HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400192_GEO THERMAL_20110620Permit Number WI0400192 / Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Injection Water Only GSHP Well System {5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Facility Name Eddie Alejandro SFR Location Address 145 Eastridge Acres Boone Owner Owner Name Eddie Dat es/Eve nts NC 28607 Alejandro Scheduled Orig Issue 06/20/11 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 06/14/11 ReCJ ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Private residence , single family Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 06/20/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville Major/Minor Minor NC Region Winston-Salem County Watauga Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Eddie Alejandro Owner 145 Eastridge Acres Boone Public Notice Issue 06/20/11 NC Effective 06/20/11 27020 28607 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin AVA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Eddie Alejandro Dona Alejandro 145 Eastridge Acres Boone, NC 28607 Coleen H. Sullins Director 06/20/2011 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400192 145 Eastridge Acres Boone, NC 28607 Dear Mr. Alejandro: Dee Freeman Secretary On 06/14/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-only geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located · at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the· following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and a~sociated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally; you should contact the Watauga County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Rogersra:mcdenr.QOV if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0400192 . Watauga County Health Dept. ::;;Y· . M(i~ forDeb~ ~ Supervi:~~ David J. Brown (Yadkin Well Co., Inc., 1908 Hamptonville Rd., Hamptonville, NC 27020) Winston Petrey (Mountaineer Heating & Cooling, P.O. Box 1905, Boone, NC 28607) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Rale igh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location : 2728 Capital Boulevard , Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 Phone : 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 \ Customor Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Employer None~ r 1· oru,~aro .ma ,Natural/£! Jun.14, 2011 12:39PM FACONULE TRANSMISSION FORM No.0445 P. 1 DATE: _ 6 11 / '� 11 ZLTIME: EF NO. LOG NO. To: 1Lfe- _ (91�) 71, 6'0 �49 COMPANY NAME FAx as PLEASE ly' DEUVER INIMEDWI A�7ieNTtpH OEP'I; FROM: �la I k«_ _ 14e. U -C COMPANY NAME D qvr & IG1 Ls1 �1- - FAX NO. US E ❑ REPLY INOIVIOUA4 DEPL NUMUER OF FACES PLEASE ORIGINATU»'S INCLUDING THIS SHEET _ REPLY BY SIOWURE MESSAGE: ' _ 4-c]_�'' "FOR ALL, YOUR WATER NEE05- YADKIN WELL CO., INC. 1990 HAMFTQNVll LP_ ROAD HAMPTONVILLE. NC 27020 DAVLD J BROWN, VSCE PRES. TOLL FREE f4W) 2AS-9255 OKFIC£ (3361 AGBA4"O FAX 0361 4GO404-0 RES 13361 46D-4559 -00CLS MEWS AMERIC■ • G07 ►AVES TC4r RECEIVED f DENR I L]VYU 4 2I` 3 SECTION sure 14 2011 PlEP1SE IHFQRkI US IARMEQU4fEiY 1ON DO WT ASD VEFACaULE FN FULL Ou"66-L,Jun, 14, 2011 12:39PM No. 0445 MP, 21 • +su,} J. [Ve1V 'Y•JV+m TIALM!" VELL IYiI. `ia10 P. NORTHCAl�f];:,Il�TA WEDC/009;k _ A131'A TMWT al: MIMONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCDMI NOTMCATION 03' VENT TO CONSTPtu r A CL GEOTHERMAL WATER -ON LY INYEMON WELIL Sit'S : In AoDord=m -wish du- pmvislaw &NCAC Tide ISA: 02C,0200. pleam Complete this notMcatim and MMI to addreas an dm bads pW (phut Epg exr lype udD=zdaa)_ Well Type Cor)Rrmq#i.an: Does the proposed syxt= cir=lge pe uUz waur uW)v (no ad4xiives) in ccmtimous piping that corllpletely isolatm the fliAd from 03e au*o=ent (i.e. cIgied- 00n)? Yeta CorWnue oozpletiuug this foam. No I)d Nqt ramplete WA farm. CaUple to other UIC application forms for iW� either a 5AT well (open -Iota well fly poMble Water iota the aquifer) or a 5QM well (oltAed• loop well containing additives such a$ P,-22, a ol, or other av ,*eeu or corrosion inMbiiars). A, PROPERTY OWi► R(S)lAP?UCANTM List =Q Propwty owner listed on papa ty doed (if owuod by a bwiw= or govammaw W acy, claw name of andzy and a represe Ufma wlauthority for signaUa): A(Z ► 4g A.f�pt . ---3o AJ4 /4, 0-4b a (1] Meiling Address: dr Home!Offca Tele No.: Email Address' We k sits: _- — (2) physical Mdtass of'Well Skt (if different th-34above): City: Stara Zip Coda: County: -. HOMS)Offiae Talc ]PTO.: gell 110,! ]3. AUTEORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (iftba Permit ApptlrSt IM owathe subjacc pN>P", anarh it latter from the proper'>3w owner atnhadzrgg AS=t to inftli and Opera UIC wally Company Dame: Coat wt Perso,:.' EMA , Add-Lesa' Adds: - — City: State: Zap Code: cQua y: Office I`olo No.: ' ' Ce - Website.Address OfCoMpany, if MY. 01 05 -2010 16 ::x; RECEIVEi] 1 MNR I QwU AC]LF R PPnTFrT" Si`rTo JUN 14 2011 06-i-J u A. 14. 2011 12 : 39 PM 1dfl. 10IU 4.)Vrivi tMVh111 RLLL No.0445 P, 32 rqu. YaLD f. U C, 4 WELL nXIC LBR MORMATION Cvmp3ny Name. Well DrMar C wraaorrs Nam: I& Myllis arowa Nlilwa Cave NC Comtractor core &Atxon No.: 2572-A 3036 .R 35ag - E1 __-- Contac-x Ferson: DavidJ. Brown 1145 A � . --- 'ef msn�raru AddSr=- 1908 Hamg:onvllle Rd. - -- _ City: a r Y Le I.C. _ Zip Cods: 27020 Co=ty: YadkiuL_. Office Tale No.- �336-468+"40 Ce31 Nn..—336-374-ms - NEAT M MOP INFQRMA MN (if dMarent tb*s drMtr) Campany Name: ei C4Gt Pe;Saa-1R_1 1 Tt •/ �� r� �c e L• '~MA1T r1 ■ tcti , Address_ o 6o Ql- City. �n ^q- Zip Cade.. i 06 6 7 Covutr. OfoaTetoNo,; ?Z$ 2-6fC-V-4- CenNo.:l929'' E, STATC 6 OF A PPLICAt► T Prima*.a: Fedata -. Cam azcSal: State: M=i iPA1-- %Native American Lands; lr. INJECTION PROCEDUAE (briefly daScribe how tha injection waU(s) vlrM be us CA) G. WLLL CONSTRUCTION DATA I (1 } I'r�rpa.Scd date to he cotzstrucDtd: man � t4 - � { � lN�ataber of i�o><in&8: 2 Approxiw= depth, of each boring (fw*t -3 (2) Type oftabing to be a0d (copper. PVC, eto). -1/1 H C3) Well casius. Is the wel4s) erred? (check anther (a-) Yes 41(b) No below) (a) Yen i£yes, tlwcm provide miAs informadoa below Type:--plyanized Steel black sT�olipla c btlier (spocify) Casing depth: PTvm to fret (rvfcrmrm to laud sw&ce} Casing ex ands to 60w gtomd ohrS (b) No _ 4 (a) (3, a= TJ* (material =M=ding -Weil casiag and/or pipl J: P �'� �n�y •, cc (a) Omut type: Neat Cement Hc=,ujty �% 7wCther (special (b) Grout plaeameat-. P=pm& ✓• Praaaurc Other- (o) C3ma dep:h of tmb ft (rafors=' to Isaad swf m*): from �K f�a to -3 � (w) if wail hu cutag, indicate grout dcptb: froze to e1-0LS •• P010 16: 35 PPGZ6 06-1-J u n, 14. 2411 12: 39PM . van. r. LOU-r.}ursrt tnuhil atLL No. 0445 IP. 43 IVU. Y3La f . 1 TL INJ ECTION-12LATED f1QtTn91 XNT AttAch a dim showing tip anximprims Iuyoat yr proposed modffimdon of'the iajact3on a i:Apmrm and cxmrior pipingltubiDg also sated v tla. the 'hljsc don, oparafies, The uaslaufactu pe$ brochwe may provide supplementary inform don I. LOCATION OF U7.1 ) A13=h "M Cgdt5 Of XMpa sbVWJAg the fOU W=C A DfW=,xdvm (I) ins:lode a Site Map (era be drawp) showing: buildings, prop" tics, swfkm wax bodirs, poumW sources of ground►vator comh=dnzdoa and tbp- odeuta4ol of 2ad dLmaces bazween the pmposed wows) Arid say a dnb4 WeWs3 or wage disposel facjUties such as septie mWa or d;an iiieids located within 200 feet of the geod==23 hem pump Wall system Labe[ aft features clearly and include a north ate, (2) The Sift Map =wt sSbow tbo *ubjaot properly is rdation to to swrouaditg area 1;Y wing at lean rwo fixed referwloe poiab such as ruads, streams, audla highway interse dons. J. CWTUMATIOX Dote: TV* Parry t Applks0ow must be *4 by t4 penoa appearing on the recordad logaLpmparty deed,. "I busby C tit, under penalty of law, that I b ive pmozally =a�- wivad Lad = famitias vM the fixtirsrasi U= submitted !a this doa==% en.d 4 aft4mu ms thurw and tba% based on my imgv y of tho,:se individuate immediately responsible for obtaiWng said b*rwariatt. I b6avp that the iaioraaation is tea, accruate and coarplete. I am awarc that dma arc sigaifloant p=aldes, includog 2c poaAfty of $teas and imprisotZ ft; for x ftildag Was hdbmx2i= i sgroo to co=trvA opume, main rep k, and if 4pllcsb* abandon trip injection well aud aU xclud appxtnances in aerordaacc with fthe appnovad spuificld= =d7"91 ofts Pmult." � A1w._ -41 n 0 1 . I— ,n."oA ig== of"rQpstey 0\6W/Applicsnt �o AL a AL f.,j kN PL-t2 _ t or -Type t4N = and tide x %pat e I f hopaV 0w=1App1i0ttnt E D � �• Print or Type Fa NA= oust Utk Signmro of Authorized Agent, If av Priam or Type Fall Natter and lit] e Please reitun two copies of the compleiad AppUB404 packaga tti: Noah Cardin DZNR DWQ As;Wbr Promotion Season -MC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleiih, NC 27690-1636 Tele bona 919 715-69 F j 5FCTn4N JUN 14 2011 �5 T Wi-�.'7-�'� F IU lC=» Jun.14, 2011 12:39PM r No, 0445 P. 5 a 4 ^A- XI- f�-pGa-? no w a-U- I � ���O'.5 RECENED I DENR ► M AO UIFPR ppo' FC..TIO SECTION