HomeMy WebLinkAboutRowel BranchENVIRONMENTAL SCREENING REPORT Of 20 Acre Rowel Branch Tract Leland, Brunswick County, N.C. 1 For ECOBANK 1555 Howell Branch Road Winter Park, Florida 32789 / By Land Management Group, 1? P.O. Box 2522 1 Wilmington, N.C. 28402 May, 1999 Job #98-586 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION: 3 PURPOSE/GOALS 4 II. SITE INFORMATION: 4 Site Location 4 Site Description 5 Soils 5 Topography 5 Water classification 5 Threatened & Endangered Species 6 Historical Archaeological 6 Resources III. SITE ASSESSMENT: 6 Field Observations 6 Map/Photo Search 7 Environmental Literature Search 7 IV, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS: 8 APPENDICES: Maps Photos 9?a4 a ,? ??? VWMA, JnC. mat IWW .96.25.41 Wdminy&n, ?{rWA %w na 18401 9e? 910-451-0009 Y..Y g X. V 9&#..4fouloon J I. INTRODUCTION- 9W4 0 3805 Wllmi , .Iff 28403 This 20 Acre Flood Plain property was evaluated in order to determine the extent of any previous site disturbances or business practices that had a negative environmental impact on the site which might indicate past or present waste-generation handling and/or storage activities. The extent of this Level I environmental site inspection involved the following duties: a) A general site reconnaissance of the property and visual inspection of the periphery to observe any obvious ground surface disturbances or unnatural soil and land features and to inspect the tract for environmental problems resulting from negligent business practices; b) Review available aerial photographs, topographic maps and any relevant historical background data indicating previous land use; C) Evaluation of various relevant hazardous waste lists, permit databases, and property inventories from DWQ and the EPA, which might identify a nearby known source of contaminant; and/or property in non-compliance with current environmental regulations; d) Perform a windshield survey of adjacent land uses and those on permit data bases identifying potential waste generators or waste storage facilities which might impact the property; to provide maps showing proximity to subject property; e) Perform a narrative description of the property describing its general environmental status with various maps, photos, and supporting documentation being attached;-and f) Summarize and conclude if further environmental study is needed and, if so, what type of study would be involved for a thorough evaluation to complete a "Due Diligence Review". This preliminary "Level I" site inspection was limited to the above work duties and did not test for radon, nor did it 4 evaluate in detail adjacent land uses. This report is based on limited observations made on the date noted and was not intended to be absolute or exhaustive. It is based on historical knowledge of normal land use impacts to the environment and can be used to determine the general environmental status of this property as is often recommended by the Super Fund Amendment and Re-authorization Act (SARA) and CERCLA rules. PURPOSE/GOALS- The primary purpose of this environmental screening exercise is to scope out and evaluate this property to "due diligence" standards listed above and to follow the NC DOT Screening Inspection Guidelines. Within this purpose, the following goals were set for the Rowel Tract: A) To detail and summarize the existing natural conditions of the property; B) To scope the property as to the potential of containing threatened and endangered species and/or historic and archaeological resources; C). To summarize the potential for containing hazardous materials or be affected by regulated chemicals from adjacent properties; D) To make sure there is no known underground storage tanks or other contaminant which could affect the mitigation area or activity; and E) Conclude whether there is enough environmental concern to warrant further more intensive study. II. SITE INFORMATION: Site Location: This 20 acre mitigation site is located along the original flood-plain of Rowel Branch which is a tributary of Mill Creek and Sturgeon Creek in Leland, N.C. It lies 3/4 mile north of the major tidal portion of Mill Creek and is situated at the intersection of Seaboard Coastline Railroad with Mt. Misery Road (SR 1426) in an area locally called "Eastbrook". The 20 acre mitigation parcel lies in the center of an 87 acre "Eastbrook" parcel which is not developed at present. The average length of the mitigation stream segment is 2780 L.F. with a fringing flood-plain averaging 310 L.F. in width. The larger tract is bounded to the north by the railroad; to the east by the abandoned Carolina Creosote Plant; to the south by woodland and Schoolhouse Branch Creek and to the west by SR 1426. 5 Site Description: The exact property lines of the larger tract have been recently surveyed and are illustrated on the attached "Boundary' Map" which was surveyed in Sept. of 1998 by Sherwin Cribb R.L.S. The 20 acre section follows the 404 wetland edges of the flood plain of Rowel Branch and includes primarily remnant fresh water marshes with scrub/shrub zones along old beaver dams and dredge canal spoil piles. The upper head of the stream which was disconnected due to a diversion canal consists of mostly bottom land hardwoods. All of the site both wet and dry was clear cut within the last 2 years. The only man-made features on the property are the large canals (see photos), one roadway known as Eastbrook Drive which is presently abandoned, and physical scars showing extensive digging and filling activities across and through the flood-plain bottom 30 years ago. A cemetery and church are out parcels along the southern boundary. There are no buildings on the property nor was there a business on the site. There are remnant beaver dams and man-made berms crossing Rowel Branch flood-plain along its length at this location which have been breached by recent hurricane flooding. Soils: The attached 1973 SCS Soils Map of Rowel Branch shows the S.E. flood-plain/creek bottom as Muckalee soils which contain fine silts and organics. The northern section corresponds more with an intermittent Johnston braided stream series with coarse alluvial sand deposits from heavy stream bank erosion. Much of this flow comes down from Leland Industrial Park which empties most of its stormwater run-off in this direction. The non-hydric - upland soils which fall adjacent to the 20 acre mitigation area consist of the Lynchburg, Foreston and Goldsboro Soil Series. The large diversion canal was cut through these soil types and have sandy cut banks and spoil piles. Topography: As you can see from the attached 1990 USGS 7% Min. Quad Sheet which reads in meters, the property has a flood-plain which averages 6-7 feet above MSL. The adjacent uplands surrounding the branch reach a high of nearly 30 ft. MSL. This branch flows into Mill Creek nearly 4000 ft. to the south where it is a tidally influenced section of the much larger Sturgeon Creek. High lunar tides can back water up into the lower portion of Rowel Branch. Water Classifications: Rowel Branch is considered a "SW" swamp water fresh water first order stream which flows into tidal SC waters of Mill Creek and Sturgeon Creek. It receives mostly stormwater runoff from forestry operations and Leland Industrial Park which lies to the northwest. It also receives 6 run-off drainage from the railroad and numerous land clearing and silvicultural operations in Ready Bay. The stream flow appears to-be much greater than 5 CFS at this location which puts it below the Army Corps "Headwaters" point. Threatened and Endangered Snecies• As can be seen in Appendix "A" there was no plant or animal species found on the federal list which was positively identified in the Rowel Branch flood-plain. It is possible the short-nosed sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) migrates up into Mill Creek. The combination of intermittent swamp water flow, roadway and beaver dam restrictions most likely limited its use of this 0 upper stream segment. There are dry sand ridges on either side of the mitigation site but the large pine trees have been clear-cut and high graded over the years. Therefore, we did not see any Red- cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) habitat or cavity trees on the property. Historic and Archaeological Resources: According to our f ield observations and review of historical photos and records, there wasn't an earlier building or business operation on the property. There was evidence of a roadway and dam being pushed across the flood-plain in the late 1970's but as of 1973 (see attached aerial) the site remained in a near natural state with only beaver dam usage of the stream bottom. The adjacent property was not cleared yet for the Carolina Creosote Plant which started operations in 1974 according to state DWQ records. The SHPO Archaeology Branch maps identified one property adjacent to the mitigation site as being significant. It identified the "Oakland Cemetery" which lies next to the diversion canal on a high bluff. Many of the old tombstones (see photos) go back to the turn of the century and appear to be family grave sites. The mitigation work on this tract will not disturb this old cemetery which has a boundary recorded in Map Book 162; Page 364 in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds. III. SITE ASSESSMENT: Field Observations: This property was examined extensively by the undersigned and LMG staff during the last few months while performing wetland mitigation planning services. As was noted earlier there are no buildings on this 20 acre site nor on the larger 87 acre "Eastbrook" tract which surrounds this mitigation site. The closest buildings to the mitigation work area are two residential homes which lie next to Mt. Misery Road and abandoned sheds which lie down-stream at the abandoned Carolina Creosote Plant. 7 1 1 The mitigation area was once a dynamic hardwood swamp forest with raised water levels due to extensive beaver dams. It contains at least 4 old soil and log beaver dams which are now vegetated with 30 year old pine trees. It also contains an extensive fresh-water marsh above the dams with various emergent aquatic species which are in the Juncus, Sedge, Rush and Carrex families. Now that the dams are broken and the diversion canal is diverting and draining the site, upland plants such as Dog fennel and Broomstraw are volunteering in the higher marsh elevations. Even remnant Cypress and Gum Swamp areas are "drying out" with Myrtle Baccharis and Privet becoming dominant understory species, thus shading swamp and marsh regeneration. Map/Photo Search- According to the map and photo screening, the earliest attainable map (attached) was the 1928 Bureau of Chemistry and Soils Map. There was no disturbances of this 20 acre parcel, however, there were numerous surrounding residential and farm buildings along a dirt road that ran from the Eastbrook railroad community across the 87 acre parcel towards Navassa to the southeast. The attached 1973 photo shows this old dirt road and a field site when the Carolina Creosote Plant operated. The attached 1983 color I.R. photo enlarged to 111=600' illustrates the first evidence of both the location of the Creosote Plant along the tracts eastern boundary and :the first signs of the extensive canal activities. This photo also shows the creation of a perpendicular canal and the extensive filling of the central section of Rowel Branch swamp and marsh complex. The attached 1998 I.R. photo shows the property like it exists at present. Environmental Literature Search: An extensive search of the available environmental literature and data bases was performed using NPL lists, CERCLA, RCRA, and FINDS lists by EPA and LUST, UST, Landfill and Dump sites registered with DWQ's Hazardous Waste Branch. Based on the "Vista" computer 1 mile radius search of the multiple computer data bases, there is one site worthy of a more detailed description-. A summary of the environmental conditions of this site is as follows: A) Carolina Creosote Plant Site- EPA ID# NCD003184710. The property lies adjacent to the Eastbrook 87 acre eastern property line between the railroad tracks to the north and Rowel Branch to the south. It lies down-stream of the 20 acre mitigation area. The industrial property is abandoned at present and was identified on the CERCLA List as a SPL - State Equivalent Priority List (SRC #3703) but is not on the NPL. According to EPA records the "Carolina Creosote" site was a wood treatment facility which operated on this tract 8 from May of 1968 until March 1983 when the business operations were transferred to "The North Pole Company, Inc. "--which ceased operations in June of 1984. The plant site occupies about 10 acres of a larger 100 acre tract owned by Nancy Smith. It was initially owned by Tillman Reese (see map). The EPA took over clean-up of the site in 1992 after it was determined that all responsible parties, state staff, and previous owners did not have the resources. The initial investigation started in 1983 when a regulated sludge (K001 hazardous waste No.) was illegally disposed of on dry land. This sludge containing used creosote and pentachlorophenol (PCP) which also contains heavy metals and arsenic was found at four locations (See EPA map): (1) Bark pile near debarking machine; (2) In woods behind office near Todd family residence; (3) Behind land application area in woods; (4) In woods behind bath house and old office. Since K001 sludge settles out of waste water and is considered a hazardous waste, the plant operation is considered a "TSD Facility" and RCRA large quantity facility and, therefore, its clean-up effort was taken over by EPA. According to in-house EPA records they felt the worst part of the operation violations was the overflow of contaminated water from the diked tank farm and sludge landfarm area during heavy rains.. These overflows ran S.E. from the site towards the lower end of Rowel Branch about 1800 ft. south and downstream of the mitigation area. Subsequently, EPA staff in 1993 collected and removed the contaminated rainwater and sludge from dike areas and land farm and decontaminated tank water and process buildings. They also removed and bio-remediated or incinerated spillage of sludge and PCP on -land surfaces. The total cost was estimated at $330,160 on EPA documents and they are not taking further actions. IV. SUM14ARY AND CONCLUSIONS: As was noted above this 20 Acre parcel has remained natural up until the mid 1970's at which time the canal excavation and filling activities occurred. This work apparently was initiated to make the site attractive for industrial growth along the railroad and lost its attractiveness when the county started Leland Industrial Park and Carolina Creosote shut down. There are no threatened and endangered species on the tract 9 and the only registered Historic/Archaeological site is the old "Oakland Cemetery" which is a surveyed out parcel of the larger Eastbrook Tract and adjoins the diversion canal. What makes the property a little different then most is the remnant fresh water marsh created when water was backed up repeatedly over approximately 20 years by an extensive beaver population. Only one property out of six found during review of the environmental literature was worthy of further exploration. This was the operation, closure and eventual clean-up of the "Carolina Creosote Plant" site which lies immediately downstream and adjacent to the eastern boundary ditch of the 87 acre "Eastbrook Tract", of which this 20 acre mitigation site will be parcelled out. As was detailed above, this company used hazardous 11K001 Creosote" and PCP sludges and spilled and disposed of these TSD wastes in unauthorized sections of the 10 acre plant site. Subsequently, they were asked to stop work, clean-up the waste and submit operational and removal plans. They transferred operations to the North Pole Co., went bankrupt, and EPA took over clean-up, sampling and remediation. The site will remain on the SPL list as an EPA funded/financed operation with no further action recommended as of 1/15/93. The State Water Quality Office of DWQ periodically takes surface water samples in Rowel Branch and Sturgeon Creek and they have not found significant off-site contamination downstream to warrant another round of more intensive clean- up. In fact, water samples (attached) taken at a surface location at the Old Eastbrook Road crossing on Rowel Branch and a well on-site during 1984 indicated there was nothing getting into Rowel Branch or adjacent shallow ground water during the last operational period of the plant. It is, therefore, doubtful any Creosote derivatives and/or PCP have migrated up-gradient to this proposed 20 acre mitigation site. For this reason we do not believe further environmental study is necessary. Sincerely, Rob Moul, M.E.M. Registered Environmental Professional RM/dm ERT L.'•. ? .'.1 _ L U: 0 Cr'• 5435 : r5 %YcSj NREP. ;?d,' VICINITY MAP ' pew cap f-+? ..9 '~ -? ? _ -'?" ?+"1 ? `\` `\ ??.t 'Y % ' - - ; `rw Qq ?' F I ?. -, 1 `?,=y"",? i 421 ,""' i, ,? ? Y ,pE. 6 1 eau ?. %i{ \ I i9 Bag' .r. :6. p ? _.e-- db. -V $ -K ul. / / ?oWt••a S sk r 10 74 76 87 L ocnix w ?? ?? 9 ?\ GNEEn I.Od .r_ . \\ ' \\ Radio Tower ` n ` tiY- '1/ 'tih + ? ? 4? ? ?? ? / ? ? / // GQ ROY•tet' \?\ ? / '?(/ylp •?? r T " - .w- , °ILL" ... ` ? . ?,? ? ? .+r r ? i?`?. ? ? fa .? / i ? ? ?t •• SEABOARD Y - ? j ? p ° and 87 s nt 17 it HI ? .., ? -? ?^ -• row-- "" .?o. -- pZ \ w ? lahuv \ `\ - r enrVI O i R 3, _ i - - - V_i 17 87 wl. SCALE:1'=9800' LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC I0 r ` Par.' \ s • -? _ l • P-aszbrook SITE FiPEtia: ?``? .,, HIS ( ` f ' s.. r`1' ac< ? • ? . , I ` .; ?`?? 5.4 .432 ra, _ 338 , 9a • It ? ? v-a.?P7"`.?T.-.a... +9. N 0 1000 2000 4000 SCALE 1" = 2000' Phase 1 Review Land Management Group, Inc. for the Environmental Consultants U.S G. S. 7.5 Rowel Branch Site Wilmington, N.C. Leland Quad Sheet Brunswick County, NC May 1999 BOUNDARY MAP C\ h •,0'3 5CH00? HOUSE BRANCH it MAP OF SURVEY FOR E: G. Dq L E EASTBROOK TRACT NORTHWEST TOWN5HIP BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1". 200' SEPTEMBER B, 1996 o .eo .oo .oo .oo SHERWIN D. CRIBS N. C. REG. LAND SURVEYOR No. L-1099 1144 SHIPYARD BLVD. WILMINGTON, /V. C. 26412 (9101 791-0060 CENTER OF ROWEL BR. CREEK I? 0 V Plat Mu i /17 u /'J N 0 1000 2000 4000 SCALE 1" = 2000' Phase 1 Review Land Management Group, Inc. for the Environmental Consultants SCS Soil Survey Rowel Branch Site Wilmington, N.C. Brunswick County, NC Brunswick County, NC May 1999 0 I• (LOOKING NE DOWN EASTBROOK RD. LOOKING SE DOWN RAILROAD BOUNDARY !0 LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. I0 0 0 N 0 300 600 1200 SCALE 1" = 600' Environmental Screening Landl anagemenf Group, Inc. for the Environmental consultants 1983 Historical Rowel Branch Site Wilmington, N.C. Aerial Photo Brunswick Count NC May 1999 I? '0 • N 0 300 600 1200 SCALE 1" = 600' Phase 1 Review Land Manaeng Group, Inc. for the Environmental Consultants 1998 Aerial Photo Rowel Branch Site Wilmington, N.C. Brunswick Count NC May 1999 I• 0 WESNOP I A __ r ?1. I* ' % z ' g . ;; . N NOT TO SCALE Phase 1 Review Land Management Group, Inc. for the Environmental Consultants 1973 Historical Rowel Branch Site Wilmington, N.C. Aerial Photo Brunswick Count NC May 1999 I r) I0 LOOKING NORTH AT THE CAROLINA CREOSOTE PLANT 1.ai •..?i6 ?•?'_? '" iwLY ??. ?i. ? K,?Y•.i7 , _._ .wac?a,?3.?. r 0 ..AWL1L < LOOKING EAST DOWN THE ROWEL CANAL I0 LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP, INC. ',0 1928 BUREAU OF CHEMISTRY AND SOILS MAP p Of (P jp? v a xPl / sNI?? .! a 1. " d • 1!s.. W .? of _ Of (44, NO,.. PI N \ '°i ' s p' Pk NI j p) « .,.. 1 Creek 4/Q CPI NI rSf?ll3t Ilit! r s6 \., f ?y ;' Ily lilt,q g66f \ I Pf: L Rf .p S \? ••Nr ?-\ NIA, q 0--??•? \' + _? ?,,,,/ Pd" Sr raslbroJk '?. L V°a 118= •\ / Pi % %. ef Imo L NJ 41 m J \\ Lq SITE •°? i?gsT=yam ?.- ' ?_ `?_ L , ?•iyp °? $>?,_, p•? --, ??SQ ?- ?\ Pill 1 <i { ANLt 76 y NI Ns 4. O N1 au \`?? L - r?Nl L or ?1 L # Stl ;°•s- Navas NI u NI St?l =Rf. .Of ? - p - Rf f - rylj S Ps D Pi iml I 1 ° ??, m tl NI L p ik . ---._-Ls \?/ ?-?_y ek??`•1 - - ----------- ?f!I?L L PI Ns 1 S one ,r A??? ?: ? Bf .?•• N11 I r, r 5 JN!??+? tU V ?? L II\ Ns_? I L m ? rlBf 7i : l c Rf I 'a N Pd py )On' \ L Epp Stt'&S?i •L Psi u $ S NI S U On p \? PI \ J?? 1 I e -., ^ ° • ...'bf u ???d \ 6 - _ Bf I a? III \1 i . _ 1 A = _ K PI Lu ?0. _OfR i 41 ?ZM B(i 7 9 a C= C\ \\ \\ 6 { .? F9 3' PI "gyp' ?NI p yNl \ L,. L On hfe .?k? s° f i S _ f 1? , r q " - _ Ps 9 L _ • ?-• i III ;tll ? ?a_ ? `? Nf 1\ L I - I I - ?C 1 .. " I PI v v c? Q. lark islaq q k , • ,? L _ •$, ? n v ?- of co P U M o PI \ I li \ .?\ 1 L f k Rill _ S NI j - ;P7d)f,'. ? "_:Ps .-• 4?='°96 1 Br+? ?;\?\?`?\ +t SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED T01 MILE) PROPERTY - CLIENT INFORMATION INFORMATION Project Name/Ref Rowel Branch Scott Piner j Leland, NC 28451 Land Management Group, Inc. Latitude/Longitude: ( 34.272482, 78.046992) 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Site Distribution Summary gency / Database -.Type of Records " mde may 1N Me :114 0) 1/Zmi : W to . l ale A) Databases searched to 1 nUle: US EPA NPL National Priority List 0 0 0 0 US EPA CORRACTS RCRA Corrective Actions and associated TSD (TSD) 0 0 0 0 STATE SPL State equivalent priority list 0 0 1 0 8) Databases searched to 1 mile: STATE SCL State equivalent CERCLIS fist 0 0 0 0 US EPA CERCLIS I Sites currently or formerly under review by US EPA NFRAP 0 0 1 0 . US EPA TSD RCRA permitted treatment, storage, disposal facilities 0 0 1 0 STATE LUST Leaking Underqround Storage Tanks 0 0 0 0 STATE SWLF Permitted as solid waste landfills, incinerators, or . transfer stations 0 0 0 0 i C) Databases searched to 1 mile: STATE UST Registered underground storage tanks 0 0 0 1 D) Databases searched to 1 mile: US EPA ERNS Emergency Response Notification System of spills 0 0 0 j 0 US EPA LG GEN RCRA registered large generators of hazardous waste 0 0 1 j 0 US EPA SM GEN RCRA registered small generators of hazardous waste 0 0 0 0 STATE SPILLS State spills fist 0 0 0 0 For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Version 2.6. 1 Date of Report: April 30, 1999 Page /I SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) 0 SITE INVENTORY I A -B C D CL PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA MAP (within 118 mile) Z W Z_ ID - v ? y DISTANCEaOo?.i;?vCi?3ei ?C9?al DIRECTIONZ0y(A0H JyOW Jyy No Records Found A B C 1 D SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA o CL MAP (within 118 -114 mile) V 10 y ? Z J W W y 11STA ID DISTANCE -j a o J a J c? W O y ? J 3 ~ y (O o- DIRECTION Z C? y y C? 1- J y = W J y y No Records Found A B C D SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA' o a MAP (within 114 -112 mile) ID U y z y W W J VISTA ID DISTANCE J x M 0 J 0 J 0 (Wj W D tn N =3 '? t- U, Z W t7 ? J CL DIRECTION Z U - W y U F- J y UJ .:1 y y CAROLINA CREOSOTING 71191 31 M1 0 1 . EASTBROOK ROAD X X X X LELAND, NC 28451 A B C D '. SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA o n. MAP (within 112 -1 mile) t lD - y Z VISTA ID J 0 W W y _j DISTANCE J a 0 O a.a J 0 W LU G y y ? J ? F y C9 z N DIRECTION Z U y y C1 F- 1 J y y LINCOLN PRIMARY SCHOOL 53,14167 2 0.59 MI 1664 LINCOLN ROAD s X LELAND, NC 28451 X = search criteria; - = tag-along (beyond search criteria). For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page m A B C D o UNMAPPED SITES u. ? z aa C V :3 t? ? y ? In W W C7 J W C9 v y ? 1 N WS TA /D Z 0 N t i f F - ? v i OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE 2448448 RTE 01 BOX 331 A X LELAND, NC 28451 LEE'S PETROLEUM AUTO. SERV. 3055546' BOX 7 I X LELAND, NC 28451 MACO'S UNION 76 TRUCK STOP 2446229 ROUTE 2, BOX 5311 HIGHWAY 87 E. I X LELAND, NC 28451 V A CREECH JR 2451001 MAIN STREET X LELAND, NC 28451 J.H. MILLS 2464111 ROUTE 2, BOX 428 1 X LELAND, NC 28451 ESTES EXPRESS LINES # 13 2446226 P.0 BOX 310, HWY 74 WEST X LELAND, NC 28451 X = search criteria; - = tag-along (beyond search criteria). Fnr mnra information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 .767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: April 30, 1999 Page f8 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) DETAILS PROPERTY AND THE ADJACENT AREA Own 118 mile} No Records Found SRES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 118 -114 mile) No Records Found SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 114 -112 mile) VISTA CAROLINA CREOSOTING VISTA ID#: 71191 IAaP ID Address': EASTBROOK ROAD Distance 0.31 MI LELAND, NC 28451 Plotted as: Polygon :. 1 SPL - State EquNalent Pnoray Disc I SKUN 3IU3 «n 1U. S`Z , ? • , ? I A enc ID: SI SIS100100651 Agency Address: CAROLINA CREOSOTING EASTBROOK ROAD LELAND, NC Status: UNKNOWN Facility Type: NOT AVAILABLE Lead Agency: NOT AVAILABLE State Status: NOTAVAILABLE Pollutant 1: ORGANICS Pollutant 2: UNKNOWN Pollutant 3: UNKNOWN ' VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Verson Z.6.1 Page,0 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 114.112 mile) CONT. CERCLIS I SRC# 5594 EPA ID: NCD003184710 Agency Address: CAROLINA CREOSOTING CORP EASTBROOK RD LELAND, NC2845 1 EPA Region: 4 Congressional District: 0 Federal Facility: Agency Code () Facility Ownership: OTHER Site Incident Category: unknown Federal Facility Docket: SITE IS NOT INCL UDED ON THE DOCKET NPL Status: NOT ON NPL Incident Type: Unknown Proposed NPL Update #: 0 Final NPL Update #: 0 Financial Management System ID: 044A Latitude: 0 Longitude: 0 Lat/Long Source: Agency Code (1 Lat/Long Accuracy: Unknown Dioxin Tier: Unknown USGS Hydro Unit: 3030005 RCRA Indicator: Unknown Alias Name: CAROLINA CREOSOTING CORP Alias Street: NOT REPORTED Alias City: BRUNSWICK Alias Latitude: 3417000 Alias Zip: NOT REPORTED Alias Longitude: 7802300 Alias State: NC Alias Description' NOT REPORTED Unit Id: 0 Unit Name: s1rEwIDE Type: ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD Lead Agency: EPAFUND-FINANCED (Qualifier: ADMINRECORD COMPILATION/REMOVAL. Category: Unknown EVENT Actual Start Date: JANUARY 15, 1993 Name: ` NOT REPORTED Actual Completion Date: JANUARY 15, 1993 Plan Status: Unknown Type: DISCOVERY Lead Agency: EPA FUND FINANCED Qualifier: UNKNOWN Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date; NOT REPORTED Plan Status Unknown Actual Completion Date: AUGUST 1, 1980 Type: INTEGRATED ASSESSMENTIFIELD DATA Lead Agency: EPA FUND-FINANCED COLLECTED Category: Unknown Qualifier: HIGHER PRIORITY Actual Start Date: NOVEMBER 16, 1992 "- ? Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Completion Date: NOVEMBER 16, 1992 Plan Status. PRIMARY Type: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Lead Agency: EPA FUND-FINANCED Qualifier: LOWER PRIORITY Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOT REPORTED nip.. C"t.- Unknown Actual COmpletion Date: MAY 13, 1987 " VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767.0403. Report ID: 927101901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: April 30, 1999 Page 110 SITES IN THE SURROUNDING AREA (wither 114 -112 mile) CONT.. I 0 Type: REMOVAL ACTION Lead Agency: EPA FUND-FINANCED Qualifier: CLEAN UP Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOVEMBER 16,1992 Plan Status: PRIMARY Actual Completi on Date: AUGUST28,1995 Type: REMOVAL ACTION Lead Agency: EPA FUND-FINANCED Qualifier: CLEAN UP Category: u"kt0N7 Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: AUGUST 18, 1995 Plan Status: PRIMARY Actual Completion Date: NOVEMBER 10, 1995 Type: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION Lead Agency: EPA FUND FINANCED Qualifier: NO FURTHER REMEDGLL ACTION PLANNED Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOT REPORTED i Plan Status: Unknown Actual Completion Date: JUNE 13, 1981 1 -4 A- -.,- anual Start Date: Actual Completion Date: RCRA-L Gen - RCRA-Lan a Generator / SRC# 5596 EPA ID: NCD003184710 rGenerator Address: CAROLINA CREOSOTINGCORP EASTBROOK RD LELAND, NC28451 Class: Generates at least 1000 kg./monlh olnon-acutely hazardous waste (or I kgJmonth oraaneyhazardous RCRA-TSD I SRC# 5596 EPA ID: NUUUUJ1841] U i Agency Address: CAROLINA CREOSOTING CORP EASTBROOK RD LELAND, NC18451 Off-Site Waste Received: YES Land Disposal: NO Incinerator: NO StnraneTrreatment: NO 1 SITES IN. THE SURROUNDING AREA (within 112 1 mile) I VISTA LINCOLN PRIMARY SCHOOL TA) '? 5384167- Address': : L INCOLNROAD 6 4 c. Dan 0.59 MI.I S Z] 6 1 LELAND NC 28451 : j tted Point STATF I1ST - State Underground Storaae Tank 1 SRC# 5312 nc 0-034105 M911) j j 2 Agency Address: SAMEASABOVE Underground Tanks: 1 Aboveground Tanks: NOT REPORTED Tanks Removed: 1 Tank ID: 1U Tank Status. REMOVED j Tank Contents: HEATING OIL Leak Monitoring: NOTAVAILABLE i Tank Age: 34 Tank Piping: UNKNOWN Tank Size (Units)- NOT REPORTED (NOT AVAILABLE) Tank Material: UNKNOWN • VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1-800 - 767 -0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30, 1999 Version Z6.1 Page t11 UNMAPPED SITES J I VISTA DUPONT Et DE NEMOURS CO VISTA ID#: 135743 . Address% ` . STATE ROAD 1426 (LELAND HWY) LELAND, NC 28454 SCL - State Equivalent CERCLIS List I SRC# 3705 EPA ID: NCD047369046 A enc lD: SIS100100674 Agency Address: DUPONT EI DE NEMOURS CO. STATE ROAD 1426 (LELAND HWY) PHOENIX, NC Status: UNKNOWN Facility Type: NOT AVAILABLE Lead Agency: NOTAVAILABLE State Status: RCRA PERMITTED OR INTERIM STATUS FACILITIES Pollutant 1: UNKNOWN Pollutant 2: UNKNOWN Pollutant 3: UNKNOWN S TATE SWLF - Solid Waste Landfill I SRC# 5099 A enc ID: 1006 Agency Address: DUPONT SR 1426 LELAND, NC Facility Type: INDUSTRIAL Facility Status: NOT AVAILABLE Permit Status: NOT AVAILABLE N FRAP I SRC# 5595 EPA ID: NCD047369046 Agency Address: DUPONT EI DENEMOURS CO CAPEFF4R STATE RD 1426 PHOENIX NC 28451 EPA Region: 4 Congressional District: ° Federal Facility: Agency code () Facility Ownership: OTHER Site Incident Category: unknown Federal Facility Docket: SITE IS NOT INCLUDED ON THEDOCKE7 NPL Status: NOT ON NPL Incident Type: Unknown Proposed NPL Update #: ° Final NPL Update #: ° Financial Management System ID: NOT REPORTED Latitude: ° Longitude: ° i LaUlong Source: Agency Code I) LatlLong Accuracy: Unknown Dioxin Tier: Unknown USGS Hydro Unit: 3030005 RCRA Indicator YES (RCRA FACILITY) Unit Id: ° Unit Name: ENTIRESITE Alias Nagle: DUPONTEI DENEMOURS CO CAPE FE 4 Alias Street: NOT REPORTED Alias City: BRUNSWICK Alias Latitude: 3419050 Alias Zip: NOT REPORTED Alias Longitude. 7801400 Alias State: NC VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30, 1999 Verson Z6.1 Page 112 UNMAPPED SITES CONT. AliaDescription: NOT REPORTED Alias Name: CAPE FEAR PtT Alias Street: NOT REPORTED Alias City: BRUNSWICK Alias Latitude: 3119050 Alias Zip: NOT REPORTED Alias Longitude: 71101400 Alias State: NC Alias Description: NOT REPORTED Type: DISCOVERY Lead Agency: EPA FUND-FINANCED Qualifier: UNKNOWN Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOT REPORTED Plan Status: Unknown Actual Completion Date: UNKNOWN Type: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Lead Agency: STATE, FUND FINANCED Qualifier. LOWERPRIORITY Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOT REPORTED Plan Status: Unknown Actual Completion Date: UNKNOWN Type: PRELIMINARYASSESSMENT Lead Agency: EPAFUND -FINANCED Qualifier: NO FURTHER REMEDIAL ACTION PLANNED Category: Unknown Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOT REPORTED Plan Status: Unknown Actual Completion Date: AUGUST21969 Type: SCREENING SITE INSPECTION Lead Agency: EPA IN-HOUSE Qualifier: DEFERRED TO RCRA (SUBTITLE C) OR NRC Category: Unknown i Name: NOT REPORTED Actual Start Date: NOT REPORTED Plan Status: Unknown Actual Completion Date: AUGUST2, 1969 j " VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Infatuation Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Version 2.6.1 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Page 113 UNMAPPED SITES CONT. DORRACTS I SRC# 5596 EPA ID: NCD047369046 Agency Address: DUPONT El DENEMOURS CO CAPE FEAR SR 1426 LELAND, NC18451 Prioritization Status: HIGH RCRA Facility Assessment Completed: YES Notice of Contamination: NO Determination of need For a RFI (RCRA Facility NO Investigation): RFI Imposed: YES RFI Workplan Notice of Deficiency Issued: NO RFI Workplan Approved: YES RFI Report Received: NO RFI Approved: NO No Further Corrective Action at this Time: NO Stabilization Meaaures Evaluation: YES CMS (Corrective Measure Study) Imposition: NO CMS Workplan Approved: No CMS Report Received: NO CMS Approved: No Date for Remedy Selection (CM Imposed): No Corrective Measures Design Approved: NO Corrective Measures Investigation Workplan NO Approved: Certification of Remedy Completion: No Stabilization Measures Implementation: NO Stabilization Measures Completed: No Corrective Action Process Termination: No RCRA-TSD CORRACTS 1 SRC# 5596 EPA ID: NCD047369046 Agency Address: DUPONT El DENEMOURS CO CAPE FEAR SR 1426 LELAND, NC28451 Off-Site Waste Received: NO Land Disposal: NO Incinerator: No Storage/Treatment: YES VISTA SCOTCHMAN STORE #115 VISTA ID#: 938778. Address': RT 3 POX 315 LELAND NC 28451 . STATE LUST -State Leaking Under round Storage Tank 1 SRC# 5737 EPA/Agency I D: NIA Agency Address: SCOTCHMAN STORE 1115 RT 3 8OX 315 LELAND, NC Facility ID: 3380 Leak ID#: 3 Leak Date: 319187 I Leak Report Date: 3118187 - Substance: REG UNL. GASOLINE Priority: 1908 0 t"... H Description I Comment: GASOLINE WAS DISCOVERED IN AN ACCESS PORT AT THE SCOTCHMANSTORE , GASWAS ALSO FOUND IN 2 STORM SEWERS A CONCRETE LINED DITCH AREA WATERS. VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Version 26.1 Date of Report: April 30, 1999 Page 114 UNMAPPED SITES CONT. 1 I VISTA LELAND SANITARY DIST VISTA ID#: 938776 .` .. Address': . P. O. BOX 1030, SR 1472 LELAND, NC 28451 STATE LUST - State Leakinq Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5737 EPN enc ID: N/A Agency Address: LELAND SANITARYDIST. P. 0. BOX 1030, SR 1472 LELAND, NC Facility ID: 5241 Leak ID#: 3 Leak Date: 8118189 Leak Report Date: 10116189 Substance: GASOLINE Priorit : 110 Description / Comment: DHS CALLED TO REPORT THAT A SAMPLE TAKEN FROMA WATER METER DISTRIBUTION BOX AT MAINr INC WAS CONTAM WIGASOLINE VISTA NORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT CO VISTA ID# 299593 Address':' : . HWY 74-76 W LELAND NC 28451. , . STATE LUST - State Leakinq Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5737 EPAIA en ID: NIA Agency Address: NORTH CAROLINA EQUIP. CO. HWY76-76 W. LELAND, NC Facility ID: 6322 Leak ID#: 3 Leak Date: 9127190 Leak Report Date: 1123191 ! Substance: DIESELGASOLINE Priority: 1350 Ranking: L - Description /Comment: WATER SAMPLES TAKEN FROM EXCAVATION INDICATED THE PRESENCE OF BENZENE AND ETHYL BENZENE. VISTA : LEES PETROLEUM AUTO. SERV. VISTAID#: 3055546. Address'.:. BOX 7 LELAND, NC 28451 TATE LUST - State Leaking Underground Storage Tank / SRC# 5737 EPA/Agency ID: N/A Agency Address: LEES PETROLEUM AUTO. SERV. BOX 7 LELAND, NC Facility ID: 7189 Leak ID#: 3 Leak Date: 4118189 Leak Report Date: 2120192 Substance: GASOLINE Priority: 958 Ranking- H ? Descfiption I Comment: DEFECTIVE MANIFOLD PIPING CONTAM. WATER SUPPLYWELLS IN THE WCINITY OF LEES PETROLEUM SITE _ ' VISTA address includes enhanced city and ZIP. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767.0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Version Z6.1 Page 115 SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT DESCRIPTION OF DATABASES SEARCHED 1 0 A) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE NPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5691 The agency release date for NPL was March, 1999. The National Priorities List (NPL) is the EPA's database of uncontrolled or abandoned hazardous waste sites identified for priority remedial actions under the Superfund program. A site must meet or surpass a predetermined hazard ranking system score, be chosen as a state's top priority site, or meet three specific criteria set jointly by the US Dept of Health and Human Services and the US EPA in order to become an NPL site. SPL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 3703 The agency release date for Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory-State Priority Sites was February, 1997. (ALL DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE) This database is provided by the Department of Environmental Health Natural Resources, Superfund Section. The agency may be contacted at: 919-733-2801. CORRACTS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMS/RCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA maintains this database of RCRA facilities which are undergoing "corrective action". A "corrective action order" is issued pursuant to RCRA Section 3008 (h) when there has been a release of hazardous waste or constituents into the environment from a RCRA facility. Corrective actions may be required beyond the facility's boundary and can be required regardless of when the release occurred, even I it predates RCRA. B) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE CERCUS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5594 The agency release date for CERCUS was January, 1999. The CERCLIS List contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List(NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. The information on each site includes a history of all pre-remedial, remedial, removal and community relations activiies or events at the site, financial funding information for the events, and unrestricted enforcement activities. NFRAP VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. _ SRC#: 5595 The agency release date for CERCLIS-NFRAP was January, 1999. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Version 1.6.1 Page 116 SCI VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 3705 The agency release date for Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory was February, 1997. This database is provided by the Department of Environmental Hearth Natural Resources, Superfund Section. The agency may be contacted at: 919-733.2801. The State Inventory includes the following categories: NPL List; State Site Priority List (SPL); Sites with Investigations Pending; Responsible Party Voluntary Remedial Action Sites; State Cleanup Sites; No Further Action Sites; and Duplicate Sites. RCRA-TSD VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMSIRCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA TSDs are facilities which treat, store and/or dispose of hazardous waste. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 4405 The agency release date for Inactive and Closed Solid Waste Sites was January, 1998. This database is provided by the Dept. of Environmental Hearth Natural Resources, Solid Hazardous Waste Mgmt. The aqency may be contacted at: 919-733-0692. SWLF VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5099 The agency release date for Solid Waste Data File was July, 1998. This database is provided by the Dept. of Environmental Health Natural Resources, Solid Hazardous Waste Mgmt. The agency may be contacted at: 919-733-0692. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5314 The agency release date for State Trust Fund Database was November, 1998. This database is provided by the Department of Environmental Health Natural Resources, Ground Water Operations. The agency may be contacted at: 919-715-6187. LUST VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5737 The agency release date for Incident Report was December, 1998. This database is provided by the Department of Environmental Health Natural Resources, Ground Water Operations. The agency may be contacted at: 919-715-6187. The North Carolina Incident Reports list consists of Leaking Underground Storage Tank sites and State Spill Sites. Details on this report pertain only to the leaking tank reported at the site. C) DATABASES SEARCHED TO. MILE _ UST's VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5312 The agency release date for Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database was October, 1998. This database is provided by the Department of Environmental Health Natural Resources, Div of Environmental Mgt. The agency may be contacted at: 919-733-1308; Caution-Many states do not.require registration of heating oil tanks, especially those used for residential purposes. For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767.0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page #17 D) DATABASES SEARCHED TO 1 MILE ERNS VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5598 The agency release date for was December, 1998. The Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) is a national database containing records from October 1986 to the release date above and is used to collect information for reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. The database contains information from spill reports made to federal authorities including the EPA, the US Coast Guard, the National Response Center and the Department of Transportation. The ERNS hotline number is (202) 260-2342. RCRA-LgGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMSIRCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Large Generators t are facilities which generate at least 1000 kglmonth of non-acutely hazardous waste (or 1 kgJmonth of acutely hazardous waste). RCRA-SmGen VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5596 The agency release date for HWDMSIRCRIS was February, 1999. The EPA's Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Program identifies and tracks hazardous waste from the point of generation to the point of disposal. The RCRA Facilities database is a compilation by the EPA of facilities which report generation, storage, transportation, treatment or disposal of hazardous waste. RCRA Small and Very Small generators are facilities which generate less than 1000 kg./month of non-acutely hazardous waste. SPILL VISTA conducts a database search to identify all sites within 1 mile of your property. SRC#: 5737 The agency release date for Incident Report was December, 1998. This database is provided by the Department of Environmental Hearth Natural Resources, Ground Water Operations. The agency may be contacted at: 919-715-6187. i The North Carolina Incident Reports list consists of State Spill Sites and Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites. Details on this report pertain only to the spill reported at the site. 0 End of Report For more information call VISTA Information Solutions, Inc. at 1- 800 - 767 - 0403. Report ID: 927101901 Date of Report: April 30,1999 Version 2.6.1 Page 118