HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081832 Ver 2_SMP Supporting Calculations_20101117SE 40 Centre - DWQ Re-Submittal SE 40 Centre - DWQ Re-Submittal Danny Howell [Danny.Howell@bnkinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:41 PM To: NThomson@SandEC.com Cc: Bob Zarzecki [bzarzecki@sandec.com]; bev.strickland@ncmail.net Attachments: DWQ.pdf (10 KB) ; Danny L. Howell Jr. PE.vcf (587 B) Page I of I Bob/Nilkki, Please follow the instructions in the attached pdf in order to access our FTP Site. Please note, that you must enter the information in Windows Explorer/My Computer and not Internet Explorer/Browser, and that the password is case sensitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. I have included pdf's of the complete resubmittal package on the FTP Site. Do you need any additional information from us, i.e. hard copies? Thanks, E)cwwvy L. Uowe.LL, Jr., PE Project Engineer danny.howell@bnkinc.com BASS, NIXON & KENNEDY, INC. 6310 Chapel Hill Road, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27607 (Office) 919.851.4422 or 800.354.1879 (Fax) 919.851.8968 www.BNKinc.com https://mail.nc.gov/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAAOgPoLNIPQZ06vHVR... 11/18/2010 DISCLAIMER: The electronic file(s) are being transmitted for the recipient's convenience. By opening the electronic file(s) or using the electronic file(s) for any purpose, the recipient agrees to all of the following terms and conditions: 1. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. offers no warranty for the electronic file(s). 2. 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The electronic file(s) shall remain the property of Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. and in no case shall the transmittal of these electronic file(s) be considered a sale. 5. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. makes no representation as to the compatibility of the electronic file(s) with any hardware or software. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. shall not be responsible for any compatibility problems related to the use of the electronic file(s). 6. Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc. makes no representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, or permanence neither of the electronic file(s), nor of their merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Addenda information or recent revisions may not have been incorporated into the electronic file(s). In the event that a conflict exists between the electronic file(s) and the original hardcopy, (henceforth defined as the document containing the original seal and signature of the design professional in responsible charge) the original hardcopy shall govern. The original hardcopy, and not the electronic file(s), is the only media that shall be considered the official document. It is the recipient's responsibility to determine if any conflicts exist between the electronic file(s) and the original hardcopy and if all addenda and recent revisions have been incorporated. 7. The electronic file(s) may have been converted from MicroStation DGN format to AutoCad DWG format. Some elements may not convert with 100% accuracy. Please refer to the printed original hardcopy prior to use. 8. The electronic file(s) may have been modified or corrupted without the knowledge of Bass, Nixon & Kennedy, Inc.; therefore the accuracy of the electronic file(s) cannot be assured. Please verify any information from the electronic file(s) with the original hardcopy. FTP INSTRUCTIONS (Downloading of any files subjects user to the above disclaimer): 1. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and type this into the address bar: ftp://ftp.bnkinc.com/ 2. Enter the following User ID: DWQ 3. *Enter the following Password: Ztbr34! * Please note capital letters in password or 1. Open Windows Explorer or My Computer and type this into the address bar: ftp://DWQ:Ztbr34!@ftp.bnkinc.com lit }N & 10 Awl T lli IW (T iil I IN G ? JAY KH t3 . _. _ . . W al W85 K My VOC lm 9415144 n umn sic AV P.1 / .-'3' ? 1 ? TWOUR do ? w T TO W WA IT P ii . ti, I' ?3 i I `-- ? :, E-}, ??J?3 i-.'? l?l`.<? i:il al') 1 ,,. ;+?{ il< i. `!'s ,.41+,. Jii? ? ? ':(i! JiNl ) ? !\il ) I'E li1)i I )Iii 1 3-)i_ ffp u u ().i. ds ,c.-,_ o E A & (p olka , UK; I .E 1 . Hi1 k 1wni t WO 1)odb nd h i 1 , _ . . j + fi`g' <, (-iE ?J ???C! l? )?• ?' is 3 ( ? , Acss c ? a _ i.io :i clic.. cd ivt_. P"v' ", ui: I „ ic!"' 3 ! ! (OI" Ai(,. (NOV - ID ',N [ 0 c; OE i, n, ?i M= Qi( .r, ia _ _ ? _ . . . + , , " _ ! 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