HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020656_Wasteload Allocation_19940920NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0020656 Laurinburg — Leith Creek WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance M�• Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Speculative Limits 201 Facilities Plan Instream Assessment (67B) Environmental Assessment (EA) Permit History Document Date: September 20, 1994 This document is printed oa reuse paper - ignore any coateat oa the reQerse aide NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMyr NO.: NCO020656 i�d;��irrrdrti,►�T� FACILITY NAME: City of Laurinburg Leith Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Major q Minor Pipe No.: 001 Design Capacity: 4.0 MGD Domestic (% of Flow): 96% Industrial (% of Flow): 4 % Comments: 111161,1 -/l �o �kN At� (Ve�T ev 41zo 19.1-. RECEIVING STREAM�Shm Heel Creek Class: C-Swamp Sub -Basin: 03-07-55 Reference USGS Quad: H 21 SW (please attach) County: Scotland Regional Office: Fayetteville Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 12/31/94 Treatment Plant Class: III Classification changes within three miles: I No chanee t+ + 1, 73 Requested by: Susan Nilson Date: 6/15/94 Preparedby:--, -- Date: 9a , fk Reviewed by: �I /i ✓1 /Lt tn v 3DY I � Z) Modeler Date Rec. # �K Drainage Area (mi2): 83 Average Streamflow (cfs): 95.6 s7Q10 (cfs): 13.8 w7010 (cfs): 24 30Q2 (cfs): 35 Quarterly Chronic (Cehodaphnia) Toxicity Test @ 31 % February, May, August, November Instream Monitoring: Upstream Location: US 74 east Downstream Location [site #1]:SR 1612 Downstream Location [site #1]:SR 1108 Parameters: temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, conductivity Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Upstream and downstream samples shall be grab samples. Stream samples shall be colldected three times per week during June, July, August, and September and once per week during the remaining months of the year. Monthly Average Summer Winter Wastef low (MGD): 4.0 BOD5 (mg/1): 20 20 NH3N (mg/1): 5.0 5.0 DO (mg/1): 5.0 5.0 TSS (mg/I): 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 pH (SU): 6-9 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/I): monitor monitor TP (mg/1): monitor monitor TN (mg/1): monitor monitor Copper (µg/1): monitor monitor (monthly) Zinc (µg/l): monitor monitor (monthly) Lead (µg/I): monitor monitor (quarterly) Fluoride (µg/I): monitor monitor (quarterly) There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. FACT SHEET FOR WASTELOAD ALLOCATION Request # 7879 Facility Name: Laurinburg - Leith Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant NPDES No.: NCO020656 Type of Waste: Domestic - 96 % Industrial - 4 % Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: �ft Shoe Heel Creek Stream Classification: C - Swamp Subbasin: 03-07-55 County: Scotland Stream Characteristic: Regional Office: Fayetteville USGS # Requestor: Wilson Date: Date of Request: 6 / 16 / 9 4 Drainage Area (mi2): 83 Topo Quad: H 21 S W Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 13.8 Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 24 Average Flow (cfs): 95.6 30Q2 (cfs): 35 IWC (%): 31 % Wasteload Allocation Summary (approach taken, correspondence with region, EPA, etc.) Not enough data to assess Lead and Fluoride monitoring requirement f GCf &'a5+e c f dA ` No Significant Industrial Users per Pretreatment—�Lca,'p,. �Le(�Se go I ems- rcCOYxyrtnrlu 8r� Instream monitoring suspect: �J {�Y1"CV.-faKQ Y I �`t� Upstream: Downstream site #1: Downstream site #2: Temperature range 7-250C 7-250C 7-190C Mgcs arc from momhly av gm Dissolved Oxveen ranee 8.2 - 9.0 mg/1 7.9 - 9.0 mg/1 7.9 - 9.1 mg/1 Special Schedule Requirements and additional comments from Reviewers: P Q.e aSs�.c Ps ?Re 7e ygp FR o Hqs i2@Ra.ai s+eP Y42h.<SEE To tt l�- - ^ SI.fSV�wa'r lw5 By £r7 OC SEPr. l� P.4Sua.Tf sw wr cKw oSs f'` E TAM PL 6015 CokIM�T GPI 1n/+FA'r S 0P*.MW.J �nit�l lorJ 2vCtes/c� Recommended by:� _ Reviewed by Instream Assessment: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineerin vre�P w,.y r_ ?fact- + •' _ SEP _ 19"I J� tfut'l" Z� E�lV. \ �t�?,_e.�...�E.yrV�t ''`""'� 1^//�-T�1P �1YETTEVILLE REG &Fid on� t"[CaRr+rstlonl.lG A+JYM'/'JG/• _ J RETURN TO TECHNICAL SUPPORT BY: SEP 2 7 1994 CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS Existing Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter Wasteflow (MGD): 4.0 Bobs (mg/1): 20 20 NH3N (mg/1): 5.0 5.0 DO (mg/1): 5.0 5.0 TSS (mg/1). 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 pH (SU): 6-9 6-9 Residual Chlorine ,(µg/1): monitor monitor Oil & Grease (mg/1): nr nr TP (mg/1): monitor monitor TN (mg/1): monitor monitor There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Recommended Limits: Monthly Average Summer Winter wQ or EL Wasteflow (MGD): 4.0 BODs (mg/1): 20 20 wp NH3N (mg/1): 5.0 5.0 WQ DO (mg/1): 5.0 5.0 WQ TSS (mg/1): 30 30 Fecal Col. (/100 ml): 200 200 pH(SU). 6-9 6-9 Residual Chlorine (µg/1): monitor monitor Oil & Grease (mg/1): nr nr TP (mg/1): monitor monitor TN (mg/1): 1 monitor monitor There shall be no ,'discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Parameter(s) affected: Limits Changes Due To: (explanationof any modifications to past modeling analysis including new flows, rates, field data, interacting dischairges) (See page 4 for miscellaneous and special conditions, if applicable) TOMCS/METALS Type of Toxicity Test: Chronic (Ceriodaphnia) Toxicity Test Existing Limit: 31 % Recommended Limit: 31 % Monitoring Schedule: February, May, August, November Existing Limits Daily Max. COD (mg/): Cadmium (µg/l): Chromium (µg/1): monitor Quarterly Copper (µg/1): monitor Quarterly Nickel (µg/1): monitor Quarterly Lead (µgift j monitor Quarterly Zinc (µg/1): monitor Quarterly Cyanide (µg/1): Fluoride (µg/1): monitor Quarterly Mercury (µg/1): Silver (µg/l): Recommended Limits Daily Max. COD (mg/): nr Cadmium (µg/1): Chromium (µg/1): not required one hit out of 13 data points submitted. All values well below allowable (µg/l): monitor 4:*VCopper per SOP, continued monitoring required due to high levels in effluent Nickel (µg/l): not required three hits out of 13 data points submitted. All values well below allowable Lead (µg/1): monitor Quarterly not enough data submitted to assess requirment Zinc (µg/1): , monitor q�my per SOP, continued monitoring required due to high levels in effluent Cyanide (11&4): Fluoride (µg/1): monitor Quarterly not enough data submitted to assess requirment Mercury (µg/1): Silver (µg/l)• Parameter(s) are water quality limited. For some parameters, the available load capacity of the immediate receiving water will be consumed. This may affect future water quality based effluent limitations for additional dischargers within this portion of the watershed. OR x No parameters are water quality limited, but this discharge may affect future allocations. INST,REAM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Upstream, Location: US 74 east Downstream Location [site #1]: SR 1612 Downstream Location [site #1]: SR 1108 Parameters: temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, conductivity Special instream monitoring locations or monitoring frequencies: Upstream and downstream samples shall be grab samples. Stream samples shall be collected three. 'tunes per week during June, July, August, and September and once per week during the remauung months,of the year. MISCEI LANEOUS INFORMATION & SPECIAL CONDITIONS Adequacy of Existing Treatment Has the facility de, nstrated the ability to meet the proposed new limits with existing treatment facilities? Yes No H no, which parameters cannot be met? Would a "phasing in" of the new limits be appropriate? Yes No '1 N yes, please provide a schedule (and basis for that schedule) with the regional office recommendations: If no, why not? ��..• t �r.�C � � `� �...� � � rho.. =t o � . tee, 5�+�.a� er i`ta ra. .ht'c.ng�. Special Instructions or Conditions Wasteload sent to EPA? (Major) (Y or N) (If yes, then attach updated evaluation of facility, including toxics spreadsheet, modeling analysisif modeled at renewal, and description of how it fits into basinwide plan) Additional Information attached? (Y or N) If yes, explain with attachments. Facility Name Laurinburg - Leith Creek WWTP Permit # NC(02W56 Pipe # 001 CHRONIC TOXICITY PASS/FAIL PERMIT LIMIT (QRTRLY) The effluent discharge shall at no time exhibit chronic toxicity using test procedures outlined in: 1.) The North Carolina Ceriodaphnia chronic effluent bioassay procedure (North Carolina Chronic Bioassay Procedure - Revised *September 1989) or subsequent versions. The effluent concentration at which there may be no observable inhibition of reproduction or significant mortality is 31 %' (defined as treatment two in the North Carolina procedure document). The permit holder shall perform guar monitoring using this procedure to establish compliance with the permit condition. The first test will be performed after thirty days from the effective date of this permit daring the months of Feb., 'May., Aug., and Nov. Effluent sampling for this testing shall be performed at the NPDES permitted haal effluent discharge below all treatment processes. All toxicity testing results required as part of this permit condition will be entered on the Effluent Discharge Monitoring Fori (MR-1) for the month in which it was performed, using the parameter code TGP3B. Additionally, DEM Form AT-1 (original) is to be sent to the following address: Attention: Environmental Sciences Branch North Carolina Division of Environmental Management 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, N.C. 27607 Test data shall be complete and accurate and include all supporting chemical/physical measurements performed in asso `ation with the toxicity tests, as well as all dose/response data. Total residual chlorine of the effluent toxick sample must be measured and reported if chlorine is employed for disinfection of the waste stream. Should any single quarterly monitoring indicate a failure to meet specified limits, then monthly monitoring will begin immediately until such time that a single test is passed. Upon passing, this monthly test requirement will ert to quarterly in the months specified above. Should any test d Afrom this monitoring requirement or tests performed by the North Carolina Division of Environmental M: iagement indicate potential impacts to the receiving stream, this permit may be re -opened and modified to iriclude alternate monitoring requirements or limits. NOTE: Failure to achieve test conditions as specified in the cited document, such as minimum control organism survival and appropriate environmental controls, shall constitute an invalid test and will require immediate retesting(within 30 days of initial monitoring event). Failure to submit suitable test results will constitute noncompliance with monitoring requirements. 7Q10 1113.8 cfs Permitted Flow 4.0 M G D IWC 31 % Basin & Sub -basin 03-07-55 Receiving Stream Leith Creek County Scotland QCL P!F Version 9191 Recommended Farrell Keough., Page 1 From: Date: Subject: To: Note for Farrell Keough Tom Poe Aug 12, 1994 4:53 PM RE: Laurinburg - Leith Creek WWTP Farrell Keough I checked with Paul Rawls & Mike Wicker in the FRO. They will re-evaluate the need for Pretreatment Program for Laurinburg, and get back to me next week. Their last evaluation indice Lted no SIU's. REA Magnet Wire and Abbott Labs discharge Ground Water with organics remediated to BDL values, no metals. They have had a few tox test failures but from the record it did not appear to be a persistant problem. Does the SOP for NON -Pretreatment Programs still include monitoring for Action Level Metals even though there are no SIU dischargers? I will Iget back to you next week after I hear from FRO. From: Farrell Keough on Thu, Aug 11, 199410:47 AM SubJect: Laurinburg - Leith Creek WWTP To: Tom Poe F NC0020565 I'm sorry this is such short notice, but I need this information ASAP as we are trying to get the Lumber Basin Permits out this and next week. 11 This facility has a number of Industrial types of dischargers tied onto their plant, (refer list from application below). Current toxics analysis indicates that the previous monitoring regwrements for chromium and nickel should be deleted; copper and zinc will be monitored monthly, (per current SOP) and lead and fluoride will continue to be monitored quarterly as we did not have enough data to assess them. What I need to know is, do any of these facilities tied into this plant have the potential for discharging POC's which should be monitored, (per NPDES Permit) since they have no Pretreatment program and therefore no future access to this information? POC's for this facility may not be limited to those above mentioned toxics; please elaborate. Abbott Laboratories (principally an assembly plant, Toastmaster - Ingraham Division REA Magnet Wire Company Waverly Mills, Incorporated Eaton Corporation THANKS mainly domestic waste) (clocks and plastic) (principally domestic waste) (synthetic yarn, polyester) (rubber) Request # 7879 Facility Name: Laurinburg - Leith Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant NPDES No.: NC0020656 Type of Waste: 100 % Domestic Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal Receiving Stream: Big Shoe Heel Creek Stream Classification: C - Swamp Subbasin: 03-07-55 County: Scotland Stream Characteristic: Regional Office: Fayetteville USGS # Requestor: Wilson Date: 1992 Date of Request: 6/16/94 Drainage Area (m12): 83 Topo Quad: �' H 21 SW Summer 7010 (ds): 13.8 Winter 7010 (ds): 24 Average Flow (ds): 95.6 30Q2 (ds): 35 IWC (%): 31 % Existing WLA checked: x Staff Report: x Topo checked: x USGS Flows confirmed: �o C. A�w,u�t iWC Spreadsheet: x 1a 3 Stream Classification: x Nutrient Sensitivity: x Instream Data: x 1976: recommended limits: its: BODS 5.0, NH3-N 2.0, dissolved oxygen 5.0, pH 6 - 9, TSS 30, fecal coliform 200. receiving stream: Leiths Creek, 0. 0 s 7010, with a design capacity of 2.0 mgd. 1983: no notes exist; expansion and relocation: BOD516.0, NH3-N 6.0, dissolved oxygen 5.0, pH 6 - 9, TSS 30, fecal coliform 1,000. receiving stream:') Big Shoe Heel Creek, 13.8cfs 7010, with a design capacity of 4.0 mgd. 1987: note attached indicating Original Copy lost: ecommended limits: BODS 20.0, NH3-N 5.0, dissolved oxygen 5.0, pH 6 - 9, TSS 30, fecal co0?rm 1,000 : discharge was considered to 2.3 % Industrial, therefore monitoring for chromium, nickel, zinc, and copper as well as Chronic Toxicity Test recommended. receiving stream: Big Shoe Heel Creek, 13.8cfs 7010, with a design capacity of 4.0 mgd. 1992: reissued w/ samel limits, (200 fecal coliform) and no A in ammonia since previous was fairly stringent and facility was consistently passing toxicity test. Lead, fluoride, zinc, nickel, and chrome monitoring (quarterly) were recommended. Memo 1993 added a second instream monitoring location. * no Significant Industrial sers per Pretreatment * Lead and fluoride not be g monitored Only Chromium, copper, nickel and zinc being monitored monthly. Lead and fluoride have only been monitored 2 times DMR's BODS and NH3-N levels very low. Three solids violations in 1�1992 -1993 print-out...1994 data looks very good. Refer attached for metals data Instream Monitorina Upstream: Temperature range dissolved 7 - 25 ° C oxygen range 8.2 - 9.0 mg/I Downstream site #1: 7 - 25 ° C 7.9 - 9.0 mg/I Downstream site #2: 7.9 - 9.1 mg/I thly averages ranges are from monthly Toxlcit)t Test fairly good record, failures Iin May, June, and July of 1993, but consistent passing since then... PA AWs Note: no Pretreatment Program, (refer attached) 1� 1991 Cadmium (µg/l): 2 BDL BDL Copper (µg/1): 18 BDL BDL Cyanide (µg/l): Lead (µg/l): BDL 56 BDL Nickel (µg/l): BDL BDL 85 Zinc (µgA): 70 109 57 Chloride (mg/l): 32,000 33,000 34,600 Fluoride (mg/1): 1,100 794 630 Per Aeolication_ but not considered SIU's Abbott Laboratories Toastmaster Ingraham Division REA Magnet Wire Company Waverly Mills, Incorporated Eaton Corporation Wasteflow (MGD): BODE (mg/l): NH3N (mg/l): DO (mg/1): TSS (mg/l): Fecal Col. (A 00 ml): pH (SU): Residual Chlorine (µg/I): Oil & Grease (mg/l): TP (mg/l): TN (mgA): Chromium (µg/l): Nickel (µfill): Copper (µg/1): Lead (µfill): Zinc (µg/l): Fluoride (µfill): Upstream Location: Downstream Location [site 1 ]: Downstream Location [site 2]: Parameters: Monthly Averages Summer Winter 4.0 20 20 5 5 5 5 30 30 200 200 6-9 6-9 monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor Principle Constituents principally an assembly plant, mainly domestic waste dodos and plastic principally domestic waste synthetic yarn, polyester rubber Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly at least 100' upstream SR 1612 (Scotland County) SR 1108 (Robeson County) temperature, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform conductivity WO or EL Laudnlwrg - Leith Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant NC0020656 date of data FacWWfiWWm AFMSa OW (how) a 70100 (dt)a 1WIC (%) a Laurinbu - Leith Creek WWTP MC0020656 4.00 m d 13.80 do 31.0 % FINAL RESULTS Chromium Maximum Value 5.0 Max. Prod Cw &a Allowable Cw 161.3 Nate U �d Copper [AI] Maximum value 20.0 Max. Prod Cw 40.0 vvv NR6Q- QeY Allowable Cw 22.6 50P CQeTLyj Nickel Maximum Value 1&0 Max. Prod Cw Allowable Cw 60.0 �t �� U&9 Zinc [AQ Maximum Value 150.0 Max. Prod Cw 300.0 ro+vNttGv . PBX?, Allowable Cw 161.3 $8P T zart�l Lead Maximum value 1.5 Max. Pred Cw #VALUE! ENvv1� Allowable Cw 80•6 dNtA t 0 Fluoride Maximum Value 880.0 Max. Pred Cw #VALUE! Allowable Cw 3606.5 ANtA to q7 Pmameter- Chromium stand". 50 n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 e 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 2D 21 22 23 24 25 26 BDLa1/2DL 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 lO 'if 1/2 DL • RESULTS SW Dev. 0.7 Mean 2.7 C.V. 0.3 Mutt Factor a 1.7 Max. Value 5.0 pA Max. Prod Cw 8.5 pe Allowable Cw 161.3 po date of data Pier- Cooper [All Parameter. Mckel Standard. 7 go Standard. 88 n BDL-1/2DL *If 1/2 DL RESULTS n BDLo1/2DL If 1/2 DL RESINS 1 14 Std Dev. 5.8 1 2.5 Std Dev. &5 2 11 Mean 14.2 2 2.5 Mean &9 3 16 C.V. MAI 3 2.5 C.V. 0.9 4 20 4 2.5 ' 5 15 5 2.5 ' 6 20 Molt Factor 2.0 6 5 Ault Fecbr= 4.0 7 18 Max. Value 20.0 µo 7 2.5 Max. Value 15.0 PO 8 20 Max. Prod Ow 40.0 NgA 8 6 Max. Prod Co 60.0 po 9 15 Allowable Cw 22.6 µo 9 15 Allowable Cw 285.9 µfill 10 5 10 2.5 11 6 11 2.5 ' 12 5 12 2.5 ' 13 20 13 2.5 ' 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 2D 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 28 28 date of data Parameter- Zln� [AI] Parameter- Lead Standard- So µo Stwxk ►d- 25 µO n 1 �1/2DL 10 'ff 1/2 DL RESULTS Std Dev. 31.8 n 1 BDL=1/2DL 1.5 If 1/2 DL RESULTS SW Dev. 0.0 2 150 Mean 71.2 2 1.5 Mean 1.5 3 50 C.V. 0.4 3 C.V. &0 4 150 4 5 75 5 6 75 Molt Factor 20 a Mult Facbr a Na 7 80 Max. Value 150.0 µen 7 Max. Value 1.5 µeA 8 105 Max. Prod Cw 300.0 µen 8 Max. Prod Cw µen 9 80 Allowable Cw 161.3 µen 9 Allowable Cw 60.6 µgn 10 55 10 11 50 11 12 55 12 13 120 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 16 19 19 2D 2D 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 slate of data Parameters Fluoride Standard s 1800 yo n BDLa1/2DL If 1/2 DL RESULTS 1 370 SW Dev. 360.6 2 880 Mean 625.0 3 C.V. 0.6 4 5 6 Mu/tFactor a rda 7 Max Value 860.0 po a Max Prod Cw #MM pn 9 Allowable Cw 5806.5 �gA 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 \ \` TESTING OISELF-MONITORING SUMMARY) TB,, Jul 19, 1994 WHOLE F7.'ryUFN'1'TOXI(7'EY NOV DFIC RF)DU - - :12.'f9' 21.yE' 61./6' PAC IAKUWAC'CAMAWWWTP motor C11R I.IM90% Nm�l'umP:SIN01 J! _ el -- - '- _ - - 1'F 85.16' - >tw' _ >100' 91.71' 36.6' W.59- M.36' FNL NC002ISSIMI Dcgln:3/INJ Ihnyue Y: Q 1'➢' A MAR 111N SIT UI!L' 92 4nbS 2615' 35.35- 35.58' PASS - - PASS - - CouaY:COLUMBUS Reglm:W➢t0 Subbuin:LUM56 9339.M' - FAIL 'FNL PASS PF:0.4 SP w 94 NfbFAR FAIL FAIL PASS - - - PASS bl 7QIO: 0.0 IWC(%):100.0 Odcr - _ - - - - - M PASS PASS - _ PASS - LAUNI L HILL PAP" CO- IT." CIIR IAM:1.5% NmComp:SNGIJ: 91 PASS PASS - PASS PASS PASS PASS _ - PASS - _ PASS - NCOOD5041N01 Bcgio:l2/IN3 Faqumcy. Q P/F a F® MAY AUG NOV B2 - PASS - - - _ PASS _ - PASS _ Cawty:RICHMOND Regim: PRO S6WYAD16 w - PASS - - PASS PASS 5paid PF:0.25 0��. 94 - PASS - PASS - - PASS - 7Qt0: 25.0 IWC(%):1.52 90 _ PASS - - PASS _ _ _• PASS - _. FAIL PASS 'URNBURGWWIP PERM C11R LIM:31% FIJ1 MAY AUG NOV NvnComP:SNGLC 91 - PASS - - - PASS PAS' - _ PASS - ... - PASS PASS - - NCO020656V01 Bcgm:12J1/97 FneP y: Q P/F A 92 PASS M - ��, {: PASS - Cvmty:5C0'MND Rcgim:FRO Subbuin: LUM55 B3 - PASS - �FAIL'e!f1%uMENm`"" PASS PF:4.00 5pecid 'AN _ PASS - _ PA55 - PASS 7Q10: 13.90 IWC(%):3L00 Qd< y m PASS - PASS - _ PASS - - - PASS _ - FAIL IAURN➢URG-MAXTON AIRPORT PERM CFA IAMJUN NmCOmP:SNGLE p1 - PASS Ni - PASS LATE PASS - PASS - _ PASS PASS MAR NC0044726001 Bcgiv: 11/IN3 Feq : Q P/P A MAR JUN SEP DEC PASS PASS IA PASS - - PASS - - NIWA55 _ - Comry:SCO'MND R<Sim: FRO Subbuu: LI1M51 93 _ - PASS - _ PP: 1.00 SP w F _ - PASS - FA >Ep NONE >BO NONE 7QI0: 111.0 1WG(%):I.38 ate, 90 502E 11.T Ni 35.6 BD.D 26.5 - - PASS PASS LCP PLASTICS LET CHR TAR:99% FED MAY AUG NOV NonComp: 91 NONE' - - _ PASS - _ PASS - - PASS PASS _ NCOD36366AA11 Bcgin:2122N1 FratucxY-Q PIP a ST - PASS - PASS _ - NRIP/SS _ - Cowry:GUBli)AD Rccgim:WSRO Subbuln:CPFOB BS - VAv^5 - - PASS S 1 _ PP: NA Pscie B4 - _ - _ >90 7QID-.O-W IWC(%):100.0 - 0drr. g0 - _ >80 _ - _w _ PASS - _ PASS C6KdJAUfOSALF- PFAA1 CIBl LP1:12%(GRAB) B1 - - >w _ _ PASS _ _ _ PASS _ _ PASS LEDBETfEROB. 2NNl Fmquwcy: Q e MAR JUN SEP DEC NvvCvmP: 93 - - PASS - _ - .PASS - - PASS - - NT Cowry: MCDOWOI. ReBim: AAO � Subbeeiv: CID70 co.1y:113N01 S-1- B3 _ _ PASS _ - ,PASS PF:O.OIN sped., t> 84 _ - PASS 7Q10: 1.80 IWC(%):1.2 SO LF].AND INDUSTRIAL PARK WW7P PERM: 24ID2 PIP AC L➢d 90%POW NovComP:SNGLE Bt NC006S676001 B-&:dl/94 R qu ' Q e MAR JUN SEP DEC 0 . CouuY:BRUNSWICK RePm:WBlO Subbuin.CPF17 93 . PF: 0.25 Spedd B4 PASS _ - PASS 7Q10: 600 IWC(%):0.065 aaev pg8 PA55 - PASS - - PASS _ - PASS LENOIR.CDYOF-GUNPOWDER CREEK PERM CHR LIM:JB% 91 - _ PASS - - PASS PASS _ _ _ PASS - - PASS FAiI NC0023736'001 Begin:IW4N2 -. RMIU W Q P/F A MAR JUN SEP DPC NovComp:SNGIE 92 - _ FAIL LATE PASS _ PASS - - FAIL PASS - C9uvry: CAIDWEL Rcgtm: ARO Subbum:CTB32 0 _ - PASS - _ PP:LW Shedd 94 PASS - PASS - PA55 - _ UTE PASS 7Q10: 2.90 IWC(%):34.83 tyd� � _ PASS _ _ _ PASS - - - - PASS LFNOB!, CRY OF -LOWER CREEK WWTP PERM CHR LIM 40% NmComP:SNGLE S1 _ PASS _ - PASS PASS _ - FAIL PASS - PASS - _ NC00239811001 Bcgin:l/IN3 Frvquwcy. Q PIF a AUG NOV FEB MAY B2 - PASS - _ _ - PASS - _ PASS - COwtY:CALDWPL. Rcgion: ARO Subbuin:CIB31 93 - PASS - _ PASS FAIL PASS PF:4.08 Specid - W- FAIL PASS N3 PASS _ 7Q10: 9.3 IWC(%):10.43 11+tiv y W PASS - - M PASS PASS - PASS _ - - PASS - LE)UNGTON REGIONAL W WIP PPJtM CUR LIM:56% NmCvmP' 91 - PASS - - PASS PASS PASS PASS - _ PASS - - PASS - _ NC005S)8V)oJ E,&:611/89 Fnqu : Q PIP a FED MAY AUG NOV B2 - PASSSIG - - PASS - PASS - _ PASS Couay:DAVIDSON Regim:WSRO Subb-'W:YAM 93 _ PASS(.) - - PASS PASS PF:530 Spxid IN_ PASS - - 7010-.6.70 IWC(%):55.99 02mvwc'uive fe0uru= eigni6wnt vonmmp0mrc y P. 1990 Deu Avellesk Monitoring bequevq:QQm°mly:M-MoNNY:BM-➢irrovddY:SA- SemienoudlY: A. Awu-.OW .ApRjUhra Jice6ugin.C-P=C ucd mvnimdv8 RN-b ent:IS-Cmductingindependmt uudy IJ;GFND' __ OCr NmCvmP=Cumat Come➢enc°Requimmrat I,ERM=Permit Raryirmma LFr=AdmiNsuuivelsna-Tug+ Frequcoy iurmus mrnmWYupuv sivcl =fdbuc MmtH tW luting man accw-u. JAN.APRJUL. Ban =Fun mmdi,w,i d ]QIB=Raxivine evcuolow lbw cntcrim (dq A=qquutedy rmn�torinB F!lI PF=PmmtttrAnvw(MGD) DVC%:ImBenm wale ceamtntim P/F=Pad WI chronic tut AC=Anita C Chtmb SIG =OAC eipnmm oecdcd P-iJ ; - M''M SW W:1- Ivsctivc, N -Ncw1Y WuedRo muwa); 11- Active ba ea diubuei°e: 7-Mom deu eve0eac [or rmotb io 9°ari°° Date Naeum:f- Fuhud Miwow: e- Cuiada hl eo.:mv-().BdhdmP: ChV-CNodc value:P-MnrWiry of tread ramwtucnbialrst mvanuedm:u-Pafvrmcd by DFM A°Toe Grmo:a- te+r Ikpordoe Noretioo:-=Deu rta requimd:NIL -Na mp-wd:()-B<givoivg of QeNa Y 31 I F,77M 517T n.ffl IM- n I ZTA I i I TA i I a �; - �111111 Z [OillIKII a upstream: US 74 east Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity May-94 18 8.3 88% 482 34 Apr-94 19 8.2 88% 75.5 35 Mar-94 13 8.4 801YO 306 38 Feb-94 10 8.9 79% 42 36 Jan-94-- 7 73% - --256 - Deo-93 8 8.9 75% 165 39 Nov-93 12 8.9 83% 87 43 Oct 93 16 9.0 91 % 244 31 Sep-93 22 8.2 94% 428 33 Aug-93 24 8.3 99% 264 32 Jul-93 25 8.3 100% 402 29 Jun-93 23 8.4 98% 263 28 Residual Chlorine 7010 (cfs) 13.8 Design Flow (mgd) 4 Design Flow (cfs) 6.188 Stream SW (µg/i) 17 Upstream bkgrd level (µg/i) 0 IWC (%) 31.0% Allowable Concentration (µg/i) 54.9 Allowable Owmntrolon (mgA) 0.055 uownstreem: sR i to z Dna e Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity 19 8.2 88% 235 44 19 8.2 88% 79.5 42 13 8.5 81 % 137 42 10 8.9 79% 84 44 76 -45 - 8 8.8 74% 74 44 12 8.7 81 % 99 47 17 8.9 92% 164 48 22 7.9 90% 306 50 24 8.2 97% 278 52 25 8.0 97% 440 52 23 8.2 96% 427 44 Ammonia [2 / 4 mg/Q - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Colifotm Instream Waste Concentrations Ammonia as NH3 (summer) 13.8 7010 (cfs) 4 Design Flow (mgd) 6.188 Design Flow (cfs) 1 Stream Std (mg/l) 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mg/i) 31.0% IWC (%) 2.7 Allowable Concentration (mg/1) Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 24.0 7010 (cfs) 4 Design Flow (mgd) Fecal Limit 200/100ml 6.188 Design Flow (cfs) Ratio of 2.2 :1 1.8 Stream Std (mg/l) 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mg/1) 20.5% IWC (%) 7.9 Allowable Concentration (mg/l) Laurinbura - Leith Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant NCO020858 u mreum: Month Temp DO Saturation Fecal Conductivity May-94 0% Apr-94 0% Mar-94 0% - —Feb-94---- 0%--- -- --- - - Jan-94 096 Deo-93 0% Nov-93 0% Oct-93 0% Sep-93 0% Aug-93 0% Jul-93 0% Jun-93 0% Downstream: SR Ilea bridge Tamp DO Saturation Fecal Conducihr 19 7.9 85% 428 44 19 8.1 87% 182 46 13 8.4 80% 171 42 10 - - 8.8 78% 49 47 7 - __ 9.0 74% 81 46 8 8.8 74% 51 45 12 8.7 81 % 128 48 17 9.1 94% 157 45 Ammonia 12 / 4 mg/Q - Residual Chlorine - Fecal Collform Instreem Waste Concentrations Ammonia as NH3 Residual Chlorine (summer) 7010 (cfs) 13.8 13.8 7010 (cfs) Design Flow (mgd) 4 4 Design Flow (mgd) Design Flow (cfs) 6.188 6.188 Design Flow (cfs) Stream SW (µgll) 17 1 Stream SW (mgA) Upstream bkgrd level (µgin 0 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mgA) IWC (%) 31.0% 31.0% 1WC (9/0) Allowable Concentration (µgA) 54.9 2.7 Allowable Concentration (mgA) Nbwabb Conm mtbn (mgM 0.055 Ammonia as NH3 (winter) 24.0 7010 (cfs) 4 Design Flow (mgd) Fecal IUmB 200/100ml 6.188 Design Flow (cfs) Raflo of 2.2 :1 1.8 Stream Sid (mgA) 0.22 Upstream bkgrd level (mgA) 20.5% IWC (%) 7.9 Allowable Concentration (mgA) 0% 0% 0% LONG TERM MONITORING PLAN REQUEST FORM IFACILITY: 115 CP-4— INPDESNO.: NCooGO(ri5(, IEXPIRATION DATE: (2(3�%h REGION: I P&E REQUESTOP,: S. W % -s2&J I PRETREATMENT CONTACT. Vo : DATE OF REQUEST: INDICATE THE STATUS OF PRETREATMENT PROGRAM: VZ 1) THE FACILITY HAS NO SIU'S AND SHOULD NOT HAVE PRETREATMENT LANGUAGE. 2) THE FACILITY HAS OR IS DEVELOPING A PREATREATMENT PROGRAM. 3) ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS REGARDING THE PRETREATMENT PROGRAM ATTACHED. PERMITTED FLOW: - G+owc (Je�� �.ed.'.>''D.JLy % INDUSTRIAL % DOMESTIC Pretreatment Unit Staff (Region) Jeff Poupart (WSRO) Dana Folley (RRO, WaRO) Tom Poe (FRO, ARO, WiRO) Joe Pearce (MRO) AEIS Tf LABORATOR14 LAURINBURO. NC PRE REA MENrOROUNDWATERPERMITNO. NCM2063"WI INDIRECPDISCIiAROE MON17MRINO REPORT DATA REPORT DATE: 5119M PAGE I OF I s IV NJ out -rage grpales, I= of caustratoas of outer pstametem esapt pm Valves Isu tias Metiod Delecdos IJuit idea to be zero Is ealcslsdaSM coacemindoa and areesp sosaeatndm <GII s1 M& daddeata tist the parameter wu aot detccted At the lodiated Method Dctecdoa LJait Dlseiar=c halts are many Muslmvs' par ptetresttacat petnit. Lhaaasi MIlb or pMWeaac None dada=fib pe dod. AsBoT I �ArA JECASMS.MURET'RFAT.W02 F t DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT May 5, 1993 TO: Charles Lowe FROM: Susan A. Wilson THROUGH: Ruth Swanek 12-� Carla Sanderson SUBJECT: City of Laurinburg (NPDES No. NC0020656) Big Shoe Heel Creek, Lumber River Basin Scotland County The Technical Support Branch (TSB) has the following comments with regard to the City of Laurinburg's inquiry to their proposed permit: Per 15A NCAC 2B. 0505 (c) (2) (B), the Division may require more than one downstream sampling point if deemed necessary. The City was required to monitor at SR 1612 (Scotland County) and SR 1108 (Robeson County) in the previous permit as well as in this proposed permit. The model for Big Shoe Heel Creek indicated a potential for decreased dissolved oxygen levels near the area of the sampling points, especially at SR 1108. The City of Laurinburg has never performed instream monitoring at this sampling point, however, sampling at SR 1612 indicates depressed D.O. levels (in some cases below 3 mg/1). Because Laurinburg is a 4 MGD plant and constitutes 31 % of the stream, the Division needs to adequately assess the impact of the discharge on Big Shoe Heel Creek through the instream monitoring requirements. This data can also be used in the future to confirm model results should the facility apply for an expansion, or should the entire Big Shoe Heel Creek area be remodeled. In conclusion, TSB recommends that both instream monitoring points be retained in the proposed permit. cc: Tommy Stevens (Kitty Kramer), FRO IVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 04/12/93 NC0020656 City of Laurinburg Scotland County CCL? To: Technical Support Branch A) From: Charles LoweCCJ- Permits and Engineering Unit _ C -\\A , j Please review the attached draft comments from the City of Laurinburg. Do we neeEo require them to sample at this location? Thanks cc: Permit File 0 40 i o ire r April 2,'��,1993 Coleen Sullins NPDES Permit Group Division siof Environmental Management P.O. Box ;27687 Raleigh, `N.C. 27611-7687 SUBJECT: (DRAFT PERMIT FOR THE LEITH PERMIT NO'. NCO020656 - SCOTLAND COUNTY. Dear Ms. Sullins: r r • • r r a:UR'I:Ng:tJiiG + r r r r r '7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT WATER & WASTEWATER PLANT CREEK WASTEWATER PLANT. After reviewing the draft permit I received from your office, I found that under A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS, sampling for downstream will be NCSR-1612 and NCSR- 1108. I do not wish to sample at NCSR-1108 which is located in Robeson County. I request that NCSR-1108 be removed from our permit. If you need additional information, Please call me at 919-277-0214. Sincerely, Carl Hegwer Director Water astewater Plants. cc. MI. Carles Lowe Reg j. onal Office f i I R NCAC 2a. 0 05 C.)C 603 LAUCHWOOD DRIVE R.O. BOX L 49 LAURINBURG, N.C. 28352 o 919/277-0214. instream sprdsht INSTREAM SELF -MONITORING DATA MONTHLYAVERAGES Discharger ' AVApj&U pr Receiving Stream: 6,4 Upstream Location: n i -74 DATE =AD m CXYdD FECALCOU 01 /90 02/9C 03/9C 04/9C 05/9C 06/9C 07/9( 08/9( 09/9( 10/9( 11/9( 1 2/91 01/9' 02/9 03/9 04/9 05/9 O6/9 07/9 08/9 09/9 1 0/9 1 1 /9 12/9 01/9 02/9 03/9 04/9 05/9 06/£ 07/£ 0M 09/4 10/S 11/S 12/i 01P 02/ Q � ;���F7►1L7! Permit Number: NC.co 2.ob56 Subbasin: Downstream Location: m rrwn FFC;AL000 Page 1