HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400188_GEO THERMAL_20110526Pe.rmit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400188 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers · Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Richard & Cathy Guidetti SFR Location Address 800 Merry Acres Ct Winston Salem Owner Owner-Name Richard Dates/Events NC 27106 Guidetti Orig Issue 05/26/11 App Received Draft Initiated 05/18/11 Regulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 05/26/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Richard Guidetti 800 Merry Acres Ct Winston Salem NC Public Notice Issue 05/26/11 Effective 05/26/11 27020 27106 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin •~A ·a;,~~ NCD~EN~R North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Richard Guidetti Cathy Guidetti 800 Me1Ty Acres Court Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Coleen H. Sullins Director 5/26/2011 Subject: Acknowledgement oflntent to Construct Type SQW Injection Well System PennitNo. WI0400188 800 Merry Acres Court, Winston-Salem. NC 27106 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Guidetti: Dee Freeman Secretary On 3/18/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onl geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual pennit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Forsyth County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Rm!ers@.ncdenr. !!OV if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0400188 Guilford County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Co (David Brown) Energy Im10vations (Harry Boody) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 Sincerely, rv. ,-...La_ ti ,A""""" . forD~ •~ Supervisor Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org An Equal Opportuniiy \ Affirmative Actior, Employer One NorthCarolma ,Natural!!/ r May. 18. 2011 2:46PM RMLE TAANSMNN FORM N4.0236 P. 1 d 2 2 e DATE; � �� t 11ME; _ _ REF NO. FROM: LAG NO. COMPANY NAME fAX N0. PLEASE O^ Li �Fl�EgRKM ATTENTION wt COMP/A�NNY��NAME FAX 40. PLEASE M RUSH INDIVIDUAL Din NUMBER OF PAGES PLEASE ORIGlTi ms INCLUDING THIS SHEET >i>� BY S AMFIE MESSAGE; �j I /7 ,�� s- Ow IL8 +sca 1�13� r �* ! `.-t GAR r f ir�lld a +r T7r - 'FOR ALL VQQR WATER NZ905' YADKIN WELL CO., INC. 19" 14AMPTONVILLE RQAQ HAMPTONVILLL NC 27020 nAVID J. BROWN, VICI£ PR9S. TOLL FR$S (4*m j4"=$ QFfIG6 (a3S) 468.4 .0 PAX 4SSI S RIES (336) 460 4650 �CnOO roc" AMFMQA • Sao wvc* ml PLEAJX NFOW U81WME=&YIFl7J GON7T PROVE R C0MLE IN FULL SON May. 18, 2011 2 , 46 FM 0M KLLnhtw WVILeI I FAX NO. t 336-579-88% May, 17Z cLvl x 1 i : +arc H m P1 A. NORTH CAMWA DEPARTIWT OF BOMONMSNTAND NATURAL RESOURCES (NCD]37;R) NOTMCATION OF INTENT To CONSTRUCT -i QO&E-D-LOOR GEOTHERMAL WATEW-O M INJECTION WELL SYSTEM: TYPE 5-Qw MELDS In Aoaafd=c a tiTi'ffi the proTidow ofNCAC T►iie 15A: 03CVDCq please CoMplete this atolifseatlon asld nsail to address og the ba& pap (please Zdgwl= iufm madca). Well rygc Cwf mcl3an: ,Dap the propvW sym m ciroulato potable mW a (no additivm) in *=ftuous gjpj lg tht comylat4 Isolelas the Wid from tlia environment (Le. closed-laap)P Yea XCarrUnue oompleffiv Ujs form - No Da �Iox ros�p3etc tFus fortur Cotinpleta otiter'�C appJyoatiaa. forms for fc�stalling Dither a 5,0 wdl (Man -loop wo!! iz LMEug potable crater it [ the aquifcr) or a 5QM wc;l (closed - loop wee eontaiftrag addlitiv suohae R.22, uthauoS 0.0 othcr ateew or comsion iLtibftors} PROPERTY OVM(S)IAPPLICANT(S) List each property Ovmar listed on prOPtAY dced Of owurd by a bass or gnvoTument wity and a representative w/imc rorityfor signature}: (2) ('-x Acczs- c� a ■ r C y Maiiitlg Addrpm: 40 '!% rc��� _ "-r-7" city: &e4=uff9 ezP Cam A 7r6'G cn�snty: Homm/OISCCTeloNo.:.33,= 2,2.? -, QUX2-! 3 2 4- -J1P-1 fs Email Address: � f` � Ve sQt�`?' 3 3 G - I� 7a 3 - t',a f/ y Physicil Address of Well Sate (if &&$dent than above): �'ft•L� C4gr: Sire: _Zip Coda: County; kf om woffice Tele No. o ' D. AUTROAMD AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (sfft PermhApgXi+t=4= 0 own dwsubj� property, attarb a letter from the ptopwW owner assthaixiag Agertt to W" aid opm to VAC well) Company Name: Cotlwct Perso Ali. Addrm- Address: City: _ State; Tap Code. affice Tale No.: Wobsite Address OfCorapany, ffany: Comty:._ _.. Nay.1$. 2011 2:46PM No, 0236 P. 3 C. WELL DRU. ER PM1t?"nOx Company Nance: Wall Driller ContMelor's NaM& ❑ sz .�.i"i___�._._ . - •..a xc Contractor CortiCat NB,:� 4 s.d _ _ `�'� -+ p+ — JWILAddma-. 3-9— _ a Address:. cam$' ,tit U. i � � - - City; _ { _Zdp Code; .-AV C Z 7e2c Cottr►ty : ' 4fl3ccTeleNv.: Na.._ YX- D. IMAT PUMT CONTRACTOR MCMM TION (if different fhAn driller)]4 Company Name: Loniact Fe on �riQia- Addrass; City: J-e we r /-,A, +L Sip Coda: 2 7-z county: Office TelerNo.: Cc#IN o.: 776- G ? 9 - 2k q 2- E. STATUS OF AP PUCAi+ T private: V Federal: _ Commercial: slalar Municipal. NadvmAmcrken- ands: F. INJECTION pROCEDIM (brlaflydaseribe 11ow the hiltctlan woll(s) will be used) C, WELL CONSTRUCTION AATA (1) Proposed daft to be constructed, 7 ('I Nusubet of busiYV; Approxi=to dcpth of tech baring (fan(}:_ 14 G " (2) 'ijTe ofrpliiag to lee vs '(coppCr,.PVC, eto); 1 6' -5'09- t( I4 () P C (3) Wall easing; isIha wells) COW? (check either (e.) Yes or (h) No blow) (a) Yea if yes, theta prWide casing irdcusuatiatt below Type: ­galvanIzed steel black steel �Isiast3a ot5er(speal�} Casing depth; From to feet (ralemnee to landmnfiLca) Casing oxtends to above ground i=hes (b) No V (4) Grout In# (tnatsrlal surrounding Krell casing and/or pipir;g3: , 8 6) Grovt aypw 'Matt Cc=nt Senlovite f 01her (s! 0) Grout placeineat: PPamping-L/L Fame Olher (o) Grout:dapth aftabing (mfbrenw:to load m rCaca): fmm ta(feet) If well bag Gn -Ing, indicate groa4pth; from to (lbefl FROM . May, i 1 820 11 I � r 0 4 P ii� F'W{ NO. -- 335-579-6e% May. 'L o' 0236 ' 11 � r�r���{"R f 2 11. W=TYON =- A TED EQVI ME,NT Atmcb a dlagrarn sh&wEng the eAgl layout or proposed modMceoxs of tho injection equipment aw exterior piping/tubing associated with tlts itae4on opeaatior+, The =nufLdxuVrsa brochstre may prWAdc supplementary wwmatiom. 'L LOCATrON OF WLLL(S) Attach twvo copies of maps showvmg the fotloyving informatiaa (1) Inoludo a Site Map (can be dra%r* showing: WIdings, property linos, sw*ce water bodges; potential sources of grouadwvasec corAminatim and the of 6ntatim of and distances betiyeen the proposed wvell(s) and way wdsting weiI(s) or waste disposal fbdBties suck as septic tanks or drain folds lasted within 200 feet of the geothermal heatp=p well system. Label all &atures clearly and include a nq th artnwy. (2) The She M$p must show tho subjeW prdpwo in ralation to tho Surrounding area by using at lost ttvo fted rye weace points suds as roads, sUvamt, sndlor highway intersections. a: CFATMCATION Note; Taxis Permit ApplitWlioa must he sigued by & eh person appearing on. the retarded legal property dead. "I hereby ccrdfy, under peradty of may, that x havo pasonally cvmi=d and am familiar with ilia inibmailon submitted iu this domn=t and an attaclmxnts ihmeto and that, based on my Inquiry of those individuals immediax mxpondibk for ob4daing said irAbr=dAx , I beHeoe Olaf the Information is true, accurate and oomplets, I am awars that there are ssi&AYmaut penal[im kclud4 the possFbMl y of fim and impdsonmcnt, far suimzi#9q fAlso Wo,rmatiou. I agree to comtrvice oper0% xoszntaK xcpak a*& if alspilcable, abandon the injection %yell and all related appsrrtmances In accvrdaace with** approved epee catraas and canditioos o£ths Permit;' Signature aMopeaty OwvnerlApplicent Print or Type ijlttl Maw andtide 1:8� 4f � aedA�lioemt [. # I 4 Print or Tgpe lull l+k= sad title - - Sop lum of Aniharixed Ago ; if urw Print or Type Full Naive and title Please setm, two copies of the c;=plated Appllcatlon package to: Nurtb Carolina DDNR AWQ AqulforProtectloo Seetfab-MC Program 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 1636 Telephone (90) 115-6935 May.18, 2011 2:46PM r' r' % r f r ----------------- 0'% v---- No.0236 F. 5 hz CV -ve d-� 15 A G r 4f wkw