HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400178_GEO THERMAL_20111005Slu·sser, Thomas From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Thomas, Mike Floyd [mike@mccallbro.com] Wednesday, October 05, 2011 5:30 PM Slusser, Thomas Notice of Intent question Commercial GeothermalPermit Application.pdf; NCDENR Approval letter.pdf We had assisted in the filing of a Notice of Intent to construct a geothermal field for what is commonly called "Project Green" over in Guilford County (actually it is a large data center for American Express}. Debra Watts had sent us and the owners an acknowledgement letter for that system. We noticed that in the original Notice of Intent application that the quantity was for 40 wells to 450' depth. However, due to some design changes and a building expansion during construction, the final total was 52 wells of the same depth. Is there some process for updating this in your files? A c_opy of the letter from Debra is attached as well as the original application document (does not include the maps and attachments to application}. Mike Floyd McCall Brothers, Inc 704-399-1506 phone 800-546-1506 toll free 704-398-2605 fax m ike@mcca II bro.com www.mccallbro.com ·1 Add, 'batci f well~ ~,s\,di~~h\-eJ ;" ~re-en ot'l ~ q-frav~ ~ 17J Lw M V-0-b wr fti-O ftm., MO. mw1 =Rk P4 flw &dk6 KEY PLAN ago.— m t ; r.W Dr F Dun& I I I i 1 U-ITMI UIT ITI I I_U F" V PI UUP p ----------------------------------- ou SITE PLAN x - --A, W-W.— PROJECT GREEN ISSUED FOR r 76" CONSTRUCTION I arm." TI I VR MA F GEOTHELMAL I SM MAN W.�L AS NOTM DMwEDftn CHEMKM By: OF 12/10MID WDMM GTOT-01 Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type Wl0400178 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael.rogers ·Coastal· SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilitv Facility Name 5301 McConnell Road Location Address 5301 McConnell Rd Whitsett Owner Owner Name American Express Dates/Events NC 27377 Orig Issue 03/28/11 App Received Draft Initiated 03/09/11 Re a ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall ~H "·' Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_·_ SWP_ 03/28/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation J Michael Floyd McCall Brothers Inc Charlotte NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Guilford Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type. Non-Government Owner Affiliation Samuel Brick 3151 W Behrend Dr Phoenix AZ Public Notice Issue 03/28/11 Effective 03/28/11 282668710 85027 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin t-•~~--·· .... ~·~ . NCDEHR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water-Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue -Governor American Ex.press Attn: Samuel Brick 3l51 West_Behrerni Drive Phoenix. AZ 85027 Coleen H. Sullins Director 3/28/201] Subject: Acknowledgement oflntent to Construct Type 5QW Injectio_n Well System Permit No. WI0400178 · 5301 McConneH Road, Whitc;et:, NC '27377 Dear Mr. Brick: Dee Freeman Secretary On 3/9/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) ·received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onlv geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-:source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection w~ll system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative . Coqe Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have· been complet~ly and accurat~ly submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Wel1 Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Guilford 'County ·Health · Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance-with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or M ichael.Roizers rcimcdenr. uov if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WW400'l 78 Guilthrd County Health Dept. l\:1cCaH Brothers (,I. Michael Floyd) Batchelor & f-:.imbalL lnc. tGordon Dunn) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Ma:! Service Center, Raleigh, North c·arolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Cepital Boulevard, Raleigh. Nortll Carolina 27604 Sincereiy, ~~ fhr Debra Watts Supervisor Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncw.ateraualitv.o m An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Aciion Employei One -. North.Carol.ma 1\1 f ,If / va.:urautt ;.I' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAI. RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED -LOOP GEOTHFILVfAL WATER -ONLY INJECTION WELL SYSTEINI TYPE 5OW WELL(S) to Accordance With the Provisions of NCAC Title I5A 02C,0200 Print or type the required information and mail to address on the back page. DATE: . 20L \ JS- Q 4 00l Weir' Type Confirmation: Does the proposed system circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping that completely isolates the fluid from the environment (i.e. closed -Loop)? Yes Continue completing this form. No Ito Not complete this form. Complete other UIC application Forms for installing either a 5A7 well (open -loop well iri ectin potable water into the aquifer) or a 5QM well (closed - loop well containing additives such as R-22, ethanol, or other antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors). A. PROPERTY OWNER(S)IAPPLICANT(S) List each Property Owner listed on property deed (if owned by a business or government agency, state name of entity and a representative wlauthority for signature): American Express - Samuel Brick (I) Mailing Address: 3151 West Behrend Drive City: Phoenix State: AZ Zip Code: 85027 County. Hotne/Office Tele No.: (602) 766-6028 Cell No.: Email Address:samuel.i.brlckgaxep.comWebsite:_ (2) Physical Address of Well Site (if different than above). 5301 McConnell Road City: Whitsett State: NC Zip Code: 27377 County: Guilford Home/Office Tele No.: (602) 766-6028 Cell Na. B. AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own ihe subject property, attach a letter from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and operate UIC well) Company Name: Contact Person: EMAIL Address: Address: City; State: Zip Code: County: Office Teie No.: Cell No.: Website Address of Company, if any: Aquifer Protection Secdon MAR 09 20 G3'illUtC 5QW Notification of Went Farm (Ftcviscd WOOS)ale 1 •• I C. WELL DRILLER INFORI\-IATION Company Name: /vf c.CA4--8Jlo --r 1Jt£/?~ ~e, Well Driller Contractor's Name: _:I;_,s_e'_p,,......_1-1_____.h----....R .... tJ.::..,ec ......... _r: ... ei....,,£..___ _________ _ NC Contractor Certification No.: NC..W CC. -:tt 3505 ____ ;;____..;;::.....;;;....;;;..a:::;__ ____________ _ ContactPerson: :r: fY7t-C..H/:\U Ful./0 EMAIL Address: Mike.. e' mc..co.[(.i rd. (:a"'1 Address:· Ao. Bo)< ,~,87/o City: Cf/lM..t.d"f'r'6 Zip Code: 2~ County: /YleCt<'-6AJi3.uA6 Office Tele No.: 7o4-.. 399-/So G Cell No.: 7o4 -3CJ9-ocx;. 3 D-. HEAT POMP CONTRACTORINFORMATION (if different than driller) Company-Name:. Batchelor & Kimball Inc Contact Person.: Gordon Dunn EMAil.. Address: Gordon~bkimechanical.com Address: .. 5~_~1 ~c~onnell Road City~ Whitsett Zip Code: 27377 County: _G_u_ilfo_rd ________ _ Office Tele-No.: '336 ) 603-1442 CeU No.; ________ _ E. STA'.fUS OF.AJIPLICANT Ptivate: __ State·:______ · Fed~ral: __ Municipal: __ Commercial: ✓ Native American Lands:._ F. lNJEC1'lON.PR.OCEDURE (briefly describe .bow the inject.ion well(s)wili be used) C/d~ /40,<1-6~~( ;k,.'/.,Arj 1' ~/4"0 ~;;.,s:~ ~ .10 we.tis /11oAh---t:,/~-·-Ir)_"-~ Ml ·SJS~-- G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (l).Propose4date to•be constructed-: Af,..:1 ZOii Number of borings: _'/0--=. '--- .ApPtQximate dep~ of ~ch boring (feet):___J.%....;c_;;;a;;;_'_-___ _ (2) Typeoftubingto-be-used(copper,PVC~etc): _Sl> __ ~---_tl_H ____ {)_P ___ G ____ · ______ _ (3).Well ~asirtg•. Is the well(s) cased? (che¢k.e.ith~r--(a.) Yes or (b.) ~below) .(aJ Yes· _____ if yes, then provide casing infomiation below Ty~: __galvanized s~el __ black steel __ plastic __ other (:specify) Castiig depth:-From ~--t.o ....... ___ feet (reference to .land surface) ·C~ing extends to above-ground ____ inches· (b) .No . ✓-_{idtN..9 ~,w 6~ re,wu,c1 d. (4) Grout Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): 6e.c"l't.v-tkttl ', e,tf/'4,vcJ (a) Grout type: Neat Cement__ Bentonite L Other {specify) . /;·ui~,k t ..Sll,vJ) (b) Grout placement: Pumpin~ Pressure__ Other __ (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from -5 to ... 450 (feet) If weU has casing, indicate grout depth: from tJ/t to 1J/A (feet) GPU/UIC SQW Notification of Intent Form (Revjsed 8/2008) Page2 X INJECTION•PX- LATED EQUIPMENT Attach a diagram showing the en jincerlog layout or proposed modifieatlott of the iajectlon equipment and oxtedar pipinghubing assoclitW with the Injecilcm operation. The manufacturer's brochum may provide supplementary Information, 1. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two coplea of maps showing die following Information: (1 ) Include a Site Map (cart be drawn) showing: bulldings, property lines. surface Willer badlas, potential sourm of gmadwater contaminAdoe and the orlentatIon of and distanou. between the propowd well(s) and any existing well(a) or wute diVostsl Wilities such as septic tanks or drain tialds located within 200 foot of the gaothertttnl ilea( pump well system. Label all faaturea clearly and lack( U e0rth atA. (2) Tile Site Map must show the subject prorAny In relation w the surrouatding area by using at least two Axed re[etcm points Such as rows. scurne, and/or highway iatersestioni. J. CERTIFICATION Note,, This Permit Application mma be sighed by Salk person apptartng on the recorded legal praparty dead. "I hereby certify, tinder penalty of law, Otto I have poraonally emwined and am &mlliar with the information submitted In this document and all attatchtneats thereto and that. based on my inquiry of those Individuals Immediately raaponslbie for obtainln$ zald lttfonaadan, I believe that tha information is true, aocurate and aoritplote. I am zwam that thara are tignifioant panalgen. Including ilia pm[bility of fines and Impriaattmem, [br submitting false Information. I ngrce to epnstruot, operate malatala, tzpair, and If applicable. abandon the lNectlan well and 0 rotated appurneraances in accordance with, the approved specirYadons and candlLians of tht Permit." Slgffaturc of Property Owner/Applicant _ Print or Type Pull Name And tide Sigxt►t = of ftperty Owned/Applicant Print or Typa Fall Name and title Signore of Autborized Agent, if any Print or Type Dull Name and title Pleawe return two copies of the completed Applirialon package to: North Otro[lna DENR.DWO Aqu[fer Protection Section-UIC Pngram 1630 MaR SQrv[cc Center RECEIVED � DENR 1 Dtl� A4�1� Prtated�n Section Raleigh, NC 21699-1636 Telephone (919) 733-=1 41AR 0 Oi'lWICJQW 14ott[ication of (slant Nan (Ro+tfrd 1008) Aye3 i-'\t:i,~.::,l :· :.1..: I :., • Aquik..-.D~otectt Section ···········-··-··-··· .. ······ .. ··········-·-·---------------·-----·---·---------------·····------· ....... -.. -.. --.---------·---------··------·····-·········· ...... -... ··-------•·--.. -·--··--··-·-·-···-········· ······-M~R ···o· 1t20T[~:-------------·-. -------·--·----·-··---·-·-· LINE TABLE \ 1-85 \ I LINE LENGTH BEARING L - L-1 131.52' N 40·45•05" E M\[[STREAI-I ROAD L-2 176.93' s 49'"14'55Jt E L-3 92..44' N 44·oa'o3" E L-4 192.10' N 67°30'55" E L-5 143.96' N Br34'10" E FRANZ WARNER PKWY L-6 171.13' N 42·4a's3" E <I.I' ~ L-7 52.08' 54·24•34" s E l ~ L-8 69.45, s sa·40•39., E _.{l; L-9 199.49' s 5y3r2a .. E ' ~ --(??-;:,_ ' .... .,)✓~-¼ .,,(·~; ...... ,..)~..._ L-10 47.87' s 35·59' 48" E Cl ' . )_/;;;,/--;•·.,t,;.7;,,;<</,-Y,{.f'~®_ ·. ~ &"f;::-~~~f;~~:~;~?-Jf}f>~?/}}1;1 -L-11 47.67' s 5rs2'32" E w · .. · .;.fil//4~.,;:f,;.y·,f~>~?$:@ :5 ~~/_,·/'.>r :Y/~{.,;,._ .. ·.,_,•;.,,·X,;,_,1/,,·,,f1.(-,· ,1/.J L-12 ~ . /., .. ""1/.% 39.40' s 39·27• 42" E . ·~/.;; s ···Y,r./ //,.,< /7/ _, /---:..;---:.-; -·~ /.-./ ///,,",t->; _, ~i<~ ITE r~!:¾f:d L-13 36.32' s a9·45•1a" E > JUDGE' ADAM S Rn / _f.,Y .r ... % /'" ,""•·~z~:.-1/, L-14 .... ~;~x~;,,-~~,,>-::.-::--::-·::,pf/,...:.,;..~-~,,.~rffi,_;i Q:: 28.16' s 42·55'53" E -~:-.--/.f::Jff j?>~--:-".-:J•'/,1'7.,.ztt;;t~ -~ Cl ,, I'.,. 1/, ,:'.,,.·., ,.,.,~.½~ .... 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NC 779!! i1RCr 7 ePmY (.,P) 5M-51M ACREAGE .1 PJAUC f.REEWN, (FIVER OPEN SPAM CLMMM ARE. 000 TOPO PHC AND Mle WANNER mru I of ipry 2 SSINYEY f7i0VlpM W. li w MEII' SPRIFIS- 11 0E61rlINL LRNO a SFRWi ING ,Ny.AC'.AIFs. t,C CJ_r SS I-p'r ,_rye •mirk eeFI wraEl S1RFF1 K5 MMIZR SNIDD V- aNi1 sE1 s Ialq ea5-alss _mve-m.o.a �� L�'� \r - usawrNl�Eirtxa lu � -1 ��: � y +n•sr IER1EAiHEt4 1?.R aw. iF ,I3! -� 4-' tiIY - • lRel, 1u1; wrxY-- q o.-14,rrr-o �1LT IYi7N LA . 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NC 27,09 (aye) sere iss •y �.eR I '��" 7AwPa. v.aAo ales 1�i?'ep,7e .._..�..._.._.. -—..�1._.^._._.._,......_.._......._...._.._.._.._.._.._..—............_.._.._..._........ - . McCONNELL ROAD (S.R. 3000) LEGEND BQ' RNV (23 GRAVELS m.,_ Wpm �Fm a�� FEAY1' OL" Ate. PROPOSED BUILDING E - - C I OFFICE � MECW Ivll_J YARD SEE ARCHfI"f:CRIW'L E r%7 OON61E1F r FOR SPECIAL INLAY rpE$rpN Po FEATLI RM FOR MAIN iFWR ' SWEWALK WC P�AV 7.1tl MrJ1oICIP 3 _ LOW EMISSgP! 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N:8r,�a.._..�r.__.._.._ . 1 . _�.. _ _. _.._.. _.._.._.. ..�r.a.�M=. �..�=r�Awiw_r ��=.��r i-�r �r aa�w �r �r .. �r�=r ire=. ��rr �n ravr MY ASM ornwc McOONNtLL ROAD (S,R• 3000) RNV {23' GRAVEL) ;Ya ry r..m� nr rL7FSi, ., t, rr. r>.�.■^.rr��rr�rritir.�rr�rr�w■�r��rarr�.ri■.�.a�rr�..�.r�rr�rr�rr�r�� 1'i�`���.a•+ ,I-" 3wglcft r Horsepower HP Manufacturer MFR Maximum - ----- MAX NEW BUILDING u,Wmum MIN Mounted qm Not Apprcuble N/A Not In controct •• NIC Numw 1 On Center— OC rypicot TYP Normolly Open NO Normally Closed •- NC PAD MOUNT AHU'S {TYPICAL} - r_-- __ --------- -------- ____ UD ______ _____.,._., _y.�_ _-_ _ _ —_1 w�..�_ �_—_—� 1 _--__— _T ___ —_� — i 1 ! I r 1 I s i I r TURNS RU ENCLOSUREN XDS- SEE ` + FOR TP_ i I�11 N in CIRCUIT IT PIPIPING 1 r I 1 i r 1 1 1 , J r I � I SEE DETAIL, 1 I 1 i i DRA%4NG ! I i mm-03 s � ST_ ___—_ _ _ST_—__6 �_���____y-T-__..._�A--- --------- �_ T,_.i_ ._S^T___ --__4-_.._-___—___+__—g� —�_ ___—___ _ �—_—E/- CEOTHSEE ERMAE BI.ORES. i C@�_ PUTURE/AL'ffRNATE BARE HALE FLgURE IfPLITES I M05 �� C INS 1 �EOCAT7O ({F RE:ULliRED) I ' {n'PICs4Lj I f II II it II !I •I It llr" II Ce II II ]S li !t I1 ;I ?i i it ---V------------ —57________ __W___y-T____--- -_- -w-- - ------------------- w--------- -- ------ ------- -----------'--- — ------------------ Co I 1 G ' ��C N Ca 10'-0' x 4Q'-0' x 3'-0' DEEP GEOTHERMAL CIRCUIT HEADER SMUNC BASIN FOR GEOTHERMAL SITE LATERAL PiPIHCi TRENCH. DEWATERING- EXCESS SITE WAFER TO HAINTWN 4'-O' MINIMUM COVER. BE DIRECTED TD BASIN_ PUMP OUT AS RUN MIN. 12' BELOW RJTURC RECJ!RED, SEE SPECIFICATIONS. BASIN SIORM WATER PIPNG. TO BE nLLED IN AND COMPACTED AT COMPLETION OF GEDFIELD INSTALLALION )UARE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC COVER SEAL TOP OF BOREHOLE WITH WELL SEAL GROUT, BENSEAL OR EQUAL, 12" LARGER THAN BOREHOLE OUTSIDE DIAMETER. L WELL CASING TO OCK (APPROXIMATELY T' DEEP) -ro 545 P-E-MOUEO '4" POLYETHYL[NE LOOP r-- 5" BORE HOLE I i I �� BORE HOLE TREMI-GROUTED WITH BETONITE FULL DEPTH 4) GEOTHERMAL BOREHOLE FETAL r-i I I ' GEOTHERMAL BORE WITH 1 -1 /4" 7j 1-1 /4" U--TUBE (TYPICAL} 1-1/4„ lI 2„ RETURN, SUPPLY /2 CIRCUIT HEADER TO -"" - PIPING FROM HEADER TRENCH MANIFOLDS ❑FFSETS, TEES IN MIDDLE. EQUAL 2" 1-1 /2" � 1-1 /2" DISTANCE BETWEEN BORES (TYPICAL SUPPLY AND RETURN) �I II TYPICAL CIRCUIT PIPING Numil FINISH GRADE Lu �Lu 08 I U POLYETHYLENE PIPIN BACKFILL WITH SAND 6" BELOW AND 6" ABOVE PIPING II flumiQu SEEDED LAWN / SURFACING PER PLAN (BY SITEWORK CONTRACTOR) UNDERGROUND PLASTIC PIPE TRACER TAPE (24" ABOVE: ALL HORIZONTAL BURIED PIPE) TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL (GENERAL .O-Q..o4a FILL UNLESS DETAILED OTHERWISE) AND COMPACTION BY SITEWORK CONTRACTOR. NO SHARP ROCKS, FROZEN BACKFILL, OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 12' MIN SUPPLY RETURN HEADERS HEADERS REFER TO PLANS FOR HEADER QUANTITIES. FOR SPACINGS SEE SPECIFICATIONS. BY GT. GEOTHERMAL CIRCUIT HEADER TRENCH DETAIL -------------------- NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT 0FENVlR0NMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSED-LOOP GEOTHERMAL WATER-ONLY INJECTION WELLSYSTEM TYPE.S OW WELL {S) In Accordance With the Provisions ofNCAC Title l5A 02C.0200 Print ortype the required in,.formatio11 and mail to address-on the back page. DATE:-~~----_____ j , __ , 20Ji_ Well Type C(lnjirlliatuJn: Does:the proposed system circulate potable water only (no additives) in continuous piping. that completely isolates the fluid from the en vironrnent (i.e. elosed-.Joo p)? Yes . ✓-Continue completing.this form. No __ P:o Not complete this fotm. Complete other UIC applfoation forms· for fostalljng :either a .SA 7 well fom;n-loop well inj"ecting potable ·wate( into the aquifer) or ~ SQM wefl: ( closed-· loop -well ·contairµng additives such as. R ~22, ethanol, or othe.r antifreeze or corrosion inhibitors). A. PROPERTI' O\VNER($)1APPLICANT(S) List each Prqperty O\\lller .listed on prope~y deed .(if owned by a business or government agency, state name of entity a.nd:a:representative w/authority for signature): American Ex press -Saniuel Brick (I) Mailing Address; 3151 West Behrend Drive :City: _Pho~nbc _ . State: AZ Zlp Code: _____ 8_5_02_7 ___ :C.ounty: ____ _ HQme/0ffice T.ele No.: (602) 766-_60~8 Cell No.: ·Email Addres·s: samuel.j.brick@axe p.comWebsite: (2) Physical Address of Well.Site (if different than above): _53_0_1 __ M_c...;.C_o_nn_e_ll_R_o_a_d ______ _ qty:. Whitsett State: NC Zip Code: 27377 Coun·ty: Guilford Hoine/Offi:ce'tele No~: (602 ) 766-6028 Cell No.: B. AUTBORJZED A.Gi!NT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the Permit Applicant does not own the subject property, attach a letter -from the property owner authorizing Agent to install and ~perate UIC well) Company:Name: ___________________________ _ Contact J>erson ..... ·: _____________ E~MAIL __ ._A ___ dd'-'--'-fi ___ es'----s '--: _________ _ Address: _____________________________ _ City: _________ State:_._ZipCode: ______ County: ______ _ Office Tele No.: . Cell No.: Website Address of Company, if any: ____________ ---JR ....... · ECE/VEO / DENR uifer Protection SI D'!VQ ect,on GPU/UIC SQW Notification of Intent Form (Revised 8/2008) MAR O 9 20ff Pagel C. WELL DRILLER INFORMATION Company Name: MGCA L�i2cY yes c - - - Well Driller Contractor's Name: NC Contractor Certification No.: NCi.J CG -1+ 3505 Contact Person: 7' M(ct4AC_C FLOY6 EMAIL Address: M eke C ►zteCa r'o .Cory Address: A? 0. ,Sax GGS -710 City: C'144Aces-r'r- Zip Code: 2SZr; Office Tele No.: 70¢ - 395 - rso e Cell No.: County: VA6 D. HEAT PUMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (if different than driller) Company Name: Batchelor & Kimball Inc Contact Person: Gordon Dunn EMAIL Address: Gordon(dtkim echan i cal. com Address:. 5301 McConnell Road City: Whitsett Office Tele No.: t336) 603-1442 Zip Code: 27377 Cell No.: County: Guilford E. STATUS OF APPLICANT Private: Federal: Commercial: V/ State:. Municipal: Native American I ands: F. INJECTION PROCEDURE (briefly describe how the injection well(s) will be used) C("s G. WELL CONSTRUCTION DATA (I) Proposed date to be constructed: APrti 1- Z011 Number of borings: 46 Approximate depth of each boring (feet): 450 (2) Type of tubing to be used (copper, PVC, etc): %R H RD P45 (3) WeIl casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a.) Yes or (b.) No below) (a) Yes if yes, then provide casing information below Type: galvanized steel black steel —plastic --other (specify) Casing. depth: From to feet (reference to Iand surface) Casing extends to above ground inches (4) Grout info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): 6'-_0 4ve•el � e u4WAIC P (a) Grout type: Neat Cement Bentonite Other (specify) ,Le-Aj rank- e -52?­0 (b) Grout placement: Pumping_ Pressure Other (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface); from S to- 450 (feet) If well has casing, indicate grout depth: from Al 1A to OVIA (feet) GPINUIC 5QW Noti%cation of iraent Form (Revised 817.W8) Page 2 H. INXECTION-RELATED EQ[IIPNMNT Attach a dlagrAm showing the engimeting layout or proposed modification of the l0actlon cqulpmaaht anti rxta:rior piping/tubing associated with the Weatlen operation. The manufacturor'a brochum may provide supplementary lorormation. I. LOCATION OF WELL(S) Attach two copies or maps ahowing the following Information: (1) Include a Site Map (ran be drawn) showing; buildings, property lines. aui'faee water bodies, potential sourm of groundwater contamination and the orientation of and distances between the proposed well[si and any existing wt1l(a) or waste dispohal foal]ities such as senLic tanks or drain fiatids located within 200 root of the geothermal !teat pump well system. Label all faatutes clearly and Include a n rah (2) The Site Map must show the subject property In relatlon to the surrounding area by using At loust two rioted reference points such as roads. streams, andtor highway Intersections. J. CERTIFICATION Note: This Parmit Application must he illned by gg�cl parson appoaring on the raearded legal property dead. "1 hereby cent y, under penalty of law, that I have parmnally examined and aan familiar with tho information submitted In this document And all attachments thereto and W. based an my inquiry of those Indlvldaais immediately responolbie Par obtaining said Information, I believe thAt tha information la true, accurate and complate, I am aware that thm are arignifIcAnt panAltles, including the possibility of tined surf Irnprisenmem, for submitting (raise information. I agme to cpnstruat, opm% maintain, mor, and if applicable, abnodon the iNection well and all mlatctt appurtmnmim In amerdanaa: with the approved speclNailons and conditions of the Pariah. ' Bigd"ature of Properly OwnerlApplleant Print or Type Full Name and We Signawre of Property OwnwlApplicant Print or' Ype full Name and thle Signature of Authorized Agent, if any Print orType bull [dame and tills Pleamo realm two eaples of die completed Application package to: North Carolina I)EMDWO Aquifer Protection Sectlon•UIC Program 1636 Mail Service Center RECEIVED 1 DENR 1 Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Aquifer pmtadion Sat"hon� Telephone (920) 733.=1 MAR 4 9 2011 aI't v IC 5QW r<rvriCtc 10 ft of leant No (Ramsed 0003) Pip 3 RECEIVED/ DENR / DWQ -~··-··· .. ··· ........... _ ........... ············---·-----------········-·------------------Aq··~'~·'"•A'A"'i.an ~-.Alinn_ ·····················-·············•··•-··-···-···-···· · ··-·-·····•··•· ···· ·· ···· ·····-·-·-~-·· ·······-······-· · ······· -·--······ · Utt:C1·:rt~t1u1 1-ot:t.~n ;,11 ············--············-·····-· ·· .... MAR O 9 2011 LI NE TABLE \ 1-85 \ LINE LENGTH BEARING L - L-1 131.52' N 40•45•05" E M\IT.STREAtvl ROAD L-2 176.93' s 4914'55" E L-3 92.44'. N 44•os1 03" E L-4 192.10' N er.30'55" E L-5 143.96' N 8]434'10" E FRANZ WARNER PKWY L-6 171.13' N 42•4a'53n E q_.j-~ L-7 52.08' 54•24•34" s E ~ L-8 69.45' s sa·40•39 .. E I ~{l; L-9 199.49' s 53'37'28" E ' ~ A..,,.,/!7-')'Jh . . .. /,_,✓ ./0-:{f/ i;.,"777--~ L-10 47.87' s 35·59'4a" E 0 ' . . (i~.,,.·~~~~-:.0~x?--}:~w· .. tr t,,,,,.,.. _,,,,.,e,,.,,.i' .. ., .... ·// ·--/ ~, L-11 47.67' 57·52'32" --,./~#J?;::~>--:~:r~,..~r,,;,_"·" -··""./.1 s E w .. . .i'>?J: ;,;; ·'~-"~'l.;-/❖1/, "/0 ... ;..,: ' ~-"··· •• , .. ,(-1', 1/.%i··✓, ... , •• ,'J"/ / 1/,. ~ '7..-_.,,-_,,,._.(/----✓ .-~'/,.,.,,_ .... -.... ·--❖-/-i~~-d~ L-12 39.40' s 39·27'42" E ii~,;@//, SITE ,,z: ¾&:· ...J ,;~~~* . rt-7:fi:>::.:1 L-13 36.32' ag·45•·1 a" > JUDG E ADA.M S RO s E il~ ... :1/~ 'i.... . ~ ...-: ..-;. f' •• .-', :· ~/~.-~..,,z,..•~1 ct" L-14 28.16' s 42"55'53" E m-✓~ • ./';10_...{.... w·,,.•"' . CJ ~ z,r z:·¼·· f.,, _, -. ¼'/ Y~di .. ¾~Etl--~o g L-15 26.55' ao·3a'30" N>, ~N s E •• <-. .;,' J L-16 40.77' s 29"46'36" E . ~E~p~ I fE . rm -L-17 36.40' s 01·12'25" E (7 ~ ~ ~ l L-18 74.99' s 58"54'47" E 0:: 0 f--~ t >- L-19 31.061 s 38"13'14" E I i .~ L-20 35.39' s 61 "32'51" E -0 0: w ~ L-21 346.87' s ao·o1 '42" w m < L-22 60. 70' s 79·43'31" w J ~ L-23 323.06' s 79"41'51" w VICINITY MAP L-24 247.20' s 79·4f34" w L-25 221.24' s 79•4f34n w (1"=2000') L-26 19.32' s 79·35'06" w L-27 30.62' N 01i7'59" E ........ ---_,. -. ---•--.. - W3 & N,ete SMtcy YrNI�E"6 Fn nCnoi. • �IyY �3 7[,L Irv:• PA. 90u 175] -1111- m-A RN{E fORSi, IIL 115/ia l'.44Y.. irl, roai'i 91E ea.R Im.roe rG ,J- [9r9] Slits--llH .O..r�' rvrk 1 ar wrs- f sinner armyra sr: epir �r µ W MEI. SIRFFIS A a[,! n.s ,Wxti[ e,C 4 ` '.�PY � ifiYs .'tiCMr SRaYif_ 7C' unr ttrrx xUMCK. s f ra n,vs y , j�'� t L wrne uc e LAKE V�(Vgl 1-wn: ��yygg�a��{ � _ • ga�n�rrrs-. � � f I.r�2 It. RIE TAKE ruvnsHr m tarnr rr.w K •� - lo.psll /// .yr l4 mmm Dail rlao he .. -ri J % _ vram roiH: meu �c • - ,1101i 1 �w �J ,`- w _ r Inn NTrt. tllXi I1POi AAftiraSo Jc . Y61'.Ai � _y � �'� '^�'"r .'�' � Y-l'•`r � •t O, r rm � v • tf.W f. , - 1 ■ Ya Nr; W btr far q • r'rsiiniN W � ` �� \\ eau o® rarer -'4 t WW � � 1 wwra rr -01 r0--Eo-07i �,IF1IeklHllsp/' Gl Y�.4�r •I [v+rw nurr �I f0 , � �'� -N 1RrK[v-__-�_-.-_.M,fr ll� -_ --_ --------- --- -- == ____ _= m terra -- - - - - - �s':.' ��- ■tea 5_ 611s�1f v.lw R �r X.3 1 LDDJZZ I PROPOSED BUILDING Mb r nrrai oel..ls ! MEN— V'RJb- y rwrnr-s.[a of— W�Pvmm nia.r..n NevAt'r.ri 5jr McCONNEtL ROAD (S.fL 30DOj OU Riini GR411ELj �, � »ram" na ave, a tn.',a i � robs-vo-eea cvivv.alrrr r�le�x+ [b� nraaml a,k e,r[ Pa ,w ew Ir. Imo} epEe�er,MN �ia1N -,rn-0-v,r�a0- ; uPfa.. olrMMno..wi[. ■..Inl M.u� • OlfliOdr61. SIR f�A4`Y. wrnr W.nc OP W}li�f. rlL.O r 1 .,a, P� IK rF . atll n/�r � r '� 1 � !lu R�f'rm PM m-i�,srn.n� MinKWfeL'4Ci'b Yo la •e >�w -0 w _��� ��` � a � ypyr r• - IAp 1 Mme r1. Rw re oGES Np1 ow ,171O 2 PhYa,Ecr MR WJ15 14,r MMI NT GA913f1W 4 . PUI- N] 1 rp fYId1 " Jf Pmi 9EIMEEI! Cr/ PU« fwp SOP it • W.. w�rf rr -rxffE»S OWf MMD DfiM]ERS rY lci Cli1' OF TwP..un t / � dnlOft om " - i.lxi lift Si. xi wxeum faH 'i 1 �� LNPTnTrO,¢ oq MCl WL t0 IINL PW VFFn aRW 'r AKE Awr u. N a 'L7L 71i it +agrirne r RR fON rl nT-R w • Fi Iri\.Ww • r .Y;�y�°., s'16.61•----------- - _-�__--.-.-_�-__�---_-_�__- `-_ --�----- ---- �-�-----'-"-�---- - � _ -- -- - ---' u---r_'�':--;_sairaansTi4f9es^•' i --- ��� ---------------_= _—�_�� ---- —-------- ------------ MOO Rk f } VME,.? _ SITE DATA. �' . '; {Zaak ,•ram. �'^.� ;:.:., Q srt .rsrier- ri� r-;K.. _Y ~('-,T,• •S,"%': '�:, AI64 M>!Ar fLQIJR14N - x.31 K phlp ( •.tr •Six�"R'` r s ,:_i'. rlrofrt acs�ck x' !� '•, I urrt wanffaal ly oro uca r�fnr�radr 1 TnNNUAINT In MM I-mw i6.m acvf gPAce insv AC • - xaren IWIf.Yi WTl WY AG a , I NfK eMx LPL.f .rE � Ac i - - YasiR runty .wsro I INTM - ftiaic .w,.w PROPOSED BUILDING ; smERE bmm - v"�URM �`- I KF-5f1EEE PMIOQ ! C w.rr x iasEorus 1 3 - , e Eu x :. &vu - .. wvtt� F ..r„PM. lanes PMIkVrf11 nn.i v.WOM ,. WACOanfc =oowm 1w sfws —-----------_—J aaem�Yty sa�r �nom ar fl Fit E i. _ ra.x TRST wmtl STSEET 9 iE to. ems—__ !tom ! McCONNELL ROAD (S.R. 3000) LEGEND 89 R/W (23' GRAVEL) _ �..�..,! E]Pfmm FROM" LM PMM-D= F"M MM,MMMMW� WAW nri'x Aw /1 PROPOSED BUILDING SEE Ar[CHFt%TVR4L GRAYAMM A 01-M IGCTAIL 2 r FOR WELVLL MAY l nF9FR MAWRES FOR MAN ENTRY SY YVAIX C I i OFFICE MECH YARD PAD 9W-1 S WC PAW 7-10 LOYF EI�IR91pN IUNo%]AP 3 g CPJWKXX - s rS fi YQ11p.F. WHEEL C> re 1 ow. ° 1YC RAMP � �- 6iOEWAI%{T'�P,) f0 7.16 16 a a c par v 1a, r Trmcus i R� PAV E1UiY� rAwMo ,a/ a l An i l I i 4n.J�1. � R41-THRU ar STO CA rHRO11CN 7.11 F¢AV1' q/r1'� GUrf@R (r1'PJ G.i i srAFnAfea 7,1 I �� FENCE w w r - •1 R - a r a——s . s s r e a : .��x yam- ■ +rn■�a I 1 +q f ff } —�"----- -- --- ------ --------------------------._.�—�.— N:B3B,321.Os -- t —� ,..�.---_..�w4--- — LEGEND �w�.ff�ffwr� w�ww�■*�■ww>��w■ ■r�r�r �■■ rrrr�ww�fw�.ww�ww ww�wr wfrrw.wnfi�l.roar►rssr il" W COR' *m �EtE PiN1N� �klW GFiA .��w�■=�ww�w�wirwr�ww��r■.�wr■�ri�wws.wr�aw�fw��r�frr�aw�ww�ww�ww�rr�.f�� 21 �O3 24" SQUARE GEQTEXTILE FABRIC COVER SEAL TOP OF BOREHOLE WITH WELL SEAL { i GROUT, BENSEAL OR EQUAL, 12" LARGER �5—THAN BOREHOLE OUTSIDE DIAMETER. STEEL WELL CASING TO BEDROCK (APPROXIMATELY I 60'-0" DEEP) Z �Q,�rr1o1lgL] i 1-1/4" POLYETHYLENE LOOP 6" BORE HOLE I I I �-- BORE HOLE TREMI—GROUTED WITH BETONITE FULL DEPTH �7']-p�GgL MAN } GtOTHERMAL BOREHOLE DETAIL 05- 2" RETURN, SUPPLY CIRCUIT HEADER TO MANIFOLDS " 2 n GEOTHERMAL BORE WITH 1-1 f 4" U—TUBE (TYPICAL) PIPING FROM HEADER TRENCH OFFSETS, TEES IN MIDDLE EQUAL DISTANCE BETWEEN BORES (TYPICAL SUPPLY AND RETURN) TYPICAL CIRCUIT PIPING FINISH GRADE 111111111111111i111 w00 'Ti= I � =f f 1 POLYETHYLENE PIPING- BACKFILL WITH SAND 6" BELOW AND 6" ABOVE PIPING 12" MEN SUPPLY RETURN HEADERS HEADERS REFER TO PLANS FOR HEADER QUANTITIES. FOR SPACINGS SEE SPECIFICATIONS. BY GT. SEEDED LAWN / SURFACING PER PLAN (BY SITEWORK CONTRACTOR) UNDERGROUND PLASTIC PIPE TRACER TAPE (24" ABOVE ALL HORIZONTAL BURIED PIPE) TRENCH EXCAVATION, BACKFILL (GENERAL FILL UNLESS DETAILED OTHERWISE) AND COMPACTION BY SITEWORK CONTRACTOR. NO SHARP ROCKS, FROZEN BACKFILL, OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL z GEOTHERMAL CIRCUIT HEADER TRENCH DETAIL hh5-� ti