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404107_Well Construction - GW1_20120402
N.lf MAUL) jtv_prit ., • NAME (printi.a2:1 WELL C:CY. C0311 !:k; SICP !! c:: • - 4I 1_ 0 7 ti Om) ?7,,,I.D9'85 ri[CATION# ;1.1 ? !Ng; 1- (Check App,' Box): Residential 1..:1 114.arLicipaYPublic J Indugrial 0 A ; : 0 M0111; ":: )3 Recovl, Heat Pump Water Injc z.-.1c,n 0 Other 0 H./Other. List Use • • • I. .ASSOCRAMi: 7'0 PERitalli iffly .1 1:11.; cable ) 2. WELL, i :;) Near.) 3 !.• Z): jAdeti!!...!0,01 County tia 44) iti6 OPF PIM') er S•COZ ,;, f L. E'llbdiviston, Lot No., Zip C: 3_ 01101 5-7- E Add! _____ groo (Stmet L. - Zip Code AMD i;; it number 4_ DATJ `, !. LED .2:J 5. TOT.. 'TR: 91p4 6. De IE:E RE1)1.A..t.E. ;13-MG WELL? YES J :NO or 7. STA" P. TN Top of Casine: (Um --+" if Above Too or :;1-.10s) 8_ TOP ( '2. I.r.-ffiNt"G IS 11:: FT_ Above Land sface *T30, t.„.:*014101.0ttee Er.e7 .0'.11 land surface requires ; npw. I. :AC 2C .0118. 9. __40- erAE T.1.101) OF TEST4.Ce'. _ 10. WA1',.. :.!.: .113:a (depti .1: .11 AY ••• 1 1. DIST]. i'.: iON: Typt _ 12. CAS: w.!:......; Well 11,10,11. :is i Divtb ,,, t Diameter or WeiglvdT., Material Frono.71„._ To 0-1..0 ':'....s.,aSc..k I:I 4 Frorn........ ,.... To ... '. :. Praia! To ..:i 13. GRC,Il )T Depth • Material ... Froc...) 0.....„T© •ta 0 .71 ,A.,./10At e, •....... .... • Frerri To 71 14. SC:fl.! i?.......: Depth Frorrl...1.. P. ..._ To.......r.,,. Ffer1. 1 To .:', , .- ,.,.. ...-- in. .......... is. SAN:r." .:?:1, :1/2 'VEL PAC: .';.; Dityth Size Materi.:,t Fro ttio To r; t To _ :1;!,.., AftiOtUlt •••___ 1• •, iktetilod 16. RSN-', • 1):!imueter Slot Size Material .1 yyjn. 0 /6 in. A) e- Z-f 'NOV • ..Wie •.••••••4 01.0.114001 •0.0..1 dinism......140.V., MA • I. •••••• Mpographicibi:A. setting C.1Ridge OSlope E'. 1:811.ey mat (check appropr : t es) Latitude/longitude vi..211 location (degfeesintismit;;. :74;iid.$) Latit§:.sn/longitude source:OC:..PV.71Topographic map r:* iinx) Fror To A a 400 - 3 g ••••••••••••NW.I....,NP.W. LOCATION Shov: .direction and distance miles from at leas two ri Roads or County EcAds, include the road nunatacs, and common rood ray. a We" ° * eitAro,..K" I . . 141.Thrri-,OG foarttion Description Ws* 0.0••I I DO HEEL 1: ,1:11.T.TY :1 WELL WAS CONSTh. .1(TED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISA NCAt. `..VEL By CONSTIZII STAN)/ ..; THAT A PY Ork"7...17,13 RE 'IP KAS E.' :iq PROVIDED TO TF: 0 TRUCT1 StibinOltji to tlth6 a11 Or Water Quality,, Raileiti, 733-7015, vv4tb;),70 ;.:if.) day& RECEIVED 03-26-'112 14:49 FROM- 9103133102 ,r Efion1ko:,,-;agemmeat, 11617 IWii Cester .grtrITM APR 0 2 2012 1.1 T MAR 2 7 2012 forrnation PTOCeS8iF0 Uni )010./P, G P004/011 TO- NC DENE P&S LJL