HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400191_GEO THERMAL_20110620Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400191 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Martha Rice SFR Location Address Lot 16 Foxtrot Boone Owner Owner Name Martha D ates/Eve ms NC 28607 Rice Scheduled Orig Issue 06/20/11 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance 06/19/11 Re a ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall ",'.U!..:.. Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 06/20/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonvflle Hamptohville Major/Minor Minor NC Region Winston-Salem County Watauga Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Martha Rice 2408 Hwy 105 Boone Public Notice Issue 06/20/11 NC Effective 06/20/11 27020 28607 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasln Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Martha Rice 2408 Hwy 105 Boone, NC 28607 NA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Coleen H. Sullins Director 6/20/2011 Subject: Acknowledgement oflntent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400191 Lot 16 Foxtrot, Boone. NC 27607 Dear Ms. Rice: Dee Freeman Secretary On 6/9/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onlv geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced-above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative. Code Title ISA Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Watauga County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Micbael.Ro2:ers@ncdenr.2ov if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI04001.91 Watauga County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Co (David Brown) Mountaineer Heating & Cooling (Winston Petrey) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 Sincerely, forQr~A. Boov_ Supervisor Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterauali .O ro An Equal Opportunity\ Affim1ative Action Employe; One . N orthCarohna l\lfltuta/111 V Jun, 9. 2011 3:14PM No.4392 P. 1 JL'J1IiIJJ, DATE: _.TIME: REF. NO. LOG NO. Too 4, COMPANY NAME FAX NO. PLEASE DEUM TwA Ug I_ _ _. ❑ E71ATFix ATTENTION DEPE FROM; acl -A (3361 - COMPANY NAME /] FAX Nm Pl.E►1SE ❑ r INDPADLIAL DOT NUMSER OF mis PLEASE 0mag qR'S INCW DING THIS SHEET REPLY BY SONATLIN MESSAGE: D RE IV_..,rrnnu is011Q4 'FOR ALL YOUR WAMR NEEDS' YADKIN WELL CO,. INC. 1999 HAMMOWILL£ ROAR HAMPTONVILLE. NC 27020 DAYID Jr $ROWN, YICIE PRMS. TOLL FREE COW) 2A9345 OFFICE 4336) A69-4640 FAX 433M 404-OQa8 RE5 t3wl 466-"S9 SOW MEWS AMERGA • 000 r.CM ~ P LIBM `INI'V" US IIYYMO[A W lFVW WNW R&:M &ZM= IN FULL -ecjVrig 9. 2011 3,14PM No. 0392 iP. 21 J SF It, 1• cV Iv It JvIM I(WAL r IM 4)4U NORT#i CAR01INA DEPARTMENT OP ENVIRONNUNT AND NATURAL RESOURCES CNCDENR) NOTMCATtaN OF WTENT TO CONSTRUCT.A MOMT p GI�4TS��th�� INJEC ON WnL SY3UW; IS AOQUtaw+e WI& die pmvW= cf NCAC Tfde I5A. 02C.0200, please oampute ibis Wti IM11M and mad to aftew ea ft bask pie (pkede l= (w IMM W=ixtm)- DATE: C- q - . 26 /A \I_= 04 0 01al t iioU Typo Conflr►rea,dox. Dow me proposed systou+ ctvaiada parable water on] (no aditVas) in aonti=ous piping that complately isolates tho fluid from the anviro== (i,,�L gjQed-jgqp 7 Yes x__ concinue complating this form. No Dd Not complete thb Zarin. Complete other UIC application Emma for [n� either a 5A7 we11( a -troop well ia12ajD potablo grater into tho aquifer) or a SQ24 well (closed - loop well co=alaing ' 'ves such as R-22= ethanol, or other antj&om or corrosion inhibitors)_ A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)IARPLLICANT(S) List cac Property OW= Amd 01 property deed (if owrod by a bugmss or a0vammm a$ra 0y, state =ffw of antiry and a reprmeptKvs w/awhority for signature): N) 1,� L Rlcp [l} Ma 109 Addms: 2'M � Iyw 4 I` s City: 'sa a - ey 9mer - h e Zip Cedar .T I C+ - 7 CouMw'(41- re Homo/4@ica Tale No.: f-7F; J",, ] C Cell No.: Email Addtcse: (2) PhysicalAddsm of Well Sits (if differentth. above): z �- f C r ��f • City: a c a State• ,r , ? & G -- " Caumty: Hom /office Tale No.: 1 Na.: S. ,kUTRORIZED AGENT Cat OWNE Rt, = ANY' (Mbo F=mlt Applicam 4M avela rlac s►>b�e�[ psapexty, aline a letter Frew the propaM owner anti adxW9 Agont to iaftu and 0ftm UIC wcif} CowApW Name Contact Perso vM A rr. AxAftss' Address: .�-- City: State• • 74p Code: Catsad�: QT Bce Tele Wcbsite Address of Company, if any: Z80°1 I p j t L olz-4 P I N 91-0!L _2elo 16:35 PACES 06-e~Jun. 9. 2011 3:14PM RECEIVED / DENR / DWQ AQUIFF=R·PRnTFr.TION SECTtON NO. 0 3 9 2 Ip. 3= ,'dll , "J, 1.\J IV It; :,vrm Tl'Wl\11~ t•C.L.L l'HI, 'tJ.!0 r. 0 JUN 9 9 ·2011 c~ WELLJ>RILLERINFORMA.l'ION Company Namt:Yadl;itt Well Cd , In c. Well Drillcsr Coo.ncto.r's Na:m.e: ...,Jod_,._y,AI.Mlll,ll;lu1a;;,,:1is=--_....,M.a.il~ttbl,;l,l;•.,.w-=Jk.a.::8.;..:.:wn;.::....._......a-1Mla,;,alt,;,;;.oc.n ,;::Ca~y,~e- NC Contractor Certific.tion No.: 2s12_-.;...A'---______ _3e.z:om.361S-.. -'-A""'---_. _ _....3~Sii.:.8_, '-■1A ........ ____ _ Confltct Person: .I21;rid. l, BtO.WJl ~tqr"-A Blvf.A;lI, Aciskeu.: c'hiefdtilw:@m111,com Addross: 1908 Hamptonville Rd., ______________________ _ City; Hammopyille H,C, Zip Code: 27020____ County: Yadkin _____ _ Offiec Tele No.: _336-468-4440~-~---Cell No..: _336..374.-81,6_~------ D. :a:EA l :PUMP CONTIUCTOlt. nG'ODIA IION (if differnt tllan driDer) Company Name: /fol/ !>h c,,, 'el-/h-a.l:b_J d-6· o / i hJ Contact Perso n;,,,~) /,..J +DA. /Je..Jv~ Y ... SMAIL Addres s: Address: -:f-6 & 1 I qoS" C\ty= & ~A£ ;l Zip Code: 2,Bt;o, Co~~ _9lJ_~ ..... -..,..V1: ......... -J~,-....::U)=..------- Offiee Tele No,: 5"f_~ .. 26fl,. ((2_.s" CellNo.~-~~~---- E. STATUS OF APPLICANT P?i'Ys.te: L St.ate; }1adaral:_ Mwncipal:_ Comm.cre~l: _ Natl-v~ Atl\erlcpn.Lands: _ JNJECTION P.ROCEDU.U.: (briefly deocrlbe how the ~ecdon wall(s) will be used) :-i e::cu I ":!:... w o ±e ,,.. fu v.,.. o/ & a, d II l--ed / a 21:, g :e,, /&vi,,,.,..A ;,1. ys:+e,...._ . • I WELL CONSTllUCTIONDATA (l)h0p0sedda.'tctobeG~ctod:S!t(y -k1 l1 .,.. 1:'1'umberofborillp: _2._· __ _ Approximate depth of .aob boring (feet):. __ ..... _·· ....:....'f_o ___ _ ,~) Type o!tubi.ns to be used (coppei:~ PVC, etc): I ~ '/.:1 ' raR-..i I ( ti!J f£ (3) Well casmg. Is tbe well(s) oaMd? (chedt oi'tMI' {a.) Yes m: (b.) No below) (a) Yas __ if yes, 'then prtwide casbl& Sn!ormalion below Type: ,,_galvm=ed ;ta-1 _black steel__plastic_oth..\" (spedfy) Ca.em& depth~ From ___ to -~f•°' (rof'~r.m:e ta land s\rilee) C•in& exteuds to ,i,ova ground ______ inches (b) No _)(' __ (4) Oroutln8) (Qll.1mial sumnmding well casin,s aud/or pipiDS): ~~ti'/ ~Q.,,u,,J. (a) Grou:t type: Neat Cement_ Bmto~ ~ Other (speeif:Y) _____ _ (b) Groutplacem=t: ~ Pre:ssute __ . Other_ (c) Grout deptb of't\lbing (~e~ t(, land surface)~ fro:m ~ ro 1 to s. ,. (feet) If well has casing~ .indicate grout depth~ fi:'om ___ 'CO ____ (feet) 01-05-2010 16:35 es-wJun, 9, 2011 3:15PM van. 7. 1VIV 'i:3Vtrn YAVNIA nr.L_ No, 0392 'P. 4� lays �r;J .. i a Iiti.TEC' ON RELATED EQU2MENT At %Oh a diagx= &hQW1X)1 tha eq[!Mw ng layout or proposed modification of the bW Ocd= equi?zap and exterkar. pipingltu'biag associated, With the injection operation. The mannfacMpr's WChWo mey pro►ldm supplementary infor=d= I_ LOCATION of .li•(;,) Aztc�] rwo copiev ofmaps ShMiDg dsa fal1uWio8 kdbMabon: (1) Include a Site Map (ican be drawn) sh&wiag: bulldinga, propany 14nal, sarfam waver bodies; pozomw sources of grouadw= contLminivion and t'ho orientation of and dtVMzcaa berwean the proposed well($) and uy existing well(s) or waste disposal Uc ities suet as aagio tanks to drab telds located within 200 foes of the gsothe mad heat pump well systa n. LAW dA f t = cleuly and hw1als a nvrtb-azxrn�. (a) Tim Site Map =tot ab.ow the subject prapmV in rekdon m tha ftrr=ding area by using at lest two yeti isfetauca points such as rozds, streams, and/or highway iutrrsectiow, CEXTMCATION Noce., TW Permit Appl$-.2tion must he ifiga6d, by tub pe rsoa appearnag on the rccurdad lbgxi,,psvpexty dvttL '`I brrnby cextify, =der penalty of law, tha2 x Lave patwmn y axam:=d and am lax AUar with the informmorn 311hmitted M thu doctMxaAt mad alI at is thereto and that, based oz my inquiry of those individuals immediately raspowlbla for obta� said infarmatio% I believe that the b*rmation is mue, arcuate and complete I am aware that there are s4pificaat printers, includlAg the pos.,&Wty of data$ and imprisonment, fax submitting taae informxd= 12SM to =S'Wft, operata, mokmin, rep Jz, aud if applioable, Rbandou the iWectioa wall aLad ail related appurtenances it e.ccordance with the approved spocificadams and conditions ofthe Fit' rC . SignatMe of praperry OwIrlARPIicant RECEWD 1 DENR 0 Q , A4t11FPRpRnTFrrtnN Si=(:IION Print or'SYP-- rQ NL= an$ title Sjpnaa ofPrepwr) Oww/Appbcam prink ar Type Full Nark and title S4nz= of Authorized AgeZt, if any rrcnt or Type Pau Nazar •and title Please ra= two eopiu of the wmglet7ed kpplirarion pa*aga 0: North Carolina DENR DWQ Aquffer Protection 3eevtion-UIC Program 1636 Mail S"ce Canter Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 T'clephone (919) 715-6935 ra. ,ate ^+n. n r - -•r R;GE ! Jun, 9, 2011 3: j5PN! No.0392 P. 5 pa,r-fL JZ6 RECEIVED 1 DEAR i OWq AWFF:R'aPyTFrrtnnr sFcTION JUN 0 9 2011 N� kz-Y'L Is" 4 r