HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC192457_NOT Supporting Documents_20210104FILED DAVIDSON COUNTY, NC Michael E. Horne, REGISTER OF DEEDS 3/24/2020 9:35:47 AM BOOK 2400 PAGE 1261 — 1264 INSTRUMENT #2020000006400 Recording:$26.00 Excise Tax:$280.00 Deputy: ERECORD Excise Tax: $280.00 Parcel Identifier No. 14.00700000031 Verified by County on the _____ day of. 20 By: 1`v'laillBOx to: This instrument was prepared by: David T Kasper, a licensed North Carolina attornev. Delinquent taxes, ifatzy, io be by the closing attorm y> to the county tax collector upon disbursernent of,closing pi oceeds. Brief description for the Index: Acreage Old Mill Farm Road, Lexington, NC 'PHIS DEED made this � day of ��i _ 2020, by and between GRANTOR Grindstone Place, LLC 221 Northwood Court Lexington, NC 27295 GRANTEE H & N1 Property Investments, LLC Send future tax bills: 185 Miss Emery Lane Lexington, NC 27295 The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. «'ITNESSETII, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain. sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot, parcel of land or condominium unit situated in the City of Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: SEE ATTACHED "EXHIBIT A" The property hercinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book .) 377 Page 2441. All or a portion of the property herein conveyed includes or X does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. submitted electronically by "Kasper & Payne, P.A." in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Davidson county Register of Deeds. BK: 2400 PG: 1262 TO H 1VF AND I0 1-101.D the aforesaid .ct or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtcnances thereto belonging to the Granice ill fie simple. And the Grantor co errants x ith the Grantee, that Grantor rs seized of the premiscs to fee simple. has the right to coati ey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warTant and defend the title a,-minst the lau-f ll Claims of all persons �,vhomsocver, other than the follo�A ing exceptions_ Easements and Restrictions or record, if any, and current years Ad Valorem Taxes. IN WI YNFSS WHEREOF_ the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as oftho day and year first ahovc wiitt�ni. GRINDSTONE PLACK LLC By: t ' L[/t J r s in R. tiifnng, 'MeM)er/Afanager State of County of DES 1, the undersigned Notary Public of the County of r "%S and State aforesaid. certify that Justin R. Nifong, personally came before me this day and acknov,,ledged that he is the nTber/Mattaeer of Grindstone Place LLC, and that by authority duly given and as the act of such entity, lie signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. Witness my hand and Notarial stamp or seal, this days of t / 2020. My Commission Fxpires: t g5 € i F 2 PU �¢ l � 3€ t =fay BK: 2400 PG: 1263 "Exhibit A" Lying and being in Davidson County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as Beginning at an existing iron pipe in the western R/W of Old Mill Farm Road (SR 144S), the SEcorner o[George Boudnooguio(DB 2279PG2O44),said iron pipe having NC Grid Coordinates [NAD83^201lprojection, DSFeet) ofN794R47.54'816OU823.16,running thence with the western K/VVnfOld Mill Farm Road S17deg 39min 24sec VV 358.88'toa new iron pipe, the NE corner of Jose Pineda Lugo (DB 2363 PG 692), running thence with the northern lines o[Lugo and %u|aPrevette(DB22569C1S26) N77deg 07min 10sec VV S05.16'to an existing iron pipe, the NW corner of Prevette, also corner to James Wiggins, running thence with Wiggins N44deg 41min %1sec VV 283.O4'toopoint iothe center o[ a branch, running thence with the center of the branch as it meanders, also the eastern line ofWiggins, the following 13calls- N33deg E8min 47sec VV 125.51'' N44deg 18min 22 sec 119.94'. N44deg 24min 10sec VV 144.94', N38deg 1Omin 08sec VV 95.17'' N24 deg 34min 12sec VV 71.57'' NO2deg S6min SBsec VV 16.02', N37deg 08min 57sec VY 117.62', N3Zdeg 45min 1lsec VV33.83',S44deg 4@min O7sec VV 23.81', NS5deg O9 min %1sec VV 2074'' N lOdeg 59roio 16sec VV 32.39'' N66deg 16min 34sec YV 29.97'' and Nl7deg 31min 37sec VV 10.O4'.thence leaving the branch and running with the southern line of Kenneth Lambeth (DB 1205 PG 1282), crossing existing iron pipes at 40.S7'and 660.89'abearing and total distance ofS?9deg 47min 5lsec B 1201.93't000 existing iron pipe, the SE corner of Lambeth in the western line of Nancy Lee Hege Whisenhunt (DB 359 PG 24S), running thence with Whisenhunt's western line 306deg S6 raio25aocVV 125.48'toanew iron pipe, the N8corner o{Corbin Carter (DB2154PB 1566)'ruooiog thence with Carter's northern, western, and southern lines N83deg 44 min 43sec W 272.89'tnxnexisting iron pipe, 31Udeg 12min 38sec YV lS6.61'toall existing iron pipe, and 375deg 59min G3sec 8 23O.lO'toauexisting iron pipe, the SE corner ofCarter, also being the SVVcorner ufBoudouuquieaoreferenced above, running thence with 8ouduuoquie'ssouthern line S64deg 5Smin 50sec B 20929'tuthe point and place o{beginning, conto1nin013.49lacres'mureor\auo,accurdiugtosurvrybyCno Forestry and Surveying entitled Grindstone Place, LLC, dated 19 September 2019, and being )ob#10107. Together with anon-exclusive general access and utility easement being described au follows: Beginning o1anew iron pipe, the N8corner ofCorbin Carter (DB2154DG1S6S), the SW corner of Nancy Lee Hege Wbisenhunt (DB 359 PG 245), and the NW corner of George 8oudousguie(D83279PC3U49).running thence with the western line ^f VVbi:oobuut NO6deg 56min 25sec B 80.02'toanew iron pipe, thence crossing VVbixouhuut'aproperty SOOdeg G9min 48sec 8 l90.64'toanew iron pipe iothe western R/VVufOld Mill Farm Road, thence with the western R/WofOld Mill Farm Road S09deg OU min 12 sec 30.00' toao existing iron pipe, the N8 corner o[Bnodousquie.thence with Boudnumquie'onorthern line M80deg S9min 48sec W 189.56'tothe point and place of beginning, ooutaimiugS7U3 square feet. BK: 2400 PG: 1264 Subject to that portion of the access and utility easement described in DB 2154 PG 1565 which crosses the 13.491 acre tract described above. Property Address: 00 Old Mill Farm Road Lexington, NC 27295 Tax Parcel #: 1400700000031