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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000542_Henderson Council Resolution_20200826 IlEr `+�5 o�S CITY OF c�o =z -I PRIDe Xy�� NORTH CAROLINA OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER PO Box 1434 134 Rose Avenue.Henderson,NC 27536 . P(252)430-5701 F(252)492-7935 •Emaii eblackmon( RECEIVED Monday,August 17, 2020 AUG 2 zozo Ms.Alaina Morman DC-NR-LAND QUALITY NCDEQ—DEMLR—Stormwater Program S1 ORMWATER PERMITTING 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 276699-1612 Re: City of Henderson's MS4 Stormwater NOV-2020-PC-0275 &Intent to Comply Dear Ms.Morman: The City of Henderson received our Notice of Violation (NOV-2020-PC-0275) on July 14, 2020, and we have reviewed the contents of the letter. The City believes in the intent of the MS4 program and has taken the resolution to City Council at the first regular session after receiving notification. City Council has executed the resolution (see attached) and intends to produce a compliant MS4 program. City Council approved funding to hire a consultant, AECOM, to help us with our self-audit prior to the State auditor's on-site visit. Staff is currently in the process of drafting a Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP)which will consider the following: 1. all the key stones of the MS4 program, 2. our deficiencies identified in the self-audit 3. comments from the state auditors The City will submit an NPDES MS4 permit application within 30 days of receiving written DEQ concurrence that our submitted Draft SWMP documents a compliant stormwater program. The City appreciates the time allotted by the State to build-out and modify our program to get all the administrative pieces in place from data collection,financial accounting and staffing to implement the MS4 program. Please let this letter serve as the City of Henderson's intent to comply with the MS4 program, and the attached Resolution provides City Council's intent to make our MS4 program successful. Sincerely, Edward T. Blackmon City Manager Enclosure: Resolution 20-50 CC: Clark Thomas, City Engineer Andy Perkinson, Public Works Director File 399 RESOLUTION 20-50 RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE CITY OF HENDERSON COUNCIL'S SUPPORT REGARDING IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPLIANT NPDES MS4 STORMWATER PROGRAM A RESOLUTION to develop and implement a compliant stormwater managem ent program that meets the requirements of the CITY OF HENDERSON National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storrn Scvcr System (MS4) Permit number NCS000542 to discharge stormwater, inclusive of the required Stormwater Management Plan to he prepared by the CITY OF I ILINDERSON and approved by the North Carolina Department or Environmental Quality. WIIEREAS. Section 402(p) of the federal Clean Water Act requires NPDES permits for storray.-ater discharges from municipal separate stone sewer systems;and )VIIEREAS. in North Carolina, NPDES Permits are issued by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality;tind WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality issued the CITY OF HENDERSON, its third NPDES MS4 Permit for dischar-c of stormwater on Fcbruary 27-—'()17. cnrtl AWEREAS. the CITY OF HE'NOERSON wits issued Notice of Violation number NOV-2020-PC-0275 on JUNE26,2020 for noncompliance with tile issued NPDES MS4 Permit:and WHEREAS,the CITY OF HENDERSON acknowledges the specific Notice of Violation requirement to obtain a new individual NPDES MS4 permit.end ICIIEREAS. the CITY OF HENDERSON acknowledges the specific Notice of Violation requirement to conduct a self-audit of permit compliance for the balance of permit requirements not specifically audited by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, and to develop a draft Stormwater Management Plan to cornph. with Section 402(p)(3)(f3)(iii)of the Clean Water Act, 40 CTR 122.34(h) and NPDES MS4 Permit requirements. and to submit its draft Stormwater Management Plan to the North Carolina Department ofLnviromilental Quality no later than 24 October 2020 (120 Days From NOV Date:June 26.2020)for review and approval:and WHEREAS,the CITY OF HENDERSON acknowledges the specific Notice of Violation requirement to adopt a Council Resolution to implement a compliant and enforceable storinwater mana6yernent program as defined by both the NPDES MS91 Permit number NCS000542 and the required new Stormwater Management Plan, and said resolution is to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality no later than 25 August 2020(60 Days Front NOV Date; June 26,2020);and FVREW-AS, the CITY OF I iENDERSON acknowledges the requirement to provide adequate funding and staffing, to implement a Stormwater Management Program that complies with its NPDES MS4 Permit and approved Stormwater Management Plan,and Resolution Book 6 Resolution 20-50,Page I oft 400 WHEREAS. the ary OF HENDERSON acknowledges that North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality enforcement action and penalties could result from non-compliance with the specific requirements in Notice of Violation number NOV-2020-PC-0275-.and WHEREAS. the CITY OF HENDERSON acknowledges that any North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality enforcement action and penalties may not prohibit the U.S.Emironmental Protection Agency from taking its own enforcement action for non-compliance with the issued NPDES,MS4 Penmit, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the CITY OF HENDERSON hereby affirms its support for development and implementation of a compliant NPDES KIA Stormwater Program. Eddie FIlinglon,Mayor E.Terrell Blackmon,City Manager Clark'ThOntas,Stormwater Program Administrator Esther J.McockirL City Clerk ADOPTED BY the City Council of the CITY OF HENDERSON, North Carolina the lClAday of 4474,.s[ 12020 and signed in authentication thereof the 1,3'r'Klay of/'s i--2020. 6 1 V The foregoing Resolution 20-50 upon motion of Council Member Daeke and second by Council Member Coffey,and having I-&en submitted to a roll call vote received the following votes and was APPROVED on this the 10'6 day or August 2020: YES: Barnette, Dackc, Spriggs, Williams and Coffey. NO:None. ABSTAIN:None. ABSENT: Rainey and Simmons. (0erk's .dote: Due io Zoom audiv problems Council Momher Ellioll was unable to communicate her vote) Eddie Ellington,Mayor A TTENT. Esther J.Mkractin,City Clerk A proved to Legal Form: D.Rix Edwards,City Attonfey Reference: ,Vinute Book 45,p 199, C,4 F 20-76 Revolution Rook 6 Resolution 20-50,Page 2 of 2