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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4200702_Property Deed_20201208lqo TAXABLE CON151DERA1 ION P RE 5 EN f �:�D 4 RLO, A 0 E U o6- 08--2020 10,42-22 AM LYNNE )OHWON mn,mo, r* DU I' w� j3y� 0� "AA 1100,1 t f BK- RE 3529 PG: 1700-1703 RECOMBINATION DEED ExciseTax- $NoTaxaale Consideration (D'"( -v-Ko 40 C-1 -M 0- _r ........................... Parcel Identifier Number of'5885-14-1447.00 and 5885-14-9288.00 Verified by-, By-. . ................. . ........................ . ................................. --------------- . . ..... Mail/Box to-, Blanco Box #52 'Ihis instnirrient was prepared by: Amy C, Inning Brief'description, for the Index- Tracts I and 2, Plat Book 49, Page 50 IIHS IDEID is made this GRANTOR TOWIS OF LEWISVILLY 6550 Shallowford Road Lewisville, NC 27023 GRAN'TI.,,'E TOWN OF LEWISVILLE 6550 Shallowford Road Lewisville, N(.,, 27023 The designation Grantor and Grantee as uss,A herein shall imlude said partries, their liejr%succ(�.wssors, and ass�gns, and shall include singular, plural, ma%,uhne, fi,11minine or neuter as required by context. WJI'NESSETH, Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by G'rantee, the receipt of wfiich is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee in, fee simple, all that I certain lot or parcel of land. situated in the City of Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows (the "Property"'): SEE NurACHED EYJIIBTT'A The purpose of this deed is to combine the 16.186 acre +/- tract bearing parcel number 5885-14- 1447.00 described in deed recorded at Book. 2599, Page 1176 with the 1.5.000 acre-/- bearing parcel nb nuier 5885-14-9288.00 described in Deed recorded at 3454, Page 3991. and Boo]( 2599, Page 1176. BTK7830860 None of the Prop exty includes the priniary residence of Cirantor. TO HAVE' AND 'FO HOLD the aforeaidlot or parcel of land and all. privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. Granter covenants with Grantee that Gran itor has donenothing teu impair such title as Grantor received, and Cy'rantor will warrant, and defcnd the fifle against the lawful ctairns of all persons clainiing by, n,Wder, or tbroug 0 Grantor, other than the f6flowing ex,ceptions: misern.ents, restrictions, and rights -of -way of' record, as weal as ad valorem. taxes for the current year. [SEPARATE SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS) ffrW7830860 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor lias, duly cxecuLed the a,,; od'ffw day and ),�ear first above written, G13-ANTOR: Town ofl,ewisvifle Yi (HAW W ff. PerJdns,,Jr,,'l'own lalp.ager ST"ATT" OFNORTll CAROLINA COU."flY OF � 1, the undersigned, as Ncar), Public of the County and State aforesaid, cerffl'y diw W, 1-1, Pf"RKINS, JR, thc'D°)Wjl Manager of thcTown ol'Lewisvifle, Grar�tm, personAy appeared beforc nu l: this day and ackriowledged the execution i o�t�hSaadfay instuinent on belialf c)fsaid Tolmn of Lewisville, Witness n.y, liana d ndofficiad starnp or sead, this ogpfhine, 2020. My comn-�ission expfies: 'J2J, .... .......... "Al, SEAUSTAMP] r JOYCE C. MWILLIAWS WALKER NOIARY PUBLIC Forsyth Cmnly Nolm cat** COWN"iOn EXOOS JWy 31, 2,021 Ell M: 783086v U 4 waa ry Pubhc All of that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the Town of Lewisville, Forsyth County, North Carohna, being more particularly described as follows - All of "'Tract 28 16.186 acres, as shown on that certain plat of Subdivision of: Mary Alice Warren recorded at Plat Book 49, Page 50, Forsyth County, North Carolina Registry, reference to which is hereby made for a r-nore accurate description. All of rract 1, 15.000 acres, as shown on that certain plat of Subdivision of: Mary Alice Warren recorded at Plat Book 49, Page 50, lorsyth County, North Carolina Registry, reference to which is hereby r-nade for a more accurate description. All as more particularly shown on a plat, "St,,Ab6vision of4 Mary Alice Warren" by Cavanaugh & Associates, P.A., by John Wesley Cole, P.L.S. L-4561 dated July 7, 2005, Project No.: 12.04.016, recorded in Plat Book 49, Page 50, Forsyth County, North Carofina Registry.,