HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081832 Ver 2_More Info Received_20101117SE 40 Centre - DWQ Re-Submittal SE 40 Centre - DWQ Re-Submittal Danny Howell [Danny.Howell@bnkinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:41 PM To: NThomson@SandEC.com Cc: Bob Zarzecki [bzarzecki@sandec.com]; bev.strickland@ncmail.net Attachments: DWQ.pdf (10 KB) ; Danny L. Howell Jr. PE.vcf (587 B) Page I of I Bob/Nilkki, Please follow the instructions in the attached pdf in order to access our FTP Site. Please note, that you must enter the information in Windows Explorer/My Computer and not Internet Explorer/Browser, and that the password is case sensitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. I have included pdf's of the complete resubmittal package on the FTP Site. Do you need any additional information from us, i.e. hard copies? Thanks, E)cwwvy L. Uowe.LL, Jr., PE Project Engineer danny.howell@bnkinc.com BASS, NIXON & KENNEDY, INC. 6310 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 (Office) 919.851.4422 or 800.354.1879 (Fax) 919.851.8968 www.BNKinc.com https://mail.nc.gov/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAAOgPoLNIPQZ06vHVR... 11/18/2010 DISCLAIMER: The electronic file(s) are being transmitted for the recipient's convenience. By opening the electronic file(s) or using the electronic file(s) for any purpose, the recipient agrees to all of the following terms and conditions: 1. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. offers no warranty for the electronic file(s). 2. The recipient of the electronic file(s) shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. and all of its personnel from and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising out of or resulting from the use of the electronic file(s) by the recipient, or by any third party recipient of the electronic file(s). 3. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. expressly reserves its common law copyright and other property rights to the information provided in the electronic file(s). The electronic file(s) may not be transmitted, copied, changed or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written consent of Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. 4. All information contained in the electronic file(s) is considered property of Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. and shall not be used for other projects, for additions to this project, or for completion of this project by others. The electronic file(s) shall remain the property of Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. and in no case shall the transmittal of these electronic file(s) be considered a sale. 5. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. makes no representation as to the compatibility of the electronic file(s) with any hardware or software. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. shall not be responsible for any compatibility problems related to the use of the electronic file(s). 6. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. makes no representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, or permanence neither of the electronic file(s), nor of their merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Addenda information or recent revisions may not have been incorporated into the electronic file(s). In the event that a conflict exists between the electronic file(s) and the original hardcopy, (henceforth defined as the document containing the original seal and signature of the design professional in responsible charge) the original hardcopy shall govern. The original hardcopy, and not the electronic file(s), is the only media that shall be considered the official document. It is the recipient's responsibility to determine if any conflicts exist between the electronic file(s) and the original hardcopy and if all addenda and recent revisions have been incorporated. 7. The electronic file(s) may have been converted from MicroStation DGN format to AutoCad DWG format. Some elements may not convert with 100% accuracy. Please refer to the printed original hardcopy prior to use. 8. The electronic file(s) may have been modified or corrupted without the knowledge of Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc.; therefore the accuracy of the electronic file(s) cannot be assured. Please verify any information from the electronic file(s) with the original hardcopy. FTP INSTRUCTIONS (Downloading of any files subjects user to the above disclaimer): 1. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and type this into the address bar: ftp://ftp.bnkinc.com/ 2. Enter the following User ID: DWQ 3. *Enter the following Password: Ztbr34! * Please note capital letters in password or 1. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and type this into the address bar: ftp://DWQ:Ztbr34!@ftp.bnkinc.com npwmz? BASS. NIXON & KENNEDY. INC.. CONSUt...71NG ENGINEERS 6310 CHAPEL HILL ROAD, SUITE 250, RALEIGH, NC 27607 919!851-4422 FAX 919!863-8966 www.BNKinc.com November 17, 2010 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 Location: 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Suite 250 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Attn: Ian McMillan, Acting Supervisor PROJECT NAME: SE 40 Centre DWQ PROJECT #: 08-1832, Ver. 2 (Wake County) Dear Ian: As Engineers of Record, Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc., offers the following responses to your comments: 1. Please remove the specification for vegetation within the two forebays of the stormwater wetland. Including plants in forebays will reduce their capacity and complicate maintenance activities. 2. Please show the boundaries of the drainage easement around the entire perimeter of the stormwater wetland. 3. Please provide a soils test to document the level of the Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) as listed in the Required Items Checklist of the Wetland Supplement form. SE 40 Centre Page 2 of 2 November 17, 2010 4. The detail of the outlet structure on Sheet D1.0 does not provide an adequate cross-section of the stormwater wetland. Please show the axis of the section detail on the plan view. The axis should be selected to include one of the two forebays. iit,'r J I1l.liy' y () U i, i Jc,I:i Ivl;r(i'9 t4 i\c li :CA !!E'i;. uvi in Be, r Govern( - Dire November 3, 2010 CERTIFIED MAIL: RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED T. Allen Pipkin 10320-113 Durant Road Raleigh, NC 27614 Subject Property: SE 40 Centre Poplar Branch [030402, 27-34-11-1, C, NSW] REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION Dear Mr. Pipkin: 1, S( ary DWQ Project # 08-1832, Ver. 2 Wake County On October 15, 2010, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) received your application dated October 15, 2010, to fill or otherwise impact 0.0989 acres of 404/wetland, 379 linear feet of reportedly ephemeral stream, and 0.00 square feet of Zone 1 Neuse River basin protected riparian buffers and 0.00 square feet of Zone 2 Neuse River basin protected riparian buffers, to construct the proposed industrial project at the site. The DWQ has determined that your application remains incomplete and/or provided inaccurate information as discussed below. The DWQ will require additional information in order to process your application to impact protected wetlands and/or streams on the subject property. Therefore, unless we receive five copies of the additional information requested below, we will place this project on hold as incomplete until we receive this additional information. If we do not receive the requested information, your project will be formally returned as incomplete. Please provide the following information so that we may continue to review your project. Additional Information Requested: 1. Please remove the specification for vegetation within the two forebays of the stormwater wetland. Including plants in forebays will reduce their capacity and complicate maintenance activities. 2. Please show the boundaries of the drainage easement around the entire perimeter of the stormwater wetland. 3. Please provide a soils test to document the level of the Seasonal High Water Table (SHWT) as listed in the Required Items Checklist of the Wetland Supplement form. 4. The detail of the outlet structure on Sheet D1.0 does not provide an adequate cross-section of the stormwater wetland. Please show the axis of the section detail on the plan view. The axis should be selected to include one of the two forebays. The section detail should include an accurate depiction of the wetland zones/elevations along the axis. 401 OverginhVExprpss Revie- Permittinn Unit 1650 Mai ,)E ;E Jent jh, N ., olina 27699-1650 hoc t:_n North Carolina 27604 Phc Internet. hup n :k An Equa: _rr-,t_.,ityl,.,.,,..._,..a1. ,._n Employer T. Allen Pipkin Page 2 of 2 November 3, 2010 Please submit this information within 30 calendar days of the date of this letter. If we do not receive this requested information within 30 calendar days of the date of this letter, then your project will be returned and you will need to reapply with a new application and a new fee. This letter only addresses the application review and does not authorize any impacts to wetlands, waters or protected buffers. Please be aware that any impacts requested within your application are not authorized (at this time) by the DWQ. Please call Mr. Ian McMillan or Ms. Annette Lucas at 919-733-1786 if you have any questions regarding or would like to set up a meeting to discuss this matter. Sincerely, Ian McMillan, Acting Supervisor 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit IJM/aml cc: Brenda Menard, Asst. Attorney General, NC Dept. of Justice, P.O. Box 629, Raleigh, NC 27602-0629 Lauren Witherspoon, DWQ Raleigh Regional Office USACE Raleigh Regulatory Field Office File Copy Nicole Thomson, S&EC, P.A., 11010 Raven Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27614 Filename: 081832Ver2_SE40Centre(Wake)On_Hold T9 8 - Charlotte Office: r Phone: (704) 720-4405 on 8234 F : (704) 720-9406 F : (v36) S. J-8235 C soil profile descriptions or the soil series encountered are included i Attachment Please keep i i a this soil description is NOT the description for is specific site rather but ral. o description provided by NRCS or that soil series. These general descriptions are provided merely to provide additional information for this general soil type. Soil Environmental Consultants, is leas to of service in this matter we loo forward to assisting i the successful completion o the project. Please feel free to call with any questions o comments. ti .G v a s ' r M a d o R 0 R i C a n L° LSI? Q rr C) W V? u ? CP - Z 8 y 5 rr p V .. z ® O O O N U) U) m0-a mr- m U) co -U 0 m0 0Zz m m v U) O0- ?> m _ -90 ? OTT Z? N r< yJ Z V? T V L A /°??I / Z > CO p?] r- r Uj ?T /eyi0 y q 11 ° 1 V d ry0 0 N ? b <? ? ®O) fTl U) Z0R, ) ? C: M u 0 ?> M 0 fn m (A U) ;u 0m m Om r- Frl 00 1 I f a c r' outheast 40 Centre 14011.sl 11/12110 Official Series Description - ALTAVISTA Series LOCATION TAVIS A N ++ CA SC A CLASS: TAXONOMIC Fine-loamy, mixed, se i ctive, thermic Aquic a alts Page TYPICAL PEDON: Altavista e sandy loam--cultivated. (Colors are for moist soil unless otherwise stated.) -- to inches; grayish brown (1 GYR 5/2) fine sandy l ; weak medium granular structure; very a ie; any fine roots; moderately aci ; abrupt smooth boundary. (5 to 1 inches is -- to 1 inches; pale brown (1 OYR6/3) fine can fvr a ; ea fine granular structure; ve ; e. n roots; moderately acl ; abrupt smooth V) fk;,IN :-- 12 to 15 ' t s; brownish yellow (1 OYR /) sandy ay to ; weak fi ; - _ - --®r ock c e; - . ) , e medium roots; moderately ci ; clear v boundary. ( to `-1G es thick) t --15 to 2 ices; yellowish brown (I OYR 5/) clay to ; weak medium su n lar blocky structure; ifiable; common prominent yellowish (5 5/) asses of iron accumulation; few f roots; e flakes o is ; common faint clay films o aces o s; moderately ci ; clear smooth boundary. BU-20 to 5 inches; yellowish brown (1 SYR /) sandy clay loam; weak medium _ 6 _lar blocky structure; fiiable; e e roots; common prominent light brownish a (107_ /) iron depletions; flakes few o is ; common faint clay films o faces o e s; strongly aci ; gradual smooth I .. _ undary. (Combined thickness of the horizon i 1 to 40 inches.) '--35 to 2 inches; brownish yellow (10 6/6) sandy loa ; weak --? °'°-n l r oc structure; __ia e; many medium prominent light brownish y (1 SYR /2) iron u_ '.i('.1s; few flakes of mica; strongly aci ; gradual smooth boundary. (0 to 25 inches thick) G-42 to 60 inches; mottled yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/) a ray (1 GYR /) coarse sandy loa ; https:Hsoilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD-Does/A/ALTAVISTA.html 11/12/2010 Official Series Description - Series ALTAVISTA Page of 4 massive; very a ; many ravel; few flakes o mica; strongly acid. TYPE LOCATION: Wake County, North Carolina; 12 miles south of f ale- a 1 tae Road, 1.5 its southwest o out Church on farm roa ; near Middle Creek, 200 y r s east o fa road. or orizo : Color--hue of 7.5Y R, , or 2.5Y, value of 4 to 6, and chro a of I to Texture--loamy sand, loamy fine sand, fine sandy loam, very fine sandy loam, silt loam, sandy loam, or to horizon, (where present): Color--hue of to 2.5, value o 5 to 7, an c o a of 3 to Texture--loamy sand, loamy fine sand, fine sandy loam, very fine sandy loam, silt loam, sandy loam, or loam The BE horizon (where present): Color--hue 7.5 , Y, o 2.5Y, value o 5 to 7, and c ro a of to Texture--fine sandy loam, sandy loam, loam, or sandy clay learn horizon (where resent): Color--hue of 7.5Y R, 1 Y , o 2.5Y, value o 5 to 7, and c ro a of 3 to . Texture--sandy loam, loam, sandy c loam, fine sandy loam, loamy fine sand, or loamy sand e oxi o is features--masses o oxidized iron i saes of brown, yellow, or e a iron depletions in shades of olive or ay horizon: Color--hue o 7.5 to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and chro a of 3 to 8 Texture--loamy sediment, commonly sandy loam, fine sandy learn, loam, sandy clay learn, or clay to ; https:Hsoilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD-Docs/A/ALTAVISTA.httnl 11/12/2010 Official Series Description - ALTAVISTA Series Page some ons have horizons that are clayey Redoximorphic features--masses oxidized iron i saes o brown, yellow, o red and iron depletions saes of olive o gray horizon ere present): Color--neutral o bii, o . R to 2.5Y, value of 4 to 7, and ro a of 1 or Texture--loamy se rent, y sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, sandy clay loam, o clay loam Redoximorphic - a rf oxidized iron i shades o brown, yellow, or red a iron depletions in shades o olive y 00 1 I_ Wickham soils--well rain soils a a redder subsoil; o sl ly'-1 ? - sca es DRAINAGE AND ,° J_ : Agricultural Drainage lass: P.; -mL-el well drained Permeability: Moderate USE AND VEGETATION: Major e: Mostly cultivated Dominant Vegetation: ere cultivated--co --., cotton, small in, soybeans, tobacco, peanuts, a truck crops. Where wooded--loblolly, sw - , r maple, yellow-poplar, white o, southern oak, https:Hsoilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD-Docs/A/ALTAVISTA.html 11/12/2010 Official Series Description - ALTAVISTA Series Page 4of4 water oak, American beech, and hickory. Common e s o is include flowering dogwood, blueberry, sassafras, eastern edbu , eats es r, winged elm, ree er, sou oo , southern bayberry (y le), inkberry (bitter all e ), s ers ee cle ra, honeysuckle, and poison i DISTRIBUTION AND EXTENT: Distribution: Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and Virginia. Altavista soils were correlated i older si Pennsylvania, but those survey areas are outside the MLRA range. Extent: Large MLRA SOIL SURVEY REGIONAL OFFICE .:) ' 'ON-_ ':'11-: Raleigh, North Carolina ESTABLISHED: Granville County, North Carolina; 1910. 1ARKS: Altavista soils are restricts to fluvial terraces. The 05/06 revision refined the textures o ___ C and Cg i the range o characteristics. The 03/06 revision dropped 153B. Diagnostic horizons and features recognized i eon e: c c i o -- e zone o the surface to a depth o 1 ices (the horizons) Argillic horizon--the zone o a depth o 12 to a depth of 5 inches (the BE, t, d? 'lorizons) Aquic subgroup fey e-- i o is depletions i ro a of 2 o less within the l r 24 inches of -, argillic horizon i, 1 FONAL DATA: one t JLAR SERIES DATA: SOT-5 Soil Name Slope Airte Frr/Seas Precip Elevation NCO054 TVST 0-10 57-70 185-250 37-69 25-750 SI-5 FlooL Floo atete Kind Months Bedrock CO05 NONE COMMON 1.5-2. APPARENT DEC-APR >?. Sol-5 Depth Texture 3-Inch o-10 Clay % -CC- CO054 0-12 LS LFS 0-0 90-100 5-10 2-5 NCO054 0-12 FSL L SL 0-0 0-100 10-24 3-8 NCO054 0-12 SIL VFSL 0-0 5-100 -25 -8 NC005 12-42 CL SCL L 0-0 95-100 1:-35 3-7 NCO054 42-60 V - - SOI-5 Depth -pH- Salinity Permeability Shrink-Swell NCO054 0-12 3.5-6.5 0.5-3.0 0-0 .0-20 LOW 00054 0-12 3.5-6.5 0.5-3.0 0--0 2.-6.0 Low NCO054 0-12 3.5-6.5 0.5-3.0 0--0 2.0-6.0 LOW NCO054 12-42 3.5-6.0 0.0-.5 0-0 .6-2.0 Low NCO054 42-60 - - - - - r ive Soil Surv:.-y U.S.A. https:Hsoilseries.se.egov.usda.gov/OSD-Docs/A/ALTAVISTA.htr.nl 11/12/2010