HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0400023_Responses To Comments_19991105IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Group RESPONSES TO COMMENTS UIC Permit Application Part 1 of 2 W.P. Ballard Property 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina NCDENR Groundwater Incident # 6953 IT Corporation of North Carolina Project # 107535 November 5, 1999 Prepared For. Sears Logistics Services, Inc. 3333 Beverly Road Department 824RE, A3-276A Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60179 Prepared by. IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. 1000 Perimeter Drive, Suite I Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 (919) 467-2227 If Corporation ofNorth Cwwfing, Inc. A Member of The IT Group Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11 /05199 - W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 COMMENT3................................................................................................................................................ 1 RESPONSE3............................................................................................................................................... 1 FREEPRODUCT DELINEATION..................................................................................................................... 1 HEAT GENERATION FROM OXIDATION OF FREE PRODUCT............................................................................ 2 IT'S EXPERIENCE AT OTHER SITES.............................................................................................................. 2 SiteSpecific Data................................................................................................................................. 3 COMMENT4................................................................................................................................................ 3 RESPONSE4............................................................................................................................................... 3 COMMENT 5 RESPONSE5............................................................................................................................................... 4 COMMENT6................................................................................................................................................ 4 RESPONSE6............................................................................................................................................... 4 COMMENT7................................................................................................................................................ 4 RESPONSE7............................................................................................................................................... 5 COMMENT8................................................................................................................................................ 6 RESPONSE8............................................................................................................................................... 6 COMMENT9................................................................................................................................................ 6 RESPONSE9............................................................................................................................................... 6 CALCULATIONS BASED ON VOLUME DISPLACEMENT................................................................................... 7 CALCULATIONS BASED ON HYDROGEOLOGY................................................................................................ 7 COMMENT10.............................................................................................................................................. 8 RESPONSE10............................................................................................................................................. 9 CALCULATIONS........................................................................................................................................... 9 IT'S EXPERIENCE........................................................................................................................................ 9 SITESPECIFIC DATA................................................................................................................................. 10 COMMENT11............................................................................................................................................10 RESPONSE11........................................................................................................................................... 10 COMMENT12............................................................................................................................................ 12 oanid_workkdwf\potplot.pin If Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, U!C Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page iii RESPONSE12........................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendices Appendix A - Calculations Appendix B - Certification Appendix C —Well boring and Construction logs Appendix D — Pilot Study Work Plan Appendix E — Phasing Plan oAnid_wcrk\cdwflpotplot.pin lT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Ine. A Member of The IT Group Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11 /05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 1 COMMENT 3 Based upon the relatively high groundwater concentrations of PCE and information provided by IT Corporation regarding the amount of PCE in the soils near the AST, there seems to be potential for free product to exist in the subsurface. Therefore, submit a proposal describing your plans to determine if free product is present and how you intend to deal with it. - The plan should explain any side effects that such free product will have on the injection process, specify how much heat will be produced from the oxidation of such free product and indicate specifically how you plan to safely dissipate excess energy generated. RESPONSE Free product, if present, will have minimal impact on the injection process. Permanganate is much more stable than hydrogen peroxide and does not degrade as rapidly, even in the presence of free product. The reaction of permanganate with free product generates COZ, a non-flammable gas over a period of days. The sections below describe IT's efforts to delineate free product, the heat that would be expected to be generated if free product were encountered during injection, and how this heat will be dissipated. Free Product Delineation IT Corporation has already made extensive efforts to delineate the extent of free product at this site. These efforts have included collection of soil samples and screening of soils from the installation of 12 soil vapor monitoring points in the source area adjacent to the Perc AST in December 1998, and gauging of all site monitoring wells for LNAPL and DNAPLs in January 1999. More recently in,September 1999, IT Corporation performed a geoprobe investigation in the area of the former gasoline UST and Perc AST to delineate the extent of free product. In addition, two bedrock monitoring wells were installed in the source area on the Ballard property in October 1999. One of these wells was cored to a total depth of 153 feet. These wells, along with all other on -site wells (total of 39 wells) were gauged for free product (LNAPL and DNAPL) during the week of October 26, 1999. To date, no free product has been detected at this site during any of these activities. These efforts to delineate free product will be described in detail in the CSA Addendum that will be submitted to NCDENR in December 1999. Because free product will have minimal impact on the injection process, additional delineation beyond what has already been performed is not necessary and is therefore not being proposed at this time. lT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, UlC Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 2 Heat Generation from Oxidation of Free Product Calculations IT's most aggressive injection design is to introduce 25 gallons of a 15% sodium permanganate solution per 5-foot depth with a 10-foot radius of influence. With this injection and a soil porosity of 30%, the average permanganate concentration in the groundwater in the zone of influence will be about 1 gram per liter. (See calculations in Appendix A) From the thermodynamics of permanganate oxidation of PCE, 233 kcal of heat will be released per mole of PCE reacted, and nearly 180 liters of permanganate treated groundwater will be required to react with each mole of PCE.. Based on this calculation, contact with DNAPL (PCE) will produce an average temperature rise of less than 2 degrees C in the treatment/reaction zone. (See calculations in Appendix A). Temperature increases of this magnitude have been observed at other sites where we have applied in situ oxidation with permanganate The theoretical maximum scenario for heat release is direct contact of 15% permanganate solution, without groundwater dilution, with free product PCE in the subsurface. In this case, if an immediate and complete reaction is assumed and there is no heat dissipation to surrounding environment, the temperature increase of the involved soil/groundwater would be about 70 degrees C. Resultantly, the maximum temperature achievable in this hypothetical scenario is 90 to 95 degrees C. In reality, this temperature will not be approached because dilution of the permanganate reagent must occur to come in contact with any free product PCE. Additionally, the reaction rates observed for PCE oxidation in bench - scale soil column testing are over a period 24 to 48 hour period and these tests have not observed any significant heat of reaction. Based on this information, IT concludes that the subsurface matrix will safely absorb the small quantities of energy generated from permanganate oxidation. IT's Experience at Other Sites To address this issue further, we have reviewed several other permanganate applications we have conducted to provide actual site data on this type of issue. This past summer at a site in New Jersey we conducted a pilot test using sodium permanganate. We applied 350 gallons of permanganate in a 20% solution to treat an area that was contaminated with Toluene, Benzene and Propanol. Prior to .the application of the permanganate, separate phase LNAPL was detected in the monitoring well. We proceeded with the testing and monitored for temperature changes. The maximum change in the monitoring wells in that area was less than five degrees centigrade. This data we believe is a good o:\nid_work\cdwt\potplot.pin IT Corporation ofNorth Caroling, Inc. I A SHember of The /T Croup Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 3 demonstration that permanganate treatment does not pose a risk since it does not generate significant heat in its reaction. Site -Specific Data Finally, IT is proposing to conduct a pilot test, as described in the enclosed pilot test work plan (Appendix D) to provide site -specific data on heat generation. Phase 1 of the pilot test will be conducted in the unpaved area where the source of the release was formerly located. If free product were present at the site, it would be encountered in this area. The pilot test design includes monitoring before during and after the test for changes in temperature in soil and groundwater using existing soil vapor and groundwater monitoring wells. Based on previous experience, increases in temperature during or after injection are not expected to exceed 10 degrees C. If, during the pilot test, increases in temperature over baseline levels of greater than 20 degrees C are observed, the application of permanganate will be temporarily halted until temperatures stabilize to within 5 degrees of pretest levels. COMMENT 4 Since this AST was the source of the PCE contamination, you will have to demonstrate that the AST is no longer leaking PCE into the environment. RESPONSE 4 The AST was taken out of service in July 1999 and removed from the site. The facility is not currently being used to dispense PCE. - o:\nid_worklcdwflpotplot.pin I IT Corporation ofNorih Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Group Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 4 COMMENT 5 Before an injection well permit can be given, all submissions of soil or hydrogeologic descriptions, drawings, reports, or documents involving hydrogeologic/geologic work must be signed and sealed by a NC Licensed Geologist as required by 15A NCAC 2C. 021 1(d)(3)(D). RESPONSE5 Enclosed please find a letter at Appendix B certifying geologic work completed by IT Corporation,of North Carolina on the site to -date signed and sealed by Mr. Joe Beaman, the project geologist/hydrogeologist that performed or provided oversight of the geologic tasks related to the preparation of this UIC permit application. All future work will be signed and sealed by Mr. Dale Egner, the current project geologist/hydrogeologist. Mr. Beaman and Mr. Egner are both Licensed Geologists in the State of North Carolina. COMMENT 6 You will need to submit well boring logs and well construction records (GW-1) of each well at this site as required by 15A NCAC 2C.0211 (d)(3)(C). RESPONSE6 IT Corporation has prepared a compendium of well boring and construction logs for all wells within 'a mile of the injection wells and it is enclosed as Appendix C. The % mile radius includes all the wells that have been drilled for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbon plume delineation on the site. COMMENT 7 In the permit application, Figures 13 & 14 indicate a radius of influence of 10 feet for Zone 1 and 20 feet for Zone 2. Please submit the rationale and calculations used to determine these distances. Also determine whether the concentrations of sodium permanganate will be sufficient to oxidize the chlorinated hydrocarbons throughout the zone of influence. oAnid_work\cdwflpotplot.pin IT Corporation ofNorth Caro► na, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 — W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 5 RESPONSE The volume of sodium permanganate to be injected and the associated radii of influence estimated for treatment zones I, II and III were calculated as a function of: ,I • Total volume of unsaturated and saturated media present in each zone; • the interpolated average adsorbed and dissolved phase chlorinated solvent concentrations present in each zone; • the stochiometric relationship between pounds of permanganate required per pound of total VOCs, as determined by bench scale tests conducted in February 1999 • the rate of natural consumption of permanganate through reaction with other oxidizable species present in the residual soils throughout the site; and • The actual area available for injection based on site constraints (topography, structures, etc.) io Reasonable application rates using a geoprobe rig based on a pilot application test conducted at the site on April 1999 using clean water. Based on historical laboratory analytical data for both soil and groundwater, general geotechnical soil parameters (density and porosity) and the average depth to water, the total mass of adsorbed and dissolved phase PCE were determined for both the vadose and saturated areas of each treatment zone. Based on the results of the bench scale treatability tests, the approximate natural permanganate consumption rate by the residual site soils was estimated. Using a 6X-stochiometric relationship, as determined by the bench scale treatability tests, the total required volume of sodium permanganate was calculated to react completely with the chlorinated solvents and overcome the natural soil consumption. Once the estimated mass of sodium permanganate required to treat the PCE was determined, the radii of influence were calculated. The radii of influence are based on: the quantity of sodium permanganate solution required; the surface area available for application based on natural and man-made site i constraints; and a reasonable volume of permanganate solution to be injected in each boring (as confirmed by the pilot injection test conducted in April 1999). Due to the presence of higher dissolved and adsorbed phase chlorinated solvent concentrations in the immediate vicinity of the former AST, a smaller radius of influence was selected to reduce the gallons of permanganate solution required to be injected in each boring. The required volume to be injected in each 5-foot interval in the various treatment zones ranges from 12 to 25 gallons in zones 1 and 3, respectively. The 25-gallon volume requested in the UIC application for each zone was used as a maximum, as determined in the calculation for zone 3. o:\nid_work\cdwf\potp1ot.p1n IT Corporation ofNor& Cam ins, Inc. A Member of The IT Group r i I Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 6 Based on these calculations, the volume of permanganate should be sufficient to oxidize the chlorinated ethenes present throughout the zone of influence. However, these calculations will be confirmed prior to full-scale injection, by the performance of a pilot test. The work plan for the pilot test in included in Appendix D. COMMENT 8 The proposed injection volume of 25 gallons per 5 vertical feet used in the injection process was not completely achieved in the pilot study. Please submit an explanation of your expectation to achieve the proposed volume at this site. RESPONSE The 25-gallon volume was achieved during the injection test on boring ITP-2. The 25-gallon volume was injected in 15 minutes at the maximum depth. At the next two injection intervals, we injected 23 and 24 gallons respectively in the 15-minute interval. After proving that we could inject the 25 gallons, it was - unnecessary to continue to inject that volume all the way to the surface. We simply injected a smaller volume and monitored the delivery time and pressures so that we could extrapolate an injection time for the complete 25 gallons: Based on the pilot injection test, we expect to be able to achieve the proposed injection volume without any problems. COMMENT 9 During the injection process, what specific measures or hydraulic control will be used to prevent migration of both the chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbons into areas where the groundwater is not contaminated? RESPONSE Hydraulic control is not proposed during permanganate application because the process will not cause migration of chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbons into areas where groundwater is not contaminated. i Migration will be prevented by the very small relative injection volume, the site geology and site hydrogeology. Two sets of calculations that form the basis for this conclusion are presented below. Also, o:\nid_w0rk\cdwf\potpIot.pIn 1 IT Corporation of'vorih Carolina, Inc. A :Member of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 7 as described in the attached pilot study work plan (Appendix D), groundwater monitoring will be performed before, during and after the proposed pilot injection event to confirm that the injection process does not cause migration of contaminants into areas where groundwater is not contaminated. Calculations Based on Volume Displacement During the permanganate application, approximately 25-gallons of oxidant will be injected at five-foot depth intervals in each boring. The borings will be laid out in either 10-feet or 20-feet radii. The volume of liquid being displaced by the addition of 25 gallons in a 10-foot radius over a 5- foot height of saturation can be easily calculated. A cylinder of saturated soil with a 10-foot radius, a height of 5 feet, and a porosity of .30 and contains a volume of groundwater of approximately 471.42 cubic feet or 3526.3 gallons. The addition of 25 gallons of water to this cylinder represents an addition of less than 1 % of the total volume. The addition of this same volume of water to a 20-foot radius cylinder represents an addition of less than 0.5% by volume. If 25 gallons were added to the cylinder containing 3526.3 gallons, the total gallons contained would be 3551.3 gallons. If all of this increase were absorbed laterally, the new theoretical radius of the cylinder would be 10.035 feet, an increase of 0.035 feet (0.42 inches). If all of this increase were absorbed vertically, the new theoretical height of the cylinder would be 5.035 feet, an increase of 0.035 feet (0.42 inches). As these calculations demonstrate, the hydraulic displacement caused by the injection of this limited volume is so small (less than half an inch) as to be negligible. Calculations Based on Hydrogeology During the permanganate. application, approximately 25-gallons of oxidant will be injected at five-foot depth intervals in each boring. From our injection test, the total injection time at each injection interval for 25 gallons is approximately 15 minutes. Based on calculations for mounding, the expected mounding effect at a distance of 1 foot from the injection point for injecting 25 gallons of a liquid with a density similar to that of water over a 15 minute period is 0.799 feet. To carry this one step farther, the expected mounding effect at a distance of 1 foot from the injection point after injecting 300 gallons was calculated. Assuming an injection rate of 1.66 gpm (calculated by injecting 300 gallons over the estimated injection time interval at each injection point of 180 minutes) the total mounding effect at each point is expected to be 1.38 feet. It should be noted that the latter calculation assumes a worst case condition of injecting 300 gallons continuously over a 180-minute time interval. Our injection procedure will not be continuous. In o: \nid_work\cdwt\potplot. pin IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, WC Permit Application 11/05/99 - W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 8 fact, the actual injection period will be longer due to the time required to reposition down -hole equipment and set-up/break-down time at each injection interval. This longer period will allow for greater time for head equilibration between injection intervals, which should result in a lower actual mounding effect. Examination of distance and time-drawdown curves generated during aquifer testing indicates that the unconsolidated sediments are highly stratified. Stratification due to differential weathering and mineral composition would be expected in a saprolitic formation. As such, the vertical hydraulic conductivity is estimated to be 0.5 times that of the horizontal hydraulic conductivity. Therefore, it is likely that minimal increases in head pressure, as will be associated with the injection events, will be primarily distributed horizontally through the aquifer unit; especially along zones of higher hydraulic conductivity within the saturated zone. In conclusion, the application of permanganate by the method we have proposed will result in minimal, short term, mounding effects (and therefore minimal, short-term increases in hydraulic head) at each injection point. Therefore, it is concluded that the injection process will not result in the unwanted migration of contaminants, either vertically or horizontally. COMMENT 10 On page 2 of the injection well permit application, IT Corporation provided equations that represent the oxidation of PCE, TCE and DCE with sodium permanganate. These equations show that copious amounts of the by-product carbon dioxide (CO2) gas will be produced under an area where roughly 90% of the surface is covered with asphalt and concrete. Such a situation raises concerns regarding the possible migration of CO. into human breathing spaces. Potential by-products of the oxidation of chlorinated hydrocarbons are chlorine gas (CL2), hydrochloric acid and carbonic acid. The two acid by-products could make the groundwater extremely acidic, while the CL2 could also migrate into human breathing spaces. You need to address these concerns and also answer the following questions: "How will CO2, CL2, hydrochloric acid and carbonic acid affect the injection processes at this site?" "How will the migration of any by-products be controlled?" o:\nid_w0rk\cdwf\porp1ot.p1n IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A .Vember of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 - - W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 9 RESPONSE 10 The products of DCE, TCE and PCE oxidation with permanganate are CO2, HCI, NaCl, Mn02and -OH. No chlorine gas will be generated from the reactions and, in IT's experience with permanganate treatments, no chlorine gas has ever been detected. Calculations Carbon dioxide is a harmless non-flammable gas produced at a rate of two moles for each mole of organic compound that is oxidized. Venting of the gas from the subsurface 'during treatment to human breathing spaces will not be of concern as long as the spaces are provided with normal ventilation. Using the injection as described in response to comment no. 3, 180 L of permanganate treated groundwater will be involved in oxidation of each mole of PCE. This volume of solution is sufficient to dissolve the CO2 produced from reaction, as the solubility of CO2 in water is 1.7 gram per liter at atmospheric pressure. This allows the controlled release of gas as CO2 diffuses to the surface. In areas close to the injection point, the permanganate concentration will be higher and the volume of solution may not be sufficient to dissolve all of the CO2 eventually produced from reaction, but even in these areas no pressure buildup is expected. The bench -scale tests have shown that the oxidation of PCE will take place over several days to two weeks and will allow sufficient time for release of the CO2withoutpressure concerns. IT's Experience In IT's experience, generation of HCI from oxidation of chlorinated organic compounds has not significantly altered the groundwater pH. This is due in part to the natural buffering capacity of the soil that neutralizes the acid produced. It is also due in part to competing permanganate oxidation of soil constituents that consume acid and balance the acid production from reactions with chlorinated organics. The competing reactions are both inorganic in nature (such as oxidation of iron (Fe+2) species) and organic in nature (such as oxidation of humic material.) The rate of production of CO2 and HCI will be limited by the relatively slow rate of reaction, which will spread the production over several days at a minimum. In this time, CO2 will be released to the surface in a safe manner through a moderate pressure gradient to the surface and subsurface equilibrium between I! gas phase CO2, and dissolved phases of CO2, bicarbonate and carbonate species. Also, in this time, o:\nid_work\cdwfpotplot.pin IT Corporation oFNorth Carolina, Inc, A Member of The IT Group Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11l05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 10 other processes involving soil constituents, including oxidation by permanganate and neutralization will consume HCL. Site -Specific Data To provide site -specific information on the generation and migration of reaction byproducts, a pilot study is proposed. The work plan for the study is included in Appendix D. During the pilot study, the key parameters of concern will be monitored and the results will be evaluated prior to full-scale implementation. COMMENT 11 IT Corporation submitted the EPA's In Situ Remediation Technology: In Situ Chemical Oxidation, Innovation Technology Report dated September 1998. The Groundwater Section's staff has reviewed this report and noted that most In Situ Chemical Oxidation systems are designed in conjunction with a pump and treat and/or soil vapor extraction system to remove the remaining by-products from the injection process. You will need to answer the question "Why has a groundwater and/or soil extraction system not been proposed for this site during the injection process?" The Groundwater Section's staff also believes that a pilot study should be conducted to verify that this injection process will successfully oxidize the chlorinated hydrocarbons without harmful environmental effects. RESPONSE 11 The paper that EPA prepared on the use of permanganate discussed a number of sites that had already had some form of remediation system (usually groundwater extraction, soil venting and sometimes sparging) already in place from prior remedial efforts. In almost all cases, the remediation systems were temporarily stopped in the vicinity of the permanganate treatment. This was done to avoid the potential to have accelerated groundwater movement toward a groundwater extraction point. This accelerated movement would not allow for optimum dispersion of the permanganate from the point of addition. This would be detrimental for oxidation treatment since it would result in increased travel distances but not allow for treatment over any significant lateral area. For this reason, we do not apply this oxidation technology with other groundwater extraction except where a key receptor (i.e. stream other surface water body) required protection. o:\nid_work\cdwf\potplot.pin IT Corporation ofNorth Carolina, Inc. A Member of The IT Group Responses to Comments, UlC Permit Application 11/05/99 W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 11 The application of permanganate is the first phase of a multiphase, multi -technology remedial approach at �_J this site. The second phase is the installation of a high vacuum dual phase system (HVDP) to remediate any recalcitrant volatile organics that are not addressed by the permanganate. This approach is described _) in the CAP that was submitted to NCDENR on May 21, 1999. The primary remedial objective at this site r, is to achieve 90% reductions in Total VOCs in the shallow groundwater plume (less than 65' below ground surface) as measured in a network of 21 monitoring wells at the site. The timetable to achieve this reduction goal is by March 2003. IT Corporation believes that achieving this goal will require more than a r single remedial technology. One of the major reasons for applying the permanganate prior to installation of the HVDP system is to get the oxidizer into the subsurface to reduce contaminant concentrations in groundwater while the HVDP system is being designed, perrr)itted and installed. This approach will make the most use of the limited time before the March 2003 goal. Another major reason is that, if the permanganate application is as successful as we believe it will be, then the HVDP system in phase 2 may I� } be smaller and less disruptive to commercial site redevelopment/reuse than the extensive system that would be required to remediate the current plume. Because migration of permanganate and products of the reaction are limited by the site geology, hydrogeology and the nature and volume of permanganate applied, hydraulic and vapor control are i, neither necessary nor particularly beneficial (as described above). This is a one-time application of a limited volume of oxidizer (approximately 300 gallons per injection point). The oxidation reaction is fairly localized around each geoprobe point (hence the need for over 200 geoprobe points). In order to verify for NCDENR that the injection process will successfully oxidize the chlorinated hydrocarbons without harmful environmental effects, IT Corporation proposes to perform a pilot study as the first phase of a multi -phased implementation program. As shown on the attached phasing plan, Appendix E, the first phase will consist of approximately 12 points, the second phase will be approximately 12 points and the final phase (full-scale) will be approximately 175 points. The results from the first and second phases will be evaluated and used to make adjustments to the calculated injection rates and injection point spacing, (based on actual field data), for the full scale. A work plan for the pilot study is attached as Appendix D. The pilot study is proposed to consist 2 phases. In the first phase, 12 injection points installed on the former Ballard property in an unpaved area. The advantages of performing the Phase 1 pilot test in this area are: • the area is unpaved so concerns about pressure buildup under pavement should not be an issue; oAnid_work\cdwt\potplot. pl n lT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc, A .11ember of The IT Croup Responses to Comments, UIC Permit Application 11/05/99 — W.P. Ballard Property, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina Page 12 • 12 soil vapor monitoring points installed in this area can be used to monitor for potential gas pressure increases and heat generation in the subsurface, and; • 7 monitoring wells in this area can be used to monitor the progress, effectiveness and byproducts of the process in groundwater. After the completion of the first phase, the monitoring data will be evaluated and a second phase of the pilot will performed consisting of 12 injection points installed in the paved area on the former SLS property. The target area for the Phase 2 pilot is an area where previous aquifer testing was conducted and an extensive network of deep and shallow groundwater monitoring wells have been installed. Once the two phases of the pilot test have been completed and post-test monitoring has been performed, a Pilot Test Report will be prepared and submitted to NCDENR for review. Pending the results of the pilot, the Pilot Test Report will include a request for approval for full-scale implementation. COMMENT 12 The monitor schedule needs to be more specific or detailed and include both pre- and post- injection monitoring. Pre -injection samples will provide background concentrations that can then be compared with post -injection concentrations to determine the system efficiency and effectiveness. RESPONSE 12 A specific monitoring schedule for the pilot test is included in the attached work plan in Appendix D. This schedule includes a detailed plan for both pre- and post — injection monitoring. A similar monitoring schedule will be followed during subsequent phases. Io:\nid_work\cdwf\potplotpin HEAT RELEASE CALCULATION Basis of Calculations for Heat Release due to Reaction: 4NaMnO4 + 3C2CI4 + 4H2O — 4MnO2 + 6CO2 + 12CI- + 4Na+ + 8H+ delta H (enthalpy) = 233 kcal/mole (PCE) PCE heat capacity = .025 kcal/°K • mole Water (subsurface) heat capacity = .018 kcal/°K • mole NaMn04 MW = 142 g/mole Soil porosity = 30% (0.3) Injection of 15% NaMn04 solution - 25 gallons of solution per five foot depth with a 10 foot radius Dilution of NaMn04 solution upon injection: Water volume per 25 gallons of inj. solution = Pi • r2 • depth • porosity Water volume per 25 gallons of inj. solution (cu ft) = 3.14 x 102 ft x 5 ft x 0.3 = 471 cu ft Water volume per 25 gallons of inj. solution (gal) = 471 cu ft x 7.48 gal/cu ft = 3,525 gal Conc. of NaMn04 in subsurface = 15% x 25 gal/3,525 gal = 0.1064% = 1.064 g/L of solution Volume of water involved in reaction of one mole of PCE: 1 mole PCE reacts with 4/3 mole NaMn04 (stoichiometry) = 4/3 x 142 g/mole = 189 g NaMn04 Volume of subsurface water containing 189 g NaMn04 = 189 g / 1.064 g/L solution = 178 L Water involved in reaction with one mole PCE = 178 L x 1,000 g/L / 18 g/mole = 9,886 moles Temperature rise (delta T) due to reaction of one mole of PCE (233 kcal): Heat release = H2O heat cap. x moles H2O x delta T + PCE heat cap. x moles PCE x delta T Delta T = heat release / (1120 heat cap. x moles H2O + PCE heat cap. x moles PCE) Delta T (°K) = 233 kcal / (.018 kcal/OK-mole x 9,886 moles + .025 kcal/°K•mole x 1 mole Delta T = 1.3 °K or °C or 2.4'T SOLUBILITY OF CARBON DIOXIDE 4NaMnO4 + 3C2CI4 + 4H20 4 4MnO2 + 6CO2 + 12CI" + 4Na+ + 8H+ Carbon dioxide (CO2) MW = 44 g/mole Carbon dioxide produced in molar reaction: i CO2 produced in reaction of one mole of PCE stoichiome ( try) = 2 moles COZ Weight of CO2 produced (g) = 2 moles x 44 g/mole = 88 g Carbon dioxide solubility: Subsurface water involved in reaction of one mole of PCE = 178 L Solubility of CO2 at atmospheric pressure = 1.7 g/L Weight of CO2 required to reach water saturation = 178 L x 1.7 g/L = 303 g 88 grams of CO2 will be produced per mole PCE reacted. 303 grams of CO2 solubility capacity in the water involved per mole of PCE reacted. Sufficient solubility to dissolve CO2 produced. 1T Corporation ofNortb Carolina, Inc, A Member of The IT Croup Certification Statement I certify that the geologic and/or hydrogeologic descriptions and/or interpretations included within this UIC Permit Application (dated May 14, 1999), were prepared under my direction; and all geologic and/or hydrogeologic descriptions and/or interpretations were made using accepted and sound scientific practices. I hereby approve the geologic and/or hydrogeologic descriptions and/or interpretations contained within this document. IT Corporation of North Carolina, Inc. ! Bobby J. Beaman, P.G. Project Geologist NC Licensed Geologist #1468 OG of_���o u 99 . EAL 1468 --°°:d� ®LoG�eo� JO °B40#008 o o eaoe°®°® Seal - .rth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Hinz 29535 - Raleigh, N.C..27626-0535 Phone 1919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRIUCTION RECORD 'IRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE�USE =OidLY QUAD. -NO :SERIAL NO ...:::: .r *ar =. i•a Lat Long Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION - DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: �LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH _Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To ?. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR TOTAL DEPTH I2—.6 FEET ;i CUTTINGS COLLECTED YE I NO IXI :. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* -*Casing Terminated at/or below land surface is illegal unless a � irariaace _s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A -0. WATER ZONES (cTepth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A _2. CASING: Nall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To From 113. GROUT: To Depth From 0.0 To 0.5 From To 4. SCREEN: GUILFORD UhiLLING LUG Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Ft. Roads, oro�the mapreference points.) / Ft. 1 t U,,.JX_Pf_.AV.,, Material Method Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY Ft. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 1 From To Ft. in. in. :5. SAND GRAVEL PA K. Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND , From To Ft. _6. REMARKS: SVMP-6 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET M mom.. � � I DO -HEREBY CERTIFY- THAT --THIS WELL- WAS- CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE. -WITH- 15A_ NCAC 2C, WELL--_.. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. -IIJW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Managemrnt and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-6 l Project W.P. Bauard Property Owner W.P. Ballard 6 Co. o/ Greensboro See Site Map - Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 1211. 8.5in. J� Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in- Length J0 fl• Type/Size .020 A Soft -spoon not used Casing: Oia 2 A Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material SFica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-/20 Drill Co. Geolo_ck Exploration Method HOLLOMSTEM AL/GER Driller Log By R Sass Date 117199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. a` r_ o �1? 0E O T C m o as eii u1 � Description o" 3 E a s U E 3 m °J m (Color. Texture, Structure) ° U m 2 o: to co x En Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel o p GP CL 2 -- 2• Red -brown silty Clay with some gravel — 4 =_ 56 5' Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) 6 = — ML 8 10 = 151 10• 12 = 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 ithiog-"e.96 Page: 1 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. - FOR'OFFICE-(U ONLY QUAb ENO =SERIAi' NO -Long RO Minor B Basin -Code' .Header .Ent G'W71 Ent 1•i'A'1'1J WALL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: -1. WELL LOCATION: (Show- sketch of the location a ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (ROE , Community, or Subdivision -and Lot No.) From To Formation Description 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC 0.01 1.01 GRAVEL ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 1.0' 3.0' TEN 33DNWY SILT (Street or Route No. ) 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State. Zip.. Co e- '___.! 3. DATE 'DRILLED 01-07-59 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH ITT 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI i 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT - (Use •+• if Above Top of Casing) 3 TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terndnested at or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (mac epth) : N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A _-'12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Height/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC . rom To Ft. 13. GROUT: TO Fes. Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. SCREE-N. 14. SCR Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) LAL",_&Le. PrVA- . From To I 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Ft 1II' in. 1 Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: SVMP-7 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO -HEREBY CERTIFY THAT -THIS WELL. WAS_. CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE.. WITH.15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SUMP-7 - Proiect X.P. Ballard Property Owner W.P. Ballard G Co. o1 Greensboro See Site Nap Location 27018ranchwood Drive Greensboro NC 107535 For Boring Location - Proj. No. Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12ft. Diameter 85A COMNENM Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 1t. Type/Size •020 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core DiedriCh D-120 Drill Co. Geolooic ExD10ration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 117199 Permit Checked B C. Bertz Y License No. a C O �, o� o a ' T ,, C o) o o r Q Il y L) Description p" 3 E d a U E s m n0 �-� to (Color, Texture, Structure) ° U n o °C N m x th Trace < 1OX, Little fOX to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35X to 50X Gravel o° GP Red -brown clayey Silt 2 4 _ 215 M-n ~ 6 = ML 8 = 10 — 337 ltD-t27 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 w, moo ■9FMVW-JVnC,tM Page: 1 of 1 _ .Aorth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 j Phone (919) 733-3221' WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. i FO_R=OFFICE USE OUAD NO "` "SERIAL NO. Lat - -Long Rp- Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent .. ' STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: -� LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH From To (Road, Community, or S ivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 i (Street or Route No.) -, ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip, Co e 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YE I NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use •+' if Above Top of Casing) S. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Termi aced at/or ow land surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 )9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A '11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Nall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. 13. From GROUT : To Ft. - Depth Material From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Method SLURRY GUILFORD DRILL-iNU LOU Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT I-' additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 1 I 16. REMARKS: SVMP-8 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET s.� L` b 4+� PA-k, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. Z-Z 3-9 J1h1VATUht Ur- UUN'VKAUTUR OR AGENT DAT) GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to -ell owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-8 Project WP Ballard ftDertY Owner N.P Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Nap Location 2701 BranchNood Drive, Greensboro, NC Prol. No. /OT535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12It• Diameter 8.5in- COMMENTS.' Top of Casing water Level Initial Static _ Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 /t. Type/Size .020 in. Spit -vow not used Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 lt• Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLON STEM AUGER ' Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1/7/99 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertr License No. aF c O �- oa 0 Z , , C m o o U tQ N Description a:! 3: n a n Q U V e s m a o °J to (Color. Texture, Structure) ° U `0 ° ¢ 1n m it Uj Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to 50X .2- 0 Gravel o GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, dry) 2 -- 2' 4 —_ 15 5' 6 = = ML 8 = 1 0 — 39 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 ithlog-ime.98 Page: 1 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Bealth, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. - _Y V!-' " .:i\V - � - � ��1�.7�.7L� , M 1. �u J�lFi�Y 1•^��� � :.hat. -Long Minor iBn Basin Code :-Header .Ent GW- Ent, STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1 . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE -DEPTH (Road, Community, or Sub ii "I aon an A Lot No, ) From To --, 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC i' ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code' 3. DATE DRILLED'01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 12.6-FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECT D I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT - (Use '+• if Above Top of Casing) B. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land surface - *Casing Tex *+a ted at/or below land surface is illegal egal ,,.,less a j is issued is accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 i 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: T ype N/A Amount N A i_ 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material j From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft, - 2.0er in. Slot Size in. Material From To Ft. in. in. From To 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Ft. in. in. Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' MVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 16. REMARKS: SVMP-9 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I6 U I e4v j)Hy`L I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. I GW-1 REV. 9/91 Z-Z3 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-9 Proiect w.P. Ballard Property Owner NA Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map 2701 Brancnwood_Drive. Greensboro. NC 107535 For Boring Location r- Location Proj. No. Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 fl. Diameter B5 in - Top COMMENTS. of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 An. Length 10 fl. Type/Size .020 in. Spit-spoan not used Casing: Oia 2 A Length 2 ft. Type PVC =- Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. Geolo-0ic Exploration Method ROLL DM STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 117199 Permit 0 Checked By C. BertZ License No. c 'o OE O ,� c „ o o rw a Description �+.r O n E a n lS V V E 3 m Cl3 to (Color. Texture. Structure) U W co k (A Trace < 10%. Lithe 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2- 0 Gravel o GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft. dry) 2 4 =_ 8.5 5• 6 _- = ML 8 10 = to to' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 ithlog-.Wne.98 Page: 1 of 1 :orth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources r Division of Environmental Managemant - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C.'27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD +)RILLING CONTRACTOR: _Geologic Exploration, Inc. LJ -:FOR OFFICE :USE 2UAD `:NO ONLY 'L=: :, SERIAL -NO ''. Lat': song 0_.,. Minor -Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION LI DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . rvt -uJ, uuutT1uN: (snow sketch of the location below Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH :Rom , Community, or Sub lvlslon and Lot No.) From T° OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC i ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Code i_3. DATE DRILLED 01-07--99'USE OF'WELL SOIL VAPOR TOTAL DEPTH 127U FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing:-- FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) ? TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* •Casing Terminated at/or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance a issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A =0. WATER ZONES 1-Cliepth): N/A al. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A --2. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC FrOM. To From :3. GROUT: To Ft. Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. F Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND r- From To Ft. '- 16. REMARKS: SVMP-10 GUILFORD DRILLING --EC G Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed Use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT, -THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC_2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-10 Project M.P. Ballard PERPerty Owner M.P. Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Pr01. N0. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 ft• Diameter 8.5 in. COMMENTS.' -- Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 10 ft. Type/Size •020 in. Soil -spoon not used Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 2 ft. Type PVC - Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 117199 Permit 0 Checked By C Ber1r License No. C G 0E 0 T •-• C o, o o U ra tll Description m,_ 3 E ..a a n a U U E 3 m no --J (n (Color. Texture, Structure) o U m ¢ �! U) co m (n < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% i 0 Gravel o GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, dry) 2 4 too 5' 6 = ML 8 10 — 195 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 ithlog-.pme.98 Page: 1 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 J Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. x�.',FOR'OFFICE iJSE 'ONLY ►' t ' xt .QUAD,INO �.: '• �" ;..." • SERIAL146�` -• :: r_. :Lat Long RO Minor Basin Basin Code ..Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: i 1. WELL LOCATION: (Showsketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: -" LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Sub lvlslon an Lot No.) From To 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC i -J ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 Clty..or.Town State Z1p Co e 3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED ­70-T I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '+• if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing TAr•'in ted at/or below -land surface is illegal unless a variance Is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES epth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A `- 12. CASING: GUILFORD DRILLINU LUG Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form Nall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material LOCATION OF SKETCH i From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To (Show direction and distance from at least two State Ft. Roads, or othe map reference points.) 13. From To GROUT: Ft. %(U1/I Depth Material method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. { From To SAND GRAVEL PACK: Ft. in. in. Depth From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. Size Material 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: SVMP-11 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I - DO- HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATUR OF CO RACTOR OR AGENT DATE GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-11 l Project N.P. Ballard Property Owner M.R Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Nap Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC 107535 , Proi. No. For Boring Location ( Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 ft. Diameter 8.5 a COMMENTS' Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 ft. Type/Size •020 in spit -spoor not used Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 fl• Type PVC l_- Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOM STEM AUGER Driller . Log By R. Gass Date 1/7/99 Permit 0 Checked B ti Y C. Bentz License No. L r+ CLf c C 01 o a ►+ C 01 o, i; U TE 0 N � U Description p" (D - 3 c .-. °• ° G V v E o 0 a o �� u (Color. Texture, Structure) U Am x Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel o GP Red -brown clayey Silt with some gravel 2 4 319 5' Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, moist) 6 = = ML 8 = 10 — 370 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 v3115i1e99 ithlog-,1une,96 Page: 1 of 1 Barth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section S P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ( )RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FORJOFFICE -USE lL �: •..2.i' �.�. QUAD�NO - - - - =SERIAL NO { u. Lat - _ Long . _SO_-. Minor Basin -Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION t_j DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. W6LL LUUATIUN: (Snow sKetcn of the, location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD �} LAWNDALE DRIVE EPTH (Road, Community, or S lsl ivon a_ n-d Lot No.) From To Formation Description -';2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC O.oi l.ov GRAVEL ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 1.01 3.01 TAN BROWN SANDY SILT (Street or Route No.) 3.0• 12.01 ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT ATLANTA GA 30339 City.or Town State. Zlp.Co e -'3. DATE DRILLED 01-07-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH T2 -.6 FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTE YES I NO IXI 1II 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use "+' if Above Top of Casing) 9. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* ,-Casing Terminated ted at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a {' .variance Is issued is accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 1-0. WATER ZONES h): N/A '11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material ?rom 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC :rom To Ft. From To Ft. r' 3 . GROUT: i Depth Material Method ?rom 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. '14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material I-' From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 1 From To Ft. in. in. _ 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. �16. REMARKS: SVMP-12 If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET 5 r� ( I -•DO -HEREBY CERTIFY -THAT THIS WELLWASCONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, _WELL. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATUR F CONTRR TOR OR AGENT DATE ` GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Suhmit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-12 Project W.P Ba/laid PrOPertY Owner M.P Ballard G Co. of Greensboro Location 2701 Branchwood_Orive. Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 ft. Diameter 8.5 in. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 A Length 10 ft. Type/Size -020 A Casing: Dia 2 A Length 2 ft. Type. PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1/7/9-9 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. a` C G 0- o f ►+ C 0o o (� t U Description o" 3 e a° B ; m o °J N (Color. Texture, Structure) ° m ° to m at (n Trace < to%, Little 10% to 2OX. Some 20X to 35X. And•35X to SOX Gravel o O GP :•: R-71 p Red -brown silty Clay (soft, moist) -Strong odor 2 4 = 401 a-n 6 CL 8 0 — 386 Im-in 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 03/15/1999 KNog-Jme.96 Page: 1 of 1 01v:s.on o: Envzronmental Management - Groundwater Section P.C. 3oz 29535 - Raleiih, N.C. 27i26-0535 Phone (919) •33-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD :BILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Z. ;�,u ,iri i tK - .yam:ar• foArm To Milk- b`ATh:WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch or t e location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD -DEPTH Roa , Community, or subdivision and Lot No.) Front To Formation Description OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. o.o• 10.31 RED CtATST SILT ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD 10.3' 0.01 TAN s:LTY CLAY (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179L _ City or Town S_a:e Zip Code DATE DRILLED B-25-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH 4. FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED —TZ3 IXI NO I I DOES WELL RE?LACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I No 1XI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: ;Use •- if Above cp oc cas.ag: TC? OF CASING :S 0.0 FT above :.and Surface, Z-21-9 Te n n ted at/or below rand surface is illegal unless a dance s issued in accordance with 15A XCAC 2C .0118 YTTLD (gpm) N/A uE'THOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (depth} N/A . CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A -. CAS:VG. Tall Thickness -e= .iaceter or height/Ft. xa--azial _scs SCH 40 2vc Oe^- Material Metacd :ot 0.7 45 7 PCR^.'a"7D 3EV'CN2 SCARY SCREEN: ^c Oemrh Oiameter Slot Size Material :cm 43.0 To 64.0 t. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC :cm To ir.. in. SAND GRAVEL PACR: in. in. Ceps•`• S.:e Material F:ca J'.7 .o •iJ.7 Ft. -:7 F:ME S:i._U SANG Fr=m 'o Ft. _ t7 . RE :".ARKS : EW-1 ad It-onal space is neeced •ase back o: 'ors LOCA"ION 0- SKETCH K. (Shcw dir_ - cn and d_s:_nca or or otae map reerance = ca a: _-3as_Roads, pcia a .) 14(1 Uau" tiiL-u ' BENTONITE SEAL FRCM 45.0 TO 47.0 FEET I DC HEREBY CTRm_;V THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 13A NCAC 2C, WELL CCNST_RUCTICN STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVT_DED TO THE WELL CWNER. T- - --- ---- -- -_.r —11 .wu..� ...,_. - � — i REV. 9/9i Sutm_t original to Division if Env::oraenca: 9anagemen: and ccpv so '.ell owner. J Drilling Log RAM DAMIL GTI Monitoring Well EW-1 �roiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location Location=reensboro. North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 j COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 6a 1t• Diameter Top of Casing 100.24 ft.Water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 4 in. Length 15 ft• Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Oia 4 in. Length 49 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC I Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auqer Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By OSM License No. 1175 i c p „ 0 .; v Description ov 3 E ,a e 4 N (Color, TLxture. Structure) ° ° N .Trace < -tOX. Llttle 10% to -20%. •Some-20% to .35%..-And-•35%. to -SOX _2 0 < 2 4< 4 qr 8 10 12 r < 14 < < 16 18 < 20 r 22 < < 24-< 26 < 28 ' < < 30 - < < 32 i 34 36-f< < 38 < 40 ir 42 < 44 46 48 j 502 54 56 58 60 -- 62 =_ ' 64� 66 —' 68 - 10 / i S! 19 9 7 li thio g-June.96 Page: I of I 3iv43_on of :avironmental Yanagwwnt - Groundwater Section P.O. ao: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 5'1-ATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH Road, Colnmunyty, or S ;v_s-o" ar. Lot No. ) "°' TO OWNER SEARS 6 ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 - C1ty or Town State Zip Co e DATE DRILLED �8-26-�97 USE OF WELLRECOVERYTOTAL DEPTH BEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED IXI NO I DOES :TELL RE?LACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEE, Below Too o: Casing: FIT (Use~ Above Tap o: Cas_nq; 702 OF CASING IS0.0 above Land Sur?ace* =a.+iaq Te= i atod at/or ow and sumacs is i12 ariance «J� unless a s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm) N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A J. WATER ZONES —7-e-p—th): N/A CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A _. CAS��iG: Wall Thickness o: 7e:;ht/Ft. Mate__3_ Deot.n :Material Hethcd -roa 0.1 .., 5 Ft. ?CRT: ND 3�N'"ON: - SLURRY -4. SCREEN: _D 5.=e=h 2; Diane=- _ S_o: Site Material rtm 0 0 t. 4.Jin. .010 ir.. PVC . .Om o _. in. in. Frcm SAND/ �v?c PACK: :t. i1' in. Dept.`. S�:e Mate: _a: -ran 3.3 .o 25.1 Ft. -J3 F:VE S ,-:U SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD UKiLL-INU Formation Description 0.01 25.0• MM CLA7C! S:LT If additional space is needed use back of :0:3 LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direct -on and distance -rom at leas:: t,ro =3_e Roads, or othe map re-ference points.) gvr,,ti�'e, 6. REMARKS: EW-2 BENTONITE SEAL. FROM 1.5 TO 3.0 FEET T_ DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. q-zs q� ry — ` REV. Submit or_ a' to 3t•r-s_on o_ Zn. t:onmenta_ Yanageaent and copy to e:' or..e:. L Drilling Log FWORDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well EW-2 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map i Greensboro, North Carolina 05324-0497 Location � Proj. No. For Boring Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 100.21 ft. water Level Initial Static - Screen: Oia 4 in. Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.020 ,n. Casing: Dia 4 in, Length 5 ft- Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit f Checked By OSM License No. 1175 C O a�_ 0 ►+ 2 t o10Description q w v a— 3 a a E a° °� N (Color. Texture. Structure) ° c.7 N o _ . N =Trace .<...10% Little..10%.to 2OX.- Some -20%-to•3S%. And 3S%-to SO%-- -2 = a I 0 i i �< 2 I 4 6 8 = II 10 12 1 I I 14 _ � 16 18 I it 20 22 24 I = 26 I I i 28 30 —i 10i151,199' ,1thicg-.,une.96 Page: 1 01 1 Division of °nv::onmental Management - Groundwater Section ?.0. 3cx 29535 - Ra'ei h, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone 1919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 3RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration Inc. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH URILLiNU LUG — Road, Community, or subdivision and Lot No.) F-= TO :oraat:on Description _ . OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. 0.31 30.0 MD SAMY SILT ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD 30•3' 65•0' TAN CIAYSY SILT (Street or Route No.) HOFFMXN ESTATES IL 60179- .: City or own State Zip Co ffe- - �. DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL RECOVERY - . TOTAL DEPTH �F-ET CUTTINGS COLLECT Ye IXI NO I I COES WELL REPLACE EXISTING :TELL? YES I I No ►XI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: (Use 'f Above 'co oP casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' *Casimg Term+nAted at/or or and surface is illegal unless a variance _s xasued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm)N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A _ WATER ZONES (aeoth) N/A __. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A __. CASING: pail' Thickness =e?_ ..tame•_: or ae:ghc/Pt. Mate:ia- .:0m 0.0 To 50.1 _. 4 _NCH SC3 40 pvc _f additional space is needed ase back of form LOCATT_vN OF SKETCH (Show direction and d-stance from a_ least :c State ._ _. Roads, or ot'e Sao rererence zcin:s.) T- - _... GRCCT. leotz :late:ia'_ Metacd :cm 0.0 _'0 46.0 _ _. PORTrAND 33NTONIT- SLURRY -om - _4. SCREEN: ]eath Diameter Slot Size Material 0 From 50 To 65.0 ._. 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC :rom � To ... tn• in. _3. SAND�VTL in. in. Cent. Sire Mace :a' _con 48.3 F:Nr- 3: :CA LAND ^rcm ^.o a-t. o". REMARKS: EW-3 &",W. Avt' BENTONiTE SEAL FROM 46.0 TO 48.0 FEET LI-1 Fie � I CO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 17A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANCA.RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. _167/� jee L'� _ZW-? REV. 9/91 Submit Original to %yes:on of .t7:r0caenta: 4anage=ent and copy to ve:-' eyes. _ Drilling Log '__I FWORDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well EW-3 Project Sears -Greensboro c Services, Inc. Owner Sears Logistic Site Map For Boling Location Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.13 it. Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 4 in. Length 'S tt Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 4 in- Length J0 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC ' Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Ex0lorat/On Method Houow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # - Checked By OSM License No. 1175 r 0 U Description ov 3 E E ao toJ rn (Color, Texture, Structure) N In Trace <_IOX, Little-tOX_,to 20X.-Some 20X-to.35%..And.35%..to.SOX. —2 0 I 2 I 4< < t 6 <I 8 10 12 < < `• 14 < It < i 16 < 18 �_ 24 < ' 26 = 28 30 - < < �I 32-�< 34 < t I 36�` ` 38 40 - 44 = < < 46 — 48 50�: I I 52 _ _ ' 54 --; 56 i 58 60 62 = 6466 68 !n/!5/199' ,ithlog-June.96 Page: I . :: Envircnmental Manageme-,t - Groundwater Section ?.0. 3ox 29535 - ,ialei h. N.C. 27626-1535 ?hone (9191 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD aLLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration Inc STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: C•0 WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD --DEPTH UhiLLING LUG gad, Community, or S 3.v1s3 on and Lot No. ) Froa To =,r„=;�„ OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town ---gtate Zi.0 Code DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL -RECOVERY TOTAL DEPTH 77-.0 FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YaS XI NO I I CCES WELL REPLACE. EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO 1XI STATT_C WATER LMEL Beiow Top of Casing: (Use - _ Above op of Casing) i,i? OF CASING IS �0.0 ;T Above Land Surface' Lsiaq Tani —tad at/or boalov--rand surfaco is i11 qa :sane 4l timloss a ssmmd sn accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0119 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (( ep h): N/A CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A CASING: aal: Thickness =e J'_aaete: or ae_gnt/Ft. Mater_a_ 4 :NCH SCH 40 ?VC -_- Cezth Mat -ial Tc Method i.5 - -- _. PCR"•:,aND 3wYTCNi SLURRY -03 To rt. S C REZZN : Ceoth ..iameter Slot Size Material a 5.0 To 25.0 4.0 in. .010 in. PVC tee To --• in. in. To ._- in. in. SAND GRAVE:. PA :C: cepcS S:_e Mace:,&I .o °.J -. '-�3 F-Me' S:L:U SAND r:ca 70 Ft. RE: LARKS: EW-4 0.0• 25.3 RED SANDS SILTS CLAY If additional apace is needed use back of fort LOCATION OF S:CETCH (Show direction, and distarc= fzoM a: as: :,ro S:a Roads, or othJl e ao _-_-rerce zoints.) -- R.i� rQP� BENTONITE SEAL FROM 1.5 TO 3.0 FEET 100 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND*THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. IRE.9/31-- - -•- -- .,� ,,.,L._f���1�n "JI% :��r.:04l Jt1i( : $l:be1C Original to D_•,_a_on of Inv.:onaenca: Marageaen: and ccpy to well Or er. Drilling Log FUMDANIEL OTI Monitoring Well EW-4 Project Sears -Greensboro owner Sears Locpstic Services. Inc. See Site Map For Boring L oca Lion Location .3reensboro, North Carolina Pro!. No. 05324-0497 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.58 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 4 in, Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 4 in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger - Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 Permit # Checked By OSM License No. 1175 t� ra Description u o —� U 0. 3 a 6 0_j N (Color. Texture. Structure) N �_ W Trace <.10%. Little 1O%.._to.20%.,Some 20X...to_.35%.-And.35% to,50% -2 0 6 -� 10 I 12 14 = 16 = 18 i. 20 =, 22 �. 24 26 28 .30 !0/!5/!99F !ith!og-June.96 Page: I of , 0-'r"_an Of Environmental Nanagament - Groundwater Sect -an 2.0. 3ox 29535 - Ralecgn, R.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RBCORD LILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc S:'ATE rA ELL CUN,'jTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (6riow Sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD EPTH :ad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. j From To Formation Description OWNER SEARS S ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or TownState ip Code - DATE DRILLED 8-27-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH �FEEET CUTTINGS COLLECT Y.. XI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Too of Casing: — FT (Use • if Above Top o: Casinq) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT above Land Surface* Lsi q To —+hated at or ow and surface is ill _mance egal unless a issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 Y_E_,D (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A WATER ZONES (�h): N/A CHLORINATION: Type _N/A Amount N/A CASING: Wall Thickness 7epth .iaaeter o: Weight/Ft. Material 2 _NC3 - SC3 40 TIC 10•3' uD CLAY 10.0' 23.01 OMNGi SSLTT CUT 25.01 65.0• TAN S= i .f addirional space is needed use back Of fora LOCATION OF SKETCH -t (Show di-ection and distance f=cm at eas: taro S-a_a Roads, cr othe man -- erance pc_acs.) y rC� 0.0 2e pt, J o R mat rl' amecacd ^:..AND =:7 _ N" SIURRY SCREEN: J - Ceoth :iameter S:Ot Size "Material from 50.0 To 65.0 _-. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC _rDSt TO in. in. SAND GRAVEL PACK. in. in. Dept. S_te Rate:ial :oa �9.J 7o i5.3 Ft. F RE -:G SAND ?:cm 'o eft. . REMARKS: ?•7-1D S�Ec BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD PS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. &Z'� ;�� q— 2)`-'1-W- -- REV. 9/91 Subs" arlg_nal to _"v a:oa of dav_:onmencal Management and copy to +eL. awrer. Drilling Log FLUOR DAN11L OTI Monitoring Well PT —ID Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services. Inc. See Site Nato Location Greensboro, Nortr. Caror,na Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 85 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.37 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 ins Length 15 '`t• Type/Size 0.0/0 In. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Scn 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08127197 Permit Checked By OSM License No. 1175 a= o �;, -J �E rr C „ o o U r Q h Description o— 3 E �a o a a c� U E s o no 0� y (Color. Texture. Structure) 0 a N m x In < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 2 �c 4 = < ^ < < 2.6 3-4-4 3.5'-5.0' Maroon, clayey, SILT. 6 , t0 r t 3.0 3-4-4 ML 8.5'-10.0' Maroon, tan and white, clayey, SILT, with relic structure. 12 -= ` ` 16 '�r r 3.6 3-3-3 13.5'-15.0' Same as above, with black relic structure. �< < 20 = I8.2 2-3-3 8 ' . ' . 1 SM 18.5'-20.0' Tan, brawn and white, wet, saprolit,c, SILT and SANC. - 22 _ < < with relic structure, silght odor. 24 c < 5o 3-3-3 8 r 23.5'-25.0' White, gray anc tan, saprolitic, silty. SAND, with re',c 26 ; structure, slight odor. 28;< < �. I 30 -= < < 40 5-5-5 28.5'-30.0' Same as above. 32 7 < < sM 34 30 3-3-3 1 33.5'-35.0' Same as above. 36-4< < 38 < 40 3-3-3 38.5'-40.0' Brown and tan, saorolitic. SAND, some mica.-- 42 �- Too much stuff in augers at 40 feet to go any further with 44 -= < < samoiing. ; 46 — 48 = .. 50 52 _ 54 56 58 = i 60 62 6 4 66 � Boring terminated at 65 feet below ground level. � 68 - 10115i,99i Gthlog-,1une.96 Page: I of I o: :nv:ronoental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. 3os 29535 - aalei h, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WALL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 57ATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL L A N: ow sketch or the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH URILLINU LUG -ROdC, Community, OI $L1D 1'71SlOn a"" LOt NO. ) Fri to OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179_ City or Town State Zip Ccde DATE DRILLED 8-25-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH SET CUTTINGS COLLECTED IXI NO I I DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I 1 NO 1XI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Too of Casing: Mae _f Above Tcp of Cas:aq; TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 e- Above Lard Surface* Za.sinq Te,=Lin tad at/or below ranet surface is ilia unless a Liana -s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0119 YIELD (gpm)• N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A .1. `RATER ZONES (�DEh): N/A CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A --. CASING: Wall Thickness �e=-:3mete= or Weiq:':t/Ft. Ma:e__a_ .- 3C.O 2 -VCH SC. 40 PVC _3. C:ECLT. Ceuta Material Metacd -:-m 0.0 't 45.0 Ft. PCRT:.AND 3_NT0N_ T SLURRY 10 4. SCREEN: =om 50 0 r Toth O'_ame^ r Slot Size Material 63.0 Ft. 2.0- in. .020 in. PVC -=°a To ._. ih. in. _5. sANOTTF E ?ACK- _ in in. Cepc.: S=:e Jtacer.a_ F:cm 43a3 .0 65.3 Ft. 1 -'_0 7"yE 5.L:U SAND F:ca To Fti. 0.0* 15.01 ORAN= CLAY 13.0. 20.01 am Bsoew CLAY ,20.0- 65.01 T" BACM SILTY CLAY .f additional space is needed use hack of form LCCATT_CN OF SKETCH ('-now d4rect4 on and distance f:om aC leas: two S _a_e .Roads, Or Ogle mac re:ererce points.) _o. REMARKS: ?T-20 BENTONT_TE SEAL, FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I CO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WILL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 13A NCAC 2C, WELL CCNSTRUCTICN STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. -7w-1 REV. 9/91 Sabms: 0r-q:aa: :0 0:•ra:on of _avu0:per.:a: !Ia.^.age=erc and :0py co we:: 0w.ar. f Drilling Log FLUOR PANEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-2D Droiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 100078 ft-water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in, Length 15 rt. Type/Size 0.0/0 in. Casing: Dia 2 in, Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit 0 Checked 8y DSM License No. 1175 c p t Q e a Description 0— a E a io n N (Color. Texture. Structure) N o Trace <10 Lfttte fOX to 20X.-Some .20X.to 35X.-.And to -, _35X _SOX, -2- 0 2 < < �< 8 10 < 12 14 ` ` - 16 < 18 i 20�< < 22 < 24 < 28 c c 30�< < 32-1< 34 < 36�` ` 38 40 -I < < I 44 < < 46 ,ER i 4 8 - 50 52 54 56 58 60 -. 62 = 64 66 68 10/15/1997 iithioo-June.96 Pace: ! o! I 31713Lon of Environmental Kanage"nt - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Baleign. N.C. 21626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD BILLING CONTRACTOR:Geologic Exploration Inc. STATE WELL CuNSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LO A : (Show sketch of the locatTon below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD EPTH Road -,—Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) e-rom To Forsation 0eseriptym OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. 0.01 20.01 am aAr ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD 20.0• 30.01 RM IN Csu (Street or Route No. ) 30.0' 65.01 TAN SlrrY CZAY HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 --- lty or TownState Zip o e - DATE DRILLED 8-26-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH o. FZ T CII'PTINGS COLLECT,.0 -y-f-T7 X I NO I I CCES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER UVEL Below Top of Casing: — fuse '+' ! Above Top of Casiaq; TCP OF GaS_NG IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' ="ing Te—mated at/or ow and surface is ill � l unless a mmiance s issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .oils YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A _. WATER ZONES (TePth) N/A _ . CHLORINATION: Type NIA Amount N A if additiocal space is needed age pack of fora _. CASING: Ce=t:: Wail Thickn as Diameter or We.;ht/Ft. maze: _a� - 0.0 _ 50.0 -t. 2 _vcH SCH 40 PVC LCC.'-1TION OF SKETCH (Shcw direction and distance `-cm a= '_east two S_a_e - Roads, CC ot: a map _ -_=__ence points.) ts. Cept:h -=o' 0.3 -o 45.0 Material Methcd --. PCRT :i 3Z; CNITI SLURRY -_om To - (C. ��j�I 1. SCREEN: :ameter Slot Sire MaterialU K11 -tom 50.0 To 65.0 __. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC 1 C �L J rC+ -Dect in. k/ _. in. From 7- I . SAND GRAV? L PACK: in.in. Cep tS .:om 48.3 .0 Size Naterial SAND e:c3 70 Ft. o REM?.RKS: PT-30 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I CO HEREBY CERTIFY CONSTRUCTION STANDARCS, THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD cr S BEEN PROV70ED TO THE WELL OWNER. (7-zs-q-�7- =W-1 REV. 9/91 ------ .,� � :1�� lvrc Un r�lurlvr uA'1'f Submit or:;:na: av_zo:nect3l Yacagesent and :cpy t.. .ell o.mer. I i Drilling Log FWORVANINL Girl Monitoring Well PT-30 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.20 ft-Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in - Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft- Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile ` Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08126197 permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 C p � V -- r� N a Description .2 �� 3a n oo o" rn (Color. Texture. Structure) c 1) tin Trace < fO%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 2OX to 35%, And 35% to SOX -,.. _ .. , ...... a —2 0 2 �< < 4 6 ` ` 8 �< < 10 < -12 14 < < - 16 < < 18 - 20 r< 22 �< 24 < 26 ' 28-�` < 30 < 32 < 34 - 36 ` 38 420�< < ; 44 7 < < I 46 48 I 50 52 54 = 56 58 = 60 62 - 64 = 68 10/15/199i lithlog-June.96 Page: I of ^ivis:on Of Erlrironeental Management - Groundwater Secticr. P.O. Sox 29535 - Raleigqh, N.C. 21626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD tILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration Inc. 6TATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL C ow Sketch ot the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD LAWNDALE ROAD DEPTH DhiLLINU .oad, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.-)No.-F ?roe Formation Descriprlon OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. 0.31 20.0' RED SANDY r_IAM SILT ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD 20.01 65.01 TM CLAM srl.T (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or Town --State 1p o e DATE DRILLED 8-27-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR TOTAL DEPTH 1637U FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTtou YES IXI NO I I OCES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I 1 NO 1XI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT Above Top of Cascag: TOP CF CASING IS 0.0 : Above Land Surface* .acing Tft,i a ted at or oM surface is ill zlance egal unless a issued in accordance with 15& NCAC 2C .0118 Y=ELD (cpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A :. WATER ZONES (�h): N/A CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A CASING: Wall Thickness -e=-� Diameter or 8eight/et. Mater:a_ To 50.0 .=. _NCB aC3 40 PVC Deot1 Material Method 'rta 0.0 7*0 45.0 Ft. ?CRTr?,ND 33NTDNI7_ S:.URRY SC'R N : To Et . Depth Diameter Slot Size Material tom 50.0 Tc 65.0 _. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC in. in. Ft SAND/JEL PACK: in. in. Deptz 3:re Material ..cm 48.3 .o i5.3 et. :Z3 FNc S:L:CA SAND e:ca To Fe. If additional space is needed use back of fora LCCATICN OF SKETCH Show d_r_ _ion and distance from at least tao S_ate toads, or ogle map re_a _nce points.) \ La l41.1-1 &U— _- R_Tu.ARKS: PT-4D BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET i CC HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDAIROS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. REV. ? / 3 1 -+.. +, Submit or: 'ai to Olr_scon Of savcro menta: Nanagemeet and copy to ve:l o-ner. Drilling Log FWMDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-4D )roiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location Location Greensboro, North Carolina - Proi. No. 05324-0497 COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 99.87 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in, Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand pig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Honow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith . Date 08127197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 c ° p 2 �i Description 0— 3 E a o N (Color, Texture. Structure) U can U .Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to SOX -2- 0 2 4 < ` 8 �< < 0 ~ 12 14 < < 16 �< < 18 20 22 < < 24�< < i 28-< 30 < 32 34 < < 36 ` ` 38 < ir 40�< 44 =� < 46 48 - - 50 _ 52 54 :. 56 58 60 -.: 62 = 64 = 66 68 ioiiS/1997 rthiog-June.ss Page: 1 of D.vision of=rr_ronmental Yaiagement - Groundwater Section 2.0. 3ox 29535 - dalei n. N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1)11=:rNG CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration Inc STATE WELL CUNv i'1'KUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: _. WELL CA N: (5ftow sketch of the location below) MEMIN Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE ROAD —DEPTH Road, Community, or Suba.Lvisjon znl Lot %I ) From To 2. OWNER SEARS & ROEBUCK CO. ADDRESS 3333 BEVERLY ROAD (Street or Route No.) HOFFMAN ESTATES IL 60179 City or ownState 1D o e �. DATE DRILLED 8-25-97 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH �FE'ET CUTTINGS COLLECTEO YESXI NO I t CC ES .TELL RE?LACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LVIEL Below Top of Casing: (Use '-' if above Top of Casing) :. TO? OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* •Cuing T•, mated at or ow and x—face is illegal �qal ualaaa a .a isauoad is accordance +rith 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (c,-Pm) N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A =J. WATER ZONES (3epth}: N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thicxness Cec_-iame_e: or 7eagnt/Ft. stater' -a: r0m J.0 .0 5C 0 SC3 40 PVC Dept-z Material Methcd From 0.0 45_ .0 :_. ?CRT BENTCN: SLURRY From 7 t. =4. SCREEN: : ect-`• Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 .0 65.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .020 in. PVC From To in. in. 70 - SAND�V PACK. - in. in. rL :epca $:te !Iateriai ::m J9.J :'O i:.) Ft. -_0 MNE S:L:CA SAND e._m To Ft. _O. REMARKS: ?T-30 GUILFORD :Formation Description 0.01 20.0' A= SiLTT CLaT 20.0• 30.0• BROWN SILTT CLAT 30.0• 55.0• TAM SILT`: CLAT i If additional spaces needed tie back of form LOCATION 0_ SKETCH ( Show Roads, d:_eCL'-on and d-staCCe ` cm a= _easz t,tC =3 or othe map ze_2_ence CC:1_S., - l.i4WhC�� 0- BENTONITE SEAL FROM 45.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. - :2P :3 —1 REV. 7/91 3 Submit ort;i-a: to ::743cor. of 7-nv_rormenta_ Yar.agement anal _opy to •e__ ore:. Drilling Log FWORDAMIL GTI Monitoring Well PT-5D Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Nap Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For BoNng Location COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 65 ft. Diameter Top of Casing 100.61 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 15 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 50 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Mobile Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Hollow Stem Auger Driller Log By Kim Smith Date 08125197 Permit 0 Checked By DSM License No. 1175 v c O a p n. n O ao .; h Description (Color. Texture. Structure) U N (fi Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35X to 50% -2- 0 2 4 6 ` 8 < < 10 ` 12 1 < 14 < < 16 �< < 18 20-'< < 22�< < 24 -1 < 26 -28 < 30 < 32- I 34 -q 36-t` < . 38 �< < 40 - 42 to, < < J r 44 —i < < 46 48 50 52 =_ 54 - _ 56 _ 58 {` �: 6062 64�- 66 j 68 I0/15/1997lithlog-June.96 Page: + c4 I Drilling Log FUMDAMIL GTI Monitoring Well PT —IS Proiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Greensboro. North Carolina 05324-0497 For Boring Location Location Proi. No. Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.59 ft.Water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia !in, Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 1 in, Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40.PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 c •i Description 3a a oo U o" E E W (Color. Texture. Structure) - n - -trace-Little lox-to.20x..Some_20%-to 3Sx..And 35X to Sox _2 0 2 El 6 I = S 10 1 12 -; I =_ 14 _ 18 i 20 22 24 26 28 .30-� 10/15/1997 rthiog-june.96 Page: I of 1 Drilling Log FUMDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-2S Proiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. SForee Site Map Location Location Greensboro. North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 22.5 Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.62 ft.water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia line Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.0/0 in. Casing: Dia !in, Length 2.5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method GeOEObe Driller Log By Renee Lear Date 08126197 Permit Checked By DSM License No. 1175 h .0 ° 4 Description = a� L v CL E 4� FA (Color, Texture, Structure) N .. o ' Trace <-10%. Little-110%. to. 20%...Some..20X._,to.-3,5%.._And. 35X .to ,50% -2 - j Ii II II II II s 2 jtt - 4 -� 6 i� 8 10 12 I = 14 = 16 18 - 20 22 24 =� :i 26 7 28 30 10 / 15 / 199 7 li th io g-June.96 ray=. 1 �L Drilling Log FUMDANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-3S Sears -Greensboro Sears Looistic Services. Inc. See Site Map Project Owner For Location 3reensooro. North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 100.55 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia t in- Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia t in. Length 5 ft. Type Scn 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoorobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. I175 J=� ` O a �+ n a 2 C Q ° 4 Description aai o" 3 o e o Q �-' o _ (Color, Texture. Structure) - .._... ..:.... ,- Trace < 10X; Littlea'10% to 20X. Some-20X'a0'35%.-Ahd-35X"t6 50% —2- 0 1 I 2 4 6 = 8 _ - 10 j. = j 12 y I� _ 14 16 = 18 20 is 22 24 I 26 28 I j 30 J 1011511997 iithlog-June.96 ?age: of ! Drilling Log FLUOR DANIEL GTI Monitoring Well PT-4S Droiect Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Log,stic Services, Inc. See Site Map For Boring Location Location Greensboro. North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 COMMENTS: Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 tt. Diameter Top of Casing 99.97 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia /in, Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia l in. Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method GeoD/Obe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit e Checked By DSM License No. 1175 L.. c p ► p „ Description CL e N (Color. Texture. Structure) Trace <-10%. Little-10%16'20X;`Some'20%16-35X;'And-35X't'o"50% U -2 -� 0 2 � I 4 I .:.. 6 8 10 12 = 14 — is 16 18 20 = I 22 = i 24 _ 26 28 -t 30 I0/15i'997 'ithiog-june.96 Page: I -0` ' Drilling Log FUJMDANI■L GTI Monitoring Well PT-5S Proiect years -Greensboro owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, Nortr, Carolina Proi• No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 25 tt. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing I00.77 ft.Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia tin- Length 20 ft. Type/Size 0.0t0 in. i Casing: Dia tin, Length 5 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exoloration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08126197 Permit f Checked By OSM License No. 1175 L— c p ° h a 4 Description ; a a o r, aai e ° to (Color. Texture. Structure) O CD U N= --Truce-<-IOZ; Little- 0%•to -Some 20X to 35%,. And-35X-to--50%-- —2 0 —j N 2 4 8 10 12 _ 14 16 18 20 i 22 24 I' 26 28 30 I . to/15/1997 tithlog-June,96 Page: I of ; Drilling Log FWORDAMIIL GTI Monitoring Well MW-27 Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Nap Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proj. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter COMMENTS. Top of Casing 97•28 ft• Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 1 in- Length 10 ft. Type/Size 0.010 in. Casing: Dia 1 in. Length 25 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand pig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Geoprobe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08125197 Permit # Checked By DSM License No. 1175 _ n 'u 'aao U a . Description °1 o" 3 a SE4� rn (Color. Texture. Structure) U N Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% -2 0 �< < 2 �< 4 �< < < 6 ;< < 8 10 I < < 12 �< f 14 -J < < 16 -� I< < < < 18 < 20 22 24 26 i 28 = 30 _ 32 i _ = 34 _= 36 10/15/1997 rthiaa-June.se Paae: I of I Drilling Log FUJM DAMIL GTI Monitoring Well MW Project Sears -Greensboro Owner Sears Logistic Services, Inc. See Site Map Location Greensboro, North Carolina Proi. No. 05324-0497 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter COMMENTS: Top of Casing 99.09 ft. water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 0n• Length 10 ft. Type/Size 0.0/0 in. Casing: Dia I in. Length 25 ft. Type Sch 40 PVC Fill Material Sand Rig/Core Geoprobe Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method GeWfObe Driller Log By Renee Leary Date 08/25/97 Permit 0 Checked By GSM License No. 1175 Q U Description E e ao °� N (Color. Taxture. Structure), (nn Trace < IOX. Uttle iOX to 20X. Some 20X to 3SX-. And 3SX to SOX _2 0 2 _< < 4 6 �< < 8 J< < 10 1 < < 12 �< < 14 < < 16 < < 18 < < 20 22 24 26 = 28 30 =_ 32 1 34 1 — 36 10/15/1997 rthiog-June.ss Page: I or I Ow-5 Ow-8 Ow-7 Ow-8 Ow-9 ow_in 0 5 IQ t3 20 25 1Q 45 SO 55 .. Cu.erari ea —7F1 soF� -'��� —i'FI •ua 6 S ..s�..�r me u.yc► e•s • . GMAT ..srnnr rm ■.sr+..�r rm �'� "� a.� �s • • soesr REDUCED Ket CaRv 401F For Legend see Plate 5 a... n 0WS ACCiiI(/VA( CttF-9/F CONrA&-A/KiV ASSE'SSWA SOIL PROFILES °'a °""V SISITE TO RAY ADJACENT WPBC 2701 BRANCHW000 CRIVE VERTICAL SCALE: 1'.5' v_. CREE14 Ono. NORM C�ROuMw NOTEO M� MORTENSEN =I !JL 46 j -• 95-50-2=2 PLATE 4 91 LEGEND QEj Dark reddish brown clayey SILT O�Light reddish brown to pinkish brown to light brown mottled slightly clayey SILT to SILT 0 3 [D Light gray —brown to white mottled sandy SILT with trace coarse sand ® �Ouortzite and Schist SP visual review-- Unified -Soil clossifcation - group symbol'as determined by N SPT 'N' value in blows/foot 50/6' Fifty blows for six inches Mom' MORTENSEN - Engineering, Inc. o AUt PWV srxE- ---- '�°` `*96-50-2862 CHIM RAM CAW JUL 96 PLATE 5 MANHOLE W1 TH COCKING CAP GROUND SURFACE PORTLAND CEMENT GROUT BEN TON/ TE SEAL 2 " DIA. SCH. 40 - SCREW- THREADED PVC p/pE 3" DIA. BOREHOLE 'HOLLOW STEM :4UCERED) F2 FluFR SAND PACK " DIA. O.OlO" SLOTTED ,CH. 40 SCREW- THREADED PVC WELL SCREEN 'CREW- THREADED 'ON/CAL PLUG MONITORING WELL DETAIL FOR MW-15 THRU MW-17 N. T. S. GROUNDWATER WELto DEPTH (FT I AD01770N.IL OFF -SITE l �' `���'- SEARS WA ww-16 '6.0 ADJACENT 1 Mw-17 5.4* 1 0 m QQ A AIf jK mmw�LhN580RO NORTH CAROLCNa -' MORTENSEN _ Engineering. Inc. 96-50-2862 °A }at0' RAM JUL 96 PLATE 6 MANHOLE WITH LOCKING CAP GROUND SURFACE PORTLANO CEMENT GROUT 2 " DIA. SCH. 40 SCREW— THREADED PVC PIPE 4 " DIA. SCH. 40 PVC PIPE (GROUTED —IN) a" DIA. (t) BOREHOLE (ROTARY WASH) BOTTOM OF 4' PVC SURFACE CASING C`' 2 ' TO X BEN TONI TE PL UG 4 " DIA. (t) BOREHOLE (ROTARY WASH) p .. 12 FILTER SAND PA CK 2" DIA. o.olo" SLOTTED SCH. 40 SCREW —THREADED PVC WELL SCREEN SCREW— THREADED CONICAL PL TYPICAL DEEP GROUNDWATER MONIT Uc ORiNG WELL DETAIL FOR DW-5 THRU DW-10 N . T. S. 4-INCH CIA. SCREEN wE;L OEP7H WELL %' CASLNG LENGTH r LENG-.H BELOW CRAOE ADDlnONAL OFF—SITF' CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT ow-6 45.0' I� SEARS WAREHOUSE SITE Ow-6 45.0' 15.0' 15.0' S3.5, 53.5' ADJACENT TO WPBCG SITE ow-7 45.0' 15.0' 53.5' 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE ow-8 ow-9 a5.0' 40.0' 15.0' 10.0' 53.5' GREENSBORO NORTH CAROLINA ow-l0 40.0' 15.0• 53.0' 58.0' ��, MORTENSEN Engineering. Inc. oaAwt P WV E. _ _ _ _ mQt "0e96-50-2302 �"D` RAM °w JUL 96 PLATE 7 B-1 8-2 8 / Y1M3-1 Ae11M45. UNU . -_�. �. •:ice -��1.`•�.'-i: ai 4 - O _ yx �• ' � • 10 ri 4,4 _ s 2030 25 1 11 I1 N u m 3 to 40 45 50 Q 0 5-5 so e X. 60 soy 0 4 SOIL PROFILES sa 4 2 65 43 VERTICAL SCALr— I'-5' so��• so/7- - G JM�h CCN'AMINATICN �S_ES5WEN7 PWV �� " a•,s PW'; 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNT ee -o lo• se' 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE ro as' scat CREENSBORO• NCR i C.aROU?4A .`4IE: For _eyer:;7 see plate 11 NO�C �—r' MORTENSEN En;.......� inc �._. MW62 MW�3 SOIL PROFILES VERTICAL SCALE: 1"_5' l NO�Forend see Plate 11 CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT MEOW 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA -, MORTENSEN Engineering, Inc. ►rt,�r�: SCAM PWV ___— PRa. Ho- 92-0985 " RAM °A�` SEPT 93 ` PLATE 5 8-9/ 8-10/ MW-7 .. MW-S 101 0� m■ 25 �-- 30 35 •, • •, , 111;r 1 -�(� 13 •• : �c ASPHALT WITH * ASPHALT WITH GRANEI. BASE GRAVEL BASE CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY SOIL PROFILES 2701 BRANCH WOOD DRIVE GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA VERTICAL SC�L=: I-=5& M�j MORTENSEN =ng.neerfng, Inc. NOTt: For Legend see Plate 11 ortww►,: RKQ scu-- I „ NO: i 92-0985 RAM MAI= SEP 93 PLATE 6 0 d 1S I� F 20 Q .. 25 30 35 MIA�11 MW1412 M 1% M81'4 24-4 �: k•Vti :1•.: ice•_ "r~.. ". is `11 .%•; ��:� c r.R.:t•: �:.• ice: °-:'.• . _ �yj ... - V. O• O itA1iL 40 SOIL PROFILES vmnc& X&a I'.. NOTE: For Legend see Plate tt WAm ". RKC CONTAWNATON AS I PWV 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY ;; RAM 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE CREENSWRO, NCq': CAROUNA xw� Mom, MORTENSEN Nora �� sEar 9a .\ 92—C3°3 PLA-E ... _ LEGEND Q� Dark reddish brown clayey SILT. - z Q Ught reddish brown ,to tnktsh bro -P wn to ' lOt'. :, :�� -�- :_ �' �" �: �: -" brrown. ' -•- mottled slightly. dayey -SILT SILT ' 33=° _ L {. 3• '. :ta- - �::: �:;, - ' 0 .tight _ gra brown _ - ��; ' _� ��•_ Y`- to'white mottled sandy SILT with trace _ - cocrae .aand . g Groundwater level, time of field work N SPT. ONO vdue ' in blows/foot ovi.. 'Organic Vapor Analyzer: reading (ppm} - - - - wH Fell under weight of rod do hammer - WAr Fifty blows -.for two inches - CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROUNA MomJMORTENSEN �l Engineering, Inc. oRA*i: PWV SCAM' ---- I PROI NO: 92-0985 °tK°' RAM owe` SEPT 93 PLATE 11 MANHOLE WITH. LOCKING CAP "- GROUND SURFACE- .. .. - - - PORTLANO .CEMENT 'GROUT``, 3ENTONITE SEAL' Z' DIA. SCH. 40 - - - - )cREw _THREADED -P.vC. PIPE a_ - IN DIA. BOREHOLE. _ HOLLOW STEM —AU 1 FILTER SAND DIAL 0.0100. SLOTTED : - - CH. - 40 SCREW -THREADED - VC WELL SCREEN. :REW—THREADED )NICAL PLUG 'ICAL SHALLOW GROUNDWATER . MONITORING WELL DETAIL FOR MW-1 THRU MW-6 N. T.S. GROUND WAT * WELL DEPTH WELL N_Q. BELO= (BELL E WELL PERMIT �` I�w-1 Mw_2 9.3' 8.9' 35.0' 40-1016-WM-0052 MH►-3 8.2' 35.0' 40-1018-MA-0052 Mw-4 10.7' 35.0' 35.o' 40-1018-WM-0052 Mw-5 13.3' 35.0' 40-1018-ft-0052 MW-6 12.4' 35.0' 40-1016-WM-0052 40-1016-WM-0052 * ON 5-29-92 CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE GREENSBORO. NORTH CAROLINA —' MORTENSEN Engineering, Inc. DRA1M7: PWV SCAM ---- Pft0a Na 92-0985 ammo- RAM °A�' SEAT 93 ' PLATE 12 1 MANHOLE - WITH _ LOCKING CAP " GROUND SURFACE--.-= PORTLAND PEMENT--GR60T"' BENTONITE SEAL - Z' DIA. SCH. '40 SCREW- THREADED PVC=:PIPE: BOREHOLE .HOLLOW STEM AUGERED) E1 FILTER SAND DIA. 0.010' SLOTTED 'CH. 40 SCREW -THREADED VC WELL SCREEN CREW -THREADED ONICAL PLUG WELL DETAIL FOR MW-7 THRU MW-10 N.T.S. WELL DEFT M7WATER ���WELL w°ATM CONTAMINATION ASSESSMENT M. B- °�"°�, � � ,�fT 0.8 ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY MW-7 35.0' 40-1016-MA-0052 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE mW-8 9.3• 35 0• 40-1016—WM-0052 Mw-9 11.6' 35.0• 40-1016-WM-0052 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA PAW-10 19.2• 35.0' 40-1016—WI„1-0 0 52 -, MORTENSEN Engineerfng. Inc. *ON 1-9-93 DRAM: RKQ Sc�' __ — —w Na 92-0985 °go- RAM °A SEPT 93 PLATE 13 — .. '•:{.ate.:-r.: �;:�:�' c-'. ? .{r. . MANHOLE .�-f;`►�.:�. �ID . -- CAP• 1LAND; CEEN' tom. �r y, - �� r, r•. v', ate' ^ =-.s•. +f_ , SENTONITE , SEAL - - ' .-. • ~:' SCREW-THREADED'.P ,. PIPE. / 8' DIA. BORE%IOLE (HOLLOW STEM AUGEREp) - ' f1 ' FILTER SAND /j _ 2' DIA. 0.010' .SLOTTED /40'�% PVC WELL SCREW Tt-THREADED j • . \� SCREW —THREADED CONICAL PLUG TYPICAL SHALLOW GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL DETAIL FOR MW-11 THRU MW-14 N. T.S. GROUNDWATER WELL WELL °EPTM ( * DEPTH ASSESSMENT � �Qyy �A�Q (BELOW GRADE 'HE[l PERMIT >m rs. 0.$ ACRE SITE IN GUILFORD COUNTY "'"'-" 15-0' 35.01 40-1016-wM-05ZI 2701 BRANCHWOOD DRIVE MW-12 12.5' 35.0' 40-1016-WM-0521 NW 13 13.5• 35.0' M1O-1016-w1d-0521 GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA MW-14 16.0' 35.0' 40-1016-W1.1-0521 MMORTENSEN - Clngineering, Inc. * ON6-zsow►wN,-e3 RKQ --- PRa. No: 92-0985 °i1� RAM o�tE Si==T 93 1 PLATE 14 north Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C_ 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD )RILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. - -,:-FOR OFFICE USE ONLY - «: >=<' QUAD NO . -SERIAL NO " -Lat Long Rp Minorr Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent - STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION --� DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: -1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) ") Nearest Town: GREENSBORO Count LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH Y• (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) From To 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 City or Town State. Zip Co e '3. DATE DRILLED 01-14-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH ZS_._6 FEET :. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 17: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) ? TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* ,*Casing Terminated at/or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (epth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 50.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. 6 INCH SCH 40 PVC -- From To Ft. _3. GROUT: � Depth P Material Method - From 0.0 To 43.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN. Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 To 65.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in GUILFORD UhiLLING LUG— Formation Description 0.0' 0.8' CONCRE-VASPHALT 0.8' 1.5' GRAVEL 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BROWN SANDY SILT 10.0' 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT ..... '25.0' 45.01' BROWN TAN SANDY SILT 7 45.0' 65.01 TAN f WB:TE SILTY SAPROLITE If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, for othe map reference points.) From To in. in. L-+ SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 48.0 To 65.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND - From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: D-1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 43.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO -HEREBY-.CERTIFY .THAT THIS. WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH._15A_NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORDYS EEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW-1 REV. 9/91------_.,_._ -- ,..,�.;y....... 1 WL% cwL�L1i Ur11I Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-1 Project M.P. Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Group LLC See Site Map Location Branchwood Drive Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 651t. Diameter 85155in. COMMENTS Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 /t. Type/Size -010 in. Casing: Dia 612 in. Length 45150 ft. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Sr7ica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. GeoloOic Exploration Method Air hammer Driller Log By P Crowley Date 1114199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No_ 0 p 20 � Description p" 3 E a G U E i m n0 -J V7 (Color, Texture, Structure) ° U n m X ° tr) tn Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 2-7 0 0 0-2' Asphalt and gravel at surface Red, brown, trace gray SILT, 2 clayey trace feldspathic fragments. moist 4 < < 6 5 5-7. Mottled red and brown, trace gray and off white, SILT. clayey, 8 moist to wet < < 10 < < 22 6-ir Mottled red, orange and brown trace black 12 (hornblend/weathered) saprolitic texture. SILT, very clayey. moist 14 < t6 < < 38 5-Ir Same as above 18 20 < ` 0 2o-2r Predominantly orangish brown, some red, SILT. very clayey, moist 22 to wet 24 < < 26 29 2s-2r Light brown, trace light gray, SILT, clayey, moist to wet 28 ` 30 15 ao-rr Mottled off white to light brown. SILT, clayey, abundant 32 ML weathered feldspar fragments, moist to wet 34 36 < < 31 35-3r Mottled light brown, off white with occassional red and black, SILT 3 ` ` clayey to very clayey, weathered hornblend, moist to wet 40 < 19 40-4r Same as above 42 44 46 20 45-4r Predominantly off white with light brown to brown. SILT, wet. 48 feldspar fragments were weathered 50 1.2 4U-50'S'�g Brown Silt with trace clay (stiff, wet) _ 52 = 54 = 1.1 su-55 56 — 14.14.15 60 = 0 5 Brown to light orange Saprolite (hard) 62 = 33a 50/.4 Used rotary drill to advance 60-65 feet 64 = 66 68 .,.,,.,,, Page: I of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 'ss =FOR rOF'FICEIJSE ~ONLY -`:`s x .at.' - Long • RO :1�Iiiior Basln _ `Ba`sin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch ot the --location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: -� LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH {RoadCommunity, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) From To , 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 City or..Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 01-15-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH SET 15. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI _-;7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use '+" if Above Top of Casing) S. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Te=+mated at/or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (Zepth): N/A !,11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A ` 12. CASING: Depth Diameter .rom 0.0 To 50.0 Ft. 2 INCH From 0.0 To 45.0 Ft. 6 INCH From To Ft. i13. GROUT: GUILFORD DhiLLING LOG - Formation Description 0.0' 0.8' CONCRETE/ASPHALT 0.8' 1.5' GRAVEL 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BROWN SANDY SILT 10.0' 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT 25.0' 45.0' BROWN TAN SANDY. SILT-.. 45.0' 59.0' ORANGE TAN WHITE SILTY SAPROLITE 59.0' 60.0' BEDROCK If additional space is needed use back of form Wall Thickness or Weight/Ft. Material LOCATION OF SKETCH SCH 40 PVC (Show direction and distance from at least two State SCH 40 PVC Roads, or othe map reference points.) Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 43.0 Ft. PORTLAND HENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. j i14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 50.0 To 60.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in, in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 48.0 To 60.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. ( I 6�fv Dn1-e_ -'16. REMARKS: D-2 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 43.0 TO 48.0 FEET I DO HEREBY-- CERTIFY -THAT - TH-IS -WELL -WAS .CONSTRUCTED IN- ACCORDANCE WITH .15A. NCAC 2C, -WELL. j CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. � I Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-2 Project h!P Ba/lardProperty Owner Greensboro Distribution Group. LLC Location 8ranchw0od Drive. Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 60It. Diameter 8.5155in. Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in Length 10 It• Type/Size •010 in. Casing: Dia 612 in. Length 45150 It. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Sr7ica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geologic ExD10ration Method Air hammer Driller Log By P CrOwley Date 1114-15199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. n C 0 m� oe p a , , C a, i; ra di to U Description o" 3 Q. .,a °' ° n 0 E 3 m ao �� rn (Color. Texture, Structure) v N m° k ? Trace < f0%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50X -2 0 0 0-2' Asphalt and gravel (4") Red. SILT, clayey, trace off white 2 feldspar fragments, weathered, sightly moist to moist < < 6 < < NA 5-7' Red to brown, SILT, clayey to very clayey (not enough sample to $ scan with PIO) < < 10 < < 0 O-tr Brownish -red, SILT, clayey. moist to wet 12 14 < < 16 < < o s-1r Red, brown, orange, occassional gray, trace black. SILT, clayey, 18 saprolitic texture, occassional black hornblend (weathered). moist 20 < to wet o M-n' Same as above 22 < < 24 < 26 0 2s-2r Light brown, gray, occassional off white. SILT, micaceous 28 < < weathered feldspar and hornblend, wet 30 ` 0 3o-3r ML Mottled light brown, brown to off white, SILT, clayey, trace sand, 32 < < saprolite, wet 36 < < 0 x-3r Mottled, light brown, off white, grayish green. SILT, clayey. 3 < < Ie saprolotic, feldspar (weathered) mica, (soil was very firm, hard to get out of tube, hard to push), moist to wet 40 "42 < 0 40--4r Light brown, some light gray to off white, SILT, dense (hard to push), wet at bottom of tube, clayey, trace black hornblend 44 46 z 0 �S-�r Mottled brown. light brown, gray, off white. SILT, clayey. 48 micaceous, saprolite (foliation still evident), dense, moist 50 52 _ 54 56 58 _ 60 62 64 66 68 ` 03/18/1999 Gthlog-iune.98 Page: t of 1 �I North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources i- Division of Environneatal Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. =_•:. FOR OFFICE USE ,ONLY; - QUAD NO SERIAL NO .....Lat Long RO Minor Basin - Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) -� Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH From To (Road, Community, or Subaivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 I City or Town State Zip Code -�3. DATE DRILLED 01-14-99 USE of WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET - S. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IXI 17: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use '*' if Above Top of Casing) S. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or below land surface is illegal unless a variance Is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (Eepth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A -_�12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 47.0 Ft. 2 :NCH SCH 40 PVC From 0.0 To 40.0 Ft. 6 1NCH SCH 40 PVC To Ft. j 13.GROUT: Depth Material Method 0.0 To 39.0 Ft. PORT_,?ND 3EN_'ONITE SCURRY From To Ft. !14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 47.0 To 57.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. 15. From To Ft. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. '--- Depth Size Material From 45.0 To 57.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD URiLLiNU LUG - Formation Description 0.0' 0.8' CONCRETE/ASPHALT 0.8' 1.5' GRAVEL 1.5' 10.0' ORANGE BROWN SANDY SILT 10.01 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT 25.0' 40.0. BROWN TAN SANDY SILT 45.0' 50.0' HARD COBBLES i SAPROLITE 50.0' 51.0' HARD SAPROLITE If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads,` or othe map reference points.) 1 L•G,wn�}c,(t. firms 16. REMARKS: DMP-3 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 39.0 TO 45.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN -ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. II,GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-3 Project M.P Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distrbution Group, LLC Location Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. /01535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 571t• Diameter 6.5155 in. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in- Length 10 It. Type/Size •0/0 in. Casing: Dia 612 in. Length 40147 It. Type Sched 40 PVC Fill Material Sfiica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Air hammer Driller Log By R. Gass Date ///4199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. _- a� Well Or Q Z T 0 c c 2 M to it o,. Completion a a E s m °-' rn (Color, Texture. Structure) iD N m° x W Trace < Imo, Lill* IM to 20X Sae M to And 35; to 50>< - 0 Brown Silt 2 r r r r < v < < < v 4 r r r r. 6 v v `r `r `r `r $ <V c < <V r r r r 10 <V < I < I <V 12 r r r r V 14 r r r r < v < < < V t6 r r r r 18 v v 20 <V < c <V r r r r 22 <V <V 24 r r r r <V < < <V 26 r'1r r r 28 r r 1r r 30 v `r v `r ` ML 32 <� < <� r r r r 34 -c < � 36 r r r r 38 v r r r < <V 40 ti- 42 4 4 '`•~~ 46 48 = 50 52 =_ 54 56 =_ 58 60 62 03/ 15/1999 I thmcp- ian95 Page: 1 of 1 :ta Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Ho: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD MILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. `-FOR -OFFICE USE ONLY . QUAD NO, : :a: SERIAL NO Lat ' ' - Long RO Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION '_DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: -. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: GUILFORD --1LAWNDALE DRIVE --DEPTH Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To Formation Description - OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC 0.01 0.8' CONCRETE/ASPHALT ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD 0.8l.s' GRAVEL ( Street or Route No.) 1.51 10.0' ORANGE BRCHN SANDY SILT ATLANTA GA 30326 10.6, 25.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT _ Clty or Town State -. Zip Co a 25.0' 41.0' BRowN TAN SANDY SILT DATE DRILLED 0101-13-9999 USE OF WELL MONITOR 41.01 60.0' ALL COLoRs HARD PARTIALLY TOTAL DEPTH 09 . V r L r.T CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI WEA HERED ROCK SILT DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES 11 NO IXI 60.0 1 64.0' -HARD SAPROL'TE STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' Zas:Lng Terminated at/or kalow Eaint, surface is illegal unless a IVlane Issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 0. WATER ZONES (Tepth): N/A 1 CHLORINATION: Type N A Amount N A If additional space is needed use back of form ' !2 . CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or weight/Ft. Material LOCATION OF SKETCH _ r 0.0 To 49.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC _rom 0.0 To 41.0 F'. 6 INCH SCH 40 PVC - (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 3. GROUT: To Ft.� Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 39.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE SLURRY From To Ft. 4. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 49.0 To 64.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in.From EE To Ft. in. in. L• D SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 47.0 To 64.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: DMP-4 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 39.0 TO 47.0 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. ,W-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Down Gradient Monitoring Point DMP-4 Project ME Ballard Properly Owner Greensboro Distrfttion Group LLC See Site Map Location Branchwood Drive Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 For 80fing Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 64 It. Diameter 8.5/5.5in Top of Casing water Level Initial Static COMMENTS Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 15 ft. T pe/Size .0/0 Y ceop►oce vrireC o-is leer svir sag«, Casing: Dia 612 in- Length 41/49 It. Type Sched 40 PVC used 45-65 feet Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method Auger/Air hammer Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1112-13199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertr License No. p well Oa o a m o c tp U Description o` Completion a n E s a J N (Color, Texture, Structure) N m° K cD Trace < IM Little = to 2K Sae 20210 35d, And 35Z to 50% ` 0 0-2' Concrete 7mi 2 <r <r < v Brown Silt with some fine sand and trace fine gravel (dry) 4 6 r < v r < r < r < v 0 5-7' Brown Silt (soft, dry) 8 r r r r 10 < <r <r < 0 10-12' Brown Silt with fine mica flakes, trace clay (soft, dry) 12 r v r r r v 14 16 < v < < v 1.0 15-17' Same as above, no clay 18 r <� r < r < r <� 20 < v <r Ic < v 1.0 20-22' Brown Silt with fine mica flakes (soft, moist) 22 r v `r r `r r `r r v `r 2 4 26 < v < < < v o 25-27' Same as above with trace clay 28 r <V r r r <V 30 r < v r < r < r < v I 30-32' 32 34 r <v r < r < r <V ML 36 r " r r < r < v, 2.8 35-37' Same as above with lesser amounts of mica (wet) 38 r <� r r < r <� 40 v =: r v 14 40-42' Brown to orange -brown Silt, no mica (soft, wet) 42 4 4 46 9.7 45-47' 48 50 = 1.7 48.5-50' Brown Silt (soft to medium stiffness, wet) - Trace black 10.12.25 mineral lenses <1 mm thick 52 = 54 - 0 53.5-55' Brown to tan Saprolite (stiff to very stiff, wet) - Mica 56 = 9,26.2e rich 58 60 — = 0 59.5-60' Brown to light orange -brown Saprolite with thin <1 mm 34,50/.5 black mineral lenses throughout (very dense) 62 64 H66 = FRI -ro.,� Page: 1 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 21626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD r DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD NO SERIAL NO Lat Long RO Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent -1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: i, . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the ocation below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No. ) From To 2. OWNER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 City or Town State Zip_Co e 3. DATE DRILLED 01-12-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 75-.6­FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YRS I I NO IAI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT - (Use •+' if Above Top of Casing) S. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or variance ow and surface is illegal unless a is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (aepth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N A j12. CASING: Wall Thickness Deoth Diameter or Sleight/Ft. Material 0.0 To 25.0 .-. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC -rim To (Show Roads, o GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0' 5.0' RED CLAY 5.0' 25.0• ORANGE RED TAN SILTY CLAY 25.0' 35.0' ORANGE SILT From To 13. GROUT: Ft. Dents Material From 0.0 To 21.0 Ft. PORTLAND BENTONITE From To Ft. , 14 . SCREEN Method Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 25.0 To 35.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. To Ft, in. in. J15. SAND-TG-RAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 23.0 To 35.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND -- From To Ft. _'16. REMARKS: LMP-1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 21.0 TO 23.0 FEET i use back of form SKETCH ..ice rrom at least two State_ .:enncce points.) E� L. b-&� D r (, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN -ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. k,'GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. i Lateral Monitoring Point LMP-1 Project WP. Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Group, LLC Location BranchwWd Dive, Greensboro NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 35 ft. Diameter 8.5in. Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 11• Type/Size .010 in. Casing: Oia 2 in- Length 25 lt. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1112199 Permit Checked By C. Bertz License No. a` c O O 0 � ,, C „ 0 o U rQ m Description °'" a)'03 3: a aE a s C U 0 E ; 0 (100 1-0-N (Color, Texture. Structure) ° U `0 ° ¢ In iD at 0 0 Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20X. Some 20X to 35X. And 35% to 50X 0 -- W51 Asphalt < < Red -brown silty Clay with gravel 2 < < CL 4 < < d l5-6513,4,5 Red -brown clayey Silt (soft, dry) 6 < < 8 < < 10 < 0 wul3.3.3 < < Brown Silt with trace clay (soft, moist) 12 14 < < 16 < < 0 M-W51 3.3.3 18 20 < 0 f2o-211 .5,8 ML 22 24 26 0 0-'9,4,4 - 28 30 = 0 LM-11s�.4,T Yellow -brown Silt, trace clay with some red -brown mottling (soft, — wet) 32 = 34 =_ 36 0 '-'1.2.r 03/15/tggg ithlog-June.98 Page: t of I forth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD NO SERIAL NO Lat Long RO Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: �I 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch or the iocation a ow) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivis-on and Lot No. ) From To 2. OW-NER GREENSBORO DISTRIBUTION GROUP, LLC ADDRESS SUITE 1500 3340 PEACHTREE ROAD (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30326 { City or Town State Zip Co e 1. 3.-DATE 'DRILLED 01-12-99 USE OF WELL MONITOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH 137T FEET r CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I NO IXI o. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: - FT (Use •+• if Above Top of Casing) ? TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES pth): N/A f11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Depth Wall Thickness Diameter or Weight/Ft. Mater`-a: From 0.0 To 25.0 Ft. 2 _NCH SC3 40 PVC From To Ft. rpm To Ft. -;13. GROUT: ` Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 21.0 Ft. PORT'.,AND BENTONI'.'_ SLURRY From To Ft. 114. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 25.0 To 35.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. iz. i 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. Depth From 23.0 To 35.0 Ft. Size Material 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: LMP-2 GUILFORD DhiLLINU LOG Formation Description 0.0' 5.0' RED CLAY 5.0' 25.0' ORANGE RED TAN SILTY CLAY 25.0' 35.0' ORANGE SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) BENTONITE SEAL FROM 21.0 TO 23.0 FEET Y I DO HEREBY -CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL -WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN I ", At ;V--,., SIGNATURE OF CqNTRACTOR OR A, l GW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Manage DINER. .ell owner. Lateral Monitoring Point LMP-2 Project W.P. Ballard Property Owner Greensboro Distribution Group, LLC Location Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 37 It. Diameter 8.5 in. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in- Length 10 ft. Type/Size •010 in. Casing: Oia 2 i2 Length 25 ft. Type PVC Fill Material Syica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic ExDloiation Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 1/11/99 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No. t— Qw c O -; 0, o G 0 a a, o 0, a Q di U Description (D.. - 3 n .-. tL a G U E 3 0 a �� V (Color, Texture, Structure) U N m° x th Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 -- 10-51 Asphalt < < Red -brown silty Clay with concrete debris and gravel 2 < < CL 4 < < 0 I5-n Red -brown clayey Silt with trace fine gravel (soft, dry) 6 c < 8 < 10 < < 0 (ID -In < < 12 < c 14 < < o ma -in Red -brown clayey Silt (moist to wet) 16 < < 3,4,4,7 18 -it < < it 20 < < 0 uo-2n 22 3,3,4,6 ML Brown clayey -Silt (soft. wet) 24 0 M-2n Brown Silt with trace clay (soft, wet) 26 — 28 30 _ 0 00-321 Brown to light orange brown Silt with trace clay (very -soft, wet) 32 = 34 =_ 0 US-3n Same as above with thin 1-2 mm thick bands throughout sample 36 (wet) 03/15/1999 ithlog-June,96 Page: 1 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.D. Box 29535 - Raleigh. N.C. 21626-0535 J Phone (919) 133-3222 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD � DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. i. USE =ONLY i�:-- T:::=:1:..�� SERIAL NO ...,.=::'ti•. °- :: _`.-a< Lat Long _ Rp Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: 1J -' . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: I LAWNDALE DRIVE --DEPTH (Road, Community, or Subdivision —A Lot No. ) From To OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 Clty or Town State Zip Co 3. 'DATE-DRILLED'01-=06=99•USE­OF WELL Se OIL VAPOR -4. TOTAL DEPTH T FEET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (Use '+• if Above Top of Casing) B. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at or a ow and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A !11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A Ji12. CASING: Nall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From C.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC GUILFORD Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use hack of form LOCATION OF SKETCH '=oc To Ft. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 13. GRROUT: 'rTo Et. 1 L4WjC U_ q/llr Depth From 0.0 Material Method To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. Diameter 2.0 Slot Size Material in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft, in. in. t15. From To Ft. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: in. in. Depth From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. Size 20-40 Material FINE SILICA SAND -' From To Ft. _',16. REMARKS: SVMP-1 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET E L(`her�y DnM� I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. A;(� 5vz� Z -Z3 -0) q GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. 1 Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-1 Project W.P Ballard PPOoert y Owner M.P Ballard 6 Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive Greensboro NC Proi. No. 107535 For Boring Location Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 1211- Diameter 8.5in. Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static COMMENTS Screen: DO 2 in. Length 10 1t. Type/Size •020 A SAN-spoon not urea Casing: Dia 2 A Length 2 Il- Type PVC Fill Material Sdica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geologic Exploration Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 116199 Permit Checked By C. Bertz License No. C ° 0n O �. .. c 0 o g =a Description o" 3 E a n c� E s m do -� m (Color. Texture, Structure) ° v n o x N m x U) Trace < 10X. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel ° O GP Red -brown silty Clay 2 4 = 23 5' 6 =_ — CL 8 = 10 — 35 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 Page: 1 of 1 North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. 7. r :FOR 'OFFICE -USE,�ONLY ._ *, r ;•a 7 _. QUAD NO SERIAL'NO>;'�_ Lat Long _ RO - Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: II� I� . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location be -low) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH ;Ron A , Community, or Sub ivision an Lot No.) From ro OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA - GA 30339 _City or Town State Zip.Co e -3. DATE DRILLED 01-06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH FEET _. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI -: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (Use .+" if Above Top of casing) 3 TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' *Casing Terminated at or Se on and surface is illegal unless a variance is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 y. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (�h): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY F_om To Ft. 74. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. IL 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 E. 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. I i 16. REMARKS: SVMP-2 GUILFORD UhiLLiNU LUG — Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 1L-A(,JAda4. br,',J,t, BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET L-1 berg Vr,4e, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. SIGNATURE OF CANTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE GW — 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-2 Project W.P Ballard Property Owner M.P. Ballard 6 Co. o/ Greensboro -- Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hale Depth 12 It- Diameter 8.5 in. See Site Map For Boring Location COMMENTS Top of Casing Water Level Initial Static Screen: Dia 2 in. Length 10 Il. Type/Size .020 in. ADR-sown not used Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 1t. Type PVC Fill Material SiT Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. Geolooic EyIoration Method HOLLOM STEM ALAGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 116199 Permit _ Checked By C. Bert2 License No. C C) 0 'Z T o, o o r Q d1 FJ Description o" aU .r a °- n Q U V ) n p �� Ul (Color, Texture. Structure) N u < Trace 10%. Little,t0% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% Gravel ow GP Red -brown silty Clay (soft) 2 4 55 5' 6 = CL 8 1 — 92 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 — _L_LL o3nsiwea Mog-June.95 Page: 1 of 1 :orth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources -- Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Bo: 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 - WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. ' FOR -OFFICE.-USE -ONLY == , SQUAD `NO .. - -as °: SERIAL- NO I,at Long Rp Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch or the location below) -7 Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: 'Lj LAWNDALE DRIVE EPTH :Road, Community, or Subdivision an Lot No. ) From To --- '. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zip Co e -DATE'-DRILLED'01=06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR TOTAL DEPTH I279-­FEEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES II NO IXI DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI -. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT (Use '+. if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface' *Casing Terminated at/or a ow and surface is illegal unless a -, 7ariance j cs issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 j;. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A -0. WATER ZONES p h): N/A -1. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A _2. CASING: Wall Thickness Teeth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material _rom 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 :NCH SCH 40 PVC GUILFORD URILLING LUG— Formation Description 0.01 1.01 GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH From To Ft. (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) :3. n ROUTTo GR: Ft. ] fa (N� br- 1`L w �,�J� lL Depth From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. Material CONCRETE Method SLURRY From To Ft. - - 14. SCREEN: S)1U Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in.From - 15. To Ft. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. -- Depth From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. Size 20-40 Material FINE SILICA SAND - From To Ft. =6. REMARKS: SVMP-3 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15ANCAC 2C, WELL _ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS-BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER.- _ SIGNATURE OF NTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE JW - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-3 Project KA Ballard ProDertY Owner M.P Ballard 6 Co. of Greensboro Location 2701BranchwoodOrive Greensboro, NC Proi. No. 107535 r Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 ft. Diameter 8.5 in. J Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 It. Type/Size .020 in. Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 2 ft. Type PVC J Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich 0-120 Drill Co. Geolovic Excloration Method HOLLOM STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 116199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No_ a C c as Oa p a .. c a� o g Lo w Description o" 3 E a n E; m no °J N (Color, Texture, Structure) ° U to m x U Trace < 10X, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 0 Gravel Do I}374,11,11,15 GP Red -brown silty Clay to clayey Silt (Stiff and Dry) 2 4 39 5-r)4,5.8.12 Red -brown clayey Silt 6 _- - ML 8 = 10 = 45 (a-23.5,4,5 Red -brown clayey Silt with some fine sand 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 ...,...,•waa ■(IDWY-dYnC,No Page. I of I _North Carolina - Department of Environment, Bealth, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Managemnt - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'i iDRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. FOR OFFICE(JSE ONLY 50ftf - ; SERIAh= NO"` 'K' I "'N.--`,^.:+ =Lat : Loner_-- RO Minor Basin ' -Basin Code Header Ent GW-1 Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER:- 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: ;f -- . WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH (Roa , Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) From To 2. OWNER W P BALLARD & CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State._ Zip Code. 13. DATE DRILLED-01-06-99 USE OF WELL SOIL VAPOR 4. TOTAL DEPTH SET 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES I I NO IXI 16. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I_I NO IXI 7: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: FT (Use •+' if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Caaiag Terminated at or below lind surface is illegal unless a variance j Is issued in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (nth): N/A 11. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A 12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCE SCE 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. �13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY From To Ft. 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 1.5 To 12.0 Ft. 20-40 FINE SILICA SAND From To Ft. GUILFORD DRILLINU LUG Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.0' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) - 16. REMARKS: SVMP-4 BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT -__THIS _.WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED _IN ACCORDANCE-WUTH ..15A NCAC 2C, WELL.__ • _ CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. GW-1 REV. 9/91 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-4 Project W.P Ballard Pro ertr Owner W.P Ballard G Co. of Greensboro See Site Map Location 2701 Branchwood Drive, Greensboro, NC Proj. No. 107535 For Boring Location j Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 It. Diameter 85 !n _J - Top of CasingCOMMENTSc water Level Initial Static Screen: Oia 2 in. Length 10 It. Type/Size .020 A WI -=pow not aw Casing: Dia 2 in- Length 2 It. Type PVC Fill Material Silica Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. GeO100C EVIOrat%On Method HOLLOW STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 116199 Permit 0 Checked By C. Bertz License No_ C O oa O � T C a� o' o to ui q U Description n EU s m a0 �� N (Color, Texture. Structure) ° U a o ¢ N m x 0 W Trace < 10%, Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to 50% 2 � - 0 Gravel o { Qp GP Red -brown clayey Silt (soft) - Strong odor 2 4 20 5' — CL 8 -10 — 45 10' 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 Page: t of 1 yorth Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources -- Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Hoz 29535 - Raleigh N.C."27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 -- WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD .DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Geologic Exploration, Inc. Late_:, Z. __-_.Long - - - - Ro - A Minor . - Basin -Code .:Header Ent;. GW- Ent STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1175 PERMIT NUMBER: . WELL LOCATION: IShow sketch of the location below) - Nearest Town: GREENSBORO County: LAWNDALE DRIVE DEPTH ;Road, Community, or Sub lvlslon an Lot No. ) From To 2. OWNER W P BALLARD 6 CO OF GREENSBORO NC ADDRESS 1775 THE EXCHANGE SUITE 320 (Street or Route No.) ATLANTA GA 30339 City or Town State Zlp Co e 1 j^. DATE DRILLED 01-06-99"USE OF'WELL SOIL VAPOR TOTAL DEPTH I276 FEET CUTTINGS COLLECTED YE57 I NO IXI _. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES I I NO IXI ?: STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: — FT - (Use .+' if Above Top of Casing) TOP OF CASING IS 0.0 FT Above Land Surface* *Casing Terminated at/or a oW and surface is illegal unless a variance zs issued in accordance With 15A NCAC 2C .0118 YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST N/A 10. WATER ZONES (Depth): N/A ill. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount N/A j12. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. material F:om 0.0 To 2.0 Ft. 2 INCH SCH 40 PVC From To Ft. From To Ft. 3. GROUT: Depth Material method _I From 0.0 To 0.5 Ft. CONCRETE SLURRY Fro- To Ft. 14. SCR SCREE-N.- Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 2.0 To 12.0 Ft. 2.0 in. .010 in. PVC From To Ft. in. in. From To Ft. SAND GRAVEL PACK: in. in. -- From 1.5 �Toh 12.0 Ft. SizeSSAND 20-40 al FINE SILICA To Ft. '6. REMARKS: SVMP-5 GUILFORD DKILLINU LUG— Formation Description 0.0' 1.0' GRAVEL 1.0' 3.o' TAN BROWN SANDY SILT 3.0' 12.0' ORANGE TAN SANDY SILT If additional space is needed use back of form LOCATION OF SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or othe map reference points.) 1 c.4W,,dc.c -PV,4. BENTONITE SEAL FROM 0.5 TO 1.5 FEET -611,4 DA&.ft, I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED -IN ACCORDANCE WI15A NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDP.RDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. Z-L3 JlkzNtil unz Ur UVN'1'MU-i-UK UK AGENT DATE 1W - 1 REV. 9 / 9 1 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. Soil Vapor Monitoring Point SVMP-5 Project M.P. Ballard Properly Owner M.P. Ballard G Co. of Greensboro Location 2701 Branchwood Drive. Greensboro, NC Proi• No. 107535 Surface Elev. Total Hole Depth 12 fl. Diameter 8.5 ir1. Top of Casing water Level Initial Static Screen: Do 2 in• Length 10 ff. Type/Size. •02010- Casing: Dia 2 in. Length 2 ft. Type PVC Fill Material SAO Sand Rig/Core Diedrich D-120 Drill Co. Geolo_10c ExD/oralion Method. HOLLON STEM AUGER Driller Log By R. Gass Date 118/99 Permit 0 Checked By D Bertz License No. aF C o a 0 T o, o o t o, Y! Description 0 dip ; E °' a n U o e s m no N (Color, Texture, Structure) ° U n ° Q to iD k ce`oJ W Trace < 10%. Little 10% to 20%. Some 20% to 35%. And 35% to SOX -2- 0 Gravel o :• I}r p GP Red -brown clayey Silt (Stiff and Dry) 2 5.10.17,24 — 4 =_ as is-n = ML 8 = 10 - 105 IV-inRed-brown clayey Silt - Strong odor — 12 — 14 16 18 20 22 24 u-3/m/r w atruog-,ium,ae Page: 1 of 1 Phasing Plan In Situ Oxidation with Permanganate W.P. Ballard and Su roundina Pro erties ID Q Task Name Duration Start Finish uarter 11st Quarter I 2nd Quarter I 3rd Quarter I 4th Q arter 1st Quarter I 2n Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul JAugJSepJ Oct INdy[Decl Jan JFeb1 Marl Apr 1 ,a UIC Permit Approval 0 days Fri 12/31/99 Fri 12/31/99 12/31 w 2 Mobilization 4 wks Fri 12/31/99 Thu 1/27/00 3 — Baseline Monitoring 17 days Fri 1/28/00 Mon 2/21/00 7 Phase 1 Injection (12 Points) 6 days Tue 2/22/00 Tue 2/29/00 10 Phase 2 Injection (12 Points) 8 days Wed 3/1/00 Fri 3/10/00 14 Post Test Monitoring 35 days Mon 3/13/00 Fri 4/28100 20 Pilot Test Report 25 days Mon 5/1/00 Fri 6/2/00 25 NCDENR Review & Approval 8 wks Mon 6/5/00 Fri 7/28/00 26 Phase 3 Injection (Approx. 175 Points) 135 days Mon 7/31/00 Fri 2/2/01 27 Mobilization 8 wks Mon 7/31/00 Fri 9/22/00 28 Pre Injection Monitoring 3 wks Mon 9/25/00 Fri 10/13/00 29 Injection 8 wks Mon 10/16/00 Fri 12/8/00 30 Post Injection Monitoring 8 wks Mon 12/11/00 Fri 2/2/01 31 Completion Report 50 days Mon 2/5101 Fri 4/13/01 Project: Ballard Property Pilot Test Date: Wed 11/3/99 Task Split Progress Milestone ■— Summary Rolled Up Task Rolled Up Split ♦ Rolled Up Milestone 0 Rolled Up Progress External Tasks Project Summary Page 1