HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400171_GEO THERMAL_20110308GEO-THERMAL WELL .CONSTRUCTION RECORD NON RESIDENT.JAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 39178~ North Carolina Depart~ent of Environment and Natural Resources-Divisio~ of Water Quality WELLCONT~CTORCERTIFICATION# :;)S 72., Well Conlrac r (lndMdual) Name Yaakin Well Com[EOV Inc, Well Contractor Company Name · STREET ADDRESS 1908 Ramptomzi J 1 e Road Hamptonville ~"'C 27020 City or To-NT\ Slate Zip Code c 336 >· 468-4440 Area code-Phona number 2. WELL INFORMATION: . ,,( , ~ SITE WELLID#(lfapplleable) z:r4tc-. 5 2 (J STATE WELL PERMIT#{if applic~ble,_ _ _..;i;,.--____ _ DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if appticabla)ty:l:' 0 'f: Oo 1 •1 1 · ~JELL USE (Check Applicc1ble Box} Moottoring D MunlclpaVPublic D fnduslrialtCommerclal □ Agricultural □ Re-eovery1 □ Injection O Irrigation □ Other )({list use) c./ o5 ~J Lop 9A> .fl_~~r1i41 DATE DRILLED / -'j'/ • // / j TIME COM.PLETED $ .. ··'3'0 AM'o PM.a, ~. WELL LOCATION·. ,.. I CITY: it'i11.1 l~A-~J!b,-COUNTY._§J-.J.y..·./l r~-'(!;,t2le >Gb~ .. t ,(2. ~ . (Sire el Name, flumbera, Cornmunlly, Subdivision, Lo~ No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SETTING: □Slope OVallay □Flat ~ldge D Oilier _____ _ (cheek app,opriate box) LATITUDE _i -~ 03;i1J7 LONGITUDE ~ ~ Q..2.._0 en, May ho in degrees. minutes, ~onds or lna<kdma.1 format ,.___ ____ __, Latitude/longitude-source: Jl(pPS □Topographic map (location of we'I musl be sho\•in on a USGS lcipo map and attsched to this form if not using GPS) 4. FACILITY-ls Uu nama ol tr~ boslnHs whm l.'.a ;.en rs k,,:;I~. FACILITY ID #{if applicabf9}. __ __,.....------,,----,- NAME OF FACILITY c~l+Q '12' //,, It'. &(c,h<rh1d1.,n°"1c, STREE1ADDRESS ___________ _ City or TO'tm Slate Zip COdo CONTACTPERSOH Toi\,.. ~Ur:Jo .4G~.,...::--" M/\ILING ADDRESS Pollx ,rec, ·7 1af clj!:rl.. -e tel Gve <-"Shov~ ti~ ~ 7 "1-/6 Cit'/ o< Town . S1ate Zip Coda d:3L r 2 7J-JfLf 7J Area code. Phona number 5. WELL DETAILS: /McJ,,. a. TOTAL DEPTH: __ ~,___ ___ _ b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NO:t ~. WATER LEVEL Belem Top of CasJng: ____ .FT. (Use ·+• if Above Top of Casing) d, TOP OF CASING IS ____ FT. A.oote land Surface• •rop or casing terminated aVor below !arid surf <!Ce may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118, a, YIELD (gpm): _l-5" METHOD OF TEST___,._.:...• l-"---,,<.,,L--...r f, DISINFECTION: Type HTH Amount-----"'-=----+-----'-"~ g, WATER ZONES (deplh}: From_~_k_<ifo~ From __ To __ From __ To __ From __ To __ _ From __ To__ From __ To __ . _ 6. CASJNG: Thickness/ Oep.lh Oi~meler Welght Material From __ . To ___ FI.. __ _ From _ ___,To __ FL __ _ From __ To_· __ Ft. __ _ 7, GROUT: Deplh Matorial Method From_a__ To '/tXJ Fr:P, lo';}' _u-:,1 ~"Y)Gf Fronl __ To __ Ft. 4.)( -,-- From __ To __ Ft., ____ _ 8, SCREEN: Oeplh Diameter Slot Size Male-rial From __ To __ Fl. __ in. In. __ _ From __ To __ Ft._._·_rn, .....____;. rn. __ _ From __ To __ Ft. ___ ln. __ In. __ _ 9, SANDfGRAVEL PACK: , Deplh Size Material Frco,. ___ To __ Fl. ________ _ From To __ Ff.~--_____ _ From To __ Ft .. ___ -----,.-- 10, DRILLIHG LOG Fron, To • 0 .. t/0 Formation Description ~d:I . ~ \a t;l __ . t;;_, q~8u_, __ .,., __ ,. __ ,:. 11,mRK¾or 6_vn, wJfA (frn%~~''":;°.'.' __ ·-c.4---l----e......:;.S~~.J___.;t:......._-U_·e.,,,_,{c......i.l _____ '~:;_,:;,;;Ji:,:·:.·:/"'·1,i I DO HERESV CERTIFY 11-IA TlHIS WElL WAS COtlSTRUCTE:D Ill ACCOROAHCE WITH 1SA HCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUC1lON STANDARDS, mo TI-V,T A Ct.lf"V OF THIS ~~-HA.<; BEEH PROVID!;O TO THEWELL O '1-l- : · . /-31··11 NA E C IFIED WE(L CONTRACTOR DATE PRTu4&~ oW'-eRs~~~T\~tr,NG THE WELL Submit the original fo the Division of W~ter Quality wlth{n 30 days. Attn: fnfonnat_lon Mgt., 1617 Mall Service Center-Raleigh, NC 2769!M617 Phone No •. (919) 733-7015 ext 568. FormGYMb Rw. 7105 Date site visited: _____ by _____ pennit required: Yes No ,"} , · + --r-1 b.,,,,Yh,.,I ~Cl"\J11c.J1"'Ac...,. 7?.rf v;,,,,~~, /,,A,•.Jf') rv;,)u I/\~, ~ rtu_j io. d<?a" CJtp Permit Number Program Category Ground Water · Permit Type WI0400171 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer mi cha el. rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Caterpillar Inc Location Address 3100 Temple School Rd Winston Salem Owner Owner Name Caterpillar Inc Dates/Events NC 27107 Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 01/25/11 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classlficaticm Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Non-Government Owner Affiliation Wint Errol . 482 Wylie Dr Normal IL 27020 61761 Orig-Issue 01/25/11 App Received Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective 01/25/11 Expiration 01/21/11 01/25/1.1 Re g ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NUI i Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin A,~ . NCDEMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Catepillar, Inc. Erl'o1 Wint, Operc).tions Manager 482 Wylie Drive Normal, IL 61761 Coleen H. Sullins Director 1/25/201. 1 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type SQW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400171 3100 Temple School Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Dear Mr. Wint: Dee Freeman Secretary On 1/21/2011, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onl y geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of •this type of geothermal injection well system . as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title ISA Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. · The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with ·all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 l(u)(2). Additionally, you should c.ontact the Forsyth County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Rogers<@.ncdenr. 1rnv if you have any questions. cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. W1040017 l Forsyth County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Co., lnc (David Brown) AC Corporation (John Burds) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. North Carolina 27604 lf~. t\ ~~--. for Debra .~~~w~~ Supervisor Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-674G Internet: www.ncwaterguality.org No1!S.kc 1· 01u1 aro 111a }Vaturallll An Equal Opportunity I Affirmative Action Employe r Ro gers, Michael. From: Sent: To:' David Brown [chiefdriller@msn-.com] Friday, January 21, 2011 5:50 PM Rogers, Michael Subject: RE: Caterpillar 5QW Michael, The·. info in B, should be applicable to A. This is unusual, but I don't think we wili -find an actual-"owner" for Caterpiller. The applicant has authorization to act,; Thank you, David J Brown Yadkin Well Co. Inc. From: michael .rogers @ncdenr.gov To: chiefdriller@msn.com Date: Fri, 21 Jan -2011 14:50:14--0500 Subject: Caterpillar 5QW DaVid- We received a 5QW Notification Of Intent for what appears to be Caterpillar Inc. The property owners and mailing _address was blank on. page -1. However, the authorized agent section B. is fill~d out as. Caterpillar Inc. Does the information in section B. for ·authorized agent applicable to section A as property owner and mailing address? , Than~ Michael .Rogers, P.G. {NC & FL) Environmental Specialist .. NC Div'of Water Quality-Aquifer Protection Section {APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Lin·e (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-0588 {put to my attn on cover letter http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ap~/gwpro/permit-applications#geothermApps E-mail correspondence to and from this address r71ay be subject to the North Carp/ina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties 1 0 N 0 a ti Jan.18. 2011 1:43PM YADKIN WELL DATE: If g J011 T, REF No. E No.631.1 y LOG NO. COMPAN NAME W RO. ATTENTION DEPT FROM: _ <th-al- _ to .c (1.ZKYAT COMPANY NAME _ FAX AD. r INUPADUAL DEPT NUML3ER 4F PAGES PLEASE ORGRAMITS .. INCLUDING THIS SHEET REPLY 6Y SIGNATURE 'e9. MESSAGE: T � ill, �n ,,I 7 . _&n PAF ,r t + Z. L -FOR ALL. YOUR ►M1IATCR NEE015" YADKIN WELD, CO., INC. 19W HAWT'ONVrL LE ROAD HAMPTONVIL.LE. NC 27020 DAVIO J. BROWN, VICE PRE5. TOLL FRRi"r COW) 248'9$55 QFFiCE (3M) 468 44AD FWAX 036? 468.40" RE5 (3961 4&5-4& 59 -GOOD NEWS ALMEPPCA • Gp4 1,V S YOU- r4. 1 ' Ia' Aquifer Protection Section .� . :� 1 �. 4. =ti5 -y 4 ,it a PLEASE INFORM US 3#AE WW IF)aJ DO NOr RBC VM I Jan. 18, 2011 1:44PM YADKIN WELLo 6711 C 000 *OMUMOINOX � .�. =.• :.•.:•:. XA ..,'; Yes �o Da1+i0te�st�e ivrm. Comop3eiac�tiacr �C�vA�ar� � • �;;�'' `•� tiq�G2 low wag c fdd�e M* at R,�l, e� "i a ec iei a orro rffiib4r F' A, - rxopm TY pLMAT�r rr� Nr(S) -� f I.aE S�� Owner Wlad on ply dead (ifow►ed'�y a6ee ae mil; �smmeot ` ',��.�F 'T� mtt� and a �tiva w�odt!► f� �8rea�mjt .. ... �� s�� •, ft] city: lkwgA)fffooTGkXw' CON NO—, BiaWltd�esx We - SMZ&bDV* � ...._cam. AUMOMM AMU nub alofrfmtori powvmear magA�ao�and�®E,i� 77 Lam- �i L Bap C0+ dOC Cam: 'ZVI.L 2011 1:44PM C. WpiirL Fl t. nAM CW*Mq=O* Pft*— IL 46 -w" Camnocomt"TA YADKIN WELL Adft= ftMOOMd.iPzL Tanqrtoombbstim ompoik�vm o A(h 60� ;I (OL M Jim pop. � - i *d.at It caftwm& loom gr4md---)ww Im No. 6711 POW, dwsah" oft lodkdo aMftft BM_b_____QWO ac a W M, IV _ . ��i `yam` • a. s� Jan, 18, 2011 1:44PM YADKIN WILL N4.-67,11 Pa''4 f . `. �. II�T3FG'Pii OdF��L►S'gD �' � � . �„� Attach s dbMm at►awbV ilbe eaSloobbg iayad ar purposedMd Main, a[ft t - pipilg,►t+ iMS Maebtpd wft tba k jecfian oparR&XL ThO sus a toy Pi�" Attaahfir+a � of � �s fi��a� �aiorsaa3ace .r.°.. �' (1) I itids a She ]date (no ba &M) *Pdgw bdkmqm. P PST 594 m i l T me at'8rom oo w4tine arf=dci c(a4kd —1 --' o wbaetg) of de ftow e3i l Woks aila]I Mulp M MAX,Ulm d , CZ) The Silt Map mutaavtbe X*wt Pvpwts told d to dx ona ft am* w4i st 3ruktool V teft►mce pob& S06 Is mo % *am^ asdlor xow" humdk" c==CAT= Note; VidaPamlppilmdnawtbe*W"b7tsA Ap"*d*on*ha tcew&d ]kptpowb'dee& "I hn* an". tamer pcna* Of IM tiadt I barge ow eodn�►ad and am r fe . std4e b6 is � doom sod olI afstcbmaaic tbmeeta sad t based an npr �aigpi t of ors to far obtiaiag said i ,eft' }ram sae Ism *u tea ace *acw psmaift imdu ft lbe pclrib �aE fined sed I . l won, I Jim- agm to oo fa, icy a #sppStyibb� drr t --a an nfilw aRM&MCM iisacn*+ew,r&the�emlr and !otitiePt.'° Si Mtm of Pro" C)""wipoolit Pia crTy oF4Nwwodtidy h1st cc TM. Fait N*= now$ Piowtm, two popwofficoam�leied�ppi�a�osp Pias* L*sr blest DE 4 b►glui ar prow%n 5 aye Jan, 18.,2011 1:44PM YADKIN WELL -7 No. 671], P. 5 - cx�rrllllor plv�k -re 16 SCE -sk k&k� ro 4" he P1144 A ca, *^4er A olf 40*. u 444 ...... .... &,r.44,0 4,lt•A loo- F 4 fry aw4v JJ,J,+4 ra)-1 Wit+, jw