HomeMy WebLinkAbout440058_Inspection_202012100 Division of Water Resources
❑ Division of Soil and Water Conservation
❑ Other Agency
Facility Number: 440058 Facility Status: Active Permit: AWC440058 ❑ Denied Access
Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection
Reason for Visit: Routine
Date of Visit: 12/10/2020 Entry Time
Farm Name: Medford Dairy
Owner: Peggy H Medford
Mailing Address: 247 Charlie Medford Ln
Physical Address: 254 Joe Medford Rd
Facility Status: 0 Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Location of Farm:
3 miles north of 1-40 on Ironduff Road
Question Areas:
Dischrge & Stream Impacts
Records and Documents
Certified Operator: Charles F Medford
Secondary OIC(s):
On -Site Representative(s): Name
Primary Inspector:
Inspector Signature:
Secondary Inspector(s):
Timothy R Fox
12:00 pm
Inactive Or Closed Date
County: Haywood Region: Asheville
Exit Time: 1:00 pm Incident #:
Owner Email:
Phone: 828-627-6766
Waynesville NC 28786
Waynesville NC 28785
Latitude: 35' 35' 42"
Longitude: 82' 58' 30"
Waste Col, Stor, & Treat 0 Waste Application
Operator Certification Number: 21353
Title Phone
Inspection Summary:
Tim Fox with ARO inspected the site. Charlie Medford was present during the inspection.
Calibration records due and placed in record keeping by December 31, 2020.
This will be the 4th year under the threshold of 100 cattle. Will have further discussions and
provide permitting options due to the 3 plus years under threshold.
Soils due in 2021.
Phone: 828-296-4500
Discussed credit extension to December 31, 2021 for the 3 year period 2018-2020 to receive 6 credit hours for certification
Additionally, discussed Attachement A permit requirements which are not required to be submitted until further notification.
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Permit: AWC440058 Owner: Peggy H Medford Facility Number: 440058
Inspection Date: 12/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine
Waste Structures
Effective Built Closed Designated Observed
Type Identifier Date Date Date Freeboard Freeboard
Waste Pond WSP 09/15/2000 30.00 18.00
Wet Stack WET STACK 09/15/2000
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Permit: AWC440058 Owner: Peggy H Medford Facility Number:
Inspection Date: 12/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit:
Discharges & Stream Impacts
1. Is any discharge observed from any part of the operation?
0 ❑
Discharge originated at:
Application Field
a. Was conveyance man-made?
0 ❑
b. Did discharge reach Waters of the State? (if yes, notify DWQ)
0 ❑
c. What is the estimated volume that reached waters of the State (gallons)?
d. Does discharge bypass the waste management system? (if yes, notify DWQ)
0 ❑
2. Is there evidence of a past discharge from any part of the operation?
0 ❑
3. Were there any observable adverse impacts or potential adverse impacts to Waters of the
0 ❑
State other than from a discharge?
Waste Collection, Storage & Treatment
4. Is storage capacity less than adequate?
0 ❑
If yes, is waste level into structural freeboard?
5. Are there any immediate threats to the integrity of any of the structures observed (I.e./ larc
0 ❑
trees, severe erosion, seepage, etc.)?
6. Are there structures on -site that are not properly addressed and/or managed through a
waste management or closure plan?
7. Do any of the structures need maintenance or improvement?
8. Do any of the structures lack adequate markers as required by the permit? (Not applicablE
0 ❑
to roofed pits, dry stacks and/or wet stacks)
9. Does any part of the waste management system other than the waste structures require
maintenance or improvement?
Waste Application
Yes No NA NE
10. Are there any required buffers, setbacks, or compliance alternatives that need
❑ 0 ❑ ❑
maintenance or improvement?
11. Is there evidence of incorrect application?
❑ 0 ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Excessive Ponding?
Hydraulic Overload?
Frozen Ground?
Heavy metals (Cu, Zn, etc)?
Is PAN > 10%/10 lbs.?
Total Phosphorus?
Failure to incorporate manure/sludge into bare soil?
Outside of acceptable crop window?
Evidence of wind drift?
Application outside of application area?
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Permit: AWC440058 Owner: Peggy H Medford
Inspection Date: 12/10/20 Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection
Facility Number: 440058
Reason for Visit: Routine
Waste Application
Yes No NA NE
Crop Type 1
Small Grain (Wheat, Barley,
Crop Type 2
Corn (Silage)
Crop Type 3
Crop Type 4
Crop Type 5
Crop Type 6
Soil Type 1
Soil Type 2
Soil Type 3
Soil Type 4
Soil Type 5
Soil Type 6
14. Do the receiving crops differ from those designated in the Certified Animal Waste
0 ❑
Management Plan(CAWMP)?
15. Does the receiving crop and/or land application site need improvement?
0 ❑
16. Did the facility fail to secure and/or operate per the irrigation design or wettable acre
0 ❑
17. Does the facility lack adequate acreage for land application?
0 ❑
18. Is there a lack of properly operating waste application equipment?
0 ❑
Records and Documents
19. Did the facility fail to have Certificate of Coverage and Permit readily available?
0 ❑ ❑
20. Does the facility fail to have all components of the CAWMP readily available?
0 ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Lease Agreements?
If Other, please specify
21. Does record keeping need improvement?
0 ❑ ❑
If yes, check the appropriate box below.
Waste Application?
Weekly Freeboard?
Waste Analysis?
Soil analysis?
Waste Transfers?
Weather code?
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Permit: AWC440058
Inspection Date: 12/10/20
Owner: Peggy H Medford Facility Number: 440058
Inspection Type: Compliance Inspection Reason for Visit: Routine
Records and Documents
Crop yields?
120 Minute inspections?
Monthly and 1" Rainfall Inspections
Yes No NA NE
Sludge Survey
22. Did the facility fail to install and maintain a rain gauge?
23. If selected, did the facility fail to install and maintain a rainbreaker on irrigation equipmen
(NPDES only)?
24. Did the facility fail to calibrate waste application equipment as required by the permit?
25. Is the facility out of compliance with permit conditions related to sludge? If yes, check the
appropriate box(es) below:
Failure to complete annual sludge survey
Failure to develop a POA for sludge levels
Non -compliant sludge levels in any lagoon
List structure(s) and date of first survey indicating non-compliance:
26. Did the facility fail to provide documentation of an actively certified operator in charge?
27. Did the facility fail to secure a phosphorous loss assessment (PLAT) certification?
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