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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4200702_SW Narrative_20201208
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The proposed Lewisville Community Center project consists of a 11,719 SF community building with
associated parking, walkways, and utilities. The site has been laid out in a manor to help preserve
several existing trees that will serve as a centerpiece to the parking area and entry drive. A biocell has
been utilized to treat the increase of impervious area from the project. While quantity detention is not a
requirement, staging has been incorporated into the biocell in order to help limit outflows to the
neighboring property.
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The existing site consists of dense wooded area to the west and crop land to the east and south. A
Town-owned park lies to the north to which pedestrian and automobile connections have been
provided. The park and community center parcels have been combined into a single parcel. For
stormwater purposes, the limits of construction have been used to examine existing and proposed
impervious areas. Some existing impervious exists within the limits and has been grandfathered into the
stormwater design. Site soils are generally categorized as sandy loams by the USGS soils map.
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The 4.76-acre limits area contains 0.23 acres (4.80%). The existing impervious area is made up of an
existing dwelling and associated paved driveway access. The proposed build-out includes 1.82 acres
(38.27%) of impervious area.
A biocell has been utilized to handle the stormwater runoff for the project. The biocell has been
designed per the NCDEQ MDC to include internal water storage as required. Per site boring explorations
completed by Stewart Engineering, the seasonal high water table was not evident in the biocell area
down to a depth of over six feet beneath the biocell bottom.
Runoff will be conveyed to the biocell via storm drainage piping from the building and parking areas.
Water will enter the biocell through a riprap forebay at the furthest point from the outlet structure as
is proposed in the biocell with an additional
be carried to the outlet. Larger storms will overflow through the provided weirs and grate in the riser