HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000446_Municipal SCM O&M with Aqualis_20201218AO ALIS June 26, 2020 Jessica Bolin, PE Town of Apex 105-B Upchurch St. Apex, NC 27502 RE: RFP For Stormwater Control Measure AQUALIS Stormwater Management presents this bid and proposal for Stormwater Maintenance Services to the Town of Apex. Since 2001, AQUALIS has developed a comprehensive and effective approach to managing stormwater facilities that ensures proper function and regulatory compliance. We are excited about our potential to be a true partner with the Town of Apex and are eager to share the qualification and ideas included herein with you and the other members of the selection committee. Please find attached the following* • Town of Apex BMP Maintenance RFP bid submittal • Detailed Scope of Work • General References • Certificate of Liability Insurance Coverages We strive to bring innovation and improvements to the stormwater industry every day. Developing cutting edge stormwater credit programs, including and enhancing technology with our services, documenting all aspects of our work, providing a client portal for you to access all Town of Apex data, weekly Quality Assurance and Quality Control programs and focused KPls for our teams allows us to remain focused and committed to water quality excellence through superior stormwater management. Sincerely, Michael F. Brewer Executive Vice President — Client Success iribrewer r�i acpjaiisco.cam (919) 646-4318 Town of Apex Request for Proposals All interested parties are required to visit each site to be informed of current conditions and to provide the prices for the following items: Iteln Facility SCM Type Quantity Annual Maintenance No Price Wet Pond 1 $ 3,225,00 1 Apex Town Hall" UDS (Pipe 1 $ GUU.{I(} Storage) 2 Apex Public WorksBioretendonArea h $ 1,735.00 3 Apex Peakway level Spreader 6 $ 3,390.00 4 $ 2,660.00 Apex Public Safety Station Wet fond 1 114 5 Seagroves Farm Park Level Spreader 2 $ 1,975.00 Wet Pond 3 $ 3,340.00 6 Apex Nature Park Level Spreader 1 $ 975.00 7 Apex Public Safety Station Bioretention 1 $ 3,055.00 #5* Area TOTAL PRICE $ 20,955.00 'The Apex'rown Ilill wet pond and (IDS are currently located on an active construction site and are not yet flinctional SCA1s. Apex public Safely Station 015 Sal is also not yet fully functional. Please include ait annual maintenance price foram tlnre of titese SChis assuming they were filly In service, which they all three should be by January 2021. Add -On Services (in addition to routine services priced above) Item Price (labor & materials) Mulch Replacement $ 85.00 per CY Send & Straw Bare Areas $ 0.30 per SF Vegetated Shelf Plantings $ 9.41 pet• plant All interested parties are required to provide the following information: Prices will remain firm until: August 1, 2020 Company Name: AQUAI,IS Stormwater Management Signature: +� Date: June 26,2020 Printed Name: Michael -Brewer Address: 2510 Meridian Parkway, Suite350 Title: Executiv Vice President —Client Success_ Durham, NC Phone Number: 919-616-4318 E-mail: iIjbrewer a aqualisco.com _ TO About AQUALIS °.. ': { 1.. 4 04 AQUALIS is a nationwlde leading provider of post -construction stormwater management. to commercial. retail, industrial and governmentmi industries through stormwater consulting, inspection, maintenance and repair services. AQUALIS currently operates throughout the United Stales ar,d Puerto Rtco and will perform more than: 18.000 maintenance and inspection visits as well as 5'600 repairs in Z019, These visits include work on all types of stormwater assets including, but. not limited to, wet detention basins, dry detention basins, bio-filtration basins/swafes, bloretention basins,. sand filters, catch basins, underground detentionlinfiitration and a variety of proprietary systems. , AQ PAL IS. differentiates itself from themarketplace through the following? Focused and Comprehensive: Stormwater management is whet+we do. We,are not•a division of a larger; Iess focused organiiation. Instead; we focus only smstormw*ter imbir,agement, but we dd everything within In the,industry. Raving Fans Service: We believe that a satisfied customer is not good enough; we want to deliver the highest ]evil of'service,so thattyour will rave -about AQUALIS. We tell our c!lents this so thaLthey wilf know to hold us to a higher, exciotional standard. Undonditional Service Guaranty: If you are not satisfied with the -Work our team has performed, then you will not tie r.harged. it's that simple. The Stormwater Circle: We believe we have three clients —you, the environment and the AQUALIS'te■m. We will not sacrifice one fat the other, and our goaus to meet the needs of each simulta nedusly. ADUAUS . This Scope of Work (the "Scope of Work") is dated , 2020 and is behveen AQUALIS Stormwater Management, a North Carolina corporation, with its principal place of business at 2510 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC 27713, and ("Customer"), with its principal business at AQUALIS and Customer entered into that certain Environmental Master Services Agreement dated (the "Agreement"). into which this Scope of Work is incorporated upon full execution.All capitalized terms used in this Scope of Work shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement unless otherwise specifically defined. Now, Therefore, AQUALIS and Customer agree as follows, 1. Term. Subject to the terms of the Agreement, this Scope of Work shall commenceon , 2020 (the "Effective Date") and be in effect for three (3) years from the Effective Date (the"initial Term"). This contract renews at the end of the specified three years annually. To cancel this contract, 45 days written notice is required. 2. Service Frequency: AQUALIS may not modify Service frequency without Customer's prior written consent. AQUALIS may make recommendations about Service frequency for specific locations; however, Customer shall ultimately determine Service frequency in its sole discretion, in accordance with: a. Jurisdictional maintenance requirements b. Maintenance agreements made between Customer and State, City, County, Neighborhood Association or other agencies andpersons c. Geographical location d. Complexity of stormwater system e. Other environmental factors 3. Equipment: AQUALIS shall provide all tools, equipment, supplies and personal protective equipment required to perform Services. 4. Service Requirements: AQUALIS shall inspect the operational effectiveness of all elements of the stormwater systems at Customer sites and identify any conditions that may adversely impact the stormwater systems. AQUALIS shall complete the Preventative Maintenance at the locations specified by Customer as well as any additional items/forms required by the local authorities during each maintenance Service visit, AQUALIS shall comply with the following related to the performance of Services: a. AQUALIS shall complete and retain all inspection reports for audit purposes for a period of no less than 3 years. b. AQUALIS shall retain any pictures that reflect detailed before/during/after work forany maintenance or corrective action repair Service for no less than 3 years. c. AQUALIS shall provide Customer notice of all required corrective actions needed in the course of providing Services. AOUALOS d. AQUALIS shall submit all applicable required forms, inspection reports, Operations & Maintenance documents, etc. to agencies after such forms are approved by Customer. 5. Inspections: AQUALIS shall complete inspections and notify Customer of any out of scope Services for stormwater systems consistent with the provisions of this section h. a. Spills/Leaks/Overflows I. AQUALIS shall identify the source of any spills/leaks/overflows to the best of our ability ii. Incident shall be reported to Customer and the appropriate agency, if required by applicable law iii. Efforts shall be made to follow all applicable Standard Operating Procedures provided by Customer, communicated with store management when necessary b. Sinkholes i. AQUALIS shall attempt to identify the source of anysinkhole ii. Properly barricade sinkhole iii. AQUALIS shall scope sinkhole for corrective action repair services c. Trash and Debris i. AQUALIS shall remove trash and debris from inlets, outlets, culverts, pipes, banks, water, catch basins, pond or swale beds, trash racks, skimmer drains, sumps andali other components of the stormwater system ii. AQUALIS shall confirm that there is no woody vegetation impeding the performance of any structural component of the stormwater management system, verify landscape plans and canopy requirements prior to removal d. Sediment i. AQUALIS shall remove sediment or silt that may inhibit flow on a routine basis ii. Vegetated assets will be scoped for removal of accumulated sediment when volume has been reduced by 50%, flow is impeded, or as required according to applicable local regulations e. Erosion L AQUALIS shall attempt to identify the cause of erosion within the stormwater system ii. AQUALIS shall scope erosion for repair and submit, when required, corrective action to prevent sediment accumulation or further damage to the stormwatersyslem f. Drain grates/Curb hoodsffrench drains/ Other applicable devices i. AQUALIS shall replace missing grates and covers while on site if possible ii. AQUALIS shall submit replacement cost to Customer as necessary ' g. Sump Pumps i. AQUALIS shall check floats and GFCI receptacles for operation and adjust as required for sump pumps ii. If sump pump is inoperable and non -repairable, AQUALIS shall submit an out of scope repair to Customer for replacement of the sump pump with like or betlermodel h. Truck Wells I._ AQUALIS shall remove all debris from the grate and/or pipeopening ii. Trash and debris shall be removed from the crest of the truck well to the drain AQUALIS . I. Fence AQUALIS shall submit replacement or repair cost to Customer for anydamaged fence Pests i. AQUALIS shall inspect pond banks for evidence of nuisance pests; report beaver, muskrats, nutria, bees, mosquitos, etc. to store management for trapping, removal, or treatment. Store management is responsible for procuring services for nuisance pest removal ii. AQUALIS shall scope repairs of damaged pond banks, and, upon approval, shall complete said repairs once nuisance pests have been removed B. Stormwater SCM Guidelines: AQUALIS shall perform Services in accordance with the following SCM guidelines: a. RetentionNVet Ponds L Maintenance 1. Mowing a. Vegetative growth according to Customer requirements and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations b. Clippings shall be managed to prevent blockage of the system and removed and properly disposed where required in accordance with geographic and regulatory environment 2. Vegetation Management a. Nuisance aquatic vegetation over 24 inches shall be manually cut after the effects of aquatic herbicide have acted. The application of aquatic herbicide is considered out of scope and a proposal will be submitted to Customer for approval prior to application b. Slopes/banks shall be vegetated with approved grasses c. Maintain rather than remove welland or littoral zone vegetation that was planted or naturally recruited d. Remove nuisance or woody vegetation unless it is planted material or specified on design plans b. Detention/Dry Ponds/Swales I. Maintenance 1. Mowing a. Vegetative growth according to Customer requirements and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations b. Clippings shall be managed to prevent b ockage of the system and removed and properly disposed where required in accordancewith geographic and regulatory environment 2. Vegetation Management a. Ensure slopes, banks and pond bottoms are vegetated with approved grasses b. Remove nuisance or woody vegetation unless it is ptanled material or _ specified on design plans AoUALIS c. Bio-Retention Ponds I. Maintenance I. Remove dead and diseased vegetation, replace upon Customer approval 2. Remove invasive vegetation 3. Fallow guidance of any applicable laws and regulations 4. Re -mulching activities will be proposed as necessary and considered out of scope Sand Filter Beds I. Maintenance 1. Rake and scarify sand filter beds annually 2. Follow guidance of any applicable laws and regulations 3. Deviations from design of local jurisdictional requirements shall be addressed through an out of scope corrective action repair and submitted to Customer for approval e. Wetlands/Littoral Zones/Natural/Native Areas i. Maintenance 1. Trash and debris shall be removed during maintenance activities 2. Invasive vegetation management shall be managed according to local jurisdictional and permit requirements, management of vegetation shall be addressed through an out of scope corrective action repair ii. AQUALIS shall submit scope of work required to maintain area in accordancewith permit or other applicable laws and regulations iii. AQUALIS shall verify proper signage is in place to discourage disturbance to protected area and address with Customer as needed f. Dams i. Dam embankments shall be inspected and maintained on a routine basis asoutlined by Customer or as required by any federal, slate, or local jurisdictional requirements ii. Any deficiencies noted during a dam inspection shall be reported toCustomer immediately and addressed through an out of scope corrective action repair iii. AQUALIS shall complete and submit all required federal, stale, and local Inspections, fees, permit renewals, and reports g. Alternative Paving (Pervious Pavement or Grassed Pavers) I. During each maintenance visit, AQUALIS shall inspect areas of alternative paving for signs of trash, debris, clogging, staining, cracking or any other indicators that the system is not functioning as designed. AQUALIS will note and report concerns to Customer, including photographs ii. if an underdrain exists, AQUALIS shall check for clogs once per year or following a large rain event. If the underdrain is not performing as required, AQUALIS shall provide a scope of work for corrective action repairs iii. Ensure loose materials such as mulch, soil, sand, salt, etc. are kept away fromthese areas during maintenance and repair activities onsite h. Subsurface Systems I. Maintenance (includes catch basins drop inlets, trench drains) 1. Manually remove trash, debris and sediment asneeded r. AOUALIS ii. Stormwater Quality Units 1. Remove trash, debris and sediment as needed 2. Consult manufacturer for specific maintenance requirements as needed 3. Comprehensive cleaning of large underground detention, vaults, filter system and replacement of filters shall be proposed as an out of scope project 4. Excludes any vacuum truck work or jetting activities Ill. Underground Detention Systems 1. Consult manufacturer for specific maintenance requirements as needed 2. Comprehensive cleaning of large underground detention, vaults, fltersystem and replacement of fillers shall be proposed as an out of scope project 3. Entry into a subsurface system shall be conducted in accordance with applicable OSHA Regulations and completed according to Confined Space Entry requirements 4. Excludes any vacuum truck work or jetting activities 7. Pre -Notice of Termination Inspection: Upon opening of a new location, Customer will schedule AQUALIS to be contacted by the Civil Engineering Consultant (CEC), prior to Notice of Termination approval, and shall meet on site with CEC, General Contractor, and Construction Manager. AQUALIS shall review site conditions, complete with a Stormwater Preventative Maintenance N.O.T. Checklist, and provide photographic documentation of deficiencies, including a marked aerial depicting location of any deficiencies. 8. Slorinwater Fee Credits: AQUALIS shall pursue and maintain stormwater fee credits for which Customer is eligible. 9. Waste & Disposal: AQUALIS shall dispose of all waste in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Customer shall provide any additional waste and disposal requirements forAQUALIS. 10. Regulatory Requirements: AQUALIS shall comply with federal, state, and local laws and regulationsapplicable to the Services. AQUALIS shall obtain Customer's prior written approval if there is need to reach out to a regulatory agency concerning theServices. 11. Client Portal/Data Management: AQUALIS will make available to Customer a web -based client portal to retain information for each site related to Service history and future Service scheduling. 12. Sam plingfTestinglReporting (as applicable): If applicable, AQUALIS shall furnish a scope ofwork and associated pricing to Customer for sampling, testing, or reporting. After Customer's authorization, AQUALIS shall submit monitoring, maintenance, and testing reports to regulatory agencies as required. 13. Out of Scope Proposals: /DI , UALIS . Emergency conditions or failures that cause or may potentially cause injury to persons, property or the environment shaft be reported to Customer immediately upon discovery. AQUALIS shall submit out of scope proposals for correction action repair upondiscovery during preventative maintenance service visits. Proposals shall include the following information: i. Description of corrective action needed ii. Summary of damage or failures to the stormwaler system iii. Proposed scope of work to repair or mitigate damage or failure iv. Photographs of damage orfailure v. Aerials and/or site drawings showing the repair location vi. Projected completion date of repairs vii. Cost for repair or mitigation viii. Other conditions that may affect the stormwaler system, or conditions that have the potential to violate stormwater regulations 14. Payment: Payment is due net 15 days. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Scope of Work pursuant to the terms of the Environmental Master Services Agreement on the date and year set forth below. Customer: By: Printed Name: Title: Date: AQUALIS Stormwaler Management By: Printed Name: Title: Date: AOUALIS References: Walmarl o Contact: Toni McCrory, Senior Manager li Water Compliance (479) 277-3468 toni.mccraryLwaln3art.com Lowe's Home Improvement o Contact: James Perry, Regional Facility Manager (336)658-5425 'ani �esA perry�lowes.com Chatham County o Contact: Morgan DeWit, PE, Senior Watershed Specialist (919) 542-8268 riiorcian.dewit@chathaninc.org RESTAND-01 E 0' NN A�� CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE EP FOATE(MIAfOehYYYI 512912020 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: if the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the Poilcy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsements . PRODUCER c ACT Elizabeth McGann 112A _ _ Fisher Brown Bottrell Insurance, Inc. PnoNE 7522 Front Beach Road, 2nd Floor {arc, No. EXt (850) 785-7404 303 I_ (arc. Na . 601) 208-8473 Panama City Beach, FL 32407 1 X-AINk . emcgann@libbins.com INSURED New Restoration and Recovery Services, LLC DBA Aqualis StormwaterManagement 2510 Meridian Pkwy, Ste 350 Durham, NC 27713 rr,vFRAMPQ r l=MYICI! AVC ■11 I-rr,_ ._ rNSURER(S)AFFOTIDINgCDVERAGE 14SURER A: Ohio Security Insurance_Co INSURER B: --�� C24082- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW IIAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WH CH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN 1S SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. IILTR NSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADUL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POL cY ExP - LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 1,000,000 CLAIMS MADE X1 OCCUR BI(S(20j60042174 EACH UGCURnENCC OAI.IAGPTonENTED S L X 612912019 6/2912020 ' 11�E�lEAquullenlal--- 300,000 iAEnExp Aa ono oisun 15,000 P R OTJAL d. ADV INJURY 1,000,000 L AGGREGATE LIMIT APKIES PER: POLICY RJ GEN[RLAGGRGATFL _ 2,000.000 JpTu LOC PROnUCT• LIPOP AGG 2,000,000GrNOTHER: A AUT0140BILE LIABILITY COIdEINED SINGLE L MIT S 1,000.000 X ANYAUTO (Ea atcldenli OWNED SCHEDULED X BAS(20)60042174 612912019 6129/2020 BODILY INJURY Potpersoo) S AUTOS ONLY AUOpTOppS 80 ILY INJ__,URY (Pef accidenti_ ; pu HIRED ONLY _. AUTOSu£ip4Y -(E3u�acgIen,!AMAGE S A X UIEBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR FACH OCCIIRRCNCC f 5,000.000 EXCESS LIAR CtAIAIS-AIADE USO(20)60042174 6/29/2019 6/2912020 _ _ 5,000,000 OED X RETENTIDNS 10,000 AGGREGATE A WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY X PER OZH, YIN ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNER1EXECUTOVE OFFICE�t1IAfMDER ExCiUDF=O7 (Honda ary n NNI N J A XWS(20j60042i74 612912019 612912020 L1. EACH ACCIDENT _ __ 1,OOo,000 !I sdOF, rbb under _4UlSEa;,E - FA EMPLOYEE _1,000 r 000 A 1)RIK= OPERATIONS below Equipment Floater BKSf20)60042174 6/2912019 6/29/2020 E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIM F LeasedlRenled Equip 1,000,000 200.000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS; LOCATIONS! VEHICLES (ACORD 101. Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more aaaco Is rsqulred)) Entities required by the written contract documents are Additional Insured In regard to General Liability, Auto Liability, & Umbrella Liability. General Liability & Auto Liability are Primary & Non -Contributory if required by written contract. Waiver of Subrogallon applies In favor of entities required by the written contract doctments in regard to General Liability, Auto Liability, Umbrella Liability and Workers Compensation. Umbrella If follow form over the Auto Liability. Town of Apex 105-B Upchurch -Street Apex, NC 27502 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE U 1930-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD