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Rogers, Michael
From: Watson, Edward M
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 9:17 AM
To: Pitner, Andrew; Rogers, Michael
Subject: FW: Avery Municipal Water connection
From: Wise, Gary W [mailto:gary.wise@amecfw.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 9:13 AM
To: Watson, Edward M <edward.watson@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Johnstone, Paul S <paul.johnstone@amecfw.com>
Subject: RE: Avery Municipal Water connection
I believe Mr. and Mrs. Avery have signed the agreement. We are currently supplying them with bottled water
until the switchover can be accomplished. Once we have a schedule for the water connection and well
abandonment, we will keep you informed.
Gary Wise
From: Watson, Edward M[mailto:edward.watson@ncdenr.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 9:05 AM
To: Wise, Gary W <Gary.Wise@amec.com>
Subject: Avery Municipal Water connection
I have not been able to obtain information regarding the municipal water connection for the Avery Residence next -to
the Former Robert Bosch Tool Company facility in Lincolnton, NC.
Do you have any -information regarding this issue? If so, will you forward any documentation regarding the status
of connecting the Avery's to municipal water to myself and Mike Rodgers at our central office in Raleigh. My last
information was the amended agreement to add Mrs. Avery's name to the agreement was with Robert Bosch Corporate
offices. However, that was over a month ago.
Best Regards,
Edward Watson
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
704 663 1699 Office
704 235 6040 Fax
610 E. Center Ave.
Suite 301
Mooresville, NC 28115