HomeMy WebLinkAbout407695_Well Construction - GW1_20121001WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ,A. Pa', 0 mi.. 27699-1636 Phone No. (919) 733-3221, within 30 days. North Carolina - Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Water Quality - Groundwater Section WELL CONTRACTOR (INDIVIDUAL) NAME (print) Larry Williford CERTIFICATION # 2863 WELL CONTRACTOR COMPANY NAME Larry Williford's Well Drilling PHONE # (910) 567-2579 STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT# ASSOCIATED WQ PERMIT# (if a licable if a• . licable 1. WELL USE (Check Applicable Box): Residential Municipal Public 0 Industrial 0 Agricultural 0 Monitoring 0 Recovery 0 Heat Pump Water Injection 0 Other 0 If Other, List Use 2. WELL LOCATIO : Nearest Town: W l e e covnty DlApii"r1 A ;-101 hAvg rad t• _Ike( (Street Name, Numbers, Community, Subdivision, Lot No., Zip Code) 3. OOWNER:C4d 8pckeP? Address l 'I'7 i'vehbarg ris Wck?l4t r(s��� Na.) eii66 City or Town State Zip Code Area code- Phone number 4. DATE DRILLED — 02 5 5. TOTAL DEPTH: 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES D NO IF( 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 3 t FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 1 FT. Above Land Surface* *Top of casing terminated at/or below land surface requires a variance in accordance with iSA NCAC 2C .0118. 9. YIELD (gpm): '�% METHOD OF TEST pW n 13 10. WATER ZONES (depth): /' 1-) / 5 11.. DISINFECTION: Type &ift 12. CASING: ,., Diameter From "— Depth l Ft o From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: From From Amount Wall Thickness or Weight/Ft. Material 5 410 P Depth Material Togelittotter F�. To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter From, It. 1 To /i5 Ft. in. From To Ft. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Size From le Depth // SJ Ft. -Pr?' From To Ft. Method pcUtr S[i�ot Size /1 • j 1-- • n. in. .5q/2 tael` Mate, Topographic/Land setting ®Ridge ❑Slope ❑Valley at (check appropriate box) Latitude/longitude of well location (degrees/minutes/seconds) Latitude/longitude source:DGPS❑Topographic map (check box) DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description it /... yr 1-49- 6 0 -r4„ /0,�_//sA... e '' act y 1 Cfa / C/et /4 c, 1.s A c la i-4,1 .s- ,p) - LOCATION SKETCH Show direction and distance in miles from at least two State Roads or County Roads. Include the road numbers and common road names. tse \\ 16. REMARKS: I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE -WELL OWNER ; -, 2 SIGNA OF PE ON CON UCTING TE WELL DATE Submit the original to the Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Sec n,1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,lyictj Li 3 1 2012 OCT o 1 201fw 07/2001 BY: