HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400180_GEO THERMAL_20110328.Perm it Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400180 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (50W) Primary · Reviewer michael.rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Facility Name Steve Bissette S FR Location Address 7020 Maylake Rd Clemmons Owner Owner Name Steve .NC 27012 Bissette Scheduled Central· Files : APS_· SWP_ 03/28/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Proje·ct Version ·1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation Steve· Bissette Owner 7020 Maylake Rd Clemmons NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County· Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type • Individual Owner Affiliation Steve Bissette · Owner · 7020 Maylake Rd Clemmons NC 27012 27012 Orig Issue 03/28/11 App Received Draft Initiated Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective 03/28/11 Expiration 03/18/11 03/28/11 Re o ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Private residence, single family Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin AWA ..... , .. ___ _ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Steve Bissette 7020 Maylake Rd. Clemmons, NC 27012 Coleen H. Suliins Director 03/28/2011 Subject: Acknowledgement oflntent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400180 7020 Maylake Rd. Clemmons, NC 27012 Dear Mr. Bissette: Dee F reernan Secretary On 03/18/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onl v geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source beat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction stanqards spec_ified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Ac~ and North earolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021l(u)(2). Additionally, you should ·contact the ·Forsyth County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (9'19) 715-6166 or Michael.Ro ger.s fW ncdenr.'lQY iftr ha. ve any questions. _Jcerely, ~ for~ atts Sup~:~ cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Cenn;-al Files -Pennit No . WI0400180 Forsyth County Health Dept. David J. Brown (Yadkin Well Co., Inc., 1908 Hamptonville Rd., Hamptonville, NC 27020) Brad Falk (Logan Heating & Cooling, 5142 North Causeway Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27106) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION .1636 Mail Service Center, Raleiqh, North Carolina 27699-163~\ Lo:=ation: 2728 Capital Boulevard. Raleiqh, North Cerolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715~0588· FAX 2.: 91H -7 15--6048 Custome; Ser1ice : 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterauali rv.oro , An Equal Opport1mit\1 \ .t,,fiirrnat1ve Action Ernoloye r -,...~Onehr 1· 1.~lort. ~aro ma ,7\7t1tural!g Mar, l$ 2011 11:15AM YADKIN WELL No, 7235 P. 1 ■ : �`' � � _ _ i �� yeti i _� I ' � Ck N z A w a A K DATE: TIME: EF NO. LOG No. COMPANY NAMI: FAX NO, P ZAM L. A DELIVER ❑ IMMEDWELY ATTFN7lD DEPL FROM: Jk o CIA ] W- �-- ?' COW W NAME FAX NO. PLEASE PLO FIEFLY �. ,.� ❑ wDMDUAL DER, NUMBER OF PAGES PLEASE 0FRGINATOR75 INCLUCING T1418 SHEET--(,-- AEPtY BY SIGNA'NRE MESSAGE: / � a -FDR ALL YOUR WATER NEEDS' YA©KIN WELL CO., INC. ism KmArrorgvILL£ ROAD HAMPTONVILLE. NC $7= DAVI❑ J. BROWN, VICE PRES. TOLL FREE (900) 249-935S y ❑FF1GE i3.3$j 46a-4'4 "i FAx (336) 46a.4048 RE5 [3861 46a-4559 Y.aao xEwS n�1SR�Gn 4W 4p+Tis YPV' ♦� 182011 PLEASE U 8 ipF[fyl US R E== IF M DO Wr RMSVE FACSMMLE IN FF.I1J. �`�• "Mat, 18, 2611 11:16AM YADKIN WELL ,}� k 7235) P. 2' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENWIR4NM5NT AND NA73RAL RESOURCES (NCDENR) NOTMCA-nON OF INTFNT TO CONSTRUCT A S LOOP GEOTB RMAL 'WATRA.-ONLY INJECrION WELL SYSTEW, TYPE 5-QW WEIR Ia Ao=da= -,Vith the vmviuo s of NCAC Title 15A: 02 CO200. pleats complete this nod&catian and mail to address on W beck PaP (Please Print or T informat W. DATE-. Z - & 20-IL FP'e!i J'p,ve CorrfL mafiars: Does the proposed system: circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping that,-.omplately isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e.. c wed -Ica '� ices ^�Continue cotnpletiaS this form. No T)o Not coraplece this foam- Caraplete other UIC appuoatioa forots for installing aitber a 5A7 wa11 o en -loop well in�ng potable water into the aquifer) or a 5QM well (closed - loop well oontainirtg additives such as R-22, ethanol, or other anti uze or coanslon ilaWbitors). A . pROPE1tTY O WNLR(5)IAPn1CANT(S) List gigh Propm,y Owner listed on property dyed (if awned by a b sinew or government agency, state name of entity and a rcpreseumtive w/authority for signature): Q•v e � r.r� Mailing Address - j�' C ty' UP Stowe:-AZLZip Code: 2- _ County: . �- Home/offiae Tele No.: Cell No.: Email Address: Welssite: (2) Nvsicw Address of 11eIl Site (if different than above): cam*. n. City: Srie: Lp Code Cowmty: Home10Q&ce Te10 No : -Cell No.: S. AUTH:Q=ED AGENT OF 0WNF'L,1T ANY (if tba Pmnit Applicant d-m-n own tote sub jest property, attat,b a Ietter frow the property owner autbonzing Agent to install and operate UIC well) Company Name: _ - - Contact Person_ RY—AU, Address: Address: City: State' Zip Code: County: Q&ce Tole No- Ce1lNo.: Website Address of Company, if any: RECEIVED I DEW I DWU A0U1iFFP'pPnV-f' ON RECTION MAR 18 2011 hfNar. 18. 2011 11:16AM YADKIN WELL No.7235' P. 3` u-) C. W*ZLL DMLER WORMATION company Nam: }„�ad1�'Siir� Co. Ina WaII>3rill� Cdntcactoz'sNaaze: � d e ro�f1 'Iran e NC Cootractax Cet1i�iratioisNo.: 2572-A _M96-A - 3546-A . CoataciPersoaa: D��'d 3. Sro'►vn 71 G�-A �i1�L.Addre�a: c�7iefdrijI�x�a rrnn,e�g Address: 1909 Aampfonvflle Rd. y City: _ I3aWtonvtILL _g. Zip CQd� 27020County: Yad nn OffteTelsNo.: 336-462-4440 _ C.oilNo,= 336-37d-9135 D. SEAT PUM' CONTRACTOR 1"ORblAnON Cf diffsreat thin driller) C=PanyName:_ _ o n G „ Coo�aaPerson: mac. ddn�s: Ca u el r,�, d cr _0s► City: W r�•s ��• t�ALs—. , Grp Cede: '7 tQC, Comift : rzs v icaTeleNo.: �3� q 4� �1 WNo.:_�3G 6-01L G E. STATUS OF APkLICANT Private: s Fedarai: I Counnue W: States Municipal: Native Amerioaa Sands: F_ INJECTION PR.00MIME'i (briefly drscsibe how the it}itedon well(s) -,A[ be used) rbu A� C /oJ G. WELL COIrtMTRUC'TXON DATA (I} Prepared date tQ be eamwctrd:. Z1 Number of borings: Appmxiamte depth of esa Wring (fee=);_ 2.2--r _ 1 �rl (46,PC I ]2- 0 (2) Type of tubing to be used (capper, PVC, etc): /71Ii 9 i (3) WeU casing. Is the vrell(s) cased? {check either (a.) Yes gr (b) Nv below) (a) Yes if yes, then provide casing iufcrmatiou Wow Type: _ - - pIvuiaed steal black steel plastic of6r (specify) Casing depth., -Rom to feet (reference to land sultoe) Casing extends to above ground iacL-* (b) No (4) Grout Info {material sucrourtdng well using aadlor pipir* j _ ►+ /� a n e-e.� (a) Grout type: Neat Cci_ _ 8earoaite f rather (specify) (b) Grout placement: PumpingPrew= Other Cz) Grout depth of tubing (►t:fu=o to hmd azafiare): fom ZZ t- j If well bw casing, indicate grout depttit from m F REGENEDrDENR - (e A41�� atxOTFt Tfl7fl5E C BAR IS2011 "Nla r. i $, 2011 ' 11, 16AM . ^ Q u�) ]NjBCTION-RELATED EQUMMIENT Ata.eh a diu ra.ffi showing the engwttrixtg layatg or proposed =tuncadon of tho iojecdou cgWpm= and cxterior pigi4tubin& associated wit4 the injection operation. The man&cturg's broeh= may provide supplementary information. YADKIN WELL X. LOCATION OF VE DR Attach two copies of maps showing the following iaft=1doa_ (1) I=Luda a Site Map (can be drawn) showiW buUdb3A proper sot» of goilndwatcr cons lUliort and the orlon of and d! any existing woIl(s) or wasto disposal Acilities such as septic tools the geoth=n; l bW pump well oste= Label aII features clrarly U (;) The Sit~ Map must'show the subject property in relation to the sur refereaae points such as roads, $tream$, aadlor bsglraray itctemccdos I CERATION Note: This Permit A.pplieatiou must be signed by each person recorded lege property deed. No, 7235 P. 4 lines, surface water bodies; potential W= between, the proposed well{a) and r drain fipids located -within 200 fret of include a north arrow. area by using at Zrest two fixed 0o the "I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that I bave person Wy examined and am ihmm" with the information snbnn m d in this doctm3eat and all att$chments thereto and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals Immediately responsible for obtaining said b farmation, I believe thatthe i' ==a.tion Is true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there use sigzzi$cartt gaalties, iholudittg the pa5sibi�itY I ftes sad imprxomosa4 for subznitftg false informariort. I agree to construct, operate, a n, repair, sad if applicable, abiml= the iujecdon well and I related apptutenanew in acoaorclaaot -with the a ro ed sp j28c n pnd conditiorA of the Permit ' rant ar �,� ��?�l,� cf+r Signature R 18 �011 Friar or Type FuU Nun zad title Signature of AuthotlUd Agent, ' f any ] 401 or Type Full Name and title -_ Please rat= two espies of the completed Application package to: North CaroUna DM-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section-UIC frog m 1636 Mail Seance Center Raleigh, NC.27699-1636 Telephone (M) 715-6935 , N1ar, 1$. 2011 11:17AM YADKIN WELL No.7235 P. 5 J 4' 1T S4p,vc -SQL, (ma.-1 w eu A � MAR 19 Nil Mar,18, 2011 11:17AM YADKIN WELL RECEIVED I VEN' `DW MAR 18 iF'�TfON No.7235 P. b