HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400111_GEO THERMAL_20090630... Permit Number Program Category Ground Water Permit Type WI0400111 Injection Water Only GSHP Well System {5QW) Primary Reviewer michael. rogers Coastal SW Rule Permitted Flow Facilit Facility Name Royal Drive Location Address 2129 Royal Dr Winston Salem Owner Owner Name · JB Dates/Events NC 27106 Mitchell Central Files: APS_ SWP_ 06/30/09 Permit Tracking Slip Status In review Project Type New Project Version Permit Classification Individual Permit Contact Affiliation David J. Brown President Vice 1908 Hamptonville Hamptonville NC Major/Minor Minor Region Winston-Salem County Forsyth Facility Contact Affiliation Owner Type Individual Owner Affiliation J B Mitchell Owner 2129 Royal Dr Winston Salem NC 27020 27106 Orig Issue App Received Draft Initiated Scheduled Issuance Public Notice Issue Effective Expiration 06/24/09 Re g ulated Activities Outfall NULL Waterbody Name Stream Index Number Current Class Subbasin AVA NCDEMR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Mrs. J.B. Mitchell 2129 Royal Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Coleen H. Sullins Director 6/30/2009 Subject: Acknowledgement of Intent to Construct Type SQW Injection Well System Permit No. WI0400111 2129 Royal Dr. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Dear Mrs. Mitchell: Dee Freeman Secretary In accordance with t~e application submitted to the Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program that was received on 06/24/2009, the Aquifer Protection Section (APS) acknowledges your intent to construct a closed-loop geothermal water- only injection well system for the operation of a ground-source heat pump located at 2129 Royal Drive, Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC 27106. This system is deemed permitted by rule (North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A, Subchapter 2C, Section .021 l(u)(2)). However, it is recommended that you contact the Forsyth County Health Department, as they may have additional construction or permitting requirements for this type of system. If you modify your system at any time, including the addition of antifreeze, corrosion inhibitors, or any other substances to the circulating fluid, you must contact the APS to verify compliance with applicable rules. Thank you for submitting this notification. If you liave any questions please call me at (919) 715-6166. ~.A{.~D for Mic~ogers Environmental Specialist GPU-Aquifer Protection Section cc: Winston-Salem Regional Office -APS APS Central Files -Permit No. WI0400111 Forsyth County Health Dept. David J. Brown (Yadkin Well Co., Inc., 1908 Hamptonville Rd., Hamptonville, NC 27020) Scott Boyles (Logan Heating & Air Conditioning, 5142 N. Causeway Dr., Winston-Salem, NC 27106) AQUIFER PROTECTION SECTION 1636 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1636 Location: 2728 Capital Boulevard, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Phone: 919-733-3221 \ FAX 1: 919-715-0588; FAX 2: 919-715-6048 \ Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org An Equal Opportunity\ Affirmative Action Employer NOnehC 1· art . aro 1na ;JVatutaltu Jun. 24. 2409 9:13AM YADKIN WELL FACSIMILE TRAMMISSION FORM No, 3163 P. 1 DATE• C / 2 / 69 TIME: REF.NO. LOG NO TO: Sao ' ' - (33f 4 ? 7/ - Ves COMPANY NAME . FAX NO. PLrEAse El LIIEIEDa FEY IUTEMIOIk OWE FROM' YadiCrn Wet( C-Q . «c._ (r') 6� - COMPANY NAME MX NO. PLEASE Deta! d + 13r4, ❑ REPLY INDIVIDUAL DEPt NUMBER OF PAGES PLEASE OAIGiIMPJOR' INCLUDING THIS SHEET REPLY BY S(GNIWRE d„," MESSAGE: -poi- . "ire. i /Wye J we t4.- on Iy rir� �s 6(.0 P oe re yr"'w O►bc a LL',fi` Cita w ► £ny IRS -1-14 ft-)6t.vaq- "FOR ALL YOUR WATER NEEd9" YADKIN WELL CO., INC. 1990 IiAMFTONYI -LE ROAD HAMPTONViLLE_ NC 27020 DAV1❑ J BROWN VICE PRES. TOLL FAIN I000T Z414:0300 OFFICE (330) &06. 440 FAx tams 440-A0A0 RES (3661 460.4659 -arm) M[Wj 0.60941cA • 9QV 'Mess vow PLEASE QZFCIRM US MAYFLY FYOU DO NOT RECEIVE MOILS S4 HELL. 0 ~1un.24. 2009 9:13AM YA D K I N WE L L. No.3183 1 P. 2l NOR'IB: CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NAT'OKAL l<ESOUR.C:ES (NCPENlt) NOTIFICATION OF INTENT TO CONSm.ucr A C'LQSED..LOOP GEOT.ElER'MA(, WATER.-ONLV JNJECTIONWELL SYSTEM: TYPE 5--0 W WELL<S} ln,.AJ:cmdm:t: with~ pm-risioos ofN'CAC 'Iille 15.A= OlC..0200_ :p~ couiplete tlJis. norffication and mail to addrt:SS on the back page (please Print or !lZ illfottnalio~. DATE: G-lq -oq _,,zooq WeU T-,pt: Con,fin,urlio,,..:. Poes the proposed system circnla:te potable vta-rer omy; (Do addhiVes) in contiuuom piping tbat eompletely isolates 1he fluid from the environment (i.e. closed-loop)? Yes _X_ Continue completing this fono,.. No -""'!!!'"'!'I". Po Not complete mi.s ~ Com.plete othet" UIC application forms for imtallmg either a. SA 7 w-ell ~-loop well lnjecting potable water into the aquifer) or a SQM well (elos~- loop well eC"lmai,:,ir,g 9-dd~ ~ch as R.-22, ~tha.noi or ot.b.q an.tif(-eeze o't con-osion ixiliibnox-s ). A. PROPERTY OWNEll(S)IAPPLICAJIT(S) :List each :Property Owner ~d on. pr~ peed. (if owned by a 'business or gc~ ~" stat.e mme of entity end arepresemative w/aut:hority for signawe): _______________ _ J1r,s, .X Oz 1-,..,.:Jc L.e I f (l) Mailing Address: 2 I 2 "'t (tG ~ Q~ ... Chy: Wm JJ..,,_J,,Ll!.rn Sum::: JI?, Zip Code: ,;t_, 7 /a~ Co~ ffet: 9ctl Home/Office Tele No.: ? ~#1 s(/f / rJ -5 1,Z:i@ Cell No.: ( Email Address= Websitl:: (2) Physical Address 0fWell Site (tt"differemtban.above):. ____________ _ City: __________ Stat.e:_Zip Code: _____ County:_~--~ Home/Office 1'ele No.: ---------~,C=el=LN~o=·=--------- B. AUTBOIUZED AGENT OF OWNER, IF ANY (if the PennitApplicam: does not: o"'.Xl the subject property. at1acb a letter from the p:ope:ty owner auth~ Ag=t to msbill and operate UIC •e;ll) CompanyNmie: l CIWl:IICI Pe:rson; = L EMAIL A&bress: Address; £-CJ.~ Ciey~ • = 2 St.a.ie: _ Zip Code~ ____ -_..:Com:1-i;y: -----~- Office Tele No.: Cell.N o.; Website Address of Company., if any:._· ____________ _ RECEIVED / DENR / DWQ AQUIFJ:R ·PROTFr.TION ~f:CTION JUN 2 4 2009 '.Jun.24, 2009 9:14AM 'rYADKIN WELL No. 3183 P, 3 C. WELX. DRE LBR INFORMATION Company Name:Yadkin �iisll_Co. Inc Weil Driller Contractor's Name: Jody Mullis Matthew Erown Muu Cave NC Contractor Cartifscation No.: 2572-A 3036 A 3548 _A Contact Person! David Y. Bxowe 0 k 11-g EMAIL Address: ch drill a uksn_cez Address: 1908 Hamprouville ltd City: Hacartenvat N.G_ Zip Code: 27020 County: Yadkin. Moe Tate No.: 335-468-4940 Cell No.: 336-374-8736 NEAT PTTMP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (f different Stan driller) Company Name: Loy n, r to\ ('4f=-i a n i' rz 1 7 1 Cori c Persoi; 5ca �n y es [4�L address: Shn Li Ie'S (oyaylhiOC. �G AddresS:S 7 V- - i r2,ir eel.tlGi471 I G�ity . Z p Code '7� — f'6 Cvu>/-4� OM* Tele No.. LK3 f- *A V 4/749I Cell No_: _ ‘33 do, 4 J —4320 ,STATUS OEF APPLICANT Private: Federal: Commerdek State • MtmioiPa1: Native A the cica lands: F. INJECTION PBDC ?XYRZ (briefi,Y deeetibe how the injection well(s) will be used) G. WELT.. CONSTRUCTION DATA 1 ed date too be c us1x xr 2uc7� (? Prap�s mil.. G-la Number o€txrtiags= Approximate depth of each. boring (feet). 3 7 " (2) Type ambits to be 'used (copper, PVC, etc): SD lQ bi ir)4i e e f, e-P.s (3) Well casing. Is the well(s) cased? (check either (a-) Yes at , bei (a) Yes ifyes, then provide casing bxfoonation.below Type: _ ,galvanized steel black steel_,plsstic other. (specify) Cag depth: From to feet (reference to lard surface) using extends to above ground inches (b) Na ti (4) Qrout Info (material surrounding well casing and/or piping): rke n&Ike , ce (a) Grout type: Neat Cunt Bentoaite ar Other (specify) (b) Grout placement: Pumpvag Py re Other (c) Grout depth of tubing (reference to land surface): from , , } to =?`3b (fat) If well has ma,�g, indicate grout depth: from w (feet) '\l u n . 2 4. 2 0 0 9 9 : 1 4 A M1 YADKIN WELL· No. 31831 P. 44 ~ JNJ'ECTION-llLA.TED .EQtr.CPMENI Attach a di;agl:am.sbowil)g the engineaing ]ayo'Ot or pioposcd. .modification of 'the iqection equipment ud exterior pipingltubhig usocmted -with. tb.e iDjec1ion opcmi.on: The man:of;J.~s brochare may pro'\ide supplemcntny infac:oa:tion.. L LOCATION OF WELL(S) Amch t-o copies of maps showing1'l.= followiPg information: (1) Include a Site Map (~ be draWD) sh.owing: 'buildings, property' mes., sudilee 'Water bodies,-po~al sourocs of grcnmd'WateI coll'taminati.on. att4 'the oriemaiton of qd distances bet\Veo::D. the proposeo. weD(s) :B:Qd auy ~-w=ll(s) Ol' waste disposal mcilities such as $eptic tmks or drain ~ds located witbin 20D feet of the g~ hem: pm:u.p well .system, Label all fe.atums c:latly ~d inclnde a n~ao:aw. (2) The Site Map U1USt show the subjed: pxopetty in rela1ion. tc tbc smrounding area by using at least two fix:ed re:f'ennce poinu such as toatk.1 sneams:J and/or highway ~ans. . , ~ . J. CEI<.TIFICAT~ON Note: This Pe:rm.:it App&catiOD. mat be sig.ued by asl person appear.ia.g oa the a-a::orded &:pl property deed. gI hereby certify~ un&:t penalfy of law:, tl)a,: I ])ave persomlly examined zud atn iuniliar widt tb.e izlfo:rp:ration s'l.'lbmitted. in ti4i_ c1ocumem: and all aJm.Cbm.ems thereto and ~ based on my inquiry of 'those mdmdmus immediately :r~onsible fOI" obtaining said informa.1ion, I believe that the iDformation is true, accurate. and complete:. I am a.wan tiult thete are sjgniiican.t penalties;, includmg tbe possibility of fines and imprisonmem; for sabmmiag Dlsc information. I agree: 1:0 co~ operare.. ~ tepak. and i.f applicab~ abandon. the injection well and an·rew:ed al)pmtemnces in accordance with the approved spedtications ~d cOllflidons af b, P~ . · ~oLtt;Ji!Y~ . ':::Jo 73 . 'fYt , k h e_ \ 1 Priat or Type Fall NaD:i.e and title Sigm.mre afPropc:r:ty Ovmer/Appliamt Print or r::n,e Fall Name and. title Sigua'ture of A~Agem; if auy Print or Type Poll Name and title Please retmn tw'O copies of the completed Application pa.cbl:ge to: . . North Carolina DENR-DWQ Aquifer Protection Section-me Prognm 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27,9j--1'36 Telepllone (919) 715-o935 • RECEIVED I DENR I DWQ ' AOUIFJ:R'PRnTFl:TlnN ~FCTlON JUN 2 .4 2009 Jun. 24. 2009 9:14AM YADKI N WELL No, 3183 P. kir/ T- ,C3. /44Gke C/ } 1 r cJ,rgo..:»'I+9 co tt►J a- wen, Ry./ v 2-12 tzbyte ( pn ,.-- rL + y l i °6 i rWr{ rr L-.- 11.14. ` ,po l -orri l° * -Fem.% Pl-i'� &- p►vp46,, i1.,rne t bd c Shed bid._ RECEIVED / [SEW I CM AouL RP7,11ON1 JUN 2 4 zoo9 Ro gers, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Mr. Rogers, LJLDl{OO I l I David Brown [chiefdriller@msn.com] Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:33 AM Rogers, Michael Loop field info for 2129 Royal dr. In reference to the site plan for Mrs. Mitchell job in winston Salem, The closest hole to the building, "home", foundation is 25 ft. The second is 40 ft and the third is 43 ft. These bores will ·be placed in a triangle pattern with 18 ft.to 20 ft. separation. This house is on city water and sewer systems. I hope this information is adequate to proceed, if you need further please let me know. David J. Brown Yadkin Well Co. Inc. 336-468-4440 Mobile 336-374-8736 Insert movie times and more without leaving Hotmail®. See how. 1 Rogers, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: David Brown [chiefdriller@msn.com] Tuesday, June 30, 2009 5:08 PM Rogers, Michael RE: Loop field info for 2129 Royal dr. ,:,.J f' 0 ~ Ocl I I I (~ &t..J Mr. Rogers, l,.J~) The grout depth is 375 ft. The hole depths were originallly planned· for 350 ft. I forget to change the grout depth to match on appli<;ation. Thanks, David J. Brown From: michael.rogers@ncdenr.gov To: chiefdriller@msn.com Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 10::28:21 -0400 Subject: RE: Loop field info for 2129 Royal dr. Just one more clarification-the grout depth did not correspond to boring depth. Please confirm the grout is from bottom of boring to 0-3 feet from surface. Thanks Michael Rogers Environmental Specialist NC Div of Water Quality-Aquifer Protection Section (APS) 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Direct Line (919) 715-6166; Fax 715-0588 (put to my attn on cover letter) E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public -Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties From: David Brown [mailto:chiefdriller@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 9:33 AM To: Rogers, Michael Subject: Loop field info for 2129 Royal dr. Mr. Rogers, In reference to the site plan for Mrs. Mitchell job in winston Salem, The closest hole to the building, "home", foundation is 25 ft. The second is 40 ft and the third is 43 ft. These bores will be placed in a triangle pattern with 18 ft.to 20 ft. separation. This house is on city water and sewer systems. I hope this information is adequate to proceed, if you need further please let me know. David J. Brown Yadkin Well Co. Inc. 336-468-4440 M.obile 336-374-8736 Insert movie times and more without ,leaving Hotmail®. See how. ~(;~correspondence to and from " , sender is subject to the N. Public Records ,,. and may n' disclosed to third parties I. "\ f\il I ·-~/ l lv' ~ Lt,, S,/'>~ ~~ rt ~ Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync. Check it out. 2