HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100599 Ver 1_Monitoring Plan_20101021Page 1 of 1 Hi Bev: Attached is the monitoring plan for project 10-0599 to go in Laserfische (I never know how to spell that thing!). CC ********************************************** Chuck Cranford - Chuck.Cranford@ncdenr.gov North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Asheville Regional Office Division of Water Quality - Surface Water Protection Section 2090 U.S. 70 Highway Swannanoa, NC 28778 Tel: 828-296-4500 Fax: 828-299-7043 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. https://mail.nc.gov/owa/?ae=Item&a=Open&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAAAAOgPoLNIPQZ... 9/21/2010 QAPP OCHLAWAHA BOG Project Name: Ochlawaha Bog Restoration QAPP Team: Megan Mailloux, Kieran Roe, Grant Ginn, Jon Calabria Funding Agency: US EPA, Section 319 Date: August 16, 2010 Project Description The goal of this work will be to conduct monitoring of the Ochlawaha Bog Restoration project to verify restoration success. Monitoring will consist of the collection and analysis of stream stability, vegetation survivability, and hydrology data. Supplemental water quality sample comparison above and below the restoration site along Mud Creek will be conducted before and after restoration construction. Project Organization and Responsibility Project Manager: Megan Mailloux Field Sample Supervisor: Megan Mailloux Lab Supervisor for Supplemental Water Samples: Ann Marie Traylor, EQI Project Coordinator Laboratory for Water Samples: EQI (Environmental Quality Institute) Project Schedule Restoration Observation Site Visits Before and After Construction Site Visit reports* Before and After Construction Final re ort* End of project Extend findings to stakeholder groups End of project Sampling and Observation procedures Observation of Stream Stability and Wetland Performance Monitoring will consist of the collection and analysis of stream stability, vegetation survivability, and hydrology data to support the evaluation of the project in meeting established restoration objectives. Specifically, project monitoring will include measurements of stream dimension, profile, pattern, bed materials, photo documentation, vegetation survivability sampling, and groundwater elevations. Hydrology Monitored ground water hydrology will be used to evaluate the success of restored wetlands. Continuously recording ground water monitoring gauges of static observation wells will be installed in at least four locations within the wetland area. Monitoring gauges will be set to a depth of approximately 24 inches below the soil surface. Screened portions of each gauge will be surrounded by filter fabric, buried in screened well sand, and sealed with a bentonite cap to prevent siltation and surface flow infiltration during floods. The locations of the gauges will be established to provide representative coverage of the Site. Hydrological sampling will be performed during the growing season at intervals necessary to satisfy the hydrology success criteria. Stream Channel Stability and Geomorphology The purpose of monitoring is to evaluate the stability of the restored stream. Following the procedures established in the USDA Forest Service Manual (Harrelson et al 1994) and the methodologies utilized in the Rosgen stream assessment and classification system (Rosgen 1994, 1996), data collected will consist of detailed dimension and pattern measurements, a longitudinal profile(s), and bed materials sampling. Dimension Permanent cross-sections will be established and will be used to evaluate stream dimensions. Three riffle and three pool cross-sections will be located within the reach surveyed as part of the longitudinal profile. One riffle and one pool cross section will be located on lower Jankowski Tributary and two riffle and two pool cross sections will be located on Ward Creek. Permanent monuments, recoverable either through field identification or use of GPS, will be set at the left and right extents of each cross-section. The cross-section surveys will provide a detailed measurement of the stream and banks, to include points on the adjacent floodplain, at the top of bank, bankfull, at all breaks in slope, the edge of water, and thalweg. Subsequently, width-to- depth ratios, entrenchment ratios, and bank height ratios will be calculated for each cross-section. Profile One longitudinal profile, covering a minimum length of 20 bankfull widths, will be established and surveyed. The surveyed profile will begin on lower Jankowski Tributary and extend into Ward Creek. The beginning and ending points of the measured profile will be permanently monumented. Average, pool, and riffle slopes, as well as pool-to-pool spacing will be calculated using data collected during the monitoring of the longitudinal profile. Pattern Evaluations of stream pattern, based on valley/stream type, will be developed based upon measurements of sinuosity, meander width ratio, and radius of curvature (on newly constructed meanders). Calculations will be made of sinuosity, meander width ratio, radius of curvature/bankfull width ratio, and meander length/bankfull width ratio. Bed Materials Pebble counts will be conducted at each riffle cross-section, as well as across the overall study reach (based upon percentage of riffles and pools) for the purpose of classification and evaluation of sediment transport. Pebble count data will be plotted by size distribution in order to assess the D50 and D84 size class. Vegetation Monitoring The Carolina Vegetation Survey - Ecosystem Enhancement Program (CVS-EEP) 2008 protocol for recording vegetation (Lee et. al 2008) will be used to determine the planting pattern of woody stems with respect to species, spacing, and density as well as to forecast survivability and growth of planted stems in subsequent monitoring years. Four standard (10m x 10m) vegetative sampling plots will be established within the project area. One plot will be established adjacent to Ward Creek, two in the Ward Bog wetland area, and one in the upland area. Plots will be placed within the applicable planting zones to capture the heterogeneity of the designed vegetative communities. Plot corners will be permanently marked with rebar and recorded during the baseline survey. All planted stems and plot corners will be marked with orange flagging tape to facilitate relocation during subsequent monitoring years. A reference photograph will be taken for each plot at the origin looking diagonally across the plot to the opposite corner. Photograph Reference Points Photograph reference points (PRPs) will be established to assist in characterizing the site and to allow qualitative evaluation of the site conditions. The location of each photo point will be permanently marked in the field and the bearing/orientation of the photograph will indicate on the monitoring plans to allow for consistent repetition. A total of at least twelve (12) PRP's will be established. Six (6) of these PRP's will be located upstream of the permanent monitoring cross sections. These photographs will be taken facing downstream looking at the section, and will show as much of the banks and channel as possible. The survey tape used for cross- sectional measurements will be centered in each photograph and the water line will be located near the lower edge. An effort will be made to consistently photograph the same area in each subsequent monitoring event. Analytical Procedures Observation of Stream Stability and Wetland Performance Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability Restored and enhanced streams should demonstrate morphologic stability to be considered successful. Stability does not equate to an absence of change, but rather to sustainable rates of change or stable patterns of variation. Restored streams often demonstrate some level of initial adjustment in the several months that follow construction and some change/variation subsequent to that is also to be expected. However, the observed change should not be unidirectional such that it represents a robust trend. If some trend is evident, it should be very modest or indicate migration to another stable form. Dimension Cross-section measurements should indicate little change from the as-built cross-sections. If changes do occur, they will be evaluated to determine whether the adjustments are associated with increased stability or whether they indicate movement towards an unstable condition. The following thresholds will be considered indicators of concern: Width/depth ratio increases more than 10 percent, Bank height ratio increases more than 25 percent. Pattern and Profile Measurements and calculated values should indicate stability with little deviation from as-built conditions and established morphological ranges for the restored stream type. Annual measurements should indicate stable bed-form features with little change from the as-built survey. The pools should maintain their depth with flatter water surface slopes, while the riffles should remain shallower and steeper. The following thresholds will be considered indicators of concern: Riffle slope increases more than 50 percent, Profile scarp formation greater than 20 percent of mean depth, Pool maximum depth decreases more than 20 percent, • Pool/riffle feature shifts along the profile of more than the equivalent of one bankfull width. Substrate Calculated D50 and D84 values should indicate coarser size class distribution of bed materials in riffles and finer size class distribution in pools. Generally, it is anticipated that the bed material will coarsen over time. The following thresholds will be considered indicators of concern: D50 or D84 value decreases more than 30 percent, Percent sand increases more than 50 percent. Sediment Transport Depositional features should be consistent with a stable stream that is effectively managing its sediment load. Point bar and inner berm features, if present, should develop without excessive encroachment of the channel. Lateral and mid-channel bar features should typically not be present and if so only in isolated instances. Vegetation Riparian vegetation monitoring shall be conducted for a minimum of five years to ensure that success criteria are met per USACE guidelines. Accordingly, success criteria will consist of a minimum survival of 320 stems per acre by the end of the Year 3 monitoring period and a minimum of 260 stems per acre at the end of Year 5. If monitoring indicates either that the specified survival rate is not being met or the development of detrimental conditions (i.e., invasive species, diseased vegetation), appropriate corrective actions will be developed and implemented. Hydrology Ground water hydrology success criteria for the monitoring period will include a minimum regulatory criterion, comprising saturation (free water) within one foot of the soil surface for 5 percent of the growing season. Quality Control Procedures Observation of Stream Stability and Wetland Performance A standard monitoring sheet will be used for each observational field site visit that includes names of individuals completing monitoring visit, date, time, and a standard list of questions for observation. Outside of this QAPP supplemental water quality chemical monitoring will be conducted at an offsite location above and below the restoration area. Supplemental Water Quality Chemical Monitoring (VWIN methodology) Volunteers are provided with instructions about sample collection procedures prior to their first sample collection day. Instruction is provided through hands-on experience by a VWIN coordinator, and a training manual is given to each volunteer to read. Henderson County stream samples are collected on the third Saturday of each month. Collecting coincident samples from all the sites in the monitoring area greatly reduces meteorological variability between sites. Therefore, the volunteers are asked to collect samples from the assigned site as close to noon as possible. Water samples are collected in six 250 mL polyethylene bottles. In order to assure consistent sampling techniques, each bottle is labeled with the site number and the parameter for which the water from that particular bottle will be analyzed. Information recorded by the volunteer (chain-of-custody form) can be found in Appendix A. After collection, the volunteer takes the samples and data sheet to a designated drop point where the samples are refrigerated. It is the job of the volunteer coordinator to pick up the samples from the drop point and deliver them to the EQI laboratory for analysis Monday morning. A description of the laboratory analysis methodology is contained in Appendix B. After analysis, the empty bottles are cleaned in the laboratory and then packed together with a blank data sheet for use next month. (from 2009 VWIN Annual Report) Volunteer chain of custody form (appendix A 2009 Annual report): Appendix A: Chain of Custody forma Volunteer Water InformationNetwork Henderson County 1) Saiiipl, Site Number ') S;uupl,: Silo Name 41 ?'oll?rtion I7;uc 7?a? u) 'l?im? t'raite4?d d-or-off gitc (ii, c-Icr) y), A olkill i vr'? A:nn 7)Voluntc-,r', Phums., of Tinail: hl_ase prmide current me?lii ?T..?(?h ?: if'lliei? has been achange) Jj ien\ Rate rl,;cat?rircl??,ne; Arrv Ili:llh jhi'Il I„\\ ") 1\lr? ?,I Rain in p;ia 3 d;??. (hlca?;? cird? rnr) Ilc,ic\ AJ,:Jmiii Light i)n 1(?l C;cnci,?l Obs,?i\auwuis ourbiclit\_ %\;c,ii m.utcr, d,:ai d anin7als upstre.nn, in: lung out of tlic crdinai? Paramet,:r Rc,uNs (For I„ ib L-?c Olds ! Par;?mc!?randPcsulf I)atc??I?_1n;?1???i,< Po mg/L ISS ni- I Fond u„ihos cm PH 24 Water Quality Chemical Analysis Laboratory Procedures and Parameters (Appendix B and C from 2009 VWIN Annual report): Appendi-, 13: Laboratory. `,nalysis SmIInk, ate L?pt tcl -crated untit th,.,v ar,: dciirctcd io the TOI l.rhoImotl on the \Iond:Ar morning lollo?vkr Sltutd.t, collcctirn?. Al.thad I:,llo„ I P ``um(kild \;cihod, 1(,I- [hc 1::an;ination of \1 alcr and \1 astc, atop-11r)'1' tCdMon t,:chniyuc< ?nd II,. 1;01 iohorat?lrr k ati l'icdh,, theSt.u, oI'\otth(?aroIinaCol na1 ra??datctanal,,ir)f ?)IIIIohL,,,hh:It a. tool pit,?,phorus. ,ur,Inuni:.? nuro ,: n. tl.lrbidit\. total wapcnd?:d ,oliils. pTT. c?,nJucu, it,. c?pp, i, lead. ltd zinc. All ?amplcs nnc b_cpt t 1 t,?rat?d until the tills ?f anal?.sis. SLippekl sr,mplc- 1r: stns on icy. _Ana10,i, f..,tniuo.,?n_ t,hod,horu?_ I'll- tuthidit\_ ani , 11dL,ti, it" yr ?n,plct?d ithin dR hour, r?hthc co11? !I' Ii tint". 1111 c:ornux h • tc,t?d on ,11c the holding i me lot PIT is eked \\h en imn;e Im! 1nal0,i, doer: rn,l ,scut. 11. t°n 1s lot [0111 nho,phot!:, 11111i1?ZP, y natal,. Iil? n] I n,I at I"?,?r.td h°, acidihcrit1 n. Evplanatitn? nhoat th,c p°_ _.:ltrr?, and in,tniments used in the Ei?I lab are quite technical in n_uutr and „ill L: omitted li-ont till, tcprrt. I?ttailcd.nlormation i? a?uileh!c onrequest. The rcpottii,g limit, I",r a:ich l,ar:unci.?r t:a?a been pro\ ,V p p n o,i na a to Aa alytical Reporting Limits to r N0 I'r Water Quality Parameters. Ii II;K 1'lPOPICMG I [MIT 11\411S \ittnionia \iut?,an ©.U's m? f itrcu. niu itc Aitrogcir tl.l mg, T Dotal Yhe,phoru. (a. P04``} i?.U3 mt, l< Orthahho,phstt (a, PO' j U.U2 m L \II_aliritc 1.0 m? L Total Su,pcri&d Solid, Cor,dnct;.;t. 1D.Q urnhu, em Teri, i d it_t I . o NTT' t'opp,I' zinc ^_ll.(1 T..1d ,.(1 r.i,, 1, PH I n_ a 25 Appendix C: Parameters and Ranges for Stream Quality Classifications. pH - Gi,iJe .l = never less than 6.0 C-w)d,- Ii hAm 6.n in l-, than 10%oj ,wq,lc._ m_v erbelow 5.0 iira?:c 1' nu,.;r la,., than S.il Cli,ik h. D='tit Lzi,t vnl ,aul-pl? v, a, less 5.0. .\II:n1 ml' -- 64ad : -1 =median ? c:u"r th:nl 0 ntg 1. r indicUtc, 11'11 L' v Uhlarability to ?ridir inp ut.,) nsdc i) nlcdcln 20-1"0 Ill_' i. t uGcai?, mndcratc ?ulncrai,ilit? l" 30idic inputs) Gntde C nl:dlnll 1117111 ?U ;119 I.ICrnlxl(!'?re(i Lo he A IIl 1eia5L to acidic - 111put, ). (iI-.11141) =lllt'Jijll k", th.ln I 111' 1,:"I\ \'ulmni'l,'to a4ldlt; Illplits) tul-bldlly - aie.;= IliAi:l]I lc,ltitan ?\IU ind,.. ,o,tand,wdfor trout VAata'vof 10NPUin lam„ than _l '1 oL s:inlplcs. but Iles ur. xccc,Ld 511 \lT Mace 13 median I.,, th-.11 7.5 \ I I 8111 n : :I ,", Cl-l"I'd th. 5!1 \ I I tAII&lll1 iraJc nl?:dian Ic„ Ihall 10 -X I t :ulc . :?:dc1 ?'l i> 11 it, Ls, th:ln 10"', or slrnhtc: Grade l) i-h iii greater than 10 t\rf 'r c\-Aed 50 NTU in nlrr:_ th:ln 10"io of samples. Total Suspend: d Solid, - alic A nn.dialn 1c,: Ihali 5 iao T and nlawiiounl less than 100 mg/L -not I11 ?:', ILial, l\ II 1, tllrl ::Lt h\ Illl 111:1 it aetl\III?, l rack 1i Ill,:diatl I'? hiai /. 111:' 1..lild ded 100 mg/L in less than 10",) of , 11111) L, - 1OV, tip Illt)lkrlle dl,lllrt%lll':, l = 1 a ( 1? ( ' nwdwii less than I i ) Il i, I. ijid 100 mg/L in less tball Swnhla,- mo'lcrell tohi!'hdi,Eurl?:n.cc. 61:1'1e ! )- nl -d:an cator th:lll I n Ill' I rl maxiinum exceeded PIll ill- L ill more than 10% of simll,lc, - hl"h ILv,l of !lmazli,lmhilntc Conducti, At, - Gradc .l median lc., than 3ti unlho, cnl_ n?.er exc-ded 100 unlho:: till iia& I? mcditnl lu„ than 2O widmx ci l _??>>dcd 1110 uulho, cm in lC,s than 10% of sample: uic l'= nn:dmll erCalJrthen 50 umhosicm. i IM wiflio, em nl less than 10% of caml,le, 1 a.it D- exceeded 1110 umhos/cm in more than 1 C ' is T samples. l?tal led A - ii v r cxeecd-d ? itcr quality standard o F7 ay' Grad B` CSUCCdc?' 7'_Iq T, ire less this 10',) ol-,nnil,le, GI-a01_'. c?ce?ldcd 7 u,, t. ilt ] U to i1",: ?I ,ann,lc: Gra& D- L d d i uc L inworc than .'t samples 26 Appendix C (continued) Total Lead Cra,ie,A=rexceeded,vst rgwilii? fon&ifd0l1Oug/t G, rI :.odcdIn us I in lc•:; than to".. ot;;nll-les .._,.ceded10 llL'.I_nl10L,?:llnplos Grade i 1 o u,-, I ill than 'U".. fSmIlpies Total Zinc - :-,radc 1= median less than e u-, ncv er e?:c-aded scalar giiAil? standard of 50 ppb Uradc I median less than 10 u= I., .:?cccJed ?O pob ir: lc,, than 10% of samples Grant. C- median less than 10 ua I, excecdcd 50 ppl, iii 10 - _'U°.,01 samples,. Grad, D- Median greater than l U ugrL or concentration cx " d,;a 0 ppb in more than 20% of samples Total Pho•,I iwrou , (1, P)- (:lace A nla_lian imt zd")vc i).)); nl , T, Goci& 1; nl Tian ^ ?atcrthan t?.1: nlt, I but less than t1.t17me'L. t;radc n l;an e1 jt?r (hlrl )x.07 111 L but less than 1).10 rn,-? L (era sic I) nr::diun _r-cat?s-th cn ii.i?l rn_ ?. Gradr_.1 m?°dian 1- than emhirnt 1_% el of,).fi5moL ( iiadC I; nlcdi.ml h?;t??.ccr 0.05 ,11 I_ Felt Ic,* than 0.10 mg/L, Grad,:: n?aliansrcatcrthan0.10m Lbutless than 0.20 mg/L Crillc D m i ml ai?t awii O.2U wg?L. Ammonia Nltrc.,,? n - - lacc I; I]-y :r??c? thcln?, ,o,. danihicnt4AIdaidlu, tiolltatc,? in 111,- S11111111,:1 0 1 1 nu' I: 1 11iL L ill inzin 10",? ?a :il k,. ?1t1!L. ?r.l?ic l) r ':'Ld l nl_ I, in more than i )1" , oC rnl l?_ rat lcar,t time samhk h..l i 1 cone i? lion ?_1 ab-a than iliepropos,.:dambient standardfortrout u:,tcl?,, in t ll •. rllc? of-, 0 ms 1,. Nitrate Nitr,):ren - Grade A7= median does txx -,:,aed n..,, m,? 1:. no sample exceeded 1.0 mg/L Cnrade B= le- than 1 l' ,,l •;;mn? ,c. ???c ._d? d LO mglL, none exceeded 5 mg/L Gra& C- no sampl,: \c,r , Ld m ,/L l 1 idc 1)= :it laut on_ , iinpio c?J,edecl5 mg/L 27