a n/a VA1267 FA5164-11 A0180551.13 50 06/06/13 AP n/a n/a VA1267 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA5175-3, FA51754 FA5164-11 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ugll Q ugll ugll % ug/l % RPD Rec1RPD 71-43-2 Benzene 2060 500 2630 114 2580 104 2 70-130120 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 496 500 1120 125 1110 123 1 70-130120 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 169 500 656 97 657 98 0 70-130120 108-88-3 Toluene 1340 500 1920 116 1890 110 2 70-130120 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1130 1500 2960 122 2940 121 1 70-130120 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA5164-11 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 101% 100% 98% 70-1301/16 17060-07-0 1.2-Diehloroethane-D4 98% 99% 97% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98% 97% 1008/0 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 94% 98% 95% 70-130% a ca L * = Outside of Control Limits. ■ 32 of 40 ACCIJT�ST. FA5175 ••"",}OP1•• Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of I Job Number: FA5175 :account: BPAIVISS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC 'ample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batcl A5175-21VIS A0180580.1) 50 06/07/13 JG nla nla VA1268 A5175-2MSD A0180581.1) 50 06/07/13 JG nla nla VA1268 A5175-2 a A0180582.1) 200 06/07/13 JG nla nla VA1268 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA5175-2 FA5175-2 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ugll Q ug/l ug/I % ug/l % RPD Rec/RPD 7143-2 Benzene 1410 500 1770 lab 1780 74 1 70-130120 100-41-4 Ethylbenaene 1380 500 1810 I14 1820 88 1 70-130120 108-88-3 Toluene 5930 500 5470 -92* b 5520 -82* b 1 70-130120 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 6220 1500 7370 107 7400 79 0 70-130120 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries NIS MSD FA5175-2 Limits 1868-53-7 D i brom of] uorom ethane 103% 101% 101% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 120% 119% 117% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 96% 96% 98% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 92% 94% 94% 70-130% (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. (b) Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. * = Outside of Control Limits. ■ 33 of 40 ■ .qcc uTt=c�- FA5175 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page t of 1 Job Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 1nollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Sample Fife ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA5168-1MS E024502.D 1 06/10/13 TD nla nla VE838 FA5168-1MSD E024503.D 1 06/10/13 TD nla nla VE838 FA5168-1 E024501.D 1 06/10/13 TD n/a nla VE838 "fhe QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA_517_5-21 FA5168-1 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ugll g ugll ugll % ugll % RPD Ree/RPD 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 0.70 10 8.0 73 8.1 74 1 70-130120 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA5168-1 Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ihromofluoromethane 99% 100% 97% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 101% 101% 98% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 99% 100% 98% 70-130% 460-004 4-Bromofluorohenxene 99% 98% 102% 70-130% c sa is L * = Outside of Control Limits. IN 34 of 40 ■ accu�t=_s� Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page I of I ,lob Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: LIRSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC 'ample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical B$tel A5207-SMS A0180667.1) 2000 06/11/13 TD nla nla VA1271 A5207-8MSD A0180668.D 2000 06/11/13 TD nla nla VA1271 A5207-8 A0180664.D 2000 06/11/13 TD nla nla VA1271 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA5175-1, FA5175-5 FA5207-8 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ugll Q ugli ugll % ugll % RPD Rec/RPD 71-43-2 Benzene 2790 20000 19400 83 19300 83 1 70-130120 100414 Ethylbenzene ND 20000 16300 82 16200 81 1 70-130120 1634-04-4 Methyl Ter[ Butyl Ether 55200 20000 76100 105 77400 111 2 70-130120 108-88-3 Toluene ND 20000 16200 81 16100 81 1 70-130120 1330-20-7 Xylene(total) ND 60000 52200 87 5I600 86 3 70-130120 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA5207-8 Limits 1868-53-7 ❑ibromofluoromethane 98% 99% 96% 70-1300Ie 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 97% 97% 95% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 99% 99% 98% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 100% 100% 70-130% C ew * = Outside of Control Limits. IN 35 of 40 U.o.CcuY't=E3T FA5175 •,�"•"•"• Section 7 ■ Southeast ■ ,o,ccuTEs-r General Chemistry QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank and Blank Spike Summaries Duplicate Summaries • Matrix Spike Summaries hr 36 of 40 r"'COUTEST. PAS176 ••�""rn. r. METHOD BLANK AND SPIKE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: UPSNCM:5/S 24163: 301 Kaollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC MB Spike BSP BSP OC Analyte Batch Ia RL Result Units Amount Result $Recov Limits Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN56146 5.0 1.9 mg/1 250 256 102.0 90-1134 Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN56217 25 4,2 Mg/1 250 274 109..6 90-1134 Sulfate GP218861GN56319 2.0 0.0 mg/1 50 48.4 96.8 90-1101 Associated Samples: Batch GN56146: FA5175-1, FA5175-4 Batch GNS6217: FA5175-2, FA5175-3, FA5175-5 Batch GP21886: FA5175-1, FA5175-2, FA5175-3, FA5175-4, FA5175-5 (*1 outside of 4C limits Page 1 a� 37 of 40 AGCiJTEST. FAS176 ...... DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: PA5175 Account: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163' 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Qc ❑riginal DUP QC Analyte Batch ID Sample [hits Result Result RPD Limits Alkalinity, Total as CaCD3 GN56146 FA5290-3 mgll Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN56211 PA5175-2 mg/1 Associated Samples: Batch GN56146. FAS175-1, FA5175-4 Batch GN56217; FA5175-2, FA5175-3, FA5175-5 (1) outside of 4C limits (a) RED acceptable due to low duplicate and sample concentrations. Page 1 1S.9 13.9 29.919} 0-20% 2750 275❑ 0.0 0-20R 38 at 40 ACCUTEST. FAS175 ..........v. MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: FA5175 Account: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Oc Original Spike MS QC Analyte Batch I❑ Sample Units Result Amount Result %Rec Limits Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN56146 FA5290-3 mg/1 Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN56217 FA5175-2 mgll sulfate GP21B861GN56319 FA5159-7 mg/1 Associated Samples: Batch GN56146: FA5175-1, FA5175-4 Batch GN56217: FA5175-2, FA5175-3, FA5175-5 Batch GP21866: FA5175-1, FA5175-2, FA5175-3, FA5175-4, FA5175-5 0) Outside of QC limits (NJ Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits (al Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference. Page 1 18.8 250 264 56.1 90-113% 2750 250 3050 IOLP '(A) 90-113t 21.6 50 72.9 10I.S. 90-110% V W ei 39 of 40 .4CCU -r FA6775 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: PA5175 Account: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 23163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC OC original Spike MSA QC Aaalyte Batch In Sample Units Result Amount Result RP❑ Limit Sulfate GP21886/GN56319 FA5159-'1 mq/1 21.6 50 72.4 0.7 20% Associated Samples: Batch GP21986: FA5175-1, FA5175-2, FA5175-3, FA5I75-4, PA5175-5 (1) Outside of QC limits (N) Matrix Spike Rec. outside of OC limits Page 1 10 40 of Oil ACC-- UTE-ElaT. PA5115 `...—" — — APPENDIX G Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Appendix G Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date Sodium Persulfate PH ORP Temp. Specific Cond. DO g/L S.U. m V °C MS/cm mg1L N1 N -03 3123106 -- 6.97 -44 19.1 0-696 0.48 518107 -- 7.00 -190.8 20.30 0.388 1.00 514/08 -- 6.18 -- 19.0 0.668 -- 5128109 - 7.20 -- 19.7 0.452 -- 5127110 - 6.84 36.3 19.09 0.390 2.1 10/31 / 11 -- 6.84 -72 22.04 1.171 3.2 5/22/12 Uzi 7.13 -5.4 20.32 0.708 4.6 6/14/12 ND 6.84 21.7 20.53 0.854 0-5 719112 ND 7.08 -7 1 21.42 0.753 3.6 8/14/12 ND 7.02 -5I.9 72.43 0.552 2.7 9/19/12 0.071 7.00 -125.9 22.06 0.854 0.9 1215112 -- 6.89 -66.6 20.65 0.774 1.3 2/26/12 -- 6.61 -72.5 16.30 0.573 1.3 5/31/13 -- 6.82 -10.6 19.81 0.823 3.8 MW-Q5 3/23/06 -- 5.67 5.0 18.44 0.144 0.77 5/8/07 -- 5.15 143.2 20.60 0.076 0.65 5/14/08 -- 3.45 -- 19.5 0.104 -- 5128109 -- E l l -- 19.7 0.328 - MW-5R 5127I10 -- 2.624 129.1 18.95 0.193 4-1 10/31/11 -- 4.89 185.6 22.00 0.123 V7 5122/12 ND 4,19 153.9 20.04 0.078 1.1 6/14/12 ND 13.08 8.9 23.57 37.82 0.5 719112 ND 13.10 39.9 22.42 35.02 7.2 9/14/12 0.071 13.38 144.1 23.36 34.91 0.3 9/19/12 N❑ 13.36 39.9 23.12 46.21 0.2 12/5/12 -- 12,39 1.2 22.79 27.87 0.6 2i26/ 12 -- 1 1.66 -44.7 15.14 16.44 1.2 5/31/13 -- 10.76 -60.4 20.03 11.25 0.7 MW-06 3/23/06 -- 6.18 217 18.19 0.656 0.3 518107 -- 6.59 67.7 19.22 0.693 2.01 5/14/08 -- 5.40 -- 18.2 0.382 - 5128109 -- 4.51 -- 19.3 0.325 -- 5127110 -- 5.97 88.4 17.91 0.311 3.07 10/3VI1 -- 13.772 -184.7 20.71 49.87 1.25 MW-061 3/23/06 - 6.08 32 18.3 0.277 0.25 5/8/07 - 6.67 -123.5 19.66 0.169 0.40 5/14/08 -- 6.32 - 18.3 0.159 -- 5128r09 -- 6.43 -- 19.4 0.132 -- 5127110 -- 5.35 1 18.57 0.060 0.67 10/31/11 - 6.89 -32.5 1 18.85 0.18 ].40 P tklPVti..Kca K%7+x?, cx w-e 3RI Kwlh"..d •Sn fi h. bjmu i train - L.wtm I7dw k A n M# 2bi 1 L:W 4-:WdQu lcrn. .W (;-VwJu I 1 of 3 Appendix G Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina NN ell Date Sodium Persuifate pH ORP Temp. Specific Cond. IM g/L S.U. InV °C m51cm mg/L MW-08 3/23/06 -- 6.95 -150 17.93 0.601 0.14 518107 -- 7.05 -118.0 19.88 0.556 0.36 5/14/08 -- 5.91 - 19.3 0.445 -- 5128109 -- 6.49 - 19.5 0.469 -- 11�l-8R 5127110 -- 4.03 105.1 18.38 0.090 2.55 10/31/11 -- 4.80 198.1 21.88 0.250 1.9 5/22/12 ND 4.59 250.4 19.80 0.158 0.8 6/14112 32.18 13.32 17.2 22.80 194.5 17.163 719112 8.4 13.38 116.7 21.56 68.5 32.853 8/14/12 3.64 13.09 171 21.75 20.15 42.283 9/19/12 0.665 12.74 123.9 21.92 19.1 13.973 12151I2 ND 11.34 25.4 22.10 6.993 2.1 2/26/12 -- 10A2 -59.2 15.35 2.298 0.7 5/31/13 -- 10.18 -25.1 19.66 2.322 0.6 MW-14 3/23/06 -- 4.62 257 18.99 0.081 0.39 518107 -- 4.46 196.8 19.09 0.060 0.95 5/14/08 -- 4.49 -- 18.8 0.079 - 5/28/09 -- 4.75 -- 19.9 0.077 -- 5127110 -- 1.564 253.3 18.82 0.169 2.97 10/31/11 -- 4.59 260.9 21.31 0.157 2.84 15 3/23/06 -- 4.48 294 17.85 0.048 0.06 518107 -- 4.31 -134.4 19.34 0.042 0.32 5/14/08 -- 3.40 -- 18.3 0.042 -- 5/28/09 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5127110 -- 3.46 119.5 17.03 0.130 2.99 10/31/11 -- 4.44 254.1 19.32 0.061 2.80 MW-16 3/23/06 -- 4.33 529 18.07 -- 6.81 518107 -- -- -- -- -- -- 5/14/08 -- 3.83 -- 17.7 0.736 - 5128109-- 5127110 -- 3.97 99.9 17.32 0.687 1.60 10/31/11 -- 4.44 244.9 19.62 0.706 3.20 MW-17 3/23/06 -- 4.21 488 18.86 - 4.63 518107 - 6.46 -14.4 20.06 0.392 1.15 5/14/08 -- 4.98 -- 20.1 0.391 -- 5128109 - 6,11 -- 19.6 0.310 -- 5127110 -- 5.25 57.9 18.43 0.287 0.57 1013I111 -- 6.31 -90.5 20.80 0.556 0.66 I''lwulrppe %Ncudh ±. CK. +ASS. =NI Kmku A s"" _. n rleLL w.%s I rx n • 4r QRI­.M_A 22 M.l :uli f W fi_ Qh .tr 9"IT04-1T.Nn. APP.W. . ad 64ply 3 „ I • 2 of 3 Appendix G Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date Sodium persulfate pH ORP Temp. Specific Cond. DO g/L S.U. mV °C mslcm mg/L MW-18 10/31 / 11 -- 6.86 12.9 22.47 0.117 2.4 5/22/12 ND 6.20 30.7 21.43 0.001 3.0 6/14/12 ND 1112 5 21.06 54.11 0.3 719112 ND 11.92 40.4 21.29 10.05 1.2 81I4112 ND 10.88 -35 22.59 2.533 0.2 9/19/12 ND 11.09 -35 22.59 3.301 0.2 1215112 -- 6.91 -68.1 22.85 0.859 0.7 2/26/12 -- 6.11 -84.2 14.86 0.589 1.0 5/31/13 -- 6.42 -117.2 19.62 1.036 1.0 MW-19 10/31/11 -- 5.37 190 21.81 0.193 3.9 5/22/12 ND 4.62 131.7 19.89 0.103 0.9 6/14112 6.615 13.30 -I5.8 21.57 117.8 1 22.383 719112 ND 12.75 46.9 21.91 13.4 25.793 8/14/12 0.071 12.50 162 22.57 10.21 25.463 9/19/12 0.071 11.71 157 22.47 3.424 12.93 1215112 -- 9.99 20.1 23.03 1.537 5.2 2126/12 -- 8,14 -41.9 16.85 1.511 0.8 5131113 -- 7.50 192.5 19.86 5.885 2,7 Notes: 1.) Sodium persulfate test kits results of 0.07 g/L are treated as "non -detections", as they are within the margin -of -error for detection. 2.) Values are not consistant with historic values and may be the result of instrument malfunction. 3.) Dissolved oxygen results above saturation (approximately 9.1 mg/L at 20 °C) are considered to represent measurement error and are not considered representative of actual dissolved oxygen concentration in groundwater. Error in measurements for the sensor used, a steady-state polarographic sensor. can be caused membrane fouling and interference gases, among other causes (YSI, 2009). The likelihood of measurement error from these sources may have been heightened by the injection. 4.) Elevated pH is the result of the October 2011 sodium hydroxide pilot test injection adjacent to MW-6. Subsequent elevated pH measurements in MW-5R, MW-8R. MW-18, and MW-19 are associated with June 2012 and June 2013 sodium persulfate and sodium hydroxide injections. - activated sodium persulfate injections were performed at the site from June 4, 2012, to June 9, 2012. and from June 3, 2013, to June 6, 2013. ORP - oxidation reduction potential DO - dissolved oxygen g/L - grams per liter s.u. - standard units mV - millivolts °C - degrees Celsius mSlcm - milliSiemens per centimeter mg/L - milligrams per liter %-" = Not Measured ND - Not Detected Temp. - temperature Specific Cond. - specific conductance V'"N.. cull M410, CK. W.S. 58l K_flW_d 5v .c 5 0 tarJry W.%5 I hn1+- 1N . WN.W.412 Mn icily Gw F,~M. Rery,nRatile.)T.K., Appaalu+ . u 1 G.rl� IW. I � 3 of 3 APPENDIX H ASP Injection Performance Monitoring Parameter Time -Trend Graphs Benzene Concentrations over Time 9000 M W-3 (contra!) Injection Event MW-SR 8000 MW-8R 7000 MW-18 MW-19 Ob 6000 -GCL _ G 5000 m u C U 4000 QJ N 3000 cc 2000 1000 0 Date P OpWruja3Al+C,4A 163, C-K. WS. is KFmUwnad Sueeft5x DelnemMeslS.I Drag - Imenm D6ncrabksu 22 Wv 2013 OW Eml pwgerly Rgmrff-bWT ble, RppaWiom ud Gnphr ldr I Sodium Persulfate Concentrations over Time 44 MW-3 (control) Injection Event MW-5R 35 MW-8R 30 � - MW-18 ,ayo C fl - MW-19 L 25 G] u C a LV 24 m v 7 H L 15 2 0 a 1❑ 5 a oti� otiti aoti�' aZ� o�� o�� o oooo'ar'� o�ativti� ❑ao'�oti�' Date P OPkflf WC 4161_ CX. W-S. 341 KWIi Vad Smd%5 0 Zh lw rabkM5 I Dra15 • InMm D*%vrAA aN 22 Mau 2011 GW BvM Qu =Iy RepprOTaklcsMba u. Appcndrors, and Graphs 3aly 13 pH over Time 15.0 MW-3 (control) Injection Event 14.0 M W -5 R -MW-8R 12.0 MW-18 10.0 M W -19 7 8.0 M 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 aye O,yL OAY� O.,rb QAyY O.y1 O.yL O,yl. Oy'L O,yi. oy'1. Oy`V 4,�'1 Ory`V q��] p�7J O,y� O.y}i Oyn3 �,��'~ '',�~'� �,113 �,��'� �'�o,� 1'��'� s1�y,� �,�Q,rLyO,"y,'1.O,r1 �,'1. 'ry Date P OMmp:LMCV4 161_ CK. WS. 131 KndloaW Slrwu 0 DdwaabkO.I Drag - Inlcnm Ddncrabksw 22 W 2013 Ow @,sn QmOrdy Rtpon%T-WOTsbks. Appc M.M and Cnaplopl, I Carbon Dioxide over Time 25000 Injection Event MW-3 (control) MW-5R M W -8 R 20000 MW-18 MW-19 to 15000 a� 'x O O G 10000 M V 5000 0 �,y'y �.y'y oy�. a,�rt• qy''l• o�ti ��ti otiti oy'L O.y't. oy'1. O,k''L O.y'1. oti'1�,y'L Oy''+� oy'3 oy'� oy'� oy's Date P V8¢RpTuYsllr'C12JkF3 CK. WS- MI Hndle vd Slrcctl5 is ➢chsrnbinl5 I DWI • Imcnm Dclllwabk+'J 12 Mry 200 GW Esem Q-rwly kcpan'•Tablcs'•Ta61n..4pp-ndw and Graphs ry1r I } Sulfate over Time FF.IIIIN 16000 14000 12000 3 t►f 8000 6000 4000 2000 o �,��1�. �,��'ry 7',��,�• �,�0,'L h'�1,'L rO'�O,'L 1'��,'y �,�,y,'L �,�o,'y'��,��''1• �13,y,'L�,~$,'L �1�,y''L �'��,'� �1�,y''L '��'��,�. �,�0'�.'��,��1ry �,�o,'L'��,��,'L Date MW-3 (control) MW-5R MW-8R —MW-18 MW-19 pr MVmpwt vaCud I67. CK. W-5, NO AnWl—d Swami 0 bdt—bkasa l Dolt - Im m GeImw*bks4.2x May 20D GW E%cV Qnancrlr RcWT%bk57T*k& Ammndc , and Graphs ply 13 Specific Conductivity over Time 250 MW-3 (control) Injection Event MW-5R 200 MW-8R -MW-18 _ MW-19 150 A V u 3 G Q V 100 u 'u a� Q Ln 50 0 Date P LBPWfalags><'1�1ia 163. Cr, W-s. 361 fLffln. od Suemig Wnasbfi:55.1 FhoA -1w nm 31eh.w bk: 5a 22 Kin 20" GW Emm Quarlu# ReportUahleff*ks. Appwkl +mM Graphs Jdy 11