HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0006946_Regional Office Historical File Pre 2018Water Resources Environmental Quality December 21, 2017 North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) Division of State Historic Sites Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Larry K. Neal, Jr. (Manager) via Email Dear Mr. Neal: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Interim Director Subject: Surface Irrigation Permit Inspection Report Permit #WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Facility Cabarrus County Attached you will find the report for the compliance inspection that was conducted on December 15th, 2017 for the referenced facility's treatment and disposal system. I would like to thank Lee Garner for his time during the inspection: The treatment system appeared to be operating properly at the time of inspection; however, please note the following requirements to maintain overall compliance with permit conditions: • Our data base still shows I'Nbrman Long as ORC and Lee Garner as BU-ORC. Please fill out and submit the updated form (and copy this office). The form is located at the following web -link: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeg/Water%20Quality/Operator Certification FileS/WW Files/ORC D esignation Form Fillable.pdf. • Install the required water level gauge (needs to have increments in inches or tenths of a foot). Mr. Garner discussed plans to build a dock to access the gauge, but needs to determine personal safety and risk to lagoon liner. The simplest and safest solution possible to meet the permit condition is all that is required. In addition, it is recommended the lagoon residuals level be assessed with a sludge Mudge, at the time of the water level installation, and scheduled for removal as needed. • The lagoon water level is currently lowered for filter access and cleaning, which may reduce clogging of irrigation equipment. Routine maintenance of application fields for under brush and removal of downed trees is ongoing. • Lagoon berm and bank need maintenance for plant removal. Per discussion, the ORC plans to use as little herbicide treatment as possible, as it seems the safest approach. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have, any questions, feel free to call me at 704-235-2184 or by email at maria. schutte(a)-ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Maria Schutte, Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office State ofNorth Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Attachment: Inspection Report December 2017 CC: Lee Garner, ORC, Reed Gold Mine (email) State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Roy Cooper, Governor Michael S. Regan, Secretary Linda Culpepper, Interim Director NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SURFACE IRRIGATION GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources County: Cabarrus Permit #: W00006946 Project Name: Reed Gold Mine Issuance Date: 02/01/2008 Expiration Date: 01/31/2017 Permittee Contact: Larry (Manager) Phone: 704-721-4653 Email: 1 .neal@ncdcr.gov ORC: Robert L. "Lee" Garner (#SI 1000751) Shop #: 704-721-4665 Email: lee.gamer@ncdcr.gov BU ORC: Norman Long (#SI 25721) Shop #: 704-721-4665 Email: norman.longgncdcr. ov Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Date(s): December 15, 2017 Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The wastewater treatment system appears to be operating satisfactorily. Records are in good order. The light bulb for the high-water alarm was replaced while on -site. Both visual and audible high-water alarms were working, at the time of inspection. Remaining issues of concern are noted below and detailed in the cover -letter: • The water level gauge needs to be legible to inch or tenths of a foot increments. Assess lagoon residuals at time of gauge installation and schedule for removal as needed. • Spray heads are recommended to be removed from service as needed to address periodic ponding issues. Routine maintenance of spray heads for clogs/leaks and the irrigation fields for downed tree/underbrush is ongoing. • Lagoon berm and bank need routine maintenance for plant removal. • Update the ORC designation form as noted in the cover -letter, with current contact information for Norman Long as backup. All information should also be copied to: beth.buffingtonAncdenr.gov, for the Operator Certification Program. • The MRO should be informed of any changes to the contact information noted above. Is a follow-up inspection necessary Ves X no? Inspector Name/Title: Maria Schulte, Environmental Specialist Telephone No.: 704-235-2184 Fax No. 704-663-6040 Date of Inspection: 12/15/2017 Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Permit 4WQ0006946 Page 2 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, Low Rate Lagoon Drip, Low Rate Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational? If no, note below. Treatment Flow Measurement — Influent Per previous inspections, this is estimated from well meter total, less water used at main facility. Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Y Is water use metered? Are the daily average values properly calculated? Disinfection Y Is the system working? Y Is the system properly maintained? Tablets X Gas Liquid UV If tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? Y If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? NE Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? The contact chamber is not visible — chlorine is added via tubing into a closed PVC pipe. Treatment Flow Measurement — Effluent * Is the flow calibrated annually? NE Is the flow meter operating properly? *—Does the flow meter monitor continuously? NE Does the flow meter appear to monitor accurately? Comments: * The flowmeter was not examined during this inspection. Per previous inspections the ORC has determined that the irrigation meter cannot be calibrated. The flow meter is continuous, but as with many sites, does not record — flows are taken manually when the ORC or BU is on -site. Effluent Storage X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of month's storage Spill control plan on site NE Storage Lagoons Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) N Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank) - Minimal vegetation is be inningto take hold. Y Liner (if visible, is it intact) — Concrete berm appears intact, vegetation is be inning to take hold. Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Comments: * ORC plans to spray vegetation with as minimal an herbicide treatment as possible as this seems the sa est way to manage the berm integrity. The lagoon bank at the rock face becomes too steep for man/equipment access. Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Permit #WQ0006946 Page 3 Y Staff gauge (clearly marked) ORC currently has lines marked on a pipe for measurement, but has plans to purchase/install an attachment with the appropriate increments. This needs to be completed. N Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) NE Unusual color (very black, textile colors) — Duck weed was too thick to see into the lago N Foam (are antifoam agents used) Y Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) NE Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) — Per previous inspection report, the last pumping of lagoon residuals was in 1998. The design of this facility does not allow for safe sampliLig of the lagoon residuals however, since staffplan to use a boat to upgrade the water level gauge it is recommended that the lam residuals be assessed by a sludge judge at that time and a cleanout planned accordingly. N Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Residuals Management The septic system was pumped in 2015 for the back -flow valve installation. The lagoon residuals should also be assessed as noted above. Disposal (final end use) * Y Is the application equipment present and operational? * Y Is application equipment in need repair? Routine maintenance for cloys/leaks. N Spray heads calibrated this past year? Spray heads were calibrated during the past permit cycle but would be due again this permit cycle. Y Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Pines not specified in permit, but this is a living forest with natural progression to hardwoods. * Y Is cover crop in need of improvement? N Signs of runoff? Y Signs of ponding? N Signs of drift? It is recommended that spray heads be turned off as needed so poor soil/drainage areas have sufficient time to dry. Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? N Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Access to the spray facility and fields is along a gravel road to the maintenance facility, which has a restricted access sign posted but -is not specific to the irri a� permit. Y Is permit being followed? Y Are there any water supply wells within the compliance area? N Is the area served by municipal water? Comments: * Maintenance/Removal of dead pine trees, spray heads (clogs from duck weed) and field/soil depressions is constant. * Recordkeeping See comments section on page 4. Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR Y NDAR Y NE Is the operation and maintenance log present? NE Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? Y Is field certification required? *Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Y Are annual soil reports available? Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Page 4 Permit NWQ0006946 NE Is operation and maintenance manual available? Complete? Maintenance logs are kept on computer. N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comments: X TDS continues to be elevated in AM-2. The MRO staff discussed low flow sampling techniques; however, Reed GM would have to budget for equipment. Long-term a different well location may be a more efficient solution for this facility, then equipment investment. MRO advises to watch TDS for trend. Maintenance logs are maintained on computer, but were not reviewed during this inspection Groundwater Monitoring Y Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, Y are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? Y are the wells properly identified? N are the wells damaged? Additional Comment(s): Mr. Garner's office has been relocated from the maintenance building, to a separate, recently renovated building with additional storage for field supplies. MRO noted calibrations standards should be dated and initialed when received and opened. Additional time was spent with technical assistance/discussion offield analyses, lab data, reporting codes on NDMRs and calculation of 12 Month Floating Total. Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY t � r V i ` T. October 11, 2016 PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN North, Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) Division of State Historic Sites Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Larry K. Neal, Jr. (Manager) via Email Subject: Surface Irrigation Permit Inspection Report Permit #WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Facility Cabarrus County Dear Mr. Neal: Director Attached you will find the report for the compliance inspection that was conducted on October 5th, 2016 in conjunction with the permit renewal for the referenced facility's treatment and disposal system. Edward Watson and Maria Schutte of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) were joined by Tessa Monday and Ashley Kabat from the Central Office (CO) Non -Discharge Permitting Unit. I would like to thank you and your staff for your time during the inspection. The treatment system appeared to be operating properly at the time of inspection; however, please note the following requirements to maintain overall compliance with permit conditions: • Replace light bulb/Repair fixture for the high water visual alarm. The WWTP high water audible alarm was functioning, but the visual alarm was inoperable. • The water level gauge needs to have increments in inches or tenths of a foot. • Wastewater irrigation system and field concerns: Spray heads at the application fields need routine maintenance for clogs. During this visit it was primarily the spray heads at field 2 for clogs and leaks. Duck weed from the lagoon is the suspected culprit. Norman Long discussed upgrading the spray heads and/or adding a cut-off valve at each spray head for ease of maintenance, as the budget allows. Noted areas with ponding or soils concerns have routinely been addressed with additional fill/sand as needed. The MRO continues to recommend periodically removing spray heads from service where ponding is an issue. The permittee State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office) 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 may wish to have adjacent land evaluated for future expansion of the irrigation system, if field/soil conditions worsen. An updated ORC Designation Form should be submitted in 2016 pending expected personnel changes. The form is attached for your convenience, but may also be located at the following web-link:- hftp://Portal.ncdenr.org/c/document libra / et file?uuid=6c52bcdf-54c9-45ce-abb7- d29cfe887083&groupld=38364. Questions about certification should be directed to beth.buffington(a)-ncdenr.gov. • This permit is currently in the renewal process with our CO permitting staff in Raleigh. Please contact tessa.monday(ZD-ncdenr.gov with questions regarding your renewal. The report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions, feel free to. call me at 704-235-2184 or by email at maria.schutte@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Maria Schutte, Environmental Specialist Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Attachment(s): Inspection Report October 2016 Operator Designation Form CC:. Norman Long, ORC, Reed Gold Mine (email) Lee Garner, BU ORC, Reed Gold Mine (email) Tessa Monday, Non Discharge Permitting Unit, CO -Raleigh (email) State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Pat McCrory, Governor Donald R. van der Vaart, Secretary NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SURFACE IRRIGATION GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources County: Cabarrus Permit #: WQ0006946 Project, Name: Reed Gold Mine Issuance Date: 02/01/2008 Expiration Date: 01/31/2017 Permittee Contact: Larry Neal (Manager) Phone: 704-721-4653 Email: lgM.neal@ncdcr.gov ORC: Norman Long (#SI 25721) Shop #: 704-721-4665 Email: norman.long(d)ncdcngov BU ORC: Robert L. "Lee" Garner (#SI 1000751) Shop #: 704-721-4665 Email: lee. gamerkncdcr.gov Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Date(s): October 5, 2016 Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The wastewater treatment system appears to be operating satisfactorily. Records are in very good order. Immediate and potential compliance issues are noted below and detailed in the cover -letter: • Repair visual high water alarm. • The water level gauge needs to be legible to inch or tenths of a foot increments. • Spray heads are recommended to be removed from service as needed to address periodic ponding issues. Routine maintenance of spray heads for clogs/leaks and the irrigation fields for downed tree/underbrush is ongoing. • Ponding issues/soil concerns continue to be addressed with additional fill/sand and removal of spray heads from service; however, the permittee may wish to have a licensed Soil Scientist assess adjacent acreage for potential wastewater irrigation should field conditions worsen. • An updated Operator Designation Form should be submitted in 2016, pending expected personnel changes. The form is attached for your convenience, but may also be located web -link noted on the cover letter. Questions about certification should be directed to beth.buffinktonna,ncdenr.sov. • This permit is currently in the renewal process with our CO permitting staff in Raleigh. Please contact tessa.monday(a,ncdenr.sov with questions regarding your renewal. • The MRO should be informed of any changes to the contact information noted above. Is a follow-up inspection necessary des X no? Inspector Name/Title: Maria Schutte, Environmental Specialist; Edward Watson, Hydrogeologist Telephone No.: 704-235-2184 Fax No. 704-663-6040 Date of Inspection: 10/05/2016 Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Page 2 Permit #WQ0006946 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, Low Rate Lagoon Drip, Low Rate Treatment Y. Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational? If no, note below. Treatment Flow Measurement — Influent Per previous inspections, this is estimated from well meter total, less water used at main facility. Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Y Is water use metered? Are the daily average values properly calculated? Disinfection Y Is the system working? Y Is the system properly maintained? Tablets X Gas Liquid UV If tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? Y If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? NE Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? chlorine is added via tubing into a closed PVC pipe. Treatment Flow Measurement — Effluent * Is the flow calibrated annually? NE Is the flow meter operating properly? * Does the flow meter monitor continuously? NE Does the flow meter appear to monitor accurately? The contact chamber is not visible — Comments: * The flowmeter was not examined during this inspection. Per previous inspections the ORC has determined that the irrigation meter cannot be calibrated. The flow meter is continuous, but as with many sites, does not record — flows are taken manually when the ORC or BU is on -site. Effluent Storage X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of month's storage Spill control plan on site NE Comments: Storage Lagoons Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) , N Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank) - Minimal vegetation is be i���to take hold. Y Liner (if visible, is it intact) — Concrete berm appears to be intact. Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Permit #WQ0006946 Page 3 Y Staff gauge (clearly marked) ORC currently has lines marked a pipe for measurement, but has plans to purchase/install an attachment with the appropriate increments. N Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) N Unusual color (very black, textile colors) — Duck weed was too thick to see into the lagoon, but the effluent at the spray heads did not appear discolored. N Foam (are antifoam agents used) Y Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) NE Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) — Central Office staff questioned about solids build-up. Per Mr. Long the last pumping of 1ggoon residuals was in 1998. The design of this facility does not allow for safe sampli�o the lagoon residuals; however, since staffplan to use a boat to upgrade the water level gauge, it is recommended that the lagoon residuals be assessed by a sludge fudge at that time and a cleanout planned accordingly. N Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Residuals Management The septic system was pumped in 2015 for the back -flow valve installation. The lagoon residuals should also be assessed as noted above. Disposal (final end use) * Y Is the application equipment present and operational? * Y Is application equipment in need repair? Routine maintenance for clogs/leaks. N Spray heads calibrated this past year? Spray heads were calibrated during the past permit cycle, but would be due again this permit cycle. Y Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Pines not specified in permit, but this is a living forest with natural progression to hardwoods. * Y Is cover crop in need of improvement? N Signs of runoff? Y Signs of ponding? N Signs of drift? It is recommended that spray heads be turned off as needed so poor soil/drainage areas have sufficient time to dry_ Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? N Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Access to the spray facility and fields is along a gravel road to the maintenance facility, which has a restricted access sign posted but is not specific to the irri a�permit. Y Is permit being followed? Y Are there any water supply wells within the compliance area? N Is the area served by municipal water? Comments: * Maintenance/Removal of dead pine trees, spray heads (clogs from duck weed) and fleldlsoil depressions is constant. * Recordkeeping See comments section on page 4. Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR Y NDAR Y NE Is the operation and maintenance log present? NE Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Page 4 Permit #WQ0006946 Y Is field certification required? *Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? NE Are annual soil reports available? NE Is operation and maintenance manual available? Complete? Maintenance logs are kept on computer. N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comments: * Compliance samples are collected by personnel from a certified laboratory. TDS continues to be elevated in MW-2, and Fecal Coliform was elevated in all MWs in some 2013 results. The MRO advises to watch TDS for trend. The 2013 Fecal data gppears to have been an anomaly. Maintenance logs are maintained on computer, but were not reviewed during this inspection. Groundwater Monitoring Y Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, Y are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? Y are the wells properly identified? N are the wells damaged? Additional Comment(s): Water Pollution Control System Operator Designation Form WPCSOCC NCAC 15A 8G .0201 Permittee Owner/Officer Name: Mailing Address: City: Email address: Signature: Facility Name: County: State: Zip: Phone #: Date: Permit #: ............................................................................................................................................. SUBMIT A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TYPE SYSTEM! Facility Type/Grade (CHECK ONLY ONE): Biological Collection Physical/Chemical Surface Irrigation Land Application Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Print Full Name: Certificate Type / Grade / Number: Signature: Email: Work Phone #: Date: "I certify that I agree to•my designation as the Operator in Responsible Charge for the facility noted. I understand and will abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of the ORC as set forth in 15A NCAC 08G .0204 and failing to do so can result in Disciplinary Actions by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission." ............................................................................................................................................. Back -Up Operator in Responsible Charge (BU ORC) Print Full Name: Certificate Type / Grade / Number: Signature: Email: Work Phone #: Date: "I certify that I agree to my designation as a Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge for the facility noted. I understand and will abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of the BU ORC as set forth in 15A NCAC 08G .0205 and failing to do so can result in Disciplinary Actions by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission." .............................................................................................................................................. Mail, fax or email the WPCSOCC, 1618 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1618 Fax: 919.715.2726 on inal to: Cm;aiIl: ceutadM1 Ma , cdenrG e: Mail or fax a copv to the Asheville appropriate Regional Office: 2090 US Hwy 70 Swannanoa 28778 Fax: 828.299.7043 Phone: 828.296.4500 Washington 943 Washington Sq Mall Washington 27889 Fax:252.946.9215 Phone: 252.946.6481 Fayetteville 225 Green St Suite 714 Fayetteville 28301-5043 Fax: 910.486.0707 Phone: 910.433.3300 Wilmington 127 Cardinal Dr Wilmington 28405-2845 Fax:. 910.350.2004 Phone: 910.796.7215 Mooresville 610 E Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville 28115 Fax:704.663.6040 Phone: 704.663.1699 Winston-Salem 450 W. Hanes Mall Rd Winston-Salem 27105 Fax: 336.776.9797 Phone: 336.776.9800 Raleigh 3800 Barrett Dr Raleigh 27609 Fax:919.571.4718 Phone:919.791.4200 Revised 05-2015 WPCSOCC Operator Designation Form, cont. Facility Name: Back -Up Operator in Responsible Charge (BU ORC) Print Full Name: Certificate Type / Grade / Number: Signature: Email: Permit #: Work Phone #: Date: "I certify that I agree to my designation as a Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge for the facility noted. I understand and will abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of the BU ORC as set forth in 15A NCAC 08G .0205 and failing to do so can result in Disciplinary Actions by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission." Back -Up Operator in Responsible Charge (BU ORC) Print Full Name: Certificate Type / Grade / Number: Signature: Email: Work Phone #: Date: "I certify that I agree to my designation as a Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge for the facility noted. I understand and will abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of the BU ORC as set forth in 15A NCAC 08G .0205 and failing to do so can result in Disciplinary Actions by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission." Back -Up Operator in Responsible Charge (BU ORC) Print Full Name: Certificate Type / Grade / Number: Signature: Email: Work Phone #: Date: "I certify that I agree to my designation as a Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge for the facility noted. I understand and will abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of the BU ORC as set forth in 15A NCAC 08G .0205 and failing to do so can result in Disciplinary Actions by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission." ............................................................................................................................................. Back -Up Operator in Responsible Charge (BU ORC) Print Full Name: Certificate Type / Grade / Number: Signature: Email: Work Phone #: Date: "I certify that I agree to my designation as a Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge for the facility noted. I understand and will abide by the rules and regulations pertaining to the responsibilities of the BU ORC as set forth in 15A NCAC 08G .0205 and failing to do so can result in Disciplinary Actions by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission." Revised 05-2015 ,giving Directions from 610 E Center Ave, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 to 9621 R... Page 1 of 3 . Notes mapque t Trip to: i 9621 Reed Mine Rd Midland, NC 28107-9673 i 33.83 miles /48 minutes- ------ ---- -- 610 E Ce ter Ave, Mooresville, NC 28115-2548 Download Free App 1. Start out going east on E Center Ave toward Evergreen St. Map 0.7 Mi 0.7 Mi Total 2. Turn right onto Coddle Creek Rd / NC-3. Continue to follow 6.9 Mi NC-3. Map 7.6 Mi Total NC-3 is 0.1 miles past Johnston If you are on Harris Crossing Blvd and reach S Cromwell Dr you've gone about 0.1 miles too far �1 3. Turn slight right onto Odell School Rd. Map 4.0 Mi Odell School Rd is 0.2 miles past Davidson Rd 11.5 Mi Total If you are on Mooresville Rd and reach Sudbury Rd you've gone about 0.2 miles too far 73 4. Turn left onto Davidson Hwy / NC-73. Map 2.7 Mi Davidson Hwy is just past Johnston St 14.2 Mi Total If you reach Harris Rd you've gone about 0.4 miles too far 5. Turn right onto Kannapolis Pkwy. Map 1.4 Mi Kannapolis Pkwy is 0.7 miles past Private Dr 15.6 Mi Total If you are on Davidson Hwy and reach Roger Dale Carter Dr you've gone about 0.1 miles too far �► 6. Stay straight to go onto Geo W Liles Pkwy NW. Map 0.2 Mi 15.8 Mi Total �1 7. Turn slight right onto George W Liles Pkwy NW. Map 0.4 Mi George W Liles Pkwy NW is just past Exchange St NW 16.2 MI Total 8. Turn left onto Poplar Tent Rd. Map 3.1 Mi Poplar Tent Rd is 0.2 miles past Grand Canyon Rd 19.2 Mi Total If you are on George W Liles Pkwy NW and reach Coddle Market Dr NW you've gone about 0.2 miles too far I� NTH 9. Turn right onto Concord Pkwy N / US-29 S / US-601 S. Map 1.0 Mi 29 If you are on McGill Ave NW and reach Gurley Dr NW you've gone about 0.1 miles too 20.3 Mi Total far ,TH 10. Turn left onto Warren C Coleman Blvd N / US-601 S. Continue to 7.8 Mi ,1601 follow US-601 S. Map 28.0 Mi Total US-601 S is 0.3 miles past Sumner Ave If you are on US-29 S and reach Cabarrus Ave W you've gone about 0.3 miles too far http://classic.mapquest.com/print?a=app.core.c5758733e35d93c5f2eafefb 10/4/2016 u P- iving Directions from 610 E Center Ave, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 to 9621 R... Page 2 of 3 oc� 11. Turn left onto Highway 200 / NC-200. Map 3.6 Mi Highway 200 is 0.4 miles past Cold Springs Rd S 31.6 Mi Total If you reach Biggers Rd you've gone a little too far 12. Turn right onto Reed Mine Rd. Map 2.2 Mi Reed Mine Rd is just past Barrier Georgeville Rd 33.8 Mi Total If you are on NC 200 Hwy and reach Mauney Rd you've gone about 0.8 miles too far 13. 9621 REED MINE RD. Map Your destination is 0.1 miles past Reed Gold Mine If you are on Hartsell Rd and reach Reed Mine Rd you've gone about 2.3 miles too far 9621 Reed Mine Rd, Midland, NC 28107-9673 http://classic.mapquest.com/print?a=app.core.c5758733e35d93c5f2eafef6 10/4/2016 s riving Directions from 610 E Center Ave, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 to 9621 R... Page 3 of 3 Total Travel Estimate: 33.83 miles - about 48 minutes Fr SheuiLlsFord ' o.r�ence r'. 150 pcbllr LakeNrrn rnl'� h•9oore le C-1d,Hill 1 ,.4�OrrIQilUS - �6 1 r'" . w b . ri l Kclr,[V)r)() S 73 Hicks ; .Illc t iUlltvr Svlllc oncord - 73 NP. 24 _5mi� 7 Eig Lick m6pqu�Sf.,f 10k - OaF:Lc' 0 138 L _� _�-4+ ;� j _� : - - ©2016 MapQuest =Portions ©2016 © TomTom, © M erns 1c ©2016 MapQuest, Inc. Use of directions and maps is subject to the MapQuest Terms of Use. We make no guarantee of the accuracy of their content, road conditions or route usability. You assume all risk of use. View Terms of Use - http://classic.mapquest.com/print?a=app.core.c5758733e35d93c5f2eafefb 10/4/2016 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Im December 18, 2015 PAT MCCRORY Govemo• DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Sec•remry S. JAY ZIMMERMAN North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (NCDNCR) Division of State Historic Sites Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Norman Long (Maintenance Supervisor) Subject: Surface Irrigation Permit Inspection Report Permit #WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Facility Cabarrus County Dear Mr. Long: Director Enclosed you will find the report for the compliance inspection that was conducted on December 9th, 2015 for the referenced facility's treatment and disposal system. I would like to thank you for your time during the inspection. Please note the following requirements to maintain compliance with permit conditions: • The back -flow prevention valve noted in NOV-2014-PC-0109 is in -place; however, as we discussed the final drawinas need to be submitted as noted in the hermit condition 1.1 which states: "...Upon completion, the Permittee shall submit as -built drawings from a professional engineer indicating the location and materials used in the installation of the back -flow prevention device." • Spray heads at both fields needed maintenance for clogs and a couple of heads temporarily removed from service due to soils and/or wet field conditions. Per our discussion, duck weed from the lagoon is the suspected culprit creating clogs at the spray heads and routine maintenance is conducted as needed between application events. You also noted areas that require additional fill/sand to reduce ponding and expressed concerns with soils in some locations which should be reviewed during the next permit renewal, but in the_ interim I recommended removing these' spray heads from service. The current permit expiration date is January 31, 2017. A renewal application is due within 6 months of expiration, which will be in July 2016. The most current Non -Discharge System Renewal (NDSR) application may be found at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wqlaps/lau/applications. In addition, this permit should reflect the correct management contact within the NCDNCR as the owner. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources I Water Quality Regional Operations Mooresville Regional Office) 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 3011 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 704 663 1699 t Norman Long is the ORC of the system, but should not be on the permit as the owner/Raleigh contact. An Ownership/Name Change form may also be found at the above web -link and may be submitted now or at the time of renewal. The. report should be self-explanatory; however, should you have any questions, feel free to. call me at 704=235-2184 or contact me via email at maria.schutteCaD-ncderingov. Sincerely, Ix Maria Schutte, Environmental .Specialist Mooresville Regional. Office Water Quality. Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Enclosure(s): Inspection Report December 2015 CC:- Paul Hill, Chief, Facility & Craft Services, NCDNCR, Division of State Historic Sites, paul.hill@ncdcr.aov (email) State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Pat McCrory, Governor Donald R. van der Vaart, Secretary NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SURFACE IRRIGATION GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: NC Division of Natural and Cultural Resources County: Cabarrus Permit #: WQ0006946 Project Name: Reed Gold Mine - Issuance Date: 02/01/2008 Expiration Date: 01/31/2017 Permittee Contact: Norman Long (Maintenance Supervisor and ORC) Cert #: SI125761 Telephone No.: 704-721-4653 Shop No.: 704-721-4665 Cell No.: 704-506-9736 Email: johnreedl799ggmail.com Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Date(s): December 9, 2015 Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The wastewater treatment system appears to be operating satisfactorily. Records are in very good order. Immediate and potential compliance issues are noted below and detailed in the cover -letter: • As built design and Engineer's certification of the recently installed back -flow valve need to be submitted, per condition I.1. • Attempt to view spray pattern while on -site was thwarted by clogs from duck weed (a recurring problem). ORC and BU were to clean heads within a couple of days. This is routine maintenance for them every few days. A couple of spray heads were recommend to be removed from service, until ponding issues could be adequately assessed and addressed. • The current permit expiration date is January 31, 2017. A renewal application is due within 6 months of expiration, which will be in July 2016. An updated Ownership/Name Change form should also be completed with the appropriate Raleigh contact. • The MRO should be informed of any changes to the contact information noted above. Is a follow-up inspection necessary _yes X no Inspector Name/Title: Maria Schutte, Environmental Specialist Telephone No.: 704-235-2184 Fax No. 704-663-6040 Date of Inspection: 12/09/2015 Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Permit #WQ0006946 Page 2 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, Low Rate Lagoon Drip, Low Rate Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational? If no, note below. Treatment Flow Measurement — Influent Per previous inspections, this is estimated from well meter total, less water used at main facility. Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Y Is water use metered? Are the daily average values properly calculated? Disinfection Y Is the system working? Y Is the system properly maintained? Tablets X Gas Liquid UV If tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? Y If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? NE Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? The contact chamber is not visible — chlorine is added via tubing into a closed PVC pipe. Treatment Flow Measurement — Effluent * Is the flow calibrated annually? Y Is the flow meter operating properly? * Does the flow meter monitor continuously? Y Does the flow meter appear to monitor accurately? Comments: * Per previous inspections, the ORC has determined that the irrigation meter cannot be calibrated. The flow meter is continuous, but as with many sites does not record — flows are taken manually when the ORC or BU is on -site. Effluent Storage X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of month's storage Spill control plan on site NE Comments: Back -flow prevention between the septic tank and lagoon has been installed. As -built information needs to be submitted to the MRO. This issue was taken out of the ORC's hands, and the work completed by contractors. Storage Lagoons Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) N Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank Y Liner (if visible, is it intact) Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Permit #WQ0006946 Page 3 Y Staff gauge (clearly marked) ORC currently has lines marked on the lagoon liner and a recently installed PVC pipe for measurement, but has plans to purchase/install an attachment with the appropriate increments. N Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) N Unusual color (very black, textile colors) N Foam (are antifoam agents used) Y Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) NE Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) N Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Residuals Mana$tement The system was pumped this year in preparation of the back -flow valve installation. Per previous reports the septic tank is pumped as needed by a subcontractor and the MRO has recommended that lagoon bottom residuals be addressed at the same time. Disposal (final end use) * Y Is the application equipment present and operational? * Y Is application equipment in need repair? Routine maintenance for clogs. N Spray heads calibrated this past year? Spray heads were calibrated during the past permit cycle, but would be due again this permit cycle. Y Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Pines not specified in permit, but this is a living forest with natural progression to hardwoods. * Y Is cover crop in need of improvement? N Signs of runoff? Y Signs of ponding? N Signs of drift? It was recommended that a couple of spray heads be turned off, so some wet areas have sufficient time to dry. Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? N Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Access to the spray facility and fields is along a gravel road to the maintenance facility, which has a restricted access sign posted, but is not specific to the irrigation permit. Y Is permit being followed? Y Are there any water supply wells within the compliance area? N Is the area served by municipal water? Comments: * Maintenance/Removal of dead pine trees, spray heads (clog from duck weed) and field/soil depressions is constant. * Recordkeepin2 See comments section on pgge 4. Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR Y NDAR Y Y Is the operation and maintenance log present? Y Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? Y Is field certification required? *Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Y Are annual soil reports available? Surface Irrigation — Reed Gold Mine Permit #WQ0006946 Page 4 Y Is operation and maintenance manual available? Complete? Maintenance logs are kept on computer. N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comments: Compliance samples are collected by personnel from a certified laboratory. TDS continues to be elevated in MW-2, and Fecal Coliform was elevated in all MWs in some 2013 results. The MRO advises to watch for trend. * ORC has routinely recorded precipitation data from an on -site rain gauge the day the site is visited. The MRO requested that rain events be compared with on-line data and reported on the date the rain event actually occurred to avoid the appearance of land appl�g duringa rain event. Groundwater Monitoring Y Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, Y are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? Y are the wells properly identified? N are the wells damaged? Additional Comment(s): = A 40 A FILE NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary May 13, 2014 North Carolina Department of Cultural. Resources Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Norman Long (Maintenance Supervisor) RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION NOV-2014-PC-0109 Non- Discharge Permit #WQ0006946 Read Gold Mine Facility Cabarrus County, N.C. Dear Mr. Long: On March 28, 2014, Maria Schutte of Division of Water Resources (DWR) of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) while conducting a routine compliance inspection discussed a requirement noted in your permit, during previous inspections and in a Notice of Deficiency dated March 7, 2012, which per conversation with you still has not been corrected. The specific issue is a back -flow prevention valve that must be installed between the septic tank discharge and the polishing lagoon. While the treatment and disposal systems appear to be operating satisfactorily, this issue must be addressed as it is a violation of the permit, specifically: Section 1.1 which states: "Within sixty (60) days of permit issuance, the Permittee shall install a back -flow prevention device on the outlet pipe from the septic tank. Upon completion, the Permittee shall submit as -built drawings from a professional engineer indication the location and materials used in the installation of the back -flow prevention device." The MRO received email and phone communication from Mr. Paul Bock, Facility & Craft Services, NCDCR, Division of State Historic Sites; and, a proposed solution from Norman Long, which the MRO accepted; however, no specific time -line for implementing corrective actions has been submitted, as required by the Notice of Deficiency. Please take the corrective action(s) for the above violation(s) as necessary to bring the said facility into compliance. A plan and time -line for implementing corrective actions must be submitted in writing to the Mooresville Regional Office by June 7, 2014. Mooresville Regional Office, 610 East Center Avenue, Mooresville, North Carolina 28155 Phone: 704-663-16991 Internet: www.ncdenr.gov An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — Made in part by recycled paper Should you have any questions, please call Maria Schutte or me at (704) 663-1699. Sinc rely, Andrew H. Pitner, Assistant Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR Enclosure(s): Inspection Report March 2014 CC: Paul Bock, Facility & Craft Services, NCDCR, Division of State Historic Sites 4620 MSC, Raleigh, NC 27699-4621 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of'�Vater Resources Pat McCrory, Governor John E. Skvarla, III, Secretary A kik" V in NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SURFACE IRRIGATION GENEPW INFORW TION i Owner: NC Division of Cultural Resources County: Cabarrus Permit #: WQ0006946 Project Name: Reed Gold Mine Issuance Date: 02/01/2008 Expiration Date: 01/31/2017 Permittee Contact: Norman Long(Maintenance Supervisor and ORC) Cert #: SI125761 Telephone No.: 704-721-4653 Cell No.: 704-506-9736 Email: johnreedl799klzmail.com Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The wastewater treatment and disposal system appears to be operating satisfactorily. Records are in very good order. Immediate and potential compliance issues are noted below: • Notice of Violation: back -flow valve has not yet been installed on the septic tank discharge line. The valve should be installed before the next time the tank is pumped. • An operations and maintenance plan should be developed, and include the need to protect sewer drains from spills, particularly when working on gas equipment in the maintenance building. • The total dissolved solids continue to be elevated in MW-2; and, all monitoring wells showed elevated Fecal Coliform in 2013 sampling data. The MRO recommends continued monitoring for trend. Is a follow-up inspection necessary _yes X no Inspector Name/Title: Maria Schutte, Environmental Specialist Telephone No.: 704-235-2184 Fax No. 704-663-6040 Date of Inspection: 3/28/2014 Surface Irrigation Page 2 Permit #WQ0006946 Tyne Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, Low Rate Lagoon Drip, Low Rate 1 Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational. If no, note below. Treatment Flow Measurement — Influent Per previous inspections, this is estimated from well meter total, less water used at main facility, Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Y Is water use metered? Are the daily average values properly calculated? Disinfection Y Is the system working? Y Is the system properly maintained? Tablets X Gas Liquid - UV If tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? Y If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? . If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? NE Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? Treatment Flow Measurement — Effluent * Is the flow calibrated annually? Y Is the flow meter operating properly? NE Does the flow meter monitor continuously? Y Does the flow meter appear to monitor accurately? Comments: * Per arevious inspections. the ORC has determined that the irrigation meter cannot be calibrated. Effluent Storage X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of month's storage Spill control plan on site NE Comments: Back -flow prevention between the septic tank and lagoon has not been installed. Per conversation with Norman Long, this repair has been taken out of his hands, and the last he knew, the work was at the bidding stage for contractors. Storage Lagoons Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) N Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank Y Liner (if visible, is it intact) Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 Page 3 Y, Staff gauge (clearly marked) ORC has lines marked on tl " ` N'""'- Evidence of overflow (vegetation utsc uiored or lay ng-dc N Unusual color (very black, textile colors) Foam (are antifoam agents used) Y Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) Aerators/mixers operational .(if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) n liner for measurement. Residuals Management Septic tank pumped as needed by subcontractor. The MRO would recommend any Lagoon bottom residuals be addressed at the same time. Disposal (final end use) Y Is the application equipment present and operational? N Is application equipment in need repair? NE Spray heads calibrated this past year? Y Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Pines not specified in permit, but this is a living forest with natural progression to hardwoods. * Y Is cover crop in need of improvement? N Signs of runoff? Y Signs of poriding? N Signs of drift? Some zones are wet due to weather conditions. Fields have not had sufficient time to dry. Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? N Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Y Is permit being followed? Y Are there any water supply wells within the compliance area? N Is the area served by municipal water? Comments: * Maintenance/Removal of dead pine trees is constant. * Recordkeeping See comments section on age 4. Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR Y NDAR Y Y Is the operation and maintenance log present? Y Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? NE Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? —Y--l-g-fiord certification require - *Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? NE Are annual soil reports available? N Is operation and maintenance manual available? Complete? N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 Page 4 Comments: Compliance samples are collected by Personnel from a certified laboratory. TDo- continues to be-elevated•in MW 2. and Fecal Coliform ,vas elevated in all,MTVs in some 2013 results.. The MRO advises to watch for trend. * O & Mplan should reflect the need to protect sewers when working on gas equipment This is based on the conversation with Norman Long (Maintenance Supervisor and ORC) who has his staff buffer the sewer grates in the maintenance building because they all lead to the septic tank and treatment system. Groundwater Monitoring Y Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, P are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? Y are the wells properly identified? N are the wells damaged? Additional Comment(s): Proceed to Notice of Violation for the back -flow prevention as a more than reasonable amount of time has lapsed since the issuance of the Notice of De aciency. y L E WDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P.E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 7, 2012 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, NC 28107 Attention: Norman Long RE: NOTICE OF DEFICIENCY . NON -DISCHARGE Permit No.WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Facility Cabarrus County, N.C. Dear Mr. Long: On February 24, 2012, Maria Schutte of the Aquifer protection Section (APS) of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) while conducting a routine compliance inspection discussed a requirement noted in your permit and during previous inspections, which per conversation with you still has not been corrected. The specific issue is a back -flow prevention valve that must be installed between the septic tank discharge and the polishing lagoon. While the treatment and disposal systems appear to be operating satisfactorily, this issue must be addressed as it is a violation of the permit, specifically: Section 1.1 which states: "Whithin sixty (60) days of permit issuance, the Permittee shall install a back -flow prevention device on the outlet pipe from the septic tank. Upon completion, the Permittee shall submit as -built drawings from a professional engineer indication the location and materials used in the installation of the back - flow prevention device." Please take the corrective action(s) for the above violation(s) as necessary to bring the said facility into compliance. A plan and time -line for implementing corrective actions must be submitted in writing to the Mooresville Regional Office by April 7, 2012. Should you have any questions, please call Maria Schutte or me at (704) 663-1699. Sin rely, Andrew H. Pitner Environmental Program Supervisor Mooresville Regional Office Enclosure: Inspection Report February 2012 �o�e NthCarolina Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 7►7atura!!y 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org (/ 4 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Purdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director '4612 NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SURFACE IRRIGATION GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: NC Div. of Cultural Resources County: Cabarrus Permit # WQ0006946 Project Name: Reed Gold Mine Issuance Date: 2/1 /08 Expiration Date: 1 /31 /17 Permittee Contact: Norman Long Telephone No.: 704/721-4653 office ORC Name: Norman Long Cert #S125761 Telephone No.: 704/506-9736 cell Email address: johnreedl799@gmail.com Backup ORC Name: Sharon E Robinson*Cert #S1992684 Telephone No.: 721-4653 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The wastewater treatment and disposal system appears to be operating satisfactorily. Records are in good order. Notice of Deficiency: back -flow valve has not yet been installed on the septic tank discharge line. The valve should be installed before the next time the tank is pumped. Please note that recently passed legislation (SL 2009-406 & SL 2010-177) has extended the expiration date of your permit to January 31, 2017. Please send a renewal application at least six months prior to this date. Is a follow-up inspection necessary yes X no Inspector Name/Title: Maria Schutte, Environmental Senior Technician Tel. No. 704/235-2184 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection: 2/24/12 1 Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, Low Rate - Lagoon Drip, Low Rate Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational. If no, note below. Influent pump station NA All pumps present, operational Bar screen, maintained Bars evenly spaced Back-up power Bypass structure present Free of excessive debris Bars excessively corroded Page 2 Flow Measurement— Influent Estimated from well meter total, less water used at main facility. Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Y Is water use metered? Are the daily average values properly calculated? Comments: Disinfection Y Is the system working? Y Is the system properly maintained? Tablets X Gas Liquid UV if tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? Y If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? NE Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? Flow Measurement — Effluent * Is the flowmeter calibrated annually? Y Is the flowmeter operating properly? Does the flowmeter monitor continuously? Does the flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? Comments: * The ORC has determined that the irrigation meter cannot be calibrated. Surface Irrigation Page 3 Permit #WQ0006946 Effluent Storaae X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of months storage Spill control plan on site Above ground tank Aerated Mixed In ground tank Aerated Mixed Comments: Back -flow valve between the septic tank and lagoon has not been installed. Storage Lagoon Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) Y Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank Y Liner (if visible, is it intact) Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Y Staff gauge (clearly marked) N Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) Unusual color (very black, textile colors) NA Foam (are antifoam agents used) Y Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Comments: Disposal (final end use) Y Is the application equipment present and operational? N Is application equipment in need repair? Y Spray heads calibrated this past year? N Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Pines not specified in permit, but this is a living forest with natural progression to hardwoods. * Is cover crop in need of improvement? N Signs of runoff? N Signs of ponding? - N Signs of drift? Comments: * Maintenance/Removal of dead pine trees is constant. Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? N Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Y Is permit being followed? Surface Irrigation Permit ##W00006946 Recordkeeping Page 4 Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR Y NDAR Y Y Are operational logs present? Y Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? Y Is filed certification required? Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Y Are annual soil reports available? N Is the operation and maintenance manual present? Complete? N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comments: Compliance samples are collected by personnel from a certified laboratory. TDS continues to be elevated in MW-2. Groundwater Monitoring Y Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, Y are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? Y are the wells properly identified? N are the wells damaged? fig, PED NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Norman Long Dear Mr. Long: Coleen H. Sullins Division of Water Quality Dee Freeman Secretary February 25, 2010 RE: Surface Irrigation Inspection Report Permit No. WQ0006946 Cabarrus.County, N.C. Enclosed you will find the report for the annual compliance inspection that I conducted on February 18, 2010. The treatment and disposal system is operating satisfactorily but there are two issues that need to be specifically mentioned: 1. A method must be developed for accurate estimation of flow throught the treatment system. Please submit the details of this method to this office within 30 days. 2. A back -flow prevention valve must be installed on the septic tank discharge line prior to the next tank cleanout. Please note that, as a result of passage of State Law 2009-406, the expiration date for your permit has been extended to January 31, 2016. Should you have any questions about the inspection report or the recommendations, please call me at 704/235-2183 or contact me via email at peggy.finley@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Peggy Finley Environmental Specialist Enclosure: Inspection Report MAF/reed mine inspection rpt 2-18-10 One NorthCarohi Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org [/Y 6 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Purdue, Governor Dee Freeman, Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director I Tk4 0 0 29,7;2 __ ___ NCDENR -NON-DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SURFACE IRRIGATION GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: NC Div. of Cultural Resources County: Cabarrus Permit # WQ0006946 Project Name: Reed Gold Mine Issuance Date: 2/1/08 Expiration Date: 1/31/16 Permittee Contact: Norman Long Telephone No.: 704/721-4653 office ORC Name: Norman Long Cert.#S125761 Telephone No.: 704/506-9736 cell Email address: johnreedl799@gmail.com Backup ORC Name: Sharon E Robinson Cert #S1992684 Telephone No.: 721-4653 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The wastewater treatment and disposal system appears to be operating satisfactorily. Records are in good order. Since there is no influent flow meter for this 4,000 gpd system and there are limitations to using the available well water -use data, a reasonable method needs to be developed for estimating flow. It was noted that a back -flow valve has not yet been installed on the septic tank discharge line. Periodic monitoring by the ORC of the sludge level in the tank shows that the amount is still minimal. However, the valve must be installed before the next time the tank is pumped. Is a follow-up inspection necessary yes - X no Inspector Name/Title: Peggy Finley, Environmental Specialist Tel. No. 704/235-2183 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection: 2/18/10 Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 TWO Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate _X_ Lagoon Spray, Low Rate Lagoon Drip, Low Rate Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational. If no, note below. Influent pump station NA All pumps present, operational Bar screen, maintained Bars evenly spaced Back-up power Flow Measurement — Influent NA Bypass structure present Free of excessive debris Bars excessively corroded Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Is water use metered? _ Are the daily average values properly calculated? Page 2 Comments: Water use is metered but the well serves all water needs at the site, including the panning area. Flow values need to be estimated based the number of employees and seasonal attendance at the mine site. Disinfection _Y — Is the system working? _Y_ Is the system properly maintained? Tablets _X Gas Liquid UV If tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? _Y_ If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? Flow Measurement — Effluent Is the flowmeter calibrated annually? Is the flowmeter operating properly? Does the flowmeter monitor continuously? Does the flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? Comments: The ORC has determined that the irrigation meter cannot be calibrated. Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 Effluent Storaae Page 3 X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of months storage Spill control plan on site Above ground tank Aerated Mixed In ground tank Aerated Mixed Comments: Back -flow valve has not been installed yet between the septic tank and lagoon. Storage Lagoon Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) Y _ Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank Y _ Liner (if visible, is it intact) Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) _Y _Staff gauge ( clearly marked) _N _Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) Unusual color (very black, textile colors) Foam (are antifoam agents used) Y _ Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Comments: The liner now has permanent markings that indicate the maximum allowable storage elevation. Disposal (final end use) Y Is the application equipment present and operational? __N_ Is application equipment in need repair? _Y_ Spray heads calibrated this past year? _ N_ Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Is cover crop in need of improvement? _N_ Signs of runoff? _ _N_ Signs of ponding? _N Signs of drift? Comments: The dead pine trees are scheduled to be removed soon. Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the. permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? N Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Y Is permit being followed? r Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 Recordiceeping Page 4 Y Is permit available upon request? _Y_ Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR _ NDAR _ Y_ Are operational logs present? _Y_ Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? Y Is filed certification required? Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Y Are annual soil reports available? N Is the operation and maintenance manual present? Complete? N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comments: Compliance samples are collected by personnel from a certified laboratory. TDS has been historically elevated in MW-2. Groundwater Monitoring _Y_ Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, _Y_ are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? _Y_ are the wells properly identified? _N_ are the wells damaged? Z��z>C_�zC- z(_EzC_ zC- z"Kz - E 0 O c v O C c o c v O c v O c v O c v O c v O c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD o OOOwoOw-,lvvCAOO(nv'Cn IN, 41v W wwNNN m 3 (D 9)09)9)CD rn. . 9)9)rn0)Cn 9)vv9)voD-4 M J CA O w Cn Cn �I (A (A CA N N OD O -a _a v = 4 w(00 NOD W N)Mm DCON�N Cnm OD cn(n 7 O Q CD CA CC, �� -� (0 OD A w C --4 " A-N :p N N O N N N -� O Na N Cn N 0)- (A U7 cn N-A W W O --AG) O W .A Cn n N AA N AWA N v O N 0 n N n N cn W' n n 0 0 cn CDN Cn O w 0 0 N 00 O O TI CD O O O O W O O N N N cn (A N Co O N M -� N O O W CD Cn O O O O i A O coOD N z w Oo�lA A -- — — — A O v ODCn -4NNNN � (A M O O OD W W O CO (A A O Cn -4 N -4o O v Cb -N .p z o 0n A A 0 0 n 0 n 0 ON coo CDCD co (;I ODo"o cn 6C) c° oo Z z 0) cn c cn cn w O O Cn co OD -4 z N 1 O0 W N N C) CO OD CO T I], r` Ln to N N O r` L 0) 1A 3 Ol OJ L :.. gr.com agronomi/ .:.::, .AgronoMI.C. Wision° Phone (91�}733=�2655 Leh Site,wvv .ncd `:.::.:. Reporit hlfl <31482.. : Grotoer.• Reed Gold Mine Copies To. 9621 Reedmine Rd. Midland, NC 28107 oilTat Rport Rana- 3/24/2009 SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Cabarrus County Agronomist Comments D- 5 field Information `: :..:: Applied. Lime Rec-Owinendations ::: Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 00001 1st Crop: White/VaPlne .7T 100-120 140-160 100-120 0 0 0 0 0 5 2nd Crop: VA*e/VaPine 0 I00-120 14o-i6o 100-120 0 0 0 0 0 5 Test Results Soil Class HM°o W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-I Ca% Mg% Mn-I Mn-AI(1)Mtz•AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.51 0.90 6.5 57.0 2:8 5.1 0 22 33.0 22.0 698 443 443 48 48 73 36 0.2 F eld:Ii formation Applied yime Recommendations. Sample No. Last Crop MO Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime IV P205 K2O AV S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 00002 1st Crop: Wlute/VaPine 0 100-120 140-160 80-100 0 15-20 0 0 0 5 2nd Crop: White/Vapine 0 100-120 140-160 80-100 0 15-20 0 0 0 5 Test Results Soil Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH RI K-1 Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-AI(I)Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn-AI Cn-I S-1 SS -I NO3-N NHS N Na MIN 0.51 0.88 8.2 76.0 2.0 5.7 0 30 5O.0 24.0 879 549 549 27 27 52 22 0.2 LL Feb 19 10 09:38a reeduser 704-721-4657 P.1 REED GOLD MINE STATE HISTORIC SITE 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, NC 28107 Phone: 704-721-4653 Fax: 704-721-4657 e-nail: johnreed1799@Wail.com web page: www.nchistoricsites.6rg1reed FAX SHEET TO: FROM: SUBJECT: pr,-, 't DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): - O� WATF9 ^ Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary QG V North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ` r �� LLLIII Coleen H. Sullins, Director co Division of Water Quality O '< AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION January 8, 2008 Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Norman Long RE: Surface Irrigation Inspection Report Permit No. WQ0006946 Cabarrus County, N.C. Dear Mr. Long: Enclosed you will find the report for the annual compliance inspection that I conducted on December 4, 2007. The report should be self-explanatory, however there are a few items which I would like to emphasize: The design feature, which allows lagoon water to re-enter the septic tank during cleaning, needs to be re-evaluated by an engineer and recommendations for a modification need to be submitted to the Division; Two of the pumps in the pump house are showing signs of wear and should be replaced, preferably with more. efficient models; The spray heads must be calibrated annually to ensure proper distribution of the effluent. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 7041235-2183. Sincerely, Peggy Finley Environmental Specialist Enclosure: Dec. 4, 2007 Inspection Report Cc: Rob Boyette, NC Dept. of Cultural Resources, 4601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh 27699-4601 w/ enclosure MAF/Reed Mine inspection rpt 12-07 Nne orthCaro: Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 T 1at�t,Q/ 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org �/ V - 4 is State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Director 'j- NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION SUR-FACE IRRIGATION . GENERAL INFORMATION Owner: NC Div of Cultural Resources Permit # WQ0006946 Issuance Date: 4/8/03 Permittee Contact: Norman Long ORC Name: Norman Long Cert #WW-1 Backup ORC Name: John Culbreath C1 Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE COMPLAINT County: Cabarrus Project Name: Reed Gold Mine Expiration Date: 3/31 /08 Telephone No.: 704/507-9736; 721-4653 8163 and S125761 rt #S123120 Telephone No.: 704/361-9634 FOLLOW-UP Facility Start-up Inspection Summary. (additional comments may be included on attached pages) The system appears to be providing proper treatment. However the design feature, which allows lagoon water to re-enter the septic tank when the tank is pumped, needs to be re- evaluated. The disposal fields are in satisfactory condition. Spray heads have not been calibrated. The necessary records were present and in order. Compliance monitoring (NDMRs, NDARs and GW-59) have been submitted in a timely fashion. Is a follow-up inspection necessary _)(_yes no Inspector Name/Title: Peggy Finley, Environmental Specialist Tel. No. 704/235-2183 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection: 12/4/07 Surface Irrigation Permit #WQ0006946 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate _X_ Lagoon Spray, Low Rate Lagoon Drip, Low Rate Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. N Do all treatment units appear to be operational. If no, note below. Page 2 Comments: Primary treatment is accomplished with a septic tank. Some additional treatment probably takes place in the storage lagoon. The operator reported that when the tank was last pumped, lagoon water was drawn back into the tank. Pump station Y* All pumps present, operational NA Bar screen, maintained _NA Bars evenly spaced Y Back-up power _N_ Bypass structure present _NA_ Free of excessive debris _NA Bars excessively corroded Comment: Two of the pumps are showing some wear and should be replaced as soon as it is feasible. Flow Measurement — Influent NA Is flowmeter calibrated annually? Is flowmeter operating properly? Does flowmeter operate continuously? _ Does flowmeter record flow? Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? Flow Measurement — Water -Use Records Y Is water use metered? Are the daily average values properly calculated? Disinfection Y_ Is the system working? _X_ Is the system properly maintained? Tablets _X_ Gas Liquid _Y_ UV If tablets, proper size? Present in Cylinder(s)? X If gas/liquid, does cylinder/tank storage seem safe? If bulbs, are replacement bulbs on hand? Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids and growth? Comments: Fan is working. Effluent monitoring periodically shows high concentrations of fecal coliform during peak use months. Surface Irrigation Page 3 Permit #WQ0006946 Flow Measurement — Effluent _N_ Is the flowmeter calibrated annually? Is the flowmeter operating properly? _ Does the flowmeter monitor continuously? Does the flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? Comments: The ORC reported that the flowmeter cannot be calibrated. Effluent Storaae X LAGOON SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of months storage . Spill control plan on site Above ground tank Aerated Mixed In ground tank Aerated Mixed Storage Lagoon Check any/all that apply Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) Y Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank Y Liner (if visible, is it intact) _NA Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Y_ Staff gauge clearly marked) N Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) N Unusual color (very black, textile colors) N Foam (are antifoam agents use N Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) _N_ Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) NA Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Comments: Vegetative growth on the cover of the concrete apron should be removed. Disposal (final end use) Y Is the application equipment present and operational? _N_ Is application equipment in need repair? _N_ Spray heads calibrated this past year? _N Are cover crops the type specified in permit? _N_ Is cover crop in need of improvement? _N_ Signs of runoff? _N_ Signs of ponding? Comments: Pines nearby have died as a result of a beetle infestation. There is concern as to what effect this may have on the trees in the application area. ORC has been in touch with.a forestry specialist. Surface Irrigation Page-4 Permit #WQ006946 Y Are buffers adequate? Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? NA Are restrictions for use of these areas specified? Y Is permit being followed? N Is there evidence of runoff or drift? Y Is site access restricted in accordance with permit? Recordkeeping Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are flow rates less than permitted flow? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR _ NDAR Y Are operational logs present? _Y_ Complete? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y_ Are all samples analyzed for the required parameters? Y Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Y Are annual soil reports available? —Y—Is the operation and maintenance manual present? —Y—Complete? N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comment: MW-2 has historically elevated concentrations of Total Dissolved Solids. Groundwater Monitoring _Y_ Does the permit require monitoring wells? If so, Y_ Are the monitoring wells properly installed according to the permit? _Y_ Are the wells properly identified? _N_ Are the wells damaged? N N N a.+ cn L) Q m O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O D C) CD M O r- Iz- M Lo 0 d- I,- I- -T c)o O N c)4 m 4- c) c) r- M I- M M N N N O CO M M N N N 'mil' N O, N N O N •'- T• I� N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 09 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 O�— 0 0 0 O N `7 CD(oO ti M O O (O CA (O N N T- 0 0 0 M r- (O � N 04 M O T O �- O Z O LO Z O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 c) �- 00 'It d M r CD N M (O LO N M LO N 0) LO O) LO 't Z I- CD N qq NT N LO cM M M Me) M M M cM qq 0) qt qt M N CM M CM (M LO M M CM M M r- (O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00� 0 0 d' N LO LO T T 00 O) O I` N rl- N I- I` I- qt LO (D LO (D M N (O O 00 LO d7 LO 00 O r- LO O N CO Iq O NT Z O (M I- '9t LO N II- (O (C) (O M 1- (O 1` 1` 00 0 0 0 0� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0()� 0 0 (O co LO O co 00 M M M N M T A M — N M N I` N O d' 'IT Z 0 M O - r- N M M N N N N L() M M M N M M M N M M M N M M M M M N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LO Ln L() Ln Ln LQ lO LQ LO L) LO Ln LO Ln tO LO LQ Ln L() LO LO Ln to LA L) LO O O O M CO t!) 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No runoff was observed at the time that Norman discovered the problem. reed gold mine - tree trouble Subject: reed gold mine - tree trouble From: Andrew Pitner <andrew.pitner@ncmail.net> Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 14:28:25 -0400 To: peggy Finley <Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net> Peggy, Got a call today from Norman Long with Reed Gold Mine. Due to a pine beetle infestation and the drought, they're going to lose a big chunk of their cover crop for their ND system. It sounded like most of field 1 was going and the beetles were headed toward -field 2. He's looking for advice on what kinds of replacement plants to use. I gave him Matt Fleahman's name/number to discuss further and suggested he possibly consult with an agronomist. I also said that I'd pass this along to you, so that you can follow up with them to see where they stand and if a permit modification might be needed. I didn't get his number, but it should be easily found. Thanks, Andrew Andrew Pitner, P.G. - Andrew_._Pitn_er@ncmail.net Division of Water Quality - Aquifer Protection Section Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) North Carolina Department of Environment & Natural Resources 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC.28115 MRO Main Phone: (704) 663-1699 Direct Phone: (704) 235-2180 MRO Fax: (704) 663-6040 1 of 1 4/23/2008 10:09 AM �CF W fiT�9� Michael F. Easley, Governor �0 G William G. Ross Jr., Secretary ram- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Coleen H. Sullins, Director C� c gat Division of Water Quality -IE c IF H IE [ August 13, 2007 U AUG 1 5 2007 RENEE VANCE NC DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES DW N DE eRr WR_0Prot5 4601 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-4601 Subject: Permit Renewal Reminder Surface Irrigation Reed Golf Mine Permit Number WQ0006946 Cabarrus County Dear Ms. Vance, As of this date, our records indicate that the above -referenced permit, which was issued on April 8, 2003 and expires on March 31, 2008, has not been renewed. It is both a condition of your permit and required by 15A NCAC 2T .0109 to request a renewal of your permit at least 180 calendar days prior to its expiration date. Failure to apply for permit renewal, and operation of your facility without an active permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties in accordance with North Carolina General Statute § 143- 215.6A. Therefore, it is imperative that you submit a permit renewal application package for review as soon as possible. Please submit the enclosed Wastewater Renewal without Modification Application (Form WWR 09-06) in triplicate to the following address: Aquifer Protection Section Land Application Unit 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Please note that if the facility has never been constructed or if the facility has been connected to sewer service, the Permittee has the option of rescinding the permit. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and timely response. If you have any questions, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at (919) 715-6160 or at nathaniel.thomburg@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Nathaniel D. Thornburg Environmental Engineer II cc: lesca! il'eegionalC `ceAqulfeil'roteet on Se Lion APS Central Files Nor- hCarolina Ivatura!!ry Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper WQ0006946 Subject: WQ0006946 From: Matthew Fleahman <matthew.fleahman@ncmail.net> Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:00:50 -0500 To: Peggy Finley <peggy.finley@ncmail.net> Peggy, sorry to miss your call but I was out in the field in the Washington Region. It was a beautiful day to wander around a 140 acre spray site and turn a soil auger. Anyways, I've gone through our files and there are not any project drawings for Reed Gold Mine. You are correct though, pumping out a septic tank should not lower a effluent pond. Septic tanks usually flow out under gravity and then into an effluent pond. The pipe to the pond should be above the operating pond level (unless they have effluent pumps) and thus shouldn't be able to draw water from below the outlet pipe. If water is being drawn then the septic tank has cracks and is taking in inflow from the surrounding surficial aquifer. They need to conduct a,leakage test and then fix whatever problem they have. Matthew Fleahman, P.G. <matthew.fleahman(a,ncmail.net> Environmental Engineer I Division of Water Quality Land Application Unit 1 of 1 12/13/2007 10:03 AM N Q. a) 0 C� a) ry a 0 0 d= 0 I,- 0 d- 0 U m 0 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phoae: (91<9)733-2655 Web Site: www:ncagr.cum/agronomi/ :: <:: ;" '= :. :: = Re . _. ps i NUS Growmi. Long, Norman Copies To; Reed Cold Mine 9621 Reedmine Rd Midland, NC 283U7 ilTat Re ort Fann: 4/25/2007 SP.RWNC N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEA16 Cabarrus County Agronomist Comments D — 5 Field Information Applied Lime Recommendations Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 Kz0 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 00001 1st Crop: White/VaPine AT 100-120 140-160 90-110 0 0 0 0 0 5 2nd Crop: White/VaPine 0 100-120 140-160 90-110 0 0 0 0 0 5 Test Results Soil lilacs HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K I Ca% Mg% Mn-1 Mn-r11(1)Mn-AI(2) 7,n-1 Zn-AI Cu-I S-1 SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.46 0.98 8.3 67.0 2.7 5.3 0 23 44.0 22.0 957 599 599 36 36 75 48 0.3 Field Itformation � �, Applied Lime Recommendations Sample No. Cast Crop . 'Mo 1'r T/A Crop or Year Lime Pz05 K20 Mg S Cu Zn B Mn See Note 00002 1st Crop: VAiite/VaPine 0 100-120 140-160 90-110 0 0 0 0 0 5 2nd Crop: White/VaPine 0 100-120 140-160 90-110 0 0 0 0 0 5 Test Results Soil -Class HM% W/V CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 ,KI Ca% M9S6 MN-1 Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) Zn-I Zn Al Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N NH4-N Na MIN 0.51 _ U•86 11.0 76.0 2.6 5.7 0 26 51.0 25.0 1147 710 710 28 28 73 33 0.4 4- K Dec 04 07 04:00p Reed Gold Mine 704-721-4657 p.1 Fax Cover This is a confidential message, intended solely for the person to whom it is addressed. If you receive this message in error, please forward it to the correct person, or mail it back to us. Thank you. To: -eA Fax No. C7or-) �6 3 From:- L _ Lena Date/Time:_ Subject Pages Z , including this one Comments: i Signature o sender: Vv�' � f � c--- W AT �9QG � f CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RENEE VANCE NC DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL RESOURCES 4605 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699-4605 Dear Ms. Vance, Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ._ Alan W Kl' k, P.E. Director DIe,F—rj� j—, �l(J Ri i fWaterQuality June 29, 2006 j ,J U N'I 3 0 20 fJC DP14R Iv1FZ0 uifer Protec-ion Subject: Notice of Violation Surface Irrigation Reed Gold Mine Permit Number WQ0006946 Cabarrus County As of this date, our records indicate that the above -referenced permit, which was issued on April 8, 2003 and expires on March 31, 2008, has overdue fees. It is both a condition of your permit and required by Regulation 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(4) to pay the annual administering and compliance fee within thirty (30) days of being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by Regulation 15A NCAC 2H .0205(c)(4). Therefore, it is imperative that you submit the appropriate fee as requested within thirty (30) days of this Notice of Violation (NOV). The following invoices are outstanding: Invoice Number Invoice Date Due Date Outstanding Fee 2006PR004078 April 12, 2006 May 12, 2006 $675 Please remit payment made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) in the amount of $675. Please mail this payment to: Fran McPherson Division of Water Quality — Budget Office 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Thank you in advance for your cooperation and timely response. If you have any questions, please contact Nathaniel Thornburg at (919) 715-6160 or at nathaniel.t ornburg@ncmail.net. Sin r 1,. Kim H. Colson, PE cc: '[Mooresvihe Regional Office_ = Agiiifer Protection Section APS Central Files No e hCarolina Aawrallty Aquifer Protection Section 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone (919) 733-3221 Customer Service Internet: www.newaterquality.org 2728 Capital Boulevard Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 715-0588 1-877-623-6748 Fax (919)715-6048 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper MATE r Michael F. Easley, Governor �4 O , R Py William G. Ross Jr., Secretary C��ONorth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director > . Division of Water Quality (D -c AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION Febuary 2, 2006 NC Department of Cultural Resources Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Stanfield, North Carolina 28163 Attention: Norman Long RE: Spray Irrigation Inspection Permit No. WQ0006948, y Cabarrus County, N.C. Dear Mr. Long: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on January 27. Enclosed is the report for the inspection of the wastewater spray irrigation system. The report should be self-explanatory but should you have any questions, please call me at 704/235-2183 or via email at: peggy.finley@ncmail.net. Sincerely, PegggnI ey Hydrogeological Technician Enclosure: Inspection Report Form MAF/inspections/reed mine 1-27-06 Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Phone: One NorthCarolina (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 ��turl�ll f Internet: hftp:Hgw.ehnr.state.nc.us Ex State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner: NC Dept. Cultural Resources Permit # WQ 0006946 Issuance Date: 4/8/03 If applicable SOC Issuance Date N/A Permittee Contact: Renee Vance ORC Name: Norman Long 24hr Contact Name: Norman Long Reason for Inspection ROUTINE _ Type of inspection Collection System County: Cabarrus NPDES# Expiration Date: 3/31/08 Expiration Date N/A Telephone No.: 919/807-7265 Telephone No.: 704/507-9736 Telephone No. COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER X Spray Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may be included on attached pages) All records, with the exception of the soil fertility reports, were available for review. The wastewater system appears to be working satisfactorily. The spray fields appeared to be in satisfactory condition. Is a follow-up inspection necessary_yes X no Inspector Name/Title Peggy Finley, Hydro Tech II Tel. No. 704/235-2183 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection 1/27/06 SPRAY IRRIGATION Permit #WQ 0006946 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Spray, high rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, low rate Reuse (Golf Courses) Recycle /Reuse Single Family Spray, low rate Single Family Drip Infiltration System Other Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational. If no, note below. List any action items necessary for each unit. Comment: Page 2 Polishing Lagoon Primary (check any/all that apply) Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) _N Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank _Y_ Liner (if visible, is it intact) _NA_ Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) _Y_ Staff gauge ( clearly marked) _N_ Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) _N_ Unusual color (very black, textile colors) N Foam (are antifoam agents used) _N_ Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) _N_ Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) NA Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Comments: Geo-texile covering on cement sidewall shows some fraying/deterioration near the top. SPRAY IRRIGATION Permit #WQ 0006948 Influent Dump station Y All pumps present, operational Bypass structure present Bar screen, maintained Free of excessive debris Bars evenly spaced Bars excessively corroded Back-up power Comment: A back-up power plan is being developed. Aeration Basin NA aeration pattern even across surface of unit easily accessed Comment: Clarifiers N/A weirs level scum rack operational easily accessible Comment: Return Pumps NIA in place operational Page 3 Filters N/A media present air scour operational clear well free of solids Residuals N/A storage/treatment ( if storage is greater than 24 months, Surface Disposal permit?) Comment: Solids are measured and removed from the septic tank on a periodic basis and as needed. Disinfection If gas, is storage safe? Yes Is it a dual feed system? Yes If tablets, are tablets present? NA Effluent Storaae LAGOON _X_SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of months storage_30 Spill control plan on site Lagoon Is lagoon lined Above ground tank Aerated Mixed In ground tank Aerated Mixed Drying beds Concrete storage pad Comment: SPRAY IRRIGATION Page 4 Permit #WQ0006948 Disposal (final end use) Is application equipment in need repair? No Are buffers adequate? Yes Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Yes Is cover crop in need of improvement? No Were there signs of runoff? No Signs of ponding? No Comment: Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? Y Is the application equipment present and operational? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? Y Are restrictions for use of these area's specified? Y Is permit being followed? N Is there evidence of runoff or drift? Y Are monitoring wells called for in permit present? Y Is site access restricted in accordance with permit? Comments: Recordkeeping Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR X NDAR X Y Are operational logs present? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? N Are annual soil reports available? Y Are operation and maintenance records present? Complete? YES N Has DWQ received any complaints regarding the facility in the last 12 months? Comment: Soil fertility analyses could not be located at the time of inspection. t Jul 27 06 08:49a Reed Gold Mine 704-721-4657 p.1 Hfro�iic SITES REED GOLD MINE STATE HISTORIC 9621 Reed Mule Road Midland, NC 28107 Phone: 704-721-4653 Fax: 704-7214657 E-mail: ircdminc179";msmcum Wclnitc: W1 �rccdminc.com FAX TO: I P-40 mac` FROM: D'r'At l:�d [ Oar ey SUBjLCT: �D. /C e f ��/ 5 DATE: NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): � Division of Archives & History Department of Cultival Resources NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919)733-2655 Web Site: www.ncagr.com/agronomi/ Report No: 2DO69 Grower., Long, Norman Copies To: c/b Reed Gold Mine IY 9621 Reethiflue Rd hr 1r1% U U/ I UL) P I IL V/ UU1 I/ Farm: 2/14/2006 SERVING N.C. RESIDENTS FOR OVER 60 YEARS Cabarrus County -Agronomist Comnicati D 5,$ Field Information Applied Lime Recoinniendations Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr T/A Crop or Year Lime N P205 K2 0 Afg S Cu Zu B Mn See Note 00-001 1 . si .. C . rop: .. While/VaPhie o .. . pp-qq. 140-16 ' 0 -1ZU Joy-'. U V, 0 a - 2nd Crop: Viite/VaPine 0 100-120 140-160 100-120 0 0 0 0 0 5 Test Results L SO class HMYO W/V CEG BS,036 Ac pH P-1 ' K-1 Cad Mg% Mn-1Mn-A1(1)Mn-A1C2) Zn-1 Zn-Al Cu-1 S-I SS-1 NO3-N JVH4-N Na MIN 0.36 1.01 6.3 76.0 1.5 5.3 0 21 47.0 28.0 776 493 493 31 31 57 47 0.2_ Field Information Applied Lime Recommendations —N, 'Afg Sample No. Last Crop Mo Yr IYA Crop or Year Lime P205 K20 8 Ot Zn B Mn See Note 90002 Ist Crop: Uilc/VaPhie IAT 10o-120 140-160 90-110 0 0 0 $ 0 5 2nd Crop; Blue Spru/R Cdr 0 100-120 290-310 140-160 0 0 0 $ 0 5 Test Results — Soil Class H% CEC BS016 Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% 2) Zu Mn-1 Mn-AI(1)Mn-AI(2) .1 Zu -A[ C11 -I . S-1 SS -1 NO3 -N NH4-N Na MIN O./Ij 1.10 6-5 77.0 1.5 5.6 0 23 44.0 31.0 874 534 534 22 22 47 38 0.4 c- 0 G) 0 CC) U1 rn 0 U1 �4 'P 6EED oL rn,1�,r Permit: WO0006946 SOC: County: Cabarrus Region: Mooresville Compliance Inspection Report Effective: 04/08/03 Expiration:' 03/31/08 Owner: NC Department of Cultural Resources Effective: Expiration: Facility: Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Rd Contact Person: Renee Vance Directions to Facility: Primary ORC: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: /' 2-) l p & Entry Time: )I ,q r. Primary Inspector: Margaret A Finley Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Permit Inspection Type: Surface Irrigation Facility Status: Q Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: ■ Treatment Flow ■ Treatment Flow Measurement -Effluent Measurement -Influent Treatment Record Keeping Treatment Disinfection ■ Treatment Flow Measurement M Wells (See attachment summary) Certification: Exit Time: Stanfield NC 28163 Phone: 919-807-7265 Phone:'7v#Y1 � -2 - 2 '�✓a( Phone: 704-663-1699 Ext.238 Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Miscellaneous Questions Treatment Flow Measurement -Water Use Records Treatment Lagoons End Use -Irrigation Treatment Return pumps Storage ,^ 0 S, -\- 6 V.) Page: 1 Permit: WO0006946 Owner - Facility: NC Department of Cultural Resources Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Page: 2 Permit: WQ0006946 Owner - Facility: NC Department of Cultural Resources Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Type Yes No NA NE Reuse (Quality) ❑ Lagoon Spray, LR Infiltration System Single Family Spray, LR ❑ Activated Sludge Spray, LR 0 Activated Sludge Spray, HR Activated Sludge Drip, LR Q Single Family Drip ❑ Recycle/Reuse ❑ Treatment Yes No NA NE Are Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? 0 ❑ Q Do all treatment units appear to be operational? (if no, note below.) d ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement -Influent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? Q Q O Q Is flowmeter operating properly? d ❑ ❑ O Does flowmeter monitor continuously? n Q n Q Does flowmeter record flow? I] ❑ n n Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? 0 ❑ 0 ❑ Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement -Water Use Records Yes No NA NE Is water use metered? ❑ Q ❑ ❑ Are the daily average values properly calculated? Q ❑ Q Q Comment: Treatment Flow Measurement -Effluent Yes No NA NE Is flowmeter calibrated annually? ❑ Q Is flowmeter operating properly? ❑ 0 ❑ Does flowmeter monitor continuously? Q Q Q Q Does flowmeter record flow? 11 n Cl n Does flowmeter appear to monitor accurately? ❑ 0 0 Page: 3 Permit: WO0006946 Owner - Facility: NC Department of Cultural Resources Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Comment: Treatment Return pumps Are they in place? Are they operational? Comment: Treatment Disinfection Is the system working? Do the fecal coliform results indicate proper disinfection? Is there adequate detention time (>=30 minutes)? Is the system properly maintained? If gas, does the cylinder storage appear safe? Is the fan in the chlorine feed room and storage area operable? Is the chlorinator accessible? If tablets, are tablets present? Are the tablets the proper size and type? Is contact chamber free of sludge, solids, and growth? If UV, are extra UV bulbs available? If UV, is the UV intensity adequate? # Is it a dual feed system? Comment: Record Keeping Is a copy of current permit available? Are monitoring reports present: NDMR? N DAR? Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? Are flow rates less than of permitted flow? Are application rates adhered to? Is GW monitoring being conducted, if required (GW 59s submitted)? Are all samples analyzed for all required parameters? Are there any 2L GW quality violations? Yes No NA, NE ❑ ❑ b ❑ o ❑/ ❑ Yes No NA NE ❑❑❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ efo❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ d 0 o o ❑❑d❑ ❑❑rdo ❑off❑ ❑❑(s❑ ood❑ ❑ ❑ Yo Yes No NA NE ru 6❑❑❑ rrd❑❑o ❑oo [do oo `4❑❑❑ d o o o Ciro ❑o d o o o 54❑❑ Page: 4 Permit: WQ0006946 Owner - Facility: NC Department of Cultural Resources Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Is GW-59A certification form completed for facility? ❑ d o o Is effluent sampled for same parameters as GW? 0 ❑ 0 Do effluent concentrations exceed GW standards? ❑ Q ❑ Q Q 9Li ❑ o Are annual soil reports available? # Are PAN records required? Q ❑ Q Q # Did last soil report indicate a need for lime? n n ❑ If so, has it been applied? Q n n Are operational logs present? r,d 0 n n o n 0 Are lab sheets available for review? �/ Do lab sheets support data reported on NDMR? a ❑ n n ❑ Do lab sheets support data reported on GW-59s? I o n Q Are Operational and Maintenance records present? Were Operational and Maintenance records complete? ❑ ❑ 0 11 ❑ PY o o Has permittee been free of public complaints in last 12 months? Is a copy of the SOC readily available? ❑ 11 fal ❑ No treatment units bypassed since last inspection? n Q n Q Comment: End Use -Irrigation Yes No NA NE Are buffers adequate?� Q C1 Q Is the cover crop type specified in permit? cif 0 o Q Is the crop cover acceptable? rj ❑ ❑ Is the site condition adequate? Ed ❑ ❑ ❑ Is the site free of runoff / ponding? af ❑ Q Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? W o o o 0' ❑ ❑ Q Is the application equipment present? Is the application equipment operational? !ui Q ❑ ❑ Is the disposal field free of limiting slopes? 0 ❑ 0 Is access restricted and/or signs posted during active site use? 0 ❑ 0 Q Are any supply wells within the CB? ❑ 111 n n Are any supply wells within 250' of the CB? 090 o Page: 5 Permit: WQ0006946 Owner - Facility: NC Department of Cultural Resources Inspection Date: Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine How close is the closest water supply well? Is municipal water available in the area? # Info only: Does the permit call for monitoring wells? Are GW monitoring wells located properly w/ respect to RB and CB? Are GW monitoring wells properly constructed, including screened interval? Are monitoring wells damaged? Comment: Page: 6 �OF VVHIFRQ GO r 0 �' �i�4+y�O,r�'�i�Cl e 'fyQr micnaei r. tasiey, vovernor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary O North -Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources O PNY Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality NC Department of Cultural Resources Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Mr. Norman Long Dear Mr. Long: AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION July 1, 2005 RE: Acknowledgement of Receipt Non -Discharge Permit No. WQ0006946 Wastewater Spray Irrigation System Cabarrus County, NC Thank you for your response'to the request for additional information that was issued by this office on June 16, 2005. This request was related to the Notice of Violation issued on May 25. Due to your prompt action, no enforcement will be pursued at this time. Should you have any questions, please call Peggy Finley at (704) 235-2183 or contact her by email at peggy.finley@ncmail.net. Sincerely, Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Regional Supervisor. Cc: APS LAPCU, Parker Lincoln Bldg MAF/enforce/reed mine no penalty 7-1-05 No"rthCaro/li/t Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 ofthC ro i 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet: http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us �/ Y Reed Gold Mine `I�C�d Gold d Ili n � 9621 dmine Rd. Midland Phone: 704-721-4653 7reedmine@msn.com NC email To: Peggy Finley From: Norman Long cc: Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Subject: NDMR-1 Dear Ms. Finley, I spoke with Ellen Huffman on Wednesday June 22 2005 and am following her instructions on the NDMR-1 situation. Enclosed per Ellen's instructions are the January and February NDMR-1's and I have written in bold across the face "No test data required for this month". If I need to do anything more please let me know. Have a great day!! Norman L. Long Facilities Supervisor NC DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RECEIVED JUN 2 3 2005 MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE DWO-GROUNDWATER SECTION Xr Agent ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete /�, l� I item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Addressee ■ Print your name and address on the reverse C. Date of Delivery so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by ( printed Name)l ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, r—I 1, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No FNNC man Long ID`ept. of Cultural Resources3. serv�l Type1<Reed Mine Rd. Ep6rilfied Mall ❑ ss Mail Stanfield NC 28136 ❑ Registered etum Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes i 2. Article Number l 7004 0750 0002 ,5,516, 6646 11 II (Transferfrom seNta 102595-02-M-1540 Domestic Return Receipt � PS Form 3811,; February 2004 _ _ --. •__ . _ _ - _ __ OF W A7FR NC Department of Cultural Resources Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Norman Long Dear Mr. Long: Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary �, (�`-')1► llllll����� VV North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION June 16, 2005 RE: Acknowledgement of Receipt Spray Irrigation Disposal System Permit No. WQ0006946 Cabarrus County, N.C. Thank you for your prompt response to the Notice' of Violation issued May 25, 2005 however, the reports that were received by this office did not include those that were requested. We did not receive the NDMR-1s for January and February 2005. Perhaps a clarification is in order. An NDMR-1 and an NDAR-1 must be submitted each month regardless of whether effluent sampling or spray application took place that month. Please submit NDMR-1s for January and February 2005 to the address below. Should you have any questions, please call me at 704/663-1699 or contact me via email at Peggy. fin leOc—)ncmail. net. MAF/Reed Mine 6-16-05 Division of Water Quality / Groundwater Section / Mooresville Regional Office 610 E. Center Street, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Sincerely, 1 Margaret A. Finley Hydrogeological Technician Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040" Internet: http://Qw.ehnr.state.nc.us A3 NCDENR copy Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION May 25, 2005 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED NC Department of Cultural Resources 9621 Reed Mine Road Stanfield, North Carolina 28136 Attention: Norman Long RE: Notice of Violation of Permit Conditions Permit No. WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Wastewater Spray Irrigation Cabarrus County, N.C. Dear Mr. Long: A review of the subject permit (and your compliance monitoring data) indicates that you are in violation of the following permit condition: Condition 111.5. — Three copies of all operation and disposal records on Form NDAR-1 and NDMR-1 shall be submitted monthly on or before the last day of the following month. To date, this office has not received the NDMR-1s for January and February 2005. Please submit the required reports within 30 days of receipt of this letter or an explanation of why you cannot comply. It should be noted that the violations cited above and any additional documented violations could result in the initiation of an enforcement action by this office in accordance with General Statute 143-215.6A. Should you have any questions, please call Peggy Finley at (704) 663-1699 or contact her by email at peggy.finley(cD-ncmail.net Sincerely, 4" Andrew H. Pitner, P.G. Regional Supervisor Cc: APS LAPCU MAF/enforce/nov reed mine 5-25-05 Division of Water Quality / Aquifer Protection Section / Mooresville Regional Office Phone: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 610 East Center Street, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115 Internet: http://gw.ehnr.state.nc.us fM. NCDENN e � F r 9 vwo r�l ul 'Q � postage $ �� � W ru O certified Fee He j� � i Fee Return nt Required) (Endorsement Required) H�B�' n C3 u"1 Restricted DeliveryFee (Endorsement Required) r`- d_ Totes ,_�--- "--- 1 — p F o sent Norman Long .--------. E3 ----- NC Dept. of Cultural Resources sFi-------- orp( 9621 Reed Mine Rd. dli* Stanfield NC 28136 now TORIC ITES REED GOLD MINE STATE HISTORIC SITE 9621 Reed Miite Road Midland, NC 28107 Phone: 704-721-4653 Fay 704-721-4657 ' E-mail: rcc mit:c.179gtirlmsn.ci� Webske: mia•rec:lnllue.cum FAX + To.. — FROM.. NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): a .-- r Division ofArchives & History Department of Cultural ,Resources N' m NON DISCHARGE WASTEWATER MONITORING RI=pQRT Page_ of PERMITNUMIrIER: W00006946 MONTH: March YEAR: 21 FACILITY NAME: Reed Gold Mine COUNTY: CabarrU Now Monitoring Point: Effluent: L`J Influent: I� ; ; ; ;: :.;.:•:•:•:::::::; ;:•:•:•:•:•:•:• • • .;.;.;.:..•.•.•..:.:..•.•.•.•.•.-.•.•.•.•.•..,• Parameter Monitorin Point: Effluent: E Influent: ❑ o-ce �(SW): •.M � '� — � _ Surface Water frSW.CadwlN�n,py'��'— D Arrlvml poly Rato A Tim* ppenler ORC (Flaw) Inlp T 2400 71me On • on TfeolrHonF E Clock ell* 31107 avat.n, HRS I YIN I GALLONS RetldUall RODS Chlorine 20-C 01 4. Feeal CORD— Total 0 Total I Total 'hosph Ammo orus I la 0.1 Operator In Responsible Chargo (ORC): N4rMan L. LDn Grade: GI Phone: 704-721-4653 Check BOX If ORC Has Changed: ❑ ORC Certification Number: 25721 Certilied Laboratories (1): K&W Laboratories (2). Persons) Collecting Samples: S. Kraska Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES to: ATTN: Non -Discharge Compliance Unit (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RE . BIQ§IBLCHAR E GE) DENR BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE Division of Water Quality AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. 1617 Mall Servlao Center RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 PENR FORM NDMR-1 (5/2003) '•. ` ' I Page,_ot. it J ' NON DISCHARGE WASTEWATER MONITORING REPORT Facility Status: i :i Please answer the following question: Compliant (Y,Nj! 1. Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet permit requirements? .I If the facility Is non-coml❑liant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance :! with its permit. Provide in your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. ,i "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and J evaluated the information submitted, Based an my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the Information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete, I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting fats information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." (Signature of Permitte) Date (Name of Signing Offici lease print or type) NC Dept, 'of Cui(ural Resources Facilities Supervisor (Permlttee-Please print or type) (Position or Title) 9621 Reedmi_ne Rd.Midl_and NC_ 2810 704-721-4663 (Phone Number) (Permittee Address) Parameter Codes: 01002 Arsenic 31504 CmlfOrM, Total 00000 NilrogerL Tolat OD922 sodiUM 01022 Boron 00094 ConductNity 0063o N025NO3 00931 BAR 00310 boos 01042 Coppm 00520 NO3 00745 SWllile 01027 Cadmium 003M ❑a9solvad On en W550 01-Gresse 70295 TUB 00916 caldum 31516 Fool Cailform W009 PAN Planl Avagable 00010 Tomparature 00940 CHoride 91051 Lead 00400 pH G0620 TKN 50060 0110rhp, Total Residual 00921 Ma nesaum 32730 Pttenole 1 00660 Toc 71900 Mercury D0655 171"vhoms. Total 00530 Tss/TSI? 0 034 Chromkrm 00610 NH3asN 00937 Palesstum 00016 Turbltlll 00340 COD 01007 Nickel 00545 SelllesNe Millar 01092 Lr1c March 31200, (Permit Exp. Date r Parameter Code assistance,may be obtained by calling the Water Quality CompliancelEnforcement Unit al (919) 733.5083 ext. 6201, ' The monthly average for Fecal Coliform Is to be reported as a GEOMETRIC mean. Ua@ only the units designated In the rear ina, facility's permit far feporllna data. If signed by other than the permlttee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 213,0506 (b)(2)(l7). DENR FORM NIDMR-1 (512003j1 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Page_of� SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) THERE ARE TWO APPLICATION FIELDS PER PAGE. USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. PERMITNUMBER: WQ0006946 I MONTH; Pebruary YEAR: !; 2005 FACILITY NAME: Reed Gold Kline COUNTY: Cabarrus Formulas; D211y Lpading (Inche6} - NCivmo /+ppbed (saao^e) r 0.13a81t?ubk feetlgaranl x 72 (Incheattoogl / 1+4ed Swayed (aces) a n3,sao (square (aeUecreSl OR , - votv,n0 Applied lflerp,e)1IMea Spayed (acres) a 77,151 fya�kt^e(eve-1^c1+)I Maximum Hourly Loading (Inches) - Deily Loadl^9 [Time lrrlgated(minulas)r60 (mlhvleeamur)1 Monthly Loading (Inches) +Sum of Daily Loadings (InChej, 12 Month Floating Total (inches) = Sum of this month's Monthly LeetkN (tnrhee) aid pev4ous 11 month•s Monthty Loedvgs (:^chea) ! Average WeekhtLoadinp (Inches) = IMwthty L(padlnp Oncl,eWmo^th) I Number of days In the month Idavalmd, h11 H 7 (love/—kl J Did Irnfielfon Occur At Thl3 Facility: Yes; ❑ No: R1 Did Irr)gation Occur On This Field; Yes: ❑ No: ❑ Did Irrigation Occur On This Field: Yes: No: FIELD NUMBER: p1191.D NUMBER: AREA BPI tAYEp acres : AREA SPRAYED aer¢s COVER CROP-1COVER CROP: PERMITTED HOURLY RATE (Inches): PERMITTED HOURLY RATE Inches): D A T E WEATHER CONDITIONS Storago Lagoon Free -board PERMITTED YEARLY RATE (Inches): PERMITTED YEARLY RATE (inches): Weather Codo' Temper -slur al eppltoellon Preclplta- tlon Volume Applied Time Irrigated Daily Loading Maximum Hourly Loadin Volume Applied Time Irrl ated belly Loadin M 1i11mum Xurly Lo dln I°Fl inches rest gallons minutes Inches Inehee gallons minutes Inches I ' es 1 •t 4 i S S 61 0.1 2.5 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 CL 42 0 2.25 13 14 15 1A X 17 18 19 S 65 0 2.25 zo 21 22 23 24 25 S 58 1 2.25 za 27 28 29 301 1i 31 i Total GallonslMonthly Loading (Inches) 0 0,00 0 0.00 :• ;; ::: •: ' ' 12 Month Floating Total (Inche9) :::::•:.::•:•::::::':::::.:•:':•:•:•: 2.39 2.08 -'. Average Weekly Loading (tnches) : 0 0 ;•;t •: u—W.M. --OF, vwpanty uiuuuy, a.,w,pury, R-rain, an-snow,..-Siget Spray Irrigation Operator In Responsible Charge (ORC): Norman L. Lang ORC Certification Number: Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIPS to: ATTN: Non.Oischarge Compllance Unit DENR Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center RALEI0I-1, NC 27699-1617 25721 Check Box if ORC Has Changed: d Photle: 704.721-46�3 (SIGNATURE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIDLO CHARGE) BY THIS SIGNATURE, I CERTIFY THAT THIS DEPORT IS ACCURATE AND COM�LETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. DENR FORM NVAR-1 (5/2003) • 'i NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Page of 1 SPRAY IRRIGATION SiTE($) Facility Status: Please indicate (by inserting Y(es) or N(o) in the appropriate box) whether the facility has been compliant with the following permit requirements; (Note: if requirement does not apply to your facility put (NA) in the compliant box. ) C�om giant Y_ �N) .i 1. The application rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit, lI 2. Adequate measures were taken tv prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s). 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the eite(s) In accordance with the permit. 4. All buffer zones as specified In the permit were maintained during each application- 5. The freeboard In the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s) was not less than the limit(s) specified in the permit. If the facility is non -compliant, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with Its permit. provide In your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false Information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." �lrLt (Signature of Permittee) pate (Name of Signing5,1Offic.Ei ial-Please p ant or type) C _ NC Dept, of Cuflural Rescurm Facililies ftnrvisor (Permittee-Please print or type) (Position or Title) 704-721-4653 3/31/2000 862i Reedmine Rd. (Phone Number) (Permit Exp. Date) I al/ra o r •f 1 k. (Permittee Address) * If slened by other than the perplltlee, delggation of slgnalory authority must be On file with the stale per 15A NCAC 28.0506 (b)(2)(0), GRNR FORM 11pAR-1 (5r2oort) MON-DISCHARGE, APPLICATION REPORT' SPRAY IRRIGATION SITH(S) THEM ARE TWO MP),IMIUM hFL0e FEn PAGE. Uet: AVOITIONAL PAGER AB NEEOE.O. PERMIT NUMBER- WQOUOMB MONTH: •nl January YEgR; •.,I FAMMYNAMEf _ _ _ Reed GolQMhb_ CMAITY: Cehmry#, IF I..i •• �rr�4(Inmll�fr-MAnw�aN�e{a�6 rl>•AflJl e�be l.waan1�f91�WNrf���7a han)��a•4o14r+�11 oA j1 - f Ag .. ....) �W�wA9VYiffTAm�l/rNr k'HYVi�)e?<fm fwobNuN:W} I . .y 1. � Il.de..n lfo�ryrA+OIYq (we1w�1 -aryls.+sP+ew)r[n".r4+.1P:s"a.lr�o lnwe.n:..g ►7wnhb ta.rlM (ww.•1-w,:aa+r l..Aw mm+.f 7771ed6kl�p9 TNN owl-welaYnq+Or YpYsl1�''71f:?MINM��M�Hn�4\Me:f41�A'P (Y�el�) IIMEa oI Ufo Mpla. e7 OW MEMO Oca qA This Fklds lDldtMg4liOn Oaour On ThIl ROW: 1 Yu• .. Nth Val; ' Nw""' ' 1 • .• YH:' x 1 Ne: MID N11raBEn FIELD NUMBER - COVER c r r•' , r ••:! PERMITTEGNC p WPJITNHRcmilm � a I1ryrypEp A TN VOWma E L...+an FrMl- M ftn Lft APPIhd Troll l AMM - I 1, I • I MWmunf varam f ' b.qr ►k +Y Spray IrAgatlop Operator In Relparlelblo Charge (ORC): Norman L. LonR Phone: (700 721a053 ORC Comfica un Number; 29721 Check Boa N ORC Has Changed: Maa oRrGINAL and Two CoPlas to: ATTN: Non-niathl,rge Co"lMnre UnIt DI±NR Olvlalon o1 Water Qwayty 1818NATUM OF OPERATOR IN REWONSIMZ C HAAGE) 1017 Mel) Service Center PY THIS ox+NATwrG I CENTrr-Y THAT Toe 14MIgT la ACrtJFtATB Aka coMFLETE FtALFJ0H, NC 2TE094ei 7 TO THE ®EST OF MY KNOWLEOOE. NGN.MSCHARGFE APPLICATION REPORT' SPRAY IRRIGA-171101N 817M(5) Facility Gtotfoo, w. PIQj;uatndIw%9( by IneginfrigY(esi) QrN(0)ln the appropriate box) Whether the Iddlilyfisobeen compliant with the fohooft permit requirements: (Nola: Fit reqUitafflettl does not opply (o your IgONypat (NA) In the Conwflantbox. 1. Tb* Appikailon rAtu(s) did nottutictsed the limit(e) specified In the ponfill. ?.!kdpuslla in■asures were taken to prevent wmistowatior runoff from the sitqtf). A-AsPitatilill vollistative cover was maintitinad on th6stife(s) In accordartcowlth the permit. ....... ....... -7 4,A]1 Puffer x9noo. es specified In the, p4trnit were maIntitined during smah application. the limit(s) the JMFMIL f a i;' Y-i' "a oWain In the space bdow Ow reown(a) the facility Was not In ebropffanna Wth No -,j the dale(®) of the non-oompflance and 91 M 112ild wdbO the rArrectlive adion(o) Man. Attach KTIonal Shoals 9 noos"ry. 4!,!L -ri•4rftiundor penalty of law. Mattlitt dowment end all allocriments were prepared under my direction or supfi;I,,iIt;bn In I with a system designed I* AmVY4 that all quaffed personnel mbpody gathered and evatualed the leff"elign submitted. Based on my Inquiry of the person or persons who F111961106 ft gwtom. Or those OGrOOMA OnOutly responsible D. 'jog4ring far the Wormetion, (he Information submilled Is, to the bigot of my knowledge and Wet, true, emirate, and -!Complete. I Am aware.thiA there we fg1qrJn=l penswels for eubmit" (oleo b%ormorion, Wuding the poosamy of ones and ImprItiona, trij fcw knoviing v1platforia,":! .. .. ... . ....... -V (8111111111turi of pormilloll)• Pste Name of Signino 0516TWFIasse print or type NC Dapt. alLu"I Rewcoo 'r, FadflUel MAInt. 6fiatiMs : (Paptilltso-pits" print or typo) 1 , , (Pdtltlqn or 71dol U 7u4--r2I-4M3 12009 - .1 9821 Readmine Rd, fAdImd NGIO lot Phone Number) cots) ("rwd 0 Address) 7. •if attimil by a r".Brs* hdft% IIPUDM 13( 11111"'Ift OutharitY must be an f1tO,,rM ih* 4.1sto m. IM WCAC 213-0509 (bMIKD). . ....... .. ­0 ... ... .. .. -A ....... . .. warFgQG r �O ^� Michael F. Easley, Governor L jLJ) William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NC Department of Cultural Resources Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, North Carolina 28107 Attention: Norman Long Dear Mr. Long: Alan W. Mimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality GROUNDWATER SECTION March 31,2004 RE: Compliance Monitoring Spray Irrigation Disposal System Permit No. WQ0006946 Cabarrus County, N.C. During a telephone conversation several weeks ago, we discussed the possibility of coordinating the schedule for effluent and groundwater sampling for the disposal system at the mine site. If you desire that, where possible, both activities be conducted at the same time, you can request this from the permitting units in the Raleigh offices. Please send your written request to the following supervisors: Mr. Kim Colson Ms. Debra Watts Non -Discharge Permitting Unit Groundwater Section Permits & Compliance 1617 Mail Service Center 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Should you have any questions, please call me at 704/663-1699 or contact me via email at pep_w inley(Mmmail.net. MAF/Reed Mine March 31,04 Sincerely, Margaret A. Finley Hydrogeological Technician n1.__ 1-11 L .r� ram... i7__ - _N f North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Water Pollution Control System Operator Certification Commission Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Coleen H. Sullins, Chairman June 24, 2002 Rob Boyette NC Department of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh NC 27611 Subject: Designation of Certified Operators Facility: Reed GaldluI�n'e Permit No: t`. c � 0'M-941 County: Cabarrus Dear Mr. Boyette: Ah­�� NCDENR JUN 2 6 2002 f s° E e T-1 You were notified by certified letter dated May 31, 1998, that the subject facility had been classified as a spray irrigation system. You were further notified that you were required to designate an Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and a back-up ORC who hold valid spray irrigation system operator certificates by July 15, 1998. Our records indicate that you have not designated a properly certified backup ORC for your spray irrigation system. The enclosed ORC designation form must be returned to this office within 10 days of receipt of this letter. Our office maintains a list of certified. operators in your area if you need assistance in locating a certified operator. By failing to designate a properly certified backup ORC, you are in violation of 15A NCAC 8G .0201 and the subject permit. Violations of permit conditions are subject to the assessment of civil penalties. Please be advised that nothing in this letter should be taken as resolving you of the responsibility and liability for any past or future violations for your failure to designate an appropriate backup ORC by July 15, 1998. - -1618 Mail Service Center,-Raleigh,'N6rth Carolina 27699-1618 Phone: 919 — 733-0026 \ FAX: 919 -- 733-1338 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY \ AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED / 10% POST CONSUMER PAPER Rob Boyette June 24, 2002 Page Two If you have questions concerning this matter, or if this office can be of further assistance, please call Beth Buffington at (919)733-0026, extension 313. Sincerely, Hope Walters, Supervisor Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Enclosure cc: Central Files ao"^`�` .r=�svi1l�Re�ional Qf .i.ce Non -Discharge Enforcement/Compliance Unit TAC Facility Files f �OF WATF9 Michael F. Easley, Governor Q William G. Ross Jr., Secretary �O `G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources i i r Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality June 21, 2002 Mr. Rob Boyette, Director of Interpretation N. C. Department of Cultural Resources 109 E. Jones Street Raleigh, .North Carolina 27611 Subject: Notice of Deficiency Spray Irrigation Inspection Permit No. WQ0006946 Cabamis County Dear Mr. Boyette: Enclosed is the spray irrigation inspection report for the inspection conducted on June 18, 2002 by Ms. Ellen Huffman with this Office. All wastewater treatment units appeared to be operational; however, the monitoring reports reflect that there was no spray activity for all of May and all of June. After speaking with the on site spray system operator, it was clear that the system could not be used because there was no chlorine for the effluent distribution system. This situation could have resulted in a violation of this permit. Best management and operating practices suggest having a back up chlorine cylinder on site at all times. The inspection report should be self-explanatory, however, if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Huffman or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: Non -discharge compliance Norman Long, Maintenance Manager John Dysart, Site Manager, Reed Gold Mine AW ±fV.C."DENR Customer Service Mooresville Regional Office PHONE (704) 663-1699 1 800 623-7748 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 FAX (704) 663-6D40 State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross., Jr. Secretary Alan W. Kimek, P.E. Director NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Owner Reed Gold Mine Permit # WQ 0006946 Expiration Date March 31.2003 Permittee Contact Mr. Norman Long ORC Name Norman Long ORC Cert. # 25721 24hr Contact Name Reason for Inspection County Cabarrus Issuance Date Apri12, 1998 SOC Issuance Date N/A Telephone No.704/721-4665 Telephone No. B/U ORC Jennifer Furr Telephone No. X ROUTINE COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP OTHER Type of inspection . Collection System X Spray Irrigation Drip Irrigation Sludge Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments may he included on attached pages) Norman Long, ORC (certificate # 25721) passed the spray irrigation certification test in December 2000, and Jennifer Fun, BU-ORC, in April 2001. This information was given to the Training and Certification Unit (TACU) but was not entered into the ORC database. Norman Long has re -sent the information to TACU office. Monitoring and application records reflect compliance. The lagoon does have a thin layer of algae/weed on the surface. No irrigation took place for all of April and May because there wasno chlorine available for disinfecting effluent prior to irrigation. It is recommended that a spare chlorine tank be kept on site. Is a follow-up inspection necessary _yes X no Inspector(s) Name(s)/Title(s)Ellen Huffman /Environmental Specialist H Telephone No. 704/663-1699 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection 06-18-02 0( a Spray Inspection Permit #-WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Date- 06-18-02 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Spray, high rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, low rate Reuse (Golf Courses) Recycle /Reuse Single Family Spray, low rate Single Family Drip Infiltration System Other- pg 1 Treatment Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational? If no, note below. Influent N/A All pumps present, operational Bar screen, maintained Bars evenly spaced Back-up power Bypass structure present Free of excessive debris Bars excessively corroded Aeration Basin N/A _aeration pattern even across surface of unit easily accessed Clarifiers N/A weirs level scum rack operational easily accessible Lalzoon and effluent storaUe Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banks/berms (signs of seepage, overtopping, or erosion) N Vegetation (excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank) N/A Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) N Evidence.of overflow (vegetation discolored or flattened down/broken) N Unusual color N Foam (are antifoam agents used?) N Floating mats (sludge, plants) N Evidence of excessive solids buildup N/A Aerators/mixers (operational) Comment: The lagoon has a thin layer of algae/weed that needs to be addressed. Spray Inspection pg 2 Permit #-WQ0006946 Reed Gold Mine Date- 06-18-02 Disinfection X Gas system Tablet system LTV system Is storage safe? Are tablets present? Comment: There was no spray activity during April and May because the plant had run out of Chlorine. Due to the State budget crunch the order was denied the first time causing a long delay in shipment. Luckily, there was plenty of freeboard available for the plant. Otherwise, this could have caused a violation of the permit. Residuals storage/treatment Drying beds Concrete storage pad Other X The solids are collected in the 4,650 gallon septic tank and pumped out annually and/or as needed. Number of months storage 12 Disposal (final end use) Is spray application equipment in need of repair? N Are buffers adequate? Y Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Y Signs of runoff? No. Signs of ponding? N Are monitoring wells required by permit? Y Is site access restricted in accordance with permit? Y General Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are monitoring reports present? NDMR Y NDAR Y Y Are operational logs present? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? Y Are operation and maintenance.records present? N Has facility received any public complaints in the last 12 months? Comments d TORIC ITES REED GOLD MINE STATE HISTORIC SITE 9621 Reed Mine Road Midland, NC 28107 Phone: 704-721-4653 Fax: 704-721.-4657 e-mail: ree ftcmail.net web page: vmw.itpi.dpi.state.uc.uslrccd FAX SHEET rm -L63 - 40gb 9t9-933-13 d TO: Wsis0.7-9 SUBJECT; DATE; a NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET): Division of AitJtives & History Departmeitt of Cultacral Resources Jun 19 '02 10:25 P. 02/02 Des NA O .. r, Oi'� R M RES ONS`IBLE AR_ E' WATRIt P UTW CO L. SYS'I' S CILITY INl~ ORMAT1ON please print Facility Name: Mailing Address:. 1 1al bad /i m- road Aditss: � Permit Number: G]O�� County: lease circle IYRe.. LkzdU Wastewater CoHecti+po Spray Irrigation Classification of Facility if a likable : I _ q— III ! IY® OPERATOR IN RtSPON91BLE CRARti Please Print Name: Mailing Address: Land Application City: RAkeW State: -n1a--- .7ip Cc(ie• CoA ficete Types and Grade, r .y Certificate #ts• LS''�� ,L - Social Security #:-- Work Phone; Home Phone: Signature_ Datc: �- Z e) -�-s6� K������*�*�*����e����*������ ��c**irk*�eiF,take,►t,���c,k,r�r�,r*:r��e�w�*�**� BACK-1UP OPERATOR Please Print Name: _ . to cr } t ► rru if r — Mailing Address: gia 1 City: _ � ware:. Ait Zip Cade- 2ftA1 Certificate Types and Grade: —AX Certificates: 2 6 111 Social Seew ity #: oI Work Phone: IpV-21-4LS3 Hame phone: , - signauac: Date: 5�"A'lal�l 7k7�f1• X f�! 70!!�[9tC ii f.71' �C 7� If 7f K iEf.9i •� ft Y[YCii' *�. i:.Ie dr tY ie th tkaF lk;r,k,k k Jr d. h &.4+w t4 ei�+k+k Q• � s'r �sY* a!!i'!i! eF SYSIFEM O'WNER/Ai]MY.I`l. OFFICER Please Print Name: 6 Ile— l-t± & Mailing Addrese: `� 1 del 1°Y1 ,J. ACaa.d City: �.,zs — _5tato:..At-- zip Code: Telcphone #: P `slgllattBe: -Date• ie7k�e�k�irklle�c7k +k d¢iei4Jo�t4tin4s4�P�4eY�sk ��tk�ck,t,t�e�lnti�&*k*9e**�k�vks�e�ri+�r��e*s�e�et�ctk'k� Please Mail to: . Teehnical Assistance and Owtification .Vnit 1618 Mail Service Ccater Rnleigi•, NC 27669,1619 I N.C&E,LNk Na tiT Carolina Department or nvironment and Naturai Rescures- Mcar==sviil= ---i=_cicn2!FjkX O7iIC C a- Nc,a McIIT� Sir- Mccr:sviiI=; Nc ,; lf4 JivflE= Iar_ IV 0- N (11 rc:_ cvr) I 0--tL� INA , DESIGNATION FORM OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS FACILITY INFORMATION: Please Print Facility Name: Mailing Address: Address: Permit Number: County: please circle type of facility: Wastewater Collection Spray Irrigation Land Application Classification of Facilitv (if applicable): I _ II_ III _ IV_ OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE Pleaee Print Name: Mailing Addreee: City: State: Zip Code: Certificate Types and Grade: Certificate #s: Social Security #: Work Phone: Home Phone: Signature: Date: BACK-UP OPERATOR Pleaee Print Name: Mailing Acidreee' City: State: Zip Code: Certificate Types and Grade: Certificate #s: Social Security #: Work Phone: Home Phone: Signature: Date: SYSTEM OWNER/ADMIN. OFFICER P1PacP Print Name - Mailing Addrece' u City: State: Zip Code: Telenhnne ##: Signature: Date: ier:isic�cicic9cd:rx:Fvk�x*xr.irr.4e*��F�ciei:ie�9ei:�:ier.�e�c9:kirx�e9e��'e*�Fds��ie�k�'e�e��'e�'e�ede��e�cx�ie Please Mail to: Technical Assistance and Certification Unit 1618 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27669-1618 �WATF Q !� Michael F. Easley �O' PG Governor cq r William G. Ross, Jr.,Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources < Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality February 27, 2001 Mr. Norman Long Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Stanfield, NC 28163 Subject: Spray Irrigation Inspection Permit No. WQ0006946 NC Dept. of Cultural Resources, Reed Gold Mine Cabarrus County Dear Mr. Long: Enclosed is the Spray Irrigation system inspection report for the inspection conducted on February 27, 2001 by Ms. Ellen Huffman with this Office. The inspection is part of our initiative to inspect all spray systems during each calendar year. The report indicates compliance with laboratory data and record keeping; however, you currently do not have a designated ORC in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G .0202 which states that the permittee has 120 days to fill a vacancy in the position of ORC. Upon the vacancy pf the ORC position, the owner must notify the appropriate regional office of DWQ of the vacancy. It was noted that you intend to acquire certification. You need to contact Technical Assistance and Certification Unit (919/733-0026) to acquire temporary certification (See attached guidance). The report also mentions that you are installing new spray heads and have replaced piping in part of the field as a part of regular maintenance and repair of the system. Ms. Huffman noted that recent rains have identified low areas where soil has settled and water collects as a result of the installation of the new irrigation piping which you plan to fill in. These areas should be filled in as soon as feasible. The inspection report should be self-explanatory; however, if you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Huffman or me at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P.E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Attachment cc: Non -discharge compliance h:reedgold0201.doc ' f� t4CDENR Customer Service Mooresville Regional Office, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, NC 28115 PHONE (704) 663-1699 1 800 623-7748 FAX (704) 663-6040 i State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director NCDENR NON -DISCHARGE COMPLIANCE INSPECTION GENERAL INFORMATION City/Town/Owner Reed Gold Mine Permit # WQ 0006946 Issuance Date Apr. 2, 1998 If applicable SOC Issuance Date Permittee Contact Norman Long ORC Name Norman Long 24hr Contact Name Norman Long Reason for Inspection X ROUTINE Type of inspection Collection System County Cabarrus NPDES# Expiration Date March 31, 2003 Expiration Date Telephone No. 704/721-4665 Telephone No704/721-4665 Telephone No. 704/721-4665 COMPLAINT FOLLOW-UP X Spray Irrigation Sludge OTHER Other Inspection Summary: (additional comments mar be included on attached pages) All monitoring records (NDAR's and NDMR's) for 2000 were available for review and indicated compliance. The MRO file was missing reports for March 2000 and November 2000. They may have been misplaced in Raleigh. The permittee will copy and mail the MRO these reports. The facility no longer has a properly certified ORC. 15A 08G .0202 states that the permittee has 120 days to fill a vacancy in the position of ORC. Upon the vacancy of. the ORC position, the owner must notify the appropriate regional office of DWQ of the vacancy. The permittee needs to contact Technical Assistance and Certification at 919/733-0026, to acquire temporary certification. Norman Long currently holds a cert. for WW1. He will be attending the next spray school and intends to acquire a spray certificate to become the ORC of this facility. The lagoon has been upgraded with a clay bottom liner with cement sidewalls. Piping was recently replaced for lower part of the field. New spray heads have been ordered and will be installed when they arrive. Settled areas above the new lines to be filled in. Is a follow-up inspection necessary des X no Inspector Name/Title EllenHuffman /Env. Spec. H Telephone No. 704/663-1699 Fax No. 704/663-6040 Date of Inspection February 26.2001 Spray Irrigation Inspection check list Permit #WQ 0006946 Cabarus County 2-26-01 Type Activated Sludge Spray, low rate Activated Sludge Spray, high rate Activated Sludge Drip, low rate X Lagoon Spray, low rate Reuse (Golf Courses) Recycle /Reuse Single Family Spray, low rate Single Family Drip Infiltration System Other pg 1 Treatment _Y Are treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit. Y Do all treatment units appear to be operational. If no, note below. Comments Lagoons N/A Primary (check any/all that apply) Influent structure (free of obstructions) Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage, overtopping, down cutting or erosion) Vegetation (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank Liner (if visible, is it intact) Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) Staff gauge ( clearly marked) Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) Unusual color (very black, textile colors) Foam (are antifoam agents used) Floating mats (sludge, plants, inorganics) Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) Aerators/mixers operational (if present) Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Comments- �6 Spray Permit #WQ 0006946 Cabarus County 2-26-01 Secondary Y Influent structure (free of obstructions) N Banksiberms (signs of seepage or erosion) N Vegetation (excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank) Y Liner N/A Baffles/curtains (in need of repair) Y Freeboard (>2 feet from overtopping) N . Evidence of overflow (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) N Unusual color (very black, textile colors) N Foam (are antifoam agents used) N Floating mats (sludge, plants) N/A are aerators/mixers operational (if present) Y Effluent structure (free of obstructions, easily accessible) Comments- Lagoon has been upgraded with a clay- liner and cement sidewalls. Influent hump station Y All pumps present, operational N/A Bypass structure present N/A Bar screen, maintained N/A Free of excessive debris N/A Bars evenly spaced N/A Bars excessively corroded _N/A Back-up power Comments - Aeration Basin N/A aeration pattern even across surface of unit easily accessed Clarifiers N/A weirs level Return Pumps N/A in place _ Filters N/A media present _ Residuals storage/treatment X scum rack operational operational air scour operational easily accessible clear well free of solids Comments All solids are removed from the septic tank yearly, and/or as needed. Page 2 Spray Page 3 Permit #WQ 0006946 Cabarus County 2-26-01 Disinfection If gas, is storage safe? Yes Is it dual feed system? Yes If tablets - are tablets present? N/A Effluent Storage X LAGOON(s) SEPTIC TANK(s) ABOVE GROUND TANK OTHER Number of months storage 30 Spill control plan on site Is lagoon lined X Above ground tank N/A Aerated Mixed In ground tank N/A Aerated Mixed Drying beds N/A Concrete storage pad Spray Field (final end use) Is application equipment in need repair? Y* Are buffers adequate? Y Are cover crops the type specified in permit? Yes In need of improvement? No Signs of runoff? No Signs of ponding? Yes Y Is the acreage specified in the permit being utilized? Y Is the application equipment present and operational? N Are there any limiting slopes in disposal fields? Y Is permit being followed? N Is there evidence of runoff or drift? Y Are monitoring wells called for in permit present? Comments* The ORC has ordered new sprayheads and intends to install them when they are delivered There was some pondine in areas where the piping had been due up and replaced. The ORC has dirt stockpiled to correct this as needed. Y Is permit available upon request? Y Are monitoring reports present: NDMR Y NDAR Y Y Are operational logs present? Y Are lab sheets available for review? Y Do lab sheets support data represented on NrDMR or NDAR? N/A Are annual soil reports available? Y Are operation and maintenance records present? N Has permittee received any public complaints in the last 12 months? 1. y State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Kerr T. Stevens, Director mom NCDENR NORTH CA i0_NA DEMnTNENT OF E14v1:;0N1VO4T ANU NATARAL RCrMU:Z='. Non -Discharge Compliance Inspection WQ Permit Number W00006946 Permittee NC DEPT/CULT RES-REED GOLD MI Issuance Date 4/2/1998 Expiration Date 3/31/2003 Soc Issuance Date Permittee Contact NORMAN LONG WW1 cert. ORC Certification # ORC Name 24hr Contact Name NORMAN LONG County CABARRUS Npdes Number(s) Soc ExpirationDate Phone Permittee Contact 704/721-4653 Phone ORC 7041721-4653 Phone 24hr 704/721-4653 Reason For Inspection (Select One) 10 Routine O Complaint O Follow -Up O Other... Type Of Inspection (Select One) 10 Collection System O Spray Irrigation O Residual Inspection Summary tl.minitaxing.r.�Ga�d ...(NIaAR'a..and..Nt?A� ' 1.f.�r.. A.QQ.w�r�. Yaal��la..far..raYia�nc...a�txd.i�ctic.ated... rx x�.. aan..mialalaced.Ali.Ral i9h...T.h .Rermtttea..x�!ili.ca�Y.and..m il.xh�a..�IRO..tfxa e.arepo>ka.................. pray school and intends to aquire a spray certificate. The lagoon has been upgraded with a lay..bottam..liner.vxltt�.eenaent.sida.ancall �.Eap�in8..xva .r�,w,�ntly..r.+»place�l..fox..lo.wer-plart.of.the........... ielda.Neuv..s.pray..Iieads.bane.bee.n.ordered.and..will..ble..imatalled..wb.en. thay..arriue...................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Inspector's Name Ellen Huffman Phone Inspector 704/663-1699 Inspection Date,6-0� Inspector's Title Env.Spec.11 Fax Inspector 7041663-6040 page 1 Tvae Non Discharge Compliance Spray Irrigation Inspection Permittee NC DEPT/CULT RES-REED GOLD MI Permit Number WQ0006946 Inspection Date 2-26-01 0 REUSE (Golf Courses) 0 ACTIVATED SLUDGE SPRAY, HR O INFILTRATION SYSTEM 0 RECYCLE/REUSE O ACTIVATED SLUDGE DRIP, LR * LAGOON SPRAY, LR O SINGLE FAMILY SPRAY, LR O ACTIVATED SLUDGE SPRAY, LR 0 SINGLE FAMILY DRIP Treatment Were Treatment facilities consistent with those outlined in the current permit? Yes 0 No 0 N/ Did all treatment units appear to be operational, if no note below? * Yes 0 No 0 N/ List any action items necessary per unit. Norman has just replaced all of the underground piping for the lower half of the spray field. He has ordered all new spray heads and will install them when they arrive. He is currently in the process of filling in some of the low the land WW Rjllfle new pipe placement to correct ponding. Lagoons Primary (check any unit present) ® Influent structure, (free of obstructions) 0 Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage or erosion) ❑ Vegetation, (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank that makes Inspection difficult) ❑ Liner (If visible is it tact) ❑ Baffles/curtains, (in need of repair) M Freeboard, (>2 feet from overtopping) ❑ Evidence of overflow, (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) ❑ Unusual color, (very black, textile colors) ❑ Foam,( are antifoam agents used) ❑ Floating mats (sludge, plants) ❑ Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) ❑ If present are aerators/mixers operational ❑ Effluent Structure (free of obstructions. easily accessible) Secondary (check any unit present) Influent structure, (free of obstructions) Banks/berms (are there signs of seepage or erosion) Vegetation, (is there excessive vegetation on the lagoon bank that makes Inspection difficult) Liner (If visible is it tact) Baffles/curtains, (in need of repair) Freeboard, (>2 feet from overtopping) Evidence of overflow, (vegetation discolored or laying down/broken) Unusual color, (very black, textile colors) Foam,( are antifoam agents used) Floating mats (sludge, plants) Excessive solids buildup (from bottom) If present are aerators/mixers operational Effluent Structure (free of obstructions. easily accessible) Influent pump station . Are all pumps present? 10 Yes 0 No * N/ 0 Yes 0 No 0 N/ Was the lift station free of bypass lines or structures? nano page Non Discharge Compliance Spray Irrigation Inspection Permittee INC DEPT/CULT RES-REED GOLD MI Permit Number WQ0006946 Inspection Date 2-26-01 Barscreen Was it maintained? 10 Yes O No N/ Was it free of excessive debris? O Yes O No N/ Were the bars evenly spaced? 10 Yes O No N/ Were the bars free of excessive corrosion? O Yes O No N/ Aeration Basin Was the aeration pattern even across surface of unit? O Yes) O No 0 N/ Was it easily accessed? O Yes O No N/ Clarifiers Were the weirs level? Was the scum rack operational? Was it easily accessed? Return Pumps Were they in place? Were they operational? Filters Was the filter media present? Was the air scour operational? Was the clear well free of excessive solids? O Yes O No 0 N/ O Yes O No * N/ O Yes O No 0 N/ O Yes O No OO N/ 0-Ye-so NoO N/ 0-Ye-so No N/ O Yes O No N/ O Yes O No N/ Sludge Storage/ Treatment Was the aeration operational? O Yes O No N/ Was the aeration pattern even? O Yes O No N/ If required are Sanitary "T's" present in tankage? 10 Yes O No OO N/ Disinfection If gas, was cylinder storage safe? *Yes O No O N/ Is it a dual feed system? OO Yes O No O N/ Was the system working? *Yes O No O N/ If tablets: Were tablets present? 10 Yes O No * N/ Storage ❑ Lagoon ❑ AST ❑ UST ® Septic Tank ❑ Drying beds ❑ Concrete Storage Pads How many months storage? Was spill control plan on site? If Applicable: Is lagoon lined? Above Ground Tank ❑ Aerated ❑ Mixed Aerated Hp: Under Ground Tank ❑ Aerated [:]Mixed Aerated Hp: O Yes O No 0 N/ O Yes O No 0 Ni Mixed Hp: Mixed Hp: page 3 Non Discharge Compliance Spray Irrigation Inspection Permittee NC DEPT/CULT RES-REED GOLD MI Permit Number WQ0006946 Inspection Date 2-26-01 Record Keeain Was a copy of current permit available? OO Yes O No O N/ Were monitoring reports present: NDMR OO Yes O No O N/ NDAR OO Yes O No O N/ Were operational logs present? OO Yes O No O N/ Were lab sheets availiable for review? * Yes O No O N/ Did lab sheets support data represented on NDMR or NDAR? * Yes O No O N/ Were annual soil reports available? O Yes O No * N/ Were Operation and Manintance records present? OO Yes O No O N/ Were Operation and Manintance records Complete? OO Yes O No O N/ Has permittee received any public compliants in the last 12 months? O Yes O No 0 N/ Disoosal Were buffers adequate? * Yes O No O N/ Is the cover crop type specified in permit? OO Yes O No O N/ Was the site condition adequate (improvement)? O Yes O No O N/ Was the sight free of runoff / ponding? 10 Yes * No O N/ Was the acerage specified in the permit being utilized? O Yes O No O N/ Was application equipment present and operational? O Yes O No * N/ Were there any limiting slopes on disposal field? Yes O No O N/ Are monitoring wells called for in permit? Yes O No O N/ Was there access restrictions and / or signage? O Yes O No * N/ Michael F. Easley Govemor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens Division of Water Quality MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE February 1, 2001 Reed Gold Mine 9621 Reed Mine Road Stanfield, North Carolina 28163 Attention: Norman Long RE: Groundwater Compliance Monitoring Wastewater Spray Irrigation System Permit No. WQ0006946 Cabarrus County, N.C. Dear Mr. Long: After our telephone conversation earlier this week, I contacted the Groundwater Section Permits & Compliance Unit about the missing monitoring reports. The last report that is on file in Raleigh has a sample collection date of April 7, 1999. Please resubmit copies of the sampling reports for November 1999, March 2000 and November 2000 to the address below. Should you have any questions, please call me at 704/663-1699, ext. 238. Sincerely, Margaret A. Finley Hydrogeological Technician MAF/reedgold.ltr INCDEPIR Customer Service Division of Water Quality / Groundwater Section 1 800 623-7748 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Phone: (919) 733-3221 Fax: (919) 715-0588 Internet: http://www.cw.ehnr.state.nc.us Re: W90006946 Subject: Re: WQ0006946 Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 11:41:33 -0500 From: "Salam.Murtada" <Salam.Murtada@ncmail.net> To: Peggy Finley <Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net> Peggy: According to our records, the last sampling reported and entered from the subject facility was for April 7, 1999. Peggy Finley wrote: > Salam: > Reed Gold Mine in Cabarrus Co holds this permit. I haven't received gw > compliance monitoring reports from them since April of 1999. I talked > to Norman Long at the mine and he said that he'd been sending the > reports to Raleigh. Can you check up there to see what your office has > received? They're supposed to sample in three MWs every March and > November. > Thanks. > Peggy Finley - Peggy.Finley@ncmail.net > North Carolina Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources > Div. of Water Quality - Ground Water Section > 919 N. Main St. > Mooresville, NC 28115 > Ph: (704) 663-1699 Fax: (704) 663-6040 1 of 1 1/30/01 12:00 PM Rob Boyette NC Department of Cultural Resources 109 E Jones Street Raleigh NC 27611 Subject: Facility: Permit #: County: Dear Mr. Boytette: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY )41:C, DBeT. OF April 24, 1998 1�t 11t 4�1� MZNT, WEALTH, P k NA` IALk L RESOURCES .;APR 2 9 1998 �ii%gpg of omwm�1 wwauff P f�O�%5 . Classification of Water Pollution Control Systems Reed Gold Mine WQ0006946 Cabarrus The Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission adopted Rule 15A NCAC 8C .0800, Classification of Spray Irrigation Systems, effective July 1, 1993. In order to ensure the proper operation and maintenance of these systems, this Rule requires that all facilities permitted for the spray irrigation of wastewater be classified as spray irrigation systems. If the subject spray irrigation system consists only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, septic tanks, pump tanks, pumps, grease traps or grease interceptors, oil/water separators, sand filters, disinfection, and chemical treatment for nutrient or algae control and the spray irrigation of wastewater, no additional wastewater treatment classification is required. Wastewater treatment in excess of these components may be subject to rating under Rule 15A NCAC 8C .0002(b). The Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission hereby classifies the subject facility as a Spray Irrigation System effective May 31, 1998. As required by Rule 15A NCAC .0202(b) and the subject permit, a certified operator and back-up operator of the appropriate type must be designated for each classified system. Your system requires an Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and back-up operator who hold valid spray irrigation certificates. If you have not already done so, please complete and return the enclosed designation form to this office by July 15, 1998. Failure to designate an appropriate operator in responsible charge and back-up operator is a violation of the permit issued for this system. A Spray Irrigation System Operators Training School is being offered May 19-21, 1998, at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh. The first certification examination offered after the training school will be June 18, 1998. Enclosed is a brochure for the training school and an application for the certification examination. Thank you for your cooperation. -If you need assistance or have any questions concerning this requirement please call Beth Buffington at 919/733-0026, ext. 313. bb/beth/sprayclassletters Office Water Quality Files Sincerely, Joseph B. McMinn, Supervisor Technical Assistance and Certification Unit WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATORS CERTIFICATION COMMISSION P.O.BOX 29535, RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27626-0535 PHONE 919-733-0026 FAX 919-733-1338 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/10% POST -CONSUMER PAPER fay� —^_ter-�-� NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF k ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES MOORESVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE MWItMK 1 JAMES B. HUNT JR- �, ,GovERNOR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY April 8, 1998 Mr. Rob Boyette, Director of Interpretation VYArnE MCDEVITT - w N.C. Department of Cultural SECRETARY �°+ 109 E. Jones Street ri... Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Subject: Permit No.-WQ0006946 N.C. Department of Cultural Resources n ' Reed Gold Mine - Wastewater Spray Irrigation Cabarrus County, NC tiDear Mr. Boyette: k Our records show that Permit No. WQ0006946 was issued on April 2, 1998 for your *rya; `> non -discharge wastewater treatment facility. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the s importance of the Permit and the liabilities in the event of failure to comply with the terms and { conditions of the Permit. If you have not already done so, it is requested that you and other ! appropriate persons thoroughly read the Permit. The Permit sets forth specific performance standards, operation and maintenance y, requirements, monitoring requirements, plus general conditions applicable to non -discharge permits. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit subject the Permittee to a enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General Statutes in the - form of civil or criminal penalties. - - Please note that the subject Permit expires on March 31, 1998. Condition No. 8, Part -; VI of the Permit requires that .a renewal request be submitted at least six (6) months prior to -: expiration. Also, the Permit is non -transferable until such time that the Permittee has requested a name change to the new Permittee. As mentioned previously, the purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of your Permit. Please read the permit and contact this Office at 704/663-1699 in Mooresville if you have any or need clarification. We look forward to any assistance. questions providing w Sincerely, .. ' D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Z Water Quality Regional Supervisor L w°rz DRG:de r k 919 NORTH MAIN STREET, MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 281 15 "»t PHONE 704-663-1 699 FAX 704-663-6040 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY /AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER - 50% RECYCLED/1 O% POST -CONSUMER 5w .. ,.....-_,. .. .....° a s ,.. ..,� PAPER State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director G iNCDENR I� NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES April 2, 1998 Mr. Rob Boyette, Director of Interpretation N.C. Department of Cultural Resources 109 E. Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Dear Mr. Boyette: APR in 1998 � �ti�+�*, fir• io.i�,,',_`'4c..;P,i tp?t;;,f':r'j�;,',;.jT Subject: Permit No WQ0694'6t N.C. Department of Cultural Resources Reed Gold Mine Wastewater Spray Irrigation Cabarrus County In accordance with your application received December 8, 1997, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0006946 dated April 2, 1998 to the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources for the continued operation of the subject wastewater treatment and spray irrigation facilities. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 2003 shall void Permit No. WQ0006946 issued July 21, 1993, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Matt Williams at (919) 733-5083 extension 509. Sincerely A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Cabarrus County Health Department M WzsVi$leiRegional-.Office;, Water Quality§.ection Mooresville Regional Office, Groundwater Section Bob Cheek, Groundwater Section, Central Office Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit PO Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO N.C. Department of Cultural Resources Cabarrus County FOR THE continued operation of a 4,000 GPD spray irrigation treatment and disposal facility consisting of a 4,650 gallon septic tank, a polishing pond with 30 days retention time, post chlorination, an effluent pump station, a flow measuring device, two 1.06 acre spray fields and all appurtenant piping to serve North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources" Reed Gold Mine with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received December 8, 1997, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 2003, shall void Permit No. WQ0006946 issued July 21, 1993, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The spray irrigation facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the irrigation area to adequately assimilate the wastewater, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. 2. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. The residuals generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner approved by the Division. 4. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. The following buffers shall be maintained: a) 400 feet between wetted area and any residence or places of public assembly under separate ownership, b) 150 feet between wetted area and property lines, c) 100 feet between wetted area and wells, d) 100 feet between wetted area and drainageways or surface water bodies, e) 50 feet between wetted area and public right of ways, f) 100 feet between wastewater treatment units and wells, and g) 50 feet between wastewater treatment units and property lines. Some of the buffers specified above may not have been included in previous permits for this waste treatment and disposal system. These buffers are not intended to prohibit or prevent modifications, which are required by the Division, to improve performance of the existing treatment facility. These buffers do, however, apply to modifications of the treatment and disposal facilities which are for the purpose of increasing the flow that is tributary to the facility. These buffers do apply to any expansion or modification of the spray irrigation areas and apply in instances. in which the sale of property would cause any of the buffers now complied with, for the treatment and disposal facilities, to be violated. The applicant is advised that any modifications to the existing facilities will require a permit modification. II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. Upon classification of the facility by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to or greater than the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type and grade to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8A .0202. The ORC of the facility must visit each Class I facility at least weekly and each Class II, III, and IV facility at least daily, excluding weekends and holidays, and must properly manage and document daily operation and maintenance of the facility and must comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8A .0202 A suitable vegetative cover shall be maintained. 4. Irrigation shall not be performed during inclement weather or when the ground is in a condition that will cause runoff. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the spray field. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. The application rate shall not exceed a cumulative loading of 18.2 inches over anytwelve (12) month period. No type of wastewater other than that from the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources' Reed Gold Mine shall be sprayed onto the irrigation area. 9. No traffic or equipment shall be allowed on the disposal area except while installation occurs or while normal maintenance is being performed. 10. Public access to the land application sites shall be controlled during active site use. Such controls may include the posting of signs showing the activities being conducted at each site. 1 1. Dikes shall be maintained to prevent surface runoff from the spray fields. III. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Adequate records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking the amount of wastewater disposed. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. date of irrigation, b. volume of wastewater irrigated, c. field irrigated, d. length of time field is irrigated, e. continuous weekly, monthly, and year-to-date hydraulic (inches/acre) loadings for each field, f. weather conditions, and g. maintenance of cover crops. The effluent from the subject facilities shall be monitored by the Permittee at the point prior to irrigation every -March, July, and November for the following parameters: BODS TSS Fecal Coliform pH NH3 as N 4. Three (3) copies of all operation and disposal records (as specified in condition III 2) on Form NDAR- 1 shall be submitted on or before the last day of the following month. Three (3) copies of all effluent monitoring data (as specified in condition III 3) on Form NDMR-1 shall be submitted on or before the last day of April, August, and December. All information shall be submitted to the following address: NC Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 6. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Mooresville Regional Office, telephone number (704) 663-1699, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence at the wastewater treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a sludge digester; the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility; or any other unusual circumstances. b. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. c. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. d. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit limitations. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five (5) days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS Monitor wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 shall be sampled every March and November for the following parameters: Water Level pH Chloride Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Fecal Coliforms Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Nitrate (NO3) Total Ammonia The measurement of water levels must be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The depth to water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide the relative elevation of the measuring point for each monitoring well. If TOC concentrations greater than 10 mg/1 are detected in any downgradient monitoring well, additional sampling and analysis must be conducted to identify the individual constituents comprising this TOC concentration. If the TOC concentration as measured in the background monitor well exceeds 10 mg/l, this concentration will be taken to represent the naturally occurring TOC concentration. Any exceedances of this naturally occurring TOC concentration in the downgradient wells shall be subject to the additional sampling and analysis as described above. The results of the sampling and analysis must be received on Form GW-59 (Groundwater Quality Monitoring: Compliance Report Form) by the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29578 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0578 on or before the last working day of the month following the sampling month. 2. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. 3. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary for the disposal system constructed prior to December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 500 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) at the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143- 215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. V. INSPECTIONS 1. Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall be provided by the Permitee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 4 2. The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the wastewater treatment and disposal facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division or other permitting authority. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina. General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. A set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project must be retained by the Permittee for the life of the project. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay, the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15A NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). 8. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 2nd day of April, 1998 NORTH A VI ENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0006946 v dLX op r � '; n Q �... y�Q S � ID: �' n • M1 �VJE 11/ DDuNDAh'y / R / / l i / 1 . PolIs"lois \ M n i R�vrcH/ � f30gA/A))9Ry P16PsA L- Soo �� ,//. •�``_ �� p S19 fi GoLD IYIAIE=CA,6,94)4u57 , REVI�t�/ DouNlJ Y •P41r1tir No. �✓awosgµ6 C 01- A 1� 1'' = 1 n nI 't I 61NJ? Chivind HISTORIC vvr000vlf,:�, SITES Reed Gold Mine State 11istoric Site JAIN 7 1998 9621 Reed Mine Road. Stanfield, NC 28163 ;": (704) 721-4653 Luu L :� 'ILL" December 30, 1997 To Whom It May Concern: We were unable to test eiFfluent due to work on the pond. There was a 30 day delay in work. The job was to be completed in October. If testing needs to be done when pond refills, please us know. Sincerely, Jeffrey W. Helms xp r- Dhisim qfAirhives &�V&vg DepaTtnw79 of CukuralResouices WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ;,rv/A Date ; f —/-%'?Flow Reading; $ 3 yE00° Chlorine ;233LBS. HVAC . Pond Condition ;-,-- Pump System I Pump System II Comments ; B.C. PSI. 2 `f Z n A.C. PSI. G L WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector Date ; c - V-97 Flow Reading, 3 y-y coo Chlorine a ZLBS. HVAC . Pond Condition; Pump System I Pump System 11 Comments ; B.C. PSI. y Z Lj Z A.C. PSI. 7 o ;,r-0 WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector, — ,j Date- I-; ; Flow Reading; S 70o6v Chlorinep.3cCILBS. HVAC . ✓ Pond Condition ; ✓ Pump System I Pump System II Comments ; B.C. PSI. L/ Z 4 z A.C. PSI. 2 G G WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector; �u ,v Date ; � - /y. Flow Reading ; 7�pocr� Chlorine ;o4 LBS. HVAC . Pond Condition; ✓ ; Pump System I Pump System 11 Comments B.C. PSI. A.C. PSI. z ZC� V7V REED GOLD MINE W aSTEN1 ATER PLANT Operator :,fUtl+ Date. r? 3 f gTump systemQ II Field Irrigated I Time Started q Od Stoped Total .3: N6:volume pumped start 0 ;2 Hvdraulic loading of fields (-fields l y 11 Daily \k eekl%- 1 earn• ZJ-1 `feather for Dav .1/x4t - `laintenance of cover croos . Items that need repair. omments . stoped . 53 y.q�o total . _ r coo a J�' REED COLD MINE WASTENNATER PL.a.%,'F Operator . ate . —)-5'?Pump system 1 C Field Irrigated 1 dD Dime Started .�;p� stoped :17 0e'rotal .�-'/DVolume pumped start. ; 3,;f2 0 Hydraulic loadin<7 of fields stoped : g3yE ooa Fields I II total _ G/OD© Daily • O�v l9 Weekly 6 �-v Yearly -2-1026. , , Weather for Day . /�,/k ��Maintenance of cover crops Items that need repair * Comments ; REED GOLD MINE WASTEWATER PLANT Operator Date : _ y.q� Pump systerr) II Field Irrigated I0 Time Started. �. pD Stoped . / 2; go Total . 5• ck'olume pumped start : q�3y 6 00 Hydraulic loading of fields stoped Helds I 11 total Daily \� eekh 1 early5 � / 2� eather for Day Maintenance of cover crops . Items that need repair . Comments . REED COLD MINE WASTEWATER PLA.N'F Operator _ � �,-/� Date. Pump system 1 Il Field Irrigated 1 1 ime Started Stoped . yp Total .3 , yd'olume pumped start. 3 S 01 00 Hydraulic loading of fields stoped . 3 SYLYe:� Fields I II total . 4f DGG Daily 05��f. Weekly (6 3 YearIv JAG Weather for Day . v���2z� Maintenance of cover crops ; Items that need repair ; Comments ; REED GOLD MINE W'ASTEWaTER PLANT Operator :Tk,,,y Date: Pump syste< II Field Irrigated I �IJ Time Started ; c(.,c).o Stoped : / 7, yaTotal ,514o`'olume pumped start : g 3-5 41yclo Hydraulic loading of fields stoped . g 355 c_oe, Fields 1 11 total. Daily \� eekly ys ) <"IenthOY 3 zI6 1 early � � a, 6 7G >7G eather for Dav . Maintenance of cover crops . items that need repair . Comments . REED GOLD .MINE WASTEWATER PLANT Operator, ,4 Date. Q-iz.-gWump system 1 � Field lm<lated 1 Q 1-ime Started : c-'w Stoped :;?: yv Total . y o Volume pumped start Hv_ draulic loading of fields stoped Fields 1 II total Daily -- — -- v ICI o S�9 Weekly rnoP01Y Yearly Weather for Dav , �12 Maintenance of cover crops ; Items that need repair ; Comments ; REED GOLD MINE NVASJ, NVaTER PLANT Ooera:or : '-�iz�LUate : _/3 Pump syste I II Field Irrigated I CLY Time Started .�•GU Stoped -iz, yo Total ..3.'YA'olume pumped start $ 3' Hvdraulic loading of fields sloped Fields l y lI total. Daily Div ---- - - eekl%- lytv'ti1j�y - Y9/y 1 eariv ,� -Y 7,6 5- eather for Day . ze,. ' Maintenance of coy er crops . Items that need repair . C omments . REED COLD N11VE NVASTEWaTER PLANT Operator .;Tug Date . 4� —15 Pump system 1 Field ItTluated 1 11 I ime Started . yo e, Stoped : i ? -ei&-Total-Jyo%-olume pumped start. 3660 Hydraulic loading of fields Stoped Fields I II total. �jOl-�li Daily Weekly Yearly Weather for Day . i-L� Maintenance of cover crops ; Items that need repair ; Comments ; WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ; j u,,}� Date ; — Zy 9 low Reading 3 76 00,o Chlorine; `� I.B S. HVAC . ✓Pond Condition -- Pump System I Pump System II Comments ; B.C. PSI. Z- A.C. PSI. 70 2�0 WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector Date Flow Reading ChlorineLBS. HVAC . Pond Condition; Pump System I Pump System 11 Comments; Qu'w an B.C. PSI. ti Lj Z A.C. PSI. z O Z O WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector, Date ; q _1 i Flow Reading; .� 2 `I�'O Chlorine ; 27 G LBS. HVAC. Pond Condition; LZ Pump System I Pump System II Comments ; B.C. PSI. 7 2 � A.C. PSI. 7� WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector; �,y Date; 9 — ly-yjFlow Reading; $- y 7$ ��� � Chlorine ; z ac•LBS. HVAC. ti Pond Condition; Pump System 1 Pump System 11 Comments ; B.C. PSI. 117 L/ z A.C. PSI. Z D 0, f REED GOLD NIINE NV S ENS aTER PLANT Operator :vrWN Date 7..tf�Pump systeml) II Field IrnLatedO II -time Started. i0oc, Stoped ;5 ,0e Total . 7,OVolume pumped start. $ 3 `?DO 0e Hvdraulic loading_ of fields E fields I 11 Daik. S 2.3 ee&- J1V0'�I 1 early Y , D6 Y$ 3) 2 ZZ stoped .'�? S_Z Oo total . 9 2 DD eather for Day . G12 Maintenance of cover crops - � u4 ltems that need repair - Comments . run o,�� IS/Inc,.�or> 2319- REED GOLD MINE WASTENVATER PL.-ANT Uperator .,,v)} Date . 7-57-�17 Pump system 1 11 field Irngated� 11 I-ime Started Stoped .:5 rO Cotal 1. 30Volume pumped start . $ 3 W z 0d Hv_ draulic loading or fields Fields I v lI Daily , -;Z / ? 0 ---- ---- Weekly e y0� 3 iumrrth)y y p 3 -- --- -- — Yearly .2 �l 3,) 2 z z Weather for Day . z Maintenance of cover crops ; Items that need repair ; Comments ; stoped . 'r, I 157%00 total . / 0 6 o a V�v REED GOLD MINE NVASTENVaTER PLANT Ooera:or - cj 4/)J Date -Y7 Pump systetrl II Field Irri�_atedO) II Time Started Stoped - /:.30 Total 5-a)Volume pumped start - 3TI 51"V s Hydraulic loading of fields stoped 3 9 6%00 Fields I 11 q total Daily \ti eelcly , 5 LI65 nay . s y ds 1 early- 3 :2 0 .3, / 72 2 eather for Day_ (.ve'44w,.,_ Maintenance of co% er crops - Items that need repair . C-ommentsurlci����.caLi- r 5 fP c91c REED COLD MINE WASTEN:AnR PL.ati"C Operator . _fj14 Date Pump system 1% Field lm<7atedOj 11 I-ime Started : q 0 Stoped . — cw Total .�. ?oVolume pumped start - 3 ej 1, c Hydraulic loading of fields stot)ed Fields I II Daily -- jyt�;,���� , 74 early _�,LZ Z Weather for Day . /L2 Maintenance of cover crops Items that need repair ; Comments ; total - /,,) REED GOLD MINE WASTEWATER PLANT Operator : Jw t4 Date. `( y-q?Pump systema CI Field Irrigatedo II Time Started 0 Stoped . y tc;,e) Total : 3C''olume pumped start : I ya ; z co Hydraulic loadinu of fields stoped Fields l 11 total . /D G �_ Ualiy , 1. 1�� eekly p levol ik i 17f 1 eariy Z eat her for Day _ntenance of corer crops . !:ems that need repair . Comments . REED COLD MINE NVAs,rEN aTER PLANT Operator . J , / g Date .7—12.47Pump system 10 Field lmuated 011 Time Started -`mac) Stoped . .'ve) Total 4 30Voiume pumped start . 't� 7 a� Hydraulic loading of fields stoped Fields I II total . Daily Weekly rLzmr th ►y r , 14 � y ---- -- Yearly Weather for Day . �c�.,u�� Maintenance of cover crops ; Items that need repair ; Comments ; I PPV REED GOLD MINE WASTENVATER PLANT Operator -.LJ-a-,14 Date. 2^mp system (D H Field Irrivated I Time Started . �; '�' Stoped - 5-. ce; Total - c-/ -3�'olume pumped start Q'5 C e,, Hydraulic loadinu of fields stoped e) Hefds I 11 to tal Daiiy eekl%- 7 eariv 1-i /I eather for Day . Maintenance of cc% er croos Items that need repair. Commems. Z- -17 -e tK 60-2-dc-, REED GOLD MINE WASTENVA,rER PLA.N'F Operator Date _-,Pump system 1 11) Field Imuated I I f-ime Started. Stoped . Total Volume pumped start . Hydraulic loadina of fields stoned . Fields I II total . Daily Weekly Yearly Weather for Day Maintenance of cover crops Items that need repair Comments J WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector° jw# Date ;q_Z,�--g? Flow Reading; g ys 1000 Chlorine gz�: LBS. HVAC . `- Pond Condition.; Pump System I Pump System H Comments ; B.C. PSI. L-f -I- A.C. PSI. 2 v WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ; rwH-Date ; /o - 3 -y7 Flow Reading, $ 56 BO Chlorines ),5 LBS. HVAC . ►/ Pond Condition; Pump System I Pump System 11 Comments ; B.C. PSI. z/ 2 1-1Z A.C. PSI. 20 2 WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ; jW 4 Date; 10, 10--�71ow Reading; ;556 6 000 Chlorine ;,oyLBS. HVAC . .- Pond Condition ; +� Pump System I Pump System II Comments; B.C. PSI. 2 y z A.C. PSI. 6 2 WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ;,7w-4 Date ; I U-{ % _Flow Reading 6 6 oQo Chlorine ;Zo('% LBS. HVAC . (,,- Pond Condition;---' Pump System 1 Pump System 11 Comments; B.C. PSI. t-j -L A.C. PSI. 2 0 2 0 REED GOLD MINE WASTEWATER PLANT Operator : J w N Date : q — 2-6-`r?Pump system I) H Field Irrigated I CC Time Started _ $,' 3o Stoped Total : J' 3�A'olume pumped start Hvdraulic loadinu of fields stoped e/ ,S/ Fields t v I.J. rV�c9=1i�jl ►' �� ,L L '7�_ G S eat ner for Dav . Maintenance of cover crops . items that neea reoatr . (-ommert_ . total REED (TOLD MINE WASTEWNATER PLANT Operator . Ju4) Date . 9 - z- 5- Pump system l (7115 field lmpted I. 1 ime Started Stoped . —oo Total h�'r Volume pumped start . � �i6ao Hvdraulic loading of fields Helds t v II G CIZ1 Daily GIZI �leekly - Yearly Weather for Dav . Maintenance of cover crops ; Items that need repair ; Comments ; stoped . VSS-a6 total . y S-'u REED GOLD MINE WASTENN ATER PLANT Operator :Ju/u Date : 9-3 `/dump system I II° Field Irrigated I Time Started . 9;cr, Stoped . J JTotal . 2W�lume Dumped start Hydraulic loading of fields Fields 1 11 Dail", G G. y \k eekly 1 i5j p'►it.�sn t� 1 y � 3> 1 early e. L^ eather for Day 5u / l W"'�`laintenanee of co\ er crow . Items that need repair . omments . � q SSA cc stoned _ �� `� S� oc 3 ;aU total . --- -- _-- REED GOLD MINE WASTEN.ATER PLANT Operator . —v✓ 14 Date. , �(-qi Pump systemo 11 Field lm.gate 1 11 rime Started. Stoped . Fotai _ Volume pumped start . Hvaraulic loadins or fields stoped . `�� 5 ✓ C�� Fields I II total. Daily G 3 Weekly NiGn they ---- Yearly Weather for Day Items that need repair ; Maintenance of cover crops . Comments ; REED GOLD MINE W ASTEN'VATER PLANT Ooerator :,miff Date :/,�/ ? -Pump system I� Field Irrivated II Time Started . Stoped . Total : Volume oumoed star Hvdraulic loadinz of fields Fields I 11 vain• eeki ykic7,t�h` 'i early \� eather for Day ltzms that need repair. stoped . cCSIf 7�6�Dd 1 3 total . C Z ge2 Maintenance of cover crops - Comments . REED GOLD MINE WASTEWATER PLANT Uperator . Juj,4 Date . /e-? -�Iump systerrof 11 Field lrrisate 1 Time Stared . Stoped : -Total - Volume pumped star Hvclraulic loading of fields stoped Fields I II total - 7- L� Dailv 7 2,7 %k-eekly 7� On rh lV Yeariv Weather for Dav . Maintenance of cover crops Items that need repair ; Comments - REED GOLD N11NE «aSTE« 1'ER PLANT Opera�or .-c-7u/Ef Date. 90 ..y-q?Pump system I 6 Field Irrivated I II Time Started . Stoped . Total . Volume pumped start _ o� Hydraulic loadinU of fields Stoped . co 1-ields l 11 f total . Daii%' �� eei;ly tj 1 eariv %� eather for Da,. Items that need repair Maintenance of coy er crops . (-omments . C i REED GOLD IEN E W �S 'E%V,a"I ER PL.�`"r Operator - . jk,i Date. /U-- '�mp systertl 11 Field Irrigate C�, Time Started . Stoped . Total _ Volume pumped start. Hverauiic loading of fields stoned . Fields I v II total Daily - - ! n y 2 W eekly Yearly Weather for Day . Items that need repair , Maintenance of cover crops Comments ; REED GOLD lti11NE WASTEWATER PLANT Operator ;f� Date ; jQ 4—`F,?�ump systerO 11 Field lrrigate 1 1 rime Started ; Stoped : Total ; Volume pumped start Hydraulic loading of fields Fields 1 lI Daily Weekly Yearly Weather for Day, Items that need'repair ; Maintenance of cover crops ; Comments ; total. nr �,o WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ; jw4l3ate ; [t) -z q-f;klow Reading; 1 S4 6 ,-o Chlorine toy LBS. HVAC . -/ Pond Condition; r Pump System I Pump System II Comments; B.C. PSI. A.C. PSI.G 2 0 WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector;- � Date ; 1p--31-qflow Reading; 5106aoa Chlorine ;zo4BS. HVAC .. V/ Pond Condition ; ✓ Pump System I Pump System 11 Comments B.C. PSI. A.C. PSI. 2 2 C) WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ; juv4 Date; 1 1 - 7 11low Reading; $ 6 39106 Chlorine; I q 6 LBS. HVAC . t-' Pond Condition; 1�,- Pump System I Pump System II Comments ; B.C. PSI. -1 Z, q �- A.C. PSI. Ze-f ZC--�' WEEKLY INSPECTION OF WASTEWATER PLANT Inspector ;�� *Date ; j 1 t0 Flow Reading ; I �, 31 goo Chlorine ; t 96 LBS. HVAC . ✓ Pond Condition; D' o J V r �.v a►� 1� o� 5 % c��s Pump System I Pump System 11 Comments; B.C. PSI. A.C. PSI. REED GOLD MINE WASTE` ATER PLANT Operator . j) J/J- Date. f� _3 u p sv:>tem I(II d I II� Field Irrivat Time Started , Stoped . Total _ Volume pumped start . '356 G Gd6 Hvdraulic IoadinC1 of fields stoped . helds I 11 total. Z��� ---- Uatl�,� ifl �� eekly 1 eariv �� eather for Da,. Items that need repair . Maintenance or' co% er croos _ omments . REED COLD `ILNE VVASTE�4ATER PLANT Operator . J-jz/If Date .� 1_ q--Q?ump systenCl)11 Field lmuate 1 11 rime Started . Stoped . Total . olume pumped start . Hvdraulic loadinu of fields stoped . Fields I II Daily r total . nj �k eekly Yearly Weather for Dav Items that need repair ; Maintenance of cover crops ; Comments ; REED GOLD MINE WASTEWATER PLANT Upera:or ..7&j4 Date. p_Pump system I Field Irn'uate III Time Started . Stoped : Total , Volume pumped start Hydraulic loadinu of fields stoped . Jr 2 2 %6 Helds l II n Dd totai . f 9 ©0& Daii,V• D �� eeKly 1 early eather for Dav . Items that need repair _ 1 Maintenance of cover crops . (-omments . REED COLD NI1\E WaSTEV.ATER PLANT Operator. jiz H- Date. //-6—�.imp system 1 11 field lmpted 1 11 Lime Started. Stoped . Total . Volume pumped start : �� 6 Z-/OC Hvaraulic loadtn2 of fields stoped . 219 <:7�G Fields I v II Daily -- - �L eekly Yearly Weather for Day Items that need repair ; e7 Maintenance of cover crops ; Comments ; total . C ' /G'G —r 7043570962 BFI-WNC DIV #2e40 279 P02 NOV 07 197 12:15 r J November 7, 1997 Mr, Pressley Wicker Tri-State Consultants, Inc. P. O. Box 5402 Greensboro, NC 27435 RE: heed Gold Mine Historic Site Settling Lagoon bear Pressley: On November 6, 1997, I contacted Bill Holcutt with DEHNER. regardit& a settling lagoon located at the Reed Oold Mne in CabamLs County. Bill, upon hearing a roll up otdw situation, referred i to 'Ted Lyon, also in his office, whose position is to deal specifically witb aptage within the State: On the basis of the waste description, Ted referred me to Itick Doby in the Mooresville office because of his proximity to the lagoon and his knowledge of this specific loc4ijon. After Ustetung to `a description and explanation o£the material, Rick said he would ,not have a pablem with its going in' the CMS landfill. I also spoke with Rex Gleason v i*h the DEM's Water Quality who said he sw no problem with thus waste going to BPI's CMS landfill. He was ihmlliar with Reed Gold taws historic site's lagoon permit. Per this information and approval from the state and Urs corporate appllwral, BFY will landfill thin. waste at the Charlotte Motor Speedway Undfid, located in Cabarrus County, the week of'Nove�ber 10, 1997. We appreciate your help in this matter. If you have any reservations concandig our management of Ws waste at our Subtitle D thcility (permit #1304), then please contact ram. Sincerely, T. C. Heller Account Executive /dwo cc: Bill Holcutt, Solid Waste Division Rex Gleason, Director Surface Water Quality Dave Conrad, District Vice President, BFI NC Landfills 4944 Parkway Plaza Blvd, - Suite 400 - Chmiotte, North Carolina 28217 Phone 704-357-0892 - Fax 704,-357-0962 www. bfi.corn 20%P**Cvnwmar State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director JEFFREY W. HELMS NCD OF CUL RES-REED GOLD MINE 109 E. JONES ST. RALEIGH, NC 27611 Dear Permittee: AIVA T4ra o J EDEHNF=1 September 22, 1997 31. Subject: PERMIT NO. WQ0006946 NCD OF CUL RES-REED GOLD MINE CABARRUSCOUNTY Our files indicate that the subject --permit issued on 7/21/93 expires on 6/30/98. We have not received a request for renewal from you as of this date. A renewal request shall consist of a letter asking for permit renewal, the appropriate permit application processing fee, and four (4) copies of a completed application. For permitted facilities with treatment works, a narrative description of the residuals management plan, which is in effect at the permitted facility, must also be submitted with the renewal application. Applications may be returned to the applicant if not accompanied by the processing fee or are incomplete. Please find attached a copy of the processing fee schedule, as found in 15 NCAC 2H .0205(c). The processing fee for your facility is based on the type of facility and/or the permitted flow. Processing fees for land application of residuals are based on the total acres of land permitted. The processing fee does not apply to any farmer who submits an application which pertains to his/her farming operation. The check or money order should be made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR). The Environmental Management Commission adopted rules on October 1, 1990, requiring the payment of an annual fee for most permitted facilities. You will be billed separately for that fee (if applicable) after your permit is approved. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Please be advised that this permit must not be allowed to expire. You must submit the renewal request at least 180 days prior to the permit's expiration date, as required by the 15 NCAC 2H .0211. Renewal requests received less than 180 days prior to permit expiration will be required to pay the full NEW APPLICATIONS/ MODIFICATION/ LATE RENEWALS fee rather than the reduced TIMELY RENEWALS WITHOUT MODIFICATIONS fee. Failure to request a renewal at least 180 days prior to the permit expiration date and/or operation of a facility without a valid permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties. NCGS 143-215.6 allows for the assessment of Civil penalties up to $10,000 per violation per day. The letter requesting renewal, along with the completed Non -discharge Permit Application and the appropriate processing fee, must be sent to: Permits and Engineering Unit Division of Water Quality P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Nancy Owens at 919/ 733- 5083 extension 574. Sincerely, Kim I `C So ,Supervisor State Engineering Review Group cc: 0too'resvi'lle�'Reg"'ionai-Office Central Files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources ` Division of Water Quality 00 James B. Hunt, Jr.; Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary � C A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director C [NJ F1 September 22, 1997 JEFFREY W. HELMS NCD OF CUL RES-REED GOLD MINE 109 E. JONES ST. RALEIGH, NC 27611 Subject: PERMIT NO. WQ0006946 NCD OF CUL RES-REED GOLD MINE CABARRUSCOUNTY Dear Per7iittee: Our files indicate that the subject permit issued on 7/21/93 expires on 6/30/98. We have not received a request for renewal from you as of this date. A renewal request shall consist of a letter asking for permit renewal, the appropriate permit application processing fee, and four (4) copies of a completed application. For permitted facilities with treatment works, a narrative description of the residuals management plan, which is in effect at the permitted facility, must also be submitted with the renewal application. Applications may be returned to the applicant if not accompanied by the processing fee or are incomplete. Please find attached a copy of the processing fee schedule, as found in 15 NCAC 2H .0205(c). The processing fee for your facility is based on the type of facility and/or the permitted flow. Processing fees for land application of residuals are based on the total acres of land permitted. The processing fee does not apply to any farmer who submits an application which pertains to his/her farming operation. The check or money order should be made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (DEHNR). The Environmental Management Commission adopted rules on October 1, 1990, requiring the payment of an annual fee for most permitted facilities. You will be billed separately for that fee (if applicable) after your permit is approved. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper 91 4 Please be advised that this permit must not be allowed to expire. You must submit the renewal request at least 180 days prior to the permit's expiration date, as required by the 15 NCAC 2H .0211. Renewal requests received less than 180 days prior to permit expiration will be required to pay the full NEW APPLICATIONS/ MODIFICATION/ LATE RENEWALS fee rather than the reduced TIMELY RENEWALS WITHOUT MODIFICATIONS fee. Failure to request a renewal at least 180 days prior to the permit expiration date and/or' operation of a facility without a valid permit may result in the assessment of civil penalties. NCGS 143-215.6 allows for the assessment of Civil penalties up to $10,000 per violation per day. The letter requesting renewal, along with the completed Non -discharge Permit Application and the appropriate processing fee, must be sent to: Permits and Engineering Unit Division of Water Quality P. O. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Nancy Owens at 919/ 733- 5083 extension 574. Sincerely, r Kim it e6lso .�., Supervisor State Engineering Review Group cc: Mooresville Regional Office Central Files EHNR - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT TISA: 02H .0200 (39) "Staff" means the staff of the Division of Environmental Management, Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. (40) "Stormwater" is defined in G.S. 143, Article 21. (41) "Subsurface ground absorption sewage disposal system" means a waste disposal method which distributes waste beneath the ground surface and relies primarily on the soil for leaching and removal of dissolved and suspended organic or mineral wastes. Included are systems for public or community sewage systems and systems which are designed for the disposal of industrial wastes. Land application systems utilizing subsurface residual injection are not included. (42) "Surface waters" means all waters of the state as defined in G.S. 143-212 except underground waters. (43) "Toxicity test" means a test for toxicity conducted using the procedures contained in 40 CFR 261, Appendix II which is hereby incorporated by reference including any subsequent amendments and editions. Copies of this publication are available from the Government Institutes, Inc., 4 Research Place, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20850-1714 for a cost of thirty-six dollars ($36.00) each plus four dollars ($4.00) shipping and handling. Copies are also available for review at the Division of Environmental Management, Archdale Building, 512 N. Salisbury Street, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535. (44) "Treatment works or disposal system which does not discharge to surface waters" means any treatment works, facility or disposal system which is designed to: (a) operate as closed system with.no discharge to waters of the state, or (b) dispose/utilize of wastes, including residuals, residues, contaminated soils and animal waste, to the surface of the land, or (c) dispose of wastes through a subsurface absorption system. (45) "Waste oil" means any used nonhazardous petroleum product other than crankcase oil. Crankcase oil mixed with other used nonhazardous petroleum products will be considered as waste oil. History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-335; 143-213; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. February 1, 1976, Amended Eff. September 1, 1995; February 1, 1993; August 1, 1988, November 1, 1987. .0204 ACTIVITIES WHICH REQUIRE A PERMIT No person shall do any of the things or carry out any of the activities contained in G.S. 143-215. 1 (a)(1) thru (11) until or unless the person shall have applied for and received a permit from the Director (or if appropriate an approved local sewer system program) and shall have complied with the conditions prescribed in the permit. History Note: Authority G.S. 130A-335; 143-215.1; 143-215.3(a)(1); Eff. February 1, 1976; Amended Eff. September 1, 1995; October 1, 1987,• February 1, 1986. .0205 APPLICATION: FEES: SUPPORTING INFORMATION: REQUIREMENTS (a) Jurisdiction. Applications for sewer system extensions under the jurisdiction of a local sewer system program shall be made in accordance with applicable local laws and ordinances. Applications for permits from the Division shall be made in accordance with this Rule as follows. (b) Applications. Application for a permit must be made in triplicate on official forms completely filled out, where applicable, and fully executed in the manner set forth in Rule .0206 of this Section. A processing fee as described herein must be submitted with each application in the form of a check or money order made payable to N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Applications may be returned if not accompanied by the processing fee or are incomplete. The signature of the consulting engineer or other agent will be accepted on the application only if accompanied by a letter of authorization. (c) Permit Fees. (1) Permit Application Processing Fee. For every application for a new or revised permit under this Section, a nonrefundable application processing fee in the amount stated in Subparagraph (5) of this Paragraph shall be submitted at the time of application. (A) Each permit or renewal application is incomplete until the application processing fee is received; (B) For a facility with multiple treatment units under a single permit, the processing fee shall be set by the total design treatment capacity; (C) No processing fee will be charged for modification of unexpired permits when the modifications are initiated by the Director; (D) A processing fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) will be charged for name changes. Name changes NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 04123197 Page 4 �H�rR _ENVIRONMENTAL MA[vAvcnl��1 •�-�� requested at the time of permit renewal, with no other changes, will be charged the renewal without modification fee; (E)' A full application processing fee will be charged for all modifications except for name changes; this fee will be in the same amount as shown in Subparagraph (5) of Paragraph (c) of this Rule for new applications/modifications . (F) Permittees requesting new or modified special orders by consent, judicial orders or flow increases under G.S. 143-215.67(b), will pay a fee of four hundred dollars ($400.00) (2) Annual Administering and Compliance Monitoring Fees. An annual fee for administering and compliance monitoring shall be charged in each year of the term of every renewable permit according to the schedule in Subparagraph (5) of this Paragraph. Annual fees will not be charged for permits which do not require renewal. (A) Collection of annual fees shall begin on the effective date of this Rule. (B) Annual administering and compliance monitoring fees must be paid for any facility operating on an expired permit after the effective date of this Rule. The Director shall establish an anniversary date for such a facility and notify the responsible parry of the requirement to pay annual fees. (C) For a facility with multiple treatment units under a single permit, the annual administering and compliance monitoring fee shall be set by the single treatment system with the highest fee in the fee schedule. (D) A person with only one permit will be billed annually on an anniversary date to be determined by the Division. This will normally be the first day of the month of permit issuance. (E) A person with multiple permits may have annual administering and compliance monitoring fees consolidated into one annual bill. (F) Any permittee which has maintained full compliance with all permit conditions during the previous calendar year will have its administering and compliance monitoring annual fee reduced by 25 percent. Permittees operating under interim limits, judicial orders, or special orders by consent will not be eligible for any discount. Full compliance will be established if it can be certified by the Director that no Notice of Noncompliance, Notice of Violation or penalty assessment was sent to the permittee during the compliance period being considered. If a Notice of Noncompliance or Notice of Violation was based on erroneous information, the Director can send a letter of correction to the permittee clearing the record for compliance purposes. (G) A change in the facility which changes the annual fee set by Subparagraph (5) of Paragraph (c) of this Rule will result in the revised annual fee being billed in all remaining whole permit years. (H) Closed -loop recycle or evaporative systems, which store or recycle industrial waste and do not discharge to the surface water, groundwater or land surface, shall be charged a constant annual administering and compliance monitoring fee for all sizes of facilities at the fee amount shown by Subparagraph (5) of Paragraph (c) of this Rule. (3) No fees are required to be paid under this Rule by a farmer who submits an application or receives a permit that pertains to farming operations. (4) Failure to pay an annual administering and compliance in fee within 30 days after being billed may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke the permit. (5) Schedule of Nondischarge Fees: ANNUAL ADMINISTERING PERMIT APPLICATION AND COMPLIANCE PROCESSING FEE MONITORING FEE NEW TIMELY APPLICATIONS/ RENEWALS IN MODIFICATIONS/ WITHOUT CATEGORY LATE RENEWALS MODIFICATIONS STANDARD COMPLIANCE > 1,000,000 GPD $300. $1500. $1125. Industrial $400. 1200. 900. Sewage/Cooling Water 400. 300. 10,0001 - 1,000,000 GPD 250. 800. 600• Industrial 4�' 450. Sewage/Cooling Water 400. 250. �. NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 04/23/97 Page S EHNR - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT T15A: 02H.0200 1,001 - 10,000 GPD Industrial 400. 200. 600. 450. Sewage/Cooling Water 400. 200. 450. 300. </=1000 GPD and Single family dwelling 240. 120. 0 0 Residuals/Residues/ Compost </=300 acres 400. 250. 600. 450. Residuals/Residues/ Compost > /= 300 acres 400. 250. 1000. 750. Soils Remediation: nondedicated (land application, storage and/or treatment) 400. 200. 0 0 Soils Remediation: dedicated (land application, storage and/or treatment) 400. 200. 300. 225. Sewer extensions (nondelegated) 400. Sewer extensions (delegated to municipalities) 200. Closed -loop recycle or evaporative system 400. 200. 300. 225. (6) If the total payment for fees required for all permits under G.S. 143-215.3(a)(Ib) for any single facility will exceed seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) per year, then the total for all these fees will be reduced for this facility so that the total payment is seventy-five hundred dollars ($7,500.00) per year. (7) A portion of the permit application processing fees shown in the fee schedule in Subparagraph (5) of Paragraph (c) of this Rule will be transferred into the Wastewater Treatment Works Emergency Maintenance, Operation and Repair Fund according to the following schedule: (A) All nonmunicipal facilities treating domestic wastewater with design flows of 100,000 gallons per day or less, except individually permitted single family dwellings and facilities with design flows of less than 1,000 GPD, seventy-five dollars ($75.00); (B) Single family dwellings and facilities with design flows of less than 1,000 GPD, forty dollars ($40.00); and (C) All other facilities, zero. (8) When the total value of the Wastewater Treatment Works Emergency Maintenance, Operation and Repair Fund, as certified by the State Treasurer, is at least seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00) at the end of a quarter, the application processing fees for facilities with capacities of one hundred thousand gallons per day (100,000 GPD) or less shall be reduced by the amounts being transferred under Subparagraph (7) of this Paragraph. This reduction shall continue until, at the end of some subsequent quarter, the State Treasurer certifies that the fund's balance is less than seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000.00), in which case the full amount of the application processing fees as listed in Subparagraph (5) of this Paragraph shall be charged. (9) In order to avoid violation of the limit that total permit fees collected in any year not exceed 30 percent of the total budgets from all sources of environmental permitting and compliance programs, the Division shall in the first half of each state fiscal year project revenues from all sources including fees for the next fiscal year. If this projection shows that the limit will be exceeded, rulemaking shall be commenced in order to have an appropriately adjusted fee schedule which will avoid excessive revenue collection from permit fees. (d) Supporting Documents and Information. This Paragraph outlines those supporting documents and information NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 04123197 Page 6 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor i 1T.C. D a . OF Division of Archives and History Betty Ray McCain, Secretary William S. Price, Jr., Director Er NIATU Reed Gold. Mine 9621 Reed Mine Rd. OCT 6 Stanfield, NC 28163 DIVISION OF Ga+Ji„vii; !;'tL i'rf;M1M1 8 October 1996 „104RES`1I"t-I; RR�Itli''3?ieix� Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Department of Groundwater Attn. Peggy Finley 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Dear Ms. Peggy Finley, I would like to inform you that we missed the July sampling and testing of our groundwater wells. We have been unable to contact the lab that does our sampling and testing. The lab, the D-B Alliance Group, Inc., is answering their phone saying the number is not in service. We checked with the operator to see if the number had been changed and it had not. The phone number for the D-B Alliance Group, Inc. is (704) 587-7404, but the message says 529-4745 is not in service. I have talked to Mike Parker and he notified the person who inspects labs to check on the D-B Alliance Group, Inc. and their affiliate, Blue Ridge Laboratories, Inc. We are getting. a new lab to do the November testing as soon as we get bids approved through our home office in Raleigh. If more testing is needed or other information is needed, you can contact me at (704) 786-8348. Our permit number is WQ0006946. Sincerely, 14-'� q," &/4� Jeffrey W. Helms Reed Gold Mine 109 East Jones Street • Rakigh, North Carolina 27601-2W7 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Vivian Burke, Regional Manager Mr. Ricky Howell North Carolina Department 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina Dear Mr. Howell: DEHNR DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 29, 1993 of Cultural Resources 27611-2807 Subject: Reed Gold Mine Spray Irrigation System Cabarrus County, NC Our records show that Permit No. WQ0006946 was issued on July 21, 1993 for your non -discharge wastewater treatment facility. The purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of the Permit and the liabilities in the event of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit. If you have not already done so, it is requested that you and other appropriate employees thoroughly read the Permit. The Permit sets forth specific performance standards, operation and maintenance requirements, monitoring requirements, plus general conditions applicable to non -discharge permits. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Permit subjects the Permittee to enforcement action pursuant to Section 143-215.6 of the North Carolina General Statutes in the form of civil or criminal penalties. Please note that the subject Permit expires on June 30, 1998. Part VI. 8. of the Permit requires that a renewal request be submitted at least six (6) months prior to expiration. Also the Permit is non -transferable until such time that the Permittee has requested a name change to the new Permittee. 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Telephone 704-663-1699 FAX 704-663-6040 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 60% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper f Mr. Ricky Howell July 29, 1993 Page Two As mentioned previously, the purpose of this letter is to advise you of the importance of your Permit. Please read the Permit and contact this Office at 704/663-1699 in Mooresville if you have any questions or need clarification. We look forward to providing any assistance. KHC Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor N State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Mooresville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Albert F. Hilton, Regional Manager William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 16, 1992 Mr. Jeffrey W. Helms N. C. Department of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection N. C. Dept. of Cultural Resources NPDES Permit No. NC 0006946 Cabarrus County, NC Dear Mr. Helms: Please find enclosed a copy of the Non -Discharge Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted at the subject facility on October 6, 1992, by Mr. Allen Hardy of this Office. The Report should be self-explanatory. If you have any questions concerning this Report, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Hardy or me. Sincerely, D. Rex Gleason, P. E. Water Quality Regional Supervisor Enclosure cc: Cabarrus County Health Department WAH:sl P.O. Box 950, 919 North Main Street, Mooresville, N.C. 28115-0950 • Telephone 704-663-1699 • FAX 704-663.6040 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Non -Discharge Compliance Evaluation Inspection I Name and Location of Facility Inspected. Facility -Type it Spray Irrigation Reed Gold Mine Reed Gold Mine Road south of Concord Permit Number Cabarrus County, North Carolina WQ0006946 Entry Time PM NAM Exit-Time/Date 9:45 11:00 AM 10/6/92 Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s) Title(s) Norman Long Maintenance Mechanic Phone No.(s) 704/786-8348 Name, Address of Responsible Official Title Jeffrey W. Helms N. C. Department of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Phone No. 704/733-7862 Permit Effective Date I Permit Expiration Date 1Contacted XI Yes No F1 March 31, 1988 March 31, 1993 Areas Evaluated During Inspection (S=Satisfactory, M=Marginal, U=Unsatisfactory, N=Not Evaluated) S Permit Records/Reports Facility Site Review M Operations & Maintenance Self -Monitoring Report Other /A. N/A S j Summary of Findings/Comments (Attach additional sheets if necessary) Permit The Permit expires on March 31, 1993. Facility Site Review The polishing pond was covered with duck weed. Aquathol-K is being added to control the growth of the duck weed. The spray fields and their associated appurtenances appeared to be working adequately. Operations and Maintenance The operator stated that the septic tank had not been pumped in a long-time. Proper inspection and maintenance should be performed on the septic tank routinely. A septage Names and Signature(s) of Inspectors) Agency/Office/Telephone Date W. Allen Harder-- DEM/MRO/(704) 663-1699 10/6/92 Lon Reed Gold Mine `F Page Two hauler should be properly licensed for disposal of the septage in an approved manner. t -w (FORM44.GW) PERMNOV.GW 5/8/92 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Date: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED RE: Notice of Violation of Permit Conditions Permit No. WQ o660'/� GW T a o2 5:2 CG f�cuV q S County, N.C. Dear A(I (4C f vn S A review of the subject permit and your 4 l r53 C"ojaGi q 3 (date) compliance monitoring data indicates that you are in violation of the following permit condition(: Permit Condition No . ,, (���� -Pa i f, ., r -16 e Sctj-" le LL I , -Cor TD�(�' SC.1c,0evlG� vl SU bets Ll It (Wells -iC)( I2er led l-A(4 f^, 0"d �- -re ca( eol: korm anae tiiu� 3 You are requested t-e—subm-ice �c�,-c �_/i, et view �o�c. �e�•� �Fy�c� so,,,"Ole- --or - OR � iC�(1!`rtG� /JG�Is.vJ�e Kff �ec'i�s 4t /d4Ir Slry.7�iJ / ea,-,,.4sS A5,,, 1;4S SAoa & Liz r' s"(0.�,-'e*-"/, 3,/ /-z -k",C S�"eG,`(,'eve i 44- within da-y-s—of----ec -ipt o-f—t-hrs— et-ter—o-r—an e-x-p-l-ana�i-on—Gf—why—y-ou—ca-rino-t—comp3-y, It should be noted that the violations cited above and any additional documented violations could result in the initiation of an enforcement action by this Office in accordance with General Statute 143.215.6A, which provides for a $10,000 assessment of civil penalties for each violation. Each day that the violation(s) continue(s) may be considered a separate violation. ,-\ d d; n 4 e /'eq m� /e --(r -(�J4(7y /,•-5 /e %.te5 tS �V"4� "CJ icGeFd G.ak-4 S`e y�At�e-,6,�4 deecclPr.c Page Two spould �o��e any questions concerning this Notice, contact <' /N L at ( 704 ) 663-1 699 . Sincerely, Brenda J. Smith, P.G. Regional Supervisor cc: Rex Gleason, Mooresville Water Quality Section Bob Cheek, Permits and Compliance Unit /pl ds.. SCAT£ o ti CEIVED � 111yIsION OF ENVIOONMENIPL MANP6Es1E0 •� �.,•. MAR 10 1959 �o E rth Carolina Department of Cultural Resources UGID14AL QUO James G. Martin, Governor Division of Archives and History Patric Dorsey, Secretary- March 7, 1989 William S. Price, Jr., Director Mr. Arthur Mouberry, Supervisor Permits and Engineering 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, N. C. 27611 Subject: Permit No. 3509R1 Reed Gold Mine State Historic Site Cabarrus County Dear Mr. Mouberry: Please be informed that your January 17, 1989 letter to me regarding the above mentioned subject arrived in my office on February 22, 1989• A meeting was held with Mr. Jesse Wells, Hydrogeologic Technician of the Mooresville Regional Office on February 28, 1989. The accessibility problems that we had with the proposed monitor well locations were addressed and the locations were sited. We are now contacting well drillers and hope to have the monitor wells installed within the time frame specified. Special thanks is due to Mr. Wells for his professional and practical understanding of our situation. Sincerely yours, J. R`i Y Howell Operations Chief Historic Sites Section JRI1/bee cc: Jesse Wells John Dysart, Reed Gold Mine 109 EastJones Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 (919) 733-7305 RECEIVEEY (SIYLSIOf� "' ""P111114ENTAL MAIMe EMEfa hV[zssyaccaa PF9 21 1989 WORESVILLE State of North Carolina HECIOnAL QEDCO Departmentfo Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management _ _ =:r _ . 51.2 North S<-disbury_St-eet.!_Ral9igh,-.North .Carolina.27Ell_. _ James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Mr. J. Ricky Howell Operation Chief Historic Sites Section Department of Cultural Resources 109 East Jones Street Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Dear Mr. Howell: January 17, 1989 Subject: Permit No. 3509R1 Reed Gold Mine Carbarrus County R. Paul Wilms Director On August 3, 1988, you requested that condition 17 of the subject permit be extended to allow for additional time so that the Historic Sites Section could comply with the requirement to install monitoring wells . This request was received five months after the issuance of the permit. An additional four months have passed since the request was received. Our groundwater staff has indicated that through discussions with you that you felt that there was site -accessibility problems in locating the monitoring wells. Our Mooresville Regional Office is available to work with you on the siting of the wells. Given the amount of time that has elasped it is felt that sufficient time has been available to evaluate the alternatives to comply with the permit condition, therefore no additional time will be granted. The required monitoring wells are to be installed within 60 days of receipt of this letter. If this decision is unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statues, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer If you have further questions in. this matter, please call Mr. Arthur Mouberry n 711-rnoq ;'Sinter ly,.-' R. Paul Wilms cc: Permits and Engineering Mooresville Regional Office Groundwater Section DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT November 1, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: D. Rex Gleason SUBJECT: Reed Gold Mine Permit No. 3509R1 Cabarru.s County, North Carolina Eric Klingel, Hydrogeological Regional Supervisor in this Office, has reviewed a request from Mr. Ricky Howell, Department of Cultural Resources, to extend the permitted date for construction of groundwater monitoring wells. Mr. Howell's request was made by letter dated August 3, 1988. The subject Permit was issued March 2, 1988, and required construction of the -wells within 90 days of the issuance date. Approximately eight months have passed since issuance of the Permit. Furthermore, approximately three months have passed since the date of Mr. Howell's letter. It appears that the Permittee has had more than ample time to evaluate cost, etc. and have the wells constructed; therefore, no further extension should be,/granted. Mr. Howell should also be informed that continued noncompliance will result in an enforcement recommendation. I you have questions, cc: /Eric Klingel Bill Reid DRG:se please advise. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT November 1, 1988 MEMORANDUM TO: Arthur Mouberry FROM: D. Rex Gleason SUBJECT: Reed Gold Mine Permit No. 3509R1 Cabarrus County, North Carolina Eric Klingel, Hydrogeological Regional Supervisor in this Office, has reviewed a request from Mr. Ricky Howell, Department of Cultural Resources, to extend the permitted date for construction of groundwater monitoring wells. Mr. Howell's request was made by letter dated August 3, 1988. The subject Permit was issued March 2, 1988, and required construction of the wells within 90 days of the issuance date. Approximately eight months have passed since issuance of the Permit. Furthermore, approximately three months have passed since the date of Mr. Howell's letter. It appears that the Permittee has had more than.ample time to evaluate cost, etc. and have the wells constructed; therefore, no further extension should be granted. Mr. Howell should also be informed that continued noncompliance will result in an enforcement recommendation. If you have questions, please advise. cc: Eric Klingel Bill Reid DRG:se --� �� '~`^~—' P.,J^� UOT2Qi9eo hJo~+h Carolina Department Of CDY~~--/ JamesG. Martin �u�mor , �-�- L�visioh ' �C�r�h1v�and��istorp Patric Dorsey, Secretary _A�gu�t'3^_lg88-' --' — — William Price, Jr., Director '— Mr. Arthur Mouberry Department of Natural ~--- \ l^6�� and Community Devel ^ Division of Environm� 512 N. Salisbury Stre Raleigh, N. C. 27011 Dear Mr. ou erry: M b l am writing to you division ^' ^ it �o 3509Rl issued by your on Maro[ } \, storiu Site. ��`*�-�� Item #17 of the permit `��^��~�� l �'�^n~^x -`^``�n | |groundwuter must be con— structed within QU du 3i /�~ ~~~ u� this letter, T am , requesting the time fo v``�~^��'v~ � . --------�~—" allow the Historic 3itel��ecti- _���'----- elines be extended to on ussens /e �ost, th requirements that our compliance with the guidelines archaeological and location will necessitate. Thank you in advance for your consideration. If additional information is desired , please contact me at (yly) 733-7862. JRH/ee cc: James R. McPherson Terry Harper John Beaver ' Sincerely � - R�z4 Hmvea J. Ricky"Howell Operations Chief Historic Sites Section 109Eay �oncoStrect~ Raleigh, -North Carolina 27611 ^