HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000446_IDDE Dry Weather Flow_20201218nn� f f6ci Town of Apex IDDE Dry Weather Flow Cover Sheet The purpose of this cover sheet is to document the number of outfolls inspected as part of a dry weather flow inspection activity. Please attach a map(s) showing the extent of the inspection. Please also include photographic documentation when possible. Inspection date: 22-1un-20 Current weather: 80F Clear and windy Last rainfall: 19-Jun-20 .72" Dale Amount Inspection Inspector(s): James Misciagno form(s): t=r attached u attached Sub -basin: Neuse Cape Map(s): Middle Creek, Williams Creek, Beaver Receiving water: Creek Photos: attached Number of outfalls inspected: 0 Distance of stream investigated: Number of illicit connections discovered (if any): 0 miles 0 Comments: Impervious and dumpster inspections at the Town's 2 main commerical and industrial complex. Form last updated:6/24/2013 Town of Apex IDDE Dry Weather Flow Inspection Record Please complete an inspection record form for each outfall investigated and include ali forms with a single cover sheet documenting the day's inspection activity. Inspection date: 6/22/2020 Time: 08:00am Outfall location/ID: None Land use in drainage area (circle all that apply): Industrial Commercial Residential Open Space Other: Physical Observations: Type of pipe: PVC HDPE RCP CMP Other. Flow rate: None Trickle Steady Color: Turbidity: None Cloudy Opaque Odor: None Chlorine Sewer Petroleum Other: Probable origin of flow: Illicit Discharge suspected? Yes No If yes, document with Illicit Discharge Incident Tracking Form (in addition to this form). Comments: Inspections were performed of the dumpsters and impervious parking and back alleys located at Beaver Creek Shopping Center, Nichols plaza and Investment Blvd businesses and sports complex. No issues found impacting any of the storm drains and sewers. Form last updated: 6/24/2013