HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400198_SEMI-ANNUAL STATUS REPORT_20160311SEMI-ANNUAL STATUS REPORT FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP 24163) 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA INCIDENT NO.: 6400 RISK RANK: LOW LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: INDUSTRIALICOND ERCIAL AECOM PROJECT NO.: 60486285 MAR 1 i 2Q15 'Hater Quality nag+a-,11. nravration$ SeC%C) Prepared for: Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) by A BP Products North America Inc. affiliated company 1 114 North Court St. # 125 Medina. Ohio 44256 0 March 10, 2016 Prepared by: URS Corporation — North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 UM Tel. 919-461-1 l 00 Fax 919-46 l - l 415 Table of Centenn ' Section 1 Introduction .............................. ..1-1 .................................................................................. 1.1 Site Description..................................................................................._.... 1-1 ! .2 Project Background.................................................................................. 1-1 Section 2 Injection Performance Monitoring......................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Groundwater Sampling Procedures......................................................... 2-1 Section 3 Results and Discussion...............................................................................................3-1 3.1 Groundwater Sampling Results............................................................... 3-1 3.2 Performance Monitoring Discussion....................................................... 3-1 Section 4 Statement of Limitations ....................................... ....................................................... 4-1 Section5 References........................................................................................................................ 5-1 TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Results Compared to NC Gross Contamination Levels, October 13, 2015 Table 3 Groundwater Field Parameter Data, October 13. 2015 FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Site Map APPENDICES Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Appendix B Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Report Appendix D Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Appendix E Performance Monitoring Parameter Time -Trend Graphs UM ii certffieadon Page FORMER KNOLLWOOD GULF STATION (BP 24163) 381 KNOLLWOOD STREET WINSTON-SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, NC Report Date: March 10, 2016 Groundwater Incident Number: 6400 Land Use Category: Industrial/Commercial Risk Classification; Low (No Further Action) Responsible Party: Atlantic Richfield Company % BP Products North America, Inc 11114 North Court St. # 125 Medina, Ohio 44256 Attn: Greg Frisch Current Property Owner: Thruway Shopping Center, LLC. 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1500 Bethesda, Maryland 20814-6522 (301)986-6077 Attn: Charles Sherren or Zane Zynda Report Prepared By: URS Corporation - North Carolina 1600 Perimeter Park Drive, Suite 400 Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (919) 461-1 100 Release Information: Release of an unknown quantity of gasoline from an underground storage tank product line 1 ancillary piping prior to September 1983. Release Location: Latitude: 36°05'25.94"N (Topographical Map) Longitude: 80° 1 T l 1.79"W 1, .lasen Zinna, a licensed engineer for URS Corporation — North Carolina, d❑ attest that the information contained in this report is con �gtAad �urate to the best of my knowledge. CARS r� r � .nFEss�or%' =a SEAS 040228 ]asen inns, v.<.L Date URS rpora n —North Carolina �•� vs`: G�q��E ' URS Corporation — North Carolina is licensehol practice geology/engineering in North Carolina, The certification numbers of the corporation are C-328 and C-2243, respectively. UM iii SECTIOMON E Introduction URS Corporation - North Carolina (URS), on behalf of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO), a BP Products North America Inc. affiliated company, is pleased to submit this Groundwater Monitoring Report for Former BP Station No. 24153 located at 381 Knollwood Street, Winston- Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina (site). This report is intended to satisfy the final project evaluation reporting requirement specified in Part VII, Item 5 of the Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198 (NCDENR. 2013). This report presents the procedures and results for the groundwater sampling event performed in October 2015. 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION The site is located on the eastern side of Knollwood Street, southeast of the intersection with Interstate 40 Business in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A USGS topographic map depicting the site location and surrounding area is provided as Figure 1. The site property is approximately 0.5 acres, is covered by asphalt and concrete, and was formerly developed as a retail fueling station/convenience store with gasoline, diesel, waste oil, and kerosene Underground Storage Tank (UST). All UST systems and buildings have been removed from the site and the property is currently utilized as a parking lot for an adjacent shopping center. Site geology, hydrogeology, UST removal history, petroleum release history, environmental investigation and remediation activity history, surrounding property uses. and site ownership history were presented in detail in the site Corrective Action Plan (CAP)(URS 2011). A site map illustrating current and historical site features, including groundwater monitoring well locations, is provided as Figure 2. Currently, ten Type II monitoring wells (MW-3, MW-5R, MW-b. MW-8R, and MW-14 through MW-19) and one Type 111 monitoring well (MW-bi) are located at the site. Monitoring well construction details are presented in Table 1. 1.2 PROJECT BACKGROUND Two activated sodium persulfate (ASP) injections were performed at the site in accordance with the CAP which was approved by the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Waste Management (DWM) UST Section (NCDENR, 2011 a). An Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit application, summarizing the proposed injection activities, was submitted to the NCDENR Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on July 5, 2011. Injection Permit No. W 10400198 was issued by the DWQ on August 9. 2011 (NCDENR, 2011 b). Pre -injection investigation and pilot test activities performed in October 2011 were previously documented in a summan, report, dated April 23, 2012. submitted to both the DWQ and the DWM UST Section (URS, 2012a). A final ASP injection design, refined based on the results of the pre -design investigation and pilot test results, was also presented in the Apri1 2012 report. The first ASP injection event was performed at the site between June 4. 2012 and June 9, 2012. Injection activities and groundwater sampling performance monitoring were performed in accordance with the approved CAP and Injection Permit No. W10400198. Baseline data, June 2012 ASP injection activities, and post -injection sampling data through September 2012 were documented in the Activated Sodium Persulfate Injection Completion Report (URS, 2012b). I,]'R5 1-1 SECTIONON E Introduction Groundwater sampling events performed in December 2012 and February 2013 were documented in a Semi -Annual Data Report MRS, 2013b). A permit renewal application was submitted to NCDENR ❑WQ on March 26, 2013, (URS. 2013a) in advance of the July 31, 2013, permit expiration date. Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit W10400198 was issued by the DWQ on May 24, 2013. The second ASP injection event was performed at the site between June 3, 2013 and June 6. 2013. Injection activities and groundwater sampling performance monitoring were performed in accordance with the approved CAP and Injection Permit No. W10400198. Baseline groundwater data (May 2013) and June 2013 ASP injection activities were documented in the Quarterly Status Report submitted in August 2013 (URS, 2013c). Quarterly groundwater sampling events were conducted in August 2013, November 2013, February 2014, and June 2014 following the second injection. NCDENR issued a request for Notice of Residual Petroleum (NORP) on January 23, 2015 and reduced the risk classification to low. The NORP was recorded with Forsyth County Register of Deeds and public notice letters were sent to the respective parties. A Notice of No Further Action was issued by NCDENR on April 28, 2015. Um 1-2 SECTIOMT CVO Injection Performance Monitoring 2.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES Groundwater sampling was performed on October 13, 2015. The event included sampling of monitoring wells MW-5R, MW-8R. MW-18. and MW-19 in accordance with the injection well permit and recent correspondence with DWQ. Prior to sampling, groundwater levels were gauged in each monitoring well utilizing a water level meter decontaminated with soap and water prior to each measurement. October 2015 water level measurements are presented along with historical gauging data in Appendix A. Following gauging, each well was sampled utilizing low -flow techniques with new tubing. After stabilization criteria were met, groundwater from each well was transferred to pre -labeled, laboratory -prepared containers and promptly placed on ice in a cooler with a temperature and trip blank. The samples were shipped under chain -of -custody via overnight courier to Accutest Laboratories Southeast and analyzed for sulfate utilizing EPA Method 300. Groundwater pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, oxidation-reduction potential, and specific conductance were measured in the field at each well utilizing a calibrated Yellow Springs Instrument YS1-5569 water quality meter. Purged groundwater was discharged onto a permeable area of the site in accordance with the UST Section Guidelines for Sampling (NCDENR, 2008). URS 2-1 SECTIONTHREE Results and Discussion 3.1 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING RESULTS Groundwater laboratory analytical results for the October 2015 Table 2. Historical analytical data is presented in Appendix B. for the groundwater sampling event is included in Appendix data for the sampling event is presented in Table 3. Historical Appendix D. Time -trend graphs of various parameters associ monitoring are included in Appendix E. sampling event are presented in The laboratory analytical report '. Groundwater field parameter ield parameters are presented in aed with injection performance URS Corporation validated analytical results from the groundwater monitoring event at the Site. The data review was modeled after the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guideline for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review (USEPA, 2008). Qualitative and quantitative limitations associated with the analytical results were determined based on the results of specific quality control criteria. Accuracy was determined from the review of spike recoveries and calibration data. Precision was based on the evaluation of field and laboratory duplicate results. Representativeness was evaluated from the review of holding times and blank data. Sample results have been qualified based on the results of the data review process. The overall completeness objective for the project was met. A copy of the data validation report is available upon request. 3.2 PERFORMANCE MONITORING DISCUSSION Performance monitoring results through April 2015 are discussed in detail in the Quarterly Status Report submitted in June 2015 (URS, 2014c). The following list provides a brief summary of notable performance monitoring trends. • The current groundwater field parameter results were consistent with historical monitoring events. The pH levels in the monitoring wells ranged from 4.57 (MW-19) to 7.86 (MW-5R). ■ Sulfate concentrations in MW-5R, MW-8R. MW-18, and MW-19 are above the groundwater quality standard of 250 mg/L, however, the concentrations continue to decrease. Based on these conclusions, URS recommends the following course of action: It is recommended to continue collecting groundwater samples from MW-5R. MW- 8R. MW-18. and MW-19 and have them analyzed for sulfate on a semi-annual basis until sulfate concentrations are below the groundwater quality standard. Additionally, groundwater field parameters will be collected during each sampling event. UM 3-1 SECTIONFO U R Statement of limitations This report has been prepared based on assumptions made by URS related to data and site characterization from previous and proposed site investigations. These assumptions, although thought to be reasonable and appropriate, may not prove to be true in the future. Data and site characterization utilized to develop this summary report and injection plan are restricted by the following limitations. Background information and other data have been furnished to URS by ARCO. NCDENR and/or third parties. which URS has utilized in preparing this report. URS has relied on this information as furnished, and is neither responsible for nor has confirmed the accuracy of this information. In addition, it would be extremely expensive, and perhaps not possible, to perform an investigation which would completely characterize subsurface geological conditions to ensure the detection of all materials at the site which now are, or in the future might be, considered "contaminants" by State or federal regulatory agencies. It is possible that any environmental investigation may fail to reveal the presence of critical subsurface characteristics or contaminants that may be present. The failure of URS to discover hazardous materials or contaminants through reasonable and mutually agreed -upon scopes of work does not guarantee that hazardous materials or contaminants do not exist at the site. Finally. opinions presented herein apply to the existing and reasonably foreseeable site conditions at the time of our assessment. Changes in the condition of this property may occur with time due to natural processes or works of man at the site or on adjacent properties. Changes in applicable standards may also occur as a result of legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or in part, by changes beyond our control. No expressed or implied representation or warranty is included or intended in our reports except that our services were performed, within the limits prescribed by our clients, with the customary thoroughness and competence of our profession. UM 4-1 SEMONFI VE References NCDENR, 2008. Guidelines for Sampling. UST Section. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management. July 15, 2008 Version. USEPA, 2008. USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review and USEPA CLP NFG Inorganic Superfund Data Review. URS, 2011. Corrective Action Plan, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), Incident No. 6400, 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. URS Corporation — North Carolina. September 7, 2011. NCDENR, 201 i a. Notice of Regulatory Requirements. 15A NCAC 2L .0407(c), Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks, Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Forsyth County. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management — UST Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office, October 27.2011. NCDENR. 2011b. Ref: Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198, Former Knollwood Gulf' Station (BP 24163), Winston-Salem, Forsyth County. North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. August 9, 2011. URS. 2012a. RE: Injection Pilot Test and Additional Investigation Results. Letter Report Submitted to Thomas Moore. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Waste Management — UST Section. URS Corporation -North Carolina. Apri123, 2012. URS. 2012b. Activated Sodium Persfulate If jection Completion Report, Former Knollwood Gut r Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, Incident No.: 6400. URS Corporation -North Carolina. December 5. 2012. NCDENR, 2013. Ref- Renewal Issuance of Injection Permit WI0400198. Former Knollwood GO' Station (BP 24163), Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. May 24, 2013. URS, 2013a, RE: It jection Permit WI0400198 Renewal Application, Former Knollwood GttU' Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. March 26.2013. URS, 2013b. Semi Annual Data Report, Former Knollwood Gut( Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, Incident No.: 6400. URS Corporation -North Carolina. April 30, 2013. URS, 2013c. RE: Quarterly Status Report, Former Knollwood Gut( Station (BP 24163). 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. August 8, 2013. MIS 5-1 SECTIONFIVE References URS, 2013d. RE: Quarterly Status Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163), 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC, Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. December 11, 2013. URS, 2015a. RE: Semi -Annual Status Report, Former Knollwood Gulf Station (BP 24163). 381 Knollwood Street, Winston-Salem, NC. Submitted to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. URS Corporation -North Carolina. June 24, 2015. URS TABLES Table 1 Monitoring Well Construction Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Status Well Type TDC Flevation"' -Total Dep I "' Well Diameter (inches) Screen lnur%al'1' A►gScreen Elevation'2a MW-3 In Use Typc 11 99.03 ?n 2 NA - NA NA MW-5 Abandoned "Type 11 99.39 25 5 4 10.5 - 25.5 81A MW-5R In Use Type lI NS 211 2 10 - 20 NA MW-6 In Use Type R 98.68 25.5 4 10.5 - 25.5 80.7 NSW -lei In Use Type I11 99,26 S5 2 50 55 46.8 MW-8 Abandoned Type ll 97.84 24 6 NA NA NA MW-8R 1n Use Type Il NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA MW-14 In Use Type Il 100.44 22 4 7 22 85A MW-I 5 In Use Type 11 99.91 22 4 7 - 22 85A MWA6 In Use Type 11 97.42 25 2 to - 25 79.9 MW-17 In Use Type 11 100.00 22 4 7 - 22 85.5 MW-18 In Use Type 11 NS 20 2 10 - 20 NA MW-19 In Use Type 11 NS 20 2 10 20 NA Notes - I. Reported in feet below grade 2. Measured in feet relative to site datum 3. Conestoga Rover and Associates, a former consultant for this Site, previously reported that no reference was Found to the following wells M W-1, MW-9_ MW-I0, MW-I 1, MW-12 or MW-13. These wells are presumed to be abandoned. 4. URS Corporation is not responsible for data generated by others. Data included on this table not generated by or on behalf of URS Corporation - North Carolina (URS) has been taken from doe uments prepared and submitted to the NC DENR by Others and is included only for ease of reference. URS does not assume or accept any responsibility or liability for the quality, accuracy, or completeness of the data included on this table that was not generated by or on behalf of URS. 5. Monitoring wells MW-5 and M W - 8 were abandoned on 5/19/2010 and replaced with monhoring wells M W - 5 R and MW-8R the same day. 6. Monitoring wells MW-18 and MW-19 were instalIated on October 25, 2011. NA = Not Applicable / Available NS = Not Surveyed TOC = Top of Casing ['v[rv'n�[emvx-:nnx, p, q.y. xr[ [w�..d �n4ass [.� oka.• ] [rr[ wee 1>r BNW4'_..LT.+I N156% $LM-Tdaw 14A+ 4F—Inn � n FW ryJf LTWM�f' [].H [Y'-'-M152 xR rM Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Results Compared to Groundwater Quality Standards, October 13, 2015 Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC NC 21, Groundwater Sample ID: MW-SR MW-8H MW-18 MW-19 Standards + Interim [IMACs] Collection Date: 10/13/2015 10/13/2015 10/13/2015 10/13/2015 Parameters NCDENR 04113 Units Miscellaneous Sulfate 250 m fL 5,790 1,600 516 1,960 Notes: GCL - Gross Contamination Level I - Estimated value mglL - Milligrams per Liter NE - Not established SVOC - Semivolatile organic compounds Ul - Not detected and the limit is estimated VOC - Volatile organic compounds This table presents the results of all analytes. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modeled after the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) NarionaI Functional Guideline. (NFG) for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review (EPA, June 2008). Gross Contamination Levels, effective April 16, 2012, obtained from the NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, LEST Section. A cell with a bold border and green highlight indicates the sample concentration is greater than the GCL. P:1BPTrojectslNCi24163, JZ, W-S, 381 Knollwood Street15.0 Deliverables15.1 Draft - Interim Deliverables14.29 October 2015 GW Repo rffableslTable 2 10/2212015, 7:55 AM Table 3 Groundwater Field Parameter Data, October 13, 2015 Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Specific DTW pH ORP Temperature DO Well Conductance feet (s.u.) (MV) CC) (MS/cm) (mglL) MW-5R 14.19 7.86 -122.0 23.52 12.430 0.41 MW-8R 14.08 5.10 -24.9 23.25 4.131 0.26 MW-18 14.81 6.21 -107.4 26.42 3.289 0.23 MW-19 14.01 4.57 -61.8 24.60 4.446 U.21� Notes: ORP - oxidation-reduction potential DO - dissolved oxygen s.u. - standard units mV - millivolts °C - degrees Celsius mSlcm - miIIiSiemens per centimeter mg/L - milligrams per liter ruri ,i�ama�a�.re.w 141 im,wsrressnDw„71MM5I lnemirmma a_rIkWuaxIuL.wacn7abIaTaaa. _,d(h%e.wr11 1 of i FIGURES �, i�yV E i h•• r`py r r +,•�'�>--.-i._''�f• ••'�9�'YSr �._�, •�a��iFr:- 'ire Ni .�h❑x �� tea( ,� � � �. �.�' .i' �' �:�[P a%'77i�'p „t ' . �fi .'vyj e .. ..a��e -w• �� �1 .r6-{eMIN �' iI_ti i!� li .�.��+�r,...,ecw, �_iw.S��So y• �s7C•�-I.!l�, ���i. ve.s. . - wjti -15 rWz MW-3* MW- 1 S+ Mw-5R ;;, 14. Mw-15 *Mw- 8 R MW-6i MW9 Mw-6 Mw-15 LEGEND PROPERTY LINE ABANDONED GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL FORMER PRODUCT LINE CATCH BASIN o "" MAN HOLE AREA LIGHT ■ °° UTILITY POLE FIRE HYDRANT TELEPHONE LARGE MANHOLE COVER GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NOTES, 1. MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. THE SITE IS A VACANT PARKING LOT. ALL SITE FEATURES EXCEPT PARKING LOT CURBS AND ROADWAYS REPRESENT FORMER SITE CHARACTERISTICS. 0 30 APPROX. SCALE, ft. APPENDIX A HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former 6P Serxice Station No. 24163 381 Knoltwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina TOC Depth to Depth to LNAPL Corrected Well De[e Mve"M LNAPL Groundwater Tbickmen Grouodwater 1 feel 6toe] fat bw) fed Ekvatioo (i X 2) ' 0WQ93 NO 13.89 0.00 85.14 ' 091.13194 ND 14.36 0.00 84.67 03121/95 NO 1358 0.00 $5.45 • 08105N6 ND 13.54 0.00 85A9 11/17/98 NO 14.09 0.00 84.94 06/19/01 NO 14.11 0.00 94.92 • 0911Z ND 14.41 0.00 84.62 ' 120-7101 NO 14.51 0.00 84.52 03/05/02 NO 14w9 0.00 94.74 0511YW NrD 14.35 0.00 84.68 12MI03 NO 13.63 0.00 95.40 03/23/06 NO 13,64 0.00 85.39 0510WN7 ND 13.40 0.00 85.63 05/14M NO 13.42 0.00 85.61 05/28/09 ND 13.31 0.00 85.72 051'27110 ND 13.07 0.00 85.96 MW-3 1013i111 NO 13.87 0.00 85.16 0 -12112 ND 13.55 100 85.48 O&W12 .'4D 13.53 0.00 85.50 07/09112 ND 13,98 0A0 85.05 08l14112 ND 14,24 0.00 84.79 09119/12 ND 14.08 0.00 84.95 12/05/12 SED 14,42 0.00 84.61 0212&13 ND 13.55 0.00 85.48 05/31/13 NO 13.58 0,00 85.45 08l28113 ND 13.57 0.00 85.46 IIiVi13 ND 14.30 0.00 84.73 02/27/14 ND 13.28 0.00 85 'S 0602H4 ND 13.34 0,00 85A9 10MA4 NO 14.18 0.00 84.85 W-3115 ND 13.54 0.00 85A9 06124l93 NO 13.51 0.00 8538 08/23194 ND 13.82 0.00 85.57 0312IN5 NO 11 - ii,00 85.68 0K5A6 NO 1354 0.00 85.85 11/17/98 NO 14,08 0.00 85.31 06l"I NM NM NM NM 09! I MI NO 14.46 0.00 84.93 4114'-5 i.127101 14.51 15.07 0.56 84.73 D3103102 14.45 14.88 0.43 8432 05 UM5 NM NI M NM NM 12/09/03 13.18 13.60 0.42 $6.10 03/23/06 ND 13,67 0,00 85.72 0510&07 NO 13.45 0.00 85.94 051)4108 NO 13.51 0.00 85.89 092&09 ND 13.39 0.09 86.00 0512'!l+1 ND 13.70 0,00 NNI 10/31/11 ND 13.97 0.00 ti51 0512212 NO 13.66 0.00 G&M12 NO 13.73 0.00 NIM 071091E NO 14,18 0.00 NM 0811412 NO 14.45 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND 14,35 0.00 NM 12105112 tiff ND 14.68 0.00 NM 0212N13 NO 13.89 0.00 NM ]M SR 05MA3 ND 13.77 0.00 NM 08.+2&+13 NO 13.0 0.00 NM 1110711I NO 14.53 0.00 NM 02/27/14 ND 1339 0.00 NM 06/02/14 NO BA7 0.00 NM 1011014 NO 14.33 0.00 NM 04.+23115 ND 13.69 0.00 NM 10111AS ND 14.19 0.00 NM n w -..w -.w.w....-....... Pagc 1 of 5 Wra Date TOC mvados 1) DgHh to LNAPL feet btac) Depth to Gromdwskr feet bead LNAPL Thicknem feet Corrected Greamcbmter Elevatloa 1 2 O6':4:93 ND ]2.3] S1.00 86.37 08;1 % 1,4 ND 12.61 0.00 86,07 03,21 L< ND 13.15 0.00 8533 DM15146 ND 12,39 0.00 96.29 11/17198 ND 13.16 0,00 85.5? OWIWI NM NM NM NM D911MI ND i3-51 0.0D 85,17 12/27/01 ND 13.61 0.00 85.07 D310510'_ 98,68 ND 11.02 0,00 97.66 05/12/03 ND 11.10 0.00 37.58 12/09/03 ND 13.49 0.00 85.19 03123106 ND 11,79 0.00 86,89 05/08/07 ND 12.50 0.00 86.18 05/14/08 ND 1^_.16 0.00 86-52 05i_'ir', ND 10,64 0.011 88.04 OSr_-:1u ND 11.94 p.nu 86.84 10/31111 ND 12.95 95.73 WOV14 NO 12.38 36.30 061-4193 ND \1%1 0.00 NM D&23f94 ND NM 0.00 NM 0321195 NO 14.75 u.00 84.51 MOM ND 14.13 DAD 85,13 11/17/98 ND 14.09 0.00 95,17 D6119101 ND 18.07 11-00 91,19 D911'J01 ND 16.60 0.00 11166 120.7101 No 14.61 0.00 84.65 03105/02 ND 14A D90 94,30 05/12/03 ND 15.17 0.00 94.09 1.109103 ND 13M 0-00 85.71 03123106 ND 13.55 0.00 85-71 D5108107 ND 12.93 0.00 8633 05114/08 ND 13 ±2 D.00 86.D4 05/28/09 ND 1339 0.00 95.87 D5127110 ND 13?3 0-00 86.03 IW31/11 ND 13.90 0,00 95.36 06102/14 ND 1335 D.00 85.91 08.123194 tiD 12.14 0,00 95,70 03rs195 ND 12.02 0,00 95.82 D"5196 ND 11.99 0.00 85-84 I I f 17198 ND 1:.13 0.00 85.31 06/19/01 NM NM NM NM 0911nI ND 12,67 D.OD 95.17 I21:7101 97.84 14,47 15-03 M6 8326 01/05/02 12.42 12,60 0,18 85.38 05112f03 NM NM ;r'M NM 12/69/03 1332 13.56 024 84.47 03123m6 ND 12,15 0,00 85,69 051[18107 ND 11,90 0.00 9S.94 05/14108 ND 11.95 100 95-99 05/28/09 ND 11,70 0,00 96.14 1-1-I-...........b.,........i..,t-v,-r..w�-....11,...,r.,,,..,­1.1,.E Pap 2of5 Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Ser%lee Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina 710C M" to Depth to LNAPL Corrected Well Data Revedaa LNAPL Groundwater Thklmesa Groundwater 1 &-bloc reer6toc fee[ 8k adoatl 21 05R7110 ND 11_.91 D.OD NM 10131/11 ND 13.34 UO NM 0SI22112 ND 13.69 0.00 NM W14112 ND 14.94 0.00 NM 07109112 ND 14LS 0.00 NM OWIV12 ND 1419 0.00 NM OW0112 N5 ND 14.08 0.00 NM 12M5112 ND 1433 0.00 NM 0"J26l I NA 13.50 0.00 NM 0551113 ND 13.61 0.00 NM 0W-W13 ND 13.74 OAD NM 11 M7113 No 14,42 0.00 NM 02r-MI4 ND 1333 0.00 NM 0"2114 ND 13.34 0.00 NM 10/16/14 ND 14.18 0.00 NM 04123115 ND 13.57 0.00 NM 10/13/15 NO 14,08 0.00 NM 06124M NM NNI %M NM 08/23/94 NM NM tiM NM 03/21/05 tiD 13.55 0.00 96.811 0&0" NO 13.64 0.00 96.80 11117A7S ND 14'6 0.00 $6. i 8 06/19/01 ND 14.55 GOD 85.89 D9112101 ND 14.91 0.00 85.63 QJ271t11 ND 14.85 0.00 85.59 1111 13 03105102 100.44 ND 14.64 0.00 85.5[1 051IM3 ND 13A1 0.00 87.03 k2109103 ND 13.51 0.00 86.93 0312M16 ND 13.92 0.110 86.62 05MV07 ND 13.54 TO 86A 05/14/08 ND 13.64 O.DO 96,80 05/28/09 ND 13A7 0,00 86.97 05/27/10 ND 13.00 0.00 57.44 i0113111 ND 14.14 0.00 8630 06102iM ND 13AZ 0.00 $7.02 01s1'_4193 NM tiM NM NM 08/23/94 tiM NM NM NM 030-INS ND 1233 0.00 87.0S 08I051% ND 12.77 0,00 97.14 11/17198 ND I3.58 O.DO 8[i.33 06/19/01 ND 13.80 0.00 36.11 09112M1 ND 14.18 0.00 85.73 IM7101 ND 1429 0.00 85.62 03/05/03 ND 13.98 0.00 85.93 0511_'03 99.91 NM 11-35 NM 87.16 12AU"1 i ND 12.89 0.00 S7.02 03123ID6 ND 13.t4 O.DO 86.77 0510WO7 ND 12.90 0.00 87.01 05/14/08 ND 13,t2 0.00 86.79 05128109 ND 12.90 0.M 97_01 05/27/10 ND 12?5 ODO 87.66 10/31111 ND 13.61 0.00 86.30 0610M4 ND 12.82 O.DO 97.09 IM014 ND 13.91 0.00 86.00 ...1-a. 1-.I-_......-.....1­1..... ice- ­­.....ti.l....— � . w..411 -l� , I . - - Page 3of5 Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former OF Service Station Na. 24163 381 Knoilwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina YOC Depth to Depth to LNAPL [ nrrected Nell Date Ek ation LNAPL Grouudnaier Thickness Grouudxater ll feet htoc] fert htuel (feed VIatiun 1 M 21 06/24193 NM NNI 1\1 �11 08123/94 NM NM NM MM 03/21/95 NO 12.06 0.00 85.36 0810V% ND 12.09 DOD 85.33 1 L117199 ND 12-60 0.00 84.82 06119/01 ND 12.74 D.00 84,68 09IMI ,rD 12.98 DAD 84,44 12MMI NM NM tiM NNI 03105/02 VD 12-83 0.00 84.59 !SL\`I: 0511;103 TA: NM NM NM NNI 1249103 ND 12.13 0.00 8529 030-310b ND 12.18 0.00 85.24 Won'? NM NM 1'M KNf 05114/09 NO 1293 0.00 85.39 O5128109 ND 11.96 0.00 $5.46 05127110 ND I169 0.00 85.73 10/31/11 ND 12.45 0.00 94.97 11/07/13 ND 12.88 0.00 84.54 06/02114 ND 11.97 0.00 95.45 06124I93 NM NM NM NM 08/33/94 NM 141 NM NM 031--1195 14D 14-42 0.00 8558 08NR% ND 14.46 0.00 85.54 1 i117M8 ND 14.91 0,00 85.09 0611910I ND 1103 0.00 84.97 091I2/01 ND 15.28 OAO 84.72 12/27/01 ND 1537 Q.00 84.63 03/05/02 ND 15.15 0.00 8435 AM' -I- 051I2JQ3 +�ii.iu+ NM 14.15 NM 85.85 1210%03 VD 14.50 0.00 95.50 03.+23+Qo ND 14.45 0.00 $5.55 051r18-07 ND 1422 0.00 95.79 05114109 ND 1422 0.00 85.78 O5128109 ND 14.12 0.00 85.88 O5127110 ND 13.90 0AD 86.10 10131/11 ND 1472 0.00 85?8 06/02/14 ND 14.14 DAD 85.86 1013111I ND 13.95 0.00 NM 0512J12 ND t4.10 0.00 NM O6114112 ND 13.61 0.00 NM 07/09/12 ND M05 0-00 NM O1VI4112 ND 14.43 0.00 NM WWII- ND 14.34 0.00 NM 12/05/12 ND 102 0.00 NM 02126/13 ND 14.67 0.00 NM �I11- q 05131/13 ND 1437 0.00 NM 0llf-M 3 ND 1433 0,00 NM I LM7i13 ND 14.51 0.00 NM OV-17114 ND 13.76 0-00 NM 06102114 ND 13.55 OAD NM 1011014 ND 14.37 k+.00 NM 0413115 %D 13,84 0-00 NM 101i3115 ND 14.81 0.00 NM ..un�.,w�.+.�r ... wi..w.wr....n..,..4..+... ..- .........-.....+.w­ �-rr.w Pagc4 of Appendix A Historical Groundwater Elevation Data Former BP Service Statlon No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County. North Carolina Well Date TOC Elevytion 11 Depth to LNAPL (feet Mac] Depth to Groundwater (fees btttc) LNAPL Thickong fee[ Cam!clyd Groundwater Eleva[ion I I H2] 10/31/11 ND 1 �.'5 0.00 1M 0512202 tiD 13.31 0.00 N-M 06/14/12 ND 1339 0.00 Nhi 07MW12 ND 13.89 0.00 NM 08/14/12 YD 1413 0.00 NM 09/19/12 ND 14.02 Q.00 NM 12/05/12 ti ND 1439 0.01] NM 1121-76113 tiD 13.62 0.00 NM \t 05/31/11 ND 13.47 0.00 NM =28113 ND 13.56 0.00 N%j 111O7r13 tiD 14.25 0.00 1M O's1s-.Id tiD 1317 0.00 NM 06101114 ND 13.14 0.00 N-M 10/16/14 ND 14.03 0.00 NM W-3115 ND 13.46 0.00 NM IflA1115 ND 14A1 0-00 NM 12= 1 Measured in fcet rdauve w site damn 2. Corr. GW El". - W. point elevadonl .Idepth to groundwater • ILNAPL tb icknessll LNAPL specific gravity 3. LNAPL spmrw gram assumed m be 0.73 • - Prior m VRS' work ar this Site- monitoring well MW-3 has previously been reported as MW-2, monitoring well M W-6 has prn-iomly been feponed as MW- a. and monitoring well MW-x has prmiousl-v been repwred : MW-h -UPS Corporation a n•n responsible for dala generated by Others Dau .ndudcd on this table not generated by or on hehalf of UPS Corporasirm -North Carolina i C'RSI has bcco taken Irom documents prepared and submitted to the NCDENR by others and is inclt.dcd Only far cast of rdwvcc; L'RS dots out arsume or acecpl any respnnSit] IIIty or liability (Or the quality. aecurac�. or completmcas or the data tnclnded on this asble tkm was not Pomied by or on behalf of 11RS. LNAPL - Light non -aqueous phase liquid ND - Not dcaceted NM - Nor mesa weal NS - Not 8trr.cyed TOC - Top ofcowng bhx - below op of tashsg - During the May 21-n13 sampling a crrl LNAPL was obnxred in MWA Depth to grvwxiwancr sad thnckt of LNAPL were not messtaed s,., .. , . ­" ..,.,..,.,4..`. , w ­_ .,.w_ ...,,,r_ - - w...,. w Page 5 OF APPENDIX B HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL SUMMARY Appendix B Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former RP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina 15 ell Sample Date Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene y enes (Total) MTBE Sulfate Carbon dioxide NC GCU 5,000 84,500 260,000 85,500 20,000 NE NE Units: PWI Awl VWI VW1 l m l m l MW-03 5/13/2003 8.5 0.983 0.61 J 1.7 J 8 -- -- 1219/2003 47A 14.3 1 1.9 8.1 37.3 3/23/2006 4.51 ¢ 0.5 C 0.5 UJ = i U1 5.5 5/8/2007 40.4 3.7 1.4 21 13.1 5/14/2008 4.3 J < 0.8 : 0.7 < 0.8 14 5/28/2009 5.4 0.44 J 0.14 J 0.49) 5.6 5/27/2010 0.44 J < 0.11 0.3 J < 0.32 4.8 -- 10/31/2011 5.5 0.76 r 0.17 U 0,381 19.1 .9.4 405 5/22/2012 < 0.43 U r 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.52 4.6 15.3 378 6/14/2012 12.1 6.7 0.72 4.7 15.4 h-61 344 7/9/2012 2.2 1.6 2.6 3 14.7 9.9 393 8/14/2012 2 2.1 ¢ 0.13 0.41 17.9 3.6 303 9/1912012 2.7 0.66 < 0.13 0.33 J 19.8 2.8 459 12/5/2012 11.3 1.2 0,43) 1.11 19.3 0.78 J 377 2/26/2013 0.23 J ¢ 0.1 � 0,1 r 0.21 5A 32.6 338 5/31/2013 0.32 J r 0.1 r 0.1 < 0,22 1II-5 17.9 334 8/28/2013 3.6 0.53 0.121 0.31 J 10.3 21.9 457 1 1/7/2013 4.3 0.27) 0. l 3 J < 0.22 10 21.7 536 2/27/2014 r 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 ¢ 0.2 1.3 42.2 198 6/3/2014 0.48J 0.15J r0.1 r0.2 3.1 - -- 10/16/2014 -- -- -- -- 18.0 372 4/23/2015 -- -- - 22.8 296 MW-05 3/23/2006 11,700 2,440 1 32,000 13,500 16,100 -- 3/23/2006 "' 1 I X(M 2,370 30.700 13,200 15,400 5/8/2007 7.410 1,590 21,100 8,920 8,830 - 51812007'' 7,400 1,680 20,100 9,29(1 9,360 5/14/2008 10.000 2,100 29,000 12,000 18,000 5/14/2008 "' 10.000 2,100 30,000 12,000 18,000 5/28/2009 7,390 2,330 25,700 13,400 6,920 5/28/2009 "' 6,510 2,240 22,100 12,900 6,510 M W-05R 5127/2010 6,010 2,810 24,300 J 15,700 4,330 - - 5/27/2010"' 6.090 2,380 30,100 J 13,300 4,250 - 10/31/2011 7.960 2,660 28,000 13,800 3,830 1 < 5 10/31/2011 ''' 8,360 2,870 24,600 14,800 4,070 -- -- 5/22/2012 7.17![1 I 3,470 32.200 19,200 1820 < 5 179 6/ 15/2012 '43 227 1,190 1,120 36.9 6.070 1,820 7/9/2012 + +{ .1 481 J 2,0103 2,400 J 48.4 J 6,470 2,620 8/W2012 'u 1 283 1,050 1.300 48.5 14,700 4,190 9/19/2012 158 181 650 883 114 19.000 3.280 12/5/2012 754 505 2,220 2 380 1,160 13,600 1,940 2/26/2013 1.3(io 878 3,520 3,940 1,660 8,520 1,530 5/31/2013 1A10 1,380 5,930 6220 1,150J 4.680 1.560 9/28/2013 l6i 178 489 1,380 417 13,4[]0 1.590 11/7/2013 214 131 331 969 651 14.400 1,570 2/27/2014 142 177 1 328 1 1,060 1 240 1 2990 807 P 19Pt"ecWWNM4163, J2- W-5, 381 KnolNmod Street)5.0 Oekrimahtaal5 7 OreR - InWm DOwahtae14 24 OalabW 2015 GW RWQr W& and,."tAppond,. 8 104202015 0 10 AM Appendix B Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No, 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Sample (late 6eozene Ethyl benzene Toluene y enes (Total) MTBE Sulfate Carbon dioxide NC GCL. 5,000 84,500 260,000 85,500 2D,000 NE NE Units: l I 1 m l m l MW-05R 612J2014 256 436 1040 2520 519 J -- -- 10/16/2014 -- -- -- 9,950 1,390 4/23/2015 _ __ - 5,980 1.510 10/13/2015 _ - - 5,790 M W-06 5 1' ?t)u', <0-5 0.521 <0.5 < 1 3 -- 12r912003 2.3 0.64 J 1.1 3.6 17.6 -- -- 12/9/2003 2.4 0.691 1.1 1 IS 18 -- -- 3/23/2006 0.76 J 0.59 J 3.6 2.81 1.1 - -- 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < I r 0.5 -- -- 5/14/2008 <0.5 <0.8 <0.7 <0.8 <0.5 -- 5/28/2009 < 0.06 < 0.05 < 0.06 ¢ 0.14 0.171 -- 512712010 < 0.11 0.13 J 0.38 J 0.461 < 0.12 -- -- 10131/2011 8.7 J I L7 J 27.5 J 132 J < 0.26 UJ 131 2.130 6/2/2014 17.6 J 59.4 J 31.61 99.4 J 783 J -- -- MW-061 5/12/2003 < 0.5 r 4.5 r 0.5 1.1 J r 0.5 -- 12/9/2003 < 2.5 ¢ 2.5 r 2.5 ¢ 5 r 2.5 -- 3/23/2006 49.7 18.9 48.7 443 3 560 5/8/2007 < 25 < 25 < 25 < 50 6,910 5/14/2009 5.21 ¢ 2 < 1.8 < 2 3.400 5/28/2009 2.5 < 0.05 < 0.06 ¢ 0.14 1,150 5/27/2010 1.6 J < 1.1 < 1.1 r 3.2 492 10/31 /2011 0.41 J ¢ 0.36 < 0.32 < 0.75 122 - 6/2/2014 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 r0.2 3.3 MWAS 3/23/2006 671 1,340 1,230 8,100 124 - 5/8/2007 1,160 799 196 2,990 1,440 -- 5/14/2008 600 1,800 700 3,000 190 -- 5/28/2009 1.390 2050 357 3.310 1,560 -- MW-08R 5/27/2010 8,570 2,870 31.700 15.700 6,260 -- - 10/31/2011 8,000 3,180 32,100 17,200 3,170 < 1 < 5 5/22/2012 8,270 3,360 36,400 J 17,800 3,920 < 5 119 611512012 f>> 726 47 1 760 2421 96.3 J 4,760 22,200 7/9/2012 4,540 J 1.870 J 17,100)1 10,8001 1,530 J 6.570 4,500 8/14/2012 4,370 1,610 19.300 8,780 2,000 7,010 1,560 9/19/2012 4.780 1,800 20,9DD 10,400 2,600 6.700 1,100 12/5/2012 7.760 2,440 31,900 13,800 4,560 2,410 635 2/20/2613 7,310 2,480 30,500 13,40D 4,530 959 590 5/31/2013 6,540 3,040 30,500 12,500 4.200 439 437 8/28/2013 1,600 628 5,390 3,990 1,380 4,770 703 1117/2013 1,130 329 2,440 1,830 1,770 7,460 766 2/27/2014 1,020 603 3,200 3,430 1,190 7,670 940 6/2/2014 1.3603 680 J 3,5101 3,3303 2,110 J -- -- 6/2/2014 ... 1,540 5563 3,650 2,630 J 2,6401 -- -- JM612014 3,310 883 9.070 4.1+)Qo 3,910 3,560 $42 4/23/2015 -- -- 2,050 812 10/13/2015 -- -- 1,600 -- P L9PVMjMnWC124163• JZ• W-5. 301 KM1hVOOd SUmoS tj DeGvw8hlea15 1 Draft - Inman DehverableNl 29 Oclobw 2015 GW RepemAppw dlce Appwdix 5 10127 l5. S.10 AM Appendix B Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Sample Date Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene y encs [Total] MTRE Sulfate Carbon dioxide NC GCU 5,000 84,500 260,000 85,500 20.000 NE NE Units 1 1 I 1 m• 1 m '1 MW-14 5/12/2003 e 0.5 e 0.5 ¢ 6.5 ¢ 1 0.521 12/9/2003 1 C 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 1 < 1 5.9 3/23/2006 < 0.5 = 0.5 ¢ 0.5 < 1 < 0.5 5/8/2007 r. 0.5 ¢ 0.5 ¢ 0.5 ¢ 1 < 0.5 5/14/2008 <0.5 E 0.8 <0.7 < 0.8 <0.5 5/28/2009 < 0.06 r 0.05 0.0771 ¢ O. t4 < 0.06 5/27/2010 < 0.11 < 0.11 < 0.11 < 0.32 r 0.12 -- -- 10/31/2011 < 0.13 < 0.15 < 0.42 U < 0.3 < 0.I3 43.2 5 6/3/2014 <0.1 <n.l r0.1 <0.2 e0.1 -- MW-15 3/23/2006 0.63 J _' 1 < 0.5 18.6 1.6 5/8/2007 < 0.5 < 0.5 r 0.5 2.21 ¢ 0.5 -- 5/14/2008 ¢ 0.5 ¢ 0.8 < 0.7 3.71 ¢ 0.5 -- 5/2712010 <0.11 <0.11 <0.11 <0.32 <0.12 -- 10/31/2011 <0.13 <0.15 E0.13 <0.3 <0.13 <1 <5 6/3/2014 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 <0.1 -- - 10/ 16/2014 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 <0. I MW-l6 3/23/2006 < 2.5 90.8 15.8 836 2.81 5/14/2009 ¢ 0.5 I60 15 1,600 4.1 J 5/27/2010 3.6 54.73 5,1 525 1 1.3 - 10/31/2011 < 0.65 17.2 -- 1.4 U 321 < 0.65 194 < 5 11/7/2013 - -- -- - - 55.4 ¢ 5 6/3/2014 E 0.1 25 0.92 417) < 0.1 - MW-17 5/13/2003 5T7 r 0.5 r 0.5 < t 69 5/13/2003 40.8 = 0.5 < 0.5 < 1 63.3 12/9/2003 6.6 0.651 ¢ 0.5 < 1 80.6 3/23/2006 1 < 0-5 < 0.5 < 1 58.9 5/8/2007 <0.5 < 0.5 C 0.5 < 1 17.4 5/ 14/2008 3.7 J < 0.8 ¢ 0.7 ¢ 0.8 19 5/28/2009 7 r 0.05 0.076) < 0.14 14.5 5/27/2010 5.7 < 0.11 < 0.11 < 0.32 12.4 -- -- 10/31/201 1 0,51 0,16 J < 0.81 U 0.57) 8.9 < 1 422 6/3/2014 ¢ 0.1 ¢ 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.2 4.1 -- MW-18 10/31/2011 3.140 998 11,100 8,950 1,140 8.- 446 5/22/2012 2,280 2.790 18,200 12,000 789 < 5 307 6/15/2012 ` 373 910 4,800 3,910 114 10,600 3,410 7/9/2012 1.730 J 2,1701 15,0001 9,7501 6761 2,301) 835 8/14/2012 3.020 2.990 24,400 12,800 1,090 758 580 9/19/2012 3,190 3,090 22,600 14,000 1,240 322 542 12/5/2012 3,370 1970 20100 12,800 1,380 32.2 436 2/26/2013 2,510 2,970 10,100 8,690 1,140 13.8 500 5131M13 2,790 3,070 8,210 5,740 1,000 83.3 475 8/28/2013 192 368 730 1,660 139 7,850 2,230 11/7/2013 1.140 727 4,910 3,250 694 2.640 1,370 2/27/2014 16.6 109 20.2 45.8 18.5 4.310 1.270 6/2/2014 26.2 J 125 J 37.5 J 31.6 J 37A J - -- 10/16/2014 359 388 244 138 364 1.540 513 4/23/2015 - -- -- -- 780 1.100 10/13/2015 - - -- -- 516 -- P WIPmjws*4024163. J4 W-5. 3B1 Knc4Wmd Street�5 0 Del-,ab 1-%' , 1 Cron Oefin erabi..14 "Octohn, 2015 GVV Hepph'JAppa 4'rc +Appnndw B 1W=2015, 8 10 AM Appendix B Historical Groundwater Analytical Summary Former BP Service Station No. 24163 381 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Sample Date Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene y enes (Total) MTBE Sulfate ar on dioxide NC GCL: 5,000 84,500 260,000 95,500 20,000 NE NE Units: ue1 I l i m 3 in l MW-19 1013112011 2,390 1,380 8,790 7,040 5,160 3.7 425 5/22/2012 1 2,700 1,560 14,200 1 7.940 4,880 1 < 5 310 6/151201212' 4,020 1,440 18,200 7,940 3,290 1,090 6,520 7/9/2012 5.130 2,910 30,400 J 16,300 5,330 232 991 8/14/2012 2,420 1,650 14,200 8,370 4,090 469 1,080 9/1912012 2,090 1,630 12,900 8,640 3,960 260 690 121512012 2,320 1,810 15,200 10,400 4,010 58.8 588 2/20/2013 2,210 1,110 10,600 6,990 3,890 169 503 5/31/2013 1,830 994 8,820 5,250 3,120 1,530 6(J6 8/28/2013 2,710 J 1,190 J 13,100 7.420) 3,240 J 2,661E 525 1 U712013 2,020 994 9,850 5,620 2,260 2,890 255 2/27/2014 2,550 1,400 10,900 7.880 3,320 2.790 322 6/2/2014 2,370 1.260 11.900 7,260 2,830 10/10/2014 -- 1,340 632 4/23/2015 -- 2,540 514 10/13/2015 - - 1,960 Notes: Field duplicate (Alkalinity, sulfate, and carbon dioxide samples were collected 6/14/2012 and volimic organic analysis samples were collected 11/ 15/ 12 -" - Not sampled or analyzed r - Not detected at the specified detection limit pg11 - Micrograms per Liter GCL - Gross Contamination Level J - Estimated value mgll - Milligrams per Liter MTBE - Methyl tert-Butyl Ether NE - Not established U - Not present above the associated level; blank contamination exists UJ - Not detected and the detection limit is estimated Bold cell with a green highlight indicates GCL excmdance. Activated sodium persulfate injections were periormcd at the site fivm June 4, 2012, to June 9, 2012, and from June 3, 2013, to June 6, 2013. This table presents the results of all analyzes. Sample results have been qualified by URS based on the results of the data review process, which is modeled after the USEPA Coniraci Laboraron- Program KIP) Narional Funcfiunul Guidelines (NFG)for Suprrlund Organic Methods Data Rfriem, (EPA, June 2008) and USEPA CLP NFG for Inorganic Superf nrd Dow Revie", (USEPA. Jarrawy 201 U)- Gross Contamination Levels, effective April 16, 2012, obtained &um the NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, UST Section. A NMP-jwl- NCti24163. JZ. w-S. 381 Kno%e d SVae1154 ❑ohvnrab&es 51 Draft - Inhwin Deliver ablm,4 29 October 2015 GYY RepomAppantlrcu%LAp pun dim 6 1 Ur22R01 s. 11 1 ❑ AM APPENDIX C LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT ANALYTICAL DATA INCLUDED ON ATTACHE❑ CD HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER FIELD PARAMETER DATA Appendix D Historical Cround%ate r Field Parameter Dala Former BP Service Station No. I4163 381 linollwond Street Winston-Salem. Fora Ib County, North Carolina Well date Sodium Persulrate P� ORP Temp. spe flc ( and. DO 97. s-u- mV T ID5 cm m 343106 -- 6.97 A4 19.1 (14% 0.48 5M7 - 7-00 -190.8 20.30 0.388 1.00 5114" 6.18 19-0 11.668 5129109 7.20 19-7 0.452 S^.7'10 6.84 363 MM 0.390 2-1 10 31 11 -- 6-84 -72 22.04 1-171 3-2 52'-•12 1111?` 7-13 •5-4 20.32 0-708 4.6 &'W12 1) 6-84 21.7 20.53 0-954 0.5 IM112 ND 7.(f8 21.42 0.753 3.6 8114112 %1) 7.u_' -519 22.4.1 0.552 2.7 1t►►•-3 9119112 0.07` 7.W -125.9 22.M 0.854 0.9 i215112 -- 6.89 -W-6 20.65 0.774 1.3 2126112 6.61 -72-5 16-30 0.573 1.3 5131113 6.8_' -10-6 19-81 0.823 3.8 8128113 (165 -21.3 22.43 0-855 1.93 11l7113 %D 6.44 -17.5 2135 0.752 2.08 2)27114 7.36 -58.2 14.23 0322 6.92 &V14 6-71 67.3 19.28 0.615 0.42 10/16/14 6-60 -39.9 2135 0-750 213 4QY15 &.64 -71.9 19.64 0.679 3.31 MW-5 3123106 5.67 5.0 18.44 0.144 0.77 518I07 -- 5.15 143.2 20.60 0.076 0.65 511410$ - 3-45 -- 19-5 0.104 - 5128l09 6. t I 19.7 0.328 5(27'l0 2-62' 129.) 18.95 0-193 41 10131I11 - 4.84 185.6 22-00 0.123 1.7 5•'2211- ND 4.19 153-9 20.04 0.078 ].] 6,14 12 ND 13-08 8,9 23-57 37,82 0-5 719112 ND 13-10 39-9 22-42 3502 7-2 VIC],' 0.07' 13-39 144-1 73-36 34,91 0.3 9119.12 ND 13-36 39-9 23.12 46-21 12112 - 12-39 1.2 22.79 27-M Ii.6 MW-5R 212612 11-66 -44-7 15-14 16-44 1.2 5/3113 10-76 -60-4 20.03 11-25 0.7 8.128;13 11-42 165-1 22.12 29-66 3-01 11713 3-94 10-61 110.1 21.59 24.8E 2-00 «12714 ND 9.42 128 16.26 5.735 4.53 b.'_' 14 - 8.6t 143.? _' 1.87 11.109 0-61 10 1[, 14 •- 8.99 46.7 -11oli 19.220 0-39 4 23 15 -- 8-64 -232-9 19.7-' 10.400 0.77 14) 13 15 -- 7.m -1 ".0 23.52 12.430 0-41 ►IMl-6 323:R6 6.18 217 18-19 0-656 0.3 5I8107 - 6.59 67.7 19.22 0.683 2.01 51140 - 5.40 -- $8.2 0-382 -- 5/2B.09 - 4.51 -- 0.3 0-325 - 5l27110 - 5,97 $8.4 17.11 0-311 3-07 10I31111 - 13.77' -184.7 20-71 44,87 1.25 W2:14 7.54 1 9-4 1 20-86 4-19 1.30 Appendix D IHsiorical Crouadwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 321 Knollmood Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth Cousity, North Carolina Well Date Sodium Perw1fate pit ORP Temp. Specirir Coad. DO MW'-61 3123106 6-08 -31 18.1 0.777 0,25 518107 6-67 -123.5 19.66 0,164 0,40 5.14108 6.32 18.3 0-150 - 5f28109 6.43 19A 0.132 5f27110 5.35 10.3 18.57 0.060 017 10/31/11 6.89 -32.5 19.85 0.194 1.40 6/1114 5.62 90.3 21.11 0-181 2-23 MW8 31231D6 6-93 45D 17.93 0-601 0.14 518107 7.05 -1 t8.0 19.88 0.556 0.36 5114108 5-91 193 0,445 - 928109 6.49 19.5 0.469 MW 8R 5f2711O -- 4,03 105.1 18.38 0.090 2-55 10/31/11 4.80 199-1 21.88 0.250 1.9 51122112 NA 4.59 250A 1910 0.158 O.8 W1402 32.18 13.32 171 22.80 005 17-16' 719112 8A t3.39 116.7 21.56 68-5 32-85' 8114112 3.64 S3.09 171 21-75 20.15 1 42 28' 9119112 0.665 12.74 123.9 2192 19-1 13 97' 1215112 ND 11.34 25.4 22-10 6.993 2.1 2126'l2 10.01 -59.2 15-15 2.298 0.7 513113 10.18 -25.1 19-66 2.372 0,6 913113 9.10 173.2 21-96 14,13 3.15 1117113 0-96 7-03 262.9 21.01 14-96 1-43 2127/14 1-86 7-64 149.7 16.53 11.65 3-91 bT14 6.40 149.7 19.88 IO.S53 0.17 10/16/14 - 6.42 141.9 2135 7.601 0.97 4.123115 6.19 -79A 18.12 3.939 1.33 10/13/15 5AO -24.9 2325 4-131 026 A3106 4.62 257 18-99 0-091 O.39 518107 4.46 196.8 19-09 0-060 0.95 5:14MB 4.44 18.8 0.079 ►1►►•14 V28109 -- 4.75 - 19.9 0.077 -- 5:27110 -- 1S6' 253.3 18.82 0.169 2.97 1i1'31111 4-59 260.9 21.31 0.157 2." W3114 4.24 161.1 19.31 0.093 0.24 MW-15 3123M 4.48 294 17.85 0.D48 0.06 51W07 - 4.31 -134A 19.34 0.042 0.32 5114108 - 140 18-3 0.042 RM09 5.27110 3.46 119.5 17.03 0-130 2.99 10/31/11 - 4.44 254.1 19.12 0.061 2.80 613114 4-23 198.4 17.31 0.076 1-76 10/16/14 499 175.8 18.27 OMO 1.92 MH'.16 3123106 4-33 529 18.07 6.91 51$107 5114108 1.83 - 17.7 0.736 - 5,28109 5127!10 3177 99.9 1-732 0.687 1.60 10131111 -- 4.44 244.9 19-62 0.706 3.20 IIf7113 ND 4.27 210-1 18-91 0,533 t.3O 6+3114 4.13 1913 17.26 0.725 1.84 ... n...,wwi.�.�e... I—. .- " 2 of i Appendix D Historical Groundwater Field Parameter Data Former BP Service Station No. 24163 391 Knollwood Street Winston-Salem. Forsyth County, North Carolina Well Date Sodium. Persulfate pli ORP Temp. specific Cond. DO g1. s-u. my ' C m5lcrn nig. L NiM-17 3.23,06 - 4.21 488 18.86 - 4-43 518107 t1.46 -14.4 20.06 0,392 1,15 5114108 4-98 20A 0,391 -- 5aslo9 till lU 0.310 5127l10 -- 5-25 57 9 18-43 0187 &V 10131l11 -- 6-31 -90-5 20-80 0-SS6 0,66 613114 6.00 -35-4 19.64 0-407 0.14 10131/11 - 6,86 129 22-47 11.1 17 2.4 MW-18 5122112 ND 620 30-7 21.43 0.001 3-0 6/14)12 ND 13-12 5 21.06 54.11 0-3 WW12 ND 11,92 40-4 2129 10,05 1.2 8114.+12 ND 10,88 - 3 5 22.59 2.533 0.1 9.119•12 NI) 1 L09 -35 22,59 3.301 01 12:5'12 6.91 -68.1 22.85 0,859 0-7 2i26�12 - 6.11 -84,2 14.86 U89 1-0 5.+31:13 -- 6.42 -117.2 19.62 1.036 1-0 812813 -- 9.06 209 21.71 16.08 1.79 I1;7'13 ND 9,84 158,7 20,02 6.111 1,82 2.,2714 - 7.24 -101 13.93 6.157 4,26 6'2.14 - 7-01 -99 3 20.39 & W 0A 3 1(I!16.14 -- 6,% -212.9 22.56 4,M 0.49 4-2315 - 7,02 -187A 19.15 3.242 1,82 10.1315 - 621 -107.4 26-42 3-289 0.23 i0131111 5.37 190 21.81 0,193 3,9 5122i12 ND 4,62 131.7 19,89 0.103 OR 0442 6.615 13.3f) -15's 21,57 117-8 2238' 7'9112 ND 12.75 46-9 21.91 13-4 25.99 8 1+12 0-07' 12,5t1 162 22 S7 10-21 2546' 'I.19'12 0.07' 11.71 157 22.47 3.424 12.9 12 5 12 -- 9,99 20.1 23.fi3 1.537 52 MW-19 2/26.12 - 8.14 -419 16.85 1.511 0.8 5131113 - 7.50 192.5 19'" 5.893 2.7 8n8+13 - 6.20 213-1 21,16 5-29 3.311 1 V7113 17 5,84 229-2 21,01 5.124 3-45 V2T14 6,21 95-7 16-11 4.303 3-65 612114 5,92 160-8 20.711 5.681 2.19 10116NI4 5,76 64:9 22.42 4.739 [L21) 412315 - 5,49 -77.4 18-81 4.276 1.21 10AN15 - 4.57 -61.9 24.60 4.446 (115 Notes; I.; Sodium persulfate test kits results of 0,07 WL are treated as "nor+ -detections", as [bey are within the margin-of-trror for detection, 2.) Values are not ctmsissom with historic values arid may be the resin[ of instrument malfuncl ion. 31 Dissolved oxygen results above natural con I apprtixurtmely 9,1 mWL at 20'C) are considered to repmwal measurement r and are not considered representative or actual dissolved oxygen ctmcentrasicm in groundwater- Error in mcasuremcn[s for (lie sensor used. a steady-state polaro raphic sensor, can be caused by membrane fouImg and interference gases. among other "uses I YSL 2009). The likelihood of measurement error from these sources may have been heightened by the injection. 4J Elevated pH is the resull of the Orinbcr 2011 sodium hydroxide pilot test injection adjacent to MW-6- Subsequent elevated pH measurements m 41 W-5R, MN' -SR. MW-18, and MW-19 are associated wish June 2012 and June 2013 sodium persulfale and sodium hydroxide injections. - activated sodium persul fate injccuoas were performed al the sue from June 4. 2012, to June 9, 2012, and from June 3, 2013. to June 6. 2013- ORP - oxidation reduction potenlial DO - dissolved oxygen g,'L - greens per liter 3m. - standard units mV - millivolts T • degrees Celsius = Not Measured ND - Nix Detected Temp, - temperature Specific C ond- - speific conductance mSlcm - miOiSiemens per centsmcter mgil_ - milligramis per leer 3 of 3 APPENDIX E ASP INJECTION PERFORMANCE MONITORING PARAMETER TIME -TREND GRAPHS Q 10/31/2011 12/31/2011 2/29/2012 4/30/2012 6/30/2012 8/31/2012 10/31/2012 12/31/2012 2/28/2013 4/30/2013 6/30/2013 8/31/2013 v 10/31/2013 12/31/2013 2/28/2014 4/30/2014 6/30/2014 8/31/2014 10/31/2014 12/31/2014 2/28/2015 4/30/2015 6/30/2015 8/31/2015 10/31/2015 pH 45.U.y r r r ru A tl'+ Oc p N A 0 Q O 0 0 0 fl r w 07 fir. w �D W 70 .m n 7 0 C m m d 10/31/2011 12/31/2011 2/29/2012 4/30/2012 6/30/2012 8/31/2012 10/31/2012 12/31/2012 2/28/2013 4/30/2013 6/30/2013 8/31/2013 v 10/31/2013 ro 12/31/2013 2/28/2014 4/30/2014 6/30/2014 8/31/2014 10/31/2014 12/31/2014 2/28/2015 4/30/2015 6/30/2015 8/31/2015 10/31/2015 N A M � � Q a a a a a a Sulfate (mg/L) r h+ 0c a N d Q a a o 0 a d a w I--+ N A Qf co O O d d a O d d a o v Q o I � I w � o0 61 5 O 10/31/2011 12/31/2011 2/29/2012 4/30/2012 6/30/2012 8/31/2012 10/31/2012 12/31/2012 2/28/2013 4/30/2013 6/30/2013 8/31/2013 0 10/31/2013 ro 12/31/2013 2/28/2014 4/30/2014 6/30/2014 8/31/2014 10/31/2014 12/31/2014 2/28/2015 4/30/2015 6/30/2015 8/31/2015 10/31/2015 Specific Conductivity (mS/cm) IV A 01 00 0 N A O] 00 0 0 00 0 0 O 0 p 0 O I I I 2