HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020164 Ver 1_Monitoring Report Year 4_20101115a ?. ?C) C? c) i Trout Cove Branch and Tributary Stream Restoration NCEEP Project Number: 388 Monitoring Year 4 2008 Final Report Submitted to North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources May 2009 1619 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 e Trout Cove Branch and Tributary Stream Restoration 2008 Monitoring Report (MY 4) Table of Contents 1.0 Executive Summary / Project Abstract Page 1 2.0 Project Background Page 2 2.1 Project Objectives Page 2 2.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach Page 2 2.3 Location and Setting Page 3 2.4 Project History and Background Page 5 2.5 Monitoring Plan View Page 7 3.0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results Page 9 3.1 Vegetation Assessment Page 9 3. 1.1 Vegetation Problem Areas Page 9 3.1.2 Vegetation Problem Area Plan View Page 10 3.2 Stream Assessment Page 10 3.2.1 Morphometric Criteria Page 10 3.2.2 Hydrologic Criteria Page 11 3.2.3 Bank Stability Assessments Page 11 3.2.4 Current Condition Plan View Page 11 3.2.5 Stream Problem Areas Page 11 3.2.6 Numbered Issue Photos Page 11 3.2.7 Fixed Station Photos Page 11 3.2.8 Stream Stability Assessment Page 11 3.2.9 Quantitative Measures Summary Page 12 3.3 Wetland Assessment Page 22 4.0 Methodology Page 23 5.0 References Page 24 Figures Figure 1. Vicinity Map Page 4 Figure 2. Monitoring Plan View Page 8 Tables Table la. Project Components Page 2 Table 1 b. Component Summations Page 3 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Page 5 Table 3. Project Contacts Page 6 Table 4. Project Background Page 7 Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Page 11 Table 6. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Page 12 Table 7. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Page 13 - 15 Table 8. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Page 16 - 21 Appendices Appendix A. Vegetation Data Appendix B. Geomorphologic Data Appendix C. Wetland Data Appendix D. Integrated Current Condition Plan View 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / PROJECT ABSTRACT The Trout Cove Branch and Tributary Stream Restoration Site are located in Clay County, North Carolina within the Hiwassee River Basin. The stream was designed and implemented under a North Carolina Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) grant in June of 2002. Funds were transferred from the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) to the CWMTF in 2004 and the project was first monitored by NCEEP in 2005 to service mitigation needs in the cataloging unit (CU). Based on available data, the actual restored length is approximately 3,120 linear feet for Trout Cove Branch and 888 linear feet for the unnamed tributary. As this was a CWMTF project of that time period, the designer did not resurvey the profile after construction and therefore a geomorphological as-built was not produced. The first geomorphological measurement point was generated in 2005 after transfer to NCEEP, with 2008 representing Monitoring Year 4 (MY 4). Geomorphology and vegetation data collected in 2008 were repeated for those monitoring locations established in 2005. Two additional longitudinal profile monitoring reaches were established in 2008. Additionally, based on 2008 visual observations and data some cross section classification types (riffles and pools) were reclassified in MY 4 as compared to nomenclature utilized in previous monitoring reports. Based on the available data, stream profiles have remained relatively stable between monitoring years. The two main issues on the project mainstem had to do with pool aggradation and structural piping. All other metrics indicated performance percentages averaging between 93 and 100%. The extent of pool aggradation is likely the result of historic low flows preventing pool scour and sediment transport. Approximately half the structures surveyed had some level of piping, but the visual observations and the profile indicate no significant or systemic loss of grade. While two aforementioned stability or structural parameters appear to have shifted substantially between MY 3 and MY 4, field observations and discussion with NCEEP made it apparent that these differences may have been more an artifact of data compilation discrepancies in prior submissions and differences in visual thresholds between performers as opposed to a sudden shift in project performance variables. The MY 4 vegetation monitoring indicates that the project meets the established criteria for planted stem density, which is a minimum survival of 320 stems per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period. Average stem density for planted stems in MY 4 is approximately 428 stems per acre. However, when planted and natural stems are combined, the average stem density is 775 stems per acre, which is well above the minimum established criteria. While there were differences in data collection methodologies between years, the MY 4 indicates a 31 % increase in total stem density since MY 3. Vegetation problem areas consist of bare bench and floodplain areas as well as isolated invasive/exotic species throughout the easement area. While the stem densities and vigor are good, the site does exhibit a few, small isolated bare bench areas and also has approximately 10 currently isolated patches of high threat invasive plant species that span the project extent. Trout Cove Branch Final 1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND 2.1 Project Objectives Project objectives were not explicitly stated in a mitigation plan since the original funding sources and monitoring requirements were not established by the NCEEP for the Trout Cove Branch and Tributary restoration project. NCEEP will attempt to acquire a plan document from the Natural Resource Conservation Services or CWMTF that delineates the project objectives. If documentation is acquired, project objectives will be included in next year's report. 2.2 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach Prior to restoration, both Trout Cove Branch and the unnamed tributary had been impacted by past land uses including grazing, mowing, channelization, and other maintenance activities (HRWC). Stream reaches lacked riparian corridors and exhibited severe bank erosion with stream bank heights ranging from 1 to 6 feet. The streams were classified as unstable B5 stream types. Soil loss for Trout Cove Branch was estimated at 170 tons per year prior to restoration. Stream restoration methods were based on natural channel design methodologies as proposed by Rosgen (1996). The approach included channel realignment to restore pattern, dimension, and profile in keeping with a reference condition. It also included installation of rock vanes and root wads for the vertical and lateral stability in this B type step pool channel. The completed restoration included approximately 4,008 linear feet of stream restoration and associated riparian re-vegetation (Table 1 a & 1 b). Table Ia. Project Components Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Project Footage Existing Restoration Buffer Component or Approach or Stationing BMP Elements Comment Feet Level Acres Reach ID Acreage Reach I R 3,120 If 0+00-31+20 Included riparian re- 8 6 vegetation Reach Il -Trib R 888 if 0+00-08+88 . Included riparian re- ve *etation - Information unavailable. Trout Cove Branch Final 2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Table lb. Component Summations Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Restoration Level Stream (if) Riparian Wetland (Ac) Non- Riipc r Upland (Ac) Buffer (Ac) BMP Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration 4,008 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II Creation Preservation HQ Preservation 0 0 Totals 4,008 0 0 0 8.6 0 Non-Applicable 2.3 Location and Setting Trout Cove Branch and the unnamed tributary are located in Clay County, North Carolina within the Hiwassee River Basin. The project is located within Cataloging Unit (USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Unit) 06020002 and the NCDWQ sub-basin 04-05-01. The project site is located between the communities of Warne and Brasstown approximately 7 miles southeast of Murphy, North Carolina (Figure 1). The headwaters of Trout Cove Branch and the unnamed tributary originate primarily northwest of the project site. The drainage area for Trout Cove Branch is 0.45 square-miles and consists of a mix of pasture, forest, and low-density development. The unnamed tributary has a drainage area of 0.09 square-miles with current land use including pasture and forest. Trout Cove Branch Final 3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 f 5ti_l j 1 f 1 `.:. 1 ,?. • ?. _ „?,,:,. "'t" tl ' , ' ?, . tel. r r ?) `? t ?`?? r "W _ t Unnamed 1? ?l p 0 ?,"12 (+,`r a . Tributary t7 (? ?`.' ? , r r - f fE r , r cr y ?c?33]j P 1? 1 t f S.$ r itt r} e ` . ? Trout Cove -7 ?r T_ .. (? t l0'wx r Branch r t d +t"-•" fir' lr'. ?!? I - ` n x r 0 ?r rat > ""y j k w a y t. ,1 I ? r r -, r v - ..5 7 J, fJ ,A• 1? - !ttr1 .} I i''r`. ?t C ?,..?_ry~ ?,,, ?,1 .? J' F M .. _,?t f? !, i J?? ?^ 'F ' 97 fj n lr"1 r ?.?. 'y'? ? ,- ? f ? ,? titi? ? i?,l ' ? y d,,'? ( ' a? _ *''• t`? ""? 'l ?, y ? ? I l]71 J'I f d { i? Old f94? ?y>. I 64 r- Mika1 ti ' 74 "? (VirM f t t A A .? Bt+e rte' _ _ `? i ' ?N Y Figure 1 - Vicinity Map r I ACKSON 1 CWNTY i T? Trout Cove Branch & Tributary l11 ?q/ EQUINOX .rr v, bWNT \ rnV(p0NMe\r%I » (,)S to"11 -TI r' Restoration Site °° • j Project No. 388 N Directions: From 1-40, take US-74 West. Turn left 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 onto NC-141 South. Turn left onto US-64 and turn Feet right onto Old US-64 West. Continue through the Clay County, North Carolina Town of Brasstown and turn left onto Trout Cove Rd. Turn right onto McCray Rd. The site is located May 2009 7.5 Minute Series Peachtree Quadrangle on the right. 2.4 Project History and Background Trout Cove Branch was originally completed in 2002 as a CWMTF project. In 2004, NCEEP purchased the project to apply towards mitigation needs in the Hiwassee River Basin. Initial data collection efforts occurred in 2005 (MY 1) by the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University with 2008 representing MY 4 of 5. The project activity and reporting history from 2001 to 2008 are presented in Table 2. Project personnel and contact information for the design and monitoring components are presented in Table 3. Table 4 presents background information for the project site and the reference sites utilized for design. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Delivery Restoration Plan - 2001 Final Design - 90% - - Permitting N/A Jan 2002 Construction N/A - Temporary S&E Mix Applied to Project Area N/A - Live Stakes and Bare Root Trees Planted N/A - Pro'ect Completion N/A May 2002 Baseline / Year 1 Monitoring 2005 2006 Year 2 Monitoring Nov 2006 Jan 2007 Year 3 Monitoring Nov 2007 March 2008 Year 4 Monitoring Nov 2008 May 2009 Year 5 Monitorin - Information unavailable. N/A - Item does not apply. Trout Cove Branch Final 5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Table 3. Project Contacts Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Designer Primary Project Design POC ARCADIS G&M Unknown Construction Contractor Primary Project Design POC C & H Services Unknown Planting Contractor Planting Contractor POC Unknown Unknown Seeding Contractor Seeding Contractor POC Unknown Unknown Seed Mix Sources Unknown Nursery Stock Suppliers Unknown Monitoring Performers (Y1) - 2005 North Carolina State University Stream Monitoring POC Unknown Vegetation Monitoring POC Unknown Monitoring Performers (Y2) - 2006 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 26714 Stream Monitoring POC Jessica Regan (919) 846-5900 Ve etation Monitoring POC Jessica Regan 919 846-5900 Monitoring Performers (Y3) - 2007 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 26714 Stream Monitoring POC Jessica Regan (919) 846-5900 Vegetation Monitoring POC Jessica Regan (919 846-5900 Monitoring Performers (Y4) - 2008 Equinox Environmental Consultation & Design, Inc. 37 Haywood Street, Suite 100 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Stream Monitoring POC Steve Melton (828) 253-6856 Vegetation Monitoring POC Sarah Marcinko 828 253-6856 Monitoring Performers (Y5) - 2009 Stream Monitoring POC Vegetation Monitoring POC Unknown - Information was unknown at time of report submittal. Trout Cove Branch Final 6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc, Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Table 4. Project Background Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Project Count Clay Drainage Area Trout Cove Branch - 0.453 square miles Unnamed Tributary - 0.094 square miles Drainage Impervious Cover Estimate (%) Trout Cove Branch <I% Unnamed Tributary 1.3% Stream Order Trout Cove Branch - 2 order Unnamed Tributary - 1 order Ph sio ra hic Region Blue Ridge Ecore ion Southern Crystalline Ridges & Mountains 66d Rosgen Classification of Proposed Design Trout Cove Branch - Boa Unnamed Tributary - Boa Cowardin Classification N/A Dominant Soil Types Trout Cove Branch - RhA, LoC, FrA Unnamed Tributary - RhA, LoC, FrA Reference Site ID Trout Cove Branch - Big Tuni Creek Unnamed Tributary - Big Tuni Creek USGS HUC Trout Cove Branch - 06020002 Unnamed Tributary - 06020002 Big Tuni Creek - 06020002 NCDWQ Sub-basin Trout Cove Branch 04-05-01 Unnamed Tributary 04-05-01 Big Tuni Creek 1-21-5 NCDWQ Classification Trout Cove Branch WS-lV Unnamed Tributary WS-IV Big Tuni Creek C; Tr, HQW An Portion of Project Segment 303d Listed No An Portion of Project Segment Upstream of a 303d No Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor N/A % of Project Easement Fenced 83% N/A - Item does not apply. 2.5 Monitoring Plan View See Figure 2 - Monitoring Plan View. Trout Cove Branch Final 7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 o. 11 \ •\ - ` h ? ? m c ? 3 R ct \ ` \ e?? I ? ? I I 0 .. .. ... ? ?' ? • .... ... ... \1 rim p'0? ?\ \ 7 / 1 p \ ? dl (?xx ° z a •\ °o o U • \ w ----- ------- -- ---- \ r \'? ?•\ \ ? 1 CG ; Ir 8 O \ G M y O \ i U t ., .__. _.._ .---.- \ -1 1 Y 1 p0 1 o a 0 O d w C 'C ?O+ G 7 LZ 3.0 Project Condition and Monitoring Results The MY 4 vegetation and stream data collection occurred between July and November 2008. The constraints and results of the vegetation and stream assessment are discussed in the following sections and referenced figures and tables. 3.1 Vegetation Assessment Vegetation monitoring data collected on July 9, 2008 and August 19, 2008 meet the established success criteria for plant density, which is the minimum survival of 320 stems per acre at the end of Year 3 of the monitoring period. Average stem density for both planted and natural stems in MY 4 is approximately 775 stems per acre. Using the overall site stem density of 590 stems per acre stated in the MY 3 report, there was an approximately 31% increase in stem density between MY 3 and 4. This increase is principally attributed to the accounting in MY 4 of natural stems and six additional species, some of which were previously observed, but not included in Table 5 (Appendix A) of the MY 3 final report. These species include American hop-hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana), Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), Box elder (Acer negundo var. negundo), Black cherry (Prunus serotina var. serotina), Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), and Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia). In contrast, there were several species listed in the MY 3 report that were not relocated in MY 4 and therefore were labeled as missing. Furthermore, vegetation monitoring plots 3 and 7 had low total stem densities and do not meet the established success criteria as indicated in Appendix D - Integrated Current Condition Plan View. Nevertheless, if natural stems are excluded from average site stem density calculations, there are still approximately 428 planted stems per acre, which is a 34% higher stem density than the minimum requirement. Due to differences in monitoring methodologies between MY 3 and MY 4 several assumptions and modifications were made in MY 4 in order to implement the CVS-EEP Level II sampling protocol (Lee et al. 2006). First, photo point locations (plot origins) were georeferenced, flagged, and marked with indelible marker. These points will be the location for reference photographs during subsequent monitoring years. Reference photographs were taken from the origin facing the opposite, diagonal plot corner. For each plot, x and y coordinates and other required data were recorded for all stems in accordance with the CVS-EEP Protocol. Second, several different colors of flagging tape were previously used to mark plant stems, but the significance of the colors were unknown. All previously flagged stems were assumed to be planted and were re-marked with pink flagging tape and any un-marked stems that occurred in the plot were flagged with blue and white tape, and are believed to be new recruits from the past monitoring year. Lastly, several trees of Tag alder (Alnus serrulata), Black locust, and Red maple (Acer rubrum var, rubrum) were previously flagged, but did not occur within the bounds of plots 3, 4, 5, and 6. Taxonomic nomenclature follows Weakley (2008). See Appendix A for vegetation data tables. 3.1.1 Vegetation Problem Areas Vegetation problem areas identified in MY 4 included bare bench and floodplain areas as well as isolated invasive/exotic species throughout the easement area (Appendix A - Table A6). Vegetative growth at four stream bench locations is stunted and appears to be related to poor soil Trout Cove Branch Final 9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 substrate. The bare floodplain problem areas noted are the result of unauthorized mowing and livestock fencing extending into the easement area. An additional problem was identified during the final site visit in November 2008. Mary Jo Deck, one of the existing landowners, indicated that the electrical company recently attempted to mow the existing power line crossings along the upper portion of the project site. A small area was mowed within the easement area prior to the landowners stopping progress. This issue will need to be resolved to prevent potential impacts to the riparian vegetation in proximity to the existing power line crossings. The most significant change in vegetation problem areas between MY 4 and previous monitoring efforts is associated with the extent of invasive/exotic species noted in 2008. The MY 4 efforts documented isolated, dense patches of Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) and Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora). In particular, Japanese honeysuckle largely accounted for the vine strangulation reported in four of the seven monitoring plots. The species most negatively affected by vine strangulation were Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) and Tag alder. 3.1.2 Vegetation Problem Area Plan View See Appendix D - Integrated Current Condition Plan View. 3.2 Stream Assessment 3.2.1 Morphometric Criteria Morphological assessments of Trout Cove Branch and the unnamed tributary reaches were conducted on October 6 through 7 and on November 23, 2008. Longitudinal profile monitoring was increased in 2008 to include a middle survey reach as well as profile measurements for the unnamed tributary. Longitudinal profiles were surveyed for 2,807 linear feet for Trout Cove Branch and 189 linear feet for the tributary. Due to drought conditions in 2008, water surface data collection was limited to the Lower and Middle reaches. Cross-sectional data were collected for the five previously established locations on Trout Cove Branch. In general, the 2008 stream profiles for the Upper and Lower reaches remained similar to previous data collection efforts. It appears that previous monitoring reports combined pattern and profile measurements for the Upper and Lower survey reaches while data collected in 2008 were calculated for each individual reach. Based on MY 4 visual observations and data, some cross section classification types (riffles and pools) were reclassified in MY 4 as compared to nomenclature utilized in previous monitoring reports. Cross section 2 previously classified as a riffle is clearly within the scour zone below a step and was reclassified as a pool. Cross sections 3 and 5 previously classified as pools are not influenced by the scour zone of a structure and therefore were reclassified as riffles. While the calculated cross sectional values reported in 2008 appear variable from previous monitoring results, these differences are associated with different bankfull elevation identification between monitoring years and are not the result of systemic trends in bed movement. The cross sectional plot overlays illustrate that bed form has remained within the variability and sensitivity tolerances expected. Trout Cove Branch Final 10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 3.2.2 Hydrologic Criteria Based on the on-site crest gauge reading and old wrack lines within the floodplain area, there appears to have been a bankfull event between MY 3 and the initial site visit in MY 4 (Table 5). The crest gauge was reset and checked during additional site visits and no additional bankfull events were documented during MY 4. Table 5. Verification of Bankfull Events Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Date o Data Date o Method Photo Collection Occurrence (if available) Wrack lines, stained vegetation, 2006 Unknown displaced/flattened vegetation, and sediment deposition Wrack lines, stained vegetation, 2007 Unknown displaced/flattened vegetation, and sediment deposition 6/27/08 Unknown Crest gauge & wrack lines 3.2.3 Bank Stability Assessments A comprehensive pre-construction BEHI was not performed on this site and therefore does not provide a pre-construction baseline for a meaningful comparison. 3.2.4 Current Condition Plan View See Appendix D - Integrated Current Condition Plan View. 3.2.5 Stream Problem Areas The majority of the stream problem areas identified during the MY 4 visual assessment had been identified during previous monitoring years. Problem areas were primarily associated with stressed or failing engineered structures, which have resulted in areas of bank erosion and stream aggradation. Table B 1 in Appendix B provides categorical feature issues by station, the suspected cause, and denotes the number of a representative photo. 3.2.6 Numbered Issue Photos See Appendix B for photo examples of stream problem areas. 3.2.7 Fixed Station Photos See Appendix B for fixed photo station photos. 3.2.8 Stream Stability Assessment A visual stability assessment was conducted for both the Trout Cove Branch and the tributary reach during the initial site assessments on June 27 and July 9, 2008, and again on October 8, 2008. The 2008 stream stability assessment for the unnamed tributary represents the first year of data collection for this reach. While the 2008 visual morphological stability Reach 1 table illustrate significant declines in performance for some feature categories (pools and vanes), this change from previous monitoring years may be associated with data compilation discrepancies in prior reports as well as visual assessment thresholds between monitoring performers rather than a sudden shift in stream stability. Additionally, historic low flow conditions have likely caused a Trout Cove Branch Final 1 l Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 reduction in sediment transport resulting in increased deposition within the pool scour zones. Additionally, while these two feature categories appear to have significantly declined between years, profile measurements indicated no significant or systemic change in grade. Data collected during the visual stability assessment for Trout Cove Branch and the unnamed tributary reach are included in Table 6 below and in Appendix B - Table B.2. Table 6 provides the categorical stream feature summary for MY 2 through MY 4. Table 6. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Trout Cove Branch / Reach 1 Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02* MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles - 94% 99% 99% B. Pools 100% 100% 71% C. Thalwe 100% 100% 95% D. Meanders 100% 100% 97% E. Bed General 100% 98% 94% F. Bank Condition 100% 99% 96% G. Vanes 96% 95% 85% H. Wads - - ** *Percentages entered were based on the Table B 1 from the 2006 report. There are descrepencies between Table X and Table B 1 for the 2006 report. **Data were not collected due to uncertanties in as-built numbers and limited remains of root wads. - Information unavailable. Table 6 Continued. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 nnamed Tributar Reach 2 Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles - - - - 98% B. Pools - - - - 100% C. Thalwe - - - - 100% D. Meanders - - - - 100% E. Bed General - - - - 99% F. Bank Condition - - - - 100% G. Vanes - - - - 84% H. Wads N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A - information unavailable. N/A - Information does not apply. 3.2.9 Quantitative Measures Summary Quantitative stream monitoring data are summarized in Tables 7 and 8. As-built geomorphological data is unavailable because of non-standard deliverables associated with CWMTF practices prior to transfer. Additionally, the MY 1 longitudinal and cross sectional values were unavailable. NCEEP and Equinox will address the MY 1 calculations during the subsequent monitoring reports. The associated cross-sectional and longitudinal plots are located in Appendix B. Trout Cove Branch Final 12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 ? V I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I z y I I I O I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00 10 I- N O N M O N ' O 00 G bl1 R I ?O N ' N .-. C^"' ? O? N '"' N M O N N v'1 Q Q A ?• + IG M N N ' O O N '? I C O O O LO z z I'?a iw 1. r?+ (n r4 O CO O 'a V R '?' O ? M U r O \C M DO "' £i L ? i a '? N 7 M ? N I? 00 N N O ?--I V1 ? C " ? O O O? ?} y1 / hq QJ ? ? ? M O v'1 N d' ? '? p N ? N ? I I O o0 ? ? ? N I ? M 00 p I ~ V ? V 0 y N p N ?, p 0 "' 0 0 C." V N O Op ?" OO i°.I G O? O M N N V O O N N C, O M W I? I /. N V M ^' .-. •-. N C, N C N O I? O ° O .V.I y V?.I cl 7 00 r 00 O C, 00 M .. N d a? °' o C r c _ v _ Q rn o o O 00 '?y C o ??I y? = X k O C, D\ C? h O o v1 O '? M M M/ U N m M C N N M M 00 N N N O M p O C p? W 3r U C N I^ oo C O O O ?: O l? 00 a\ I? y c av? ? I? O R ? A F V ? ? ? I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I VII, Q Q FFII ° ? ? z z rA F y a? • z I I I o a U ea c a o 06 o 06 ,,, y0°,I A N 7 Q Q ? ? 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O C a ++ H x etl ,n o o D 17? d o ? 0 0• 'n o O l? ? r O p ?, L+ N OM M N N M c +i ?O o N O 0 0 M O , '? O 0 O , _, M o o a? ? a Z 3 .? o 0 0 ? oA ? o IN ? g C ? U U p o , +, a> O N y R m L ' ' .C L Chi O!i Q?i y `n r? . ? •? L L O ,.Cr C fl C7 ?U" P• ,.G C .C° b .7. C d C 'U O b 'R ° F. C C .C U U w p ? Q Q .? ?, ? ? ? ? co °o o U U ?' ? u o o , o c v U c's x c. .L ? ,? M r? 3 w m v b o L w ? L 3 x u ? (u v O Q/' i ? U C " . w ca a+ ? w ? - I I l i t-1 R R V N ? ro Q ? b C :d C O 0 C O U :d G C O C W x 0 C C W T a O 0 b w o ? u a U w C ap ? 0 0 ? M v O ? oz•c z ? o 0 0 o F= ri ? C d , , A L y cu ? O N cq ,n l- C N O oo . L. l? M C O ? N ? M O N M • ? 00 N I 00 In Cl C, Q Q O N ^ O vi N C O z Z Q CO 00 t? -It O N r-? O CIS OJ V R v1 O 7 M C\ O O M D N " o " D\ N v1 7 00 M ^ ' N N ^ 6 1? v 00 N N O O ^ .^ 41 N i t a.+ 6J y N c} O N N C M C C It O It C y ,c, M ,n 7 , N N ^ 00 N N C N ? O T O M N N C C C N N l- ^ O ?z Lr) IM ??i v? 'n N C - C? M N [? V' N ?D 4 a ,? °d to M C? O C 00 ? N r- M i O oc 00 V) C \ L '?' F C r N M C N V C O D, N In N M O C.j '" O C O ,/1 U O C O ? ? ?, U y?i ? ?r ? ?C N N V C O O M M ? ? N ,n N C M --? 00 r / C a? U L" a+ tom., L Q " Q z z o? OD a 0 Qj 00 C ^ ICI /• ^ ? N G? ? 6J ? R Q Q .. y ? a " "' C V b 3 b 3 ? N C C .' ' b .b 3 id C L C N C • U O V1 00 Cp C C C -? C? C6 O C. . i N AO Q „ E ? c a ? 3 ?, b b a a ?° ? q u LL, o Y a. 0.1 c °? o c 0 o ? U ro m C ? ? L. o V, ? x b 'u o w o U a a y d U +o ? 3 E w as IV c b b a A a a" v'? ? U C' sg C N Oq ? Q .C C C O A a rn C O U b a E C O 4 C W x 0 C 0 u? T a ? O C o b CIS <d O C w C O U o O r- 00 d 00 4) .. M >? U z o 0 0 0 Hai Table 8. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary Trout Cove / Project No. 388 Trout Cove Branch / Lower Reach (794 feet) Parameter Cross Section Pool Cross Section Riffle Dimension MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 MY1 MY2 MY3 MY4 MY5 BF Width (ft) - 15.69 10.96 11.60 9.60 6.79 12.50 Flood prone Width (ft) - 54.22 32.41 30.70 50.00 28.13 45.50 BF Cross Sectional Area (ft) - 11.21 17.63 20.70 10.02 8.78 12.40 BF Mean Depth (ft) - 0.71 1.61 1.80 1.04 1.29 1.00 BF Max Depth (ft) - 2.35 2.22 2.70 2.30 2.19 2.80 Width/Depth Ratio - 22.10 6.81 6.50 9.23 5.26 12.60 Entrenchment Ratio - 3.46 2.60 - 5.21 4.15 3.60 Bank Height Ratio - 1.04 1.00 1.20 1.26 1.00 Wetted Perimeter(ft) - 16.9 g12.77 13.70 10.88 8.64 15.30 Hydraulic Radius (ft) - 0.66 1.50 0.92 1.02 0.80 Substrate d50 (mm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A d84(mm) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A * Not calculated due to unknown as-built elevations. N/A - Does not apply to this project. Trout Cove Branch Final 16 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 .fl v k O aC E It M C, It O te ? ? v1 N r ., M O v1 -- 000 00 0 °? °° 00 O O O V Q Q ?c N N C, O V) M 5 ... O O U Z Z G M N 4 O M N O N N O _ N ON z M O O N bA t." W) m In 00 1.0 ool rq ll? w C ct-- } 00 N C, O - v '? C O 00 ? M ? ? ? ? O M ? ? ? ? 0 0 7 Q Q o 00 vi M N '• O c i N oo 0 0 '"' O O U Z Z ? ~ V 'N N v) M O N •L O .1 ? 00 N ? ? ? ? N a 'n N O O n CC O L7 N v o o vi 0 0 rt O V W °M° M ?O O o0 -- O O U z z " ? N m 'n r- O •% ^ s N O l-- 00 C, 00 M N U 0 H w w ? •? ? w w w ? v !? w w O N O L OD t y O cd rC-i C -d • 7 ?y C L C O C C U 6> .. y C C a C O u U w ? U A cc * L Q 3 ?I V Q a s ? .b ca 3 h v ?v b ,o ? L C u E 04 o u c 3 O Q o w ob v a -8 ro y a •o 71 U V ? Cd U U * * C O c? 0. v N w 'C U U L E ti O ?O cd b? 0. ,b oq C .C X ? ? o .c ? C ro ,a t ca A ?. T >" a w •? U .V+ ? u o .fl ? c c ? 11 'C L=. U 1-1 o M. ? a. O E? y U * * * ** * * •O 0. O T a cl 0 c 0 A c, cli c 7 0 W .5 Q z U O? rC-i 8 ? N pq T cd Q C :a C O C O U c v C O c W X O G W ro u: o uU C 0O ? 00 N M 'y 0 o z G U o o '0 0 _ d k ? O R C ? '? V1 C, N d p S 000 ^+ O V' N ON M O -- <t O i O `N' e? M d O It ° ° ° M m Q Q O r- ?c m 7 O z r- O " 00 00 O' O p p U z z i. ",? O O 7 Q 000 d' V1 N 00 z N bA co $ ¢ < ¢ Q Q ¢ ¢ d ? cw ? z z z z z z z z o ' o ? C N 00 r.i `'r ckd Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ? Q Q - Q ? Q Q Q C.0 M C ?" z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z C L z IQ, G Q Q Q Q ' Q Q Q bra z z z z z z z z y C> ?H 'Vb b b LwV „ ¢ ¢ Q d ¢ Q ? ? ?a. o z z z z z z z z p o.C Q d d d d d d ¢ ¢ ¢ d d d d ' d d oUc o z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z all ° ¢ ¢ d d ¢ ¢ ? ¢ Fc z z z z z z z z ? ¢ Q ¢ ¢ Z ¢ Q Q Q ? o ? z z z z z z z z g p F R ¢ Q Q d Q ' d ¢ d z d ¢ Q Q Q d d d U o z z z z z z z z zz z 'z z z z 00 ? ? , rC, ?' Q Q ' ? ? Q Q ? z z z zz zz z z H ° C a C C N o N o U w ? d 2 ? a - V7 !/1 R C? V1 •? _E cd R W U o u w U x LY' > C b V 7 rn r a a a. ¢ G a v o V p" R, Q o a. y o C O U O h Q C z U Ol G C .r O C N b?q cd Q C C C O m G G O U ro c v E C O W x 0 C .7 W c ? t ? U C ap ti OC U wM? uo? uzo 0 0 0 0 ", C, Z CN kn CO C N Q Q ?r ?r G ? ? M O N N '• 00 C z z O CJ a? 00 oo 0 O 00 O 00 'n 00 N V% Q' M Q Q a y y ? l M l o o M M ? N O z z ? C, r- ' a ¢ ? N a o o ? ? ? -: M O z z CA •? y of 0 0 0 O C O 0 0 0 y W r. G M 4 M M N O z z 00 00 W F , 00 r M v V) N 00 O kn Q Q . • ? O R Z i L N M O O ?O N ? V ?O M l? V1 Q Q t W " N O O T C Cq ^ 00 N N C -- N : C z z z zz C C u tn oU? ? U c 6J ^? Cu7 G ?' O\ N r in Q Q '. F y O O ~ ? ? ? O V1 V O ?p v1 M ? Q Q 6J 'y z z H ^O 'O O v v '? C r v b O 00 b b o .o c? c, b C m o ? N u 3 c 3 c p U u ? a a .o 4 h 0 a 0 c 0 Q Q 'z U O rO C N c to cd N Q .b C O C O U O O 0 c w x 0 c W F a ? c ?n ? o u v 00 i., oo chi ? M ?o? oZ c U ? o o '0 0 'b _ O? 6> S ? O ? r 1 00 D\ W ll? O ? M M 00 \ D M M * O ? ? k 00 N M * ? Q Q oo a, * U Z Z N O C or0 17, * C, N C/? * N D I\ N M * N bA •? 6, M C, I-O 00 V1 o0 N r.+ W • O a N 00+ O --? ? OO o M o0 M C? C? M C? 10 ',o- V Q Q 1?-? V O M v N •? o O N a?0 l? 00 '" o o U z z • . . M .C ? ~ . O CUC L z 6J ? ' q O O N Zo ON L G N ? M ? O ? N ?;wd ? x 'ti •i?i ?+ .. p d? DO 11 N oo oo _ _ In oo o p o 4 0 0 0 o o o V N O ?" oo M M M O -? o o u z z - '. 0 Y * y f" N ? y I N O r oo M 1 00 O M N r C H g o ? H y".. ? .w. • ? ? w w ? ? ? !? w w O ? O .n " C y 7 U y 3 u ro b c a o a a? ' a y ? c °' o u o N y o L u J u ^y b w ao O G? C UC w CA C G h v PL _ CG a' ? ? ? 7 W * x V U ? * G O u ? ? c 3 E Q ti a a a" d li lu a v u b oG a 0 -o c 0 U U 0 U a c 7 b U 'C C o d L u U C U C 7 b E a 'b C ? o o cCd A w C y Q ?d d a 7 W UZ ^, ? C L ? o Cl. u i ? r C O .ro+ cl U o a .-. 4 C >g o •= L ? •C o ? °o u o z F ? * ?r w U C H C . N C W cd Q .b N C O ro C O U `2 C C C O C W x 0 a ¢7 W c v? ? o U o0 V W M u o cu c oz u?u o•so H a ? d _ ° N, k ° R '8 M N ? '7 6 Q ' ? ? ? p 8 o z a " 0 ¢ 0 OM a ¢ a Gd ?r M D * q 00 0 0 O .?. ? ? ? N ? O ¢ O * O O a w ?o z z z z z 'z 'z z o o oo? ° ? a ¢ Q -Z Q Z- ¢ ¢ d d ¢ ¢ a Q a Q - Q a -Z u M? C z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z .F? c zz zz zz z z z z z ?? yy 'b L d Q ¢ < ¢ Q d Q z z z z z z z z >? N k 00\ R ¢ ? a ? Q ? Q ? ¢ z ¢ z a z a a a d Q Q z ¢ : Q Q OU?: O z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Z z ? z ? z O JO. ice, ¢ Q Q Q ¢ ¢ Q Q z z zz zz z z z z a, o o ell 0 0o y, N ? ro .C ? .? ?„ i L ? .C b4 Y . r L O C v .C. C b a C C U ? 3 C U cn C .U Vai w R C C N V7 N V1 w n3 id ? p ? ) W y 7 U w 3 v w U °o o ° Gr ? c C U ro Lt. U c x c ° L b C p Qw b 1 / ? t 1 C co ? U d u u U C rA 0 L U CL v y O r L y ? b ? a a ? r U U \7 b O. C .O C d 'C a v v c L v .?C U :d O U p, U v a ° T o a 0 'c c C Q * z j C, .C. O . N C T by ?y Q .b C O c 0 U c ° 0 C W x 0 c .c W f=a`? c ?n U 00 L 00 Gp M }, on o z u o d o '0 0 3.3 Wetland Assessment There was no wetland monitoring components for the Trout Cove Branch Restoration Site. Trout Cove Branch Final 22 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 4.0 Methodology The stream monitoring methodologies utilized in 2008 were intended to replicate those employed during previous monitoring years and are based on standard guidance and procedures documents (Rosgen 1996 and USACOE 2003). Vegetation monitoring followed the standard CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Level II (Lee et al. 2006). Any deviations from MY 3 vegetation monitoring methodologies are stated in Section 3.1, Vegetation Assessment. Trout Cove Branch Final 23 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 5.0 References HRWC. Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition, Inc. Brasstown Creek Watershed Restoration Projects. http://www.hi-wc.net/troutcove.htm. Lee, M.T; Peet, R.K.; Roberts, S.D.; and T.R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation. Version 4.0. http://cvs.bio.utic.edu/rnethods.htm. Rosgen, D.L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. USACOE 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. USACOE, USEPA, NCWRC, NCDENR-DWQ. Weakley, A.S. 2008. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, northern Florida, and Surrounding Areas. University of North Carolina Herbarium (NCU). North Carolina Botanical Garden. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill, NC. Trout Cove Branch Final 24 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Trout Cove Branch Vegetation Data Appendix A Vegetation Data Tables Table Al. Vegetation Metadata Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Report prepared b Sarah Marcinko Date prepared 11/18/2008 9:39 Database name cvs-ee -entr tool-v2.2.6.mdb Database location Y:\E uinox ro'ects\EEP Ve _monitorin \cvs-ee -entr tool-v2.2.6 Computer name D16TNK71 DESCRIPTION OF WORKSH EETS IN THIS DOCUMENT Metadata This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project data. Pro'. planted The number of living planted stems per acre, excluding live stakes. Pro'. total stems The number of total stems per acre, including live stakes and natural stems. Plots List of lots surveyed. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes. Vigor bspecies Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed b species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and percent of total stems impacted b each. Damage b species Damage values tallied b type for each species. Damage b lot Damage values tallied b type for each lot. All stems b lot andspecies Count of total living stems of each species; dead and missing stems are excluded. PROJECT SUMMARY Project code 388 Project name Trout Cove Description Trout Cove Stream Restoration River basin Hiwassee Length (ft) N/A Stream-to-edge width (ft) N/A Area (s m) N/A Required lots (calculated) N/A Sampled lots 7 Table A2. Vegetation Vigor by Species Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Unknown Alnus serrulata 13 6 4 Betula ni ra 4 4 Ce halanthus occidentalis 2 1 Clethra alnifolia 1 Corpus amomum 13 7 1 1 1 Salix ni ra 2 5 2 2 Liriodendron tulipifera 2 Platanus occidentalis var. occidentalis 3 1 Acer rubrum var. rubrum 4 2 Total 9 44 26 3 1 0 7 0 Trout Cove Branch Final 1 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Vegetation Data Tables Table A3. Vegetation Damage by Species Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Species All damage categories No damage Other damage Diseased Insects Vine strangulation Acer rubrum var. rubrum 6 2 4 Alnus serrulata 23 17 1 2 3 Betula ni ra 8 8 Ce halanthus occidentalis 3 1 2 Clethra alnifolia 1 1 Cornus amomum 23 9 1 1 3 9 Liriodendron tuli ifera 2 2 Platanus occidentalis var. occidentalis 4 1 1 2 Salix ni ra 11 3 8 Total 9 81 35 2 1 7 36 Table A4. Vegetation Damage by Plot Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Plot All damage categories No damage Other dama a Diseased Insects Vine strangulation 388-01-0006 11 11 388-01-0007 7 7 TC-01-0001 9 8 1 TC-0 1-0002 22 7 15 TC-0 1-0003 6 4 2 TC-01-0004 8 7 1 TC-01-0005 21 12 2 6 1 Total 7 81 35 2 1 7 36 Trout Cove Branch Final 2 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 N ro Q C O on Q b C 0. V C cn d en H° U 0 v'? N ?D --? c+? N N O F ti en V N M H o V M lr) N kn rl ry ? F o a . ? o0 00 O ?' ? U O U • M p" L ?a N 14 R C M O O v ? ? F Q ro O ^ M 00 ?O M - O N N M y H v Cl) I" ? i O ? i ti I.J C O h t _ Cc y 0 ?c s a h .O K O_ O i s ti v W o? U ? U O U h ? ? O C C j v ? y V 4 y? ?L h v U Q 4 ? 0 Q Q 'm O F U C, '-" O N bCyO cC Q .ti C m 0 g 7 W c v? w' 0 0 s ? 00 d CO M O oz U ? o O .. O O O H o. ? Appendix A Vegetation Data Tables Table A6. Vegetation Problem Areas Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Feature Issue Station Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number B B h See CCPV Poor soil substrate VPA 1 are enc See CCPV Poor soil substrate M d Fl d l i See CCPV Unauthorized mowing V 2 owe oo p a n See CCPV Unauthorized mowing PA Livestock Encroachment See CCPV Exclusion fence within easement boundary VPA 3 See CCPV Rosa multiflora : On site seed source Invasive / Exotic Populations See CCPV Lonicera japonica : On site seed source VPA 4 See CCPV Ligustrum sp : On site seed source Trout Cove Branch Final Project No. 388 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. May 2009 Appendix A Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos 4 4 Vegetation Problem Area (VPA 2) - Mowed Floodplain Monitoring Year 4 - October 8, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Problem Area (VPA 1) - Bare Bench Monitoring Year 4 - July 9, 2008 Appendix A Representative Vegetation Problem Area Photos ? x fi f t ?NV ? S yr t?'r ?3 ' cr ,¢s? R h fi ? 1 ? e It d J w A' t I .,,? 5. hrsJ3`? 7k EW 3z,?af .?k "x,97., i I ? I fis wa eec' I R rq t o? ?dx ? e Vegetation Problem Area (VPA 3) - Livestock Encroachment Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Vegetation Problem Area (VPA 4) - Lonicera japonica Monitoring Year 4 - October 8, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 6 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot #1 Monitoring Year 4 - August 19, 2008 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #2 Monitoring Year 4 - July 9, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 7 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos o- ?.?z a x ' F P ? Trout Cove Branch Final Project No. 388 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #4 Monitoring Year 4 - August 19, 2008 8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. May 2009 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #3 Monitoring Year 4 - July 9, 2008 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot #5 Monitoring Year 4 - August 19, 2008 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #6 Monitoring Year 4 - August 19, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 9 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc, Project No, 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot #7 Monitoring Year 4 - August 19, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final Project No. 388 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. May 2009 Appendix B Trout Cove Branch Geomorphologic Data Appendix B Stream Problem Areas Data Tables Table Bl. Stream Problem Areas Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Trout Cove Branch / Reach 1 (3,120 Feet) Feature Issue Station Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number Aggradation 0+36 Minimal flow to transport sediment from upstream source 0+95 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 1+10 Minimal flow to transport sediment from upstream source 1+45 Failed structure preventing downstream pool scour 1+90 Minimal flow to transport sediment from upstream source 2+40 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 2+95 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 3+35 Failed structure preventing downstream pool scour 3+55 Failed structure preventing downstream Pool scour 4+05 Minimal flow to transport sediment from upstream source 4+35 Minimal flow to transport sediment from upstream source 4+60 Failed structure preventing downstream Pool scour 5+10 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 5+50 Minimal flow to transport sediment from upstream source SPA 1 6+00 Minimal Flow to transport sediment from Upstream source 11+25 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 16+30 [:ailed structure preventing downstream pool scour 17+45 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 21+20 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 22+26 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 23+10 Failed structure reventin sediment transport 23+30 Failed structure reventin° downstrcam pool scour 23+82 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 24+55 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 25+60 Failed structure preventing downstream pool scour 26+03 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 26+98 Stressed structure preventing downstream pool scour 28+55 Failed structure Preventing downstream pool scour Bank Scour 1+05 Thalwe mi gratim associated with stressed structure 1+50 Thalwe migration associated with failing structure 8+18 Undercuttin causing bank to slum 9+60 'rhalwe migration associated with stressed structure N/A 13+37 Undercutting causin bank to slum 15+20 Thalwe migration associated with stressed structure 28+I0 Thalwe mi iation associated with stressed structure Engineered Structures 0+85 Structure piping 1+36 Structure piping 2+30 Structure piping 2+85 Structure Piping 3+30 Structure piping 3+50 Structure pi prig 4+54 Structure it in g 5+05 Structure ii in 8+80 Structure piping 9+55 Structure piping 11+20 Structure piping 12+68 Structure piping 14+70 Structure piping 15+10 Structure piping 15+30 Structure piping 16+25 Structure piping SPA 2 16+85 Structure piping SPA 3 17+40 Structure piping SPA 4 17+83 Structure pi ping, 19+13 Structure piping 19+80 Structure piping 20+04 Structure piping 21+14 Structure i in 22+20 Structure i in 23+25 Structure piping 23+78 Structure piping 24+50 Structure piping 25+55 Structure ipin, 25+98 Structure piping 26+91 Structure piping 27+95 Structure i in 28+50 Structure piping 29+75 Structure piping Headcut 6+75 Unknown N/A Trout Cove Branch Final Project No. 388 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. May 2009 Appendix B Stream Problem Areas Data Tables Table B1 Continued. Stream Problem Areas Trout Cove Branch / Project No. 388 Unnamed Tributary / Reach 2 (888 feet) Feature Issue Station Numbers Suspected Cause Photo Number Engineered Structure 0+90 Structure piping 2+35 Structure piping 3+85 Structure piping N/A 4+58 Structure piping 4+87 Structure piping Headcut 7+14 Unknown N/A Trout Cove Branch Final Project No. 388 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. May 2009 Appendix B Representative Stream Problem Area Photos Stream Problem Area (SPA 1) - Pool aggradation Monitoring Year 4 - June 27, 2008 Stream Problem Area (SPA 2) - Failed structure Monitoring Year 4 - June 27, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 3 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 Appendix B Representative Stream Problem Area Photos Stream Problem Area (SPA 3) - Failed structure Monitoring Year 4 - June 27, 2008 Stream Problem Area (SPA 4) - Stressed structure Monitoring Year 4 - July 9, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 4 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 T ro U_ b0 O C y. O G oa x b c a Q L Wi. v F w a ? a i a a a a 00 00 y o p p CC W ''' •'O c O '7- C 00 \ O' 00 ?G .- S x I N ? N S ? CO Do o0 c 00 C? V'i L? m, Z' CO S M L. ff C a ?v •? a` O` v1 it a a` Q\ D` W •? Q` 1 D, ,_, V1 . C C C ? C? Q Q Q Q Q Q ¢ ¢ ¢ Q Q Q ¢ ? ? ? \ .7 N Q Q Q Q Q Q ? r rr•? z z z z ,? z z z z z z z z z N z z z z z z Z L ++ v i L w i O ,a ? •c ? } •c ? a` kn o` V) a V', a V) V1 o, ? l!1 Q z a ty-, a v; z ¢ Q z Q Z a vl °? V'? °) It) o, In ? G (~ E C z ? ao 4: M v L ? ? '?' y N ~ n F i M ' F., a ?+ ?' ? ,•+ d' ? 7 ? 7 ? M ?O M ?O m M m M O? Vl 00 V; 7 ? 7 Vl C C, V1 00 ? ¢ z Q z Q z ul ? Vl M ? ;E . .G a, M ? Z v v, o ? L u CIa ? b 0 G, L C • G ? LR. ? `J v, _ ," r C G O ?_ • C 7 J C ?+ U •?• .'? C L O h ? U a U ? ? ,o ? oq G ?G r.+ ? L a ? p N U W cr r• 'D : 1 CA C ? v 'D L C cC ?.. ?i L Oi W) c v °-' G m o to :n y v -• U O (.? y C L C O ?.. U U 0/ G C U v 0 f o = = v In. b 0. c f v ti ? ro b v u 4t G 'ro - 7 a 0 3 u c y o V ^ v ? n v il 'C. v E o :n G 3 EL 'O v 0p v - C o c o c ?' : L v c 'D E o c o .. a , c 21 ,- s E u ? ' c v -M o r r. 0. c o E ti ? °: c c ? U a q ? ti or v tin o a Q i c ? ? a n °' v 3 ? O O ¢ v U U ? ? w x Q w w ti c . c . i U , •-+ N K', <j tri •-• N m, •-- N (`1 M •-- N U --• N M, ?t rl L 0 an U v v v: on v 3 ? -b c c v C7 •Y v o ? ? a cn > 3 , C W ? C7 ? N .G on c 'O 3 O b a a :d 3 0 C O, .D y _ = U G ? L O C ;O 'O O v L L O Q 5 17 z U a` C C r••. C N li Q b c G O 7 G O U G G O W x 0 G 7 W a7 G_ 'n 4L O L ? U b ao ? o oq o z '? U ? o ? .v •c G O O F= w ? v A cC C v 0 0 O c? b v a a d L 1,,, y? ? O •i O O ? O ? ,Z a ? . H p-I r.1 C O c? ? :?y 0 b O 0 6\ O 0 U\ 0 S 0 e 0 CD 0 C, O e C C) O ? O C C ? O ?° ? O ? O C O c Q Q it ? L a O O ? O O O O O O O C C O ? O O ? O ? z z .° v ? v C ? ? ., c?c ? Q d d d Q d Q Q Q Q d d Q Q ?_ N ° d d d d d Q Fy `y z z z z z z z z z z z z z z o o z z z z z z z ? ° L a^ a?+ ''O O 00 00 00 00 00 S 7 V Q z 7 ? Q z Q z Q z Q Q ? z z Q zQ o°OO w 6J L ? ? Cd M 00 Z E w G 00 00 00 00 t- ,'-' V V O V' z z z O '? z z u uN L --? ?Z A. O O L ? ta o v ? ? ? C o c L W c r. ., ti oj? c c ? o O ° C v v O L t. ° ? C J O w ? O ' bU C r. X •- O O CC [ Lr a F C'. y w r CIE 'rJ °. w X c ? o i. v a ? °_ r ? c? C t y ?? C C U O O U ? ? ? ti ? C G C L ? :a o ? O w bU :D O vOi .. "O O z C N C ?. ro 7 r cC d o y v a a b u u v c o I v °' ° xk c ° ° ti 3 c _ I Iz v 4) u L) G d v rG v u ro cs v v o 4 Q? CL O R C y b ° y w 0 vi C 3 T7 o u c = n ' C o O o br C 'v y y N 0 O ° 0 O u R bb . C C /-? c,. A N ' rte. 5Ci C b N N L ° .D :b w G. ? c c v c c v 3 w ? b y b0 a avi o w d [i ? a v 7 ? Ca O O d n C7 U ? Q [ T Q u: w w ^^ C`1 M ? V7 -+ N c+l ? N ^- N ff1 ? --' N U -- N M ? -- N L 0 bA y U bU v C L ,N v w n O c1 y b ? `" C 'd ? d 0.'1 U Q W ry, L x C 3 0 > c a Cl. ? v c 3 C v c ? 0 7 C Q U C, C .C . O N bU ? Q b 0 7 C 0 U c E C O W x q?^ W d u. o u v O ? oz U ? o v• o '0 0 F- a ? O G L a -o G b 0 ci G 0 U 'U v v: C U x b G 0. Q U a L ^? ? O O U ? o `n O `n ? O U O N 0 r. 0 0 0 a, Ilk" O 0 00 0 0 n O O W o ? 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 N + O O + O O + O (1333) uo?1enaj2j w P? I I N M U C, G O rq C N on ro Q ? G ro c 0 a G C U c a? c 0 G w x C G a W r b u- o uU i. ro O oz U ? o O O O H a. ? Appendix B Cross Section Plots and Photos Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #1 - Pool (Looking Downstream) Monitoring Year 4 - October 7, 2008 Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #1 - Pool (Looking Upstream) Monitoring Year 4 - October 7, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 8 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 U O O L 0. C r O a. C C u v v C U Oa x b 'll 0. a Q 0 i?r N O U ? O ? O ? i. U C ?C + C 0 + O 0 0 O M + O 0 N c 0 0 O O t ? O R v C O Cr I N M U Q\ c O .. C c fV bD T Q b C C O C C O U y c v 8 c 0 c W K 0 c c tr? a b c ?n w o c d u m M O az° U _o ? .v C O O O w F. (13aj) UOI)UAalH Appendix B Cross Section Plots and Photos Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #2 - Pool (Looking Upstream) Monitoring Year 4 - October 7, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 10 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of '5 Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #2 - Pool (Looking Downstream) Monitoring Year 4 - October 7, 2008 C G 4 r. O a a 0 u V; 0 U as W u ? C c U Qj u F L U I I I I ? I I I 1 i I I I I II ? I ? I I I i - I I I 'I ? I I I Oa 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 ?I I ?1 Ill I lit I I 1 I ? I I ?I I 1 II - I ? I i I - 1 I i I I - ill I I I I I I i I 1 I 1 1 I I x ? v v ? ? ae ? (;aa3) uoI;enaja a a k'n O Q M 0 N t 0 0 N t O a? C 0 tn 0 0 0 0 0 O C t ? O M ?Q I I I, N C O C N pp T N b c c 0 C E c 0 c W x 0 c W M c ? u- o s ? U ? U OMO O oz ? U ? o 0 0 0 E- ca ? Appendix B Cross Section Plots and Photos Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #3 - Riffle (Looking Downstream) Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #3 - Riffle (Looking Upstream) Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 12 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 O O a C 0 C1. C C U Vl O U N E u c O O . O ? F-? o U I ?I I I I I I I ? I I II I I I I I I I I ?I I I I I I ? I I i i I I ' ll I ' I I I li 1 I I it I I I ' I / I 1 ' I j I I I I I 1 I K ?D ?D ?O ?O ?D ?C V1 lA (133j) uol;ena121 a a O 0 0 O O v v o + C p O RS 0 N 0 0 0 Lir + h p Ln w I rl I N c O C N Q c 0 C O U E C O W x c .c W M et c ?n u- o z ? V y 0 00 o z •? U ? o ? .v c 0 0 0 Appendix B Cross Section Plots and Photos ?. ' y ?? 8 ? 6 Y d r q ? £ Y ? W r :. a, 1h 1W 6? ?R : $ °' 'yd ?aY ?r: kx y ? f . Y ?+ Lbq g t ? 4PP ) §° 0 i"P 1. d`NSAI"??zz 'c 0.0 Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #4 - Riffle (Looking Downstream) Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #4 - Riffle (Looking Upstream) Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 14 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 t a s 0 a c U v c U X C a a U ? w U a i.r GJ C ? C O U u O ? [? O i. U I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I ? I I I I I I i i I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I - FT 4` 1 I T kIn Ln O C 0 tn 0 O 7 O tn M O O G?J C O ? R + O O N O O O O O O O O + 00 h ?D ?A ? M N -•? O O (laaj) UOI;UAa[al CO. Q? N M c o ? N bD ? Q c :a c O c 0 U c 8 c 0 c W k 0 c W u• o r ? U 07 ri Y? ozC U ? o 7 .U C 0 0 0 E~a""? Appendix B Cross Section Plots and Photos Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #5 - Riffle (Looking Downstream) Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Trout Cove Branch - Cross Section #5 - Riffle (Looking Upstream) Monitoring Year 4 - November 23, 2008 Trout Cove Branch Final 16 Equinox Environmental Consultation and Design, Inc. Project No. 388 May 2009 Monitoring Year 4 of 5 0 LL CJ O 0.. C C C u d, .C. O C N W ro Q b C C O 7 r C O U ro c C C C W K 0 c W u 7 v a 4 L ? u a a as ;, > z. o ? U y L C F"7 C C J r LL W O U K b c n. a Q v ? oA oz U ? o 5 .ti 'G 0 0 0 O a lu w O a rl 5 b a pC .-1 X 'O G v Or Q OG u s 'C u 'S7 c i 0.1 'o c U a 7 F? c 0 .a yo ro.ly 0 1qa O 19x0 1x 0 1?x ^x? 1 y ?O y Vx u 1 i 1X7` w Y W 0 ?i 00 0 3 1yx ya a ?o c Y yo o° 1,5x 0 1tix 1tiR ?O 11x, yo ?o a C O 'i N bA roQ b G 0 <n C O U b a N C C O G W x 0 G u? W 7d G ?/1 u- o v 00 00 M j O G o z U u O a •y c O O O 8 N ?' ? C ? C 41 O ? r a a P T T a P a a (1aaj) uo!aenJIA C 0., O n. cd C 7 G O W X c v a a d d a L v u 3 rl 0.1 y > L: o U o? L C F 'ou I e a ryq? O ?o ti^`ry^ 41 7 O tiyx '? 3 K u o ? 00 5 M 0 titix 0 tix ti^e y?0 ryOx U ti C N pq T •r cG Q 'O C O y G C U c? c v E c c c W x 0 c 7 W a, c u- o .c ? U lr v ? U W M Y? O W cz U ? o 0 0 0 E= a ? o n o N ? y y n d ? (133j) UO!jena)j 0 a w 0 a ro b a W QC .J m .xi b C y a u CL u 7 G .0 L L Qa O V C L f0 F c c a lb?? ^x ?o ^x h u ti u ` N xr v 1 q Y O 0? d ?y bx b%o ti5 bx bx? c o ? N OU ? Q ? v b c 0 C r C O U b c v K c 0 c W x 0 c pa L c N LL O uU Ly o N M N ? W oz? V ? o a °J c 0 0 0 F= a ? C :C N ? N T T O. ? P (Jaa,)) uo!jena)g Appendix C Trout Cove Branch Wetland Data (Not Applicable) Appendix D Trout Cove Branch Integrated Current Condition Plan View a ?x [i S E a ' w 44 z -o c b ? 'ZI ? c > y a o z a. Q o ? 0000 H v z T a ? o v w o u 0 F- - c 0 C] a F s 5 a ? ? X a ? w ro y N o ro c Nro N r? N O z c O 0 N ? >, O W ? w ? O p C7 F- p z _.. :l N y O U U i