HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400023_Project Meeting_20010607Remediation of W.P. Ballard and Surrounding Properties Project Meeting June 7, 2001 0 `'`e�igroup Proposed Agenda • Site Status Update • Discuss Proposed Phase 3 Injection Plan for Full Scale In Situ Chemical Oxidation • Regulatory Approvals Status 0 `'1eqigroup 2 Corrective Action Objectives • Achieve Site Specific Remedial Goals • Achieve by September 2002 0 `''e�igroup qo�v :;2M 5 �►a 3 Corrective Action Plan - Scope • High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction • In Situ Oxidation with Permanganate 0 `lw�igroup 4 High Vacuum Dual Phase Extraction • 29 Deep Dual Phase Extraction Wells • 14 Shallow Soil Vapor Extraction Wells • 9 air injection points • Dual Objectives address highest concentrations in source and down gradient — enhance permanganate application 0 `he0g'r-oup Technology Overview - High Vacuum Dual Phase Treatment • De -water formation • Remove adsorbed phase contaminants from created vadose zone • On -site treatment of soil vapor and groundwater • NPDES Discharge of treated water • Permitted Discharge of treated air emissions 0 the �igroup. s 6 High Vacuum Dual Phase System • Wells installed Jan - February 2000 • Trenching, Piping & Vaults - March -April 2000 • Equipment - June - July 2000 • Final Install - Sept - Dec 2000 • Start-up - January 2001 `''e(49'r-oup High Vacuum Dual Phase System Water Treatment System Thermal Oxidizer `"e0group High Vacuum Dual Phase System High Vacuum Pump & Manifold 0 the Ogro up. SVE Pump & Air Supply Compressor 9 HVDP System Status • January/February 2001 Completed System Installation & Initial Testing • March 2001 Groundwater and Soil Vapor Extraction Systems Started • June 2001 Proposed Start -Up of High Vacuum Extraction System 0 `''eOgr-oup 10 Groundwater Extraction Results • All 29 High Vacuum Extraction Wells Have Been Operated and Developed 319,588 Gallons Recovered and Treated • Mass Removal: — 0.617 Ibs Trichloroethene — 2.267 Ibs Tetrachloroethene 0 `he0group Soil Vapor Extraction System Results • System has operated approximately 800 33dQLj S hours to date due to difficulties with catalytic oxidizer • Mass Removal: — 2.26 Ibs cis- 1,2-Dichloroethene — 1.69 Ibs Trichloroethene — 132.98 lbs Tetrachloroethene `heOgroup 12 In Situ Oxidation with Permanganate • Geoprobe8 Application • Zone Application Regime • Bench tests used to determine site -specific stoichiometric ratio • Pilot test used to test injection method • UIC permit application submitted May 1999; approved April 2001 for Phase 1 &2 `''Q(4group 13 (4. MAPPING CWTWfl INTERVAL SHOMN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITED-ALTA/ACSM LAND PILE SURVEY FOR: CREENSBCRC D.C. PARTNERS. LTD.'. DATED 1/11/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WLSON. INC. the Vf*oup ZONE 1 40 GEOPROBE POINTS 10' R.O.I. (ND) SET ON 20' CENTERS (INU) GRAPHIC SCALE 60 30 60 D IN FEET ) I LEGEND ____l (313) TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION IND) NOT DETECTED I —I(11J'--TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION CONTOUR ® x axixc .Eu n xElnEoxcEo concAErz rare / ® Sewes�nncN xan nrf III c.s vu.E 9 14 M ®2 ®,1 BUILDING Z / % BUILDING I I Z II 1 BLOCK WL � O SVMP WITH STORAGE T NK ! ' - x — -,JMP,l ® POUE VM S P, MW_4 —_ ®VMP,4 r� SVMP_9 MW-ry W-2 M,N, 6 BUILDING F`0 POtE IG DING \ \ VEMENT i EDGE OF PP LEGEND Of PAVEMENT _—.-,'� - -- EpGE ���.. .� P GRAPHIC SCALE to s to z6 ® Ir � wuL Sp R \ RCP q IN FEET) NOTES: HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD '83. VERTICaE DATUM IS NM'29, THIS SA NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. xEIxF a ax� %PE p P O® ss�wA¢ RxxHnE n0u DQ wArtx vu,2 ( Ole nroxwlr - \ MAPPING SCALE 1 INCH = 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED "ALTA/ACSM LAND C Ensmc wax PAP[ ® scw1R NxxxoU T TIE SURVEY FOR: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS, LTD.', \ DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON, INC. D4 cxs vLLW ZONE I : INJECTION POINT LAYOUT I (20' CENTERS) R' CGII NMI M N011TN CAl10ARD EM4 MIC Arr.faaa..r i—a xc 21 R law) —2221 TEMPORARY INJECTION POINT LAYOUT ZONE I W.P. —I-ARO PROPERTY xNox GREENSBORO, NC axO n: 9[t RHWrt: clRaao e.. vnne 3/2/99 Ac�o 15360A5E III ��O)63S 8 the vf*oup- 15 1 Pilot Test • 24 injection points • 15% Sodium Permanganate solution • injected with GeoprobeOO to 65' bgs • April -May 2000 thev),group. lyisurs ad Gnu SslahNf WKWIJ 16 Pilot Test Chronology • Baseline Sampling- March 21-24, 2000 • Phase 1 Application - April 25-May 4, May I I -May 17 • Phase 2 Application - May 5 - May 11, 2000 • Post Test Sampling - June 2 and June 21-22, 2000, Sept 2000, October 2000, March 2001 thl4group. 17 BUILDING wo v� • / `MItST1,00 LOCATION 2\ BUILDING r•` ��1�`�' Z,� BUILDING 6 }1 Ot^ • sw _22 O �P°°yrt_,��M_a 5v� _z 0 Of - BUILDING NIY� �0 NO RO`UNOS \ FORMER GASOLINE \\ RCp UST LOCATION q5 \ \ P \ 9 \ li \\ 05 F� I \\ 2 \ 2 I \ � Z9 \ \ I \ \ \\ QC O N I \ \ EO P N MENt PHASE 1 4 BUILDING 9 2C, 1 5 40 PAVE GRAPHIC SCALE 20 910 20 M ( IN FEET ) �y �P ti J2 Q ASPHALT PAVEMENT II IT CORPORA— OF CA —NA . i2oa GlilE Y GEXIRE BLw. sum 203 RSALLE. 2NJN1 N[ (9191 1DT-2227 LEGEND MONITORING NETWORK WELL LOCATION MAP MONITORING POINT G INJECTION POINT W.P. BALLARD PROPERTY ° OREENSBORO, NC a[KD L n: DRNILD fix: <xECNm DY: DIRNW �A qMS/00 K�TSSSWEu52 ND�c 10]5}S Nam: FIG. 3 the vf*oup 18 BUILDING" o 0- V�'w BUILDING FORMER PO B 7 -11: PCE AST LOCATION BUILDING ABUILDING 10111\lr" BOND FORMER GASOLINE RCP UST LOCATION 70 9\ 0- BUILDING f. 92 Ss PAVE GRAPHIC SCALE IN FELT by BUILDING ze / ASPHALT PAVEMENT III PHASE 2 — 10RSV NaRNSnLLL W 275W LEGEND PHASE 2 • MONITORING POINT NJECTION POINTS 0 INJECTION POINT W.P. SALIM PROPERTY GREENSBORO, NC M DMONsr DIE IDUARLDNW- C O_ 9/5/00 mw.— FIG. 4 the v1*0up 19 Results of Pilot Test • permanganate safely injected from 65 feet to within 15 ft of surface with a Geoprobeg • no significant increases in subsurface temperature or pressure • some gaseous byproducts produced in subsurface, particularly where petroleum present, but dissipated quickly 0 `"evig'r-oup 20 Results of Pilot Test (Cont'd) • permanganate oxidized VOCs in groundwater and soil • reduced Total VOCs in 20 of 24 groundwater wells — 12 wells reduced by > 60% — 3 wells reduced by >90 • Total VOCs increased in several wells the�i oup 21 FIGURE 7 COMPARISON OF PRE -AND POST -INJECTION TOTAL VOCS IN GROUNDWATER INJECTION ZONE SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS WP BALLARD AND DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTIES, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 250,000 200,000 cm 3 z 150,000 O cc z w U z 0 100,000 U O 50,000 �0 the MW-1 MW-2 i t-11 p -40% 602% 907% -244°o MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 76' ■ PRE-INJ Total VOCs 03/22/00 ■ POST-INJ Total VOCs 06/23/00 ❑ POST-INJ Total VOCs 09/06/00 o POST-INJ Total VOCs 03/06/01 77°0 34% 8° 222% MW-6 MW-10 PT-3S PT-4S PT-5S SVE-8 SVE-9 WELL NUM BER �� 88% 51 °% 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 z O U UO 40,000 20,000 FIGURE 8 COMPARISON OF PRE -AND POST INJECTION TOTAL VOCS IN GROUNDWATER INJECTION ZONE DEEP MONITORING WELLS W. P. BALLARD AND DOWNGRADIENT PROPERTIES, GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA ■ PRE-INJ Total VOCs 03/22/00 18% ❑ POST-INJ Total VOCs 06/23/00 ❑ POST-INJ Total VOCs 09/06/00 ❑ POST-INJ Total VOCs 03/06/01 34% 58% 69% 8% 99% 62% -66°•0 1 / 47% 55% - _7i% 1 1 12% -4% 92° 39% -43% -32% 1/14 )% 52% 0% -14% -° 56% -22% % DW-1 DW-2 DW-3 DW-4 BMW-1 BMW-2 PT-1 D PT-21D PT-31D PT-41D PT-51D HVDP- HVDP- 13 14 the Ou WELL NUMBER �O�' p 23 VOC Increases in Source Area • higher oxidation demand due to presence of petroleum hydrocarbons • insufficient permanganate injected to oxidize both petroleum & solvent • oxidation of organic carbon reduces partitioning coefficient 0 `''QOg-oup 24 Implementation Schedule • In situ Oxidation Application — Pilot - 2000 — Full Scale • Phase 1 - Jan - July 2001; Phase 2 - Aug - Dec 2000; Phase 3 - Jan - June 2002 • HVDP/SVE • Permitting/Installation - 2000 • O&M/Monitoring /Reporting -Start Jan 2001 •� Goal -Achieve Remedial Goals -September 2002 the Ogro up. 25 --------- -- ASPH PAVEMENT AND CRETE 186) ------------- 8 \ has' I --= / BUILDING NOTES: HORIZONTAL DATUM IS NAD .83. VERTICAL DATUM IS NOVO 28. THIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORDATION. MAPPING SCALE : 1 INCH - 60 FEET. MAPPING CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN HEREON = 2 FEET. PROPERTY LINE FROM PLAN ENTITLED "ALTA/AGSM LAND FO TITLE SURVEY R: GREENSBORO D.C. PARTNERS, LTD.-, DATED 5/12/95 PREPARED BY ROBERT E. WILSON. INC. r -- Full-Sc1'e Phasing_ • � lan _ PROPER`r LINE (TYPICAL) Phase I - Jan - July LEGEND Q 2001 1286) TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION /— —IC'O—— —TOTAL VOC CONCENTRATION CONTOUR / Phase 11- July - NOT DETECTED \ Dec 2001 ® o� NOTE: / DMP-I. DMP-2, DMP-3 AND DMP-4 E Phase III - Jan - SAMPLED ON 1/21 /99 D June 2002 GRAPHIC SCALE ° ---T \/ BO 0 30 BO 120 \ ( IN FEETO) O Exlcnxc iaox Hvc III \ � sxxW� xuE thevf*oup 26 Phase I Full Scale Injection Plan • 45 Geoprobe Points • 5% Sodium Permanganate Solution • 32 Gallons per 5 foot Interval 0 `"eOgroup 27 Phase II Full Scale Injection Plan • 50 Geoprobe Points • 10% Sodium Permanganate Solution • 50 Gallons per 5 foot Interval 0 `"eOgroup W. Phase III Full Scale Injection Plan • 30 Geoprobe Points • 15% Sodium Permanganate Solution • 52 Gallons per 5 foot Interval 0 `''QOgroup 29 Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters • Contamination -Related Parameters • Site -Related Parameters • Oxidant -Related Parameters • Application -Related Parameters 0 the �igroup. 30 Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Contamination -Related Parameters • Nature of Contamination • Mass of Contamination 0 the(49roup. 31 Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Contamination-Related Parameters Nature of Contamination • Chlorinated Solvents PCE (Primary) — TCE & 1,2-DCE (Secondary) • Petroleum Hydrocarbons 0 `''eOgroup 32 Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Contamination -Related Parameters Mass of Contamination • Degree of Impact • Type of and Characteristics Impacted Media • Volume of Impacted Media 0 `''Q(4group 33 Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Degree of Impact • Concentration in the Vadose Zone — Sorbed Phase Concentration — Vapor Phase Concentration • Concentration in the Saturated Zone — Dissolved Phase Concentration Sorbed Phase Concentration `''Qig'r-oup 34 Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Type and Characteristics of Impacted Media • Saturated versus Unsaturated • Degree of Saturation • Bulk Density of Soil • Porosity of Subsurface Media • Organic Carbon Content (Partitioning) 0 the (Pgroup- 35 so we Proposed Phase III Injection Plan Injection Design Calculations Volume of Impacted Media • Vadose Zone Thickness • Saturated Zone Thickness • Surface Area • Bulk Density of Soil • Porosity of Subsurface Media the (4 ou � gar p6 1 Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Site -Related Parameters • Surface Area of Phase III Site • Vadose Zone Thickness • Saturated Zone Thickness • Site Geology and Hydrogeology • Water -Filled Porosity • Organic Carbon Content (Partitioning) • Subsurface pH `''Q�igroup J% i Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Oxidant -Related Parameters • Oxidant Chemical & Physical Properties — Specific Gravity — Molecular Weight — Water Solubility — Concentration of Row Material • Stoichiometric Reactions with Site Contaminants • Natural Soil Demand 0 the0group. 38 Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Oxidant -Related Parameters Stoichiometric Reactions with Site Contaminants is pH - Dependent: In the pH Range from 3.5 to 12 PCE: 4NaMn04 + 3C2C14 + 4H2O ---> 6CO2 + 4Mn02 + 4Na+ + 12C1- + 8H+ TCE: 2NaMn04 + C2HC13 --- > 2CO2 + 2Mn02 + 2Na+ + 30- + H+ DCE: 8NaMn04 + 3C2H2C12 --- > 6CO2 + 8Mn02 + 8Na+ + 60- + 20H- + 2H2O VC: 10NaMn04 + 3C2H3C1 ---> 6CO2 + 10Mn02 + 10Na+ + 3C1- + 70H- + H2O Note: PCE, As the Primary Site Contaminant, its Reaction with Permanganate Controls the the Overall Oxidation Process. Mass Stoichiometric Ratio is: 1.1 pounds NaMn04 Per Pound PCE. t& 0AWOUP. 39 Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Application -Related Parameters • Injection Method • Injection Flow Rate • Injection Volume • Number of Injection Points • Number of Injection Intervals 0 th,e(4oup 40 Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Application-Related Parameters Injection Method • Direct Push Using Geoprobe • Infiltration Gallery • `41 ''Q�igr-oup Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Application -Related Parameters Injection Flow Rate • Geoprobe Pilot Injection Test • Site Hydrogeologic Properties • Pilot Injection Test Optimum Injection Flow Rate is 2 GPM 0 `''eOgroup 42 M Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Application -Related Parameters Injection Volume • Mass of Contamination • Concentration of Oxidant Working Solution • Natural Soil Demand 0 the(49roup. 43 Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters Application -Related Parameters Number of Injection Points • Area to be Treated • Site Accessibility • Radius of Influence • Treatment Level • Injection Pressure 0 `''Q�ig'r-oup Injection Design Calculations Calculation Parameters • Bench Scale Testing — Contaminant Demand — Natural Soil Demand Treatment Level • J Geoprobe Injection Testing — Radius of Influence Attainable Depth • Pilot Injection Test Treatment Level — Application Method — Full Scale Application Design the oup 45 Phase III Injection Plan Contingency Plan • Re -Injection Using the Geoprobe Method • Re -Injection Using Infiltration Gallery • Re -Injection Using Existing Site Wells 0 `''eOgr-oup Regulatory Approval Status - General • Well permits - obtained in 1998 and 1999 • Comprehensive Site Assessment - submitted December 1999; acceptance received April 2001 • Corrective Action Plan - submitted May 1999; approval pending the (491roup- 47 Regulatory Approvals Status - HVDP System • ROW Encroachment Agreement - obtained April 2000 • Air Discharge permit - obtained May 2000 • NDPES Authorization to Construct - obtained September 2000 • Building permits - obtained June 2000 0 the0" oup 48 Regulatory Approval Status - In Situ Oxidation with Permanganate • UIC permit - — obtained for pilot in March 2000; — received for Phase 1 and 2 in April 2001 — pending for Phase 3 0 the (49roup. 49