HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400162_GEO THERMAL_201101205fiM) GEO-THERMAL.WELL .CONSTRUCTION RECORD ~ Io '1 O<l Ho ,z.,., • I NON RESIDENtiAL° \VELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD North Carolina Depar1menl of Environment and Natural Resources• Division of Waler Quality 3 r os-.a 5 WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATlON f# ~ S-7 )_ 1. WELL CONTRACTOR: -:5;.J~ { ,tJ C'.\-~ \ \ ~ ell Cont; tor (Individual} Name Yadkin We] 1 Corooaov Inc - W!:!11 Contraclor Company Name STREET ADDRESS 19GB Hamptamzi-11 e Road Hamotonville ~--c 27020 City or Town State Zip Code , 336 )-468-4440 Arca code-Phana number 2. WELL INFORMATION: / _ SITE: WELL ID #(ffappllcable) rt!l/C-3 (C, ,, • : ... J STATE WELL PERMIT#{if .ipplicable,_ _______ _ DWQ or OTHER PERMIT #(if applicable). _______ _ ~/ELL USE (Check Applicable Box) Monitoring O ~,1uniclpaUPublic □ lnduslriartcommerclal □ Agricultural o R~over)o Injection □ j j. Irrigation □ Othar~(listuse) C {o;,()J /oo/2 d,(J,Q"ff.,el DATE DRILLED /2-.-J..-/0 , J TIME COMPLETED • ~ ,;~·~ AM'□ Pl\la? 3. WELL LOCATIO ,: / · . c1TY: lv •t\. ..... -Stice,""' couNrv. P,,~s y,/L . ~.2.. 9 . /..J. .. /....c -;-L /)1,,,,-····· l (SlreeLName, l~umbers. Cornmunlty, Subdivision, Lo.\ No., Parcel, Zip Code) TOPOGRAPHIC/ LAND SE.TTING: ·~Iopa OVallay OFlal □Ridge D Other _____ _ (checl< appropriate box} LATITUDE _L ·f_ 0 1/., q 7 0 LONGITUDE I I..)_ ? I « so l May~ in dc&r~. minutes. seconds or In a dcdmal rormat Latitude/longitude som'ce: t\1 OPS □Topographic map (.'ocatkm of wer must be shown on a USGS topo map and attached to this form if not using GPS) FACILITY ID #{if applicabl9}--=------~---- NAME: OF FACILITY LV~; ~ s.'?·1·+)._ -Z, STREET ADDRESS 2. z g Hr-(1 g (.)I; t J! ti'L t1 l (.)1n.1~ .. Sc1/e.;h !JG · 2)tJ )i City or Town Stale Zip Cooo CONTACT PERSON QqA1f &ow;I... MAILIN 9 f,DDRESS y" cl!ittHI ;lie.. ,V.G. Cit'/ or Town · . Slate 2..'7of'J Zip Cocl:1 < 33~ r ~{~--2o 0 S-~-JC{ 'i'--7 :!22 Ar1:a code -Phone number 5. WELL DETAILS: ~7 07' ·' a. TOTAL DEPTH:_-=_~<,__ ~U~-- b, DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES □ NOM C, WATER LEVEL Belay/ Top or Casing: ____ FT, (Use ·+· if Above Top of Casing) d. TOP OF CASING IS ____ FT. A'oote land Surface• 'Top or casil'\g terminated aUor below land sutfc'lea may require a variance In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118. ' o, YIELD (9pm): l) . METHOD OF TEST fl r f, DISINFECTION: Type HT.fl Amounl _ / ~ g, WATER ZONES (de,rth): From __ To __ From __ To __ _ From __ To__ From_· __ . To __ _ From ___ To __ From __ To __ _ 6, CASlNG: ,..-~-Oeplh ..,,.,..., Diameter Thickness/ Weight Material From_· _·To __ Ft.. __ _ From __ To __ Ft. ____ _ From __ To_· __ Ft.. __ _ Method 7, GROUT: 0eplh Material + From_D_ rqfOO_ FtJ h i('s~.~r:,J Fro.-n __ To __ Fl.,__ ___ _ From __ To __ Ft. ____ _ a, SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slol Size Male-rial From_· _To __ Fl. __ in. In. __ _ From __ To __ Ft._._._ln. In, __ _ Frorn __ To_._Ft. __ rn. __ in. __ _ 9. SANDIGRAVEL PACK: , Deplh Size Malerlal Frooi. ___ To __ Ft. __________ _ From To __ Ft.,._ _______ _ From io __ Ft.. ______ _,,_ __ 10. DRILLING LOG Fr_om.,. •fq J° & _. J 0 6) I 11. REMARKS: 2. /Jo "":eJ Fe nnaliov)jl scription s~ ... L . BEeEI\IEI) JAN 2 0 2011 lnform ~tt on :--mcessir.g ,;rm ,E OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submit the orlginal to the Division of W~ter Quality wlth{n 30 days. Attn: Information M9t,, 1617 Mall Service Center-Raleigh, NC 27699,1617 Phone No."(919) 733•7015 ext 568. Date site visited: 1 .. ,3 -lo by D ~ Permit required: @ No FormGVMb Rev. 7/05 .J-/t-ti-1° S4_W, GEC -THERMAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Ak NON. ESIDENT;lAL WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Norlh Carolina DepariImonI of 9nvuonmen [ and Nalurat Resources- Division of Water Quality r �y� WELL CONTRACTOR CERTIFI&TIGN II P3--7 )- 1, WELLCONTRACTOR-. Li ryle Well Conti for (IndNMdual} Name Udell Contraclor Company Narne STREET ADDRESS 1 GfIR Ti9M t-Qn Li j Te Eoarl _k6MO--yriville N_ 27020 Ci[y Of Town Slate Zip Code 336 )_ 468-4440 Area code- Phone number 2. WELL INFORMATION: r SETE WELL ld N(Ir upplic W6) 4_ _ STATE WELL PERM1T#(if a0pilcable) ❑ WQ or OTHER PERMIT 9(lf appticabla) WELL. USE (Chach Applicahta Sox) MondorIng D Ivlunialpailf ublic E3 IndustriallConrnercfal Q Aaricullural ❑ Recrvery [ I Tn)ecIlon C3 trriCationQ Other (list usej C .aJ •F? oo 3 _ !� DATE DRILLED I > ­3 ' i c TIME CONiPLETED�AM C3 P[+W 3. WELL LOC ATIO is CITY: LJ n !. - ix�tn+ rCOUNNTyY r--o-p (Shee( Name, numbers. CornmlmHy, Subdhtston, LnlNo.. Petal. Zrp Casa) TOPOGRAPHIC LAND SETTING' *S Opa UValhy` ❑Fiat pfildgn Cl Other_ (ViecR appropriate bon) LATITUDE 3 -� � r 7 (1 May b.1.dgram minuses, seconds or LONGITLIDE _T� 41 7 r__r _ MID In a d"Irnal format Latitude/longitude svume: 40PS oTvpbgraphie map (Fccation of via#musf b9 shown on a USGS ldpo map and attached to this form i(nar using GPSJ 4. FAC[Ll TY. is srzs nana of Pa Luslrusswhxe thawen i; le arm. FACILITY ID #(if opplicabIs)- NAME OF FACILITY C►' a f f d STREET ADDRESS 22 b ( a i 44 LW 'U3',t i A,' t.r. IQ GilyorTaNn Sta a tip Code CONTACT PERSON 10 c tviAtt[N " GGRf:5�5 �n Ya J 1 r rV C.- C7yr or Toro Slate Zip Coda 3334G� )452 -2005- Il, 34 T- 7722 Ares code - Phone number S. WELL. DETAILS: r a. TOTAL DEPTH:( l�} b, DOES WELL, REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES O NOX o, WATFfR LEVEL Belau Top of Casing: FT, arse'+' if Abova Top of Casing) WTJ`J Oo 16 Z d. TOP bF CASING tS FT. Above Lend Surface' 'Top of casing tetmInaled aVor belcr.v land surface may require avarianca In accordaneewith I$ANCAC 2C.011S. e. YIELD (gprnt: f,SETHODOr TEST It f. DiSINFECTiON:TypeHl'H-_ Amnunt__ g. WATER ZONES (de), � J From CTo From To From To Frarrr To From To From To 3z,.J.Seq� S. CASING: ThfcirlesO caplh - C]iameler Weight Material From To F't, From TO Ft. prom Tp Ff. 7. GROUT: ❑eplh Material Mothed From_a Lied Ft. er 4e; From To_ FL.__ _ 3» f•,_ From To Ft. 8. SCREZNt Depth DIarneter Slpl Size Material Fron Tn Ft. in. In. From To F[. In. In, FrQrt_ Ta FL Tn. in. 9. SANDiGRAVEL PACK' . Depth • -, Sire Material Fran To FL '=roar To Ft. From To FI. _ 10. DRILLING LOG Frain -v 1=vtmn E]� criplian — s w ' r-21 J-gq±4-:,i Vrzsr Axil 11, REMAFtKM 17 r 1 f DOHE RE BY CERWY THAT TKZ WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED 4 r ACC9 RDAHCE W m4 ISA NCAC 2C. W ELL CQkSTRUMN STANDAR0S, AHO THATA COPY OF rKS RECORONASti-ENPRC DEOTOTHEWE L rfM e%GtiATUA T CERTIFIED WELL CONTRACTOR DATE ( uI PR'NTfI3 NAt E OF PERSON CONSTRUCTING THE WELL Submik the ❑rlginal to the DIvislon of Water QuaIIty within 30 days. Akin: Inform atlon I+rtgt., Form GW-lb 1617 Mail Servlce Center— Raleigh, NC 27699-1517 Phorte No,'(919)733-7015 ext 558. k]y � � Rev.7ra5 Tate site visited: 8_/J -/.o Permit required: C�Ye W) ib;v. . .. Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400162 / Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Primary Reviewer michael .rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit , Facility Name Craig and Ann Marie Smith SFR Location Address 228 Heathcliff Pl Winston Salem Owner. Owner Name Craig ·Dates/Events NC 27,104 Smith Orig Issue 12/02/10 App Received Draft Initiated 11/19/10 Re ulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall I\'.· k.L Scheduled Issuance Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 12/02/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status .Active Project Type New Project Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville Major/Minor Minor NC Region Winston-Salem County Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Craig Smith 228 Heathcliff Pl Winston Salem Public Notice Issue 12/02/10 NC Effective 12/02/10 27020 27104 Expiration Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin 'A~Ai 8.!;~.ll NcbENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Craig Smith Ann Marie Smith 228 Heathcliff Place Winston-Salem. NC 27104 Coleen H. Sullins Director 12/2/2010 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400162 Craig & Ann Marie Smith SFR Dear Mr. & Mrs. Smith: Dee Freeman Secretary On 11/19/2010, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received-notification of your intent to construct a closed-loop water-onlv geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: 1. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and · 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021l(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the ForRyth County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Michael.Rog;ers(ciincdenr.rmv if you have any questions. Sincerely, /OrD~~~A~u cc: Winton-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Pennit No. WI0400l.62 fi orsyth County Health Dept. Yadkin Well Co., Inc. (David J. Brown) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. l~orth Carolina 27604- Supervisor Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919 -715-0588: FAX 2: 919-715-6048 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterqua1itv.org An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NonehC 1· ort · ·aro 1na JVaturally Nov, 14, 2010 $:51AM YADKIN WELL No. 6355 Per 2- NORTH CAROL INA :: J DEPAR'lU9DIT OF ENVIROrPAINt AXD N•ATUMAL MOURCBS (NCD Mt3 ' n ' N'OTIFI<CATxON OF ]PVT TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSER-LdOF GEMIUM Ma NAfrF&DIM xNTEcmx WELL S'YS'TM TWi..rSfw WELUS) In A=Wa= with the, pmidaw dXCAC Tir 15A: aZCMW, Fk= OOP AletC this womfim and mW1 to address o3a.tltie Tack- page (plewe Wd of 1=thtb = i DATE: - ZOLO K A. VIA Weff ryp Coofmnmab t: Does tba propesed system ekwWa potable wity (no 7016 8y Lii � iv _ '? oandowas piping OW covVletely isolates the Raid ftm the an* t4:y: clash lonl? r ;, Yes X Cardhwe completing this form. No Do Not complabe this fay. Complete other I31C aMikatioa fi0azw6 either a 5A7 wed sloop well Wa4 g potable water fto The aquifer) or a SQM Ii loop well conothfmg AddthqM such as R 22, ethanol, or other anfiEreeze or catrCsion iobi .. PROPERTY OWI=MAITLICAiYM LAst ewh Propaty Oww listed an property doed (if ow=d by a. b=Ac s or govermwet agesq, Sod& ea ty and a represeftdve wlanfficAty for M&UU re): if (l) 1 wUngAddz=: —2 zrr I iPrw c��t ' ■'L ', r ~ ` `fi.'+ . City: ; f+s - She. P"' Stow. Zip Cade: ? lay. ter.• ' t HouwJOffift T-k Taw �S .- a�R�'3 Cell Na.: (2) Physiml. Aoidim of Well Site (if &ffmnt th m above): City: Staff: Zip Code: HomelOfifce Tole No.: Cell-Nac - AUTHORIZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF A" C¢ ffie PecmitApplicm t does not awn attm$ a letter foam the p vpesty owner avtbmsng Agent to install and operafc MC well) r - c4m)pBa Nam. coNact Person: EMAII.�ddressr _#' � .s Y Addms: City: Stait: Zap Coda: corm ; �+. - MoeTele Nw Call Nag- 7 ; wehsite Address of Cempany, if any r Nov,19• 2010 8:57AM YADKIN WELL No. 6355 Cl 0 E4 R G WMT4DRMLM DaK)Rmr Mff 1 fi :• %° ` CordPwNsmo;Y'udkin Well CA wen DdBd r Coftftmowea Name.- QMM NC Cw&ador C 6M'M0.: 257z-A S -,A _ 3.798R'l . - -- - '. '; • '.7 � • ? • '. •1•• !' • tOIIt$Ct ,I_ B ►RQ a "Y 9'Y Address: 109 HamphinAc Rd. City: SBt tnnvt Ee N.C, Tap Codes 27W* Cow Ytad OfEm TekNo.: 336•46&4440 CdI No : 13&374-8736 i E NUT 1'°U. W COMMACTOR MFORMATt[>Qtf (V Of"ent than drier) � 1 CornpeatyNaiwz=Ptrrr��1lt'�� - Addtrm. "` = �L Li^ y .; ~,.• J• .- Y _ y STAB OF APPLICANT Pdvat, 5c,Fedrral: fu*amme iah ' .• suit, �f munwpd: Native i1tAed= L' ub! IIQEC•nQX pROC7DIME (hriegr dita% the ydaofic o walks) wX be =4 WSLL CONSTRUC1MXDATA (I) Propmmed date to be camaht xft&. 1)0 Ll'- rc eNwtnb of um iag Appwdmabe depth Of each b AVS {feet F fah V) Typc of tubing to bz Z= (cvpPor, I'VI;- da); = L S`j2 f;, - % t (3) WoU cmft. B fte weiKs) oed? (ebmk elthcr (s-) Yes Vr"Ion > (a) Yes ify*% gm provide casing W"Mwonbelow Type: mad sled brook slag plwfic other (spc4.i'y) Cwhig depth Frame to _____--__. feet (y0o ee to land. sumo) C3dm w*wls to above gr&md. Incites: (b) -No X (4) ormtlnfo(m*rW =ouaft well cuftantliorpipiV: -k (a) [iroat 6T= Neat Cement Omer tspcim (b) Gwd pbce� Pimgpkx-- Prtimusa Offiff (o) Giamt depth OfL (mfe mwc tta land wkce): from to If well has rasing, itndlceto ova deptltc timm to (bet) i Nov.19. 2010 8;71AM YADKIN WELL No, 6.355 A#ach a diagram shawb26 dw "Pwadug Payout or proposed mWZcadan of the injed w a aqudpaaeatC . associated whh the Wection operation. Do waAufixb oes hmcb= vay provide supplat� . f r LOCATION OF .US) Attach two oD s of mays slcmnug the Wowing iufcxmat ow (1) behAs a site Map (can be dmw) dwwi ig� bvi�, Foperty hues, =&c* wnW bodW. a0t at soarccs of gmwbdwaftr oareamtn &A and the orientation of and &stum between the posed w a) vy wag wdl[s) or wwft &spasm fadd les such as saptio tanks or drain folds M=W w1wn.� l *0,: _ the geathcr teal. ia�,t Bump �veA system. TAW aft features dearly and mob* a now alyOy (2) TM site Map must show the su*a popery in relation to the a g area.by mng at kast-tweud' rtfuence points mch as rnad5, streams, aurOw highway intew"ons. J. CERTnwAT10N Natae: T16 Permit App&*tWts mast be signed by Mg person appeanc% an tJ* recorded kWI pro" deed °1 head twifY, under penatty of raw, that I Lave pessanafly wAmiwd and mn farm&-r.with ft p suh d in his dwume t and all atmc m=u thereto and tlzt, based on my iDgouy of thm� lxmm&tely respomible for "wh# said Ida muldoaf I believe W the iu%ion is tip, awwa*wa, . I am wam AM there are 4gWBuu t pam9d0e. including 1he passx'bility of pros aad impdso=64 for ; &kS in}wnzati zr. I a w to comsne% opsmle, maiutaun, tpeir, and if'appuffma, abandon the all relate Vpwicames in a=wda om with the mourn sped ficadons ooaditi of the Parmi 4: r , ". .,. - 5' party �wt�lAppliamf • Print cc Type FuH Name and=@ .�� . Sigwttme of Pr Applicant &xA'222kl;:� Print or Type PiM Ximm and title : r• � _�, 5igature ofAutorized Agent, if any •C3�� y�r`-.3 i Pdd or TAm FQ Name and tide :: Please return two copra af•the Completed Aagimtoxt pdcage to: North Carolina DENR DWQ AquiferProtection Seeder -MC Program 1636 M2fi Service Cemter Raleigh, NC 27699-16M Tehrhone (919) 715-6935 �' . Nov, 19. 2010 8:58AM YADKIN WELL c k4 IOfrw114 4.)A) .�a l.�.► r CA-k Y t MON 3'I Nov. 19. 2010 8:57AM YADKIN WELL No. 6.355 y' _:�` '.• FAMMlLE TRU Mf ON FORM DATE REF NO. LOG NO. COMPANY NAME FAX N0. 7rlATTEKnON gm FROM: i aAk.L LL)e-d ra (J ) - F 690 f a � •-i �i'-. COMPANY NAME _ � L4 MHO' (}+`�_/ 'J ,:PC�A9l;l',•+',ra ir- r ;t. S /l (/ ay I 1, 11 ii' OV' � ° _ INpMOUAL DEPT. NUMBEA OF PAGES PLEASE ' QRIGiNATDFr5 INCLUDING THIS SHEET. REALM BY SIdda"E MESSAGE: -FOR 'ALL YOUR WATER NEEDS' YADKIN WELL CO., INC. 1908 mAMPTONVILLE ROAD NAMPTONVILLE. NC r"20 DAVID J. BROWN. VICE FREE, Talmo FREE (800) 24a!9055 OF'FICG (336) 4SB-"40 9-a CA 3 (3241 468O =^65s RErJ t3+JBt 4BB•4658 •gpaa NC. ANfA1GA • GOO LOV99 V*IF .•.:sue* ?. PLEASE INFORM US IMMEMKrELY IF You Do }uw kamvF FR P'FFLl11} ;r