HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0019755_Monitoring - 10-2020_20201201Monitoring Report Submittal ............................................................................................................................................ Permit Number #* WQ0019755 Name of Facility:* JPC Utilities, LLC Month:* October Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address:* Name of Submitter:* Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2020 Upload Document* Scan0007.pdf 1010.57KB FDF Cnly Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-t, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). doug@jpc-management.com Douglas Smith Reviewer: Williams, Kendall 11 /25/2020 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct? * WQ0019755 Is the monitoring report r Yes r No accepted?* Regional Office * Winston-Salem Accepted Date: 12/1/2020 J IBC Utilities, LL P.0 ®G+ N:5 Phon9' =61 WELMd O*k FbG'gr, Pig 2731 ¢ Fea: �J36J 6#i FBU6 Emall9��d'tsk 0104ky= q&pemenr urn November 5- 2020 Ir1#ormartion %eftsing ujit Kon-Discharge Cvmprwoe pup 1617 MOH Smiee Center Ra4@Igh, NC 2761�9-1617 RE: Oak fridge Commons Spray Irfigation Wastawaler Sy Ut m yak Ridge. NC Guiffunrd -CeFjnty Permit: W000I9756 LLeOr Slr eir Madam: Attached aria the Spray Irrigatlbn Non-bir;oharge Reporbn!3 Forms for October, 202D. Please cafI with airy quesliens or comments. Best fegards, Douglas Smith JPt, Utilitle5, LL ll¢u9 1P':-marWrrlentcirn r r.: R V NDAR. • - 1 = N DIN-CIPSCHARGE APPLICATION FEE PORT � N DAR-1 ] 131*9# 0 a i d t he a pplicat i on ratCS ex teed th a rim i is fn Atac h ment B of your par11'Iit? Were a €#eq u ate m eas u res to kcn to preve nt uffluerd po nd i tti g i n or runoff frorn the s ices? 0 &mowm D n m<ffwwkt d CWOW L7 mbn-GWOWt a s u i tR hl a vegetative cover maintained on all sites a5 s pecifwLd in your perfnit? Were a II Setbac ks J isted in yo u r perrnit m a i nta in(3 d f*r ever} a ppi i catio rs to eac h pe rm I tted site? panawk Were all freebroarads maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heiight& in your p"M t? a - Ir the fecllgk M non-mrnpuml- please ec a1r. in the 5;Nce Delow On! rr�Dnf5) the rar:ililyr -Yes nd in o: +mplrence. Pr vK* In your "anat*n tht datr{sj of the flein-ra]+npkre a end descme tht =0VM eciim(s) taKen. Atlach ;;Mi"ndi fl,"U if nBummyr Oper*hor in RMPOFAA Slm Charge JORq CerrrfirAUoe Ptrmitfiee CettiFcativn ORC: Br&dley rlyr$ PwTr d ee: JP� L�ti IiRI�S, LLB + eAifiWlion No,!71 1 Signing 0116231: Doug 9midl Grad&! IV Ptwm Numbw; Signing OPf+epel's Ti2m: Back Up ORC Grade 1 10Q$&11 Nes the ORC changed 9inm the prev.oux NdAR-f? ` x r n4 ftor* M1lumb4r: Permit Ero, Igo, u�a signature Dale 1 I ftrRI ire U14 nallcr7 n'�? TMIS and [xWLIAwk 14 i+4 tmR N JW bXwkdW I Carkt1, ufK6r permft d larr, " ift do=LVnaN Ana r etzchr[wM� wwy PreReray Lvow *y tbreciaa -r :-0jr L,.Qn 1n a+?_+xdm=o +ek+ N c}iLis m " k3 a— dra aY 4rAm D!-r� fr b. gurAn d jum Hm40trd Iha irfeL.IIUd n Z:Libm Hra. eaiw rr, MY L-ALLr"p kh4 Pin ar pra*':nt -lu MMMO dw "'ern P• WN perms dweW rospwwm&f% r r patfref''d lim racr"Im, Im rkrrral4n LUbn nfr+F. 10 ire tio51 of 11, k,KW"X WW t"j. Cro. ao_ara�o-, f " Wr�pk [j 1 aril tat flti-G.1 fr�rrri aa�a�rKe+ar 6mmrr,g fnae wrk m2k&'t irr*rrkp Um r�L,i,r ce ev JM kH frh—meM rar krr" vooIWs Mmil Orig Inal a nd Two Ca pl e5 to; ai-+si an Df Woter ResDurces Infurrrlatlon lP►ocessing Unit 1617 Mail 5crvice Ce•n10r Raleig h, No ryh Carolina 27599-1617 FORIN• NDAR-1 Ci- i G NON-DJSCHARG E AP PLICAT ION R E-PORT (NDAR-1 } Page of S, pv:rrnll Ho.. F;�cilrgr NEKhe: Oak Ridge Commom 1 DTP G�oungr! GUilf40rd Mons: Ocloher Year: 20 20 Did irrigation 4Cc L!f Meld NwmB' 1 FT*M Name-2 Herd MMB; Field Name. Arwqacresa= t.84 AFIR ��1' 2.0' F# [acrssk 22 - �t �IIS Cl�lt],+_ rovjaeres):, 2.32 cw+er crop-- ��r gyp: _ +vr drop: Cow oropc s _ %G Hwa y- R20 (GkF: 0.7 FIOurPy Ram (in): QF Houd�r RatB jiinp: 0.7 Hourly- Rete grnp_ G.7 Annual Ftafe (in): 22.21 Annvaii Rate �ln): 2.21 dal J el� (Irk}_ �21 dual fate -Fur): 22.21 writ I Freetroedd FIBI� Ir�Vpah4 _ ns ❑pro- Field Mrrgede�? C' xrs I] r4o Fuld IrrlpatihP L'rrs E. ro Field 4MgMW? r: res 0 wa a., v :r md - E 6C3 ¢ m _ _ _O '�F In ft1 MID in Irt�41n Yk In gal man in Irk gal rnIn in1 c Fd d 12,�i $D �33 0.17$ d.1 .5 0 12D is 3T tQ i2, 50D 9L] 4 0.15 13.0m B(9 0.2 0.16 3 C 57 4.1 tiS,Fr0 i2p 0.34 1 F 12D D 16,790 .30 15 4 C 67 4 � :5 C 67 4.3 1 500 12D D.37 Q1 13.000 60 0.2� 4.16 6 c 75 4.5 5,3 1$�3D 120 0.3r# flL18 19.5rA 120 0.31 �.15 7 -0A8 19-Aw 120 017 0.19 13AM 80 &.22 CL19 IC Ste 4.7+$ 1 B.M 320 0.36 0.1$ 9 CL 7 19,SOD 120 .31 D. i i 4.75 19.500 120 0 37 0 T9 13.004 84 0.2� 0.1$ - 10V 64 1.37 4.5 _ 1163 4,5 12 6B �.6 13 59 001 4.7 3.2 ?A C 5$ 4.7 9,�5Y} 60 ,19 0.19 6 SOD 40 0.1'1 0.11 Is c T-Oa AJB 1REM im 036 0.1$ 16 M 64 4.9 1%5�0 12D 0.37 -D19 19,�DD 1 ODO 8�J .022 0.1$ ?7 RC "„ 7 tJp 12� 0.36 f8 1g wo f2D q5i 0.15 I RC R�1 5.1 G ro ;rr. 1$,5W 120 D.37 D.1 13.OGr b.li� 7$ $.2 5. 11 .•`+00 rt20 0.9 0L18 { v , PC 74 5.3 1 B 6 120 �)X 0.19 _ _ 50 120 CL51 0.15 13,LUD 60 �.2? 0.16 PCr52 5�� te,94 12� 0�36 0.1 B 19,SDL} 124 0,31 D.1 r# PC �5 19 5M 12-D 037 D.1! 13,OD� L+0 D.7$ 24 RC 6•d 1IL500 f2D 0.36 lk y3 4,500 124 Q 1 0,16 26 R 1.82 55 ZT G E-M O.S ba R 68 F02 5.5 1p CL F7 5.5 30 64 0.06 5.5 _ 15,0D0 120 ID•27 0.1 15i�70 f2U 74 �.12 31 C 58 2� 5.6 t9 ;F00 1037 019 1'3,DD0 80 0.22 �. f6 MoM*LMdlrlg: 1 .: 3.52 182,7� � 3v` 123,$DO 2,07 162,70p 2.9D 12 IMrtrrEh Flaalln Tad (Ina- 12.3a i 1.$5 7.52 1�1� FORM: NDlJ2- i 05-1iB NON -DI SC HARGE APPLI CATION RE PORT (1Y DAR.1 3 p PagP aF S pmrmit Nm: 001!075� FsolritY kanre! C;�K Ricrg�- CQrnmm.s VjVJTf' �antjr; GL. -V uro AtDnth: C?r;hQber Yam- Z020 Did Irrigation occur Predd gym$_ $'� �" "�'"° � Fler d N#me_ at this fa c if I ;? Ama1 arm), 1.05 Area ,area (acme): 6A 1.1 1 FFfId Nerve: 513 C15vur Crop: Cover Crap; Area lac"): 1.11 _ -CovQr Cfiapc COVer Cro pc HCwI7 Rate {dn)c 0.7 HpW Hift (Jn)- r►]t ,' Mourig Rate {nM: OL 7 Nouriy IioEe pnM; 0 Weather AHMupl Rate (inj; 22.2r Annuer RmW IknM; X N ArIO al Rate (id): 22.21 Annual IRMA jfn}; Fmchoard Flol[i Irrlgaaed _ YF5 L rm Flaid rrTIgjW? r,vE-, F110M Irr]pamf [ ms hID Field ] nr9+� M yp� - _I L� D 3 fi r n E � It p iF s, ra n a are ° � >a �F mV5 ai 3 a E o �•$� M Ez� •4 as E m = m��' �� �� E � he E§vr� QL rrr a6 � J T` J > Q �` d QQ _ 1 'F in Fk fl 8aI akin Fwd in nal mirk In In mb in I in q&I mlrr b In 2 9.7 120 D.34 0.�7 9.7110 120 0.24 0.1 7 6 0,2t 0 p6 6,250 8D 0.21 0.16 3 _ 94$DQ f20 0.32 0.16 91500 120 4.16 S 5 9,7W 12jj flL4 4.17 9,754 1D 0.0 1 f 9,750 720 0,34 1517 91F50 120 0.34 0.17 9,750 M (02 0.1$ %760 1 W 16 B 9 - 1�F50 120 0.3A (.17 $,#54 120 D.3'd 0.17 0.750 1 � 0 32 0,19 9.730 13D Q32 0.7fr �0 11 1� J. 1S 14 7� :,.ODD -D ] 7 0.17 5,0p1p W 0.17 017 _ 16 9 12D 0.34 0.17 1 730 1217 0. U 0.17 0,750 720 0.32 0.96 9,760 1 0.3 t5,750 tF 18 $. D 1210 0.32 _ 0,16 .9.7m 120 D.32 0.16 TO r 9,750 f20 D.34 Q17 0,750 1N 03+4 0.17 2D 2f $1�0 �,3,1 D.'I� B,T§0 1 � 4.34 0.17 � 750 120 13LQ 0.18 1�,750 120 D,'J� D.1$ 2� 23 0,7Ei6 12D 0.34 0,17 9,7+w 120 0.34 D 17 9120 D•32 0.16 13,7150 120 G.32 416 24 ' 9,75D $20 0,32 GL1r ,750 12p 0_32 0.15 25 27 A 2B 9750 '20 0.34 017 DIM 1 0.17 5D 0,25 0-17 7,5N 0.25 0.17 AIoMhF7 Load n�j: 92.730 3.22 9 0 3 22 12 Mcnkh F1D� iolal Cinf:9l,SOD 11.32 91,500 3.04 1t 13 1_97 1F FORM- N❑ KR,l 05-15 ICON-DI-SOMARGZ APPLICATION REPORT (NDARj) Da]e �- gf P%Rrrnit Noy: VVQ001 !�755 r-pllty N&mc: Oa k Fb; u Ccmrn<3!13 P ���r+4• �= lI� d Munch: J{,4tef Year; 2020 D I d irr j g at1or4 occ ur Field Hama: 7A Field Name, 78 Field Name! 8A F iglcl hf$rne= iR t tf115 faClIltMf? � 4ma facdtsIi: 1.a Are* 1 06 Arena {acresf- 1.D4 AM$a �acra�j; 1 0.4 013v T CrgQ; C&rw Cr-op; Ceyaw Crap: OMW Cnpp; res :. _ vo Hourly Reis (Ind; 07 Harlyr Rom im)' 0.7 Haurig dale (inE: 11.7 Hours RziW (In), 0.7 Ormual F3hegLnf: 22.21 ,4neual ft6a tin): 35 8AAr5nupl Pa6e fin): 22.j Annual RaW qjraM; 36.84 W¢ather Freab,x,,,d Head bri g r - H0 Paid Irrigah w? [- I ws I _ � Ord Irri�emd� rm C� [+n Frame ■ C - '� I' Y5 fJC} 0 gy E 'f in it I`t 3l mill �� In gal rein ' '11 �n f gal min In In 1 rnie In In SZ50 S0 0.22 0.17 �. 0 80 OL22 D.17 9.7$0 i�0 D.34 �17 9,75U I � 0,34 0.17 3 - 9. 12D 0.34 0.17 9,r�L%7 120 034 �.17 5 $,7w 120 0.34 0.17 g,750 120 0.34 0.17 6 f 9,7W 1 w 12,34 0.17 $, TSU 120 CL 34 0.17 9,�50 t20 G-as Q17 9.750 12D 0.35 0.17 8 BL7� 120 0 O i x 9,750 1 0 0.35 OL 17 9 9,150 120 0.34 Qt7 �F� 12A 0 � D.17 14 11 12 13 14 5.0DU fl0 0.17 0.1 T 5.WO $ Q-17 0.17 y� y $,7� 12D 0.35 D $7 p,7�0 120 D.35 0.17 9, F60 f2 0.3+1 Q.17 6L� 12D VL 34 Q17 k22 120 3E0.17 9,7W $20 0.35 CL17 � 120 0 a.17 8, 0 120 0.0 21 91750 120 034 -D 111' 9,F50 120 0.34 0.17 9,7158 tzo 0.35 017 9,750 130 0.35 0.17 %760 120 CL35 0.17 9.7% 1 M 0.34 0.17 0.7% 120 0.34 G.17 24 25 9,750 T2D 0133 0.17 9.750 13o D.35 0.17 71A TF 2$ 30 31 7,50D so 0.2 f D.�3 7.M go D.27 0.16 T 120 0.34 0.17 9.750 1 0 0.34 D.17 Wrrthly Lrsadln,2 p; rr$p 3,22 ,75{] 3.2 Bi �50ff 12 M-brrth Flon(IN idal (IFk ; 11.E 3 Bi 3.24 11,33 11.1� 11 fo PORM. NDAR-i 4E-`$ W>N-USCHARGE APPLJCA710m REMf2T fNDAIt-7Y [; r C� rf c- FORM: NDMR M16 IIYOWDI:FiCHARGE MONITORING REPORT {NDMIR) Page r . of Sampling P*r&Dnfs) Gertifgr 4abvrtitr " 11wme: BradleyFlyrnl Nhrtre: S'�1�swilfe,4n IytlCal Nam r: Doug Smith llam4_ DoGs all MOnitering dais and s milling frequenclela rnee# the requtraments in Attachrnent A of your permit? L compam L-1 WA-0cwOiani Ir 7hr, iaciwy cs nw-cpmpllenl. Wefft wemirk In f# sRae bm4w th* reanorr(a)the fawitk was m In complianr r. Prrn-de ho- yDjr OXDISA.9hon MO daie(s) ofthe non•c4rnplianca end *lcrrhe tht mrrecllut a�gn[sj Asked. + addltion2il sheets Ir neci ssar}'. 1r haq 3 rain fiver's an tie 111h, 251h, i1nd t-he work pf the •31N rewltin In h• her than n.3mw flpw throw !hr wMet rec,,d r OPe-rNbF in ReslxonslbJe Chwfje [i]RC) CertllWicallon ORC: 8ra(fr(jyr Flynt Cercifi on No.. 27' 7 Grad&-- rV Phont! h[umber_ (33113)43M 2 Has the ORC change] Birlae [hp prevlakx& NDMf{� [ r!s r i wo 4} I Z".r.�iftWIMISrkO&iILWrLrr4iIQansrarndNe IDthc,NhI ctmK 13y Perri hhw Certll9rahgrn Pdrmil w J PC Udl-lpm L Lr, 51grFing Offi-cial: t7Ou9 Smith Signing orficiaPe Title: luck Up ORC Gf2de I 1 NW I Phone Nmber_ Parmrt Expiw`at rr�; �� Sl�nalurc ❑Jha OErflfk, IatiW F—t' rq l--'W UM dOO-M&A AEI Eq 3tuto Q. KL ire• pWa ladAy' 'frSi of +a• 313GMdTdDC WMa "kin r"ji." b mWl4 IW an quaj&O pVjMdM f9aUMffW k hd ov4kwr6d Ire iii4.�'naldn a+.tmnna &-qp3-M-Yhq3'r aIbperpm crI�QiHQl4"AM Rx-"m"W3IOn, ar ltiry Mom sdW"ri 1i1Pw5jMf,x q;A 12r313 L" infcmaR,i, iur riftmmi n suGti#d c. ro iha OW ar nY k,,OA" 5'4 t.,W Inw r.�r{�aln aim [ten . I am rnarc Val ma x Ms Qo,nco�l p jttc rar wt,rr:i fah hrrrrruion Itrf s Orrrrr+s mid w lwrmWH fa A Mwil-9 ya4bo rc. Dail Original And Two i *Ries to= DIMIOn of We er ke$uurcea Irrtiorma&OFI Processing Unn 1617 Mall aerwl-co CwA-er Raleigh, North Ce mlina 2761$gr1$i7 FORM.NCB 45 7 NON-Dr$C.HARG E MGMTORI N G RE PORT f N DM 1t1 �a,a FURW Ni)MR o5-1-$ NoworscHARGE MONITORINO REPORT{NDMRj paw '? Gt