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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201723 Ver 1_Bridge 8 Grey Bat MANLAA_20201112 :- STATED,
March 16, 2020
Ms. Claire Ellwanger
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Asheville Field Office
160 Zillicoa Street
Asheville,NC 28801
Subject: Section 7 Concurrence Request for the proposed replacement Bridge
No. 8 on NC 704 over the Dan River in Stokes County. WBS No.
17BP9.R.72 for the Grey Bat.
Dear Ms. Ellwanger:
The North Carolina Department of Transportation(NCDOT)proposes to replace Bridge No. 8 on
NC 704 over the Dan River in Stokes County. Bridge No. 8 is 287 feet long. The
replacement structure will be a bridge approximately 302 feet long providing a minimum
34-foot wide clear deck width. The bridge will include two 11-foot lanes and a varying
offset between 5 and 8.5 feet. The approach roadway will extend approximately 919 feet
from the northeast end of the new bridge and 724 feet from the southwest end of the new
bridge. The approaches will be widened to include a 22-foot pavement width providing
two 11-foot lanes. Five-foot grass shoulders will be provided on each side (8-foot
shoulders where guardrail is included). The roadway will be designed as a Major
Collector using Sub-Regional Tier Guidelines with a 60 mile per hour design speed
(NCDOT 2015). The new bridge will be constructed along a new alignment north of the
existing bridge. Traffic will utilize the existing roadway and structure during
On November 1,2019,the U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service issued a Biological opinion for the
potential effects to James spinymussel(Parvaspina collina)and additional federally listed species
associated with the replacement of Bridge No. 8 over the Dan River on NC 704. Since that date,
the Gray bat(Myotis griesecens)was added as a Federally Endangered species by USFWS for
Stokes County.
A Bridge Survey Report was prepared on March 13,2020 by biologists with Stantec Consulting
Services,inc. A copy of that report is attached. There were no bats or evidence of bats found on
the bridge. The North Carolina Mines dataset was reviewed in ATLAS on March 13,2020 for
the presence of mines,and none were found. Additionally, a field review of the project area on
March 6, 2020 was conducted to identify presence of caves, and none were found.NCDOT
commits to resurvey the bridge immediately prior to demolition,and contact USFWS if bats are
Mailing Address: Telephone:(336)747-7800 Location:
DIVISION 9 Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 WINSTON-SALEM,NC 27127
found. Therefore,a biological conclusion of'May Affect,Not Likely to Adversely Affect' was
for the Grey Bat(Myotis grisecens).
NCDOT believes that the requirements of Section 7 (a)(2)of the ESA have been satisfied and
hereby request your concurrence. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have
any questions or need additional information,please contact Amy Euliss at(336) 747-7802 or at
Enclosures: bat survey report
4 7 --le i i Ze_e
Amy Euliss
Division Environmental Officer,NCDOT Division 9
Cc: Nicholle Braspennickx,USACE
Daniel Dagenhart,NCDOT Division 9 Bridge Program Manager
Stantec Memo
To: Amy Euliss From: Amber Coleman
NCDOT Division 9 Stantec
File: 17BP.9.R.72 Date: March 13, 2020
Reference: Bridge 8— Bridge Survey for Bats
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT, Division 9) proposes to replace Bridge No. 8 over
the Dan River on NC Highway 704 in Stokes County, North Carolina. The existing bridge is a concrete deck
on concrete bents and abutments.
On March 6, 2020 Stantec biologists assessed Bridge No. 8 for potential bat habitat. No evidence (bats,
staining, and guano) of bats was observed.
Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Amber Coleman, LSS, PWS
Senior Associate
Phone: 919 865 7399
Fax: 919 851 7024
Attachment: Bat Survey Form
Design with community in mind
NCDOT Bat Bridge Habitat Assessment Form Updated 6/28/19
400 Bat Habitat Assessment Form
NCDOT Bridges
Observers: r2 a H lie cjc , TUSK n Al,fr, TIP or DOT project number: 17 13P 9 1L 7?-
Date: 3(ic/2O Z° 5l = c 4 A-fn Road Name/SR Number: NC- 70 '1
County: S- IKe S Bridge Number: e
Waterbody/Road/Rail: be,n )J o2-r
Surrounding habitat w/in 1 mi. Urban/commercial (7 Suburban/residential 5-
of project footprint(approx) CID Natural/rural ± Agricultural ��
Any trees>3" DBH within project footprint? N/A 411 no
Any shaggy trees or snags>5" DBH? N/A 412110 no
If yes to shag/snag, how much sunlight do they receive during the day? N/A 1-3 hours 4-6 hours + hog
If yes to shag/snag, list species of habitat trees>5" dbh W 11 i{-e oc k l 0 re e n cc. i')If snags>5"DBH are present in sunlit areas,provide photos and location.
If large hollow trees are present,provide photos and location.
Presence of: In project footprint In vicinty(0.5 mi)
Caves yes yes 4110.
Abandoned mines yes no yes 40
If'yes'to any of the above,provide photos,description,and location.
Major water source in project footprint: N/A dr stream/creek pond lake swamp
Suitable drinking habitat in the form of non-stagnant,smooth or slack water? e� no N/A
Artificial lighting unknown yes
Guard rails none OffliMIP timber metal
Deck type coriste metal timber open grid
Beam type none ncre steel timber
End/back wall type oncret: timber masonry
Creosote evidence yes no
Suitable roosting crevices present((%z-1W wide) 431, no
Deck drains yes )
Max height of bridge deck above ground/water(ft): 'O
Night roost habitat protected yes Gi
Bridge alignment: N/S E/W NW/SE
Hours of sun exposure to bridge <3 40
Human disturbance under bridge high med ow none
Below section completed only if bats/evidence of bats observed:
Emergence count performed? (If yes, complete form next page) yes 1,
Evidence of bats using bird nests, if present? yes no
Evidence of bats using bridge?(photos needed) yes no
Type of Evidence guano staining bats observed
Roost Type crevice open area
Bat species present(list each species, locations and estimated number of each species:
March 13,2020
Amy Euliss
Page 3 of 3
Reference: Bridge 8—Bridge Survey for Bats
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Photo 1.Trees and Snags>5"DBH:36.514589,-80.302765
Design with community in mind