HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400158_GEO THERMAL_20101119Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400158 / Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 11/19/10 Permit Tracking Slip Status Active Project Type New Project Injection Water Only GSHP Well System (5QW) Version 1.00 Permit Classification Individual Primary Reviewer michael. rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Gary & Beverly Poole SFR Location Address 1114 Independence Rd Sparta NC Owner Owner Name Gary D Dates/Events 28675 Poole Orig Issue 11/19/10 App Received Draft Initiated 10/29/10 Re gulated Activities Heat Pump Injection Outfall NUL~. Waterbody Name Scheduled Issuance Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville Major/Minor Minor NC Region Winston-Salem County Alleghany Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation Gary D. Poole 11 1.4 Independence Rd Sparta Public Notice Issue 11/19/10 NC Effective 11/19/10 27020 28675 Expiration Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin NCDEN R North Carolina department of Environment and Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Pardue Coleen H. Sullins Governor Director 11/19/2010 Gary D, Poole Beverly F. Poole 1 114 Independence Road Sparta. NC 28675 Natural Resources Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type 5QW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400158 1114 Independence Road, Sparta. NC 28675 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Poole: Dee Frearnar.. Secretary On 10/29/2010, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) received notification of your intent to construct a closed -loop water-onl, geothermal injection well system for the operation of a ground -source heat pump located at the address referenced above. An individual permit is not required for the construction and operation of this type of geothermal injection well system as long as the following conditions are met: I. The injection well system contains only potable water, 2. The injection well system is constructed in accordance with well construction standards specified in North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .0213, and 3. The required notification form and associated maps have been completely and accurately submitted. Failure to comply with all of these conditions constitutes a violation of the North Carolina Well Construction Act and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Section 2C Subchapter .021 1(u)(2). Additionally, you should contact the Alleghany County Health Department as they may have additional requirements for this type of system. Noncompliance with applicable state, county, or municipal rules and regulations may result in the assessment of civil penalties. Please contact Mike Rogers at (919) 715-6166 or Micltael.Rosersr ncdeitr.9av if you have any questions. {Si Sincerely, ( ` :n' jar Debra W atl.% Supervisor cc: Wingto n-Salem Regional Office - APS APS Central Files . Permit No, W10400158 Alleghany County health Dept. � adkin 14-cli Co. (David brown) 1908 Hi,mpton0le, NC 37U20 Evans Hearing & Coolinc, Inc [.Mark Evans) 22(47 Rich Bill Row. Gtacl.e Valley, NC 2$627 AOUFE+R PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mali Service Center. Ralftr, North Carolina 27699.1636 LwzWn: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh. Nortlt Carolina 276iA Phone: 819-733.3221 I FAX 1. 919-715.0586: FAX 2, 919-715.6W) Costomsr Service. 1477-623.6748 Internet www,ncwatanzua1ttv,or4 An �p�ialF]pnarrunity A�irmatwe Hcpo�i Empioye� On e Nh Carolhia a Oct, 29, 2010 $:50AM YADKIN WELL No. 6-2.24 P. 2 • � Q v+r} AApe.r 4 - F , NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTM SM OFENVIROENIaIIINT AND NATURAL RESOURCES (MC DBNR) , NOTMCAT1011 of 1N'rM TO CONSTRUCT A CLOSAD-LO 02 GEOTMR A IN3I MON WELL SYSTM .t TYPE 5-0W WELD ;. In Aooardwot Will the provlsiom of NCAC Title 13A: 02C OD, pl"se cam&to rwr notmeetion sud wail t+o address an am back page (Please =a orMz l diana&Q. 1 20 5j = p Weit hype Carrffrmirt ion: Does the p woscd ayatem *cidate patablo yater (no additives) in � coollnuous piping that coMleiely isolates the fluid fknm the environment 1^.- Yes X Contima completing fftls form. _ No Do Not complete this form. Ccanplets other UIC application dorms far installing either a 5A? wall (oyrrloop well Jpj6W1 potable water into the aquifer) or a SQMwefi (closed..' loop wall containing �e aurh as A 2.2, ethanol, or other antiErme or comloe ln1t!bitor#, ,' . A. P� PROPERTY 0 W1gXR(S)1A*FMCAN'liM -r - Llst eao Prope* Owner listed an proparir dead f awned by a busineaa or gaYarntn4nt aigency, statb am# o[ .; entity and a represamtel" w/eutla4y for firm ra): i�nrLOT) rt e, d --'6P-g M1 (l) Mailing Address: Clty:. �Znn�� Efate,. .1( zip Coda: `Z& —County;- ; = Homd office Tel Nw Sat- Fktail Address: l�'etasile: J (2) Physical Address of Well Site (tf di$aterd than above): City: slate: — Zip ewe: CoWtt,�r. • ' HolnelDffte Tels No.: Coil Na.: Ai1TH0R=D AGMT OF OViNM 17 ANY (if the Permit AppE=t does own the subject prapetfY, attach n Iott= from the pro" owner enlhariAPS Agent to sr► Wl and opm to UiC well) Compffi y Name: Cantaot Ponan; � }�ddrass• _ -_ - � - _ . Address: =" , City, Stata: Zip Coda; County: ---- -_ •t D.iiice Tale ido.: _ _ - Q&No.: .._ Webahe Address ofCorprkyT, lfaw : ' •:': '' '� -- Od- 29, 2010 8:51AM YADKIN WELL No. 6224 P. 3 C. W i�iJ>;, ��tilt:lT,'�i �t�O1;MA'T14N - •�'' - CDmganyNssrse,Yedkin Well Driller Coaftolor's NwUV. ,1Q.dY M- wBrayn 1pLt L�tro-_ I NC Comr2Ctof Ctrtlfro WAN4,: 157z Caalao! 1'ersBMATi4,Adds,rhF�rdrliler&3 _ Address: 1908 flaoaplonv#11e Cityl _ Saimmoylag N G _ Zip Cade: 21420Ommy: Yadkin , K Of ceT*Na; 3S6-d68-qd�8 Cai1Na•: 33637�-873d -,'r D. HFATTUM1' CO RACTOAWFO"Uxl ditymsint tUP3 driller] _ t. ompany Name: 4- C, J Contact perso • t- V d ► Aru.� Qav l '! - City: V G 7.1p Code'. afi County: �►tii K . y- omce D, STATUS OV AMICANT -- PAvate: '{ p'e gmL.•, Coannrerclak - IF . $talc; i:dun *4h.• — Dative Amenlca Urids: _ - Tr, W,MC lod4 PROCEDtM (brlei#y deacrkbohow the Wtetlon vmll(s) vdg be used) a. WEL% CONMUCTION DATA r � [IJ Piopmed dart to be coui rusted: N Number of bwhtps; _ Appreshnato depth Of mch bwing (%at}: ( U (2) Type of tubing to ba used (copper, PVC, etc); wn RE Sf) a - u .ti (9) Well coslug, is the ►vall(s) cased? (abeclr olther (a) Va or (b,) ft bt akv) (a) Yes if yu, hers pravlda casing 10mmatiou below . _ • ' . Typo; _• _$aivar�Fiad sIeel��jsc� s#tclti_�rltts{!c olHer(spccl+} . CSSIngdeptle to kild Blare*$) Casing viands to abm ground, Juckcs 4 (b) No (4) Ctroat�i>}.b �netarIat atsrrotaadEng ►veil oaslag gndlar plying}; ,�,�r�(�� �nh� � � 1 :-1 � 'r , (a) Gmnt type. NaatCpmeat Beatostlit: a[ • 011w opegiw ,'- (b) Orout p]aoamaat: Pumplag Pressu7 Wier (a) Grant 4cp W of tobing (reft awe to land surlhoe): £seta to�- [fwalf has casing, ladiame grmAdepthi f jn to Oct, 29. 2010 $; 51AM YADKIN WELL No, 62241-4,14 1 [. INJECTION-M-LA M EQVdPMUi'y Amlt A diagram sbowiog the engineering layout or proposed moditicAou orthe I1ec>J on aoprimlt saidUW45 Pi ngllubing associated w16 the f4eatlon operation. The mar►4eturien brochure may provide sup�Iem�e� lnformailan• �,y;: 1, 7.0CATEON OFw$LL(S) A tactn two ropdee ofmaps showing the following informaliau: 1 itrctude p Sito Un can be drawn AowiP ' buildings, rd !! (] p � } B• mS , F �y ues, surface water bodies; sources of groundwater coWroInWon and iho oxxeattat€on of end dlamvices between the proposed-well(s) sol " - any axlstlag wall(s) or waste disposal hellities such as septic tanks or drain fzpids located witlaln,200 het of.; : _ - dw gsot1mr M but pump wall system. L,tbei' all featames clenly and ineludc a march aa0p1. . (2) The Site Map must show the subject pzasperty In reiatlan to tine surrounding area by using at least two ��cd - ref xwei polnts such as roads, sltewts, anNor bighway fntersectians. _ - - ' r' J, CnTMOATION Notet MI'lcrmlt ApplWilon must bs shW by Se person a>ppeaxlq an the -� • ` recnrded Iegal property du& � "i hereby cwllVy mft petmalty of law, that 1 have puzsoully examined ad aw fltmUlat with the inforitte dw,": submitted in this dooum ut. And ali nttas h ments thmto and that,, based an nV *city of those lnd�xd�- ;• ' immediately responsible for obtaWna said irXeL mtion, I belive that"lpfvicoatIait is too, wourate aw ebiglets. •� I am rime that there we aignitleant penalties, ioclpoing the poaslbltify of Nixes and ImptIsonment, lbr si6rAlttiag''. fhlse. informatiom I Was to consbv4 operates mdrua'ln, rV*, and if applloabla, abendon tba lrtjeadon, wall %d' all related appuTknances In aocaordnaca with ticv approved specifcra:60m And ccwditcans of cite perm%-7 : -- ' ftl ature of Property Owner/Applicant Pilot or n►p Ni Name and title Sigrratu fProp�ty tivt�dhpplta�t Print or Type FbaxaeazA clad��- S*Wure of Authnslxad Agent, if any. Print or Type ftl Name and title Please return twa copies of the completed Application yackAgc to: North C aroUns DI&NR DWQ Agul�x Protectlatz S�ci�� 1riIC P�rogxam 1636 Mali $a'vice Center Ralclgb, ACC 37699-1636 Telephone (919) 715.693S Oct,29. 2010 8:51AM YADKIN WELL �� � � fir► d e�r�,. � e�.c t d+� 0 c p elf A C No, 6224 P. 714 hice• »� l°�' cA alb �►�. S Ort.29. 2010 8.50AM YADKIN WELL DATE: 10.11-fl,t'6 TIME: - -REE NO. wil C041If'rINY NAME - . FAX W. _ T'64ya COM ANY NNAAME, � FAX NO_ FtEl& - RI�MDL� DEFT NUMBER OF PAGES PLEASE �IdlNrf`IDFFS. INCLUDING THIS NEST REPLY BY SI9FIAiLIAE MESSAGE: . t-a(h4 41'4A�0/Cart "_- J Crr�-Ag {t t- I�r rjn do 1, 11 e _ 01-Cn :C0 n,%r ,FOR ALL YOUR WA7[R N6rrOS' ,x WELL CO.,'INC.1908 HAMP'TONVfLLE ROAD HAir PTONVILLE. NC 170M AVID J. BROWN. VICE PRfES. i • .K TOLL FRIEZE (a0O) 2A"3s5 ;• .:. , _ OFFICE S336) 466-4440 {: FAX r3W) 498-4Cd6 ASS 026] 4564559 xve0 P14WO AMEPKA • 400 LOv= room , , PLEARINF'OPIM UB IAM EMA YT1M DO NOT H6ORM R1O3 UIN M-