HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0014136_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018 (5)Michael F. Easley, Governor FWilliam G. Ross Jr., Secretary I L� o h Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality August 3, 2006 MR. BILL THUNBERG, MAYOR TOWN OF MOORESVILLE PO BOX 878 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 Subject: Renewal and Modification of Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Land Application Program Iredell County Dear Mr. Thunberg: In accordance with your permit renewal and modification application package received on June 28, 2006, we are forwarding herewith a renewed and modified Permit No. WQ0014136, dated August 3, 2006, to the Town of Mooresville for the subject residuals land application program. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31, 2011; shall void Permit No. WQ0014136, modified on February 15, 2006; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Mahe note of this permit's expiration date and the fact that a permit renewal application is due to the Division of Water Quality (Division) no later than six months prior to that date (i.e., see Condition VI. 7.), as the Division does not send reminders to apply for permit renewal. This permit is being issued to renew, and modify acreage for a total of 839.2 acres of land application sites in Cabarrus and Iredell counties for the residuals land application program. As always, remember to take the time to review this permit thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been added, changed, or deleted since the last issuance. Pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the from of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer iV DEW24 Internet http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Ellen Huffman by telephone at (704) 663-1699, extension 2186, or via e-mail at elleii.liuffman(ancmail.net. Sincerely, t'�V� p� for Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc �6 Mr. John Thompson, Synagro, Inc. Mr. Scott Berg, Synagro, Inc. Iredell county Health Department Cabarrus County health Department Mooresyille' Regional-Officd_-APS Central Files-APS APS-LAU-Files LAU Residuals Program Coordinator Technical Assistance and Certification Unit '3 _e n } s WQ-0014136 2 W ATF Michael F. Easley, Governor �C 9Q William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources rAlan W. Klimek, P.E. Director > Division of Water Quality ,y NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (503) PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Town of Mooresville Iredell County continued operation of a residuals land application program for the Town of Mooresville and consisting of the land application of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A to the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the permit modification application package received on June 28, 2006 in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31, 2011; shall void Permit No. WQ0014136, issued on February 15, 2006, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The residuals land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils of the land application sites fail to assimilate the residuals adequately and may be rescinded unless the land application sites are maintained and operated in a manner that will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and groundwater. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface waters or groundwater resulting from the operation of this residuals land application program. 4. In the event that the residuals land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Aquifer Protection Section of the Mooresville Regional Office, and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. One a olin Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 �Q { North Cuarar l in 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet: http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us 6 l Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 4 of 14 August 4, 2006 5. No residuals other than those generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be approved for land application in accordance with this permit. The pollutant concentrations in any residuals that are land applied to any land application site shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis): Parameter Ceiling Concentration (milligrams per kilogram) Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 7. When residuals are land applied under the conditions of this permit, the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33 shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation shall be performed that demonstrates the residuals' ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation, including all test -results and calculations, shall be submitted. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A shall not be required to comply with the specified pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. 8. Only the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit are approved for residuals land application. 9. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners and lessees or operators of any land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit not owned by the Permittee are in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and shall be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 10. The appropriate local governmental official (i.e., county manager, city manager, etc.) shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial .residuals land application event to any new land application site. In addition, the appropriate county manager's office shall be notified prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new site so that they will be aware that residuals land application activities have commenced on the site. 11. The Aquifer Protection Section in the Mooresville Regional Office shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new land application site. Such notification to the Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor shall be made during normal office hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) between Monday and Friday, but excluding State Holidays. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at http://www.enr.state.nc.us/html/regionaloffices.html. WQ-0014136 4 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 5 of 14 August 2, 2006 II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The facilities and land application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. Upon classification of the residuals land application program by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the program. The operator shall hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the program by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee shall also designate a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0202. 3. No residuals shall be stored at any land application site at any time, unless written approval has first been requested and obtained from the Division. 4. A copy of this permit shall be maintained in all manned equipment at the land application sites when residuals are being land applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. When land applying residuals to any land application site, the following buffer zones shall be maintained at all times: a. 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section in the Mooresville Regional Office in Attachment B of this permit; b. 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Aquifer Protection Section in the Mooresville Regional Office in Attachment B of this permit; c. 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods; d. 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application; e. 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application; f. 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g. 50 feet from public right of ways for both surface and subsurface application methods; h. 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both surface and subsurface application methods; and 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems, and surface drainage ditches for both surface and subsurface application methods. Some of the buffers specified above may not have been included in previous permits for this residuals land application program. However, any land application sites that are listed in the most recently - certified Attachment B of this permit, but were approved with different buffers shall be reflagged to comply with these buffers. WQ-0014136 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 6 of 14 August 2, 2006 Maximum slope for land application of residuals shall be 10 percent for surface application methods and 18 percent for subsurface application methods. 7. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each land application site prior to and during a residuals land application event. The metal loading rates on any land application site shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter CPLR (kilo ams per hectare) CPLR founds per acre) Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum n/a n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 9. An acceptable pH shall be maintained in the soil, residuals, and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites onto which residuals are land applied to ensure optimum yield for the crops specified in -Condition II. 13. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 10. Should any of the residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in. the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit contain a high salt content (i.e., sodium adsorption ratio .(SAR) of five or higher), the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) or other method as approved by the Division, using the results from the annual soils analysis as required by this permit, shall be monitored on all of the land application sites. The local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina -licensed Soil Scientist, or other agronomist shall review the results and make recommendations regarding soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.) or other ameliorative mechanism for maintaining the integrity of the site in terms of suitability for land application of residuals and maintaining conditions conducive to crop .growth. The Permittee shall implement such recommendations accordingly and shall maintain written records of each monitoring event that includes details of the sites covered and rate of soil amendment application. 11. Prior to land applying residuals to any land application site that has previously received or is intended to receive animal waste (e.g., poultry litter, etc.) or other source of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, etc.) in the future, the Permittee shall obtain information pertaining to the volume and analysis of the applied waste/nutrients from the landowner and/or lessee/operator of the site. The Permittee shall be responsible for verifying the volume of residuals that may be land applied to the site such that the plant available nitrogen (PAN) loading rate for the specified crop (i.e., see Condition 11. 13.) shall not be exceeded by all of the sources of PAN applied. Should the maximum PAN loading rate be met or exceeded, then no additional residuals shall be land applied to the site. WQ-0014136 6 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 7 of 14 August 2, 2006 12. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in Condition II. 13, shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are land applied in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist and as approved by the Division. 13. Residuals and other sources of PAN shall be land applied to all land application sites at agronomic rates in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. Under no circumstances shall the following PAN loading rates land applied to any site exceed the following for the specified crops: PAN PAN Crop (pounds per Crop (pounds per acre per ear) acre per year Alfalfa 200 Forest 75 Hardwood or Softwood) Bermuda Grass 220 Milo 100 (Hay or Pasture) Blue Grass 120 Small Grain 100 Wheat, Barley, or Oats) Corn 160 Sorghum or Sudex 180 (Grain) Pasture) Corn 200 Sorghum or Sudex 220 (Silage) (Silage) Cotton 70 Soybeans 200 Fescue 250 Timothy, Orchard, or 200 Rye Grasses The Permittee shall apply for and receive a modification of this permit before land applying residuals on any land application site that is to be established in a crop other than those listed above. A maximum PAN loading rate for the desired crop shall be approved with the permit modification. If the land application sites are to be overseeded (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with BOTH crops to receive residuals), then the second crop shall receive an application of PAN at a rate of no greater than 50 pounds per acre per year. This practice shall be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no residuals shall be land applied to these sites because the PAN will essentially be returned to the soil. Residuals shall not be land applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 14. Animals shall not be grazed on any land application site for 30 days after any residuals land application event. Sites that are to be used for .grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each event. 15. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after any residuals land application event. 16. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after any residuals land application event. WQ-0014136 7 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 8 of 14 August 2, 2006 17. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (i.e., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 18. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 19. Turf shall not be harvested for one year after any residuals land application event. 20. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into any surface waters. 21. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any land applied or stored residuals into any surface waters. 22. Surface -applied residuals shall be plowed or disced within 24 hours after land application on land application sites with no cover crop established. 23. For land application sites that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals shall be land applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals shall be incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after land application. 24. Residuals shall not be land applied during inclement weather or until 24-hours following a rainfall event of 0.5-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals land application measures shall first be approved in writing by the Division. 25. Residuals shall not be land applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen, or snow-covered. 26. Appropriate measures shall be taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. III. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring (i.e., including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure protection of the environment shall be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most -recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they, are non -hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analysis as well as a Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analyses shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the analyses shall be required for each residuals land application event. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the WQ-0014136 8 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 9 of 14 August 2, 2006 most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) Barium (100.0) Benzene (0.5) Cadmium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Chlordane (0.03) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Chloroform (6.0) Chromium (5.0) m-Cresol (200.0) o-Cresol (200.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Cresol (200.0) 2,4-D (10.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Methoxychlor (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) After the residuals have been monitored as specified above for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to request a reduction of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per permit cycle. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analysis shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, an analysis shall be required for each residuals land application event. The analysis shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following parameters: Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Percent Total Solids pH Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Sodium Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Zinc Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) After the residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of this monitoring be less than once per year when a residuals land application event of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facility occurs during that year. WQ-0014136 9 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 10 of 14 August 2, 2006 4. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be monitored for compliance with Condition I. 7, (pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements). The monitoring shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and data to verify pathogen and vector attraction reduction of the residuals shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, but also shall be sufficient to demonstrate clear compliance with the Class A pathogen reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen reduction requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b) as well as one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification statements concerning compliance with pathogen reduction requirements, vector attraction reduction requirements, and management practices shall be completed quarterly by the proper authority or authorities, if more than one is involved (i.e., either the person who prepares the residuals, the person who derives the material, or the person who applies the residuals). Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from Condition I. 7. in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall riot be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. 5. Laboratory analyses as required by Condition III. 2 (TCLP), Condition III. 3 (503 metals), and Condition III. 4 (pathogens and VAR) shall be performed/gathered on the residuals as they are to be land applied. Furthermore, analytical determinations made pursuant to the monitoring and reporting requirements of this permit shall be made by a laboratory certified by the Division for the required parameter(s) under 15A NCAC 2H .0800 or 15A NCAC 2H .1100. 6. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all residuals land application events. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number); d. Method of land application; e. Weather conditions (i.e., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); f. Soil conditions (i.e., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); g. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; h. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, dry tons per acre, or kilograms per hectare; i. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); j. Volume of soil amendments (i.e., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); and k. Annual and cumulative totals of dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (i.e., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (i.e., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. WQ-0014136 10 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 11 of 14 August 2, 2006 A representative annual soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site on which a residuals land application event in the respective calendar year has occurred or is to occur, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Calcium Cation Exchange Capacity Copper Base Saturation (by calculation) Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (by calculation) Magnesium Phosphorus Manganese Potassium Percent Humic Matter Sodium pH Zinc 8. Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in Condition III. 1., Condition III. 2., Condition III. 3., Condition III.4., Condition III, 5., Condition III, 6., and Condition III. 7. shall be submitted annually on or before March 1 st of the year following the residuals land application event to the following address: NCDENR-DWQ Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 9. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Divisions Aquifer Protection Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the residuals land application program that results in the land application of significant amounts of residuals that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the residuals land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the residuals land application program has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the program system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the residuals land application program incapable of adequate residuals treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. WQ-0014136 11 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 12 of 14 August 2, 2006 IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS 1. Land Application Site Requirements: a. Each land application site identified with a GW-A in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application events may occur on these sites throughout the year. b. Each land application site identified with a GW-B in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet below the land surface. Residual land application events on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. No residuals shall be land applied to these sites when the vertical separation between the depth of residuals land application and the water table is less than three feet. The actual water table depth for seasonally -restricted soils shall be verified by soil borings within 24 hours prior to any residuals land application event that occurs from April through November, inclusive. The number of borings advanced shall be sufficient to characterize water table conditions across the land application site adequately. Any open borings shall be properly filled with native soil, prior to the residuals land application event, to decrease the chance of any residuals contaminating the groundwater. 2. Applicable Boundary Requirements: a. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for residuals land application programs is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L (i.e., "Groundwater Classifications and Standards"). The Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residuals land application area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). b. The REVIEW BOUNDARY shall be established around each land application site midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals land application area. Any exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at the Review Boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). 3. Additional Requirements: a. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V. INSPECTIONS 1. Prior to each residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application sites or WQ-0014136 12 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 13 of 14 August 2, 2006 facilities at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, soils, residuals, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the residuals land application events are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by the Division. 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the application and other supporting data. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action. by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A through § 143-215.6C. 4. The annual administering and compliance fee shall be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit, as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO 100000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 213.0200 and 15A NCAC .0500. - 6. This permit may be modified, revoked, and/or reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to protect the environment and public health adequately. 7. The Permittee, at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Division shall review the adequacy of the facilities and residuals land application program described therein, and if warranted, shall extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. This permit shall not be automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the residuals land application program to change ownership or to change the name of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division documentation from the parties involved and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. WQ-0014136 13 Renewal and Modification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 14 of 14 August 2, 2006 Permit issued this the third day of August, 2006. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION .,for Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville WQ-0014136 14 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residual Sources Permit Number: WO0014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Monitoring Maximum Monitoring Freq. for Cond. Approved Permit Issued Is Dry Tons Freq. for Ill. 3. & Cond. Mineralization Owner Facility Name County Number By 503? Per Year Cond. III. 2. III. 4. Rate Town of Mooresville Rocky River WWTP Iredell NC0046728 DWQ 503 657. Annually. Quarterly .30 Total 657. Source residuals for WQ0014136 Certified August 3, 2006 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit Number: W00014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Dominant NET GW Field/Zone Id Owner Lessee County Latitude' Longitude Soil Series Acreage Restrictions NC-CB-07-01 Wayne, Jeremy Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35030105" 80045'53" Cecil 16.00 GW-A NC-CB-07-02 Hayer, Lillian Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029159" 80046104" Cecil 2.00 GW-A NC-CB-07-03 Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029154" 80045'58" Cecil (pacolet) 11.00 GW-A NC-CB-07-04 Brewer, Larry Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'45" 80046'06" Cecil 6.00 GW-A Total For County Cabarrus 35.00 NC-IR-01-OIA Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'49" 80046'14" Lloyd 8.70 GW-A NC-IR-01-01B Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'49" 80046'14" Lloyd 14.50 GW-A NC-IR-01-02 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'50" 80045'59" Lloyd 17.40 GW-A NC-IR-01-03 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'54" 80046'06" Lloyd 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-01-04 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'20" 80044'36" Davidson 23.10 GW-A NC-IR-01-05 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'27" 80044'20" Davidson 7.80 GW-A NC-IR-01-06 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'18" 80044'47" Chewacla 17.80 GW-A NC-IR-01-07 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'18" 80045'00" Chewacla 4.20 GW-B NC-IR-01-08 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'24" 80045'09" Chewacla 24.10 GW-A NC-IR-01-09 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'37" 80044'56" Chewacla 4.20 GW-B NC-IR-01-10 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'38" 80045'03" Mecklenburg 4.60 GW-A NC-IR-02-01 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'03" 80047'17" Cecil 6.50 GW-A NC-IR-02-02 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35035'56" 80047'04" Cecil 7.00 GW-A NC-IR-02-03 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'02" 80047'14" Cecil 12.10 GW-A NC-IR-02-04 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35035'54" 80047'12" Cecil 24.80 GW-A NC-IR-02-05 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'03" 80047-02" Cecil 1.80 GW-A NC-IR-02-06 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'05" 80046'60" Cecil 8.20 GW-A NC-IR-11-01 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35039'01" 80046146" Cecil 38.00 GW-A NC-IR-I1-02 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35038'39" 80046'43" Cecil 22.50 GW-A NC-IR-I 1-03 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35038'47" 80046'27" Cecil 43.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-03 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35034'22" 80046'47" Cecil 23.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-04 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35034'32" 80046'47" Cecil 21.20 GW-A NC-IR-13-02 Carrington, Douglas W Iredell 35036'20" 80046'10" Cecil 28.40 GW-A NC-IR-14-01 Barker, Juanita J Barry & Paul McAllister & Barker Iredell 35031'22" 8004706" Mecklenburg 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-14-03A Barker, Juanita J Barry & Paul McAllister & Barker Iredell 35031'10" 80047'15" Mecklenburg 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-14-03B Barker, Juanita J Barry & Paul McAlister & Barker Iredell 35031'10" 80047'15" Lloyd 3.90 GW-A NC-IR-15-01 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'07" 80050'12" Cecil 15.50 GW-A 1 of 2 Att B. WQ0014136 Certified 08/03/2006 NC-IR-15-02 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'09" 80050'08" Cecil 5.60 GW-A NC-IR-15-03 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'30" 80049'54" Cecil 46.40 GW-A NC-IR-15-04 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'12" 80049'56" Cecil 18.10 GW-A NC-IR-17-01 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35031'60" 80049'05" Enon 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-17-02 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35031'56" 80049'04" Cecil 10.00 GW-A NC-IR-17-03 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35031'48" 80049'03" Pacolet 14.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-02 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'14" 80049'01" Cecil 2.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-03 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'18" 80049'06" Cecil 2.50 _ GW-A NC-IR-18-04 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'27" 80048'56" Cecil 7.50 GW-A NC-IR-18-05 Hager, Donald Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'19" 80049'22" Cecil 32.00 GW-A NC-IR-20-01 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047'51" 80046'34" Appling 11.40 GW-A NC-IR-20-02 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047151" 80046'20" Cecil 13.20 GW-A NC-IR-20-03 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047'59" 80046'01" Cecil 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-20-04A Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047146" 80045'33" Cecil 44.20 GW-A NC-IR-20-04B Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048120" 80045139" Cecil 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-20-06 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'03" 80046105" Helena 18.60 GW-A NC-IR-20-07 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'10" 80046'10" Helena 13.90 GW-A NC-IR-20-08 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'23" 80046104" Appling 11.20 GW-A NC-IR-20-09 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'18" 80045158" Cecil 12.20 GW-A NC-IR-20-11 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35046'36" 80045'50" Cecil 41.60 GW-A NC-IR-20-12 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'29" 80045157" Cecil 3.60 GW-A NC-IR-21-01 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35029'12" 80046120" Bethlehem 13.80 GW-A NC-IR-21-02 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35039'10" 80046102" Pacolet 15.90 GW-A NC-IR-21-03 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35039'01" 80045'59" Pacolet 32.60 GW-A NC-IR-21-04 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35038'54" 80046'09" Bethlehem 7.30 GW-A Total For County Iredell 804.20 Total 839.20 new fields are in bold print GW-A- is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application events may occur on these sites year round. GW-B- is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. 2 of 2 Att B. WQ0014136 Certified 08/03/2006 S 1 1'V.t GRO VICINITY 1l/IAP A Residuali Management Company COUNTY OWNER Deivit// S A#IZZl �s Ale -7-,e - 26 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company �j - N' 'I'', S.- f 19' J", f YN X& z L ON o IV. 0 —7 —7- K j :/• i _r � � S``` 'Y s r L j •"� i � - 'k 3'_�Z� ,, � ,�s+k� �r r r � f `>.,._.:./ s JE t � e i3 �'.,�' l�VIA ',c n A il '07K ;:fff r "..l i iC?�: O''�r I �€ 44 J.vt ..l '�i �'^ -.3 \. 14,0 V. is I 75" X 2-ti- Av�i k��li xp q lb-'a-0 V A IV, J OWNERAOMW6 SCALE: 1"= llot-9t) FIELDS PHOTOQUAD/YEAR CONTOUR INTERVAL SITE SUMMARY * * City of Mooresville Mooresville, NC Site ID: NC-IR-20 Owner: Dennis Phillips Address: 201 Barry Oaks Road Statesville, NC 28625 Phone: (704) 873-5907 (home) Operator: (same) Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres Cron(s) Latitude & Predominant Longitude Slnnp (°/) Snil Spripc in M Sl 1 12.6 11.4 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Appling 35.47.51 N 80.46.34 W 2 14.5 13.2. fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.51 N 80.46.20 W 3 17.2 11.6. fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.59 N 80.46.01 W 4A 48.8 44.2 fescue (hay) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.46 N 80.45.33 W 4B 12.7 11.6 fescue (hay) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.80 N 80.45.39 W 6 27.0 18.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Helena 35.48.03 N 80.46.05 W 7 19.9 13.9 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Helena 35.48.10 N 80.46.10 W 8 16.1 11.2 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Appling 35.48.23 N 80.46.04 W 9 12.5 12.2 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.48.18 N 80.45.58 W 11 50.0 41.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.46.36 N 80.45.50 W 12 8.0 3.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.48.29 N 80.45.57 W TOTALS 239.3 193.1 Notes: * Fields 6 and 7 are seasonally restricted Date: 6/27/06 SYNAGIRO APPLICATION AREA MAP A xadduali hfan, gement Company Owner &/v v/s /��i/�DS Scale: 1" _ &0 Field # / NC-12- 20 . . __> STREAM DRAIN SURFACE WATER FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE . Total Acres 564t,5tel-AI M1412 Net Acres . e- tSic�tLdY3Clt�', APPLICATION AREA — — — — — — r PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE WELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR � INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE APPLICATION AREA MAP i • 8 � f7 Qu ` PL � PL Cf /ii/e-44e,Z14AW 4xe gWA,4 ` IBM- SYNAGRO. A Residuals Afanaeement Comba?n c Owner . De4i7 t5 Al li(AS Scale: I" _ Q Field # Total Acresf',�itcLtdL9c2ciy NetAcres . -> STREAM CID APPLICATION AREA — — — — - — PRIVATE ROAD . — > DRAIN HOUSE FORESTED AREA GDSURFACE WATER ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE FENCE 0WELL �— O STORAGE AREA O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR ® INCORPORATION, ��� PROPERTY LINE 8-12% SLOPE APPLICATION AREA MAP �1 SYNAG 0 A R"Idualr Manaeement Combanv Owner. 0(217131,5 MIIAJ, S Scale: l" = Field # Total Acres Net Acres i�Fe6�ccst � . — > STREAM CID APPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE ROAD DRAIN HOUSE FORESTED AREA CDSURFACE WATER ❑ • OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE -3' X FENCE WELL STORAGE AREA O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR O ® INCORPORATION, ��� �� PROPERTY LINE 8-12% SLOPE NN SYNAGRO VICINITY MAP A Residualr Afanagemew Company COUNTY , ��=D�G� OWNER I-Aek Y ga.L 42D S <l f11� A SYN GRO TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Management Company /',{rr F 1 _.�,.. , �• ¢ - s j I ?�� s -+.`f f `�l r r.. r e• S S ; Ii. S• t z ? [t f5 } r 1r t t r L. • , Vic, \`� 77 )zz[[> / T s i` 4' a ' ts:F fj rf :-_!} 5 t ! {__r , 4t f• r t �,. -. t 1. JJY yy _� t� a ,j arc � " •", t \ ` s * .t, ✓/! ` j1 r , . _ ! �r t 4 a} �, ,"✓ t 1 !, r f,'F`:j! . w r .: �; i ' s 3 r ✓ � J t � \ 'n 14 7 (l . t, /e� %5.: ,� to t ��..�� ,r ; l�rf ✓:.fi y/'✓�`._�: r � ° �'-.'`T.✓�;. r �../` �;�i.�.� r`h��y , ,� Rk�y di - r �� ��,t -l r �� r• .a 1 f r/i ! 6 •"� r fJ"� x?'�{� V� C. r A �" f .. �ti \. �� 1 : � s \ t')) / r" t ✓..-r"%8 7 1 ( 7`x `.+. ? .-i,,�''y 1 At�?4ti t / �rri i `y t3C<j � '. �f r s �S � i� it ��) / t � l � � '°� � f✓. -- jiC' �e a � { jSx � - f / '`,..•.�4t;y "y f 3 i ! \ { �� fFi q I�1 tz'xll 1 gcral!✓raJ t\! ?! \` r i { i ? �:� 1 z t } cj s �isti� 1 ,�.� I r� ..r�t.Jr � .,' r �' ✓ — ' t� ,E',�, °` 9Y'�+� elf "p� \rft,ftq aL ,� � �> C 3�i'Z f�`R'' { � "7��••-'f�}�r i r ,,�'{ cvs ✓ '�f''a� _ r �t j ( f }���tl ' CJ �' • i h� r"�i�le� �F" a { t (L,,,• i d y rf,. s,L. T''.. "'a .r 'S. J ' ✓ "-g �,� y �,tr �, t r � l�j t4 Y.•�• �^;°Y,.+^.-�---'��,t � 3�,, �\ 03 � �S 1 t = �' '`vv'l,J.�� t1i.-- � ' a �' r e Syr .. .,•� � .r _ � l�atl� l �!� ..,�.f / clr° �� I K i� ? :;> �! :� v� "' � � � 1? ! t I yt✓�f 1 tN-M'l evt'1'tt y.` .x?✓ �� �ir r"- a � � � � �. �'S y � { Fri I �, f , ��� � '� a t... •, r`,"- � � "-•-a...,J � �. a - '`�, o . t".'`^-.."%fr f✓/y-.>. yam'. t" a,.. .„, - Jw _•. _. a , �,r"�.r -� ! ' � , C ' p SM�,�. �,\ \ � . �..s !! ti``. �. a •c �"%i'�t, 5. f ./ � .s' �.0 Y• %. , f ! ; � qq r f ,✓ V � C ��S � i f � \'` h" `� ,� l 1 rt ..,.+�,.y ti r !✓ � �'� r z t, � 5 Y i � f .i �r 4 r.l }t� -�i 1 !•^`f ,�! �tlF i r.r q f�j r � N.s I � Ali � : ��� t � a. xv i � -. F "'.,'?3•`�}cYr� g "•t=cad----= 'r,.'�... ..� � + ... "' f .�' .��';l,�t'Jli �"��.•....,...•+ 1 �. }�../ ._� 1 �U�'�,. yy. �'] `, it�.\� ,4..._ 's> 1 ���`��q4� `?,"'�. `�- iU�yi}� a E ♦ I) _ .� n ` ..✓ � i a s �i ill•\ r-'•......",, � llli`a' ` r: )f t MKI 1%1\ ti � E x �! ♦ � { >�A r E tc��'�'�} �"' e . } i ! r r ey�.� �` • t ' _ a rs ,�..+,.�, 1 � ' s r �t i�� r � t: y. ''1� � ! ,r •� 1 r � f .L ,; E Cl � 1 y ! f �il\�5 f 7 t Y ?`. �e t � �,'v'}� �� ! j t ttt... .s+a{ .-.-re' � 1 i� , � -�) r r' e •,�ti i i t � {� ,'+ � }`� � �; `. ' t �� ', � ' `•. v�.`t".. •"`"-h:. '•,....-.�1.,.-.f a, tae... �. �.t�l ! ./ :a rs �v�,,'1z� 7{ Is X ..y, G,T„'s s•'1 i�" i� ya' 7 OWNER ` /� / e (e SCALE: I" = FIELDS / - /VLII -2 PHOTOQUAD/YEAR %'yl 4(L1,4 XX/ - CONTOUR INTERVAL /� SITE SUMMARY City of Mooresville Mooresville, NC Site ID: NC-IR-21 Owner: Larry Edwards Address: 1095 Mazeppa Road MT. Ulla, NC 28152 Phone: (704) 663-4649 (home) (704) 252-0003 (cell) . Operator: (same) Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres Cron(s) Latitude & Predominant Longitude Slone (%1 Soil Series ID-M-S) 1 17.6 13.8 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Bethlehem 35.29.12 N 80.46.20 W 2 19.3 15.9 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Pacolet 35.39.10 N 80.46.02 W 3 47.5 32.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Pacolet 35.39.01 N 80.45.59 W 4 14.5 7.3 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Bethlehem 35.38.54 N 80.46.09 W TOTALS 98.9. 69.6 Notes: Date: 5/26/06 rj =r SYNAGRO APPLICATION AREA MAP • A RellduaZr M=.,,,. ��� , Owner 2A;,0PY C'0 �-f21,s Scale: 1" Field # Total Acres S rr,r;; '>>': Net Acres .. > STREAMCi) APPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE ROAD DRAIN HOUSE FORESTED AREA DSURFACE WATER ElOUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE ��—X-- X FENCE 0 WELL CDSTORAGE AREA O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR ® INCORPORATION, PROPERTY LINE 8-12% SLOPE O� N1 A rE R Michael F. Easley, Governor ��+• >.ti(,� FILE William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources > i : r Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director p ���°� _••:- --• � Division of Water Quality August 10, 2006 MR. BILL THUNBERG, MAYOR TOWN OF MOORESVILLE PO BOX 878 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 Subject: Permit Correction Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Land Application Program Iredell County Dear Mr. Thunberg: On August 7, 2006, the Division of Water Quality, Aquifer Protection Section, received notification from Scott Berg of SYNAGRO, Inc., that there was a typographical error in the above - referenced permit. As such, we are forwarding herewith a corrected Page 1 to be included in Permit No.WQ0014136, issued on August 3, 2006. Page 1 of the permit has been corrected to reflect the correct expiration date, June 30, 2009, and not July 31, 2011 as was originally drafted in the permit. Also note that the attachment B is being re- issued with the corrected groundwater restriction for fields NC-IR-20, fields 6 and 7. Please insert this corrected Page p and Attachment B into Permit No. M7QQ1014I36, issued on August 3, 2006. If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please me via telephone at (704) 663-1699 or through e-mail at elleii.liuffmatia nctnail.net. Sincerely, Ellen' �B�dSpectallst Mooresville Regional Office Enclosure cc: Scott Berg, SYNAGRO APS Central Files LAU Residuals Program Coordinator Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 NoViCarolina Rai Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Fax (919)715-0598 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% FZecycled110% Post Consumer Paper ATTACHMENT B - Approved. Land Application Sites Permit dumber: WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Dominant NET GW Field/Zone Id Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude Soil Series Acreage Restrictions NC-CB-07-01 Wayne, Jeremy Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35°30'05" 80"45'53" Cecil 16.00 GW-A NC-CB-07-02 Mayer, Lillian Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'59" 80046'04" Cecil 2.00 GW-A NC-CB-07-03 Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'54" 80045'58" Cecil (pacolet) 11.00 GW-A NC-CB-07-04 Brewer, Larry Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'45" 80046'06" Cecil 6.00 GW-A Total For County Cabarrus 35.00 NC-IR-01-OIA Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'49" 80046'14" Lloyd 8.70 GW-A NC-IR-0I-OIB Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'49" 80046'14" Lloyd 14.50 GW-A NC-IR-01-02 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'50" 80045'59" Lloyd 17.40 GW-A NC-LR-01-03 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'54" 80046'06" Lloyd 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-01-04 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'20" 80044'36" Davidson 23.10 GW-A NC-IR-01-05 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'27" 80044'20" Davidson 7.80 GW-A NC-IR-01-06 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'18" 80044'47" Chewacla 17.80 GW-A NC-IR-01-07 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'18" 80045'00" Chewacla 4.20 GW-B NC-IR-01-08 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'24" 80045'09" Chewacla 24.10 GW-A NC-IR-01-09 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'37" 80044'56" Chewacla 4.20 GW-B NC-IR-01-10 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'38" 80045'03" Mecklenburg 4.60 GW-A NC-IR-02-01 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'03" 80047'17" Cecil 6.50 GW-A NC-IR-02-02 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35035'56" 80047'04" Cecil 7.00 GW-A NC-IR-02-03 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35"36'02" 80047'14" Cecil 12.10 GW-A NC-IR-02-04 Neel, Robert G Iredeli 35035'54" 8004712" Cecil 24.80 GW-A NC-IR-02-05 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'03" 8004702" Cecil 1.80 GW-A NC-IR-02-06 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35"36'05" 80046'60" Cecil 8.20 GW-A NC-IR-11-01 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35039'01" 80046'46" Cecil 38.00 GW-A NC-IR-11-02 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35038'39" 80046'43" Cecil 22.50 GW-A NC-IR-11-03 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35038'47" 80046'27" Cecil _ 43.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-03 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35034'22" 80046'47" Cecil 23.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-04 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35034'32" 80046'47" Cecil 21.20 GW-A NC-IR-13-02 Carrington, Douglas W Iredell 35036'20" 80°46'10" Cecil 28.40 GW-A NC-IR-14-01 Barker, Juanita J Barry & Paul McAllister & Barker Iredell 35031'22" 8004706" Mecklenburg 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-14-03A Barker, Juanita J Barry & Paul McAllister & Barker Iredell 35031'10" 80047'15" Mecklenburg 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-14-03B Barker, Juanita J Barry & Paul McAlister & Barker Iredell 35031'10" 80047115" Lloyd 3.90 GW-A NC-IR-15-01 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'07" 80050'12" Cecil 15.50 GW-A 1 of 2 Att B. WQ0014136 Certified 08/03/2006 NC-IR-15-02 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'09" 80050'08" Cecil 5.60 GW-A NC-IR-15-03 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'30" 80049'54" Cecil 46.40 G`N-A NC-IR-15-04 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'12" 80049'56" Cecil 18.10 GW-A NC-IR-17-01 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35°31'60" 80049'05" Enon 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-17-02 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell .35031'56" 80049'04" Cecil 10.00 GW-A NC-IR-17-03 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35031'48" 80049'03" Pacolet 14.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-02 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'14" 80049'01" Cecil 2.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-03 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'18" 80049'06" Cecil 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-18-04 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'27" 80048'56" Cecil 7.50 GW-A NC-IR-18-05. Hager, Donald Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'19" 80049'22" Cecil 32.00 GW-A NC-I.12-20-01 Phillips,. Dennis Iredell 35047151" 80046'34" Appling 11.40 GW-A NC-IR-20-02 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047151" 80046120" Cecil 13.20 CW-A NC-IR-20-03 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047'59" 80°46'01" Cecil 11.60 CW-A NC-III-20-04A Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35047'46" 80045'33" Cecil 44.20 GW-A NC-III-20-04B Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'20" 80045139" Cecil 11.60 Gam' -A NC-IR-20-06 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'03" 80046105"' Helena 18.60 G4Vd-B NC-IR-20-07 Phillips, Bennis Iredell 35048110" 80046'10" Helena 13.90 GW-B NC-IR-20-08 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048'23" 80046'04" Appling 11.20 GW-A NC-IR-20-09 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35048118" 80045'58" Cecil 12.20 GW-A NC-IR-20-11 Phillips, Dennis Iredell 35046'36" 80045'50" Cecil 41.60 GW-A NC-III-20-12 PhiMps, Dennis Iredell 35048'29" 80045'57" Cecil 3.60 GW-A NC-IR-21-01 Edvi2rds, Larry Iredell 35029'12" 80046'20" Bethlehem 13.80 GIVY-A NC-IR-21-02 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35039'10" 80046'02" Pacolet 15.90 C-W-A NC-`aR-21-03 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35039101" 80045159" Pacolet 32.60 GWI -A NC IR-21-04 Edwards, Larry Iredell 35038'54" 80046'09" Bethlehem 7.30 GW-A Total For County Iredell 804.20 Teal 839.20 new fields are in bold print GW-A- is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application events may occur on these -sites year round. GW.-S- is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high dater table bebNeen one and three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application or. these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. 2of2 Att B. VIQ0014135 Certified 08/03/2006 i tiz: iviooresviuerermit wyuui4i3o Subject: RE: Mooresville Permit WQ0014136 From: 'Berg, Scott" <sberg@synagro.com> Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 14:15:17 -0500 To: "Ellen Huffman" <Ellen.Huffrnan@ncmail.net> OK, do what has to be done. Enjoy your time off! -----Original Message ----- From: Ellen Huffman[mailto:Ellen.Huffman@ncmail.net] Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:55 PM To: Berg, Scott Subject: Re: Mooresville Permit WQ0014136 Hey Scott, I know that you (and the town) appreciate the two extra years on the permit but, since it was a central office error, I get to fix it . Be looking for a correction letter from me in the near future. It will include a new att. B with the GW B corection as well as the correct expiration date. Also, I will be gone the week of August 14th. All the best, Ellen ---------------------------------- Berg, Scott wrote: Hey Ellen, I recieved the new permit for Mooresville. Thanks for the quick response. I need to bring to your attention that the application document submitted on June 28, 2006 was for a modification but the permit came back as being renewed and modified with a new 5 year expiration date. We do not have a problem with this if the State does not mind, but we did feel that this should be mentioned. Also, fields NC-IR-20-6 and NR-IR-20-7 should have been restricted as "seasonal" (or GW-B) based on our soils work, but were listed as GW-A in the new Attachment B. I should have watched more closely on my review of the draft copy. Please advise of how this is to be handled. Scott D. Berg office (336) 766-0328, ext 127 mobile (336) 813-6393 sberg@synagro.com Ellen Huffman Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Dept. of Environment Aquifer Protection 610 East Center Avenue Mooresville, NC 28115 Ph: 704.663.1699 Fax: 704.663 & Natural Resources 6040 1 of 1 8/10/2006 9:41 AM Central Files APS_ j;SWP ';= Perrrt€t °zrter 1/VQ001t4136 _-- it Tracking Slip Program Category Non -discharge Permit Type Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Primary Reviewer andrew.pitner Permitted Flow Status ect T e In review Cermit ewal with major mod _' Version Classificatibn B - Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Scott Berg 6220 A Hackers Bend C ourtt Winston Salem NC 271039778 s=;=;, -'iIity Facility Name Major/Minor Region Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Major Mooresville Program ' Location Address County PO Box 878 Iredell Mooresville NC 281150878 Facility Contact Affiliation 0-yzI 11aI- Owner.Narne- ---.,, . Owner Type 0GoveT,ownaf*Maoresvlll rnment -Municipal Owner Affiliation James Justice, Manager Town PO Box 878 Mooresville NC 281150878 Scheduled Oritg Issue App Received Draft initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue . Effective Expiration 06/08/97 06/28/06 equal ted Activities Fvrrtts Wastewater treatment and disposal RO staff report received R7 staff report requested Cutfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin p C C IE0WE J U N 3 0 2006 NC DENR MRO DWQ -Aquifer Protection Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 29, 2006 Bill Thunberg Town of Mooresville P.O. Box 878 Mooresville, NC 28115-878 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Residuals Land of Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Iredell Dear Mr. Thunberg: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on June 28, 2006. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Andrew Pither. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. To check on the status of your application, you can visit http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/reportsPermits.html. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Pither at 704-235-2180, or via e-mail at andrew.pitner@ncmail.net. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/doctiments/dwq orgchart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE. APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, for Kim H. Colson, P.E. Supervisor cc: rvv�ll gita • rti Piol ce file tron Scott Berg, PE - Synagro, Inc. Permit Application File WQ0014136 Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Internet: www.ncwaterquality.orq Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper p EP- _ dCE JUN 3 0 2006 NC DENR MRO DWQ - Aquifer Protection NorthCarolina NirtaanIly Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: (919) 733-3221 Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: (919) 715-0588 Fax 2: (919) 715-6048 Customer Service: (877) 623-6748 NIA7- RQ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary rNorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 29, 2006 Bill Thunberg Town of Mooresville P.O. Box 878 Mooresville, NC 28115-878 Subject: Acknowledgement of Application No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Residuals Land of Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Iredell Dear Mr. Thunberg: The Aquifer Protection Section of the Division of Water Quality (Division) acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting materials on June 28, 2006. This application package has been assigned the number listed above and will be reviewed by Andrew Pither. The reviewer will perform a detailed review and contact you with a request for additional information if necessary. To ensure the maximum efficiency in processing permit applications, the Division requests your assistance in providing a timely and complete response to any additional information requests. Please be aware that the Division's Regional Office, copied below, must provide recommendations prior to final action by the Division. Please also note at this time, processing permit applications can take as long as 60 - 90 days after receipt of a complete application. To check on the status of your application, you can visit http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/reports/reportsPermits.html. If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Pither at 704-235-2180, or via e-mail at andrew.pitner@ncmail.net. If the reviewer is unavailable, you may leave a message, and they will respond promptly. Also note that the Division has reorganized. To review our new organizational chart, go to http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/documents/dwq or cg hart.pdf. PLEASE REFER TO THE ABOVE APPLICATION NUMBER WHEN MAKING INQUIRIES ON THIS PROJECT. Sincerely, for Kim H. Colson, P.E. Supervisor cc: Mooresville Regional Office, Aquifer Protection Section Scott Berg, PE - Synagro, Inc. atp AZmatmIile1Wr400r1s4y1�36 p K-C E0W JUN 3 0 2006 NC DENR NIRO pWQ -A uifer Protection Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Telephone: Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax 1: Fax 2: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Customer Service: Nne orthCarolina Ivatilrallil (919)733-3221 (919)715-0588 (919)715-6048 (877)623-6748 ,I ,i j J Se...�. f' _ � Application Reviewer: /-�ti CpZt Ci Pre -Review: Conducted? Conducted? ❑ Yes ❑ No (within 2 weeks of receipt) ❑ Yes ❑ No If No, ❑ Pre -Review Return (return form to supervisor) ❑ Unknown Owner Type: ❑ Non -Gov't (❑ Ind. or ❑ Org.) ❑ Gov. -Municipal ❑ Gov. -County ❑ Gov. -State ❑ Gov. -Federal ❑ Proposed ❑ Existing ❑ Facility ❑ Operation —Other ❑ Other: Project Type: Special Entry Issues: ❑ Name Change Notes: ND Major ❑ ND Minor ❑ SFR ❑ Application ❑ Recycle ❑ Other Express Review project Surface Irrigation ❑ Surface Irrigation — SFR ❑ Reuse ❑ Reuse Distribution Line High -Rate Infil. ❑ Infil./Evap. Lagoon ❑ Recycle ❑ Pump & Haul ❑ GW Remed. (ND) For Residuals: ❑ Land App. ❑ D&M ❑ Surface Disposal ❑ 503 ❑ 503 Exempt ❑ New ❑ Major Mod. ❑ Ownership Change ❑ Animal ❑ Minor Mod. ❑ Renewal ❑ Renewal with Major Mod. ❑ Other: FORM: BIMS Entry 060512 ¢� SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company June 28, 2006 N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 ATTENTION: Mr. Kim Colson RECEIVED 1 DENR I DWQ AQUIFER -PROTECTION SECTION JUN 2 8 Z006 REFERENCE: MODIFICATION OF PERMIT NO. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Dear Mr. Colson: On behalf of the Town of Mooresville (Mooresville), Synagro is submitting this application to modify the Town's residuals land application permit. Listed below are the requested modifications to the existing permit as they pertain to this application: • Add fifteen fields, totaling 262.7 net acres, on two new farm sites in Iredell County • Delete four fields, totaling 70.2 net acres, on three current sites in Iredell County This package contains the information that is necessary to complete the requested modifications to the Town's permit. However, if you require additional information or have further questions about this program, please contact me immediately. I look forward to working with you to insure that this is an efficient review process, and will be happy to provide any further assistance if necessary. Sincerely, Scott D. Berg Technical Services Manager Enc: Application Package (1 original & 3 copies), $325 submittal fee 6220-A Hackers Bend Court, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 • Ph: (336) 766-0328 0 Fax: (336) 766-8652 • Toll Free: (877) 267-2687 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application Number: (to be completed by DWQ) I. GENERAL INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): RECEIVED / DENR / DWQ 1. Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville flWIEER-PROTECTION SECTION 2. Signing official's name and title: William `Bill' Thunberg Mayor JI IN ZOOS 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 846 East Center Street City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: bthunberg_@ci.mooresville.nc.us 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and/or consulting firm who prepared application: Scott Berg, Technical Services Manager, S nnaagro, Inc., 6220-A Hackers Bend Ct City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 x.127 Facsimile number: ( 336 ) 766-8652 E-mail address: sberg@,synagro.com 5. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Iredell 6. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Iredell 7. County(ies) where land application sites are located: Cabarrus and Iredell S. Fee submitted: $ II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for: ❑ new, ® modified, ❑ renewed permit (check all that apply). 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide the following: the permit number W00014136 - the most recent issuance date 7/16/2004 and the expiration date 6/30/2009 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: 7/16/2004 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: 2/15/2006 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 2 of 5 Attachment Order 1 -3. Check all that apply to the requested permit modification: ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for existing residuals source -generating facility(ies) certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE residuals source -generating facility(ies) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with land applications site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ® ADD ® DELETE land application site(s) to/from-those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER. Explain: I1I. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the residuals land application program: ❑ Permittee or ® residuals management firm. If a residuals management firm, complete the following: Firm contact person and title: Todd Shearin, Technical Services Director Firm name and complete mailing address: S ry_iagro, Inc. 6220-A Hackers Bend Ct City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 Facsimile number: ( 336 ) 766-8652 E-mail address: tshearinna,sLnagro.com 2. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Cliff Webb Town of Mooresville 13282 Back -Up ORC Mike Lambert Town of Mooresville 13234 Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 3 of 5 Attachment Order 1 3. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 657 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 62.94 84.94 41,352 55,806 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 889.55 111.55 58,834 73,288 b. Land Application Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0 Row Crops 137.1 Hay 300.1 Pasture 402.0 Total: 839.2 Methods Surface 839.2 Incorporation or Injection 0 Total: Restrictions Year -Round 807.4 Seasonal 31.8 Total: c. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate (Ihs PAN/ac yr) Acres Required Using First -Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface. Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 70 590.7 797.2 840.5 1047.0 150 275.7 372.0 392.2 488.6 250 165.4 223.2 235.3 293.2 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page'4 of 5 Attachment Order 1 -4. Identify and provide a plan as well as a schedule to resolve any issues that would prevent all of the residuals currently certified and proposed for certification to be land applied without exceeding agronomic rates or violating any of North Carolina's standard permit conditions governing residuals land application programs (e.g., not enough storage, not enough land, etc.): N/A Applicant's Certification: I, William ThunberiZ, May6r attest that this application for modification the Town of Mooresville land application permit (WQ00i4136) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Quality may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A and § 143-215.613, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 By Courier/Special Delivery: 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET, SUITE 1219 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 *** END OF FORM NDRLAP 02/02 *** RECEIVED / DENR / DWQ AQUIFER -PROTECTION SECTION JUN 2 82005 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 5 of 5 Attachment Order 1 Table of Contents Section # Title Section 1 Attachment Order 1: Non -Dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs Form Attachment Order 1 a: Signing Official Delegation Letter Section 2 Attachment Order 3: Land Application Certification Attachment Table: Current Sites to be Deleted Attachment Order 3-a: Watershed Classification Attachment Attachment Order 3-b: County Manager Notification Attachment form Site Specific Information: (by Application Site) Site Summary Sheet Attachment Order 3-c: Landowner Agreement Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement(s) (where appropriate) Attachment Order 3-e: Vicinity, Topographic, Aerial, Buffer (Application Area), and Soil Maps Attachment Order 3-f: Soil Evaluation (where required) Attachment Order3-f: Soil and Agronomic Evaluation (General Information) Attachment Order 3-g: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (where required) Attachment Order 1: Non -Dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs Form (NDRLAP form) Attachment Order la: Signing Official Delegation Letter (William Thunberg has succeeded Al Jones as Mayor of Mooresville and as designated authority to sign this permit application) Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment (LASCA form) Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ❑ RENEWED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® ADD ® DELETE this/these land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with this/these land application site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER Explain: Land application sites currently certified: 576.5 * net acres and proposed for certification: 262.7 net acres. Total to be certified: 839.2 net acres. Approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites. *Assumes 70.2 acres proposed herein are deleted I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Complete the following table with the requested information: Status Code Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Lessee(s) or Operator(s) County Net Acres Predominant Soil Series Soil CEC N NC-IR-20-1 Dennis Phillips, Dennis Phillips Iredell 11.4 Appling 7.9 N NC-IR-20-2 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 13.2 Cecil 10.1 N NC-IR-2073 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 11.6 Cecil 7.5 N NC-IR-204A Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 44.2 Cecil 10.3 N NC-IR-20-413 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 11.6 Cecil 10.3 N NC-IR-20-6 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 18.6 Helena 4.5 N NC-IR-20-7 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 13.9 Helena 3.8 N NC-IR-20-8 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 11.2 Appling 10.4 N NC-IR-20-9 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 12.2 Cecil 12.0 N NC-IR-20-11 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 41.6. ' Cecil 10.4 FORM: LASCA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3 N NC-IR-20-12 Dennis Phillips Dennis Phillips Iredell 3.6 Cecil 3.7 N NC-IR-21-1 Larry Edwards Larry Edwards Iredell 13.8 Bethlehem 10.4 N NC-IR-21-2 Larry Edwards Larry Edwards Iredell 15.9 Pacolet 8.6 N NC-IR-21-3 Larry Edwards Larry Edwards Iredell 32.6 pacolet 16.5 N N NC-IR-21-4 Larry Edwards Larry Edwards Iredell 7.3 Bethlehem 10.9 *** END OF FORM LASCA 02/02 *** FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 3 of 7 Attachment Order 2 Current Sites to Be Deleted Town of Mooresville - Residuals Land- pplication Permit WQ0014136 O q' Program Site Number Field Owner Lessee Application Area (Acres) Iredell Count NC-IR-12 01 John Wyatt Fes erman 26:6 NC-IR-13 Z01 Douglas W. Carrington 24.6 NC-IR-19 01 Joyce Rogers, Tony Rogers 7.5 NC-IR-19 02 Joyce Rogers Tony Rogers 11.5 Total Acres To Be Deleted 70.2 �j Attachment Order 3a — Watershed Classification State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resoure o Division of Water Quality 10 WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION ATTACHME1 6m FOR RESIDUALS PROGRAMS (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) � X n The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment for -''to be com unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to sibbmit required items will lead to additional application processing and revi w time. IME For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state.nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare the attachment form with the requested information for each location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur within a particular regional office county coverage. ✓ Additional copies of Page 2 of 2 of this attachment form may be used if necessary. ✓ Use a portion of an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the portion of a 7.5-minute USGS Topographic Map to identify the location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur as well as the closest downslope surface waters as clearly as possible. Each map portion must be labeled with the map name and number, the identified location, and be of clear and reproducible quality. ✓ Latitudes and longitudes must reported as being based on either the NAD 27 or the NAD 83 data systems. ✓ Acceptable methods of determining location latitudes and longitudes and their corresponding codes are as follows: ♦ Address Matching (ADD) ♦ Digital or Raw Photo Extraction (EXT) ♦ Aerial Photography with Ground Control (AER) ♦ Geodetic Quality GPS Survey (GEO) ♦ Cadastral Survey (SUR) ♦ LORAN-C Navigation Device (LOR) ♦ Conversion from Coordinate Plane (CP) ♦ Navigation Quality GPS (GPS) ♦ Conversion from Township -Section -Range (TSR) ♦ Remote Sensing (RS) ♦ Conversion from Universal Trans Merc (UTM) ♦ Zip Code Centroid (ZIP) ♦ Map Interpretation by Digital or Manual Extraction (MAP) ✓ Location accuracy must be provided to the neatest unit (e.g., nearest second, tenth of a second, etc.). C. Mail or fax the attachment form and the map portions to the appropriate regional office for review and to obtain the waterbody and classification information. ✓ A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/. ✓ The Division will not consider this attachment form to be complete until it is completed by the appropriate regional office. To: Regional office: Mooresville Regional Office Address of regional office: 610 E. Center Avenue, Suite 301 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: - 28115 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Please provide me with the waterbody name(s), stream index number(s), and current/proposed classification(s) of the surface waters that are closest to and downslope from the location(s) where the proposed residuals program activities aan/ned to occu s identified on the attached map segment. Si g Signature of regional office staff: I' G� �� Date: FORM: RWSCA 02/02 Page 1 of 2 Attachment Order 3-a Location ID County Latitude Longitude Location Datum Location Method Code Location Accuracy Waterbody Subbasin and Stream Index No. (To Be Completed by DWQ) Current and Proposed Class (To Be Completed by DWQ) NC-IR-20-1 Iredell 35.47.51 N 80.46.34 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-2 Iredell 35.47.51 N 80.46.20 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-3 Iredell 35.47.59 N 80.46.01 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND � � j 6, NC-IR-20-4A Iredell 35.47.46+ N 80.45.33 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-4B Iredell 35.47.80 N 80.45.39 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-6 Iredell 35.48.03 N 80.46.05 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-7 Iredell 35.48.10 N 80.46.10 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-8 Iredell 35.48.23 N 80.46.04 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-9 Iredell 35.48.18 N 80.45.58 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND (y� NC-IR-20-11 Iredell 35.46.36 N 80.45.50 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-20-12 Iredell 35.48.29.N 80.45.57 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-21-01 Iredell 35.29.12 N 80.46.20 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND NC-IR-21-02 Iredell 35.39.10 N 80.46.02 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND ALI(' NC-IR-21-03 Iredell 35.39.01 N 80.45.59 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND / NC-IR-21-04 Iredell 35.38.54 N 80.46.09 W NAD 27 1 MAP I SECOND 0 *** END OF FORM RWSCA 02/02 *** FORM: RWSCA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3-a Attachment Order 3b — County Manager Notification Attachment State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality COUNTY MANAGER NOTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each county in which the land application sites for which the applicant is seeking certification are located. C. Mail the attachment form to the appropriate county manager by certified mail with a return receipt requested. ✓ The most current publication of the Directory of State and County Officials may be downloaded from the web site at: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/pubsweb/direct.asp. ✓ A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/. D. Attach an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the return receipt to the back of this attachment form prior to submission of the application to the Division for review. To: County where land application sites are located: Iredell Name and complete address of county manager: Joel R. Mashburn PO Box 788 City: Statesville State: NC Zip: 28687 This is to notify you that the applicant listed in Item I. 1. of this attachment form will be submitting an application for the land application of residual solids to land in your county to the Division of Water Quality (Division) for review. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. Maps of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following location no later than the listed expected application date: Name and complete address of appropriate regional office: _ Mooresville Regional Office 601 E. Center Avenue Ste. 301 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-1699 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Expected date of application submission: 6115106 Actual date of application submission (to be completed by DWQ): I Deadline for county manager response (to be completed by DWQ): Should you desire to comment on this application as it related to your interests, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. -If you have any questions or comments about this notification or if you would like more information, please contact the Water Quality Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.' FORM: CMNA 02/02 Page 1 of 2 . Attachment Order 3-b I. - GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville 2. Signing official's name and title: William Thunberg, Town Mayor 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: 843 East Center Street PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: bthunberggci.mooresville.nc.us 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and consulting firm who prepared application: Snanagro, Inc., Scott Berg, Technical Services Manager, 6220-A Hackers Bend Court City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 x113 Facsimile number: ( 336 ) 766-8652 E-mail address: sberg@synagro.com II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ® modified, and/or ❑ renewed permit. 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide: the permit number WQ0014136 , the most recent issuance date 7/16/2004 , and the expiration date 6/30/2009 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: 7/16/2004 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: 2/15/06 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION 1. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Iredell 2. Purpose of the residual source -generating facilities (check all that apply): ® treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial mixed with domestic wastewater, and/or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ), 3. Are land application sites currently certified for this residuals land application program in this-•cou_nty,..,. ®yes [-]no. If yes, provide the total number of acres (i.e., excluding buffers) that are certified 646.7 _ acres (approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 _%agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites). 4. This application, if approved by the Division, will certify._ 2627` additional acres (i.e., excluding buffers) in this county for this residuals land application program (approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites). *** END OF FORM CMNA 02/02 *** FORM: CMNA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3-b Ln Postage $ Ul Certified Fee M Return Receipt Fee Postmark Here (Endorsement Required) I3 Restricted Delivery Fee a— (Endorsement Required) nn O Total Postage & Fees O Sent To C3 --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- f`- PO Box No. or tw -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- City, State, ZIP+A t��� ,y '� 1 1�k 1 1 a 1 HC �' p.'�'Y-"`�; N� Y-1" .• a 1 ■ Complete items 1-, 2,,'and 3. Also complete -item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. "■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return. the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to Rd, -811X 5fa��sville� A Signature X ❑Agent f� �* ❑ Addressee B. Received by (Printed Name) I C. Dato of Delivery D. Is delivery address different from Rem 1? ❑ Yes If YES, enter delivery address•below: ❑ No 3. Service Type ❑ Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ,❑. Registered ❑ Return Receipt fonMerchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number 7005 0390 0005 1935 3578 (Transfer from service label PS Form 3811, February.2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 Site Specific Information • Site. Summary Sheet • Attachment Order 3=c: Landowner Agreement • Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement Attachment(s) • ' Attachment Order 3-e: Vicinity, Topographic, Aerial, Buffer (Application Area), and Soil Maps • Attachment Order 3-f: Soil and Agronomic Information 6 SITE SUMMARY U IN City of Mooresville Mooresville, NC Site ID: NC-IR-20 Owner: Dennis Phillips i Address: 201 Barry Oaks Road \ �\ Statesville, NC 28625 O Phone: (704) 873-5907 (home) Operator: (same) Estimated Latitude & Total Applicable Predominant Longitude Fields Acres Acres Croo(s) Slone (%) Soil Series (D.M.S) 1 12.6 11.4 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Appling,/ 35.47.51 N 80.46.34 W 2 14.5 13.2 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.51 N r L 61 80.46.20 W 3 17.2 11.6 ✓- fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.59 N 80.46.01 W 4A 48.8 44.2 fescue (hay) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.46 N _ c e C `� 80.45.33 W 48 V, 12.7 11.6 fescue (hay) 0-10 Cecil 35.47.80 N C'e(,I� 80.45.39 W 6 27.0 18.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Helena 5.48.03 N ✓� ✓� � lft/y � 80.46.05 W .7 ,�� 19.9 13.9 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Helena N 1� J1 , . L./35.48.10 80.46.10 W 8 16.1 11.2 /fescue (pasture) 0-10 Appling 5.48.23 N icir, e'rn 80.46.04 W ` 9 12.5 12.2 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.48.18 N ,`pp U-' 80.45.58 W 11 50.0 41.6 �' fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil 35.46.36 N 80.45.50 W 12 8.0 3.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Cecil �F-80.45.57 35.48.29 N r W A C! TOTALS 239.3 193.1 Notes: * Fields 6 and 7 are seasonally restricted Date: 6/27/06 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state.nc. uslndpul INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment .form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (des. Mayor) 'omplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: C194 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source -generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities 4c livestock feed & forage ' Mooresville - Rocky River WWTP IZ The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and ,.tipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Pagel of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. : STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should She landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third, party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of ' 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellatrpti•of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. 'The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals appfication methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and'a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16.` Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 11105 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c II.: RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: J9 I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. / Landowner nam/e: - ,l la)16,2i5 AL14a Signature: T �y-t����,r�� Date: NORTH CAROLINA, FPS l �'� COUNTY I, Cr-� / l l fcr,,'111' /\ , a notary public of NV I C County, North Carolina, certify that personally ap wed before me this day, and being duly sworn, stated that in his presence =N;U ; ,�� (signed* (acknowledged the execution of) the foregoing instrument. WI S m hand and official seal, this the Z � ay of N%; Y 20 t� Notary Public My commission expires lb �' l �' 20 it. gnu WAR Lessee's/Operator's Certification: ❑ I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Signature: Permittee's Certification: Date: I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official name: Signature: END OF FORM LOAA 11/05 *** Date: FORM: LOAA 11105 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c N State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information orfor an electronic version ofthis form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.uslndpul INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 211.0219 (j)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form: ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE .THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 211.0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones, Mayor) .omplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St; PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: aionesna.ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: 4,1 X City:, _ '5Z-,3&5 V;,%/F State: Zip: C6 �3 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name:,%�Gtd2/ Signature: 1j, zpyl/ Date: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d (2) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 ()(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones, Mgyor) ,omplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St; PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located ttat the following: Location address of property: �H M % l � 5 l f n y e1,4 ��� City: �f� eSy� 6 P. State: 6�i�L. Zip:,, ,Z.S This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name: n �S • l-bL1L?t-{>}' Signature: 1� e . \ �, l t� Date: q= *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d 0 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 211.0219 (j)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 211.0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones, Mayor) ;omplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC I Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aiones(a,ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: / City: rd d State: Zip: 2- This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the P rmittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name: �/ (�'�I,d d (/� �All,, �? r Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: b -- 2 E 0 9 91 FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d VICINITY MAP SYNAGAO, A Residuals Management Company COUNTY OWNER OeAIiV-1 S G,/ IZZI d S SYNAGRO TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals ]Management Company ` � 1 1f1`: t � lt.,r .,\ L y p�}.w_'..; •F 'r$`, �l,_ sT�� ti ., ;;. � �-;C f 1t 0, �a �x���,J �. � '' ��,� .✓,;� t�jvl1 r ---a r'- �1 �li� ji j! '��(°�.;"' t to 1 i..����' �L'"^.� �� � »7d >t� � \�1_f — i I / r fir. .l ����� � y°`_....,.fit �/ f � r , <w..��.,��'�x� i \ j....7 r_`;Y '`'' 6, ✓ . /J�f�+gf 1 / jff,4',,.�,s'�i £36$ �-„„,,�r..,e� ,{ � •'�'`wE � '�`,�, ,ti �J� � j f�a f ��"�' �m„j f� S �L •� j��. Z2 �' lrF wJ�• v., \"k��i✓e.+.+ d' f, .{a'';� ��v' _ �• 'v 7 i.' 4 ���,' � �.,�' / �' � > ' j r1,; �` rn/,e, �, ` e_ r'��r�i tY �� ,fir r���. F �• \ iiral. {:. .....~, •. ! f f.! t \y { 1 t � f,. .S t � / ��. r f r�✓r}a ! k'r L I, r' _„�"' t o �) r 't t„ .a ✓ i 1 i �! ._, 6 i _ ?'vim_.»- r .If a 4 \.`„' ,s • _,.. r r 3 1�. i\� ti.,,<�4•:l �k i ity i :rr i*� 'i3 r j i ii 3s� �k� li q L ;f ® a J !r{ 'r^1~ F � � Nc. }} t (�%' ' �•ee f �w r \ ,� �} ;'.,, ��: �..�_ ,. i g� � � 1, i""'." rr..� s; s�... �' .�'.n.,..^`, .._-• ..- Q%I�h 3ri�` i i�'lt� i `' �. �� ... """r•. / 90, 1� � �?; ` \ v`!r ?r,. X: �� .�. �. •"r..,,�.- r% r:���/ w,,.,,�_._�r '*.1.... •'/� t ,at\1 "'`^y (. t �r l 1 r �'Is �� �q� . '� S:a�Y� L7}!3 j�� r� � �✓ ' � r t St y�� 'L� �" �'�, e Ct!1j/��r � ...� -'.�' � � { � r �,`'t 5�.�, � � � � s `"✓ : � t�(� � r 1 I �� � `''�� jr rj t {fit l��` � s �;ff oi(, • , �f; ._ ;J s' - �.�e !1 p � ��i:��� i'w� t� i �t �`� � t, 4 . jl,� a � t r�� ll� 9 i 1 � y t ' 4`"`ti.'`S'-+ _.",�3,^•.+ �.✓1 ?" y� r�~�N i", r�' i �*wr..., f j 5 y L/ 1 5 5 tt• �: , ,`~''� , 3:`. !� } ��;�a'�y�» j-- A SS> lq�r/�t3 ,' ��j`r �r ✓ # 7A J t ���`t fir? .` t 1 N5 54 Eri �� :` `� s .� fff t i t Si•, ik` i .% . �, ' a lr, 1 S° � r . f...",. "'�','� . ✓ t t bf \ �> ..y � �f,��' 4 � v-• � i ;�f a � �,rvt! ��� � �!; i � �� F�t i �} � r� d � r��,,,� � �', j t F . �; .�'-i"'..:�✓ �' S f I� � it k } . 7 � $ J F7 �tl�i `c�!'"t-, �.�rr 4 > �j � `. �.. , i' sFr"d'-• }� � , ,l��1 j �'r � l� f� f� � �—"�I'r ) ��; .l�ir~1 t ! rt �.--`F frt r r ij .,...1,'{ f, F rr3 1t r''J' / a ro / f ` ..y,...`"�"F + �..r •,+.%?r.•'�� S ` /✓f�f �l k �f15� { r 4s.�, r�^ 9��'7' \ �.,:.FL�":'y'' fit! T ' , �� �� r �'a: -, �' �,"""�''y, _'"4 1 i � fl'.�L1�'�q.��,r�.��t ti f i�� %�-^ s,- r(lr � �.? " c �\'a.1•,��'.:.: '�'''\, .\� ...f ,is e 4 k. L. r r J, ' Y �S'1;7i l 7 t. r{ 5���i.7 '✓ .,�.. Y .. 1�,#' .,� ti 3+} VJ _ �j � -,, �� �:. ���.r` $ ',� , }� � � it F a..,,:r \ '^ , •,. .rr � : 1�..,. �t -3 0. k� 1 � � / � •�/l'js � �,.�r�t�� }, � r � ,±t }�¢'; Ya'✓'; C'.�/�j �� it^• � /,'fi ) `Y,f � { � � � 5 r ;: ' � t 'a-..," �f �35 r: i}.,� :;. �5t ! � 1:...� ;° .:•_',f.`.::r�l'�:::t f �_.�. cr� f�''t, a:.._.. � �?.:e �.� s l ,l 4..` � r...a, r 1%�� ��1`r'""el OWNER �c�r1YJl /%/1i;�J� SCALE: 1" = f loC7t) FIELDS /--Y, H--/l PHOTOQUAD/YEAR CONTOUR INTERVAL le' l oll SYINAGP,,,O AERIAL REFERENCE MAP A Residuals Afanagement Company COUNTYOWNERf-5�/i�,�/r� S //e-z12 -2Z? AERIAL REFERENCE TRAP A Residuals Afanakement Company ti COUNTY 2�� � �� OWNER ' I X 111 d16 IJe SYNAGRO AERIAL REFERENCE MAP A Residmils hfanagement Company t a ` COUNTY z /2�OC=GOWNER �/Z�/��� �QC 712 -2, SYNAGIRO APPLICATION AREA MAP A xesidua[r ,ua„aPe,ent r mn— Ownerye vyis A ll/ 5 Scale: 1" _ &0 Field # / .4/C—.Z2— 20 . —> STREAM O CD DRAIN _ SURFACE WATER FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE Total Acres �5ee6atiat �I1A Net Acres � criza dimej7 QAPPLICATION AREA — — — — — — r PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE 0 WELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE -00 SYNAG O APPLICATION AREA MAP - A Residuals Management Company Fein 3 i � 1 8�sµ . PL � PL C /l7i�Cl Ualerc �KC Bw.o�4 C El Owner . De4 n IS Scale: 1" _ Q Field # Total Acres Net Acres . _ > STREAM Ci) APPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE -ROAD . — j DRAIN HOUSE FORESTED AREA CDSURFACE WATER ❑ . OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE FENCE WELL X 3f-3E— STORAGE AREA O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR O INCORPORATION, ® ,� �� PROPERTY LINE 8-12% SLOPE SYNAGBD APPLICATION AREA MAP - A Residuals Mamaremenr cnmh�, Owner. bE/mis AA/1110-1 Scale: 1" _ 6/4d Field #- /IlC-�2-21j Total Acres -:�--c zflLNet Acres eL-e,5&, y . > STREAM DRAIN OSURFACE WATE: FENCE CDSTORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE QAPPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE 0 WELL O' SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, ® 8-12% SLOPE SYNAGR Soil Map A Residuals Managestent Com(iany OWNER FIELDS ky-// COUNTY' SHEET SOIL SERIES SCALE: 1" _ 2,�l'D 6zi L91 L91 051 051 9ZZ 0.1Z o-zq OCT ZL Z'9 9'0 0'Z6 S'L 60'1 Wo N1W vN N-4HN N-FON I -SS I-S I-n0 IV-rtZ I-uZ (Z)Iy-uW (I)IV-uW I -um 9f8W %v.0 I-X I-d Rd' IV %S9 090 A/A1 9oWH s9v101109 - slTnsag ;say ZI 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOZ OZI 0 W`wll/pp/sa3 :dojo puZ ZI 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOz-OZI 0 W'wld/DO/sal :dojo isl £ 0101v aaS UK g uZ n0 S 8W oZx sOzd N arut7 do .rvad od .7 vu ju o do.r01sv7 1 .... .......: . .,, >..,.. ..> . ,.. � ` saor;�puammoa ^> ,> ,.80 Fx ata pay dd�' '0'Z6 iI b'[IiJO iI o►; iary Fo Zvi iII 6£i 6£I £Iz £Iz L££ 0'zz 0'19 £8I 5LT y9.,.. 1*01 Vol 1r-O NIW v,N N PILV M-sON I -SS I-S I-11.7 IV-uZ I-uZ (Z)IV-uw (I)IV-uW I -UK 9fZW %v.9 I N I-d Hd od 9.199 399 A/A1 %WH ssv101109 slinsag;say zI 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOZ-OZI 0 W`wld/DO/sad :dojo puZ ZI 0 p• 0 0 0 0 0 0 ooz-OZI 0 W'wl,l/pp/sal :dojo isl z aloNaaS uW 9 uZ n.9 S ffm 0rx sOzd ,.... ,. ,.. ; � N aurf7 .tvaA .90 d'OJ,9 V/,L Jd ON do 01s o,V aiduMS :.:. 3 aopu aag m>fZ pa><Idd�r t}r of;umraolu p)lai3 I'0 5P £rj 16 16 98£ 98£ I£9 O'LZ 0'09 56 SS 9.9 5.0 0.% 6'L Vol i5'o NIW v,N N-PHN N-FON I -SS I-S I -no IV-uZ I-uZ (Z)IV-uW (I)IV-uW I -um %8W %vd I-X I-d Hit oV %S9 993 A/AI %WH s9010110S sl1nsag lsay ZI $lid 0' 0 0 0 0 0 O£-01 OOZ-ozi 0 W'wlJ/DO/sal :dojo puZ ZI $Hd p' 0 0 0 0 0 0£-01 OOZ-OZI 0 W'wwoo/sal :dojo isl i WON aaS nW 9 uZ n19 S 8WOz}l sOzd N aruf7 .rvaA .�o dot0 V/d 41 oW d0o�7sv7 oAr alrjtuvS # a N awmo _. t'pu aag aunt pat�ddaag;ecuao{uY piatA lslwou0 y' PJ9H .H PIAp(I -palldds d luuolllppe of puodsai lou pins sdwa'(001 < 1-d) g2lq,Uan sl (d) siuogdsogd lsal ilos ajaq& •suopgpuawwooaj jazippa; puz gun, Aug aloN •slaeal puno.2VBq aeogz palaeala alaget alou puu asagl .rolluotu of 0nulluoa'glmo.2 luuld jol uiaouoo E asod of panallaq lou an ajaq slulaw anoga ay g8nogild -(50OZ-£oOZL3) wdd Z•p -(aS) wnlualas V'wdd L'O -0N) lallolu'wdd 0•y -(qd) Pual'wdd £•p -Qq) wnlwojgo'wdd Vo -(Po) wniwpm'wdd O'S -(sv) oluasju :sMollo3 se 31u paz P'ue uagM silos ON ul uaas ATIMIdAl slplaw asagl to slanal puno.rS�louq 'lue[os1yra Pal llos z se £ gollgaW Julsll •agud almdas B uo pumtol sl Modal lulaw 6eeaq aqy — $'ZT D sluammo0 lspnouo.r8y Sluno) llapail S2Id8A 09 2[8A01101 SINSQIS8l1 'D'N DNiAMUS 9ooz/8[/S OZ-111-ON :uuvd ��oda Asa poa.„rrs . ON SZ 8Z 9 PH Nup ,UjEg In :o,L Sa OD sl;uua(l `sdillrgd wmorq 'LiS�£y oxode 7 ouoe/aaoa r�eaa l�wu a1C gaA1 uoq uols[nFQ a�caa S 5S9Z ££L(G16) � d S�'s'VQ�N IyCDA&GS % mic= btv�sion " , P olx i 2 ef. 1 `_� f (9 9)733 45 F x S to wwW ncagr com�agrolyo Grower Philp ;s,. Dennis. , Re ort No 34547- P P Applied Lime RecommendattonS P ' 2 Fie In ,on Id fort .xxx I .. Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime - N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 4 Isl Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 0 10-30 0 0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/flm,M 0 120-200 0 10-30 0 0 0 0 •0 pH$ 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS•.6 Ac pH P-1 K-I Ca% Mg•106 Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.36 1.07 10.3 96.0 0.4 6.7 138 66 63.0 30.0 408 251 251 454 454 164 37 0.1 WifI Iro WON lief:%me.: . ..., . .-., .•. APP.x. R mmendaGons x .. xC:.. xvv.rxYrie -x:a. xr x ,.:A.... rx.a.e x xxxv:. .x v .xxx x vv< nxxxxx ,. :7-. n x,Cx t .... h..0 ..xxx kr x.x x;x. ,-x ...., r ...:(.. , Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zu B Mn See Note 5 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M AT 120-200 0 40-60 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/Tim,M 0 120-200 0 40-60 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-1 Ca% Mg•16 Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I ' SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na 1. MIN 0.41 1.17 8.5 86.o 1.2 5.7 156 42 6o.0 23.0 238 160 160 451 451 314 33 0.1 Field Julmafiion x: .. ,. , ., xx : x, :.: ; lred xLtme hecummendaUons � x.., xx.. .� � _ .x r: . ,. �� ,. - Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N ..,x ,.. P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 6 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M .6T 120-200 100-120 60-80 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 100-120 60-80 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS16 Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-, S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.41 1.14 4.5 76.0 1.1 5.4 14 35 54.0 19.0 708 442 442 95 95 142 S6 0.1 F�eil; nformation .. J:.. t k . ...__.... a.,.:_. hp l�edL�me Rccomnnendattons r :x lxx P d9..._. ..,..... Sample No. ..._ ...:C, .,.., .. ,_ Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year -:x .... N Lime P205 K20 Mg . S Cu Zu B Mn See Note 7 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 1T 120-200 70-90 4o-6o 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 70-90 40-6o 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS',6 Ac pH P-I K-1 Ca% Mg'.6 Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I,. Zn AI Cu-I S-I SS-1 NO3-N N714-N Na MIN 0.6 1.06 3.8 58.0 1.6 5.1 26 47 40.0 12.0 288 190 190 93 93 73 29 0.0 . F e d luf >a1a:. l�ed.)).ime; x Iteeomu�endntlons '' . ' ` _ _ z xxxx U :x.::. :u:xrx.x'x J '.- Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime ._.x>x,3...' N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B ..r..xx Mn .. . ::... ....:< See Note 8 1st Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M .6T 120-200 0 0-20 0 0 0 .0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M 0 120-200 0 0-20 0 0 0 p .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BSS6 Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% MgS6 Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.71 1.03 10.4 86.o .1.5 5.6 118 81 61.o no 249 166 166 402 402 269 60 0.1 1�iCDA&GS A mie I)iv11 i n;r A .- :, . ie; , :s ,Po (919)733 2G55 Web Stte`yl yWnca ' cdmla onon Gro a Fhill s Renna le rf:No 4 1P 3 5 .. A lied Lim' r PPs. a tidt3ttonS 4 Pb 3. Field;lnforin4«on., .. .:...., �..,„ ..., .T,„ . ,„ .. ,..., n,.... .....,.:. Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 9 1sl Crop: Fes/OG/Tim,M 0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS•16 Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% MgS6 Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-1 SS-1 NO3-N NN4-N Na MIN 0.41 0.96 12.0 93.0 0.8 6.4 140 195 64.0 22.0 763 469 469 320 320 385 62 0.1 Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg .. S , .. rQ Y Zn B Mn See Note 10 1sl Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 0 2040 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 0 2040 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BSS6 Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% M90A Mn-1 Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn AI Cu-I S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.36 0•99 13.3 91.0 1.2 6.3 170 58 67.0 21.0 141 97 97 865 865 882 37 0.1 Fleldlnformailon e ecommen bons Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 11 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 0 0-20 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 0 0-26 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS•,6 Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% MgS6 Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.81 0.94 10.4 89.0 1.1 6.3 95 75 65.0 21.0 240 156 156 509 509 461 37 0.1 Fief ,. � Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zu B Mn See Note 12 lsl Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 90-110 50-70 0 15-20 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 90-110 50-70 0 15-20 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BA Ac PH P-I K I Ca% Mg% MU-1 Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.46 0.92 3.7 76.0 0.9 6.7 16 39 57.0 15.0 156 100 100 68 68 55 14 0.0 NCDA&CS".A . onnmic. Division..: Phone.. 1 7 =26 Web Sate..; .P n'ca ' .com/a " "onomi F (9 .U.. #� 9)_ 33 55 �R'R'R' �'.�. Pg 1 Heavy Metal Soil Test'RAollort Phillips, Dennis Report #: 34547 201 Barry Oak Rd Statesville, NC 28625 MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Iredell County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Sample ID------------------------------------------------------------------------------mq/dm3 Cd Ali"P b Se Cr As Al Fe Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminum Iron (ppm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 0.00 0.30 0.40 0.00 0.10 0.00 337.50 36.30 7 0.10 0.50 1.90 0.00 0.20 0.00 332.40 79.40 6 0.00 0.30 5.40 0.00 0.10 4.80 824.30 152.30 3 0.10 0.40 2.60 0.00 0.20 0.00 5 84.3 0 109.40 1 0.00 0.10 1.20 0.00 0.10 6.20 994.60 84.20 5 0.10 0.40 4.60 0.50 0.10 4.20 641.70 119.00 2 0.10 0.30 1.80 0.00 6.10 2.80 832.90 121.50 4 0.10 0.20 6.20 1.00 0.10 4.30 734.10 83.80 8 0.10 0.30 1.50 0.30 0.10 5.20 909.60 137.00 1 ] 0.10 0.40 2.20 0.20 0.20 1.70 716.80 119.00 9 0.00 0.30 2.40 0.30 0.10 5.60 959.20 98.70 10 0.10 0.50 3.70 0.00 0.10 4.20 649.70 156.70 Report Nu, R06109-01ui A&L EASTERN LAEOF riTORIES, INC. Acount Number: 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 46493 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 • Email: office@al-labs-eastern.com TO: SYNAGRO CENTRAL LLC/STATESVILL RE: 6220A HACKERS BEND CT WINSTON SALEM, NC 27103 ATTN: TODD SHEARIN Date Received: 4/18/06 Date Reported: 04/24/2006 PROJ#50-0061 DENNIS PHILLIPS SYNAGRO SE/STATESVILLE REPORT OF ANALYSIS , � •rs .-0l Page: 1 .:. -: t � f.. nR. a {-.. 2� _ �" _, ,e ..: ,... Y .+. xc,. .... ss����.. y,_ .. „., ,9r-.:.>.c . .. t'.. y .. ?... ?Z'.r✓b``x.a. .. _. {" .,. ... f. !.'k:.�'S� �'":._.:,. s. k .n.'>, c i. ra- 3. d ,.: a t .... ..�.. � `}��y..., tea., 3«,:a u , i. ._....., fa..3, d .�... .,3. >: <s4� :u i v x » ^� . §, : .... tF•`x .r.: b._ ..�,« :. _. v >.. »,s. ... � i _ '�"R2x'Ra ..>..: b."i: p... _. ...>.c...... ... ru .. "�.s3ie l .,':... a t ��ii �v GL'ras �. � #^... z �•. >- ...... ,. a,, ... x � ''c......,,.«... a.> Cc».. 1 t, sv.' i ,. �x.,.,i3• .,... ... P iia.... T.:LVt.. xS4f. ., i.. �">. . x h... 5� '4�. x>`-. w.r:..a..x_�:.. ,.•z' .:,.....�. F a. x7 'SA V.q «x>a. R-�-s,.....,.,,. ... i,. ky. L^_.' S ,i '. t ,.'th. ... -�`> 3 `? :•a J�x ..f. . > .:3_ . >.. >§ ....<....;. »f. .... _-cv . >-,f, .&T.. 4•ffiLAIi3,IVO _ SA ���: ��x. i ..�,`:..... �.�4 ,/� ar aKa LR ., i%. .,.. x . .:, a..iS:.r. _. a. ..-.>:..� _ w -.: -.s- > _., ...... ,,. r .. ,.. _ -+r....> ..4A�JAL ..?.I$>z 3^7 k ..ate,. r• i;, ... y.�xr^ a•+ -� -.x ,.. .... ... .x �y �' �F .,tJ«.. ,«. x.. .. +Y ., � 1 . . _ x ... ..pis.. =T ,u ".: .; 'R .g ' .-,_....... r �. � ..zaa•'. °3€ k . ,:.. i.... zx ...::,:, t E. 'i'aS t L�., �,. a� �� 1 '��N 4 �. S � R9 r .r... .fs ...rk3 i•tvx3 _., ,... .., s w.. ...<: .. x�..,.., :«,,,:. ,.� .«. t_; ,. .... .b 17707 1 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17708 2 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17709 3 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17710 4 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17711 5 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17712 6 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum- < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17713 7 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17714 8 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 17715 9 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made •)ajek-- to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Paul Chu, Ph.D. Report Nu R06109-01w A&L EASTERN LA130h,,TORIES, INC. Acount Number: 7621 Whitepine Road - Richmond, Virginia 23237 - (804) 743-9401 46493 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 - Email: office@al-labs-eastern.com F ; 7 II TO: SYNAGRO CENTRAL LLC/STATESVILL RE: PROJ#50-0061 SYNAGRO SE/STATESVILLE 6220A HACKERS BEND CT DENNIS PHILLIPS WINSTON SALEM, NC 27103 ATTN: TODD SHEARIN Date Received: 4/18/06 Date Reported: 04/24/2006 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Page: 2 Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part nor may any reference be made �- C to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Paul Chu, Ph.D. SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: /2- w Field: "�YNAGRO A Re idlials Management Company r? Landowner: Sample #: Slope: 2- Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: ��;� �� ( /"err. SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE A z� /J-% Sc� -( - 23 f,- / - 23 - 3( c Color S'fr' qq Depth to SHWT: 3� Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: 2'=_ wl Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: (-I # A,1AL< Described By: Legend Structure Mottles r .Lf 1 -d s/G Color Structure Mottles Date: �S o Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET Project: Site: " Z,Q Field: 2. SYNAGR- 0 A Reridfials Management Company � J " Landowner: ! (5YA,11 r [ -.- Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: Fs-S6ug- (MV-r: ) SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A —— 3 - /54 L `/G rl- ad-2 Depth to SHWT: - � 3 C, .— Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: O-Ct Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: ln/ � Legend ?341 Mottles Color Structure Mottles Described By: !��/ �� Date: e351,iylof Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: PAball Site: - ,Zo Field: 3 SYNAG 0 A Reddrtals Management Company Landowner: baw/\i/� Sample #: Slope: _ Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A _ 6-�F lie" F Pf g- Depth to SHWT: �3 G Depth & type of restrictive layer: > 3 t ' Soil Series: sr"-- Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Color Mottles Structure Mottles Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: c.a L-►ry-<- nad-ty 4i5"F"'116 �n;�7��,,1 %�/> � �. 1 Described By: Legend Date: zs s 64i a C Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET `N SYNAG 0 A Reridltals Management Company Project: Landowner:' 0'F4 1,,, r -- Site: 19 Field: ��� Sample #: Slope: L Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: ,FSfc✓E SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE A —� a 4 1941 �L C na - 32 3 r. PROFILE B Color Structure Mottles. -7.�;';l Depth to SHWT: 3G "-I- Depth & type of restrictive layer:6 Soil Series: C,5�f I,- - Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: 4 F, (- t� la 4 Described By: _2-- Le end Date: -dam 4f Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand. 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET Project:1-Z C Site: Field: 'Vif SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: Z Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: � ��� c'�'i' '� SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A Ate , -7,fV slg Z8-M, 6 Depth to SHWT: -�> 1G Depth & type of restrictive layer: �� Soil Series:cr� Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: `A ' tnl A � M- Described By: Legend Mottles �> r•7, �"/?, IA Color Structure Mottles Date: 6.,r14 y1J & Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive 0 SYNAG 0 R_ SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET AReiditalrManagement Company" Project: b© �1'-L Landowner: /���7tiir�lis j:l; t--;6-r Site: At' o Field: Sample #: Slope: _ Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: 1,S~{�d�� SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A kp L- 7,s`�� Mottles e i Depth to SHWT: 20 Depth & type of restrictive layer: 3� Soil Series: S«4 i,1W Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: r , Notes: f S�nl h.� , - S�. G ld :`* errrpll I)Rq u�lei..6 � /� t,��`n/ t'ar/Ga ' Described By: Date: v5✓d Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: ��ie �!r Site: Field: 4�; jYNAG 0 A Residrzals Managmunt Company 4 Landowner: ,':,,;...ct ,, } r �f�.._ Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): I Acres (net): Crop: Horizon - PROFILEA l PROFILE B SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles v — 7_Z-31, T Depth to SHWT: 2-2- Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Horizon Depth Texture Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Color Structure Mottles Described By: Date: b s L101-1Z4"41 Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Twe s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky_ si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET A Residuals Management Company Project: L&/?I�i` i , �. c� Landowner: Site: Field: Sample #: Slope: 3 Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: %Cf64 SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A 6- / �L- -�.s,e /-/ T Depth to SHWT: ?3� Depth & type of restrictive layer: 7 3G Soil Series: AM ,P,I6 Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: jnlyv, ,A, Legend Texture s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay Described By: JJ Date: o5 Z, r Structure Grade Structure Type 1 : Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET Project: Site: M--: Q-9 Field: Acres (gross): I Acres (net): SYNAGP0 A Reridnah Management Company Landowner: �/ r1�•-1.rf f'�.fP �' Sample #: Slope: Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A A-4 AT, Depth to SHWT: >)( Depth & type of restrictive layer: ��f Soil Series: (,-��Yr _ Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: �� r C ! r r �` -•lie. Described By: Legend Color Structure Mottles Date: Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET Project: ��f3�%:'i• �'� Site: _ ,1W--1-!? - 2(,) Field: _ Acres (gross): Acres (net): SYNAGR A Residuals Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: _3 Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon . Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A AP Depth to SHWT: ?3 Depth & type of restrictive layer: > �n Soil Series: Cftcf Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Legend Texture s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay Described By: Date: 0 5 0,j Structure Grade Structure Type 1 Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky_ Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: Field: /Z-- Acres (gross): Acres (net): �9 SYNAGIRO A Residuals Management Company Landowner: &1.1 /i' Sample #: Slope: , Crop:, SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE.A 4_ D -? e,- Ile f/y /gr, - 6l -u 2,Sil ,, . 841 -7 ,,5W� Sri Depth to SHWT: ? 5 C0 Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Cs Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Color Structure Mottles Date: 6 { /oy /e Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic . sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SITE SUMMARY City of Mooresville Mooresville, NC Site ID: NC-IR-21 Owner: Larry Edwards Address: 1095 Mazeppa Road MT. Ulla, NC 28152 Phone: (704) 663-4649 (home) (704) 252-0003 (cell) Operator: (same) . Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres Cron(s) Latitude & Predominant Longitude Slone (W Soil Series (D.M.S1 1 17.6 13.8 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Bethlehem 35.29.12 N 13 e L,. 80.46.20 W 2 19.3 15.9 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Pacolet 35.39.10 N pb-(4b 80.46.02 W 3 v 47.5 32.6 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Pacolet 5.39.01 N ww'i ' 80.45.59 W 4 14.5 7.3 fescue (pasture) 0-10 Bethlehem 5.38.54 N . jJ 80.46.09 W TOTALS 98.9 6916 Notes: iA D 1 — -»'�- -7-/- Date: 5/26/06 Ale 44(_ia1z A State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (, Mayor) 3omplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: (704) 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aiones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source -generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities L ` livestock feed &forage MMooresville -Rocky River WWTP The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative. and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 1 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I.- STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Land Application Unit, 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be. adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will fumish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 11105 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c II: RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: _ !Ape Y Signature: Date: /%�q4 e-f � NORTH CAROLINA,�?7 r AkA COUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that l�c.rrq W . Qc,,Xtdg personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the S� day of fA&!l ' 'SoD (® Signature and seal: — P&L G My commission expires: Y 21 Lessee's/Operator's Certification: TODD E. SHEARIN Guilford County Ay Commission Expire �:-Z1—oq ❑ I certify that I have read. this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Signature: Permittee's Certification: Date: V1I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. II. Signing official name: _�{Jfb��ICGG�� �d1✓L( �� ��'�I Signature: Wd'AA-_7&.Awgk Date: b� � *** END OF FORM LOAA 11105 *** FORM: LOAA 11105 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c SYNAGKO VICINITY MAP A Residuals Management Company COUNTY -7- 8�-7Dz�G/- OWNER Z-AeUAVA92,0 S we---7 2 - 2.! TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SYNAGRO A Residuals tblawgement Comliany + Stir '` ('' •. ;�? �r} I r , f �) ll � � �; jai {/ r ; F�,li`� .•,r^ry r ,a �, "C� }F5 4�z tvl(�. s ,t. 7•- ti J lJ ' '` rat � �\...,• - ��r � t > �ij' %�r. 1 !;.-' ,G<t ���� � �!- .. ;�1( �t , `\, Si s� �.M /,�S;C�' `� r � ``�i, �'�; •» r ��r ���„^,`_ 1 r f eE IStP'r -t/ 1 t' r �"x-w rtf s -w� � ! � ./ 1 "VS •f �:.•, t..j? ,. r�i Vt r _ �Fts�x } SIB F i3 •, L � a j N fi .,,7F h� f�` I � �tr � �rI '$ � ., ��\ � ( j� r ' i \ � \ ' �• f r: r i r "'. 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A Residuals [Management Company FIELDS f - -/ SCALE: V = " c9Dc SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: f SYNAG 0 A Residuals Management Company Landowner:�'�'�, Site: Field: Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): Acres (net): Crop: CS(al< SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A_ PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: -:� 3 _ Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: VA 6&A4A"e Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: _' l4aez,44 Tay Mottles Described By: Date: o- z G Z G Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: n oo^, Site: 06 - 8k -7-f Field: 2- Acres (gross): I Acres (net): §NN SYNAGRO A Reridaalt Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A a - fc r:- 5 6- ,�C v Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: 3 �" Soil Series:fr?-'�~ Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Color Structure Mottles Date: ! r/z (� /o Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project:d�{ Site: Field: Acres (gross): I Acres (net): Horizon PROFILE A PROFILE B SYNAGRO A Reidaals Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: 3 Crop: FFsc"S- SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Depth Texture Color Structure 16-2-1 c,r 2-, -fW A, Depth to SHWT: > Depth & type of restrictive layer: J, Soil Series: �L p 61A "'Aw Horizon Depth Texture 3 Mottles Color Structure Mottles Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: �'�'n�lmo,,.i tie ��.fr �� , �� . C (F 5 Mf Described By: Legend 3 if Date: 6 Texture Structure Grade Structure Twe s Sand 1 Weak gr . Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: AC--1iField: Acres (gross): I Acres (net): SYNAG O A Residuals Management Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A A0 D - Y ��• Z� �. t-- � C T Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: �`-%r�4r«'r �i < S�M� ✓� � y Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: ' uo/6 '1 b Described By: Legend Mottles Mottles Date: lir4" ol, Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive �1CDA&CS .iomlc )lvis on Phone : i 7 2655 Web ite. vewncagrconD/agronon..,; Report No 34550 33 Grower. Edwards, Larry Copies To:. 4 1095 Mazeppa Rd Mount Ulla, NC 28125 Soil Vest Re off Fann: NC-IR-ZI 5/18/20o6 SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Iredell County Agronomist Comments c -- lz, $ The heavy metal report is found on a separate page. Using Mehlich 3 as a soil test extractant, background levels of these metals typically seen in NC soils when analyzed are as follows: arsenic (As)- 5.0 ppm, cadmium (Cd)- 0.2 ppm, chromium (Cr)- 0.3 ppm, lead (Pb)- 4.0 ppm, nickel (Ni)- 0.7 ppm, & selenium (Se)- 0.2 ppm (FY2003-2005). Although the above metals here are not believed to pose a concern for plant growth, continue to monitor these and note where elevated above background levels. Note any lime and fertilizer recommendations. Where soil test phosphorus (P) is very high (P-I > 100), crops will not respond to additional P applied. David H. Hardy, Agronomist Field Information A ''11ed Lime Recommendations'aa Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 1 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/Tim,M 0 120-200 0 60-80 0 0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg•- Mn-1 Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS -I NO3-N N714-N Na MIN 0.41 1.07 10.4 90.0 1.0 6.5 146 36 71.0 18.0 58 44 44 264 264 224 38 0.1 Field'Information A 11edZiine Recommendations,Qlu ,...........,,. _, .... ... , PP.. ,.,.. Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 2 1st Crop: Fes/OG/1'im,M 0 120-200 80-100 10-30 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/7'im,M 0 120-200 80-100 10-30 0 0 0 0 •0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.27 0.82 8.6 87.0 1.1 6.0 19 63 60.0 24.0 34 37 37 81 81 75 73 0.1 Field`Inlormation, ,,, ; Applled,Lime Recommendations Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 3 1st Crop: Fes/OG/I'im,M 0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Fes/OG/Pim,M 0 120-200 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 12 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS•9O Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1) Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS -I NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.51 0.90 16.5 91.0 1.5 6.0 313 230 69.0 15.0 119 88 88 573 573 151 67 0.1 .. ..: r .. za-• .,:. :. ": •.,�:.:..• :... .- ...... .,.'.: .� �v :. : ,. .,•s ':�`d It x {f, .�. ..:. f .._ €x , NCDA&CSA onnnll :Di s:. t4 t t s Heavy, Metal Soil Test Re�bvrt Edwards, Larry Report #: 34550 1095 Mazeppa Rd Mount U11a, NC 28125 MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION IredeII County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Cd Ni P h Se Cr As ; Al Fe Sample Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Arsenic Aluminum Iron ID------------------------------------------------------------------------------mg/dm3 (PPn7) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.40 817.50 92.10 1 0.00 0.40 1.10 0.50 0.10 5.50 828.80 95.10 4 0.10 0.40 0.00 0.30 0.20 1.40 575.20 111.00 3 0.10 0.30 0.90 0.00 0.00 3.80 643.60 163.70 Report number: R0614A&L Eastern Labortories, Inc. Acount Nuumbmb er: ount 46511 7621 Whitepine Road Richmond, Virginia 23237 (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 Email: office@al-labs-eastern.com TO: SYNAGRO CENTRAL LLC/MOORESVILLRE: PO#50-0061 LARRY EDWARDSCOTT BERG 6220A HACKERS BEND CT FARM # NC-IR-21 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27103 ATTN: MARY BUCK Date Received: 5/25/06 Date Reported: 05/30/2006 REPORT OF, ANALYSIS Page: 1 2386 1 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A _ Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B 2387 2 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum __ ........... _.._...._......._... <_1_�__...____..____mg�kg._._._.. SW, 846-6010B _.... _..... ._.. 2388 3 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A Mehlich 3 Molybdenum < 1.0 mq/kq SW 846-6010B 2389 4 Mehlich 3 Mercury < 0.2 mg/kg SW 846-7471A _____............... ...... _. _......... _.... ..... . _._._............_.._____._Mehlich 3 Molybdenum _ _.._.._. _._. < 1.0 mg/kg SW 846-6010B Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made:,x to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Paul Chu, Ph.D. TOWN OF MOORESVILLE SOIL SCIENTIST CERTIFICATION This is to certify that these soil and site evaluations were conducted on the proposed application sites for The Town of Mooresville by Synagro Central (Synagro Inc). The soil and site evaluations consisted of hand auger borings and descriptions of the soils on the application sites; collection of soil fertility samples using standard soil sampling methods; location of property lines, residences, wells, and surface water features; identification of required buffer areas; and generation of application area maps. All hand auger borings included in this package were either performed by myself or under my direct supervision. Eric . Thompson, L.S.S. No. 1238 May 31, 2006 • Dennis Phillips • Larry Edwards NC-IR-20 Fields 1, 2, 3, 4A, 411, 6, 7; 8, 9, 11,12 NC-IR-21 Fields 1, 2, 3, 4 AGRONOMISTREPORT Synagro Central (Synagro) is operating a land application program for the recyclingibeneficial reuse of wastewater biosolids produced at the Town of Mooresville Rocky River WWTP. The agronomist report is submitted as a crucial step in the review of potential receiver sites for the program. Several factors should be taken into consideration in determining a site's suitability to receive biosolids. These factors are: • Site Investigation • Topography • Soils • Biosolids Characteristics and Loading Rates • Crop Management Site Investigation The site investigation consisted of a physical observation of each proposed site in which the following parameters were evaluated: • Soil Characteristics • Slope • Cropping Systems • Location of Property Lines • Location of Residences • Location of Wells and Surface Water Features Site specific information is enclosed (Attachment Order 3-e) for each site evaluated. Application area maps delineating the proposed application areas within each field are also enclosed. Topography The slope of each site was evaluated during the site investigation. The slope for the individual sites ranges from 0 to 10 percent for surface application and 0 to 18 percent for sub -surface injection. Areas of excessive slope have been eliminated from the application areas. Soils Soil fertility samples were collected from each site and were analyzed for standard soil fertility parameters and regulated metals content. Soil testing of the sites included in this application indicates that the soil pH is moderately acidic on some sites. The pH of these sites will be adjusted by the addition of agricultural lime in order to achieve optimal crop production. The lime recommendations are generally made based on raising the pH to a minimum of 6.0. Biosolids Characteristics and Loading Rates Biosolids samples are collected per event by Synagro and analyzed by an independent laboratory. The biosolids analysis report and calculations indicate that the residuals are non- hazardous and non -toxic. Both the soils and the crops should be able to assimilate the proposed loadings of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, and salts known to be in the residuals. This assessment is based on the biosolids analysis provided, the planned application rate, proper crop management guidelines and adherence to permit requirements. On an annual basis, nitrogen is considered to be the most limiting characteristic of these biosolids. However, soil tests should be reviewed annually. Crop Mana eg ment Based on the site and soil evaluations, crop nutrient requirements and the nutrient content of the biosolids, all sites should readily assimilate the residuals, however crop rotations and management practices should be evaluated prior to each application to account for changes in the proposed crop rotation and land use objectives. Site -specific cropping patterns are discussed further in the Site Descriptions contained in the Site Summary Sheet. Crop management guidelines that will be of importance for these sites will be: • timing of application events with plant nutritional needs and periods of plant dormancy, • split applications to prevent hydraulic overloading or nutrient leaching, • performance of proper stabilization methods to fit crop and soil needs, • establishment of suitable vegetative cover current agricultural sites, • incorporation or injection of residual solids on fields that have a high incidence of flooding, • maintenance of proper vegetative cover on more sloping areas with runoff potential, and • proper coordination between application events and crop harvesting. Land application should provide an environmentally acceptable means of beneficial reuse of the biosolids provided all the parameters of the agronomist report and the requirements of the permit are followed. daN'24z Scott Berg Agronomist Attachment Order 3-g: Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate Data imuidai r. cdsiey, .-juv"mui William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 0�G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director �i �J �J— u Division of Water Quality � o ��.. _ February 15. 2006 MR. AL JONES TOWN OF MOORESVILLE PO BOX 878 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 Subject: Attachment B Certification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Land Application Program Iredell County Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Official: In accordance with your permit modification application package received on January 9, 2006, we are forwarding herewith a modified Attachment B, certified February 15, 2006, to The Town of Mooresville for the subject residuals land application program. This certification is being issued to modify Attachment B with the addition of 125.5 permitted acres, deleting existing site NC-IR 14-2 (11.0 acres), for a total of 646.7 permitted acres. Please replace the existing Attachment B that was previously certified on July 16, 2004; with this modified Attachment B. Note that only the vicinity and buffer maps for any new land application sites are attached to this modified Attachment B. It is the Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a complete permit is created by inserting this modified Attachment B maps into Permit No. WQ0014136. Please be sure to retain any vicinity and, buffer maps for the existing land application sites. This modified Attachment B shall be effective from the date of certification; shall void Attachment B that was previously certified on July 16, 2004; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and well as those specified in the above -referenced permit. As always, remember to take the time to review this modified Attachment B thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been changed since the last certification. During the site review visit, it was noted that there were numerous soil survey flags in site NC-IR-19, fields 1 & 2, indicating that this site may be in the process of being sold. Ownership changes will suspend use of any fields for land application until a permit amendment with proper documentation is received and approved by the State. Please refer to condition I-9 of your permit. .If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this certification or modified Attachment B are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of the certification. This request shall be in the from of a written petition, conforming to Chapter-15013 of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. Nne ordi arolina Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 VVa&rallry 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet: http://aw.ehnr.state.ne.us Attachment B Certification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 2 of 2 February 14, 2006 If you need any additional information concerning- this matter, please contact Ms. Ellen Huffman by telephone at (704) 663-1699, or via e-mail at Ellen.Huffinan(@ncmail.net. Sincerely, A —A — Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Mooresville Region Aquifer Protection Supervisor cc: SYNAGRO Cabarrus County Health Department Iredell County health Department oresNdlle e:gi:ona[&Wff i,ce�Aquifer Protection Section Files Aquifer Protection Section Central Files LAPCU Files �9 s ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit Number: WQ0014136 Certification date:February 15, 2006 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Field/ZoneId Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude Dominant Soil Series Net Acreage NC-CB-07-01 Wayne, Jeremy Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35°30'05" 80°45'53" Cecil 16.00 NC-CB-07-02 Hayer, Lillian Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'59" 80046'04" Cecil 2.00 NC-CB-07-03 Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35°29'54" 80045'58" Cecil (pacolet) 11.00 NC-CB-07-04 Brewer Larry Wayne Michael Cabarrus 35129'45" 80°46'06" Cecil 6.00 Total For County Cabarrus 35.00 NC-IR-01-O 1 A NC-IR-01-01 B NC-IR-01-02 NC-IR-01-03 NC-IR-01-04 NC-IR-01-05 NC-IR-01-06 NC-IR-01-07 NC-IR-01-08 NC-IR-01-09 NC-IR-01-10 NC-IR-02-01 NC-IR-02-02 NC4R-02-03 NC-IR-02-04 NC-IR-02-05 NC-IR-02-06 NC-IR-11-01 NC-IR-I1-02 NC-IR-11-03 Patterson, Gary Patterson, Gary Patterson, Gary Patterson, Gary Patterson, W R Patterson, W R Patterson, W R Patterson, W R Patterson, W R Patterson, W R Patterson, W R Neel, Robert G Neel, Robert G Neel, Robert G Neel, Robert G Neel, Robert G Neel, Robert G McConnell, Norris G McConnell, Norris G McConnell, Norris G Patterson, Ronald Patterson, Ronald Patterson, Ronald Patterson, Ronald Patterson, Ronald Patterson, Ronald Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35°31'49" 80046'14" Lloyd 8.70 Iredell 35°31'49" 80°46'14" Lloyd 14.50 Iredell 35°31'50" 80°45'59" Lloyd 17.40 Iredell 359 V54" 80°46'06" Lloyd 3.50 Iredell 35°31'20" 80°44'36" Davidson 23.10 Iredell 35031'27" 80°44'20" Davidson 7.80 Iredell 35031'18" 80°44'47" Chewacla 17.80 Iredell 35031'18" 80°45'00" Chewacla 4.20 Iredell 35031'24" 80045'09" Chewacla 24.10 Iredell 35°31'37" 80°44'56" Chewacla 4.20 Iredell 35031'38" 80°45'03" Mecklenburg 4.60 Iredell 359603" 80o47'17" Cecil 6.50 Iredell 35°35'56" 80°47'04" Cecil 7.00 Iredell 35036'02" 80°47'14" Cecil 12.10 Iredell 35°35'54" 80°47'12" Cecil 24.80 Iredell 35036'03" 80°47'02" Cecil 1.80 Iredell 35°36'05" 80°46'60" Cecil 8.20 Iredell 3599'01" 80°46'46" Cecil 38.00 Iredell 35038'39" 80°46'43" Cecil 22.50 Iredell 35038'47" 80°46'27" Cecil 43.00 GW Restrictions GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A G W-A GW-A GW-B GW-A GW-I3 GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A Mooresville WQ0014136 Attachment B Certification Date: 02/15/2006 NC-IR-12-01 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35°33'49" 80°46'40" Cecil 26.60 GW-A NC-IR-12-03 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35°34'22" 80°46'47" Cecil 23.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-04 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35034'32" 80°46'47" Cecil 21.20 GW-A NC-IR-13-01 Carrington, Douglas W Iredell 35036'47" 80°46'23" Madison 24.60 GW-A NC4R-13-02 Carrington, Douglas W Iredell 35036'20" 80°46'10" Cecil 28.40 GW-A NC-IR-14-01 Barker, Juanita J McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 3503122" 80047'06" 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-14-03A Barker, Juartita J McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul' Iredell 359I'l0" 80°47'15" Mecklenburg 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-14-03B Barker, Juanita J McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35031'10" 80°47'15" Lloyd 3.90 GW-A NC-IR-15-01 Brawley, George W Iredell 35°40'07" 80°50'12" Cecil 15.50 GW-A NC-IR-15-02 Brawley, George W Iredell 35°40'09" 80°50'08" Cecil 5.60 GW-A NC-IR-15-03 Brawley, George W Iredell 35°40'30" 80°49'54" Cecil 46.40 GW-A NC-IR-15-04 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'12" 80049'56" Cecil 18.10 GW-A NC-IR-17-01 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35031'60" 80°49'05" Enon 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-17-02 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35°31'56" 80°49'04" Cecil 10.00 GW-A NC-IR-17-03 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35031'48" 80049'03" Pacolet 14.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-02 Hager, Ronald Iredell 359214" 80°49'01" Cecil 2.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-03 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35°32'18" 80°49'06" Cecil 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-18-04 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35°32'27" 80°48'56" Cecil 7.50 GW-A NC4R-18-05 Hager, Donald Hager, Ronald Iredell 35°32'19" 80°49'22" Cecil 32.00 GW-A NC-IR-19-01 Rogers, Joyce Rogers, Tony Iredell 35031'17" 80047'35" Pacolet 7.50 GW-A NC4R-19-02 Rogers, Joyce Rogers, Tony Iredell 3503 F08" 80°47'24" Mecklenburg 11.50 GW-A Total For County Iredell 611.70 Total 646.70 Mooresville WQ0014136 Attachment B Certification Date: 02/15/2006 0 V Mr. Al Jones, Mayor Town of Mooresville P.O. Box 878 Mooresville, North C Dear Mr. Jones: Our records s application of sludge to advise you of the i1 the terms and conditi other appropriate em MiCllacI F. Z Gm•ernor William G. Ross Jr.. Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Recrnir= Alan W. l limck. P. E. Director Division orwatcr Quality Colecr H. Sullins. Deputy Director Division or\kalcr Quuhh' DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY August 24, 2004 e 28115 V h a Subject: Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Iredell County, NC v that Permit No. WQ0014136 was issued on July 16, 2004 for the land aerated by your wastewater treatment facility. The purpose of this letter is ►rtance of the Permit and the liabilities in the event of failure to comply with of the Permit. If you have not already done so, it is requested that you and yees thoroughly read the Permit. The Permit sets forth specific performance standards, operation and maintenance requirements, monitoring requirements, including annual reporting and groundwater monitoring activities to be performed by the Permittee, plus general conditions applicable to non -discharge permits. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit subjects the Permittee to enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General Statutes. A civil penalty of up to $10,00 0 per violation may be assessed for such violations. Please note that the subject Permit expires on June 30, 2009. Condition VI, No. 7 of the Permit requires that a r(newal request be submitted at least six (6) months prior to expiration. Also the Permit is non -transferable until such time that the Permittee has requested a name change to the new Permittee. As mentioned Permit. Please read tl any questions or need NorthCarolina JVat"Mm(lry N. C. Division of Water ,eviously, the purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of your Permit and contact this office at 704/663-1699 in Mooresville if you have larification. We look forward to providing any assistance. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. U Water Quality Regional Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville NC 28115 (704) 663-1699 K- NCDENR Customer service 1-877-623-6748 Michael F. Easley, Governor Willi oss i S North Carolina Department of Environme , Nur Re°es�ou�esvL%2•v G IRS ��,-..'.t_ RESOURCES Al .•Iimek,; P.E., Directors! OFFICE �on of Water Q4ality July 16, 2004 MR. AL JONES, MAYOR TOWN OF MOORESVILLE PO Box 878 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 AUG 2 4 2004 WAYEh Subject: Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Land Application of Residual Solids (503) Iredell County Dear Mr. Jones: In accordance with your permit modification and renewal application package received on April 12, 2002 as well as the additional information received on May 15, 2002, May 30,1, 2002, September 19, 2003, October 30, 2003 and November 17, 2003, we are forwarding herewith a modified and renewed Permit No. W 0014136, dated 91020,d}A Ito the Town of Mooresville for the subject residuals land application program. This permit shall be -effective from the date of issuance until JLunO,, 2009; shall void Permit No. WQ0014136, issued onJ�une2®17!1,; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Make note of this permit's expiration date and the fact that a permit renewal application is due to the Division of Water Quality (Division) no later than six months prior to that date (i.e., see Condition VI. 7.), as the Division does not send reminders to apply for permit renewal. This permit is being modified to delete all 26 previously approved land application sites in Rowan County and eight of the previously approved land application sites in Iredell County from this program, to revise the land application site identification numbers, and to revise the acreage of certain previously permitted fields, resulting in a decrease of the total land application area from 1,455.60 acres to 532.20 acres: This permit approves the continued operation of the residuals land application program for another five-year cycle. As always, remember to take the time to review this permit thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been added, changed, or deleted since the last issuance. Pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the from of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 DENR Customer Service Center An Equal Opportunity Action Employer Internet http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 Telephone 1 800 623-7748 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper Mr. Al Jones Page 2 July 16, 2004 If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Duane Leith by telephone at (919) 733-5083, extension 370, or via e-mail at duane.leith@ncmail.net. Si ely, r Alan W. Klimek, P.E. cc: Melanie McKinney, Synagro Southeast, Inc. Iredell County Health Department Mooresville Regional Office -Water Quality Section Wgior sville .Regional Office -Groundwater Section Central Office -Groundwater Section Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Water Quality Central Files NDPU Files NDPU Residuals Program Coordinator P ti NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUAL SOLIDS (503) PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Town of Mooresville Iredell County FOR THE continued operation of a residuals land application program for the Town of Mooresville and consisting of the land application of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A to the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the permit modification and renewal application package received on April 12, 2002 as well as the additional information received on May 15, 2002, May 30,1, 2002, September 19, 2003, October 30, 2003 and November 17, 2003 and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until June 30, 2009; shall void Permit No. WQ0014136, issued on June 8, 2001; and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The residuals land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non - discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils of the land application sites fail to assimilate the residuals adequately and may be rescinded unless the land application sites are maintained and operated in a manner that will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and groundwater. 3. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface waters or groundwater resulting from the operation of this residuals land application program. 4. In the event that the residuals land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Water Quality Section of the appropriate Division of Water Quality's (Division) regional office, and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division. 5. No residuals other than those generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall be approved for land application in accordance with this permit. 6. The pollutant concentrations in any residuals that are land applied to any land application site shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weijzht basis): Parameter Ceiling Concentration (milligrams per kilogram) Arsenic 75 Cadmium 85 Copper 4,300 Lead 840 Mercury 57 Molybdenum 75 Nickel 420 Selenium 100 Zinc 7,500 7. When residuals are land applied under the conditions of this permit, the Class A pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b), and one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33 shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation shall be performed that demonstrates the residuals' ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation, including all test results and calculations, shall be submitted. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A shall not be required to comply with the specified pathogen reduction and vector attraction reduction requirements. Only the land application sites listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit are approved for residuals land application. 9. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Permittee and the landowners and lessees or operators of any land application sites listed in the most recently - certified Attachment B of this permit not owned by the Permittee are in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and shall be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. 10. The appropriate local governmental official (i.e., county manager, city manager, etc.) shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event to any new land application site. In addition, the appropriate county manager's office shall be notified prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new site so that they will be aware that residuals land application activities have commenced on the site. 2 11.. The Water Quality Section of the appropriate Division's regional office shall be notified at least 24 hours prior to the initial residuals land application event on any new land application site. Such notification to the Regional Water Quality Supervisor shall be made during normal office hours (i.e., from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.) between Monday and Friday, but excluding State Holidays. A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/. II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The facilities and land application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. Upon classification of the residuals land application program by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the program. The operator shall hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the program by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee shall also designate a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0202. No residuals shall be stored at any land application site at any time, unless written approval has first been requested and obtained from the Division. 4. A copy of this permit shall be maintained in all manned equipment at the land application sites when residuals are being land applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. When land applying residuals to any land application site, the following buffer zones shall be maintained at all times: a. 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Water Quality Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this permit; b. 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface application methods; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Water Quality Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this permit; c. 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods; d. 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application; e. 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application; f. 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g. 50 feet from public right of ways for both surface and subsurface application methods; 41 h. 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both surface and subsurface application methods; and i. 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems, and surface drainage ditches for both surface and subsurface application methods. Some of the buffers specified above may not have been included in previous permits for this residuals land application program. However, any land application sites that are listed in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit, but were approved with different buffers shall be reflagged to comply with these buffers. 6. Maximum slope for land application of residuals shall be 10 percent for surface application methods and 18 percent for subsurface application methods. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each land application site prior to and during a residuals land application event. The metal loading rates on any land application site shall not exceed the following Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): Parameter CPLR (kilograms per hectare) CPLR (pounds per acre) Arsenic 41 36 Cadmium 39 34 Copper 1,500 1,338 Lead 300 267 Mercury 17 15 Molybdenum n/a n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 2,800 2,498 9. An acceptable pH shall be maintained in the soil, residuals, and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites onto which residuals are land applied to ensure optimum yield for the crops specified in Condition H. 13. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 10. Should any of the residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facilities listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit contain a high salt content (i.e., high sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of five or higher), the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) or other method as approved by the Division, using the results from the annual soils analysis as required by this permit, shall be monitored on all of the land application sites. The local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, a North Carolina -licensed Soil Scientist, or other agronomist shall review the results and make recommendations regarding soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.) or other ameliorative mechanism for maintaining the integrity of the site in terms of suitability for land application of residuals and maintaining conditions conducive to crop growth. The Permittee shall implement such recommendations accordingly and shall maintain written records of each monitoring event that includes details of the sites covered and rate of soil amendment application. 9 11. Prior to land applying residuals to any land application site that has previously received or is intended to receive animal waste (e.g., poultry litter, etc.) or other source of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, etc.) in the future, the Permsttee shall obtain information pertaining to the volume and analysis of the applied waste/nutrients from the landowner and/or lessee/operator of the site. The Permittee shall be responsible for verifying the volume of residuals that may be land applied to the site such that the plant available nitrogen (PAN) loading rate for the specified crop (i.e., see Condition 11. 13.) shall not be exceeded by all of the sources of PAN applied. Should the maximum PAN loading rate be met or exceeded, then no additional residuals shall be land applied to the site. 12. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in Condition H. 13., shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are land applied in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural_ Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist and as approved by the Division. 13. Residuals and other sources of PAN shall be land applied to all land application sites at agronomic rates in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. Under no circumstances shall the following PAN loading rates land applied to any site exceed the followina for the specified crops: PAN PAN Crop (pounds per Crop (pounds per acre per year) acre per year) Alfalfa 200 Forest 75 (Hardwood or Softwood) Bermuda Grass 220 Milo 100 (Hay or Pasture) Blue Grass 120 Small Grain 100 (Wheat, Barley, or Oats) Corn 160 Sorghum or Sudex 180 (Grain) (Pasture) Corn 200 Sorghum or Sudex 220 (Silage) (Silage) Cotton 70 Soybeans 200 Fescue 250 Timothy, Orchard, or 200 Rye Grasses The Permittee shall apply for and receive a modification of this permit before land applying residuals on any land application site that is to be established in a crop other than those listed above. A maximum PAN loading rate for the desired crop shall be approved with the permit modification. If the land application sites are to be overseeded (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with BOTH crops to receive residuals), then the second crop shall receive an application of PAN at a rate of no greater than 50 pounds per acre per year. This practice shall be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no residuals shall be land applied to these sites because the PAN will essentially be returned to the soil. 5 Residuals shall not be land applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 14. Animals shall not be grazed on any land application site for 30 days after any residuals land application event. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each event. 15. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after any residuals land application event. 16. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after any residuals land application event. 17. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (i.e., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 18. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after any residuals land application event when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 19. Turf shall not be harvested for one year after any residuals land application event. 20. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into any surface waters. 21. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any land applied or stored residuals into any surface waters. 22. Surface -applied residuals shall be plowed or disced within 24 hours after land application on land application sites with no cover crop established. 23. For land application sites that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals shall be land applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals shall be incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after land application. 24. Residuals shall not be land applied during inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 0.5-inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals land application measures shall first be approved in writing by the Division. 25. Residuals shall not be land applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen, or snow-covered. 26. Appropriate measures shall be taken to control public access to the land application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. III. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 2. Any monitoring (i.e., Including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to ensure protection of the environment shall be established, and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most -recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be analyzed to demonstrate that they are non- hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). A corrosivity, ignitability, and reactivity analysis as well as a Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source - generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analyses shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment_A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit, the analyses shall be required for each residuals land application event. Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from this condition in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (i.e., note the regulatory level in milligrams per liter in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) Barium (100.0) Benzene (0.5) Cadmium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Chlordane (0.03) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Chloroform (6.0) Chromium (5.0) m-Cresol (200.0) o-Cresol (200.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Cresol (200.0) 2,4-D (10.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Methoxychlor (10.0) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) After the residuals have been monitored as specified above for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to request a reduction of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per permit cycle. 7 An analysis shall be conducted on residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit. The analysis shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility are land applied at a frequency less than that which is specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, an analysis shall be required for each residuals land application event. The analysis shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following parameters: Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Arsenic Cadmium Calcium Copper Lead Magnesium Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Percent Total Solids pH Phosphorus Potassium Selenium Sodium - Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Zinc Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) .After__ the residuals generated by a particular residuals source -generating facility have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case, however, shall the frequency of this monitoring be less than once per year when a residuals land application event of residuals generated by the residuals source -generating facility occurs during that year. 4. Residuals generated by each residuals source -generating facility listed in the most recently - certified Attachment A of this permit shall be monitored for compliance with Condition I. 7. The monitoring shall be performed at the frequency specified in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit, and data to verify pathogen and vector attraction reduction of the residuals shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, but also shall be sufficient to demonstrate clear compliance with the Class A pathogen reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.32(a) or the Class B pathogen reduction requirements and site restrictions in 40 CFR Part 503.32(b) as well as one of vector attraction reduction requirements in 40 CFR Part 503.33. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certification statements concerning compliance with pathogen reduction requirements, vector attraction reduction requirements, and management practices shall be completed quarterly by the proper authority or authorities, if more than one is involved (i.e., either the person who prepares the residuals, the person who derives the material, or the person who applies the residuals). Only residuals that are generated by the residuals source -generating facilities that are identified as being exempt from Condition I. 7. in the most recently -certified Attachment A of this permit shall not be required to comply with this monitoring requirement. Laboratory analyses as required by Condition III. 2., Condition III. 3., and Condition 111. 4. shall be performed/gathered on the residuals as they are to be land applied. Furthermore, analytical determinations made pursuant to the monitoring and reporting requirements of this permit shall be made by a laboratory certified by the Division for the required parameter(s) under 15A NCAC 2H .0800 or 15A NCAC 2H .1100. 6. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all residuals land application events. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number); d. Method of land application; e. Weather conditions (i.e., sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.); f. Soil conditions (i.e., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); g. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; h. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, dry tons per acre, or kilograms per hectare; i. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); j. Volume of soil amendments (i.e., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or kilograms per hectare (if applicable); and k. Annual and cumulative totals of dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (i.e., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (i.e., shall include, but shall not be limited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 7. A representative annual soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land application site on which a residuals land application event in the respective calendar year has occurred or is to occur, and the results shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity - Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (by calculation) Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Cation Exchange Capacity Manganese Potassium Copper Percent Humic Matter Sodium Base Saturation (by calculation) pH Zinc Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in Condition III. 1., Condition III. 2., Condition III. 3., Condition III. 4., Condition Ill, 5., Condition III, 6., and Condition III. 7. shall be submitted annually on or before March 1st of the year following the residuals land application event to the following address: NCDENR-DWQ Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 9 9. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Water Quality Section of the Division's Mooresville Regional Office at telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the residuals land application program that results in the land application of significant amounts of residuals that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the residuals land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. c. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the residuals land application program has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the program system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the residuals land application program incapable of adequate residuals treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS Land Anwlication Site Requirements: a. Each land application site identified with a GW-A in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table greater than three feet below the land surface. Residuals land application events may occur on these sites throughout the year. b. Each land application site identified with a GW-B in the most recently -certified Attachment B of this permit is dominated by soils with a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet below the land surface. Residual land application events on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. No residuals shall be land applied to these sites when the vertical separation between the depth of residuals land application and the water table is less than three feet. The actual water table depth for seasonally -restricted soils shall be verified by soil borings within 24 hours prior to any residuals land application event that occurs from April through November, inclusive. The number of borings advanced shall be sufficient to characterize water table conditions across the land application site adequately. Any open borings shall be properly filled with native soil, prior to the residuals land application event, to decrease the chance of any residuals contaminating the groundwater. 10 2. Applicable Boundary Requirements: a. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for residuals land application programs is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L (i.e., "Groundwater Classifications and Standards"). The Compliance Boundary for each land application site is established at either 250 feet from the residuals land application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residuals land application area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action according to 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). b. The REVIEW BOUNDARY shall be established around each land application site midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals land application area. Any exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at the Review - Boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 2L .0106 (d)(2). Additional Requirements: a. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V. INSPECTIONS Prior to each residuals land application event, the Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and discharges that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application sites or facilities at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the residuals land application events are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by the Division. 2. This permit shall be effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the application and other supporting data. 3. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A through § 143-215.6C. 11 4. The annual administering and compliance fee shall be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit, as specified by 15NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). 5. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction, including, but not limited to, applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO10000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC .0500. 6. This permit may be modified, revoked, and/or reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to protect the environment and public health adequately. 7. The Permittee, at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Division shall review the adequacy of the facilities and residuals land application program described therein, and if warranted, shall extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. This permit shall not be automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the residuals land application program to change ownership or to change the name of the Permittee, a formal permit request shall be submitted to the Division documentation from the parties involved and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request shall be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. Permit issued this the 16a' day of July, 2004. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director s Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0014136 12 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residual Source -Generating Facilities Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Owner Facility Name County Permit Number Issued By Is 503? Maximum Monitoring Monitoring Approved Dry Tons Frequency for Frequency for Mineralization Per Year Condition III.2. Condition III.3. and Rate Condition III.4. Town of Mooresville Rocky River W WTP Iredell NC0046729 DWQ 503 657.00 Annually Quarterly .30 Total 657.00 Permit No. WQ0014136 Page 1 of I Certification Date: July 16, 2004 VICINITY MAP . `� SYNAGE A Ruiduair Management Company I COUNTY OWNER ►. 4 uocreSklille ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Town, of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Site/Field ID Landowner Lessee/Operator County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Applicable Restriction in Condition IV. 1. NC-IR-OI-OIA Patterson, Gary Iredell 35.31.49 80.46.14 8.70 GW-A NC-IR-01-01B Patterson, Gary Iredell 35.31.49 80.46.14 14.50 GW-A NC-IR-01-02 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35.31.50 80.45.59 17.40 GW-A NC-IR-01-03 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35.31.54 80.46.06 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-01-04° Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.20 80.44.36 23.10 GW-A NC-IR-01-05 Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.27 80.44.20 7.80 GW-A NC-IR-01-06 Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.18 80.44.47 17.80 GW-A NC-IR-01-07 Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.18 80.45.00 4.20 GV/-B NC-IR-01-08 Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.24 80.45.09 24.10 GW-A NC-IR-01-09 Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.37 80.44.56 4.20 GW-B NC-IR-01-10 Patterson, W. R. Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35.31.38 80.45.03 4.60 GW-A NC-IR-02-01 Neel, Robert G. Iredell 35.36.03 80.47.17 6.50 GW-A NC-IR-02-02 Neel, Robert G. Iredell 35.35.56 80.47.04 7.00 GW-A NC-IR-02-03 Neel, Robert G. Iredell 35.36.02 80.47.14 12.10 GW-A NC-IR-02-04 Neel, Robert G. Iredell 35.35.54 80.47.12 24.80 GW-A NC-IR-02-05 Neel, Robert G. Iredell 35.36.03 80.47.02 1.80 GW-A NC-IR-02-06 Neel, Robert G. Iredell 35.36.05 80.47.00 8.20 GW-A NC-IR-11-01 McConnell, Norris G. Iredell 35.39.01 80.46.46 38.00 GW-A NC-IR-11-02b McConnell, Norris G. Iredell 35.38.39 80.46.43 22.50 GW-A NC-IR-11-03° McConnell, Norris G. Iredell 35.38.47 80.46.27 43.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-01 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35.33.49 80.46.40 26.60 GW-A NC-IR-12-03 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35.34.22 80.46.47 23.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-04 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35.34.32 80.46.47 21.20 GW-A NC-IR-13-Old Carrington, Douglas W. Iredell 35.36.47 80.46.23 24.60 GW-A NC-IR-13-02 Carrington, Douglas W. Iredell 35.36.20 80.46.10 28.40 GW-A NC-IR-14-01` Barker, Juanita J. McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35.31.22 80.47.06 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-14-02 Barker, Juanita J. McAllister/Barber, Barry/ Paul Iredell 35.31.17 80.47.14 11.00 GW-A NC-IR-14-03A Barker, Juanita J. McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35.31.10 80.47.15 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-14-03B Barker, Juanita J. McAlister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35.31.10 80.47.15 3.90 GW-A NC-IR-15-01 Brawley, Jr., George W. Iredell 35.40.07 80.50.12 15.50 GW-A NC-IR-15-02 Brawley, Jr., George W. Iredell 35.40.09 80.50.08 5.60 GW-A NC-IR-15-03 Brawley, Jr., George W. Iredell 35.40.30 80.49.54 46.40 1GW-A NC-IR-15-04 I Brawley, Jr., George W. Iredell 35.40.12 80.49.56 18.10 1 GW-A Pertnit No. WQ0014136 Page 1 of 2 Certification Date: July 16, 2004 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Site/Field ID Landowner Lessee/Operator County Latitude Longitude Net Acreage Applicable Restriction in Condition IV. 1. Total For Comity Iredell 532.20 Total 532.20 A reduced buffer from a residence under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied to within 250 feet of the Michael Tyler residence, at 169 Rustic Road, regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface application method is used. b A reduced buffer from a residence under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied to within 100 feet of the Gene Corriher residence at 867 Mazeppa Road, the Raymond Honbarger residence at 901 Mazeppa Road, the J. D. Sloan residence at 913 Mazeppa Road, the James F. Sloop, Jr. residence at 925 Mazeppa Road, the Teresa McCann residence at 931 Mazeppa Road, the Ray V. Frye residence at 941 Mazeppa Road, the Roselea Millis residence at 951 Mazeppa Road, and the Jan McConnell residence at 967 Mazeppa Road regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface application method is used. A reduced buffer from a residence under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied to within 100 feet of the the Teresa McCann residence at 931 Mazeppa Road, the Ray V. Frye residence at 941 Mazeppa Road, the Roselea Millis residence at 951 Mazeppa Road, the Jan McConnell residence at 967 Mazeppa Road, the Jerry Benson residence at 961 Mazeppa Road, the Tara Tevepaugh residence at 957 Mazeppa Road, the Harold McDougal residence at 977 Mazeppa Road and the William R. Mitchell residence at 174 Prelude Drive regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface application method is used. d A reduced buffer from a residence under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied to within 100 feet of the the Douglas R. Hamilton residence at 702 Wiggins road regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface application method is used. ` A reduced buffer from a residence under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied to within 200 feet of the Joe Sterrett residence at 303 Johnson Dairy Road, the Charles E. and Mary Ellen Wade residence at 287 Johnson Dairy Road and to within 150 feet of the Lynne Mauney residence at 242 Johnson Dairy Road regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface application method is used. Pernut No. WQ0014136 Page 2 of 2 Certification Date: July 16, 2004 ffAGR�0 VICINITY MAP �oo�, R luGManag----Company --' - - fib• Js /�--✓ Is"!%T \� y /`� s g f 3� - T 1rr• a• w w�a�» Y i e� f _ - -- - —( ' �\ / .I�Yk� ° `•� �♦S' ''. V. j r � a o-3 g ShwaR nq �• I o♦- Pp � M. It- airr.:r: F- fiBpcK g P"apwx o- oo 7J(177 e�E° f 775 SJw6herdc & � I 1E • +'eaw cara GAMEl we�+�s � S c eLO�e / / � N°, \ _,} f f'k r U C_ •�! J'�iJ\% \ q�•-°�aer na _ 21"T° / .. �l'A ' _/ / 150�0 ♦��. ' I r1IY 1� 1 �6 � � �. Ctc¢ dUa ao. e plMi•xM1 a� � 9 i I Mflpr � .� piip¢ L+ "-) ♦ � `\i�4 ` I � � 1 ¢w 77 - � ap � ' �y`� f n � . � arwn � pe �L_, o • � 1 rr•. - � 750 a WTa. 1 _ i / I .• SEY' N° s 37errell ��� \,�J / 1 . , • ' ` Ili 'f ` ° Y ue x '- .., a � � -= E ��� GQ, . :•1 � ¢ Po � *� I a '� � 21 I 1 < / \�..aP 1 ' I 1 0: 3 � 801 jt Jr° qoa f "OM .. � � � �''1 y1f � • n40F ' �/ �q �� : S" 1 • • � J 1 1 .7 5 t atq• ¢9� '6 r4 IY1p( � . F � �' �°'„ FA SAIL. - I, y• � / �, o •;�' ¢r>L "° � � 'Fq° � LOCATION y°� a � - i � « cx• \ O �I4'rrkCrerk J"4\ / ?' ' 1 w $ . \4 Cia LAI{E r NORMAIAf- 7 � r,(1/' Cieek R q 0 G AR -.�"q•I y` I t -,.Y -, �-.�-�.. v�f .. I ,\p \T - P £ � L—sucfwx � ` 736 •'� 4 '• iL .� 1 4 ' -� li ✓ ro ysy '_ su�la, Tr 4c' r Q` • • f . °La' � �� - ¢ mt tus r 1 ' ' ¢" ? '4 saprre (`/ ( / i� �� -i yt. w / r .`\\ 4f 4 p �S •� �~ KET<L' ../ PF'" ��� • ° . f j 1 r. / , f , .L ♦-(" q •m' \`i , . t � �\ � / -. ewowxo 9 � sty wi/ ,� \ I ', R� �° r i' t r � P •°rx N y 73 N1 Ti 1 % RR Y vie s EC r \♦ (. // CI .. A>✓ `♦ ¢w A Tb CO... f9' YN \\ l T� L: ', B(° 1 / la)y /I „l "•"� -, .�\ *�i N� ON ry.F q _ COUNTY �_ re�.l�ll NOV 1 4 2 R G--a 0 �i +k ■ house, Gary P&+4exson P"'P"line Cps NC sR-� APPLICATION AREA MAP SYNAGRO, A Residuals Management Company Owner'' Scale: 1" = h [„ n Field # Total Acres Q 3.5 Net Acres • • .�-3 STREAM APPLICATION AREA = _ _ " = PRIVATE ROAD • —� DRAIN ■ HOUSE FORESTED AREA ® POND E] OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE ��—-xFENCE fly, WELL O STORAGE AREA p SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE NC - T_ R- VIA'' SYNAGED APPLICATION AREA MAP A Ru,dua1s Managemeaf c0,71a0117 Owner Pn4.+ev-90 n 'Scale: 1" = _ G & 0 Field # SJ 10 Total Acres 9. `� Net Acres a8. 7- • -� . ,_ STREAM APPLICATION AREA PRIVATE ROAD • -� DRAIN O HOUSE FORESTED AREA WO POND. 0 OUTBUILDING V UNSUITABLE FENCE WELL STORAGE AREA Q SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR .. INCORPORATION, 5-12% SLOPE W S 11 AGM VICINITY NUP - 2 — �� A Residuals Management Company SYNAGRO APPLICATION AREA MAP A Reriduh Management comp,=y Owner Scale: V.= Field# Total Acres ],I. k Net Acres STREAM APPLICATION AREA PRIVATE ROAD • DRAIN 8 HOUSE. FORESTED AREA POND Q OUTBUILDING Q UNSUITABLE FENCE WELL O STORAGE AREA -e SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPO RATION, 8-12% SLOPE -I covNTY TrP P vir r I): I:AZ OWNER loans- wcoo"ypli: SYiVAG1�0 APPLICATION AREA MA A Ruidwh Mnaguaent Company . I Scale: V = It111�� Field # Owner NOV Y'IS f'Y1�Connel Total Acres I I a. 5 Net Acres 1012 e S_ STREAM . APPLICATION AREA = _ _ _ = PRIVATE ROAD. ---� DRAIN- O HOUSE � FORESTED AREA W POND €] OUTBUILDING V UNSUITABLE FENCEisujTAB WELL STORAGE AREA O Q . I ESCRIPTION SOIL D FOR. . . INCORPORATION. 8-12% SLOPE t r,. VICINITY MAP NC-T?-12 � SYNAGRO A Residuals Managemme Company N C-TR-12• &PLICATI®N AREA MAP ` s "AGNO A Rend== Management Company V7 ♦• uvi V►/ Lt� 1 GJ f 1 Y I'�� _ l' ltJ / ���.. ••- Total Acres_ 3 S. S Net Acres • -0 STREAM APPLICATION AREA = - _ = PRIVATE ROAD . • . �� DRAIN N.. HOUSE FORESTED AREA. ® POND. . 13 OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE. FENCE d WELL O STORAGE AREA p' , SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR .. INCORPORATION, 8-12% _ SLOPE Owner , f o 1� n WU te I+ FauerrnA _T n Scale: l" .= Field # 3. q . :.' Total .Acres- 5R G Net Acres . i1`f. • " ---'! STREAM APPLICATION AREA PRIVATE ROAD -- --' . -� DRAIN - a HOUSE FORESTED. AREA. ® POND C1 OUTBUILDING. UNSUITABLE ib FENCE JPS . .-.WELL . O STORAGE AREA p SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR,.. INCORPORATION, 8-.12% SLOPE VICIIVIT4'1VdAP NC-IR- 13 CI;a) �r yX SYNAGB A Retiduaii Managwmi Company SMGP\O APPLICATION AREA MAP A Residuals Mamanemm, Owner. I)o ug Pan q n Scale: 1" _ (�(n,� Field # ----� STREAM Total Acres- a-7. 3 APPLICATION AREA Net Acres _ _ _ _ PRIVATE ROAD --.— • — DRAIN .8. HOUSE FORESTED AREA ® POND. O OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE FENCE jd . WELL ® STORAGE AREA p SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE .. , N C —179 — 13 -00 SMGP\O &PPLICATION AREA MIAP A Rrsidzah Management Company 14fill a W EG WAM1111 MWARMTE Owner -Do!j:!1 CA y ria Ck h Scale: V Field # Total Acres 29A Net Acres R. STREAM. APPLICATION AREA A PRIVATE ROAD DRAIN 2 ROUSE FORESTED. AREA. POND a OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE FENCE Jd WELL S O STORAGE. . SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR - ' INCORPORATION, .8-12%.SLOPE i VICINITY MAP r. ' Charles Wade. douse. Yo e !S+i�- r6++ N (See 6 LrKe r. Wai VP-r Jkpniivu 13cuker ko es 2O .......... Sol lI 0_u n r-� p Pied 6, us e- (5ee 0 VT q U)o-L Ve r) DIM 150Lt TuatajmL Rai- ker pmpet 14% (p L) 3B CIL owner .1U&n!b bw-kev owner .1U&n!b bw-kev Scale: .I".= L (an' Field # Per"r-. P&LLI T-S ruker Total, Acres 2.1. 3 Net Acres 18 STREAM APPLICATION AREA A PRIVATE ROAD DRAIN 8 HOUSE FORESTED AREA POND O OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE Jd --WELL- - - O STORAGE AREA p SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, :8-12% SLOPE gc -ram- ►s Cs- 4) SYNAGRO A Residual, Management Company NC fiz 15"M .1p.SYNAGA0 A Resid—h M-n-gement C,,_,pany, APPLICATION AREA. MAP C7 e o rj e, fop Tvopar� A George 1 or e 0 house.. Af Y Owner G-eo"-el gv&�)IJAA4 Scale: I".=Wed Field # Total Acres Net Acres t, STREAM APPLICATION AREA PRIVATE. ROAD, DRAIN 8 HOUSE... FORESTED AREA POND 13 OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE qq FENCE -WELL, STORAGE AREA O e SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, F. 8-12% SLOPE . vvuuam u. Koss ir., aecretary ' North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources February 15, 2006 MR. AL JONES TOWN OF MOORESVILLE PO BOX 878 MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28115 Subject: Attachment B Certification Permit No. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Land Application Program Iredell County Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. Official: Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality mzz'a & -p- In accordance with your permit modification application package received on January 9, 2006, we are forwarding herewith a modified Attachment B, certified February 15, 2006, to The Town of Mooresville for the subject residuals land application program. This certification is being issued to modify Attachment B with the addition of 125.5 permitted acres, deleting existing site NC-IR 14-2 (11.0 acres), for a total of 646.7 permitted acres. Please replace the existing Attachment B that was previously certified on July 16, 2004, with this modified Attachment B. Note that only the vicinity and buffer maps for any new land application sites are attached to this modified Attachment B. It is the .Permittee's responsibility to ensure that a complete permit is created by inserting this modified Attachment B maps into Permit No. WQ0014136. Please be sure to retain any vicinity and buffer maps for the existing land application sites. This modified Attachment B shall be effective from the date of certification; shall void Attachment B that was previously certified on July 16, 2004; and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein and well as those specified in the above -referenced permit. As always, remember to take the time to review this modified Attachment B thoroughly, as some of the conditions contained therein may have been changed since the last certification. During the site review visit, it was noted that there were numerous soil survey flags in site NC-IR-19, fields 1 & 2, indicating that this site may be in the process of being sold. Ownership changes will suspend use of any fields for land application until a permit amendment with proper documentation is received and approved by the State. Please refer to - condition I-9 of your permit. If any parts, requirements, and/or limitations contained in this certification or modified Attachment B are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of the certification. This request shall be in the from of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. One North Carolina Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 ort hCaxol in 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet: http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us d V 6 / Attachment B Certification � Permit No_ WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Page 2 of 2 February 14, 2006 If you need any additional information concerning this matter, please contact ibis. Ellen Huffinan by telephone at (704) 663-1699, or via e-mail at Ellen. Hu ffmankY,,,ncmail.net. Sincerely, Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Mooresville Region Aquifer Protection Supervisor cc: SYNAGRO Cabarrus County Health Department Iredell County health Department Mooresville Regional Office Aquifer Protection Section Files Aquifer Protection Section Central Files LAPCU Files ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Permit Number: W00014136 Certification date:February 15, 2006 Town of Mooresville Town of Mooresville Residuals Land Application Program Field/Zone Id Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude Dominant Soil Series Net Acreage NC-CB-07-01 Wayne, Jeremy Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35°30'05" 80°45'53" Cecil 16.00 NC-CB-07-02 Hayer, Lillian Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35°29'59" 80°46'04" Cecil 2.00 NC-CB-07-03 Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'54" 80°45'58" Cecil (pacolet) 11.00 NC-CB-07-04 Brewer, Larry Wayne, Michael Cabarrus 35029'45" 80°46'06" Cecil 6.00 Total For County Cabarrus 35.00 NC-IR-01-01 A Patterson, Gary Iredell 35°3 P49" 80°46'14" Lloyd 8.70 NC-IR-01-01B Patterson, Gary Iredell 35'31'49" 80e46'14" Lloyd 14.50 NC-IR-01-02 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35°31'50" 80°45'59" Lloyd 17.40 NC-IR-01-03 Patterson, Gary Iredell 35031'54" 80°46'06" Lloyd 3.50 NC-IR-01-04 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'20" 80°44'36" Davidson 23.10 NC-IR-01-05 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'27" 80°44'20" Davidson 7.80 NC-IR-01-06 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 3503I'18" 80°44'47" Chewacla 17.80 NC-IR-01-07 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'l8" 80°45'00" Chewacla 4.20 NC-IR-01-08 Patterson; W R Patterson, Ronald 'Iredell 3503P24" 80°45'09" Chewacla 24.10 NC-IR-01-09 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'37" 80°44'56" Chewacla 4.20 NC-IR-0I-10 Patterson, W R Patterson, Ronald Iredell 35031'38" 80045'03" Mecklenburg 4.60 NC4R-02-01 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35°36'03" 80°47'17" Cecil 6.50 NC-IR-02-02 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35e35'56" 80°47'04" Cecil 7.00 NC-IR-02-03 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35°36'02" 80°47'14" Cecil 12.10 NC-IR-02-04 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35e35'54" 80e47'12" Cecil 24.80 NC-IR-02-05 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35°36'03" 80e47'02" Cecil 1.80 NC-IR-02-06 Neel, Robert G Iredell 35036'05" 80°46'60" Cecil 8.20 NC-IR-11-01 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35e39'01" 80°46'46" Cecil 38.00 NC-IR-I1-02 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35e38'39" 80°46'43" Cecil 22.50 NC-IR-I1-03 McConnell, Norris G Iredell 35038'47" 80e46'27" Cecil 43.00 GW Restrictions GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A G W-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-B GW-A GW-B GW-A GW-A GW-A G W-A G W-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A GW-A Mooresville WQ0014136 Attachment B Certification Date: 02/15/2006 0 5 NC-IR-12-01 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35033'49" 80°46'40" Cecil 26.60 GW-A NC-IR-12-03 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35034'22" 80°46'47" Cecil 23.00 GW-A NC-IR-12-04 Fesperman, John Wyatt Iredell 35°34'32" 80°46'47" Cecil 21.20 GW-A NC-IR-13-01 Carrington, Douglas W Iredell 35°36'47" 80°46'23" Madison 24.60 GW-A NC-IR-13-02 Carrington, Douglas W Iredell 35°36'20" 80°46'10" Cecil 28.40 GW-A NC-IR-14-01 Barker, Juanita J McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35031'22" 80°47'06" 2.50 GW-A NC-IR-14-03A Barker, Juanita J McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35°31'10" 80°4TI5" Mecklenburg 11.60 GW-A NC-IR-14-03B Barker, Juanita J McAllister/Barker, Barry/Paul Iredell 35°31'10" 80°47'15" Lloyd 3.90 GW-A NC-IR-15-01 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'07" 80°50'12" Cecil 15.50 GW-A NC-IR-15-02 Brawley, George W Iredell 35°40'09" 80°50'08" Cecil 5.60 GW-A NC-EZ-15-03 Brawley, George W Iredell 35°4030" 80°49'54" Cecil 46.40 GW-A NC-IR-15-04 Brawley, George W Iredell 35040'12" 80°49'56" Cecil 18.10 GW-A NC-IR-17-01 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35°31'60" 80°49'05" Enon 3.50 GW-A NC-IR-17-02 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 3591'56" 80°49'04" Cecil 10.00 GW-A NC-IR-17-03 Christopher, Joseph C Iredell 35°31'48" 80°49'03" Pacolet 14.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-02 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'14" 80°49'01" Cecil 2.00 GW-A NC-IR-18-03 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'18" 80°49'06" Cecil 2.50 GW-A NC4R-18-04 Hager, Ronald Iredell 35032'27" 80°48'56" Cecil 7.50 OW -A NC-IR-18-05 Hager, Donald Hager, Ronald Iredell 35°32'19" 80°49'22" Cecil 32.00 GW-A NC-IR-19-01 Rogers, Joyce Rogers, Tony Iredell 35°31'17" 80°47'35" Pacolet 7.50 GW-A NC-IR-19-02 Rogers Joyce Rogers Tony Iredell 35°31'08" 80°47'24" Mecklenburg 11.50 GW-A Total For County Iredell 611.70 Total 646.70 Mooresville WQ0014136 41% Attachment B Certification Date: 02/15/2006 .N 11 a 04 SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company January 6, 2006 N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 ATTENTION: Mrs. Shannon Thornburg mp,) Me (f�� pE 0 W E JA N 2 7 2006 NC DENR MRO DWQ - Aquifer Protection RECEIVED/ DENR I DWQ AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION JAN 0 9 2006 REFERENCE: MODIFICATION OF PERMIT NO. WQ0014136 Town of Mooresville Dear Mrs. Thornburg: Synagro is submitting, on behalf of the Town of Mooresville (Town), an application to modify the Town's residuals land application permit. Listed below are the requested modifications to the existing permit as they pertain to land application sites: • Add 4 new application sites in Cabbarrus County (35.0 acres) • Add 9 new application sites in Iredell County (90.5 acres) • Delete 1 current land application site in Iredell County (11.0 acres) This package should contain all of the information that is necessary to complete the requested modifications to the Town's permit. However, if you require additional information or have further questions about the included information, please contact me immediately. I look forward to working with you to insure that this is an efficient review process, and will be happy to provide any further assistance if necessary. ncerely, Mary K. ck Technical Services Manager Enc: Application Package (1 original & 3 copies), $325 submittal fee 6220-A Hackers Bend Court, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 • Ph: (336) 766-0328 • Fax: (336) 766-8652 • Toll Free: (877) 267-2687 1 f 111kGP\0 A Residuals Management Company APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION PERMIT No. WQ0014136 RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM TOWN OF MOORESVILLE MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared by: SYNAGRO SOUTH, INC. 6220-A Hackers Bend Ct. Winston-Salem, NC 27103 Toll Free: 1-877-267-2687 Fax: 336-766-8652 Table of Contents Section # Title Section 1 Attachment Order 1: Non -Dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs Form Section 3 Attachment Order 3: Land Application Site Certification Attachment Attachment Order 3-a: Watershed Classification Attachment Attachment Order 3-b: County Manager Notification Attachment Site Specific Information (per application site): Site Summary Sheet Attachment Order 3-c: Landowner Agreement Attachment Attachment Order 3-d: Buffer Waiver Agreement(s) (If appropriate) Attachment Order 3-e: Vicinity and Buffer Maps Attachment Order 3-f: Soils and Agronomic Evaluation Attachment Order 1 Non -Dedicated Residuals Land Application Programs Form State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality NON -DEDICATED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAMS (THIS FORM AMYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) Application (Number: (to be completed by DWQ) I. GENERAL INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville RECEIVED D 2. Signing official's name and -title: Al Jones Mayor a ^� RECEIVED! DEN AQUIFER SEf TI N 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-042�6 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 1 E-mail address: aioneaci mooresville nc us 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and/or consulting_ firm who prepared application: MM Buck Technical Services Manager, Svnaaro Inc 6220-A Hackers Bend Ct City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103- Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 x.113 Facsimile number:( 336 ) 766-8652 E-mail address: mbuckna synagro com 5. County where residuals land application program is headquartered: Iredell 6. County(ies) where residuals source-generatingi facilities are located: Iredell 7. County(ies) where land application sites are located: Cabarrus and Iredell 8. Fee submitted: $ II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for: ❑ new, ® modific 2. If this application is being submitted to renew the permit number the most recent issuance date ❑ renewed permit (check all that apply). modify an existing permit, provide the following: and the expiration date 6/30/2009 Date of most -recently certified Attachment �: 7/16/2004 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: 7/16/2004 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 2 of 5 Attachment Order 1 3. Check all that apply to the requested permit modification: ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the maximum permitted annual dry tonnage for existing residuals source -generating facility(ies) certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ ADD ❑ DELETE residuals source -generating facility(ies) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with land applications site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ® ADD ® DELETE land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER. Explain: III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION: 1. Who will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the residuals land application program: ❑ Permittee or ® residuals management firm. If a residuals management firm, complete the following: Firm contact person and title: Roy Whitaker, Sr. Operations Director Firm name and complete mailing address, Synagro, Inc. 6220-A Hackers Bend Ct City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 Facsimile number:( 336) 766-8652 -E-mail address: rwhitaker@synagro.com 2. List the Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC) and all Back -Up ORCs for the residuals land application program, their certification numbers, and their affiliations in -the following table: Designation Name Affiliation Certification Number ORC Cliff Webb Town- f Mooresville 13282 Back -Up ORC Mike Lambert Town of Mooresville 13234 Additional Back -Up ORCs if applicable) If an ORC and at least one Back -Up ORC are not currently designated for this residuals land application program, provide the candidates' names, affiliations, and an estimated time schedule for each candidate's completion of the required training school and certification test: FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 3 of.5 Attachment Order 1 3. Complete the following tables regarding management of the residuals land application program: a. Plant Available Nitrogen Summary: Determine the maximum plant available nitrogen (PAN) generated by all residuals source -generating facilities as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application and list the results in the following table: Maximum amount of residuals to be certified: 657 dry tons per year. PAN Pounds of PAN per Dry Ton (Weighted Average) Pounds of PAN per Year Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection First -Year 49.58 56.18 32574 36910 Five -Year Maximum Adjusted 77.52 84.12 50928 55265 b. Land Application: Site Use Summary: Summarize information regarding the land application sites as currently certified and proposed for certification with this application: Category Use Acres Comments Crops Forest or Plantation 0 Row Crops 184.8 Hay 341.0 Pasture 120.9 Total: 646.7 Methods Surface 646.7 Incorporation or Injection 0 Total: 646.7 Restrictions Year -Round 638.3 Seasonal 8.4 Total: 646.7 c. Residuals Land Application Summary: Determine the minimum acreage required to land apply the residuals as currently certified and proposed for certification assuming the scenarios listed in the following table: Assumed Application Rate (lbs PAN/ac yr) Acres Required Using First -Year PAN Concentrations Acres Required Using Five -Year Maximum Adjusted PAN Concentrations Surface Incorporation or Injection Surface Incorporation or Injection 70 465 527 727 789 150 217 246 339 368 250 130 147 203 221 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 4 of 5 Attachment Order 1 4. Identify and provide a plan as well as a schedule to resolve any issues that would prevent all of the residuals currently certified and proposed for certification to be land applied without exceeding agronomic rates or violating any of North Carolina's standard permit conditions governing residuals land application programs (e.g., not enough storage, not enough land, etc.): N/A Applicant's Certification: I, Al Jones, Mayor , attest that this application for the Town of Mooresville's permit modification (W00014136) has been reviewed_by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Division of Water Quality may not conduct a technical review of this program and approval does not constitute a variance to any rules or statutes unless specifically granted in the permit. Further, any discharge of residuals to surface waters or the land will result in an immediate enforcement action, which may include civil penalties, injunctive relief, and/or criminal prosecution. I will make no claim against the Division of Water Quality should a condition of this permit -be violated. I also understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information an-d_attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with North Carolina General Statutes § 143-215.6A and § 143-215.6B, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil penalties up to $25,000 per violation. Signature: Date: THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY NON -DISCHARGE PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 By Courier/Special Delivery: 512 NORTH SALISBURY STREET, SUITE 1219 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 276-04 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 733-5083 *** END OF FORM NDRLAP 02/02 *** REIVED AQU FERPROTECTION DSECTION JAN 0 9 2006 FORM: NDRLAP 02/02 Page 5 of 5 Attachment Order 1 Attachment Order 3 Land Application Site -Certification Attachment Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville Check all that apply: ❑ NEW RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ❑ RENEWED RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ® ADD � ® DELETE this/these land application site(s) to/from those certified for this residuals land application program. *-geld NC-IP-14-2 (ri.o rests) s►�d- be dd p--tc.�. ❑ INCREASE ❑ DECREASE the net acreage associated with this/these land application site(s) currently certified for this residuals land application program. ❑ OTHER Explain: Land application sites currently certified: 532.2 net acres and proposed for certification: 125.5 net acres. Total to be certified: 646.7 net acres. Approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites. I. LAND APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION (See Instruction B.): 1. Complete the following table with the requested information: Status Code Site/Field ID Landowner(s) Lessee(s) or Operator(s) County N NC-CB-7-1 Jeremy Wayne Michael Wa ne Cabarrus N NC-CB-7-2 Lillian Hayer Michael Wayne Cabarrus N NC-CB-7-3 Michael Wayne Michael Wayne Cabarrus N NC-CB-7-4 Larry Brewer Michael Wa a Cabarrus N NC-IR-17-1 L Joseph Christopher Joseph Christopher Iredell 12 N NC-IR-17-2 Joseph Christopher Joseph Christopher Iredell N N NC-IR-17-3 NC-IR-18-2 V Joseph Christopher Ronald Hager Joseph Christopher Ronald Hager Iredell Iredell N NC-IR-18-3 Ronald Hager Ronald Hager Iredell N NC-IR-18-4 ol, Ronald Hager Ronald Hager Iredell N NC-IR-18-5 Donald Hager Donald Hager Iredell Net Predominant Soil Acres I Soil Series I CEC 16.0 Cecil 6.4 2.0 Cecil 8.5 11.0 Cecil/Pacolet 10.1 6.0 Cecil 6.8 3.5 L-- -' Enon 12.8 10.0 Cecil 12.6 14.0 v ,Pacolet 13.7 2.0 t ! Cecil 9.8 2.5 i Cecil 11.0 7.5 v Cecil 10.5 32.0 Cecil 9.0 FORM: LASCA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3 N NC-IR-19-1 Joyce Ro N NC-IR-19-2 Jovice Ro *** END OF FORM LASCA 02/02 *** Iredell I 7.5 I Pacolet I 9.7 Iredell 1 11.5 A Mecklenburg 1 10.8 FORM: RSCA 02/02 Page 3 of 7 Attachment Order 2 Field NC-IR-14-2, an 11.0 acre field owned by Juanita Barker, was supposed to have I een deleted from the Town of Mooresville's permit when their most recent permit was issued (07/16/2004), but it was mistakenly left in Attachment B. The request to delete this field was made in a letter to DWQ written by,Ms. Melanie McKinney on behalf of Synagro and the Town of Mooresville, dated October 29, 2003. The letter was a response to an additional information request by DWQ. Please see a -copy of the letter on the next page to review the request. Please delete this field upon issuance of the next permit. The total acres will be as follows: 532.2 acres currently certified 11.0 acres deleted (field NC-IR-14-2) 125.5 acres added in this modification package 646.7 total[ acres certified Thank -you. L� ,03 NA-2 GRO A Residuals Management Company October 29, 2003 NCDENR Division of Water Quality Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Reference: Town of Mooresville Land Application of Resiuuals Program - Response to request for additional information: WQ0014136 Dear Mr. Leith: Synagro South, Inc. (Synagro) on behalf of the Town of Mooresville would like to submit the following corrections that you have requested concerning a -renewal. package that was submitted in March of 2002 by Bio-nomic Services, Inc. 1. Please find enclosed buffer -maps that have been redrawn for each renewal site. All residences have been identified separately from wells and houses are labeled to identify their owners. A scale and north arrow sign have been provided on each map along with appropriate site numbers. 2. Please find a revised Land Application Site Certification Attachment that represents all fields to be renewed. Any decreases in acreage are indicated in bold -type. 3. Attached is a Page 4 of 5 (NDRLAP Torm) with revised acreages under Land Application Site Use Summary. The Town of Mooresville wishes to delete John Wyatt Fespeiman's field 12-2 (5.0 acres) along with Juanita Barker's field 14-2 (11.0 acres). Please contact me immediately if you have any questions regarding the information submitted or if additional information is required. I can be reached at (336) 766-0328 m ext. 127 or mckinney(a,synagro.com. Sincerely, j �•C,2a•r�� llY1c��' U Melanie McKinney Technical Services Manager Synagro South, Inc. Cc: Al Jones, Mayor Synagro Southeast, Inc. 6220-A Hackers Bend Court, Winston-Salem, NC 27103 • Ph: (336) 766-0328 9 Fay (336) 766-8652 9 ToA Free: (877) 267-2687 Attachment Order-3-a Watershed Classification Attachment for Residuals Programs State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality WATERSHED CLASSIFICATION ATTACHMENT FOR RESIDUALS PROGRAMS (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare the attachment form with the requested information for each location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur within a particular regional office county coverage. ✓ Additional copies of Page 2 of 2 of this attachment form may be used if necessary. ✓ Use a portion of an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the portion of a 7.5-minute USGS Topographic Map to identify the location where the residuals program activities are planned to occur as well as the closest downslope surface waters as clearly as possible. Each map portion must be labeled with the map name and number, the identified location, and be of clear and reproducible quality. ✓ Latitudes and longitudes must reported as being based on either the NAD 27 or the NAD 83 data systems. ✓ Acceptable methods of determining location latitudes and longitudes and their corresponding codes are as follows: ♦ Address Matching (ADD) ♦ Digital or Raw Photo Extraction (EXT) ♦ Aerial Photography with Ground Control (AER) ♦ Geodetic Quality GPS Survey (GEO) ♦ Cadastral Survey (SUR) ♦ LORAN-C Navigation Device (LOR) ♦ Conversion from Coordinate Plane (CP) ♦ Navigation Quality GPS (GPS) ♦ Conversion from Township -Section -Range (TSR) ♦ Remote Sensing (RS) ♦ Conversion from Universal Trans Merc (UTM) ♦ Zip Code Centroid (ZIP) ♦ Map Interpretation by Digital or Manual Extraction (MAP) ✓ Location accuracy must be provided to the nearest unit (e.g., nearest second, tenth of a second, etc.). C. Mail or fax the attachment form and the map portions to the appropriate regional office for review and to obtain the waterbody and classification information. ✓ A list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/. ✓ The Division will not consider this attachment form to be complete until it is completed by the appropriate regional office. To: Regional office: Mooresville Regional Office Address of regional office: 610 E. Center Avenue Suite 301 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Please provide me with the waterbody name(s), stream index number(s), and current/proposed classification(s) of the surface waters that are closest to and downslope from the location(s) where the proposed residuals program activities a planned to occur, as identified on the attached map segment. Signature of regional office staff: Date:V/V VLS: / go- OD / 9(13(, FORM: RWSCA 02/02 Page 1 of 2 Attachment Order 3-a Location ID County Latitude Longitude Location Location Location Waterbody Subbasin and Current and Datum Method Accuracy Stream Index No. Proposed Class Code (To Be Completed by DWQ) (To Be Completed by DWQ) NC-CB-7-1 Cabarrus 35.30.05 N 80.45.53 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin; 13-17-6 O pS WS-II;HQW NC-CB-7-2 Cabarrus 35.29.59 N. 80.46.04 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 q l u C NC-CB-7-3 Cabarrus 35.29.54 N 80.45.58 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 c r C �, NC-CB-7-4 Cabarrus 35.29.45 N 80.46.06 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 H C NC-IR-17-1 Iredell 35.32.00 N 80.49.05 W [ NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 - 3 t C NC-IR-17-2 Iredell 35.31.56 N 80.49.04 W s NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 --3 C ✓ NC-IR-17-3 ,, Iredell 35.31.48 N 80.49.03 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 �3 C NC-IR-18-2 Iredell 35.32.14 N 80.49.01 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 _ C NC-IR-18-3 Iredell 35.32.18 N 80.49.06 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 -3 N C NC-IR-18-4 ,Iredell 35.32.27 N 80.48.56 W NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 Vi C i NC-IR-18-5 Iredell 35.32.19 N 80.49.22 W AD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 C �� N NC-IR-19-1 G . Iredell 35.31.17 N 80.47.35 W AD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 C �✓ E NC-IR-19-2 Iredell 35.31.08 N 80.47.27 W "NAD 27 MAP SECOND Yadkin;13-17 C Frd-}2. M o-vw-,e $ „ti I ( 2 W Q-06,�(�?�e *** END OF FORM RWSCA 02/02 *** FORM: RWSCA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3-a SYINAGRO TOPOGRAPHIC MAP �- / !.S -- A Residuals Management Company OWNER tx- L.V SCALE: V' Lam' FIELDS 14 PHOTOQUAD/YEAROn,I 11S R1 hiQ_ CONTOUR INTERVAL 10 r��)"- hi S�a /V010� its] • ls. . ll. s-@ r_M yA"'I1 N SYNAGRO Residuals Jbfanaeement ComUanv OWNER VG�X •SPX' SCALE: 1" "'" I (�D9' FIELDS 2-5 PHOTOQUADNEAR M60VfS6I ICC►Z1/Jgg3 CONTOUR INTERVAL ! b' SYNAG O TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Management Company OWNER TnvT PoQflyc SCALE: 1" 4 U n0 FIELDS Imo_ -'HOTOQUAD[YEAR j�t,�vesu f le aC� 11993 CONTOUR INTERVAL IO f 1. MA), -"MAG�O A Residuals Management Company C-T,k- Iq- OWNER J osp [A C. a r sfypw SCALE: 1" PJ-J �Qo FIELDS 1-3 PHOTOQUAD/YEAR Moo {BPS 01 i L I e [NJ r l 11193 CONTOUR INTERVALJQ:a, Attachment. Order 3-b County Manager Notification Attachment State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality COUNTY MANAGER NOTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit -all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of thisform, visit our, web site at: http: %%h2o. enr.state. nc. uslndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each county in -which the -land application sites for which the applicants seeking certification are located. C. MailAhe attachment form -to- the appropriate county manager by certified mail with a return receipt requested. ✓ The most current publication of the Directory of State and County Officials may be downloaded from the web site at: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/pubsweb/direct.asp. ✓ A- list of the Division's regional .offices, their county coverage, and their contact information may be downloaded from the web site at: http://h2o.enr:state.nc.us/ndpu/. D. Attach an 8.5-inch by 11-inch copy of the return receipt to the back -of this attachment form prior to submission of the application to the Division for review. To: County where land application sites are located: Iredell Name and complete address of county manager: Joel R. Mashburn PO Box 788 City: Statesville State: NC Zip: 28687 This is to notify you that the applicant listed in Item I. 1. of this attachment form will be submitting an application for the land application of residual solids to land -in your county to the Division of Water Quality (Division) for review. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. Maps of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following location no later than the listed expected application date: Name and complete address of appropriate regional office: Mooresville Regional Office 601 E. Center Avenue City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-1699 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Expected date of application submission: 8/15/05 Actual date of application submission (to be completed by DWQ): Deadline- for county manager response (to be completed by DWQ): Should you desire to comment on this application as it related to your interests, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. If you have any questions or comments about this notification or if you would like more information, please contact the Water Quality Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. FORM: CMNA 02/02 Page 1 of 2 Attachment Order 3-b I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville 2. Signing official's name and title: Al Jones, Town Mayor 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: aione(a.ci.mooresville.nc.us 4. Name and complete mailing address of contact person and consulting firm who prepared application: Synagro, Inc., Mary Buck, Technical Services Manager, 6220-A Hackers Bend Court City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 x113 Facsimile number: ( 336 ) 766-8652 E-mail address: mbuck@synagro.com II. PERMIT INFORMATION! 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ® modified, and/or ❑ renewed permit. 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide -- the permit number W00014136 the most recent issuance date 7/16/2004 , and the expiration date 6/30/2009 Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: 7/16/2004 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: 7/16/2004 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM INFORMATION 1. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities are located: Iredell 2. Purpose of the residual source -generating facilities (check all that apply): ® treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water; ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial mixed with domestic wastewater, and/or (approximate percentages:. % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 3. Are land application sites currently certified for this residuals land application program in this county: ® yes ❑ no. If yes, provide the total number of acres (i.e., excluding buffers) that are certified:. 532.20 acres (approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites). 4. This application, if approved by the Division, will certify 90.5 additional acres (i.e., excluding buffers) in this county for this residuals land application program (approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites). *** END OF FORM CMNA 02/02 *** FORM: CMNA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3-b .• :.. �.: ' .. - ' ., Ir iw U gyp§ - '43 t„t-i = m`,.1-`' - !`:`:u - "- - Postage$ Certified Fee „ - y y Return Recei ceipt t Fe P _ Postmark k - .4; k?. i:• teem ndo nt ( Required) Here re t7 Restricted Delivery Fee U— (Endorsement Required) M C3 Total Postage & Fees y� Ln +a : �en r ��l7 °r _."__ �-✓✓___-_ i' �` __ __ _ ._��_�._..._�____•___• _Z�^'•l �;a'^ i Sy r`, f Nt�rr�. M::.�:�:, N,/�_ !:l: o-:Y'! _•<y �, S. S`tFOLMrHQ0T.1Lrtq,' 17.L"ic�'r�`.A ti,•m`e''- a -"a ;y r=• _ N sCOMPLETE Complete items 1, 2, and 3: Also complete ,. • ; Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. ' } r'; • " ''i`;1 ■ Print your'name and address on -the reverse - so that we can return the card toyou; ■ A ttach this car d th e he back o t .......'•t f he mall piece, iece !l11' ::an:.;:r4'•;; 4N1ati i� tnt�� 1:v1 :}�:1� 1`,:� N. k` or on the front If space permits; a 9 Article Addre seed to: `�'a:l;tli�4}K.yi,�,�.�•�w_hlg •�v �h1, `'�S"���tt;i �:l �,/�'}////,', //,()� ,ii„4 tr :F}b?•" L :1irw1lE sj �''�:by� •;�"':"Y;` .,:. :^v�k:•�i::�1t9 �i= _iij �l/��V v l A. SI nat re I ❑ Agent - L3`Addiessee B. Recelved ) e Punted Name C. Data of Delivery I r i � $.y,•:ail ti\i�:<G?�r4ix�Flt1,'tiFa D. Is delivery address differentfrom Item -I? ❑ yes If YES, -enter delivery address below: ❑ No % � / 3. Service Type (/lt $G�ertified Mail ❑ Express Mall ❑Registered ❑ Retum Receipt far Merchandise . c1 b Insured Mall ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? pftta Fee) ❑ Yes- 2 Article Ni—s ` 7005 0390 0005 1934 5870 (rrarrsfer from service label) __ ----- -- -PS For Jm.Recelpt 102595-0244-1540 ' ';1Lti k - i aAvi$:,.; 1}'•di*aY.�' :4 5u%i^i SC:i�i>y`i 5i :�d rS S. -•: ^i:� ���r;" �:•:vq;, {,.'• .A. .'1<'• bK'`1...+V1,. .FK',, .m.,a.: ..aV:l��.!>g:.,a�, .:irk:Vkk",tY;i1"ttYw:.aeait�sUin:r,•m4�ir'�'.s..vra„,G.,,..:,.,;i.:::•.•�:;�`:`:..,.';`-!:,ra,r,.::,,,u.::>. �+;�,.�.:.,,, State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality COUNTY MANAGER NOTIFICATION ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to submit all of the required items will lead to additional application processing and review time. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://`h2o.ennstate.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without a corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). - ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result -in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each county in which the land application sites for which the applicant is seeking certification are located. C. Mail the attachment form to the appropriate county manager by certified mail with a return receipt requested. ✓ The most current publication of the Directory of State and County Officials may be downloaded from the web site at: http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/pubsweb/direct.asp. ✓ A -list of the Division's regional offices, their county coverage, and -their contact information may be downloaded from -the web- site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/r.dpu/. D. Attach an 8.5-inch by._11-inch copy of the return receipt to the back of this attachment form REj2K to submission of the application to the Division for review. To: County_where land application sites are located: Cabarrus Name and complete address of county manager: John D. Dav Cabarrus County Governmental Center: 65 Church Street SE City: Concord State: NC Zip: 28025 This is to notify you that the applicant listed in Item I. 1. of this attachment form will be submitting an application for the land application of residual solids to land in your county to the Division of Water Quality (Division) for review. During this review, the Division will ensure that all federal and state regulations are enforced. - Maps of the land application sites included in this application will be available at the following location no later than the listed expected application date: Name and complete address of appropriate regional office: Mooresville Regional Office 601 E. Center Avenue City: Mooresville State: NC .-Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-1699 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-6040 Expected date of application submission: 8/15/05 Actual date of application submission (to be completed by DWQ): Deadline for county manager response (to be completed by DWQ): Should you desire to comment on this application as it related to your interests, please do so no later than 30 calendar days following the expected application submission date. If you have any questions or comments about this notification or if you would like more information, please contact the Water Quality Supervisor of the appropriate regional office at the telephone number provided above. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. FORM: CMNA 02/02 Pagel of 2 Attachment Order 3-b I. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville 2. Signing official's name and title: Al Jones, Town Mayor 3. Complete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile_number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: aionefti.mooresville.nc.us 4. Name and complete -mailing address of contact person and consulting firmwho prepared application: Synaero, Inc., Mary Buck, Technical Services Manager, 6220-A Hackers Bend_Court City: Winston-Salem State: NC Zip: 27103 Telephone number: ( 336 ) 766-0328 x113 Facsimile number: ( 336 ) 766-8652 E-mail address: mbuck(@synw-o.com II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Application is for (check all that apply): ❑ new, ® modified, and/or ❑ renewed permit. 2. If this application is being submitted to renew or modify an existing permit, provide: the permit number W00014136 the most recent issuance date 7/16/2004 , and the expiration date 6/30/2009 . Date of most -recently certified Attachment A: 7/16/2004 Date of most -recently certified Attachment B: 7/16/2004 III. RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM -INFORMATION 1. County(ies) where residuals source -generating facilities -are located: Iredell 2. Purpose of the residual source -generating facilities (check all that apply): ® treatment of municipal wastewater, ❑ treatment of 100% domestic wastewater, ❑ treatment of potable water, ❑ treatment of 100% industrial wastewater, ❑ treatment of industrial mixed with domestic wastewater, and/or (approximate percentages: % industrial and % domestic) ❑ other (explain: ). 3. Are land application sites currently certified for this residuals land application program in this county: ❑ yes ® no. If yes, provide the total number of acres (i.e., excluding buffers) that are certified: acres (approximate percentages: % forested, % agricultural, and % reclamation sites). 4. This application, if approved by the Division, will certify 35.0 additional acres (i.e., excluding buffers) in this county for this residuals land application program (approximate percentages: 0 % forested, 100 % agricultural, and 0 % reclamation sites). *** END OF FORM CMNA 02/02 *** FORM: CMNA 02/02 Page 2 of 2 Attachment Order 3-b CO U1 1 A 4% Er Postage Ln Certified Fee C3 Postmark V r_3 Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Hato C3 Restricted Dell ry Fee ve (Endorsement Required) M Total Postage & Fees Ln IM Sent TO r3 17-or P --------- — -- ------ — -- — I ---- ------- — - — ------- ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. Signatu Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is des6d. Print your.name and address on the reversex 13 Agent I 7 1 so --that we can return the card to you. iff Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, B. Received by C. Date of Delivery or on the front If -space permits. 'D., Is delivery add I Article Addressed to, rem -different fftmm item ? as If YES, enter delivery address below.• 13 o ig"4 ".4 5, NAN 3. Service Type Mail ress Mali exp 13 Registered 13 Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail 13 C.O.D. 4. Reitricted Delivery? (EYft Fee) 13 Yes Article Number (Transfer from sendbe Jabe) 7005 0390 0005 1934 5887 ;8 Form 3817 February U�* 1 -Feb 2o y 2004 Domestic Ret�rn Receipt 102595-02-M-150 tir n" .... . ... .... . . . . . . . . . . Site Specif e Information (per Application Site) Site Summary Sheet Attachment Order 3-c Landowner Agreement Attachment Attachment Order 3-d Buffer Waiver Agreement(s) (If Appropriate) Attachment Order 3-e Vicinity and Buffer Maps Attachment Order 3-f Soil & Agronomic Evaluation SITE SUMMARY Town of Mooresville WQ0014136 Site -ID: NC-CB-7 Owners: Jeremy Wayne Lillian Hayer Michael Wayne (field 1) (field 2) (field 3) Address: 10909 Earnhardt Lake Rd 11770 Mooresville Rd 11780 Mooresville Rd Davidson, NC 28036 Davidson, NC 28036 Davidson, NC 28036 Owner: Larry Brewer (field 4) Address: 11450 Mooresville Rd Davidson, NC 28036 Operator: Michael Wayne Address: 11780 Mooresville Rd Davidson, NC 28036 Phone: 704-938-1096 (office) 704-467-0019 (cell) Estimated Total Applicable Predominant Latitude & Fields Acres Acres Croo(s) Slooe (V Soil Series Lonaitude 01 22.0 16.0 fescue hay 6-8 Cecil 35.30.05 N 80.45.53 W 02 4.0 2.0 fescue hay 2-4 Cecil 35.29.59 N 80.46.04 W 3 14.0 11.0 fescue pasture 4-8 Cecil, Pacolet 35.29.54 N 80.45.58 W 'O 4 15.5 6.0 fescue hay 4-8 Cecil 35.29.45 N 80.46.06 W TOTALS 55.5 35.0. Notes: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at., http:11h2o. ennstate. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (AI Jones Mayor) 1plete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: ajonesoci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source -generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities NC-C g-=� - -�s(j(i(e rail livestock feed & forage Town of Mooresville Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and -"-alations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Pagel of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: I. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 3. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c II. RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted -entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restricti s, and do hereby grant pe fission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: Jerem avne-//,/-7 e Signature: Date: NORTH CAROLINA, CA%wtsCOUNTY I, ma*v L 12;1b1 CK , a notary public of FbY5 County, North Carolina, certify that M1 r/ gte,l WO<U hli personally appeared before me t1iis day, and being duly sworn, stated that in his presence WOtIIyLC, (signed) ( b the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this the _2M day of AV!I,I 120 05' . Notary Public MARY K. BUCK My commission expires ld — Z- , 2001. NOTARY PUBLIC FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. �"`t My Commission Ezpircs 06-27-2009 Lessee's/Operator's Certification: ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby Lessee/operator name: Signature: Permittee's Certification: to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official name: Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: s--37�-�Ls FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state.nc.uslndpul INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones, Mayor) iplete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aiones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source -generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities livestock feed & forage Town of Mooresville Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and ulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Pagel of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 9. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to. and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c II. RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the .use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: Lilian Haver Signature: ,� ��� �_� �?/1 i Date: C;—��_ NORTH CAROLINA, C 6411 ,S COUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that U Illan Natter personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand at official seal thi the 2V' day of /' 1 , 2005 Signature and seal: My commission expires: MARY K. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. My Commission Expires 06-27-2009 Lessee's/Operator's Certification: ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/opei Signature: Permittee's Certification: ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official name: Signature: *** END OF FORM I,OAA 02/02 *** Date: f _J9--e" FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones, Mayor) iplete mailing address of applicant: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aiones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source -generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities NC-ce-14 5 as livestock feed & forage Town of Mooresville Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and iulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Pagel of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3.. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 3. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c II. RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: Michael Wayne - Signature: �n 1.� .i//''��� ,�� Date: / 4:5 ►►�� NORTH CAROLINA, l,u.bA."s COUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that i, V', I cEhae l VVW M personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my hand nd fficial seal this the 20 Signature and seal: My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC FORSYTH COUNTY, N.C. My commission Expm 06-27-2009 Lessee's/Operator's Certification: ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Signature: Date: Permittee's Certification: ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and, restrictions as specified herein. Signing official name: Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review. time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at. http://h2o. enr.state.nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do. not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones MaLor) �plete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704) 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704) 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source -generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities NC -CO --�— 4 livestock feed & forage Town of Mooresville Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Plant The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and alations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Pagel of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program' permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. L The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I1. RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner name: LqM Brewer Signature: Date: NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument. WITNESS my ha official seal t ' e ; �S�" day of , 20r7� Signature and seal: e;^ a MARY K. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: ' <' FORSYTH COUNTY. N i My Commission E*m Lessee's/Operator's Certification: ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Signature: Permittee's Certification: Date: 5�2—d/ 6X ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official name: Al J Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: �? — "?, le r1�p.J FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 U)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 211.0219 (j)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mayor) iplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St,• PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 281 Telephone number: (^704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704) 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: 11356 Mooresville Rd City: Davidson State: NC Zip: 28 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name: Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 2H .0219 6)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mayor) nplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St; PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: aiones@ci.mooresville;nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: 11443 Mooresville Rd City: Davidson State: NC Zip: 28036 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name: Signature: *** END 6F FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state. nc. uslndpul INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form. for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 211.0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WANE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 211.0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mayor) nplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: 11503 Mooresville Rd City: Davidson State: NC Zip: 28036 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 34 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORMMAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 211.0219 (j)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mayor) nplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aionesQci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: 11378 Mooresville Rd City: Davidson State: NC Zip: 28036 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals. land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner e: Signature: Date: i *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page I of 1 Attachment Order 3-d State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 211.0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 211.0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones, Maw) iplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St: PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aionesaa,ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: 11453 Mooresville Rd City: Davidson State: NC Zip: 28036 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner Signature: **FEND OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: %7 - ?2-0S FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mayor) iplete mailing address of applicant: 843E Center St; PO Box 878 .City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: aiones(a,ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located at the following: Location address of property: Terrace Ridge Subdivision on Aaron Locke Lane (Lots 1 —7) City: Davidson State: NC Zip: 28036 This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. �F The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written nfication, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners.. Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name: Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: S FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d SYNAGRO VICINITY MAP COUNTY Dab rrus OWNER Wou nt, e,4-al. A Residuals Afamganent Company `lo SYNAGRO. TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Mamgement Company OWNER SCALE: 1 jZV FIELDS /-4 PHOTOQUAD/YEARAKhfii 1 US Cali I q q _ CONTOUR INTERVAL D ,NO SYNAGRO AFRTAT, REFERENCE MAP ARetidualvManammentComtanv COUNTY Caba v-ruS OWNER J . V1kDU ne. L. I I�er; M. Wayne. � �• �teWer No" SYNAGRO APPLICATION AREA MAP A Residuals hfanagement Company Owner J. WWM]ne. L.Naver. M. WaVrle- Scale: 1Field # . . — STREAM CD CD DRAIN SURFACE WATER FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE Total Acres Net Acres .4a APPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE WELL O' SOIL DESCRIPTION � SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 5-12% SLOPE A - F Sep- Ir k-de r X&J0 VeAlb' 0NMI)` ,;l SYNAGR-O Soil Map INSET A A Residuals Management Company ,00 i 30'00" oV ' Z) U0" Rn0A c'nn• '30'00" 10 OWNER �� _ M) V1e-, L .ftaUet'' M •IA)a j jh�, I L. fg-m?ir FIELDS 1-4 COUNTY Wazru-s SHEET 1-i' $ A- SCALE: 1" _ 2C'C' SOIL SERIES SOIL, DESCRIPTION ION SHEET .0 qaplol YNAGPO A Reridualt Management Company f Project: ` Landowner: J V V L Aa— Site: NC-C 'q- Field: Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): 2 2 D Acres (net): Crop: "` f'-111 11-1 SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Ho izon Depth Texture Colo Structure Mottles PROFILE A 14 6-6 5�+— . fG.�,� Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series:." Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: x Date: `? Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SMELT Project: Site: I vC"C&-7 Field: Z SYNAGRO A Residuals Afanagmnent Company Landowner: Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): q, b Acres (net): ��y Crop: eu6"` SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Hor zon Depth Texture PROFILE -A 140 PROFILE B Notes: Legend Color Structure 0' SSG -Aar Depth to SHWT: 3 Depth & type of restrictive layer: 5 Soil Series: Horizon . Depth Texture Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Described By: Mottles Color Structure Mottles Date: 6 5-11 '71'0f Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SKEET Project: Site: C, -6-'--r Field: -0, '1 SYNAGQ A Resid rals Management Company Landowner: Md-t-a� [ v u, Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): ��(', (� Acres (net): Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture . Color PROFILE A � r- L- ry t' ��& 0- Structure Mottles 1 .Depth to SHWT: 3a Depth & type of restrictive layer: 3 Soil Series: Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: JDate: Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky Si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET 111-00 . SYNAGRO A Rericlaalt Management Company Project: � � '' :� ; � �.. f Landowner:IL Site: N Field: Sample #: Slope: 2- Acres (gross): _ Acres (net): 0 Crop: f6u6-- SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS H rizon Depth Texture Color . Structure Mottles PROFILE A AD t,-, t? 5 Ap f a 2 SYe- u t Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: �� 6 Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Date: dSh 71 It Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive i..,,.ncaw;t�gi:v,� i�:.Liri�iyu ,, riiuue .191y) /�� 4U77, weu:�tle www ncagr;cor-:,�gc,ornomuMF,:Report r r No; 01 °%3 - Grown Vayne, Michel Copies To: Synagro Sc- 1780 Mooresville Rd. Davidson, NC 28036 S• oil Test Report I Synagro South Farm: NC-CB-7 c/o Todd Shearin 6220-A Hackers Bend Ct 7/25/2005 SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Cabarrus County Winston Salem, NC 27103 Agronomist Comments The heavy metal report is found on a separate page., Using Mehlich 3 as a soil test extractant, background levels of these metals typically seen in soils at waste application sites in NC are as follows: Arsenic (As)- 5.5 ppm, cadmium (Cd)- 0.1 ppm, chromium (Cr)- 0.2 ppm, lead (Pb)- 2.8 ppm, nickel (Ni)- 0.6 ppm, & selenium (Se)- 0.1 ppm. Although the above metals here are not believed to pose a concern for plant growth, continue to monitor these and note where elevated above background levels. Note any lime and fertilizer recommendations. Sulfur may benefit the crop when S-I is 30 or below. David H. Hardy, Agronomist Field Information Applied Lime .Recommendations Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg Cu Zn B Mn' See Note 1 1st Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M .7T 120-200 100-120 60-80 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% WIV CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg%, Mn-I Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS -I IV03-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.27 1.06 6.4 71.0 1.5 5.5 14 34 50.0 23.0 205 140 57 57 67 100 0.0 Field Information' : ApJ 11' Lime' Recommendations Y, Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 2 1st Crop: Fes/OG/fim,M AT 120-200 80-100 0-20 0 0 0 .0 0 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pII P-I KI Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-1 Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.51 1.05 8.5 81.0 1.6 5.8 19 84 53.0 23.0 177 123 134 134 104 41 0.0 Fie In ormatton lied Limet L1� r.; e,..i. n Recommendations, ,:._> ...-'Rif .,. Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 3 1st Crop: Fes/OG/I'im,M 0. 120-200 50-70 40-60 0 0 0 .0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I ft1n-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS -I NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.32 1.00 10.1 92.0 0.8 6.7 32 45 56.0 30 102 68 70 70 64 24 0.0 i u u US M S� 5� olz 6Z£ 0'8Z 0'65 0 0 £'9 L'0 0'06 8'9 90•I £i'0 NIW vN N-WN N-£ON I -SS I-S I-n,) Id-uZ I-uZ (Z)Id-uw(I)Id-ultT I -UK ��Itj %vq I?I I-d Hd �d %SS 0�0 A/,j1 %l1lH ssv1O VoS 0 0' 0 0 0 um S w nO ft Z2 ' ; it/- OL-05 091-01 OOZ-OZI OZ?I (OZJ N :dor0 puZ 0 W`wij/9O/sa:I :doiD Isl ouiff Iva, .io d'ojq d/J .1d olf do.,,g 9 slinsa-d Isay •od apdiuvS ,�ui�o3uI'PIai3 .tat iiW!ob'V �n►1 NCDA&CS Agro,' is Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Web Site: mww.ncagr.co ; MOM -.�)YT_ . • fi . i Heavy Metal Soil Test Re vrt Wayne, Michael �� Report #: 11780 Mooresville Rd • Davidson, NC 28036 MtHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Cabart-us County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Cd Ni Ph -Se Cr As Al Fe Sctttthle C!1[Itttitnn Nickel Lend Selehiunt G&Ontittttt ArsenicAlttntintrntIron ----- ID------------------------ -------------------------------------- =--------------ntq/rhn3 (pent)--------------------- ----------- ------------- 1 0.10 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.20 4.00 888.90 138.00 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.10 3.60 885.80 50.30 .1 0.10 0.20 1.00 0.00 0.10 3.60 695.70 165.60 3 0.10 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.40 3.10 672.90 157.10 Report Number: A&L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. 2005-R200-058 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 Account # 46511 Send To: SYNAGRO SE/MOORESVILLE 6220A HACKERS BEND CT WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27103 Date of Report: 07/25/2005 Page: 1 Grower: PO#P-12239-1 MICHAEL WAYNE MOORESVILLE PERMITTING TOTAL SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Samples Submitted By: MARY BUOK Date Received: 07/18/2005 Date of Analysis: 07/19/2005 .- ., ...'"�' ,§ .6. o �,. t?^^ k.•:t. � ,. ,..._ _..... .,..-,.:... .», ,r ..:.f, .. ... .. , r . �.., <..i, i„ -.:..' -'.�. , .... a, M*'re'es r r.. .,i,x '<' a �i •': ,......,. ::v ,-h S" d-.. .4 _ „,:. 1.. �°., x. a} 'm .a+' ,:P: a':. „.. . w ;.v u, 3.A: , - F .. a; x $ 4 ,,..:... <x 3 .'..a'. rsa L. i . .<.Y r•. ry. .rq' K fi.. y< . ,�'''*:> ^ ' Et `% {✓°Y,',_..,., ..s, "; p Y S;.'ti ...,<^ px X�, "v s..,a. ^ b -r-a, i, d �. r 4 x,.zt.,-,.. ? 4 A$�,, ,, :•'. .r ill i � � ^s.. < �� e 'r t,,,,;.a .. <....,5 .>-. _Y'ix-.. , ,,:i,� _ �. ,.,..>,< -.. � ,.., <. _ ,.�.k ,i fi -h..a � • > .F,.: �k s. �"*. v $ , .<Y.. x: .>... ,� ",,. � ..,.: ... ...... � . ,`�`': ztev'^k k,a- , ..r ,:. .x F.3S• .. ..,. _,a y , P : -. �✓" .,.,>< . ,: f;-. > !\ . , !a ...., ,. .. ..<. , <, '�-� i'.. .. <> E ro- ...4. _�. 0.. ,..... _;'h_ .$. i.y .P , v.4. c _ _. ...,`� � «:i ..;s. aa-., �.S �,. •,�„ wa ,S.Y. , x M,r�� Y.y $ '�+ ,. ,. .. #. _._ � x .. .: .. 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Samples are retained a maximum of thirty days after testing. A & L EASTERN LABORATORIES, INC. by: :�)a'L a'— Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the ' work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. Paul C. H. Chu Site ID: NC-IR-17 SITE SUMMARY Town of Mooresville WQ0014136 Owner: Joseph "Joe" C. Christopher Address: 138 Shearers Chapel Road Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 664-1466 Operator: same Estimated Total Applicable Predominant Latitude & Fields Acres Acres Crops) ' Slope M Soil Series Longitude 1 7.0 3.5 fescue 6-8% Enon 350 32' 00" N 800 49' 05" W 2 10.0 10.0 fescue 4-6% Cecil 350 31' 56" N 800 49' 04" W 3 18.5 14.0 fescue 6-8% Pacolet 350 31' 48" N 80° 49' 03" W TOTALS 35.5 27.5 Notes: It may be easier to reach Joe in the afternoons around 3:00 b/c he works niahts. Date: 10/22/04 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the 1. required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For mgre information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). - ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant.. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville Complete mailing address of applicant: City: Mooresville State: _ NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0'26 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: aionea.ci.mooresville.nc.us .hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source - generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e.,. see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given. in this; Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Intended Use or Residuals Source -Generating Cropping Patterns Disposition of Crops Facilities KC,-TP--17- 1 or- -ovo 2 j2ock� iJe�r VJ ��TP NC-ilz-17-2 '�{SciL� �ed dr -f�,vLje �ocli��IZidz.i• Wulf NC-IR-17-3 x.�� -�ee_J or -%a ,P_ ZJ.er WWTI' L � The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. --The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORiVf: LOAA 02/02. Page 1 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c 1. STIPULATIONS: I. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s). specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator. if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement. to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subJect matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from "the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. " The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals lard application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than. 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g.. fertilizer. unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend -.this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17:• Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. .19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities an or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application pr ogranf permit. 20:, Any duly authorized officer, employee. or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property. premises, or place on or related to the land application. site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance. with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may, obtain samples of groundwater. surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorize_. tine Permittee. local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water. and UOn[let ll'alel- samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c II. RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. 1 Landowner name: Ja iedh4P adP� Signature: Date: �" 7 "D 3 NORTH CAROLINA, TYMeII COUNTY I, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that J05e-ph C. ekmSg boher' A personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged tite due execution of the forgoing instrument., WITNESS my hand and official seal this the _ 9- day of T 4 I N 20 4 3 Signature and seal: MELANIE L. MCKINNEY My commission expires: %7aw.,MLVA NOTARY PUBLIC IREDELL COUNTY, N.C. Lessee's/Operator's Certification: WMy Commise Expires 11-18-2007 certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: E _ Signature: Permittee's Certification: Date: I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions aS specified herein. Signing official name: Signature: _ Date: `Y* ENT) OF FORM LOAA 02/02 �`*Y FORM: Lt_}AA 02/02 I';:ge. 3 of ', ^,<;:ac!-.,;rcnt Or,ler -c I-ViUIo' 1---Ivu,"w rjn"ptD?j N dVI V ALINIDIA Odf)VKAS SYNAG 0 TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Management Company OWNER Jose�l C. C #, gfj)Lw SCALE: I" Pd-60o' FIELDS 1-3 HOTOQUAD/YEAR lu oo rPs i I, I e ��193CONTOUR INTERVAL-L(IL SYNAGI�O AERIAL REFERENCE MAP A Residuals Management Company ;OUNTY =red�1 i OWNER 1 0Sebk C. Chn'c�nlier APPLICATION AREA MAP V /A smGRO. A Reriduak Maaagemuu Company Owner dstPhe.r Scale: l" = Ca tOl Field # I 3 • —a STREAM —� DRAIN (W) . POND �� FENCE OSTORAGE AREA Total Acres .&o Net Acres ,9& u APPLICATION AREA = = ^ _ _ = PRIVATE ROAD O HOUSE FORESTED AREA ® OUTBUILDING ® UNSUITABLE �j WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION. 8-12% SLOPE S`MAG 0 Soil Map A Residuals Management Company OWNER ,Tnse-pk C, PAmsin.nl,Pv SCALE: P _ 1,3 a0' FIELDS RUNTY licedell SHEET 59 SOIL, SERIES L'eei f, M ck-1 b« q, w i I k s SYNAGI\O SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET A Retidualr Management Company Project: Landowner: J CW11,?'S /,�1J YC. Site: Field: �_ Sample#: Slope: Acres (gross): 7. o Acres (net): Crop: Horizon PROFILE A t z. C PROFILE B Notes: Legend SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Depth Texture Color Structure 10VA Us 22 • 3tro L Depth to SHWT: ?�G Depth & type of restrictive layer: �Ca Soil Series: t--^la^I Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: F etz &- v/,-rw i, Described By: Mottles Mottles Date: , ZO 2 Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: Site: bl G-19 -- I -1 Field: 0, "i#! i SYNAGRO A Residuals Managenunt Company Landowner: hice0 Sample #: - Slope: ,? Acres (gross): _ ►a. Acres (net): lo. O' Crop: - sco(, SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color PROFILE A Av 0-4T cl. 7• SY 2 5/1/ Structure Mottles ----- ild- LL� 30 l3l'. 3-<36 cl �. sy� yl8 ► sb Ic -: --- Depth to SHWT: > Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: i' C�.E Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: . Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: o �; ' , Date: r7 -11-03 Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: 1y IDDrC-�Syi��-� Site: UC. Li? — I % Field: 3 SYNAGRO A Residuals Afanagemen! Company Landowner:; �Y1►�i Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): 123 Acres (net):' --J4,0 Crop: 'ks-cae. SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A IVE 0-7 c, _ !Z�� Z. 11 2--7 - 3G Depth to SHWT: > Depth & type of restrictive layer: 3 Soil Series: P,40-61-£ 0 Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Notes: Legend Texture s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Described By: Date: Q7111 e . Structure Grade Structure Type 1 Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive Wl...,...__.... .......,_t h k 4Y' +�6NCDAA , oteNGa. ig2 .. _ rower: Christopher, Joe Copies to: Synagro Sot • 138 Sheavers Chapel Rd 4 i 9Y Mooresville, NC 28115 Synagro Southeast O � �TestReport Farm: NC-IR-17 _ 6220 A Hackers Bend Court Winston Salem, NC 27103 /24/03 SERVING N.C. CITIZENS FOR OVER 50 YEARS ; Itedell County Agronomist Comments: The heavy metal results are shown on a separate report. Cadmium In sample 03, and selenium in sample 02 are elevated above what is typically seen in North Carolina soils. Heavy metal concentrations however, are not believed to pose a threat to crops grown on this land. Note, phosphorous levels are low in sample 02 and marginal in sample 01. Phosphorus moves very slowly through the soil. Therefore, for best results mix the suggested fertilizer into the soil if possible. Please refer to the recommendations shown below for the lime or fertilizer that may be needed to sustain normal crop growth. DeAnn Frederick Agronomist Field Information .lien Lime Recommendations ; Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N A05 ICO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 01 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 70-90 20-40 0 0 0 0 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-1 SS -I N0.1-N AU-N Na MIN 0.41 1.10 12.8, 6.0 0.5 6.3. 26 56 62.0 31.0 794 489 113 113 143 39 0.0 Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N R05 KO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 02 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/rim,M 0 120-200 100-120 10-30 0 0 0 0 12 2nd Cto : Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V GEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI (1)Mn-AI (2) Zn-j Zn-AI Cu-I S-1 SS -I Na-N NIL-N Na MIN 0.27 1.09 12.6 5.0. 0.6. 6.2 12 68 61.0 32.0 969 595 104 104 152 30 0.0 Field Inform . anon , , Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N A05 AO Mg Cu Zn B MnSee Note 03 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/I7m,M 0 120-200 10-30 0 0 0 0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS06 Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I .Zn-AI Cu-t S-I SS -I NO3-N NIL-N Na MIN 0.46 1.09 13.7 99.0 0.2 6.8 53 123 6�.0 29.0 1244 751 301 301 95 39 0.0 NCDA ' -ronomic Division 4300 Reedy Creek Road ,, "sleigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733-2655 "R 1 Heavy Metal Soil Test Report Christopher, Joe Report #: 04962 138 Sheavers Chapel Rd MEHLICN-3 EXTRACTION Mooresville, NC 28115 ' Iredell Cbunty Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Section Cd Ni Pb Se Cr Al As Sample Cadmium Nickel Lbad Selenium Chromium Aluminum Arsenic ID mg/dm3 (ppm) 01 0.16 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.10 3.40 02 0.10 0.50 0.80 0.60 0.20 3.80 03 0.30 0.60 3.30 0.00 0.10 2.70 Report rvumber: A&L EASTERN AGRICUL i URAL LABORATORIES, INC. 2004-RO92-067 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446AL Account # 46511 @DI Send To: SYNAGRO SE/MOORESVILLE Grower: PO#12817-1 Samples Submitted By: 6220A HACKERS BEND CT JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER MELANIE MCKINNEY WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27103 MOORESVILLE PERMITTING Date of Report: 04/06/2004 Page: 1 TOTAL SOIL ANALYSIS REPPRT Date Received: 03/31/2004 Date of Analvsis- n4 oll9nna • -,". ,Nitrogen C t....x..::.s .phosphorus a P,o £Sa :, �S�Ifbr „. iX � Calcium _ — ,Ma nesiuin. 9 �-�:Sodtu to ..f.. •''..V;'+>. <I :-: ran _ :.^:M.^.::t,.,. •_ �= A{Ur�thti 4 P -Man snes� zvf«-'s 9 .�to ert � Y �, 5 .:i 7'FF , ,2. . _ . .: .P . _ , r •.�� ,. � ,. ,. .a._ , _ .P .. ,�„> �..... ..., � � G�.., f, �' �:,,S� < s i Ca ,, .... , , +.d fl7g r. _,,... : Nao 1=e $�" ��•;� -c =.fAn � a �u � �, : �.rt•. ..,. urn er •: , ..,.�� um erg .,� ,:. m lk 9 5 . � m !km � ,:!:.:g 9 � ,., !kfn ., 9 .� � � �, 9 lli :, _�s•:_ r � � � � ;;�.? ,. .s'^ .,... , }, u -C t �. .,. s ud,�,'Y w.. ,w'�i°:e:,. i.f 1 02138 2 02139 3 02140 1 02138 2 02139 e 1 ! .: 9"Ls -x:: -' �� „�.x �.. S.. F"ii - rfi'.✓'.,.c9...rJ „ •s ,� c--X �_ „r ?. , , ,�..«. �-h �,�'^✓' a::. rn3 N:: . ,� -.•� fv.�� ''� a " ' .. romiu m xNI kei F wised ..,.. rsem er G M c ryTotal, Se eli,tn Y.^,,. . ,., : 9 atOamn r< e.,,`" � � ,, ,:• .,Y.,. ,..'+,.4 � : � �- Silver �:, �y 0 b .., .;�• .. �; � ; ,-. _ T'....Nia ,. ..:.. / .,.:. Mx1pD.,..+ E pH C C p 'K 1atla' eif Mo i .5;:x.. ..,{ ... , ;,. v: �; 9 y. n, ,. E.<...a .fn IR 9 5 9t , �k . ..,.e:. «;..., "R.p < ,. ?:: :.s:.,,..Ifl IM1 � �; , M� ,a...: 3:..; ...�.: , _hl _IA S 9 ,,, i• :..,.. .. Y•. ,. � 9... ,,,.xi 3,,,wi �,� s.,�3 ,li k Ae � 9 5 .ri. :_; : �t m9 Ifc a; , .�. ...: :A, c.. 1 :'.. �:' _._'Y✓�i, . ,:.r:... zcorfbirstion • . � t � Y ., y. ::4� Y rt� :� rCo �Y�E Ik :_�, � � , . r _. ,^9. .,►MJ .t: u ,� � _ C�:-.:�..�_ «> _,_ ... r,>r,,..�....., _„ �. ...> ... � .��,-... r .x.•�:.�;,. M , ��xx,*r .,..v '.;....- .. �:W...�� :� } �` °«. „ k 5r. ,x <0.01 5 2 35- <b.01 5 3 <0.01 < 1 Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. This report applies to the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximum of thirty days aner testing. A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. by: C. Norman Jones SITE SUMMARY Town of Mooresville Mooresville, NC Site ID: NC-IR-18 Owner: Ronald Hager (fields 2-4) Address: 635 Faith Road Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 664-3115 (Ronald) Operator: Donald and Ronald Hager Estimated Total Applicable Fields Acres Acres Donald Hager (field 5) 607 Faith Road Mooresville, NC 28115 Predominant Latitude & Cron(s) SIoDe (W Soil Series Longitude 2 7.0 2.0 fescue 2-6% Cecil 35.32.14 N 80.49.01 W 3 / 3.5 2.5 fescue 2-6% Cecil 35.32.18 N 80.49.06 W 4 / 15.0 7.5 fescue 4-8% Cecil 35.32.27 N 80.48.56 W 5 J 64.0 32.0 fescue 4-8% Cecil 35.32.19 N 80.49.22 W TOTALS 89.5 44.0 Notes: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the ,required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For mgi-e information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review_without its corresponding residuals program application fore (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form wiil result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant.. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville Complete mailing address of applicant: P_O_Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 _ •• Telephone number: (_ 704 ) _ 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 663-4616 F-mail address: _ R- e(i)ci.mooresville.nc us hereinafter referred to as the Permittec, to .land apply residuals from the following residuals source - generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities jVC-IkZ-I$-L . Asc t e. f eA pr -66 e eG P-IV2i' Wtc9T� Nc-t1?-18'4 The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned Nandowner or his representative and tthe Per.mittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 1 of') Attachment Order 3-c 1. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. 4. -This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the Srihject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from "the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the. Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). _ 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend .this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that: indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following it residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land ;application program permit. 19. The landowner or his represerite-tive hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly juthorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials. enter and inspect any properly, premises, or place on or related to the land application sites) at airy reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit, stay inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface \vater, or leachate. 21: The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee. local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water. and groundwater samples during the term of: and for 12 months alter ter nination of., this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c IL RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I aim otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. l Landowner name: pr Signature: Date: NORTH CAROLINA,COUNTY 1, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that P-PnA./d. %11. A?.t7,—,x' personally appeared before ►ne this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrument., WITNESS my hand and official seal this the day of 7417 . 20 6-3 Signature and seal: . 6� &T7e4[ rvr- "I ANIC I \/..VIAI�IIV My commission expires: Lessee's/Operator's Certification: NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires ii,;8-21I117 ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Signature: Permittee's Certification: Date: I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Signing official name: Signature: 4A *". END OF FORM LCIAA 011/02 " Date: 77 — Q FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM A1AY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For mgre information or.for an electronic version of this fort, visit our iveb site at: http://h2o.enr state.nc.us/ndpul INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: - Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO PRIVATELY -OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: _ Town of Mooresville Complete mailing address of applicant: P.O. Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0426 _ Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 - - E-mail address: ajone(a�,ci.mooresville.ne.us hereinafter referred to as the .Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source - generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as. given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities NC-iR-1 9-5 JQ SGc c& qlr P ivet- WWW The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to. abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORNI: LOAA 02/02 Page I of 3 Attachment Order 3-c 1. STIPULATIONS: I. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions ,of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the Subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months frotn'the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedulcs'based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and' cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend .this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. i9. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee; local officials, and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the nurpose of determining compliance Nvith the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21: The landowner or his representative t:utltorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water. and groundwater samples during the term of. and for 12 months after termination of. this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachnicnt Order 3-c IL RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® I certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application site(s) and am authorized to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of other deeded landowners OR that I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) on behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other pennitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand the stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as specified herein. Landowner Signature: Date: _ 7 — ! - . 00 3_ NORTH CAROLINA, :r4edG1/ COUNTY 1, the undersigned Notary Public do hereby certify that Donead_ (,y, ffA wf- personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the forgoing instrurnent.,. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the day of , ll,LLI 20() 3 Signature and seal: n4ea My commission expires: IREDELL COUNTY, N.C. Lessee's/Operator's Certification: •`- ' my Commission Expires 11:Y8-2007 ® I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. Lessee/operator name: Urnn e Signature: Date: Permittee's Certification: Z 1.certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. v Signing official name: Signature: _ END O FORM LOAA 02/02 Date: 15 - 3 V - FORM: LOAA 02/02 Pare 3 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division. of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at. http:11h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: V. Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 2H .0219 a)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mgyor) nplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: 704 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assemblylocatedlocated at the followin *Location address of property: 6�701 City: V-12 Mate: N *zip: OA?i !- This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. /13 I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners Furthermore, I certify that I have. read. and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to the Permittee to land apply r-esiduals to land application site(s) as specified herein. Property owner name: AN., / , �1 " `Y� W N to - Signature: *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d S G O VICINITY MAP A Re idnalf Management Company 'OUNTY = rP�ea I OWNER (� SO SYNAGRO TOPOGRAPHIC MAP A Residuals Management Company OWNER 17. P-- SCALE: 1" ~ i,09- FIELDS 2-S (s) PHOTOQUAD/YEAR MM66 I I eCPZI )qCONTOUR INTERVAL og�vvl SYNAGRO AERIAL REFERENCE MAP A Residuals Management Company COUNTY I � �LI Z I I OWNER RhVALA,I.Ik.+IZ_G PX' 1 SYNA.GRO .AERIAL REFERENCE MAP A Residuals Afanagement Company COUNTY ZW-d0 I OWNER 1>0Y\-0.1 off , Paver SYNAGRO APPLICATION AREA MAP A Residuals Management Company Owner R • H a qP.r Scale: 1" _ %1601 Field # 2-14 . > STREAM DRAIN SURFACE WATER FENCE STORAGE AREA PROPERTY LINE Total Acres see Net Acres see QAPPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE ROAD ® HOUSE FORESTED AREA ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE 0 WELL 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR ® INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE * Su— LOAA +k see. 8 W A 5I1 SYNAGR APPLICATION AREA MAP Re sine.--b "-C-P-- 400 oJvw� we&6-wh-pvcPrx+y v UnR, Tv-ev�sure.aPPr° n`d`. �F(cia.nU-iv0m hoU.. svboLtvbS�ohS Z m a S.uf3DIV►SI0N (HOUSES bUk T {ZICrHT PRor5k?TI Ut4g) 6uBt>1V1S100 A Residuals Afan,�gement Company _.6 Se15MkPV►OVS The g ?,NeUS„ 4 O •• 1i D slicqeia a jeD `i ♦ ® // \\~CHARITY LN u Owner Donald k4a!jrr Scale: 1" _ kv& Field # S Total Acres et Acres .9,t2-4 . > STREAM Q APPLICATION AREA — — — — — — PRIVATE ROAD . — > . DRAIN HOUSE FORESTED AREA OSURFACE WATER ❑ OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE x FENCE WELL STORAGE AREA O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR OS ® INCORPORATION, PROPERTY LINE 8-12% SLOPE SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project:dd,�S Site: n/C-T R-1 g Field: _ol- SYNAGl�O A Residuals Management Company Landowner: L aPr Sample Slope: `f Acres (gross): Acres (net): 2, 0 Crop: _ODILIOc1� SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon PROFILE A Depth 4 - i Texture Color 7sYe %G Structure l �G,- 7 - V ,1+, e z1n1l e Vg /4- �k Depth to SHWT: i 3(� Depth & type of restrictive layer: � Soil Series: I 0e 65"� Horizon Depth Texture PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Texture Structure Grade s Sand 1 Weak I Loam 2 Moderate si Silt 3 Strong c Clay Mottles Color Structure Mottles Date: 67/1y/®3' Structure Type gr Granular abk pl Platy sbk pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SYN.AGRO SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET AResidual; AfanagemewCwnpany Project: a� �✓�L11 Landowner: id , r Site: NC-IY- I$ Field: Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): �, 5 Acres (net): Zr S Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure PROFILE A <cL '7,Ale S/G Y/,-? I& iL ZI-3G c Z,SYf Depth to SHWT: > G ->3 Depth & type o"f restrictive layer: Soil Series: fOl t 5-o4 Mottles Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth &.type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: 4- Legend Texture Structure Grade s Sand 1 Weak I Loam 2 Moderate si Silt 3 Strong c Clay Date: 07/1 y /6' Structure Type gr Granular abk pl Platy sbk pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: RSYNAG 0: .- l - _ A Residuals Al nagm mi Cmnpany Landowner: IZ a Yl Q f a� r Site:. NC-ZR— 18 Field: Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross):Acres (net): Crop: r5e4- SOIL PROFILE _DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color -7,fW Structure Mottles PROFILE A 4, /1& Sc, 4/N 'SQL � +z !q _ ztx 4/6 Depth to SHWT: 3� Depth & type of restrictive layer: ? Soil Series: AAAWo -I Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Notes: Legend Texture s Sand I Loam si Silt c Clay Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Described By: Date: / ? Structure Grade Structure Type 1 Weak gr Granular abk 2 Moderate pl Platy - sbk 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: I ��OD�Ss ti/►�t� OR SYNAGRO _. A Residuals Alanagenrent Company Landowner: b6twi 1 UE�aor Site: k)(,-IP-- IR Field: Sample #: Acres (gross): AQ Acres (net): 7*2-, 0 Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS r—nrev C- Slope: Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A 6-7 7,Ne s r Z- zY 4 5rie 4/4 Depth to SHWT: ? Depth & type of restrictive layer: 3� Soil Series: Horizon PROFILE B _ Depth ® "ee Texture Sc.. Color Pe Ve. Structure Mottles 1 � - l 1 e Z Sr/e `//g 11w jr 9 1r , z 7 6L Z.5`,e v/4 Depth to SHWT: ?3 G Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: r-r Notes: Described By: Legend Date: 1 Texture Structure Grade 11 Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive f'? 3.t.x 704•.i 5.� �9 -959.6 -55i ort No' _5: .733... ' power: Hager Bros Copies to: Synagro Sou ., 635 Faith Road Mooresville, NC 28115 Synagro Southeast 77k: Test ReportSoil Fann: NC-IR-18 6220 A Hackers Bend Court Winston Salem, NC 27103 9/24/03 SERVING N.C. CITIZENS FOR OVER 50 YEARS Iredell County Agronomist Comments: The heavy metal results are shown on a separate report. Cadmium In samples 03,04 and 05, nickel In sample 05, and selenium in sample 03 are slightly elevated above what is typically seen in North Carolina soils. Heavy metal concentrations however are not believed to pose a threat to crops grown on this land. Note phosphorous levels ate very low in sample areas 01, 02, 05, low in sample 03, and marginal in sample 04. Phosphorus moves very slowly through the soil. Therefore, for best results mix the suggested fertilizer into the soil if possible. Potassium is marginal and sulfur is lower than desired in samples 01 and 02 therefore, 20 pounds of sulfur per acre applied with your fertilizer may be of benefit in these areas. Also note, potassium is very high in sample 04. Samples 03 and 04 havf a slightly lower soil pH than desired so a lime recommendation appears for those samples. Also note, soil pH Is above 7 in sample 01 and 02. Please refer to the recommendations shown below for the lime or fertilizer that may be needed to sustain normal crop growth. DeAnn Frederick Apronomist Field Informatioit heti Lime .;. 'Recomme datioRs y,4° §f t Sr.. <......... Sample No. Last Crop o Yr T/A ....f..°` ..J{. ._ Crop or Year Lime N R05 KO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/Pim,M 0 120-200 110-130 60-80 0 0 0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Ma -AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS -I NC3-N NIk-N Na MIN 0.27 112 115 98.0 0.2 7.1 10 3 3 5 5 63 0 3 0 3026 1816 1G 165 139 21 0.0 . Field.Infdrmation r lied'",, _.. Lime -..r...:,,vi t4.�.. i,. . t < 1'k. .7�-f t:. ,-- it .. yn. ,�. Et i ,. . P ,Rcomtpe elation y : -: r;y , , ��:::rsd ,r ": �. •,i, , : v .._. ...._.,......�.,..r_.,.i.,�.., a.,.,:...� _ _,: ;. „ rim. r�C.,.�a. ,�M..:,. r� z -.k.•.c,:al Sample No. Last Crop o Yr T/A �rt,..s�m.�.>.B,Fs,,:' Crop ob Year Lime N A05 KO Cu Zn Mn See Note 02 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/I'im,M 0 120-200 120-140 40-60 0 0 0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AICu-I S I SS-1 N0.3-N Nm-N Na MIN 0.27 1.% .8 99.0 0.1 7.0 7 44 70.0 28.0 1074 646 73 73 123 26 0.0 Field Irifot:mation - . Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N R05 ICO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 03 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/0G/TIm,M 0 120-200 80-100 0 0 0 0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K t Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S I SS-1 Nl3-N NIA-N Na MIN 0.51 1.00 11.0 96.0 0.4 6.5 21 136 75.0 16.0 1041 634 129 129 181 .32 0.0 ..,. -.: .. NC A uin •,: ._d -t.: .:'.,. .ems:. .... r _7, .. -.... ... :..: ." _gny c Dmsio, -4 OO Reed , , reek Road Raei NC, 276465 '�19) 733 Hae„Bros Report P 2 < <, ,2655 >GrbWer .f > No: _,: r lied:Lime Reeommen o �...1 r ;<. ,.. ..., z. .a -• .. .,...... .. ....:.. _,<_ ..:.:,..... .:. �tl. �� $:"xt?,L Y,z '� Sample No. t Crop Mo Yr T/A CropYear or ,rt�:: ,1._x;t�.�,.••.3!. .. N Lime ., s -: 9.;.,{�"w,;.$y2.��..:9�.i�!t4�+ulY��SC�i�'4'"��ii��"cRb�ra."�ts�. ` rf^'�� N PlOs ILO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 04 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/Tim,M .7T 120-200 60-80 0 0 0 0 0 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BSY6 Ac pH P-I K I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S-I SS-1 Nl$-N NII -N Na MIN 0.76 1.08 10 5 83.0 18 5.6 28 218 54.0 19.0 1261 774 163 163 171 50 0.0 I�ield.Informatibn :: I" d Lime Recommendations .. ..,.. .:. Sam n, Last Crop Md Yt- T/A Crop or Year Lime N R05 ILO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 05 PbCrop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/Pim,M -3T 120-200 130-150 0 0 0 0 0 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class liM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-t R I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI (1)Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS -I NC$-N NIA-N Na MIN 0.36 1.03 9.0 89.0 1.0 5.7 3 108 58.0 25.0 1321 810 70 70 219 33 0.0 NCDA -onomic Division 4300 Reedy Creek Road "-leigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733-2655 v� 1 Heavy Al etal Soil Test Report Hager Bros Report #: 04959 635 Faith Road MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Mooresville, NC 28115 Iredell County Questions concerning these analyses should be.referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Section Cd Ni Pb .Se Cr Al As Sample Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium Aluminum Arsenic ID mg1dm3 (ppnz) —efi- 0.00 0.30 2.50 0.00 0.20 3.70 02 0.10 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.10 3.70 03 6.20 0.50 0.10 0.30 0.20 4.70 04 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.00 0.00 4.30 05 0.20 0.80 0.40 0.00 0.10 3.90 Report Number: A&L EASTERN AGRICUL i URAL LABORATORIES, INC. 2004-R189-045 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 AIL Account # 46511 O Send To: SYNAGRO SE/MOORESVILLE Grower: PO#P-19278-1 Samples Submitted By: 6220A HACKERS BEND CT HAGER BROS. - MOORESVILLE MARY BUCK WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27103 PERMITTING NC-IR-18 Date of Report: 07/09/2004 Page: 1 TOTAL SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Date Received: 07/06/2004 Date of Anaivsis: 07/07/2004 ,.... Y..4- : i ... . ... ... .'.�+, :. RAtt t�et , ,. ,.r, , 4✓: ...p 3+--,-. Number _,i�"'' .�, . X .i,h�.. - ny^ m tea 4 _ 4 i.,:ti: m Ik ,*s,se. s.Ss. ,. +,.. _Potassium- . <. �. ,xK ,,, <:".T m �t .', F. Su„iur ,: ., �^Y"✓. � u. z=• � C�fclum .ti. ..,.. f- .x:..f N . ,t. Ma neslum 9 .. i?. .._� . :� r 5odturn ^a .?�_,.i a.N $''y'..x t� rn � 9 inn i. .,. .,. SN. ., ;..�hy$.� '4s"„«..�-�"z.c ,�..9x - ,Iron,_ . , F.'.s.,« >? . t �f-'cx� , r. �. ,ii- .Y rm Ikl y M 9 J '..L ,,�..: a, �,P-n Tdt H,. �.,F ,.... - Aluminum t. , „ x _.,_..t�. � r =r� i „ .,. m Ik 9 9 '�3. Rs, ._.. r-: _.�v� .s.5f'.-L , .> , Min aness. .0 9 { ,,_� a -fit CA �.i„-..- .,A+� �,. a.eT'. kY�s,. .1 `fx u+:• � b t ;:4'i.-.-1�"�i"' ry�P ., s Co er,., �_ sf �' ry} ..�, Lf'�J.A._� n,'.6 7_ �:., y.,. n:—., ��.ro� _E..t4.xa2. Zinc _ .... F��: � r,. �,zr a. x.. �t✓s.,-.a ls. Ammonia z rf , � J 'Y -,�».. ;. > 't:Sv't�d , Nitrate ..Nitro en 9 }, �7 vm9. f. _�. r:;.u��a, iv2r' 1— 02419 2 02420 3 02421 4 02422 5 02423 ,., • ..,• , >� ��,€-< .�.: � �, ::: � � :,: 9 � 4 Total � a s r : 014t by ..,x C l N; , tj� ,f}rb ..:Cobalt � Samea:: ,- .r:= �s• Cd,..�- ,m a r, s 3 r ._,. .,:.....0 '.; x t �^`,<.�i��:�.;: ,-i 'i_. �.-e�. e: #~ itt E>, 7•,, Y....i.,SPB+:ir�,Y��S �, ..,f z w:;:. -_x i^. r.r{. .h.. 3::?z. � - t t : ...'.;x a x e' E k:C s.45..- 9 3 ; n. 9 ..^'.. .? h+.,.,—. .._ ..,... ... ..:: _Y,.^,x �....C,.-....0 >r ... $L 1'. �..d']et-. u+ M, y.�: _ ...... s R`.'r :eY,. _�� ,=�I.wtL d�i�`g� '},x. , y;l :K31 ,J a•'l" ... �,.1 �i 1� un i�iY xQ i �l -1- <0.01 < 1 2 <0.01 < 1 3 <0.01 < 1 4 <0.01 < 1 <0.01 < 1 MEHLICH EXTRACTION Our reports and letters are for the exclusive and confidential use of our clients, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part, nor may any reference be made to the work, the results, or the company in any advertising, news release, or other public announcements without obtaining our prior written authorization. This repbrt applies to the sample(s) tested. Samples are retained a maximum of thirty days after testing. A & L EASTERN AGRICULTURAL LABORATORIES, INC. by: C. Norman Jones SITE SUMMARY Town of Mooresville Mooresville, NC Site ID: NC-IR-19 Owner: Joyce Rogers Address: 256 Johnson Dairy Rd. Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 664-2271 Operator: Tony Rogers Address: Johnson Dairy Rd. Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: (704) 664-7867 Estimated Total Applicable Predominant Latitude & GGnIrla Arras Anrac Crnnlsl Sinne f0/n1 Soil Series Lonaitude 1 ✓ 10.8 7.5 fescue 6-10% Pacolet 350 31' 17" N 800 47' 35" W 2 / 15.5 11.5 fescue 4-8% Mecklenburg 350 31' 08" N 800 47' 27" W TOTALS 26.3 19.0 Notes: Date: 9/12/03 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality, LANDOWNER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete _ unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.uslndpul INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: ✓ Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each set of land application sites that are owned by a landowner and operated by a lessee/operator (i.e., if applicable) other than the applicant. ✓ A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided to the landowner and the lessee/operator. AGREEMENT FOR THE LAND. APPLICATION OF RESIDUALS TO.PRIVATELY-OWNED LAND APPLICATION SITES The undersigned landowner or his representative hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville Complete mailing address of applicant: P.O. Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 ) 663-0426 Facsimile number: ( 704 ) 663-4616 E-mail address: ajonepci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals from the following residuals source - generating facility(ies) onto the following land application site(s) (i.e., see attached buffer maps) in accordance with the stipulations and restrictions as given in this Agreement: Site/Field ID Land Use or Cropping Patterns Intended Use or Disposition of Crops Residuals Source -Generating Facilities NR-19-1 QSckc, -Keel or 4mge. TZoGk Rro r LJWTO Plc-11Z-19-a ;eecl or fD►r"e- Rod Ral.ler WWTY' The landowner or his representative receives, in consideration, full use of the nutrient value of the applied residuals while the Permittee receives, in consideration, the use of the land application site(s) described above for the disposal of the residuals. This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. The undersigned landowner or his representative and the Permittee agree to abide with the following restrictions and stipulations until such time as written notification, given .30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 1 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c I. STIPULATIONS: 1. The landowner or his representative shall not enter into any additional waste disposal contracts or agreements with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity for the land application site(s) specified by this Agreement. The land application of any additional residuals or waste, other than that generated by the residuals source -generating facilities specified by the Division's residuals land application program permit, is prohibited. 2. The existing lessee or operator, if any, of the land application site(s) agrees, by execution of this Agreement, to comply with all provisions of this Agreement. 3. Should the landowner or his representative lease or otherwise permit the use of the land application site(s) by a third party, the landowner shall be responsible to ensure that the third party agrees and complies with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement shall be binding on the grantees, the successors, and assigns of the parties hereto with reference to the subject matter of this Agreement. 5. The landowner or his representative or successors shall adhere to the provisions of this Agreement for a period of 18 months from the date of the most recent residuals land application event. 6. Notification of cancellation of this Agreement shall be immediately forwarded to NCDENR-DWQ, Non -Discharge Permitting Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617. 7. The Permittee must request and obtain a permit modification from the Division prior to a transfer of the land application site(s) to a new landowner. The request shall contain the appropriate forms and agreements. In addition, a notice shall be given by the current landowner to the new landowner that gives full details of the residuals applied or incorporated at the land application site(s). 8. The Permittee has provided the landowner or his representative with information and data concerning the residuals land application program, including an analysis of constituents of the residuals, residuals application methods, schedules for typical cropping patterns, and a description of the equipment used by the Permittee. 9. The Permittee will provide the landowner or his representative with a copy of the residuals land application program permit that has been most -recently issued by the Division prior to commencement of any residuals land application event. This permit will specify maximum application rates, limitations, and other restrictions prescribed by the laws and regulations. 10. The land application site(s) shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.0 prior to residuals land application. The only exception is that residuals may be land applied when the land application site has a pH of less than 6.0, provided that a sufficient amount of lime is also applied to achieve a final pH of the lime, residuals, and soil mixture of at least 6.0. 11. The Permittee will furnish the landowner or his representative with a copy of the results of each soil analysis. 12. Within the limits of the Division's residuals land application program permit, the landowner or his representative and the Permittee will determine residuals application rates and schedules based on crop patterns and the results of soil samples. 13. The landowner or his representative will furnish the Permittee with information regarding the amount and analysis of other sources of nutrients (e.g., fertilizer, unregulated animal waste, etc.) that have been applied to the land application site(s). 14. The landowner or his representative will inform the Permittee of any revisions or modifications to the intended use and cropping patterns for the land application site(s) prior to each planting season to enable the Permittee to amend this Agreement and schedule residuals land application events at appropriate periods. 15. Specific residuals land application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on the land application site(s) by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative prior to and during a residuals land application event. 16. Appropriate measures must be taken by the Permittee and/or the landowner or his representative to control public access to the land application site(s) during active use and for the 12-month period following a residuals land application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs that indicate the activities being conducted at the land application site(s). 17. Animals shall not be grazed on the land application site(s) for a 30-day period following a residuals land application event. Land application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access during these periods after such residuals land application events. 18. Crops for direct human consumption shall be harvested in accordance with the conditions of the Division's residuals land application program permit. 19. The landowner or his representative hereby authorizes the Permittee, local officials. and State officials or their representatives to inspect the land application site(s) prior to, during, and after any residuals land application event and to established monitoring facilities on or near the land application site(s) as required by the residuals land application program permit. 20. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises, or place on or related to the land application site(s) at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with the Division's residuals land application program permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be. kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. 21. The landowner or his representative authorizes the Permittee, local officials, and State officials or their representatives to take necessary soil, surface water, and groundwater samples during the term of, and for 12 months after termination of, this Agreement. . FORM: LOAA 02/02 Page 2 of 3 Attachment Order 3-c IL RESTRICTIONS: Landowner's Certification: ® 1 certify that I am a deeded landowner of the above -referenced land application. site(s) and am authorized to slake decisions regarding rile use of the land application site(s) iih behalrvr other deeded land-;xrners OR t1h_- I am otherwise authorized, through a power of attorney or other legal delegation, to make decisions regarding the use of the land application site(s) oil behalf of the deeded landowners. I certify that the above -referenced land application site(s) are not included in any waste disposal contract or agreement with another municipality, contractor, or other permitted entity. Furthermore, I certify that I have read this Agreement, understand tile stipulations and restrictions, and do hereby grant permission to th Perihhittee to land apply residuals to the land application site(s) as speci herein. Landowner me: Signature: Date: G - NORTH CAROLINA, 1:rede11 COUNTY h � nip L . 1nC K1,n kq , a notary public of IrPd P J J County, North Carolina, certify that 7011.4 P-64e-fS personally appeared before me this day, and being duly sworn, stated that in his presence c� o o M (signed) (aGlaqow4dged the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my fiand and official seal, this is the day of bee_, 20CI �1 Notary Public MELANIE L McKiNNEY My commission expires i-j T , 20&"' . W)Teov a iai u� Lessee's/Operator's Certification: MyCommimionExpmfl-18=7 ® I cei-tify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations and restrictions as specified herein. _ n Lessee/operator name: Signature: Permittee's Certification: Date: © I certify that I have read this Agreement and do hereby agree to abide by the stipulations. and restrictions s specified herein. Signing official name: At Signature: —. —_—: _ —Date:_ — r>. 'ND OF F'Oklkl L'OAA 02/02 FORM: LOAA 02/02 Patle 3 of Attachment Order 3-c State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality BUFFER WAIVER AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT (THIS FORM MAY BE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) The Division of Water Quality (Division) will not consider this attachment form to be complete unless all the instructions are followed. Failure to follow the instructions or to submit all of the required items will lead to additional processing and review time for the application. For more information or for an electronic version of this form, visit our web site at: http://h2o. enr.state. nc. us/ndpu/ INSTRUCTIONS TO THE APPLICANT: A. Attachment Form: V. Do not submit this attachment form for review without its corresponding residuals program application form (Form NDRLAP). ✓ Any changes to this attachment form will result in the application package being returned. B. Prepare a separate attachment form for each property from which a waiver from 15A NCAC 2H .0219 (j)(5)(A)(ii) or (iii) is being sought. ✓ Any other buffers required by 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5), other than those referenced above, cannot be waived through execution of this attachment form. ✓ .A copy of the completed and appropriately executed attachment form must be provided.to the property owner. AGREEMENT TO WAIVE THE BUFFER REQUIRED BY 15A NCAC 2H .0219 0)(5)(A)(ii) and (iii) The undersigned property owner hereby permits: Applicant's name: Town of Mooresville (Al Jones Mayor) nplete mailing address of applicant: 843 E. Center St,• PO Box 878 City: Mooresville State: NC Zip: 28115 Telephone number: ( 704 663-0426 Facsimile number: C704 663-4616 E-mail address: ajones@ci.mooresville.nc.us hereinafter referred to as the Permittee, to land apply residuals within 100 feet (i.e., cannot be less than 100 feet) of the residence or place of public assembly located) at the following: �( Location address of property: c2q 01 -_- V6kmso(y Dco L4 -� �—t K-ity: 1`�CZi�C�a l \ I -state: iL) ip: �� I This Agreement shall remain in effect for the length of the Division of Water Quality's (Division) permit for the residuals land application program and shall be renewed each time this permit is renewed. In addition, this Agreement shall only remain in effect for as long as the undersigned property owner owns the property described herein. The undersigned property owner agrees to abide by this Agreement until such time as written notification, given 30 calendar days in advance, modifies or cancels this Agreement. ® I certify that I am a deeded property owner of above -referenced property and am authorized to make decisions regarding this property on behalf of other deeded property owners Furthermore, I certify that I have read and understand this Agreement and do hereby grant permission to ttthry�e Permittee to land apply residuals -to land application site(s) as specified herein. I •. ••/ JA.A wI l f Property owner *Signature: C *** END OF FORM LOAA 02/02 *** Date: 3, FORM: BWAA 02/02 Page 1 of 1 Attachment Order 3-d � SYNAG 0 VICINITY MAP OUM-f ! rede I I A Residuair Managemmi Company OWNER /ir6r12 ' � � x 0 0 cn C) p ;t- SYNAGEO AERIAL REFERENCE MAP ♦b= A Residuals Management Company ;OUNTY �i�e�lp I OWNER ,TnUcc �Qev /VC; �✓� — i APPLICATION AREA MAP properly ling CPL) lg-S S'YNAGRO A Reiduak Management Company TogNSON tDAiRY ROAV ■ � Paul —�� Tuu�ii }G J. cur ker ho uv. ! (see lan,down,er C�✓eatre+t�; 0 O LyYinE MGLW E; houses v (,see b of fear P wwvtXs) Barker "PL. SlkB� Owner �'e Scale: 1" = l� (� Field # Total Acres h. 3 _ Net Acres ' X-0 • —� STREAM APPLICATION AREA = _ _ = PRIVATE ROAD —� DRAIN ■ ROUSE FORESTED AREA W POND E] OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE O FENCE t �1 WELLLL S O STORAGE AREA 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR _ INCORPORATION. 8-12% SLOPE ��� Tcrwri �/io-�,•-e,�vri i�e4 o.Q,��o.d� .: .. _ .. SYNAGRO Soil Map A Residuals Afauagemom Company (.loins sheet 59) - IREDELL COUNII OWNER Tmice R .-L COUNTY-- Ir-C&I SCALE: 1" = I 2n ' FIELDS 1, a SHEET (( a. SOIL SERIES LJoycl, fYlecklem6 am 1\1 C 3P— — 1 -SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: 8&A(VLt_C Site: NC-ZR-Iq Field: SYNAGRO A Residuals Management Company Landowner: 4&r1& Sample #: Slope: Acres (gross): Ih. $ Acres (net): -7, 5 Crop: SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE A SW `161 141- Q/1¢' Z.SYlZ Y/G IfJk c iw3G S Depth to SHWT: 7 3G Depth & type of restrictive layer: >�• Soil Series: Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: Legend Date: 64 1 t Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk I Loam 2 Moderate pl Platy sbk si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg c Clay cpr Columnar m Angular Blocky Subangular Blocky Single Grained Massive SOIL DESCRIPTION SHEET Project: I Uv/ SWt,L_� Site: NC- II?-19 Field: Z. SYNAGR%,0_ A Reriduais Manag-unt Cmnpany Landowner: &?� Sample #: Slope: Y Acres (gross): 1S, S . Acres (net): 11. S Crop: SPucs°" SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTIONS Horizon Depth Texture Color PROFILE A � �� r '7 �'�, ' `13 g�Z /9 Structure Mottles ,,, id�. 7. re �f Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: 3 Soil Series: Horizon Depth Texture Color Structure Mottles PROFILE B Depth to SHWT: Depth & type of restrictive layer: Soil Series: Notes: Described By: - . Date: Legend Texture Structure Grade Structure Type s Sand 1 Weak gr Granular abk Angular Blocky I Loam 2 Moderate_ pl Platy sbk Subangular Blocky si Silt 3 Strong pr Prismatic sg Single Grained c Clay cpr Columnar m Massive . ..., i ,. ..r .. ... -.I .. 1 c ✓ ::a�. 3 .;, A Ar c Division . 00 Reivv C�. C�reliLRaad Ra�ei gg C 2 60 </�y�` pj �. °%. ;;.. �7�..... �.-..,-7_,�.JI.��Jr � ��U,LI��S,"'�i��Y:�,"�Ft.,�.�.,'.�nSi ... ,_.,... ..:......, ..._.>=....... .........,.,:..... ,- rc..�u. ... ><� _..a�.. ,...,._�..__., ..�._� �.� _....... ,.. .....: _ i�� 90,' rower: Rogers, Tony Copies to: Synagro Sot 256 Johnson Dairy Road Mooresville NC 2811 Synagro Southeast Test Report Farm: NC-IR-19 6220 A Hackers Bend Court Winston Salem, NC 27103 /24/03 SERVING N.C. CITIZENS FOR OVER 50 YEARS Iredell County, Agronomist Comments: The heavy metal results are shown on a separate report. Cadmium, nickel, and selenium in sample 02 are slightly elevated 4bove what is typically seen in North Carolina soils. Heavy metal concentrations however are not believed to pose a threat to crops grown on this land. Note, phosphorous levels are marginal in both sample areas. In addition, soil pH is slightly lower than desired In sample 02 therefore, please refer to the recommendations shown below for the lime or fertilizer that may be needed to sustain normal ctop growth. DeAnn Frederick Agronomist ...._ ._, .. . ,...._ .._ .._... .. ..::... . ....n ::.. I i 1 a i7�. ^h`f � c v �p:t t� Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A •, .. ..:.. . ,e1 n 1 l � �, a Jk Ps>�Ferr'�'�� S�hl{Ti Crop or Year Lime N A05 ICO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 01 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/1'im,M 0 120-200 50-70 0-20 0 0 0 pH$ 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% TIV CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI (1) Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-I S I SS -I Nf$-N NH-N Na MIN 0.27 10 • 3 7 95.0 0.56.5 34 79 58.0 0 1 280 3 5 41 41 Field Information , ..' ;,::.•° , 1 _>� ..: ��C,..,..........:. .. .. :•:.„ ...:. ,..... '�a�u ,.,. .. .:7:�:n«.. >''T�u,. ,._._. �rcr.::._ CiF�{;_:„, �lar....a.i,..:..�., ,.,..:�w.. [_,r'sil., .. � .,{v t: Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N R05 XO Mg Cu Zn B Mn See Note 02 No Crop 1st Crop: Fes/OG/l'im,M AT 120-200 60-80 0 0 0 0 0 12 2nd Crop: Test Results Soil Class HM% IV/V. CEC BS% Ac pH P-I K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI (1)Mn-AI (2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 $-I SS -I N($-N AU-N Na MIN 0.71 1.20 10.8 88.0 1.3 5.7 30 113 54.0 28.0 460 293 122 122 73 50 0.0 NCDA f gnomic Division 4300 Reedy Creek Road sigh, NC 27607-6465 (919) 733-2655 P 1 Heavy Metal • Soil Test Report Rogers, Tony 256 Johnson Dairy Road MEHLICH-3 EXTRACTION Mooresville, NC 28115 Iredell County Questions concerning these analyses should be referred to the Agronomic Division, Soil Testing Section Cd Ni Pb Se Cr Sample Cadmium Nickel Lead Selenium Chromium ID mg/dm3 (ppm) Al Aluminum Report #: 04960 As Arsenic 01 0.10 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.10 5.50 02 0.20 0.70 1.70 0.50 0.10 3.90 ReperE number: A&L EASTERN AGRICUL i dRAL LABORATORIES, INC. 2004-RO92-068 7621 Whitepine Road • Richmond, Virginia 23237 • (804) 743-9401 Fax No. (804) 271-6446 IL Account # 46511 1) G Send To: SYNAGRO SE/MOORESVILLE Grower: ' PO#12817-1 Samples Submitted By: 6220A HACKERS BEND CT TONY ROGERS MELANIE MCKINNEY WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27103 MOORESVILLE PERMITTING Date of Report: 04/06/2004 Page: 1 TOTAL SOIL ANALYSIS REPORT Date Received: 03/31/2004 Date of Analvsis: 04/01 /2nn4 .. .- # . V#e ^''' .n - 3 it Poe : -�,� � 9._t►:: .x,, .. ,.. .:Rhos horlfs ...f.Wti, ,?otassl um c,,..> > �< S �, .., q b .:y.. -k Ma nes um 6' . � .. -} t ,;-,,, { Y •'vr # #:„ 2 / • k.< .. :. Simple_ #.: ,::.:: ,r.-...<.. Lafj . _, t.:h .._-... •..... ._r-,.- P r .fix Lr.: -,.. ,,. - ,Sulfur � _ c..., .... <K.s.>.. �Galclunt" � ,. _ .1.,, At �: Afrimohia' ::Nilmtf�r:: :x.. 3; za Nhmher' m9tkgk � rlr g f rn � �<r •k.:..,�,ii lrn lk x�r - ... �k � ,: m �' ,,.� 9�9, tc. i „�` - 9�9� 4,.;Y< ,.�.'��ux^���•.� �t ',#:: >- :>"rf� �• ; �, glkg -�. sa ;; .;.ti s �•=�` 3,-. m /k'` 9 �, a .z 'k , ,z,,,. •; a 9 ftr,� °m k•; ,- �> .,.z .,., a .,�,� , ... ,IaF r.: � �,� ,y< w��., s .:Y.+ Y.^s. � . SG: L;3 1 # �,.. ...'l _ ...,"c.,.c '�a ,;a., u. -.. <....x (,... .;. _,.... ». � r. >3, ,w ..::£�s a N. ^4 _.. y , •d ..r � .,. a^, «.r _.� &...rf' „rah. � .,yr. >:m ,� :�"J + n asr 1 _�' rs _x..._ - -�.s ,:;r. ..t`�' .c.2:�,«.;� �..�•,.a�, �..-,:,fir.,. 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Norman Jones TOWN OF MOORESVILLE SOIL SCIENTIST CERTIFICATION This is to certify that soil and site evaluations were conducted on the proposed application sites (listed below) for the Town of Mooresville by Synagro South. The soil and site evaluations consisted of hand auger borings and descriptions of the soils on the application sites; collection of soil fertility samples using standard soil sampling methods; location of property lines, residences, wells and surface water features; identification of all required buffer areas; and generation of application area maps. All auger borings described in this package were either performed by myself or under my direct supervision. ric N. Thompson, L.S.S. No. 1238 SITES NC-CB-7 fields 1-4 NC-IR-17 fields 1-3 NC-IR-18 fields 2-5 NC-IR-19 fields 1-2 AGRONOMIST REPORT Synagro is operating a land application program for the recycling/beneficial reuse of wastewater biosolids produced at the Town of Mooresville's WWTP. The agronomist report is submitted as a crucial step in the review of potential receiver sites for the program. Several factors should be taken into consideration in determining a site's suitability to receive biosolids. These factors are: • Site Investigation • Topography • Soils • Biosolids Characteristics and Loading Rates • Crop Management Site Investigation The site investigation consisted of a physical observation of each proposed site in which the following parameters were evaluated: • Soil Characteristics • Slope • Cropping Systems • Location of Property Lines • Location of Residences • Location of Wells and Surface Water Features Site specific information is enclosed (See Attachment Order 3-e and 34) for each site - evaluated. Application area maps delineating -the -proposed application areas within each field are also enclosed. Topography The slope of each site was evaluated during -the site investigation. The slope for the individual sites range from 0 to 10 percent for surface application and 0 to 18 percent for sub -surface inj-ection. Areas of excessive slope have been eliminated from the application areas. Soils Soil fertility samples were collected from each site and were analyzed for standard soil fertility parameters and regulated metals content. The results of these analyses are reported in Attachment Order 3-f for each site. Soil testing of the sites included in this application indicates that the soil pH is -moderately acidic on most sites and should be adjusted by the addition of lime prior to or during land application activities being performed in order to achieve optimal crop production. The lime recommendations are generally made based on raising the pH to a standard of 6.0. Biosolids Characteristics and Loading Rates Biosolids samples are routinely collected and- analyzed by an independent laboratory. The analysis reports and calculations indicate that the residuals are non -hazardous and non -toxic. Both the soils and the crops should be able to assimilate the proposed loadings of liquids, solids, nitrogen, phosphorus, heavy metals, aluminum, and salts known to be in the residuals. This assessment is based on current analysis, the planned application rate, proper crop management guidelines and adherence to permit requirements. Nitrogen is considered to be the most limiting characteristic of these residuals, however, soil tests should be reviewed annually to identify any changes in the nutrient status of the soil. Crop Management Based on the site and soil evaluations, crop nutrient requirements and the nutrient content of the residuals, all sites should. readily assimilate the residuals, however crop rotations and management practices should be evaluated prior to each application to account for changes in the proposed crop rotation and land use objectives. Site -specific cropping patterns are listed in the Site Summary in Attachment Order 3-e for each land application site. Crop management guidelines that will be of importance for these sites will be: • timing of application events with plant nutritional needs and periods of plant dormancy, • split -applications to prevent hydraulic overloading or nutrient leaching, • performance of proper stabilization methods to fit crop and soil needs, • establishment of suitable vegetative cover on current agricultural sites, • incorporation or uzjection of residual- solids on fields that have a high incidence of flooding, • maintenance of proper vegetative cover- on more sloping areas with runoff potential, and • proper coordination between application events and crop harvesting. Land application should provide an environmentally acceptable means of beneficial reuse of the residuals provided all the parameters of the agronomist report and the requirements of the permit are follo-vied. Melanie L. McKinney Agronomist