HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 11-2020_20201222Monitoring Report Submittal ............................................................................................................................................ Permit Number #* WQ0019755 Name of Facility:* JPC Utilities, LLC Month:* November Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter:* Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2020 Upload Document* Scan0008.pdf 1.07MB FDF Cnly Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-t, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith Reviewer: Williams, Kendall 12/22/2020 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct? * WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report r Yes r No accepted?* Regional Office * Winston-Salem Accepted Date: 12/22/2020 FOR% N DAM 1 NON -DISCHARGE APTFCATiON REPORT [NOAR-1 ) Did the im pprication rates exceed the I im its i n Attachment 8 of you r perrnit? Were ade-q uate areas u rc$ 'aken to preve nt effluent ponding in or eunoff from the sjtgs? L Comollanl �:] W.-Cjnpjwt Was a s uita b le vegetative c ove r mai nlairled on aj I sites as specified i n your perm it? p QXNUM J ran carrrkWE Were ali se tbac ks I isted i rr you r perm it mainta ined fo r OvM applicatio n to each permitted site 7 0 ra,r C N- oxnowih 11'Ifere a I I flee boards m ai ntai n ed I n acccndance with the specified fmobwrd heig hts i n you r permit? G CwVmnt '1 I n- I'd- b-111t' r} I Innr _::rrpli;; -it Dl'ase eMrilair. In thra 8Pe[8 bnkw the remon(t) 1h9 f6MCIYhV wEi not n 0M-:pj121�ee p-nuiie •n kou: e71pwawn Me' d�rlwS� of the nan•pa � rryplianoe and descrlm fora QarnedA+e aQion (s) laka& Aitacil aMitk!rm' shrTt5 ' necessary. 1"rator In Resporks ible C4arge {ORC f CW6rriM bh Parmil;" U-Br rworian ORC! Bradley Flynt Pormlroiw J PC Ul fifles CortMexhion Mg,; 27M Signing Off Mal! bug $rr111n Grarla; 1V RMna NSlrnbaf' {33 j p-6 $ WOMIng Off+ AM'a Tltlb- $ack-Up 0 FCC: C;- nad� 1 1-DGB� 11 Has rho OAS CAUgodslince the prerlq N SR i _j rrs ' M: Phone Numb9r: �)215-094$ Ps+mik Ercp-: n,71Ure a9r6 f IV Signle Dale !Yd OMM Ihi17L6 ItKW IF aeXaFIm rrnd nanp-ek b 1he G7.l d rrry hwrM'9al. I [C rd14, -dw per ce Ltir, dra[ I I m doam*rd and dl xllachr.e= aria pf6pwTd under mi drocGal Cr aipr ru mon in ao + rdrrca �In 4 tr kdp dfrs4Ma b rmvm di om al gLs;ak w rir' Wly DEFnnd am Am WbAiw Ik- r4 iormwk n:sLbm Ilyd ftk6w m rcy Dwk'So of nr« pli wM or Wf:6Ui4 WL� wffMX Lro IXs-hrm. or "w pQmmi ri. riransm ror godrpqv Ihr V"Madon, ire n krm5 w) aAYMwrl w 14 the bosI or my krkrydpr arro bcligr, ". aoNra Z% rrd Corr ji rrk I am aware Ihal irra &IV 2q)k Lw4 F41u for cabrrdriry r&b* 40w,, lon. Mk" r! PmgAtr 01 arc arid rnrnsonnwi for kF&Ai p rrolebx.�F. MOU OrlglfkM and Tywu Ccppiea to aiViSiMn'01 I Naler Reacurces Information Processing Unij 1617 Mail Service CenW Raleigh, h iMlit Carol Ins 2769E-161 7 Frkr.m• NDAR-1 1 t- in RG?4.01S[ FHARG E AtRPLICATJON Rr;PC RT JNEOR.1; r aye of Perinit Na: VVG001507v FdC+Iity Name: Oak Ridge wornmons WOfTP Tun6r• GuWur-J Manrh- Nove.mber Year_ 2020 �Jvld Name' RC-01 FRM Name: RC-D2Flew Name- RC'G:' Field Name[ RG04A �ii� irrigation occur � ,•_ Area (aeras}- 2.11 liras jaeretF: 2.11Am Corn); Area �#rreffi 146 �t this #�Cl�l�f� Cover crop: - - Y_F. J rx, ki0ur�r Rate (JnM; 0.3 Hourly Rtlb (In); 0.3 Houriy Rath {ink; CL3 N4irrlyr Rate Onj- 0.3 Annear Ratc d�k 22.21 JSnnual R#Gr nM; 2221 Anbu�F (InF; 23,2� ,ti,tinual �?atx (;rtiM- 22.2i Wo flier Fr"Werd Fk&I lrrigalyd? [l Tu D w Fleur Jrdwovd? D r6 •ru Field krlgaledF I '! Yes _•; rk7 Held IrYJOahed? S+Eg ❑ Np � m 3 % E 1 v_ L .s r y., c a 1 = i n. o a 1= 13. 3 4 T a w x OF in R �r rni� Ift In -Yal min In In nrin -,-;iE In in 1 Mir, In in 1 Ft 60 049 r 68 5.7 14 ZM DD 025 Q 17 11.103 SSG D.19 0.19 31 5.8 56 18 3D 125 D.32 �16 13,�00 12i_} 4),33 0.16 4 C 18 13.5DD 120 0,32 0.16 1d.5QD 00 0.25%112 6 C 30 6 1:9 6pp 120 (1.32 0.16 0.33 0.16 6 C 3B 6 7�,500 f24 D.$2 Q.15 x ,5D0 80 D257 PC 72 6.1 15.500 t2D 0.32 i -16 D"33 0.14 PC i 6.2 L F4 0.0$ 5.3 10,$DO 12� 0.02 fl.7$ 14SDD 4.2514 RC 73 0.<5 8-5 5.0 19,5� 120 0.320.3 0.111 R 71 2 &Al2 Ft 65 2.39 6.2 13 C 72-0$$3 d.&W 3D a.00 4.D8] - 0.D9 0.00 h 6 iv 49 6,3 _ 11� 44 6.4 1715M 12D 0.31 E 16 1 ,00D 8D D.24 0.19 1 C 42 5.5 4.J} 7{j 304 12D 032 Qi6 73,DW 120 0.33 Ole 18 C � e.6 17,5D0 12¢ 0.31 DA 5 13r6D0 84 ia�4 0.18 ip C 48 B.B 18,30G 120 0.32 0.16 13,000 120 CL 33 0.16 2D C 68 0 7 17"5w 120 ELM 0.10 t3,�U 0b 0.24 D.18 21 PC 72 6 1UN 120 0.32 Q"16 12,#D�7 130 �,33 D.19 22 PC 92 D.-0[3 0,0 23 0 49 6.8 17,5pp 124 0,31 D.iS 13,860 8p Uzi 0.15 24 PC 44 D $ 10.200 1211 0.32 D-19 12,900 in Q33 0.1 d 26 CL 7 1-.5m 120 0.31 0.16 13,EUD W 0.24 018 26 R 61 0.41 7.2 27 RC 04 7.4 28 RC M 7.6 5,5 30 R.-in D,10, 4.MD 42 GLOO 0.08 20 R 51 1 76 r3DC+L 56Alorlthlyr Loading:ii 2.65 t 690D 2 2312 MonthFloe[rng T41aY[IrFJ' 11521 1421 9.76 ; 2.f FORM: NDAR-i 1a13 NON -DISC HARGE APPUCAPON REPORT INDAR-1 M pne L aF permit No._ M00 f W5;5 Fadl ft Name- Oak R idge C0Mnw is VVV TP Counly- ullfa d �Rlonah: NO'18R10el year. 2020 Fiord Name_ RG-M Fi d Name! R"M Fuld NaRret RC-5E Flald Na tm: RC-46A �� d irrigationoccur Area wjeep! 0 w Area iac�e T b.5D Area �atre�a- 1.57 ,�re,r jetr.�k 0.99 � � t�1�S f�C I I I� Gar crop: Cower Crop' Cover Chop- Caw �R; :.I YES - �� Fi4urf1' R�1� (Inj- 0.3 +i�urlY Rate (In): 0.3 Kour�r Reds j-nr); D.3 tiDtlrty+ 4�{iAM; 4.3 Aoaual ReEe {ink: 3634 Annual Raae fln]- 22.21 !Annual Rt� (In)c 3 i_F AnnuM RwW jfnk 22.21 wcothgr F board Meld 1rMGg3h4d? 0 YP5 r] N4 Field Iwig [ }ts HO F*m Inigwwd4 1 rs ❑f10 FiNd +rrtpal>}d YES NO a � _ FIE! O 7 a 0 E v R E A at ft it min in in [ min In in F man in In gal mlrJ in In 1 4,5do 90 033 D'•9.y 1I.f04 90 0.25 D.17 iE 120 0.33 0.10 - 9,DD4 120 t} 33 01 1 1 5,700 120 �.3@ 0.16 14.510 120 D.34 0.17 5 124 D.33 Q.IB g, 12D 0.33 0.17 5,700 120 D.3 Q1$ 14,600 124 0.0 0.17 �.50U 124 0.33 0.1f 9.0w 120 0.33 0.17 5.700 12-D 0.36 0.16 f �, 6Q 120 0�# 0.17 10 8,5DO 120 d 33 0. tB 9,00D 13G D 33 D.1 F i1 12 13 f�� 14 _ 2,1 Dp 3Q O.da 0 � 2,300 31} 0.*9 0.00 16 16 - 5,5OD 120 0 3A 0 17 1 .$QO 120 0.32 O116 1 .9.400 12D 0.33 0.1- I 9.204 120 1$ 5.504 120 0.34 0.1 F 13,5D0 126 0.32 0.10 113 9,40U 1?6 �.33 ,7.ti6 _ 9,2D0 120 0-34 0.17 ZO ,SOD 120 13.MD 120 0.32 w t6 h B,350 in 0.32 124 0.3q 017 22 3 5.W 1E 0.34 0.17 j 3,6M 120 G.32 0.1j3 24 0,350 120 032 D.19 9,1 Q 120 0.34 0.17 26 :5.5W 124 034 D.I. 7 13,6[1b T2D 0.32 �.16 27 29 1,700 $0 0.11 0.1T 4,30D 30 G.1D 010 90 31 - MonftV LwOng: 69,eW 2.�0 50,80D 3yfF t2$,900 396 ?a 44 ry 12 Month Flo3tlri0 T4al (inl' 12 62 FORM NDAR-1 14--.3 NOWDISCHARG E APPLICATION R @PORT (N DA R-1 � r'Sgr V qF P-Mit No,; WQCDy9755 ffAFO Oak Ridge Cammons VVVV'rP C'ounrv' GuilfGrd Month: NOwemL;er Year: 2020 RC-03BPA d Namsr RC-D?A Fuld Mama: F U-9713VArdla Fieldpmo: pC{lg Did irrigation occur _ .. 1.0B d�cr �; �. Aran �a�rael; i, torwat #his facility?cl3yw Crop F Grow CaYq.-T Cr-0p; 0Fe�: 21 vis y Houdy Rala{1n); 03 Hourly Rpte tk}; 0.3 Jt�urry RpW 4Enf' 0 3 Ilflk (k3 A+K+ual Raba {iryM, N Arsnual JUle (in;- 2221 Annual Rft tin]: �' H4 Annual Race fin]_ 22.21 1'1e3tl*r FnEekn5ard Field IFuuld Ir�I eLeQ7 . fp [] nry FiQFd Irrl ehe+d7 . • : rP� ; NO FFald krlgaked7+ Y?5 r# Lp c - - o a m °i 3 �* a tr, 3 s m e e p �p E of -0_ a E € yal rain Fn irk pal min Jn 11s �I ptilwti in in al rn in In �n 1 R 64 048 5.6 2 C v8 5.7 8,7DG 90 D-7 0 1$ 7.00 0.26 017 C 31 &.8 �.6 1 DODO 220 3535 0.17 18,0m 120 0.33 ale 4 C 6B 6 g,500 TZ0 0.34 017 f0,0Dp T20 0 0.17 x BJS 6 1Q QN 120 on Q_17 1$ W0 120 0,33 0.16 $$ 4.5m 120 0,34 G.17 1 D.OW 120 033 D.17 7 72 •1 10,4DD 120 015 0.17 18,4DQ 720 0 33 fll 18 6 PC 67 4 B Cl. 74 D.DB 6,3 B 0 120 0.34 0.1 F 1 D,DOD 120 FS 0,17 0 PC 73 OA;5 6.5 5.B f0,0pp 1 0.35 0_T7 $0.16 120 0.3$ 01$ .1 c T1 2 6. 2 p 88 2,39 6-2 3 C 72 6-1 4 C 49 a.3 .v'44 3a ow -D� 30 0.40 DOB 5 -C 4V 8.3 6 C 44 $A 8,2DQ 72# CL33 0.16 9,$D0 120 amC 4+? 6 d 8,9�0 '1 4 D.34 0.1x 120 G.32 Q 18 e C 3B $ 8,200 120 EM 0.16 9,50D 120 D.32 0 0 46 15.6 9.g00 T2� 0.34 0.17 B8 6.7 8200 124 �.33 016 �$0Cr 12tF 0.33 PC 72 0.7 9,900 120 0,34 0.17 120 0.32 0-16 P RC 62 4.438 3 C #6 8 J# 6,2m 120 0.33 16 9,W0 12D 0 52 0.1ti t PC 44 S.9 ,9Q0 t20 0-17 } CL 1 52 7 &r0D 120 D.33 0.16 UNI 4.32 016 i R fit 0.41 7.2 r PC 64 7.4 I PC $B .R 2,JD 0.10 Q 'vL 3,13013 3s D.1.0 0.10 r R 61 t 7.6 1Momlbh1 Loading' 2,1 2.85 ;3D(O;)4�-1:4q 3G�2 D6 1#6,6 2.67 12 Month F 16atinfl TON, lirYM: 19.F2 .39 14.29 13�37 FORM: -1 to. 1$ NOWDISCHARGE APPUCAVON FOP PORT I MDAR-f) %0* 5 �, FORM: NDA!R.1 10.13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT I HOAR-1 M Page or _ �? _ Permit No: WDDOI G1755 FarlWW Nern$_ Oak Rpdga Comrr Kms VoArTP Gouisly. GuiffDrld IwHd h: November Year: 2 Did irrigation OCC lJ r Ficrd Name' UP-0 Field Nwme' UID-* Fae= Field m UP-0 r Flaid Marne: at [h I sfacility? �rce �iG+4N]: 1.13 Am [acreaje 107 �n {acres); a T. D5 A4rea CD%RZ crop; waver Grog_ Cover OnrP;' dower c Ix • •, I V Hq r�[i' D 7 Fre (Jr�=yL} 0.25 IHPWy Nate IMP! 0.25 Ffouriyt Rate {in): Annual Rate (Iflic 2221 Annual Raoe(LnM; 22.21 Annual Bale Elul-, 22.21 AmrAl Rab Onj; Weschm Freeboard Field Grrlg bM? YE5 !._i w-) Field IrdeoftV �L, YES O NG Field Jn$pLe+d7 r7 TM I 1 w Field 1miw d? U ms rJ Na - H IL °F in ff tt 1 min 1]F In gel min III in ,ntl mire In in I -gal min In Jls h 4."D 120 0.15 0.08 4.1576 12D 0.15 0.0�5 .4,324 12D D. ib (We _ 4.832 120 0.16 D.DB 4,7131) 120 0 95 0.06 4.%U 120 t6 4.11B - 6 %0 12D Cl 16 0, pa 7 4AOQ 120 a_i4 4.20D 120 0.15 0.1)7 B $ _ _ #,E� 120 01$ 0.05 10 4.600 12U 0.1-5 0.07 4ewo 1 w o i3 0.08 11 - - 12 - - 13 14 15 16 .21,540 120 0.15 0.(A 12 4,4M 120 D.14 0.07 4,200 120 0.15 D.07 4.40D I x 015 G.0e_ t$ .4,5w 120 0.15 D_17 r A 400 12D D.15 DE19 20 _ s.4m 14M 0.15 0.08 21 4,70D 120 0.1.5 G.0,9 4,5D0 12� S$ D.DJi 22 I 4,M IZD D_14 W Z4 4, 120 1 L15 D. 4,50p 120 4.1B A9 26 4.5w 120 0.15 0.06 25 27 22 2 0 60 0.09 39 2� a 30 31 MhhIY Lwd 3B,d7r t_t9 .652 1,�f 35BD 1.2+1 4 0 00 12 Mon& F104nu iadl nM; &47 PCWA: h13W O3-12 N-ON-DISCHARGE MONITORING [DEPORT (N AIR) Page —L— a, Safrlpillrr$ pW704,4 M "..Hrr. 1 r-lmn2Tf .. Narne. Bradley Flynt Nome! �f FI;L L lle AnaPyllcal Frames Doug .Smith wamc_ Doe9- all I mo n itorinq data and sampf ing frequent ies meet the requi renientg i n Attachment A of you r pormft? G NN- mwa If Zhu futility is non-o:5rVlivlt. ptewa ewain In bhe #P Wl;rw the reason(a) the fac&y wp* nol 1n complignea. PNhide in ypur 19WI NUM the tbk*sj of the nor�o Dilanae and dogv" #0 aarffl&Me Wbi3rxsl 72k4w Aktartl ;tM11iAf1s11 thomim iF nmrocc mn1 Op4ratw in Rmp+olY31BFe Charge L00Crf -CerUScBtlols ORC: Bradley Flynt CertifLarlon Up-; 27171 Gradc IV Pharre Mum bqr: Has. Me dR-C Numeed since Me previous N DMR? ye" =` raa t SIYnaslHIM gY Itfj illy - i OR" 1 y. Iris NPchl e- AG'-M1l +.RSA rGM Otte ID the hail of fnF ki wwi m Perm irtfr C-ertlillOWNon Permldtee: JPC UtilWe9, LLO Signing 0"Cle I: DNPO Strilih Signing OfflcWra Title' k-Up ()RC Gr.Sde l I OON 11 Pmns Numbmr_ (33 `1$- 4!� Permit Expiration: 1 t1301Q1320 /,, if 'C., W, fr - 4r r-ZO41 O L' &grgturB am 1 WfliN. —LI, IgF01' 01 Lw.10"zkxuffilll And ]Jl *HHC"ardv ie 0 Pflpr.W uo� lrnrgjrac� pr dipfflryH*M it *4G wda nsa AIh.7 5yi.Wm dil. rirmd 10 +14a Lre rhi.71 #1 GUPW P"C.0 1 r:,!g prq mr41 g3themd arld 2MALOW OL6 1MS}1rAW soAffinua Fi mrl m n Y71Y Dr fro PrSr A u p-wLum who mff4W ag S5,1w% a' duo ptumn5 dIei11d rmpCel&W W 94hKW the ini% R aSa.-, L•H anIIwM- wtir mcd IF 10 the bass fat f111' kngmk4ge axed M71Er. WC jea MA. Wee 1z'rHp414 11m D wQN ur11 11.1■ wN mUnig7arr. perNkc tar iubrflEfq Lrw trLxm3*al kN*Aft ft P�y cf hr-� -end Inpri5 nrrelz Por kw..iyq M"wxrs Mall Original and Twry Copies to Division .01 Vhtes Resorurree fnfot'mbon Processing Unit 151 T Mill ServicEi Center A01*10. North Camfirke 27%Br1917 FORM. Af 3MFZ 03-12 NON-USCHARGE h4OWTORING REPORT JNUM01 Page z QI ftnnh No.- 05719755 Facility -Iakrrw bey Ridge Commons VAWP County: Guilforol hd06m: NoVombLu Year. 2020 PPM- PIaw MAeasu rirml Poise- ❑ im%je* 5n un t ❑ w rkw amc�d r _ Paramelrr Honitprin8 �oJnt' - 24�wt •: I Fmje.R L GrourpJr.,vrpi i ;F,r%!niy ❑ 9irFaQ 5+�U1e- exam ter ems$ 5005+] aoalfl 600 0 �115 0 610 NM 00621d wM MW come T�; Cc z z CC 4 2"r hre GPM r"Wt nng& W100 mL MDL -9A MOL MOXMOL NT�J i 1 ,000 OAS 2 1A:40 D.75 13.ND 0 �)g 7-2 0•.49 3 05:40 0.6 5,000 5.0 7.3 0.33 4 14:04 0.5 84DOD 2.2 7 0 D.67 S 13CDS 0.76 7.00 2.2 I 7 Ora 6 1 a.21 1 3ACO 2.2 7 -?.00G - E. i6 D.6 8 7, 0.61 9 17;10 Q36 7-m0 3,86 7.1 0.6t 10 MAO a 5 a, Don _ 3.91 7.3 0L38 11 w1 13,D0D H _ H 0138 1 19 17!4D 0 23'O5 3,ODO 4-T9 19 1O 0.5 A OW 2 8�F 7.2 4.a 14 _ 16,Opp,6 16 15,000 136 ig 1945 0.75 1 S,OOa 1 Or 7 1.36 17 2i:00 0.5 6.0w 09 1 2.75 18 T&DO 76 12,66a 2." 7.2 2.21 11 17:.DD 0 5 60DAD 3.33 7.3 DAB 20 13A6 Cl5 3.00a 2.81 7.4 D.42 H24 15,0p OL42 17.20 D.75 f6,Q� Old 73 17-20 D.5 &000 U4 7.3 0.4$ 20 10.30 05 3,000 �2 4.00 -C1 O<5 1.23 �-TT 7 f3.43 7.4 0.0 -c2.F0r4 3.03 n H S,00D H I H 1.04 2y H ROD] H _ w 1.04 28 9,DDO 1.04 1),COD 1.04 30 15: 0.*51D00 O.$4 7.1 1 0q 31 A"rage; 9,033 OA1 22.9 1 D; D.6D 1.23 11.7D 13.43 1.61 Dally Kaxmvurn! 1:5.00o 2.00 500 1-DO T -D W 1.23 11.70 13.43 7.40 ON 2.92 13 70 Drily MlnlRrurn' 3.DOD 2.110 0.54 I - OD 0 50 1-3 11 70 73A3 790 ON 2.97 0.28 :3wnpiM9 Pt$e_ Re=der Grab C.f*4 Grm iIr-pG Gbh Grin Grab Grab - rea GqG R@Mrd! r MordhPp Avg. Limit 3D,DM ' 10 '4 4 Nllp Limit. 15 25 f 10 1-D 6`ilRFpl� Froquenr}: c-, wxmj wbnUVp 1!5xvkl.50kj mb MoHhly - Wnlhly-wfinua.a FGM NDMR 03,12 NON•DI HARGE MONJTOWNG RFRORT (N DMR) peps of 3 Purmit Na; Y DD(?3975$ FwR*Kwo; Oak Ridge Commom VVVVFP County; Guwwd Month: Nov&rnber Year 2020 `jFI; (102 Row M87�aing ftInt r �r�x [ EHA,c# �; Na mw cy�� �,i� RarBM Bt&e Monrtoring Pd(#! :] Ir�lurrrl � PAX L Groum3wrw Lo"lkg Ll surfam w—Mu Far3mr.teF �{,dg 50DO 00310 6oD9a 31$16 "Gill) 00625 OMZD ao�oo ow9�886 00�0 c .. - "' 6 C flr G C CL 1F r C 4 0 r} # 3 m � a � 24hr hnt GPG rn mg I x,140 rrrL m�L m L ou mg0L rnq?L 1 2,7DO 2 2 744 " ;< 15!05 4) "r 2,700 O.CM 0,92 -0 2,400 — 6 2.400 7 2,+D0 - - 2,AM 1 D 14. 0 6 F,dOD 0.137 7dS1 11 13.500 12 13,500 13 13,50Q 74 13,E i b 13,5�0 1� 73_�OD 17 13'3D 0 $3.500 CUM $ � 16 5 W is 544-90 ZD 5.400 i 21 5,400 22 23 _ 5.4DO 2.4 13-95 05 5,M OLD 29 7eM 108 �15 1,R 2.8� $ 7.001) 27 7,OGD 23 7.000 - TOM 30 — IM Avemp! 6,640 a.ala om 1.10 0.00 0.00 IN 2 K 0,90 M154 i DAY AlIMdmum: i3,59D 1 a R9 i usu 1-OD .0.50 USD t a0 t. eC &.W Ov Didly Allmmurn: 2.4,M i0 J 0.01 i-p0 CLW D 50 1.80 2.811 7 59 1 0.00 32.50 SMpling Typo- RrCaadu Cot— grab Oro Greb Drat Qrdb _Grin Oro r4');'lfc:� G {xvG Moo hly Avg. Lim It 8, Mile um 11; - - AfIYpIB Fr�quurrgx; er ngiiB 4 Y, Y!!' IAbaC}� x Y68t Year 4 x VOW � X YlW 4 X Yarar We" 4 x Yeor