HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400198_QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT_20131212December 11, 2013 Mr. Charles Sherren Thruway Shopping Center, LLC. 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1500 Bethesda, Maryland, 20814 RE: Quarterly Status Report Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163) 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Injection Permit WI0400198 NCDENR Incident No. 6400 URS Project number: 38436760 Dear Mr. Sherren: RECEIVEDIDENRIDWR DEC 12 2013 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Please find enclosed a CD containing an electronic copy of the Quarterly Status Report for the above referenced site. A CD has been sent based on your previous request for an electronic copy of reports for the site. Should you want a paper copy as well, or should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please do not hesitate to contact me at (919) 461-1285 or Jasen.Zinna@urs.com. Sincerely, URS Corporation — North Carolina ]as i inna, P1-t j ct Man er Enc ❑sure URS Corporation North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, NC 27560 Tel: 919-461-1100 Fax: 919-461-1415 QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT FORMER KNDLLWDDD GULF STATION (BP 24163) 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: 6400 RISK RANK: INTERMEDIATE LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: INDUSTRIALICOMMERCIAL URS PROJECT NO.: 38436760 RECEIVEDIDENRIDVVR DEC 12 2013 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Prepared for: Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) A BP Products North America Inc. by affiliated company 850 East 49'h Street MBC-3 Room 103B Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125 0 December 11, 2013 Prepared by: URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 U.&O Tel. 919-461-1100 Fax 919-461-1415 CERTIFICATION PAGE FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP 24163) 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, NC Report Date: December 11, 2013 Groundwater Incident Number: 6400 Land Use Category: Industrial/Commercial Risk Classification: Intermediate (Gross Contamination Level Exceedences) Responsible Party: Atlantic Richfield Company "o BP Products North America, Inc 850 East 49 h Street MBC-3 Room 103B Cuyahoga Heights, Ohio 44125 Attn: Greg Frisch Current Property Owner: Thruway Shopping Center, LLC. 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1500 Bethesda, Maryland 20814-6522 (301) 986-6077 Attn: Charles Sherren or Zane Zynda Report Prepared By: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 919 461-1100 Release Information: Release of an unknown quantity of gasoline from an underground storage tank product line 1 ancillary piping prior to September 1983. Release Location: Latitude: 361105'25.94"N (Topographical Map) Longitude: 80' 1 T i 1.79"W I, Jasen Zinna, a licensed engineer for URS CorpoTVion �t�North Carolina, do attest that the info ation contained in this report is correct aQd aNcaAte ;bJ the best of my knowledge. -�q 'ESSjQ�f , .a SEA Lr: _ = 040228 = 12-P-r3 Jase(Zinna, P _� E�q-. _ Date UR Corporat n — North Carolina :f f' N •i�� �` UR Corporation — North Carolina is licensed to pAW( jQogy/engineering in North Carolina. The certification numbers of the corporation are C-328 and C-2243, respectively. YB:LgpSynq[uaNlR�sn3. CK. W-s, ]Kl K..d*,.d I Dmit . InLmm LXJ4� 3Mh A 24 AWE h111 GW Fvw QuRlwly kgxc[ AYgnq N)I QTRLi• DATA RyrA Ikw i i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................. ..................................................... ........ 1-1 L l Site Description ......................... ... 1-1 1.2 Project Background.............................................................................................. 1-1 2.0 INJECTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING............................................................ 2-1 2.1 Groundwater Sampling Procedures..................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Purge Water Management.................................................................................... 2-1 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................... ........... ......... ................................... 3-1 3.1 Groundwater Sampling Results........................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Performance Monitoring Discussion................................................................... 3-1 4.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................................................ .... 4-1 5.0 STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS................................................................................. 5-1 6.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................6-1 P-Wg11,q,.VNCM1241h3. C-I, W-S. 14I KA.Jq.m.t Strm5.ii F%44 wI m;-I rX4A - p A-M W,h PNa�4.24 AU9 ful 14M FvM1 pan MIV Rt TkC Ang� 2u] i piA1.Y DAI A Rct%M4r ii i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Table 2 Summary of August 28, 2013, Groundwater Results Compared to NC Gross Contamination Levels Table 3 Groundwater Field Parameter Results, August 28, 2013 FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Site Map APPENDICES Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Appendix B Waste Manifests Appendix C Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix E Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Appendix F ASP Injection Performance Monitoring Parameter Time -Trend Graphs P,\BMrm& aWC1141V. CK. W-%. 141 Kw1rl.� d S[r,v _5 u(1�I1ws aNniCl pall 1-111L Udi1�>;�hl� { _J %uv'I?I -, l-H E-1 r,J--h R The Auyu.l _dll QTUV' 13ATA Rapes Ak V SECTIONONE INTRODUCTION URS Corporation - North Carolina (URS), on behalf of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), a BP Products North America Inc. affiliated company, is pleased to submit this Quarterly Data Report for Former BP Station No. 24163 located at 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina (site). The report is intended to continue the semi-annual reporting schedule proposed in the site Corrective Action Plan (CAP) (URS, 2011). This report is also intended to satisfy the quarterly reporting schedule requirement specified in Part VII, Item 2 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit W10400198 (NCDENR, 2013). This report presents the procedures and results for the groundwater sampling event performed in August 2013. 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located on the eastern side of Knollwood Street, southeast of its intersection with Interstate 40 Business in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A USGS topographic map showing the site location and surrounding area is provided as Figure 1. The site property is approximately 0.5 acres, is covered by asphalt and concrete, and was formerly developed as a retail fueling station/convenience store with gasoline, diesel, waste oil, and kerosene underground storage tanks (USTs). All UST systems and buildings have been removed from the site and the property is currently used as a parking lot for an adjacent shopping center. Site geology, hydrogeology, UST removal history, petroleum release history, environmental investigation and remediation activity history, surrounding property uses, and site ownership history were presented in detail in the site CAP (URS, 2011). A site map showing current and historical site features, including groundwater monitoring well locations, is provided as Figure 2. Currently, ten Type II monitoring wells (MW-3, MW-5R, MW-6, MW-8R, and MW-14 through MW-19) and one Type III monitoring well (MW-6i) are located at the site. Monitoring well construction details are presented in Table 1. 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND Two activated sodium persuifate (ASP) injections were performed at the site in accordance with the CAP which was approved by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Waste Management (DWM) UST Section (NCDENR, 201 la). An Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit application, summarizing the proposed injection activities, was submitted to the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on July S, 2011. Injection Permit No. W10400198 was issued by the DWQ on August 9, 2011 (NCDENR, 2011 b). Pre -injection investigation and pilot test activities performed in October 2011 were previously documented in a summary report, dated April 23, 2012, submitted to both the DWQ and the DWM UST Section (URS, 2012a). A final ASP injection design, refined based on the results of the pre -design investigation and pilot test results, was also presented in the April 2012 report. The first ASP injection event was performed at the site between June 4, 2012 and June 9, 2012. Injection activities and groundwater sampling performance monitoring were performed in accordance with the approved CAP and Injection Pen -nit No. WI0400198. Baseline data, June 2012 ASP injection activities, and post -injection sampling data through September 2012 were documented in the Activated Sodium Persulfate Injection Completion Report (URS, 2012b). Groundwater sampling events performed in December 2012 and February 2013 were documented in a Semi -Annual Data Report (URS, 2013b). P.V1P+Prcn.�1+�M1C+:�lR3, CY4 W-S, 3M1 wk,llwpd 5tnp�s �� pd�raetd r5 I L1zd Imv�in D,�r�r.�l�u ]l Asp �iH � CiW rpm [hi�otvkRaq.�n+Aupu.l ?lil i pTRl S' PATa Ry.]n J+w 1 ^ 1 SECTIONON E INTRODUCTION A permit renewal application was submitted to NCDENR DWQ on March 26, 2013, (URS, 2013a) in advance of the July 31, 2013, permit expiration date. Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198 was issued by the DWQ on May 24, 2013 (NCDENR, 2013). The second ASP injection event was performed at the site between June 3, 2013 and June 6, 2013. Injection activities and groundwater sampling performance monitoring were performed in accordance with the approved CAP and Injection Permit No. WI0400198. Baseline groundwater data (May 2013) and June 2013 ASP injection activities were documented in the most recent Quarterly Status Report (URS, 2013d). P IBPURnlcaa1D1C114163, CX, *A 311 rkhla A—1 I hrefl LILLT.u. lM—ohl, 4 �4 Auk 21111 GA Erwt Qwwaly R 1km AMkkt Ni 11 QTRLY PA TA Rpm Lkti 1-2 SECTIONTWO INJECTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING 2.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES Groundwater sampling was performed on August 28, 2013. The event included sampling of monitoring wells MW-3, MW-5R, MW-8R, MW-18, and MW-19 in accordance with the CAP and approved UIC monitoring plan. Prior to sampling, groundwater levels were gauged in each of the five monitoring wells utilizing a water level meter decontaminated with soap and water prior to each measurement. August 2013 water level measurements are presented along with historical gauging data in Appendix A. Following gauging, each well was purged and sampled with a new disposable polyethylene bailer and nylon line. Groundwater from each well was transferred to pre -labeled, laboratory - prepared containers and promptly placed on ice with a temperature and trip blank. The samples were shipped under chain -of -custody via overnight courier to Accutest Laboratories Southeast (Accutest) and analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) utilizing EPA Method 6200B, sulfate utilizing EPA Method 300, and carbon dioxide (COI) utilizing EPA Method 4500-CO2. Groundwater pH, dissolved oxygen (D❑), temperature, oxidation-reduction potential (QRP), and specific conductance were measured in the field at each well using a calibrated Yellow Springs Instrument YSI-5569 water quality meter. 2.2 PURGE WATER MANAGEMENT The purge water for all monitoring wells was containerized in a properly labeled 55-gallon dram and was picked up on August 28, 2013, by Shamrock Environmental Corporation (Shamrock) and transported off -site for disposal in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations. A waste manifest for the purge water drum is included in Appendix B. P �91'IPreryteuNlC�l11.1, i'It. A•-S, swl a Lkhra Nl ' I R.fl :4 Aug 21111 k ro'Aupn :Pli Only DATA Repufl AkK 2-1 SECTIONTHREE RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS Groundwater laboratory analytical results for the August 28, 2013, samples are presented in Table 2. Historical analytical data are presented in Appendix C. The laboratory analytical report for the August 2013 groundwater sampling event is included as Appendix D_ Groundwater field parameter data for the sampling event are presented in Table 3. Historical field parameter data are presented in Appendix E. Time -trend graphs of various parameters associated with injection performance monitoring are included in Appendix F. 3.2 PERFORMANCE MONITORING DISCUSSION Performance monitoring results through May 2013 are discussed in detail in the Quarterly Status Report submitted in August 2013 (URS, 2013d). The following list provides a brief summary of notable performance monitoring trends between May 2013 and August 2013, following the second injection. • Contaminant concentrations, including benzene, in monitoring wells MW-SR, MW- 8R, and MW-18 decreased after the June 2012 injection event. Between July 2012 and May 2013, contaminant concentrations increased and ultimately leveled off at or below baseline conditions. Following the most recent injection, contaminant concentrations appear to have decreased and are below the GCL in all sampled monitoring wells. • Contaminant concentrations in MW-19 increased after the initial injection and shortly thereafter returned to near pre -injection conditions. Concentrations have remained relatively stable since August 2012. • Sulfate concentrations in key wells MW-SR and MW-SR displayed an increase following the June injection. • MW-3, sampled as a downgradient "sentinel" monitoring well, has not exhibited a notable response as a result of the injection in any of the monitoring parameters tested. F ASP Yn 1c[1.+h'CL'A Ifi3, CI4 W-5. 3rl ILr+llwunl tnafl - 1nL, 136W—K.14 24 Aup 100 GW E-t Q.Ws fy RLpv -A.V s 24,11 IJIRLY DAIA R p- A, 3-1 SECTIONFOUR CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the observations and data collected at the site through the August 2013, URS presents the following conclusions, • Following the second ASP injection, contaminant concentrations were reduced in monitoring wells MW-SR. MW-8R, and MW-18. All analyzed contaminants in the sampled monitoring wells are below their respective GCL. • Due to increased dissolved sulfate concentrations created as a byproduct of the ASP oxidation reaction, ongoing biological degradation of petroleum constituents by sulfate reducing bacteria may result in additional contaminant reduction over time. • Aquifer characteristics affected by the injection, including CO2 concentrations, sulfate concentrations, specific conductivity, and pH, increased when compared to the May 2013 sampling event as a result of the June 2013 injection. • Since groundwater parameters for downgradient monitoring well MW-3 have remained stable, the effects of the injection appear to have been contained to within the targeted treatment area. • Based on these conclusions, URS recommends the following course of action: ■ Continue quarterly sampling of monitoring wells MW-3, MW-5R, MW-8R, MW-18, and MW-19 with sampling event planned for November 2013. • Maintain quarterly analytical data and injection status reporting in accordance with Part VII, Item 2 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198. • Sample monitoring well MW-16 in November 2013 in accordance with Part VII, Item 1 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198. MW-16 samples will be analyzed by a certified laboratory for sulfate by EPA Method 300 and carbon dioxide by EPA Method 4500-CO2. MW-lb sample water will also be tested for pH in the field using a calibrated water quality meter and for sodium persulfate utilizing FMC's Klozurg Field Test Kit K. P'Ablm•lfujmu%N'24161. CIC AA, I R I KWu11W-1Imp &o%3 ii Dd44 al IA An lkdd- 1-),-Lk�oaM&A.I4 Aug '4111 GW f..wiQkw•i1, Rqx—A*ru.i -N�II Q]R1 % DA rA Rq"l'6a 4-1 SECTIONFIVE STATEMENT OF LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared based on assumptions made by URS related to data and site characterization from previous and proposed site investigations. These assumptions, although thought to be reasonable and appropriate, may not prove to be true in the future. Data and site characterization utilized to develop this summary report and injection plan are restricted by the following limitations. Background information and other data have been furnished to URS by ARCO, NCDENR and/or third parties, which URS has used in preparing this report. URS has relied on this information as furnished, and is neither responsible for nor has confirmed the accuracy of this information. In addition, it would be extremely expensive, and perhaps not possible, to perform an investigation which would completely characterize subsurface geological conditions to ensure the detection of all materials at the site which now are, or in the future might be, considered "contaminants" by State or federal regulatory agencies. It is possible that any environmental investigation may fail to reveal the presence of critical subsurface characteristics or contaminants that may be present. URS' failure to discover hazardous materials or contaminants through reasonable and mutually agreed -upon scopes of work does not guarantee that hazardous materials or contaminants do not exist at the site. Finally, opinions presented herein apply to the existing and reasonably foreseeable site conditions at the time of our assessment. Changes in the condition of this property may occur with time due to natural processes or works of man at the site or on adjacent properties. Changes in applicable standards may also occur as a result of legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes beyond our control. No expressed or implied representation or warranty is included or intended in our reports except that our services were performed, within the limits prescribed by our clients, with the customary thoroughness and competence of our profession. P:�BPv'tnln7elhY12ai63, CIC W.S, 3tlk Yu�lwnnl Ytria�S.11 Ddwaubin� .i C#a1l lu[mm Ddo-M-4.14 Aug 2DI3 GW 5vm4 fAmdly Rgw,,Augua 2r)l i 0MV DATA Rgpm.&v 5-1 SECTIONSIX REFERENCES NCDENR, 2008. Guidelines for Sampling. UST Section, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management, July 2008. NCDENR, 201 la. Notice oj' Regulaton, Requirements, ISA NCAC 2L .0407(c), Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks, Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Forsyth County. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management — UST Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office. October 27, 2011. NCDENR, 2011b, Ref; Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. August 9, 2011. NCDENR, 2013. Ref Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163). Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. May 24, 2013. URS, 2011. Corrective Action Plan, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), Incident No. 6400, 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. URS Corporation — North Carolina. September 7, 2011. URS, 2012a. RE: Injection Pilot Test and Additional Investigation Results. Letter Report Submitted to Thomas Moore, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management — UST Section. URS Corporation -North Carolina. April 23, 2012. URS, 2012b. Activated Sodium Persfulate Injection Completion Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, Incident No.: 6400. URS Corporation -North Carolina. December 5, 2011 URS, 2013a. RE: Injection Permit WI0400198 Renewal Application, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. March 26, 2013. URS, 2013b. Semiannual Data Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, Incident No.: 6400. URS Corporation -North Carolina. April 30, 2013. P:1BM,hyvW024M% CK W.S, IN) Ka,dJwaad SUMV5 a Petldddm s ! LFaH P luim [hip—h1u4 24 auk21111 G% Er l (u waty KM""ugu 2013 QTRLV DATA Rpm ..k. 6-1 SECTIRNSIX REFERENCES URS, 2013c. RE: Injection Event Record, Injection Completed Under Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. June 26, 2013. URS, 2013d. RE: Quarterly Status Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163). 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. August 8, 2013. USEPA, 2008. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. USEPA-540-R-08-01. June 2008. USEPA, 2010. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Superfund Data Review, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. EPA 540-R-10-011. January 2010. Vironex, 2013_ Injection Services Report, Prepared for: URS, Prepared by: Vironex, Former BP Station No. 24163, Winston Salem, NC, June 3. 2013 — June 6, 2013. Submitted to URS June 20, 2013. Vironex, Inc. YSI, 2009. The Dissolved O;ggen Handbook W39 0909. September 2009. YSI Incorporated. F1 iR n9 CK WS- 3 A I knn11. rd S r5 o bai bka !'5 I bran - Ini— Aug 214 4 CA Evw Wmbi? Ac A Augrol 11l l 0TRLY DATA 6-2 TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina wen Status Well Type TDC Elevation'"' Total De th'l1 Well @iarneler I inch"i scrern lnler val ''' Avg Screen Elevation'j' MW-3 In Use Type 11 99,03 21) 2 NA NA NA MW-5 Abandoned Type 11 99.39 25.5 4 10,5 25.5 81.4 MW-5R In Use Type 11 NS 20 2 10 20 NA MW-6 In Use Type if 98.68 25.5 4 10.5 25.5 80.7 MW-!ri In Use Type Elf 99.26 55 2 50 55 46.8 MW-8 Abandoned Type 11 97.84 14 r, NA NA NA MW-8R In Use Type II NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA M'a _ 14 In Use Type if 100.44 22 4 7 22 85.9 MW-I5 In Use Type 11 99.91 22 4 7 - 22 85.4 MW-16 In Use Type 11 97.42 25 2 10 - 25 79.9 MW-17 In Use Type 11 100.00 22 4 7 - 22 85.5 MW-18 In Use Type 11 NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA MW-19 In Use Type 1I NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA Notes: l . Reported in feet below grade 2. Measured in feet relative to site datum 4. Conestoga Rover and Associates. a farmer consultant for this Site. previously reported that no reference was found to the fallowing wells: MW-1. MW-9. MW-10. MW-11, MW-12 or MW-13. These wells are presumed to be abandoned. 3. URS Corporation is not responsible for data generated by others, Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf of URS Corporation - North Carolina {URS} has been taken from documents prepared and submitted to the NC DEN by Others and is included only For ease of reference; URS does not assume or accept any responsibility or liability for the quality. accuracy. or completeness of the data included on this table that was not generated by or on behalf of URS, 4. Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-8 were abandoned on 5/19/2010 and replaced with monitoring wells MW-5R and MW-8R the same day. 5. Monitoring wells MW-18 and MW-19 were installated on October 25. 201 1. NA = Not Applicable 1 Available NS = Not Surveved TOC = Top of Casing PPh CK. W S. M I Rmr..d 9�504WbaM "I IW, 1w -whir uJa An J"-� Fm V• ,r rR -IT Arw W.x 11'g9..T, I I Welk 1'� 17.E 11 I I r_p 11ri MI iW Table 2 Stinunary of August 28, 2a13 Groundwater Results Com pared to NC Gross Contamination Levels Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC Sample ID: MW-03 MW-05R MW-118R MW-18 MW-19 Parameters Collection Date: Standard Units 812812013 812812013 8/28/2013 812812013 W2812613 VOC Benzene 5000 01 ugll 3.6 161 1,600 182 2,710 J Toluene 260000 Gl ug/I .12 J 489 5,390 730 13,100 Eth lbenzcne 84500 G1 um J3 178 628 368 1.190 J X lenes (Total) 85500 G1 ugA .31 I 1.380 3.990 1.660 7.420 7 Methyl tert-but I ethcr 20000 G1 u!A 103 417 1,380 139 3.240 ] � Other Carbon dinxide I mgll 457 1.590 703 2.230 525 f 5ulfatc mg11 21.9 13.90t1 4.770 7.850 i 2,660 Notes: G I - lNC Gross Contamination Levels µglL - Micrograms per Liter mg1L - Milligrams per Liter J - Estimated value VOC - Volatile organic compounds This table presents the results of all analytes. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process. which is modeled after the USEPA Contracr1 Laboratory Program (CLP) National Functional Guidelines (NFG) for Superftnd Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 200) and USEPA CLP NFG far Inorganic Superfund Data Review (USEPA, Januarr 201 t1)- Gross Contamination Levels, effective April 16, 2012. obtained from the NCDEN R. ❑ivision of Waste Management. UST Section. A bold border indicates the concentration is greater than the NC Gross Contamination Level. ClEnvi*o Datai R1 10/4/2013 5:07-01 PM Page: I / 1 Table 3 Groundwater Field Parameter Results, August 28, 2013 Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Specific pH ORP Temperature DO Well Conductance (s.u.) (mV) °C OnSlcm) (mglL) MW-3 6.65 -21.3 22.43 0.855 1.93 MW-5R 11,42 165.1 22.12 29.66 3.01 MW-8R 9.10 173.2 21.96 14.13 3.15 MW-18 9.06 219.9 21.71 16.08 1.79 MW-19 6.20 213.1 21.16 5.29 3.30 Notes: ❑RP - oxidation-reduction potential DO - dissolved oxygen s.u. - standard units mV - millivolts GC - degrees Celsius mS/cm - miIIiSiemens per centimeter mg/L - milligrams per liter T gir�Ery[.wweti+sin�, [•K. w %. +!I I rxan I— IhlnmMnN 24MI N1T Gw i I 1 of i FIGURES "RT-Ag 9 +MW-17 MW-3* I MW- 1$+ MW-5R* �MW-SR MW-6�� MW-19 MW-6 MW-14 y 1 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ABANDONED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL FORMER PRODUCT LINE caa CATCH BASIN N a "" MAN HOLE AREA LIGHT • MR.UTILITY POLE FIRE HYDRANT n ' TELEPHONE LARGE MANHOLE COVER GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NOTES: 1. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. THE SITE IS A VACANT PARKING LOT. ALL SITE FEATURES EXCEPT PARKING LOT CURBS AND ROADWAYS REPRESENT FORMER SITE CHARACTERISTICS. 0 30 APPROX, SCALE, ft. APPENDIX A HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TOC Depth to Depth to I.NAPL Corrected ►yeN Date Elevation LNAPL Groundwater Thickness Groundwater (1) (feet htoc) (feet btoc) (feet) Elevation(1)(2) 06/24/93 ND 13.89 0.00 85.14 08/23/94 ND 14.36 0.00 84.67 03121/95 N❑ 13.58 0.00 85.45 * 08/05/96 ND 13.54 0.00 85.49 11/17/98 ND 14.09 0.00 84,94 06/19/01 ND 14.11 0.00 84.92 * 09/12/01 N❑ 14.41 0.00 84.62 12/27/01 ND 14.51 0.00 84.52 03/05/02 ND 14.29 0.00 $4.74 05/13/03 ND 14.35 0A0 84.68 12/09/03 ND 13.63 0.00 85.40 03/2366 ND 13.64 0.00 85.39 MNk-1 05/08/07 99.03 ND 13.40 0.00 85.63 05/14M ND 13.42 0.00 85.61 05/2" ND 13.31 0.00 95,72 05/27/10 ND 13.07 0.00 85.96 10/31 /1 1 ND 13.87 0.00 85.16 05122/12 ND 13.55 0.00 95.48 06/14/12 ND 13.53 0.00 95.50 07/09/12 ND 13.98 0.00 85.05 08/14/12 ND 14.24 0.00 84.79 09/19/12 ND 14.08 0.00 84.95 12/05/12 ND 14A2 0.00 84.61 02C26113 ND 13.55 0.00 85.48 05/31/13 ND 13.58 0.00 85.45 08/28/13 ND 13.57 0.00 85A6 06/24/93 ND 13.51 0.00 85.88 08/23/94 ND 13.82 0.00 85.57 03/21/95 ND 13.71 0.00 85.68 08/05/96 ND 13.54 0.00 85.95 11/17/98 ND 14.08 0.00 85.31 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM 09/12/0) ND 14.46 0.00 84.93 711 5 12/27/01 y`�- `� 14.51 15.07 0.56 84.73 03/05/02 14.45 14.88 0.43 84.82 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 12/09/03 13.18 13.60 0.42 86.10 03/23/06 ND 13.67 0.00 85.72 05/08/07 ND 13.44 0.00 85.94 05/14/08 ND 13.51 0.00 85.88 05/28/09 ND 13.39 0.00 86.00 05/27/10 ND 13.70 0.00 NM 10/31/11 ND 13.97 0.00 NM 05/Z2112 ND 13.66 O.DO NM 06/14/12 ND 13.73 0.00 NM 07/09/12 NS ND 14.18 0.00 NM MW-5R 08/14/12 ND 14.4,, 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND 14.35 0.D0 NM 12/05/12 ND 14.68 0.00 NM 02/26/13 ND 13.89 0.00 NM 05/31/13 N❑ 13.77 0.D(1 NM 08/28/13 ND 13.83 0.00 1 NM Pseew weviini rt w S. 191x. ►. Nd s i s o [*r .Warn 1 D-n 1- �. n.i col= aw ¢ �i p. p vR m r.n�. TNk.. yq uxlrr . u r .ds. idy EAm A I inNMw w+i AM Page 1 of 5 Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TQC Depth to Depth to LNAPL Corrected Well Date Elevation LNAPL Groundwater Thickness Groundwater (l) (feet htoc) (Feet htoc) (feet) Elevation (1)(2) 06/24/93 ND 12.31 0.00 86.37 * 08/23/94 ND 12.61 0.00 86.07 03/21195 Nil 13.15 0.00 85.53 ' 0810519f) ND 12,39 0.00 86.29 * 1 111719s ND 13.16 0.00 85.52 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM * 09/12/01 ND 13.51 0.00 85.17 * 12/27/01 ND 13.61 OM 85.07 03/05/02 ND 11,02 0.00 87.66 05/12/03 ND 11.10 0.00 87.58 12/09/03 ND 13.49 0.00 85.19 03/23M6 ND 11.79 0.00 86.89 05/08/07 ND 12.50 0.00 86.18 05/14/08 ND 12.16 0.00 86.52 05/28/09 ND 10.64 0.00 88.04 05/27/10 ND 11.84 0.00 86.84 10/31/11 ND 12.95 0.00 85.73 06/24/93 ND NM OM NM 08/23/94 ND NM 0.00 NM 03121/95 ND 14.75 0.00 84.51 MOM ND 14.13 0.00 85.13 11/17/98 ND 14.09 0.00 85.17 06/19/01 ND 18.07 ODD 81.19 09/12/01 ND 16.60 0.00 82.66 12/27/01 ND 14.61 0.00 84.65 MW-6i 03/05/02 99.26 ND 14.96 0.00 84.30 05/12/03 ND 15.17 0.00 84.09 12/09/03 ND 13.55 0.00 85.71 03/23/06 ND 13.55 0.00 85.71 05/08/07 ND 12.93 0.00 86.33 05/14/08 ND 13.22 0.00 86.04 05/28/09 ND 13.39 0.00 85.87 05/27/10 ND 13.23 0.00 86.03 10/31/11 ND 13.90 0.00 85.36 08/23/94 ND 12.14 0.00 85.70 * 03/21/95 ND 12.02 0.00 85.82 08/05/96 ND 11.99 0.00 85.85 11/17/98 ND 12.53 0.00 85.31 * 06/19/0) NM NM NM NM 09/12/01 ND 12.67 0.00 85.17 121271U1 14.47 15.03 0.56 93.26 MW_8 , , * 03/05/02 12.42 12.60 0.18 85.38 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 12/09/03 13.32 13.56 0.24 84.47 03123/06 ND 12.15 0.00 85.69 051MS107 ND 11.90 0.00 85.94 05/14/08 ND 11.95 0.00 85A9 05/28/09 ND 11.70 0.00 86.14 P,B"V ra %KCW 141. ['►. W.5- Saj X b1 j Str Lr 5 0 Dtk­bm.%5 1 DVIh I.- D .w N1 mi za 0 uw u- q. t. Aq.mi %bVF*b Ag�- . ix*il pI IRei M ftr. k IAppA, I tf b D11941 AM Page 2 of 3 Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No, 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Toc Depth to Depth to LNAPL Corrected Li eli Date Ele�atinn LNAPL Groundwater Thickness Groundwater 11 i [feet 6toc] (feet htoc) feet Elevation (1)(2) 05/27/10 ND 1197 0.0O NM 10/31/11 NO 13.34 0.00 NM 05/22/12 ND 13.69 0.00 NM 06/14/12 NO 14.94 0.00 NM 07/09/12 ND 14.08 0.00 NM 1y MW-RR 08/14/12 ND 14.29 0.00 NM 091191I2 ND 14.08 0.00 NM 12MS/l2 ND 14.53 0.00 NM 02126/13 ND 13.80 0.00 NM 05/31/13 ND 13.61 0.00 NM 08/28/13 ND 13.74 0.00 NM 06124193 NM NM NM NM 08/23/94 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 13.55 0.00 86.89 08/05/96 ND 13.64 0.00 86.80 11/17/98 ND I :.I fi 0.00 86.18 06119M] ND 14.55 0.00 25.89 09/12/01 NO 14.8 i 0.00 85.63 12/27/01 NO 14.85 0.00 85.59 MW-14 03/05/02 100.44 ND 14.64 GAO 95.80 05/12/03 NO 13.41 0.00 87.03 12/09/03 NO 13.51 0.00 86,93 03/23/06 ND 13.82 0.00 86.62 05/08/07 NO 13.54 0.00 86.90 05/14/08 NO 13.64 0.00 86.80 05/28/09 NO 13.47 0.00 86.97 05/27/10 NO 13.00 0.00 87.44 10/13/11 NO 14.14 0A0 86.30 06/24/93 NM NM NM NM OM3194 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 NO 12.83 0.00 87.08 08/05/96 NO 12.77 0.00 87.14 11/17/98 N❑ 13,58 0.00 86.33 06/19/01 NO 13.80 0.00 86.11 09/12/01 ND 14.18 0.00 85.73 12/27/01 ND 14.29 0.00 95.62 7111 -1 5 03/05/02 ND 13.98 0.00 85.93 05/12/03 NM 12.75 NM 87.16 12/09/03 NO 12.89 0.00 87.02 03/23/06 NO 13.14 0.00 86.77 05/08/07 ND 12,90 0.00 87.01 05/14/08 ND 13.12 0.00 86.79 05/28/09 NO 12.90 0.00 87.01 05/27/10 ND 12.25 0.00 87.66 10/31/11 _ND 13.61 0.00 86.30 r .M%M,, „ . 1% :+I61. px W-5. 311 K.A.-d _% . a Dµb . „s I rr . I_ pkl.nN4!.0:a M, NIP VW P...ro kW. Ih Pcpwrt.er,,TAn . npp�d ❑r to A I11W f W Ek-r CAM Ai i 1PW2-?j3Y 4i AM Page 3 of 5 Appendix A Nistorical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TOC Depth to Depth to LNAPL Corrected Well Date Elevation LNAPt, Groundwater Thickness Groundwater 11 (feet htocl (feet btor] (feet) Elevation (1)(2) 06/24/93 NM NM NM NM 08/23194 NM NM NM NM 03/21/95 ND 12.06 0,00 85.36 08/05/96 ND 12.09 0.00 85.33 11/17/98 ND 12.60 0.00 84.82 06/19/01 ND 12.74 0.00 84.68 09A 2101 ND 12.98 O.t70 84.44 12r27/01 NM NM NM NM MW.16 OM05/02 97.42 ND 12.83 0.00 84.59 05/12/03 NM NM NM NM 12/09/03 ND 1113 0.00 85.29 03/23/06 ND 12.18 0.00 85.24 05/08/07 NM NM NM NM 05A4/08 ND 12.03 0.00 85.39 05/28/09 ND 11.96 0.00 85.46 05/27/10 ND 11.69 0.00 85.73 10/31/11 ND 12.45 0.00 84.97 06/24/93 NM NM NM NM 08/23/94 NM NM NM NM D3i21/95 ND 14.42 0.00 85.58 08/05/96 ND 14.46 0.00 85.54 11/17/98 ND 14.91 0.00 85.09 ON19/01 ND 15.03 0.00 84.97 09/12/01 ND 15.28 0.00 8C72 12/27/01 ND 15.37 0.00 84.63 MW-17 03/05/02 MOM ND 15.15 0.00 84.85 05/12/03 NM 14.15 NM 85.85 12/09/03 ND 14.50 0.00 85.50 03123/06 ND 14A5 0.00 85.55 05/08/07 ND 14.22 0.00 85.78 05/14/08 ND 14.22 0.00 85.78 051281{}9 ND 14.12 0.00 85.88 05/27/10 ND 13.90 0.00 MAO l0/31/11 ND 14.72 0.00 85.29 10/31/11 ND 13.95 0.00 NM 05/22A 2 ND 14.10 0.00 NM 06/14/12 ND 13.61 0.00 NM 07/09/12 ND 14.05 0.00 NM 08/14/12 15 ND 14.43 0.00 NM MW 18 09/19/12 ND 14.34 0.00 NM I V05112 ND 14.62 0.00 NM 02/26/13 N❑ I C67 0.00 NM 05/31/13 ND 14.57 0.00 NM 08/28/13 N❑ 14.33 0.00 NM P IBPIProl ft-cob?? rx. A 4, 381 I(e+r. d Soee c b�bmhF.15 1 D-N 1-� [kpelaA •+A.j _013 0W Z: a [jhiy An--" a. awl LkArn- rd. I rHo-, DW Fi. IA* A11ICy 119Ai AN Page 4 of 5 Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knoliwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date TOC Elevation (1) depth to LNAPL (feet btoc) Depth to Groundwater ]feet btoc) LNAPL Thickness (Feet) Corrected Groundwater Elevation (1)(2) 10/31/11 ND 13.75 OM NM 05/22/12 ND 13.37 0.00 NM 06/14/12 ND 13.39 OM NM 07/09/12 N❑ 13.89 0.00 NM 08/14/12 NS ND 14,13 0.00 NM MW • 19 0911 Wl2 ND 14.02 0.00 NM 12105112 ND 14.39 0.00 NM 02/26/13 ND 13.62 0.00 Niel 05/31/13 ND 13.47 0.00 NM OVUM ND 13.56 0.00 NM N001 1. Measured in feet relative to site datum 2. Corr. GW Elev. = (ref. point elevation} - (depth to groundwater) + (LNAPL thickness)(t.NAPL specific gravity) 3. LNAPL specific gravity ",auned to he 0.73 • - Prior to URS' work at this Site, monitoring wet] MW-3 has previously been reported as MW-2, monitoring well MW-6 has previously been reported as MW- 8, and monitoring well MW-8 has previously been reported as MW-6. - URS Conpuratiou is not responsibte For data generated by others. Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf of URS Corpotation - North Carolina (URS) has been taken From ducuments prepared and submitted to the NCDENR by others and is included only for ease of referece; URS does not amitune or accept any responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy. or completeness of the data incWed on this table that was not generated by or on behalf of URS. LNAPL = Light own -aqueous phase liquid ND = Not detected NM = Not measured NS = Not Surveyed TOC = Top of casing bloc = below top of racing • During the May 2003 sampling event LNAPL was observed in MW-5. Depth to groundwater and thickness of LNAPL were not measured. P IBW'nnm UdO_'4W. (X WA 341 K.oM. d Suatil oeYreubM'•5 I D., I- D,6mN 4 `4 Ag ]PI. nW It— V.4 t- I W.I UW rS A"AL I d x o1:V 41 nM Page 5 of 5 i" �0a WASTE MANIFESTS HpN un;1 OUS t. Gnne ur ID liurnbar z f*ago 1 of 3. Erurp:mcy Faspon q Ptwno %VASTE:E AHIFEST Non-RCRA Regulated _ I 1-640-t187=109B S Gener le�sF{ 7a and Bean Ad&ess RP Product s -North Asnari ca Gorleralora Re Addra+s (rrtiArerenl craanlNtDocumimlIturmber a a• � 4 - c/o ilRS Corporation NC 1600 Perimeter Park Ur. Nlorri svi l le, NC 27560 Ganeralo�s PF�na: 7Q#-SZ2-fl33Q S. Trarrsportsr i Ca 9my Neraa US. EPA 1D Nwtat SHAMROCK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION N . , 4.4 7, Trarrspodv 2 CsTpany Nemo U.S. EPA kf] Numbor4 & Deskmiad FEL*y Hama trnd 6ba Addross U.B. EPA ID Number SHAMROCK ENVIRONMENTAL CORPORATION 519 PATTON AVE., GREEN38OR0, NO 27408 �336}375.1899 N.0.Q.9.9.1,2.7.7,7.3.2 FaeM &Phone: to Cantalners t 1. Tala1 1P. tlntl Flid P. W10 Stdppr,g Nano and MUx;E n Ho. Typo a ramlay SYsNa! Approval Carla: cr x S' Non -hazardous, Non -Regulated Material (persulfate & 5ad4um hydroxide groundwater) D P 2012-0266-02X i 2. 13. 5potial I (mdl% Wlnxfort ?nd Addr W of I'rrrlxr Unll ---- — Jal;a 02-WNp-13-0044 BP # 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, NC Trr mr f -- . 14. 0ENRIATali'S CMFICATIDNf I oer% fho MI down M ubm on Ilia MOW are m1 rAJW Stria W r&pUlhns for wpwft proper 0spasol of Ftarudous $Vasie, � Gensrafo>'r�6NoaolsPrirdorVI]rpedl#omo fl '� Alontn Day S5. lnlernaeanal SF pmen[s ❑ Import to U.3- ❑ Erq+art hcm i18. Ibri a m ylarlt . -- m tv 5122[nIa 0] _ L 0 jT ?0 162Yin� U.S: • _ �� 1of R"Ot vl NailMs µ Tranipodor 1 Prinledfr Nema FAXOA Day - irewodw2 POWpLA Name Smnp9ula Month bey 47. flsappancy ML DiscrepuKy )r6ce lan Spam ❑ auartlrf ❑ Type ❑ nestrhm _ . ❑ Pardal nojecnan ❑ fue Rejwc , _ llzrillesl liflloranro Namhar. _ 17t . AeelnaleY fG Grnoralor) US, EPA (I) N rmiwr u FzdWs Phone: Sigaatara of AaonWe FadVj [or Gerarelor) hmh pay Q z r y (njr - `� ��,�,.:�'rF , 5:.4.:i{: i,'.fi{+�rL•}i^�'%;�'t.N�•i�l vk•rfri:f?, sue: ]._ 'Y - J. . i." _.S" '�y'�.�7i_ p -yi:iY .¢ "�2`-'y.r:ng: Vs• ,y+.y s, fi-„^�:-�•t.;{�C4t;'r:+�+h4-t��-�•- L" _;� {r .;:" . J t1f2; = r.•.d; �,�r;rr... r_ 9a};'' �s r.,;C:It.;c `�.•,' 8 k• _. 1& ❑nsrarra ad aa%y Dlmer of opalalw.. or reNo 0 tnaSedals wvwd by 14 muffed empl K eded x0m 174 PnnlEdiyped { I Slgrrelur8 I.CY'� [ �� I M'd .. hSordh r V 17a D7y f ESIGNATiEI3 FACILITY TO GENERA APPENDIX G HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL SUMMARY Appendix C Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former HP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Caroling Well Sample date Benzene Eth} I benzene Toluene XylenesgOO Total Sulfate Carbon dioxide NC GCL: 5,000 94.500 260.000 85.500 NE NE Units: 11 ! m A m MW-03 5/13/2003 9-5 0-981 0.611 1.71 12/912003 47.4 14.3 1.9 1 8.1 37.3 3123120D6 45 J < 0.5 < 0.5 Ul r I U1 5.5 5/8/2007 40.4 3.7 1.4 21 13.I 5114/2008 4.3) [ 0.8 C 0.7 ¢ 0.8 14 5/28/2009 5.4 0.441 0.14 J 0.491 5.6 5/27/2010 0.44 J ¢ 0.1 1 0.3 1 ¢ 0.32 4.8 10/31/2011 5.5 0.76 ¢ 0.17 U1 0.38) 19.1 1 8.4 405 5/22/2012 < 0,43 U < 0.2 < 0.2 r 0.52 4.6 15.3 378 6/14/2012 12.1 6.7 0,72 4.7 15-4 6.6 J 344 7/9/2012 " 1-6 2.6 3 14.7 9.9 393 8/14/2012 2 2.1 < 0.13 0.4 J l 7.9 3.6 303 9/19/2012 2.7 0.66 < 0.13 0.33 J 19.8 2.9 459 12/5/2012 113 1-2 0,43 J 1-1 J 19.3 0.78 J 377 2/26/2013 0.23 J c 0.1 [ 0.1 [ 0.22 5A 32.6 338 5/31/2013 0.321 < 0,1 ¢ 0.1 [ 0,22 10.5 17.9 334 8128/2013 3.6 0,53 0.123 0.31 J 10.3 2 I .11 45- M1V i1; 3/23/2006 11700 2.440 32,D00 13,500 16,100 3/23/2006' 11,000 2.370 30,700 13,200 15,400 5/8/2007 7.410 1,590 21.100 8.920 8,830 51812D07''' 7,4{H) 1.680 20.1(X} 9,290 9.360 5/14/2008 10.000 2.100 29.000 12.000 18.000 5/1412008''' 10,000 2.100 30,000 12,000 18.000 5/28/2009 7,390 2,330 25,700 13.400 6,920 5128120091 6,510 2,240 22,100 12,900 6,510 MW-05R 5/27/2010 6.610 2,810 24,300) 15.7D0 4.330 512712D 10 "' 1 6,090 2,380 30,100 J 13.300 4,250 1013112011 7.960 2.660 28.000 13,800 3,830 < I < 5 10/31/2011 '"1 8,360 2,970 24,600 14,800 4,070 -- 5/22/2012 7,980 3.470 32,200 19.200 3,820 < 5 179 611512012'2' 24-1 227 1.190 1,120 36.9 6,070 1,820 7/9/2012 3361 4811 2,0101 2.400) 48A J 6,470 1620 8/14/2012 201 283 1,050 1,300 48.5 14300 4,190 9/19/2012 158 181 650 883 114 19.000 3,280 12/5/2012 754 505 2,220 2.380 1,160 1 13.600 1.840 2/26/2013 1,360 878 3,520 3.940 1,660 8.520 1.530 5/31/2013 1,410 1.380 5,930 6,220 1,150 J 4,680 1.560 81M812013 165 178 489 1.380 417 13,900 1.590 MW-06 5/12/2003 < 0.5 0.52 J < 0.5 < 1 3 -- 12/9/2003 2.3 0.64 J l .1 3.6 17.6 12/9/2003 2A 0.681 1,1 3.8 18 3/23/2006 0.76) 0.59 J 3.6 2.8 J IA 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 < 0.5 - 511412[}O8 ¢ 0.5 < 0.8 ¢ 0.7 < 0A < 0 5 5/28/2009 < 0,06 c 0.05 < 0.06 [ 0.14 0.17 J 5/27/2010 < 0.1 1 0.13 J 0,381 0.46 J < 0.12 10/31/2011 8.71 11.71 27.5 J l 32 J < 0.26 UJ 131 2,130 P ePrPi-O*M+N024163. C% W S. 381 KhOIN -d S:feerA 0 Silo gala 4 6 Analyrical TanimSP 24163 W ater H•slwi ' and mleco on Manowfig Summary r12-1420331 1200+2o1 S. 4:11 PM Appendix C Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Sample Date Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene Xylenes Total MTBE Sulfate Carbon dioxide NC GCI.: 5,OW 84,500 260,000 85,500 20,000 NE NE Units-. WIIpgA mgl m tl MW-061 5/1212003 ¢0.5 a0.5 <0.5 I.II r0.5 12/9/2003 1 ¢ 2.5 < 2.5 ¢ 2.5 1 ¢ 5 < 2.5 -- 3/23/2006 49.7 18.9 4K7 443 3.560 5/812007 a 25 r 25 ¢ _25 < 50 6,9 i0 511412008 5.21 < 2 < 1.9 ¢ 2 3,400 5/28/2009 2.5 < 0,05 r 0.06 < 0.14 1,150 5/27/2010 l .6 J < 1.1 c 1. l ¢ 3.2 492 10131 /201 l 0,41 J < 0.36 < 0.32 ¢ 0.75 122 c. 1 11.1 MW-08 3/23/2006 671 1,340 1.230 8,100 124 5/8/2007 1,160 799 196 2,990 1,440 5/14/2008 600 1,800 700 3,000 190 5/28/2009 1.390 2,050 357 3,310 1,560 MW-08R 5/27/2010 8,570 2,870 31.700 15,700 6,260 10/311201 l 8,000 3,180 32,100 17,200 3,170 < 1 < 5 5/22/2012 8,270 3,360 36,400 J 1.7,800 3,920 < 5 119 611512012 1zi 726 47 J 760 2421 96.3 J 4,760 22,200 719/2012 4,540 J t,870 J 17,100 J 10,800 J 1,530 J 6,570 4.500 S114/2012 4370 1,610 19,300 8,780 2.000 7,010 1,560 9/19/2012 4,780 1,800 20,900 10,400 2,600 6.700 1.100 12/5/2012 7,760 2,440 31,900 13,800 4,560 2,410 635 2/26/2013 7,310 2,480 30,500 13.400 4,530 959 590 5/31/2013 6,540 3,040 30,500 12.500 4.200 439 437 8/28/2013 1,600 628 5.390 3,990 1,380 4.770 703 MW-14 5/12/2003 ¢ 0-5 ¢ 0,5 ¢ 0.5 ¢ 1 0,521 -- -- 121912003 <0.5 <0.5 ¢0.5 < 1 5.9 - 3/23/2006 <0.5 ¢0.5 ¢0.5 < 1 <0.5 - -- 5/8/2007 <0.5 ¢0.5 <0.5 < 1 <0.5 - 5/14/2008 < 0-5 < 0.8 ¢ 0.7 ¢ 0.8 < 0.5 5/28/2009 ¢ 6.06 < 0.05 0,0771 < O. [ 4 < 0.06 5/27/2010 ¢ 0,11 < 0.11 ¢ 0.11 < 0.32 ¢ 0.12 -- 1013112011 ¢0,13 r0.15 ¢0.42U <0.3 <0.13 43.2 <5 MW-15 3/23/2006 0.63 J 2.1 ¢ 0.5 18.6 1.6 - 5/8/2007 <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 2.2J r0.5 - 5/14/2008 < 0.5 < 0.8 < 0-7 3.7 J < 0.5 5/27/2010 ¢0.11 r0.11 C0.11 r0.32 C0.12 -- 10/31/2011 1 ¢0.13 <0.15 ¢0,13 ¢0.3 ¢0.13 ¢ I MW-16 3/23/2006 < 2.5 90.8 15.8 836 2.81 5/14/2008 <0.5 160 15 1,600 4.11 5/27/2010 3.6 54.7 J 5.1 525 J 1.3 -- 10/31/2011 r 0,65 17.2 ¢ 1.4 U 321 ¢ 0.65 1 194 r 17 5/13/2003 57.7 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 69 5/13/2003 40.8 c 0.5 ¢ 0.5 r 1 63.3 12/9/2003 6.6 0,651 < 0.5 < 1 80.6 312N2006 I < 0.5 ¢ 0.5 < 1 58.9 5/8/2007 <0.5 <0.5 [O.5 ¢ 1 17.4 5/14/2008 3.7 J < 0.8 r 0.7 < 0.8 19 -- 5/28/2009 7 ¢ 0.05 0.076 J < 0.14 14.5 5/27/2010 5.7 ¢ 0.1 i I < 0.11 [ 0.32 ]1,4 1013I1201 l 1 0.51 1 0.16 J< 0.81 U1 0-57 J 8-9 < 1 4 PZPsProJpcle MA163, CK WS, 301 KfbD1Pw d Stleal%A 0 Site Dafa+A.6 AnWic, 1'Iavn&%SP 241 fi.3 - Waler - Hvonnl am Iryecnon Mon, 1DnW Summary 112-10.20131 1211 N2e 13. 4:11 PM Appendix C Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina «ell Sample Date Benzene !Ethyl benzene Toluene Xylenes {Total NITBE Sulfate Carbon dioxide NC GCL: 5.000 84,500 260,0[)t) 85,500 20,000 NE NE Units 1 m m MW-18 10/31/2011 3340 998 1 1. l00 8,950 1.140 8.2 446 5/22/2012 2,280 2,790L2214,400 12,000 789 < 5 307 611512012 t'-' 373 910 3,910 114 10.600 3,410 7!9l2012 1,730 J 1,1701 9,750 J 676 J 2,300 835 8/14/2012 3,020 2,990 12.800 1,090 758 580 4119M12 3,190 3,090 14,000 1,240 322 542 l21512012 3,370 2,970 11800 1.390 32.2 436 2/26/2013 2,510 2,970 10.100 8,690 1,140 13.8 500 5/31/2013 2,780 3.070 8,210 5.740 1,000 83.3 475 9/28/2013 182 368 730 1.660 139 7,850 2.230 MW-19 10/31/2011 2,390 1.380 8,790 7.040 5,166 3.7 425 5/22/2012 2,700 1,560 14,200 7,940 4,880 < 5 310 6115/201?'-' 4.020 1,440 18200 7,940 3,290 1.090 1 6,520 7/9/2012 5,130 2,910 30,400 J 16.300 5,330 232 991 8/14/2012 2,420 1,650 14,200 8,370 4,090 469 1,080 9/19/2012 2,090 1,630 12,900 8,640 3,960 260 690 12/5/2012 2.320 1.810 15.200 10,400 4,010 58.8 588 M612013 2,210 1.110 10.600 6.990 3. 1 3 5/31/2013 1.930 894 9,820 5.250 3, 1,530 65006 2,71❑J 1,190 ! 13.1OD 7,420! 3,240 1 2,668l2812013 525 ti UtCs: Field duplicate Alkalinity, sulfate. and carbon dioxide samples were collected 6/14/2012 and volatile organic analysis samples were collected 61I5112. - " - Not sampled or analyzed - Not detected at the specified detection limit pSA - Micrograms per Liter GCL - Gross Contamination Level J - Estimated value mgll - Milligrams per Liter MTBE - Methyl teri-butyl Ether NE - Not established tJ - Nut present above the associated level. blank contamination exists t7J - Not detected and the detection limit is estimated Bold cell with a green highlight indicates GCL exceedance. Activated sodium persulfate injections were performed at the site Irvin June 4. 2012. to June 9, 2012. and From June 3, 2013, to June 6, 2013, This table presents the results of all analytes- Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modeled after the USEPPA Contract Iaborurory Program [CLP) National Ftarctionul Guidelines (NFG) for Sleperfuud ❑rganic Methods Data Revirsv {EPA, June 2008) and USEPA CLP NFG for Irrorganic Superf ind Data Review (USEPA, January 2010). Gross Contamination Levels, effertive April 16. 2012. obtained from the NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, UST Section_ P'.9PYPro*C S CG 241r,3. CK. W •5..3$7 KROIIYYpo0 Sn"M p S,Ie DatWA.5 A,W,CBNTO"65'8P fA1b:i Wa!er Nistoeltdl d�tl InIbCUOn MonrtpRnp S4mttuvy {12-10-701a) 12110f2013, 491 PM APPEN❑IX ❑ LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT e-Hardeopy 2 0 Aultmtrared Rcnorl ■ Southeast .4CCUTEST LA UUFrATORIES mmaw Technical Report for Atlantic Richfield Company URSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC 38436760 Accutest Job Number: FA7708 Sampling Date: 08/28/13 Report to: URS Corporation martha. meyers-lee@urs. com TTN: Martha Meyers Total number of pages in report: 32 i Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements garrygBellizadi. Ph.D. of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference Laboratory Director and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. CIient Service contact: Heather Wandrey 407-425-6700 Certifications: FL (E83510), LA (03051), KS (E-10327), IA (366). IL (200063), NC (573). N] (FL002). SC (96038001) Dol) ELAP (L-A-13 L2229), CA (04226CA), TX (T104704404), AK, AR. GA, KY. MA, NV, OK, UT, VA. WA, WI This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of Accutest Laboratories. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. Sout Iteast ° 4405 Vineland Road ° Suite C-15 - Orlando. FL 32811 • tel: 407-425-6700 ° fax: 407-425-0707 Accutest Laboratories is the sole authority for authorising edits or modifications to this document. Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. - hupwwww.accutest.com ME 'I of 32 M,&,MM JTES-r FA7708 Sections: Table of Contents -l- Section 2:Case Narrative/Conformance Summary .............................................................. 4 Soctiom3- Summary wKUUAks............. .......................... --- ............. ....................................... 6 Section 4: Sample Remults.........,...~......~..~..................~.............~..~..~..~.~....~...~.......~...... 8 4.1:FA7708-1: TRIP BLANK ............................................................................................. 9 4.2: FA7708-2: MW-3 .—.--.--.....~...-........-.............—..........'.......-.—.. O 4-3:FA7708-3: MW-5R....................................................................................................... 12 4.4:FA7708-4: MW-8R....................................................................................................... 14 4.5:IA7700-5.- MW-l8........................................................................................................ 16 4.6:FA7708-6: MW-}9........................................................................................................ 18 Section 5:Misc. Forms ............................................................................................................ 20 5.1:Chain of Custody .---.—_-.--.—.----.—._—__—.—__-.---_.--_ 21 Section h:GUMS VolatUem-QCData Summaries .............................................................. 24 6.U:Method Blank Summary ........................................... ................................ ................ 25 6.2:IBlmzk Spike Summary ------------_.—__—___--.----__-_--- 26 6-3:Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 27 Section 7:General Chemistry -QC Data Summaries ~~~~~...~~~...........,.~.. 28 7.1:Method Blank and Spike Results Summary .................................................................. 29 7.2: Duplicate Results Summary -----.--.----.—.--.---.—.---------. 30 7.3:Mmbtx Spike Results Summary ........................................... ......................................... 31 Accutest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Sample Summary Atlantic Richfield Company Job No: FA7708 URSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Project No: 38436760 Sample Collected Matr ix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID FA7708-1 08/28/13 00:00 SH 08/29/13 AQ Trip Blank Water TRIP BLANK FA7708-2 08/28/13 09:55 SH 08/29/13 AQ Ground Water MW-3 FA7708-3 08/28/13 10:25 SH 08/29/13 AQ Ground Water MW-5R FA7708-4 08/28/13 10:50 SH 08/29/13 AQ Ground Water MW-8R FA7708-5 08/28/13 09:00 SH 08/29/13 AQ Ground Water MW-18 FA7708-6 08/28/13 09:35 SH 08/29/13 AQ Ground Water MW-19 EM 3 of 32 ■.4ccuTEST FA7708 "." 1 ° SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: Atlantic Richfield Company Job No: FA7708 Site: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 !{nollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Report Date 9/12/2013 9:13: l6 AM 5 Samples and 1 Trip Blank were collected on 08/28/2013 and were received at Accutest SE on 08/29/2013 properly preserved, at 2.8 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an Accutestjob number of FA7708. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section of this report. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. Volatiles by GCMS By Method 5M 6200B Matrix: AQ Batch ID: VA1327 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(sj FA7708-6MS, FA7708-6MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Toluene are outside control limits. Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery(s) for Xylene (total) are outside control limits. Probable cause is due to matrix interference. For method performance in a clean matrix, refer to Blank Spike. RPD(s) for M S D for Benzene, Ethylbenzerie, Methyl Tert Butyl Ether, Xylcnc (total) are outside control limits for sample FA7708-6MSD. Probable cause is due to sample non -homogeneity. FA7708-3: Sample was not preserved to a pig < 2, FA7708-4: Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. FA7708-5: Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. Wet Chemistry By Method EPA 3001SW846 9056A Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GP22434 All samples were prepped within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA7774-3MS, FA7774-3MSD were used as the QC samples for Sulfate. Wet Chemistry By Method SM19 2320E Matrix: AQ Batch tD: GN57627 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA7708-2DUP was used as the QC samples for Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3. Matrix: AQ Batch ID: GN57634 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Samples) FA7621-1DUP was used as the QC samples for Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3, Thursday, September 12, 2013 Page I of 2 ■■ 4 of 32 � ACCIJTESY. FAM11 •"°"• °• Accutest Laboratories Southeast ALSE certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data traduced for the (ALSE) Pn P 1 q Y P samples as received at ALSE and as stated on the COC. ALSE certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the ALSE Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. ALSE is not responsiblc for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used Narrative prepared by: Lovelie Metzgar, QA Officer (signature on file) Thursday, September 12, 2013 Date: September 12, 2013 Page 2 of 2 an 5 of 32 N .4CCUTEt3T. Fa77o9 •••a••••�••• Summary of Hits Page I of Z Job Number: FA7708 Account: Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163. 381 Knollwaad St, Winston-Salem, NC Collected: 08/28/13 ra Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qua[ RL MDL Units Method FA7708-1 TRIP BLANK No hits reported in this sample. FA7708-2 MW-3 Benzene 3.6 0.50 0.10 ugll SM 6200B Toluene 0.12 j 0.50 0.10 ugll SM 6200B Ethylbenzene 0.53 0.50 0.10 ugll SM 6200B Xylene {(otal) 0.31 j 1.5 0.22 ugll SM 6200B Methyl Teri Butyl Ether 10.3 0.50 0.10 ugll SM 6200B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 377 5.0 0.60 mg/1 SM19 2320E Carbon Dioxide 457 5.0 5.0 mgll SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 21.9 10 3.0 mgll EPA 3001SW846 9056A FA7708-3 MW-SR Benzene 165 5.0 1.0 ugll SM 6200B Toluene 489 5.0 1.0 ugll SM 6200B Ethylbenzene 178 5.0 1.0 ugll SM 6200B Xylene (total) 1380 15 2.2 ugll SM 6200B Methyl Teri Butyl Ether 3 417 100 20 ugll SM 6200B Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 3590 25 3.0 mgll SM19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 1590 5.0 5.0 mgll SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 13900 1000 300 mg1I EPA 3001SW846 9056A FA7708-4 MW-8R Benzene a 1600 100 20 ugll SM 6200B Toluene a 5390 100 20 ugfl SM 6200B Ethylbenzene 8 628 100 20 ugll SM 6200B Xylene (total) a 3990 300 43 ugll SM 6200B Methyl Teri Butyl Ether a 1380 100 20 ugll SM 6Z00B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 945 25 3.0 mgll SM19 2320B Carbon Dioxide 703 5.0 5.0 mg1I SM19 45000O2D Sulfate 4770 200 60 mgll EPA 3001SW846 9056A FA7708-5 MW-18 Benzene 3 182 10 2.0 ugll SM 6200B Toluene a 730 10 2.0 ug11 SM 6200B Ethylbenzene a 368 10 2.0 ugll SM 6200B Xylene (total) a 1660 30 4.3 ugll SM 6200B Methyl Tert Butyl Ether a 139 10 2.0 ugll SM 6Z00B Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 2640 25 3.0 mgll SM19 2320B ■d 6 of 32 � ACCIJTEST. Summary of Hits Page 2 of 2 .fob Number: FA7708 Account: Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knoliwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Collected: 08/28/ 13 Lab Sample ID Client Sample I❑ Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method Carbon Dioxide 2230 5.0 5.0 mg/l SM19 450OCO2D Sulfate 7850 200 60 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A FA7708-6 MW-19 Benzene 2710 100 20 ug/l SM 6200B Toluene 13100 250 50 ugll SM 6200B Ethylbenzene 1190 100 20 ug/1 SM 6200B Xylene (total) 7420 300 43 ugll SM 6200B Methyl Teri Butyl Ether 3240 100 20 ug/l SM 6200B Alkalinity. Total as CaCO3 279 5.0 0.60 mgll SM19 2320E Carbon Dioxide 525 5.0 5.0 mgll SM19 450000ZD Sulfate 2660 200 60 mg/l EPA 300/SW846 9056A (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. ■■ 7 of 32 ■.o.ccuT�sr FA7708"'° °"'.. Section 4 . Southeast M ACCUTEST L n 00 RAT OR I L Sample Results Report of Analysis C on 8 of 32 0 ACCLJTP-ST. FA7708 `......,.... Accutest LabLink@09:19 I2-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: TRIP BLANK Lab Sample ID: FA7708-1 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Trip Blank Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 He ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch R1111 #1 A0182342.1) 1 09/04/13 TD n1a nla VA1327 12un #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE GAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene ND 0.50 0.10 u911 108-88-3 Toluene N❑ 0.50 0.10 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene N❑ 0.50 0.10 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) N❑ 1.5 0.22 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.50 0.10 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluaromethane 97% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 98% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 102% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104% 70-130% N❑ = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit ] = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound A. i �■ 9 of 32 AGGIJTEtST. FA7708 Accutest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MWA Lab Sample ID: FA7708-2 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0182343.13 1 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 Run #2 Purge Volume Rim #1 10.0 mI Hun #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Ter( Butyl Ether CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1.2-Dichloroe(hane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene Result RL MDL Units Q 3.6 0.50 0.10 ugll 0.12 0.50 0.10 ugll J 0.53 0.50 0.10 ug/l 0.31 1.5 0.22 ugll J 10.3 0.50 0.10 ugll Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 99% 70-130% 100% 70-130°% 100°% 70-130% 104% 70-130% N❑ = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range j = indicates an estimated value B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ME 10 of 32 ■ Aq--CU-rt=_s-r. FAnoa .......... I. Accutest LabLink909:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-3 Lab Sample ID: FA7708-2 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Percent Solids: n/a Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC General Chemistry Analyte Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page 1 of 1 Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 377 5.0 0.60 mgll 1 09/09/13 14:40 HH SM19 23200 457 5.0 5.0 mg/1 1 09/09/13 14:40 HH 5M19 45000O2D 21.9 10 3.0 mgll 5 09/09/13 15:29 AA EPA 30015W846 9056A RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result a = MDL but r RL a N MA 11 of 32 w ACCUTEST. Acculest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Page 1 of l Client Sample ID. MW-5R Lab Sample 1D: FA7708-3 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 :D. Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood S(, Winston-Salem. NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch 'Run #1 A0182349.1) 10 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 'Run #2 A0182344.D 200 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 Purge Volume Run # 1 10.0 ml Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 108-88-3 Toluene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether CAS No, Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1, 2-Dichloroethane-D4 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. (b) Result is from Run# 2 Result RL MDL Units Q 165 5.0 1.0 ugll 489 5.0 1.0 ugll 178 5.0 1.0 ugll 1380 15 2.2 ugli 417 b 100 20 ugll Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 91% 97% 70-130% 100% 100% 70-130% 100% 102% 70-130% 101% 104% 70-130% ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range J = indicates an estimated value B = indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound ■■ 12 of 32 .4CCLJTEST. FA7708 ... " "" Accutest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID. MW-5R Lab Sample ID: FA7708-3 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St. Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyze Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page 1 of 1 W a Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 3590 25 3.0 mgll 1 09/11/13 17:00 HH SM19 2320E 1590 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 09/11/1317:DD HH SM19 45000O2D 13900 1000 300 mg/1 500 09/09/13 15.45 AA EPA 3001SW846 9056A RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL �■ 13 of 32 ■ .4CGlJTf=S-r. FA77DB Accutest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-8R Lab Sample ID: FA7708-4 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 09/29/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163. 381 Knoliwood St. Winston-Salem, NC Page IofI File I❑ DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a A0182345.13 200 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Resuit RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene 1600 100 20 ugll 108-88-3 Toluene 5390 100 20 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenxene 628 100 20 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 3990 300 43 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Ter( Butyl Ether 1380 100 20 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 97% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1, 2-Dichloroethane-D4 100% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 102% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102% 70-130% (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. N❑ = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL ` Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound Mn 14 of 32 O ACC UTEST. FA7708 �••�""'"".•• Accutest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-8R Lab Sample ID: FA7708-4 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knoilwood St. Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page 1 of 1 Result RL MDL Units D)F Analyzed By Method 945 25 3.0 mg/1 1 09/11/13 17:00 HH SM19 2320$ 703 5.0 5.0 mgll 1 09/11/13 17:00 HH SM19 45WCO2D 4770 200 60 n19/1 100 09/09/13 16:01 AA EPA 3001SW846 9056A RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL ■■ 15 of 32 ACCLJTEST FA7708 Accutest LabLinkP09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: FA7708-5 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Method: SM 6Z00B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a A0182350.D 20 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 mi Run #2 Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene 182 10 2.0 ug11 108-88-3 Toluene 730 to Z.0 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 368 10 Z.0 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene [total] 1660 30 4.3 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 139 10 2.0 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 98% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 100% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobeazene 101% 70-130% (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2. AID = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit j = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyze found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound _' 16 of 32 ACCUTES-r: Ac.cutest Labl-inkP09:19 I Z-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-18 Lab Sample ID: FA7708-5 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analytic Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Page 1 of 1 Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 2640 Z5 3.0 mg/1 I 09/11/13 17:00 HH 5M19 2320E 2230 5.0 5.0 mg/1 1 09/11/13 17:00 HH 5M19 45000O2D 7850 200 60 Ing/1 100 09/09/13 16:17 AA EPA 3001SW$46 9056A RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but r RL me 17 of 32 ■ ACCU-TE=- T FA7708 Accutest LabLink@09:19 12-Sep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-19 Lab Sample ID: FA7708-6 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Method: SM 6200B Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC Page I of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 A0182347.1) 200 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 Run #2 A0182351.1) 500 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 Purge Volume Run #1 10.0 ml Run #2 10.0 ml Purgeable Aromatics, MTBE CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene 2710 100 20 ugll 108-88-3 Toluene 13100 a 250 50 ugll 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1190 100 20 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 7420 300 43 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Teri Butyl Ether 3240 100 20 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 97% 98% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 100% 100% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 103% 103% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102% 103% 70-130°% (a) Result is from Run# 2 ND = Not detected MDL - Method Detection Limit RL = Reporting Limit E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range �I j = Indicates an estimated value S = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound so 18 of 32 ACCLJTEB-T Accutest Labl.ink@09:19 12-5ep-2013 Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: MW-19 Lab Sample ID: FA7708-6 Date Sampled: 08/28/13 Matrix: AQ - Ground Water Date Received: 08/29/13 Percent Solids: nla Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC General Chemistry Analyte Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 Carbon Dioxide Sulfate Pale 1 Ol l Result RL MDL Units DF Analyzed By Method 279 5.0 0.60 mg/l I 09/09/13 14:40 HH SM19 2320E 525 5.0 5.0 mg/1 1 09/09/13 14:40 HH SM19 45000O2D 2660 200 60 mg1l 100 09/09/13 16:33 AA EPA 3001SW846 9056A RL = Reporting Limit MDL = Method Detection Limit U = Indicates a result < MDL B = Indicates a result > = MDL but < RL me 19 of 32 EACCLJ-rE 3-r- FA7708 ...... """ Section 5 Southeast AC C U-FFEE EBB T LAE3❑RATORIE5 Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: • Chain of Custody C _- on 20 of 32 � ACCIJTEST. FA7709 FA7708: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 3 21 of 32 � ,o,ccuTEs� FA7108 ••�••,�••• ACCUTEST LABORATORIES SAWLE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION ACCUTESTS )OBNUMBER: IQ 7roo CLIENT. Ll 1,5 PROJECT: i 4 143 DATE(I IME RECEIVFXA 9 - - f .I o�wII%IIYY 21:00) NIIMBHR OF COOLERS RECUVEIX METHOD OF DELIVERY; Q� m ACCUMSi COURIER GREYHOUI%w DELIVERY OTHER AIRBILL NUMBMS: 'l 4 6 5 68'? 9 3 G 1 S -COOLEkR WO&iTA IaN CUSTODY SEAL ;TOT PRESENT OR NOT INTACT CHAIN OF CUSTODY NOT RECEIVED (CDC) ANALYSES REQUESTED 15 UNCLEAR OR MLSSRVO SAMPLE DATES OR TIMES UNCLEAR OR NISM40 TEMEPERATURE CRITERIA NOT MET L_JWET ICE PRESENT T= BLANK WOxMATIaN TAM FLANK PROVIDED TRIP BLANK NOT PROVIDED TRIP SLANG NOT ON COC TRIP MAW MrACT TRW BLANK NOT INTACT RBCErfED WATER TRIP BLANK Z L_IRECMZD SOIL TRIP BLANK N NUMBER OF ENCORES 7 25-{IRAM 3[4RAM NUMBER OF "33 FIELD XM 7 NUMBER OF LAB FILTERRD METALS? SUMMARY OF COMMENTS: TEMPERATIME DFORMATION THERM W_ CORR.FACTOR 404 BSERVED TENS ORRECCED TEMP S: SAMPLE INFORMATION SAMPLE LABELS PKE&Wr ON ALL BOTTLES INCORRECT NUMMER OF CONTAINERS USED SAMPLE RECEIVED DdFROPERLY PRESERVED F1CI6NT VOLUME FOR ANALYSIS TBWIT S ON COC DO NOT MATTE SAMPLE LASH] S ON Cw DO Nor MATCH LABEL C VIALS BEAVE BRAIWACE (MACRO BUBBLES) BOTTLES RECEIVED Bur ANALYSIS NOT REQUESTED NO 8077LES RECEIVED FOR ANALYSIS REQUESTED UNCLEAR FTLTBRINO OR COMPOSIT1140 INSTRUCTIONS SAMPLE CONTAINERM RECEIVED BROKEN WA SOLIDS IAA MT REC M VBP "25 FIELD KIT FROZENWrru i 4813ows SmUAL CHI.OKM PRESENT ]AMCABLE TO EPA 400 92RIE3 OR WORTS CAROLINA OROAMC7j TECHNICIAN SIGNATURMATE C_ i5- - (3 REVIEWER SIM"TURFMATE 'Z - NF 17J10 receipt cong"aWn 122910-xb FA7708: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 3 ma 22 ❑f 32 AcCLITEST. FAT108 •••��••�•••• Setx MALL N9. 27.d33d.11$ WWI, 0"$-, '.Ila291l.iLi ` Re mwn No- 0� )'aDf 1 u]1 ACCUTEST KIT REQUEST FORM i F.aaafa: 'e-tNuu.tircl.�,m} [lfurt: BE Cural PM: Grup Friwb Project: BP 14163 Locallan! 3Si Knoll woal5arr:L W'rnuon-S&M NC ROM bode: TUD FNFOS Wmk Reltwin. ;gyp Enfat Project N: Date Needed: Sample bete: AW.UM 27 end 20, 2013 lnvu]n Ta: I'RS Curneranrm fou Suk,ntrmL Arrelrtlratl SOW fber Breast• Cnn nitanl: [!R,�,S'munrahon Ctenultrat PM; Cafeh Knruu C iAn dtant T1.- 5[ea±anic licnmcl URN Project A: 38430760.I D4%Q Vrp.+Jmr 10 A—,u ul Mohr: - WBS ActMty: S Project Chemise: 6farba hievm-L.e4Morn s.illc - - Phooe Na.: 9194161-1519 lfumber of Sarimlesp bwx Meumms Aeal le else Reporting r, mh R tbremeots, Unli Reles 5 primary unpin end I Trip Black Were Sludard Mndtodr SM006 UTEXeel MTBE NC 21. oral ❑ i, M EPA 300 Suifrec SOf 230 pp m S20 SM 45w-cw _ Cafbnn dKKKle EO2) NA S75 Taal Per Erect SS25 Atlfuyr M wrn o ru a cw,ae nna m .nn: • F-A.nrf Rryxrtreerwd Fvr entrtnn,wr,rmf L,.& amrr Anolyrrrl 5rlmrrx 8i faEnrwvey Monage l PMAn fra,MPt. Admcorr lPmAjWd C—gione• a 8P• .tfrl4wrleerotperr. R,--rA - FIIVWr hr.rd• Q7INVA67 • ;eidrhnraJr. Asrcaaentr and C -rr.r "e , NC DFNR LLif Saone, czreaf .e.e,n Ihrir'.•'I„ wann.r o�r.�•rnlunk, �,xn Ayy/1 t • CiYidrlinrs,Mr tiernpfuu, YC ❑ENR [1}i 5xtlon..Ynen1 rerun - wAr�F n arrla6k q t�;'lM+.'u'.r,telrrnrx.mrJuflfJr; ilSungc,uWrlytt Sample rmdts ere to be amilyved at the lowed dlludon prmibIt whi out harm to Um lsatmmeut•, rmd then sl the proper difudon to ensure that reyulalacy levels are acider'e& Rom ht are 4r3 hr mfxlncd to the Method Dcwceoa Bost. Smopic ennr:cntrsuons shut arc Iris than sere PQL, t,ur greoer Then the NDL are to }r 3-Flagged. Ahdytlal TAT. - Lab Cerliticafioa F.Irrerlmlr IM hrrahec; to mtY.6fhi4Sonuumlg Care KLns ive. sugj ^r of gouni1r rneks and =miix dd OC n%LlL_ S•_M,le $ocaptpaR MDr V k. Lad CDC mard_P,DO formatted in Eho1 for the EaviroDwo irovram: =W elediS nir rtoov fadfl of the inraii-- Electronic Report Dedycred'ru: (919)461-1519 S upplk%'Sreded I per Fvesi • IN Ulm] VOA real&, pmpreserred wish HU, fir SM 62= anriym of worn 13 rims per wr4,Ie ud v spee,;9 i. Nrrtdlnp nave (HTP gld ds)s - • 1840-nV VOA vid%Ur,TRFSFR VED. for SM 62WB ef9*5 of water{3 vtok pa Semple ell a spec sco. 1AN', "fag rmfr f Ilflv alma 6 pimus lxotka. wVmc =L of wtrrcinY we fix the dimmatinedion of C42 and SM in W-aaer i I pa Mnnk) CM III., t4h Hrwr Inn hn wlvvrrrf: 51f1i e Trip 61aak f wren, I per cooler r lnwpty real& vrel bottle With • Cuolert n) Isbeird with Iebormary name aril allew • kenrn c1ri4WS labels, pne pnntexl vAlh the labmimry name: aced alines [ i per cooler) • Insulation errd ehporkne p"ig tnverivl Y Tcmpctar nrr beanies (I per cwlcrf e Hxk(l Farpms air Mils I per ca,lcrl tihip 5 u pp3 ics Tn: ke 5te:nhem.Hcumet URSCurdrratum _ 16f10 Pcrimrtcf Park Drive, So" 4M Mgmsnlle, NC 2756D _ Phnae Ne. 19191 A61-t ] DD r I I^famel PLEASE INCUME" 7.i W on the ousels of time ocialeir to WU3tate retrieval from our nodimam. Kir Retluest Taken By: ICU Cnmplcud By' Dews: Date lef l: `Lktaoon I,M% Yarn be knit d= lea PQL M NC roo,01 ee, Pml0.,p1 Smn Wr:t kwKY,6rm,. kwrr ' M%u ,p&Mrsis r rpihr dipbniti,ur;4mair ra hlwltk whm max dun 10 eangle:ue..drnnrd eo ur:a, kr a fnm eras Conramer rypea aid n f bas Ptr 5rm CaiMi— P'VSIrd4npe.VaC124163, CK- W S, 381 KnufWns+d Stfar M.O Silt Dociv 6 AnalyucaNknilyl leaf Reyr+e SV 24163 .+kYvtex Kv Request Fenn M.12-13i.ehcx V1?00I]9:19 PM L's Section 6 ■ Southeast E ACCUTEST" A 13 O R A T 0 R I E S GUMS Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries ■ Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries ■:.: 24 of 32 ACCLITEST. FA7708 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 .lob Number: FA7708 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem. NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1327-MB A0182341.1) 1 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SM 6200B FA7708-1. FA7708-2, FA7708-3, FA7708-4, FA7708-5, FA7708-6 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 71-43-2 Benzene N➢ 0.50 0.10 ugll 100-41-4 Ithylhenzene ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 108-88-3 Toluene ND 0.50 0.10 ugll 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) N❑ 1.5 0.22 ugll CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 97% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 99% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 102% 70-130°% 460-00-4 4•Brnmofluorobenaene 104% 70-130% Qf� MZ 25 of 32 ■ .CC(-_u-TEST. FA7708 " Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA7708 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:SIS 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VA1327-BS A0182339.1) 1 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: Ski 6200B FA7708-1. FA7708-2, FA7708-3. FA7708-4, FA7708-5. FA7708-6 CAS No. Compound 71-43-2 Benzene 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 108-88-3 Toluene 1330-20-7 Xylene ((otal) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 203746-5 Toluene-D8 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene * = Outside of Control Limits. Spike BSP BSP ug/l ugll % Limits 10 10.8 108 70-130 10 10.8 108 70-130 10 9.7 97 70-130 10 10.6 106 70-130 30 35.1 117 70-130 BSP Limits 100% 70-130% 101% 70-130% 100% 70-130% 100% 70-130% no 26 of 32 ■ .ar_-cuTF-s-r. FA7709 `••""••"•••• Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA7708 Account: BPAMSS Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA7708-6MS A0182353.1) 500 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 FA7708-6MSD A0182354.1] 500 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 FA7708-6 A0182347.1) 200 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 FA7708-6 A0182351.1) 500 09/04/13 TD nla nla VA1327 The QC reported here applies to the following samples, Method: SM 6200B FA7708-1, FA7708-2. FA7708-3, FA7708-4, FA7708.5, FA7708-6 FA7709-6 Spike MS MS MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ugll Q ugll ugll % ug/l % RP❑ Red"D 71-43-2 Benzene 2710 5000 7090 88 8840 123 22* 70-130120 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 1190 5000 5600 88 7390 124 28* 70-130120 1634-04-4 Methyl Ter( Butyl Ether 3240 5000 7090 77 8770 111 21* 70-130120 108-88-3 Toluene 13100 h 5000 16500 68* a 18300 104 10 70-130/20 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 7420 15000 21600 95 27600 135* 24* 70-130120 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA770" FA770" Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 99% 100% 97% 98% 70-130% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 101% 102°% 100% 100°% 70-130% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 100% 99% 103% 103% 70-130% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101% 100% 102% 103% 70-130% (a) Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. (b) Result is from Rune #2. * = Outside of Control Limits. 27 of 32 ■ �,ccu-rt=sT FA7708 ••""•,"°". Section 7 Southeast W AC, —CUTEST L A 6 OR AT O R I E$ General Chemistry QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank and Blank Spike Summaries ■ Duplicate Summaries • Matrix Spike Summaries so 28 of 32 E A( --CUTEST FA7708 I-.-T..- METHOD BLANK AND SPIKE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: FA77QB Account: BPAM55 - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:5/5 24163: 381 Knoliwood St, Winston-Salem, NC MS Spike BSP BSP QC Analyte Batch 1D RL Result Units Amount Result %Recov Limits Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN57627 5.0 0.90 mgll 250 I01.0 90-113% Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN57634 25 0.0 mg/1 250 260 104.0 90-113% Chloride GF2:434/GN57595 2.0 0.0 mg/I 50 50.7 101.4 90-110% Sulfate GP22,434/GN57595 2.0 0.0 mg/l 50 50.4 100.8 90-110t Associated Samples: Batch GN57627: FA7700-2, FA7708-6 Batch GN57634: FA7706-3, FA7708-4, FA7708-5 Batch GP22434: FA7708-2, FA770i-3, FA7708-4, FA7708-5, FA7708-6 {*) Outside of ¢C limits Page 1 M■ 29 of 32 w A.CCLlT1=—C3T. FA7708 ° " DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: FA7709 ACCnunt: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/5 24163: 381 Knollwood 5t. Winston-Salem, NC Oc Original OUP QC Analyte Batch ID Sample Knits Result Result RPD Limits Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN57627 FA7708-2 mgll 377 377 0.0 0-20% Alkalinity, Total as CaCO3 GN57634 FA7621-1 Mg/1 938 935 0.1 0-20% Associated Samples: Hatch GN57627: FA7709-2, FA7708-6 Batch GN57634: FA7708-3. FA7708-4, FA7708-5 i*) Outside of QC limits Fade ] N F ■■ 30 of 32 � !-\CCUTEBT. PA7708 MATRIX SPIKE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Number: FA7748 Account: BPAMSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project: URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC QC Original Spike MS QC Analyte Batch IB Sample Units Result Amount Rezult 6Rec Limits Chloride GP22434/GN57595 FA7774-3 rtig/l �8.8 50 77.1 96.6 90-110% Sulfate GP22434/GN57595 FA7774-3 mg/l 8.7 50 57'l 97.4 94-11QM Associated Samples: Batch GP22434: FA7708-2, FA1786-3. FA77Q8-4, FA7708-5, FA7708-6 I•I Outside of QC limits (NI Matrix Spike Rec. outside of 4C limits of so 31 of 32 ■ AQCLJTEE—=T. FA7708 ...... • MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY GENERAL CHEMISTRY Login Humber: FA7708 Account: BPAYSS - Atlantic Richfield Company Project; URSNCM:S/S 24163: 381 Knollwood St, Winston-Salem, NC Qc Original Spike MSD QC Analyte Batch ID Sample Units Result Amount Result RFD Limit Chloride GP22434/GN57595 FA7774-3 mg/1 28.8 5❑ 77.3 0.3 209 Sulfate GP22434/GN57595 FA7774-3 mg/l 8.7 SD 56.7 1.2 2D€ Associated Samples: Batch GP22434: FA7708-2, FA7708-3, FA1708-4, FA7708-5, FA7708-6 (1) Outside of QC limits M Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits ■■ 32 of 32 ■ ,B.CCUTEs-r. FA7708 `"'""""""' APPENDIX E HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER FIELD PARAMETER DATA Appendix E Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date Sodium Persulfate pH DRP Temp. Specific Cond. DO 91E. S.U. mV T Ms/cm mg/L MW-03 3123106 - 6.97 -44 19.1 0A96 0.48 518107 - 7.00 -190.8 20.30 0.388 1.00 5114108 -- 6.18 -- 19.0 0.668 -- 5128109 -- 7.20 -- 19.7 0.452 5/27/10 -- 6.94 36.3 19.09 0.390 2.1 10/31/11 -- 6.84 -72 22.04 1.171 3.2 5/22/12 0.07 7.13 -5.4 2032 0.708 4.6 6114112 N❑ 6.84 21.7 20.53 0.854 0.5 719112 ND T08 -7 21.42 0.753 3.6 8/14/12 N❑ 7.02 -51.9 22.43 0.552 2.7 9/19112 0.07 7.00 -125.9 22.06 0.854 0.9 1215112 -- 6.89 -66.6 20.65 0.774 1.3 2126112 -- 6.61 -72.5 16.30 0.573 1.3 5/31111 6.82 -10.6 19.81 0.823 3.8 8/28/13 6.65 -21.3 22.43 0.855 1.93 MW-05 3/23/06 -- 5.67 5.0 18.44 0-144 0.77 518107 5.15 143.2 20.60 0.076 0.65 5114109 3.45 - I9.5 0.104 -- 5128109 6.11 - 19.7 0.328 -- MW-5R 5127110 2.62a 129.1 18.95 0,193 4.1 10/31/11 4.89 185.6 22.00 0.123 1.7 5/22/12 ND 4.19 153.9 20.04 0.079 1.1 6/14/12 ND 13.08 8.9 23.57 37.82 0.5 719112 ND 13.10 39.9 22.42 35.02 7.2 8/14/12 0.07' 13.38 144.1 23.36 34A] 0.3 9/19112 ND 13.36 39.9 23.12 46.21 0.2 12/5112 -- 12.39 1.2 22.79 27.87 0.6 2/26112 -- 11.66 -44.7 15.14 W44 1.2 5/31113 -- 10.76 -60.4 20.03 1125 0.7 8/28/13 -- 11.42 165.1 22.12 29.66 3.01 MW-06 312-3106 -- 6.18 217 18.19 0.656 0.3 518107 -- 6.59 67.7 19.22 0.683 -101 5/14/08 -- 5.40 19.2 0.382 -- 5128109 -- 4.51 19.3 0.325 - 5127110 -- 5.97 88.4 17.91 0.311 10/31/11 -- 13.77- -184.7 20.71 49.97 1.25 Ill-i16i 3/23/06 -- 6.08 -32 18.3 0.277 0.25 518107 -- 6.67 -123.5 19.66 0.169 0.40 5/14108 -- 6.32 -- 18.3 0.159 - 5128109 - 6.43 19.4 0.132 - 5127110 -- 5.35 10.3 18.57 1 0.060 0.67 1013111 1 -- 6.89 -32.5 18.85 0.18 1.40 � JtNrt.'- ... -_-1 f•. 11 W.S UI F.Ik.0 iXwo it rkQ• b1CA%I Dn My rkY.r[a k u2J Ay W]y(W E.w[).w Rq-n Fd.L.'•Y.1. .Aryeeti r Cqi` 1.41. ] 1I Appendix E Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date Sodium Persulfate pH ORP Temp. Specific Cond. DO g/L s.u. mV °C mSlcm mg/L MW-08 312 3106 -- 6.95 -150 17.93 0.601 0.14 518107 -- 7.05 -118.0 19.88 0.556 1 0.36 5/14/08 5.91 -- 19.3 0.445 - 5128109 -- 6.49 -- 19.5 0.469 -- MW-811 5127110 4.03 105.1 18.38 0.090 2.55 10/31/11 4.80 198.1 21.99 0.250 1.9 5/22/12 ND 4.59 250.4 19.80 0.158 ().8 6/ 14/12 32,18 13.32 17.2 22.80 194.5 17. W 719112 8.4 13.38 116.7 2I.56 68.5 32.853 8/14/12 3.64 13.09 171 21.75 20.15 42.28' 9/19/12 0.665 12.74 123.9 21.92 19.1 13.97` 1215112 N❑ 11.34 25A 22.10 6.993 2.1 2/26/12 - 10.02 -59.2 15.35 2.298 0.7 5/31 / 13 -- 10.18 -25.1 19.66 2.322 0.6 8/28/13 9.10 173.2 21.96 14.13 3.15 MW-14 3/23/06 4.62 257 18.99 0.081 0.39 518107 - 4.46 196.8 19.09 0.060 0.95 5114/08 4.49 -- 18.8 0.079 -- 5128109 4.75 -- 19.9 0.077 -- 5127110 1.56' 253.3 18.82 0.169 2.97 10/31/11 4.59 260.9 21,3I 0.157 2.94 MW-15 3/23106 4.48 294 17.85 0.048 0.O6 518107 - 4.31 -134.4 19.34 0.042 0.32 5/14/08 - 3.40 -- 19.3 0.042 -- 5128109 -- -- -- -- - 5127110 -- 3.46 119,5 17.03 0,130 2.99 10/31/11 - 4.44 254.1 19.32 0.060 2.80 MW-16 3/23/06 -- 4.33 529 18.07 - 6.81 518107 - - -- - 5/14/08 - 3.83 - 17.7 0.730 - 5/28/09 -- - -- - 5127110 -- 3.97 99.9 17.32 0.687 1-60 10/31/11 -- 4A4 244.9 19.62 0.706 120 MW-17 3/23/06 4.21 488 18.86 -- 4.63 518107 6.46 -14.4 20.06 0.392 1.15 5/14/08 -- 4.98 -- 20.1 0.391 -- 5128109 -- 6.11 -- 19.6 0.310 - 5127110 5,25 57.9 18.43 0.287 0.57 10/31/11 6.31 -90.5 20.80 0.556 0.66 P 19YS.uXeuwClx. 143. [x w.3. 41 kbc+a.f w. 011eU..rrikn5 1 fk.n w"s o.J­r 2A An M14GW l',"Qk� Apr. a (W-F& ru} 1$ -- Appendix E Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former RP Service Station No. 24163 381 KnoIlwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina 11 ell Date Sodium Persulfate pH ORP Temp. Specific Cond. DO 911- s.u. mV "C mSlcm mg/L MW-18 10/31/11 -- 6.86 12.9 22.47 0.117 2.4 5122/12 ND 6.20 30.7 21.43 0.001 3.0 6/14/12 ND 13.12 5 21.06 54.11 0.3 719112 ND 11.92 40.4 21.29 10.05 1.2 8/14/12 ND 10.88 -35 22.59 2.533 0.2 9119112 ND 11.09 -35 22.59 3.301 0.2 1215112 -- 6.91 -68.1 27.85 0.859 0.7 2/26/12 6.11 -84.2 14.86 0,599 IA 5/31 / 13 6.42 -117.2 19.62 1.036 1.0 8/28/ 13 - 9.06 219.9 21.71 16.08 1.79 MW-19 10131/11 -- 5.37 190 21.81 0.193 3.9 5122/121 ND 4.62 131.7 19.89 0.103 0.9 6/14/12 6.615 13.30 -15.8 21.57 117.8 22.38' 719112 ND 12.75 -16.') 21.91 13.4 25.79) 8114/12 0.07' 12.50 162 22.57 10.21 25.463 9/19/12 0.07' 11.71 157 22.47 3.424 12.93 1 J5112 - 9.99 20.1 23.03 1.537 5.2 2126J12 - 8.14 -41.9 W95 1,511 0.8 5/31/13 - 7.50 192.5 19.86 5.885 2.7 9/28/13 - 6.20 213.1 21.16 5.29 3,30 Notes: 1.) Sodium persulfate test kits results of 0.07 g/L are treated as "non -detections", as they are within the margin -of -error for detection. 2.) Values are not con sistant with historic values and may be the result of instrument malfunction. 3.) Dissolved oxygen results above saturation (approximately 9.1 mg/L at 20"C) are considered to represent measurement error and are not considered representative of actual dissolved oxygen concentration in groundwater. Error in measurements for the sensor used, a steady-state polarographic sensor, can be caused membrane fouling and interference gases, among other causes (YSI. 2009). The likelihood of measurement error from these sources may have been heightened by the injection. 4.) Elevated pH is the result of the October 2011 sodium hydroxide pilot test injection adjacent to MW-6. Subsequent elevated pH measurements in MW-5R, MW-8R, MW-18, and MW-19 are associated with June 2012 and June 2013 sodium persulfate and sodium hydroxide injections. - activated sodium persulfate injections were performed at the site from June 4, 2012, to June 9, 2012. and from June 3. 2013, to June 6, 2013. ORP - oxidation reduction potential DO - dissolved oxygen g/L - grams per liter s.u. - standard units mV - millivolts T - degrees Celsius mSlcm - millisiemens per centimeter mg1L - milligrams per liter -- " = Not Measured ND - Not Detected Temp. - temperature Specific Cond. - specific conductance P �HAPnha+.lYfuWI-K W S. 31 IR Lkl..aih 0l F*O EnWn:_.Aw:FI IkCX 9,e. u.uu> Wps %lAppn .w0.pn 1. P• 3 of 3 APPENDIX F ASP INJECTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING PARAMETER TIME-TREN❑ GRAPHS 9000 8000 7000 J 6000 ho 7 C Q 5000 L 4000 w C w N y 3000 cc 2000 1000 0 Benzene Concentrations over Time Date MW-3 (control) MW-SR MW-8R MW-18 MW-19 — -GCL 40 35 J 30 c Q roc 2 5 L u O V 20 d r.+ m w 7 L 15 E Un 10 5 G Sodium Persulfate Concentrations over Time ❑ate i MW-3 (control) MW-5R MW-8R -- MW-18 MW-19 pH over Time 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 cn 8. o 6.❑ 11Rol 2.0 w ,tib ,tib ,ti0 ,y0 ,ti0 ,tiQ ,ti0 ,yQ ,Lb .tib ,LQ ,LQ .�Q ,yQ ,tiQ .yQ ,y0 ,�O ,tiQ ,y0 ,ti0 ,ti0 ,�O ,�ti1 3b1 ��1 ,��1 ��1 ,��1 ,col ,�til ,�Ql ,��1 ,�til ,�bl ,��1 ,�Q1 ,�ti1 �•,1 ,��1 ,�ti1 ,�Q1 ,��1 ,�Ql ,��1 ,��/ ©ate M W - 3 (control) MW-SR MW-$R MW-18 MW-19 P. ePV-w�% CL'4%3- [ K W S. sRI Rnidi—i SnewLS o tk+M bk kS I Dr ft • IMmm Adi. r NONA-24 Aug 2QI3 GW E-1 Q IY AFT—h e., u.d Grayha iWy It #m 10000 •rrr 8000 rIM t G000 cu .X 5000 O c 4000 L U 41816I+1 2000 1000 n Carbon Dioxide over Time Date MW-3 (control) M W-5R M W-8R MW-18 MW-19 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 J CC1A C � 1Q000 [IS W LA 8000 6000 4000 IOICT61 191 Sulfate over Time Date MW-3 (control) MW-5R BMW-8R MW-18 MW-19 250 WE 50 C Specific Conductivity over Time Date MW-3 (control) M W-5R MW-8R - MW-18 MW-19